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task: image-classification
Backend: sagemaker-training
Backend args: {'instance_type': 'ml.g4dn.2xlarge', 'supported_instructions': None}
Number of evaluation samples: All dataset

Fixed parameters:

  • model_name_or_path: nateraw/vit-base-beans
  • dataset:
    • path: beans
    • eval_split: validation
    • data_keys: {'primary': 'image'}
    • ref_keys: ['labels']
  • quantization_approach: dynamic
  • node_exclusion: []
  • framework: onnxruntime
  • framework_args:
    • opset: 11
    • optimization_level: 1
  • aware_training: False

Benchmarked parameters:

  • operators_to_quantize: ['Add', 'MatMul'], ['Add'], []
  • per_channel: False, True


Non-time metrics

operators_to_quantize per_channel accuracy (original) accuracy (optimized)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 0.980 0.980
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 0.980 0.980
['Add'] False | 0.980 0.980
['Add'] True | 0.980 0.980
[] False | 0.980 0.980
[] True | 0.980 0.980

Time metrics

Time benchmarks were run for 15 seconds per config.

Below, time metrics for batch size = 1, input length = 32.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 201.25 70.30 | 5.00 14.27
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 203.52 72.48 | 4.93 13.80
['Add'] False | 166.03 150.93 | 6.07 6.67
['Add'] True | 200.82 163.17 | 5.00 6.13
[] False | 190.99 162.06 | 5.27 6.20
[] True | 155.15 162.52 | 6.47 6.20

Below, time metrics for batch size = 1, input length = 64.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 165.85 70.60 | 6.07 14.20
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 161.41 72.71 | 6.20 13.80
['Add'] False | 200.45 129.40 | 5.00 7.73
['Add'] True | 154.68 136.42 | 6.47 7.40
[] False | 166.97 162.15 | 6.00 6.20
[] True | 166.32 162.81 | 6.07 6.20

Below, time metrics for batch size = 1, input length = 128.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 199.48 70.98 | 5.07 14.13
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 199.65 71.78 | 5.07 13.93
['Add'] False | 199.08 137.97 | 5.07 7.27
['Add'] True | 189.93 162.45 | 5.33 6.20
[] False | 191.63 162.54 | 5.27 6.20
[] True | 200.38 162.55 | 5.00 6.20

Below, time metrics for batch size = 4, input length = 32.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 655.84 243.33 | 1.53 4.13
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 661.27 221.16 | 1.53 4.53
['Add'] False | 662.84 529.28 | 1.53 1.93
['Add'] True | 512.47 470.66 | 2.00 2.13
[] False | 562.81 501.77 | 1.80 2.00
[] True | 505.81 521.20 | 2.00 1.93

Below, time metrics for batch size = 4, input length = 64.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 654.58 258.54 | 1.53 3.93
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 617.44 234.05 | 1.67 4.33
['Add'] False | 661.51 478.81 | 1.53 2.13
['Add'] True | 657.01 660.23 | 1.53 1.53
[] False | 661.64 474.28 | 1.53 2.13
[] True | 661.29 471.09 | 1.53 2.13

Below, time metrics for batch size = 4, input length = 128.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 654.80 219.38 | 1.53 4.60
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 663.50 222.37 | 1.53 4.53
['Add'] False | 625.56 529.02 | 1.60 1.93
['Add'] True | 655.08 499.41 | 1.53 2.07
[] False | 655.92 473.01 | 1.53 2.13
[] True | 505.54 659.92 | 2.00 1.53

Below, time metrics for batch size = 8, input length = 32.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 968.83 443.80 | 1.07 2.27
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 1255.70 489.55 | 0.80 2.07
['Add'] False | 1301.35 938.14 | 0.80 1.07
['Add'] True | 1279.54 931.91 | 0.80 1.13
[] False | 1292.66 1318.07 | 0.80 0.80
[] True | 1290.35 1314.74 | 0.80 0.80

Below, time metrics for batch size = 8, input length = 64.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 1305.45 438.06 | 0.80 2.33
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 1296.68 450.40 | 0.80 2.27
['Add'] False | 968.21 949.81 | 1.07 1.07
['Add'] True | 1012.35 1317.46 | 1.00 0.80
[] False | 1213.91 961.79 | 0.87 1.07
[] True | 956.39 945.41 | 1.07 1.07

Below, time metrics for batch size = 8, input length = 128.

operators_to_quantize per_channel latency_mean (original, ms) latency_mean (optimized, ms) throughput (original, /s) throughput (optimized, /s)
['Add', 'MatMul'] False | 1120.12 497.17 | 0.93 2.07
['Add', 'MatMul'] True | 1289.50 443.46 | 0.80 2.27
['Add'] False | 1294.65 930.97 | 0.80 1.13
['Add'] True | 1181.21 933.82 | 0.87 1.13
[] False | 1245.61 1318.07 | 0.87 0.80
[] True | 1285.81 1318.82 | 0.80 0.80
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Dataset used to train fxmarty/20220712-h08m05s32_