[ "Wenger is getting on my nerves!", "\n\nIn my opinion the only super super star we have in our Team is not Henry or any other player but Wenger. ", "He makes stars from nothing and makes stars become super stars. ", "Besides he is the complete manager technically, strategically and in ECONOMICS. ", "A lot of football stars are more than overpaid: Wenger makes sure Arsenal always gets a good bargain. ", "That is why we are one of the most financially disciplined top clubs in Europe and our future prospects are brighter than Chelsea (they posts only losses and imagine if Ibramovich drops dead), Man U (Crazy debts in their books) and Liverpool (limited prospects for enlarged income streams)\n\nBUT, his stinginess gives me the creeps at times, as now. ", "He has a healthy transfer kitty but feels pained to spend. ", "He has again started with his \"one or two players...no more will come in\" and \"...we can cope with our current squad...\". ", "I heard that last season, only Adebayor came in, in January, when we were fighting for a place in Europe. ", "WHEN will they come in???", "\n\nWith our current squad we are much too fragile and we will be competing for trophies on four fronts. ", "We have lost our physical side, evident with the combination of Sol, Viera, Edu, Gilberto etc (all over 6-1ft and the CORE experienced squad is much too small. ", "The likes of Bolton, Blackburn, Everton mid-table teams would fancy their chances against us. ", "A season is not just a game against Zagreb, it stretches over about 9 months.", "\n\nGod forbid that we end up being embarrassed by Man U, Chelsea and Liverpool or even fighting for UEFA Cup places this season.", "\n\nThere's another factor behind Wenger's transfer policy. ", "The small print of the refinancing bond the club negotiated last month apparently had very strict guidelines on transfer spending. ", "According to a Telegraph article (13/7/06, no longer on-line I'm afraid) Arsenal are bound to a maximum net spend of £12m for the next 3 seasons (dropping to £5m for 2 years after that if thay become a mid-table club). ", "Given they've already bought Adebuyor(£5m), Walcott(£10m), Diaby(£3m) and Rosicky(£7m) since Xmas and only received money only for Owusu, Bentley and Pennant(resale), I make it a net spend of around £14m this year. ", "Even if you just count the spending since May he would still only have £5-6m net available for the rest of the season. ", "The logic of this is that Wenger can only buy the likes of Ribery or Yaya Toure if he sells. ", "This explains the apparent willingness to countenance selling Cole and/or Reyes. ", "If Wenger had more funds available he would fight tooth and nail to keep both.", "\n\nThe truth is for the next 5-6 seasons at least Arsenal will not be the big-spending club that many fans expect them to be. ", "It is very frustrating to see the likes of Spurs and Liverpool spending twice what we do but the danger of doing a Leeds is a danger with club debt so large. ", "We're really very lucky to have a manager with Wenger's ability to work on a budget.", "\n\npeople need to understand how these things work. ", "These guys are working for the future of the football club. ", "They had to build that stadium to start competing with thebiggest teamsin Europe. ", "Arsenal are indeed very lucky to have a 'complete manager'- one who doesn't just manage the team but looks after club finances as well. ", "Otherwise Asenal would have remained a relatively small club.. or do a Leeds.", "We are indeed lucky to have AW\n\nI understnad your thinking, but I think we will qualify aigain for CL after this season by finishing top 4.", "\n\nBut remember our priority is to win the EPL and the CL. ", "Wenger does not share that goal with us. ", "He does not care whether we finish 1st in the EPL or not. ", "His economics degree tells him he makes more money year-over-year if he finishes in the top 3 in the EPL and makes it to the second stage of the CL.", "\n\nThis way he saves the extra 25-50 mil needed to become a (maybe) EPL winner.", "\n\nGiven his success - all but last in the top 2 in the EPL - I don't understand why we question the wisdom of AW. ", "I would love to see a strong center half and another holding midfielder. ", "We complain so much about the lack of activity but he has been more active during the Jan transfer window (don't forget Diaby, Adebeyour, Ebouye, etc) than most of his counterparts. ", "I am nervous, too, but prepared to say \"in the professor we trust.\"", "\n\nYou have some very valid points, however you have to stand by a proven and tested Manager like AW.", "\n\nHe is the best out there at the moment and Lets see what happens... I think there are going to be a few people surprised by how well we do this season and especially if we do it without any one else coming in...\n\nYou see if for instance Ribery comes in, it may only be if Reyes Goes out and so on and so forth!" ]
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[ "Marathon related cardiac arrest risk differences in men and women.", "\nTo determine the incidence of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in men and women. ", "Retrospective cohort study. ", "Two popular urban 42 km marathons. ", "1982 to 2009 finishers. ", "Race records were assessed for finishers, age distribution and cardiac events by sex. ", "The SCA/SCD incidence for all (total), male and female finishers. ", "There were 548,092 finishers with women finishers increasing from 10% to 40% over the first 18 years and remaining near 40% for the last decade. ", "There were 14 SCA events (1 woman, 13 men) with seven successful resuscitations yielding an all finishers SCA rate of 2.6 per 100,000 finishers. ", "The SCA rates (per 100,000) for men and women were 3.4 (95% CI: 1.8 to 5.9) and 0.6 (95% CI: 0.0 to 3.3), respectively (p=0.079). ", "The male SCA rate for the 2000-2009 decade was 4.6 per 100,000 finishers (95% CI: 1.8 to 9.5). ", "Eleven of 13 men were >39 years old. ", "The OR of a man experiencing SCA compared with woman was 5.7. ", "As the number of women participating in these two marathons has increased, the difference between the men's and total SCA and SCD incidence has increased for men, especially >39 years old, from coronary artery disease with men's incidence for SCA of 1 in 22,000 and SCD at 1 in 50,000 finishers over past decade." ]
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[ "variable ops\ngetVar: id\n\t^ self unaryCommand: #getVar arg: id" ]
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[ "Please turn on JavaScript. ", "Media requires JavaScript to play. ", "Advertisement At least three people have been killed in the Greek capital as protesters set fire to a bank during a general strike over planned austerity measures. ", "The bodies were found inside the Marfin Bank in Athens. ", "The Greek prime minister said it was a \"murderous act\". ", "The protest became violent, with petrol bombs thrown at police, who responded with pepper spray and tear gas. ", "Protesters are angered by spending cuts and tax rises planned in return for a 110bn euro (£95bn) bail-out for Greece. ", "A police spokesman said the three victims - two women and a man - were among 20 people working in the Marfin bank branch on Stadiou Avenue in central Athens when the petrol bomb was thrown. ", "Most of the employees managed to escape the fumes as the flames took hold. ", "AT THE SCENE By Malcolm Brabant, BBC News, Athens\n\n\n\nI have not seen this level of anger for quite some time, but the cuts that have been announced are much more severe this time and people have realised how much these austerity measures are going to hit them in their pockets. ", "This demonstration however, looks better organised too, with clear \"military\" objectives. ", "But the deaths are going to make the protesters pause. ", "And there is going to be a backlash against the anarchists who are going to be the main suspects in this. ", "It is very difficult to predict which way the situation is going. ", "This is a very volatile country. ", "But the protesters have managed to send a message to the international community that social unrest is a serious problem and that is going to undermine trust in the Greek government. ", "In video: Reporter overcome But three found their way blocked as they tried to escape to the roof and they suffocated. \"", "We took 15 minutes to get to the site because it was very difficult to get there,\" said fire brigade spokesman Panayiotis Falaras. ", "He said another five people had been rescued from the building's balcony. ", "Parliament is to vote on the measures by the end of the week. ", "They include wage freezes, pension cuts and tax rises. ", "They aim to achieve fresh budget cuts of 30bn euros over three years, with the goal of cutting Greece's public deficit to less than 3% of GDP by 2014. ", "It currently stands at 13.6%. ", "As the demonstration gained momentum, a group of protesters rushed up a flight of steps at the parliament building in Syntagma Square, taunting MPs to come out and calling them \"thieves\". ", "Riot police forced them back, but right next to parliament, other groups set buildings on fire - including a department of the finance ministry in charge of the the austerity programme, as well as an office of the Athens prefecture. ", "Prime Minister George Papandreou told MPs in parliament: \"Nobody has the right to violence and particularly violence that leads to murder. ", "Violence breeds violence.\" ", "World concern But one of the protesters told the BBC it had been the fault of the police, whose \"brutality\" had led to the escalation. ", "GREEK AUSTERITY MEASURES Public sector pay frozen till 2014 Public sector salary bonuses - equivalent to two months' extra pay - scrapped for higher earners and capped for others Public sector allowances cut by 20% State pensions frozen or cut; contribution period up from 37 to 40 years Average retirement age up from 61 to 63; early retirement restricted VAT increased from 19% to 23% Taxes on fuel, alcohol and tobacco up 10% One-off tax on profits, plus new gambling, property and green taxes\n\nIn pictures: Greece protests Angry Greeks 'left carrying the can' Greek economy 'to shrink by 3%' Hewitt: Europe's days of anxiety Merkel urges support for Greece Have your say \"It's something tragic, but I think that the responsibility in the last instance lies with the government because the government unleashed a tremendous amount of police violence against a huge demonstration,\" Panayotis Sotiris said. ", "The BBC's Malcolm Brabant in Athens says it is not clear whether shock over the deaths will have the effect of diminishing the protests. ", "But the fear is that the campaign to defeat the government will escalate, our correspondent adds. ", "The general strike is the third to hit Greece in as many months. ", "Flights in and out of Greece stopped at midnight, and trains and ferries were not running. ", "Schools, hospitals and many offices are shut. ", "The government has appealed to demoralised staff in the military, police, schools and hospitals not to retire, fearing the surge in demand for benefits could further drain treasury resources. ", "Meanwhile, the German parliament has begun considering the bail-out plan for Greece. ", "Chancellor Angela Merkel urged MPs to back the emergency loan package agreed by European finance ministers at the weekend. ", "What went wrong in Greece? ", "Greece's economic reforms that led to it abandoning the drachma as its currency in favour of the euro in 2002 made it easier for the country to borrow money. ", "Greece went on a debt-funded spending spree, including high-profile projects such as the 2004 Athens Olympics, which went well over budget. ", "It was hit by the downturn, which meant it had to spend more on benefits and received less in taxes. ", "There were also doubts about the accuracy of its economic statistics. ", "Greece's economic problems meant lenders started charging higher interest rates to lend it money and widespread tax evasion also hit the government's coffers. ", "There have been demonstrations against the government's austerity measures to deal with its 300bn euro (£267bn) debt, such as cuts to public sector pay. ", "Now the government is having to access a 110bn euro (£95bn; $146.2bn) bail-out package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. ", "Greece's problems have made investors nervous, which has made it more expensive for other European countries such as Portugal to borrow money. ", "BACK {current} of {total} NEXT It requires Germany to pay the largest proportion of the loans. \"", "Quite simply, Europe's future is at stake,\" she said. ", "The EU has agreed to provide 80bn euros (£69bn) in funding - of which around 22bn euros would come from Germany - while the rest will come from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). ", "European Council President Herman van Rompuy said the European Union was watching events in Greece. \"", "We are all concerned by the Greek economic and budgetary situation, but at this moment our thoughts are with the human victims in Athens,\" Mr van Rompuy said. \"", "A major programme has just been finalised. ", "This programme is ambitious and credible in efforts that it represents towards the budgetary plan and competitiveness.\" ", "The bail-out deal is designed to prevent Greece from defaulting on its massive debt. ", "However, it must first be approved by some parliaments in the 15 other eurozone countries.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBookmark with: Delicious\n\nDigg\n\nreddit\n\nFacebook\n\nStumbleUpon What are these? ", "E-mail this to a friend Printable version" ]
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[ "Resource Center Login\n\nMarketing Tips Free Newsletter\n\nMassage Videos\n\nIn this two-volume DVD set, you'll discover that chair massage does not need to be hard on your body. ", "You'll find out how to use your body in an efficient way, maximizing leverage and your body weight, while minimizing stress to your back and your thumbs. ", "Learn dozens of techniques in what is arguably, the most comprehensive set of chair massage DVDs you'll find anywhere.", "\n\nDelivery: Instant online access. ", "Download or view online for up to one year.", "\n\nMassage Anytime, Anywhere DVD\n\nLearn 42 incredibly practical techniques that can literally be done anytime, anywhere. ", "All techniques are done over the clothing and the only equipment required is a standard chair and your hands. ", "They are easy to learn and very relaxing. ", "After going through this DVD you'll be able to do anything from a three-minute neck rub to a one-hour full body massage.", "\n\nMassage Anytime, Anywhere Streaming Online Videos\n\nLearn practical massage techniques that can be done anytime and anywhere. ", "All techniques are done through the clothing and require no special equipment. ", "All you need is a standard office or dining room chair and your hands. ", "Get instant online access to the videos and an illustrated reference guide detailing all techniques\n\nPrice: Only $10\n\nDelivery: Instant online access. ", "Download or view online for up to one year.", "\n\nChair Massage Conference 2005 DVD\n\nThis four DVD set of the two-day International Chair Massge Conference 2005 gives you the feeling of being there. ", "This visual reference will also give you a better sense of what the presenters are talking about in sessions on body mechanics, stone massage and handling fainting episodes.", "\n\nBonuses:\n\n1)\n\nFree shipping worldwide via postal mail.", "\n\n2)\n\nFree Immediate online access to the audio files that you can listen to online or download, along with presentation summaries (and notes where available)." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nExtending code completion to support internal orm\n\nAs said in the tittle, i need to extend code completion to support a internal ORM.", "\nIt's something like ActiveRecords. ", "Ex.:", "\n@TableName(\"ONE_MODEL\")\npublic class OneModel extends BaseModel {\n\n}\n\n...\nOneModel oneModel = OneModel.getById(1);\nObject value = oneModel.get(\"COLUMN_NAME\");\n...\n\nSo, when using smart completion when caret between quotation marks inside de .get method, for example, i need to show parameters options based on the table columns.", "\nSomething like that it's possible to be made with Intellij Plugins?", "\nI was reading about CompletionContributor, but can't find anything about the possibility to identify the class whose method is being called, it's super class, and it's annotations values.", "\n\nA:\n\nCompletionContributor is the way to go. ", "This example is taken from the official SDK docs:\npublic class SimpleCompletionContributor extends CompletionContributor {\n public SimpleCompletionContributor() {\n extend(CompletionType.", "BASIC,\n PlatformPatterns.psiElement(SimpleTypes.", "VALUE).withLanguage(SimpleLanguage.", "INSTANCE),\n new CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {\n public void addCompletions(@NotNull CompletionParameters parameters,\n ProcessingContext context,\n @NotNull CompletionResultSet resultSet) {\n resultSet.addElement(LookupElementBuilder.create(\"Hello\"));\n }\n }\n );\n }\n}\n\nThe second parameter of extend allows you to trigger your provider on a specific kind of PSI element. ", "In your case, you could target something like PlatformPatterns.psiElement(JavaElementType.", "LITERAL_EXPRESSION), then in your CompletionProvider you can check for the exact element with parameters.getPosition() and see if it's a PsiLiteral representing a String.", "\nUsing the PSI API, you can then discover what's around this literal, like classes if the containing file is a PsiClassOwner, or with PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType() etc.", "\nIn your specific example, you could check if the string literal is part of a PsiMethodCallExpression. ", "\nTo easily understand how the PSI tree is built, I highly suggest you open Tools > View PSI Structure... and paste a sample of what you want to detect:\n\n" ]
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[ "Towards the use of microfluidics for individual embryo culture.", "\nMammalian embryo development is still relatively inefficient in vitro. ", "Much research has been conducted on the chemical environment, or culture medium, surrounding the embryo, but little attention has been given to the actual physical culture environment, which has changed very little over the years. ", "The application of microfluidics to embryo production in vitro is a tantalising approach that may alleviate some of the limits that traditional microdrop culture places on embryo development and research into gamete and embryo physiology. ", "These devices may lead to enhanced in vitro embryo development and quality by more closely mimicking the in vivo environment. ", "Initial work in this area is promising and gives us proof-of-principle that these unique microfluidic systems may indeed be applicable to in vitro culture of gametes and embryos. ", "The present paper reviews the advantages of microfluidics for in vitro embryo production: how the platforms are manufactured, the current uses of microfluidics in assisted reproduction, static v. dynamic culture environments, individual gamete and embryo culture and the future directions of microfluidic application to in vitro embryo production and manipulation. ", "Finally, preliminary data from our laboratory using a new microfluidic well insert for porcine, bovine and murine embryo culture is discussed." ]
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[ "[Progressive muscular atrophy in a ten-year-old girl].", "\nChronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, CIDP, is a rare differential diagnosis to the hereditary myopathies but because it can be treated effectively it is important to consider. ", "A ten-year-old girl's proximal muscle groups debilitated progressively, and in four months she lost the ability to walk. ", "Stretch reflexes were absent, creatine kinase low and spinal protein elevated. ", "Muscle biopsy showed demyelinating atrophy. ", "CIDP was diagnosed and she was successfully treated with immunoglobulin." ]
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[ "The invention relates to center lapping tools for precisely lapping center holes of opposed ends of a workpiece in order to facilitate subsequent high precision \"inside diameter outside diameter\", or ID/OD, grinding of the workpiece.", "\nIt is well known to those in the machine tool business that extremely close tolerances need to be maintained during an operation known as \"between-centers grinding\". ", "In \"between-centers grinding\" operations, a cylindrical workpiece is supported by means of \"center holes\" disposed in opposite ends of the workpiece. ", "The center holes of the workpiece ordinarily originally are provided therein by means of a lathe. ", "One end of the workpiece is positioned in the jaws of the lathe, and a center drill is used to drill one center hole in the opposed end of the workpiece. ", "The workpiece is then removed from the jaws of the lathe chuck and reversed, and the procedure is repeated to cut the second center hole in the other end of the workpiece. ", "Unfortunately, it is very difficult to achieve the desired accuracy in alignment of the two center holes formed in this manner. ", "Furthermore, the roundness of such center holes is not as accurate as is sometimes needed. ", "Cylindrical workpieces with lathe-cut center holes often are heat treated before the between-centers grinding operation, and this usually results in some warpage, which misaligns the lathe-cut center holes, even if they initially are perfectly aligned and perfectly round. ", "In order to solve this problem, a prior art machine made by EX-CEL-O Corporation of 549 Cedar Street, Newington, Conn. 06111, known as a \"center lapping machine\" was devised many years ago and remains the only such machine that is commonly used. ", "This center lapping machine includes a stationary, rigidly supported, upwardly oriented conical support, referred to herein as a \"dead center\" cone coaxially disposed with a rotary conical grinding stone that is commonly referred to as a \"lapping stone\" mounted on a motor driven spindle. ", "This spindle is driven by a belt and pulleys, and has four speeds which can be varied only by changing a belt and pulleys. ", "The lapping stone can be \"dressed\" by means of a built-in dressing tool that is pivotal by means of a gate-like hinge mechanism to swing a diamond dressing tip adjacent to the rotary lapping stone. ", "The diamond tip point can be moved along the surface of the rotating lapping stone, trimming it precisely to the proper angle, removing any buildup of material that may have occurred. ", "To continue center lapping operations, the dressing tool is pivoted away from the lapping stone. ", "The user positions one end of a workpiece to be center lapped so that the tip of the dead center cone is inserted into that center hole. ", "The operator then lowers the spindle on which the lapping stone is supported into the upper center hole, and lightly grinds the workpiece material surrounding the upper center hole, thereby producing a new, cleanly lapped, precisely oriented center hole. ", "The workpiece is then inverted, and the same operation is repeated to lap the other center hole.", "\nAlthough the EX-CEL-O center lapping machine has been the \"industry standard\" for many years, it suffers from a number of shortcomings. ", "One is that the dressing tool mechanism does not always provide the extremely precise accuracy necessary to always dress the lapping stone as accurately as is needed. ", "This problem is especially pronounced for older machines, due to the wear in the hinge mechanism and the failure of the dressing mechanism to return to precisely the same dressing position every time it is used. ", "Other problems with this prior art center lapping machine include the necessity of a time consuming belt changing operation to attain one speed which is satisfactory for dressing a particular stone and another spindle speed which is necessary for center lapping a particular type of workpiece with that dressed lapping stone. ", "This operation sometimes must be repeated every time the lapping stone is dressed, which may be as often as every dozen or so center lapping operations, since hard metal workpieces rapidly deteriorate the grinding surface of even the hardest lapping stone. ", "The time required to change spindle speeds by carrying out a belt changing operation greatly reduces the efficiency of the machinists in carrying out the between centers grinding operations. ", "In modern applications, required tolerances for between centers grinding in the aircraft turbine industry range from vary one ten-thousandth to a millionth of an inch. ", "These tolerances cannot be maintained on a high yield basis without excess use of high cost machinist's time with the above described prior art center lapping machine. ", "Furthermore, some lapping stones have cone angles other than the sixty degree angle, which is the only dressing angle capable of being utilized by the prior art center lapping machine.", "\nThus, there is an unmet need for an improved center lapping machine which is capable of consistently producing extremely high precision, precisely aligned center holes in workpieces to allow extremely precise between centers grinding operations to be performed on the workpieces.", "\nAccordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide an improved center lapping machine and method for providing extremely precise dressing of lapping stones with an extremely high degree of repeatability.", "\nIt is another object of the invention to provide an improved center lapping machine which avoids excessive inconvenience and waste of time by the operator in changing spindle speeds from an optimum dressing speed to an optimum center lapping speed.", "\nIt is another object of the invention to provide an improved center lapping machine and method which avoids inaccuracy in dressing of a lapping stone due to failure of the dressing mechanism to always return to precisely the same position for each dressing operation.", "\nIt is another object of the invention to provide an improved center lapping machine that avoids inaccuracy in the center lapping operation due to slight misalignment of the dead center cone.", "\nIt is another object of the invention to provide an improved center lapping machine which precisely and conveniently can dress a plurality of lapping stones having different cone angles." ]
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[ "Position Description\n\nProduce desserts and subsidiary items for board menus, for retail venues, and for catered events. ", "Assume responsibilities of Lead Baker when he/she is not available.", "\n\nEducation Required\n\nHigh School Diploma\n\nEducation Preferred\n\nExperience Required\n\n5 years experience in institutional baking; prefer history of continuing education\n\nExperience Preferred\n\nSkills, Characteristics Required for Position\n\n• Ability to understand, read and scale recipes\n• Understanding of basic baking chemistry and properties of leveners, fats, acids and alkalis\n• Must be able to earn ServSafe certification within 12 months of hire\n\nSpecial Working Conditions\n\nEmployee must be physically and mentally able to perform all essential job functions which require walking on hard surfaces, prolonged standing in one place, pushing, pulling, lifting, kneeling and stooping. ", "Ability to lift 50 lbs; work around equipment which has extremely hot surfaces, moving parts and extreme temperatures. ", "This position is essential; employees providing essential services must report to work as scheduled by their supervisor in the event of an emergency closing or delay.", "\n\nDriving Requirements\n\nN/A\n\nEssential Employee\n\nEssential - Emergency Only\n\nPrimary Duties\n\n1. ", "Produce pastry and bakery goods as directed by production sheets completed by Lead Baker.", "\n2.Produce bakery and pastry items according to standard production recipes generated by CBORD. ", "Vary and scale recipe and production as directed by Lead Baker.", "\n3.Keep accurate production and use records.", "\n4. ", "Provide input and directions for development of new recipes.", "\n5. ", "Work closely with Lead Baker to evaluate and maintain consistency in product quality, appearance, quantity and ensure product is prepared on schedule.", "\n6. ", "Oversee labeling of all products to ensure they are properly marked with date, item name, destination, and that products containing nuts or special items are designated.", "\n7. ", "Ensure sanitation standards are met and that ServSafe guidelines are being adhered to.", "\n8. ", "Train and supervise Baker’s Assistant.", "\n9. ", "Train student workers and show them the proper way to carry out their assignments.", "\n10. ", "Check and maintain organization of bakery area and baking recipe, usage, temperature and inventory records.", "\n11. ", "Maintain consistent and accurate documentation using Quality Control and HACCP reporting tools.", "\n12. ", "Maintain consistent and reliable attendance.", "\n\nSecondary Duties\n\n1. ", "Attend training sessions and continuing education cources as directed by Lead Baker.", "\n2. ", "Other duties as assigned." ]
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[ "Protein S deficiency.", "\nThe protein C (PC) pathway, with its cofactor protein S (PS), is an important natural antithrombotic mechanism. ", "Patients with phenotypic PS deficiency may develop recurrent thrombosis during adulthood, with a probability of remaining free of thrombosis of about 50% at age 45. ", "The molecular basis for hereditary PS deficiencies is highly heterogeneous, with a large spectrum of mutations that have various effects on the expression of the relevant allele." ]
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[ "Coronary venous noradrenaline during coronary angioplasty.", "\nCoronary venous and arterial noradrenaline concentrations were measured during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in 14 patients. ", "Coronary venous noradrenaline did not increase significantly during balloon inflation but was increased during early reperfusion in patients undergoing left anterior descending angioplasty (n = 8), from 157 +/- 38 pg/ml to 295 +/- 94 pg/ml (P less than 0.05). ", "Coronary blood flow, measured by thermodilution in 7 further patients during left anterior descending angioplasty, was 69 +/- 9 ml/min, decreased to 80 +/- 3% of basal flow during balloon inflation (P less than 0.01) and increased to 135 +/- 5% during early reperfusion (P less than 0.01). ", "It was estimated using these results that cardiac spillover of noradrenaline did not change during occlusion of the left anterior descending artery, but increased almost 3-fold during early reperfusion. ", "During the period of balloon inflations, there was a modest increase in overall sympathetic tone, as assessed by total noradrenaline spillover to plasma (400 +/- 77 ng/min to 473 +/- 87 ng/min, P less than 0.01). ", "These results, suggesting an increase in release of noradrenaline during early reperfusion following brief occlusion of the left anterior descending artery, may be relevant to the genesis of reperfusion arrhythmias." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAllow VNC session and main session to use different mozc state\n\nI've set up vnc4server on my machine (it's not working fully, but that's another issue) and a colleague is logged in and using it OK.", "\nHowever, when I tried to switch to Japanese the conversion window popped up with his terminal commands appearing, and then he switched back to English, but I would not expect the IME settings to be shared like this. ", "Is there some way to tell mozc to only work with the current terminal session or disable it in the VNC?", "\n\nA:\n\nPossible solution\nTry to configure your ibus-mozc:\n\nOpen System Settings;\nClick on Text Entry;\nSelect Japanese (Mozc) (IBus);\nSwitch the central options:\n\nfrom:\n\nUse the same source for all windows.", "\n\nto:\n\nAllow different sources for each window and active too,\n\nNew windows use the default source.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0.009708737864077669, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tags\n\nSuruc, Turkey – After fierce clashes with IS militants, the joint Kurdish forces of the People’s Protection Units and the Peshmerga reported advances towards the city of Tel Abyad in Raqqa province, in northern Syria, a military source reported on Monday.", "\n\nThe radical group of the Islamic State (IS/ISIL) has been in control over Tel Abyad and its surrounding for nearly two years.", "\n\nThe Kurdish forces retook the first village near Tel Abyad after forcing IS extremists out of the village.", "\n\nSpeaking to ARA News, the YPG fighter Noureddin Gabani said the joint Kurdish forces were able on Monday to liberate the village of Baghdik, administratively linked to the city of Tel Abyad in Raqqa province.", "\n\n“Following intense bombardment by the Peshmerga forces against IS headquarters in the area, the joint forces took over strategic hills overlooking Tel Abyad,” he added.", "\n\nNoureddin pointed out that the joint forces also seized control of the village of Jaada in southwestern Kobane, near the Qara Qozak Bridge, after an air strike launched by the U.S.-led coalition’s warplanes on a checkpoint of the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS) near the bridge.", "\n\nThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also confirmed the news, saying: “The Kurdish forces in cooperation with the Syrian opposition forces (FSA) took over an IS-held hilltop (in reference to a hill overlooking the village of Baghdik) in Raqqa after bloody clashes.”", "\n\nThis is the first time the Kurdish forces have enter the province of Raqqa.", "\n\nAt least 35 IS militants were killed, while four members of the Kurdish forces were reported killed during the clashes.", "\n\nThe Kurds have regained at least 163 villages in the countryside of Kobane in the past three weeks after expelling the IS terrorists from the city.", "\n\nNotably, the joint forces have blocked the international highway of Rodko from IS extremists." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011494252873563218, 0.015748031496062992, 0.009259259259259259, 0.01904761904761905, 0.0058823529411764705, 0.007194244604316547, 0.003703703703703704, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0 ]
[ "Murderer Aaron McDonald is jailed for 21 years\n\nADMITS MURDER: Aaron Rhys McDonald has been sentenced to life in prison.", "\n\nRelevant offers\n\nAaron Rhys McDonald was today sentenced to life for murder with a non-parole term of 21 years after a terrible crime spree which left a woman dead and two hitchhikers badly injured.", "\n\nMcDonald, 39, who has 68 previous convictions and is assessed as a high risk reoffender, was also sentenced to an open-ended preventive detention term. ", "Almost all details have been suppressed about his victims and their families.", "\n\nThe suppression was imposed at the High Court in Christchurch today after a reporter went to the home of the murder and rape victim seeking an interview.", "\n\n\"The parents have suffered greatly because of their daughter's rape and murder. ", "They are in need of privacy.\"", "\n\nThe judge imposed a suppression order on the name of the 24-year-old Christchurch caregiver who McDonald admitted sexually violating and murdering.", "\n\nHe then travelled to the West Coast. ", "He admitted charges of robbing two women hitchhikers travelling from overseas, and causing both of them grievous bodily harm. ", "He also admitted reckless driving arising from a police chase which ended with a long stand-off near Franz Josef.", "\n\nThe judge suppressed publication of the summary of facts concerning the rape and murder, and the name of the victim, and the victim impact statement read in court and the others handed to the judge.", "\n\nHe suppressed the names of the two hitchhikers involved because media attention had been disproportionate and had caused the women undue hardship.", "\n\nJustice Whata said McDonald had picked up the women hitchhikers at Whataroa. ", "He threatened them with a metal bar, and robbed them. ", "One of them got away by jumping or being pushed from the moving car, causing a deep abrasion, and concussion.", "\n\nWhen McDonald did a u-turn, the other woman believed her friend was going to be run over as she lay on the road. ", "She got a knife from her pack, held it to McDonald's throat, and in the struggle that followed he got the knife from her and stabbed her in the neck three or four times, before she got out of the car.", "\n\nMcDonald threw molotov cocktails at the police who pursued him and caught him after a stand-off hours later.", "\n\nCrown prosecutor Claire Boshier told the court that all the victims said they did not wish to speak to the media. ", "They asked to be treated with courtesy and compassion as required under the Victims' Rights Act. ", "They asked that media respect their dignity and privacy. ", "Media actions had compounded their distress.", "\n\nShe said McDonald's offending warranted a starting point for the non-parole term of 23 to 24 years, with a reduction for his early guilty pleas.", "\n\nMcDonald now professed remorse, but she argued that it was \"at superficial level\". ", "He had a long-standing drug addiction and had undergone lengthy rehabilitation programmes without success.", "\n\nShe argued that an open-ended preventive detention sentence was warranted because of the on-going risk of further serious sentencing that he posed to the community. ", "The court could have no confidence that he would engage in meaningful treatment.", "\n\nDefence counsel Elizabeth Bulger said it had been a terrible set of offending which had resulted in the loss of a precious young woman, and trauma and distress for the other victims. ", "McDonald was on parole at the time and his offending had been fuelled by methamphetamine.", "\n\nShe said that preventive detention was not warranted, because there was not a pattern of violent or sexual offending on his record, and he would receive a long sentence in any case.", "\n\nJustice Whata said there was nothing in McDonald's childhood that would explain his offending. ", "His adult years had been blighted by drug use. ", "His criminal behaviour started in early adolescence and later involved a brutal assault on an elderly woman.", "\n\nHe said he had received a letter from McDonald apologising to the murder victim's family.", "\n\nMcDonald's offending fell beyond the normal range for murder, and an increase in the term was warranted. ", "His attempts to express remorse had been belated and he lacked insight into his offending.", "\n\nHe imposed the minimum non-parole term of 21 years on the murder charge, and then decided to also impose preventive detention because the offending was in the most serious category and the on-going risk McDonald posed was high." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.016666666666666666, 0.005, 0, 0, 0.012903225806451613, 0, 0, 0.013422818791946308, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.005, 0.00909090909090909, 0.008620689655172414, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.004366812227074236 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHibernate Cross Reference many-to-many Parent/Child Mapping Of Same Class\n\nI'm having a major problem getting a parent/child relationship working for a hierarchy of a single class. ", "Basically I have to represent a server tree like thus:\nServer A\n Server B\n Server C\n Server D\n Server E\n Server C\n Server D\n Server F\n Server G\n\nNote that the children of Servers B & E are the same. ", "My original mapping was something like this, which was fine until I needed to have the objects for server C & D being the same instance, so having a single column for PARENT_ID got filled by the last relationship and only one of servers B or E would show the children:\n<hibernate-mapping ...>\n <class name=\"Server\" ...>\n ...\n <set name=\"children\" cascade=\"all-delete-orphan\" lazy=\"false\">\n <key column=\"PARENT_ID\" />\n <one-to-many class=\"Server\" />\n </set>\n </class>\n</hibernate-mapping>\n\nI know I need to do some sort of cross reference table to map the fact that a server can have multiple parents, but all the examples I've found on-line contain a separate parent and child class.", "\nCan anyone tell me how to do a cross reference parent/child mapping for the same class...? ", "I.e. something like:\n<hibernate-mapping ...>\n <class name=\"Server\" ...>\n ...\n <set name=\"children\" cascade=\"all-delete-orphan\" lazy=\"false\">\n <key>\n <column name=\"PARENT_ID\" />\n <column name=\"CHILD_ID\" />\n </key>\n <many-to-many class=\"Server\">\n <column name=\"???\" /", ">\n <formula>???</formula>\n </many-to-many>\n </set>\n </class>\n</hibernate-mapping>\n\nThanks,\nBob.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn your many-to-many mapping, set the column name to be CHILD_ID.", "\n<many-to-many class=\"Server\">\n <column name=\"CHILD_ID\" />\n</many-to-many>\n\nThis will cause the relationship to view the child id as the id representing itself. ", " While the one-to-many relationship will use the parent_id as the id representing itself. ", " Should work, I haven't ran it, but I have done a similar thing before.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0.004261363636363636, 0, 0.003246753246753247, 0.009009009009009009, 0.014084507042253521, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Biochar-based functional materials in the purification of agricultural wastewater: Fabrication, application and future research needs.", "\nNowadays, agricultural contamination is becoming more and more serious due to the rapid growth of agricultural industry, which discharged antibiotics, pesticides or toxic metals into farmlands. ", "A large number of researchers have applied biochar-based functional materials to the treatment of agricultural wastewater contamination. ", "Meanwhile, biochar has also proved to be a very promising and effective technology in water purification field due to its various beneficial properties (e.g., cost effective, high specific surface area, and surface reactive groups). ", "The focus of this review is to highlight the fabrication methods and application of biochar-based functional materials with the removal of different agricultural contaminants, and discuss the underlying mechanisms. ", "However, the application of biochar-based functional materials is currently under its infancy, with the main hindrance is identified as the gap between laboratory scale and field application, immaturity of engineered biochar production technologies, and lack of quality standards. ", "In order to fill these knowledge gaps, more efforts should be made to pay for the relevant research in future studies." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Yes, that is correct. ", "This trading card game is based on the popular .hack// franchise from Japan, containing of the following:\n.hack//SIGN TV Series\n.hack//LIMINALITY OVA Series\n.hack//DUSK TV Series\n.hack//Tasogare no udewa densetsu Manga Series\n.hack// Video Games" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.004081632653061225 ]
[ "Controversies regarding the use of radiation after mastectomy in breast cancer.", "\nDespite years of clinical study, there are still many unanswered questions regarding postmastectomy radiation. ", "It is clear that radiation therapy plays a critical role in the multidisciplinary management of patients with locally advanced or inflammatory breast cancer. ", "It is also accepted that postmastectomy radiation is not required for most women with noninvasive disease or stage I disease. ", "Randomized clinical trials studying radiation treatments for women with stage II or III breast cancer have shown that the addition of radiation after mastectomy can reduce local-regional recurrence rates, which then improves survival. ", "However, other data have indicated that the risk of local-regional recurrence after mastectomy and chemotherapy is low for patients with small tumors and one to three positive lymph nodes, leading some to question whether postmastectomy radiation is useful for this group. ", "A second controversy regards the sequencing of postmastectomy radiation and breast reconstruction. ", "In this article we discuss these controversies, review the data that are relevant, and provide our institutional approaches to these issues." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00851063829787234, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "holistic pet care :: single sessions\n\nMay your hands be an extension of your heart and may you do the work of love with them. - ", "Aja Monet\n\nSmall animal massage is available by donation to ensure that all pets benefit from this service. ", "This service is offered from the heart, it will be my honor to work with your beloved best friends! ", "​​​\n\nAn introductory single massage session is an excellent way tomeet your pet and assess their comfort level and receptivityto this hands-on therapy and is available at $50.00 suggested donation with our Risk-free Guarantee. An in-depth review of your pet's health history will be done during this first visit.", "\n\nWith every massage, afull body scan and a customized massage planis recorded and serves as a baseline for your best friend's preventative care. ", "Sessions are approximately 1/2 to one hour in duration, based on your pet's response and how receptive they are to the massage.", "\n\nTo best realize the full benefits of massage, sessions are offered in acontinuous series of 3 or more massages.", "\n\nAll massage, aromatherapy and Reiki energy work sessions are available in the comfort of your own home. ", "​​\n\nSINGLE SESSIONS\n\nSingle Massage Session: An introductory single massage session is an excellent way tomeet your pet and assess their comfort level and receptivityto this hands-on therapy and is available at $50.00 suggested donation with our Risk-free Guarantee. An in-depth review of your pet's health history will be done during this first visit.", "\n\nEnd-of-Life Farewell Session: When the difficult time comes to say good-bye to your beloved pet with euthanasia, Now and Zen can come to you and your pet to provide gentle and compassionate massage with aromatherapy and Reiki energy work to ease their end-of-life transition. ", "Anita will be a caring, kind and respectful presence to help make your pet as comfortable and relaxed as possible as you bid farewell. ", "Please contact us to schedule.", "\n\nPAW IT FORWARD PROGRAMYOU GIVE TO YOUR PET = NOW AND ZEN GIVES TO A HARD-WORKING THERAPY DOG\n\nWhen you treat your pet to a massage, Now and Zen donates to an animal in need through our\"Paw It Forward\" program.", "\n\nYou will receive a photo of the happy recipient of your donated massages with their wags and love! ", "" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 1 ]
[ "Although vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are highly effective in the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic events, they have limitations related to drug and food interactions. ", "VKAs also have a narrow therapeutic margin, requiring frequent monitoring, with a particular concern for an increased risk of intracranial bleeding.^[@R1]^ Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) represent an alternative to VKAs and inhibit coagulation by directly and specifically binding to the active site of either thrombin (dabigatran) or factor Xa (rivaroxaban and apixaban). ", "Due to a large therapeutic index, DOACs can be given in fixed doses without routine coagulation monitoring and have limited drug and food interactions.^[@R2]^ Randomized trials have generally established superior safety and at least similar efficacy of DOACs with VKAs in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF).^[@R3]^\n\nARISTOTLE (Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrillation), a randomized, double-blind trial, compared apixaban with warfarin in patients with NVAF and ≥1 additional risk factor for thromboembolism.^[@R4]^ In that trial, apixaban reduced stroke/systemic embolism, bleeding, and mortality compared with warfarin.^[@R4]^ On the basis of ARISTOTLE, French regulators (Health Authority and Transparency Committee) approved apixaban for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with NVAF and ≥1 risk factor(s), but required a postmarketing effectiveness study. ", "To satisfy this request, the NAXOS study (Evaluation of Apixaban in Stroke and Systemic Embolism Prevention in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation) was designed to describe the real-world use of apixaban and other oral anticoagulants (OACs) available in France (VKAs, dabigatran, and rivaroxaban). ", "NAXOS aimed to evaluate the risks of major bleeding (safety), stroke and systemic thromboembolic events (STEs; effectiveness), and all-cause mortality comparing apixaban with other OACs. ", "In the absence of randomized, controlled head-to-head comparisons between DOACs, high-quality observational data can provide useful information on the comparative effectiveness of DOACs. ", "Because France has near-universal healthcare coverage and a unified national healthcare data system (covering \\>90% of the total French population of ≈66 million individuals), NAXOS provided a good opportunity for a large population-based analysis of the comparative effectiveness of the OACs used in France for NVAF, focused on apixaban.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nBecause of their sensitive nature, the data are available only to investigators habilitated by the French National Health System. ", "Patient consent was not required for this study (not applicable in anonymized claims database).", "\n\nStudy Design and Data Source\n----------------------------\n\nThis historical, population-based cohort study used French National Health System claims data (Système National des Données de Santé \\[SNDS\\]), which contains anonymous individual information on sociodemographic characteristics, all nonhospital reimbursed healthcare expenditures (without the corresponding medical indication or results), and all hospital discharge summaries.", "\n\nThe SNDS does not provide direct information on clinical history, clinical or paraclinical examination (tobacco smoking, blood pressure level, body mass index, etc), biologic results or any information on drug dispensed during a hospital stay (except very costly medication), and any data on cause of death; however, the outcome events of interest for this study (stroke, major bleeding, death) are captured by SNDS. ", "This claims database currently covers \\>90% of the country's population.^[@R5]^\n\nThe study population consisted of all patients aged ≥18 years covered by the SNDS, with ≥1 reimbursement for OAC treatments (VKAs, apixaban, rivaroxaban, or dabigatran) between January 2014 and December 2016, and newly initiating one of the study OAC treatments, that is, without the use of the same OAC in the 24 months before the index date (ie, date of the first dispensation).^[@R6]^ Patients with atrial fibrillation diagnosed in the 24 months before inclusion were identified using a validated algorithm previously used by Bouillon et al^[@R7]^ in the NACORA study. ", "A second algorithm was developed to identify NVAF (based on the European Society of Cardiology definition).^[@R8]^\n\nEligible patients were allocated to 4 distinct subcohorts based on whether they received VKAs, apixaban, rivaroxaban, or dabigatran during the study period.", "\n\nPatients with several OAC treatments, multiple doses or multiple prescribers at the index date, and patients possibly treated for indications other than stroke prevention in NVAF were excluded.", "\n\nSelected patients were followed up during their exposure to the studied anticoagulant treatment. ", "Hence, each patient was studied from the index date until switch to another anticoagulant treatment, treatment discontinuation, patient's last health record (last care recorded in the database prior a 6-month period without any reimbursed care, which may include emigration and admissions to geriatric homes), death, or end of the study period (ie, December 31, 2016), whichever occurred earliest. ", "Patients were censored at the first occurrence of one of these events. ", "Details/definitions of switching treatment, discontinuation, and drug coverage can be found in the Supplemental Materials in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825).", "\n\nOutcomes\n--------\n\nThe outcomes of interest were safety, defined as the risk of major bleeding events leading to hospitalization and identified through main hospital discharge diagnoses; effectiveness, defined as the risk of stroke and STE and identified through main hospital discharge diagnoses; and all-cause mortality, identified using the date of death recorded in the SNDS (Table I in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825)). ", "Safety was also investigated considering 3 specific bleeding sites. ", "For patients with \\>1 bleeding site at their date of first major bleeding event, the clinically most severe event was considered according to the following order of priority: intracranial bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, and other bleeding. ", "The proxies of outcomes have been adapted from Friberg et al^[@R9]^ and have been validated by Bouillon et al^[@R7]^ on the SNDS.", "\n\nStatistical Methods\n-------------------\n\nFor each cohort of OAC-naive patients, sociodemographic characteristics and comorbidities were described using descriptive statistics.", "\n\nThe main analysis, comparing apixaban versus each of the other OACs, was performed using propensity score (PS) matching. ", "Three PS were estimated for each comparison between apixaban and other OACs, using a logistic regression model that included the following variables: sociodemographic characteristics, specialty of the prescriber who initiated the OAC treatment, comorbid conditions, CHA~2~DS~2~-VASc score, modified HAS-BLED score, Charlson score, and drugs dispensed within 3 months before index date. ", "In case of collinearity, collinear variables were removed from the PS. ", "Several checks were performed to ensure a good balance of PS and of covariates between apixaban and comparison groups: first, the treatment group PS distribution was analyzed graphically. ", "Then, the balance of covariates across treatment and comparison groups was checked using standardized difference.^[@R10]^ Apixaban patients were matched with those treated with other anticoagulants using sequential pairwise nearest neighbor 1:n (n variable and n≤3) matching without replacement, using the logit of PS and specified caliper of width 0.2 of SD of the logit of PS.^[@R11]^ The quality of the matching was checked with absolute weighted standardized differences on the demographics and clinical covariates (standardized differences \\<0.1 indicating good balance between treatment groups).^[@R11]^\n\nAfter PS matching, the risk for each outcome was compared between apixaban and each of the other OACs using a Cox proportional hazard model with robust variance estimator to account for matching. ", "To account for the competing risk of mortality (as the mortality was \\>10% in the VKAs cohort), Fine and Gray models were used to compare safety and effectiveness outcomes between apixaban and VKAs. ", "Proportionality assumption was checked for exposure by including the interaction between a time function and exposure. ", "If the proportionality assumption was violated, then 2 models were computed: the first without considering the nonproportionality that computed an average hazard ratio (HR) for each exposure over the period, and the second with the inclusion of the interaction between time function (log) and exposure to identify potential change of the HR over time.", "\n\nTo support the robustness of the main analysis, 3 additional analyses were performed (see Supplemental Materials in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825)).", "\n\nAll statistical analyses were performed using SAS (SAS Institute, NC), version 9.4.", "\n\nSensitivity Analysis\n--------------------\n\nSensitivity analyses were performed using modified definitions of the outcomes: for the safety outcome, addition of associated diagnoses of hospital stays for major bleeding events and addition of transfusion (through medical procedures codes); and for the effectiveness outcome, exclusion of diagnoses of hemorrhagic stroke. ", "The comparisons between apixaban and each of the other OACs were performed using the same method as for the main analysis.", "\n\nEthics\n------\n\nThis study was approved by the French Institute for Health Data (Institut National des Données de Santé, approval No. ", "136 from September 8, 2015). ", "It was conducted using anonymized data, approved by the National Informatics and Liberty Committee (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés, approval No. ", "1877931 from March 17, 2016), and registered at URL: <https://www.clinicaltrials.gov>; Unique identifier: NCT02640222.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nIdentification of the Study Population\n--------------------------------------\n\nAmong the 1 951 218 patients included in the French National Health System database who had been dispensed ≥1 course of VKA, apixaban, rivaroxaban, or dabigatran between 2014 and 2016, 1 040 864 patients (53.3%) initiated one of the study OAC treatments. ", "Almost all patients (99.8%) were aged ≥18 years at OAC initiation, 438 280 patients had atrial fibrillation and 93.9% (411 700 patients) had NVAF. ", "After excluding patients without valid dosage or prescriber information, 411 077 patients were included in the study population.", "\n\nOf those included, 321 501 OAC-naive patients with NVAF were identified: 112 628 (35.0%) initiated VKAs (69.8% used fluindione, 27.3% used warfarin, and 2.9% used acenocoumarol), whereas 87 565 (27.2%), 100 063 (31.1%), and 21 245 patients (6.6%) initiated apixaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran, respectively (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Selection of the study population.** ", "The percentages of patients who initiated vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), apixaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran were reported based on the number of oral anticoagulant (OAC)-naive patients (n=321 501). ", "AF indicates atrial fibrillation.](str-51-2066-g001){#F1}\n\nPatient Characteristics\n-----------------------\n\nPrematched data showed notable differences in patient characteristics between the cohorts initiating VKA, apixaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran (Table). ", "Patients in the VKA cohorts were older, had a higher risk of stroke, and more comorbid conditions than patients receiving DOACs. ", "Among DOAC patients, those initiating apixaban were older, had a higher risk of stroke, and more frequently had comorbidities than those in the rivaroxaban and dabigatran cohorts.", "\n\n###### \n\nPrematched Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients in the 24 mo Before the Index Date by OAC Treatment in OAC-Naive Cohorts\n\n![](", "str-51-2066-g002)\n\nThe mean follow-up duration was 316 days (median=218 days) for anticoagulant-naive patients treated with VKAs. ", "For those receiving apixaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran, the mean follow-up duration was 286 (median=213), 318 (median=205), and 329 days (median=186), respectively.", "\n\nAmong apixaban-treated patients, 68 208 could be matched to 107 558 VKA patients, 81 759 could be matched to 100 050 rivaroxaban patients, and 21 245 could be matched to 21 245 dabigatran patients (Table II in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825)).", "\n\nAfter propensity score matching, the absolute weighted standardized differences of all confounding factors were \\<10% (Figure I in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825)). ", "The confounding factors after weighting for each of the matched cohorts are given in Table III in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825).", "\n\nOutcomes During Follow-Up\n-------------------------\n\nThe cumulative incidence of major bleeding during the follow-up period, taking into account the competing risk of death in the VKA cohort, was 4.00% for apixaban and 9.54% for VKA, 4.24% for apixaban and 6.38% for rivaroxaban, and 3.80% for apixaban and 4.31% for dabigatran (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The cumulative incidence of stroke or STE during the follow-up period, taking into account competing risks in the VKA cohort, was 3.16% for apixaban and 6.13% for VKA, 2.93% for apixaban and 3.22% for rivaroxaban, and 2.56% for apixaban and 3.28% for dabigatran (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality during the follow-up period was 11.10% for apixaban and 26.55% for VKA, 9.18% for apixaban and 9.66% for rivaroxaban, and 8.36% for apixaban and 10.05% for dabigatran (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Cumulative incidence curves for the evaluation of major bleeding events leading to hospitalization (safety) during the overall follow-up period.** ", "VKA indicates vitamin K antagonist.](str-51-2066-g003){#F2}\n\n![**", "Cumulative incidence curves for the evaluation of risk of stroke and systemic thromboembolic events (effectiveness) outcomes during the overall follow-up period.** ", "VKA indicates vitamin K antagonist.](str-51-2066-g004){#F3}\n\n![**", "Cumulative incidence curves for the evaluation of all-cause mortality outcome during the overall follow-up period.** ", "VKA indicates vitamin K antagonist.](str-51-2066-g005){#F4}\n\nComparison of Outcomes\n----------------------\n\nAfter propensity score matching, patients initiating apixaban were at a lower risk of major bleeding (all major bleeding HR, 0.43 \\[95% CI, 0.40--0.46\\]; gastrointestinal bleeding HR, 0.44 \\[95% CI, 0.40--0.50\\]; intracranial bleeding HR, 0.42 \\[95% CI, 0.37--0.48\\]; and other bleeding HR, 0.43 \\[95% CI, 0.39--0.47\\]) and stroke or STE (HR, 0.60 \\[95% CI, 0.56--0.65\\]) and had a lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR, 0.44 \\[95% CI, 0.42--0.45\\]) than matched patients initiating VKAs (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Patients treated with apixaban had a lower risk of major bleeding than those treated with rivaroxaban (HR, 0.67 \\[95% CI, 0.63--0.72\\]), although the risk of stroke and STE (HR, 1.05 \\[95% CI, 0.97--1.15) and the risk of all-cause mortality (HR, 0.97 \\[95% CI, 0.93--1.02\\]) were comparable (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Patients initiating apixaban were also associated with lower risks of gastrointestinal bleeding (HR, 0.63 \\[95% CI, 0.56--0.70\\]) and other bleeding (HR, 0.64 \\[95% CI, 0.57--0.71\\]), but a comparable risk of intracranial bleeding (HR, 0.87 \\[95% CI, 0.75--1.01\\]) than those initiating rivaroxaban. ", "Compared with patients treated with dabigatran, patients treated with apixaban had comparable risks of major bleeding (HR, 0.93 \\[95% CI, 0.81--1.08\\]), of stroke and STE (HR, 0.93 \\[95% CI, 0.78--1.11\\]), and of all-cause mortality (HR, 0.94 \\[95% CI, 0.85--1.04\\]) (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Patients initiating apixaban had also a lower risk of gastrointestinal bleeding (HR, 0.60 \\[95% CI, 0.48--0.76\\]), a comparable risk of other bleeding (HR, 1.13 \\[95% CI, 0.90--1.44\\]), and a higher risk of intracranial bleeding (HR, 1.72 \\[95% CI, 1.20--2.48\\]) than those initiating dabigatran. ", "In case of violation of the proportionality assumption, the direction of the association was not modified after inclusion of the interaction between time function and exposure.", "\n\n![**", "Forest plots of the results of the main analysis (propensity score matched).** ", "HR indicates hazard ratio; and VKA, vitamin K antagonist.](str-51-2066-g006){#F5}\n\nThe findings of the additional analyses using adjustment on confounding factors, adjustment on PS, and matching on high-dimensional propensity score were mostly consistent with those of the main analysis, as detailed in Figure II in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825). ", "Sensitivity analyses using modified outcome definitions (safety and effectiveness) were also overall consistent with the main analysis (Figure III in the [Data Supplement](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825)).", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nWith a total cohort of 321 501 OAC-naive patients with NVAF, NAXOS is among the largest observational studies to assess the use and effects of OACs, and it offers a nationwide population-based perspective of the use of anticoagulants in everyday life. ", "In this study, the choice of anticoagulant clearly differed according to the patient profile, with patients who initiated DOACs having a lower cardiovascular risk profile than patients initiating VKAs. ", "Among patients prescribed DOACs, those receiving apixaban had a higher cardiovascular risk, higher CHA~2~DS~2~-VASc score, and more comorbid conditions (higher Charlson score) than those receiving other agents. ", "After PS matching, apixaban was associated with superior safety and effectiveness compared with VKAs. ", "Apixaban was also associated with superior safety compared with rivaroxaban, although effectiveness of the 3 DOACs was comparable. ", "The risk of all-cause mortality was lower with apixaban versus VKAs, although it was comparable between the 3 DOACs.", "\n\nTo support the robustness of the main analysis and to include the full population (no attrition bias), we performed 2 additional analysis, using adjustment for confounding factors, and using adjustment for PS. ", "Moreover, to try to improve the classical PS, we performed a third additional analysis, using matching on high-dimensional propensity score. ", "In addition, to support the validity of the definitions used to identify outcomes, sensitivity analyses were conducted using modified definitions of these outcomes. ", "Overall, these additional sensitivity analyses produced results consistent with the main analysis.", "\n\nIdentification of patients with NVAF and associated risk scores from claims databases is complex.^[@R12]^ The algorithm used in NAXOS relied on the criteria previously used in the ARISTOTLE trial^[@R4]^ and in the NACORA study (Nouveaux Anticoagulants Oraux et Risques Associés).^[@R7]^ In terms of sociodemographic and clinical data, patients included in the NAXOS study were comparable to those from 3 previous large French observational studies,^[@R7],[@R13],[@R14]^ in which patients treated with VKAs were older than patients treated with DOACs. ", "The age and comorbidities of patients included in the NAXOS study were similar to those of patients from the PAROS study (Apixaban in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in a Real Life Setting: Cross-Sectional Study in France), a recent French cross-sectional survey of OAC prescriptions in patients with NVAF.^[@R15]^\n\nThe safety, effectiveness, and all-cause mortality observations pertaining to apixaban and VKAs in NAXOS are consistent with the results of the ARISTOTLE trial.^[@R4]^ The mortality of VKA-treated patients, however, was higher in NAXOS (13.39%) (data not shown) than in ARISTOTLE (3.94%), likely due to the older age of patients in the NAXOS cohort and due to the stringent selection process used to identify eligibility in randomized trials. ", "As a rule, patients enrolled in observational studies in routine clinical practice tend to be at substantially higher risk of adverse outcomes than patients in clinical trials.^[@R16]--[@R18]^\n\nThe relative risk of major bleeding events leading to hospitalization, the risk of stroke and STEs, and the risk of all-cause mortality with apixaban compared with VKAs were lower in NAXOS than in ARISTOTLE (HR, 0.43 versus 0.69, 0.60 versus 0.79, and 0.44 versus 0.89, respectively). ", "These relative risks may reflect poorer international normalized ratio (INR) control among patients treated with VKAs in routine clinical practice, as opposed to the highly controlled environment of a randomized clinical trial and is consistent with data suggesting that the majority of patients treated with VKAs in France have inadequate INR control,^[@R19],[@R20]^ compared with higher control rates in clinical trials that implement careful INR monitoring.^[@R4]^ However, this assumption remains speculative, as INR results are not available in the French claims database. ", "Another difference between NAXOS and randomized trials is that fluindione is the most frequently used VKA in France, whereas warfarin was preferentially used in randomized controlled trials.^[@R20]^\n\nThe results of the NAXOS study are in line with those of previous observational studies, both in terms of safety^[@R21],[@R22]^ and effectiveness.^[@R22],[@R23]^ In the study conducted by Vinogradova et al^[@R24]^ in the United Kingdom, apixaban was associated with a lower risk of bleeding compared with VKAs, but no difference was observed in the incidence of ischemic stroke and mortality. ", "In a US study, apixaban, but not dabigatran or rivaroxaban, was associated with a lower risk of stroke/thromboembolism compared with warfarin; all 3 DOACs were associated with a reduced risk of intracranial bleeding, and both apixaban and dabigatran were associated with a decreased risk of major bleeding.^[@R22]^ In a further US study that relied on claims data, both apixaban and dabigatran were associated with a reduced risk of major bleeding compared with warfarin, whereas rivaroxaban had a similar risk.^[@R21]^ In a Danish claims data study,^[@R25]^ all 3 DOACs were associated with a reduced risk of intracranial bleeding compared with VKAs, with no difference in stroke or thromboembolic events. ", "In our study, dabigatran was associated with significantly increased risks of gastrointestinal and other bleedings, but significantly reduced risk of intracranial bleeding, compared with apixaban. ", "These findings were consistent with those of the study from Graham et al.^[@R26]^ In a US study from Noseworthy et al,^[@R27]^ apixaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran appeared to have similar effectiveness, although apixaban had a lower bleeding risk and rivaroxaban had an elevated bleeding risk; among DOAC users in another large US-based analysis, the benefit-harm profiles for apixaban and dabigatran were more favorable than rivaroxaban.^[@R26]^\n\nAlthough observational analyses have provided somewhat inconsistent results with respect to mortality, safety, and effectiveness differences,^[@R24],[@R28]--[@R31]^ NAXOS, as one of the largest, includes the vast majority of the French population and suggests potentially clinically relevant differences between OACs, with possible public health impact.", "\n\nIn the ARISTOPHANES study (Anticoagulants for Reduction in Stroke: Observational Pooled Analysis on Health Outcomes and Experience of Patients), the incidence of stroke/systemic embolism with lower and standard doses of apixaban and rivaroxaban was similar to that with warfarin, although it was higher with dabigatran than with warfarin.^[@R23]^ The risk of major bleeding was lower with apixaban and dabigatran than with warfarin at both low and standard doses and higher with rivaroxaban at both doses. ", "At both low and standard doses, the risk of stroke/systemic embolism was lower with apixaban than with dabigatran or rivaroxaban, whereas the risk was higher with dabigatran than with rivaroxaban at low doses. ", "Whatever the dose, the risk of major bleeding was lower with apixaban and dabigatran than with rivaroxaban, in agreement with the NAXOS findings.^[@R23]^\n\nThe strengths of NAXOS are that it used a nationwide claims database (SNDS) covering both primary and secondary care, providing a broad range of data, including sociodemographic information, major medical history, and comprehensive healthcare reimbursement records, and comprises \\>90% of the French population. ", "It is one of the largest nationwide observational cohorts of patients initiating OACs for the treatment of NVAF to date, providing high statistical power. ", "Results were consistent across sensitivity analyses. ", "Most importantly, it was population based and relied on a single payer (French National Health System) database, thereby minimizing the potential for selection bias. ", "Finally, although it is not possible to exclude residual bias favoring apixaban in the comparisons, the fact that, among patients treated with DOACs, those receiving apixaban had higher CHA~2~DS~2~-VASc and Charlson scores than patients receiving the other DOACs suggests that residual bias by indication is an unlikely explanation for the superior safety of apixaban and that the findings are conservative estimates. ", "The magnitude of some differences between DOACs suggests that head-to-head randomized clinical trials appear warranted. ", "From an exploratory calculation conducted by authors based on the proportion of events, around 10 000 patients per treatment arm would be needed to evaluate outcomes across DOACs in a hypothetical head-to-head trial (assuming an 80% power).", "\n\nLike all observational studies, NAXOS has limitations: patients with NVAF were identified by an algorithm that may have excluded patients with less severe disease, such as those with uncomplicated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. ", "The SNDS database does not collect diagnoses other than discharge diagnoses; therefore, some cardiovascular risk factors had to be identified from proxies based on treatments and hospital diagnoses (the drawbacks of using DRG and inability to fully ascertain the nature/cause of some outcome events are well known), and information was missing for major confounders (clearance of creatinine, hemoglobin, smoking status, weight, diet, and alcohol consumption), as is often the case for claims data, or even for medical records when data are not regularly updated. ", "Thus, the CHADS~2~, CHA~2~DS~2~-VASc, modified HAS-BLED, and Charlson scores adjusted for age were assessed through algorithms based on proxies. ", "It would have been of interest to separate the etiological subtypes of ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage, as we aware that the exact etiology is important for determining a causal relationship to anticoagulants' use. ", "However, in the database, we could not fully ascertain the nature/cause of these outcome events (for instance, in some elderly patients, no radiological investigation was performed, when the overall health status was poor).", "\n\nAlthough significant efforts were made to minimize confounding, residual confounding may be present, as in all observational analyses. ", "Nonetheless, the consistency of our findings is reassuring, suggesting robust evidence. ", "Large numbers of models were produced, opening a possibility of correction for multiple testing. ", "However, the majority of our findings were highly statistically significant, and the application of corrections for multiple testing would not have affected the critical findings, even if a threshold of *P*=0.001 and Bonferroni corrections have been used. ", "Finally, edoxaban is not reimbursed in France for treatment of NVAF and therefore could not be included in the present analysis.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn NAXOS, apixaban-treated patients had a lower risk of major bleeding events leading to hospitalization, lower risk of stroke and STEs, and lower risk of all-cause mortality compared with patients receiving VKAs. ", "NAXOS also suggests comparable effectiveness for all 3 DOACs (apixaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran), with superior safety of apixaban versus rivaroxaban, and no difference in mortality between agents. ", "Given the lack of randomized comparisons between DOACs, these observations are of interest to patients, clinicians, regulators, and payers.", "\n\nAcknowledgments\n===============\n\nAll authors critically reviewed the manuscript. ", "Drs Van Ganse and Steg provided supervision, conceived and designed the study, interpreted the data, and drafted the manuscript. ", "Drs Danchin, Mahé, Hanon, and Falissard were members of the Scientific Committee. ", "F. Jacoud and M. Nolin performed the statistical analysis. ", "F. Dalon, Dr Lefevre, Dr Cotte, Dr Gollety, and Dr Belhassen contributed to study design and interpretation of data. ", "Dr Van Ganse is the guarantor of the study. ", "We thank Georgii Filatov of Springer Nature, who conducted an English language edit of this manuscript.", "\n\nSources of Funding\n==================\n\nThis work was supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer. ", "The study was designed, conducted and written by the investigators and the academic group at PELyon. ", "PELyon performed statistical analyses independently from the sponsor.", "\n\nDisclosures\n===========\n\nDr Van Ganse reports personal fees from PELyon, outside the submitted work. ", "Dr Danchin reports personal fees and nonfinancial support from BMS, personal fees and nonfinancial support from Bayer, personal fees and nonfinancial support from Pfizer during the conduct of the study, personal fees and nonfinancial support from Amgen, personal fees and nonfinancial support from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, personal fees from Intercept, personal fees from MSD, personal fees from Servier, personal fees from Sanofi, and personal fees from Novo Nordisk outside the submitted work. ", "Dr Mahé reports grants and personal fees from BMS/Pfizer, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Daiichi Sankyo, BMS, Pfizer, and Bayer; and grants and personal fees from Leo Pharma, outside the submitted work. ", "Dr Hanon reports personal fees from Pfizer, personal fees from BMS, grants and personal fees from Bayer, personal fees from Boehringer, personal fees from Boston scientific, personal fees from Leo Pharma, and personal fees from Aspen during the conduct of the study, personal fees from Servier, personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Bouchara Recordati, personal fees from Vifor, personal fees from Novartis, and personal fees from HAC Pharma outside the submitted work. ", "F. Jacoud, M. Nolin, F. Dalon, and Dr Belhassen are employees of PELyon. ", "Drs Lefevre, Cotte, and Gollety are employees of Bristol-Myers Squibb. ", "Dr Falissard reports personal fees and nonfinancial support from BMS-Pfizer, during the conduct of the study; and personal fees from Eli Lilly, BMS, Servier, Sanofi, GSK, HRA, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer, Almirall, Allergan, Stallergenes, Genzyme, Pierre Fabre, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Janssen, Astellas, Biotronik, Daiichi Sankyo, Gilead, MSD, Lundbeck, Actelion, UCB, Otsuka, Grunenthal, and ViiV, outside the submitted work. ", "Dr Steg reports personal fees from BMS/Pfizer during the conduct of the study; grants and personal fees from Amarin; personal fees from Amgen; grants and personal fees from Bayer; personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim; personal fees from AstraZeneca; personal fees from Idorsia; personal fees from Novartis; personal fees from Pfizer; grants, personal fees, and nonfinancial support from Sanofi/Regeneron; and grants and personal fees from Servier outside the submitted work; and he is an inventor on a patent on alirocumab use after acute coronary syndrome to reduce cardiovascular risk (all royalties assigned to Sanofi).", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\nThis manuscript was sent to Michael Brainin, MD, Dr (hon), for review by expert referees, editorial decision, and final disposition.", "\n\nPresented in part at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, Paris, France, August 31 to September 4, 2019.", "\n\nFor Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 2074.", "\n\nThe Data Supplement is available with this article at <https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/suppl/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.028825>.", "\n" ]
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[ "More bands have now been revealed for Clutch‘s third annual ‘Earth Rocker Festival‘. ", "Set for June 13th at Shiley Acres in Inwood, WV, the festival will run as follows thus far:\n\nClutch\n\nKillswitch Engage\n\nCro-Mags (JM)\n\nFireball Ministry\n\nLet There Be Rock School\n\n- Advertisement -\n\nThe aforementioned Cro-Mags (JM) refers to the John Joseph and Mackie Jayson lineup of the band, with the altered name coming about as a result of a legal settlement between members of the band" ]
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[ "Saturday, 7 October 2006\n\nMy husband doesn't understand me -\n\nToday I went to work in the shop. ", "Al and Jean arrived at 8.30 and the Sage gave me a lift in a few minutes later (I couldn't find my book and I worry if I am without a book. ", "Hoho, what irony).", "\n\nAt 9 o'clock, the Sage called to us \"they are unpacking boxfuls of books under the Buttercross*, you'd better go and have a look.\"", "\n\nI smilingly served a customer (more like baring my teeth really, I wanted to look at those books) and then scuttled out. ", "Indeed, there were about ten boxfuls of books, some hardly read. ", "The local second-hand bookshop proprietor was going through the books, picking out what he wanted, from right to left. ", "I started at the left-hand box.", "\n\nA few minutes later, ten books in my arm, I waved to the Sage \"Can you bring my bag and I'll pay\". \"", "No, that's all right, I'll pay.\" ", "I went back to the shop, abashed to find there were five customers and Jean was alone. ", "However, a happy face and effusive apologies have got me through life so far and everyone was understanding.", "\n\nNot too long afterwards, the shop was empty again and the Sage came back. \"", "They have unpacked four more boxes\".......\n\nThis time, Jean and I both went and the Sage stood guard in the shop. ", "Nine books later, I spied a customer and returned happily to my duties, leaving my well-gotten gains with the chap in charge for the Sage to carry out negotiations. ", "And he did well.", "\n\nNow, the Sage doesn't read for the pleasure of reading in itself. ", "He is not obsessed with books. ", "He does read quite a lot, but usually for information. ", "He doesn't really understand the great joy of seizing a book just because it catches the eye, because a randomly-read paragraph appeals, because it's on a subject I know nothing about so maybe it's about time I did, because it is, simply, a bookful of wonderful words**.", "\n\nBut he encouraged me nonetheless, although he thinks I am, frankly, daft to have as many books as I have already. ", "And as a result I've smiled all day. ", "Mm, maybe that has something to do with it.", "\n\n*The Buttercross is the ancient marketplace. ", "On Thursdays there are market stalls there. ", "On Saturdays, for a small fee, a charity can set up a stall there (one has to book months in advance) to sell bric-a-brac, cakes, second-hand books, whatever, for its good cause).", "\n\n**'The Pencil' - a history of design and circumstance. ", "Now, there's a title. ", "It has never occurred to me to wonder who, and how, and why, and when, invented the pencil.", "'Hand to Mouth' - a Paul Auster I've not read. ", "I've never quite made up my mind about Paul Auster, but somehow I read him.", "Two books by Hanif Kureishi (My Beautiful Laundrette). ", "I've read 'The Buddha of Suburbia' but that's all.", "'Zorba the Greek' - one of those books you assume you must have read, but haven't.", "A book called 'Zoë'. ", "What, because I'm worth it?A biography of Maria Montessori.", "And others. ", "Quickly chosen, there will be hits and misses. ", "And the misses can go back to the next charity booksale, to find a better home.", "\n\nThe Day Job\n\nThe Place to Go\n\nDelightful people with a little too much time on their hands\n\nCopyright\n\nOh, what's the problem? ", "This is hardly Great Literature. ", "I'd appreciate anything taken from here being acknowledged, and I might change my mind if I'm suddenly proclaimed as the Literary Queen of the Blogosphere - but I probably wouldn't. ", "Do what you like, just as long as it doesn't extend to defamation of anyone, even me.", "\n\nActually, you want to pass off what I say as your own, I might even be flattered. ", "Let's face it, who cares anyway?" ]
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[ "Life kind of sucks when a cat is a thousand times prettier than you are.", "\n\nAloş, a cat from Turkey, dazzles with a mesmerizing set of peepers that will make humans and felines swoon. ", "The stark white cat has one bright blue eye and another that's a beautiful shade of green.", "\n\n“His eyes are the most beautiful in the world to me,” owner Burcu Kaynak told Bored Panda.", "\n\nA photo posted by Aloş (@kedialos) on Apr 17, 2016 at 11:10pm PDT\n\nAloş' different colored eyes are likely a result of heterochromia, which is a difference in coloration as a result of a lack or excess amount of melanin, or pigment. ", "The condition generally comes from genetic makeup but may also develop due to illness or injury.", "\n\nFor Aloş, his eye color doesn't seem to be a problem and is likely genetic.", "\n\n“It does not affect his vision at all,” owner Kaynak told Bored Panda.", "\n\nIn fact, the main thing the colored eyes bring Aloş is attention.", "\n\n“People are very interested in him, whether it’s on social media or when walking outdoors,” Kaynak explained.", "\n\nAt 12,000 followers and counting, it looks like the cute kitty may be the newest feline Instagram celebrity.", "\n\nA photo posted by Aloş (@kedialos) on Mar 19, 2016 at 6:35am PDT\n\nA photo posted by Aloş (@kedialos) on Mar 7, 2016 at 11:46pm PST\n\nA photo posted by Aloş (@kedialos) on Mar 9, 2016 at 10:44pm PST\n\nA photo posted by Aloş (@kedialos) on Feb 27, 2016 at 8:58am PST\n\nA photo posted by Aloş (@kedialos) on Apr 5, 2016 at 11:13am PDT\n\n[h/t Bored Panda]\n\nHave something to add to this story? ", "Share it in the comments." ]
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[ "Q:\n\n$\\lim_{ x\\to 0} f(x)$ also equal to $L$?", "\n\nIf $\\lim_{ x\\to 0} f(x^2) = L$, is the $\\lim_{ x\\to 0} f(x)$ also equal to $L$? ", "If not, prove by an example.", "\nFirstly, I apoligise for the horrible formatting, it doesn't seem to be working on my computer.", "\nSecondly, I am having a hard time figuring this out. ", "It seems to me that you could (via a proof) but I can think of a few examples where the limit is not equal, for example $x^{\\frac{1}{2}}$.\nAny thoughts on how to approach this?", "\n\nA:\n\nNo. ", "For example $f(x)=1$ if $x>=0$ and 0 otherwise. ", "Then $\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}f(x^2)=1$, yet $\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}f(x)$ is not defined.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIssue with removing negation terms (terms with a minus before them) from a ruby string?", "\n\nThe end user of our rails application can pass in a negative term in the url parameter. ", "That's a term with a minus in front of it. ", "An example is the following: localhost:80/search?q=Arnold+Schwarz+-applesauce+-cantaloop\nI'm assuming in the params hash the value of q will be: \n\"Arnold Schwarz -applesauce -cantaloop\"\n\nI want to be able to populate an array in ruby that extracts all negative terms from the string. ", "Here is my code below which does not seem to work correctly. ", "It removes the -applesauce from the query_string and puts that into ret_hash[\"excluded_terms\"], but does not remove the -cantaloop.", "\nquery_string = \"Arnold Schwarz -applesauce -cantaloop\"\nexclude_terms = Array.new \n\ndef compose_valid_query_string(query_string)\n split_string = query_string.split\n ret_hash = {}\n split_string.each do |term|\n if(term.start_with?(\"-\"))\n deleted_term = split_string.delete(term)\n ( ret_hash[\"excluded_terms\"] ||= [] ) << deleted_term\n end\n end\n ret_hash[\"query_string\"] = split_string\n return ret_hash\nend\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that you are deleting elements from the array while you are iterating through it. ", "Exactly what happens in these cases is undefined, but it's common enough for it to cause the iteration to skip elements. ", "\nAnother way to do this would be to use partition, which splits an enumerable into those elements for which a block is truthy and the remainder, for example. ", "\nnegative, positive = split_string.partition {|term| term.start_with?('-')}\n\n" ]
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[ "Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of human liver disease throughout the world. ", "More than 85% of all infected individuals become chronically infected. ", "Chronic HCV infection accounts for 30% of all cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, and liver cancer in the United States. ", "The CDC estimates that the number of deaths due to HCV will increase to 38,000/year by the year 2010.", "\nWhile initial therapy consisted of interferon alone, the combination of interferon alpha-2b with ribavirin for either 24 or 48 weeks is currently the most efficacious approved therapy for the treatment of chronic HCV infection. ", "However, there are many adverse side effects associated with this therapy (flu-like symptoms, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and depression from interferon, as well as anemia induced by ribavirin). ", "Furthermore, this therapy is less effective against infections caused by HCV genotype 1 which constitutes about 75% of all HCV infections.", "\nBased on the foregoing, there exists a significant need to identify compounds with the ability to inhibit HCV. ", "The present invention provides novel anti-infective agents which are HCV polymerase inhibitors." ]
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[ "Comes across the word \"Damn\" reading allowed in English Class Doesn't say it.", "\n\n143 shares" ]
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[ " 1. ", "Technical Field \nVarious embodiments generally relate to a memory device, and, more particularly, to a memory device including a memory cell array of a three-dimensional structure. ", " 2. ", "Related Art \nA semiconductor memory device is a memory device which is realized using a semiconductor such as silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), gallium arsenide (GaAs) and indium phosphide (InP). ", "Semiconductor memory devices are generally classified into a volatile memory device and a nonvolatile memory device.", "\nA volatile memory device is a memory device which loses stored data when power supply is interrupted. ", "A volatile memory device includes a static RAM (SRAM), a dynamic RAM (DRAM) and a synchronous DRAM (SDRAM). ", "A nonvolatile memory device is a memory device which retains stored data even when power supply is interrupted. ", "A nonvolatile memory device includes a flash memory device, a read only memory (ROM), a programmable ROM (PROM), an electrically programmable ROM (EPROM), an electrically erasable and programmable ROM (EEPROM) and a resistive memory device (for example, a phase change RAM (PRAM), a ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) and a resistive RAM (RRAM).", "\nIn order to meet excellent performance and low cost that consumers demand, the degree of integration of a nonvolatile memory device is increasing. ", "In the case of a two-dimensional or planar memory device, the degree of integration is determined by the area occupied by a unit memory cell. ", "Therefore, recently, a memory device of a three-dimensional structure in which unit memory cells are disposed in the vertical direction has been developed." ]
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[ "\n92 N.Y.2d 326 (1998)\n703 N.E.2d 745\n680 N.Y.S.2d 887\nIn the Matter of Aeneas McDonald Police Benevolent Association, Inc., Appellant,\nv.\nCity of Geneva, Respondent.", "\nCourt of Appeals of the State of New York.", "\nArgued September 15, 1998\nDecided October 20, 1998.", "\nBohl, Della Rocca & Dorfman, P. C., Albany (James B. Tuttle of counsel), for appellant.", "\nHarris, Beach & Wilcox, L. L. P., Rochester (Peter J. Spinelli and Edward A. Trevvett of counsel), for respondent.", "\nBartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes, P. C., Albany (John J. Poklemba and Lawrence H. Weintraub of counsel), for Police Conference of New York, Inc., amicus curiae.", "\nChief Judge KAYE and Judges BELLACOSA, SMITH, CIPARICK and WESLEY concur.", "\n*329LEVINE, J.\nIn 1972, the City Council of the City of Geneva enacted Resolution No. ", "33, declaring that the City would furnish health benefits to all retired City employees through the Genesee Valley Medical Health Care Plan. ", "Thereafter, the City provided benefits to its retirees and, although Resolution No. ", "33 was *330 never formally repealed, the City utilized different providers over the years while maintaining a consistent level of benefits. ", "However, in 1996, when the current provider was Blue Cross-Blue Shield Preferred Blue Million, the City advised all retired City employees that, effective January 1, 1997, their health insurance coverage would be changed to the Blue Choice Extended Plan, which undisputedly affords inferior coverage to that provided in previous years.", "\nPetitioner, Aeneas McDonald Police Benevolent Association, Inc., commenced this CPLR article 78 proceeding to challenge the City of Geneva's right to reduce the level of health insurance benefits that it has provided since 1973 to the retired members of the Geneva Police Department. ", "Petitioner concedes that the labor relationship between the City and its police department has been governed by collective bargaining agreements at all times relevant to this appeal, and that none of those agreements addresses the issue of health benefits for retirees. ", "Nonetheless, petitioner contends that the City's past practice of providing a certain level of benefits makes it unlawful for the City to unilaterally reduce the benefits it offers to its retirees.", "\nSupreme Court granted the petition and directed the City to continue to pay for the more liberal (and expensive) health plan, holding first, that the petitioner has standing to bring this proceeding, and, second, that the City's 24-year practice of providing a certain level of benefits to its retirees pursuant to Resolution No. ", "33 created an enforceable contract right. ", "The Appellate Division reversed and dismissed the petition (245 AD2d 1042). ", "A three-Justice majority determined that there was no vested contractual right at issue and that, because health benefits for retirees are a nonmandatory subject of negotiation, the City was free to alter the benefits unilaterally. ", "Two Justices dissented, agreeing that Resolution No. ", "33 did not confer any binding entitlement in favor of retirees, but concluding that the City's past practice nevertheless gave rise to a vested right that was enforceable by the retired police officers. ", "Petitioner appeals as of right (see, CPLR 5601 [a]), and we now affirm.", "\nAt issue is whether retired municipal employees, who are no longer members of any collective bargaining unit, may enforce a past practice in civil litigation with their former municipal employer. ", "Where, as here, the past practice concededly is unrelated to any entitlement expressly conferred upon the retirees in a collective bargaining agreement, we hold that *331 there is no legal impediment to the municipality's unilateral alteration of the past practice.", "\nInitially, we conclude that petitioner has standing to bring the instant proceeding. ", "Under the three-part test for establishing associational or organizational standing that this Court adopted in Society of Plastics Indus. ", "v County of Suffolk (77 N.Y.2d 761), petitioner must demonstrate: (1) that one or more of its members has standing to sue; (2) that the interests advanced here are sufficiently germane to petitioner's purposes to satisfy the court that petitioner is an appropriate representative of those interests; and (3) that the participation of the individual members is not required to assert this claim or to afford petitioner complete relief (see, id., at 775). ", "We agree with Supreme Court's determination that petitioner has fulfilled this test by demonstrating that its membership, which consists of all past and present members of the Geneva Police Department, includes retirees that would have individual standing, and that its mission makes it an appropriate representative of its members' interests. ", "Finally, we can identify no reason why the participation of individual members would be necessary to fully adjudicate this proceeding or to grant the relief sought.", "\nTurning, therefore, to the merits, we must consider whether the City's past practice creates a basis for the remedy that petitioner seeks — namely, the right to compel the City to continue providing the same level of health benefits to its retirees as it has in the past. ", "Under New York's \"Taylor Law\" (Civil Service Law, art 14, §§ 200-214), the City, as a public employer, is statutorily obligated to negotiate in good faith with the bargaining representative of its current employees regarding the \"terms and conditions of employment\" (Civil Service Law § 204 [2]; § 209-a [1]). ", "Pursuant to this duty to negotiate, where a past practice between a public employer and its current employees is established, involving a mandatory subject of negotiation, the Taylor Law would bar the employer from discontinuing that practice without prior negotiation (see, Matter of Incorporated Vil. ", "of Hempstead v Public Empl. ", "Relations Bd., ", "137 AD2d 378, 383, lv denied 72 N.Y.2d 808; Matter of Unatego Non-Teaching Assn. ", "v New York State Pub. ", "Empl. ", "Relations Bd., ", "134 AD2d 62, 64, lv denied 71 N.Y.2d 805; see also, Matter of Incorporated Vil. ", "of Lynbrook v New York State Pub. ", "Empl. ", "Relations Bd., ", "48 N.Y.2d 398, 402, n 1).", "\nHealth benefits for current employees can be a form of compensation, and thus a term of employment that is a mandatory *332 subject of negotiation (see, Association of Surrogates & Supreme Ct. ", "Reporters within City of N. Y. v State of New York, 78 N.Y.2d 143, 154; Matter of Glens Falls Firefighters Union v City of Glens Falls, 30 PERB ¶ 4506; Matter of Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. ", "v Bridge & Tunnel Officers Benevolent Assn., ", "29 PERB ¶ 3012; Matter of City of Cohoes v Cohoes Police Benevolent & Protective Assn., ", "27 PERB ¶ 3058). ", "Therefore, a past practice concerning health benefits for current employees, even where unrelated to any specific contractual provision, cannot be unilaterally modified by the public employer. ", "The employer also would have a duty to negotiate with the bargaining representative of current employees regarding any change in a past practice affecting their own retirement health benefits (see, Matter of Incorporated Vil. ", "of Lynbrook v New York State Pub. ", "Empl. ", "Relations Bd., ", "supra, 48 NY2d, at 406).", "\nFrom the foregoing propositions, petitioner draws the conclusion that a past practice concerning retirement health benefits that was in place when an individual retired, in and of itself, prevents the City from unilaterally reducing those benefits for such person after cessation of public service. ", "Such a conclusion misconstrues and unjustifiably extends the role of past practice in the field of public employment relations.", "\nAlthough, as we noted above, a past practice concerning a mandatory subject of negotiation gives rise to a statutory bargaining right on behalf of current members of the bargaining unit, plaintiff's retired members, upon whose behalf this proceeding was brought, cannot avail themselves of that right because a public employer's statutory duty to bargain does not extend to retirees (see, Civil Service Law § 201 [4], [7] [a]; § 204 [2]; see also, Chemical Workers v Pittsburgh Glass, 404 US 157, 166, 175-176; Myers v City of Schenectady, 244 AD2d 845, 847, lv denied 91 N.Y.2d 812; Matter of City of Cohoes v Cohoes Police Benevolent & Protective Assn., ", "supra, 27 PERB, at 3136).", "\nAdditionally, a past practice, independent of any contract term, may be relied upon by an arbitrator in resolving disputes which have been submitted under the grievance machinery of a collective bargaining agreement. \"", "Arbitrators may do justice\" and \"are not bound by principles of substantive law or rules of evidence\" (Lentine v Fundaro, 29 N.Y.2d 382, 386, 385). ", "Thus, when interpreting a collective bargaining agreement, an arbitrator may consider parol evidence even where the agreement is unambiguous, such that \"the award may well reflect the spirit rather than the letter of the agreement\" (Rochester City School Dist. ", "v Rochester Teachers Assn., ", "41 N.Y.2d 578, 582; *333 see, Lentine v Fundaro, supra, at 385; Steelworkers v Warrior & Gulf Co., 363 US 574, 581-582). ", "A court, on the other hand, must abide by the substantive rules of law that pertain to the relief being sought (see, Rochester City School Dist. ", "v Rochester Teachers Assn., ", "41 NY2d, at 582, supra). ", "Under the procedural posture of this case, petitioner may not avail itself of principles that apply when public employers and their employees engage in arbitration pursuant to grievance procedures to settle disputes under collective bargaining agreements, but instead is limited to asserting whatever right the City's past practice might have established under general contract principles.", "\nCourts also may look to the past practice of the parties to give definition and meaning to language in an agreement, including a collective bargaining agreement, which is ambiguous (see, Slatt v Slatt, 64 N.Y.2d 966, 967, rearg denied 65 N.Y.2d 785; Rochester City School Dist. ", "v Rochester Teachers Assn., ", "supra, 41 NY2d, at 583; see also, Myers v City of Schenectady, supra, 244 AD2d, at 847). ", "However, past practice, like any other form of parol evidence, is merely an interpretive tool and cannot be used to create a contractual right independent of some express source in the underlying agreement (see, Matter of Franklin Cent. ", "School Dist. [", "Franklin Teachers Assn.], ", "238 AD2d 848, 849; Matter of Hunsinger v Minns, 197 AD2d 871).", "\nPetitioner concedes that no collective bargaining agreement between the City and its police officers addresses the benefits in question, but relies on the language of Resolution No. ", "33 as evidence that a negotiated labor agreement pertaining to these health benefits was reached. ", "A municipal resolution is, in general, a unilateral action that is temporary in nature and, thus, it does not create any vested contractual rights (see, Matter of Jewett v Luau-Nyack Corp., 31 N.Y.2d 298, 306). ", "Furthermore, petitioner has failed to put forth any evidence, beyond the language of Resolution No. ", "33, that might establish either that an independent agreement to supply health benefits supported by consideration existed, or that any one of the collective bargaining agreements between the parties is ambiguous on the issue of health benefits for retirees, and thus susceptible to interpretation by parol evidence (cf., ", "Myers v City of Schenectady, 244 AD2d, at 847, supra).", "\nIt follows from the foregoing that there was no contractual or legal impediment to the City's unilateral alteration of the health benefits that it provides to petitioner's retiree members.", "\n*334Accordingly, the order of the Appellate Division should be affirmed, with costs.", "\nOrder affirmed, with costs.", "\n" ]
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[ "Another report, another plan and yet still, we are as far from political consensus over energy and the environment as ever.", "\n\nAfter the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission released the findings of its long-running review into the electricity sector last week, Canberra once again went to war, duking it out along the very same battlelines it has been for two decades.", "\n\nIt follows the Finkel Report, the ongoing fight over the National Energy Guarantee and the bitter war over carbon pricing.", "\n\nBut those despairing Australia will ever solve its energy crisis should take heart.", "\n\nCanberra appears to be increasingly moving into a parallel universe, fighting ideological battles over coal-fired power generation, while the nation simply moves on.", "\n\nLike many other countries, Australian business and consumers have left their political leaders behind, opting for renewables backed up by gas, hydro and, to a smaller but growing extent, batteries.", "\n\nThe global rush to renewables\n\nAccording to the International Energy Agency, renewables last year saw the highest growth of any energy source, meeting around a quarter of global demand growth. ", "China and the US are leading the push.", "\n\nThis chart compiled by BP shows the rapid acceleration in renewable uptake across the globe. ", "Like its competitors, the oil company too has joined the renewables race.", "\n\nHere in Australia, we are on track to wildly overrun our renewable energy targets as households rush to rooftop solar. ", "You can thank Federal Government policy failures for that.", "\n\nAs political battles between and within the two major parties raged for 15 years, power companies refused to invest. ", "As ageing coal fired generators were shut down — reducing supply — electricity prices spiked. ", "And that provided a direct incentive to households to take matters into their own hands.", "\n\nThat has coincided with plummeting costs of solar panels and wind power generation, making the decision for many a no-brainer. ", "In fact, the next big push for rooftop solar is expected from manufacturers and businesses looking to cut electricity bills.", "\n\nAccording to industry research group Green Energy Markets, renewable generation large and small made up 17.2 per cent of all Australian electricity generation in the June 2017 financial year and, with the current rush underway, is on track to hit more than 30 per cent within the next two years.", "\n\nThat's way above Labor's 20 per cent target by 2020 which was deemed wildly optimistic when formulated a decade ago.", "\n\nBanks refuse to finance coal-fired generators and our major energy producers see no future in them. ", "The reasons are simple: They take far longer and are hugely more expensive to build than large-scale renewable plants. ", "Plus, they cost more to run.", "\n\nMost also view a carbon price as inevitable at some stage, which would make coal-fired generators unviable and their bankers nursing multi-billion-dollar losses.", "\n\nIt is a triumph of economics over ideology. ", "While coal will remain an important part of our electricity industry for another 20 years, its influence rapidly will diminish as the new technology takes over.", "\n\nIt is worth remembering that, unlike renewables and gas plants, none of the coal-fired generators have been built with private capital. ", "The only way another will ever be built is with yet another massive government subsidy.", "\n\nGas the culprit for higher power bills\n\nLast week's ACCC report into Australia's ongoing energy catastrophe appeared to open the door for government intervention, via long term contract pricing, an idea quickly seized upon as justification for federal financing of a new coal-fired generator.", "\n\nWhile the report highlighted ways to improve retail competition to help reduce power bills, it overlooked the key factor behind soaring energy prices: gas.", "\n\nRenewable energy may be the cheapest way to produce electricity but, because of its intermittent nature, it requires back-up. ", "Gas turbines, which unlike coal generators can be quickly turned off and on, are ideal.", "\n\nThe east coast gas boom transformed Australia into one of the biggest global gas exporters but left us chronically short of gas, sending prices into orbit.", "\n\nBecause it plays such an important role in electricity generation — as the final player to meet peak demand — gas is the swing factor in our power bills.", "\n\nThese two graphs from investment bank Morgan Stanley tell the story:\n\nIt is the rise in gas prices rather than the march of renewables that has fed directly into our electricity prices.", "\n\nLast year, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull intervened, threatening gas exporters with harsh export restrictions if they continued to drain the domestic market of supplies.", "\n\nThe threat seems to have worked. ", "Prices have moderated and the big exporters have pumped gas back into the domestic market. ", "But it is not a long-term solution.", "\n\nIn fact, we now find ourselves in the ludicrous situation of contemplating import terminals to shore up supplies with at least two east coast import terminals on the drawing boards.", "\n\nEventually, the east coast will need a reliable domestic supply, as West Australia has, by reserving a portion of its gas for locals.", "\n\nWhat is base load?", "\n\nElectricity markets are devilishly complex. ", "That makes the arguments around supply easy to manipulate. ", "Often, we are told we need coal to provide \"base load\" power. ", "But base load power is not all you would imagine it to be.", "\n\nBase load power usually is described as the minimum we need to keep things ticking over. ", "But engineers describe it as the lowest amount a coal-fired generator can produce before it has to be shut down. ", "Given they take days or even weeks to fire up, that can spell trouble.", "\n\nWhen our grid was powered mostly by coal, we were producing vast amounts of excess electricity for the simple reason our generators could not be turned down far enough at night. ", "Even at base load, they were producing far too much.", "\n\nThat is why gas, pumped hydro and increasingly, batteries, will play an important role into the future. ", "They can be turned on and off easily, making them far more efficient to operate.", "\n\nEnergy demand varies wildly, not just over a 24-hour period, but from season to season, particularly the heights of summer and winter. ", "Supply flexibility is now as important as stability.", "\n\nPolitics, climate and the economy\n\nThe political argument over electricity has become mired with the debate on climate.", "\n\nThe extent of the infighting and confusion over both is highlighted by the conflicting stances of our former leaders.", "\n\nJohn Howard introduced the Renewable Energy Target as Prime Minister, Tony Abbott signed the Paris Climate Accord while, a few years earlier, Malcolm Turnbull was rolled as Coalition leader for advocating the introduction of a carbon price.", "\n\nIt is a similar story on policy. ", "Under Mr Abbott, the carbon tax, which was about to revert to a flexible pricing mechanism, was abolished.", "\n\nIt was replaced by a $2.3 billion subsidy, called the Emissions Reduction Fund, that did little to alleviate emissions.", "\n\nIt was a move that appeared to contradict everything for which conservative governments once stood: small government, lower taxes and market forces.", "\n\nIt is one thing to reject science, that carbon emissions from human activity have altered the earth's climate. ", "It is another to discard economics.", "\n\nOur financiers, businesses and consumers have shifted to renewables for the simple reason that they are cheaper. ", "Perhaps it is time our leaders followed." ]
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[ " = -7*b(d) + 2*s(d). ", "Calculate k(q(n)).", "\n-64*n**4\nLet p(c) = 2*c**2 + 666. ", "Let h(b) = 0*b - b + 10*b - 7*b. ", "Give p(h(u)).", "\n8*u**2 + 666\nLet m(z) = 31*z**2. ", "Let k(v) = -12969*v**2. ", "Calculate k(m(r)).", "\n-12463209*r**4\nLet i = 8 - 6. ", "Let a(s) = 4*s - i*s - 4*s. ", "Let j(d) = -4*d + 0*d - 10*d + 20*d - 10*d. ", "Calculate j(a(z)).", "\n8*z\nLet f(u) be the third derivative of u**4/24 + u**2. ", "Let h(w) = 133*w + 152. ", "Let n(z) = -12*z - 14. ", "Let r(o) = -7*h(o) - 76*n(o). ", "What is f(r(a))?", "\n-19*a\nSuppose -x = 4*x + 2*a - 939, 4*x - 5*a - 771 = 0. ", "Let g(y) = -x + 96 + 2*y + 93. ", "Let r(i) = 9*i - 2. ", "What is r(g(z))?", "\n18*z - 2\nLet m(x) = 2*x**2. ", "Let r(w) be the third derivative of w**6/360 + 5*w**3/3 + 6*w**2. ", "Let c(j) be the first derivative of r(j). ", "What is m(c(z))?", "\n2*z**4\nLet d(p) be the third derivative of p**4/12 - 15*p**2. ", "Let g(c) be the third derivative of -59*c**5/60 + 66*c**2. ", "Determine d(g(t)).", "\n-118*t**2\nLet i be (3 - 2)/((7/(-6))/(-7)). ", "Let o(l) = -8*l + 6 - i. Let h(j) = -j. ", "Determine o(h(r)).", "\n8*r\nLet z(b) = -2*b**2. ", "Let u be ((-7)/(-21))/((-3)/45). ", "Let h(f) = -2*f - 4. ", "Let d(r) = r + 1. ", "Let n(j) = u*h(j) - 20*d(j). ", "Give n(z(w)).", "\n20*w**2\nLet l(q) = -2*q - 3*q + 0*q + q. Let z(x) = 2*x**2 + 8*x. ", "Let p(c) = -c**2 - 5*c. ", "Let s(v) = 8*p(v) + 5*z(v). ", "Give s(l(d)).", "\n32*d**2\nLet m(h) = 49 - 79*h**2 + 82*h**2 - 14. ", "Let c(s) = 3*s**2. ", "Give c(m(a)).", "\n27*a**4 + 630*a**2 + 3675\nLet c(g) = -g**2. ", "Let r(m) = -395*m + 76. ", "Calculate r(c(k)).", "\n395*k**2 + 76\nLet j(z) = 5020*z + 5030*z - 10054*z. ", "Let w(s) = 168*s**2 - 77. ", "Let g(l) = 13*l**2 - 6. ", "Let t(q) = -77*g(q) + 6*w(q). ", "Calculate t(j(v)).", "\n112*v**2\nLet g(p) = -9*p. ", "Let h(w) = -703*w + 11. ", "Give h(g(s)).", "\n6327*s + 11\nLet y(u) be the third derivative of u**4/24 + 80*u**2. ", "Let t(n) = -8*n. ", "What is t(y(j))?", "\n-8*j\nLet g(s) = 27*s**2 + 3*s. ", "Let j(k) = 105*k + 8. ", "What is j(g(v))?", "\n2835*v**2 + 315*v + 8\nLet g(n) = 3 - 2*n - 3. ", "Let a(r) = r**2 - 2*r - 2. ", "Let d(c) = -10*c**2 + 15*c + 15. ", "Let s(u) = -15*a(u) - 2*d(u). ", "Determine s(g(h)).", "\n20*h**2\nLet q be 63/252 - (-7)/4. ", "Let b(o) be the second derivative of 0*o**q + 11/6*o**3 + 0 + 8*o. ", "Let j(d) = -d. ", "Give b(j(c)).", "\n-11*c\nLet z(q) = 109*q. ", "Let n(p) = 2037*p. ", "What is n(z(h))?", "\n222033*h\nLet q(c) = -3*c. ", "Let y(d) = -63*d. ", "Let h(v) = -28*q(v) + y(v). ", "Let j(b) = -7*b**2. ", "Determine h(j(r)).", "\n-147*r**2\nLet u(r) be the first derivative of 14*r**3/3 + 2. ", "Let g(s) = -s + 4. ", "Let x(w) = w - 5. ", "Suppose -18*o = -17*o + 4. ", "Let z(t) = o*x(t) - 5*g(t). ", "What is u(z(q))?", "\n14*q**2\nLet f(s) = 1468*s. ", "Let i(t) = 29*t. ", "Calculate i(f(p)).", "\n42572*p\nLet f(i) = -4*i - 6. ", "Let c(z) = 23*z + 34. ", "Let t(s) = 6*c(s) + 34*f(s). ", "Let l(b) = -b + 688. ", "Determine l(t(v)).", "\n-2*v + 688\nLet c(g) = 50*g**2. ", "Let x(i) be the third derivative of -i**4/4 + 5*i**2 - 3*i. ", "Calculate c(x(p)).", "\n1800*p**2\nLet x(v) = -2*v. ", "Let f(o) = o. Suppose 4*n + 5*w = 5, -3*w - 3 = 2*n - 8. ", "Let c(i) = n*f(i) - 2*x(i). ", "Let z(k) = 28*k**2. ", "Give z(c(g)).", "\n28*g**2\nLet p(a) = -101053*a. ", "Let i(y) = -y**2. ", "Calculate p(i(d)).", "\n101053*d**2\nLet j(o) = o**2 + o + 1. ", "Let z(m) = 4*m**2 + 2*m + 2. ", "Let t(b) = 2*j(b) - z(b). ", "Let n(l) = -122*l. ", "What is n(t(h))?", "\n244*h**2\nLet t(f) = -4*f + 6. ", "Let q(y) = y + 2. ", "Let i(v) = -4*q(v) + t(v). ", "Let l(m) = -2*m**2. ", "Calculate i(l(u)).", "\n16*u**2 - 2\nLet f(s) = -113*s**2. ", "Let y(m) = -3*m + 4. ", "Let u(z) = -16*z + 22. ", "Let g(i) = 2*u(i) - 11*y(i). ", "Calculate g(f(t)).", "\n-113*t**2\nLet b(d) = d. Let l(c) = -c**2 - 2*c + 4053. ", "Calculate l(b(j)).", "\n-j**2 - 2*j + 4053\nLet y = -3 - -9. ", "Let s(j) = -4 + 6 - y*j**2 - 2. ", "Let n(b) be the first derivative of -2*b**3/3 - 1. ", "What is n(s(h))?", "\n-72*h**4\nLet s(h) = h + 18. ", "Let x(g) = -g**2 - 2302. ", "What is s(x(l))?", "\n-l**2 - 2284\nLet g(b) be the first derivative of -b**3/3 - 4. ", "Let n(r) be the first derivative of -5*r**2/2 + 2*r + 37. ", "What is g(n(l))?", "\n-25*l**2 + 20*l - 4\nLet v(j) = 70874*j**2 - 2*j. ", "Let p(q) = -2*q. ", "Give v(p(y)).", "\n283496*y**2 + 4*y\nLet a(k) = -3*k. ", "Let r(f) = -2*f - 16241. ", "Calculate r(a(x)).", "\n6*x - 16241\nLet y(k) = -k**2. ", "Let w(d) be the first derivative of -4 + 3 - 2*d**3 - 1. ", "Give y(w(z)).", "\n-36*z**4\nLet d(w) = 6664*w**2 + 2. ", "Let q(x) = 9*x. ", "Give q(d(v)).", "\n59976*v**2 + 18\nLet d be (-2)/(70/(-15))*(-70)/(-10). ", "Let t(q) be the second derivative of 0 + 2*q + 0*q**2 + 3/2*q**d. ", "Let k(f) = -f. ", "What is t(k(n))?", "\n-9*n\nLet a(y) = 12*y - 7. ", "Let m(g) be the third derivative of -g**4/24 + 4*g**2 + 34*g. ", "What is m(a(j))?", "\n-12*j + 7\nSuppose l + 0*l = -c + 4, -5*c + 3*l + 52 = 0. ", "Let v(y) = -c*y + 2*y**2 + 8*y. ", "Let a(h) be the third derivative of 7*h**4/24 + 2*h**2. ", "Determine v(a(s)).", "\n98*s**2\nLet h(v) = 316*v**2 - 6. ", "Let r(u) = -u. ", "Determine h(r(t)).", "\n316*t**2 - 6\nLet n(v) = -9*v + 4. ", "Let c(q) be the first derivative of -2*q**3/3 - 43. ", "What is c(n(m))?", "\n-162*m**2 + 144*m - 32\nLet v(n) = -1139 + 1139 - 3*n. ", "Let a(c) = 8*c**2 + c. Determine v(a(l)).", "\n-24*l**2 - 3*l\nLet d(a) = a**2 - 23*a + 45. ", "Let p be d(21). ", "Let o(l) = 8*l - 4*l + 0*l + p*l. ", "Let s(u) = -u**2. ", "Determine s(o(h)).", "\n-49*h**2\nLet w(o) = 2*o - 8. ", "Let t(z) = -8*z + 36. ", "Let g(i) = -4*t(i) - 18*w(i). ", "Let a(r) = -6*r - 4 + 4. ", "Calculate a(g(x)).", "\n24*x\nLet j(m) = -42*m**2. ", "Let n = 3 - 1. ", "Let b(s) = s + 4*s - n*s - 2*s. ", "Determine b(j(v)).", "\n-42*v**2\nLet s(n) = -9*n**2 + 2. ", "Let l(j) = 405967*j - 405967*j - j**2. ", "Determine s(l(u)).", "\n-9*u**4 + 2\nLet u be (-2)/(54/(-12) - -4). ", "Let q(x) be the second derivative of 0 + 0*x**2 + 0*x**3 + x + 7/12*x**u. ", "Let c(j) = 2*j**2. ", "What is c(q(t))?", "\n98*t**4\nLet v(p) = -10*p - 90. ", "Let x(c) = 6*c**2. ", "What is x(v(g))?", "\n600*g**2 + 10800*g + 48600\nLet k(q) = 8813*q**2. ", "Let u(h) = 680*h**2. ", "Calculate k(u(f)).", "\n4075131200*f**4\nLet d(q) be the first derivative of q**5/60 + 25*q**2/2 - 24. ", "Let x(n) be the second derivative of d(n). ", "Let a(f) = -26*f + 2. ", "Calculate a(x(l)).", "\n-26*l**2 + 2\nLet n(t) = -t - 8. ", "Let u be n(-6). ", "Let s(y) = -13*y**2 + 7. ", "Let m(v) = -4*v**2 + 2. ", "Let f(b) = u*s(b) + 7*m(b). ", "Let i(a) = -8*a. ", "What is f(i(l))?", "\n-128*l**2\nLet v(s) = -37 + 471*s + 37 - 467*s. ", "Let j(f) = 25*f. ", "What is v(j(t))?", "\n100*t\nLet w(i) be the third derivative of 1/60*i**5 - 26*i**2 + 0*i**3 + 0*i + 0*i**4 + 0. ", "Let o(x) = x**2. ", "What is w(o(h))?", "\nh**4\nLet h(t) = 87096*t**2. ", "Let a(r) = -r. ", "Determine h(a(p)).", "\n87096*p**2\nLet z(m) be the first derivative of m**5/30 + 4*m**3/3 - 13. ", "Let a(t) be the third derivative of z(t). ", "Let y(h) = -h + h**2 + h. Determine y(a(p)).", "\n16*p**2\nLet a(f) = -38*f - 21. ", "Let b(o) = 11*o + 6. ", "Let d(c) = 2*a(c) + 7*b(c). ", "Let p(n) = -11. ", "Let y(k) = -k + 1. ", "Let t(j) = p(j) + 11*y(j). ", "Calculate d(t(z)).", "\n-11*z\nLet z(t) = 3*t - 4*t - t. Let h(d) = -5*d + 136 + 4*d - 136. ", "Determine h(z(c)).", "\n2*c\nLet w(l) = -105*l**2. ", "Let p(v) = -769*v**2. ", "Calculate w(p(b)).", "\n-62092905*b**4\nLet p(r) = -1 + 1 + r**2. ", "Suppose -9 = -4*y - 1. ", "Let g(n) = 11*n**y + 11*n**2 - 25*n**2. ", "Calculate g(p(h)).", "\n-3*h**4\nLet z(m) = 65*m**2 - 37*m**2 + 52*m**2. ", "Let f(p) = -p. ", "Calculate z(f(a)).", "\n80*a**2\nLet g(p) be the first derivative of p**2/2 - 9. ", "Let f(l) be the first derivative of -19/2*l**2 + 1 + 0*l. ", "What is g(f(s))?", "\n-19*s\nLet x(j) = 1228*j - 593*j - 619*j. ", "Let u(c) = -2*c**2. ", "Give u(x(z)).", "\n-512*z**2\nLet s(l) = 10 - 851*l - 852*l + 2559*l - 855*l. ", "Let p(x) be the third derivative of -x**5/60 + x**2. ", "Calculate s(p(z)).", "\n-z**2 + 10\nLet d(x) be the second derivative of -28*x + 0*x**3 + 0 + 19/12*x**4 + 0*x**2. ", "Let v(w) = 2*w. ", "What is d(v(p))?", "\n76*p**2\nLet r(z) = -z**2. ", "Let w(b) be the third derivative of -b**4/24 + b**2. ", "Let k(x) = 9*x. ", "Let p = 16 + -15. ", "Let o(f) = p*w(f) - k(f). ", "What is o(r(m))?", "\n10*m**2\nLet s(n) be the first derivative of 7*n**4/8 + 11*n**2/2 + 5. ", "Let d(y) be the second derivative of s(y). ", "Let l(x) = -x**2. ", "Calculate l(d(j)).", "\n-441*j**2\nLet k(x) = -8*x. ", "Let i(h) = -6*h**2 - 44*h - 6. ", "Calculate k(i(u)).", "\n48*u**2 + 352*u + 48\nLet i(d) be the first derivative of -d**3/3 + 431. ", "Let w(g) = -g**2 + 7. ", "What is w(i(r))?", "\n-r**4 + 7\nLet n(z) = 14*z**2 - 3 + 3. ", "Let p be (-6)/((-27)/6 - -3). ", "Let q(w) = w - p*w + 0*w + 2*w. ", "Give q(n(m)).", "\n-14*m**2\nLet v(d) = -22*d. ", "Let r(z) = -15*z - 17. ", "Let b(n) = 16*n + 19. ", "Let c(m) = 4*b(m) + 5*r(m). ", "Let w(h) = 5*h + 4. ", "Let p(i) = -4*c(i) - 9*w(i). ", "Determine p(v(f)).", "\n22*f\nLet i(s) = -3*s. ", "Let g(n) be the third derivative of -n**4 - n**3/6 - 17*n**2 - 3*n. ", "Determine i(g(z)).", "\n72*z + 3\nLet i(f) be the third derivative of f**4/24 + 2*f**2 + 35*f - 40. ", "Let u(b) = -2*b +" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06896551724137931, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0 ]
[ "Extended fertility and longevity: the genetic and epigenetic link.", "\nMany women now choose to develop their careers before having children. ", "Thus, it is becoming increasingly important to assess a woman's potential for extended fertility and to understand the health consequences of having children at a late age. ", "In particular, there is a striking positive correlation between extended fertility and longevity in women, which poses important implications for medicine, biology, and evolution. ", "In this article we review the diverse epidemiologic evidence for the link between fertility potential, age of menopause, and women's lifespan. ", "Then we discuss the recent advances using genomic technology to better understand biological mechanisms driving this association. ", "At the genetic level, there are polymorphisms that may be driving both extended fertility and longevity. ", "At the cellular and molecular levels, changes in the genome (both nuclear and mitochondrial), epigenome, and transcriptome during oocyte aging have important implications for fertility. ", "By synthesizing results from diverse domains, we hope to provide a genomic-era conceptual framework in which this important connection can be investigated and understood." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Friday, November 25, 2011\n\nBlack Friday Steam Sale: AI War And DLC 75% Off, Tidalis 80% Off\n\nLooking to pick up some great gifts for yourself or loved ones on Black Friday, but boarded up in your home as you rightfully should be? ", "Great news! ", "Online digital distribution king Steam is having an Autumn Sale, and we're participating big time.", "\n\nRight now you can get AI War and all of its expansions for 75% off. ", "That means you can get the base game for $5, small DLC for $1, full expansions for $2.50, and the whole AI War kitten caboodle together with some extra savings in the Alien Bundle for just $7.50. ", "If that wasn't enough, Tidalis is 80% off, and goes for just $2 instead of the standard $10 tag.", "\n\nThe sale only goes through this Sunday, November 27th. ", "So be sure to take advantage of these huge discounts now!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.00510204081632653, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'The aim of this article is the calculation of the energy-momentum for a non-commutative radiating Schwarzschild black hole in order to obtain the expressions for energy. ", "We make the calculations with the Einstein and Møller prescriptions. ", "We show that the expressions for energy in both the prescriptions depend on the mass $M$ , $\\theta $ parameter and radial coordinate. ", "We make some comparisons between the results. ", "Our results show that the Einstein prescription is a more powerful concept than the Møller prescription.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n I. Radinschi$^{1}$, F. Rahaman$^{2}$ and U. F. Mondal$^{3}$\\\n $^{1}$Department of Physics, Gh. ", "AsachiTechnical University, Iasi, 700050, Romania\\\n E-mail: radinschi@yahoo.com\\\n $^{2}$Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, India\\\n E-mail: rahaman@iucaa.ernet.in\\\n $^{3}$ Department of Mathematics Behala College, Parnasree, Kolkata 700060 , India\\\n E-mail:umarfarooquemondal@ymail.com\ntitle: 'Energy Distribution for Non-commutative Radiating Schwarzschild Black Holes'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nAmong the many interesting issues of General Relativity one of the most important is the energy-momentum localization. ", "To solve the problem of energy-momentum localization means to develop an unique mathematical formula for energy density. ", "Nowadays, in General Relativity there are some well-known tools for the calculations of the energy-momentum like superenergy tensors \\[1\\], quasi-local expressions \\[2\\], the energy-momentum complexes of Einstein \\[3\\], Landau-Lifshitz \\[4\\], Papapetrou \\[5\\], Bergmann-Thomson \\[6\\], Weinberg \\[7\\], Qadir-Sharif \\[8\\] and Møller \\[9\\] and the tele-parallel theory of gravitation \\[10\\]. ", "The tele-parallel theory of gravitation \\[10\\] presents the advantage that the calculations can be performed in such a manner that the problem of the coordinate dependence can be avoided.\\\n\\\nThe pseudotensorial definitions \\[3\\]-\\[9\\] have been used by many authors and have yielded meaningful and interesting results \\[11\\]. ", "The Einstein \\[3\\], Landau-Lifshitz \\[4\\], Papapetrou \\[5\\], Bergmann-Thomson \\[6\\], Weinberg \\[7\\] and Qadir-Sharif \\[8\\] definitions are coordinate dependent and the calculations have to be done in Cartesian coordinates. ", "Only the Møller \\[9\\] prescription allows to perform the calculations in any coordinate system. ", "We also notice the similarity of some results obtained with the energy-momentum complexes \\[3\\]-\\[9\\] with the results given by their tele-parallel versions \\[12\\]. ", "A great contribution to the rehabilitation of the pseudotensors has been done by Chang, Nester and Chen \\[13\\], they demonstrated that different quasi-local definitions correspond to different boundary conditions.\\\n\\\nRecently, study of noncommutative geometry has emerged. ", "To quantize the spacetime in string/M theory, it is realized that coordinates may become noncommutative operators on a D-brane\\[14\\] - \\[15\\] . ", "The result is a discretization of spacetime where the spacetime coordinate operators satisfy the relation $[x^\\mu,x^\\nu ] = i \\theta^{\\mu\n \\nu}$, where $\\theta^{\\mu\n \\nu}$ is an anti symmetric matrix which determines the fundamental discretization of spacetime. ", "It is shown that the divergences that appear in General Relativity could be avoided if non commutativity replaces point like structures by smeared objects. ", "The smearing effect is mathematically implemented with a substitution of Dirac delta function by a Gaussian distribution of minimal length $\\sqrt{\\theta}$. Schwarzschild spacetime is changed some what when a noncommutative spacetime is taken into account.\\\n\\\n\\\nIn this paper, we calculate the energy-momentum for a non-commutative radiating Schwarzschild black hole \\[14\\]-\\[15\\] and study some limiting cases. ", "For our purpose, we use the Einstein and Møller prescriptions.\\\n\\\nThe structure of our article is as follows: in Section II we present the non-commutative radiating Schwarzschild black hole \\[14\\]-\\[15\\]. ", "In Section III, we present the Einstein and Møller energy-momentum complexes whereas in Section IV we performed the calculations of the energy distributions for the non-commutative radiating Schwarzschild black hole. ", "In Section V we briefly present our concluding remarks. ", "Throughout our work we use for performing the calculations the signature ($1,-1,-1,-1$) and the geometrized units ($c=1;G=1$). ", "Also, Greek (Latin) indices take value from $0 $ to $3$ and $1$ to $3$, respectively.", "\n\nNon-commutative Radiating Schwarzschild Black Hole\n==================================================\n\nIn this section we present the non-commutative radiating Schwarzschild black hole \\[14\\]-15\\] that is under study. ", "The spacetime is described by the metric given by\\\n$ds^{2}=\\left[1-\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma \\left(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right)\\right]dt^{2}\\\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-\\frac{dr^{2}}{\\left[1-\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma \\left(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right)\\right]}dr^{2}-r^{2} d\\Omega^{2} ,$ $$\\tag{1}$$\n\nwhere $\\gamma $ is the lower incomplete gamma function that has the expression $\\gamma (\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta })\\equiv\n\\int\\limits_{0}^{\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }}\\sqrt{t}\\exp (-t)dt $. “", "In flat spacetime noncommutativity eliminates point-like structures in favor of smeared objects” \\[14\\]. ", "The authors of \\[14\\] considered the mass density of a static, spherically symmetric, smeared, particle-like gravitational source given by\n\n$$\\rho _{\\theta }(r)=\\frac{M}{(4\\pi \\theta )^{3/2}}\\exp\n\\left(-\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right). ", " \\tag{2}$$\n\nThe particle of mass $M$ is not localized at a point, but is diffused throughout a region of linear size $\\sqrt{\\theta }$. ", "This is the results of the intrinsic uncertainty that is encoded in the coordinate commutator.", "\n\nAt presently accessible energies, i.e. $\\sqrt{\\theta\n}<10^{-16}$ cm the noncommutativity is not visible. ", "We notice that minimal deviations from standard vacuum Schwarzschild black hole are expected at large distances. ", "Also, at the distance $r\\simeq\n\\sqrt{\\theta }$ some behaviour of new physics is expected, because in this case the density of energy and momentum is non negligible and present. ", "For balancing the inward gravitational pull and to prevent droplet to collapse into a matter point the radial pressure $p_{r}=-\\rho _{\\theta }$ has to be different by zero. ", "The spacetime non commutativity produces this important physical effect on matter. ", "Also, this implies the existence of the new physics at the distance $r\\simeq \\sqrt{\\theta }$.", "\n\nThe Einstein equations were solved considering $\\rho _{\\theta }(r)$ as a matter source and the resulting gravitational background is given by (1).", "\n\nThe mass distribution is\n\n$$m(r)\\equiv \\frac{2M}{\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma\n\\left(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right), \\tag{3}$$\n\nwith $M$ being the total mass of the source. ", "Analogous to the General Relativity we have\n\n$$m^{\\prime }(r)=4\\pi r^{2}\\rho _{\\theta }(r). ", " \\tag{4}$$\n\nIn the limit $r/\\sqrt{\\theta }\\rightarrow \\infty $ the classical Schwarzschild black hole solution is recovered. ", "The metric (1) can give“ useful insights about possible noncommutative effects on Hawking radiation” \\[14\\].", "\n\nEinstein and Møller Energy-Momentum Complexes\n=============================================\n\nIn this section we present the Einstein and Møller energy-momentum complexes.", "\n\nThe Einstein energy-momentum complex \\[3\\] in a four-dimensional gravitational background is given by $$\\theta _{\\nu }^{\\mu }=\\frac{1}{16\\pi }h_{\\nu ,\\,\\lambda }^{\\mu \\lambda }.", "\n\\tag{5}$$The Einstein superpotentials $h_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }$ have the expression$$h_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{-g}}g_{\\nu \\sigma }[-g(g^{\\mu \\sigma\n}g^{\\lambda \\kappa }-g^{\\lambda \\sigma }g^{\\mu \\kappa })]_{,\\kappa } \\tag{6}$$and obey the antisymmetry property $$h_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }=-h_{\\nu }^{\\lambda \\mu }. ", " \\tag{7}$$$\\theta _{0}^0$ and $\\theta _{i}^0$ represent the energy and momentum density components, respectively. ", "The Einstein energy-momentum complex observes the local conservation law $$\\theta _{\\nu ,\\,\\mu }^{\\mu }=0. ", " \\tag{8}$$The energy and momentum in Einstein’s definition are given by $$P_{\\mu }=\\int \\int \\int \\theta _{\\mu }^{0}\\,dx^{1}dx^{2}dx^{3} \\tag{9}$$\n\nand applying Gauss’ theorem the energy-momentum is\n\n$$P_{\\mu }=\\frac{1}{16\\pi }\\int \\int h_{\\mu }^{0i }n_{i}dS, \\tag{10}$$\n\nwhere $n_{i}$ represents the outward unit normal vector over the surface $dS. $ Here $P_{0}=E$ is the energy.", "\n\nIn (9) and (10) $P_{i}$, $i=1,2,3$, represent the momentum components.", "\n\nThe definition of the M[ø]{}ller energy-momentum complex \\[9\\] is given by\n\n$$\\mathcal{J}_{\\nu }^{\\mu }=\\frac{1}{8\\pi }M_{\\nu \\,\\,,\\,\\lambda }^{\\mu\n\\lambda }, \\tag{12}$$\n\nwhere we have the M[ø]{}ller superpotentials $M_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }$ given as below $$M_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }=\\sqrt{-g}\\left( \\frac{\\partial g_{\\nu \\sigma }}{\\partial x^{\\kappa }}-\\frac{\\partial g_{\\nu \\kappa }}{\\partial x^{\\sigma }}\\right) g^{\\mu \\kappa }g^{\\lambda \\sigma }. ", " \\tag{13}$$The M[ø]{}ller superpotentials $M_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }$ present the antisymmetric property $$M_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }=-M_{\\nu }^{\\lambda \\mu }. ", " \\tag{14}$$\n\nVery important is that M[ø]{}ller’s energy-momentum complex observes the local conservation law $$\\frac{\\partial \\mathcal{J}_{\\nu }^{\\mu }}{\\partial x^{\\mu }}=0, \\tag{15}$$where $\\mathcal{J}_{0}^{0}$ is the energy density and $\\mathcal{J}_{i}^{0}$ represents the momentum density components.", "\n\nIn the Møller definition the energy and momentum are given by $$P_{\\mu }=\\int \\int \\int \\mathcal{J}_{\\mu }^{0}dx^{1}dx^{2}dx^{3}. ", " \\tag{16}$$The energy distribution is obtained with the expression $$E=\\int \\int \\int \\mathcal{J}_{0}^{0}dx^{1}dx^{2}dx^{3}. ", " \\tag{17}$$With the aid of Gauss’ theorem we obtain\n\n$$P_{\\mu }=\\frac{1}{8\\pi }\\int \\int M_{\\mu }^{0i}n_{i}dS. \\tag{18}$$\n\nIn their important works Cooperstock \\[16\\] and Lessner \\[17\\] stressed the importance of the Møller energy-momentum complex. ", "In addition, we notice the good results obtained with the Einstein and Møller definitions for the energy-momentum in the case of various geometries \\[11\\].", "\n\nEnergy Distribution of the Non-commutative Radiating Schwarzschild Black Hole\n=============================================================================\n\nThe Einstein definition required Cartesian coordinates for performing the calculations. ", "We transform the gravitational background given by (1) in Schwarzschild Cartesian coordinates, as given by\\\n$ds^{2}=B(r)dt^{2}-(dx^{2}+dy^{2}+dz^{2})\\\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-\n\\left[\\frac{A(r)-1}{r^{2}}\\right] (xdx+ydy+zdz)^{2}$,\n\n$$\\tag{19}$$\n\nwith $B(r)=1-\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma\n(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta\n})$ and $A(r)=\\frac{1}{1-\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma (\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta })}$.\\\nWe use Maple program with the GRTensor II attached package to calculate the energy distribution and momenta and to make plots.", "\n\nThe Einstein superpotentials that we use for the evaluation of the energy distribution $h_{\\nu }^{\\mu \\lambda }$ are given by\n\n$$h_{0}^{0x}=\\frac{2x}{r^{2}}\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma \\left(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right), \\tag{20}$$\n\n$$h_{0}^{0y}=\\frac{2y}{r^{2}}\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma \\left(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right), \\tag{21}$$\n\n$$h_{0}^{0z}=\\frac{2z}{r^{2}}\\frac{4M}{r\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\gamma \\left(\\frac{3}{2},\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right). ", " \\tag{22}$$\n\nUsing (10) and (20)-(22) the expression for the energy distribution in the Einstein definition is given\n\n$$E_{E}=M-\\frac{Mr}{\\sqrt{\\pi }\\sqrt{\\theta }}\\exp\n\\left(-\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right)-M\n erf c\\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{r}{\\sqrt{\\theta }}\\right). ", " \\tag{23}$$\n\nThe energy depends on the mass $M$, $\\theta $ parameter and radial coordinate. ", "In the limit case $r/\\sqrt{\\theta }\\rightarrow \\infty $ we obtain the energy of the classical Schwarzschild black hole solution $E_{E}=M$.\n\nThe M[ø]{}ller superpotential involved in the calculation of the energy $M_{0}^{0t}$ is\n\n$M_{0}^{0t}=[2M-\\frac{2Mr}{\\sqrt{\\pi }\\sqrt{\\theta }}\\exp\n(-\\frac{r^{2}}{ 4\\theta })-\\frac{Mr^{3}}{\\sqrt{\\theta }\\theta\n\\sqrt{\\pi }}\\exp (-\\frac{r^{2} }{4\\theta })\n\\\\\n\\\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-2M\n{erf}c(\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{r}{\\sqrt{\\theta }})]\\sin \\theta$. $$\\tag{24}$$ The energy distribution in the Møller prescription is obtained combining (18) with (24)\\\n$E_{M}=M-\\frac{Mr}{\\sqrt{\\pi }\\sqrt{\\theta }}\\exp \\left(-\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right)-\\frac{Mr^{3}}{2\\sqrt{\\theta }\\theta \\sqrt{\\pi }}\\exp\n\\left(-\\frac{r^{2}}{4\\theta }\\right)\\\\\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - M erf\nc\\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{r}{\\sqrt{\\theta }}\\right).$ $$\\tag{25}$$\n\nIn this case, the energy distribution also presents a dependence on the mass $M$, $\\theta $ parameter and radial coordinate. ", "In the Møller definition also for the limit $r/\\sqrt{\\theta }\\rightarrow \\infty $, we recovered the energy of the classical Schwarzschild black hole solution $E_{M}=M.$\n\n![", "The plot for the energy E prescribed by Einstein vs. $x=\\frac{r}{\\sqrt{\\theta}}$. Solid and dotted curves cut the x at the horizons of NCBH and Schwarzschild black hole.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](ESch.eps){width=\"20.00000%\"}\n\n![", "The plot for the energy E prescribed by Møller vs. $x=\\frac{r}{\\sqrt{\\theta}}$. Solid and dotted curves cut the x at the horizons of NCBH and Schwarzschild black hole.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](MSch.eps){width=\"20.00000%\"}\n\n![", "Comparison of the energy E prescribed by Møller and Einstein vs. $x=\\frac{r}{\\sqrt{\\theta}}$. Solid curve cuts the x at the horizon.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](EM.eps){width=\"20.00000%\"}\n\n![", "Variation of the energy E prescribed by Møller with respect to r and $\\theta$.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](3dM.eps){width=\"30.00000%\"}\n\n![", "Variation of the energy E prescribed by Einstein with respect to r and $\\theta$.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](3dE.eps){width=\"30.00000%\"}\n\n![", "Variation of the energy E prescribed by Einstein and Møller with respect to r for a fixed $\\theta =.01$.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](theta.eps){width=\"20.00000%\"}\n\nFinal Remarks\n=============\n\nIn our paper, we study the energy distribution of a non-commutative radiating Schwarzschild black hole in the Einstein and Møller prescriptions. ", "In both prescriptions the expressions for energy depend on the mass $M$, $\\theta $ parameter as well as radial coordinate. ", "One can observe from the figures 1-3 that the energy in Einstein’s prescription is always positive whereas the energy in Møller’s prescription assumes positive values only after a certain distance from the horizon. ", "Interestingly, we note that the energy in Einstein’s prescription adopts some real values within the horizon. ", "However, in the limiting case $r/\\sqrt{\\theta\n}\\rightarrow \\infty $ both yield the same expression for energy as $E_{E}=E_{M}=M$ that corresponds to the case of the classical Schwarzschild black hole solution. ", "This also represents the ADM mass. ", "The above limit can be achieved in two ways: either, $\n\\theta \\rightarrow 0$ i.e. when the noncommutativity is not visible or $r \\rightarrow \\infty $ i.e. at large distance. ", "When $r\\approx \\sqrt{\\theta} $, then $E_M \\neq E_E$. In fact $E_E\n>0 $ and $E_M<0$. Our results show that the Einstein prescription is a powerful concept than Møller’s prescription. ", "This is also sustained by the meaningful results obtained with the Einstein definition. ", "One can mention the work of Virbhadra \\[18\\], where he emphasized the importance of the Einstein prescription.", "\n\n\\\n\\\nFR is thankful to UGC, Govt. ", "of India, for    providing financial support under Research Award scheme.\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\n[99]{} L. Bel, C. R. Acad. ", "Sci. ", "Paris **246**, 3105 (1958); I. Robinson, unpublished lectures; I. Robinson, Kings College, London (1958); I. Robinson, Class. ", "Quant Grav. **", "14**, 4331 (1997); S. Deser and D. Seminara, Phys. ", "Rev. **D62**, 084010 (2000); J. M. M. Senovilla, Class. ", "Quantum Grav. **", "17**, 2799 (2000).", "\n\nJ. D. Brown and J. W. York, Quasilocal energy in General Relativity, Mathematical aspects of classical field theory (Seattle, WA, 1991), pp. ", "129-142, ; S. W. Hawking and G. T. Horowitz, Class. ", "Quantum Grav. **", "13**, 1487 (1996); Sean A. Hayward, Phys. 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[ "This chapter examines a case of anthropomorphism through which three writers (La Fontaine, Buffon, Michelet) express their fears and anxieties concerning depression through the intertextual description of a bird.", "\n\nThis volume explores the relationship between identity - understood not as an essence, but rather a positioning - and the work of German-Jewish women authors. ", "The period 1900-1938 provided them with a wide range of possible ...\n\nThis article attempts to show how certain Cuban films both reflect and construct behaviour concerning male–female relations. ", "In so doing, they illustrate how Cuban cinema provided a mainstream cultural forum for controversial ...\n\nConsumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest in the nutritional value of foods. ", "This is impacting on the demand for foods which contain functional ...\n\nThe title of this second edition of the Dictionary preserves the old name purely in order to maintain continuity with the first edition, which adopted ‘Anglo-Norman’ as being the term in current use in academic circles at ...\n\nThis volume examines the Kindertransport to Britain 1938/39. ", "The seventeen contributions provide various new perspectives, which are investigated for the first time in this volume. ", "Chapters focus on the Kindertransport in ..." ]
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