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[ "The present invention relates to an apparatus for measurement of the time of coagulation of samples of fluid products and more particularly a coagulometer for the determination of the time of coagulation of samples of blood plasmas or other coagulation tests.", "\nIt likewise relates to the method put into operation to carry out this measurement of the coagulation time.", "\nMore precisely, the invention relates to a coagulometer of the kind comprising at least one cup or, more often, a plurality of cups in the base of which is positioned a ball activated with a movement of rotation in a circular rolling path formed in the base of the said cups." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Challenging drug resistance in cancer therapy--review of the First Nordic Conference on Chemoresistance in Cancer Treatment, October 9th and 10th, 1997.", "\nThe First Nordic Conference on Chemoresistance in Cancer Treatment was held in the Danish town of Helsingør on October 9th and 10th, 1997, under the auspices of the Nordic Cancer Chemoresistance Group (NCCG). ", "The meeting focused on biochemical chemoresistance in a multidisciplinary approach. ", "There were 19 oral and 15 poster presentations documenting recent advances in experimental and clinical research of drug transport mechanisms, DNA repair systems, detoxifying enzymes, drug target regulation, in vitro sensitivity tests, apoptosis inhibition, and strategies to circumvent chemoresistance. ", "In the present paper we review the main issues that were addressed and discuss the findings with reference to the current literature in the field. ", "The meeting demonstrated the plurality and the complexity of chemoresistance, which is a major obstacle to successful chemotherapy in cancer patients. ", "The new insights to mechanisms of drug resistance and sensitization represent a useful basis for further development of strategies to circumvent chemoresistance in clinical practice." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.006578947368421052, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Alex Jones is a husky man with short sandy hair, weary eyes, baby cheeks, and the kind of deep, gravelly voice made for horror-movie trailers. ", "And it’s horror he has in mind. “", "Your New World Order will fall!” ", "he screams through a megaphone at the shiny façade of a nondescript office building. “", "Humanity will defeat you!”", "\n\n\n\nA syndicated radio host, filmmaker, and all-around countercultural icon based in Austin, Texas, Jones has long been one of the country’s most significant purveyors of paranoia. ", "His 2007 documentary Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, in which the megaphone scene takes place, purports to reveal a eugenics-obsessed global elite bent on eliminating most of the earth’s population and enslaving the rest. ", "Members of a Satanic international network, Jones explains in an ominous voiceover, have been “steering planetary affairs for hundreds of years. ", "Now, in the final stage, they prepare for open world government.” ", "And, in a line that would later echo among tea party protesters nationwide, he says, “The answer to 1984 is 1776!”", "\n\nThough Jones has always had impassioned fans, until recently, he has remained a quintessentially marginal figure. ", "A leader of the 9/11 Truth movement--he’s listed as an executive producer on the final cut of Loose Change, a documentary at the movement’s center--Jones claims to have uncovered the interconnected plots behind the JFK assassination, water fluoridation, and the recent economic crisis. ", "He has accused the Illuminati of putting its symbols in the Starbucks logo as a taunting show of strength. ", "Ron Paul is a frequent guest on his radio show, and Jones, who also runs a website called, has been a major supporter of the Ron Paul movement. ", "One of his highest-profile guests was Lou Dobbs--Jones calls him one of his “idols”--who appeared on the show in March 2008; the two discussed ostensible plans to merge the United States into a supranational “North American Union” with Mexico and Canada.", "\n\nBut it’s really only since Barack Obama’s election, when Jones turned the full force of his apocalyptic imagination toward the new president, that his ideas have found purchase in the conservative mainstream. ", "Several Republican officeholders, from state representatives to congressmen, have appeared on his program to trade wild theories about Obama. ", "Glenn Beck has brought his fear-mongering about the New World Order to network television, and an online Fox News show collaborated with him on a joint broadcast.", "\n\nTo be sure, sundry leftists, as well as some Hollywood types, appear on Jones’s show, as well. ", "Dennis Kucinich and Noam Chomsky have both been on. ", "It’s where actor Charlie Sheen goes to spout his 9/11 Truth theories. ", "But left-wing craziness tends to stay sequestered on the fringes of politics, while the right-wing fringe increasingly is the Republican mainstream. ", "According to a recent Public Policy Polling survey, only 37 percent of Republicans believe that Obama was born in the United States. ", "Jones has become politically salient because much of the right is as unhinged as he is." ]
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[ "The gist of the article is that evidence of leprosy in children is quite rare in the palaeopathological literature, possibly because the characteristic bony changes seen in the disease - rhinomaxillary syndrome or facies leprosa - are more often identified as pathological in adults, whose skulls have fully formed. ", "So the authors are presenting information on two subadults with bone changes to the skull - one from Imperial-period Italy and one from Byzantine-era (8th-9th century AD) Turkey.", "\n\nThe ancient Roman child comes from the necropolis of Martellona, a site that was located along the via Tiburtina, quite close to Tivoli in the Roman suburbium. ", "Rubini reports that there are over 400 excavated graves and that the cemetery was in use from the 6th century BC through the 4th century AD. ", "For the most part, burials were in cappuccina style, and \"the site shows an economy substantially agricultural and very poor.\" ", "The child in question dates to the 2nd-3rd centuries AD according to grave goods (two nearby burials were carbon dated to 193 AD +/- 25 years), and all that remains of the skeleton are the cranium, mandible, left clavicle, and first and second left ribs. ", "Unlike the Byzantine cemetery, where two males and one female in addition to the infant showed pathognomonic characteristics of leprosy, the Roman cemetery did not present any other evidence of leprosy in the population.", "\n\nBony changes in the skull of the Roman child are considerable. ", "There is erosive activity in the maxilla, including resorption of the area where the right central and lateral incisors would have been, and erosive activity and remodelling of the anterior nasal spine, the inferior portion of the nasal aperture, and both inferior nasal conchae. ", "The forehead slopes backward, and there is pitting and a cloaca in the hard palate. ", "The Byzantine child, on the other hand, has no signs of leprous lesions other than porosity of the occipital and parietals endocranially.", "\n\nImportant osteological changes are present in the rhinomaxillary region. ", "The resorption of the anterior nasal spine, the enlargement and rounding of the piriform aperture and erosion of the alveolar margin accompanied by the loss of the front teeth shown in our case are the classic changes seen in leprosy referred to as facies leprosa. [...] ", "Furthermore, the perforation of the hard palate is present. ", "This last change is strongly pathognomonic in leprosy diagnosis. ", "An initial examination of the Martellona sample for M. leprae DNA in the Jerusalem laboratory was unsuccessful (data not shown).", "\n\nSo, the bony evidence in the Roman child is suggestive of the leprous changes we normally see in adults, but the DNA test was negative. ", "In the Byzantine child, there were no lesions indicative of leprosy, but a DNA test was positive for M. leprae. ", "That's odd.", "\n\nThe findings in this study are interesting, but there are several questions that I would have raised had I reviewed this article:\n\nWhat is the context of the Roman child? ", "There are no published data from Martellona, either osteologically or archaeologically, even though it was excavated over a decade ago according to this brief mention of the cemetery. ", "I'd never heard of the cemetery until today (which isn't surprising, since there is a considerable amount of Italian bioarchaeological literature published in ways that are hard to find in a web or library search in this country), but there are also no citations to this cemetery anywhere in the article.", "\n\nWhy was the Byzantine child tested for leprosy? ", "I suspect that the association with other leprous individuals in the cemetery and the curious porosity on the endocranial surface of the skeleton led researchers to suspect leprosy. ", "But this is not specifically remarked on in the paper. ", "It does seem that the three adults with pathognomonic lesions were subject to DNA testing and at least one was positive for M. leprae. ", "The case for the presence of leprosy in the Byzantine population as a whole is much stronger than the case for leprosy in the Roman population, although little is mentioned about the Byzantine population in the article.", "\n\nHow do we know that facies leprosa is the same in subadults as in adults? ", "The authors note that \"Today there are no literature or hospital reports on children under 4-5 years with lepromatous leprosy that show such an involvement of the bones, even in underdeveloped countries where the medical control is difficult.\" ", "They further note that \"studies on leprosy sufferers in the absence of drug therapy show changes in the rhinomaxillary skeletal region only after about 7-10 years from the likely date of infection. ", "Therefore, this is the most likely reason why today children under 14 years of age with leprosy do not show significant changes in the facial bones.\" ", "The Roman child has significant bony changes to the face, suggesting advanced leprosy -- so the child would have to have been infected very young, even in utero -- and still the time-frame is off. ", "Of course, it's possible that leprosy (or this particular form) was more aggressive than it is today, but now we're just guessing.", "\n\nI'm disappointed that the Roman skeleton did not provide DNA evidence of leprosy because, as the authors note, \"the case of Martellona is the first case in Italy (and possibly the world) of a child under 5 years of age with a clear rhinomaxillary syndrome.\" ", "And so I'm skeptical about Rubini and colleagues' conclusions with respect to the Roman child because:\n\nThe skeleton is incomplete. ", "After all, it was just a head. ", "Who knows what lesions may have been on the postcranial skeleton and how those lesions may have affected a differential diagnosis?", "\n\nThere is a complete lack of contextual information about the population. ", "Did other skeletons have evidence of leprosy? ", "Tuberculosis? ", "Other conditions considered in the differential?", "\n\nThere is no DNA evidence of M. leprae.", "\n\nThe Byzantine case is a bit more straightforward, though, leading the authors to write:\n\nThe case from Kovuklukaya displays no pathognomonic bone changes for leprosy but the palaeopathology is consistent with a chronic inflammatory response and specific PCR is positive for M. leprae DNA. ", "We believe that this is the youngest individual in the world known to have had leprosy in the past. ", "In sum, this study suggests that skeletal changes on young children must be analyzed in detail and aDNA analysis should be applied on subadult individuals, especially those who have non-specific infectious lesions, who are in populations with adult individuals with pathognomonic lesions of leprosy.", "\n\nThis conclusion is very interesting, and I think Rubini and colleagues are right to suggest that, with the current availability of biochemical analysis, testing subadults in a population with known evidence of leprosy is a key path forward in understanding the prevalence of the disease in the past. ", "I'm not convinced yet that this Roman child had leprosy -- the differential didn't sell me on that diagnosis -- but I'm also not an expert on the disease.", "\n\nI hope to hear more about the Martellona cemetery, particularly what sorts of pathologies other individuals in the population suffered from, in the future. ", "It could be a very interesting comparison site to the Imperial-era cemeteries that have been published from the Roman suburbium.", "\n\n3\ncomments:\n\nWhat does 'no DNA evidence for leprosy' mean here? ", "That they didn't test for it, or they tested, but didn't find any? (", "I'm not an archaeologist or geneticist so I have no sense of how likely a false negative would be in this case.)", "\n\nAs far as I understand it, they did test the Roman sample for M. leprae, but it was \"unsuccessful.\" ", "They didn't show their data, though, and didn't discuss the possibility of a false negative.", "\n\nSo my statement that \"There is no DNA evidence of M. leprae\" means that DNA specific to M. leprae was not found on the skeletal sample that they analyzed. ", "It's possible that testing another piece of bone or tooth would find M. leprae, but it's not clear if further tests will be done along these lines.", "\n\nGreat article! ", "I just wanted to mention that evidence of leprosy is rare in literature overall because leprosy is typically a soft tissue disease until it progresses into something much nastier and involving bone tissue.", "\n\nAs to the comments regarding the fuzzy \"no DNA evidence for leprosy\", in cases like this paleopathologists usually try to hybridize complementary DNA to whatever available DNA is found on/in the body. ", "In this case, perhaps the DNA was too degraded for hybridization or didn't exist at all.", "\n\nFeatured Post\n\nis a bioarchaeologist and assistant professor at the University of West Florida. ", "This is her personal blog about archaeology, bioanthropology, and the classical world. ", "Follow her on Twitter (@DrKillgrove) or G+, or follow PbO on Facebook." ]
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[ "Today the Dota 2 team is introducing public leaderboards. ", "These leaderboards show the players with the highest solo MMR in four geographic divisions:\n\nAmericas\n\nEurope and Africa\n\nChina\n\nSoutheast Asia\n\nHere is an FAQ with some details. (", "We may need to change the requirements in the future. ", "The latest information will always be on the Leaderboards website.)", "\n\nQ. Who is eligible to appear on the leaderboard?", "\n\nTo qualify, a player must have all of the following:\n\nAt least 300 lifetime matchmade games played. (", "Unranked or ranked PvP matches only.)", "\n\nAt least 100 lifetime solo ranked games\n\nAt least 15 solo ranked games in the last 21 days in the same division\n\nOfficial player info on file\n\nQ. How do I know what division I’m in?", "\n\nIt’s the division in which you have played the most solo ranked games in the past 21 days. (", "In case of a tie, we use the division that has the more recent match.)", "\n\nQ. Does a match still qualify towards the recency requirement if somebody abandons, times out due to network problems, etc?", "\n\nYes, provided that MMRs are updated. ", "If the match is thrown out for any reason, then it is not a qualifying match.", "\n\nQ. How do I give you my official player info?", "\n\nIf your solo MMR puts you within reach of a leaderboard, and you meet the eligibility requirements but have not provided your official information, we’ll send you a notification in game that will make it possible to provide this information.", "\n\nQ. Which server regions are assigned to which divisions?", "\n\nAmericas: US West, US East, South America\n\nEurope: Europe West, Europe East, Russia, South Africa\n\nChina: Perfect World Telecom, Perfect World Unicom\n\nSoutheast Asia: South Korea, SE Asia, Australia\n\nQ. When are leaderboards updated?", "\n\nDaily at 22:00 GMT.", "\n\nQ. Where’s the global leaderboard?", "\n\nThe MMR of each division is on a different scale, and comparing MMRs across divisions is not currently meaningful.", "\n\nQ. I’m on the leaderboard and I want to change my official information. ", "Is it too late?", "\n\nWe’ve unlocked everyone’s official information, giving all players one more chance to make edits. ", "Once you enter the information again, it will be locked for a period of time and you will not be able to change it! ", "Please note that there may be a delay of up to one day between the time you change your information and the time the new information shows up on the leaderboard." ]
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[ "(When I used to temp in Chicago, I tried never to act surprised or taken aback by anything asked of me, except the men I called \"the horrible lawyer twins.\" ", "Inside I was screaming, crying and gasping for air, but outside, I was not reactive. ", "And after work, I either bought roses or pop-tarts to console myself. ", "I'd say, hubby owes you pie and cake.)", "\n\nOhh, so pretty saria! ", "That is exactly how I wish I could wear my hair pulled back, but it looks awful on me that way.", "\n\nTRBL, I'd fly in with ninjarooski if I could and give you a hand!", "\n\nByron,GA> Charleston, SC> Jacksonville, FL> Guilford, CT> Rohnert Park, CA! ", "A southern drawl in sunny Cali! . ", "The amount of time from slipping on the peel and landing on the pavement is exactly one bananosecond.", "I do have a secret yen for pink in unexpected places. ", "~ninja dogI've decided that I'll never get down to my original weight, and I'm OK with that--After all, 8 pounds 2 oz. ", "is just not realistic.", "\n\nByron,GA> Charleston, SC> Jacksonville, FL> Guilford, CT> Rohnert Park, CA! ", "A southern drawl in sunny Cali! . ", "The amount of time from slipping on the peel and landing on the pavement is exactly one bananosecond.", "I do have a secret yen for pink in unexpected places. ", "~ninja dogI've decided that I'll never get down to my original weight, and I'm OK with that--After all, 8 pounds 2 oz. ", "is just not realistic.", "\n\nI figured the other flowers weren't working. ", "Jeepy thought they were skulls!", "\n---------------\nSummer Shandy is a type of beer MoppyT likes.", "\n----------------------\nI'm going to work the polls in May! ", "I've got to be there at the crack of freakin' dawn, and stay all day, but I'm serving my country, so I'm glad. ", "It's good to do one's civic duty.", "\n\nOriginally Posted by ninja dog\n\nhee. ", "but I like skulls.", "\n\nYay for you for working the polls. ", "I'm finally fully retired after 20+ years of heavy involvment in politics so I know those long days. ", "It's tiring but fun.", "\n\nIn my defense, I only got them because I was already paying for shipping for something else I need to unclog the tub and that I couldn't find at Home Depot.", "\n\nI can't believe how tiny they both are, especially the River Cottage book. ", "It looks like a novel. ", "Funny that British books seem to be around this size.", "\n\nInteresting info from Stevens about the theory that gluten intolerance is so much more prevalent now because the mass production of bread led to shorter fermentation time which makes the wheat harder to digest." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0.0047169811320754715 ]
[ "A couple of days ago VRFocus reported on Coatsink Software’s CEO Tom Beardsmore revealing that the studio’s puzzle title Esper would be available for free for Oculus Rift owners who’ve already purchased launch title Esper 2. ", "Now the company has announced further details including a bundle price and release window.", "\n\nEsper 1 will now become available this Spring and will be bundled together with Esper 2 for $14.95. ", "It seems that once the bundle goes live you might not be able to purchase Esper 2 singularly, which is currently retailing for $9.99 USD.", "\n\n“Both Esper 1 and Esper 2 received a great reception on Gear VR last year, and the momentum has only increased with our recent launch of Esper 2 on Oculus Rift”, said Beardsmore. “", "We’re excited to be bringing Esper 1 to Rift in a month or so to allow Rift users to experience everything Esper has to offer, bundled together at a good price. ", "Also, as a thank-you to the Esper 2 early adopters, we are giving them Esper 1 at no extra cost once the bundle update goes live.”", "\n\nBoth the titles are first-person puzzlers set in a world where people have telekinetic abilities. ", "Using these powers players then have to solve a variety of tests. ", "The first videogame is set in a government lab as they try to asertain if you’re a threat, while the second title expands on this with more exotic locations and a greater mixture of puzzles. ", "Esper 2 also features the vocal talents of some well known actors, including Nick Frost (Paul, Shaun of the Dead), Lara Pulver (Sherlock, Spooks) and Sean Pertwee (Dog Soldiers, Gotham), alongside Eric Meyers from the original title.", "\n\nVRFocus will continue its coverage of Coatsink Software, reporting back any new announcements." ]
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[ "Ocular penetration of linezolid after oral administration in rabbits.", "\nThe pharmacokinetics of linezolid (LZD) was investigated in rabbit eyes after single and multiple oral administrations. ", "Pharmacology Laboratory, University Hospital of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. ", "Twelve New Zealand rabbits were divided into 2 groups: an oral dose of 120 mg (35 mg/kg) was administrated in group 1 (n=6), and a multiple-dose protocol targeting the steady state (120 mg twice a day for 3 days) was given in group 2 (n=6). ", "Serum (s) and vitreous (v) samples were collected after 0, 30, and 45 min and after 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 h. LZD concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. ", "LZD exhibited a mean C(max) in serum of 13.9±4.5 (standard deviation) mg/L after a T(max) of 1 h in group 1 and 18.0±6.5 mg/L after a T(max) of 30 min in group 2. ", "The vitreal peak occurred at 2 h in both groups with an intraocular C(max) of 3.0±1.3 mg/L in group 1 and 4.5±1.4 mg/L in group 2. ", "The resulting area under the concentration-time curve in vitreous at the steady state compared with the area under the concentration-time curve calculated after a single dose increased significantly (28.7±7.7 vs. 18.3±2.1 mg·h/L, respectively, p<0.05). ", "The time that serum concentration exceeded the minimum inhibitory concentrations (T>MIC) in group 2 was eventually >40% for MIC up to 3 mg/L in rabbit vitreous. ", "Although a single oral dose produced intraocular concentrations barely sufficient to induce bacterial eradication, a multiple-dose regimen provided intraocular levels exceeding the MICs of most Gram-positive organisms responsible for endophthalmitis." ]
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[ "Hastula celidonota\n\nHastula celidonota is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Terebridae, the auger snails.", "\n\nDescription\n\nDistribution\nMascarene Islands\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Terebridae\nCategory:Gastropods described in 1898" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a reagent and a method for detecting an antigen, antibody or other analyte in human or animal blood by erythrocyte agglutination. ", "The invention also concerns a kit containing the reagent and processes of preparation of the reagents.", "\n2. ", "Information Disclosure Statement\nAssaying blood samples for a particular antigen or antibody has traditionally involved the step of separating the cellular components from the serum components of the blood by centrifugation and/or clotting, prior to assay.", "\nThis presents several potential problems. ", "Firstly, such an assay is not suited to testing being conducted under field conditions. ", "In many veterinary situations a quick test in the field is more desirable than the alternative of transporting samples to laboratories for separation and assay. ", "Also, veterinary surgeons who do not have access to a centrifuge frequently need to assay blood samples for the presence of infectious agents such as heartworm. ", "Further, assays being used for the detection of diseases in Third World countries present a situation where simplicity and low cost are of the essence.", "\nSecondly, in certain pathologic conditions, separation of the blood samples becomes difficult. ", "Blood taken from patients suffering conditions such as Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is difficult to separate into serum and cell fractions making an assay which can be conducted on whole blood highly desirable.", "\nThirdly, blood samples are often used for testing for the presence of highly contagious and potentially dangerous disease states. ", "In these cases it is preferable that as little handling and processing of the samples as possible is undertaken in order to minimize the risk to personnel conducting the assay. ", "Further, certain conditions make the provision of over-the-counter finger-prick assays highly desirable. ", "Such assays must necessarily be suited to performance on whole blood.", "\nImmunoassays have revolutionized human diagnostic and veterinary medicine since the introduction of techniques such as the radioimmunoassay, first reported by Yalow and Berson (1959) Nature 184, 1648, and the enzyme immunoassay or EIA which was first reported by Engvall and Perlman (1971) Immunochem 8, 871 and Van Weeman and Schuurs (1971) FEBS Letters 15, 232.", "\nWhilst such assays are based on antibody-antigen interactions the detection systems utilized are usually complex. ", "The reagents used are generally enzyme or radiolabelled antigens, antibodies or complexes thereof which require either incubation with specific substrates and measurement of a color end-point either visually or by means of a colorimeter or measurement of radioactive decay with radiation counters to detect the presence of the analyte being tested. ", "These assays also involve several washing steps. ", "Most immunoassays for the detection of analytes in blood are currently of this nature. ", "Thus, whilst these assays are sensitive, they are lengthy and involved procedures which may require expensive instrumentation, for detection of the analyte under test.", "\nAn alternative to these assays is provided by immunoassays of the type described by Gupta, et al., (", "1985) Journal of Immunological Methods 80:177-187. ", "These are immunoassays in which erythrocytes and anti-erythrocyte antibodies are used in the indicator system. ", "In these assays exogenous erythrocytes such as sheep erythrocytes are used.", "\nIn recent years it has been possible to attach antibodies to latex beads, thus providing a rapid agglutination assay. ", "This, however, still entails the separation of the serum/plasma phase from the cellular phase and consequently requires the use of a centrifuge or filtration system. ", "Latex agglutination assays are described in Castelan, et al., ", "J. Clin. ", "Pathol. (", "1968), 21, 638; and Singer & Plotz Am. ", "J. Med. [", "1956 (Dec)], 888.", "\nBoth direct and indirect agglutination immunoassays are well known in the art. ", "In these assays, the agglutination of particles to which antigen or antibody is bound is used to indicate the presence or absence of the corresponding antibody or antigen. ", "A variety of particles, including particles of latex, charcoal, kaolinite, or bentonite, as well as both microbial and red blood cells, have been used as agglutinatable carriers. ", "See Mochida, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,308,026. ", "The use of erythrocytes as indicator particles is strongly criticized by Patel, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,882,225, who says that it is difficult to standardize indicator erythrocytes.", "\nMolinaro, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,130,634 describes an assay for an antigen which employs antibody-coated red blood cells. ", "Molinaro emphasizes that the method used to couple the antibody to the erythrocyte must not destroy the reactivity of the antibody. ", "He makes it clear that antibodies which are specific for the erythrocyte are not useful for his assay. ", "He does mention, however, the possibility of using a hybrid antibody with one binding site specific for the antigen and the other specific for the red blood cell.", "\nChang, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,433,059 discloses an agglutination immunoassay reagent in which two antibodies are covalently linked \"tail-to-tail\", i.e., so as not to alter their specificity. ", "One antibody is specific for an antigen borne by an indicator substance, such as an erythrocyte. ", "This antibody is preferably univalent to avoid nonspecific agglutination. ", "The other antibody is divalent and is specific for the analyte. ", "In preparation for the assay, fresh erythrocytes are coated with the conjugate. ", "The double antibody conjugate-coated RBCs are then incubated with the test serum. ", "Chang does not contemplate the assaying of whole blood samples using a non-autoagglutinating anti-RBC antibody and endogenous erythrocytes. ", "He does not recognize that nonspecific agglutination may be avoided without resort to univalent erythrocyte binding fragments or address the use of binding substances other than antibodies. ", "Additionally, he teaches that the analyte and RBC binding antibodies should be coupled by means of a heterobifunctional coupling agent.", "\nCytosignet, Inc., WO88/05913 (published 11 Aug. 1988) broadly describes an erythrocyte agglutination assay which detects an analyte in an erythrocyte-containing sample by means of a conjugate of an analyte-binding moiety and an erythrocyte-binding moiety (especially an antibody or lectin). ", "While Cytosignet recognizes the need for constructs \"which, in the absence of analyte, react only with particulates in the sample in such a manner that detectable agglutination of particulates does not occur,\" it is oblivious to the possibility of using an intact antibody, such as the anti-glycophorin antibody discussed later herein, as the erythrocyte binding element. ", "Instead, it teaches use of an univalent Fab fragment of an anti-RBC antibody, which, like that of Chang, is derived from a divalent antibody which is capable of cross-linking two erythrocytes and thus of forming an agglutinate. ", "Nor does it teach how to prepare a lectin so that \"auto-agglutination\" is avoided. ", "Finally, it does not delineate any binding molecules, other than antibodies or lectins, which are useful in the proposed assay.", "\nSmith, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,578,360 and 4,401,764 describe a conjugate of an erythrocyte binding molecule and a label binding molecule. ", "His label is a fluorescent, chemiluminescent, spin, enzyme or coenzyme label; an agglutination assay is not contemplated.", "\nSmith, WO88/05913, bearing an international publication date of 11 Aug. 1988 but claiming priority from U.S. Ser. ", "No. ", "8,571 of 29 Jan. 1987, describes an agglutination assay for an analyte in a whole blood sample which uses a construct comprising a RBC-binding moiety and an analyte-binding moiety, coupled by means of a bifunctional coupling agent. ", "The exemplified RBC-binding moiety was a Fab' (i.e., univalent) fragment of a RBC-agglutinating antibody. ", "The use of an anti-glycophrin monoclonal antibody (or a divalent binding fragment thereof) or of a mellitin fragment as the particulate-binding moiety is not taught.", "\nChu, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,493,793 discloses the construction of a lectin-antibody or lectin-antigen covalently coupled conjugate. ", "His Table I (incorporated by reference) sets forth the carbohydrate specificities of several lectins. ", "He does not teach coupling such a conjugate to an erythrocyte through either the lectin or the antibody receptor.", "\nOther \"tail-to-tail\" immunological conjugates are known. ", "Segal, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,676,980 sets forth the construction of a \"tail-to-tail\" conjugate of a target cell surface antigen-specific antibody and of a cytotoxic effector cell receptor-specific antibody. ", "Several cross-linking methods, incorporated by reference, are described. ", "This conjugate is intended for use in immunotherapy, in that it will cause the cellular immune system of the patient to lyse the target cell. ", "The target cell would not, of course, be an erythrocyte endogenous to the host.", "\nFreytag, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,517,303 describes an immunolytic assay employing a conjugate of an analyte molecule and a cytolysin. ", "The cytolysin may be (whole) mellitin. ", "Since the Freytag assay requires that the conjugate lyse red blood cells, use of mellitin 7-26 or other nonlytic, RBC-binding peptides would be contrary to Freytag's teachings.", "\nLi, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,661,444 suggests the production of a tail-to-tail conjugate of an analyte-binding antibody and of an antibody specific for the idiotype of the first antibody. ", "This conjugate was to be used in conjunction with an insolubilized analyte-binding antibody in an immunoassay.", "\nWardlaw, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,695,553 teaches use of a monoclonal antibody against a universal erythrocyte antigen as a RBC agglutinating agent to clarify the interface between red blood cells and white blood cells in centrifuged whole blood. ", "He prefers use of antibodies against glycophorin or against H antigen, but also mentions the possibility of using a mixture of lectins. ", "Guesdon, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,668,637 discusses the use of anti-red blood cell antibodies or of lectins for the purpose of erythroadsorption. ", "Bigbee, Molecular Immunology, 20: 1353-1362 (1983) describes the production and testing of four monoclonal antibodies against glycophorin A. The general concept of using in an immunoassay an antibody which reacts with an antigenic determinant shared among all members of a class of analytes of interest (microorganisms) is set forth in McLaughlin, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,683,196.", "\nA number of patents deal with antibodies useful in blood typing. ", "See, e.g., Lloyd, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,678,747; Graham, Jr., 4,358,436; Liu, 4,550,017; Steplewski, 4,607,009; Lennox, WO83/03477. ", "These antibodies are useful for blood typing because they bind to antigens found only in certain blood cell populations, while for the purpose of this invention, it is desirable to use antibodies (or mixtures thereof) which bind to essentially all erythrocytes.", "\nZuk, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,594,327 recognizes the desirability of performing an immunoassay directly on whole blood samples. ", "In his method, the sample is contacted with both an insolubilized, analyte-specific immunoreagent and with a red blood cell binding agent such as a RBC-specific antibody or a lectin. ", "The analyte-specific immunoreagent and the RBC binding agent are not coupled together, and the assay disclosed is not an agglutination assay. ", "Rather he provides assay means which filter out the red blood cells and then expose the remainder of the sample to the immunoreagent.", "\nThe problem, in an agglutination immunoassay, of nonspecific agglutination of erythrocytes by anti-erythrocyte antibodies endogenous to the blood sample, was noted by Czismas, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,639,558. ", "He proposed eliminating all naturally occurring antigenic sites on the particle by coating the particle with protein.", "\nTheofilopoulos, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,342,566; Duermeyer, 4,292,403 and Goldenberg, 4,331,647 are of interest as demonstrating the use of specific binding fragments of antibodies as substitutes for intact antibodies in assays. ", "The construction of heterobifunctional antibodies is taught by Auditore-Hargreaves, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,446,233; Paulus, 4,444,878; and Reading, 4,474,893. ", "Mochida, 4,200,436 discloses the use of monovalent antibodies or binding fragments thereof in certain immunoassays. ", "Forrest, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,659,678 mentions that monovalent antibodies cannot form dimers or more extensive complexes with the antigen; such aggregates were said to be capable of interfering with the binding of the antigen-antibody complex to a solid phase support." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGetting null while accessing initParameter in jsp\n\nI am trying to access initParameter in my jsp.", "\nWhen I try to access the initparameter it is coming out as null.", "\nMy jsp page is:\n<%@ page language=\"java\" contentType=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"\npageEncoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"%>\n<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \n\"\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n<title>Insert title here</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<% \nString user=config.getInitParameter(\"User\"); \nout.print(\"Hello \"+user); \n%> \n</body>\n</html>\n\nweb.xml \n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<web-app id=\"WebApp_ID\" version=\"2.4\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n<display-name>\nLearning</display-name>\n<welcome-file-list>\n <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>\n</welcome-file-list>\n<servlet>\n<servlet-name>config</servlet-name>\n<jsp-file>/config.jsp</jsp-file>\n<init-param>\n <param-name>User</param-name>\n <param-value>Dummy</param-value>\n</init-param>\n</servlet>\n<servlet-mapping>\n <servlet-name>config</servlet-name>\n<url-pattern>/config.jsp</url-pattern>\n</servlet-mapping>\n</web-app>\n\nI am getting null while accessing init parameter. ", "Please suggest.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf your JSP file name is config.jsp it should work.", "\nA case in which you can get a null value is when you write following:\n<% String user=config.getInitParameter(\"User\"); \nout.print(\"Hello \"+user);%>\n\nIn JSP which is not config.jsp.", "\nSo please cross-check your JSP's name and It should be directly under WebContent in your project.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Sub-Four Attempt Up the Mountaineer's Route\n\nFor years, one Mt. Whitney obsession has been a sub-four hour ascent of the mountain. ", "After a few tries on the Main Trail with no success (fastest time, no running, was around 4:20), I decided to follow a suggestion given to me by Bob Rockwell." ]
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[ "Newsbrief: Dontnod's macabre action-RPG Vampyr has sold over 450,000 copies since launching on June 5.", "\n\nThe Life is Strange developer broke the news in a press release written in French (translated by PCGamesN), and explained the sales total includes copies sold across all platforms.", "\n\nEarlier this year the studio suggested the title would nee to sell 1 million copies to be considered a success, but company CEO Oskar Guilbert seemed pleased with the game's performance so far.", "\n\n\"We are very proud, because since its launch, our last original creation meets a great craze among players,\" he said. \"", "Thanks to our new role as co-producer, we will greatly benefit from this commercial success.\"" ]
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[ " \r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\tOSCN Found Document:IN RE RULES CREATING AND CONTROLLING THE OKLAHOMA BAR ASSOCIATION\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\r\n \n\n\n\nOSCN navigation\n\n\n\n\r\n Home\n\r\n Courts\n\r\n \r\n\t Court Dockets\r\n\t\t\t \n\r\n Legal Research\n\r\n Calendar\n\r\n Help\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPrevious Case\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTop Of Index\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThis Point in Index\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCitationize\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNext Case\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPrint Only\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIN RE RULES CREATING AND CONTROLLING THE OKLAHOMA BAR ASSOCIATION2017 OK 94Case Number: 4483Decided: 12/04/2017THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA\r\nCite as: 2017 OK 94, __ P.3d __\n\nNOTICE: THIS OPINION HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED FOR PUBLICATION. ", "UNTIL RELEASED, IT IS SUBJECT TO REVISION OR WITHDRAWAL. ", "\n\n\n\nIn Re: Rules Creating and Controling the Oklahoma Bar Association\n\n\n\n\nORDER\n\nThis matter comes on before this Court upon an Application to Amend Art. ", "II Section 2 of the Rules Creating and Controlling the Oklahoma Bar Association, 5 O.S. ch. ", "1, app. ", "1, Creating a New Member Category and Suspending Further Application for Senior Member Category. ", "This Court finds that it has jurisdiction over this matter and the Rules are hereby amended as set out in Exhibit A attached hereto effective January 1, 2018.", "\nDONE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT IN CONFERENCE this 4th day of December, 2017.", "\n\n/SCHIEF JUSTICE\n\n\nALL JUSTICES CONCUR.", "\n\n\n \n\n \n\nExhibit A\n\nARTICLE II, Section 2\n(a) Active Members. ", "Active members Members shall be all members not enrolled as senior members Senior Members, Retired, or associated members Associate Members.", "\n(b) SENIOR MEMBERS Senior Member. ", "An active member Active Member in good standing who is was seventy (70) years of age as of the first day of January of the then current year 2018, may become a senior member and previously became a Senior Member by filing with the Executive Director his or her statement, setting forth the month, day and year of his birth and requesting senior membership Senior Member classification. ", "Thereafter, he or she shall be entitled to all the privileges and advantages of an Active Member active membership in the Association without payment of further dues, with the exception that he or she shall not receive the Bar Journal free of charge. ", "If a senior member Senior Member desires to receive the Bar Journal, the senior he or she shall pay for an annual subscription, the cost of which shall be based upon production and mailing costs. ", "No additional members shall be added to this classification after January 1, 2018. ", "After January 1, 2018, all members who are seventy (70) years of age or older, who are actively engaged in the practice of law, and who are not Senior Members, Associate Members or Retired Members shall pay dues in the amount specified for those in practice for more than three (3) years. ", "\n(c) Associate Member. ", "A member in good standing who files, or on whose behalf there is filed, with the Executive Director, a statement that, by reason of illness, infirmity, or other disability, he or she is unable to engage in the practice of law shall become an associate member Associate Member of the Association for the duration of such illness, infirmity or other disability and until he is restored to his the former classification. ", "An associate member Associate Member shall not engage in the practice of law or be required to pay dues during such period. ", "He or she may, on annual request, receive the Bar Journal during his or her disability. ", "The member, on causing an appropriate showing thereof to be made to the Executive Director, shall be reclassified to be an Active Member the membership held prior to such illness, infirmity or other disability and shall be required to pay the dues applicable thereto beginning January 2nd next following such reclassification and to pay the cost of the Bar Journal during such disability if he or she has elected to receive it.", "\n(d) Retired Member. ", "An Active Member in good standing who reaches age seventy (70) on, or after January 2nd, 2018 and is no longer engaged in the practice of law may notify the Executive Director, in writing, that he or she wishes to be designated as a \"Retired Member.\" ", "Such request shall include a statement that the member is not engaged in the practice of law in any jurisdiction. ", "Members who request Retired Member classification shall be relieved from paying dues and may purchase the Bar Journal and other member benefits that might be made available at a price equal to the cost to the Oklahoma Bar Association in providing the member benefit. ", "An Active Member requesting Retired Member classification must have reached age seventy (70) prior to January 2nd of the year he or she is requesting to be reclassified to Retired Status and relieved from paying dues. ", "Those members who were previously classified as Senior Members prior to the adoption of this subsection may change their classification to Retired Member if a request in writing is submitted to the Executive Director with a request for the reclassification and a statement that the requesting member is no longer engaged in the practice of law. ", "\n(d) (e) Reclassification to Active Membership -- Showing Competence. ", "Whenever a member seeks restoration to active membership Active Member classification after the lapse of two (2) years or less, he or she may be reinstated as provided in Rule 11.8 of the Rules Governing Disciplinary Proceedings. ", "After the lapse of more that than two (2) years, an associated member Associate Member may be restored to active membership Active Member classification upon compliance with Rule 11.1 through Rule 11.7 of the Rules Governing Disciplinary Proceedings.", "\n(e) (f) Voting Members Defined. ", "Active and senior members Senior Members shall constitute the voting members of the Association. ", "Associate and Retired Members shall not be Voting Members. ", "\n \n \n\nCitationizer© Summary of Documents Citing This Document\n\n\nCite\nName\nLevel\n\n\nNone Found.", "\n\n\nCitationizer: Table of Authority\n\n\nCite\nName\nLevel\n\n\nNone Found.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Naval Radio Transmitter Facility (NRTF) Niscemi\n\nNaval Radio Transmitter Facility Niscemi (NRTF Niscemi) is a transmission facility of the United States Navy at Niscemi, Sicily, maintained by the N92 Division of Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Sicily. ", "The facility houses low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) transmitter and antenna systems, and certification of the new U.S. Navy Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) ground terminals is in progress as of early 2015.", "\n\nInstallations\nThe joint American, Italian, and NATO facility houses an AN/FRT-95A Low Frequency Radio Transmitting System, hosts a USAF HF SCOPE Command, part of the High Frequency (HF) Global Communications System (HFGCS) and a US Navy MUOS Ground Station. ", "The surrounding antenna field supports one 827 foot LF antenna, 44 HF (3–30 MHz) antennas, three MUOS Earth Terminal parabolic antennas, and 2 UHF Directional Helical antennas for satellite direction finding.", "\nSeveral different types of HF antenna are installed, though the majority are no longer in use. ", "116 Antenna towers are installed which hold aloft 35 antenna transmission lines. ", "Antenna types include four Horizontal Log Periodic (HLPA) with 2 tall towers each, four rotatable log periodic (RLPA), seven Horizontal Omnidirectional Broadband (HOBA) each with 4 antenna towers, seven High Take-Off Angle (HTOA), 11 Dual Mode (DM) antennae held aloft with 7 towers each, 1 Spira-cone, and 10 decommissioned Horizontal/Vertical HF Loop Antennae. ", "The LF Transmitter uses non-line-of-sight propagation for communication with submarines.", "\n\nLocal opposition\nSince 2009 the station has become the target of protests by the people of Niscemi, citing concerns over the expansion of the site, which is located inside the Riserva Naturale Sugherata di Niscemi, a protected Site of Community Importance, and the possible harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the local wildlife and inhabitants from the MUOS ground stations. ", "In the face of the protests, in March 2013 the regional government revoked authorisation for the installation of MUOS, and commissioned an independent study by the Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanità (\"Higher Health Institute\"). ", "The ISS report, issued in July 2013, concluded that there was no evidence that electromagnetic emissions posed a risk, but recommended further monitoring, and authorisation was re-granted. ", "Local \"No-MUOS\" committees then organized demonstrations, and blocked road access to the site. ", "In the face of this opposition the United States authorities have repeatedly stated that emissions from the site are well below agreed safety standards, and point to the operation of a similar site in Hawaii that has not reported any problems or incidents.", "\n\nSee also\n\n Niscemi\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Communications and electronic installations of the United States Navy\nCategory:Military installations of the United States in Italy\nCategory:Radio masts and towers in Europe" ]
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[ "Zanardi (surname)\n\nZanardi is a surname. ", "Notable people with the surname include:\n\nGentile Zanardi (late 17th century), Italian painter, active in Bologna\nAlberta Zanardi (born 1940), Italian sprint canoer\nAlex Zanardi (born 1966), Italian racing driver\nGentile Zanardi (late 17th century), Italian painter\nGiovanni Zanardi (1700-1769), Italian painter\nSilvia Zanardi (born 2000), Italian professional racing cyclist" ]
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[ "The 411 on the music industry: how to find your place in it\n\nBy Benita Aalto (photo of Tanya Tagaq performing at the Indspire awards)\n\nStop me if you’ve heard this one:Q: How do you get a musician off your porch?A: Pay him for the pizza.", "\n\nOr how about this one:\n\nTwo people were walking down the street: one was a musician, the other didn’t have any money either.", "\n\nThose gormless jokes aside, you may also think that, if you want to be in the music business, you should prepare yourself for a life of pizza-delivery and penury.", "\nAnd it can be difficult to see any alternative, particularly when so many stars are discovered in their teens and turned into global brands before they hit their 20s. (", "If Jay-Z hasn’t discovered you by now, it’s probably over, right?)", "\nNot necessarily.", "\n“Not everyone will be a Rihanna. ", "But there are countless artists making a living doing what they love,” says Stuart Johnson, president of the Canadian Independent Music Association, a not-for-profit trade organization whose members include record producers, labels, and other independent music industry professionals.", "\n“First and foremost, you have to have a passion for it. ", "You have to be able to weather the feast or famine days,” says Johnson, who also points out that half of CIMA’s members are sole proprietorships, and most have five or fewer employees. ", "When a small shop is competing against multi-national corporations, they have to be willing to look beyond the traditional definition of what a record label does, so they can reach audiences effectively.", "\nIllustrating his point about the importance of diversification, Johnson cites the example of Toronto-based Six Shooter Records which not only releases music, but also programs the annual Interstellar Rodeo music festival, which comes to Edmonton in July, and Winnipeg on Aug. 14 to 16. “", "Six Shooter also signed [Inuk throat singer] Tanya Tagaq, who is a departure for them but who has done very well.", "”But first, a reality check: “Just because you can record music doesn’t mean you should”\n“I believe in Malcolm Gladwell’s ten thousand hours theory, that people need to put in ten thousand hours to master their craft,” says Alan Greyeyes, the Aboriginal Music Development Coordinator of Music Manitoba’s Aboriginal Music Program. “", "Good music matters the most. ", "With so many people competing now, it’s hard to rise above the noise.”", "\nThe idea that you can record music on your MacBook, release it on iTunes, then shoot a video on your iPad, upload it to YouTube and become a globally connected star is more an Apple ad fantasy than how it actually shakes out in real life.", "\n“Technology has made making music much more accessible, but just because you can record music, doesn’t mean you should,” says Johnson. “", "The industry has changed since the 80s and 90s. ", "It’s not a dollars business now; it’s a pennies business. ", "You have to find a lot of streams of pennies to make a decent living.”", "\nWhere do these pennies come from? ", "In addition to the usual suspects like royalties from radio play and iTunes sales, there’s also song placement in movies, TV and video games.", "\nNiiko Soul, a 23 year-old singer, songwriter and producer, has been working full-time as a musician for the past six years. ", "He gets most of his sales through iTunes and works other angles, too. ”", "We just sent out my latest single through DMDS, which is a digital radio distributor for Canada and the USA. ", "It was my first time using it, and the response so far has been great.”", "\nSoul is quick to say that his job doesn’t end once the single has dropped. “", "It’s not as easy as just sending it out there: once the song is sent off, it’s up to you to follow up through the tracking process. ", "When I follow up with radio personnel, I treat it as an opportunity to form relationships.”", "\nSoul has also taken on other projects, like composing a custom score for an educational video project, producing songs for a web series, mixing and mastering other artists’ recordings, and performing as a guest musician in studio and in concert.", "\n“There are a lot of misconceptions as to what having a career in the music business means,” says Soul. “", "But there are thousands of people working in the industry every day who are not Rihanna or Taylor Swift.”", "\n“There is always opportunity,” agrees Johnson. “", "But you have to love the music and, in Canada, you have to learn how to do a lot of grant-writing.", "”Nothing is more Canadian than writing a grant proposal\nYou may be eligible to apply for a number of local, regional or national grants to cover the costs of recording, touring, or professional development. ", "Check out, or the “Music Funding Organizations” page on, to name only two. ", "But don’t stop there.", "\n“Going to websites is very passive,” says Greyeyes. “", "You need to get engaged. ", "You can call Manitoba Music, for example, and say, ‘I’m trying to put together a tour. ", "Where can I get funding?’“", "\nYou should also consider becoming a member of Manitoba Music: a mere $50 a year gives you access to Manitoba Music resource centre where you can use their computers or have a quiet desk to work. ", "You will also get your own profile page, access to downloads like the Manitoba media guide, and contract templates, as well as the chance to have one-on-one consultations with staff, who can help navigate the grant-writing process.", "\n(And if you’re not based in Manitoba, don’t despair: your province or territory probably has its own music industry association. ", "The FACTOR website has a great industry links page with that info. ", "Go to: credit card is not a business plan\nGreyeyes notes that, even with a successful grant application, you may not see the money right away. ", "Some touring grants, for example, disburse the funds after the tour is completed. ", "Since the main source of a performer’s revenue is often live performance, this is a particularly sensitive area, as musicians need to be able to hit the road, which means being able to take the financial risks that come with touring.", "\nTour expenses can include, at a minimum, renting a van, paying for motels, meals, and gas and allowing for any other costs that can unexpectedly materialize. ", "Many novices would consider simply putting everything on a credit card. ", "But is that the best idea?", "\nAccording to a recent report from Equifax, you might want to think twice: we Canadians love our credit, and have racked up an average debt load of $20,861 – and that number doesn’t even include having a mortgage. ", "Ouch.", "\nDoes that sound like your financial situation? ", "If it does, you might need to bolster your financial literacy: Manitoba Music has offered a DIY Series of professional development workshops on topics like bookkeeping and cash-flowing a tour, for example. ", "Check out to see their latest offerings.", "And finally… do your best, but don’t wait for the big break\nAs much as you will work, network, and multi-task to successfully bring your music to the marketplace, there is a point at which luck takes over, i.e. what happens is out of your control. ", "It can be extremely discouraging when you have a clear plan for how your career should proceed, but reality refuses to conform to it.", "\n“I was always upset that I wasn’t at the end goal yet, and I held that against myself every day. ", "It wasn’t a healthy or productive way of thinking,” admits Soul. “", "When you work in what can be a shallow business, where everybody’s looking for “one big break” to change their lives, it took a while to embrace the idea of enjoying the journey, but I feel like I have finally gotten to a point where I have.”", "\n“I understand that every step leads to the next. ", "That’s what excites me now, more than whatever the end of all this may be. ", "I love my life and work now. “", "You can see Niiko Soul and Tanya Tagaq perform on the 2015 Indspire Awards on Global TV and APTN on June 19. ", "Check local listings." ]
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[ "/*************************************************************************}\r\n{* *}\r\n{* XIV OI *}\r\n{* *}\r\n{* Zadanie: Waga Czworkowa (WAG) *}\r\n{* Plik: wagb5.cpp *}\r\n{* Autor: Jakub Radoszewski *}\r\n{* Opis: Heurystyka ze wzgledu na liczbe dwojek w zapisie *}\r\n{* czworkowym n. *}\r\n{* *}\r\n{*************************************************************************/\r\n#include <cstdio>\r\n#include <vector>\r\n#include <cstring>\r\n#include <algorithm>\r\nusing namespace std;\r\n\r\n#define MAX_LEN 2000\r\n\r\nvector<int> p;\r\nint wyn;\r\n\r\nchar n[MAX_LEN];\r\nint len;\r\n\r\nvoid odczyt()\r\n{\r\n scanf(\"%s\", n);\r\n len = strlen(n);\r\n reverse(n, n + len);\r\n while (len > 0)\r\n {\r\n int c = 0;\r\n for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)\r\n {\r\n int a = 10 * c + (n[i] - '0');\r\n n[i] = '0' + a / 4;\r\n c = a % 4;\r\n }\r\n p.push_back(c);\r\n while (len > 0 && n[len - 1] == '0')\r\n len--;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nint main()\r\n{\r\n odczyt();\r\n int i = 0;\r\n while (i < (int)p.size())\r\n {\r\n if (p[i] !", "= 2)\r\n {\r\n i++;\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n while (i < (int)p.size() && p[i] == 2)\r\n i++;\r\n wyn++;\r\n }\r\n printf(\"%d\\n\", wyn + 1);\r\n return 0;\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * @link\n * @copyright Copyright (c) Pixel & Tonic, Inc.\n * @license\n */\n\nnamespace craft\\gql;\n\nuse craft\\base\\Component;\nuse craft\\events\\DefineGqlTypeFieldsEvent;\n\n/**\n * Class TypeManager\n *\n * @author Pixel & Tonic, Inc. <>\n * @since 3.4.0\n */\nclass TypeManager extends Component\n{\n /**\n * @event DefineGqlTypeFields The event that is triggered when GraphQL type fields are being prepared.", "\n *\n * Plugins can use this event to add, remove or modify fields on a given GraphQL type.", "\n *\n * ---\n * ```php\n * use craft\\events\\DefineGqlTypeFields;\n * use craft\\gql\\TypeManager;\n * use yii\\base\\Event;\n *\n * Event::on(TypeManager::class, TypeManager::EVENT_DEFINE_GQL_TYPE_FIELDS, function(DefineGqlTypeFields $e) {\n * // Remove all ids, to enforce use of uids\n * unset ($event->fields['id']);\n *\n * // Add author email to all entries\n * if ($event->typeName == 'EntryInterface') {\n * $event->fields['authorEmail'] = [\n * 'name' => 'authorEmail',\n * 'type' => Type::string(),\n * 'resolve' => function ($source, array $arguments, $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo) {\n * // Probably not the smartest idea, though, as this will perform a query for each entry\n * return $source->getAuthor()->email;\n * }\n * ];\n * }\n * });\n * ```\n */\n const EVENT_DEFINE_GQL_TYPE_FIELDS = 'defineGqlTypeFields';\n\n /**\n * @var self\n */\n private static $_instance;\n\n /**\n * @var array A list of definitions already prepared by type name.", "\n */\n private static $_definitions = [];\n\n /**\n * Prepare field definitions for a GraphQL type by giving plugins a chance to modify them.", "\n *\n * @param array $fields\n * @param string $typeName\n * @return mixed\n */\n public static function prepareFieldDefinitions(array $fields, string $typeName)\n {\n // TODO In Craft 4.0, kill all the static in this class to make it more injectable and testable.", "\n if (!", "isset(self::$_definitions[$typeName])) {\n $instance = self::$_instance ?? ", "self::$_instance = new self();\n self::$_definitions[$typeName] = $instance->_triggerEvent($fields, $typeName);\n }\n\n return self::$_definitions[$typeName];\n }\n\n /**\n * Flush all prepared field definitions.", "\n */\n public static function flush()\n {\n // TODO looking at you, static method flush.", "\n self::$_definitions = [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Actually trigger the event on an instance of the class.", "\n *\n * @param array $fields\n * @param string $typeName\n * @return array\n */\n private function _triggerEvent(array $fields, string $typeName)\n {\n if ($this->hasEventHandlers(self::EVENT_DEFINE_GQL_TYPE_FIELDS)) {\n $event = new DefineGqlTypeFieldsEvent([\n 'fields' => $fields,\n 'typeName' => $typeName,\n ]);\n\n $this->trigger(self::EVENT_DEFINE_GQL_TYPE_FIELDS, $event);\n $fields = $event->fields;\n }\n\n return $fields;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nComplex integration by shifting the contour\n\nIn section 12.11 of Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics, he evaluates an integral involved in the Green function solution to the 4-potential wave equation. ", "Here it is:\n$$\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty dk_0 \\frac{e^{-ik_0z_0}}{k_0^2-\\kappa^2}$$\nwhere $k$ and $z_0$ are real constants.", "\nJackson considers two open contours: one above and one below the real axis. ", "I understand that in order to use Jordan's lemma, when $z_0 < 0$ we have to close the contour in the upper half of the complex plane whereas if $z_0 > 0$ we have to close the contour in the lower half plane. ", "\nWhat I don't understand is why it's OK to consider contours above and below the real axis when the original integral is along the real axis. ", "As I understand it, the necessity to deal with poles like this also arises a lot in QFT, so perhaps it is well understood from that point of view.", "\n\nA:\n\nA simple reference problem\nSuppose we want to analyse the problem of a forced harmonic oscillator.", "\nDenote as $\\phi(t)$ the time dependent position of the oscillator.", "\nThe oscillator experiences two forces, the spring force $-k\\phi(t)$ and an external force $F_{\\text{ext}}(t)$.\nNewton's law says\n$$\n\\begin{align}\nF(t) &= m a(t) \\\\\n-k \\phi(t) + F_{\\text{ext}}(t) &= m \\ddot{\\phi}(t) \\\\\nF_{\\text{ext}}(t)/m &= \\ddot{\\phi}(t) + (k/m) \\phi(t) \\\\\nj(t) &= \\ddot{\\phi}(t) + \\omega_0^2 \\phi(t) \\tag 1\n\\end{align}\n$$\nwhere $\\omega_0$ is the free oscillation frequency and $j(t)\\equiv F_{\\text{ext}}/m$.\nWe use the following Fourier transform convention:\n$$\n\\begin{align}\nf(t) &= \\int_\\omega \\tilde{f}(\\omega) e^{i\\omega t} \\frac{\\mathrm d\\omega}{2\\pi} \\\\\n\\tilde{f}(\\omega) &= \\int_t f(t) e^{-i\\omega t}~\\mathrm dt .", "\n\\end{align}\n$$\nWith this convention on Eq. ", "$(1)$, and defining\n$$\\omega_{\\pm} \\equiv \\pm \\omega_0,$$\nwe find\n$$\n\\tilde{\\phi}(\\omega)\n= \\frac{\\tilde{j}(\\omega)}{\\omega_0^2-\\omega^2}\n= \\frac{-\\tilde{j}(\\omega)}{(\\omega-\\omega_+)(\\omega-\\omega_-)}. ", "\\tag 2\n$$\nFrom Eq. ", "$(2)$ we see that the Green's function is\n$$\\tilde{G}(\\omega) = \\frac{-1}{(\\omega-\\omega_+)(\\omega-\\omega_-)}$$\nwhich has poles on the real axis.", "\nIf we want to compute $\\phi(t)$ we do a Fourier transform\n$$\n\\phi(t)\n= \\int_\\omega \\frac{-\\tilde{j}(\\omega)e^{i\\omega t}}{(\\omega-\\omega_+)(\\omega-\\omega_-)} \\frac{\\mathrm d\\omega}{2\\pi}\n= \\int_\\omega e^{i\\omega t}\\tilde{j}(\\omega) \\tilde{G}(\\omega)\\frac{\\mathrm d\\omega}{2 \\pi}. ", "\\tag{*}\n$$\nThis integral is tricky because of the poles on the axis.", "\nThe solution everyone knows is to push the poles off the axis by adding an imaginary part to $\\omega_{\\pm}$, or by moving the contour above or below the real axis, but what does this actually mean physically?", "\nHow do we choose which direction to push the poles or move the contour?", "\nDamping to the rescue\nIn a real system, we always have some damping.", "\nIn our oscillator model, this could come in the form of a velocity dependent friction $F_{\\text{friction}} = -\\mu \\dot{\\phi}(t)$.\nDefining $2\\beta = \\mu/m$, the equation of motion becomes\n$$\\ddot{\\phi}(t) + 2\\beta \\dot{\\phi}(t) + \\omega_0^2\\phi(t) = j(t) . ", "\\tag 3$$\nFourier transforming everything again leads to Eq. ", "$(2)$ but now with\n\\begin{equation}\n\\omega_{\\pm} = \\pm \\omega_0' + i\\beta\n\\end{equation}\nwhere\n\\begin{equation}\n\\omega_0' = \\omega_0\\sqrt{1-(\\beta/\\omega_0)^2}.", "\n\\end{equation}\nTherefore, we see that adding damping moves the poles a bit toward the origin along the real axis, but also gives them a positive imaginary component.", "\nIn the limit of small damping (i.e. $\\beta \\ll \\omega_0$), we find $\\omega_0' \\approx \\omega_0$.\nIn other words, the frequency shift of the poles due to the damping is small.", "\nSo let's ignore that and focus on the added imaginary part.", "\nOk, suppose we want to do the integral $(*)$ in the case that $j(t)$ is a delta function at $t=0$.\nIn that case, $\\tilde{j}=1$ (I'm ignoring units) and we have\n$$\n\\phi(t) = \\int_\\omega \\frac{e^{i\\omega t}}{(\\omega-\\omega_+)(\\omega-\\omega_-)} \\frac{\\mathrm d\\omega}{2\\pi}\n$$\nAs you noted, for $t<0$ you have to close the contour in the lower plane in order to use Jordan's lemma.", "\nThere aren't any poles in the lower half plane, so we get $\\phi(t<0)=0$.\nThis makes complete sense: the driving force is a delta function at $t=0$ and there shouldn't be any response of the system before the driving happens.", "\nThis means that our introduction of friction imposed a causal boundary condition to the system!", "\nFor $t>0$, you close in the upper half plane where there are poles, and so you get some response out of the integral.", "\nDamping as a tool\nIn many cases, you don't naturally have damping in the system.", "\nFor example, the Green's function from the question,\n$$\\int^{\\infty}_{-\\infty}~\\mathrm dk_0 \\frac{e^{−ik_0 z_0}}{k_0^2 − \\kappa^2}$$\ndoesn't have any damping and thus the poles sit on the real axis.", "\nSo what you do is just bump the contour a bit up or down, or equivalently add $\\pm i \\beta$ to the poles (most people write $i \\epsilon$ instead of $i \\beta$), then do the integral, and finally take $\\beta \\rightarrow 0$.\nIn doing this, you're solving the problem in the presence of damping (or anti-damping), and then taking the damping to zero in the end to recover the no-damping case.", "\nChoosing to push the contour up or down, or equivalently choosing the sign of $\\pm i \\beta$, corresponds to imposing either friction or anti-friction, causal or anti-causal boundary conditions.", "\nIf you pick the \"causal\" boundary condition, you find that the response of the system to a delta function in time and space is an outgoing spherical wave which starts at the delta function source.", "\nThis gives you the so-called \"retarded Green's function\".", "\nIf you pick the other condition, you find that the solution for a point source is actually an incoming spherical wave which converges right onto the point of the source.", "\nThis gives you the so-called \"Advanced Green's function\".", "\nThe thing is, you can solve a problem using either Green's function.", "\nYou're \"allowed\" to push the contour up or down (or add $+i\\beta$ or $-i\\beta$ to the poles) because you invented that as a trick to do the integral; it's not representing a real factor in your physical system.", "\nOf course, in problems where there is damping, the choice is made for you.", "\nWhen you have damping, you can't have fields at infinity; they'd be damped away by the time they interact with your sources.", "\nI hope this was helpful, and I really hope if someone finds mistakes they'll jump in and fix 'em.", "\n\nA:\n\nI think this question has been basically answered. ", " There is a lot of mathematical stuff above (contours, etc.) ", "but the initial question posted was a physics question.", "\nBriefly: you have a differential equation describing some physical problem. ", " You find the solution. ", " In this case it is an integral that is \"funny\" and requires some choices to be made to make it unique and meaningful. ", " The physics questions is why the choices are made and what do they mean?", "\nRemember, a differential equation by itself is not a full description of physical reality. ", " Solving the differential equation gives you all potential solutions to a problem which is nice but sort of too much. ", " Differential equations always come hand in hand with boundary conditions. ", " The boundary conditions are equally important. ", " They tell you which solution is the meaningful one for your problem. ", " \nIn this case, as explained above, the boundary condition is retarded versus advanced solution. ", " When you bang on the system at t=0 (with delta function forcing), does the system response go forwards in time or backwards? ", " I.e., was it doing nothing prior to t=0 and then does stuff (retarded)? ", " Or was it doing stuff for t<0 and then you banged it just right to make it stop for t>0 and do nothing (advanced)? ", " The final prescription (Feynman one of moving one pole up and one pole down) is called \"time-ordered\": you make a new kind of boundary condition that glues the retarded and advanced solutions together in a particular way at t=0.", "\nAs explained above, there is no \"right\" answer or \"right\" way of doing the integral. ", " It depends on the boundary conditions. ", " Without boundary conditions, all ways are OK.", "\nIf you think this boundary condition stuff is just for this case and nothing very common, please reconsider. ", " For example, we all know intuitively that when you talk about eigenstates of some Hamiltonian in physics, they are normalized. ", " That gives us meaning and allows us to compute probabilities. ", " Also that for a finite system the energies are discretized. ", " But mathematically it is totally not like this: if you just solve the Schrodinger equation as a mathematical entity, you will get solutions at all energies and associated eigenfunctions. ", " Only those special ones with just the right energies are normalizable. ", " Here the boundary condition is the wave function is normalizable (goes to zero fast enough at infinity). ", " Without it, you can't calculate anything or make any real predictions of probability sine you can't figure out what is what or normalize things. ", " So boundary conditions are pretty important and basic!", "\n\nA:\n\nAs written, the integral simply doesn't exist in the Riemann sense: there's a singularity at $k_0=\\pm\\kappa$. So really we're looking at the Cauchy Principle part, which is defined by:\n$$\\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty dk_0 \\frac{e^{-ik_0z_0}}{k_0^2-\\kappa^2}=\\lim_{\\epsilon\\rightarrow 0}\\left(\\int_{-\\infty}^{-\\kappa-\\epsilon}+\\int_{-\\kappa+\\epsilon}^{\\kappa-\\epsilon}+ \\int_{\\kappa+\\epsilon}^{\\infty}\\right)dk_0\\frac{e^{-ik_0z_0}}{k_0^2-\\kappa^2}.$$\nFor fixed $\\epsilon$, each integrand is nice and continuous (near $\\epsilon$ of the real axis), so if we integrate on a contour that's slightly above the real axis, we'll get something very close to the original integral, in terms of $\\epsilon$. If you now control the error in terms of epsilon, you can make the whole argument rigorous and subsequently take $\\epsilon\\rightarrow 0$. \n\n" ]
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[ "The tax code in Italy is an alphanumeric code with a fixed length of 16 characters, inspired by the use of library, which is used to uniquely identify the tax and administrative citizens, non-recognized associations, taxpayers and foreigners born and domic\n\nMNprogram attorneys is a complete management software. ", "You can control any data from clients, attorneys, and contrary cases. ", "Manage the e-mail client multiuser linked Agenda and Records. ", "It also has billing and accounting. ", "Lexnet Connection service. ", "Module\n\nSchedule D Tax Tool is stand-alone desktop software that can dramatically reduce the effort required to complete the Schedule D federal income tax form, which is used for reporting capital gains. ", "Schedule D Tax Tool makes it easy to get stock and options\n\nIRS Form W-4 with electronic signature. ", "IRS regulations allow employees to sign their Form W-4 electronically, so that no paper copy is needed. ", "This self-calculating W-4 form in pdf format does just that. ", "This is the official IRS form used by employees to\n\nMNprogram lawyers is a complete management software for lawyers and law firms. ", "You can control any customer data and records. ", "Manage email and multiuser agenda linked to Clients and Records. ", "It also has billing and accounting.", "\nMNprogram offers online m\n\nA person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, payments made to you in settlement of payment card and third party network transac\n\nDMI's flagship interest and penalty software InterestNet is a single product solution for interest calculations on federal IRS and state tax underpayments and overpayments. ", "InterestNet is the industry standard interest and penalty computation software and\n\nDMI's flagship interest and penalty software InterestNet is a single product solution for interest calculations on federal IRS and state tax underpayments and overpayments. ", "InterestNet is the industry standard interest and penalty computation software and\n\nABBYY PDF Transformer+ is an essential PDF solution offering all you need in your work with PDF files to increase day-to-day business efficiency. ", "With ABBYY PDF Transformer+ you can easily: Edit and modify PDF content (texts, images). ", "Create PDFs or combin\n\nThe \"Acquisition\" tool, DWR Acquire, will assist in preserving data from individual computers. ", "It uses forensically sound copy methods to preserve user data and also allows users to specify which documents or folders should be copied to a predetermined des" ]
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[ "(pingus-sprite \n (image \"eastern.png\")\n (offset -44 -69))\n" ]
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[ "En pakistansk taxachauffør med kone og børn i Danmark udvises for bestandigt for voldtægt af ung kvinde.", "\n\nEn taxachauffør er onsdag blevet straffet med tre et halvt års fængsel for at have voldtaget en kunde på bagsædet af sin bil.", "\n\nI dommen har Østre Landsret desuden udvist chaufføren, der stammer fra Pakistan, af Danmark og bestemt, at han aldrig må vende tilbage.", "\n\nMens udvisningen er en stadfæstelse af straffen fra byretten, har landsdommerne valgt at lade fængselsstraffen vokse med seks måneder.", "\n\nForbrydelsen fandt sted i københavnerforstaden Brønshøj natten til den 28. ", "september sidste år.", "\n\nOfferet var 20 år yngre\n\nPå Amager Torv i det indre København satte den 24-årige kvinde sig ind på bagsædet. ", "Ønsket var en tur til Frederikssundsvej, men den 44-årige Shahzad Shariq satte i stedet kursen mod et grønt område i Brønshøj.", "\n\nHer stoppede han bilen, kravlede ind til kvinden og tiltvang sig samleje, inden han satte hende af på Frederikssundsvej, hvor hun oprindeligt ville af.", "\n\n- Efterfølgende bliver hun fundet af en tilfældigt forbipasserende, mens hun er ved at ringe til alarmcentralen. ", "På opkaldet kan man høre, hvordan hun havde det på daværende tidspunkt. ", "Det var ganske frygteligt, sagde anklager Søren Harbo umiddelbart efter byretsdommen den 15. ", "februar i år.", "\n\nOpkaldet varer næsten 10 minutter, men i al den tid formåede den grædende og nærmest hyperventilerende kvinde ikke at forklare, hvad der var sket.", "\n\nForbipasserende måtte hjælpe\n\nFørst da den forbipasserende overtog mobiltelefonen, fik alarmcentralen den præcise adresse.", "\n\nShahzad Shariq kom til Danmark i 2011. ", "Til at starte med arbejdede han som opvasker, men de seneste år har han kørt taxa.", "\n\nI Danmark har pakistaneren både hustru og tre børn." ]
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[ "Area Bar and Terrace, Mexico City\n\nAlfresco seating, sleek and minimalistic architecture, stylish bay windows and a 12 foot long outdoor fireplace are what make Area Bar and Terrace a favorite amongst the \"in\" crowd. ", "And then there are the quintessential ingredients for a fun night—cocktails and starters. ", "Take off your shoes, tap your feet to the music and sip on your favorite drink as you take in the breath-taking view!" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDependency on overridden method\n\nIn my code I have a base type which is OnlinePaymentTransaction:\npublic abstract class OnlinePaymentTransaction\n{\n public abstract void Complete( PaymentGatewayCallbackArgs args );\n}\n\nThe problem I am having is that each class that inherits from this base class require different dependency's in the complete method. ", "Currently I have just added the dependency's as extra parameters to the complete method which doesn't seem right. ", "For example my base class is now like this. ", "\npublic abstract class OnlinePaymentTransaction\n{\n public abstract void Complete( Dependency1 dep1, Dependency2 dep2, PaymentGatewayCallbackArgs args );\n}\n\nI cannot inject the dependency's in the constructor as the OnlinePaymentTransactions are retrieved from using nhibernate.", "\nWhat would you recommend because I don't like using ServiceLocator as it hides the dependency and also makes it harder to test. ", "An suggestions would be greatly appreciated.", "\n\nA:\n\nI cannot inject the dependency's in the constructor as the OnlinePaymentTransactions are retrieved from using nhibernate.", "\n\nThere's your problem. ", "Your OnlinePaymentTransaction class is/should-be a POCO whose job is to convey data. ", "The Complete() method doesn't belong on that type, it's breaking SRP and making your life much harder than it needs to be.", "\nI'd suggest to introduce another type, call it OnlinePaymentTransactionProcessor or whatever - that type will take the dependencies in its constructor, and have a Complete method that takes an OnlinePaymentTransaction instance.", "\nKudos for striving to avoid a Service Locator :)\n\nA:\n\nDarn, at first glance this looked like a simple solution but you ruled out constructor injection.", "\nThe only suggestion I can come up with is to have a class that inherits from the same interface, DOES have the constructor injection is built up and added to the main object as a composite object fed in through a set only Property, maybe some kind of flagged function call like \nInit(TheThingWithThePropertiesInAConstructorInitializer);\n\nThen in your Complete function you could throw an exception if HasBeenInitialized is false. ", "\nYou would then have access to your composite different parameters in your complete method while keeping your abstraction, \nalbeit with the caveat that your initialization is now a two stage process, that requires an initialization call;\n*ps, no I do not propose that to be an actual argument name!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Neovascular ingrowth site photothrombosis in choroidal neovascularization associated with retinal pigment epithelial detachment.", "\nTo describe the clinical, angiographic and optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings of patients with choroidal neovascularization (CNV) associated with retinal pigment epithelial detachment (PED) who were treated by neovascular ingrowth site photothrombosis. ", "Interventional case reports. ", "After identification of the CNV feeder vessels, two patients had focal photothrombosis of the neovascular ingrowth site using continuous 810-nm laser application after intravenous indocyanine green (ICG) injection and were prospectively followed with fluorescein and ICG angiography as well as OCT. ", "Both patients presented an increase of 3 or more ETDRS lines in visual acuity by 12 months of follow-up. ", "Fluorescein and ICG angiography demonstrated reduced lesion perfusion and regression of the PEDs; accordingly, OCT disclosed decrease in retinal thickness and elevation caused by rapid fluid resolution. ", "There were no significant complications related to the procedure. ", "Photothrombosis using 810-nm light to direct laser energy continuously at the neovascular ingrowth site after intravenous ICG infusion is effective in restoring macular architecture and improving vision in patients with CNV complicated by PEDs by means of substantial decrease in the lesion perfusion and resolution of exudative manifestations." ]
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[ "Dear\nBankruptcy Adviser, My husband and I wanted to file a Chapter\n7 bankruptcy. ", "We were told we made too much money to file a Chapter 7 and\nwere forced to file a Chapter\n13. ", "In the process of filing, we surrendered our home. ", "We filed successfully\nbut it was later dismissed due to failure to send in payments. ", "My husband lost\nhis job -- that's why we were not able to pay. ", "What rights do we have now, concerning\nour finances? ", "Our attorney never advised us of what our rights or options were.", "\nWe feel we were improperly advised by the lawyers handling our case. --", "\nTammy\n\n- advertisement -\n\nDear\nTammy, At this point, I believe you have some options. ", "First, I'm\nassuming that with the loss of your husband's job, your household income has dropped\nsignificantly. ", "This means you might qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which\ncould eliminate your debt.", "\n\nSometimes, it can be a good idea\nto dismiss a Chapter 13 and file a new Chapter 7.", "\n\nYou have already surrendered the\nhouse, so that's unlikely to be an issue in filing\na Chapter 7. ", "The question you must consider is,\nwhy was your case not converted to a Chapter 7\nafter your husband lost his job?", "\n\nThe bankruptcy code is a little\nunclear, but it appears likely that the reason\nyour case was not converted is because of your\nincome at the time of filing the Chapter 13. ", "When\nyou filed the Chapter 13, you and your husband\nearned above the median income in your state.", "\nUnder a 2005\nrevision of the bankruptcy law, a \"means\ntest\" was established that uses median income\nas a benchmark for deciding under which chapter\nof the bankruptcy code people can file. ", "That probably\nwas one of the reasons you did not qualify for\nthe Chapter 7 bankruptcy. ", "If you convert a case\nfrom a Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7, the law appears\nto require that you look at your income over the\nsix-month period prior to filing the original\nChapter 13. ", "That means your Chapter 7 case would\neither be dismissed or require that you litigate\nyour case.", "\n\nThere are special circumstances\nin which a judge could be swayed to consider your\nincome at the time your case is converted. ", "However,\nthe result could require you to face an uncertain\nlitigation process when you could likely file\na new Chapter 7 and have a smooth case.", "\n\nNow that your husband has lost his\njob, you should be able to file the Chapter 7\nbankruptcy because obviously your household income\nhas dropped significantly in the past few months.", "\n\nYour attorney should have had an\nanswer to this question, and that is where you\nneed to start. ", "If you have lost faith in your\ncurrent attorney, talk with another attorney in\nyour area.", "\n\nTammy, it's important that you act quickly. ", "The\nlonger you wait to complete a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the more likely your husband\nwill start working again. ", "Then you might not qualify for the Chapter 7 and will\nbe forced to file another Chapter 13. ", "Clearly, though, you don't want your husband\nto turn down work simply to maintain your eligibility for a Chapter 7.", "\n\nRight\nnow, your creditors are probably starting to gear up for another assault on you\nand your income. ", "Because your original debt was not discharged, it is growing\nagain. ", "As well, the creditors now know where you live and where you work. ", "This\nwill make it very easy for them to sue you and start the lawsuit process.", "\n\nMy\nadvice is to get started right away. ", "The silver lining of your husband's unemployment\nis your likely qualification for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. ", "Begin that process as soon\nas possible. ", "This should allow you to wipe out your debt. ", "Then, once your husband\nis working again, you can use more of his income to rebuild your lives.", "\n\nJustin Harelik is a practicing\nattorney in Los Angeles. ", "To ask a question of\nthe Bankruptcy Adviser, go to the \"Ask\nthe Experts\" page, and select \"bankruptcy\"\nas the topic.", "\n\nAdvertising Disclosure: is an independent, advertising-supported comparison service. ", "Bankrate may be compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website." ]
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[ "This could be really really bad. ", "As long as they don't get chinook, worst case is she cauterizes the hive with a long gun. ", "So its not the end of the world but still really really bad. ", "Plus jump star prime likely still has shields.", "\n\nHives get preyed upon by things which take advantage of the hive structure. ", "So it would make sense for this hive to at least be aware of the possibility of infection, and possible have some kind of defense.", "\n\nSo, if we assume one tool in the enemies arsenal is the ability and willingness to hijack your brain, control your body, and leave a saved copy for later upload into the All-Star...\n\nAnd if we assume they're also pretty good at hacking AI's and other synthetic intelligences....\n\nand if we assume that their primary mission is still the destruction of that archive....\n\nWhat exactly are they trying to ACHIEVE right now?", "\n\nIt almost looks like they want to capture and suborn every useful military asset on or near that base, then use those assets to verify complete destruction of the archive...\n\nBut I'm not completely convinced that suborning a handful of hive-warriors using physical access would actually allow them to leapfrog into suborning the rest of the hive.", "\n\nOn the other hand, it might allow them to read out any local logs of security data the hive-warriors had on file when captured, and it might allow them to listen in to large portions of the Hive-mind's ongoing data traffic, and MAYBE they could insert a few \"innocuous requests\" into the datastream, to be carried out by other portions of the Hive that weren't really paying attention...\n\nBut that really doesn't sound THAT bad. ", "One more annoyance, but probably manageable.", "\n\n...But I'm not completely convinced that suborning a handful of hive-warriors using physical access would actually allow them to leapfrog into suborning the rest of the hive.", "\n\nOn the other hand, it might allow them to read out any local logs of security data the hive-warriors had on file when captured, and it might allow them to listen in to large portions of the Hive-mind's ongoing data traffic, and MAYBE they could insert a few \"innocuous requests\" into the datastream, to be carried out by other portions of the Hive that weren't really paying attention...\n\nBut that really doesn't sound THAT bad. ", "One more annoyance, but probably manageable.", "\n\nNo, no, no! ", "Remember how the Esperin were uber hackers who could penetrate anything through even the most remote connection? ", "Remember how they were able to totally hack everything based only on data connections. ", "Remember how they were totally unstoppable.", "\n\nYou may have trouble remembering because none of that happened in the actual comic. ", "But here in the discussion group the Toughs were totally doomed because their opponents were completely unstoppable infiltrators and/or hackers.", "\n\nThis is even worse. ", "Obviously the Allstar can hack absolutely anything without needing any actual access. ", "The fact that the Allstar isn't actually sending out any of its real forces (resorting to using a just recruited survey guy) and has communication cutouts that prevent it from actually using its resources to hack the hive mind is irrelevant.", "\n\nDon't bother with your \"logic\" that the hive minds are presumably very well defended against hacking and the Allstar is working remotely. ", "This isn't the comic, it's a discussion thread, so the Toughs are DOOMED! ", "DOOMED I say!", "\n\nNote: Since there are multiple hive minds it should follow that the individual minds are approximately as resistant to being hacked as Schlock is to being eaten by hostile nanos, and for much the same reason, an evolved intelligence needs to have at least some minor resistance to the most obvious route of predation by similar organisms. ", "The Allstar may be able to learn quite a bit via monitoring the hypernode communications of the hives, and the allstar itself could probably hack such a mind given access to a substantial number of nodes, but the alstar isn't directly on the field and IMAO nothing we've got evidence of being deployed should be able to crack a hive mind.", "\n\nHonestly I'm not sure why the discussion is even going in the direction of hacking the hive mind. ", "The last comic was specifically discussing that the warrior drones are remote controlled. ", "And they're linked to the engineers on the ship. ", "If anything is getting hacked it's going to be one or both set of drones. ", "Not the hive mind all the way back on eina afa which is of no real use to the infiltrators. ", "I'd also agree that any distributed intelligence like the hive mind is going to be pretty resistant to hacking and control. ", "Even if individual drones are vulnerable the rest of the mind is going to note the discrepancies and start taking countermeasures before a hacker can gain any major control. ", "If anything I'd say a biological mind, like the original exploration crew, is far more vulnerable as that sort of thing isn't something they evolved to defend against.", "\n\nI will note however that unlike the Essperin the allstar infiltrators have demonstrated a real ability to hack just about anything if given time to do so. ", "What I'm not sure of is if they can do so just instantly in the middle of the fight. ", "But them overwhelming captain Tagon's position and then suborning the warrior drones seems like a real possibility. ", "Just they'll have to win that fight first.", "\n\nNo, no, no! ", "Remember how the Esperin were uber hackers who could penetrate anything through even the most remote connection?", "\n\n--snip--\n\nThings that the all-star has done in-comic: * Uploaded people during the course of a planetary apocalypse. * ", "Hijacked a ship and brains via a data handshake* Hijacked people by breacher missile. * ", "Hijacked every bit of heavy equipment on this loading dock\n\nAnd of course, we saw some of the all-star residents say that the infiltrators were going to \"Suborn everything.\" ", "The idea that everything includes people is clearly not unreasonable.", "\n\nNo, no, no! ", "Remember how the Esperin were uber hackers who could penetrate anything through even the most remote connection?", "\n\n--snip--\n\nThings that the all-star has done in-comic: * Uploaded people during the course of a planetary apocalypse. * ", "Hijacked a ship and brains via a data handshake* Hijacked people by breacher missile. * ", "Hijacked every bit of heavy equipment on this loading dock\n\nAnd of course, we saw some of the all-star residents say that the infiltrators were going to \"Suborn everything.\" ", "The idea that everything includes people is clearly not unreasonable.", "\n\nEDIT: And poof. ", "Done and Done.", "\n\nNote however that the first instance was done using Allstar ships specifically built for that purpose, and the next two were done next to the Allstar itself with all its massive computing capabilities. ", "The last instance was done after the infiltrators had a full day to set things up undisturbed.", "\n\nWhat we have not seen is the Allstar infiltrators instantly suborn hostile units. ", "And given that by this point they are using standard galactic equipment rather than anything they brought with them I find the idea that they could do so questionable. ", "The best contemporary hackers we have seen are Para and the Essperin and they all need hardware access to work their hacks.", "\n\nUpdate: I figured out why they would want to hack the Hive, or at least a small portion of it.", "\n\nThey're hoping to steal one of Chinook's long guns. ", "With that, that can either ash the entire ice vault, or else trigger mutually assured galactic destruction, and reboot civilization.", "\n\nKrennson wrote:\n\nSo, if we assume one tool in the enemies arsenal is the ability and willingness to hijack your brain, control your body, and leave a saved copy for later upload into the All-Star...\n\nAnd if we assume they're also pretty good at hacking AI's and other synthetic intelligences....\n\nand if we assume that their primary mission is still the destruction of that archive....\n\nWhat exactly are they trying to ACHIEVE right now?", "\n\nIt almost looks like they want to capture and suborn every useful military asset on or near that base, then use those assets to verify complete destruction of the archive...\n\nBut I'm not completely convinced that suborning a handful of hive-warriors using physical access would actually allow them to leapfrog into suborning the rest of the hive.", "\n\nOn the other hand, it might allow them to read out any local logs of security data the hive-warriors had on file when captured, and it might allow them to listen in to large portions of the Hive-mind's ongoing data traffic, and MAYBE they could insert a few \"innocuous requests\" into the datastream, to be carried out by other portions of the Hive that weren't really paying attention...\n\nBut that really doesn't sound THAT bad. ", "One more annoyance, but probably manageable.", "\n\nUpdate: I figured out why they would want to hack the Hive, or at least a small portion of it.", "\n\nThey're hoping to steal one of Chinook's long guns. ", "With that, that can either ash the entire ice vault, or else trigger mutually assured galactic destruction, and reboot civilization.", "\n\nKrennson wrote:\n\nSo, if we assume one tool in the enemies arsenal is the ability and willingness to hijack your brain, control your body, and leave a saved copy for later upload into the All-Star...\n\nAnd if we assume they're also pretty good at hacking AI's and other synthetic intelligences....\n\nand if we assume that their primary mission is still the destruction of that archive....\n\nWhat exactly are they trying to ACHIEVE right now?", "\n\nIt almost looks like they want to capture and suborn every useful military asset on or near that base, then use those assets to verify complete destruction of the archive...\n\nBut I'm not completely convinced that suborning a handful of hive-warriors using physical access would actually allow them to leapfrog into suborning the rest of the hive.", "\n\nOn the other hand, it might allow them to read out any local logs of security data the hive-warriors had on file when captured, and it might allow them to listen in to large portions of the Hive-mind's ongoing data traffic, and MAYBE they could insert a few \"innocuous requests\" into the datastream, to be carried out by other portions of the Hive that weren't really paying attention...\n\nBut that really doesn't sound THAT bad. ", "One more annoyance, but probably manageable.", "\n\nSee the problem with that is that they have no way of knowing that Chinook has long guns. ", "That's a secret that the Urtheep explorers wouldn't have known as the Toughs have worked very hard to keep it. ", "And it's not as if the infiltrators have gotten access to the Tough's data at any point. ", "Just because the Allstar knows that the current galactic civilization has long guns doesn't mean they know who exactly has them. ", "Credomar and Lota are the far more likely indicators.", "\n\nAnd really it's not necessary to account for their actions. ", "Just suborning the Cynthetic Certainty would provide plenty of firepower for their needs.", "\n\nUpdate: I figured out why they would want to hack the Hive, or at least a small portion of it.", "\n\nThey're hoping to steal one of Chinook's long guns. ", "With that, that can either ash the entire ice vault, or else trigger mutually assured galactic destruction, and reboot civilization.", "\n\nKrennson wrote:\n\nSo, if we assume one tool in the enemies arsenal is the ability and willingness to hijack your brain, control your body, and leave a saved copy for later upload into the All-Star...\n\nAnd if we assume they're also pretty good at hacking AI's and other synthetic intelligences....\n\nand if we assume that their primary mission is still the destruction of that archive....\n\nWhat exactly are they trying to ACHIEVE right now?", "\n\nIt almost looks like they want to capture and suborn every useful military asset on or near that base, then use those assets to verify complete destruction of the archive...\n\nBut I'm not completely convinced that suborning a handful of hive-warriors using physical access would actually allow them to leapfrog into suborning the rest of the hive.", "\n\nOn the other hand, it might allow them to read out any local logs of security data the hive-warriors had on file when captured, and it might allow them to listen in to large portions of the Hive-mind's ongoing data traffic, and MAYBE they could insert a few \"innocuous requests\" into the datastream, to be carried out by other portions of the Hive that weren't really paying attention...\n\nBut that really doesn't sound THAT bad. ", "One more annoyance, but probably manageable.", "\n\nSee the problem with that is that they have no way of knowing that Chinook has long guns. ", "That's a secret that the Urtheep explorers wouldn't have known as the Toughs have worked very hard to keep it. ", "And it's not as if the infiltrators have gotten access to the Tough's data at any point. ", "Just because the Allstar knows that the current galactic civilization has long guns doesn't mean they know who exactly has them. ", "Credomar and Lota are the far more likely indicators.", "\n\nAnd really it's not necessary to account for their actions. ", "Just suborning the Cynthetic Certainty would provide plenty of firepower for their needs.", "\n\nThey would have found out about Chinook's long guns as soon as they hacked the first Warrior-drone on the ground: The hive-mind almost certainly knows about it, and Warrior-drones deployed with Tagon's Toughs presumably have local copies of a briefing about the Tough's history with the long guns.", "\n\nThey would have found out about Chinook's long guns as soon as they hacked the first Warrior-drone on the ground: The hive-mind almost certainly knows about it, and Warrior-drones deployed with Tagon's Toughs presumably have local copies of a briefing about the Tough's history with the long guns.", "\n\nFirst of all you're saying that they would be attempting this whole plan based on the information they would have gotten from hacking the warriors who only just now got deployed. ", "Second again I don't think they can hack combat drones on the fly like that. ", "Warrior drones would be exactly the platforms most hardened against outside hacking. ", "Can they be hacked? ", "Probably, but not without some sort of sign, and likely not without hardware access.", "\n\nFinally you assume that the warriors would know about the long guns. ", "And honestly I doubt they would. ", "I doubt most of the Tough's grunts have been briefed, and while the engineers probably do know why would they upload sensitive information like that into the warrior drones who don't need and are most likely to be destroyed and captured. ", "Remember these are drones, they aren't full entities in their own right so they don't need full separate copies of all the information the hive mind has on the Toughs. ", "Just whatever they need to operate effectively.", "\n\nThey would have found out about Chinook's long guns as soon as they hacked the first Warrior-drone on the ground: The hive-mind almost certainly knows about it, and Warrior-drones deployed with Tagon's Toughs presumably have local copies of a briefing about the Tough's history with the long guns.", "\n\nFirst of all you're saying that they would be attempting this whole plan based on the information they would have gotten from hacking the warriors who only just now got deployed. ", "Second again I don't think they can hack combat drones on the fly like that. ", "Warrior drones would be exactly the platforms most hardened against outside hacking. ", "Can they be hacked? ", "Probably, but not without some sort of sign, and likely not without hardware access.", "\n\nFinally you assume that the warriors would know about the long guns. ", "And honestly I doubt they would. ", "I doubt most of the Tough's grunts have been briefed, and while the engineers probably do know why would they upload sensitive information like that into the warrior drones who don't need and are most likely to be destroyed and captured. ", "Remember these are drones, they aren't full entities in their own right so they don't need full separate copies of all the information the hive mind has on the Toughs. ", "Just whatever they need to operate effectively.", "\n\nI think at this point the enemy is hacking anything they can as a matter of policy. ", "Based on today's strip, there's certainly reason to believe that the enemy has gotten close enough to the warriors to hack them, and to hack Phil in turn.", "\n\nI'm guessing that if the Enemy did not already know that Cindercone had Long Guns, they would have figured that out as soon as they hacked the first warrior drone. ", "And that as soon as they knew that, they addded a new contigency plan to their arsenal, based on hacking enough drones in Eina-Eifa to capture a long gun.", "\n\nAlso, I'm not certain how the Hive Mind actually distributes its intelligence: based on the events of the Oafan visit to earth, it appears that even small swarms of miniature scout drones are capable of operating a collective intelligence between them.", "\n\nMy operating assumption is that ALL drones, of any type, including Phil, have local copies of any and all relevant data to their current assignment, sufficient for ANY network of drones in local space to operate a shared intelligence which can make informed decisions. ", "So all drones assigned to the toughs know everything the Hive Mind knows about the Toughs, because any combination of surviving drones in or near the Cynthetic Certaintity might, at any time, need to form an ad-hoc decision-making network.", "\n\nI'm also assuming that the Hive Mind has never really needed to worry about internal information security or hacking defenses until now... All their protocols are probably based around the thorough and efficient caching of relevant information, instead.", "\n\nGranted, I'm making a LOT of assumptions, and am probably wrong about half of them. ", "But my logic does appear to be defensible.", "\n\nTo cut off \"but the actual hijacks aren't shown!\" ", "the last thing the crew of the freighter saw was the breacher going for his face. ", "There's not a lot it could be except a payload delivery system. ", "Any of these could be twisted to mean other things, but overall, they certainly give the impression of a group capable of ad-hoc brain hijacking. ", "I know you like arguing for the sake of arguing eeyore, but anybody saying \"we don't have any reason to think that the all-star can hack people!\" ", "doesn't have a leg to stand on.", "\n\nTo cut off \"but the actual hijacks aren't shown!\" ", "the last thing the crew of the freighter saw was the breacher going for his face. ", "There's not a lot it could be except a payload delivery system. ", "Any of these could be twisted to mean other things, but overall, they certainly give the impression of a group capable of ad-hoc brain hijacking. ", "I know you like arguing for the sake of arguing eeyore, but anybody saying \"we don't have any reason to think that the all-star can hack people!\" ", "doesn't have a leg to stand on.", "\n\nOkay the problem is that the only time the Allstar has hacked someone at a distance it was with their own equipment. ", "Whereas at this point the infiltrators are working within the limitations of Urtheep equipment. ", "If they could hack people at a distance and instantly, then why are they even fighting Tagon. ", "They could have hacked the ground crew, used the warrior drones as a door to the engineers and been done with it.", "\n\nOr better yet, hack Tagon and simply use his captain's authority to get what they want. ", "It's not that the allstar can't hack people. ", "It's that we haven't seen the infiltrators demonstrate the same capability. ", "Things would have been a lot simpler for them if they could have simply hijacked the dock workers and spread through the station. ", "Or hit the Daggermother when she was defending the vault.", "\n\nThe best evidence that they aren't brainhacking at a distance is that they are using an armed attack. ", "With that sort of brain hacking, you find out who is in command, convince them the data is better off destroyed, then you disappear. ", "Starting the whole arc off with \"we expunged the data because it seemed like a trap, here is your fee that the person who used to be in charge agreed to, now go away\" wouldn't be as fun though.", "\n\n* Suborn many things. ", "And yes, I misremembered the exact phrasing, but the implication is similar. ", "There's fine reason to think people are included in that list of targets.", "\n\nI'm pointing out \"You are reaching conclusions not supported by evidence\". ", "In this case a misreading.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nTo cut off \"but the actual hijacks aren't shown!\" ", "the last thing the crew of the freighter saw was the breacher going for his face. ", "There's not a lot it could be except a payload delivery system.", "\n\nYes, the payload being what a missile normally carries (explosive, death, carnage, etc). ", "Meanwhile they get uploaded via other means (By say nannies that were teraported aboard. ", "Or some magic upload ray the All-Star team has).", "\n\nSure. ", "It's pretty safe to say the breacher carried upload nannies (but then... they spread so quickly as to stop the formation of short-term memory? ", "questioninglook.jpg). ", "My point, again, isn't that you're wrong, but that you are basing your assumptions on what you think has happened, as exactly as you put it \"the actual hijacks aren't shown\".", "\n\nQuote:\n\nAny of these could be twisted to mean other things, but overall, they certainly give the impression of a group capable of ad-hoc brain hijacking.", "\n\nupraisedeyebrow.jpg\n\nQuote:\n\nI know you like arguing for the sake of arguing eeyore, but anybody saying \"we don't have any reason to think that the all-star can hack people!\" ", "doesn't have a leg to stand on.", "\n\nAnd where did I say that? ", "Once again, you are making assumptions based on non-existent evidence.", "\n\nIt's not the conclusion \"they were uploaded/hijacked*\" that I'm questioning, it's your shaky assumptions about the methods. ", "You're building theories on a questionable foundation.", "\n\nBreaking it down (with an equal lack of evidence):\n\n*Hijacked via data handshakeMost certainly not. ", "As I pointed out months ago the Jozangles Purse was standing on the All-Star, it had physical access. ", "The simplest explanation is subornation via infiltration nannies. ", "At which point the All-Star would know the Tzundigo was inbound and when it would arrive...\n\n*Hijacked by breacherThis one is pretty possible. ", "I doubt(ed) it as it means the payload had to be capable of downloading faster than memory is formed... however... as we've since seen that the AST has magic upload rays, this one becomes more probable. ", "It's still not in evidence though. ", "The crew of the Tzundigo could easily have been uploaded before they were fired on.", "\n\nAlso... they weren't hijacked at all. ", "Just uploaded and killed.", "\n\n*Hijacked all the heavy equipmentAlready pointed out... 'All' is probably more than reaching.", "\n\n*Suborn everythingYou've walked this one back one step. ", "The problem here is... there are a lot more steps you've skipped. ", "As Arcanestomper and DrCron note: They aren't/haven't doing it, so why continue presuming they can?", "\n\nMy evidence? ", "The door. ", "They couldn't hack a door, so... yeah, I'm doubting they have magic brain-hacking capacity at their disposal (however they do have machine hacking capacity... and the Ot-Skadak are more machine than meat...).", "\n\nOf course everything the AS Ground Team has done so far has been diversion stacked on diversion hidden behind diversion to cover a diversion so a diversion could go on... so... the failure to hack a door may simply have been more of the same.", "\n\nI'm not saying your assumptions are incorrect. ", "I'm simply pointing out that you are making assumptions based on no evidence other than \"I think it had to happen this way\".", "\n\nTake your words out of my mouth, thanks.", "\n\nWhat I said was that it was not unreasonable to think that the All-Star infiltrators could or would attempt to suborn people as well as equipment. ", "This was in response to Doug going all \"you idiots and your wild ideas.\"", "\n\nI considered it up in the air what would happen. ", "Except, of course that today's comic is such an obvious tell that if the Bosun doesn't kill all the hive-mind critters on board he should probably be shot himself. (", "If the engineer HASN'T been compromised, I refer him to Ennesby's observation: Announcing that you've been hacked has operational consequences.)", "\n\nAs for your specific arguments...\n\nQuote:\n\nThat's a lot of reaching you're doing.", "\n\nWait, that's not an argument!", "\n\nQuote:\n\nSo... that's all the heavy equipment then? ", "I rather doubt it.", "\n\nPedantic AND pointless. ", "What are you looking for, evidence that they've got the cranes too?", "\n\nQuote:\n\nI'm pointing out \"You are reaching conclusions not supported by evidence\". ", "In this case a misreading.", "\n\nYou're going to have to explain how I'm misreading anything. \"", "They're going to suborn something.\" ", "That's pretty straighforward. ", "Action word \"suborn,\" traditionally defined as \"bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury.\" ", "In the science fiction context, meaning to forcefully take over something. ", "Subject word is \"something\", meaning a thing.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nYes, the payload being what a missile normally carries (explosive, death, carnage, etc). ", "Meanwhile they get uploaded via other means (By say nannies that were teraported aboard. ", "Or some magic upload ray the All-Star team has).", "\n\nIf it was explosive, mr \"you-shot-me-in-the-face\" would be unlikely to still be there... It's not unreasonable to think that the breacher is what delivered the scanning mcguffin.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nIt's pretty safe to say the breacher carried upload nannies\n\nQuote:\n\nupraisedeyebrow.jpg\n\nyou... arg... For the love of dog be consistent! ", "You JUST agreed that the breacher payload was probably an upload mechanism!", "\n\nQuote:\n\nAnd where did I say that?", "\n\nOh, I see. ", "Did you not notice that I was responding to Doug, who DID say that?", "\n\nQuote:\n\nstanding on the All-Star\n\nCould be. ", "The explicit \"They granted us seemingly full access\" is a clear honeypot though.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nThe crew of the Tzundigo could easily have been uploaded before they were fired on.", "\n\n\"The last thing I remember is you shooting me in the face.\" ", "The timeline given is that the breacher ended that particular lizard-thing's stream of consciousness.", "\n\nQuote:\n\n'All' is probably more than reaching.", "\n\nPendantic and meaningless.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nYou've walked this one back one step.", "\n\nI haven't walked anything back. ", "I just misremembered the line. ", "The point is that the All Star seems to think that the infiltration crew seems to be intending to suborn things to reach the icebox.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nMy evidence? ", "The door.", "\n\nSo they can hack a few hundred war machines, but not a door. ... ", "Right. ", "The door is either Idiot Ball \"We forgot because the plot said we were discovered now\" or \"We intended to be caught around now.\"", "\n\nAnd now just let me repeat so you don't forget it: The specifics DON'T MATTER. ", "What matters is the impression we have been given of the All-Star's capabilities. ", "Thinking that they might suborn a person is reasonable. ", "This is doubly demonstrated by the fact that today's comic telegraphed one of the engineers being suborned. ", "That or the hive mind discovering bad jokes, in which case Howard is quite intentionally trying to make us think the engineer is suborned.", "\n\n(As far as the whole \"They don't have the equipment!\" ", "line of reasoning goes, that's a great point! ", "Which is maybe why it's been discussed how the warriors are connected to the engineers, who have a hypernode link to the hive. ", "Last time we saw a group mind it was by radio, and that seems likely here, too. ", "I wonder if the infiltrators have had the chance to build a radio...)\n\nMy evidence? ", "The door. ", "They couldn't hack a door, so... yeah, I'm doubting they have magic brain-hacking capacity at their disposal (however they do have machine hacking capacity... and the Ot-Skadak are more machine than meat...).", "\n\nDidn't read entire discussion, so just chiming in, but if it's the door I think you mean, then there's nothing to hack because controls have been slagged. ", "Those doors need to be fixed before anyone can hack them.", "\n\nActually considering this whole conversation I'm going to put out a crazy theory. ", "The whole Ot-Skadak hacking is just misdirection. ", "Another layer of diversion to maneuver the Toughs into position.", "\n\nThe real hack was way back when Neeka was picking through the robots brain matter. ", "Her spreading her internals into the ship's trash system was the second stage. ", "And the infiltrators are finally gaining control, or choosing to exert it.", "\n\nI like this theory better because it both gives them a longer timeframe to conduct the hack, as well as physical access rather than the supposed wireless hacking of the Ot-Skadat.", "\n\nWhat I said was that it was not unreasonable to think that the All-Star infiltrators could or would attempt to suborn people as well as equipment.", "\n\nWhich isn't what I was responding.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nPedantic AND pointless. ", "What are you looking for, evidence that they've got the cranes too?", "\n\nSince that would support your statement, yes.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nYou're going to have to explain how I'm misreading anything. \"", "They're going to suborn something.\"", "\n\nWhich is still not what you claimed. ", "You claimed \"All the things\". ", "All.", "\n\nAll.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nyou... arg... For the love of dog be consistent! ", "You JUST agreed that the breacher payload was probably an upload mechanism!", "\n\nI was. ", "I was taking umbrage to the use of \"twisted\" as though someone (obviously by your statement not you, were twisting things). ", "Did you even read what I had quoted? ", "Does the bold function not work on the posts on your screen?", "\n\nQuote:\n\nQuote:\n\nAnd where did I say that?", "\n\nOh, I see. ", "Did you not notice that I was responding to Doug, who DID say that?", "\n\nThen you should confine such a response to that individual and not say, slap it down in a sentence in which you are directly responding to me?", "\n\nQuote:\n\nCould be. ", "The explicit \"They granted us seemingly full access\" is a clear honeypot though.", "\n\nAbsolutely. ", "To buy tme. ", "For the subornation to take effect.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nQuote:\n\nThe crew of the Tzundigo could easily have been uploaded before they were fired on.", "\n\n\"The last thing I remember is you shooting me in the face.\" ", "The timeline given is that the breacher ended that particular lizard-thing's stream of consciousness.", "\n\nDidn't read entire discussion, so just chiming in, but if it's the door I think you mean, then there's nothing to hack because controls have been slagged. ", "Those doors need to be fixed before anyone can hack them.", "\n\nWell yes. ", "They were slagged because it was trying to use the door. ", "It failed.", "\n\n(I forgot why the door got slagged... and had misremembered thinking the bot was trying to hack the door when the controls got slagged)\n\nI respond to Doug ranting about how we're crazy to think that the all-star can suborn people. ", "You jump in with,\n\nQuote:\n\nI'm not even gonna drive out in the Epipleptic forest y'all have decided to camp in, but i am gonna start whacking some of your crazy off at the knees:\n\nAnd then jump into my points about why it's reasonable to think that the all-star can suborn people. ", "You then somehow take issue with my point that the info and impression we've been given, is that the all-star can suborn people. ", "Mostly by arguing that my wording is not precise enough, apparently? ", "You get really fixated on doors and cranes, even though that has nothing to do with the actual argument.", "\n\nYou then somehow take issue with my point that the info and impression we've been given, is that the all-star can suborn people.", "\n\nYou all (pluralistically) were building a house of cards on a foundation of sand.", "\n\nI was attacking the foundational points. ", "The \"hijacking via the handshake protocol\", the \"hijacking via the breacher missile\", \"all the heavy equipment\", \"suborning everything\"... that these were shaky data points.", "\n\nI \"wasn't driving out into the Epileptic Forest\" was to mean \"I'm not chasing down the end point of this theory\", to wit that the All-Star Team are master brain hackers that can brain hack anything and that the entire plan was to somehow lure the Ot-Skadak out to hack Chinook via the hive...\n\nAgain as I've mentioned in every response to you (aside from the first one), I have no issue with the fact that the AL players are crazy good at the meat hacking game.", "\n\nMy issue was with you taking liberties in deciding what was evident in comic and what wasn't.", "\n\nPedantic you say? ", "Absolutely.", "\n\nQuote:\n\nMostly by arguing that my wording is not precise enough, apparently?", "\n\nNo... again that you are skipping steps. ", "Deciding what happened when it was never shown.", "\n\nWe still don't know how Jozangle's Purse was suborned.", "It's not clear (but I agree highly suggested) that the crew of the Tzundigo was uploaded (not hijacked) via the breacher missile.", "You brought up the cranes, but yes, that points to sloppy reasoning on your part claiming \"all\" the heavy equipment was hacked.", "Misremembering a line that you were using as defining proof of the theory?", "\n\nI'm fine with you raising up a shaky forest of theories... I was just pointing out the soil you were using was riddled with bad logic.", "\n\nMostly I strongly doubt that brain hacking will feature any more heavily than it has. ", "The last three out of four stories have heavily featured brain-hacking, the ramifications, and the fallout of it. ", "It's time for a change.", "\n\nI didn't feel like wading in to the theory fight, but saw an area I could sink a few counter-points into.", "\n\nMostly I strongly doubt that brain hacking will feature any more heavily than it has. ", "The last three out of four stories have heavily featured brain-hacking, the ramifications, and the fallout of it. ", "It's time for a change.", "\n\nIf one viewed the teraport in that light, that would read \"The last 5 books have heavily featured teraport usage in fights, the ramifications, and the fallout of it. ", "It's time for a change.\"", "\n\nAnd yet we are still having it featured significantly in all operations, up to and including Tagon dying to clear a room full of teraport cages last book." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention is directed to a transport system for a remote inspection device and more particularly, to a transport system which will move an inspection device into a portion of a nuclear steam generator and allow the inspection device to be driven and manipulated once it is inside.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nAn operating nuclear steam generator is constantly transferring heat from a heat source fluid to a drive fluid such as water converted into steam to drive a steam turbine.", "\nThe fluid from the heat source enters the steam generator, illustrated in FIG. ", "1, and passes through U-shaped tubes grouped in a tube bundle 12. ", "The tube bundle 12 is surrounded by a tube wrapper 14 and then by a steam generator shell 16. ", "A space exists between the tube wrapper 14 and the outer shell 16. ", "Impurities in the drive fluid can be deposited as sludge at the bottom of the tube bundle 12 below the tube wrapper 14 during operation. ", "In addition, objects lost during steam generator construction, such as welding rods, can become dislodged and fall through the annulus formed between the tube wrapper 14 and the outer shell 16 which is approximately 2 to 3 inches wide. ", "It is necessary during periodic inspections to inspect the 4 to 6 inch cavity around the tube bundle 12 and below the tube wrapper 14 because the foreign objects create a threat to the integrity of the tube bundle 12 and, as a result, are removed, if possible. ", "The only access into the space between the tube wrapper 14 and the outer shell 16 are handholes 18 approximately 5-6 inches in diameter and approximately 12-24 inches above a tube sheet through which the tubes pass. ", "It is difficult to insert an inspection device, such as a miniature camera, etc., ", "into the 2 to 3 inch space between the tube wrapper 14 and outer shell 16, and then guide the camera around the bottom periphery of the tube bundle for inspection purposes. ", "The end of the inspection device can also include manipulation devices such as a gripper which will allow foreign objects in the cavity to be removed. ", "The source fluid passing through the tube bundle 12 carries radioactive contaminants and human exposure to the small amount of the radiation passing through the handholes 18 must be kept at a minimum. ", "Devices which require manipulation by a human through the handhole for inspecting the cavity around the bottom of the tube bundle thus have serious disadvantages." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bonded molar tubes--an in vitro evaluation.", "\nThis study aimed to evaluate the mean shear bond strength of molar tubes with micro-etched bases bonded with either a compomer (Ultra Band-Lok), a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (3M Multi-Cure or Fuji Ortho LC), or a light-cured resin adhesive (Transbond). ", "The amount of adhesive remaining on the tooth surface following tube removal was assessed also. ", "Finally, survival time of molar tubes bonded with each bonding agent was assessed following simulated mechanical fatigue in a ball mill. ", "A total of 120 extracted human third molars were collected and randomly divided into 4 test groups. ", "Thirty teeth (20 to assess debonding force and 10 to assess survival time) were bonded with each adhesive according to the manufacturers' instructions. ", "Debonding was carried out using a Nene M3000 testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. ", "The mean shear bond strength of tubes bonded with Transbond was significantly less than that of those bonded with 3M Multi-Cure (P = .0036) or Fuji Ortho LC (P < .0001). ", "Tubes bonded with Ultra Band-Lok also had significantly lower mean shear bond strength than those bonded with Fuji Ortho LC (P = .020). ", "Distribution of adhesive remnant index scores only differed significantly between tubes bonded with 3M Multi-Cure or Transbond. ", "Only I molar tube, bonded with Transbond, debonded in the ball mill at 5 hours, but at 50 hours there was no significant difference in the survival time of tubes bonded with any of the bonding agents. ", "Compomer or resin-modified glass ionomer cements appear to be viable alternatives to light-cured resin adhesive for bonding molar tubes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0038022813688212928, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588 ]
[ "To Preserve 'America's Gift To The World,' A Jazz Elder Becomes A UCLA Professor\n\nEnlarge this image toggle caption Reed Hutchinson/UCLA Reed Hutchinson/UCLA\n\nJust before 11 o'clock on a crisp Monday night in Hollywood, 82-year-old Kenny Burrell put his Gibson guitar in its velvet-lined case and said goodnight to several members of the Los Angeles Jazz Orchestra Unlimited. ", "He had just finished an intermission-free, two-hour-plus set with the large ensemble, as he has done once a month since the summer. ", "Waiting patiently among the suits and smiles was a 21-year-old guitarist eager to meet his idol. ", "When the room finally cleared, Burrell was amiable and inquisitive, talking to the young fan about music and Michigan, where he grew up.", "\n\nThirty-five years after entering music education, Burrell has never been more involved with young people interested in jazz. ", "He is passionate and a little concerned about preserving the legacy of the musical genre he helped define. ", "So he's doing everything he can to ensure that his students have the opportunity to share what he calls \"America's gift to the world.\"", "\n\nFifteen years ago, I was one of those kids waiting outside the green room. ", "I later became one of his students at UCLA, where he told firsthand accounts of interacting with Thelonious Monk and Dizzy Gillespie while also driving small ensembles with a steely strum.", "\n\n\"There are thousands of fine jazz musicians who have no jobs to look forward to,\" Burrell says a few days after the concert in his UCLA office. \"", "There is nothing waiting for people who graduate from jazz programs like these schools. ", "There is nothing waiting for them like an L.A. Philharmonic or the New York Philharmonic. ", "No nothing. ", "There are no jobs, and to me that's a shame.\"", "\n\nFrom 10 Weeks To Tens Of Millions\n\nBurrell is a rare musician for his generation. ", "While in his early 20s, he acquired a bachelor's degree in music theory and composition.", "\n\n\"When I was at Wayne State University in the '50s, it was a problem studying jazz, even talking about it in some cases,\" he says. \"", "So I decided if I had a chance, I would teach jazz.\"", "\n\nWhile waiting for that teaching opportunity, he made himself an essential character in the history textbooks. ", "Burrell made his recording debut in 1951 with Dizzy Gillespie, and has since recorded more than 100 albums under his own name. ", "He also lends his soulful tone to a handful of career-defining Jimmy Smith records, as well as notable LPs by Paul Chambers and Coleman Hawkins. ", "His energy and tone today sound just as assured and unmistakable as they did when he started.", "\n\nBurrell first became involved in jazz education in 1978, when he taught a 10-week overview of Duke Ellington for UCLA's Center for African American Studies. ", "When he was first offered the position, Burrell says he wasn't quite sure how to approach a subject as broad as jazz.", "\n\nEnlarge this image toggle caption Christina Limson O'Connell for NPR Christina Limson O'Connell for NPR\n\n\"I had to figure out in my mind what would be the most effective thing I could teach for one quarter,\" he says. \"", "Both logically and spiritually, the name Ellington rose to the top, because much of the history of jazz was in his hands.\"", "\n\nIn 1996, his success with the Ellingtonia course and an expanding academic interest in the art form encouraged UCLA to offer a jazz studies degree. ", "Burrell was the logical choice to head the program; he enlisted fellow storied musicians like bandleader Gerald Wilson, saxophonist Harold Land and drummer Billy Higgins to help teach ensembles and history classes.", "\n\n\"Kenny started the jazz studies program while I was there, so there were a lot of exciting things happening at that time,\" trombonist and former student Alan Ferber says. \"", "He always had such a joyful spirit and an elegance with the way he carried himself around campus.", "\n\nNearly 20 years later, the program has expanded considerably, thanks to the music-industry heavyweights who live in the surrounding hills. ", "Trumpeter Herb Alpert donated $30 million to UCLA's varied music programs, music executive Mo Ostin donated $10 million to help build a much-needed expansion of the music building, and the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz moved in last year, bringing musicians like Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter to the linoleum hallways.", "\n\nOf the more than 28,000 undergraduate students at the school, only 35 are jazz majors. ", "But the list of alumni includes not only Ferber, but also saxophonist Kamasi Washington, trombonist Isaac Smith and vocalist Gretchen Parlato.", "\n\n\"[Burrell] is inspiring, warm, very passionate about keeping the jazz tradition alive and well,\" Parlato says. \"", "I remember, sometime leading up to graduation, he sat me down in a talk of encouragement and preparation. ", "He looked me in the eyes and said, 'You've got it.' ", "That meant the world to me.\"", "\n\nA Big Band In Every City\n\nClearly, not every graduate can be a headliner, and Burrell says he owes all of his students more than just a handshake and a diploma. ", "That led to the Los Angeles Jazz Orchestra Unlimited, Burrell's unofficial post-graduate opportunity for his students as well as the broader Los Angeles jazz scene. ", "It's a swinging large ensemble dedicated to classic jazz repertoire and the writing and arranging of band members.", "\n\nThe Los Angeles Jazz Orchestra Unlimited is not a part of the UCLA jazz studies curriculum, but it does include UCLA staff (trumpeter Bobby Rodriguez, saxophonists Charles Owens and Justo Almario) and graduates (saxophonist Hitomi Oba, trombonist Nick DiPinna) who get plenty of opportunities to solo and earn a regular paycheck.", "\n\n\"What I'm doing there is an orchestra born out of need, out of necessity,\" Burrell says. \"", "One of the things that prompted me to start this organization is what we were just talking about — better, proper and more accurate recognition of the importance of this music by the community, by the powers that be, by the culture guardians.\"", "\n\nBurrell says he hopes to expand his concept of resident jazz orchestras to cities across the U.S., hopefully underwritten by cultural organizations and corporations in much the same way symphony orchestras survive. ", "The potential is rich, but it hasn't proven particularly easy to enact. ", "Nonetheless, at a time when most people are enjoying retirement, Burrell lends his celebrity, his time and his guitar to make his dream happen.", "\n\n\"This is not Kenny Burrell's big band,\" he says. \"", "This is for Los Angeles. ", "That's what this is about. ", "I welcome all the help I can get. ", "I just want to see it happen. ", "It's good not only for the musicians and the people, but the history of the music. ", "If we don't do something, it's going to slowly disintegrate.\"" ]
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[ "Evaluation of toxicity of surgery and/or chemoirradiation treatment of uterine cervix cancer.", "\nTo evaluate acute and chronic toxicity of chemoirradiation treatment (neoadjuvant, adjuvant and radical treatment) in patients diagnosed with cervix cancer. ", "From December 1999 to August 2007, 53 patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix received neoadjuvant, adjuvant or radical chemoirradiation. ", "Acute gastrointestinal toxicity of grade 3 or more in 9 patients (17%) and haematological toxicity of grade 3 or more in 9 patients (17%). ", "Chronic toxicity of grade 3 or more was shown in only 2 patients (4%). ", "The most frequent toxicities were gastrointestinal toxicity and haematological toxicity. ", "The most frequent chronic toxicities were gastrointestinal toxicity and vaginal toxicity. ", "We report that the combined neoadjuvant, adjuvant or radical chemoirradiation treatment with weekly cisplatin chemotherapy (40 mg/m(2)/week) in patients diagnosed with cervix cancer is a well tolerated treatment and chronic and acute toxicity is low-grade. ", "This treatment scheme has easy compliance." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates in general to computers, and more particularly to apparatus, method and computer program product embodiments for, in a data storage system performing data mirroring, load balancing of data reads in storage environments.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nComputers and computer systems are found in a variety of settings in today's society. ", "Computing environments and networks may be found at home, at work, at school, in government, and in other settings. ", "Computing environments increasingly store data in one or more storage environments, which in many cases are remote from the local interface presented to a user.", "\nThese computing storage environments may use many storage devices such as disk drives, often working in concert, to store, retrieve, and update a large body of data, which may then be provided to a host computer requesting or sending the data. ", "In some cases, a number of data storage subsystems are collectively managed as a single data storage system. ", "These subsystems may be managed by host “sysplex” (system complex) configurations that combine several processing units or clusters of processing units. ", "In this way, multi-tiered/multi-system computing environments, often including a variety of types of storage devices, may be used to organize and process large quantities of data." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhere can I find drawings or diagrams of the Boeing 737-800's internal layout?", "\n\nI am working on an alternative fuel system for my final school research. ", "I am applying it to the 737-800. ", "Now I could not find info on how the internals are situated. ", "Of course pictures of the cabin are widely available. ", "However I am looking for drawings, pictures or graphs on the cargo compartment, systems placement like gear, hydraulics, pumps or whatever. ", "Basically the whole internal volume and what it is occupied by.", "\nThis is maybe a bit demanding but any info is really helpful.", "\n\nA:\n\nCheck out the \"Airplane characteristics for airport planning\" document for the 737, espcially from page 47: \nThese kind of documents are created by the airplane manufacturer and are often publically available.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Performance of radiologic and nuclear medicine examinations in the 6 months before death.", "\nTo determine the rate of use and type of radiologic and nuclear medicine examinations performed prior to the death of an individual. ", "Radiologic and nuclear medicine examination data from the University of New Mexico Hospital were analyzed and correlated with death records from the New Mexico Department of Vital Statistics. ", "The study cohort included 558 patients who were treated between July 1992 and June 1993 and died within 6 months. ", "The records for the 558 patients were analyzed according to the type and number of examinations performed within 30 days and 6 months prior to death. ", "Of 26,067 patients examined during the year, 558 (2%) underwent a radiographic or nuclear medicine examination in the 6 months prior to death. ", "That group of patients underwent a total of 6,196 radiographic or nuclear medicine examinations (4.6%) out of a total of 134,892 examinations that were performed in that year. ", "The rate of use was highest in those patients who were younger than 1 year at death. ", "Approximately 5% or fewer radiologic and nuclear medicine examinations were performed during the final 6 months of an illness." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0 ]
[ "Typically, conventional data rotation services are tightly integrated within an application and perform services only for that particular application. ", "A tightly integrated architecture might not be suitable for managing encrypted data in high-availability, multiple application software environments.", "\nOne problem with conventional crypto management services arises when transmitting or sharing data among separate-but-related applications. ", "One application might not have the capability to decrypt data that has been encrypted by another application. ", "For example, one application might use a different encryption technology than another application. ", "If this is the case, then the applications must share data in unencrypted form.", "\nAnother problem with conventional crypto management services is that the extra step of decrypting and re-encrypting the data can cause extra load on the systems and reduce performance of an application that is using the same resources as the crypto management service. ", "Such performance degradation may be unacceptable in the context of high-availability applications.", "\nYet another problem with conventional crypto management services is that the encrypted data is usually stored in the same location as unencrypted data. ", "This makes handling data backups difficult when there are regulatory requirements for handling archived media containing encrypted data. ", "Further, storing encrypted data in the same location as unencrypted data means the encrypted data is vulnerable to the same data corruption possibilities as the unencrypted data.", "\nIt would be beneficial to provide a centralized crypto system that performs various cryptography operations and stores encrypted data for one or more high-availability applications that share data. ", "Such a software system may enable efficient centralized data management and encryption services among one or more high-availability applications." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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[ "​Alcohol consumption is one of the leading factors in keeping people numb and dumb. ", "Anything that actively numbs and poisons you is seriously detrimental to your growth.", "\n\nAlcohol consumption is one of the leading factors in keeping people numb and dumb. ", "It’s one of the major overlooked societal habits, cutting you off from higher levels of energy, consciousness and internal evolution as an energetic being.", "\n\nAnything that actively numbs and poisons you is seriously detrimental to your growth.", "\n\nYou can show me all the studies on how red wine is good for your can tell me about all the past uses in an attempt to justify your consumption of alcohol. ", "You can do all the swimsuit-yoga-poses and namaste-ing you wish, and talk about all the good vibes you wanna talk about, and quote the Dalai Lama on the regz ...but when engaging with intelligence, you really need to step up and call bullshit on your cosy little guilty pleasure.", "\n\nIt is supporting nothing but your avoidance to why you even want it to begin with.", "\n\n“But it’s fun”....since when has losing sense of self been fun? ", "Unless you are not happy in your life as yourself?", "\n\nBeing yourself is the most blissfully nourishing experience possible. ", "But its also terrifying at times. ", "Leveling up in our delusions as intelligent adults is of primary importance.", "\n\nIf you wanna drink, do it. ", "But don’t for one second assume it is helping, or that it is not negatively affecting your level of consciousness on this planet. ", "Because it is. ", "To a large degree.", "\n\n​When you choose to really get back into life, it’s 15,000 times more intoxicating that the strongest drink you’ve ever had.", "\n\nLeave a Reply.", "\n\nChris's Blog\n\nBringing realness, clarity and deep truth to our mishandled human condition. ", "Here to assist you in a REAL way, without the fluff. ", "Pointing you to your magnificence. ", "Relentlessly committed to being here, embodied." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLocking on lazily created object returned from a function call\n\nCan explain if and why the following code may not work as expected when calling Increment from multiple threads? ", "Based on a test it seems to work, but it still looks fishy to me.", "\nclass Test\n{\n public int Value; \n\n private object _obj;\n\n private object Obj()\n {\n if(_obj == null)\n {\n _obj = new object();\n }\n return _obj\n }\n\n public void Increment()\n {\n lock(Obj())\n {\n Value = Value + 1;\n }\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nThere is a race condition the first time Obj() is called, but only the first time.", "\nImagine that the method is run in parallell, then two different objects might be allocated and returned, but only if the second call is before the first one finishes and passes the _obj == null check before the first one assigns _obj.", "\nThis would have the effect that the two calls to Obj() would return different instances.", "\nExample run: (n-thread) line-of-code\n(1) if (_obj == null)\n(2) if (_obj == null)\n(2) _obj = new Object();\n(2) return _obj;\n(1) _obj = new Object();\n(1) return _obj; \n\n" ]
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[ "Source: Xinhua| 2019-02-17 19:38:00|Editor: mmm\n\nVideo Player Close\n\nPhoto taken on Feb. 17, 2019 shows a few students at a primary school in Baghdad, Iraq. ", "Iraqi teachers began on Sunday a two-day nationwide strike, demanding improvement in curriculum and levels of educational system, as well as increasing the living standard of the teaching staff. ", "The strike included primary and secondary schools in Baghdad and other Iraqi provinces. (", "Xinhua/Khalil Dawood)\n\nBAGHDAD, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi teachers began on Sunday a two-day nationwide strike, demanding improvement in curriculum and levels of educational system, as well as increasing the living standard of the teaching staff.", "\n\n\"Iraqi teachers are on strike for Sunday and Monday in all the Iraqi provinces (except for the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan), aiming at drawing attention to the deteriorated educational process in the country,\" Abbas al-Sudani, head of the Iraqi Teachers' Syndicate, told a gathering at the building of the syndicate in Baghdad.", "\n\nThe strike included primary and secondary schools in Baghdad and other Iraqi provinces.", "\n\n\"The educational process in Iraq has dramatically declined,\" al-Sudani said.", "\n\n\"We need to improve the quality of the Iraqi student and reform the educational curriculum, in addition to support the infrastructure as the needs of thousands of schools,\" al-Sudani added.", "\n\nHe said that the government \"should allocate a proper budget for the Ministry of Education, which will improve the level of teachers through real development courses.\"", "\n\nIn the 1970s and 1980s, Iraq had one of the best educational performances in the region with high literacy levels.", "\n\nBut after the first Gulf war in 1991 when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the country's education has suffered a lot by the 13 years of UN sanctions, U.S.-led invasion in 2003 and years of instability that followed." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to format date in correct format in JavaScript\n\nI'm working on JavaScript and stuck in a small issue.", "\nI am receiving this date in JSON response 1322919399447-0500 \nand I want to format this like: 6:50 PM, Dec 3rd 2011.", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm not sure if this is the best way (I'm sure it's not, actually), but essentially you can make that datestring into a js Date object, then pull out the pieces to manipulate as you see fit:\nvar dateThing = new Date(1322919399447-0500);\ndateThing.getFullYear(); // 2011\ndateThing.getDay(); // 6\ndateThing.getDate(); // 3\ndateThing.getMonth(); // 11\ndateThing.getHours(); // 8 (test for anything over 12, that indicates PM)\ndateThing.getMinutes(); // 36\n\nThen you can concatenate those pieces into your own format. ", "Like I said, there's probably a better way, but this works in a pinch.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Since getting that landmark multi-million dollar deal with Universal Music decades ago, Cash Money Records has grown into one of the most legendary labels in music today.", "\n\nDuring an interview with The Come Up Show, storied in-house producer Mannie Fresh spoke in detail about the long term effects the label fronted by Birdman and Slim had on Hip Hop.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n“What Cash Money was, at the beginning, was a category,” he shared. “", "You still had categories in rap when we was doing that. ", "Even though we was the flashy dudes, that was our category; we had our own lane. ", "Because you got Slick Rick, who was the storyteller. ", "You’ve got Public Enemy, who [led a social movement]. ", "You had N.W.A, that was Gangsta Rap. ", "You had Cash Money, that was just the flashy dudes.", "\n\n“Like I said, you had different genres of Rap, and we were just one of ’em. ", "So that’s how we fit in. ", "What makes it all confusing, and this is where it’s the gift and the curse: we never set out for Hip Hop to turn into just something flashy; that was just our thing. ", "It wasn’t everybody’s thing. ", "Right now, Hip Hop is just flashy. ", "Everybody wanna be that dude, everybody wanna be a millionaire, billionaire. ", "That wasn’t our intent. ", "We never wanted a whole culture of rappers goin’, ‘Look at me, my chain is big [and so on].’”", "\n\nThe New Orleans producer who’s worked with everyone from Lil Wayne, Juvenile and B.G. to Kanye West, Jeezy, T.I. and Yasiin Bey even praised a few current rap megastars while calling 1990 – 1995 the best year for music.", "\n\n“I’m saying nobody’s got the guts to be a J. Cole,” he said. “", "Nobody’s got the guts to be a Kendrick Lamar. ", "We need more of them…everybody wanna go the easy route.”", "\n\nMannie Fresh then further explained how Cash Money introducing “Bling Bling” to the world has turned into a greater monster than he ever thought would be possible.", "\n\n“The problem is, like I told you, now it’s a ‘bling-fest’ all over the world. ", "That’s the curse part of [Cash Money Records’ success],” he said. “", "The gift part of it, like I said is [teaching artists] how to get the money … But like I said, I never [imagined] that was gonna be the only thing [rappers] was gonna talk about. ", "I like to say that new rappers have a ‘Rap kit.’ ", "What I mean is… everybody dress alike.”", "\n\nHe then elaborated on how there is a different perspective between what executives see as success based on material wealth and how artists are actually making money through more than having a hit song. ", "He expressed that he wishes more rappers took the risk to not fulfill the rapper stereotype.", "\n\n“No disrespect to [any rapper], but nobody dares to go left,” he shared. “", "I think that’s what’s missing in it…what’s crazy, statistically, the people that go left are winning. ", "It’s nuts that nobody can’t see that. ", "I’m not [meaning] the fans, I’m saying the [record executives and rappers]. ", "You take Chance The Rapper, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, to me, that’s artists that go left. ", "That’s ones that’s doing the numbers, the big tours, and the big things. ", "A label would rather concentrate on, ‘Make a song like Future.’ ", "There’s only one Future. … ", "You just killed somebody’s creativity and vision and what they thought they wanted to do.”" ]
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