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Argilla is a collaboration tool for AI engineers and domain experts who need to build high quality datasets for their projects.


Argilla can be used for collecting human feedback for a wide variety of AI projects like traditional NLP (text classification, NER, etc.), LLMs (RAG, preference tuning, etc.), or multimodal models (text to image, etc.). Argilla’s programmatic approach lets you build workflows for continuous evaluation and model improvement. The goal of Argilla is to ensure your data work pays off by quickly iterating on the right data and models.

What do people build with Argilla?

The community uses Argilla to create amazing open-source datasets and models.

Open-source datasets and models

Argilla contributed some models and datasets to open-source too.

  • Cleaned UltraFeedback dataset used to fine-tune the Notus and Notux models. The original UltraFeedback dataset was curated using Argilla UI filters to find and report a bug in the original data generation code. Based on this data curation process, Argilla built this new version of the UltraFeedback dataset and fine-tuned Notus, outperforming Zephyr on several benchmarks.
  • distilabeled Intel Orca DPO dataset used to fine-tune the improved OpenHermes model. This dataset was built by combining human curation in Argilla with AI feedback from distilabel, leading to an improved version of the Intel Orca dataset and outperforming models fine-tuned on the original dataset.

Examples Use cases

AI teams from companies like the Red Cross, and Prolific use Argilla to improve the quality and efficiency of AI projects. They shared their experiences in our AI community meetup.

  • AI for good: the Red Cross presentation showcases how the Red Cross domain experts and AI team collaborated by classifying and redirecting requests from refugees of the Ukrainian crisis to streamline the support processes of the Red Cross.
  • Customer support: during the Loris meetup they showed how their AI team uses unsupervised and few-shot contrastive learning to help them quickly validate and gain labelled samples for a huge amount of multi-label classifiers.
  • Research studies: the showcase from Prolific announced their integration with our platform. They use it to actively distribute data collection projects among their annotating workforce. This allows Prolific to quickly and efficiently collect high-quality data for research studies.


First login with your Hugging Face account:

huggingface-cli login

Make sure you have argilla>=2.0.0 installed:

pip install -U argilla

Lastly, you will need to deploy the Argilla server and UI, which can be done easily on the Hugging Face Hub.

Importing and exporting datasets and records

This guide shows how to import and export your dataset to the Hugging Face Hub.

In Argilla, you can import/export two main components of a dataset:

  • The dataset’s complete configuration defined in rg.Settings. This is useful if your want to share your feedback task or restore it later in Argilla.
  • The records stored in the dataset, including Metadata, Vectors, Suggestions, and Responses. This is useful if you want to use your dataset’s records outside of Argilla.

Push an Argilla dataset to the Hugging Face Hub

You can push a dataset from Argilla to the Hugging Face Hub. This is useful if you want to share your dataset with the community or version control it. You can push the dataset to the Hugging Face Hub using the rg.Dataset.to_hub method.

import argilla as rg

client = rg.Argilla(api_url="<api_url>", api_key="<api_key>")
dataset = client.datasets(name="my_dataset")

With or without records

The example above will push the dataset’s Settings and records to the hub. If you only want to push the dataset’s configuration, you can set the with_records parameter to False. This is useful if you’re just interested in a specific dataset template or you want to make changes in the dataset settings and/or records.

dataset.to_hub(repo_id="<repo_id>", with_records=False)

Pull an Argilla dataset from the Hugging Face Hub

You can pull a dataset from the Hugging Face Hub to Argilla. This is useful if you want to restore a dataset and its configuration. You can pull the dataset from the Hugging Face Hub using the rg.Dataset.from_hub method.

import argilla as rg

client = rg.Argilla(api_url="<api_url>", api_key="<api_key>")
dataset = rg.Dataset.from_hub(repo_id="<repo_id>")

The rg.Dataset.from_hub method loads the configuration and records from the dataset repo. If you only want to load records, you can pass a datasets.Dataset object to the rg.Dataset.log method. This enables you to configure your own dataset and reuse existing Hub datasets.

With or without records

The example above will pull the dataset’s Settings and records from the hub. If you only want to pull the dataset’s configuration, you can set the with_records parameter to False. This is useful if you’re just interested in a specific dataset template or you want to make changes in the dataset settings and/or records.

dataset = rg.Dataset.from_hub(repo_id="<repo_id>", with_records=False)

With the dataset’s configuration you could then make changes to the dataset. For example, you could adapt the dataset’s settings for a different task:

dataset.settings.questions = [rg.TextQuestion(name="answer")]

You could then log the dataset’s records using the load_dataset method of the datasets package and pass the dataset to the rg.Dataset.log method.

hf_dataset = load_dataset("<repo_id>")

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