2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I teach 2nd grade. Today, I almost choked a friend of mine to death for saying that my job was "easy". What myths about your profession would you like dispelled? POST: I teach 2nd grade at a lower income elementary school. Many of the students are reading below grade level. We are very limited on services since our pay cut and have to improvise our own intervention sometimes. This takes a lot of extra planning time. Not to mention all of the data that needs to be collected from
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why don't we stand up for Wikileaks? Set your facebook profile picture to bring awareness. POST: I'll explain my reasoning. I spoke to a good friend of mine yesterday. He isn't the smartest of folk but he has been a good friend for a long time. He asked me if I had heard of "wikileaks". I told him I had and asked him why he asked. He stated that he was "afraid of the association because of what they might uncover. After just talking for a few moments he said. "Yeah I guess I wo
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Just finished watching "The Truman Show" for the first time since I was 8 years old. Anyone else feel like sharing about how that movie COMPLETELY fucked up their childhood. POST: I distinctly remember my mother taking me to this movie in theaters when it was first released. I was 8 years old. I don't remember immediately leaving the movie with any paranoia but from that day on I lived with a pretty constant fear that "The Truman Show" was my life. I was skeptical of everyone
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Need some advice on getting over comments about my [30F] body made by my husband [31M] at the beginning of our relationship. POST: My husband and I have been together for nine years. When we first got together, he was quite critical of my body. He had a criticism for a number of my body parts, but the one that stuck with me the most was his criticism of my weight. At 5'3 and 119lbs, I was "fat," according to him. He would encourage me to work out more to lose the weight. Du
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I need your advice on a turning point in my collegiate life. POST: I am a junior at the University of Georgia. My major is biochemistry (minor in Arabic) and I have a premed intention. My last grandparent died recently and I was there at his deathbed with his two sons. My grandfather always told me to follow what I truly desired, which in my case was to become a doctor. My parents' homeland is a very poor third world country and I have seen people literally starve on th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [22 M] want to try and win my ex [21 F] back, is it worth my hopes? POST: So I just had a break up with my SO, it wasn't a long relationship (2 months, but we have known each other for a longer time) but it was the greatest I've felt in a long time. I thought we had something special, in previous relationships I never thought about the future with them, but with her I did. We didn't need to speak to understand each other. We were on the same page in sex, passion, self ex
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why do people insist Apple computers are better for photo/video editing? POST: I've worked with computers for approx. 15 years. I've got loads of experience with both Mac and PC. I've owned half a dozen Apple computers. I simply do not buy the claim that Apple computer are "better" or "specialized" for photo/video editing. I'll break down my points: * Hardware: There is nothing that sets apart an Apple computer from its PC counterpart these days. Intel chips are not proprietar
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I want a break up. Don't know how to do it POST: For mine and her privacy I'm not going to reveal ages or anything. Some background information - - We're both homosexuals. - Relationship has been going for around 2 months now - We were best friends before the relationship - Our relationship is a secret because she doesn't want to come out Basically, I want to break up with this girl. My reasons being is that I never actually see her. I work during the weekends and we bo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [39 M] with my soon to be x-wife [38 MF] 16 years, will be signing our divorce papers next week. I'm holding out for hope that something changes but if it doesn't... POST: Back story: Married 16 years. I had suspicions about a month ago. I checked her phone one night. Found explicit texts between her and her male co-worker. I confronted her about it. She confessed. Her plan was to keep the relationship secret until our son graduates high school in two years. I told her t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I(22F) met a guy(30M) and I want to ask him out. How soon is too soon? POST: This morning I met a guy who works with me for a community based organization. We were able to chat a little bit and found out that we have very similar tastes in music. We joked with each other a bit, and his humor is great. After I left(he was coming in to fill my spot), I sent him a silly email that had a joke about a piece of music. He immediately added me on FB and praised me to a mutual cowor
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Her(18) and me(23) got into an argument about a past relationship. POST: Okay, I've known this girl for around a year now but we've been together for 4 months now and everything is great except this one thing: shes a virgin and I'm not. It started with her asking me about the past and I figured "hey, if she wants to know just tell her the truth" but it didn't turn out so great. I guess we had a fight of sorts last night and I'm completely broken about what to do about the s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my sister's BFF [17 F] nothing yet, just friends, but fear there might be? POST: So my sister's friend spends a lot of time here, they've been friends since elementary so i've seen her grow up over the years. Despite that I don't see her as a little sister, and I have always admired her, she's incredibley smart and funny. Lately we have been texting and b.s.-ing and all that. When she comes over we tease each other, and there are few specific things that mak
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: I[m22] have been trying to get ex[f23] back (of 2.5 yrs) for 3 months now, and she just emailed me... help with response!? POST: I actually broke up with her (about 5 months ago) because I knew I wasn't treating her right... I kinda lost what I stood for, knew I needed to change, knew she needed someone better, so I ended it. She was crushed. She tried to get me back, but I couldn't do it because I hadn't fixed anything (I knew we would have had the same problems). It took me
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Need insight on credit cards POST: Hey guys, not sure if this is the proper subreddit to post in, if it isn't could you point me into the right direction. Regardless, my issue is I'm 24, need to build some credit since I barely have any bills to pay. So I had a student account 2-3 years ago with HSBC that included checking, savings, debit & credit card. Due to some circumstance I had to cancel that account and merge it with my parent's HSBC account. This meant I had to c
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: Don't know if I should continue pursuing engineering, or pick a new career POST: A quick rundown of my background: I started a (paid) industrial engineering internship in the summer of 2012, and graduated with a BS in mechanical engineering at the end of 2012. In mid-january 2013, my internship ended and I was unemployed. During my unemployment I studied and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (the first step in being licensed as a Professional Engineer). It wasn't until Ap
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Internet best friend. POST: So my gf (18) dating for 5 months is having trouble accepting that I have this internet friend that is also a girl. This internet girl is 19 and from another country and she is my best friend. She has been there for me a lot but my gf refuses to accept that she's me friend. My gf has done the following: 1. Keeps calling her a whore 2. Threatened her 3. Constantly says I love her And so on My internet friend and I have both agreed and told my g
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: Thoughts about changing jobs when you're the only source of income POST: I've been working for a small AutoCAD/IT consulting company since 2006 and probably within the last year I've been looking for a new job. It is a solid job, my schedule is pretty flexible that if I need to take off for the day or take a long lunch 95% of the time it's not a problem, I get vacation time, matching retirement, and I work in an office alone majority of the time. However, there are no advancements
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My best friend [15 M] has had a huge crush on a girl [15 F] for three years. She isn't interested in a relationship for at least another two years. What should he do? POST: My friend has liked this girl for around three years now. She's friendly to him, considers him a good friend. He's confessed his feelings for her but not asked her out as she is not interested in a relationship. He continues to hope to have a relationship with her in a few years - it seems that he
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I(20m) met this pretty Indian girl(20F) in my econ class. POST: So today, I got to know her better. I had her a long time ago in my Political Science class although I didn't realize it before she told me. She's actually really pretty( Light tan skin, gorgeous hair) compared to most Indian girls that I've seen. We're talking for a long time outside of the class building and I thought she was waiting for a ride. Nope, turns out she drives her own car, so that gave me a though
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: How do I talk to someone who might be developing an addiction to cocaine? POST: My (23M) gf (23) has told me from when we first met 9 months ago that she has an addictive personality. About 5 months ago she did cocaine for the first time and found that she liked it a lot. About a month or so after that she told me that she was just then 'finally' starting to lose cravings for it. About 2 months ago she did it again and this time it seemed to be laced with something because her
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [28 M] dont think my wife [24 F] feels confident. We rarely have sex because of it. POST: I mean we go months without sex. It frustrates me so much. We've only been married for a little under 2 years. I still try to bring romance but I really think it may be connected to her self esteem. She is gorgeous and I tell her all the time but she seems to have some issues. Anyone have any idea of how I can help her? I try to be descriptive with how I compliment her (that way its
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Is he [19M] oblivious or just not interested in me [21F]? POST: We've known each other for around a year through mutual friends. We have become good friends over this time. At the beginning of getting to know him better, he ended up staying over at mine after we'd had too much to drink. He made the first move by kissing me, and although we didn't have sex, it was more than just kissing. This night was never mentioned, but we continued on our path to friendship and gradual
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: After emotionally abusive relationships, I [17 F] feel unsure about my AMAZING [17 M] boyfriend of 6 months and whether I want to stay in the relationship POST: A little background: I tend to feel bored in relationships where I am treated well. I know this sounds horrible. I have been in two very emotionally abusive long-term relationships (I know I am young) before and have sought help (therapy) to overcome my issues with this. I feel as if I have begun to associate the pl
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [24/M] and need advice on talking to someone POST: So I go to a certain rock climbing gym in Brooklyn. One day, a guy who works there struck up a conversation with me. Here's the thing: it seemed flirty (that's fine with me, I'm gay) but I froze up and the conversation crashed and burned. Some background info is required: I have intimacy issues stemming from molestation when I was younger. I have social skills, just not when it comes to non-platonic situations. I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend [16F] and I [17M] went to my house to chill for a bit and her mother found out. We aren't allowed to see each other no more. POST: Today I went out with my girlfriend. We decided to go to some malls , buy some pencils for her drawings and eat. After we did those things and walked around the city (which lasted about 3 hours) . We then arrived at my home just to stay to a place were it would be a little warmer. We stayed for about 20 minutes talking with my mo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My boyfriend [25/m] and I [25/f] were supposed to go to his parents house this weekend but... POST: We've been dating almost 4 1/2 years and it's getting to be roller coaster ride of emotion. We have always been in this up and down relationship because of our similar personalities He just got back from a long trip and has been feeling the effects of jet lag but I've helping him the best I can all week. He gets home yesterday and immediately starts complaining about
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19M] am very happy with my girlfriend [18F], but her history of infidelity makes me worried about the future. POST: My girlfriend and I met this past August in our Freshman year of college. We hit it off immediately as friends, but always had this weird relationship that teetered back and forth between friends and something more. We finally decided to start dating in February and these past 4 months have been the best of my life. I feel that we are a really good match
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by choking on pearls POST: I caught a really bad flu while on holiday in Taiwan. As I was resting in the hotel, my girlfriend bought some Boba back to cheer me up. Some background for those unfamiliar with Taiwan, there is a really popular drink called Boba Tea. Its basically ice milked tea with dessert in the form of some black chewy pearls. I thought it was a greater invention than even Starbucks and fell in love with this drink after trying it. While passing the drink to
SUBREDDIT: r/Dogtraining TITLE: help with 5 month old golden/lab mix. too many accidents in the house. POST: Good afternoon everyone. So I have a 5 month old golden/lab mix. She is a really good dog deep down. She has her little quirks. Now we got her at 8 weeks old and understand she is still a puppy and accidents will occur. We have in the past scolded her about accidents in the house but after doing some research have stopped this. Progress is being made as she now asks to go out for poops but n
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [21 M] I don't find my girlfriend attractive [21 F] POST: Let me first start by saying that she loves me more than the world and would do anything for me. We get along really well, we can talk for hours about anything, we know each other better than ourselves, basically we have a really great relationship. The only problem is that I don't find her attractive, and I don't enjoy having sex with her. We've known each other since middle school, and dated on and off a few time
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Ladies of Reddit, is this girl interested? POST: I know this is a pretty typical post, but I would like some pointers. Met this girl and have known her for about a month now. We have the same college class together. Well we met, and at first it seemed really obvious to me that she was interested because the topic of conversation were focused around me, and she was genuinely interested in my opinion. During those weeks I was almost annoyed at how much she was focused on me and
SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: Reddit, please help with asshole upstairs neighbors.....PLEASE! POST: I just moved into a downstairs apartment and I love it. It is set up so perfectly for my kids and me that I couldn't be happier. Well, one day I come home and it sounds like my upstairs neighbors are going to come through the ceiling. I leave it alone thinking that it will stop eventually.....but it doesn't. Day and night it sounds like these people are doing jumping jacks. So I go up to talk to them and
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with my ex-gf [17F] 4 months. She broke up with me because of age, but we want to wait until she is 18 to continue. POST: I was dating this awesome girl for about 4 months before things went sour, I love her and she was the best girl that I have been with in my life so far, the first date felt like it was someone I had already known for years, I felt so comfortable around her and could be myself all the time. Her mom knew about our age difference and was okay with
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [21/m] Newbie here, need advice POST: Hi reddit! Here is my story: I was home-schooled all the way up until college; I didn't really have a ton of friends (let alone a girlfriend) throughout my high school years, so I am honestly pretty inexperienced when it comes to relationships. In one of my freshman classes a couple years ago, there was this girl that I had a huge crush on, but I didn't really get to talk to her a lot that semester. Fast forward to the beginning
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Is it illegal to tell a bill collector that someone doesn't live at the residence they are coming to even if that person does? POST: Okay, I bought a laptop through a company that does monthly payments that don't go through your credit. I made the first few payments and then my husband lost his job and I was unable to pay them, I need my laptop so just "turning it in" really isn't an option and EVEN if I did I am still legally bound to make 2 more payments as part of the contra
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Not sure of type of relationship. POST: **History**: I'm 18/m, turning 19 later this year, she's just turned 19. We're in first year of University, and I managed to build up courage to talk to her since we're doing the same major (Maths) although she is likely to be changing to some bio-something/human physiology degree. This is my first real relationship with a girl, I came from a boys only school and didn't really go out dancing/clubbing, just hanging with friends.
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: [East Providence, RI, Property] My sister-in-law has stuck our family with $50k of debt. Do I have any recourse? POST: Hello, Legal advice, I need legal advice. 14 months ago, I bought a house with my now fiancé and her sister. We each agreed to be 1/3 owners, I paid a 50% down payment on the house, and the remaining 50% was taken as a loan. My fiancé had the credit, so she is the one who took the loan out. Her sister decided to put in around $8k for renovations. Her s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [15,M] What does she (15,F) mean? POST: I live in the UK and am 15. I went to Europe for a few days and while there, decided to text my crush. We hadn't spoken in awhile and usually talk a lot at school. She asked when I was coming back and when I saw that text I said when and said we should see each other then. She said "Oh cool" ten minutes later and asked me more about Belgium. I wouldn't ask her out over text because that's not what I do, so I planned to do i
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 F] with my close friend [20 M], he asked me out but has some habits I find a little embarrassing. POST: Sometimes I think about us being together and sometimes I see him as a brother. I want to give it a chance and take it slow, but I really really don't want to hurt his feelings. So the main thing I wanted to talk about... He's a little crazy and super dorky. Both of these things I find endearing as a friend... but... and I really don't want to come off as shallow
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [16F] love my boyfriend [16M] of 1 year, but I'm starting to have feelings for another guy too.. POST: My boyfriend have been together for about a year now and I know I love him. Our relationship is great and there's nothing wrong with it. He treats me well, I treat him well, we're both happy. There is nothing in it that would make either one of us want to leave it. However, I've made a new friend a couple months back (here on out referred to as Joe) and we've gotten ver
SUBREDDIT: r/AskDocs TITLE: How do I get my girlfriend to be healthier and get in shape? POST: Age - 18 Sex- Female Height - ~5 foot 5 Weight - 113ish White Existing Medical Conditions - High stomach acid problems/food intolerances My girlfriend is one of the people that have the notion that skinny is beauty, eating ice cream is bad, and all of that stuff that society can pressure girls into believing. She is underweight, not enough that it is a serious problem, but noticeable to me. She does not eat enoug
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my Girlfriend of three years [20 F] randomly out of nowhere told me she doesn't think we're right for each other. POST: My girlfriend and I have had our share of troubles. We've slowly turned things around over the past year and a half. There hasn't been any arguing, bickering or anything like that. We have been closer than ever before, in my opinion. We have had very serious conflicts before. She has beat me multiple times and I'm a big guy but obviousl
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Major company connections... Who owns what??? POST: Hi Reddit. I was watching this video here: and I thought to myself, "Self, you don't need chocolate for a while. You can avoid supporting Hershey until this thing gets resolved." But then I realized that I might not know what other companies Hershey might own, as well as a complete product listing as such. After all, we live in a world where companies and huge conglomerates are all around, and have their hands on most al
SUBREDDIT: r/weddingplanning TITLE: Questions about looking for florists POST: We've done a lot of the important bookings so far (venue, officiant, catering, photographer, and DJ), but probably the next thing on our list is figuring out what everything is going to look like, and that will include flowers to at least some extent. We've definitely prioritized those other vendors both in terms of budget and importance, but we've still set aside $1000 for flowers, for whatever that will get us. At minimum, I kn
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: When is it time to let go? POST: 25M, 21F. 1.5 year relationship with lots of ups and downs. Sex is great but communication is lacking. We've been on and off for the last 2-3 months. I love her but the relationship just doesn't work. Some days I feel she is the girl of my dreams and that we should stick it out, communicate and fix our problems. Other days I recall past actions, issues and realize it may never be better (major issue from my side is that i see her as a
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] live at home with my parents [late 50s/mid-60s], catholic/old fashioned parents and needing help picking my battles. POST: I come from a household where sex was never spoken about with me. I'm lucky my mom even talk to me about what a period was before I got mine at a very young age. Since I live at home, I am expected to go to church every single weekend, no excuses. I do not believe in the catholic faith, but that is a battle that I have given up on. Anyways,
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (18M) gf (19F) of two years broke up with me and I don't know what do do with myself. POST: My girlfriend broke up with me over text on my drive home from class today. We had conflicting views on the topic of sex. I wanted it, but she couldn't decide if she did. She would lead me on and back out at the last minute and then tell me I wasn't respecting her decisions (can elaborate if asked). I'm half way through my first semester of college and (me being an introvert) hav
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[19F] really confused about this guy[24M] I met a few days ago. I think I like him, but I don't know how to tell him I'm in an open marriage without making it weird. POST: I met a guy at the bus stop the other day on the way home from work. He works at the place next to my work, and was taking the same bus. He asked for my number and I gave it to him. Three days later, he texted me. We talked for a bit then he stopped abruptly. Today, he visited me at work with ice cream
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I obsess over my girlfriend and her previous boyfriend. POST: We are both 16, I am a male and we have been going out for 8 months. Breifly before I started going out with my current girlfriend, she went out with another guy who she didn't really like for about 1 month, but who she kissed all the same. She is my first girlfriend, and all I think about these days is how she's not exclusive to me in the way I am exclusive to her. We really do like each other, but I constantl
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [30f] feel like a loser for not having people to invite to my wedding POST: My parents keep to themselves a lot so they don't have any close friends that they would invite. They are from small families, too, and aren't very close to their siblings, so there's no one really on their side that would attend. On my end, I don't have many friends. I'm the type of person that has a few close friends and I've always been happy with that. I have about a dozen or so friends I mad
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25F] with my BF[28M] of 2 years, he has a non-sexual compulsive privates touching disorder. POST: I live with my boyfriend and we have been together for two years. When he is in lounge mode, he has a habit of tugging at his balls and dick (non-sexual). I find it highly irritating for a grown man to be addicted to whipping out his dick randomly for play. I would compare this behavior to nail biting or hair twirling but on a way grosser and inappropriate level. He gets o
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How do I make things right with my car mechanic? POST: So my car wouldn't start so I bring it to my mechanic who ends up having to order a part (for anyone interested it was a PCM) I get a call after he tries installing it saying he was told by the dealership he bought it from it was preprogrammed but it was not so I would have to get it towed to the dealership (3 miles away not that far) and have them program it. I tried to set up an appointment with the dealership and they
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I need advice, should i ask her out? [21M] POST: We're the same age, I met this girl through mutual friends. Went to the same high school but never really took notice of each other until now. Really digging her personality. She has asked me to grab lunch with her a couple of times already but usually one of our friends will come along as well (she never specifically said it was a date btw). From what i know of (based on what she has told me privately and what her friends ha
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Moral Dilemma: Should I smoke weed (not medical) to treat my intractable pain? POST: Sorry for the throw-away account, but I would lose my job if anyone found out about this. My views: So, let me begin by saying, my position on non-medical marijuana use is complicated. I have no problem with it in principle and I strongly support its legalization. However, I have serious moral qualms with buying and using illegal drugs in the U.S. because it is part of a violent and exploitat
SUBREDDIT: r/college TITLE: Feeling torn on what to pursue... POST: After a long break (almost ten years), I decided to go back to school about a year ago. I had decided I wanted to get into a STEM field, engineering was going to be there launching point since my small Texas college doesn't offer anything else science related outside of biology. My end goal was astronomy (maybe even astrophysics) but I settled for engineering since that's where the money is and that's what the local KL universities offer. I
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I don't know what to do... POST: My friends parents are smothering her, she is not allowed to do anything without their permission (which is rarely given) and is pretty much made to sit in the house all day doing homework, after which she pretty much watch's some television and then heads to bed. She is in college but still lives at home and so is not getting the college experience of dorm life. three of her parents children have already left the house telling their o
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [22M] girlfriend [19F] told me to sleep with an escort/prostitute POST: Background: Me and my girlfriend have been together now for about 3 years and we both are working full time My issue is this: My girlfriend has become very busy recently, she goes to college during the day and has recently got a hob at a bar which means she is working on evening and weekends. I have finished my education, so I am only working. I am very proud of all the hard work she is putting in.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24 M] want to ask my girlfriend [20] of 2 years to wear dresses. POST: I don't want to come across as rude, and I don't want to control her life, but I would like her to wear shirts and pinafore dresses etc. because I think they'd look nice on her (and I find that those things look sexy and kind of cute when put together, dunno why, but...). I don't mind if she wears them at home (fyi we've been living together, basically as a married couple, for a year so thats what i M
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Student loans POST: I currently have 48k in student loans and I'm just starting my third year. My parents just got divorced. My mom isn't going to help at all and my dad can't help too much. We are probably on the borderline of middle/lower class (closer to middle) as we have enough money to eat and have a house, but not enough for entertainment. My dad has a good salary, but a lot of the money goes to my mom or to debt that my mom accumulated and dumped on my dad during
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20 F] need help with mixed signals to do with with my [25 M] that Im crushing on! POST: So basically, this guy and I met 2 years ago and we kinda dated. We went out on tonnes of dates, we even had sleepovers, we made out, yet he never tried to sleep with me. He was the nicest guy. He even told his parents about me, his friends, was very affectionate in public and around his friends with me. I moved away (which had been planned before I met him), and came back just recen
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: How can I friendzone effectively POST: The title makes me sound like an awful person, but I swear I'm not trying to be one. Anyways, through a mutual group of friends I met this one guy. He is really nice, but just not for me. Actually, he's fairly patronizing and accuses me of lying when I say things like "I don't really like hip hop" a lot, which even though he doesn't mean anything by it I'm sure, it's really bothering me to get accused of lying over such a stupid topic.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by going from biofreeze to winter freeze POST: So this just happened. I was rubbing a generous amount of biofreeze to my bicep when I suddenly needed to piss. Yes I know we have seen this before and yes I completely forgot my hand was lubed up with biofreeze when I decided to piss. Immediately I am like oh crap but atm it didnt feel too bad. Then the burn started and I panicked. I run for the coldest item to put on my junk to ease the burn. Well I run in my underwear out the b
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I told my friend [25 M] I [24 F] had feelings for him. What do you make of his reaction? POST: 9 years into our friendship, I couldn't shake the feeling that my feelings had changed. After another break up I realised that he was the one that was always there to help me pick up the pieces. I realised I was very attracted to him but kept quiet because he has a serious girlfriend. This went on for months and finally, after he asked me to be by his side & support him through a
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Am I crazy and was I asking for too much? POST: Serious adult question, I'm in my mid 30's and so is my SO. She lives in one city and I live in another. We had been together for the better part of 3 years and ALWAYS disagreed over the following... I believe when your in a serious relationship and the other person that lives a whole 5 hours away and is out drinking it isn't too much to ask for to expect some form of text during the night. Right? Something small and quick just t
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: When and How to Inform Other Employers after Receiving a Job Offer? POST: I have been job searching for about 6 months, and I finally landed a decent job. I have completed all of the pre-employment screening and now I have a start date. As far as I am aware, my name is still in the running at several other companies I've applied to. At what point should I feel safe enough to tell all of the companies that I no longer am seeking a new job? Is having a start date enough? Several comp
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being too nice. POST: This happened this morning. I used to be the receptionist at the company I work for. I got a lot of great feedback from my coworkers (friendly, go-getter, etc). I got promoted last May and have been loving my new position since. The new receptionist hasn't been doing the best but I try to help her when I can. I've heard some negative comments about her and how she's not the best with customers. I walk into my boss's office this morning only to find o
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19F], can't see a future with my Boyfriend [24M] of ten months, but I love him and I want kids with him POST: So it's been ten months, and some things have started to come out about him that somewhat bother me. Our relationship's also starting to go backwards; initially we got very comfortable with each other, and that lead to sex on the second date; we used to see each other every few days and text, now I see him about once a week, and we only text to arrange plans to c
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [24/M] of one year doesn't trust me [22/F] after a couple of texts with a male friend. POST: My boyfriend is a wonderful man who I trust with my life and love very much. He is also very straight edge and proper. I am proper as well, but sometimes I don't think Before I do things. The other day, I was texting with a male friend of mine, whom I've known 6-7 years, and he sent me something flirty-ish (I didn't really take it that way) and called me a pet name
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by eating mexican food in vegas POST: Just to give some background, this happened a week ago, the family decided to visit america for the holidays so we were residing in Caesar's palace, the giant hotel that's always packed with people which also has its very own mall, (relevant later). We go out one night and land at a mexican restaurant which i indulge on, however unbeknownst to me this is where the fuck up happened. Being 16 and completely reliant on parents for money I had
SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: Trhowaway. Boyfriend broke up because of the distance. He was crying. He lives in Nz and I'm in France. i feel empty and desperate. POST: I was gonna celebrate our 2 years anniversary in 2 months. My boyfriend loves me and i love him back. But he is a New Zealander and I am French. I met him in France, fell in love, left uni to go on a gap year, and chose to go to New Zealand when I met him. It was the best year and a half of my life. When I left New Zealand, 4 months ago, we had de
SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: A long memory of a college administrator's injustice POST: When I started college in the mid 1990's, I was in the last orientation group. As a result, all my courses were at 7.30am or 8.00am. I asked around and heard that if I sat in on a later class that was listed as being full, the head of the department would usually sign a waiver form allowing me to get into the later section of the class. So, I went to two sections of my math class and did homework for both. Waivers co
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [35F] with my boyfriend [32 M] for a year, his mom died which led to depression and so I don't think I'll tell him about pregnancy (and probably abortion). POST: My boyfriend's mom died earlier this year. He went into a deep depression. Things got harder and harder between us. I did everything I could to be there for him. But then he broke up with me. I've been feeling weird recently and realized that I don't remember if I got my period last month. (It's been really lig
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm 24(M) she's 23. We are going on our first date on Valentines Day, have no ideas. POST: Hey Reddit, So let me give you a little background on my situation. I met this girl online last month. We hit it off right away and we text, snapchat, and talk on the phone all day and all night. I won't give any intimate details but we've both agreed that we are into each other and have been as intimate as we can without seeing each other. Also we know that we are telling the tr
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, have you ever had a -I'm questioning my own reality right now, Twilight Zone moment? I'll tell you mine: POST: In college, I drove a sort of beat up old Honda. One day I was trying to leave my college town to go back home for the weekend. I'm at the intersection of the last light to the highway out, when a car runs the light and t-bones my vehicle. It smashed the the side of the hood and part of the grill came off, but the car still drove. To add, after the police came
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (30 M)started dating high school crush (30 F) reality not matching expectations. POST: kinda long, I became involved with Jen 2 years ago. We had a lot in common even though she was quite a bit younger than me, 7 years. Her immaturity, even for someone of her age, became a strain on the relationship on my end. Eventually her drinking caught up to her and she had to commit herself to a rehab program for about three months. We had been dating a little under a year when th
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [21F] boyfriend [23M] and his friends are disgusting when they're together. Is this normal? POST: I've been with my boyfriend for almost two months and I'm starting to get introduced to and spend time around more of his friends. When his friends aren't around, he's great. When they are around, they are crude, vulgar, and basically feed off of each other. The other day, I stuck around when my BFs best friend came over to play video games. They literally spent an hour ar
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [23/M] don't like how I feel about my friend [23/F]. POST: I talk to my friend every day through texting but don't often get to see each other as we're in different time zones, but this hasn't stopped a strong friendship from forming. My feelings for them have gradually grown stronger, and some nights we can have the sweetest nicest conversations that will make me feel really happy. But sometimes after I leave the conversation to go to sleep and pick up the conversation
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [18M] just broke up with my [19F] girlfriend, scared we can't be friends if we aren't together POST: Hi guys. I am 18 years old, and have been dating a girl that I grew up with for two years, and we broke up a week ago. We are both still in love with each other, and have both had a significant impact on each others childhood and growing up. A lot of things happened when we left school and we were all each other had. We could never imagine being apart or not talking to eac
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 F] with my boyfriend [20 M] in happiest relationship of my life, yet can't stop thinking about my ex... POST: I was in a very whirlwind relationship with a guy in September of last year. We'll call him James. I was very infatuated with him, and I ended up cheating on my boyfriend with him back then. He then found another girl and started to date her, leaving me because "he couldn't trust me." It broke my heart. It took me many months of having sex with random guys an
SUBREDDIT: r/travel TITLE: Advice about traveling to Europe. Not sure where to start. POST: *cross-posted from AskReddit* So I've been on quite a few vacations with my family but have never left the country. I finally got my first "big boy" job and would like to go to Europe in August of this year with a friend or two. I've always wanted to take part in La Tomatina. Ideally I'd like to start in Amsterdam, visit some landmarks and "coffee shops", though I'm not sure where I'd go? and I want to end my trip
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: M(18) with GF(18), confused. POST: My GF and I have been together for a little over 3 years now and are both freshman in college at different universities hours away. Everything was good for the most part during our first semesters away from each other, but as this second semester has started things have been different. We recently nearly broke up, over a number of things (without sounding like a jerk, they were all problems that she caused). I explained that I needed tim
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What's the dumbest thing a person you're supposed to "respect" has done? POST: Last year one of the owners of the bar I worked at decided to go completely insane at our Xmas party. After partying very hard, she and her friend decided that it was time to change scenes and head out. Unfortunately, her friend's truck was blocked in by a mini van preventing their exit. Instead of waiting for the person to come back OR getting the car towed, they decided to do the dumbest thing imag
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [21/F] Comfortable with Independence, but Low Self-esteem with starting Relationships POST: I have never had a problem with confidence. I don't feel nervous when starting a conversation with a stranger, giving a performance on stage, or voicing an unpopular opinion in a group setting. Sometimes I find that I am too independent; if I had plans to go to a bar with a friend and they cancel I'll still go alone, or if I'm in the mood to eat at a restaurant I'll go by mys
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me 24/F met a 22/M on dating site two weeks ago, i don't know if were spending too much time together too soon POST: i met a guy on a dating site a couple of weeks ago. We Had A few long conversations before we decided that we should meet. Last friday we ended up meeting at a local pub. We instantly hit it off.it felt like we had known each other for a really long time. We ended hanging out till the sun came up again and decided to continue the next day with each
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My prom date [16F] just said there was no way to go so here is my [18m] solution in the description. Thoughts? POST: So my prom date/gf said that there was something the day of our prom that was out of her control and that she had to go to. I didn't want her to feel bad, and said how I didn't want to go with anyone else, which is true, and that we can find something else to do, just the two of us. My question to you guys is, what are some things we could do that would be
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [28 F] with my husband [36 M] of 10 years. I suspect cheating but I'm not sure. POST: I'm having to rewrite the entire thing because I dont know how it all got deleted a moment ago. Anyway, I've had a bad feeling for a few weeks now and they only intensified when I noticed he has been deleting texts. He has a female coworker that he goes to dinner with on his late day at work. They also exhange flirty and joking text. They share some inside jokes over these messages. Y
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by buying a short sale property POST: This is happening as we speak. We just completed a short sale on a run down house today. We knew that the place had a lot of issues that we would need to resolve. Tons of garbage inside the house, bad roof leak, etc, it was unlivable. However, we learned that those issues would be the least of our worries when we went to go change the locks. Turns out the previous owner's son was inside and he tells us that he let a lady stay there.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My [19F] mom caught my boyfriend [19M] of 2 years, masturbating in my room when I was at work. POST: Hello! So this might be a bit odd. Just needed an outside opinion. My boyfriend often sleeps over at my house and it's so often that he basically lives with us. It's a regular thing that on his day off I would go to work and instead of chilling at home, he stays at my place with my family. I came home one night from work and my mom said that apparently she caught my
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19F] was told by my supervisor [30M] that I had to work overtime POST: On mobile sorry. I have been working inventory for a warehouse for about 8 months. My supervisor is a lot of an asshole. Recently I have been picking up hours and working weekends on for my normally 8-4:30 Monday to Friday job because we have been moving places. This past week has been busy for me, we've been working on the move to the new warehouse and I've been busy outside of work since my mo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] with my BF [21 M] of 1.9 year, found nudes of another guy. He identifies as straight. POST: Evening Reddit (throwaway for reasons), So earlier today I was sitting with my boyfriend and I glanced over his messenger (he was attaching a picture from his 'downloads'), and I saw nudes from another male. Now I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and I've been close friends with him for 6, he is confident in his sexuality and is certainly straight. (I wouldn't h
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [16/M] is growing feelings for another girl, still want to be with my girlfriend [16/F] POST: I know this is probably just your typical teenage hormone problem, but I would really like an outside perspective from others who have been there before. I have been with my girlfriend for over a year; we were each other's first time and have many memories together. However, we seem to argue semi-regularly, which I think is slightly more than usual than is healthy. Lately, I've
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21/f] just broke up with my [22/m] bf. We had been seeing each for around seven months. Feeling alone. POST: I had a gut feeling it was time to end things with my boyfriend. We had been exclusive for four months, seeing each other for seven. I put so much into the relationship. He had a weird work/sleep schedule so I would often wake up at 2AM to see him and sometimes stay up until five in the morning, even though I had class at 9AM. 90% of the time I texted him first or
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [m16] told my best friend [f16] about my long crush on her and was rejected. I still want to salvage what I had. POST: A Little background, I have know her my entire life (yes all 16 years I know I'm a bit young to ask for "relationship" advice but I wanted a second opinion). We have only been close for the past three years or so. She was the only person to saw me not a fat, unhygienic, antisocial person I was but as a goofy kid with problems of my own. We grew very close
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Can you help me help my awkward friend get laid? POST: I have been friends this guy, Roger for our purposes, since 1st grade. He has been an awesome friend to me, always willing to listen to my problems, interesting to talk to, generous, great drinking/smoking buddy, etc. He has diagnosed Asbergers Syndrome, and although he is very high-functioning, it hasn't helped him with the girls. He's always been very interested in girls, lots of crushes, lots of talk about it, and I can
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Please Help me. I don't know what to do... POST: Hey guys, I could seriously use some advice, maybe from people have been in this situation, or anyone really. I am 21 years old,(M), and I have been in a relationship with 21(F) for almost 2 years but I think I want out. I will try and make this quick. She is basically the perfect girlfriend. We never fight and get along extremely well, I think we are perfect for each other, but I don't feel like being in a committed relati
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Need Help (M/23). POST: This girl that I apparently knew when we was kids is single. Never knew until it was brought up later on. We even have the yearly pictures to be sure about everything, its funny everything about her is perfect. and i mean everything. Well back in Feb, she broke up with her bf of the time and seeing as though we get along just right, I decided to call it off with my own girlfriend two years at the time, because everyone was telling me "better break
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Exes of Reddit: How would you feel if a crazy ex girlfriend contacted you out of the blue? POST: Here is some backstory. I am clinically depressed with a not so happy mixture of bipolar thrown in there for extra lulz. I dated this really great guy in high school. We both came from pretty messed up homes, and we took comfort in eachother and in general had a wonderful relationship that lated about 3 years. We were first loves and all of that jazz. When I turned 18 I went of
SUBREDDIT: r/college TITLE: Is filing some sort of complaint justified in this situation....? POST: I need advice please. My teacher told me the grades were already submitted so I can't take the final and since I missed first week of school I won't pass the class. The community college told me around April that I wouldn't be able to complete registration because I needed to take a developmental class due. However, I sent in my transcript in early January so that my previous credits would transfer properly.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [25M] received some inheritance. Family are upset that I'm not treating them to something. I already am. POST: My biological dad was never in my life in a meaningful way. I was raised by my mother and my step dad. My biological dad would sometimes visit and spend a day or two with me, but he was mostly married to his job and that was his number one priority. Last time I saw him was when I turned 18. He died six months ago and I was the sole recipient of his estate since
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [21M] girlfriend [21F] of four months told me that I am "average" in bed and that I do it like a "typical white-boy." How exactly do I react to this and how can I prevent my self-confidence from being crushed? POST: I have been dating this girl for about 4 months now and I was unable to have sex with her for the first month due to sexual anxiety. Finally, I became comfortable enough to have sex with her and it was pretty good. For awhile it was more or less the same st