[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\npackage jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays;\n\nimport java.util.", "Iterator;\nimport java.util.", "List;\nimport jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.", "JSObject;\nimport jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.", "JSType;\nimport jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.", "ScriptObject;\n\n/**\n * Superclass for array iterators\n * TODO: rewrite these\n *\n * @param <T> element type\n */\nabstract public class ArrayLikeIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {\n\n /** current element index in iteration */\n protected long index;\n\n /** should undefined elements be included in the iteration? */", "\n protected final boolean includeUndefined;\n\n /**\n * Constructor\n *\n * @param includeUndefined should undefined elements be included in the iteration?", "\n */\n ArrayLikeIterator(final boolean includeUndefined) {\n this.includeUndefined = includeUndefined;\n this.index = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Is this a reverse order iteration?", "\n * @return true if reverse\n */\n public boolean isReverse() {\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Go the the next valid element index of the iterator\n * @return next index\n */\n protected long bumpIndex() {\n return index++;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the next valid element index of the iterator\n * @return next index\n */\n public long nextIndex() {\n return index;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void remove() {\n throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"remove\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the length of the iteration\n * @return length\n */\n public abstract long getLength();\n\n /**\n * ArrayLikeIterator factory\n *\n * @param object object over which to do element iteration\n * @return iterator\n */\n public static ArrayLikeIterator<Object> arrayLikeIterator(final Object object) {\n return arrayLikeIterator(object, false);\n }\n\n /**\n * ArrayLikeIterator factory (reverse order)\n * @param object object over which to do reverse element iteration\n * @return iterator\n */\n public static ArrayLikeIterator<Object> reverseArrayLikeIterator(final Object object) {\n return reverseArrayLikeIterator(object, false);\n }\n\n /**\n * ArrayLikeIterator factory\n * @param object object over which to do reverse element iteration\n * @param includeUndefined should undefined elements be included in the iteration\n * @return iterator\n */\n public static ArrayLikeIterator<Object> arrayLikeIterator(final Object object, final boolean includeUndefined) {\n Object obj = object;\n\n if (ScriptObject.isArray(obj)) {\n return new ScriptArrayIterator((ScriptObject) obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n obj = JSType.toScriptObject(obj);\n if (obj instanceof ScriptObject) {\n return new ScriptObjectIterator((ScriptObject)obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n if (obj instanceof JSObject) {\n return new JSObjectIterator((JSObject)obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n if (obj instanceof List) {\n return new JavaListIterator((List<?>)obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n if (obj !", "= null && obj.getClass().isArray()) {\n return new JavaArrayIterator(obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n return new EmptyArrayLikeIterator();\n }\n\n /**\n * ArrayLikeIterator factory (reverse order)\n * @param object object over which to do reverse element iteration\n * @param includeUndefined should undefined elements be included in the iteration\n * @return iterator\n */\n public static ArrayLikeIterator<Object> reverseArrayLikeIterator(final Object object, final boolean includeUndefined) {\n Object obj = object;\n\n if (ScriptObject.isArray(obj)) {\n return new ReverseScriptArrayIterator((ScriptObject) obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n obj = JSType.toScriptObject(obj);\n if (obj instanceof ScriptObject) {\n return new ReverseScriptObjectIterator((ScriptObject)obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n if (obj instanceof JSObject) {\n return new ReverseJSObjectIterator((JSObject)obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n if (obj instanceof List) {\n return new ReverseJavaListIterator((List<?>)obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n if (obj !", "= null && obj.getClass().isArray()) {\n return new ReverseJavaArrayIterator(obj, includeUndefined);\n }\n\n return new EmptyArrayLikeIterator();\n }\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Before we dig further into how does cloud computing work, first let’s understand what the term “cloud“ refers to. ", "The concept of the cloud has been around for a long time in many different incarnations in the business world. ", "It mostly means a grid of computers serving as a service-oriented architecture to deliver software and data.", "\n\nMost websites and server-based applications run on particular computers or servers. ", "What differentiates the cloud from the way those are set up is that the cloud utilizes the resources from the computers as a collective virtual computer, where the applications can run independently from particular computer or server configurations. ", "They are basically floating around in a “cloud of resources”, making the hardware less important to how the applications work.", "\n\nHow is that done?", "\n\nTo understand how does cloud computing work, imagine that the cloud consists of layers — mostly the back-end layers and the front-end or user-end layers. ", "The front-end layers are the ones you see and interact with. ", "When you access your email on Gmail for example, you are using software running on the front-end of a cloud. ", "The same is true when you access your Facebook account. ", "The back-end consists of the hardware and the software architecture that fuels the interface you see on the front end.", "\n\nBecause the computers are set up to work together, the applications can take advantage of all that computing power as if they were running on one particular machine. ", "Cloud computing also allows for a lot of flexibility. ", "Depending on the demand, you can increase how much of the cloud resources you use without the need for assigning specific hardware for the job, or just reduce the amount of resources assigned to you when they are not necessary.", "\n\nWill it change the way we use computers?", "\n\nThe transition from being very ‘personal hardware dependent’ to a world where resources are shared among the masses is creeping up on us slowly and unobtrusively. ", "Very many people have already transitioned to using a cloud environment for most of their time in front of the computer without even realizing it.", "\n\nAre there problems with this concept? ", "Of course there are. ", "If for some reason your internet goes down, your access to your data also disappears. ", "There are security concerns with the data and the risk that companies will use proprietary formats for the files and that require that you pay for a certain service monthly or you may lose access to your own data permanently.", "\n\nSo choose wisely when picking a service to use with your important data and make sure it can be downloaded if needed, but also enjoy the flexibility those services provide. ", "The wave of the future is in the clouds”¦\n\nhi, may i know how to improve more in cloud computing? ", "I'm going to present the procedure(• What changes will be necessary to current processes (or procedures) to ensure that the system will be successful?) ", "I'm very confused of its. ", "T.T thank you :D\n\nYou are just re-iterating the hype, Another hype word based on existing Tech with an addition of 1 small step, creating confusion.", "OOP, AJAX,DHTML just to name a few.", "But the fact is, from a single network address, ie facebook.com how does that give you access to a virtual location that is common, at the end of the day, a Server still needs to repond to the request and deliver the content. ", "Traditional methods required load balancers, that took your incoming request and delivered it to a specific peice of hardware to deliver the conent. ", "But in Clouds, what is it realy? ", "is it a bank of load balancers, on top of other load balancers? ", "or is it a range of IP addresses behind the DNS to choose the one closest to your location? ", "a combination? ", "And if it is a single distribution and respond node, would it go offline? ", "and have fail over? ", "Maybe V-Lan.", "Dont know, still trying to understand the Tech implementation, which you failed to mention though your heading did say you would.", "\n\nI liked the article a lot, but I don't think it focuses on the downsides of cloud computing enough. ", "Of course you can lose your connection to the internet, but the larger problems are that (1) Some other company has access to all your data and (2) if something goes wrong at the cloud service you use, you are powerless to help get it up again.", "\n\nIndividuals don't seem to care very much about privacy of their data today, evidenced by the number of facebook and gmail users, but for a company that's a much larger concern. ", "Problem (2) can have a big impact on both individuals and companies, though. ", "For example, the Sidekick phone stores ALL its data on their cloud. ", "The phone doesn't even have the contacts list in it. ", "So a few years ago when that cloud broke, every single Sidekick phone was 100% useless for several weeks. ", "And then they found that the backups hadn't been working, so some users lost data, because there was no way for them to back it up themselves.", "\n\nHi AlfonsoYes, it is a fascinating topic. ", "Glad you see the possibilities clouds are opening. ", "If you like philosophical discussions on it, you might also enjoy this excerpt from a book by the Quantum physicist Michio Kaku on computers in the future:http://beholders.org/mind/poet...\n\nHello. ", "I am about to make a presentation about cloud computing in my school but instead of talking about it's technical stuff I wanted to tell the audience how they can benefit from it. ", "I focused only on applications working in the cloud (life examples) which in my opinion are the part of cloud which typical user will deal with. ", "Anyway examples are best to understand anything :)What I want to ask you is if the apps I found on the web are really the cloud apps. ", "Too bad there are no examples in the post :(. ", "Please correct me if I am wrong. ", "Here's the list (they are very random):Google Apps, Chrome OS / Jolicloud , Webtops (overally), Grooveshark.com , Spotify, Audiobox/Tunesbag , Boxee, Dropbox/box.net/Sugarsync etc., ", "Mozilla Weave, Panda Cloud Antivirus.", "\n\nHello. ", "I am about to make a presentation about cloud computing in my school but instead of talking about it's technical stuff I wanted to tell the audience how they can benefit from it. ", "I focused only on applications working in the cloud (life examples) which in my opinion are the part of cloud which typical user will deal with. ", "Anyway examples are best to understand anything :)\nWhat I want to ask you is if the apps I found on the web are really the cloud apps. ", "Too bad there are no examples in the post :(. ", "Please correct me if I am wrong. ", "Here's the list (they are very random):\nGoogle Apps, Chrome OS / Jolicloud , Webtops (overally), Grooveshark.com , Spotify, Audiobox/Tunesbag , Boxee, Dropbox/box.net/Sugarsync etc., ", "Mozilla Weave, Panda Cloud Antivirus.", "\n\nHi Derek\nYou can safely assume that most applications that are running as online applications are currently cloud based. ", "There are a few examples ( I was focusing on the ones everyone uses) such as Gmail, but that includes virtually all of Google's services with very few exceptions. ", "The catch with most apps, such as some of the ones you listed, like Chrome OS and Jolicloud. ", "Is that they aren't a cloud per say, they are software, which once installed on someone's machine, connects them to a cloud.", "\nThe difference is subtle, since one can claim that since it's connecting directly to the cloud, it kind of becomes part of the cloud. ", "I take a more purist approach, but that is all up to interpretation.", "\n\nThanks for writing this article! ", "Until I read this I thought cloud computing referred to those tag clouds you see on people's blogs! ", "lol This is much cooler and much more far reaching. ", "It's great to see how the Internet is evolving. ", "I was just talking to one of my Science classes today and the topic of artificial intelligence came up. ", "I mentioned Skynet from the Terminator movies. ", "What if the Internet becomes self aware one day?! ", "Or what if it turns out like the Cylon in the new Caprica series?! ", "It's mind boggling." ]
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[ "Abstract This is an application for a K01 award for Dr. Danhong Wang, a physician-scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. ", "Dr. Wang is establishing herself as a young investigator in patient- oriented neuroimaging research on psychiatric disorders. ", "This K01 award will provide Dr. Wang with the support necessary to accomplish the following goals: (1) to become an expert in patient-oriented research in psychiatric neuroimaging; (2) to conduct experimental investigations of neurobiological correlates in patients with psychosis; (3) to implement revolutionary individual-level functional mapping techniques in clinical studies; and (4) to develop an independent clinical research career. ", "To achieve these goals, Dr. Wang has assembled a mentoring team comprised of three mentors: Dr. Dost ngr, Chief of the McLean Hospital Psychotic Disorders Division, who leads a neuroimaging laboratory studying the biology of psychotic illness; Dr. Randy Buckner, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Harvard University and Director of Psychiatric Neuroimaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, one of the pioneers in functional MRI research; and Dr. Suzanne Haber, Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of Rochester, a leading scientist in the field of neuroanatomy. ", "In addition, Dr. Hesheng Liu, Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and a computational neuroscientist with expertise in functional imaging, will collaborate on this project. ", "Dr. Wang will engage in multiple career development activities to expand her ability to develop mechanistic insights about psychiatric disorders. ", "These include new training in patient-oriented experimental research, a better understanding of the psychopathology of psychosis, and a stronger grasp of neuroanatomy. ", "She will also receive advanced training in cognitive and clinical neuroscience. ", "Determining the disconnected neural circuits underlying psychosis has proved elusive. ", "Dr. Wang's research project aims to reveal circuitry abnormalities in psychotic patients using a subject-specific, cross-diagnostic approach. ", "In Aim 1, Dr. Wang will establish methods for accurately characterizing the cortical and subcortical functional connectivity networks in individual patients. ", "In Aim 2, leveraging a cross-diagnostic cohort of psychotic patients that will be scanned using the protocol optimized for individual-level functional analyses, as well as an existing patient data set, Dr. Wang will identify and validate cortical and subcortical functional connectivity abnormalities related to the severity of psychotic symptoms. ", "In Aim 3, Dr. Wang will investigate the temporal variations of connectivity in individual patients and reveal abnormalities in dynamic functional connectivity related to symptoms. ", "A series of preliminary studies conducted by Dr. Wang have laid the solid foundation for each specific aim. ", "This research will form the basis of a study for identifying the ?", "connectivity hubs? ", "in individual patients for potential modulation, to be proposed in an R01 grant application before the end of the K award." ]
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[ "New trade deals for the UK will be an important part of the Brexit negotiations, not only with the EU but also with the rest of the world. ", "But Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen and Tristan Kohl argue that the UK has no trade-enhancing alternative to an agreement with the EU that essentially mimics its current situation as an EU member. ", "A gravity model predicts that the negative impact of Brexit would be only marginally offset by a bilateral trade agreement with the US, and even in the case of trade agreements with all non-EU countries, the UK’s value-added exports would still fall by more than 6%.", "\n\nThe principles of Brexit are outlined in the White Paper of 2 February 2017, which states that the UK aims to “forge a new strategic partnership with the EU, including a wide reaching, bold and ambitious free trade agreement…” and that “we will forge ambitious free trade relationships across the world”.", "\n\nFrom an international trade perspective, the choice of the UK to leave the EU is remarkable. ", "Leaving a large free trade area like the EU will most likely be trade- and welfare-reducing for the UK. ", "Without a new trade agreement, relative trade barriers will change such that trade with the EU will become relatively more expensive, resulting in trade diversion away from the EU and trade creation with the non-EU world. ", "The balance between these developments will most likely be trade- and welfare-reducing, as trade barriers between the UK and the EU – the largest trading block in the world – increase. ", "This gloomy evaluation is corroborated by almost all trade analyses of Brexit. ", "The estimates range between roughly a 1.5% reduction in GDP to more than 7%, depending on the assumptions made on how Brexit will take shape. ", "Only ‘Economists for Brexit’ have produced a positive estimate, but this is a clear outlier in the available estimates (see David Miles 2016 for a survey).", "\n\nThe need to strike new trade deals for the UK seems obvious. ", "This begs the question: what kind of trade deal? ", "Does the UK really has a viable alternative to its current membership of the EU, like the ‘Global Britain’ strategy advocated by the May government? ", "A few options come to mind when considering this issue, such as a US-UK trade partnership or a trade deal with all non-EU countries. ", "On a more pessimistic note, one could not look at Brexit in isolation but also consider the consequences of the present anti-trade or anti-EU sentiments, such as a collapse of the EU following a possible ‘Frexit’, or even the most extreme anti-globalisation scenario, a total collapse of all trade agreements, and analyse how a Brexit scenario would play out if the overall international trade climate (further) worsens.", "\n\nPredicting the consequences of these scenarios is of course difficult – because we do not know what future trade arrangements might look like – but based on past experience with trade agreements, one can approximate the size of the trade effects. ", "In a new paper, we analyse a few of these options for the UK with the help of a gravity model. ", "A gravity model explains bilateral trade flows by looking at the economic size of countries (GDP) and the trade barriers (distance, membership of a trade agreement) between countries. ", "The logic of the model says that the larger the trading partners and the smaller the trade barriers, the larger the volume of trade. ", "The calculations of alternative trade scenarios are relatively simple. ", "First, one estimates the model for the world as it is, including all existing trade agreements. ", "Alternative scenarios can then easily be implemented by turning a specific trade agreement on or off and recalculating the (hypothetical) trade flows. ", "This gives a reasonable indication of the static trade effects, though underestimates the possible effects of a Brexit as we do not include long-term effects on innovation, productivity, or migration.", "\n\nBrexit scenarios\n\nThe benchmark for the alternative scenarios is Brexit itself. ", "The trade effects on the global economy in the case of a hard Brexit – that is, the UK leaves the EU and all trade agreements that the EU has with the rest of the world – are depicted in Figure 1. ", "On the horizontal axis, countries are ranked according to their GDP per capita, and on the vertical axis the percentage change in value-added exports (VAX). (", "We use ‘value-added exports’ (VAX) because changes in value-added trade are more directly linked to the income and welfare of the countries involved than gross exports; these data also include domestic (non-tradable) services that are used in the production of tradable goods.)", "\n\nFigure 1 Hard Brexit: The UK terminates its EU membership and membership of all other EU-based trade agreements\n\nNote: Bubbles are proportional to countries’ value-added exports in 2014.", "\n\nAs Figure 1 shows, a hard Brexit scenario has a strong negative impact on the value-added exports of the UK, decreasing these exports by almost 18%, mainly because trade with the (remainder of the) EU becomes more expensive. ", "So what about the alternatives, such as a US-UK trade deal or a trade deal between the UK and the rest of the world? ", "Figures 2 and 3 give the answer.", "\n\nThe main effect of the trade agreement between the UK and the US is that it increases the value-added exports for both countries by approximately 2%. ", "For the UK, this implies that the negative impact of Brexit is only marginally offset by a bilateral trade agreement with the US (compare the -18% in Figure 1 with the -16% in Figure 2). ", "Easier access to the US market compensates the trade loss of Brexit to some extent, but within the logic of the gravity model the US is further away and thereby less attractive and relevant as a trade partner.", "\n\nFigure 2 Hard Brexit followed by a trade agreement between the UK and US\n\nNote: Bubbles proportional to countries’ value-added exports in 2014.", "\n\nWhat happens if the UK goes for a hard Brexit but at the same time manages to strike a trade agreement with all other countries outside the EU in our sample? ", "As Figure 3 shows, this scenario would indeed provide a boost for the value-added exports of the UK and many other countries. ", "For the UK, it is still the case that the impact of a combination of hard Brexit with a true Global Britain scenario is negative to the extent that its value-added exports fall by more than 6%. ", "The main reason is distance – although the ‘rest of the world’ is large, it is also distant to the UK, not just in the sense of actual distance (compared to the EU) but also with respect to cultural, institutional, legal, and other differences that act as impediments to trade. ", "The net effect of more access to the rest of the world and a hard Brexit is such that it is hard to see how Global Britain can be a viable alternative to or substitute for the UK’s current EU membership.", "\n\nFigure 3 Hard Brexit followed by the UK joining trade agreements with all countries in the world except EU members\n\nNote: Bubbles proportional to countries’ value-added exports in 2014.", "\n\nFigures 2 and 3 still describe relatively optimistic scenarios, where it is possible to negotiate new trade deals. ", "However, it is not impossible that the Brexit will be part of larger anti-EU wave that possibly results in the dissolution of the EU itself. ", "Many current national elections offer voters the option to cast an anti-EU vote. ", "In some EU countries, these parties are popular, increasing the likelihood of another exit. ", "The trade effects of such an extreme situation are much more dramatic than those depicted in Figure 1; it is not only the UK that would experience a significant reduction of international trade, but all other countries as well (see our paper for these additional scenarios).", "\n\nConclusion\n\nThe UK government states that it is aiming to replace the UK’s membership of the EU by other, broad trade agreements. ", "However, at this stage it is not clear what these new trade agreements will look like and which countries could be involved. ", "What are the alternatives for the UK government? ", "A US-UK trade deal? ", "A more extreme worldwide trade deal? ", "If the UK government aims to compensate for the large negative trade shock of Brexit, the options seem limited. ", "Based on existing empirical evidence on trade agreements, our conclusion is simple. ", "If the UK wants to limit the negative trade effects of Brexit, the UK has no trade-enhancing alternative to an agreement with the EU that essentially mimics the situation in which the UK is a member of the EU.", "\n\nThis post represents the views of the authors and not those of the Brexit blog, nor the LSE. ", "It first appeared at VOX, CEPR’s policy portal.", "\n\nSteven Brakman is Professor of International Economics at the University of Groningen.", "\n\nHarry Garretsen is Professor of International Economics and Business at the University of Groningen.", "\n\nTristan Kohl is Assistant Professor of Global Economics and Management at the University of Groningen." ]
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[ "\nAcross furtive videocons, junior VCs wait for the layoffs to begin - e2e4\nhttps://techcrunch.com/2020/03/18/across-furtive-videocons-junior-vcs-wait-for-the-layoffs-to-begin/\n======\nseibelj\nPre-2008 financial crisis we didn't have the iPhone, no app stores, cloud\nhadn't truly taken off, and my graduating class of 4000 students had only 30\ncomputer science majors. ", "The 2010's were such a golden age for software\ndevelopers in terms of salaries, employers bending over backwards, never\nending funding, etc. ", "etc. ", "Many young tech workers are \"children of the summer\"\nand never known any dark days. ", "Although this will be painful, it will also\nteach people a lot of lessons. ", "A lot of weaker talent, sketchy business\nmodels, and fast money investors are going to wash out and the industry will\nemerge stronger.", "\n\n~~~\nbdcravens\n> A lot of weaker talent, sketchy business models, and fast money investors\n> are going to wash out and the industry will emerge stronger.", "\n\nSounds like 2002. (", "In other words, been there, done that, got through it by\nworking for \"boring\" companies)\n\n~~~\nrodgerd\nIt will be an unpleasant surprise on a lot of levels, ranging from the big -\njob opportunities, salaries - to the small. ", "One of the things that happened\nboth in 2002 and 2008/2009 was a sudden swing back to demands for suits, ties,\nand so on. ", "There are a _lot_ of people who resent their staff flexiworking,\nwearing jeans, and generally acting like it's not 1962 any more.", "\n\n~~~\nitronitron\n>> There are a lot of people who resent their staff flexiworking\n\nBut that demographic is more at risk of dying from covid-19. ", "The irony is that\nthey are more protected by everyone working from home and that their younger\ncolleagues will have more career opportunities if everyone comes into the\noffice and spreads it.", "\n\n~~~\nrodgerd\nPeople hating non-customer facing staff dressing like it's the weekend isn't\nrational; what makes you think irrational behaviours are isolated?", "\n\n------\nerik_landerholm\nThis article reads like a bad gossip rag but instead of being about failing\nceleb marriages it’s less interesting.", "\n\n~~~\ndehrmann\nI miss Valleywag.", "\n\n------\npbiggar\n> Third, and this is rarer, some funds have made loans or real estate\n> investments using their management fee income as a way to boost the salary\n> returns of the general partners.", "\n\nThey what?!?", "\n\n~~~\ngumby\nThe management fee is just cash for the GPs and they can do with it what they\nwant. ", "In theory it's to run their business until investments cash out but\nnotice how they always force the company they are investing to pay legal fees\n(i.e. take it immediately out of the LP's new investment)? ", "They just treat it\nas their income.", "\n\n~~~\nestsauver\nThe reason for this, that makes sense to me, is that there's typically one\nlead investor negotiating terms and often many other following investors. ", "If\nthe lead investor was the only one who was paying, then only the lead would\ntake the dilution.", "\n\nIf this is spread out among all investors, it's conceptually more fair since\nthe lead is negotiating for all of the investors effectively. ", "At that point,\nif you have a 50k legal bill, you can either say it's a 1M$ round where each\ninvestor has to chip in their share, or you say it's a 1.05M$ round and the\ncompany has to pay.", "\n\n~~~\ngumby\nOh come on they can manage their own side of the fees. ", "It’s merely petty\ngreed.", "\n\nAlso a $25MM round likely costs about $40K (combined) to do. ", "So does a $5MM\nround. ", "Shameful. ", "I always cap the total fees at $30K which pisses off the\nlawyers but the VCs shrug.", "\n\n------\nxwowsersx\nSerious question, is this normal for TC or journalism in general?", "\n\n> We are actively reporting this; feel free to reach out to me or other\n> staffers at TechCrunch if you have tips here.", "\n\nSeems wildly unprofessional/sloppy to me.", "\n\n~~~\npjc50\nHow else are reporters supposed to find this stuff out?", "\n\n~~~\nu801e\nA lot of articles these days source their material from various social media\nposts. ", "There are some articles where the vast majority of the content comes\nfrom embedded Twitter posts.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Roofing\n\nAt Custom Remodeling And Repair our door services include special work such as custom designed doors and odd sized doors to fit unusual spaces, or to give your home a unique appearance. ", "With knowledge in door and window hardware products we are a leader in all repairs.", "\n\nDifferent Kinds of Doors:\n\nWood Doors – Wood Doors are traditional and may be painted or finished to suit any style. ", "Wood is a warm and natural look and feel that most people prefer. ", "Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Maple, and Pine.", "\n\nFiberglass Doors - Fiberglass doors are insulated and extremely low maintenance, while still being durable. ", "Unlike wood doors they are resistant to dents, chips and don't need to be resealed or repainted. ", "Fiberglass doors can be stained with a wood look and come with warranty.", "\n\nSteel Doors – If you are looking for durability and security steel doors can be an alternative to conventional doors. ", "May require some maintenance because like wood they can scratch and dent.", "\n\nBecause all doors are unique call us for a quote.", "\n\nBetterBusinessBeurauMember\n\nContact Us Today\n\nIf you want more information fill in this form. ", "You will be contacted as soon as possible.", "Please fill in all required fields." ]
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[ "Site of pegylation and polyethylene glycol molecule size attenuate interferon-alpha antiviral and antiproliferative activities through the JAK/STAT signaling pathway.", "\nTherapeutic pegylated interferon-alphas (IFN-alpha) are mixtures of positional isomers that have been monopegylated at specific sites on the core IFN-alpha molecule. ", "The pegylation results in lower in vitro specific activity associated with the core IFN-alpha molecule that is related to the site of pegylation and size of polyethylene glycol (PEG) attached. ", "We prepared purified, homogeneous, positional pegylation isomers of IFN-alpha2b that were monopegylated using 5-30-kDa linear PEG molecules attached at 7 primary reactive amino acid residues: Cys(1), His(34), Lys(31), Lys(83), Lys(121), Lys(131), and Lys(134). ", "The isomers were evaluated for STAT translocation and antiviral and antiproliferative activity. ", "The site of pegylation strongly influenced activity relative to an IFN-alpha2b control. ", "The highest residual activity was observed with the His(34) positional isomers, and the lowest was observed with the Cys(1) positional isomers. ", "The Lys positional isomers demonstrated intermediate activity, with a general order of Lys(134) > Lys(83) approximately Lys(131) approximately Lys(121) > Lys(31). ", "The progressive relationship between decreased activity and increased PEG size suggests that pegylation may interfere with interaction and binding of IFN-alpha to the IFNAR1-IFNAR2 heterodimeric receptor. ", "The higher specific activity associated with the His(34) positional isomer suggests that this site may be favorable for pegylating IFN-alpha2b molecules." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Q:\n\nInsert into array during foreach\n\nI'm fairly certain the answer is no, but is it possible to insert something into an array during a foreach loop? ", "Ideally at the very spot you are at in the array during the loop.", "\nFor example:\nforeach($stock->StockData as &$stock) { \n if($dateTime < $stock['DateTime']) {\n // INSERT NEW RECORD AT THIS SPOT IN THE ARRAY\n } \n}\n\nAs I say, I'm fairly certain the answer is no, but rather than build a new array, I just thought I'd ask.", "\n\nA:\n\nI stand corrected!", "\nhttp://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/webprog/php/ch05_07.htm\nIt apparently is just fine to do this in PHP.", "\nAccording to the reference, PHP operates on a copy of the array when you start a foreach iterator, meaning that the iterator will not be corrupted by operations on the original array within the body of the foreach!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Wednesday, March 28, 2012\n\nMy baby turned 9 yesterday. ", "NINE! ", "Where has the time gone.", "\n\nI remember writing around nap times and giving advice to other mothers doing the same.....now it's baseball and Wii and anything electronic, sportscards and math (yes, seriously, they both love math). ", "Not to mention the older one is closing in on the same height as me....sigh. ", "All too fast." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "import unittest\nfrom nose import SkipTest\nimport wntr\n\n\nclass TestTCVs(unittest.", "TestCase):\n\n @classmethod\n def setUpClass(cls):\n pass\n\n @classmethod\n def tearDownClass(cls):\n pass\n\n def test_pipe_minor_loss(self):\n \n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.1)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', length=10.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3048, valve_type='TCV',\n minor_loss=30.0, setting=60.0)\n\n valve = wn.get_link('v1')\n open_action = wntr.network.", "ControlAction(valve, 'status', wntr.network.", "LinkStatus.", "Opened)\n control = wntr.network.controls.", "Control._time_control(wn, 7200, time_flag='SIM_TIME', daily_flag=False, control_action=open_action)\n wn.add_control('c1', control)\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn, mode='DD')\n results1 = sim.run_sim()\n \n raise SkipTest # EPANET seg faults\n \n sim = wntr.sim.", "EpanetSimulator(wn)\n results2 = sim.run_sim()\n\n for t in results2.time:\n head1 = results1.node['head'].loc[t, 'j2']\n head2 = results2.node['head'].loc[t, 'j2']\n head_diff = abs(head1 - head2)\n self.assertLess(head_diff, 0.01)\n\n\nclass TestPSVs(unittest.", "TestCase):\n def test_active(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.2)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3, valve_type='PSV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=18)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p3', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='j2')\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n res = sim.run_sim()\n\n for t in res.time:\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[t, 'v1'], 2)\n self.assertAlmostEqual(res.node['head'].loc[t, 'j1'], 18)\n\n def test_open(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.2)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3, valve_type='PSV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=10)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p3', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='j2')\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n res = sim.run_sim()\n\n for t in res.time:\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[t, 'v1'], 1)\n\n def test_active_to_open_to_close(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r2', base_head=30)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.2)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3, valve_type='PSV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=15)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p3', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='j2')\n wn.add_pipe(name='p4', start_node_name='r2', end_node_name='t1')\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n res = sim.run_sim()\n\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[0, 'v1'], 2)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[3600, 'v1'], 1)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[7200, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[10800, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[14400, 'v1'], 0)\n\n def test_active_to_open(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.2)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3, valve_type='PSV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=15)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p3', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='j2')\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n res = sim.run_sim()\n\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[0, 'v1'], 2)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[3600, 'v1'], 2)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[7200, 'v1'], 2)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[10800, 'v1'], 1)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[14400, 'v1'], 1)\n\n def test_close(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.2)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j2', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.3, valve_type='PSV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=15)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p3', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='j2')\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n res = sim.run_sim()\n\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[0, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[3600, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[7200, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[10800, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[14400, 'v1'], 0)\n\n def test_close_to_open_to_active(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 12\n wn.add_reservoir(name='t0', base_head=30)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=40.0, max_level=100, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t2', init_level=0, max_level=100)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='t0', end_node_name='j1', diameter=0.2)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3, valve_type='PSV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=25)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p3', start_node_name='j2', end_node_name='t1')\n wn.add_pipe(name='p4', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='t2')\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n res = sim.run_sim()\n #print(res.node['head'])\n #print(res.link['flowrate'])\n #print(res.link['status'])\n\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[0, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[3600, 'v1'], 0)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[7200, 'v1'], 1)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[10800, 'v1'], 2)\n self.assertEqual(res.link['status'].loc[14400, 'v1'], 2)\n\n\nclass TestFCVs(unittest.", "TestCase):\n\n @classmethod\n def setUpClass(cls):\n pass\n\n @classmethod\n def tearDownClass(cls):\n pass\n\n def test_active_FCV(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25.0, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p2', start_node_name='j2', end_node_name='t1', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3048, valve_type='FCV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=0.01)\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n results1 = sim.run_sim()\n \n raise SkipTest # EPANET seg faults\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "EpanetSimulator(wn)\n results2 = sim.run_sim()\n\n for t in results2.time:\n self.assertAlmostEqual(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1'], 0.01, 7)\n self.assertAlmostEqual(results2.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1'], 0.01, 7)\n\n def test_open_FCV(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 4\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25.0, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='j1', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p2', start_node_name='j2', end_node_name='t1', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3048, valve_type='FCV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=0.1)\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n results1 = sim.run_sim()\n \n raise SkipTest # EPANET seg faults\n \n sim = wntr.sim.", "EpanetSimulator(wn)\n results2 = sim.run_sim()\n\n for t in results2.time:\n self.assertLess(abs(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1'] - results2.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1']), 1e-5)\n self.assertLess(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1'], 0.09)\n\n def test_open_to_active_FCV(self):\n wn = wntr.network.", "WaterNetworkModel()\n wn.options.time.duration = 3600 * 10\n wn.add_reservoir(name='r1', base_head=20.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t1', init_level=10.0, max_level=25.0, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j1', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_junction(name='j2', base_demand=0.0)\n wn.add_tank(name='t2', init_level=10.0, max_level=25.0, min_vol=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p0', start_node_name='r1', end_node_name='t1', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p1', start_node_name='t1', end_node_name='j1', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_pipe(name='p2', start_node_name='j2', end_node_name='t2', length=1000.0, diameter=0.3048,\n roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0)\n wn.add_valve(name='v1', start_node_name='j1', end_node_name='j2', diameter=0.3048, valve_type='FCV',\n minor_loss=100.0, setting=0.03)\n\n sim = wntr.sim.", "WNTRSimulator(wn)\n results1 = sim.run_sim()\n\n raise SkipTest # EPANET seg faults\n \n sim = wntr.sim.", "EpanetSimulator(wn)\n results2 = sim.run_sim()\n\n for t in results2.time:\n self.assertLess(abs(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1'] - results2.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1']), 1e-4)\n if t > 7200:\n self.assertLess(abs(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[t, 'v1'] - 0.03), 1e-8)\n \n self.assertLess(abs(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[0, 'v1'] - 0.0), 1e-5)\n self.assertLess(abs(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[3600, 'v1'] - 0.0245344210416), 1e-5)\n self.assertLess(abs(results1.link['flowrate'].loc[7200, 'v1'] - 0.0293480847031), 1e-5)\n" ]
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[ "Daily Photo Galleries\n\nTraveling by Jeep, boat and foot, Tribune-Review investigative reporter Carl Prine and photojournalist Justin Merriman covered nearly 2,000 miles over two months along the border with Mexico to report on coyotes — the human traffickers who bring illegal immigrants into the United States. ", "Most are Americans working for money and/or drugs. ", "This series reports how their operations have a major impact on life for residents and the environment along the border — and beyond.", "\n\nBy Condoleezza Rice\n\nWednesday, Nov. 21, 2012, 8:52 p.m.\n\nThe civil war in Syria may well be the last act in the story of the disintegration of the Middle East as we know it. ", "The opportunity to hold the region together and to rebuild it on a firmer foundation of tolerance, freedom and, eventually, democratic stability is slipping from our grasp.", "\n\nEgypt and Iran are states with long, continuous histories and strong national identities. ", "Turkey is as well, but there is the matter of the Kurds, who are still largely unassimilated.", "\n\nEvery other important state is a modern construct, created by the British without regard for ethnic and sectarian differences. ", "The results: A Bahrain that is 70 percent Shiite, governed by a Sunni monarch. ", "Saudi Arabia was created with a 10 percent Shiite population in its richest provinces to the east. ", "Iraq is 65 percent Shiite, 20 percent Sunni, and a mix of Kurds and others, all ruled until 2003 by an iron-fisted Sunni dictator. ", "Jordan's population is almost 70 percent Palestinian. ", "Lebanon is roughly evenly divided among Sunnis, Shiites and Christians. ", "And then there is Syria: a conglomerate of Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds and others, ruled by the Alawite minority.", "\n\nThis fragile state structure has been held together for decades by monarchs and dictators. ", "But as the desire for freedom has spread, authoritarians have lost their grip.", "\n\nThe conflict in Syria is pushing Iraq and others to the breaking point. ", "At the same time, U.S. disengagement has tempted Iraqi politicians to move toward sectarian allies for survival. ", "If Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki cannot count on the Americans, he will take no risks with Tehran.", "\n\nThe great mistake of the past year has been to define the conflict with Bashar Assad's regime as a humanitarian one. ", "The regime in Damascus has been brutal and many innocent people have been slaughtered. ", "But this was no replay of Libya. ", "Much more is at stake.", "\n\nAs Syria crumbles, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds are being drawn into a regional web of confessional allegiances. ", "Iran envisions the spread of its influence among Shiites, uniting them under the theocratic flag of Tehran. ", "Iran uses terrorists groups, Hezbollah and the Shiite militias in southern Iraq to do its bidding. ", "Syria is the linchpin, the bridge into the Arab Middle East.", "\n\nIn response, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other neighboring powers arm and support Sunni factions. ", "The Turks are being drawn into the conflict, desperately fearful that the Kurds will break away in Syria and push their brethren in Turkey to do the same.", "\n\nBut where is the United States? ", "America has spent 12 months trying to get the Russians and the Chinese to agree to toothless U.N. resolutions to “stop the bloodshed,” as though Moscow will abandon Assad and Beijing really cares about chaos in the Middle East.", "\n\nIn recent days, France has stepped into the diplomatic vacuum to recognize a newly formed opposition that is broadly representative of all Syrians. ", "The United States should follow Paris' lead. ", "U.S. weight and influence are needed.", "\n\nThe breakdown of the Middle East state system is a grave risk. ", "Iran will win, our allies will lose and for decades the region's misery and violence will make today's chaos look tame.", "\n\nWar is not receding in the Middle East. ", "It is building to a crescendo. ", "America must act.", "\n\nTribLive commenting policy\n\nYou are solely responsible for your comments and by using TribLive.com you agree to our Terms of Service.", "\n\nWe moderate comments. ", "Our goal is to provide substantive commentary for a general readership. ", "By screening submissions, we provide a space where readers can share intelligent and informed commentary that enhances the quality of our news and information.", "\n\nWhile most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. ", "We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. ", "Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers.", "\n\nWe value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. ", "We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments — either by the same reader or different readers.", "\n\nWe follow the same standards for taste as the daily newspaper. ", "A few things we won't tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence, proselytizing and SHOUTING. ", "Don't include URLs to Web sites.", "\n\nWe do not edit comments. ", "They are either approved or deleted. ", "We reserve the right to edit a comment that is quoted or excerpted in an article. ", "In this case, we may fix spelling and punctuation.", "\n\nWe welcome strong opinions and criticism of our work, but we don't want comments to become bogged down with discussions of our policies and we will moderate accordingly.", "\n\nWe appreciate it when readers and people quoted in articles or blog posts point out errors of fact or emphasis and will investigate all assertions. ", "But these suggestions should be sent via e-mail. ", "To avoid distracting other readers, we won't publish comments that suggest a correction. ", "Instead, corrections will be made in a blog post or in an article.", "\n\nTotal Promotional Solutions\n\nA division of Trib Total Media is your one-stop-shop for all of your branded merchandise needs.", "\n\nWe specialize in providing quality affordable promotional products for every type of business including non-profits, schools, universities, sports teams and more. ", "With 1000’s of products to choose from, our knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect apparel item or product to suit your needs and budget.", "\n\nDigital Sales\n\nWe offer a wide variety of traditional and new digital advertising options customized to fit your needs!", "\n\nWhether you're just starting out, or you've been a keystone in the community for years, our knowledgeable staff can provide you with a customized package including online banners/advertisements, Social Media Marketing (Facebook / Twitter), Website development, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing solutions and much more!", "\n\nContact your local sales rep today for details, personalized proposal and a meeting to discuss how we can meet your needs." ]
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[ "“Sarah Palin Has Ruined America”–isn’t the Left like the masochist saying to the sadist: “Hurt me, hurt me,” to which the sadist replies: “No.”", "\nThey were on about this “awful” woman for those years, and, perhaps reluctantly, she declines to run. ", "Now the Left’s diaper runneth over.", "\nCan we pour too much contempt upon the Left? ", "Why, no: no, we cannot.", "\n\n[…] if you like your health insurance you can keep it. ", "Update: Linked by The Pirate’s Cove and The Other McCain – thanks!google_ad_client = \"ca-pub-1395656889568144\"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ […]" ]
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[ "What is \"Open It\" ?", "It's a consumer friendly product that can open any package. ", "It's a cure for Wrap Rage. ", "Groups of women known as \"Designing Women\" with the Zibra Company, suffering from frustration of opening plastic packaging took action and developed a solution.", "\n\nThe Open It combines a cutting tool, dual-head screwdriver and retractable cutting blade in one safe and easy to use tool. ", "The Open It easily opens clamshells, toy packaging, boxes, CDs, DVDs, battery compartments and more.", "\n\nWhat makes it unique?The unique part of it is that the jaws are offset - this keeps your hand out of the way so you don't cut your hands.", "\n\nThe Open It cuts thru the wire ties on toys, or electronics, corrugated heavy tape.", "\n\nBut what really makes us unique in the marketplace is we design our products for women, but also by women. ", "We have teams of women, maybe 8 people, and we make sure the chemistry is right. ", "We never talk about products. ", "They talk about the experience of something. ", "So we had a group that explored the problem of opening things - packages, presents, things that arrive at your house. ", "And when we realize we've got something, we add in some engineers who can solve the problem.", "\n\nSince 83% of all consumer purchase decisions are made by women, we thought it would be a good idea to create products that are designed by women who actually use and have a need for these products.", "\n\nAre you making money ?", "This tool has sold extremely well at Home Depot, Walgreens and Bed Bath & Beyond. ", "We originally placed it in 10,000 retail outlets, now it's in 30,000. ", "It works, it solves a problem.", "\n\nWhy the different colors?The group that liked the orange was a younger group, and other groups liked berry red and mocha.", "\n\nWhy is it in a hard-to-open package ?", "People always ask that. ", "Retailers won't sell it any other way.", "\n\nHow did you get started, and what's ahead ?", "I put up my own money. ", "Now we are in the black, and not looking for capital at the moment. ", "But we are looking for more problems to solve and to expand our business. ", "Then we'll look for capital.", "\n\nAre you a buyout target ?", "Not today, we're relatively new. ", "Maybe in 3 or 4 yrs if we maintain the growth." ]
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[ "Saul Phillips\n\nSaul Phillips is the name of:\n\nSaúl Phillips (born 1984), Costa Rican footballer\nSaul Phillips (basketball) (born 1972), American college basketball head coach and former player" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an electronic control system of a power train for a hybrid electric vehicle. ", "More specifically, the present invention relates to the electronic control system of a power train including three motor-generators.", "\nAccording to one aspect of the invention, the power train includes a gas turbine and a flywheel, both of which contain motor-generators, and an electric traction motor-generator. ", "According to another aspect of the invention, the present invention includes the logic and power electronics and the associated software with which to control the three motor-generators during all operating modes, i e., during the starting, accelerating, cruising, braking, hill climbing and hill descending modes of operations of the motor vehicle.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nNumerous references describe methods of controlling hybrid vehicles powered by various combinations of heat engines and electrochemical batteries. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,042,056 discloses a system whereby an installed battery can be recharged by either house current or a mobile generator. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,187,436 describes a solution to the difficult problem of management of the charge of the batteries and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,211,930 discloses use of the traction motor in connection with regenerative braking.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,313,080 provides extensive disclosure regarding the management and use of nickel cadmium batteries in vehicle applications and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,407,132 describes a synergistic combination of an engine driven generator and a battery for improving the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. ", "More recently, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,547,678 discloses the use of a signal processor in the control of the motor generator of a hybrid electric vehicle while U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,951,769 describes the use of inverters and rectifiers in hybrid electric vehicles. ", "In a variation on conventional hybrid vehicles, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,172,784 discloses the use of an external combustion, free piston engine which is capable of burning variety of fuels.", "\nThe paper entitled \"Hybrid/Electric: Vehicle Design Options and Evaluations\" by A. F. Burke, SAE International Congress and Exposition, Feb. 1992, describes a large variety of hybrid electric vehicle configurations, but does not provide any details regarding their respective control systems.", "\nNone of the power trains described in these patent references deal with the use of a flywheel for energy storage and surge power, the use of a gas turbine as the heat engine, or the interrelated dynamic control of such systems." ]
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[ "Precursor T cell leukemia--immunological, cytochemical and morphological studies.", "\nA case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a giant splenomegaly in an 8-year-old boy was investigated by immunological, cytochemical and electronmicroscopical techniques. ", "Bone marrow and peripheral blood were largely replaced by large blast cells with a nonconvoluted nucleus. ", "Cytochemically, most of the blast cells showed strong focal acid phosphatase activity. ", "In the surface marker studies, these blast cells formed EAC rosettes but not E rosettes, while they showed positive reactivity with anti-T lymphocyte serum but not with anti-B lymphocyte serum. ", "This membrane phenotype E-, C3R+, T+, B- suggested that leukemic blast cells in this patient presumably originated from precursor T cells." ]
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[ "/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. \nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation\n\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.", "\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\nwith this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */", "\n\n#include \"StdH.h\"\n#include <Engine/Ska/Render.h>\n#include <Shaders/Common.h>\n\n#define TEXTURE_COUNT 2\n#define UVMAPS_COUNT 1\n#define COLOR_COUNT 2\n#define FLOAT_COUNT 0\n#define FLAGS_COUNT 2\n\n#define BASE_TEXTURE 0\n#define BASE_UVMAP 0\n#define BASE_COLOR 0\n#define BASE_FLOAT 0\n#define SPECULAR_TEXTURE 1\n#define SPECULAR_COLOR 1\n\nSHADER_MAIN(Specular)\n{\n shaSetTexture(BASE_TEXTURE);\n shaSetTextureWrapping( GFX_REPEAT, GFX_REPEAT);\n shaSetUVMap(BASE_UVMAP);\n shaSetColor(BASE_COLOR);\n shaEnableDepthTest();\n shaDepthFunc(GFX_LESS_EQUAL);\n\n shaCalculateLight();\n\n COLOR colModelColor = MulColors(shaGetModelColor(),shaGetCurrentColor());\n BOOL bDoubleSides = shaGetFlags() & BASE_DOUBLE_SIDED;\n BOOL bOpaque = (colModelColor&0xFF)==0xFF;\n\n if(shaOverBrightningEnabled()) shaSetTextureModulation(2);\n\n // if fully opaque\n if(bOpaque) {\n if(bDoubleSides) {\n shaCullFace(GFX_NONE);\n } else {\n shaCullFace(GFX_BACK);\n }\n shaDisableAlphaTest();\n shaDisableBlend();\n shaEnableDepthWrite();\n // if translucent\n } else {\n shaEnableBlend();\n shaBlendFunc(GFX_SRC_ALPHA, GFX_INV_SRC_ALPHA);\n shaDisableDepthWrite();\n shaModifyColorForFog();\n if(bDoubleSides) {\n shaCullFace(GFX_FRONT);\n shaRender();\n }\n shaCullFace(GFX_BACK);\n }\n\n shaRender();\n if(shaOverBrightningEnabled()) shaSetTextureModulation(1);\n DoSpecularLayer(SPECULAR_TEXTURE,SPECULAR_COLOR);\n\n if(bOpaque) {\n shaDoFogPass();\n }\n\n}\n\nSHADER_DESC(Specular,ShaderDesc &shDesc)\n{\n shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames.", "New(TEXTURE_COUNT);\n shDesc.sd_astrTexCoordNames.", "New(UVMAPS_COUNT);\n shDesc.sd_astrColorNames.", "New(COLOR_COUNT);\n shDesc.sd_astrFloatNames.", "New(FLOAT_COUNT);\n shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames.", "New(FLAGS_COUNT);\n\n shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames[0] = \"Base texture\";\n shDesc.sd_astrTextureNames[1] = \"Specular texture\";\n shDesc.sd_astrTexCoordNames[0] = \"Base uvmap\";\n shDesc.sd_astrColorNames[0] = \"Base color\";\n shDesc.sd_astrColorNames[1] = \"Specular color\";\n shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames[0] = \"Double sided\";\n shDesc.sd_astrFlagNames[1] = \"Full bright\";\n shDesc.sd_strShaderInfo = \"Basic shader\";\n}\n" ]
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[ "Gert Wünsche\n\nGert Wünsche (born 19 February 1943) is a former German footballer.", "\n\nWünsche made 22 appearances for Fortuna Düsseldorf in the Fußball-Bundesliga during his playing career.", "\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:1943 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:German footballers\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Bundesliga players\nCategory:Fortuna Düsseldorf players" ]
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[ "Search\n\nThe Main Thing\n\nMark Johnson of Picabo, Idaho\n\nPublished in the August 2013 IssuePublished online: Aug 29, 2013Michael Deulley, Staff Writer\n\n\"N ice View. ", "As the only potato grower in the valley of Picabo, Idaho, Mark Johnson and company have a unique view.", "\n\nLocated about 56 miles north of the Snake River and nestled in the valleys of Picabo, Idaho, sits the nearly 700 acres of Silver Creek Seed, a potato seed operation spearheaded by owner Mark Johnson and his wife, Jill. ", "One look at these fields and it's easy to see that potatoes are Johnson's business, and business is good. ", "But this story doesn't begin in greatness, but rather hard-work and humility. ", "What is now a successful agricultural business started as any success story begins: with its roots in the soil.", "\n\nHistory in the Making\n\nJohnson grew up in Hazelton, Idaho, where his father, originally an electrician by trade, farmed 120 acres of beans and wheat. ", "Being raised on a farm, he quickly developed a grower's attitude toward hard work. ", "Stacking the cards in his favor at an early age, Johnson was honing the skills and industrious work ethic necessary to fuel what would become a profitable and exciting future.", "\n\nAs Johnson grew, he explored his options in life as most young men do. ", "He attended the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) as a student in forestry services. ", "It was during his time in college when, in 1986, he met his future wife, Jill Cummins. ", "Jill is the daughter of Allen and Judy Cummins, who, at the time along with two of his brothers, ran a very large and profitable commercial and seed potato operation.", "\n\nAt the request of his new father-in-law, Johnson left CSI and began working on the farm under the leadership of the Cummins family. ", "He remained a dedicated farm hand for 19 years. ", "During his time on the Cummins' farm, Johnson learned the tricks of the trade, obtaining critical skills and knowledge needed to operate a potato farm. ", "Life seemed to be set for Johnson, his wife and their growing family. ", "Then, abruptly, in 2005 the Cummins stopped their farm production and Johnson found himself searching for new income.", "\n\n\"I was unemployed, sitting in the parking lot, wondering what I was going to do,\" Johnson says.", "\n\nWhat had been a promising career in the agricultural industry seemed to be crashing down around him. ", "The time that Johnson invested in the fields had left him with little options on where to turn, and left him questioning his next move. ", "Luckily, the years spent tending and harvesting didn't go unnoticed. ", "Gerald Bashaw, a friend of Johnson, had his eye set on his incredible work ethic and determination to excel in business and teamed up with Johnson to start a new chapter in the potato industry. ", "A partnership was born, and a new seed operation was in full swing.", "\n\n\"Gerald put up the money and financing, we both invested in equipment, and the farm began,\" he says.", "\n\nHaving the right friends and the sharp mind for business, Johnson and Bashaw's Silver Creek Seed operation broke ground in 2006, and-with the dedication and tireless labor of a true grower-has grown exponentially in the years since. ", "Although the business was profitable and thriving, the high cost of land in the area has kept Johnson from owning his own. ", "He rents his cultivatable land from nearby growers in the Bellevue Triangle, Picabo and Carey areas. ", "Since business has begun to see astounding financial growth, he has intentions of reaching for more.", "\n\n\"Right now we grow about 690 acres of seed. ", "We started out with Russet Burbanks and Rangers, which were shipped to parts of Washington and the Magic Valley. ", "But when we started to become more successful, we diversified to other varieties including yellows and reds, and ship anywhere from California to Wisconsin,\" Johnson continued. \"", "Eventually, we'd like to include barley and buy some land of our own.\"", "\n\nThe seed of industry planted back in 2006 has grown into a national business and shown Johnson to be a potato farming dynamo. ", "This success has given Johnson not only the ability to pay off his equipment in full, but in 2011, he bought the business from Bashaw and became sole owner of Silver Creek Seed. ", "With his feet in the soil and his aim on the stars, Johnson's drive and hard work has created an agricultural operation that-just like his potatoes-will continue to flourish and grow.", "\n\nBack to Business\n\nJohnson currently serves as the chairman for United Seed Potato Board, serves on the PAC committee for Idaho Crop Improvement Association and has served on the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI) board. ", "Being an active member in the industry has helped Johnson become a more aware and prosperous grower. ", "He also gives credit to all of the people in his life that made his business possible. ", "Nowadays, if Johnson isn't deliberating the logistical side of potato farming, he can be found out in the fields, doing what he does best.", "\n\n\"My wife's uncle, who was also my boss at the time, had a plaque on his desk that read, `The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing,'\" Johnson said, laughing. \"", "That's what potatoes are to me: the main thing.\"", "\n\nWith the use of drones, tractor-mounted sensors and software, Raptor Maps has created an affordable system for growers that allows them to precisely map, analyze and measure the quality of crops at critical times during the growing season.", "\n\nDozens of groups, organizations and decision makers are opposing breaching of the lower Snake River dams and are urging that the Trump administration directly intervene to put an end to discussions about breaching them." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nModule or extension to use for tracking agreements?", "\n\nI'm looking for a module or extension that has been written for tracking contracts/agreements between organizations within CiviCRM (on drupal). ", "We would like to be able to track all the activities that happen related to that agreement within CiviCRM.", "\nI thought Cases might be a good way to do this, but they are started based on a single contact.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can setup CiviCase to enable multiple clients per case, by editing your xml/configuration/Settings.xml file. ", "Set <AllowMultipleCaseClients>1</AllowMultipleCaseClients>\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy is my svg crisp when imported, but blurry as a cursor?", "\n\nI was trying to use the following svg image as a cursor for my document:\n\n<svg height=\"128\" width=\"128\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 144 135.92\"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#ef0000;}</style></defs><g id=\"Layer_2\" data-name=\"Layer 2\"><g id=\"Layer_1-2\" data-name=\"Layer 1\"><path class=\"cls-1\" d=\"M72,135.92,52.25,103c-.54-.91-.59-7.11.32-8.23l1-1.16,8.06,1.18V78.2H42.18l1.17,7.53-.81.93c-1.47,1.69-7.86.93-8.27.75L0,68,34,48.6c.6-.29,6.9-.9,8.34.48l1,1-1.18,7.61H61.63V41.1l-8.1,1.21-1-1.17c-.91-1.11-.86-7.32-.33-8.21L72,0,91.75,32.91c.5.85.68,7-.3,8.23l-1,1.17-8-1.19V57.7h19.36L100.61,50l1.08-1c1.41-1.27,7.62-.73,8-.54L144,68,110,87.3c-.65.3-6.95,1-8.42-.54l-.91-1,1.17-7.55H82.37V94.8l8.12-1.19,1,1.16c1,1.22.8,7.38.31,8.21Zm-14.82-35L72,125.58l14.82-24.7c0-.36,0-.85,0-1.35L77.05,101V73h31l-1.45,9.37H108L133.24,68l-25.3-14.4h-1.38L108,63H77.14V35l9.67,1.44c0-.51,0-1,0-1.36L72,10.34,57.18,35c0,.36,0,.85,0,1.36L67,34.92V63H36l1.45-9.4H36L10.76,68l25.3,14.37h1.38L36,72.88H66.91v28.06L57.2,99.52C57.19,100,57.18,100.52,57.18,100.89Z\"/></g></g></svg>\r\n<svg height=\"16\" width=\"16\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 144 135.92\"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#ef0000;}</style></defs><g id=\"Layer_2\" data-name=\"Layer 2\"><g id=\"Layer_1-2\" data-name=\"Layer 1\"><path class=\"cls-1\" d=\"M72,135.92,52.25,103c-.54-.91-.59-7.11.32-8.23l1-1.16,8.06,1.18V78.2H42.18l1.17,7.53-.81.93c-1.47,1.69-7.86.93-8.27.75L0,68,34,48.6c.6-.29,6.9-.9,8.34.48l1,1-1.18,7.61H61.63V41.1l-8.1,1.21-1-1.17c-.91-1.11-.86-7.32-.33-8.21L72,0,91.75,32.91c.5.85.68,7-.3,8.23l-1,1.17-8-1.19V57.7h19.36L100.61,50l1.08-1c1.41-1.27,7.62-.73,8-.54L144,68,110,87.3c-.65.3-6.95,1-8.42-.54l-.91-1,1.17-7.55H82.37V94.8l8.12-1.19,1,1.16c1,1.22.8,7.38.31,8.21Zm-14.82-35L72,125.58l14.82-24.7c0-.36,0-.85,0-1.35L77.05,101V73h31l-1.45,9.37H108L133.24,68l-25.3-14.4h-1.38L108,63H77.14V35l9.67,1.44c0-.51,0-1,0-1.36L72,10.34,57.18,35c0,.36,0,.85,0,1.36L67,34.92V63H36l1.45-9.4H36L10.76,68l25.3,14.37h1.38L36,72.88H66.91v28.06L57.2,99.52C57.19,100,57.18,100.52,57.18,100.89Z\"/></g></g></svg>\n\nhtml {\n cursor: url(cursor/move.svg), auto;\n}\n\nBut it doesn't matter if I change its size to something big (128px) or small, and it doesn't matter if I'm on Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, it is still somewhat pixelated. ", "It is crisp and clean when I import it into the HTML document, but blurry and pixelated when I use it as a cursor. ", "What am I doing wrong?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen SVG images are rendered, horizontal and vertical lines that follow integer coordinates will be spread across the two pixels on either side (above/below horizontal lines, and to the left/right of vertical lines). ", "This makes them appear blurry.", "\nTo avoid this, create your design using integer coordinates, then offset the results by half a pixel in the X and Y directions. ", "The results will be much sharper.", "\nAlso, it would make more sense to draw the cursor at the dimensions you want instead of at a much larger size that you have to scale down.", "\nHere's a simple cursor drawn with and without a half-pixel offset. ", "You should be able to see it much more clearly with the added offset.", "\n\n<!-- ", "Lines following integer coordinates -->\r\n<svg height=\"16\" width=\"16\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\r\n<path d=\"M8,1L10.5,4L9,4L9,7L12,7L12,5.5L15,8\r\n L12,10.5L12,9L9,9L9,12L10.5,12L8,15\r\n L5.5,12L7,12L7,9L4,9L4,10.5L1,8L4,5.5\r\n L4,7L7,7L7,4L5.5,4L8,1Z\" fill=\"none\"\r\n stroke=\"#e00\" stroke-width=\"0.8\"\r\n stroke-miterlimit=\"2\"/>\r\n</svg>\r\n\r\n<!-- ", "Lines offset by half a pixel -->\r\n<svg height=\"16\" width=\"16\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\r\n<path d=\"M8.5,1.5L11,4.5L9.5,4.5L9.5,7.5\r\n L12.5,7.5L12.5,6L15.5,8.5L12.5,11\r\n L12.5,9.5L9.5,9.5L9.5,12.5L11,12.5\r\n L8.434,15.5L6,12.5L7.5,12.5L7.5,9.5\r\n L4.5,9.5L4.5,11L1.5,8.5L4.5,6L4.5,7.5\r\n L7.5,7.5L7.5,4.5L6,4.5L8.5,1.5Z\"\r\n fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#e00\"\r\n stroke-width=\"0.8\" stroke-miterlimit=\"2\"/>\r\n</svg>\n\nExample:\nThis is what the second of these images looks like when used as a cursor (i.e., the one offset by ½ a pixel):\n\n* {\r\n cursor: url(\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' height='16' width='16' viewBox='0 0 16 16'%3E%3Cpath d='M8.5,1.5L11,4.5L9.5,4.5L9.5,7.5L12.5,7.5L12.5,6L15.5,8.5L12.5,11L12.5,9.5L9.5,9.5L9.5,12.5L11,12.5L8.434,15.5L6,12.5L7.5,12.5L7.5,9.5L4.5,9.5L4.5,11L1.5,8.5L4.5,6L4.5,7.5L7.5,7.5L7.5,4.5L6,4.5L8.5,1.5Z' fill='none' stroke='#e00' stroke-width='0.8' stroke-miterlimit='2'/%3E%3C/svg%3E\") 8 8, move;\r\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "7 connections between Hefei and Derby\n\nAhead of the visit to the Chinese city of Hefei next week by a delegation of business and civic leaders from Derby to promote economic links, here’s an opportunity to learn about the similarities between our two cities.", "\n\nCentral location and access – Derby is the UK’s most central city and Hefei is also situated in the central region of China, 400 kilometres east of Shanghai. ", "It is the capital city of the Anhui province, China’s 8th largest province by population (60 million). ", "Derby benefits from close proximity to the major motorway networks and a regular train service to London. ", "International airports including East Midlands, Birmingham and Manchester, are also close by. ", "Hefei also has strong transport links including an international airport. ", "It is at the heart of China’s high speed rail network, enabling rapid access to major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.", "\n\nIconic landscapes – In common with Derby’s location on the River Derwent, Hefei has a beautiful landscape carved by the Yangtze River Delta, which is the most dynamic economic zone in China. ", "Derby city was recently voted the third most beautiful city and the county of Derbyshire also has some of the country’s most breath-taking countryside.", "\n\nStrong cultural histories – Derby city is around 2,000 years old and has a Roman fort in Chester Green. ", "Hefei also has a long history of over 2,200 years since it was made a county seat in the Qin Dynasty. ", "As the cultural capital of the Anhui province and it is anticipated that programmes can be developed for cultural exchange between the two cities in the future.", "\n\nEconomic growth – Hefei is one of the fastest growing cities in China and among 26 of China’s provincial capital cities, Hefei ranks 12th in GDP gross and 3rd in growth rate. ", "The Derby and Derbyshire area’s economic performance has been identified as the strongest in the UK and is rated as one of the best regions to invest.", "\n\nStrong educational links – Hefei is home to two universities and the University of Derby is keen to establish joint research collaborations and partnerships between Universities and to attract Chinese students to study in Derby. ", "The cities reputation for academic excellence offers many opportunities to share knowledge and learning.", "\n\nIndustrial innovation – As the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, and home to the world’s first factory built in 1721, Derby and Derbyshire has innovation in its DNA. ", "Combine this with the high calibre of businesses including Derby’s cutting-edge manufacturing and engineering firms. ", "Much like Derby, the Anhui Province is a centre for the rail, automotive and aerospace industry, as well as other types of manufacturing. ", "Hefei is the biggest production base for household appliances in China including panel displays and TV/computer screens; renewal energy industries are developing fast.", "\n\nAmbitious people – Derby people are resilient, innovative and industrious, qualities shared by the people of Anhui. ", "Despite the population difference, Hefei has 7.5 million people compared to just over 776,000 in Greater Derby, there are many opportunities for the partnership with Hefei to help us reinforce Derby’s position as a global city and UK capital for innovation." ]
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[ "The Apache Software Foundationは16日(米国時間)、統合開発環境「Apache NetBeans 9.0」のベータ版をリリースした。現在、財団の公式サイトから無償でダウンロード可能。", "\n\n「NetBeans」は、学生プロジェクトとしてチェコのプラハで誕生した統合開発環境。Sun Microsystems社が1999年に買収し、翌年オープンソース化された。その後はSun Microsystems社を買収したOracle社の所有となっていたが、2016年にApacheへ寄贈。現在は、同財団の正式プロジェクトを目指した“インキュベーション”の段階にある。", "\n\n「Apache NetBeans 9.0」ベータ版には、「NetBeans」本体に加え、「Java SE」の開発機能を実現するのに必要なモジュールがすべて組み込まれている。ただし、「Java EE」やJavaScript、PHP、C/C++に関連するモジュールはまだ寄付されておらず、含まれていないという。", "\n\nまた、今回のベータ版リリースは知的財産関連の問題を取り除くことに重点が置かれており、機能はテストされていない。これからコミュニティによる受け入れテストを経て、正式リリースされる見込みだ。" ]
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[ 0.009433962264150943, 0.005405405405405406, 0.0064516129032258064, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to chat to all\n\nI very rarely see chats too all and don't know how to do it myself. ", "Normally it's SHIFT + ENTER\nThe following hotkeys have been tried:\n- SHIFT + ENTER\n- CTRL + ENTER\n- ALT + ENTER\n\nA:\n\nYou can also chat to all from the normal chat window (which you open by pressing Enter) by adding a * in front of your message. (", "e.g: *Hi everyone).", "\nThe following prefixes are available:\n\n; Chat to allies (Default in team game)\n# Chat to enemies (Default in FFA)\n* Chat to everyone\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.007407407407407408 ]
[ "Johnny Carson Moved the Demand Curve Outward\n\nTweet\n\nEvery semester I tell my Principles of Microeconomics students the following true story.", "\n\nOne afternoon during my sophomore year of high school (1973-74), my friend Kerry Dugas and I were walking back from school to my house. ", "We noticed a mildly unusual sight: my father’s pick-up truck arriving home at the same time as we were. (", "Dad usually got home from work about two hours later in the day.) ", "Also, the bed of his truck was loaded with something covered by a canvas tarpaulin.", "\n\n“Hi Dad. ", "Watcha got in the truck?” ", "He raised part of the tarpaulin to reveal toilet paper. ", "Lots of toilet paper. ", "He’d stocked up on toilet paper. ", "Ever attentive to his family’s needs, Dad sprung into action after hearing of a coming shortage of toilet paper. ", "He wasn’t about to let his wife, four kids, and father (who was living with us) be inconvenienced by such a shortage.", "\n\nKerry and I helped Dad to transfer the precious insurance against future inconvenience from his truck into his work shed, where it would be safely stored for ready accessibility when most other Americans were scrambling frantically about seeking flushable, downy-soft, yet-not-too-easily shredded paper tissues.", "\n\nIn teaching, I use this blast from my past when discussing the determinants of demand – one of which is expectations of the future availability of the good in question. ", "Because my father came to expect that toilet paper would be much more difficult to acquire tomorrow, his demand for it increased today.", "\n\nUntil this afternoon, though, I had no idea that the great toilet-paper scare was the doing of Tonight Show host Johnny Carson. ", "I learned of Carson’s role only just now when my colleague Dan Klein shared with me this passage from Robert Dogde’s 2006 book, The Strategist: The Life and Times of Thomas Schelling:\n\n[In 1973] oil-producing Arab nations unleashed … an embargo on oil shipments to countries supporting Israel. ", "By the time the embargo was lifted in 1974, the price of oil had quadrupled, and Americans were trying a variety of schemes to cope with the apparent oil shortage … On December 19, 1973, Johnny Carson opened The Tonight Show by quipping: “You know what’s disappearing from the supermarket shelves? ", "Toilet paper. ", "There is an acute shortage of toilet paper in the United States.” ", "This was a joke, but the idea of a toilet paper shortage was disturbing enough to cause an unusually large number of people to decide they should stock up “just in case.” ", "The next morning, 20 million viewers headed to the supermarket and emptied the shelves of the available supplies, resulting in a short-lived toilet paper shortage, perhaps the only shortage ever caused by a single person. ", "People made their decision to buy toilet paper based on the the decision they anticipated other people would make, which was also to buy more paper. ", "People also anticipated that others were making a decision that was being made by many viewers of the show: The mentality that “I’m deciding to buy more, and I know he’s deciding to buy more” sent people rushing to get to the market first. ", "People were thinking vicariously about what other people were thinking and what those people were thinking the same people were thinking — nobody wanted to be caught unprepared. ", "The shortage was short lived, and Carson apologized for having brought it on.", "\n\nHere’s a YouTube clip of Carson on toilet paper:\n\nComments" ]
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[ "Altering functional properties of fats using power ultrasound.", "\nUltrasound has been used for the last 50 y in different processing applications. ", "Depending on the power and frequency of the sound waves, ultrasound techniques can be classified in different categories. ", "Low-intensity ultrasound uses high frequencies in the range of 100 kHz to 10 MHz and is mostly used for therapeutic purpose (frequencies between 1 and 10 MHz) and to passively monitor the characteristics of materials (frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 MHz). ", "High-intensity ultrasound (HIU), on the other hand, uses lower frequencies in the range of 20 to 100 kHz and it is commonly used for cleaning, disrupting, and restructuring materials. ", "The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of HIU on functional properties of anhydrous milk fat (AMF), palm kernel oil (PKO), and an all-purpose shortening (Sh). ", "Results from this research shows that HIU induced primary and secondary nucleation in the lipid, generating smaller crystals and as a consequence harder materials. ", "HIU affected hardness more efficiently when applied at higher crystallization temperatures (26 and 28 degrees C) as shown for AMF data, and when the sonication was applied after the first crystals were formed as observed for PKO and Sh systems. ", "In addition to changes in hardness, AMF and Sh networks obtained after sonication were characterized by a steeper and sharper melting profile. ", "This research shows that HIU can be used as an additional processing tool to tailor the functional properties of lipids with the potential to be used in the processing of trans-free shortenings." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0.006097560975609756, 0.00816326530612245, 0, 0 ]
[ "Sir David Omand by Chatham House/Flickr\n\nThe increasing use of encryption technologies in everyday emails and messaging services risks “ethically worse” behaviour by the intelligence agencies, a former head of GCHQ has predicted.", "\n\nSir David Omand warned there would be greater intrusion on individuals’ privacy, not less, if agencies are unable to intercept communications – because they will be forced into more direct spying methods.", "\n\nHe explains that would risk inadvertent interception of third parties, which would be an ethically worse position than mass surveillance.", "\n\nUS companies such as Apple and Google are introducing more sophisticated encryption options to their customers while signalling their unwillingness to co-operate in full with government demands to obtain their users’ data.", "\n\nOne way of getting around problems of reading encrypted messages on services such as Whatsapp and iMessage is to hack directly into people’s computers, phones and other devices, and monitor the messages as they are written.", "\n\nSpeaking at a public discussion at the London School of Economics on the post-Snowden world on Tuesday night, Sir David called for a debate on “network exploitation” – the term used by GCHQ for hacking.", "\n\nNational Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked documents in 2013 that revealed mass communications surveillance by US and UK intelligence agencies.", "\n\nSir David, who was director of GCHQ from 1996-97, said: “One of the results of Snowden is that companies are now heavily encrypting [communications] end to end.", "\n\n“Intelligence agencies are not going to give up trying to get the bad guys. ", "They will have to get closer to the bad guys. ", "I predict we will see more close access work.”", "\n\n“Close access” means surveillance techniques that require physical proximity to the target. ", "It could mean physical observation, bugging their room, or directly hacking into their mobile phones or computers.", "\n\nSir David said: “You can say that will be more targeted but in terms of intrusion into personal privacy – collateral intrusion into privacy – we are likely to end up in an ethically worse position than we were before.”", "\n\nRelated story: Thatcher and Blair Cabinet Secretary: Intelligence committee has helped public by confirming GCHQ’s internet tap ‘Tempora’ powers\n\nSir David also tried to reassure the audience that GCHQ’s work was not all “offence”. ", "His former employer’s remit also includes defensive work such as protecting the UK from cyber attacks.", "\n\nHowever, another panel member at the debate, Gus Hosein, executive director at campaigning NGO, Privacy International, argued GCHQ was placing less emphasis on that role than in the past.", "\n\nWhile GCHQ had previously been expected to inform companies such as Apple if it found flaws in its software – vulnerabilities- “they’re not going to do that any more”, Hosein said.", "\n\nHe added: “They’re going to harvest these vulnerabilities, treat them like arms, pull them out and use them in a widespread manner that will not necessarily be targeted.”", "\n\nBut Sir David urged the audience to visit Apple’s and Microsoft’s websites.", "\n\nHe said: “Look at the list of software defects that have been reported to them – zero day defects that have to be fixed.", "\n\n“You’ll find that large numbers of these have been reported by GCHQ… GCHQ has found flaws in software that is essential for the running of society. ", "Don’t run away with the idea that it’s all offence.”", "\n\nThe Bureau was unable to see any reference to GCHQ reports on the companies’ websites.", "\n\nApple and Microsoft declined to comment on the numbers of zero day vulnerabilities reported to them by GCHQ.", "\n\nZero day vulnerabilities GCHQ and some of its contractors employ researchers to uncover previously unknown software defects, known as “zero day vulnerabilities”. ", "An advertisement posted on various websites in October 2014 for a security-cleared software vulnerability researcher in Cheltenham, where GCHQ is based, said the successful applicant “will be involved in challenging cyber software security problems, both defeating and developing new & advanced security techniques” to “support key defence & government programmes”. ", "The agency could also purchase these flaws, in which there is a burgeoning market with hackers selling the rare vulnerabilities they uncover to criminals and governments, sometimes for huge sums. ", "The defects may then be used to improve cybersecurity or to access systems belonging to other individuals, organisations or nations. ", "New documents from US National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden, published by Der Spiegel last weekend, reveal that at a hacking workshop in 2010, GCHQ staff worked out they could access Apple’s iPhone while the user was downloading PDFs via the Safari browser. ", "A GCHQ team then developed an “exploit” – a piece of software or data which exploits weakness in a computer system or programme – to access data stored on the phones. “", "The WARRIORPRIDE exploit has result in extraction of the target’s address book, sms, call logs, notes, WLAN [wireless local area network] logs, bookmarks, map query history, Safari browsing history and some images,” the Snowden file says. ", "Revelations of these practices have angered some cybersecurity experts and civil liberties campaigners as well as Apple itself. ", "They argue that the security and privacy of everyone using an iPhone was put at risk by this hacking programme, because a defect was left open for potential abuse by criminals and authoritarian governments for several years before the company changed its systems. ", "In the UK, the body responsible for information security and assurance is CESG (Communications-Electronic Security Group), which is an arm of GCHQ. ", "Its role includes ensuring that the public sector IT is secure, securing on-line communications between the government and citizens as part of the UK’s “digital strategy” and working with industry to protect national infrastructure against cyber attacks.", "\n\n* This article was updated on January 28 after Sir David Omand contacted us to clarify and explain his remarks. ", "The headline has been amended to say “Encryption risks leading to ‘ethically worse’ behaviour” instead of “Encryption will lead to ‘ethically worse’ behaviour”. ", "We have also added a paragraph to explain Sir David’s belief that the security services would be put in an “ethically worse” position as a result of more encryption, not that they would set out to be “ethically worse” in their motives." ]
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[ " THIRD DIVISION\n September 29, 2006\n\n\n\n\nNos. ", "1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\n\nROBERT MOLLER, Individually, and as ) Appeal from\nExecutor of the Estate of Hope Moller, ) the Circuit Court\nDeceased, ) of Cook County.", "\n Plaintiff-Appellee/Cross-Appellant, )\n )\n v. ) No. ", "00 L 13564\n )\nSERGEI LIPOV and KEY MEDICAL GROUP, )\nLTD., ", " ) Honorable\n ) Tom Chiola,\n Defendants-Appellants/Cross-Appellees. ", " ) Judge Presiding.", "\n\n\n PRESIDING JUSTICE THEIS delivered the opinion of the court:\n\n This appeal arises from a wrongful death and survival action filed by plaintiff, Robert\n\nMoller, individually and as executor of the estate of his wife, Hope Moller, against defendants\n\nSergei Lipov and Key Medical Group, Ltd. Plaintiff alleged that Dr. Lipov negligently failed to\n\ntimely diagnose, treat, and refer Moller with regard to her breast cancer, and that Key Medical\n\nGroup, Ltd. was vicariously liable for his negligence. ", "Defendants filed an affirmative defense,\n\nraising Moller=s comparative fault in failing to follow the treatment recommendations of Dr.\n\nLipov. ", "The jury returned a verdict in plaintiff=s favor and awarded $3 million in damages, which\n\nwas reduced to $1.5 million to reflect the jury=s finding that Moller was 50% at fault.", "\n\n On appeal, defendants contend that: (1) the trial court erred in denying their motions for\n\ndirected verdict or judgment n.o.v. ", "where plaintiff=s expert was not qualified and failed to\n\nestablish that any deviation of the standard of care was a proximate cause of Moller=s death; (2)\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nthe verdict was against the manifest weight of the evidence; (3) the admission of unfounded\n\ncausation opinions was reversible error; and (4) counsel=s inflammatory closing argument\n\ndeprived defendants of a fair trial.", "\n\n On cross-appeal, plaintiff contends that the trial court erred in: (1) denying his motion to\n\nstrike defendants= affirmative defense of comparative negligence; (2) denying his motion for a\n\ndirected verdict regarding comparative negligence; and (3) denying his request for costs related\n\nto the health professional=s report under section 2-622 of the Code of Civil Procedure (the Code)\n\n(735 ILCS 5/2-622 (West 2004)). ", "For the following reasons, we affirm the judgment of the\n\ncircuit court.", "\n\nBACKGROUND\n\n Hope Moller was 34 years old when she initially established a physician-patient\n\nrelationship with Dr. Lipov in March 1998 for a thyroid condition. ", "On January 28, 1999, Moller\n\nreturned to Dr. Lipov, complaining of right breast tenderness and pain in one specific location.", "\n\nDr. Lipov recorded that Moller had a hard, tender, one-centimeter mass in her right breast and\n\nher lymph nodes were negative. ", "He did not record how long the mass had been present, whether\n\nit had changed since Moller first noticed it, how it was affected by menstruation, the specific\n\nlocation of the mass, whether Moller was taking birth control or other medications, the mobility\n\nor attachment of the mass, signs of infection, the consistency of the mass, or whether there was\n\nany dimpling or nipple discharge. ", "Nevertheless, Dr. Lipov testified that it was his custom and\n\npractice to consider all of these items during an exam. ", "Dr. Lipov thought that the mass was\n\nprobably an inflammation of the breast tissue. ", "He scheduled Moller for a mammogram because\n\n\n\n -2-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nshe was concerned about the mass, and instructed her to administer warm applications to it. ", "His\n\nrecords indicate that he advised her to return to see him in 10 days Aif not better, if the lesion gets\n\nbigger.@\n\n On February 4, 1999, Moller had a mammogram and an ultrasound which revealed two\n\nnodules in the right breast; one nodule in the nine o=clock position and the other in the six\n\no=clock position, the area where the mass had been felt. ", "Dr. Patrick Para, the radiologist who\n\ninterpreted the mammogram and ultrasound, stated that the two nodules were solid, similar in\n\nappearance, and most likely related to a benign tumor. ", "Dr. Para stated in his report that if the\n\nmass was clinically suspicious, a biopsy was recommended. ", "It was his opinion that had Moller\n\npresented with a mass that had been persistent over two menstrual cycles, that fact would have\n\nincreased the index of suspicion that the mass was cancer and would require a biopsy. ", "Dr. Lipov\n\ntestified that he had a telephone conversation with Moller on February 5, 1999, the day he\n\nreceived the mammogram and ultrasound results. ", "He informed Moller that the mass was\n\nprobably benign, but told her that Awe need to follow up,@ and asked her to return if the mass did\n\nnot get better. ", "His notes indicated that Moller=s breast was less tender and that she should return\n\nto the clinic if the mass increased in size.", "\n\n On April 3, 1999, Moller came to see Dr. Lipov complaining of fatigue related to her\n\nthyroid condition. ", "Moller did not mention any problems with her breast and Dr. Lipov did not\n\nexamine her breasts at that visit. ", "He suspected that her symptoms were related to sleep apnea\n\nand suggested that she lose weight. ", "He instructed her to return in one month for a follow-up\n\nvisit.", "\n\n\n\n -3-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\n Moller=s husband testified that between January and June, he observed Moller examining\n\nher breasts and that the pain from the mass continually worsened between February and June, to\n\nthe point that she could not hug her children or wear a bra. ", "Moller=s mother testified that Moller\n\nknew how to perform a breast exam and that between February and June 1999, Moller=s\n\nincreasing pain affected her housework, her time with her children, and her ability to wear a bra.", "\n\nDuring this time period, Moller=s mother tried to get Moller to see another doctor.", "\n\n Moller did not see Dr. Lipov again until June 17, 1999. ", "At that time, she complained of\n\npain in her chest. ", "Dr. Lipov examined her breasts and found that the mass in her right breast had\n\ngreatly increased in size. ", "It measured 4.5 centimeters. ", "The mass was tender, adherent, and was\n\nvisibly protruding from the rest of the breast. ", "Dr. Lipov recalls the appointment and recalls\n\nasking her why she waited so long to come in and she said, Asomething to the extent of, I thought\n\nit was getting better.@ Dr. Lipov referred Moller to a surgeon, Dr. Andrew Kramer, who\n\nperformed a biopsy, which was positive for breast cancer.", "\n\n Dr. Kramer performed a modified radical mastectomy on Moller on June 25, 1999.", "\n\nDuring that procedure, he removed her right breast along with 35 lymph nodes. ", "None of the\n\nremoved lymph nodes contained cancer, and there was no evidence of metastasis. ", "Thereafter,\n\nDr. Aslam S. Zahir administered chemotherapy to Moller from August 1999 to October 1999. ", "In\n\nApril 2000, Moller had breast reconstructive surgery, but by November 2000, tests results\n\nrevealed signs that the cancer had spread. ", "Thereafter, Moller was treated by another oncologist,\n\nDr. Melody Cobleigh. ", "By February 2001, Moller=s cancer had spread to her lungs and had\n\nrecurred in the chest wall. ", "She was given chemotherapy to shrink the tumor and prevent further\n\n\n\n -4-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nspread of the disease. ", "She ultimately died on July 22, 2001, due to metastatic breast cancer.", "\n\n Plaintiff=s expert, Dr. Arthur Rossof, testified that he is board-certified in internal\n\nmedicine, oncology and hematology and practices in the subspecialties of oncology and\n\nhematology. ", "It was his opinion that Dr. Lipov deviated from the standard of care by failing to\n\nobtain a reasonable history, failing to perform a reasonable physical examination, and failing to\n\ninclude Moller=s breast problem on a Aproblem list.@ Additionally, it was Dr. Rossof=s opinion\n\nthat Dr. Lipov deviated from the standard of care by failing to refer Moller to a surgeon for a\n\nbiopsy on January 28, 1999, when she presented to Dr. Lipov with the mass, deviated again on\n\nFebruary 4, 1999, when he received the mammogram/ultrasound results, and again on April 3,\n\n1999, when Moller presented in his office complaining of fatigue. ", "Dr. Rossof further testified\n\nthat these negligent acts caused and contributed to the delay in diagnosis of breast cancer, the\n\nneed for a radical mastectomy rather than a lumpectomy, the spread of cancer, and her ultimate\n\ndeath.", "\n\n Specifically, Dr. Rossof was critical of Dr. Lipov=s care on January 28 because there was\n\nnothing in his records to indicate that a proper history was obtained. ", "Dr. Rossof stated that it\n\nwas important for diagnostic purposes to determine how long the mass had been there and\n\nwhether it had changed over the course of Moller=s menstrual cycle. ", "It was his opinion that had\n\nthe proper history been taken, Dr. Lipov would have had known that her mass had been there\n\nsince November or December 1998, unchanged over two menstrual cycles. ", "Given that\n\nknowledge, it would have raised Dr. Lipov=s index of suspicion for cancer. ", "When asked what\n\nthe standard of care required in terms of evaluation, Dr. Rossof stated that in addition to the\n\n\n\n -5-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nmammogram, Dr. Lipov should have referred her to Dr. Kramer on January 28 for a biopsy.", "\n\n In addition, Dr. Rossof was critical of Dr. Lipov=s care on February 4, 1999, after\n\nreceiving the results of the mammogram. ", "The results revealed that the mass was a solid lesion\n\nwhich, in his opinion, created another high risk feature, and was therefore clinically suspicious.", "\n\nAs a result, given that she had a persistent mass since at least December, Moller should have\n\nbeen reexamined within a relatively short period of time and/or referred to somebody else more\n\nfamiliar with identifying breast cancer at that time for a biopsy. ", "In Dr. Rossof=s opinion, it was\n\nnot enough to tell Moller to come back if the mass got bigger because she was not a skilled\n\nobserver and Dr. Lipov should not have waited for it to grow. ", "Dr. Rossof also agreed that if the\n\nmass had persisted for another month, Moller needed to be referred to a surgeon for a biopsy. ", "A\n\nreferral should have been made within the month, no later than March 7, 1999.", "\n\n Further, it was Dr. Rossof=s opinion that if the tumor had been removed in January or\n\nFebruary of 1999, Moller=s cancer would have been over 90% curable. ", "He based his opinion on\n\nseveral factors, including his experience, statistics, the TNM method of staging the cancer,\n\nmeaning the size of the tumor, the fact that Moller had no known metastatic disease, and no\n\nlymph node involvement. ", "Dr. Rossof explained that during January and February, the cancer\n\nwas a Stage I, referring to the 1.5 centimeter size of the tumor. ", "It was his opinion that over 90%\n\nof Stage I cancers are curable regardless of the grade of the tumor. ", "He believed that the cancer\n\ncould have been a Grade I at that time and later deteriorated to a Grade III. ", "Nevertheless, even if\n\nit was a Grade III, meaning that it had all the same negative characteristics it had when it was\n\nultimately diagnosed in June, it was still curable. ", "Additionally, Dr. Rossof stated that had Moller\n\n\n\n -6-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nbeen diagnosed in January or February 1999, a lumpectomy would have been an option due to\n\nthe smaller size of the tumor and she could have avoided the complications that resulted from the\n\nmodified radical mastectomy procedure.", "\n\n Dr. Rossof further testified that the size of the tumor was an important prognostic\n\nindicator. ", "Although between February and June 1999 he could not determine the rate of growth,\n\nthere was definitely growth. ", "It was his opinion that the statistical likelihood of a cure for a Stage\n\nII tumor surgically removed, with aggressive treatment, was 75%. ", "As of February 4, Moller=s\n\ntumor was four millimeters short of being a Stage II cancer, and if it grew four millimeters from\n\nFebruary 4 to March 7, he agreed that it would be a Stage II cancer. ", "Stage II cancers range\n\nbetween two centimeters and five centimeters in diameter. ", "It was Dr. Rossof=s opinion that,\n\nalthough at Stage II Moller=s cancer treatment would have been the same as the treatment given\n\nin June, her prognosis would still have been better than it was in June. ", "He explained that even\n\nthough a tumor of 2.1 centimeters and a tumor of 4.9 centimeters are both Stage II, there can be\n\na difference in the outcome. ", "Chemotherapy given after a 2 centimeter tumor has been surgically\n\nremoved will have a better outcome than chemotherapy given after a 4.5 centimeter tumor has\n\nbeen removed because a smaller tumor is likely to shed fewer cancer cells than a larger tumor,\n\nand there are fewer cells to kill.", "\n\n Dr. Kramer testified that, in his opinion, the higher the stage and grade of the cancer, the\n\nlower the survival rate. ", "Moller had a Grade III cancer cell, which is the most aggressive cell\n\ntype. ", "It was his opinion that since the cancer was Grade III in June, it would most likely have\n\nbeen Grade III in January and February. ", "He agreed that it would be difficult to determine\n\n\n\n -7-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nAwhether the grade of cancer plays into its being cured.@ Moller=s particular cancer was resistant\n\nto the chemotherapy that she had. ", "It was Dr. Kramer=s opinion that if the surgery had been done\n\nin February, Moller=s particular type of cancer would have been resistant to treatment at that time\n\nas well. ", "Nevertheless, he agreed that the cure rate for breast cancer with surgery and\n\nchemotherapy is higher for smaller tumors than for larger tumors.", "\n\n Dr. Zahir testified that the grade of the tumor is very important in the treatment of breast\n\ncancer. ", "The higher the grade, the more unpredictable it might be, meaning that the patients can\n\nhave a higher risk of recurrence. ", "Moller=s test results revealed that she had several\n\ncharacteristics indicative of a fast-growing, treatment-resistant cancer, and it was his opinion that\n\nthese characteristics would have been the same if the cancer was removed in February or March\n\n1999. ", "Dr. Zahir explained that had Moller been diagnosed with cancer in March 1999, he would\n\nhave administered the same chemotherapy treatment that he administered in August 1999. ", "He\n\nfurther stated that if the tumor comes back within one year of treatment, it is considered to be\n\nresistant to treatment from the beginning. ", "Thus, it was his opinion that the treatment would have\n\nbeen ineffective had she had it at an earlier time. ", "With respect to the stage of the cancer, Zahir\n\ntestified that Moller=s tumor was a Stage II in June 1999, no nodes were affected, and there was\n\nno metastasis at that time. ", "Therefore, it could be extrapolated that no nodes would have been\n\naffected and there was no metastasis in February 1999.", "\n\n Dr. Cobleigh opined that there is debate about whether the grade of the tumor has any\n\nindependent prognostic significance beyond the size of the tumor and the lymph node status. ", "In\n\nher opinion, lymph node status and the size of the tumor are the most important prognostic\n\n\n\n -8-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nfactors.", "\n\n Defense expert Dr. Jeffrey Kopin testified that he is board-certified in internal medicine\n\nand has practiced in that area for 17 years. ", "It was his opinion that Dr. Lipov complied with the\n\nstandard of care on January 28 by taking Moller=s history, giving her a physical exam, ordering a\n\nmammogram, and giving her appropriate follow-up instructions. ", "She had no high risk factors for\n\ncancer, she was young, and had no family history of breast cancer. ", "In his opinion, nothing about\n\nher presentation was clinically suspicious.", "\n\n Additionally, Dr. Kopin testified that Dr. Lipov complied with the standard of care on\n\nFebruary 5 by telling her the results of the mammogram and ultrasound and instructing her to\n\nreturn if the mass got bigger. ", "She was the one who found the mass in the first instance and,\n\ntherefore, could appreciate a change. ", "In Dr. Kopin=s opinion, there was no reason to set an\n\nappointment for a date certain to return because, according to the tests, these were benign masses\n\nand the patient reported a decrease in tenderness, which would indicate she was getting better.", "\n\nAdditionally, he stated that it was very unusual for two masses to appear on an ultrasound as\n\ncancer. ", "It was Dr. Kopin=s opinion that there was no clinical suspicion of cancer at this time.", "\n\nDr. Kopin agreed that if the mass had persisted unchanged for two menstrual cycles, that would\n\nmake the mass possibly more suspicious. ", "Nevertheless, it was his opinion that even if she had a\n\npersistent mass, it would be reasonable to have her come back after another menstrual cycle to\n\nreexamine the mass or it would be reasonable to chose instead to order a mammogram and\n\nultrasound, which is ultimately what was ordered.", "\n\n Furthermore, Dr. Kopin testified that Dr. Lipov complied with the standard of care on\n\n\n\n -9-\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nApril 3. ", "It was Kopin=s opinion that Moller presented to Dr. Lipov with a specific problem\n\nrelated to her thyroid, he addressed that problem, and he was not required to examine her breast\n\non that date. ", "As far as Dr. Lipov was concerned, after the testing and instructions he gave her,\n\nthat issue was resolved. ", "There was no evidence in the record that Moller ever called Dr. Lipov\n\nto report a painful breast mass.", "\n\n Defense expert Dr. William Gradishar testified as a board-certified oncologist regarding\n\ncausation. ", "It was his opinion that Moller=s death was related to the specific biology and clinical\n\ncourse of her disease, and that the outcome likely would have been the same even if she had been\n\nreferred to a surgeon for a biopsy as early as November or December 1998. ", "Dr. Gradishar based\n\nhis opinion on the characteristics of Moller=s tumor as well as her age, which all led to a poor\n\nprognosis. ", "It was his opinion that these characteristics would more likely than not have been the\n\nsame had the tumor been removed as early as December 1998. ", "He did not necessarily agree with\n\nthe opinion that the smaller the tumor, the more responsive it is to chemotherapy. ", "Rather, in\n\nGradishar=s opinion, the characteristics of the tumor and the biology of the disease dictate\n\nwhether the patient will respond to therapy. ", "Nevertheless, he agreed that the two most important\n\nfactors in determining prognosis are the size of the primary tumor and the presence or absence of\n\nlymph node involvement.", "\n\n At the close of the case, the jury returned a verdict in favor of plaintiff in the amount of\n\n$3 million, but the verdict was reduced by 50% for a total of $1.5 million due to the jury=s\n\nfinding that Moller was contributorily negligent. ", "Defendants filed a timely notice of appeal,\n\nplaintiff filed a cross-appeal, and this court granted defendants= motion to consolidate the two\n\n\n\n - 10 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nappeals.", "\n\nANALYSIS\n\n Defendants contend that the trial court erred in denying their motions for a directed\n\nverdict and for judgment n.o.v. ", "or in the alternative a new trial. ", "We begin our review of\n\ndefendants= claims by setting forth the standards for granting each of these forms of relief.", "\n\n A[V]erdicts ought to be directed and judgments n.o.v. ", "entered only in those cases in which\n\nall of the evidence, when viewed in its aspect most favorable to the opponent, so\n\noverwhelmingly favors [a] movant that no contrary verdict based on that evidence could ever\n\nstand.@ Pedrick v. Peoria & Eastern R.R. Co., 37 Ill. 2d 494, 510, 229 N.E.2d 504, 513-14\n\n(1967). ", "Because the standard for entry of judgment n.o.v. ", "is high, judgment n.o.v. ", "is\n\ninappropriate if A >reasonable minds might differ as to inferences or conclusions to be drawn\n\nfrom the facts presented.= @ York v. Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke=s Medical Center, No. ", "99507,\n\nslip op. ", "at 25 (June 22, 2006), quoting Pasquale v. Speed Products Engineering, 166 Ill. 2d 337,\n\n351, 654 N.E.2d 1365, 1374 (1995). ", "AIn making this assessment, a reviewing court must not\n\nsubstitute its judgment for the jury's, nor may a reviewing court reweigh the evidence or\n\ndetermine the credibility of the witnesses.@ Donaldson v. Central Illinois Public Service Co., 199\n\nIll. 2d 63, 89, 767 N.E.2d 314, 331 (2002). ", "We apply a de novo standard of review to the trial\n\ncourt's denial of a motion for directed verdict as well as its denial of a motion for judgment n.o.v.", "\n\n Donaldson, 199 Ill. 2d at 89, 767 N.E.2d at 330; Gathings v. Muscadin, 318 Ill. App. ", "3d 1091,\n\n1093, 743 N.E.2d 659, 660 (2001).", "\n\n A new trial should be granted only when the verdict is contrary to the manifest weight of\n\n\n\n - 11 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nthe evidence. ", "York, slip op. ", "at 25. ", "A verdict is contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence\n\nwhen the opposite conclusion is clearly evident or when the jury's findings are unreasonable,\n\narbitrary and not based upon any of the evidence. ", "York, slip op. ", "at 25. ", "A reviewing court will\n\nnot reverse a circuit court's decision with respect to a motion for a new trial unless it finds that\n\nthe circuit court abused its discretion. ", "York, slip op. ", "at 25.", "\n\n With this procedural framework in mind, we turn to the merits of the appeal. ", "Defendants\n\nargue that Dr. Rossof lacked the requisite qualifications to render opinions in this case. ", "Initially,\n\nwe note that defendants never filed a motion in limine regarding his qualifications, never\n\nobjected to his qualifications during trial, and never raised this issue in their motion for directed\n\nverdict. ", "Dr. Rossof=s qualifications were raised for the first time in defendants= posttrial motion.", "\n\nA[A] >party cannot sit on his hands and let perceived errors into the record and complain of those\n\nerrors for the first time in a post-trial motion.= @ Taluzek v. Illinois Central Gulf R.R. Co., 255\n\nIll. App. ", "3d 72, 82, 626 N.E.2d 1367, 1375 (1993), quoting Pharr v. Chicago Transit Authority,\n\n220 Ill. App. ", "3d 509, 515, 581 N.E.2d 162, 166 (1991).", "\n\n A primary purpose of the waiver rule is to ensure that the trial court has the opportunity\n\nto correct the error. ", "York v. El-Ganzouri, 353 Ill. App. ", "3d 1, 10, 817 N.E.2d 1179, 1188 (2004).", "\n\nA trial court cannot correct the error and prevent prejudice when the objection is not made as the\n\nerror occurs. ", "York, 353 Ill. App. ", "3d at 10, 817 N.E.2d at 1188. ", "This purpose is especially\n\nrelevant here where the trial court was never asked to determine whether Dr. Rossof met the\n\nfoundational requirements to testify.", "\n\n Moreover, we note that prior to trial, defendants filed a motion in limine to bar plaintiff=s\n\n\n\n - 12 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nother retained expert because his testimony was duplicative of the testimony of Dr. Rossof. ", "Had\n\nDr. Rossof=s qualifications been objected to at that time, plaintiff would have had an opportunity\n\nto present his other retained expert. ", "Accordingly, where the record reveals that defendants failed\n\nto object to Dr. Rossof=s qualifications at trial, we find this issue has been forfeited on appeal.", "\n\nSnelson v. Kamm, 204 Ill. 2d 1, 25, 787 N.E.2d 796, 809 (2003); Mundell v. La Pata, 263 Ill.\n\nApp. ", "3d 28, 33, 635 N.E.2d 933, 938 (1994).", "\n\n We next address defendants= contentions regarding causation. ", "Specifically, defendants\n\nargue that Dr. Rossof=s testimony left a Afatal gap@ between the conduct he claimed fell outside\n\nthe standard of care and the conduct that caused or contributed to Moller=s death. ", "In a medical\n\nnegligence case, the plaintiff must establish that it is more probably true than not true that the\n\ndefendant=s negligence was a proximate cause of the injury. ", "Borowski v. Von Solbrig, 60 Ill. 2d\n\n418, 424, 328 N.E.2d 301, 305 (1975). ", "The proximate cause element of a medical malpractice\n\ncase must be established by expert testimony to a reasonable degree of medical certainty.", "\n\nNorthern Trust Co. v. University of Chicago Hospitals & Clinics, 355 Ill. App. ", "3d 230, 242, 821\n\nN.E.2d 757, 768 (2004).", "\n\n Here, defendants direct our attention to Dr. Rossof=s testimony that the outside limit of\n\nthe standard of care would have permitted Dr. Lipov to wait until March 7, 1999, to refer Moller\n\nfor a biopsy. ", "At that time, Dr. Rossof agreed the cancer would have likely been at Stage II, and\n\nDr. Rossof could not state to a reasonable degree of medical certainty whether it was possible\n\nthat the tumor was curable only a few weeks later by the April 3 visit.", "\n\n Although we recognize that Dr. Rossof gave conflicting testimony regarding the standard\n\n\n\n - 13 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nof care, we do not find a Afatal gap@ in the evidence. ", "There was some evidence in the record,\n\ntaken in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, to support the jury=s findings that defendants\n\nwere negligent and that negligence proximately caused or contributed to cause Moller=s injuries.", "\n\nIn addition, we hold that the circuit court did not abuse its discretion in denying defendants=\n\nmotion for a new trial on this basis.", "\n\n Dr. Rossof testified that Dr. Lipov deviated from the standard of care by failing to take a\n\ncomplete history of Moller when she presented on January 28, 1999. ", "Had he taken the requisite\n\nhistory, he would have known that this mass had persisted over two menstrual cycles, which was\n\na sign that the mass was clinically suspicious. ", "Both Dr. Para and Dr. Kopin agreed that such a\n\npersistent mass could raise the index of clinical suspicion. ", "In addition, Dr. Rossof stated that the\n\nresults of the mammogram on February 4 revealed that the nodule was solid, another sign that\n\nthe mass was suspicious for cancer. ", "Given these two indicators, and given Dr. Para=s report that\n\nthe mass should be investigated further if clinically suspicious, Dr. Rossof stated that Dr. Lipov\n\ndeviated from the standard of care by failing to refer Moller for a biopsy by February 4 or shortly\n\nthereafter.", "\n\n It was Dr. Rossof=s further opinion that had Moller been diagnosed by February 4 or\n\nshortly thereafter, the 1.5 centimeter mass would have been curable regardless of the grade of the\n\ntumor because it was a Stage I cancer, there was no nodal involvement, and there was no sign of\n\nmetastasis. ", "While the negative Grade III characteristics of the tumor were present in June, it was\n\nhis opinion that they may not have been present yet in January and February. ", "Dr. Cobleigh\n\nagreed that there was a debate about what role the grade of cancer plays in prognosis. ", "Both Dr.\n\n\n\n - 14 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nCobleigh and Dr. Gradishar agreed that the two most important factors in determining prognosis\n\nare the size of the tumor and the nodal involvement.", "\n\n Even if it was a Stage II cancer, Dr. Rossof testified that an earlier detected Stage II\n\ncancer had a better prognosis than a late Stage II cancer because there would be fewer shedding\n\ncells and fewer cells to kill. ", "Accordingly, had Moller been referred on February 4 or shortly\n\nthereafter, she would have had a better chance of survival than she did when the cancer was\n\ndiagnosed at 4.5 centimeters in June. ", "This testimony was also supported by Dr. Zahir=s\n\ntestimony that the bigger the tumor, the higher the chances of it spreading, and Dr. Kramer=s\n\ntestimony that the cure rate is higher for smaller tumors.", "\n\n Considering the entirety of the evidence, viewed in its aspect most favorable to the\n\nplaintiff, it cannot be said that there was a Afatal gap@ or that all of the evidence so\n\noverwhelmingly favored defendants that no contrary verdict based on that evidence could ever\n\nstand. ", "Similarly, based upon the evidence adduced at trial, we cannot say that the jury's verdict\n\nwas contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence. ", "The opposite conclusion was not clearly\n\nevident, the jury's findings were neither unreasonable nor arbitrary, and the findings of the jury\n\nwere based upon the evidence. ", "Accordingly, the circuit court did not abuse its discretion in\n\ndenying defendants= motion for a new trial.", "\n\n Defendants also argue that Dr. Rossof=s opinions should have been disregarded because\n\nthey lacked the necessary basis to give them any probative value and were merely based on his\n\nAexperience.@ The basis for an expert=s opinion goes to the weight of the evidence, not to its\n\nsufficiency, and the weight to be assigned to an expert opinion is for the jury to determine in\n\n\n\n - 15 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nlight of the expert's credentials and the factual basis of his opinion. ", "Snelson, 204 Ill. 2d at 26-\n\n27, 787 N.E.2d at 810. ", "An expert may give an opinion without disclosing the underlying facts or\n\ndata. ", "Rather, the burden is placed upon the adverse party during cross-examination to elicit the\n\nfacts underlying the expert opinion. ", "Snelson, 204 Ill. 2d at 27, 787 N.E.2d at 810.", "\n\n Here, Dr. Rossof based his opinions upon Dr. Lipov=s medical records, Dr. Para=s\n\nmammogram/ultrasound results, his own experience in the field of oncology, and the TNM\n\nmethod for determining the prognosis of cancer patients, referring to the size of the tumor (T),\n\nthe lymph node characteristics (N), and the presence or absence of distant metastasis (M).", "\n\nDefendants conducted a vigorous cross-examination of Dr. Rossof, challenging the bases and\n\nsoundness of his opinions and debating the role that biology and grade of tumor play in\n\ndetermining prognosis. ", "Thus, defendants attempted to reveal deficiencies in Dr. Rossof=s\n\ntestimony, and it was ultimately up to the jury to determine the weight to be given the conflicting\n\ntestimony. ", "Accordingly, for all of the foregoing reasons, the trial court did not err in denying the\n\nmotion for directed verdict or motion for judgment n.o.v. ", "based upon unfounded causation\n\nopinions. ", "Nor do we find that the trial court abused its discretion in denying defendants= motion\n\nfor a new trial on that basis.", "\n\n We next address defendants= contention that plaintiff=s closing argument deprived them\n\nof a fair trial when plaintiff=s counsel analogized Dr. Lipov=s conduct to a driver who ignores a\n\nstop sign, then waves the pedestrian into the intersection, drives over her and then comes back\n\nand drives over her again. ", "Initially, we note that in order to properly preserve an issue for\n\nappeal, a party must both make a contemporaneous objection and raise the issue in a posttrial\n\n\n\n - 16 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nmotion. ", "Kim v. Evanston Hospital, 240 Ill. App. ", "3d 881, 892, 608 N.E.2d 371, 378 (1992).", "\n\nSince defendants failed to make a contemporaneous objection to the alleged improper argument\n\nto allow the trial court an opportunity to apply its discretion and provide a curative instruction to\n\nany alleged impropriety, we find the issue has been waived.", "\n\n Waiver aside, we find no reversible error. ", "AImproper argument may be a basis for\n\nreversal if the argument was of such a character as to have prevented the party from receiving a\n\nfair trial.@ Myers v. Heritage Enterprises, Inc., 354 Ill. App. ", "3d 241, 249-50, 820 N.E.2d 604,\n\n612 (2004). ", "Whether a party has been denied his right to a fair trial requires a consideration of\n\nthe entire trial. ", "Myers, 354 Ill. App. ", "3d at 250, 820 N.E.2d at 612. ", "Our review of these remarks\n\nin the context of the entire trial reveals nothing so prejudicial as to deprive defendants of a fair\n\ntrial.", "\n\n We next consider plaintiff=s cross-appeal. ", "Plaintiff initially contends that trial court erred\n\nin denying his motion to strike defendants= affirmative defense of comparative negligence\n\nbecause they failed to sufficiently plead the elements of the defense. ", "Initially, we find plaintiff\n\nhas waived review of this issue for failure to file a posttrial motion. ", "Waiver aside, we find no\n\nerror. ", "Section 2-613(d) of the Code requires that facts constituting any affirmative defense be\n\nplainly set forth in the answer. ", "735 ILCS 5/2-613(d) (West 2004). ", "Section 2-613 is designed to\n\nprevent unfair surprise at trial. ", "Holladay v. Boyd, 285 Ill. App. ", "3d 1006, 1011-12, 675 N.E.2d\n\n262, 266 (1996). ", "In their affirmative defense, defendants alleged that Athe failure of [Moller] to\n\nfollow the treatment recommendations of [Dr. Lipov] and Key Medical Group contributed in\n\nwhole or in part and proximately caused the alleged injuries and damages of which plaintiff\n\n\n\n - 17 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\ncomplains.@ We find that this affirmative defense contained sufficient information to inform\n\nplaintiff of the defense he would be called upon to address and there is no indication that\n\nplaintiff was indeed unprepared or surprised at trial.", "\n\n Plaintiff next contends that the trial court erred in denying his motion for a directed\n\nverdict on the issue of comparative fault. ", "Section 2-1202 of the Code specifically provides that\n\nif the court denies a motion for directed verdict, the motion is waived unless the request is\n\nrenewed in a posttrial motion. ", "735 ILCS 5/2-1202 (West 2004). ", "Accordingly, plaintiff has also\n\nwaived this issue for review by failing to file a posttrial motion. ", "Nevertheless, even were we to\n\naddress the merits, we would find that there was sufficient evidence in the record to defeat\n\nplaintiff=s motion.", "\n\n The evidence, taken in the light most favorable to the defense, was that Dr. Lipov\n\ninstructed Moller to return to see him if her mass grew or if her pain increased. ", "Both her\n\nhusband and mother testified that during January and February, Moller regularly examined her\n\nbreasts and that the pain from the mass continually worsened between February and June.", "\n\nMoller did not return to see Dr. Lipov regarding her breast condition until June 17, 1999.", "\n\nAccordingly, there was some evidence to support Moller=s contributory negligence in that had\n\nshe continued to experience pain after her mammogram and ultrasound, she should have\n\nfollowed Dr. Lipov=s instructions to inform him of that fact. ", "Had she done so, Dr. Lipov could\n\nhave referred her at a point where Dr. Rossof believed she would have still been curable.", "\n\n Plaintiff next contends that the trial court erred in denying his request for costs related to\n\nthe healthcare professional=s report under section 2-622 of the Code. ", "735 ILCS 5/2-622 (West\n\n\n\n - 18 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\n2004). ", "Specifically, plaintiff argues that since the healthcare professional=s report is a necessary\n\ncost required by statute in order to file a medical negligence action, the cost of the report should\n\nbe recoverable. ", "Whether the trial court has the authority to award such costs is an issue of first\n\nimpression, and because it is a question of law, we apply de novo review. ", "Vincencio v. Lincoln-\n\nWay Builders, Inc., 204 Ill. 2d 295, 299, 789 N.E.2d 290, 293 (2003).", "\n\n The prevailing plaintiff=s recovery of costs has been authorized by statute in Illinois.", "\n\nSection 5-108 of the Code provides as follows:\n\n AIf any person sues in any court of this state in any action for damages\n\n personal to the plaintiff, and recovers in such action, then judgment shall be\n\n entered in favor of the plaintiff to recover costs against the defendant, to be taxed,\n\n and the same shall be recovered and enforced as other judgments for the payment\n\n of money, except in the cases hereinafter provided.@ 735 ILCS 5/5-108 (West\n\n 2004).", "\n\nAlthough the provision entitling plaintiff to costs is mandatory, the mandate must be narrowly\n\nconstrued as statutes allowing recovery of costs are in derogation of the common law.", "\n\nVincencio, 204 Ill. 2d at 300, 789 N.E.2d at 293.", "\n\n In Galowich v. Beech Aircraft Corp., 92 Ill. 2d 157, 165, 441 N.E.2d 318, 321 (1982),\n\nour supreme court stated that the term Acosts@ has acquired Aa fixed and technical meaning in the\n\nlaw.@ The Galowich court defined costs as Aallowances in the nature of incidental damages\n\nawarded by law to reimburse the prevailing party, to some extent at least, for the expenses\n\nnecessarily incurred in the assertion of his rights in court.@ Galowich, 92 Ill. 2d at 165-66, 441\n\n\n\n - 19 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\nN.E.2d at 321. ", "Nevertheless, in Vincencio, the supreme court explained that this definition is\n\nmerely descriptive, not prescriptive, meaning that it describes a characteristic shared by all\n\ncategories of taxable costs, but Ait does not prescribe a rule that draws a line between those that\n\nmust be taxed pursuant to section 5-108 and those that may be taxed pursuant to another statute\n\nor rule.@ Vincencio, 204 Ill. 2d at 301-02, 789 N.E.2d at 294.", "\n\n For example, the Vincencio court stated that merely because a corporation may only\n\nappear through counsel and, therefore, incurs attorney fees every time it asserts its rights in\n\ncourt, does not mean that these fees are taxable costs under section 5-108. ", "Vincencio, 204 Ill. 2d\n\nat 302, 789 N.E.2d at 294. ", "Thus, by analogy, it can also be said that, merely because a plaintiff\n\nmust pay a fee for a healthcare professional=s report in order to assert his rights in a medical\n\nmalpractice case, it does not necessarily follow that it is a mandated taxable cost under section 5-\n\n108.", "\n\n Rather, in defining costs under section 5-108, the Vincencio court relied upon the\n\ndistinction between costs commonly understood to be Acourt costs,@ such as filing fees, subpoena\n\nfees, and statutory witness fees, all of which would be undisputed as taxable costs, and Alitigation\n\ncosts,@ which are the ordinary expenses and burdens of litigation. ", "These costs are not\n\nrecoverable unless otherwise authorized by another statute or supreme court rule. ", "Vincencio,\n\n204 Ill. 2d at 302, 789 N.E.2d at 295.", "\n\n Applying this distinction to the present case, the fee for the healthcare professional=s\n\nreport does not fall squarely within the commonly understood Acourt costs@ which are mandated\n\nby section 5-108. ", "Mindful of our duty to construe the statute narrowly, we refuse to expand the\n\n\n\n - 20 -\n\f1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\ndefinition of court costs, and thus, hold that section 5-108 does not authorize the taxing of costs\n\nrelated to fees incurred for a healthcare professional=s report under section 2-622. ", "Additionally,\n\nplaintiff does not argue that any other statute or rule would authorize such fees as taxable costs.", "\n\n For all of the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court.", "\n\n No. ", "1-04-3640, Affirmed.", "\n\n No. ", "1-05-0061, Affirmed.", "\n\n GREIMAN and KARNEZIS, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 21 -\n\f REPORTER OF DECISIONS - ILLINOIS APPELLATE COURT\n _________________________________________________________________\n\n ROBERT MOLLER, Individually, and as Executor of the Estate of HOPE MOLLER,\n Deceased,\n\n Plaintiff-Appellee/Cross-Appellant,\n\n v.\n\n SERGEI LIPOV and KEY MEDICAL GROUP, LTD.,", "\n\n Defendants-Appellants/Cross-Appellees,\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n\n Nos. ", "1-04-3640 and 1-05-0061 cons.", "\n\n Appellate Court of Illinois\n First District, Third Division\n\n Filed: September 29, 2006\n _________________________________________________________________\n\n PRESIDING JUSTICE THEIS delivered the opinion of the court.", "\n\n Greiman and Karnezis, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n _________________________________________________________________\n\n Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County\n Honorable Tom Chiola, Judge Presiding\n _________________________________________________________________\n\nFor PLAINTIFF- Anne M. Oldenburg Hugh C. Griffin\nAPPELLEE/CROSS- Melvin G. Hobbs Elsa Y. Trujillo\nAPPELLANT Alhom, Monahan, Klauke, Lord, Bissell & Brook LLP\n Hay & Oldenburg, L.L.C. 115 S. LaSalle St.\n 221 N. LaSalle St., Suite 450 Chicago, IL 60603\n Chicago, IL 60601\n Samuel J. Leib\n Leib & Katt, S.C.\n 740 N. Plankinton Ave., ", "Suite 600\n Milwaukee, WI 53203\nFor DEFENDANTS- Kenneth C. Chessick\nAPPELLANTS/CROSS- John W. Fisk\nAPPELLEES Travis W. Life\n Matthew R. Hess\n Magdalena Dworak\n Stuart E. Card\n The Law Offices of Kenneth C. Chessick, M.D.\n 1870 N. Roselle Rd., ", "Suite 104\n\fSchaumburg, IL 60195\n\f" ]
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[ "For a limited time get USPS Priority Shipping for just $5! ", "Transit time is 1-2 business days for most US cities. ", "Some areas require an additional day of transit. ", "Most orders ship within 1 business day. ", "Offer not available on: special orders, pre-orders, orders with customized items, team uniforms, goals, field equipment and bulk purchases. ", "Other restristions may apply. ", "This offer is for a limited time only and will expire with out notice.", "\n\nNiky's Sports established 1986\n\n100% satisfaction guaranteed\n\nWe stand behind everything we sell. ", "If at any time your Niky's Sports purchase doesn't meet your expectations, and the item(s) is eligable you can return it for a replacement or refund. ", "View full return policy here.", "\n\nAt Niky's, we live and breathe the beautiful game, and we're passionate about sharing our expertise with people of all skill levels. ", "Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned player, we'll take the time to understand your needs and help you find the right gear for you.", "\n\nThe Nike Jr. Mercurial Veloce (3.5y-7y) Boys' Firm-Ground Soccer Cleat is made with ultra-thin synthetic leather for maximum comfort and an outsole designed to deliver quickness and lateral traction on firm natural surfaces." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0 ]
[ "// run-pass\n#![", "allow(unused_must_use)]\n#![", "allow(deprecated)]\n// ignore-emscripten no threads support\n\nuse std::sync::mpsc::{TryRecvError, channel};\nuse std::thread;\n\npub fn main() {\n let (tx, rx) = channel();\n let t = thread::spawn(move||{\n thread::sleep_ms(10);\n tx.send(()).unwrap();\n });\n loop {\n match rx.try_recv() {\n Ok(()) => break,\n Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {}\n Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => unreachable!()", "\n }\n }\n t.join();\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0.002242152466367713, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNewsletter: How is it possible to determine how many people opened the e-mail?", "\n\nExact duplicate of Is there a way to determine whether an e-mail reaches its destination?", "\nHi all,\nI heard that it's possible to determine how many people opened a newsletter and analyze WHEN they opened the mail.", "\nI just wanted to know how that's possible... is it necessary to generate a \"read confirmation\" or is such an analysis possible without letting the recipient know?", "\nThanks a lot for your input...\n\nA:\n\nSee also Is there a way to determine whether an e-mail reaches its destination?, ", "my answer repeated below:\n\nIf you make the email HTML based, you\n can include images in it which contain\n URLs with information unique to the\n recipient. ", "You could structure your\n application so that these URLs trigger\n some code to mark that particular\n email as read before returning the\n required image data.", "\nTo be totally effective, the images\n would have to form a key part of the\n email, so that the recipient has to\n make their email client grab the\n images. ", "You could also make the plain\n text part of the email just contain a\n URL to retrieve the full message,\n again allowing you to track receipt.", "\nHow far you take these ideas depends on why you need to know it's been read\n and to what extent you want to\n potentially annoy the recipient with\n an email they can't cut'n'paste, read\n easily on mobile device, listen to\n with a screenreader, etc...\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Rendering based on the BMW Sports Car leaked photos\n\nAs you noticed in the title, we’re refraining from giving any name to the Concept car spotted a few days ago. ", "In the BMW community, …\n\nAs you noticed in the title, we’re refraining from giving any name to the Concept car spotted a few days ago. ", "In the BMW community, there is no consensus so far, some believe we’re looking at the BMW Vision Z Concept, others refer to it as the 6 Series GT and to go even further, some believe this is the past rumored BMW X4.", "\n\nSo for now, until we get all the facts straight, let’s just refer to it as the BMW Sports Car concept since it is indeed a sportier than usual bimmer. ", "With that being said, our friend Jon Sibal used his magic photoshop skills to unveil what’s hiding underneath that cover.", "\n\nOf course, it is just an attempt and it might not even be close to the “real deal”, but hey….we do enjoy these renderings and they’re great at making good conversation. ", "So let’s see what Jon had in mind when he decided to draw this car:\n\nSo I decided to fire up the ‘ol Photoshop and have a go to see what’s underneath that skin tight plastic cover. ", "As I slowly peal off the cover, there are some prominent lines like the headlight area and the upturned kidney grills that pops up right away. ", "I then just did my thing and “filled in the blanks”. ", "The BMW C-pillar design feature “Hoffmeister kink” is still there but now surrounded by a new shape. ", "I didn’t like the “slave wheels” they used, so I swapped a better set of wheels to replace it.", "\n\nI kept it at the same ride height as in the base picture, although I feel that it will probably be lower when being shown. ", "I also intended not to add the sideview mirrors so to keep the same shape as seen in the base picture." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.013953488372093023, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The proposed research concerns the inference of historical patterns of migration. ", "Traditional population genetic models of migration assume that populations have been exchanging migrants at a constant rate over long periods of time. ", "For many species, however, this assumption may not be appropriate. ", "Therefore, the development of a computational method to test for recent changes in migration rate and to estimate the relevant demographic parameters is proposed. ", "While most methods of demographic inference assume that all of the genetic markers being studied are independent (unlinked), this approach will take advantage of the patterns of linkage along a recombining chromosome. ", "By considering this linkage information (specifically, the lengths of DNA segments that inferred to have migrant origin), one can go beyond estimating how much migration has occurred between two populations, and say something about when, historically, this migration occurred. ", "During the first phase of this project, the effect of various population histories on the length distribution of migrant DNA segments will be investigated, making use of an existing simulation program (ms) and inference method (structure 2.0). ", "Next, the new inference method described above will be developed, using Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology in a maximum likelihood or Bayesian framework. ", "Finally, this method will be applied to existing human polymorphism data sets (both SNP and microsatellite) in order to test the null hypothesis that migration among human populations has been constant since their divergence. ", "This analysis will permit the estimation of demographic parameters for admixed human populations, and will therefore aid in the selection of populations for admixture mapping studies of disease association. ", "Relevance to public health: The goal of the proposed research is to test for historical changes in the rate of migration between populations, and to estimate quantities such as the time since a migration rate change and the magnitude of such a change. ", "The computational method developed will have a variety of applications, including the estimation of demographic parameters in human populations with a history of recent admixture (ancestry from multiple sources), such as African-American, Hispanic, Central Asian and Northern African populations. ", "That information will be relevant in assessing the utility of such populations for admixture mapping studies, which aim to identify genetic variants associated with complex diseases that occur at different frequencies in different populations." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
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[ "-- fts3ai.test\n-- \n-- db eval {\n-- PRAGMA encoding = \"UTF-16le\";\n-- CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts3(content);\n-- }\nPRAGMA encoding = \"UTF-16le\";\nCREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts3(content);" ]
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[ 0.01020408163265306 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRead CSV file from Specific Row i\n\nI am reading my CSV file like this:\nDim sData() As String\n Dim arrName, arrValue As New List(Of String)()\n Using sr As New StreamReader(txtFileName.", "Text)\n While Not sr.", "EndOfStream\n sData = sr.", "ReadLine().Split(\",\"c)\n\n Dim Curdate As String = sData(0).Trim()\n Dim OrderId As String = sData(1).Trim()\n Dim Exhbitorname As String = sData(2).Trim\n\n End While\n End Using\n\nin my csv file first row is the column header.i dont want to read that values.i want read values from 1 st row,so how i can re write my code?", "\n\nA:\n\nTry this:\nYou need to read the line before evaluating the counter value.", "\n Using sr As New StreamReader(txtFileName.", "Text)\n Dim counter as Integer = 0\n While Not sr.", "EndOfStream\n sData = sr.", "ReadLine().Split(\",\"c)\n If counter > 0 Then\n Dim Curdate As String = sData(0).Trim()\n Dim OrderId As String = sData(1).Trim()\n Dim Exhbitorname As String = sData(2).Trim\n End If\n counter += 1\n End While\n End Using\n\n" ]
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[ "“It is illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections.”", "\n\nIn case anyone needed the reminder, McClatchy gave this sentence its own line in the outlet’s recent piece breaking the story that the FBI is investigating the National Rifle Association (NRA) for possibly funneling Russian money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in the 2016 election. ", "Will this new revelation finally prompt Republican lawmakers to support transparency reforms that will end the ability for companies, wealthy donors and foreign adversaries to secretly run our democracy?", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nFor years, gun violence prevention advocates, as well as those calling for the rollback of the U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous 2010 Citizens United decision, have been sounding the alarm on the NRA’s troubling secret spending. ", "In 2016, the NRA topped its own record by spending more than $419 million to influence election outcomes with that money focused on supporting Trump and Republican candidates in six key U.S. Senate races. ", "More than $35 million of that was spent by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), which, due to its tax status, does not need to reveal its donors.", "\n\nBeyond 2016, NRA political spending has almost solely benefited Republican candidates, who in turn rarely support commonsense gun violence prevention reform or measures to increase transparency in our democracy. ", "For example, conservatives in Congress are trying to use the must-pass budget to block a key secret money reform: a rulemaking at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that would require companies to disclose their political spending to their shareholders and the public.", "\n\nAnd now, as if taking a page out of a gripping political TV drama, the NRA may be helping Russia meddle in our elections.", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nMcClatchy reports that the FBI’s investigation is focusing on Putin ally and deputy governor of Russia’s central bank Alexander Torshin, who has cultivated a close relationship with the NRA. ", "Torshin, who already has been implicated for money laundering by investigators in Spain, is reported to have tried to broker a meeting between then-candidate Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin around the same time in 2016 that he met Donald Trump Jr. at the NRA Convention. ", "A lifelong member of the NRA, Torshin also hosted two dinners in Russia for a visiting NRA delegation in late 2015.", "\n\nWhile the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation is still unknown, what is clear is that the ability for secret money to enter our politics is putting our country at grave risk – whether from foreign influence in our elections or from no federal effort to curb gun violence.", "\n\nThe American public knows that the problem of secret political money needs to be fixed. ", "According to a recent Washington Post poll, 65 percent of Americans assign “a lot” of blame to money in politics “for causing dysfunction in the U.S. political system,” and 96 percent assign at least some blame.", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nThe good news is that solutions exist that could upend the system, and passionate advocates and dedicated leaders at the state and local levels are making great strides in implementing changes. ", "In October 2017, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the California DISCLOSE Act, which makes it easier to know who is paying for political ads in the state. ", "In New Mexico, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver created a rulemaking that requires groups that spend significantly on politics in the state but are not directly connected to campaigns to disclose their donors. ", "In addition to these and other state and local transparency wins in recent years, 19 states have supported a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizen United. ", "That’s half of the 38 needed to ratify.", "\n\nSupreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan and was a well-known fan of the Second Amendment, wrote in his Doe v. Reed opinion that “requiring people to stand up in public for their political acts fosters civic courage, without which democracy is doomed.”", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nThe mounting evidence that secret money is destroying our democracy has reached a crescendo. ", "Since the bodies of fallen Americans lost to gun violence have not been not enough, will the possibility of Russian money influencing our elections finally be the wakeup call Republicans need to restore transparency and free our democracy from the grip of wealthy special interests like the NRA? ", "Their track record suggests not, but nevertheless, Americans deserve swift action from lawmakers to change the course of our country before it’s too late." ]
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[ "Tiffany Houghton\n\nTiffany Crystal Houghton (born December 6, 1993) is an American singer-songwriter from Dallas, TX. ", "With millions of streams of her music, Houghton’s pop hits include: \"High\", \"Catch Me If You Can\", and \"Pretty Pretty\". ", "In addition, she has released two EPs, This is Not an EP and Catch Me if You Can. ", "In 2014, she went on tour with pop group MKTO. ", "Houghton’s 2014 single, \"Love Like That\" was introduced by Taylor Swift and received airplay on Sirius XM, and her 2015 single, \"Catch Me if You Can\" reached number one on the Radio Disney charts. ", "After a brief hiatus in 2017, Houghton continued releasing music with singles \"Pretty Pretty\", \"Physical\", and \"Break Me\" in late 2018 and early 2019. ", "She has Spotify listeners from across the United States, and has received accolades from Billboard, Seventeen Magazine, J-14, Twist, and Teen Vogue.", "Houghton claims her success as an independent artist to be because of \"Team Tiff,\" her army of loyal fans turned into friends both in and out of the music industry.", "\n\nEarly life\nHoughton was born on December 6, 1993 in Dallas, TX to parents Steve and Jennifer Houghton. ", "She has always loved to sing, her parents saying that she was singing before she could talk. ", "As a child and young teenager, Houghton gained a background in Broadway, even achieving the role of alternate for Annie in the show of the same name. ", "She was further inspired by Kristen Chenoweth, whom she met when Chenoweth visited her school. ", "Houghton notes Shania Twain as one of her main sources of inspiration, saying, \"she was my first exposure to the fire I have inside myself to be a force in the world, through my music\". ", "At seventeen, she moved to Nashville to further her career in music.", "\n\nCareer\n\n2013-2014: YouTube, \"High\", and This is Not an EP \nHoughton started posting YouTube videos in 2013, singing covers of songs by artists such as Fall Out Boy, P!NK, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, and more. ", "On August 13, 2013, she released her debut single, \"High\", along with a ‘50s-themed music video for the song that has received more than one million views on YouTube. ", "She released the single and video for \"Phone Call\" on December 10, 2013, and for \"17 Again\" on March 17, 2014. ", "The acoustic version of her song, \"Love Like That\", as well as its video, was released on Valentine’s Day 2014. ", "The non-acoustic version was later released on September 11, 2014 and was later played on Sirius XM. ", "Taylor Swift introduced the song upon its first airplay on the station. ", "Houghton released her single, \"The Best\" on August 5, 2014. ", "She then released these singles, as well as \"Island\" as a collection in This is Not an EP on December 1, 2014. ", "The following day, she released her first holiday single \"Blame It on the Snow\", with the video released on December 3, 2014.", "\n\nDuring the summer of 2014, Houghton went on tour across the United States in support of pop duo MKTO.", "\n\n2015-2016: \"Catch Me If You Can\" and \"I'm Gonna Love You\" \nHoughton spent 2015 and early 2016 writing and recording new music to truly find her sound. ", "She released her single, \"Catch Me if You Can\" on July 21, 2016, with the video coming on July 23. ", "She later released its accompanying EP for her fans on January 24, 2019. ", "The song reached number one on Radio Disney's most requested chart and received airplay nationwide across the United States. ", "Houghton said of the song, \"Originally I was writing the lyrics with the intention of keeping the focus on me catching him, but by the time I got to the second verse I was OVER IT. ", "This guy should be chasing ME! ", "So, from there on out, now and forever, I’m the catch\". ", "On October 13, 2016, she released the single and video \"I’m Gonna Love You\". ", "She released her second holiday single, \"Hey Sailor!\", ", "on December 2, 2016.", "\n\n2017: Call Her Crystal \nAfter parting ways with her longtime manager, producers, and ending a serious relationship, Houghton moved from Los Angeles back to the Dallas area to be back with her family. ", "She changed her social media usernames to @callhercrystal, posting content to the platforms under the name Crystal. ", "She hinted at new music under this new name, but it was never released. ", "In 2019, she talked to US Weekly about this period as Crystal, saying, \"Two years ago, I thought I needed to change my name and rewrite my story. ", "As my fans listen to this album, they will learn the story of my comeback and why I am now in a place to take back my name and share my music again\".", "\n\n2018-present: \"Pretty Pretty\" and \"Get to Lovin\" \nOn November 12, 2018, Houghton released a single called \"Pretty Pretty\" once again under the name Tiffany Houghton. ", "She spoke to Us Weekly about the single, saying, \"’Pretty Pretty’ is a shout out to all my girls that are pursuing their dreams, going to school, developing their talents, and growing into their best selves. ", "And it’s for the guys who recognize the value of those girls\". ", "She followed up this single with another, called \"Physical\", on November 19, 2018. \"", "Break Me\" was released shortly after on January 18, 2019. ", "Throughout 2019, Houghton has hinted at an upcoming tour and album, saying, \"Another neat thing about this song, and the whole upcoming album, is that it was written and produced entirely by women\". ", "Houghton announced her latest single, \"Get to Lovin\" featuring up-and-coming rapper Lay Lay, which is to be released on June 28, 2019. ", "Cardi B has been quoted as saying that Lay Lay is \"the future\".", "\n\nArtistry \nHoughton was formerly known to take a retro approach to music, styling music videos and cover artwork with nods to the ‘50s. ", "Her single “Love Like That” is about old-fashioned romance, and a lot of her personal fashion included many classic trends. ", "In 2014, she said that she preferred to release singles over albums so that each song got its own focus and vision but didn’t rule out releasing an album in the future.", "\n\nHoughton is an advocate for women and wants her music to inspire women to use their voices and talents to better the world. ", "She says, “We need to recognize that we can sit at the table, show up, and that we have something to offer”. ", "Houghton is committed to making a difference with her music, writing songs with many empowering and relatable themes. ", "She says, “If my music can help even one person feel like they are not alone, it will have done its job”. ", "She also noted that her upcoming music has sheer vulnerability in it, and she opens up more than ever before because she wrote it without the original intention of it being released.", "\n\nOther Ventures \nOn June 10, 2019, Houghton launched The Tiffany Houghton Singing Academy, a set of online courses in which she gives singing instruction. ", "This original launch offered three lessons: Lesson 1: The FUNdamentals, Lesson 2: Get Toned, and Lesson 3: Increasing Your Range. ", "Houghton says that a lot of her followers also have an interest in music and singing, and that she wanted to present what she has learned over the course of her career in order to help others improve their own craft.", "\n\nHoughton launched her own label, Instar LLC, under which she will be releasing new music in 2019.", "\n\nPersonal life \nHoughton has four siblings: Steven, Tanner, Sam, and McKenna. ", "She got engaged to Adam Moffitt on December 17, 2018, and they were married on March 23, 2019. ", "She wrote and performed an original song, “Good People”, for her wedding that she later released as a video on Instagram.", "\n\nDiscography \n This is Not an EP (2014)\n Catch Me If You Can (2019)\n\nTours \n MKTO American Dream Tour (2014)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \" High\" music video\n \"Phone Call\" music video\n \"Love Like That\" music video\n \"17 Again\" music video\n \"Blame It On the Snow\" music video\n \"Catch Me If You Can\" music video\n \"I'm Gonna Love You\" music video\n Tiffany's cover of \"ME!\" ", "by Taylor Swift ft. ", "Brendon Urie\n\nCategory:American female musicians\nCategory:American female singer-songwriters\nCategory:American singer-songwriters\nCategory:American female pop singers\nCategory:American pop singers\nCategory:Singers from Texas\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:1993 births\nCategory:Songwriters from Texas\nCategory:21st-century American women singers\nCategory:21st-century American singers" ]
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[ "Become a Fan\n\nMay 26, 2014\n\nHappy Memorial Day!", "\n\nHappy Memorial Day everyone! ", "It's going to a beautiful day to celebrate with our family and friends. ", "I might even have to take the time to squeeze in a nap, which is absolutely unheard of! ", "But, first let's celebrate with these cards." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPageblocktable not showing records\n\nI'm querying Task record from contructor and displaying in Pageblocktable but it's not displaying records in Pageblock table. ", "Could you please let me know what went wrong?", "\n<apex:page standardController=\"Account\" extensions=\"myControllerExtension\">\n{!", "tasklist}\n<apex:pageBlock title=\"Related Activities\">\n <apex:pageBlockSection title=\"Activity\" collapsible=\"false\">\n <apex:pageBlockTable value=\"{!tasklist}\" var=\"t\" > \n <apex:outputText label=\"Id\" value=\"{!t.", "Subject}\"/>\n </apex:pageBlockTable>\n </apex:pageBlockSection>\n</apex:pageBlock>\n\npublic class myControllerExtension {\npublic Account acct {get;set;}\npublic List<Task> tasklist {get;set;}\n\npublic myControllerExtension(ApexPages.", "StandardController stdController) {\n acct = (Account)stdController.getRecord();\n tasklist = [Select Id, Subject from Task limit 20]; \n}\n\n}\n\nA:\n\nProblem in below line of your code:\n <apex:outputText label=\"Id\" value=\"{!t.", "Subject}\"/>\n\nPlease check below code:\n<apex:page standardController=\"Account\" extensions=\"myControllerExtensionss\">\n<apex:pageBlock title=\"Related Activities\">\n<apex:pageBlockSection title=\"Activity\" collapsible=\"false\">\n <apex:pageBlockTable value=\"{!tasklist}\" var=\"t\" > \n <apex:column value=\"{!t.", "Subject}\"/>\n </apex:pageBlockTable>\n </apex:pageBlockSection>\n</apex:pageBlock>\n\nApex controller:\npublic class myControllerExtensionss {\npublic List<Task> tasklist {get;set;}\npublic Account acct {get;set;}\npublic myControllerExtensionss(ApexPages.", "StandardController stdController) {\n tasklist=new List<Task>();\n acct = (Account)stdController.getRecord();\n tasklist = [Select Id, Subject from Task limit 20]; \n}}\n\nOutput:\n\n" ]
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[ "target\n\tbyteorder little\n\tmemsize 8\n\twordsize 32\n\tpointersize 32\n\tfloat \"ieee754\";\n\nbits2 System.rounding_mode = \"IEEE 754 rounding mode\";\nsection \"data\" {\nexport i@print as \"print\";\n}\nsection \"text\" {\nforeign \"C\" i@print() {\n stackdata {\n }\n foreign \"C\" (i@printf)(\"address\" i@2, %sx32(bits8[i@c]), %sx32(bits16[i@s]), bits32[i@i], bits32[i@l], %zx32(bits8[i@C]), %zx32(bits16[i@S]), bits32[i@I], bits32[i@L], \"float\" %f2f64(bits32[i@f], System.rounding_mode), \"float\" bits64[i@d], \"float\" bits64[i@D]);\n L.1:\nreturn();\n}\nexport i@main as \"main\";\nforeign \"C\" i@main() {\n stackdata {\n }\n bits32 i@1.47;\n bits32 i@2.48;\n bits32 i@3.49;\n bits64 f@4.50;\n bits32 i@5.51;\n bits32 i@6.52;\n bits32 i@7.53;\n bits64 f@8.54;\n bits32 i@9.55;\n bits32 i@10.56;\n bits32 i@11.57;\n bits64 f@12.58;\n bits32 i@13.59;\n bits32 i@14.60;\n bits32 i@15.61;\n bits64 f@16.62;\n bits32 i@17.63;\n bits32 i@18.64;\n bits32 i@19.65;\n bits64 f@20.66;\n bits32 i@21.67;\n bits32 i@22.68;\n bits32 i@23.69;\n bits64 f@24.70;\n bits32 i@25.71;\n bits32 i@26.72;\n bits32 i@27.73;\n bits64 f@28.74;\n bits32 i@29.75;\n bits32 i@30.76;\n bits32 i@31.77;\n bits32 i@32.78;\n bits64 f@33.79;\n bits32 i@6.80;\n bits32 i@10.81;\n bits32 i@13.82;\n bits32 i@16.83;\n bits32 i@34.84;\n bits32 f@35.85;\n bits32 i@36.86;\n bits32 f@37.87;\n bits32 f@38.88;\n bits32 f@39.89;\n bits32 f@40.90;\n bits32 f@41.91;\n bits32 f@42.92;\n bits32 f@43.93;\n bits64 f@44.94;\n bits32 i@20.95;\n bits32 i@24.96;\n bits32 i@27.97;\n bits32 i@30.98;\n bits32 i@45.99;\n bits64 f@46.100;\n bits32 i@47.101;\n bits64 f@48.102;\n bits64 f@49.103;\n bits64 f@50.104;\n bits64 f@51.105;\n bits64 f@52.106;\n bits64 f@53.107;\n bits64 f@54.108;\n bits64 f@55.109;\n bits32 i@34.110;\n bits32 i@38.111;\n bits32 i@41.112;\n bits32 i@44.113;\n bits32 i@56.114;\n bits64 f@57.115;\n bits32 i@58.116;\n bits64 f@59.117;\n bits64 f@60.118;\n bits64 f@61.119;\n bits64 f@62.120;\n bits64 f@63.121;\n bits64 f@64.122;\n bits64 f@65.123;\n bits64 f@66.124;\n bits32 i@67.125;\n bits32 i@68.126;\n bits32 i@69.127;\n bits32 i@70.128;\n i@1.47 = i@c;\n bits8[i@1.47] = 1::bits8;\n i@2.48 = %sx32(bits8[i@1.47]);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@2.48);\n bits32[i@i] = i@2.48;\n bits32[i@l] = i@2.48;\n i@3.49 = %lobits32(i@2.48);\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@3.49);\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@3.49);\n bits32[i@I] = i@3.49;\n bits32[i@L] = i@3.49;\n bits32[i@f] = %i2f32(i@2.48, System.rounding_mode);\n f@4.50 = %i2f64(i@2.48, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@4.50;\n bits64[i@D] = f@4.50;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@5.51 = i@s;\n bits16[i@5.51] = 2::bits16;\n i@6.52 = %sx32(bits16[i@5.51]);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@6.52);\n bits32[i@i] = i@6.52;\n bits32[i@l] = i@6.52;\n i@7.53 = %lobits32(i@6.52);\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@7.53);\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@7.53);\n bits32[i@I] = i@7.53;\n bits32[i@L] = i@7.53;\n bits32[i@f] = %i2f32(i@6.52, System.rounding_mode);\n f@8.54 = %i2f64(i@6.52, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@8.54;\n bits64[i@D] = f@8.54;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@9.55 = i@i;\n bits32[i@9.55] = 3;\n i@10.56 = bits32[i@9.55];\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@10.56);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@10.56);\n bits32[i@l] = i@10.56;\n i@11.57 = %lobits32(i@10.56);\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@11.57);\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@11.57);\n bits32[i@I] = i@11.57;\n bits32[i@L] = i@11.57;\n bits32[i@f] = %i2f32(i@10.56, System.rounding_mode);\n f@12.58 = %i2f64(i@10.56, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@12.58;\n bits64[i@D] = f@12.58;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@13.59 = i@l;\n bits32[i@13.59] = 4;\n i@14.60 = bits32[i@13.59];\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@14.60);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@14.60);\n bits32[i@i] = i@14.60;\n i@15.61 = %lobits32(i@14.60);\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@15.61);\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@15.61);\n bits32[i@I] = i@15.61;\n bits32[i@L] = i@15.61;\n bits32[i@f] = %i2f32(i@14.60, System.rounding_mode);\n f@16.62 = %i2f64(i@14.60, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@16.62;\n bits64[i@D] = f@16.62;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@17.63 = i@C;\n bits8[i@17.63] = 5::bits8;\n i@18.64 = %zx32(bits8[i@17.63]);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@18.64);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@18.64);\n bits32[i@i] = i@18.64;\n bits32[i@l] = i@18.64;\n i@19.65 = %lobits32(i@18.64);\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@19.65);\n bits32[i@I] = i@19.65;\n bits32[i@L] = i@19.65;\n bits32[i@f] = %i2f32(i@18.64, System.rounding_mode);\n f@20.66 = %i2f64(i@18.64, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@20.66;\n bits64[i@D] = f@20.66;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@21.67 = i@S;\n bits16[i@21.67] = 6::bits16;\n i@22.68 = %zx32(bits16[i@21.67]);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@22.68);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@22.68);\n bits32[i@i] = i@22.68;\n bits32[i@l] = i@22.68;\n i@23.69 = %lobits32(i@22.68);\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@23.69);\n bits32[i@I] = i@23.69;\n bits32[i@L] = i@23.69;\n bits32[i@f] = %i2f32(i@22.68, System.rounding_mode);\n f@24.70 = %i2f64(i@22.68, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@24.70;\n bits64[i@D] = f@24.70;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@25.71 = i@I;\n bits32[i@25.71] = 7;\n i@26.72 = bits32[i@25.71];\n i@27.73 = %lobits32(i@26.72);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@27.73);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@27.73);\n bits32[i@i] = i@27.73;\n bits32[i@l] = i@27.73;\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@26.72);\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@26.72);\n bits32[i@L] = i@26.72;\n f@28.74 = %fadd(%fmul(bits64[f@4],%i2f64(%lobits32(%shrl(i@26.72,1)), System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode),%i2f64(%lobits32(%and(i@26.72,1)), System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode);\n bits32[i@f] = %f2f32(f@28.74, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@28.74;\n bits64[i@D] = f@28.74;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@29.75 = i@L;\n bits32[i@29.75] = 8;\n i@30.76 = bits32[i@29.75];\n i@31.77 = %lobits32(i@30.76);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@31.77);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@31.77);\n bits32[i@i] = i@31.77;\n bits32[i@l] = i@31.77;\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@30.76);\n i@32.78 = i@S;\n bits16[i@32.78] = %lobits16(i@30.76);\n bits32[i@I] = %lobits32(%zx32(bits16[i@32.78]));\n f@33.79 = %fadd(%fmul(bits64[f@4],%i2f64(%lobits32(%shrl(i@30.76,1)), System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode),%i2f64(%lobits32(%and(i@30.76,1)), System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode);\n bits32[i@f] = %f2f32(f@33.79, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@33.79;\n bits64[i@D] = f@33.79;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@34.84 = i@f;\n bits32[i@34.84] = bits32[f@5];\n f@35.85 = bits32[i@34.84];\n i@36.86 = %f2i32(f@35.85, System.rounding_mode);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@36.86);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@36.86);\n bits32[i@i] = i@36.86;\n bits32[i@l] = i@36.86;\n f@37.87 = bits32[f@9];\n if (%flt(f@35.85, f@37.87)) { goto L.7; }\n i@6.80 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@35.85,f@37.87, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.8;\n L.7:\n i@6.80 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@35.85, System.rounding_mode));\n L.8:\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@6.80);\n f@38.88 = bits32[i@f];\n f@39.89 = bits32[f@9];\n if (%flt(f@38.88, f@39.89)) { goto L.11; }\n i@10.81 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@38.88,f@39.89, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.12;\n L.11:\n i@10.81 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@38.88, System.rounding_mode));\n L.12:\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@10.81);\n f@40.90 = bits32[i@f];\n f@41.91 = bits32[f@9];\n if (%flt(f@40.90, f@41.91)) { goto L.14; }\n i@13.82 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@40.90,f@41.91, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.15;\n L.14:\n i@13.82 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@40.90, System.rounding_mode));\n L.15:\n bits32[i@I] = i@13.82;\n f@42.92 = bits32[i@f];\n f@43.93 = bits32[f@9];\n if (%flt(f@42.92, f@43.93)) { goto L.17; }\n i@16.83 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@42.92,f@43.93, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.18;\n L.17:\n i@16.83 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@42.92, System.rounding_mode));\n L.18:\n bits32[i@L] = i@16.83;\n f@44.94 = %f2f64(bits32[i@f], System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@44.94;\n bits64[i@D] = f@44.94;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@45.99 = i@d;\n bits64[i@45.99] = bits64[f@19];\n f@46.100 = bits64[i@45.99];\n i@47.101 = %f2i32(f@46.100, System.rounding_mode);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@47.101);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@47.101);\n bits32[i@i] = i@47.101;\n bits32[i@l] = i@47.101;\n f@48.102 = bits64[f@23];\n if (%flt(f@46.100, f@48.102)) { goto L.21; }\n i@20.95 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@46.100,f@48.102, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.22;\n L.21:\n i@20.95 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@46.100, System.rounding_mode));\n L.22:\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@20.95);\n f@49.103 = bits64[i@d];\n f@50.104 = bits64[f@23];\n if (%flt(f@49.103, f@50.104)) { goto L.25; }\n i@24.96 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@49.103,f@50.104, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.26;\n L.25:\n i@24.96 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@49.103, System.rounding_mode));\n L.26:\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@24.96);\n f@51.105 = bits64[i@d];\n f@52.106 = bits64[f@23];\n if (%flt(f@51.105, f@52.106)) { goto L.28; }\n i@27.97 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@51.105,f@52.106, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.29;\n L.28:\n i@27.97 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@51.105, System.rounding_mode));\n L.29:\n bits32[i@I] = i@27.97;\n f@53.107 = bits64[i@d];\n f@54.108 = bits64[f@23];\n if (%flt(f@53.107, f@54.108)) { goto L.31; }\n i@30.98 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@53.107,f@54.108, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.32;\n L.31:\n i@30.98 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@53.107, System.rounding_mode));\n L.32:\n bits32[i@L] = i@30.98;\n f@55.109 = bits64[i@d];\n bits32[i@f] = %f2f32(f@55.109, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@D] = f@55.109;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@56.114 = i@D;\n bits64[i@56.114] = bits64[f@33];\n f@57.115 = bits64[i@56.114];\n i@58.116 = %f2i32(f@57.115, System.rounding_mode);\n bits8[i@c] = %lobits8(i@58.116);\n bits16[i@s] = %lobits16(i@58.116);\n bits32[i@i] = i@58.116;\n bits32[i@l] = i@58.116;\n f@59.117 = bits64[f@37];\n if (%flt(f@57.115, f@59.117)) { goto L.35; }\n i@34.110 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@57.115,f@59.117, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.36;\n L.35:\n i@34.110 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@57.115, System.rounding_mode));\n L.36:\n bits8[i@C] = %lobits8(i@34.110);\n f@60.118 = bits64[i@D];\n f@61.119 = bits64[f@37];\n if (%flt(f@60.118, f@61.119)) { goto L.39; }\n i@38.111 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@60.118,f@61.119, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.40;\n L.39:\n i@38.111 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@60.118, System.rounding_mode));\n L.40:\n bits16[i@S] = %lobits16(i@38.111);\n f@62.120 = bits64[i@D];\n f@63.121 = bits64[f@37];\n if (%flt(f@62.120, f@63.121)) { goto L.42; }\n i@41.112 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@62.120,f@63.121, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.43;\n L.42:\n i@41.112 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@62.120, System.rounding_mode));\n L.43:\n bits32[i@I] = i@41.112;\n f@64.122 = bits64[i@D];\n f@65.123 = bits64[f@37];\n if (%flt(f@64.122, f@65.123)) { goto L.45; }\n i@44.113 = %add(%lobits32(%f2i32(%fsub(f@64.122,f@65.123, System.rounding_mode), System.rounding_mode)),-2147483648);\n goto L.46;\n L.45:\n i@44.113 = %lobits32(%f2i32(f@64.122, System.rounding_mode));\n L.46:\n bits32[i@L] = i@44.113;\n f@66.124 = bits64[i@D];\n bits32[i@f] = %f2f32(f@66.124, System.rounding_mode);\n bits64[i@d] = f@66.124;\n foreign \"C\" (i@print)();\n i@67.125 = i@p;\n i@68.126 = 0;\n bits32[i@67.125] = i@68.126;\n bits32[i@67.125] = i@68.126;\n bits32[i@67.125] = i@68.126;\n bits32[i@67.125] = i@68.126;\n i@69.127 = i@P;\n bits32[i@67.125] = bits32[i@69.127];\n i@70.128 = 0;\n bits32[i@69.127] = i@70.128;\n bits32[i@69.127] = i@70.128;\n bits32[i@69.127] = i@70.128;\n bits32[i@69.127] = i@70.128;\n bits32[i@69.127] = bits32[i@67.125];\n return (0);\n L.3:\nreturn();\n}\nimport bits32 \"printf\" as i@printf;\n}\nsection \"bss\" {\nexport i@P as \"P\";\nalign 4;\ni@P:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@p as \"p\";\nalign 4;\ni@p:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@D as \"D\";\nalign 4;\ni@D:\nbits8[8];\nexport i@d as \"d\";\nalign 4;\ni@d:\nbits8[8];\nexport i@f as \"f\";\nalign 4;\ni@f:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@L as \"L\";\nalign 4;\ni@L:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@I as \"I\";\nalign 4;\ni@I:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@S as \"S\";\nalign 2;\ni@S:\nbits8[2];\nexport i@C as \"C\";\ni@C:\nbits8[1];\nexport i@l as \"l\";\nalign 4;\ni@l:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@i as \"i\";\nalign 4;\ni@i:\nbits8[4];\nexport i@s as \"s\";\nalign 2;\ni@s:\nbits8[2];\nexport i@c as \"c\";\ni@c:\nbits8[1];\n}\nsection \"data\" {\nalign 4;\nf@37:\nbits32[] {0x0, 0x41e00000};\nalign 4;\nf@33:\nbits32[] {0x0, 0x40260000};\nalign 4;\nf@23:\nbits32[] {0x0, 0x41e00000};\nalign 4;\nf@19:\nbits32[] {0x0, 0x40240000};\nalign 4;\nf@9:\nbits32[] {0x4f000000};\nalign 4;\nf@5:\nbits32[] {0x41100000};\nalign 4;\nf@4:\nbits32[] {0x0, 0x40000000};\ni@2:\nbits8[] \"%d %d %d %ld %u %u %u %lu %f %f %lf\\x0a\\x00\";\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJava HttpURLConnection issue: Server redirected too many times\n\nI'm working with Java 1.7.", "\nWhen I test the request with Postman in Firefox, I get a response status : 200, and the Json response is good.", "\nWhen I test it with my Java application, I get this Exception:\n\njava.net.", "ProtocolException: Server redirected too many times (20)\n\nHere is my java code:\ntry{\n String charset = \"UTF-8\";\n URL url = new URL(\"http://example.com/ws\");\n HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();\n con.setRequestMethod(\"GET\"); \n con.setRequestProperty(\"Accept-Charset\", charset);\n con.setRequestProperty(\"token\", \"mytokenvalue\");\n int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();\n BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(\n new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));\n String inputLine;\n StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();\n while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) !", "= null) {\n response.append(inputLine);\n }\n in.close();\n System.out.println(response.toString());\n}catch(Exception ex){\n ex.printStackTrace();\n}\n\nThe exception is thrown in this line:\nint responseCode = con.getResponseCode();\n\nA:\n\nYou have to set this property before you open the connection:\nHttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false);\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.02127659574468085, 0.009009009009009009, 0.013513513513513514, 0.006191950464396285, 0 ]
[ "What does an Egyptian movie producer have in common with the country’s Islamists, the military, and the remnants of Mubarak’s regime? ", "A great deal, according to Ahmed Ezz Eldin, who provides some insight to Egypt’s liberal politicians.", "\n\n“Be Merciful to Egypt, stop this Farce!” ", "This is a slogan of one of the online campaigns against El Sobky, a major – and almost the only – movie producer in post-revolutionary Egypt. ", "He is “the man who destroyed a whole Egyptian generation” and “more dangerous with his movies than missiles and bombs,” according to one of the campaigns. ", "El Sobky movies are criticized for their low quality, inconveniency for public morality, and their lack of storyline.", "\n\nHowever, they achieve significant success that keeps El Sobky on the top of the industry. ", "His opponents claim that the content of his movies, which is dependent on belly dancing, violence and local music, is what makes them successful. ", "This might be an important factor, but the story has more than that. ", "The success of El Sobky is no different than the political success of the Islamists, the military, and the remnants of Mubarak’s regime. ", "They all provide relatively controversial content that might be of low quality, but still manages to dominate the ground and win over their rivals, who are mostly liberal politicians with secular civil tendencies. ", "So, how does this work?", "\n\nSound investments\n\nThe mechanism by which politics and business works is the same; it’s mainly about the resources you have. ", "Both require money and investment decisions to make profits or gather public support. ", "While all movie producers have shifted towards TV production, El Sobky chose to stay and take the risk of investing in a socially and politically unstable environment. ", "His strategy is to produce low cost movies by choosing relatively new faces who are seeking quick fame. ", "This comes along with targeting the right consumer segment which is mainly the lower social classes. ", "They are a better target than the upper class for two reasons. ", "First, they are less critical of the quality of the product itself. ", "Second, they are large in numbers and concentrate their cinema attendance in specific seasons, mainly the two feasts, which makes them an easy target for profit. ", "He translates his segmentation into a strong marketing campaign that employs all the channels of communication to his audience, regardless of its prestige or legality.", "\n\nSuccessful players on the Egyptian political scene have been using El Sobky-style investment since the downfall of Mubarak’s regime. ", "The players might have ups and downs, but even their temporary success is marked with using this strategy. ", "Let’s take the Islamists as an example. ", "They invested large sums of money and effort in gathering public support in the risky political environment during Mubarak’s time, which paid off in the post-revolution political scene.", "\n\nThey tended to choose novel faces to support in the elections race. ", "Some of their candidates, especially the Salafis, were criticized for not being qualified. ", "But so were the actors in El Sobky movies, and both proved to be successful choices. ", "Supporting novel faces in politics is of relatively low cost especially in the list system of parliamentary elections where a strong candidate can support less popular ones on the same list. ", "The choice of novel faces representing a certain social background gives the message that “we actually represent you”.", "\n\nMoreover, Islamists targeted the lower social classes in their campaigns for the same reasons. ", "Poor voters are larger in numbers and less educated. ", "They are less critical of the electoral programs, and focus more on the notion of representation. ", "They reached their targeted segment through strong public outreach programs that included talking to the villagers and donating food and clothing. ", "Liberals, on the other hand, are depending on their well known stars and speaking in a language that is not understood by the illiterate and poorly educated majority while communicating from the TV screens. ", "They tend to withdraw from political battles rather than fighting back and invest. ", "Their risk aversion makes them bad investors. ", "Unlike El Sobky rivals who shift to TV production, they shift to nowhere.", "\n\nClear agenda\n\nEl Sobky has a clear agenda. ", "He does not claim producing artistic masterpieces, but he is an investor who sets profits as his main criteria for success. ", "This helps his audience to make their choice easily and firmly. ", "In other words, his consistency makes him “credible” in the market.", "\n\nThe Egyptian political scene indicated that “combo” politics does not work. ", "Combo politics means bringing different contradicting political ideologies into one political entity in order to appeal for everyone. ", "The success of Mohamed Morsi, Hamdeen Sabahi and Ahmed Shafik over Abdel Moneam Abol Fotouh in the presidency elections supports this argument. ", "Morsi came as a candidate for the Islamists, Hamdeen as a leftist, and Shafik represented the old regime and so they gained voters support on these bases. ", "Each built his campaign on absolute rejection of the other’s views, there was almost no middle ground. ", "In contrast, Abdel Moneam Abol Fotouh portrayed himself as an Islamist with liberal views and leftist tendencies. ", "According to political theory predictions, he should appeal to the median voter as he is on a close distance from different voters. ", "Surprisingly, he failed to achieve good results in the elections and voters preferred the extremes rather than the middle ground. ", "The strong polarization in the Egyptian politics is partially due to seeking credibility and the fear of having amorphous politics.", "\n\nOpposition bubbles\n\nCinema critics write in the newspapers and social media critics are confined to their pages on Facebook. ", "Neither have access to El Sobky’s consumers. ", "They live in a bubble and talk only to their audience and so their ideas never spread. ", "At the end of the day, El Sobky wins.", "\n\nThe Islamists reach out to the poorest villages. ", "There is a member in the military in every Egyptian family. ", "Members of the Mubarak’s regime are still working if not controlling every public and private institution. ", "On the other hand, liberals are still holding their talks in the clean neighborhood of Zamalek in the heart of Cairo and making political statements on Twitter. ", "Their bubble politics isolate them from the majority of the voters.", "\n\nEgyptian liberal leadership\n\nReal liberals in Egypt are a minority in a political environment that is still largely dominated by Islamists and military rule supporters. ", "However, they have a chance to climb the political ladder if they reformed their political strategies. ", "They need to come out of their bubble and talk to the lower segments in the society. ", "Their resources need to be allocated to the majority of voters rather than targeting the elite with similar mentality. ", "They have to use clear language that elaborates their ideas, defend them rather than withdraw in frustration, and avoid sacrificing their ideology for reaching a middle ground. ", "It might be hard for them to be the majority in the meantime, but they are definitely missing out on an opportunity of playing a bigger role." ]
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[ "Article content continued\n\nThe Canada Revenue Agency is also investigating, according to the civil suit.", "\n\nHobbs and Cheng have not responded to the suit, which contains allegations not proven in court. ", "There was no response by phone Monday at the Vanbex Group office in Vancouver.", "\n\nAccording to the court filing: “The criminal investigation is ongoing and currently no charges have been laid against either of the defendants.”", "\n\nA criminal conviction is not necessary to launch civil forfeiture suits, which have a lower threshold for convictions than criminal cases, a balance of probabilities rather than beyond a reasonable doubt.", "\n\nThe court has granted a preservation order to prevent the assets from being sold or taking on more debt.", "\n\nThe three-bedroom townhouse with views of Coal Harbour was bought in late 2017 by Hobbs and Cheng for $4.1 million in cash, but was recently listed for sale at $7.88 million.", "\n\nThe 2017 and 2018 Range Rovers, owned by Hobbs, sell for as much as $90,000 and are still believed to be in his possession.", "\n\nHobbs is also accused of using the “misappropriated funds” to buy a Bay Street apartment in Toronto for just under $3.74 million and to purchase a three-year lease for a $500,000 2018 Lamborghini.", "\n\nThe civil suit says that Hobbs also used the misappropriated funds to gamble. ", "He allegedly gambled nearly $1.82 million between late 2016 and March 2018 at B.C. casinos until he was put on a watch list and denied from buying-in at any casino with un-sourced cash or chips. ", "Hobbs also gambled internationally, according to the court filings." ]
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[ "name: \"CIFAR10_full_deploy\"\n# N.B. input image must be in CIFAR-10 format\n# as described at http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html\nlayer {\n name: \"data\"\n type: \"Input\"\n top: \"data\"\n input_param { shape: { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 32 dim: 32 } }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"conv1\"\n type: \"Convolution\"\n bottom: \"data\"\n top: \"conv1\"\n param {\n lr_mult: 1\n }\n param {\n lr_mult: 2\n }\n convolution_param {\n num_output: 32\n pad: 2\n kernel_size: 5\n stride: 1\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"pool1\"\n type: \"Pooling\"\n bottom: \"conv1\"\n top: \"pool1\"\n pooling_param {\n pool: MAX\n kernel_size: 3\n stride: 2\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"relu1\"\n type: \"ReLU\"\n bottom: \"pool1\"\n top: \"pool1\"\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"norm1\"\n type: \"LRN\"\n bottom: \"pool1\"\n top: \"norm1\"\n lrn_param {\n local_size: 3\n alpha: 5e-05\n beta: 0.75\n norm_region: WITHIN_CHANNEL\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"conv2\"\n type: \"Convolution\"\n bottom: \"norm1\"\n top: \"conv2\"\n param {\n lr_mult: 1\n }\n param {\n lr_mult: 2\n }\n convolution_param {\n num_output: 32\n pad: 2\n kernel_size: 5\n stride: 1\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"relu2\"\n type: \"ReLU\"\n bottom: \"conv2\"\n top: \"conv2\"\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"pool2\"\n type: \"Pooling\"\n bottom: \"conv2\"\n top: \"pool2\"\n pooling_param {\n pool: AVE\n kernel_size: 3\n stride: 2\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"norm2\"\n type: \"LRN\"\n bottom: \"pool2\"\n top: \"norm2\"\n lrn_param {\n local_size: 3\n alpha: 5e-05\n beta: 0.75\n norm_region: WITHIN_CHANNEL\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"conv3\"\n type: \"Convolution\"\n bottom: \"norm2\"\n top: \"conv3\"\n convolution_param {\n num_output: 64\n pad: 2\n kernel_size: 5\n stride: 1\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"relu3\"\n type: \"ReLU\"\n bottom: \"conv3\"\n top: \"conv3\"\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"pool3\"\n type: \"Pooling\"\n bottom: \"conv3\"\n top: \"pool3\"\n pooling_param {\n pool: AVE\n kernel_size: 3\n stride: 2\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"ip1\"\n type: \"InnerProduct\"\n bottom: \"pool3\"\n top: \"ip1\"\n param {\n lr_mult: 1\n decay_mult: 250\n }\n param {\n lr_mult: 2\n decay_mult: 0\n }\n inner_product_param {\n num_output: 10\n }\n}\nlayer {\n name: \"prob\"\n type: \"Softmax\"\n bottom: \"ip1\"\n top: \"prob\"\n}\n" ]
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[ "[Study of sequence variations of Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma].", "\nTo detect the sequence variations frequently found within the N- and C-terminal regions of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) LMP1 gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and to study the underlying mechanisms. ", "Fresh tumor tissues were sampled from 63 patients with untreated NPC encountered in Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. ", "The N-terminal region of EBV LMP1 gene was amplified with nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR), followed by XhoI enzyme digestion. ", "Nested PCR was also employed to detect the 30 base pairs deletion within the C-terminal region. ", "Four-colored fluorescence terminator sequencing method was applied for bi-directional solid-phase sequencing of the 8 representative PCR products in 4 cases of NPC. ", "The DNA sequence within the N- and C-terminal regions of LMP1 gene was then analyzed. ", "There were 4 patterns of sequence variations, namely, wt-XhoI/wt-LMP1 (4 cases, 6.3%), wt-XhoI and XhoI-loss/del-LMP1 (4 cases, 6.3%), wt-XhoI/del-LMP1 (5 cases, 7.9%) and XhoI-loss/del-LMP1 (50 cases, 79.5%), detected in the 63 studied cases. ", "Sequence analysis showed that the EBV LMP1 gene had underwent non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions, as compared with the prototype of B95-8 cells. ", "The ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions was 2.25. ", "XhoI-loss/del-LMP1 is the predominant sequence variation pattern of EBV LMP1 gene in NPC from Guangzhou. ", "The XhoI-loss variation seems to develop on top of del-LMP1. ", "When compared with the EBV LMP1 gene in peripheral blood B-lymphocytes of virus carriers and in preinvasive epithelial lesions (reported previously), it is likely that the sequence variation patterns of LMP1 gene may represent 4 different phases of intrahost evolution of EBV during nasopharyngeal carcinogenesis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.009950248756218905, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0.011627906976744186, 0.004098360655737705, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.006389776357827476 ]
[ "Start Date: 3/5/01; HourAhead hour: 5; No ancillary schedules awarded. ", " \nVariances detected.", "\nVariances detected in Generation schedule.", "\nVariances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.", "\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001030505.txt\n\n---- Generation Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.", "\n Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 29.00 / Final: 15.60)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ARCO\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/5/01\n UNIT_ID: CARBGN_6_UNIT 1\n$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.", "\n Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 18.00 / Final: 9.60)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: DELANO\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/5/01\n UNIT_ID: PANDOL_6_UNIT\n\n\n\n---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.", "\n Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 100.00 / Final: 53.40)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTstCA\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/5/01\n TIE_POINT: PVERDE_5_DEVERS\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO_5001\n ENGY_TYPE: FIRM\n$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.", "\n Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 75.00 / Final: 17.28)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTstNW\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/5/01\n TIE_POINT: SYLMAR_2_NOB\n INTERCHG_ID: CISO_EPMI_3000\n ENGY_TYPE: FIRM\n$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.", "\n Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 75.00 / Final: 17.40)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTltNW\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/5/01\n TIE_POINT: SYLMAR_2_NOB\n INTERCHG_ID: CISO_EPMI_6000\n ENGY_TYPE: FIRM\n$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.", "\n Details: (Hour: 5 / Preferred: 100.00 / Final: 53.40)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTstSW\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/5/01\n TIE_POINT: PVERDE_5_DEVERS\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO_5000\n ENGY_TYPE: FIRM" ]
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[ "Movie Review: Django Unchained\n\nDjango Unchained is brutal, sickly comic, and often hard to watch. ", "That being said, it’s also a smart film about racism and slavery, masterfully crafted by talented filmmaker, Quentin Tarantino. ", "A late arrival during 2012, Django Unchained should be in the conversation for best picture of the year, if critics can get past the excessive gore and racist language. ", "Tarantino crosses the boundaries of what is comfortable in order to shock, amuse, and drive home a powerful message into your brain — and he succeeds completely on all counts.", "\n\nThis satirical revival of the blaxploitation genre tells the story of a bounty-hunting dentist who frees a slave named Django (Jamie Foxx) in order to help him track down his latest reward. ", "Feeling responsible for the man he freed, Dr. King Schultz (Christopher Waltz) teaches Django how to shoot, read, and even promises to help him free the woman he loves from a rich slaver, Calvin J. Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio).", "\n\nThe romance between Django and his bride, Broomhilda Von Shaft (Kerry Washington), is one of the weaker aspects of the narrative. ", "However, the relationship between the former slave and Dr. Schultz is surprisingly deep for a Tarantino movie; their mutual growth serves to push the plot forward.", "\n\nThe story unfolds in a series of episodic acts, each feeling like their own stand-alone arc. ", "This approach is something fans of Tarantino are likely accustomed to, though I will add that it works better here than in Inglourious Basterds.", "\n\nAt first it isn’t clear just where Dr. Schultz’s ethics lie, but he’s soon revealed to be quite an enlightened man in a world gone to hell around him. ", "Although he pretends to be a slaver during the course of his duties, the dentist (who never touches a tooth) betrays his character more than once, showing compassion for the abused men and women around him – abuse which can be quite intense.", "\n\nThe level of cruelty committed by men in this movie is hyperbolic but never melodramatic. ", "Yes, Tarantino uses violence to entertain, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be used as a powerful tool for emotional depth. ", "In my opinion the excessive violence serves the themes well, with a perfect blend of blood-fueled comedy and some downright disturbing moments that enraged me immensely.", "\n\nI grew to hate the bad guys in this movie, and I simply couldn’t wait to see justice done upon them. ", "There is no sign of humanity in Calvin Candie; he is an evil man who truly enjoys causing pain to his enslaved property. ", "In a way he’s little more than a one-dimensional villain you’ve seen in countless other adventure stories, but somehow that’s exactly what this over-the-top tale needed.", "\n\nTarantino takes aim at the issue of slavery by creating a classic story of good-vs-evil that is both satirical and completely serious. ", "There are moments in this movie that hit me a lot harder than I expected, especially considering the tounge-in-cheek tone of all the action. ", "Somehow everything blends together perfectly, but it’s very hard to articulate exactly why. ", "This truly is Tarantino at his best; never has his unique approach to filmmaking been so realized.", "\n\nThere are still all those “what the f—“ moments Tarantino fans have become accustomed to. ", "For example, the opening scene shows slaves being marched through the woods, only to be approached by a carriage with a huge spring-loaded tooth on the top. ", "Other scenes feature violence juxtaposed with inappropriate music or anachronistic rap. ", "At times it felt like I was watching a film by David Lynch or Stanley Kubrick, two amazing auteurs Tarantino has earned the right to be compared to.", "\n\nWhile I have much praise for Django Unchained, this isn’t a perfect movie. ", "It’s about a half-hour too long, and it loses its chance at a truly climactic ending. ", "I don’t want to blow it for you; you’ll just have to see what I mean – I could have done without the final act.", "\n\nStill, all things considered, Django Unchained is the coolest western ever made, and it’s one of the best films of 2012. ", "I’m not sure this is Quentin Tarantino’s masterpiece, but it certainly deserves to be in the conversation. ", "Fans and casual moviegoers alike will love this movie, assuming they can learn to embrace all the stylish violence.", "\n\nAbout Chad Michael Van Alstin\n\nChad is an award-winning libertarian opinion columnist. ", "He's done with that now.", "\nHaving earned himself a B.A. in Mass Communication, Chad now spends most of his time as a wage laborer, killing the pain by consuming as many video games and movies as possible.", "\nFollow him on Twitter: @ChadVanAlstin\n\nChad, I don’t really see how this movie was much tongue in cheek, give or take the proto-Klan scene with the bags. ", "But other than that, one of the particularly interesting points of this movie to me as a Tarantino film was the mostly deadly serious dramatic tone.", "\n\nAs a particular point, I note the usage of the N word – which you could not reasonably avoid. ", "But he’s much more serious and careful here than in his other movies about how he uses the word. ", "There’s simply nothing here equivalent to, for example, the “dead nigger storage” schtick from Pulp Fiction.", "\n\nAlso, I don’t think you’re giving him proper credit for the drawing of the Calvin Candie character. ", "He’s morally one dimensional, which is simply to say that he has no redeeming or mitigating moral virtue. ", "But there’s a lot of good detail in his intellectual pretensions, a lot of which is summed up in someone who likes to be called Monsieur Candie – but can’t speak French and will resent it if you do.", "\n\nAnd how was that ending NOT climactic? ", "Yowsa!", "\n\nI don’t know about being THE coolest Western ever made – cause there’s a lot of competition for that. ", "But Django is right up there among Westerns and among Tarantino movies." ]
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[ "/*\n\tMacFixup/Lists.h\n\t----------------\n\t\n\tWritten in 2010 by Joshua Juran, who places it in the public domain.", "\n*/\n\n#ifndef MACFIXUP_LISTS_H\n#define MACFIXUP_LISTS_H\n\n#ifndef __LISTS__\n#include <CIncludes/Lists.h>\n#endif\n\n#if !", "ACCESSOR_CALLS_ARE_FUNCTIONS\n#include \"Carbonate/Lists.hh\"\n#endif\n\n#endif\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.02727272727272727, 0, 0.013513513513513514 ]
[ "Q:\n\nVarchar to nvarchar without changing length\n\nI have this table that stores an id for each row in sub_id column of type varchar(255), sql server. ", "Other columns store unicode thus those are nvarchar. ", "Now I have this need to update sub_id to nvarchar for SOME reason. ", "I ran following command: \n ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ALTER COLUMN SUB_ID NVARCHAR(255)\n\nThis changed the column type but set the length to 510. ", "I do not want to change length of the column. ", "If I must mention, table has a lot of data and length of sub_id never exceeds 20. ", "\nI read about this and could not figure out how to truncate the column in length. ", "\nFollowing is snapshot from sp_help on mentioned table (subject_id is sub_id)\n\nA:\n\nWhen you are looking at sp_help, length means the following (sp_help (Transact-SQL)):\n\nLength smallint Physical length of the data type (in bytes).", "\n\nIt does not mean the length of the column in characters.", "\nA single nvarchar character is 2 bytes in size, not one. ", "The maximum length of the column hasn't changed, but its size in bytes has.", "\nIf you want the Data size of the column to remain the same, you would have to make the column an nvarchar(127)/nvarchar(127) (which would be 254/256 bytes in size), and would truncate your values.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0 ]
[ "Metal-driven hierarchical self-assembled one-dimensional nanohelices.", "\nSophisticated helical structure has been an attractive subject due to its significance in understanding of biological self-assembly and appealing application in nanoscience. ", "In this work, a facile route toward one-dimensional helical nanostructure is presented based on metal-cholate supramolecular self-assembly. ", "Well-defined right-handed helical nanoribbons in calcium-cholate systems are systematically investigated and a series of metal ions are exploited to drive metal-cholate supramolecular helix. ", "It is anticipated that the incorporation of metal ions may endow versatile functionalities and merits to the self-assembled nanohelices. ", "Particularly helical inorganic nanomaterials (i.e., SiO(2) and ZnS) have been prepared based on metal-cholate supramolecular nanohelix via two distinct templating strategies." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "(a) Field of the Invention\nThe present invention generally relates to a word line river for use in a multi-value mask read-only memory device (ROM), and to a method for reading data from a multi-value mask ROM.", "\n(b) Description of the Related Art\nMulti-value mask ROM is generally used for storing a large capacity program data etc. ", "in a reduced chip area. ", "FIG. ", "1 shows a block diagram of a conventional word line driver in a multi-value mask ROM, whereas FIGS. ", "2A and 2B are a timing chart and a waveform chart, respectively, of the signals in the word line driver of FIG. ", "1. ", "The word line driver shown in FIG. ", "1 comprises a word line potential generator 11 for providing a plurality of potential levels, a timing signal generator 25 for detecting an address change in an address signal to thereby generate a plurality of one-shot signals at different timings, and a word line decoder 13 for decoding the address signal to select one of the word lines specified by the address signal. ", "The timing signal generator 25 includes a delay circuit 26 for receiving an original one-shot signal to generate one-shot pulses at different timings. ", "The output of the word line decoder 13 is connected to a word line 14, which is connected to the gates of memory cells 50 arranged in a selected row of a memory unit 51. ", "The word line 14 is connected to the output of the word line decoder 13 and includes a parasitic resistance of several hundred kilo-ohms and a parasitic capacitance of several pico-farads, as shown in FIG. ", "1.", "\nIn the multi-value mask ROM, the different potential levels are provided for read-out of data from a selected memory cell, the different potential levels corresponding to the multi-value data stored in the memory cells. ", "The multi-value data have been written into each memory cell by supplying different levels of writing voltage based on the multi-value data to be stored. ", "The thus stored multi-value data can be read-out by specifying the respective voltage levels with which the data have been written.", "\nHere, an example is given in the figures for reading two-bit data as the multi-value data. ", "In this example, one of a possible set of multi-value data (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) and (1, 1) is stored in the selected memory cell, the multi-value data corresponding to respective writing voltage levels 0, 1, 2 and 3. ", "The relationship between the potential levels generated by the word line potential generator 11 is such that\n(source potential)&gt;(second potential)\n&gt;(first potential),\nwherein the voltage level 0 for writing is set lower than the first potential, the voltage level 1 is set between the first potential and the second potential, the voltage level 2 is set between the second potential and the power source potential, and the voltage level 3 is set higher than the source potential.", "\nIn operation, the timing signal generator 25 receives an address signal 100 supplied from outside the ROM, and outputs an original one-shot pulse 101 by responding to the address change in the address signal 100, as shown in FIG. ", "2A. The delay circuit 26, receiving the original one-shot pulse 101, outputs a first one-shot pulse 102 at the first tap after a first fixed delay, thereby supplying the first potential from the word line potential generator 11 to the source of the P-channel transistor of an inverter 21 in the word line decoder 13. ", "As a result, the potential of the word line 14 rises from the ground potential to the first potential. ", "Here, a time difference arises before desired potential values are attained between the proximal end (106) and the distal end (107) of the word line 14 with respect to the output of the word line decoder 13, as shown in FIG. ", "2B. The writing voltage applied for the selected memory cell in the fabrication process of the ROM is determined by discriminating the voltage read out from the selected memory cell between the level 0 and a level other than 0. ", "If the writing voltage is determined to be zero, then the stored data is (0,0).", "\nA second one-shot pulse 103 is then generated by the delay circuit 15 at the second tap after a second fixed delay, thereby supplying the second potential from the word line potential generator 11 to the source of the P-channel transistor of the inverter 21. ", "As a result, the electric potential of the word line 14 rises from the first potential to the second potential. ", "The writing voltage for the selected memory cell is determined by discriminating the read out voltage between the level 1 and a level other than 1, if the selected voltage has been determined as a level other than 0 during application of the first potential to the word line. ", "If the writing voltage is determined to be level 1, then the stored data is (0,1).", "\nFurther, a third one-shot pulse 104 is generated by the delay circuit 26 at the third tap after a third fixed delay, thereby supplying the power source potential from the word line potential generator 11 to the source of the P-channel transistor of the inverter 11. ", "As a result, the electric potential of the word line 14 rises from the second potential to the source potential. ", "The writing voltage for the selected memory cell is then determined by discriminating the voltage read out from the selected memory cell either the level 2 or a level other than 2, if the writing voltage has been determined as a level other than 0 for the first potential and a level other than 1 for the second potential. ", "This provides the discrimination of the stored data between (1,0) and (1,1). ", "With these operations, it is possible to determine the writing voltage level for the selected memory cell, which is specified by the word line decoder 13 and a column decoder not shown, to read out the written multi-value data.", "\nAfter the read-out, a discharge one-shot pulse 105 is supplied from the delay circuit 15 at the fourth tap, and turns on the N-channel transistor 20, thereby lowering the electric potential of the word line 14 to the ground potential to prepare for a next read cycle which starts by responding to a next address change.", "\nIn the conventional word line driver as described above, in order to attain a higher speed in setting the electric potential of the distal end of the word line to a desired level, enlargement of the dimensions of the word line decoder, lessening of the length of the word line per one word line decoder or other measures is needed because of the difference in the transmission time between the proximal end and the distal end of the word line due to the parasitic resistance and capacitance involved in the word line. ", "The enlargement of the dimensions etc., ", "however, necessitates a large chip area or other problem in the mask ROM." ]
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[ "//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n// Copyright (c) 2012 GarageGames, LLC\r\n//\r\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\r\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\r\n// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\r\n// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\r\n// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\r\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\r\n//\r\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\r\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\r\n//\r\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\r\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\r\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\r\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\r\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\r\n// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\r\n// IN THE SOFTWARE.", "\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n// Register a Content Library\r\n//\r\n// Returns : Library Object ID or 0.", "\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nfunction GuiFormManager::RegisterLibrary( %libraryName, %libraryBasePath )\r\n{\r\n %libraryPrepend = \"GFCM\";\r\n %newLibraryObjectName = %libraryPrepend @ %libraryName;\r\n\r\n // If the library already exists, just return it's object.", "\r\n if( isObject( %newLibraryObjectName ) )\r\n return %newLibraryObjectName.getId();\r\n\r\n // We must have the content manager to continue.", "\r\n if( !", "isObject( FormContentManager ) )\r\n {\r\n error(\"GuiFormManager::RegisterLibrary - Unable to find FormContentManager object!\");", "\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Create Content Library.", "\r\n %newLibrary = new SimGroup( %newLibraryObjectName )\r\n {\r\n Name = %libraryName;\r\n };\r\n\r\n // Expand Base Path\r\n %libraryFullPath = getPrefsPath( %libraryBasePath );\r\n\r\n // Store disk base path\r\n %newLibrary.basePath = %libraryFullPath;\r\n\r\n // Ensure Path Exists\r\n createPath( %libraryFullPath );\r\n\r\n // Add Library to Content Manager.", "\r\n FormContentManager.add( %newLibrary );\r\n\r\n // Create Content Library Ref Group.", "\r\n %newLibraryRefGroup = new SimGroup();\r\n %newLibraryRefGroup.setInternalName(\"RefGroup\");\r\n %newLibrary.add( %newLibraryRefGroup );\r\n\r\n // Create Content Library Layout Group.", "\r\n %newLibraryLayoutGroup = new SimGroup();\r\n %newLibraryLayoutGroup.setInternalName(\"LayoutGroup\");\r\n %newLibrary.add( %newLibraryLayoutGroup );\r\n\r\n // Add Library to Content Manager.", "\r\n FormContentManager.add( %newLibrary );\r\n\r\n\r\n // Add [none] Content.", "\r\n GuiFormManager::AddFormContent( %libraryName, $FormClassNoContentCaption );\r\n\r\n // Return Library Object.", "\r\n return %newLibrary;\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n// Unregister a Content Library\r\n//\r\n// Returns : True or False.", "\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nfunction GuiFormManager::UnregisterLibrary( %libraryName )\r\n{\r\n // Find Library Object.", "\r\n %libraryObj = GuiFormManager::FindLibrary( %libraryName );\r\n\r\n if( !", "isObject( FormContentManager ) || !", "isObject( %libraryObj ) )\r\n {\r\n error(\"GuiFormManager::RegisterLibrary - Unable to find GuiFormManager or Library!\");", "\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Remove all Content Reference Objects in this Library.", "\r\n while( %libraryObj.getCount() > 0 )\r\n {\r\n if( isObject( %libraryObj.getObject( 0 ) ) )\r\n %libraryObj.getObject( 0 ).delete();\r\n %libraryObj.remove( 0 );\r\n }\r\n // Delete the library\r\n %libraryObj.delete();\r\n\r\n // Return Success.", "\r\n return true;\r\n \r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n// Find a Content Library\r\n//\r\n// Returns : Library Object ID or 0.", "\r\n//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nfunction GuiFormManager::FindLibrary( %libraryName )\r\n{\r\n // Generate Library Name.", "\r\n %libraryObjectName = \"GFCM\" @ %libraryName;\r\n\r\n // Find Library by Name.", "\r\n if( isObject( %libraryObjectName ) )\r\n return %libraryObjectName.getId();\r\n\r\n // Didn't find by name, see if this is already a library ID.", "\r\n if( isObject( %libraryName ) )\r\n return %libraryName;\r\n\r\n // Couldn't Find Library\r\n return 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction GuiFormManager::Init()\r\n{\r\n // Create SimGroup.", "\r\n new SimGroup( FormContentManager ){}; \r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction GuiFormManager::Destroy()\r\n{\r\n while( FormContentManager.getCount() > 0 )\r\n {\r\n %object = FormContentManager.getObject( 0 );\r\n\r\n if( isObject( %object ) )\r\n GuiFormManager::BroadcastContentMessage( %object, FormContentManager, \"onLibraryDestroyed\" );\r\n \r\n FormContentManager.remove( %object );\r\n }\r\n \r\n // Destroy SimGroup.", "\r\n if( isObject( FormContentManager ) )\r\n FormContentManager.delete(); \r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "Recognise Polycythaemia vera as a disability\n\nPolycythaemia vera is a rare incurable condition that in the last few years was recognised as a slow growing chronic cancer.", "\n\nThis does not come under any special rules with PIP as it is not a aggressive terminal illness but the symptoms are life changing and can be fatal in the short term as well as the long term and sufferers do not know how it will affect them from one day to the next.", "\n\nHowever the DWP does not recognise this condition as a disability despite its profound effects and many sufferers are refused claims to much needed benefits that can help them when they become too ill to work.", "\n\nTo name a few symptoms...\n\nChronic Fatigue.", "\n\nBone pain and gouty arthritis.", "\n\nHeadaches and vision problems\n\nstomach ulcers\n\ninsomnia\n\ndepression\n\nsweating\n\nviolent itching\n\npoor concentration aka brain fog\n\nbleeding problems\n\nhigh blood pressure\n\nas well as being at greater risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and thrombotic events are just some of the things people with PV face and that’s before any side effects from treatment recieved to manage this condition and take it from me these symptoms titles do not do the effects any justice.", "\n\nThe text books will tell you that sufferers “can” lead a relatively normal lifespan, those same text books point to the fact that most sufferers get it in later life so yes the normal lifespan applies (hopefully) but the younger generations struck down by this probably won’t make it to the new national retirement age.", "\n\nThere is a risk of our bone marrow burning out or this turning into a more aggressive form of blood cancer and when the doctors tell us the chance of this is quite small in comparison... they forget their statistics tell us that there is a 1 in 100,000 chance of us being in that chair receiving that diagnosis in the first place.", "\n\nFor me personally, I have to take medication for this condition that combined with my mental health medication leaves me wide open to infection as the conflict causes agranulocytosis but still despite all the afore mentioned... PV is not a disability?", "\n\nI have had doctors ask me about my condition and admit they know nothing but somehow the DWP know it’s not life impairing and Still these people are expected to work through if this and are getting claims rejected daily.", "\n\nWe may have a longer prognosis than most poor cancer sufferers but we live with nightmare symptoms and face uncertainty each day... but the difference is PV patients are expected to work through their symptoms" ]
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[ "\"Watch for telltale signs that a company isn't taking security seriously, such as not using Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) while logging in or submitting sensitive information…\"" ]
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[ 0.009900990099009901 ]
[ "A fast-growing Chinese biotechnology company is to build a cloning factory to copy dogs, cows, racing horses, non-human primates, and other animals, state news agency Xinhua (link in Chinese) reports.", "\n\nThe so-called “world’s largest cloning factory” (yes, there are several more) will include a cloning production line, a cloned animal center, a gene bank, and a science and education exhibition hall, Boyalife Group announced Nov. 22. ", "It will be located in the city of Tianjin, which was the site of a deadly, costly industrial accident earlier this year, in the special development zone where the explosion was.", "\n\nProduction is expected to start in 2016, after a 200 million yuan ($31 million) investment. ", "The first animal to come down the line will be Japanese cows, in an attempt to lower the price of high-quality beef in the Chinese market, Dr. Xu Xiaochun, chairman and CEO of Boyalife, told Chinese media (link in Chinese). “[", "We are] now promoting cloned cows and cloned horses to improve China’s modern animal husbandry industry,” Xu said.", "\n\nThe factory will be a partnership between a Boyalife subsidiary, two domestic research institutions, and Sooam Bitotech Research Foundation from South Korea. ", "It’s not the first time Boyalife and the South Korean cloning company have cooperated. ", "China’s first commercial cloning company is a joint venture between the two that was established last September in Weihai. ", "The first creatures cloned there were three Tibetan mastiffs—a rare shepherd dog breed that can be sold for millions of dollars.", "\n\nSooam, the world’s leader in commercial dog cloning, has produced more than 550 cloned puppies since 2005. ", "Anyone can get a genetic copy of a beloved dog—after paying $100,000 and sending a tissue sample of the original dog. ", "But there isn’t any proof that a cloned working dog can perform as well as the original one in special tasks like explosives detection. ", "And cloned pets may have totally different personalities.", "\n\nFounded in 2009 in the Wuxi city of eastern Zhejiang province, Boyalife has grown into a genetics giant with 28 subsidiaries and operations in 16 provinces. ", "Besides using cloning technologies to improve livestock breeding, the new cloning factory, will be “the world’s only” research institution to produce “disease models” of large animals, Xu said.", "\n\nA “disease model” is an animal that is genetically engineered to be predisposed to a certain human disease for research purposes. ", "BGI, a cloning company in Shenzhen, produces 500 cloned pigs a year, as “disease models” to test out new medicines." ]
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[ "Why It’s So Hard to Lose Weight After 40 & What to Do About It\n\nIn today’s show, we are going to talk about why it’s so hard to lose weight after 40, and what to do about it. ", "If you are 40 or over and you’re finding that the things you did in your 20s or even 30s just aren’t working anymore and you are experiencing a little bit of middle-aged spread and you don’t really know why. ", "We’re going to talk about exactly why that happens and what you can do to counteract that if you if you wish. ", "Come with a pen and paper because I’ll be dropping gems in this episode." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Munich - church\n\nThe Frauenkirche (full name Dom zu unserer lieben Frau, \"Cathedral of Our Dear Lady\") is a church in the Bavarian city of Munich that serves as the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising and seat of its Archbishop.", "\nIt is a landmark and is considered a symbol of the Bavarian capital cit...\n\nSt. Michael is a Jesuit church in Munich, the largest Renaissance church north of the Alps. ", "The style of the building had an enormous influence on Southern German early Baroque architecture.", "\nThe church was built by William V, Duke of Bavaria between 1583 and 1597 as a spiritual center for the Count...\n\nMore information about church\n\nVisit an information page about church.", "\nYou can find there a short description, best objects and links to all other interesting places grouped by cities of occurrence." ]
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[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<item xmlns=\"http://www.supermemo.net/2006/smux\">\n <lesson-title>GRE词汇:《再要你命三千》</lesson-title>\n <chapter-title>List 22</chapter-title>\n <question-title>根据单词,回想词义</question-title>\n <question><span style='font-size:18; font-family:Comic Sans MS; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; color:#550000'>ruse</span><br/><span style='font-size:14; font-family:微软雅黑; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; color:#000000'>[&lt;font face=\"Kingsoft Phonetic\"&gt;rU:seI&lt;/font&gt;]</span><br/></question>\n <answer>【考法 1】 n. 诡计: a wily subterfuge&lt;br&gt;【例】 This was a ruse to divide them. ", " 这是一招反间计。&lt;br&gt;【近】 artifice, maneuver, stratagem, trick, wile&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;【记】 rose 送玫瑰花是得到爱情的诡计<br/></answer>\n <question-audio>true</question-audio>\n <modified>2011-10-14</modified>\n<template-id>10022</template-id>\n</item>\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nValueError to {key:value for i in l for key, value in i.split(':')}\n\nSuppose a list:\nl=['The basics: URLconfs | View functions | Shortcuts | Decorators',\n 'Reference: Built-in Views | Request/response objects | TemplateResponse objects',\n 'File uploads: Overview | File objects | Storage API | Managing files | Custom storage',\n 'Class-based views: Overview | Built-in display views | Built-in editing views | Using mixins | API reference | Flattened index',\n 'Advanced: Generating CSV | Generating PDF',\n 'Middleware: Overview | Built-in middleware classes']\n\nI would like to convert it to a dict\nIn [27]: {i.split(':')[0]: i.split(':')[1] for i in l}\nOut[27]:\n{'Advanced': ' Generating CSV | Generating PDF',\n 'Class-based views': ' Overview | Built-in display views | Built-in editing views | Using mixins | API reference | Flattened index',\n 'File uploads': ' Overview | File objects | Storage API | Managing files | Custom storage',\n 'Middleware': ' Overview | Built-in middleware classes',\n 'Reference': ' Built-in Views | Request/response objects | TemplateResponse objects',\n 'The basics': ' URLconfs | View functions | Shortcuts | Decorators'}\n\nIt's verbose that repeated i.split(':') occurs, so I tried\n{key:value for i in l for key, value in i.split(':')}\n\nIt reports error otherwise\nValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)\n\nHow to accomplish it in a succinct way?", "\n\nA:\n\ndict(item.split(':') for item in l)\n\n" ]
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[ "Measurements for assessing the exposure from 3G femtocells.", "\nFemtocells are low-power access points, which combine mobile and broadband technologies. ", "The main operation of a femtocell is to function as a miniature base station unit in an indoor environment and to connect to the operator's network through a broadband phone line or a coaxial cable line. ", "This study provides the first experimental measurements and results in Greece for the assessment of exposure to a femtocell access point (FAP) indoors. ", "Using a mobile handset with the appropriate software, power level measurements of the transmitted (Tx) and the received by the mobile handset signal were performed in two different and typical (home and office) environments. ", "Moreover, radiofrequency electric field strength and frequency selective measurements with a radiation meter (SRM-3000) were carried out in the proximity of the FAP installation point. ", "The cumulative distribution functions of the Tx power at most cases (except one) show that in 90% of all points the power of the mobile phone was lower by at least 7 dB during FAP operation. ", "At a distance of ∼1 m from the FAP (in its main beam), power flux density measurements show that there is very little difference between the two situations (FAP ON and OFF). ", "As a conclusion, the use of femtocells indoors improves reception quality, reduces the Tx power of the user's mobile terminal and results in an indiscernible increase of the electromagnetic field in front of the unit, at values that are extremely low compared with reference levels of exposure guidelines." ]
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[ "You're probably seeing who's Jordan\nPeterson and who cares if he's telling\nyou to have kids well Jordan Peterson is\na Canadian was also a professor at the\nUniversity of Toronto he's written\nseveral books including twelve rules for\nlife and has recently been making the\ncircuit in the United States and has\nbeen creating quite a buzz of the\ncontent that he discusses he discusses\nliterally almost anything that you want\nto talk about with him up until a few\nmonths ago I had absolutely no idea who\nhe was but several of his videos keep\npopping up in my recommended and so one\nday I decided to click and watch let me\nknow down in the comments below if\nyou've actually ever listened to any of\nhis talks hey guys I'm Dave Rubin and\nthis is the all-new Reuben report the\nparticularly oh I watched was when he\nwas on the Reuben report and Dave Rubin\nand Jordan Peterson were discussing why\nJordan Peterson thought that people\nshould have children\nof course this piqued my interest right\naway seeing that I am the wife without\nkids and on this channel we talked all\nabout child free living and why there is\nabsolutely nothing wrong with choosing\nnot to have children it's not a super\nlong clip it was about seven minutes\nlong and I will link the clip down below\nif you want to go and watch the whole\nthing I'm not gonna be playing the whole\nthing here I'm just gonna be showing you\na couple of clips and then making some\ncomments on what they discuss we talked\na little bit about this over a drink we\ngot a couple weeks ago but what about\nthe couples that have no kids couples\nthat just say you know we're more\ninteresting our intellectual pursuits\nare traveling or something you think\nthey're really missing sort of like a\nkey component of what life is right I do\nI really that I mean I think they don't\nI think kids have a bad rap that's the\nproblem that's also why I wrote his\nchapter we party all right he's got a\ngreat point here kids do kind of have a\nbad rap in Hollywood or just in general\nI don't know if this is just a North\nAmerican thing and all kids when they\nyou know are a certain age they kind of\nturned rebellious and they turn\ndifficult but it's kind of true if you\nwere to watch TV and you could see what\nthe kids were like on TV no one would\nprobably want to have kids you know you\nsee this to a lot Hollywood depictions\nof children's very rare that you see\nchildren portrayed nobly you know in a\nwhole wood film but then I ask the\nquestion are kids actually noble they're\nkids kids tend to be selfish let's be\nhonest\nas adults we poked a lot of life skills\nalready and to say please and thank you\nand behave in a way that's competent and\nrational but I feel like a lot of times\nkids haven't learned that yet so how can\nthey really be displayed as being these\nnoble creatures when they're still\nlearning a bunch of life skills\nyou have to understand about kids\nthey're unbelievably good company you\nknow and so they pay you back for your\ncare of them and by being ridiculously\namusing their little clowns and they're\ndoing crazy little stunts all the time\nand they have a sense of humor that\nkicks a mic I have a grandchild now\nthat's two and a half months old and\nthat child can already smile and has the\nbeginnings of a sense of humor that's to\nme that's a miracle that's really it is\nit and so they're very funny they're\nreally playful they really really like\nyou and you can have the kind of\nrelationship with them that you set out\nto have there is a reason they had shows\nlike kids say the darndest things\nbecause it is true it is really funny\nsometimes\nbut again that's only seeing snippets of\na child's life yes sometimes they're\namusing and they're funny and they're\ngood company but a lot of the times they\njust aren't we can't trick ourselves\ninto thinking oh you have a kid and it's\ngoing to give back 100% and you will be\nso glad you were a parent and you will\nnever have any struggles or any hard\ntimes now I don't think that's exactly\nwhat he's saying in the video but I do\nthink he's portraying kids to be a\nlittle more amazing and that they give\nback a little more than maybe in reality\nHey okay that's enough back up back up\nwhat are you doing man why'd you do that\nwell yeah\nkids do definitely give things back to\nparents but they take they take a lot\nmore than they give I think so\nespecially when they're younger they're\ntaking all the time and yes those few\nthings that you get back from them maybe\nthey keep you going as a parent if\nyou're feeling discouraged or you're\nfeeling tired and it is worth it I'm not\nsaying it's not worth it\nbut I'm saying having kids is a lot of\nwork it's not just that they're giving\nyou back all these things and it's easy\ncycle and it's just let's have kids\nbecause they're gonna be funny and we\nget to spend time with them and they're\ngreat do you want a brother do you want\na sister no what do you want\nthank you you can pizza rolls yeah okay\nchildren give parents things there's no\ndoubt about it but they take and they\ntake a lot by the time you're 30 say\nyou've seen so much of the world that\nyou actually don't see the world anymore\nand this is technically true like I'm\nall done 55 when I walk down the street\nthis house it I don't look at them I\nhave house icons in the memory and I\njust see the house icons and and so the\nolder you get in some sense the more\nwhat you see of the world is your memory\nand that's kind of its efficient but\nit's sort of dead you know and artists\nhelp break through that they show you\nsomething as if it's new again you know\nand so that's why van Gogh's irises you\nknow sell four hundred sixty million\ndollars it's like you haven't looked at\nflowers since you were three yeah okay\nso the thing that's cool about having a\nlittle kid is everywhere you go because\nwe're so good at putting ourselves in\nother people's bodies the kid\nrevitalizes the world it kids like oh I\nmean a definite old looks like all the\ntime right they're just completely\nawestruck by everything and you can see\nthat again and that's really interesting\nokay okay okay\ntime out we got to talk about this one\nyes Jordan Peterson you are right I\nremember having this discussion with my\nhusband when he says I hit the age of\nblank I don't remember what it was eight\nten twelve and suddenly the magic of\nChristmas was gone you know when you're\na little kid and you're bright-eyed you\nsee the lights and you hear the music\nand you see the gifts and everything is\njust so amazing and you can't wait til\nChristmas morning and you look forward\nto it all year and it's not a letdown\nbut then at some point it it's nobody\nit's a letdown\nbut it kind of loses its sparkle and it\nloses its magic and I do think that's\ntrue and that can be true with any\nholiday we don't see those things\nthrough innocent eyes anymore and go oh\nwow the world is so amazing not in the\nsame way that a little kid does but\nhere's where I disagree because I don't\nthink that's a reason to have a kid if\nwe had a kid every time we lost the a\nmoment wouldn't we all have like\nhundreds of kids now I understand he's\nnot saying every time you lose an awe\nmoment have a child but it does kind of\nsound like he's saying if you have a kid\nyou get to live through your child's\nexperiences which yes there are\ndefinitely benefits to that but on the\nother side of the spectrum that can be\nkind of dangerous parents can push the\nkids to do things the kids don't want to\ndo just so the parents can have their\nall moment through their kids or through\ntheir kids successes I think we can\nstill have a ha moments as adults I\nabsolutely think we can because here's\nthe thing the world is amazing it's huge\nit's big there are places to travel\nthere are things to learn there are\nfoods to eat there's all sorts of stuff\nthat you can do within life there's no\nexcuse for an adult not to have aha\nmoments now it may not be with the exact\nsame wonderment and excitement is when\nyou're a child it might take a little\nbit more effort to have a ha moment you\nmight have to save some money to travel\nsomewhere to have an aha moment but you\ncan still have those amazing moments\nwhere you're surprised at life and what\nthe world has to offer you there's a\ndisciplinary element it's really\nimportant to it one of the things that\nmodern parents don't understand and I\nthink this is because of the exception a\npermissive ethos of the 1960s where when\nwe develop this idea that everything\nthat society does the children is bad so\ndon't damage your children but by\nputting restrictions on them it's like\nthat's just that's so wrong that it's\nalmost impossible it's why people shy\naway from kids because they don't\nunderstand that you don't have to put up\nwith any unpleasant you don't have to\nput up with any unnecessary unpleasant\nnonsense for children it's not necessary\nok I am so glad somebody has said this\nbecause I feel like as someone who\ndoesn't have children I don't have the\nright to say this but Jordan Peterson\nhas kids so he can say it you don't have\nto put up with unnecessary nonsense from\nchildren I love it\nah angel choir moment\nthere is something so off-putting about\nkids who I never disciplined but I know\nsome people who believe their children\nare old souls and so they raise\nthemselves they don't need a discipline\nor any guidance whatever they want to do\nthey can do it I don't understand this\nway of thinking and then it's really\ndifficult when kids like that come to\nyour home because they're wild they're\ninappropriate they do whatever they want\nand you can't say anything because their\nparents say they're raising themselves\nthey'll be okay\nyou could almost argue that the sixties\nled to exactly what you're talking about\nthese kids who then were taught to be\nafraid of everything they become a mess\nthey're the parents of now and that's\nprobably in part why they're having less\nchildren or at least talking about\nfamily and children in a different way\nwell there's also less trust in the\nstructure the family because the divorce\nrate has proliferated I have a natural\naffinity for little kids and I do\nbelieve it's it's in large part that's\nwhy because I just know how to react\nwith him and it's me I do believe it's\nbecause of the way that I was treated\nwhen I was a little kid he just rubbed\nout it's like a lots people don't trust\nthemselves his parents say because they\nwere hurt there didn't have good role\nmodels or they don't trust the famille\nno structure and having more of an\naffinity towards kids if you're raised\nwell I feel like this is probably a\nfairly accurate statement than something\nthat actually until I watched this video\nI didn't think about too much my parents\ndivorced when I was I think 14 or 15 or\n16 somewhere around there and I would\nsay that my mom was my primary role\nmodel and had a larger part in raising\nme than my dad did okay I'm not changing\nmy mind about having kids but I have\ngiven this some thought I have an idea\nof what I would want my child to be I\nwould want them to behave in a way that\nwas respectful and honorable I would\nwant them to give to society I would\nwant them to have a strong value system\nI don't know if I would actually know\nhow to do that as a parent because how\nwould you do that and you wouldn't know\nif the skillset that you thought you\nneeded to raise your kid was right or\nwrong until your kid was raised and then\nis it kind of too late then because what\nthe kid makes of their life from then on\nis gonna be their choice I can kind of\nunderstand this notion that being a\nparent can kind of scare people off and\nit makes them not want kids people are\ndifferent\nthey've always been different some\npeople get married some people don't\nsome people have kids some people don't\nsome people have pets some people don't\nI don't think the role of having\nchildren fits everybody we've made the\nchoice not to have kids because we don't\nwant them and I think that was the best\nchoice for us maybe we would have been\ngreat parents maybe we would have been\nterrible parents or maybe\nwould have been parents that kind of\nfell in the middle somewhere I'm really\nnot sure for a little more child free\nstuff go ahead and check out this video\nright here\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs this namespace issue\n\nThis is my code, I got from this link\n int main(int agrc, char **argv)\n {\n HaarClassifierCascade *p = 0;\n MemStorage *pstore = 0;\n Seq *Faceseq;\n int i;\n\n Mat test_sample = imread(\"1.jpg\");\n pstore = CreateMemStorage(0);\n p = (HaarClassifierCascade *)Load((\"/home/itachi/opencv-2.4.6/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml\"),0,0,0);\n if( !", "test_sample || !", "pstore || !", "p)\n {\n printf(\"Initialization failed : %s \\n\",(!test_sample)? \"", "didn't load image file\" : (!", "p)? \"", "didn't load Haar cascade --\" \"make sure path is correct\" : \"failed to allocate memory for data storage\");\n exit(-1);\n }\n\n Faceseq = HaarDetectObjects(test_sample,p,pstore,1.1,3,CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING,Size(0,0));\n NamedWindow(\"Haar Window\", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);\n\n for(i=0;i<(Faceseq? ", "Faceseq->total:0);i++)\n {\n Rect *r = (Rect*)GetSeqElem(Faceseq,i);\n Point pt1 = { r->x, r->y };\n Point pt2 = { r->x + r->width, r->y + r->height };\n Rectangle(test_sample,pt1,pt2,CV_RGB(0,255,0),3,4,0);\n }\n ShowImage(\"Haar Window\", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);\n WaitKey(0);\n DestroyWindow(\"Haar Window\");\n\n ReleaseImage(test_sample);\n if(p) ReleaseHaarClassifierCascade(&p);\n if(pstore) ReleaseMemStorage (&pstore);\n }\n\nI am trying this code in my new system, where I installed opencv recently. ", "Previously, when using from my old system, I normally used functions like ShowImage without a cv tag before it. ", "but compiling this code is giving me the following error :\n facedetecthaar.cpp:28:91: error: ‘HaarDetectObjects’ was not declared in this scope\n facedetecthaar.cpp:29:47: error: ‘NamedWindow’ was not declared in this scope\n\nAnd many more similar to this. ", "If I add Cv infront of these functions, it becomes fine. ", "Any reason why this is required? ", "Is this a problem of namespace not working? ", "Please help me here. ", "This is my Makefile:\n LIBS=`pkg-config --libs opencv`\n INCLUDE=`pkg-config --cflags opencv`\n\n Facedetect: facedetecthaar.o\n g++ $^ -o $@ $(LIBS)\n\n facedetecthaar.o: facedetecthaar.cpp\n g++ -c $^ $(INCLUDE)\n\nA:\n\nUse this instead of showImage\nThis is easy\n// Open the window\ncv::namedWindow(\"foo\");\n\n// Display the image m in this window\ncv::imshow(\"foo\", m);\n\nAnd the cvxxxx_xxx before the functions are part of the function names, you should not remove them.", "\nAll of this functionality which start with cv are old and there are replacements for all of them in new version of openCV which for some case are even faster.", "\nyou can see the complete diffrences here:\nhttp://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/index.html openCV 2.0\nhttp://docs.opencv.org/index.html openCV 2.4\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat purpose do mathematics and philosophy serve epistemologically (compared to sciences)?", "\n\nKant did not consider them sciences, but meta-disciplines that study a priori conditions of doing science. ", "Indeed, both mathematics and philosophy permeate all empirical sciences to varying degrees, in fact to complementary degrees it seems. ", "The more there is of mathematics in a field the less there is of philosophy (sadly).", "\nMuch is made about the difference with empirical sciences. ", "However, if one believes in the Platonic realm and some means of accessing it directly (like Gödel did) then both mathematics and philosophy become \"empirical\" sciences of that. ", "Husserl gave an account of ideal intuition that fulfills both conditions and is free of fantastic elements in Plato. ", "So this distinction seems to rest on philosophical preferences. ", "\nOne could also argue that proof standards in mathematics differ only in quantity rather than quality from soundness standards for theoretical arguments in empirical sciences. ", "Another issue often brought up is experimental falsification. ", "But from Kuhn we know that theories are not exactly falsified by individual experiments, they fall if they broadly fail. ", "That isn't that different from mathematics and philosophy, although mathematical theories or philosophical systems are not \"verified\" or \"falsified\" fruitful ones are perpetuated (like Lebesgue measure theory or Kant's critical method), and unfruitful ones are abandoned and become historical curiosities (like classical invariant theory or Berkeley's solipsism). ", "For mathematics the opposite sides are argued here and in the top answer to Is Mathematics considered a science?", "\nArgument about philosophy is mentioned here.", "\nNot surprisingly, Husserl wanted philosophy to be a science, even a \"rigorous\" science. ", "Ironically, it is analytic philosophy that comes closest to fulfilling his wish. ", "However, even he distinguishes formal and empirical sciences (corresponding to his formal and regional ontologies), and places mathematics and philosophy with the former. ", "On the other hand, most existensialists would have none of that. ", "Even grouping mathematics with philosophy is controversial, in academia mathematics is usually put together with sciences, and philosophy with humanities. ", "However, even some existentialists would probably claim that they study something more fundamental than \"human culture\" (Heidegger comes to mind).", "\n\nIs there something to the question that does not reduce to an argument about words? ", "Accepting Husserl's formal/empirical terminology can the underlying common of \"science\" be identified without including \"pseudo-sciences\" (or should some of them be included)? ", "And if mathematics and philosophy are (are not) sciences should they be (not be)? ", "In case of the negative answer, how is the role of mathematics and philosophy similar/different to that of \"sciences\"?", "\n\nA:\n\n[To avoid @Conifold's worry this will just be about words let me warn you ahead of time -- I accept 'science' as a term that applies equally well to all the things Newton considered 'science', including not just math and a big part of philosophy, but his extensive investment in Alchemy. ", " If you cannot agree, this argument will remain unconvincing to you. ", " I only choose Newton because it is English that has the strongest bias about the definition, and he is the epitome of early English science.]", "\nI think that Lakatos in \"Proofs and Refutations\" makes a good case that however the field looks at itself, mathematics is verified for the rest of us by its applicability, and not by its internal consistency. ", " (Without really stating it, since he is trying to stay in a dialog format. ", " He makes the super-modernist ('Theta'?) ", "look vapid and smug. ", " He 'wins', but he loses our concern.)", "\nTaken in that vein, it turns back into a science, but it is a science like linguistics or (non-Behaviorist) psychology, about internal human processes whose external effects are only source material and not subject matter. ", " So I would not make the distinction between formal and empirical sciences so much as between exterior and interior focus. ", " The cheesy way of putting this is \"Mathematics is just the oldest branch of psychology.\"", "\nOne might claim that modern linguistics is not a science, and psychology must restrict itself to Behaviorism and neurology in order to be considered scientific. ", " Even more would claim fuzzier sciences like anthropology or sociology either simply not exist as sciences, or they are way outside their own proper boundaries.", "\nBut all of those disciplines regularly make predictions about external facts. ", " Math predicts that if you do your statistics right, you will not see huge contradictions between our predictions in practice. ", " Anthropology predicts we will find certain aspects of certain cultures at dig sites eventually, that we may not yet have seen to date. ", " If they turned out to be wrong most of the time, things would change, if only slowly. ", " So they are doing the job of a science, even by a fairly prescriptive definition of scientific. ", " Still, they are not particularly invested in those empirical facts, at root. ", " They rely more upon complex, internal models of human experience or interaction, that have a different kind of coherence. ", " And they therefore mainly see those facts as mere checkpoints, rather than focal material.", "\nI would throw into this pot of 'internal' sciences even parts of aesthetics like music theory, some literary criticism, or comparative mythology, to the degree they theorize clearly about what makes things appealing in a predictive way (e.g. The Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization or studies of recurring archetypes) and do not simply observe trends or invent labels, without attempting to explain the effectiveness of the art.", "\nIn a different way, across disciplines instead of between them, I would claim that Kuhn's notion of science should be seen as a complete continuum, and not a set of levels or defined periods, and that all of it is, to different degrees 'science'. ", " Pre-science is science, and even a well-intended pseudo-science is science, just badly done. ", " Philosophy, then, from that extended Kuhnian point of view, is the part of science that has not yet attained, or that cannot for deeper reasons attain, an initial stable paradigm of adequate coverage. ", " It is therefore not 'a science', but it remains 'science' in a different sense. ", " It is kind of 'science outside any given science' the same way there is a lot of water outside any given body of water.", "\nIn that sense, all the sciences are restricted parts of philosophy with accepted bases, and 'philosophy proper' is what is left that is more basic than the existing bases. ", " Husserl might get his wish, but the part of philosophy that captured his goals would just spin off into a separate science the way Utilitarianism has become economics. ", " \nTo me, the distinction of paradigmatic vs sub-paradigmatic addresses the apparent complementarity you note. ", " A paradigm enables the application of other sciences to a field. ", " Without one, there is less ability to get leverage from outside, because the points where leverage would be applied are moving. ", " So the less strong the paradigm, the more often the science is thrown back into more basic questions, and the less likely any outside discipline is to bear on progress.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Use of life support in acutely admitted ICU patients. ", "An international cohort study.", "\nUse of life support in intensive care unit (ICU) patients has been associated with increased risk of poor outcome. ", "The prognostic importance of the duration of support is less studied. ", "We assessed the use of life support and the association between its duration and 90-day mortality in a contemporary cohort of acutely admitted adult ICU patients. ", "We performed a post-hoc analysis of the SUP-ICU 7-day inception cohort study (n = 1034), which was conducted in 97 ICUs in 11 countries. ", "We included patients with an ICU stay of 3 days or more. ", "We assessed the use of life support during the first 3 days in ICU and the crude and adjusted association between its duration and 90-day mortality using logistic regression analyses. ", "We included 690 patients; their 90-day mortality was 23%. ", "During the first 3 days in ICU mechanical ventilation was used in 65%, vasopressors/inotropes in 57% and renal replacement therapy in 13%. ", "Renal replacement therapy for 3 days or more was associated with a higher 90-day mortality as compared with 1 day of renal replacement therapy [odds ratio 6.5 (95% confidence interval 1.3 to 32.8)]. ", "For mechanical ventilation and vasopressors/inotropes the odds ratios were 2.2 [0.9 to 5.3] and 1.2 [0.5 to 2.6], respectively. ", "Among acutely admitted adult ICU patients, a higher number of days of renal replacement therapy in the initial ICU stay were associated with increased risk of death within 90 days. ", "We did not observe such an association for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor/inotropic therapy." ]
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[ "/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * Licensed under the Source EULA. ", "See License.txt in the project root for license information.", "\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nimport * as vscode from 'vscode';\nimport { default as VSCodeTelemetryReporter } from 'vscode-extension-telemetry';\n\ninterface IPackageInfo {\n\tname: string;\n\tversion: string;\n\taiKey: string;\n}\n\nexport interface TelemetryReporter {\n\tdispose(): void;\n\tsendTelemetryEvent(eventName: string, properties?: {", "\n\t\t[key: string]: string;\n\t}): void;\n}\n\nconst nullReporter = new class NullTelemetryReporter implements TelemetryReporter {\n\tsendTelemetryEvent() { /** noop */ }\n\tdispose() { /** noop */ }\n};\n\nclass ExtensionReporter implements TelemetryReporter {\n\tprivate readonly _reporter: VSCodeTelemetryReporter;\n\n\tconstructor(\n\t\tpackageInfo: IPackageInfo\n\t) {\n\t\tthis._reporter = new VSCodeTelemetryReporter(packageInfo.name, packageInfo.version, packageInfo.aiKey);\n\t}\n\tsendTelemetryEvent(eventName: string, properties?: {", "\n\t\t[key: string]: string;\n\t}) {\n\t\tthis._reporter.sendTelemetryEvent(eventName, properties);\n\t}\n\n\tdispose() {\n\t\tthis._reporter.dispose();\n\t}\n}\n\nexport function loadDefaultTelemetryReporter(): TelemetryReporter {\n\tconst packageInfo = getPackageInfo();\n\treturn packageInfo ? ", "new ExtensionReporter(packageInfo) : nullReporter;\n}\n\nfunction getPackageInfo(): IPackageInfo | null {\n\tconst extension = vscode.extensions.getExtension('Microsoft.vscode-markdown');\n\tif (extension && extension.packageJSON) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\tname: extension.packageJSON.name,\n\t\t\tversion: extension.packageJSON.version,\n\t\t\taiKey: extension.packageJSON.aiKey\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Shad Vogue, Vancouver BC, November 29\n\nPublished Nov 30, 2013\n\n8\n\nShadrach Kabango is a worldly fellow, having been born in Kenya and raised in London, Ontario. ", "Yet, since earning his masters degree in liberal studies at SFU , he calls Vancouver home these days, and justifiably received a hero's welcome at the vintage Vogue Theatre. ", "With two Polaris Prize nominations and a Juno win under his belt, the affable rapper deserved nothing less.", "Backed up by DJ T Lo on the wheels of steel, who scratched and laid down beats from a laptop, and Ian Koiter alternately playing keyboards and bass guitar, the crowd's hands and voices raised with a minimum of provocation from the MC; they waved them like they did, in fact, care and shouted out the words to catalog jams like \"Compromise\" fromand \"Rose Garden\" fromShad wasn't just coasting on his past accomplishments, though. ", "He brought his best game along with him, employing his forceful flow to deliver his honest, life-affirming lyrics with crystal clarity. ", "There was no hiding lyrics and flow behind muffle for this man. ", "With lyrical themes ranging from encouraging women to rap (\"Keep Shining\") to an ode to immigrants (\"Fam Jam (Fe Sum Immigrins)\"), laced with personal exposition and social positivity, he had something to say that needs to be heard. ", "To see him now brings to mind the likes of Blackalicious and Jurassic 5 in their prime.", "That's not to say it was all perfection. ", "When he went to play some guitar during \"Rock to It\" from his 2005 debut album, he couldn't get any sound to come out of his instrument, so he dropped it and redirected his creative energy back into his verse. ", "The slight setback didn't make him stumble in the slightest, though, as he apologized for it in his between song banter, and used the problem to build trust. ", "His unflustered openness was admirable. ", "The guy knows how to turn a negative into a positive.", "Overall, the set was well-crafted, with nary an awkward pause throughout. ", "Shad's track selection covered all the bases, his banter was humble and appreciative, and his vibrant flow never ran out of steam, despite near constant exertion for over an hour. ", "As he ended his regular set on \"Remember to Remember\" from his recent album,, he cut all the lights in the venue so Vancouver could party in the dark, and left the stage illuminated only by the lights on the crowd's cell phones.", "That wouldn't be the final word, though, as he and his bandmates came back out to drop the Lenny Kravitz sampling \"it ain't over.\" ", "Then, with his band gone, he dropped an a capella version of \"Epilogue: Long Jawn\" from, a stream of consciousness rant that might as well be his manifesto." ]
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[ "Adorable blonde girl Madden is here today wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of stripy stockings and some tight white panties. ", "She’s smiling, looking like she wants to tease you and play with your imagination. ", "What a girl Madden is, she keeps herself in great shape with such a cute ass, she clearly is very fit. ", "First she starts showing off her flexibility in those tight white panties, hypnotizing your eyes, then she loses her t-shirt and tries to keep her boobs covered. ", "In the official Meet Madden site sometimes she even downs her panties, if you become a member you can enjoy the full uncensored photoshoot in hi-res along with all of her naughty uncensored videos. ", "Meet Madden is the girlfriend we all dream of having." ]
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[ "Elder Stephen Crisp returned home from a two year mission in the Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission on November 17th, 2015.", "\n\nMonday, November 10, 2014\n\nNovember 10th, 2014\n\nWow so I got a lot more birthday wishes that was cool, it was a pretty cool day here a sister made me a cake so that was cool, and a part from that it was a good week too, Im super comfortable in this area and Im really heppy to be here, were really improving and seeing quite a few people progress, I really think that the fruits of these labors are coming soon. ", "We have the man Jaime whos doing great, puts in a lot of effort to understand the scriptures. ", "And we got Neli a lady who has been with us a while, who just seperated herself from her man who she had been living with for 12 years in fornication cause he didnt wanted to get married. ", "Shes really cool but kind of crazy, but she taught me a lot when she responded simply to the question why she wanted to seperate...Because I love God.", "\n\nWe had a super cool experience this week, with a less active whos name is David.....He doesnt usually live here but his brother does, who happened to be our ivestigator (his brother/wife are the ones who gave us the cuy).They werent really progressing and started to avoid us so we hadnt been visiting them, but the other night when we had nothing to do we decided to go back to their house, and there we came across David. ", "He was going to go work in columbia but quit that job cause he decided to start looking for god again...so we found him and he told us that he had been praying that wed come to help encourage him to continue in the church. ", "It was not in our plans at all that day to go there and even though we didnt realize it we were led there by God...It is really true that we can feel successful simply by knowing that the spirit led us, knowing that we did the will of the father. ", "David hasnt been going to church for a few years, but gave up his job to figure out everything. ", "He is a good example of following the guide that God gives us, and really listening and acting on those answers, cause now hes committed himself to keep going to church. ", "All he did was be humble and ask for something specific, and decided before to make the decision that god was giving him.", "\n\n\"Organize yourselves, and prepare yourselves, and sanctify yourselves; yea, purify your hearts, and cleanse your hands and your feet before me, that I may make you clean;\n\nThat I may testify unto your Father, and your God, and my God, that you are clean from the blood of this wicked generation;that I may fulfil this promise, this great and last promise, which I have made unto you, when I will.\"", "\n\nAlma 29:9\n\n\"I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. ", "I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.\"" ]
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[ "Monday, February 13, 2006\n\nNHL betting Gretzky is clean.", "\n\nWell, well, well, hockey is the big story in sports. ", "I thought I would never say that. ", "Unfortunately for the sport of hockey, it takes an alleged gambling ring to get some headlines. ", "And it’s not even the gambling ring that is getting the headlines as much as the fact that Wayne Gretzky may or may not have something to do with it.", "\n\nA gambling ring that was financed, allegedly, by former player and coach Rick Tocchett, Gretzky’s best friend and assistant coach. ", "It also allegedly involved a New Jersey state trooper, perhaps a dozen current NHL players and whispers of some involvement with organized crime. ", "There is also evidence that Gretzky’s wife is involved in this fiasco. ", "Whoops!", "\n\nWayne Gretzky, the greatest hockey player of all time in most people’s eyes, got dragged into this mess by his lovely wife, Janet Jones Gretzky. ", "Allegedly, Ms. Gretzky likes the action. ", "In fact, it is alleged that Ms. Gretzky wagered $500,000 over a period of 39 days and bet $100,000 on the Super Bowl, including a $5000 bet on the coin toss. ", "Wow, she really likes the action.", "\n\nGretzky at first denied knowing anything about anything. ", "It turns out that the FBI have wiretaps showing that Gretzky knew something about the gambling ring because he is on tape talking with Rick Tochett about keeping his and his wife’s name out of the investigation. ", "It turns out this conversation happened just after authorities talked with Ms. Gretzky about the alleged gambling ring.", "\n\nSome are now wondering if Ms. Gretzky placed bets for her husband. ", "Some are wondering if Gretzky bet on hockey and some are wondering if, perhaps, some games have been fixed. ", "I think those people are jumping too quickly to those conclusions. ", "There is no evidence of any bets on hockey by anybody. ", "There is no evidence Gretzky bet on anything.", "\n\nThere is evidence that perhaps Ms. Gretzky has a bit of a problem. ", "When you bet $500,000 in a mater of 40 days, you may have a problem. ", "I know some people like to have a little money on a game to enjoy it, but this is ridiculous. ", "Hopefully this will show Ms. Gretzky that she might need to seek some help.", "\n\nThere is evidence that Wayne Gretzky is very naïve or at least the kind of person who has adopted a “don’t ask, don’t tell” philosophy. ", "To not know your best friend was involved in this and to not know or be concerned your wife is gambling this much money tells me that Gretzky just doesn’t have a clue. ", "Gretzky needs to pull his head out of the sand and tell somebody in the media what he knows and when he knew it before his reputation takes a bigger hit than it already has. ", "If the NHL can not count on Wayne Gretzky as its paragon of virtue then all might be lost.", "\n\nHockey has just been through what many thought was the worst year of its existence with the lockout. ", "The league did not need this to crop up, especially when it brings up the whispers and allegations of the fix being in. ", "Will hockey survive this scandal? ", "I believe it will because I believe we will find out that the only thing this alleged gambling ring has to do with the NHL is that players used it to place bets on other sports. ", "We will also find out Wayne Gretzky had nothing to do with the alleged ring. ", "Thankfully when this all comes out into the open we can go back to not caring about hockey once again." ]
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[ "Burial costumes from ancient Viking graves have been unearthed with Arabic script showing the word ‘Allah’.", "\n\nThe patterns were spotted by experts from Uppsala University in Sweden – who found that Viking woven bands from 10th-century graves contained Kufic characters.", "\n\nResearchers previously claimed that Eastern objects found in Viking graves must have been looted – but the frequency of their appearance suggests that Viking burial practices may have been influenced by Eastern ideas.", "\n\nMOST POPULAR ON YAHOO UK TODAY:\n\nDonald Trump is a ‘malignant narcissist, a sociopath and a racist’ says UN special adviser\n\nMysterious spike in radioactivity over Europe ‘could come from Russia’\n\nCrying toddler forced to stand on bus because of a CAT in a pram taking up the last space\n\nCan you pass the three questions in the world’s quickest IQ test?", "\n\n30 pictures taken inside North Korea using a mobile phone\n\nAnnika Larsson of Uppsala University, said: ‘It is a staggering thought that the bands, just like the costumes, was made west of the Muslim heartland.", "\n\n‘That we so often maintain that Eastern objects in Viking Age graves could only be the result of plundering and eastward trade doesn’t hold up as an explanatory model\n\n‘The inscriptions appear in typical Viking Age clothing that have their counterparts in preserved images of Valkyries.", "\n\n‘Presumably, Viking Age burial customs were influenced by Islam and the idea of an eternal life in Paradise after death.’" ]
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[ "Latigo\n\nLatigo may refer to:\n\n Latigo leather, a heavy, durable, and supple cattle hide leather that is combination tanned\n Latigo, a strap used on a Western saddle to connect the cinches to the rigging\n Fisker Latigo CS, an automobile\n Latigo (comic strip) by Stan Lynde" ]
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[ "Guibourtinidin\n\nGuibourtinidin is an anthocyanidin.", "\n\nTannins\nGuibourtinidin forms tannins called leucoguibourtinidins or proguibourtinidins.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Guibourtinidin on chemicalbook.com\n\nCategory:Anthocyanidins" ]
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[ "Eagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\nExtent\n\nEtymology\n\nIn ancient Hindu scriptures, this water body is referred to as 'Mahodadhi' (Sanskrit: महोदधि, lit. ", "great water receptacle) while it appears as Sinus Gangeticus or Gangeticus Sinus, meaning \"Gulf of the Ganges\", in ancient maps.", "\n\nBengal is one of the most densely populated regions on Earth, with an estimated population of 250 million people and a population density exceeding 900 people per square kilometre. ", "Most of the Bengal region lies in the low-lying Ganges Delta, the world's largest river delta. ", "In the southern part of the delta lies the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest and home of the Bengal tiger. ", "In the coastal southeast lies Cox's Bazar, the world's longest beach with a length of more than 100km (62mi). ", "While most of the region is rural and agrarian, it includes two megacities: Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) and Dhaka (formerly Dacca).", "\n\nMusic video\n\nA music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. ", "Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. ", "There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. ", "Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. ", "Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. ", "Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including \"illustrated song\", \"filmed insert\", \"promotional (promo) film\", \"promotional clip\", \"promotional video\", \"song video\", \"song clip\" or \"film clip\". ", "Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. ", "Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.", "\n\nBay of Bengal - Nirob Durbhikkho [2016]\n\nRough sea at Bay of Bengal\n\n1:14\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\nBay of Bengal - Nirob Durbhikkho [2016]\n\nRough sea at Bay of Bengal\n\npublished: 15 May 2013\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsibl...\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\n\"WEST BENGAL\" Top 50 Tourist Places | West Bengal Tourism\n\nWest Bengal is a state in eastern India, between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. ", "Its capital, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), retains architectural and cultural remnants of its past as an East India Company trading post and capital of the British Raj. ", "The city's colonial landmarks include the government buildings around B.B.D. Bagh Square, and the iconic Victoria Memorial, dedicated to Britain's queen.", "\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism packages\nwest bengal tourism online booking\nwest bengal forest development corporation\nwest bengal tourism sundarban package tour\ngadiara west bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism office\nwest bengal tourism puja parikrama 2016\nwest bengal tourism development corporation online booking\nwest bengal tourist spots\nwest bengal tourism\ntourist spots of eng...\n\npublished: 13 Oct 2016\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsibl...\n\npublished: 12 Jul 2013\n\n\"PURI\" Top 20 Tourist Places | Puri Tourism\n\nPuri is a city and a municipality in the state of Odisha in eastern India. ", "It is the district headquarters of Puri district and is situated on the Bay of Bengal, 60 kilometres south of the state capital of Bhubaneswar.", "\nPuri tourist spot\nbest time to visit puri\npuri tourism guide\nplaces to visit in konark\npuri travel guide\npuri tourism images\npuri india points of interest\npuri tour package\ndistance between puri and konark\nPuri\nplaces to visit in puri\npuri sightseeing\npuri india points of interest\nbest time to visit puri\npuri district\njagannath temple puri\npuri city\npuri beach\n\npublished: 16 Sep 2017\n\nA Short Trip To Digha Beach || Travel Vlog || Bay of bengal || Sayantani Some\n\nHELLOOO Travellers.... This is a small Day 1 V log about our short weekend trip to Mandarmani which is said to be one of the cleanest beaches in INDIA.", "\nMandarmani is a seaside resort village in the state of West Bengal, at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal.", "\nIt is one of the large and fast developing seaside resort village of West Bengal. ", "It is almost 180 km from Kolkata . ", "Red crabs crawling around the 13 km long beach is a special attraction of Mandarmani. ", "It is argued to be the longest driveable (drive in) beach in India.", "The beach is the primary attraction offering tourists to enjoy the sea from early morning to late afternoon. ", "After having fun in sea water, from 3 PM onwards, people head out to nearer resorts where beach bikes, speed boats etc. ", "can be availed. ", "There are also a s...\n\npublished: 18 Nov 2017\n\nThe Beauty of Purulia District With Combination of Hill and Forest_All Spots in Two Days\n\nWhat City Is Located On The Bay Of Bengal?", "\n\nBest 20 bay of bengal ideas. ", "Mumbai the bay of bengal evolving geographies fear vsledky hledn v google books. ", "Indian ocean dead new zone in bay of bengal. ", "The bay of bengal is the largest in world with waters flowing straight out its main channel enters and flows through bangladesh, where it known as centrally located south southeast asia 17 nov 2015 our map includes history, depth, bordering countries. ", "South asia & bay of bengal wcs. ", "Bay of bengal wikipedia. ", "Arabian sea bay of bengal, says study. ", "Explore quality images, photos, art & more Map of bay bengal world seas, map location which countries border the bengal? ", "Where is it located exactly? . ", "There are placer deposits of titanium the bay bengal, largest in world, forms northeastern part indian ocean. ", "River delta the ganges river forms ...\n\nWest Bengal is a state in eastern India, between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. ", "Its capital, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), retains architectural and cultural remnants of its past as an East India Company trading post and capital of the British Raj. ", "The city's colonial landmarks include the government buildings around B.B.D. Bagh Square, and the iconic Victoria Memorial, dedicated to Britain's queen.", "\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism packages\nwest bengal tourism online booking\nwest bengal forest development corporation\nwest bengal tourism sundarban package tour\ngadiara west bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism office\nwest bengal tourism puja parikrama 2016\nwest bengal tourism development corporation online booking\nwest bengal tourist spots\nwest bengal tourism\ntourist spots of england\ntourist places in west bengal\ntourist spots in north bengal\najodhya pahar purulia, west bengal\ntourist places in west bengal for 2 days\nweekend tourist spot in west bengal\ndistrict wise tourist places in west bengal\nbengal tourist places\nwest bengal tourism\nbelur math\ntourist places in north bengal\ntourist places in west bengal for 2 days\nweekend tourist places in west bengal\ndistrict wise tourist places in west bengal\nlist of tourist places in west bengal\nwest bengal tourist spot\nwest bengal\nwest bengal points of interest\nwest bengal destinations\nwest bengal commercial tax\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal districts\nwest bengal ssc\nwest bengal state university\nwest bengal state lottery\n\nWest Bengal is a state in eastern India, between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. ", "Its capital, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), retains architectural and cultural remnants of its past as an East India Company trading post and capital of the British Raj. ", "The city's colonial landmarks include the government buildings around B.B.D. Bagh Square, and the iconic Victoria Memorial, dedicated to Britain's queen.", "\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism packages\nwest bengal tourism online booking\nwest bengal forest development corporation\nwest bengal tourism sundarban package tour\ngadiara west bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism office\nwest bengal tourism puja parikrama 2016\nwest bengal tourism development corporation online booking\nwest bengal tourist spots\nwest bengal tourism\ntourist spots of england\ntourist places in west bengal\ntourist spots in north bengal\najodhya pahar purulia, west bengal\ntourist places in west bengal for 2 days\nweekend tourist spot in west bengal\ndistrict wise tourist places in west bengal\nbengal tourist places\nwest bengal tourism\nbelur math\ntourist places in north bengal\ntourist places in west bengal for 2 days\nweekend tourist places in west bengal\ndistrict wise tourist places in west bengal\nlist of tourist places in west bengal\nwest bengal tourist spot\nwest bengal\nwest bengal points of interest\nwest bengal destinations\nwest bengal commercial tax\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal districts\nwest bengal ssc\nwest bengal state university\nwest bengal state lottery\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\nPuri is a city and a municipality in the state of Odisha in eastern India. ", "It is the district headquarters of Puri district and is situated on the Bay of Bengal, 60 kilometres south of the state capital of Bhubaneswar.", "\nPuri tourist spot\nbest time to visit puri\npuri tourism guide\nplaces to visit in konark\npuri travel guide\npuri tourism images\npuri india points of interest\npuri tour package\ndistance between puri and konark\nPuri\nplaces to visit in puri\npuri sightseeing\npuri india points of interest\nbest time to visit puri\npuri district\njagannath temple puri\npuri city\npuri beach\n\nPuri is a city and a municipality in the state of Odisha in eastern India. ", "It is the district headquarters of Puri district and is situated on the Bay of Bengal, 60 kilometres south of the state capital of Bhubaneswar.", "\nPuri tourist spot\nbest time to visit puri\npuri tourism guide\nplaces to visit in konark\npuri travel guide\npuri tourism images\npuri india points of interest\npuri tour package\ndistance between puri and konark\nPuri\nplaces to visit in puri\npuri sightseeing\npuri india points of interest\nbest time to visit puri\npuri district\njagannath temple puri\npuri city\npuri beach\n\npublished:16 Sep 2017\n\nviews:42126\n\nback\n\nA Short Trip To Digha Beach || Travel Vlog || Bay of bengal || Sayantani Some\n\nMyanmar (Burma) trip - Myanmar tourism & Vacations - Myanmar travel guide\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuidehttp://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nMyanmar, or Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which is derived from the Burmese Empire (1500-1000BC) is a country in Southeast Asia. ", "It lies on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea coast with Bangladesh and India to the west, China to the north, and Laos and Thailand to the east.", "\nSee in Burma\n===========\nMyanmar's attractions lie largely in the area of the spiritual. ", "Temples, pagodas and historical sites abound with some areas such as Bagan boasting so many attractions that it would be impossible to take them in during a single visit. ", "With landscapes, a tropical climate, beaches, cheap transportation and truly awesome sights, Myanmar is a fascinating and bewitching destination.", "\nBagan The main tourist destination in Myanmar and capital of the first Myanmar Empire; one of the richest archaeological sites in South-east Asia. ", "Situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyawaddy River, the magic of Bagan has inspired visitors to Myanmar for nearly a thousand years.", "\nInle is a vast lake located in the heart of Shan State which shares borders with Thai and Laos at over 900m above sea level. ", "It is outrageously beautiful and in the mountains so it is cooler than other areas. ", "More than 30 hill tribes live in the surrounding mountains. ", "It is on the tourist routes via Heho Airport. ", "Lake transport is by long-tail boat, with the jetty some 30 minutes drive from the airport. ", "There are several lake resorts on stilt structures. ", "Ubiquitous clumps of water hyacinth give an interesting texture to the boat ride.", "\nNgapali Beach - The beach stretches nearly 3 km with soft white sand fringed by coconut palms.", "\nMrauk U - Largely unknown to the Western world for much of its tur­bulent history, Rakhine played a pivotal role in the exchange of cultures and religions between India and Southeast Asia. ", "For over a thousand years the region which now forms the Rakhine State was an independent state whose rich history is only slowly being paid the attention it deserves.", "\nKyaiktiyo (Golden Rock) - This mystical pagoda built in the enshrinement of Buddha relic stands on a gold gilded boulder, precariously perched on the edge of the hill over 1100 m above sea-level.", "\nIt is important to dress moderately, especially in temples and pagodas. ", "Cover your shoulders and knees, as the locals do. ", "Be patient, polite and show respect. ", "You will be rewarded with lots of nice experiences, because the locals will react more open and more relaxed towards you and let you take part in their daily lives.", "\nNabule Beach. ", "Beautiful golden sand beach 25 miles north of DaweiCity in Southern Myanmar. ", "The beach is completely unspoiled without all the drawbacks of modern beach side development.", "\nDo in Burma\n==========\nBurma has some of the best and well kept secret dive sites in South East Asia. ", "The main advantage of diving in Burma is being alone on the dive sites. ", "Of course this also means that there are very few boats in the area. ", "So far there is no dive centers offering day trips to Mergui Archipelago], the 800 islands on the west coast of Burma. ", "The best way to visit the area is to board a Liveaboard living from Ranong in Thailand.", "\nThe Smiling Seahorse, 170 Ruangrat Road, 85000 Ranong (on the main street), +668-601-106-14 (info@thesmilingseahorse.com), offers dive cruises for up to 12 divers. ", "It is managed by a french couple and is specialized in cruising Myanmar.", "\nSapel TraditionalBurmeseFoot Spa, No.78, 16th Street (MiddleBlock), Ground Floor, Lanmadaw, Yangon, Myanmar (Walk along Mahabandoola Rd towards Sule Pagoda and turn left from main road), ☎ +(95)9253988995. ", "The only place in Yangon that specializes in Traditional Burmese Foot Massage in an open hall concept. ", "It provides a safe and comfortable environment for all travelers to indulge in a healthy and relaxing massage after a day's walk along the nearby streets of busy Chinatown. ", "The staff are able to converse in English.", "\n\nMyanmar (Burma) trip - Myanmar tourism & Vacations - Myanmar travel guide\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuidehttp://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nMyanmar, or Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which is derived from the Burmese Empire (1500-1000BC) is a country in Southeast Asia. ", "It lies on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea coast with Bangladesh and India to the west, China to the north, and Laos and Thailand to the east.", "\nSee in Burma\n===========\nMyanmar's attractions lie largely in the area of the spiritual. ", "Temples, pagodas and historical sites abound with some areas such as Bagan boasting so many attractions that it would be impossible to take them in during a single visit. ", "With landscapes, a tropical climate, beaches, cheap transportation and truly awesome sights, Myanmar is a fascinating and bewitching destination.", "\nBagan The main tourist destination in Myanmar and capital of the first Myanmar Empire; one of the richest archaeological sites in South-east Asia. ", "Situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyawaddy River, the magic of Bagan has inspired visitors to Myanmar for nearly a thousand years.", "\nInle is a vast lake located in the heart of Shan State which shares borders with Thai and Laos at over 900m above sea level. ", "It is outrageously beautiful and in the mountains so it is cooler than other areas. ", "More than 30 hill tribes live in the surrounding mountains. ", "It is on the tourist routes via Heho Airport. ", "Lake transport is by long-tail boat, with the jetty some 30 minutes drive from the airport. ", "There are several lake resorts on stilt structures. ", "Ubiquitous clumps of water hyacinth give an interesting texture to the boat ride.", "\nNgapali Beach - The beach stretches nearly 3 km with soft white sand fringed by coconut palms.", "\nMrauk U - Largely unknown to the Western world for much of its tur­bulent history, Rakhine played a pivotal role in the exchange of cultures and religions between India and Southeast Asia. ", "For over a thousand years the region which now forms the Rakhine State was an independent state whose rich history is only slowly being paid the attention it deserves.", "\nKyaiktiyo (Golden Rock) - This mystical pagoda built in the enshrinement of Buddha relic stands on a gold gilded boulder, precariously perched on the edge of the hill over 1100 m above sea-level.", "\nIt is important to dress moderately, especially in temples and pagodas. ", "Cover your shoulders and knees, as the locals do. ", "Be patient, polite and show respect. ", "You will be rewarded with lots of nice experiences, because the locals will react more open and more relaxed towards you and let you take part in their daily lives.", "\nNabule Beach. ", "Beautiful golden sand beach 25 miles north of DaweiCity in Southern Myanmar. ", "The beach is completely unspoiled without all the drawbacks of modern beach side development.", "\nDo in Burma\n==========\nBurma has some of the best and well kept secret dive sites in South East Asia. ", "The main advantage of diving in Burma is being alone on the dive sites. ", "Of course this also means that there are very few boats in the area. ", "So far there is no dive centers offering day trips to Mergui Archipelago], the 800 islands on the west coast of Burma. ", "The best way to visit the area is to board a Liveaboard living from Ranong in Thailand.", "\nThe Smiling Seahorse, 170 Ruangrat Road, 85000 Ranong (on the main street), +668-601-106-14 (info@thesmilingseahorse.com), offers dive cruises for up to 12 divers. ", "It is managed by a french couple and is specialized in cruising Myanmar.", "\nSapel TraditionalBurmeseFoot Spa, No.78, 16th Street (MiddleBlock), Ground Floor, Lanmadaw, Yangon, Myanmar (Walk along Mahabandoola Rd towards Sule Pagoda and turn left from main road), ☎ +(95)9253988995. ", "The only place in Yangon that specializes in Traditional Burmese Foot Massage in an open hall concept. ", "It provides a safe and comfortable environment for all travelers to indulge in a healthy and relaxing massage after a day's walk along the nearby streets of busy Chinatown. ", "The staff are able to converse in English.", "\n\nIndiaTrip 2016 {Day 2} - India Tourism & Vacations - Tourist attractions in India - India travel guide\nSponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com ))\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 1} https://youtu.be/GwuqYjQGukA\nIndia Trip { Day 3 } https://youtu.be/oPTPctwCbzc\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nIndia is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. ", "Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.", "\nIndia is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birthrate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.", "\nIt is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.", "\nSee in India Trip\n=================\nThe Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.", "\nVaranasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world. ", "Don't miss the evening GangaAarti.", "\nTigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.", "\nSundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. ", "Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.", "\nHill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.", "\nSangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. ", "It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.", "\nLeh : Considered to be on the top of the world. ", "One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. ", "It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.", "\nSrinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. ", "Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.", "\nGangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. ", "Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.", "\nGoa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. ", "Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.", "\nPondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. ", "Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.", "\nBishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. ", "Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota.", "\nTirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. ", "It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. ", "It is located in Andhra Pradesh.", "\nNalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. ", "Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.", "\nGolden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. ", "Looks very serene early in the mornings.", "\nKhajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. ", "One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.", "\nKochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. ", "It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. ", "Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.", "\nAndamans : BeautifulIsland territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.", "\nJaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.", "\nNasikKumbh Mela : 2015 welcomes the Kumbh Mela, the biggest spiritual fair of the country to Nasik. ", "Several tour operators provide luxury tent accommodation for tourists to experience the beauty and spiritual aura of the Kumbh Mela.", "\nSrirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.", "Kumarakom, Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.", "\nKutchMandvi Beach, Mandvi is a city and a municipality in the Kutch district in the indian state of Gujarat.", "\n\nIndiaTrip 2016 {Day 2} - India Tourism & Vacations - Tourist attractions in India - India travel guide\nSponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com ))\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 1} https://youtu.be/GwuqYjQGukA\nIndia Trip { Day 3 } https://youtu.be/oPTPctwCbzc\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nIndia is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. ", "Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.", "\nIndia is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birthrate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.", "\nIt is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.", "\nSee in India Trip\n=================\nThe Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.", "\nVaranasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world. ", "Don't miss the evening GangaAarti.", "\nTigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.", "\nSundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. ", "Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.", "\nHill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.", "\nSangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. ", "It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.", "\nLeh : Considered to be on the top of the world. ", "One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. ", "It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.", "\nSrinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. ", "Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.", "\nGangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. ", "Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.", "\nGoa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. ", "Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.", "\nPondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. ", "Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.", "\nBishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. ", "Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota.", "\nTirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. ", "It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. ", "It is located in Andhra Pradesh.", "\nNalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. ", "Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.", "\nGolden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. ", "Looks very serene early in the mornings.", "\nKhajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. ", "One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.", "\nKochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. ", "It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. ", "Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.", "\nAndamans : BeautifulIsland territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.", "\nJaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.", "\nNasikKumbh Mela : 2015 welcomes the Kumbh Mela, the biggest spiritual fair of the country to Nasik. ", "Several tour operators provide luxury tent accommodation for tourists to experience the beauty and spiritual aura of the Kumbh Mela.", "\nSrirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.", "Kumarakom, Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.", "\nKutchMandvi Beach, Mandvi is a city and a municipality in the Kutch district in the indian state of Gujarat.", "\n\nHELLOOO Travellers.... This is a small Day 1 V log about our short weekend trip to Mandarmani which is said to be one of the cleanest beaches in INDIA.", "\nMandarm...\n\nHELLOOO Travellers.... This is a small Day 1 V log about our short weekend trip to Mandarmani which is said to be one of the cleanest beaches in INDIA.", "\nMandarmani is a seaside resort village in the state of West Bengal, at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal.", "\nIt is one of the large and fast developing seaside resort village of West Bengal. ", "It is almost 180 km from Kolkata . ", "Red crabs crawling around the 13 km long beach is a special attraction of Mandarmani. ", "It is argued to be the longest driveable (drive in) beach in India.", "The beach is the primary attraction offering tourists to enjoy the sea from early morning to late afternoon. ", "After having fun in sea water, from 3 PM onwards, people head out to nearer resorts where beach bikes, speed boats etc. ", "can be availed. ", "There are also a string of local shops selling shells, handmade jewellery and handicrafts. ", "Visitors can also take trip towards the mohana (Estuary) during sunset.", "\nDooars playlist https://youtu.be/MVVATzKJL-U\nMusicDescription:\nBig thanks to No CopyrightSongs\n\nHELLOOO Travellers.... This is a small Day 1 V log about our short weekend trip to Mandarmani which is said to be one of the cleanest beaches in INDIA.", "\nMandarmani is a seaside resort village in the state of West Bengal, at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal.", "\nIt is one of the large and fast developing seaside resort village of West Bengal. ", "It is almost 180 km from Kolkata . ", "Red crabs crawling around the 13 km long beach is a special attraction of Mandarmani. ", "It is argued to be the longest driveable (drive in) beach in India.", "The beach is the primary attraction offering tourists to enjoy the sea from early morning to late afternoon. ", "After having fun in sea water, from 3 PM onwards, people head out to nearer resorts where beach bikes, speed boats etc. ", "can be availed. ", "There are also a string of local shops selling shells, handmade jewellery and handicrafts. ", "Visitors can also take trip towards the mohana (Estuary) during sunset.", "\nDooars playlist https://youtu.be/MVVATzKJL-U\nMusicDescription:\nBig thanks to No CopyrightSongs\n\npublished:18 Nov 2017\n\nviews:1751\n\nback\n\nThe Beauty of Purulia District With Combination of Hill and Forest_All Spots in Two Days\n\nMusic : www.bensound.com\nJaina Bhagavati-Sutra of circa 5th centuryA.D. mentions that Purulia was one of the 16 Mahajanapadas and was a part of the country known as Vajra-bhumi in ancient times. ", "However, little is known about Purulia before the East-India Company obtained the 'Diwani' of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa in 1765. ", "By Regulation XVIIII of 1805, a Jungle Mahals district composed of 23 parganas and mahals including the present Purulia (known as 'Purulia' those days) was formed. ", "By Regulation XIII of 1833 the Jungle Mahals district was broken up and a new district called Manbhum was constituted with headquarters at Manbazar. ", "The district was very large in size and included parts of Bankura, Burdwan of present West Bengal and Dhanbad, Dhalbhum, Saraikela and Kharswan of present states of Jharkhand and Orissa. ", "In 1838 the district headquarters was transferred to Purulia of today. ", "Since the formation of the district it was withdrawn from regular administration and placed under an officer called PrincipalAssistant to the agent to the Governor-General for South-Western Frontier. ", "The title of the officer Principal Agent was later changed to Deputy Commissioner by Act XX of 1854. ", "Finally in 1956 Manbhum district was partitioned between Bihar and West Bengal under the States Reorganization Act and the Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Territories) Act 1956 and the present district Purulia was born on 1st November, 1956.", "\nPurulia is the westernmost district of West Bengal with all-India significance because of its tropical location, its shape as well as function like a funnel. ", "It funnels not only the tropical monsoon current from the Bay to the subtropical parts of north-west India, but also acts as a gateway between the developed industrial belts of West Bengal and the hinterlands in Orissa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarpradesh. ", "For its convenient location, this place has acquired an important place in the tourist map in India.", "Source : http://purulia.gov.in/\n\nMusic : www.bensound.com\nJaina Bhagavati-Sutra of circa 5th centuryA.D. mentions that Purulia was one of the 16 Mahajanapadas and was a part of the country known as Vajra-bhumi in ancient times. ", "However, little is known about Purulia before the East-India Company obtained the 'Diwani' of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa in 1765. ", "By Regulation XVIIII of 1805, a Jungle Mahals district composed of 23 parganas and mahals including the present Purulia (known as 'Purulia' those days) was formed. ", "By Regulation XIII of 1833 the Jungle Mahals district was broken up and a new district called Manbhum was constituted with headquarters at Manbazar. ", "The district was very large in size and included parts of Bankura, Burdwan of present West Bengal and Dhanbad, Dhalbhum, Saraikela and Kharswan of present states of Jharkhand and Orissa. ", "In 1838 the district headquarters was transferred to Purulia of today. ", "Since the formation of the district it was withdrawn from regular administration and placed under an officer called PrincipalAssistant to the agent to the Governor-General for South-Western Frontier. ", "The title of the officer Principal Agent was later changed to Deputy Commissioner by Act XX of 1854. ", "Finally in 1956 Manbhum district was partitioned between Bihar and West Bengal under the States Reorganization Act and the Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Territories) Act 1956 and the present district Purulia was born on 1st November, 1956.", "\nPurulia is the westernmost district of West Bengal with all-India significance because of its tropical location, its shape as well as function like a funnel. ", "It funnels not only the tropical monsoon current from the Bay to the subtropical parts of north-west India, but also acts as a gateway between the developed industrial belts of West Bengal and the hinterlands in Orissa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarpradesh. ", "For its convenient location, this place has acquired an important place in the tourist map in India.", "Source : http://purulia.gov.in/\n\nIndiaTrip 2016 {Day 1} - India Tourism & Vacations, Tourist attractions in India - India travel guide\nSponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com ))\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 2} https://youtu.be/M4R85OTTvrU\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nIndia is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. ", "Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.", "\nIndia is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birthrate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.", "\nIt is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.", "\nSee in India Trip\n=================\nThe Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.", "\nVaranasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world. ", "Don't miss the evening GangaAarti.", "\nTigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.", "\nSundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. ", "Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.", "\nHill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.", "\nSangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. ", "It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.", "\nLeh : Considered to be on the top of the world. ", "One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. ", "It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.", "\nSrinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. ", "Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.", "\nGangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. ", "Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.", "\nGoa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. ", "Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.", "\nPondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. ", "Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.", "\nBishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. ", "Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota.", "\nTirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. ", "It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. ", "It is located in Andhra Pradesh.", "\nNalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. ", "Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.", "\nGolden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. ", "Looks very serene early in the mornings.", "\nKhajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. ", "One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.", "\nKochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. ", "It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. ", "Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.", "\nAndamans : BeautifulIsland territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.", "\nJaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.", "\nNasikKumbh Mela : 2015 welcomes the Kumbh Mela, the biggest spiritual fair of the country to Nasik. ", "Several tour operators provide luxury tent accommodation for tourists to experience the beauty and spiritual aura of the Kumbh Mela.", "\nSrirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.", "Kumarakom, Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.", "\n\nIndiaTrip 2016 {Day 1} - India Tourism & Vacations, Tourist attractions in India - India travel guide\nSponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com ))\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 2} https://youtu.be/M4R85OTTvrU\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nIndia is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. ", "Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.", "\nIndia is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birthrate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.", "\nIt is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.", "\nSee in India Trip\n=================\nThe Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.", "\nVaranasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world. ", "Don't miss the evening GangaAarti.", "\nTigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.", "\nSundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. ", "Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.", "\nHill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.", "\nSangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. ", "It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.", "\nLeh : Considered to be on the top of the world. ", "One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. ", "It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.", "\nSrinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. ", "Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.", "\nGangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. ", "Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.", "\nGoa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. ", "Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.", "\nPondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. ", "Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.", "\nBishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. ", "Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota.", "\nTirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. ", "It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. ", "It is located in Andhra Pradesh.", "\nNalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. ", "Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.", "\nGolden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. ", "Looks very serene early in the mornings.", "\nKhajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. ", "One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.", "\nKochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. ", "It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. ", "Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.", "\nAndamans : BeautifulIsland territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.", "\nJaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.", "\nNasikKumbh Mela : 2015 welcomes the Kumbh Mela, the biggest spiritual fair of the country to Nasik. ", "Several tour operators provide luxury tent accommodation for tourists to experience the beauty and spiritual aura of the Kumbh Mela.", "\nSrirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.", "Kumarakom, Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.", "\n\nWhat City Is Located On The Bay Of Bengal?", "\n\nBest 20 bay of bengal ideas. ", "Mumbai the bay of bengal evolving geographies fear vsledky hledn v google books. ", "Indian ocean dead new zone in bay of bengal. ", "The b...\n\nBest 20 bay of bengal ideas. ", "Mumbai the bay of bengal evolving geographies fear vsledky hledn v google books. ", "Indian ocean dead new zone in bay of bengal. ", "The bay of bengal is the largest in world with waters flowing straight out its main channel enters and flows through bangladesh, where it known as centrally located south southeast asia 17 nov 2015 our map includes history, depth, bordering countries. ", "South asia & bay of bengal wcs. ", "Bay of bengal wikipedia. ", "Arabian sea bay of bengal, says study. ", "Explore quality images, photos, art & more Map of bay bengal world seas, map location which countries border the bengal? ", "Where is it located exactly? . ", "There are placer deposits of titanium the bay bengal, largest in world, forms northeastern part indian ocean. ", "River delta the ganges river forms an extensive where it empties into bay of bengal was once dotted with islands similar to maldives in indian we have a situation on one hand mountains were subsiding; 9 dec 2016 scientists are now focussing as is also showing this crazy microbes bengal, edinburgh see 371 unbiased reviews rated 3 5 went for dinner after full day walking around great city. ", "Nature bay of bengal, edinburgh old town restaurant reviews, phone roaring indian ocean and calm bengal review tropical cyclone 02b develops in the al travel guide at wikivoyage. ", "The bay is bordered by india and sri lanka to the west, bangladesh north many major rivers of flow west east into bengal in north, ramanathaswami temple located at dhanushkodi, where largest city india; Located on coast country, formally bombay. ", "Coromandel a mountainous republic in southeastern asia on the bay of bengal. ", "There are related clues (shown below) located between the himalayas and bay of bengal. ", "On the north, it for other cities, see west bengal, bangladesh, and regional articles under those. ", "Best 20 bay of bengal ideas on pinterest. ", "City on the bay of bengal is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 3 times. ", "Roughly triangular, it is bordered mostly by india and sri lanka we cannot categorize into any of the states due to a water body. ", "Taking as a presence the sundarbans are situated at mouth of this sea bay bengal is triangular, northeastern part indian ocean. ", "Dhanuskodi is situated on confluence of bay bengal and indian ocean. ", "28 may 2017 tropical cyclone 02b develops in the bay of bengal the storm is located around 800km to the south of bangladesh with sustained on its way towards chittagong where it is expected to make landfall, or close to the city, it is situated at the apex of the bay of bengal. ", "Clue city on the bay of bengal. ", "Which state is the bay of bengal in? ", "Quora. ", "Located in edinburgh's hight street royal mile, bay of bengal indian restaurant has dhanushkodi beach roaring ocean and calm see 981 traveler reviews, a city ravaged by cyclone, still as lot it to attract the visitors. ", "The bay of bengal is a northern extension the indian ocean, positioned between india and sri lanka most dangerous cities in world\n\nBest 20 bay of bengal ideas. ", "Mumbai the bay of bengal evolving geographies fear vsledky hledn v google books. ", "Indian ocean dead new zone in bay of bengal. ", "The bay of bengal is the largest in world with waters flowing straight out its main channel enters and flows through bangladesh, where it known as centrally located south southeast asia 17 nov 2015 our map includes history, depth, bordering countries. ", "South asia & bay of bengal wcs. ", "Bay of bengal wikipedia. ", "Arabian sea bay of bengal, says study. ", "Explore quality images, photos, art & more Map of bay bengal world seas, map location which countries border the bengal? ", "Where is it located exactly? . ", "There are placer deposits of titanium the bay bengal, largest in world, forms northeastern part indian ocean. ", "River delta the ganges river forms an extensive where it empties into bay of bengal was once dotted with islands similar to maldives in indian we have a situation on one hand mountains were subsiding; 9 dec 2016 scientists are now focussing as is also showing this crazy microbes bengal, edinburgh see 371 unbiased reviews rated 3 5 went for dinner after full day walking around great city. ", "Nature bay of bengal, edinburgh old town restaurant reviews, phone roaring indian ocean and calm bengal review tropical cyclone 02b develops in the al travel guide at wikivoyage. ", "The bay is bordered by india and sri lanka to the west, bangladesh north many major rivers of flow west east into bengal in north, ramanathaswami temple located at dhanushkodi, where largest city india; Located on coast country, formally bombay. ", "Coromandel a mountainous republic in southeastern asia on the bay of bengal. ", "There are related clues (shown below) located between the himalayas and bay of bengal. ", "On the north, it for other cities, see west bengal, bangladesh, and regional articles under those. ", "Best 20 bay of bengal ideas on pinterest. ", "City on the bay of bengal is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 3 times. ", "Roughly triangular, it is bordered mostly by india and sri lanka we cannot categorize into any of the states due to a water body. ", "Taking as a presence the sundarbans are situated at mouth of this sea bay bengal is triangular, northeastern part indian ocean. ", "Dhanuskodi is situated on confluence of bay bengal and indian ocean. ", "28 may 2017 tropical cyclone 02b develops in the bay of bengal the storm is located around 800km to the south of bangladesh with sustained on its way towards chittagong where it is expected to make landfall, or close to the city, it is situated at the apex of the bay of bengal. ", "Clue city on the bay of bengal. ", "Which state is the bay of bengal in? ", "Quora. ", "Located in edinburgh's hight street royal mile, bay of bengal indian restaurant has dhanushkodi beach roaring ocean and calm see 981 traveler reviews, a city ravaged by cyclone, still as lot it to attract the visitors. ", "The bay of bengal is a northern extension the indian ocean, positioned between india and sri lanka most dangerous cities in world\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\n\"WEST BENGAL\" Top 50 Tourist Places | West Bengal Tourism\n\nWest Bengal is a state in eastern India, between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. ", "Its capital, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), retains architectural and cultural remnants of its past as an East India Company trading post and capital of the British Raj. ", "The city's colonial landmarks include the government buildings around B.B.D. Bagh Square, and the iconic Victoria Memorial, dedicated to Britain's queen.", "\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism packages\nwest bengal tourism online booking\nwest bengal forest development corporation\nwest bengal tourism sundarban package tour\ngadiara west bengal tourism\nwest bengal tourism office\nwest bengal tourism puja parikrama 2016\nwest bengal tourism development corporation online booking\nwest bengal tourist spots\nwest bengal tourism\ntourist spots of england\ntourist places in west bengal\ntourist spots in north bengal\najodhya pahar purulia, west bengal\ntourist places in west bengal for 2 days\nweekend tourist spot in west bengal\ndistrict wise tourist places in west bengal\nbengal tourist places\nwest bengal tourism\nbelur math\ntourist places in north bengal\ntourist places in west bengal for 2 days\nweekend tourist places in west bengal\ndistrict wise tourist places in west bengal\nlist of tourist places in west bengal\nwest bengal tourist spot\nwest bengal\nwest bengal points of interest\nwest bengal destinations\nwest bengal commercial tax\nwest bengal tourism\nwest bengal districts\nwest bengal ssc\nwest bengal state university\nwest bengal state lottery\n\n1:14\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar...\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicobar islands\n\nEagle's eye view of an isolated uninhabited emerald-like island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands archipelago.", "\nThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands were shrouded in mystery for centuries because of their inaccessibility. ", "These are the paragon of beauty and present a landscape full with scenic and picturesque extravaganza. ", "These islands shimmer like emeralds in the Bay of Bengal. ", "The dense forest which cover these islands and the innumerable exotic flowers and birds create a highly poetic and romantic atmosphere. \"", "Here the white beaches on the edge of a meandering coastline have palm trees that sway to the rhythm of the Sea. ", "The beat of tribal drums haunt the stillness and technicolour fish steer their way through crystal clear water.\" ", "This addition of strangeness to beauty which is responsible for creating the infinite romantic impact may be described in the following famous lines of Keats.", "\nThe Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic continuation of the BurmeseArakan Yoma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago in the South. ", "It has 325 islands which cover an area of 6,408 km2 (2,474 sq mi), with the Andaman Sea to the east between the islands and the coast of Burma. ", "North Andaman Island is 285 kilometres (177 mi) south of Burma, although a few smaller Burmese islands are closer, including the three Coco Islands.", "\nThe climate is typical of tropical islands of similar latitude. ", "It is always warm, but with sea-breezes. ", "Rainfall is irregular, but usually dry during the north-east, and very wet during the south-west, monsoons.", "\nSource: wikipedia\nThis footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films IndiaLtd., ", "the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. ", "The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of tens of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. ", "Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! ", "We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. ", "We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com.", "\n\n3:27\n\n\"PURI\" Top 20 Tourist Places | Puri Tourism\n\nPuri is a city and a municipality in the state of Odisha in eastern India. ", "It is the distr...\n\n\"PURI\" Top 20 Tourist Places | Puri Tourism\n\nPuri is a city and a municipality in the state of Odisha in eastern India. ", "It is the district headquarters of Puri district and is situated on the Bay of Bengal, 60 kilometres south of the state capital of Bhubaneswar.", "\nPuri tourist spot\nbest time to visit puri\npuri tourism guide\nplaces to visit in konark\npuri travel guide\npuri tourism images\npuri india points of interest\npuri tour package\ndistance between puri and konark\nPuri\nplaces to visit in puri\npuri sightseeing\npuri india points of interest\nbest time to visit puri\npuri district\njagannath temple puri\npuri city\npuri beach\n\n4:20\n\nA Short Trip To Digha Beach || Travel Vlog || Bay of bengal || Sayantani Some\n\nHey Everyone,\nI recently went to Digha Beach , for a short trip, so i wanted to share the...\n\nMyanmar (Burma) Trip (HD)\n\nMyanmar (Burma) trip - Myanmar tourism & Vacations - Myanmar travel guide\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuidehttp://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nMyanmar, or Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which is derived from the Burmese Empire (1500-1000BC) is a country in Southeast Asia. ", "It lies on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea coast with Bangladesh and India to the west, China to the north, and Laos and Thailand to the east.", "\nSee in Burma\n===========\nMyanmar's attractions lie largely in the area of the spiritual. ", "Temples, pagodas and historical sites abound with some areas such as Bagan boasting so many attractions that it would be impossible to take them in during a single visit. ", "With landscapes, a tropical climate, beaches, cheap transportation and truly awesome sights, Myanmar is a fascinating and bewitching destination.", "\nBagan The main tourist destination in Myanmar and capital of the first Myanmar Empire; one of the richest archaeological sites in South-east Asia. ", "Situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyawaddy River, the magic of Bagan has inspired visitors to Myanmar for nearly a thousand years.", "\nInle is a vast lake located in the heart of Shan State which shares borders with Thai and Laos at over 900m above sea level. ", "It is outrageously beautiful and in the mountains so it is cooler than other areas. ", "More than 30 hill tribes live in the surrounding mountains. ", "It is on the tourist routes via Heho Airport. ", "Lake transport is by long-tail boat, with the jetty some 30 minutes drive from the airport. ", "There are several lake resorts on stilt structures. ", "Ubiquitous clumps of water hyacinth give an interesting texture to the boat ride.", "\nNgapali Beach - The beach stretches nearly 3 km with soft white sand fringed by coconut palms.", "\nMrauk U - Largely unknown to the Western world for much of its tur­bulent history, Rakhine played a pivotal role in the exchange of cultures and religions between India and Southeast Asia. ", "For over a thousand years the region which now forms the Rakhine State was an independent state whose rich history is only slowly being paid the attention it deserves.", "\nKyaiktiyo (Golden Rock) - This mystical pagoda built in the enshrinement of Buddha relic stands on a gold gilded boulder, precariously perched on the edge of the hill over 1100 m above sea-level.", "\nIt is important to dress moderately, especially in temples and pagodas. ", "Cover your shoulders and knees, as the locals do. ", "Be patient, polite and show respect. ", "You will be rewarded with lots of nice experiences, because the locals will react more open and more relaxed towards you and let you take part in their daily lives.", "\nNabule Beach. ", "Beautiful golden sand beach 25 miles north of DaweiCity in Southern Myanmar. ", "The beach is completely unspoiled without all the drawbacks of modern beach side development.", "\nDo in Burma\n==========\nBurma has some of the best and well kept secret dive sites in South East Asia. ", "The main advantage of diving in Burma is being alone on the dive sites. ", "Of course this also means that there are very few boats in the area. ", "So far there is no dive centers offering day trips to Mergui Archipelago], the 800 islands on the west coast of Burma. ", "The best way to visit the area is to board a Liveaboard living from Ranong in Thailand.", "\nThe Smiling Seahorse, 170 Ruangrat Road, 85000 Ranong (on the main street), +668-601-106-14 (info@thesmilingseahorse.com), offers dive cruises for up to 12 divers. ", "It is managed by a french couple and is specialized in cruising Myanmar.", "\nSapel TraditionalBurmeseFoot Spa, No.78, 16th Street (MiddleBlock), Ground Floor, Lanmadaw, Yangon, Myanmar (Walk along Mahabandoola Rd towards Sule Pagoda and turn left from main road), ☎ +(95)9253988995. ", "The only place in Yangon that specializes in Traditional Burmese Foot Massage in an open hall concept. ", "It provides a safe and comfortable environment for all travelers to indulge in a healthy and relaxing massage after a day's walk along the nearby streets of busy Chinatown. ", "The staff are able to converse in English.", "\n\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 2} (HD 1080p)\n\nIndiaTrip 2016 {Day 2} - India Tourism & Vacations - Tourist attractions in India - India travel guide\nSponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com ))\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 1} https://youtu.be/GwuqYjQGukA\nIndia Trip { Day 3 } https://youtu.be/oPTPctwCbzc\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nIndia is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. ", "Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.", "\nIndia is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birthrate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.", "\nIt is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.", "\nSee in India Trip\n=================\nThe Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.", "\nVaranasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world. ", "Don't miss the evening GangaAarti.", "\nTigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.", "\nSundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. ", "Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.", "\nHill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.", "\nSangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. ", "It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.", "\nLeh : Considered to be on the top of the world. ", "One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. ", "It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.", "\nSrinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. ", "Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.", "\nGangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. ", "Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.", "\nGoa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. ", "Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.", "\nPondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. ", "Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.", "\nBishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. ", "Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota.", "\nTirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. ", "It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. ", "It is located in Andhra Pradesh.", "\nNalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. ", "Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.", "\nGolden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. ", "Looks very serene early in the mornings.", "\nKhajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. ", "One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.", "\nKochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. ", "It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. ", "Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.", "\nAndamans : BeautifulIsland territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.", "\nJaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.", "\nNasikKumbh Mela : 2015 welcomes the Kumbh Mela, the biggest spiritual fair of the country to Nasik. ", "Several tour operators provide luxury tent accommodation for tourists to experience the beauty and spiritual aura of the Kumbh Mela.", "\nSrirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.", "Kumarakom, Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.", "\nKutchMandvi Beach, Mandvi is a city and a municipality in the Kutch district in the indian state of Gujarat.", "\n\nHELLOOO Travellers.... This is a small Day 1 V log about our short weekend trip to Mandarmani which is said to be one of the cleanest beaches in INDIA.", "\nMandarmani is a seaside resort village in the state of West Bengal, at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal.", "\nIt is one of the large and fast developing seaside resort village of West Bengal. ", "It is almost 180 km from Kolkata . ", "Red crabs crawling around the 13 km long beach is a special attraction of Mandarmani. ", "It is argued to be the longest driveable (drive in) beach in India.", "The beach is the primary attraction offering tourists to enjoy the sea from early morning to late afternoon. ", "After having fun in sea water, from 3 PM onwards, people head out to nearer resorts where beach bikes, speed boats etc. ", "can be availed. ", "There are also a string of local shops selling shells, handmade jewellery and handicrafts. ", "Visitors can also take trip towards the mohana (Estuary) during sunset.", "\nDooars playlist https://youtu.be/MVVATzKJL-U\nMusicDescription:\nBig thanks to No CopyrightSongs\n\n31:39\n\nThe Beauty of Purulia District With Combination of Hill and Forest_All Spots in Two Days\n\nMusic : www.bensound.com\nJaina Bhagavati-Sutra of circa 5th century A.D. mentions that Pur...\n\nThe Beauty of Purulia District With Combination of Hill and Forest_All Spots in Two Days\n\nMusic : www.bensound.com\nJaina Bhagavati-Sutra of circa 5th centuryA.D. mentions that Purulia was one of the 16 Mahajanapadas and was a part of the country known as Vajra-bhumi in ancient times. ", "However, little is known about Purulia before the East-India Company obtained the 'Diwani' of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa in 1765. ", "By Regulation XVIIII of 1805, a Jungle Mahals district composed of 23 parganas and mahals including the present Purulia (known as 'Purulia' those days) was formed. ", "By Regulation XIII of 1833 the Jungle Mahals district was broken up and a new district called Manbhum was constituted with headquarters at Manbazar. ", "The district was very large in size and included parts of Bankura, Burdwan of present West Bengal and Dhanbad, Dhalbhum, Saraikela and Kharswan of present states of Jharkhand and Orissa. ", "In 1838 the district headquarters was transferred to Purulia of today. ", "Since the formation of the district it was withdrawn from regular administration and placed under an officer called PrincipalAssistant to the agent to the Governor-General for South-Western Frontier. ", "The title of the officer Principal Agent was later changed to Deputy Commissioner by Act XX of 1854. ", "Finally in 1956 Manbhum district was partitioned between Bihar and West Bengal under the States Reorganization Act and the Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Territories) Act 1956 and the present district Purulia was born on 1st November, 1956.", "\nPurulia is the westernmost district of West Bengal with all-India significance because of its tropical location, its shape as well as function like a funnel. ", "It funnels not only the tropical monsoon current from the Bay to the subtropical parts of north-west India, but also acts as a gateway between the developed industrial belts of West Bengal and the hinterlands in Orissa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarpradesh. ", "For its convenient location, this place has acquired an important place in the tourist map in India.", "Source : http://purulia.gov.in/\n\n10:12\n\nTOURISM - PURBA MEDINIPUR, Digha, Mandarmoni, Shankar Pur, Tajpur\n\nIN last about a year a lot of efforts have been made by State Government, District Adminis...\n\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 1} (HD 1080p)\n\nIndiaTrip 2016 {Day 1} - India Tourism & Vacations, Tourist attractions in India - India travel guide\nSponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com ))\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 2} https://youtu.be/M4R85OTTvrU\nTravel Videos HD, World TravelGuide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube\nIndia is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. ", "Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.", "\nIndia is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birthrate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.", "\nIt is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.", "\nSee in India Trip\n=================\nThe Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.", "\nVaranasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world. ", "Don't miss the evening GangaAarti.", "\nTigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.", "\nSundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. ", "Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.", "\nHill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.", "\nSangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. ", "It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.", "\nLeh : Considered to be on the top of the world. ", "One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. ", "It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.", "\nSrinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. ", "Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.", "\nGangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. ", "Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.", "\nGoa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. ", "Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.", "\nPondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. ", "Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.", "\nBishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. ", "Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota.", "\nTirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. ", "It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. ", "It is located in Andhra Pradesh.", "\nNalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. ", "Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.", "\nGolden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. ", "Looks very serene early in the mornings.", "\nKhajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. ", "One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.", "\nKochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. ", "It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. ", "Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.", "\nAndamans : BeautifulIsland territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.", "\nJaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.", "\nNasikKumbh Mela : 2015 welcomes the Kumbh Mela, the biggest spiritual fair of the country to Nasik. ", "Several tour operators provide luxury tent accommodation for tourists to experience the beauty and spiritual aura of the Kumbh Mela.", "\nSrirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.", "Kumarakom, Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.", "\n\nWhat City Is Located On The Bay Of Bengal?", "\n\nBest 20 bay of bengal ideas. ", "Mumbai the bay of bengal evolving geographies fear vsledky hledn v google books. ", "Indian ocean dead new zone in bay of bengal. ", "The bay of bengal is the largest in world with waters flowing straight out its main channel enters and flows through bangladesh, where it known as centrally located south southeast asia 17 nov 2015 our map includes history, depth, bordering countries. ", "South asia & bay of bengal wcs. ", "Bay of bengal wikipedia. ", "Arabian sea bay of bengal, says study. ", "Explore quality images, photos, art & more Map of bay bengal world seas, map location which countries border the bengal? ", "Where is it located exactly? . ", "There are placer deposits of titanium the bay bengal, largest in world, forms northeastern part indian ocean. ", "River delta the ganges river forms an extensive where it empties into bay of bengal was once dotted with islands similar to maldives in indian we have a situation on one hand mountains were subsiding; 9 dec 2016 scientists are now focussing as is also showing this crazy microbes bengal, edinburgh see 371 unbiased reviews rated 3 5 went for dinner after full day walking around great city. ", "Nature bay of bengal, edinburgh old town restaurant reviews, phone roaring indian ocean and calm bengal review tropical cyclone 02b develops in the al travel guide at wikivoyage. ", "The bay is bordered by india and sri lanka to the west, bangladesh north many major rivers of flow west east into bengal in north, ramanathaswami temple located at dhanushkodi, where largest city india; Located on coast country, formally bombay. ", "Coromandel a mountainous republic in southeastern asia on the bay of bengal. ", "There are related clues (shown below) located between the himalayas and bay of bengal. ", "On the north, it for other cities, see west bengal, bangladesh, and regional articles under those. ", "Best 20 bay of bengal ideas on pinterest. ", "City on the bay of bengal is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 3 times. ", "Roughly triangular, it is bordered mostly by india and sri lanka we cannot categorize into any of the states due to a water body. ", "Taking as a presence the sundarbans are situated at mouth of this sea bay bengal is triangular, northeastern part indian ocean. ", "Dhanuskodi is situated on confluence of bay bengal and indian ocean. ", "28 may 2017 tropical cyclone 02b develops in the bay of bengal the storm is located around 800km to the south of bangladesh with sustained on its way towards chittagong where it is expected to make landfall, or close to the city, it is situated at the apex of the bay of bengal. ", "Clue city on the bay of bengal. ", "Which state is the bay of bengal in? ", "Quora. ", "Located in edinburgh's hight street royal mile, bay of bengal indian restaurant has dhanushkodi beach roaring ocean and calm see 981 traveler reviews, a city ravaged by cyclone, still as lot it to attract the visitors. ", "The bay of bengal is a northern extension the indian ocean, positioned between india and sri lanka most dangerous cities in world\n\n\"WEST BENGAL\" Top 50 Tourist Places | West Bengal ...\n\nBaby island in the Bay of Bengal: Andaman & Nicoba...\n\n\"PURI\" Top 20 Tourist Places | Puri Tourism...\n\nA Short Trip To Digha Beach || Travel Vlog || Bay ...\n\nUnbeleivable beauty of Bay of Bengal - Review of S...\n\n\"Andaman and Nicobar Islands\" Top 10 Best Tourist ...\n\nMyanmar (Burma) Trip (HD)...\n\nOfficial CHENNAI Travel Guide | KANKYAKUMARI Tour ...\n\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 2} (HD 1080p)...\n\nMANDARMANI DAY 1 Weekend Trip -Travel Tips | Sea ...\n\nThe Beauty of Purulia District With Combination of...\n\nTOURISM - PURBA MEDINIPUR, Digha, Mandarmoni, Shan...\n\nIndia Trip 2016 {Day 1} (HD 1080p)...\n\nWhat City Is Located On The Bay Of Bengal?...", "\n\nIt turns out that a theory explaining how we might detect parallel universes and prediction for the end of the world was proposed and completed by physicist Stephen Hawking shortly before he died ... According to reports, the work predicts that the universe would eventually end when stars run out of energy ... A Brief HistoryofTime....\n\nIn another blow to the Trump administration Monday, the US Supreme Court decided Arizona must continue to issue state driver’s licenses to so-called Dreamer immigrants and refused to hear an effort by the state to challenge the Obama-era program that protects hundreds of thousands of young adults brought into the country illegally as children, Reuters reported....\n\nBritain’s Royal Astronomical Society announced Monday that an object called 1I/2017 (‘Oumuamua) – the first confirmed asteroid known to have journeyed here from outside our solar system – most likely came from from a binary star system, or two stars orbiting a common center of gravity, EarthSky reported ...It’s orbit and speed indicated that it was not bound by the gravity of the sun.WN.com, Jim Berrie....\n\nUber announced on Monday that it was pulling all of its self-driving cars from public roads in Arizona and San Francisco, Toronto, and Pittsburgh after a female pedestrian was reportedly killed after being struck by an autonomous Uber vehicle in Tempe, according to The Verge.&nbsp; ... “We are fully cooperating with local authorities in their investigation of this incident.” ... \"", "Some incredibly sad news out of Arizona....\n\nEach summer, the South Asian monsoon transforms parts ofIndia from semi-arid into lush green lands able to support farming. ", "The annual infusion of rainfall and resulting runoff into the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and other rivers in the region also has a very different, but no less dramatic, impact on the BayofBengal in the northeast Indian Ocean. ", "<!-- ", "more --> ... ....\n\nBangladesh is racing to turn an uninhabited and muddy BayofBengal island into a home for 100,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled a military crackdown in Myanmar, amid conflicting signals from top Bangladeshi officials about whether the refugees would end up being stranded there ... ....\n\nBangladesh is racing to turn an uninhabited and muddy BayofBengal island into home for 100,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled a military crackdown in Myanmar, amid conflicting signals from top Bangladeshi officials about whether the refugees would end up being stranded there ...Returning on Feb 14, they found hundreds of labourers carrying bricks and sand from ships on its muddy northwest shore....\n\nScientists have discovered three new species of eel along the northern BayofBengal coast in the past few months ... With these new discoveries, the BayofBengal coast has yielded at least five new species of eel ... The specimens of Gymnothorax pseudotile were collected in a trawl net by fishermen in the northern BayofBengal and were gathered by researchers from the Shankarpur fishing harbour, Digha, WestBengal....\n\nFor over a century, Bengal was ravaged by pirates who raided vast territories, carried away thousands into slavery, and severely choked commerce ...Various factors led to the rise of the slaver raids in Bengal ... Bengal with her millions of civilized citizens could meet such growing demand ... This victory did not eradicate piracy in the BayofBengal — even today pirates prey on Rohingya boats and Bangladeshi fishermen....\n\nOckhi is the first severe cyclonic storm in almost 40 years&nbsp;to have travelled about 2,400 kilometres from the BayofBengal to as far as the Gujarat coast, a senior Met Department official said on Thursday ... In December, 1922, a cyclone that originated in the BayofBengal travelled about 4,000km up to the CoastofYemen, he said...." ]
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0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.029411764705882353, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.015625, 0.014285714285714285, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0.025210084033613446, 0, 0.015625, 0.006578947368421052, 0.012738853503184714, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.025, 0.022222222222222223, 0.01834862385321101, 0.006535947712418301, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.013422818791946308, 0.016042780748663103, 0, 0.01, 0.009900990099009901, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.015978695073235686, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.029411764705882353, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.015625, 0.014285714285714285, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0.025210084033613446, 0, 0.015625, 0.006578947368421052, 0.012738853503184714, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.025, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01675977653631285, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0.14285714285714285, 0.0045662100456621, 0.0036319612590799033, 0.0053226879574184965, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0.006339144215530904 ]
[ "// Copyright (c) 2008 GeometryFactory Sarl (France).", "\n// All rights reserved.", "\n//\n// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).", "\n// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU\n// General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,\n// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n//\n// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in\n// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.", "\n//\n// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE\n// WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.", "\n//\n// $URL$\n// $Id$\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+\n// \n//\n// Author(s) : Andreas Fabri <Andreas.Fabri@geometryfactory.com>\n// Laurent Rineau <Laurent.Rineau@geometryfactory.com>\n\n#ifndef CGAL_QT_REGULAR_GRID_VECTOR_FIELD_GRAPHICS_ITEM_H\n#define CGAL_QT_REGULAR_GRID_VECTOR_FIELD_GRAPHICS_ITEM_H\n\n#include <CGAL/license/GraphicsView.h>\n\n\n#include <CGAL/Bbox_2.h>\n#include <CGAL/Qt/PainterOstream.h>\n#include <CGAL/Qt/GraphicsItem.h>\n#include <CGAL/Qt/Converter.h>\n\n#include <QGraphicsScene>\n#include <QPainter>\n#include <QStyleOption>\n\nnamespace CGAL {\nnamespace Qt {\n\n template <typename T, typename K>\nclass RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem : public GraphicsItem\n{\n typedef typename T::Geom_traits Geom_traits;\n typedef typename K::Point_2 Point_2;\n typedef typename K::Vector_2 Vector_2;\n typedef typename K::Segment_2 Segment_2;\n\npublic:\n RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem(T* t_);\n\n void modelChanged();\n\npublic:\n\n QRectF boundingRect() const;\n \n void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);\n \n\n const QPen& verticesPen() const\n {\n return vertices_pen;\n }\n\n const QPen& edgesPen() const\n {\n return edges_pen;\n }\n\n void setVerticesPen(const QPen& pen)\n {\n vertices_pen = pen;\n }\n\n void setEdgesPen(const QPen& pen)\n {\n edges_pen = pen;\n }\n\n bool visibleVertices() const\n {\n return visible_vertices;\n }\n\n void setVisibleVertices(const bool b)\n {\n visible_vertices = b;\n update();\n }\n\n bool visibleEdges() const\n {\n return visible_edges;\n }\n\n void setVisibleEdges(const bool b)\n {\n visible_edges = b;\n update();\n }\n\nprotected:\n void updateBoundingBox();\n\n T * rg;\n QPainter* m_painter;\n PainterOstream<Geom_traits> painterostream;\n\n QRectF bounding_rect;\n\n QPen vertices_pen;\n QPen edges_pen;\n bool visible_edges;\n bool visible_vertices;\n};\n\n\n template <typename T, typename K>\n RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem<T,K>::RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem(T * t_)\n : rg(t_), painterostream(0),\n visible_edges(true), visible_vertices(true)\n{\n setVerticesPen(QPen(::Qt::red, 3.));", "\n updateBoundingBox();\n setZValue(3);\n}\n\n template <typename T, typename K>\nQRectF \n RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem<T,K>::boundingRect() const\n{\n return bounding_rect;\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n template <typename T, typename K>\nvoid \n RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem<T,K>::paint(QPainter *painter, \n const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/,\n QWidget * /*widget*/)\n{\n\n painterostream = PainterOstream<Geom_traits>(painter);\n painter->setPen(this->edgesPen());\n double w = rg->get_size().first;\n double h = rg->get_size().second;\n int nw = rg->get_dimension().first;\n int nh = rg->get_dimension().second;\n double dw = w/(nw-1);\n double dh = h/(nh-1);\n\n for(int i = 0; i < nw; i++){\n for(int j = 0; j < nh; j++){\n Vector_2 v = rg->get_field(i,j);\n v = (dw*0.45) * v/sqrt(v*v);\n painterostream << Segment_2(Point_2(i*dw,j*dh),\n Point_2(i*dw,j*dw)+v);\n }\n }\n painter->setPen(this->verticesPen());\n QMatrix matrix = painter->matrix();\n painter->resetMatrix();\n for(int i = 0; i < nw; i++){\n for(int j = 0; j < nh; j++){\n painter->drawPoint(matrix.map(QPointF(i*dw, j*dh)));\n }\n }\n\n}\n\n// We let the bounding box only grow, so that when vertices get removed\n// the maximal bbox gets refreshed in the GraphicsView\n template <typename T, typename K>\nvoid \n RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem<T,K>::updateBoundingBox()\n{\n\n bounding_rect = QRectF(0,\n 0,\n rg->get_size().first,\n rg->get_size().second);\n}\n\n\n template <typename T, typename K>\nvoid \n RegularGridVectorFieldGraphicsItem<T,K>::modelChanged()\n{\n update();\n}\n\n\n} // namespace Qt\n} // namespace CGAL\n\n#endif // CGAL_QT_REGULAR_GRID_VECTOR_FIELD_GRAPHICS_ITEM_H\n" ]
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[ "Paenibacillus polymyxa antagonizes oomycete plant pathogens Phytophthora palmivora and Pythium aphanidermatum.", "\nTo find sustainable alternatives to the application of synthetic chemicals for oomycete pathogen suppression. ", "Here, we present experiments on an Arabidopsis thaliana model system in which we studied the antagonistic properties of rhizobacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa strains towards the oomycete plant pathogens Phytophthora palmivora and Pythium aphanidermatum. ", "We carried out studies on agar plates, in liquid media and in soil. ", "Our results indicate that P. polymyxa strains significantly reduced P. aphanidermatum and P. palmivora colonization in liquid assays. ", "Most plants that had been treated with P. polymyxa survived the P. aphanidermatum inoculations in soil assays. ", "The antagonistic abilities of both systems correlated well with mycoidal substance production and not with the production of antagonistic substances from the biocontrol bacteria. ", "Our experiments highlight the need to take biofilm formation and niche exclusion mechanisms into consideration for biocontrol assays performed under natural conditions." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Facing Requiring Improvement\n\nAfter being visited by inspectors barely a week into term with 23 new members of staff trying to settle in, our headteacher diarist now faces a Requiring Improvement judgement. ", "She says enough is enough.", "\n\nSome time ago now, I wrote my regular diary entry for SecEd entitled Requires Improvement Mr Gove (SecEd 326, September 20, 2012). ", "Well, he has now got his own back and said the same to me via the auspices of Ofsted.", "\n\nI have been directed to a very useful resource entitled Getting to Good produced by that very same Ofsted. ", "This is the same Ofsted that said we were “good” in June 2011, who rang me in June 2012 to tell me that we had been identified as one of six secondary schools nationally for our work on school improvement and that they would like us to allow a visit from HMI who would then write up their findings as a case study in a report called ... Getting to Good, which would be published to help other schools on their journey. ", "Work that one out!", "\n\nPerhaps they should have called it “Getting to Good and managing to stay there before you are subject within a relatively short timespan to a changing framework and schedule of inspection”.", "\n\nSo it was that on the fifth day of the new term and academic year, with 23 new members of teaching staff and before the timetable had had a full run-through, I was told that my students’ behaviour was almost outstanding except that they had failed to demonstrate that essential “thirst for knowledge and a love of learning, including in independent, group and whole class work, which have a strong impact on their progress in lessons”.", "\n\nBelieve me, I know outstanding behaviour when I see it and my students, and indeed my staff were and are outstanding for the way they dealt with this unexpected visitation and the days in and out since.", "\n\nThis is not another sob story – I enjoyed working with the team and in particular with the lead inspector, there were no concerns raised by staff regarding their conduct of the inspection, and they spent a fair amount of time discussing the decision to move either side of the 2/3 divide.", "\n\nWe know exactly where our school is and what we have to do to ensure that next step towards beatification. ", "Our maths results and progress were far better than those for English; is this any surprise? ", "How much confidence do any of us have in the examination system?", "\n\nIt doesn’t change the fact that we knew we still had a job to do in moving ever forward. ", "We have just been judged at a stage on the journey under very, very different rules and across the country we know we are not the only casualties.", "\n\nYou might think that “casualties” is a very strong word to use; I don’t and I am extremely worried that someone – or a very many professionals in fact – are going to be seriously hurt by what is going on at the moment.", "\n\nI have never experienced anything like the events of this week following the announcement regarding early entry changes.", "\n\nHow in God’s name does anybody think that announcing this four weeks before students are due to take the very examinations it has an impact upon will not do any harm?", "\n\nHow many more decent, honourable, hard-working and (more to the point) effective school leaders will be brought to a point of no return?", "\n\nOne of my fellow heads used the phrase “be afraid, be very afraid” in relation to what is happening. ", "Let’s turn it on its head and direct it where it should be – government.", "\n\nWe have access to a huge number of voters and perhaps we should give them our best professional judgements of the education system in this country – the exam remarks required, the sound-bite policies, the political rhetoric that is damaging our children.", "\n\nEnough is enough, Mr Gove.", "\n\nDiary of a headteacher is written anonymously and in rotation by three practising headteachers from schools across the country." ]
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[ "CSA Snacks?", "\n\nGreetings all!", "\n31 days until I am at CSA for the first time! ", "I was wondering if they had any places to get snacks? ", "It is nice to sometimes get a snack such as a little bag of chips or crackers or some candy to snack on instead of eating a full meal somewhere. ", "Is there anywhere to get things like this on the resort. ", "If there is, is it included in the \"all inclusive\" or is it extra?", "\n\nThere is a small gift shop by the main lobby that has snack foods. ", "You purchase those. ", "Our favorite place to grab a snack is the beach grill--nachos, patties, etc. ", "Seagrapes also has sweet potato chips with great dips.", "\n\nthere is a grill that we loved for this - burgers, jerk chicken, nachos, etc. ", "there is candy, chips etc in the gift shop but you pay for those. ", "the nachos are a perfect snack - you can get cheese, salsa, beans, sour cream, guacamole.", "\n\nMark my advice is to skip the Cabana Grill and head straight for Seagrapes Cafe on the beach. ", "Some people rave about the burgers and fish sandwiches at the grill but they didn't do a thing for us unless it was late at night and nothing else was open. ", "The sweet potato chips and dip at Seagrapes are awesome. ", "As I recall, they also have some healthy fruit drinks of the day to wash down the chips. ", "If you want candy and stuff like that just bring a some of what you like to snack on with you from home. ", "I brought some bags of M&Ms and crackers. ", "We even left a few of the items on the bed with a note for the maid thanking her for doing such a good job cleaning up after us. ", "We saw her a few days later and she gave us the biggest smile and thanked us for the small gift. ", "You know I just can't see spending money in the gift shop for things like that when there's so much food available. ", "That is unless you have the $500 credit like we'll have to spend in December when we return home. ", "Also at the Palms in the back corner there's usually a wide variety of deserts to choose from too to satisfy your sweet tooth. ", "Stow a few in a napkin for an in between meal snack. ", "Enjoy your time in Paradise, aka \"CSA\".", "\n\nMark my advice is to skip the Cabana Grill and head straight for Seagrapes Cafe on the beach. ", "Some people rave about the burgers and fish sandwiches at the grill but they didn't do a thing for us unless it was late at night and nothing else was open. ", "The sweet potato chips and dip at Seagrapes are awesome. ", "As I recall, they also have some healthy fruit drinks of the day to wash down the chips. ", "If you want candy and stuff like that just bring a some of what you like to snack on with you from home. ", "I brought some bags of M&Ms and crackers. ", "We even left a few of the items on the bed with a note for the maid thanking her for doing such a good job cleaning up after us. ", "We saw her a few days later and she gave us the biggest smile and thanked us for the small gift. ", "You know I just can't see spending money in the gift shop for things like that when there's so much food available. ", "That is unless you have the $500 credit like we'll have to spend in December when we return home. ", "Also at the Palms in the back corner there's usually a wide variety of deserts to choose from too to satisfy your sweet tooth. ", "Stow a few in a napkin for an in between meal snack. ", "Enjoy your time in Paradise, aka \"CSA\".", "\n\nThanks! ", "Do they care if you take food for later back to your room or do you have to hide it?? ", "haha. ", "More then excited with 30 days to go!!!", "\n\nI bring a can of pringles and combos with me and keep the combos in the fridge after opening to save from the humidity.", "\nThe last few trips we have had enough miles to be fortunate enough to fly business class on Delta. ", "The flight attendant\nbrings out a basket of goodies like twix and I grab a few to take to the resort and to hand out to staff.", "\n\nMrs. dirtleg always packs a bunch of snacks from home to eat on the plane rides and on the verandah if we happen to get hungry and don't feel like walking down the beach for something.", "\n\nIf you are craving something more substantial than crackers or candy Seagrapes is the best place for a snack, light lunch or a terrific fresh fruit smoothie to hold you till your next regular meal. ", "I agree that the grill is best reserved for late night munchies when all other food venues are closed. ", "But it does hit the spot for those occasions.", "\n\nYou would be surprised at how many folks, including repeaters, do not know about the desert bar in the far corner of Palms. ", "We did not discover it till our second or third trip.", "\n\nThanks! ", "Do they care if you take food for later back to your room or do you have to hide it?? ", "haha. ", "More then excited with 30 days to go!!!", "\n\nYou can take food back to your room, but remember you won't have a microwave. ", "One night we got done eating at Lemongrass and I noticed that The Palms had conch fritters on the menu. ", "I asked the hostess if I could get a couple of orders to go. ", "They had the person behind the buffet make 2 fresh plates, and sent me on my merry way with 2 plates of fritters and silveware on a nice bamboo tray. ", "They will take care of you, no worries mon!", "\n\nWe too, brink snacks from home... Pringles, candy, peanut butter crackers, bag popcorn, peanuts, trailmix, and cookies. ", "Sometimes it's nice to have a snack handy. ", "Also, since we go to CTI - we like to have snacks in our bag when we head to the island since there is not any food there - saves us a trip to the \"mainland\" for a bite to eat!" ]
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[ "Successful surgical treatment of idiopathic colonic dysmotility. ", "The role of preoperative evaluation of coloanal motor function.", "\nIdentification of patients with severe idiopathic colonic dysmotility who would benefit from surgery can be difficult. ", "Colonic transit studies and anorectal manometry were applied to 12 women with severe constipation before subtotal colectomy. ", "Delayed transit was noted in all patients with most exhibiting left-sided colonic arrest. ", "Mean anal resting pressure and rectal capacity were similar to that in healthy controls. ", "Pathologic examination results revealed decreased argyrophilic neurons in the colonic myenteric plexus. ", "At 24 months postoperatively, all patients were satisfied with their results and mean (+/- SEM) weekly bowel movement frequency was 17 +/- 3 (compared with 0.8 +/- 0.2 preoperatively). ", "Preoperative coloanal function studies therefore aid in the selection of patients who will be successfully treated by surgery. ", "Subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis is the preferred operation because dysmotility can originate from either side of the colon." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0 ]
[ "We use cookies to allow us and selected partners to improve your experience and our advertising. ", "By continuing to browse you consent to our use of cookies. ", "You can understand more and change your cookies preferences here.", "\n\nUCAS Tariff\n\nUCAS points from a minimum of 2 A-Levels or equivalent Level 3 qualifications. ", "General Studies not accepted.", "\n\n67%\n\nApplicants receiving offers\n\nAbout this course\n\nSource: UCAS\n\nCourse option\n\n4years\n\nFull-time | 2019\n\nSubject\n\nSport and exercise sciences\n\n**Reasons to choose Kingston**\n– This course received 100 per cent overall student satisfaction (National Student Survey 2018).", "\n– Kingston was ranked at number one in London and second in the UK (out of 76) for Sport Science (Guardian University League Tables 2020).", "\n– This course offers specialist exercise physiology and biomechanics laboratories, to give you experience of the latest equipment and analysis techniques.", "\n\n**About this course**\nThis course studies both the theory and practice of effective coaching and leadership. ", "Practical modules explore subjects, such as theories of coaching, leadership and sport analysis and contemporary issues in sport coaching.", "\n\nSport is also treated as an academic subject. ", "Modules cover key concepts in psychology, such as motivation and personality, human physiology, anatomy, biomechanics and notational analysis. ", "You’ll be introduced to scientific investigation and research methods. ", "A project or dissertation on a selected topic will develop your independent learning skills.", "\n\nCalculate your living costs\n\nWhat students say\n\nWe've crunched the numbers to see if overall student satisfaction here is high, medium or low compared to students studying this subject(s) at other universities.", "\n\n87%\n\nhigh\n\nSport and exercise sciences\n\nHow do students rate their degree experience?", "\n\nThe stats below relate to the general subject area/s at this university, not this specific course. ", "We show this where there isn’t enough data about the course, or where this is the most detailed info available to us.", "\n\nStudent voice\n\nWho studies this subject and how do they get on?", "\n\nMost popular A-Levels studied (and grade achieved)\n\nPsychology\n\nC\n\nPhysical Education\n\nC\n\nBiology\n\nC\n\nAfter graduation\n\nSource: DHLE and HECSU\n\nThe stats in this section relate to the general subject area/s at this university – not this specific course. ", "We show this where there isn't enough data about the course, or where this is the most detailed info available to us.", "\n\nSport and exercise sciences\n\nWhat are graduates doing after six months?", "\n\nThis is what graduates told us they were doing (and earning), shortly after completing their course. ", "We've crunched the numbers to show you if these immediate prospects are high, medium or low, compared to those studying this subject/s at other universities.", "\n\n£22,000\n\nhigh\n\nAverage annual salary\n\n92%\n\nlow\n\nEmployed or in further education\n\n94%\n\nmed\n\nEmployed in a role where degree was essential or beneficial\n\nTop job areas of graduates\n\nOne of the fastest growing subjects in the country, the number of sports science graduates went from under 3,000 in 2003 to over 10,000 in 2013. ", "Numbers have fallen slightly since 2015, but we still have over 9,000 graduates in the subject. ", "However, the good news is the country's appetite for good health and fitness - and the adaptability of graduates in the subject - means that sports science grads are less likely than average to be out of work. ", "Sports science graduates, not surprisingly, tend to get jobs in sport, fitness and health - coaching and teaching especially - but they're found all over the economy. ", "Management and business are also popular options for graduates from this subject — and sports science graduates are particularly found where drive, determination and physical fitness are an advantage.", "\n\nTeaching Excellence Framework (TEF):\n\nWe've received this information from the Department for Education, via Ucas. ", "This is how the university as a whole has been rated for its quality of teaching: gold silver or bronze. ", "Note, not all universities have taken part in the TEF.", "\n\nThis information comes from the National Student Survey, an annual student survey of final-year students. ", "You can use this to see how satisfied students studying this subject area at this university, are (not the individual course).", "\n\nWe calculate a mean rating of all responses to indicate whether this is high, medium or low compared to the same subject area at other universities.", "\n\nThis information is from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).", "\n\nYou can use this to get an idea of who you might share a lecture with and how they progressed in this subject, here. ", "It's also worth comparing typical A-level subjects and grades students achieved with the current course entry requirements; similarities or differences here could indicate how flexible (or not) a university might be.", "\n\nPost-six month graduation stats:\n\nThis is from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, based on responses from graduates who studied the same subject area here.", "\n\nIt offers a snapshot of what grads went on to do six months later, what they were earning on average, and whether they felt their degree helped them obtain a 'graduate role'. ", "We calculate a mean rating to indicate if this is high, medium or low compared to other universities.", "\n\nWhile there are lots of factors at play when it comes to your future earnings, use this as a rough timeline of what graduates in this subject area were earning on average one, three and five years later. ", "Can you see a steady increase in salary, or did grads need some experience under their belt before seeing a nice bump up in their pay packet?" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_001}\n===============\n\nThe recent developments in the \"omics\" fields and related technologies, together with advanced computational tools, helped the scientific community understand the different layers of human cells' genotypes and phenotypes, increasing our knowledge of how certain changes lead to disease, especially when looked at a genome-scale level \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_001]\\]. ", "Metabolism can be seen as the main system to ensure adequate regulation of human cells, since it is responsible for the connections between the genetic content of a human cell and external environmental factors, consisting of a set of interconnected biochemical reactions \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_002]\\].", "\n\nSince the available amount of omics data is increasing in a rapid way, computational tools have been an important asset to process all the gathered information. ", "Genome-scale Metabolic Models (GSMMs) are an example of such tools, providing mathematical representations of molecular entities at a system level that can help grasp the connection between genome and metabolism \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_003]\\], \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_004]\\].", "\n\nThe process to obtain a model representing a set of biochemical transformations that may occur in the cell, begins with a Genome-scale reconstruction (GENRE), which can also be represented as a metabolic network. ", "Then, there is the need to curate the functional genome annotation through literature review and manual curation using available experimental data. ", "The four main four steps for the model reconstruction are, thus, the draft reconstruction, model curation, creation and validation.", "\n\nThroughout the last 10 years, several models of the human cell metabolism have been developed ([Figure 1](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The first GSMMs were mainly focused on central carbon metabolism and even before the development of the first human GSMMs, there were also representations of the human mitochondria \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_005]\\] and fibroblast \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_006]\\]. ", "Although smaller in scale, these models led the scientific community to acquire better insights on cell metabolism.", "\n\n![", "Timeline of the development of human GSMMs from 2007 until the present day. ", "This accounts only for generic models but the HepatoNet1 hepatocyte model is included as a contribution for Recon2. ", "Each model is represented by a rounded box. ", "Revisions and derivative models are distinguished by a black border and smaller font.](jib-16-20180068-g001){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_001}\n\nWith human genome sequencing as a starting point, both Recon1 \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_007]\\] and the Edinburgh human metabolic network (EHMN) \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_008]\\] were developed in 2007. ", "Since both models tried to encompass the whole human metabolism, complementary efforts were made to create tissue-specific metabolic models (based on the existing models) for hepatocyte cells, the HepatoNet1 \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_009]\\].", "\n\nA few years later, a new version of the Recon model was presented by Thiele et al. ", "\\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_010]\\], in parallel with another model, represented as the Human Model Reaction (HMR) database \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_004]\\]. ", "With the growing knowledge on human metabolism, the Recon2 model (comprising parts of the metabolism represented in the HepatoNet1 and EHMN) was subjected to various updates/revisions. ", "These include improved gene-protein-reaction rules according to new discoveries of the human genome \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_011]\\] (with a web visualization tool to help navigate the metabolic model), while others adjusted pathways to provide more reliable predictive capabilities \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_012]\\] and even improved chemical balancing \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_013]\\].", "\n\nThe most recent human metabolic model is Recon3D \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_014]\\]. ", "This model is an improvement on the previous version (around 6000 extra reactions) which also incorporates a large part of the second version of the HMR model (approximately 2500 reactions) \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_015]\\]. ", "This model was used for the first gender-specific whole-body metabolic models, Harvey (male) and Harvetta (female). ", "Not only do the models consider most human tissue types, they also contain information on microbial communities present in the human body, allowing distinct types of analysis \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_016]\\].", "\n\nDifferent human models and other sources may be merged into a consensus metabolic model, integrating relevant biological entities (metabolites and reactions) shared between two or more models based on their information and external databases. ", "However, those entities are typically identified without a shared standard, which is a possible limitation for the integration process.", "\n\nMetabolites present in human models can typically include information such as their name, InChI key, chemical formula, identifiers for external databases, such as HMDB \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_017]\\], KEGG \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_018]\\], PubChem \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_019]\\], CHEBI \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_020]\\], LipidMaps \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_021]\\], DrugBank \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_022]\\] or BRENDA \\[[@j_jib-2018-0068_ref_023]\\] storing metabolite and reaction information, and model identifiers that can be used to connect identical components of different models. ", "As an example, if a model *A* contains a metabolite *M*1 that has an external database identifier also found on a metabolite *C*1 of model *B*, both *M*1 and *C*1 can be considered identical, a property that can be leveraged to integrate the two models. ", "Building over the incremental identification of shared metabolites, we can also infer shared reactions (and pathways) present in the models.", "\n\nIn this work, we will apply a cross-reference integration process to find the shared metabolites across different models, and consequently increase the available information for the metabolites present in each model. ", "Also, using the previously described property, we will perform an integration of reactions of the same models by using the processed metabolites to connect their reactions.", "\n\n2. ", "Workflow {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_002}\n===========\n\nThe pipeline devised for this work includes three main steps, namely data retrieval and preprocessing, metabolite integration and subsequent integration of reactions.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Data Retrieval {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_002_s_001}\n-------------------\n\nFor this work, we used most of the available human metabolic models. [", "Table 1](#j_jib-2018-0068_tab_001){ref-type=\"table\"} shows an overview of the information used to perform this work, obtained from the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) files of the models, using the COBRApy package.", "\n\n###### \n\nInformation for the human metabolic models used in this work.", "\n\n \\#Metabolites ChEBI DrugBank HMDB KEGG Compound LipidMaps PubChem Compound\n ---------------------- --------------- ------- ---------- ------ --------------- ----------- ------------------\n Recon1 1245 \n Recon1 (with drains) 1245 \n HepatoNet1 712 \n Edinburgh HMN 2715 \n HMR (adipocyte) 6170 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ \n HMR (generic) 9267 \n HMR2.0\\*\\* 3532 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ \n iHuman2207 6341 \n Recon2 2360 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ \n Recon2 (HEK cell) 2288 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫\n Recon2.1 2360 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ \n Recon2.2 2478 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ \n Recon3D 4140 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫\n Recon3DModel 2797 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫\n\nThe symbol ⚫ represents that at least one metabolite has information for that database. ", "The symbol \\*\\* indicates that the extra information for this model was obtained from the .xls file on <http://www.metabolicatlas.org/downloads/hmr>.", "\n\n[Figure 2](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_002){ref-type=\"fig\"}(A) shows the workflow for processing the metabolite information of each model. ", "Firstly, all of the SBML models are read with the COBRApy package. ", "Since the annotation field from the metabolites was not being parsed, that information was obtained using the libSBML package. ", "To integrate the metabolites, a matrix was created where each row represents a metabolite for a given model and each column represents information for the integration, i.e. identifiers for CHEBI, DrugBank, etc.", "\n\n![", "Representation of the data retrieval pipeline employed in this work. (", "A) Preprocessing metabolite information from the SBML files: the resulting table contains data for all metabolites of the used models. (", "B) Preprocessing metabolite information from external databases using Query RESTful API, OBO and XML parsers; Reading metabolite information from models; Insertion of metabolite information into Neo4J graph database; Identification of metabolite clusters using a cross-reference integration process: the result of these steps is a set of metabolite clusters, where each cluster groups unique metabolite identifiers or data from databases and models.](jib-16-20180068-g002){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_002}\n\n2.2. ", "Metabolite Integration {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_002_s_002}\n---------------------------\n\nA metabolite integration tool was created using Java and a Neo4J graph database, which includes metabolite information from databases (CHEBI, DrugBank, HMDB, KEGG Compound, LipidMaps and PubChem Compound) and from human metabolic models ([Figure 2](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_002){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Nodes on the graph database represent the metabolites from the databases and cross-references are represented by edges as shown in [Figure 3](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_003){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Data representation on the Neo4J database graph: the database is separated in two main levels: database and integration nodes. ", "Database information is loaded into metabolite nodes that contain properties with metabolite information on the database node level; the integration process connects metabolite nodes representing the same metabolite information into cluster nodes that are present at the integration node level.](jib-16-20180068-g003){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_003}\n\nThe graph database was initially loaded with metabolite data from metabolic models containing references to external database identifiers. ", "These were then used to query PubChem Compound, KEGG Compound and LipidMaps databases based on their RESTful application programming interfaces (APIs) using previously implemented loaders, while information from CHEBI, HMDB and DrugBank databases were loaded using OBO and XML parsers.", "\n\nIdentification of shared metabolites on different models was performed by a cross-reference integration process, which creates a second level of metabolite nodes on the graph database representing clusters of metabolite instances from the different databases. ", "Each node has connections to metabolites from different models being referenced by a database identifier.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Reaction Integration {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_002_s_003}\n-------------------------\n\nA process for reaction integration was devised, based on previously determined metabolite clusters. ", "Firstly, we selected seven models for this process (Recon1, Recon2.04, Recon3D, HMR 1 and 2, HepatoNet and EHMN) since Recon3D integrates reactions from all of the other six models. ", "In the next step, we exclude reactions that do not contain metabolites, since we would not be able to integrate them with the clusters. ", "Also, reactions that involve more than one compartment are excluded to avoid integration of metabolic processes shifting metabolites across compartments and transport reactions involving a single metabolite in two compartments, since this information is not taken into account in the integration process, and also due to the fact that these reactions often do not represent enzymatic reactions (such as diffusion).", "\n\nThe metabolite clusters identified using the methods described in the previous section are then used to replace the original metabolites found in the metabolic models. ", "Since a cluster *C* is a set of metabolites from different models that represent the same real metabolite, we assume each metabolite *m* ∈ *C* is now represented by its cluster *C*. ", "Thus, each reaction will be represented by a set of pairs containing a metabolite cluster and a stoichiometric coefficient. ", "This representation allows us to integrate reactions by finding those with identical clusters and stoichiometry for all involved metabolites in both the reactants and products of each reaction.", "\n\nOur integration algorithm requires some important functions to be defined, namely *ρ*(*r*) yielding the set of cluster-stoichiometry pairs for a given reaction *r* and a *θ*(*m*) function returning the set of reactions in which the metabolite cluster *m* is involved. ", "The process used for reaction integration is presented on [Algorithm 1](#j_jib-2018-0068_stat_001){ref-type=\"statement\"}.", "\n\n*Y* = {}\n\n*R* = full set of reaction identifiers\n\n**while** *R* ≠ {} **do**\n\n   *P* = *θ*(*m*), ∀*m* ∈ *ρ*(*R*~1~)\n\n   $\\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n \\usepackage{wasysym}\n \\usepackage[substack]{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{amsfonts}\n \\usepackage{amssymb}\n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage[mathscr]{eucal}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{pmc}\n \\usepackage[Euler]{upgreek}\n \\pagestyle{empty}\n \\oddsidemargin -1.0in\n \\begin{document}$C=\\bigcap\\limits_{i=1}^{|P|}P_{i}$\\end{document}$\n\n   $\\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n \\usepackage{wasysym}\n \\usepackage[substack]{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{amsfonts}\n \\usepackage{amssymb}\n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage[mathscr]{eucal}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{pmc}\n \\usepackage[Euler]{upgreek}\n \\pagestyle{empty}\n \\oddsidemargin -1.0in\n \\begin{document}$x=\\{r,\\ \\forall r\\in C:|\\rho(R_{1})|=|\\rho(r)|\\}$\\end{document}$\n\n   *Y* = *Y* ∪ *x*\n\n   *R* = *R* − *C*\n\n**end**\n\nThe reaction clusters generated through this process are guaranteed to contain reactions with equal stoichiometry, assuming the metabolite clusters are correct. ", "We further enhanced this clustering process by adding reactions to clusters if the external identifiers can be matched. ", "This assumption can be considered valid on some cases where the model reconstruction includes reactions from previous models, as is the case of Recon 1 through 3 and HMR versions 1 and 2. ", "This process is done iteratively through each pair of models deemed suitable for these comparisons.", "\n\nThe results from this work are available online on the following link: <https://www.bio.di.uminho.pt/humanmodelintegration/>\n\n3. ", "Application and Discussion {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_003}\n=============================\n\nTo assess the viability of the pipeline, first we show how the databases assist the integration/creation of the metabolite clusters ([Figure 4](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_004){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 5](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In [Figure 4](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_004){ref-type=\"fig\"}, it is possible to see that KEGG has more information than HMDB and PubChem, reflecting the larger number of the clusters with only information for that database. ", "In terms of integration, results were good, since most compounds of each database were matched with other databases; for instance, more than 80 % of KEGG compounds matched HMDB and PubChem databases.", "\n\n![", "Venn diagram showing the integration of the HMDB, KEGG and PubChem Compound. ", "The numbers represent the amount of metabolite clusters containing information from the three databases, as well as clusters with overlapping references.](jib-16-20180068-g004){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_004}\n\n![", "Venn diagram showing the integration of the Recon3D, Recon2 and HMR2.0. ", "The numbers represent the amount of clusters with metabolites from each model, as well as clusters that integrate two or more models.](jib-16-20180068-g005){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_005}\n\nLooking at [Figure 5](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_005){ref-type=\"fig\"}, we can clearly see that the new Recon model encompasses most of the clusters between the three models (90.1 % of the clusters). ", "Although we do not know if some metabolites from the previous Recon version were removed from this new version, 30 clusters are not integrated with the newer one. ", "However, we can see that the integration with HMR2.0 has improved over Recon2. ", "An interesting fact is that Recon2 does not contain information about HMR2.0 and we were able to integrate at least 1110 metabolite clusters (around 50 %) from the latter model.", "\n\n[Figure 6](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_006){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the evolution of the number of external identifiers for each model. ", "Overall, the pipeline is able to significantly increase the number of metabolites which contain information to external databases. ", "Even the most recent model was improved, with at least 400 new identifiers for its metabolites.", "\n\n![", "Cumulative bar charts representing the number of metabolites assigned with external identifiers for each database and model before (left bar) and after (right striped bar) the integration pipeline.](jib-16-20180068-g006){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_006}\n\nWhen evaluating the effects of the integration of the reactions, we first decided to compare how the three Recon models have evolved. ", "For that, we analysed the amount of intersected reaction clusters between these models ([Figure 7](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_007){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Venn diagram highlighting the number of reaction clusters integrated between the main three revisions of the Recon models.](jib-16-20180068-g007){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_007}\n\nWe concluded that the majority of the Recon1 metabolites were integrated with the other two versions (with the exception of 25 clusters). ", "For the Recon2, we reach a similar result. ", "However, around 1300 clusters are only shared with Recon3D; those are most likely reactions from the models that were originally integrated with the Recon2 model coming from the HepatoNet and EHMN models. ", "Regarding the Recon3D, about 2700 clusters were not integrated with the other models. ", "Lastly, one unexpected result of our integration method is the fact that around 280 clusters are only shared by Recon1 and Recon2. ", "When analyzing some of these clusters in Recon1 and 2, despite the stoichiometry being correct, we verified that the identifiers of the metabolites associated with some of these reactions do not match with the third version of the model. ", "Therefore, it is likely that these metabolites could not be integrated using our tool.", "\n\nSince the last two versions of the Recon models were augmented with the other metabolic models, we performed an evaluation of our own integration of those models to assess how the models can be interconnected. ", "We first decided to compare all the three versions of Recon with both HMR1 and HMR2.0 ([Figure 8](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_008){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Venn diagram highlighting the number of reaction clusters integrated between all the main versions of Recon and HMR.](jib-16-20180068-g008){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_008}\n\nThere are some relevant points to highlight from the [Figure 8](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_008){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "First, it is noticeable that there is a large leap in terms of integration from Recon1 and 2 to Recon3. ", "We also can see that a significant part of the HMR2 model is integrated with the Recon3D, which is expected due to the nature of the reconstruction of the latter. ", "However, HMR1 is only integrated with the Recon models if they are associated with HMR2. ", "There are 440 clusters which are integrated with all the three models. ", "Since the revisions of the models do not include all of the information from their previous versions, the shared clusters are associated with a critical part of the metabolism of the human cell. ", "It is clear that several efforts have been made to be able to integrate all the information of the analyzed models, although there is a great number of clusters of reactions that were not integrated.", "\n\nAside from the HMR models, EHMN and HepatoNet have also been integrated with the Recon models since its second iteration. ", "We also verified this fact in our integration results ([Figure 9](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_009){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In this analysis, the Recon1 model was excluded since it has not been integrated with any model and had a smaller impact when compared with other models ([Figure 8](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_008){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Venn diagram highlighting the number of reaction clusters integrated between the integrated models in both Recon2 and Recon3D.](jib-16-20180068-g009){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_009}\n\nThere is a sharp increase in the amount of unique clusters. ", "Although Recon3D has a small decrease on this number, both HMR2 and Recon2 have increased theirs, probably due to the absence of HMR1 and Recon1, respectively. ", "Looking at the clusters all five models share, the number is lower than in the previous analysis ([Figure 8](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_008){ref-type=\"fig\"}), since HepatoNet is a context-specific model for hepatocytes which naturally have less common reactions.", "\n\nAs a final part of our study, we evaluated the proportion of reactions that each model contains from the other ones ([Figure 10](#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_010){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Radar plot representing the proportion of reactions that each model contains from the others. ", "Each coloured polygon represents a single model and each of its vertices represent the proportion of reactions shared by other models. ", "This proportion is always 1 in the vertex associated with its own model. ", "Recon3D, as expected, is the model that contains more information from all the other models.](jib-16-20180068-g010){#j_jib-2018-0068_fig_010}\n\nSince Recon3D is the most current and updated human metabolic model and encompasses all the other models being analyzed, it is the one who has a higher proportion in all the other models, with the exception of the HMR1. ", "This model is the least integrated, even with its second version. ", "This is mainly due to the dissimilarities of the nomenclature of both reactions and metabolites (even different from HMR2), which makes it harder to integrate.", "\n\nWhen looking at the Recon family of models, Recon2 is almost entirely integrated with Recon1 and Recon3D has more than 80 % of the reactions on Recon2; however, Recon2 should have a higher proportion when compared to Recon3D as well as Recon3D when compared to Recon1. ", "This can be explained, for example, as the removal or modification of certain metabolites or reactions throughout the iterations of the models that are not logged or due to errors on the integration process. ", "In the former case, if a metabolite or reaction is altered in a next revision, the integration process may not recognize these changes and will lead to the creation of two clusters rather than a single one.", "\n\nAlthough our results show that it is possible to integrate a large portion of most current human GSMMs, there are some limitations that need to be addressed as part of future work.", "\n\nThe fact that we impose that integrated reactions must contain exactly the same stoichiometry-metabolite pairs further impairs the algorithm's ability to capture these minor differences between revisions and models as integrated entities. ", "On the other hand, some metabolite clusters may wrongly contain several unrelated metabolites that, when used to integrate reactions, may lead to large reaction clusters that group reactions that are not identical. ", "This may occur when different metabolites share the same information, grouping them as a cluster (as is the case for some cofactors). ", "One solution would be restricting the amount of databases included in the integration, at the cost of losing potentially correct clusters due to the loss of information. ", "Manual curation could also solve these problems although the purpose of this work is to implement an automated method.", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusions and Future Work {#j_jib-2018-0068_s_004}\n==============================\n\nIn the present work, we attempt to enrich human metabolic models with external database identifiers to improve one of their main limitations, namely, their integration with other biological information repositories. ", "With the presented pipeline, we provide a semi-automated tool to enrich the metabolite information that each model contains. ", "Using these results, we decided to integrate the reactions for all the models present in the most recent reconstruction of the human metabolism (Recon3D). ", "Although this process shows some interesting results, issues that come from Gene to Protein Rules and reactions that include more than one compartment have to be addressed in future work.", "\n\nConcluding, this work demonstrates that our presented pipeline can help to bridge the different human metabolic models. ", "Despite requiring some manual curation, this work is a good starting point to bridge these models to achieve one of the most desired objectives in this field of study, the reconstruction of a unified human metabolic model.", "\n\nThis work is co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme, under the \"Portugal 2020\", through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within project SISBI- RefaNORTE-01-0247-FEDER-003381. ", "This study was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (Funder Id: 10.13039/501100001871, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 -- Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. ", "The authors also thank the PhD scholarships funded by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, with references: SFRH/BD/118657/2016 (V.V.), SFRH/BD/133248/2017 (J.F.) and SFRH/BD/131916/2017 (R.R.).", "\n\nConflict of interest statement\n==============================\n\nAuthors state no conflict of interest. ", "All authors have read the journal's publication ethics and publication malpractice statement available at the journal's website and hereby confirm that they comply with all its parts applicable to the present scientific work.", "\n" ]
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[ "Giuliani says he doesn't know if Trump would pardon Cohen\n\nPresident Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said Monday that he does not know whether Trump would ever pardon Mic...\n\nPosted: Jul 30, 2018 8:56 PM\n\nUpdated: Jul 30, 2018 8:56 PM\n\nPosted By: CNN Wire\n\nPresident Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said Monday that he does not know whether Trump would ever pardon Michael Cohen, the President's embattled ex-lawyer currently under criminal investigation.", "\n\n\"I can't tell you whether he would pardon him or not,\" Giuliani told CNN \"New Day\" co-anchor Alisyn Camerota, adding, \"I can't take away from the President, nor would I, the discretion to pardon anyone. ", "Nor could I really speculate on it.\"", "\n\n\"Nobody should proceed on the assumption that President Trump's going to pardon. ", "Nobody. ", "They should make the decisions about their lives based on the fact that they've got to deal with whatever the government is offering them or not offering them, how honest or dishonest they want to be,\" the lawyer continued. \"", "Now on the other hand, if the President believes an unjust situation happens, of course, like any other President, he'll pardon.\"", "\n\nIn April, authorities raided Cohen's home, office and hotel room as part of an investigation into his business dealings and efforts during the 2016 campaign to suppress negative stories about Trump. ", "He has not been charged with any wrongdoing, but his closeness to Trump has raised questions about whether he could be pardoned, though Cohen has recently told friends he is pessimistic the President would offer him one.", "\n\nTrump and Giuliani's views of Cohen have soured recent weeks, especially after it was revealed that several audio recordings between the President and his former confidant were among evidence produced from the raids. ", "Last week, CNN aired the audio of one of the recordings, which features then-presidential candidate Trump discussing with Cohen how they would buy the rights to a Playboy model's story about an alleged affair Trump had with her years earlier. ", "Trump has denied the affair allegation.", "\n\nGiuliani, speaking to CNN on Monday, said he \"wouldn't pardon him if he did that to me.\"" ]
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[ "Order entered November 15, 2019\n\n\n\n\n In The\n Court of Appeals\n Fifth District of Texas at Dallas\n No. ", "05-19-00451-CR\n\n SANTOS CANALES, Appellant\n\n V.\n\n THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee\n\n On Appeal from the 291st Judicial District Court\n Dallas County, Texas\n Trial Court Cause No. ", "F97-52180-U\n\n ORDER\n Before the Court is appellant’s November 12, 2019 second motion to extend the time to\n\nfile appellant’s brief. ", "We GRANT the motion and ORDER appellant’s brief filed on or before\n\nDecember 11, 2019. ", "If appellant’s brief is not filed by December 11, 2019, this appeal may be\n\nabated for the trial court to make findings in accordance with rule of appellate procedure 38.8.", "\n\n\n /s/ LANA MYERS\n JUSTICE\n\f" ]
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[ "Democrats sweep Shelby County’s countywide races\n\nMEMPHIS, Tenn. — The cheers lasted all night for Shelby County Democrats. ", "They now have the two highest-profile positions in the county: Floyd Bonner as sheriff and Lee Harris as mayor.", "\n\n“They wanted to talk about investments in education. ", "They wanted to talk about meaningful opportunities for their kids. ", "And they wanted to talk about how we move this community forward. ", "That resonated and we just kept build and building,” Harris said.", "\n\nDemocrat Raumesh Akbari has been in office since 2013. ", "The state representative won her primary Thursday against outgoing County Commissioner Justin Ford to move in to the State Senate.", "\n\n“I felt like I built a lot of relationships in the house but Memphis needs great legislators in the senate as well and I thought I had a place there,\" she said.", "\n\nShe acknowledged: Her party was in a bad place a year ago. ", "Candidates didn’t trust each other. ", "They had to reboot after the May primaries.", "\n\n“Some of the candidates ... everyone didn’t feel comfortable with them, but now we had a good slate of candidates who work together and put party over person, and I think that paid off for every position,” she said of the 2018 races.", "\n\nNow, the tide has turned.", "\n\n“Everyone keeps saying the blue wave is coming. ", "I think for Shelby County it hit last night,\" she said.", "\n\nShelby County Democratic Party chair Corey Strong released a statement to WREG:\n\n\"This amazing group of public servants took their message of people first policies to every corner of Shelby County and the voters rewarded them with their votes and a historic sweep of county wide offices— including some that have never been held by an elected Democrat.\"", "\n\nSome said the Democratic Party's lawsuit against the Election Commission before early voting might've also galvanized voters.", "\n\nShelby County Republican Party Chairman Lee Mills said he thinks Republican complacency and apathy contributed to Thursday night’s wins for Democrats.", "\n\nAccording to data released by the Shelby County Election Commission, of the 69,158 ballots cast, 29,395 were Republican, 38,362 were Democratic and 1,401 were for the general elections only." ]
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[ "\n51 Ill. App.3d 1044 (1977)\n367 N.E.2d 155\nROSE MARIE BROWN, n/k/a Rose Marie McCord, Plaintiff-Appellant,\nv.\nST. ", "JOHN'S HOSPITAL OF THE HOSPITAL SISTERS OF THE THIRD ORDER OF ST. ", "FRANCIS et al., ", "Defendants-Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "13374.", "\nIllinois Appellate Court — Fourth District.", "\nOpinion filed August 8, 1977.", "\nRehearing denied September 28, 1977.", "\nHerrick, Rudasill & Moss, of Clinton (Ray Moss, of counsel), for appellant.", "\n*1045 G. William Horsley and Associates, Lott & Surman, and Robert G. Heckenkamp, of Heckenkamp & Fuiten, all of Springfield, for appellees.", "\nJudgment affirmed.", "\nMr. JUSTICE MILLS delivered the opinion of the court:\nMalpractice action.", "\nPlaintiff consulted defendant Doctor Azeris in March 1970 for correction of a hammer toe deformity in the fourth and fifth right toes. ", "The surgery, he advised her, would be painful and she opted for the hospital in lieu of his office with a local anesthetic.", "\nThe surgical procedure — known as Arthrodesis — was performed the next day at St. John's Hospital. ", "Briefly, this surgical procedure fuses the joints by removing bone and stabilizes the toes with a Kirschner Wire which goes through the center of the bone and connects the phalanges. ", "To be able, post-operatively, to test for circulation, the tips of the toes are exposed to facilitate observation.", "\nFollowing her discharge, an infection developed at the site of the incision in each toe resulting in further hospitalization. ", "A debridement procedure followed, occasioning loss of tissue and some bone from both toes. ", "Plaintiff characterizes this as an \"amputation\" — defendants look askance at such word with all its connotations and prefer to speak in terms of \"partial loss.\" ", "Antibiotics were first tried, but when it became apparent that they would not control the infection the doctor made the decision to debride the area. ", "The medical term for plaintiff's condition following the surgery is ischemia.", "\nPlaintiff takes issue with the doctor's method of surgery and says both he and the hospital were negligent in caring for her following such. ", "On trial, at the close of her case, a directed verdict was granted the hospital. ", "According to her, the reason for the directed verdict was that plaintiff had failed to establish an agency relationship between the doctor and the hospital. ", "Defendant, in addition, says it was because the hospital was not negligent under the Darling rule. (", "Darling v. Charleston Community Memorial Hospital (1965), 33 Ill.2d 326, 211 N.E.2d 253.) ", "At the close of all the evidence the jury returned a verdict against the doctor for $1,000.", "\nFIRST: Plaintiff argues that such award is grossly inadequate in that it barely covered her medical bills and lost wages and that nothing was awarded for disfigurement, future loss of earnings and, needless to say, pain and suffering. ", "We are asked to reverse and grant a new trial on the issue of damages only.", "\nThis we cannot do.", "\n• 1, 2 Courts traditionally have been reluctant to interfere with the discretion of the jury as long as the award is within the range of the evidence, the instructions proper, and there is no improper exclusion of *1046 evidence. ", "Sometimes it is said that, where the award is \"palpably inadequate,\" a new trial will be granted — but we equate \"palpably\" in this context to mean that the award was below the range of the evidence. ", "The general rule has always been that an award which fairly and reasonably compensates for the loss occasioned by defendant's action is sufficient and the fact that the jury was less than generous does not necessarily mean that their award is legally or \"palpably\" inadequate. ", "Admittedly here, the award covers the medical bills and wages lost. ", "Plaintiff argues that it is \"indisputably insufficient\" because she \"lost her toes,\" suffered greatly and was disabled. ", "Cases are cited to us of toes lost and much larger awards. ", "Such listing hardly helps us here, as triers of the fact could have chosen (and apparently here they did) to discount disfigurement and future disability. ", "To put a low figure on pain and suffering has never been grounds for reversal as such. ", "Indeed, plaintiff herself testified that she was able to get around without difficulty and had no problem with standing or walking. ", "And a jury might even conclude (as this one must have) that she has less discomfort now than before.", "\n• 3 SECOND: Plaintiff argues that the court should have admitted evidence of thrombophlebitis in May and October following surgery. ", "If such was improper then so is the $1,000 verdict. ", "In rejecting this testimony, the court concluded that it was conjectural and speculative in the extreme, and hence irrelevant. ", "One Doctor Panella in particular testified that it would be \"pure speculation\" that there was indeed any nexus. ", "He had treated plaintiff for thrombophlebitis in October. ", "He was asked whether the surgery might or could have caused the thrombophlebitis; his answer was that he had no opinion, or rather that he could not form an opinion, and when it was cast in a hypothetical form he answered that the surgery \"could\" have caused this condition. ", "But he stated on cross-examination that any opinion as to the cause of this condition in October, was \"purely speculation\" and \"no way to any degree of reasonable medical certainty could\" he attribute the cause of the thrombophlebitis, and that it was really a conjecture and guess upon his part as to the cause in either October or May. On redirect the medical witness stated that by speculation he meant that he didn't \"have any certainty whether it was due to the surgery or was due to her work or was due to an accident that she had and she didn't even pay any attention to it.\"", "\nPlaintiff cites Clifford-Jacobs Forging Co. v. Industrial Com. (", "1960), 19 Ill.2d 236, 166 N.E.2d 582, 587, for the proposition that answers to hypothetical questions need not be positive and that the use of the words \"might\" or \"could\" does not necessarily render testimony conjectural That as it may be, the statements set forth above by Dr. Panella did not give a basis for the jury to infer what the cause of the phlebitis was and if *1047 there was no evidence for them to infer that the surgery in March caused the phlebitis, it was irrelevant as we have said. ", "Accordingly, the expenses incurred in treating this condition, resultant loss of income and recompense for pain and suffering could not enter into the jury's computation of damages.", "\nPlaintiff relies heavily on Kelly v. Reynolds (1971), 132 Ill. App.2d 1098, 271 N.E.2d 370, where we held that if there is uncontradicted evidence of medical expenses and lost wages, of permanent injuries and pain and suffering, there can be little doubt that a verdict for less than the \"uncontradicted out-of-pocket expense is manifestly inadequate — indisputably insufficient.\" ", "This reliance on Kelly, we think, is misplaced. ", "The income loss testified to by plaintiff suffered from inexactitudes, to put it mildly, and lack of records (she was self-employed). ", "Thus, the verdict was not for less than the special out-of-pocket expenses as in Kelly as we compute it — and as the jury must have computed it. ", "That being so, pain and suffering and disfigurement made up the admittedly small balance remaining to reach $1,000 and as small as this award is we do not feel justified in reversing it.", "\n• 4 THIRD: With regard to the directed verdict in favor of the hospital — there was more to the court's reasoning in directing such than its failure to find an agency relationship. ", "Darling obviously entered into the court's consideration; that is, that the hospital was not negligent in doing or failing to do procedures that would have prevented the infection. ", "Plaintiff says, on the other hand, that the hospital was negligent in that its nurses did not check for circulatory impairment, though the ends of the toes were exposed for this very purpose. ", "In addition, she states that the nursing personnel should have advised the hospital authorities that she was suffering severe pain following the surgery. ", "The trouble with this theory is that there is very little evidence to support it. ", "Even plaintiff testified that she couldn't remember what the nurses had done and thought that they had looked at the toes and possibly touched them. ", "Just because infection set in doesn't mean, per se, that the hospital or the doctor were negligent. ", "The nurses did in fact call the doctor's attention to the pain the plaintiff was experiencing and in response he took an X ray to see if anything was amiss. ", "He found nothing. ", "The fact that pain itself followed the surgery was to be expected. ", "These facts bear little relationship to Darling where the cast was too tight and circulation became impaired necessitating amputation. ", "That hospitals have a duty to patients aside from any agency relationship with its medical staff is indeed true and this is what Darling stands for. ", "But in that case as opposed to this, tests for circulation were inadequate, skilled nurses would have recognized the impairment, and at that point it would have been their duty to inform the attending physician and to advise the hospital *1048 authorities if he failed to act. ", "That is far different from the facts before us. ", "Plaintiff had the burden of showing that the hospital was negligent by the Darling criteria and that such negligence caused her injury. ", "Here, there was no evidence that the hospital should have acted in a fashion other than it did. ", "In short, if the hospital here had a duty to do more, there was no such proof.", "\nAffirmed.", "\nGREEN, J., concurs.", "\nMr. PRESIDING JUSTICE CRAVEN, concurring in part and dissenting in part:\nI am in agreement with the majority opinion except as it relates to the issue of damages. ", "Upon that issue, I would reverse and remand for a new trial.", "\nIn this case, the so-called \"special damages\" or out-of-pocket expenses amount to $774. ", "The jury verdict of $1,000 leaves only $226 more than the specials, and that $226 has to compensate for the disfigurement, the permanent injuries, the pain and suffering — $226 for those items of damages as shown by this record is palpably inadequate. ", "There is no reasonable relationship between the damages returned and the loss suffered by the plaintiff. ", "Such verdict could only result from passion or prejudice or a misapprehension of the measure of damages. ", "Under either circumstance, the plaintiff is entitled to a new trial upon the issue of damages only. ", "See Rapp v. Kennedy (1968), 101 Ill. App.2d 82, 242 N.E.2d 11; See generally 11 A.L.R.3d 370.", "\n" ]
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[ "I was just thinking about emailing you...no I really was. ", " It's scary, we \nthink alike. ", " I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow. ", " I have soooooo much to \ndo today. ", " Well a lot of it probably won't get done at this point. ", " I've \npretty much given up on most of it getting done before I leave. ", " After work \nI'm going to find a notary so I can drop all this ticket stuff off. ", " And I \nhave to get my oil changed, and if I have time I'm going to go get my \nbrother's cd. ", " Oh and I have to pack...can't exactly put that one off any \nmore. ", " But other than that I'm free this evening. ", " Do you have French? ", " \n\nI'll call you later.", "\nRobin" ]
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[ "\n\nmiguel chevalier morphs italian castle with kaleidoscopic patterns\n\nall images courtesy of miguel chevalier\n\nwith recent developments in the fields of material science and technology, designers around the world have recognized the potential for their works to articulate more, provoking stronger messages by crossing into other disciplines. ", "in line with the trajectory of this trend, miguel chevalier has created alternative ways of experiencing the spaces of churches, museums, foundations, and tunnels with mesmerizing graphical interfaces. ", "this exploration of the electronic arts has continued its way into castel del monte for festival internazionale di andria castel dei mondi 2014 in the form of ‘magic carpets’.", "\n\nwith its unique architecture based on the number 8, the edifice is imbued with a mathematical and astronomical rigor that adopts the shape of the octagon. ", "in addition, its positioning has been carefully orchestrated to display special symmetries of light on solstice days. ", "this symbolic system has drawn the passionate interest of experts on account of its oddity and esotericism, making it an ideal location for the interactive installation. ", "the piece revisits the tradition of mosaics, which prefigure the advent of pixels. ", "at one point in time, the decorations were highly present throughout the castle’s interior. ", "paying homage to this aesthetic, pictures made up of unstable black-and-white mega-patterns successively slide into vividly saturated spirals that swirl about, performing veritable choreographic movements set to music by jacopo baboni schilingi.", "\n\n\n\nblue and green pixelation\n\nsimilar the metaphor of the eight-sided form present here, the transition from the (square) earth to the (circular) sky is represented through ‘magic carpets’.", "‘this artificial universe seems to rejoin that of life. ", "everything comes together, comes apart, and alters shape at top speed,’ says chevalier. ", "as the viewers move about the space, their feet manipulate in the appearance of these mobile, interlaced graphics. ", "colorfully sinuous curves ripple forth, thus re-establishing connections with the shimmering tapestries of the middle ages, classical antiquity, the islamic world, and the cistercian gothic of northern europe. ", "these arabesques generate completely new visual experiences that are reminiscent of the psychedelic, artificial paradises of the 1970s.", "\n\n\n\nas people move throughout the space, their feet place pressure on the floor, which manipulates the graphic\n\n\n\na pixelated pattern combined with a shifting liquid texture\n\n\n\nthe textures make allusions to tapestries of the middle ages\n\nproject info:\n\nproject name: magic carpets 2014\n\ndesigner: miguel chevalier\n\nmusic: jacopo baboni schilingi\n\nprogram: generative and interactive virtual-reality installation\n\nlocation: festival internazionale di andria castel dei mondi, castel del monte, andria (italy)\n\ndiameter: 17.50m\n\nsoftware: cyrille henry/antoine villeret with the assistance of voxels productions\n\ndesignboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. ", "see more project submissions from our readers here." ]
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[ "Walking\n\nWalking & Trekking Holidays in Ireland\n\nThe Glen of Aherlow, Tipperary is a walkers paradise offering a variety of low level loop and mountain walks. ", "Walking and trekking holidays are now the most sought after activity for Irish and overseas visitors to Ireland and what better way to enjoy the natural resources of mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and scenic landscape combined with fresh air and healthy exercise. ", "All of these natural features are in abundance in the Glen of Aherlow, which makes it so attractive to walkers.", "\n\nNational Loop Walks\n\nThere are two national loop walk trail heads in the Glen of Aherlow – Christ the King and Lisvarrinane Village. ", "There are 8 loop walks ranging from half an hour to 4 hours round trip walking time across Slievenamuck through miles of forest track with spectacular views over the valley and to the Galtee Mountains.", "\n\nLake Walks on Galtee Mountains\n\nThere are two lake walks – Lough Curra and Lake Muskry. ", "The walks are up to 4 hours for the casual walker. ", "These routes take you onto the Galtee Mountains where you can enjoy clear air, superb views, corrie lakes, wooded foothills, mountain streams and open moorland.", "\n\nMaps are available for the National Loop Walks and the Lake Walks from the tourist office – call us on [+353] (0)62 56331 or email us at info@aherlow.com\n\nAdvanced Walks\n\nFor the more serious and seasoned walkers there is unlimited trekking on the Galtee Mountains. ", "The Galtees are Ireland’s highest inland mountain range, with a variety of peaks including Galtymore at 3,018 feet (919m). ", "There are five corrie lakes on the range, accessible only by foot, to add to the attractiveness of the range.", "\n\nGuided Walks\n\nOur experienced, local guide Mike Moroney will take you off the beaten track away from the usual routes into the real wilderness of the Glen. ", "The walks can be customised according to your requirements; you choose the length of time, the level of difficulty and the pace. ", "Book your guided walk through the Glen of Aherlow, Tipperary by calling Mike directly on +353 (0)87 9267948 or email aherlowwalks@gmail.com\n\nGPS Walks\n\nLearn how to navigate using a GPS – GPS available from the walking guide, Mike Moroney or alternatively you can bring your own. ", "Book your GPS walk through the Glen of Aherlow, Tipperary by calling Mike directly on +353 (0)87 9267948 or email aherlowwalks@gmail.com\n\nWalking Festival\n\n2 day annual winter walking festival the last week in January. ", "Groups, clubs and individual walkers welcome, guided walks each day, excellent accommodation available and nightly entertainment. ", "Click here for more details.", "\n\nGaltee Walking Club\n\nEstablished in January 2003 the Galtee Walking club now has over 200 members. ", "The Club meets every Sunday throughout the year for variety of mountain, road or forest track walks, led by Club Leaders. ", "You will enjoy a variety of walks ranging from 2 – 6 hours depending on level with the added pleasure of local history and heritage.", "\n\nFrom April to September there is also a Wednesday evening walk, this is usually a 3-hour walk on forest tracks.", "\n\nThe Galtee Walking Club welcomes visiting walkers; their quarterly schedule is available from The Glen of Aherlow Fáilte Society on [+353] (0)62 56331 or email us at info@aherlow.com and will also be displayed by all accommodation providers. ", "Visit http://www.galteewalkingclub.ie/ for more information.", "\n\nTipp Heritage Way\n\nFrom the Vee to Cashel this way marked long distance walking route is 55kms (35 miles) long and takes in forest tracks and historic sites along the river Suir. ", "The route also links into the East Munster Way and St. Declans Way. ", "Route maps available in local tourist offices.", "\n\nBallyhoura Way\n\nThe Ballyhoura way is part of the O’Sullivan Beara Trail and stretches 90kms from John’s Bridge in West Limerick, through the Glen of Aherlow and finishing in Limerick Junction in Co. Tipperary.", "\n\nRelated\n\nShare\n\nAbout Glen of Aherlow\n\nThe Glen of Aherlow, Tipperary’s most attractive\nand scenic holiday destination, is a lush valley\nwhere the River Aherlow runs between the Galtee Mountains\nand the wooded ridge of Slievenamuck. ", "Bounded by the rural\nvillages of Bansha and Galbally, the Glen was historically\nan important pass between Limerick and Tipperary.", "\nRead more\n\nAlso in June – Galtee Challenge Saturday June 30th – www.galteewalkingclub.ie\n\nClub Ceoil\n\nClub Ceoil is a social evening of music, song, dance and poetry which takes places in a variety of pubs and venues across the Glen of Aherlow. ", "The entertainers are all amateur locals who love to perform and enjoy others performing.", "\n\nIt is run every Thursday evening during July and August for our summer season. ", "We welcome the many visitors who are in the Glen at that time, many who will also get involved and sing or bring an instrument.", "\n\nThis summer two of our American visitors were traditional ukulele musicians and gave a wonderful performance in Templeneiry Church.", "\n\nClub Ceoil enables the locals and visitors to meet and interact in a social setting, thus extending the welcome to our domestic and international visitors\n\nGlen 5k\n\nThe Glen 5k is a charity 5k walk/ run that supports local causes. ", "It usually takes part in August and Runners & walkers of all abilities are welcome.http://glen5k.ie/\n\nPride of Tipperary\n\nThe Pride of Tipperary Festival is one of Ireland’s longest running festivals. ", "The festival has a strong fundraising legacy and last year a cheque for €5,000 was presented to Circle of Friends cancer support centre in Tipperary town. ", "Circle of Friends will also be the 2016 beneficiary.www.theprideoftipperary.com/\n\nClonbeg Pattern\n\nIt took place on Thursday, 14 July to Saturday, 16 July, 2016. ", "The festival celebrates the Feast of St. Sedna with exhibitions, displays & concerts in Clonbeg Church.", "\n\nGaltee Challenge\n\nOn Sunday June 26th, the Galtee Walking Club’s Challenge took place. ", "It is a 31km traverse of the entire Galtee Mountain range, taking in all major peaks with a total height gain of 1700 metres approx. ", "and a maximum altitude of 919 metres.", "\nFor more information click here\n\nThis is a very popular walking/running Marathon and half Marathon, held annually on Palm Sunday since 2009. ", "It covers a distance of 42km across and forms two loops, east and west, taking in both the north and south sides of the ridge. ", "It is advised to prepare and train before the event. ", "It is vital that participants come with appropriate clothing and footwear for all weather conditions. ", "Areas covered include Rock an Thorabh, Moor Abbey and Bansha Woods." ]
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[ "Anthony Averett called his mom following Alabama's spring testing last year.", "\n\nThe big news: Averett ran the 40-yard dash in 4.30 seconds.", "\n\nIt was the fastest time posted by any Tide player last spring. ", "Only six players have run faster at the NFL scouting combine since 2005.", "\n\n\"I told him when he ran that, 'Wow, you're moving,'\" Averett's mom, Carmen Davis, said. \"", "I told him, 'You were really moving. ", "Now we need you to do that moving on the field.'\"", "\n\nAverett may finally get that opportunity, one year after that conversation with his mother.", "\n\nAfter seeing limited playing time during his first three years at Alabama, the 6-foot, 180-pound redshirt junior cornerback is in the mix to play a significant role this season.", "\n\n\"He's very positive,\" Davis said of Averett, whose 40 time this spring, a 4.34, was tied for the best on the team. \"", "From the conversations he's had with the coaches and also just by the reps that he's getting, he definitely feels good about this upcoming season.\"", "\n\nOne key will be avoiding the bad luck Averett experienced last year.", "\n\nAverett was among the players competing for the starting cornerback job opposite Cyrus Jones leading up to last season. ", "He was even getting some reps with the first-team defense early in fall camp. ", "Then came the injuries.", "\n\nAverett suffered a partially torn biceps during one of the Tide's preseason scrimmages in August, a hyperextended elbow around two weeks later and then a broken finger leading up to Alabama's College Football Playoff semifinal matchup against Michigan State.", "\n\nA once-promising season ended with Averett serving as a third-team cornerback and playing in just six games.", "\n\n\"His mom and I have conversations almost daily about Alabama football and about Anthony, and we thought last year was a turning point where he was going to get playing time and be on the field and get that valuable time that he had been looking for,\" said Averett's high school coach, Zack Valentine, a former NFL linebacker who works with Averett's mother at Woodbury High School in New Jersey. \"", "Anthony felt confident in the system. ", "He felt very good. ", "He was getting a lot of time in practice, and we thought last year was going to be the year. ", "But he had the two injuries that set him back.\"", "\n\nIt's been challenging.", "\n\nDavis said Averett gets regular questions and comments from people back home in New Jersey like \"Why aren't you playing yet?\" ", "and \"You should have gone to Rutgers.\"", "\n\nHowever, Averett told his mother he was prepared for this type of scenario prior to signing with Alabama.", "\n\n\"One thing that I sat him down and said before he made his choice, 'Everyone's not fortunate enough to go in there as a freshman and play right away. ", "Are you mentally ready to go there and sit back and learn and wait your turn?' ", "And Anthony was OK with that,\" Davis said.", "\n\nThis spring was a continuation of the progress made last year.", "\n\nEven though he didn't play much last season, Averett received a nice compliment from coach Nick Saban last fall.", "\n\n\"Coach Saban told Anthony going into the season last year that he felt confident about him and that he can trust him and that he was ready to put him on the field,\" Valentine said.", "\n\nThere was more positive feedback this spring from Saban, defensive coordinator Jeremy Pruitt and defensive backs coach Derrick Ansley.", "\n\n\"Anthony Averett's done a really nice job,\" Saban said. \"", "Really made some improvement.\"", "\n\nWhile redshirt sophomore Marlon Humphrey and sophomore Minkah Fitzpatrick are expected to be Alabama's two starting cornerbacks, Averett could still end up starting a lot of games at cornerback.", "\n\nFitzpatrick was the Tide's nickel back last season and may slide inside to play that role when Alabama goes into its nickel or dime defenses. ", "If he does, Averett or someone else will be depended on to step into the outside cornerback spot opposite Humphrey.", "\n\nHelping Averett is that speed and athleticism.", "\n\nLikely one of the fastest players in the country, Averett is an accomplished sprinter, long jumper and high jumper.", "\n\nHe posted the top long jump in the country among prep athletes as a high school junior. ", "He is also a former New Jersey state champion in both the 55-meter dash and high jump.", "\n\nSaban briefly moved Averett to wide receiver during last year's spring practice, explaining at the time that he was trying to find a way to get Averett's speed on the field aside from just on special teams.", "\n\nThat speed is likely Averett's greatest asset as a cornerback.", "\n\n\"He said he had quite a few bat-downs and some interceptions during practice this spring, and he said he hasn't gotten beat yet on a long ball,\" Davis said. \"", "That's his bread and butter right there.\"" ]
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- |\n Bruce MacLennan\\\n Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science\\\n University of Tennessee, Knoxville\nbibliography:\n- 'BJM2018.bib'\n- 'LNUCspecificplus.bib'\n- 'PhysRevA.62.bib'\ntitle: |\n Topographic Representation\\\n for Quantum Machine Learning\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThis paper proposes a brain-inspired approach to quantum machine learning with the goal of circumventing many of the complications of other approaches. ", "The fact that quantum processes are unitary presents both opportunities and challenges. ", "A principal opportunity is that a large number of computations can be carried out in parallel in linear superposition, that is, with quantum parallelism. ", "There are of course many technical challenges in quantum computing, but the principal theoretical challenge in quantum machine learning is the fact that quantum processes are linear whereas most approaches to machine learning depend crucially on nonlinear operations. ", "Artificial neural networks, in particular, require a nonlinear activation function, such as a logistic sigmoid function, for nontrivial machine learning. ", "Fortunately, the situation is not hopeless, for we know that nonlinear processes can be embedded in unitary processes, as is familiar from the circuit model of quantum computation.", "\n\nDespite the complications of quantum machine learning, it presents a tantalizing approach to implementing large-scale machine learning in a post-Moore’s law technological era. ", "However, there are many approaches to machine learning and several approaches to quantum computation (e.g., circuit model, adiabatic), and it is not obvious which combinations are most likely of success. ", "Schuld, Sinayskiy, and Petruccione [@Schuld-QQNN; @Schuld-IQML] provide useful recent reviews of some approaches to quantum neural networks and quantum machine learning more generally. ", "They conclude that none of the proposals for quantum neural networks succeed in combining the advantages of artificial neural networks and quantum computing. ", "They argue that open quantum systems, which involve dissipative interactions with the environment, are the most promising approach. ", "Moreover, few of the proposals include an actual theory of quantum machine learning.", "\n\nThis paper explores an approach to the quantum implementation of machine learning involving nonlinear functions operating on information represented topographically, as is common in neural cortex. ", "However, there are many approaches to neurocomputing, that is, to brain-inspired computing, some of which may be more amenable to quantum implementation than others, and so we must say a few words about the alternatives. ", "For the brain may be modeled at many different levels, and models at each of these levels may provide a basis for machine learning. ", "For example, in recent years spiking neural network models have become popular once again, largely due to their power advantages when implemented in hardware [@Furber-SpiNNaker; @Neftci2013]. ", "Such models mimic the “all or none” action potential generation by biological neurons without addressing the detailed dynamics of the action potential. ", "On the other hand, most contemporary applications of artificial neural networks, including those used in deep learning, use a higher level, rate-based model. ", "That is, the real values passed between the units (neuron analogs) represent the rate of neural spiking rather than individual spikes. ", "It has been argued that this is the appropriate level for modeling neural information processing, since there are many stochastic effects on the generation and reception of action potentials, and because the fundamental units of information processing are microcolumns comprising about 100 neurons [@OReilly-CCN ch.", " 2]. ", "Therefore it is most fruitful to view neural computation as a species of massively parallel analog computation. ", "Since quantum computation makes essential use of complex-valued probability amplitudes, it is also fruitful to treat it as a species of analog computation, and so analog information representation provides one point of contact between quantum computation and artificial neural networks [@FCFQIC].", "\n\nTopographic Representation in the Brain\n=======================================\n\nAnother respect in which information processing in the brain differs from most artificial neural network models is that biological neural networks are spatially organized, with connectivity dependent on spatial organization. ", "Although artificial neural networks are typically organized in layers, there is generally no spatial relationship among the neurons in each layer;[^1] the exceptions are convolutional neural networks, which were in fact inspired by the organization of sensory cortex.", "\n\nOne of the most common spatial information representations used by the brain is the *topographic representation* or *computational map*. ", "In such representations, distinct points $\\inval$ in some abstract space $\\invalsp$ are mapped systematically to physical locations $\\loc = \\map(\\inval)$ in a two-dimensional region of cortex; that is, spatial relationships among the neurons are correlated with topological relationships in the abstract space. ", "These maps are especially common in motor areas [@Morasso-Sanguineti-SOCMMC] and sensory areas [@OReilly-CCN ch. ", "6]. ", "For example, *tonotopic* maps have the neurons that respond to different pitches that are arranged in order by pitch. *", "Retinotopic* maps have a spatial organization that mirrors the organization of the retina and visual field. ", "Neurons in primary visual cortex that respond to edges are arranged systematically according to the orientation of the edges. ", "There are many other examples throughout the brain, and this is perhaps the single most common information representation used by the brain.", "\n\nIn these topographic maps, a particular value $\\inval$ is represented by an activity peak in the corresponding cortical location $\\map(\\inval)$. The strength of the activity reflects the value’s degree of presence or probability. ", "Moreover, multiple simultaneous values, with differing relative strengths or probabilities, are represented by multiple simultaneous activity peaks of differing amplitudes. ", "Therefore, such cortical maps can represent superpositions of values with various amplitudes.", "\n\nTopographic maps provide another point of contact between artificial neural networks and quantum computation, because the computational maps in the brain are large and dense enough that they can be usefully treated mathematically as fields, that is, as continuous distributions of continuous quantity [@FCNAI]. ", "Such representations are suggestive of quantum mechanical wave functions, which are also continuous distributions of continuous quantity (the complex probability amplitude). ", "In both cases these fields are treated mathematically as continuous functions on a continuous domain, and Hilbert spaces provide the mathematical framework for describing them [@FCFQIC]. ", "In this paper we exploit this analogy to implement brain-inspired approaches to quantum machine learning.", "\n\nBecause of their spatial representation of values, topographic maps can be used to implement arbitrary functions in the brain, essentially by a kind of table lookup. ", "Suppose the brain needs to implement a (possibly nonlinear) transformation, $\\outval = f(\\inval)$. This can be accomplished by neural connections from locations $\\loc=\\map(\\inval)$ in the input map to corresponding locations $\\outloc=\\map'(\\outval)=\\map'[f(\\inval)]$ in the output map that represents the result. ", "Thus activity representing $\\inval$ in the input map will cause corresponding activity representing $f(\\inval)$ in the output map. ", "Moreover, a superposition of input values will lead to a corresponding superposition of output values. ", "Therefore, topographic representations allow the computation of nonlinear functions in linear superposition [@Eliasmith2012; @FCMC; @FCNAI; @FCNAI-ECSS; @PAC], which suggests their usefulness in quantum computation [@FCFQIC]. ", "On the other hand, topographic maps make relatively inefficient use of representational resources, because every represented value has to have a location in the map. (", "although this can be mitigated by means of *coarse coding*, by which precise values are represented by a population of broadly tuned neurons with overlapping receptive fields [@PDP1 pp.", " 91–96][@Sanger1996]). ", "Therefore, use of topographic representations will require a reasonably scalable quantum computing technology. ", "In this paper we explore topographic approaches to quantum computation with a focus on machine learning.", "\n\nTopographic Basis Maps\n======================\n\nIn the brain, the state of a topographic map is a real-valued function defined over a (typically two-dimensional) space $\\arbdom$. To apply these ideas in quantum computation, we consider a quantum state $\\Ket{\\psi}$ in which the probability amplitude $\\psi(\\loc)$ at location $\\loc \\in \\arbdom$ represents the value $\\inval \\in \\invalsp$ via the correspondence $\\loc = \\map(\\inval)$. Here $\\loc \\in \\arbdom$ may be a continuous index representing, for example, spatial location, or a discrete quantum state, such as a wavelength or the state of a qubit register. ", "The states $\\Ket{\\loc}$ form a discrete basis or continuous pseudo-basis for the input and output quantum states. ", "In the continuous case, the input value $\\inval$ is represented by a state $\\Ket{\\loc}$, which is a Dirac unit impulse at $\\loc = \\map(\\inval)$: that is, $\\Ket{\\loc} = \\delta_\\loc$ where $\\delta_\\loc(\\altloc) = \\delta(\\altloc-\\loc)$. Similarly an output value $\\outval$ is represented by the continuous basis state $\\Ket{\\map'(\\outval)} = \\Ket{\\map'[f(\\inval)]} = \\delta_{\\map'(\\outval)}$. The states $\\Ket{\\loc}$ (for $\\loc \\in \\arbdom$) form a continuous basis for the input and output quantum states. ", "We call such a representation (whether discrete or continuous) a *topographic basis map*.", "\n\nFor such a continuous basis we can define a Hilbert-Schmidt linear operator $$\\gmap_f = \\int_\\invalsp \\dif\\inval~ \\KetBra{\\map'[f(\\inval)]}{\\map(\\inval)} ,$$ where $\\invalsp$ is the space of input values. (", "We write $\\gmap = \\gmap_f$ when $f$ is clear from context.) ", "This operator has the desired behavior: $\\gmap\\Ket{\\map(\\inval)} = \\Ket{\\map'[f(\\inval)]}$ for all $\\inval \\in \\invalsp$. In this manner the linear operator $\\gmap$ computes the nonlinear function $f$ via the computational maps. ", "We call such an operator a *graph kernel* because it uses the explicit *graph* of $f$ \\[that is, the set of pairs $(\\map'[f(\\inval)], \\map(\\inval))$ for $\\inval \\in \\invalsp$\\] to do a kind of table lookup.[^2]\n\nNotice that if the input map is a superposition of input values, $\\Ket{\\psi} = a\\Ket{\\map(\\inval)} + b\\Ket{\\map(\\inval')}$, then the output map will be a superposition of the corresponding results: $\\gmap\\Ket{\\psi} = a\\Ket{\\map'[f(\\inval)]} + b\\Ket{\\map'[f(\\inval')]}$. Therefore, continuous topographic basis maps permit nonlinear functions to be computed in linear superposition (quantum parallelism). ", "This is a step toward quantum computation, but $\\gmap$ might not be unitary, and we have more work to do.", "\n\nThe reader might question the use of a continuous basis. ", "First, note that for separable Hilbert spaces, the continuous basis can always be replaced by an infinite discrete basis, for example, by a discrete series of sinusoids or complex exponentials of the appropriate dimension. ", "Second, the infinite discrete basis can be approximated by a finite discrete basis, for example, by band-limited sinusoids or complex exponentials. ", "Such an approximation is especially appropriate for neural network machine learning, which requires only low-precision calculation.", "\n\nBijection\n---------\n\nWe proceed to show several examples of nonlinear computations performed via topographic basis maps, beginning with a simple case and proceeding to more complex ones. ", "For simplicity, we will ignore the map $\\map$ and consider computations from one quantum state to another. ", "We consider both one-dimensional continuous domains, $\\arbdom = [x_l, x_u]$, and discrete domains, $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$. Typically the values would evenly spaced, for example, $\\arbdom = \\{0, \\Delta x, 2\\Delta x, \\ldots, (n-1)\\Delta x\\}$, but this is not required, and other spacings, such as logarithmic, might be useful. (", "Logarithmic maps are found in some sensory cortical regions.) ", "In both the continuous and discrete cases the vectors $\\{\\Ket{x} \\mid x \\in \\arbdom\\}$ are an orthonormal basis (composed of unit vectors in $\\Complex^n$ for the discrete case and of delta functions in $\\Eltwo(\\arbdom)$ for the continuous case). ", "For example, in the discrete case, the values $x_1, \\ldots, x_n$ might be represented by the composite state of an $N$-qubit register, where $n=2^N$. This might seem to require a large number of qubits, but even in the absence of coarse coding, seven qubits would be sufficient to represent values with 1% precision, which is adequate for many machine learning applications.", "\n\nWe begin with a bijective scalar function $f:[-1, 1] \\to [-1, 1]$. The hyperbolic tangent (appropriately restricted[^3]), which is a useful sigmoid function for neural computation, is an example of such a function. ", "The graph kernel to compute the function topographically is $\\gmap = \\intdom\\dif x~ \\KetBra{f(x)}{x}$. Since $f$ is bijective, the adjoint of $\\gmap$ is $$\\conjtrans{\\gmap} = \\intdom\\dif x~ \\KetBra{x}{f(x)} = \\intdom\\dif y~ \\KetBra{f^{-1}(y)}{y} .$$ It is easy then to see that $\\gmap$ is unitary. ", "In general, we have:\n\n\\[prop:bij-unitary\\] The graph kernel $\\gmap$ of a continuous bijection $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$ is unitary.", "\n\nSubstituting the above equations, observe: &=& ( y) ( x)\\\n&=&  y x\\\n&=& y  x\\\n&=& x\\\n&=& x\\\n&=& \\_. ", "The fourth line follows from the “sifting” property of the Dirac delta. ", "Likewise, &=& ( x) ( y)\\\n&=& x y\\\n&=& y = \\_. ", "Therefore $\\gmap$ is unitary.", "\n\nIn the discrete basis case, let $y_i = f(x_i)$; the unit vectors $\\Ket{x_i}$ are a basis for $\\Complex^n$, and the unit vectors $\\Ket{y_i}$ are also a (possibly different) basis for $\\Complex^n$. The graph kernel is $\\gmap = \\sum_{i=1}^n \\KetBra{y_i}{x_i} = \\sum_{i=1}^n \\KetBra{f(x_i)}{x_i}$, which is also easily proved to be unitary. ", "More directly, $\\gmap$ is a permutation matrix on the basis elements and therefore orthogonal.", "\n\nIf the input is a weighted superposition of values, $\\Ket{\\psi} = \\intdom\\dif x\\ p(x) \\Ket{x}$, then applying the kernel will give a corresponding superposition of the outputs: $\\gmap\\Ket{\\psi} = \\intdom\\dif x\\ p(x) \\Ket{f(x)}$. The same applies, of course, in the discrete case. ", "Moreover, since the graph kernel is unitary, the adjoint is the inverse: if $\\Ket{\\phi} = \\intalt\\dif y\\ q(y)\\Ket{y}$, then $\\conjtrans{\\gmap}\\Ket{\\phi} = \\intalt\\dif y\\ q(y)\\Ket{f^{-1}(y)}$. That is, applying the adjoint to a superposition of outputs will compute a corresponding superposition of inputs.", "\n\nNon-surjective injections\n-------------------------\n\nAs a further step towards the quantum computation of arbitrary functions by means of computational maps, we consider a relatively simple case: non-surjective injections (that is, one-to-one non-onto functions). ", "We restrict our attention to finite domains and codomains. ", "Therefore, let $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$, where $n < m$, and consider an injection $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$. Input maps will be in an $n$-dimensional Hilbert space $\\Hilb(\\arbdom)$ and output maps will be in an $m$-dimensional Hilbert space $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$. Since $n<m$, ancillary constants will need to be provided from a space $\\HilbAnc$, and so the complete input space will be in $\\Hilb(\\arbdom) \\TP \\HilbAnc$. Our implementation will also generate “garbage” output in a space $\\HilbGarb$, and so the complete output space will be in $\\Hilb(\\altdom) \\TP \\HilbGarb$. The input and output dimensions must be equal, and the simplest way to accomplish this is to make $\\HilbAnc$ $m$-dimensional and $\\HilbGarb$ $n$-dimensional, so that our operator is an $mn$-dimensional Hilbert-space transformation. ", "Let $\\{ \\Ket{\\exinbasis_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\exinbasis_m} \\}$ be a basis for $\\HilbAnc$ and let $\\{ \\Ket{\\exoutbasis_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\exoutbasis_n} \\}$ be a basis for $\\HilbGarb$. (We could in fact use the $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$ basis for $\\HilbAnc$ and the $\\Hilb(\\arbdom)$ basis for $\\HilbGarb$, but here we develop a more general result.)", "\n\nOur goal will be to define a unitary $\\Umap$ so that $\\Umap \\Ket{x} \\Ket{\\exinbasis_1} = \\Ket{f(x)} \\Ket{\\garbage}$, where $\\Ket{\\exinbasis_1}$ is an ancillary constant and $\\Ket{\\garbage}$ is garbage. ", "As we will see, $\\Umap$ can be implemented by an appropriate permutation of the input basis into the output basis, which can be expressed as the sum of several operators: $\\Umap \\eqdf \\gmap + \\nrmap + \\Rmap + \\Qmap$. The work of the function $f$ is accomplished by the $\\gmap$ component: $$\\gmap \\eqdf \\sum_{j=1}^n \\Ket{f(x_j)} \\Ket{\\exoutbasis_1} \\Bra{x_j} \\Bra{\\exinbasis_1} .$$ Note that $\\gmap \\Ket{x_j} \\Ket{\\exinbasis_1} = \\Ket{f(x_j)} \\Ket{\\exoutbasis_1}$, and $\\gmap$ is a bijection of the $n$-dimensional subspace $\\Hilb(\\arbdom) \\TP \\Hilb(\\Ket{\\exinbasis_1})$. However $\\gmap$ is not unitary since it is not a surjection. ", "See Figure \\[fig-1\\].", "\n\nThe $\\nrmap$ component ensures that non-range elements of the codomain have preimages in the domain. ", "Therefore, let $\\nonrange$ be the number of codomain elements that are not in the range of $f$, that is, $\\nonrange = | \\altdom \\setminus \\Im f | = m-n$. Call these non-range codomain elements $\\{ \\nrbasis_1, \\ldots, \\nrbasis_\\nonrange \\} \\subset \\altdom$. Then the $\\nrmap$ component is defined: $$\\nrmap \\eqdf\n \\sum_{i=1}^\\nonrange \\Ket{\\nrbasis_i} \\Ket{\\exoutbasis_1} \\Bra{x_1} \\Bra{\\exinbasis_{i+1}} .$$ Therefore, $\\nrmap$ is a bijection of an $\\nonrange$-dimensional subspace and each non-range element $\\Ket{\\nrbasis_i} \\Ket{\\exoutbasis_1}$ has a unique preimage $\\Ket{x_1} \\Ket{\\exinbasis_{i+1}}$\n\n![ ", "Permutation of basis vectors to implement non-surjective injections. ", "After each component of the kernel, the number of basis vectors that it maps is indicated in parentheses; for example, $\\Rmap$ maps $(m - 1)(n - 1)$ basis vectors. ", "$\\gmap$ maps function inputs to outputs, $\\nrmap$ maps zero amplitudes to non-range codomain elements, and $\\Rmap$ and $\\Qmap$ bijectively map the remaining basis elements. []{", "data-label=\"fig-1\"}](graphics/Fig-1.pdf)\n\nNote that $\\gmap$ transforms $n$ basis vectors (those for which the second register is $\\Ket{\\exinbasis_1}$), and $\\nrmap$ transforms $\\nonrange$ basis vectors (those for which the first register is $\\Ket{x_1}$ and the second register is $ \\Ket{\\exinbasis_{2}}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\exinbasis_{\\nonrange+1}}$, for a total of $n+\\nonrange=m$ basis elements, but the input space has a total of $mn$ basis elements, and the remainder must be bijectively mapped.", "\n\nTherefore, to complete the unitary operator we add the following additional components: && \\_[i=2]{}\\^m \\_[j=2]{}\\^n ,\\\n&& \\_[j=1]{}\\^[n-1]{} . ", "$\\Rmap$ maps $(m-1)(n-1)$ basis elements: those for $i \\ne 1$ and $j \\ne1$, that is, those with neither $\\Ket{x_1}$ in the first register nor $\\Ket{\\exinbasis_1}$ in the second. ", "$\\Qmap$ maps the remaining $n-1$ basis elements: those which have $\\Ket{x_1}$ in the first register and $\\Ket{\\exinbasis_{\\nonrange+1}}$ to $\\Ket{\\exinbasis_{\\nonrange+n-1}}$ in the second (recall that $m=\\nonrange+n$).", "\n\nNotice that $\\Umap$ maps every input basis vector into exactly one output basis vector and vice versa (see Fig.", " \\[fig-1\\]). ", "Summing the basis vector dyads for $\\gmap, \\nrmap, \\Rmap, \\Qmap$ gives: $$n + \\nonrange + (m-1)(n-1) + (n - 1)\n = m + (m-1)(n-1) + n - 1\n = mn .$$\n\n\\[prop:nonsurjective-injection\\] Let $\\arbdom$ and $\\altdom$ be finite sets with $n = | \\arbdom |$, $m = | \\altdom |$, and $m>n$. Let $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$ be a non-surjective injection. ", "Let $\\HilbAnc$ and $\\HilbGarb$ be Hilbert spaces of dimension $m$ and $n$, respectively (representing ancillary constant inputs and garbage outputs). ", "Let $\\Ket{\\Exinbasis}$ be a fixed basis vector of $\\HilbAnc$ and $\\Ket{\\Exoutbasis}$ be a fixed basis vector of $\\HilbGarb$. Then there is a unitary operator $\\Umap \\in \\Lin[\\Hilb(\\arbdom) \\TP \\HilbAnc, \\Hilb(\\altdom) \\TP \\HilbGarb]$ such that for all $x \\in \\arbdom$, $$\\Umap (\\Ket{x} \\TP \\Ket{\\Exinbasis}) = \\Ket{f(x)} \\TP \\Ket{\\Exoutbasis} .$$\n\nThe proposition follows from the construction preceding the proposition.", "\n\nIf the input to $\\Umap$ is a (normalized) superposition, $\\Ket{\\psi} = \\sum_k p_k \\Ket{x_k}$, then the output will be a normalized superposition of the corresponding function results: $\\Umap \\Ket{\\psi}\\Ket{\\Exinbasis} = \\sum_k p_k \\Ket{f(x_k)} \\Ket{\\Exoutbasis}$.\n\nThe dimension of the input and output spaces of this implementation is $mn$. A more resource efficient but also more complicated implementation operates on a space of dimension $\\mathop{\\rm LCM}(m,n)$. The principle is the same: a permutation of the basis vectors.", "\n\nNon-injective surjections\n-------------------------\n\nNext we consider functions $f: \\arbdom \\onto \\altdom$ that are surjections but not injections; that is, $f$ maps onto $\\altdom$ but might not be one-to-one. ", "This includes many useful functions, such as non-injective squashing functions and Gaussians, but also binary functions such as addition and multiplication (as explained later).", "\n\nA non-injective function loses information, and thus it must be embedded in a larger injective function, which moreover must be unitary. ", "In particular, if $f$ is non-injective (e.g., $f(x)=f(x')$ for some $x \\neq x'$), then the corresponding graph kernel will also be non-injective: $\\gmap\\Ket{x} = \\Ket{y} = \\gmap\\Ket{x'}$ for $\\Ket{x} \\neq \\Ket{x'}$. Therefore $\\gmap(\\Ket{x} - \\Ket{x'}) = \\Zero$, which implies that $\\Ket{x} - \\Ket{x'}$ is in the null space of $\\gmap$, $\\nullsp(\\gmap)$. Therefore there is a bijection between the orthogonal complement of the null space, $\\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$, and the range of the operator, $\\Im \\gmap$. Hence we can implement the non-injective operation by decomposing the input $\\Ket{\\psi}$ into orthogonal components $\\Ket{\\psi} = \\Ket{\\nonnpart}+\\Ket{\\nullpart}$, where $\\Ket{\\nonnpart} \\in \\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$ and $\\Ket{\\nullpart} \\in \\nullsp(\\gmap)$. The $\\Ket{\\nonnpart}$ component is sufficient to determine the output, so there is a bijection $\\Ket{\\nonnpart} \\oneone \\gmap\\Ket{\\psi}$, and the $\\Ket{\\nullpart}$ component preserves the information to differentiate the inputs that map to this output.", "\n\nTo explain how this separation can be accomplished, we consider the finite-dimensional case, but it is easily extended. ", "Let $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$; since $f$ is surjective, $m \\leq n$.\n\nThe desired operator $\\gmap \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb,\\Hilb')$, where $\\Hilb = \\Hilb(\\arbdom)$ is an $n$-dimensional Hilbert space with basis $\\{ \\Ket{x_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$. The output space $\\Hilb'$ is also $n$-dimensional, and $m$ of its basis vectors $\\Ket{y_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m}$ are used to represent a topographic map of the function’s codomain (and range), $\\Im f = \\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$. Therefore $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$ is a subspace of $\\Hilb'$. Let $\\{ \\Ket{\\nullbasism_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\nullbasism_{n-m}} \\}$ be a basis for $\\Hilb(\\altdom)\\orcomp$, the orthogonal complement of $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$ in $\\Hilb'$. (This subspace will represent “garbage” with no computational relevance.)", "\n\nWe will define $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_1}, \\ldots \\Ket{\\nonnbasis_m}$ to be an orthonormal (ON) basis for $\\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$ (the row space of $\\gmap$), where $m$ is the rank of $\\gmap$; and we will define $\\Ket{\\nullbasis_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\nullbasis_\\nullity}$ to be an ON basis for $\\nullsp(\\gmap)$, where $\\nullity = n-m$ is the nullity of $T$. These bases will determine the orthogonal components $\\Ket{\\nonnpart} \\in \\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$ and $\\Ket{\\nullpart} \\in \\nullsp(\\gmap)$ into which any input is separated.", "\n\nAn example will make this clearer. ", "Suppose $\\arbdom = \\{k \\Delta x \\mid -N<k<N\\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{k \\Delta x \\mid 0 \\leq k < N\\}$. Let $\\mathop{\\rm abs} : \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$ be the absolute value function (a noninjective surjection between these sets). ", "A basis for the nonnull space $\\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$ comprises $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_0} = \\Ket{0}$ and the vectors $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_k} = (\\Ket{{-}k \\Delta x} + \\Ket{k \\Delta x})/\\sqrt{2}$ (for $k=1,…,N-1$). (", "Note that $\\Ket{{-}k \\Delta x}$ and $\\Ket{k \\Delta x}$ are orthogonal vectors for $k \\neq 0$.) These $N$ basis vectors are in a one-to-one relation with the codomain elements $\\Ket{k \\Delta x}$ (for $k=0,\\ldots,N-1$). ", "The nullity is $\\nullity = (2N-1)-N=N-1$ and the basis vectors of the null space are: $$\\Ket{\\nullbasis_k} = (\\Ket{{-}k \\Delta x} - \\Ket{k \\Delta x})/\\sqrt{2}\n \\ \\ \\ \\ (\\mbox{for\\ } k=1, \\ldots ,N-1).$$\n\nProjection onto this space keeps the information necessary to distinguish the specific preimage that maps to a given output. ", "In this case, it remembers the sign of the input: note that $\\BraKet{\\nullbasis_k}{k \\Delta x} = +1/\\sqrt{2}$ and $\\BraKet{\\nullbasis_k}{-k \\Delta x} = -1/\\sqrt{2}$. Therefore, for input $\\Ket{k \\Delta x}$, the orthogonal components are $\\Ket{\\nonnpart} = \\Ket{\\nonnbasis_k}/\\sqrt{2}$ and $\\Ket{\\nullpart} = \\Ket{\\nullbasis_k} /\\sqrt{2}$; and for input $\\Ket{{-}k \\Delta x}$, they are $\\Ket{\\nonnpart} = \\Ket{\\nonnbasis_k}/\\sqrt{2}$ and $\\Ket{\\nullpart} = -\\Ket{\\nullbasis_k} /\\sqrt{2}$. This completes the example and we return to the construction for an arbitrary non-injective surjection.", "\n\nFor each $y_i \\in \\altdom$, let ${f^{-1}\\{y_i\\}} \\eqdf \\{ x \\mid f(x)=y_i \\}$ be the inverse image of $y_i$; these are disjoint subsets of the domain $\\arbdom$ and correspond to orthogonal subspaces of $\\Hilb$. Let $\\premult_i \\eqdf |{f^{-1}\\{y_i\\}}|$ be the *preimage multiplicity* of $y_i$, where $n = n_1 + \\cdots + n_m$. Because different $y_i \\in \\Im \\gmap$ have different preimage multiplicities, it will be convenient to separate $\\gmap$ into $m$ constant functions $\\gmap_i: {f^{-1}\\{y_i\\}} \\to \\{y_i\\}$. Therefore let \\[eqn:Ti-def\\] \\_i \\_[x\\_j [f\\^[-1]{}{y\\_i}]{}]{} = \\_[x\\_j [f\\^[-1]{}{y\\_i}]{}]{} = , where we define the normalized basis vectors of $\\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$: \\[eqn:ui-def\\] \\_[x\\_j [f\\^[-1]{}{y\\_i}]{}]{} , i = 1, …, m . ", "The constant maps $\\gmap_i$ operate independently on orthogonal subspaces of $\\Hilb(\\arbdom)$.\n\nNote that $\\BraKet{\\nonnbasis_i}{x_j} \\neq 0$ if and only if $y_i = f(x_j)$, and in this case $\\gmap_i\\Ket{x_j} = \\RSRni \\Ket{y_i}$. (The $1 / \\sqrt{\\premult_i}$ factor is required for normalization of the $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}$.) Clearly $\\{\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_1}, \\ldots \\Ket{\\nonnbasis_m}\\}$ is an ON set, since its elements are normalized linear combinations of disjoint sets of the basis vectors. ", "Therefore there is a one-to-one correspondence between the output vectors $\\Ket{y_i}$ and the basis vectors $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}$.\n\nNext we characterize $\\nullsp(\\gmap)$ and $\\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$. Observe that $\\Ket{\\psi} \\in \\nullsp(\\gmap_i)$ if and only if $\\Zero = \\gmap_i\\Ket{\\psi} = \\Ket{y_i} \\BraKet{\\nonnbasis_i}{\\psi}$, that is, if and only if $\\BraKet{\\nonnbasis_i}{\\psi} = 0$. Therefore, $\\nullsp(\\gmap_i)$ is the $n-1$ dimensional subspace orthogonal to $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}$, and $\\nullsp(\\gmap_i)\\orcomp$ is the one-dimensional subspace spanned by $\\{\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}\\}$. Therefore $\\nullsp(\\gmap)\\orcomp$ is spanned by $\\{\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\nonnbasis_m}\\}$.\n\nThe operation $\\gmap$ is implemented in two parts, one that handles the components representing the null space and the other that handles the components representing its orthogonal complement, the nonnull space. ", "The first part generates “garbage,” but is required for the operation to be invertible and hence unitary; the second part does the work of computing $f$.\n\nWe have $\\Ket{\\nullbasis_j} \\in \\Hilb$, the basis vectors for the $\\nullsp(\\gmap)$ subspace, which has dimension $\\nullity = n-m$. Let $\\{\\Ket{\\nullbasism_j} \\mid j=1, \\ldots \\nullity \\}$ be any basis for $\\Hilb(\\altdom)\\orcomp$, the orthogonal complement of $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$ in $\\Hilb'$, which also has dimension $n-m$. We define $\\gmapnull \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb,\\Hilb')$ to map the nullspace components down to this $\\nullity$-dimensional space: $$\\gmapnull = \\sum_{j=1}^\\nullity \\KetBra{\\nullbasism_j}{\\nullbasis_j} .$$\n\nSince there is a one-one correspondence between basis vectors $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}$ and output vectors $\\Ket{y_i}$, we implement the function $f$ by an operator $\\gmapbij \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb,\\Hilb')$ defined $$\\gmapbij = \\sum_{i=1}^m \\KetBra{y_i}{\\nonnbasis_i} .$$ This maps the $n$-dimensional input into an $m$-dimensional output subspace. ", "As a result, the operator $\\gmap \\eqdf \\gmapbij + \\gmapnull \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb,\\Hilb')$ maps an input $\\Ket{x}$ to the correct output $\\Ket{f(x)}$, but with a scale factor and additional “garbage.” ", "Specifically, for $x_j \\in {f^{-1}\\{y_i\\}}$, $$\\gmap \\Ket{x_j}\n = (\\gmapbij + \\gmapnull) \\Ket{x_j}\n = \\gmapbij \\Ket{x_j} + \\gmapnull \\Ket{x_j} \n = \\RSRni \\Ket{y_i} + \\Ket{\\garbage_j} .$$ where $\\Ket{\\garbage_j} = \\gmapnull \\Ket{x_j}$ and $\\norm{\\Ket{\\garbage_j}} = \\sqrt{\\frac{n_i-1}{n_i}}$. Note that the garbage $\\Ket{\\garbage_j}$ is superimposed on the desired output. ", "Subsequent computations operate on the $\\Hilb(\\altdom) = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$ subspace and ignore the orthogonal subspace, which contains the garbage (which nevertheless must be retained, since it is entangled with the computational results).", "\n\nThe $\\gmap$ operator is just a transformation from the $\\{ \\Ket{x_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$ basis to the $\\{ \\Ket{y_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m}, \\Ket{\\nullbasism_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{\\nullbasism_{n-m}} \\}$ basis, and is obviously unitary. ", "Therefore it can be approximated arbitrarily closely by a combination of $\\H$ (Hadamard), $\\CNOT$ (conditional NOT), and $\\piby8$ ($\\pi/8$) gates [@Nielsen-Chuang §4.5].", "\n\nUnfortunately, the output vectors $\\Ket{y_i}$ have amplitudes that depend on their preimage multiplicities. ", "That is, if $y_i = f(x_j)$, then $\\gmap\\Ket{x_j} = \\RSRni \\Ket{y_i} + \\Ket{\\garbage_j}$, and we get different scale factors $\\RSRni$ depending on the preimage multiplicity. ", "For $y_i = f(x_j)$, define $\\csize_j \\eqdf 1/\\sqrt{\\premult_i}$ to be this scale factor, so that $\\gmap \\Ket{x_j} = \\csize_j \\Ket{f(x_j)} + \\Ket{\\garbage_j}$. We would like to equalize the differing amplitudes but there does not seem to be unitary means for doing so.", "\n\nIt might seem that something like a Grover iteration [@Hoyer-rot] could be used to rotate the state vector from $\\csize_j \\Ket{y_i} + \\Ket{\\garbage_j}$ to $\\Ket{y_i}$, but different $\\csize_j$ require different numbers of iterations. ", "Something like Grover’s algorithm with an unknown number of solutions could be used, but this would require trying multiple rotations. ", "Therefore, it seems better to accept the unwanted scale factors and work with them. ", "This means that any $\\Ket{y_i}$ with positive amplitudes are considered outputs from the computation, and therefore all positive amplitudes are treated the same.", "\n\nIf we ignore the relative magnitudes of positive amplitudes, then a quantum state $\\Ket{\\psi} = \\sum_j p_j \\Ket{x_j}$ (with $p_j \\geq 0$) can be interpreted as the set of all $x_j$ with positive amplitudes: $\\{x_j \\in \\arbdom \\mid p_j > 0 \\}$, where we assume of course that $\\sum_j p_j^2 \\leq 1$. Moreover, the sum can be strictly less than one only if there are additional ancillary states that make up the difference (like $\\Ket{\\garbage_j}$ in the previous example). ", "Applying $\\gmap$ to such a state computes a state representing the image of the input set. ", "That is, $\\gmap\\Ket{\\psi} = \\sum_j p_j \\csize_j \\Ket{f(x_j)}$, which represents the set $\\{f(x_j) \\in \\altdom \\mid p_j > 0 \\}$. If $S \\subseteq \\arbdom$ is the set represented by $\\Ket{\\psi}$, then $\\gmap\\Ket{\\psi}$ represents its image $f[S]$. Since zero amplitudes will always map to zero amplitudes and positive amplitudes will map to positive amplitudes, set membership will be appropriately mapped from the domain to the codomain.", "\n\n\\[prop:noninjective-surjection\\] Let $\\arbdom = \\{ x_1, \\ldots, x_n \\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{ y_1, \\ldots, y_m \\}$ be finite sets with $m \\leq n$. Suppose $\\{ \\Ket{x_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$ is an ON basis for a Hilbert space $\\Hilb$ and $\\{ \\Ket{y_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m} \\}$ is an ON basis for a subspace $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$ of $\\Hilb$. For any surjection $f: \\arbdom \\onto \\altdom$ there is a unitary operator $\\gmap \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb,\\Hilb)$ such that for any $x \\in \\arbdom$, $$\\gmap\\Ket{x} = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\premult_x}} \\Ket{f(x)} + \\Ket{\\garbage} ,$$\n\nwhere $\\premult_x = |{f^{-1}\\{f(x)\\}}|$, $\\Ket{\\garbage} \\in \\Hilb(\\altdom)\\orcomp$, and $\\norm{\\,\\Ket{\\gamma}} = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\premult_x-1}{\\premult_x}}$.\n\nAs previously shown, this operator is given explicitly by $$\\gmap = \\sum_{i=1}^m \\KetBra{y_i}{\\nonnbasis_i} + \\sum_{k=1}^{n-m} \\KetBra{\\nullbasism_k}{\\nullbasis_k} ,$$ where $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i} = \\RSRni \\sum_{x \\in {f^{-1}\\{y_i\\}}} \\Ket{x} $, $\\premult_i = |{f^{-1}\\{y_i\\}}|$, the $\\Ket{\\nullbasis_k}$ are an ON basis for the orthogonal complement of the space spanned by the $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}$, and the $\\Ket{\\nullbasism_k}$ are an ON basis for $\\Hilb(\\altdom)\\orcomp$.\n\nArbitrary Functions\n-------------------\n\nIn the preceding, we have assumed for convenience that the function is either non-injective or non-surjective, but not both. ", "The solutions are easily extended to arbitrary functions since every function can be factored as a composition of an injection and a surjection. ", "More directly, we can combine Prop.", " \\[prop:noninjective-surjection\\], to implement the function as a surjection onto its range, with Prop.", " \\[prop:nonsurjective-injection\\] to inject its range into its codomain. ", "Let the domain $\\arbdom = \\{ x_1, \\ldots, x_n \\}$, where $n = |\\arbdom|$, and let $\\{ \\Ket{x_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$ be the standard basis of $\\Hilb(\\arbdom)$. Let $\\extin \\notin \\arbdom$ be an additional value, and define the extended domain $\\extdom = \\{ \\extin \\} \\cup \\arbdom$. Then $\\Hilb(\\extdom)$ has basis $\\{ \\Ket{\\extin}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$. (For example, $\\Hilb(\\extdom)$ may be the state space of $\\logn$ qubits, where $n+1 = 2^\\logn$.) The additional $\\Ket{\\extin}$ dimension will carry the nullspace “garbage” from previous computations. ", "Similarly, let the codomain $\\altdom = \\{ y_1, \\ldots, y_m \\}$, where $m = |\\altdom|$, and let $\\{ \\Ket{y_1}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m} \\}$ be the standard basis of $\\Hilb(\\altdom)$. Let $\\extout \\notin \\altdom$ be an additional value, and define the extended domain $\\extcodom = \\{ \\extout \\} \\cup \\altdom$. Then $\\Hilb(\\extcodom)$ has basis $\\{ \\Ket{\\extout}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m} \\}$. The $\\Ket{\\extout}$ component carries the garbage in the output state.", "\n\nLet $\\{ \\rangel_1, \\ldots, \\rangel_\\numrange \\} \\eqdf \\Im f$ and $\\{ \\nrangel_1 , \\ldots, \\nrangel_\\numnrange \\} \\eqdf \\arbdom \\setminus \\Im f$ be the range of $f$ and its complement, respectively; $\\numcodom = \\numrange + \\numnrange$. As before, an $n$-dimensional input $\\Ket{x_j}$ will be projected into orthogonal subspaces (the nonnull and null spaces) of dimension $\\numrange$ and $\\nullity = n - \\numrange$, with basis vectors $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i}$ and $\\Ket{\\nullbasis_k}$, respectively.", "\n\nAn additional input quantum register will be used to provide the constant zero amplitudes for non-range elements for non-surjective functions. ", "The $m+1$ dimensional state of this register will be in, for convenience, $\\HilbAnc = \\Hilb(\\extcodom)$ with basis $\\{ \\Ket{\\extout}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m} \\}$. There will also be an additional output quantum register to hold the null space garbage for non-injective functions. ", "Its $n+1$ dimensional state is in, for convenience, $\\HilbGarb = \\Hilb(\\extdom)$ with basis $\\{ \\Ket{\\extin}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$. Note that both the input and output spaces have dimension $(m+1)(n+1)$. This is because the ancillary input register is in the same space as the regular output register, and the ancillary output register is in the same space as the regular input register. ", "This can be confusing because, as will be seen, we use the extra *output* vector $\\Ket{\\extout}$ as a constant in the ancillary *input* register, and the extra *input* vector $\\Ket{\\extin}$ appears in the ancillary *output* register.", "\n\nOur goal is to define unitary $\\Umap \\in \\Lin[\\Hilb(\\extdom) \\TP \\HilbAnc, \\Hilb(\\extcodom) \\TP \\HilbGarb]$ so that $$\\Umap [ (\\csize\\Ket{x_j} + \\dsize\\Ket{\\extin}) \\TP \\Ket{\\extout}]\n = (\\csize' \\Ket{f(x_j)} + \\dsize' \\Ket{\\extin}) \\TP \\Ket{\\garbage} ,$$ for scalars $\\csize, \\csize', \\dsize, \\dsize'$ and for $\\Ket{\\garbage} \\in \\HilbGarb$. That is, the input register is initialized to the input $\\Ket{x_j}$ with some positive amplitude $\\csize$, possibly with superimposed garbage with amplitude $\\dsize$; the ancillary input register is initialized to constant $\\Ket{\\extout}$. After computation, the output register will contain the function’s value $ \\Ket{f(x_j)}$ with some positive amplitude $\\csize'$; and superimposed garbage with amplitude $\\dsize'$. The ancillary output register may also contain garbage. ", "In other words, the argument of $f$ is in the first input register \\[corresponding to $\\Hilb(\\extdom)$\\], and its result is in the first output register \\[corresponding to $\\Hilb(\\extcodom)$\\], possibly with garbage in both its input and output $\\Ket{\\extin}$ components. ", "The input ancillary register is initialized to a constant $\\Ket{\\extout}$.\n\n![ ", "Permutation of basis vectors to implement arbitrary function. ", "After each component of the kernel, the number of basis vectors that it maps is indicated in parentheses. ", "For example, $\\gmapbij$ maps $mn$ basis vectors. ", "The shapes labeled $\\nonnbasis_i$ and $\\nullbasis_k$ represent projection onto the basis vectors of the nonnull and null spaces, respectively. []{", "data-label=\"fig-2\"}](graphics/Fig-2.pdf)\n\nThe work of computing $f$ is done by the graph kernel $\\gmapbij$, which will map the $\\Ket{\\nonnbasis_i} \\Ket{\\extout}$ vectors into corresponding $(m+1)(n+1)$ dimensional output vectors $\\Ket{\\rangel_i}\\Ket{\\extin}$ in the output space $\\Hilb(\\extdom) \\TP \\HilbGarb$ (see Fig.", " \\[fig-2\\]). (", "The ancillary $\\Ket{\\extin} \\in \\HilbGarb$ output is required so that the input and output spaces have the same dimension.) ", "To accomplish this mapping, define $\\gmapbij$ as follows: $$\\gmapbij \\eqdf \\sum_{i=1}^\\numrange\n \\KetBra{\\rangel_i, \\extin}{\\nonnbasis_i, \\extout} .$$ It maps $\\numrange$ of the basis vectors of $\\Hilb(\\extdom) \\TP \\HilbAnc$ into $\\numrange$ of the basis vectors of $\\Hilb(\\extcodom) \\TP \\HilbGarb$ (see Fig.", " \\[fig-2\\]). ", "Specifically it is a bijection between the nonnull input subspace of $\\Hilb(\\extdom) \\TP \\Hilb(\\{\\extout\\})$ and the range subspace of $\\Hilb(\\extcodom) \\TP \\Hilb(\\{\\extin\\})$.\n\nAnother component of the transform will map the $\\nullity$ null space components $\\Ket{\\nullbasis_k}\\Ket{\\extout}$ of the $m+1$ dimensional $\\Ket{\\extout}$ subspace of the input space: $$\\gmapnull \\eqdf \n \\sum_{k=1}^{\\nullity} \\KetBra{\\extout, x_k}{\\nullbasis_k, \\extout} .$$ It maps them to $\\nullity$ of the basis vectors $\\Ket{\\extout, x_k}$ of the $m+1$ dimensional $\\Ket{\\extout}$ subspace of the output space. ", "$\\gmapbij$ and $\\gmapnull$ together handle non-injective functions.", "\n\nFor non-surjective functions, zero amplitudes are copied from the ancillary register $\\Ket{\\extin}\\Ket{\\extinbasis_i}$ into the appropriate non-range codomain components $\\Ket{\\nrbasis_i}\\Ket{\\extin}$: $$\\nrmap \\eqdf \\sum_{i=1}^\\nonrange \\KetBra{\\nrbasis_i , \\extin}{\\extin , \\extinbasis_i} .$$ This is a mapping of $\\nonrange$ basis vectors between the $\\Ket{\\extin}$ subspaces of the input and output spaces. ", "The three operators $\\gmapbij, \\gmapnull, \\nrmap$ handle the mapping of $f$ (and disposal of the null space).", "\n\nWe have to be careful, however, to handle all the $\\Ket{\\extin}\\Ket{y_i}$ basis vectors since $\\nonrange$ might be less than $n$ (see Fig.", " \\[fig-2\\]). ", "We map the remaining basis vectors of the $\\Ket{\\extin}$ subspace that were not used in the $\\nrmap$ map to components of the $\\Ket{\\extout}$ subspace that are unfilled by $\\gmapnull$: $$\\Qmap \\eqdf \\sum_{k=1}^\\numrange \\KetBra{\\extout, x_{\\nullity+k}}{\\extin, y_{\\numnrange+k}} .$$ Note that $\\nullity + \\numrange = n = \\numnrange + \\numrange$, so that all these vectors are bijectively mapped.", "\n\nIt remains to handle the other components of the input space in a unitary way. ", "The preceding maps have either $\\Ket{\\extin}$ or $\\Ket{\\extout}$, but not both, in the input register. ", "The $\\Rmap$ operator maps the $mn$ basis vectors with neither: $\\Ket{x_j}\\Ket{\\extinbasis_i}$, for $i, j \\neq 0$, map into their reverses: $$\\Rmap \\eqdf \\sum_{i=1}^m \\sum_{j=1}^n \\KetBra{y_i , \\extoutbasis_j}{x_j , \\extinbasis_i} .$$ The state $\\Ket{\\extin}\\Ket{\\extout}$ remains, and it maps to its reverse: $$\\Pmap \\eqdf \\KetBra{\\extout , \\extin }{\\extin , \\extout} .$$ In summary, $\\gmapbij$ maps $\\numrange$ basis vectors, $\\gmapnull$ maps $\\nullity$ basis vectors, $\\nrmap$ maps $\\nonrange$, $\\Rmap$ maps $mn$, $\\Qmap$ maps $\\numrange$, and $\\Pmap$ maps one basis vector, which accounts for all of the $(n+1)(m+1)$ basis vectors: + + + mn + + 1 &=& (+ ) + (+ ) + mn + 1\\\n&=& n + m + mn + 1\\\n&=& (m+1)(n+1). ", "The unitary operator to compute $f$ is the sum of these linear maps: $$\\Umap \\eqdf \\gmapbij + \\gmapnull + \\nrmap + \\Rmap + \\Qmap + \\Pmap .$$\n\nSuppose $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$, where $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$. Let $n = |\\arbdom|$ and $m = |\\altdom|$. Let $\\Hilb(\\extdom)$ be an $n+1$ dimensional Hilbert space with basis $\\{ \\Ket{\\extin}, \\ldots, \\Ket{x_n} \\}$, and let $\\Hilb(\\extcodom)$ be an $m+1$ dimensional space with basis $\\{ \\Ket{\\extout}, \\ldots, \\Ket{y_m} \\}$. Then there a unitary operator $$\\Umap \\in \\Lin[\\Hilb(\\extdom) \\TP \\Hilb(\\extcodom), \n \\Hilb(\\extcodom) \\TP \\Hilb(\\extdom)]$$ so that for scalars $\\csize, \\dsize$ (with $\\abs{\\csize}^2 + \\abs{\\dsize}^2 = 1$) and $x \\in \\arbdom$: $$\\Umap [ (\\csize\\Ket{x} + \\dsize\\Ket{\\extin}) \\TP \\Ket{\\extout}]\n = \\csize\\csize' \\Ket{f(x), \\extin} + \\dsize' \\Ket{\\extout, \\garbage} ,$$ where $\\csize = 1 / \\sqrt{\\premult_x}$, where $\\premult_x = |{f^{-1}\\{f(x)\\}}|$, and $\\abs{\\csize\\csize'}^2 + \\abs{\\dsize'}^2 = 1$.\n\nBy construction we know: &=& (+ )\\\n&=& ( \\_[i=1]{}\\^ ) + ( \\_[k=1]{}\\^ )\\\n&=& + \\_[k=1]{}\\^\\\n&=& \\_j + , where $\\Ket{\\garbage} = (\\sum_{k=1}^{\\nullity} \\KetBra{x_k}{\\nullbasis_k})\\Ket{x_j}$ and $\\norm{\\Ket{\\extout, \\garbage}} = \\sqrt{\\premult_j - 1} / \\sqrt{\\premult_j}$. Furthermore, by construction, $$\\Umap \\Ket{\\extin, \\extout}\n = \\Pmap \\Ket{\\extin, \\extout}\n = \\Ket{\\extout, \\extin} .$$ Therefore, in the general case where the input register is $\\csize\\Ket{x_j} + \\dsize\\Ket{\\extin}$ (with $\\abs{\\csize}^2 + \\abs{\\dsize}^2 = 1$) we have: &=& +\\\n&=& (\\_j + ) +\\\n&=& \\_j + ( + ) .", "\n\nTherefore, the result that we want is in the first \\[$\\Hilb(\\extcodom)$\\] quantum register, but its $\\Ket{\\extout}$ component is garbage and should be ignored in subsequent computations. ", "Furthermore, the amplitude of desired result will decrease through successive computation stages through attenuation by successive $1 / \\sqrt{\\premult_x}$ factors.", "\n\nAs discussed previously, quantum states with $\\Ket{x_j}$ components with positive amplitudes represent sets of the corresponding $x_j$ ($j \\neq 0$). ", "Applying $U$ to such a state yields a quantum state with positive amplitudes for the corresponding $\\Ket{f(x_j)}$, which represents the set of corresponding outputs $f(x_j)$.\n\nTopographic Qubit Maps\n======================\n\nRepresentation\n--------------\n\nTo further explore quantum computation by topographic maps, in this section we present an alternative representation of the maps and a circuit-based implementation of arbitrary functions on a finite domain. ", "Therefore, suppose $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$, where the domain is $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$ and the codomain is $\\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$. In these *topographic qubit maps*, each domain value $x_j$ or codomain value $y_i$ is assigned a separate qubit, whose state, for example, $\\Ket{\\psi_j} = {p_j'} \\Ket{0} + p_j \\Ket{1}$, where $\\abs{{p_j'}}^2 + \\abs{p_j}^2 = 1$, represents the activity level of $x_j$ by the amplitude $p_j$. This sort of one-out-of-$n$ representation might seem unrealistically inefficient, but (1) we are assuming a scalable qubit implementation, which permits arrays of many thousands of qubits, and (2) neural computations typically require only low precision (in the brain perhaps as little as one digit [@PDP2 p. 378]). ", "Therefore a quantity can be represented by a few tens of qubits. ", "In other words, our $m$ and $n$ will typically be small ($m, n < 100$).", "\n\nLike the topographic basis maps, these topographic qubit maps can also be viewed as representations of subsets of the domain; for $S \\subseteq \\arbdom$: $$\\Ket{S} = \\sum_{x_j \\in S} \\Ket{1}_j + \\sum_{x_j \\notin S} \\Ket{0}_j .$$ That is, the $x_j$ qubit is in state $\\Ket{1}$ if $x_j$ is in $S$ and is in state $\\Ket{0}$ if it is not. ", "Therefore we use the notation ${\\Ket{\\{x_j\\}}}$ for the topographic map representing just the number $x_j$. The set of representations of all possible subsets of $\\arbdom$ is then an ON basis for the $2^n$-dimensional Hilbert space of these qubits. ", "The basis can be written: $$\\{ \\Ket{k} \\mid k \\in \\Two^n \\} = \\{ \\Ket{S} \\mid S \\subseteq \\Two^\\arbdom \\},$$ where on the left $\\Two^n$ is the set of $n$-bit binary strings, and on the right $\\Two^\\arbdom$ is the powerset of $\\arbdom$. Therefore, the sets are basis states and as a consequence topographic qubit maps permit *multiple* sets to be processed in quantum superposition. ", "Moreover, because the sets are represented by computational basis vectors, they can be copied without violating the no-cloning theorem.", "\n\nBy using amplitudes other than 0 and 1, we can represent fuzzy sets. ", "Suppose $S$ is a fuzzy set with membership function $\\mu: S \\to [0,1]$, and let $m_j = \\mu(x_j)$. Then $S$ is represented by the topographic qubit map $$\\Ket{S} = \\sum_{j=1}^n m_j \\Ket{1}_j + \\sqrt{1-m_j^2}\\ \\Ket{0}_j .$$ Fuzzy sets cannot, in general, be copied (nor can arbitrary superpositions of crisp sets).", "\n\nWith the topographic qubit representation, the transformations between computational maps will be implemented by the quantum circuit model, and so one might ask whether it would be simpler to implement ordinary binary digital quantum computation. ", "The answer is that computation on topographic maps can be implemented by a few relatively simple operations (described in the following subsections), so that computational maps buy a simpler quantum implementation at the cost of greater representational expense (number of qubits). ", "We expect topographic quantum computation to be more simply implemented than a full-scale digital quantum arithmetic-logic unit.", "\n\nUnary Functions\n---------------\n\nAn example will illustrate how to implement an arbitrary finite function $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$ by topographic qubit maps. ", "For any $y_i$ not in the range of $f$, we set its state $\\Ket{\\phi_i} = \\Ket{0}$ supplied as an ancilla. ", "If $y_i$ is in the range of $f$, then it might be the image of a single domain element, $x_j$, that is, $y_i = f(x_j)$, in which case we implement directly $\\Ket{\\phi_i} = \\Ket{\\psi_j}$, transferring the state $\\Ket{\\psi_j}$ of input qubit $j$ to output qubit $i$. If there are two domain values mapping into $y_i$, say $f(x_j) = y_i = f(x_k)$, then we make $\\Ket{\\phi_i}$ the logical OR of $\\Ket{\\psi_j}$ and $\\Ket{\\psi_k}$. This is accomplished by the two-input ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ gate: $${{\\rm OR}_{2}} \\eqdf \\CCNOT (\\X \\TP \\X \\TP \\I),$$ where $\\CCNOT$ is the conditional-conditional-not or Toffoli gate. ", "The result of ORing the input states is: $${{\\rm OR}_{2}} (\\Ket{\\psi_j} \\TP \\Ket{\\psi_k} \\TP \\Ket{1}) = \\X\\Ket{\\psi_j} \\TP \\X\\Ket{\\psi_k} \\TP \\Ket{\\phi_i} .$$ The $\\Ket{1}$ is an ancilla. ", "The result of the OR is in the third output qubit, and the first two output qubits, in which the negated inputs remain, are considered garbage. ", "If $\\Ket{\\psi_j}={p'}\\Ket{0}+p\\Ket{1}$ and $\\Ket{\\psi_k}={q'}\\Ket{0}+q\\Ket{1}$, then ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ transfers probability amplitudes as follows: [[OR]{}\\_[2]{}]{} &=& [[OR]{}\\_[2]{}]{}([p’]{}+p)([q’]{}+q)\\\n&=& [p’]{}[q’]{}[[OR]{}\\_[2]{}]{} + [p’]{}q[[OR]{}\\_[2]{}]{} + p[q’]{}[[OR]{}\\_[2]{}]{} + pq[[OR]{}\\_[2]{}]{}\\\n&=& [p’]{}[q’]{} + [p’]{}q + p[q’]{} + pq. ", "Therefore, the third output qubit is the OR of the first two input qubits with the amplitudes shown. ", "If we interpret the squares of the amplitudes as probabilities, then ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ computes the correct probabilities for the third output qubit. ", "The first two output qubits are negated copies of the inputs, which are considered garbage but must be retained, for they are entangled with the third output.", "\n\nIf more than two domain values map into a single codomain value, then we use the multiple argument ${{\\rm OR}_{n}}$, which can be defined recursively in terms of ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$: $${{\\rm OR}_{n}}\\Ket{\\psi_1} \\cdots \\Ket{\\psi_n}\\Ket{1}^{\\TP (n-1)}\n \\eqdf {{\\rm OR}_{n-1}}[({{\\rm OR}_{2}}\\Ket{\\psi_1}\\Ket{\\psi_2}\\Ket{1})\n \\TP \\Ket{\\psi_3} \\cdots \\Ket{\\psi_n} \\Ket{1}^{\\TP (n-2)}]\\ \\ \\ (n>2).$$ For completeness, we define ${{\\rm OR}_{1}} = \\I$.\n\nWith the preceding motivation, we can give the construction for computing an arbitrary finite function by topographic qubit maps:\n\n\\[prop:arbfinfunc\\] Suppose $f: \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$, where $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_n\\}$. Let $\\nonrange \\eqdf n - | \\Im f |$ be the number of codomain elements that are not in the range of $f$. Let $\\singval$ be the number of injective domain elements, and let $\\mulvalin = n-\\singval$ be the number of non-injective domain elements. ", "Let $\\mulvalout = | \\Im f | - \\singval$ be the number of non-injective range elements (i.e., those that are the image of two or more domain elements). ", "Then there is an $2\\mulvalin + \\singval + \\nonrange - \\mulvalout$ dimensional unitary operator $U_f$ that computes $f$ by topographic qubit maps: $$U_f {\\Ket{\\{x_j\\}}} \\Ket{0}^{\\TP\\nonrange} \\Ket{1}^{\\TP(\\mulvalin-\\mulvalout)}\n = {\\Ket{\\{y_i\\}}} \\Ket{\\garbage} ,$$ where $y_i = f(x_j)$ and $\\Ket{\\garbage}$ is $2(\\mulvalin-\\mulvalout)$ qubits of garbage.", "\n\nThe inputs are the $n$ elements of the input map, $\\nonrange$ constant $\\Ket{0}$ ancillae (for the non-range elements), and $\\mulvalin-\\mulvalout$ constant $\\Ket{1}$ ancillae for the ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ gates that map multiple domain elements to the same range element. ", "The latter is because each of the non-injective range elements requires a number of ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ gates that is one less than the number of its preimages; hence the $m_n$ non-injective range elements require $\\mulvalin-\\mulvalout$ ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ gates. ", "Therefore, there are $$n + \\nonrange + \\mulvalin-\\mulvalout\n = (\\singval + \\mulvalin) + \\nonrange + \\mulvalin-\\mulvalout\n = 2\\mulvalin + \\singval + \\nonrange - \\mulvalout$$ input qubits. ", "The $\\nonrange$ constant $\\Ket{0}$s are passed directly to the output qubits for non-range codomain elements. ", "The $\\singval$ qubits for injective inputs are passed to the same number of output qubits, permuted as required. ", "The outputs of the ORs project onto the $\\mulvalout$ qubits that represent range values with more than one pre-image. ", "Each ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$ also generates two garbage qubits, for a total of $2(\\mulvalin-\\mulvalout)$. Therefore the total number of output qubits is $$\\nonrange + \\singval + \\mulvalout + 2(\\mulvalin-\\mulvalout)\n = 2\\mulvalin + \\singval + \\nonrange - \\mulvalout,$$ which is equal to the number of input qubits, as it should be. ", "Next we define $U_f$ explicitly as the tensor product of three operators: $$U_f \\eqdf \\Usingval \\TP \\Unonrange \\TP \\Umulval .$$ We will use the notation ${\\Ket{1}_{q}}$ to represent a $\\Ket{1}$ state in qubit $q$, and ${\\Ket{0}_{q}}$ to represent a $\\Ket{0}$ state in qubit $q$.\n\nThe $\\Unonrange$ operator is an identity operation copying constant $\\Ket{0}$ ancillae into the codomain elements that are not in the range of $f$. Therefore, let $\\{\\nroutput_1, \\ldots, \\nroutput_\\nonrange\\} = \\altdom - \\Im f$ be this set, and let $\\Ket{\\zeroinput_i}$ be ancillae qubits to provide constant $\\Ket{0}$s. ", "Then $\\Unonrange: \\Hilb^\\nonrange \\to \\Hilb^\\nonrange$ is defined: $$\\Unonrange \\eqdf \\sum_{i=1}^\\nonrange {\\Ket{0}_{\\nroutput_i}} {\\Bra{0}_{\\zeroinput_i}}\n + {\\Ket{1}_{\\nroutput_i}} {\\Bra{1}_{\\zeroinput_i}} .$$ That is, the states of the $\\zeroinput_i$ input qubits (intended to be $\\Ket{0}$) are transferred to the $\\nroutput_i$ output qubits. ", "This operator can be abbreviated by the following bracket notation: $$\\Unonrange \\eqdf {[\\nroutput_1,\\ldots,\\nroutput_\\nonrange]\\leftarrow}\n {[\\zeroinput_1,\\ldots,\\zeroinput_\\nonrange]} .$$ It is just a permutation of the qubits, which might be implemented by SWAP operations.", "\n\nThe $\\Usingval$ operator handles the domain elements that are mapped injectively to their images. ", "Therefore, let $\\{\\bijinput_1, \\ldots, \\bijinput_\\singval\\} \\subseteq \\Im f$ be the injective domain elements, and let $\\bijoutput_i = f(\\bijinput_i)$ be the corresponding range elements. ", "Then $\\Usingval: \\Hilb^\\singval \\to \\Hilb^\\singval$ is a permutation of this subset of the topographic map elements: [\\[\\_1,…,\\_\\]]{} [\\[\\_1,…,\\_\\]]{} .", "\n\nFor $\\Umulval$ we must OR together the domain elements corresponding to each range element with more than one preimage. ", "Therefore we define $\\Umulval$ as a tensor product of operators for each such range element: $$\\Umulval \\eqdf \\bigTP_{i=1}^\\mulvalout \\Umulpart_i(\\muloutput_i, {f^{-1}\\{\\muloutput_i\\}}) ,$$ where these $\\muloutput_i$ have more than one preimage element; for example, ${f^{-1}\\{\\muloutput_i\\}} = \\{\\mulinput_1, \\ldots, \\mulinput_{\\premult_i}\\}$, where $\\premult_i = | {f^{-1}\\{\\muloutput_i\\}} | \\geq 2$. The output state $\\Ket{\\psi_i}$ for such a range element is the OR of the input states $\\Ket{\\xi_j}$ ($j = 1,\\ldots \\premult_i$) of its preimage elements: $$\\Ket{\\psi_i} \\Ket{\\garbage} \n = {{\\rm OR}_{\\premult_i}} \\Ket{\\xi_1}\\cdots\\Ket{\\xi_{\\premult_i}} \\Ket{1}^{\\TP(\\premult_i-1)} ,$$ where ${{\\rm OR}_{n_i }}$ is a cascade of $n_i-1$ ${{\\rm OR}_{2}}$s and $\\Ket{\\garbage}$ is $2\\premult_i-2$ dimensional garbage. ", "This is accomplished by the operator $\\Umulpart_i(\\muloutput_i,\\{\\mulinput_1, \\ldots, \\mulinput_{\\premult_i}\\})\n\\in \\Lin(\\Hilb^{2\\premult_i-1} , \\Hilb^{2\\premult_i-1})$: $$\\Umulpart_i(\\muloutput_i,\\{\\mulinput_1, \\ldots, \\mulinput_{\\premult_i}\\}) \\eqdf\n {[ \\muloutput_i, \\garbage_1,\\ldots,\\garbage_{2\\premult_i-2}]\\leftarrow} {{\\rm OR}_{\\premult_i}}\n {[ \\mulinput_1, \\ldots, \\mulinput_{\\premult_i} , \\oneinput_1, \\ldots, \\oneinput_{\\premult_i-1} ]} ,$$ where $\\oneinput_1, \\ldots, \\oneinput_{\\premult_i-1}$ are the qubits that provide ancillary $\\Ket{1}$s for the ORs, and the garbage outputs $\\garbage_1,\\ldots,\\garbage_{2\\premult_i-2}$ receive the negated inputs and intermediate OR outputs.", "The bracket notation identifies the qubits that are the inputs and outputs of ${{\\rm OR}_{\\premult_i}}$. This completes the construction of $U_f$.\n\nThere are more efficient ways to compute $U_f$, but the above construction is easier to understand.", "\n\nThis basic approach can be used to approximate a variety of unary functions useful in neural networks, such as sigmoid functions, including non-injective, non-surjective squashing functions. ", "However, neural networks also require non-unary functions such as addition and multiplication, to which we now turn.", "\n\nBinary Functions\n----------------\n\nIn sensory cortical areas there are many topographic maps that represent two or more dimensions of a stimulus (e.g., retinal position and edge orientation); localized activity in these maps represent conjunctions of values on these dimensions. ", "Similarly, quantum computational maps can represent conjunctions of values as inputs or outputs of functions.", "\n\nSuppose we want to compute a function $f: \\arbdom \\cross \\arbdom \\to \\altdom$, where $\\arbdom = \\{x_1, \\ldots, x_n\\}$ and $\\altdom = \\{y_1, \\ldots, y_m\\}$. We will represent the input to the function by a two-dimensional array of qubits for each $(x_j,x_k)$ pair. (", "They do not have to be physically arranged as a two-dimensional array so long as there is a qubit for each pair of values.) ", "This will require $n^2$ qubits, but we are assuming that $n$ is small because low precision is adequate for neural networks. ", "Therefore we expect the 2D map to comprise typically several thousand qubits. ", "The qubits representing the $(x_j,x_k)$ pairs are then mapped to the qubits representing the outputs $f(x_j,x_k)$ by the method described in Prop.", " \\[prop:arbfinfunc\\].", "\n\nThe $n^2$ conjunctions are computed by $n^2$ $\\CCNOT$ gates, each of which requires a $\\Ket{0}$ ancilla and generates two extra qubits (containing the inputs) in addition to the conjunction. ", "However, these extra qubits are passed along the rows and columns to be used in other conjunctions, and so there are only $2n$ total garbage qubits. ", "In summary, there are $2n+n^2$ input qubits (including $n^2$ ancillae) and $n^2 + 2n$ output qubits (including $2n$ garbage). ", "That is, if $\\Ket{\\phi_j}$ is the state of element $j$ of one input map, and $\\Ket{\\psi_k}$ is the state of element $k$ of the other input map, then the state $\\Ket{\\chi_{jk}}$ of element $(j, k)$ of the two-dimensional map is computed by $$\\Ket{\\phi_j}\\Ket{\\psi_k}\\Ket{\\chi_{jk}} = \\CCNOT \\Ket{\\phi_j}\\Ket{\\psi_k}\\Ket{0}.$$ If $\\Ket{\\phi_j} = {p'}\\Ket{0} + p\\Ket{1}$ and $\\Ket{\\psi_k} = {q'}\\Ket{0} + q\\Ket{1}$, then $$\\Ket{\\phi_j}\\Ket{\\psi_k}\\Ket{\\chi_{jk}} = \n {p'}{q'}\\Ket{000} + p{q'}\\Ket{100} + {p'}q\\Ket{010} + pq\\Ket{111} .$$ The qubits are entangled, but the conjunction computes probability-like amplitudes if we interpret the squares of the amplitudes as probabilities.", "\n\nBased on the foregoing, we define a unitary operator $\\UOP$ on a $n^2+2n$ dimensional Hilbert space that does what amounts to an outer product on two one-dimensional maps to compute a two-dimensional map: $$\\Ket{\\phi}\\Ket{\\psi}\\Ket{\\chi} = \\UOP \\Ket{\\phi}\\Ket{\\psi}\\Ket{0}^{\\TP n^2},$$ where $\\Ket{\\phi}$ and $\\Ket{\\psi}$ are $n$-dimensional, and $\\Ket{\\chi}$ is $n^2$-dimensional.", "\n\nTo illustrate the use of computational maps to implement binary operations, we will use a simple, useful function, addition. ", "We want to define $\\Sum: \\arbdom\\cross\\arbdom \\to \\altdom$ so that $\\Sum(x,y) = x+y$, but we have a problem, since the maximum value of $x+y$ is greater than the maximums of $x$ and $y$. Since the range of numbers represented by our maps is quite limited, this is a more serious problem than overflow in binary addition. ", "One solution is to make the codomain map large enough; for example, if $\\arbdom = \\{0, \\Delta x, \\ldots, (n-1)\\Delta x\\}$, then let $\\altdom = \\{0, \\Delta x, \\ldots, 2(n-1)\\Delta x\\}$. Generally, however, it is more convenient to have the codomain map be the same as the domain maps, since this facilitates composing functions. ", "Therefore, another solution is to scale either the inputs or the output so that we compute, for example, $\\mathop{\\rm hsum}(x,y) = (x+y)/2$; this is often useful if we know that we are going to scale the quantities anyway. ", "A third option is to compose the operator with squashing function, so that we compute, for example, $\\mathop{\\rm tsum}(x,y) = \\min(x+y, x_n)$, where $x_n = \\max\\arbdom$. This is the solution that we will use for illustration.", "\n\nIf $\\arbdom = \\{0, \\Delta x, \\ldots, (n-1)\\Delta x\\}$, then the $(j,k)$ element of the two-dimensional qubit map will represent the pair of inputs $((j-1)\\Delta x, (k-1)\\Delta x)$. This will be mapped to the sum $(j+k-2)\\Delta x$ if $j+k-2 < n-1$, and to the maximum value $(n-1)\\Delta x$ otherwise. ", "Therefore the constant $j+k$ anti-diagonals above the $j+k-1 = n$ anti-diagonal each map to one value, $(j+k-2)\\Delta x$, and all the elements below the $j+k-1 = n$ anti-diagonal map to $(n-1)\\Delta x$.\n\nProposition \\[prop:arbfinfunc\\] shows how to implement the truncated addition operation, but it treats it as a unary function on an $n^2$-dimensional space, which is wasteful since the intended output (the sum) is $n$-dimensional and the remaining $n^2-n$ elements are garbage. ", "Therefore, we implement a unitary operator that directly maps the input pairs to the corresponding outputs.", "\n\nTo compute the outer product we require $n^2$ constant $\\Ket{0}$ ancillae, and this computation also passes the two $n$-dimensional inputs through as garbage output. ", "The qubit representing $(0, 0)$ maps bijectively to the output qubit $y_1$ representing 0. ", "Each of the other $n-1$ output qubits $y_i$ ($i=2,\\ldots,n$) has two or more domain pairs mapping to it. ", "As before, let $n_i$ be the preimage multiplicity of output $i$ and note that $\\sum_{i=1}^n n_i =n^2$. Each of these non-injective outputs receives its value from an ${{\\rm OR}_{n_i }}$ operation, which requires $n_i-1$ input $\\Ket{1}$ ancillae and generates $2n_i-2$ qubits of output garbage ($n_i$ for the negated inputs and $n_i-1$ for the intermediate disjunctions). ", "Therefore, the total number of $\\Ket{1}$ ancillae is $$\\sum_{i=2}^n (n_i-1) = \\sum_{i=2}^n n_i - (n-1) = (n^2-1)-n+1 = n^2-n .$$ Moreover, the complete input dimension is $2n+n^2+n^2-n=2n^2+n$. This is also the complete output dimension, for we have $n$ qubits for the function value, $2n$ qubits for the passed-through input arguments (garbage), and the garbage output from the OR gates, which is: $\\sum_{i=2}^n (2n_i-2) =2(n^2-n)$. That is, the complete output dimension is $3n+2(n^2-n)=2n^2+n$. In summary, there is a unitary operator $U_{\\rm tsum} \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb^{2n^2+n},\\Hilb^{2n^2+n} )$ so that $$U_{\\rm tsum}\\ \\Ket{\\{x\\}}\\ \\Ket{\\{y\\}}\\ \\Ket{0}^{\\TP n(n-1)}\n = \\Ket{\\{\\mathop{\\rm tsum}(x,y)\\}}\\ \\Ket{\\{x\\}}\\ \\Ket{\\{y\\}}\\ \\Ket{\\garbage} ,$$ where the garbage $\\Ket{\\garbage}$ has dimension $2n(n-1)$ (the passed-through inputs may also be considered garbage). ", "Based on this example, we state a more general result.", "\n\nSuppose $f: \\arbdom \\cross \\arbdom \\to \\arbdom$ and let $n=|\\arbdom|$. Let $\\nonrange =n- |\\Im f |$ be the number of codomain elements that are not in the range of $f$. Then there is a unitary operator $U_f \\in \\Lin(\\Hilb,\\Hilb)$, where $\\Hilb$ is $2n^2+n+2\\nonrange$ dimensional Hilbert space, such that: $$U_f\\ {\\Ket{\\{x\\}}}\\ {\\Ket{\\{y\\}}}\\ \\Ket{0}^{\\TP (n^2+\\nonrange)}\\ \\Ket{1}^{\\TP (n^2-n+\\nonrange)}\n = {\\Ket{\\{f(x,y)\\}}}\\ {\\Ket{\\{x\\}}}\\ {\\Ket{\\{y\\}}}\\ \\Ket{\\garbage} ,$$ where the garbage $\\Ket{\\garbage}$ has dimension $2(n^2-n+\\nonrange)$ (the $2n$ passed-through inputs may also be considered garbage).", "\n\nThe operator is constructed very similarly to $U_{\\rm tsum}$, but we also have to consider non-range codomain elements for non-surjective functions, which didn’t occur in that case. ", "As before, the computation of the outer product will require $n^2$ ancillary $\\Ket{0}$ inputs and it will generate $2n$ qubits containing the passed-through inputs. ", "We can consider disjoint subsets of the codomain. ", "Codomain elements that are not in the range of $f$ will need to be sent a $\\Ket{0}$ state, for which we need an additional $\\nonrange$ ancillary $\\Ket{0}$ inputs. ", "Let $\\singval$ be the number of input pairs that are mapped one-to-one to the corresponding outputs; they neither require ancillary constants nor generate garbage. ", "The remaining codomain elements are range elements with $\\premult_i \\geq 2$; let $\\mulvalout = n-\\nonrange-\\singval$ be the number of them. ", "Each of these will receive the OR of the corresponding (preimage) domain elements. ", "As we saw previously, the ${{\\rm OR}_{\\premult_i}}$ operation requires $\\premult_i-1$ ancillary $\\Ket{1}$ qubits and produces $2\\premult_i-2$ qubits of garbage. ", "Therefore, the total number of $\\Ket{1}$ qubits required for the $n^2-\\singval$ input pairs mapping to the $\\mulvalout$ non-injectively mapped range elements is: $$\\sum_{i=1}^\\mulvalout (\\premult_i - 1) = n^2 - \\singval - \\mulvalout = n^2 - n + \\nonrange ,$$ since $\\mulvalout = n - \\nonrange - \\singval$. The garbage generated by the ORs is then $\\sum_{i=1}^\\mulvalout (2n_i - 2) = 2(n^2 - n + \\nonrange)$. The complete input dimension is $2n$ (arguments) + $(n^2+\\nonrange)$ (for $\\Ket{0}$ ancillae) + $(n^2-n+\\nonrange)$ (for $\\Ket{1}$ ancillae) = $2n^2+n+2\\nonrange$. The complete output dimension is $3n$ (arguments and result) + $2(n^2-n+\\nonrange)$ (garbage) = $2n^2+n+2\\nonrange$.\n\nThe same approach can be used for operations with more than two arguments, but the number of qubits increases exponentially with the number of arguments.", "\n\nConversions Between Representations\n===================================\n\nOrdinary binary representations can be translated to topographic qubit maps by a unitary demultiplexer $\\Udemux$ that operates on an $m$-qubit binary number $\\Ket{k}$ and directs a $\\Ket{1}$ qubit to the $k$th of $n = 2^m$ output qubits (the remainder receiving $\\Ket{0}$). ", "Let ${\\Ket{\\{k\\}}}$ be the resulting computational map. ", "Then: $$\\Udemux \\Ket{k} \\Ket{1} \\Ket{0}^{\\TP (n-1)} = \\Ket{k}{\\Ket{\\{k\\}}} .$$ $\\Udemux$ operates on an $m+n = m+2^m$ dimensional Hilbert space. ", "A demultiplexer can be implemented with $\\CSWAP$ (Fredkin) gates [@Fredkin-Toffoli-82].", "\n\nThe opposite translation, from a computational map to a binary representation, is more complicated. ", "First, we must decide what we want it to do, for in general a topographic qubit map represents multiple values with different amplitudes, $\\Ket{\\psi} = \\bigTP_{j=1}^n {p_j'} \\Ket{0} + p_j \\Ket{1}$, where $\\abs{{p_j'}}^2 + \\abs{p_j}^2 = 1$. Which $x_j$ should it produce? ", "The one with the maximum amplitude? (", "And what if several have the same maximum amplitude?) ", "An $x_j$ chosen probabilistically based on $\\abs{p_j}^2$? ", "The binary representation of a weighted average $n^{-1}\\sum_{j=1}^n p_j x_j$? ", "A normalized superposition of all the values? ", "The answer is not apparent, so we leave the question open.[^4]\n\nApplications to Quantum Machine Learning\n========================================\n\nGiven this general ability to compute non-unitary and even nonlinear functions by means of topographic qubit maps, it is possible to do the operations useful for machine learning such as inner products and sigmoid nonlinearities. ", "For example, an inner product of $N$-dimensonal vectors requires $N$ multiplications and $N-1$ additions. ", "If $|\\arbdom| = n$, then each multiplication and addition will require approximately $2n^2$ qubits, for a total of about $2 N^2 n^2$.\n\nFor one layer of a neural network, say $N$ neurons projecting through an $M \\cross N$ weight matrix into $M$ neurons, we must do $M$ inner products with the input. ", "Since crisp sets are represented by topographic qubit maps that are basis vectors in the computational basis, they can be copied. ", "Therefore, the $N$-dimensional input vector can be copied $M-1$ times to do the $M$ inner products. (", "This requires $M-1$ $\\CNOT$ gates and $(M-1)n$ ancillary $\\Ket{0}$ qubits. ", "Overall, one layer requires about $2 M N^2 n^2$ qubits for the computation (not including ancillary qubits).", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nTopographic (computational) maps are widely used in the brain to implement simultaneous nonlinear vector transformations on multiple inputs. ", "In this chapter we have explored two approaches to quantum topographic computing with a focus on brain-inspired machine learning applications. ", "The first, called a topographic basis map, assigns locations in the map to state vectors in a continuous or discrete basis for a quantum Hilbert space. ", "Arbitrary functions can be implemented on such maps, which can be interpreted as representing crisp sets of inputs, but there is an unavoidable data-dependent attenuation of the result (relative to a “garbage” state) that is not easily avoidable. ", "The second approach, called a topographic qubit map, assigns a separate qubit to each location in the map, and uses the relative amplitude of the $\\Ket{1}$ and $\\Ket{0}$ states to represent the presence of values in the (crisp or fuzzy) set represented by the map. ", "Arbitrary functions on these maps are implemented by well-known quantum logic gates. ", "In particular, computational maps enable the implementation of the functions commonly used in artificial neural networks.", "\n\n[^1]: They are numerically indexed, of course, but interchangeable in terms of their pattern of connections before learning.", "\n\n[^2]: It is not the same as the graph kernels used in machine learning applied to graph theory.", "\n\n[^3]: For example, $f(x) = [\\tanh(x)/\\tanh(1)] |_{[-1,1]}$.\n\n[^4]: It is easy however to produce the binary representation of either the maximum or minimum number with unit amplitude ($p_j=1, p'_j=0$) in a map.", "\n" ]
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[ "3-135 [Traffic accident trap 2]: Truck jumped into the road whose driver waited for a timing when I came to the point\n\nThere were many other plots to cause an accident, though there was another well-designed operation at the farmland.", "\n\nWhen I drove through a field, one car cut in front of me, which ran at the same speed as mine at first but gradually increased the speed. ", "Eventually, his speed got too high not to avoid an accident if something had jumped in.", "\n\nIt was actually a huge truck to carry a crop that jumped into the road from the crop field. ", "The truck waited until the car in front went over and cut into the line before I reached to the setup point. ", "There was no legal issue that it might have been my responsibility if I had run into the truck from the side.", "\n\nIn the original plan, my choice would have been to speed up a car before it came into the road or to hit the brake down to minimize an impact. ", "If I had decided to speed up, I should have run the opposite lane to avoid a collision with the car in front.", "\n\nThere was another car actually running in that opposite lane as a booby trap so that I should have either crash into that car from the front or to go out of the road into the field as a self-inflicted accident.", "\n\nIn any way, I was not framed by this trap as I fully realized there were many accidents I suffered in the past, which were created by the Japanese police intelligence and CIA. ", "At that exact time moment, I recognized their movement was weird that there was a large possibility to cause an accident ahead.", "\n\nThat was why I decided to keep a distance from the car in front and maintain a speed to stop my car whatever happens. ", "My action distorted their timing and the truck jumped out to the road when the car in the opposite lane reached to the setup point so that the driver hit the brake urgently to avoid a collision.", "\n\nI drove a car extremely slowly so that I knew the truck driver just looked at my car and waited for a timing to create a crash. ", "As a result, he did not recognize my car ran quite slowly to avoid any accidents and the timing was lagged to crash a car in the opposite lane when he jumped into the road at that time.", "\n\nThere were many setups later on as well, but I sometimes drove my car extremely slowly that they could not make any accidents that I was fully responsible for. ", "It was nearly impossible to cause a huge crash if running at 10 miles per hour.", "\n\nThe point here was that the police apparently abused their knowledge how the accident happened and where it was frequented, as it was the police job to confirm a responsibility of any accidents." ]
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[ "Culture of isolated bovine megakaryocytes on reconstituted basement membrane matrix leads to proplatelet process formation.", "\nWe have enriched for bovine megakaryocytes and identified a culture system that may provide an in vitro model for platelet formation. ", "Mature megakaryocytes with an unusually high ploidy distribution were obtained after differential centrifugation and velocity sedimentation of bone marrow cells through gradients of bovine serum albumin (BSA). ", "The cell membranes of isolated megakaryocytes and megakaryocytes in vivo stained with antisera to human platelets and human platelet membrane GPIIIa. ", "The microenvironment of bovine megakaryocytes in vivo was investigated using antibodies to types I and IV collagen and laminin. ", "In an attempt to duplicate the microenvironment in vitro, bovine megakaryocytes were cultured on a reconstituted basement membrane matrix (Matrigel). ", "The cells adhered to the gel, extended radial lamellipodia, and occasionally formed lengthy pseudopodia. ", "Ultrastructural examination of these cells showed widening and coalescence of the megakaryocyte demarcation membranes (DMS), and inclusion of platelet granules, thin filaments, and microtubules in the processes. ", "Very few DMS vesicles were present distally in the processes. ", "The culture of megakaryocytes on a reconstituted basement membrane may closely model the in vivo megakaryocyte microenvironment and allow the study of thrombocytopoiesis in vitro." ]
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[ "Developer Tools\n\nAdvanced Installer 15.9 File Download Extended Digital Signature support to any file for friendlier UAC prompts on Vista Digitally signing Java applications and the Auto Updater by default Support for …" ]
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[ 0.0091324200913242 ]
[ "Background\n==========\n\nAcute coronary syndrome (ACS) clinical presentations, including ST-elevation myocardial infarction \\[STEMI\\], non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction \\[NSTEMI\\], and unstable angina \\[UA\\], are associated with different mortality and recurrent myocardial infarction (MI) rates \\[[@B1]-[@B4]\\]. ", "Accordingly, optimal ACS management, as outlined in the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines, stratifies and treats patients differently according to their presentation so that those with the greatest mortality risk receive the most aggressive therapy \\[[@B1],[@B5]-[@B8]\\]. ", "However, mortality and rehospitalization are not the only clinically important outcomes. ", "Patient health status outcomes, including their symptom burden, functional status, and health-related quality of life, are critical outcomes from the patient\\'s perspective \\[[@B9]-[@B12]\\]. ", "Accordingly, patient health status has recently been advocated as a marker of healthcare quality \\[[@B13]-[@B15]\\].", "\n\nDespite its clinical importance, little is known about the association between ACS presentation and health status outcomes, especially among UA patients. ", "Given that many cardiac patients are initially identified during an ACS presentation, characterizing this association from the perspective of this presentation is essential to better prognosticate and treat patients with symptomatic coronary disease. ", "Accordingly, we evaluated one-year health status outcomes in a consecutive cohort of ACS patients as a function of their clinical presentation. ", "Identifying patients at risk for poorer health status could identify the need for improved methods of risk stratification so as to improve care and outcomes in ACS patients.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nStudy population and design\n---------------------------\n\nThe Investigation oF Outcomes from acute coRonary syndroMes (INFORM) registry is a prospective, observational cohort study of consecutively hospitalized ACS patients at two Kansas City hospitals, the Mid America Heart Institute and Truman Medical Center, to identify determinants of health status outcomes among ACS survivors. ", "It was powered for minimal detectable differences of \\>5 points in SAQ quality of life (disease perception) and angina frequency scores. ", "In total, 10,911 consecutive hospitalized patients who had a troponin blood test performed at either hospital between March 2001 and October 2002 were prospectively screened for a possible ACS. ", "1199 patients with confirmed ACS (see definitions below) were enrolled in the registry (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and underwent detailed interviews and chart abstractions to obtain their socio-demographic, health status, clinical, and treatment characteristics. ", "All data elements conformed to the standards established in the American College of Cardiology Task Force on Clinical Data Standards\\[[@B16]\\]. ", "Since our investigation focused on those who survived to hospital discharge, those patients who died during hospitalization (n = 7; 3 STEMI, 3 NSTEMI, and 1 UA) were excluded from the analyses. ", "One year after their index hospitalization, follow-up phone interviews were conducted to collect health status and rehospitalization information. ", "Each participant signed an informed consent to participate in this study and Institutional Review Board approval from both institutions (Saint Luke\\'s Health System Institutional Review Board and the University of Missouri-Kansas City Adult Health Sciences Institutional Review Board) was obtained prior to the conduct of the study.", "\n\n![", "Flowchart of screened and enrolled patients in the INFORM registry.](1471-2261-7-28-1){#F1}\n\nAcute coronary syndrome classification\n--------------------------------------\n\nStandard definitions were used to confirm patients\\' ACS diagnosis \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "STEMI patients presented with suggestive cardiac symptoms, diagnostic electrocardiogram (EKG) changes (ST segment elevation or new-onset left bundle branch block \\[LBBB\\]), and a positive troponin blood test (during the course of this investigation, the following assays and thresholds were used by the enrolling centers: cTroponin-I assay \\>0.15 ng/mL, Advia-Centaur, Bayer Diagnostics, Tarrytown, NY; cTroponin-I assay \\>0.05 ng/mL, Dade Dimension RXL, Dade Behring Diagnostics, Deerfield, IL; cTroponin-I assay \\>1.9 ng/mL, Abbott Labs, Abbott Park, IL). ", "NSTEMI patients presented with suggestive cardiac symptoms and/or EKG changes (e.g. ST segment depressions and/or T wave changes), and a positive troponin blood test. ", "UA patients presented with suggestive cardiac symptoms, as defined by at least one of the following: new onset angina (\\<2 months) of at least Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification (CCSC) class III, prolonged (\\>20 minutes) rest angina, recent (\\<2 months) worsening of angina, or angina that occurred within 2 weeks of a previous MI \\[[@B18]\\]. ", "Although EKG changes were not a requirement for diagnosis, nearly one-half of UA patients had ischemic EKG changes on admission (LBBB 4%, ST-elevations 9%, ST-depressions 12%, T-wave inversions 22%). ", "By definition, all UA patients had a negative troponin blood test. ", "To further increase the specificity of the unstable angina diagnosis, those patients with a diagnostic study that excluded obstructive coronary disease, cardiac perfusion defects, or segmental wall motion abnormalities (e.g. coronary angiography, nuclear or echocardiographic stress testing) (n = 125) or confirmed an alternative explanation for their presentation (e.g. esophagogastroduodenoscopy) were excluded. ", "Three physicians reviewed the charts of all patients for whom diagnostic uncertainty (n = 45) remained and attained consensus on the final diagnosis.", "\n\nHealth status, rehospitalization, and mortality assessment\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nAfter excluding expired patients by querying the Social Security Death Master File, surviving patients underwent follow-up telephone interviews to obtain one-year rehospitalization rates and health status outcomes. ", "Health status outcomes were measured using the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Short Form-12 Version 2 (SF-12). ", "The SAQ is a 19-item disease-specific health status measure for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) that has well-established validity, reliability, sensitivity to clinical change, and prognostic value \\[[@B13],[@B19]-[@B22]\\]. ", "Five domains are assessed: anginal frequency, anginal stability, physical limitation, treatment satisfaction, and disease perception. ", "The scales used in these analyses range from 0--100, where higher scores indicate fewer symptoms and higher quality of life. ", "The SF-12 is a generic health status measure that is converted into physical and mental component scores \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "A score of 50 reflects the United States\\' population mean, and a deviation of 10 points reflects 1 standard deviation from that mean. ", "Higher scores indicate better physical and mental functioning.", "\n\nWe measured the health status outcomes of symptoms, physical functioning, and health-related quality of life with the SAQ angina frequency scale, the SF-12 physical component scale, and the SAQ disease perception scale, respectively. ", "The SAQ scales of treatment satisfaction and angina stability were less informative to our research question, and thus not analyzed. ", "In addition, the SF-12 physical functioning scale was used instead of the SAQ physical limitation scale because the SF-12 scale was more representative of activities that registry patients performed and the disease-specific SAQ created more missing data for physical function than did the SF-12. ", "One-year cardiac rehospitalization rates were collected by patient self-report at the follow-up interview. ", "Hospitalizations for chest pain, heart failure, myocardial infarction (MI), cardiac revascularization (percutaneous coronary intervention \\[PCI\\], or coronary artery bypass graft \\[CABG\\]) were defined as cardiac. ", "Hospitalizations for other reasons were coded as non-cardiac. ", "Two-year mortality data was determined by querying the Social Security Administration Death Master File. ", "A final query of the Social Security Death Master File, hospital and outpatient records for vital status and hospitalization data was performed in October 2004.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nAfter categorizing patients by their ACS presentation (STEMI, NSTEMI and UA), baseline clinical characteristics were compared. ", "Categorical data were reported as frequencies, and differences were assessed using chi-square tests. ", "Continuous data were reported as means ± standard deviations and differences were assessed using analysis of variance.", "\n\nTo evaluate the independent association between ACS presentation and outcomes, multivariable models were created to adjust for all other differences in socio-demographic (age, race, sex, and insurance status), hospital (Mid-America Heart Institute or Truman Medical Center), clinical (prior MI, prior PCI, prior CABG, congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack, renal failure, anemia, and tobacco use), baseline physical function or quality of life (SF-12 physical functioning scores or SAQ quality of life scores) and treatment (both revascularization (PCI, CABG, or thrombolysis) and discharge medications (angiotensin converting enzyme \\[ACE\\] inhibitors, lipid lowering agents, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, and aspirin)) characteristics. ", "Anemia was defined as hemoglobin values less than the fifth percentile of the sex, race, and age-matched population \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "Categories of variables (socio-demographic, site, clinical, baseline health status, and treatment) were entered sequentially into the model and presented accordingly, in order to illustrate the additive effects of each variable group on the various outcomes.", "\n\nSAQ angina frequency scores were modeled as a dichotomous outcome of any angina vs. no angina at one year after index ACS hospitalization because of the skewed nature of the measure and our clinical goal of seeking to completely eliminate patients\\' angina \\[[@B25]\\]. ", "Since one-year angina in our study was a relatively frequent event, we estimated adjusted relative risks directly using a modified Poisson regression model, rather than using logistic regression which estimates adjusted odds ratios \\[[@B26]\\]. ", "SF-12 physical component and SAQ quality of life scores were modeled as continuous variables using multivariable linear regression. ", "Model diagnostics were conducted using residual and normal probability plots.", "\n\nUnadjusted differences in mortality and rehospitalization rates between ACS classes were described graphically with Kaplan-Meier survival plots and compared using the log-rank test. ", "Adjusted differences in mortality and rehospitalization rates between ACS classes, using the same covariates as the health status models, were compared using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models. ", "Cox proportional hazards assumptions were tested using Schoenfeld residuals.", "\n\nAll analyses were performed with SAS version 9.3.1 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) and R version 2.1.1 (R Development Core Team. ", "R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. ", "Vienna, Austria). ", "Statistical significance for all analyses was assumed when the p value was less than 0.05. ", "Scheffe correction techniques for multiple comparisons were used for pair-wise comparisons.", "\n\nMissing data\n------------\n\nAmong the 1192 patients who survived until hospital discharge, 77 (6.5%) died within 12 months of follow-up. ", "Health status outcomes were not imputed for those who died. ", "Thus, our health status results characterize those who survived for at least one year after discharge. ", "Among survivors, 210 patients (17.6%) were not interviewed at one year, because they could not be contacted (73% of non-respondents), or refused to complete the interview (27% of non-respondents). ", "Among those lost-to-follow-up patients, there were no significant differences by ACS presentation.", "\n\nWe explored potential selection biases in the rehospitalization and health status outcomes through the use of sensitivity and propensity model analyses. ", "Sensitivity analysis was performed by imputing poor health status scores to those patients (n = 22) who were too ill to participate in the follow-up interview. ", "Specifically, patients were assigned a SAQ Angina Frequency score indicating presence of angina, an SF-12 physical functioning score of 25, and a SAQ quality of life score of 50; the lowest deciles for each outcome. ", "Regression analyses were repeated using these imputed values and no statistically or clinically significant differences in results were noted (results not shown).", "\n\nAs an alternative approach for handling missing health status data from patients who refused 1-year interviews or could not be contacted, propensity scores were computed using non-parsimonious multivariable logistic regression models to predict the likelihood of unsuccessful follow-up \\[[@B27]\\]. ", "Predictor variables included all available demographic, socio-economic and lifestyle factors, clinical characteristics, vital signs and laboratory studies, disease severity, baseline health status, medication, acute, and non-acute treatments received during patients\\' initial ACS hospitalization. ", "From these models, a probability of success for completing an interview was calculated. ", "The reciprocal of this probability was then assigned to those patients\\' scores in the multivariable regression analyses in order to assess for potential observable bias from those lost to follow-up by weighting patients that are similar to those with missing data more heavily \\[[@B27]\\]. ", "These analyses also demonstrated that the missing patients did not impact our primary findings. ", "In light of the consistency of our findings with both imputation and propensity approaches for handling missing data, we have presented only the primary results.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nPatient characteristics by ACS presentation\n-------------------------------------------\n\nAmong the 1192 ACS survivors, 318 (27%) presented with STEMI, 355 (30%) with NSTEMI, and 519 (44%) with UA. ", "Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} illustrates the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, baseline health status scores, revascularization therapies and discharge medications for each ACS class. ", "Demographically, NSTEMI patients were more likely to be older than either STEMI or UA patients, STEMI patients were more likely to be male than either NSTEMI or UA patients, and STEMI patients were more likely to be white compared to UA patients. ", "Clinically, UA patients had significantly higher rates of prior cardiac disease, as indicated by prior myocardial infarction and revascularization, as compared with both STEMI and NSTEMI patients. ", "In addition, UA patients had significantly worse physical functioning and poorer quality of life on admission than either STEMI or NSTEMI patients.", "\n\n###### \n\nDemographic and clinical characteristics by ACS presentation\n\n **Variables** **STEMI** **NSTEMI** **UA** **ANOVA**\n ----------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------\n **Demographics** \n Age 60.8 +/- 12.5 63.2 +/- 13.0 \\* 61.0 +/- 13.0 ‡ p = 0.023\n Male 70.7% 56.7% \\* 59.6% † p \\< 0.001\n Caucasian 85.3% 81.6% 76.5% † p = 0.08\n Insured 84.4% 89.4% 85.6% p = 0.132\n Employed (full or part-time) 46.3% 36.9% \\* 34.6% † p = 0.02\n \n **Past medical history** \n History of myocardial infarction 22.1% 24.3% 44.4% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n History of percutaneous coronary intervention 21.8% 27.7% 46.2% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n History of coronary artery bypass graft 10.0% 18.4% \\* 25% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Congestive heart failure 3.7% 7.8% \\* 8.5% † p = 0.027\n Hypertension 56.4% 63.4% 72.7% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Diabetes mellitus 19.6% 24.6% 32.7% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Hyperlipidemia 51.1% 58.1% 68.3% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Transient ischemic attack 1.2% 1.7% 2.1% p = 0.65\n Cerebrovascular accident 0.9% 2.5% 2.7% p = 0.208\n Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/asthma 5.6% 12.8% § 12.9% † p = 0.001\n Renal failure 0.9% 2.0% 2.7% p = 0.214\n Anemia 62.2% 61.7% 50.2% p \\< 0.001\n Tobacco use 68.2% 69.9% 73.2% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n \n **Baseline health status** \n SAQ angina rates 95.0% 87.4% \\* 93.1% ‡ p \\< 0.001\n SF-12 physical component scores 42.7 +/- 11.4 39.1 +/- 12.3 \\* 35.3 +/- 11.9 †‡ p \\< 0.001\n SAQ quality of life scores 50.4 +/- 17.3 53.4 +/- 20.2 \\* 47.0 +/- 18.8 †‡ p \\< 0.001\n \n **ACS therapies** \n Primary reperfusion 86.3% 65.1% \\* 42% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Percutaneous coronary intervention 63.9% 62% § 40.8% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Lysis 22.4% 3.1% § 1.2% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Coronary artery bypass graft 4.4% 3.9% 2.9% p \\< 0.001\n \n **Discharge meds** \n Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 18.1% 30.2% \\* 36.5% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Lipid lowering 79.8% 77.7% 75.2% p = 0.191\n Beta-blockers 87.5% 84.4% 72.5% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Calcium channel blockers 10.0% 14.2% 23.7% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Nitrates 9.3% 12.0% 18.1% †‡ p \\< 0.001\n Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) 95.9% 93.9% 92.7% p = 0.379\n\n\\*STEMI v NSTEMI p-value \\< 0.05; †STEMI v UA p-value \\< 0.05; ‡NSTEMI v UA p-value \\< 0.05; ANOVA, analysis of variance; NSTEMI, non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; UA, unstable angina; SAQ, Seattle Angina Questionnaire; SF-12, Short Form 12\n\nTreatments also differed by ACS classification. ", "STEMI patients had the highest revascularization rates and UA patients the lowest (86.3% and 42.0%, respectively). ", "Significant differences in discharge medication prescriptions were also observed. ", "STEMI and NSTEMI patients were more likely to be treated with beta-blockers at discharge, while UA patients received higher rates of ACE-inhibitors, calcium-channel blockers, and nitrates (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nMortality and rehospitalization outcomes\n----------------------------------------\n\nUA patients had the lowest two-year mortality rates, but similar one-year rehospitalization rates. ", "At two years, 25 (7.9%) STEMI patients and 45 (12.8%) NSTEMI patients had died as compared with only 35 (6.7%) UA patients (log-rank p-value 0.006; Figure [2a](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "After multivariable analysis controlling for socio-demographic, site, clinical, and treatment characteristics, UA patients had significantly lower mortality rates compared to STEMI and NSTEMI patients (UA vs. STEMI hazard ratio (HR) = 0.51; 95% confidence interval (CI) \\[0.28, 0.95\\]; UA vs. NSTEMI HR = 0.40; 95% CI \\[0.24, 0.65\\]) (Figure [2b](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "At one year, 102 (26.6%) UA patients were rehospitalized for cardiac causes, as compared to 43 (17.6%) STEMI patients and 60 (23.3%) NSTEMI patients (log-rank p-value 0.035: Figure [3a](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "After multivariable adjustment, UA patients had similar one-year cardiac rehospitalization rates to STEMI and NSTEMI patients (UA vs. STEMI HR = 1.31; 95% CI \\[0.86, 1.99\\]; UA vs. NSTEMI HR = 1.03; 95% CI \\[0.73, 1.47\\]; Figure [3b](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![(", "a) Unadjusted Kaplan-Meier survival curves of two-year mortality by ACS presentation (b) Unadjusted and sequential adjustment of two-year mortality by ACS presentation (Model 1 = unadjusted comparison; Model 2 = adjustment for demographic variables (age, race, sex, insurance status); Model 3 = adjustment for demographic and hospital site variables (Mid-America Heart Institute or Truman Medical Center); Model 4 = adjustment for demographic, site, and clinical variables (prior angina, prior myocardial infarction, prior percutaneous coronary intervention, prior coronary artery bypass graft, congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack, renal failure, anemia and tobacco use); Model 6 = adjustment for demographic, site, clinical, and treatment (revascularization \\[percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass graft, thrombolysis\\] and discharge medications \\[angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, lipid lowering agents, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, and aspirin\\]) variables)](1471-2261-7-28-2){#F2}\n\n![(", "a) Unadjusted Kaplan-Meier survival curves of one-year cardiac rehospitalization by ACS presentation (b) Unadjusted and sequential adjustment of one-year cardiac rehospitalization by ACS presentation (Model 1 = unadjusted comparison; Model 2 = adjustment for demographic variables (age, race, sex, insurance status); Model 3 = adjustment for demographic and hospital site variables (Mid-America Heart Institute or Truman Medical Center); Model 4 = adjustment for demographic, site, and clinical variables (prior angina, prior myocardial infarction, prior percutaneous coronary intervention, prior coronary artery bypass graft, congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack, renal failure, anemia and tobacco use); Model 6 = adjustment for demographic, site, clinical, and treatment (revascularization \\[percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass graft, thrombolysis\\] and discharge medications \\[angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, lipid lowering agents, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, and aspirin\\]) variables)](1471-2261-7-28-3){#F3}\n\nHealth status outcomes\n----------------------\n\nOne year after discharge, UA patients had worse unadjusted angina rates, physical component scores, and quality of life scores than either STEMI or NSTEMI patients (Figure [4a--c](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "After sequential multivariable adjustment for all covariates, UA patients were more likely to experience angina than STEMI patients (UA vs. STEMI angina relative risk (RR) = 1.42; 95% CI \\[1.06, 1.90\\]). ", "Adjusted angina rates between UA and NSTEMI were similar (UA vs. NSTEMI angina RR = 1.10; 95% CI \\[0.85, 1.42\\]) (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), as were the remainder of health status scores between all three ACS classes (UA vs. STEMI adjusted mean physical component score difference = -0.05 points, 95% CI \\[-2.41, 2.30\\]; UA vs. NSTEMI adjusted mean physical component score difference = -1.91 points, 95% CI \\[-4.01, 0.18\\]; UA vs. STEMI adjusted mean quality of life score difference = -1.39 points, 95% CI \\[-5.63, 2.85\\]; UA vs. NSTEMI adjusted mean quality of life score difference = -0.24 points, 95% CI \\[-4.01, 3.54\\]) (Figure [4b,c](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![(", "a) Unadjusted and sequential adjustment of one-year angina by ACS presentation (b) Unadjusted and sequential adjustment of one-year physical functioning by ACS presentation (c) Unadjusted and sequential adjustment of one-year quality of life by ACS presentation (Model 1 = unadjusted comparison; Model 2 = adjustment for demographic variables (age, race, sex, insurance status); Model 3 = adjustment for demographic and hospital site variables (Mid-America Heart Institute or Truman Medical Center); Model 4 = adjustment for demographic, site, and clinical variables (prior angina, prior myocardial infarction, prior percutaneous coronary intervention, prior coronary artery bypass graft, congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack, renal failure, anemia and tobacco use); Model 5 = adjustment for demographic, site, clinical, and baseline health status variables (SF-12 physical component score and SAQ quality of life score models only); Model 6 = adjustment for demographic, site, clinical, baseline health status (SF-12 physical component score and SAQ quality of life score models only), and treatment (revascularization \\[percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass graft, thrombolysis\\] and discharge medications \\[angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, lipid lowering agents, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, and aspirin\\]) variables)](1471-2261-7-28-4){#F4}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nAlthough previous studies have documented higher mortality among MI patients as compared to those with UA \\[[@B1]-[@B3]\\], none have systematically evaluated the association of ACS presentation with health status outcomes. ", "Our study is the first to illustrate that UA patients have a higher prevalence of angina at 1 year than STEMI patients, even after adjustment for numerous differences in patient characteristics and treatment. ", "Furthermore, we found that, in contrast to their better prognosis in terms of survival, UA patients had a similar prevalence of angina as compared with NSTEMI patients and similar one-year physical functioning scores, quality of life scores, and cardiac rehospitalization rates to both STEMI and NSTEMI patients. ", "Our study suggests that since UA patients\\' favorable prognosis with respect to mortality does not translate to health status outcomes, close follow-up and monitoring of UA patients is needed.", "\n\nWith the recognition of MI patients\\' elevated mortality risk, the medical community substantially reorganized itself, resulting in community interventions to accelerate the recognition and treatment of potential MIs, emergency department chest pain centers for rapid patient triage, increased access to primary PCI, early institution of anti-platelet treatments and invasive risk stratification, resulting in impressive mortality reductions over the past decades \\[[@B4],[@B7],[@B28]-[@B33]\\]. ", "However, the results of this study highlight the adverse health status outcome risks present in the UA population, as compared with MI patients. ", "Given that these are critical outcomes for patients and providers alike, clinicians should be aware of these risks and should develop interventions to improve the health status outcomes of UA patients.", "\n\nOne previous report has also noted poorer health status outcomes among UA patients. ", "Rumsfeld and colleagues evaluated 2733 ACS patients, using a general health status instrument, the Short Form-36 (SF-36), and followed patients for 7 months after their index hospitalization. ", "They found that a discharge diagnosis of UA, as compared with MI, was associated with a worse SF-36 physical component score \\[[@B34]\\]. ", "Our study strengthens and extends these initial findings by using a cardiac disease-specific instrument, assessing a broader range of health status outcomes (including angina and health-related quality of life in addition to physical functioning), adjusting for a greater number of potential confounders, and conducting observations over a longer follow-up period.", "\n\nSeveral characteristics of the UA population may partially explain their worse angina outcomes. ", "The high prevalence of pre-existing CAD and low revascularization rates among UA patients may contribute to their higher angina rates and lower health status scores, though adjustment for these factors did not eradicate the higher angina rates of UA patients compared to STEMI patients \\[[@B35],[@B36]\\]. ", "Other unmeasured characteristics of their care, such as less intensive outpatient medical and/or revascularization therapies, decreased medical follow-up, and decreased medication adherence among UA patients, may affect patients\\' long-term health status and represent important opportunities to improve their outcomes. ", "Further research is needed to evaluate the outpatient care of ACS patients so that greater insights into the potential opportunities to improve the angina rates among UA patients may be uncovered.", "\n\nMultiple studies have demonstrated improvements in anginal symptoms and subsequent health status among CAD patients with both medical therapy and revascularization, though most studies document greater health status improvements with revascularization strategies as compared to standard medical therapy \\[[@B37]-[@B42]\\]. ", "Mortensen and colleagues noted improved three-year angina rates and SF-36 physical functioning scores among patients with inducible post-infarction ischemia who underwent invasive revascularization \\[[@B37]\\]. ", "Similarly, Kim and colleagues demonstrated improved one-year angina rates and higher one-year quality of life scores among NSTEMI/UA patients randomized to an invasive revascularization treatment strategy \\[[@B42]\\]. ", "Given the success of these strategies in improving health status outcomes among MI and stable CAD patients, randomized studies of these and other strategies on health status outcomes among UA patients should be considered. ", "Concurrently, integration of objective health status assessment into the care of ACS patients could offer a tool to identify patients with residual symptoms and to potentially indicate a need for additional therapy to improve UA patients\\' rehospitalization rates and quality of life.", "\n\nOur study has several potential limitations. ", "First, it was conducted at only 2 Midwestern centers, which may limit the generalizability of our findings to other centers. ", "Second, despite follow-up rates greater than 80%, missing data can potentially introduce bias. ", "Although our sensitivity and propensity analyses suggested no important differences, we cannot rule out the possibility of unmeasured confounding from those patients without follow-up. ", "Third, cardiac rehospitalization data was assessed by patient self-report, and thus subject to potential misclassification and recall bias. ", "However, trained data collectors conducted phone interviews, thus minimizing this risk. ", "Finally, we did not have detailed data about the outpatient treatment regimens of our patients, including the frequency of follow-up medical visits or their medication use over the year after discharge. ", "Further research will need to define whether the intensity or quality of post-discharge care differs across the spectrum of ACS patients.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn conclusion, we found that UA patients had a higher prevalence of angina than STEMI patients and similar physical functioning, quality of life, and cardiac rehospitalization outcomes as compared with both STEMI and NSTEMI patients one year after ACS presentation. ", "Since multiple treatments, including medications and revascularization, are available to improve patients\\' angina, these findings identify an important potential opportunity for improving the quality of care for UA patients. ", "Future studies to evaluate the impact of these interventions specifically in UA patients are needed. ", "Until then, clinicians should remain as vigilant for persistent angina, functional limitations and poor quality of life among UA patients as they are among MI patients.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nACS, acute coronary syndrome; STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; NSTEMI, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; UA, unstable angina\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nDr. Spertus discloses he has leadership responsibilities for CV Outcomes, Inc., Health Outcomes Sciences and Outcomes Instruments; is a consultant for Amgen, United Healthcare, and Otsuka; receives research grant support from the National Institutes of Health, Amgen, Lilly, Roche Diagnostics, and the American College of Cardiology-National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR); and owns the copyrights for the Seattle Angina Questionnaire, the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, and the Peripheral Artery Questionnaire. ", "The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nTMM and JAS conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination, and drafted the manuscript. ", "KJR performed the statistical analysis and assisted with manuscript drafts. ", "JSR assisted with manuscript drafts and provided critical input. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2261/7/28/prepub>\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nFinancial Support: This project was principally supported by R-01 HS11282-01 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.", "\n" ]
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[ "FROM developmentseed/caffe-segnet:cuda8\nENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive\nRUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl -y\n\n# GDAL\nRUN sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y && \\\n sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable -y && \\\n sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal libgdal1-dev -y\n\n# Node\nRUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - && \\\n sudo apt-get install -y nodejs build-essential libagg-dev libpotrace-dev\n\n# Python\nRUN pip install numpy==1.14.2\n\nRUN pip install flask && \\\n pip install mercantile && \\\n pip install rasterio==1.0a12 && \\\n pip install boto3 && \\\n pip install pyproj && \\\n pip install git+https://github.com/flupke/pypotrace.git@master\n\nADD package.json /workspace/package.json\nRUN npm install\nADD . ", "/workspace\nEXPOSE 5000\n" ]
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[ "'The Office' hires Will Ferrell for guest arc\n\n\"The Office\" is bringing in a big name to help in the transition surrounding\nSteve Carell's departure.", "\nWill Ferrell will guest on several episodes of the show later this season.", "\n\nFerrell -- who co-starred with Carell in\n\"Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy\" -- will play a fellow Dunder Mifflin/Sabre manager who comes to Scranton and proves to be just as clueless as Michael (Carell) is. ", "NBC hasn't said yet when Ferrell will make his first appearance, but it sure sounds as though the character will be part of the story involving Michael's departure. (", "\nUpdate,\n8:01 p.m. ET: A rep for NBC confirms Ferrell's run ties into Michael leaving.)", "\n\n\"We found Steve Carell when he was nothing but a movie star and we turned him into a television star,\" executive producer/Toby\nPaul Lieberstein quips. \"", "We are proud to continue 'The Office's' tradition of discovering famous talent, and we hope that once America gets a good look at Will, they'll see what we see: tremendous raw sexuality.\"", "\n\nFerrell made a couple of brief cameos on \"30 Rock\" last year and has guested on HBO's \"Eastbound & Down\" (which he also executive produces), but his stint on \"The Office\" will mark his longest TV run since he left \"Saturday Night Live\" 2002." ]
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[ 0.013422818791946308, 0.013333333333333334, 0.018691588785046728, 0.018072289156626505, 0.034482758620689655, 0.01948051948051948, 0, 0.00411522633744856 ]
[ "List of artists in the Philadelphia Museum of Art handbook of the collections\n\nThe List of artists in the Philadelphia Museum of Art handbook of the collections is a list of the artists indexed in the Philadelphia Museum of Art museum guide. ", "The guide, with an introduction by Anne D'Harnencourt, was produced as a 25th anniversary gift by the Museum Associates in 1995. ", "The museum's collections are spread throughout several locations in Fairmount Park in addition to The Rodin museum and the Neo-classical building at the end of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. ", " The entire collection houses over 70,000 objects, thousands of which are on view at any given time. ", "The museum guide has been designed to highlight seven major sections. ", " In the following list, the artist's name is followed by the location of one of their works and its page number in the guide. ", "For artists with more than one work in the collection, or for works by artists not listed here, see the Philadelphia Museum of Art website or the corresponding Wikimedia Commons category. ", "Of artists listed, only 9 are women.", "\nFor the complete list of artists and their artworks in the collection, see the website.", "\n\nAlvar Aalto, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 156\nRobert Adam (1728–1792), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 143\nAnsel Adams, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 247\nAdriano Fiorentino (ca. ", "1455–1499), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 116\nThomas Affleck, American Art : page 260\nWashington Allston (1779–1843), American Art : page 268\nLawrence Alma-Tadema (1836–1912), European Painting and Sculpture : page 199\nJoseph Anthony Jr., American Art : page 266\nAlexander Porfyrovych Archipenko (1887-1964), Twentieth-century Art : page 311\nCharles Aubry, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 225\nJoseph B. Barry, American Art : page 275\nPompeo Batoni (1708–1787), European Painting and Sculpture : page 182, 221\nMax Beckmann (1884–1950), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 240\nBenedetto di Bindo, European Painting and Sculpture : page 162\nBenjamin Bergey, American Art : page 273\nChristoffel van den Berghe (1590–1638), European Painting and Sculpture : page 173\nAntoine Berjon (1754–1843), European Painting and Sculpture : page 186\nJohn Bieber, American Art : page 264\nWilliam Blake (1757–1827), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 223\nBill Blass, Costume and Textiles : page 101\nDavid Bomberg (1890–1957), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 235\nGerard ter Borch (1617–1681), European Painting and Sculpture : page 177\nMichael Botta, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 131\nDieric Bouts (1415–1475), European Painting and Sculpture : page 166\nConstantin Brancusi, Twentieth-century Art : page 314, 320\nJean Brandely, American Art : page 274\nGeorges Braque (1882–1963), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 237\nBronzino (1503–1572), European Painting and Sculpture : page 170\nEdward Burne-Jones (1833–1898), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 227\nGiuseppe Cades (1750–1799), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 222\nAlexander Calder (1898–1976), Twentieth-century Art : page 337\nJulia Margaret Cameron, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 228\nArthur B. Carles (1882–1952), Twentieth-century Art : page 319\nMartin Carlin (ca. ", "1730–1785), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 147\nJean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827–1875), European Painting and Sculpture : page 190\nMary Cassatt (1844–1926), American Art : page 289\nGiovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1609–1664), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 218\nPaul Cézanne (1839–1906), European Painting and Sculpture : page 208, 211, 230\nMarc Chagall (1887–1985), Twentieth-century Art : page 306\nJean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin (1699–1779), European Painting and Sculpture : page 180\nEduard Charlemont, European Painting and Sculpture : page 198\nSimon Chaudron, American Art : page 271\nThomas Chippendale, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 139\nGiorgio de Chirico (1888–1978), Twentieth-century Art : page 309\nGiovanni Battista Cipriani, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 143\nFrancesco Clemente (b.1952 ), Twentieth-century Art : page 338\nJoos van Cleve (1485–1541), European Painting and Sculpture : page 170\nClodion (1738–1814), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 144\nChuck Close (b1940), Twentieth-century Art : page 342\nCharles-Nicolas Cochin (1688–1754), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 221\nComans-La Planche manufactory, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 130\nJohn Constable (1776–1837), European Painting and Sculpture : page 187\nSamuel Cooper (1609–1672), European Painting and Sculpture : page 178\nDirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522–1590), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 128\nJean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796–1875), European Painting and Sculpture : page 188\nGustave Courbet (1819–1877), European Painting and Sculpture : page 192\nCharles-Antoine Coypel (1694–1752), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 145\nNoël-Nicolas Coypel (1690–1734), European Painting and Sculpture : page 179\nCarlo Crivelli (1430/35–1495), European Painting and Sculpture : page 166\nSalvador Dalí (1904–1989), Twentieth-century Art : page 323\nGerard David (1460–1523), European Painting and Sculpture : page 165\nThomas J. Davies (active 1862–70), American Art : page 285\nEdgar Degas (1834–1917), European Painting and Sculpture : page 195, 204, 231\nWillem de Kooning (1904–1997), Twentieth-century Art : page 326\nEugène Delacroix (1798–1863), European Painting and Sculpture : page 190\nCharles Demuth (1883–1935), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 239\nDentzel Carousel Co., American Art : page 296\nDerby porcelain, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 141\nJules Desfossé, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 152\nDesiderio da Settignano (1428–1464), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 115\nMark di Suvero, Twentieth-century Art : page 336\nChristian Dorflinger (1828–1915), American Art : page 287\nBrothers Dosso (1469–1542), European Painting and Sculpture : page 171\nMarcel Duchamp (1887–1968), Twentieth-century Art : page 307, 316, 317\nRaymond Duchamp-Villon, Twentieth-century Art : page 314\nRaoul Dufy (1877–1953), Costume and Textiles : page 99\nThomas Eakins (1844–1916), American Art : page 228, 285, 287, 292\nWharton Esherick, American Art : page 298\nFrederick H. Evans, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 233\nJan van Eyck (1370–1441), European Painting and Sculpture : page 164\nJean-Jacques Feuchère, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 154\nJacobus Fiamengo, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 128\nAlexander Fisher (painter) (1864–1936), Costume and Textiles : page 95\nJohn Flaxman (1755–1826), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 148\nJean Jacques Flipart (1724–1793), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 221\nOrazio Fontana, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 122\nManuel Joachim de Franca (1808–1865), American Art : page 274\nP.H. Emile Froment-Meurice, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 154\nFrank Furness, American Art : page 284\nThomas Gainsborough (1727–1788), European Painting and Sculpture : page 183\nÉmile Gallé, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 155\nPaul Gauguin (1848–1903), European Painting and Sculpture : page 208\nJacques-Fabien Gautier-Dagoty (1716–1785), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 219\nFrançois-Thomas Germain (1726–1791), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 141\nGiorgio Ghisi (1520–1582), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 217\nTeodoro Ghisi, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 217\nGiovanni di Paolo (1403–1482 ), European Painting and Sculpture : page 164\nFrançois Girardon (1628–1715), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 136\nGirolamo da Treviso the Younger (ca. ", "1497–1544), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 121\nGobelins Manufactory, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 145\nVincent van Gogh (1853–1890), European Painting and Sculpture : page 203, 207\nHendrik Goltzius (1558–1617), European Painting and Sculpture : page 172, 218\nSidney Goodman, Twentieth-century Art : page 339\nPierre Gouthière (1732–1813), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 146\nJuan Gris (1887–1927), Twentieth-century Art : page 313\nBenjamin Harbeson, American Art : page 259\nMarsden Hartley (1877–1943), Twentieth-century Art : page 311\nMaarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 128\nLorenz Helmschmid, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 119\nHerculaneum pottery, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 150\nAlbert Herter (1871–1950), American Art : page 288\nEva Hesse, Twentieth-century Art : page 335\nJohn Hewson (artist) (1744–1821), Costume and Textiles : page 86\nEdward Hicks (1780–1849), American Art : page 281\nPeter Holl III, American Art : page 265\nJosef Hoffmann, Special Collections : page 464\nWinslow Homer (1836–1910), American Art : page 291\nHon'ami Koetsu, Asian art : page 43, 44\nHsia Ch'ang, Asian art : page 29\nXu Wei, Asian art : page 31\nChristian Huber, American Art : page 265\nRichard Humphreys (philanthropist) (1750–1832), American Art : page 262\nHuonekalu-ja Rakennustyötehdas Oy, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 156\nIke no Taiga, Asian art : page 46\nJean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780–1867 ), European Painting and Sculpture : page 185\nGeorge Washington Jack, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 151\nFrançois-Honoré-Georges Jacob-Desmalter (1770–1841), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 149\nGeorges Jacob (1739–1814), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 149\nJacob-Desmalter, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 149\nJean de Court (1555–1585), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 126\nJasper Johns (b1930), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 250, 335\nThomas Johnson (designer) (1714–1778), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 140\nJohann Joachim Kändler, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 137\nWassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), Twentieth-century Art : page 312\nEliza M. Kandle, Costume and Textiles : page 90\nKano Hogai, Asian art : page 47\nKitagawa Utamaro, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 225\nPaul Klee (1879–1940), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 245, 321\nYves Klein, Twentieth-century Art : page 332\nFranz Kline (1910–1962), Twentieth-century Art : page 333\nKnoll International, American Art : page 300\nGaston Lachaise (1882–1935), Twentieth-century Art : page 309\nJohn La Farge (1835–1910), American Art : page 297\nPaul de Lamerie, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 139\nSir Edwin Henry Landseer (1802–1873), European Painting and Sculpture : page 188\nBenjamin Henry Latrobe, American Art : page 269\nHippolyte Le Bas, Costume and Textiles : page 90\nFernand Léger (1881–1955), Twentieth-century Art : page 315\nCharles Le Roux, American Art : page 256\nKarl Friedrich Lessing (1808–1880), European Painting and Sculpture : page 186\nSol LeWitt, Twentieth-century Art : page 343\nLucas van Leyden (1494–1533), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 216\nLiberty & Co., Costume and Textiles : page 96\nJosse Lieferinxe (1493–1508), European Painting and Sculpture : page 169\nJacques Lipchitz (1891–1973), Twentieth-century Art : page 330\nEl Lissitzky, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 240\nRichard Long (artist) (b. 1945), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 251\nJosé Delores Lopez, American Art : page 299\nPietro Lorenzetti (1280–1348), European Painting and Sculpture : page 162\nFilippe Maecht, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 130\nMan Ray (1890–1976 ), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 241\nÉdouard Manet (1832–1883), European Painting and Sculpture : page 193, 194\nMarcello (Duchesse de Castiglione-Colonna), European Painting and Sculpture : page 194\nJohn Marin (1870–1953), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 235\nMasaccio (1401–1428), European Painting and Sculpture : page 163\nMasolino da Panicale (1383–1447), European Painting and Sculpture : page 163\nAlice Trumbull Mason, Twentieth-century Art : page 326\nHenri Matisse (1869–1954 ), European Painting and Sculpture : page 310, 325\nAnton Mauve (1838–1888), European Painting and Sculpture : page 201\nMeissen porcelain, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 137\nMemphis Group, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 157\nRay K. Metzker, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 248\nClodion (1738–1814), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 144\nSigisbert Michel, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 148\nJean-François Millet (1814–1875), European Painting and Sculpture : page 197\nMintons Ltd., European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 153\nJoan Miró (1893–1983), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 244, 321\nIssey Miyake, Costume and Textiles : page 102\nAmedeo Modigliani (1884–1920), Twentieth-century Art : page 319\nPiet Mondrian (1872–1944), Twentieth-century Art : page 317\nClaude Monet (1840–1926), European Painting and Sculpture : page 196, 209\nThomas Moran (1837–1926), American Art : page 290\nJames Morisset, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 146\nMorris & Co., European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 151\nRobert Motherwell (1915–1991), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 247\nEdouard Muller (painter) (1823–1876), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 152\nMunakata Shiko, Asian art : page 47\nElizabeth Murray (artist) (1940–2007), Twentieth-century Art : page 341\nJacques Neilson, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 145\nViolet Oakley, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 238\nŌgi Rodō (1863–1941), Asian art : page 48\nOhio Valley China Co., American Art : page 291\nGeorgia O'Keeffe (1887–1986), Twentieth-century Art : page 329\nClaes Oldenburg, Twentieth-century Art : page 338\nOrosius master, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 216\nDaniel Pabst, American Art : page 284\nElie Pacot, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 135\nMaxfield Parrish, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 232\nJoachim Patinir (1480–1524), European Painting and Sculpture : page 168\nCharles Willson Peale (1741–1827), American Art : page 261, 267\nAnton Peffenhauser, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 126\nJoseph Perfetti, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 143\nPablo Picasso (1881–1973), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 236, 245, 306, 308, 318\nHorace Pippin (1888–1946), Twentieth-century Art : page 329\nGiovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 220\nCamille Pissarro (1830–1903), European Painting and Sculpture : page 203\nPaul Poiret, Costume and Textiles : page 97\nJackson Pollock (1912–1956), Twentieth-century Art : page 327\nPaulus Potter (1625–1654), European Painting and Sculpture : page 176\nNicolas Poussin (1594–1665), European Painting and Sculpture : page 175\nMichael Powolny, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 155\nMartin Puryear, Twentieth-century Art : page 340\nPierre-Cécile Puvis De Chavannes (1824–1898), European Painting and Sculpture : page 191\nRobert Rauschenberg (1925–2008), Twentieth-century Art : page 334\nOsmon Reed, American Art : page 280\nPierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919), European Painting and Sculpture : page 196, 200\nJoshua Reynolds (1723–1792), European Painting and Sculpture : page 184\nFaith Ringgold, Costume and Textiles : page 103\nDiego Rivera (1886–1957), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 242, 322\nFrancesco Maria Rivolta, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 137\nLuca della Robbia, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 113\nHoward Roberts, American Art : page 286\nAuguste Rodin (1840–1917), European Painting and Sculpture : page 199, 201, 210\nRookwood pottery, American Art : page 294\nHelen Rose, Costume and Textiles : page 100\nJames Rosenquist (b1933), Twentieth-century Art : page 332\nGeorges Rouault (1871–1958), Twentieth-century Art : page 323\nHenri Rousseau (1844–1910), European Painting and Sculpture : page 202\nPeter Paul Rubens (1577–1640), European Painting and Sculpture : page 130, 174\nWilliam Rush, American Art : page 276\nSantiago Rusinol, European Painting and Sculpture : page 205\nPieter Jansz Saenredam (1597–1665), European Painting and Sculpture : page 173\nAugustus Saint-Gaudens (1848–1907), American Art : page 293\nRoberto Sambonet, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 156\nJohn Singer Sargent (1856–1925), American Art : page 289\nRebecca Scattergood Savery, Costume and Textiles : page 91\nSavonnerie manufactory, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 134\nElsa Schiaparelli, Costume and Textiles : page 98\nEmilio Schuberth, Costume and Textiles : page 101\nGeorges Seurat (1859–1891), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 229\nSèvres porcelain, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 142\nBen Shahn (1898–1969), Twentieth-century Art : page 328\nCharles Sheeler (1883–1965), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 243, 324\nKataro Shirayamadani, American Art : page 294\nWilliam Sinclair (furniture maker), American Art : page 270\nOlaf Skoogfors, American Art : page 299\nJohn French Sloan (1871–1951), American Art : page 233, 294\nFrans Snyders (1579–1657), European Painting and Sculpture : page 174\nMarc-Louis-Emmanuel Solon, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 153\nEttore Sottsass Jr., European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 157\nRudolf Staffel, American Art : page 300\nJan Steen (1626–1679), European Painting and Sculpture : page 178\nAlfred Stieglitz (1864–1946), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 234, 242\nPaul Strand (1890–1976), Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 238\nGeorge Stubbs (1724–1806), European Painting and Sculpture : page 181\nPhilip Syng Jr., American Art : page 262\nHenry Ossawa Tanner (1859–1937), American Art : page 295\nHans Taye, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 130\nThonet Brothers (1796—1871), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 153\nBertel Thorvaldsen (1770—1844), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 148\nDox Thrash, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 246\nEllen Powell Tiberino, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 249\nGiovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770), European Painting and Sculpture : page 182\nLouis Comfort Tiffany (1848–1933), American Art : page 296\nTiffany Glass and Decorating Co., American Art : page 296\nJohann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 224\nShomei Tomatsu, Prints, Drawings, and Photographs : page 249\nHenri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901), European Painting and Sculpture : page 206\nWilliam Ellis Tucker, American Art : page 277\nTucker porcelain, American Art : page 277\nJ. M. W. Turner (1775–1851), European Painting and Sculpture : page 189\nCy Twombly (1928–2011), Twentieth-century Art : page 340\nRobert Venturi, American Art : page 300\nScott Brown Venturi, American Art : page 300\nClaude Joseph Vernet (1714–1789 ), European Painting and Sculpture : page 180\nÉdouard Vuillard (1868–1940), European Painting and Sculpture : page 205, 230\nJosiah Wedgwood, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 148\nRobert Wellford, American Art : page 266\nAdolf Ulrik Wertmüller, American Art : page 269\nBenjamin West (1738–1820 ), European Painting and Sculpture : page 184\nRogier van der Weyden (1400–1464), European Painting and Sculpture : page 167\nJames Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834–1903), American Art : page 283\nDavid Wiand, Costume and Textiles : page 93\nWiener Keramik, European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 155\nCharles Frederick Worth, Costume and Textiles : page 94\nAndrew Wyeth (1917–2009), Twentieth-century Art : page 331\nJuan Ximenez, European Painting and Sculpture : page 168\nYi Am, Asian art : page 36\nClaire Zeisler, American Art : page 301\nAntonio Zucchi (1726–1796), European decorative arts and Arms & Armour : page 143\nFrancisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664), European Painting and Sculpture : page 176\n\nReferences\nPhiladelphia Museum of Art website\n Philadelphia Museum of Art guide on their website\n :commons:Category:Philadelphia Museum of Art\n Netherlands Institute for Art History\n\nPhile\nCategory:Philadelphia Museum of Art" ]
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