[ "Introduction\n============\n\nIn diarthodial joints, cartilage provides a smooth surface that enables joints to articulate and to withstand compressional and shear stress \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "Embedded in the cartilage are chondrocytes that respond to biochemical and physical stimuli to maintain this tissue. ", "Cartilage is primarily composed of type II collagen and proteoglycan, which are synthesized by the chondrocytes. ", "In addition, chondrocytes produce enzymes, such as the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), that degrade the cartilage \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "In arthritis, an imbalance of these processes in favour of degradation results in a loss of cartilage. ", "For the patient, this is manifested as a degeneration of joint function, loss of mobility and concomitant increased morbidity and mortality \\[[@B3],[@B4]\\]. ", "For the clinician, this imbalance identifies a need for therapeutic agents to prevent cartilage loss \\[[@B5]\\].", "\n\nIn identifying targets for therapeutic intervention, it is important to note that the loss of collagen, rather than proteoglycan, is correlated with disease severity \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Furthermore, whereas lost proteoglycan is replaced rapidly, degraded collagen is resynthesized very slowly \\[[@B7],[@B8]\\]. ", "Consequently, understanding collagen degradation and providing therapeutics to prevent it are valuable aims. ", "Within the MMP family, MMP-1 (collagenase-1) and MMP-13 (collagenase-3) are expressed in arthritic joints, and efficiently degrade type II collagen \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "MMP-13 is more effective than MMP-1 in cleaving type II collagen, but it is debated which is the principal collagenase *in vivo*\\[[@B10],[@B11]\\]. ", "These enzymes have been implicated in the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA), and have long been therapeutic targets \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Historically, inhibition of MMP-active sites has been a strategy; however, with wide-ranging side-effects and lack of efficacy, these studies are proving unfruitful in providing an effective drug \\[[@B13]\\].", "\n\nAlthough the etiologies and pathologies of RA and OA differ, it is clear that in both of these diseases pro-inflammatory cytokines are present, resulting in an inflammatory state as well as cartilage degradation \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "As further evidence for the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in RA, anti-tumor necrosis factor-α (anti-TNF-α) and anti-interleukin 1 (anti-IL-1) therapies can reduce inflammation and retard the progression of disease as assessed radiographically \\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "However, side-effects with these approaches, such as the development of lymphomas in patients using anti-TNF-α therapies, demonstrate that alternative therapies are needed \\[[@B17]\\].", "\n\nAn alternative approach to the prevention of cartilage degradation is the inhibition of MMPs by targeting either the expression of their genes or the synthesis of the proteins. ", "Triterpenoids are a novel family of steroid-like compounds with weak anti-inflammatory properties \\[[@B18]\\]. ", "Synthetic triterpenoids have been produced with the aim of achieving increased potency \\[[@B19],[@B20]\\]. ", "2-Cyano-3,12-dioxoolean-1,9-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO) is a synthetic triterpenoid that has been shown to inhibit expression of the inflammatory genes inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclo-oxygenase-2 \\[[@B20]-[@B22]\\]. ", "In a recent report, MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression were induced with IL-1, a known pro-inflammatory mediator *in vivo*in joint tissues \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "It was shown that CDDO could inhibit the IL-1-induced expression of these pro-inflammatory MMPs. ", "These findings make CDDO an attractive molecule to study as a potential anti-arthritic agent.", "\n\nHere we report quantification of the effects of CDDO on gene expression in the human chondrosarcoma cell line SW-1353 with the use of real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT--PCR). ", "To ensure that the chondroprotective effects of CDDO are not limited to this cell line, we studied its effects on human primary chondrocytes. ", "We found that, at concentrations that do not induce apoptosis, CDDO effectively inhibits the induction of both MMP-1 and MMP-13 gene expression by IL-1 in these cells. ", "Whereas the inhibition of MMP-1 by CDDO requires pretreatment, inhibition of MMP-13 does not. ", "We have recently reported the role of the inhibitor of NF-κB (IκB) family member Bcl-3 in IL-1-induced MMP-1 expression \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "Here we show that overexpression of Bcl-3 can partly abrogate CDDO\\'s inhibitory effects on MMP-1 in SW-1353 cells, suggesting that Bcl-3 might be a target for CDDO.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nMaterials, cells and cell culture\n---------------------------------\n\nCDDO was kindly provided by Dr Tadashi Honda and Dr Gordon Gribble (Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA).", "\n\nHuman SW-1353 chondrosarcoma cells were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD, USA). ", "Stable SW-1353 cell lines carrying a pBkRSV vector with a Bcl-3 expression insert were created as described previously \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "Freshly excised, macroscopically normal cartilage and synovium from OA patients undergoing knee replacement surgery were obtained from a local orthopedic unit (Dartmouth Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Lebanon, NH, USA). ", "These tissues constitute waste from the operations. ", "Under our current protocol with the Committee for Human Subjects as mandated by HIPPA, we did not collect subject information. ", "We therefore made no selection on the basis of age or sex. ", "Cartilage and synovium were degraded in 4 mg/ml collagenase (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) for 16 hours at 37°C, with shaking at 90 r.p.m., ", "and cells were cultured to one passage (chondrocytes) or four passages (synovial fibroblasts).", "\n\nSW-1353 cells (normal or stably transfected with pBkRSV--Bcl-3), human primary chondrocytes, or synovial fibroblasts were cultured in Dulbecco\\'s modified Eagle\\'s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Hyclone, Logan, UT, USA), penicillin/streptomycin and L-glutamine (Cellgro; Mediatech, Herndon, VA, USA) before use in experiments.", "\n\nAssay of CDDO\\'s effects on chondrocytes and fibroblasts\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nAt the beginning of each experiment, chondrocytes or OA synovial fibroblasts were washed three times with Hanks balanced salt solution (Cellgro) to remove traces of serum, and placed in DMEM containing 0.2% lactalbumin hydrolysate (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). ", "Cells were cultured for 24 hours with CDDO as a pretreatment, or CDDO was added at the same time as 10 ng/ml recombinant IL-1β at time 0 (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). ", "After a further 18 hours of culture with IL-1, total RNA was harvested with TRIzol (Invitrogen) and assayed for MMP-1, MMP-13, and Bcl-3 expression by using quantitative real-time RT--PCR. ", "Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was assayed to normalize data. ", "Reverse transcription and quantitative real-time PCR methods were as described previously \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "MMP-13 primers used were as follows: upper, 5\\'-TGGCATTGCTGACATCATGA-3\\' ; lower, 3\\'-GCCAGAGGGCCCATCAA-5\\'. ", "The product size was 76 base pairs. ", "A plasmid containing MMP-13 cDNA (provided by Dr Carlos Lopez-Otin, Oviedo, Spain) was used to generate an MMP-13 standard curve. ", "Primers and standards for MMP-1, Bcl-3, and GAPDH were as described previously \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "The generation and use of standard curves were as described previously \\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nMeasurement of programmed cell death by staining with Hoechst 33342\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSW-1353 and human primary chondrocytes were seeded at 5 × 10^4^cells per well in 24-well plates (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). ", "At 60--90% confluence, cells were treated with CDDO (10 nM to 10 μM) for 24 hours, followed by IL-1 for 18 hours. ", "Hoechst 33342 (Sigma) (1 μg/ml) was then added to each well to detect cells with condensed chromatin, a hallmark of programmed cell death. ", "After 30 minutes of incubation at 37°C, cells were examined under a fluorescent microscope as described previously \\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nAnalyses of real-time PCR data were performed with unpaired two-tailed Student\\'s *t*-tests on triplicate wells cultured simultaneously.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nEffects of CDDO in SW-1353 cells\n--------------------------------\n\nPrevious work suggested that preincubation with CDDO was required for the effective inhibition of IL-1-induced MMP gene expression in SW-1353 cells \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "To quantify the effect of altering the period of CDDO preincubation, 300 nM CDDO was added to SW-1353 cells simultaneously with IL-1, or 24 hours before treatment with the cytokine. ", "We found that SW-1353 cells expressed very low basal levels of MMP-1 and MMP-13, and that these were not significantly affected by incubation with CDDO (Fig. [", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "IL-1 induced the expression of MMP-1 and MMP-13, and these were significantly inhibited when the cultures were pretreated with CDDO for 24 hours, the respective decreases being 55% for MMP-1 (*P*\\< 0.1) and 66% for MMP-13 (*P*\\< 0.01). ", "In addition, when added simultaneously with the cytokine, CDDO significantly inhibited the IL-1-induced expression of MMP-13, but not that of MMP-1. ", "Under these circumstances, MMP-13 expression was decreased by 41% (*P*\\< 0.05). ", "The different profiles for MMP-1 and MMP-13 inhibition when CDDO was added simultaneously with the cytokine suggest a difference in the action of the inhibitor on the expression of each enzyme.", "\n\nPreviously, with the use of Northern blotting, dose--response assays in SW-1353 cells showed that 300 nM was the lowest dose of CDDO sufficient to decrease the IL-1-induced expression of MMP-1 and MMP-13 \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "This was confirmed by using quantitative real-time PCR. ", "Doses below 300 nM did not decrease MMP expression, whereas those above 1 μM resulted in poor RNA harvests and low expression of the MMPs (data not shown). ", "This effect at higher doses might be due to the reported apoptotic effects of CDDO \\[[@B25],[@B26]\\]. ", "To examine for such effects, SW-1353 cells were treated for 24 hours with CDDO under serum-free conditions, and then IL-1 was added for a further 18 hours. ", "Cells were stained with Hoechst 33342 and examined under a fluorescent microscope. ", "Doses of 300 nM and 1 μM CDDO, with or without IL-1, did not increase apoptosis compared with control (medium alone) or IL-1 (data not shown). ", "However, a dose of 5 μM caused apoptosis in SW-1353 cells, as seen in lower cell numbers, changed morphology and an increased number of fluorescing cells. ", "These data demonstrate that at 300 nM and 1 μM, doses that inhibit MMP gene expression, CDDO does not cause programmed cell death.", "\n\nCDDO time-course in human primary chondrocytes\n----------------------------------------------\n\nAs described in the Introduction, the aim of studying the triterpenoids is to develop a therapeutic agent for the treatment of arthritis. ", "We were therefore interested in studying the effects of CDDO in human primary cells. ", "Quantitative real-time RT--PCR revealed that human chondrocytes expressed low levels of MMP-1 and MMP-13 in the absence of IL-1, and increased levels with addition of the cytokine (Figs [2a,2b](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Pretreatment of cultures with 300 nM CDDO for 24 hours resulted in a decreased expression of IL-1-induced MMP-1 and MMP-13. ", "MMP-1 expression was decreased by 99% (*P*\\< 0.01) and MMP-13 by 96% (*P*\\< 0.01). ", "As was observed with SW-1353 cells, MMP-13 expression was significantly decreased when CDDO was added simultaneously with the cytokine: we observed a decrease of 67% (*P*\\< 0.1). ", "MMP-1 expression was not significantly inhibited by CDDO added simultaneously with IL-1.", "\n\nEffects of CDDO on expression of Bcl-3 in human primary chondrocytes\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn the same time-course experiment, we assayed for the presence of Bcl-3, an IκB family member that we have previously shown to have a role in MMP-1 expression. ", "We found that Bcl-3 was inducible with IL-1 in human primary chondrocytes, and that CDDO significantly inhibited this expression (Fig. [", "2c](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In a similar manner to MMP-1 inhibition, the decreased expression was observed only after preincubation of the cells with CDDO for 24 hours (Figs [2a,2c](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This was in contrast to MMP-13, whose inhibition was possible without pretreatment with CDDO (Fig. [", "2b](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These results present further evidence of a link in MMP-1 and Bcl-3 expression, and indicate that both molecules are similarly affected by CDDO.", "\n\nCDDO dose--response study in human primary chondrocytes\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo examine the effects of increasing doses of CDDO in human primary chondrocytes, cells were preincubated for 24 hours with CDDO (300 nM to 5 μM), or with medium alone, before the addition of IL-1 for 18 hours. ", "Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that human primary chondrocytes have low basal expression of MMP-1, MMP-13 and Bcl-3, and that they are increased in the presence of IL-1. ", "Increasing doses of CDDO resulted in a decreased expression of each gene. ", "For example, MMP-1 expression was inhibited by 36% (*P*\\< 0.1) with 300 nM CDDO, by 49% (*P*\\< 0.01) with 1 μM CDDO, and by 83% (*P*\\< 0.01) by 5 μM CDDO. ", "Similar patterns emerged for MMP-13 (63%, 81%, and 99%) and Bcl-3 (33%, 61%, and 86%) in response to the respective doses of CDDO, all results being significant. ", "Using Hoechst 33342, we assayed for potential toxicity of CDDO in human primary chondrocytes: we found decreased cell numbers and increased apoptosis at or above 5 μM CDDO (data not shown). ", "Lower concentrations did not result in apoptosis.", "\n\nInhibition of MMP-1, MMP-13, and Bcl-3 in OA synovial fibroblasts\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn parallel with the study on human primary chondrocytes, we examined the effects of 300 nM CDDO on synovial fibroblasts excised from OA synovium. ", "There were low basal expressions of MMP-1, MMP-13, and Bcl-3, which were increased in the presence of IL-1 and inhibited by CDDO, following the trends observed in SW-1353 and human primary chondrocytes (data not shown).", "\n\nEffect of overexpression of Bcl-3 on the inhibition of MMP-1 by CDDO\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo examine further the role of Bcl-3 in IL-1-induced MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression, we used SW-1353 cells stably transfected with a Bcl-3 expression construct. ", "These cells were pretreated with 300 nM CDDO for 24 hours and then cultured with IL-1 for 18 hours. ", "In the presence of empty vector, IL-1 induced both MMP-1 and MMP-13, and their expression was decreased by CDDO by 48% and 46%, respectively (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In cells stably transfected with the Bcl-3 expression plasmid, IL-1 induced MMP-1 expression to levels 3.4-fold higher than in the cells transfected with empty vector (Fig. [", "4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In comparison, MMP-13 expression was not significantly altered by the overexpression of Bcl-3 (Fig. [", "4b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Furthermore, the presence of exogenous Bcl-3 sustained MMP-1 expression in the presence of CDDO in comparison with cells expressing empty vector. ", "When cultured in the presence of IL-1 and CDDO, cells transfected with Bcl-3 expressed 3.6-fold more MMP-1 than did cells transfected with the empty vector (Fig. [", "4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, Bcl-3 did not sustain MMP-13 expression in CDDO-treated cells (Fig. [", "4b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, Bcl-3, which is repressed by CDDO, preferentially contributes to MMP-1 gene expression.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn a previous study, Northern blot analysis showed that treating SW-1353 cells with 300 nM CDDO for 24 hours before treatment with IL-1 inhibited the expression of MMP-1 and MMP-13 \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "In the present study we used quantitative real-time RT--PCR to examine the action of CDDO on the expression of MMP-1 and MMP-13 in SW-1353 cells and in two primary cultures: human primary chondrocytes and OA synovial fibroblasts. ", "We have shown in a quantitative manner that in all three cell types, MMP-1 and MMP-13 are inducible with IL-1, and that CDDO inhibits the expression of these collagenases, with optimal inhibition being observed after 24 hours of pretreatment with CDDO. ", "Differing effects were found on the two enzymes: MMP-13 was inhibited more than MMP-1. ", "In addition, significant inhibition of MMP-13 did not require the pretreatment of cells with CDDO. ", "In addition, the observation that synovial fibroblasts respond to CDDO in a similar manner to chondrocytes suggests that the inhibitor can act in all cells of the joint to decrease the expression of MMP-1 and MMP-13.", "\n\nIn the human primary chondrocytes and OA synovial fibroblasts, we assayed for CDDO\\'s effects on Bcl-3 expression. ", "We have recently described the role of Bcl-3, an IκB family member, in the signaling pathways of IL-1 leading to MMP-1 expression in SW-1353 cells and rabbit synovial fibroblasts \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "We found that IL-1 could induce the expression of Bcl-3, and that Bcl-3 had a direct effect on MMP-1 expression through cooperation with NF-κB1/p50. ", "In the present study we found that Bcl-3 expression was inducible by IL-1 in human primary chondrocytes and in OA synovial fibroblasts. ", "In addition, we found that pretreatment with CDDO decreased the IL-1-induced expression of Bcl-3 in these cells. ", "Furthermore, with the use of SW-1353 cells stably transfected with a Bcl-3 expression plasmid, Bcl-3 could sustain the expression of MMP-1, but not that of MMP-13, against inhibition by CDDO. ", "These data show that Bcl-3 gene expression is a target of CDDO in chondrocytes and suggest that this might contribute to decreased MMP-1 expression. ", "Consistent with this model is the finding that pretreatment with CDDO for 24 hours is required for the inhibition of MMP-1, unlike that for MMP-13. ", "We speculate that, during this period, the inhibitor is entering the cell and altering the expression of components of the IL-1 signalling pathway. ", "Bcl-3 is decreased by CDDO during this preincubation period, and it might be one of several proteins involved in MMP expression whose own expression is lowered by CDDO.", "\n\nIn all cell types, CDDO inhibited the IL-1-induced expression of MMP-13 mRNA more effectively than that of MMP-1. ", "This might be due to the much lower MMP-13 expression in all tissues examined. ", "There is disagreement over which collagenase predominates in cartilage degradation *in vivo*\\[[@B10],[@B11]\\]. ", "It is therefore of interest to find the levels of MMP-1 expressed compared with that of MMP-13 in SW-1353 and human primary chondrocytes. ", "For example, in human primary chondrocytes (Figs [3a,3b](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), IL-1 induced MMP-1 to 14 molecules per molecule of GAPDH, whereas MMP-13 was expressed at 0.06 molecules per molecule of GAPDH, a more than 200-fold difference. ", "These results suggest that MMP-1 expression might be a dominant target for IL-1 in chondrocytes.", "\n\nIt is interesting to note that there was significant variation of both MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression in the primary human chondrocyte experiments. ", "In excising chondrocytes from the extracted knees of OA patients, great care was taken to remove only tissue that seemed macroscopically normal, with the aim of excluding cells of diseased tissue. ", "When these cells were cultured with medium alone, they expressed low levels of MMP-1 and MMP-13, similar to those found in unstimulated SW-1353 cells. ", "These results support the contention that the cells were in a basal state, unaffected by the environment of the diseased knee from which they had been extracted. ", "Furthermore, both enzymes were consistently increased by IL-1 and inhibited by CDDO. ", "Thus, the observed variation of MMP expression is probably due to genetic variability and not to experimental artifacts.", "\n\nNaturally occurring triterpenoids, such as ursolic acid, have been found to have mild anti-inflammatory effects \\[[@B18],[@B27]\\]. ", "These have been improved with the development of synthetic triterpenoids such as CDDO, offering a potential therapeutic tool for the treatment of arthritis and other diseases \\[[@B19]-[@B21]\\]. ", "Furthermore, it has been reported that CDDO at high doses (5--10 μM) can have pro-apoptotic effects, ideal for the treatment of leukemia but of concern with regard to chondrocyte cell death \\[[@B25],[@B26]\\]. ", "However, we found that CDDO, at concentrations that decrease MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression (namely 300 nM and 1 μM), did not cause cell death. ", "The inhibitory effect of CDDO on MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression, as well as that of Bcl-3, is very encouraging for future applications of triterpenoids in arthritic disease. ", "CDDO is an early-generation synthetic triterpenoid, and further modifications continue to be made. ", "Further analysis of these compounds will provide additional information about their mechanisms and potential as therapeutic agents.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nInhibition of collagen loss is crucial to minimizing cartilage destruction in the arthritides. ", "MMP-1 and MMP-13 have been identified as the significant enzymes involved in this process *in vivo*. ", "We examined a novel, synthetic triterpenoid, CDDO, as a potential inhibitor of collagenase expression. ", "We found that CDDO inhibited the expression of these enzymes in a chondrocyte cell line, human primary chondrocytes and synovial fibroblasts. ", "Furthermore, CDDO decreased the expression of the pro-inflammatory mediator Bcl-3, suggesting one possible mechanism of action. ", "CDDO is an early-generation therapeutic agent with great potential for the treatment of the arthritides and other inflammatory diseases.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nNone declared.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nCDDO = 2-cyano-3,12-dioxoolean-1,9-dien-28-oic acid; DMEM = Dulbecco\\'s modified Eagle\\'s medium; GAPDH = glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; IκB = inhibitor of NF-κB; IL = interleukin; MMP = matrix metalloproteinase; OA = osteoarthritis; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; RT--PCR = reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; TNF-α = tumor necrosis factor-α.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nWe thank Dr Nicholas Johnston and Ms Brenda Petrella for critical reading of this manuscript. ", "This study was supported by grants awarded to MPV by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (R01-AR46977 and K01-AR02024), and by grants to MBS by the National Cancer Institute (R01 78814) and by the National Foundation for Cancer Research.", "\n\nFigures and Tables\n==================\n\n![", "IL-1-induced MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression is inhibited in SW-1353 cells preincubated with CDDO for 24 hours. ", "SW-1353 cells were treated for 24 hours with 300 nM CDDO before the addition of 10 ng/ml IL-1β. ", "Alternatively, CDDO was added simultaneously with the cytokine. ", "After a further 18 hours of culture, RNA was harvested, reverse transcribed and subjected to quantitative real-time PCR for MMP-1 **(a)**and MMP-13 **(b)**. ", "Results were normalized to GAPDH, and are means of culture triplicates. ", "They are expressed as molecules of MMP per molecule of GAPDH. ", "Two-tailed Student\\'s *t*-tests were performed on the data, and significance is indicated as follows: \\**P*\\< 0.1; \\*\\*0.01 \\<*P*\\< 0.05; \\*\\*\\**P*\\< 0.01.](ar792-1){#F1}\n\n![", "Expression of MMP-1, MMP-13, and Bcl-3 is inhibited in human chondrocytes pretreated with CDDO for 24 hours. ", "Human primary chondrocytes (passage 1) were treated for 24 hours with 300 nM CDDO before the addition of 10 ng/ml IL-1. ", "Alternatively, CDDO was added simultaneously with the cytokine. ", "After a further 18 hours of culture, RNA was harvested, reverse transcribed and subjected to quantitative real-time PCR for MMP-1 **(a)**, MMP-13 **(b)**, and Bcl-3 **(c)**. ", "Results were normalized to GAPDH, and are means of culture triplicates. ", "They are expressed as molecules per molecule of GAPDH. ", "Two-tailed Student\\'s *t*-tests were performed on the data, and significance is indicated as follows: \\**P*\\< 0.1; \\*\\*0.01 \\<*P*\\< 0.05; \\*\\*\\**P*\\< 0.01.](ar792-2){#F2}\n\n![", "Increasing doses of CDDO inhibit the expression of MMP-1, MMP-13, and Bcl-3 in human primary chondrocytes. ", "Human primary chondrocytes (passage 1) were treated for 24 hours with 300 nM to 5 μM CDDO before the addition of 10 ng/ml IL-1. ", "After a further 18 hours of culture, RNA was harvested, reverse transcribed and subjected to quantitative real-time PCR for MMP-1 **(a)**, MMP-13 **(b)**, and Bcl-3 **(c)**. ", "Results were normalized to GAPDH, and are means of culture triplicates. ", "They are expressed as molecules per molecule of GAPDH. ", "Two-tailed Student\\'s *t*-tests were performed on the data, and significance is indicated as follows: \\**P*\\< 0.1; \\*\\*0.01 \\<*P*\\< 0.05; \\*\\*\\**P*\\< 0.01.](ar792-3){#F3}\n\n![", "Overexpression of Bcl-3 sustains MMP-1 expression against inhibition by CDDO in SW-1353 cells. ", "SW-1353 cells, stably transfected with a pBkRSV vector with or without a Bcl-3 insert, were incubated for 24 hours with 300 nM CDDO before the addition of 10 ng/ml IL-1. ", "After a further 18 hours of culture, RNA was harvested, reverse transcribed and subjected to quantitative real-time PCR for MMP-1 **(a)**and MMP-13 **(b)**. ", "Results were normalized to GAPDH, and are means of culture triplicates. ", "They are expressed as molecules per molecule of GAPDH. ", "Two-tailed Student\\'s *t*-tests were performed on the data, and significance is indicated as follows: \\**P*\\< 0.1; \\*\\*0.01 \\<*P*\\< 0.05; \\*\\*\\**P*\\< 0.01.](ar792-4){#F4}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "The present invention generally relates to systems and methods for actively countering forces or threats experienced by an object or person and more particularly, although not exclusively, to systems and methods for actively countering forces or threats experienced by a manned (or unmanned) vehicle upon encountering blast waves of a mine or other explosive device and/or other undesired forces and/or projectiles. ", "The technology may find applicability, for example, in TenCate's ABDS™ active blast countermeasure system, and similar products.", "\nCounteracting the impulse imparted to a vehicle cab by an IED requires transfer of large vertical forces from the countermeasure to the vehicle. ", "Peak forces can be, for example, from 250,000 to over 1,000,000 lbf per location.", "\nSome publications, such as U.S. patent application Ser. ", "No. ", "13/909,295 by Dobriski et al., ", "entitled “ACTIVE COUNTERMEASURES SYSTEMS AND METHODS,” provide descriptions of systems and techniques for creating active countermeasures that are deployable on vehicles. ", "However, there is a limited amount of information available on methods for ensuring that the forces created when using such countermeasures can be adequately managed." ]
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[ "Author Social Links\n\nFull width home advertisement\n\nPost Page Advertisement [Top]\n\nNeverShoutNever\n\nI'€™ve been on a trend lately covering singer/songwriters and I'€™ve found quite a few extremely talented ones. ", "Be it people who write about young love to death and back again, but the most recent is Christofer Drew and The Never Shout band. ", "That name might be not quite as familiar as NeverShoutNever but it'€™s one in the same. ", "It started off as a myspace phenomenon but since then, the music has tilted all over the spectrum and now we'€™re feeling quite the folky rock vibe which is something I think a lot of fans will appreciate. ", "The music that is sure to be a hit on '€œHarmony'€ is definitely taking it back to the roots a little bit, but with a little more of a folk flare.", "\n\nNow known as Christofer Drew, as he suggested, and the Never Shout band, they currently find themselves in the studio working on their latest record '€œHarmony'€. With the last record coming out just in January, it seems strange to some people to put out another record so soon, but in our interview he told me that currently he is writing so many songs that he just wants them to get out there. ", "This is becoming a common fad, releasing Ep'€™s/records with fewer tracks but putting out new music more often, as was discussed in an upcoming interview I did with The Spill Canvas who are heading in the same direction.", "\n\nRead on for more of the interview that included the tour mascot pug, and Chris and the boys busting out songs on the guitar, with Mr. Drew providing background music to the other members'€™ answers!", "\n\nYou'€™re playing all of Warped Tour this summer? ", "What are you most excited for? ", "It'€™s pretty much summer camp!Chris: Yeah, exactly. ", "Um, I think I'€™m excited to just hang out with the rest of the bands. ", "Hopefully get a sweet tan, get burned the first week and then eventually it will turn into a tan and you know I'€™m just ready to play and grow as a band. ", "Grow with the people in our scene, you know because we have a music scene right now and I hope that you know it can be a time where the scene will come together, maybe do something cool.", "\n\nAnother goofy one about touring to get started. ", "This tour'€™s almost over so if you could collaborate with any other band on this tour, so Every Avenue, Hey Monday, The Summer Set or the Cab, who would it be and what would the song be about?Chris: Um, I think that I would collab with all the bands and we would play a song about friendship. ", "Taylor: Yeah! ", "We'€™d play you got a friend in me.", "Chris: It would go a little something like this. ", "Okay, you sing the Summer Set'€™s part and then you sing (towards Nick, his merch guy) The Cab'€™s part. ", "I'€™ll sing Hey Monday'€™s part and Never Shout'€™s part.", "\n\n'€˜Friends are like, friends(Nathan chimes in)I like my friends on the Ap Tour, I want to hang out with my friends till the end, My friiiiiends.", "I want to hang..with my friends'€™.\n\nChris: It would go a little something like that. ", "Just an idea I'€™ve been working on.", "\n\nWhat made you first start getting interested in doing music?Chris: I don'€™t know really. ", "I played tennis growing up, and that was okay. ", "Then I got an injury, stopped playing tennis as much and my dad let me borrow his guitar, learned a couple songs on that you know. ", "I kind of went from there and just started writing. ", "It was a free way for me to express myself you know what I mean. ", "It was an easy way. ", "I'€™m not usually the best with words, but whenever I get down in front of a guitar, it just kind of flows. ", "Everything just kind of works and makes sense, it just feels natural. ", "I'€™m just going to keep going with it.", "Taylor: I don'€™t know like freshman year of high school, something like that was when I first started playing music I guess with Chris. ", "What about you Nick? ", "Nick: Same story!Chris: No, tell a story Nick. ", "Nick: We'€™ve all like known each other for ever, pretty much the same story.", "\n\nThen '€œWhat Is Love'€ was a 7 or 8 track record. ", "Around there.", "Chris: I don'€™t know, 9 or 8 or 10, maybe 6.Taylor: Anywhere between five and twenty. ", "Chris: Yeah, it was somewhere in between there.", "\n\nNot based on sales but how do you think kids are reacting to the record?Chris: Um, I don'€™t think they like it very much. ", "I think that they wanted some stuff that was a little more traditional to my roots and I gave them kind of the opposite. ", "I just wanted to make like a fifties album which I thought was pretty bold and pretty cool. ", "I'€™ve been getting a lot of negative feedback from it but other than that, if anything it'€™s just given me more will power for this next record just to f***ing kick ass. ", "I'€™m just going to kind of go for it with this next one and just try to blow some peoples'€™ socks off. ", "The last one was more of just an experimentation album from smoking, writing crazy songs.", "\n\nIs there a goal for that record like maybe this year?Chris: Yeah, I think we'€™re going to put it out in August. ", "We'€™re going to try to go for two albums a year. ", "Just makes more sense that way because I'€™m writing a lot of songs you know so I want to be able to get them out.", "\n\nThen you put out a video obviously for '€œWhat Is Love'€ a while ago. ", "If you could pick any other song, what would it be and what do you think would be the craziest concept you could think up for a video?Chris: I'€™d probably do '€œSacrilegious'€™. I don'€™t know if I would do it to the actual MP3 recording, I'€™d maybe re-record it live with a twenty piece black choir in a catholic church singing it and with a guitar. ", "At the end, having the choir come in and just make it the most sacrilegious thing possible. ", "Piss as many people off as I can.", "\n\nThis is a little crazy, but if you weren'€™t doing music what do you think you would be doing?Chris: I'€™d probably be pursuing my ping pong career. ", "That'€™s what I'€™m going to go after after this whole music thing is done, all wrapped up. ", "Taylor(picking up his paddle): There'€™s his paddle right there! ", "That old thing! ", "Chris: Don'€™t even get me started on ping pong. ", "Taylor: That thing has seen a lot of games. ", "Chris: That'€™s my fourth passion.", "\n\nWhat was the first CD you ever bought as a kid?Chris: I bought an Outkast CD! ", "Forgot what the album was called, but I bought it and me and my friend used to play basketball in the playground together listening to that album. ", "It just kind of hit me, you know '€œI'€™m sorry Miss Jackson'€, '€œSo Fresh and So Clean'€, '€œBombs over Baghdad'€. They were really putting out very strong music back then.", "\n\nThen the first show?Chris: I think the first show I ever went to was a local band called Everwill. ", "They were playing a show in a basement of a church. ", "Went down there and head banged for about two hours. ", "It was pretty cool. ", "What about you guys?Taylor: First show? ", "The first show I ever went to, I think, a local show. ", "It was that one Showbread show.", "Chris: That was a good show. ", "Nick: Sugar Ray.", "Taylor : Sugar Ray?!Nick: Or Weird Al. ", "It was one of those two.", "\n\nWhat'€™s one of the craziest things you'€™ve seen while on the road or that you'€™ve seen while at a live set?Chris: Hmm, I don'€™t know. ", "I'€™m never good at these questions because I feel like everything is crazy. ", "It'€™s hard to narrow down. ", "Craziest thing I'€™ve ever done'€¦Taylor: (starts laughing) There'€™s wacky, there'€™s like weird zany stuff that happens but there'€™s never anything like no body like tried to tip our bus or anything crazy like that.", "Chris: Or have they?! ", "Taylor: Sometimes we can read each other'€™s minds. ", "That'€™s crazy. ", "Chris: What'€™s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you on tour Nathan? ", "Tell me about it, tell it into this microphone!Nathan: A crazy mom in San Antonio, a soldier mom. ", "There was a soldier mom that said that she fought in Iraq and she had to get on the bus and she demanded it. ", "She was very forceful and I thought it was a full grown man because she was in full body armor and it kind of caught me off guard. ", "Needless to say, Tmac (Taylor) handled it and said '€œNo!'€ and I just kind of shuddered. ", "Chris: What else happened Nathan? ", "Taylor: He also had to come get his bag in the middle of the interview. ", "Interview (jabbing the sign on the door) in progress! ", "Chris: Interview in progress Nathan!Nathan: Well, that sign'€™s been up there for days. ", "Chris: There'€™s an interview in progress! ", "Nathan, what are you doing? ", "What are you doing!? ", "Alright, anyway!Taylor: That'€™s the craziest thing that has happened.", "\n\nI think that'€™s it, I think we just found it. ", "If you could hit the road with any three dream acts, who would they be dead or alive?Chris: Wait, one more time. ", "I think, I would want to go hit the road with Jesus, Gandhi and Elvis. ", "Taylor: That'€™s a good couple of people to have on the road with you. ", "Nathan: Dream team. ", "Chris (singing): Jesus, Gandhi, Elvis, come on the road with me. ", "It will be a good time, I swear to you. ", "So, come on out! ", "Come on shout! ", "It will be great, it will be a date!" ]
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[ "The question of what makes a good mobile game has been on my mind a lot lately… Mostly because I’ve been trying to make a mobile game of my own and release it on the app store. ", "What qualities make a mobile game worthwhile to download? ", "What qualities make it enjoyable to play, and keep playing? ", "For this blog post, I wanted to dive in for a deeper look at some mobile game design considerations.", "\n\nI snapped this random photo of *Candy Crush Saga* on my old phone so I could have an image to put in this blog post.", "\n\nA few important notes: This post isn’t intended to be some kind of formula for making a wildly popular and/or financially successful game. ", "Rather, this whole thing is just an exercise in exploring my own preferences and design philosophies when it comes to mobile games… What I personally appreciate when playing them, and the directions I hope to go with any I eventually release myself.", "\n\nSo! ", "With no further ado, here is my list of important mobile game qualities, in no particular order:\n\nPlay session length\n\nIn my experience, firing up a mobile game is a different beast than firing up a traditional console or PC game. ", "There’s almost never any expectation of giving it a solid chunk of dedicated, uninterrupted time. ", "Rather, it’s something that happens in short bursts throughout the day… Something to engage in for the few minutes of downtime you get during a train or bus commute, or a lunch break, or while waiting for an appointment.", "\n\nIn that situation, it’s important to be able to open it up, get started quickly, and make some kind of meaningful progress in under 5 minutes or so. ", "Ideally shorter, with good pausing and autosaving functionality… Because I know going in there’s a high chance of interruptions from texts / emails / other app notifications, or from “real life” wherever I happen to be playing. ", "If you need to get to some kind of “save point” or else lose progress, it’s way less likely that I’ll even start it up to begin with.", "\n\nBut on the flip side: I also don’t appreciate it when games have artificially-imposed limits on play session length. (", "This seems really common in the “free to play” model, where you get a small amount of lives or energy or whatever to start out, and then once you’ve used it, you need to either wait a few minutes / hours for it to refill, or make some kind of in-app purchase with real money.)", "\n\nSo I guess what I’m really getting at with this section is that I value flexible play session length in mobile games. ", "Making the minimum as small as possible… But also having the ability to string together as many of those as you want into a longer session.", "\n\nControls & Screen Orientation\n\nI always appreciate it when a mobile game is designed to be played in portrait mode. ", "To me, turning the phone sideways is just less physically comfortable… And it can also feel socially awkward in certain contexts. ", "There are times and places where it’s totally normal to be reading emails or scrolling through social media, but a little weird and conspicuous to be messing with a game. (", "Or anything else you might be doing with the phone turned sideways.)", "\n\nThen there’s the matter of the controls themselves. ", "Personally I’ve always found the “virtual buttons” or “virtual control pad” overlaid on the screen to be a pain to try to use. ", "It’s so much easier when you can just accomplish everything directly, with simple gestures like tapping or swiping. ", "Though I can understand how this may be more difficult to implement… Especially for mobile games that are also releasing on other platforms.", "\n\nBut anyway, all of this is why when working on my own stuff, I’ve been starting with the assumption of the gameplay being 100% in portrait mode from day one… With the possibility of adding a landscape option later in a polishing phase, rather than the other way around. ", "And I’ve been trying very hard to make full use of different kinds of touchscreen gestures (which is thankfully a breeze in SpriteKit!) ", "rather than relying on on-screen controls.", "\n\nReasonable Monetization Systems\n\nI understand (better now than ever) the amount of work that goes into even the simplest of games. ", "So I don’t have any expectation that they should be completely free. ", "Personally, I find it a bit silly that people expect to get mobile games for nothing or next to nothing (like under $5) when $10-$20 might be considered a perfectly reasonable price for a PC version of the exact same game.", "\n\nSo when I say “reasonable”, I don’t necessarily mean any specific dollar amount. ", "All I want is for there to be a finite amount of money I can expect to pay in order to get the full game experience… Whether that’s an up-front purchase price, or an in-app purchase to unlock more content, or something similar. ", "And I’d like to know this price going in, so I can decide whether the game is worth my time to begin with.", "\n\nInstead, many mobile games are designed around the concept of a “premium” in-app currency that you could potentially spend an unlimited amount of money on. ", "The game mechanics are purposely unbalanced so that you need to spend a little in order to keep progressing. ", "It’s only a small amount of money… $0.99 here, $1.99 there… But it all adds up, and there’s no end to it, until you eventually lose interest and quit the game.", "\n\nIt’s understandable why this happens: If most people are willing to pay nothing for their mobile games… Then the few players who are willing to spend need to be enticed into spending as much as possible for as long as possible. ", "It seems to be just the unfortunate reality of the mobile landscape these days.", "\n\nGranted, as a purely hobbyist developer, I’m not under any pressure to maximize profits or pay employees or anything else. ", "I have the the luxury of dabbling in mobile games for fun rather trying to make a living off of them. ", "So I don’t really have much ground to criticize those game developers who do play by the rules of the free-to-play, pay-to-win mobile marketplace out of necessity.", "\n\nBut as a player? ", "I find these systems to be miserable poison that just completely ruin otherwise fun games.", "\n\nSatisfying Mechanics\n\nThis one is harder to quantify, but has to do with how good it feels to interact with the game. ", "What are you actually doing while playing it? ", "What are the actual moment-to-moment interactions like? ", "In my opinion, there are three qualities that are particularly important on mobile:\n\nRequires some degree of problem solving. ", "It’s not just a matter of tapping the same button over and over. ", "There are multiple possible courses of action, and you need to try and choose the best one. …", "But allows for quick decision making. ", "Assuming you’re familiar with the mechanics, it shouldn’t take more than a second or two to make your move. ", "Aesthetically pleasing. ", "High-quality artwork, smooth animations, and responsive controls all contribute to this.", "\n\nThe popular “Match 3” style of puzzle games tend to do a good job hitting these key points. ", "They do require a little thinking and strategy… But no single turn takes an excessive amount of time or mental effort. ", "And the visuals usually involve shiny, colorful jewels or candies with juicy little animations when you match them.", "\n\nOverall, it makes sense that these kinds of games are a good fit for mobile. ", "And while the game I’m working on isn’t going to be a Match 3 game, these are the kinds of considerations I’ve been keeping in mind while working on the mechanics.", "\n\nSense of progression\n\nI really like it when a game I’m playing has some kind of visible progression system. ", "On mobile, there are lots of games where you make your way down a path by completing a series of levels… And I do prefer something like this over just having a high score to try to beat.", "\n\nBut even in those games, I usually find myself wishing for something more. ", "Some kind of overarching narrative that holds the gameplay together. ", "A solid story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.", "\n\nAdmittedly, this seems to be sort of rare on mobile… Especially so among games that satisfy the other 4 major areas of my wish list. ", "And it could be that it doesn’t actually work that well in practice. ", "Maybe shorter play sessions and more “casual” on-the-go mechanics don’t lend themselves that well to this kind of thing.", "\n\nBut it seems like it could have a lot of potential. ", "And it’s definitely something I plan to experiment with in the games I’m working on.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nSo there you have it! ", "A brief overview of some of my thoughts and opinions when it comes to mobile games. ", "I think it’ll be interesting to have this post to look back on down the road, when (or if) I eventually release a real mobile game… Just to see how well I was able to live up to my own design preferences and philosophies.", "\n\nSpeaking of which, I’ve been continuing to plug away on my little iOS game project since the last update. ", "Progress is happening slowly and steadily… Though the original timeline of 2-3 months is looking a tad optimistic now that it’s past the 10-week mark. ", "But all of that will be the planned subject for the next post on this little dev blog.", "\n\nIn the meantime, anyone who’d like to follow along with my adventures in game development can feel free to follow on Twitter, subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed, or sign up for the email mailing list for further updates. ", "Thanks for reading!" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n We point out that in supersymmetric models the direct CP violating asymmetry $A(\\Lambda^0_-)$ in $\\Lambda \\to\n \\pi^- p$ can be of $O(10^{-3})$ in the range to be probed by the current E871 experiment.", "\naddress: ' Department of Physics, National Taiwan Univeristy, Taipei, Taiwan'\nauthor:\n- 'Xiao-Gang He'\ntitle: ' CP Violation from Supersymmetry in Hyperon Decays [^1] '\n---\n\n\\\nIt was pointed out recently that supersymmetry can generate flavor-changing gluonic dipole operators with sufficiently large coefficients to dominate [@1] the observed value [@2] of $(19.3\\pm 2.4)\\times 10^{-4}$ for $\\epsilon^\\prime/\\epsilon$. In this talk we discuss the possibility of generating large CP violation [@3] due to the same operators in the hyperon decay, $\\Lambda \n\\to \\pi^- p$ to be measured by the E871 experiment [@4].", "\n\nExperiment E871 at Fermilab is expected to reach a sensitivity of $2\\times 10^{-4}$ for the observable ($A(\\Lambda^0_-) + A(\\Xi^-_-)$) [@4]. ", "The CP violating asymmetry $A(\\Lambda^0_-)$ compares the polarization parameter $\\alpha$ for $\\Lambda^0 \\rightarrow p \\pi^-$ to the corresponding parameter $\\bar\\alpha$ in $\\bar\\Lambda^0 \\rightarrow \\bar p \\pi^+$ whereas $A(\\Xi^-_-)$ is the asymmetry for the mode $\\Xi^- \\rightarrow \n\\Lambda^0 \\pi^-$. These asymmetries have a very simple form when one neglects the small $\\Delta I =3/2$ amplitude, for example [@5], $$\\begin{aligned}\nA(\\Lambda^0_-) &=& {\\alpha+\\bar \\alpha\\over \\alpha -\\bar \\alpha}\n\\approx -\\tan(\\delta_{11} - \\delta_1) \\sin (\\phi_p -\\phi_s),\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\delta_{1} = 6^\\circ$, $\\delta_{11}=-1.1^\\circ$ are the final state $\\pi N$ interaction phases for S and P wave amplitudes with $I =1/2$, respectively [@6]. ", "$\\phi_{s,p}$ are the corresponding CP violating weak phases. ", "Recent calculations suggest that the strong scattering phases in the $\\Lambda^0 \\pi$ final state of the $\\Xi$ decay are small [@7], and, therefore, the current theoretical prejudice is that $|A(\\Lambda^0_-)|$ will dominate the measurement. ", "The standard model prediction for this quantity is around $3\\times 10^{-5}$, albeit with large uncertainty [@5]. ", "This suggests that a non-zero measurement by E871 will be an indication for new physics.", "\n\nThe short distance effective Hamiltonian for the gluonic dipole operators of interest is, $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\cal H}_{\\it eff} &=& C_{g} \n{g_s\\over 16\\pi^2} m_s \\bar d \\sigma_{\\mu\\nu} G^{\\mu\\nu}_a t^a\n(1+\\gamma_5) s + \n\\tilde{C}_{g} \n{g_s\\over 16\\pi^2} m_s \\bar d \\sigma_{\\mu\\nu} G^{\\mu\\nu}_a t^a\n(1-\\gamma_5) s ~+~{\\rm h.c.},", "\n\\label{effh}\\end{aligned}$$ where $Tr(t^at^b) = \\delta^{ab}/2$, and the Wilson coefficients $C_{g}$ and $\\tilde{C}_{g}$ that occur in supersymmetry can be found in the literature [@8], they are $$C_{g} = (\\delta^d_{12})_{LR} \n{\\alpha_s \\pi \\over m_{\\tilde g} m_s} \nG_0(x) \\eta \\;,\\;\n\\tilde{C}_{g} = (\\delta^d_{12})_{RL} \n{\\alpha_s \\pi \\over m_{\\tilde g} m_s} \nG_0(x) \\eta.", "\n\\label{wilco}$$ The parameters $\\delta_{12}^{d}$ characterize the mixing in the mass insertion approximation [@8], and $x=m_{\\tilde g}^2/m_{\\tilde q}^2$, with $m_{\\tilde g}$, $m_{\\tilde q}$ being the gluino and average squark masses, respectively. ", "The loop function $G_0(x)$ is given by,\n\n$$G_0(x)=x \n {22-20x-2x^2+(16x-x^2+9)\\log x\n \\over 3 (x-1)^4}\\ ,$$\n\nand $\\eta = ({\\alpha_s(m_{\\tilde{g}})/ \\alpha_s(m_t)})^{2/ 21}\n({\\alpha_s(m_t)/ \\alpha_s(m_b)}\n)^{2/ 23}({\\alpha_s(m_b)/\\alpha_s(m_c)})^{2/ 25}$ .", "\n\nTo calculate the weak phases we adopt the usual procedure of taking the real part of the amplitudes from experiment and of using a model for the hadronic matrix elements to obtain the imaginary part. ", "Using the bag model calculations for matrix elements in Ref.", " [@3; @5], we obtain\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n A(\\Lambda^0_-) &=&\n \\left({\\alpha_s(m_{\\tilde{g}}) \\over \\alpha_s(500~{\\rm GeV})}\n \\right)^{23\\over 21}\n \\left({500~{\\rm GeV}\\over m_{\\tilde{g}}}\\right) \n {G_0(x)\\over G_0(1)} \n \\nonumber \\\\\n &\\times&\n \\left(2.0 B_p\n [ {\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{LR}\n +{\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL}]\n -1.7B_s \n [ {\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{LR}\n -{\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL}]\n\\right).", "\n\\label{cpasym}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe have introduced the parameters $B_s$ and $B_p$ to quantify the uncertainty in these matrix elements. ", "To reflect these uncertainties in our numerical analysis we use $0.5 < B_s < 2.0$, while allowing $B_p$ to vary in the range $0.7 B_s < B_p < 1.3 B_s$ [@3].", "\n\nIn a general supersymmetric model there are also contributions to the imaginary parts of the Wilson coefficients of four-quark operators. ", "Of these, the dominant contribution to the CP asymmetry in hyperon decays (within the standard model) is due to $O_6$ [@5]. ", "We have checked numerically, that SUSY contributions to $C_6$ (as well as to $C_{3,4,5,7}$) are much smaller than those in Eq.", " (\\[cpasym\\]), for a parameter range similar to that considered in Ref.", " [@8].", "\n\nIn order to quantify $A(\\Lambda^0_-)$ in supersymmetric models where the operators in Eq.", " (\\[effh\\]) have large coefficients, we compare Eq.", " (\\[cpasym\\]) with their contributions to $\\epsilon^\\prime/\\epsilon$ [@3],\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\epsilon^\\prime \\over \\epsilon} =\n58 B_G\\biggl({\\alpha_s(m_{\\tilde{g}}) \\over \\alpha_s(500~{\\rm GeV})}\n\\biggr)^{23\\over 21}\n{500~{\\rm GeV}\\over m_{\\tilde{g}}} \n{G_0(x)\\over G_0(1)}\\rm {Im}\n\\biggl( (\\delta_{12}^d)_{LR}-(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL} \\biggr)\n{158{\\rm MeV}\\over m_s(m_c) + m_d(m_c)}.", "\n\\label{epspsusy}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nIn the above we have used the $K\\rightarrow \\pi\\pi$ matrix element from a chiral quark model calculation in Ref.", " [@9] and uses the parameter $B_G$ to quantify the uncertainty with $0.5 < B_G < 2$ [@10]. ", "We require $\\epsilon'/\\epsilon$ to be equal to or less than the experimental value.", "\n\nThe operators in Eq.", " (\\[effh\\]) also contribute to $\\epsilon$ through long distance effects. ", "The simplest long distance contributions arise from $\\pi^0$, $\\eta$ and $\\eta^\\prime$ poles as noted in Ref.", " [@11]. ", "One has\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\epsilon&=&\n\\biggl( {\\alpha_s(m_{\\tilde{g}}) \\over \\alpha_s(500~{\\rm GeV})}\n\\biggr)^{23\\over 21}\n\\biggl({500~{\\rm GeV}\\over m_{\\tilde{g}} }\\biggr)\\ \n{\\kappa\\over 0.2}\\ {G_0(x)\\over G_0(1)} 6.4\\ \n{\\rm Im}\\biggl( (\\delta_{12}^d)_{LR}+(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL} \\biggr),\n\\label{epssusy}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe parameter $\\kappa$ quantifies the contributions of the different poles, $\\kappa=1$ corresponding to the pion pole. ", "In the model of Ref.", " [@11] $\\kappa \\sim 0.2$ whereas the contribution of the $\\eta^\\prime$ alone gives $\\kappa \\sim -0.9$ [@11]. ", "We use $0.2 < |\\kappa| < 1.0$ and demand that this long distance contribution to $\\epsilon$ to be smaller than the experimental value $2.3\\times 10^{-3}$.\n\nComparing Eqs.", " (\\[cpasym\\]) , (\\[epspsusy\\]) and  (\\[epssusy\\]) one sees that $\\epsilon^\\prime/\\epsilon$, $\\epsilon$ and $A(\\Lambda^0_-)$ are proportional to different combinations of the coefficients $(\\delta_{12}^d)_{LR}$ and $(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL}$. For this reason one cannot determine the allowed range for $A(\\Lambda^0_-)$ in term of $\\epsilon^\\prime/\\epsilon$ or $\\epsilon$ alone. ", "We note that in general $\\epsilon'/\\epsilon$ gives a stronger constraint than $\\epsilon$ if there is no cancellation among different contributions. ", "In what follows, we consider three cases: a) ${\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL}=0$, b) ${\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^{d})_{LR}=0$, and c) ${\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{RL}= \n{\\rm Im}(\\delta_{12}^d)_{LR}$ for illustrations.", "\n\nThe case a) with $C_g$ contribution only is constrained by $\\epsilon'/\\epsilon$ to be less than $1.5\\times 10^{-4}$, and the case b) with $\\tilde \nC_g$ contribution only is constrained to be less than $6\\times 10^{-4}$. The case c) is particularly interesting, which is also motivated by theoretical considerations [@12], that there is no contribution to $\\epsilon'/\\epsilon$. This leads to the constraint $|A(\\Lambda^{0}_{-})| < 7.3 \\times 10^{-4} B_{p}$ by requiring SUSY contribution to $\\epsilon$ to be less than the observed value. ", "Note that we allowed the range $0.35<B_{p}<2.6$, and hence $|A(\\Lambda^{0}_{-})|$ can be $O(10^{-3})$; we cannot exclude it up to $1.9 \\times 10^{-3}$.\n\nIn summary, we have studied the supersymmetric contribution to CP violation in hyperon decays from gluonic dipole operators. ", "We find that the size of $A(\\Lambda^{0}_-)$ can be of order $10^{-3}$. The E871 experiment will provide us with important information about CP violation in supersymmetry.", "\n\nThis work was supported in part by NSC of R.O.C. under grant number NSC89-2112-M-002-016. ", "I would like to thank Murayama, Pakvasa and Valencia for collaboration on the work presented here.", "\n\n[9]{}\n\nA. Masiero and H. Murayama, Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. [**", "83**]{}, 907 (1999); K.S. Babu, B. dutta and R. Mohapatra, Phys. ", "Rev. [**D61**]{}, 091701 (2000).", "\n\nKTeV Collaboration, A. Alavi-Harati [*et. ", "al.*]{}, ", "Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. 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[ "Differences in race, religion and sexual orientation have erupted in violence around the world recently, making it all too clear that tolerance is an ideal that our societies haven’t fully achieved.", "\n\nWhat isn’t well known is that economists have been studying tolerance and its preconditions for many years, discovering some fascinating yet also unsettling truths.", "\n\nSince the Enlightenment of the 18th century, for example, it’s often been assumed that when you trade with other people you tend to become more tolerant of their differences because mutual understanding increases with greater contact. ", "Furthermore, tolerance is in most people’s individual self-interest because the truly intolerant forgo economic benefits — losing the chance to hire the best workers and to sell to all available customers. ", "For those reasons, as commerce increases and economies grow more sophisticated, discrimination and prejudice should diminish, or so it has been thought.", "\n\nBut is any of that true? ", "Two economists from Sweden, who identify with the Enlightenment tradition, have been testing those claims against the data. ", "They are Niclas Berggren at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics and Therese Nilsson of Lund University. ", "The two scholars have produced a fascinating series of papers on these questions, sometimes writing singly, sometimes together or with the collaboration of a variety of co-authors. ", "Their most notable study is perhaps a paper they wrote together, “Does Economic Freedom Foster Tolerance?”" ]
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[ "My family, I suspect, like most others, does the post-work, pre-dinner dance that goes a little like: What do you want for dinner? ", "I dunno, what are you thinking? [", "from the sidelines]: Pizza! ", "Nachos! ", "Chocolate! ", "Chicken nuggets! ", "Let’s go to McDonald’s! ", "Swiss Chalet! ", "Montanas! ", "Cookies! ", "Can I have dessert? ", "Will there be extra? ", "NO SWEET… Continue reading what the hell do you want to eat?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "John Ankwyll\n\nJohn Ankwyll is normally considered to be the first English humanist schoolmaster.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Year of birth missing\nCategory:Year of death missing\nCategory:15th-century educators\nCategory:English humanists\nCategory:15th-century English people\nCategory:English male writers" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.020833333333333332, 0 ]
[ "Adherence to pharmacological thromboprophylaxis orders in hospitalized patients.", "\nWe compared adherence to unfractionated heparin (UFH) 2 or 3 times daily prophylaxis orders versus low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) once daily orders. ", "Our goals were to determine which strategy demonstrated the best adherence in terms of timing and frequency of dose administration, and to determine reasons for ordered heparin not being administered. ", "We queried our electronic medication administration record where nurses document reasons for delayed administration or omitted doses. ", "We identified 250 consecutive patients who were prescribed prophylaxis with UFH 2 or 3 times daily or LMWH once daily. ", "We followed patients for their hospitalization to determine adherence to physicians' prophylaxis orders. ", "Adherence, defined as the ratio of prophylaxis doses given to doses ordered, was greater with LMWH (94.9%) than UFH 3 times daily (87.8%) or UFH twice daily (86.8%) regimens (P <.001). ", "Patients receiving LMWH more often received all of their scheduled prophylaxis doses (77%) versus UFH 3 times daily (54%) or UFH twice daily (45%) (P <.001). ", "There were no differences between regimens regarding reasons for omitted doses. ", "The most common reason for late or omitted doses was patient refusal, which explained 44% of the UFH and 39% of the LMWH orders that were not administered. ", "LMWH once a day had better adherence than UFH 2 or 3 times daily. ", "For both LMWH and UFH, patient refusal was the most common reason for not administering prophylaxis as prescribed. ", "These findings require consideration when evaluating pharmacological prophylaxis strategies. ", "Educational programs, explaining the rationale, may motivate patients to improve adherence during hospitalization." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0.010810810810810811, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0 ]
[ "Abstract This competing renewal builds on successful completion of a double blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) of DHA supplementation during pregnancy in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and is a collaborative effort between the Hubert Department of Global Health, Emory University in Atlanta GA and the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in Cuernavaca, Mexico. ", "The overall objective is to extend to age 5 y our examination of the effects on the offspring of maternal supplementation during pregnancy with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ", "Our central hypothesis is that DHA supplementation during pregnancy will improve early childhood development. ", "In the original trial, 1094 pregnant women were randomized to receive daily a supplement of 400 mg of DHA or a placebo from 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. ", "The 973 live births are currently being followed up to age 18 mos for measures of growth and development. ", "We propose to study the birth cohort at age 5 y. We plan to collect a comprehensive set of measures of early childhood development (ECD) that are known to predict later intellectual functioning. ", "The primary outcomes include global motor and mental development, executive functioning, specifically attention and memory, and inhibitory processes. ", "Additional data on dietary intakes, health and exposure to early childhood stimulation both at the home and outside will also be obtained. ", "All measurements will be obtained by a well trained and experienced field team; many team members participated in the parent study and have developed good rapport with the study population. ", "We expect to recruit at least 85% of the eligible birth cohort and will have adequate power to detect effect sizes of 0.3 S.D. We will link these new data to our extraordinarily rich array of data that we collected prenatally, at birth, and at ages 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 mos. ", "In addition to analyses that focus on the overall impact of supplementation with DHA, we will explore hypotheses concerning developmental trajectories. ", "These data will also position us to continue to follow this cohort during their early school years." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.008287292817679558, 0.005813953488372093, 0.00909090909090909, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036231884057971015, 0.006578947368421052, 0 ]
[ "Evaluation of oxidative stress markers in pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma.", "\nPrimary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the leading cause of blindness in the industrial countries. ", "It is reported that oxidative stress might be an important risk factor in the pathogenesis of POAG. ", "Forty subjects including 20 patients with open-angle glaucoma (9 men and 12 women, mean age 61.8±12.1yr) and 20 controls without glaucoma symptoms (9 men and 12 women, mean age 58.1±17.7yr) were enrolled in our study. ", "The main aim of the work was to evaluate oxidative stress markers in the pathogenesis of open-angle glaucoma. ", "In our work the activity of antioxidant enzymes: catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) as well as the total antioxidant status (TAS) was estimated. ", "An alkaline comet assay was used to measure DNA damage of strand breaks (SB), oxidized purines as glicosylo-formamido-glicosylase (Fpg) sites, and oxidized pirmidines as endonuclease III (Nth) sites. ", "We measured endogenous as well as exogenous DNA damage after 10μM hydrogen peroxide treatment (H(2)O(2)). ", "We did not observe any statistical changes of DNA strand break lesion in examined POAG patients according to healthy subjects (P>0.05). ", "However, either endogenous (P<0.01) or exogenous (P<0.001) levels of oxidative DNA damage in POAG patients were found to be statistically higher than controls. ", "A significant decrease of antioxidant enzymes: CAT (P<0.001), SOD (P<0.05), and GPX (P<0.001) and a non-statistical decrease of TAS status (P>0.05) in glaucoma patients according to controls were also indicated. ", "In conclusion our data revealed that oxidative stress had a pathogenic role in primary open-angle glaucoma. ", "Therefore, we suggested that the modulation of a pro-oxidant/antioxidant status might be a relevant target for glaucoma prevention and therapy." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0 ]
[ "Introduction\n============\n\nNeural stem cells (NSCs) can be differentiated into several cell types such as neurons and glia [@B1], [@B2]. ", "In the biology of NSCs, neurogenesis is affected by the ubiquitination system. ", "Protein ubiquitination plays a key role in neural stem cell self-renewal and cellular differentiation [@B3], [@B4]. ", "It provides an additional layer of stem cell regulation at the post-translational level and extends to multiple cellular processes, including the modulation of extracellular matrix composition, surface receptor trafficking and signaling, control of the cell cycle, transcription factor abundance, and deposition of epigenetic marks [@B5]. ", "E3 ubiquitin ligase is a key regulator of NSC viability and differentiation. ", "The absence of ubiquitin ligase in the brain caused severe impairment in stem cell differentiation and increased progenitor cell death. ", "Impaired neurogenesis is found in severe neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson\\'s disease (PD) and Alzheimer\\'s disease (AD) [@B6]-[@B8].", "\n\nParkin is an E3 ubiquitin ligase and works in conjunction with E1 ubiquitin-activating enzymes and E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes [@B9], [@B10]. ", "The process of E3 ligase ubiquitination targets damaged or unwanted proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome [@B11], [@B12]. ", "Putative substrates of parkin include synphilin-1, CDC-rel1, cyclin E, p38 tRNA synthase, Pael-R, synaptotagmin XI, sp22 and parkin itself. ", "Parkin has been implicated in a range of biological processes, including autophagy of damaged mitochondria (mitophagy), cell survival pathways, and vesicle trafficking [@B13]-[@B15]. ", "Several studies have suggested that parkin is also important for neurogenesis. ", "A link between parkin and neurogenesis was first established in Drosophila, which displayed impairment in neuronal loss in an age-dependent manner [@B16]. ", "Neurogenesis is affected by Parkinson\\'s disease in both human patients and animal disease models and is regulated by dopamine and dopaminergic (DA) receptors, or by chronic neuroinflammation [@B17], [@B18]. ", "The mutation of these genes is also related with neuronal cell differentiation. ", "A recent study demonstrated that parkin mutations affect parkin solubility and impairs its E3 ligase activity, leading to a toxic accumulation of proteins within susceptible neurons that result in a slow but progressive neuronal degeneration and cell death [@B16]. ", "However, the clear mechanism of the function of parkin in neurogenesis from neural stem cell has not been fully studied yet.", "\n\np21^Waf1/Cip1^, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, is required for proper cell-cycle progression [@B19], [@B20]. ", "p21 also mediates cellular senescence of stem cells [@B21]. ", "Inactivation of p21 disrupts quiescence in populations of adult hematopoietic and neural stem cells [@B22]. ", "A recent study has indicated that p21 acts as a transcriptional repressor of Sex determining region Y-box 2 (Sox2) that is a member of the SoxB1 transcription factor family [@B23] in NSCs, keeps Sox2 at physiological levels, and thereby prevents induced replicative stress and cell cycle withdrawal [@B24]. ", "Loss of p21 in NSCs results in increased levels of secreted bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) that is involved in the TGF beta signaling pathway [@B25], and induce premature terminal differentiation of multipotent NSCs into mature non-neurogenic astrocytes in an autocrine and/or paracrine manner [@B22]. ", "In addition, p21 participates in a number of other specific protein-protein interactions that relate to cell-cycle control, apoptosis, and differentiation [@B26]. ", "This complexity of functions is well illustrated by the role of p21 in keratinocyte self-renewal and differentiation. ", "Induction of p21 expression is also one of the earliest cell-cycle regulatory events that contribute to differentiation-associated growth arrest [@B27], [@B28]. ", "p21 is required for the intrinsic commitment for differentiation of keratinocytes [@B29]. ", "At later stages of differentiation, the p21 protein is decreased by proteasome-mediated degradation, and this down-regulation is required for differentiation [@B30]. ", "Sustained p21 expression under these conditions blocks terminal differentiation marker expression at the level of gene transcription [@B31]. ", "Several reports suggest that p21 is tightly regulated at the transcriptional and posttranslational levels [@B20], [@B32]. ", "Several E3 ligases, such as SCF^skp2^, CRL4^cdt2^ and APC/C^cdc20^, target p21 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation at different stages of the cell cycle [@B32]-[@B34]. ", "MKRN1 E3 ligase has also been shown to promote p21 ubiquitination and degradation [@B35]. ", "Although the ubiquitination of p21 has been reported to play a role in the regulation of stem cell differentiation, the interaction between a parkin E3 ligase and p21 in stem cell differentiation is unknown.", "\n\nFirst, we found that the p21 protein was highly accumulated in the neural stem cells of parkin mutant transgenic mice compared with that of non-transgenic mice. ", "Therefore, we investigated the link between the ubiquitin E3 ligase parkin and proteasomal degradation of p21 for the control of neural stem cell differentiation in parkin knockout mice.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nNetwork data of parkin and neurogenesis-associated proteins\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo explore novel pathogenic mechanisms of PD, we analyzed publicly available RNA-Seq data (29 PD, 44 controls) from the prefrontal cortex of individuals. ", "The eigengene values of the control were significantly negatively associated with PD (Supplementary Fig. [", "1](#SM1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}A). ", "We then conducted an unsupervised co-expression network analysis using Surrogate variable analysis (SVA) from all PD cases and controls in order to identify the co-expression modules associated with PD. ", "Of the 17 co-expression modules that were generated with this combined data, 10 modules (R\\>0.3, p\\<0.05) were significantly associated with PD (Supplementary Fig. [", "1](#SM1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}B). ", "These significant modules contained 2583 genes including genes related to synaptic transmission, ubiquitin-dependent protein catalytic process and neuronal differentiation (Fig.[1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Among the 2583 genes, 40 genes including SNAP25 and BDNF are associated with neuronal differentiation. ", "Moreover, PD related genes such as PARK2, α-synuclein (SNCA) and leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are associated with neuronal differentiation (Fig.[1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B).", "\n\nEffect of parkin on neurogenesis\n--------------------------------\n\nIn the network data, PD is related to the genes involved in neuronal differentiation and genes are related to the ubiquitin dependent protein. ", "First, we investigated the effect of parkin on neurogenesis. ", "To study the role of parkin on the spontaneous differentiation of neural stem cells, we cultured primary neural stem cells isolated from cortex of E15 days mouse embryos of non-tg or parkin knockout tg-mice. ", "The cultured cells formed neurospheres at 5 days *in vitro*. ", "We showed that neural stem cells from parkin knockout mice resisted spontaneous differentiation for a prolonged time, showed impaired differentiation, and were unsuccessful in forming a high-quality network of neural cells. ", "We quantitatively analyzed the neurite of neural stem cells. ", "We observed that neural stem cells from PARK2 knockout mice had significantly shorter length of primary and secondary neurites as well as a lower number of neurites per cell as compared to that of non-tg (Fig.[2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "In *in vitro* differentiation assay, we also found that TUBBIII-positive neuronal cells (Fig.[2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) and GFAP-positive astrocytes (Fig.[2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C) reduced in neural stem cells derived PARK2 knockout mice. ", "PC12 has been previously used as an instructive model for studying the underlying mechanisms of neuronal differentiation in response to NGF [@B36]. ", "To check if the effect of parkin was similar in non-stem cells, PC12 cells were differentiated for 5 days upon stimulation with nerve growth factor (NGF) (100 ng/ml) after the introduction of parkin shRNA. ", "We showed that neurite-outgrowth and branching of PC12 cells were stimulated by the treatment of NGF, and this effect was inhibited by the treatment of parkin shRNA. ", "In a quantified data, the average number of neurites per cell was much lower in parkin shRNA treated cells as compared to control cells (Supplementary Fig. [", "2](#SM1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Thus, parkin could be involved in neuronal differentiation both in the PC12 cell line as well as neural stem cells.", "\n\nInvolvement of p21 in the parkin regulated neuronal cell differentiation\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSeveral recent studies showed that p21 is involved in stem cell neurogenesis. ", "Moreover, in the analysis of human patients, the mRNA expression of SNAP25, a marker of synaptic formation, as well as BDNF, a marker of neurogenesis, was positively correlated with parkin (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}), but negatively correlated with p21 (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We found that among the cell growth regulatory genes such as p21, p53 and p27, p21 was significantly elevated in parkin KO mice derived neural stem cells (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A left panel). ", "Thus, we examined whether p21 is associated with parkin-induced neurogenesis. ", "We showed that the expression of SNAP25 and BDNF was downregulated in PARK2 KO mice-derived neural stem cells, but upregulated after treatment of p21 shRNA (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A right panel). ", "We also found that the expression SNAP25 and BDNF was reversed by transfection of p21 shRNA in neural stem cells of PARK2 KO mice (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "This study indicated that parkin regulates neural stem cell differentiation through the regulation of p21. ", "To understand the contribution of p21 on the parkin related differentiation of neural stem cells into the specific cell types, we determined specific neuronal cell differentiation. ", "We found that the differentiated neuron and glial cells were much lower in parkin KO mice. ", "The impaired differentiated cells in neural stem cells of PARK2 KO mice were reversed by transfection of p21 shRNA (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Next, to determine the relationship of p21 and parkin in the differentiation of neural stem cells, we isolated the neural stem cells from non-tg or PARK2 KO mice and trasnsfected with p21 shRNA, and differentiated into astrocyte and neuronal cells. ", "Cotransfection of p21 shRNA and parkin shRNA significantly rescued parkin shRNA induced inhibition of neurogenesis into neuronal cells and astrocytes. ", "To confirm this phenomenon, we conducted the differentiation *in vivo* mouse model. ", "We stereotaxically injected the parkin shRNA transfected-, p21 shRNA transfected- or co-transfected with parkin shRNA and p21 shRNA neural stem cells into the dorsal horn of the SVZ of 10-wk-old ICR mice. ", "After 2 weeks following the injection, the injected neural stem cells were differentiated to astrocyte and neuron cells in the SVZ region of the brain by immunofluorescence staining. ", "We showed that GFAP positive cells that are astrocyte cell markers are decreased in the parkin shRNA transfected cell injected group, but rescued in parkin shRNA and p21 shRNA cotransfected group (Fig. [", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}D). ", "From this result, we suggest that p21 is critical for parkin-induced neurogenesis. ", "These data indicate that p21 could be associated with parkin-induced neuronal differentiation.", "\n\nParkin ubiquitinates p21 *in vivo* and *in vitro* in an E3 ligase-substrate dependent manner\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nParkin is involved in ubiquitination through their E3 ligase activity and p21 could be degraded by ubiquitin proteasome system. ", "So, we questioned whether parkin is involved with the degradation of p21 in an ubiquitin proteasome system in the regulation of parkin-induced neurogenesis. ", "We overexpressed Flag-tagged p21 and Myc-tagged parkin in HEK-293 cells and conducted immunoprecipitation studies to see whether parkin interacts with p21, thus degrades p21. ", "We showed that parkin directly binds with p21 in the exogeneous HEK293 system (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A left panel). ", "We also confirmed the interaction of p21 and parkin in primary neural stem cell cultures using coimmunoprecipitation experiments with parkin antibody (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A right panel). ", "In the docking model, we showed that parkin binds with p21 at several sites including Leu187-Asn190, His279-Tyr285, Asn295-His302 and Tyr312-Cys323 (Supplementary Fig. [", "3](#SM1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "These data indicate that parkin interacts with p21. ", "To determine the functional significance of the interaction of p21 and parkin, we analyzed p21 levels in the presence of increasing amounts of parkin in HEK-293 cells. ", "There was a dose-dependent decrease in steady-state levels of p21 as parkin levels increased (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B upper panel). ", "Furthermore, cycloheximide chase experiments indicated an accelerated decrease in steady-state levels of p21 when parkin was coexpressed with p21 in protein levels but not in RNA level (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B lower panel). ", "From this experiment, we expected that parkin influences on the p21 protein levels. ", "Moreover, p21 is normally degraded by the ubiquitin proteasome system, and disruption of this pathway leads to increased p21 expression. ", "We therefore set out to identify the parkin E3 ligase that ubiquitinates p21. ", "To determine whether parkin directly ubiquitinates p21, we coexpressed p21 with hemagglutinin (HA)-ubiquitin and WT parkin and conducted ubiquitin affinity pull-down experiments. ", "Overexpression of WT parkin resulted in an increase in ubiquitinated high-molecular-weight p21 bands (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}C left). ", "We then conducted *in vitro* ubiquitination reactions, and found that p21 is directly ubiquitinated by parkin in the presence of the E1 ligase ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 (UBE-1) and the E2 ligase ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme H7 (UBCHa5) (Fig. [", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}C right). ", "We also determined the endogeneous ubiquitination in PARK2 KO derived neural stem cells. ", "After the treatment of proteasome inhibitor MG132 (10 μM), we showed that ubiquitination was dramatically decreased in PARK2 KO derived neural stem cells than that of Non-tg mice derived neural stem cells (Fig.[4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}D).", "\n\nEffect of parkin mutation on p21 levels and neural stem cell differentiation\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo determine the effects of clinically relevant parkin mutations on p21 steady state levels and neuronal differentiation, we evaluated neuronal differentiation by two distinct types of genetic missense mutation; R275W that is in the RING1 domain and G430D that is in the RING2 domain of parkin both presumed to result in the loss of parkin function. ", "We showed that p21 levels were significantly reduced by coexpression of WT parkin, which was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor cyclohexymide, but the expression of p21, along with familial-PD linked parkin mutants R275W or G430D, significantly recovered the steady-state p21 levels (Fig. [", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Next, we coexpressed p21 with HA-ubiquitin and WT parkin or mutant parkin constructs (R275W, G430D) and conducted ubiquitin affinity pull-down experiments. ", "Overexpression of WT parkin resulted in an increase in ubiquitinated high-molecular-weight p21 bands, however, coexpression of either parkin mutant resulted in a decrease in the levels of high-molecular-weight p21 species compared with WT parkin (Fig. [", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Next, we checked the *in vitro*differentiation from neural stem cells by introducing parkin mutant plasmid. ", "We showed that the differentiation of neural stem cells to astrocyte and neuron was inhibited by parkin mutation (Fig. [", "5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "These results further indicate the significance of p21 in parkin-induced neuronal differentiation (Supplementary Fig. [", "4](#SM1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\npJNK is involved in parkin mediated p21 degradation\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nA recent study demonstrated that parkin inhibits the JNK signaling pathway in an E3 activity-dependent manner and suggested that loss of parkin function up-regulates the JNK signaling pathway in the dopaminergic neurons. ", "In this study, we investigated whether JNK pathway is involved in parkin regulated p21 degradation. ", "We showed that striatal pJNK levels are elevated in the neural stem cells derived from PARK2 KO mice as well as p21 elevation (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Next, we defined whether pJNK is involved in parkin mediated p21 degradation. ", "We showed that p21 levels are increased in the neural stem cells after transfection with parkin shRNA, but decreased by treatment with JNK inhibitor, SP600125 (0, 5, 10 μM) in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "We also checked whether JNK pathway was involved in parkin regulated p21 ubiquitination. ", "We showed that p21 ubiquitination was decreased in parkin KO mice derived neural stem cells after a proteasome inhibitor, MG132 treatment, but reversed after the treatment with SP600125 (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "The differentiated astrocyte or neuronal cells are decreased from parkin knockdown neural stem cells, but reversed after the treatment with SP600125 in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}D). ", "We also showed that striatal pJNK levels are elevated after MPTP treatment for the induction of Parkinson\\'s disease accompanied with elevated p21 levels (Fig. [", "6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}E). ", "These data indicate the involvement of JNK pathway in the p21 pathway dependent neuronal differentiation function of parkin.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nSeveral reported studies have demonstrated that the default of neurogenesis could be associated with neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson\\'s disease [@B8]. ", "A two-fold overexpression of α-synuclein that is involved in PD caused by a triplication of the SNCA gene is sufficient to impair the differentiation of neuronal progenitor cells [@B6]. ", "PINK1 deficiency is also involved in PD decreasing brain development and neural stem cell differentiation [@B7]. ", "They defined that the density of nestin- and beta3-tubulin-positive cells was reduced in the dentate gyrus (DG) of 3 patients with PD and in the DG of 5 patients with PD. ", "These results suggested that Parkinson\\'s disease is associated with impaired neurogenesis. ", "In this study, we observed that differentiation of stem cells into neuronal cells and astrocytes were reduced in PARK2 KO mice derived neural stem cells, suggesting that parkin could be involved in neurogenesis. ", "We also showed that neurite outgrowth of PC-12 cells was impaired in the PARK2 shRNA treated group. ", "In addition, PD-associated PARK2 mutation including R275W and G430D also default differentiation of stem cells into neuronal cells and astrocytes. ", "mRNA expression of neuronal differentiation associated genes such as SNAP25 as well as BDNF was also dramatically reduced in PARK2 KO mice derived neural stem cells. ", "Moreover, co-expressions network analysis also showed that PD is related to neuron differentiation genes in the frontal cortex of PD patient brain. ", "In particular, LRRK2 and SNCA are associated with parkin which are related to neurogenesis in PD. ", "It has been reported that PD-associated LRRK2 mutation R1441G inhibits neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells [@B37]. ", "Elevated α-synuclein caused by SNCA is also involved in PD impairs neuronal differentiation. ", "Therefore, these data indicated that PARK2 could be associated with other genes in the regulation of neural differentiation, and thus PARK2 knockout could inhibit neurogenesis. ", "However, how PARK2 influence to neuronal differentiation is not yet understood.", "\n\np21 is known to be related with stem cell neurogenesis. ", "A recent study demonstrated that cdkn1a-null cells induce the differentiation of neural stem cells, but reintroduction of p21 in neural stem cells reduced the terminal differentiation of astrocytes to wild type levels [@B22]. ", "Sox2, an important factor for stem cell self-renewal and neurogenesis, is negatively related with p21 level [@B24]. ", "Additionally, elevated levels of BMP resulting from the lack of p21 induce terminal differentiation of neural stem cells into astrocytes [@B22]. ", "These results indicated that p21 has an important role for stem cell self-renewal and neurogenesis. ", "RNA seq analysis showed that p21 is conversely correlated with neuronal differentiation marker SNAP25 and BDNF as well as parkin in PD patient brains. ", "We demonstrated the link between the parkin and p21 for the control of neural stem cell neurogenesis. ", "We showed that parkin directly binds with p21, ubiquitinates p21, and finally degrades p21 protein levels. ", "Parkin shRNA-induced decreases differentiation ability of neural stem cells was rescued by cotransfection with p21 shRNA. ", "Recent evidence verified that parkin mutations affect parkin solubility and impaired its E3 ligase activity, leading to a toxic accumulation of proteins resulting in a progressive neuronal degeneration and cell death [@B38]. ", "It is also defined that that RTP801/REDD1, a pro-apoptotic negative regulator of survival kinases mTOR and Akt, is one of the parkin substrates which contributes to neurodegeneration caused by the loss of parkin expression or activity. ", "p21 also mediates cellular differentiation [@B21]. ", "Loss of p21 in NSCs results in increased levels of secreted BMP2, which induce premature terminal differentiation of multipotent NSCs into mature non-neurogenic astrocytes in an autocrine and/or paracrine manner [@B22]. ", "In addition, p21 is required for the intrinsic commitment for differentiation of keratinocytes [@B29]. ", "At later stages of differentiation, the p21 protein is decreased by proteasome-mediated degradation, and this down-regulation is required for differentiation [@B30]. ", "Sustained p21 expression under these conditions blocks terminal differentiation marker expression at the level of gene transcription [@B31]. ", "Several reports suggest that p21 is tightly regulated at the transcriptional and posttranslational levels [@B19], [@B20]. ", "These results suggest that maintaining the level of p21 is important in parkin induced neural stem cell differentiation.", "\n\nOther mechanisms may also be involved in the differentiation ability of parkin. ", "The MAPK pathway is involved in the differentiation of neural stem cells. ", "Moreover, one previous study indicated that pJNK can be regulated by parkin. ", "Another recent study also suggested that parkin inhibits the JNK signaling pathway in an E3 activity-dependent manner in Drosophila parkin mutants [@B39]. ", "Phosphorylated c-Jun through the JNK pathway is an important regulator of neuronal viability. ", "It was previously demonstrated that the depletion of Fbw7 leads to cell death in the neural stem cells cell due to increases in phosphorylated c-Jun through the JNK pathway [@B40]. ", "In agreement with this result, we also showed that the pJNK level was dramatically increased in parkin KO mice. ", "We also defined whether pJNK is involved in parkin mediated p21 degradation. ", "We showed that p21 levels increased in the neural stem cells after transfection with parkin shRNA, but decreased with the treatment of the JNK inhibitor SP600125 in a dose-dependent manner. ", "The differentiated cells also decreased from parkin knockdown neural stem cells, but reversed after the treatment with SP600125 in a dose-dependent manner. ", "In addition, the differentiated astrocytes and neuronal cells also decreased after the treatment with the JNK inhibitor. ", "A recent study demonstrated that JNK is involved in p21 degradation. ", "It has been reported that p21 is dynamically associated with JNK1 *in vivo* and JNK1 activation is correlated with dissociation of the p21WAF1/JNK1 complex in human T-lymphocytes [@B41]. ", "Moreover, JNK1 also can mediate increased stability of p21 protein by inducing phosphorylation at S130 *in vivo* and *in vitro* [@B42], and can regulate p21 level by proteasome/ubiquitin mediated degradation of p21. ", "Taken together, our data indicate that JNK pathway, dependent on the degradation of p21, could also be involved in the neurogenesis by parkin.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nRNA-Seq data from prefrontal cortex of Parkinson\\'s disease patients and matched controls\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRNA-Seq data from the prefrontal cortex of a previous human post-mortem study were downloaded from the GEO database. ", "The data set (GSE8719) consists of a total of 73 normalized RNA-Seq data from the prefrontal cortex of individuals with PD (n=29) and from controls (n=44).", "\n\nGene co-expression network analysis\n-----------------------------------\n\nWe constructed co-expression networks using RNA-Seq data for all genes expressed in the prefrontal cortex and combined the data from both PD and control groups as previously described. ", "Briefly, the potential confounding effects on the RNA-Seq data were identified using Surrogate variable analysis (SVA) and then the effects were adjusted on the data using the linear regression as previously described. ", "The standardized residuals from the linear regression were used to generate gene co-expression networks using WGCNA. ", "Correlation analysis between co-expression modules and diagnosis were performed to identify modules that were associated with the disease. ", "P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant. ", "The network connections were visualized using VisANT.", "\n\nFunctional annotation and enrichment map\n----------------------------------------\n\nDAVID (<http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/home.jsp>) was used to identify the biological processes that were significantly enriched in the genes included in the co-expression modules. ", "P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant.", "\n\nAnimals and isolation of neural stem cells\n------------------------------------------\n\nThe parkin mutant mice were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). ", "The genetic background of non-transgenic mice and parkin mutant mice is C57BL/6. ", "The mice were housed and bred under specific pathogen-free conditions at the Laboratory Animal Research Center of Chungbuk National University, Korea (CBNUA-929-16-01). ", "Neural stem cells were isolated from embryonic day 14 forebrain germinal zones from parkin mutant or C57BL/6 (Jackson Laboratories). ", "Bulk cultures were established and the medium included DMEM/F12, 10% FBS and 1% penicillin/streptomycin. ", "After 24hr, the medium was changed with a Neurobasal medium containing 1% glutamate, B27 supplement, 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin.", "\n\nPC12 cell culture and neurite outgrowth\n---------------------------------------\n\nPC12 cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, USA). ", "PC12 cells were grown in RPMI1640 with 5% FBS, 10% HS, 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin at 37 °C in 5% CO2 humidified air.", "\n\nNeurite outgrowth assay\n-----------------------\n\nTo study neurite outgrowth, the medium was changed to RPMI containing 1% HS, 100 ng/ml NGF, 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin.", "\n\nDifferentiation of neural stem cells into motor neurons\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor *in vitro* priming, neural stem cells were cultured in neurobasal medium plus B27 (Invitrogen), 0.1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 20 ng/ml β-fibroblast growth factor, 1 μg/ml laminin, 5 μg/ml heparin, 10 ng/ml neural growth factor (Invitrogen), 10 ng/ml sonic hedgehog (R&D Systems), 10 μM forskolin (Sigma) and 1 μM retinoic acid (Sigma) for 5 days. ", "For the induction of astrocyte, neural stem cells were cultured in poly-L-lysine coated slides with DMEM medium plus N2 supplement and L-glutamate. ", "All cultures were maintained in a humidified incubator at 37°C and 5% CO2 in air, and half of the growth medium was replenished every third day.", "\n\nTransfection\n------------\n\nControl shRNA, parkin shRNA, and p21 shRNA were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. ", "The viral particles were combined with 8 μg/mL of polybrane (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and infected overnight into neural stem cells or PC12 cells. ", "The cell culture medium was replaced with fresh complete growth medium and after 48 hours, and the cells were used for experiments.", "\n\nImmunofluorescence staining\n---------------------------\n\nImmunofluorescence staining was done as previously described [@B43].", "\n\nImmunohistochemistry\n--------------------\n\nImmunohistochemistry was done as previously described [@B43].", "\n\nWestern blot\n------------\n\nWestern blot analysis was done as previously described [@B43].", "\n\nImmunoprecipitation\n-------------------\n\nNeural stem cells were gently lysed for 1 hr on ice and then centrifuged at 14,000 rpm 4 °C for 15 min, and the supernatant was collected. ", "The soluble lysates were incubated with anti-parkin antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc) at 4 °C for o/n and then with Protein A/G bead (Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc) for 4 h at 4°C and washed 3 times. ", "Immune complexes were eluted by boiling at 95 °C for 5 min in SDS sample buffer followed by immunoblotting with anti-p21 (1:500) antibody.", "\n\nRT-PCR\n------\n\nFor mRNA quantification, total RNA was extracted using the easy-BLURTM total RNA extraction kit (iNtRON Biotech, Daejeon, Korea). ", "cDNA was synthesized using High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kits (Applied Biosystems, Foster city, CA) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Briefly, 2 μg of total RNA was used for cDNA preparation. ", "RT-PCR was performed using the specific primers for p21 (Forward: 5\\'-GAGGCCGGGATGAGTTGGGAGGAG-3\\' and Reverse: 5\\'-CAGCCGGCGTTTGGAGTGGTAGAA-3\\') and GAPDH (Forward: 5\\'-GAAGGTGAAGGTCGGAGTC-3\\' and Reverse: 5\\'GAAGATGGTGATGGGATTTC 3\\').", "\n\nDocking procedure for parkin with p21\n-------------------------------------\n\nMolecular docking studies were performed using Autodock VINA. ", "Parkin and p21 were obtained from the X-ray crystal structure. ", "Parkin and p21 were used in the docking experiments and conditioned using AutodockTools by adding all polar hydrogen atoms. ", "The grid box was centered on the parkin and the size of the grid box was adjusted to include the whole monomer. ", "Docking experiments were performed at various exhaustiveness values of the default, 24, and 48. ", "After the best binding mode was chosen, another round of docking experiments were performed with the grid box re-centered at the binding site of the best ligand-binding mode with its grid box size of 30 x 30 x 30.", "\n\nUbiquitination assay\n--------------------\n\nFor *in vivo* ubiquitination assay, HEK293 cells were transfected with HA-Ub, Myc-parkin and/or Flag-p21 for 48 h, and then incubated with 10 μM MG132 for 6 h. Whole-cell lysates were co-immunoprecipitated with anti-Flag, and then analyzed by western blotting with anti-HA antibody. ", "For *in vitro* ubiquitination assays, recombinant parkin protein along with p21 (1 μg) were incubated for 3 hours at 37°C in a reaction buffer (20 mmol/L HEPES; pH 7.4, 10 mmol/L MgCl2, 1 mmol/L dithiothreitol, 59 mmol/L ubiquitin, 50 nmol/L E1, 850 nmol/L of UbcH5A and 1 mmol/L ATP, 30). ", "After incubation, protein mixtures were diluted in an immunoprecipitation assay buffer and supernatant fractions were precleared with protein A/G beads for 2 hours, and immunoprecipitated overnight with anti-p21, after which protein A/G beads were added for an additional 2 hours. ", "Beads were centrifuged and washed four times with E1A buffer. ", "Proteins were eluted in 6 × SDS sample buffer and subjected to immunoblotting.", "\n\nNeural stem cell SVZ injections\n-------------------------------\n\nParkin shRNA transfected neural stem cells, p21 shRNA transfected neural stem cells, co-transfected with parkin shRNA and p21 shRNA neural stem cells or EV control (30,000 particles in 1 mL, four animals per condition) were stereotaxically injected into the dorsal horn of the SVZ of 10-wk-old ICR mice using coordinates AP +0.5; ML +1.1; from bregma and DV -1.9 from the pial surface. ", "Mice were sacrificed 2 weeks following injection, and the CNS tissue was fixed by transcardial perfusion with PBS followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. ", "To count cells in the olfactory bulb, five different fields at 203 were used from each animal.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nAll statistical analysis was performed with GraphPad Prism 5 software (Version 5.03; GraphPad software, Inc., San Diego, CA). ", "Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett\\'s *post hoc* test or two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni *post hoc* test according to the experimental design. ", "All values are presented as mean ± S.D. Significance was set at p \\< 0.05 for all tests.", "\n\nSupplementary Material {#SM0}\n======================\n\n###### \n\nSupplementary figures.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nThis work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. ", "MRC, 2008-0062275).", "\n\nAuthor contributions\n====================\n\nJTH and SHK contributed to the design and coordination of the study. ", "MHP performed all experiments. ", "JTH, MHP and SHK participated in the study design and prepared the manuscript. ", "LHJ, LHL and SDJ helped with image analysis and microscopy. ", "JJH, HBK, JSH and SJK, advised with the isolation of neural stem cells from transgenic mice. ", "LDH, HCJ and HSB participated in the technical supports. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript prior to submission.", "\n\n![**", "Co-expression module associated with Parkinson\\'s disease and related to neuron differentiation in prefrontal cortex.**To explore novel pathogenic mechanisms of PD, we analyzed publicly available RNA-Seq data from the prefrontal cortex of individuals with 29 of PD and 44 of control.**A**, The network connections of three PD-associated genes and genes related neuron development and differentiation were visualized using VisANT. ", "The three PD-associated genes are larger circles in the network. ", "The eigengene values across samples in the PD_M17 module. ", "Module PD_M17 was a large module containing 2583 genes and included three PD-associated genes such as PARK2 (parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase), SNCA (synuclein alpha) and LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2). ", "These genes are correlated with 54 of neuron differentiation related genes, especially SNAP-25 and BDNF. **", "B**, Major biological processes (Gene ontology) significantly enriched in the genes in the co-expression module.](thnov07p2033g001){#F1}\n\n![**", "Effect of parkin on the differentiation of neural stem cells. ", "A,**Neural stem cells were isolated from embryonic day 15 forebrain germinal zones from parkin mutant or Non-tg mice. ", "Neural stem cells were differentiated into astrocytes (**B)** and neuronal cells (**C**) *in vitro* as described in materials and methods. ", "Western blot analysis confirmed the expression of TUBBIII and GFAP in terminally differentiated neurons and astrocytes. ", "β-actin was internal control. ", "Each band is representative for three experiments. ", "The data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three experiments. ", "\\**P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from non-tg derived neural stem cells.](thnov07p2033g002){#F2}\n\n![**", "Effect of parkin and p21 on the expression of SNAP25 and BDNF. ", "A**, Neural stem cells isolated from Non-tg or PARK2 KO mice were harvested and western blotting was performed with p21, p53, p27, cyclinD1, pRb and Rb antibodies. ", "Neural stem cells isolated from non-tg or PARK2 KO mice were differentiated for 5 days and then expression of SNAP25 or BDNF was visualized by Western blot analysis. **", "B**, Neural stem cells isolated from non-tg or PARK2 KO mice were transfected with p21 shRNA for 24hr, then differentiated, and then expression of SNAP25 or BDNF was visualized by Western blot analysis as described in the data. ", "β-actin was internal control. ", "Each band is representative for three experiments. **", "C**, Neural stem cells isolated from non-tg or PARK2 KO mice were transfected with p21 shRNA for 24hr, then differentiated into astrocytes and neuronal cells *in vitro* as described in materials and methods and then immunostained with GFAP or TUBBIII antibodies (upper panel). ", "Number of neurite per cells and number of GFAP positive cells were quantified (lower panel). ", "The data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three experiments. ", "\\**P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from non-tg derived neural stem cells. ", "^\\#^*P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from PARK2 KO derived neural stem cells. **", "D**, Effect of p21 on the differentiation ability of parkin *in vivo*. ", "Neural stem cells tranfected with parkin shRNA or p21 shRNA singly or together, and then injected in SVZ region of ICR mice. ", "After 2 weeks, differentiated astrocyte or neuronal cells were stained with GFAP or TUBBIII (upper panel). ", "Number of neurite per cells and number of GFAP positive cells were quantified (lower panel). ", "The data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three experiments. ", "\\**P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from control shRNA transfected neural stem cells. ", "^\\#^*P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from PARK2 shRNA transfected neural stem cells.](thnov07p2033g003){#F3}\n\n![**", "Parkin ubiquitinates p21 *in vivo* and *in vitro*. ", "A**, Myc-parkin and Flag-p21 were cotransfected into 239T cells. ", "At 36 hours after transfection, cell lysates were harvested and was immunoprecipitated with anti-Myc or control IgG. Western blotting was performed (left panel). ", "Parkin interacts with endogenous p21. ", "Cell extracts of neural stem cells were immunoprecipitated with anti-Myc or control IgG. The immunoprecipitated complex was detected by Western blotting with anti-p21 (right panel). **", "B,**Parkin and ubiquitin proteasome system regulate p21 levels. ", "Steady-state p21 levels were significantly decreased by coexpressing increasing amounts of parkin in HEK293 cells (upper panel). ", "In the presence of cycloheximide, coexpression of parkin with p21 led to an accelerated decrease of p21 steady state levels compared with p21-alone transfected control (lower panel). ", "For RT-PCR, total RNA were obtained from the transfected cells. ", "The expression of p21 mRNA was determined by RT-PCR. ", "GAPDH was internal control**. ", "C**, 293T cells were cotransfected with constructs as indicated. ", "At 48 hours after transfection, cells were treated with MG132 (10 μM) for 6hr, then harvested and immunoprecipitated with anti-p21. ", "Ubiquitinated p21 was visualized by Western blot analysis using anti-ubiquitin (left panel). ", "Parkin and Ubc5 mediate p21 ubiquitination. ", "The ubiquitination reaction buffer, E1, UbcH5a, and parkin were incubated with p21 and polyubiquitinated p21 was detected by Western blotting (right panel). **", "D**, Endogeneous ubiquitination of p21 in non-tg or PARK2 KO mice. ", "Neural stem cells isolated from non-tg or PARK2 KO mice were differentiated for 5 days, and then treated with MG132 (10 μM) for 6hr, then harvested and immunoprecipitated with anti-p21. ", "Ubiquitinated p21 was visualized by Western blot analysis using anti-ubiquitin. ", "Each band is representative for three experiments.](thnov07p2033g004){#F4}\n\n![**", "Effect of juvenile parkinson\\'s disease related parkin mutation on p21 levels and neural stem cell differentiation. ", "A,** WT parkin in HEK293 cells decreased the steady-state level of p21, but that was blocked by parkin mutants (R275W and G430D). **", "B,** Effect of parkin mutation on the ubiquitination of p21. ", "293 cells were cotransfected with constructs as indicated. ", "At 48 hours after transfection, cells were harvested and then immunoprecipitated with anti-p21. ", "Ubiquitinated p21 was visualized by Western blot analysis using anti-ubiquitin. ", "Each band is representative for three experiments. **", "C,** Neural stem cells were transfected with parkin wt, parkin R275W or parkin G430D, then differentiate into astrocytes and neuronal cells *in vitro* as described in materials and methods and then immunostained with GFAP or TUBBIII antibodies. ", "The data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three experiments. ", "\\**P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from control vector transfected group.](thnov07p2033g005){#F5}\n\n![**", "JNK is involved in parkin mediated p21 degradation**. **", "A,** Expression of pJNK in neural stem cells of non-tg or PARK2 KO mice. **", "B**, Neural stem cells were transfected with parkin shRNA, and then treated with JNK inhibitor, SP600125 (0, 5, 10 μM) and then checked the p21 expression by western blotting. **", "C**, Neural stem cells were cotransfected with constructs as indicated. ", "At 48 hours after transfection, cells were treated with SP600125 (10 μM) and MG132 (10 μM) for 6hr, then harvested and immunoprecipitated with anti-p21. ", "Ubiquitinated p21 was visualized by Western blot analysis using anti-ubiquitin.**D**, Neural stem cells were transfected with parkin shRNA, and then treated with JNK inhibitor, SP600125 (0, 5, 10 μM) and then differentiated into astrocyte or neuronal cells. **", "E,**Striatal pJNK levels are elevated after MPTP treatment for the induction of parkinson\\'s disease. ", "Immunoblot and quantification indicate that pJNK and p21 expression was increased in MPTP-treated mouse striatum compared with vehicle-treated controls. ", "Each band is representative for three experiments. ", "The data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three experiments. ", "\\**P*\\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from control shRNA treated groups. ", "^\\#^P \\< 0.05 indicates significant difference from control of parkin shRNA treated groups.](thnov07p2033g006){#F6}\n\n###### \n\nCorrelation coefficients (R) and p-values between parkin and SNAP25 or BDNF.", "\n\n Marker Researcher Brain/Region Method Cor with parkin P-value\n --------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ----------\n SNAP-25 Fatemi, S. Hossein Hippocampus/presubiculum Immunohistochemistry 0.492 0.007350\n SNAP-25 Fatemi, S. Hossein Hippocampus/stratarpyramidale, radiatum, lucidum Immunohistochemistry 0.455 0.013829\n SNAP-25 Fatemi, S. Hossein Hippocampus/CA3 Immunohistochemistry 0.387 0.038951\n BDNF Webster, Maree Hippocampus/subiculum *In situ* hybridization 0.547 0.004383\n\n###### \n\nCorrelation coefficients (R) and p-values between p21 and SNAP25 or BDNF.", "\n\n Marker Researcher Brain/Region Method Cor with p21 P-value\n --------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------- ----------\n SNAP-25 Fatemi, S. Hossein Hippocampus/stratarpyramidale, radiatum, lucidum Immunohistochemistry -0.481 0.008888\n SNAP-25 Fatemi, S. Hossein Hippocampus/CA3 Immunohistochemistry -0.475 0.009944\n BDNF Webster, Maree Hippocampus/subiculum *In situ* hybridization -0.456 0.020293\n\n[^1]: Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.", "\n" ]
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[ "Mechanochromic luminescence of fluorenyl-substituted ethylenes.", "\nIt has been reported several times that some organic luminogens with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) characteristics exhibit the abnormal phenomenon of crystallization-induced blueshift fluorescence, which makes them suitable for utilization as luminescence color-switching materials. ", "Because of the attractive application potential and the numerous underlying structure-property relationships in such materials, we investigated a series of fluorenyl-containing tetrasubstituted ethylenes for their novel optical properties and structural features. ", "The dyes show morphology-dependent luminescence. ", "Their emission color can be switched between green and blue by means of mechanical grinding and solvent fuming. ", "The transformation between crystalline and amorphous accounts for the luminescence changing. ", "Through single-crystal and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, the twisted molecular geometries and loose packing motifs in the crystalline samples are believed to be the intrinsic origin of the external-stimuli-induced structural transformation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0034602076124567475, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004098360655737705 ]
[ "Q:\n\nChange DPI of Image object\n\nI want to change the VerticalResolution and HorizontalResolution of a Bitmap to a fixed value of 300.", "\nI have a Windows service that takes some TIFF and does some barcode related operations. ", "Beside that at the end I create a multipage TIFF from single page ones.", "\nThe problem is that the original DPI are always 300 and the results have 96 DPI.", "\nEven if resolution is the same and filesize is untouched (considering the additional pages) this seems the only relevant difference.", "\nIt is relevant because I need 300 DPI in every file.", "\nThis is the code I think the cause lies in, taken from here: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16904/Save-images-into-a-multi-page-TIFF-file-or-add-ima\nprivate Bitmap ConvertToBitonal(Bitmap original)\n {\n Bitmap source = null;\n\n // If original bitmap is not already in 32 BPP, ARGB format, then convert\n if (original.", "PixelFormat !", "= PixelFormat.", "Format32bppArgb)\n {\n source = new Bitmap(original.", "Width, original.", "Height, PixelFormat.", "Format32bppArgb);\n source.", "SetResolution(original.", "HorizontalResolution, original.", "VerticalResolution);\n using (Graphics g = Graphics.", "FromImage(source))\n {\n g.DrawImageUnscaled(original, 0, 0);\n }\n }\n else\n {\n source = original;\n }\n // some stuff here\n\n // Create destination bitmap\n Bitmap destination = new Bitmap(source.", "Width, source.", "Height, PixelFormat.", "Format1bppIndexed);\n\n // other stuff\n }\n\nDebugging it, I saw that before the instruction:\nBitmap destination = new Bitmap(source.", "Width, source.", "Height, PixelFormat.", "Format1bppIndexed);\n\nthe bitmap had VerticalResolution 300 and HorizontalResolution 300.", "\nAfter it turns to 96x96.", "\nHow can I do change these Image Properties in order to have an Image with 300 DPI?", "\n\nSolved using SetResolution method to set original Xdpi and Ydpi, default DPI for new Bitmap object are 96x96 as pointed out below in the answers.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe code creates a Bitmap destination. ", "A Bitmap's resolution defaults to 96dpi x 96 dpi. ", "As no other resolution is set the output file has the default resolution...\nThe answer to your question can be found in the reference manual.", "\nhttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.bitmap(v=vs.110).aspx\nhttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.bitmap.setresolution(v=vs.110).aspx\npublic void SetResolution(\n float xDpi,\n float yDpi\n )\n\nSets the resolution for this Bitmap.", "\n\nIf you would understand the code you copied from somewhere you would realize that you already had the answer to your question right in front of you...\nsource.", "SetResolution(original.", "HorizontalResolution, original.", "VerticalResolution);\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0, 0.005797101449275362, 0.07692307692307693, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.0625, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.05, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.05, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456 ]
[ "Ecolo en Groen hebben een wetsvoorstel klaargestoomd waarin ze de ‘bijzondere klimaatwet’ hernemen die door Nederlandstalige en Franstalige universitairen werd geschreven. ", "Dat heeft Ecolo-covoorzitter Jean-Marc Nollet zondag verklaard op de Franstalige commerciële omroep RTL-TVi.", "\n\n‘We hebben een tekst ingediend en het is nu aan de traditionele partijen om standpunt in te nemen’, zei Nollet. ", "Hij benadrukte dat de wettekst voor de verkiezingen van mei moet worden goedgekeurd. ‘", "We kunnen een tweederdemeerderheid halen, de jongeren vragen engagementen. ", "Laten we die tekst goedkeuren die door wetenschappers is geschreven’.", "\n\nSpecialisten op het vlak van onder andere milieurecht, grondwettelijk recht en publiek recht van de Université Saint-Louis (USL-B), UGent, UCLouvain en UHasselt hebben de koppen bij elkaar gestoken om een ‘bijzondere klimaatwet’ uit te schrijven. ", "Die academische oefening moet ervoor zorgen dat het Belgische klimaatbeleid op een coherentere manier gevoerd kan worden dan nu het geval is. ", "De bijzondere klimaatwet werd vrijdag voorgesteld.", "\n\nOm die doelstelling te halen, is in de voorgestelde wet de oprichting ingeschreven van een ‘Permanent Onafhankelijk Expertencomité’. ", "Dat comité moet op basis van wetenschappelijke expertise op eigen initiatief én op aanvraag beleidsvoorstellen formuleren voor zowel het federale niveau als de gemeenschappen en gewesten. ", "De mosterd daarvoor werd gehaald bij de klimaatcommissie die nu al bestaat in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.", "\n\n‘Alle niveaus moeten met één stem spreken’\n\n‘Het is de bedoeling om er wetenschappers met een zeer brede expertise samen te brengen. ", "Het gaat niet enkel om klimaatwetenschappers, maar bijvoorbeeld ook om specialisten op financieel en economisch vlak’, zegt Carole Billiet (UGent). ‘", "Er komt slechts één instelling voor heel België, waardoor alle niveaus met één stem zullen spreken.’", "\n\nAlle niveaus kunnen een beroep doen op de expertise van het comité, dat ook de bevoegdheid krijgt om op eigen houtje de overheden aan te spreken.", "\n\nDaarnaast worden in de wet nog drie andere instellingen opgericht: een interministeriële klimaatconferentie die de bevoegde ministers van de gewesten, gemeenschappen en het federale niveau samenbrengt; een interfederaal klimaatagentschap dat onder meer belast is met het opstellen van klimaat- en energieplannen; en een interparlementaire klimaatcommissie, die zorgt voor permanent overleg op parlementair niveau.", "\n\nJaarlijkse klimaatdag\n\nOok wordt in de voorgestelde wet een jaarlijkse ‘klimaatdag’ ingevoerd, waarop alle regeringen verplicht worden om voor hun parlement verantwoording af te leggen over het gevoerde klimaatbeleid. ‘", "Het wordt een soort van ‘State of the Union’ voor het klimaat’, zegt Mathias El Berhoumi (USL-B).", "\n\n‘Het huidige kader is onvoldoende om de klimaatuitdagingen aan te pakken’, zo legt Delphine Misonne (USL-B) de nood aan een bijzondere klimaatwet uit. ‘", "Er ontbreekt een motor om ons de richting uit te laten gaan die volgens wetenschappers nodig is. ", "Vandaar de behoefte aan een bijzondere wet, die een visie uitzet op lange termijn en zorgt voor een coördinatie op verschillende niveaus.’", "\n\nVan een concrete invoering van de wet is voorlopig nog geen sprake. ‘", "Maar er is geen grondwetswijziging nodig om dit in te voeren. ", "Dit is dus onmiddellijk uitvoerbaar’, zegt Misonne nog. ‘", "Want alle niveaus behouden hun bevoegdheden op het vlak van klimaatbeleid. ", "Maar ze worden wel in dezelfde richting geleid.’" ]
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[ "Thanks, I enjoyed it too and would be happy to do it again.", "\n\n\n\n\tJohn Baker <John.Baker@daniel.com>\n\t11/15/2000 07:47 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'skean@enron.com'\" <skean@enron.com>\n\t\t cc: \"'Christie_Patrick@enron.com'\" <Christie_Patrick@enron.com>\n\t\t Subject: Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to speak at Rice\n\nSteven,\n\nThank you for visiting with my class at Rice last night. ", "They thoroughly\nenjoyed your talk -- after you left for the evening, we had a good\ndiscussion on topics that you had raised. ", "My apologies again for the room\nmix up; somehow between myself, the university, and my secretary, the\nclassroom assignment changed several times and the update did not get to\nyou.", "\n\nNext year, if your schedule permits, perhaps you would consider a return\nengagement. ", "I would certainly enjoy having you back.", "\n\nRegards,\nJohn\n\nJohn A. Baker\nDirector of Information Technology\nFisher-Rosemount / Daniel (A Division of Emerson Electric)\n9753 Pine Lake Drive\nHouston, TX 77055\n713-827-3328\nJohn.Baker@daniel.com" ]
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[ "Show Info:\n\nPutting on A Clinic is an educational podcast designed for the average listener who wants to learn more about Clinical Trials and why Clinical Trials are important.", "Read more »\n\nPutting on A Clinic is an educational podcast designed for the average listener who wants to learn more about Clinical Trials and why Clinical Trials are important.", "Read Less" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.005681818181818182, 0.005649717514124294, 0 ]
[ "Autoradiographic localization of [3H]hydroxytamoxifen to uterine oestrogen- and antioestrogen-binding sites.", "\nImmature rats were injected subcutaneously with 0.36 micrograms of [3H]hydroxytamoxifen ([3H]TAM(OH)) or 0.24 microgram of [3H]oestradiol in oil, and 4 h later uteri were processed for thaw-mount autoradiography. ", "The specificity of [3H]TAM(OH) localization was determined by injecting a 200-fold excess of unlabelled TAM(OH) or a 20-, 200- or 2000-fold excess of oestradiol 1 h before injection of [3H]TAM(OH). ", "After injection of [3H]TAM(OH) or [3H]oestradiol, autoradiograms showed concentration of radioactivity in nuclei of stromal, epithelial and myometrial cells, but this labelling varied among the cell types depending upon which compound was injected. ", "After [3H]TAM(OH) injection, the decreasing order of labelling intensity was stroma, myometrium, epithelium; after [3H]oestradiol injection the decreasing order was stroma, epithelium, myometrium. ", "Injection of TAM(OH) before [3H]TAM(OH) eliminated nuclear labelling in all the uterine cell types. ", "Injection of oestradiol before [3H]TAM(OH) decreased nuclear labelling and resulted in the concentration of label in the cytoplasm of luminal epithelium which was not present when [3H]TAM(OH) was injected alone. ", "Cytoplasmic labelling increased initially as the oestradiol competition dose increased, but the increase in labelling did not continue with increasing concentrations of oestradiol. ", "The results indicate that antioestrogen and oestrogen localize to nuclei of the same uterine cell types, but that cellular uptake differs among the tissue compartments. ", "The results also suggest that a high concentration of antioestrogen-binding sites exist in the cytoplasm of the uterine luminal epithelium." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\njQuery - trigger toggle on a table element from button in a different table via parents()\n\nI'm trying to toggle (hide/show) a table when clicking a button which is located in a different table, but have trouble selecting it correctly.", "\nI intentionnally left id tags out, as I want the jQuery code to be generic because I'll need to reuse it various times in the same script.", "\nhere is where I have got so far:\nhttp://jsfiddle.net/Argoron/Dp2sk/24/\n\nA:\n\n $(document).ready(function() {\n\n $('button.new_disp').toggle(\n function() {\n $(this).closest('table').next('table').hide();\n $(this).text('Show');\n }, function() {\n debugger;\n $(this).closest('table').next('table').show();\n $(this).text('Hide');\n }); \n });\n\n" ]
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[ "Racemic mixture\n\nIn chemistry, a racemic mixture, or racemate (), is one that has equal amounts of left- and right-handed enantiomers of a chiral molecule. ", "The first known racemic mixture was racemic acid, which Louis Pasteur found to be a mixture of the two enantiomeric isomers of tartaric acid. ", "A sample with only a single enantiomer is an enantiomerically pure or enantiopure compound.", "\n\nEtymology\nFrom racemic acid found in grapes; from Latin racemus, meaning a bunch of grapes. ", "This acid, when naturally produced in grapes, is only the right-handed version of the molecule, better known as tartaric acid.", "\n\nNomenclature \nA racemic mixture is denoted by the prefix (±)- or dl- (for sugars the prefix - may be used), indicating an equal (1:1) mixture of dextro and levo isomers. ", "Also the prefix rac- (or racem-) or the symbols RS and SR (all in italic letters) are used.", "\n\nIf the ratio is not 1:1 (or is not known), the prefix (+)/(−), - or d/l- (with a slash) is used instead.", "\n\nThe usage of d and l is strongly discouraged by IUPAC.", "\n\nProperties\nA racemate is optically inactive, meaning that there is no net rotation of plane-polarized light. ", "Although the two enantiomers rotate plane-polarized light in opposite directions, the rotations cancel because they are present in equal amounts.", "\n\nIn contrast to the two pure enantiomers, which have identical physical properties except for the direction of rotation of plane-polarized light, a racemate sometimes has different properties from either of the pure enantiomers. ", "Different melting points are most common, but different solubilities and boiling points are also possible.", "\n\nPharmaceuticals may be available as a racemate or as the pure enantiomer, which might have different potencies. ", "Because biological systems have many chiral asymmetries, pure enantiomers frequently have very different biological effects; examples include glucose and methamphetamine.", "\n\nCrystallization\nThere are four ways in which a racemate can be crystallized, depending on the substance; three of which H. W. B. Roozeboom had distinguished by 1899:\n\nConglomerate (sometimes racemic conglomerate) If the molecules of the substance have a much greater affinity for the same enantiomer than for the opposite one, a mechanical mixture of enantiomerically pure crystals will result. ", "The melting point of the racemic conglomerate is always lower than that of the pure enantiomer. ", "Addition of a small amount of one enantiomer to the conglomerate increases the melting point. ", "Roughly 10% of racemic chiral compounds crystallize as conglomerates.", "\n\nRacemic compound (sometimes true racemate) If molecules have a greater affinity for the opposite enantiomer than for the same enantiomer, the substance forms a single crystalline phase in which the two enantiomers are present in an ordered 1:1 ratio in the elementary cell. ", "Adding a small amount of one enantiomer to the racemic compound decreases the melting point. ", "But the pure enantiomer can have a higher or lower melting point than the compound. ", "A special case of racemic compounds are kryptoracemates, in which the crystal itself has handedness (is enantiomorphic), despite containing both enantiomorphs in a 1:1 ratio.", "\n\nPseudoracemate (sometimes racemic solid solution) When there is no big difference in affinity between the same and opposite enantiomers, then in contrast to the racemic compound and the conglomerate, the two enantiomers will coexist in an unordered manner in the crystal lattice. ", "Addition of a small amount of one enantiomer changes the melting point slightly or not at all.", "\n\nQuasiracemate A quasiracemate is a co-crystal of two similar but distinct compounds, one of which is left-handed and the other right-handed. ", "Although chemically different, they are sterically similar (isosteric) and are still able to form a racemic crystalline phase. ", "One of the first such racemates studied, by Pasteur in 1853, forms from a 1:2 mixture of the bis ammonium salt of (+)-tartaric acid and the bis ammonium salt of (−)-malic acid in water. ", "Re-investigated in 2008, the crystals formed are dumbbell-shape with the central part consisting of ammonium (+)-bitartrate, whereas the outer parts are a quasiracemic mixture of ammonium (+)-bitartrate and ammonium (−)-bimalate.", "\n\nResolution\nThe separation of a racemate into its components, the pure enantiomers, is called a chiral resolution. ", "There are various methods, including crystallization, chromatography, and the use of enzymes. ", "The first successful resolution of a racemate was performed by Louis Pasteur, who manually separated the crystals of a conglomerate.", "\n\nSynthesis\nWithout a chiral influence (for example a chiral catalyst, solvent or starting material), a chemical reaction that makes a chiral product will always yield a racemate. ", "That can make the synthesis of a racemate cheaper and easier than making the pure enantiomer, because it does not require special conditions. ", "This fact also leads to the question of how biological homochirality evolved on what is presumed to be a racemic primordial earth.", "\n\nThe reagents of, and the reactions that produce, racemic mixtures are said to be \"not stereospecific\" or \"not stereoselective\", for their indecision in a particular stereoisomerism. ", "A frequent scenario is that of a planar species (such as an sp2 carbon atom or a carbocation intermediate) acting as an electrophile. ", "The nucleophile will have a 50% probability of 'hitting' either of the two sides of the planar grouping, thus producing a racemic mixture:\n\nRacemic pharmaceuticals\n\nSome drug molecules are chiral, and the enantiomers have different effects on biological entities. ", "They can be sold as one enantiomer or as a racemic mixture. ", "Examples include thalidomide, ibuprofen, and salbutamol. ", "Adderall is an unequal mixture of both amphetamine enantiomers. ", " A single amphetamine dose combines the neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and D/L-amphetamine aspartate monohydrate. ", " The prescription analgesic tramadol is also a racemate.", "\n\nIn some cases (e.g., ibuprofen and thalidomide), the enantiomers interconvert or racemize in vivo. ", "This means that preparing a pure enantiomer for medication is largely pointless. ", "However, sometimes samples containing pure enantiomers may be made and sold at a higher cost in cases where the use requires specifically one isomer (e.g., for a stereospecific reagent); compare omeprazole and esomeprazole.", "\n\nWhile often only one enantiomer of the drug may be active, there are cases in which the other enantiomer is harmful, like salbutamol and thalidomide. ", "The (R) enantiomer of thalidomide is effective against morning sickness, while the (S) enantiomer is teratogenic, causing birth defects. ", "Since the drug racemizes, the drug cannot be considered safe for use by women of child-bearing age, and its use is tightly controlled when used for treating other illness.", "\n\nMethamphetamine is available by prescription under the brand name Desoxyn. ", "The active component of Desoxyn is dextromethamphetamine hydrochloride. ", "This is the right-handed isomer of methamphetamine. ", "The left-handed isomer of methamphetamine, levomethamphetamine, is an OTC drug that is less centrally-acting and more peripherally-acting.", "\n\nWallach's rule\nWallach's rule (first proposed by Otto Wallach) states that racemic crystals tend to be denser than their chiral counterparts. ", "This rule has been substantiated by crystallographic database analysis.", "\n\nSee also\nChirality (same as optical isomerism)\nRacemization\nRacemic (protein) crystallography\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Stereochemistry" ]
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[ "ANALYSIS/OPINION:\n\nDonald Trump strutted on the European stage last week and, it seems to me, put in a boffo performance. ", "He wore white tie and tails. ", "He charmed Queen Elizabeth. ", "He gave the heroes of Normandy what may be, sadly, their final curtain call.", "\n\nBeyond the theatrics, he signified something. ", "His speech commemorating the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion at Normandy included a robust defense of nationalism — the kind of nationalism, he explicitly argued, that won World War II; the kind of nationalism, he implicitly argued, that will be necessary to defeat those waging a war against the West today.", "\n\nLet me back up for a moment to make sure you’re seeing the big picture. ", "On the left, nationalism has become a dirty word, implying nothing less than proto-fascism.", "\n\nIn Paris last November, at ceremonies commemorating the World War I Armistice, French President Emmanuel Macron called nationalism “a betrayal of patriotism,” and “the opposite of patriotism.”", "\n\nHe went on to explain (more or less) that, “By pursuing our own interests first, with no regard to others, we erase the very thing that a nation holds most precious, that which gives it life and makes it great: its moral values.” ", "President Trump, sitting a few feet away, stared, stony-faced, into the middle distance.", "\n\nOn the right, there is now a sharp split over nationalism. ", "At its inaugural conference in Washington next month, the Edmund Burke Foundation will pose the question: “Is the new American and British nationalism a usurper that has arrived on the scene to displace political conservatism? ", "Or is nationalism an essential part of the Anglo-American conservative tradition at its best?”", "\n\nKeynote speakers include National Security Adviser John Bolton, and the chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, Yoram Hazony, an Israeli political philosopher and the author of “The Virtue of Nationalism,” the subject of intense controversy since its publication last fall.", "\n\nMr. Trump has called himself a “nationalist” and in this speech — in others, too, those in Warsaw and Riyadh, for example — he has been putting some meat on that bone. ", "He recalled the “citizens of free and independent nations” who formed an alliance to “vanquish the wicked tyranny of the Nazi empire.”", "\n\nHe referenced the “nobility and fortitude” of the British, the “honor and loyalty” of the Canadians, the “gallant French commandoes,” the “fighting Poles, the tough Norwegians, and the intrepid Aussies.”", "\n\nHe added: “And finally, there were the Americans” who “knew that they carried on their shoulders not just the pack of a soldier, but the fate of the world.”", "\n\nNaming nationalities, noting differences among them, and employing such terms as “sovereignty” and “self-rule” — all this was clearly intended to trigger those who reject the vision of benign nationalism, a political order based on free peoples with diverse historical, cultural and religious traditions who nonetheless come together against common enemies and in support of common values (not least classical liberal values).", "\n\nHe sees such a political order as clearly preferable to its primary competitor: Globalism, the nations of the West surrendering sovereignty to the U.N. and other transnational authorities.", "\n\nSome readers of this column are doubtless thinking: “But Cliff, it was a speechwriter, not the president, who crafted those remarks!” ", "Of course, but the task of skilled presidential speech writers — Peggy Noonan, Peter Robinson, Clark Judge and Anthony Dolan spring to mind — has always been to weave their boss’ ideas, instincts and inclinations into a coherent tapestry. ", "And every president wields a red pencil.", "\n\nInterestingly, President Trump didn’t use that pencil to strike out “crusade,” a term prohibited by enforcers of political correctness because it evokes a medieval war between Christian and Muslim armies.", "\n\nPresident George W. Bush used that word just once, sparking furious criticism. ", "The headline in the Christian Science Monitor on Sept. 19, 2001: “Europe cringes at Bush ‘crusade’ against terrorists.”", "\n\nI heard no similar response after President Trump said that the men who stormed Omaha Beach had committed “their lives in a great crusade,” and when, in his toast to the queen a few days earlier, he spoke of World War II as a “Great Crusade.”", "\n\nWhy not? ", "Let’s give the benefit of the doubt to Mr. Trump’s critics: Perhaps they recognized that his use of the term was an homage to Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, whose memoir of World War II was titled “Crusade in Europe.”", "\n\nThis, too, was clever: In Portsmouth, the English city from which the D-Day forces set out for the French coast, President Trump read excerpts from the prayer that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had recited in a radio address on June 6, 1944.", "\n\n“Almighty God, our sons, pride of our nation, this day, have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity,” Mr. Trump read against a backdrop of the American flag and a portrait of FDR. ", "Imagine the reaction had those words been his own.", "\n\nDid Mr. Trump make any missteps in Europe? ", "It seems to me he did. ", "The interviews he gave should have reinforced the messages he was intending to communicate. ", "They distracted from them instead.", "\n\nHe complained to television host Piers Morgan that Meghan Markle, the American-born Duchess of Sussex, “was nasty to me.” ", "He tweeted something combative about singer Bette Midler. ", "He responded to insults from London Mayor Sadiq Khan.", "\n\nBy now, this seems to me apparent: While Mr. Trump is often capable of rising to the occasion, he can seldom resist rising to the bait.", "\n\n• Clifford D. May is founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a columnist for The Washington Times.", "\n\nSign up for Daily Opinion Newsletter Manage Newsletters\n\nCopyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. ", "Click here for reprint permission." ]
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[ "John - it was great meeting you! ", "And of course Ernie and his wife too. ", "Mark Adams and his wife and her sister were there in Franklin too as well as Joe Amoral.", "\n\nJoe is having problems walking now. ", "Hope you all will keep him and his wife in your prayers. ", "He has slowed down on production of art but it still looks great!", "\n\nWould love to go to a TillerCon4 but those events take a lot of planning and work. ", "Rich Walker and Rich Hamilton did a lot to get that one going. ", "Franklin was a great location. ", "Allowed us to go to several battlefields.", "\n\nIf anyone here in the states has never been to Chickamauga near Chattanooga you aught to go. ", "I really loved seeing that park along with Lookout Mountain. ", "I rate it over Gettysburg because while the park does have a busy street running through the middle of it, it still has a pristine feel to it.", "\n\nWish I had not been so sick at TC3 ... would have liked to have gone out with the group for dinner but I was thoughtful and spared the group my germs!", "\n\nThe 2010 Tillercon at Franklin was convenient for me, just over an hour drive. ", "Was hoping JTS might hold another after that one, which was held in conjunction with NASHCON, an annual miniatures wargamer convention - a great idea in my view.", "\n\nLikewise, I met other players I had only communicated with via email and the tavern. ", "Still recall eating lunch with Bill while taking a break from the laptops... I also remember bringing Joe Amoral some ACW miniatures for photographing for use as potential unit icons. ", "Not sure what happened with that idea.", "\n\nThe next year, I was one of about 150 ACW reenactors that were used to film the new Chickamauga military park visitors' center video.", "\n\nChickamauga and Lookout Mt. are my fav. ", "ACW parks. ", "Having not been to Shiloh and unable to compare them for overall preservation I can honestly say I enjoyed the Chickamauga battlefield more than Gettysburg with its numerous \"civilian\" distractions. ", "The towns are hidden from view and except for that busy road that runs through the park its a real nice place to visit.", "\n\nFor any of you that ever get to Chattanooga be sure to stop by. ", "The view from Lookout Mt. is worth the drive to the top. ", "No food is allowed on Lookout Mt. but I am sure you could woof down an energy bar while up there\n\nJeff - was great seeing you there. ", "I think Joe needed a lot of miniatures to make that work. ", "I remember him asking me if I had any Napoleonic miniatures. ", "I think a day at Historicon or a major Napoleonics miniature exhibit or trip to a collector's home would have satisfied Joe's needs.", "\n\nWho is online\n\nUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 7 guests\n\nYou cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot post attachments in this forum" ]
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[ "首名因插手香港事務被起訴的外籍人士、伯利茲籍李亨利(Lee Henley Hu Xiang)的背景曝光。內地《環球時報》指,李是一間美資公司的副總裁,曾與遼寧省高官會面,與官場關係密切,是「潛伏偽裝30多年的兩面人」,更指他曾在80年代因誘騙年輕女子、偽造公賬詐騙等罪被捕及拘留。李亦捲入重慶前市委書記薄熙來案,並曾在審訊期間作供。庭上他承認他協助大連實德前董事長徐明安排信用證,將薄妻谷開來在法國購買別墅的款項,按徐明的指示,匯到指定的海外戶口。", "\n\n《環時》引述熟悉李亨利家庭背景的知情人指,李的祖父曾在香港生活及開公司,李的姑舅們在香港、英國等地生活,李父則在內地工作,還一度在大學教書。李亨利本人在內地改革開放後,「通過其在香港的親屬關係」及內地引進外資的政策,「逐漸撈到了第一桶金」,而他的伯利茲身份,則是由他的親屬為他辦理。", "\n\n報道引述與李亨利有生意來往的人稱,過去30年,李以美資公司「美東有限公司」駐華高級管理人的身份示人。這間在美國波士頓註冊、從事鋼結構建築設計、製造和安裝工程的企業,於1984年進軍中國,總部設在上海,在廣州、長興、海口、崑山、瀋陽等地都有工業村或工業園。", "\n\n目前,「美東有限公司」的網站已經變成「暫時無法訪問」狀態,不過,在網頁庫存中還能看到,「2015年12月25日,廣東省省委書記李希、遼寧省委常委譚作鈞會見美東有限公司副總裁Mr.", "Henley Lee」的內容,只是,李希當時應是遼寧省委書記,2017年10月才調任廣東,接替胡春華出任省委書記職務。遼寧媒體則有報道指,在2016年1月,瀋陽市長潘利國與美東公司的總裁克拉克·富里得曼一行會面,討論在當地建工業園之事。", "\n\n另一個網頁庫存則顯示,美東公司2008年在江蘇昆山成立一間貿易公司,代理Lovin' Scoopful雪糕,並稱這公司會將收入的25%捐贈予當年的殘奧會。文中提及,李亨利是殘奧會的理事,成立這間公司,得到中央政治局前委員、民政部前副部長閻明復,上海市政協前副主席周太彤等支持。", "\n\n《環時》的報道批評,「地方政府的官員們侃侃而談,要推動中國地方經濟發展的美國企業高管,背地裏卻是一個涉嫌常年掏錢資助反華勢力,支持『亂港反中』活動的『金主』嗎?」報道稱,李亨利資助「境內外反華勢力去禍亂香港」和「危害中國國家」的款項,是來自他公司在華業務賺取的大量收入,批評「這是典型的吃中國飯,砸中國鍋」。", "\n\n報道亦揭露,李亨利曾在內地涉及刑事案,包括曾在80年代誘騙年輕女子,供他在香港的舅舅來內地嫖宿,李因此被警方拘捕,在牢裏蹲了半年。他還曾冒充美國大公司的代表,偽造公賬詐騙,結果遭警方拘留。", "\n\n至於李亨利涉及薄熙來案,在案件一審的判決書((2013)濟刑二初字第8號)當中有記載,不少涉及薄熙來案件的書籍亦有提及他的供詞。李亨利是就在薄熙來知情的情況下,谷開來收受徐明款項購買法國別墅的案情作供。李亨利當時以「美東公司第一副總裁兼上海辦事處負責人」身份表示,2000年徐明需要轉款到海外,當並造過美東公司以進口輕鋼廠房的名義,申請即期信用證。徐明指示實德集團下屬企業賽德隆電器,開出單據等文件,向交通銀行大連分行申請信用證,受益人為美東公司,基礎合同為進口輕鋼結構廠房合同。", "\n\n同年11月,交通銀行大連分行開立了信用證,美東公司收到相關單據後,就交到里昂信貸銀行上海分行議付,11月24日,交通銀行大連分行要求美國運通銀行,將美元322萬美元(約2,511萬港元)匯給里昂信貸銀行上海分行。而在當年的11月29日,美東公司發出指示,要求法國里昂信貸銀行上海分行將款項,扣除手續費後,匯到地產公司的戶口內。" ]
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[ "3\nLet l(s) = 24*s + 3. ", "Determine l(-1).", "\n-21\nLet q(h) = 12*h**2 + 2*h - 5. ", "Give q(-2).", "\n39\nLet d(s) = -s + 4. ", "Determine d(13).", "\n-9\nLet o(c) = -53*c + 52. ", "Calculate o(1).", "\n-1\nLet n(b) = b**3 - 8*b**2 - 10*b - 5. ", "Determine n(9).", "\n-14\nLet v(f) = -f**3 - 2*f + 4. ", "What is v(0)?", "\n4\nLet r(p) = 5*p - 25. ", "Determine r(-8).", "\n-65\nLet u(d) = 3*d + 1. ", "Determine u(7).", "\n22\nLet s(t) = -8*t - 4. ", "Give s(-2).", "\n12\nLet u(v) = v**3 - 25*v**2 - 85*v + 22. ", "Give u(28).", "\n-6\nLet o(m) = 18*m - 3. ", "What is o(4)?", "\n69\nLet j(x) = x + 15. ", "Determine j(5).", "\n20\nLet n(p) = -p**3 + 6*p**2 + 6*p + 4. ", "Determine n(7).", "\n-3\nLet f(s) = -2*s**3 - 4*s + 10. ", "Give f(-3).", "\n76\nLet n(g) = -39*g + 583. ", "What is n(15)?", "\n-2\nLet r(c) = 2*c**3 - c**2 - c + 1. ", "Determine r(1).", "\n1\nLet a(u) = u**3 - 9*u**2 + 4*u + 10. ", "Determine a(9).", "\n46\nLet q(b) = b**2 + b - 12. ", "Determine q(-8).", "\n44\nLet g(n) = 3*n**2 + 2*n + 2. ", "What is g(-3)?", "\n23\nLet z(a) = -13*a + 20. ", "Determine z(2).", "\n-6\nLet c(g) = -g**2 - 17*g - 24. ", "Calculate c(-15).", "\n6\nLet b(c) = -19*c**3 - c + 1. ", "What is b(1)?", "\n-19\nLet y(p) = -p**2 + 3*p + 25. ", "What is y(6)?", "\n7\nLet n(u) = 14*u + 160. ", "What is n(-12)?", "\n-8\nLet a(d) = -2*d - 1. ", "Calculate a(-2).", "\n3\nLet s(f) = f**3 - 8*f**2 - 2*f - 11. ", "Determine s(8).", "\n-27\nLet m(g) = 3*g - 20. ", "Calculate m(5).", "\n-5\nLet j(f) = -158*f + 1268. ", "What is j(8)?", "\n4\nLet d(p) = 4*p + 7. ", "Give d(6).", "\n31\nLet c(o) = o**3 - 7*o**2 - 11*o - 11. ", "Determine c(9).", "\n52\nLet y(q) = q**2 + 4*q - 1. ", "Give y(-11).", "\n76\nLet b(p) = p + 1. ", "What is b(1)?", "\n2\nLet p(z) = -z**3 + 3*z**2 - 2*z - 4. ", "Give p(3).", "\n-10\nLet i(t) = -5*t - 14. ", "Give i(-11).", "\n41\nLet a(k) = k**2 - k + 3. ", "Calculate a(0).", "\n3\nLet l(p) = p - 32. ", "Determine l(22).", "\n-10\nLet h(w) = -14*w - 6. ", "Determine h(-5).", "\n64\nLet j(x) = -x**2 - 9*x - 8. ", "Give j(-9).", "\n-8\nLet n(i) = -i**3 - 13*i**2 + 21*i + 110. ", "What is n(-14)?", "\n12\nLet l(s) = -24*s + 127. ", "What is l(5)?", "\n7\nLet o(q) = q**2 + 12*q - 1. ", "Give o(-6).", "\n-37\nLet x(a) = -a**3 + 9*a**2 - 5*a - 8. ", "Give x(8).", "\n16\nLet j(u) = u**2 - 15*u - 1. ", "Calculate j(15).", "\n-1\nLet y(f) = -f**3 + 8*f**2 + 8*f - 2. ", "Give y(9).", "\n-11\nLet i(t) = 9*t - 191. ", "Give i(22).", "\n7\nLet f(i) = -7*i + 28. ", "Give f(7).", "\n-21\nLet l(c) = -2*c**2 + 9*c. ", "What is l(6)?", "\n-18\nLet s(y) = y**3 - 5*y**2 + 5*y - 11. ", "Determine s(6).", "\n55\nLet g(d) = d**2 + 4*d + 12. ", "Calculate g(5).", "\n57\nLet g(x) = -x**3 + 16*x**2 + 17*x + 7. ", "Calculate g(17).", "\n7\nLet t(w) = -w - 9. ", "What is t(7)?", "\n-16\nLet o(p) = -p**2 + 3*p + 5. ", "Give o(4).", "\n1\nLet u(y) = -y**3 + 92. ", "Determine u(0).", "\n92\nLet b(p) = 2*p**2 - 2*p - 3. ", "Calculate b(6).", "\n57\nLet p(q) = -3*q - 14. ", "Calculate p(-13).", "\n25\nLet r(p) = -p**3 - 9*p**2 + 10*p - 6. ", "Determine r(-10).", "\n-6\nLet h(b) = 2*b**3 - 21*b**2 + 6*b + 26. ", "Give h(10).", "\n-14\nLet u(i) = -4*i + 5. ", "Calculate u(5).", "\n-15\nLet g(x) = x**3 + 21*x**2 + 22*x + 37. ", "What is g(-20)?", "\n-3\nLet t(g) = 111*g + 1. ", "Give t(1).", "\n112\nLet z(h) = -2*h**2 + 6*h + 30. ", "Determine z(-3).", "\n-6\nLet g(y) = y**2 - y + 7. ", "What is g(4)?", "\n19\nLet s(h) = -h**3 - 5*h + 5. ", "What is s(2)?", "\n-13\nLet j(y) = 2*y**2 + 3*y - 2. ", "Calculate j(-3).", "\n7\nLet g(l) = l**3 + l**2 - 3*l + 4. ", "Give g(-3).", "\n-5\nLet a(w) = 66*w**3 - 2*w**2 + 2*w - 1. ", "Give a(1).", "\n65\nLet h(n) = -5*n**2 + 10*n + 17. ", "Determine h(-2).", "\n-23\nLet q(f) = -2*f**2 + 21*f - 8. ", "What is q(7)?", "\n41\nLet j(t) = 3*t**2 - 39*t + 23. ", "Give j(12).", "\n-13\nLet d(u) = -u**3 + 5*u**2 + 4*u + 8. ", "Determine d(6).", "\n-4\nLet p(j) = -j**2 + 12*j + 162. ", "Calculate p(-8).", "\n2\nLet q(a) = a - 19. ", "What is q(8)?", "\n-11\nLet u(j) = -2*j**3 - 6*j**2 + 5*j - 14. ", "Give u(-4).", "\n-2\nLet x(c) = -6*c**3 - c**2 + 7*c - 1. ", "Give x(2).", "\n-39\nLet x(w) = -w**3 - w**2 - w - 6. ", "Give x(0).", "\n-6\nLet p(y) = 11*y. ", "Determine p(3).", "\n33\nLet q(o) = -47*o + 356. ", "What is q(8)?", "\n-20\nLet m(i) = -64*i + 264. ", "Determine m(4).", "\n8\nLet f(r) = -r + 9. ", "What is f(7)?", "\n2\nLet p(z) = -z**2 - 10*z + 19. ", "Calculate p(-13).", "\n-20\nLet y(w) = -w**3 - 4*w**2 + 5*w - 6. ", "Calculate y(-5).", "\n-6\nLet h(n) = 9*n - 35. ", "What is h(10)?", "\n55\nLet t(g) = g**2 - 10*g - 15. ", "What is t(11)?", "\n-4\nLet y(q) = -q**2 + 2*q + 3. ", "What is y(-3)?", "\n-12\nLet r(p) = p**2 - 4*p - 9. ", "What is r(4)?", "\n-9\nLet f(z) = -6*z + 17. ", "What is f(5)?", "\n-13\nLet o(z) = z**2 - 6*z + 4. ", "What is o(5)?", "\n-1\nLet s(x) = -4*x**2 + 2*x + 2. ", "What is s(2)?", "\n-10\nLet b(i) = 2*i. ", "Calculate b(4).", "\n8\nLet v(p) = p - 8. ", "What is v(-4)?", "\n-12\nLet c(n) = n + 3. ", "Determine c(-5).", "\n-2\nLet p(o) = -o**3 - o**2 + 4*o + 6. ", "Calculate p(-4).", "\n38\nLet r(m) = m - 2. ", "Calculate r(-6).", "\n-8\nLet h(f) = 2*f**3 - 4*f**2 + 4. ", "Give h(2).", "\n4\nLet f(m) = -10*m - 80. ", "Determine f(-9).", "\n10\nLet b(f) = -4*f - 2. ", "What is b(4)?", "\n-18\nLet t(b) = b**2 - 12*b - 106. ", "Calculate t(17).", "\n-21\nLet p(z) = -9*z - 31. ", "What is p(-4)?", "\n5\nLet s(d) = -d**3 + 3*d**2 + 7*d + 18. ", "What is s(5)?", "\n3\nLet k(f) = f**3 + 2*f**2 + f + 2. ", "Calculate k(-3).", "\n-10\nLet s(m) = -m**3 + 20*m**2 - 2*m - 42. ", "Calculate s(20).", "\n-82\nLet h(a) = -a**2 + 5*a + 2. ", "Give h(7).", "\n-12\nLet o(y) = -6*y**2 + 49*y - 71. ", "Determine o(6).", "\n7\nLet r(f) = -58*f + 459. ", "What is r(8)?", "\n-5\nLet v(j) = -j**2 - 7*j + 18. ", "Give v(2).", "\n0\nLet g(c) = -c**2 + 11*c - 14. ", "Calculate g(9).", "\n4\nLet b(h) = -3*h**2 + 79*h - 28. ", "What is b(26)?", "\n-2\nLet p(q) = q**2 - 5*q - 11. ", "Determine p(7).", "\n3\nLet y(u) = -3*u + 4. ", "Calculate y(-7).", "\n25\nLet n(x) = 3*x**3 - x**2 + 2*x - 4. ", "Give n(2).", "\n20\nLet y(m) = -2*m - 32. ", "Give y(-14).", "\n-4\nLet x(v) = -v**2 - 10*v - 5. ", "Determine x(-9).", "\n4\nLet h(x) = -2*x**2 - x + 4. ", "Give h(-4).", "\n-24\nLet v(s) = -2*s**3 + 8*s - 15. ", "Calculate v(3).", "\n-45\nLet w(d) = -d**3 + 4*d**2 + 8*d - 6. ", "Determine w(5).", "\n9\nLet o(w) = w**2 - 14*w + 6. ", "Determine o(6).", "\n-42\nLet m(y) = 6*y + 190. ", "What is m(-33)?", "\n-8\nLet h(u) = -u**3 - 6*u**2 + 6*u - 4. ", "Calculate h(-7).", "\n3\nLet w(q) = -q**3 - 78*q**2 - 77*q + 5. ", "Give w(-77).", "\n5\nLet c(q) = 12*q**3 + 2*q**2 + 2*q - 1. ", "What is c(2)?", "\n107\nLet d(c) = -c**3 - c**2 + 2*c + 2. ", "Calculate d(-2).", "\n2\nLet n(v) = -v**3 - v**2 + 3*v - 5. ", "What is n(2)?", "\n-11\nLet b(h) = h**2 - 110. ", "Give b(0).", "\n-110\nLet a(k) = -36*k + 110. ", "Determine a(3).", "\n2\nLet h(r) = r**2 + 17*r + 8. ", "Determine h(-10).", "\n-62\nLet f(k) = k + 11. ", "Determine f(-7).", "\n4\nLet u(q) = q**2 + 8*q + 14. ", "Calculate u(-4).", "\n-2\nLet b(i) = 12*i - 246. ", "What is b(20)?", "\n-6\nLet u(d) = 9*d - 30. ", "Calculate u(-12).", "\n-138\nLet l(j) = -3*j**3 - 5*j**2 + 8*j + 6. ", "What is l(-3)?", "\n18\nLet c(w) = -6*w**2 - 3*w + 1. ", "What is c(-1)?", "\n-2\nLet z(o) = o**2 + 4*o + 4. ", "Calculate z(-1).", "\n1\nLet o(q) = 215*q + 1938. ", "Determine o(-9).", "\n3\nLet w(i) = i - 3. ", "Give w(9).", "\n6\nLet u(d) = d**3 - 9*d**2 + 7*d + 5. ", "What is u(6)?", "\n-61\nLet a(o) = o**2 + 13*o + 7. ", "Give a(-13).", "\n7\nLet t(k) = -k**3 + 5*k**2 - 3*k - 5. ", "Calculate t(5).", "\n-20\nLet o(z) = -2*z**3 - z**2 - 3*z + 3. ", "Calculate o(2).", "\n-23\nLet h(d) = -d**3 - 6*d**2 - 9*d - 13. ", "Give h(-6).", "\n41\nLet t(s) = -3*s + 2. ", "Give t(-2).", "\n8\nLet w(v) = -12*v**2 + 5*v - 4. ", "Calculate w(1).", "\n-11\nLet d(c) = -c**3 - 14*c**2 + 33*c + 23. ", "What is d(-16)?", "\n7\nLet p(a) = a**3 - 13*a**2 - 15*a - 1. ", "Calculate p(14).", "\n-15\nLet r(v) = 4*v + 11. ", "What is r(-10)?", "\n-29\nLet c(j) = j**3 - 11*j**2 + j + 21. ", "Give c(11).", "\n32\nLet n(l) = -l**2 - 5*l + 2. ", "Give n(2).", "\n-12\nLet l(b) = -8*b**2 + 3*b - 2. ", "What is l(1)?", "\n-7\nLet x(v) = v**3 + 7*v**2 + 4*v + 5. ", "Give x(-6).", "\n17\nLet b(q) = -4*q**2 - 51*q - 18. ", "Calculate b(-12).", "\n18\nLet i(y) = y**2 + 21*y - 27. ", "What is i(-22)?", "\n-5\nLet a(b) = -7*b - 5. ", "Determine a(-6).", "\n37\nLet t(x) = -x**3 - 6*x**2 + 4*x - 7. ", "Calculate t(-7).", "\n14\nLet g(s) = -s**3 + 37*s**2 - 331*s + 10. ", "Calculate g(15).", "\n-5\nLet c(y) = y**3 - y**2 - y + 53. ", "What is c(0)?", "\n53\nLet h(u) = -21*u + 24. ", "Give h(3).", "\n-39\nLet z(b) = -3*b**2 - 23*b - 5. ", "Calculate z(-6).", "\n25\nLet h(p) = -p**3 + 6*p**2 + 7. ", "Calculate h(6).", "\n7\nLet q(o) = 35*o**2 + 69*o - 4. ", "Calculate q(-2).", "\n-2\nLet a(c) = 7*c + 51. ", "Give a(-4).", "\n23\nLet v(z) = z**3 + 61*z**2 + 48*z - 709. ", "Calculate v(-60).", "\n11\nLet k(h) = -h**3 - 4*h**2 + 5*h + 5. ", "Give k(-5).", "\n5\nLet v(x) = -x**3 - 22*x**2 - 41*x + 4. ", "Give v(-2).", "\n6\nLet h(j) = 2*j**3 + 15*j**2 - 53*j + 2. ", "Give h(-10).", "\n32\nLet f(p) = p**3 - p**2 - 2*p + 3. ", "Determine f(2).", "\n3\nLet j(v) = -13*v + 3. ", "Give j(3).", "\n-36\nLet p(w) = w**2 - 2*w + 12. ", "Determine p(-6).", "\n60\nLet z(h) = -h**2 - 18*h - 23. ", "Give z(-16).", "\n9\nLet y(s) = s**2 + 6*s + 2. ", "Give y(-8).", "\n18\nLet l(d) = -44*d + 254. ", "Calculate l(6).", "\n-10\nLet t(r) = -3*r + 4. ", "What is t(4)?", "\n-8\nLet n(a) = 2*a**2 + 5*a + 5. ", "Calculate n(-2).", "\n3\nLet w(h) = -h**3 - 2*h**2 - 7. ", "What is w(-3)?", "\n2\nLet h(a) = 10*a**2 - 1. ", "Give h(1).", "\n9\nLet s(u) = -2*u**2 + 26*u - 8. ", "What is s(12)?", "\n16\nLet k(x) = -x**3 - 7*x**2 - 6. ", "Determine k(-7).", "\n-6\nLet j(y) = -y**2 + 3*y + 34. ", "Calculat" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProgrammatically Illustrating Permutations\n\nHere's an illustration of what's known as an expansion permutation (the top half). ", "It just means that instead of going straight through (like the bottom half aka. ", "the identity permutation), the signal paths get shuffled around, and some inputs split and lead to multiple outputs (4 inputs ↦ 6 outputs).", "\n\nHere's the code for this one:\n\\documentclass{standalone}\n\\usepackage{tikz}\n\\usetikzlibrary{arrows,positioning}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex']\n\n\\tikzset{cross line/.style={preaction={draw=white, -, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt, line width=3.33pt}}}\n\\tikzstyle{invisible_block} = [draw=none, minimum size=0.0mm, text centered, text width=1.9em]\n\\tikzstyle{bit} = [fill,shape=rectangle, minimum size=0.5mm, inner sep=0pt]\n\n \\newcount\\u\n\n %% Define all nodes:\n \\foreach \\i in {0,...,7} {\n \\u=\\i \n \\advance\\u by 1\n \\def\\j{\\number\\u}\n %% 8 invisible boxes\n \\node[invisible_block, xshift=\\i*12mm] \n (S\\j) {}; \n %% 6 above (inputs) \n \\foreach \\m in {0,...,5} {\n \\node[bit,xshift=1mm,yshift=0.2mm,right=1.25*\\m mm of S\\j.north west] (S\\j in\\m) {};\n \\node[bit,above=15mm of S\\j in\\m] (S\\j inmid\\m) {};\n \\node[bit,above=4mm of S\\j in\\m] (S\\j inclose\\m) {};\n }\n %% 4 on top (inputs)\n \\foreach \\m in {1,...,4} {\n \\node[xshift=1mm,yshift=-0.2mm,right=1.25*\\m mm of S\\j.south west] (S\\j out\\m) {};\n \\node[bit,above=4mm of S\\j inmid\\m] (S\\j inext\\m) {};\n }\n }\n\n %% crossed connections\n \\foreach \\i in {1,...,7} {\n \\u=\\i \n \\advance\\u by 1\n \\def\\j{\\number\\u}\n\n \\draw[-,very thin] (S\\j inext1) -- (S\\i inmid5);\n \\draw[cross line,-,very thin] (S\\i inext4) -- (S\\j inmid0);\n }\n\n %% vertical connections\n \\foreach \\i in {0,...,7} {\n \\u=\\i \n \\advance\\u by 1\n \\def\\j{\\number\\u}\n\n \\foreach \\m in {0,...,5} {\n \\draw[-,very thin] (S\\j inclose\\m) -- (S\\j in\\m);\n \\draw[-,densely dotted,thin,color={black!40!white}] (S\\j inclose\\m) -- (S\\j inmid\\m);\n }\n \\foreach \\m in {1,...,4} {\n \\draw[-,very thin] (S\\j inmid\\m) -- (S\\j inext\\m);\n }\n }\n\n %% big loopy horizontal cables \n %% nodes (invisible)\n \\node[coordinate,right=2mm of S8inmid5] (afterS8) {};\n \\node[coordinate,right=4mm of S8inmid5] (afterS8b) {};\n \\node[coordinate, left=2mm of S1inmid0] (beforeS1) {};\n \\node[coordinate, left=4mm of S1inmid0] (beforeS1b) {};\n %% lines (visible)\n \\draw[cross line,-,very thin] (S1inext1.south west) to[out=200, in=120] (beforeS1b) to[out=300,in=270,distance=7mm] (afterS8) to[out=90,in=90,distance=1.8mm] (S8inmid5.north);\n \\draw[cross line,-,very thin] (S8inext4.south east) to[out=330, in=60] (afterS8b) to[out=240,in=270,distance=10mm] (beforeS1) to[out=90,in=90,distance=1.8mm] (S1inmid0.north);\n\n %%% long horizontal chassis bars / lines/ edges\n \\draw[-,thin] (S1inext1.north west) -- node[above, near start] {} (S8inext4.north east);\n \\draw[-,thin] (S1inmid0.south west) -- (S8inmid5.south east);\n \\draw[-,thin] (S1inclose0.north west) -- (S8inclose5.north east);\n \\draw[-,thin] (S1in0.south west) -- (S8in5.south east);\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\nIt has a nice predictable, seamless, recurring pattern. ", "Not all permutations are like that. ", "Here's an image of one I found on Wikipedia. ", "\n\nHere's a table showing which nodes are mapped to which.", "\n 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \n :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::\n 09 17 23 31 13 28 02 18 24 16 30 06 26 20 10 01 08 14 25 03 04 29 11 19 32 12 22 07 05 27 15 21\n\nMy question is: how can we conveniently incorporate this data into the code in order to illustrate in the same style (or similar). ", "It doesn't necessarily have to be this set of data, that's just the set of data I'm working with at the moment. ", "Rather than having to manually re-arrange the connections every time I'm working with a new permutation I'd like to be able to simply feed it comma separated values, an array of tuples, data from a spreadsheet, or something of that nature. ", "\nIt probably sounds complicated, but really all it has to do is connect the dots when presented with a set of values.", "\nThe end result might look something like this:\n\nI started to add them all manually like:\n\\draw[-,very thin] (S1inclose0.south east) -- (S3in1.north west);\n\\draw[-,very thin] (S1inclose2.south east) -- (S4in1.north west);\n\nThen decided there had to be a better way and this is as far as I got:\n\\foreach \\x in {1,...,8} {\n \\foreach \\y in {1,...,4} {\n \\draw[-,very thin] (S\\x inclose\\y.south east) -- ( ??? );", "\n\nA:\n\nThis connects the bullets according to the permutation. ", "It just draws nodes labelled 01,02,... in the top row and then nodes labelled p(01),p(02),... in the bottom row, where p(x) is the permutation of x. In the second run it connects x on the top with p(x) on the bottom. ", " All you need to do is to say\n\\pic{perms={09,17,23,31,13,28,02,18,24,16,30,06,26,20,10,01,08,14,25,03,04,29,11,19,32,12,22,07,05,27,15,21}};\n\nand TikZ will do the rest. ", "You are not limited to 32 entries. (", "This version assumes that you always have two digits and want to fill up with 0s. ", "If you want different conventions, this will be easy to accomplish. ", "Also one could add pgf keys that control the dimensions of the graph, but all of this requires some input from your side.)", "\n\\documentclass[tikz,border=3.14mm]{standalone}\n\\tikzset{cross line/.style={preaction={draw=white, -, shorten >=1pt, shorten\n<=1pt, line width=1.6pt}}}\n\\begin{document}\n\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[pics/perms/.style={code={\n \\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {#1} \n {\\node[blullet] (T\\YY) at (\\YY,5) {\\ifnum\\YY<10 0\\fi\\YY};\n \\node[blullet] (B\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at (\\YY,-5) {\\XX};}\n \\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {#1} \n {\\draw[cross line] (T\\YY) -- (B\\YY);}\n }},blullet/.style={circle,fill=blue,text=white,text width={width(\"33\")},\n font=\\sffamily,align=center},scale=0.5,transform shape]\n \\pic{perms={09,17,23,31,13,28,02,18,24,16,30,06,26,20,10,01,08,14,25,03,04,29,11,19,32,12,22,07,05,27,15,21}};\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\nEDIT: An attempt to address the comments. ", "Please let me know what you would like changed.", "\n\\documentclass[tikz,border=3.14mm]{standalone}\n\\tikzset{cross line/.style={preaction={draw=white, -, shorten >=1pt, shorten\n<=1pt, line width=1.6pt}}}\n\\begin{document}\n\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[pics/perms/.style={code={\n \\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {#1} \n {\\node[blullet] (T\\YY) at ({\\YY+int((\\YY-1)/4)},10) {};\n \\node[blullet] (M\\YY) at ({\\YY+int((\\YY-1)/4)},5) {\\ifnum\\YY<10 0\\fi\\YY};\n \\node[blullet] (B\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at ({\\YY+int((\\YY-1)/4)},-5) {\\XX};\n \\xdef\\Ymax{\\YY}}\n \\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {#1} \n {\\draw[cross line] (M\\YY) -- (B\\YY);\n \\ifnum\\YY>1\n \\ifnum\\YY<\\Ymax\n \\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\\YYp}{\\YY+ifthenelse(int(\\YY/4)==\\YY/4,1,0)\n -ifthenelse(int((\\YY-1)/4)==(\\YY-1)/4,1,0)}\n \\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\\YYm}{\\YY-ifthenelse(int((\\YY+1)/4)==(\\YY+1)/4,1,0)}\n \\draw[cross line] (T\\YYp) -- (M\\YY);\n \\else \n \\draw (T1.-135) to[out=-135,in=180] ([yshift=-2cm]M1.south)\n -- ([yshift=-2cm]M\\Ymax.south) to[out=0,in=-45] (M\\Ymax);\n \\fi\n \\else\n \\draw (M1.-135) to[out=-135,in=180] ([yshift=-1cm]M1.south)\n -- ([yshift=-1cm]M\\Ymax.south) to[out=0,in=-45] (T\\Ymax);\n \\fi\n }\n }},blullet/.style={circle,fill=blue,text=white,text width={width(\"33\")},\n font=\\sffamily,align=center},scale=0.5,transform shape]\n \\pic{perms={09,17,23,31,13,28,02,18,24,16,30,06,26,20,10,01,08,14,25,03,04,29,11,19,32,12,22,07,05,27,15,21}};\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\nA:\n\nAdapted from the tjt263s answer:\n\\documentclass[tikz,border=3.14mm]{standalone}\n\\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, calc}\n\n\\tikzset{,\n, cross line/.style={preaction={draw=white, -, shorten >=#1, shorten\n<=#1, line width=2.5pt}, line width=1.5}\n,square/.style={regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4}\n,sqnode/.style={square,fill=black, text=white,align=center,inner sep=2pt}\n}\n\n\\newcommand{\\perms}[3]{\n \\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {#1} {\n \\node[sqnode](#2-\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at ($(top) + (\\XX,\\yDist)$) {};\n \\coordinate (last) at ($(top) + (\\YY,\\yDist)$); % to connect first with last\n \\node[sqnode](#3-\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at ($(top) + (\\YY,0)$) {};\n \\draw[cross line=5pt] (#3-\\the\\numexpr\\XX.center) -- (#2-\\the\\numexpr\\XX.center);\n }\n \\node[sqnode] (last) at (last) {};\n \\draw[ultra thick] (#2-1.north west) -- (last.north east); % connect top line\n \\draw[ultra thick]($(#2-1.south west) - (0,\\yDist)$) -- ($(last.south east) - (0,\\yDist)$);\n}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,transform shape]\n\n\\def\\yDist{5} % distance between top and bottom row\n\n\\coordinate (top) at (0,0); % location of top left node\n\\perms{1,2,4,5,3,6,7,8,9,10}{T1}{B1} % T1 = name of top row, T2 = name of bottom row\n\\coordinate (top) at (0,-8); % location of top left node\n\\perms{5,4,3,2,1,6,7,8,9,10}{T2}{B2} % T1 = name of top row, T2 = name of bottom row\n\n\\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {1,2,4,5,3,6,7,8,9,10} { % has to be same permutation as top one\n \\draw[dotted, very thick] (B1-\\XX.south) -- (T2-\\YY.north); % connect top line\n}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\nIf you need the special spacings between groups of elements as in one of your pictures, adapt the at (\\XX, and at (\\YY) part of these two lines.", "\n \\node\\[blullet\\] (B\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at (\\XX,\\yDist) {};\n \\node\\[blullet\\] (T\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at (\\YY,0) {};\n\nBasically you have to apply the following function:\nf(x) = x + floor(x/4)* 0.5\nAdd a space of 0.5 after every group of 4 dots. ", "I am not sure how to achieve these kinds of calculations in tikz coordinates though. ", "\nI tried to implement the groupings with the math library.:", "\n\\documentclass[tikz,border=5mm]{standalone}\n\\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, calc}\n\\usetikzlibrary{math}\n\n\\tikzset{,\n, cross line/.style={preaction={draw=white, -, shorten >=#1, shorten\n<=#1, line width=2.5pt}, line width=1}\n,square/.style={regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4}\n,sqnode/.style={square,fill=black, text=white,align=center,inner sep=2pt}\n}\n\n\\newcommand{\\perms}[3]{\n \\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {#1} {\n \\tikzmath{\n integer \\m;\n real \\tx;\n \\offset = 1; % extra distance between groups\n \\m1 = ((\\XX - 1) * 0.25); % size of groups (0.25 => 4)\n \\m2 = ((\\YY - 1) * 0.25); % same\n \\tx1 = \\XX + \\m1 * \\offset; % calculate transformed x coord\n \\tx2 = \\YY + \\m2 * \\offset;\n };\n \\node[sqnode](#2-\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at ($(top) + (\\tx{1},\\yDist)$) {};\n \\coordinate (last) at ($(top) + (\\tx{1},\\yDist)$); % to connect first with last\n \\node[sqnode](#3-\\the\\numexpr\\XX) at ($(top) + (\\tx{2},0)$) {};\n \\draw[cross line=5pt] (#3-\\the\\numexpr\\XX.center) -- (#2-\\the\\numexpr\\XX.center);\n }\n \\node[sqnode] (last) at (last) {};\n \\draw[ultra thick] (#2-1.north west) -- (last.north east); % connect top line\n \\draw[ultra thick]($(#2-1.south west) - (0,\\yDist)$) -- ($(last.south east) - (0,\\yDist)$);\n}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0,transform shape]\n\n\\def\\yDist{5} % distance between top and bottom row\n\n\\coordinate (top) at (0,0); % location of top left node\n\\perms{1,2,3,5,4,6,8,7,9,10}{T1}{B1} % T1 = name of top row, T2 = name of bottom row\n\\coordinate (top) at (0,-8); % location of top left node\n\\perms{4,3,2,1,6,5,8,7,9,10}{T2}{B2} % T1 = name of top row, T2 = name of bottom row\n\n\\foreach \\XX [count=\\YY] in {1,2,3,5,4,6,8,7,9,10} { % has to be same permutation as top one\n \\draw[dotted, very thick] (B1-\\XX.south) -- (T2-\\YY.north); % connect top line\n}\n\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to imaging systems. ", "More specifically, the present invention relates to systems for mapping earth based resources using infrared radiometric sensors.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nEarth resource management is critical for optimal agricultural and other applications. ", "In agricultural applications, earth resource management involves, by way of example, the timed application of controlled amounts of water, fertilizer, pesticides and other elements. ", "In this area, both subjective knowledge and objective data are now amassed in computer-based programs allowing human interaction and providing machine interpretation. ", "These new mechanisms represent a vast improvement over past methods for processing data. ", "The major benefit to agriculture has been the objective integration of knowledge into traditional agricultural practices. ", "Decision support services (DSS) and Expert Systems (ES) have been developed to focus resources in areas of most need where payoff potential is greatest. ", "Included within this range of capabilities are such areas as: nutrient management, insecticide management, crop growth management, soil erosion management, resource management and irrigation management.", "\nThere is an ongoing need in the art for optimal management in each of these areas. ", "This requires manual or automatic sensing of one or more indicators. ", "For such applications, thermal sensing techniques are very useful inasmuch as, with respect to crop temperatures, thermal sensing provides an indication of the temperature of the plant which provides an early indication of numerous parameters including proper irrigation level, the presence of parasites and on. ", "Conventional sensing approaches include: 1) soil moisture measurement techniques, 2) plant sampling techniques, 3) atmospheric measurement techniques, and 4) remote sensing techniques.", "\nThere are numerous soil moisture measurement techniques including: gravametric sampling, soil tension, soil salinity content, neutron moisture meters, time domain refractometers, and etc. ", "In addition, soil and plant may be sampled manually by feel.", "\nThere are numerous experimental and theoretical studies addressing the use of surface temperature and reflectance to gain information about a variety of plant and soil properties. ", "Crop and soil reflectance has been related to green biomass and leaf area index, crop phenology, absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, plant carbon storage and light use efficiency and long term fluxes of nutrients and carbon between various components of the ecosystem. ", "Research using high resolution spectrometers has focused attention on several fertile areas for potential improvements in our ability to detect plant response to stress. ", "One such phenomenon is a shift in the xe2x80x9cred edgexe2x80x9d of plant reflectance spectra. ", "When plants are stressed, there is a change in concentration of chlorophyll pigments and the red edge moves towards shorter wavelenghts (Gates et al., ", "1965; Horler et al., ", "1983). ", "This is most noticeable in an examination of the first derivative of spectral response (Demetriades-Shah and Steven, 1988; Demetriades-Shah et al., ", "1990). ", "There is some expectation that red shift behavior will be independent of the amount of background soil viewed by the radiometer, thus removing a significant obstacle to the interpretation of remotely sensed imagery (Schutt et al., ", "1984).", "\nSurface temperature has been related to soil moisture content (Jackson et al., ", "1977b; Jackson, 1982), plant water stress (Jackson et al., ", "1977a, Idso et al., ", "1978; Idso, 1982 and Jackson and Pinter, 1981), and plant transpiration rate (Idso et al., ", "1977b; Jackson et al., ", "1983). ", "The Idso-Jackson crop water stress index (CWSI), derived from measurements of foliage temperature (Idso et al., ", "1981; Jackson et al., ", "1981), has been shown to be closely correlated with soil moisture content, soil water matrix potential, soil salinity, soil waterlogging, plant water potential, leaf diffusion resistance and photosynthesis, as well as final crop yield (see historical reviews by Jackson, 1987 and Idso et al., ", "1986). ", "These research results led to the use of CWSI for such important farm applications as irrigation scheduling, predicting crop yields and detecting certain plant diseases (Jackson et al., ", "1977a; Idso et al., ", "1977a, Reginato et al., ", "1978; Jackson et al., ", "1980, Pinter et al., ", "1979).", "\nCombining surface reflectance and temperature with meteorological data, methods have been developed to estimate evaporation (ET) rates over large areas (Carison et al., ", "1981; Gurney and Hall, 1983; Price, 1980, 1982, 1990; Running et al., ", "1989; Soer, 1980; Taconet et al., ", "1986; Jackson, 1985; Moran and Jackson, 1991). ", "This technique has been successfully applied to mature agricultural fields using ground-, aircraft- and space-based sensors (Reginato et al., ", "1985; Jackson et al., ", "1987; Moran et al.", ",1990b; Moran et al., ", "1994a) and, with some refinements, to an arid rangeland site (Kustas et al.", ",1989; Moran et al., ", "1994c). ", "A method for incorporating remotely sensed spectral and thermal data into simulation models of crop growth and ET has been described (Maas et al., ", "1985, 1989). ", "Applied to a region, such models, based on infrequent remotely sensed observations, may provide a continous description of ET over time (Maas et al., ", "1992; Moran et al., ", "1992b).", "\nUnfortunately, soil moisture measurement systems are often require wires, tubing and/or special expertise for setup, calibration, operation and maintenance. ", "Plant sampling is often destructive to the crop. ", "Hence, these systems tend to be labor intensive and expensive. ", "More importantly, plant sampling and soil moisture measurement techniques are point source measurement techniques. ", "These systems provide a specific plant or, at best, conditions in the region of a sample. ", "Accordingly, the accuracy of these systems is limited to the extent to which a region is adequately sampled. ", "On the other hand, as the number of samples are increased, the cost increases accordingly.", "\nAtmospheric measurements techniques involve a calculation of water demand based on regional atmospheric conditions. ", "However, this technique is indirect and therefore somewhat inaccurate. ", "The required weather stations are expensive to setup and maintain and the sampling is somewhat localized as is the case with soil moisture measurement and plant sampling techniques discussed above.", "\nAt least three thermal remote sensing techniques are known in the art: satellite based systems, aircraft based systems and hand held systems.", "\nThe use of satellite data for evaluating temporal changes in surface conditions requires that the data be corrected for atmospheric influences. ", "For visible and near-infrared (IR) wavelengths, this can be accomplished by measuring atmospheric optical depth and using a radiative transfer code to compute the relationship between surface reflectance and radiance at the sensor (Holm et al., ", "1989; Moran et al., ", "1990a). ", "However, this procedure is too expensive and time consuming to be used on an operational basis. ", "Other atmospheric correction procedures have been proposed (Otterman and Fraser, 1976; Singh, 1988; Dozier and Frew, 1981; Teillet, 1986), but few have been validated with ground data under different atmospheric conditions and most are dependent upon the use of a radiative transfer model. ", "Ahem et al. (", "1977) proposed an image-based method for atmospheric correction that eliminated the need for on-site measurements of atmospheric conditions, termed the dark-object subtraction method. ", "Moran et al. (", "1992a) examined several correction procedures, including four radiative transfer codes (RTC), dark-object subtraction (DOS) and a modified DOS approach, to determine which technique could provide both ease and accuracy. ", "A modified DOS approach, which combined the image-based nature of DOS with the precision of the RTC, provided sufficient accuracy and simplicity to warrant further development.", "\nImage data acquired by satellite and aircraft sensors are usually view angle dependent as a result of a combination of atmospheric effects and the bidirectional surface reflectance of non-lambertian targets (Holben and Fraser, 1984; Staenz et al., ", "1981). ", "The view-angle effect due to the non-lambertian character of natural surfaces can be removed if the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of each target type is known and a suitable correction algorithm is implemented. ", "Most research has focused on empirical interpretation of bidirectional measurements made using airborne radiometers (Salmonson and Marlatt, 1968, 1971), for vegetation components (Breece and Holmes, 1971; Moran et al., ", "1989) and canopies (Pinter et al., ", "1985, 1990; Deering, 1988; Kimes et al., ", "1985; Shibayama and Wiegrand, 1985; Kriebel, 1978), as well as bare soil and other non-vegetated surfaces (Jackson et al., ", "1990; Doering et al., ", "1989; Deering and Leone, 1986; Walthall et al., ", "1985; Becker et al., ", "1985; Kimeset al., ", "1984; Kimes, 1983a). ", "More recently, extensive modeling studies have also been undertaken (e.g., Pinty et al., ", "1989; Goel and Reynolds, 1989; Ross and Marshak, 1988; Gerstl, 1988; Ciemiewski, 1987; Gerstl and Simmer, 1986; Kimes et al., ", "1986; Kirchner et al., ", "1981; Egbert, 1977). ", "Using these canopy BRDF models, it has been possible to develop operational methods for normalizing differences in spectral response (Cabot et al., ", "1994; Qi et al., ", "1994) and to investigate bidirectional measurements as a source of information about crop stress and structure (Cabot et al., ", "1994, Qi et al., ", "1994). ", "Qi et al. (", "in press) found that by combining outputs from several BRDF models, they could retrieve such crop and plant parameters as leaf area index (LAI), leaf reflectance (p) and leaf transmittance (r). ", "Unlike a simple vegetation index (such as NDVI), this information provides the farmers with meaningful measures of crop growth and stress. ", "Knowledge of LAI, p and r are not only useful as direct measures of crop status but are the basic imputs to crop growth and yield models.", "\nFew concerted efforts to use remotely sensed information in crop growth-models have been made. ", "In an early attempt by Arkin et al. (", "1977), it was recognized that values of model variables could be updated with observed values based on spectral measurements. ", "They proposed the concept of a hybrid xe2x80x9cspectral-physiologicalxe2x80x9d model capable of using satellite spectral data. ", "Since then, spectral estimates of leaf area index (LAI), soil moisture, plant green biomass, plant stress and surface evapotranspiration have been incorporated into plant growth and yield models for wheat, cotton, corn, soybeans, sunflower, sorghum, and rangeland vegetation (Hodges and Kanemasu, 1977; Kanemasu et al., ", "1985; Wanjura and Hatfield, :1985; Asrar et al., ", "1985; Maas et al., ", "1985, 1989, 1992; Delecolle and Guerif, 1988; Maas 1988a, 1988b, 1992). ", "Maas (1993a; 1993b) described a method for within-season simulation calibration based on remotely-sensed observations of crop growth obtained during the growing season. ", "This work offers a simple approach to modeling crop growth and yield which requires less ground information by supplementing the model with periodic estimates of key input parameters using remote sensing.", "\nIn any event, there are numerous shortcomings associated with conventional remote sensing techniques. ", "Hand held units require considerable expertise, are labor intensive and generate highly localized samples.", "\nSatellite based remote sensing systems have several shortcomings. ", "The data is not delivered in a timely basis. ", "Satellite sensing requires expensive, labor intensive work stations to download the data. ", "The reliability of the data is dependent on atmospheric conditions at the time the area is scanned in that cloud cover can severly attentuate the sensed signals. ", "Further, the resolution of the system is typically fixed and not easily changed. ", "Remote sensing systems used in agriculture do not have the spatial resolution to distinguish plants from soil. ", "This is especially true concerning row crops. ", "Therefore, the need exists to develop and perform extensive modeling to correct the defficiency as required. ", "Additionally, satellites cannot physically sample the ambient air in the atmosphere, further adding to the dynamic modeling requirements and complexity. ", "Finally, the images created are not typically georeferenced nor corrected for tilt. ", "Failure to accurately reference the images to the ground and to correct for a tilt in the sensor make it difficult if not impossible to accurately combine images from individual scans to create a composite map or mosaic generally considered to be useful for agricultural, fire fighting and other earth based resource management applications.", "\nConventional aircraft based infrared imaging systems have a limited mapping capability. ", "These systems typically look at a single square mile area at one time. ", "The images taken are not georeferenced or corrected for tilt. ", "Accordingly, conventional aircraft based infrared imaging systems do not generate large accurate maps at a high level of resolution on a repeatable basis. ", "This affects the flight height of the aircraft in that the craft must fly at a height at which it can acquire the target area within the field of view of the sensor. ", "Unfortunately, the height at which this can be achieved typically forces a compromise in the resolution of the detected image. ", "Inadequate image resolution limits the extent to which the crop may be distinguished from its background. ", "This, in turn, limits the extent to which crop water stress management may be performed. ", "Finally, the inabililty to mosaic images delays the delivery of data due to the time required for image processing and assembly; and delivery to the client on a timely basis (within 24 to 36 hours) is usually not possible on a repeatable basis.", "\nHence, there is a need in the art for an accurate and inexpensive system and technique for IR mapping of large areas at high resolution on a repeatable basis in a timely manner.", "\nThe need in the art is addressed by the invention aircraft based imaging system of the present. ", "The inventive system includes a sensor mounted in the aircraft in a known orientation, circuitry for acquiring signals generated by the sensor from a scanned area, a system for georeferencing the acquired signals; and a system for compensating for tilt in the acquired signals.", "\nIn a specific embodiment the sensor is an infrared sensor and the system for georeferencing the acquired signals is a receiver adapted to receive signals from a global positioning system. ", "In the specific embodiment, the means for compensating for tilt in the aircraft includes a vertical gyroscope, a magnetometer and software for controlling the gyroscope by a dedicated processor to produce signals indicative of the orientation of the aircraft. ", "The software compensates for tilt in the acquired signals and uses the GPS signals, vertical gyroscope, magnetometer, and imaging constants to create an accurate mosaic of the images generated by the sensor.", "\nThe present invention enables a client to monitor the condition of agriculture, forestry, and man-made activities in real-time or near real-time at substantially lower costs than available satellite imagery. ", "This facilitate the optimal timing of the application of critical resources such as may be required for irrigation management by way of example. ", "The resulting image resolution is usually an order of magnitude greater than most spacecraft remote sensing platforms. ", "Successive overflights can be made and target information can be compared temporally. ", "Polygons representing geographic areas of interest can be laid onto the imagery and statistical analysis performed to quantify changes. ", "This permits accurate analysis and monitoring of selected sites over time, such as irrigation cycles, crop growth, reforestation and revegetation activity. ", "The inventive system may also be used as an effective tool for fire fighting applications." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nchange text of UILabel with timer\n\ni want to change the text of a UILabel after a certain amount of time. ", "but the text isn't changed after the set amount of time. ", "how do i fix this?", "\nsee my code:\nvar countDownText = \"hello\"\n\noverride func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {\n\nstartButton = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 90))\n startButton.text = \"\\(countDownText)\"\n startButton.center = CGPointMake(view.frame.size.width / 2, view.frame.size.height/2)\n startButton.textColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor()\n startButton.font = UIFont(name: \"Arial\", size: 20)\n startButton.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.", "Center\n self.view?.addSubview(startButton)\n\ncountDownTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: Selector(\"countDownFunc\"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)\n\n}\n\nfunc countDownFunc(){\n theTime++\n\n if(theTime >= 4){\n countDownText = \"testText\"\n }\n\n if(theTime >= 8){\n spawnEnemys()\n startButton.removeFromSuperview()\n countDownTimer.invalidate()\n }\n print(theTime)\n\n }\n\nthanks in advance for all your help :D\n\nA:\n\nYour countDownFunc should be:\nfunc countDownFunc(){\n theTime++\n\n if(theTime >= 4){\n countDownText = \"testText\"\n startButton.text = countDownText\n }\n\n if(theTime >= 8){\n spawnEnemys()\n startButton.removeFromSuperview()\n countDownTimer.invalidate()\n }\n print(theTime)\n\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow $\\cos ^2\\left(x\\right)\\sin ^2\\left(x\\right)=\\frac{1-\\cos \\left(4x\\right)}{8}$\n\n$$\\cos ^2\\left(x\\right)\\sin ^2\\left(x\\right)=\\frac{1-\\cos \\left(4x\\right)}{8}$$\n$2\\cos \\left(x\\right)\\sin \\left(x\\right)=sin2x$\n\nA:\n\nUsing $\\;\\cos2\\alpha=\\cos^2\\alpha-\\sin^2\\alpha=1-2\\sin^2\\alpha\\;$ , and $\\;\\sin2\\alpha=2\\cos\\alpha\\sin\\alpha\\;$ :\n$$\\frac{1-\\cos4x}8=\\frac{1-(\\cos^22x-\\sin^22x)}8=\\frac{1-(1-2\\sin^22x)}8=$$\n$$=\\frac{\\sin^22x}4=\\left(\\frac{\\sin2x}2\\right)^2=\\sin^2x\\cos^2x$$\n\n" ]
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[ "• Many people may have doubted Usain Bolt, but the Americans never did. ", "While 2bn people around the world watched the event live on TV, the US broadcaster NBC chose to show it later. ", "Presumably to give Tyson Gay and Justin Gatlin enough time for a head start.", "\n\n• He's the face of the Olympics. ", "No, it's not Bradley Wiggins or Mo Farah, it's Boris Johnson, the man who has managed to get more screen time than any athlete over the past 10 days. ", "On Monday morning he turned up on Radio 4 to lecture the nation on how the Olympics are restoring a sense of morality to the nation. \"", "There was a culture of easy gratification and entitlement and all the rest of it,\" he told the Today programme, while talking about last year's riots. ", "If anyone knows about easy gratification and entitlement, it's our Bozza.", "\n\n• If you were in any doubt that there is a pecking order of events within the Olympics, just check out the whereabouts of John Inverdale. ", "Having anchored the outside broadcasts of the rowing last week, Inverdale has skipped off to the Olympic Stadium, leaving Rishi Persad (who?) ", "to replace him at Eton Dorney for the canoeing events in which no one in Britain is that interested. ", "Unless we look like winning a medal. ", "Meanwhile, on Sunday night Inverdale and Colin Jackson went head to head at the 100m final, to see who could wear the jacket with the most hideous piping. ", "Presumably after having gone clothes shopping with Ian Thorpe.", "\n\n• Security has noticeably slackened off at Weymouth. ", "On Sunday at the sailing, everyone caught trying to enter the Nothe spectator area with an umbrella larger than 30cm was treated like a potential terrorist with an offensive weapon. ", "After many complaints, the regulations have now been relaxed so that spectators can bring in any sized brolly as long it fits inside their bags. ", "No mentions of just how large a bag you are allowed, though.", "\n\n• All pretence at impartiality is now officially over. ", "When the Belarus athlete Ekaterina Poplavskaya crashed out of her first heat in the 100m hurdles after 40m, you could almost hear the indifference as Colin Jackson said: \"Four years of hard work, bless her.\" ", "When the Jamaican hurdler Brigitte Foster-Hylton came to grief in her heat a few minutes later, Jackson and Denise Lewis reacted as if there had been a death in the family.", "\n\n• The Aussie-baiting continues. ", "Having concluded it was probably a bit de trop to mention yet again how many medals we have got compared to the pitiful Aussie haul, Hazel Irvine adopted the even more patronising approach of comparing the Aussies to the Kiwis. \"", "Just look,\" she said. \"", "The New Zealanders are in 14th place with three golds while Australia are 10 places lower with just one gold.\"", "\n\n• Very little at the Olympic Games goes unsold. ", "Long gone are the unmarked buggies to go and collect the javelins from the centre of the stadium, and in comes a fleet of mini Mini Coopers thanks to the sponsorship of BMW. ", "It makes you think of the commercial opportunities that have been missed. ", "Watching the women's marathon on Sunday, I was surprised to discover the route did not include several run-through McDonald's, rather than a few trestle tables masquerading as the athletes' feeding station. ", "Still, there's plenty of time to sort this out before the men's marathon on Sunday.", "\n\n********\n\n• The whole world wanted to chat to Usain Bolt on Sunday night after the 100m. But the only person Bolt wanted to speak to was Mel C of the Spice Girls, whom he asked to pose for a picture with him later that evening. ", "Just think: not only the world's fastest man but the world's only man who can instantly recognise Sporty Spice.", "\n\n• Excuse of the day: after being expelled from the Olympic Games for testing positive for marijuana, the US judoka Nicholas Delpopolo said he had inadvertently eaten food that he did not realise had been baked with the recreational drug.", "\n\n•Lingowatch: Tkatchev – a move named after the Soviet gymnast Alexander Tkatchev in which the athlete releases him/herself from the high bar and flies back over it backwards. ", "Otherwise known as the reverse hecht. ", "Please do try this at home." ]
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[ "High school calls in 30-year-old book fee\n\nWisconsin — Jeff Rolson is just relieved he didn't get sent to the principal's office.", "\n\nThe 40-something Rolson last week dropped by Superior Senior High School, where he graduated in 1977, to get a copy of his transcript for a plumbing apprenticeship.", "\n\nThat's when he found out he had two outstanding debts - $7.95 for a missing algebra book and $5 for an unpaid physical-education fee.", "\n\nA secretary told him he had to pay up before he could get his transcript.", "\n\n\"I told her, 'do you realize this was 30 years ago?'\" ", "he said.", "\n\nRolson says he doesn't understand why the school didn't contact him earlier. ", "After all, he still lives in Superior - and his daughter attends the school.", "\n\n\"Nobody contacted me, so I ended up paying the $13 to get my transcript,\" he said.", "\n\nState law prevents a school district from withholding documents such as transcripts and diplomas, said district Superintendent Jay Mitchell. ", "But it's not uncommon for districts to try to collect unpaid fees and fines before providing documents, he said.", "\n\nRolson caught one break, though.", "\n\n\"She did forget the $2 fee for the transcript,\" he said.", "\n\nHe's also grateful the school didn't charge him interest.", "\n\n\"It was 13 bucks. ", "If they had charged me interest all these years - compounded for 30 years - I don't know what the bill might have been,\" he said." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAccess variables from another class in java\n\nI am trying to write what should be a very simple project in java. ", " I am trying to create 2 classes, where the main one executes a method in class 2 to create a new JFrame object. ", " Then, the main class exicutes the method in class 2 to set 2 variable's values. ", " Then, a string should be printed on the JFrame panel at the set x and y values. ", " However, it's as if xPos and yPos were not changed, and the string is printed at 0,0.", "\nThis is the code:\nimport java.awt.*;", "\nimport javax.swing.*;", "\n\npublic class Test {\n public static void main(String[] args){\n Class2 obj = new Class2();\n obj.createJFrame();\n obj.setVal(100, 200);\n }\n}\n\nclass Class2 extends JPanel{\n private int xPos, yPos;\n public void createJFrame(){\n JFrame window = new JFrame();\n Class2 obj2 = new Class2();\n window.setVisible(true);\n window.setSize(300, 300);\n window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.", "EXIT_ON_CLOSE);\n Container c = window.getContentPane();\n c.add(obj2);\n }\n public void setVal(int x, int y){\n xPos = x;\n yPos = y;\n repaint();\n }\n public void paintComponent(Graphics g){\n super.paintComponent(g);\n g.drawString(\"This string should be at 100, 200\", xPos, yPos);\n }\n}\n\nAs a side note, I don't think that my title is accurate, so it would be great if someone could help me by editing the title. ", " I'm sorry if the title doesn't match the question, but I am new to java. ", " Also, this program is modeling a more complex program, so if this method seems inefficient of indirect, it is because the more complex program will use a structure like this. ", " Thank you in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nclass Class2 extends JPanel{\n private int xPos, yPos;\n public void createJFrame(){\n JFrame window = new JFrame();\n // Class2 obj2 = new Class2();\n window.setVisible(true);\n window.setSize(300, 300);\n window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.", "EXIT_ON_CLOSE);\n Container c = window.getContentPane();\n c.add(this); // now the setValue will update the object\n }\n...\n\nYou weren't updating the object that was added to the JFrame. ", "As an aside, I would create the JFrame in a static method or a different class and have Class2 as an argument. ", "Something like:\nclass Class2 extends JPanel{\n private int xPos, yPos;\n public static void createJFrame(Class2 obj){\n JFrame window = new JFrame();\n window.setVisible(true);\n window.setSize(300, 300);\n window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.", "EXIT_ON_CLOSE);\n Container c = window.getContentPane();\n c.add(obj);\n }\n public void setVal(int x, int y){\n xPos = x;\n yPos = y;\n repaint();\n }\n public void paintComponent(Graphics g){\n super.paintComponent(g);\n g.drawString(\"This string should be at 100, 200\", xPos, yPos);\n }\n }\n\npublic class Test {\n public static void main(String[] args){\n Class2 obj = new Class2();\n obj.setVal(100, 200);\n Class2.createJFrame(obj);\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Your Sun Sign and this Week’s Affirmations!!", "\n\nEvery time I sit down to do a special write up for Glossy Polish, I get pumped up to churn my grey cells. ", "Unlike last week, this time I was drawn towards one of my favorite deck of Affirmations by Dr. Wayne R Dyer.", "\n\nThis week I bring affirmations (for full next week) as per your zodiac sign. ", "Let’s start off with Aries 🙂\n\nAries:\n\nWhat other people think of me is none of my business.", "\n\nI feel one is always aspiring to reach this stage when the opinions of others don’t matter much. ", "This week, focus on yourself and what you think of yourself. ", "Opinion of others are secondary, if you are in a positive state of mind then nothing else matters.", "\n\nImage Credit : experienceproject\n\nTaurus:\n\nI choose the path of kindness.", "\n\nIt’s highly important to be kind to ourselves. ", "We cannot extend the same to others, unless we don’t value ourselves. ", "Begin the journey by maintaining calm and composure towards self. ", "Condition yourself in the beginning and then it will become an automatic response to others.", "\n\nImage Credit : pinterest\n\nGemini:\n\nMy destiny is mine to control.", "\n\nDon’t give the reins of your life to others (who don’t value it). ", "Chalk out your journey the way you want it to be. ", "You can achieve the same if you work towards it with a calm and positive approach. ", "Once you have the confidence, and aware of the situation it would be extremely difficult to be manipulated.", "\n\nImage Credit : whispersforthesoul\n\nCancer:\n\nI trust the perfection of universe.", "\n\nWhen things are tipsy topsy, don’t get bogged down. ", "Trust that something is definitely lined up for you (like Divine Providence). ", "Things will happen at the perfect time, so don’t let your inner harmony go haywire because of uncomfortable situations.", "\n\nImage Credit : pinterest\n\nLeo:\n\nI am a spiritual being at the core.", "\n\nEverybody believes in the supreme power and that makes everybody a spiritual being. ", "Whatever you are experiencing is interlinked, you just need to connect the dots to get a deeper meaning. ", "Be more aware this week and see how things unfold.", "\n\nImage Credit : pinterest\n\nVirgo:\n\nLoving others starts with loving myself.", "\n\nIf your bucket is empty, you can’t fill somebody else’s bucket. ", "Loving others start with loving and pampering yourself. ", "Follow the F.L.Y mantra i.e. first Love Yourself. ", "As you begin to love yourself, you will unveil a lot about yourself.", "\n\nImage Credit : blessedbeyondthemess\n\nLibra:\n\nI align myself with people who support my growth.", "\n\nWhat would you prefer many friends or few good friends who support you in life’s journey. ", "If somebody isn’t caste of your movie then let go of them as you are the main lead and you do need supporting cast? ", "Let go of them with good intent and keep moving ahead.", "\n\nImage Credit : pinterest\n\nScorpio:\n\nI focus on what’s really important in life.", "\n\nHave you given a thought that most of the time we end up doing things that are urgent and not important. ", "Focus on quality and not quantity; focus on the impact and integrity rather than acquisitions. ", "Do a spring cleaning of your to-do list and life goals.", "\n\nImage Credit : pinterest\n\nSagittarius:\n\nI find harmony in the silence within & I only allow that which is good into my life.", "\n\nAll the answers lie within you, stop seeking elsewhere or in other people. ", "Stop the mental chatter and take a stroll deep within. ", "You don’t want to be a dump truck, right. ", "Sieve what’s coming in your life; if it helps you then embrace it. ", "If it doesn’t bid adieu to it.", "\n\nImage Credit : laurelhh2\n\nCapricorn:\n\nI release all feelings of worry and guilt.", "\n\nThroughout life the most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and worry about what might be done. ", "Let go of the fear and start living in the moment, do the best in you capacity. ", "Learn to let go.", "\n\nImage Credit : quotefancy\n\nAquarius:\n\nI am a worthwhile human being.", "\n\nChoose what you want to become and that defines you to be a worthwhile being. ", "Not because others are saying but because you know it and feel it. ", "You are infinity, worthy and unconditionally loved.", "\n\nImage Credit : pinterest\n\nPisces:\n\nI choose to perceive the peaceful side of life.", "\n\nLife every coin has two sides, the same goes with perspective too. ", "Don’t boil your blood by thinking or attracting negative. ", "Rather choose and see the positive side of every story and perspective. ", "What you attract is what your receive." ]
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[ "If you do the kind of political journalism that involves talking to the general public, something faintly magical can sometimes happen. ", "As events swirl around and you try to make sense of huge, complicated themes, a single conversation will bring everything into focus. ", "And not via words alone: facial expressions, gestures, and the way individual words are emphasised can give you a vivid sense of how people think, and the way their feelings could create political change. ", "The encounter might be fleeting, but a connection can be made; as one side understands, the other feels heard.", "\n\nSince 2010, we have been responsible for the Guardian video series Anywhere But Westminster, in which we try to explore the gap between high politics and life as it is lived. ", "With so much political coverage now based on opinion polling, we are interested not just in how people might vote, but what is behind their political choices. ", "Vox pops have long been a crucial part of what we do.", "\n\nIn the summer of 2014, our travels brought us to the town of Clacton-on-Sea in Essex. ", "The local Conservative MP, Douglas Carswell, had resigned from his party and joined Ukip, then led by Nigel Farage. ", "For us, the resulting byelection was a reason to visit the neighbourhood of Jaywick, which government statistics showed was the poorest place in England. ", "It was here that we first got a sense of something potentially seismic. ", "At that point, Ukip were largely understood as a new presence on the political right, who were appealing to habitual Tory voters. ", "But things were shifting.", "\n\nWhen we arrive in a new place, the drill goes something like this. ", "Find a location: a high street, or shopping parade; maybe a residential street, or the entrance to a railway station. ", "Acknowledge the awkward nature of what you are about to do, but get over your nerves, and grit your teeth. ", "Survey the people you can see. ", "Then find your first potential interviewee, switch the camera on, and begin: “Excuse me. ", "We’re making a film. ", "Do you mind if we talk to you for a bit?”", "\n\nIn Jaywick, sitting on a bench on a raised step outside his house, was a retired man who had once been a railway worker in east London, and a member of Aslef, the train drivers’ union. ", "We shared his company for a quarter of an hour. ", "Just about everything he said highlighted the unexpected turns politics was suddenly taking, and we have returned to the footage we shot time and again. ", "Sometimes, we don’t ask for people’s names (it can make people feel a bit like they’re being interrogated), so we have always referred to him as “Step Man”. ", "Our exchange began when we showed him one of Carswell’s campaign leaflets.", "\n\nJohn Harris: “So you’ve had one of these through your door?”", "\n\nStep Man: “Yeah.”", "\n\nJH: “What do you think of him, and the fact that he’s left the Conservative party?”", "\n\nSM: “Good for him. ", "It’s about time somebody got up and spoke.”", "\n\nJH: “Right now, what’s wrong with Britain?”", "\n\nSM: “Well, nobody’s doing anything are they? ", "It’s all going around in circles. ", "They do bugger all.”", "\n\nJH: “Have they done anything for Jaywick lately?”", "\n\nSM: “Nothing gets done for bloody Jaywick.”", "\n\nJH: “What needs doing?”", "\n\nSM: “Everything. ", "Look at the roads. ", "Look at the state of it. ", "The alleyways, look. ", "Look at it all. ", "We’re a backwater, aren’t we? ", "That nobody gives a shit about.”", "\n\nJH: “And do you think [Carswell], and Mr Farage, are any different?”", "\n\nSM: “I’m hoping so.”", "\n\nJH: “Who did you used to vote for in the past?”", "\n\nSM [Emphatically, before the end of the question]: “Labour. ", "Always voted Labour.”", "\n\nJH: “And what changed?”", "\n\nSM: “Well, bloody Blair. ", "Let’s face it, he did sod all for this country … And now he’s in Europe, pissing about there, making millions. ", "He went more Conservative than the Conservatives.”", "\n\nJH: “But this fellow [Carswell], until a week ago, was in the Conservative party himself. ", "And now you’re going to vote for him!”", "\n\nSM: “Well, yeah. ", "But he wants to make a few changes.”", "\n\nJH: “Do you think he’ll help Jaywick?”", "\n\nSM: “I bloody hope so.”", "\n\nJH: “Time was, Labour was the party of the working man, eh?”", "\n\nSM: “Course it was. ", "Course it was.”", "\n\nJH: “What happened?”", "\n\nSM: “Bloody Thatcher got in – destroyed it, didn’t she? ", "Done the working classes, didn’t she? ", "Pissed the miners off. ", "Done the railways. ", "She pissed us all off, big time.”", "\n\nJH: “But Ukip’s full of people who think Mrs Thatcher was the bee’s knees.”", "\n\nSM: “Nah … ”\n\nJH: “They are! ", "They’re all Thatcherite… [Carswell] wants to shrink the state. ", "He’s no fan of the trade unions and the working man.”", "\n\nSM: “I don’t suppose he is. ", "Nobody is, are they?”", "\n\nJH: “But somebody with your politics shouldn’t be voting for him.”", "\n\nSM: [Defiantly] “Yeah, course they should.”", "\n\nVox pops have a long history. ", "A US radio series of that name began in 1932, sampling people’s opinions about the presidential election that would bring Franklin Roosevelt to power. ", "In 1961, an influential French documentary titled Chronique d’un été (Chronicle of a Summer) based a whole film around asking people on the street a simple but provocative question: “Are you happy?” ", "Vox pops were popularised on British TV by the trailblazing presenter Alan Whicker (“I went out with my cameras into the monstrous avenues of Houston, stopped passersby and asked whether they owned a gun – I discovered it wasn’t a question of yes or no, but how many,” he once said). ", "By the time we started doing them, they were an established part of TV news packages – the bit that usually comes near the end to show some “extra views of the subject matter in hand”, to quote one set of BBC guidelines.", "\n\nBut Step Man represented something different. ", "In the footage of our conversation, interviewer and interviewee are sitting at the same level, instead of a TV crew being ranged in formation against their quarry. ", "The interview turns into an exchange between equals, and by the end, the power structure is reversed. ", "In effect, Step Man told us not only that the old political certainties are dying, but also that a different kind of political journalism is called for. ", "Reporters needed to go to places outside the traditional centres of power. ", "The story must be dictated, not by a script they bring with them, but by what they find when they get there.", "\n\nThe initial spark for Anywhere But Westminster was the headache-inducing tedium of covering party conferences. ", "The first time we worked together, in the autumn of 2009, we walked out of Labour’s annual gathering in Brighton and asked members of the public what they thought of the party’s sudden fixation with a group of voters termed “the squeezed middle”. ", "In response, people talked about their exasperation with such phrases (“I’m working-class,” said one man, “why’s it always about the middle?”), ", "and their overwhelming sense of distance from an event that was happening only a few minutes away.", "\n\nWith the arrival of the coalition government in 2010, we believed there was a damaging estrangement between politics and the public. ", "We decided to put this alienation at the centre of our work, and started travelling around the country, talking to ordinary people in places that were rarely visited by journalists, TV news crews or political reporters. ", "The after-effects of the financial crash of 2008 had yet to make an impact on British politics, and the UK seemed locked into certainties that had prevailed since the 1990s. ", "Viewed from on high, a lot of voters seemed either uninterested in politics or sufficiently becalmed that they would behave mostly as the main parties expected.", "\n\nBut out in the country, dissent and resentment were bubbling away, and through the prism of vox pops, we were starting to understand what was happening. ", "We talked to people who had strong opinions, but were often not the kind of voters who had either the time or inclination to make their voices heard via the traditional forums: party activism, public meetings, protest marches. ", "As journalists employed by the Guardian, we needed to be fair and balanced, but not necessarily impartial. ", "We were trying to expose our viewers to opinions they were probably not used to hearing. ", "Our own views came into the conversations we had, and made these exchanges more equal, authentic and spontaneous.", "\n\nJohn Domokos filming in Merthyr Tydfil in 2016\n\nThe people we met during this initial period have been stuck in our heads for years. ", "From 2011: the two young men selling paintball sessions in central Birmingham – one of them just back from military duty in Afghanistan – who were lucky to even make the minimum wage, and completely detached from politics. ", "In 2013: the two older men in Merthyr Tydfil who answered our questions about the death of Margaret Thatcher by telling us they still thought about the 1980s miners’ strike “every day”, and a 17-year-old student who did not know what a trade union was. ", "In 2014 we met Debbie, a young mum from a council estate in Falkirk, Scotland. ", "At a packed pro-independence public meeting on a Sunday night, she told us that the referendum had ignited her interest in politics for the first time. ", "It had been, she said, “One of the most exciting things that’s ever happened.”", "\n\nStandard TV news packages tend to be scripted by the reporter, and vox pops are added to show what the public think of the story that’s just been told. ", "For us, although we always pre-arranged some encounters, vox pops were the first thing we did when we hit town. ", "The views we encountered then guided a lot of what we did. ", "We asked the people we met where we should go next, or who else we should meet. ", "If a conversation with someone was particularly interesting, we would take their number, with a view to meeting them again.", "\n\nThe films we were making were shaped by what we divined from talking to people, rather than the other way round. ", "When we spoke to people for any length of time, our questions tended not to begin with “Who are you going to vote for?” ", "or “What do you think about Brexit?”, ", "but much more open, contextual lines of enquiry: “What’s it like living here?” ", "or “How do you feel about the future?” ", "We did not wear suits, or carry off-puttingly cumbersome equipment, or shine lights in people’s faces. ", "If the interviewee had the time, the conversation often lasted for 10 or 15 minutes.", "\n\nAs we spoke to people, we sensed that the gap between politics, the media and the public was widening. ", "It was also becoming unsustainable. “", "They’re all in it for themselves, they don’t care about us” may have become the great cliche of vox pop journalism. ", "But before it was a cliche, it was a warning.", "\n\nFrom the early 1990s until around 2010, mainstream debate was personified by such politicians as Tony Blair and Bill Clinton: men with an alleged genius for understanding public sentiment, and manipulating it. ", "But since then, politics has been upended. ", "Within a couple of years of David Cameron taking power, an often angry and unpredictable public was starting to render the usual rituals – big speeches, appearances on daytime TV – increasingly useless. ", "Now, three years after Cameron left the stage, voters increasingly set the agenda. ", "Not surprisingly, the vox pop – the literal “voice of the people” – has itself become the focus of angry debate.", "\n\nLast month, an Ofcom review found that many viewers thought the use of vox pops in the BBC’s news and current affairs coverage gave more prominence to extreme views at the expense of the “middle ground”. ", "On Twitter you will find hundreds of tweets expressing exasperation with the form. ", "There is a certain irony in people who habitually sound off online taking issue with other people voicing their opinions, but that doesn’t seem to stem the torrent: “I’m fed up of seeing vox pops of closet racist Dave from Blackpool and closet xenophobe Tony from Skegness.” “", "Ban all vox pops on the news. ", "I really don’t care what Pete the electrician from Stoke-on-Trent thinks about constitutional law.” “", "Another day, another set of BBC vox pops from a load of pensioners at a ballroom dance.”", "\n\nIn March this year, as Theresa May’s Brexit deal collided with parliament, the writer and comedian David Baddiel expressed his dismay on Twitter: “BBC News are once again doing that thing: ‘We sent our reporter to … a Leave constituency, always. ", "Because that’s where people will be crossest. ", "Which they think makes for better vox pops.”", "\n\nBack in 2017, The Radio Times published a piece by the columnist Alison Graham: “If I were Queen of the world I would draw up an Act of Parliament on fancy notepaper banning television vox pops from the minute an election is called until the result is declared. ", "Then I’d give myself emergency powers to ban them for an unspecified period after that, too. ", "Then I’d hope that in a world where, thanks to social media, no opinion ever goes unexpressed in a torrent of online detritus, vox pops will surely, finally, be dead.”", "\n\nJohn Harris interviewing a homeless woman in Dover in 2018. ", "Photograph: John Domokos/The Guardian\n\nThese furies seem of a piece with the regular explosions of annoyance about audience members on BBC1’s Question Time, and viral mockery of the contradictory opinions of participants in radio phone-ins. ", "Hostility to vox pops arises from the feeling that too much media attention is focused on a particular kind of leave supporter – white, old, working-class. ", "It’s true that the 48.1% of voters who backed remain often seem to play only a minor role in the media’s portrayal of where Brexit sits in our politics, but there is perhaps a snobbish idea that some people are beyond the pale, and things would be a lot better if they were returned to a state of voicelessness.", "\n\nBut there are questions to be asked about how vox pops are used, and what they say about the media’s attitudes to so-called ordinary people. ", "These interviews come at the end of a package – suggesting that the substance of the story has already been largely decided – and follow a basic formula: one for, one against, and one comedy reply.", "\n\nThe superficial presentation of people’s views in hasty vox pops is a key part of one of the biggest political stories of our time. ", "In Britain and elsewhere, a constructed idea of “the people” is now both central to events, and deeply problematic. ", "The new breed of populist leaders use public appeal to justify a politics of division and nastiness. ", "The same reductive approach is common to Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, the Italian politician Matteo Salvini. ", "Want to keep out immigrants? ", "Build a wall. ", "Fear for the nation’s social fabric? ", "Classify incomers by usefulness, according to the “Australian-style points system”. ", "This kind of politics never deals substantially with the complicated, difficult stuff woven into a lot of people’s sense of grievance – deindustrialisation, housing shortages, a world that has long since started moving into an era of automation and insecurity. ", "In the populist worldview, “the people” are one-dimensional; so are the solutions.", "\n\nOn Wednesday 6 May 2015, opinion polls were still suggesting the next day’s election would be very close. ", "In the weeks immediately beforehand, 56% of published polls had put Labour ahead. ", "That day, we published a film put together over two days talking to people in the bellwether Midlands constituency of Nuneaton. ", "We had been exploring the effects of five years of austerity, and a narrative had taken shape in our heads that the country might be ready for a change. ", "But the vox pops we did in Nuneaton hit us like a blast of cold air. ", "Our film rejected the fashionable idea of a “change moment”, and instead highlighted the tangle of resentments – against benefit claimants, immigrants, and the supposedly cushy lives of people who lived in Scotland – that seemed to be driving people’s political thinking. ", "It wasn’t what we wanted to hear, but it was pretty much all we found.", "\n\nWhen the Conservatives won a parliamentary majority, there was a great deal of soul-searching among the editors, reporters and commentators who had been taken by surprise. ", "Some theories held that there had been specific problems with the pollsters’ methodologies (over-weighting particular groups of Labour voters, underestimating “shy Tories”). ", "There was also general acknowledgement in the media that political journalism had relied too much on data, and not enough on qualitative conversations with voters.", "\n\nBut something else was going on. ", "In left-leaning political circles, people wondered how they had not seen the Tory victory coming. ", "Part of the explanation came from an effect of social media, identified by the internet activist Eli Pariser in 2011 as the “filter bubble”: an effect of endless personalisation, which, he said, “moves us very quickly toward a world in which the internet is showing us what it thinks we want to see, but not necessarily what we need to see.”", "\n\nWe were not aware of it at the time, but doing vox pops had become a way of bursting our bubbles. ", "By going to locations we wouldn’t normally visit, and allowing random chance to dictate who we spoke to, we had rediscovered some kind of antidote to the data-driven approach of polling and the algorithms of social media.", "\n\nBut by the end of that year, it was our turn for some soul-searching. ", "A December byelection in Oldham West and Royton was the first test for the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn. ", "We arrived in town buoyed by the sense that we had successfully divined the likely result of the election, and by our early coverage of the rise of Corbynism. ", "It was raining torrentially for much that day, which makes for harder work than usual. ", "We took cover in an indoor market, and got to work talking to people. ", "We were shocked by the hostility towards Corbyn among older Labour voters; in our minds, the force of their opinions signified a serious possibility that the party would lose the seat.", "\n\nIn fact, Labour won with a majority of more than 10,000. ", "We learned several lessons. ", "First, predicting political outcomes was a mug’s game. ", "Second, we had been guilty of creating our own filter bubble, by relying too much on a particular type of voter found in a particular place. ", "Statisticians call this “availability bias”. ", "In simple terms, you can’t base political coverage only on the sort of people you find in a market in the middle of the day.", "\n\nIn May 2016, the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU was looming. ", "Polls were tight, but the general consensus was that the remain side would win. ", "As we began a new series of Anywhere But Westminster, we were determined not to repeat our own mistakes. ", "We spent a week driving from Merthyr Tydfil (we like it there – people talk) to Manchester, via the English Midlands. ", "We had nothing set up: our only aim was to speak to as wide a variety of voters in as wide a variety of places as possible.", "\n\nWe listened to Labour-voting leavers in Merthyr, and wealthier Eurosceptic Tory supporters in Leominster, Herefordshire. ", "In the inner-city neighbourhood of Handsworth in Birmingham, we got a sense that assumptions of a remain victory were by no means well founded. ", "There, we tested the received view of Brexit as a cause that only appealed to a certain kind of white person. ", "At that point, many people were describing the respective sides of the battle as “in” and “out”. ", "In a downpour, we spotted a British-Asian man taking shelter, wound down the car window, and asked him which side he was on. “", "Out,” he shot back.", "\n\nIn Soho Road, the multicultural thoroughfare that is Handsworth’s main drag, we talked to Sikh business owners – who, in defiance of the facts, seemed to think that people from EU countries were a drain on the state and on taxpayers, and other people whose support for Brexit seemed to be down to the decay and decline they saw in their immediate environment.", "\n\nOn Soho Road in Handsworth, Birmingham in 2016. ", "Photograph: John Domokos\n\nWe then went up the M6 to Manchester. ", "At a university recruitment fair, 10 vox pops turned up only one leave supporter. ", "When we asked them how they felt about the future, most of the students we met were optimistic. ", "But 15 minutes drive away, in the deprived northern Mancunian neighbourhood of Collyhurst, the polarities were reversed. “", "I fear for the kids – for my grandkids and that,” said one woman. “", "Jobs, and things like that: so I’m looking at pulling out.”", "\n\nHer neighbour had come to the UK from Malawi. “", "I’m looking at immigration,” he said. “", "I studied environmental health, and I can’t even get a job. ", "As a person that came into the UK, I’ve seen the change. ", "I know what is happening. ", "It’s affected me. ", "And the thing is … I’m pulling out.”", "\n\nWe stopped to talk to two women next to a burned-out pub called the Billy Greens. ", "Close by was an abandoned playing field, where rusty goalposts protruded from an expanse of overgrown grass. ", "The conversation was brief, but it got to the heart of how the leave campaign had managed to frame its campaign as the vehicle for an unlikely kind of class war.", "\n\nJH: “How is Collyhurst doing?”", "\n\nWoman 1: “Collyhurst is coming up again. ", "It’s a really nice place to live. ", "But we do need more money spent on it.”", "\n\nJH: “Have people in power talked about spending money here?”", "\n\nW1: “They’ve had the gardens done, but that’s it. ", "Nothing else. ", "There’s nothing for the kids to do. ", "Nothing for the kids to play on. ", "Nothing at all. ", "And yet it’s a lovely place to live.”", "\n\nJH: “But booming, thriving Manchester’s only 10 minutes’ drive down there.”", "\n\nW1: “Years ago, when I grew up here, there were places to go: playschemes, and everything. ", "There’s nothing for kids. ", "Nothing at all. ", "You can look round and see.”", "\n\nJH: “It’s home, though, right? ", "You feel very connected to it.", "\n\nW1: “Oh yeah. [", "Pointing at the pub] My mum had her wake there, God rest her soul, in the Billy Greens.”", "\n\nJH: “What I find odd coming here, is that they’ve spent millions of pounds regenerating the middle of Manchester … ”\n\nW1: “Oh yeah.”", "\n\nJH: “But you haven’t had money spent here.”", "\n\nWoman 2: “In Miles Platting [nearby area], they closed the swimming baths and all that lot.”", "\n\nW1: “And the library. ", "They’ve got nothing. ", "And I feel sorry for them. ", "For those six weeks [of school] holidays, if you haven’t got a lot of money, you’ve got nothing.”", "\n\nJohn Domokos: “I’m curious about why you think that happens: all the money gets spent there, not here.”", "\n\nWoman 1: “It’s people with money. ", "People with money. ", "Money talks!”", "\n\nJH: “Last question. ", "How are you voting in this referendum?”", "\n\nW1 and W2, loudly and emphatically: “Out!”", "\n\nJH: “They’re all voting ‘in’ in town.”", "\n\nWoman 1: “Course they will! ‘", "Cos they’ve got that!” [", "rubs thumb and finger together to suggest money]\n\nJH: “So it’s down to a very simple thing for you – those who’ve got money vote which way?”", "\n\nW1: “To stay in.”", "\n\nJH: “And those who haven’t got as much money?”", "\n\nW1: “To come out.”", "\n\nWe didn’t predict the referendum result. ", "But for us, the film that finished in Collyhurst helped to frame what had happened. ", "Lots of analysis and data since that referendum has cast doubt on the idea that Brexit was some kind of working-class revolt. ", "But all across Britain, in neglected places that rarely saw TV cameras, we had met people who were voting to leave the EU as a way of calling for change: to be heard. ", "The idea of listening to the “left behind” briefly took hold, and found its way into Theresa May’s early speeches as prime minister. ", "It felt to us like Brexit might be a turning point for Britain, and that the vox pop was somehow part of what was changing.", "\n\nA year later, Theresa May called the general election of 2017. ", "Mostly because we had never been there, we decided to begin our coverage in the Cornish town of Redruth, where the last Cornish tin mine had closed 20 years earlier. ", "Partly because tin is a crucial component in smartphones and electric cars, there had recently been talk of reopening the mine, something that seemed to interest a lot more people than party politics. ", "The campaign had yet to ignite: the people we spoke to seemed largely detached from it, and the few people we could persuade to talk specifics said they would be voting Conservative.", "\n\nTheresa May was ahead in the polls, and there was a sense that right-leaning Brexit supporters would have things their way. ", "But as we kicked our heels on an almost deserted, pedestrianised street, a man on a mobility scooter came into view, and clocked our camera. ", "He would identify himself only as “the tin man”.", "\n\nTin Man: “Are you making a film about the deprivation in this country? ", "This fascist shithole?”", "\n\nJH: “Is it that bad?”", "\n\nTM: “Well, don’t you think it’s that bad? ", "Or do you not see it as it is? ", "If you fell down dead now, mate, no one would give a shit. ", "Isn’t that a sign of a fascist country?”", "\n\nJH: “I meet a lot of people who seem quite cheered up, because they voted Brexit and we’re getting out and things are going their way.”", "\n\nTM: “Yeah, brilliant. ", "Prices are going up, and it’s costing another $30m to reopen the tin mine because of the fall in the pound. ", "This wonderful country doesn’t manufacture anything any more. ", "We’re totally reliant on Swedish mining equipment, which is costing us more money. ", "It’s not helping us, mate. ", "People have been conned.”", "\n\nJH: “Do you have a meaningful option in this election, do you think?”", "\n\nTM: “Absolutely. ", "For the first time ever I think we’ve genuinely got a choice.”", "\n\nJH: “And the choice is?”", "\n\nTM: “To do things differently. ", "There are countries that do things differently. ", "I want to vote against crony capitalism. ", "And the only way to do that is to vote for someone like Jeremy Corbyn.”", "\n\nJD: “What’s it like being disabled in the current climate?”", "\n\nTM: “It’s an absolutely miserable experience. ", "Constantly picked on and harassed by the government. ", "I got myself a cracking job down the mine: a job I was born to do. ", "Now I get problems with my health, and I get treated like dirt. ", "I’m running around on a scooter that was given to me [by a friend]. ", "I don’t get any help from the government whatsoever. ", "And this is after I put millions of pounds in the economy, working at the tin mine.”", "\n\nJD: “The crux of this is … ”\n\nTM: [loudly] “The crux of it is, surely society can be better than this!”", "\n\nJH: “We met a woman down there who said she thought Jeremy Corbyn was dangerous.”", "\n\nTM: “That’s just ridiculous, isn’t it? ", "He’s a man who wants to change things for the better. ", "Change the priority. ", "Stop spending money on bloody war, feed and clothe the poor. ", "Not one person excluded, yeah? ", "And then we can start to progress as a species, for the first time ever.”", "\n\nWe met the Tin Man when Labour were 15 points behind in the polls. ", "The encounter with him was cut into a short standalone video that was posted on Facebook. ", "It quickly amassed 2.2m views, and he was the subject of a story in the Camborne and Redruth Gazette. ", "Labour came within 1,500 votes of winning the seat.", "\n\nNow another election is looming, and we are still doing vox pops. ", "But in the course of the last three years or so, encounters between the media and the public have been so built into the Brexit moment that they have become ritualised.", "\n\nIn terms of the sheer amount of vitriol, mistrust, mocking memes and conspiracy-mongering, we are arguably in the middle of Britain’s first true social-media election. ", "In some ways, Twitter is one giant vox pop. ", "But there are crucial differences. ", "Most people don’t have a huge Twitter following. ", "And the things that make vox pops both revealing and satisfying are absent: all context and local surroundings, all the non-verbal communication that humans use to signal respect and empathy.", "\n\nOne thing seems particularly striking while going back through our archive of roughly 140 films, and probably more than 1,000 hours of footage: almost all of our encounters have ended on friendly terms. ", "No matter what political differences come to the surface, the encounters usually proceed respectfully – that’s how people tend to behave when they come face to face.", "\n\nTen years of vox-popping has taught us that calling the results of elections is not our job. ", "But if Anywhere But Westminster has one key purpose, it is to at least try to transcend the polarisation and mutual loathing. ", "At the risk of sounding sentimental, we want people to listen to each other.", "\n\nTwo weeks ago, after we had finished filming in Southend-on-Sea, we drove the 30 miles to Jaywick, and went back to find Step Man. ", "At the local convenience store, the woman behind the counter told us that people in Jaywick now hated the media: there had been too many programmes, she said, reducing it to a caricature of deprivation. ", "The worst, she said, had been a Channel 5 show titled Benefits By the Sea.", "\n\nIt was surprisingly easy to locate his house: the same red car was parked outside, and the bench was still there, propped against the wall. ", "But when we rang the bell, there was at least two minutes of complete silence, before an upstairs window opened. ", "There he was: paler and more gaunt before, and half-hidden behind the pane. ", "We spoke for 10 minutes.", "\n\nSM: “Hello there.”", "\n\nJH: “Hello. ", "I don’t know whether you remember us. ", "Five years ago, we were making a film in Jaywick. ", "We spoke to you on that bench there.”", "\n\nSM: “Oh yeah?”", "\n\nJH: “Can we talk to you again?”", "\n\nSM: “Not really. ", "I’m not very well at the moment. ", "I’ve got emphysema.”", "\n\nJH: “What do you think of the state of the country?”", "\n\nSM: “[Laughs] Shit.”", "\n\nJH: “Do you think things are better or worse than when we met you five years ago?”", "\n\nSM: “Going like that [moves arm downwards], isn’t it?”", "\n\nJH: “Did you vote in the referendum?”", "\n\nSM: “Of course I did. ", "And I voted to leave.”", "\n\nJH: “How do you feel about that?”", "\n\nSM: “Well, I want to be out. ", "Nobody seems to know what they’re doing.”", "\n\nJH: “And how’s Jaywick doing?”", "\n\nSM: “Oh, the same old same old. ", "Nothing seems to change in Jaywick. ", "Jaywick just rattles along. ", "Like the rest of the country.”", "\n\nJH: “Are you going to vote in the election?”", "\n\nSM: “Of course I am.”", "\n\nJH: “Who are you going to vote for?”", "\n\nSM: “I’ve voted Labour all my life, and I’m not going to vote for Corbyn. ", "He’s not doing the working classes any good at all.”", "\n\nJH: “So if not him, who are you going to vote for?”", "\n\nSM: “Boris.”", "\n\nJH: “God – you’re a lifelong Labour voter, voting for Boris?”", "\n\nSM: “Yeah, because I want to get out of bloody Europe.”", "\n\nJH: “But what’s he going to do to the country?”", "\n\nSM: “Well, I don’t know. ", "But as long as he gets us out of the mire.”", "\n\nJH: “Eton-educated, very wealthy … ”\n\nSM: “I wish I was. ", "But they need to get it all sorted.”", "\n\nJH: “And the future of the country? ", "How do you feel about that?”", "\n\nSM: “Well, I’d love to see it blossom. ", "The poor having a few bob in their pocket. ", "Pensioners doing well. ", "All looked after. ", "Hospitals. ", "None of this … Every time you go into hospitals, hanging about in corridors – I’ve been there many, many times. ", "Friday and Saturday night – all these arseholes who’ve had too many shandies, cluttering it all up, and people lying on trolleys, here there and everywhere.”", "\n\nJH: “And you’ve had that experience?”", "\n\nSM: “Yes. ", "Many, many times.”", "\n\nJH: “When you voted for Brexit, was the NHS in your mind? ", "The idea of bringing the money back?”", "\n\nSM: “Of course it was.”", "\n\nJH: “It was a dirty lie, wasn’t it?”", "\n\nSM: “We don’t know yet.”", "\n\nJH: “You were a railwayman and you voted Labour all your life. ", "You know of old that if we get Conservative governments, they don’t make anything better.”", "\n\nSM: “Yeah, but I can’t see Corbyn making it any better.”", "\n\nJH: “The conversation we had with you was a big thing for us. ", "It changed the way we thought about politics.”", "\n\nSM: “Well … I hope we just get out [of the EU]. ", "And do very, very well.”", "\n\nIt was getting colder: he was starting to cough. ", "We said our goodbyes – “See you later, my old mate,” he said – and he closed the window and went back inside, after we’d asked him his name. ", "He told us it was Frank.", "\n\n• Follow the Long Read on Twitter at @gdnlongread, and sign up to the long read weekly email here." ]
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[ "Billy Graham Center Archives\n\nBilly Sunday Campaign Music & the Old Time Religion - Collection 41\n\n[Note: What follows is a description of the documents in this collection which are available for use at BGC Archives in Wheaton, Illinois, USA. ", "The actual documents are not, in most cases, available online, only this description of them. ", "Nor are they available for sale or rent.]", "\n\nBrief Description.", "\nOne audio tape, mostly of Gospel music. ", "Side 1 includes\nsongs sung by Billy Sunday co-workers, Mrs. William Asher and\nHomer Rodeheaver with the choir from the 1917 Billy Sunday\nrevival campaign in New York City. ", "Side 2 includes Dr.\nRussell Conwell telling his famous \"Acres of Diamonds\" story\nand a song by evangelist Gypsy Smith.", "\n\nCollection 41 [September 28, 2000]Billy Sunday Campaign Music and the Old Time Religion; n.d.", "Ephemera; n.d.", "\n\nAudio Tape\n\nRestrictions\n\nThere are no restrictions on the use of this collection.", "\n\nScope and Content\n\nFor information on the contents of this tape, see the Location Record in this guide.", "\n\n*****\n\nProvenance\n\nThe tape in this collection was received by the Center in May 1978 from Old Time Music, a\ndistributor of nostalgic recordings (catalog number 15).", "\n\nAccession 78-19\n\nMay 18, 1978\nRobert Shuster\nL. Stocton\n\nJune 27, 1984, revised\nJ. Nasgowitz\n\nJuly 17, 1990, revised\nJanyce H. Nasgowitz\n\nLOCATION RECORDAccession 78-19Type of Material: Audio Tapes\n\nThe following items are located in the AUDIO TAPE FILE\n\nT1 - Cassette. ", "Two sides. ", "Tape entitled \"Billy Sunday Campaign Music and the Old Time\nReligion\"; n.d.", "\n\nside 1 - BILLY SUNDAY CAMPAIGN MUSIC\n1. ", "Sail On -- New York Tabernacle Chorus\n2. ", "Brighten the Corner Where You Are -- Homer Rodeheaver\n3. ", "In the Garden -- Mrs. William Asher and Homer Rodeheaver\n4. ", "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart -- Homer Rodeheaver\n5. ", "The Old Rugged Cross -- Mrs. William Asher and Homer Rodeheaver\n6. ", "I Walk with the King -- Homer Rodeheaver\n7. ", "Transformed -- Mrs. William Asher and Homer Rodeheaver\n8. ", "The Great Judgment Morning -- Homer Rodeheaver\n9. ", "Where the Gates Swing Outward Never -- Mrs. William Asher and Homer Rodeheaver\n10. ", "America -- New York Tabernacle Billy Sunday Chorus" ]
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[ "1.800.292.5110\n\nSmith Engineering – Vectrex\n\nThe name of Jay Smith probably doesn’t tell you anything, yet it is this independent engineer who brought the consoles in our pockets in 1979, with the first handheld console, the Microvision.", "\n\nIn 1981, Smith gives himself a new goal, that of creating a console with its own screen and only requiring a power outlet. ", "The most popular arcade games of the time such as Asteroids, to name only one, were using a vector-based display technology (unlike traditional pixel-based graphics) the technology retained by Jay Smith.", "\n\nAfter a first prototype named “Home Arcade”, the Vectrex is born in 1982. ", "Its controller is at least if not more revolutionary. ", "In fact, it has 4 action buttons (against one on its main competitor, the Atari 2600), but more importantly, it is the first joystick in the video games history! ", "The handle easily fits under the console for transport.", "\n\nThe Vectrex starts strong. ", "It charms children and adolescents by its power and arcade look. ", "In addition, it greatly appeals to parents who can continue to watch TV while the kids play on their side with the integrated display. ", "However, two things will hurt its sales: its price of $ 199 (about $ 460 today, taking into account inflation) and its monochrome screen, which uses ”Overlays”, plastic tinted films, to produce an apprearance of color." ]
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[ "[Measurement of low corrosion rate of coronary stents-made of 316L and 317L stainless steel].", "\nElectrochemical constant current linear polarization and atomic absorption spectroscopy were used to measure the corrosion rate of coronary stents made of 316L and 317L stainless steel in 30 degrees C Tyrode's solution. ", "The results indicated that the corrosion rate of 316L and 317L stainless steel was 21 X 10(-3) microm/a, 9.8 X 10(-3) microm/a and 0.8 X 10(-3) m/a, 0.6 X 10(-3) microm/a, respectively. ", "All corrosion rates were lower than the medical materials corrosion rate criteria, i.e. 0.25 microm/a. Moreover the corrosion resistance of 317L stainless steel was much higher than that of 316L stainless steel. ", "The results from atomic absorption spectroscopy may correctly reflect the quantity of releasing metal ions in the solution." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nwhy does the following code produce segmentation fault\n\ni tried coping a string to a pointer using strcpy. ", "it causes a segmentation fault.any reason for that.", "\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\nint main()\n{ \n char *str=NULL;\n strcpy(str,\"C-DAC\");\n printf(\"%s\\n\",str); \n return 1;\n}\n\nA:\n\nWHere does your string point to? ", "Nowhere!", "\nThat's why you have segmentation fault. ", "You have to either allocate variable on stack as array or define it as pointer and later allocate memory using malloc. ", "When using malloc, don't forget to include \"stdlib.h\"\nEither do this:\nchar str[6];\nstrcpy(str,\"C-DAC\");\n\nor\nchar *str=malloc(sizeof(*str) * 6);\nstrcpy(str,\"C-DAC\");\n\n" ]
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[ "FRONTLINE looks at Venezuela's controversial and outspoken president Hugo Chavez and the revolution he claims is turning his country into an anti-capitalist beacon for Latin America and the world. ", "Through the lens of his u... more &raquonique weekly program \"Aló Presidente\" and the eyes of the Venezuelans who know him well, FRONTLINE digs beneath the surface of his presidency and his personality to try to understand the mercurial leader.&laquo less\n\nSimilar Movies\n\nMovie Reviews\n\nA Charismatic Figure and His MEDIA OUTLET\n\nJeffery Mingo | Homewood, IL USA | 03/16/2009\n\n(3 out of 5 stars)\n\n\"Talk about perverting FDR's fireside chats. ", "This work is mostly about how Chavez uses his \"Alo Presidente!\" ", "to wield absolute power.", "This work had many surprising facts in it. ", "It said that by admitting defeat in a coup is how Chavez gained power. ", "The work says Cuba needs Venezuela, not the other way around. ", "Many Americans loved W's \"folksiness\" and recently Jindal tried to imitate it to no success. ", "Here you see Chavez singing and they call some of his acts \"buffoonish.", "\"This work does show how absolute power corrupts absolutely. ", "Chavez may throw around the term \"equality,\" but he really wants to be the head of his nation forever, just like Mugabe does. ", "Still, the people have voted down many of his measures, so they may be savvy voters despite their poverty.", "One thing stood out to me: his program seemed to be a way to blame those in his cabinet for his blunders. ", "It is a way for others to take the heat. ", "This reminded me of the inconsistency of Amin shown in \"The Last King of Scotland.\" ", "Still, when Chavez closed a popular TV station, the people were upset because they couldn't see their favorite soap operas, politics were not the issue for them. ", "It's fascinating how Chavez has mastered some of Machiavelli's principles but also failed at many of them.", "Still this work left some things out for me. ", "Much is made of Bolivia's Evo Morales being indigenous. ", "However, Chavez looks VERY indigenous to me. ", "He is one of the few Latin American leaders who is clearly not of European phenotype, yet his obvious ethnic background is never brought up here. ", "The work states that Venezuela needs the US to transform its crude oil into something more sophisticated. ", "However, I swear I heard that Chavez once gave oil to bus companies that transport poor Americans to work. ", "So I get the sense that Chavez has power in the US that this documentary ignores. ", "Also, if left wing politics are so terrible, then why are they being embraced more and more in South America? ", "Why is it a winning ticket there? ", "I'm just not willing to throw Chavez and his fearlessness in front of Uncle Sam just yet, even as this work portrays him as a complete victim. ", "Please also note that almost all of the interviewees here were male; this does make me wonder if politics is highly gendered in that nation.\"" ]
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[ "Accueil > Articles > Vieilleries > Le criminel, c’est l’électeur !", "\n\nToutes les versions de cet article : [ Español ] [français] [ Nederlands ]\n\nC’est toi le criminel, ô Peuple, puisque c’est toi le Souverain. ", "Tu es, il est vrai, le criminel inconscient et naïf. ", "Tu votes et tu ne vois pas que tu es ta propre victime.", "\n\nPourtant n’as-tu pas encore assez expérimenté que les députés, qui promettent de te défendre, comme tous les gouvernements du monde présent et passé, sont des menteurs et des impuissants ?", "\n\nTu le sais et tu t’en plains ! ", "Tu le sais et tu les nommes ! ", "Les gouvernants quels qu’ils soient, ont travaillé, travaillent et travailleront pour leurs intérêts, pour ceux de leurs castes et de leurs coteries.", "\n\nOù en a-t-il été et comment pourrait-il en être autrement ? ", "Les gouvernés sont des subalternes et des exploités : en connais-tu qui ne le soient pas ?", "\n\nTant que tu n’as pas compris que c’est à toi seul qu’il appartient de produire et de vivre à ta guise, tant que tu supporteras, - par crainte,- et que tu fabriqueras toi-même, - par croyance à l’autorité nécessaire,- des chefs et des directeurs, sache-le bien aussi, tes délégués et tes maîtres vivront de ton labeur et de ta niaiserie. ", "Tu te plains de tout ! ", "Mais n’est-ce pas toi l’auteur des mille plaies qui te dévorent ?", "\n\nTu te plains de la police, de l’armée, de la justice, des casernes, des prisons, des administrations, des lois, des ministres, du gouvernement, des financiers, des spéculateurs, des fonctionnaires, des patrons, des prêtres, des proprios, des salaires, des chômages, du parlement, des impôts, des gabelous, des rentiers, de la cherté des vivres, des fermages et des loyers, des longues journées d’atelier et d’usine, de la maigre pitance, des privations sans nombre et de la masse infinie des iniquités sociales.", "\n\nTu te plains ; mais tu veux le maintien du système où tu végètes. ", "Tu te révoltes parfois, mais pour recommencer toujours. ", "C’est toi qui produis tout, qui laboures et sèmes, qui forges et tisses, qui pétris et transformes, qui construis et fabriques, qui alimentes et fécondes !", "\n\nPourquoi donc ne consommes-tu pas à ta faim ? ", "Pourquoi es-tu le mal vêtu, le mal nourri, le mal abrité ? ", "Oui, pourquoi le sans pain, le sans souliers, le sans demeure ? ", "Pourquoi n’es-tu pas ton maître ? ", "Pourquoi te courbes-tu, obéis-tu, sers-tu ? ", "Pourquoi es-tu l’inférieur, l’humilié, l’offensé, le serviteur, l’esclave ?", "\n\nTu élabores tout et tu ne possèdes rien ? ", "Tout est par toi et tu n’es rien.", "\n\nJe me trompe. ", "Tu es l’électeur, le votard, celui qui accepte ce qui est ; celui qui, par le bulletin de vote, sanctionne toutes ses misères ; celui qui, en votant, consacre toutes ses servitudes.", "\n\nTu es le volontaire valet, le domestique aimable, le laquais, le larbin, le chien léchant le fouet, rampant devant la poigne du maître. ", "Tu es le sergot, le geôlier et le mouchard. ", "Tu es le bon soldat, le portier modèle, le locataire bénévole. ", "Tu es l’employé fidèle, le serviteur dévoué, le paysan sobre, l’ouvrier résigné de ton propre esclavage. ", "Tu es toi-même ton bourreau. ", "De quoi te plains-tu ?", "\n\nTu es un danger pour nous, hommes libres, pour nous, anarchistes. ", "Tu es un danger à l’égal des tyrans, des maîtres que tu te donnes, que tu nommes, que tu soutiens, que tu nourris, que tu protèges de tes baïonnettes, que tu défends de ta force de brute, que tu exaltes de ton ignorance, que tu légalises par tes bulletins de vote, - et que tu nous imposes par ton imbécillité.", "\n\nC’est bien toi le Souverain, que l’on flagorne et que l’on dupe. ", "Les discours t’encensent. ", "Les affiches te raccrochent ; tu aimes les âneries et les courtisaneries : sois satisfait, en attendant d’être fusillé aux colonies, d’être massacré aux frontières, à l’ombre de ton drapeau.", "\n\nSi des langues intéressées pourlèchent ta fiente royale, ô Souverain ! ", "Si des candidats affamés de commandements et bourrés de platitudes, brossent l’échine et la croupe de ton autocratie de papier ; Si tu te grises de l’encens et des promesses que te déversent ceux qui t’ont toujours trahi, te trompent et te vendront demain : c’est que toi-même tu leur ressembles. ", "C’est que tu ne vaux pas mieux que la horde de tes faméliques adulateurs. ", "C’est que n’ayant pu t’élever à la conscience de ton individualité et de ton indépendance, tu es incapable de t’affranchir par toi-même. ", "Tu ne veux, donc tu ne peux être libre.", "\n\nAllons, vote bien ! ", "Aies confiance en tes mandataires, crois en tes élus.", "\n\nMais cesse de te plaindre. ", "Les jougs que tu subis, c’est toi-même qui te les imposes. ", "Les crimes dont tu souffres, c’est toi qui les commets. ", "C’est toi le maître, c’est toi le criminel, et, ironie, c’est toi l’esclave, c’est toi la victime.", "\n\nNous autres, las de l’oppression des maîtres que tu nous donnes, las de supporter leur arrogance, las de supporter ta passivité, nous venons t’appeler à la réflexion, à l’action.", "\n\nAllons, un bon mouvement : quitte l’habit étroit de la législation, lave ton corps rudement, afin que crèvent les parasites et la vermine qui te dévorent. ", "Alors seulement du pourras vivre pleinement.", "\n\nLE CRIMINEL, c’est l’Electeur !" ]
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[ "WASHINGTON – The House GOP tax legislation to be released Wednesday will include a new compromise ​on ​property tax​ deductions​, but it’s ​still ​not enough to win over skeptical New York Republicans.", "\n\n“Right now, I’m certainly not on board,” Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.) said Sunday of the revised tax plan on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”", "\n\nKing was one of 20 Republicans who voted against the GOP budget last week that opened the door to tax reform legislation.", "\n\nRepresentatives from New York and New Jersey have revolted against a provision to eliminate state and local tax deductions on federal tax returns, which ​are​ used by about 44 million Americans.", "\n\nNodding to the pressure from high-tax state representatives, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) announced this weekend ​that ​he’d retain an itemized deduction for property taxes – but still plans to eliminate the write-off for state income and sales taxes.", "\n\n“At the urging of lawmakers, we are restoring an itemized property tax deduction to help taxpayers with local tax burdens,” Brady, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said in a statement.", "\n\nGov. Cuomo has denounced any compromise plan, especially since New York is a donor state that pays more in federal taxes than it gets back in services.", "\n\nIn 2015 alone, New York contributed $48 billion more in taxes to the federal government than it received in federal spending – the largest negative balance of any state, according to a Rockefeller Institute of Government Study.", "\n\nThe majority of New York Republicans have joined with Democratic leadership in denouncing the President Trump tax plan as a form of double taxation and ​a ​devastating blow to the state.", "\n\n“That is a step forward,” King said of the compromise plan, “but by not allowing the state income tax deduction that has to be fully analyzed because that is a major issue in my district also and throughout the state of New York.”", "\n\nRep. Dan Donovan (R-SI) said he’ll also have to review how the compromise plan affects his constituents.", "\n\n“Chairman Brady’s decision to maintain the property tax deduction is a positive development. ", "I’m grateful to the ​c​hairman and House leaders for listening to the argument that I and others made about the basic unfairness of double taxation, and I look forward to analyzing the tax relief proposal in its entirety next week,” Donovan said in a statement to the Post.", "\n\nBrady intends to release the tax reform legislation Wednesday and House Speaker Paul Ryan wants it passed in the House by Thanksgiving.", "\n\nThen the Senate will take up the plan aimed to cut taxes on businesses and individuals.", "\n\nAs House leadership try to assuage New York and New Jersey members, they lost an ally in the National Association of Home Builders over concerns about the weakening of the mortgage interest deduction.", "\n\n“All the resources we were going to put into supporting are now going to go into opposing the plan,” NAHB Chief Executive Officer Jerry Howard told POLITICO.", "\n\nBrady, however, kept the door open for a compromise.", "\n\n“The home​ ​builders have been great partners in developing a new home credit that helps more Americans with both their mortgage and property taxes, by expanding this tax relief to homeowners who don’t itemize,” Brady said in statement.", "\n\n“I hope members of Congress will examine it closely to determine if they want it included before tax reform heads to the president’s desk.”" ]
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[ "Design of functionalized cellulosic honeycomb films: site-specific biomolecule modification via \"click chemistry\".", "\nValue-added materials from naturally abundant polymers such as cellulose are of significant importance. ", "In particular, cellulosic open-framework structures with controlled chemical functionality of the internal surface have great potential in many biosensor applications. ", "Although various cellulose derivatives can form porous honeycomb structured materials, solubility issues and problems with film formation exist. ", "To address this, we have generated robust cellulosic open-framework structures that can be post-functionalized through site-specific modification. ", "Regioselectively modified amphiphilic cellulose azides, 3-O-azidopropoxypoly(ethylene glycol)-2,6-di-O-thexyldimethylsilyl cellulosics, were synthesized, and honeycomb-patterned films were readily produced by the simple breath figures method. ", "Changing the degree of polymerization (DP) of the pendent ethylene glycol (EG(DP)) groups from 22 to 4 increased the corresponding honeycomb film pore diameters from ~1.2 to ~2.6 μm, enabling the potential tuning of pore size. ", "Moreover, these novel azido-functionalized honeycomb films were easily functionalized using Cu(I)-catalyzed alkyne-azide [2 + 3] cycloaddition reaction; biotin was \"clicked\" onto the azide functionalized cellulosic honeycomb films without any effect to the film structure. ", "These results indicate this system may serve as a platform for the design and development of biosensors." ]
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[ "Ready to Fly!? ", "Water Powered Jetpack a Reality\n\nWaterskiing is so passé. ", "This summer, you’ll be able to fly with Raymond Li’s water-powered jetpack, which is going on sale in March. ", "It’s only $99,500!", "\n\nThe JetLev jetpack consists of a lightweight fiberglass backpack connected to a hose that sucks up water. ", "By separating the engine and its fuel from the backpack, Li was able to drastically reduce the backpack’s weight and therefore the amount of thrust needed to get airborne. ", "The device’s thrust-to-weight ratio is three times better than that of a fighter jet, according to New Scientist.", "\n\nThe jetpack produces 430 pounds of thrust, letting its pilot fly forward at 22 mph and reach heights up to 30 feet. “", "It’s the same reaction force a firefighter experiences when he points a water jet at a fire,” says Li.", "\n\nBut it’s much more easily controlled — the pilot can use hand controls to adjust the water pressure to make precise movements.", "\n\nThe jetpack was on display this week at a boat show in Germany, and it will be available for purchase starting in March, with a $99,500 price tag. ", "New Scientist says initial sales will likely come from resorts and rental agencies. ", "But it could prove useful for water rescues, marine inspections and even peackeeping missions, Li says.", "\n\nHere is the Jatpack in Action\n\nHow the Jetlev-Flyer Works\n\nSUPPORT\nLi built the backrest out of fiberglass, glued a thick layer of rubber foam to the front so it wouldn’t sink when he takes off and lands, and attached a four-point racecar-style harness to lock himself in. ", "He also added a crotch belt, a unicycle-like seat and an acrobat’s trapeze for a footrest; all help to keep the operator in optimal flying position.", "\n\nPOWER\nLi custom-built the first boat unit out of plywood and fiberglass, but his latest prototype is an extensively modified Jet-Ski with a 215-horsepower engine, which powers an onboard pump attached to it by a direct-drive shaft. ", "The pump connects to a 33-foot-long, four-inch-diameter polyester-and-rubber hose. ", "The production craft, a smaller and lighter pod, will come with a 260hp engine.", "\n\nTHRUST\nThe Y-shaped assembly on the back, as well as the jet nozzles and the handlebars that steer them, are custom-fabricated aluminum tubes. ", "Li attached the assembly to the harness above the body’s center of gravity so that, in flight, the operator is suspended beneath it. ", "He takes off from the water, hits a trigger on the handgrip to start the pump on the pod behind him, turns the throttle, and two streams of high-velocity water of up to 60 psi lift him as high as 30 feet in the air. ", "To go forward, he pushes down slightly on the handlebars, angling the nozzles to a maximum of 45 degrees." ]
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[ "495 F.2d 1149\nHarriet FRAZIER, Appellant,v.The CURATORS OF the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI et al., ", "Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "73-1759.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit.", "\nSubmitted April 15, 1974.Decided May 2, 1974.", "\n\nDana B. Badgerow, Biersmith & Badgerow, Kansas City, Mo., for appellant.", "\nMarvin E. Wright, Columbia, Mo., for appellees.", "\nBefore MATTHES, Senior Circuit Judge, ROSS and WEBSTER, Circuit judges.", "\nMATTHES, Senior Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nBy this appeal, we are again called upon to resolve a controversy between a member of the teaching profession and school authorities.1 More specifically, in this case, Dr. Harriet Frazier, whom we shall designate throughout as plaintiff, formerly a nontenured assistant professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, seeks declaratory and injunctive relief and damages in the sum of $500,000. ", " Named as defendants are the Curators of the University of Missouri; James C. Olson, Chancellor of the University of Missouri-Kansas City;2 Edwin J. Westermann, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of the University; Robert M. Farnsworth, Chairman of the Department of English, College of Arts and Sciencies of the University; and six professors or instructors of English in the College of Arts and Sciences of the University.", "\n\n\n2\nIn her second amended complaint, plaintiff alleged that jurisdiction was premised on 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1985(3); 28 U.S.C. 1331, 1343(2), 2201, 2281, 2284, and the first, fifth and fourteenth amendments to the United States Constitution.", "\n\n\n3\nThe case was submitted to the district court on stipulations, affidavits, depositions and other written material. ", " On September 24, 1973, the court filed its findings of fact and conclusions of law, and entered an order based thereon dismissing plaintiff's action. ", " She has appealed and presents several contentions in an effort to demonstrate that the court's judgment of dismissal cannot stand.", "\n\n\n4\nThe core of the dispute is the failure of the University to offer tenure to plaintiff as a professor and in the position that she occupied. ", " Instead, she was offered a terminal employment contract for the 1970-1971 academic year, but declined to accept it as more fully discussed below. ", " The defendants have maintained from the inception of this litigation that plaintiff was terminated for permissible and legal reasons and that under the circumstances extent and the governing rules and regulations of the University they were under no mandate to afford her tenure status or to continue her employment. ", " Conversely, plaintiff submits that the reasons assigned for the action taken by the University authorities were pretextual, and that she was refused continued employment because she exercised her first amendment privilege by criticizing and complaining of the conduct of one of her colleagues and of a student. ", " Coupled with this contention is the argument that she was denied procedural and substantive due process.", "\n\n\n5\nThus, it is apparent that a resume of the relevant circumstances is essential to a proper understanding of the controversy. ", " Plaintiff was first employed by the University as an assistant professor of English for the 1967-1968 school year, a one year term, pursuant to the Academic Tenure Regulations established by the Board of Curators of the University. ", " These regulations provided thatholders of academic staff positions under term appointments shall have no rights of permanent or continuous tenure. * * * ", " The non-reappointment of any appointee on term appointment shall carry no implication that either his work or his conduct has been unsatisfactory. ", " For this reason it shall not be necessary for his dean or department chairman to provide him with any statement of causes or reasons for not recommending reappointment.", "\n\n\n6\nThus it is clear that the regulations made no provision for a hearing on a decision to decline to reappoint a nontenured academic employee.", "\n\n\n7\nAfter her initial year of employment with the University, plaintiff was reappointed for successive one year terms for the 1968-1969 and 1969-1970 academic years.", "\n\n\n8\nInitially, the plaintiff's relations with her students and faculty colleagues were uneventful. ", " But in the fall of 1968, plaintiff had several unpleasant encounters with a colleague, one Robert Smithey. ", " Plaintiff appealed to several fellow faculty members and to the chairman of the department, Dr. French, but no affirmative steps were undertaken by anyone in the department to resolve the differences between plaintiff and Smithey.", "\n\n\n9\nIn the spring of 1969 plaintiff had several violent or threatening confrontations with Arnold Stead, a student in one of her classes. ", " Plaintiff was sufficiently disturbed by Stead's conduct toward her that she once again consulted with the department chairman. ", " Dr. French was unreceptive, and plaintiff spoke with the Dean of Students, a colleague on the English faculty, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences, as well as telephoning the Chancellor of the University. ", " Once again, no action on plaintiff's appeals was undertaken by anyone, and there were no further episodes involving plaintiff and either Smithey or Stead.", "\n\n\n10\nIn the late fall of 1969, a departmental faculty committee first considered whether plaintiff should be extended tenure, and thereby assured a permanent position on the English faculty of the University. ", " Adverse comments were made during the meeting about plaintiff's frequent absence from class due to illness and about her 'emotional appeals' to University officials outside the English faculty concerning her difficulties with Stead.", "\n\n\n11\nNevertheless, the Tenure Committee postponed a final decision on plaintiff's continued employment at the University until April, 1970. ", " At two meetings, on April 24 and 28, 1970, the Tenure Committee considered plaintiff's performance as a professor at the University. ", " Various committee members expressed dissatisfaction about her teaching techniques, her behavior toward colleagues, and the general quality of her scholarship. ", " Specifically, there were suggestions that the department required a scholar in plaintiff's field of specialty who possessed qualifications superior to those demonstrated by plaintiff. ", " There is evidence that the plaintiff's appeals to higher University officials over the Stead matter were not discussed or considered by the committee at these April meetings.", "\n\n\n12\nThe committee members voted to offer plaintiff a terminal employment contract providing that the 1970-1971 school year would be her final two semesters at the University. ", " Although not required to do so by the University's tenure regulations, the Chairman of the Tenure Committee, Dr. Robert Farnsworth, notified plaintiff in writing of the reasons for the committee's decision to terminate her association with the University.3 This notification, dated April 29, 1970, offered the plaintiff the opportunity to appear before the committee to express her views on the decision. ", " Such a meeting was arranged for the latter part of May, but the plaintiff declined to appear on the advice of counsel, who had been retained by her.", "\n\n\n13\nThere was an exchange of letters between plaintiff and defendant Farnsworth between May 8, 1970, and September 4, 1970. ", " On September 15, 1970, plaintiff's retained attorney wrote the following letter to the attorney representing the University:\n\n\n14\nThis is to advise you that Dr. Harriet Frazier will not pursue the above-captioned action against U.M.K.C. Also, she does not intend to sign a contract to teach at the university.", "\n\n\n15\nHowever, Dr. Frazier does intend to seek employment elsewhere. ", " Your regulations state that failure to obtain tenure does not blemish the teacher's record. ", " Therefore, any letters of reference should not carry any derogatory information regarding her failure to obtain tenure.", "\n\n\n16\nNevertheless, this action was filed alleging that the plaintiff was denied due process since she was allegedly denied a fair hearing before the tenure committee on the termination of her employment and because the reasons stated by the committee for its decision were arbitrary and capricious.4\n\n\n17\nIt is now firmly established that a nontenured teacher has no constitutional right to a statement of reasons or a hearing on a university's decision not to rehire him. ", " Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564, 92 S.Ct. ", "2701, 33 L.Ed.2d 548 (1972); Freeman v. Gould Special School District,405 F.2d 1153 (8th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 396 U.S. 843, 90 S.Ct. ", "61, 24 L.Ed.2d 93 (1969). ", " Consequently, the University tenure regulations were entirely proper, and plaintiff, a nontenured assistant professor, had no expectancy in continued employment which would allow her to insist upon a statement of reasons and a hearing as a constitutional right.5\n\n\n18\nBut here the Tenure Committee did provide plaintiff with a statement of reasons why the committee had resolved to recommend she be offered a terminal contract. ", " As stated, plaintiff urges that the reasons set forth in the April 29 letter by Dr. Farnsworth are arbitrary, capricious and without basis in fact, and contends that due process prohibits her dismissal for such allegedly arbitrary reasons. ", " It is settled doctrine, however, that a nontenured instructor may be dismissed provided the dismissal is not in fact based upon some constitutionally impermissible ground, such as racial or religious discrimination or retaliation for assertion of rights guaranteed by law or the Constitution. ", " See Scheelhaase v. Woodbury Central Comm. ", " School Dist., ", "488 F.2d 237 (8th Cir. ", "1973); Freeman v. Gould Special School District, supra. ", " See also Harnett v. Ulett, 466 F.2d 113 (8th Cir. ", "1972).", "\n\n\n19\nWe have weighed with care plaintiff's claim that despite the reasons enunciated in Dr. Farnsworth's letter of April 29, the terminal contract was in fact motivated by a constitutionally impermissible reason; namely, in reaction to the exercise of her alleged first amendment right in consulting with University officials for assistance with her difficulties with Smithey and Stead. ", " Assuming her complaints to her superiors constituted the exercise of a protected first amendment right, we disagree that the ultimate action taken by the University was provoked by any complaints plaintiff may have registered. ", " The burden was upon the plaintiff to demonstrate that the committee's action in recommending a terminal contract was for an impermissible reason. ", " Calvin v. Rupp, 471 F.2d 1346, 1349 (8th Cir. ", "1973); Wilson v. Pleasant Hill School District, 465 F.2d 1366, 1368-1369 (8th Cir. ", "1972). ", " The plaintiff utterly failed to sustain this burden. ", " Indeed, she offered no convincing evidence on this issue. ", " Conversely, the district court's finding that plaintiff was dismissed for the reasons delineated in Dr. Farnsworth's letter and not in retaliation for her appeals to the Dean and Chancellor is supported by substantial evidence introduced by the defendants. ", " Beyond cavil, the findings of the district court are to be left undisturbed unless clearly erroneous. ", " Watts v. Board of Curators, 495 F.2d 384 (8th Cir. ", "1974). ", " We find no rational basis for interfering with the court's findings.", "\n\n\n20\nIn affirming, we, like the Tenth Circuit, echo the pronouncement of Judge Holtzoff in Greene v. Howard University, 271 F.Supp. ", "609, 615 (D.D.C.1967), rev'd in part, 134 U.S.App.", "D.C. 81, 412 F.2d 1128 (1969):\n\n\n21\n* * * It would be intolerable for the courts to interject themselves and to require an educational institution to hire or to maintain on its staff a professor or instructor whom it deemed undesirable and did not wish to employ. ", " For the courts to impose such a requirement would be an interference with the operation of institutions of higher learning contrary to established principles of law and to the best traditions of education.", "\n\n\n22\nSee Jones v. Hopper, 410 F.2d 1323, 1329 (10th Cir. ", "1969).", "\n\n\n23\nOther points relied upon for reversal have been considered. ", " They are without substance and do not merit discussion.", "\n\n\n\n1\n For cases decided by this court involving questions similar to those in issue here, see Watts v. Board of Curators, 495 F.2d 384 (1974); Birdwell v. Hazelwood School Dist., ", "491 F.2d 490 (1974); Scheelhaase v. Woodbury Central Comm. ", " School Dist., ", "488 F.2d 237 (1973); Wellner v. Minnesota State Junior College Board, 487 F.2d 153 (1973); Gieringer v. Center School Dist. ", "No. ", "58, 477 F.2d 1164, cert. ", "denied, 414 U.S. 832, 94 S.Ct. ", "165, 38 L.Ed.2d 66 (1973); Fisher v. Snyder, 476 F.2d 375 (1973); Calvin v. Rupp, 471 F.2d 1346 (1973); Rozman v. Elliott, 467 F.2d 1145 (1972); Wilson v. Pleasant Hill School Dist., ", "465 F.2d 1366 (1972); Reed v. Board of Educ. ", "of Parkway School Dist., ", "460 F.2d 824 (1972); Long v. Board of Educ. ", "of City of St. Louis, 456 F.2d 1058 (1972); Ahern v. Board of Educ. ", "of School Dist. ", "of Grand Island, 456 F.2d 399 (1972); Cooley v. Board of Educ. ", "of Forrest City School Dist., ", "453 F.2d 282 (1972); Thomas v. Kirkwood Community College, 448 F.2d 1253 (1971)\n\n\n2\n For the purpose of this opinion, the term 'University' refers to a branch of the University of Missouri located at Kansas City, Missouri\n\n\n3\n The letter from Dr. Farnsworth to plaintiff stated in material part:\nAt your request I shall summarize in writing the discussion of the Tenure Committee which led to the Committee's vote to offer you a terminal contract for the school year 1970-71.", "\nThe Committee first considered your status last fall. ", " There was at that time considerable question about your judgment and emotional balance stemming from your inability to meet your classroom obligations the previous spring and your emotional appeals to the Dean and the Chancellor. ", " However, it was then decided to defer judgment on your status until this spring, recognizing that this meant assuring you a contract for 1970-71. ", " This meeting was the basis for the letter you received from Dr. French assuring you of a contract for next year.", "\nThe Committee met again on April 24th and 28th to discuss your status. ", " The members of the Committee emphasized various points in reaching their collective decision. ", " There was general recognition that you were adequately fulfilling your minimal responsibilities during this last year, but the Committee still had serious reservations about your effectiveness as a teacher and scholar suited to our particular needs. ", " The student evaluations, while not harshly critical, seemed lukewarm. ", " One committee member was particularly disturbed by the students describing the learning method in your Shakespeare classes as 'rote memorization.' ", " This criticism was reinforced by committee members' testimony that they were unimpressed with your critical ability in informal discussions and in discussions arising from departmental duties. ", " Some committee members feel that your critical approach is rather pedantic. ", " It is concerned too frequently with insignificant scholarly minutiae and ignores central critical problems.", "\nThere was some feeling that a teacher of Shakespeare is in a key position in our department and that we need a person particularly in this area who will attract students to our program and who will win respect for critical scholarship.", "\nAs a general summary the committee recognizes that there is some evidence of teaching effectiveness and scholarly ability, but it does not consider your performance of sufficient strength to encourage you to think of becoming a permanent member of our department.", "\nThe members of the committee making this decision were Professors Aryanpur, Cappon, Farnsworth, Jaffe, Mc.", "Leod, Ryan and Spatz.", "\nWe have agreed to hear your response to our decision. ", " I would like to set the meeting for 9 a.m., May 14.", "\n\n\n4\n The attorney who represented plaintiff and wrote the above letter does not represent her in this action\n\n\n5\n Plaintiff does not specifically rely upon the de facto tenure doctrine enunciated in Perry v. Sindermann, 408 U.S. 593, 92 S.Ct. ", "2694, 33 L.Ed.2d 570 (1972), decided on the same day the Roth opinion was filed. ", " We detect, however, a veiled suggestion in plaintiff's brief that the Perry rationale does apply. ", " We reject such an implication for lack of any evidence to support such a theory\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nShow related data using Razor Syntax\n\nI have two classes: Store and Machine. ", "\nRight now I have constructed a view where I show the Stores associated to the logged user:\n public async Task<IActionResult> Index()\n {\n var Tiendas = await _context.", "Stores.", "Where(t => t.Usuario == User.", "Identity.", "Name).Include(t => t.Machines).ToListAsync();\n\n LiqIndexData Liquid = new LiqIndexData()\n {\n StoreL = Tiendas,\n\n };\n\n return View(Liquid);\n }\n\nIn this code I also added the Machines asociated to each Store.", "\nThe View:\nIn my View I would like to present, for each Store, all of the Machinesregistered. ", "For this I'm using nav-tabs\nNav Tab based on the number of Stores\n<ul class=\"nav nav-pills\">\n @foreach (var item in Model.", "StoreL)\n {\n <li><a href=\"#@item.", "StoreID\" data-toggle=\"tab\">@item.", "StoreName</a></li>\n }\n</ul>\n<div class=\"tab-content\">\n @foreach (var item in Model.", "StoreL)\n { \n <div class=\"tab-pane fade in active\" id=\"@item.", "StoreID\"></div>\n }\n\nThe Problem:\nInfo shown in the body of each Nav-tab:\nI'm trying to access the information of each Machine associated with each Store. ", "For this I'm trying to use:\n@foreach (var item in Model.", "StoreL)\n{\n <tr>\n <td>\n @Html.", "DisplayFor(modelItem => item.", "Machines\n .Where(m=>m.", "StoreID==item.", "StoreID))\n </td>\n\nBut I don't know how to access the property. ", "If I try:\n@Html.", "DisplayFor(modelItem => item.", "Machines\n .Where(m=>m.", "StoreID==item.", "StoreID).PropertyXYZ)\n\nI get:\n\n'IEnumerable' does not contain a definition for 'PropertyXYZ' and no extension method 'PropertyXYZ' accepting a first argument of type 'IEnumerable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)", "\n\nAny advice?", "\n\nA:\n\nAs the error is trying to tell you, your collection of Machines has no PropertyXYZ.", "\nDepending on what you actually want to do, you can either use First() to get only one Machine (and no others), or use a loop to go through all of them.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAdding Animation to Inputfield and save the transform\n\nI wanted to add a simple search animation to my input field in my unity UI.", "\n\nThis is my InputField and the idea is, when I select it, it should expand slowly, and when I deselect it, it should shrink back to its normal form.", "\n\nThis is the rect Transform Component of this inputfield. ", "I added to the input field and Event Trigger Component and an Animator. ", "I created two Animations called SearchAnimation and DeselectAnimation and added them to my AnimationController called 'SearchController'.", "\nThis is how I designed my SearchController:\n\nI set the Transitions between the defaultState and SearchAnimation to be listening to the SelectBool and DeselectBool (the name already describes its purpose).", "\nThen I added the following script to my input Field so that those two booleans will be set accordingly to the event trigger:\nusing System.", "Collections;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing UnityEngine;\nusing UnityEngine.", "UI;\n\npublic class OnClickScript : MonoBehaviour {\n\n Animator anim;\n\n void Start()\n {\n anim = GetComponent<Animator>();\n }\n\n public void OnSelect()\n {\n anim.", "SetBool(\"SelectBool\", true);\n anim.", "SetBool(\"DeselectBool\", false);\n GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(450, 50);\n GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition.", "Set(-275, 0, 0);\n\n }\n\n public void OnDeselect()\n {\n anim.", "SetBool(\"DeselectBool\", true);\n anim.", "SetBool(\"SelectBool\", false);\n GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(200, 50);\n GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition.", "Set(-130, 0, 0);\n }\n\n}\n\nBut after the animation is played the inputfield is set back to its inital size and location. ", "How do I fix this?", "\n\nA:\n\nEasy way:\nCreate one more clips. ", "The clip is made of only one key which is the Size Delta of the SelectedState. ", "Then make this clip the animation clip of the state.", "\nI put my test project here.", "\n\nWith above approach, once you want to change the size of default state and selected state, you will have to change all four animation clips manually. ", "\nHard way\nUsing AnimationClip.", "SetCurve to create animation from the script. ", "With this approach, you can create more maintainable animations. ", "But it's not easy to create complex animations with scripts.", "\nSuggestions:\nUsing Pivot:\nIn the script, you are changing local position to prevent the input field moving up. ", "Instead of changing the local position value, you can set the pivot Y to 1 if you want the input field to expand downward.", "\n\nUsing trigger: \nInstead of using two bool variables, you can simply use one Trigger to trigger the animation start and move to next state.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة تسربات المياه من أكثر المشكلات التي يعاني منها الكثير من …" ]
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[ "The portion of Jahangirpuri, where they lived, was declared a containment zone on April 10 and sealed. (", "File photo: PTI)\n\nThirty-one members of an extended family, including children, residing in north Delhi's Jahangirpuri area, have tested positive for COVID-19, officials said on Saturday.", "\n\nAll of them have been sent to a self-isolation centre in Narela, a senior official said.", "\n\nA woman from the minority community, living in Jahangirpuri died on April 8, and her coronavirus test came positive on April 10, another senior official said.", "\n\n\"Twenty-six of the extended family members of the woman tested positive on Friday and rest five tested positive today. ", "All of them are asymptomatic though, and they include children,\" the official said.", "\n\nThe portion of Jahangirpuri, where they lived, was declared a containment zone on April 10 and sealed, officials said.", "\n\nSixty-four people who had come in contact were traced and tested, and 31 tested positive altogether while rest 33 have tested negative, officials said.", "\n\n\"People are violating norms of containment zones, and moving in and out in the neighbourhood, though they are supposed to stay put inside their houses to prevent any spread of virus,\" he said.", "\n\nEight new containment zones were added on Saturday, taking their total number in Delhi to 76, officials said.", "\n\nThe number of coronavirus cases in Delhi stood at 1,707 till Friday including 42 deaths." ]
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[ "Sentencings have begun for the college admissions scandal, in which federal prosecutors say parents paid about $25 million to get their students into elite schools like the University of Southern California, Stanford, and Yale.", "\n\nProsecutors alleged in court documents that Vandemoer accepted $610,000 in bribes to facilitate the admissions of students as salinity recruits. ", "Court documents say the funds were put into Stanford’s sailing program.", "\n\nProsecutors had asked a federal judge in Boston to sentence Vandemoer to 13 months in prison.", "\n\nFelicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in jail\n\nFelicity Huffman arrives at federal court in Boston to face charges in a nationwide college admissions bribery scandal.", "\n\nAP Photo/Charles Krupa, File\n\nFelicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in jail after admitting that she paid $15,000 to have her daughter’s SAT answers falsified as part of the scandal.", "\n\nDevin Sloane, the founder and chief executive of a drinking water and wastewater systems business in Los Angeles, California, was sentenced to four months in prison, 500 hours of community service, 2 years of supervised release, and has to pay a fine of $95,000.", "\n\nAccording to the affidavit, Sloane bought water polo gear of Amazon to stage a photoshoot with his son for a USC application.", "\n\nSloane told Singer that he purchased a ball and a cap off of Amazon for the photoshoot in a June 2017 email, court documents said. ", "Sloane’s son did not actually play water polo and his high school did not have a team.", "\n\nIn September, Stephen Semprevivo, a Los Angeles-based executive at a privately held provider of outsourced sales teams, was sentenced to four months in prison, two years of supervised release, 500 hours of community service, and a fine of $100,000.", "\n\nSemprevivo pleaded guilty in May to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud, admitting to paying Singer $400,000 to get his son into Georgetown University as a recruited tennis player.", "\n\nAccording to a criminal complaint filed in March, a portion of the funds went to Georgetown’s then-tennis coach Gordon Ernst, who helped facilitate Semprevivo’s son’s recruitment to the school as a tennis player, despite knowing the teen did not play the sport.", "\n\n“I also need to tell [your daughter] when she gets tested, to be as, to be stupid, not to be as smart as she is,” Singer said, according to court documents. “", "The goal is to be slow, to be not as bright, all that, so we show discrepancies.”", "\n\nIn recorded phone conversations published in the criminal complaint, Caplan shows concern over being caught on multiple occasions.", "\n\nAfter agreeing to plead guilty in April, Caplan released a statement in which he said he takes “full and sole responsibility” for his conduct, according to Bloomberg.", "\n\n“I want to make clear that my daughter, whom I love more than anything in the world, is a high school junior and has not yet applied to college, much less been accepted by any school. ", "She had no knowledge whatsoever about my actions, has been devastated to learn what I did and has been hurt the most by it,” Caplan said.", "\n\nThe law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher put Caplan on leave after his indictment. ", "It is unclear what his current standing with the firm is.", "\n\nHuneeus pleaded guilty in May, admitting to paying $300,000 to have his daughter’s SAT score altered and have her designated as a water polo recruit to the University of Southern California. ", "Because of the timing of Huneeus’s indictment, his daughter was never admitted to USC.", "\n\nProsecutors had asked for a 15-month prison sentence, a year of supervised release, and a $95,000 fine. ", "Huneeus had asked for two months in jail.", "\n\nAccording to a criminal complaint, Huneeus worked with Singer on a fraudulent water polo profile for his daughter, and when they couldn’t locate a suitable photo of her playing the sport, Singer used someone else. ", "In one call detailed in court documents, Huneeus expressed concern over “this thing blow(ing) up in my face.” ", "Singer replied that it “hasn’t in 24 years.”", "\n\nHuneeus was one the few parents in the scandal who implicated his daughter, the San Francisco Chronicle reported by informing her about the cheating scheme. ", "Prosecutors said in a sentencing memorandum that Huneeus “embraced the fraud” by including his daughter.", "\n\nThe vintner stepped down as CEO of Huneeus Vinters after he was indicted in March.", "\n\nParents Gregory and Marcia Abbott were each sentenced to a month in prison\n\nAccording to court documents, the girl’s ACT score jumped from a 23 to 35, and her math and literature SAT score went from mid-600s to a perfect 800 math score and a 710 in literature.", "\n\nProsecutors had initially asked for the Abbotts to both be sentenced to a year and a day in prison, a year of supervised release, and a fine of $55,000. ", "At their sentencing, prosecutors asked for eight months in prison. ", "Their lawyers asked for no time in prison.", "\n\nSartorio is a Bay Area entrepreneur from Menlo Park, California and is the co-founder of Elena’s Food Specialities. ", "According to a criminal complaint filed in March, Sartorio’s daughter scored a 27 out of a possible 36 on the ACT with the help of two corrupt protectors enlisted by Rick Singer. ", "The score put Sartorio’s daughter in the 86th percentile of test-takers. ", "While that was her first time taking the ACT, the marks were a noticeable improvement over scores she received on a PSAT test she had taken previously where she landed between the 42nd and 51st percentiles. ", "Prosecutors say Sartorio made three separate cash payments to Singer between June 16 and June 20, 2017, totaling $15,000.", "\n\nDuring Sartorio’s sentencing, Assistant US Attorney Kristen Kearney said the food entrepreneur “shouldn’t get a discount just because he isn’t as wealthy or as well known as his codefendants,” according to Law360 reporter Chris Villani.", "\n\nLater in the hearing, Sartori apologized for his actions.", "\n\n“I recognize what I did was wrong. ", "I offer no excuses, there’s no justifications for those actions,” Sartorio said.", "\n\nThe probation sentencing came despite a request from prosecutors for jail time. ", "Prosecutors asked the judge to sentence Sartotio to one month in jail and pay a $9,500 fine, which would have come out to the same jail time requested for actress Felicity Huffman.", "\n\nProsecutors had asked that she be sentenced to six months in prison. ", "Her lawyers asked for a year of probation, a fine, and community service.", "\n\nProsecutors say the proctor who took the ACT for Buckingham’s son exam got him a 35 out of 36, ranking in the 96th percentile nationally, the Associated Press reported.", "\n\nBuckingham has apologized for her role in the scheme, saying she has “absolutely no excuse.”", "\n\nShe was the final parent who pleaded guilty to be sentenced by Judge Indira Talwani in the college admissions scandal.", "\n\nParent Jeffrey Bizzack was sentenced to 2 months in prison\n\nCalifornia businessman Jeffrey Bizzack.", "\n\nREUTERS/Katherine Taylor\n\nCalifornia businessman Jeffrey Bizzack, of Solana Beach, California, was sentenced to two months in prison for paying Singer $250,000 to have his son admitted into USC as a purported volleyball recruit.", "\n\nHe was also ordered to serve three years on supervised release and pay a $250,000 fine.", "\n\nInsurance executive Toby MacFarlane, 56, of Del Mar, California, was sentenced to six months in prison after admitting to paying $450,000 to secure his daughter’s and son’s admissions to USC as purported soccer and basketball recruits.", "\n\nHe was also sentenced to two years of supervised release and ordered to complete 200 hours of community service and pay a $150,000 fine.", "\n\nMacFarlane pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud in June.", "\n\nJudge Nathaniel Gorton, who oversaw Hodge’s case, said at the sentencing, according to Law 360 reporter Chris Vilani: “There is no term in the English language that describes your conduct as well as the Yiddish term ‘Chutzpah,'” which, by definition, means “shameless audacity.”", "\n\nHodge pleaded guilty in October, admitting to paying more than $500,000 in bribes to facilitate the University of Southern California athletic recruitments of his daughter and one of his sons in 2013 and 2015.", "\n\nProsecutors said Hodge’s interactions with college admissions scandal ringleader William “Rick” Singer date back years.", "\n\nAccording to the criminal complaint, Hodge first contacted Singer in 2008 to ask for help on his daughter’s application to Georgetown University. ", "Court documents say Hodge also contacted Singer in 2018 to discuss his youngest son’s admission to Loyola Marymount University.", "\n\nAt Hodge’s sentencing, prosecutors asked for Hodge to be sentenced to two years in prison, saying his bribes to Singer spanned a decade.", "\n\n“There is no parent sentenced to date who benefited more from Singer’s scheme than Doug Hodge,” prosecutors said.", "\n\nIn a statement he read in court, Hodge said he had the “deepest remorse” for his actions, and said they came from a place of love for his children.", "\n\n“I am committed to doing all that I possibly can to earn forgiveness for those I have wronged — including my own children — and to repair the harm my actions may have caused,” he said.", "\n\nFormer University of Texas at Austin tennis coach Michael Center was sentenced to 6 months in prison.", "\n\nMichael Center.", "\n\nREUTERS/Amanda Sabga\n\nMichael Center, the former head coach of the men’s tennis team at the University of Texas at Austin, was sentenced to six months in prison for accepting a $100,000 bribe in the college admissions scandal.", "\n\nCenter was also given one year of supervised release, ordered to forfeit $60,000, and fined $20,000.", "\n\nThe former tennis coach pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud in April 2019, admitting to accepting a bribe to secure the admission of a purported student-athlete to UT Austin.", "\n\nParent Michelle Janavs was sentenced to 5 months in prison.", "\n\nMichelle Janavs, whose family’s company developed the microwavable snack Hot Pockets, arrives at the federal courthouse before being sentenced in connection with a nationwide college admissions cheating scheme..JPG\n\nREUTERS/Amanda Sabga\n\nMichelle Janavs, whose family’s company developed Hot Pockets, was sentenced to five months in prison for paying $300,000 to have her daughters’ ACT answers falsified and have one of them recruited to USC as a purported volleyball recruit.", "\n\nJanavs, of Newport Coast, California, was also given two years of supervised release and ordered to pay a $250,000 fine.", "\n\nProsecutors had called for Janavs to be sentenced to 21 months in prison.", "\n\nJanavs pleaded guilty in October to one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail and wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.", "\n\nShe was also ordered to pay a $200,000 fine and conduct 300 hours of community service. ", "Upon leaving prisons he will face two years of supervised release.", "\n\nHenriquez and her husband, Manuel Henriquez, have pleaded guilty in the college admissions scandal, admitting to paying $50,000 to have their older daughter’s SAT exam answers falsified and paying $400,000 to guarantee their younger daughter’s admission to Georgetown University as a purported tennis recruit.", "\n\nHenriquez has until June 30 to report to prison. ", "At her sentencing, Judge Nathaniel Gorton told her he has “every confidence” that the novel coronavirus pandemic would subside by then.", "\n\n“I will not forfeit the obligation of a federal judge to impose a sentence that is warranted by the defendant’s conduct, here, that is a period of incarceration,” he said of future sentencings, according to Law 360 reporter Chris Villani.", "\n\nParent Xiaoning Sui was given time served after spending 5 months in a Spanish jail in connection to college admissions scandal charges\n\nXiaoning Sui leaves the federal courthouse after entering a plea in connection with a nationwide college admissions cheating scheme in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., February 21, 2020.", "\n\nREUTERS/Amanda Sabga\n\nXiaoning Sui, 48, of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, was sentenced to time served for paying Singer $400,000 to facilitate her son’s admission to the University of California, Los Angeles, as a purported soccer recruit.", "\n\nSui was arrested in Spain on September 16, 2019, in connection to the college admissions scandal. ", "She was held in a Spanish jail for five months ahead of her Boston plea hearing in February 2020.", "\n\nIn February she agreed to plead guilty to one count of federal programs bribery.", "\n\nUS District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock sentenced her to time served on May 18, for the time she spent in the Spanish jail. ", "She was ordered to pay a fine of $250,000 and agreed to forfeit the $400,000 that she paid Singer to facilitate the crime.", "\n\nAfter being a professional journalist for 5 years and understanding the ups and downs of health care sector all over the world, Tori shifted her focus to the digital world. ", "Today, she works as a contributor for News Brig with a knack for covering general and health news in the best possible format.", "\n\nPace University coach accidentally smashes player’s face with bat\n\nThe Pace University baseball coach accidentally cracked two bones in a player’s face with a bat after the team lost a doubleheader — and didn’t call for an ambulance to take the bloodied teen to a hospital, witnesses told The Post.", "\n\nVeteran manager Hank Manning, 51, was ranting during a locker-room huddle March 8 after the team lost a twin bill to rival New York Institute of Technology when he swung a bat, hitting a freshman sitting close behind him.", "\n\n“He was quite angry. ", "He was cursing, red in the face, raising his voice,” a player said.", "\n\nIt was “nothing out of the ordinary” until Manning wielded a flat-bat, which is cut in half lengthwise down the barrel with sharp edges and used for practice.", "\n\n“He was going to throw it into a wall, but held onto it for too long. ", "It looked like he was taking a swing. ", "Maybe he tried to stop himself.”", "\n\nBefore the coach could slow the momentum, the wooden bat struck the player, student-athletes said.", "\n\nHank Manning[/caption]Facebook\n\n“It looked like he had a hole in his face,” one said of the injured player, who seemed to be shock.", "\n\n“He was bleeding pretty badly,” another said, describing a two- to three-inch gash below the player’s left eye.", "\n\n“A centimeter higher and he’d probably be blind,” the teammate said. “", "He’s lucky to have his sight.”", "\n\nUpsetting players further, Manning simply blurted, “F–k” after the mishap, and walked into his office.", "\n\nHe popped his head out 20 minutes later, with the team and two assistant coaches still present, and said, “That shows my intensity,” a player said. ", "He then returned to his office and closed the door.", "\n\nBut Manning and the assistant coaches, Pete Raimondi and Tim Bausher, didn’t call 911 or summon an ambulance.", "\n\nInstead, Raimondi cleaned blood from the player and asked a teammate to drive the injured player to the hospital in the teammate’s car.", "\n\nThe Post is withholding the injured athlete’s name.", "\n\nThe father of a fellow player, Vincent Scotto, was so outraged by the coach’s alleged conduct he filed a complaint with the National Collegiate Athletic Association, asking for an independent investigation of Manning and Pace’s handling of the incident.", "\n\n“I entrusted my son with him and what he did was reckless,” said Scotto, a former NYPD officer. “", "This was an egregious act that victimized every student-athlete in that locker room. ", "It was not properly investigated, and students are afraid to speak out because of potential retribution.”", "\n\nPace spokeswoman Marie Boster said a university probe by its own security officer found no wrongdoing.", "\n\n“I’m very concerned that an episode that was deemed to be an accident by all parties is going to turn into a blemish on a coach and a sports program that doesn’t deserve it,” she said.", "\n\n“The appropriate policies and procedures had been followed,” Boster said, but she would not explain the Pace protocol, if any, for calling an ambulance for an injured athlete. ", "She also refused to say who the coach contacted after the accident or when.", "\n\nThe Pace security office did not interview any students besides the injured player, teammates believe. “", "We felt (the incident) was being covered up,” one said.", "\n\nThe next day the team held practice without the injured player. ", "Manning “acted as if nothing had happened,” a teammate said.", "\n\nManning apologized to some players. “", "He said his emotions got the best of him and it was unacceptable,” one recalled.", "\n\nThe injured athlete has told friends he plans to transfer from Pace — and will need plastic surgery for a facial scar.", "\n\nDozens in Hong Kong protest U.S. police violence\n\nHONG KONG (Reuters) – Dozens of people gathered in front of the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong on Sunday to protest the death of American George Floyd, who died when a white police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck.", "\n\nThe protesters, mainly international students and members of Hong Kong’s League of Social Democrats, a political advocacy group for human rights, stood in pouring rain holding photos of Floyd and signs that read “Black Lives Matter”, a movement against racial injustice that has gone global in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic since Floyd’s death on May 25.", "\n\n“It’s important get our message across to others around the world to remind them that even though we are far away, we are with them 100% in spirit – black lives matter,” 28-year-old Quinland Anderson, who is British, said while holding a “BLM” banner.", "\n\nFloyd died after a white officer detaining him knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes as other officers stood nearby.", "\n\nThe protest in Hong Kong came after thousands of people took to the streets in European and Asian cities on Saturday, demonstrating in support of U.S. protests against police brutality. ", "Tens of thousands of people marched from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House in Washington D.C. later in the day.", "\n\nPolice reminded protesters of Hong Kong’s limit of eight people per gathering, a rule put in place as the city seeks to contain the coronavirus.", "\n\nThe protesters left peacefully after reading a speech to the consul general condemning police brutality and racism.", "\n\nThe Philadelphia Inquirer’s top editor is resigning after an uproar over a headline lamenting damage to businesses amid turbulent protests denouncing police brutality against people of color, the paper announced Saturday.", "\n\nThe newspaper said Stan Wischnowski, 58, was stepping down as senior vice president and executive editor.", "\n\nThe Inquirer had apologized for a “horribly wrong” decision to use the headline, “Buildings Matter, Too,” on a column Tuesday about looting and vandalism on the margins of protests of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis at the hands of a white police officer.", "\n\nThe backlash came as The New York Times was widely criticized for publishing an opinion piece by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton advocating the use of federal troops to quell the protests.", "\n\nAbout 30 members of the Inquirer’s 210-member editorial staff called in sick earlier this week, and black staff members angrily condemned the headline. ", "It appeared over an article by architecture cr itic Inga Saffron, who worried that buildings damaged in violence over the past week could “leave a gaping hole in the heart of Philadelphia.”", "\n\nThe Inquirer drew fresh scorn after it replaced that headline online with one that read, “Black Lives Matter. ", "Do Buildings?” ", "Eventually, the newspaper settled on “Damaging buildings disproportionately hurt the people protesters are trying to uplift.”", "\n\nThe Inquirer published an apology from senior editors. ", "Publisher and CEO Lisa Hughes said in a memo to staff that the headline was “offensive and inappropriate” and said the newspaper needed a more diverse workforce.", "\n\nWischnowski had worked at the Inquirer for 20 years and was editor when the paper won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for an in-depth investigation into violence within Philadelphia schools.", "\n\nHe will formally leave the newspaper June 12. ", "Hughes did not immediately name a successor." ]
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[ "The Loneliest Girl in the Universe written by Lauren James\n\nRelease date: 7.9.2017\nBuy it hereGoodreadsDescription:Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met, never even spoken to – someone who is light years away? ", "Romy Silvers is the only surviving crew-member of a spaceship travelling to a new planet, on a mission to establish a second home for humanity. ", "Alone in space, she is the loneliest girl in the universe until she hears about a new ship which has launched from Earth with a single passenger on board. ", "A boy called J. Their only communication is via email and due to the distance between them, their messages take months to transmit. ", "And yet Romy finds herself falling in love. ", "But what does Romy really know about J? ", "And what do the mysterious messages which have started arriving from Earth really mean? ", "Sometimes, there’s something worse than being alone…\n\n“I got so lucky. ", "In what could have been the worst, most isolating time of my life, I’ve found the greatest friendship.”", "\n\nAs someone who loved The Martian (both the book and the film, but mainly the book) and loathed the Jennifer Lawrence led film Passengers, I did start this book with a little trepidation. ", "Was Romy going to be a teen angsty version of Chris Pratt’s Jim?", "\n\nNo, no she was not. ", "Instead she was a highly relatable person (not teen, not female. ", "She is a character that spans ages and genders.) ", "who is thrown into an isolated situation that she did not chose, had no training for and is doing the best she can,\n\nHere’s were James truly gets me. ", "There are two things that tend to disengage me as a reader; integrated fan fiction and emails to progress the plot. ", "However, where other writers sometimes fail James uses both with precision and skill. ", "Not only do I know I need to read them, I want to read them. ", "The emails don’t feel like an invasion of privacy but an exploration of a blossoming friendship. ", "It helps that Romy refers to them as part of her own inner dialogue.", "\n\nI find the building relationship between Romy and J believable. ", "The exploration of death, grief and guilt is impeccable and heart-breaking. ", "You will want to lift Romy out from the pages and give her a hug; you’ll want to tell her she’s not alone.", "\n\nThere’s a sucker-punch, Alien-esque final act that puts Romy right up there with my favourite role model; Ripley. ", "And while it takes a leaf out of some sci-fi tropes, it does not feel contrived. ", "It also made me recall one of my favourite horrors; Urban Legend. ", "In my head, I’m screaming “Natalie”! ", "There’s a nostalgia to this novel that makes it strangely refreshing.", "\n\nDespite the story being set in space, James addresses many problems we all face today. ", "It’s the perfect landscape to explore the dangers of online dating, for example. ", "In modern society people are finding it harder to meet a potential partner in an organic way. ", "Our fear of being alone, leads us to this online forum that requires us to take a leap of faith.", "\n\nWhether Lauren James intended to or not it feels like I’ve found one of the best modern allegories I’ve had the pleasure of devouring in a long time. ", "When I return to school in September, this is the book I intend to recommend to each student in my classes with the hopes they do learn that sometimes there are sometimes worse things than being alone." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTornado performance issue with coroutine\n\nI got performance issue after using coroutine, code is simple as official document:\nclass MainHandler(tornado.web.", "RequestHandler):\n @tornado.gen.coroutine\n def get(self):\n httpClient = tornado.httpclient.", "AsyncHTTPClient()\n yield httpClient.fetch('http://google.com/', method = 'GET')\n\nTest command is:\nwrk -t12 -c400 -d30s\n\nI can only get 66 requests per second, if I remove httpClient.fetch(), I can get 1659 requests per second.", "\nTornado is running single process on E5-2666 v3 @ 2.90GHz, CPU usage of this process all goes 100%.", "\nI'm using Tornado v4.4.1, python 2.7.", "\n\nA:\n\nBy default, AsyncHTTPClient won't await more than 10 concurrent requests. ", "So if each fetch takes about 150ms between start and finish, for example, that would limit you to about 66 fetches per second total. ", "Since each MainHandler.get awaits an AsyncHTTPClient.fetch, that means that get is bottlenecked too.", "\nRaise the maximum clients like so, at the very beginning of your program:\ntornado.httpclient.", "AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, max_clients=1000)\n\nDo that right after all your imports and before you create any AsyncHTTPClients.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "By Ryan Burton\n\nIBF #1 ranked super welterweight contender Julian \"J Rock\" Williams (22-0-1, 14KOs) wasn't very impressed with IBF champion Jermall Charlo's recent twelve round decision victory over Austin Trout two weeks ago. ", "Charlo started off fast before fading at the end of the Showtime televised bout.", "\n\nWith the IBF ordering Jermall to face Williams next, the Philadelphia native was ringside for the fight at The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.", "\n\nTrout was the most experienced opponent of Jermall's career and the win raised his record to 24-0 with 18 knockouts. ", "Williams feels the record looks good on paper, but it's padded up with overmatched opponents.", "\n\n\"Jermall Charlo isn't nothing special. ", "He has a lot of fabricated knockouts. ", "He's fought a lot of fat, blown up welterweights and junior middleweights. ", "I think that Jermall is just an okay fighter,\" Williams told BoxingScene.com.", "\n\nWilliams does think more highly of Jermall's twin brother Jermell, who became a champion on the same card when he stopped John Jackson to capture the vacant WBC super welterweight title.", "\n\nWhile Jermall has the flashier record due to his knockout percentage, Williams feels Jermell is a superior fighter with a 28-0 record and 13 knockouts.", "\n\nAfter facing Jermall, Williams said he would like to face his twin brother to snatch up his title as well. ", "Jermall has a WBC unification due against mandatory challenger Charles Hatley which is likely going to happen before the year is out.", "\n\n\"Jermell is way better. ", "It isn't even close. ", "My plan is to beat Jermall and then hopefully unify with Jermell. ", "I've been telling people for a long time that Jermell is the better of the two fighters,\" said Williams.", "\n\nSend questions or comments to ringsidewriter@gmail.com. ", "You can follow Ryan on Twitter @ringsidewriter" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHTTP request Integer Overflow NodeJS\n\nI'm trying to send a HTTP request using the request library in nodejs. ", "However I'm not able to send 401450000000494382 id as a POST parameter as Node truncates it to 401450000000494400. ", "\n\nA:\n\nMax value of a number type is 9007199254740991 in javascript/Node.js\nSo it's not possible to pass by 'number' type.", "\nJust send value as string type and change the operations accordingly.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\n\n Why passwords have never been weaker—and crackers have never been stronger - e1ven\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2012/08/passwords-under-assault/\n\n======\ncasca\nThe question about password strength is meaningless without looking at the\nattack. ", "A 4-digit PIN with a 3 attempt lock-out (and no further information)\nis more secure than a 10 character password encrypted with MD5.", "\n\nThere will be people who say that it would all be fine if they just used\nbcrypt, but the fundamental problem is that if you don't use different\npasswords on every site, you're hugely at risk.", "\n\nConsider a situation where you've given your \"trusted\" password to a site that\nyou know does all the right hashing with password storage. ", "Your super password\nis 20 characters of alphanums with specials and you're feeling pretty smug.", "\nYou now hear that the site was hacked, but you're not worried as all they can\nget is the hash and let them just try brute-force, right?", "\n\nWrong. ", "They hacked the site. ", "They changed the login form and grabbed your\npassword in plaintext. ", "A hack means that they compromise part of the\ninfrastructure. ", "At this time it's sufficient to just grab database data.", "\nChanging presented HTML is possibly a little harder as it needs to stay up for\nlonger, but if someone has access to the database, they probably have access\nto a whole lot more. ", "This is why lastpass.com is less secure than storing your\npassword database yourself.", "\n\nTL;DR: make your passwords different.", "\n\n~~~\nnewman314\nThis. ", "I'm surprised more sites don't utilize a lockout. ", "Even with a 10 or 50\nattempt lockout (for a website not PIN) is still better than giving an\nattacker unlimited attempts.", "\n\n~~~\ncasca\nLock-outs are tricky to manage. ", "I can flood 50 login requests and have the\nlegitimate user quickly locked out. ", "CAPTCHAs can help but they're annoying and\nit's cheap to pay people to solve them if necessary.", "\n\nForcing a CAPTCHA for a new IP address or when a \"you-have-logged-on-from-\nthis-browser-before\" cookie added to a lock-out would definitely be an\nimprovement.", "\n\n~~~\nolalonde\nPaying people to read the CAPTCHAs would not help you much with a naive brute\nforce attack. ", "Assuming you can break 1 CAPTCHA/second, you could\nhypothetically try 86400 passwords/day. ", "Breaking a 6 character password would\nthen take you 52^6/86400 = 228826.5 days ~= 627 years. ", "But I bet you'd run out\nof money earlier! ", "Of course, it's a different story if the CAPTCHA can be\nOCRed.", "\n\n------\nbarrkel\nHere's my crazy crackpot theory for solving the password problem.", "\n\nUsers should have a handful of passwords, in the old security-level style;\neveryday sites use a short simple password, email a level up, banking a level\nup again.", "\n\nBut the passwords should not be entered directly into sites. ", "Instead, they\nshould be hashed by a browser feature / plugin, roughly equivalent to\nbcrypt(password + user-specific-salt + site DNS name). ", "The output of this\nprocess is what gets provided to sites. ", "Not all sites will accept the full\nentropy of bcrypt or similar, so there needs to be a central registry tracking\nacceptable mappings from the output of bcrypt to the input of a site's\npassword. ", "There's also an issue around sites that share accounts across\ndifferent top-level DNS names - Amazon in particular - that can also be\nhandled by the same central registry technique.", "\n\nThis way, there is no list of passwords to worry about backing up, losing or\nhanding over to third parties - everyone should be able to remember two or\nthree passwords. ", "There is no Javascript vulnerability like you see with\nbookmarklets for things like SuperGenPass. ", "Every website sees a unique and\nspecific password, even if the same underlying password is used by different\npeople.", "\n\nThe only thing you need to worry about is your browser getting completely\nowned, so that the memory space of its extension mechanism is accessed by\nremote websites. ", "But if the attacker has that level of control, it's not\nunreasonable to think he has control over a third party password manager too.", "\n\nWhat it doesn't do well is revocation and renewal of a password. ", "It also has a\nsingle point of failure - if someone somehow gets access to your underlying\npassword, and knows the mechanism and salt, they can open a whole lot of\nboxes. ", "This, of course, is why I'm a crackpot: I can live with that.", "\n\n~~~\nrapind\n<http://passwordmaker.org/>\n\nBut you still need to realize that this won't last forever. ", "You can crack an\napplication's hashing algo (and know what hash or field they're using for the\nsalt) because 50% of its users picked crappy passwords. ", "Then if you're really\ndedicated you can work on the double hashed passwords, knowing that most\npeople use the domain as the salt for browser-side hashing... Also a pre-\nhashed password has to be pretty easy to spot in a list once you've cracked\nthe server-hash.", "\n\nScary stuff...\n\n~~~\nuvdiv\nThat looks like they're using unsalted SHA-256 as a password derivation\nfunction? ", "And they reimplemented every cryptographic primitive themselves?", "\n\nI'll pass.", "\n\n~~~\nrapind\nNot sure where you got that idea, but the Passwordmaker Pro chrome extension\nI'm using, let's me specify a different salt (domain of the site is the\ndefault), let's me pick the hashing algo, the length of the hash, the\nmodifier, characters to use, etc.", "\n\nYou might want to look at it again.", "\n\n~~~\nuvdiv\n_let's me pick the hashing algo,_\n\nAll of the choices are hash functions designed to be fast (like SHA-256, the\ndefault), which you do _not_ want for password derivation because being fast\nto compute means easy to brute-force. ", "You can test billions of digests per\nsecond with a PC graphics card.", "\n\n _let's me specify a different salt (domain of the site is the default)_\n\nThen every user shares the _same_ salt for a given site, which largely defeats\nthe purpose of salting (to prevent rainbow tables).", "\n\n~~~\nrapind\nYeah the salt default being an issue, is what I said in my initial post. ", "I'm\ngoing to go out on a limb and say that doing the following will make you one\nof the hardest passwords to crack during the event of a weak hashing leak like\nthe linkedin fiasco.", "\n\n1\\. Install and use the Passwordmaker Pro extension.", "\n[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ocjkdaaapapjpmipmh...](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ocjkdaaapapjpmipmhiadedofjiokogj)\n2\\. Change the default password length to say 40 characters. ", "3\\. Add a\nmodifier like bOoo7&jd8$02jf 4\\. Change whatever other defaults you want. ", "5\\.\nUse a master password that's at least 10 characters long.", "\n\nBTW it would be easy enough to fork this extension and provide a little more\nsecurity if you wanted. ", "<https://github.com/bitboxer/chrome-passwordmaker/>\n\n------\ntedunangst\n\"he recovered a 13-character password that he had spent several months trying\nto crack.\" -", "> \"The technique is simple enough to do, although it increases the\nnumber of required guesses dramatically—from about 26 million, assuming the\ndictionary Redman uses most often, to about 676 million.\" -", "> \"8.2 billion\nAverage passwords combinations per second able to be tried by a PC running a\nsingle AMD Radeon HD7970 GPU.\"", "\n\nDo the math. ", "676 million should have taken less than a tenth of a second.", "\nUnless some rather major details are missing...\n\n~~~\ntlb\n26 million squared is 676 _trillion_ , which would take about a day at 8\nbillion / sec.", "\n\n~~~\ntedunangst\nnice catch.", "\n\n------\nethereal\nFrom the article:\n\n> An updated version of LAN Manager known as NTLM was introduced with Windows\n> NT 3.1. ", "It lowered the susceptibility of Windows passwords to rainbow table\n> attacks, but didn't eliminate the risk. ", "To this day, the authentication\n> system still doesn't apply cryptographic \"salt\" to passwords to render such\n> attacks infeasible.", "\n\nIs this true? ", "Do WinNT-derived systems _still_ not use password salting? ", "If\nthat is the case, my opinion of Windows's security just dropped quite a bit. ", "I\nknow security can exist without salting, and I've not done any in-depth\nWindows development, but from experience w/backend dev and Linux dev it seems\nlike it'd be pretty cheap to add . . .", "\n\n~~~\ncourage\nThe LM hash hasn't been stored by default for years now:\n<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LM_hash>.", "\n\nThe problem wasn't the difficulty of adding a better hash algorithm. ", "The lousy\nhash was kept around to maintain compatibility with network clients that\ndidn't support the new algorithms.", "\n\n------\njayfuerstenberg\nThe gist of the article is sites ought to be using BCrypt for hashing\npasswords and users should be using password manager apps for storing strong\npasswords (not \"password123\").", "\n\n~~~\nsp4rki\nBeing the second in command of a development team I made the decision to\nchange ALL our authentication to bcrypt a week into the job overnight (luckily\nwe where storing password encrypted in way I could retrieve all the\npasswords), had to hack into the database server though. ", "The result was an\nangry customer service department, and the realization that our security was\ncomplete shit. ", "I also ended up working with the IT guys to secure our\nnetworks. ", "The real result is that now we don't get huge security meltdowns\nevery couple of months. ", "I got a bonus for the initiative... Oh and the\ncustomer service guys still hate me :D\n\n------\nWingman4l7\nThe more I read about this, the more I think that 2-factor authentication is\nthe future, whether it's using robocalls / texted codes sent to mobile phones,\nor just a security token. ", "It's easier to just add one of the 3 types of\nauthentication* to the mix rather than wrapping yet another layer of\ncomplexity around a single one of them.", "\n\n* _(what you have, what you are, what you know)_\n\n~~~\nK2h\nI have been reading the list of 2 factor at lastpass [1] and in addition to\nmentioning the yubikey, it talks about the grid multifactor [2] - probably\nabout on par with what was used in WW2 but it seems extremely simple, low tech\nsolution to multifactor that doesn't require computers, phones or electronics\n- solving that problem of 'something you know' + 'something you have'\n\n[1] <http://helpdesk.lastpass.com/security-options/>\n\n[2] [http://helpdesk.lastpass.com/security-options/grid-\nmultifact...](http://helpdesk.lastpass.com/security-options/grid-multifactor-\nauthentication/)\n\n~~~\nWingman4l7\nSounds like you're referring to a one-time pad[1], which is what that grid\nlooks like. ", "Google's 2-factor auth has a simpler version of this -- they just\ngive you 10 or so one-time passwords. ", "I like the grid; it seems to have a much\nlonger potential \"lifetime\" of use.", "\n\n[1]: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_pad>\n\n------\negypturnash\nMore and more I feel like _passwords are a fundamentally broken system_. ", "We\nneed a better system of locks and keys.", "\n\nWhat is is, I don't know. ", "I just know that it's not \"passwords\".", "\n\nEspecially when there are still sites that limit you to like 8 characters out\nof a highly restricted set. ", "Usually of course these are banks.", "\n\n~~~\nzerostar07\nI m in favor of things like browserid, provide a centralized point of failure.", "\nIt's futile to assume that because people can have different passwords they\nwill have them. ", "Most people use 1-3 passwords, and it sucks whenever you have\nto learn a new one.", "\n\n------\nyummyfajitas\nHypothetical question - say I'm an idiot and I already have a database full of\nmd5-hashed passwords. ", "What do I do now?", "\n\nThe best I've been able to come up with is bcrypting the md5's. ", "But\nunfortunately, while bcrypt^-1(ALL STRINGS) is hard to compute, it's not clear\nthat bcrypt^-1(range(md5)) is. ", "I see no compelling reason why it wouldn't be,\nbut I don't know enough about the subject to offer a strong claim.", "\n\nCan any experts offer advice on this?", "\n\n(I'd also replace the `bcrypt . ", "md5` password with a regular bcrypt one after\nthe user authenticates.)", "\n\n~~~\nshrughes\nIf inverting bcrypt(md5(.)) ", "was easy then you'd have a preimage attack on md5:\ngiven your value md5(x), compute a bcrypt digest of that and attack that\ninstead. (", "Which is not exactly the same as inverting bcrypt(md5(.)) ", "given a\ndictionary of likely inputs, though.)", "\n\nAnyway, if there's _any_ input set X for which bcrypt(X) can be inverted more\nefficiently than brute force, then you could say that bcrypt is flawed. ", "If\nthat set is the random-looking hashes of user passwords, instead of a\ncarefully constructed one designed to attack bcrypt, then you can safely say\nbcrypt is catastrophically broken.", "\n\n~~~\nyummyfajitas\n_Anyway, if there's any input set X for which bcrypt(X) can be inverted more\nefficiently than brute force,_\n\nHere is one:\n\n \n \n [ (bcrypt x salt) | x <- dictionary, salt <- all_bcrypt_salts ]\n \n\nNow I do think it's unlikely that range(md5) is a good domain on which to\nattack bcrypt, but I also recognize I'm not smart enough to be sure.", "\n\n~~~\nshrughes\nI don't get what you're saying here. ", "Is your input set a bunch of outputs of\nbcrypt? ", "Is your input set `dictionary`? ", "Either way, how can you invert the\noutput of bcrypt more efficiently than brute force?", "\n\n~~~\nyummyfajitas\nIn my particular example, you need only brute force it over a dictionary,\nwhich is not that hard to do (even for bcrypt). ", "That's because the input set\nfor bcrypt is being artificially constrained.", "\n\nMy concern is that artificially constraining the input set to range(md5) might\nsimilarly make brute forcing (or other attacks) easier.", "\n\n------\nrogcg\n\"The whole password-cracking scene has changed drastically. ", "In the last couple\nyears. ", "You can look online and you can generally find passwords for just about\neveryone at some point. ", "I've found my own username and passwords on several\ndifferent sites. ", "If you think every single website you have an account on is\nsecure and has never been hacked, you're a much more optimistic person than I\nam.\"", "\n\nThis guy is realistic. ", "And he is right. ", "I started revoking access for my\ngoogle account from a lot of websites.", "\n\nBTW I've seen a blog post that a guy was able to access his stackoverflow\naccount by getting the session cookies (which was very easy, the parameter\nnames, etc) just by using a cookie chrome extension.", "\n\nThis guy is totally right.", "\n\n\"If you think every single website you have an account on is secure and has\nnever been hacked, you're a much more optimistic person than I am.\"", "\n\n------\njfb\nThis reminds me: I need to go through my 1Password DB and change all the\npasswords. ", "This is a PITA but I only do it quarterly, and 1Password syncs\nnicely to my phone and iPad, so it's not the end of the world.", "\n\n~~~\nbarrkel\nIt would be a huge help if there was a standardized web API for changing\npasswords on a site. ", "I don't know how many sites you need to change passwords\nfor; I've got several hundred, all unique, and I certainly don't change them\nquarterly.", "\n\n(It would also help attackers, of course - they could instantly lock owners\nout of whole heaps of accounts once they got a password that got reused. ", "On\nbalance, though, I think the benefits would be positive, since a motivated\nhacker can already lock people out of high-value accounts, and the drudgery\nfactor of changing passwords regularly is very high.)", "\n\n~~~\njfb\nThis would be nice. ", "Even better would be to do away with passwords entirely in\nfavor of email + physical token. ", "There's no getting away from the fact that\ncrackers will always get access to a certain number of passwords; properly\nincentivizing people to pick excellent passwords seems like a fool's errand.", "\nCue xkcd here. ", "I hold out some hope that Apple (my computing vendor of choice)\nwill roll 1Password-like functionality into the OS (both of them). ", "Only a\ndefault-secure system will get the general public into a more secure state --\nhow long has the computer industry tried to strong-arm people into strong\npasswords, only to be defeated by 12password12 &c.? ", "It's not that users are\nstupid, it's that the technology to secure computers is an utter failure.", "\n\n~~~\negypturnash\nWell, there's the Keychain. ", "But its password generation is hidden deep in the\nprogram, not right there when you're asked to create one. ", "And it doesn't synch\nto anything, not even iOS devices, so it's pretty much useless for generating\npasswords that are, say, 2k of line noise.", "\n\nIt would be totally awesome if Apple acquihired 1PW or LastPass or somesuch,\nand set things up so that it's always right three, helpfully offering a new\nsuper-entropic password whenever you're joining a new site.", "\n\n------\nmwww\nThis is why websites should start to adopt solutions like Rublon\n(www.rublon.com).", "\n\n7 reasons why you should add Rublon to your website\n<http://blog.rublon.com/2012/why-add-rublon/>\n\nI'm the inventor of this technology. ", "Sorry if this looks like advertising, but\nI think that the problem with passwords nowadays is huge nowadays and has to\nbe solved. ", "BTW: We're releasing a new Android app in a few hours.", "\n\n------\nmckoss\nThe real solution is to switch to public keys. ", "No more shared secrets - you\njust prove your identity by using your private key to sign an authentication\nchallenge.", "\n\n~~~\ndamncabbage\nI lost my private key. ", "Now what?", "\n\nI'm using my friend's laptop; I don't have my private key with me. ", "Now what?", "\n\nI'm travelling and forgot to bring my private key with me. ", "Now what?", "\n\n(Similar questions apply to password managers as well, but I'm curious as to\nwhat the problems/solutions are for PKI.)", "\n\n~~~\nsigkill\nI believe, in an ideal world you'd have your private key stored safely on a\n_private_ webserver, or maybe your mobile phone.", "\n\n~~~\ngreyboy\nIn an ideal world, we wouldn't need to worry about unauthorized access.", "\nUnfortunately, that world doesn't exist.", "\n\nBut I sincerely hope a requirement for me to use the internet doesn't demand\nwe have a private server instance or a smartphone of any variety (my Nokia\ncandy bar variant serves me just fine).", "\n\nI can think of many problems we'd need to account for (lack of internet,\ndead/lost phone, corruption, older folks, etc).", "\n\n~~~\nsigkill\nYou know, sometimes the simplest problems are the hardest to solve. ", "You'd\nthink right? \"", "What's the best way to know if this guy is who he is claiming to\nbe?\"", "\n\n1\\. Shared secret/Password - He tells me something during registration and\nthen I use that information to verify if he's saying the same thing when he\nwant access the site.", "\n\n2\\. PKI - Describes itself.", "\n\n3\\. Something he claimed to have during sign-up, so let me check if he has it\nnow.", "\n\nThe problem is, every system is going to have a point of failure/point of\nabsolute control. ", "This is because, you _want_ someone to be able to reset\ntheir password/public key/auth token if they forget/misplace/get stolen. ", "Sure,\nthings would be a lot easier if you left the liability on the user, by\nexplicitly stating that if Acts of God (legal term) happen to him, you are not\nliable. ", "But in this day and age where I see every service tending towards\ndummifying and hand-holding, I don't see this approach being popular at all.", "\n\nIn the above approach, by pushing all liability onto the user, you tell him\nthat HE and ONLY HE is responsible towards the safe storage of his credential.", "\nIt's not like in real-life, people can't come up with a gun pointed at you and\ntell you to give up your auth token, assuming they MitM'ed your password.", "\n\n~~~\ngreyboy\nI'm not sure we really disagree, if I understand your response correctly. ", "I\n_do_ think there can be improvement (and, probably, should).", "\n\nMy main objection was calling for using a device that is expensive, requires\nspecial/additional phone plans, and doesn't _really_ solve the problem\n(especially for most of the global population). ", "I have a rather diverse set of\nfriends by age, income and technical experience - and smartphones aren't the\nmajority.", "\n\n~~~\nsigkill\nYou are correct. ", "I am not in disagreement with you. ", "We definitely need a way\nto authenticate people. ", "But like I said, authenticating systems need to be\nfool-proof enough to not allow false positives yet flexible enough to allow\npeople to screw up and get a fresh start without wiping all their data. ", "These\ntwo goals, by definition are the equivalent of trying to look towards the left\nand right at the same time.", "\n\n------\njakeonthemove\nI'd really wish some sites would not force me to change the password every\nother month or every time I clear my cookies or use a different IP: every\ntime, I have to use a simpler password because I just can't come up with a\nbetter one without having to write it down somewhere...\n\n3-5 tries with a half hour lockout with an email alert seems like a good\nsolution to me...\n\n~~~\nalanning\nDefinitely annoying to have to reset pw frequently but the shorter passwords\npart can be avoided by using a secure pw db like keepass (keepassX on Mac).", "\nStoring the db file on dropbox makes it very convenient. ", "Throwaway pw aside,\nyou really only need to remember 3 pws: db, dropbox, and main email (for\nconvenience). ", "I have many passwords I've never even seen thanks to keepassX.\n\n~~~\nrobbiemitchell\nIf it doesn't work easily on a mobile device, it might as well not exist.", "\n\n~~~\nSoftwareMaven\nKeepass has mobile applications that synchronize easily via webdav or Dropbox.", "\n\nUnfortunately, you can't create new records from the mobile device with\nKeepass (at least, with the app I'm using; there are others). ", "My technique is\nto not create high-value accounts from my mobile and for low-value accounts,\nI'm OK with just using a semi-secure, temporary password that I update when\nI'm back in front of the desktop.", "\n\n~~~\nshiven\n_Unfortunately, you can't create new records from the mobile device with\nKeepass_\n\nPerhaps pwSafe is the app you need? ", "Works beautifully on iOS and syncs with\nDropbox and/or iCloud too!", "\n\n------\nTomGullen\nThe article talks about brute forcing hashes. ", "This is why a good login system\nwill rehash the password multiple times to exponentially increase the length\nof time it would take to brute force the passwords.", "\n\nAccounts could still be cherry picked but it would stop blanket brute forces.", "\nThis is why BCrypt is good.", "\n\n~~~\ngizmo686\nHow does re-hashing exponentially increase the amount of time brute forcing\ntakes. ", "The time it takes to do N iterations of a hash is N times as long as 1\niteration, so the amount of time it takes to make M guesses is still just N\ntimes as long.", "\n\n------\ngghootch\nWhy aren't security experts and hackers mixing and matching the characters\nthat make up the password? ", "I.e. instead of super!!!think3rs, try\nSupr3Think0rz. ", "Is the added required processing too large of a trade off?", "\n\n~~~\nsesqu\nI don't know what the best practices are, but some crackers definitely do do\nthat. ", "And yes, the added processing is generally too large for non-cracking\napplications.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\"\"\"\nSPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n\nCopyright (c) 2020 Arm Limited. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\nhttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations \n\"\"\"\n\n# Asumptions for this script: \n# 1. ", "directory_name is scanned directory.", "\n# Files are copied to this directory with full tree. ", "As result, if we find\n# license offender, we can have full path (just scrape directory_name). ", "We do this\n# magic because scancode allows to scan directories/one file.", "\n# 2. ", "SPDX and license text is a must for all code files\n\nimport json\nimport argparse\nimport sys\nimport os.path\nimport logging\nimport re\n\nuserlog = logging.getLogger(\"scancode-evaluate\")\nuserlog.setLevel(logging.", "INFO)\nlogfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'scancode-evaluate.log')\nlog_file_handler = logging.", "FileHandler(logfile, mode='w')\nuserlog.addHandler(log_file_handler)\n\nMISSING_LICENSE_TEXT = \"Missing license header\"\nMISSING_PERMISIVE_LICENSE_TEXT = \"Non-permissive license\"\nMISSING_SPDX_TEXT = \"Missing SPDX license identifier\"\n\ndef license_check(directory_name, file):\n \"\"\" Check licenses in the scancode json file for specified directory\n\n This function does not verify if file exists, should be done prior the call.", "\n\n Args: \n directory_name - where scancode was run, used to scrape this from paths \n file - scancode json output file (output from scancode --license --json-pp)\n\n Returns: \n 0 if nothing found\n >0 - count how many license isses found\n -1 if any error in file licenses found\n \"\"\"\n\n offenders = []\n try:\n # find all licenses in the files, must be licensed and permissive\n with open(file, 'r') as scancode_output:\n results = json.load(scancode_output)\n except ValueError:\n userlog.warning(\"JSON could not be decoded\")\n return -1\n\n try:\n for file in results['files']:\n license_offender = {}\n license_offender['file'] = file\n # ignore directory, not relevant here\n if license_offender['file']['type'] == 'directory':\n continue\n if not license_offender['file']['licenses']:\n license_offender['reason'] = MISSING_LICENSE_TEXT\n offenders.append(license_offender)\n continue\n\n found_spdx = False\n for i in range(len(license_offender['file']['licenses'])):\n if license_offender['file']['licenses'][i]['category'] !", "= 'Permissive':\n license_offender['reason'] = MISSING_PERMISIVE_LICENSE_TEXT\n offenders.append(license_offender)\n # find SPDX, it shall be one of licenses found\n if license_offender['file']['licenses'][i]['matched_rule']['identifier'].find(\"spdx\") !", "= -1:\n found_spdx = True\n\n if not found_spdx:\n try:\n # Issue reported here https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit/issues/1913\n # We verify here if SPDX is not really there as SDPX is part of the license text\n # scancode has some problems detecting it properly\n with open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(license_offender['file']['path'])), 'r') as spdx_file_check:\n filetext = spdx_file_check.read()\n matches = re.findall(\"SPDX-License-Identifier:?\", ", "filetext)\n if matches:\n continue\n license_offender['reason'] = MISSING_SPDX_TEXT\n offenders.append(license_offender)\n except UnicodeDecodeError:\n # not valid file for license check\n continue\n except KeyError:\n userlog.warning(\"Invalid scancode json file\")\n return -1\n\n if offenders:\n userlog.warning(\"Found files with missing license details, please review and fix\")\n for offender in offenders:\n userlog.warning(\"File: \" + offender['file']['path'][len(directory_name):] + \" \" + \"reason: \" + offender['reason'])\n return len(offenders)\n\ndef parse_args():\n parser = argparse.", "ArgumentParser(\n description=\"License check.\")", "\n parser.add_argument('-f', '--file',\n help=\"scancode-toolkit output json file\")\n parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory_name', default=\"SCANCODE\",\n help='Directory name where are files being checked')\n return parser.parse_args()\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n\n args = parse_args()\n if args.file and os.path.isfile(args.file):\n count = license_check(args.directory_name, args.file)\n if count == 0:\n sys.exit(0)\n else:\n sys.exit(-1)\n else:\n userlog.warning(\"Could not find the scancode json file\")\n sys.exit(-1)\n" ]
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[ "William Steiger had cold feet. ", "But he also had a length of india-rubber tubing. ", "So he snaked the latter down to the former, blew through the tube, and invented the “pedal calorificator,” a discreet way to breathe on one’s own feet.", "\n\nSteiger’s 1877 patent application is quaintly charming — apparently he had built a working model and worn it around Maryland for some time, finding that his body warmed the tubes so that his breath arrived in his shoes at 84°F. ", "It was necessary only to exhale through his mouth, “an easy process, which I have ascertained practically may be kept up a long time, as, for example, for miles on a railroad-car, without much personal inconvenience.”" ]
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[ "Jan 9, 2015; Washington, DC, USA; Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah (13) gestures on the court against the Washington Wizards in the fourth quarter at Verizon Center. ", "The Wizards won 102-86. ", "Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports\n\nThe Washington Wizards are reportedly interested in former Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah, who’s an unrestricted free agent\n\nWe’re just over a week away from the 2016 NBA Free Agency period – meaning, we’re just over a week away from one of the most chaotic times of the summer for hoop fans.", "\n\nThe Washington Wizards, like every other team in the NBA, are trying to lure Kevin Durant home. ", "Unfortunately, there chances of actually convincing the DC native to play for them are rather slim.", "\n\nSo the Wizards, like everyone else, have to come up with other plans if their Durant campaign falls short.", "\n\nThe Wizards will have plenty of options as they will have the capability to sign a max player along with retaining Bradley Beal. ", "Despite missing the playoffs this past season, the Wizards still believe they are a legitimate destination for top free agents.", "\n\nA core featuring John Wall, Beal, Marcin Gortat, Markieff Morris – all established players – and two developing wings in Otto Porter and Kelly Oubre should be enticing to free agents. ", "Of course, the addition of Scott Brooks, who’s well-respected around the NBA, helps in the recruiting process as well.", "\n\nWashington could decide to trade and absorb players with their cap space, look to make another free agent splash outside of Durant or spread the wealth around by adding depth at numerous positions.", "\n\nAt this point, it’s unclear which direction the Wizards will decide to go.", "\n\nHowever, their name will probably be linked to several different free agents this summer, including the marquee ones and the mediocre players.", "\n\nAccording to Darren Wolfson, the Washington Wizards, New York Knicks and Minnesota Timberwolves are interested in free agent center Joakim Noah.", "\n\nFree agency buzz, which comes fast: can add the Wizards to the list of teams with interest in Noah. ", "He'll have a few suitors. #", "twolves — Darren Wolfson (@DWolfsonKSTP) June 22, 2016\n\nWhen I initially read the tweet from Wolfson, I had one question run through my mind: why?", "\n\nNoah was one of the best big men in the NBA a few years ago. ", "But there are a few key words in that previous sentence that should change his status as a top free agent: a few years ago.", "\n\nThe former Chicago Bulls star will likely leave the Windy City now that Derrick Rose has been traded to the New York Knicks.", "\n\nHe never embraced new coach Fred Hoiberg‘s system after Tom Thibodeau was fired, and eventually came off the bench for Chicago.", "\n\nIf I had to guess, we’ll probably see Noah end up with the Wolves, reuniting with coach Thibs.", "\n\nOn the Wizards’ side, though, the interest doesn’t make much sense.", "\n\nWashington already has a starting front court with Morris and Gortat.", "\n\nThe pair worked well together prior to the end of the season.", "\n\nGortat’s pick-and-roll game with Wall opened the court for Morris, and he became effective from the perimeter. ", "The tandem also helped the Wizards regain some of the defensive intensity they lost before Morris arrived to Washington.", "\n\nNoah, who will turn 32-years-old next season, played in just 29 games last year. ", "He put up a career-low four points per game. ", "He also shot a career-low 38 percent from the field.", "\n\nThe injuries and the time spent on the court under Thibs caught up to Noah. ", "His best days are certainly behind him.", "\n\nAs the third big man, Noah wouldn’t be an awful signing, but he certainly shouldn’t be considered the top free agent for the Washington Wizards. ", "He would be a spot-starter at best. ", "He’s lost much of the quickness that made him an elite pick-and-roll defender and rim protector. ", "He’s broken down, to put it bluntly.", "\n\nWashington should aim to add a young, developing big man to their roster. ", "With a starting front court in place, the interest in Noah doesn’t make much sense. ", "Unless Ernie Grunfeld has something else big up his sleeve, adding Noah as the key signing would be disastrous." ]
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[ "Short description: We invite work from across the disciplines focused on argumentation, reasoning, rhetoric, communication and deliberation, with special emphasis on how citizens can deal with the science communication that circulates in controversies." ]
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[ "\n714 F.Supp. ", "75 (1988)\nRichard HODGES, Charles L. James, William Nicholson, Juan Plaza, Jose Soto, Michael Wilson and Local 851, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Plaintiffs,\nv.\nVIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS, LTD., ", "Defendant.", "\nNo. ", "88 Civ. ", "1370 (LLS).", "\nUnited States District Court, S.D. New York.", "\nApril 20, 1988.", "\n*76 Stephen H. Kahn, New York City, for plaintiffs.", "\nBaer Marks & Upham, New York City (Michael Delikat, of counsel), for defendant.", "\n\nOPINION AND ORDER\nSTANTON, District Judge.", "\nPlaintiffs claim that defendant discharged them in violation of the Railway Labor Act (\"RLA\"), 45 U.S.C. § 152, Third and Fourth, because of their union activities. ", "They seek injunctive relief, reinstatement, back pay, punitive damages and costs. ", "Defendants move to strike plaintiffs' jury demand on the ground that plaintiffs' claims for relief are equitable in nature. ", "The motion is granted.", "\n\nDISCUSSION\nThe RLA does not specifically provide a right to a jury trial, so plaintiffs must rely on the seventh amendment to the United States Constitution. ", "Maas v. Frontier Airlines, Inc., 676 F.Supp. ", "224 (D.Colo.1987). ", "That amendment's preservation of the right to a jury trial applies to statutory legal rights and legal remedies. ", "Curtis v. Loether, 415 U.S. 189, 194, 94 S.Ct. ", "1005, 1008, 39 L.Ed.2d 260 (1974). \"[", "T]he `legal' nature of an issue is determined by considering, first, the pre-merger custom with reference to such questions; second, the remedy sought; and, third, the practical abilities and limitations of juries.\" ", "Ross v. Bernhard, 396 U.S. 531, 538 n. 10, 90 S.Ct. ", "733, 738 n. 10, 24 L.Ed.2d 729 (1970); see also Maas, 676 F.Supp. ", "at 225.", "\nThe two courts that have considered the issue both held that there is no right to a jury trial in a wrongful termination action under the RLA. ", "Maas v. Frontier Airlines, Inc., 676 F.Supp. ", "224 (D.Colo. ", "1987); Brady v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 196 F.Supp. ", "504 (D.Del.1961). ", "Plaintiffs argue that these cases are inconsistent with the holding of Curtis v. Loether that the seventh amendment preserves the right to a jury trial in actions enforcing statutory rights when the statute creates legal rights and remedies. ", "They also challenge the holding in Maas that punitive damages are not allowable under the RLA. ", "These arguments are unpersuasive.", "\nIt is important to remember that the RLA makes no grant of a private right of action for vindication of its provisions. ", "Rather, its emphasis is on the negotiation and mediation of disputes (§§ 151a, 152 First, Second, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth), with violations by carriers to be prosecuted as misdemeanors by the United States Attorney General (§ 152 Tenth). ", "The civil function of the court was to enforce the Congressional command, Virginian Ry. ", "v. Federation, 300 U.S. 515, 545, 57 S.Ct. ", "592, 598, 81 L.Ed. ", "789 (1937), by directing the defendant to perform the statutory obligation. ", "Id. at 550, 57 S.Ct. ", "at 600. ", "Its office was primarily prevention by injunctions against violations of the statute; the adjudication of private wrongful discharge claims seems to have been ancillary. ", "See generally Lewy v. Southern Pacific Transp. ", "Co., 799 F.2d 1281, 1291 (9th Cir. ", "1986); Roscello v. Southwest Airlines Co., 726 F.2d 217, 220 n. 2 (5th Cir.1984); Adams v. Federal Express Corp., 547 F.2d 319, 321-22 (6th Cir.1976), cert. ", "denied, 431 U.S. 915, 97 S.Ct. ", "2177, 53 L.Ed.2d 225; Louisville & Nashville R.R. Co. v. Brown, 252 F.2d 149, 155 (5th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 356 U.S. 949, 78 S.Ct. ", "913, 2 L.Ed.2d 843 *77 (1958). ", "Recognizing this marked historical bias toward court intervention primarily for the traditionally equitable purpose of directing specific performance of a duty, we turn to the narrower classification of the nature of the claim.", "\n\n1. ", "The Customary Manner of Trying the Cause\nThe first consideration is whether the claim would have been tried to a jury before the merger of law and equity. ", "Maas, 676 F.Supp. ", "at 225-26, held that this factor weighs against a jury trial, stating\nThe rights and duties involved in the alleged unfair labor practice of discrimination based on union activity had no common law counterpart triable by a jury before the merger of law and equity. ", "Brady v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 196 F.Supp. ", "504, 507-08 (D.Del. ", "1961). ", "The few courts which have found the existence of a common law counterpart in a labor case did so for other types of labor violations. ", "See Cox v. C.H. Masland & Sons, Inc., 607 F.2d 138, 143 (5th Cir.1979) (An exclusive bargaining agent's duty of fair representation under the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 141-187, is comparable to the common law tort of breach of a duty of fair representation); Quinn v. DiGiulian, 739 F.2d 637, 645-46 (D.C.Cir.1984) (Claim for damages under the Bill of Rights of the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, 29 U.S.C. 401, et seq., ", "sounds in tort).", "\nPlaintiffs argue that their claim is a legal one analogous to a tort, citing Roscello v. Southwest Airlines Co., 726 F.2d 217 (5th Cir.1984). ", "Roscello, holding that a jury must decide a suit against a union for failure to render fair representation under the RLA, addressed a situation in which only money damages were available. ", "Quite different is this case, where the primary relief sought is reinstatement.", "\nThus, this factor indicates a nonjury trial. ", "Curtis v. Loether is not to the contrary, for the statute it involved specifically created a right to money damages. ", "415 U.S. at 197, 94 S.Ct. ", "at 1010.", "\n\n2. ", "The Type of Remedy Sought\nThe complaint states that \"This is an action for injunctive and other equitable relief, including back wages and reinstatement ...\" Plaintiffs seek an injunction restraining defendant from interfering with its employees' choice of a union representative, reinstatement, lost wages and benefits, costs and punitive damages. ", "They seek publication of the injunction at their place of employment. ", "Clearly, the injunction and its publication are equitable remedies. ", "United States v. Louisiana, 339 U.S. 699, 706, 70 S.Ct. ", "914, 917-18, 94 L.Ed. ", "1216 (1950); Paradise Valley Investigation and Patrol Services, Inc. v. United States District Court, 521 F.2d 1342 (9th Cir.1975).", "\nPlaintiffs claim, however, that their demands for back pay and punitive damages are legal remedies that entitle them to a jury trial.", "\nRLA actions to remedy wrongful terminations due to union activities, with their basis in requiring statutory compliance, are analogous to Title VII actions, which remedy wrongful terminations due to race, sex or national origin. ", "Back pay is incidental to reinstatement; together they comprise \"a form of restitution, clearly an equitable remedy.\" ", "Travers v. Corning Glass Works, 76 F.R.D. 431, 434 (S.D.N.Y.1977) (Weinfeld, J.). ", "In this context, reinstatement and back pay are equitable remedies. ", "See Maas, 676 F.Supp. ", "at 226, Brady v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 196 F.Supp. ", "at 507.", "\nThis leaves plaintiffs' claim for punitive damages. ", "The availability of punitive damages is not free from doubt. ", "Compare Maas (holding that the weight of authority is that punitive damages are not available) with Brown v. World Airways, Inc., 539 F.Supp. ", "179 (S.D.N.Y.1982) (plaintiff had been reinstated; back pay alone would not be a sufficient deterrent).", "\nThe mere fact that plaintiffs seek punitive damages does not change the nature of their claim to a legal one. ", "See Lynch v. Pan American World Airways, Inc., 475 *78 F.2d 764, 765 (5th Cir.1973) (citations omitted):\nA claim for reinstatement is equitable in nature. ", "The imposition of monetary damages to make the employee whole for lost backpay does not change the character of the proceeding and thereby mandate a jury trial. ", "Neither may the Plaintiff — by framing his prayer under § 1981 or by making unsupported allegations for compensatory and punitive damages — unilaterally alter the genre of the proceeding.", "\nTherefore, the second factor weighs against a jury trial.", "\n\n3. ", "Suitability of a Jury to Decide the Claim\nThe issue in this case is whether plaintiffs were discharged because of their union activities or because defendant suffered business reversals. ", "This is the sort of question that juries typically decide, and a jury decision would in no way hamper the court in fashioning or limiting injunctive relief. ", "This factor favors a jury trial. ", "However, in light of the foregoing discussion, it is not decisive.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nDefendant's motion to strike plaintiffs' jury demand is granted.", "\n" ]
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[ "Copyright restrictions applying to use or reproduction of this image available from the Western History and Genealogy Dept., ", "Denver Public Library, at photosales@denverlibrary.org.", "\n\nReproduction Available for Purchase\n\nYes (digital reproduction)\n\nRelated Material\n\nImage File: ZZR710060664\n\nNotes\n\nFormerly F23679.; ", "Title and \"803\", and photographer's information printed on front of stereo card.; ", "Written on back of stereo card: \"These pipes are made of thin boiler iron. ", "They extend for miles across the country and look like great snakes. ", "From the R. R. you can see, at Gold Run, miners pouring streams of water on the bank soon washing away a hill many feet high.\"; ", "R7100606645\n\nIdentifier\n\nF23679 DPLW\n\nFilename\n\n10060664.TIF\n\nWe Invite Your Comments\n\nSee an error or omission? ", "Spot a person or place that's unidentified? ", "Send an email to whgclerks using the domain denverlibrary.org. ", "Be sure to include as much detail as possible, including the source of your information so we can respond properly. ", "Thanks!" ]
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[ "Polkadot reminds you: Autumn in Milan\n\nWe are come back in the city, we are ready to start again with events and gigs, we are waiting for new albums, new bands, old bands coming from the past, new ideas, changes. ", "The first month of the year? ", "September of course. ", "And if you felt hopeful, excited and ready for the floor, you couldn’t miss the Magnolia Parade. ", "The last summer event, but the first autumn date. ", "An electronic and rock line up has been matched. ", "4 days, from wednesday to saturday, 40 gigs, 5 stages, chill out zone and camping. ", "A real european festival. ", "About price? ", "daily ticket from 10 euros to 15 euros, all days ticket 40 euros. ", "About music, at Polkadot we are waiting for Soulsavers with Mark Lanegan, electronic post rock atmosphere with a taste of grunge, Moderat, the project was born from Apparat and Modeselektor, both coming from minimal electronic and techno scene. ", "We are proud to find some italian artists as: Port Royal, we are fan of the band, Bugo and Fratelli Calafuria.", "Mattew Herbert, the eclectic british dj , as headliner for the closing days and Nouvelle vague. ", "That’s it, for more information and full line up visit the web site www.circolomagnolia.it . ", "Welcome autumn in Milan." ]
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[ "Indian ex-minister Dayanidhi Maran's homes raided over graft Published duration 10 October 2011\n\nimage caption Mr Maran has denied allegations of corruption\n\nIndian police have raided the homes of former minister Dayanidhi Maran following allegations of his involvement in the country's biggest corruption scandal, officials say.", "\n\nMr Maran resigned in July after he was named in the scandal over telecoms licences. ", "He has denied any wrongdoing.", "\n\nHis party colleague, former telecoms minister Andimuthu Raja, is already in jail on corruption charges.", "\n\nThe multi-billion dollar scandal has damaged the government's reputation.", "\n\nIndia may have lost as much as $39bn in revenue, a sum equivalent to the annual defence budget, the state auditor has said.", "\n\nMr Maran, who was the federal textiles minister, is being investigated as part of a broader inquiry into alleged offences committed over a decade. ", "He belongs to DMK, a key ally of the governing Congress party.", "\n\nHe has denied allegations that he coerced the founder of the mobile phone firm Aircel to sell off his stake to Malaysia-based Maxis.", "\n\nIndian media reports said India's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had raided Mr Maran's homes in Delhi and in the southern cities of Chennai and Hyderabad early on Monday.", "\n\nThe homes and offices of Mr Maran's brother, Kalanidhi Maran, have been also raided.", "\n\nKalanidhi Maran owns the SUN TV network, which allegedly received a kickback from from Maxis. ", "He denies the allegation.", "\n\nInvestigators have also registered a case against the brothers under India's Prevention of Corruption law.", "\n\nDayanidhi Maran left the telecommunications ministry in 2007 to be succeeded by Mr Raja and was until July the country's textiles minister.", "\n\nIn May another senior member of the Tamil Nadu-based DMK party to be implicated in the scandal was arrested and sent to prison.", "\n\nKanimozhi - a member of parliament and the daughter of the state's former chief minister M Karunanidhi - denies conspiracy and bribery allegations in relation to the alleged misselling of the telecoms licences.", "\n\nSeveral top company executives have also been arrested in connection with the so-called 2G case.", "\n\nIndia has the world's fastest growing mobile phone market, with about half-a-billion subscribers." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Rob Clark <robclark@freedesktop.org>\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"),\n * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation\n * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,\n * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the\n * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next\n * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the\n * Software.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", " IN NO EVENT SHALL\n * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.", "\n *\n * Authors:\n * Rob Clark <robclark@freedesktop.org>\n */\n\n#ifndef FREEDRENO_DRMIF_H_\n#define FREEDRENO_DRMIF_H_\n\n#include <stdint.h>\n\n#include \"util/u_debug.h\"\n\nstruct fd_bo;\nstruct fd_pipe;\nstruct fd_device;\n\nenum fd_pipe_id {\n\tFD_PIPE_3D = 1,\n\tFD_PIPE_2D = 2,\n\t/* some devices have two 2d blocks.. not really sure how to\n\t * use that yet, so just ignoring the 2nd 2d pipe for now\n\t */\n\tFD_PIPE_MAX\n};\n\nenum fd_param_id {\n\tFD_DEVICE_ID,\n\tFD_GMEM_SIZE,\n\tFD_GMEM_BASE,\n\tFD_GPU_ID,\n\tFD_CHIP_ID,\n\tFD_MAX_FREQ,\n\tFD_TIMESTAMP,\n\tFD_NR_RINGS, /* # of rings == # of distinct priority levels */\n\tFD_PP_PGTABLE, /* are per-process pagetables used for the pipe/ctx */\n\tFD_CTX_FAULTS, /* # of per context faults */\n\tFD_GLOBAL_FAULTS, /* # of global (all context) faults */\n};\n\n/* bo flags: */\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_SMI 0x00000001\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_KMEM 0x00000002\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_TYPE_MEM_MASK 0x0000000f\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_CACHE_NONE 0x00000000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_CACHE_WCOMBINE 0x00100000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_CACHE_WTHROUGH 0x00200000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_CACHE_WBACK 0x00400000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_CACHE_WBACKWA 0x00800000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_CACHE_MASK 0x00f00000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_GPUREADONLY 0x01000000\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_GEM_SCANOUT 0x02000000\n\n/* bo access flags: (keep aligned to MSM_PREP_x) */\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_PREP_READ 0x01\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_PREP_WRITE 0x02\n#define DRM_FREEDRENO_PREP_NOSYNC 0x04\n\n/* device functions:\n */\n\nstruct fd_device * fd_device_new(int fd);\nstruct fd_device * fd_device_new_dup(int fd);\nstruct fd_device * fd_device_ref(struct fd_device *dev);\nvoid fd_device_del(struct fd_device *dev);\nint fd_device_fd(struct fd_device *dev);\n\nenum fd_version {\n\tFD_VERSION_MADVISE = 1, /* kernel supports madvise */\n\tFD_VERSION_UNLIMITED_CMDS = 1, /* submits w/ >4 cmd buffers (growable ringbuffer) */\n\tFD_VERSION_FENCE_FD = 2, /* submit command supports in/out fences */\n\tFD_VERSION_GMEM_BASE = 3, /* supports querying GMEM base address */\n\tFD_VERSION_SUBMIT_QUEUES = 3, /* submit queues and multiple priority levels */\n\tFD_VERSION_BO_IOVA = 3, /* supports fd_bo_get/put_iova() */\n\tFD_VERSION_SOFTPIN = 4, /* adds softpin, bo name, and dump flag */\n\tFD_VERSION_ROBUSTNESS = 5, /* adds FD_NR_FAULTS and FD_PP_PGTABLE */\n\tFD_VERSION_MEMORY_FD = 2, /* supports shared memory objects */\n};\nenum fd_version fd_device_version(struct fd_device *dev);\n\nbool fd_has_syncobj(struct fd_device *dev);\n\n/* pipe functions:\n */\n\nstruct fd_pipe * fd_pipe_new(struct fd_device *dev, enum fd_pipe_id id);\nstruct fd_pipe * fd_pipe_new2(struct fd_device *dev, enum fd_pipe_id id, uint32_t prio);\nstruct fd_pipe * fd_pipe_ref(struct fd_pipe *pipe);\nvoid fd_pipe_del(struct fd_pipe *pipe);\nint fd_pipe_get_param(struct fd_pipe *pipe, enum fd_param_id param,\n\t\tuint64_t *value);\nint fd_pipe_wait(struct fd_pipe *pipe, uint32_t timestamp);\n/* timeout in nanosec */\nint fd_pipe_wait_timeout(struct fd_pipe *pipe, uint32_t timestamp,\n\t\tuint64_t timeout);\n\n\n/* buffer-object functions:\n */\n\nstruct fd_bo * _fd_bo_new(struct fd_device *dev,\n\t\tuint32_t size, uint32_t flags);\nvoid _fd_bo_set_name(struct fd_bo *bo, const char *fmt, va_list ap);\n\nstatic inline void\nfd_bo_set_name(struct fd_bo *bo, const char *fmt, ...) _util_printf_format(2, 3);\n\nstatic inline void\nfd_bo_set_name(struct fd_bo *bo, const char *fmt, ...)\n{\n#ifndef NDEBUG\n\tva_list ap;\n\tva_start(ap, fmt);\n\t_fd_bo_set_name(bo, fmt, ap);\n\tva_end(ap);\n#endif\n}\n\nstatic inline struct fd_bo *\nfd_bo_new(struct fd_device *dev, uint32_t size, uint32_t flags,\n\t\tconst char *fmt, ...) _util_printf_format(4, 5);\n\nstatic inline struct fd_bo *\nfd_bo_new(struct fd_device *dev, uint32_t size, uint32_t flags,\n\t\tconst char *fmt, ...)\n{\n\tstruct fd_bo *bo = _fd_bo_new(dev, size, flags);\n#ifndef NDEBUG\n\tif (fmt) {\n\t\tva_list ap;\n\t\tva_start(ap, fmt);\n\t\t_fd_bo_set_name(bo, fmt, ap);\n\t\tva_end(ap);\n\t}\n#endif\n\treturn bo;\n}\n\nstruct fd_bo *fd_bo_from_handle(struct fd_device *dev,\n\t\tuint32_t handle, uint32_t size);\nstruct fd_bo * fd_bo_from_name(struct fd_device *dev, uint32_t name);\nstruct fd_bo * fd_bo_from_dmabuf(struct fd_device *dev, int fd);\nvoid fd_bo_mark_for_dump(struct fd_bo *bo);\nuint64_t fd_bo_get_iova(struct fd_bo *bo);\nstruct fd_bo * fd_bo_ref(struct fd_bo *bo);\nvoid fd_bo_del(struct fd_bo *bo);\nint fd_bo_get_name(struct fd_bo *bo, uint32_t *name);\nuint32_t fd_bo_handle(struct fd_bo *bo);\nint fd_bo_dmabuf(struct fd_bo *bo);\nuint32_t fd_bo_size(struct fd_bo *bo);\nvoid * fd_bo_map(struct fd_bo *bo);\nint fd_bo_cpu_prep(struct fd_bo *bo, struct fd_pipe *pipe, uint32_t op);\nvoid fd_bo_cpu_fini(struct fd_bo *bo);\n\n#endif /* FREEDRENO_DRMIF_H_ */\n" ]
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[ "Calcium entry through L-type calcium channels causes mitochondrial disruption and chromaffin cell death.", "\nSustained, mild K+ depolarization caused bovine chromaffin cell death through a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism. ", "During depolarization, Ca(2+) entered preferentially through L-channels to induce necrotic or apoptotic cell death, depending on the duration of the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](c)) signal, as proven by the following. (", "i) The L-type Ca(2+) channel activators Bay K 8644 and FPL64176, more than doubled the cytotoxic effects of 30 mm K+; (ii) the L-type Ca(2+) channel blocker nimodipine suppressed the cytotoxic effects of K+ alone or K+ plus FPL64176; (iii) the potentiation by FPL64176 of the K+ -evoked [Ca(2+)](c) elevation was totally suppressed by nimodipine. ", "Cell exposure to K+ plus the L-type calcium channel agonist FPL64176 caused an initial peak rise followed by a sustained elevation of the [Ca(2+)](c) that, in turn, increased [Ca(2+)](m) and caused mitochondrial membrane depolarization. ", "Cyclosporin A, a blocker of the mitochondrial transition pore, and superoxide dismutase prevented the apoptotic cell death induced by Ca(2+) overload through L-channels. ", "These results suggest that Ca(2+) entry through L-channels causes both calcium overload and mitochondrial disruption that will lead to the release of mediators responsible for the activation of the apoptotic cascade and cell death. ", "This predominant role of L-type Ca(2+) channels is not shared by other subtypes of high threshold voltage-dependent neuronal Ca(2+) channels (i.e. N, P/Q) expressed by bovine chromaffin cells." ]
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[ "/**\n * Licensed to jclouds, Inc. (jclouds) under one or more\n * contributor license agreements. ", " See the NOTICE file\n * distributed with this work for additional information\n * regarding copyright ownership. ", " jclouds licenses this file\n * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the\n * \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance\n * with the License. ", " You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\n * software distributed under the License is distributed on an\n * \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\n * KIND, either express or implied. ", " See the License for the\n * specific language governing permissions and limitations\n * under the License.", "\n */\npackage org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain;\n\nimport static com.google.common.base.", "Preconditions.checkNotNull;\n\nimport java.util.", "Arrays;\n\nimport org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.util.", "Utils;\n\nimport com.google.common.base.", "Joiner;\nimport com.google.common.collect.", "ImmutableList;\n\n/**\n * Statement used in a shell script\n * \n * @author Adrian Cole\n */\npublic class InterpretableStatement implements Statement {\n\n private String[] statements;\n\n public InterpretableStatement(String... statements) {\n this.statements = checkNotNull(statements, \"statements\");\n }\n\n public String render(OsFamily family) {\n return Utils\n .replaceTokens(Joiner.on(ShellToken.", "LF.to(family)).join(statements), ShellToken.tokenValueMap(family));\n }\n\n @Override\n public Iterable<String> functionDependencies(OsFamily family) {\n return ImmutableList.of();\n }\n\n @Override\n public int hashCode() {\n final int prime = 31;\n int result = 1;\n result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(statements);\n return result;\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object obj) {\n if (this == obj)\n return true;\n if (obj == null)\n return false;\n if (getClass() !", "= obj.getClass())\n return false;\n InterpretableStatement other = (InterpretableStatement) obj;\n if (!", "Arrays.equals(statements, other.statements))\n return false;\n return true;\n }\n\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n return \"[statements=\" + Arrays.toString(statements) + \"]\";\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Improving Business Processes - State College, PA\n\nThis event has been cancelled. ", "If you have any questions, please contact the event planner directly.", "\n\nOur most popular offering for services, this track provides the foundation for effectively analyzing data in financial, healthcare, and related industries. ", "Learn to apply a broad range of graphical and statistical techniques to assess if processes are on target, explore relationships between variables, and minimize defects using examples with metrics such as time, ratings, and revenue." ]
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[ "The invention is in the field of ready-to-eat food bars, and more particularly, meal-substitute food bars.", "\nThe prior art reveals many alternative types of food bars which provide nutrition as snacks, meal supplements, or meal substitutes. ", "The ingredients are selected and processed for desired food bar characteristics, formed in cylindrical or rectangular shapes, finally processed, and packaged to provide portable convenience in handling and eating.", "\nWell-known examples include:\nCake and Candy bars such as: [BABE] BABY RUTH ((trademark)), a solid cyclindrical bar of continuous aggregate ingredients coated with a layer of chocolate; MOUNDS ((trademark)), disconnected coated segments of a cored rectangular bar; and CADBURY CHOCOLATE ((trademark)), a rectangular bar divided into a grid of frangibly-connected portions; [OLEO] OREO ((trademark)) cookies, a sandwich of wafers and creamy center; and\nDietary bars, which provide ingredients for normal or special diets, and feature dietary proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, plus vitamins, minerals and functional additives. ", "Examples include: Diabetic bars low in sugar, salt, and animal fat; Energy bars high in sugar, and Body-Building bars high in protein.", "\nDietary food bars have ingredients to help health problems such as heart, diabetes, and overweight conditions. ", "Diets include those recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA), American Diabetes Association (ADA), Dr. Atkins, and Dr. Sears. ", "The AHA and ADA diets suggest calorie proportions: 55% Carbohydrate, 15% Protein, and 30% (or less) Fat, with low sugar and salt, high fiber, and smaller meals more often in a day. ", "The Sears and Atkins diets suggest less carbohydrate.", "\nFurther, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests total daily calories of 2000 for men, and 1600 for women, less for weight loss and the elderly, and more for the very active. ", "A xe2x80x9cmealxe2x80x9d may be defined as 25% of the daily nutrition requirements.", "\nThe prior art also reveals adding flavors to the food bars to improve taste.", "\nIn view of the above background, the following prior art patents are cited as pertinent, revealing a variety of useful techniques in making and using food bars. ", "Comments are included to point out their relevence and divergence with respect to critical features of this invention:\n[1] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,634,210, Kimball, F. T., issued Apr. 7, 1953, teaches a rectangular chocolate bar with two layers to separate incompatable components, and with frangible transverse scored lines.", "\n[2] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,538,202, Kimball, F. T., issued Jan. 16, 1951, teaches a two-layer chocolate bar in cylindrical disc shape, in which a chocolate outer layer enrobes the core inner layer. ", "The layers separate incompatible ingredients. ", "Other essential ingredients are suggested if the food bar is to be the sole diet for a considerable time.", "\n[3] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,143,335, McKenzie, R. G., issued Nov. 7, 2000, teaches scoring a food bar into bite-sized pieces thus providing a method for delivering exact quantities of supplemental ingredients to animals or humans.", "\n[4] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,906,833, Klatz, R. M., issued May 25, 1999, teaches a dietary supplement food bar in plural parts which are chronologically appropriate for consumption.", "\n[5] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,820,533, Seaborne, et al, issued Apr. 11, 1989, teaches composition and manufacture of an edible barrier laminate to separate different food phases.", "\n[6} U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,451,488, Cook, M. L., issued May 29, 1984, teaches composition and manufacture of a soft and chewy granola bar by adding polyhydric alcohols.", "\n[7] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,496,606, Michnowski, J., issued Jan. 29, 1985, teaches composition and manufacture of a dietetic snack-bar with high fiber guar gum for a Type II diabetic.", "\n[8] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,159,506, Bieser, A. H., issued Dec. 12, 2000, teaches folic acid in a food supplement to help quell stressful attacks on normal physiological and psychological functioning.", "\n[9] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,207,638, Portman, R., issued Mar. 27, 2001, teaches a nutritional composition which enhances appetite satiety for individuals who are: overweight, Type II diabetic, or bulemic.", "\n[10] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,168,360, Musher, A., issued Aug. 8, 1939, teaches a composition of solid food materials using fat as a carrier, with different types of products in block form in a single container.", "\n[11] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "1,174,826, Chapman, M. S., issued Mar. 7, 1916, teaches a pie of plural non-communicating sections which may contain different ingredients, with separable portions conveniently eaten.", "\n[12] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "1,855,145, Jones, W. B., issued Apr. 19, 1932, teaches an edible cake or candy bar with alternating wedge sections of ingredients to vary the proportions as the bar is eaten, thus improving taste saturation and psychological effects of anticipation.", "\n[13] U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,882,253, Schafer, et al, issued May 6, 1975, teaches a compacted and dehydrated food bar easily bitten and chewed, using 10% potato particles and 90% non-potato food bar forming ingredients.", "\nCOMMENT: The prior art discussed above reveals many useful techniques in making and using food bars, but is severely limited in features for avoiding boredom, controlling appetite, and adjusting caloric intakexe2x80x94these features provided by the present invention, and thereby providing improved physiological and psychological support for the consumer.", "\nThe invention is an improved meal-substitute food bar, called herein a meal-equivalent food bar because it is divided into segment portions which are equivalent to the courses of a conventional meal: appetizer, main-course, and dessert. ", "The appetizer segment may include functional ingredients to stimulate appetite, the main-course segment includes the major nutrients of the meal, and may include functional ingredients which transition to the dessert segment which may include functional ingredients to depress or satiate appetite.", "\nFurther, the inventive food bar is divided frangibly into length-wise strips, each strip a meal-equivalent containing a selectable predetermined value of calories.", "\nThus it is an object of the invention to provide a meal-equivalent food bar, with segments which provide both gourmet variety and appetite control, thereby improving the physiological and psychological support of the food bar.", "\nIt is a further object of the invention to provide a dietetic meal-equivalent food bar which is made to provide proper nutrient values for a normal diet or a special diet, and allows the consumer to select the meal with a predetermined value of calories, thereby improving the consumer\"\"s caloric control.", "\nA further object of the invention is to provide a meal-equivalent food bar of size, weight and format to be manufactured and packaged for portage in an ordinary pocket of clothing or baggage, and convenient eating." ]
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[ "Home » Survivors Speak ~ Art, Music, Poetry, Photography and Other Original Creative Works\n\nSurvivors Speak ~ Art, Music, Poetry, Photography and Other Original Creative Works\n\nBeing a CSA survivor is not something to be ashamed of. ", "Rather, it is something that we should all be proud of having the strength, courage and commitment to overcome and THRIVE! ", "This is what Survivors Speak is about: showing the world who we are, sharing our talents, being brave and bold and seen!", "\n\nWe are strong. ", "We are creative. ", "We are survivors. ", "And this is what we can do…\n\nGoodbye child me you were so very unlucky treated like a rag doll grow up, stumble and fall I am grown up now, child me finding my own happy lost without your memory you will heal child me you will ...\n\nThank you R.A. Dickey for sharing your story. ", "As a public figure, your voice can do much to empower our youth to speak up if they are being abused and also to empower adult survivors to be brave and ...\n\nWow! ", "What a powerful testament to what it means to be a child sexual abuse survivor, look your abuse in the face, and choose to know that you are worthy, you are special and you are loved! ", "Enjoy this ...\n\nI had to touch her heart The child in me Her whole world ripped apart The child in me To find her buried under my tears The child in me To help her face her fears The child in me Now she shines from ...\n\nI was raped when I was 15 and 4 months later he raped me again causing a miscarriage of my unknown pregnancy by him. ", "This poem is about the loss of my baby and innocence. ", "Send me back my rainbow That ...\n\nEvery time I sing this song I am reminded of the sweetness of happy, healthy romantic love. ", "In the past, my understanding of love was pretty much synonymous with pain, loss or longing. ", "However, a few ..." ]
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[ "Facing the digital millennium: Culture, communication and globalization in Jamaica and South Africa\n\nMedium Designator\n\nn/a\n\nConnective Phrase\n\nn/a\n\nAuthor, Monographic\n\nTomaselli, Keyan; Dunn, Hopeton S.\n\nAuthor Role\n\nEditors\n\nTitle, Monographic\n\nMedia, democracy and renewal in Southern Africa\n\nReprint Status\n\nn/a\n\nEdition\n\nn/a\n\nPlace of Publication\n\nColorado\n\nPublisher Name\n\nInternational Academic Publishers\n\nDate of Publication\n\n2001\n\nVolume ID\n\nn/a\n\nIssue ID\n\nn/a\n\nPage(s)\n\n55-81\n\nSeries Editor\n\nn/a\n\nSeries Editor Role\n\nn/a\n\nSeries Title\n\nn/a\n\nSeries Volume Identification\n\nn/a\n\nSeries Issue Identification\n\nn/a\n\nConnective Phrase\n\nn/a\n\nLocation/URL\n\nn/a\n\nNotes\n\nn/a\n\nAbstract\n\nExamines the flow of media technologies, information and other cultural products to the countries of the global South. ", "Evaluates the implications of the flows for cultural disinheritance on the one hand and economic empowerment on the other. ", "Using Jamaica and South Africa as case studies, the analysis explores common issues of cultural survival, co-operation and globalization as they relate to media, communication and the cultural industries in the two regions.....read more" ]
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[ "SHARE\n\nHealth-insurance biz should open site in Grand Junction, business boosters say\n\nThe Colorado health insurance exchange is working on a customer-service center to be open in time for its Oct. 1 rollout.", "\n\nClub 20 and the Grand Junction Economic Partnership have a suggestion as to how the exchange could meet that deadline: Locate in Grand Junction.", "\n\nThe exchange, which is changing its name to Connect for Health Colorado, is in the process of seeking a center, which will administer a system under which thousands of people - most of them in organizations that provide services related to the exchange, exchange spokeswoman Myung Oak Kim told the Club 20 health care committee on Thursday.", "\n\nThat prompted Club 20 Executive Director Bonnie Petersen to inquire where the center might be located, to which Kim said she didn’t know.", "\n\n“We intend to open in the state,” Kim said.", "\n\nThat was enough for Petersen.", "\n\n“Who do I call?” ", "she said.", "\n\nLater, Kelly Flenniken, executive director of the Grand Junction Economic Partnership, said she was unaware of any plans by the exchange to set up operations in Grand Junction and that she had the same question Petersen did.", "\n\n“I will do some research on that,” Flenniken said.", "\n\nOnce operational, the exchange will have an annual operating budget of $22 to $26 million, Kim noted.", "\n\nDiscussion about the possible location of a customer-service center came against the backdrop of trying to meet the deadline established in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.", "\n\nThe exchange is being built to serve individuals needing insurance and small employers, those with fewer than 50 employees. ", "By 2016, it will offer coverage to companies with fewer than 100 employees.", "\n\nUnder the federal law, the exchange will be the only way in which consumers can obtain subsidies for coverage, as well as the only way employers can obtain tax credits for offering coverage.", "\n\nIt also will work with the Internal Revenue Service to ascertain whether consumers qualify for subsidies, Kim noted.", "\n\nPlans call for the exchange to begin working with consumers in October, but no policies will be in effect until Jan. 1, 2014." ]
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[ "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!", "\n\nAfter Thought\n\nMay the blessings of God and His refreshment continue to flow into your life.", "\nGod's work in your life is like a river flowing steadily toward its appointed destination. ", "Right now you may feel like your river of supply is taking too long and you feel like trying to rush the current along. ", "It can't be done. ", "You can't rush a river." ]
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[ "Simon Boswell\n\nSimon Boswell (born 15 October 1956) is a BAFTA-nominated British film score composer, conductor, producer and musician, with more than 90 credits to his name. ", "He is known for combining mainly electronic elements with orchestral.", "\n\nBiography\nAn alumnus of the independent The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Boswell studied English Literature at Pembroke College, Cambridge. ", "Playing the guitar since age 12, he was an accomplished guitarist and was signed by Transatlantic Records in 1975 whilst still at college. ", "This led to the release of his first solo album, \"The Mind Parasites\", a collection of contemporary acoustic songs and instrumentals.", "\nHe formed the band \"Advertising\" in 1977, at the beginning of punk rock era. ", "Labelled 'Power Pop', the band was more of an homage to the pop art style of Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground. ", "They toured extensively with Blondie.", "\nAfter the split of \"Advertising\", Boswell became a record producer both in the United Kingdom and Italy. ", "He produced Italian mega star Renato Zero's album, which became the biggest selling Italian album of all time. ", " Boswell's record productions from the 1980s have influenced many contemporary musicians – notably the sample of the band 23 Skidoo's \"Coup\" which became The Chemical Brothers' \"Block Rockin' Beats\". ", "After producing two albums for the London band Live Wire he joined the band.", "\n\nFilm\nBoswell's film career started in 1985, and since then he has countless awards from around the world and has been nominated twice for a BAFTA award.", "\nSome Directors that Boswell has worked with include Danny Boyle, Michael Hoffman, Dario Argento, Clive Barker and Alejandro Jodorowsky. ", "Genres of his work in film include Italian exploitation (\"Phenomena\", \"Stage Fright\"), contemporary thrillers (\"Shallow Grave\", \"Hackers\"), horror flicks (\"Lord of Illusions\", \"Hardware\"), romances and character studies (\"Jack and Sarah\", \"This Year's Love\", \"Born Romantic\"), dramas (\"In My Father's Den\", \"The War Zone\", \"My Zinc Bed\"), fantasies (\"Santa Sagre\", \"Photographing Fairies\", \"Tin Man\") and literary classics (\"A Midsummer Night's Dream\", \"Cousin Bette\"). ", "He has also collaborated with many high-profile artists on his projects, such as Elton John, Dolly Parton and Marianne Faithfull.", "\nEstablished as a live performer as well as working in recording studio, he is accomplished with electronic and rock genres, combining these with epic orchestral scores.", "\n\nBoswell has also worked on two projects with the Vatican. \"", "Santo Subito\" was his first project, which was a film collaboration setting the speeches and the singing of Pope John Paul II to Boswell's music and visuals.", "\nBoswell more recently composed for and produced the album \"Alma Mater\", featuring Pope Benedict XVI. ", "The works on the album combine Gregorian chant along with Western art contemporary music and Middle-Eastern influences, and the album was launched officially at a concert in Westminster Cathedral in November 2009, featuring the Chamber Choir of the Philharmonic Academy of Rome and singer Yasemin Sannino.", "\n\nTV\nBoswell has composed for BAFTA nominated TV series The Lakes, and collaborated with film-maker Brian Hill and poet Simon Armitage on \"Pornography: The Musical\" and \"Songbirds\".", "\n\nMusic\nBoswell has worked with musicians from bands such as Blur, Orbital, The Sex Pistols and Echo And The Bunnymen. ", "In 1982 he produced and arranged the album \"Via Tagliamento 1965-1970\" for the popular Italian singer and songwriter Renato Zero. ", "His credits as arranger and producer also include albums by Amii Stewart, Tony Esposito, Tullio De Piscopo and Nino Buonocore.", "\n\nIn Autumn 2006, his album \"Close Your Eyes\" was released independently via his own Flick Records after 12 years of work.", "\n\nQuote: \"I cut up my previous scores into bits and re-assembled them as new songs mixing full orchestra with musicians from Blur and The Kills and spoken word parts for some of the actors and directors I have worked with along the way – including Ewan McGregor, Ray Winstone, Goran Visnij, Dario Argento and Alejandro Jodorowsky.\"", "\n\nArt\nBoswell continues to work on his own unique art project called BLINK!, ", "an audio-visual installation looped to last forever of portraits extracted from news footage, and individually scored with their own soundtracks. ", "This was first exhibited at the ICA in London in 2002 on 4 simultaneous cinema-sized screens.", "\n\nFilm credits\n\nTV credits\n2007\n Tin Man\n Nearly Famous (6 episodes)\n Catwalk Dogs\n2006\n Jackanory (2 episodes)\n The Magician of Samarkand\n Muddle Earth\n2004\n Sea of Souls (2 episodes)\n2003\n Pornography: The Musical\n2002\n Widows\n2001\n Mind Games\n2000\n Jason and the Argonauts\n1999\n Tube Tales (segment \"Bone\")\n1998\n Killer Net\n\nOther music credits\n2004\n In My Father's Den - Music Recordist\n2003\n Octane - Soundtrack Producer\n1999\n Women Talking Dirty - Music Arranger\n The Debtors - Conductor\n1998\n Cousin Bette - Music Arranger and Producer\n1994\n Second Best - Music Arranger\n Burn:Cycle - Soundtrack Producer\n1987\n Fino alla morte (TV) - Music Arranger\n\nPersonal life\nHe married and divorced, having had a son named Jack; he lived with the actress Lysette Anthony (the relationship dissolved amid an acrimonious court case) and has a son by her, Jimi, born in 2004. ", "In 2008 Jimi was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis and recovered after an operation a year later.{{citation needed|date=October 2017} Simon is now married to the contemporary fine artist Lg White which is also the lead singer in his band TheAnd, which are performing Simon's film score's Live.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n HotHouse Music\n \n \n\nCategory:People educated at Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School\nCategory:1956 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:English conductors (music)\nCategory:British male conductors (music)\nCategory:Musicians from London\nCategory:English film score composers\nCategory:Male film score composers\nCategory:21st-century conductors (music)\nCategory:21st-century British male musicians" ]
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[ "// Code generated by running \"go generate\" in golang.org/x/text. ", "DO NOT EDIT.", "\n\n// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n// Package idna implements IDNA2008 using the compatibility processing\n// defined by UTS (Unicode Technical Standard) #46, which defines a standard to\n// deal with the transition from IDNA2003.", "\n//\n// IDNA2008 (Internationalized Domain Names for Applications), is defined in RFC\n// 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892, RFC 5893 and RFC 5894.", "\n// UTS #46 is defined in http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46.", "\n// See http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/idna.jsp for a visualization of the\n// differences between these two standards.", "\npackage idna // import \"golang.org/x/net/idna\"\n\nimport (\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"strings\"\n\t\"unicode/utf8\"\n\n\t\"golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule\"\n\t\"golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi\"\n\t\"golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm\"\n)\n\n// NOTE: Unlike common practice in Go APIs, the functions will return a\n// sanitized domain name in case of errors. ", "Browsers sometimes use a partially\n// evaluated string as lookup.", "\n// TODO: the current error handling is, in my opinion, the least opinionated.", "\n// Other strategies are also viable, though:\n// Option 1) Return an empty string in case of error, but allow the user to\n// specify explicitly which errors to ignore.", "\n// Option 2) Return the partially evaluated string if it is itself a valid\n// string, otherwise return the empty string in case of error.", "\n// Option 3) Option 1 and 2.", "\n// Option 4) Always return an empty string for now and implement Option 1 as\n// needed, and document that the return string may not be empty in case of\n// error in the future.", "\n// I think Option 1 is best, but it is quite opinionated.", "\n\n// ToASCII is a wrapper for Punycode.", "ToASCII.", "\nfunc ToASCII(s string) (string, error) {\n\treturn Punycode.process(s, true)\n}\n\n// ToUnicode is a wrapper for Punycode.", "ToUnicode.", "\nfunc ToUnicode(s string) (string, error) {\n\treturn Punycode.process(s, false)\n}\n\n// An Option configures a Profile at creation time.", "\ntype Option func(*options)\n\n// Transitional sets a Profile to use the Transitional mapping as defined in UTS\n// #46. ", "This will cause, for example, \"ß\" to be mapped to \"ss\". ", "Using the\n// transitional mapping provides a compromise between IDNA2003 and IDNA2008\n// compatibility. ", "It is used by most browsers when resolving domain names. ", "This\n// option is only meaningful if combined with MapForLookup.", "\nfunc Transitional(transitional bool) Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) { o.transitional = true }\n}\n\n// VerifyDNSLength sets whether a Profile should fail if any of the IDN parts\n// are longer than allowed by the RFC.", "\nfunc VerifyDNSLength(verify bool) Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) { o.verifyDNSLength = verify }\n}\n\n// RemoveLeadingDots removes leading label separators. ", "Leading runes that map to\n// dots, such as U+3002 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP, are removed as well.", "\n//\n// This is the behavior suggested by the UTS #46 and is adopted by some\n// browsers.", "\nfunc RemoveLeadingDots(remove bool) Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) { o.removeLeadingDots = remove }\n}\n\n// ValidateLabels sets whether to check the mandatory label validation criteria\n// as defined in Section 5.4 of RFC 5891. ", "This includes testing for correct use\n// of hyphens ('-'), normalization, validity of runes, and the context rules.", "\nfunc ValidateLabels(enable bool) Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) {\n\t\t// Don't override existing mappings, but set one that at least checks\n\t\t// normalization if it is not set.", "\n\t\tif o.mapping == nil && enable {\n\t\t\to.mapping = normalize\n\t\t}\n\t\to.trie = trie\n\t\to.validateLabels = enable\n\t\to.fromPuny = validateFromPunycode\n\t}\n}\n\n// StrictDomainName limits the set of permissible ASCII characters to those\n// allowed in domain names as defined in RFC 1034 (A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and the\n// hyphen). ", "This is set by default for MapForLookup and ValidateForRegistration.", "\n//\n// This option is useful, for instance, for browsers that allow characters\n// outside this range, for example a '_' (U+005F LOW LINE). ", "See\n// http://www.rfc-editor.org/std/std3.txt for more details This option\n// corresponds to the UseSTD3ASCIIRules option in UTS #46.", "\nfunc StrictDomainName(use bool) Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) {\n\t\to.trie = trie\n\t\to.useSTD3Rules = use\n\t\to.fromPuny = validateFromPunycode\n\t}\n}\n\n// NOTE: the following options pull in tables. ", "The tables should not be linked\n// in as long as the options are not used.", "\n\n// BidiRule enables the Bidi rule as defined in RFC 5893. ", "Any application\n// that relies on proper validation of labels should include this rule.", "\nfunc BidiRule() Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) { o.bidirule = bidirule.", "ValidString }\n}\n\n// ValidateForRegistration sets validation options to verify that a given IDN is\n// properly formatted for registration as defined by Section 4 of RFC 5891.", "\nfunc ValidateForRegistration() Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) {\n\t\to.mapping = validateRegistration\n\t\tStrictDomainName(true)(o)\n\t\tValidateLabels(true)(o)\n\t\tVerifyDNSLength(true)(o)\n\t\tBidiRule()(o)\n\t}\n}\n\n// MapForLookup sets validation and mapping options such that a given IDN is\n// transformed for domain name lookup according to the requirements set out in\n// Section 5 of RFC 5891. ", "The mappings follow the recommendations of RFC 5894,\n// RFC 5895 and UTS 46. ", "It does not add the Bidi Rule. ", "Use the BidiRule option\n// to add this check.", "\n//\n// The mappings include normalization and mapping case, width and other\n// compatibility mappings.", "\nfunc MapForLookup() Option {\n\treturn func(o *options) {\n\t\to.mapping = validateAndMap\n\t\tStrictDomainName(true)(o)\n\t\tValidateLabels(true)(o)\n\t}\n}\n\ntype options struct {\n\ttransitional bool\n\tuseSTD3Rules bool\n\tvalidateLabels bool\n\tverifyDNSLength bool\n\tremoveLeadingDots bool\n\n\ttrie *idnaTrie\n\n\t// fromPuny calls validation rules when converting A-labels to U-labels.", "\n\tfromPuny func(p *Profile, s string) error\n\n\t// mapping implements a validation and mapping step as defined in RFC 5895\n\t// or UTS 46, tailored to, for example, domain registration or lookup.", "\n\tmapping func(p *Profile, s string) (mapped string, isBidi bool, err error)\n\n\t// bidirule, if specified, checks whether s conforms to the Bidi Rule\n\t// defined in RFC 5893.", "\n\tbidirule func(s string) bool\n}\n\n// A Profile defines the configuration of an IDNA mapper.", "\ntype Profile struct {\n\toptions\n}\n\nfunc apply(o *options, opts []Option) {\n\tfor _, f := range opts {\n\t\tf(o)\n\t}\n}\n\n// New creates a new Profile.", "\n//\n// With no options, the returned Profile is the most permissive and equals the\n// Punycode Profile. ", "Options can be passed to further restrict the Profile. ", "The\n// MapForLookup and ValidateForRegistration options set a collection of options,\n// for lookup and registration purposes respectively, which can be tailored by\n// adding more fine-grained options, where later options override earlier\n// options.", "\nfunc New(o ...Option) *Profile {\n\tp := &Profile{}\n\tapply(&p.options, o)\n\treturn p\n}\n\n// ToASCII converts a domain or domain label to its ASCII form. ", "For example,\n// ToASCII(\"bücher.example.com\") is \"xn--bcher-kva.example.com\", and\n// ToASCII(\"golang\") is \"golang\". ", "If an error is encountered it will return\n// an error and a (partially) processed result.", "\nfunc (p *Profile) ToASCII(s string) (string, error) {\n\treturn p.process(s, true)\n}\n\n// ToUnicode converts a domain or domain label to its Unicode form. ", "For example,\n// ToUnicode(\"xn--bcher-kva.example.com\") is \"bücher.example.com\", and\n// ToUnicode(\"golang\") is \"golang\". ", "If an error is encountered it will return\n// an error and a (partially) processed result.", "\nfunc (p *Profile) ToUnicode(s string) (string, error) {\n\tpp := *p\n\tpp.transitional = false\n\treturn pp.process(s, false)\n}\n\n// String reports a string with a description of the profile for debugging\n// purposes. ", "The string format may change with different versions.", "\nfunc (p *Profile) String() string {\n\ts := \"\"\n\tif p.transitional {\n\t\ts = \"Transitional\"\n\t} else {\n\t\ts = \"NonTransitional\"\n\t}\n\tif p.useSTD3Rules {\n\t\ts += \":UseSTD3Rules\"\n\t}\n\tif p.validateLabels {\n\t\ts += \":ValidateLabels\"\n\t}\n\tif p.verifyDNSLength {\n\t\ts += \":VerifyDNSLength\"\n\t}\n\treturn s\n}\n\nvar (\n\t// Punycode is a Profile that does raw punycode processing with a minimum\n\t// of validation.", "\n\tPunycode *Profile = punycode\n\n\t// Lookup is the recommended profile for looking up domain names, according\n\t// to Section 5 of RFC 5891. ", "The exact configuration of this profile may\n\t// change over time.", "\n\tLookup *Profile = lookup\n\n\t// Display is the recommended profile for displaying domain names.", "\n\t// The configuration of this profile may change over time.", "\n\tDisplay *Profile = display\n\n\t// Registration is the recommended profile for checking whether a given\n\t// IDN is valid for registration, according to Section 4 of RFC 5891.", "\n\tRegistration *Profile = registration\n\n\tpunycode = &Profile{}\n\tlookup = &Profile{options{\n\t\ttransitional: true,\n\t\tuseSTD3Rules: true,\n\t\tvalidateLabels: true,\n\t\ttrie: trie,\n\t\tfromPuny: validateFromPunycode,\n\t\tmapping: validateAndMap,\n\t\tbidirule: bidirule.", "ValidString,\n\t}}\n\tdisplay = &Profile{options{\n\t\tuseSTD3Rules: true,\n\t\tvalidateLabels: true,\n\t\ttrie: trie,\n\t\tfromPuny: validateFromPunycode,\n\t\tmapping: validateAndMap,\n\t\tbidirule: bidirule.", "ValidString,\n\t}}\n\tregistration = &Profile{options{\n\t\tuseSTD3Rules: true,\n\t\tvalidateLabels: true,\n\t\tverifyDNSLength: true,\n\t\ttrie: trie,\n\t\tfromPuny: validateFromPunycode,\n\t\tmapping: validateRegistration,\n\t\tbidirule: bidirule.", "ValidString,\n\t}}\n\n\t// TODO: profiles\n\t// Register: recommended for approving domain names: don't do any mappings\n\t// but rather reject on invalid input. ", "Bundle or block deviation characters.", "\n)\n\ntype labelError struct{ label, code_ string }\n\nfunc (e labelError) code() string { return e.code_ }\nfunc (e labelError) Error() string {\n\treturn fmt.", "Sprintf(\"idna: invalid label %q\", e.label)\n}\n\ntype runeError rune\n\nfunc (e runeError) code() string { return \"P1\" }\nfunc (e runeError) Error() string {\n\treturn fmt.", "Sprintf(\"idna: disallowed rune %U\", e)\n}\n\n// process implements the algorithm described in section 4 of UTS #46,\n// see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46.", "\nfunc (p *Profile) process(s string, toASCII bool) (string, error) {\n\tvar err error\n\tvar isBidi bool\n\tif p.mapping !", "= nil {\n\t\ts, isBidi, err = p.mapping(p, s)\n\t}\n\t// Remove leading empty labels.", "\n\tif p.removeLeadingDots {\n\t\tfor ; len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '.'; ", "s = s[1:] {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// TODO: allow for a quick check of the tables data.", "\n\t// It seems like we should only create this error on ToASCII, but the\n\t// UTS 46 conformance tests suggests we should always check this.", "\n\tif err == nil && p.verifyDNSLength && s == \"\" {\n\t\terr = &labelError{s, \"A4\"}\n\t}\n\tlabels := labelIter{orig: s}\n\tfor ; !", "labels.done(); labels.next() {\n\t\tlabel := labels.label()\n\t\tif label == \"\" {\n\t\t\t// Empty labels are not okay. ", "The label iterator skips the last\n\t\t\t// label if it is empty.", "\n\t\t\tif err == nil && p.verifyDNSLength {\n\t\t\t\terr = &labelError{s, \"A4\"}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t}\n\t\tif strings.", "HasPrefix(label, acePrefix) {\n\t\t\tu, err2 := decode(label[len(acePrefix):])\n\t\t\tif err2 !", "= nil {\n\t\t\t\tif err == nil {\n\t\t\t\t\terr = err2\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Spec says keep the old label.", "\n\t\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tisBidi = isBidi || bidirule.", "DirectionString(u) !", "= bidi.", "LeftToRight\n\t\t\tlabels.set(u)\n\t\t\tif err == nil && p.validateLabels {\n\t\t\t\terr = p.fromPuny(p, u)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif err == nil {\n\t\t\t\t// This should be called on NonTransitional, according to the\n\t\t\t\t// spec, but that currently does not have any effect. ", "Use the\n\t\t\t\t// original profile to preserve options.", "\n\t\t\t\terr = p.validateLabel(u)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else if err == nil {\n\t\t\terr = p.validateLabel(label)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif isBidi && p.bidirule !", "= nil && err == nil {\n\t\tfor labels.reset(); !", "labels.done(); labels.next() {\n\t\t\tif !", "p.bidirule(labels.label()) {\n\t\t\t\terr = &labelError{s, \"B\"}\n\t\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif toASCII {\n\t\tfor labels.reset(); !", "labels.done(); labels.next() {\n\t\t\tlabel := labels.label()\n\t\t\tif !", "ascii(label) {\n\t\t\t\ta, err2 := encode(acePrefix, label)\n\t\t\t\tif err == nil {\n\t\t\t\t\terr = err2\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tlabel = a\n\t\t\t\tlabels.set(a)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tn := len(label)\n\t\t\tif p.verifyDNSLength && err == nil && (n == 0 || n > 63) {\n\t\t\t\terr = &labelError{label, \"A4\"}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ts = labels.result()\n\tif toASCII && p.verifyDNSLength && err == nil {\n\t\t// Compute the length of the domain name minus the root label and its dot.", "\n\t\tn := len(s)\n\t\tif n > 0 && s[n-1] == '.' {", "\n\t\t\tn--\n\t\t}\n\t\tif len(s) < 1 || n > 253 {\n\t\t\terr = &labelError{s, \"A4\"}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn s, err\n}\n\nfunc normalize(p *Profile, s string) (mapped string, isBidi bool, err error) {\n\t// TODO: consider first doing a quick check to see if any of these checks\n\t// need to be done. ", "This will make it slower in the general case, but\n\t// faster in the common case.", "\n\tmapped = norm.", "NFC.String(s)\n\tisBidi = bidirule.", "DirectionString(mapped) == bidi.", "RightToLeft\n\treturn mapped, isBidi, nil\n}\n\nfunc validateRegistration(p *Profile, s string) (idem string, bidi bool, err error) {\n\t// TODO: filter need for normalization in loop below.", "\n\tif !", "norm.", "NFC.IsNormalString(s) {\n\t\treturn s, false, &labelError{s, \"V1\"}\n\t}\n\tfor i := 0; i < len(s); {\n\t\tv, sz := trie.lookupString(s[i:])\n\t\tif sz == 0 {\n\t\t\treturn s, bidi, runeError(utf8.RuneError)\n\t\t}\n\t\tbidi = bidi || info(v).isBidi(s[i:])\n\t\t// Copy bytes not copied so far.", "\n\t\tswitch p.simplify(info(v).category()) {\n\t\t// TODO: handle the NV8 defined in the Unicode idna data set to allow\n\t\t// for strict conformance to IDNA2008.", "\n\t\tcase valid, deviation:\n\t\tcase disallowed, mapped, unknown, ignored:\n\t\t\tr, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])\n\t\t\treturn s, bidi, runeError(r)\n\t\t}\n\t\ti += sz\n\t}\n\treturn s, bidi, nil\n}\n\nfunc (c info) isBidi(s string) bool {\n\tif !", "c.isMapped() {\n\t\treturn c&attributesMask == rtl\n\t}\n\t// TODO: also store bidi info for mapped data. ", "This is possible, but a bit\n\t// cumbersome and not for the common case.", "\n\tp, _ := bidi.", "LookupString(s)\n\tswitch p.Class() {\n\tcase bidi.", "R, bidi.", "AL, bidi.", "AN:\n\t\treturn true\n\t}\n\treturn false\n}\n\nfunc validateAndMap(p *Profile, s string) (vm string, bidi bool, err error) {\n\tvar (\n\t\tb []byte\n\t\tk int\n\t)\n\t// combinedInfoBits contains the or-ed bits of all runes. ", "We use this\n\t// to derive the mayNeedNorm bit later. ", "This may trigger normalization\n\t// overeagerly, but it will not do so in the common case. ", "The end result\n\t// is another 10% saving on BenchmarkProfile for the common case.", "\n\tvar combinedInfoBits info\n\tfor i := 0; i < len(s); {\n\t\tv, sz := trie.lookupString(s[i:])\n\t\tif sz == 0 {\n\t\t\tb = append(b, s[k:i]...)\n\t\t\tb = append(b, \"\\ufffd\"...)\n\t\t\tk = len(s)\n\t\t\tif err == nil {\n\t\t\t\terr = runeError(utf8.RuneError)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t\tcombinedInfoBits |= info(v)\n\t\tbidi = bidi || info(v).isBidi(s[i:])\n\t\tstart := i\n\t\ti += sz\n\t\t// Copy bytes not copied so far.", "\n\t\tswitch p.simplify(info(v).category()) {\n\t\tcase valid:\n\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\tcase disallowed:\n\t\t\tif err == nil {\n\t\t\t\tr, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[start:])\n\t\t\t\terr = runeError(r)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\tcase mapped, deviation:\n\t\t\tb = append(b, s[k:start]...)\n\t\t\tb = info(v).appendMapping(b, s[start:i])\n\t\tcase ignored:\n\t\t\tb = append(b, s[k:start]...)\n\t\t\t// drop the rune\n\t\tcase unknown:\n\t\t\tb = append(b, s[k:start]...)\n\t\t\tb = append(b, \"\\ufffd\"...)\n\t\t}\n\t\tk = i\n\t}\n\tif k == 0 {\n\t\t// No changes so far.", "\n\t\tif combinedInfoBits&mayNeedNorm !", "= 0 {\n\t\t\ts = norm.", "NFC.String(s)\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tb = append(b, s[k:]...)\n\t\tif norm.", "NFC.QuickSpan(b) !", "= len(b) {\n\t\t\tb = norm.", "NFC.Bytes(b)\n\t\t}\n\t\t// TODO: the punycode converters require strings as input.", "\n\t\ts = string(b)\n\t}\n\treturn s, bidi, err\n}\n\n// A labelIter allows iterating over domain name labels.", "\ntype labelIter struct {\n\torig string\n\tslice []string\n\tcurStart int\n\tcurEnd int\n\ti int\n}\n\nfunc (l *labelIter) reset() {\n\tl.curStart = 0\n\tl.curEnd = 0\n\tl.i = 0\n}\n\nfunc (l *labelIter) done() bool {\n\treturn l.curStart >= len(l.orig)\n}\n\nfunc (l *labelIter) result() string {\n\tif l.slice !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn strings.", "Join(l.slice, \".\")", "\n\t}\n\treturn l.orig\n}\n\nfunc (l *labelIter) label() string {\n\tif l.slice !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn l.slice[l.i]\n\t}\n\tp := strings.", "IndexByte(l.orig[l.curStart:], '.')", "\n\tl.curEnd = l.curStart + p\n\tif p == -1 {\n\t\tl.curEnd = len(l.orig)\n\t}\n\treturn l.orig[l.curStart:l.curEnd]\n}\n\n// next sets the value to the next label. ", "It skips the last label if it is empty.", "\nfunc (l *labelIter) next() {\n\tl.i++\n\tif l.slice !", "= nil {\n\t\tif l.i >= len(l.slice) || l.i == len(l.slice)-1 && l.slice[l.i] == \"\" {\n\t\t\tl.curStart = len(l.orig)\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tl.curStart = l.curEnd + 1\n\t\tif l.curStart == len(l.orig)-1 && l.orig[l.curStart] == '.' {", "\n\t\t\tl.curStart = len(l.orig)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc (l *labelIter) set(s string) {\n\tif l.slice == nil {\n\t\tl.slice = strings.", "Split(l.orig, \".\")", "\n\t}\n\tl.slice[l.i] = s\n}\n\n// acePrefix is the ASCII Compatible Encoding prefix.", "\nconst acePrefix = \"xn--\"\n\nfunc (p *Profile) simplify(cat category) category {\n\tswitch cat {\n\tcase disallowedSTD3Mapped:\n\t\tif p.useSTD3Rules {\n\t\t\tcat = disallowed\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tcat = mapped\n\t\t}\n\tcase disallowedSTD3Valid:\n\t\tif p.useSTD3Rules {\n\t\t\tcat = disallowed\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tcat = valid\n\t\t}\n\tcase deviation:\n\t\tif !", "p.transitional {\n\t\t\tcat = valid\n\t\t}\n\tcase validNV8, validXV8:\n\t\t// TODO: handle V2008\n\t\tcat = valid\n\t}\n\treturn cat\n}\n\nfunc validateFromPunycode(p *Profile, s string) error {\n\tif !", "norm.", "NFC.IsNormalString(s) {\n\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"V1\"}\n\t}\n\t// TODO: detect whether string may have to be normalized in the following\n\t// loop.", "\n\tfor i := 0; i < len(s); {\n\t\tv, sz := trie.lookupString(s[i:])\n\t\tif sz == 0 {\n\t\t\treturn runeError(utf8.RuneError)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif c := p.simplify(info(v).category()); c !", "= valid && c !", "= deviation {\n\t\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"V6\"}\n\t\t}\n\t\ti += sz\n\t}\n\treturn nil\n}\n\nconst (\n\tzwnj = \"\\u200c\"\n\tzwj = \"\\u200d\"\n)\n\ntype joinState int8\n\nconst (\n\tstateStart joinState = iota\n\tstateVirama\n\tstateBefore\n\tstateBeforeVirama\n\tstateAfter\n\tstateFAIL\n)\n\nvar joinStates = [][numJoinTypes]joinState{\n\tstateStart: {\n\t\tjoiningL: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningD: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoinZWNJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinZWJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinVirama: stateVirama,\n\t},\n\tstateVirama: {\n\t\tjoiningL: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningD: stateBefore,\n\t},\n\tstateBefore: {\n\t\tjoiningL: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningD: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningT: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoinZWNJ: stateAfter,\n\t\tjoinZWJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinVirama: stateBeforeVirama,\n\t},\n\tstateBeforeVirama: {\n\t\tjoiningL: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningD: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningT: stateBefore,\n\t},\n\tstateAfter: {\n\t\tjoiningL: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoiningD: stateBefore,\n\t\tjoiningT: stateAfter,\n\t\tjoiningR: stateStart,\n\t\tjoinZWNJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinZWJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinVirama: stateAfter, // no-op as we can't accept joiners here\n\t},\n\tstateFAIL: {\n\t\t0: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoiningL: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoiningD: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoiningT: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoiningR: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinZWNJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinZWJ: stateFAIL,\n\t\tjoinVirama: stateFAIL,\n\t},\n}\n\n// validateLabel validates the criteria from Section 4.1. ", "Item 1, 4, and 6 are\n// already implicitly satisfied by the overall implementation.", "\nfunc (p *Profile) validateLabel(s string) (err error) {\n\tif s == \"\" {\n\t\tif p.verifyDNSLength {\n\t\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"A4\"}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn nil\n\t}\n\tif !", "p.validateLabels {\n\t\treturn nil\n\t}\n\ttrie := p.trie // p.validateLabels is only set if trie is set.", "\n\tif len(s) > 4 && s[2] == '-' && s[3] == '-' {\n\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"V2\"}\n\t}\n\tif s[0] == '-' || s[len(s)-1] == '-' {\n\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"V3\"}\n\t}\n\t// TODO: merge the use of this in the trie.", "\n\tv, sz := trie.lookupString(s)\n\tx := info(v)\n\tif x.isModifier() {\n\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"V5\"}\n\t}\n\t// Quickly return in the absence of zero-width (non) joiners.", "\n\tif strings.", "Index(s, zwj) == -1 && strings.", "Index(s, zwnj) == -1 {\n\t\treturn nil\n\t}\n\tst := stateStart\n\tfor i := 0; ; {\n\t\tjt := x.joinType()\n\t\tif s[i:i+sz] == zwj {\n\t\t\tjt = joinZWJ\n\t\t} else if s[i:i+sz] == zwnj {\n\t\t\tjt = joinZWNJ\n\t\t}\n\t\tst = joinStates[st][jt]\n\t\tif x.isViramaModifier() {\n\t\t\tst = joinStates[st][joinVirama]\n\t\t}\n\t\tif i += sz; i == len(s) {\n\t\t\tbreak\n\t\t}\n\t\tv, sz = trie.lookupString(s[i:])\n\t\tx = info(v)\n\t}\n\tif st == stateFAIL || st == stateAfter {\n\t\treturn &labelError{s, \"C\"}\n\t}\n\treturn nil\n}\n\nfunc ascii(s string) bool {\n\tfor i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {\n\t\tif s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf {\n\t\t\treturn false\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Q:\n\nAccordion does not apply until page load is complete\n\nthere is a split second before the page loads that jquery is clearly not applied and the page looks exactly like it does if you disabled javascript. ", "Then when the page is finished loading the jquery kicks in and the accordion looks perfect. ", "\nThe problem is that it looks really ugly for a split second every time the page is refreshed or navigated to and I have no idea why this happens or how to fix it. ", "\nDoes anyone have any ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nAny elements that are not going to be shown in the default accordion view port, should be have the CSS property of display none.", "\nExample:\n#sampleDiv{\n\n display:none;\n}\n\nThat should fix the flickering look when the page loads.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSimulating a river ecosystem\n\nI'm currently working my way through a textbook to enhance my beginner Python skills (Goodrich, Data Structures and Algorithms in Python). ", "The first, somewhat in-depth problem involving OOP was the following:\n\nWrite a Python program to simulate an ecosystem containing bears and\n fish. ", "The ecosystem consists of a river, which is modeled as a list.", "\n Each element should be a Bear object, a Fish object, or None. ", "Animals\n have attributes gender and strength. ", "In each time step, each animal\n randomly either moves to an adjacent tile or stays where it is. ", "If a\n fish encounters a bear, the fish gets eaten. ", "If two animals of the\n same type encounter each other, a new instance of that animal type is\n generated if they are the same gender. ", "Otherwise, they fight and the\n one with larger strength survives.", "\n\nI would really appreciate some feedback on my code. ", "I am not doing this as part of a class, so it's hard to tell whether I'm doing well and where I need improvement.", "\n#!", "/usr/bin/env python3\n\n\"\"\"\nSimulation of river environment containing bears and fish.", "\n\"\"\"\n\nimport random\n\nclass Animal:\n \"\"\"Animals are the inhabitants of the river\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, gender = None, strength = None):\n \"\"\"Initialize animal\n\n gender gender of the animal (M, F) determines mating or fighting (default random)\n strength stregth of animal, determines winner of fight (default random)\n \"\"\"\n\n if not gender:\n self._gender = random.choice(['M','F'])\n else:\n self._gender = gender\n if not strength:\n self._strength = random.randint(0,9)\n else:\n self._strength = strength\n\n def get_gender(self):\n \"\"\"Return the animals gender\"\"\"\n return self._gender\n\n def get_stren(self):\n \"\"\"Return the animals strength\"\"\"\n return self._strength\n\nclass Bear(Animal):\n def __init__(self, gender = None, strength = None):\n super().__init__(gender, strength)\n\nclass Fish(Animal):\n def __init__(self, gender = None, strength = None):\n super().__init__(gender, strength)\n\nclass River:\n \"\"\"A river is in array containing animals\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, length):\n \"\"\"Initialize a river with a random assortment of bears, fish, and empty cells\n\n length length of the river\n \"\"\"\n\n self._length = length\n self._contents = []\n for i in range(self._length):\n rval = random.randint(1,3)\n if rval == 1:\n self._contents.append(Bear())\n elif rval == 2:\n self._contents.append(Fish())\n else:\n self._contents.append(None)\n\n def __len__(self):\n \"\"\"Return the length of the river\"\"\"\n return self._length\n\n def __getitem__(self, k):\n \"\"\"Return the contents of the kth cell in the river list\"\"\"\n return self._contents[k]\n\n def __setitem__(self, k, val):\n \"\"\"Set the contents of the kth cell in the river list\"\"\"\n self._contents[k] = val\n\n def count_none(self):\n \"\"\"Count the number of empty cells in the river list\"\"\"\n return self._contents.count(None)\n\n def add_random(self, animal):\n \"\"\"Add animal to empty cell of river list after mating occurs\"\"\"\n if self.count_none() > 0:\n choices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self._contents) if x==None]\n index = random.choice(choices)\n self._contents[index] = animal\n\n def update_cell(self, i):\n \"\"\"Update the cell based on rules defined above\"\"\"\n if self._contents[i] !", "= None:\n move = random.randint(-1,1) #animal can either move forward, back, or stay in place\n if move !", "= 0 and 0 <= i + move < self._length:\n if self._contents[i + move] == None:\n self._contents[i + move] = self._contents[i]\n self._contents[i] = None\n elif type(self._contents[i]) == type(self._contents[i+move]):\n if self._contents[i].get_gender() !", "= self._contents[i+move].get_gender():\n #two animals of the same type and different gender mate\n if type(self._contents[i]) == Bear:\n self.add_random(Bear())\n else:\n self.add_random(Fish())\n else: #two animals of the same type and gender fight\n if self._contents[i].get_stren() > self._contents[i+move].get_stren():\n self._contents[i+move] = self._contents[i]\n self._contents[i] = None\n\n else:\n #bear always kills fish if they encounter eachother\n if type(self._contents[i]) == Bear: \n self._contents[i + move] = self._contents[i]\n self._contents[i] = None\n\n def update_river(self):\n \"\"\"Update each cell in the river\"\"\"\n for i in range(len(self._contents)):\n self.update_cell(i)\n\n def print_river(self):\n \"\"\"Print the river contents in human readable form\n Each cell displays the animal type, strength, and gender between two pipes\n\n Example: male bear with strength 8 |B8M|\n female fish with strength 0 |F0F|\n \"\"\"\n s = '|'\n for x in self._contents:\n if x:\n if type(x) == Bear:\n s += 'B'\n elif type(x) == Fish:\n s += 'F'\n s += str(x.get_stren())\n s += x.get_gender()\n else:\n s += ' '\n s += '|'\n print(s)\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n river = River(10)\n for i in range(10):\n print(\"Year \", i)\n river.print_river()\n river.update_river()\n\nA:\n\nDon't compare against None\nDon't compare against None with == or !", "=.", "\nUse is None and is not None.", "\nUse @property instead of getters\nInstead of getters like this:\n\ndef get_stren(self):\n \"\"\"Return the animals strength\"\"\"\n return self._strength\n\nIt's more natural to use properties:\n@property\ndef stren(self):\n return self._strength\n\nWhen you use this, instead of animal.get_stren(), you will have to write animal.stren (without parentheses).", "\nI also dropped the redundant comment.", "\nGeneralize when possible\nThe current code has many hard-wired elements for Bear and Fish,\nfor example:\n\n for i in range(self._length):\n rval = random.randint(1,3)\n if rval == 1:\n self._contents.append(Bear())\n elif rval == 2:\n self._contents.append(Fish())\n else:\n self._contents.append(None)\n\nIf later you want to add one more animal type,\nyou will have to edit the code in many places,\nand it can be quite troublesome.", "\nYou can make the above example easier to extend like this:\n animal_types = (Bear, Fish)\n len_animal_types = len(animal_types)\n\n for _ in range(self._length):\n rval = random.randint(0, len_animal_types)\n if rval == len_animal_types:\n self._contents.append(None)\n else:\n self._contents.append(animal_types[rval]())\n\nAnother opportunity for generalization is when you print letter symbols depending on the animal type:\n\nif type(x) == Bear:\n s += 'B'\nelif type(x) == Fish:\n s += 'F'\n\nIt would be better to add a @property in Animal:\n@property\ndef symbol(self):\n return self.__class__.__name__[0]\n\nAnd then you could use simply x.symbol to get the initial letter of the class name of the Animal instance.", "\nOther simplifications\nSince strings are iterables,\ninstead of the tedious:\n\n self._gender = random.choice(['M', 'F'])\n\nYou can write simpler:\n self._gender = random.choice('MF')\n\nFollow PEP8\nPEP8 is the official Python coding style guide. ", "Please follow it.", "\nFor example, instead of:\n\ndef __init__(self, gender = None, strength = None):\n\nWrite like this:\ndef __init__(self, gender=None, strength=None):\n\nA:\n\nFirst off, kudos; that looks really good. ", "You've clearly put some effort in and it's nice to see docstrings, general style guide compliance (with a few exceptions I've commented on below) and a built-in demo run.", "\n\nAnimal.__init__ could be much neater. ", "Consider the following:\ndef __init__(self, gender=None, strength=None):\n if gender is None:\n gender = random.choice('MF')\n self._gender = gender\n if strength is None:\n strength = random.randint(0, 9)\n self._strength = strength\n\nNote that:\n\nI've altered some of the whitespace around e.g. = and ,, per the style guide.", "\nI'm explicitly testing for None, rather than truthiness - if you try to create an Animal with zero strength, you will see why this is generally a good idea!", "\nBy replacing the argument rather than assigning directly to the attribute, I've cut each case from four lines to three, and as each attribute is only assigned in once place it makes renaming etc. ", "easier.", "\n\nAs a further improvement, you could consider moving the choices for the attributes out of __init__ and into class attributes, e.g.:\nGENDERS = 'MF'\nSTRENGTHS = range(0, 10)\n\n def __init__(self, gender=None, strength=None):\n if gender is None:\n gender = random.choice(self.", "GENDERS)\n self._gender = gender\n if strength is None:\n strength = random.choice(self.", "STRENGTHS)\n self._strength = strength \n\nThis makes it really easy to have different Animal subclasses with different ranges for gender and strength.", "\nAlso, there's no point implementing __init__ on the subclasses if all it does is pass the same parameters to super.", "\n\nExplicit get_ and set_ methods aren't very Pythonic. ", "Instead, we tend to use properties (see e.g. Python @property versus getters and setters on SO). ", "In your case, this would look like e.g.:\n@property\ndef gender(self):\n return self._gender\n\nThis looks a lot neater in use, as you don't need to call the property; you access it as a regular attribute:\nanimal.gender\n\nrather than:\nanimal.get_gender()\n\nIn the River, storing self._length as a separate attribute seems a bit odd - this is just len(self._contents)! ", "You could also neaten up the logic for filling the river, again using class attributes, e.g.:\nCELLS = [Bear, Fish, lambda: None]\n\ndef __init__(self, length):\n self._contents = [random.choice(self.", "CELLS)() for _ in range(length)]\n\nHere, note:\n\nThe use of _ by convention to indicate a value that won't actually be used for anything.", "\nI have switched to a list comprehension, a more Pythonic way of building a list.", "\nBecause we are calling each object retrieved from self.", "CELLS, it is necessary to make the third option a callable that returns None, rather than None itself; I've used a lambda expression to implement this.", "\n\nYour description of print_river \"Print the river contents in human readable form\", makes me think that it should be implemented as __str__, instead. ", "Note that this is easiest if you move the Animal logic up into those classes, e.g.:\nclass Bear:\n\n def __str__(self):\n return \"B{0.strength}{0.gender}\".format(self)\n\nclass Fish:\n\n def __str__(self):\n return \"F{0.strength}{0.gender}\".format(self)\n\nNote that use of str.format, which is much neater than explicit + concatenation. ", "Also, there seems to be a bit of repetition here; perhaps you could: \n\nthink of a way to refactor Animal and its subclasses such that you\n only need to define __str__ on the base class?", "\n\nRiver.__str__ is now very simple:\nclass River:\n\n def __str__(self):\n return '|'.join([' ' if cell is None else str(cell)\n for cell in self._contents])\n\nstr.join will insert the pipes between each cell (although not at the start and end). ", "Note that this has separated the logic for displaying a single Animal from the logic for displaying a whole River, which is good OOP practice.", "\n\nFinally, there is a lot of logic packed into the update_ methods. ", "I would approach this as follows:\ndef update(self): # we know it's a river, that's the class!", "\n \"\"\"Update the river, according to the following rules:\n\n ...\n\n \"\"\"\n for index, cell in enumerate(self._contents):\n if cell is not None: # don't bother updating None cells\n self._update_cell(cell, index) # leading underscore means \"private\"\n\ndef _update_cell(self, cell, index):\n \"\"\"Update a single non-empty cell.\"\"\"", "\n move = random.randint(-1, 1)\n new_index = index + move\n if new_index in range(len(self._contents)):\n target_cell = self._contents[new_index]\n if target_cell is None:\n self._move(index, new_index)\n else:\n if (isinstance(cell, type(target_cell)) and \n cell.gender !", "= target_cell.gender):\n self._spawn(cell)\n elif isinstance(cell, type(target_cell)):\n self._fight(index, new_index)\n else:\n self._eat(index, new_index)\n\ndef _eat(self, index1, index2):\n \"\"\"The Fish always gets eaten.\"\"\"", "\n ...\n\ndef _fight(self, index1, index2):\n \"\"\"The weaker Animal gets killed.\"\"\"", "\n ...\n\ndef _move(self, old_index, new_index):\n \"\"\"Move from old_index to new_index.\"\"\"", "\n ...\n\ndef _spawn(self, cell):\n \"\"\"Spawn a new instance of the class in a free cell.\"\"\"", "\n ...\n\nNote that rather than type(self._contents[i]) == Bear you should use isinstance(self._contents[i], Bear).", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have a problem with the logic in your code.", "\nIf the animal moves to the next cell, it gets to move again in the same step.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nFinding $\\vec{DE}$ in a triangle $ABC$.\n\nHave a triangle with vectors $A,B,C$. Then have $D$ as the middle point of $\\overline{AB}$ and $E$ as the middle point of $\\overline{AC}$:\n\nDemonstrate that $\\vec{DE} = \\frac{1}{2}\\vec{BC}$.\nObserve that\n$$\\frac{1}{2}\\vec{BC} = \\frac{1}{2}\\vec{AB} - \\frac{1}{2}\\vec{AC}$$\nFrom the hypothesis, we have that\n$$\\frac{1}{2}\\vec{AB} = \\vec{AD}$$\nand\n$$\\frac{1}{2}\\vec{AC} = \\vec{AE}$$\nSo:\n$$\\frac{1}{2}\\vec{BC} = \\vec{AD} - \\vec{AE}$$\n$$\\frac{1}{2}\\vec{BC} = \\vec{ED}$$\nHmm... I'm not sure what to say. ", "Technically, this is not what I wanted to demonstrate (I wanted $\\vec{DE}$, not $\\vec{ED}$).", "\nHowever, $\\vec{ED}$ clearly has the same length as $\\vec{DE}$, so it kind of works out at the end...\n... What do you think? ", "Is this proof good for this, or did I make some mistake somewhere?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn your diagram you took direction of $\\vec{DE}$ opposite to $\\vec{BC}$. Hence, you get the result. ", "Your result is correct.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nUsing regex with newline \"\\n\"\n\nIs it possible to use regex in spite of the newline character \\n\ne.g. this code works well\n> \"|text|\".gsub(/\\|(.+?)\\|/){\"###\"}\n=> \"###\"\n\nthis doesn't\n> \"|\\n text|\".gsub(/\\|(.+?)\\|/){\"###\"}\n=> \"|\\n text|\"\n\nA:\n\nUse the m modifier for multiline matches:\n\"|\\n text|\".gsub(/\\|(.+?)\\|/m){\"###\"}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0 ]
[ "Ha nem lesz a jelenleginél szélesebb, az LMP-t is bevonó ellenzéki együttműködés, a Fidesz szinte biztosan kétharmados többséget szerez az április 8-i választáson - ez derül ki a Republikon Intézet közvélemény-kutatásokra alapozott mandátumbecsléséből, amit a 24.hu megrendelésére készítettek.", "\n\nA Republikon szerint az MSZP és a DK megállapodása önmagában kevés egyéni mandátumok megszerzéséhez.", "\n\nAz MSZP-DK-megállapodással ugyanis az angyalföldi választókerület kivételével minden körzetben a Fidesz jelöltje győzne. ", "Igaz, van további kilenc körzet, ahol 5 százalékpontos vagy kisebb a különbség az MSZP-Párbeszéd vagy a Demokratikus Koalíció és a Fidesz jelöltje között, ilyen például az újpesti és a szegedi 1-es választókerület.", "\n\nA Jobbik ennyire sehol sem tudja megközelíteni a Fideszt, a különbség a miskolci csatateres körzetben a legkisebb, 6 százalékpont.", "\n\nHa az ellenzéki oldalon nem lesznek további visszalépések, a Fidesz 146, a Jobbik 20, az MSZP-Párbeszéd 15, a Demokratikus Koalíció 10, az LMP 8 mandátumot szerezne a Republikon Intézet becslése szerint.", "\n\nA Momentum és az Együtt a jelenlegi adatok alapján nem lépné át az ötszázalékos parlamenti küszöböt.", "\n\nCsakhogy a Republikon Intézet előállt egy másik forgatókönyvvel is, amelyet győzelemre koordinálásnak nevezett el. ", "Ez abból indul ki, hogy a jelenleg ismertnél szélesebb körű együttműködések is létrejöhetnek egyes választókerületekben. ", "Ha ez megtörténne, akkor hiába áll jobban a Fidesz, mint a 2014-es választás előtt, „okos koordinációval” a kétharmados többség (amihez 133 mandátum szükséges) megakadályozható. ", "Ebben az esetben a Fidesz 130 az MSZP-Párbeszéd 25, a Jobbik 20, a DK 16, az LMP pedig 8 mandátumot szerezne." ]
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[ "Cats – How My Cats Came to Live With Me and Be My Teacher\n\nBeing a cat owner, I uncovered how very spiritual a lot of them are. ", "In fact, some cats do not seem to be to be cats at all but instead Master Professors in cat suits, so to speak. ", "Let me personally tell you about my Master Teacher, Oreo. ", "crash arena turbo stars free gems\n\nWe adopted Oreo wonderful close friend when they were 3. ", "Their owners moved to Hawaii and did not want to put them through the required 5-week quarantine so they provided those to a foster health care “parent. ”", "\n\nOreo and his brother chose myself to be their new owner. ", "They called to me in Spirit and they drew me within reaching paws and warm fur that wanted to cuddle in my hands and make a spirit connection i never really noticed until the prior months.", "\n\nAnd that interconnection was not merely between Oreo and me.", "\n\nI got lost my dear good friend, Samantha, another cat – a stunning lady calico cat who also used us – a few months earlier. ", "She arrived to the door – repeatedly – asking to come in. ", "We could not find her owner. ", "Someone was heart busted when she went absent.", "\n\nTell me you have seen this kind of behavior in a kitty before.", "\n\nSamantha created some pretty interesting fun video games that she and We played together. ", "Just read was not your usual cat video games, okay? ", "Well, Oreo performed Samantha’s games whenever we came up home. ", "What I realized was that Samantha experienced communicated with Oreo and told him what to do.", "\n\nI felt such an immense relief knowing Samantha had not perished, only her body was gone. ", "And I was extremely grateful I could now play with her, in a way, whenever I enjoyed my Tiny Guy.", "\n\nNow then, so you do not think it was my thoughts…\n\nOne of my closest friends came over to see me one day and Oreo presented her with the same manners her departed cat used to do. ", "Again – not your ordinary feline behaviors. ", "She and I actually both knew Fred got communicated with Oreo.", "\n\nThus what there were in Oreo was a channeler of cats. ", "Pretty danged extraordinary, don’t you think?", "\n\nBut wait, he was way more than that!", "\n\nTell me you’ve seen these behaviors in the cat before. ", "No, really – tell me if you have. ", "I was going to keep a journal of special feline behaviors as I consider cats are in fact more evolved spiritually than we are. ", "Okay, some cats are." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.03278688524590164, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nGold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are widely researched as multifunctional theranostic agents, having, among other possible biomedical functions, the capability to exert anticancer efficacy by interacting with and altering tumor cells \\[[@CR1]--[@CR4]\\]. ", "However, in contrast to metal-based drugs, for which the mechanisms of action have been at least in part elucidated, knowledge of the events involved in the cellular processing of AuNPs is limited. ", "On the other hand, there is a great deal of experimental evidence that various nanoparticles are first adsorbed to the cell surface, then internalized and translocated to different cell compartments, and finally interacted with relevant subcellular structures to affect their function (see an excellent review by Mu et al. ", "for a summary \\[[@CR5]\\]). ", "While still requiring comprehensive description and understanding, the scenario of the cellular uptake and targeting for AuNPs has much in common \\[[@CR6]--[@CR9]\\]. ", "Much less is known, however, about the molecular mechanisms and chemical basis of AuNP--cell system interactions and, in particular, about pertinent nanosized metallic species participating in these interactions.", "\n\nGiven the intravenous route of administration, the foremost changes in the chemical state of AuNPs are due to interaction with proteins in the circulatory system \\[[@CR10]--[@CR12]\\]. ", "Recently, it has been confirmed that for AuNPs engineered with different shapes, sizes, and surface modifications, the formation of the protein corona in human serum and, hence, the biological identity and response strongly depend on each of these constructive attributes \\[[@CR13]--[@CR18]\\]. ", "The analytical methodology used in our studies \\[[@CR14]--[@CR16]\\] is based on coupling capillary electrophoresis (CE) to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to selectively separate and sensitively detect the free and protein-bound AuNPs (see a recent review paper \\[[@CR19]\\] proving the importance of using this combined technique in the field) and thus to get an idea of their speciation. ", "It is safe to assume that the AuNPs enter the cell being covered with plasma proteins and then possibly underwent further compositional alterations, in the first instance, by interacting with the cytosolic components.", "\n\nThe present work focuses on unraveling these alterations using the same but slightly modified CE-ICP-MS setup (mainly, regarding the optimization of a capillary electrolyte composition). ", "To simplify this challenging task, a single type of commercially available AuNPs with well-characterized functionalization and variable size was employed. ", "Also, as a biosystem simplification, the nanomaterial, after being transformed into the protein-conjugated form in real human serum, was subjected to the action of cytosol fortified with various reducing and complexing agents (at their cancer cytosol concentrations) to mimic a cancer cytosol environment. ", "This approach allowed us to ascertain the degradation of serum-induced corona on AuNPs followed by their conversion into a range of nanoforms with cytosolic molecules. ", "This proof-of-concept finding will receive further investigation by using common proteomics methodology to decipher the cytosolic gold species.", "\n\nMaterials and methods {#Sec2}\n=====================\n\nChemicals and nanoparticle suspensions {#Sec3}\n--------------------------------------\n\nAll chemicals, including biological material (human serum from human male AB plasma and cytosol from human liver, pooled), were products of Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). ", "Gold nanoparticle suspensions (5, 10, 20, and 50 nm in nominal diameters and 5.5, 9.4, 19.8, and 47.3 nm in mean diameters, respectively) were purchased from British Biocell International (Cardiff, UK) and stored in darkness at 4 °C. ", "The Au concentration in aqueous suspensions was characterized by the producer as 63.2, 57.6, 56.6, and 56.8 mg L^−1^, respectively. ", "High-purity water used throughout was obtained from an Elix Water Purification system (Millipore, Molsheim, France).", "\n\nInstrumentation {#Sec4}\n---------------\n\nAnalyses were carried out on a 7100 CE system (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) coupled to a 7500a ICP mass spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Tokyo, Japan). ", "Polyimide-coated fused silica capillaries (i.d. ", "75 μm; o.d. ", "375 μm; length 70 cm) were purchased from CM Scientific Ltd. (Silsden, UK). ", "The liquid-introduction interface was based on a model CEI-100 nebulizer (CETAC, Omaha, NE, USA) equipped with a low-volume spray chamber and a crosspiece to merge the sheath liquid flow. ", "Electrical circuit of the CE was completed via a grounded platinum wire. ", "The capillary cassette and sample tray were thermostatted at 37 °C. ", "The nebulizer performed in the self-aspiration mode using the sheath liquid to provide closing the electrical connection and to produce a fine aerosol. ", "All signal quantifications were done in the peak area mode by monitoring the total ion current of ^197^Au during each CE run. ", "The stability of CE-ICP-MS performance was controlled by measuring the normalized ^72^Ge signal during the postrun conditioning of the CE capillary as well as throughout the analysis. ", "Analysis was only initiated when the signal was sufficiently high (cps \\> 4000) and stable (RSD \\< 2%). ", "Instrumental control and data analysis were performed using Agilent ChemStation software. ", "Operation conditions of the optimized CE-ICP-MS setup are summarized in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}.Table 1Optimal CE-ICP-MS operating parametersCE system CapillaryFused silica, i.d. ", "75 μm, o.d. ", "375 μm, length 70 cm Capillary electrolyteHEPES 40 mM, pH 7.4 Voltage+ 15 kV Temperature37 °C Sample injectionHydrodynamic, 20 mbar, 5 sInterface Sheath liquid10 times diluted capillary electrolyte containing 20 μg L^−1^ Ge Sheath liquid flow rate10 μL min^−1^ICP-MS system RF power1380 W Sample depth7.0 mm Plasma gas15.0 L min^−1^ Nebulizer gas flow1.2 L min^−1^ Monitored isotopes^197^Au, ^72^Ge\n\nProcedures for capillary initialization, conditioning each day and between runs, were the same as described before (see ref. [", "@CR14]). ", "For the method development, samples were introduced by applying 20--50 mbar pressure for a specified time. ", "Separations were performed by applying the voltage in the range 10--30 kV.\n\nSamples were incubated before analysis in the CE autosampler at 37 °C, as regulated by a thermostat (Julabo, Seelbach, Germany). ", "Ultrafiltration and ultracentrifigation were performed using an MPW-350R centrifuge (JW Electronic, Warsaw, Poland) and 100-kDa cut-off filters (in the case of ultrafiltration) obtained from Amicon Ultracel, Merck Millipore, Molsheim, France.", "\n\nSample preparation {#Sec5}\n------------------\n\nThe concentration of AuNPs in all samples was adjusted to a dose at which the therapeutic effect was observed during radiotherapy of mice tumors \\[[@CR20]\\], i.e., 1.35 g kg^−1^ Au, recalculated using the average human mass (70 kg) and blood volume (5 L). ", "An aliquot of the stock solution of AuNPs was mixed with human serum diluted 1000 times with 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, containing 100 mM NaCl (final Au concentration 19 mg L^−1^). ", "To follow in vivo pharmacokinetic tests \\[[@CR21]\\], the mixture was incubated at 37 °C for 45 min because this duration guarantees ca. ", "80% of the injected AuNPs to be eliminated from the bloodstream and transferred into targets. ", "Likewise, this period allows the protein corona to form (although the protein-binding equilibrium is not necessarily attained \\[[@CR14]\\]). ", "The gold--protein conjugates, as well as unbound nanoparticles (where relevant), were separated from the unattached proteins and other matrix components (with molecular weight lower than 100 kDa) by ultrafiltration (10,000 rpm, 30 min). ", "The high molecular weight fraction thus isolated was diluted to 500 μL by each of the four cytosol-like diluents shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} (optimization of dilution factors for human cytosol is given in the [Electronic supplementary material](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"} (ESM)), and the resultant solution was subjected to reverse ultrafiltration in order to being quantitatively removed from the ultrafiltration unit and then incubated at 37 °C. ", "Aliquots were continuously taken for CE-ICP-MS analysis over 24 h. In parallel, the samples in preparation of which the step of mixing AuNPs with serum is omitted were incubated and analyzed. ", "None of the preparations showed visible signs of particle aggregation. ", "In examinations of the size distribution of cytosolic Au species, mixtures of AuNP conjugates with serum proteins and the diluted cancer cytosol (see Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}, type B) were incubated for 2 h and centrifuged for 10 min at 3000 rpm, and both the supernatant and the precipitate (diluted with 20 or 480 μL 10 mM phosphate buffer pH 6.0, respectively) were analyzed by CE-ICP-MS.Table 2Biologically relevant media for treatment of the protein-bound AuNPsTypeMediumSimulating functionA10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 4 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM glutathione, 0.1 mM ascorbic acid, and 1 mM citric acidCancer cytosol-like solution (100 times diluted)BStandard of human cytosol diluted 100 times with 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 4 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM glutathione, 0.1 mM ascorbic acid, and 1 mM citric acidDiluted cancer cytosolCStandard of human cytosol diluted 100 times with 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0), 4 mM NaClpH characteristic for diluted cancer cytosolDStandard of human cytosol diluted 100 times with 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 4 mM NaClDiluted normal cytosol\n\nResults and discussion {#Sec6}\n======================\n\nSelection of CE electrolyte conditions {#Sec7}\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe objective of these trials was to find the background electrolyte suitable for the CE analysis of nanomaterials under simulated cancer cytosol conditions. ", "It should be explained here that the intracellular environment of cancer cells is characterized by lower oxygen content and higher acidity compared to that of normal tissues. ", "This is the consequence of an insufficient formation of new blood vessels in rapidly growing tumors, leading to poor blood and nutrient supply \\[[@CR22], [@CR23]\\]. ", "As a result, cancer cells energetically depend rather on glycolysis and hence produce an excess of lactic acid, decreasing the pH from 7.4 to about 6.0, and a number of reducing and complexing agents such as glutathione, ascorbic acid, and citric acid \\[[@CR24]--[@CR26]\\]. ", "A series of background electrolyte buffers with pH 6.0 was therefore examined (2-(*N*-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid, piperazine-*N,N*′-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid), phosphate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate, all tested in the range of 10--60 mM) for CE of 20 nm AuNPs. ", "However, in all cases, irrespective of the magnitude of applied voltage (10--30 kV), a poor recovery of AuNPs (2--30%) or no gold-specific signals at all (even after 60 min of analysis) were observed. ", "The most plausible explanation is behind the adsorption of AuNPs onto the capillary wall which also causes a change in the electroosmotic flow \\[[@CR27]\\]. ", "In this context, using alkaline electrolytes may be helpful as adsorption of the separands of interest would be reduced at higher pH values due to increased electrostatic repulsion \\[[@CR28]\\]. ", "For this reason, we decided to employ in the following experiments the HEPES buffer (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid) of pH 7.4 that was successfully utilized for monitoring the speciation changes of AuNPs in human serum \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "The separation parameters are presented in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nUnder the optimized CE and ICP-MS conditions, the method's analytical performance was assessed. ", "A linear response between the peak area and gold concentration (for gold standard solution and suspensions of AuNPs of different sizes) was observed in the range 1.7--57.0 mg L^−1^ Au, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.99 (Fig. [", "S1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}; ESM). ", "The detection limit of Au, calculated for a signal/noise ratio of 3 using gold standard solution, was 1.0 μg L^−1^. The same sensitivity parameter for nanoparticle suspensions ranged from 1.4 (5 nm) to 4.2 μg L^−1^ (50 nm AuNPs).", "\n\nSpeciation changes under cytosolic conditions {#Sec8}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nTo gain insight into possible alterations of the AuNP--serum protein conjugates and the nature of newly formed species, the four types of samples, prepared using solutions detailed in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}, were examined following their incubation at physiological temperature for 30 min, and the results are summarized in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Note that the peak recorded at about 10 min (peak 1) belongs to the albumin conjugate, whereas the transferrin conjugates produced no signal. ", "Apparently, in normal cytosol medium, the conjugate with albumin is not subject to compositional changes (at least those that would affect its electrophoretic behavior). ", "Adjustment of the pH to that of cancer cytosol (pH 6.0) led to no major speciation changes, although the second comigrating peak is clearly visible. ", "In contrast, the introduction of glutathione, ascorbic acid, and citric acid at their cancer cytosolic concentrations has an immense effect, causing a fast breakdown of the albumin conjugate and the formation of an array of novel Au species (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, trace B). ", "An upper electropherogram in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} was recorded with the objective to exclude misinterpretation of these signals as belonging to gold aggregates and to prove their bioligand (and probably proteinaceous) nature. ", "It is evident that in the sample made up without human cytosol, the AuNP--albumin conjugate is only partly decomposed (at ca. ", "15%) and there are only three newly formed peaks, two of which comigrate with the numerous peaks shown in trace B. This observation suggests that while somewhat disturbing the conjugate, the reducing/complexing agents prevent the nanoparticles from aggregation. ", "Another important conclusion from the comparison of traces A and B is that the cytosolic proteins may play a key role in cellular processing (unless the contribution of other bioligands is overwhelming).Fig. ", "1Electropherograms illustrating changes in the composition of the albumin conjugate of AuNPs (20 nm) under various conditions shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} (traces A--D correspond to media A--D) after 30 min of sample incubation. ", "Gold concentration, 19 mg L^−1^. The dotted line shows the migration time of the conjugate. ", "Migration time repeatability for albumin conjugate chosen as a representative for this performance testing (peak 1) in samples A, C, and D is 6.9, 7.0, and 6.1% (RSD, *n* = 3), respectively. ", "For CE-ICP-MS conditions, see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}\n\nAdding to the interpretation of observed cytosolic transformations as not related to aggregation (agglomeration) processes is the fact that in none of the media tested (see Fig. [", "S2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}; ESM) the appearance of aggregation-like signals for bare AuNPs takes place.", "\n\nEffect of the size of AuNPs on their speciation in simulated cancer cytosol {#Sec9}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nPrevious experiments were performed with AuNPs of one, intermediate size, i.e., 20 nm. ", "However, it is known that the size of AuNPs has a strong influence on their speciation in human serum \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "Therefore, it was deemed important to explore differently sized AuNPs exposed to simulated cancer cytosol (type B in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "As can be seen in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the size of nanoparticles covered with serum proteins exhibits a significant impact on their cytosolic speciation, both in terms of the extent of losing the albumin corona (peak 1) and the number and electrophoretic behavior of the resulting species. ", "The disintegration degree was calculated as a percent ratio of the summarized areas of all peaks other than the peak corresponding to the albumin conjugate to the peak area of all the signals presented in the electropherograms. ", "It should be mentioned that neither the maximum degree of decomposition as shown in Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"} nor the time required to reach it displays a correlation with the particle size. ", "The only size-dependent relation observed was a higher resistance to disintegration of smaller particle conjugates. ", "Indeed, the albumin conjugates of 10- and 5-nm AuNPs remain partly intact even after 24 h, whereas the conjugates of bigger nanoparticles (20 and 50 nm in diameter) disintegrate almost completely in less than 1 h after incubation in cancer cytosol. ", "The binding profiles for these particles have much in common so that one can assume the same set of bioligands participating in their cytosolic transformation. ", "The kinetic dependences recorded for all sizes of AuNPs and over the entire time span (up to 24 h) are presented in ESM, Fig. [", "S3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}. ", "Moreover, in ESM Fig. [", "S4](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}, the electropherograms are presented illustrating the speciation changes of 5- and 10-nm size AuNPs at the time of the experiments (on green are marked the electropherograms reflecting the reproducibility of results and registered for analogical samples but prepared in another day).Fig. ", "2Effect of the particle size on compositional changes of serum--protein conjugates in simulated cancer cytosol after 20 min of sample incubation. ", "Conditions, as in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Peak 1 belongs to the albumin conjugate. ", "Repeatability of migration times for albumin conjugates is 6.8% (50 nm), 6.5% (10 nm), and 6.1% (5 nm) (RSD, *n* = 3) Table 3Disintegration of the serum conjugates in simulated cancer cytosolParticle size (nm)Maximum percent of disintegration (*n* = 3)591.2 ± 2.61080.6 ± 3.12099.5 ± 0.55098.9 ± 1.1\n\nCharacterization of newly formed Au species {#Sec10}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe last question left to be answered in this study is whether all gold species are in the nanosized particulate form in simulated cancer cytosol or some of them are converted into an ionic form. ", "Unfortunately, ultrafiltration applied to assess the size distribution of cytosolic species shown in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} turned out to be ineffective because of their poor recovery from the membrane material. ", "Ultracentrifugation was found to be more practicable and helped us to reveal that a great majority of Au species retain its nanostructure and become transferred into various conjugated forms with cytosolic molecules. ", "As a proof-of-principle, Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} represents a comparison of electropherograms of the separated fractions acquired for 20 nm AuNPs. ", "At this stage, it seems too early to speak of the identity of cytosolic nanospecies, although generally the high affinity of AuNPs toward proteins and an extreme number of proteins, occurring in the cytosol, raises the possibility of their proteinaceous nature. ", "Also, the data of Arvizo et al., ", "proving that in ovarian cell lysates the surface of AuNPs is covered with proteins, should not be overlooked \\[[@CR29]\\].Fig. ", "3CE-ICP-MS analysis of cytosolic gold species (1) without sample centrifugation, (2) in supernatant, and (3) in precipitate after 2 h of sample incubation. ", "AuNPs, 20 nm. ", "Sample preparation and CE-ICP-MS conditions, see \"[Materials and methods](#Sec2){ref-type=\"sec\"}\"\n\nConclusions {#Sec11}\n===========\n\nOur work proved that similar to metal-based drugs, the speciation changes of AuNPs (as conjugates with serum proteins at extracellular circumstances) would take place upon arrival to cancer cell. ", "Compositional alterations of AuNPs in the presence of cytosolic constituents were found to depend on the particle size and the time for which the AuNP--serum conjugates are exposed to simulated cancer cytosol. ", "However, this important biomedical implication requires further investigation as only simulated medium was considered here and no exact characterization of the gold species was obtained (other than these are multiple particulate forms conjugated with cytosolic molecules). ", "Therefore, a future methodological improvement will be to combine CE with electrospray ionization-MS/MS. ", "This combination is expected to be able to identify the Au species in real cancer cytosol, directly or after sample enzymatic digestion, and possibly to recognize the intracellular targets of AuNPs.", "\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n {#Sec12}\n\nESM 1(PDF 380 kb)\n\nPublished in the topical collection celebrating *ABCs 16th Anniversary.*", "\n\n**Electronic supplementary material**\n\nThe online version of this article (10.1007/s00216-017-0749-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.", "\n\nFinancial support from the National Science Centre, Poland (under grant number 2015/17/B/ST4/03707), the Warsaw University of Technology, and the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (16-03-00492) is gratefully acknowledged.", "\n\nConflict of interest {#FPar1}\n====================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Ed Miliband called for a business ethic that empowers long-term shareholders and claimed that current dismal growth forecasts, increased borrowing and mass unemployment showed the UK is now at an economic turning point Press Association\n\nEd Miliband has expanded on his Labour conference call for an end to predatory capitalism, saying he wanted to re-instill a business ethic that empowered long-term shareholders who were committed to a firm.", "\n\nThe Labour leader called for long-term shareholders to have greater voting rights in takeovers, backed workers on company remuneration committees and said he wanted to break up unwarranted private sector monopolies in banking, energy and the media.", "\n\nCalling for a new responsible capitalism, he said his target was predatory behaviour that was bad for the country and for business.", "\n\nHe added that he was convinced, from his conversations with entrepreneurs, that his ideas were not anti-business but \"bang on pro-business\" and also said Thursday's dismal growth forecasts, increased borrowing and mass unemployment showed the UK was at an economic turning point.", "\n\n\"We cannot carry on like this, with austerity at home, collective austerity abroad,\" he said. \"", "It is no solution to the problems of jobs, growth or the deficit.\"", "\n\nIn his most important speech since his address to the Labour conference six weeks ago, Miliband cited the former CBI director general Richard Lambert in support of his case for a new, more patient, form of capitalism.", "\n\nHe claimed his argument had also been embraced by the archbishop of Canterbury and Bob Diamond, the chief executive of Barclays.", "\n\nIn practice, much of his analysis is shared by the team around the business secretary, Vince Cable.", "\n\nCable has established two reviews – one on executive pay and another on corporate long-termism being undertaken by Professor John Kay – the findings of which are to be published shortly.", "\n\nMiliband set out five areas for reform. ", "First, he called for a new relationship between finance and the real economy, based on banks lending to business and not seeing success simply measured by short-term profits made and taxes paid.", "\n\n\"Businesses deserve a finance system there for the long haul when it comes to creating value in the real economy,\" he said.", "\n\nHe said he was also looking at proposals for a UK Investment Bank and at the US experience of the programmes run by the country's small business administration which have helped firms such as Apple, FedEx and Intel succeed.", "\n\nSecond, drawing on the work of Professor Michael Porter, Miliband said he wanted firms to think about achieving long-term success, requiring institutional investors to become less impatient for quick returns.", "\n\nHe said he had met \"business people over and over again who tell me they simply cannot get support for the long-term investments they need\", adding: \"We need to look at why so many funds of institutional investors seem to be managed as if the only important issue was the next quarterly announcement.", "\n\n\"We need to look at whether the voting rights of shareholders should always be the same from day one of ownership. ", "We need to look at how the tax system can encourage and discourage short-term behaviour that holds Britain back.\"", "\n\nMiliband said he wanted to consider giving shareholders with long-term holdings greater power, particularly at times of takeovers.", "\n\nThe idea was floated by Lord Mandelson at the time of Cadbury Kraft takeover in 2010. ", "Boards of companies being targeted by takeover offers often face conflicting pressures, torn between their obligation to maximise value for shareholders and a desire to deliver long-term growth plans that may ultimately generate better value.", "\n\nThe Companies Act requires public company boards take into account the impact of a potential takeover on stakeholders other than shareholders, but this ranks below the fiduciary duty to shareholders.", "\n\nMiliband said he wanted to look at the value of continuing with the quarterly company report, asking whether it put pressure on patient capitalism.", "\n\nIn the third of his five steps for reform, he called for a better system of encouraging vocational skills, meeting unmet market need. ", "He said a system was needed where the \"benefits of training are shared between the firm, the worker and society\".", "\n\nFourth, he called for restraints on executive pay, saying: \"Just as in our welfare state, we need to ensure a greater relationship between contribution and reward, so too at the top.\"", "\n\nHe called for an employee on the remuneration committee of every major company to restore trust and transparency on pay.", "\n\nFinally, he urged an end to \"large concentrations of unaccountable private power that lead to higher prices, exploit consumers and lead to inefficiency\".", "\n\nHe also said the scale of the financial crisis facing government meant the old Blair-Brown approach, with social progress resting on higher investment, was over.", "\n\n\"The failure of the government's austerity plan means that the next Labour government is likely to inherit a deficit that still needs to be reduced,\" he said. \"", "So even then resources will have to be focused significantly on paying down that deficit.\"" ]
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", "quot;Extracting resourcesquot; is … Eno Gallery Exhibition openings: Eno Gallery hosts exhibition openings on the Last Friday of each month during Hillsborough Last Fridays Art walk and free concert series I Remember Back When. ", "things were so much simpler. ", "Something small like a clothes line full of laundry blowing in the summer breeze, which really doesn't mean much now, but thinking back then makes all that simplicty of the 60s, make sense over the hustle and bustle of today. ", "Holding hands in public then was an intimate gesture … Hamburger Hill, where Col. ", "Weldon Honeycutt led a controversial 10-day meatgrinder battle to secure Hill 937 only to abandon it a week later, Americans questioned the senseless slaughter. ", "Soon, plans were announced to reduce U." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLemon Butter Sauce too acidic\n\nMy Lemon Butter sauce was way too acidic. ", "What can I use to mellow the sauce? ", "I started with 1/4 cup lemon, added shallots and garlic and reduced by half. ", "Then added 1/2 stick butter, cherry tomatoes and fresh bay scallops, and served over angle hair pasta. ", "It was very lemony and acidic.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf that is 1/4 cup lemon juice, that seems like quite a lot and reducing it is also probably making it taste even more lemony. ", "If you want to keep about the same amount of liquid, try softening the shallots and garlic in 1 t olive oil and then adding 2T dry white wine and reducing. ", "Add 1T lemon juice and bring to boil again but don't reduce, add in the cherry tomatoes, scallops and the 1/2 stick butter. ", "You could also reserve half the butter to swirl in after the scallops are cooked through.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy my clearInterval in React doesn't work?", "\n\nwhen I click to to change code I see inly consols.log. ", "I try to understand it but I can't find the answer..\nfunction App() {\n const [laps, setLaps] = useState(0);\n const [running, setRunning] = useState(false);\n const startTime = Date.now() - laps;\n\n useEffect(() => {\n function interval() {\n setInterval(() => {\n setLaps(Date.now() - startTime);\n }, 100);\n }\n\n if (!", "running) {\n clearInterval(interval);\n console.log('ok');\n } else {\n interval();\n console.log('no');\n }\n console.log(running);\n }, [running]);\n\n return (\n <div className=\"App\">\n <label>Count: {laps}</label>\n <button onClick={() => setRunning(!running)}>{running ? '", "stop' : 'start'}</button>\n <button>Clear</button>\n </div>\n );\n}\n\nIn clean JavaScript this code should works correctly(of course without JSX)?", "\n\nA:\n\nclearInterval expects a number as argument that is returned from setInterval, but you are giving it the interval function as argument.", "\nYou could instead just create the interval if running is true, and return a cleanup function from useEffect that will be run the next time the effect is run.", "\n\nconst { useState, useEffect } = React;\r\n\r\nfunction App() {\r\n const [laps, setLaps] = useState(0);\r\n const [running, setRunning] = useState(false);\r\n const startTime = Date.now() - laps;\r\n\r\n useEffect(\r\n () => {\r\n if (running) {\r\n const interval = setInterval(() => {\r\n setLaps(Date.now() - startTime);\r\n }, 100);\r\n return () => clearInterval(interval);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n [running]\r\n );\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <div className=\"App\">\r\n <label>Count: {laps}</label>\r\n <button onClick={() => setRunning(!running)}>\r\n {running ? \"", "stop\" : \"start\"}\r\n </button>\r\n <button>Clear</button>\r\n </div>\r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById(\"root\"));\n<script src=\"https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.development.js\"></script>\r\n<script src=\"https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.development.js\"></script>\r\n\r\n<div id=\"root\"></div>\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.0058309037900874635, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0.0034129692832764505, 0.005988023952095809 ]
[ "ES News email The latest headlines in your inbox twice a day Monday - Friday plus breaking news updates Enter your email address Continue Please enter an email address Email address is invalid Fill out this field Email address is invalid You already have an account. ", "Please log in Register with your social account or click here to log in I would like to receive lunchtime headlines Monday - Friday plus breaking news alerts, by email Update newsletter preferences\n\nFrustrated commuters complained of a second evening of \"hectic\" crowds at Waterloo station as £800million of upgrade works continued.", "\n\nPassengers told how it felt “absolutely suffocating” at the station during the Tuesday evening rush hour and on the second weekday since the project began.", "\n\nBy 6pm the concourse was packed with commuters waiting for information, while Tube passengers were held back in tunnels to reduce the crush.", "\n\nTrains that were running were delayed into the evening following a points failure and trespass incident outside the station earlier in the day.", "\n\nTen platforms, half the total at the station — the UK’s busiest, dealing with 100 million passengers a year — are closed until Tuesday August 29 as part of an £800 million Network Rail (NR) programme to lengthen platforms to accommodate longer trains.", "\n\nStaff were handing out free water and ice creams to passengers at the station on Tuesday evening.", "\n\nLauren Bellew, a legal PA, from Putney told the Standard the atmosphere at the station was very “hectic” and that it was “heaving with people”.", "\n\nThe 22-year-old said: “It was absolutely suffocating. ", "There were double the amount of people all at one end of the station. ", "Having the Eurostar platforms open is a help in a way but it’s still very crowded.", "\n\n“People are struggling to reach their platform as they can't weave in and out of other people standing waiting for their train to appear and there isn't any kind of system like they have at Clapham Junction but the station staff are trying their best, especially with free water.", "\n\n“The shift staff up at the Waterloo East balcony seem to be keeping a look out and they have ambulance crew there also. ", "I know Waterloo can get busy but it's heaving.”", "\n\nOther passengers took to social media to vent their frustration.", "\n\nRichard Haro tweeted: “Minor chaos at Waterloo right now.”", "\n\nAn Network Rail spokesman said: \"Following earlier delays at London Waterloo, and the arrest of a trespasser who was on the line near Vauxhall for more than 40 minutes this afternoon, there is disruption on services into and out of the station this evening.", "\n\n\"There are additional staff in stations, providing bottled water as well as help and advice to passengers. ", "As part of our established protocol, a queuing system is in operation to keep congestion in the station to a minimum.", "\n\n\"With a major £800 million upgrade project under way, we are continuing to advise passengers to use alternative routes or travel outside busy periods where possible over the next three weeks.\"", "\n\nIt has also emerged that NR chief executive Mark Carne has gone on a two-week holiday to Cornwall from August 8, after spending hours at Waterloo on Monday as the engineering work continued.", "\n\nAn NR spokesman added: \"Mark Carne was at Waterloo for over 12 hours yesterday on the first commuter day of the partial closure of Waterloo, helping passengers and talking to the media.", "\n\n\"The Network Rail managing director for Wessex, Becky Lumlock, and responsible for the Waterloo work, is working hand-in-glove with her opposite number at South West trains throughout as well as with our projects managing director and chairman.\"" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nThe proportion of older people in the general population is steadily increasing worldwide \\[[@b1-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Population-based studies documented that impaired renal function is common in older patients. ", "The 3^rd^ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) reported that 35% of elderly persons have an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60 ml/min \\[[@b2-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Impaired renal function is exhibited in older patients. ", "The characteristics of kidney dysfunction include diminished GFR, soft tissue calcification, abnormal bone and mineral metabolism, and endocrine dysfunction. ", "Secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D deficiency might also contribute to the progression of renal disease and cardiovascular disease-related morbidity and mortality \\[[@b3-medscimonit-21-3993],[@b4-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Older patients with impaired renal function are at increased risk of renal failure, death, and other adverse events \\[[@b5-medscimonit-21-3993],[@b6-medscimonit-21-3993]\\].", "\n\nVitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin regulating calcium and phosphorus homeostasis in the body. ", "Epidemiological evidence suggests an association between vitamin D status and cardiovascular disease \\[[@b7-medscimonit-21-3993],[@b8-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "An indicator of overall vitamin D status is serum concentration of 25 (OH) D \\[[@b9-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "The 25 (OH) D was measured to find the relationship between heart and kidney disease, and, in some studies, the crosstalk between the kidney and heart. ", "Low vitamin D level was associated with increased arterial stiffness and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in the general population and in children with chronic kidney disease \\[[@b10-medscimonit-21-3993]--[@b12-medscimonit-21-3993]\\].", "\n\nThe objective of this clinical trial was to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D levels and left ventricular mass and arterial stiffness in older patients with impaired renal function.", "\n\nMaterial and Methods\n====================\n\nParticipants\n------------\n\nThe study was performed at the Department of Geriatrics in the Chao-Yang Hospital (Capital Medical University, Beijing, China). ", "The study adhered to the principles set forth by the Declaration of Helsinki. ", "The study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee. ", "All patients provided informed consent, verbally and in writing, to participate after they were informed of risks associated with the study. ", "The study recruited patients from September 2012 to May 2015 in the spring and autumn. ", "The inclusion criteria were: patients who were admitted to the hospital, 65 years or older, and agreed to join in this study. ", "Exclusion criteria were: patients with any congenital or structural heart disease, acute kidney injury, severe endocrine diseases such as thyroid disease or parathyroid gland function hyperthyroidism, acute severe infectious diseases, bone marrow tumor, vitamin D supplementation, and long-term use of hormone or immunosuppressive drugs. ", "Baseline characteristics were ascertained by chart review. ", "Venous blood samples were obtained from patients to measure serum 25 (OH) D, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, cholesterol, triglycerides, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C). ", "In order to estimate glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), the chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation was used \\[[@b13-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Based on the patients' eGFR at admission (using 60 ml/min as the limit), patients were allocated into either the impaired renal function group (eGFR \\<60 ml/min) or the normal renal function group (eGFR ≥60 ml/min).", "\n\nEchocardiography\n----------------\n\nEchocardiography (Philips IE33, USA) was used to evaluate cardiac structure and function, using standard institutional protocol in the echocardiography laboratory. ", "By using echocardiography, left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD) could be measured, as well as left ventricular end-systolic dimension (LVSDD), inter-ventricular septal thickness at end-diastole (IVSd), posterior wall thickness at end-diastole (PWd), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), early mitral inflow velocity (E), and late mitral inflow velocity (A). ", "Left ventricular mass (LVM) was calculated using the measurements obtained by 2-dimensional directed M-mode echocardiography according to the American Society of Echocardiography criteria. ", "The formula for the calculation of LVM is 0.8{1.04\\[(\\[LVEDD + IVSd +PWd\\]^3^ − LVEDD^3^)\\]} + 0.6. ", "Left ventricular mass indexed (LVMI) to body surface area was estimated by LV cavity dimension and wall thickness at end-diastole \\[[@b14-medscimonit-21-3993],[@b15-medscimonit-21-3993]\\].", "\n\nPulse wave velocity\n-------------------\n\nPulse wave velocity is a useful noninvasive measurement to evaluate arterial stiffness \\[[@b16-medscimonit-21-3993],[@b17-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "After 15 min of rest in the supine position, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) was assessed by the Complior SP device (ALAM MEDICAL, France). ", "The distance from the carotid to femoral artery recording sites was measured by use of a measuring tape, and this length was divided by the time interval between the rapid upstroke in the pulse wave at the carotid and femoral arteries. ", "PWV was calculated automatically. ", "The reference point was a peak R-wave on the electrocardiography.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nCategorical data are presented as the proportion and chi square analysis was used to compare groups. ", "Continuous data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). ", "Two-sample *t* test or Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare data between the impaired eGFR group and the normal eGFR group. ", "Correlation was assessed by calculating Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients. ", "General linear models were usually used for identifying the differences in age-adjusted means of PWV across 25 (OH) D tertiles. ", "The association between PWV and 25 (OH) D levels, LVMI and 25 (OH) D levels was discovered and tested by multiple linear regression analysis. ", "The variance inflation factor was used to test models adjusted for potential confounding factors based on the relevant literature, including age, sex, eGFR, cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking), serum calcium, and iPTH levels. ", "Using the variance inflation factor, we tested multicollinearity among the covariates. ", "On 2-tailed tests, a *P* value \\<0.05 was considered statistically significant. ", "We conducted statistical analysis by using SPSS version 19.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nPatient characteristics and vitamin D levels\n--------------------------------------------\n\nA total of 273 eligible older inpatients were included in the study. ", "These patients all accepted baseline assessment and 25 (OH) D measurement. ", "Patients were divided into 2 groups based on their admission eGFR: 152 patients were allocated into the normal eGFR group and 121 patients were allocated into the impaired eGFR group. ", "There were145 patients in the normal eGFR group and 117 patients in the impaired eGFR group who completed the cardiac ultrasound and PWV examination ([Figure 1](#f1-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nNo significant differences were found in the baseline clinical characters between these 2 groups ([Table 1](#t1-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The 25 (OH) D levels between the 2 groups were significantly different. ", "The 25 (OH) D levels of patients in the impaired eGFR group were significantly lower than in the normal eGFR group \\[(11.92±6.01) μg/L *vs.* (18.14±8.07) μg/L, *P*\\<0.05\\]. ", "iPTH was also significantly different between these 2 groups. ", "The impaired eGFR group showed significant increases in iPTH levels compared to the normal eGFR group \\[(66.20±17.07) ng/ml *vs.* (41.55±10.57) ng/ml, *P*\\<0.05\\]. ", "The levels of serum calcium, phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus product, cholesterol, and triglycerides did not show any large differences between the 2 groups.", "\n\nComparison by echocardiography\n------------------------------\n\nPatients underwent echocardiography according to the established hospital protocol. ", "LVMI was significantly different between the 2 groups ([Table 2](#t2-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The LVMI was higher in the impaired eGFR group (104.89±33.50) g/m^2^ than in the normal eGFR group (92.95±18.95) g/m^2^. The LVEF of the impaired eGFR group was lower than in the normal eGFR group; however, the discrepancy was not large \\[(67.26±9.12)% *vs.* (69.34±6.86)%, *P*\\>0.05\\].", "\n\nIn the multivariate linear regression analysis, there was an intense inverse association between the 25 (OH) levels and LVMI (β=−0.880, *P*=0.004), and an inverse association between eGFR and LVMI (β=−0.386, *P*\\<0.01). ", "Multiple regression analysis showed that low 25 (OH) D levels and eGFR were independent predictors of increased LVMI in older patients.", "\n\nRelationship between vitamin D levels and LVMI\n----------------------------------------------\n\nTo verify whether the relationship between the 25 (OH) D levels and LVMI, and to see if it makes an contribution to confounding variables, age and sex were added as covariates to adjust linear model relating 25 (OH) D and LVMI ([Table 3](#t3-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 1). ", "The bond between the 25 (OH) D levels and LVMI remained quite remarkable after adjustment for age and sex. ", "The association between 25 (OH) D levels and LVMI decreased slightly yet remained statistically significant after eGFR was added to the model ([Table 3](#t3-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 2). ", "In addition, this link remained important after the coordination of cardiovascular risk factors, hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking ([Table 3](#t3-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 3). ", "Eventually, the association between 25 (OH) D levels and LVMI remained remarkable for adjusted calcium and iPTH levels ([Table 3](#t3-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 4).", "\n\nComparison by pulse wave velocity\n---------------------------------\n\nCarotid-femoral PWV was measured between the normal eGFR group and the impaired eGFR group. ", "PWV was higher in patients with impaired eGFR than in those with normal eGFR \\[(15.99±3.10) m/s *vs.* (13.62±2.90) m/s, *P*\\<0.05\\].", "\n\nWe found a significant negative association of eGFR and 25 (OH) D levels with PWV (β=−0.076, *P*\\<0.01; β=−0.309, *P*=0.047), and a significant positive association of age with PWV (β=0.576, *P*\\<0.01) through the multivariate linear regression analysis.", "\n\nRelationship between vitamin D levels and PWV\n---------------------------------------------\n\nMultivariable analysis adjusting for key confounders was conducted. ", "In order to verify and dig out the bond between the 25 (OH) D levels and PWV, knowing that this bond does not contribute to the key confounders, age and sex that were added as covariates to adjust the linear model relating 25 (OH) D and PWV ([Table 4](#t4-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 1). ", "This association between the 25 (OH) D levels and PWV was reduced, but still remained statistically significant after an adjustment for age and sex. ", "The association between 25 (OH) D levels and PWV was also reduced but remained statistically significant after eGFR was added to the model ([Table 4](#t4-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 2). ", "This association remained significant after changing cardiovascular risk factors for adjustment, which included hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking ([Table 4](#t4-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 3). ", "The association of 25 (OH) D levels with PWV was reduced yet remained significant after calcium and iPTH levels were adjusted ([Table 4](#t4-medscimonit-21-3993){ref-type=\"table\"}, model 4).", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn this study we evaluated the relationship of vitamin D with LVMI and arterial stiffness in older patients. ", "Higher LVMI and PWV were observed in the impaired renal function group compared to the normal renal function group. ", "The 25 (OH) D levels were also negatively associated with LVMI after adjusting for the main potential confounders. ", "The inverse association between the 25 (OH) D levels and PWV was still significant after adjusting for key confounders.", "\n\nIn the general population, a strong association between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disease has been found \\[[@b18-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Lack of vitamin D influences the cardiovascular system, causing atherosclerosis, enabling vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, formation of foam cells, and proliferation of smooth muscle cells, vascular calcification, fibrosis, and cardiac hypertrophy \\[[@b19-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "It also leads to myocardial and arterial thickening and left ventricular hypertrophy \\[[@b20-medscimonit-21-3993],[@b21-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "A prospective cross-sectional study including 3258 patients followed up for a mean of 7.7 years indicated that low concentration of 25 (OH) D was significantly correlated with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. ", "An increased risk for all-cause mortality (*HR*=2.08, 95%*CI* 1.60--2.70) in patients with vitamin D deficiency was also observed compared to those without vitamin D deficiency \\[[@b22-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Prior studies have found a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and left ventricular hypertrophy, especially in patients with chronic kidney disease. ", "Lack of vitamin D was also related with left ventricular mass increasing in children with chronic kidney disease \\[[@b10-medscimonit-21-3993]\\], possibly due to vitamin D receptor activation and vitamin D-mediated regulation of the RAAS \\[[@b23-medscimonit-21-3993]\\].", "\n\nIn older patients, the pathophysiological states of combined kidney and heart dysfunction are common. ", "The aging process results in remarkable changes in the kidney, both anatomical and functional. ", "Older patients often have varying degrees of impaired renal function \\[[@b24-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Vitamin D deficiency is common in patients with impaired renal function, and may also contribute to disease progression \\[[@b25-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "In the current report, 273 older patients (≥65 years) were divided into 2 groups based on their admission eGFR. ", "The 25 (OH) D levels were lower in patients with impaired renal function (eGFR \\< 60 ml/min) than in those with normal renal function (eGFR ≥60 ml/min). ", "Some older patients with cardiovascular disease also suffered from renal disease, and other patients with impaired renal function might have heart disease. ", "Several animal studies have shown a possible link between vitamin D levels and kidney-heart function. ", "Martin et al. ", "found that rats with mild renal insufficiency had impaired diastolic function and early cardiac fibrosis, which progressed to a more global left ventricular remodeling and dysfunction \\[[@b26-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "The mechanisms leading to the states of combined kidney and heart dysfunction are multifactorial. ", "Increased activity of the renin-angiotensin and sympathetic nervous systems, oxidative stress, and inflammation are typically associated with both kidney and heart dysfunction \\[[@b27-medscimonit-21-3993]\\], possibly linked to vitamin D levels. ", "Vitamin D has been reported to regulate vascular smooth muscle, the renin-angiotensin system, cardiac cell function, inflammatory and fibrotic pathways, endothelium, and immune response \\[[@b11-medscimonit-21-3993]\\]. ", "Lack of vitamin D may result in artery and myocardium thickening and left ventricular hypertrophy.", "\n\nThe major limitation of this study is that we cannot make a firm conclusion about a cause and effect relationship of vitamin D with left ventricular mass and arterial stiffness. ", "Another limitation is that we used a small inpatient sample at a single hospital, making it difficult to divide the subjects into sub-groups. ", "Also, the statistical power of the study might have been influenced. ", "Further clinical trials are needed to expand the sample size and confirm these findings.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nVitamin D was found at lower levels in older patients with impaired renal function compared to those with normal renal function. ", "Vitamin D deficiency was also found to be associated with increased left ventricular mass and arterial stiffness in older patients with impaired renal function.", "\n\nThe authors are grateful to all study participants. ", "We also thank the nurses who performed blood withdrawal.", "\n\n**Declaration of interest**\n\nThe authors report no conflicts of interest.", "\n\n**Source of support:** The study was supported by the Beijing Health Science Foundation (No. ", "2013-13) and the Youth Research Foundation of Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital (No.2010-CJ)\n\n![", "Flow diagram of the study population.](medscimonit-21-3993-g001){#f1-medscimonit-21-3993}\n\n###### \n\nDemographic and clinical characteristics for patients.", "\n\n Normal eGFR group (n=152) Impaired eGFR group (n=121) *P*\n ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------\n Age (y) 80.68±6.87 81.86±6.08 0.864\n Male (%) 98 (64.47%) 70 (57.85%) 0.317\n BMI (kg/m^2^) 25.88±3.30 26.50±4.01 0.720\n Current smoker, n (%) 31 (20.39%) 23 (19.00%) 0.879\n Hypertension, n (%) 103 (67.76%) 84 (69.42%) 0.794\n Diabetes, n (%) 63 (41.45%) 52 (42.98%) 0.806\n SBP (mmHg) 132.83±16.68 138.38±14.29 0.794\n DBP (mmHg) 72.34±11.74 74.78±11.39 0.189\n Total-cholesterol (mmol/L) 4.05±0.92 4.24±1.06 0.422\n LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) 2.13±0.68 2.18±0.69 0.357\n HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.19±0.32 1.20±0.38 0.061\n Triglycerides (mmol/L) 1.27±0.71 1.34±0.69 0.181\n HbA1C (%) 6.49±1.01 6.36±1.11 0.290\n Creatinine (mmol/L) 82.24±13.91 148.92±91.91 \\<0.001\n eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m^2^) 74.52±12.50 42.17±13.67 \\<0.001\n Serum calcium (mmol/L) 2.17±0.23 2.17±0.13 0.198\n Serum phosphate (mmol/L) 1.09±0.17 1.14±0.23 0.250\n Calcium × phosphorus 2.32±0.44 2.41±0.56 0.449\n Intact PTH (pg/mL) 41.55±10.57 66.20±17.07 \\<0.001\n 25 (OH) D (μg/L) 18.14±8.07 11.92±6.01 \\<0.001\n\nData are shown by mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables and percentages (%) for categorical variables. ", "BMI -- body mass index; SBP -- systolic blood pressure; DBP -- diastolic blood pressure; LDL -- low-density lipoprotein; HDL -- high-density lipoprotein; HbA1C -- glycosylated hemoglobin; eGFR -- estimated glomerular filtration rate; PTH -- parathyroid hormone.", "\n\n###### \n\nResults of echocardiolgraphy.", "\n\n Normal eGFR group (n=145) Impaired eGFR group (n=117) *P*\n --------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- -------\n LVEDD (mm) 45.65±4.16 46.38±4.46 0.196\n LVSDD (mm) 27.74±4.20 28.81±7.08 0.082\n IVSd (mm) 10.43±1.29 10.97±2.14 0.019\n PWd (mm) 9.73±1.31 10.40±1.53 0.034\n LVEF (%) 69.34±6.86 67.26±9.12 0.053\n E (cm/s) 75.13±23.96 85.66±24.59 0.347\n A (cm/s) 99.10±24.14 105.22±24.44 0.635\n E/A ratio 0.78±0.32 0.82±0.33 0.781\n LV mass (g) 162.46±34.88 180.39±57.11 0.004\n LVMI (g/m^2^) 92.95±18.95 104.89±33.50 0.006\n\nData are shown by mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables and percentages (%) for categorical variables. ", "LVEDD -- left ventricular end-diastolic dimension; LVSDD -- left ventricular end-systolic dimension; IVSd -- interventricular septal thickness at end-diastole; PWd -- posterior wall thickness at end-diastole; LVEF -- left ventricular ejection fraction; E -- early mitral inflow velocity; A -- late mitral inflow velocity; LV mass -- left ventricular mass; LVMI -- left ventricular mass index.", "\n\n###### \n\nExamining the relationship between 25 (OH) D and LVMI.", "\n\n Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4\n ----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n β −0.880 −0.649 −0.880 −0.921\n *P* value 0.004 0.032 0.004 0.007\n\nModel 1 -- age and gender were adjusted linear model relating 25 (OH) D and LVMI; Model 2 -- eGFR was adjusted; Model 3 -- cardiovascular risk factors were adjusted, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes; Model 4 -- calcium and iPTH levels were adjusted.", "\n\n###### \n\nExamining the relationship between 25 (OH) D and PWV.", "\n\n Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4\n ----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n β −0.091 −0.076 −0.098 −0.094\n *P* value 0.014 0.042 0.00 0.034\n\nModel 1 -- age and gender were added as covariates to adjust linear model relating 25 (OH) D and PWV; Model 2 -- eGFR was adjusted; Model 3 -- cardiovascular risk factors were adjusted, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes; Model 4 -- calcium and iPTH levels.", "\n\n[^1]: Study Design\n\n[^2]: Data Collection\n\n[^3]: Statistical Analysis\n\n[^4]: Data Interpretation\n\n[^5]: Manuscript Preparation\n\n[^6]: Literature Search\n\n[^7]: Funds Collection\n" ]
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[ "Technical considerations for dominant frequency analysis.", "\nDominant frequency (DF) analysis of atrial electrograms has been used to characterize atrial fibrillation (AF). ", "The aim of this study was to explore technical issues that may affect the estimation of local activation rate during AF using DF analysis. ", "Epicardial atrial electrograms recorded during AF from 10 dogs were used to evaluate the effects of unipolar versus bipolar recordings, bipolar electrode spacing, postrecording processing, far field ventricular depolarizations, ventricular template subtraction, and signal duration on DF analysis. ", "Simulated electrograms were used to evaluate the effect of far field ventricular depolarizations and signal-to-noise ratio. ", "DFs were compared with activation rates obtained by manual marking and the reproducibility of the DFs was evaluated. ", "Bipolar electrograms were found to be preferable to unipolar electrograms. ", "Preprocessing was a necessary step for bipolar signals, but also aided analysis of unipolar recordings. ", "Ventricular far field depolarizations significantly affected DFs. ", "Ventricular template subtraction helped DF analysis in signals with both minimal and significant ventricular components. ", "A recording duration above 2 seconds was required for reliable DF measurements. ", "Signal-to-noise ratios below 13 dB could also affect DF, particularly for signals with significant amplitude and frequency variation. ", "Various factors affect DF analysis. ", "Proper interpretation of DF analysis requires careful evaluation of the AF signals and robust processing techniques." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Baidu move sees 'robocars' turning a corner Updated: 2016-05-18 08:16 By Cheng Yingqi(China Daily)\n\nThe phrase \"back-seat driver\" may soon take on a new meaning as companies race to embrace the technology to produce fully autonomous vehicles for use on China's road network. ", "Cheng Yingqi reports.", "\n\nEngineers watch videos on their smartphones during a test journey from Chongqing in southwestern China to Beijing in April. ", "The car used was an autonomous sedan developed by Chang'an Automobile Group. ", "CUI LI/CHINA DAILY\n\nThe news that Baidu will participate in a citywide trial of autonomous vehicles signals the latest move in the internet giant's plans to become a major player in the burgeoning market.", "\n\nUnder a five-year agreement between China's biggest search engine and the city of Wuhu in the eastern province of Anhui, the company's autonomous cars, buses and vans will gradually be introduced to selected roads and zones before eventually being allowed to use public highways throughout the city. ", "The vehicles will not carry passengers during the first three years of the trial period.", "\n\nThe agreement has seen Baidu potentially steal a march on its rivals in the sector, which was kick-started by Google's self-driving-car program in 2009. ", "Since then, automobile manufacturers such as BMW, Volvo and Toyota have all become leading lights in the race to commercialize so-called robocars.", "\n\nNow, as basic self-driving technologies become more mature, companies in the world's largest auto market are anxious to deepen their involvement in the sector.", "\n\n\"Currently, the major bottlenecks in replacing human drivers with robots lie in cost reductions, the upgrading of the transportation infrastructure and legal issues. ", "China, which has a large automobile market and higher acceptance of self-driving technology, will have a competitive advantage,\" said Jack Yu, general manager of ResearchInChina, an auto industry consultancy in Beijing.", "\n\nThe race is just starting. ", "Ahead of the Beijing Auto Show, which ran from April 25 to May 4, Chang'an Automobile sent two driverless cars on a six-day, 2,000-kilometer test journey from Chongqing in the southwest to the Chinese capital in the north.", "\n\nIn early April, the Swedish carmaker Volvo, which is owned by Zhejiang Geely Holdings-headquartered in Hangzhou, in the province of Zhejiang in East China-announced a plan to launch a self-driving experiment involving as many as 100 cars.", "\n\nChinese tech giants, such as Baidu and LeAuto-a subsidiary of Leshi Internet Information & Technology-are also engaged in self-driving technologies. ", "Baidu started a research program in July 2014, and undertook its first fully automatic road test in December, while LeAuto unveiled the LeSEE, its concept driverless vehicle, on April 20.", "\n\n\"Worldwide, self-driving technologies are becoming mature. ", "I'm optimistic that it will only be five years or so before we will be able to buy self-driving cars,\" Yu said.", "\n\nThe timeline accords with the plans of the major players: Google, Toyota, General Motors, and Nissan have all disclosed plans to put self-driving cars in the market by 2020.", "\n\nCost challenges\n\nHowever, there are still challenges, and right now the biggest obstacle to full commercialization is the high cost of the vehicles.", "\n\nBased on advanced hardware-sonar devices, stereo cameras, lasers and radar, together with complex self-driving software-the cost of an autonomous car will be $7,000 to $10,000 higher than that of a traditional vehicle by 2025, according to a report by IHS, an auto industry consultancy, which said technological developments will see the price premium drop to around $5,000 in 2030 and $3,000 in 2035." ]
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[ "Mode field patterns and preferential mode coupling in planar waveguide-coupled square microcavities.", "\nWe report a numerical and analytical study of mode field patterns and mode coupling in planar waveguide-coupled square microcavities, using two-dimensional (2-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and k-space representation. ", "Simulated mode field patterns can be identified by k-space modes. ", "We observe that different mode number parities permit distinctly different mode field patterns and spectral characteristics. ", "Simulation results suggest that k-space modes that nearly match the waveguide propagation mode have a relatively high coupling efficiency. ", "Such preferential mode coupling can be modified by the mode number parity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.00425531914893617, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "RELATED TV SHOWS\n\nRELATED CHANNEL\n\nThank you sooo much for covering this news Vijay sir.. :))) Hats off to Delhi Mauryans!! ", "Now we are going to plan for rallies in all major cities.. Turners HAVE to give us NOC NOW!! ", "Next rally will be in Kolkata and it will go on n on.. :)) Jai Ho ... Jai Maa Bharati..\n\nGuys, if you are CGM supporter then plz join our group on Facebook.. we are 103000+ members there..https://www.facebook.com/groups/savecgm/\n\nComment Report Abuse\n\n\"For the first time in the history of Indian television, audience knows and want their choice back. ", "We are not bounded, we mauryans are so determined for CGM n it was fisrt proved by our group n now by this rally. ", "we want our show CGM back on TV n we are ready to prove our Love for it. ", "Hope Turners provide NOC soon n we'll get to see it again.", "\"Thnx IF\n\nDisclaimer: All Logos and Pictures of various Channels, Shows, Artistes, Media Houses, Companies, Brands etc. ", "belong to their respective owners, and are used to merely visually identify the Channels, Shows, Companies, Brands, etc. ", "to the viewer. ", "Incase of any issue please contact the webmaster." ]
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[ "Reuben Tucker\n\nReuben Tucker (born 30 December 1956) is a wrestler from Guam. ", "He competed in the men's freestyle 90 kg at the 1988 Summer Olympics.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1956 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Guamanian male sport wrestlers\nCategory:Olympic wrestlers of Guam\nCategory:Wrestlers at the 1988 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Place of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Following a contemptible Facebook post by the now nationally infamous School District U-46 school board member Traci O’Neal Ellis in which she asserted that the American flag means no more to her than toilet paper, Monday’s board meeting saw a slew of impassioned comments most of them in support of Ellis. ", "Most, however, failed to address the crux of public outrage: The public is outraged by the incivility of Ellis and by her myopic, imbalanced view of America.", "\n\nFifteen people spoke, twelve in favor of Ellis and three in opposition to Ellis’ comment. ", "One of those fifteen people, Megan Larson, spent her entire time criticizing board member Jeanette Ward for condemning Ellis’ offensive comment–a comment condemned by many news outlets including the Daily Herald.", "\n\nMy question is, what the heck is wrong with conservatives? ", "How can Ellis’ comment, which elicited national condemnation, including from former governor Mike Huckabee, motivate only three people to speak at a board meeting?", "\n\nThe meeting began as always with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance during which Ellis was the only member not to cover her heart.", "\n\nLet’s closely examine just one of the 12 Ellis-supporting statements, self-righteously intoned by Larson and capturing succinctly several Leftist arguments:\n\nThere are seven rules in the Board Members’ Code of Conduct which also form the basis of the board members’ oath.", "\n\nThe code states that “members of the board of education shall represent all school district constituents honestly and equally and refuse to surrender responsibilities to special interest groups or partisan political groups.”", "\n\nI ask if implying that parents, staff, and students are Marxists, and radical Leftist extremists is apolitical.", "\n\nThe code states that “members shall take no private action that might compromise the board or the administration and shall respect the confidentiality of privileged information.”", "\n\nI ask if twice issuing a call to outside agitators is apolitical.", "\n\n“Members shall encourage and respect the free expression and opinion of other board members.”", "\n\nI ask if taking private information and posting it publicly and then continuing to post 7 times in 4 days on the same topic is apolitical.", "\n\nThe failure to uphold this oath makes one unfit to represent the students and families of U-46. ", "In my opinion, if one refuses to follow the tenets of the oath they [sic] took, they should be reprimanded.", "\n\nLarson must have turned off her irony/hypocrisy detector when she wrote this.", "\n\nSo, here are my thoughts about Larson’s thoughts:\n\nThe board members’ oath that Larson cited to criticize only Ward does not require that members refrain from expressing “political” statements while serving on the board. ", "If, however, that’s how Larson interprets the oath, I would ask her and the board if Ellis’ multiple references to the Republican National Convention as the “Klanvention” were “apolitical.” ", "More important, does referring to Republicans as Klansmen suggest to anyone that Ellis “honestly and equally” represents all U-46 constituents? ", "Which is more offensive: being compared to Marxists and radical Leftist extremists or Klansmen?", "\n\nIf Larson expects board members to honor their oath not to engage in “private action that might compromise the board or administration,” perhaps she should remember that it was Ellis’ supposedly “private” Facebook post in which she likened the American flag to toilet paper that set in motion the controversy that has compromised the integrity of both the board and the administration.", "\n\nThe part of the board oath regarding “privileged information” quite obviously refers to privileged information available to board members in closed sessions—not to board members’ Facebook postings—which no one considers private. ", "The Daily Herald Editorial Board wrote this on the brouhaha in general and privacy specifically:\n\nYou’ll recall, [Ellis] was the Elgin Area School District 46 board member who said on Facebook that the American flag represented “nothing more than toilet paper” to her. ", "An apology was warranted for that appalling statement….", "\n\nUnfortunately, her apology had a lot of qualifiers, including one that needs further review.", "\n\nEllis seems to think that because she made her statement on her personal Facebook page, it shouldn’t be a factor in her public role as a school board member.", "\n\n“I make no apologies for my comment about the flag. ", "I made them as a private citizen, as a taxpayer in this country on my personal Facebook page on a matter of import in the current national discourse based upon my personal experiences,” she said.", "\n\nIndeed, she has that right. ", "But when it comes to commenting on a public forum, there can be no distinction between public and private for elected officials, especially on social media, where every post, utterance and picture can be saved in a virtual locker forever.", "\n\nWhen you run for office, your actions — both official and personal — are open for support or criticism. ", "Voters in Ellis’ district should and will take what she said into account when and if she seeks re-election in 2019. ", "That will be the consequence of her free speech rights.", "\n\nIf it’s important for board members to respect the opinions of other board members, how much more important is it for board members to respect fellow board members themselves? ", "In light of that, what do these words from Ellis signify to Larson:\n\nJeanette Ward is the most absurd hypocrite I have ever had the personal misfortune to know and have to yield any of my personal time to. ", "She dares to claim free speech to castigate U-46 kids and deny the humanity of our LGBTQIA students. ", "She constantly WHINES about lack of tolerance to diversity of thought and CRIES like a 2 year old that her freedom of speech is being impinged on when anyone dares to disagree with her.", "\n\nThere is a substantive and important difference between criticizing the ideas expressed by a colleague and hurling epithets at a colleague. ", "Does anyone consider this kind of attack by one board member on another respectful?", "\n\nEllis here is alluding to Ward’s opposition to sexually integrated restrooms and locker rooms. ", "What Ellis is deceitfully saying without saying is that opposition to co-ed restrooms and locker rooms constitutes “castigation of U-46 kids” and the “denial of the humanity of LGBTQIA students.” ", "This is, by the way, an arguable proposition and highly political.", "\n\nThis past August, Ellis suggested that it’s “deplorable” to oppose the sexual integration of restrooms and locker rooms in public schools and implied that State Representative Jeanne Ives is deplorable because she opposes them. ", "Further, Ellis falsely claimed that because Rep. Ives opposes co-ed private spaces in public schools, she seeks to deny students “safe learning spaces.” ", "I would ask if these claims by Ellis are “apolitical.”", "\n\nLarson engaged in a bit of “truthiness” when she said that Ward posted seven times over four days about the Ellis mess. ", "Technically, Larson may be right, but she forgot to mention that five of the posts were merely links to press accounts of the mess. ", "Only in two did Ward herself write anything, and here is one of those posts:\n\nTo those of you who agree that my fellow board member’s statement about our flag was despicable, but…who are also:-sending death threats (!!!?)", "\n\n-sending messages laced with profanity and name -calling-making comments on Facebook laced with profanity and name -calling-categorizing all African-Americans as believing or behaving a certain way…\n\nSTOP.", "\n\nDisagree with Ms. Ellis over what she said in a coherent and cogent manner befitting to free people in the greatest country on earth.", "\n\nIn contrast, while Ellis may have posted only twice (i.e., the initial toilet paper post, and then her defense of it), her defense was 842 words long—6 times the number of words Ward wrote collectively.", "\n\nAt the end of the public comments, Ms. Ward offered an eloquent and moving defense of American ideals and a brief critique of the offensiveness of Ellis’ toilet paper comment. ", "Then Ellis followed, providing further evidence of her unprofessionalism, incivility, childishness and vindictiveness.", "\n\nEllis began her statement with a formal salutation that included “teachers, staff, students and families in U-46,” nine district administrators by name, and all school board members by name—except Jeanette Ward. ", "I have never witnessed anything as mean-spirited, immature, and unprofessional at a school board meeting as Ellis’ salutation.", "\n\nIn the body of her pseudo-apology, Ellis said to the aforementioned persons that she was “sorry” for her inelegant language and for unintentionally causing a “distraction.” ", "Then she patted herself on the back for attending the meeting despite having been warned that it would be a “modern day lynching.” (", "Where’s an eyeroll emoji when you need one?) ", "Painting criticism of her comments as a modern day rhetorical lynching is a cunning way for Ellis to silence her critics. ", "So, what would Ellis call the vitriol spewed at Ward by her and her fans? ", "Hmmm…\n\nDespite how tenaciously Ellis tries to color the controversy as a denial of her liberties, the issue at the heart of this dust-up has never been the First Amendment. ", "Rather, it’s about Ellis’ unprofessionalism, divisive and inflammatory vulgarity, and her ignorant lack of appreciation for the principles for which the American flag stands even when citizens—including Ellis—fail to perfectly embody them. ", "It’s about Ellis’ refusal to recognize or acknowledge the remarkable strides America has made in deracinating racism. ", "And it’s about the terrible example Ellis sets for students. ", "The fault lies not with Jeanette Ward for exposing yet more ugly words from Ellis but with Ellis for uttering them.", "\n\nAnd to Ms. Larson: If we at the Illinois Family Institute are the “outside agitators” to whom you referred, rest assured that no one issued a call to us to cover this unfortunate incident. ", "Like press outlets all over the country (we were not first), our actions were impelled by the words of Traci O’Neal Ellis, who has demonstrated repeatedly that she is unfit for her position on the U-46 School Board.", "\n\nListen to Laurie read this article in this podcast:\n\nPlay\n\nStop\n\nX\n\nPLEASE consider a financial gift to IFI to sustain our work.", "\nWe’ve stood firm for 25 years, work diligently to accomplish our mission to\n“boldly bring a biblical perspective to public policy” in Illinois.", "\n\nLaurie Higgins became the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008. ", "Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years in Deerfield High School’s writing center in Deerfield, Illinois.", "\nHer cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites nationally and internationally, and Laurie has appeared on numerous radio programs across the country. ", "In addition, Laurie has spoken at the Council for National Policy and educational conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.", "\nShe has been married to her husband for forty-four years, and they have four grown children and nine grandchildren...." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ncustomizing folding markers via user settings\n\nI've been using code folding in vim using the kent extensions that allow for folds to be specified in any language using {{{ and }}} markers. ", "For example, OCaml I would say:\n(* {{{ comment *)\n\ncode\n\n(* }}} *)\n\nand in LaTeX I might say:\n% {{{ name\n\ntext\n\n% }}}\n\nThe vim folding looks for the {{{ }}} pairs as the start/end markers for a fold. ", " I found some examples of specifying custom folding markers as part of creating a brand new language extension in VSCode, but I haven't been able to figure out how to add the {{{ and }}} markers as part of my user settings. ", " I'd prefer to not have to modify existing extensions to use these style markers.", "\nI'm working with a large code base that already makes extensive use of these folding markers, and for the time being I end up being in vim if I want to take advantage of them. ", " I'd really like to be able to move to vscode more, but the lack of this folding mechanism is blocking me.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou might find this comment and this feature request relevant.", "\nEssentially, each language has specific markers supported. ", "However, it sounds like there's a good chance that configurable markers will be implemented sometime in the future.", "\nThe Explicit Folding extension appears to be exactly what you're looking for, but it's experimental and has known issues.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\n\"Natural Surjection\" between Mapping Class Group for Sg (genus-g surface) and Symplectic 2gx2g-matrices?", "\n\nEveryone:\n I am reading a paper that makes reference to this \"natural surjection\" between \n Mg ; the mapping-lass group of the genus-g surface, and Sp(2g,Z), the group of\n 2gx2g -symplectic matrices over Z. \n Does anyone know what this surjection is? . ", "I know that the kernel is the\n Torelli group ( and, of course, that the kernel do chicken right!), ", "and I have\n been trying to reconstruct the map this way (at least up to some equivalence with\n the original/intended map), using the first theorem on isomorphisms.", "\n ( I understand the Torelli group as being either the subgroup that preserves the\n intersection form, or the subgroup that stabilizes H_1(Sg,Z) ; H_1 is the first\n homology of Sg, the genus-g surface.).", "\n I would appreciate your suggestions, references, etc.", "\n Thanks in Advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs you wrote, the mapping class group acts on $H_1(S_g,\\mathbb{Z})\\cong\\mathbb{Z}^{2g}$. The action has to preserve the intersection pairing in $H_1$, i.e. the symplectic form, that's why we get a morphism to $Sp(2g,\\mathbb{Z})$. \n\n" ]
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[ "WARNING: Keep out of eyes. ", "If cap clogs, poke it clear only: Do not squeeze bottle and shoot\nout soap. ", "Soap can clog and spurt with pump dispensers. ", "Flush eyes well with water\nfor 15 minutes. ", "Consult a physician if irritation persists.", "\n\nShipping Weight\n\n1.42 lbs\n\nDr. Bronner's Pure Castile Liquid Soap Almond Reviews\n\nSummary of Customer Ratings & Reviews\n\nCustomer Ratings & Reviews\n\nRated 4.9 out of 5 by 15\nreviewers.", "\n\nRated 4 out of 5 by bucky1 Almond Scent\nI had been on the fence about trying this line and finally made the jump with this one as the first.", "\nOf course my intent was not only a natural product but the fabulous scent of almond is what I really craved!", "\nI tried a few drops of it for shampoo on my crazy unruly curly frizzy hair and it was immediately tough to work with and through.", "\nFor the body I mixed it in a plastic spray bottle for the shower and at a stronger equation than recommended. ", "While the almond scent was intoxicatingly fabulous while in the shower, I could barely find a hint of it after toweling off and on dry skin.", "\nPRO:\n*Scent in the shower fantastic.", "\n* Left my skin soft & smooth as other products.", "\nCON:\n* The scent was zero upon drying my skin.", "\n*My hair was even more unruly..\nFor these reasons, I would NOT purchase again.", "\nJune 6, 2016\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by smill Great Product\nI love Dr. Bronner's soaps! ", "Smell great naturally, lather well, and rinse clean. ", "This is a great product.", "\nMarch 21, 2015\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by PackersFan Lovely fragrance!", "\nI started using this fragrance first in my shower. ", "Leaves you with just a hint of almond and the feeling of being a whole lot of clean,almost the old Ivory soap clean but much,much better. ", "I will buy more!", "\nApril 11, 2014\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by KJ Dr Bronner's Almond\nI love this soap. ", "I use it for daily for hand, for showers, and it's the greatest at the kitchen sink, too. ", "I use it to was veggies and fruits, too -- or just a drop or 2 added with the vinegar soaks for the same.", "\nMarch 3, 2013\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by Goffsmom Smells Great!", "\nGreat Almond Scent. ", "I think castile soaps are too drying for full strength skin use, but i dilute it in my foaming hand soap dispenser, dilute to wash dishes, floors and even mix it with water and vinegar in an old spray bottle as an all purpose cleaner. ", "It's a bit expensive, but it will last a while if you dont use full strength\nApril 9, 2012\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by LovinLife Ahhhh...natural...\nI received the peppermint Dr. Bronners castile soap as a Christmas present... I had never used the product before.. I love the soap, but the peppermint is a bit stronger than I want my body soap to smell, so I thought I'd try the almond.. I really like this scent.. It's very mild and pleasant, smells kind of like cherry's... I use it for a body soap, hand soap and have also washed my hair with it.. It works, it's natural and it does't dry out my skin.. Couldn't be more pleased..\nMarch 16, 2012\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by ebebeb good all-around\nIve been using this brand of soap for years and recently switched to liquid. ", "I dilute it for my skin as recommended on the bottle. ", "You don't have to, but it makes it last a good long while, and Swanson has a way better price than local places. ", "I use it on my face as well with a weak dilution. ", "I have sensitive skin and had a bout with adult acne, so it's important that I get something that doesn't hurt my skin. ", "As long as I use a diluted mixture on my skin, I'm in no trouble of this stuff causing any irritation. ", "I've heard you can use it as a detergent for household cleaning, but have never tried this.", "\nDecember 26, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by naturalgal Can't beat the price...\nI have always loved Dr. Bronners products and am so happy to be able to purchase them at such a reasonable price. ", "You are supposed to dilute this soap so it really goes a long way. ", "I use it half-and-half with water in foaming soap dispensers with a few drops of whatever essential oil I am in the mood for and it is a heavenly hand washing/bathing experience!", "\nJuly 13, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by cheetieus Love this Soap\nI was sort of skeptical when I ordered this the first time, but I love love love this stuff. ", "I use as a shampoo, face wash, and body wash in a pinch. ", "It lasts forever because you only use 2 squirts per gallon or adjust for whatever size container you store it in, its wonderful, completely cleans my long curly hair and leaves it lustrous and soft and shiny. ", "You will never go back to harsh detergent laden shampoos again if you try it.", "\nJuly 7, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by frelnc Worth trying\nI've used Dr. Bronner's soaps since I was a teenager and I just turned 65. ", "They are soft, fragrant, and absolutely wonderful for the skin. ", "Any one looking for a good mild cleanser can't go wrong here. ", "I particularly like the Almond because of the fragrance.", "\nMarch 9, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by jojy smells great\nthis soap smells nice and clean...not too over bearing...leaves skin soft and smooth. ", "a good value, as it is concentrated ,so you mix with water... a little goes a long way.", "\nFebruary 11, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by LisaMGC Dr. Bronner's is awesome, I love it!", "\nI've been using this product for some months now, and have recommended it to friends how, like myself, have very sensitive skin. ", "This product rinses off very quickly, it lathers and it also washes and lathers very well. ", "I won't use anything else. ", "The only suggestion I would give for this product is to add something like raw coconut oil to it to give it a natural moisturizing agent.", "\nFebruary 1, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by Prof9 Great Body Wash\nVery small amount needed to yield enough lather for a shower. ", "Oils leave skin soft and pliant. ", "Almond scent is my favorite.", "\nJanuary 22, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by MJoM Magic Soap!", "\nDr. B's is definitely a diverse soap. ", "You can use it as shampoo, body wash, laundry soap, or dog shampoo. ", "Perfect for dread washing - won't strip wax! ", "It is fairly alkaline though so it may dry certain hair types out. ", "It lathers like none other and leaves your skin feeling silky and supple! ", "Plus the almond is one of my favorites because it smells so delicious!!", "\nJanuary 15, 2010\n\nRated 5 out of 5 by angelbaybee84 Best Body Wash Ever!", "\nDr. Bronner's is by far the best body wash I've ever tried. ", "The scent is unbelievable, the oils are all natural and they make your skin incredibly soft, and you need just a little bit, it goes a long way. ", "I refuse to use anything else now that I've found this amazing product. ", "Try it, you'll love it!", "\nOctober 30, 2009\n\n2016-10-30\n\nbvseo-cps-pl-PRR\n\n2016-10-30 T08:42:29.997-05:00\n\nbvseo_lps, prod_bvrr, vn_prr_5.6\n\ncp-1, bvpage1\n\nco_hasreviews, tv_15, tr_15\n\nloc_en_US, sid_DRB011, prod, sort_default\n\n1-15of15\n\nWhy Shop Swanson® Brands?", "\n\n\"With my personal 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose and great savings to gain.\"" ]
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[ "A would-be mass shooter in the Netherlands was thankfully arrested before he could do any harm. ", "Turns out he frightened enough people with his murder manifesto that he published on 4Chan, a site similar to Reddit.", "\n\nIn the post published anonymously, the author stated:\n\n\"I will shoot my Dutch teacher and as many students as I can,\" the message in English read.", "\n\n\"It's at a school in the Dutch city of Leiden and, for more proof, I will be using a 9mm Colt Defender.", "\n\n\"Oh, and I'm using a proxy. ", "The police is [sic] not gonna find me before tomorrow.\"", "\n\nAs a result, authorities were alerted, and the city of Leiden shut down secondary schools as a precaution. ", "A suspect has since been arrested.", "\n\nWhile the person’s identity has not yet been released, we now know the individual is male and is a former student of a British school who was expelled in 2011 due to bad behavior.", "\n\nPosting a manifesto hours or days before the incident is to take place has become common practice for those who intend to commit acts of violence.", "\n\nSome recent examples have been Christopher Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer who went on a killing spree in February, as well as Jared Loughner, the Arizona killer who in 2011 opened fire at an event that seriously injured former Rep. Gabby Giffords. ", "Both posted their grievances online, which were unfortunately discovered after the fact." ]
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[ "\nMultiplayer Roguelike With Crypto Drops - ratacat\nhttps://enceladusgame.io/play/\n======\nratacat\nIt's built on a MUD engine, and we're launching the first beta today. ", "I\nthought some of you might be interested. ", "Or maybe you can come help me poke\nholes in it!", "\n\nCome grab a beta key (to help prevent abuse) in our discord\n[https://discord.gg/rMBq7T](https://discord.gg/rMBq7T)\n\n------\nVadimPR\nAnd an open-source client you can play it with:\n[https://mudlet.org](https://mudlet.org)\n\n~~~\nratacat\nhahaha! ", "Vadi, you're so swift, like a mountain thunderstorm crossing the great\ndivide!", "\n\nMudlet is awesome! ", "as delicious as they come\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sleep'\n\nI am getting AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'sleep' as specified in the title of this question and I cannot figure out why it is throwing that error message. ", "\nCountdown Timer.py\nimport time, datetime\n\nYear = 2020\nMonth = 12\nDay = 24\nHour = 23\nMinute = 18\nSecond = 50\n\nwhile True:\n Datetime = datetime.datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second)\n diff = Datetime - datetime.datetime.now()\n diff = str(diff)\n\n days, not_useful, time = diff.split()\n\n Day1 = days + \" \" + \"Day\" # Day\n\n print(Day1)\n\n time.sleep(1)\n\nA:\n\nThat's because you locally erased the variable time that contained the module with a string. ", "Here is a correct code:\nimport time, datetime\n\nYear = 2020\nMonth = 12\nDay = 24\nHour = 23\nMinute = 18\nSecond = 50\n\nwhile True:\n Datetime = datetime.datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second)\n diff = Datetime - datetime.datetime.now()\n diff = str(diff)\n\n days, not_useful, time_str = diff.split()\n\n Day1 = days + \" \" + \"Day\" # Day\n\n print(Day1)\n\n time.sleep(1)\n\n" ]
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