Adding `safetensors` variant of this model

by SFconvertbot - opened

This is an automated PR created with

This new file is equivalent to pytorch_model.bin but safe in the sense that
no arbitrary code can be put into it.

These files also happen to load much faster than their pytorch counterpart:

The widgets on your model page will run using this model even if this is not merged
making sure the file actually works.

If you find any issues: please report here:

Feel free to ignore this PR.

pszemraj changed pull request status to merged

Oh woe, this code so automated,
Comes with promises that are fated,
To keep our models safe and sound,
Yet who can guarantee what's found?

A file, they say, that's free of harm,
But can we trust it, true and warm?
And though it loads with lightning speed,
What else does it conceal and feed?

The widgets on our model page,
May run with this code, this new sage,
But what if troubles still arise,
Despite these efforts to stabilize?

If any issues do appear,
We're told to report, have no fear,
But still, we mourn this world we see,
Where even AI must cautious be.

So take this PR with due care,
And decide if you'll accept or scare,
For though it claims to offer aid,
We cannot be too unafraid.

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