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task: image-classification
Backend: sagemaker-training
Backend args: {'instance_type': 'ml.g4dn.2xlarge', 'supported_instructions': None}
Number of evaluation samples: All dataset

Fixed parameters:

  • model_name_or_path: nateraw/vit-base-beans
  • dataset:
    • path: beans
    • eval_split: validation
    • data_keys: {'primary': 'image'}
    • ref_keys: ['labels']
    • calibration_split: train
  • quantization_approach: dynamic
  • calibration:
    • method: minmax
    • num_calibration_samples: 100
  • framework: onnxruntime
  • framework_args:
    • opset: 11
    • optimization_level: 1
  • aware_training: False

Benchmarked parameters:

  • operators_to_quantize: ['Add'], ['Add', 'MatMul']
  • node_exclusion: [], ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax']
  • per_channel: False, True


Non-time metrics

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel accuracy (original) accuracy (optimized)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 0.980 0.980
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 0.980 0.980
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 0.980 0.980
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 0.980 0.980
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 0.980 0.980
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 0.980 0.980
['Add'] [] False | 0.980 0.980
['Add'] [] True | 0.980 0.980

Time metrics

Time benchmarks were run for 15 seconds per config.

Below, time metrics for batch size = 1, input length = 32.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 200.50 63.00 | 5.00 15.93
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 198.19 72.65 | 5.07 13.80
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 191.44 63.27 | 5.27 15.87
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 154.84 72.51 | 6.47 13.80
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 155.84 130.95 | 6.47 7.67
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 201.76 131.25 | 5.00 7.67
['Add'] [] False | 198.96 128.82 | 5.07 7.80
['Add'] [] True | 163.76 129.62 | 6.13 7.73

Below, time metrics for batch size = 1, input length = 64.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 162.75 67.18 | 6.20 14.93
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 159.69 72.77 | 6.33 13.80
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 183.10 64.02 | 5.47 15.67
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 157.21 64.16 | 6.40 15.60
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 155.32 130.74 | 6.47 7.67
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 198.56 162.51 | 5.07 6.20
['Add'] [] False | 186.58 163.38 | 5.40 6.13
['Add'] [] True | 199.75 131.46 | 5.07 7.67

Below, time metrics for batch size = 1, input length = 128.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 160.58 67.65 | 6.27 14.80
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 158.60 72.53 | 6.33 13.80
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 200.46 62.95 | 5.00 15.93
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 195.39 72.28 | 5.13 13.87
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 197.59 128.80 | 5.07 7.80
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 156.24 162.63 | 6.47 6.20
['Add'] [] False | 157.25 129.13 | 6.40 7.80
['Add'] [] True | 176.08 161.79 | 5.73 6.20

Below, time metrics for batch size = 4, input length = 32.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 503.83 219.62 | 2.00 4.60
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 603.26 266.15 | 1.67 3.80
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 654.79 217.45 | 1.53 4.60
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 654.33 219.54 | 1.53 4.60
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 654.20 481.61 | 1.53 2.13
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 609.81 632.73 | 1.67 1.60
['Add'] [] False | 588.86 602.91 | 1.73 1.67
['Add'] [] True | 666.98 655.32 | 1.53 1.53

Below, time metrics for batch size = 4, input length = 64.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 656.87 216.32 | 1.53 4.67
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 507.24 265.62 | 2.00 3.80
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 655.36 219.61 | 1.53 4.60
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 613.28 220.96 | 1.67 4.53
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 656.30 652.72 | 1.53 1.53
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 521.09 472.90 | 1.93 2.13
['Add'] [] False | 655.37 473.77 | 1.53 2.13
['Add'] [] True | 653.62 468.82 | 1.53 2.13

Below, time metrics for batch size = 4, input length = 128.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 654.24 216.82 | 1.53 4.67
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 657.16 240.11 | 1.53 4.20
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 504.14 217.47 | 2.00 4.60
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 655.94 220.12 | 1.53 4.60
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 653.99 479.06 | 1.53 2.13
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 642.48 666.28 | 1.60 1.53
['Add'] [] False | 656.34 661.24 | 1.53 1.53
['Add'] [] True | 661.86 472.49 | 1.53 2.13

Below, time metrics for batch size = 8, input length = 32.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 1294.07 472.54 | 0.80 2.13
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 1287.58 542.72 | 0.80 1.87
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 1033.37 433.32 | 1.00 2.33
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 1030.14 542.36 | 1.00 1.87
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 953.27 926.14 | 1.07 1.13
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 1173.01 995.22 | 0.87 1.07
['Add'] [] False | 1280.07 926.97 | 0.80 1.13
['Add'] [] True | 1283.70 927.87 | 0.80 1.13

Below, time metrics for batch size = 8, input length = 64.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 1273.61 435.27 | 0.80 2.33
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 1157.00 542.75 | 0.87 1.87
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 968.85 537.65 | 1.07 1.87
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 1107.66 472.53 | 0.93 2.13
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 1270.30 1092.10 | 0.80 0.93
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 1263.29 1012.66 | 0.80 1.00
['Add'] [] False | 1007.19 1331.12 | 1.07 0.80
['Add'] [] True | 1286.51 1317.96 | 0.80 0.80

Below, time metrics for batch size = 8, input length = 128.

operators_to_quantize node_exclusion per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 1188.98 537.58 | 0.87 1.87
['Add', 'MatMul'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 951.31 489.40 | 1.07 2.07
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] False | 1278.73 537.52 | 0.80 1.87
['Add', 'MatMul'] [] True | 1005.38 440.01 | 1.07 2.33
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] False | 1265.55 1304.51 | 0.80 0.80
['Add'] ['layernorm', 'gelu', 'residual', 'gather', 'softmax'] True | 1186.54 934.09 | 0.87 1.13
['Add'] [] False | 1276.38 1319.84 | 0.80 0.80
['Add'] [] True | 981.81 940.69 | 1.07 1.07
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Dataset used to train fxmarty/20220712-h16m02s58_example_beans