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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21M/F] with my girlfriend [21F] for 3 months, am I being silly? Or is there something I should think about. POST: So I finally am in a relationship with the girl I have crushed on for 3 years, when I thought I was over the crush (had multiple relations in between when we last saw eachother regularly) we got back in proper contact, and I finally asked her out. Anyway, things have been going really well, but the communication seems (to me) to be all off. I know she is ve
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU: By trying to be a good citizen POST: I wanted ice cream. Having a couple bucks in my wallet I decide to go get some at my local B&R. When I stop at the stop sign at the bottom of my hill I see a chick slumped over against the stop sign pole. I don't think anything of it and drive on. After getting my icey cold deliciousness I drive home having a nice time listening to some good tunes when I see her still slumped there so I pull up and ask if she's alright if she needs me to ca
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Int'l Redditors; What does it take to get a job in your country? POST: I have worked in several different countries. In each country there is something different. For instance in America we have these huge black holes on our webpages called career pages. I haven't quite figured their function out yet but most people I know get their jobs through knowing someone (ie. networking). In Germany I found tthis to be considerably less common, although present. In the former East Bloc I
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Should I be upset over this or should I just try to not think about it? POST: One of our friends recently got married. The wedding was pretty nice, and it was definitely expensive. It turns out it was much more expensive than they could afford, and the groom had to beg future in laws for money to finish paying for the wedding the day of the wedding and had to ask another in law for money to make his truck payment the following week which ended up getting repossessed later on.Th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[22M] GF [19F] cheated on me a while back, asked her about offences with previous BFs POST: So my girlfriend got drunk and kissed another guy a while back, that's sorted (I'm still hurt by the feeling of betrayal obviously, but the amount of remorse she continues to show helps the feelings subside). Last week I asked her if I was the only person she'd ever cheated on. She then began to cry and I just told her not to answer and that it doesn't make a difference anyway. How
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: What do I do to not seem "overqualified" when applying to a job in food service? POST: I lost my job in accounts payable last July and since then I've applied to all sorts of accounting related jobs, with no luck. My unemployment benefits have run out, and I'm at the point where pretty soon I won't be able to pay rent. So I decided I should try finding a simple job at a place like Subway, Chick-fil-a, etc. - What do I do regarding my resume, being that nothing is applicable? I work
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Should I [18M] tell her [17F] how I really feel or should I just wait and see what happens between us? POST: I [18M] really really like her [17F]. We're both more mature for our ages. I've never liked any one this much before. I've had a few girlfriends and FWB's. I just don't know if she feels the same. A week ago she said she liked me so much it scared her. The other day she said she couldn't be in a relationship because she has to do really well on the SATs to get into h
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: 19 and never kissed a girl POST: I'm a 19 year old guy, and lately I have grown more and more concerned with the fact that I have never kissed a girl, or even had a relationship with one. I'm fairly social, I go to/host parties, and I have plenty of friends and I enjoy hanging out with them on a regular basis. Friends that are girls have told me that I am attractive, and that I just need to build some confidence (though I am not sure how much I can put into their opinion on thi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I've[18f] is friendzoned by my bestfriend[18m] POST: This is my first sub in /r/relationships but I've seen some good advise so why not... Okay, so this is my[18f] story. I'm in love with my bestfriend[18m] and I've known him in 5 and a half year. When we first meet(on the internet) we became bestfriends after a half year, and then we became very close, and I mean VERY close, I can talk with him about everything. But we hadn't seen each other in person, and I was afr
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Dating a girl for a short period of time, rocky start to our relationship, sleep with someone while she's out of town. POST: Let's preface this throwaway account post with I (28/m), I've been seeing a girl (24/f) for about three months now. I can't necessarily say that our relationship has ran the smoothest of courses. I started out really liking this girl. She's smart, we have great sex and she's very fun to hang around. About a month and a half ago, we had a conversation
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by yelling at a prospective student POST: One of my housemates had a prospective student stay the night because she was checking out the university. I live with 3 other girls in a suite (2 single rooms, a double with me and my roommate, and a common room) and we hung out with the prospective student. All was going well and she said that she was enjoying it. We had dinner in the dining hall and I was sitting across from my roommate and next to the prospective student. My roommat
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Getting over a serious fight with my gf POST: I [22M] just worked through a fight with my girlfriend [19F]. I'm not totally satisfied with it. She told me that she didn't think we were compatible and that we weren't right for each other. I said let's take some time to think it over and find out how we really feel. A week later I hit her up and we go to talk more. She says that she didn't consider much other than breaking up being a fine decision. I got mad at that because
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: What should i [17M] do about my new girlfriends [17F] ex [17M] who just wont let go? POST: Here is the story. So they were together for 4 years and recently broke up. Well i had recently gone through one as well. We started walking in the halls at school together and passed him to which he texted her and said some things that werent very polite. He has seen us walking now and i sit about 6 people down from him at lunch so we will see each other on a daily basis. He has ne
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How should I [16 M] proceed with getting to know my crush [16 F]? POST: I've had a crush on a certain girl in my grade for at least a month now. Although one month might not seem long, for me, it's been filled solely thinking about her. It's odd. I've never felt anything like this for one person before. I'll give you some background: Besides from being the same grade, we're in two classes together and we both do the musical. With my grade being as small as it is, you
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by telling my crush about my dream POST: So last night I had this really fuckin random dream. It was my crush and I, backpacking through some mountains (naked). And so we walk a bit further and get to a village. This is where the dream ends. So I messaged her on Skype, telling her about this dream (not the naked part, obviously. That would be weird) and how we were walking through the mountains together. What I didn't know was that Skype updated automatically, and so I couldn
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24M] with my GF [26F] 3yrs, she had feelings for a friend, who just came out to as gay POST: About 1-2 yrs ago, my GF had a class with a guy and she got his number and started talking to him to "set him up with a friend." I discovered that their messages were a bit too flirty. At one point, he was saying that the girls in the class don't like him. And she said "well I hope I'm not standoff-ish, I would date you if not for my BF." (Not these exact words, but that was th
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, what are some things you could have sworn you knew existed, but apparently hallucinated POST: So I remember seeing a music video on the bonus feature of some movie where a girl is dancing atop a train and it's all dusty and desert-like, but I can't find it anywhere! I could have sworn it was American Woman or American Pie, but neither have videos at all like that! I also thought I saw a trailer for an American movie where a meteor falls from the sky, a kid touches it
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Fighting myself for a couple days a month... POST: A lot of people that I've dated doesn't want anything serious, and the current guy [26/M] I'm dating doesn't either. A little TMI: Every time, a week before my menstrual cycle, I get pretty depressed about my current situation (generally, whatever that maybe, but lately its about my relationships with guys who don't want to commit). I've been trying to accept that I am young [27/f] and I shouldn't want anything serious r
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Is there any easy way to find out who this person is? POST: The other day I was working my normal retail job selling computers. A rather normal looking mid 20's guy approached me asking for help. After answering a few normal questions I figured he was not really going to buy a laptop and was there for some other reason. After some prodding he decides to tell me that he owns some e-commerce company and isn't sure if there are any positions available, but he likes my personality
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Just out of college, very modest amount of money, looking for the best bank for checking/savings POST: I'm 21 and just graduated from college with no debt (yay!) and a few thousand dollars in two separate savings accounts. I currently have my checking account and credit card with Wells Fargo, but I'm thinking of switching. The thing is, I'm moving across the country and don't know where life is going to take me in the next few years, so I want a bank that will have br
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Women confuse me. Please help? POST: Dear Reddit, I have been dating this wonderful girl for 4 months now. She's super sweet, amazingly fun, good looking and hilarious. The thing is she tends to be a pretty sensitive/easily annoyed person. She gets very cranky when tired and sometimes easily offended by things that I say. I apologize of course. My girlfriend tends to get EXTREMELY sensitive when she is pmsing and when she is on her period. Two days ago I was on the phone wit
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Attend College now, or wait until the spring session? POST: I'm an 18 year old male, set to attend a community college. I'm set to attend starting September 1st, but I have a dilemma. I have a 4 hour daily commute (two hours each way monday-friday) because I don't have a car and would be forced to take a combination of bussing/walking or taking a train/walking. A four hour commute would be extremely taxing on me, and I feel like I would lose motivation to do well in colle
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27F] with my brother [17M], I want to bond with him but don't know how POST: My brother and I had an age gap of 10 years, so growing up, we were more like two only children than siblings. When my brother was younger, I was more of a third parent to him than a sister. We never got into arguments, and he basically listened to what I said. The fact that we are opposite genders also contributed to that. However, I do miss the perks of having a sibling that I can argue with
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: So I [23F] guess it's time to break up with him [24M] but I can't bring myself to do it. POST: I really like him. He is cute and usually interesting and when we actually talk we usually laugh a lot and I will miss him so much it's killing me. But he's a terrible boyfriend, and I am miserable. He refuses to put effort into the relationship or make me a priority whatsoever, and I refuse to, you know, "make someone a priority who only makes [me] an option." He makes me
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 F] with my ex [29 M] of 1.5 yrs, ended 2.5 yrs agu, we have remained friendly, but recently he has become too friendly. POST: Ok so about 2 and a half years ago I broke up with this guy. When I ended it I just realized we wanted different things and that we really didn't have much in common. We remained pretty friendly, but with little communication. After about six months I went to a different state for school and have been there for the past 2 years. I talked to h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [21/m]. I really like a girl, but I haven't had to do the dating thing in 3 years and can't tell if I should act on it, or how... POST: So I met a girl recently, and she's really cool. I've hung out with here a bunch the past couple weeks, and I really like her. I don't know if she feels the same, and I am afraid to tell her, because I feel like it would be better to have a cool friend than fuck things up and have it get awkward. We've done what I perceive to be really da
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: UK family law advice POST: Hey Reddit I'm 26 years old and living in the UK, Father to a beautiful 4 year old girl whom i love and cherish more than anything in the world. About 2 years ago i separated from her mother after i found her sleeping with one of my "friends" To begin with contact with my daughter was great and regular and fair and as time rolled by this continued. i moved onto working nights and still kept up the schedule of seeing her and having the most wonderful
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: Worried about this following me POST: I applied for a job and was drug tested with a cotton swab in the mouth which they sent to a lab. They called me back over a week later saying it had come back positive for THC Which is absolutely impossible as the last time I smoked pot was 3 years ago and the last time I lived around people who smoked pot was over 1 year ago. I don't take any medication besides birth control so the only possible answer is the lab has screwed up or its a false
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: [18M] Any Any advice on getting my first job? How do I stand out from the rest? POST: I'm still in high school, going to be a senior this year. Trying to get my first job this summer, I have no experience working, I live in a town of about 2k people, I should have gotten a call for an interview by now. Had no luck getting a job this summer at ALL. I think I've applied at 6-8 places with no callbacks from any. I've applied at Walmart TWICE. I even asked my references If they've gotte
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What event should you have been the most distraught about regarding a family member, but weren't? POST: My uncle was shot by his "best friend." I met him once when I was too young to remember and once when I barely remember. I mostly remember him through pictures. His two daughters, one of which is my favorite cousin, are still suffering to this day. I don't know if it is the fact that I was too young, or what I have heard about him, that has led me to be completely indiffe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19f] and ldbf [22m] just broke up for good and I feel like death POST: I don't know what to feel right now. He cheated on me with his best friend. He told me this morning... At first, I was just shocked. But after we stopped talking, I broke down. I've been crying for days. A lot of things were wrong with our relationship. Communication issues, trust issues. I thought we could overcome that. I broke up with him two days ago but felt like it was wrong. I wanted him bac
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Who do I contact if a website never shipped me the goods that I purchased? POST: I recently purchased some hobby electronic kits from what seemed to be a fairly reputable website. The payment was secure and it seemed like I a trustworthy small business that I was buying from. I purchased the item on July 25th, and I still haven't gotten any word about shipping or an update on the order. I called the number on the website, and left a voicemail. I found him on eBay, and sent
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Need advice on how to look for a job POST: Hey all, I tried this in a few subreddits-trying it here. I am 22 years old, and having to help my family as much as I can and put myself through college. I cannot get grants or fee waivers for college, as my family makes too much money so I am stuck paying through loans. After the last 3 years, working 40 hours a week for not so great pay, and having monetary stress impact my college performance (Im down from a 3.7 student my first 2.5 y
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 F], about to finish high school. Have no life goals. What to do? POST: I know this is probably a really insignificant issue. I'm in my last year of high school. You know how it is. University courses and basically *what the hell am I meant to do with my life*. I was thinking of doing medicine. I live in Australia, so you have to do an exam (the UMAT) and achieve a high enough percentile to score an interview. I sat the UMAT and did a lot, *lot* worse than I thought
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: So I lost a bet. Severely. POST: So about 5 months ago I made a $20 bet with one of my best friends, that I'd stop smoking and if I started again, I give her the money and she gets to shame me relentlessly for the next 10 months (and her shaming is like something out of a horror movie). Since I started work, I noticed that everyone, even my boss, smokes. And the best way I found to connect with them is to join in the temptation. Call it peer pressure or whatever, but I genuine
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I want to have my roommate assassinated, does Reddit have any ideas before I go postal? POST: I typically don't resort to violence, but this has been a long time in the coming. We are 20 somethings living near our college and trying to finish our degrees this year or the following quarter; except for one housemate. He failed out of college but has continued to live in the house. We have jobs, school, clubs, applications for grad school, MCATs, the whole end of college shebang t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20M] - How to deal with trust issues? POST: Hello colleagues, I could search for an answer in the internet but I thought I would ask you guys, because you already have a special place in my heart for helping me through my last relationship. Unfortunately it didn't last and we had to call it off, fortunately it was a mutual agreement and both seem commited to work on our issues and get in touch again after a while, a couple of months, to see if we can start anew. One o
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Trying this whole weight loss thing. MyFitnessPal ID inside. POST: So I'll make this brief, cause I'm sure no one wants to read a giant wall of text. I'm 5'6, 250 pounds. I feel terrible an am tired of it. Tired of hating my body, tired of being winded after the shortest of walks or climbs up stairs, and just tired of feeling insecure. So here I am. I decided I should at least give this a try since I've tried seemingly everything else. I don't wan this to be like all the other t
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: How should I ask for a raise? POST: I've been employed here for nearly a year and like it but the pay is not enough. I can pay bills but When I was hired I felt they lowballed the offer, i countered and they accepted. That being said i still feel it is too low for a few reasons. First, i'm 1 year out of law school practicing in house for a small financial firm. I make quite a bit less than those who practice with law firms, but it's hard to do research on the typical pay in
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Would I need a conservatorship for mentally ill sister after parents die? POST: Hello PF. My sister was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was an adolescent and things have not gotten better. She has a record of run-ins with the law and refuses to seek or receive help via therapy or meds. Tbh, she probably has a borderline personality disorder. She's never been able to hold a job for more than a year or two. She's a mess. My parents are still on the young side of r
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I was given 1 year of probation from an alcohol citation, should I write the judge to get this shortened? POST: A few months back I received an underage drinking citation (I am 18), and was sentenced with a hefty 250 dollar fine, 25 hours community service, and 1 year of probation (probation before judgement). This is a little extreme for having a few beers in my backpack. I live in Maryland, just graduated from a private high school with straight As, I played 2 varsity sports
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [16 M] am falling in love with my friend that I met 5 months ago on a forum [19 M] POST: I created a topic on a forum about my depression 5 months ago and he helped me feel better about myself and that's how our friendship started. He had some problems too and I always supported him. We have so much in common that it's hard to believe. I always have a big grin on my face while I'm talking to him. I don't know what he looks like. I never even heard his voice but I like hi
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I'm dating my Buddies' younger sister. POST: Not sure what details to include or if this is even the right spot for this, but yeah her it goes. Okay so I'm 27 and she's 21. I don't think that even really matters, but they might. So I've known these guys forever and I'm good friends with both of them. One is my age we'll call him Ryan and the other guy is 2 we'll call Michael. She said that there wasn't a point in saying anything initially because it wasn't serious but it's
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [15/M] I broke away from my best friend to get closer to my crush(15/F) POST: To start out, I generally have always had few friends. My best friend (let's call him James) was one of the only people I still considered a friend, alongside my crush (let's call her Mia) and a few others. Me, James, Mia and her close friend were all particularly good friends. That was up until James started being a dick to Mia. This caused her to walk off to the bathroom in an emotional
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my bf [20 M] 5 months, I feel like I'm always the one who initiates intamacy POST: I've been with him for a good 5 months, and we both love each other, but its hard for me because I feel like I'm always the only one who starts intamacy. Eg. When he lays in bed or rolls over to face his back to me I immediately know what's up and go over and comfort him etc, but when I need a hug or the comfort I literally need to spell it out for him; he will just stay at hi
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to have "subreddit folders"? POST: There are so many subreddits now on so many different subjects that it seems like this would make sense. The idea is that you can put your subreddit subscriptions in categories or "folders" for easier top story browsing. Rather than having one big front page with the top stories from your subscriptions and then having to browse each subreddit individually to see the other top stories that wouldn
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend [20 F] of 8 months wants a second cat, but I [22M] don't. Am I being a jerk? POST: A few months ago, I moved into a one room apartment with my girlfriend. Before dating, we had been room mates in a house that had a cat that we both loved, but couldn't take with us because it belonged to our room mate. After dating for a while we moved to a one bedroom apartment with just the two of us. We talked about adopting another cat just for us, and she quickly fell in
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: How do I [16F] tactfully break up with my [17M] boyfriend? POST: Okay, so we pretty much fight every other day, sometimes really big ones and generally he starts them and will just start ignoring me. Despite this, he's absolutely crazy about me and texts me all the time and always does everything in his power to hang out with me. Before dating me he never smiled and now he's constantly happy unless we're arguing or I'm gone. We both go to military school and next year he's going
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My brother [15M] was asked out by my friend [15F]. He asked me [16F] if it was ok if he dated her. Is it wrong of me to not be comfortable with it? POST: Hi everybody, I have never used this site before and I am just looking for some advice. My brother came into my room last night and he asked if he could speak to me. He was being mature (he normally acts goofy, but he is really funny). He told me that one of my good friends had asked him out, would it be if he dated her.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [29/F] with my former coworker and current crush [27/M] and I'm just not sure how to act POST: I realize that this is going to sound really immature, but it's my experience. For the past year or so I've been nursing a crush on a coworker. We became really close -- we have lots in common and would hang out at lunch/for coffee and then eventually every Friday for after work drinks. It never went further than this, except one night where I was certain he was going to take
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: I have to play video games I don't like to keep my friends. POST: Namely League of Legends. The game doesn't really pique my interest anymore. At any point of the year, any day, any hour, any minute, there will be at least 4 friends I know in real life from college who are on League of Legends and are willing to play a game. Some of my friends just won't stop playing it, for a lot of them, it's their only hobby and 'thing' they do in their life, apart from studying. As a stude
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend (23m) doesn't want to have kids ever in his life. I (21f) absolutely want to have kids someday. POST: Me and my boyfriend, we are together for two years. We are really close and love each other very much. Our relationship is perfect, but there is one fact that troubles me. He absolutely doesn't want to have kids ever and me, I always knew that I want to have kids someday. Without this issue, I could imagine to be my whole life together with him, but if he doe
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by almost destroying my $6000 computer to no repair with a virus and my drink POST: ok, so before i start, this is a short one so there you go TIFU today (i know, ironic) when i was just surfing the web, doing normal shit, normal stuff, watching some vids, killing a fucking spider (those little shits scare the fuck out of me), getting a few popups, and one of those popups happened to have a virus, i thought it was a firefox update, and i also happened to have a drink. So this
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [25f] don't want my SIL [32f] to visit me and my baby in the hospital, but my husband [28m] isn't backing me up. POST: Last year, my SIL gave birth to the first grandbaby. About a month before she was due she sent an email to the family saying that her doctor told her that no one should be visiting without the flu shot or whooping cough vaccine. I don't believe in vaccines, and I was not about to get them because she told me to. Now I've always had a great relationship
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Is it ok to ask a woman to a movie date, for the same day? POST: Hey guys I'm a Male,19 and shes Female,24 I'm inexperienced, never had a gf or gone after anyone. Is it ok to ask this woman I know from my uni to watch a movie tomorrow arvo. We are meeting up around 12 for study, and probably finish studying maybe 2 hours later. I want to ask her out sometime during then. When asking someone out should i ask her tomorrow to watch a movie on monday or a later date than t
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why do I have to shower everyday? POST: This is something that has bothered me for a long time. I have never in my life showered everyday. I have very dry skin so to shower everyday would mean I would need to form a budget for moisturizer. Futher, I don't stink. I sweat very very little. For some people this is hard to understand, I don't sweat during a hard workout for at least the first 15 minutes, in the summer I don't sweat on hot days unless I am working out. I don't
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [23F] left out by co workers POST: Backstory-- After college, I decided to take an internship fairly far away from where the rest of my friends work. There are about 8 interns in the company, and I live with the only two male ones [22m & 25m]. Since graduation, I have basically only hung out with my roommates... the other interns have shown little interest in me. Recently, I have noticed all they (my roommates) do is talk crap about all of the other interns and how they t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (23f) have severe trust issues. I'm worried it may hurt my relationship with my boyfriend (23m). POST: Starting with my mother, every relationship I've ever had a role in ended horribly. I've always been made to feel inadequate. My most recent relationship wasn't any different. I married a man way too soon simply because his family wanted us to. I've always been the type of person to give up everything for another persons wants or needs. After three years of lying, cheati
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How can I [29F] tell my boyfriend [29M] that I want to end it because I'm not attracted enough to him without hurting his self esteem? POST: Let me start by saying that I use the word attraction to cover a multitude of things, physical attraction, melting a little when you see them smile, passion etc. So the background - my previous relationship to this ended when my boyfriend at the time got stationed overseas. We'd only been dating a couple months and although crazy abou
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [22 M] guy I'm dating doesn't want me [20 F] hanging out with his friends POST: I have been talking to this guy for a little over a year now. We have a lot of history and past trust issues. Everytime he is invited to a party with his friends and they invite me, he never wants me to go because he claims that he is too tense around me and can't relax and have fun with his friends. This really hurts my feelings because the only reason he feels this way is because he feels like
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] have a sort of crush on a co worker [25M], but I have a boyfriend [25M] and I don't want to ruin my relationship. POST: So I want to start by saying I have absolutely no plan to act on my feelings. I am completely in love with my boyfriend, and I will never cheat on him. I am mostly asking about how to handle this. I started a new job last year. My job consists of caring for a house of 4 older men who have developmental disabilities. They need supervision 24/7 and
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [26/M] and my SO [25/F] ended our romantic relationship amicably and I'm not sure I want to move on. POST: EDIT: Misleading title. We ended the relationship together We came into our relationship knowing that we'd end it on these terms. I was raised Christian and she was raised Muslim. It was made very clear that our relationship could not be revealed to her family. I didn't dig too deep into the details of those consequences but it seemed as if her family would ref
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [26M] had to break up with my gf [25F] after a year of her being very jealous, help me figure something out. POST: It was really hard to bare the jealousy, trust is of utmost importance to me, and in spite of everything I did to earn her trust all I got was feeling guilty and it really broke my heart. My question is this, given the fact she is super insecure about herself even though she is a gorgeous girl, and thought I was sleeping around (I wasn't nor did I want to),
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (16 M) need help breaking off a relationship POST: So I've had feelings for this girl for around 4 years now. We've always been great friends and I'm I've been open about wanting to take it further but she always shoots me down. The thing is, she has still wanted to remain friends throughout the entire time. While there have been short periods of time I haven't talked to her, more or less we've been close for a long, long time. It's been hard for me to sit by and hear sto
SUBREDDIT: r/books TITLE: just can't get into Cormac McCarthy POST: First read Blood Meridian from start to finish, all the while thinking either 'here is a book that is decidedly not living up to its hype' or 'maybe if I just keep going, it'll all pay off in the end...' There were certainly some fascinating sections (most of which that I can recall involve some violent dust-up as the gang moves from one town to the next), and it's clear McCarthy is a very skilled prose stylist, but now that I've finished A
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How do I optimize my year old "normal" laptop for gaming? POST: Hey, reddit. So I have a VAIO laptop with an intel premium 1.87ghz processor, 4gigs of ram, and 1751mb of virtual memory. The game I want to play is Starcraft 2 and I do, at the very minimum settings but it still lags( I get 20fps at the beggining of games but during big attacks it usually drops to 6fps making micro impossible). I have game booster installed and active I also frequently de-frag my computer. I kno
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not remembering my relatives POST: So today I was walking home from the shops, and I ran into an old man while crossing the street. He was at least 70, possibly over 80, and said "Hello! It's me, Bob, from Christmas!" I have a large extended family, including that of partners of my parents, and I'll admit that I don't remember all of their names. I am also faceblind, so I don't really remember faces and tend to determine identity off of hair and dress style, but it gets a bi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (23f) asked my boyfriend (30m) how he felt about an open relationship. He got very upset and questioned our entire relationship. POST: So a little background about us. We met during Thanksgiving of last year. We hit it off quite well and soon after we were in a relationship (have been dating for 4 months) . During that time he was having financial trouble and didn't have a set place to live so I offered my place and he stayed with me off and on for about a month. Things w
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: So am I going to Jail?? POST: So made this throw away account to ask if I should be worried about going to jail anytime soon. So friend (A) works at a bar, (A) puts points on video poker accounts, then I would cash them out. Well last night I was attempting to do just that. At which point the video poker people showed up, they appeared to be doing a pick up (it was around midnight). So I sat there just gambling shortly after manager ask to see me id, he sees it then says "there
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my SO [21 F] How do I explain to my GF my need for privacy? POST: I have been dating this wonderful girl for a year and a half now. We are complete opposites but it somehow works because we challenge each other to become better people. One hurdle we have not gotten through is privacy. I am very introverted and private while she is extroverted and does not care about privacy. The roots of this come from our family's. In my family privacy is very important. M
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Mother is in big debt - trying to help her out, requesting advice POST: So, my mother is your basic overspender/credit card user. She's in about $18k in debt plus maybe $6k+ that is owed to the IRS. She is retired (teacher), but is a real estate agent now. She was never good about separating out her taxes from her commission checks, hence why she owes the IRS. She doesn't have much in savings, due to needed car repairs. I took over her finances last year and have do
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27M] have a crush on a bar tenderess [22F] who is not responsive but i really, really hope she'd give me a chance. POST: I moved to Germany about 2 years back and the first bar tenderess i met was gorgeous. It started off as just admiring her but in recent months (we mostly interact in the bar only when she's on duty once/twice a week), I'm seriously thinking of dating her. Problem is, she doesn't usually respond to my text. But in person, she's super sweet to me. I do
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by using public toilets POST: I am a 16 year old boy and today I was out and about with my friend in a town. We were sat town park and I decided I wanted to go to the toilet, I thought it would be a good time to check my small toe as all through the day the nail had been digging into my other toe so I ran straight towards the toilets with out noticing something very important... I went straight into a cubicle and pulled my sock and shoe off, while inspecting my toe nail i notic
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by going to Thai Express POST: I'm in Thai Express and 3 employees, all Asian, not that I think it matters, I guess, are all on their phones. As soon as I walked in, one of them stood up immediately and went behind the counter to take my order. So he punches it in, and he walks away as I pay for it, my face goes into my phone as I scroll reddit, and I see him sit back down. So after I paid, I stood waiting for my food. 10 minutes goes by, and a new customer walks in. Same thing
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My SO [25m] of 5 years maxes out his credit card for toys, but complains about taking me [24f] out POST: We started out our relationship as a fling, but it grew into a much more real commitment. We were younger then and he told me that he never wanted get married and possibly never have kids, but I knew this relationship was one that I would want to hold on to. After talking to a few friends, I decided to wait and see if he'd change his mind, and he did. We've lived togethe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My FWB's [22,M] father just died and I [19, F] am worried about how it will affect us emotionally POST: I started a new job in January as a server. A coworker and I began flirting and it was pretty innocent. We went to a coworker's 21st birthday and I got drunk for the first time. He helped me through it and let me stay the night at his house so I wouldn't drive drunk. We ended up making out. When I was sober we talked through what happened and decided to be friends with
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Every time I get blacked out I am super happy and nice.. to everyone except my girlfriend (20M/20F) POST: This has been an ongoing problem and I don't know why it happens, but every time I get very drunk I get irrationally angry at my girlfriend, and noone else. We're both greek and like to party together and have been together for a year and a half, but this is putting a strain on our relationship. I am definitely cutting down on my drinking, but I genuinely just don't und
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [25M] lost with with older [31F] after recent conversation. POST: I met this person while they were an intern at the same company we are both currently at. We talked and hung out with the group after hours and outside of work. I started to like her and could see she felt the same. When we were alone I asked her what the deal was and she laid out that she didn't think it was fair to date a co-worker and she has been burned in the past by younger guys. She was honest and I u
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I'm not sure if I should tell my boyfriend about my uncertainty? POST: I'm 19F and he's 22M. We've been dating for almost 6 months, and although it's a fairly new relationship, we do really love each other. I'm having some uncertainty about our relationship and sometimes feel like maybe we just aren't compatible. We are very different people but we get along great. We have fun together, and I love being with him. He's already a huge part of my life and I love that an
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I'm a boring person. Can you help me out of this slump? POST: So I'm one of those guys that when asked, "What do you wanna do?" usually responds with, "Iunno, what do you wanna do?" Which isn't a huge deal, but t gets to be more than that. I'll wait for one of my friends to call me instead of calling them because I have no idea what I would invite them to do. I take my girlfriend on mundane dates, albeit nice dates, to the fancy restaurant and the movie theatre and date
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend and I are breaking up because she is still hurt from her last relationship, how should I feel? POST: Me and my girlfriend have been together for just over 3 months, we are completely in love with each other although when I always gave affection to her there was never any in return. I spoke to her about this and she told me that it was because of her ex, he had hurt her that much that she just doesn't have the willpower to open up to me, and that she always has
SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: brother doesn't do shit around the house POST: I had a petty story about how I perceived my little brother as intentionally not helping around the house so I hid his keys. I really didn't want this story to take off. This morning, I yelled at him. I let everything build up then went off on him. He yelled back at me and we had a 3 minute back and forth and then I went to class. I thought about it all day and when we got home, we talked it out. He analyzed my personality. He
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not wearing my uniform POST: This happened today. I attend high school and as it is a catholic school, we need to wear a uniform daily. Today was an occasion where we could wear pink shirts in order to support anti bullying. I found out that I could wear a pink shirt at the last second before I left, so quickly ran up stairs and threw on my only pink shirt. It was great, not being in my uniform shirt for one... Or was it? I was sitting down in my homeroom class when I notic
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24M] am more invested in our relationship than my girlfriend [20F] and I want to change POST: Girlfriend and I have been going out for 3 months now. She is my first girlfriend. Since she is my first girlfriend, I find myself overly invested in her. All of this is new to me and I'm enjoying it. First confession. First date. First kiss. First PIV. Oh the butterflies. She would be a priority in my life. I'd forego hanging out with friends, working out, or eating d
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by posting a picture of my combat grade throwing tomahawk in the wrong GroupMe POST: This happened last night. So I am in a wedding as a groomsman and the groom thought it would be hilarious to get us Combat Grade Throwing Tomahawks as groomsmen gifts, which admittedly is an awesome idea. I'm in college and home for the break so I was telling my roommates from school about it in our GroupMe and they asked to see a picture when I finished my Christmas morning festivities. He
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Everyone~(17/m or f) has "something" to do except me [17/m] POST: It appears that everyone has "something" to do which they never tell me what is. I feel really "cutout" from my friends and its really annoying and heartbreaking to know they all do "something" without me. Its like they wanna say, no we wont spend time with you because of what ever reason! I'd so much prefer to be told umm sorry, i have plans with the x person that night, i'd make me feel so much better beca
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by mistakenly thinking that my friend's dad was her granddad POST: Well Reddit, when I was attending college, I lived with a group of 8 girls in a house. It was super fun, we really got along and developed a strong friendship through the years. So, this year we decided to throw a family party, where every girl would bring her family members: parents, siblings, uncles, cousins, grandparents, any family member they want. The goal was to make our families interact with each other
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] got wasted with friends [20-22M] for the first time. Carnage ensued. What do I do now? POST: Hi people of reddit. So back story - I'm an ex-Muslim and I thought that it'd be a good idea to try drinking for the first time with friends I know and trust. I did and it didn't go so well. Long story short, I drank waaaaayyyy beyond my limits and got very wasted. I vomited a lot and I managed to also piss myself. I said things that I kind of regret (no insults, just r
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Advice for Selling ETFs in Brokerage Account POST: Would appreciate any advice that can be given. I have a brokerage account with Vanguard that I have for 'mid-horizon' investing. Not money I will need soon, but would like before retirement. I initially started out buying 'sector' etfs (such as energy, materials, IT, etc) individually. After reading this sub for awhile, I've come to the realization that was likely a poor decision on the whole. They haven't returned more t
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Living On Disability POST: Dear Reddit, I am about to be 26 years old and had a double lung transplant and heart repair in 2010 and then a single lung transplant in 2013. Because of this, I am alive thankfully, but unfortunately- have to be on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of my life. This makes it really easy to get sick and that makes it pretty hard to hold a regular job. Right now I can't work because i've been battling a corona virus (thread of the commo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[25/F] with my room mate [26/M] POST: I have feelings for my room mate. He is amazing, a great friend, and a great room mate. We have slept together once a few months ago when we were both drunk and he had recently gotten out of a relationship. He told me then that he had always liked me and had a little crush on me. At this time I was indifferent to him, I liked the idea of him but did not fully appreciate how awesome of a person he is.The sex was not good. Neither one
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by smacking my elbow on my desk POST: This happened yesterday, it was late at night, my head was resting on my hand and I was on skype to someone. I'd just answered the call and 5 seconds in my elbow slips off the desk and I yell ow, but i got over it, thought nothing on it. Like pfff only scraped it, it will be fine. Few minutes into the call I notice blood on my desk, and I'm thinking wtf happened here, then i remember my elbow, so I go to look at it and it's covered in blood
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [22/M] Crush on Close Friend [23/F]...Need Advice POST: [22/M] here and I have had a crush on one of my closest girl friends [23/F] for the past few years. We have known each other for about 4 years, and have remained close throughout that time. We live about a 45 minute plane ride away, but she lives in my hometown and I live in hers (that sounds complicated...), so right now we probably see each other around once a month, maybe a little less. We talk several times a
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by misremembering Wells Fargo's phone number [NSFW] POST: Some slightly-boring background: I used to work at a title company doing Lien Clearance (which is a fancy way of saying I checked mortgages and other debts on your house). One of my borrowers had a debt on her title to Wells Fargo that she didn't owe. We had to clear it up before she could finish her refinance. The fun part: I had the borrower on the phone, and went to make a party call to Wells Fargo, whose phone numb
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [18/M] am not sure of what to get my SO (17/F) for our one year. POST: We're coming up on our one year since we've started dating and we are both still very much in love with each other. Only a few issues are really creeping up on us. She works after school with the Robotics department and helps kids do their homework and experience the world of robotics. She only gets paid $40 a week for this and doesn't have any job outside of that. She has roughly $500 between h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24f] am with a [30m] who is divorced. He said something really messed up and it's bothering me. Will you give your two cents? POST: We have been together for 6 months. Not a life time I know. But we are amazing together. But one night he said that he uses not convinced that he wouldn't leave me if his Ex wife asked for him back even though she has married . They have two kids together. He said he'll ashtrays love her. He did also say that he is in love with me and will
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[20f] little brother [15] molested my little sister [16] three years ago. I don't know how to react. POST: She just told me on Sunday. I kept pushing her because she wouldn't talk to me about boys or anything like that, while I have always told her everything. She insisted she just wasn't interested at all. She finally broke down when I got upset on Sunday and told me that our little brother had snuck into her room three years ago around new years and touched her inappro
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (23f) boyfriend (33m) got caught seeing another woman behind my back...again. POST: I met my boyfriend a year ago. Things got serious very fast and every day since I've met him has been incredible. Every day I go to bed feeling lucky to have him and I saw myself being with him forever. About 4 months into our relationship he suddenly broke up with me. I was so devastated that I had to miss work for a week. He wouldn't provide me with answers. The two weeks before that
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [16 M] with my girlfriend [15 F] of 3 months, The mother of my gf just found out I'm atheist and I don't know how to deal with this conflicting situation. POST: I don't really know if it's appropriate for this subreddit since we are both underage, but I don't know what else to do and I'm desperate for advice. This is clearly blind teenage love so please bear with me. Her mother just found out I'm an atheist and is clearly not OK with my beliefs, she has told several tim
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By applying for Computer Engineering POST: Obligatory it didn't happened today, but I put the pieces together and realized it a couple of days ago. A couple of weeks ago I was filling out my application for university and what undergraduate programs I wanted to do. I was also filling it out at 1 in the morning. One of the programs I was going to do is computer science. At this university that I was applying for, they had computer science at all 3 of their campuses. This is w

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