2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] and my new love interest [27 F] of a few weeks: She has 2 kids, was married and is 6 years older than me...am I crazy? POST: So I've been seeing this girl I met through a work friend for a couple weeks now. We've only hung out a few times due to her busy schedule (being a single mother, work, etc) but we've come to a pretty clear conclusion that we're interested in one another. However, there are a few things that make me a little nervous. First is the age diff
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] told my good friend [22 M] that we could be roommates in the spring. I want to live with someone else and don't know how to tell him. I know he won't take it well. POST: I am moving houses to a 3 bedroom house with two of my friends in January. Originally it was going to be a 2 bedroom house and I agreed about a month ago to live with one of my friends, lets call him Fred. Recently the 2 bed changed to a three bed and my best friend (Connor) decided to move back
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Nearly 2 Months and I've been increasingly and alarmingly more lethargic. Input needed. POST: To start off I am 21 years old, male, and I've been maintaining a 1500 calorie diet since July 15th. My starting weight was ~220 lbs and now I float between 197-199. It's great that I've lost around 20 pounds, but I have been increasingly growing more and more lethargic. I would say I normally ate 2500-3000 calories/day around two months ago. I'm a rather sedentary person and I have been
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20M] just found out from my little sister [12F] that my kid cousin [12M] is smoking. How do I handle this? POST: I found out tonight my 12 yr old cousin is smoking. He's a good kid who has developed a reputation as one of the cool, popular kids since starting at a new school in September last year, and I think it has gone to his head somewhat. I don't know how to deal with this cos I don't want to grass on the daft dick to his parents, on point of principle as well as t
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I expected better. Is this really how you feel about Facebook meme pages for your school? POST: My school has a page. It's alright. There are some wrong uses but a fair few correct/funny ones. A lot of the time with these pages, it's people trying to fit in with the internet. Not everyone is from the internet, and with the internet being the absolute IN thing now, it's natural that everyone would want to be a part of it. Like it or not, memes these days play a major role in 'be
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: What should I do? POST: Ok so a tad bit of background is required. I'm 19 (I know I'm young) and a male. Anyhow, so I've been working at a steakhouse for a little over a year now and I work with this girl who we'll call Jane (18). Anywho, Jane and I hosted together until she moved up several months ago, and during that time we would talk and always got along pretty well. Around the end of last year I got a girlfriend who over the course of five months cheated on me t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19F] with my bf [20M] doesn't understand that I don't like certain pictures of me posted on facebook. POST: I flew myself out to LA from the east coast to see my BF, and everything has been fun. We took lots of pictures to remember the trip. But, while we where playing around we were play wrestling with my laptop and laughing about some pictures. But then he went on facebook and posted a pictures of us in bathing suits after we washed his car, and a picture of us kiss
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my GF [19 M/F] of 1.5 years, she's gaining weight and doesn't seem willing to be healthy POST: To start off, she's 5'5" or 5'6", and 200 lbs.. To put this in perspective, I'm 5'10", and she's about ten pounds heavier than me. She's gained about 40 lbs. since we started dating (basically, since she got out of high school). Some of this is my fault - I had similar eating habits, and we'd go out for fast food, etc. pretty commonly in the past. I've been cutting
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [F21] can't get over a guy [M20] I didn't even 'date' POST: Ok so I say 'date' because we literally spent all our time together (for 4 months, seems a lot longer than that) and even traveled over 3 hours to see each other frequently after univeristy ended but were never offical. He also gave me money to visit him and did the gentlemanly thing of paying for all dinners and activites despite me saying no. We also were sexually active from pretty early on. We decided we'd m
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [27M] girlfriend [26F] of 2 years brings other people into our arguments & fights. I feel like it's unfair but not sure what to call it or how to respond. Is it just me or is this behavior not OK? POST: We've had a rocky relationship lately, and in a lot of our arguments she brings up how she's spoken to some friend and they agree with her that I'm a terrible boyfriend, that she should leave me, that she can do better, etc. Usually these are unnamed friends or coworkers
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My ex [23 M] responded weirdly when I [20 F] said I missed being with him POST: Basically he said that he missed me and wanted to plan for dinner and to see me when he came to my city, he lives seven hours from me but was coming home for the summer. We have been on bad terms for a while (we have a complicated history), but we had a really candid talk and he said he missed me and was sorry for everything that occurred, and I missed him a fucking lot because he means everythi
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My Mom just reported to Facebook that she had to rummage through the garbage to find my Dad's false teeth after they were accidentally thrown out. What is the funniest, yet unintentional, thing your parents have done? POST: Just for clarity, my parents are both turning 65 this year. I've definitely noticed some changes in their memory, but it's nothing alarming - just the normal type stuff. Another funny thing that happened to my Mom (when she was much younger though - like
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [25/M] Invited my coworker [35/F] to hang out, agrees, then avoids me the next day. POST: I am a 25 year old male who is friends with a 35 year old female at my workplace. I've known her for a year, and I had no attraction to her when we first met. After getting to know her, I found that we share many many similar interests and tastes, and I've developed an attraction for her, which snowballed to a pretty big crush. I'm pretty sure she isn't currently interested, but I deci
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[31M] and my girlfriend [26M/F] of almost 2 years, having issues staying focused and keeping it up during sex POST: We've had a great relationship for the last 2 years or so, and sex has always been a big part of it. However, there was a period 6 months or so ago where she got really depressed and our sex life suffered. She'd get so angry that I found myself completely unable to perform, and she'd understandably get even angrier. This went away a month or two later and ev
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[20ftM] cannot seem to catch feelings to save my life. POST: As you can see in the title, I am a transguy. I first came out as being gay when I was 17 and later came out as being trans. But prior to coming out at all, I was able to fall HARD for girls. Most of which were girls whom I befriended and eventually started to have feelings for. I want to say that keeping the feelings to myself made it more intense but I don't know. As soon as I came out, it wasn't the same. For
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23M] with my roommate [22F] wants to sublet her room, I'm not on board POST: I'll keep this brief. My roommate, we'll call her Skye, and I lived together previously at school with 3 other people for 2 years. We were both accepted into the same graduate program at a different school and decided to live together again. The lease we signed has both of our names on it and we split the rent (she pays slightly more for a larger room but that was her idea). Our lease was supp
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: The plague of ITBS POST: Hi all. I got hit with ITBS in my right leg while training for a half marathon in October. It was a bummer, but I accepted that I was probably pushing it too much in terms of mileage, not doing the rights things in terms of stretching+conditioning, etc. etc. I essentially took off from running from November through January after seeing a sports medicine doctor, while also doing a lot of cross-training, Theraband exercises, and foam rolling. As of this
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: Cab driver got into a car accident. My coworker got a concussion. Anything we should / can do? (details inside) POST: Myself and two other coworkers were in a taxi in NYC heading to a meeting. Our cab driver wasn't paying attention and hit the bumper of the car in front of us. The driver stayed in the car while the drive and passenger of the other car got out, looked at the bumper, yelled at the driver for a bit and then drove off. We then proceeded to the meeting. Because i
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (20F) bf (23M) of 3yrs is totally closed to trying anything sexually new. NSFW. POST: My boyfriend and I have had a lively, deep, and all around fun sexual history with one another up until about 5 months ago. When it comes to sex, I'm more of the "try anything once" kind of girl and only after do I decide if it's something I like. He, on the otherhand, is completely closed off to much beyond very normal sex. I dont necessarily want bdsm all the time or public exposition
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Has anyone had luck with Plenty of Fish, Tinder, or MeetMe? Is it worth trying? [24 M] POST: I don't dabble too much into online dating, but sometimes I like to see my chances on Plenty of Fish, MeetMe, and Tinder. I have noticed on MeetMe I get some replies back. However, on Tinder and Plenty of Fish, I struggle to get replies back. People consider me a good looking guy, most woman would rate me a 7 out of 10. So I don't think it is because I am horribly ugly for the reas
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Game boy games for iPhone? POST: I have an iPhone 5 (and I don't care about your opinions on it) and I'm looking to get some game boy games for it. All of the games in the App Store are boring as shit and you can either beat them in 10 minutes or they are trying to make you buy special coins from them. I'm really looking to get some long-lasting games I can play, and I know game boy games are great for that. I used to have an emulator on my android, before it broke, and I could
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my Ex-Girlfriend [18 F] duration 2 years, are scheduled to meet up this weekend. No idea how to approach the situation! POST: Note: The last time we saw each other was before I left for school (two months ago) Two months ago my high school sweet heart broke up with me. Her reasons were warranted (long story short I took her for granted) and she told me she lost feelings BUT she wanted to stay friends (soooo cliche, I know). For the first few weeks of being
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I think my [23F] best friend [24F] is developing a drinking problem. POST: Hello reddit. Lately my best friend is in a rut. She is a server at a restaurant and *loves* her job, she's been with her boyfriend for 4+ years and they have an adorable little house they live in together. She's always been the kind of friend that NEEDS to have people around her, or else she gets bored and lonely. She's very dependent IMO, and her bf knows it. She'll constantly ask me to come over
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How do we fix the High Speed Internet Monopoly in the USA? POST: So I got my Mediacom (Cable and Internet) bill today and it was over $100 and that was the last straw. It used to be $75, and before that it was $60 per month. At this point we cancelled our service with them, however because they are the only high speed provider in a 150 mile radius we had to re-sign up with my Girlfriend as the primary account holder so we could get the "Promotional" rate for Internet of $29.95/
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [22 F] would like to know how to approach guy 23M] I rejected year ago POST: I am thinking about asking out a guy who I rejected year ago. We are going to the same college and I started seeing him a lot again. Despite that rejection I really liked him a lot and I also found him very attractive. I am not sure how to approach him nor what to say to him why I changed my mind nor how to start any kind of conversation because I'm scared of his reaction. Reason I rejected him i
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: How do I explain an abusive relationship to my friends? POST: Hi Reddit. You were my saviour last time, so I plead for your aid once again. Following up on [this] I managed to break up with my girlfriend. She hasn't stopped texting, telling me how she loves me and how she misses me. I have managed to talk to my friends again and hangout a little. I asked to go and spend the new year's eve with them, but they don't understand why I haven't spoken with them for so long
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [16f] I hate my Boyfriend's Bestfriend [17f] POST: My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months and he's 16 too. His bestfriend is a girl, and before we started dating I was kinda worried about their friendship because people have spread rumors that they've done sexual stuff together, and I don't know if I feel comfortable letting my boyfriend have a female bestfriend. They've been friends for years and ever since we started dating she is being mean to me. I didn't real
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my girlfriend [19 F] of over 1 year, I'm having negative thoughts over the integrity of our relationship POST: So for a little over two, maybe 3 months I have had troubling dreams and my mind telling me this is not working and I should jump ship. The problem is, my ship is doing perfectly well and I can see a happy future. This may be assisted by the fact that a part of me feels I have not explored people, however being quite introverted, this is not likely
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Confused about new guy moving too fast and consent POST: I've been seeing a guy for a few weeks now (we're both in our mid-20s) and yesterday I went to his place for the first time to watch a movie. There'd never been any physical contact in our previous dates. Right after I said I was planning to go home, he moved to kiss me for the first time and I was fine with that. However, he didn't let me disengage the kiss. I pulled back because I wanted to check in--hopin
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: 2nd round biz dev interview at foreign start-up POST: Hey /r/jobs, Long time lurker, first time poster here. Quick background: I'm an American living in France (got my b-school degree here) and did some work for a bootstrapped start-up that is going under. I've been looking for employment for some time and had a great interview for an entry level biz dev job here. After the interview, which mostly consisted of pleasant conversation and softball questions about my experience, the co
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [23M] just asked out my best friend/crush [22F] things got a bit awkward, not sure exactly how to proceed. POST: Alright, so I've had a close friend for a few years now, and recently we started hanging out a lot more often and spending much more time together. I fell for her. There has been mutual flirting going on for a few months now, both of us were definitely apprehensive of starting a relationship because of our past relationships though. We hung out saturday and we
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend is super innocent and I don't know what to do? POST: Alright. So I've been dating this girl for a few months and we are both 21. We are both virgins and finally had that conversation the other day. She has never masturbated either. Me on the other hand, and that hand too. She kept shutting down whenever I tried to move past a cuddle or kissing a little bit. So I finally wanted to talk to her about advancing that part of our relationship. That happend a few da
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [25F] just got an unwanted message from him [34M], do I reply? POST: Relevant info: I've been with my SO for 5 years, married for 2. He (we'll call him Gus) has been with his SO for several years, married for 3 with a kid. We live on different continents. Background: I met Gus through mutual friends when I was 17 and he was 26. I didn't have many friends at the time so we hung out every once in a while. Come to find out Gus asked my dad if we could be in a relationship.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Is there a chance that tech support will become more spiritual as technology advances past the understanding of the average person? POST: My friend and I had a silly conversation that got this idea planted in our minds. You can talk to anyone who has worked in any kind of tech support job and get confirmation that people never read manuals and instructions anymore, and expect everything to work without understanding basic functions. As technology gets more and more sophisticat
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey Reddit, what's the biggest fear you have overcome in an instant? POST: So today, I was jogging a different way then I usually do. I used to be VERY afraid of dogs. So, I was jogging by this one house, where I saw a dog in the window. I said to myself, "He can't get out of that house". A few minutes later, the front door flew open and it was tearing across the owner's front yard, right at me. I was too tired to try to out run the dog, instead I stopped dead in my tracks. I t
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Had sex. Got dumped. Need support, Reddit. POST: Long complicated story, but the basics: I just turned 25, and have been with a girl for a year. I finally reconsidered being a virgin, and decided she was worth having sex with for the first time. This made her really happy. Things were at an all time high, we "loved" each other, and I thought we had a perfect balance. Two weeks later, I told her I was going to spend my bday with my parents, not her, because they were a priorit
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[f19]think I'm losing my mom[41]emotionally.In need of desperate help! POST: Hello reddit people. First of all I'll give u some important info about me.My parents are divorced since 10 years,I live with my mom and grandparents,my dad abandoned us since then.So my mom works to make a living,im an only child and im in university now and our society is kinda closed one.I would say my relationship with my mom is turning into hell day after day,although im 19 but everyone know
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Do I [22 M] need to move on from her [22 F] ? POST: I met a girl in college that I really liked and wanted to ask out, but the timing was always bad. I used to be pretty sure that she was interested too (classic stuff: arm touching, ridiculous but adorable excuses to buy me drinks, asking me questions I know she already knew the answer to, etc.). Then we graduated and now live too far away to make anything feasible. One time I was in her area and we met up, I tho
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: (23/M) afraid of losing (22/F) after omitting something to try and make her feel more comfortable. What can I do? POST: Hey relationship_advice. Story goes: I (23/M) have had a long distance relationship with (22/F) for around 10 months. Like every long distance relationship it is not always easy. 1 month ago I moved from my home country to the UK to study, when I did she started becoming increasingly more worried about everything. I get that she has never been in th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [18 M] Extremly confused if i should break up with my girlfriend[18 F] of 2 years POST: Hey reddit, i'm lost right now and could really use some help. Thanks beforehand. Please do ask questions about anything if needed, i mostly reply very fast, and i need the help. I met my girlfriend about 2 years ago at our mutual boarding school, it's been a fucking fantastic ride with travels, love, fantastic sex and enjoying my life with her. I always felt that she were the one f
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [16f] have been dating my college boyfriend [17] for a year and a half. My parents do not know.. POST: I met him in high school and we started dating his senior year and my sophomore year. He is currently a freshman at a college not too far from me so we see each other as often as the typical semi-long distance couple would. Our relationship is great and we really make the other happy. His parents know. He grew up in an easy-going family. My problem is I have extremely st
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey Reddit, has anyone here been offered a SW development position without an in-person interview? POST: I interviewed on Saturday with an agency that does contract work for Microsoft. The interview lasted about a half hour and was totally legit: questions on testing, all of my projects, etc. The interviewer asked me where my interest lies, developing or testing. I told him the former and we hung up without any mention of a future interview. I was called back today by a recru
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My wife just got a new position doing medical records / preparing charts for doctors. I can google but I wouldn't know whats fact or fiction. Any pointers or sources of valid info to help her? (story inside) POST: My wife has been so supportive in me going to school to finish my Bachelors...couldn't do this without her. I know she's a devoted worker and it finally paid off. She's still not 100% sure about what she wants to do but feels it's some type of nursing. That being
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (M19) girlfriend (19) "talked dirty" with a guy who she was working with POST: So my girlfriend and I are at university together and she went off for a week in March for some work experience at a company. This morning she left her phone open on her Twitter direct messages while she went for a shower and I noticed messages between her and the person who gave her work experience about how'd like her to go back again, and there would be plenty of "extra-curricular activit
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How can I (18/F) let my boyfriend (19/M) know that I need help from him to lose weight? POST: We've been dating for two years now and when we first got together, I lost a LOT of weight, about 20~30 lbs because I was too enamored to eat. Obviously, that's changed, I've gained all that weight back and then some. It's been affecting our sex life, as I don't want to have sex feeling like a fat cow. I haven't found the right way or time to bring it up to him, and I can tell that
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I(19/M) just broke up with my gf of 8 months (16/F). Can you give some protips how to get over? POST: Some backstory: I broke up with her during argument(trust problems and then she slapped me) and told her that we think too differently and stuff. Then when both of us calmed down, we realized we still want to be together. Then during the last week she said that she wants break and still loves me but wants to think about how to put more effort in relationship, but still some
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I'm glad my step-daughters biological father is dying cancer. Am I a bad person? POST: Glad isn't the best word, but it is the closest word. I should have said I have no negative feelings that this is happening. I've gone though a log of stuff with my wife, but nothing quiet affected me as my step-daughters bio father deciding that he wanted to be in her life again. I wanted to adopt her when I marred my wife. My wife has nothing but negative stories about this guy. My 6 year
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] am falling for my best friend [21f] but I only have 3 weeks left before she goes away for 4-5 months abroad. Should I tell her how I feel before she leaves? POST: I've been good friends with a girl for three years, but in the past month and a half, the friendship began growing exponentially and I have fallen for her. We've been seeing each other 3-4 times a week for the trivial (lunch) to pretty serious (a 2-hour walk just with her and I through the night). Half the
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My (21F) girlfriend thinks I'm cheating on her and I don't know why! POST: (Sorry if I mess something up, this is my first post EVER). So me and my girlfriend have been dating for around 8 months now. We go to different colleges in the same state, so it's technically long distance but we're really only 45 minutes away from each other. In the past I have joked around with her about cheating, but it's always been apparent that I was joking (or so I thought). She has
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: me [21 f] can't stop hurting POST: long story short, I was seeing this guy [21] for almost a year and then randomly one day he stopped talking to me. He was up at school and I went home for a while. We didnt communicate at all for about 8 weeks, I tried talking to him but he just ignored me. We have a similar group of friends, and I saw him at a party when i got back home. We hooked up and he stated that he still wanted to hook up with me, but would be looking for other peo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [29 M] went through my gf's[33 F] text's, she's been texting her ex and he had a "sex dream"... POST: So I [29m] messed up. I had some sort gut feeling something was off or up, last night my [33f] gf got up in the middle of the night and went to walk the dog. I went through her phone and saw text messages from her ex and her. We have been dating for close to 8 months, her ex was before us and he broke it off with her, he's quite older. Anyway, the texts seemed innocent un
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What was your biggest heartbreak (or regretful relationship), and how has it affected your following relationship(s)? POST: I'll post mine if this becomes active. TL;DR:
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [F19] need help with inconsiderate boyfriend [M21] POST: I [F19] have been dating my boyfriend [M21] for almost a year and a half. We were just taking a shower together, as we sometimes do, for fun but also because we were both going out tonight and needed some refreshing. And then I lost my shit. Why does someone lose their shit in the shower? Because the boyfriend used the girlfriend's razor in his last shower and did not clean the hair stubbles out, which means this r
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [F, 20] in a new relationship with great guy [M, 20]... but having some reservations because I feel like I should be completely self-focused at this point in my life? POST: So I recently got into a relationship with a guy. He's great, I feel a truly deep connection with him that I've never felt with anyone before, like I'm not ashamed of any parts of me when I'm with him. It's great, amazing, and addicting. I've been in one relationship before, which lasted 10 months,
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend[18 M] and I [19 F] of 1 year, not doing well after pregnancy/abortion. POST: This may seem a bit childish, but I am slightly hurt. A little bit of a back story: I am typically a very bubbly, optimistic person. Usually, I always look to the brighter side of any situation. However, the last 3-4 months it has become more difficult for me to be this way. I've been moody, and irritable, and just... unhappy. It turns out, I was 3 months pregnant. That explained a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23/F] with my boyfriend [28 M] of 1.5 years, am i overreacting? POST: Last night I took my boyfriend to my (now our) friend's birthday party. There was only one other girl at the party, also my friend. They talked only with each other since she didn't know anyone else there while i was talking to other people too. They took shots together the whole night. At midnight I wanted to get the cake my bf and i had baked together and light the candles. The female friend gets up
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why do the people of reddit... POST: I've been a long time reader and only a short time member. I really like the idea of up-voting and down-voting and the ability to state one's opinion. I'd honestly rather argue my views on certain topics face to face, but the internet will do when it comes to topics that appear on the internet. Anyways, while I like the up-vote and down-vote feature, I ask this: Why does it seem that people who make the honest and most insightful comments,
SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: The most passive way to get back at my roommate POST: **BACKGROUND:** My roommate Chuck is unbelievable. He's an awkward, sensitive, anal-retentive redhead, and I have thousands of stories to tell about him. While my Chuck has pissed off many people in my floor for many things (such as marrying my other roommate's ex), I'll spare the details and dive straight into the story. **SITUATION:** Chuck and I are both in the same chemistry lab class, so sometimes we ask each other
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [24 M] GF [23 F] 1.5 years doesn't want to hear any of my advice. Wants to take a break. POST: She's studying in film school and I'm working as engineer. She stopped school last year temporarily to work. She quits work earlier this year (January) citing she has to finish requirements for school but she's really not doing anything. Her requirements are already been up for a year but she's not doing anything about it. She'd rather read a nice book or edit pictures to post
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Roommate [?? M] of a girl I'm dating has been with the girl he has been dating [?? F], who is my girl's friend, for over 8 yrs. Relationship has gone long distance for the first time, my girl is in a bit of a pickle. POST: To make the details easy...bullets. * I'm dating a girl [23 F] * Her friend [20's? F] moved long distance (1,000+ miles away) for a year for school * My girl's current roommate is the boyfriend of said friend [20's? M] * Her friend and this roommate have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: (17F) My Boyfriend And Female Friend Hug? POST: Hey, my English is not sogood so please bear with me :) My boyfriend (17M) has had a close friend who's a girl, for years. And I know that they have dated for a few months, years ago. so there must be some attraction between them. And they hug eachother, often. I don't like that, and the other day I was with my boyfriend at school and she came up to him and hugged him, when I was right there, and it made me feel uncomfortable.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [23]female receives little to no affection with him[26]. Sex only happens when HE is in the mood. Please help me with advice! More story in the comments. POST: I have been with my current boyfriend for 9 months now and it feels like the intimacy of our relationship is not there. I am a 23 year old female and he is 26 male. In the beginning, he lived with his family in a temporary situation and we had quickies any chance we had just like any normal relationship. We moved in
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being greedy POST: This actually happened 30 minutes ago. I'm a (cigarettes) smoker and live in a country where cigarettes are expensive as hell. As I often travel to Asia for business I often bring back a few cartons (allowance is one). Since I'm the business travel type of suit-wearing dude I never get checked at border control so this has become a habit. Until today, that is. So I land after a hemorrhoid-inducing 13 hour flight and hurry to grab by bag so I can go have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23 M] with my girlfriend [24 f] for a year and a half, abusive relationship? POST: Hi there. This is really tough for me to type out, but I need an unbiased opinion and I think this is the place to do it. Throwaway because my girlfriend knows me reddit account. I've been with my girlfriend for about a year and a half now, but we've known each other for nearly five. We started as a long distance relationship and after about six months of that bullshit we decided to move
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My mother is preparing for "the end of the world as we know it". Is this common? POST: Within the past year, my mother has started stockpiling food and water more than usual. She's always done it, but now it's getting hardcore. As of February, she has access to some kind of bunker that she says she can "probably" get me into, but the rest of the family is iffy (my three sisters, their families, my boyfriend...). She claims it has nothing to do with the Mayan shenanigans. She's
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Is moving out on your own worth being a little broke? I'm trying to rediscover myself this year POST: I just recently graduated from college (21 years old) and after a really bad breakup from the love of my life at the beginning of the summer, I am trying to start fresh and rediscover who I am and get a fresh start. I found an apartment I love and it's pricey but it's also in the middle of the city and my dream apartment. I can work my butt off and afford this, although it's al
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [23 M] girlfriend [21 F] of six years have a long-distance relationship and she isn't sure if she loves me anymore. POST: My girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for six years next week and have had a long-distance relationship for about 70% of that time. We met online and spent our first year apart, planning to meet. The next year, in November, I flew out to her house for the first time and we spent two weeks together. It was everything we could have hoped for a
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being a 1st time pet owner POST: This fuck up was actually early this morning and I'm still cringing/on the verge of bleaching everything. So I recently got a little rescue puppy about a year old who had come with some health issues, but deemed two weeks ago a clean bill of health. Flash back to last week: I see these little rice things where my dog slept in my apartment the previous night, thought nothing of it until they reappeared yesterday morning on the couch. Thi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I don't know if I can get over this.... POST: I've just broken up with my boyfriend. Not because I don't love or care about him but because I feel like he's better than me. See, he's really depressed right now and not living up to his potential. I met him in this state and I feel like if he was at his best, he would be with someone who didn't have strech marks, who has thick beautiful hair, no cellulite, acne, came from a better family and smarter, too. He's starting a co
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Should I visit my internet crush? F24, M29 POST: A month ago, I (F24) met this guy (M29) on a forum about grad school (we're both applying this season). I recently suffered a bit of a romantic blow, so I suppose I'm particularly emotionally receptive. Still, this was a totally unexpected connection, and maybe that's why the intensity has kind of blown me away -- it's happened entirely online, from a forum that had NOTHING to do with romance or meeting people. He lives acr
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Any redditor have or had experience with Clevo X7200 ? POST: Dear Reddit, I'm confused with Clevo X7200 configuration setup, upon choosing the choice of SLI 485M or CrossFire 6970m I get to choose whether or not I want an extra AC Adapter & Power Converter Box. Unsure if I should add it or opt out, I called Sager, a tech guy said that with the CPU I chose (i7 960), there's no need to get the extra adapter. Still unsure I called xoticpc, they replied that without the adapte
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: When my mom's iphone5s connects to our wifi, it hogs all of the bandwidth! Help! POST: When my mom connects her iphone5s to our wifi it completely hogs the bandwidth, even while the iphone isn't downloading ANYTHING! The iphone is not downloading/updating any apps, and there is nothing running in the background. When the iphone connects to the wifi I'm getting around 700~800 ping on my videogames, but when I turn wifi off on the iphone I'm getting around 70~80 ping (which is wh
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20's F] with my ex [20's M], tips for convincing myself he's the dick he is. POST: He would project all of his insecurities on me, freaking out and getting defensive and offended over really innocuous stuff. He was jealous, loathed himself, and I think hated everyone around him a little bit as well for no real reasons. He broke up with me while we were both naked in bed, waiting of course until after we'd had sex that morning. He kept me strung along for two months afte
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Gf [22F] told me [20M] that she needed space and time to think about things, im extremely depressed. POST: Well basically we got in an argument yesterday over something small and stupid, I brought up something I thought was suspicious at the time, and just wouldn't let it go, which ln return made her think I still don't trust her 3 years into this relationship. I was on my way out the door and she said "well I guess I'll get my things" I just kept walking and said kin
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I told my (now ex-) girlfriend that I loved her for the first time...on accident...because I was excited about a video game. What are your best foot-in-mouth stories? POST: After dating for a little over a year (still hadn't said "I love you" since I valued those words a good deal), it was my birthday and I was turning 18. I had been begging just about everyone I knew to get me the new NCAA Football game. I was a poor to-be-college kid and I didn't want to drop 60 bucks on a ne
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [M18] am losing interest both emotionally and physically in my girlfriend [F18] of 1.5 years, who still loves me very much. I know she would take a breakup incredibly harsh. I don't know how to handle the situation properly. POST: My girlfriend and I have been dating for one and a half years and up till recently, things have taken a serious downfall.. For me. I used to love her with all my heart. Now I would say I love her, but am not "in love" with her. I care about her
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: 25 [F] is 'playing games' with me 25 [M]. Appreciate any advice/insights/etc. POST: I met Jaime through a mutual friend. My first mistake was not calling her, as her friend had provided a phone number. I chose instead to FB message her (her friend had shown me her FB profile to gauge my interest) because I figured she would see my face and see that I looked like a relatively normal guy and I would have a better chance at her saying yes to a date. Took her out for coffee,
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Dear Reddit: How can I surprise my friend coming back from deployment? POST: Hey Reddit, a friend of mine who I had the honor of being with during most of my high school career and the years since, is coming back from his first 9 month deployment to Afghanistan. With me leaving a few months after him returning I want to do something for him that will make coming back a little easier for him. I know I want someone to do the same for me for when I return. So Reddit, I ask sim
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [22F] have reason to not trust my [22M] boyfriend and now he's completely locked up his phone POST: I've been with my boyfriend for two years now. There have been three incidents. The first was in the beginning, where I saw very sexually texts between him and another person he met at a bar. The past two times was him talking with people he met on craigslist. He swears he'd never meet these people. He just gets off on talking to them. He doesn't consider this cheating sinc
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 F] with my boyfriend of two years [18 M] I think I am falling out of love? POST: Hi, everyone. My boyfriend (let's call him **Joe**) and I have been together for almost two years now. Lately, I have not felt the same way I did at the beginning of our relationship. Our relationship started off kind of rocky. We had sex very early in the relationship (responsibly), and for the first few months, that was all it was. Then we started going out more, I met his family, and
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20M] has a crush on [20F] that got out of a relationship a month ago POST: So I've been talking to this girl every day and every night for the past one or two weeks. She still kind of isn't over her ex-boyfriend after they broke up a month or two ago. I want to ask her to hang out, but it's also complicated because that ex-boyfriend of hers is seeing someone else too. She doesn't want to be his second option, but she hasn't fully let go yet. I feel like the timing migh
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: How can I [23F] talk to my boyfriend [24M] without embarassing? POST: My boyfriend is a big guy. About 5'9" and ~300lbs. He's my teddy bear and I love every bit of him. But I'm afraid his weight is taking a toll on his health. We've been together for about year and half, living together for a year. We are really close and can pretty much talk to each other about anything. Except his weight. He is extremely self-conscious about his body image, weight, and diet. He ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Ex love talks about new guys [28m] [26F] POST: So I met a girl on tinder this summer, and we fell in love, right before I was to move out of town. We only dated a few months before I left, but she's from the new city and has a career path that would lead her there, which she was actively searching was/is searching for; but we both decided to break it off because we're rational enough to know that while things were good, we didn't date long enough for either one of us to mak
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [Dating] I (18m) am having trust issues with my girlfriend (18f). POST: In the last few weeks, I met my current girlfriend. Let's call her Jane. Jane, right now, is my everything. I have never met a girl I am so compatible with and so compassionate about. I cannot get her off my mind, and dread when I am not with her. It's hard to explain how I feel about her because I believe it's hard to understand how I feel about her, especially with how fast I connected with her. She
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: How should I proceed in a mutual attraction for a guy in an LTR? POST: I have gotten to know "this guy" over the past year. After months of dropping hints about his decaying relationship of 4 years and alluding to liking me, we finally admitted we like each other. However, now that the cat is out of the bag he is hesitant to seal the deal. He isn't ready to leave his girlfriend whom he claims he still loves despite their problems, and doesn't want to begin a side a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [24M] on a date with [23F] trying to gauge damage report POST: Keep it short and sweet. Met girl on internet. She had boyfriend. She no longer has boyfriend, and asks to meet up. I set up date at sushi place. We have a good time, go to bar. Her ex is at bar, nothing happens but we have fun playing games. We get back to her house, she says she wants to see me again but "doesn't want to lead me on", shakes my hand and goes bye bye. Next day she tells me it was a mista
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Hurt My Boyfriend During Sex POST: Earlier today, my boyfriend and I (both 19 and dating for 4 months) were *almost* having sex for the first time. We were on his bed, he was on his knees and bent over me, and tried to lift me while I was lying there with my legs wrapped around him. Suddenly he throws out his back. I don't notice and try to keep going for a minute and until he starts sort of freaking out. I then wasn't sure what to do and high tailed out of his dorm asap a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [17 M], and I have a question with a girl [17 F] I asked out. POST: So long story short, asked out a girl I just met after school, she said "let's get to know each other a little bit". I got her number the same day, texted her the same day, this was 4 days ago. Yes I know it was pretty fast, so anyways... Just now I sent her a message if she wanted to "grab something to eat with me over the weekend" since she said she wasn't doing anything at all. Now I also mentioned
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Not sure what do to (dating) POST: So me and my now ex broke up last Friday. We're still friends, but I don't think that's relevant. What is though is that we're both on the guys (me) and girls (her, who we'll call Anna) lacrosse teams. The night before we officially broke up we we're at a party and had a big fight that pretty much was the breakup, it just wasn't said. So after that I end up in the bed of a girl (let's call her Casey) and we end up just making out and fall
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not tipping the bartender immediately POST: Idk if this is the right place for this but I wanted to post this in the hopes that people might be more understanding. It's not a funny fuck up, I was actually upset. I honestly might be a little retarded, maybe some borderline aspergers, social anxiety and Im oblivious in general. But I'm a nice guy. So I don't go out much but some friends convinced me to go to a bar last night and I rarely go to bars, I would have been conten
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [25m] FWB [23f] of 6 months won't have sex with me "right now" since she's "gone gay these days". POST: I've known this girl since college and we became close. Eventually a sexual relationship formed. After a few years apart we meet again and behind a friendship filled with casual sex. I always knew she was bisexual and didn't care because she seemed pretty interested in having sex with me regularly. She had me over two weeks ago and this week when I suggest we have so
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Conflicted boyfriend... Reddit relationship experts please help... (Kind of lengthy but there is a tl;dr) POST: So I have been buried by my own worries and second guess the last 24 hours or so. I have been dating the girl of my dreams for almost 4 months now and there is not one single thing I would change about her that I can think of at this time. She has helped me with anger and resentment as well as arguing to the point of frustration. Now that seems good and
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Girlfriend moving away in January , I have the choice to go with her to Toronto but I don't want to go , but I love her POST: Alright so my girlfriend is going too move away in January because of school things and to work , Toronto is only a few hours from where I live but I've been a country boy all my life and I don't see any need too be in a big city , nor do I want too be in a big city. I love this girl though I've been dating her for about 4 years , and I want too be with h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (18M) girlfriend (19F) broke up with me, (20F) best friend says she wants a relationship on the same night. Help? POST: So last night my girlfriend of about five months broke up with me to take time for herself. She has been suffering from depression for a while, and has a history with it. She says she wants to try again eventually, but can't be in a relationship right now. She said all this around 8:00 last night. Fast forward to about midnight, and my best female f
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: tifu by walking past a microwave POST: First fuck up, this happened like 10 minuted ago. OK, first some backstory: It's Monday today, and I had pulled an all-nighter last night, and I was like really tired. I was sitting in first period, listening to music and falling asleep. Anyway, we finally got a break, and I decide to go to the bathroom to check on my makeup (I am a 16 year old girl, I care a lot about how I look), and to also try to get my systems going. On the way there, I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: OK Reddit, tell me all your thoughts on couples who break up and then get back together. POST: Obviously, there are millions of variables. But it *does* work sometimes. My boyfriend (M29) and I (F29) were together for 11 months until last week. Our relationship was great, though rocky. We experienced probably 8 milestones in 7 months that most couples probably don't experience in 2 years. We both graduated with advanced degrees at the same time. We both needed to fi
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: How to get back into it POST: I'm not a runner, but I was always very fit and active. I could go burn through a comfortable 5k in about 19:30 and I ran about 25 miles each week mixed between speed workouts, intervals and longer runs. I was injured a while back and spend about 7 months totally out of commission. I have gained about 15 pounds in my period of sloth, but I was finally cleared to go unrestricted a couple of weeks ago. slowly getting back into strength training/calisth
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 F] with my ex [33 M] of 6 months. We just broke up, I need to try to be single for awhile. POST: Hopefully this won't turn into a novel. My now-ex "John" and I had a very intense relationship for 6 months. In love after 6 weeks, we talked about marriage and kids, etc etc. I truly, honestly thought we were on the same page. I love(d?) him deeply. We broke up for about a month in March (things were "too intense") and I went no-contact. I began to get over him, got a s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [18M] don't know how things will go on with my [17F] "friend" POST: A few months back, I met this girl some of my friends already knew for a long time and we started talking a lot, and I then later learned that one of my best friends had a massive crush on her for a long time and I was totally fine with it since I didn't know her for long. But things changed pretty fast and we started talking to her really often (still as a friend) and we were having a great time every
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [24 M] thinking of ending things with my [18 F] FWB in less than two week relationship, she might be crazy... POST: I, a 24 year old male, met a 18 (very soon to be 19) year old girl off OKC and at first we hit it off well. We decided early on to be friends with benefits and it turns out we are highly compatible in regards to sex. About a week after we met we decided she was going to stay the night at my place. However that day before she was suppose to come over I got