2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [Update:] Day one of her not talking to me is drawing to a close. POST: First Post: Tried to initiate a conversation today when I woke up. I asked her to call me before work, and was met with nothing but venom (which, yes, I deserve for totally undermining her). My issue now, though, is that I don't know how I'm supposed to talk to my SO about this situation. I've received a lot of positive a negative feedback about my actions, so I know I'm not completely crazy for
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My boyfriend's home-city is trying to tax him for years he hasn't lived there, any advice? POST: So, reddit, my boyfriend is in a slight jam and needs some advice. We came back to his hometown, Cleveland Heights, for this labor day weekend to attend his grandmother's funeral. While sitting down for a nightcap he noticed he had mail, and proceeded to open a surprising letter. His city had subpoenaed him to city hall to explain why he was delinquent on city taxes for the years o
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19 M] think I'm starting to like my friend [19 F] of about 3 years. POST: My friends and I are basically a large group of girls who have been friends since childhood and guys who have been friends since childhood. Everyone is really close. Well, I feel like I'm starting to like one girl in the group, but I'm afraid of what it might do to the group as a whole which is stupid I know because I should do what makes me happy and go after what I want. Also, She isn't sexuall
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: His [35M] kids scare me [23F] POST: I've been in a relationship with Mike* for 11 months now, we met though mutual friends and despite the age gap got on really well from the get go and moved in together 3 months ago however his children (son, 7 years and daughter 8 years) from his previous long term relationship scare me and are causing issues. They are constantly hostile towards me to the point of calling me names and throwing various objects at me when I'm alone with th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24 M] gave my girlfriend of 10 months [21 F] a thousand USD for her country's valentine's day last week and invited her to travel with me. My birthday is tomorrow and she spent all the money on herself and got me nothing. I will break up with her. Thoughts? POST: I spend a lot of time doing things for this girl and while she's good at cleaning and helping around the house, she's very selfish at times. She went on a business trip with me and left me midway through to go d
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18M] with my ex-girlfriend [17F], how can I have a functional post-relationship friendship? POST: Me and this girl dated over a year ago now. We had been good friends for a long time and that developed into a very intense relationship. We had a bad breakup but about six months ago we made up and became friends again. I'm not sure we should be friends. The problem is that I love her. At first I thought that I just really cared about her because we had been so close in t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M] in two minds about asking out this girl from work[21 F]. We live in India. POST: I work in this firm where they provide us home drop via taxi. This girl from the my office(but not from my team) joins me in the same car. Its been a month since we are sharing this cab. We have really good conversations on the way and I am not the only one who initiates it. We haven't exchanged numbers yet, although I am pretty sure if I ask she wouldn't mind. Now I know this seem l
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm[21 F] not sure if I love my bf [22 M] anymore, and I think I may be pregnant and he wouldn't be the father POST: So I just reunited with my boyfriend two weeks ago, because he was doing an MD/PhD prep summer program, so we hadn't seen each other in three months. During those three months, we wrote love letters, skyped, called, etc. We were still in love. Everything was amazing before he left for his program. Now, when we first see each other two weeks ago, I just don'
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [26F] almost stepsister [10f] wanted a toy for her birthday but it got nasty. POST: I say almost stepsister because my father and her mother are engaged, not married yet. I've known her for about a year. So anyway, Stepmum and father invited me over for stepsisters 10th birthday. I asked stepmum what she would like for a present, and her daughter had said a brand of doll , Lala loopsy dolls. So i looked them up and realized they're around $45-$50 each. After shopp
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend's Gossiping Parents POST: Me (20) and my girlfriend (19) have been together for about 4 years and I met her parents early on. At first they seemed to really like me and I would say we were friends. Then about year into the relationship me and my girlfriend had a fallout and there was a period of 4 months where we didn't talk to each other. We eventually made up and recognized we were both being immature about what happened but her parents didn't seem to want to f
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend won't stop eating my food [26F, 26M] POST: My boyfriend and I don't live together, and have been dating 1.5 years. I like to keep a stock of food in my apartment, and also have a stash of junk food. My boyfriend does not keep much food in his apartment. We stay at each other's places alternate weekends. It's not possible for me to go to his every weekend. When I stay at his, I have to buy food for myself. Generally we will buy food to cook together, but if I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I (16F) deal with my "Meninist" brother (19m)? Ignoring isn't working. POST: Hi everyone. My parents are great people. They did their best to raise all 5 of us right, and for the most part I get along with my siblings. But I have one brother, Gordon, who, thanks to the internet and male friends, has become a hardcore "meninist", and very sexist. For example, today I mentioned to my mom that I wouldn't feel comfortable delivering pizza late at night, especially con
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: He [19M] and I[20F] separated for the summer, then he suddenly stopped calling. My spidey sense is tingling. POST: My SO of six months and I attend the same college, but we had to separate for the summer. We've been apart for almost two weeks now, and suddenly our communication has been greatly reduced. He's canceled every pre-agreed upon skype session and phone call save a single very short one. He's sent me one unprompted text, and ends the few texting conversations I've
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (f,20) have been going through a tough time, alone, no help from boyfriendd (21) because he's busy. POST: These past few days have been bad, guys. I received some bad news from college concerning my financial aid, which could fuck up the economic situation at home if I don't get to study (it's complicated, let's just leave it at that). So when I'm dealing with that pressure, I have trouble at work, get a warning, and then, just when my stress is reaching it's peak, my da
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] with my mom's friend [40+ F] 1 day, trying to hook me up with ugly cousin help please oh lord POST: I feel like a terrible person, but my mom's friend messaged me randomly out of the blue. She's trying to introduce me to her cousin from out of this country. She messaged me asking if it's ok first and I said I wouldn't mind meeting someone new. And I wish I didn't because now I'm in a weird three way message with some girl who I don't find attractive at all. But I
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: Lots of experience/skills, some college, no degree. Anyone else in a similar situation? POST: To give a little background, I'm 29, and my recent working background has been in "soft" IT (mostly business analysis). I had it pretty rough growing up and did not go to college at 18 (even though I'm smart and did pretty well in school). I was finally able to start college in my mid-20s, but after a year full-time I was broke and had to start working full-time as a "temp" then "contrac
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why do some young people love to hate on their peers getting married "too young"? POST: Background Info: I am currently (100% happily) married. I married my wife a year and a half ago when I was 22. We never lived together until after our wedding/honeymoon. My wife and I both hear lots of people our age saying bad things about people getting married at our age. Examples: "How do they even know enough about each other to marry them when you're so young?" "They are definitely no
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] with my Girlfriend [23 F] of a year and a half (on and off), mixed signals throughout our relationship and i can't figure out what to do or what i'm doing wrong POST: So this is a bit of a long one: I've been on and off with this girl for about a year and a half but i'll try and keep it as short as possible. It's been unstable from the very start, she's dumped me maybe 10 times, and after every time she's broken up with me she's come back to try and explain hers
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [26/m] The one that got away is coming back. Now what do I do about my gf (24/f)? POST: About 3 years ago I was with a buddy in Vegas and we met a couple really cute girls from Russia. One of the girls and I hit it off and spent quite a bit time together that summer. Her visa expired at the end of the summer so I was kind of in a rush to figure out if our relationship was going anywhere and the language barrier was making it difficult. I told her I liked her, she said
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: International Divorce Issue POST: My parents got married in Chile. They moved to the US and got divorced a few years later. My mother eventually re-married and my father moved back to Chile. Now it turns out in Chile, they are still considered married. My father talked to an attorney who said that my mother just needs to get the divorce papers from the court house, go to the Chilean consulate to have them stamp it or approve it or whatever, and then send it to my dad in Ch
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by trying to pet a cat POST: This happened last night. I was at a date's house in the South Carolina woods (I'm right over the border in urban GA) and he had a big fat cat. I played with it the whole time I was over. So as I was leaving his house, alone, I heard rustling in the bushes. He had mentioned earlier that his cat hates the cats outside. So something crawls out of the bush and my immediate thought was "Kitty!!!" I actually even exclaimed that out loud. So I get r
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is reddit's silliest finals distraction. POST: I was suppose to be reading Cosa Nostra for my Mafia class, when I suddenly had a great idea to take a bath and read at the same time. So I get the water hot, and then slipped into the warm hot water and started to read. Slowly the warm water started to relax me, and I noticed my book was starting to get a little wet, so I put it down and decided to take a break from reading. When I got out of the tub to put the book on the c
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [21 F] and I [22 M] used to be close friends, decided to date, then she chose someone else. POST: So this girl whom I've known for the past 3 years and I used to be extraordinarily close. She had a boyfriend, but I always knew that she and I would have a chance together, so it didn't bother me too much. About 8 months ago, (2 months after she'd broken up with her boyfriend) things started heating up between her and me, and it was pretty obvious. This went on for two months
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [29 M] with my long-time friend [27 F], I'm progressively falling for her and don't know how to stop it. POST: We are not close friends but we have known each other for five years. We only see each other about once every two months with some other friends. We went on a vacation two weeks ago. Me, she and her sister. At the end, I felt I have discovered a new person. Before I liked her but never saw her as a potential lover. She is very smart, takes things lightly and I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [m/26] gf [f/26] agreed that we are not ready for marriage, but then I found her looking at wedding dresses online and feel betrayed and lied to. POST: My gf and I have been together 5 years. She brought up marriage about a year ago, but I told her I was not ready and she said that she was ok with waiting several years. However, the other day I borrowed her laptop and went thorough her history. I know, I shouldn't have, but I was curious. And I've seen that she's been lo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I [20 M] make her [20 F] laugh and enjoy talking to me? POST: So there is this girl in my college major that I've known since the start of the semester. I like her but whenever we talk we seem to run out of things to talk about very quickly because it seems the only thing we have in common is academics. I have asked about her interests (includes rugby) but there is only so much you can talk about until the conversation runs dry. I have class with her everyday so I do
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: A job interviewer took my ideas and left me without a job. Should I even care? POST: I interviewed for a job as a moderator for a start-up website in NYC. The website was down the day prior and the day of my interview so I wasn't able to really play around with it. After my lengthy interview I sent a thank you email. I didn't hear anything back but I decided to sign up for the website and give some feedback. A week later I sent my interviewer a decent sized email about things
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (24m) girlfriend (22f) doesn't touch me during sex. POST: Like the title says my girlfriend doesn't really touch me during sex and I'm starting to get bothered by this. I've talked with her before about foreplay and oral sex and she said she does not like giving or receiving oral sex which I on the other hand told her I DO like it. I understand that it's not something everyone enjoys so I didn't press the issue any further. However every time her and I start to get int
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Female, 20, not sure how to ask out guy met at party. POST: During the holidays, I went to a Christmas party of a co-worker. A friend of her husband's was there. I didn't talk to him much during the party but we did have a few quick conversations. There was a bit of a connection but I didn't think much of it. We got along really easily (felt like I knew him for years) and he made me laugh but neither of us were flirting with each other. Since I didn't know anyone other than
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I [19F] subtly let a guy [19M] know that I'm interested? POST: I've [19/F] know this guy [19/M] for a few weeks, and I have what's possibly the biggest crush I've ever had on a person, on him. He's funny, smart, attractive, super sweet, the whole package. I really just think he's delightful and awesome, and I can't even talk about him to other people without perking up or smiling. I've been getting frustrated because although he's extremely sweet and kind to me, he'
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [39 M] with my [37 F] 16 years, feel like my marriage is breaking down again POST: Its happened before about 5 years ago during a bad period of depression, and we separated for almost 2 years and my downward spiral got worse and worse. Somehow I picked up the pieces and got back on track and got marriage back together, and now I am back in the same place. My depression is bad with avengeance, I am breaking down on a daily basis and causes tension due to generally feeling
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Is it ok to make fun of a day raising awareness about a good cause if the anecdote was flawed? POST: Someone I know made fun of an event at my school today in which kids wore Denim to raise awareness about rape victims/charity for victims. ( The reason we wore denim, is to remember a rape trial in Italy in which an accused rapist was acquitted because the girl wore tight, denim pants which would require herself to take them off. The 18 y/o girls accused rapist was a 40-someth
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by putting a plastic bag in my pocket. POST: This just happened less than thirty minutes ago, but I have to go back to earlier in the day to tell this story right. I work in IT for a restaurant company and occasionally have to hang monitors. Today I was working in the kitchen assembling the arm that would hold the monitor. It came with three hex keys to tighten the different size bolts. These came in a small resealable bag that I pocketed because I didn't want to leave trash i
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: feels like my life's been on hold for almost two years now. POST: I've been working in IT for almost 6 years and have been miserable for at least 4, and have known that I wanted to get out for at least half of that time. My husband is just finishing up his EE degree and once he gets a job I will finally be able to leave and pursue art school, but it's highly dependent on where he finds work, and when. Nothing I can do to speed this up and not knowing what's going to happen is
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my girlfriend [19 F] of around 8 months, internal debate for a long time POST: I could write a whole book detailing my relationship with my current GF, but I'll keep it brief because who wants to read a wall of text? She and I got together last fall in our freshman year of college. We lived in the same building so we saw each other daily, had a large shared group of friends etc. I had reservations for a lot of that time about if I wanted to be dating someone
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [22 F] ex broke it off with me[23 M] about a month ago, but she constantly calls me, deliberately aggravating me, idk why but i still love her. POST: I dated this girl on and off for a year. The last 6 months of the relationship were great. The healthiest relationship I've ever been in. I thought she was the one. Then one day she flip flopped completely and broke it off. I sent her a letter a couple of days after it was over. Its been almost a month since we broke up a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [18] spends more time with friends than me [18/f] POST: My boyfriend is a very accomodating, and has a garage where his friends can freely smoke weed and drink alcohol. His mom has basically let him run free and he can go home as late as he wants, etc. I on the other hand am still bound by curfews and restrictions, but since it is now summer break I can hang out with my boyfriend a lot more. However, when I ask to hang out with him he would rather hang out and
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [24M] girlfriend [24F] went overseas alone... POST: And she called me at 230am my time to tell me she cheated on me. We started dating after meeting through mutual friends while we loved i in the same city and have been doing a LDR for about 2 years now as she was working interstate and we were due to close the gap this coming Feb. She loves travel more than I do but when money allows it I love to travel together. This trip was a 6 week contiki trip which I sadly couldn
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by walking my wife's dogs POST: This happened about 12 hrs ago, and I'm still actively cringing. I was walking my wife's two dogs through our neighborhood, as one does. I didn't have any poop bags....actually, in the interest of full disclosure, I haven't picked up dog poop in about 5 years because I usually walk them when it's dark and nobody will notice and because I'm clearly a terrible human being. Well, last night it was daylight and one of the dogs was inconsiderate en
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [22M] ex-girlfriend [19F] has got a new boyfriend, however we have plans and she owes me a lot of money... POST: In May of this year my ex-girlfriend broke up with me. We've hung out a lot (every day from May to September) and spoke since then until I moved town in September 2 hours away. She was fairly distant for the past few weeks but now she's finally out in the open with a new boyfriend. Which fucking hurts for me, but now I feel I can finally get detached from her
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20M] with my roommate [21F] of a year. My roommate tells everyone about my girlfriend and me's personal business POST: I have a roommate who has a very long history (that I didn't know about prior to the move-in) of gossiping and talking about friends behind their backs. I have told her off several times but she does not see anything wrong with what she is doing. Whether it be telling personal information about friends behind their back to the friend's ex who still had
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Should I (M,22) leave my girlfriend (F,20) of 3 years before moving together? POST: So, I have been dating a girl for 3 years now, and before we dated we were friends for 2 years. I know everything about her, and I really do love her - in the sense that I am still completely empathetic of her emotions and the idea of hurting her in any way is heartbreaking. She really is a perfect girlfriend, not jealous ever, never argues, never complains when I work late or decide to go o
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [27 F] can't stop thinking about telling off my ex bf [31 M] of one year, and I don't know how to deal with it. POST: Hi everyone, I'll try to make this quick: Last year, I dated a guy we'll call Peter for four months. Two weeks after our first fight (after which he asked me to be his girlfriend), he broke up with me. It's the only time I've ever been dumped, and I can't seem to get over it. I've had a new boyfriend for the past 7-8 months who is much better than Peter,
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [26/m] My wife [24/f] stays up all night and sleeps half the day away POST: My wife of 3 years and I have very different sleep schedules. She sleeps until 12 or 1 pm everyday and doesn't go to bed until 3 or 4 am, while I wake up at 6 am everyday and go to bed by 11pm. When she does wake up, she becomes frantic and stressed that she doesn't have enough time to get all of her errands and work done before the end of the day, while I usually finish all of my work before
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: how to live with your ex[27M] after you are broken up. POST: hi guys! i am a 23F and my boyfriend and i started dating about 8 months ago. we moved in together way too quickly and now our relationship has essentially fizzled out to nothing. our lease isn't up until April 2017 so we have to live together, in the same room, till then. i have expressed to him that i am not happy because he is always pessimistic and sees the worst in everything whereas i'm the opposite. i truly
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [25/F] Explaining that I've never been in a relationship and am not having sex until marriage. POST: I'm a 25/F who has been focused on school and work her whole life. I've built up a small professional network and am about to finish grad school and move where my job is taking me. I'm ready to start making personal connections in my new homeown but I've never been in a relationship. I have gone on dates, but I've moved around quite a bit and have never taken the time to act
SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: Here's a list : part 2 POST: [Here's my previous list] This one is more "superficial" and "for noobs". I hope you know most of those but as a SAP I had to learn them on my own. Also, for guys only. * Get a tongue scratcher. Most people don't realize they have a bad breath, this is a must have. * Your eyebrows! If I learned something about girls, it's that they focus on insignificant details (for us males) and you should know what are those details. You shouldn't focus too much on
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: He[25M] didn't say I love you back, but making more and more commitments to me (24F), I don't understand. Help? (1year) POST: So, I said I love you last night. he said "really? no one has ever said that to me before" and he kissed me. that's about it. but we are talking about moving in together, and we are both seriously searching for jobs and a flat in the same space. He made a joke about marrying me. We talked about what we will call the cat we will doubtlessly adopt.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [15M] got my friend [15F] pregnant and her mum wants her to keep it. POST: I've known this girl for about 3 years, we went to primary school together. We weren't good friends, but we hung out sometimes. I walked her home from school one day about 6 weeks ago. On the walk we got talking about sex and kissing and stuff. When we got to her house she kissed me lightly on the lips. Then she asked me if I wanted some food inside , she said her parents were out, but they wouldn'
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm[20 F] not sure how to break-up with my best friend/roommate[20 F]. POST: I met one of my very best friends three years ago in a college course. We quickly became inseparable. Shortly after, lets say six months or so, we decided to move in together and have been living together ever since and do currently. I have been irritated with the way she lives since the very beginning. She is very messy, she doesn't clean up after herself. Her room is full of clean/dirty laund
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 F] with my boyfriend [22 M] together 1.5 years, in a funk and feeling really disconnected - need advice!! POST: My boyfriend, (let's call him Greg) and I have been together almost a year and a half now. When we met, we had a bit of a whirlwind romance. We instantly became close friends and the relationship followed soon after. Greg and I have our fair share of problems, but we've always gotten along so well. We were never afraid to be our weirdest, silliest selves to
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by honking at my landlord while trying to park someplace he told me I couldn't. POST: Quick backstory: I own a creative agency, last fall we moved into this really cool old building that has been redesigned for other small businesses. The only drawback is, it being part of an older set of buildings on the block built in the 1800's not much parking was planned for way back then. As a result, all renters/employees of the building have to park in a parking lot a good ways away fro
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my Girlfriend [21 F] of 1y and 8 m, She lost all interest in sex after was diagnosed with HPV POST: We have a great relationship and a great / healthy sex life, but 6~ months ago she was diagnosed with HPV and everything was a downhill from there, she had a treatment and a small surgery to remove a wart. After some time, she lost all interest in sex and doesn't have sexual desire because she's afraid i could hurt her or she could transmit it to me if we have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My (20/f) Boyfriend (24/m) is not being supportive enough. HELP! POST: We've been together for 2 years and I have no intention on breaking this off but I could really do with some advice reddit. We live apart during the term time but talk every day. As you know its currently finals season so I'm in quite a bad place right now due to the commitments coming with that. I've also found out over the past couple of days that my gran has been admitted to the ICU, although I
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by sneezing, having my period, and crapping my pants at work... POST: I'm on the last day of my period and it has been a particularly heavy and crampy period due to my new dosage of birth control. I'm at work and I feel some cramping and I'm thinking its just weird cramps and that I might have to change my tampon if the cramps are indicating I'm about to get a heavy flow (girls will understand this!). The pain subsides and I feel nothing so I carry on my way editing away at my
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [36 M/] with my SO [27F] 1 and a half years, having issues with jealousy POST: I feel unequipped to handle my gf's jealousy and insecurities, which generally grow from small issues or miscommunications to insinuations or outright accusations of infidelity. She has had issues with boyfriends cheating in the past, so I understand the underlying issues - however I am a bit tired of being treated like I am a cheating when I am doing no such thing. I have asked myself what ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [27 M] having troubling couping with my ex [25F] after 3 months breakup POST: So I will keep this short, but I would appreciate advice/thoughts We were dating an living together for close to 2 years, things were going really well. She was talking about marriage, etc. Due to jobs, we moved across the country from each other. Initially she was crying every night, webcaming all the time. Within two weeks, she made out with someone at a drunken bar night and everything chan
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: [29M] How to turn an activity partner [20F] into a girlfriend? POST: I [29M] started talking to a girl [20F] at my rock climbing gym recently (3 weeks ago). It was kind of random, I just noticed her and then later decided to say hi. We got along well right away. Turns out we're from the same town, but she doesn't have a car, so she asked if we could carpool to the gym on a regular basis. I happily agreed, it seemed like a win-win situation. At the climbing gym we're not
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Question about how to handle a friend situation POST: Hi everybody, I made a throwaway because my friends like to check my comment/post history a lot. I'll explain the situation: I'm an 18 year old (m) and she is a 16 year old soon to be 17 year old. We have been really great friends since meeting on a 6 hour bus ride with band when she was a freshman and I was a junior. Our friendship has had its ups and downs and those have been caused by me freaking out on her for going
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Help me [37 M] make my wife [35 F] of ten years fall crazy in love with me again. POST: We've been married ten years. Things are pretty good. But we have kids, we both work full time and on opposite shifts, we don't get a lot of quality time together. I'm planning something for her birthday. I want romance, sweetness, the atmosphere for making her cell loved, needed, wanted. I want to sweep her off her feet again. I want her to think, "Yeah, that's why I'm with this guy. A
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Is my [16F] boss [50M] just being friendly or is there something else going on? POST: I've been working at a fast food restaurant for a few months since I turned 16 and it's my first job I've ever had before. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking or if my boss is actually a bit weird but wanted your opinions. So from what people talk about at work, my boss is around 50 and never married with no kids. He is a friendly guy and seemed to me like a good boss? Since I was hired he's
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: FWB (33M) gave me (22F) an STD. We work together. He wants to have sex again. Help me. POST: So a work friend of mine and I goof around at work a lot. He's an RN, I'm a CNA and we both work in a hospital. He's pretty good looking, but he's very aware of it and that gets *super* annoying. But he's funny and generally a good buddy. One day we were talking about what we were looking for in a realtionship, and we both discover that neither of us is looking for a relationship,
SUBREDDIT: r/cats TITLE: Semi-Adopted stray, what to do with it? POST: Hello all. About 6 months ago, a stray cat showed up at my house. My closest neighbors live miles from me, and none of them had ever seen/heard of it. It was quite skittish at first, but at this point it's my best friend. I feed and play with her every day. Here's the kicker though. I cannot for the life of me, get her to think about coming inside. I've tried, at the advice of other cat owners, to try slowly bringing her inside, increas
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit what do you think? POST: So as I refresh myself with a cool Red bull, I always think of all the crazy extreme athletes Red bull sponsored. But I can't help think about us regular Joe's and pretty ladies. I happen to use Red bull on almost every weekend to be up and ready to go, since I have to be awake early and with fresh revitalised mind as to not mess up the orders and keep up with the morning rush. So if so many of us use Red bull, why haven't they made a commercial
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Should the electoral college should be abolished? POST: (First post on my new account :) ) The (American) electoral college system of election is undemocratic, it has multiple times allowed presidents to be elected without the popular vote. ~~It allows government officials to manipulate votes by changing the borders of voting zones, as happened in Florida with Bush's brother.~~ There are other ways the system fails us, politicians can manipulate the vote in other ways (eg. Ne
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: (TX) Can you legally take someone's house after paying the mortgage? POST: First off. I'm mobile, sorry in advance for formating errors. Here are the relations of those involved. B is the son of A. C is married to B. A, B, and C were all living together for 2 years. The mortgage and Deed are only in A's name. A left to live in a nursing home. B & C have started making the mortgage payments for A. B&C are informing family that they spoke with an unnamed lawyer(pretty sure
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: Questionable Conversation with Minor On OK Cupid POST: Hi /r/legaladvice I live in the state of Texas, and recently I decided to create an OK Cupid account. Yesterday, I began messaging a girl who's profile said she was 18, the same age as I. We talked for a short time on the OK Cupid app and after a few messages of introductory back and forth, we moved to the Kik app, at her request. I learned she was still a high schooler, and asked if was a "little mature" for her beca
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [17 F] How To Gain The Trust Of My Boyfriend's [17 M] Strict Mother POST: My boyfriend and I like each other dearly and we can talk about anything. I've had quite a few boyfriends, but I haven't had someone who is so easy and fun to be with before. Our relationship is great, except for his mother. His mother used to like me when she thought I was only her son's friend. She invited me to ice cream, to walk our dogs together (that's how we all met), to BBQs, etc etc. She eve
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: How to be passive aggressive 101 POST: It's 3AM and I can't sleep even after being dead tired all day from lack of sleep the night before, the night before that ect. I live with my friend and his gf, they're great roommates... Until at night. Whenever I am about to doze off I hear something that wakes me up, whether it be a door shutting without even trying to mask the sound at all, or my friend's gf "coughing". I say that because she won't have a cough during the day, but sud
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, how can I be a more positive person? POST: Recently, my boyfriend has been under a lot of stress. I asked him what I could do to help alleviate his stress, expecting him to say something along the lines of "do more dishes, make the bed every morning, etc." However, he said, "I wish you would be a more optimistic person." I had a pretty tumultuous childhood with my parents taking ten years to get divorced and a rather abusive mother. I grew up extremely overweight an
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 M] with a girl I've been dating for about 2 months [21 F] duration, keep getting mixed signals POST: I've been dating this girl for 2 months and we've slept together twice. I really like her and I got too nervous and couldn't get it up twice. This always happens with girls I really like, I've told her why and she seems really understanding about it. Luckily I seem to excel in other areas because of that. She said she wants to come over tomorrow and immediately
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My husband [m/35] of 12 years has been having angry outbursts at me[f/29] usually on days we don't have sex POST: This is my first post here, so I hope I'm doing this right! Back story: We have a strange kind of "dead bedroom" situation (yes I know about the subreddit), to super simplify it: he is a 3 times a day guy, and I'm more of a 2 times a week girl. It has created a lot of tough patches in our relationship, but we are best friends, very dedicated to each other, and
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I am kinda in a grandma's boy situation here... Help? POST: Almost a year ago I moved in with 2 guys and this girl, the 2 guys I have lived with and there is no problem. Its this chick and for this lets call her Fupa because thats what we call her. Anyways I live here without a lease and I am not supposed to be here. The house is for 3 people and no pets. There is 4 people and 2 dogs, whoops. Back to the point. Us guys give our money in cash (I know bad idea) to fupa each mon
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [27F] employee [30sF] is waging a social media campaign against a local business. Do i help her? POST: We work a night shift, and we get off work at 1am. We had an unofficial team outing at a resort just last week (company is not liable). My employee was injured at the resort pool around 4am--there was a piece of glass at the pool bottom--and she left before regular office hours, so she could go to the hospital for stitches. There was no management available at the time.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [18/f]I've had this crush[22/m] for roughly two years and through two relationships, help please! POST: As I said, this crush has stuck with me for much too long and I'm not sure how to handle it. He and I are co-workers and I am leaving the company, so there would be no 'office romance' problems here. I just recently got out of a bad relationship with a man who I had fallen out of love with long ago (stuck with him because of hope feelings would be rekindled...no dic
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by using tape. Slightly (NSFW) POST: I work 3rd shift at a gas station. In order to be "more energy efficient" (to save money cause they're cheap) our corporate office controls the thermostat. As a result it gets incredibly hot during all the sweeping/mopping I have to do so my boss said I can wear shorts as long as their nice and fit the dress code (khaki). So about 45 minutes ago(around 2-2:30 est) I was going through my nightly chores and I squatted down to get fountain po
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I [19m] demanding too much from my [19f] SO of 11 months? POST: Background - I'm highly unromantic(my SO has mentioned that she is okay with this) and staying in army on weekdays. SO is in uni year 1. We only meet each other on weekends for usual couple stuff like dates. SO has a group of friends(3 guys and she's the only girl) that she hangs out with in school everyday. She mainly sticks to this one guy (let's call him alex) even though she's friends with the group of