[ "Follow KPCC\n\nSEC official advocates on behalf of average investor\n\nShare\n\nThe term “corporate governance” served as a form of kryptonite for several years in the fast-moving, risk-taking Wall Street culture, which played a large role in the current recession from which we are slowly recovering. ", "As publicly owned banks and investment firms were taking risks with shareholder-generated funds, shareholders were often left in the dark and their anger at the outcome of many of those investments is still ringing.", "\n\nEnter Richard Ferlauto, Deputy Director of the Office of Investor Education & Advocacy at the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). ", "Ferlauto, who spoke today with KPCC's Patt Morrison at the Milken Global Conference, refers to himself and the SEC as \"the cop on the beat for the average investor.\"", "\n\nWith a staff of about 3,500, Ferlatuo works to make companies accountable to their shareholders by providing full disclosure of the companies' stock option activities. ", "He is also charged with giving investors the materials they need to educate themselves about the market and to gain a greater and stronger voice.", "\n\nFerlauto compares investing for the first time to walking into the ocean. ", "You don't want to bellyflop.", "\n\n\"You step in carefully, you bring in a float. ", "People may need investment advice but they need to make sure the person is qualified.\"", "\n\nSince taking the position at the beginning of the year, Ferlauto has worked to streamline their web site to make it easier for the average investor to navigate the market.", "\n\n\"We've recreated our office to help the average investor understand...we're taking a close look to make sure those materials are written in plain english and to make sure the information is located in a place that's easily accessible.\"", "\n\nHe's also working to restructure the SEC's hotline, which investors can call with questions.", "\n\n\"We wont give specific investment advice but if there's confusion we'll point people in the right direction,\" Ferlauto said.", "\"If an investment sounds too good, it's probably too good to be true.\"", "\n\nDating back to the seemingly halcyon days of Enron, WorldCom and Tyco, the functions of corporate governance gained a reputation for failing more often than succeeding; too many CEO’s weren’t accountable to their boards and shareholders had little ability to affect change. ", "The Bernie Madoff scandal of last year also severely damaged the SEC's image as a watchdog on behalf of investors.", "\n\nFerlauto is trying to repair that image — recently bolstered by the SEC's civil suit against investment giant Goldman Sachs — by aggressively seeking more resources to beef up the investigative staff at the commission. ", "He's also working to give investors a stronger voice.", "\n\n\"We're contemplating rules at the moment that would give shareholders power to elect people to boards,\" he said.", "\n\nThere are other emerging signs of progress as regulators exert greater influence over corporate governance reform and executive compensation arrangements.", "\n\n\"I think the corporate governance mood is changing,\" said Ferlauto. \"", "For example, the SEC never talked about corporate governance in any of its materials. ", "One of the first things I did was to create information about corporate governance to hold corporate boards accountable.", "\n\n\"There's a new vision and a new structure...I'm really hopeful about the future of the SEC.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTransparent background with jQuery?", "\n\nI use jQuery fadeTo to get a transparent background of a DIV, but this also affects the content inside the DIV like text. ", "Is there a way to only affect the background DIV and not the content? ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use\n$(\"div\").animate({background: \"transparent\"}, 1000);\n\nYou'll need the Color Animation plugin for that capability.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "we have been looking at conversions of iterative\nmethods for solving linear algebraic equations\nand we have made some progress we have found\nout the difference equation that we need to\nanalyze \nfor solving the convergence problem for solving\nthe convergence problem we have looked at\nso i will just take a brief review of what\nwe have done so we have this matrix a which\nwe write it as s minus t we split this matrix\nwell we wrote this in two ways one was l plus\nd plus u and then using this l d and u we\nformulated two matrices s and t and then we\nshowed that the iteration scheme essentially\nany iteration scheme jacobi iteration scheme\ngauss seidel iteration scheme relaxation iteration\nscheme\nit can be written as x k plus 1 equal to s\ninverse t \nx k plus x s inverse b and finally we wanted\nto converge to the solution let us say x star\nequal to s inverse t x star the solution is\ns star equal to s inverse t x star this iteration\nscheme should converge to this fixed point\nthis is called fixed point of the equation\nbecause it when you substitute it on the right\nhand side you will get back the same vector\nso x star is called a fixed point so we subtracted\nthis and then we got this equation e error\nat point k plus 1 is s inverse t error at\nk we got this equation where error was defined\nas\nerror at iteration k was defined as x k minus\nx star this is the distance from the true\nsolution well we do not know the true solution\nwe are going to reach it nevertheless the\nerror between the guess solution and the true\nsolution is governed by this difference equation\nerror at iteration k plus 1 so this tells\nyou how iterations progress you start with\nsome error and so we come up with the analysis\nthat ek is nothing\nbut s inverse t raise to k e at 0 error at\n0 initial error and what we logically deduced\nwas if s inverse t raise to k this goes to\nnull matrix as k tends to infinity then if\ns inverse t has a property you say it is a\nnice matrix that when you multiply s inverse\nt with itself multiple times the product travels\ntowards a null matrix it converges to a null\nmatrix and as k goes to infinity you get null\nmatrix\nif that happens then error will go to zero\nerror going to zero which means the guess\nconverging to the true solution error going\nto zero is a guess converging to the true\nsolution so now we need to analyze so seems\nto be at the heart of this equation at the\nheart of this equation and i am going to analyze\nequations of this type i am going to analyze\nequations of this type so i am going to abstract\nit i am not going to exactly keep working\nwith s inverse t will apply results specific\nto this particular problem i am going to look\nat a generic problem\nsay z k plus 1 equal to b zk this is linear\ndifference equation z belongs to r n and initial\nvalue is \nthis is the initial condition so this is my\nabstract problem for this i am going to generally\nin today's class i am going to analyze behavior\nof these kind of equations this equation if\nyou notice this equation is a special example\nof this kind of equations i want to analyze\nso what do i mean by i want to analyze i want\nto come up with a judgment about the behaviour\nof this solution\ni want to come up with a judgment about how\nsolution behaves asymptotically as k tends\nto infinity without requiring to compute i\ndo not want to actually compute the solution\nif i want to compute the solution and then\nlater realize that it is diverging converging\ni am not interested in that i want to analyze\nwithout having to do explicit computations\nwell you might say this equation you know\ni just i have done there if you start solving\nif you know z 0 you can say that z at any\npoint k is nothing but b to power k z o\nit is very easy to show that not a problem\njust apply it multiple times this is the solution\ncomputational solution if you go b matrix\nif you know z 0 and this is how it will solve\nin this particular case we do not know what\nis z 0 right here if you map to this problem\ni do not know what is the initial error if\ni knew initial error i knew the solution then\nthe problem of doing iterations would not\narise so i want to analyze this without knowing\nz 0 i just want to relate this to properties\nof matrix b\nif matrix b has certain nice properties then\ni can claim that asymptotically this difference\nequation behaves to the particular way that\nis what i want to reach so for the time being\nlet us forget about this iterative methods\nlet us concentrate on this equation and let\nus start insides into what happens how do\ni analyze this this is a very very fundamental\nequation linear difference equation it arise\nin many many forms in computations it arises\nin solving real problems engineering problems\nand t is good to get inside into how this\nbehaves let us first look at scalar equation\nand let see whether the inside that we get\nfrom the scalar case how can we translate\nthat inside into the vector matrix case so\nmy first analysis is z k plus 1 equal to beta\nzk where z belongs to r beta is a real number\nand this is my difference equation i am staring\nfrom my initial condition corresponds to some\nz 0 well you can very easily show that zk\nequal to at \niteration k this will be beta to power k z\nit is very very easy to show repeated use\nof this equation\nyou can get this is it not i want to talk\nabout how zk behaves as k goes to infinity\nwill it depend upon beta or will it depend\nupon z 0 it will depend only on beta will\nit depend upon z 0 why i need support for\nthat why should it depend only on so suppose\nz 0 is very large will it matters what really\nmatters what is changing with k z0 is not\nchanging with k what changing with k is beta\nto power k\nwell if i say that mod beta is strictly less\nthan 1 suppose you have this additional information\nthen what will happen is if so 1 k is mod\nbeta is strictly less than 1 in that case\nbeta to power k goes to 0 as k goes to infinity\nso what happens to mod zk tends to 0 as k\ngoes to infinity what is important is for\nthis is very very important for any z0 z0\nis 01 z0 is 1000 z0 is million z0 is billion\nwhatever this has to happen why because mod\nbeta is less than 1 every time beta k shrinks\nand then it goes to zero for any z0 so i can\nlook at this equation look at just beta and\ntalk about how asymptotic behaviour is going\nto be\nmy second case \nis beta equal to 1 or mod beta equal to 1\nso beta could be minus 1 beta could be plus\n1 “professor minus student conversation\nstarts” what will happen in this case so\nat any point in time mod zk will be equal\nto mod z0 so zk will neither grow nor it will\ndecay and my third case is \nmod beta is greater than 1 what happens here\nit will go to infinity whatever is z0 that\nis another important thing that even if i\nstart again this is very very important\nfor any z0 even if i start with z0 to be 10\nto the power minus 10 after sometime this\nequation will actually diverge zk will go\nto infinity even if you start with z0 which\nis a small number your equation is not going\nto converge to a small number just because\nyou are starting from small number same thing\nis here even if you start from a very large\nnumber if mod beta is less than 1 zk is going\nto 0 after sometime\nif mod beta is greater than 1 even if it is\nslightly greater than 1 even if it is 10001\nit might take longer time to go to infinity\nbut it will go to infinity as k goes to infinity\nbeta to the power k will go to infinity when\nmod beta is greater than 1 and the solution\nwill what we say is that solution will diverge\nso this qualitative behaviour of the solution\nfor this particular case i did not actually\ni need not solve the equation for a particular\nz0\ni can just look at beta and say that well\nif beta is like this this is what is expected\nto happen so that would be my basis now how\ndo i extend this analysis to a matrix case\nthe tough part is that matrix b is a full\nmatrix and then we have a trouble there we\ncannot do straight forward extensions because\nwhat is matrix being less than 1 well we do\nnot know what is matrix being greater than\n1 we do not have such notions\nmatrix is a array of numbers and then we have\nto work out some tricks to come to use this\nkind of analysis so what i am going to show\nnext is that in the attempt to solve this\nproblem to analyze this problem in the matrix\ncase what pops out surprisingly or not so\nsurprisingly is the eigenvalue problem in\nfact you can see what is the origin of eigenvalue\nproblem when you start solving this linear\ndifference equations\nso probably when it was taught to for the\nfirst time you wondered why you know some\nmatrix into vector equal to scalar into vector\nwhy did somebody think of this what is the\nlogical way of arriving at such an equation\nwhere do you hit upon such equation see for\nexample we talked about positive definite\nmatrices so when you have first introduced\npositive definite matrix you do not know i\nmean why somebody call about positive definite\nmatrix\nbut when you understand the sufficient condition\nfor optimality you see that these are naturally\nthere is a need to define a matrix which are\nthe special property which is x transpose\na x is always greater than 0 then you know\nthe local point with the hessian is positive\ndefinite then you will get a minimum and so\non so the same thing is here you will see\nthat what will pop out in the attempt to solve\nthis problem you will get eigenvalue problem\nso now i am going to move to the vector case\nand i want to keep these ideas these ideas\nare very nice i want to use them to analyze\nmy vector case\nlet us start looking at a vector case here\nthe solution in the scalar case was beta to\npower k into z0 some scalar let me take a\nmotivation from my scalar case and i propose\na solution for the vector case so my problem\nnow is z k plus 1 equal to bzk and i am proposing\nthe solution z at kth iteration is some lambda\nsome scalar to power k i am just taking motivation\nfrom the scalar case i do not know what lambda\nis right now some scalar * some constant vector\nif you look at the scalar solution it was\na scalar raise to k into some number that\nwas z0 it turned out to be z0 well we still\nhave to worry about how z0 here will come\ninto picture but this is my guess solution\nif this solution has to satisfy the linear\ndifference equation if this solution is to\nsatisfy linear difference equation i will\njust substitute i will get lambda to power\nk -1 into v\nV is vector n into 1 vector lambda is scalar\nand this is my solution at any iteration k\nso lambda to power k minus 1 should be the\nleft hand side equal to b into lambda you\nagree with me see look at this if this has\nto be a solution to this problem then it should\nobey the difference equation that is the first\ncriteria it should obey the difference equation\nthis equation i am just going to rearrange\nand write\nso i am writing this as lambda to power k\nlambda v minus bv equal to 0 lambda is a scalar\nlambda to power k into lambda will be lambda\nk plus 1 the first term is covered b into\nv lambda is a scalar so i can take it on this\nside not an issue so lambda to the power k\ni am taking it outside and i am not interested\nin the trivial solution of lambda equal to\n0 because then i will get 0 equal to 0 i am\nnot interested in the trivial solution obviously\nso we rule out lambda equal to 0 next in general\nlambda is not equal to 0 well there will be\nsome situation when lambda will be equal to\n0 but we will talk about it little later\nright now we are interested in the nontrivial\nsolution in general a general nontrivial solution\nwill be obtained when this equation holds\na nontrivial solution to the problem i have\njust read it in this equation lambda cannot\nbe equal to 0 it will give you a trivial solution\ni am interested in nontrivial solution of\nthis particular problem so this is lambda\ni minus b into v equal to 0 have you seen\nequations of this type where well not eigenvalue\nproblem i want to relate in some other context\nmatrix into vector equal to 0 when does this\nhappen a equal to 0 ax equal to 0 so when\ndoes this ax equal to 0 has a nontrivial solution\nso you have seen equations of this type ax\nequal to 0 when you get nontrivial solution\nwhen do you get a solution x is not equal\nto 0 you get nontrivial solution for this\nwhen a has nonzero null space or what can\nyou say about a rank of this a it should be\nfull rank if it is full rank then only solution\nyou will get will be zero right so it should\nnot be full rank a should not be full rank\nwhat should happen when you get nonzero solution\ncolumns of a should be independent is everyone\nis getting this everyone with me on this if\ncolumns of a are linearly dependent what will\nhappen you will get a nontrivial solution\nx if columns of a are linearly dependent then\nonly you will get a nontrivial solution x\nnontrivial means nonzero solution you will\nget a nonzero solution for x equal to 0 only\nwhen columns of a are linearly dependent when\nthe columns of a are linearly dependent what\ndo we call the matrix a to be singular matrix\nwhen a is singular matrix now just compare\nthis equation with this equation\ni want a nontrivial solution v a nonzero solution\nv if v equal to 0 then 0 equal to 0 i am not\ninterested in that solution i am interested\nin the nontrivial solution so when will i\nget a nontrivial solution what is singular\nlambda i minus b only lambda i -b is singular\nthen only i will get a v which is nontrivial\nwhich is nonzero and you will give me 0 only\nwhen lambda i minus b is singular only then\nyou will get a solution to this problem which\nis nontrivial you will get a vector v which\nis not equal to 0 vector only when this is\nsingular what is the algebraic condition for\nthis matrix to be singular \ndeterminant equal to 0 that is the origin\nof your eigenvalue problem\nso i am just continuing from there or determinant\nof lambda i minus b equal to 0 normally when\nyou start studying eigenvalues and eigenvectors\nwe start with the point which is actually\nthe end point so normally your thought that\neigenvalues of a matrix b are defined as this\nso why this this comes out because you are\ntrying to solve a linear difference equation\nand this equation pops out if you want to\nget a nontrivial solution for the linear difference\nequation actually same thing happens if are\ntrying to solve linear differential equations\nthese equations pops out when you are trying\nto solve linear differential equations look\nat strang’s book equation it gives a beautiful\nderivation for how it happens so this equation\nis a fundamental equation it pops out and\nthat is why we keep studying eigenvalues eigenvectors\nlet us look at this equation little more detail\nthere is one more thing here at this point\nhow many unknowns are there another view point\nthe same equation\nhow many unknowns are there in this equation\nthree unknowns v is a n cross 1 vector you\ndo not know v you do not know lambda so how\nmany unknowns are there b is a matrix which\nis known lambda is not known and elements\nof v are not none we do not know what is v\nhow many equations i have i have n equations\nthese are n equations there are n plus 1 unknowns\nto solve it exactly how many equations you\nneed n plus 1 equations and n plus 1 unknowns\nis this is a linear equation or a nonlinear\nequation linear think what are the unknowns\nlambda and v does lambda multiply v is it\na linear equation my unknowns are v1 v2 v3\nvn and lambda lambda multiplies you have n\nnonlinear equations in n plus 1 unknowns here\nn nonlinear equations in n plus 1 unknowns\nand you have to solve it to solve it somebody\nwould have said i will use or something\nwe have used very very intelligent argument\nwe said a solution \nwill exist only when this matrix is singular\nhow many solutions we should get here you\nwill get a nonlinear equation in general has\nmultiple solutions it will become evident\nhere that this nonlinear equation will have\nmultiple solutions so you have this additional\nequation now this one more equation those\nare n equations and n plus 1 unknowns\nthis is additional equation n plus 1th equation\nthis and that together you can solve what\ndo you get here now this you know when you\nput this you get a polynomial of degree n\nso this is actually it is a polynomial of\ndegree n and this has roots lambda 1 lambda\n2 lambda 3 this has roots lambda 1 lambda\n2 up to lambda n it will have n roots some\nof them could be repeated some of them could\nbe whatever we do not worry about it right\nnow\nso it has n roots it is the nth order polynomial\nit will have n roots now corresponding to\neach root you get one v vector because this\nequation will hold for every lambda if you\npluck in lambda 1 here you will get 1 matrix\nwhich is singular corresponding to that matrix\nthere will be a null space\ncorresponding to that matrix is a null space\nand that v will belong to that null space\nif you pluck in lambda 2 will be one more\nsimilar matrix and v2 will be in that null\nspace and so on so for every eigenvalues this\nroot of this equation well this is called\na characteristic equation of matrix b and\nroots of this equation are called eigenvalues\nall that you already know now so what happens\nis\nlambda 1 i minus b v1 equal to 0 so v1 is\nthe first eigenvector v we call this this\nis actually a vector in the null space of\nlambda1 i minus b this is the singular matrix\nfor this value of lambda so there are n different\nnumbers which make this lambda i minus b singular\nfor each of those cases we have a vector v1\nv2 v3 so i have this lambda 2 i minus b v2\nequal to 0 and so on so i can write this n\neigenvector i get this n eigenvectors now\nwhat did i start with i started with solving\nmy linear difference equation and i took a\nguess solution\ni started solving this z k plus 1 equal to\nb zk this is my linear difference equation\ni wanted to solve it and then i said i have\na guess solution zk equal to lambda to power\nk * vector v it turns out that there are multiple\nsuch lambda there are multiple such lambda\nand there are multiple such vectors v not\njust one vector so i have multiple solutions\ni can call them as fundamental solutions or\neigen solutions so i have a solution which\ni would call as let me call this as solution\nnumber 1 which is lambda 1 to power k v1\nthis also obeys the difference equation then\nlet us call this z2k which is lambda 2 to\npower k v2 this will also obey the difference\nequation what is the first fundamental criteria\nthe solution should obey the difference equation\nso this will obey this will obey there seems\nto be n such solutions which obey the difference\nequation in fact this is the linear difference\nequation\nyou can show that any linear combination of\nthis eigen solutions are fundamental solutions\nwill also obey the difference equation any\nlinear combination so i can construct a solution\nwhich is like this i can construct a solution\nwhich is linear combination of fundamental\nsolution so i will let me use the same notation\nthat is here so linear difference equation\nyou can very very easily show that if each\none of these fundamental solutions obeys the\ndifference equation just pluck in and see\nthat a linear combination of these also will\nobey the linear difference equation\nso the first criteria satisfied what is the\nsecond thing that we need to do there is one\nmore thing that we need to do is to relate\nthis solution to the initial condition because\na solution is found for a particular initial\ncondition z0 z0 has not come into picture\ntill now but do you agree that this guess\nsolution will exactly satisfy the linear difference\nequation next thing is to match it with the\ninitial condition\nnow when i am writing an arbitrary linear\ncombination this is the general solution what\nis unknown here alpha 1 lambda is known once\nb is known matrix b is known i can write i\ncan get eigenvalues lambda 1 to lambda n are\nknown lambda 1 to lambda do not depend upon\ninitial conditions z0 they only depend upon\nb they only depend upon b what about v1 to\nvn will not you have a matrix eigen space\nis fixed eigen directions are fixed\nshe might choose a different eigenvector she\nmight choose a different eigenvector but they\nhave same eigen directions values 1 minus\n1 and minus 1 1 are same eigenvectors in the\nsense that same eigen directions except so\neigen directions are fixed so i need to known\nalpha 1 alpha 2 to alpha n and what we will\nsee is that alpha 1 to alpha n are determined\nby the initial condition z0\nso this solution is if this has to be a solution\nthen z0 should be equal to alpha 1 v1 plus\nalpha 2 v2 alpha n vn everyone with me on\nthis i am just going to write this as v1 v2\nvn alpha 1 to alpha n this is the first column\nthis is the second column these are all vectors\nthese are all column vectors i am just putting\nthem next to each other forming a matrix let\nus for the time being assume that eigenvectors\nare linearly independent let us assume for\nthe time being a simplified case\nso this matrix this is a n * n matrix each\none of them is a n * 1 vector eigenvector\nis n * 1 vector n of them are placed next\nto each other this is a n * n matrix and this\nalpha 1 to alpha n so you have to solve you\nknow z0 when you are solving the linear difference\nequation i know the initial condition i know\nz0 so it turns out that alpha 1 to alpha n\nare determined by the initial condition that\nis you have to solve this equation psi times\nequal to z0 or i could rewrite this as if\neigenvalues of or if eigenvectors are linearly\nindependent i can simply write psi inverse\nis everyone with me on this see what i wanted\nto say is that look we stared solving this\nequation then we came up with that guess solution\nwe found that there is not just one guess\nsolution there are n guess solutions what\nare this n guess or fundamental solutions\nlambda 1 to power k v1 v1 is the first eigenvector\nlambda 2 to power k * v2 v2 is the second\neigenvector and lambda 1 lambda 2 lambda 3\nare eigenvalues\nthese are eigenvalues and v1 to vn are eigenvectors\nso this seems to be a fundamental property\nof the given matrix so if i give you a matrix\nfor any initial condition this will be the\ngeneral solution i need to find out any linear\ncombination of this it is a linear difference\nequation you can very very easily show that\nif this equation is obeyed or this fundamental\nequation is satisfied by the difference equation\nany linear combination of this fundamental\nequations is also satisfied by the difference\nequation\nso general solution is linear combination\nof fundamental solutions general solution\nis linear combination of fundamental solutions\nnow this general solution should match with\nthe initial condition initial condition will\ngive me these unknowns alpha 1 alpha 2 alpha\n3 and so on how do i get the unknowns if eigenvectors\nare linearly independent psi inverse z0 i\nhave completely solved the problem now next\nquestion arises do i get insight by solving\nit this way you would say well i could have\nsolved this always as\ni know that this is the solution what do i\ngain by writing it in such a complex way that\nis what i want to come to now that how does\nit relate to the analysis of this equation\nnow let me see how do we translate the wisdom\nthat we gain from scalar case to the vector\ncase this actually equation helps us in many\nways than b to the power k because it gives\nyou insight into what is happening internally\nfirst of all if you look carefully here i\nhave written the solution a general solution\nof this problem as linear combination of some\nfixed vectors do you see this i am saying\nany solution for any z 0 for any z0 the solution\nis given by this so lambdas are fixed you\ngive me b matrix lambda is get fixed eigenvalues\nget fixed eigen directions are fixed so v1\nto vn is determined so what is specific to\ninitial condition is only alpha 1 alpha 2\nhow you combine the fundamental solutions\nis the only difference\nhow do you create that linear combination\nis the only difference otherwise the solution\nalways behaves according to this is that clear\nthere are fixed directions linear combination\nof fixed directions and then this lambda 1\nto lambda n is fixed it does not vary with\nz0 only this multiplying constants change\nnow let us \nstart looking at what is changing with k lambda\ni to power k is the only term which is changing\nwith k because once i have matrix b eigen\ndirections are fixed once you give me initial\ncondition alpha 1 to alpha n gets fixed by\nthis equation because this depends only on\nthe eigenvectors\nthis depends on the eigenvectors so alpha\n1 to alpha n get fixed from the initial condition\nv1 to vn are eigen directions only thing that\nis changing with k is lambda to power k i\nneed to now analyze how a scalar raise to\npower k behaves i am very good at it b to\npower k b is a matrix b is 100 cross 100 matrix\ndifficult to analyze 100 cross 100 elements\nhow they behave as a function of k here i\nhave reduced the problem to only analyzing\nn numbers what are the n numbers eigenvalues\nnow let us try to get inside into lambda i\nto power k\nhow does lambda i to power k behave can you\ntell me something when lambda is less than\n1 so it minus 10 also it will converge minus\n10 is less than 1 modulus so this seems to\nbe important mod lambda i should be strictly\nless than 1 if it is equal to 1 then you have\ntrouble so let us look at different cases\nso my case 1 which is analogous to the scalar\ncase is mod lambda i is strictly less than\n1 for all i equal to 1 2 n this is my first\ncase all eigenvalues are such well there is\none more additional things\nthat crops in here which is different from\nthe linear scalar case eigenvalues they do\nnot be always real eigenvalues can be complex\nso actually when you are doing this analysis\nyour space is not real numbers they could\nbe complex numbers so in the complex plain\nlambda plain what i am saying is that if i\ndraw this unit circle \nthis is my lambda plane and this is my unit\ncircle \nthis is imaginary this is real this is imaginary\naxis this is real axis\nwhat i am saying is that if all eigenvalues\nof b are strictly inside the unit circle whatever\nis the matrix 100 cross 100 10000 cross 10000\nor 5 cross 5 if all eigenvalues are strictly\ninside the unit circle go back and look here\nif all eigenvalues are strictly less than\ninside the unit circle what will happen to\nmod zk norm zk now zk is a vector so norm\nzk we need to look at now norm because what\nwill happen to norm zk well you have to do\nthe proper analysis\nso norm zk will be norm alpha 1 lambda 1 to\npower v1 plus alpha n lambda n to power k\nvn which is less than or equal to mod alpha\n1 mod lambda 1 to power k norm v1 and these\nquantities this is not changing this is not\nchanging what is going to change is lambda\nto power k if mod lambda i for all i is strictly\nless than 1 what will happen the right hand\nside will shrink and this left hand side is\nless than the right hand side and this is\nof course greater than 0 right norm is always\ngreater than 0\nso if right hand side shrinks as k goes to\ninfinity then the left hand side also will\nshrink so this will go to 0 because this will\ngo to 0 because mod lambda i is my next case\nso if all eigenvalues are inside unit circle\nwhy unit circle eigenvalues are complex numbers\nif all eigenvalues are inside there is one\nmore step where it should show that this is\nless than or equal to mod lambda i raise to\nk and so on i have skipped one small step\nin between but you can do that it is not difficult\nwhat if even if one eigenvalue does not obey\nthis if you know there are 100 eigenvalues\n99 of them are inside to the circle one of\nthem are on the unit circle what will happen\nif one eigenvalue so the last eigenvalue is\non the unit circle what will happen other\ncomponents all the other terms will shrink\none term will not shrink so this will not\ngo to 0 this will be bounded it will neither\ngrow after some time nor shrink it will become\nconstant it is bounded above and it is bounded\nbelow because this is between 0 and some value\neven if one of them is on the unit circle\nso it does not help me if the eigenvalue is\nlying on the unit circle somewhere even if\none of the eigenvalue is lying on the unit\ncircle i have a trouble the trouble in the\nsense well there is something that we have\nachieved her right now let us not worry about\nthe convergence problem what we have achieved\nis that just looking at the eigenvalues i\ncan tell you how the difference equation is\ngoing to behave\ni can talk about the qualitative behavior\nof the difference equation by knowing relative\nposition of the eigenvalue in the complex\nplane whether this is inside unit circle whether\nit is outside unit circle whether it is on\nthe unit circle what if one eigenvalue is\noutside the unit circle effect of other eigenvalues\nwill go to zero but that one eigenvalue will\nkeep growing and zk will go to infinity see\nthis fact for any initial condition it is\nwhat i want to emphasize\nsee this analysis tells us how the solution\nwill behave for any initial condition so initial\ncondition will only determine alpha 1 to alpha\nn even if one of them is on the unit circle\nthen and remaining are inside the unit circle\nthen the solution will be bounded as to infinity\nit will not go to 0 and even if one of them\neven if one eigenvalue is outside the unit\ncircle i am guaranteed so i can just look\nat the eigenvalues\nso my second case equivalently is that \nsome eigenvalues are strictly less than 1\nremaining are on the unit circle all that\ni can say is that is bounded \nas k goes to infinity and my third case is\nobviously when\nsome eigenvalues are such that lambda i mod\nlambda i is strictly greater than 1 it could\nbe 1.0001 does not matter if it is outside\nthe circle it is outside the circle what we\ncan guarantee is that as k goes to infinity\nnorm vk will go to infinity it does not matter\nfew eigenvalues are inside the circle one\neigen outside the circle can make the solution\ngo to infinity at sometime or the other as\nk goes to infinity\nso this will become unbounded as k becomes\ninfinity so this analysis we could do without\nrequiring to solve for a given z0 i do not\nhave to solve for z0 i just take matrix b\ni look at eigenvalues when eigenvalues have\ncertain properties well i am done i can tell\nwhether solution is going to converge or to\ndiverge so we started by looking at\nek plus 1 equal to s inverse t ek we started\nby analysis this difference equation so what\nis the model of the story eigenvalues of s\ninverse t should be strictly inside unit circle\ni should choose a equal to s minus t i should\nchoose this split in such a way that eigenvalues\nof s inverse t should be strictly inside the\nunit circle if that happens i am guaranteed\nthat convergence will occur wherever i stat\nfrom i start from an absurd initial guess\nmy iterations will converge to the solution\nso this is the key now we will start developing\nfrom there because well you might say you\nare transferring the problem from one difficult\nproblem to other difficult problem if you\nhave a 1000 cross 1000 matrix finding out\neigenvalues is also equally tough problem\nfinding out eigenvalue is not a joke you have\nto solve a polynomial of order 1000 well can\ndo it but there is a limit\nthe matrix size starts going it also will\nhit into a it is not a trivial problem to\nget eigenvalues so we have a nice analysis\nbut still we have problem because this still\nneed lot of computations inside of the eigenvalues\nyou could have even solve for your z0 and\ntried to see how the solution is behaving\nso is there some more something else some\nother properties i can use so we will look\nat that in our next lecture\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nShould disposable objects be disposed before a Windows Service stops?", "\n\nFrom this thread, Dispose() must be explicitly called for disposable objects.", "\nWhat happens when a Windows Service stops? ", "Are the resources used by these objects automatically freed? ", "Or should they be disposed before the service stops like this:\npublic void Stop()\n{\n cancellationTokenSource.", "Cancel();\n waitForAllTasksToExit();\n cancellationTokenSource.", "Dispose();\n}\n\n\"It's a good practice to dispose\", \"They should be freed when the service stops\" is what I think too. ", "But is there a concrete answer with reference to the documentation?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt depends on what are \"resources used by these objects\". ", "Dispose method itself won't be called on process exit, but most objects that contain \"unmanaged\" resources in addition to Dispose also have finalizer. ", "Finalizer will be called on process exit, but it might not be called on process crash. ", "Now, on process exit (or crash) the following happens:\n\nAny resources allocated by the process are freed.", "\nAll kernel objects are closed.", "\n\nKernel objects are for example file handles, sockets and so on. ", "So even if process crashed and finalizers are not run (or there was no finalizer at all) - things like files or database\\network connections will still be closed by OS.", "\nYou might have broader definition of unmanaged resource. ", "Unmanaged means not managed by .NET Framework garbage collector. ", "If I for example create a file on disk when creating some object and going to delete this file when this object is disposed - you might say this is also \"unmanaged\" resource. ", "Such resource is not known to OS and it will not be \"cleaned\" if I've not implemented finalizer or finalizer was not called because of process crash.", "\nAll in all - if object implements IDisposable- dispose it even before process exit. ", "You might not know the intentions of that object developer, whether it has a finalizer or not - so it's better to always explicitly dispose it even before process exit.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Lip posture following debonding of labial appliances based on conventional profile photographs.", "\nTo assess changes in lip posture following debonding of labial appliances on the basis of a new soft tissue analysis performed by computerized tools with the use of conventional nonstandardized profile photographic pictures. ", "Profile photographs of 33 patients were taken just before and just after debonding of labial brackets. ", "Pictures were examined twice through custom-made analysis in which Viewbox software was used. ", "The validity of this new analysis was assessed in a preliminary study. ", "A reference line was constructed between the center of the tragus and the outer canthus. ", "The point where this elongated line intersected with the profile was coined nasion-modified and served as the vertex point for angles used to evaluate the prominence of the lips. ", "The final position of the lines was determined when they were tangent to the appropriate landmarks. ", "Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests for paired differences were used. ", "The reproducibility of this photoanalysis was confirmed in the preliminary study, in that no significant differences were found between measurements (P < .05). ", "No statistically significant differences were noted in lip posture between pre-debonding and post-debonding pictures (P < .05). ", "In keeping with the design of this study, soft tissue profile photoanalysis showed that the presence of bonded labial appliances had no effect on lip posture." ]
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[ "They foresee a harsher winter for much of the nation, including a return of the dreaded polar vortex\n\nmeteorologists use Siberian snow cover to predict forthcoming winter weather in the States\n\n\nGiant-sized snowballs have appeared along the Siberian coastline - which experts warn could have freezing consequences for the United States.", "\n\nThe frozen balls, which each measure almost three feet across, stretch across an 11-mile section of coastline near the village of Nyda which sits above the Arctic Circle, according to Russian media.", "\n\nA village administrator told The Siberian Times that the snowballs formed in late October when the Gulf of Ob rose up onto land and covered the beach in ice.", "\n\nScroll down for video\n\nGiant-sized snowballs have appeared along the Siberian coastline - which could have freezing consequences for the United States\n\nThe frozen orbs, which each measure almost three feet across, stretch across an 11-mile section of coastline near the village of Nyda\n\nA village administrator told The Siberian Times that the snowballs formed in late October when the Gulf of Ob rose up onto land and covered the beach in ice\n\nAs the water retreated, the remaining ice chunks rolled over creating snowballs which grew and grew in size until they hit gigantic proportions.", "\n\nSiberia is near record cold for this time of year, and snow cover is at around the highest level for this time of year since at least 1998.", "\n\nAnd the bizarre weather in the freezing Russian region could have consequences for the US, Mashable reports.", "\n\nSome meteorologists use Siberian snow cover levels in October to forecast how weather patterns will form across the United States.", "\n\nThey believe the heavy early snow, could indicate heavier snowfall in parts of North America and Western Europe this winter.", "\n\nThe huge snowballs have been left sitting on the beach in Siberia which has hit record snow cover\n\nA woman sits atop a collection of huge snowballs on the beach as some warn that the record snow cover in the region could mean a harsh winter for the US\n\nA young girls sits behind a snow ball which is almost as big as she is as temperatures in Siberia dropped\n\nPrivate weather forecasters foresee a harsher winter for much of the nation, including a return of the dreaded polar vortex, which funnels cold Arctic air into the US.", "\n\nJudah Cohen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research in Lexington, Massachusetts, forecasts an unusually cold winter for the eastern and middle two-thirds of the nation, especially raw east of the Mississippi River.", "\n\nCohen, whose research is funded by the National Science Foundation and closely followed by meteorologists, links North America's winter weather to Siberian snow cover in October.", "\n\nHe warns that the Polar Vortex is on the move unusually early this year, could strike the US in January.", "\n\nWINTER IS COMING: HOW POLAR VORTEX WILL HIT U.S. For more than 30 years, the polar vortex has been weakening because of this sea-ice loss in the Arctic, which is linked to human induced climate change. ", "When this happens, a piece of the vortex can surge to the southern part of the globe, which it then pushes Arctic cold into areas of North America and Europe. ", "This is the event that happened in early 2014 and 2015, and some experts say the polar vortex is already on the move this year – which could be very troubling later on. ", "According to the study, North America is expected to experience bitter temperatures beginning in the late winter and lasting until the early spring - from February to Mach. ", "Advertisement\n\nHowever, he believes Maine will escape the Arctic conditions with a warmer winter than normal. ", "He also predicts a warm Southwest.", "\n\nThe private Accuweather of State College, Pennsylvania, calls for frequent storms in the Northeast, early snow in the Great Lakes, bitter cold in the northern tier and occasional cold in the middle.", "\n\nLike other forecasters, it predicts a warm and dry southwest, with some hope for rain and snow from San Francisco northward.", "\n\nA recent study claimed Arctic sea-ice loss is causing the Polar Vortex to shift and as a result, winters are expected to get longer and more bitter. ", "Now, forecasters say it is 'unprecedentedly early'.", "\n\nThe Polar Vortex hit the US hardest in 2014 , affecting 200 million people and causing billions of dollars in damages, but climatologists told DailyMail.com that, thankfully, it won't be as severe this time around.", "\n\n'The winter of 2014 was a really extreme case, as the cold was so persistent and it was focused on one area, which makes it very hard to reproduce,' Cohen told DailyMail.com.", "\n\n'Normally when a vortex stretches it eventually bursts, but in 2014 it just kept stretching and bouncing back.'", "\n\n'That event was highly unique and very hard to duplicate, I’m not saying it is impossible, but there are no signs that we are going to get a repeat.'", "\n\nExperts say the polar vortex is already on the move this year – which could be very troubling later on.", "\n\n'There has been an unusual weakening, but it is unprecedentedly early and if we look at it chronologically it should hit in January,' said Cohen.", "\n\n'Researchers are attributing the weakening in the study it to see-ice, which is contributing to the shift.'", "\n\n'But what’s unique is snow cover is also increasing and the combination of the two at the same time is what makes me think it will happen in January and not February.'", "\n\nAccuWeather's data seems to agree with Cohen's prediction, as David Samuhel, senior meteorologist, told DailyMail.com that if the polar vortex hits it would be in January.", "\n\n'We see the most below average temperatures in the north east during January, but they will only be about 1 or 2 degrees Fahrenheit below normal,' he said.", "\n\nThe bizarre weather in the freezing Russian region could have icy consequences for the US\n\nSome meteorologists use Siberian snow cover levels in October to forecast how weather patterns will form across the United States. ", "They believe the heavy early snow, could indicate heavier snowfall in parts of North America and Western Europe this winter\n\nOther forecaster predict a warm and dry southwest, and colder temperatures along the northeast\n\nFor more than 30 years, the polar vortex has been weakening because of this sea-ice loss in the Arctic, which is linked to human induced climate change, reports Think Progress.", "\n\nAnd when this happens, a piece of the vortex can surge to the southern part of the globe, which it then pushes Arctic cold into areas of North America and Europe, reports The Weather Channel.", "\n\n'The coldest areas this winter are expect to be in the Great Lakes near the northern plains,' Samuhel told DailyMail.com.", "\n\n'But it looks like the south should have a pretty warm winter, especially the south central states.'", "\n\nSamuhel also predicts that there will be a major difference between the northern and southern areas of the US, which will result in severe storms across the board.", "\n\nTwo years ago, this bitter shift caused the US economy some $5 billion in fights and infrastructure repairs." ]
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[ "lse\nSuppose -148*j - 15 = -143*j. ", "Does 6 divide (10/(-10))/(j/597)?", "\nFalse\nLet l(a) = -a**2 - 15*a - 16. ", "Let m be l(-10). ", "Let y = 39 - m. Suppose y = 5*k - 135. ", "Is 15 a factor of k?", "\nFalse\nLet a = -40 + 83. ", "Let n = -44 + a. Is ((-4)/(-12) + n)/((-6)/2583) a multiple of 49?", "\nFalse\nLet j = -5212 + 13671. ", "Is 25 a factor of j?", "\nFalse\nLet s(r) = -339*r + 8 + 700*r - 344*r. ", "Let n = -7 - -12. ", "Does 31 divide s(n)?", "\nTrue\nLet n be 7/(-2)*(-1 - (-69)/(-3)). ", "Suppose -b + 2*b - 3*l - 24 = 0, 5*b + 3*l = n. Is b even?", "\nTrue\nIs (11496/48)/(7/42) a multiple of 5?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -3719615 - 2683280 = -393*o - 16*o. ", "Is o a multiple of 15?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -135 = 3*k - 33. ", "Let t = k + 38. ", "Suppose -5*z + 54 = -t*z. ", "Does 4 divide z?", "\nFalse\nLet s = 2332 - 310. ", "Is s a multiple of 11?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -8*t + 3224258 = 378*t. ", "Is 24 a factor of t?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 0 = -3*d + 3*c - 2 + 17, -2*c = d - 5. ", "Suppose 0 = 4*l - 0*b - b + 290, -3*l + d*b = 226. ", "Let j = 68 - l. Is 28 a factor of j?", "\nTrue\nLet d = 9092 + 7592. ", "Is d a multiple of 14?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -39*q = -189*q + 2192400. ", "Does 7 divide q?", "\nTrue\nIs (-19)/(-7 + 4/54864*96006) a multiple of 254?", "\nTrue\nLet h(m) = 31*m**2 - 68*m - 185. ", "Is h(-3) a multiple of 100?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -48960 = -19*m - 21*m. ", "Let c = m + -4. ", "Is 59 a factor of c?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -b = h - 1027 - 5180, -3*h - 2*b + 18624 = 0. ", "Is h a multiple of 27?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 8*t = 30*t - 308. ", "Is 25 a factor of 60/(-48)*t/(-5)*100?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 17*i - 19*i + 28 = 3*q, -45 = -5*i + 5*q. ", "Suppose 374 + 154 = i*n. ", "Is 24 a factor of n?", "\nTrue\nLet g(j) = 67*j**2 - 117*j - 13. ", "Is 7 a factor of g(12)?", "\nFalse\nDoes 68 divide (1/(-4))/((25/60)/5) - -1839?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 12 = -2*h + 42. ", "Suppose -2*s - 9 = -h. ", "Suppose 35 = m - 4*i, 2*i + 129 = s*m - 2*i. ", "Is m a multiple of 19?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -44*c + 64*c = 41540. ", "Is c a multiple of 31?", "\nTrue\nLet y(x) = 20*x**2 - 21*x + 27. ", "Let c be y(9). ", "Suppose 5*q = c + 1227. ", "Is q a multiple of 26?", "\nFalse\nLet k = -572 + 872. ", "Suppose -6*y + 11*y = k. Is 4 a factor of y?", "\nTrue\nLet f(x) = x**3 + 11*x**2 - 14*x + 18. ", "Suppose -4*c = -3*p + 10, 0 = 5*c - 6*c - 4*p + 7. ", "Let d be c + (176/(-4))/4. ", "Is f(d) a multiple of 6?", "\nTrue\nLet i = -26 - -34. ", "Let k be 81/18*i/18. ", "Suppose k*t - 261 = -27. ", "Does 13 divide t?", "\nTrue\nLet d(m) = m**3 + 5*m**2 - 5*m + 5. ", "Let z be d(-6). ", "Let b be (-6 - z)/(1/207). ", "Does 23 divide (2/2)/((-15)/b)?", "\nTrue\nLet n(c) = 211*c**2 - 11*c + 24. ", "Is n(3) a multiple of 70?", "\nTrue\nLet p be (1 - 8)*(20/(-4) - 0). ", "Let b(o) = -o**3 + 35*o**2 + 17*o + 78. ", "Is b(p) a multiple of 22?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 10*i - 9*i - 2798 = 4*c, -2*i - 704 = c. Let s = -542 - c. Is 16 a factor of s?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -1540 = -21*r + 16*r. ", "Suppose 0 = -2*w + 76 + r. Is 4 a factor of w?", "\nTrue\nLet b(u) = 5*u + 60. ", "Let x be b(-11). ", "Suppose -x*c = -13*c + 24. ", "Suppose 5*i = c*y - 363, 3*y - 605 = -2*y - 5*i. ", "Is y a multiple of 12?", "\nFalse\nLet m(h) = h**2 + 13*h - 28. ", "Let b be 3 - (0 + 1)*18. ", "Let n be m(b). ", "Does 31 divide ((-943)/69)/(n/(-36))?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 2*g = -0*g, -n = -3*g - 8. ", "Is 1 - (-35 + (0 - n)) a multiple of 4?", "\nTrue\nLet i(o) = 10*o**2 - 6*o - 18. ", "Let c be i(-9). ", "Suppose -3*v + 5*d = -514, c = 11*v - 6*v - 3*d. ", "Is 8 a factor of v?", "\nTrue\nLet h = 342 - -256. ", "Let a = -381 + h. Is 9 a factor of a?", "\nFalse\nLet m be 2/2 + 29 - 1. ", "Suppose 24*y + 40 = m*y. ", "Suppose 36 = y*z - 36. ", "Does 3 divide z?", "\nTrue\nLet t(n) = 15*n**2 - 487*n - 82. ", "Does 44 divide t(47)?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = -23*g + 7500 + 20445. ", "Suppose -8*b - b = -g. ", "Does 5 divide b?", "\nTrue\nLet c be 2/(-2 - (-10)/4). ", "Suppose 10*t + 70 = 110. ", "Suppose 3*z + z + 2*s = 26, -24 = -c*z - t*s. ", "Is z even?", "\nFalse\nLet g(i) = i - 22. ", "Let j be g(25). ", "Let b be (3/((-27)/(-15)))/(j/9). ", "Suppose b*l - 341 = -c, -c = -2*c + 5*l + 301. ", "Is 53 a factor of c?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -2*m - m + 7*m = 0. ", "Suppose 5*y - 5*q - 1460 = 0, -3*q - 7 - 2 = m. Is 17 a factor of y?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 6*u = -13*u - 35*u + 250776. ", "Does 6 divide u?", "\nTrue\nIs 93 a factor of 8093 - 40/(-4) - 7?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 44*j = 79 + 9. ", "Suppose -620 = -2*u - j*a - 3*a, 4*u - 1260 = -5*a. ", "Is u a multiple of 8?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -5*u = -0*u + 10, 2*m - 2*u = 2. ", "Let d be 71/m - (0 + -4). ", "Let y = d - -175. ", "Is 19 a factor of y?", "\nFalse\nIs 7 a factor of (-39 - -4)/(((-41)/(-246))/((-1)/2))?", "\nTrue\nLet z(u) = -u**3 + 21*u**2 + 26*u + 206. ", "Is 118 a factor of z(21)?", "\nFalse\nLet s(b) = 77*b**2 + 230*b + 660. ", "Is 8 a factor of s(-25)?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -2*c - 15 = -3*c - 2*h, 0 = 4*c + 4*h - 48. ", "Suppose -19 = -5*y - 4*v, 4*y - v - 2*v - c = 0. ", "Is 4 a factor of (-2)/y*(-222)/4?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 4*d - 30511 = 2*r + 16299, -r = 5*d - 58502. ", "Is 4 a factor of d?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 0 = 2*l + n - 37447, 22*l + 3*n + 74859 = 26*l. ", "Is 24 a factor of l?", "\nTrue\nLet y(w) = 24*w**3. ", "Let a be y(1). ", "Let v = 31 - a. Is (78/v)/(2/14) a multiple of 26?", "\nTrue\nLet h(s) = 13*s - 9. ", "Let v be h(4). ", "Let t = v + -31. ", "Suppose 0 = -13*i + t*i + 165. ", "Is i a multiple of 12?", "\nFalse\nLet y(w) = -165*w - 1100. ", "Does 22 divide y(-24)?", "\nTrue\nLet j(i) = 1110*i + 53. ", "Does 18 divide j(1)?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 5*c - 875 = -5*u, c - 157 = 4*u + u. Let p = c - 37. ", "Is (p/6)/(9/24) a multiple of 21?", "\nFalse\nLet a(k) = -2212*k - 1683. ", "Is a(-8) a multiple of 42?", "\nFalse\nLet b = -243 - -493. ", "Let o = b + 244. ", "Is o a multiple of 33?", "\nFalse\nLet o be (-56)/(-16)*(-20)/(-35). ", "Suppose 0*a = -5*a + o*j + 82, 70 = 5*a - 5*j. ", "Is a a multiple of 6?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -113*s - 57*s + 10944 = -18*s. ", "Is 18 a factor of s?", "\nTrue\nLet q = 2275 + 371. ", "Does 7 divide q?", "\nTrue\nLet l be (-28)/((56/12)/7). ", "Let y be l/(-28)*16/6. ", "Suppose 2*d + 2*g - 9 = 157, -d + y*g + 68 = 0. ", "Is 10 a factor of d?", "\nTrue\nSuppose m - 5*i = -2*i + 37627, -3*m + 4*i + 112901 = 0. ", "Does 19 divide m?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = 5*r - 20, -17 = 2*s + 3*r + 5. ", "Let t(d) = -2*d**2 - 37*d + 24. ", "Let y be t(s). ", "Let b = y + -47. ", "Is b a multiple of 28?", "\nTrue\nLet k(m) = -28*m - 98. ", "Is k(-57) a multiple of 14?", "\nTrue\nLet g = 139 - 137. ", "Is 19 a factor of (-760)/12*(-3)/g?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -320 = 7*u - 4*u + 5*r, -3*r + 15 = 0. ", "Let q = -81 - u. Is 5 a factor of q?", "\nFalse\nLet x = 9927 - 667. ", "Does 20 divide x?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -2*l = -851 - 349. ", "Is 25 a factor of l?", "\nTrue\nDoes 7 divide -19*34/(-4199) - (-1158420)/65?", "\nTrue\nLet m be 1767/3 + -1 + (-16)/4. ", "Let d = 2534 - m. Is 13 a factor of d?", "\nTrue\nLet f = 46174 - 31146. ", "Is f a multiple of 189?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 0 = -f - 2*q - 34, 2*q - 26 = f - 0. ", "Does 37 divide (-5526)/f - (-32)/40?", "\nTrue\nLet t = 135 - 138. ", "Let h(f) = 5*f**2 - 18*f - 53. ", "Is 23 a factor of h(t)?", "\nTrue\nLet l(n) = -14*n**2 + 3 - 7*n**2 - n**3 - 8*n + 11*n**2. ", "Let g be l(-10). ", "Let b = 147 - g. Is b a multiple of 11?", "\nFalse\nLet a(x) = 18*x**2 - 3*x. ", "Let t be 21/(-2)*(-36)/21. ", "Suppose t*l = 15*l + 9. ", "Is a(l) a multiple of 14?", "\nFalse\nLet i(l) = -l**2 + 18*l - 16. ", "Let v be i(16). ", "Suppose f = -2*t + 6, -2*t = 3*f + 3*t - v. Suppose -f*g + g + 41 = -2*x, 2*x = 2*g - 92. ", "Does 11 divide g?", "\nFalse\nLet c = -82 + 266. ", "Let r = c + -780. ", "Is 7 a factor of r/(-28) - (-4)/(-14)?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -2*i - 3*k - 2*k = -25, i - 2*k = -1. ", "Suppose 3*t + 33 = i*t - 3*y, 4*t = y + 41. ", "Is 17 a factor of 30/105 + t*13/7?", "\nTrue\nLet c be (2/(-5))/((11/30)/(-11)). ", "Let y = 14 - c. Is 151*2 + 4 + (-4 - y) a multiple of 39?", "\nFalse\nLet g(o) = -14 + 54*o - 23 + 63*o - 16 + 15. ", "Is 16 a factor of g(1)?", "\nFalse\nLet u = -62 + 243. ", "Let w(t) = t**2 + 6*t - 69. ", "Let q be w(-12). ", "Suppose -v = -3*j - 179, q*v - 4*j - u = 2*v. ", "Does 13 divide v?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 0 = -4*s + 11*s - 7. ", "Let i be (27 - s)/(16/24). ", "Suppose -i*n + 38*n + 90 = 0. ", "Is n a multiple of 9?", "\nTrue\nLet i(l) = -l**3 + 11*l**2 + 6*l + 8. ", "Let c be (1 + (-6)/10)*60. ", "Let x be (-2 + (-24)/(-10))/(c/600). ", "Does 8 divide i(x)?", "\nTrue\nLet p = -52 + 38. ", "Let z be 4/p - (-954)/7. ", "Does 17 divide (60/24)/(2/z)?", "\nTrue\nLet r(z) = 10*z**2 - 35*z - 13. ", "Let x be r(4). ", "Let o(j) = -5*j + 0*j**3 + 8*j**2 - 1 - j**3 - 6. ", "Is 7 a factor of o(x)?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 5*k + 4*f = 15, -5*k + 6*f + 45 = 4*f. ", "Suppose k*d - 5*d + 156 = 0. ", "Let b = -26 - d. Is b a multiple of 4?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -2*k + 5*p + 85 = 9, -5*p = 4*k - 152. ", "Suppose -k*z = -15*z - 3910. ", "Does 10 divide z?", "\nTrue\nLet f(i) = i**3 - 8*i**2 - 4*i + 14. ", "Let x be -1*(2 - (-4)/(-1)). ", "Let b(z) = z**2 - z. Let o(l) = x*b(l) - f(l). ", "Is o(10) a multiple of 3?", "\nTrue\nLet o(d) = 88*d - 1496. ", "Does 88 divide o(23)?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 0 = 3*c + 133 - 25. ", "Let z be ((-24)/(-14))/((-204)/2142). ", "Is 4 a factor of " ]
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[ "[Exploration on the regulation mode of medical device quality and safety on a life-circle basis].", "\nA new conception of the life-circle state regulation for medical device's quality and safety is analyzed in the paper. ", "The life-circle model and its corresponding regulation methods are discussed according to the characteristics of medical devices. ", "Then, the regulation mode for application quality and safety of medical devices in a life-circle regulation system is explored." ]
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[ "**** available now **** price reduced for quick let***A two bedroom first floor flat with lovely views, conveniently situated within the town centre, close to Exmouth train station and bus station. ", "This light and airy property has a modern kitchen ...\nMore details\n\nAn improved and updated first floor town centre flat having an open aspect over parts of the town. ", "Bright, spacious accommodation with well proportioned rooms:- Hall, lounge, refitted kitchen, modern bathroom with shower, nsh, D/Glazing.", "\nMore details\n\nA recently refurbished, two bedroom house, situated close to Exmouth Town Centre. ", "The house has a lounge, modern kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and a courtyard garden. ", "No Pets, Sharers of DSS.", "\nMore details" ]
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[ "Motor Planning and Gait Coordination Assessments for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.", "\nThe purposes were to examine construct validity of the Motor Planning Maze Assessment (Maze) and three items from the Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) that were modified for children (pediatric modified FGA, pmFGA), by comparing performance of children with DCD and age matched peers with typical development (TD); the construct validity of total scores of the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and the FGA. ", "Twenty pairs of children with DCD and TD, age from 5 to 12 years, participated in this study. ", "Children in both groups were tested on the Maze, pmFGA, DGI, and FGA. ", "Paired t-tests and agreement tables were used to compare the motor performances between two groups. ", "The DCD group showed higher summary scores in the Maze (p < 0.001) and demonstrated significantly fewer steps (p ≤ 0.001) while doing the pmFGA items than the TD group. ", "However, the FGA quality scores demonstrated minimal differences between the two groups on all three items. ", "Children with DCD showed significantly lower DGI and FGA total scores (p < 0.001) than the TD group. ", "The Maze, DGI, and FGA tests are easily applied in clinical settings and can differentiate motor planning and gait coordination between children with DCD and with TD." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "During the Second Vatican Council, Martin acted as an assistant and translator to Cardinal Augustin Bea, head of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity (SPCU). ", "At the time, a major focus of the SPCU was the Jewish declaration portion of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II document that addressed the Church’s relations with other religions. ", "Cardinal Bea would later be referred to by Archbishop Lefebvre as an “instrument of betrayal.”", "\n\nIn January of 1966, Look Magazine ran an article entitled “How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking,” a lengthy, in-depth look at the influence various Jewish lobbying groups had over the final draft of Nostra Aetate. ", "In the article, Senior Editor Joseph Roddy tells of an unnamed Jesuit priest who held a key position in Rome during the time the Second Vatican Council was in session. ", "The priest, described as a “double agent who “could never turn down work” and a “savior in the diaspora,” would use his position to gather and disseminate inside information to the secular press and the Jewish lobbying groups, who would in turn use that information in their efforts to influence the Council fathers – particularly the progressive American bishops. ", "Although the priest’s actual name is withheld, several pseudonyms he used for his various activities are revealed.", "\n\nAs “Michael Serafian,” he wrote “The Pilgrim” (Ferrar, Straus & Giroux, 1964), a tell-all book on the politics, key figures and inner dealings of the council. ", "As “F.E. Cartus,” he penned two timely articles, one for Harper’s Magazine and one for the American Jewish Committee’s influential intellectual periodical “Commentary.” ", "As “Pushkin,” he would feed “inside tips and tactical leaks,” often in the form of notes slipped under doors, to journalists of major media organizations.", "\n\nThis all took place many years before Malachi Martin became a cult figure and public author who wrote books under his own name. ", "Although word began to get around in certain circles that Martin and the pen-names were one in the same, it wasn’t until 5 years after he left Rome, when he wrote “The Encounter” (Ferrar, Straus & Giroux), that the first solid nexus was made between Martin and the double-agent priest. ", "On the back cover of The Encounter, it states clearly that Malachi Martin did indeed write “The Pilgrim” under the pseudonym Michael Serafian.", "\n\nDespite the indisputable self-admission that Michael Serafian was Martin’s pen name, many of his devoted fans would claim that there was no evidence that he was the mole priest identified in the Look article who wrote for the American Jewish Committee and used his position in Rome to pass sensitive information to the press. ", "What follows, will indisputably show not only that Martin was the double-agent priest in the Look article, but that the “warm friendship with the AJC” described by Joe Roddy was far warmer than anyone, including Roddy, had suspected.", "\n\nThe documents referenced below were made available to AQ by the Manuscripts Department of the New York Public Library. ", "They are part of the Ferrar, Straus & Giroux collection, which contains correspondence and documentation on the publishing company’s dealings with many of its authors. ", "They are available to any and all. ", "None have been altered in any way shape or form.", "\n\nTHE DOCUMENTS\n\nExhibit A: Setting up the Swiss bank account – This memo, dated March 19, 1964 was written by FSG treasurer Robert Wohlforth (RW) and sent to Robert Straus (RWS). ", "Roger Straus was the president of Ferrar, Straus and Giroux and the sole heir to the Guggenheim fortune. ", "The memo describes a discussion the two had regarding “The Pilgrim contract” and what steps needed to be taken to set up a Swiss bank account.", "\n\nExhibit C: Zachariah Shuster wonders where the check is – Zachariah Shuster of the American Jewish Committee writes a letter to FS&G treasurer wondering why a check that was destined for a Swiss bank account hasn’t yet arrived. ", "He follows up with a confirmation then receives a response from Ferrar, Straus and Giroux treasurer Robert Wohlforth. ", "Of interest are several hand-written notations showing the letters are in reference to Serafian. ", "As the ledger linked at exhibit H shows, the amount of the check is $1,000.", "\n\nExhibit D: Martin’s services are requested by the AJC – Here we have Marc Tanenbaum, Director of Interreligious Affairs for the AJC, accepting a gracious offer from Roger Straus to use Malachi Martin as he sees fit. ", "Tanenbaum thinks the idea is a good one, stating that “Serafian (Martin) could provide a genuine service if he were to deal with the crucial issue of the deicide problem…” Although the hoped for late summer deadline would not be met, in the January 1965 issue of the AJC publication, Commentary, Martin, as F.E. Cartus, writes an article entitled “Vatican II and the Jews,” At the beginning of the third paragraph, it reads in part as follows:\n\n“Roman Catholic believers drew a whole range of practical conclusions from these premises. ", "The Jews as a people-not only the Jews of Christ’s time but Jews of all time-were guilty of having killed Christ, the God-man: theologically speaking, they were deicides.”", "\n\nMartin writes the article as requested and even fabricates a statement on the Jews that he attributes to Pope John XXIII, claiming it was written shortly before his death and was to be read on a set date in all Catholic Churches worldwide. ", "That story HERE.", "\n\nAlso of note is Tanenbaum referring to three “secret memoranda” submitted by the AJC to Cardinal Bea.", "\n\nExhibit F: Roger Straus wants to discuss Martin with Podhorez – Roger Straus wishes to discuss a letter from Michael Serafian (Malachi Martin) with Norman Podhorez, the editor of Commentary – the publication where the article was to appear. ", "It’s unclear what is meant when Straus states they should discuss the matter as a “possible post mortem.” ", "Perhaps he was referring to the fact that the hoped for timeframe of late summer couldn’t be met.", "\n\nExhibit G: Straus makes undeniable connection between Martin and F.E. Cartus – Roger Straus writes to a British publisher telling him to look for an article by pseudonym Michael Serafian (Martin) that will appear in the September 1965 issue of Harper’s Magazine. ", "As promised, an article by F.E. Cartus entitled “The Vatican Council Ends – Reform on borrowed time?” ", "by F.E. Cartus appears in the September edition of Harpers.", "\n\nExhibit H: An ledger with interesting transactions – A ledger that was created to show “actual payments to or in (sic) behalf of Michael Serafian,” offers some interesting insights. ", "On line 1, it shows the check sent to Zachariah Shuster on June 25, 1964 (see Exhibit C). ", "On line 3, it shows the net royalty payment that is shown on line 29 of the document at Exhibit B. On line 2, it shows another payment to Zachariah Shuster that does not have any corresponding documentation in the FS&G collection. ", "On line 5, it shows a payment of $500 to Abe Karlikow. ", "Abe Karlikow was the director of the American Jewish Committee’s European office, based in Paris, France. ", "On line 9, it shows Martin’s last payment as being on June 7, 1965. ", "Just a few weeks later, on June 24, 1965, Martin would receive a $7,350 (around $48,000 in 2007 dollars) fellowship grant from the Harry F. Guggenheim foundation. ", "The founder of that foundation, Harry Frank Guggenheim, just so happens to be Roger Straus’ uncle on his mother’s side.", "\n\nIn Summary\n\nThere is no doubt whatsoever that the double agent described in the Look article by Joseph Roddy was in fact Malachi Martin. ", "The document at exhibit G undeniably ties Michael Serafian – who is undeniably Malachi Martin – to the F.E Cartus pseudonym.", "\n\nZachariah Shuster and Abe Kalikow were receiving payments on Martin’s behalf that were laundered through a Swiss bank account set up specifically for that purpose. ", "Marc Tanenbaum requested custom propaganda for the AJC periodical “Commentary,” which Martin happily provided. ", "Shuster and Kalikow were attached to the European office of the AJC in Paris, France, which just so happens to be where Martin fled to after he left Rome.", "\n\nMartin was paid well for his services. ", "According to the Straus ledger (exhibit H), during the latter half of 1964, he received a total of $3,651.03. ", "According to the Federal Reserve consumer price index calculator, that would equal $24,202.80 in 2007 dollars. ", "In the first half of 1965, he received $4,282.85, which works out to $27,940.50 in 2007 dollars. ", "Immediately after receiving his last payment from Straus in June of ’65, Martin receives a grant from Straus’ uncle’s foundation for $7,350 or $47,950 adjusted to 2007. ", "In fairness to Martin, it must be noted that he took that grant in monthly payments over 15 months following the time it was awarded to him. ", "The fact remains however, in the year’s time that spanned from June of ’64 and June of ’65, Martin was paid, granted, or received on his behalf at least $100,000 adjusted for inflation. ", "This sum only includes what has been documented by AQ as being paid from Guggenheim and FS&G from in that one year span. ", "It does not include other payments, if any, from Guggenheim and FS&G that AQ doesn’t have a record of. ", "It does not include any payments Martin would have received for writing the articles for Commentary and Harpers. ", "It does not include any other possible income sources. ", "In the summer of 1963, Robert Kaiser claims that Martin “always had a wallet was stuffed with hundred dollar bills,” that he believed was provided by the AJC. ", "In any case, he most certainly didn’t do the AJC’s bidding for free. ", "It’s more than safe to assume that Martin had income aside from that which AQ has been able to document 40 years after the fact." ]
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[ "zemberek-server 0.7.1-11 (sparc binary) in ubuntu karmic\n\nZemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural\nLanguage Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages,\nespecially Turkish.", "\n.", "\nThis packages contains spellchek server which works via TCP/IP and DBUS." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0045045045045045045, 0, 0.0410958904109589 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat is known about the spectrum of a Cauchy matrix?", "\n\nMath people:\nA Cauchy matrix is an $m$-by-$n$ matrix $A$ whose elements have the form \n$a_{i,j} = \\frac{1}{x_i-y_j}$, with $x_i \\neq y_j$ for all $(i, j)$, and the $x_i$'s and $y_i$'s belong to a field (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy_matrix). ", " Also it seems to be part of the definition that the $x_i$'s and $y_j$'s are all distinct (does anyone know why?). ", " I am only interested in the case where the field is the real numbers, and all the $x_i$'s and $y_j$'s are positive integers. ", " My question is, what is known about the eigenvalues of a square, real Cauchy matrix? ", " There is a formula for its determinant, which gives you their product, and the trace of the matrix, which is their sum, is easy to find. ", " I have Googled this extensively and found almost nothing.", "\nI originally posted this on Math Stack Exchange but I got no answers so I removed the question and I am posting it here.", "\n\nA:\n\nSuppose $x_i > 0$ and $y_j -x_j$, then $c_{ij} = 1/(x_i+x_j)$. These matrices are infinitely divisible, i.e., $[c_{ij}^r]$ is also positive definite for all $r > 0$. \nSpectral properties of Cauchy-like matrices and kernels are studied here.", "\nFor additional information and an easier read, on the general case ($1/(x_i+y_j)$), you might enjoy looking at the recent book by Pinkus.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "(A/N the picture for this article is the Ring of Fire. ", "All the red marks on the map represent volcanic and/ or earthquake activity.)", "\n\nIn real life, the Ring of fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where tectonic activity such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur due to the intersection of several plates. ", "However, it’s a good starting point for a campaign idea. ", "Read on:\n\nThis idea is a thought experiment that has 6 goals\n\nUse a real-world phenomenon and give a fantasy twist. ", "Use a real-world map of earth and describe changes in this setting. ", "Avoid the “standard” fantasy races of human, elf, half-elf, half-orc, halfling, and gnome. ", "Dragonborn, being a relatively new development on the scene, are fair game. ", "Offer a different cosmology Offer a different magic system. ", "Use the 5e D&D system without having to spend too much time developing races (though certain developments will be developed simply due to worldbuilding)\n\nSetting\n\nThe setting is the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean from Japan’s latitude, about 37 degrees north to about 37 degrees south of the equator. ", "Further west of Japan is an area known as The Endless Dark, an unmapped and dangerous expanse of waters that is constantly shrouded in darkness (more about this later). ", "In this setting, neither the Eurasia continent nor Africa exist. ", "If one were to continue north of the 37th parallel, the waters would quickly become colder and impassible with ice. ", "The air is so cold, it also forces any flying mechanisms or creatures to the ground. ", "Continuing south past the 37th parallel south, the continent of Australia has been shattered due to a cataclysmic event and the remnants make up an impassable barrier known as “The Dragon’s Teeth” where the waters are so rough that no boat can pass. ", "The area is also fog bound so that airships that enter get lost and eventually end up in this same area. ", "The Pacific Ocean itself, unlike the real-world counterpart, is home to a great number of islands collectively known as “The Thousand,” though the actual number is unknown, as they appear and disappear with the tides. ", "Also, due to the severe volcanic activity, an island can spring up from the ocean at any time (though unless it’s a dragon turtle [several of which are known in this setting]) it’ll take some time to cool and be populated with life. ", "America exists, but beyond the mountains seems to be largely vast stretches of grasslands and impassable desert. ", "South into Mexico and South America are known for their immense rainforests and swamps.", "\n\nCosmology\n\n‘In the beginning’ would be the start to most cosmologies. ", "Unfortunately, the true beginnings of the world are so far in the distant past, that no one really knows how things started. ", "It could have been a simple wish gone wrong (or right, as fate may have it). ", "It could have been one of a nigh-infinite number of parallel dimensions. ", "Or it could have been crazy powerful (and large) space dragons that brought it into existence. ", "It could have been as a result of the gods designing it and dying off or being killed. ", "Whatever the case, the world’s origin was lost to the annuls of time. ", "All that is known is how things are now.", "\n\nForces, Not Deities\n\nIn this world there are no gods. ", "Instead there are forces like the force of fusion activity that forms the sun or a black hole. ", "Implacable. ", "Undeniable. ", "Unchangeable. ", "While these forces have a rudimentary intelligence, it’s more akin to an instinct to have their “wills” fulfilled than anything personable, anything that the PCs can interact with, kill, or change the mind of. ", "Also note, even though these forces are powerful, they are limited in the scope of what they can do. ", "They are set up almost like a “paper-rock-scissors” game. ", "The forces controlling everything are as follows:\n\nMajor Forces\n\nThe Verdant Green: Think of this force as Gaia. ", "It is the “lifeblood” of the setting, and in control of plant monsters and plant growth, animal summoning and knowledge about the natural world, healing and protection spells, as well as spells that restore life in some way (resurrection, reincarnation). ", "It’s also where the Fey live. ", "Those who are infused with its energy have a healthy green glow about them.", "\n\nThink of this force as Gaia. ", "It is the “lifeblood” of the setting, and in control of plant monsters and plant growth, animal summoning and knowledge about the natural world, healing and protection spells, as well as spells that restore life in some way (resurrection, reincarnation). ", "It’s also where the Fey live. ", "Those who are infused with its energy have a healthy green glow about them. ", "Magma/ Lava (The Volcano): In the real world, this force is probably would be seen as Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanos. ", "Without this force there would be nothing for the Green to “latch onto” above the surface of the water. ", "This force is responsible for all of the setting’s tectonic activity, whether moving landmasses, causing earthquakes, or creating volcanoes and mountains, as well as going to sleep for long periods to let civilizations form, grow, and thrive. ", "It also is in charge of fire, both normal and magical. ", "This means that even the sun could be seen as an extension of the Volcano’s power. ", "Those infused with its energy have a fiery red glow streaked with black about them, looking much like its namesake.", "\n\nIn the real world, this force is probably would be seen as Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanos. ", "Without this force there would be nothing for the Green to “latch onto” above the surface of the water. ", "This force is responsible for all of the setting’s tectonic activity, whether moving landmasses, causing earthquakes, or creating volcanoes and mountains, as well as going to sleep for long periods to let civilizations form, grow, and thrive. ", "It also is in charge of fire, both normal and magical. ", "This means that even the sun could be seen as an extension of the Volcano’s power. ", "Those infused with its energy have a fiery red glow streaked with black about them, looking much like its namesake. ", "The Storm: This force is the force of wind, water, and lightning, as well as spells and effects that create ice. ", "It is found in still bodies of water and rapids. ", "Without the storm’s energy the Verdant Green could not grow, as the earth would be too hard and the plants need water to live. ", "It’s also the force that gives movement to the inanimate ^ . ", "Those infused with its energy have a cerulean aurora around them and windblown appearance even in areas where there should be no wind.", "\n\nThis force is the force of wind, water, and lightning, as well as spells and effects that create ice. ", "It is found in still bodies of water and rapids. ", "Without the storm’s energy the Verdant Green could not grow, as the earth would be too hard and the plants need water to live. ", "It’s also the force that gives movement to the inanimate . ", "Those infused with its energy have a cerulean aurora around them and windblown appearance even in areas where there should be no wind. ", "The Endless Dark is where all things dark and scary come from. ", "It is in control of illusions, undead, oozes, and monstrosities, as well as aberrations. ", "It is the source of temptation to do wrong. ", "Those infused with its energy or influenced by it are surrounded by black energy streaked with sickly purple lightning outlined in a sickly greenish-white\n\nOther Forces\n\nMagic is a force that inhabits the other forces, but is not subservient to them. ", "It also controls things that fall outside the other forces, such as dead magic zones, counter-spells, Wish spells and Teleport.", "\n\nis a force that inhabits the other forces, but is not subservient to them. ", "It also controls things that fall outside the other forces, such as dead magic zones, counter-spells, Wish spells and Teleport. ", "Moon & Stars are a special case force that is capable of drawing and revealing special marks, causing temporary insanity and nighttime illumination, as well as harming certain types of undead.", "\n\nare a special case force that is capable of drawing and revealing special marks, causing temporary insanity and nighttime illumination, as well as harming certain types of undead. ", "Music is anything having to do with sound. ", "It is the force of emotion that is evoked by hearing a moving piece of music. ", "It is in the laughter of children. ", "It’s also in the damage caused by sonic and thunder attacks. ", "The Verdant Green taps into Music for bird calls, wolves howling. ", "The Storm uses it for the sound as the wind whips whatever it comes in contact with, as well as the rhythmic ocean waves.", "\n\n^ It should be noted that The Storm provides the animation, though any of the other forces can provide the materials. ", "For instance, you can have a golem made of stone (which would be made of the Lava’s/ Magma’s materials) or bone (the Endless Dark’s Materials)\n\nDesign notes: Due to the way the cosmology is set up currently, there is no afterlife at least the way that most people think of it. ", "As such, there are no outsiders, there is no heaven or hell, no angels or demons. ", "There are also no therianthropes (such as werewolves, wererats, etc.) ", "in the setting, as it wouldn’t make sense with the cosmology, with the added fact that many of the races are bestial in nature.", "\n\nAs I wrote this, without thinking about the color scheme, I inadvertently produced the colors of Magic the Gathering, without the White (plains) color. ", "If you wanted to as an alternate force, you could say that healing and protection could be based in the Infinite (or Limitless) Light. ", "Maybe it exists, but not many people know about it, and it’s introduced as a plot point to discover what it is, how to access its power, and find out why people don’t know about it anymore. ", "It could also be an easy way to introduce devas/ angels into the setting.", "\n\nPlayer Races & Background\n\nAs was stated in the setup to this thought experiment, humans, elves, half-elves, half-orcs, halflings, and gnomes do not exist. ", "This is to help the feel of the world be completely different from other settings out there. ", "Having said that, it doesn’t mean that the world is lacking diversity. ", "It may be even more diverse than a campaign based around these stock fantasy tropes.", "\n\nPlease note that there is going to be homebrew content in these links. ", "Because this is a thought experiment done for fun, I am not all that concerned about balance, however you may be for your game(s). ", "Before accepting anything for use in your campaign, make sure to read it and understand if it’s appropriate for your game.", "\n\nAlso note that while some of the creatures are typically played as evil, due to the different cosmology, they can be played as a blank slate.", "\n\nJapan\n\nThe Japanese isles are home to a variety of unique creatures that can be used as player characters. ", "Players have Oni mages , (homebrew) and kitsune (homebrew), pandafolk, hengeyokai, and Spirit Folk and Nezumi to choose from. ", "This setting’s Japan’s culture is the honor-bound culture as seen in feudal Japan, complete with ninjas, and samurai, but mixed with some of philosophical ideology of China.", "\n\nThe Thousand\n\nThe Thousand islands are home to many people, among which are tribes of goblinoids, including bugbears many of which are barbarians fighting petty wars over a – though there are a few notable tribes that seek peaceful coexistence with others in the area. ", "Then there are the wandering tribes of hobgoblins, and goblins that have become known for their piracy. ", "It should be noted that a very few goblins have broken from their brethren and become civilized, but are usually are treated poorly and openly discriminated against, though there are some who have become well known for their inventiveness and machinery.", "\n\nThen there are many dragonborn in The Thousand that make up much of the civilized peoples of the islands. ", "Unlike many of the other races in the Ring of Fire, they have figured out how to get along, even with their traditional enemies – dragonborn of other ancestries. ", "There are multiple examples of dragonborn with different ancestry and producing offspring with abilities of both parents, albeit at a weaker level. (", "From a game design aspect, Dragonborn would be the “Humans” of the Ring of Fire, being both the most peaceful, as well as the most numerous. ", "The different subspecies could be akin to the different cultures present around the world.)", "\n\nMingled in with the dragonborn and few civilized goblins, there are the rare pantherfolk, and batfolk (both of which can be found here), as well as self-aware automatons+, and aarakocra which serve as underpaid (or sometimes unpaid) help such as farm workers, cooks, maids/ butlers. ", "They are also utilized as spies, assassins, and messengers. ", "Because of these latter roles, they are viewed with suspicion, but due to their integration in society, aren’t openly discriminated against.", "\n\n+ Note: even though these *are* called Warforged in other campaign settings doesn’t mean there was a war that they served in. ", "Their history is simply connected to The Storm’s powers of animation, regardless of what materials they’re made of.", "\n\nNorth America\n\nNorth America is home to Wolffolk / Wolfkin and Foxkin tribes (both of which can be found here) that live much the way Native Americans lived, subsisting off the land, following herds of buffalo. ", "Over the mountains, in the American Southwest, there are horse riding Lizardmen herding cattle, and a few Minotaurs riding horses or riding lizards wandering the barren landscape.", "\n\nMexico & South America\n\nMuch of Mexico and South America are rainforest and have a society much like the Aztecs. ", "There you will find Yuan-Ti Pureblood, and their guards. ", "Sometimes they’ll work with the Tabaxi, and Bullywugs (homebrew) in the area.", "\n\nOther Races\n\nSometimes the forces will seek to get things done and in order to “push things along” they send a representative fully formed from nothingness as an extension of the force’s will, though the creature so formed will have memories, skills, abilities, as if it had lived as long as it thought. ", "These representatives are the genasi, specifically the following types:\n\nnature genasi Had I designed the stat block, I would have set the ability to an at will version of pass without trace, range: self only with the added benefit of normal plants not able to affect your movement, and willing plant allies not able to do so either.", "\n\nstorm genasi\n\nlava genasi Had designed the stat block, I would specifically call out that the lava genasi should be more resilient to falling damage, counting falls as 10’ less simply because falling is essentially bludgeoning.", "\n\nDark genasi. ", "As an alternate ability, I could see the shadow ability being replaced by Misty Step once per long rest.", "\n\nChangelings: ultimate spies, they can blend into wherever they are sent and are indistinguishable from those around them.", "\n\nNote: the force’s will communicated to them through their dreams and waking visions. ", "While genasi do have “free will,” it’s very hard to escape the reason for which they were made. ", "Because they come into existence fully formed for a specific mission or purpose, there are no genasi lands, and it’s rare (though not impossible) to find multiple genasi traveling together.", "\n\nI hope this start to a campaign setting has given you some fuel for thought. ", "Next time we visit this topic, we’ll discuss (among other things) the class changes, monsters and plots." ]
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[ "Preoperative chemotherapy in primary operable breast cancer: results from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer trial 10902.", "\nTo evaluate whether preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with primary operable breast cancer results in better overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival rates and whether preoperative chemotherapy permits more breast-conserving surgery procedures than postoperative chemotherapy. ", "Six hundred ninety-eight breast cancer patients (T1c, T2, T3, T4b, N0 to 1, and M0) were enrolled onto a randomized phase III trial that compared four cycles of fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide administered preoperatively versus the same regimen administered postoperatively (the first cycle administered within 36 hours after surgery). ", "Patients were followed up for OS, progression-free survival (PFS), and locoregional recurrence (LRR). ", "At a median follow-up of 56 months, there was no significant difference in terms of OS (hazards ratio, 1.16; P =.38), PFS (hazards ratio, 1.15; P =.27), and time to LRR (hazards ratio, 1.13; P =.61). ", "Fifty-seven patients (23%) were downstaged by the preoperative chemotherapy, whereas 14 patients (18%) underwent mastectomy and not the planned breast-conserving therapy. ", "The use of preoperative chemotherapy yields similar results in terms of PFS, OS, and locoregional control compared with conventional postoperative chemotherapy. ", "In addition, preoperative chemotherapy enables more patients to be treated with breast-conserving surgery. ", "Because preoperative chemotherapy does not improve disease outcome compared with postoperative chemotherapy, future trials should involve quality-of-life studies to investigate whether patients will benefit from this treatment modality." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to change MDCTextField placeholder text color?", "\n\nI'm currently using it with MDCTextInputControllerOutlined.", "\nI already tried \nself.emailTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: \"Email\", attributes: [.font: UIFont.ralewayFont(ofSize: 18.0, weight: .semibold), .foregroundColor: UIColor.white])\n\nbut not working\n\nA:\n\nFound it!", "\nset UIColor to inlinePlaceholderColor for MDCTextInputControllerOutlined\nlet emailTextField = MDCTextField()\n\nlet emailTextFieldController = MDCTextInputControllerOutlined(textInput: emailTextField)\nemailTextFieldController.inlinePlaceholderColor = .white\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.003875968992248062 ]
[ "I like smarty but it can be a memory hog, and 1 out of 2 php coders seems to dislike it (or any tpl system); so that might be a tough sell. ", "Been looking at php-only solutions and savant looked interesting; any specific thoughts about it?", "\n\nI've actually been looking at OCP again recently, though only on my localbox. ", "I quite like it but the admin area seems a little slow to me, though it could be because of the large amount of data on the pages. ", "I had been thinking about checking into the built in *nuke and phpBB importer to see what happens but last time I tried the phpBB 2.x importer I couldn't get it working properly and gave up due to time pressures. ", "Maybe this time I'll have more luck\n\n@spastic I liked Savant for its minimalistic approach it is way faster than Smarty I feel and very easy to learn. ", "If you've ever had to template for wordpress you'll feel right at home.", "\n\n@Guardian Yes ocPortal is a little slower I find sometimes but there is definitely a lot going on both front and backend. ", "As for the importers yes during building the new one I have seen a lot of issues with the old phpbb and nuke ones because the nuke one is for 6.5 and for the phpbb it doesn't use the nuke prefix and table structure it uses the phpbb standalone. ", "My RN convertor will do ALMOST EVERYTHING. ", "From Banners, Polls and Forums and Users as well as News Downloads Reviews Links Calendar etc. ", "There might be a few things to do manually when done but for the most part an RN site is expected to be a straightforward upgrade without too much rebuilding needed done except for maybe custom or addon modules. ", "When it is ready perhaps you can beta it for me?", "\n\nActually Guardian Maybe I can pick your brain for the NukeSEO portion of it? ", "I need to wrap my head around your Metadata storage system so I can import all that too as ocPortal supports custom keywords per content etc as well. ", "I'll pop to your site and ask there.", "\n\nduck, hopefully my info on nukeSEO DH was helpful. ", "On some Joomla sites I support, I've noticed that META tags are maintained at the content level, but it doesn't appear to auto-generate them based on the content or allow overrides across different levels like nukeSEO DH. ", "How does ocPortal handle that?", "\n\nI looked at the major information pages for ocPortal, and, though it advertises solid functionality, I'm curious about your long-term experiences with it wrt support and upgrades, especially in light of many of the comments in this discussion.", "\n\nFor example, if a major release impacts themes (and, presumably, data, addons, etc.) ", "significantly, even a free CMS can be quite expensive in terms of time and effort to upgrade to the latest and greatest. ", "As a webmaster for several sites, I see the RN upgrade process - and support for older stuff - as very significant. ", "Have you been through a major upgrade with ocportal yet? ", "If so, what was your experience?", "\n\n_________________I google, therefore I exist...\nOnly registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!", "\n\n@kguske ocPortal does it dynamically on the content level as well as provide for overide functionality. ", "You can also optionally allow users (groups) to manage their own tags as well as code validation at the time of content submittal.", "\n\nAs for my experiences with the sytem I have only started using it last fall and in the time I have started using it it has already went through 4 version upgrades (minor from 7.1 when I started to 7.5) but each upgrade has been seemless without issue. ", "Installation system the have can install to your server from scratch directly from their site if you provide FTP details and for upgrades you can pick ANY previous version of ocPortal and choose what to upgrade to and it builds you a custom upgrade package just for you. ", "So for instance you could jum from 7.1 to 7.5 directly. ", "They have a Major upgrade to version 8 comming out soon so I'll let you know if I have issues with that upgrade but I highly doubt it.", "\n\nAs for themes and Addons you can install directly from within your admin section of your site you can browse all themes add-ons in the repository and click to install automatically from your website. ", "It even shows you all files that will be installed or changed before installation so you can double check before you do something disaasterous if you like.", "\n\nThe system uses an overide system so if you want to modify something yourself you make a copy of the original sorce file and make your changes and save it in a folder prefixed custom (like for sources custom_sources) so when you upgrade the core your modifications aren't changed. ", "Even the theming system works this way so you can change certain blocks or containers etc for different sections of the site (even CSS for that matter works like that too) everything is extensible. ", "Whereever you've created a \"custom\" something it uses that if not it uses original sources. ", "Of course if there is a major major core change that does not mean you might not still experience some issues with something custom you've done but the good news is all your code will be untouched and still there.", "\n\nThe one downside to ocPortal I am not crazy about but is a necessary eveil for the freedom and power it provides is it is quite complex for first use. ", "Don't get me wrong some of the basics are easy, well actually most stuff is easy but it just takes time to learn all the features and where to find some of them. ", "The use their own bbcode like forum and posting languages if you like called comcode but it is extremely rich in comparison to bbcode and it even allows for the inclusion of blocks and things you'd normally see on a content page included inline in a forum or news post etc.", "\n\nThe also have a scripting system for the template system for modifying your output so for instance you can add specific view instructions for a particular block if you want based on things like The user group someone belongs to or heck whatever else you might want like the time of day whatever. ", "Heck if you wanted you could take a player of the month block and check if the user being outputted belongs to the \"Clan\" group and if so add your Clan Tag to the front of their name automatically or something like that and it is all handled right there in the block template. ", "You could also utilize global variables if you wanted like \"Sitename\" or \"Slogan\" or what have you (there are lots of useful ones). ", "Anyway as I say I love it. ", "The learning curve is a little slower than \"Nuke\" but once you learn it you will start to make up any lost time with the savings you get in doing new stuff within a framework instead of having to code everything from scratch everytime.", "\n\netc...\nThis would speed up greatly modules or blocks creations and allow for a faster learning curve and ofc powercreation. ", "Implement a bit of MVC ( without the M for now)\n\nAnd i think it would be easier than try to implement directly a complex templating architecture to nuke disbanding any compatibility with older themes.", "\n\n@MonTego and @dev Furthermore , why not try to build a separate API for user managements and groups and try to port it to common used modules/blocks ?", "\n\nAs a side note for people reading us : MVC stands for Model-View-Controller , short definition for the codeigniter framework here Only registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!", "\n\n_________________Only registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login! (", "My RN site)- Only registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!(cod4 clan) - Only registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!", "\n\n@Elderado Yes a more MVC approach like ocPortal does would be nice indeed and to be honest much needed. ", "I much prefer Kohana or YII as frameworks go and would love a proper CMS built out of one of those 2 as well. ", "YII is very cool as it even has an auto build module so to speak whereby you can just build the DB table and point the system at it and it builds you an Add/Edit/List set of pages for you. ", "Quite sweet for a basic module in seconds.", "\n\nAs for your comment about changing the templating sytem because of fear of losing compatiblity of themes already out there I strongly disagree. ", "Firstly you can't have an MVC approach if there is no V which nukes themeing sytem doesn't have. ", "The V in MVC is probably the most important aspect actually. ", "Also if you have a good templating system converting any Nuke theme should be a breeze. ", "Far more easy than making a new (or converting for that matter) theme from scratch for nuke.", "\n\nHere are a couple video's on making a theme for ocPortal which can show you that even new designers can probably learn and create new themes much easier than they would in Nuke.", "\n\nOnly registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!Only registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!", "\n\nHeck a system like ocPortal even has a themeing wizard built in whereby a user can pick a seed color for their website and it automatically rebuilds the default theme with totally new colors and images in it. ", "Anybody can do this with a couple clicks of a mouse they don't even need to know how to code html never mind php. ", "Theme images can be easily replaced in the same fashion from the admin panel.", "\n\nHere is one more video on the fron't page of ttheir website which shows a guy setting up a whole new site (an alien scifi community site) with a new theme colors etc in 40 minutes. ", "Of course that would need an experienced user with the system for you to do it that fast but it shows the simplicity of it fairly well.", "\n\nScroll down near the bottom for the video.", "\n\nOnly registered users can see links on this board! ", "Get registered or login!", "\n\nView next topicView previous topic\nYou cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot vote in polls in this forumYou can attach files in this forumYou can download files in this forum" ]
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[ "STARCRAFT- Corey K. Interview\n\nTake that, Ken B., I've scored my own interview with an international boardgaming celebrity designer. ", "You got pwned, I'm in ur base killin ur dudes, and so forth. ", "So here's a little email interview I did with Corey over at FFG regarding the STARCRAFT board game, which as we all know Frank already has and we don't. ", "Of course I don't own a copy of SHEER PANIC so I guess that balances everything out in the end.", "\n\nSometime in the early 1980s, MichaelBarnes’ parents thought it would be a good idea to buy him a board game to keep him busy with some friends during one of those high-pressure, “free” timeshare vacations. ", "It turned out to be a terrible idea, because the game was TSR’s Dungeon! - ", "and the rest, as they say, is history. ", "Michael has been involved with writing professionally about games since 2002, when he busked for store credit writing for Boulder Games’ newsletter. ", "He has written for a number of international hobby gaming periodicals and popular Web sites. ", "From 2004-2008, he was the co-owner of Atlanta Game Factory, a brick-and-mortar retail store. ", "He is currently the co-founder of FortressAT.com and Nohighscores.com as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Miniature Market’s Review Corner feature. ", "He is married with two childen and when he’s not playing some kind of game he enjoys stockpiling trivial information about music, comics and film.", "\n\nI binge-watched the entire first season of The Terror yesterday, as the snow came down all day. ", "I'm an experienced binge watcher, but I don't think that I've ever done nearly 8 hours in a day before....\n\nYeah, Brit player is undoubtedly thin, french a bit thin but I think has enough to do... even though I do think a CoM game gains a bit with some tension between the allied powers. ", "There are some very..." ]
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[ "Instituto de Administração de Projetos Educacionais Futebol Clube\n\nInstituto de Administração de Projetos Educacionais Futebol Clube, commonly known as IAPE, is a Brazilian football club based in São Luís, Maranhão state. ", "They competed in the Copa do Brasil once.", "\n\nHistory\nThe club was founded on August 8, 2008. ", "IAPE won the Campeonato Maranhense Second Level in 2008, and the Copa União do Maranhão in 2010. ", "They are facing Atlético Mineiro in the 2011 edition of the Copa do Brasil.", "\n\nAchievements\n\n Campeonato Maranhense Second Level:\n Winners (1): 2008\n Copa União do Maranhão:\n Winners (1): 2010\n\nStadium\n\nInstituto de Administração de Projetos Educacionais Futebol Clube play their home games at Estádio Nhozinho Santos. ", "The stadium has a maximum capacity of 16,500 people.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Association football clubs established in 2008\nCategory:Football clubs in Maranhão\nCategory:2008 establishments in Brazil" ]
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[ "Rafa Benitez has refused to rule out the possibility he could quit as Newcastle United manager before the end of the season as the tension caused by the club’s failure to make any signings in this transfer window continues to grow.", "\n\nBenitez no longer has a clause in his contract that would mean he is forced to pay more than £6m in compensation if he resigns and is so frustrated by the lack of progress made in recruitment that he is unable to pledge he will not leave before June.", "\n\nHowever, the Spaniard conceded he would still find it extremely difficult to leave Newcastle’s supporters and players in the lurch and still clings on to the hope owner, Mike Ashley, will provide the resources needed to ensure this is the last time he has to worry about a relegation battle on Tyneside.", "\n\nNewcastle ended the summer transfer window more than £20m in profit – although the fee Fulham agreed for striker Aleksandar Mitrovic will be paid in instalments - Benitez’s refusal to sign a contract extension means Ashley is reluctant to sanction expensive permanent signings.", "\n\nThat has forced the club to concentrate on foreign loan deals, but with just three days of the window remaining, no transfers have gone through." ]
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[ "Displacement of nuclear fragments into the vitreous complicating phacoemulsification surgery in the UK: incidence and risk factors.", "\nTo study the epidemiology and risk factors contributing to displacement of nuclear fragments into the vitreous (DNFV) complicating phacoemulsification in the UK. ", "Cases were collected prospectively between March 2003 and March 2004 by active surveillance through the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU). ", "Case-control analysis of risk factors was performed by visiting 10 randomly selected centres using a total of 521 cases of uncomplicated phacoemulsification. ", "Validation analysis to assess under-reporting was performed in a total of 13 randomly selected units. ", "610 cases of DNFV were confirmed during the reporting period. ", "The estimated incidence of DNFV was 0.19-0.28%. ", "The group with complications was significantly older than the control group (mean 76.8 vs 74.3 years: p<0.001). ", "Significant preoperative risk factors were posterior synechiae (5.1% vs 2.2%), incomplete pupil dilation (59.5% vs 8.8%), pseudoexfoliation (5.6% vs 1.4%) and previous vitrectomy (7.8% vs 2.2%). ", "Significant operative variables related to surgical experience, topical (14.3% vs 3.1%) and sub-Tenon's (51.4% vs 37.2%) anaesthesia, and requirement for vision blue (trypan blue ophthalmic solution) (13.7% vs 2.4%). ", "The estimated incidence of DNFV during phacoemulsification surgery in the UK is two or three per 1000 operations. ", "Risk factors have been identified that should help to guide case selection for phacoemulsification surgery and modify techniques." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.012903225806451613, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIf grouping front-end code helps reduce requests, why aren't more websites written on one html document?", "\n\nI guess what I'm asking is that if grouping JavaScript is considered good practice, why don't more websites place the JavaScript and CSS directly into one HTML document?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen you have a lot of code in a single document, it's harder to work with the code because you need more time to find the necessary string to change.", "\nThat is why it's good practice to divide code into separate files, with each of them solving its own special task, and then include them in code where it's necessary.", "\nHowever, you can a write script which will join your files from the development version, which has many files, to a release version, which has fewer files, but this brings two problems:\n\nPeople are often lazy to do additional coding to create this script and then change it when the structure of your project becomes more complex.", "\nIf you find a bug or add a small feature, you will need to rebuild your project again both in developed and release versions.", "\n\nA:\n\nwhy don't more websites place the JavaScript and CSS directly into one HTML document\n\nIndividual file caching.", "\n\nExternal files have the advantage of being cached. ", "Since scripts and styles rarely change (static) and/or are shared between pages, it's better to just separate them from the page making the page lighter.", "\nInstead of downloading 500kb of page data with embedded JS and CSS, why not load 5kb of the page, and load from the cache the 495kb worth of JS and CSS - saves you 495kb of bandwidth and avoids an additional 2 HTTP requests.", "\n\nAlthough you could embed JS and CSS into the page, the page will most likely be dynamic. ", "This will make the page load a new copy all the time, making each request very heavy.", "\n\nModular code\n\nImagine a WordPress site. ", "They are built using a tom of widgets made by different developers around the world. ", "Handling that many code stuffed in one page is possible, but unimaginable.", "\n\nif some code just short circuited or just didn't work on your site, it's easier to take out that code linking the external file, rather than scouring the page for the related code and possibly accidentally remove code from another widget.", "\n\nSeparation of concerns\n\nIt's also best practice to separate HTML from CSS and JS. ", "That way, it's not spaghetti you are dealing with.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0.008888888888888889, 0.02197802197802198, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n187 F.Supp.2d 1372 (2001)\nStanley C. CORNEAL and Max McClintic, Plaintiffs,\nv.\nCF HOSTING, INC., ", "a Georgia Corporation, Kevin Lewis and Ann Lewis, Individually, and as officers and/or directors of CF Hosting, Inc., Harry Hedgepath and Christopher Donald, Individually, and as former officers and directors of Fusion FX, Inc., a dissolved Florida Corporation, Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "01-10022-CIV.", "\nUnited States District Court, S.D. Florida.", "\nOctober 17, 2001.", "\nSeth D. Corneal, Horan, Horan & Wallace, LLP, Key West, FL, for plaintiffs.", "\nMichael S. Lattier, The Andersen Firm, Key West, FL, for defendants.", "\n*1373 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANTS CF HOSTING, INC., ", "KEVIN LEWIS, AND ANN LEWIS' MOTION TO DISMISS\nHIGHSMITH, District Judge.", "\nTHIS CAUSE is before the Court upon Defendants CF Hosting, Inc., Kevin Lewis, and Ann Lewis' joint motion to dismiss. ", "For the reasons that follow, the motion is granted in its entirety.", "\n\nI. Introduction\nPlaintiffs Stanley Corneal and Max McClintic are Florida residents. ", "Defendant CF Hosting, Inc. (\"CFH\") is a Georgia Corporation, and co-defendants Kevin and Ann Lewis are Georgia residents (collectively \"the Georgia defendants\"). ", "Plaintiffs have filed a multi-count complaint against the Georgia defendants and two other individuals.[1] The complaint essentially seeks damages flowing from a stock purchase and subsequent loan made by plaintiffs to a now dissolved Florida corporation. ", "Plaintiffs brought this action in state court. ", "The Georgia defendants subsequently removed the case to federal court on the basis of diversity jurisdiction. ", "The Georgia defendants have jointly moved to dismiss plaintiffs' complaint pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(2).", "\n\nII. ", "Standards of Review\nWhen considering a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction, a court must accept the facts alleged in plaintiff's complaint as true, to the extent that they are not contradicted by defendant's affidavits. ", "See, Morris v. SSE, Inc., 843 F.2d 489, 492 (11th Cir.1988); Venetian Salami Co. v. J.S. Parthenais, 554 So.2d 499, 502 (Fla.1989). ", "Once the plaintiff pleads sufficient material facts to form a basis for personal jurisdiction, the burden shifts to the defendant to challenge the plaintiff's allegations by affidavits or other pleadings. ", "See, Future Technology Today, Inc. v. OSF Healthcare Systems, 218 F.3d 1247, 1249 (11th Cir.2000); Venetian Salami Co., 554 So.2d at 502. ", "When the nonresident defendant meets this burden, the plaintiff must substantiate the jurisdictional allegations in its complaint by affidavits or other competent proof, and may not merely rely upon the factual allegations set forth in the complaint. ", "See, Future Technology Today, Inc., 218 F.3d at 1249; Venetian Salami Co., 554 So.2d at 502.", "\n\nBackground\nFor purposes of this motion to dismiss, the Court accepts the following facts as true, as gleaned from plaintiffs' complaint.[2] Plaintiffs are both residents of Florida. ", "CFH is a Georgia corporation with its principal place of business located in Georgia. ", "Kevin and Ann Lewis are residents of the State of Georgia. ", "Ann Lewis is CFH's President and Kevin Lewis is CFH's Chief Operating Officer.", "\nAn entity known as Fusion FX, Inc. (\"Fusion\") was incorporated in Florida in October 1998. ", "Defendants Harry Hedgepath and Christopher Donald were officers of Fusion. ", "On the same month of Fusion's incorporation, plaintiffs entered into a \"Stock Purchase and Redemption Agreement\" (\"the agreement\") with Fusion, Hedgepath, and Donald. ", "The parties drafted and executed the agreement in Monroe County, Florida. ", "Pursuant to the agreement, plaintiffs paid $50,000 to Fusion *1374 in exchange for a ten percent interest in the corporation. ", "The agreement gave plaintiffs the right to tender their stock back to Fusion after two years for $75,000. ", "Hedgepath and Donald personally guaranteed the redemption amount. ", "The agreement also stated that it was \"binding upon the parties hereto, [and] the successors and assigns of the corporation\" and that it \"shall be construed in accordance with the laws of [Florida].\" ", "Plaintiffs never received any Fusion stock certificates notwithstanding plaintiffs' repeated attempts to obtain them from Hedgepath and Donald.", "\nIn January 1999, plaintiff Corneal entered into an agreement with Fusion to loan it $6,000 payable within six months. ", "The loan agreement provided that repayment was guaranteed with Fusion stock owned by Donald. ", "Ultimately, neither Fusion nor Donald paid off the loan.", "\nFusion dissolved in September 1999. ", "In May 2000, Hedgepath and Donald relocated to Georgia. ", "By letter dated November 2, 2000, plaintiffs unsuccessfully sought to tender their never-issued stock back to Fusion for $75,000 and demanded repayment of the $6,000 loan. ", "Thereafter, plaintiffs commenced this action asserting claims sounding in breach of contract, conversion, and fraud.", "\nThe thrust of plaintiffs' complaint is the defendants created CFH to conduct business as Fusion, thereby permitting Fusion, Hedgepath, and Donald to avoid payment of its many outstanding liabilities, including those owed to plaintiffs. ", "To achieve this goal, plaintiffs' complaint alleges that all of Fusion's assets were transferred to CFH, leaving Fusion judgment-proof. ", "Plaintiffs have attached the agreement and the loan agreement to their complaint. ", "The Georgia defendants have filed a joint motion to dismiss the complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(2). ", "The parties have briefed the motions and they are ripe for adjudication.", "\n\nIII. ", "Analysis\nThe Georgia defendants argue that the Court must dismiss plaintiffs' complaint because the plaintiffs have not plead sufficient material facts to support the Court's exercise of personal jurisdiction over them. ", "The Georgia defendants further argue that Fusion cannot meet the requirements of either Florida's long-arm statute or the minimum contacts test of the Due Process Clause.", "\n\nKevin and Ann Lewis\nPlaintiffs have not plead sufficient material facts to provide a basis for the Court to exercise personal jurisdiction over Kevin and Ann Lewis. ", "See, Future Technology Today, Inc. v. OSF Healthcare Systems, 218 F.3d 1247, 1249 (11th Cir. ", "2000); Venetian Salami Co., 554 So.2d 499, 502 (Fla.1989). ", "With regard to Ann Lewis, plaintiffs' complaint utterly fails to allege any jurisdictional facts which would make her amenable to suit in Florida. ", "Similarly, the Court cannot exercise personal jurisdiction over Kevin Lewis because the only jurisdictional fact alleged in plaintiffs' complaint is a single e-mail sent by Kevin Lewis to plaintiffs. ", "Accordingly, Kevin and Ann Lewis' motion to dismiss is granted.", "\nEven assuming the Court determined that plaintiffs satisfied their initial burden of pleading sufficient material facts to form a basis for jurisdiction, Kevin and Ann Lewis each submitted affidavits sufficiently challenging any potential jurisdictional allegation. ", "Ann Lewis' affidavit states that she is a Georgia resident and does not own any property in Florida or own any interest in any business in Florida. ", "Moreover, Ann Lewis' affidavit states that she has had no dealings with plaintiffs and that she has never been an officer, *1375 director, or shareholder of Fusion. ", "Similarly, Kevin Lewis' affidavit states that he is a Georgia resident and does not own any property in Florida or own any interest in any business in Florida. ", "Kevin Lewis' affidavit also states that his only contact with plaintiffs was two or three phone calls and a single e-mail. ", "Thus, Kevin and Ann Lewis have met their burden of challenging any basis for asserting personal jurisdiction over them. ", "Plaintiffs' response is limited to reiterating the facts asserted in their complaint. ", "Accordingly, even if the Court determined that plaintiffs satisfied their initial burden, plaintiffs failed to adequately rebut the Georgia defendants' submissions.", "\n\nCFH\nInitially, the Court notes that plaintiffs' complaint does not refer to the applicable provision(s) of Florida's long-arm statute or expressly mention any basis for asserting personal jurisdiction over CFH. ", "Given the factual allegations in the complaint, however, an argument could be made that CFH is subject to personal jurisdiction in Florida based on the provision in the agreement stating that it was binding upon \"the successors and assigns of the corporation.\" ", "Plaintiffs' submissions in opposition to the motion to dismiss appear to embrace such a theory, albeit in conclusory fashion. ", "In any event, the poorly-developed jurisdictional allegations attempt to (1) impose successor liability upon CFH and (2) use that successorship status as a basis for jurisdictional purposes. ", "Thus, plaintiffs' jurisdictional argument appears to be premised upon the following theory: Fusion was subject to jurisdiction in Florida; therefore, CFH is subject to jurisdiction in Florida because it is Fusion's successor. ", "Plaintiffs' jurisdictional argument is predicated entirely upon the successorship status of CFH.", "\nPlaintiffs' jurisdictional allegations are not sufficient to form a basis of personal jurisdiction over CFH because they have not substantiated their allegation that CFH is a \"successor\" of Fusion. ", "The term successor \"is generally applicable to corporations wherein one corporation by a process of amalgamation, consolidation or duly authorized legal succession becomes vested in the rights and assumes the burdens of its predecessor corporation.\" ", "Int'l Ass'n of Machinists v. Shawnee Indus., ", "224 F.Supp. ", "347, 352 (W.D.Okla.1963); Black's Law Dictionary 1446 (7th ed.1999).", "\nIn this case, plaintiffs fail to allege that CFH has become vested in the rights of Fusion or that it assumed any of Fusion's liabilities. ", "The complaint simply alleges that Donald and Hedgepath fraudulently transferred some of Fusion's assets to CFH.", "\nEven assuming that CFH is somehow Fusion's successor, such an assumption would not appear to provide the Court with power to exercise jurisdiction. ", "Simply put, the plaintiffs' theory would require the Court to assert personal jurisdiction over CFH based only on its status as Fusion's successor without any other contact with Florida. ", "An assertion of jurisdiction in such circumstances would not appear to satisfy the minimum contacts standard.[3]See, Inter-Americas Ins. ", "Corp. v. Xycor Sys., ", "Inc., 757 F.Supp. ", "1213 (D.Kan.1991) holding that, in similar circumstances, such an assertion of jurisdiction *1376 was not constitutional because the contacts were \"too attenuated;\" see also, Phillip I. Blumberg, The Continuity of the Enterprise Doctrine: Corporate Successorship in United States Law, 10 Fla. J. Int'l L. 365, 406-411 (1996) (discussing different theories of successorship liability and whether assertion of jurisdiction on the basis of that status is constitutional).[4]\n\nIV. ", "Conclusion\nPlaintiffs' complaint fails to plead sufficient material facts to form a basis for personal jurisdiction over Kevin and Ann Lewis. ", "Similarly, plaintiffs have not established that CFH is Fusion's successor and, therefore, have failed to plead sufficient material facts to form a basis for personal jurisdiction over CFH. ", "Accordingly, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that defendants CF Hosting, Inc., Kevin Lewis, and Ann Lewis' joint motion to dismiss is GRANTED and said defendants are dismissed from this action without prejudice.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Harry Hedgepath and Christopher Donald are the other individual defendants. ", "Neither individual joined in the motion to dismiss.", "\n[2] The following facts are derived from plaintiffs' complaint. ", "Additionally, the Court relies on affidavits and correspondence submitted by the Georgia defendants in support of their motions to dismiss based on lack of personal jurisdiction.", "\n[3] In support of the motion to dismiss, Ann Lewis submitted an affidavit stating that CFH is a Georgia-internet corporation and that it (1) does not sell any products or conduct any business in Florida; (2) has no offices or employees in Florida; (3) does not advertise in Florida; and (4) has no registered agent for service of process in Florida. ", "In reply, plaintiffs do not dispute that CFH is its own legal entity located in Georgia and that it has no contacts with Florida.", "\n[4] To the extent the complaint asserts causes of action sounding in conversion and fraud, plaintiffs have not plead sufficient material facts to form a basis for the Court to exercise personal jurisdiction directly over CFH for those claims.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUpdating an excel worksheet from another sheet, depending on a value\n\nI am trying to create an If Statement that lets me send an number and a value to another workbook deepening on a value in a 3rd cell (weather the cell is is True or False\"). ", "The code that I want to run if the statement is True is below. ", "I have tested this code, and it works, I just want it to happen if the third cell in the row is True. ", "It then needs to carry the information from the number and value rows where the value is true into the function below.", "\n Dim itemName As String\n Dim itemPrice As String\n Dim myData As Workbook\n\n Worksheets(\"Sheet1\").Select\n InvoiceNumber = Range(\"A2\")\n qty = Range(\"B2\")\n updated = Range(\"C2\")\n\n Set myData = Workbooks.", "Open(\"HD:Users:user:Desktop:Inventory.xlsm\")\n Worksheets(\"Orders\").Select\n Worksheets(\"Orders\").Range(\"a15\").Select\n RowCount = Worksheets(\"Orders\").Range(\"a15\").CurrentRegion.", "Rows.", "Count\n With Worksheets(\"Orders\").Range(\"a15\")\n .Offset(RowCount, 0) = InvoiceNumber\n .Offset(RowCount, 1) = qty\n .Offset(RowCount, 2) = updated\n\n End With \n\nA:\n\nYour code looks like it could use another loop to go through a series of rows but I suppose that it may be a case where only a single operation is required.", "\nDim itemName As String\nDim itemPrice As String\nDim myData As Workbook\nDim sInvoiceNumber As String, dQty As Double, bUpdated As Boolean, iRowCount As Long\n\nWith Worksheets(\"Sheet1\")\n sInvoiceNumber = .Range(\"A2\").Value\n dQty = .Range(\"B2\").Value\n bUpdated = CBool(.Range(\"C2\").Value)\n\n If bUpdated Then\n Set myData = Workbooks.", "Open(\"HD:Users:user:Desktop:Inventory.xlsm\")\n With myData.", "Worksheets(\"Orders\").Range(\"a15\")\n iRowCount = .CurrentRegion.", "Rows.", "Count\n .Offset(iRowCount, 0) = sInvoiceNumber\n .Offset(iRowCount, 1) = dQty\n .Offset(iRowCount, 2) = bUpdated\n End With\n myData.", "Close True '<-save and close the workbook\n .Range(\"C2\") = Not bUpdated '<- reset the updated field\n End If\n\nEnd With\n\nRather than loop through the rows, a bulk transfer operation can be used by filtering the data.", "\nDim itemName As String\nDim itemPrice As String\nDim myData As Workbook\nDim iRowCount As Long\n\nWith Worksheets(\"Sheet1\")\n If .AutoFilterMode Then AutoFilterMode = False\n With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion\n .AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=\"TRUE\"\n With .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.", "Count - 1, 3)\n If CBool(Application.", "Subtotal(103, .Columns(1))) Then\n Set myData = Workbooks.", "Open(\"HD:Users:user:Desktop:Inventory.xlsm\")\n .Cells.", "Copy Destination:=myData.", "Sheets(\"Orders\").Cells(Rows.", "Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)\n myData.", "Close True '<-save and close the workbook\n .Columns(3).Cells = False\n End If\n End With\n .AutoFilter Field:=3\n End With\n If .AutoFilterMode Then AutoFilterMode = False\nEnd With\n\nThat filters on a worksheet cell value of TRUE in column C.\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0.011527377521613832, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0.006779661016949152, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0.0035211267605633804 ]
[ "Health Status Alert System\n\nThe Health Status Alert System (HSAS) uses three basic colors to alert the public to the current health status in participating counties.", "\n\nInformation is county specific and will be individually determined by the Health Department Administrator or responsible party for each participating county.", "\n\n(See the map below for a list of participating counties.)", "\n\nCode Green means there are no immediate, serious health threats to the public. ", "The message that follows will be for your information only.", "\n\nCode Green may be used to give the times and dates for flu shot clinics. ", "It may also be used to give information on safe swimming or how to protect yourself from impending hot or cold weather.", "\n\nCode Green messages may appear regularly in your local newspaper.", "\n\nCode Yellow is a Health Caution. ", "Your attention will be needed as a specific message will follow and may affect you or your family.", "\n\nCode Yellow messages may include food recalls, severe weather information, or information following a disaster like a tornado. ", "Code Yellow may also be used for a localized event, like a rabid animal in a specific neighborhood.", "\n\nCode Yellow messages will likely be seen or heard on local television or radio stations.", "\n\nCode Red is a Health Alert and will require your attention. ", "A specific message will follow and will likely require you to take quick action.", "\n\nCode Red messages will be reserved for serious health threats like a major disease outbreak or a bioterrorist attack.", "\n\nCode Red messages will likely be seen or heard on local television or radio stations." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\n*Escherichia coli* is a leading cause of intra-abdominal, urinary tract, and bloodstream infections encountered in routine clinical practice \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "It is a recognized pathogen for causing both community acquired and nosocomially acquired infections \\[[@CR1], [@CR2]\\]. ", "Over the past two decades, antibiotic-resistant strains that produce extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) have emerged among the Enterobacteriaceae, predominantly in *E. coli* and *Klebsiella pneumoniae* \\[[@CR2]--[@CR4]\\]. ", "ESBLs are a group of hydrolyzing enzymes that provide resistance to third generation cephalosporins and aztreonam, but can in turn be hydrolyzed by clavulanic acid \\[[@CR5]\\]. ", "Several epidemiological studies have investigated the prevalence of ESBLs and their clinical impact \\[[@CR2], [@CR3], [@CR6]\\]. ", "There is considerable geographic variability in the prevalence of ESBLs with the prevalence being highest in from Latin America and Asia Pacific region followed by Europe and North America \\[[@CR4]\\]. ", "In a recently conducted meta-analysis from Pakistan, the pooled prevalence of ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae was reported to be 40% \\[[@CR7]\\]. ", "This is similar to proportions reported from neighbouring countries of China \\[[@CR8]\\] and India \\[[@CR9]\\] and considerably higher than US and developed countries from Europe \\[[@CR5]\\]. ", "Hence, Pakistan is a country with high endemicity of community acquired ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae with major public health implications \\[[@CR10], [@CR11]\\].", "\n\nSince ESBL-producing organisms are frequently resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents therapeutic options for these infections are severely limited \\[[@CR12]\\]. ", "Moreover infections caused by ESBL producing organisms have been associated with high morbidity and mortality \\[[@CR13]\\]. ", "Studies have shown high Pitt bacteremia score and Charlson co-morbidity index to be predictive of death in patients with sepsis secondary to ESBL producing organisms \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "Bacteremia with ESBL producing organisms has been associated with a delay in the initiation of appropriate treatment regimens and leads to an increase in the hospital length of stay and cost of overall treatment \\[[@CR14], [@CR15]\\]. ", "Carbapenems have been considered as drugs of choice for treating severe infections caused by ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae as they are not affected by ESBLs in vitro and clinical efficacy has been demonstrated in several observational studies as well as clinical trials \\[[@CR5], [@CR16], [@CR17]\\]. ", "A large multi-country open label non-inferiority randomized controlled (MERINO) trial which compared piperacillin tazobactam with meropenem as definitive treatment for Ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* or *K. pneumoniae* bloodstream infection found significantly higher long term mortality in patients randomized to piperacillin tazobactam arm \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "However, prolonged use of carbapenems places the community at risk of development of carbapenem resistance due to antibiotic selection pressure \\[[@CR18]\\]. ", "Thus it is imperative to find alternatives for treatment. ", "Beta lactam/beta lactam inhibitor combinations (BL/BLI) have been widely studied both as empiric and definitive choice of antibiotics and while some studies have reported no difference in clinical outcomes with use of BL/BLI combination compared to carbapenem \\[[@CR19]\\]; pooled data from meta-analysis have recommended their use for only clinically stable patients with urinary tract infections as the source \\[[@CR17]\\].", "\n\nExisting studies from Pakistan have shown that ESBL producing strains of Enterobacteriaceae show greater than 90 percent susceptibility for BL/BLI and hence may be an effective alternative \\[[@CR10], [@CR11]\\]. ", "Carbapenem use has severe cost constraints in a low middle country like Pakistan and is reserved for very severe infections. ", "Despite the high endemicity of ESBL producing organisms, data on risk factors for mortality and the optimal choice of antibiotic therapy is lacking. ", "Our study aims to determine the risk factors for in-hospital mortality in patients with ESBL *E. coli* bacteremia using ceftriaxone resistance as a marker of ESBL presence; with emphasis on difference in outcome when patients were treated with a carbapenem compared to beta lactam/beta lactam inhibitor combination at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan.", "\n\nMain text {#Sec2}\n=========\n\nMethods {#Sec3}\n-------\n\nA retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Aga Khan University (AKU) Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan on patients admitted between January 2015 to December 2017. ", "All adult patients with age greater than or equal to 18 years admitted with sepsis (based on established criteria) \\[[@CR20]\\] and found to have monomicrobial ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremia were included in the study. ", "Patients were identified from the hospital information management system.", "\n\nData collected from medical records for all patients included age, sex, nosocomial or community-onset acquisition, type and severity of underlying conditions using the Charlson comorbidity index, source of bloodstream infection (BSI) according to clinical and microbiological data, Pitt bacteremia score, antimicrobial therapy, in-hospital mortality, and length of stay after BSI. ", "The outcome measure was 'In-hospital mortality' and was defined as death due to all causes during same hospitalization. ", "Antimicrobial therapy administered before susceptibility results were available was considered empirical and therapy administered afterwards was considered definitive.", "\n\nFrequency and percentages were used to describe categorical variables and comparison between variables was determined using Chi square test or Fischer exact test where appropriate. ", "p-value of \\< 0.05 was considered significant. ", "Univariable analyses were performed to examine the effect of each variable on the in-hospital mortality. ", "In univariable analysis; p-value \\< 0.15 was used as the level of significance in order not to exclude important variables from the model. ", "Odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using logistic regression, with in-hospital mortality as an outcome.", " Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0.", "\n\nThis study was conducted after receiving exemption from ethical approval from Aga Khan University Ethical Review Committee (2734-MED-ERC-13).", "\n\nResults {#Sec4}\n-------\n\nOut of a total of the 295 patients that were included, 47% were males while 53% were females. ", "The mean age of the patients was 57.71 years (SD: 17.16): Of the patients who died, the mean age was 55.3 years (SD: 17.9) years compared to 60.1 (SD: 16.5) years for those who survived (p-value: 0.046). ", "The overall in-hospital mortality in patients with Ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremia was 21%. ", "The mean length of stay was 11.3 days (SD: 12.5) in those who died compared to 6.8 days (SD: 5.68) in those who survived (p-value \\< 0.001) (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 1Comparison of demographics and clinical features of patients with ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremia who died compared to those who survivedPatient characteristicsDied (n = 62)Recovered (n = 235)p-valueAge (mean ± SD)55.28 ± 17.8760.14 ± 16.460.046Gender Male341060.172 Female28129Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), mean (SD)2.98 (2.12)1.93 (1.73)\\< 0.001Pitt bacteremia score, median (IQR)3 (4)1 (2)\\< 0.001Site of infection Intra-abdominal2444\\< 0.001 UTI24171 CLABSI44 Gut translocation45 Source unclear611Empirical antibiotics^a^0.012 Carbapenem2033 BL/BLI31121Definitive antibiotics^b^ Carbapenem361380.152 BL/BLI1277Length of stay (mean ± SD)11.27 ± 12.466.82 ± 5.68\\< 0.001^a^Empirical group includes only those patients who had been given either a carbapenem or BL/BLI combination treatment empirically^b^Definitive group includes only those patients who had been given either a carbapenem or BL/BLI combination treatment as definitive treatment\n\nIn the univariate analysis to determine association between choice of empirical treatment and mortality; out of 60 patients who died, n = 20 had received a carbapenem and n = 31 had received a BL/BLI combination therapy. ", "Mortality rate was 37% in those treated with carbapenem compared to 20% in patients empirically treated with BL/BLI combination therapy (p-value: 0.012). ", "For definitive treatment; n = 36 received a carbapenem whereas n = 21 received BL/BLI combination therapy among those who died. ", "Mortality rate was 21% in those treated with a carbapenem compared to 13% in patients definitively treated with BL/BLI combination therapy (p-value: 0.152). ", "Other variables found to be significantly associated with mortality included increasing mean Charlson comorbidity index and increasing Pitt bacteremia score (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nHowever, in multivariable logistic regression analysis; a Pitt bacteremia score of greater than or equal to 4 was significantly associated with mortality (OR: 16.8 CI 7.47--38.0) while presence of urinary tract infection being the source of bacteremia was protective (OR: 0.33 (CI 0.15--0.73)) after adjusting for confounding from Charlson comorbidity index of greater than or equal to 3 (Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Neither the empirical nor definitive antibiotic therapy with carbapenem versus BL/BLI combination therapy was significantly associated with in-hospital mortality.", "Table 2Multivariable analysis showing factors associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with Ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremiaVariablesaOdd ratio (95% CI)*p*-valuePitt bacteremia score \\< 4 (Ref)1.0\\< 0.001 ≥ 416.85 (7.47--38.0)Source of infection Intra-abdominal (Ref)1.00.002 Urinary tract infection0.33 (0.15--0.73)0.006 CLABSI3.03 (0.62--14.66)0.16 Gut translocation2.97 (0.50--17.43)0.22 Source unclear1.07 (0.28--4.03)0.91Charlson comorbidity index score \\< 3 (Ref)1.00.055 ≥ 31.98 (0.98--3.97)\n\nDiscussion {#Sec5}\n----------\n\nEmpiric and definitive choice of antimicrobial therapy for ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae has been subject of debate since a long time because of the implications of using carbapenem for ESBL infections which while effective has the potential for promoting carbapenem resistance \\[[@CR18]\\]. ", "Our study did not show an association of mortality with use of either a carbapenem or a BL/BLI combination treatment in ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremia whether it was used empirically or definitively. ", "These findings are similar to a post hoc analysis of prospective cohort conducted by Rodriguez-Bano et al. ", "\\[[@CR19]\\] where neither carbapenem nor BL/BLI combination influenced mortality or hospital length of stay. ", "However, the recently conducted multi-country open label non-inferiority randomized controlled (MERINO) trial which compared piperacillin tazobactam with meropenem as definitive treatment for Ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* or *K. pneumoniae* bloodstream infection found significantly higher long term mortality in patients randomized to piperacillin tazobactam arm and concluded that piperacillin tazobactam was not non-inferior (risk difference: 8.6%; p = 0.90). ", "The authors therefore recommended avoiding use of this combination for Ceftriaxone resistant bloodstream infections \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "However, the trial had several limitations owing to its pragmatic design with crossover in both arms and that the cause of 30-day mortality was unrelated to infection. ", "Despite the criticism, the results were quite robust for the conclusion \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "Given the conclusion of this trial, the concern for increased carbapenem resistance with increasing use has left many experts to consider piperacillin tazobactam for less severe infections with ESBL producing enterobacteriaceae \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "Despite this, similar to the MERINO trial, our study showed that the short-term outcomes (i.e. inpatient mortality) is similar for both carbapenems and BL/BLI combinations in ceftriaxone resistant Enterobacteriaceae. ", "Our study was however not designed to look at the long term effects between the two regimens, including the outcomes post discharge. ", "As for other comparisons between both antibiotics as empirical therapy, there has been a systematic review and meta-analysis of non-randomized studies which concluded that carbapenems should be given preference as drug of choice in patients with ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae bloodstream infections \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "However, there was substantial clinical and statistical heterogeneity in the studies included in this review and a more recent review conducted by Sfeir et al. ", "\\[[@CR22]\\] in 2018 have not found any difference in 30-day mortality with use of either carbapenem or BL/BLI combination. ", "Comparison studies for appropriate choice of antibiotic for ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia are lacking from South Asian region which differs from the west in terms of geographical and economic diversity. ", "A resource poor country like ours where carbapenem use has severe cost implications and is considered to be one of the last resort antibiotics, it is imperative to determine which antibiotic is better and we recommend future randomized controlled trials in this region based on our results.", "\n\nSeveral predictors of mortality; apart from choice of antibiotics; have been identified in various studies for ESBL Enterobacteriaceae bloodstream infections. ", "These include high Charlson comorbidity index, high Pitt bacteremia scores and source of bloodstream infection other than urinary tract \\[[@CR13], [@CR14], [@CR23]\\]. ", "In our study also we found significant association of Pitt bacteremia score of greater than 4 to be significantly associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremia. ", "Moreover, similar to findings of other studies, presence of urinary tract infection was favourable.", "\n\nConclusion {#Sec6}\n----------\n\nIn conclusion, our study shows that there was no difference in in-hospital mortality in patients with ceftriaxone resistant *E. coli* bacteremia in patients treated with either a carbapenem or BL/BLI combination whether empirically or definitively. ", "However, Pitt bacteremia score of greater than or equal to 4 was strongly associated with mortality while urinary tract as site of infection was protective. ", "We recommend randomized controlled trials for further delineating choice of appropriate antibiotic in our resource poor region.", "\n\nLimitations {#Sec7}\n===========\n\nThere are several limitations of our study. ", "Firstly, we have used Ceftriaxone resistance as a marker of ESBL presence and we do not have genotypic and MIC data for our isolates. ", "However, the study is intended to guide in real life scenarios encountered in clinical practice in our setting where molecular studies are not widely available. ", "Moreover, large pragmatic trial has also utilized ceftriaxone resistance as surrogate marker for better feasibility \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "Secondly, our study is a single center study and hence the generalizability may be limited to our region. ", "Similarly, the lack of difference in mortality, especially between the two treatment regimens, may have been due to the small sample size.", "\n\nESBL\n\n: extended spectrum β-lactamases\n\nBL/BLI\n\n: beta lactam/beta lactamase combination\n\nBSI\n\n: bloodstream infection\n\nERC\n\n: Ethical Review Committee\n\n**Publisher\\'s Note**\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nNN: conceived idea, supervised data collection, major contributor of manuscript. ", "SA: data collection and contribution in writing manuscript. ", "SR: data collection and contributed to manuscript. ", "SAW: data analysis and reviewed manuscript. ", "FM: conceived idea, reviewed manuscript, provided expert opinion and supervised the study. ", "All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nNone.", "\n\nAll data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article.", "\n\nEthical exemption was obtained from the Aga Khan University's Ethics Review Committee with Reference number: (2734-MED-ERC-13).", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
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[ "Klopp questioned how cheaply we sold Raheem Sterling, who left the club in 2015 after a protracted transfer saga involving his odious agent Aidy Ward.", "\n\n“What was the number for Sterling? ", "£80million? ", "Only £49m!” ", "Klopp told the Liverpool Echo.", "\n\nWhen we sold Sterling, most fans were delighted to pick up such a hefty fee, and his form during his first season under Manuel Pellegrini seemingly proved them right.", "\n\nThis summer though Pep Guardiola took charge at Manchester City and is immediately getting the best out of the England international. ", "Sterling’s been one of the best players in the Premier League, and at 21, he’s going to around for a very long time.", "\n\nWhat’s more, £49m in today’s terms doesn’t sound as big as it did just over a year ago. ", "This summer just gone some pretty average players went for fees above £25m.\n\nStill, what’s done is done, and it’s not like Klopp doesn’t have his own set of brilliant players to manage." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.02, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.005405405405405406 ]
[ "Photoisomerization acceleration in retinal protonated Schiff-base models.", "\nThe results of new and recently reported CASSCF/6-31G* photoisomerization path computations of a series of models of the 11-cis retinal chromophore of the visual pigment rhodopsin are discussed. ", "The results indicate that, with respect to the chromophore in vacuo, certain structural, intramolecular and environmental factors are capable of speeding up the excited-state decay associated with the cis --> trans isomerization motion. ", "Using suitable protonated Schiff-base models, it is shown that three structural factors can potentially speed up the isomerization: (i) reducing the length of the conjugated chain, (ii) twisting of the hydrocarbon end of the conjugated chain with respect to the protonated Schiff-base end and (iii) ring locking of the conjugated chain with an eight-membered ring. ", "All these factors operate through increasing the slope of the excited-state energy surface and enhancing the coupling between stretching and torsional modes. ", "We argue that the protein catalysis seen in rhodopsin may, at least partly, exploit the same principles." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.005479452054794521, 0, 0 ]
[ "/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\n * OpenSim: ValueArray.h *\n * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\n * The OpenSim API is a toolkit for musculoskeletal modeling and simulation. ", " *\n * See http://opensim.stanford.edu and the NOTICE file for more information. ", " *\n * OpenSim is developed at Stanford University and supported by the US *\n * National Institutes of Health (U54 GM072970, R24 HD065690) and by DARPA *\n * through the Warrior Web program. ", " *\n * *\n * Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Stanford University and the Authors *\n * Authors: *\n * *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may *\n * not use this file except in compliance with the License. ", "You may obtain a *\n * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ", " *\n * *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, *\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ", " *\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *\n * limitations under the License. ", " *\n * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n#ifndef OPENSIM_VALUE_ARRAY_H_\n#define OPENSIM_VALUE_ARRAY_H_\n\n#include <vector>\n\n// Non-standard headers.", "\n//#include \"SimTKcommon.h\"\n#include \"SimTKcommon/internal/Value.h\"\n#include \"OpenSim/Common/Exception.h\"\n\nnamespace OpenSim {\n\n/** ValueArray (of type T) represents an array of SimTK::Value (of type T). ", "\nAbstractValueArray is the base class of all ValueArray thereby hiding the type\nof the underlying array (which is T). ", " */\nclass AbstractValueArray {\npublic:\n using AbstractValue = SimTK::AbstractValue;\n\n AbstractValueArray() = default;\n AbstractValueArray(const AbstractValueArray&) = default;\n AbstractValueArray(AbstractValueArray&&) = default;\n AbstractValueArray& operator=(const AbstractValueArray&) = default;\n AbstractValueArray& operator=(AbstractValueArray&&) = default;\n virtual ~AbstractValueArray() = default;\n\n virtual AbstractValueArray* clone() const = 0;\n\n /** Get the size of the array. ", " */\n virtual size_t size() const = 0;\n\n /** Access an element of the array using its index. ", " */\n virtual AbstractValue& operator[](size_t index) = 0;\n\n /** Access an element of the array using its index. ", " */\n virtual const AbstractValue& operator[](size_t index) const = 0;\n\n /** Get value corresponding to the given index as string. ", " */\n virtual std::string toString(const size_t index) const = 0;\n};\n\n\ntemplate<typename T>\nclass ValueArray : public AbstractValueArray {\npublic:\n template<typename U>\n using Value = SimTK::Value<U>;\n\n ValueArray* clone() const override {\n return new ValueArray{*this};\n }\n\n /** Get the size of the array. ", " */\n size_t size() const override {\n return _values.size();\n }\n\n /** Access an element of the array using its index. ", " \n\n \\throws IndexOutOfRange If index is out of range. ", " */\n Value<T>& operator[](size_t index) override {\n OPENSIM_THROW_IF(isIndexOutOfRange(index), \n IndexOutOfRange, index, 0, _values.size() - 1);\n return _values.at(index);\n } \n\n /** Access an element of the array using its index. ", " \n\n \\throws IndexOutOfRange If index is out of range. ", " */\n const Value<T>& operator[](size_t index) const override {\n OPENSIM_THROW_IF(isIndexOutOfRange(index), \n IndexOutOfRange, index, 0, _values.size() - 1);\n return _values.at(index);\n }\n\n /** Get the underlying array. ", " */\n const std::vector<Value<T>>& get() const {\n return _values;\n }\n\n /** Get the underlying array. ", " */\n std::vector<Value<T>>& upd() {\n return _values;\n }\n\n /** Get the value corresponding to the given index as string. ", " \n \n \\throws IndexOutOfRange If indes is out of range. ", " */\n std::string toString(const size_t index) const override {\n OPENSIM_THROW_IF(isIndexOutOfRange(index), \n IndexOutOfRange, index, 0, _values.size() - 1);\n\n return toString_impl(_values.at(index).get());\n }\n\nprivate:\n bool isIndexOutOfRange(size_t index) const {\n return index >= _values.size();\n }\n\n template<typename Type,\n typename = decltype(std::declval<std::ostream&>() <<\n std::declval<Type>())>\n std::string toString_impl(const Type& value) const {\n std::ostringstream stream{};\n stream << value;\n return stream.str();\n }\n template<typename... Types>\n std::string toString_impl(Types...) const {\n return \"<cannot-convert-to-string>\";\n }\n\n std::vector<Value<T>> _values;\n};\n\n}\n\n#endif // OPENSIM_VALUE_ARRAY_H_\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to disable bootstrap date picker from javascript\n\nI want to disable bootstrap date picker from the javascript code. ", "I am using asp.net application.", "\n//jquery script \n$(\"#datepicker\").datepicker({\n autoclose: true,\n clearBtn: true,\n todayHighlight: true\n}).datepicker('update', new Date());\n\nvar v1 = document.getElementById('<%=txtdatepicker.", "ClientID %>');\nv1.setAttribute(\"readonly\", \"readonly\"); //this code make textbox readonly:( \n\n//ive tried this\n$(document).off('.datepicker.data-api');\n\n<div id=\"datepicker\" class=\"input-group date\" data-date-format=\"dd-MM-yyy\">\n <input class=\"form-control\" id=\"txtdatepicker\" type=\"text\" runat=\"server\" readonly=\"readonly\" />\n <span class=\"input-group-addon\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-calendar\"></i></span> \n</div>\n\nI tried the solutions give below but the calender still pops up and the date \nin the date picker text box changes.", "\n\nA:\n\ntry this:-\n$('#datepicker').datepicker({ enableOnReadonly: false });\n\nenableonreadonly\n\n" ]
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[ "Vinyl Scratch 3D Turntable By Clawed-Nyasu Watch\n\n428 Favourites 48 Comments 6K Views\n\nNEXT TIME I THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO RENDER A TURNTABLE, PUNCH ME IN THE MOUTH AND TELL ME NOT TO. ", "Gosh, you'd think I'd learn. ", "These stupid things always take a million years just to set up, and that's not even counting the EIGHT HOURS it took to render. ", "But seriously...dat texturing.", "\n\n\n\nWhat's even more amazing to me is that I barely had to do any post-posing editing. ", "The rig just posed like a dream, which is astounding after so many months of fighting with the old one.", "\n\n\n\nThis particular model will be printed with the DJ booth included, as well as some large speakers that I didn't render because they would have blocked Vinyl herself. ", "We currently have plans to offer prints of this that include mp3 player speakers built in, but it's the sort of thing that we probably won't do until someone wants it enough to commission it (sort of like how light-up toys got added to the queue once someone commissioned a light-up Luna.)", "\n\n\n\nMade in 3ds Max.", "\n\nIMAGE DETAILS Image size 1280x1024px 22.81 MB Show More" ]
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[ "Twitter bloquea la cuenta de Vox El partido de Abascal denuncia que han sido «censurados»\n\nPaloma Cervilla SEGUIR MADRID Actualizado: 22/01/2020 23:57h Guardar Enviar noticia por correo electrónico Tu nombre * Tu correo electrónico * Su correo electrónico *\n\nLa cuenta de Vox en Twitter ha sido bloqueda, según aseguran desde esta formación política, que denuncian que desde hace 24 horas no pueden tuitear. ", "El responsable de Comunicación de esta formación política, Manuel Mariscal, afirma en su cuenta personal de esta red social, que han sido «censurados».", "\n\n🚨 #URGENTE 🚨\n\n\n\nVOX lleva sin poder tuitear 24 horas.", "\n\n\n\nEl motivo no es otro que la censura.", "\n\n\n\n⬇ HILO ⬇\n\n\n\n(Mensaje final para @NathaliePicquot@TwitterEspana#TwitterResponde). ", "pic.twitter.com/Q1nejMAkzS — ManuelMariscalZabala (@MariscalZabala) January 22, 2020\n\nEl origen de esta «censura» estaría, según el propio Mariscal, en el enfrentamiento que mantuvieron en Twitter con la portavoz parlamentaria del Grupo Socialista, Adriana Lastra, a raíz de la aplicación del «pin parental».", "\n\nMariscal afirma que Lastra «insultó» a Vox «por defender que los padres tengan derecho a decidir qué educación quieren para sus hijos, calificando al partido de «retrógrado» y de fomentar el «odio». ", "Vox le respondió que con dinero público se está promoviendo «la pederastia».", "\n\nA raíz de este último mensaje, Twitter ha comunicado este martes a Vox que no podrían publicar más mensajes alegando «incitación al odio», aunque le dio la opción de borrar el tuit polémico, algo a lo que la formación se ha negado, informa Efe.", "\n\n«No lo haremos. ", "Somos un partido legalmente constituido, somos tercera fuerza política en España, representamos a más de 3,6 millones de votantes y, como nosotros, miles de ciudadanos españoles están sufriendo la censura en Twitter y en otras redes sociales. ", "Y decimos, 'Basta'», ha afirmado.", "\n\nDerecho a la libertad de expresión\n\nAdemás, según la versión de Vox, el mismo sábado, Twitter ya se puso en contacto con el partido para comunicarles que estaban recibiendo quejas sobre el tuit en cuestión, pero que no podían identificar ningún incumplimiento de las reglas de la red social.", "\n\nSin embargo, el martes acordó suspender la actividad de la cuenta del partido por «incitación al odio» o la difusión de «estereotipos de temor sobre una categoría protegida».", "\n\n«¿Por qué Twitter cambió de opinión? ¿", "Recibió presiones de algunos \"lobbies\"? ¿", "Tal vez, del propio Gobierno?», ", "se pregunta Mariscal, que ha exigido a Twitter que explique públicamente por qué impide a Vox ejercer su derecho a la libertad de expresión, recogido en la Constitución y por qué mantiene cerrada la cuenta.", "\n\n." ]
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[ "Traditionally, integrated circuit (IC) chips are packaged individually as single dies. ", "Chip are packaged one at a time after the front-end processing of a semiconductor substrate is complete and the substrate is singulated into individual dies. ", "In contrast, front-end processing steps for IC fabrication allow one to fabricate a number of chips simultaneously on a single wafer, thereby increasing throughput and cost-effectiveness. ", "Moreover, the shrinking geometries of integrated circuits present a further limitation to traditional packaging techniques. ", "The need for an increased density of conductive leads requires a reduction in connector pitch, both in packages and in printed circuit boards (PCB). ", "This scaling down of geometry approaches the limits of existing packaging technology and increases packaging costs.", "\nThe challenges of shrinking geometries have been addressed by the development of ball grid arrays (BGA). ", "BGA is an alternative packaging method that allows one to contact IC chip pads with solder balls that are later attached to printed circuit boards. ", "The use of solder balls reduces the length of the conductive legs contacting the die, thereby lowering the parasitics of the legs at higher operating frequencies and lowering energy consumption.", "\nWafer level packaging (WLP) methods also address the limitations of traditional packaging techniques. ", "WLP employs some of the processing steps used in front-end processing, such as fabrication of contacts to IC chip pads and to package many dies simultaneously. ", "WLP can include making legs on the upper surfaces of a chip, using front-end technology. ", "One can, therefore, simultaneously package all the chips on a single substrate cost-effectively. ", "However, certain WLP processes have the disadvantage of packaging bad dies as well as good dies.", "\nThree fabrication elements are needed for packaging an integrated circuit: an interconnect element between chip and package; a protective layer on the active side of the chip, such as a polyimide layer; and, in the case in which chips have pads with a low pitch, e.g. 150 μm, a redistribution of chip pads in an area array having a larger pitch, e.g. 800 μm, to allow the use of inexpensive circuit boards having larger pitches. ", "Small footprints are achieved when the package is the same size as the chip.", "\nA difficulty in wafer level processing results from the integration of materials having different thermal expansion coefficients. ", "For example, a semiconductor chip is usually fabricated from silicon, which has a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of approximately 3×10−6/K. A circuit board, on the other hand, has a much higher CTE of approximately 15-18×10−6/K. Chips and boards undergo thermal cycling during reliability testing. ", "For example, a standardized reliability test requires cycling two times an hour between −40° C. and 125° C. During such cycling, stress is induced, especially in the case of large chips. ", "The board, with its higher CTE, expands more than the chip during heating. ", "Thermal cycling can, therefore, lead to bowing of the board, excessive stresses on the chip, and, possibly, destruction of the chip and/or board.", "\nHistorically, large chips are packaged with long legs or leads (leadframe packages). ", "These long legs can absorb stress resulting from CTE mismatch. ", "However, this approach becomes problematic as pad pitches decrease, thereby also decreasing the leg pitch requirements to dimensions that are difficult to achieve.", "\nAn alternative approach, in which chips are soldered directly to the circuit board, fails to provide the necessary elasticity. ", "A solder bump for connecting a chip to a PCB can be destroyed during soldering, thermal cycling, or burn-in because of CTE mismatch and the non-compliance of the solder bump. ", "This presents a reliability risk, especially for large chips, i.e. chips having solder balls at a distance greater than 5 mm from a neutral point. ", "One solution is to provide a polymeric underfill, thereby enabling the chip to adhere to the PCB. ", "The underfill serves as a stress absorber. ", "A packaged die is soldered to the board, after which underfill is applied to the package and hardened. ", "This resulting structure reduces the stress on the legs or solder balls. ", "The underfill, however is hard and will tend to absorb stress, thereby causing the board to bend. ", "Commonly used underfill processes do not fulfill the need for short process time as well as low process cost." ]
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[ "Eusene\n\nEusene () was a town of ancient Pontus, not far from the coast, a little to the northwest of Amisus. ", "The Tabula Peutingeriana calls it Ezene. ", "The anonymous Geographer of Ravenna calls it Aezene and Ecene.", "\n\nIts site is tentatively located near Incesukahvesi in Asiatic Turkey.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Populated places in ancient Pontus\nCategory:Former populated places in Turkey\nCategory:History of Samsun Province" ]
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[ "Amis the £3k an hour professor\n\nThe annual salary is relatively modest - but it's the hourly rate offered to Martin Amis by Manchester University to be a visiting professor of creative writing which puts the novelist into the Premiership footballer league.", "\n\nHis salary has now been disclosed under Freedom of Information legislation, at £80,000 a year - or £3,000 an hour, according to disgruntled union representatives who have seen the shedding of hundreds of posts, from technicians to lecturers, as the university tries to balance its books.", "\n\nThey claim that although he may put in longer hours, the contract obliges Amis to work only 28 hours of the year: 12 90-minute postgraduate seminars, four public appearances and one session at the summer writing school.", "\n\nMost other visiting academics are paid between £20 and £50 an hour, but the university has made other celebrity signings, including a brace of Nobel prize winners, the economist Joseph Stiglitz and the scientist John Sulston.", "\n\nDave Jones, senior Unite union organiser, said: \"We understand why people like Martin Amis are being sought by the university and recruitment is a competitive business.", "\n\n\"But I think those staff who are left after the various redundancies and early retirements need to know that there will also be investment into their careers as well.\"", "\n\nApplications for the creative writing course increased by 50% when the news broke of Amis's new role." ]
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[ "Intermittent back pain, wake up with back stiffness, bruise on the lower back. ", "What could be causing this?", "\n\nI have one and off back pain especially after working long hours or lifting boxes/books. ", "I also wake up with stiffness/slight pain in my lower back occasionally. ", "My husband has noticed a bruise on my lower back over the past few weeks. ", "It is very low and is in a straight vertical line. ", "My lower back also hurts if you push on it.", "\n\nhi there, low back pain is one of the most common complain in people who work for long hours especially the onlifting heavy stuff. ", "This could be due to excessive use of back and load being heavy,or due to bad posture while you are doing your job or due to weakness due to any bone pathology. ", "I would advise you to get an MRI done for your back and also your serum calcium and vit D levels.", "If you are perimenopausal then osteoporosis is to be kept in mind. ", "If everything is fine then you could visit a physiotherapist and do some back muscle strengthening exercises.", "He will also be able to guide you as to the proper posture to be adopted while lifting heavy stuff. ", "You could take few painkillers to assauge the pain for the time being ,taking care to take them only after a meal and never on empty stomach or with alchoholic drinks. ", "Take care.", "\n\nAnswered: Fri, 21 Dec 2012\n\nI find this answer helpful\n\n1 Doctor agrees with this answer\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this answer?", "\nYesNo\n\nEdit Answer here...\n\nYou found this answer helpful\n\nDisclaimer: These answers are for your information only and not intended to replace your relationship with your treating physician.", "\n\nThis is a short, free answer.", "\nFor a more detailed, immediate answer, try our premium service [Sample answer]" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Joy of Fatherhood\n\nJoy of Fatherhood () is a 2014 German comedy film directed by Matthias Schweighöfer.", "\n\nCast \n Matthias Schweighöfer - Felix\n Isabell Polak - Maren\n Friedrich Mücke - Henne\n Tom Beck - Ralph\n - Jessie\n - Leonie\n - Tom\n - Norbert\n Katharina Schüttler - Betti\n - Sybille\n Tim Sander - Frederic Sattelmeyer\n Detlev Buck - Dr. Parisius\n - Kara\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nCategory:2010s comedy films\nCategory:German comedy films\nCategory:German films" ]
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[ "Who was the Douchebag of December?", "\n\n[Advertisement]\n\n[Advertisement}\n\nLionStar Twitter Feed\n\n[Advertisement]\n\nCopyright Info\n\nCopyright 2015 The Lion Star Blog. ", "All rights reserved. ", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without expressed permission from the author and publisher....but not Major League Baseball." ]
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[ "**Core tip:** Microbial recognition by the innate immunity is accomplished by Toll-like receptors (TLRs). ", "In spite of presence of an abundance of TLRs on the surface of the liver, gut bacteria does not elicit an inflammatory reaction in healthy individuals due to tolerance to these TLRs suggesting that the inflammatory responses seen in the liver are the result of breakdown of this tolerance. ", "The probability of acquiring infection following hepatic transplantation is heightened due to affection of the innate immunity of the host. ", "There is controversy about the association between genetic polymorphism of TLRs with the development of post-transplant infection.", "\n\nINTRODUCTION\n============\n\nHost protection against invading pathogens is dependent on the coordinated reactions of both innate and adaptive immune systems beginning with the early detection and subsequent initiation of a pro-inflammatory response against infecting organisms\\[[@B1]\\], while the adaptive immune system is responsible for pathogen removal in the later stages of infection and creation of immunological memory\\[[@B2]\\]. ", "Early microbial recognition by the innate immune system is done by use of germ-line encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) capable of identifying molecular arrangements particular to the invading microbe known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) as well as those arising from direct injury to host cells termed damage-associated molecule patterns (DAMPs)\\[[@B3],[@B4]\\].", "\n\nRecognition of PAMPs and DAMPs is carried out by a subgroup of PRRs called Toll-like receptors (TLRs) of which there are ten identified human types. ", "These receptors consist of a membrane-spanning glycoprotein and a 200 amino acid region in their highly conserved C-terminal known as the Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain**\\[[@B4]\\]**. ", "While TLR4 was the first TLR to be identified mainly for its recognition of lipopoly-saccharide (LPS) such as that present in the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria, every TLR subsequently identified has the ability to recognize specific sequences of PAMPs. ", "Furthermore, on the basis of subcellular localization, TLRs can be classified into two main groups. ", "TLRs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are receptors situated on the cell surface and are primarily responsible for recognition of bacterial PAMPs, while TLRs 3, 7, 8, 8, and 11 are intracellular receptors for detection of viral PAMPs and DNA. ", "TLR 11 also has the added ability to recognize uropathogenic bacteria**\\[[@B5]\\]**.", "\n\nJoining of the Toll-receptor with its respective ligand, by way of its leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, initiates a downstream cascade resulting in upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and signaling of interferon secretion. ", "While TLRs are primarily a part of host innate immunity, they connect the innate with the adaptive immune systems by playing a role in dendritic cell maturation, antigen presentation, and T and B-cell recruitment and activation\\[[@B6]\\], immune reactions that are important in host infection with viral agents, including hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. ", "Initiation of the afore mentioned signaling cascade occurs by joining of the TIR domain to any of four primary adaptor molecules, namely myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), TIR-domain containing adaptor-inducing interferon-beta (TRIF), TIR-associated protein (TIRAP), and TRIF-related adaptor molecule (TRAM)\\[[@B7]\\].", "\n\nAll TLRs utilize MyD88 except TLR3 that employs TRIF. ", "TLRs 2 and 4 signaling requires TIRAP in conjunction with MyD88, while induction of antiviral interferon response and stimulation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) by TLR 3 and 4 is dependent on TRIF, the TLR4-TRIF signaling pathway further utilizing TRAM\\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Both MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways are vital signal transduction pathways that enable host TLRs to initiate immune reactions in response to recognition of pathogenic microorganisms including hepatitis viruses B and C\\[[@B8],[@B9]\\].", "\n\nTLRS AND LIVER\n==============\n\nThe liver is the first defensive structure against bacteria and their derivatives persistently received from the gut by way of the portal circulation\\[[@B10]\\]. ", "In spite of presence of an abundance of TLRs on the surface of parenchymal, as well as non-parenchymal, hepatic cells\\[[@B8]\\], the continuous exposure of hepatic cells to gut bacteria does not elicit a inflammatory reaction in healthy individuals, demonstrating the development of a type of tolerance to TLR ligands and giving rise to the suggestion that the inflammatory responses seen in the liver are the result of breakdown of this tolerance\\[[@B11]\\].", "\n\nKupffer cells\n-------------\n\nStimulation of TLRs 2, 3, 4, and 9 expressed on hepatic Kupffer cells faced with gut pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) leads to generation of a number of cytokines including tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6, IL-12 and IL-10\\[[@B12]\\]. ", "In addition, these cells partake in the fibrogenetic process by inducing the secretion of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), matrix metalloproteinases, and reactive oxygen species (ROS)\\[[@B8]\\].", "\n\nHepatocytes\n-----------\n\nTLRs 2, 3, 4, and 5 are expressed in low amounts, in contrast to Kupffer cells, on hepatocytes where they function to capture and remove endotoxins introduced into the liver from portal, as well as hepatic, circulation. ", "In addition, stimulation of TLRs by their ligands results in induction of a pro-inflammatory cytokine response, albeit much less defined than that observed with Kupffer cells\\[[@B12]\\].", "\n\nHepatic stellate cells\n----------------------\n\nTLRs 4 and 9 are expressed on hepatic stellate cells where they cause chemokine and adhesion molecule upregulation. ", "In addition, stimulation of TLR4 also promotes signaling of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and induction of fibrogenesis while participating in cell defense through the TLR4-MyD88-mediated inflammatory response upon exposure to LPS\\[[@B6],[@B9],[@B12],[@B13]\\]. ", "As a result, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TLR4 are associated with enhanced risk of fibrosis progression in patients with chronic HCV infection\\[[@B13]\\], and offer an approach to recognize fibrosis risk genes\\[[@B14]-[@B16]\\].", "\n\nBiliary epithelial cells\n------------------------\n\nThese cells express TLRs 2, 3, 4, and 5, of which TLR 2 and 4 stimulation leads to upregulation of interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) with resultant tolerance to LPS, a particularly important host protection mechanism against uncontrolled TLR signaling brought about by the activation of biliary epithelial cells specific pathogen-related molecular arrangement located in the intestinal lumen\\[[@B17]\\].", "\n\nOther hepatic cells\n-------------------\n\nStimulation of TLR4 expressed on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells activates a nuclear factor kappa β (NFκB) dependent pathway resulting in secretion of TNF-α and reactive oxygen species\\[[@B18]\\], while hepatic dendritic cells (DCs), the primary antigen presenting cells (APCs) of the liver, primary sources of interferon α (IFN-α) released in response to ligand-induced stimulation of TLRs 4, 7, and 9\\[[@B19]\\].", "\n\nPOST ORTHOTOPIC LIVER TRANSPLANTATION INFECTIONS\n================================================\n\nWhile orthotopic liver transplantation is often lifesaving in many instances, death following this procedure is most commonly due to infection that occurs in up to 80% of transplant recipients, most commonly due to microbial causes in up to 70% of cases with viral infections coming second at 20% and fungal infections affecting only a minority of cases at 8% (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"})\\[[@B20]\\]. ", "Risk of infection to recipients of liver transplantation is reliant on strength of the infectious agent in conjunction with host immune state\\[[@B21]\\], as evidenced by the increased likelihood of patients with patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) acquiring infections due to associated conditions of defective immunity, including neutropenia, weakness of the mucocutaneous wall, occurrence of necrotic tissue, ischemia, and diabetes mellitus\\[[@B22]\\].", "\n\n###### \n\nTypes of infections after orthotopic liver transplantation\n\n **First month post transplant** **1-6 mo post transplant** **\\> 6 mo post transplant**\n ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Bacterial infections *Staph aurus*, *Strptoccoi enterococci*, *Salmonella pseudomonas,* MRSA, VRE, *Anerobes, Clostridium difficile* Multidrug resistant bacteria, *Listeria spp* Multidrug resistant bacteria\n Viral Human herpes virus 6 CMV, HCV, EBV, VZV HHV8, HEV, EBV, Parvovirus B19\n Fungal *Candida*, *Asprgillus* Mucormucosis, Pneumocystitis jerovicii (PJP) *Nocardia*, *Rhodococcus*, *Legionella*, *Cryptococcus*, Blastomycosis, histoplasmosis\n Mycobacterial TB TB, Non tuberculous *Mycobacteria* (Mycobacterial avium complex, Myco. ", "triplex)\n Protozoal Strongyloiodosis, toxoplasmosis; Echinococcosis, Chagas disease\n Types of infections Wound infections, Abdominal infections, catheter related infections, pneumonia, UTI, abscess, cholangitis, peritonitis Community acquired infections, Invasive fungal infection Community acquired pathogens, Opportunistic infections\n\nCMV: Cytomegalovirus; EBV: Epstein--Barr virus; HBV: Hepatitis B virus; HCV: Hepatitis C virus; HEV: Hepatitis E virus; HHV: Human herpes virus; HIV: Human immune deficiency virus; HSV: Herpes simplex virus; MRSA: Methicillin-resistant *Staphylococcus aureus*; VRE: Vancomycin-resistant *Enterococcus*; VZV: Varicella zoster virus.", "\n\nPost-transplant infection occurs from a number of different sources including de novo infection or recurrence of infection in the recipient patient, transplantation of infected graft, and nosocomial infection during hospital stay. ", "Cause of the infection may be ascertained from the period directly following the transplant. ", "The immunosuppressive state of these patients is dependent on the amount, type, and duration of the immunosuppressive agent used\\[[@B21]\\].", "\n\nRISK FACTORS FOR INFECTION FOLLOWING LIVER TRANSPLANTATION\n==========================================================\n\nRecipients of orthotopic liver transplantation become more susceptible to infective agents in situations of present underlying causative, immunosuppressive state of the recipient with regards to type of immunosuppressive drug administered and the extent of the disease, technical complications during the transplant procedure, and exposure to pathogens within the hospital and public environment\\[[@B23]\\].", "\n\nTLRS AND INFECTION AFTER LIVER TRANSPLANTATION\n==============================================\n\nTLRs and infectious liver diseases\n----------------------------------\n\nPathophysiology of a number of infectious diseases, including *Listeria, Salmonella,* and the *Plasmodium* species, is affected by TLRs. ", "Following the invasion of hepatic tissue, *Listeria monocytogenes* replicates in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells, prompting the infected Kupffer cells to subsequently initiate a counterattack through a TLR2/MyD88-dependent pathway to secrete of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-12. ", "While this extensive pro-inflammatory release of cytokines in response to *L. monocytogenes* infection is defective in MyD88-deficient rats, giving rise to a higher rate of mortality\\[[@B12]\\], TLR2-deficient mice show normal clearance of the infection in spite of a diminished cytokine response. ", "This suggests that although TLR2 does participate in the cytokine cascade, clearance of *L. monocytogenes* is dependent on a number of collaborating TLRs\\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nInfection with *Salmonella typhimurium* is typically cleared by Kupffer cells in the liver through an antimicrobial response involving TLR4 and nitric oxide, consequently leading to granuloma formation\\[[@B25]\\], while infection with *Salmonella choleraesuis* results in liver injury by induction of TLR2-mediated upregulation of Fas-ligand on natural killer cells\\[[@B26]\\]. ", "In spite of these TLRs playing a major role in the pathogenesis of *Salmonella*, elimination of *S. choleraesuis* does not depend on the actions of TLR2 and TLR4, as intracellular growth of this pathogen had diminished on activation of TLR9, suggesting that eradication of *Salmonella* is also dependent on several TLRs\\[[@B27]\\].", "\n\nMalaria causes liver injury in humans by infection with *Plasmodium falciparum* and in mice by *Plasmodium berghei* through a TLR/MyDD88-mediated pathway leading to lymphocytic infiltration and subsequent death of hepatocytes\\[[@B28]\\]. ", "Variants of TLRs 1 and 6 were found to be associated with milder forms of malaria, while TLR9 (1486 C/T) variant was more likely related to higher levels of malarial parasitemia\\[[@B29]\\].", "\n\nOther SNPs of TLRs have also been associated with increased likelihood of infection. ", "SNP of TLR2 (R753Q), resulting in impaired TLR2 signaling, has been associated with increased susceptibility to tuberculosis infection in a Turkish study\\[[@B30]\\], while a Tunisian study reported that tuberculosis patients demonstrated higher frequency of TLR2 (Arg677Trp) polymorphism than healthy control subjects, suggesting that presence of this polymorphism was a risk factor for pulmonary tuberculosis\\[[@B31]\\]. ", "This finding was contradicted, however, in another study showing that TLR2 (Arg677Trp) polymorphism did not convey risk to tuberculosis in a population of Iranian and Indian subjects\\[[@B32]\\].", "\n\nTLR signaling and HCV recurrence following liver transplantation\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe probability of acquiring infection following hepatic transplantation is heightened due to affection of the innate immune defense mechanisms of the host following this procedure. ", "That said, recurrence of HCV infection after liver transplantation (LT) is a universal occurrence, with the course of infection being greatly accelerated when compared to infection outside of the transplant setting\\[[@B33]\\].", "\n\nTLR2 signaling pathway plays a major role in recurrence of HCV following liver transplantation. ", "Homozygosity of TLR2 (Arg753Gln) polymorphism has been associated with higher mean fibrosis levels as well as higher graft cirrhosis and loss, leading to higher mortality of HCV cases post-transplantation. ", "On the other hand, SNPs of TLR4 (Asp299Gly) and (Thr399Ile) showed no association with any serious complications following liver transplantation\\[[@B34]\\]. ", "However, TLR2 (R753Q) SNP has been reported to hinder immune recognition of HCV core and NS3 proteins that is reliant on TLR2, possibly explaining why allograft failure develops in patients with chronic hepatitis C who undergo liver transplantation\\[[@B35]\\].", "\n\nAbnormal blood mononuclear cell secretion of interferon-α and NK CD56dim cell secretion of interferon-γ due to impaired TLR7/8-mediated pathway are associated with more aggressive post-transplantation recurrence of HCV infection in comparison to slower course HCV infections following liver transplantation\\[[@B36]\\]. ", "Furthermore, patients demonstrating rapid progression of fibrosis show impaired blood mononuclear cell secretion of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 both at baseline and with TLR3 receptor stimulation. ", "TLR3 receptors are functional receptors expressed on monocytes where they are dominant initiators of host antiviral responses\\[[@B37]-[@B39]\\]. ", "Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that hindered secretion of TLR3-mediated monocyte-derived TNF-α and interleukin-6 results in impaired NK and dendritic cell stimulation leading to increased fibrosis\\[[@B36]\\].", "\n\nNatural killer CD56 dim cells secrete IFN-γ that stimulates dendritic cells and T cells, thereby aiding Th1 anti-viral cytokine responses. ", "Impairment of this secretory release promotes Th2 rather than Th1 cytokine response\\[[@B40],[@B41]\\], leading to impaired HCV-directed T cell response, particularly with regards to CD4^+^T cell protection against progression of liver disease\\[[@B42]\\]. ", "Rapid progression of fibrosis in HCV patients is attributed to inadequate viral control by the immune system\\[[@B43],[@B44]\\], leading to heightened production of pro-inflammatory cytokines with increased stimulation of pro-fibrogenic pathways\\[[@B15],[@B45],[@B46]\\].", "\n\nSecretion of interferon-α and interferon-γ has been shown to be extremely important in host viral defense mechanisms, with emphasis on the fundamental role of TLR7/8 signaling pathways in recurrence of HCV infection post-LT. ", "This consideration becomes even more eminent when coupled with data demonstrating the negative effect of calcineurin inhibitors on TLR7/8-mediated human NK CD56dim cell secretion of interferon-γ in patients having undergone liver transplantation\\[[@B36],[@B47]\\].", "\n\nPolymorphism of TLR2 and infections with Gram-positive bacteria after liver transplantation\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIt is generally accepted that cell wall components of Gram-positive bacteria, particularly peptidoglycan and lipoteichoic acid, are recognized by TLR2\\[[@B48]\\]. ", "SNPs in certain *TLR* genes have been reported to negatively impact responses of these receptors to their corresponding ligands\\[[@B35]\\]. ", "TLR2 (R753Q) SNP, caused by substitution of arginine for glutamine at position 753, was shown to result in defective intracellular signaling resulting in modification of cytokine secretion in response to stimulation by peptidoglycan, lipopeptides, and other bacterial components leading to increased susceptibility to bacterial infections\\[[@B35]\\]. ", "In addition, this SNP showed high association with Gram-positive septic shock infections and staphylococcal infections\\[[@B49]\\].", "\n\nSimilarly, cell membrane constituents of *S. aureus* did not elicit TNF-α response from TLR2-deficient macrophages\\[[@B50]\\]. ", "Compared with wild-type rats, those with TLR2-deficiency showed increased susceptibility to infection with *S. aureus*. ", "These TLR2-deficient rats demonstrated increased mortality rates of 80% on day 8 and 90% on day 14 after being subjected to experimentally high infectious doses *S. aureus*, compared to rates of 0% and 40%, respectively, in wild-type rats. ", "Moreover, cirrhotic patients have been shown to demonstrate increased susceptibility to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with presence of the variant SNP TLR2 (R753Q)\\[[@B50],[@B51]\\].", "\n\nNevertheless, post-transplantation susceptibility to infection in patients with TLR2 (Arg753Gln) polymorphism remains inconclusive, with one study showing no association of this SNP with infections of viral or fungal nature following transplantation of allogeneic stem cells, although there has been an association between TLR2 (Arg753Gln) SNP and CMV infection and replication post-LT\\[[@B52]\\]. ", "However, other reports provide conflicting results, revealing that prevalence of this SNP was not increased in patients with Gram-positive bacteremia\\[[@B53]\\], a difference that may be attributed to the variation in patient sample as this study included cases of HIV infection, Gram-positive bacterial infections, and septic shock\\[[@B53],[@B54]\\]. ", "Another study evaluating *S. aureus* infection of prosthetic joints demonstrated that frequency of TLR2 (R753Q) SNP was relatively similar between infected patients and controls, with the likelihood of developing complications of *S. aureus* infection was basically similar between patients with wild-type TLR2 gene and those with polymorphism\\[[@B55]\\]. ", "Furthermore, no association could be ascertained between aggressive *S. aureus* infection and presence of mutant TLR2 (R753Q) SNP\\[[@B56]\\]. ", "A lack of difference in TLR2 (R753Q) SNP between patients with and without Gram-positive infections has also been reported, these infections found in transplant patients with TLR2 (R753Q) SNP in similar frequencies as in those with wild-type gene\\[[@B57]\\].", "\n\nWhile these results appear to propose a lack of significant impact of TLR2 in human infection, other data has suggested the contrary. ", "The same study by Lee et al\\[[@B57]\\] also reported that TLR2 (R753Q) SNP showed marked association with increased risk of septic shock, in addition to a relatively insignificant tendency towards risk of recurring infection. ", "However, no significant relationship could be determined between TLR2 (R753Q) SNP and 90-d all-cause death. ", "This can be partly attributed to presence of other receptors playing a role in pathogen recognition, such as identification of Gram-positive infections through the nucleotide oligodimerization domain\\[[@B58]\\]. ", "Similarly, infection with *S. aureus* in an animal model is recognized by several types of TLRs, including TLR2\\[[@B50]\\]. ", "Another explanation for the apparent clinical irrelevance between TLR2 and infection may the dose of infectious pathogen, as TLR2 and survival form *S. aureus* infection were found to be correlated only in cases of infections with large dose of pathogen\\[[@B50]\\].", "\n\nRelationship between polymorphism of TLR2 and infection with cytomegalovirus following liver transplantation\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe report of TLR2 (R753Q) SNP inhibiting TLR2 signaling on exposure to cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B may provide the basis for association of this polymorphism with human cytomegalovirus disease\\[[@B59]\\]. ", "Homozygosity of TLR2 (Arg753Gln) SNP has been reported to be associated with high incidence of CMV infection post-transplantation of liver and the kidney\\[[@B60],[@B61]\\], in addition to indicating risk for CMV infection, especially tissue-invasive type, following liver transplan-tation\\[[@B62]\\].", "\n\nTLRs have been reported to take part in the innate defense mechanisms against infection with CMV, with CMV-induced activation of TLR2 resulting in production of cytokines via a nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB)-mediated pathway\\[[@B63]\\]. ", "TLR2(Arg753Gln) SNP requires presence of only a single functional wild-type allele to control CMV infection, as cells with heterozygosity for this polymorphism function similarly as those with wild-type gene, having the capability to respond on activation with TLR2 agonist\\[[@B64]\\]. ", "Conversely, cases with homozygosity for TLR2 (Arg753Gln) SNP show replication of cytomegalovirus and manifest clinical disease. ", "However, it should be noted that CMV disease is less manifest in cases with heterozygosity for this SNP, in spite of the fact that viral replication is more pronounced\\[[@B60]\\].", "\n\nEffects of Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus on TLR signaling after liver transplantation\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe deficient peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion observed on stimulation of TLRs 2, 4, and 7/8 on administration of tacrolimus and cyclosporine therapy in patients when compared to healthy control subjects suggests a class effect for calcineurin inhibitors on function of these TLRs. ", "However, examination by flowcytometry demonstrated that no specific individual cell subtype could be identified as accountable for the functional modification of these receptors, suggesting that the suppressive effect of calcineurin inhibitors on TLRs 2, 4, and 7/8 is apparent in PBMCs but variable in individual cell subtype**s**\\[[@B65]\\].", "\n\nSimilarly, calcineurin inhibitors have also been shown to down-regulate TLR4 stimulated by lipopolysaccharides, although pre-treatment of cells with tacrolimus resulted in diminished inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharides, suggesting initiation of lipopolysaccharide intolerance (73). ", "Impaired secretion of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 mediated through TLRs 2, 4, and 7/8 pathways has been demonstrated from PBMCs cultured with both TLR agonist and calcineurin inhibitors when compared with controls\\[[@B65]\\].", "\n\nCONCLUSION\n==========\n\nThe liver is the first host defensive structure against the bacteria and bacterial products that are persistently received from the gut by way of the portal circulation. ", "However, this massive influx of gut bacteria does not elicit an inflammatory reaction in healthy individuals due to tolerance of the abundantly present TLRs on the surface of hepatic cells. ", "While orthotopic liver transplantation is often lifesaving in many instances, death following this procedure is most commonly due to infection that occurs in up to 80% of transplant recipients. ", "SNPs in certain *TLR* genes have been associated with increased susceptibility to infections (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "SNPs of TLR2 have been associated with both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (*e.g*., *", "Listeria, Salmonella)*, *mycobacteria tuberculosis* and the *Plasmodium* species, in addition to CMV infection and the universal recurrence of HCV following liver transplantation. ", "Similarly, impaired TLR7/8-mediated pathway has been associated with more aggressive post-transplantation recurrence of HCV infection, while reports on TLR3 polymorphism have demonstrated comparable results.", "\n\n###### \n\nAssociation of Toll-like receptors alleles with infections post liver transplantation and their clinical significance\n\n **Type of Infection** **Type of organism** **TLR alleles** **Clinical significance**\n ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Bacterial infections Staph aurus TLR2 (Arg753Gln) Inconclusive association with septic shock\n TLR2 (R753Q) May correlated only in cases of infections with large dose of pathogen \n *Listeria monocytogenes* TLR2/MyD88-dependent pathway Participate in cytokine cascade No role in clearance \n *Salmonella typhimurium* TLR4 Granuloma formation \n *Salmonella choleraesuis* TLR2, TLR4 Have role in pathogenesis; No role in clearance \n TLR9 Has role in clearance \n Protozoal *Plasmodium falciparum* TLR1, TLR6 Mild form of malaria\n TLR9 (1486 C/T) Severe form of malaria \n Mycobacterium Mycobaterial tuberculosis TLR2 (R753Q) Increased susceptibility to T.B in Turkish\n TLR2 (Arg677Trp) Increased susceptibility to T.B in Tunisian but not to Iranian and Indian populations. ", " \n Viral Hepatitis C virus (HCV) TLR2 (Arg753Gln) Recurrence of HCV post transplant (PT) with higher graft cirrhosis and graft failure\n TLR2 (R753Q) Higher rate of *graft* failure \n TLR3 Increased liver fibrosis \n TLR4 (Asp299Gly) and (Thr399Ile) No associated PT complications \n TLR7/8-mediated pathway Aggressive PT recurrence of HCV \n Cytomegalovirus (CMV) TLR2 (R753Q) TLR2 (Arg753Gln) Increased incidence of CMV PT \n\nTLR: Toll-like receptor.", "\n\nOur hypothesis is that *TLR* genes and their proteins have influence in the outcome of post liver transplantation infection. ", "This risk factor are responsible for mortality rate of liver transplant. ", "Understanding the genetic variation of *TLR* gene in liver transplant may clarify the underling mechanisms behind the post-transplant infection. ", "It may also enables the development of early diagnostic tests for predication of either the persistence or clearance of infection. ", "Genetic study may be also open some windows for new treatments, or interventions to prevent disease onset or minimize disease severity.", "\n\nAssociation between TLRs genotypes and post transplant infection have traditionally been studied by determining the genotype of known markers. ", "However. ", "these associations studies of single gene typically explain less than 25% of the heritable risk estimated for each of those diseases. ", "Furthermore, the heterogeneity, ethnic variation and complex relationship between genotype and phenotype may also difficult, to predict which genes are most likely to be implicated as a candidate gene for a particular outcome. ", "We recommended several approaches to investigate the association of *TLR* (1-10) genes with the outcome of post-transplant infection. ", "These approaches include: (1) Genome wide association study (GWAS) using next-generation sequencing techniques (NGS) for the whole genome to identify the entire underlying genetic variation and its disease relevance. ", "Applying NGS to GWAS will help for better identification of candidate genes in a short time, and in an efficient way. (", "2) Gene expression epigenetic analyses of *TLR* gene may also provide more information about the underlying mechanism of these factors for the disease outcome. (", "3) Furthermore, correlation study of different genotype with serum levels of cytokine net levels are also required. ", "And (4) Multicentric well-designed studies of large sample size are needed to avoid false negative results that may arise from under-evaluation of interactions involving gene-to-gene relations or gene environment among different ethnic populations.", "\n\nLimitations of the study\n------------------------\n\nThe major limitation of this article is the study design, as it is a narrative review article. ", "It is well known that narrative review articles are more susceptible to selection bias and this may affect its conclusion. ", "Systematic review articles adhere to strict methodology, thus are, potentially, more reliable scientifically.", "\n\nConflict-of-interest statement: Authors declare no conflict of interests for this article.", "\n\nManuscript source: Invited manuscript\n\nPeer-review started: February 24, 2020\n\nFirst decision: April 22, 2020\n\nArticle in press: May 21, 2020\n\nCorresponding Author\\'s Membership(s) in Professional Societies: European Association for the Study of Liver (3023).", "\n\nSpecialty type: Transplantation\n\nCountry/Territory of origin: Egypt\n\nPeer-review report's scientific quality classification\n\nGrade A (Excellent): 0\n\nGrade B (Very good): B\n\nGrade C (Good): 0\n\nGrade D (Fair): D\n\nGrade E (Poor): 0\n\nP-Reviewer: Boteon YL, Rubbini M S-Editor: Gong ZM L-Editor: A E-Editor: Wu YXJ\n\n[^1]: Author contributions: El-Bendary M and Naemattalah M were involved in study conception and design; Yassen A, Sultanand A, Abdel-Wahab M acquired the data; El-Bendary M and Mousa N wrote the review; Elhammady D edit the review; all authors were involved in the drafting and critical revision of the manuscript; all authors approved the final version of the manuscript.", "\n\n Corresponding author: Mahmoud El-Bendary, MD, Professor, Department of Tropical Medicine and Hepatology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Elgomhoria Street, Mansoura 35111, Egypt. ", "<mm_elbendary@mans.edu.eg>\n" ]
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[ "Ready to fight back? ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and get three actions in your inbox every week. ", "You will receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nation’s journalism. ", "You can read our Privacy Policy here. ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and get three actions in your inbox every week.", "\n\nThank you for signing up. ", "For more from The Nation, check out our latest issue\n\nSubscribe now for as little as $2 a month!", "\n\nSupport Progressive Journalism The Nation is reader supported: Chip in $10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter. ", "The Nation is reader supported: Chip in $10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter.", "\n\nFight Back! ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and we’ll send you three meaningful actions you can take each week. ", "You will receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nation’s journalism. ", "You can read our Privacy Policy here. ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and we’ll send you three meaningful actions you can take each week.", "\n\nThank you for signing up. ", "For more from The Nation, check out our latest issue\n\nTravel With The Nation Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits. ", "Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits.", "\n\nSign up for our Wine Club today. ", "Did you know you can support The Nation by drinking wine?", "\n\nRobert Bork died on December 19, a deeply embittered man, but the rewrite of history that began immediately after he was denied a seat on the Supreme Court has won the day. ", "Despite persistent right-wing assertions, Bork was not rejected because of a liberal campaign of “brazen lies,” “smears” and “distortions”—as The Wall Street Journal claimed—but because, as one Reagan White House aide admitted, he was a “right-wing zealot,” hostile to abortion, civil rights, free speech, church-state separation and human rights. ", "Ad Policy\n\nBecause Bork’s handlers, particularly Washington lawyer Lloyd Cutler, knew Bork couldn’t win if people knew what he was really like, they tried to package him as a “moderate conservative” in the mold of Justice John M. Harlan. ", "It didn’t work. ", "Bork had spoken out too much on too many issues to keep his real views secret.", "\n\nAnd these views were extreme indeed:\n\nEquality: Bork condemned the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause decisions that outlawed the poll tax (“a very small tax,” he called it); established the one-person, one-vote principle; abolished school segregation in the District of Columbia; barred courts from enforcing racially restrictive housing covenants; prevented a state from sterilizing certain criminals or interfering with the right to travel and prohibited discriminating against out-of-wedlock children. ", "As late as June 1987, he declared, “I do think the Equal Protection clause probably should have been kept to things like race and ethnicity.”", "\n\nBork’s hostility to governmental action on behalf of minorities was not limited to court action. ", "He lambasted the 1964 Civil Rights Act provision requiring white businesses to serve blacks, calling it based on a principle of “unsurpassed ugliness.” ", "He also condemned the Supreme Court’s 1966 decision allowing Congress to bar literacy tests. “", "At almost every critical turning point in the civil rights movement,” testified Republican William T. Coleman, Jr., Gerald Ford’s secretary of transportation, Bork had “turned the wrong way.”", "\n\nFree Speech: In 1971, Bork wrote that the First Amendment should protect only “explicitly political” speech, which he defined as limited to “criticisms of public officials and policies, proposals for the adoption or repeal of legislation or constitutional provisions and speech addressed to the conduct of any governmental unit in the country.” ", "He later expanded the protected class to include scientific or moral discourse that “directly feed[s] the democratic process,” but as late as June 1987 he still did not think “courts ought to throw protection around …art and literature.”", "\n\nPrivacy: Bork opposed not only the abortion decision but also Griswold v Connecticut (1965), which allowed married couples to use contraceptives. ", "Even Reagan’s solicitor general, Charles Fried, was unwilling to go that far.", "\n\nWhile on the US Court of Appeals in Washington, DC, he also established a reputation for ingenuity in denying litigants access to the courts.", "\n\nBecause of these views, Bork faced a torrent of opposition. ", "More than 2,000 law teachers, more than 40 percent of the total at accredited law school, were against his nomination, including the deans of Harvard, New York University, Michigan, Georgetown, Northwestern and many other schools. ", "Conservative Philip Kurland of the University of Chicago wrote, “Bork’s entire current constitutional jurisprudential theory [is] directed to a diminution of minority and individual rights.”", "\n\nMost important, five of the fifteen members of the American Bar Association committee on the federal judiciary refused to give Bork a “qualified” rating—the first time the ABA had not been unanimous in favor of a Supreme Court nominee since it began evaluating candidates during the Eisenhower administration; four found him “not qualified.”", "\n\nAs a result, despite a planned multimillion-dollar campaign on his behalf, some 22,000 postcards sent to the Judiciary Committee by Jerry Falwell and his followers, several million letters and over $1 million in direct solicitations by Richard Viguerie, the country turned against Bork after the hearing, even in the South. ", "Southern women were particularly concerned about his views on privacy, and Southern Democratic senators, who were now dependent on black votes, feared that his confirmation would reopen civil rights wounds.", "\n\nBork lost in committee 9-5, but insisted on a floor vote. ", "After two days of desultory debate, the Senate voted 58-42 to reject the nomination, including six Republicans who voted against him.", "\n\nAlthough Bork lost, the Republicans didn’t. ", "They have persuaded many Americans that Bork was treated unfairly, and have used this as a weapon with which to bludgeon the Democrats and charge up their base.", "\n\nOnce again, politically manipulated mythology has replaced objective history." ]
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[ "Helplessness of Pakistanis and dumbfounded response of State\n\nPakistan, the country of millions, has 30% literacy rate which means that a big majority of the population is uneducated and unexposed. ", "This therefore means that traditional cultural practices which have over time been mixed in with multiple existing faiths are still widely in practice.", "Strong characters on the basis of religious, power and land affiliations lead the masses on the basis of division of population contrary to any national motives which are mandatory for uniting a huge population on some focal agenda. ", "It is not only seen that through strong characters of society and Pakistani govt herself is involved on abusing or denying common rights of public for respectable survival and both leading groups encourage VIP culture where all facilities are preserved or passed on for few people who should had been placed on responsibility to provide art of normal living to common man of state.", "\n\nProudly claiming nuclear power Pakistan has been surplus in acute kind of problems related to normal living setup of common citizens.", "Majority has reached into stage where even thinking of normal 3 meals a day, a day with electricity , some kind of reasonable medical treatment, sending kids to appropriate school have come in some kind of high luxury in Pakistan.", "\n\nBhutto’s vision has surely made Pakistan a grass eater nation on the cost of naming it as a nuclear power country. ", "Pakistanis are eating grass and cake eating establishment always found brainwashing their minds to follow the law of protecting nuclear bomb as last option of victory to enemies which has made few Pakistanis billionaire and hundreds of millions others are living on poverty line.", "\n\nFor last five years Pakistan army, bureaucracy and parliamentarian are bringing worst kind of management and humiliation figures into the account of Pakistan but in all budgets helpless people see that they get rise in their perks and privileges from public funds.", "Contrary to this debit of loans and curse of bad management are burdened on the people and next generation of Pakistan in the name of unseen progress of Pakistan.", "\n\nSince start of year 2000, first we were indulged in war on terror, then massive earth quake shaken our Kashmir side, almost destroyed all infrastructure of affected areas and then last year heavy floods have wiped off our all claims that Pakistan can be managed by its elected and selected people as each time people saw worst kind of rescue and rehabilitation services.", "Contrary to this Pakistan did survive in earthquakes, terror-wars and floods,just because of the resilience and generosity of common Pakistanis come forward to help their fellows.", "\n\nThe difference between the problems of other countries with Pakistan is that in this country the tradition of avoiding accountability and responsible optimism as both have been completely found non-existent in our system. ", "Our realism seems only to propel us to declare moral, economic and political bankruptcy for each other.", "Negligence of govt representatives are being observed and revealed on daily basis but birds of feather least bothered about their responsible national role and keep firm on saying parroting like words that all political and military juggling are being done to secure national strategy and sovereignty.", "\n\nWhether it was case of Raymond Davis or low flying adventures of US choppers for Osama hunt whole world saw that failed and non attempted security measures are signs of failures of responsible officials and even then insecure people of Pakistan are still being pressurized by army favoring groups to support them for protecting nuclear assets.", "\n\nThe way Pak army respectably and honorably returned the tail of destroyed US chopper is unique example of obedience where in one side they are trying to show their heroism to their nation who is arranging 80% defense budget over their falling dead bodies and lost honor.", "\n\nOne of modenr bases PNS mehran security was breached that brought another black star in wall of shame of Pakistan but interestingly neither Chief of air force nor Navy is there to take responsibility of this criminal negligence in line of duty which not only cost Pakistan billion of rupees loss but showed the true picture of professional command and security control of their efficient institute .These are same chiefs who always compete each other on buying in arms race of their respective areas and never fed up of demanding BMWs and VVIP state protocol but in show off of bad performance all behave like ostrich digging his head under the sand of obstinacy.", "\n\nPakistan is really in deep trouble taking it toward uncertainty of future of capable working class. ", "Pakistanis must insist on being responsibly optimistic about to foresee the future mishaps There are a lot of things that call for a realistic, responsible and constructive approach in Pakistan.", "But for following this path we need not close our eyes to any brutal truths coming in front of us regarding bad performance of controllers of state.", "\nThere are also no metrics on how complex it must be to grow up in Pakistan with multiple kind of identity as religious, jihadi or terrorists etc –which surely highlights the urgent need for restructuring of legal and political reform that addresses equality and dignity of citizenship in Pakistan.", "\n\nWe have to be given up our colonial forms of governance. ", "This war in terror has increased our sense of insecurity where common persons are tending towards criminal attitude ,service men become highly overworked and frustrated but higher class creating barricades and concrete wall between public and few thousands living ostensibly in same country. ", "This is high indication of master slave culture. ", "Now civil bureaucrats/military top brass and parliamentarians of a free and poor country are living like colonial masters at the expense of high deprivation Index of masses of this poor country. ", "They enjoy luxuries from the taxes paid by all Pakistanis. ", "As our top professional occupying govt offices lack professional capabilities so do our politicians are devoid of courage, foresight, patriotism and sense of democratic duty.", "\n\nImpartial Rehabilitation Commission under experienced professionals people should be formed for all major departments as top priority that could study, analyze and dissect every governing system and suggest reforms so we can conform to the norms of other free and advanced democratic countries of the world.", "\n\nPakistan is a third-world country with a third-world army. ", "Third-world armies cant t fill the void of poor political affairs in a system They usually do not even gain the confidence of own countrymen if trying to artificially pose like builder or developer of nation so it is extremely imperative to improve its selection and promotion criteria strictly based on merit . ", "The simple principle of “right man for right place “with strong accountability effective procedures is only chance of getting out this whirlpool of problems taking us toward seen destruction.", "\n\n5 Responses to Helplessness of Pakistanis and dumbfounded response of State\n\nAs usual, an other wonderful piece of writing on truth. ", "A recent example of killing young unarmed man in Karachi speaks the same about Military Inc. Fortunately, Military is getting expose on all fronts…It is lacking professional officers, code of ethics, and loyalty. ", "It is equipped with incompetence, corruption, land mafia, negligence, laziness and dumb officers.", "\n\nI don’t think, Military will be able to carry on the way its been doing from 63 years and making people afraid of India on every front. ", "Pakistanis (civilians) are paying 50% of their taxes to feed WHITE ELEPHANT but first time I’m seeing that people start questioning its performance and capabilities. ", "How many are coming out in favor of Military since terrorists attacks on military areas or killing of thier soldiers and officers? ", "People are now fed up of all hypes created by Military establishment to show that if we are not here to protect civilians then India will eat you…I think, we can survive must better even if Pakistan signs peace agreement with India and shed 50% of their budget spent on feeding one organisation, that is questioned involvement in torturing and killing.", "\n\nI can pray best for country and its innocent people. ", "I am seeing a bright future in coming years…\n\nWeak political and social values of Pakistanis have given way to wrong military policies in our civil setup.", "We have to show the real rules of civilian setup to miltiary management which has been penetrated in all civic living so people of Pakistan have been divided in further classification one is favoring miltiary style and others are gathering against these armed groups who are also first target of terrorism in Pakistan for many years.", "\nAll matters encircles around decision of wrong management who deliver the orders of execution after seeing any kind of threat and it is politics if caught red handed then nobody from higher rank is there to take responsibility who constant passing this unofficial decree to killing the suspect at the moment to reduce frequency of terrorism on official force deputed on roads to secure VIPs.", "\nThis man killing is less torturous than brutal killing of Chechen foreigners who were first tied and then throw into check post in front of firing squad of Pakistan police and rangers.", "These victims were unarmed shia and firing squad comprising of Pathan and punjabi fully enjoyed this target killing after shooting more than 50 rounds to these pilgrimages.", "\nI think this is some kind of game of tightening nerves of public has been initiated and media power is being used to influence people minds and then lead the country toward some kind of sadistic civil war like situation where zombies would take part to end this game of dead bodies.", "\n\nPakistan’s leaders and military have failed to come to grips with what’s lurking in their country.", "The militants are agile and deeply rooted after enjoying years of free rein. ", "North of Pakistan has become the center would-be jihadists: tribal Pakistanis, Afghans, Kashmiris, Punjabis, Arabs, Chechens, Uzbeks, Britons, and even Americans all attracted there. ", "They receive inspiration, facilities of training . ", "These jihadists may be pursuing their own agendas, but there is a common results and that is : destabilizing Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India—and scheming against the West.", "\n\nIt is not only leadership but all Pakistani who come in front of US agendas behave like vulture.they set their demand and after negotiation get their price.", "In all this bureaucrats,NGOs, media personals all are included. ", "so we are proving what US official said about us that Pakistanis are willing to sell their mother any time." ]
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[ "SALT LAKE CITY — A Carnival cruise ship terrified passengers last Sunday night after tilting to one side, CBS News reports.", "\n\nWhat happened: A Carnival cruise ship tilted to one side, sending passengers’ belongings sliding throughout the cabin. ", "Panic ignited among passengers, too, CBS New York reports.", "\n\nThe ship leaned just hours after it left Port Canaveral, Florida, for the Caribbean.", "\n\nThe cruise line said a “technical issue” caused the rocky start to the voyage.", "\n\n“On Sunday evening, Carnival Sunshine experienced a technical issue which caused the ship to list for approximately one minute,” Carnival said in a statement to Yahoo Lifestyle.", "\n\nThe ship reportedly started tipping around 8:15 to 8:45 p.m., passengers said.", "\n\nPassengers' take: For those traveling on the ship, the journey was anything but calm.", "\n\n\"I was shifting, falling out of my seat,\" said passenger Kyla Williams. \"", "This was very much the ship rolling to one side and everything falling down from that, and it was something you'll never forget.\"", "\n\n\"I didn't think anything of it, since it's not uncommon for ships to rock back and forth. ", "But it didn't rock back. ", "It kept leaning,” said passenger David Crews, according to CBS Orlando. \"", "Plates and silverware started sliding off the tables. ", "Then the tables themselves started to slide. ", "Glasses and plates started to fall and shatter. ", "At this point, it was pure chaos. ", "Screams. ", "Cries. ", "Panic.\"", "\n\n“We were actually at the table where the window broke and the water came in,” a passenger told WFTV. ", "She added, “next thing we know, the whole boat tilted … we were literally hanging on for our lives, dangling … it was really like a scene from the Titanic.”", "\n\nOthers tweeted their reactions:\n\nMy sister and brother in law are on the ship. ", "She cut her foot on the broken glass and had to get stitches. ", "My mom is a mess and so worried about her! — ", "Whitney Farrar (@whit_farrar) October 29, 2018\n\nAftermath: Here are photos of the aftermath from when the ship leaned.", "\n\nThis is the inside of the Carnival Sunshine cruise ship on Sunday evening. ", "@CarnivalCruise says the ship listed (tilted or leaned) because of a technical issue just hours after leaving @PortCanaveral.", "\n\n\n\n(H/t to David Crews for the pictures) pic.twitter.com/usSaQsZBzG — Clay LePard (@ClayLePard) October 31, 2018" ]
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[ "Port Adelaide Football Club is hoping to make it \"match day\" in more ways than one for its fans this season, launching a dating service during its home games.", "\n\nKey points: The Power says it was inspired by popular dating TV shows\n\nThe Power says it was inspired by popular dating TV shows It matches fans with similar interests based on a questionnaire\n\nIt matches fans with similar interests based on a questionnaire Winners meet up on game day before deciding on a second date\n\nThe AFL club is already being inundated with requests from lonely hearts for the Perfect Pear online matching service, which will give potential couples the chance to meet and mingle during the Power's games at Adelaide Oval.", "\n\nThe concept was inspired by popular TV dating shows, and aims to provide Power fans who have similar interests with a football-based alternative to apps like Tinder.", "\n\n\"First it was The Bachelor. ", "Then it was Married At First Sight. ", "And now it's Port Adelaide's Perfect Pear,\" a tongue-in-cheek YouTube ad for the idea states.", "\n\nThe club's head of events, Helen Hobbins, said as far as she was aware, it was the first time a major sporting club had decided to run a blind dating service.", "\n\n\"We're trying to keep up our innovation around game day, so I think we are the first club running our own dating program,\" she said.", "\n\nMs Hobbins said 22 individuals would be selected over the course of the season to form 11 couples, who would first meet one another during separate Power home games.", "\n\nThe Power said the idea was partly inspired by Married At First Sight. ( ", "Supplied: 9now )\n\nThe winners will be treated to a corporate box and then appear on the oval's big screens at three-quarter time to make a decision on whether they wanted to meet up again for a second date.", "\n\n\"The feedback's been phenomenal, everyone's quite excited,\" Ms Hobbins said.", "\n\n\"We're hoping we will get a range of applicants who want to participate.", "\n\n\"We've had over 100 applications so far … so we're going to be in no shortage of finding people to participate and hopefully we can match up some perfect pairs.\"", "\n\nAn alternative to Tinder?", "\n\nApplicants fill out questionnaire forms with information about their interests, hobbies and preferred age range, Ms Hobbins said.", "\n\nIn recent years, some of the darker consequences of online dating have been highlighted in reports about sexual predators resorting to Tinder and other hook-up apps to find victims.", "\n\nTinder has come under scrutiny in recent years. ( ", "ABC News )\n\nBut Ms Hobbins said Port Adelaide's game day team — not computer algorithms — would be responsible for selecting couples.", "\n\n\"Behind the scenes here, we'll make those matches for people to enjoy the date, and it is in a safe environment at the football,\" she said.", "\n\n\"This isn't behind an app or messages, they get to experience what each other is like at a football game in a social environment.", "\n\n\"It will be up to the choice of those two people at that game whether they want to continue with [another] date.\"", "\n\nFans from other clubs have wasted no time in providing their own commentary on the idea.", "\n\nLoading...\n\n\"The only bad date a Port fan has had is 29th September, 2007,\" one wrote on a popular blog, in reference to the Power's 119-point defeat at the hands of Geelong in the AFL Grand Final.", "\n\n\"I thought it was illegal for Crows and Power supporters to get married anyway,\" satirist Titus O'Reily said on ABC Radio Adelaide.", "\n\nThe club is also planning a singles event for its final game of the home-and-away season.", "\n\n\"It may grow. ", "We may move into weddings after this,\" Ms Hobbins joked." ]
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[ "Sacred numbers and ratios can be found throughout history, influencing everything from art and architecture to the development of religion and secret societies. ", "From Solomon’s Key to the Templar design for Washington, D.C., as New Jerusalem, Richard Heath reveals the origins, influences, and deeper meaning of these synchronous numerical occurrences.", "\n\nDescription\n\nAbout Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization\n\nAn exploration of the origins and influences of number from prehistory to modern time\n\n• Reveals the deeper meaning of the symbols and esoteric knowledge of secret societies\n\n• Explains the numerical sophistication of ancient monuments\n\n• Shows how the Templar design for Washington, D.C., represents the New Jerusalem\n\nThe ubiquitous use of certain sacred numbers and ratios can be found throughout history, influencing everything from art and architecture to the development of religion and secret societies. ", "In Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization, Richard Heath reveals the origins, widespread influences, and deeper meaning of these synchronous numerical occurrences and how they were left within our planetary environment during the creation of the earth, the moon, and our solar system.", "\n\nExploring astronomy, harmony, geomancy, sacred centers, and myth, Heath reveals the secret use of sacred number knowledge in the building of Gothic cathedrals and the important influence of sacred numbers in the founding of modern Western culture. ", "He explains the role secret societies play as a repository for this numerical information and how those who attempt to decode its meaning without understanding the planetary origins of this knowledge are left with contradictory, cryptic, and often deceptive information. ", "By examining prehistoric and monumental cultures through the Dark Ages and later recorded history, Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization provides a key to understanding the true role and meaning of number.", "\n\nExcerpt\n\nBook Excerpt\n\nfrom Chapter 2\n\nThe Root of All Measures\n\nIt is possible that all the complexity in the world has arisen just from the properties of number, despite their apparent nature as passive and inactive things. ", "Used for recording quantities, numbers have become associated with routine activities such as keeping accounts or calculating and measuring within the physical and financial worlds.", "\n\nIf numbers are seen as the power of grouping things into different systems or of creating a field of harmony, then another side to their nature emerges: Numbers define how things divide into each other, and this inter-division is all about the compatibility of one thing with another. ", "In the previous chapter, the planetary periods were shown to divide into each other to reveal definite number relationships of this sort.", "\n\nThis ability of one number to divide into another is crucial to an understanding of the individual properties of numbers in the following way: A number that cannot be divided by another number is called a prime number, some early prime numbers being 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19.", "\n\nNumbers that are not prime are therefore divisible by at least two lesser prime numbers, for example, six is divisible by two and by three. ", "This means that in looking at the power of numbers, especially as they were conceived in the ancient world, it is the pattern of the primes and non-primes within the continuum of whole numbers that provides both a master plan and the part in that plan of any individual number.", "\n\nThe Theory and Practice of Numbers\n\nNumerical relationships probably came to the ancient mind through the counting of astronomical periods. ", "In the case of the week and the Saturn calendar, it is obvious that the number seven is highly apparent in the structure of time on Earth. ", "Given also what is now known about the science of metrology that then developed in the ancient world, we can confidently say that the missing link between the later metrology and the original counting of number is the discovery of the field of number itself and its properties.", "\n\nThis study of number would today be classified as pure mathematics, largely in a field called Number Theory, long relegated as a specialism known only to mathematicians. ", "What is likely to have occurred within the prehistoric setting though is that similar educational institutions sprang up, like the later druidic universities. ", "To teach and develop the knowledge of astronomy, musical harmony, earth measure, or metrology in megalithic times, this core subject of number theory would have been the fundamental language of how numerical structure comes into existence.", "\n\nAncient Number Theory 101\n\nThe subjects taught at a megalithic university must have a close relationship to the seven traditional arts that were taught in the medieval universities. ", "The first group of three contained Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric and was called the Trivium because it prepared students for rational thought and was considered “trivial” compared to the four mathematical arts of Arithmetic (number theory), Geometry, Musical Harmony, and Astronomy. ", "These latter were called the Quadrivium and are those arts required to build megalithic monuments.", "\n\nWhile the counting of astronomical time periods would have revealed that numbers have properties and would have developed geometrical competence in those observing them, the field of number would then form the foundation for these numerical sciences. ", "From this foundation a full numerical world-view would have been possible, finding its fullest expression within ancient monuments.", "\n\nSacred buildings have always been based upon number. ", "However, these structures are today looked upon as ceremonial and little else. ", "Our modern prejudice is not to look for educational purpose, yet modern researchers, such as those who have studied the metrology of ancient structures, have themselves learned a great deal from these structures. ", "This implies that even without having megalithic instructors available these structures are educational.", "\n\nMetrology (the science of ancient measures) is shown to have become the medium for applying number knowledge to the Earth itself: its size and shape and the location and design of the monuments built upon it. ", "Metrology appears to have been the most sophisticated product of the ancient world; a quintessence of the four mathematical arts, drawing upon the alignments, geometry, proportions, and harmony built into ancient monuments.", "\n\nThe Foundation Numbers\n\nSocrates and Lao-tzu paraphrase each other in saying that the whole of creation is based upon One (the whole), Two (the division of it), and Three (the interrelation of parts). ", "In some way all else was said to follow from these three and indeed, the next number that does not divide by two or three will also be a prime number.", "\n\nFive, although it is the sum of Two and Three, is a prime because Two and Three cannot divide it into a whole number of parts. ", "This indivisibility concept is very important and is called incommensurability, meaning that one smaller measure cannot divide or find its measure within a larger measure a whole number of times. ", "Any fractional part “left over” is represented as either a decimal fraction such as 0.090909 or its more exact fractional equivalent, in this case 1/11. ", "In metrology, such fractions are caused just by the units of measure chosen--they can be avoided altogether by chosing the “correct” unit to divide by. ", "With the number pi, a number that no limit of decimals can fully define, by defining the one or unit as the diameter of a circle, pi is the length of the circle’s circumference.", "\n\nTable of Contents\n\nTable of content\n\nAcknowledgments\n\nINTRODUCTION Number and Creation\n\nONE Numbers from the Sky\n\nTWO The Root of All Measures\n\nTHREE The Model of Earth\n\nFOUR Ancient Theme Parks\n\nFIVE Mythic Heroes and Geomantic Technologies\n\nSIX Secret Men from the North\n\nSEVEN Angels of the Transfinite\n\nEIGHT The Temple’s Last Stand\n\nNINE Life, the Universe, and Everything\n\nTEN Building the New Jerusalem\n\nAPPENDIX ONE Astrophysical Constants\n\nAPPENDIX TWO A Brief Introduction to the Metrology of Neal and Michell\n\nNotes\n\nIndex\n\nAuthor Bio\n\nRichard Heath is a Web developer and author with degrees in electrical and computer engineering. ", "He lives in Pembrokeshire, Wales.", "\n\nReviews\n\nReviews\n\nBook Praise\n\nBook Praise\n\n“Richard Heath sweeps away the mechanistic and relativistic paradigm to reveal an earth-centered, celestial system founded upon the beauty of musical harmony and geometric symmetry.", "”Robert Lawlor, author of Sacred Geometry and Voices of the First Day\n\n“Richard Heath effectively rewrites the book on the mysterious but accomplished megalithic cultures preceding ancient Egypt, Sumer, China, and India.", "”John Anthony West, author of Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt\n\n“. . . ", "well-expressed, with a deep insight into the ancient science.” ", "John Michell, author of The Dimensions of Paradise\n\n\"Books such as this must be read if we are to hold back the New Dark Ages. ", "Heath's book is profound and the product of years of study and thought. ", "These things have been kept from us by institutional forces and preserved in secret. ", "Only an understanding of these principles can save us.", "\"Robert Temple, author of Oracles of the Dead and The Sirius Mystery\n\n\"You do not have to be deeply into the field of mathematics, or the field of esoteric numbers, to enjoy this book, and to gain some wisdom from it. ", "The discussions on secret societies, and those on sacred numbers and architecture are absolutely breathtaking! ", "Well written, and easily understood, this book has a place with those who wish to understand their own lives better.\" ", "Bonnie Cehovet, Angelfire.com, Feb 2007\n\n\" . . . ", "in-depth look at the world of sacred geometry that holds your attention, making it an easy read.\"", "\n\nRahasya Poe, Lotus Guide magazine, Sept/Oct 2007\n\nBack Cover\n\nBack Cover Copy\n\nANCIENT MYSTERIES / NEW SCIENCE\n\n“Richard Heath sweeps away the mechanistic and relativistic paradigm to reveal an earth-centered, celestial system founded upon the beauty of musical harmony and geometric symmetry.” ", "--Robert Lawlor, author of Sacred Geometry and Voices of the First Day\n\n“Richard Heath effectively rewrites the book on the mysterious but accomplished megalithic cultures preceding ancient Egypt, Sumer, China, and India.” ", "--John Anthony West, author of Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt\n\n“. . . ", "well-expressed, with a deep insight into the ancient science.” ", "--John Michell, author of The Dimensions of Paradise\n\nThe ubiquitous use of certain sacred numbers and ratios can be found throughout history, influencing everything from art and architecture to the development of religion and secret societies. ", "In Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization, Richard Heath reveals the origins, widespread influences, and deeper meaning of these synchronous numerical occurrences and how they were left within our planetary environment during the creation of the earth, the moon, and our solar system.", "\n\nExploring astronomy, harmony, geomancy, sacred centers, and myth, Heath reveals the secret use of sacred number knowledge in the building of Gothic cathedrals and the important influence of sacred numbers in the founding of modern Western culture. ", "He explains how the Templar design of Washington, D.C., represents the New Jerusalem, and he identifies the role secret societies play as a repository for sacred numerical information. ", "Those who attempt to decode its meaning without understanding the planetary origins of this knowledge are left with contradictory, cryptic, and often deceptive information. ", "By examining prehistoric and monumental cultures through the Dark Ages and later recorded history, Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization provides a key to understanding the true role and meaning of number.", "\n\nRichard Heath is a Web developer with degrees in electrical and computer engineering. ", "The author of The Matrix of Creation: Sacred Geometry in the Realm of the Planets, he lives in Scotland.", "\n\nSign Up to receive our online or printed catalogs\n\nIf you wish to receive announcements of books in categories of your interest.", "\n\nCONNECT WITH US\n\nFounded in 1975, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company is one of the largest and oldest publishing houses in the world devoted exclusively to the subjects of spirituality, the occult, ancient mysteries, new science, holistic health, and natural medicine. ", "Happily nestled in the Green Mountains of Vermont for more than 30 years, the company now has over 1,500 titles in print." ]
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[ "Church Creek, MD Crawl Space\n\nBefore\n\nAfter\n\nHave you looked into your crawl space recently? ", "If not, your crawl space may look like this one! ", "Clearly, you are able to see the dirt, mold, thin plastic sheet, no dehumidifier, and no sump pump! ", "Luckily, these homeowners contacted DryZone to fix the problem!", "\n\nCrawl Space Encapsulation in Church Creek, MD\n\nBefore\n\nAfter\n\nIn the crawl space in Church Creek, MD, SmartJacks have been installed to replace the concrete blocks that were holding up the foundation. ", "The insulation in the ceiling of the crawl space has been removed as well as the debris on the ground!", "\n\nDo you have a wet basement or a damp crawl space? ", "Is there a musty smell in your Church Creek basement or crawl space? ", "How about a crack in your basement? ", "Maybe you need a new sump pump or dehumidifier. ", "DryZone, LLC is here for all of your basement waterproofing, sump pump installation, and crawl space repair needs. ", "Since , we have been helping homeowners and businesses with their basement and crawl space needs in Delmarva. ", "We are part of the Basement Systems network which means the products and services we provide are backed by over 27 years of proven science and testing. ", "Contact us for a free basement waterproofing or crawl space encapsulation estimate today.", "\n\nAfter your basement has been fully waterproofed and you want to have a finished basement, stick with DryZone, LLC. ", "Our basement finishing products and services will make your basement beautiful while also keeping it healthy and dry. ", "We are part of the Total Basement Finishing network, a network of dealers and products that are industry-leading and will allow for a dry, usable space in your basement!", "\n\nChurch Creek Expert Structural & Foundation Repair\n\nDo you have a crack in your foundation? ", "Is your foundation settling or sinking? ", "Are the walls in your basement bowing in? ", "If your foundation needs help you can trust DryZone, LLC to help repair your foundation. ", "Our years of experience and industry-leading products and services from the Foundation Supportworks network allow our foundation repair specialists and geo-technical experts to provide a custom solution to resolve all of your foundation repair needs.", "\n\nPolyLevel Concrete Lifting & Leveling in Church Creek, MD\n\nIf you have sinking or settling concrete at your Church Creek home or business your uneven surfaces can prove to be unsightly, but more importantly you have a tripping hazard. ", "Maybe a slab is leaving a shed or air conditioner unlevel. ", "Our PolyLevel concrete lifting polymer injection solution can resolve your uneven concrete problems. ", "PolyLevel is less intrusive than the traditional slab jacking or mudjacking methods and can be completed in less time. ", "Contact us today for a free quote!", "\n\nMudjacking and slab jacking alternative\n\nConcrete slab repair\n\nSidewalk leveling and repair\n\nPool deck leveling and repair\n\nFoundation & house leveling\n\nWritten warranties on products\n\nFREE written estimates and inspections\n\nElectrical Services\n\nAs a part of our wide range of services, we also offer electrical repairs, installations, and upgrades! ", "If you are in need of an electrician, look no further. ", "It is important to have a company you can trust when there is something wrong with your home's electrical system. ", "Our electrical repair services are extensive and range from interior repair to exterior installations. ", "Give us a call for your free estimate on your electrical upgrades and improvements.", "\n\nWhat is the best way to keep your crawl space dry all of the time? ", "By allowing DryZone to install the dehumidifier, sump pump, water drainage mat, and CleanSpace!", "\n\nFinishing your crawl space has several benefits but the most important benefit is keeping your crawl space dry ALL OF THE TIME.", "\n\nThe crawl space has been encapsulated and the homeowners no longer have to worry about the area being filled with moisture and debris.", "\n\nJob Stories From Church Creek, MD\n\nCrawl Space Encapsulation in Church Creek, MD\n\nIn the crawl space in Church Creek, MD, SmartJacks have been installed to replace the concrete blocks that were holding up the foundation. ", "The insulation in the ceiling of the crawl space has been removed as well as the debris on the ground!", "\n\nChurch Creek, MD Crawl Space Encapsulation\n\nHave you looked into your crawl space recently? ", "If not, your crawl space may look like this one! ", "Clearly, you are able to see the dirt, mold, thin plastic sheet, no dehumidifier, and no sump pump! ", "Luckily, these homeowners contacted DryZone to fix the problem!", "\n\nChurch Creek, MD Crawl Space\n\nThe homeowners in Church Creek, MD would like to encapsulate their crawl space and have DryZone install a SaniDry CX dehumidifier and TripleSafe sump pump!", "\n\nAfter DryZone encapsulated the crawl space, the homeowners no longer had musty smells throughout their home.", "\n\nWork Requests From Church Creek, MD\n\nHoopers Island Roadin Church Creek\n\nOpen crawl space under part of house is damp and cold. ", "40' x 20' addition needs more support at 10' center. ", "Breezeway requires insulation and closing in" ]
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[ "Reconstituted Sendai virus envelopes as biological carriers: dual role of F protein in binding and fusion with liver cells.", "\nWe have assessed the potential of reconstituted Sendai viral envelopes containing only the fusion protein (F-virosomes) as biological carriers for the delivery of drugs and macromolecules. [", "125I]lysozyme entrapped in F-virosome is used to study its distribution in various organs of Balb/c mouse in vivo as a function of dose and time. ", "F-virosomes injected intravenously are rapidly cleared from circulation. ", "A major percentage (55-60%) of vesicle contents is delivered to liver at 15 min after injection, showing thereby the liver to be the major site for the accumulation of vesicles. ", "Uptake of virosomes by liver is found to reach a near saturation level at a dose of 0.5 mg F-protein associated with virosomes. ", "In competition studies, the inhibitory effect of asialofetuin on the uptake of F-virosomes suggests the involvement of asialoglycoprotein receptor in its recognition by hepatic parenchymal cells. ", "Incorporation of asialoganglioside-GM1 in the F-virosomes enhanced the uptake by about 1.6-fold. ", "The observed specific interaction of hepatic receptor with F-protein containing a terminal galactose moiety is further supported by degalactosylation of F-virosomes with hard-shelled clam exoglycosidase. ", "The uptake of degalactosylated F-virosomes by liver is found to be significantly reduced. ", "The subcellular radioactivity profile in liver cells exhibits a considerable decrease in cytosolic localisation of the degalactosylated F-virosomal contents with a concomitant increase in their accumulation in lysosomal/mitochondrial fraction as compared to the untreated virosomes. ", "Trypsinized and heat-treated F-virosomes also reflect similar subcellular distribution profile as that of degalactosylated virosomes. ", "Moreover, F-virosomes are able to interact and deliver [125I]lysozyme to the HepG2 cells in culture in the presence of a potent inhibitor of endocytotic process. ", "These results indicate the involvement of specific binding of F-proteins with hepatic receptors followed by their fusion with the membrane of liver cells in the delivery of [125I]lysozyme. ", "The findings reported here open up the possibility of using F-virosomes with defined specificity as fusogenic vehicles for efficient delivery of drugs and biologically active macromolecules both in vivo and in vitro." ]
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[ "// SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)\n\n/*\n * BTF-to-C dumper test for topological sorting of dependent structs.", "\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2019 Facebook\n */\n/* ----- START-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ----- */\nstruct s1 {};\n\nstruct s3;\n\nstruct s4;\n\nstruct s2 {\n\tstruct s2 *s2;\n\tstruct s3 *s3;\n\tstruct s4 *s4;\n};\n\nstruct s3 {\n\tstruct s1 s1;\n\tstruct s2 s2;\n};\n\nstruct s4 {\n\tstruct s1 s1;\n\tstruct s3 s3;\n};\n\nstruct list_head {\n\tstruct list_head *next;\n\tstruct list_head *prev;\n};\n\nstruct hlist_node {\n\tstruct hlist_node *next;\n\tstruct hlist_node **pprev;\n};\n\nstruct hlist_head {\n\tstruct hlist_node *first;\n};\n\nstruct callback_head {\n\tstruct callback_head *next;\n\tvoid (*func)(struct callback_head *);\n};\n\nstruct root_struct {\n\tstruct s4 s4;\n\tstruct list_head l;\n\tstruct hlist_node n;\n\tstruct hlist_head h;\n\tstruct callback_head cb;\n};\n\n/*------ END-EXPECTED-OUTPUT ------ */\n\nint f(struct root_struct *root)\n{\n\treturn 0;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Update: A USK representative replied to clarify that German authorities are not considering a general ban on loot boxes, but are actually examining regulations of online advertising and purchasing as a whole.", "\n\n\"A closer look at the discussion is taking place, ie., ", "if there are any specific risks and where to locate them legally. ", "As part of that analysis the KJM (governmental institution responsible for youth protection regarding to online content/services) is taking a closer look at permitted and prohibited advertising in shop offerings. ", "However these rules apply to online purchases in general, thus also to loot boxes,\" the rep said.", "\n\n\"In the German debate this term [loot box] refers to a broad variety of different in-game or even just game-related purchase systems with more or less randomized items. ", "Hence one cannot say that 'loot boxes' violate German laws, as each integration has to be evaluated as separate case.\"", "\n\nOriginal story:\n\nGermany is looking into imposing restrictions on loot boxes in videogames, according to this Welt report, which says (via Google Translate, so caveats apply) that a study by the University of Hamburg has found that elements of gambling are becoming increasingly common in videogames. ", "It's an important part of the game industry's business model, but the chairman of the Youth Protection Commission of the State Media Authorities warned that it may violate laws against promoting gambling to children and adolescents.", "\n\nGermany's Media Authorities join a chorus of loot box critics from countries including Belgium, Australia, and the United States, all of whom have suggested that RNG loot drops that require real-money purchases could be, or should be, subject to some form of regulation above and beyond ESRB age ratings.", "\n\nThat position runs counter to opinions expressed by videogame publishers and rating agencies, including the ESRB in North America and PEGI and Ukie in Europe. ", "Germany's USK rating board hasn't weighed in yet, but PEGI operations director Dirk Bosmans said in October last year that he believes it holds the same position: That \"we cannot define what constitutes gambling,\" and therefore cannot regulate loot boxes as such.", "\n\nThe Youth Protection Commission will render its decision on loot boxes in March, according to the report. ", "I've reached out to the USK for more information and will update if I receive a reply.", "\n\nThanks, KitGuru." ]
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[ "Chuyangaron\n\nChuyangaron () is a town and jamoat in Tajikistan. ", "It is located in Vahdat District in Districts of Republican Subordination province.", "The jamoat has a total population of 13070.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Populated places in Tajikistan\nCategory:Jamoats of Tajikistan" ]
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[ "by Steve Vladeck, Professor of Law, University of Texas School of Law\n\nThe front page of Friday’s Washington Post includes a story about the Trump Administration quietly investigating ways of firing Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III or otherwise shutting down his ongoing (and apparently widening) investigation into Russian tampering in the 2016 presidential election. ", "While there are three possible avenues through which Mueller could legally be removed, which I outline below, it is possible that any or all of these moves could themselves be treated as obstruction of justice, whether by the Special Counsel (if it somehow survives the affair) or Congress in impeachment proceedings. ", "That is to say, even if the President lawfully has the power to fire someone, that doesn’t mean such action is completely unlimited. (", "For instance, the President could not fire an at-will employee simply because of their race, religion, or sex.)", "\n\nAnd this leads to perhaps the most important bottom line: The complexities of the legal issues aside, what is hopefully clear is that the President has a fair amount of legal authority to act, or to at least attempt to act, in this space—authority that Congress has not meaningfully sought to circumscribe since it enacted the independent counsel statute in 1978. ", "But as the obstruction point underscores, the real question is not whether the President has a legal right to fire Special Counsel Mueller, but whether such a legal move might nevertheless provoke his current supporters in Congress to turn against him—or, at the very least, to more aggressively support other investigations into the current Administration and the Trump campaign.", "\n\nI. The Direct Termination Route\n\nThe Special Counsel is governed by a federal regulation, 28 C.F.R. part 600, which dates to 1999. ", "Under one provision of the regulation (28 C.F.R. § 600.7(d)), “The Special Counsel may be disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the Attorney General.” ", "The regulation further provides that “The Attorney General may remove a Special Counsel for misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause, including violation of Departmental policies,” but the regulation does not clearly create a right on the Special Counsel’s part to challenge a removal decision on the ground that it’s for some other reason.", "\n\nCritically, the “Attorney General” here, as Mueller’s appointment itself suggests, is not Attorney General Sessions, who has recused (apparently to President Trump’s chagrin) from Russia-related matters. ", "Instead, it is the Acting Attorney General, which, per the current Executive Order on DOJ succession, is the Deputy Attorney General (Rod Rosenstein). ", "If President Trump wanted to fire Mueller directly, presumably, he would order Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to do so. ", "Rosenstein could either comply or resign, at which point we would start marching down the DOJ line of succession—which, at the moment, goes from Rosenstein to Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, and from Brand to Dana Boente, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. ", "As with the Saturday Night Massacre, President Trump could keep firing DOJ officials who refused to fire Mueller until he finds one (in Nixon’s case, Robert Bork) who will.", "\n\nThe upside of the direct termination route is that it is, well, direct. ", "It is also legally unassailable. ", "The downsides are two-fold: First, a repeat of the Saturday Night Massacre would surely have significant reverberations on Capitol Hill (where Mueller is widely respected), and might finally provide the basis for a decisive wedge between congressional Republicans and the White House. ", "Second, and more practically, firing Mueller would not actually end the investigation—which is now well-staffed and well underway. ", "Instead, it would then fall to whoever fires Mueller to appoint someone to succeed him, since the regulation (perhaps deliberately) does not provide a means for anyone other than the Special Counsel to terminate an ongoing investigation.", "\n\nII. ", "The Regulatory Repeal Route\n\nThis leads to the second possible option—and one designed to destroy the investigation—which is to simply repeal or otherwise rescind the governing regulation, 28 C.F.R. part 600. ", "How easy (or hard) this would prove to be depends to at least some degree on whether those regulations are treated as a “legislative” or “non-legislative” rule for purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). ", "The former require all of the procedural accoutrements of administrative law before they can be rescinded, include public notice and comment; the latter do not. (", "As Professor David Franklin wrote last year, “it turns out to be maddeningly hard to devise a test that reliably determines which rules are legislative in nature and which are not.”) ", "To be fair, the Special Counsel regulation has some of the hallmarks of legislative rules (which are harder to repeal). ", "But even if the Executive Branch claims that the Special Counsel regulation is a non-legislative rule (and, indeed, even if it is ultimately correct on that score), it is not hard to imagine that there will be litigation over that issue—litigation that could take time before definitively resolving the matter. ", "All the while, presumably, the investigation could continue apace.", "\n\nIII. ", "The Unitary Executive and the Nuclear Option\n\nThis leads to the third—and most controversial—possibility, that the President will invoke his constitutional authority as a wedge against either Mueller’s appointment specifically or the existence of the Special Counsel in general, and will issue an Executive Order terminating Mueller, abolishing the Special Counsel in its entirety, or both. ", "The difference between this approach and the second option outlined above is that this one would not depend upon the vagaries of federal administrative law, but instead posits that the President would assert as a constitutional matter that he cannot be stopped from firing a Special Counsel and/or shutting down an investigation—an assertion of authority that could not be reconciled with either the terms of 28 C.F.R. part 600 or the existence of the ongoing investigation. ", "And the pursuit of this option would, without question, trigger a constitutional showdown between the Special Counsel and the President, of the likes not seen since the fight over the Watergate tapes that culminated in the Supreme Court’s July 1974 ruling in United States v. Nixon.", "\n\nAs for who would win such a constitutional showdown, who knows? ", "But one has to suspect that such an assertion of indefeasible executive power would not sit well with Congress, and might, at the very least, ratchet up the pace and scope of the congressional investigations even if/as the Special Counsel’s criminal investigation hangs in the balance.", "\n\nExecutive Power, Separation of Powers and Federalism" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright 2013 ZXing authors\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\n#import \"ZXEncoderContext.h\"\n#import \"ZXSymbolInfo.h\"\n#import \"ZXSymbolShapeHint.h\"\n\n@interface ZXEncoderContext ()\n\n@property (nonatomic, strong) ZXDimension *maxSize;\n@property (nonatomic, strong) ZXDimension *minSize;\n\n@end\n\n@implementation ZXEncoderContext\n\n- (id)initWithMessage:(NSString *)msg {\n if (self = [super init]) {\n //From this point on Strings are not Unicode anymore!", "\n NSData *msgData = [msg dataUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding];\n if (!", "msgData) {\n [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@\"Message contains characters outside ISO-8859-1 encoding.\"];", "\n }\n const char *msgBinary = [msgData bytes];\n NSMutableString *sb = [NSMutableString string];\n for (int i = 0, c = (int)msg.length; i < c; i++) {\n unichar ch = (unichar) (msgBinary[i] & 0xff);\n [sb appendFormat:@\"%C\", ch];\n }\n\n _message = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:sb];\n _symbolShape = [ZXSymbolShapeHint forceNone];\n _codewords = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:msg.length];\n _newEncoding = -1;\n }\n\n return self;\n}\n\n- (void)setSizeConstraints:(ZXDimension *)minSize maxSize:(ZXDimension *)maxSize {\n self.minSize = minSize;\n self.maxSize = maxSize;\n}\n\n- (unichar)currentChar {\n return [self.message characterAtIndex:self.pos];\n}\n\n- (unichar)current {\n return [self.message characterAtIndex:self.pos];\n}\n\n- (void)writeCodewords:(NSString *)codewords {\n [self.codewords appendString:codewords];\n}\n\n- (void)writeCodeword:(unichar)codeword {\n [self.codewords appendFormat:@\"%C\", codeword];\n}\n\n- (int)codewordCount {\n return (int)self.codewords.length;\n}\n\n- (void)signalEncoderChange:(int)encoding {\n self.newEncoding = encoding;\n}\n\n- (void)resetEncoderSignal {\n self.newEncoding = -1;\n}\n\n- (BOOL)hasMoreCharacters {\n return self.pos < [self totalMessageCharCount];\n}\n\n- (int)totalMessageCharCount {\n return (int)self.message.length - self.skipAtEnd;\n}\n\n- (int)remainingCharacters {\n return [self totalMessageCharCount] - self.pos;\n}\n\n- (void)updateSymbolInfo {\n [self updateSymbolInfoWithLength:[self codewordCount]];\n}\n\n- (void)updateSymbolInfoWithLength:(int)len {\n if (self.symbolInfo == nil || len > self.symbolInfo.dataCapacity) {\n self.symbolInfo = [ZXSymbolInfo lookup:len shape:self.symbolShape minSize:self.minSize maxSize:self.maxSize fail:YES];\n }\n}\n\n- (void)resetSymbolInfo {\n self.symbolInfo = nil;\n}\n\n@end\n" ]
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[ "\"This Rosh Hashanah, traditional treats get gussied up with the likes of a Ginger and Spice Honey Cake, the \"Bee Sting\" Brioche, a Chocolate Chip Honey Cake, and, of course, grandma's classic honey cake.\" ", "Rachel Wagner satisfies her sweet tooth with a special delivery from Shemo in Ramat Aviv.", "\n\nI was having a serious craving. ", "The whole day long, I hadn't been interested in actual food, and instead spent the day grazing on semi-stale butter cookies and mini-toblerones from duty free which, needless to say, were not hitting the spot.", "\n\nAround 6pm, I was starting to crack. ", "Knowing what I had in mind, I sent an urgent mission e-mail to Idan, aka 'the big man with the little scooter'.", "\n\nWhat I wanted was waiting just beyond my Tel Aviv reach in Ramat Aviv at a little pastry shop called Shemo. ", "What I wanted was The Chocolate Crunch: A large slab of braided yeast dough interwoven with layers and layers of chocolate that somehow manages to be creamy and crunchy all at the same time.", "\n\nI attacked it with my fingers (such a shame to slice it really, when you can simply pull off bits and pieces). ", "As the chocolate hit my tongue I could feel the sugar coursing through my veins. ", "Oh sweet, sweet Chocolate Crunch.", "\n\nI relished in the scent and taste of my much sought after high for a few more minutes. ", "Then, I quickly wrapped up the rest so as not to destroy my high by overdosing to the point of tummy ache.", "\n\nWith 4 locations all around the country, I suspect that I'm not the only one Shemo's hooked. ", "In addition to the lovely aforementioned Crunch, Shemo offers a wide range of baked goods including pound cakes, an assortment of beautiful mousse cakes, cookies and all sorts of seasonal goods.", "\n\nThis Rosh Hashanah, traditional treats get gussied up with the likes of a Ginger and Spice Honey Cake, the \"Bee Sting\" Brioche, a Chocolate Chip Honey Cake, and, of course, grandma's classic honey cake. ", "In addition, a selection of creations using the traditional holiday ingredients of apples, honey, nuts (and even some chocolate for the fun of it), including tarts, apple cake homemade challah, some with specials fillings and homemade jam will also be available.", "\n\nFinally, Shemo even takes care of the diabetics and weight watchers with an assortment of sugar free delights including: apple strudel and carrot honey walnut cake.", "\n\nSpecial holiday products are also available in assorted elegant gift boxes to help you wish your friends, family and business contacts a sweet new year in style." ]
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[ "In the 2012 election cycle, President Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney have been keeping one specific demographic in mind – Latinos.", "\n\nMany analysts think Hispanic voters are the key to the outcome of the 2012 presidential election, specifically in swing states such as Nevada and Florida. ", "With a population that reached 50.4 million residents in 2010, it is no surprise that strategies have been developed by both parties to get the Latino vote. ", "However, immigration policies should not be the only approach candidates are taking with the Hispanic population.", "\n\nToday, the Sierra Club in conjunction with NCLR (National Council of La Raza) released an extensive poll conducted by Project New America and Myers Research. ", "The results of the 2012 Latinos and the Environment Survey show an overwhelming belief that Latinos believe in global climate change and want government regulations to protect their air and water – a combined 92% understand that global warming is either already happening and it will happen in the future.", "\n\nThe Latino community clearly understands that due to fossil fuel production and usage, our nation is going through serious climate changes.", "\n\nLatino voters are also mostly in agreement with the entire American demographic when it comes to regulations. ", "The report found that 72% Latino voters agree that regulations protect our health by lowering polluting toxins in our air and water. ", "A report released by the Pew Research Center recognized 71% of all Americans believe our government should do “whatever it takes to protect the environment.”", "\n\nRegulations benefit all of us, but are particularly essential to Latinos.", "\n\nAccording to the Center for Disease Control, Hispanics are 165% more likely to live in counties with unhealthy levels of particulate matter than were whites. ", "The report found that 43% of Latino voters say they live or work near a toxic site, such as a refinery, a coal fired power plant, an incinerator, an agricultural field, a major highway, or a factory. ", "This represents a significant increase since 2008, when 34% reported living or working close to a toxic site.", "\n\nAs a result of the environmental injustice occurring in our country, the report states that nearly half of Hispanic voters (47%) report that they or someone in their family has faced asthma as a result of environmental factors.", "\n\nIt seems that the GOP is on the wrong side of this issue if they want to win the Latino vote as many of them want to not only scale back regulations (some want to just get rid of the EPA), and obstruct any possible solution to the mess we’re making by polluting.", "\n\nLike Climate Progress on Facebook\n\nThis is not surprising. ", "When I look around my own community in the San Francisco Bay Area, it would be very unusual to find people in jobs outside who are not Latinos. ", "That means construction, agriculture, lawn maintenance, etc. ", "When you work outside, you understand that the environment is where you live, not some place you visit.", "\n\nBesides climate change, they are also most affected by indiscriminate use of agricultural chemicals, industrial or agricultural contamination of ground water, etc. ", "Let’s hope that they, and their urban relatives, vote according to what they know.", "\n\nI would love to believe that the retrograde position of the GOP on climate change will cost them votes. ", "But then a Tea Party lunatic named Ted Cruz swept to an easy GOP primary victory in Texas yesterday. ", "He’ll be a shoo-in in November. ", "Do I even have to check what this genius’s position on climate change is?" ]
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[ "Today's Mobile & Modern Monday project will help you built NFC (Near Field Communication) based Windows Phone 8 app's. ", "Imagine you want to create the next cool NFC app, an app that connects two devices. ", "But you only have one device! ", "How are you going to test your app?", "\n\nWhat you need is a NFC emulator/simulator (and wouldn't it be cool if the source for that emulator/simulator's source were available?)", "\n\nOne of the more interesting features of Windows Phone 8 is its Proximity Framework for Near-field communications (NFC). ", "Both Nokia and Microsoft have heavily invested in this area. ", "The Proximity API provides you the controls needed to innovate on NFC technology, but at the moment Windows Phone SDK default emulator does not simulate NFC. ", "That means you have to use real WP8 devices to test and debug NFC-related features. ", "If you’re developing a feature to be used between NFC-enabled devices, you’ll need to have at least two devices in hand. ", "In addition, there are often physical movements required to perform NFC interactions while debugging. ", "The good news is that there is an open source project called “Proximity Tapper” (http://proximitytapper.codeplex.com/) which offers NFC simulation on top of the emulators WP8 SDK provides. ", "The project is generously Apache 2.0 licensed. ", "Proximity Tapper can simulate a wide variety of NFC scenarios, such as tapping one WP8 device with another, tapping a WP8 device with a tag, and tapping a WP8 device with Windows 8 device. ", "The use cases that Proximity Tapper cannot perform include tag writing, “Tap+Send” system integration (due to lack of Bluetooth capability), and Wallet integration. ", "Also, it currently does not support tapping between a real WP8 device and an emulator. ", "According to discussion on project webpage, mixing real WP8 device with emulator seems to be too much work. ", "From the Proximity Tapper UI, you first add devices. ", "WP8 Emulators can be automatically discovered. ", "Also other devices such as Windows 8 devices can be added manually using IP, hostname, or MAC addresses ... Proximity Tapper can be a pretty handy tool for NFC development on Windows Phone 8. ", "It allows you to focus more on the content of messages to be published/subscribed. ", "Using the emulator to test NFC is not only cost-efficient but also saves you the hassle of moving between real devices and keyboard while developing NFC features. ", "It’s also perfect for demonstrating your app during presentations.", "\n\nProject Description\n\nProximity Tapper is a developer tool for working with NFC on both Windows Phone and Windows, and allows you to build NFC apps in the Windows Phone emulator. ", "The Windows Phone 8 emulator does not currently have any built-in official support for emulator NFC (Near Field Communication), but the Proximity Tapper tool plugs into the Windows Phone 8 emulator to simulate NFC and make it possible to test and develop NFC/Proximity-enabled Windows Phone 8 apps without phone hardware. ", "The tapper tool supports \"tapping\" a pair of Windows Phone 8 emulators together as if they had physically been tapped, injecting NDEF messages into the connection (and allowing for \"tapping\" just a single emulator), as well as displaying all message traffic for diagnostic purposes. ", "Note that the Proximity Tapper tool is not officially supported, and it does not always accurately simulate the behavior of true NFC hardware. ", "Quick Start VERY IMPORTANT: When first launching the tapper tool you will get a Windows Firewall prompt, you MUST select ALL 3 checkboxes and allow the tool through the firewall otherwise it will silently not work After launching the quick start installer, make sure you follow the above instruction to select all 3 checkboxes on the firewall prompt. ", "Also, the tapper tool must be installed and used on the same physical host machine as the Windows Phone emulators.", "\n\nThe tapper tool has 3 sections: The top left lists the devices available. ", "Any running Windows Phone emulators (must be running on the same physical host machine) should automatically show up in the list, for Windows machines running the simulator driver you may type the IP address or hostname in the textbox and click \"add\" to manually add them to the list. ", "The bottom left lists the active connections (taps). ", "When you tap a pair of devices together (or a single device) the connection representing that tap is listed, but when you untap (equivalent of pulling the devices apart and breaking the NFC connection) the connection will disappear. ", "The right half of the screen is the message log and will show the transcript of all messages sent or received over the currently selected connection (select it in the list on the bottom left).", "\n\nTap a Pair of Phone Emulators Together\n\nTap a Phone Emulator to a Simulated NFC \"tag\"\n\nTap With a Windows 8 Device ... Getting Started Writing Proximity/NFC Apps The APIs for Proximity/NFC are mostly identical between Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. ", "They're Windows RT-based which means you can use them from either C# or native C++ (and WWA on Windows 8) Getting started guide to Proximity/NFC APIs: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/Hh465221(v=win.10).aspx Proximity code sample: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Proximity-Sample-88129731 Windows 8 NFC Driver Spec (contains useful information about message types and formats): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/hh770524.aspx\n\nSource? ", "Yep!", "\n\nHere's a snap of the Solution, based on the latest source check-in (Dec 11, 2012);\n\nYou'll not he Warning icons... As you download it, it won't compile, complaining about not being able to find the certificate in the Cert Store. ", "Don't sweat it. ", "To the Project Properties, Signing tab and uncheck the Sign the ClickOnce manifests (or click on the Create Test Certificate)\n\nNow the program should compile and run (at least it did on my machine).", "\n\nSo if you're interested in building and testing WP8/W8 NFC app's or just checking out some interesting code... Proximity Tapper." ]
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[ "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Monday evening to a threat issued by an Iranian commander, saying that if Iran attacks Tel Aviv, it \"would be the last anniversary of the revolution that they celebrate.\"", "\n\nHaaretz Weekly Episode 15 Credit: Haaretz\n\nSpeaking at a rally earlier Monday celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said that Iran would demolish entire cities in Israel if the United States attacked the Islamic Republic.", "\n\nUpdate: Netanyahu again confirms Syria strike, contrary to position of top brass\n\n“I do not ignore the threats of the Iranian regime but neither am I intimidated by them,\" Netanyahu said. \"", "If this regime makes the awful mistake of trying to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa, it will not succeed. ", "However, this would be the last anniversary of the revolution that they celebrate. ", "They should take this into account.”", "\n\nYadollah Javani, the Guards' deputy head for political affairs was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA that \"the United States does not have the courage to shoot a single bullet at us despite all its defensive and military assets. ", "But if they attack us, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground,\"\n\nHundreds of thousands of Iranians marched and some burned U.S. and Israeli flags on Monday to mark the 40th anniversary of the triumph of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Shi'ite cleric who toppled the Shah in an Islamic Revolution that rattles the West to this day.", "\n\nOn Feb 11, 1979, Iran's army declared its neutrality, paving the way for the fall of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the United States' closest ally in the Middle East.", "\n\nOpen gallery view Iranians burn Israeli and American flags during celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Tehran, February 11, 2019. ", "Credit: AFP\n\nState TV showed crowds defying cold rainy weather and carrying Iranian flags while shouting \"Death to Israel, Death to America,\" trademark chants of the revolution which ousted the United States' most important ally in the Middle East.", "\n\n\"Much to the dismay of America, the revolution has reached its 40th year,\" read one banner.", "\n\n>> Burned by Israel strikes, Iran to move weapons supply center out of Damascus\n\narchers carried cardboard cutouts of dogs. ", "One had the face of Trump and the other the face of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.", "\n\nState TV showed a cartoon of the Shah being thrown into the \"dustbin of history\", wearing clothes in U.S. colors and holding Iranian newspapers headlined \"The Shah has left!\"" ]
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[ "Sporadic early adult-onset distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles: immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy.", "\nWe report the histoenzymology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy of the tibialis anterior muscle of a 50-year-old male patient affected by a sporadic distal myopathy with onset during adolescence. ", "There was no family history of muscle disorder and no clinical signs of cardiomyopathy. ", "Extremely large variations in muscle fibre diameter (the size of some fibres exceeding 200-250 microns), rimmed vacuoles, necrotic fibres invaded by macrophages, atrophic fibres and perimysial fibrosis were observed. ", "Using a wide range of antibodies raised against membrane- and cytoskeletal muscle proteins, granular desmin immunoreactivity was observed in muscle fibre lesions. ", "There were no inflammatory parameters. ", "Of special interest was the occurrence of autophagic vacuoles without 18-20 nm thick sarcoplasmic filaments and the presence of small aggregates of intermediate desmin-like filaments among a great diversity of ultrastructural findings. ", "The morphological differential diagnosis is discussed. ", "Our results stress the importance of combined immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy in the delineation of distal myopathies. ", "DNA defects, however, still have to be identified which would improve the present classifications of distal myopathies." ]
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[ "Hybrid approach for the design of highly affine and selective dopamine D(3) receptor ligands using privileged scaffolds of biogenic amine GPCR ligands.", "\nA series of compounds containing privileged scaffolds of the known histamine H(1) receptor antagonists cetirizine, mianserin, ketotifen, loratadine, and bamipine were synthesized for further optimization as ligands for the related biogenic amine binding dopamine D(3) receptor. ", "A pharmacological screening was carried out at dopamine D(2) and D(3) receptors. ", "In the preliminary testing various ligands have shown moderate to high affinities for dopamine D(3)receptors, for example, N-(4-{4-[benzyl(phenyl)amino]piperidin-1-yl}butylnaphthalen-2-carboxamide (19a) (hD(3)K(i)=0.3 nM; hD(2)K(i)=703 nM), leading to a selectivity ratio of 2343." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMagento2 need to check if varnish cache is applied or not\n\nHow can I verify whether my Varnish Cache is properly configured or not.", "\nHere are the things that appeared\n\npage_cache is not getting regenerated\nSite speed as per Google page speed is improved\n\nMy site is set on http://x.x.x.x & is redirected to https://x.x.xx.x\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n< Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 13:59:25 GMT\nDate: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 13:59:25 GMT\n< Server: Apache\nServer: Apache\n< Pragma: cache\nPragma: cache\n< Cache-Control: max-age=86400, public, s-maxage=86400\nCache-Control: max-age=86400, public, s-maxage=86400\n< Expires: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 13:59:26 GMT\nExpires: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 13:59:26 GMT\n< X-Magento-Tags: store,cms_b,cat_c,cat_c_38,cat_c_20,cat_c_41,cat_c_3,cat_c_58,cat_c_39,cms_b_,cms_b_31,cms_b_em0144-fashion-area-footer-inner-payment,cms_b_60,cms_b_em0144-jewelry-area-footer01-information-footer07,cms_b_48,cms_b_em0144-jewerly-main-slideshow,cms_b_52,cms_b_em0144-jewelry-top-banners,cms_b_54,cms_b_em0144-jewelry-area-main01-new-arrivals-grid12,cms_p_7\nX-Magento-Tags: store,cms_b,cat_c,cat_c_38,cat_c_20,cat_c_41,cat_c_3,cat_c_58,cat_c_39,cms_b_,cms_b_31,cms_b_em0144-fashion-area-footer-inner-payment,cms_b_60,cms_b_em0144-jewelry-area-footer01-information-footer07,cms_b_48,cms_b_em0144-jewerly-main-slideshow,cms_b_52,cms_b_em0144-jewelry-top-banners,cms_b_54,cms_b_em0144-jewelry-area-main01-new-arrivals-grid12,cms_p_7\n< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\nX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block\nX-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block\n< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN\nX-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN\n< Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=3fe21bcb4a2d0cd17f4304ff6c6346ca; expires=Wed, 22-Jul-2020 14:59:26 GMT; Max-Age=3600; path=/; domain=monogramshop.com.au; secure; HttpOnly\nSet-Cookie: PHPSESSID=3fe21bcb4a2d0cd17f4304ff6c6346ca; expires=Wed, 22-Jul-2020 14:59:26 GMT; Max-Age=3600; path=/; domain=monogramshop.com.au; secure; HttpOnly\n< Content-Length: 101554\nContent-Length: 101554\n< Vary: User-Agent\nVary: User-Agent\n< Connection: keep-alive\nConnection: keep-alive\n< X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge\nX-UA-Compatible: IE=edge\n< Cache-Control: max-age=86400, private, must-revalidate\nCache-Control: max-age=86400, private, must-revalidate\n< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\nThe above is output of curl -I -v --location-trusted 'https://x.x.x/'\n< HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n< Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 14:02:19 GMT\nDate: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 14:02:19 GMT\n< Last-Modified: Mon, 07 Oct 2019 08:45:22 GMT\nLast-Modified: Mon, 07 Oct 2019 08:45:22 GMT\n< Accept-Ranges: bytes\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\n< Content-Type: text/html\nContent-Type: text/html\n< Content-Encoding: gzip\nContent-Encoding: gzip\n< Vary: Accept-Encoding\nVary: Accept-Encoding\n< Pragma: no-cache\nPragma: no-cache\n< Expires: -1\nExpires: -1\n< Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\nCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\n< Via: HTTP/1.1 forward.http.proxy:3128\nVia: HTTP/1.1 forward.http.proxy:3128\n< Connection: keep-alive\nConnection: keep-alive\n\nThe above is output of curl -I -v --location-trusted 'http://x.x.x/'\n\nA:\n\nMagento's VCL file will strip off the X-Varnish header, which indicates whether or not Varnish is used.", "\nBy removing unset resp.http.", "X-Varnish; from the sub vcl_deliver subroutine, the header will reapper.", "\nIf your HTTP response then contains an X-Varnish response header, you know it was served through Varnish.", "\nEnabling Magento's debug mode will also add some extra debug headers to your HTTP responses, which will help you understand whether or not the response was a cache hit or a cache miss.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "++ Menu Extra\n\n++ Export\nShows a dialog to set precisely what to export, whereto and in which format. ", "See [WikiExport].", "\n\n++ Continuous Export\nShows a dialog to set precisely what to export, whereto and in which format for the continuous export. ", "See [WikiExport#+ Continuous export].", "\n\n++ Import\nShows a dialog to import wiki pages into wiki. ", "See [WikiImport].", "\n\n++ Scripts\nAllows execution of Python scripts. ", "See [InlinePythonEval].", "\n\n+++ Eval\nIf text is selected it is evaluated and result is inserted after it (useful as calculator).", "\nIf no text selected, all scripts on the page, including \n\n+++ Run Function #\nRun one of six numbered scripts on the page (or imported from another page).", "\n\n++ Optional component log\nShows a log with error messages during initialization of optional components (external HTML renderer, spell checking). ", "If an optional component fails to initialize (which is normal for some, e.g. for Internet Explorer HTML renderer on Linux) it is not available. ", "If you expected a component to work but it doesn't, this log may give hints why.", "\n\n++ Options\nStarts the options dialog. ", "See [OptionsDialog].", "\n" ]
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[ "Author Archive\n\nFans of Korean cinema had very high hopes for Stoker, Park Chan-Wook’s English language debut. ", "Thanks to his reputation on the international film festival circuit, in particular with his cult Vengeance Trilogy (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance), Park had seeming first choice of talent and assembled a stellar cast in Mia Wasikowska, Matthew Goode and Nicole Kidman. (", "Interestingly, none of the three principals is an American.)", "\n\nTrue to form for Park, Stoker is both visually stunning and psychologically and physically brutal. ", "The cinematography is painterly and the framing sculptural. ", "Every frame merits notice and every still a work of art. ", "In fact it’s safe to say that Stoker is Park’s most strictly art-produced film. ", "Every color and detail bears evidence of obsessive attention, from the color of characters’ hair to the color of the walls, from the stitching on a collar to the scuffing on a shoe.", "\n\nIn large part this magnification of detail effectively reflects the psychological and somatic experience of India Stoker (Wasikowska), whose hypersensitive observations of the world make ordinary life an ordeal for her. ", "On the day India turns eighteen her father Richard dies in a horrific accident. ", "We see her first at his funeral. ", "Relations between her parents have evidently been strained for some time. ", "Her mother, Evelyn Stoker, seems hardly bereaved, nor does she attempt to comfort her shattered daughter.", "\n\nFigures it would take David O. Russell to come up with one of my favorite rom-coms of 2012. ", "I’m not ashamed to admit that rom-coms are maybe my favorite movie genre, even though the genre is, as a rule, a pitiful one. ", "Good rom-coms come along once in a blue moon and the bad ones are not only plentiful but painful. ", "In fact, the last really good one I remember is last year’s Bridesmaids, which wasn’t even technically a rom-com, but did have as one of its many virtues a very believable and sweet love story between the Kristen Wiig character and the nice Irish cop.", "\n\nRussell’s genre is family wackadoodle, which (with the notable of Three Kings) he’s explored in every major film project he’s written/directed: Spanking the Monkey, Flirting with Disaster, I Heart Huckabees, and now the new Silver Linings Playbook. ", "The wacky family in Playbook are the Solitanos of Philadelphia: Pat, Sr. (", "Robert De Niro), an extremely superstitious and OCD Philadelphia Eagles fan who’s been barred from Eagles stadium for life for brawling with supporters of opposing teams.", "\n\nIt’ll be interesting to see how audiences who haven’t read Life of Pi, Yann Martel’s 2001 novel respond to director Ang Lee’s vision of the colorful tale. ", "Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel is a twice-strangely-monikered, religiously insatiable 16-year-old Indian boy immigrating by freighter from Pondicherry to Canada with his parents, brother and the animal inhabitants of their family zoo who finds himself the sole human survivor of a shipwreck at sea.", "\n\nThe book is a rare hybrid: gripping survival thriller crossed with metaphysics and theology. ", "That hybrid paid off in spades: it was both a runaway best-selling and massive award winner, starting with the Man Booker Prize in the UK. ", "The story is bold and fantastical, yet as I remember it also dwelled for long, engaging stretches on the tedium and loneliness of sole survival at sea, with the world narrowed to Pi’s all-consuming counting of the cans of potable water and the packets of sea biscuits.", "\n\nAt numerous points in the watching of Lincoln, Steven Spielburg’s new ode to America and Americana, I was reminded of Tableau Vivant, a kind of staged group charades that was a popular entertainment of the 19th century. ", "In Tableau Vivant, costumed enactors wordlessly enact a story, freezing in a series of familiar scenes or attitudes.", "\n\nAnd so is the same in Lincoln, in which actors, led by an astonishingly physically like Daniel Day Lewis, enact the last several months of Abraham Lincoln’s life, frequently freezing in scenes or postures that seem designed to recall all the many paintings, daguerrotypes, statuary and coinage with which we are all so familiar and that pay homage to the man whom most agree is our country’s greatest president.", "\n\nDespite the dramatic build-up around the central accomplishment of Lincoln’s severely truncated second term—the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery—and the political sausage-making this necessitates, the film feels less story than hagiography. ", "Spielberg seems determined to convince us that Lincoln was a great president, and I buy it, but was it ever in question? ", "Is this biopic or is it a nearly 3-hour Franklin Mint commercial? ", "There’s been a lot of press about Lewis’s voice in this movie, but to me his entire performance, voice included, is problematic.", "\n\nBased on the life and autobiographical writings of Mark O’Brien, a California journalist and poet who sought the full range of human experience despite being mostly confined to an iron lung, The Sessions tells its remarkable story with humor, frankness, little fanfare and no sanctimony.", "\n\nBorn in 1950, O’Brien was paralyzed by polio at age six and thereafter unable to breathe on his own. ", "However, at times in his life he was strong enough to survive for several hours at a time outside the iron lung by means of a portable respirator. ", "With the aid of this device, he enrolled at age 28 at UC Berkeley, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s in journalism, traveling around campus on an electric gurney that he controlled with a stick held in his mouth.", "\n\nHe began contributing articles on his quest for independent living as a disabled person to periodicals, and writing poetry. (", "Before his death in 1999 he participated in a documentary, Breathing Lessons, by Jessica Yu, that won the Oscar for Documentary Short Subject in 1996.)", "\n\nThe James Bond franchise celebrates its 50th anniversary in spectacular style with Skyfall, the 23rd film in the series and Daniel Craig’s third outing as 007. ", "Skyfall takes every hallmark of the series and pushes them farther than ever. ", "It’s all there—exotic locations, incredible action sequences, a fascinating arch villain, gorgeous women, the best new Bond song (by Adele) since Shirley Bassey’s “Diamonds Are Forever,” some interesting personnel surprises (my advice: don’t read the spoiler reviews!), ", "and of course, the car.", "\n\nThe locations (Turkey, Shanghai, Macau) are especially stunning, thanks to director Sam Mendes’ (and the Coen Brothers’) go-to man, Roger Deakins, whose painterly, watchful cinematography continually captures moments of beauty and stillness in the midst of danger and frenetic action. ", "As for the villain, you can easily learn the actor who plays him, but as I think in this case it’s much better to be surprised, I will only say that he is as terrifying and charismatic and sad as Hannibal Lecter.", "\n\nNaomie Harris gives almost as good as she gets as Bond’s field associate. ", "And Bérénice Lim Marlohe’s Sévérine is as gorgeous and tragic as a Bond woman has been, with a sadly all-too-relevant real-world backstory.", "\n\nWhat can’t Denzel do? ", "He can stop a train, he can land a plane, and in the case of the latter, which he does on Flight, Robert Zemeckis’s first live motion movie since 2000’s Castaway, he can elevate a disappointingly conventional disaster-movie-of-the-week/addiction drama to compelling watching all by the force of his charisma.", "\n\nFlight starts as the story of Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington), a hero pilot who manages to land a badly malfunctioning plane under extreme circumstances no other pilot could have done. ", "They know this because the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Bureau) task force that investigates the crash (a routine procedure for all plane crashes) puts ten veteran pilots into a flight simulation mimicking the exact circumstances Whitaker suffered, and found that none of them could land the plane safely as Whitaker did.", "\n\nBut we the audience knows what the public does not, that Whitaker is a drunk, and drank heavily not only the night before the flight, but the morning of, and even during the flight itself. ", "So the movie quickly evolves (or is it devolve) into an addiction drama. ", "For the question begs to be asked: Does the addiction story ramp up the plane crash story, or drag it down to a commonplace redemption tale? ", "The answer is: both.", "\n\nWell, if the Wachowski Siblings ever wash out of the movies, they can always turn to knitwear. ", "Their inimitable line of deconstructed post-Apocalyptic Steampunk sweaters, wraps and bodysuits made a big impression in its debut—1999’s The Matrix—and continues strong in their brand new Cloud Atlas collection. ", "Fans will find the irregularly rustic stitches, bold asymmetry, and moody hand-dyed Neo-Gothic palette they love, cast in intriguing new shapes. ", "Tom Hanks’ hooded cape and Susan Sarandon’s stone- and macrame-ornamented dress with matching fingerless wristlets are particularly arresting.", "\n\nWhich is to say that Art Direction is as important in the epic, sweeping, wildly ambitious Cloud Atlas as it has always been in the Wachowski oeuvre, as obsessively thorough and as effectively world-making. ", "The movie is based on a 2004 novel of the same name by David Mitchell, a book so bulky and complex it took several years for the movie’s three directors—the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer of Run Lola Run—to work out the script and logistics.", "\n\nIf it weren’t for the fact that writer/director Martin McDonagh is every bit as handsome as his favorite leading man, you’d think he was going down the Woody Allen vanity route, casting Colin Farrell as his obvious surrogate—a screenwriter named Marty M—in his second feature film, Seven Psychopaths. ", "Fellow Irishman Farrell was also the star of McDonagh’s 2008 sleeper hit In Bruges, which also wove its story around a band of incompetent low-level criminals who accidentally get into the crosshairs of a big time criminal sociopath, played very winningly in that first film by a rewardingly cast-against-type Hugh Grant.", "\n\nThe tone of Psychopaths feels very much the same as Bruges in that Farrell again plays a likable fuck-up (this time an alcoholic screenwriter who is finding it hard to produce a follow-up to his first success) whose loser friend Billy (Sam Rockwell, playing very much TO type here) makes his living through a sloppy dog kidnapping operation that he runs with his mysterious elderly pal Hans (Christopher Walken). ", "Unfortunately, Billy nabs a cute little Shih Tzu who happens to be the darling of his owner, mafia overlord Charlie Costello (Woody Harrelson), and thus begins the chase. ", "A shaggy dog story, indeed.", "\n\nI should be a millionaire right now. ", "Thirty-five minutes into this purported suburban romantic comedy, I muttered to my companion, “I’ll bet you a million dollars this movie was written by a couple of middle-aged guys.”", "\n\nFifty-five long minutes later the movie was finally over and there were the writer credits: Ian Helfer and Jay Reiss. ", "I don’t know anything about them but I do know this: they don’t think much of women (mother issues, big time) and they aren’t too clear about the definitions of either “romantic” or “comedy.” ", "Anyway, I called it and I want my money. ", "At least the million dollars would make me feel better about 91 minutes of my life wasted on The Oranges.", "\n\nSo here’s the deal: there are these two families who live across the street from one another in identical white Colonial houses in a pleasant tree-lined neighborhood in West Orange, NJ. ", "The couples (Allison Janney and Oliver Platt are the Ostroffs, Katherine Keener and Hugh Laurie are the Wallings) are best friends who do everything together, including jogging, weekends and holidays. ", "They have children close in age. ", "They live the perfect lives.", "\n\nYou’ve seen enough of these suburban take-downs to know that everything—yes, EVERYTHING—is a lie. ", "A fucking lie. ", "American Beauty has nothing on this movie.", "\n\nWho We Are\n\nThe Flickcast brings you the best geek experience. ", "We find the best geek stuff out there and bring it to you. ", "No filler, no BS, just the best stuff. ", "We sift out the crap so you don't have too. ", "Find out More." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to apply cell style when using `append` in openpyxl?", "\n\nI am using openpyxl to create an Excel worksheet. ", "I want to apply styles when I insert the data. ", "The trouble is that the append method takes a list of data and automatically inserts them to cells. ", "I cannot seem to specify a font to apply to this operation.", "\nI can go back and apply a style to individual cells after-the-fact, but this requires overhead to find out how many data points were in the list, and which row I am currently appending to. ", "Is there an easier way?", "\nThis illustrative code shows what I would like to do:\ndef create_xlsx(self, header):\n self.ft_base = Font(name='Calibri', size=10)\n self.ft_bold = self.ft_base.copy(bold=True)\n if header:\n self.ws.append(header, font=ft_bold) # cannot apply style during append\n\nA:\n\nws.append() is designed for appending rows of data easily. ", "It does, however, also allow you to include placeless cells within a row so that you can apply formatting while adding data. ", "This is primarily of interest when using write_only=True but will work for normal workbooks.", "\nYour code would look something like:\ndata = [1, 3, 4, 9, 10]\n\ndef styled_cells(data):\n for c in data:\n if c == 1:\n c = Cell(ws, column=\"A\", row=1, value=c)\n c.font = Font(bold=True)\n yield c\n\nws.append(styled_cells(data))\n\nopenpyxl will correct the coordinates of such cells.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Long term unemployment up 73% in Chippenham\n\nI am disturbed to see that the trend of long term unemployment for over 25s has risen by 73% in the Chippenham constituency over the last 12 months. ", "People want to work, but the jobs don’t exist.", "\n\nAcross the UK, the number of people in part time jobs who want to work full time is at a record high at almost 1.5 million. ", "Almost one in five part time workers want to do more but can’t get the extra hours; and there are still almost 1 million young people out of work\n\nAnd for those in work the cost of living crisis continues, with prices now rising faster than wages for 39 out of the 40 months since David Cameron became Prime Minister. ", "Working people are now on average more than £1,500 a year worse off under this out-of-touch Government.", "\n\nThere is a further problem in rural areas, that transport costs are disproportionately high, which causes real difficulty for both people looking for work, and for those travelling to work.", "\n\nWe are also seeing the return of absolute poverty. ", "The Trussell Trust says that in the past six months, the number of people receiving food parcels from them has tripled to over 350,000; and last week that the British Red Cross announced it will start providing food aid to people in Britain. ", "A survey from Netmums has revealed that one in five mothers regularly skip meals to make sure their children eat properly. ", "With gas and electricity prices going up, the dilemma of heating or eating will increase further this winter.", "\n\nThe Conservative/Lib Dem government has failed to get the economy moving. ", "We now have unacceptable levels of youth unemployment, long term unemployment, and rising underemployment which cause deep and lasting damage to people’s lives and our country’s economic prospects.", "\n\nWe need a recovery that benefits everyone, not just a few at the top. ", "That is why Labour will repeat the tax on bank bonuses and limit pension tax relief for the highest earners to pay for a compulsory jobs guarantee for young people out of work for a year and adults unemployed for two years – a paid job people would have to take up or lose benefits.", "\n\nPublished and promoted by Chippenham Labour Party on behalf of Andy Newman, both of 5 Elm Hayes, Corsham, SN13 9JW" ]
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[ "Programs greatly depend on donations from the faith community, businesses, foundations, and individuals.", "\n\n“Our founders recognized that the enormous challenge of developing affordable housing could not succeed without forming partnerships with the faith community, public and private sectors, and the community at large.”", "\n\nIHA Staff\n\nPatricia (Tricia) Motter, President/CEO\n\nPatricia, has been with IHA since November 2008. ", "Her background and experience covers over 25 years in service organizations and foundations. ", "Prior to joining IHA and relocating to Frederick, Maryland, Tricia worked as the CEO of the Shelter of Flint, Inc. in Flint, Michigan for 18 years. ", "She received a Bachelor of Arts Clinical/Community Psychology degree from the University of Michigan, and holds a Masters degree in Public Administration from the University of Michigan. ", "Tricia is past Vice President of the Michigan Housing Council; was Co-Chair of the QAP Committee in Michigan, and was a member of the Grants Committee for the Flint, Michigan Rotary club. ", "In her capacity as President/CEO, Tricia provides leadership to the organization and manages its day-to-day affairs, and is responsible for charting the future goals and direction for the organization to expand its mission. ", "Her current business and community development relations include serving as Secretary on the Board of East Frederick Rising, a member of the Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition (MAHC), a member of the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND), a member of the Women’s Giving Circle of Frederick County, and an Advisory Member for the City of Frederick CDBG Review process.", "\n\nHugh Gordon, Vice President of Programs and Fund Development\n\nHugh joined IHA in December of 2015. ", "He is a third generation Frederick County resident and has years of fund raising experience with the numerous non-profits that he has volunteered with over the 40+ years of his career. ", "After graduating from the University of Maryland with a B.A. in Government and Politics in 1976, Hugh joined Kettler Brothers, Inc., a major builder and developer in the DC metro area. ", "After a myriad of experiences while with KBI, he was promoted to the position of Senior VP of Residential Construction. ", "He followed his time at KBI working in the mortgage industry for 25 years. ", "Here he witnessed the overwhelming need for affordable housing. ", "In his role with IHA, Hugh is responsible for growing individual and corporate donations. ", "He also works closely with the CEO and President, Patricia Motter to coordinate the organization’s marketing campaigns. ", "Hugh has over 30 years of “Service Above Self” through his participation in Rotary.", "\n\nNicole Prorock, Vice President of Finance and Operations\n\nNicole brings almost 20 years of finance and accounting experience to IHA where she serves as the Finance Director overseeing the business operations and financial reporting. ", "Prior to IHA, Nicole spent ten years as a controller for Enterprise Community Partners, focusing on both LIHTC syndication and non-profit program operations. ", "Prior to that, Nicole was a senior accounting manager for The Town and Country Trust, a real estate investment trust, and an auditor for KPMG LLC. ", "Nicole earned a bachelor degree in business administration and master degree in accounting from the University of South Carolina and a graduate certificate in community and economic development from Pennsylvania State University. ", "She is a certified public accountant.", "\n\nRon Morris, Vice President of Construction and Development\n\nWith over 30 years of construction management experience, Ron has a wide range of construction knowledge from new construction to home repairs. ", "Ron received numerous awards during his 14 year career with one of the top builders in the nation, and in 1998 he was inducted into the Ryan Homes Master Builder Society.", "\n\nAnn Mowen joined IHA in April, 2017. ", "She has over 20+ years of Property Management Experience covering PA, MD, VA, CT, and DE states. ", "Ann has Tax Credit, Section 8, Rural Development experience. ", "Certifications include TCS, COS, RAM and Fair Housing. ", "She will be the Regional East Property Manager for IHA. ", "For the last five years, she has enjoyed working in OC, MD as General Manger for a High-Rise Condominium Building and managing the HOA’s business affairs.", "\n\nCarol Carpenter Riggles, Homeownership Program Manager\n\nCarol joined IHA in October 2009 after more than 15 years in the residential construction industry working for Kettler Brothers, Ausherman Homes and Drees Homes. ", "Carol graduated summa cum laude from Virginia Tech’s College of Architecture and Urban Studies in 1999 and earned a degree in Business Administration in 1996 at Frederick Community College. ", "As Homeownership Coordinator, Carol is responsible for prequalifying participants of IHA’s Purchase-Repair Homeownership Program for no down payment, low interest mortgages, and to provide credit repair, debt reduction, and budgeting counseling for potential participants. ", "Carol enjoys volunteering and has worked on construction projects with Rebuilding Together, Habitat for Humanity, and the United Church of Christ Disaster Recovery in New Orleans.", "\n\nPatti Penn, Property Manager\n\nPatti has been with IHA for 9 years. ", "Patti is a Site Compliance Specialist and is TACC Designated. ", "She has managed USDA Rural Development 515 Program and Tax Credit Properties since 1992. ", "Patti attended The Design Institute in Miami for one year after high school and then got a minor degree in Business Management at Allegany College after co-owning and managing two businesses of her own – a café/pub and a creative needlework and arts shop. ", "As Property Manager, she is responsible for managing the day to day operations of IHA’s Washington Ridge apartment community in Frostburg, MD.", "\n\nLacy Ames, Special Projects Coordinator\n\nLacy joined IHA in June of 2017. ", "Prior to IHA, Lacy was working for a for-profit online university where she worked on a variety of projects that would directly benefit the students of the university from social media campaigns and media campaigns. ", "She has additional experience in event planning, marketing, and general management of a sports related non-profit organization in Frederick, MD. ", "Lacy has a Bachelor of Arts in History and Psychology where she focused on Gerontology and Thanatology. ", "She holds graduate certificates in Organizational Leadership and Non-profit management. ", "Most recently she completed her Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Non-profit Management. ", "As the Special Projects Coordinator, Lacy will be responsible for continuing to brand IHA and boost awareness to all of the communities we serve." ]
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[ "Cardinal 2-Seater Recliner – Motion Sofas – La-Z-Boy | Free Interior\n\nYou happen to be on the lookout at the most effective Cardinal 2-Seater Recliner – Motion Sofas – La-Z-Boy | Free Interior picture I’ve uploaded on my site. ", "You can store it on your Computer, laptop, tablet or mobile cell phone. ", "I generally decide on the ideal high-quality photographs ahead of I upload them to my site. ", "The purpose is for my site site visitors, which includes you, to in fact uncover the very best image as a reference in developing, renovating, creating, decorating, remodeling and realizing a dream house.", "\n\nAn illustration of a Cardinal 2-Seater Recliner – Motion Sofas – La-Z-Boy | Free Interior image you are viewing is 1 of the photographs coming from the 2 Seater Black Leather Sofa post I have published on my blog site. ", "To see other images, please click here. ", "Opt for the very best one particular that fits your taste and that fits your house. ", "Search for referrals as a great deal as you can to make you a lot more versatile in picking and finding strategies and inspiration in realizing an ideal residence you want.", "\n\nPlease check out my blog, from submit, class and image. ", "I establish this weblog with the goal of assisting you who are searching for references about the household. ", "Maximize every room in your home with the finest style and decor. ", "Comprehensive your residing room, bedroom, bathroom, dining space, kitchen and extra in your home with quality furnishings and in harmony with your home notion. ", "If everything is correct, the outcome is your dwelling will be a gorgeous and comfortable property.", "\n\nDo not fail to remember to share these photos or postings with family members, pals and acquaintances in social media. ", "Make your dream property correct now! ", "thanks." ]
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[ "Misreport of gestational weight gain (GWG) in birth certificate data.", "\nBirth certificates are potentially a valuable source of information for studying gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy, particularly important given new Institute of Medicine (IOM) guidelines. ", "We examined factors associated with the accuracy of maternal GWG self-report by linking the gold standard obstetric electronic medical record (EMR) of women from a large urban practice to state birth certificates. ", "Primary outcomes included maternal under-reporting of GWG (>10 lbs below the EMR), accurate reporting (within 10 lbs), and over-reporting (>10 lbs above EMR). ", "Data were stratified across categories of pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and the actual GWG IOM categories (inadequate, adequate, and excessive) acquired in the clinical setting and recorded in the EMR. ", "Among 1,223 women, mean (SD) age was 27.4 (6.2) years, mean (SD) BMI was 28.2 (8.1) kg/m(2), and mean GWG was 26.0 (20.2) pounds. ", "The majority of women with normal BMI (<25 kg/m(2)) and adequate GWG reported GWG accurately (78.8%), more so than any other group. ", "After adjusting for age, race, insurance status, and number of prenatal visits, among women with actual adequate GWG, women with high BMI (≥25 kg/m(2)) were more likely to over-report GWG than women with normal BMI (RR 4.7, 95% CI 2.6-8.4). ", "In patients with normal BMI, women with excessive GWG were more likely to under-report than women with adequate GWG (RR 6.0, 95% CI 3.0-12.1). ", "Such findings raise concern for systematic bias that would limit the use of birth certificate data for studying population trends in GWG." ]
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[ "use crate::history;\nuse crate::libs;\nuse crate::rcfile;\n\npub fn run() -> i32 {\n let mut info = vec![];", "\n const VERSION: &str = env!(\"CARGO_PKG_VERSION\");\n info.push((\"version\", VERSION));\n\n let os_name = libs::os_type::get_os_name();\n info.push((\"os-name\", &os_name));\n\n let hfile = history::get_history_file();\n info.push((\"history-file\", &hfile));\n\n let rcf = rcfile::get_rc_file();\n info.push((\"rc-file\", &rcf));\n\n let git_hash = env!(\"GIT_HASH\");\n if !", "git_hash.is_empty() {\n info.push((\"git-commit\", env!(\"GIT_HASH\")));\n }\n\n let git_branch = env!(\"GIT_BRANCH\");\n let mut branch = String::new();\n if !", "git_branch.is_empty() {\n branch.push_str(git_branch);\n let git_status = env!(\"GIT_STATUS\");\n if git_status !", "= \"0\" {\n branch.push_str(\" (dirty)\");\n }\n info.push((\"git-branch\", &branch));\n }\n\n info.push((\"built-with\", env!(\"BUILD_RUSTC_VERSION\")));\n info.push((\"built-at\", env!(\"BUILD_DATE\")));\n\n for (k, v) in &info {\n // longest key above is 12-char length\n println!(\"{: ", ">12}: {}\", k, v);\n }\n 0\n}\n" ]
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[ "Because Bill Binney made an observation about the high docket number of the phone dragnet order released this year, Sibel Edmonds has decided that Glenn Greenwald is hiding a bunch of Edward Snowden documents to protect Pierre Omidyar showing PayPal cooperated with NSA.", "\n\nHere’s what Binney said, according to him.", "\n\nUnfortunately, Sibel attributes some of her words to me. ", "I do not know that PAYPAL is involved – only that financial data is being used by NSA. ", "And, based on the “BR” number 13/80 on the Verizon court order to give records to NSA, I estimated that this program involved 78 companies. ", "These would include: telecom’s, internet service providers, banks/finance/credit cards, travel, plus others. ", "So, there’s a lot of business data being collected by NSA and the FBI. ", "In the future, if I am to be quoted, I will have to I will have to insist on a pre-publication review. [", "my emphasis]\n\nNow, like Peter Kofod, I don’t doubt that PayPal gives a ton of data to the national security state (more on what probably happens below).", "\n\nBut Binney’s comment appears to be based on a misunderstanding of how the FISA docket numbering works (though not one that changes his observation that “there’s a lot of business data being collected by NSA and the FBI”): that each docket pertains to a different company.", "\n\nGiven the filings we’ve seen from voluminous years — particularly 2009 — it is clear that DOJ uses one docket for all providers on a particular order. ", "For example, 3 of the 4 docket numbers used for the phone dragnet in 2009 were 08-13, 09-06, and 09-13. ", "For the entire 3 month period the primary order covers, all the orders and correspondence related to that primary order bears the original docket number. ", "Even in the case where Judge Walton cut off and then resumed production (see 09-13 above) from just one provider got handled in that docketing system. ", "The now public FISC docket appears to continue this practice, with BR 13-109 and BR 13-158 including all the correspondence on a particular order (in addition, there are the Misc dockets for lawsuits, and the 2007 docket tied to Protect America Act for the Yahoo challenge).", "\n\nAnd over the years, the list of providers included on the dockets appears to have gotten much longer. ", "Here’s the redacted list of providers from the original 2006 order:\n\nHere’s the redacted list of providers from the most recent order:\n\nThe additional providers are probably smaller providers, as well as VOIP providers.", "\n\nSo just 4 and on rare occasions 5 of the Section 215 (“BR”) docket numbers in any given year (and, for the life of the program, just 4 of the PR/TT docket numbers) covered all the providers.", "\n\nBut that may, in fact, mean far more companies are getting Section 215 orders, even bulk orders. ", "As I laid out in this post, the numbers of Section 215 orders have gone up in the last several years (Julian Sanchez has speculated that previously some of this collection was done via National Security Letter, which is a pretty good bet).", "\n\nAnd as they’ve gone up, the FISA Court has been modifying far more orders — it modified 86% of the orders in 2011. ", "It has been modifying orders to add minimization procedures (it modified 176 orders in 2011 to add minimization requirements). ", "Given that you only need to have significant minimization procedures if you’re getting a lot of innocent people’s data, and given that these orders would also be on a 90-day cycle, that may mean there were 44 bulk collection programs in 2011.", "\n\nBut, as Binney said, that’s going to include a lot of different kinds of companies. ", "We know they’ve used Section 215 to collect precursor chemical purchase records. ", "They likely cover credit cards records, other financial records, gun purchases, health and medical records, and other computer records. ", "There have even been questions about using Section 215 to collect URL search terms.", "\n\nPayPal is one possible or even likely recipient of these, but only one out of a bunch. (", "Plus, it likely would have been receiving NSLs rather than Section 215 orders when Pierre Omidyar had more involvement.)", "\n\nThere are two other things to remember about PayPal’s dealings with the National Security State.", "\n\nFirst, its primary, affirmative obligation would be to provide Treasury Department information on any of its customers who appear to be money laundering or doing something else funky with their accounts, as well as those transferring more than $10,000. ", "Treasury has been reaching out increasingly to non-bank entities more in recent years, which probably has brought even more scrutiny on PayPal, but PayPal has a bank and it would have had the obligation anyway for years. ", "This reporting would be done by a compliance department, and would be above board (that is, it is a known obligation banks have). ", "This data likely gets crunched by both Treasury and, for a variety of different uses (counterterrorism, proliferation, drugs), ODNI. ", "I don’t know whether it gets shared with NSA or whether that kind of analysis happens at ODNI.", "\n\nThen there would be compliance with NSLs and 215 Orders. ", "The thing is, NSA claims (for what that’s worth) to only be involved in the phone dragnet orders. ", "If that’s true, other NSL/215 orders would come from FBI. ", "And records of those orders are far less likely to be in the Snowden documents (I don’t think we’ve seen any FBI documents to date). ", "So one explanation for why Glenn Greenwald hasn’t found any PayPal documents is that PayPal documents likely weren’t on NSA’s servers, they were likely on Treasury and FBI’s servers.", "\n\nFinally, there is one way NSA might access PayPal information. ", "For purposes for which Section 215 (which is limited to counterterrorism and counterintelligence purposes) and Section 702 (which I believe is limited to counterterrorism, counterproliferation, and cybersecurity purposes) are not available, NSA might well get data from upstream collection overseas. ", "I honestly think that’d be the most likely way NSA’d be getting PayPal information. ", "But in that situation, PayPal wouldn’t know about it. (", "NSA doesn’t generally tell companies when it steals from them.) ", "So maybe Glenn does have a random PayPal document in his possession, but if he does, it’s likely that Omidyar didn’t know about it.", "\n\n(Also note, we’ve heard of at least one major Internet company CEO who is not read into his or her company’s NSA programs.)", "\n\nNone of that says anything about how much data PayPal gives the National Security State (it would be obliged to give a good deal to Treasury in any case). ", "But it does explain why it’s unlikely we’d see much of it." ]
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[ "(*\n Copyright © 2011 MLstate\n\n This file is part of Opa.", "\n\n Opa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the\n terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by\n the Free Software Foundation.", "\n\n Opa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY\n WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\n FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", "See the GNU Affero General Public License for\n more details.", "\n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n along with Opa. ", "If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n*)\n\n(**\n Tracking system for following transformations during passes.", "\n\n @author Mathieu Barbin\n @author Quentin Bourgerie\n @author Valentin Gatien-Baron\n*)\n\n(** {6 Types alias} *)\n(** *)\ntype passname = string\ntype printer_id = string\ntype tracker_id = string\ntype filename = string\n\n(** the type of a pprinter *)\ntype 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit\n\n(** the type of an outputer *)\ntype 'a outputer = Pervasives.out_channel -> 'a -> unit\n\n(** {6 Trackers and attached values} *)\n\n(** The abstract type for a track *)\ntype t\n\n(** The info attached by default to a track *)\ntype info = string\n\n(** Get the info attached to a track *)\nval info : t -> info\n\n(** Generate a fresh track *)\nval next : info -> t\n\n(** Get the filename associated to a tracker [\"index.%d\"] where d is a uniq index *)\nval filename : t -> string\n\n(**\n Generalized tracker iterator: usable with other type than [t]\n The function is embedded in a record so that we can explicitly\n generalize its type, and have then not homogeneous trackers in a\n same list without type checking problem about generalization.", "\n *)\ntype iter_tracker = {\n track : 'tracked. (", "filename -> 'tracked printer -> 'tracked -> unit) ;\n}\n\n(** The type of a generic tracks printer *)\ntype 'env tracker = iter_tracker -> 'env -> unit\n\n(** {6 Utilisation from Opa Compiler} *)\n\n(**\n The standard example:\n\n In the ast, you'll find a directive\n {[Directive ( `tracker of PassTracker.t , [ expr ] , None )]}\n\n Every pass should traverse this directive, considering it as a decoration only.", "\n The directive should not be removed, and the rewriting pass should rewrite the\n [expr], as usual. ", "The type of the directive is ['a -> 'a].", "\n\n The [PassHandler] module will ask for a [iter_tracker] function, which\n should be something like :\n\n {[\n (* The standard printer of your tracked expressions *)\n val fmt : 'expr PassHandler.printer\n ...\n let iter iter env =\n LangWalk.Code.iter\n (function\n | Directive (`tracker t, [e], _) -> iter.track (PassTracker.filename t) fmt e\n | _ -> () ) (extract_code env)\n ]}\n\n It will update the track system file, and update the system file system tree.", "\n\n Default tracking is used for debug, but we can use trackers for other issues\n (any information extraction during the compilation).", "\n\n Other example:\n\n You can track all toplevel value of a code\n {[\n let iter iter env =\n List.iter (function\n | NewVal b | NewVal b -> List.iter (fun (s, e) -> iter.track (ExprIdent.stident s) fmt e) b\n | _ -> () ) (extract_code env)\n ]}\n\n Tracked values are then regrouped in a sub-folder of the [track] directory.", "\n*)\n\n(** {6 Interaction with PassHandler} *)\n\n(**\n Error if the output has already began (default is [\"_track\"])\n*)\nval set_directory : string -> unit\n\n(**\n Get the directory of tracking. ", "If the directory given was relative, and the tracking has\n already began, will return an absolute path.", "\n*)\nval get_directory : unit -> string\n\n(**\n Open a file in the system directory hierarchy, and outputs the ['env] in the file using\n the given printer. ", "Will also update the .list files\n\n Convention, all passes should produce the same filename for the same semantic, but\n passes could outputs more than one file.", "\n\n The [printer_id] is a filename, and it is by convention the name of the subdir\n of [printers] in which logs are stored.", "\n\n e.g. [\"code\", \"gamma\", \"types\", etc...]\n*)\nval print : passname:passname -> printer_id:printer_id -> 'env printer -> 'env -> unit\n\n(**\n The current pass wants to output a file.", "\n Open a file in the system directory hieararchy, and outputs the ['env] in the file using\n the printer. ", "This is used for more free generation of ad-hoc files.", "\n The function returns the path to the filename. (", "e.g. for lunching viewer during compilation, etc...\n\n If this function is called several time during the same pass, the\n file is re-open in append mode (not overwrited)\n*)\nval file : filename:filename -> 'env outputer -> 'env -> filename\n\n(**\n Producing a log for a tracker.", "\n The [PassHandler] module should use this function with a partial call, inserting\n the name of the pass as argument [pass], and the name of the tracker as subdir.", "\n The [tracker_id] is a filename, and it is by convention the name of the subdir\n of [trackers] in which logs are stored.", "\n*)\nval track : passname:passname -> tracker_id:tracker_id -> 'env tracker -> 'env -> unit\n\n(**\n Producing a trace of timing for a pass.", "\n The [PassHandler] module should use this function after its computation,\n with the time taken by the pass to make the transformation, without taking\n in consideration printing, checking, tracking, etc...\n*)\nval time : passname:passname -> float -> unit\n\n(**\n The current pass wants to add some more specific logs.", "\n This log will be stored in the pass directory and be accessible with\n the internal_error mode of opatrack.", "\n*)\nval internal : filename:filename -> 'env printer -> 'env -> unit\n\n(**\n Used for outputting error report of checkers. ", "The given filename must be the name of the [cond_id].", "\n If the pass is not specified, the logs go in default/check/\n*)\nval check_fail : filename:filename -> 'env printer -> 'env -> unit\n\n(**\n [PassHandler] should use this function to tell what pass is running,\n so that [internal] knows where to store files for the internal rule.", "\n If the pass is not specified, the logs go in default/internal/\n*)\nval set_current_passname : passname -> unit\n\n(**\n Used for saving and restoring environments to avoid redoing the whole compilation\n when you want to look at the end of the compilation\n*)\nval marshal : passname:passname -> 'a -> unit\nval unmarshal : passname:passname -> 'a\n\n(**\n If you need to marshal more that just the environment given to the pass\n (for instance OpaMapToIdent), you can register it here and it will be saved\n and restored just like the rest of the environment\n*)\n\nval register_global_env : ('a -> unit) * (unit -> 'a) -> unit\n(** register a global state, given a function to write to it and a function to read it *)\nval register_global_ref : _ ref -> unit\n\n(** {6 File Organisation} *)\n\n(**\n The output files are meant to be organized so that externs applications\n can make easier the analysis of traces, and the automation of launching\n meld-like applications. [", "opatrack] is a bash script with several modes dedicated\n to this file system.", "\n\n {[\n passes.list\n printers.list\n trackers.list\n\n trackers/\n tracker.list\n other.list\n\n time/\n pass_Name.time\n pass_OtherPass.time\n\n pass_Name/\n printers/\n some_file\n an_other_file\n trackers/\n tracker/\n index.1\n index.2\n etc...\n other/\n something\n whatever\n internal/\n some_internal_log\n some_other\n check/\n cond.cat.this.%d\n files/\n some_more_file\n\n pass_OtherPass/\n printers/\n some_file\n an_other_file\n an_extra_file\n trackers/\n tracker/\n index.1\n index.2\n etc...\n etc..\n etc...\n ]}\n\n Files *.list are always generated, even if they are empty.", "\n\n {b passes.list} is the list of the folder named [pass_*] in the file system.", "\n The file is ordered as passes are ordered in the compilation process.", "\n 1 name per line, no blank line, the name of the pass is the name of\n the directory.", "\n\n {b printers.list} is the list of files which have been output at some point\n by a pass. ", "if a file is in [printers.list], that means that it must be\n in some pass directory a file with this name.", "\n\n Usually, passes output to a file with the same name between passes,\n for tracking the evolution of something during the compilation.", "\n Typical use, is [code] containing the printed code.", "\n\n The file is ordered as passes have generated files during the compilation\n process. ", "1 name per line, no blank line.", "\n\n {b trackers.list} is the same idea, for files.", "\n track files are by convention named [index.%d] where the extension design\n the uniq index associated to a value of type [PassTracker.t]\n\n It is yet not frozen about what we will attach to tracker. ", "Currently this\n is a string. ", "This string may be available directly in the file index.list,\n {[\n cut -d' ' # will give you the index\n cut -d' ' -f2- # will give you the info\n ]}\n or maybe later, we could produce directly [index.%d.info] files, with\n larger attached infos (e.g. one field per line)\n*)\n\n(* TODO: investigate:\n + unzoom printer based on tracker population le printer gros grain.", "\n + usability for a simple opadoc.", "\n + exporting Arg.parse support directly in the module.", "\n*)\n\n(** {6 Runtime Tags} *)\n\n(**\n Runtime support for dynamic attached values.", "\n It is used to set/get values from trackers.", "\n\n <!", "> Not for casual user. ", "Please ask the team before using it.", "\n*)\n\n(**\n Generate a fresh get/set couple for embed values in a tracker.", "\n\n That looks like magic but it is safe :\n if you try to [get] from a [t] you do not have embeded with\n the [set] function, you'll get a [None].", "\n*)\nval embed : unit -> (t -> 'a -> unit) * (t -> 'a option)\n" ]
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[ "A string of suicide bombings struck three cities in Saudi Arabia on Monday in what looked like a rare coordinated series of attacks that marked the fourth set of terrorist offensives in less than a week that appear tohave been carried out by ISIS militants. ", "Compared to the other attacks of the past week, these ones did not appear to have caused many casualties but were high in symbolic value. ", "The deadliest attack took place near the Prophet’s Mosque in the city of Medina, which is considered the second-holiest city in Islam after Mecca. ", "The bomber apparently detonated his explosives in the parking lot of the sprawling mosque after security officers raised suspicions about him. ", "Four security officers were killed and five others were injured in the explosion.", "\n\nThe Medina attack that apparently took place close to a security station for the Prophet’s Mosque, where the Prophet Muhammad is buried, “shocked Muslims around the world, particularly as it happened on the penultimate day of Ramadan,” notes the National. “", "It was very shocking that such a thing happens in such a holy place for Muslims, the second holiest place in the world,” a 25-year-old Sudanese visitor to Medina told the Associated Press. “", "People never imagined that this could happen here.”", "\n\nThis picture is so symbolic. ", "It's like a stab in the heart of every Muslim. #", "Medina @akhbar pic.twitter.com/L46glGVp79 — Jenan Moussa (@jenanmoussa) July 4, 2016\n\nThere was also an explosion near the U.S. consulate in Jeddah that injured two security officers and at least one bomber struck in the eastern city of Qatif near a Shiite mosque.", "\n\nWATCH: Suicide bomb blast in the holy city of #Medina pic.twitter.com/EFcHFjK4i5 — Press TV (@PressTV) July 4, 2016\n\nNo one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but the bombings appear to bear all the hallmarks of ISIS by targeting American citizens, Shiite worshippers, and Saudi security forces. ", "Plus, ISIS has carried out attacks in Saudi Arabia in the past and see the country—and its monarchy—as a key target. ", "And while there have been several attacks in Saudi Arabia in the past, multiple attacks on the same day are exceedingly rare. ", "The seemingly coordinated attacks come after a bloody week in which there had already been deadly terrorist attacks in Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq near the end of the holy month of Ramadan. ", "That hardly seems to be a coincidence considering ISIS had specifically called on supporters to carry out attacks during Ramadan.", "\n\nAlthough Monday’s attacks weren’t as deadly as they could have been they still “offered further evidence that in the three years since it declared the existence of its so-called caliphate, the Islamic State has developed the capacity to strike at will at the time of its choosing in diverse locations around the world,” notes the Washington Post." ]
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[ "Sperm DNA integrity in Landrace and Duroc boar semen and its relationship to litter size.", "\nThe sperm chromatin structure assay is a method for assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation, a parameter reported to be negatively related to field fertility in several mammal species. ", "This method calculates a DNA fragmentation index (DFI) whose high values indicate abnormal chromatin structure. ", "In this study, running from March 2010 until June 2017, the aim was to assess sperm DFI in stored liquid extended semen from two different pig breeds, Norwegian Landrace (NL; n = 693) and Norwegian Duroc (ND; n = 655), and to evaluate the influence on total number of piglets born (TNB). ", "There was a significantly higher median DFI (p < 0.0001) in ejaculates from the 478 ND boars compared to the 452 NL boars. ", "Data from 19,496 NL litters and 3,877 ND litters of the same boars were retrieved. ", "For either breed, sow herd (p < 0.0001), parity (p < 0.05) and DFI (p < 0.05) showed significant effects on TNB. ", "The DFI was negatively correlated to TNB in both breeds. ", "The boars with the 5% lowest TNB had a least square means DFI of 3.05% and 2.24% in NL and ND, respectively, compared to 1.67% and 1.23% for the boars with the 5% highest TNB (p < 0.01). ", "The DFI and the motility of the same semen samples were negatively correlated (p < 0.0001), and the high and low TNB groups showed significant differences in motility. ", "However, this difference could not be used for practical prediction of TNB group (92.1% vs. 89.7%; p = 0.0038 and 92.3% vs. 89.5%; p = 0.018; NL and ND, respectively). ", "In conclusion, our results indicate that sperm DNA integrity in semen with good motility and morphology may be an additional prediction parameter for fertility in pigs." ]
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[ "Dimitri Fagbohoun\n\nBorn in 1972 in Cotonou in Benin, he lives and works in Paris, Brussels, ans Cotonou.", "\n\nHaving grown up in Cameroon before settling in France where he now lives and works, the themes and questions Dimitri Fagnbohoun addresses are a reflection of his background and history, straddling geographical and artistic boundaries. ", "His work is thus inseparable from his own experience, his plural identity. ", "Heterogeneous by the forms it uses, video, photography, installation, it expresses a relation to the identities and the history in which its writing disturbs the models that constitute them. ", "In his practice, he questions themes as identity, memory, religion and politics.", "\n\nHis work has been shown internationally (London, Moscow, Berlin, Montréal, Sao Paolo, Dallas, Cuba, among the others), and exhibited in Africa (among others) as part of the African Photography encounters in Bamako (Mali) in 2007 and 2011, the Pan-African Festival in Algiers in 2009 and the Picha Biennale in Congo in 2010 and at the DAKART biennial OFF 2012 and 2016.", "\n\nIn 2014-2015, he participated in Simon Njami’s Divine Comedy Project which opened in March at the MMK, Museum für moderne Kunst in Frankfurt, (Germany), he was shown also at the SCAD Museum in Savannah, Georgia (USA) and at the Smithsonian National Museum Of African Art in Washington DC, (USA). ", "In 2015, he participated (among others) in the exhibition A l’ombre d’Eros at the Royal Monastery of Brou, Bourg-en-Bresse, France and at Infecting the City, public arts festival, Cape Town." ]
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[ "Oral-B 3D white brilliant mint toothpaste and Neutrogena Deep Clean gentle scrub are among the 100-plus products containing microbeads that will be banned from May next year but are still available now — and may be sitting in your bathroom cupboard.", "\n\nCountdown will be completely microbead-free by the end of September, says James Walker, general manager of corporate affairs. ", "The Foodstuffs chain has already removed products containing microbeads from the shelves of Pak'n Save, New World and Four Square stores. ", "Previously both Foodstuffs and Countdown stopped using microbeads in their own brand products.", "\n\nBut products containing the tiny plastic pieces are still on the shelves at Countdown supermarkets, pharmacies, beauty supply stores and department stores around the country.", "\n\nELEANOR BLACK/STUFF Neutrogena Deep Clean Gentle Scrub contains microbeads.", "\n\nThese are old stock, says Food and Grocery Council chief executive Katherine Rich, and retailers are working on replacing them with alternatives.", "\n\nREAD MORE:\n\n* New Zealand to ban microbeads sooner than expected\n\n* Foodstuffs to stop stocking microbead products\n\n* Time to ban glitter - it's just as bad as microbeads, experts say\n\n\"We anticipate products containing microbeads will have disappeared from shelves well before May next year,\" says Rich.", "\n\nEleanor Black Two popular Neutrogena products containing microplastic.", "\n\n\"The reason the beads have not been removed instantly is that reformulation is often complex, and companies wanted to find substitutes that still gave consumers a product that did the same job. ", "Biodegradable alternatives are available and are already being used in some brands.\"", "\n\nThe Beat the Microbead campaign website lists all microbead-containing products still available in New Zealand. ", "Popular scrubs, shower gels and buffing creams by Clearasil, Elizabeth Arden, Natio, Sisley and Shiseido are among them.", "\n\nMicrobeads are eaten by marine life and often cause death, and according to campaigners they are making their way onto our plates too.", "\n\nRMIT UNIVERSITY/SUPPLIED Plastic microbeads pose a threat to ocean and marine life.", "\n\n\"Microbeads are ending up in the food chain,\" says Greenpeace campaigner Elena Di Palma. \"", "They are in the food we are consuming.\"", "\n\nIt is estimated that 8 trillion tonnes of plastic, including microplastics, go into the ocean each year.", "\n\n\"Microbeads are one part of a much bigger problem with single-use plastics,\" says Di Palma. \"", "We're starting with microbeads but we need to ban single-use plastic bags and other single-use plastic.\"", "\n\nLast week Associate Environment Minister Scott Simpson announced that the ban on products containing microbeads would include all \"wash-off\" products used for personal care, household cleaning and car cleaning.", "\n\nDi Palma says there are between 60 and 70 different types of microbeads and it is not yet clear if all are covered by the upcoming ban. \"", "We want them all banned.\"", "\n\nIf you have old products containing microbeads, Beat the Microbead suggests you send them to landfill rather than use them and allow them to get into the water supply.", "\n\n\n\nCHECK YOUR SHELVES\n\nThese popular products contain microbeads:\n\nApivita Gentle exfoliating gel with apricot\n\nApivita Express Every Day Face Scrub with Apricot\n\nBioré Warming anti-blackhead cleanser\n\nClean & Clear Deep action exfoliating scrub\n\nClean & Clear Blackhead clearing cleanser\n\nClean & Clear Morning burst - oil free facial scrub\n\nClean & Clear Deep action in-shower facial\n\nClearasil Ultra - overnight scrub\n\nClearasil Ultra pimples + marks daily scrub\n\nClearasil Refreshing superfruit scrub\n\nClearasil Daily clear - blackhead clearing cleanser\n\nClearasil Daily clear vitamin & extracts scrub\n\nDr Lewinns Facial polishing gel gentle exfoliant\n\nElizabeth Arden Ceramide Line Smoothing Exfoliator\n\nElizabeth Arden Visible difference skin balancing exfoliating cleanser\n\nInnoxa Anti-aging exfoliator\n\nKate Somerville ExfoliKate - Gentle exfoliating treatment\n\nKate Somerville ExfoliKate - Intensive exfoliating treatment\n\nNatio Young pore unclogging face scrub\n\nNatio Gentle facial scrub\n\nNatio Purifying face scrub\n\nNatio Ageless dual action cleanser and exfoliator\n\nNeutrogena Rapid clear - blackhead eliminating daily scrub\n\nNeutrogena Oil-free acne wash daily scrub\n\nNeutrogena Oil-free acne stress control power-clear scrub\n\nNeutrogena Oil-free acne wash pink grapefruit foaming scrub\n\nNeutrogena Pore refining exfoliating cleanser\n\nNeutrogena Fresh foaming scrub\n\nQV Face exfoliating polish\n\nShiseido Deep cleansing scrub for men\n\nShiseido Revital cleansing foam 1\n\nSisley Gentle facial buffing cream\n\nSisley Buff and wash facial gel\n\nSkin Doctors Cosmeceuticals Powerbrasion\n\nFor the full list, go to Beat the Microbead." ]
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[ "White House, Congress getting 'very close' to debt deal\n\nWASHINGTON — White House and congressional negotiators on Sunday were getting close to a $3 trillion, last-minute deal to break the deadlock over raising the nation's debt ceiling.", "\n\n\"We're very close,\" Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said on CNN's \"State of the Union.\" \"", "I can pretty confidently say this debt ceiling increase will avoid default.\"", "\n\nThe $14.3 trillion debt limit must be increased by Tuesday. ", "If it isn't, it puts the federal government at risk of default, which could trigger panic in financial markets worldwide and perhaps plunge the U.S. economy back into recession.", "\n\nThe deal being seriously discussed would raise the debt limit in two stages. ", "The first could include a provision to cut deficits by about $1 trillion over 10 years, and create a special congressional committee to recommend further savings.", "\n\nThese provisions, described by White House senior adviser David Plouffe on ABC’s \"This Week,\" appear similar to those proposed in plans offered in recent days by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio in recent days.", "\n\nMcConnell said \"what we’re looking at is a $3 trillion package\" of deficit reduction, a vote on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and the powerful new joint congressional committee to recommend future savings — which would be considered by Congress — by late fall.", "\n\nThe multi-stage debt limit increase represents a concession by Democrats. ", "They had sought one vote on raising the $14.3 trillion limit, which likely would have meant no more such votes until after the 2012 presidential election — and deprived Republicans of another round of showdowns over the volatile issue.", "\n\nOne the major roadblocks to an agreement has been what Plouffe Sunday called an \"enforcement mechanism,\" or some way of assuring future deficit reduction. ", "He said that remained \"one of the areas that's still under discussion.\"", "\n\nSeveral options for deficit reduction have been discussed. ", "Republicans have suggested that unless certain savings are achieved, parts of the 2010 health care overhaul could be scuttled. ", "Democrats have suggested that if such savings were not met, the Bush-era tax cuts, now scheduled to expire at the end of next year, would be allowed to do so.", "\n\nNeither Plouffe, nor anyone else, would publicly say what options were being discussed. ", "McConnell said, \"We're still working on the parameters of it.\"", "\n\nNegotiators hope to have at least a framework of an agreement by 1 p.m., when the Senate is scheduled to vote on cutting off extended debate on a plan proposed by Reid, which would raise the limit in three stages and cut $750 billion from spending.", "\n\nUntil late Saturday, Congress had remained deadlocked over the debt crisis as both houses spent the day publicly mired in often tart, even defiant partisan votes and rhetoric.", "\n\nPrivately, however, the White House was talking to leaders of both parties, and by Saturday evening the talks had made enough progress that Reid abruptly postponed a vote on his measure until Sunday.", "\n\nMore Videos\n\nMoore not yet conceding in Alabama Senate race\n\nDemocrat Doug Jones won Alabama's special Senate election on Tuesday, beating back history, an embattled Republican opponent and President Donald Trump, who urgently endorsed GOP rebel Roy Moore despite a litany of sexual misconduct allegations. ", "Moore, meanwhile, refused to concede and raised the possibility of a recount during a brief appearance at a sombre campaign party in Montgomery. \"", "It's not over,\" Moore said. ", "He added, \"We know that God is still in control.\"" ]
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[ "ExpandCollapse\n\nMine is only two inches though.", "\n\nGot a battery in my car finally and tested a few things out one thing i noticed is my windows. ", "They act like they are cirved to much and get really bound up before they get half way they have new inned and outer belt strip and also new window channel run gaskets i know it should be tight but jeeezz i have to push the window outward to get the motor to start pushing it up again anyone got any way of helping me?" ]
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[ "[Cardiomyopathy in progressive muscular dystrophy].", "\nA dilated cardiomyopathy with clear signs of left-ventricular functional abnormalities occurred in a 21-year-old man with known Duchenne's progressive muscular dystrophy. ", "Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging delineated the regional disorder of ventricular wall motion and defined its segmental extent. ", "With neither method was it possible to analyse texture with demonstration of differential regional involvement. ", "As a noninvasive method echocardiography is suitable for diagnosing Duchenne's cardiomyopathy and monitoring its progression." ]
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[ "Minecraft Jungle Temple Seed\n\nSeed: BOOKZED Seed Code: 782684912 Platform: Minecraft PC/Mac (Java) Tested On: Minecraft 1.11\n\nDescription\n\nThis Minecraft temple seed (BOOKZED) spawns you in a jungle biome starting at moss stone (mossy cobblestone), the tell-tale sign of a jungle temple. ", "Moving toward it you won’t be disappointed. ", "The jungle surrounding the temple is thick with some jungle trees rising high toward the sky. ", "Exploring the coastal edges of the jungle you’ll find plenty of sand beaches and private coves. ", "One stone-beach landmass nearby has an impressive, huge lava flow pouring out of one of the sheer cliffs, too.", "\n\nMinecraft Seed Screenshots\n\nSending User Rating 4.31 ( 13 votes)" ]
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[ "HMS Bleasdale\n\nHMS Bleasdale was a destroyer of the Royal Navy. ", "She was a member of the third subgroup of the class, and saw service in the Second World War. ", "All the ships of this class were named after British fox hunts. ", "She was the first Royal Navy warship with this name, after the Bleasdale hunt in Lancashire. ", "In 1942 she was adopted by the civil community of Garstang in Lancashire, as part of Warship Week.", "\n\nService history\n\nOn commissioning Bleasdale served in the English Channel. ", "In 1942 she was allocated as part of the Naval escort force for the unsuccessful Dieppe Raid in July 1942. ", "In 1943 she remained in the English Channel. ", "In 1944 she served mostly in the English Channel and was part of the escort force for the assault and landings in Normandy, as part of the D-Day operations. ", "She provided gunfire support on Juno Beach.", "\n\nIn 1945 she was nominated for service in the Far East and underwent refit before passage. ", "She was at Port Swetteneham in the Far East when the Japanese surrender was signed. ", "She returned to the UK and was paid off at Chatham and placed in reserve on 16 November 1945.", "\n\nIn February 1946 she was recommissioned for the Nore Local Fltilla and the following year too part in Operation 'Big Bang'for the demilitarization of German defences at Heligoland. ", "On 21 April 1952 she was again placed into reserve at Sheerness.", "\n\nShe was subsequently placed on the disposal list sold for scrap to Hughes Bolckow. ", "She arrived at their ship breaking yard at Blyth on 14 September 1956.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSources\nColledge, J. J. & Warlow, Ben, Ships of the Royal Navy: The Complete Record of all Fighting Ships of the Royal Navy from the 15th Century to the Present, Newbury, 2010\nEnglish, John, The Hunts – A history of the design, development and careers of the 86 destroyers of this class built for the Royal and Allied Navies during World War II, Cumbria, 1987 (World Ship Society) \nWhitley, M. J., Destroyers of World War Two – an international encyclopedia, London, 1988 \nGardiner, Robert (ed.), ", "Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1922–1946, London, 1987\n\n \n\nCategory:Hunt-class destroyers of the Royal Navy\nCategory:World War II destroyers of the United Kingdom\nCategory:1941 ships\nCategory:Ships built on the River Tyne" ]
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[ "[Glomerulonephritis].", "\nIn glomerulonephritis we find various anatomical and pathological aspects of the kidneys, despite the clinical manifestations are almost identical (haematuria, proteinuria, nephrotic or nephritic syndrome). ", "The anatomical damage and the clinical manifestations is produced by a known or unknown antigenic insult, in relation to the predisposing genetic factors and to the defences predisposed by the immunological system. ", "From the '80, some publications showed an immunological pathogenesis of the glomerulonephritis, with the participation of haematological elements such as lymphoid cells. ", "Therefore, the pathogenesis of the primitive glomerulonephritis are in great part unknown, although we know that the increased permeability of the glomerular capillary is correlated to the production of proinflammatory lymphokines from T cells, which are overexpressed (RANTES). ", "Not to succeed to adequately eliminate these cells can be, thus, a cause of relapse with the final result of renal infiltration and amplification of the immune response." ]
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[ "There is a new paper on Science Express that examines the constraints on climate sensitivity from looking at the last glacial maximum (LGM), around 21,000 years ago (Schmittner et al, 2011) (SEA). ", "The headline number (2.3ºC) is a little lower than IPCC’s “best estimate” of 3ºC global warming for a doubling of CO 2 , but within the likely range (2-4.5ºC) of the last IPCC report. ", "However, there are reasons to think that the result may well be biased low, and stated with rather more confidence than is warranted given the limitations of the study.", "\n\nClimate sensitivity is a key characteristic of the climate system, since it tells us how much global warming to expect for a given forcing. ", "It usually refers to how much surface warming would result from a doubling of CO 2 in the atmosphere, but is actually a more general metric that gives a good indication of what any radiative forcing (from the sun, a change in surface albedo, aerosols etc.) ", "would do to surface temperatures at equilibrium. ", "It is something we have discussed a lot here (see here for a selection of posts).", "\n\nClimate models inherently predict climate sensitivity, which results from the basic Planck feedback (the increase of infrared cooling with temperature) modified by various other feedbacks (mainly the water vapor, lapse rate, cloud and albedo feedbacks). ", "But observational data can reveal how the climate system has responded to known forcings in the past, and hence give constraints on climate sensitivity. ", "The IPCC AR4 (9.6: Observational Constraints on Climate Sensitivity) lists 13 studies (Table 9.3) that constrain climate sensitivity using various types of data, including two using LGM data. ", "More have appeared since.", "\n\nIt is important to regard the LGM studies as just one set of points in the cloud yielded by other climate sensitivity estimates, but the LGM has been a frequent target because it was a period for which there is a lot of data from varied sources, climate was significantly different from today, and we have considerable information about the important drivers – like CO 2 , CH 4 , ice sheet extent, vegetation changes etc. ", "Even as far back as Lorius et al (1990), estimates of the mean temperature change and the net forcing, were combined to give estimates of sensitivity of about 3ºC. More recently Köhler et al (2010) (KEA), used estimates of all the LGM forcings, and an estimate of the global mean temperature change, to constrain the sensitivity to 1.4-5.2ºC (5–95%), with a mean value of 2.4ºC. Another study, using a joint model-data approach, (Schneider von Deimling et al, 2006b), derived a range of 1.2 – 4.3ºC (5-95%). ", "The SEA paper, with its range of 1.4 – 2.8ºC (5-95%), is merely the latest in a series of these studies.", "\n\nDefinitions of sensitivity\n\nThe standard definition of climate sensitivity comes from the Charney report in 1979, where the response was defined as that of an atmospheric model with fixed boundary conditions (ice sheets, vegetation, atmospheric composition) but variable ocean temperatures, to 2xCO 2 . ", "This has become a standard model metric (because it is relatively easy to calculate. ", "It is not however the same thing as what would really happen to the climate with 2xCO 2 , because of course, those ‘fixed’ factors would not stay fixed.", "\n\nNote then, that the SEA definition of sensitivity includes feedbacks associated with vegetation, which was considered a forcing in the standard Charney definition. ", "Thus for the sensitivity determined by SEA to be comparable to the others, one would need to know the forcing due to the modelled vegetation change. ", "KEA estimated that LGM vegetation forcing was around -1.1+/-0.6 W/m2 (because of the loss of trees in polar latitudes, replacement of forests by savannah etc.), ", "and if that was similar to the SEA modelled impact, their Charney sensitivity would be closer to 2ºC (down from 2.3ºC).", "\n\nOther studies have also expanded the scope of the sensitivity definition to include even more factors, a definition different enough to have its own name: the Earth System Sensitivity. ", "Notably, both the Pliocene warm climate (Lunt et al., ", "2010), and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (Pagani et al., ", "2006), tend to support Earth System sensitivities higher than the Charney sensitivity.", "\n\nIs sensitivity symmetric?", "\n\nThe first thing that must be recognized regarding all studies of this type is that it is unclear to what extent behavior in the LGM is a reliable guide to how much it will warm when CO 2 is increased from its pre-industrial value. ", "The LGM was a very different world than the present, involving considerable expansions of sea ice, massive Northern Hemisphere land ice sheets, geographically inhomogeneous dust radiative forcing, and a different ocean circulation. ", "The relative contributions of the various feedbacks that make up climate sensitivity need not be the same going back to the LGM as in a world warming relative to the pre-industrial climate. ", "The analysis in Crucifix (2006) indicates that there is not a good correlation between sensitivity on the LGM side and sensitivity to 2XCO 2 in the selection of models he looked at.", "\n\nThere has been some other work to suggest that overall sensitivity to a cooling is a little less (80-90%) than sensitivity to a warming, for instance Hargreaves and Annan (2007), so the numbers of Schmittner et al. ", "are less different from the “3ºC” number than they might at first appear. ", "The factors that determine this asymmetry are various, involving ice albedo feedbacks, cloud feedbacks and other atmospheric processes, e.g., water vapor content increases approximately exponentially with temperature (Clausius-Clapeyron equation) so that the water vapor feedback gets stronger the warmer it is. ", "In reality, the strength of feedbacks changes with temperature. ", "Thus the complexity of the model being used needs to be assessed to see whether it is capable of addressing this.", "\n\nDoes the model used adequately represent key climate feedbacks?", "\n\nTypically, LGM constraints on climate sensitivity are obtained by producing a large ensemble of climate model versions where uncertain parameters are systematically varied, and then comparing the LGM simulations of all these models with “observed” LGM data, i.e. proxy data, by applying statistical approach of one sort or another. ", "It is noteworthy that very different models have been used for this: Annan et al. (", "2005) used an atmospheric GCM with a simple slab ocean, Schneider et al. (", "2006) the intermediate-complexity model CLIMBER-2 (with both ocean and atmosphere of intermediate complexity), while the new Schmittner et al. ", "study uses an oceanic GCM coupled to a simple energy-balance atmosphere (UVic).", "\n\nThese models all suggest potentially serious limitations for this kind of study: UVic does not simulate the atmospheric feedbacks that determine climate sensitivity in more realistic models, but rather fixes the atmospheric part of the climate sensitivity as a prescribed model parameter (surface albedo, however, is internally computed). ", "Hence, the dominant part of climate sensitivity remains the same, whether looking at 3ºC cooling or 3ºC warming. ", "Slab oceans on the other hand, do not allow for variations in ocean circulation, which was certainly important for the LGM, and other intermediate models have all made key assumptions that may impact these feedbacks. ", "However, in view of the fact that cloud feedbacks are the dominant contribution to uncertainty in climate sensitivity, the fact that the energy balance model used by Schmittner et al cannot compute changes in cloud radiative forcing is particularly serious.", "\n\nUncertainties in LGM proxy data\n\nPerhaps the key difference of Schmittner et al. ", "to some previous studies is their use of all available proxy data for the LGM, whilst other studies have selected a subset of proxy data that they deemed particularly reliable (e.g., in Schneider et al. ", "SST data from the tropical Atlantic, Greenland and Antarctic ice cores and some tropical land temperatures). ", "Uncertainties of the proxy data (and the question of knowing what these uncertainties are) are crucial in this kind of study. ", "A well-known issue with LGM proxies is that the most abundant type of proxy data, using the species composition of tiny marine organisms called foraminifera, probably underestimates sea surface cooling over vast stretches of the tropical oceans; other methods like alkenone and Mg/Ca ratios give colder temperatures (but aren’t all coherent either). ", "It is clear that this data issue makes a large difference in the sensitivity obtained.", "\n\nThe Schneider et al. ", "ensemble constrained by their selection of LGM data gives a global-mean cooling range during the LGM of 5.8 +/- 1.4ºC (Schnieder Von Deimling et al, 2006), while the best fit from the UVic model used in the new paper has 3.5ºC cooling, well outside this range (weighted average calculated from the online data, a slightly different number is stated in Nathan Urban’s interview – not sure why).", "\n\nCuriously, the mean SEA estimate (2.4ºC) is identical to the mean KEA number, but there is a big difference in what they concluded the mean temperature at the LGM was, and a small difference in how they defined sensitivity. ", "Thus the estimates of the forcings must be proportionately less as well. ", "The differences are that the UVic model has a smaller forcing from the ice sheets, possibly because of an insufficiently steep lapse rate (5ºC/km instead of a steeper value that would be more typical of dryer polar regions), and also a smaller change from increased dust.", "\n\nModel-data comparisons\n\nSo there is a significant difference in the headline results from SEA compared to previous results. ", "As we mentioned above though, there are reasons to think that their result is biased low. ", "There are two main issues here. ", "First, the constraint to a lower sensitivity is dominated by the ocean data – if the fit is made to the land data alone, the sensitivity would be substantially higher (though with higher uncertainty). ", "The best fit for all the data underpredicts the land temperatures significantly.", "\n\nHowever, even in the ocean the fit to the data is not that good in many regions – particular the southern oceans and Antarctica, but also in the Northern mid-latitudes. ", "This occurs because the tropical ocean data are weighing more heavily in the assessment than the sparser and possibly less accurate polar and mid-latitude data. ", "Thus there is a mismatch between the pattern of cooling produced by the model, and the pattern inferred from the real world. ", "This could be because of the structural deficiency of the model, or because of errors in the data, but the (hard to characterise) uncertainty in the former is not being carried into final uncertainty estimate. ", "None of the different model versions here seem to get the large polar amplification of change seen in the data for instance.", "\n\nResponse and media coverage\n\nAll in all, this is an interesting paper and methodology, though we think it slightly underestimates the most likely sensitivity, and rather more seriously underestimates the chances that the sensitivity lies at the upper end of the IPCC range. ", "Some other commentaries have come to similar conclusions: James Annan (here and here), and there is an excellent interview with Nathan Urban here, which discusses the caveats clearly. ", "The perspective piece from Gabi Hegerl is also worth reading.", "\n\nUnfortunately, the media coverage has not been very good. ", "Partly, this is related to some ambiguous statements by the authors, and partly because media discussions of climate sensitivity have a history of being poorly done. ", "The dominant frame was set by the press release which made a point of suggesting that this result made “extreme predictions” unlikely. ", "This is fair enough, but had already been clear from the previous work discussed above. ", "This was transformed into “Climate sensitivity was ‘overestimated'” by the BBC (not really a valid statement about the state of the science), compounded by the quote that Andreas Schmittner gave that “this implies that the effect of CO 2 on climate is less than previously thought”. ", "Who had previously thought what was left to the readers’ imagination. ", "Indeed, the latter quote also prompted the predictably loony IBD editorial board to declare that this result proves that climate science is a fraud (though this is not Schmittner’s fault – they conclude the same thing every other Tuesday).", "\n\nThe Schmittner et al. ", "analysis marks the insensitive end of the spectrum of climate sensitivity estimates based on LGM data, in large measure because it used a data set and a weighting that may well be biased toward insufficient cooling. ", "Unfortunately, in reporting new scientific studies a common fallacy is to implicitly assume a new study is automatically “better” than previous work and supersedes this. ", "In this case one can’t blame the media, since the authors’ press release cites Schmittner saying that “the effect of CO 2 on climate is less than previously thought”. ", "It would have been more appropriate to say something like “our estimate of the effect is less than many previous estimates”.", "\n\nImplications\n\nIt is not all that earthshaking that the numbers in Schmittner et al come in a little low: the 2.3ºC is well within previously accepted uncertainty, and three of the IPCC AR4 models used for future projections have a climate sensitivity of 2.3ºC or lower, so that the range of IPCC projections already encompasses this possibility. (", "Hence there would be very little policy relevance to this result even if it were true, though note the small difference in definitions of sensitivity mentioned above).", "\n\nWhat is more surprising is the small uncertainty interval given by this paper, and this is probably simply due to the fact that not all relevant uncertainties in the forcing, the proxy temperatures and the model have been included here. ", "In view of these shortcomings, the confidence with which the authors essentially rule out the upper end of the IPCC sensitivity range is, in our view, unwarranted.", "\n\nBe that as it may, all these studies, despite the large variety in data used, model structure and approach, have one thing in common: without the role of CO 2 as a greenhouse gas, i.e. the cooling effect of the lower glacial CO 2 concentration, the ice age climate cannot be explained. ", "The result — in common with many previous studies — actually goes considerably further than that. ", "The LGM cooling is plainly incompatible with the existence of a strongly stabilizing feedback such as the oft-quoted Lindzen’s Iris mechanism. ", "It is even incompatible with the low climate sensitivities you would get in a so-called ‘no-feedback’ response (i.e just the Planck feedback – apologies for the terminological confusion).", "\n\nIt bears noting that even if the SEA mean estimate were correct, it still lies well above the ever-more implausible estimates of those that wish the climate sensitivity were negligible. ", "And that means that the implications for policy remain the same as they always were. ", "Indeed, if one accepts a very liberal risk level of 50% for mean global warming of 2°C (the guiderail widely adopted) since the start of the industrial age, then under midrange IPCC climate sensitivity estimates, then we have around 30 years before the risk level is exceeded. ", "Specifically, to reach that probability level, we can burn a total of about one trillion metric tonnes of carbon. ", "That gives us about 24 years at current growth rates (about 3%/year). ", "Since warming is proportional to cumulative carbon, if the climate sensitivity were really as low as Schmittner et al. ", "estimate, then another 500 GT would take us to the same risk level, some 11 years later.", "\n\nReferences" ]
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[ "from nose.tools import eq_, ok_\n\nfrom wtforms import fields, validators\n\nfrom flask_admin import form\nfrom flask_admin._compat import as_unicode\nfrom flask_admin.contrib.mongoengine import ModelView\n\nfrom . ", "import setup\n\nfrom datetime import datetime\n\n\nclass CustomModelView(ModelView):\n def __init__(self, model,\n name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None,\n **kwargs):\n for k, v in kwargs.items():\n setattr(self, k, v)\n\n super(CustomModelView, self).__init__(model,\n name, category,\n endpoint, url)\n\n\ndef create_models(db):\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n test2 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n test3 = db.", "StringField()\n test4 = db.", "StringField()\n datetime_field = db.", "DateTimeField()\n\n def __str__(self):\n return self.test1\n\n class Model2(db.", "Document):\n string_field = db.", "StringField()\n int_field = db.", "IntField()\n float_field = db.", "FloatField()\n bool_field = db.", "BooleanField()\n\n model1 = db.", "ReferenceField(Model1)\n\n Model1.objects.delete()\n Model2.objects.delete()\n\n return Model1, Model2\n\n\ndef fill_db(Model1, Model2):\n Model1(test1='test1_val_1', test2='test2_val_1').save()\n Model1(test1='test1_val_2', test2='test2_val_2').save()\n Model1(test1='test1_val_3', test2='test2_val_3').save()\n Model1(test1='test1_val_4', test2='test2_val_4').save()\n Model1(test1=None, test2='empty_obj').save()\n\n Model2(string_field='string_field_val_1', int_field=None,\n float_field=None, bool_field=True).save()\n Model2(string_field='string_field_val_2', int_field=None,\n float_field=None, bool_field=False).save()\n Model2(string_field='string_field_val_3', int_field=5000,\n float_field=25.9).save()\n Model2(string_field='string_field_val_4', int_field=9000,\n float_field=75.5).save()\n Model2(string_field='string_field_val_5',\n int_field=6169453081680413441).save()\n\n Model1(test1='datetime_obj1',\n datetime_field=datetime(2014, 4, 3, 1, 9, 0)).save()\n Model1(test1='datetime_obj2',\n datetime_field=datetime(2013, 3, 2, 0, 8, 0)).save()\n\n\ndef test_model():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, Model2 = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model1)\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n eq_(view.model, Model1)\n eq_(view.name, 'Model1')\n eq_(view.endpoint, 'model1')\n\n eq_(view._primary_key, 'id')\n\n ok_('test1' in view._sortable_columns)\n ok_('test2' in view._sortable_columns)\n ok_('test3' in view._sortable_columns)\n ok_('test4' in view._sortable_columns)\n\n ok_(view._create_form_class is not None)\n ok_(view._edit_form_class is not None)\n eq_(view._search_supported, False)\n eq_(view._filters, None)\n\n eq_(view._create_form_class.test1.field_class, fields.", "StringField)\n eq_(view._create_form_class.test2.field_class, fields.", "StringField)\n\n eq_(view._create_form_class.test3.field_class, fields.", "TextAreaField)\n eq_(view._create_form_class.test4.field_class, fields.", "TextAreaField)\n\n # Make some test clients\n client = app.test_client()\n\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/new/')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/new/',\n data=dict(test1='test1large', test2='test2'))\n eq_(rv.status_code, 302)\n\n model = Model1.objects.first()\n eq_(model.test1, 'test1large')\n eq_(model.test2, 'test2')\n eq_(model.test3, '')\n eq_(model.test4, '')\n\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n ok_(b'test1large' in rv.data)\n\n url = '/admin/model1/edit/?id=%s' % model.id\n rv = client.get(url)\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n\n rv = client.post(url,\n data=dict(test1='test1small', test2='test2large'))\n eq_(rv.status_code, 302)\n\n model = Model1.objects.first()\n eq_(model.test1, 'test1small')\n eq_(model.test2, 'test2large')\n eq_(model.test3, '')\n eq_(model.test4, '')\n\n url = '/admin/model1/delete/?id=%s' % model.id\n rv = client.post(url)\n eq_(rv.status_code, 302)\n eq_(Model1.objects.count(), 0)\n\n\ndef test_column_editable_list():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, Model2 = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model1,\n column_editable_list=['test1', 'datetime_field'])\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n fill_db(Model1, Model2)\n\n client = app.test_client()\n\n # Test in-line edit field rendering\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('data-role=\"x-editable\"' in data)\n\n # Form - Test basic in-line edit functionality\n obj1 = Model1.objects.get(test1='test1_val_3')\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/ajax/update/', data={\n 'list_form_pk': str(obj1.id),\n 'test1': 'change-success-1',\n })\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Record was successfully saved.' ", "== data)\n\n # confirm the value has changed\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('change-success-1' in data)\n\n # Test validation error\n obj2 = Model1.objects.get(test1='datetime_obj1')\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/ajax/update/', data={\n 'list_form_pk': str(obj2.id),\n 'datetime_field': 'problematic-input',\n })\n eq_(rv.status_code, 500)\n\n # Test invalid primary key\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/ajax/update/', data={\n 'list_form_pk': '1000',\n 'test1': 'problematic-input',\n })\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 500)\n\n # Test editing column not in column_editable_list\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/ajax/update/', data={\n 'list_form_pk': '1',\n 'test2': 'problematic-input',\n })\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('problematic-input' not in data)\n\n # Test in-line editing for relations\n view = CustomModelView(Model2, column_editable_list=['model1'])\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n obj3 = Model2.objects.get(string_field='string_field_val_1')\n rv = client.post('/admin/model2/ajax/update/', data={\n 'list_form_pk': str(obj3.id),\n 'model1': str(obj1.id),\n })\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Record was successfully saved.' ", "== data)\n\n # confirm the value has changed\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test1_val_1' in data)\n\n\ndef test_details_view():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, Model2 = create_models(db)\n\n view_no_details = CustomModelView(Model1)\n admin.add_view(view_no_details)\n\n # fields are scaffolded\n view_w_details = CustomModelView(Model2, can_view_details=True)\n admin.add_view(view_w_details)\n\n # show only specific fields in details w/ column_details_list\n string_field_view = CustomModelView(Model2, can_view_details=True,\n column_details_list=[\"string_field\"],\n endpoint=\"sf_view\")\n admin.add_view(string_field_view)\n\n fill_db(Model1, Model2)\n\n client = app.test_client()\n\n m1_id = Model1.objects.first().id\n m2_id = Model2.objects.first().id\n\n # ensure link to details is hidden when can_view_details is disabled\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('/admin/model1/details/' not in data)\n\n # ensure link to details view appears\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('/admin/model2/details/' in data)\n\n # test redirection when details are disabled\n url = '/admin/model1/details/?url=%2Fadmin%2Fmodel1%2F&id=' + str(m1_id)\n rv = client.get(url)\n eq_(rv.status_code, 302)\n\n # test if correct data appears in details view when enabled\n url = '/admin/model2/details/?url=%2Fadmin%2Fmodel2%2F&id=' + str(m2_id)\n rv = client.get(url)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('String Field' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('Int Field' in data)\n\n # test column_details_list\n url = '/admin/sf_view/details/?url=%2Fadmin%2Fsf_view%2F&id=' + str(m2_id)\n rv = client.get(url)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('String Field' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('Int Field' not in data)\n\n\ndef test_column_filters():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, Model2 = create_models(db)\n\n # fill DB with values\n fill_db(Model1, Model2)\n\n # Test string filter\n view = CustomModelView(Model1, column_filters=['test1'])\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n eq_(len(view._filters), 7)\n\n eq_(\n [(f['index'], f['operation']) for f in view._filter_groups[u'Test1']],\n [\n (0, 'contains'),\n (1, 'not contains'),\n (2, 'equals'),\n (3, 'not equal'),\n (4, 'empty'),\n (5, 'in list'),\n (6, 'not in list'),\n ]\n )\n\n # Make some test clients\n client = app.test_client()\n\n # string - equals\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_0=test1_val_1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test2_val_1' in data)\n ok_('test1_val_2' not in data)\n\n # string - not equal\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_1=test1_val_1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test2_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('test1_val_2' in data)\n\n # string - contains\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_2=test1_val_1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test2_val_1' in data)\n ok_('test1_val_2' not in data)\n\n # string - not contains\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_3=test1_val_1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test2_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('test1_val_2' in data)\n\n # string - empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_4=1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('empty_obj' in data)\n ok_('test1_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('test1_val_2' not in data)\n\n # string - not empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_4=0')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('empty_obj' not in data)\n ok_('test1_val_1' in data)\n ok_('test1_val_2' in data)\n\n # string - in list\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_5=test1_val_1%2Ctest1_val_2')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test2_val_1' in data)\n ok_('test2_val_2' in data)\n ok_('test1_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('test1_val_4' not in data)\n\n # string - not in list\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/?flt0_6=test1_val_1%2Ctest1_val_2')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test2_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('test2_val_2' not in data)\n ok_('test1_val_3' in data)\n ok_('test1_val_4' in data)\n\n # Test numeric filter\n view = CustomModelView(Model2, column_filters=['int_field'])\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n eq_(\n [(f['index'], f['operation']) for f in view._filter_groups[u'Int Field']],\n [\n (0, 'equals'),\n (1, 'not equal'),\n (2, 'greater than'),\n (3, 'smaller than'),\n (4, 'empty'),\n (5, 'in list'),\n (6, 'not in list'),\n ]\n )\n\n # integer - equals\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_0=5000')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # integer - equals (huge number)\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_0=6169453081680413441')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_5' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # integer - equals - test validation\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_0=badval')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Invalid Filter Value' in data)\n\n # integer - not equal\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_1=5000')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # integer - greater\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_2=6000')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # integer - smaller\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_3=6000')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # integer - empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_4=1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # integer - not empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_4=0')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # integer - in list\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_5=5000%2C9000')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # integer - in list (huge number)\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_5=6169453081680413441')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_5' in data)\n\n # integer - in list - test validation\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_5=5000%2Cbadval')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Invalid Filter Value' in data)\n\n # integer - not in list\n rv = client.get('/admin/model2/?flt0_6=5000%2C9000')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # Test boolean filter\n view = CustomModelView(Model2, column_filters=['bool_field'],\n endpoint=\"_bools\")\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n eq_(\n [(f['index'], f['operation']) for f in view._filter_groups[u'Bool Field']],\n [\n (0, 'equals'),\n (1, 'not equal'),\n ]\n )\n\n # boolean - equals - Yes\n rv = client.get('/admin/_bools/?flt0_0=1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' not in data)\n\n # boolean - equals - No\n rv = client.get('/admin/_bools/?flt0_0=0')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' in data)\n\n # boolean - not equals - Yes\n rv = client.get('/admin/_bools/?flt0_1=1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' in data)\n\n # boolean - not equals - No\n rv = client.get('/admin/_bools/?flt0_1=0')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' not in data)\n\n # Test float filter\n view = CustomModelView(Model2, column_filters=['float_field'],\n endpoint=\"_float\")\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n eq_(\n [(f['index'], f['operation']) for f in view._filter_groups[u'Float Field']],\n [\n (0, 'equals'),\n (1, 'not equal'),\n (2, 'greater than'),\n (3, 'smaller than'),\n (4, 'empty'),\n (5, 'in list'),\n (6, 'not in list'),\n ]\n )\n\n # float - equals\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_0=25.9')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # float - equals - test validation\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_0=badval')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Invalid Filter Value' in data)\n\n # float - not equal\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_1=25.9')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # float - greater\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_2=60.5')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # float - smaller\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_3=60.5')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # float - empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_4=1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # float - not empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_4=0')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # float - in list\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_5=25.9%2C75.5')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' in data)\n\n # float - in list - test validation\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_5=25.9%2Cbadval')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Invalid Filter Value' in data)\n\n # float - not in list\n rv = client.get('/admin/_float/?flt0_6=25.9%2C75.5')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('string_field_val_1' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_2' in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_3' not in data)\n ok_('string_field_val_4' not in data)\n\n # Test datetime filter\n view = CustomModelView(Model1,\n column_filters=['datetime_field'],\n endpoint=\"_datetime\")\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n eq_(\n [(f['index'], f['operation']) for f in view._filter_groups[u'Datetime Field']],\n [\n (0, 'equals'),\n (1, 'not equal'),\n (2, 'greater than'),\n (3, 'smaller than'),\n (4, 'between'),\n (5, 'not between'),\n (6, 'empty'),\n ]\n )\n\n # datetime - equals\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_0=2014-04-03+01%3A09%3A00')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('datetime_obj1' in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' not in data)\n\n # datetime - not equal\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_1=2014-04-03+01%3A09%3A00')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('datetime_obj1' not in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' in data)\n\n # datetime - greater\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_2=2014-04-03+01%3A08%3A00')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('datetime_obj1' in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' not in data)\n\n # datetime - smaller\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_3=2014-04-03+01%3A08%3A00')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('datetime_obj1' not in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' in data)\n\n # datetime - between\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_4=2014-04-02+00%3A00%3A00+to+2014-11-20+23%3A59%3A59')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('datetime_obj1' in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' not in data)\n\n # datetime - not between\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_5=2014-04-02+00%3A00%3A00+to+2014-11-20+23%3A59%3A59')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('datetime_obj1' not in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' in data)\n\n # datetime - empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_6=1')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test1_val_1' in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj1' not in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' not in data)\n\n # datetime - not empty\n rv = client.get('/admin/_datetime/?flt0_6=0')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('test1_val_1' not in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj1' in data)\n ok_('datetime_obj2' in data)\n\n\ndef test_default_sort():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n M1, _ = create_models(db)\n\n M1(test1='c', test2='x').save()\n M1(test1='b', test2='x').save()\n M1(test1='a', test2='y').save()\n\n eq_(M1.objects.count(), 3)\n\n view = CustomModelView(M1, column_default_sort='test1')\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n _, data = view.get_list(0, None, None, None, None)\n\n eq_(data[0].test1, 'a')\n eq_(data[1].test1, 'b')\n eq_(data[2].test1, 'c')\n\n # test default sort with multiple columns\n order = [('test2', False), ('test1', False)]\n view2 = CustomModelView(M1, column_default_sort=order, endpoint='m1_2')\n admin.add_view(view2)\n\n _, data = view2.get_list(0, None, None, None, None)\n\n eq_(len(data), 3)\n eq_(data[0].test1, 'b')\n eq_(data[1].test1, 'c')\n eq_(data[2].test1, 'a')\n\n\ndef test_extra_fields():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, _ = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_extra_fields={\n 'extra_field': fields.", "StringField('Extra Field')\n }\n )\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n client = app.test_client()\n\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/new/')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n\n # Check presence and order\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Extra Field' in data)\n pos1 = data.find('Extra Field')\n pos2 = data.find('Test1')\n ok_(pos2 < pos1)\n\n\ndef test_extra_field_order():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, _ = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_extra_fields={\n 'extra_field': fields.", "StringField('Extra Field')\n }\n )\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n client = app.test_client()\n\n rv = client.get('/admin/model1/new/')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n\n # Check presence and order\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n ok_('Extra Field' in data)\n pos1 = data.find('Extra Field')\n pos2 = data.find('Test1')\n ok_(pos2 < pos1)\n\n\ndef test_custom_form_base():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class TestForm(form.", "BaseForm):\n pass\n\n Model1, _ = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_base_class=TestForm\n )\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n ok_(hasattr(view._create_form_class, 'test1'))\n\n create_form = view.create_form()\n ok_(isinstance(create_form, TestForm))\n\n\ndef test_subdocument_config():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n subdoc = db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment)\n\n # Check only\n view1 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'subdoc': {\n 'form_columns': ('name',)\n }\n }\n )\n\n ok_(hasattr(view1._create_form_class, 'subdoc'))\n\n form = view1.create_form()\n ok_('name' in dir(form.subdoc.form))\n ok_('value' not in dir(form.subdoc.form))\n\n # Check exclude\n view2 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'subdoc': {\n 'form_excluded_columns': ('value',)\n }\n }\n )\n\n form = view2.create_form()\n ok_('name' in dir(form.subdoc.form))\n ok_('value' not in dir(form.subdoc.form))\n\n\ndef test_subdocument_class_config():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n from flask_admin.contrib.mongoengine import EmbeddedForm\n\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n subdoc = db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment)\n\n class EmbeddedConfig(EmbeddedForm):\n form_columns = ('name',)\n\n # Check only\n view1 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'subdoc': EmbeddedConfig()\n }\n )\n\n form = view1.create_form()\n ok_('name' in dir(form.subdoc.form))\n ok_('value' not in dir(form.subdoc.form))\n\n\ndef test_nested_subdocument_config():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n # Check recursive\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Nested(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n comment = db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n nested = db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Nested)\n\n view1 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'nested': {\n 'form_subdocuments': {\n 'comment': {\n 'form_columns': ('name',)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n )\n\n form = view1.create_form()\n ok_('name' in dir(form.nested.form.comment.form))\n ok_('value' not in dir(form.nested.form.comment.form))\n\n\ndef test_nested_list_subdocument():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n subdoc = db.", "ListField(db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment))\n\n # Check only\n view1 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'subdoc': {\n 'form_subdocuments': {\n None: {\n 'form_columns': ('name',)\n }\n }\n\n }\n }\n )\n\n form = view1.create_form()\n inline_form = form.subdoc.unbound_field.args[2]\n\n ok_('name' in dir(inline_form))\n ok_('value' not in dir(inline_form))\n\n\ndef test_nested_sortedlist_subdocument():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n subdoc = db.", "SortedListField(db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment))\n\n # Check only\n view1 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'subdoc': {\n 'form_subdocuments': {\n None: {\n 'form_columns': ('name',)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n )\n\n form = view1.create_form()\n inline_form = form.subdoc.unbound_field.args[2]\n\n ok_('name' in dir(inline_form))\n ok_('value' not in dir(inline_form))\n\n\ndef test_sortedlist_subdocument_validation():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n subdoc = db.", "SortedListField(db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment))\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model1)\n admin.add_view(view)\n client = app.test_client()\n\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/new/',\n data={'test1': 'test1large', 'subdoc-0-name': 'comment', 'subdoc-0-value': 'test'})\n eq_(rv.status_code, 302)\n\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/new/',\n data={'test1': 'test1large', 'subdoc-0-name': '', 'subdoc-0-value': 'test'})\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n ok_(b'This field is required' in rv.data)\n\n\ndef test_list_subdocument_validation():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Comment(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n subdoc = db.", "ListField(db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment))\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model1)\n admin.add_view(view)\n client = app.test_client()\n\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/new/',\n data={'test1': 'test1large', 'subdoc-0-name': 'comment', 'subdoc-0-value': 'test'})\n eq_(rv.status_code, 302)\n\n rv = client.post('/admin/model1/new/',\n data={'test1': 'test1large', 'subdoc-0-name': '', 'subdoc-0-value': 'test'})\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n ok_(b'This field is required' in rv.data)\n\n\ndef test_ajax_fk():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n Model1, Model2 = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(\n Model2,\n url='view',\n form_ajax_refs={\n 'model1': {\n 'fields': ('test1', 'test2')\n }\n }\n )\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n ok_(u'model1' in view._form_ajax_refs)\n\n model = Model1(test1=u'first')\n model.save()\n model2 = Model1(test1=u'foo', test2=u'bar').save()\n\n # Check loader\n loader = view._form_ajax_refs[u'model1']\n mdl = loader.get_one(model.id)\n eq_(mdl.test1, model.test1)\n\n items = loader.get_list(u'fir')\n eq_(len(items), 1)\n eq_(items[0].id, model.id)\n\n items = loader.get_list(u'bar')\n eq_(len(items), 1)\n eq_(items[0].test1, u'foo')\n\n # Check form generation\n form = view.create_form()\n eq_(form.model1.__class__.__name__, u'AjaxSelectField')\n\n with app.test_request_context('/admin/view/'):\n ok_(u'value=\"\"' not in form.model1())\n\n form.model1.data = model\n needle = u'data-json=\"[&quot;%s&quot;, &quot;first&quot;]\"' % as_unicode(model.id)\n ok_(needle in form.model1())\n ok_(u'value=\"%s\"' % as_unicode(model.id) in form.model1())\n\n # Check querying\n client = app.test_client()\n\n req = client.get(u'/admin/view/ajax/lookup/?name=model1&query=foo')\n eq_(req.data.decode('utf-8'), u'[[\"%s\", \"foo\"]]' % model2.id)\n\n # Check submitting\n client.post('/admin/view/new/', data={u'model1': as_unicode(model.id)})\n mdl = Model2.objects.first()\n\n ok_(mdl is not None)\n ok_(mdl.model1 is not None)\n eq_(mdl.model1.id, model.id)\n eq_(mdl.model1.test1, u'first')\n\n\ndef test_nested_ajax_refs():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n # Check recursive\n class Comment(db.", "Document):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n value = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n\n class Nested(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, required=True)\n comment = db.", "ReferenceField(Comment)\n\n class Model1(db.", "Document):\n test1 = db.", "StringField(max_length=20)\n nested = db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField(Nested)\n\n view1 = CustomModelView(\n Model1,\n form_subdocuments={\n 'nested': {\n 'form_ajax_refs': {\n 'comment': {\n 'fields': ['name']\n }\n }\n }\n }\n )\n\n form = view1.create_form()\n eq_(type(form.nested.form.comment).__name__, 'AjaxSelectField')\n ok_('nested-comment' in view1._form_ajax_refs)\n\n\ndef test_form_flat_choices():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Model(db.", "Document):\n name = db.", "StringField(max_length=20, choices=('a', 'b', 'c'))\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model)\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n form = view.create_form()\n eq_(form.name.choices, [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('c', 'c')])\n\n\ndef test_form_args():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Model(db.", "Document):\n test = db.", "StringField(required=True)\n\n shared_form_args = {'test': {'validators': [validators.", "Regexp('test')]}}\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model, form_args=shared_form_args)\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n # ensure shared field_args don't create duplicate validators\n create_form = view.create_form()\n eq_(len(create_form.test.validators), 2)\n\n edit_form = view.edit_form()\n eq_(len(edit_form.test.validators), 2)\n\n\ndef test_form_args_embeddeddoc():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n\n class Info(db.", "EmbeddedDocument):\n name = db.", "StringField()\n age = db.", "StringField()\n\n class Model(db.", "Document):\n info = db.", "EmbeddedDocumentField('Info')\n timestamp = db.", "DateTimeField()\n\n view = CustomModelView(\n Model,\n form_args={\n 'info': {'label': 'Information'},\n 'timestamp': {'label': 'Last Updated Time'}\n }\n )\n admin.add_view(view)\n form = view.create_form()\n eq_(form.timestamp.label.text, 'Last Updated Time')\n # This is the failure\n eq_(form.info.label.text, 'Information')\n\n\ndef test_simple_list_pager():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n Model1, _ = create_models(db)\n\n class TestModelView(CustomModelView):\n simple_list_pager = True\n\n def get_count_query(self):\n assert False\n\n view = TestModelView(Model1)\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n count, data = view.get_list(0, None, None, None, None)\n ok_(count is None)\n\n\ndef test_export_csv():\n app, db, admin = setup()\n Model1, Model2 = create_models(db)\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model1, can_export=True,\n column_list=['test1', 'test2'], export_max_rows=2,\n endpoint='row_limit_2')\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n for x in range(5):\n fill_db(Model1, Model2)\n\n client = app.test_client()\n\n # test export_max_rows\n rv = client.get('/admin/row_limit_2/export/csv/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n ok_(\"Test1,Test2\\r\\n\"\n \"test1_val_1,test2_val_1\\r\\n\"\n \"test1_val_2,test2_val_2\\r\\n\" == data)\n\n view = CustomModelView(Model1, can_export=True,\n column_list=['test1', 'test2'],\n endpoint='no_row_limit')\n admin.add_view(view)\n\n # test row limit without export_max_rows\n rv = client.get('/admin/no_row_limit/export/csv/')\n data = rv.data.decode('utf-8')\n eq_(rv.status_code, 200)\n ok_(len(data.splitlines()) > 21)\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "/*\n * IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa)\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2019-today, Eurico Pedrosa, University of Aveiro - Portugal\n * All rights reserved.", "\n * License: New BSD\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n *\n * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "\n * * Neither the name of the University of Aveiro nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n * this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\"\n * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n * ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\n * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\n * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\n * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n *\n */\n\n#include \"lama/print.h\"\n\n#include \"lama/nlls/solver.h\"\n#include \"lama/nlls/gauss_newton.h\"\n\nlama::Solver::Options::Options()\n{\n max_iterations = 100;\n\n strategy.reset(new GaussNewton);\n robust_cost.reset(new UnitWeight);\n\n write_to_stdout = false;\n}\n\nlama::Solver::Solver(const Solver::Options& options)\n : options_(options)\n{}\n\nvoid lama::Solver::solve(Problem& problem, MatrixXd* cov)\n{\n VectorXd r; // Current residuals.", "\n VectorXd ur; // Updated residuals residuals.", "\n MatrixXd J; // Jacobian with respect to the parameters.", "\n VectorXd h; // current step\n\n VectorXd w;\n\n Strategy::Ptr strategy = options_.strategy;\n\n strategy->reset();\n bool valid = true;\n uint32_t iter = 0;\n while (not strategy->stop() and iter < options_.max_iterations){\n\n if (valid){\n // 1. ", "compute residuals and jacobian\n problem.eval(r, &J);\n\n // 2. ", "compute and apply weights\n const int32_t rows = r.rows();\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < rows; i++){\n double w = std::sqrt(options_.robust_cost->value(r[i]));\n r[i] *= w;\n J.row(i) *= w;\n }\n }\n\n // 3. ", "do optimization step\n h = strategy->step(r, J);\n problem.update(h);\n\n // 4. ", "verify step validity\n problem.eval(ur, 0);\n\n const int32_t rows = r.rows();\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < rows; i++){\n double w = std::sqrt(options_.robust_cost->value(ur[i]));\n ur[i] *= w;\n }\n\n valid = strategy->valid(ur);\n if (not valid){\n // revert the step\n problem.update(-h);\n }\n\n // 5. ", "increment iteration count\n ++iter;\n\n }\n\n if (cov){\n problem.eval(r, &J);\n w.resize(r.size());\n computeWeights(r, w);\n scaleJacobian(w, J);\n\n calculateCovariance(J, cov);\n }\n}\n\nvoid lama::Solver::computeWeights(const VectorXd& residuals, VectorXd& weights)\n{\n const int32_t rows = residuals.rows();\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < rows; i++)\n weights[i] = std::sqrt(options_.robust_cost->value(residuals[i]));\n}\n\nvoid lama::Solver::scaleJacobian(const VectorXd& weights, MatrixXd& J)\n{\n const int32_t rows = weights.rows();\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)\n J.row(i) *= weights[i];\n}\n\nvoid lama::Solver::calculateCovariance(const MatrixXd& J, MatrixXd* cov) const\n{\n Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR<MatrixXd> qr(J);\n\n bool QRok = (qr.info() == Eigen::Success) &&\n (qr.rank() == J.cols());\n\n if ( QRok ){\n Eigen::MatrixXd R = qr.matrixR().triangularView<Eigen::Upper>();\n *cov = (qr.matrixR().transpose().triangularView<Eigen::Lower>() * R ).inverse();\n }else{\n Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(J, Eigen::ComputeThinV);\n Eigen::VectorXd sv = svd.singularValues();\n\n const double eps=1.e-3; // choose your tolerance wisely!", "\n sv = (sv.array().abs() > eps).select(sv.array().square().inverse(), 0);\n *cov = svd.matrixV() * sv.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixV().transpose();\n }\n}\n\n//==================================================================================================\n\nvoid lama::Solve(const Solver::Options& options, Problem& problem, MatrixXd* cov)\n{\n Solver solver(options);\n solver.solve(problem, cov);\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0.00749063670411985, 0.011086474501108648, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.0025575447570332483, 0.008012820512820512, 0.007228915662650603 ]
[ "Gastric carcinoma presenting with extensive bone metastases and marrow infiltration causing extradural spinal haemorrhage.", "\nGastric carcinoma is the third most common gastrointestinal (GI) malignancy after colon and pancreatic carcinoma. ", "A Japanese study showed that the incidence of bone metastases of gastric cancer was 13.4% among autopsies. ", "It is very rare for the primary presentation of a gastric malignancy to be with bone metastases. ", "This case report is of a 46-year-old female patient, who presented with a thoracic vertebral wedge fracture and was subsequently found to have widespread vertebral metastatic deposits with marrow infiltration. ", "The infiltration and suppression of marrow function was complicated by an acute bleed into the extradural space causing spinal cord compression. ", "This case demonstrates two important features. ", "First, that gastric cancer, although far less common than breast, kidney, thyroid, prostate and bronchial cancer, is a cause of metastases to bone. ", "Second, it highlights the complications of bone metastases, marrow suppression, leukoerythroblastic anaemia, spinal canal haematoma and cord compression. ", "The case is illustrated by axial and sagittal MRI slices." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.00819672131147541, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Mulkeytown, Illinois\n\nMulkeytown is an unincorporated and census-designated place in Franklin County, Illinois, United States. ", "As of the 2010 census it had a population of 175.", "\n\nGeography\nMulkeytown is located south of Chicago (via I-57 south to IL 14 west), and southeast of St. Louis (via I-64 east to US 51 south to IL 14 east).", "\n\nMulkeytown is located on Illinois Route 184, west of Christopher, in Tyrone Township, in the west-central portion of Franklin County.", "\n\nAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Mulkeytown CDP has a total area of , of which , or 0.24%, is water.", "\n\nDemographics\nAs of the 2010 census, its population was 175. ", "The racial makeup was 99.4% white and 0.6% Asian. ", "\nAs of 2014 the median age of residents was 53.9\n\nHistory\n\nCentennial & Sesquicentennial Farms\nCentennial & Sesquicentennial Farms are those family farms that have been held within a family for more than 100 or 150 years.", "\nDAVIS - 1848\nGREENWOOD - 1854\nBERNER - 1871\n\nEducation\nMulkeytown Grade School (Closed 1987 & consolidated with Christopher Elementary School) - Now re-purposed as the West Franklin Historical District and Genealogical Society.", "\nChristopher Unit School District #99\nRend Lake College\nJohn A. Logan College\nSouthern Illinois University Carbondale\n\nReligious organizations\n Greenwood Methodist Church\n Minor Church of Christ\n Mulkeytown Christian Church - (Est. ", "1818) \n Mulkeytown Baptist Church\n\nCemeteries\nCook Cemetery \nGreenwood Cemetery \nMulkeytown Cemetery \nNaylor Cemetery \nOld Mulkeytown Cemetery \nReed-Kirpatrick Cemetery \nWard Cemetery\n\nHistorical\nWest Franklin Historical Museum \nSilkwood Inn Museum\n\nNotable people\n Snyder Solomon Kirkpatrick (b. February 21, 1848; d. April 5, 1909) - Attorney, U.S. Representative from Kansas, Kansas State House of Representatives\n James F. Rea - Illinois state legislator\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1818 establishments in Illinois Territory\nCategory:Census-designated places in Franklin County, Illinois\nCategory:Census-designated places in Illinois\nCategory:Populated places established in 1818\nCategory:Pre-statehood history of Illinois\nCategory:Southern Illinois\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Illinois" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0.014705882352941176, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.017241379310344827, 0.007537688442211055 ]
[ "Peritoneal carcinomatosis treated with cytoreductive surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) for advanced ovarian carcinoma: a French multicentre retrospective cohort study of 566 patients.", "\nDespite a high response rate to front-line therapy, prognosis of epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) remains poor. ", "Approaches that combine Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) have been developed recently. ", "The purpose of this study was to assess early and long-term survival in patients treated with this strategy. ", "A retrospective cohort multicentric study from French centres was performed. ", "All consecutive patients with advanced and recurrent EOC treated with CRS and HIPEC were included. ", "The study included 566 patients from 13 centres who underwent 607 procedures between 1991 and 2010. ", "There were 92 patients with advanced EOC (first-line treatment), and 474 patients with recurrent EOC. ", "A complete cytoreductive surgery was performed in 74.9% of patients. ", "Mortality and grades 3 to 4 morbidity rates were 0.8% and 31.3%, respectively. ", "The median overall survivals were 35.4 months and 45.7 months for advanced and recurrent EOC, respectively. ", "There was no significant difference in overall survival between patients with chemosensitive and with chemoresistant recurrence. ", "Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI) that evaluated disease extent was the strongest independent prognostic factor for overall and disease-free survival in all groups. ", "For advanced and recurrent EOC, curative therapeutic approach combining optimal CRS and HIPEC should be considered as it may achieve long-term survival in patients with a severe prognosis disease, even in patients with chemoresistant disease. ", "PCI should be used for patient's selection." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.009478672985781991, 0, 0.022058823529411766, 0, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0.00823045267489712, 0 ]
[ "package org.ff4j.aop.test.service;\n\n/*\n * #%L\n * ff4j-aop\n * %%\n * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Ff4J\n * %%\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n * \n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n * \n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n * #L%\n */\n\nimport org.ff4j.", "FF4j;\nimport org.junit.", "After;\nimport org.junit.", "Assert;\nimport org.junit.", "Test;\nimport org.junit.runner.", "RunWith;\nimport org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.", "Autowired;\nimport org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.", "Qualifier;\nimport org.springframework.test.context.", "ContextConfiguration;\nimport org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;\n\n@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)\n@ContextConfiguration(\"classpath:applicationContext-ff4j-aop-test.xml\")\npublic class FlippingRepositoryTest {\n\n @Autowired\n private FF4j ff4j;\n\n @Autowired\n @Qualifier(\"whole.english.repo\")\n private FlippingRepositoryStereotype repo;\n\n /**\n * TDD\n */\n @Test\n public void testAOPClass() {\n // Given english mode\n System.out.println(repo.hello1());\n Assert.assertTrue(repo.hello1().startsWith(\"Hello\"));\n Assert.assertTrue(repo.hello2().startsWith(\"Big\"));\n // when\n ff4j.enable(\"language-french\");\n // Then\n Assert.assertTrue(repo.hello1().startsWith(\"Francais\"));\n Assert.assertTrue(repo.hello2().startsWith(\"Tour\"));\n\n }\n\n @After\n public void disable() {\n ff4j.disable(\"language-french\");\n }\n\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.012605042016806723, 0.006389776357827476, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.008465608465608466 ]
[ "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n#\n# archipelAvatarControllableEntity.py\n#\n# Copyright (C) 2010 Antoine Mercadal <antoine.mercadal@inframonde.eu>\n# This file is part of ArchipelProject\n# http://archipelproject.org\n#\n# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n# License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n#\n# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.", "\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n# along with this program. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\nimport base64\nimport hashlib\nimport glob\nimport os\nimport xmpp\n\nfrom archipelcore.utils import build_error_iq\n\n\nARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_AVATARS = -1\nARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_SET_AVATAR = -2\n\nARCHIPEL_NS_AVATAR = \"archipel:avatar\"\n\n\nclass TNAvatarControllableEntity (object):\n \"\"\"\n This class makes TNArchipelEntity avatar controllable.", "\n It allows to get and set avatars of the entity.", "\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, configuration, permission_center, xmppclient, log):\n \"\"\"\n Initialize the TNAvatarControllableEntity.", "\n @type configuration: configuration object\n @param configuration: the configuration\n @type permission_center: TNPermissionCenter\n @param permission_center: the permission center of the entity\n @type xmppclient: xmpp.", "Dispatcher\n @param xmppclient: the entity xmpp client\n @type log: TNArchipelLog\n @param log: the logger of the entity\n \"\"\"\n self.configuration = configuration\n self.b64Avatar = None\n self.default_avatar = \"default.png\"\n self.permission_center = permission_center\n self.xmppclient = xmppclient\n self.log = log\n\n\n ### subclass must implement this\n\n def check_acp(conn, iq):\n \"\"\"\n Function that verify if the ACP is valid.", "\n @type conn: xmpp.", "Dispatcher\n @param conn: the connection\n @type iq: xmpp.", "Protocol.", "Iq\n @param iq: the IQ to check\n @raise Exception: Exception if not implemented\n \"\"\"\n raise Exception(\"Subclass of TNAvatarControllableEntity must implement check_acp.\")", "\n\n def check_perm(self, conn, stanza, action_name, error_code=-1, prefix=\"\"):\n \"\"\"\n Function that verify if the permissions are granted.", "\n @type conn: xmpp.", "Dispatcher\n @param conn: the connection\n @type stanza: xmpp.", "Node\n @param stanza: the stanza containing the action\n @type action_name: string\n @param action_name: the action to check\n @type error_code: int\n @param error_code: the error code to return\n @type prefix: string\n @param prefix: the prefix of the action\n @raise Exception: Exception if not implemented\n \"\"\"\n raise Exception(\"Subclass of TNAvatarControllableEntity must implement check_perm.\")", "\n\n def set_vcard(self, params={}):\n \"\"\"\n Set the vcard of the entity.", "\n @type params: dict\n @param params: the parameters of the vCard\n @raise Exception: Exception if not implemented\n \"\"\"\n raise Exception(\"Subclass of TNAvatarControllableEntity must implement set_vcard.\")", "\n\n def init_permissions(self):\n \"\"\"\n Initialize the Avatar permissions.", "\n \"\"\"\n self.permission_center.create_permission(\"getavatars\", \"Authorizes users to get entity avatars list\", False)\n self.permission_center.create_permission(\"setavatar\", \"Authorizes users to set entity's avatar\", False)\n\n def register_handlers(self):\n \"\"\"\n Initialize the avatar handlers.", "\n \"\"\"\n self.xmppclient.", "RegisterHandler('iq', self.process_avatar_iq, ns=ARCHIPEL_NS_AVATAR)\n\n def unregister_handlers(self):\n \"\"\"\n Unregister the handlers.", "\n \"\"\"\n self.xmppclient.", "UnregisterHandler('iq', self.process_avatar_iq, ns=ARCHIPEL_NS_AVATAR)\n\n\n ### Avatars\n\n def get_available_avatars(self, supported_file_extensions=[\"png\", \"jpg\", \"jpeg\", \"gif\"]):\n \"\"\"\n Return a stanza with a list of availables avatars\n base64 encoded.", "\n \"\"\"\n path = self.configuration.get(\"GLOBAL\", \"machine_avatar_directory\")\n resp = xmpp.", "Node(\"avatars\")\n for ctype in supported_file_extensions:\n for img in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, \"*.%s\" % ctype)):\n f = open(img, 'r')\n data = base64.b64encode(f.read())\n image_hash = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()\n f.close()\n node_img = resp.addChild(name=\"avatar\", attrs={\"name\": img.split(\"/\")[-1], \"content-type\": \"image/%s\" % ctype, \"hash\": image_hash})\n node_img.setData(data)\n return resp\n\n def set_avatar(self, name):\n \"\"\"\n Change the current avatar of the entity.", "\n @type name: string\n @param name: the file name of avatar. ", "base path is the configuration key \"machine_avatar_directory\"\n \"\"\"\n name = name.replace(\"..\", \"\").replace(\"/\", \"\").replace(\"\\\\\", \"\").replace(\" \", \"_\")\n self.b64Avatar = None\n self.set_vcard(params={\"filename\": name})\n\n def b64avatar_from_filename(self, image):\n \"\"\"\n Create a base64 encoded avatar from filename.", "\n @type image: string\n @param image: relative file path of the image from conf token 'machine_avatar_directory'\n @rtype: string\n @return base64 encoded file content\n \"\"\"\n avatar_dir = self.configuration.get(\"GLOBAL\", \"machine_avatar_directory\")\n f = open(os.path.join(avatar_dir, image), \"r\")\n photo_data = base64.b64encode(f.read())\n f.close()\n self.b64Avatar = photo_data\n return self.b64Avatar\n\n def process_avatar_iq(self, conn, iq):\n \"\"\"\n This method is invoked when a ARCHIPEL_NS_AVATAR IQ is received.", "\n It understands IQ of type:\n - alloc\n - free\n @type conn: xmpp.", "Dispatcher\n @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the stanza\n @type iq: xmpp.", "Protocol.", "Iq\n @param iq: the received IQ\n \"\"\"\n reply = None\n action = self.check_acp(conn, iq)\n self.check_perm(conn, iq, action, -1)\n if action == \"getavatars\":\n reply = self.iq_get_available_avatars(iq)\n elif action == \"setavatar\":\n reply = self.iq_set_available_avatars(iq)\n if reply:\n conn.send(reply)\n raise xmpp.protocol.", "NodeProcessed\n\n def iq_get_available_avatars(self, iq):\n \"\"\"\n Return a list of availables avatars.", "\n @type iq: xmpp.", "Protocol.", "Iq\n @param iq: the IQ containing the request\n \"\"\"\n try:\n reply = iq.buildReply(\"result\")\n reply.setQueryPayload([self.get_available_avatars()])\n except Exception as ex:\n reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_AVATARS)\n return reply\n\n def iq_set_available_avatars(self, iq):\n \"\"\"\n Set the current avatar of the virtual machine.", "\n @type iq: xmpp.", "Protocol.", "Iq\n @param iq: the IQ containing the request\n \"\"\"\n try:\n reply = iq.buildReply(\"result\")\n avatar = iq.getTag(\"query\").getTag(\"archipel\").getAttr(\"avatar\")\n self.set_avatar(avatar)\n except Exception as ex:\n reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_SET_AVATAR)\n return reply" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.010845986984815618, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.0026041666666666665, 0, 0, 0.01984126984126984, 0.010434782608695653, 0.038461538461538464, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.02702702702702703, 0.019522776572668113, 0, 0.016877637130801686, 0.011363636363636364, 0.0061162079510703364, 0, 0, 0, 0.007220216606498195, 0, 0.0016556291390728477, 0.02702702702702703, 0.0028011204481792717, 0.006633499170812604, 0.01, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.004662004662004662, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.005449591280653951 ]
[ "Presentation, prognosis and outcome of IgA nephropathy in Indian adults.", "\nIgA nephropathy (IgAN) is not well characterized in India. ", "This retrospective study of 478 patients with IgAN was performed to clarify the presenting features, prognostic factors and the renal survival rates of the disease. ", "Three hundred and forty-seven patients who had been followed on average for 27 months after diagnosis were divided into two groups based on renal function at diagnosis. ", "In group 1 (229 patients), the creatinine clearance estimated by the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula was <85 mL/min and in group 2 (118 patients) it was >/=85 mL/min. ", "The predominant modes of presentation were nephrotic syndrome, hypertension and renal failure. ", "Twenty-nine percent of patients had more than a 20% decline in renal function at the last follow up. ", "Multivariate analyses with stepwise logistic regression identified hypertension (odds ratio (OR) 3.5), nephrotic range proteinuria (OR 3.4) and sclerosed glomeruli on biopsy (OR 4.1) to be independently associated with progression in group 1 and hypertension (OR 2.3) in group 2. ", "Seventeen percent of patients progressed to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). ", "Using multivariate analysis by the Cox model, four risk factors for developing ESRD were identified: hypertension (hazard ratio (HR) 3.1); nephrotic proteinuria (HR 1.9); interstitial fibrosis (HR 2.5); and sclerosed glomeruli (HR 1.8). ", "The renal survival rates at 1, 5 and 10 years were 84, 55 and 33%, respectively, with a median renal survival of 61 months from the time of biopsy. ", "The relatively rapid rate of progression of IgAN in India is suggestive towards a 'malignant' nature of the disease in this country." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0.008438818565400843, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nC# - why is Thread.", "Suspend() so bad?", "\n\nTitle says it all. ", "I am running a Selenium web testing script that I want the ability to pause on user button click. ", "Thread.", "Suspend() works perfectly, but I keep seeing everywhere about how you shouldn't use it, but no one really goes into to much detail as to WHY you shouldn't use it. ", "\nAre there circumstances where it really isn't THAT bad, but it's just one of those things that you probably shouldn't get into the habit of using?", "\nOr will the world seriously end if I use thread.suspend to temporarily halt a simple script? ", "\nIn my case I want the thread to halt IMMEDIATELY upon user button click. ", "All of the other solutions to avoiding thread.suspend() using flags and whatnot just don't work quite as I want them to in this situation. ", "\nSo can someone explain to me why thread.suspend() is such a bad idea if all i'm doing is running a simple script?", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom http://www.albahari.com/threading/part4.aspx#_Suspend_and_Resume\n\nFrom .NET 2.0, Suspend and Resume have been deprecated, their use discouraged because of the danger inherent in arbitrarily suspending another thread. ", "If a thread holding a lock on a critical resource is suspended, the whole application (or computer) can deadlock. ", "This is far more dangerous than calling Abort — which results in any such locks being released (at least theoretically) by virtue of code in finally blocks.", "\nIt is, however, safe to call Suspend on the current thread — and in doing so you can implement a simple synchronization mechanism — ith a worker thread in a loop, performing a task, calling Suspend on itself, then waiting to be resumed (“woken up”) by the main thread when another task is ready. ", "The difficulty, though, is in determining whether the worker is suspended.", "\n\nI'll add that the last part is true only if you know that you don't have locks. ", "This could be quite complex (if you suspend in method C that is called from method B and from method A, can you be sure that both method B and method A aren't locking anything?). ", "But this problem, in general, exists even if you want to have multiple locks at the same time: creating a deadlock is always possible unless you are very good and very methodic.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Comparative efficacy of ketoconazole and fluconazole in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor: a one year follow-up study.", "\nPityriasis versicolor can be treated by a single or multiple dosage regime of ketoconazole as well as by fluconazole. ", "The therapeutic efficacy of these two drugs has not been compared. ", "One hundred and eighty patients with moderate to extensive pityriasis versicolor confirmed by KOH and Wood's lamp examination were randomly assigned to one of the four oral antifungal regimes: Ketoconazole 400 mg single dose (Category I), Ketoconazole 200 mg daily for 10 days (Category II), Fluconazole 400 mg single dose (Category III) or Fluconazole 150 mg per week for 4 weeks (Category IV). ", "Follow up was done at 2 and 4 weeks and then at 3, 6 and 12 months after the treatment in each group. ", "KOH and Wood's lamp examinations were repeated each time. ", "After four weeks of treatment, clinical cure was observed in 66.6% (Category I), 73.3% (Category II), 80% (Category III) and 59.9% (Category IV) of patients. ", "Mycological cure after four weeks of treatment was observed in 53.3% (Category I), 73.3% (Category II), 82.2% (Category III) and 64.4% (Category IV) of patients. ", "After twelve months of follow-up, maximum relapses were observed with Category I. No relapse was seen in Category III patients. ", "The time period of relapse varied from three to ten months. ", "In conclusion, single dose 400 mg oral fluconazole provided the best clinical as well as mycological cure rate with no relapse during twelve months of follow-up." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.0078125, 0, 0 ]
[ "HindiDiscoMonster:FTA: Auernheimer' lawyer disagreed with the \"prosecutors' interpretation of what constitutes unauthorized access to a computer under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act\"\n\nUmmm yeah... unless AT&T hired him to do it....\n\nunauthorized; adj. ", "1> not having any authority 2> without official authorization\n\n/Perhaps the attorney needs to go back to school\n\nHere's another attorney's explanation of this lame defense:\n\n\"Auernheimer's bigger problem, and perhaps his best shot on appeal, is that the CFAA doesn't define at all what \"access[ing] a computer without authorization\" means. ", "Was GoatSec \"without authorization\" to send guessed ICC-IDs to the login page of AT&T's server, which it made available openly on the Internet? ", "An important fact in the case is that the GoatSec's slurper script never entered anything into the password field of the login page; it just collected the emails the page offered up to it. ", "Who decides who is \"without authorization\"? ", "The government? ", "The website operator? ", "How do you know the website operator deems you to be \"without authorization\"? ", "The CFAA gives no answers.\"", "\n\nFingerlessMittens:The data base should have just gone to ATT to prove that the exploit worked.", "\n\nIt's all speculation either way, but these sort of flaws often go unaddressed -- even with the admins informing management daily -- until it bites them in the ass. ", "Then it was the IT guy's fault the entire time.", "\n\n/ The main difference between a 20-year-old IT guy and a 30-year-old IT guy is that the latter, if still employed, has learned to document everything\n\n\"The case is been closely watched in the information security community because Auernheimer recovered the data from the AT&T website without bypassing any security controls.\"", "\n\nThe article contains a link to a blog post where they build the argument that what was done is little different from trying a url and seeing where it goes:\n\n\"But what are the limits of implicit authorization? ", "Let's say you are reading a website that has \"articleId=31337\" at the end. ", "You wonder what the next article is, so you go to the URL and change it \"articleId=31338\" and hit return. ", "Have you \"exceeded authorized access\"? ", "It's hard to say. ", "If article \"31337\" is public, why not \"31338\"?", "\n\nBut in our scenario, let's say that article \"31338\" is a press release that is not intended to be published until tomorrow announcing the quarterly corporate earnings. ", "While the article itself is online, a link to it won't be posted to the home page until tomorrow, so not even Google spiders can find it. ", "Because you've gotten early access, you can make a huge profit buying/selling stocks.", "\n\nIs it your fault for accessing the pre-posted financial results? ", "Or their fault for making them accessible? ", "What does the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act say on this matter?\"", "\n\nI doubt the guy is as innocent as they claim but I equally suspect that ATT were lazy/stupid.", "\n\nHindiDiscoMonster:FTA: Auernheimer' lawyer disagreed with the \"prosecutors' interpretation of what constitutes unauthorized access to a computer under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act\"\n\nUmmm yeah... unless AT&T hired him to do it....\n\nunauthorized; adj. ", "1> not having any authority 2> without official authorization\n\n/Perhaps the attorney needs to go back to school\n\nexcept the CFAA isn't written that clearly. ", "Everyone knows he committed the act, the lawyer is trying to push an interpretation of the law that says his clients act isn't technically covered by it. ", "All he has to do is get a judge to buy his version. ", "It's what you do when your client is clearly guilty.", "\n\nUS government explained that the accused used an \"account slurper\" that was designed to match email addresses with \"integrated circuit card identifiers\" for iPad users, and which conducted a \"brute force\" attack to extract information about those users, who accessed the Internet through AT&T's network.", "\n\nBullshiat. ", "Any halfway competent server should eject you and log the IP after a half-dozen or so unsuccessful attempts. ", "If they're talking about locally decrypting a short password, then that's something else." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011811023622047244, 0.0029411764705882353, 0.013888888888888888, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.0061162079510703364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.010526315789473684, 0.01171875, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0, 0.006557377049180328, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0 ]
[ "Outpatient cholecystectomy simulated in an inpatient population.", "\nThis prospective clinical trial evaluates the feasibility and safety of elective cholecystectomy in a simulated outpatient protocol in 40 patients. ", "Results were compared with a 19-patient control group managed by conventional postoperative methods. ", "Oral liquids were begun in the recovery room, intravenous fluids were discontinued 4 hours after surgery, and enteral analgesics and antiemetics were provided on the ward. ", "Protocol patients were randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive metoclopramide or placebo after surgery to assess its influence on the early tolerance of oral intake. ", "In the protocol group, nausea without emesis occurred in nine patients (23%); 11 others (28%) had nausea with emesis. ", "This was not significantly different from the control group. ", "Metoclopramide-treated patients did not demonstrate a lower incidence of nausea or emesis but did tolerate oral liquids earlier after surgery than the placebo group (P less than 0.05). ", "After release from recovery, eight protocol patients (20%) requested parenteral narcotics for relief of pain. ", "Postoperative urinary catheterization was required in nine protocol patients (23%) and five control patients (26%). ", "No major complications occurred. ", "Outpatient cholecystectomy is both feasible and safe. ", "Metoclopramide may allow earlier tolerance of enteral liquids postoperatively." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "<!--", "\ndoc/src/sgml/ref/abort.sgml\nPostgreSQL documentation\n-->\n\n<refentry id=\"SQL-ABORT\">\n <refmeta>\n <refentrytitle>ABORT</refentrytitle>\n <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>\n <refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>\n </refmeta>\n\n <refnamediv>\n <refname>ABORT</refname>\n <refpurpose>abort the current transaction</refpurpose>\n </refnamediv>\n\n <indexterm zone=\"sql-abort\">\n <primary>ABORT</primary>\n </indexterm>\n\n <refsynopsisdiv>\n<synopsis>\nABORT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]\n</synopsis>\n </refsynopsisdiv>\n\n <refsect1>\n <title>Description</title>\n\n <para>\n <command>ABORT</command> rolls back the current transaction and causes\n all the updates made by the transaction to be discarded.", "\n This command is identical\n in behavior to the standard <acronym>SQL</acronym> command\n <xref linkend=\"SQL-ROLLBACK\">,\n and is present only for historical reasons.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n\n <refsect1>\n <title>Parameters</title>\n\n <variablelist>\n <varlistentry>\n <term><literal>WORK</literal></term>\n <term><literal>TRANSACTION</literal></term>\n <listitem>\n <para>\n Optional key words. ", "They have no effect.", "\n </para>\n </listitem>\n </varlistentry>\n </variablelist>\n </refsect1>\n\n <refsect1>\n <title>Notes</title>\n\n <para>\n Use <xref linkend=\"SQL-COMMIT\"> to\n successfully terminate a transaction.", "\n </para>\n\n <para>\n Issuing <command>ABORT</> when not inside a transaction does\n no harm, but it will provoke a warning message.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n\n <refsect1>\n <title>Examples</title>\n\n <para>\n To abort all changes:\n<programlisting>\nABORT;\n</programlisting></para>\n </refsect1>\n\n <refsect1>\n <title>Compatibility</title>\n\n <para>\n This command is a <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> extension\n present for historical reasons. ", "<command>ROLLBACK</command> is the\n equivalent standard SQL command.", "\n </para>\n </refsect1>\n\n <refsect1>\n <title>See Also</title>\n\n <simplelist type=\"inline\">\n <member><xref linkend=\"sql-begin\"></member>\n <member><xref linkend=\"sql-commit\"></member>\n <member><xref linkend=\"sql-rollback\"></member>\n </simplelist>\n </refsect1>\n</refentry>\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Fix some $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and let $X_1, X_2,\\dots, X_n$ be independent random variables drawn from the uniform distribution on $[0,1]$. A decision maker is shown the variables sequentially and, after each observation, must decide whether or not to keep the current one, with payoff the overall rank of the selected observation. ", "Decisions are final: no recall is allowed, no regret is tolerated. ", "The objective is to act in such a way as to minimize the expected payoff. ", "In this note we give the explicit solution to this problem, known as Robbins’ problem of optimal stopping, when $n=4$.'\nauthor:\n- 'Rémi Dendievel[^1], Yvik Swan[^2]'\ntitle: 'One step futher: an explicit solution to Robbins’ problem when $n=4$'\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:introduction-history}\n============\n\nRobbins’ problem (of optimal stopping) consists in studying the mathematical properties of the optimal strategy in the following sequential selection problem.", "\n\n> *Fix some $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ and let $X_1, X_2,\\dots, X_n$ be independent random variables drawn from the uniform distribution on $[0,1]$. A decision maker is shown the variables sequentially and, after each observation, must decide whether or not to keep the current one. ", "The payoff is $R_k$, the overall rank of the selected observation, with the convention $$R_k = \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I}(X_i \\le X_k)$$ (and $\\mathbb{I}(A)$ the indicator function of $A$). ", "Decisions are final: no recall is allowed, no regret is tolerated. ", "The total number of observations is known to the decision maker. ", "The objective is to act in such a way as to minimize the expected overal rank of the selected observation.*", "\n\nIn the sequel we use the shorthand $RP(n)$ to refer to the above problem with $n$ arrivals. ", "Solving Robbins’ problem consists in describing $\\tau_n^{\\star}$, the optimal stopping rule, computing $v(n)$, the optimal expected rank obtainable with $n$ observations, understanding the main traits of $\\tau^{\\star}_n$ as $n$ grows large and obtaining the limiting value $\\lim_{n\\to \\infty} v(n)=v$. Coaxed by Prof. Herbert Robbins in the early 1990’s (see Bruss 2005), several independent teams devoted a significant amount of effort on this seemingly innocuous problem. ", "All have come to the conclusion that the problem is *“very hard”*. ", "So much so that a complete solution to Robbins’ problem still eludes us to this date.", "\n\nRobbins and coauthors (see Chow *et al.* ", "1964) solve a *no-information* version of the problem, in which the decision maker is not given the *values* of the observations but only their *relative ranks*. ", "Denoting $W(n)$ the corresponding expected rank, Chow *et al.* (", "1964) provide the optimal strategy and manage an analytic *tour de force* to prove that $ W(n) \\to W \\approx 3.8695$, as $n \\to \\infty$. Clearly $W(n)\n\\ge v(n)$ for all $n \\ge1$, and hence we deduce that $$v \\le 3.8695.$$ Of course the full-information $RP(n)$ is much more favorable to the decision maker and we thus expect $v(n)$ and $v$ to be, in fact, much smaller than $W(n)$ and $W$, respectively.", "\n\nTaking advantage of the knowledge of the values of the arrivals it is natural to consider the class of stopping rules of the form $$\\label{eq:2}\n \\tau^{(n)} = \\inf\\left\\{ k \\ge 1 \\, | \\, X_k \\le c_k^{(n)} \\right\\},$$ which we will call *memoryless threshold rules*. ", "Bruss and Ferguson (1996) prove that there exists a unique optimal sequence (that is, optimal among memoryless threshold rules) which is stepwise increasing in $n$. Also it is shown in Assaf and Samuel-Cahn (1996) and in Bruss and Ferguson (1993) that if $\\tau^{(n)}$ is given by a sequence of increasing thresholds $0 <\na_1 \\le a_2 \\le \\ldots \\le a_n=1$, then $$\\begin{aligned}\n E \\left( R_{\\tau^{(n)}} \\right) & =1+\\dfrac{1}{2}{{\n \\displaystyle{\\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}}(n-k)}a_k^2{\n \\displaystyle{\\prod_{j=1}^{k-1}}(1-a_j)}} +\\dfrac{1}{2}{\n \\displaystyle{\\sum_{k=1}^{n}{\\prod_{j=1}^{k-1}(1-a_j)}}}\n \\displaystyle{{\\sum_{j=1}^{k-1}}\\frac{(a_k-a_j)^2}{1-a_j}}\n \\end{aligned}$$ with $R_{\\tau^{(n)}}$ the rank of the observation selected by applying the stopping rule $\\tau^{(n)}$. Clearly $v(n) \\le E\n \\left( R_{\\tau^{(n)}} \\right)$ for all $n$. It is straightforward to optimize this expression over all possible thresholds (at least numerically) to obtain the values for $V(n) = \\inf_{\\tau^{(n)}} E\n \\left( R_{\\tau^{(n)}} \\right)$ reported in Table \\[tab:1\\].", "\n\n$$\\begin{array}{c|ccccccc}\nn & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 20 & 50 \\\\\n\\hline\nV & 1 & 1.25 & 1.4009 & 1.5065 & 1.5861 & 1.9890 & 2.1482\n \\end{array}$$\n\nSee Bruss and Ferguson (1996, Table 1b) (up to a minor correction of a typo for their $V(4)$) or Bruss and Ferguson (1993) where the computations are pushed as far as the case $n=800$. Assaf and Samuel-Cahn (1996) further explore rules based on suboptimal thresholds of the form $ a_{k}^{(n)} = {\\sum_{j=0}^mc_j\n k^j}/({n-k+c}) \\wedge 1$ and mention numerical computations showing that for $m=2$ the optimal coefficients are $c_0=1.77$, $c_1 = 0.54$ and $c_2 = -0.27$ yielding $V = \\lim_{n\\to \\infty}V(n) \\le\n2.3268\\cdots$ (our conclusion is slightly different to their value 2.3267; this is perhaps due to rounding errors in their computation) and therefore $$v \\le 2.3268$$ (which is already an important improvement on the optimal no-information value). ", "Although we still do not know the exact value of $V$, Bruss and Ferguson (1993) extrapolate $V =\n2.32659$ and Assaf and Samuel-Cahn (1996) prove that $V\n\\ge2.29558$, hence not much improvement on $v$ can be hoped for by further exploring memoryless threshold rules of the form .", "\n\nIntriguingly we know that there must exist rules which provide strict improvement on those of the form because Bruss and Ferguson (1993) prove that $v(n) < V(n)$ for all $n\\ge1$, i.e. even the optimal memoryless rule is strictly sub-optimal at every $n$ for $RP(n)$. Meier and Sögner (2014) study variations on the memoryless threshold rules wherein relative ranks are taken into account and manage to lower the upper bound to obtain an expected rank of 2.31301. ", "This improvement is, however, not significant enough even to answer whether or not $v$ is strictly smaller than $V$ or not.", "\n\nSeveral authors (e.g. Gnedin 2007, Bruss and Swan 2009 and Gnedin and Iksanov 2011) have considered an alternative approach to Robbins’s problem by embedding it in a Poisson process. ", "Gnedin (2007) proves that the memoryless stopping rules remain sub-optimal even in a Poisson limiting model, i.e. there must exist stopping rules which take the history of the arrival process into account and which provide a strict improvement (even in a Poissonian limit) on the optimal memoryless threshold rule. ", "As can be seen from Bruss and Swan (2009), embedding the problem in a Poisson arrival process yields several advantages and opens several new veins of research on this fascinating problem (see also Gnedin and Iksanov 2011) but still does not provide satisfactory solutions to the original problem.", "\n\nBackward induction guarantees the existence of an optimal strategy $\\tau_{\\star}^{(n)}$ and provides, in principle, a way to compute it. ", "Hence for each $n\\ge1$ there must exist threshold functions $ h_k^{(n)}: [0,1]^{k-1} \\to [0,1], k=1, \\ldots, n-1$ such that the optimal stopping rule is $$\\tau_{\\star}^{(n)} = \\inf \\left\\{ k \\, | \\, X_k \\le h_k^{(n)}(X_1,\n \\ldots, X_{k-1}) \\right\\}.$$ Bruss and Ferguson (1993, 1996) prove that the threshold functions are pointwise increasing but depend in a [non-monotone way]{} on [all]{} the values of the previous arrivals and any loss of information results in the loss of optimality. ", "This last point is referred to as *full history dependence* of the optimal policy. ", "A consequence is that any direct computations related to this optimal strategy are fiendishly complicated and even computer simulations with modern-day technology cannot bring any intuition even for moderate values of $n$ (double exponential complexity). ", "We refer the reader to Bruss (2005) for further information on the problem and its history.", "\n\nTo this date the optimal policy was only explicitly known in the case $n=2$ (basically trivial) and $n=3$ (provided by Assaf and Samuel-Cahn 1996), with values $v(2) = 1.25 \\mbox{ and } v(3) = 1.3915\\cdots$, respectively. ", "The purpose of this note is to provide a modest complement to the literature by solving the case $n=4$. We will derive the optimal threshold functions $h_1^{(4)}$, $h_2^{(4)}(x_1)$ and $h_3^{(4)}(x_1, x_2)$, whose behaviour is a complicated function of the past data, see Section \\[sec:expl-solut-case\\] for details) and compute the value $ v(4) = 1.4932\\cdots$ which is remarkably close to the optimal memoryless value $V(4) = 1.5065$ from Table \\[tab:1\\]. ", "For the sake of completeness we also provide a proof for the optimal strategies and values in the cases $n=2$ and $n=3$. As far as we can see there is no easy way to generalize our result to higher values of $n$.\n\nSolution for the cases $n=2$ and $n=3$ {#sec:expl-solut-cases}\n======================================\n\nThe case $n=2$ is nearly trivial. ", "Indeed the threshold value at step 2 must be taken as $1$, and only $h_1$ needs to be computed (here and throughout we drop the superscript $(n)$ for the thresholds). ", "Define $G(h)$ as the expected [rank of the selected value by using a strategy with threshold $h_1=h$]{}. ", "This expression is minimal for $h_1=1/2$ and we immediately conclude $v(2)=5/4$ (which is obviously the same value as $V(2)$ in Table \\[tab:1\\]).", "\n\nWe now tackle the case $n=3$. We know that $h_3 = 1$ and must determine the thresholds $h_1$ and $h_2(x_1)$. Define, in the same fashion as above, $G_{x_1}(h)$ as “the expected rank of the selected variable given $X_1=x_1$ if we start to play at step 2 by using a threshold value set to $h$”. ", "Direct computations yield $$\\label{eq:compus-G-case-n-3}\n G_{x_1}(h) = \\frac32 + h^2 - h + (1-x_1)(1-h) + (h-x_1)_+,$$ where $y_+ = \\max(y, 0)$.\n\n<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Case $A_1$</span>\\\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n(0,0) – (1.1,0); (0,0) – (0,1.1); at (0,1.1) [$G_{x_1}(h)$]{}; at (1.1,0) [$h$]{}; (a) at (0.75,0.22); (0.1,0.9) to\\[out=280,in=220\\] (a) to\\[out=65,in=265\\] (0.95,0.9); (a) – (0.75,0) node\\[below\\] [$x_1$]{};\n\n<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Case $A_2$</span>\\\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n(0,0) – (1.1,0); (0,0) – (0,1.1); at (0,1.1) [$G_{x_1}(h)$]{}; at (1.1,0) [$h$]{}; (a) at (0.6,0.22); (0.1,0.9) to\\[out=280,in=170\\] (a) to\\[out=25,in=265\\] (0.95,0.9); (a) – (0.6,0) node\\[below\\] [$x_1$]{};\n\n<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Case $A_3$</span>\\\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n(0,0) – (1.1,0); (0,0) – (0,1.1); at (0,1.1) [$G_{x_1}(h)$]{}; at (1.1,0) [$h$]{}; (a) at (0.25,0.22); (0.05,0.9) to\\[out=275,in=120\\] (a) to\\[out=325,in=265\\] (0.9,0.9); (a) – (0.25,0) node\\[below\\] [$x_1$]{};\n\nMinimizing in $h$ this expected rank we find that we must distinguish three cases (see Figure \\[fig:ABC\\]) to get $$\\label{eq:arminG-case-n-3}\n \\operatorname*{argmin}_{h\\in[0,1]} G_{x_1}(h) = \\begin{cases}\n \\tfrac{1-x_1}{2} & \\text{ if \\:} 0 \\le x_1 < \\tfrac13 \\text{ (case $A_1$)}\\\\\n x_1 & \\text{ if \\:} \\tfrac13 \\le x_1 < \\tfrac23 \\text{ (case $A_2$)}\\\\\n 1-\\tfrac{x_1}{2} & \\text{ if \\:} \\tfrac23 \\le x_1 \\le 1 \\text{ (case\n $A_3$)}\n \\end{cases},$$ from which we deduce $h_2(x_1)$, the optimal threshold at step 2.", "\n\nBy the optimality principle, the value of the threshold $h_1$ must be a solution to the indifference equation $$\\label{eq:indiff-h1-case-n-3}\n 1 + 2h_1 = G_{h_1}(h_2(h_1))$$ (i.e. the expected rank for choosing an arrival with value $h_1$ is the same as for continuing and acting optimally thereafter). ", "Solutions of are outside of $[0,1]$ both when $h_1<1/3$ (case $A_1$) and $2/3\\le h_1\\le 1$ (case $A_3$). ", "In situation $A_2$ the equation becomes $$\\label{eq:indiff-explicit-n-3}\n 1 +2h_1 = \\frac32 + h_1^2 - h + (1-h_1)^2,$$ with solution $h_1 = (5-\\sqrt{13})/4$. This leads to the same conclusion as Assaf and Samuel-Cahn (1996), namely that the optimal thresholds for $RP(3)$ are $$h_1 = \\frac{5-\\sqrt{13}}{4}, \\quad \n h_2(x_1) =\n \\begin{cases}\n x_1 & \\text{ if \\:} h_1 \\le x_1 \\le \\tfrac23\\\\\n 1-x_1/2 & \\text{ if \\:} \\tfrac23\\le x_1 \\le 1\n \\end{cases}$$ (and $h_3 = 1$) providing us with the value $$v(3) = \\frac{341}{144} -\\frac{13}{48} \\sqrt{13} = 1.39155\\cdots$$ which is remarkably close to the corresponding memoryless value $V(3)$ in Table \\[tab:1\\].", "\n\nSolution for the case $n=4$ {#sec:expl-solut-case}\n===========================\n\nAs anticipated, in this section we prove the main contribution of this note, namely $$\\label{eq:1}\n v(4) = 1.4932\\cdots.$$\n\nThe dynamic programming approach requires to find the optimal behaviour at some specific step $k$ given a length $k-1$ history, by letting $k$ go backwards from $n$ to $1$. Our plan is thus simple : we start considering the best action at time $k=4$, then we proceed backwards and end with the case $k=1$. For each $k$, we fix a history $X_1=x_1$, $X_2=x_2$,…, $X_{k-1}=x_{k-1}$. We know from Bruss and Ferguson (1993) that the optimal action is defined by a threshold $h_k(x_1, \\ldots,\nx_{k-1})$: keep $X_k$ if less than $h_k(x_1, \\ldots, x_{k-1})$, otherwise discard it. ", "Our purpose is to determine the exact expressions for $h_k(x_1, \\ldots, x_{k-1}), k=1, 2, 3, 4$.\n\n**Step 4.** ", "Suppose that $(X_1, X_2, X_3)\n=(x_1, x_2, x_3)$ has been observed and we only enter the game at step $4$ before learning the value of $X_4$. Since this is the last step, we must accept it whatever its value may be. ", "This is the optimal behaviour, and $h_4(x_1,x_2,x_3) = 1$, for all $(x_1,x_2,x_3)\\in [0,1]^3$.\n\n**Step 3.** ", "Suppose that $(X_1, X_2)=(x_1, x_2)$ has been observed and we enter the game at step $3$ before learning the value of $X_3$. Define $R_{x_1,x_2}(h)$ as the rank of a value chosen using threshold $h$ at step $3$ given the history $(x_1, x_2)$. Its expected value is $$\\label{eq:def-G}\n G_{x_1,x_2}(h) := E(R_{x_1,x_2}(h)),$$ which can be computed directly to get $$\\label{eq:formula-G}\n G_{x_1,x_2}(h) = \\frac32 + h^2 - h + (2-x_1-x_2)(1-h) + \\sum_{i=1}^2\n (h-x_i)_+$$ where $y_+ = \\max(y,0)$, for all $y\\in\\mathbb{R}$. Then the optimal threshold $h_3(x_1,x_2)$ must be given by $$\\label{eq:h3-argminG}\n h_3(x_1,x_2) = \\operatorname*{argmin}_{h\\in[0,1]} G_{x_1,x_2}(h).$$ For each history $(x_1, x_2)$, the graph of $G_{x_1, x_2}(\\cdot)$ is composed of the reunion of three parabolae, as illustrated in Figure \\[fig:graphg\\]. ", "In this Figure we read also that the behaviour of the minimum (mainly on which of the the three parabolae it is to be found) depends on the region of the square $[0,1]^2$ the pair $(x_1, x_2)$ lies in, as illustrated in Figure \\[fig:h3-regions\\]. ", "We do not go into detail.", "\n\n(0,0) – (1.1,0); (0,0) – (0,1.1); at (0,1.1) [$G_{x_1,x_2}(h)$]{}; at (1.1,0) [$h$]{}; (a1) at (0.4,0.2); (a2) at (0.8,0.3); (0.1,0.99) to\\[out=280,in=125\\] (a1) to\\[out=5,in=210\\] (a2) to\\[out=55,in=265\\] (0.99,0.90); (a1) – (0.4,0) node\\[below\\] [$x_{(1)}$]{}; (a2) – (0.8,0) node\\[below\\] [$x_{(2)}$]{};\n\nSimilarly as in the previous section for $RP(3)$ we need to distinguish 5 cases, and obtain $$\\label{eq:h3-explicit}\n h_3(x_1,x_2) =\n \\begin{cases}\n x_{(1)} & \\text{for }(x_1,x_2)\\in A_1 \\\\\n x_{(2)} & \\text{for }(x_1,x_2)\\in A_2\\\\\n \\tilde x_1 = \\frac{3-(x_1+x_2)}{2} &\\text{for } (x_1,x_2)\\in B_1\\\\\n \\tilde x_2 = \\frac{2-(x_1+x_2)}{2} &\\text{for } (x_1,x_2)\\in B_2\\\\\n \\tilde x_3 = \\frac{1-(x_1+x_2)}{2} &\\text{for } (x_1,x_2)\\in B_3\n \\end{cases}.$$ where the $A_i$’s and $B_i$’s are shown on Figure \\[fig:h3-regions\\], and where $x_{(1)}$ and $x_{(2)}$ are respectively $\\min(x_1,x_2)$ and $\\max(x_1,x_2)$.\n\n(0,0) rectangle (1,1); (q1) at (1/4,1/4); (q2) at (1/2,1/2); (q3) at (3/4,3/4); (0,1/3) – (q1) – (1/3,0) – (0,0) – cycle; (0,1/3) – (q1) – (1/3,0) – (2/3,0) – (q2) – (0,2/3) – cycle; (0,2/3) – (q2) – (1/3,1) – (0,1) – cycle; (2/3,0) – (q2) – (1,1/3) – (1,0) – cycle; (1/3,1) – (2/3,1) – (q3) – (1,2/3) – (1,1/3) – (q2) – cycle; (2/3,1)–(1,1)–(1,2/3)–(q3)–cycle;\n\nat (0.12,0.12) [$B_3$]{}; at (0.35,0.35) [$A_2$]{}; at (0.25,0.8) [$B_2$]{}; at (0.8,0.25) [$B_2$]{}; at (0.65,0.65) [$A_1$]{}; at (0.88,0.88) [$B_1$]{}; at (1/2, -0.2) [$x_1$]{}; at (-0.2, 1/2) [$x_2$]{}; at (-0.02,-0.02) [$0$]{}; at (1,0) [$1$]{}; at (0,1) [$1$]{}; at (0,1/3) [$1/3$]{}; at (0,2/3) [$2/3$]{}; at (1/3,0)[$1/3$]{}; at (2/3,0)[$2/3$]{};\n\n(0,1/3) – (q1) – (1/3,0) – (0,0) – cycle; (0,1/3) – (q1) – (1/3,0) – (2/3,0) – (q2) – (0,2/3) – cycle; (0,2/3) – (q2) – (1/3,1) – (0,1) – cycle; (2/3,0) – (q2) – (1,1/3) – (1,0) – cycle; (1/3,1) – (2/3,1) – (q3) – (1,2/3) – (1,1/3) – (q2) – cycle; (2/3,1)–(1,1)–(1,2/3)–(q3)–cycle;\n\n**Step 2.** ", "Suppose that $X_1=x_1$. The optimal threshold $h_2(x_1)$ must be such that, if $X_2=h_2(x_1)$, then the same payoff is obtained by selecting $X_2$ or rejecting it and acting optimally thereafter. ", "In other words, $h_2(x_1)$ is the indifference value for $X_2$. Consequently the threshold $h_2(x_1)$ must be solution to $$\\label{eq:indif-eq-2-general}\n 1 + 2h_2 + {\\ensuremath{\\mathbbm{1}}}(h_2>x_1) = g(x_1,x_2),$$ with $g(x_1,x_2) := G_{x_1,x_2}(h_3(x_1,x_2)).$ The decomposition of $h_3$ given in (\\[eq:h3-explicit\\]) allows us to obtain the explicit expression of $g(x_1,x_2)$, on each of the regions $A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2,$ and $B_3$. After some work one notices that the optimal threshold $h_2(x_1)$ can be obtained explicitly by discussing separately over 6 different intervals for $x_1$.\n\nWhen the history is $X_1=0$, we are faced with a RP($3$) on $\\{X_2,X_3,X_4\\}$. Therefore the value of $h_2(0)$ is equal to the value of $h_1$ in a $RP(3)$, and (see Section \\[sec:expl-solut-cases\\]) $$\\label{eq:h2-0}\n h_2(0) = \\frac{5-\\sqrt{13}}{4} =: a.$$ Similarly, if $X_1=1$, then we find again a $RP(3)$, hence $$\\label{eq:h2-1}\n h_2(1) = a.$$ The endcases are therefore covered.", "\n\nWe now study $h_2(x_1)$ for small values of $x_1$. We know that $h_2(x_1)$ is a continuous functions of $x_1$ (see Bruss and Ferguson 1993). ", "The graph of $h_2$ starts at $(0,a)$ which lies in $A_2$ (because $a>1/3$) and ends at $(1,a)$ which lies in $A_1$ (for the same reason). ", "We can therefore determine $h_2$ on the interval $[0,\\beta_1]$ where $\\beta_1$ is the first coordinate of the intersection of the graph of $h_2$ with one of the boundaries of the regions $B_2$ or $B_3$. For this reason we use the expression $G_{x_1,x_2}(x_{(2)})$ in  and the fact that $h_2>x_1$ when we are close to $x_1=0$. Note that it is possible that the graph of $h_2$ intersects the line $x_2=x_1$ before it reaches the border of $B_2$ or $B_3$. We find that the graph of $h_2$ intersects first the border between $A_2$ and $B_3$ at the point with $x$-coordinate equal to $\\beta_1 = \\frac32 \\sqrt{2} - 2$. Therefore, $$\\label{eq:h31}\n h_2(x_1) = \\frac14\\left(5 - x_1 - \\sqrt{x_1^2 + 6x_1 + 13}\\right) =:\n h_{21}(x_1),$$ on $[0, \\beta_1]$.\n\nNext, on some interval $[\\beta_1, \\beta_2]$ with $\\beta_2$ to be determined, we consider  with $g(x_1,x_2) = G_{x_1,x_2}(\\tilde x_3)$ because the graph entered the region $B_3$. The value of $\\beta_2$ is either the $x$-coordinate of the point at which the graph of $h_2$ enters a new region, or the point at which the solution $h_2$ of  stops being strictly larger than $x_1$. Therefore, on $[\\beta_1,\\beta_2]$, we have $$\\label{eq:h32}\n h_2(x_1) = \\sqrt{8x_1 + 54} - x_1 - 7 =: h_{22}(x_1),$$ and we can also check that $h_{21}(\\beta_1) = h_{22}(\\beta_1)$. We find that the graph of $h_2$ crosses the line $x_2=x_1$ before it reaches another region. ", "Therefore $\\beta_2$ is the solution of $h_{22}(x_1) = x_1$, thus $\\beta_2 = \\frac{\\sqrt{30} - 5}{2}$.\n\nBy symmetry, these arguments also apply for large values of $x_1$ (i.e. close to 1). ", "One finds easily that $$\\label{eq:h_2-654}\n h_2(x_1) =\n \\begin{cases}\n \\dfrac32 - \\dfrac14(x_1 + \\sqrt{x_1^2 - 4 x_1 + 16}) &\n \\text{for } x_1\\in[\\beta_5,1]\\\\\n \\sqrt{12x_1 + 42} - 6 - x_1 & \\text{for } x_1\\in[\\beta_4,\\beta_5]\\\\\n -\\dfrac{(4x_1^2 - 6x_1 + 5)}{2(x_1 - 4)} & \\text{for\n } x_1 \\in [\\beta_3,\\beta_4]\n \\end{cases}$$ where $$\\label{eq:betas}\n \\beta_3 = \\frac{7-\\sqrt{19}}{6}, \\quad \\beta_4 = \\frac12(11 -\n 3\\sqrt{11}),\\quad \\beta_5 = \\frac12 (7 - 3\\sqrt{3}).$$ The left-hand-side of  was equal to $1+2h_2$ as we started at $x_1=1$ and moved to the left. ", "At $\\beta_3$, we have $h_2(x_1)=x_1$. At this point, $h_2(x_1)$ is not strictly lower than $x_1$ anymore.", "\n\nFinally we need to obtain $h_2$ for intermediate values of $x_1 \\in [\\beta_2,\\beta_3]$; to this end we need to consider separately the cases $x_1\\in [\\beta_2,1/4)$ and $x_1\\in [1/4,\\beta_3]$. We get the dichotomy (i) $h_2<x_1$ then the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">lhs</span> of  is strictly smaller than its <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">rhs</span>, (ii) $h_2>x_1$ then the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">lhs</span> of  is strictly larger than its <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">rhs</span>. ", "This can be interpreted in a probabilistic way: if $h_2$ is taken smaller than $x_1$, the expected payoff is better if we could stop on this value (<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">lhs$<$rhs</span>), while it is a bad choice to stop on $X_2=h_2$ if $h_2 > x_1$ since the expected payoff is then worse than what expected if one continues the game (<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">lhs$>$rhs</span>). ", "From these two observations, we conclude that $h_2 = x_1$.\n\nWe therefore know the expression of $h_2$ for all values of $x_1$ on $[0,1]$; this is represented in Figure \\[fig:ploth2\\].", "\n\n(0,0) rectangle (1,1); (q1) at (1/4,1/4); (q2) at (1/2,1/2); (q3) at (3/4,3/4); (0,0)–(1,1); (0,0.348612181135) – (1,0.348612181135); (0,1/3) – (q1) – (1/3,0) – (0,0) – cycle; (0,1/3) – (q1) – (1/3,0) – (2/3,0) – (q2) – (0,2/3) – cycle; (0,2/3) – (q2) – (1/3,1) – (0,1) – cycle; (2/3,0) – (q2) – (1,1/3) – (1,0) – cycle; (1/3,1) – (2/3,1) – (q3) – (1,2/3) – (1,1/3) – (q2) – cycle; (2/3,1)–(1,1)–(1,2/3)–(q3)–cycle;\n\nat (0,0.348) [$a$]{}; at (1,0.348) [$a$]{}; at (0,1) [$1$]{}; at (1,0) [$1$]{}; at (0,0) [$0$]{};\n\n//łin [0.12132/0.29289/1,0.23861/0.23861/2,0.44018/0.44018/3, 0.52506/0.42482/4, 0.90192/0.36603/5]{}[ (,)–(,0); (,0.2pt)–(,-0.2pt) node\\[below\\][$\\beta_\\l$]{}; ]{}\n\nplot\\[domain=0:0.12132\\] (, [0.25 \\* (5 - - sqrt(+ 6\\*+13))]{}) – plot\\[domain=0.12132:0.2386\\] (, [sqrt(8\\*+54)--7]{}) – (0.2386,0.2386) – (0.44018,0.44018) – plot\\[domain=0.4402:0.5251\\] (,[-(4\\*-6\\*+ 5)/(2\\*-8)]{})– plot\\[domain=0.5251:0.91\\] (, [sqrt(12\\*+ 42) - 6 - ]{}) – plot\\[domain=0.91:1\\] (, [1.5 - (+ sqrt(-4\\*+16))/4]{});\n\n**Step 1.** ", "The much sought-after threshold $h_1$ is solution to $$\\label{eq:indiff-h1}\n 1 + 3 h_1 = g(h_1),$$ where $g(x_1)$ is the expected rank of the selected variable if one starts the game at step 2 with the history $X_1=x_1$ and acts optimally thereafter.", "\n\nLet us try to find a solution $h_1\\in[0,\\epsilon]$. The right-hand-side of (\\[eq:indiff-h1\\]) is an integral where the integrating variable represents the value of $X_2$; when $X_2=u\\le\nh_2(h_1)$, one must accept $X_2$, while one must reject $X_2=u$ if $u>h_2(h_1)$. The behaviour when one moves on to step 3 depends on the region the history $(h_1,u)$ lies in: $A_2$, $B_2$, or $B_3$. The expression of $G_{h_1,u}$ will depend on this.", "\n\nFor the sake of concision, we will only write out the complete expression of the integral for the smaller values of $h_1$. We thus have $$\\begin{aligned}\n g(h_1) &= \\int_0^{h_1} (1+2u)\\,du +\n \\int_{h_1}^{h_2(h_1)} (2+2u)\\,du \\nonumber\\\\\n &\\phantom{=} + \\int_{h_2(h_1)}^{(2-h_1)/3} G_{h_1,u}(u)\\,du\\\\\n &\\phantom{=} + \\int_{(2-h_1)/3}^{1} G_{h_1,u}((1-(h_1+u))/2)\\,du.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe function $h_2(\\cdot)$ is defined on $6$ different intervals. ", "Thus the need to write at least $6$ integrals in order to keep explicit expressions around. ", "Also look at the change in the path made vertically through the regions $A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2,B_3$. When the regions or the order of the regions in which we cross them changes, we must write a separate integral. ", "Summing things up, we need $11$ divisions of $[0,1]$ on which the expression of the integral is each time different. ", "The solution to (\\[eq:indiff-h1\\]) is found on $[\\beta_2,\\beta_3]$, with $\\beta_2$ and $\\beta_3$ defined above. ", "The software came in handy for this task, yielding $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:value-h1}\n h_1 &= \\left( \\tfrac{6}{1849}\\sqrt{123199} -\n \\tfrac{87150}{79507}\\right)^{1/3} - \\tfrac{846}{1849}\n \\left(\\tfrac{6}{1849} \\sqrt{123199} -\n \\tfrac{87150}{79507}\\right)^{-1/3} + \\tfrac{53}{43} \\\\\n &= 0.27502\\cdots.\\end{aligned}$$ Wrapping up we finally obtain (computations not included) $$\\begin{aligned}\n V(4) &= -\\frac{5553791}{8640} + \\frac{767}{80\\sqrt3} +\n \\frac{2609\\sqrt{11}}{216} + \\frac{3281\\sqrt{19}}{216} -\n \\frac{59(53-\\alpha_1 + \\alpha_2)}{1548}\\\\\n &\\phantom{=\\:\\:}+ \\frac{85(53-\\alpha_1+\\alpha_2)^2}{44376} -\n \\frac{53(53-\\alpha_1+\\alpha_2)^3}{2862252}\n + \\frac{(53-\\alpha_1+\\alpha_2)^4}{11449008}\\\\\n &\\phantom{=\\:\\:}+ \\frac{1}{192} (842-532\\sqrt3 + 31\\sqrt{13} + 216\n \\operatorname*{ArcCsch}(2\\sqrt3)\\\\\n &\\phantom{=\\:\\:}-216\\operatorname*{ArcSinh}(\\tfrac{3-\\sqrt3}{4}) -\n \\frac{2025\\log(12)}{8} + \\frac{2025\\log(252)}{8} \\\\\n &\\phantom{=\\:\\:}+\\frac{1}{288}(2586985 - 779844\\sqrt{11} \\\\\n &\\phantom{=\\:\\:} +72900\\log(\\tfrac37(-1+\\sqrt{11}))) - \\frac{2025}{8}\n \\log(17+\\sqrt{19})\\\\\n &= 1.49329\\cdots,\\end{aligned}$$ with $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\alpha_1 &= \\left(\\frac{5076}{14525+43\\sqrt{123199}}\\right)^{1/3},\\\\\n \\alpha_2 &= \\left(6(-14525+43\\sqrt{123199})\\right)^{1/3}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nAll computations are available on Yvik Swan’s webpage.[^3] Summarizing, we have obtained the following optimal thresholds : $$\\begin{gathered}\n h_1 = \\left( \\tfrac{6}{1849}\\sqrt{123199} -\n \\tfrac{87150}{79507}\\right)^{1/3} - \\tfrac{846}{1849}\n \\left(\\tfrac{6}{1849} \\sqrt{123199} -\n \\tfrac{87150}{79507}\\right)^{-1/3} + \\tfrac{53}{43},\\\\[4ex]\n h_2(x_1) =\n \\begin{cases}\n \\frac14\\left(5 - x_1 - \\sqrt{x_1^2 + 6x_1 + 13}\\right) & \\text{if\n \\:} x_1 \\in[0, \\frac32 \\sqrt{2} - 2]\\\\\n \\sqrt{8x_1 + 54} - x_1 - 7 & \\text{if \\:} x_1\\in [\\frac32\n \\sqrt{2} - 2, \\frac{\\sqrt{30} - 5}{2}]\\\\\n x_1 & \\text{if \\:} x_1\\in[\\frac{\\sqrt{30} - 5}{2},\n \\frac{7-\\sqrt{19}}{6}]\\\\\n -\\dfrac{(4x_1^2 - 6x_1 + 5)}{2(x_1 - 4)} & \\text{if \\:}\n x_1\\in[\\frac{7-\\sqrt{19}}{6}, \\frac12(11 - 3\\sqrt{11})]\\\\\n \\sqrt{12x_1 + 42} - 6 - x_1 & \\text{if \\:} x_1 \\in [\\frac12(11 -\n 3\\sqrt{11}), \\frac12 (7 - 3\\sqrt{3})]\\\\\n \\tfrac32 - \\tfrac14(x_1 + \\sqrt{x_1^2 - 4 x_1 + 16}) & \\text{if\n \\:} x_1\\in[\\frac12 (7 - 3\\sqrt{3}), 1]\n \\end{cases},\\\\[4ex]\n h_3(x_1,x_2) =\n \\begin{cases}\n x_{(1)} & \\text{if }(x_1,x_2)\\in A_1 \\\\\n x_{(2)} & \\text{if }(x_1,x_2)\\in A_2\\\\\n \\tilde x_1 = \\frac{3-(x_1+x_2)}{2} &\\text{if } (x_1,x_2)\\in B_1\\\\\n \\tilde x_2 = \\frac{2-(x_1+x_2)}{2} &\\text{if } (x_1,x_2)\\in B_2\\\\\n \\tilde x_3 = \\frac{1-(x_1+x_2)}{2} &\\text{if } (x_1,x_2)\\in B_3\n \\end{cases},\\\\[4ex]\\end{gathered}$$ and, of course, $h_4 = 1$. Approximate values of the $\\beta_i$’s, rounded to the 5th decimal: $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\beta_1=0.12132, \\beta_2=0.23861, \\beta_3=0.44018,\n \\beta_4=0.52506, \n \\beta_5=0.90192.\\end{gathered}$$\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThis note was written after a conference held in Brussels on September 10 and 11, 2015 in honor of Prof. F. T. Bruss who was supervisor of both the authors’ PHDs. ", "His enthusiasm for his craft is an inspiration for both of us and we thank him for his guidance during those important early moments of our career.", "\n\n[xx]{}\n\nAssaf, D. and Samuel-Cahn, E. (1996). ", "The secretary problem; minimizing the expected rank with i.i.d. ", "random variables, *Adv. ", "Appl. ", "Prob.*, ", "Vol. ", "28, pp. ", "828-852.", "\n\nBruss, F. T. (2005). ", "What is known about Robbins’ problem?, *", "J. Appl. ", "Prob.*, ", "Vol. ", "42, pp. ", "108-120.", "\n\nBruss, F. T. and Ferguson, T. S. (1993). ", "Minimizing the expected rank with full information, *J. Appl. ", "Prob.*, ", "Vol. ", "30, pp. ", "616 - 626.", "\n\nBruss, F. T. and Ferguson, T. S. (1996). ", "Half-Prophets and Robbins’ problem of Minimizing the expected rank, *Springer Lecture Notes in Stat. ", "114*, Vol. ", "1 in honor of J.M. Gani, pp. ", "1-17.", "\n\nBruss, F. T. and Swan, Y. (2009). ", "A continuous-time approach to Robbins’ problem of minimizing the expected rank, *J. Appl. ", "Prob.*, ", "Vol. ", "46, pp. ", "1-18.", "\n\nChow, Y. S., Moriguti, S., Robbins, H. and Samuels, S. M. (1964). ", "Optimal selection based on relative ranks, *Israel J. Math.*, ", "Vol. ", "2, pp. ", "81-90.", "\n\nGnedin, A. V. (2007). ", "Optimal Stopping with Rank-Dependent Loss, *J. Appl. ", "Prob.*, ", "Vol. ", "44, pp. ", "996-1011.", "\n\nGnedin, A. V. and Iksanov, A. (2011). ", "Moments of random sums and Robbins’ problem of optimal stopping, *J. Appl. ", "Prob.*, ", "Vol. ", "48, pp. ", "1197-1199.", "\n\nMeier, M. and Sögner, L. (2014). [", "A New Upper Bound for Robbins’ problem]{}. ", "Available at SSRN 2408149.", "\n\n[^1]: Mathematics Department, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium\n\n[^2]: Mathematics Department, Université de Liège, Belgium\n\n[^3]: https://sites.google.com/site/yvikswan/\n" ]
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[ "Clinical value of relative quantification ultrasound elastography in characterizing breast tumors.", "\nTo evaluate ultrasound elastography (USE) using strain ratio (SR), a relative quantification approach for breast lesions characterization. ", "One hundred forty-seven consecutive patients with a total of 156 breast lesions underwent USE. ", "Technical accuracy was assessed automatically. ", "For SR evaluation a rounded ROI was depicted inside fat (F), glandular tissue (G) and inside the lesion (L), preferably at the same depth. ", "R1, mean value of the G and F ratio, stands for in background tissue composition elasticity. ", "R2; mean value of L/F stands for in lesion elasticity, both evaluated in arbitrary unit (au). ", "Two-years follow-up and pathology results were standard of reference. ", "Mann-Whitney test, ROC analysis and Chi-square with Yates correction were used. ", "With the exception of 27 cysts, 17 malignant and 112 benign lesions were found. ", "R1 values were 1.6±0.7au and 1.2±0.9au (p=0.015 NS); R2 values were 6.1±2.5au and 1.9±1.3au (p<0.001) for malignant and benign lesions, respectively. ", "A threshold of 3.3au showed a sensitivity and specificity of 88% and 87%, respectively with an AUC of 93%. ", "Fifteen false positive and two false negative were detected. ", "Relative quantification of ultrasound elastography allows to find high levels of diagnostic accuracy in characterizing breast tumors above all in downgrading BI-RADS 3 and 4 lesions." ]
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[ "Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura related to ADAMTS13 deficiency, and successful treatment in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus).", "\nA 27-year-old male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) developed signs of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). ", "ADAMTS13 deficiency appeared to be the cause of disease. ", "After treatment with high-dose prednisone, haematological values and clinical signs recovered. ", "This is the first description of spontaneous TTP associated with ADAMTS13 deficiency in a non-human primate." ]
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[ "Analytical models for electrically thin flat lenses and reflectors.", "\nThis work presents analytical models for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) electrically thin lenses and reflectors. ", "The 2D formulation is based on infinite current line sources, whereas the 3D formulation is based on electrically small dipoles. ", "These models emulate the energy convergence of an electrically thin flat lens and reflector when illuminated by a plane wave with specific polarization. ", "The advantages of these models are twofold: first, prediction of the performance of electrically thin flat lenses and reflectors can be made significantly faster than full-wave simulators, and second, providing insight on the performance of these electrically thin devices. ", "The analytic models were validated by comparison with full-wave simulation for several interesting examples. ", "The validation results show that the focal point of the electrically thin flat lenses and reflectors can be accurately predicted through a design that assumes low coupling between different layers of an inhomogeneous media." ]
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[ "FILE - In this Aug. 21, 2018 file photo, Michael Cohen, former personal lawyer to President Donald Trump, leaves federal court after reaching a plea agreement in New York. ", "Investigators in New York state issued a subpoena to Cohen as part of their probe into the Trump Foundation, an official with Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration confirmed to The Associated Press on Wednesday, Aug. 22. (", "AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File)\n\nFILE - In this Aug. 21, 2018 file photo, Michael Cohen, former personal lawyer to President Donald Trump, leaves federal court after reaching a plea agreement in New York. ", "Investigators in New York state issued a subpoena to Cohen as part of their probe into the Trump Foundation, an official with Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration confirmed to The Associated Press on Wednesday, Aug. 22. (", "AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File)\n\nALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Investigators in New York state have issued a subpoena to Michael Cohen as part of their probe into the Trump Foundation, an official with Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration confirmed to The Associated Press Wednesday.", "\n\nThe subpoena was issued after Cohen’s attorney said his client has information of interest to both state and federal prosecutors. ", "As Trump’s longtime lawyer and self-described “fixer,” Cohen could potentially be a significant source of information for state investigators looking into whether Trump or his charity broke state law or lied about their tax liability.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“We can confirm that a subpoena has been issued to Michael Cohen for relevant information in light of the public disclosures made yesterday,” said James Gazzale, a spokesman for the state’s tax department.", "\n\nIf evidence of alleged crimes is found, the matter could be referred to state Attorney General Barbara Underwood, who could pursue criminal charges and seek the release of Trump’s tax returns. ", "Anyone charged with a state crime in relation to the investigation could not be cleared by a presidential pardon.", "\n\nCohen pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to campaign-finance violations and other charges, saying he and Trump arranged the payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels and a former Playboy model to influence the election.", "\n\n“I do believe that he has information about Mr. Trump that would be of interest both in Washington as well as New York state,” Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis said Tuesday night on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” a show hosted by Chris Cuomo, brother of New York’s governor.", "\n\nThe state’s investigation follows Underwood’s lawsuit alleging Trump illegally tapped his Trump Foundation to settle legal disputes, help his campaign for president and pay for personal and business expenses, which included spending $10,000 on a 6-foot (1.8-meter) portrait of himself.", "\n\nThe attorney general’s office is seeking $2.8 million in restitution and other unspecified penalties in its civil suit. ", "It said that it had referred to its findings to the IRS and the Federal Election Commission for possible further action.", "\n\nA spokeswoman for Underwood declined to discuss the state’s new subpoena and noted that Cuomo’s administration would need to refer the tax department investigation to it before criminal charges could be pursued.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“We cannot comment on potential or ongoing investigations,” said spokeswoman Amy Spitalnick. “", "As our lawsuit against the Trump Foundation illustrates, we will hold Donald Trump and his associates accountable for violations of state law, and will seek a criminal referral from the appropriate state agency as necessary.”", "\n\nMessages left with attorneys for Cohen and Trump were not immediately returned Wednesday.", "\n\nCuomo is seeking a third term this November and faces liberal activist and former “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon in next month’s Democratic primary. ", "He and Trump have exchanged insults several times in recent weeks, particularly following Trump’s criticism of Cuomo for telling a Manhattan crowd that America “was never that great” last week. ", "Cuomo later said his comment was “inartful.”" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a well structure of a semiconductor memory device.", "\nNormally, a memory cell array of a semiconductor memory device, a DRAM, for example, is divided into a plurality of blocks or sub-cell arrays, and a plurality of memory cells are arranged in each of the sub-cell arrays.", "\nIn a conventional DRAM having a plurality of sub-cell arrays, one sense amplifier is inserted between the adjacent two sub-cell arrays. ", "In this type of DRAM, the sense amplifier is selectively connected to the bit lines of the two adjacent sub-cell arrays. ", "In the DRAM, there is a region which is between the two adjacent sub-cell arrays and in which a sense amplifier circuit and the related circuits are formed. ", "Such a region will be hereinafter referred to as a sense amplifier circuit region in the description below.", "\nFIG. ", "1 shows a well structure of a sense amplifier circuit region of a conventional DRAM. ", "Referring to FIG. ", "1, two sub-cell arrays MCA1 and MCA2 being arranged in the bit line direction and being adjacent to each other, are formed in p-type wells PWC1 and PWC2, both provided in a p-type silicon substrate Psub. ", "In the sense amplifier circuit region SA located between the sub-cell arrays MCA1 and MCA2, there are an n-type well NW1 and two p-type wells PW1 and PW2 sandwiching the n-type well NW1.", "\nIn the p-type wells PWC1 and PWC2 where the sub-cell arrays MCA1 and MCA2 are formed, n-type wells NWB1 and NWB2 are also formed. ", "These n-type wells NWB1 and NWB2 serve to isolate p-type wells PWC1 and PWC2 from the p-type substrate Psub and the p-type wells PW1 and PW2 of the sense amplifier circuit region SA.", "\nThe p-type wells PWC1 and PWC2 are electrically isolated by the n-type wells NWB1 and NWB2. ", "The reason for this well structure is that the potential applied to the p-type wells PWC1 and PWC2 (where the sub-cell arrays MCA1 and MCA2 are formed) and the potential applied to the p-type wells PW1 and PW2 of the sense amplifier circuit region SA must differ from each other. ", "To be more specific, the former potential is normally set at a negative potential so as to improve the charge holding characteristic and reduce the memory cell junction capacitance, while the latter potential is normally set at a ground potential. ", "For this reason, it is ordinary to provide a three-well structure in a p-type silicon substrate, as shown in FIG. ", "1.", "\nFIG. ", "2 shows the configuration of a circuit employed in the well-structure substrate shown in FIG. ", "1. ", "Referring to FIG. ", "2, in the sub-cell arrays MCA1 and MC2A, a pair of bit lines (BL1 and bBL1; BL2 and bBL2) and word lines WL1, WL2, WL3 and WL4 are arranged, with the bit lines and the word lines intersecting each other. ", "Dynamic memory cells MC are arranged at the intersections of these two kinds of lines. ", "A sense amplifier circuit SA is made up of two types of sense amplifiers: one being a flip-flop type sense amplifier that employs NMOS transistors (hereinafter referred to as an NMOS sense amplifier); and the other being a flip-flop type sense amplifier that employs PMOS transistors (hereinafter referred to as a PMOS sense amplifier). ", "The NMOS sense amplifier NSA is formed in the p-type well PW2, while the PMOS sense amplifier PSA is formed in the n-type well NW1. ", "A column selection gate DQG is provided in the p-type well PW2, in addition to the NMOS sense amplifier NSA. ", "A bit line equalizer circuit EQL is arranged in the p-type well PW1. ", "In that portion of the p-type well PW1 which is closest to the sub-cell array MCA1, a switch circuit Phit1 is provided. ", "By this switch circuit Phit1, the paired bit lines BL1 and bLB1 of the sub-cell array MCA1 are connected or disconnected from the paired bit lines BL12 and bBL12 of the sense amplifier circuit region SA. ", "Likewise, in that portion of the p-type well PW2 which is closest to the sub-cell array MCA2, a switch circuit Phit2 is provided. ", "By this switch circuit Phit2, the paired bit lines BL2 and bLB2 of the sub-cell array MCA2 are connected or disconnected from the paired bit lines BL12 and bBL12 of the sense amplifier circuit region SA.", "\nNormally, in the sense amplifier circuit region SA, the PMOS sense amplifier PSA is the only element that is made of PMOS transistors. ", "The other structural elements, namely, the bit line equalizer circuit EQL, the switch circuits Phit1 and Phit2, the column selection gate DQG, and the NMOS sense amplifiers NSA, are all made of NMOS transistors. ", "Therefore, no element is formed in the n-type wells NWB1, NWB2 provided for isolating the well regions of the sub-cell arrays MSA1, MSA2.", "\nAs described above, no element is formed in a plurality of n-type wells used for isolating the p-type wells of the sub-cell array regions from the other p-type wells. ", "In view of this, it is hard to say that the areas on which the n-type wells are formed are used efficiently. ", "The larger the number of divisions of one memory cell array is, the wider will be the area required for the well isolation. ", "This prevents efficient use of the chip area.", "\nThe present invention has been conceived in consideration of the above circumstances, and is intended to provide a semiconductor memory device which has a simple well structure and which enables efficient use of a chip area." ]
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[ "Employees of a Pennsylvania city, who have all seen their salaries cut to minimum wage as the mayor grapples with budget problems, are hoping a judge restores their paychecks in full.", "\n\nmyFOXnepa.com\n\nScranton Mayor Chris Doherty cut everyone's pay -- including his own -- on Friday, saying the state's sixth-largest city is broke because the City Council blocked his proposed tax increase. ", "Doherty, a Democrat, warned nearly 400 police officers, firefighters and public works employees about his doomsday plan, prompting a Lackawanna County judge to order the city to pay full wages to all employees, citing that it is a violation of their contracts. ", "Hours later, the payday envelopes went out, and, despite the judge's order, they were light.", "\n\n[pullquote]\n\n“This needs to be resolved,\" Scranton firefighter and president of the local firefighters union John Judge told FoxNews.com. \"", "My members are getting a check for $7.25 an hour. ", "These are people that are the head of their households. ", "They have mortgages. ", "They have other living costs. ", "They are now going to have to throw their bills in a hat and randomly pick what gets paid on time.”", "\n\nThe judge was not in his chambers Monday, but attorneys for the local city workers' unions were planning to go to court Tuesday morning to ask him to hold Doherty in contempt of court for violating the injunction.", "\n\nIn addition to scaling back wages, Doherty's move cut off overtime, worker's compensation and disability.", "\n\nThe city of Scranton has battled budget woes for years, but the problems reached a boiling point after the City Council blocked Doherty's plan to raise taxes to cover a $16.8 million shortfall, opting instead to borrow money to cover the budget gap.", "\n\n“The mayor is trying to strong-arm the council into doing what he wants, but it’s the city’s employees that are paying the price,” Judge said, adding that the workers in his department saw their paystubs go from about $1,500 every two weeks after deductions to a gross pay of about $600. “", "This is not a case of no cash. ", "It’s a cash-flow problem.”", "\n\nThe cuts were sudden, as city employees were only given eight days' notice. ", "Doherty also claimed last week that there is only $5,000 left in the city’s accounts.", "\n\n“The employees are the ones in the middle of this battle between the mayor and the council,\" said Sam Vitris, president of the public works union. “", "We’ve had four or five recovery plans over the years and none of them seemed to have worked. ", "The stalemate between them has led the city to run out of money.”", "\n\nDoherty has maintained for months that if the City Council had not refused his 2012 budget proposal, which included a 29 percent tax hike, the city would not be in a dire situation. ", "Doherty did not return repeated calls for comment." ]
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[ "From home to street: understanding young people's transitions into homelessness.", "\nThis paper explores why young people leave home and become homeless. ", "Drawing on life history interviews conducted with 50 homeless youth in Los Angeles, explanations provided by participants for becoming homelessness and how they understand their experiences are presented. ", "In professional discourses, homeless young people are often portrayed as victims of physical abuse and emotional neglect. ", "Although participants' narratives reveal that abuse and neglect play a central role in their decisions to leave home, many maintain a sense of agency in the recounting of how they became homeless. ", "The importance of service providers recognizing young people's agency is discussed." ]
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