2 values
SUBREDDIT: r/dogs TITLE: So my dog submissively pees... a lot. POST: If this is not the correct place to ask questions, please point me in the right direction. I got her from a shelter. She is housebroken in the sense that she knows where she should pee, but usually submits before she gets there. It happens sometimes when she meets new people, and EVERY TIME go to link her leash. I punished her for it until i realized what she was doing. In addition, every article I read says one of two or both things to
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] just broke up with my [26 F] for 4 1/2 years, semi-long distance relationship POST: I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 4 and a half years. She is my first and only girlfriend. And we have this sort of long distance relationship since I only get to see her on saturdays due to my work schedule. We started out really great. Me being cheesy and shit but i dont what happened. For the past few months, it has gotten stale. I don't text her as much. We dont have
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[21/F] best friend [22/F] wants to be a porn star POST: I'll make this as short as I can.. My best friend , and only friend that is a girl (I don't have many friends) wants to be a porn star/ stripper/ escort. For the past year or so I've always been there for her. She lives with her parents who are verbally abusive and kick her out very few months. She's tried getting her own apartment by making money through myfreecam but ended up getting evicted. She's getting fired fr
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [18/f] Boyfriend [18/m] wants to spend less time together, need advice for coping? POST: My SO and I have been together for a little over a year. I started dating him immediately after getting over an eating disorder and was really in a bad place. He has made me incredibly happy but during our relationship I have become very distant with most of my friends. Because of this the only thing I really do and enjoy doing is seeing my SO. We see each other almost everyday, w
SUBREDDIT: r/dogs TITLE: [Help] After brother and house changes, is an Aussie shep a good idea? POST: I have always been a huge fan of big dogs and have wanted a large, intelligent breed since I was very little. I've liked the more athletic breeds like labs or huskies or australian shepherds. My entire family knows I want to adopt an Aussie and my mom(I'm 15 currently) has stated that when my older brother moves out, we might be able to get a big dog. You can imagine my excitement Recently I have been bri
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My boyfriend is really insecure about his sexual performance. I'm more than satisfied with it. How can I make him see that? POST: I'm 29. He's 28. We've been together for a few months. Back when he was in college, some girl broke up with him because he didn't last long enough. He has mentioned this once or twice to me so I think it's still messing with his head. I think his performance is fine. He's well-endowed and will last around 10 minutes. Which to me is grea
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is my recourse if a company who offered me a job takes the offer away after setting an expectation? POST: Hey reddit, I need some legal / unemployment advice regarding the situation I'm in. Let's start 5 weeks ago. I was currently at Company A and received went on an interview at Company B. 4 weeks ago I got a offered a job to start June 10th. They email be their employee handbook and employment information to fill out (the normal employment stuff, medical, 401k) I fill it
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What are you guys' most "you are so incredibly wrong, I am about to punch you in the face" moments. POST: I'll start. Was on a backpacking trip with a bunch of fellow students. (All of which were strangers at the time) We were getting along pretty well, talking about things we liked etc. We start talking about music. Let me give you all some background information. My mom is oriented musically. While she doesn't play anything, she can tell you almost anything about any musici
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend [24F] has been stealing from me [28M]. Dating for 1.5 years, everything else is great, what do I do? POST: I have a prescription for adderall that I keep in my car. I don't use the entire amount every month but I noticed I had significantly less than I had taken at one point and started keeping accurate records of how many I had, and when. From what I was able to deduce, my girlfriend will use my car keys while I'm in the shower, take several out (I guess no
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Saving money for a wedding? POST: So I am 20 and I have recently received $5000. I've been thinking what to do with this money and I figured I would save it for when I get married. I've been with my gf for 2 years and we talk about marriage. We decided we won't get married until at least one person has their degree and another one has started their career. That will happen in about 4-5 years. Any idea of where I should put this 5000 so it can grow? I have my own savings
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Need relationship advice POST: So I've been with SO for about 7 years I'm 23(m) she's 21(f) recently we have been on n off over common relationship problems. To make this short we been working things out and she finally managed to get back with me for sure but the fucked up part is there''s this coworker that had feelings for well one night she went ou with a couple friends and he happened to be there. They ended chilling at another coworkers apt and when everyone fell asle
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Mother in my Social Dance course offering me her daughter POST: Taking a social dance course, dancing with new people everday. This is my third year of college, taking this to fufill a gym credit. Before class, this really kind lady, also in the class, asked if i was single and why. Mother said "you're a good looking guy I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend". I have no particular reason to be single, just am at the moment. Jokingly I said "Well, what are you up to later t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [34 M] with my girlfriend [35F] 1 month, she wants to travel cross country to a wedding at over a $1000 cost for me. POST: I met a girl on OKCupid and we've been going out for a month. She said her friend is getting married and she wants me to go with her. The wedding is on the west coast and we live on the east coast. Airfare alone is over $1000, plus car rental, hotel, meals, et al. She said she would pay for some of the costs. The event is 1 month away, but I need to
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, do you have any awesome stories about getting accepted to high ranked universities? POST: I am a senior and the time to apply for colleges is quickly descending upon me. Over the last few years I became very unhappy with the public education system and the way that you are rewarded. I got sick of all the cheaters having higher GPAs and getting all the scholarship funding. I got tired of student athletes getting let off the hook and getting all the praise. This all combi
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I convince my parents to let my boyfriend (21M) and I (21F) live together? POST: My boyfriend (21) and I (21) have been dating for about a year and a half. As of August of next year we will both have graduated from college and we're planning on moving near his home town together. Both sets of parents know this and are totally cool with it. Up until about two weeks ago, we just sort of figured we'd both be getting small, studio/1 bedroom apartments and paying sep
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I don't know if I [18/M] should bother trying to make up with this ex-friend of mine. [22/F] POST: So, roundabouts November of 2012, I met a girl on the internet through a mutual friend. She was (is, I guess) beautiful, incredibly smart, we had common interests, etc. Basically, I was madly in love with her from the get-go. These feelings... were not reciprocated. This started a year-long debacle where we were on/off friends. I was far more invested in the friendship than sh
SUBREDDIT: r/Pets TITLE: How do I get my adopted kittens to love me? POST: [Original post]( Basically, my girlfriend and I have had these two adopted kittens for a little over a month now. In the first two weeks we got them, they were both kept in the restroom to transition them into living with us. To make sure we weren't crippling their growth however, we moved their bed and all other cat like appliances into separate rooms of the house and have opted to lock them out of the restroom completely. This di
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [28 F] with my boyfriend [27 M] of 2 yrs. Have tried to be a good step-parent, but my SO took his daughter away for the whole of Christmas, and cancelled plans for me to see her. He wants me to love her and provide for her, doesn't that give me a right to spend time with her? POST: My boyfriend lives with me, his daughter stays with us a few days a week. I furnished and decorated his daughter's room, I drive her to school, I buy the food she likes, I get paper and arts m
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My ex GF (21f) wants to reconnect with me (27M) on a friend level. I think. Also wants her old job back at my store. Advise me please! POST: So I had a hard break-up six months ago with my girlfriend of a year. It was rough and I handled it in all the wrong ways. Thanks to Redditors advice I finally got to no-contact and was doing a little better. But then she started contacting me. She's got a new boyfriend (total tool pouch), and has said she REAALLY wants to continue ou
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my gf [21 F] 3 month, wondering if our texting is a problem POST: I am wondering what you guys opinion on her texting me. she texts me good morning and goodnight if she wakes up earlier or goes to bed before me but besides that all the other texting conversation is me trying to get a conversation going by talking about hows work, hows drinking with friends, or so on. It is very one sided in my opinion. I understand everyone has a life and cant be occupied usi
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: tale of karma POST: First, some background information. There is a girl at my school who i was one friends with. I will call her Jane for the sake of clarity. She was very mean at times. Eventually we had a nasty falling out that involved a lot of name calling and mutual friends taking sides. However, at school we are relatively courteous. My best friend (well call her Mary) experienced similar torment. The other day a girl asked Mary to check Jane's bag for her missing s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: She[17 F] just ended things seemingly out of nowhere, now I[18 M] don't know what to do with myself and feel utterly worthless. POST: I'll start by saying what's probably obvious, this is/was my first serious relationship. We met through a mutual friend in January while she was in town on Winter Break and became fast friends and made it official on Valentine's day. The relationship was long distance, with her living over a thousand miles away. Things seemed perfect for the
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My(F18) friend(M18) from college has just been diagnosed with depression a second time, i don't know what to do to help him. POST: We both started going to the same College in February of this year and i met him a few weeks in through friends of a girl in my class. We catch the train together most mornings and afternoons as his stop is closer to the college than mine. He turned 18 only two months ago and I'll be 19 in July if it also helps. We became quite close quite qui
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Losing license, picking up a bike, and i need to know what to eat POST: any ideas? I got too many points on my license and as such i am going to be biking 4.5 miles to work and 4.5 miles back home every day. Not too bad a ride, but as my normal amount of physical activity is way less than this, I imagine that I will need to change my eating habits as well. As of now, I wake up at 10:30, get ready, and go to work without eating, because lunch is at 12. Then i have two more meals
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Not sure if too young...[Update #2] POST: Previous Updates: [Part one] and [part 2]( Well... I don't really know what to say. I'll refer to the girl in question as Mary. As I said in my first update, I grew a pair and spoke to Mary and it went great. We spoke for a whole hour in a back and forth discussions about all sorts of things and I had a lot of fun and I got her number. Fast forward to today, I called Mary and asked her if she was free this week because I wanted t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm (20F) debating breaking up with my (21M) boyfriend of over 3 years. POST: Throwaway account for obvious reasons... We started dating in high school. I had a few boyfriends before him, but nothing too serious. He is the one I lost my virginity to, and I was happy. But over the last year or so, we've gotten into multiple fights over the same thing... We don't really have a ton of sex, maybe a couple times a week, which isn't a huge problem. Obviously I would like more,
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19F] want to do no-strings-attached sexual things with geeky guys/friends, is that mean? POST: Not sure where else to ask about this. I find myself very attracted to my geeky friends (none of them are close friends, just acquaintances that I get along with well). Many of them have litte/no experience with girls and can be a little shy/awkward. Honestly I want to just kiss them. Make out with them. At least give them a blowjob. I'd even have sex with some of them. Howe
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Which one of your memories stands out to you as the moment your childhood ended? I'll start. POST: When I was 6 I started the daunting task of reading a chapter book. The title was, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Ever since the day I stated my life was wrapped up in Harry Potter. Posters, toys, movies but most importantly books. I would pretend to be sick so I could stay home from school and read. I was not a popular kid, but through reading these books I felt as thoug
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me (23f) and girlfriend (24f) are trying to plan for the future. POST: Basically we have had a pretty successful 2 year relationship so far, no major problems other then a little internalized homophobia on her part due to a really religious family. We have both been feeling a little depressed lately and we realized that it is because we have no idea where we want to go from here. I know that I want to continue studying, but I am currently trying to figure out exactly what/w
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19M] am tired of my [21 F] girlfriend smoking pot around me 24/7? POST: So last week I broke up with my girlfriend of 13-14 months. She was everything that a guy would want in a girl, except that we just didn't have much time for each other. I got bored of it and was spending more time thinking about other girls rather than her, so I ended it. She was 18, and this was my first real relationship. I have now been seeing a 21 year old bartender girl since the day me and m
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Me[19/f] am the true Mister steal your girl POST: Ok here is my situation. A guy has begun to hit on me and is slowly starting to express his feelings for me. My only dilemma is that the guy that is hitting on me was the crush of one of my close friends. I'm very worried about the options here on the table of either my friend being mad and upset that I ignored the fact that she had a crush on him(if a relationship does happen to occur), or me turning down a guy that I
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU making my girlfriend self-conscious POST: My girlfriend and I of almost 3 months (both 17) have only recently started to become sexually intimate; she gave me my first blowjob a couple of days ago. It started off very well, but I couldn't achieve an orgasm after 15 minutes, and I was some pain afterward for an unknown reason, and she felt very guilty even though it wasn't her fault. Today I tried to repay the favour by going down on her, again everything started well and we we
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: HAPPY UPDATE: I [18 F] slept with someone else before we were exclusive, he [23 M] found out and was really upset, is this a lost cause? POST: Update to Thank you all so much for your advice. It helped me keep a clear head and avoid making a fool of myself spamming him with text messages as I was fighting the urge to do. I took the advice of the majority and gave him space, and I didn't force any serious conversations off the get-go or remind him of what happened unless h
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by letting my girlfriends little sister see my genital. POST: This morning it was a while i haven't seen my girlfriend so i went over to her house. When i got to her house i was surprised to see her 14 year old little sister in the house (apparently she had a no school). Her little sister was in her room upstairs playing on her iPad. Since it was 3 weeks i haven't seen my girlfriend, i wanted some action so we went to the basement to get a little action going on (keep in mind t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M] with my girlfriend/best friend [25 M/F] for 4 years, toxic relationship, terrified of leaving her. POST: [Continuation from my other post]( I succumbed to fear and ended up getting back together with her. She promised she wouldn't lie anymore no matter how small or big. The following day which is a total span of 2 days, I found out she lied to me again about something so petty. It's so fucking easy for her to lie to me without even hesitating for a second, and I'
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [32M] would like to propose to my GF [26 F] in a special way and I need somebody or anybody's help POST: This is more of asking for help with connections rather than relationship advice and I hope it is in the right section. I have gotten to the point where I want to propose to my girlfriend and she truly is my soulmate (cheesy, I know!) I want to propose in a grand way and I know one thing that would make this proposal incredible. I want somehow or someway to get into
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [M21] My friend [M20] and Girl [20]; not your typical triangle POST: I want your honest opinions about how I reacted and my friend reacted in this situation. Basically, my friend "John" has been pining after this girl "Jane" who was our friend for a year. Jane hooked up with our roommate and had feelings for him, which were not returned. After the roommate moved out, John decided to actively pursue Jane. After one date and an awkward kiss, Jane decided it was a no-go.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I [22 F] deal with friends, family, and even aquaintances saying what I do isn't a "real job"? POST: Hi, r/relationships! I got helpful advice the last time I posted here, so I'm looking for help again. So, I'm a tutor. I teach elementary, middle, and high school students. I also specialize in test prep (SAT, ACT). I was originally doing a full time job right out of college, where I wasn't too happy. I jumped ship and started tutoring. Maybe this is sort of a non
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: He's not mine [F;18], but the thought of losing him [M;20] broke my heart. Should I let go? POST: We met through the military, at our annual training. in the beginning he asked me to date him, and i offered to establish a open relationship with him. and so it happened, we had dates almost every day, texted each other without hesitation, and had the usual sex. however, casual sex turned into making love. each time we had sex i could feel us getting more and more closer
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: Trying to help someone who was unable to be helped? POST: Hello Reddit, I am a bit drunk but i am very much conscious and aware of what just happenedl. Here is the story, So went out tonight and i saw a girl that is in my class. She is very cute, but doesn't appear to be able to take care of herself with too much consumption of alcohol. I spoke with her in the club where i saw her and noticed that she was incredibly drunk. She had lost her phone and she was unable to take of
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: He (28) won't answer my text or call. Should I (21) just drop it? POST: Hi lovelies. I'm on mobile device so pardon any errors. I've been a lurker here and enjoy this community, so I guess here it goes... Well I've been saying this guy for like 5 months. He travels for work so it gets hard for me because I go from seeing him and being over at his place 24/7 to a phone call/text here and there. He's been gone for a week and one of those days I called him and he was busy so h
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I'm having issues with my roommate who I've been friends with for years to an extent such that I'm questioning our friendship, what should I do? POST: Basically, I've been friends with my roommate for about 3 years now and we've lived together for a little over a year. I work full time 8-5 weekdays and he works sparse nights, so this leads to our schedules conflicting a lot and I have a lot of problems with him and people he has over not showing some respect and keeping the vol
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (28m) am dating a (31f) but know it won't last. Suggestions? POST: I've been dating a beautiful, friendly and caring 31-year-old woman and things are amazing.... Most of the time. We get along better than anyone I think I've ever dated especially considering we've only been going out for about a month. The instant connection is almost scary. However its only like this when we are together. We mesh extremely well and things are perfect. Once we're not physically together
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: My [21/M] recently ex-girlfriend [22/F] is driving me insane through mixed messages. POST: Hi team. Me: 21 year old, engineering student, fun, financially comfortable, independent. Her: 22 years old, film grad, recently unemployed, fun, adventurous as hell, totally beautiful soul. Hi /r/breakups, Just curious if you might have an insight I don't here. My girl and I were together for close to 18 months before she split with me in an attempt to figure her life out and be indep
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20'sF] with my coworker [20'sF] I found a list of complaints she wrote down about me. Also issues with her trash talking me. POST: I'll keep it brief, part of this is just me venting. I've been working at a large company for a year and have alway had a bit of unspoken issues with one of my coworkers. Her and I have never really gotten along but I thought we were able to be civil and act like adults for the sake of both of our jobs. I consider myself to be a very good wo
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend [23F] wants to remain abstinent with me [22M] even though she's not a virgin POST: I recently started dating a girl I was friends with and had a crush on for over a year. We've only been going out for a little over a month but things have been moving quickly because of how good of friends we were beforehand. The dilemma is that she wants to remain abstinent while I'm ready for sex. Here's the real kicker, I'm the virgin in this relationship. She lost her virgi
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: I'm scared of sex and everything sucks. POST: About a month ago I broke up with my SO of 1.5 years. We both agreed on it and even now we still talk, but it hurts like hell when I think back to the relationship. I decided to end it because I had grown more and more distant from him - almost every physical interaction we had was sexually loaded, and I'm just not comfortable at all with that. I'm pretty sure I fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum because about 97% of the time I
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19m] don't know what to do about new [18F] potential "friend." POST: So I met this girl on tinder.... I know that sounds like an awful start to one of these posts, but this is a legit post. I met this girl on tinder about a week back and we hit it off rather quickly. We hung out once and found out we had a lot in common, and she's incredibly pretty. She somehow also still thinks the same of me (but I'm a guy so insert guy adjective here, charming, cute, whatever). We te
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me (23F) Help I need advice. been with my boyfriend for 6 months (24M) POST: so I've been dating this guy for 6 months now. He's really nice, sex is good. But that's clearly not the problem. since the beginning of the relationship we have always had different views on things. The last two months have been really rocky for me. I haven't been as happy because I've been dealing with stress and money problems. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to burden people with
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I think my dog is going through a false pregnancy because she knows that I'm pregnant. Is this even possible? POST: My dog got sexually assaulted at a dog park 5 weeks ago, and within 3 days her nipples started swelling. I thought she was over her heat cycle, otherwise I wouldn't have brought her there. I am 5 months pregnant. She isn't showing at all, but she is really sleepy and has gotten very protective over me. I'm taking her to the vet on Monday for a blood test. I have h
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: Why did she have act like a jerk! POST: Ok I may be a pussy by just adding and saying hi from facebook instead of doing that in real life and meeting in person. That's because I was (and still am) secure about myself, but she shouldn't just ignore me. What kind of idiotic, disgusting piece of crap should I be to not even deserve a simple "hello"? She could have just been kinder. We've seen eachother at school many times and we still do that, instead of recognizing this situa
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Have you or a co-worker ever risked employment or gotten fired to stand up against something that is clearly wrong? POST: This is a story my mother told me about her fiancee. He is a former Marine MP who was stationed in Hawaii in the early 90s. He held the rank of Major so he was high up in the ranks from what I understand. One day two MPs arrested the General's 15 year old daughter for being drunk and underage and had drugs on her (My mother didn't know what type of drugs.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my gf [19F] 2years, Loves gay men but hardly shows me love anymore. POST: Ill try to keep it short. We started dating in the tail-end of highschool and she was the coolest person ever loved life loved to make silly jokes and i felt comfortable enough to tell her anything i needed to. We loved eachother not to mention our sex life for the first year was great, i felt loved and desired. She was always in theatre its her passion. I support her even though i ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[28F] and my husband [26M] of 2.5 years seem to hate each other at the moment. I know what's causing it but I'm getting really worried that it's never going to work itself out. POST: My husband is currently sitting downstairs whilst I sit upstairs and we're arguing via text! I've been with my husband for 3.5 years and we've been married for 2.5 years, we knew each other for 4 years before that though. In the 3.5 years we've been together we've moved house 4 times, gone
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: HELP ME FAST! Me [19M] going on a date for a cup of coffee with a beautiful model [18F]. POST: Hey guys. I need your help fast. Yesterday this girl liked many of my pictures on fb (recently added her as a friend) and started a conversation today with her. Ended up talking for a bit, and agreed to meet up for some coffee today. I already did all the physical preparation that I could (Took a shower, brushed my teeth, have some fitting comfortable but good looking clothes)
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by falling asleep under a tree POST: This happened when I was 18 and I'm almost 27 now. I can't believe it's been so long since the day that changed my life forever... I went backpacking in Mexico by myself after my parents got divorced and my grandpa passed away from cancer within my first semester at university. I traveled around and ended up meeting a group of locals who were around my age with similar interests as me. We decided to buy tickets to a music festival just ou
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [27 M] have been dating [25 F] for two months, nothing is really wrong, but not sure if enough is 'right'. POST: Just reading my title back to myself and it sounds so pathetic compared to some of the issues on this sub at the minute. Anyway, here goes... For the last two months I've been dating a girl I met online, I haven't really done much online dating and certainly never anything of this length. She's really sweet, we have fun together. We enjoy similar music, movie
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Fiancee [F22] and I [MTF22] have a major problem with our room mate [F21] POST: So, my mother Suzy [F55] got in a pretty serious car crash, and shattered her back, and I [MTF22], as well as my fiancee of four years [F22], have to stay with her for about two months while she convalesces. We rent a bedroom from our pseudofriend of two years, Jill [F21]. Jill can be rather aggressive at times, is terrible with money, and is generally kind of unintelligent, in addition to exp
SUBREDDIT: r/weddingplanning TITLE: Bridesmaid Stress! POST: Hi Weddit, As a bride with no sisters or long-term close female friends, I've had a hard time figuring out who to have in my bridal party. Since my mother has already told me not to expect too much help from her around things like a bridal shower and DIYing, I'm going to be fairly reliant on my bridesmaids for support and assistance, even if I do all of the planning myself. I've figured out pretty much who my MOH's are going to be (I'm having my
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20sF] coming to terms with giving up a pet POST: Yeah so just over a year ago I agreed to take in my cousins hedgehog. Mine had just died so I readily agreed to take Cocoa in. However I told my cousin that this could/should be a temporary thing and that when she was in a position to have her again (not as busy, landlord will allow it) she should call me and I will return Cocoa. Year and a half later this hasn't happened yet. Now, I've never been the kind to give-up b
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [23M] falling for my best-friend [22F] and don't know what to do. POST: Have redditors been in my position? Here is the story. Both of us are grad students headed towards med school. We have all our classes together and work really well together. She and I think very much alike and have similar goals for life. I didn't expect to find myself falling especially for her when we started school 7 months ago. Problem(s): She's had a bf for about 4 years now and it has been
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I'm [23F] new to dating and unsure of how to proceed with guy [27] I'm seeing POST: Hi r/relationship_advice. As the title says, I'm new to the dating scene. About 6 months ago I broke up with my long-time boyfriend (since high school) so I've never really "dated" before. I recently met a guy online, we met in person a few weeks ago and seem to have hit it off. We've been on a handful of dates and text every day. I am starting to genuinely like him (more than just a
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By writing a TIFU about writing a TIFU at work, at work. POST: So, I'm a regular lurker here at TIFU. I'm constantly procrastinating at work, and rolling over to this site for "just a few minutes". Anyway, my boss caught me on reddit. He told me to get the hell off on company time. He was mad. Anyway, I finally saw my opportunity. After he left, I began my contribution to this beautiful sub. I was writing my TIFU when, again, he barged in. He was really mad this time, b
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Procedural question - depositing & paying from a large cashier's check POST: I had a 2nd lien on my home (about 9 years back) to avoid PMI/jumbo. I've since refinanced the primary loan, but was carrying a frightening 7.875% on the 2nd. I have good credit (~800). I tried shopping for a refi for the 2nd lien but it seems like that product doesn't really exist today. So I've been paying it of course, but hate the rate. My parents are older, completely debt free including
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Gf [20F] is abroad for a month. We aren't very good communicating via phone/internet and it's making me [22M] a bit nervous. POST: Title pretty much explains the situation. It's been two weeks since she went with her parents and brother to France, she isn't really good at communicating via chat and doesn't get on facebook/computer much so we haven't been talking there. I just called her (phone calls are expensive, that doesn't help either) and talked 10 minutes but it fe
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I [26F] ditch a bad friend [26F] who I'm worried about? POST: I have a friend who has become the typical "only calls you when she's upset but isn't there for you" and is manipulative type of relationship. It stresses me out and I need to end it, but she's got issues and I'm worried about her. We (both 26/F) used to work together, and we went out for drinks about once a month. We have some interests in common, and we'd get happy hour drinks and bitch about coworkers.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Need help figuring out a costume. Homeless Mustard or Epic Beard Guy? Or...? POST: I'm having trouble thinking of a costume. While all you thin bastards have a plethora options to choose from for characters, a fat person like myself just can't do that as it will always be seen as "A fat version of _____." With this said, I'm considering being Homeless Mustard (which would be nice because I'd have an excuse to get a bit noodley and practice my guitar) or Epic Beard Guy. But if
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [27 M] ex stopped talking to me [21 F] of four months two years ago but things have changed and I'm wondering if I should contact him. POST: I just keep thinking that I could be the one he could be with, that we got along so well, but he stopped talking to me. I think he felt guilty that he broke up with me and he also wanted to leave the past behind. We're both lonely, we both understand each other and I think we can make each other happy, which we have in the past. The
SUBREDDIT: r/Parenting TITLE: Divorced dad with a possible move ahead. Advice or personal accounts would be appreciated. (x-post from askreddit) POST: Any partial custody fathers move or have their exes move, putting them into a long distance relationship with their child? The woman I'm in love with lives about a thousand miles away from me. My ex and my son live here. If I were to move, I'd get him for a couple weeks in the fall and spring, and then his summer break. He's seven years old right now and i
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [25F] Should I tell my friend I'm concerned with her boyfriends controlling behaviour? POST: My friend has been dating this guy for about 3-4 years now and have been living together for about a year. I haven't met him many times but on the occasions I have he never gives me the time of day, barely says hi and never asks how I am. He moans that they never do anything together, but when she suggests something he tells her to do it with me instead (I'm a girlfriend). He also
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my Girlfriend [18 F] of 6 months, my girlfriend cannot stop worrying about what's going to happen to our relationship when I go to college POST: My girlfriend and I have been together since may. We go to the same school. She is a Junior and I am a senior. She is my first real girlfriend and I'm pretty sure I love her. She tells me she loves me too. Starting a month ago she began asking me what I though was going to happen when I go to college next fall and t
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [29/m] Amazing dates, little to no communication with [27/f] POST: This might be a little long-winded for the sake of completeness. I've been dating a lovely woman for the past month, give or take a few days. We've gone on 3 dates in that time, and each date seems to get better and better. The comfort level goes up, the conversation gets better, the cuddling gets more intense, you get the picture. Our first date far exceeded my expectations. We met for dinner, took
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M/] with my Girlfriend[25 F], 3 and a half years, Broke up and I want to ask her if we can work things out POST: Short description: Girlfriend of three and a half years broke up with me saying she had already mourned over me from a possible break-up two months ago. Long description: My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 and a half years. Throughout that time we have had our ups and downs but always stuck together through hard times. 2 months ago, she took a fami
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Should I [20/f] contact my old friends [20/f] that I had cut off contact with? POST: Hey everyone, If you have any advice for me I would love to hear it :) Towards the end of last year I cut off contact with my two best friends, and now I'm wondering if I should contact them again. As we all go to different colleges, we mainly used to talk via text or facebook messages, never by talking telephone. I would hang out with them individually at least once every fortnight.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I approach talking to my friend tomorrow? [Read inside] POST: So a childhood friend of mine (We're nearly 22 now, have known him since our first day of primary school (~5 years old)) was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder a few months ago. 3 weeks ago he had a manic attack and is currently suffering from delusions of grandeur (He keeps talking about solving world peace specifically), how everyone is against him, how they just don't get him because of his intellect, etc.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24F] just started dating a guy [30M] and things are going a little fast for me, cant get straight answers... POST: I met thig guy online on a dating site. We texted mostly and we kinda stopped talking until the New Year, and I decided its time we meet. So we get together, everything is cool, and he starts with the whole "want to be my girlfriend" thing. 1. this is a little weird coming from a 30 year old, and 2. I just met this guy. I tell him he doesnt know me, yadd
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: Currently seething. Need to get it out somewhere! POST: Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but I'm so angry my eyes are tearing up and I feel like I am going to explode. A little over a year ago my nephew came to live with me, I have 3 younger kids of my own. My step-sister basically kicked him out because he doesn't get along with his drunk step-dad. He was behind in school, she brought him with a mattress and a cardboard box of clothes. I got him enrolled into onl
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [F/21] Is writing my boyfriend [M/26] a letter a good idea? POST: I have an issue with our relationship right now. But every time I try to bring it up I feel like he never takes it seriously and just makes jokes about it and he's usually such a nice guy but I feel like he doesn't see it as an issue and doesn't know how much it truly bothers me. I've tried to bring up this particular issue up a few times now and he's brushed it aside so I think I want to write him a letter
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [25/f] don't know how to just walk away from a fight with my boyfriend [30/m] POST: My boyfriend and I don't fight often, but when we do it ends up getting way worse than it needs to be because we just argue in really different ways. He wants me to just leave him alone and give him space, and I feel like I need some kind of actual discussion. He gets upset and immediately feels like it can't be fixed and I feel like I can't express myself properly, and everything I say ge
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [18 M] think I've changed since I asked out my girlfriend [17 F]. POST: We're both seniors in high school. So before dating, we'd known each other for a couple of years, our best friends are pretty much the same people, and before dating, I had no problem being around her and talking to her. Cut to now. We've been together for 5 months, and I've gotten to second base. Now, at school (we have a lot of the same classes), It feels difficult to be around her just shooting t
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by telling my friends I was gay. (I'm straight, and was trying to woo a girl who now probably thinks I'm gay) POST: This weekend, I went to the After Party for my school Formal. It was pretty late by my standards, starting at 12am, and finishing at 3. I had recently told one of my friends that I was interested in pursuing a relationship with someone called Tayla. Little did I know that he would proceed to talk me up to her during the Formal. He didn't know that I had asked her
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: I'm scared to move. POST: I'm 23 I live in a nice city in a nice flat. It's the same city I went to university in and very few of my friends stayed here after graduating, I feel I need a change but I'm terrified to make it happen. I have endless plans to move to Spain or Vietnam or wherever to teach English but the years have passed and I've never done it. What I need is someone older than me, with that valuable life experience, to tell me what life is actually about. If I le
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: How do I [19/F] ask an old friend [21/M] out on a date/for a relationship? POST: Hey, Reddit! I'm fairly new here, so I don't know too much about how this site works as far as posting goes. I just got out of a really rough patch. My first relationship ended in a really bad way. Friends were lost, other people revealed themselves to be my true friends and my ex and I are on awful terms. I thought I was happy in that relationship but retrospectively there were many things t
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Today I found out my gf is 6 weeks pregnant. I'm currently separated from my wife. She's pregnant too. POST: Title says it all, but the details are as follows. I've been working on keeping my marriage together for the past 4 years, and it hasn't helped. Three months ago we decided it wasn't going to work out, and we separated. I went to stay with my parents in another state a few weeks later. In that timeframe, I started seeing someone else who was also getting a divorce but stil
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: We are in a collective state of denial. POST: I've been browsing alternative media and conspiracy forums for about 3 years in tandem with a daily dose of the major media articles. Of all the events, theories, and falsifiable mainstream narratives, I find the September 2001 attacks to be by far the most glaring, deadly, and consequential in the context of the world. I went 10 years before I ever even questioned the mainstream narrative of the event. It has completely unravel
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 F] with my Aunt [50s F] who lives where I go to school POST: My mom's side of my family is all sorts of messed up. Let's just say there's abuse and lots of bad blood all around. Because of this, my mom has gone no-contact with all of them for about 12 years. I haven't spoken to either my aunt or her son since even before that time. I've probably only seen them a total of 10 times. My aunt just contacted me on Facebook today. She just found out that I go to college
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is the Craziest/Most Depressing/Most Awkward Wedding you have ever attended? POST: I once went to the wedding of a friend of my ex. It was a renaissance themed wedding at a renaissance fair. Everyone was dressed very nice, but it was pouring rain. They had to move the party to a picnic area where they just kind of cleared out the drunk minstrels, trash and half-eaten turkey legs on the muddy ground. To top it off the picnic area was at the far end of the park, so we all ha
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How To Deal With Codependants POST: One of my closest friends is incredibly codependent. I try and be there for her, give her advice and help her when she's down. We connect on a lot of levels and I value her insight in many areas. Her romantic relationships are messy, to say the least. She is constantly obsessed with someone that has no interest in her, and hangs on for years. She will consistently abandon me to spend time with these men who use her repeatedly, and then c
SUBREDDIT: r/dogs TITLE: What kind of do is this. Found him tied up in the woods. http://i.imgur.com/8rUbrid.png POST: Hi I'm a land surveyor and while I was working my helper saw this dog tied to a tree with no food or water, the owners were outside so I asked them if they were going to feed them. They said they didn't have enough money to buy him food, he said all this while standing next to his king ranch pick up truck. When I told them I was going to have to call the spca they tied the dog across the st
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my (abusive) girlfriend [17 F]. Want to make things work but how? POST: So recently my ex girlfriend and I have been talking, after 2 months of not being together. She tells me that she loves me and wants to be with me. But I'm not sure if that is the case. She has been really abusive lately. One moment she is the sweetest girl on earth and the next moment when we for example disagree about something, she will just hang up on me if we are talking on the pho
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Advice on this new relationship POST: Hi, so I (17/m) have been seeing this girl (17/f) for the past few weeks and we have gone on several dates. We have talked and we both really really like each other but there are a few things on her part that are getting in the way of us officially going out (or whatever you would call it). First of all, she pretty recently got out of a long relationship (over a year) and her ex still wants to get back with her. She told me she is
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: What do I [32f] owe my roommate [22f]? POST: My roommate [22f] of 2 weeks is new to town, I [32f] have lived here a while. How much interaction do I owe my roommate? We live pretty separate lives. She leaves before me in the morning (before 8) and returns home after me (after 8). Since I don't want to be "dressed" all the time (wear a bra, shave my legs) and want to wear only my nightdress, I tend to stay in my room with my door closed. We hardly talk, and go for days witho
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: (17 m) told by (16 f) that she misses how we used to be and that she regrets us not happening, even though she has a boyfriend. POST: Okay so, I like this girl a lot, and we've been friends for a year, with casual stuff going on every now and then, at times we were pretty much in a relationship, but not fully, and she meets this guy in December of last year, and they've been together since December/Januaryish, which of course made me realise my feelings for her, as I now ca
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How to tell my mom I don't want to travel to visit my relatives? POST: My mom is currently planning on going on a month long trip to Europe to visit our relatives(her parents and brothers/sisters). My dad and sister can't go because of their work and I'm still in school so I have the summer off. My mother doesn't speak English fluently and at times relies on myself and my sister to translate what other people are saying so she can understand, but she can speak English Ok just s
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my girlfriend [17 F] of 10 months, when she gets stressed or upset by something, she acts cold towards me. POST: Me and my gf have a good relationship, we've had our ups and downs but we always make up and we're always having fun with each other. The only issue I have is that whenever something upsets her or she gets stressed out, she acts very cold towards me. We will be texting and she only replies with "no" or "ok" or if she's really bothered by something
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [19F] I feel trapped in my relationship, but I can't tell if it's him [18M] or me. POST: Using my vice account because he knows me on my other. We've been dating nearly three years at this point, since high school. Now we are both in college at different ends of the state. He's never been the most romantic and outgoing person ever, but he at least put effort into making me happy once upon a time. The last year or so has felt like he's now taking me for granted - all eff
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Ex[22M] is getting a female roommate, and I[21F] don't know how I feel about it.. POST: He broke up with me in early August, and it's been a tough month for the both of us. Recently, his roommate abruptly decided to move out and my ex was left to scramble to find a roommate. A friend of a friend was looking for a place, and he mentioned he was looking for a new roommate. Problem is, she's a girl. When he told me, he reassured me nothing is going to happen. He doesn't wa
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How long is an appropriate time to work somewhere before moving onto a different job? POST: I've been working at Denny's for about a month now, it is actually one month exactly. I'm looking for other jobs, higher paying, and am almost positive I'll get an offer at a brewery I'd love to work at. I know the pay would be better and I would absolutely love to work there, but how long should I stay at Denny's before switching? (If I DO get hired there). I'm already getting great rev
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [22] was abused as a child and keeps cycling into depression. I'm [21] not sure how to handle this. POST: Forgot to add that I'm a female! My 22 year old boyfriend of four years was abused mentally and physically as a very young child. I'm not sure to the extent, but what he has told me makes me sick. His father left his mother when my boyfriend was a baby, denied that he was the father, and died when my boyfriend was about 3. His mother was a drug addict and
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Does looking at morbid shock videos make me a bad person? My lover argues, "yes." POST: This may sound a bit overly dramatic but I truly am rather upset right now (and it's pretty hard to make me upset). I just got in a huge argument with my girlfriend after telling her that today I saw a video of the murder/cannibalism/necrophilia acts carried out recently by Canadian porn actor Luka Rocco Magnotta. We didn't yell or a scream at each other but seriously argued for an hour abou