Louis Brulé Naudet


AI & ML interests

Research in business taxation and development, University Dauphine-PSL 📖 | Backed by the Microsoft for Startups Hub program and Google Cloud Platform for startups program | Hugging Face for Legal 🤗


Posts 9

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You can now find the OBIS - Ocean Biodiversity Information System, on Hugging Face with 128M rows, via the Datasets package stream 🤗

The datasets are integrated, allowing seamless search and mapping by species name, higher taxonomic level, geographic area, depth, time, and environmental parameters. OBIS originates from the Census of Marine Life (2000-2010) and was adopted as a project under IOC-UNESCO’s International Oceanographic Data and Information (IODE) programme in 2009.

Collectively, they have provided over 45 million observations of nearly 120,000 marine species, ranging from bacteria to whales, from the surface to 10,900 meters depth, and from the tropics to the poles.

Link to the dataset: louisbrulenaudet/obis
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Introducing the first two projects on the HFforLegal community: the 'Laws' dataset and the associated search tool based on @nreimers and @tomaarsen 's Sentence Transformers library 🤗

The objective of these two tools is to centralize in a single format a set of rules from different countries and legal systems in order to facilitate NLP in the field of comparative law, enabling more accurate and comprehensive legal analysis across different jurisdictions 🌍

Link to the dataset : HFforLegal/laws
Link to the space: HFforLegal/laws-retrieval

We need your contributions to enrich this new knowledge base, and you will find in the 'Laws' dataset all the information you need to format your data and submit them to the appropriate split.