Dear local newspaper, I think effects computers have on people are great learning skills/affects because they give us time to chat with friends/new people, helps us learn about the globe(astronomy) and keeps us out of troble! Thing about! Dont you think so? How would you feel if your teenager is always on the phone with friends! Do you ever time to chat with your friends or buisness partner about things. Well now - there's a new way to chat the computer, theirs plenty of sites on the internet to do so: @ORGANIZATION1, @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1, facebook, myspace ect. Just think now while your setting up meeting with your boss on the computer, your teenager is having fun on the phone not rushing to get off cause you want to use it. How did you learn about other countrys/states outside of yours? Well I have by computer/internet, it's a new way to learn about what going on in our time! You might think your child spends a lot of time on the computer, but ask them so question about the economy, sea floor spreading or even about the @DATE1's you'll be surprise at how much he/she knows. Believe it or not the computer is much interesting then in class all day reading out of books. If your child is home on your computer or at a local library, it's better than being out with friends being fresh, or being perpressured to doing something they know isnt right. You might not know where your child is, @CAPS2 forbidde in a hospital bed because of a drive-by. Rather than your child on the computer learning, chatting or just playing games, safe and sound in your home or community place. Now I hope you have reached a point to understand and agree with me, because computers can have great effects on you or child because it gives us time to chat with friends/new people, helps us learn about the globe and believe or not keeps us out of troble. Thank you for listening.
Dear local newspaper, I think effects computers have on people are great learning skills/affects because they give us time to chat with friends/new people, helps us learn about the globe (astronomy) and keeps us out of trouble! Thing about! Don't you think so? How would you feel if your teenager is always on the phone with friends! Do you every time to chat with your friends or business partner about things? Well now - there's a new way to chat the computer, theirs plenty of sites on the internet to do so: @ORGANIZATION1, @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1, Facebook, MySpace etc. Just think now while your setting up meeting with your boss on the computer, your teenager is having fun on the phone not rushing to get off because you want to use it. How did you learn about other countries/states outside yours? Well I have by computer/internet, it's a new way to learn about what going on in our time! You might think your child spends a lot of time on the computer, but ask them so question about the economy, sea floor spreading or even about the @DATE1's you'll be surprised at how much he/she knows. Believe it or not the computer is much interesting then in class all day reading out of books. If your child is home on your computer or at a local library, it's better than being out with friends being fresh, or being per pressured to doing something they know isn't right. You might not know where your child is, @CAPS2 forbidden in a hospital bed because of a drive-by. Rather than your child on the computer learning, chatting or just playing games, safe and sound in your home or community place. Now I hope you have reached a point to understand and agree with me, because computers can have great effects on you or child because it gives us time to chat with friends/new people, helps us learn about the globe and believe or not keeps us out of trouble. Thank you for listening.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I believe that using computers will benefit us in many ways like talking and becoming friends will others through websites like facebook and mysace. Using computers can help us find coordibates, locations, and able ourselfs to millions of information. Also computers will benefit us by helping with jobs as in planning a house plan and typing a @NUM1 page report for one of our jobs in less than writing it. Now lets go into the wonder world of technology. Using a computer will help us in life by talking or making friends on line. Many people have myspace, facebooks, aim, these all benefit us by having conversations with one another. Many people believe computers are bad but how can you make friends if you can never talk to them? I am very fortunate for having a computer that can help with not only school work but my social life and how I make friends. Computers help us with finding our locations, coordibates and millions of information online. If we didn't go on the internet a lot we wouldn't know how to go onto websites that @MONTH1 help us with locations and coordinates like @LOCATION1. Would you rather use a computer or be in @LOCATION3. When your supposed to be vacationing in @LOCATION2. Million of information is found on the internet. You can as almost every question and a computer will have it. Would you rather easily draw up a house plan on the computers or take @NUM1 hours doing one by hand with ugly erazer marks all over it, you are garrenteed that to find a job with a drawing like that. Also when appling for a job many workers must write very long papers like a @NUM3 word essay on why this job fits you the most, and many people I know don't like writing @NUM3 words non-stopp for hours when it could take them I hav an a computer. That is why computers we needed a lot now adays. I hope this essay has impacted your descion on computers because they are great machines to work with. The other day I showed my mom how to use a computer and she said it was the greatest invention sense sliced bread! Now go out and buy a computer to help you chat online with friends, find locations and millions of information on one click of the button and help your self with getting a job with neat, prepared, printed work that your boss will love.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I believe that using computers will benefit us in many ways like talking and becoming friends will others through websites like Facebook and MySpace. Using computers can help us find coordinates, locations, and able ourself to millions of information. Also, computers will benefit us by helping with jobs as in planning a house plan and typing a @NUM1 page report for one of our jobs in less than writing it. Now let's go into the wonder world of technology. Using a computer will help us in life by talking or making friends online. Many people have MySpace, Facebook, aim, these all benefit us by having conversations with one another. Many people believe computers are bad, but how can you make friends if you can never talk to them? I am very fortunate for having a computer that can help with not only school work but my social life and how I make friends. Computers help us with finding our locations, coordinates and millions of information online. If we didn't go on the internet a lot we wouldn't know how to go onto websites that @MONTH1 help us with locations and coordinates like @LOCATION1. Would you rather use a computer or be in @LOCATION3? When you're supposed to be vacationing in @LOCATION2. A Million of information is found on the internet. You can as almost every question and a computer will have it. Would you rather easily draw up a house plan on the computers or take @NUM1 hours doing one by hand with ugly eraser marks all over it, you are arrested that to find a job with a drawing like that? Also, when applying for a job many workers must write very long papers like a @NUM3 word essay on why this job fits you the most, and many people I know don't like writing @NUM3 words nonstop for hours when it could take them I have an computer. That is why computers we needed a lot now days. I hope this essay has impacted your design on computers because they are great machines to work with. The other day I showed my mom how to use a computer, and she said it was the greatest invention sense sliced bread! Now go out and buy a computer to help you chat online with friends, find locations and millions of information on one click of the button and help your self with getting a job with neat, prepared, printed work that your boss will love.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3 More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. Those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Others have different ideas. A great amount in the world today are using computers, some for work and spme for the fun of it. Computers is one of mans greatest accomplishments. Computers are helpful in so many ways, @CAPS4, news, and live streams. Don't get me wrong way to much people spend time on the computer and they should be out interacting with others but who are we to tell them what to do. When I grow up I want to be a author or a journalist and I know for a fact that both of those jobs involve lots of time on time on the computer, one @MONTH1 spend more time then the other but you know exactly what @CAPS5 getting at. So what if some expert think people are spending to much time on the computer and not exercising, enjoying natures and interacting with family and friends. For all the expert knows that its how must people make a living and we don't know why people choose to use the computer for a great amount of time and to be honest it's non of my concern and it shouldn't be the so called experts concern. People interact a thousand times a day on the computers. Computers keep lots of kids of the streets instead of being out and causing trouble. Computers helps the @ORGANIZATION1 locate most wanted criminals. As you can see computers are more useful to society then you think, computers benefit society.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3 More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. Those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Others have different ideas. A great amount in the world today are using computers, some for work and some for the fun of it. Computers is one of men greatest accomplishments. Computers are helpful in so many ways, @CAPS4, news, and live streams. Don't get me wrong way too much people spend time on the computer, and they should be out interacting with others but who are we to tell them what to do. When I grow up I want to be an author or a journalist and I know for a fact that both of those jobs involve lots of time on the computer, one @MONTH1 spend more time than the other, but you know exactly what @CAPS5 getting at. So what if some expert think people are spending too much time on the computer and not exercising, enjoying natures and interacting with family and friends. For all the expert knows that It's how must people make a living, and we don't know why people choose to use the computer for a great amount of time and to be honest it's none of my concern, and it shouldn't be the so-called experts concern. People interact a thousand times a day on the computers. Computers keep lots of kids of the streets instead of being out and causing trouble. Computers helps the @ORGANIZATION1 locate most wanted criminals. As you can see computers are more useful to society then you think, computers benefit society.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 I have found that many experts say that computers do not benifit our society. In some cases this is true but in most cases studdies show that computers can help people. While nothing beats talking in person computers can get really close such examples are webcams or e-mail. @PERCENT1 of students who get good grades refer to reliable websites for reasearch or to help find good books. Also online catalouges or advertisments help the economy of stores worldwide. @CAPS2 people were not allowed to use computers most of the modern would not exist. @PERSON1 said that the best form of modern communication is the computer because of the ability to write, talk, or write back for much cheaper! Almost every single event i go to is planed on a computer by communication such as e-mail "@CAPS2 a student ever needs homework because lam out sick or needs help studying for a test then contact their teacher through the best form of communication for them always e-mail. Even the post office uses computers to get letters and boxes to people. The president of the post office, @PERSON2 said "@CAPS3 would be imposible to get mail to our coustmers @CAPS2 @CAPS3 were not for computers telling us where a zip code is or how heavy a box is." @CAPS4 that tell people what is happening around the world would not exist @CAPS2 @CAPS3 were not for the moder communication abilities that computer provid us. Because information can be commucated so quick. so can reasearch. When the country of @LOCATION2 took a pole @PERCENT2 of people used computer for any type of reasearch, of those @PERCENT3 were students currently in school and @PERCENT4 of them have good grades. When the same survey was taken in the @LOCATION1 @PERCENT5 of people used computers fore reasons and @PERCENT2 were students who had good grade @CAPS2 @CAPS3 were not posible for me to access documents in the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 online I probably would not have gotten an A+ on my @CAPS7 assignment! Could you amagine @CAPS2 suddenly your Newspaper reporters couldn't use the internet to work on their reports? The articles would probably be @NUM1 after the events occur. Most buissness, including the Newspaper, use the internet to advertise, shop, or read. The association of @ORGANIZATION1 reported that in @PERCENT1 of @ORGANIZATION1 used a website and of them @PERCENT5 were in good positions. The president of @CAPS8 @NUM2 imports said that they use an online catalouge because @CAPS3 is cheaper, but they can also promote that @CAPS3 is to save trees, or for the castomer's convinence. Small @ORGANIZATION1 can make websites to promote them selves and explain their star to potential coustomers. @PERSON3, the owner of @ORGANIZATION2's said that the internet saved her resturant. @CAPS2 @CAPS3 wer not for the internet @NUM3 more people would be jobless in @LOCATION3. In conclusion computer help everyday people and without them most convinences would not exist. They help communicate around the world. Computers help people reaserch subjects for school reports, and they make the current economy get better everyday. In moderation computers are the most useful tool out there.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 I have found that many experts say that computers do not benefit our society. In some cases this is true but in most cases studies show that computers can help people. While nothing beats talking in person computers can get really close such examples are webcams or e-mail. @PERCENT1 of students who get good grades refer to reliable websites for research or to help find good books. Also, online catalogs or advertisements help the economy of stores worldwide. @CAPS2 people were not allowed to use computers most of the modern would not exist. @PERSON1 said that the best form of modern communication is the computer because of the ability to write, talk, or write back for much cheaper! Almost every single event I go to is planed on a computer by communication such as e-mail @CAPS2 a student ever needs homework because lam out sick or needs help studying for a test then contact their teacher through the best form of communication for them always e-mail. Even the post office uses computers to get letters and boxes to people. The president of the post office, @PERSON2 said "@CAPS3 would be impossible to get mail to our customers @CAPS2 @CAPS3 were not for computers telling us where a zip code is or how heavy a box is." @CAPS4 that tell people what is happening around the world would not exist @CAPS2 @CAPS3 were not for the modern communication abilities that computer provide us. Because information can be communicated so quick. So can research. When the country of @LOCATION2 took a pole @PERCENT2 of people used computer for any type of research, of those @PERCENT3 were students currently in school and @PERCENT4 of them have good grades. When the same survey was taken in the @LOCATION1 @PERCENT5 of people used computers fore reasons and @PERCENT2 were students who had good grade @CAPS2 @CAPS3 were not possible for me to access documents in the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 online I probably would not have gotten an A+ on my @CAPS7 assignment! Could you imagine @CAPS2 suddenly your Newspaper reporters couldn't use the internet to work on their reports? The articles would probably be @NUM1 after the events occur. Most business, including the Newspaper, use the internet to advertise, shop, or read. The association of @ORGANIZATION1 reported that in @PERCENT1 of @ORGANIZATION1 used a website and of them @PERCENT5 were in good positions. The president of @CAPS8 @NUM2 imports said that they use an online catalog because @CAPS3 is cheaper, but they can also promote that @CAPS3 is to save trees, or for the customer's continence. Small @ORGANIZATION1 can make websites to promote themselves and explain their star to potential customers. @PERSON3, the owner of @ORGANIZATION2's said that the internet saved her restaurant. @CAPS2 @CAPS3 we not for the internet @NUM3 more people would be jobless in @LOCATION3. In conclusion computer help everyday people and without them most convinces would not exist. They help communicate around the world. Computers help people research subjects for school reports, and they make the current economy get better every day. In moderation computers are the most useful tool out there.
Dear @LOCATION1, I know having computers has a positive effect on people. The computers connect families, contain information which is great for peoples education, and are very conveint. Computors are a step into the future and we should take advantage of it. First off the internet or e-mail will help family members connect. My family, which lives @NUM1 hours away by car, love to talk with me by e-mail. This helps me connect with my family and is just another reason why we should have computors. Another reason that includes family is when the family is just sitting around and are calling everywhere just to find a board game, it would just be easier to go online to find it. This way it would be quick and easy to find that one board game. The last reason why a computer would help a family is if a family wants to get in to any kinds of activities and they need the number they could just go online. On the internet the family could find the numbers, the and some information about it. This way more and more families can do activities together. As one can see the computer is bringing more and more families together. An other reason why the computers are good for society is educations. With information at the tip of your fingers more and more people will want to learn. Now a days people try to find the out, but will all the tools on the computers mae people get the education. Secondly computers are another way to go to collage. If you arn't up to going to school/collage because your sick. You wouldn't have to miss anything because with a click of a button you will have the materials needed for what was missed. Lastly everyone knows that in @LOCATION2 most classrooms can't afford one computer. The children want computors so hard. If they were to get one it would change so much. They would be able to learn so much more than before. The children could lean about different countries far away. As a result computers would improve the way we learn. The last reason why computers are so helpful is convience. Now a say the world is crazy, so if we don't have to go out or talk to someone we won't. The computer will offer the ability to confrence will other people so that there would be communication between work parttners. With the ability to talk with another for work would make us a lighter nation. This is only one of the many reasons computers are very conviente, subssiquently computers are conviente because you could book flights, vacations, rentals, and much more. With a click of a button you should be going to @CAPS1 or a nice vacation.
Dear @LOCATION1, I know having computers has a positive effect on people. The computers connect families, contain information which is great for peoples education, and are very convent. Computers are a step into the future, and we should take advantage of it. First off the internet or e-mail will help family members connect. My family, which lives @NUM1 hours away by car, love to talk with me by e-mail. This helps me connect with my family and is just another reason why we should have computers. Another reason that includes family is when the family is just sitting around and are calling everywhere just to find a board game, it would just be easier to go online to find it. This way it would be quick and easy to find that one board game. The last reason why a computer would help a family is if a family wants to get in to any kinds of activities, and they need the number they could just go online. On the internet the family could find the numbers, and some information about it. This way more and more families can do activities together. As one can see the computer is bringing more and more families together. Another reason why the computers are good for society is educations. With information at the tip of your fingers more and more people will want to learn. Nowadays people try to find the out, but will all the tools on the computers make people get the education. Secondly computers are another way to go to collage. If you aren't up to going to school/collage because you're sick. You wouldn't have to miss anything because with a click of a button you will have the materials needed for what was missed. Lastly everyone knows that in @LOCATION2 most classrooms can't afford one computer. The children want computers so hard. If they were to get one it would change so much. They would be able to learn so much more than before. The children could lean about different countries far away. As a result computers would improve the way we learn. The last reason why computers are so helpful is convince. Now a say the world is crazy, so if we don't have to go out or talk to someone we won't. The computer will offer the ability to conference will other people so that there would be communication between work partners. With the ability to talk with another for work would make us a lighter nation. This is only one of the many reasons computers are very convince, subsequently computers are convince because you could book flights, vacations, rentals, and much more. With a click of a button you should be going to @CAPS1 or a nice vacation.
Dear @LOCATION1, I think that computers have a negative affect on us! How many people have acess to a camputer daily in america.. @NUM1 and how many people go on at least an hour a @NUM2. That means that @NUM3 people cant exercise are wasting many are have the posibility of physical @CAPS1 that sound good to you? Think of everything you done when you write a letter. I got up and got all the materials and sit back down. After In done writing have to put all the materials away and then put the letter in the mailbox and walk all the way back. Well this is what I had to do. Now think how you write an email sitdown and move your fingers. Do you see the difference? @CAPS2 instead of getting a good walk to your friends house to talk to you just in him/er. Did you know that you can literally but from on your computer. Instead of around with this that can add anything you your computer gives away information they information lead to that and then everthing you have wouldbe gone. All this so you can go online. Believe it or not, you can phisically get hurt for being on the computer, to long. @NUM4 thing is that when you at a computer @CAPS2 what happened to my grandpa is that when you are in a wood chair all day you can get ardthritis in your muscle @CAPS3 thing th.
Dear @LOCATION1, I think that computers have a negative effect on us! How many people have access to a computer daily in America. @NUM1 and how many people go on at least an hour a @NUM2. That means that @NUM3 people can't exercise are wasting many are had the possibility of physical @CAPS1 that sound good to you? Think of everything you're done when you write a letter. I got up and got all the materials and sit back down. After In done writing have to put all the materials away and then put the letter in the mailbox and walk all the way back. Well this is what I had to do. Now think how you write an email sit down and move your fingers. Do you see the difference? @CAPS2 instead of getting a good walk to your friends house to talk to you just in him/er. Did you know that you can literally but from on your computer? Instead of around with this that can add anything computer gives away information they information lead to that and then everything you have would be gone. All this so you can go online. Believe it or not, you can physically get hurt for being on the computer, to long. @NUM4 thing is that when you at a computer @CAPS2 what happened to my grandpa is that when you are in a wood chair all day you can get arthritis in your muscle @CAPS3 thing the.
Did you know that more and more people these days are depending on computers for their safety, natural education, and their social life? In my opinion, the increasing use of computers is not benefiting society. Initially, ones safety while using a computer is at risk. To begin, when someone is talking to another on a computer, they @MONTH1 never know who is at the other end of it. For example, @CAPS1 a small girl was playing a game on the computer and a person began talking to her, it could be a predator. She will never know unless they meet us somewhere. At this point, it maybe too late. Moreover, studies show that @PERCENT1 of people's information is more widely exposed in the last @NUM1 years due to the new chat websites. Such as myspace and facebook. In these websites, people share their information. With this, their safety is at risk. Finally, people should stop using computers as much as they are now, in order to keep their safety safe. Furthermore, enjoying nature is a must, in our world full of immense landscapes, wide waters, dense forests, and lush valleys. @CAPS1 you depend on your computer to teach you about the world, you should cease this use. One must actually be outside, experiencing the feel, the smell, and even the taste of nature. A recent study shows that people who actually went to the grand canyon could write a @NUM1 page essay on what they had learned. The people who didn't go and simply read information off their computer, could not write this much. Finally, society needs to back away from their computers, and stop into. Thirdly, a person's social life could be ruined from the use of computers for many reasons. One reasons for this could be that a person spends all their time on their computer instead of spending time with their family and friends. Sure, you can chat with people online, but that's nothing like chatting in person. There is no need to talk to a friend or family member online, when you could do it in person. Finally, @CAPS1 someone takes an embarrasing picture of you and puts it on their computer, it is there forever. Thus, you can lose friends, whether you're the person in the picture or the addict who put the picture on. With this, you can easily ruin your family/social life by using your computer too often. How would you feel @CAPS1 it was your fault that someone's safety is at risk? Wouldn't you rather enjoy nature in person instead of which it on your computer and not get the fall effect? Couldn't you talk to your friends and family in person rather than ignore them to use your computer? There are numerous ways in which the increasing rate of computer use does not benefit society. I encourage you to agree with me that computers can put one safety at risk decrease their education of nature and ruin their social life.
Did you know that more and more people these days on computers for their safety, natural education, and their social life? In my opinion, the increasing use of computers is not benefiting society. Initially, one's safety while using a computer is at risk. To begin, when someone is talking to another on a computer, they @MONTH1 never know who is at the other end of it. For example, @CAPS1 a small girl was playing a game on the computer and a person began talking to her, it could be a predator. She will never know unless they meet us somewhere. At this point, it maybe too late. Moreover, studies show that @PERCENT1 of people's information is more widely exposed in the last @NUM1 years due to the new chat websites. Such as MySpace and Facebook. In these websites, people share their information. With this, their safety is at risk. Finally, people should stop using computers as much as they are now, in order to keep their safety safe. Furthermore, enjoying nature is a must, in our world full of immense landscapes, wide waters, dense forests, and lush valleys. @CAPS1 you depend on your computer to teach you about the world, you should cease this use. One must actually be outside, experiencing the feel, the smell, and even the taste of nature. A recent study shows that people who actually went to the Grand canyon could write a @NUM1 page essay on what they had learned. The people who didn't go and simply read information off their computer, could not write this much. Finally, society needs to back away from their computers, and stop into. Thirdly, a person's social life could be ruined from the use of computers for many reasons. One reasons for this could be that a person spends all their time on their computer instead of spending time with their family and friends. Sure, you can chat with people online, but that's nothing like chatting in person. There is no need to talk to a friend or family member online, when you could do it in person. Finally, @CAPS1 someone takes an embarrassing picture of you and puts it on their computer, it is there forever. Thus, you can lose friends, whether you're the person in the picture or the addict who put the picture on. With this, you can easily ruin your family/social life by using your computer too often. How would you feel @CAPS1 it was your fault that someone's safety is at risk? Wouldn't you rather enjoy nature in person instead of which it on your computer and not get the fall effect? Couldn't you talk to your friends and family in person rather than ignore them to use your computer? There are numerous ways in which the increasing rate of computer use does not benefit society. I encourage you to agree with me that computers can put one safety at risk decrease their education of nature and ruin their social life.
@PERCENT1 of people agree that computers make life less complicated. I also agree with this. Using computers teaches hand-eye coordination, gives people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and lets people talk online with other people. I think that these are all very important. Why wouldn't you want to have strong hand-eye coordination? I think this a very important skill. Computers help teach hand-eye coordination and they keep it strong. While you're looking at the screen your hand is moving the mouse where you want it to go. Good hand-eye coordination is used for a lot of things; mostly everything. If you play some sports like baseball, hand-eye is one of the most important elements. Why not make that stronger off of the feild? Also, hand-eye can be used to @ORGANIZATION1 while taking notes. Hand-eye is involved with almost everything you do. you can't have a poor hand-eye coordination or else you won't be able to function properly. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 doctors agree that hand-eye very important for healthy living. I love to travel, but I want to know about the place I'm going to before I get on the phone to go there." said @PERSON1, a science teacher at @ORGANIZATION1. He feels the way, I'm sure, a lot of people feel. They want to know about the place they are going to and they want it to be current. The computer has plenty information about a lot of different places in the world. Some books don't offer as much information or they need to be updated. Computers are also very good for learning about other cultures and traditions. No one wants to be ignorant right? People want to know what's going on in the world quick and easy. The computer does this. I remember when I was about @NUM2, our phone broke in our house. We couldn't go out and get one right away either. The only way we were able to communicate with our family and friends was by computer. The computer made it easier to e-mail everyone and tell them why we weren't answering our house phone. This happens more often than you think. People need to communicate through computer a lot. At work, if you need to talk to an employee or co-worker and you can't leave your desk, you can just e-mail the information to them. @NUM4 out of @NUM2 employees say that it is much faster and easier to e-mail information as opposed to talking them on the phone or in person. A lot of people agree that computer make life a lot easier. Computers teach hand-eye coordination and they let you communicate with other people. The most critical reason is that computers let people learn about faraway places and people. You can make a difference in the way people feel about computers. Write to your local newspaper. It's now or never!"
@PERCENT1 of people agree that computers make life less complicated. I also agree with this. Using computers teaches hand-eye coordination, gives people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and lets people talk online with other people. I think that these are all very important. Why wouldn't you want to have strong hand-eye coordination? I think this a very important skill. Computers help teach hand-eye coordination, and they keep it strong. While you're looking at the screen your hand is moving the mouse where you want it to go. Good hand-eye coordination is used for a lot of things; mostly everything. If you play some sports like baseball, hand-eye is one of the most important elements. Why not make that stronger off of the field? Also, hand-eye can be used to @ORGANIZATION1 while taking notes. Hand-eye is involved with almost everything you do. You can't have a poor hand-eye coordination or else you won't be able to function properly. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 doctors agree that hand-eye very important for healthy living. I love to travel, but I want to know about the place I'm going to before I get on the phone to go there." said @PERSON1, a science teacher at @ORGANIZATION1. He feels the way, I'm sure, a lot of people feel. They want to know about the place they are going to, and they want it to be current. The computer has plenty information about a lot of different places in the world. Some books don't offer as much information, or they need to be updated. Computers are also very good for learning about other cultures and traditions. No one wants to be ignorant right? People want to know what's going on in the world quick and easy. The computer does this. I remember when I was about @NUM2, our phone broke in our house. We couldn't go out and get one right away either. The only way we were able to communicate with our family and friends was by computer. The computer made it easier to e-mail everyone and tell them why we weren't answering our house phone. This happens more often than you think. People need to communicate through computer a lot. At work, if you need to talk to an employee or co-worker, and you can't leave your desk, you can just e-mail the information to them. @NUM4 out of @NUM2 employees say that it is much faster and easier to e-mail information as opposed to talking them on the phone or in person. A lot of people agree that computer make life a lot easier. Computers teach hand-eye coordination, and they let you communicate with other people. The most critical reason is that computers let people learn about faraway places and people. You can make a difference in the way people feel about computers. Write to your local newspaper. It's now or never!"
Dear reader, @ORGANIZATION1 has had a dramatic effect on human life. It has changed the way we do almost everything today. The most well know, is the computer. This device has allowed people do buy things online, talk to people online, and also provides entertainment for some people. All good qualities that make everyones lives easier. Imagine you look into your refrigerator and you notice it's almost empty. Someone is using the car and you need to go grocery shopping and the store is too far. What do you do? Well you could go on a computer and look for food online. Ther are many great deals and some companies even deliver for free! The amazing and easy way to buy food without leaving your house. But food isn't all you can purchase. Many products are sold through the computer. Need new toys for kids? Or how about a new hat for your friend? Maybe even more curtains for your room? Well at the easy access of internet on a computer, you can buy all those items and more. The computer has also the way of communication. Let's say someone wants to talk to a friend or relative that lives far away in another country. @CAPS1 someone dosen't own a phone or @CAPS1 they can't make the call, all these is to be in you on the computer. You can communicate with anyone just by using your email adress. Now friends and families can talk to each other over the ease of the computer. Just type to want to say and "boom," instant, on the chat. Let's face it. No matter what a child or even teenager . But now with a computer all that can change. With just one click you could actually be watching a movie from the comfort of your own home. But what @CAPS1 you don't want a movie? No entertainment like listing to musics, watching fun, and probable the most popular playing games. Everyone loves to play a game every once in a while, and with the selection of thousands of online games, these isn't or person who can't fled atleast our game enjoyable. There are even games for educational fun that many kids love. With all the entertainment a computer can produce; who could hate it? All in all the computer is a revolutinizing device that has changes the way we shop, communicate, and find exciting entertainment. To be able to do so much with just a couple clicks; new that I find extravagant. It blows my mind to see and think, "@CAPS1 we can do this now, I wonder what we can accomplish in the future.
Dear reader, @ORGANIZATION1 has had a dramatic effect on human life. It has changed the way we do almost everything today. The most well know, is the computer. This device has allowed people do buy things online, talk to people online, and also provides entertainment for some people. All good qualities that make everyone's lives easier. Imagine you look into your refrigerator and you notice it's almost empty. Someone is using the car, and you need to go grocery shopping and the store is too far. What do you do? Well you could go on a computer and look for food online. The rare many great deals and some companies even deliver for free! The amazing and easy way to buy food without leaving your house. But food isn't all you can purchase. Many products are sold through the computer. Need new toys for kids? Or how about a new hat for your friend? Maybe even more curtains for your room? Well at the easy access of internet on a computer, you can buy all those items and more. The computer has also the way of communication. Let's say someone wants to talk to a friend or relative that lives far away in another country. @CAPS1 someone doesn't own a phone or @CAPS1 they can't make the call, all this is to be in you on the computer. You can communicate with anyone just by using your email address. Now friends and families can talk to each other over the ease of the computer. Just type to want to say and "boom, instant, on the chat. Let's face it. No matter what a child or even teenager. But now with a computer all that can change. With just one click you could actually be watching a movie from the comfort of your own home. But what @CAPS1 you don't want a movie? No entertainment like listing to musics, watching fun, and probable the most popular playing games. Everyone loves to play a game every once in a while, and with the selection of thousands of online games, this isn't or person who can't flee at least our game enjoyable. There are even games for educational fun that many kids love. With all the entertainment a computer can produce; who could hate it? All in all the computer is a revolutionizing device that has changes the way we shop, communicate, and find exciting entertainment. To be able to do so much with just a couple clicks; new that I find extravagant. It blows my mind to see and think, "@CAPS1 we can do this now, I wonder what we can accomplish in the future.
In the @LOCATION1 we have the technology of a computer. Some say that the computers are good for the society. I disagree, I believe that it is bad for a few reasons. Some of the reasons are obesity, cramps, more sexual harrassment and even cyber bullying. First if people don't get off the computers and go out to exercise then it will cause obesity. Think of it this way, if you watch a kid that didn't have to go to school his entire life and he started off at @NUM1 pounds. The only thing the kid will want to do is play on the computer and he will gain weight. Next, tip-top-tip-top, that's all you hear when a kid is on the computer, @CAPS1 teens come home from school and go straight to the computer and don't get off about on a school night. These are the kids that are @CAPS1 likely to get bad cramps. they get the cramps form typing to fast, hard and too long. They also can get the cramps from just sitting down for to long then trying to get up but can't because it hurts to much to decide to move anywhere. There's also a lot more of sexual harassment that is going on some kids goin to a chat room to talk to their friends about some great news, but when they get out of the chat room they are all mad and pissed off. The reason is because someone was making fun of them and they didn't like it. This happens maybe close to @PERCENT1 of the time that teens and even parents go into chat rooms online. This is the third reason on why computers have an huge effect on people. The last reason that computers have a huge effect on people is because of cyberbullying. cyberbullying is when someone bullies you but just online instead. Have you realized that children became poor or sick because they dont want to be hurt or killed over something very stupid? Well, I have and it's not nice, and now the god thing is if a kid goes to school online he/she @MONTH1 get cyberbullied because he's not smart enough or if he/she don't have the money to go to school. The cyberbullying normally occures in a chat room online. There is where all of the family will either become broke with no money or food. They @MONTH1 even lose their kid or the house that they live in because someone wanted to act all big and bad to be popular in school. In conclusion, these are only a few ways that computers effects people. The obesity, cramps, sexual harrassment and cyberbullying are not a joke and it's not fun to get done to you. Now it's your turn to tell us what you think about the computers. Do you think computers are good and benefits society or is it bad a rot little kids brains to make their lives horrible for them to live with?
In the @LOCATION1 we have the technology of a computer. Some say that the computers are good for the society. I disagree, I believe that it is bad for a few reasons. Some of the reasons are obesity, cramps, more sexual harassment and even cyberbullying. First if people don't get off the computers and go out to exercise then it will cause obesity. Think of it this way, if you watch a kid that didn't have to go to school his entire life, and he started off at @NUM1 pounds. The only thing the kid will want to do is play on the computer, and he will gain weight. Next, tip-top-tip-top, that's all you hear when a kid is on the computer, @CAPS1 teens come home from school and go straight to the computer and don't get off about on a school night. These are the kids that are @CAPS1 likely to get bad cramps. They get the cramps form typing to fast, hard and too long. They also can get the cramps from just sitting down for to long then trying to get up but can't because it hurts too much to decide to move anywhere. There's also a lot more of sexual harassment that is going on some kids going to a chat room to talk to their friends about some great news, but when they get out of the chat room they are all mad and pissed off. The reason is that someone was making fun of them and they didn't like it. This happens maybe close to @PERCENT1 of the time that teens and even parents go into chat rooms online. This is the third reason on why computers have a huge effect on people. The last reason that computers have a huge effect on people is because of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is when someone bullies you but just online instead. Have you realized that children became poor or sick because they don't want to be hurt or killed over something very stupid? Well, I have, and it's not nice, and now the god thing is if a kid goes to school online he/ get cyberbullied because he's not smart enough or if he/she doesn't have the money to go to school. The cyberbullying normally occurs in a chat room online. There is where all the family will either become broke with no money or food. They @MONTH1 even lose their kid or the house that they live in because someone wanted to act all big and bad to be popular in school. In conclusion, these are only a few ways that computers effects people. The obesity, cramps, sexual harassment and cyberbullying are not a joke, and it's not fun to get done to you. Now it's your turn to tell us what you think about the computers. Do you think computers are good and benefits society or is it bad a rot little kids brains to make their lives horrible for them to live with?
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 people acknowledge the great advances that computers give us, but they also put us at @CAPS1 disadvantages. Computers have been known to help develop health issues. As people become more intune with the online world, they tend to interact with their family less. Don't forget the danger of online predators - they're deadly. @CAPS1 people who do nothing, but watch television are often refered to as cauch potatoes. Those who are glued to their computer screens are no better. It is stated by numerous of @LOCATION2's top doctors that too much time spent on the computer can cause damage to your health. Exercise is highly stressed by doctors around the globe and the only exercise a computer addict will be doing is typing up a storm. They can submerge themselves into obesity. This often causes depression as it begins to sink in. Addition itself is a serious health issue. I wouldn't be surprised if they add a computer wing to rehab centers sometime in the near future. These problems are slowly spreading and we must come together to abolish them! Family time is an treasured value, to the @CAPS2 people, but lately, computers are ruining this tradition. With so @CAPS1 people absorbed with online drama, friends, and even video games, family interaction is declining. People slowly remove themselves from reality and enter an alternate world of cyberspace. They @MONTH1 only emerge from their rooms to use the bathroom and eat, scarcely resting. This can cause great tension or sorrow in @CAPS1 families. Who can erase the horrifying stories of abduction from their memories? Online predators are highly dangerous and extremely clever. Your children could be talking to someone they believe is another teenager looking for a friend to console in when, really, they are a forty-year-old serial killer waiting to find the right time to attack. Studies show that one fourth of online users have had an encounter with a dangerous person.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 people acknowledge the great advances that computers give us, but they also put us at @CAPS1 disadvantages. Computers have been known to help develop health issues. As people become more Intune with the online world, they tend to interact with their family less. Don't forget the danger of online predators - they're deadly. @CAPS1 people who do nothing, but watch television are often referred to as catch potatoes. Those who are glued to their computer screens are no better. It is stated by numerous of @LOCATION2's top doctors that too much time spent on the computer can cause damage to your health. Exercise is highly stressed by doctors around the globe and the only exercise a computer addict will be doing is typing up a storm. They can submerge themselves into obesity. This often causes depression as it begins to sink in. Addition itself is a serious health issue. I wouldn't be surprised if they add a computer wing to rehab centers sometime in the near future. These problems are slowly spreading, and we must come together to abolish them! Family time is a treasured value, to the @CAPS2 people, but lately, computers are ruining this tradition. With so @CAPS1 people absorbed with online drama, friends, and even video games, family interaction is declining. People slowly remove themselves from reality and enter an alternate world of cyberspace. They @MONTH1 only emerge from their rooms to use the bathroom and eat, scarcely resting. This can cause great tension or sorrow in @CAPS1 families. Who can erase the horrifying stories of abduction from their memories? Online predators are highly dangerous and extremely clever. Your children could be talking to someone they believe is another teenager looking for a friend to console in when, really, they are a forty-year-old serial killer waiting to find the right time to attack. Studies show that one fourth of online users have had an encounter with a dangerous person.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I feel that computers do take away from peoples life and aren’t as important than the other factors of life. First of all you know that the world is becoming obease because of lack of exercise. Also people don't realize that @CAPS3 warming is becomeing a big problum. Finally familys arn't as close as they used to be. these are all the reasons why computers arn't important to human socioty. First of the world is becomeing obease and cumputers play a huge part in this. Computers don't make people exercise they basicly just sit down on there couch and use the computer this won't help amarica get back into shape. Also computers become a habbit if a person uses a computer everyday of there life it will become an addiction then they won't be able to stop. Finally when people use the computer they don't realize the lack exersise there getting. This is the first reason why computeres are a bad thing. Next @CAPS3 warming is mealting the polar ice caps. Computers play a part in @CAPS3 warming because they use electricty and thjen the electrisity melts the polar ice caps. If this keeps happining then they will all melt and we will not have a shorline and half of the world will be fluded. Finally computers play a huge part in @CAPS3 warming because of the fact that they are so popular. This is another reason why computers are bad. Finally the last reason why computers are bad is because they take away from your family life. For instance there are more and more familys splitting up now and sientest sat that @PERCENT1 of the time it's because of technolagy. When on peroson is on the computer the other people feel that they love the computer more than they love themselfs. Then they split up for good. This is the last reason why I feel computers are bad. In conclution you can see that computeres are a bad thing. First of all you can see that amarica is becomeing obease because of the computers. Also computers are causeing @CAPS3 warming and are eventually goung to flood the earth. And last but not least computers take away from peoples family life and cause them to split up and become unhappy. These are all the reasons why computers are bad.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I feel that computers do take away from peoples life and art as important as the other factors of life. First you know that the world is becoming obese because of lack of exercise. Also people don't realize that @CAPS3 warming is becoming a big problem. Finally, families aren't as close as they used to be. These are all the reasons why computers aren't important to human society. First of the world is becoming obese and computers play a huge part in this. Computers don't make people exercise they basically just sit down on there couch and use the computer this won't help America get back into shape. Also, computers become a habit if a person uses a computer every day of there life it will become an addiction then they won't be able to stop. Finally, when people use the computer they don't realize the lack exercise there getting. This is the first reason why computers are a bad thing. Next @CAPS3 warming is melting the polar ice caps. Computers play a part in @CAPS3 warming because they use electricity and then the electricity melts the polar ice caps. If this keeps happening then they will all melt, and we will not have a shoreline and half of the world will be feuded. Finally, computers play a huge part in @CAPS3 warming because they are so popular. This is another reason why computers are bad. Finally, the last reason why computers are bad is that they take away from your family life. For instance there are more and more families splitting up now and silentest sat that @PERCENT1 of the time it's because of technology. When on person is on the computer the other people feel that they love the computer more than they love themself. Then they split up for good. This is the last reason why I feel computers are bad. In conclusion you can see that computers are a bad thing. First you can see that America is becoming obese because of the computers. Also, computers are causing @CAPS3 warming and are eventually going to flood the earth. And last but not the least computers take away from peoples family life and cause them to split up and become unhappy. These are all the reasons why computers are bad.
Dear local newspaper I raed ur argument on the computers and I think they are a positive effect on people. The first reson I think they are a good effect is because you can do so much with them like if you live in mane and ur cuzin lives in califan you and him could have a wed chat. The second thing you could do is look up news any were in the world you could be stuck on a plane and it would be vary boring when you can take but ur computer and go on ur computer at work and start doing work. When you said it takes away from exirsis well some people use the computer for that too to chart how fast they run or how meny miles they want and sometimes what they eat. The thrid reson is some peolpe jobs are on the computers or making computers for exmple when you made this artical you didnt use a type writer you used a computer and printed it out if we didnt have computers it would make ur @CAPS1 a lot harder. Thank you for reading and whe you are thinking adout it agen pleas consiter my thrie resons.
Dear local newspaper I red your argument on the computers and I think they are a positive effect on people. The first reason I think they are a good effect is because you can do so much with them like if you live in mane and your cumin lives in Caliban you and him could have a wed chat. The second thing you could do is look up news any were in the world you could be stuck on a plane, and it would be varied boring when you can take but your computer and go on your computer at work and start doing work. When you said it takes away from exists well some people use the computer for that too to chart how fast they run or how many miles they want and sometimes what they eat. The third reason is some people jobs are on the computers or making computers for example when you made this article you didn't use a typewriter you used a computer and printed it out if we didn't have computers it would make your @CAPS1 a lot harder. Thank you for reading and the you are thinking about it age pleas consider my three reasons.
My three detaileds for this news paper article is one state you opinion about the effects of computers. Seconde give detailed resons that will persuade of the local newspaper to agree with yor postition. This are my three ideas to the news paper article. To bigin my opinion about the computer effects are wast time. Many people wast time computers like fat people insted by insted by in the computer go and run or exercising. Insted be computer go out ur girlfriend or family or family or friends to have fun. So be incomputer to long is bad many kids wach bad stuff like for adults. Is good to be in computer but not to long. To start you shod agree with me becasue my detailed and my reason. My resons are many airs the bas stuff like porn. Many kids wach that it ruins ther mainly and the futur. They get addicted to that watching. So people that use computer for good stuff its old for mids for good ganes of good. This are my detailed and resons for yor with me. To bigin and going to organize my ideas and well and present them clearly. It good to be at the computer but not the long insted go out plat and exersus. abd yor can enjoy life insted be in computer. The bad things many kids wach bad stuff and cmputer has relly bad staff. The computer is use for evrye thing this days. This how organize my ideas. In conclusion this are my ideas for the news papaer. Ols I state my opinion on computer effects. I give detailed and resons that will persuade local news paper and to agree with me. Think I organize my ideas as much present them clearly. This are my ideas so could new papaer to se computers effects.
My three detailed for this newspaper article is one state you opinion about the effects of computers. Second give detailed reasons that will persuade of the local newspaper to agree with for position. These is my three ideas to the newspaper article. To begin my opinion about the computer effects are was time. Many people was time computers like fat people insted by in the computer go and run or exercising. Instead be computer go out your girlfriend or family or friends to have fun. So be in computer to long is bad many kids each bad stuff like for adults. Is good to be in computer but not to long. To start you shod agree with me because my detailed and my reason. My reasons are many airs the bass tuff like porn. Many kids each that it ruins the mainly and the future. They get addicted to that watching. So people that use computer for good stuff its old for mid for good games of good. These is my detailed and reasons for for with me. To begin and going to organize my ideas and well and present them clearly. It is good to be at the computer but not the long instead go out plat and versus. Abd for can enjoy life instead be in computer. The bad things many kids each bad stuff and computer has really bad staff. The computer is use for very thing this day's. This how organize my ideas. In conclusion these are my ideas for the news paper. Old I state my opinion on computer effects. I give detailed and reasons that will persuade local newspaper and to agree with me. Think I organize my ideas as much present them clearly. These is my ideas so could new paper to see computers effects.
Dear, In this world today we should have everyone useing computers. Computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and even allow people to talk online with other people. Today computers are like the worlds biggest book of knowledge. everything you need to know is in a computer. You can look up faraway places, and zap theres everything you need to know write in front of you. Computers are fast and easy, everyone can use them. Today kids are so addicted to computers everyday they are on them. There are so many websites that kids and teens go on, like @CAPS1, and facebook ect. on these websites kids as young as ten years old are chatting with friends and putting up pictures. Thers is also webchat websites that allow you to use a webcame and talk to people anywhere in the world. Computers are a great way to get in touch with people. Everyone should have a computer in there home today.
Dear, In this world today we should have everyone using computers. Computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and even allow people to talk online with other people. Today computers are like the world's biggest book of knowledge. Everything you need to know is in a computer. You can look up faraway places, and zap there's everything you need to know write in front of you. Computers are fast and easy, everyone can use them. Today kids are so addicted to computers everyday they are on them. There are so many websites that kids and teens go on, like @CAPS1, and Facebook etc. On these websites kids as young as ten years old are chatting with friends and putting up pictures. There is also web chat websites that allow you to use a webcam and talk to people anywhere in the world. Computers are a great way to get in touch with people. Everyone should have a computer in there home today.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, The computer blinked to life and an image of a blonde haired girl filled the screen. It was easy to find out how life was in @LOCATION2, thanks to the actual @CAPS1 girl explaining it. Going to the library wouldn't have filled one with this priceless information and human interection. Computers are a nessessity of life if soceity wishes to grow and expand. They should be supported because they teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and allow people to talk to others online. Firstly, computers help teach hand eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is a useful ability that is usod to excel in sports. In a recent survey, @PERCENT1 of kids felt their hand eye coordination improves after computer use. Even a simple thing like tying can build up this skill. Famous neurologist @CAPS2 @PERSON1 stated in an article last week that, "@CAPS3 and computer strength the @CAPS2. When on the computer, you automatically process what the eyes see into a command for your hands." @CAPS4 hand eye coordination can improve people in sports such as baseball and basketball. If someone wan't to become better in these sports, all they'd need to do was turn on the computer. Once people become better at sports, they're more likely to play them and become more healthy. In reality, computers can help with exercising instead of decreasing it. Additionaly, computers allow people to access information about faraway places and people. If someone wanted to reasearch @LOCATION1, all they'd need to do was type in a search would be presented to them in it would link forever to search through countless things. Also, having the ability to learn about cultures can make peole peole and their cultures, they understand others something. Increase tolerance people are. Computers are a resourceful tool that they can help people in every different aspect of life. Lastly, computer and in technology can allow people to chat. Computer chat and video chat can help the all different nations. Bring on good terms places other than can help us understand story comes out about something that happend in @LOCATION3, people can just go on their computer and ask an actual @LOCATION3 citizen their take on the matter. Also, video chat and online conversation can cut down on expensive phone bills. No one wants to pay more than they have to in this economy. Another good point is that you can acess family members you scaresly visit. It can help you connect within your own family more. Oviously, computers are a useful aid in todays era. their advancements push the world foreward to a better place. Computers can help people because they help teach handeye coordination, give people the bility to learn about faraway places and people, and allow people to talk online with others. Think of a world with no computers or technologicall advancements. The world would be sectored and unified, contact between people scare, and information even. The internet is like thousands or librarys put together. Nobody would know much about other nations and news would travel slower. Is that the kind of palce you want people to live in?
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, The computer blinked to life and an image of a blonde haired girl filled the screen. It was easy to find out how life was in @LOCATION2, thanks to the actual @CAPS1 girl explaining it. Going to the library wouldn't have filled one with this priceless information and human intersection. Computers are a necessity of life if society wishes to grow and expand. They should be supported because they teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and allow people to talk to others online. Firstly, computers help teach hand eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is a useful ability that is used to excel in sports. In a recent survey, @PERCENT1 of kids felt their hand eye coordination improves after computer use. Even a simple thing like tying can build up this skill. Famous neurologist @CAPS2 @PERSON1 stated in an article last week that, "@CAPS3 and computer strength the @CAPS2. When on the computer, you automatically process what the eyes see into a command for your hands." @CAPS4 hand eye coordination can improve people in sports such as baseball and basketball. If someone want to become better in these sports, all they'd need to do was turn on the computer. Once people become better at sports, they're more likely to play them and become more healthy. In reality, computers can help with exercising instead of decreasing it. Additional, computers allow people to access information about faraway places and people. If someone wanted to research @LOCATION1, all they'd need to do was type in a search would be presented to them in it would link forever to search through countless things. Also, having the ability to learn about cultures can make peole and their cultures, they understand others something. Increase tolerance people are. Computers are a resourceful tool that they can help people in every different aspect of life. Lastly, computer and in technology can allow people to chat. Computer chat and video chat can help the all different nations. Bring on good terms places other than can help us understand story comes out about something that happened in @LOCATION3, people can just go on their computer and ask an actual @LOCATION3 citizen their take on the matter. Also, video chat and online conversation can cut down on expensive phone bills. No one wants to pay more than they have to in this economy. Another good point is that you can access family members you scarily visit. It can help you connect within your own family more. Obviously, computers are a useful aid in today's era. Their advancements push the world forward to a better place. Computers can help people because they help teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and allow people to talk online with others. Think of a world with no computers or technological advancements. The world would be vectored and unified, contact between people scare, and information even. The internet is like thousands or libraries put together. Nobody would know much about other nations and news would travel slower. Is that the kind of place you want people to live in?
Dear Local Newspaper, I belive that computers have a negative effect on peoples lives. I belive this because who spend to much time on the computer don't get out as much as they should, don't spend enough time with their family, and the computer can't do everything. My first reason is I belive that people need to get out more. When they don't get out, they don't exersise and that is very unhealthy. Instead of watching the games or the scores they should get out and play the game. I also belive that they should enjoy nature because I feel like they are wasting the beauty of nature all around them. We wouldn't want to waste our abilities and privalges would we? Another reason is that they do not spend enough time with family. If you have family near you, then you should take advantage of that and interact with one another. You can have fun with your family by playing games. You can also have fun by just hanging out, which boost your social skills and the computer can't always do that, which brings me to my next point. The computer can't do everything, so take advantage of what you have now. Some computer time is fine, but it can be very dangerous by getting addictted to it. The computer @MONTH1 have lots of information, but there is nothing that you can't find in a book. Your computer can't love your dog, so there is a reason why we should get off the computer. There are pleanty of other things that you can do that you can't do on the computer, including sports, taking care of family, and any of your hobbys. Remember that the computer @MONTH1 be great from time to time, but it can not live your life for you. That is why I belive that we should spend less time on the computer, and more time getting out, and having fun with family, and that the the computer can't do everything.
Dear Local Newspaper, I believe that computers have a negative effect on peoples lives. I believe this because who spend too much time on the computer don't get out as much as they should, don't spend enough time with their family, and the computer can't do everything. My first reason is I believe that people need to get out more. When they don't get out, they don't exercise and that is very unhealthy. Instead of watching the games or the scores they should get out and play the game. I also believe that they should enjoy nature because I feel like they are wasting the beauty of nature all around them. We wouldn't want to waste our abilities and privileges would we? Another reason is that they do not spend enough time with family. If you have family near you, then you should take advantage of that and interact with one another. You can have fun with your family by playing games. You can also have fun by just hanging out, which boost your social skills and the computer can't always do that, which brings me to my next point. The computer can't do everything, so take advantage of what you have now. Some computer time is fine, but it can be very dangerous by getting addicted to it. The computer @MONTH1 have lots of information, but there is nothing that you can't find in a book. Your computer can't love your dog, so there is a reason why we should get off the computer. There are plenty of other things that you can do that you can't do on the computer, including sports, taking care of family, and any of your hobbies. Remember that the computer @MONTH1 be great from time to time, but it can not live your life for you. That is why I believe that we should spend less time on the computer, and more time getting out, and having fun with family, and that the computer can't do everything.
Dear Local Newspaper, I must admit that the experts are centainly right cause I know people that stay on the computer all day and that’s really not good if you ask me. Instead of being on computers learning about faraway places, and talking to other people, you should go exercising, you should relax, and you should interact with family and friends. Exercising is much more better than being on a computer, and I say that to say this. When your on a computer just sitting there playing online games and checking other things out, or whatever the case @MONTH1 be, you get board, and hungry, and I know theres some snacks around you while your doing whatever your doing. Instead of being on a computer for @NUM1 or @NUM2 hours or maybe even all day getting fat. There are many ways you can exercise. You can take walks, you can go joggin, you could play a sport, I mean there are a lot of things you can do when your not on a computer. I know some people that could be workin all day and still come home to there computer. Rest is good also. You don't always have to jump on your computer, you could just relax watch a movie, eat some pop corn and just enjoy yourself, you could even take a nap for a little while or something but you don't always have to get straight on your computer if you really don't have to use it. The way I see it is family, and computers are always going to be there but at the same time which one is more important. Friends aren't always dependable so you really don't need them around only a selected few, but thats not the point. Both family, and your true friends have feelings, and if your not spending time with them over a computer that your gonna have when you leave, and come back home too something isn't right. Tomorrow isn't promised, we live for today. So enjoy life while you got the chance, and spend time doing something active, with family and friends, and if your really into computers, try to balance your time out.
Dear Local Newspaper, I must admit that the experts are certainly right because I know people that stay on the computer all day and that really not good if you ask me. Instead of being on computers learning about faraway places, and talking to other people, you should go exercising, you should relax, and you should interact with family and friends. Exercising is much better than being on a computer, and I say that to say this. When you're on a computer just sitting there playing online games and checking other things out, or whatever the case @MONTH1 be, you get board, and hungry, and I know there's some snacks around you while your doing whatever your doing. Instead of being on a computer for @NUM1 or @NUM2 hours or maybe even all day getting fat. There are many ways you can exercise. You can take walks, you can go jogging, you could play a sport, I mean there are a lot of things you can do when your not on a computer. I know some people that could be working all day and still come home to their computer. Rest is good also. You don't always have to jump on your computer, you could just relax watch a movie, eat some pop corn and just enjoy yourself, you could even take a nap for a little while or something, but you don't always have to get straight on your computer if you really don't have to use it. The way I see it is family, and computers are always going to be there but at the same time which one is more important. Friends aren't always dependable, so you really don't need them around only a selected few, but that's not the point. Both family, and your true friends have feelings, and if you're not spending time with them over a computer that you're going to have when you leave, and come back home too something isn't right. Tomorrow isn't promised, we live for today. So enjoy life while you got the chance, and spend time doing something active, with family and friends, and if your really into computers, try to balance your time-out.
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Well computers can be a good or a bad thing. I don'@CAPS1 realy see @CAPS2 computers can be a bad thing for me. I also know @CAPS2 computers can or will help people all around the world. I think computers has positive effects on people like me. Computers teaches hand-eye coordination. It can help if you need to find out reasearch for a school project. You can create lots of things on computers like music, desiner @CAPS1-shirts, logos, banners and lots of other creative things. With computer you can look up available homes and apartments. You can even go online and fill out a job application and save trips to stores @CAPS2 cool is that!! Well im a regular person not rich not famous but computers provide lot of information people use today. Thats why I think that computers has a positive effects on people and you don'@CAPS1 have to be super smart to use one.
Well computers can be a good or a bad thing. I don't@CAPS1 real see @CAPS2 computers can be a bad thing for me. I also know @CAPS2 computers can or will help people all around the world. Furthermore, I think computers has positive effects on people like me. Computers teaches hand-eye coordination. It can help if you need to find out research for a school project. You can create lots of things on computers like music, designer @CAPS1-shirts, logos, banners and lots of other creative things. With computer, you can look up available homes and apartments. You can even go online and fill out a job application and save trips to stores @CAPS2 cool is that!! Well I'm a regular person not rich not famous but computers provide a lot of information people use today. That's why I think that computers has a positive effects on people, and you don't@CAPS1 have to be super smart to use one.
Dear @CAPS1 of the @CAPS2 @CAPS3 daily, I am writing you to address the issue of computers in our society today. Each day new discoverys are made from the people that use computers in our society, however many people say that computers are harmful to are communtiy. Today I am going to convince you and society that computers are not as much as on issue as some people say they are. To begin with discoverys in our nation have been advancing rapidly. Each day new discoverys are benefiting our society however they are only being made possible by the help of computers. Without computers some for dieseases would have never been discovered and more people. Would have died. Secondly, computers have also increased medical care and have been the cave between life or death. Finnaly, computers help speed up production rates of cars household neccessitys, and many more objects. Have you ever been bored at home and looking for something to do on that dark, rainy, chilly night? Yes, exactly what I thought well the new technology advances in social-networking can even help the most bored and lonelyest people and give them something to do. Even if your just looking to talk to someone you can easily do that on the internet. So you people out there looking for that special someone will always be able to look somewhere. With all the social networks like twitter, myspace, facebook, and youtube you will always have something to do. During this economic recestion it seems that finding a job is so hard, however the internet comes to the rescue yet again. The internet can help you find a job twice if not three times as fast. Many people also speed up their word by using the computer. With microsoft things are lot easier to do work that you need to make up I hope that everyone can understand how much the computer help you, rather then hurt you. @CAPS1 of the newspaper, I hope you and the rest of the community can see that computer help you more that they hurt you. Thank you very much for your time and effort that you put in to listen to me.
Dear @CAPS1 of the @CAPS2 @CAPS3 daily, I am writing you to address the issue of computers in our society today. Each day new discoveries are made from the people that use computers in our society, however many people say that computers are harmful to are community. Today I am going to convince you and society that computers are not as much as on issue as some people say they are. To begin with discoveries in our nation have been advancing rapidly. Each day new discoveries are benefiting our society however they are only being made possible by the help of computers. Without computers some for diseases would have never been discovered and more people. Would have died. Secondly, computers have also increased medical care and have been the cave between life or death. Final, computers help speed up production rates of cars household necessity, and many more objects. Have you ever been bored at home and looking for something to do on that dark, rainy, chilly night? Yes, exactly what I thought well the new technology advances in social-networking can even help the most bored and loneliest people and give them something to do. Even if you're just looking to talk to someone you can easily do that on the internet. So you people out there looking for that special someone will always be able to look somewhere. With all the social networks like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube you will always have something to do. During this economic reception it seems that finding a job is so hard, however the internet comes to the rescue yet again. The internet can help you find a job twice if not three times as fast. Many people also speed up their word by using the computer. With Microsoft things are lot easier to do work that you need to make up I hope that everyone can understand how much the computer help you, rather than hurt you. @CAPS1 of the newspaper, I hope you and the rest of the community can see that computer help you more that they hurt you. Thank you very much for your time and effort that you put in to listen to me.
Dear local Newspaper @CAPS1 a take all your computer and given to the people around the world for the can stay in their houses chating with their family and friend. Computers help people around the world to connect with other people computer help kids do their homework and look up staff that happen around the world.
Dear local Newspaper @CAPS1 a take all your computer and given to the people around the world for the can stay in their houses charting with their family and friend. Computers help people around the world to connect with other people computer help kids do their homework and look up staff that happen around the world.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you ever see a child on the computer for hours and nothing could get them off? Well I believe that this is very harmful for the child since it doesn't allow them to exersice, interact face to face with people or use their minds to the best of their @NUM1. The more and more we advance in society we get laziar and forget to about these essential things. I think taking a step back from using computers could benefit society more than using them. Obesity in the @LOCATION2 is at its highest @PERCENT1 of kids in the @LOCATION3 agree that they only exersice once a week and would rather spend time on the computer. Think of this, @PERCENT1 of kids. Thats more than @NUM2 of @CAPS2 children. I took the and compared it in @CAPS3 children who don't the benefit of this technology. I learned that @PERCENT1 of children there exersice only once a week. That's for less what these computers are doing to @LOCATION3 @PERCENT2 of children are overweight and @PERCENT3 of them develope heart of blood problems as adults. I by exercise in to go and play with friends or bike, or go for a jog. It doesn't sound hard does it? If we make a to spend this than on computers I think we can reduce this obesity amount and I believe @CAPS2 ran as on overall country. On the computer we have popular websites like @CAPS5, @CAPS6, and @CAPS7. More websites allow you interact with people over the island. This could be in more ways than one. These computer websites are allowing anyone to talk in people who could have the interest in mind. More than @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people in my school say they have one of these accounts and have personal posted on them. With this personal info, could and with these websites the crime rate has gone up @PERCENT4. Also, these websites cause people to their social skills. People spend hours on these websites talking to people and forget how to talk face to face. @PERCENT2 of @LOCATION1 students say they would say something online that they wouldn't say to someone's face. This creates more problems in schools and could possibly make someone hurt someone else or themselves. I've heard all over the news about suicides and because of computers and I believe with less of them people would spend more time with their family and or nation would be closer and safer. Computers dont allow you to explore nature and use your mind to the best of its ability. Computers make it easy and I myself, think it makes me laziar because it allow me to read a book there or read about other people, instead of going to a library and getting a book. Computers take away time to actually use your mind and problem solve in real life solution. There's years and I've learned I can be on the computer for hours playing them and not realize it at all. Without them, would make a difference. Kids are living through computers and we can change them.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you ever see a child on the computer for hours and nothing could get them off? Well I believe that this is very harmful for the child since it doesn't allow them to exercise, interact face to face with people or use their minds to the best of their @NUM1. The more and more we advance in society we get lazier and forget to about these essential things. I think taking a step back from using computers could benefit society more than using them. Obesity in the @LOCATION2 is at its highest @PERCENT1 of kids in the @LOCATION3 agree that they only exercise once a week and would rather spend time on the computer. Think of this, @PERCENT1 of kids. That's more than @NUM2 of @CAPS2 children. I took and compared it in @CAPS3 children who don't the benefit of this technology. I learned that @PERCENT1 of children there exercise only once a week. That's for less what these computers are doing to @LOCATION3 @PERCENT2 of children are overweight and @PERCENT3 of them developed heart of blood problems as adults. I by exercise in to go and play with friends or bike, or go for a jog. It doesn't sound hard, does it? If we make spend this than on computers I think we can reduce this obesity amount and I believe @CAPS2 ran as on overall country. On the computer we have popular websites like @CAPS5, @CAPS6, and @CAPS7. More websites allow you to interact with people over the island. This could be in more ways than one. These computer websites are allowing anyone to talk in people who could have the interest in mind. More than @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people in my school say they have one of these accounts and have personally posted on them. With this personal info, could and with these websites the crime rate has gone up @PERCENT4. Also, these websites cause people to their social skills. People spend hours on these websites talking to people and forget how to talk face to face. @PERCENT2 of @LOCATION1 students say they would say something online that they wouldn't say to someone's face. This creates more problems in schools and could possibly make someone hurt someone else or themselves. I've heard all over the news about suicides and because of computers and I believe with less of them people would spend more time with their family and or nation would be closer and safer. Computers don't allow you to explore nature and use your mind to the best of its ability. Computers make it easy and I myself, think it makes me lazier because it allows me to read a book there or read about other people, instead of going to a library and getting a book. take away time to actually use your mind and problem solve in real life solution. There are years, and I've learned I can be on the computer for hours playing them and not realize it at all. Without them, would make a difference. Kids are living through computers and we can change them.
Dear local newspaper, I've heard that not many people think computers benefit society. I disagree with that. Computers benefit society by teaching hand-eye coordination, allowing people to learn about foregin places, and allow people to communicate with others online. Some people were basically born with hand-eye coordination, but most people weren't, like me, for example. But, thanks to computers, my hand-eye coordination has gone up! "On average, computers can increase a persons hand-eye coordination by up to @PERCENT1 says @PERSON2. Think of it, just by learning to tye, your hand-eye coordination can go up @PERCENT1.! That's amazing! Having good hand-eye coordination will get you far in life, and helps with small, everyday things such as playing an instrument, or doing household chores. It also helps in sports. You need good hand-eye coordination to throw, catch, and aim. If more people spend more time on the computer, then the population's hand-eye coordination would increase, and who wouldn't want thats. Have you ever heard of @LOCATION1? It is a country in @LOCATION2 that no one really knows much about. By looking it up on the computer, you can become an expert on the country! The computer gives us access to a lot of knowledge, and will make us more of people around the world. This can improve our travel. Instead of going to the same place every vacation, you can go to a place you saw online that looks just as exciting. Also, by learning about other countries and the people in them, we gain respect for them. We @MONTH1 also learn about their traditions, and culture. "The internet gives us access to the world," says @PERSON1, "we can learn so many new things that will make us more of people, countries, and the environment." @CAPS1 is right, we can also be aware of the environment. Since global warming is a problem, we can learn how o preserve foreign places by learning about them on the internet. With a click of a mouse you can virtually have the whose world at your fingertips! In a recent study @PERCENT2 of people said they don't have time to meet with old friends. The internet, however has made it quick and easy to talk to people online. Websites like @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4 can keep your social life in tact, and can even reunite yu with old friends. For example, @CAPS2 suggest family. You can keep in touch wih many people trough @CAPS2! Also, you can make new friends. Most teens say they are always willing to meet new people, and the internet is a great way to do so! Sites like @CAPS7, and @CAPS8 can can help you find friends by connecting you in a chat room to a random person, just to talk. I once talked with someone on @CAPS7 for over an hour! We found that we both have @CAPS4 accounts and keep in touch there! This also helps you gain confidence because you @MONTH1 have the courage to say something over the computer that you would't say real life. The computer can really amp up your social life. As you can see. computers don't just "your barain," they imprdove hand-eye coordination, help you learn about far away places, and improve your social life by allowing you to talk to others. Computers benefit the society more than anymore will ever know!
Dear local newspaper, I've heard that not many people think computers benefit society. I disagree with that. Computers benefit society by teaching hand-eye coordination, allowing people to learn about foreign places, and allow people to communicate with others online. Some people were basically born with hand-eye coordination, but most people weren't, like me, for example. But, thanks to computers, my hand-eye coordination has gone up! "On average, computers can increase a persons hand-eye coordination by up to @PERCENT1 says @PERSON2. Think of it, just by learning to the, your hand-eye coordination can go up @PERCENT1.! That's amazing! Having good hand-eye coordination will get you far in life, and helps with small, everyday things such as playing an instrument, or doing household chores. It also helps in sports. You need good hand-eye coordination to throw, catch, and aim. If more people spend more time on the computer, then the population's hand-eye coordination would increase, and who wouldn't want that's. Have you ever heard of @LOCATION1? It is a country in @LOCATION2 that no one really knows much about. By looking it up on the computer, you can become an expert on the country! The computer gives us access to a lot of knowledge, and will make us more of people around the world. This can improve our travel. Instead of going to the same place every vacation, you can go to a place you saw online that looks just as exciting. Also, by learning about other countries and the people in them, we gain respect for them. We @MONTH1 also learn about their traditions, and culture. "The internet gives us access to the world, says @PERSON1, "we can learn so many new things that will make us more of people, countries, and the environment." @CAPS1 is right, we can also be aware of the environment. Since global warming is a problem, we can learn how o preserve foreign places by learning about them on the internet. With a click of a mouse you can virtually have the whose world at your fingertips! In a recent study @PERCENT2 of people said they don't have time to meet with old friends. The internet, however has made it quick and easy to talk to people online. Websites like @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4 can keep your social life intact, and can even reunite you with old friends. For example, @CAPS2 suggest family. You can keep in touch with many people trough @CAPS2! Also, you can make new friends. Most teens say they are always willing to meet new people, and the internet is a great way to do so! Sites like @CAPS7, and @CAPS8 can can help you find friends by connecting you in a chat room to a random person, just to talk. I once talked with someone on @CAPS7 for over an hour! We found that we both have @CAPS4 accounts and keep in touch there! This also helps you gain confidence because you @MONTH1 has the courage to say something over the computer that you wouldn't say real life. The computer can really amp up your social life. As you can see. Computers don't just "your brain," they improve hand-eye coordination, help you learn about far away places, and improve your social life by allowing you to talk to others. Computers benefit the society more than anymore will ever know!
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 off, I beileve that computers are very helpfull to many people by looking up information, or talking to friends. Although many kids should be spending their time outside, the computer is a well-occupied environment that helps kids learn and interact with others. I believe kids should have the right to stay on the computer as long as they desire. Although, they should always make time go outside, hang out with friends, ect. The computer @MONTH1 be fun but its always important to get outside and enjoy nature. Another reason why students should not spend all their time on the computer is because of their health. If a child gets addicted to the computer it will affect how he interacts with other and @MONTH1 do serious damage to their brain. Although, I believe children should have the right on the computer, it's always important to spend time outside enjoying nature. Another reason why I think children should have the right to the computer is because of the information they learn and discover. Many kids grow up to have a career in computer makings or program designing. Some kids @MONTH1 have their education online or to teach others. The computer is a non-stop generation of intelligence based to help people learn, play and discover. Many people have dream to one day build a computer or make new programs. All students should have the right to spend time on the computer but also to save time to spend outside and with friends. Everyone has their own perspective on how they think and if staying on the computer all day is a good thing. I do not think kids should do this because it might affect their health and how other think of them.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 off, I believe that computers are very helpful to many people by looking up information, or talking to friends. Although many kids should be spending their time outside, the computer is a well-occupied environment that helps kids learn and interact with others. I believe kids should have the right to stay on the computer as long as they desire. Although, they should always make time go outside, hang out with friends, etc. The computer @MONTH1 be fun but it's always important to get outside and enjoy nature. Another reason why students should not spend all their time on the computer is because of their health. If a child gets addicted to the computer it will affect how he interacts with other and @MONTH1 do serious damage to their brain. Although, I believe children should have the right on the computer, it's always important to spend time outside enjoying nature. Another reason why I think children should have the right to the computer is because of the information they learn and discover. Many kids grow up to have a career in computer makings or program designing. Some kids @MONTH1 have their education online or to teach others. The computer is a non-stop generation of intelligence based to help people learn, play and discover. Many people have dream to one day build a computer or make new programs. All students should have the right to spend time on the computer but also to save time to spend outside and with friends. Everyone has their own perspective on how they think and if staying on the computer all day is a good thing. I do not think kids should do this because it might affect their health and how others think of them.
Do you think that computers are useless? Or do you think they could be useful in many ways? I remember @CAPS4 my older sister had to do some research on @CAPS1, the computer gave her all of the information she needed. The issue to grapple with is, more and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. I strongly think that @CAPS2 does benifit society in many ways! Heres why, the computer allows you to get in touch with friends, research people, places or things, and relax and enjoy playing on a fun, entertaining website! My first reason is that @CAPS2 allows you to talk to family or friends so you all get back in touch if a friend of yours moved to a diffrent state, then you can easily get back in touch straight from the computer. "@CAPS2's nice to send emails or pictures to friends, but if you do @CAPS2 from the computer then @CAPS2 gets done so much faster!" @CAPS3 @PERSON1, one of my neighbors. My next reason is that you can research anything you want like people, places or things and all refferances will come up. @CAPS2 is good to research for any projects, or school assignments you @MONTH1 have. I remember @CAPS4 my brother was working on his project. Everything he had trouble with, he found directly on the computer! My final reason is that there are alot of fun and exciting websites that you can relax and play on! These websites can keep you busy, and you wont be bored while playing! "@CAPS4 im bored I go on the computer and play games, that I find on," @CAPS3 my younger cousin, @PERSON2. Computers @MONTH1 make people become adicted to them. Yes but, you will be learning some interesting things on how the internet works. More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. I strongly beleive that they do benefit society, heres why you can get in touch with people, you can research, and play fun games! @CAPS2's now or never to decide what you think! Call me and we will talk this through.
Do you think that computers are useless? Or do you think they could be useful in many ways? I remember @CAPS4 my older sister had to do some research on @CAPS1, the computer gave her all the information she needed. The issue to grapple with is, more and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. I strongly think that @CAPS2 does benefit society in many ways! Here's why, the computer allows you to get in touch with friends, research people, places or things, and relax and enjoy playing on a fun, entertaining website! My first reason is that @CAPS2 allows you to talk to family or friends, so you all get back in touch if a friend of yours moved to a different state, then you can easily get back in touch straight from the computer. "@CAPS2's nice to send emails or pictures to friends, but if you do @CAPS2 from the computer then @CAPS2 gets done so much faster!" @CAPS3 @PERSON1, one of my neighbors. My next reason is that you can research anything you want like people, places or things and all references will come up. @CAPS2 is good to research for any projects, or school assignments you @MONTH1 have. I remember @CAPS4 my brother was working on his project. Everything he had trouble with, he found directly on the computer! My final reason is that there area lot of fun and exciting websites that you can relax and play on! These websites can keep you busy, and you won't be bored while playing! "@CAPS4 I'm bored I go on the computer and play games, that I find on," @CAPS3 my younger cousin, @PERSON2. Computers @MONTH1 make people become addicted to them. Yes but, you will be learning some interesting things on how the internet works. More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. I strongly believe that they do benefit society, here's why you can get in touch with people, you can research, and play fun games! @CAPS2's now or never to decide what you think! Call me and we will talk this through.
Computers a good because you can get infermation, you can play games, you can get pictures, But when you on the computer you might find something or someone that is bad or is viris. If ther is a vris you might want shut off the computers so it does not get worse. The are websites for kids, like games, there are teen games, there are adult games. Also pictures are bad for kids because most of the time they lead to inapropreit pictures. You should only look up infermation that you need not things like wepons or knifes. Also there are differnt kinds of companies like @CAPS1&t @CAPS2. @CAPS2 is a good place to get computers @CAPS1 so is @CAPS1&t.
Computers a good because you can get information, you can play games, you can get pictures, But when you on the computer you might find something or someone that is bad or is virus. If the is a iris you might want to shut off the computers, so it does not get worse. They are websites for kids, like games, there are teen games, there are adult games. Also, pictures are bad for kids because most of the time they lead to pictures. You should only look up information that you need not things like weapons or knifes. Also, there are different kinds of companies like @CAPS1&t @CAPS2. @CAPS2 is a good place to get computers @CAPS1 so is @CAPS1&t.
Dear Newspaper, Computers are high tec and have expanded in an everyday thing. They play a big role in society. Computers have been improved to do many different things without them we would barely get any thing done. Although kids should start goind outside more, computers teaches kids new things, and it is useful. With computers kids are rarely going outside. A lot of our population of the @LOCATION1 are obese, including kids. Because of this they are staying inside and on their computer. Kids need to go outside evry once and while to get some fresh air and exercise. If they limit their time on the computer and do some active game it would be better for the child. Since computers are rapidly growing and adapting kids spend half of the day on it just stareing at the screen playing some flash game, like run escape. Instead of wasteing their time doing that they should go outside, take a walk just do something! Computers teaches kids new things. Google something like trees. You would get bunch of websites containg information about trees. Kids also play games, if they don't know it, some of the games they play are teaching them stuff, for an example, my little sister, goes on a site called I see that right and it teaches her stuff she didn't know before. from those types of games it prepared her for kindergarden. Now a days more and more sites keep adapting and becoming known like bing. Computers are real useful. suppose you want to know whats goind on at work. So click your mouse on internet explorer and get your email. With computers, you could go on social networking sites, like facebook and connect with friends. You can also go on instant messageing site to talk to friends and see what there up to. For your entertainment you could play games. Remember though to not stay on too long. Computers are big deal in our community. Life would be very difficult without them. But remember not to stay on too long! Although kids should start going outside, computers, teaches kids new things, and is useful.
Dear Newspaper, Computers are high TEC and have expanded in an everyday thing. They play a big role in society. Computers have been improved to do many different things without them, we would barely get anything done. Although kids should start going outside more, computers teaches kids new things, and it is useful. With computer kids are rarely going outside. A lot of our population of the @LOCATION1 are obese, including kids. Because of this they are staying inside and on their computer. Kids need to go outside very once and while to get some fresh air and exercise. If they limit their time on the computer and do some active game it would be better for the child. Since computers are rapidly growing and adapting kids spend half of the day on it just staring at the screen playing some flash game, like run escape. Instead of wasting their time doing that they should go outside, take a walk just do something! Computers teaches kids new things. Google something like trees. You would get the bunch of websites contains information about trees. Kids also play games, if they don't know it, some of the games they play are teaching them stuff, for an example, my little sister, goes on a site called I see that right, and it teaches her stuff she didn't know before. From those types of games it prepared her for kindergarten. Nowadays more and more sites keep adapting and becoming known like bing. Computers are real useful. Suppose you want to know what's going on at work. So click your mouse on Internet Explorer and get your email. With computers, you could go on social networking sites, like Facebook and connect with friends. You can also go on instant messaging site to talk to friends and see what there up to. For your entertainment you could play games. Remember though to not stay on too long. Computers are big deal in our community. Life would be very difficult without them. But remember not to stay on too long! Although kids should start going outside, computers, teaches kids new things, and is useful.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 people throughout the world use, or own computers. Although there are @CAPS1 people who think computers are good for you, others could say different. While you are on the computer you can become more socal by talking with friends or family. Also, while you are on the computer you @MONTH1 not notice it but; your hand-eye coordination is improving, and finally, you are able to search with a click of a button, instead of searching your topic through dozens of books. Computers have very @CAPS1 benefits. One being chating, or talking online to friends, and family. You @MONTH1 have a distant friend that you haven't talked to in a while. With a computre you are able to re connect with your buddy. If you have an acount that is safe to chat on, you @MONTH1 be able to make new friends. That would be good for you, socally. It is always good to have friends, and stay in touch with family. Some people find it hard to play a piano because they cannot look at the music and have their hands be doing something else. On a computre your hand-eye-coordination improves over time because, you are searching a topic as your hands are typing. Also, this is a great memory excirsise for your fingers. You eventually memorize where all of the keys are located. People without computres have to search through @CAPS1 books to find information on their topic. Others with computers, just have to type in their topic and all the information they need is right infront of them. You are able to see pictures of your topic or even video's! Not @CAPS1 books that I know, can search a topic, show you pictures, and videos of it with one resource! @CAPS1 people debate the fact if computres are good for you or not. If you ask me, computres are great for people. It allows people to be socal, and talk to old friends; it also improves your hand-eye coordination, and finally; it gives you the option to search a topic without all the hastle of searching through dozens of books. So now the question is up to you; are computers good for people, or not?
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 people throughout the world use, or own computers. Although there are @CAPS1 people who think computers are good for you, others could say different. While you are on the computer you can become more local by talking with friends or family. Also, while you are on the computer you @MONTH1 not notice it but; your hand-eye coordination is improving, and finally, you are able to search with a click of a button, instead of searching your topic through dozens of books. Computers have very @CAPS1 benefits. One being charting, or talking online to friends, and family. Your @MONTH1 have a distant friend that you haven't talked to in a while. With a computer you are able to re-connect with your buddy. If you have an amount that is safe to chat on, you @MONTH1 be able to make new friends. That would be good for you, locally. It is always good to have friends, and stay in touch with family. Some people find it hard to play a piano because they cannot look at the music and have their hands be doing something else. On a computer your hand-eye-coordination improves over time because, you are searching a topic as your hands are typing. Also, this is a great memory excursive for your fingers. You eventually memorize where all the keys are located. People without computers have to search through @CAPS1 books to find information on their topic. Others with computers, just have to type in their topic and all the information they need is right in front of them. You are able to see pictures of your topic or even video's! Not @CAPS1 books that I know, can search a topic, show you pictures, and videos of it with one resource! @CAPS1 people debate the fact if computers are good for you or not. If you ask me, computers are great for people. It allows people to be local, and talk to old friends; it also improves your hand-eye coordination, and finally; it gives you the option to search a topic without all the castle of searching through dozens of books. So now the question is up to you; are computers good for people, or not?
Dear Newspaper People, I think that computers do benefit society for a few reasons. Computers make work easier they can do things people can't like solve difficult problems, and kids like playing games on them. Computers make work easier and neater. Typing is often faster than writing, and is always easier to read. Studies have also shown that people who use computers to do work finish faster and have up to @PERCENT1 more free time to do whatever they want. Computers also have e-mail, which allows you to send work that you have done to your boss without printing it and wasting paper. Computers can solve difficult problems that people either can't do, or don't want to waste their time doing. If you need to solve a math problem you use a calculated or a computer. So you don't have to figure it out yourself. I have to do a lot of math problems for homework and I think it is much easier to use a calculator. My last reason why computers are good is that kids like playing games on them. A lot of people say that kids shouldn't play computer games but some of them are educational. Even non-educational games help kids to have fun and have something to look forward to after their work is done. @PERCENT2 of kids say that they are happier when they have something fun to look forward to, and happier kids do better work. I hope that after reading this you will understand how much computers contribute to society.
Dear Newspaper People, I think that computers do benefit society for a few reasons. Computers make work easier they can do things people can't like to solve difficult problems, and kids like playing games on them. Computers make work easier and neater. Typing is often faster than writing, and is always easier to read. Studies have also shown that people who use computers to do work finish faster and have up to @PERCENT1 more free time to do whatever they want. Computers also have e-mail, which allows you to send work that you have done to your boss without printing it and wasting paper. Computers can solve difficult problems that people either can't do, or don't want to waste their time doing. If you need to solve a math problem you use a calculated or a computer. So you don't have to figure it out yourself. I have to do a lot of math problems for homework and I think it is much easier to use a calculator. My last reason why computers are good is that kids like playing games on them. A lot of people say that kids shouldn't play computer games but some of them are educational. Even non-educational games help kids to have fun and have something to look forward to after their work is done. @PERCENT2 of kids say that they are happier when they have something fun to look forward to, and happier kids do better work. I hope that after reading this you will understand how much computers contribute to society.
I agree that computers deffinately are an advantage to our society. I think this because they help us communicate and video chat with family and friends online, used as a great tool with school work, or work purposes. Most of all for the enjoyment of children and now the fun computer games help them prepare for real life consequences,like how the game webkinz teaches kids to care for pets. "@CAPS1 you have a @CAPS2?" @CAPS3 @CAPS4, my @CAPS5. "@CAPS6, please friend request me", I replied. Later that night, I get home and check my @CAPS2, a new notification pops up and I am now friends with my @CAPS5 @CAPS4. My entire family is on @CAPS2 and I think it's so usefull for several reasons, like making plans and parties. I hate writing invitations, but now every year for my birthday party I just type them up, taking less than five minutes. Or, for an even simpler way of sending invatations you can even just type an email or @CAPS2 message. In fact, I just got invited to a party yesterday over @CAPS2. It's so easy, you just create an event and tag all of your friends in the note. Also, it's so easy to get @CAPS13's because you automatically get notified. Technology like this drastically makes life easier. For example, have you ever gotten something new and just can't wait to show your friends? Well, now you can, in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a webcam and you can instantly connect with one of your friends that have one too. "@CAPS14, @PERSON1! I love what you've done to your room, the pink wallpaper is so cute!" I said. "@CAPS15 you! I love your hair today. It's so pretty," says @PERSON1. I love webcamming with my friends because you can see and hear them as if they were in the same exact you. As you can see, webcamming is so much easier than spending more time money, and my moms time and getting a ride over her house. Computers make life so much more convienent. Another example how this is so much easier is now computers help you with school work. Have you ever had to write a report? Well, now many times teachers especially enjoy them typed because many students have messy hand writing and most kids won't like writing it anyways. Like myself, I type faster than I write and that's why I agree @PERCENT1 that computers benefit society. Most importantly, computers can help you find a good job online and even help type a great resume for you. How impressive would that be? If I was applying for a professional position of a job, I know I'll type my resume. In conclusion, that's how computers are so helpful, beneficial, important and fun to our society.
I agree that computers definitely are an advantage to our society. I think this because they help us communicate and video chat with family and friends online, used as a great tool with school work, or work purposes. Most of all for the enjoyment of children and now the fun computer games help them prepare for real life consequences, like how the game webbing teaches kids to care for pets. "@CAPS1 you have a @CAPS2?" @CAPS3 @CAPS4, my @CAPS5. "@CAPS6, please friend request me," I replied. Later that night, I get home and check my @CAPS2, a new notification pops up, and I am now friends with my @CAPS5 @CAPS4. My entire family is on @CAPS2 and I think it's so useful for several reasons, like making plans and parties. I hate writing invitations, but now every year for my birthday party I just type them up, taking less than five minutes. Or, for an even simpler way of sending invitations you can even just type an email or @CAPS2 message. In fact, I just got invited to a party yesterday over @CAPS2. It's so easy, you just create an event and tag all of your friends in the note. Also, it's so easy to get @CAPS13's because you automatically get notified. Technology like this drastically makes life easier. For example, have you ever gotten something new and just can't wait to show your friends? Well, now you can, in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a webcam, and can instantly connect with one of your friends that have one too. "@CAPS14, @PERSON1! I love what you've done to your room, the pink wallpaper is so cute!" I said. "@CAPS15 you! I love your hair today. It's so pretty," says @PERSON1. I love webcasting with my friends because you can see and hear them as if they were in the same exact you. As you can see, webcasting is so much easier than spending more time money, and my moms time and getting a ride over her house. Computers make life so much more continent. Another example how this is so much easier is now computers help you with school work. Have you ever had to write a report? Well, now many times teachers especially enjoy them typed because many students have messy handwriting and most kids won't like writing it anyway. Like myself, I type faster than I write and that's why I agree @PERCENT1 that computers benefit society. Most importantly, computers can help you find a good job online and even help type a great resume for you. How impressive would that be? If I was applying for a professional position of a job, I know I'll type my resume. In conclusion, that's how computers are so helpful, beneficial, important and fun to our society.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 name is @PERSON1 and I am a @ORGANIZATION1 citizen. I believe that computers do NOT benefit society of all! In @CAPS1 opinion, they make our town worse. People spend way too much time on their computers and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. All of these things are @CAPS3 computers are doing to our society and it's time to make a stop to it! First of all, people are on the computer way too much. Teens are on social networking sites, adults are on chatrooms, and kids are playing computer games. Instead of that, people should be playing outside, or going for a walk in the park. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of adults are overweight? If people cut back the amount of time indoors, we could probably bring that number way down. Also, who knows @CAPS3 teens are doing on the computer. Computers have good things but they can also be bad. For example, chatrooms who knows @CAPS3 kind of people are in chatrooms. Children need to be careful about @CAPS3 they say or show on the internet. Instead of playing games or talking to their boyfriends and girlfriends, teens should go outside and exercise. Second, more citizens need to enjoy nature and the beautiful senery around them. Were all so busy running to check our e-mail, we don't notice @CAPS3 a beautiful day it is outside. On a nice @DATE1 or @DATE2 day, people should take this kids to a local park or pond. This reminds me of last @DATE2 when I went to @CAPS1 cousins house. @CAPS1 aunt only allowed us to watch one hour as a day, that included the computer. We were outside every single day, even if we were just staring into the clouds. This kept us active and enjoy the environment. @CAPS1 last reason why computers are badly affecting society is that computers take time away from interacting with family and friends. I know @CAPS3 your thinking, when your on the computer you are talking to family and friends, but it isn't the same. Instead of instant messaging call them. Maybe even invite them our to talk face to face. That reminds me of @CAPS1 sister. When I get home, she will normally be on @CAPS2. Now, instead of getting up and coming to talk to me she will text me "@CAPS3's up?" or "@CAPS4 was your day?" Computers help people communicate, but they also take communication away. As you can see, I have given you three reasons why I strongly believe computers are badly @ORGANIZATION1. Not only @ORGANIZATION1 but everywhere! You need to open your eyes and understand that people spend way too much time on computers, they allow people to not enjoy nature, or interact with their families. Please I'm asking you to understand that our society will crash it we don't fix this issue. So @CAPS3 are you going to do about it?
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 name is @PERSON1, and I am a @ORGANIZATION1 citizen. I believe that computers do NOT benefit society of all! In @CAPS1 opinion, they make our town worse. People spend way too much time on their computers and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. All of these things are @CAPS3 computers are doing to our society, and it's time to make a stop to it! First, people are on the computer way too much. Teens are on social networking sites, adults are on chatroom, and kids are playing computer games. Instead of that, people should be playing outside, or going for a walk in the park. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of adults are overweight? If people cut back the amount of time indoors, we could probably bring that number way down. Also, who knows @CAPS3 teens are doing on the computer. Computers have good things, but they can also be bad. For example, chatroom who knows @CAPS3 kind of people are in chatroom. Children need to be careful about @CAPS3 they say or show on the internet. Instead of playing games or talking to their boyfriends and girlfriends, teens should go outside and exercise. Second, more citizens need to enjoy nature and the beautiful scenery around them. Were all so busy running to check our e-mail, we don't notice @CAPS3 a beautiful day it is outside. On a nice @DATE1 or @DATE2 day, people should take this kids to a local park or pond. This reminds me of last @DATE2 when I went to @CAPS1 cousins house. @CAPS1 aunt only allowed us to watch one hour as a day, that included the computer. We were outside every single day, even if we were just staring into the clouds. This kept us active and enjoy the environment. @CAPS1 last reason why computers are badly affecting society is that computers take time away from interacting with family and friends. I know @CAPS3 you're thinking, when you're on the computer you are talking to family and friends, but it isn't the same. Instead of instant messaging call them. Maybe even invite them our to talk face to face. That reminds me of @CAPS1 sister. When I get home, she will normally be on @CAPS2. Now, instead of getting up and coming to talk to me, she will text me "@CAPS3's up?" or "@CAPS4 was your day?" Computers help people communicate, but they also take communication away. As you can see, I have given you three reasons why I strongly believe computers are badly @ORGANIZATION1. Not only @ORGANIZATION1 but everywhere! You need to open your eyes and understand that people spend way too much time on computers, they allow people to not enjoy nature, or interact with their families. Please I'm asking you to understand that our society will crash it we don't fix this issue. So @CAPS3 is you going to do about it?
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 I think the effects that computers do on people are really positive. Computers can be used for all sorts of things. Examples like finding things out about history. People that changed the world and other information. Computers give the power for children to learn. For example, their are lots of websites that offer online tutoring or good ways to help you pass school. Other positive way is online dateing sites. You can meet new people and is a good way to make life even better. Popular sites like @CAPS1, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and so on make a good way to keep in touch with friends from your past, or even make new ones. But the most that I think thats the best in my opinion is going to school online. Once your done with colloge and you are a nuse, for an example you can get a higher degree like a registered nurse then being a @ORGANIZATION2. I think computers has a positive effect on people.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 I think the effects that computers do on people are really positive. Computers can be used for all sorts of things. Examples like finding things out about history. People that changed the world and other information. Computers give the power for children to learn. For example, there are lots of websites that offer online tutoring or good ways to help you pass school. Other positive way is online dating sites. You can meet new people and is a good way to make life even better. Popular sites like @CAPS1, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and so on make a good way to keep in touch with friends from your past, or even make new ones. But the most that I think that's the best in my opinion is going to school online. Once you're done with college, and you are a use, for an example you can get a higher degree like a registered nurse then being a @ORGANIZATION2. I think computers has a positive effect on people.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 is a rumor going around saying that computers are a negitive affect in a childs life. I disagree. A computer can help a kid in so many ways, it can help students with homework, let students talk to friends, and help with school projects. And besides, most kids don't don't stay on the computer very long anyways. Homeworks, it's a big role in school, if you don't do it or worse don't get it can you down. That's why computers have websites that help a child learn how do do a problem or a social studies question if they don't know. If you go to the school web page then theres a link that brings you in a math games. Theres even a to a science website. This helps a child so they don't get stressed out over homework. A computer also helps a students interact with friends. A social life is very important to a @NUM1 grater. This is where a computer can have aim, facebook, and even myspace help a kid impact with friends. If a kid got into a fight at school can come home and to work it out and not leave it unseatled. A computer also new friends from other towns. Teens need to and make new friesnd will helps as in life. If a teen helps with a then they can ask a for help. Every student gets a take home project at social point in the time of running out to the store to buy paper and pencils. you can stay home, have money and typee the essay. Computers can help with a social studies or a science project. You can print pictures and find information. Drawing can be a hastle and messy, so it saves time and the mess. If @CAPS1 are words you dont understandd then you can look them out. Computers are and best way to do a project. Computers, everyone uses them, they help our parents just as much as uss. They help us with homework, let us talk to friends, and even help us do our projects! Computers are one of the best technology we have @DATE1.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 is a rumor going around saying that computers are a negative affect in a children life. I disagree. A computer can help a kid in so many ways, it can help students with homework, let students talk to friends, and help with school projects. And besides, most kids don't stay on the computer very long anyway. Homework, it's a big role in school, if you don't do it or worse don't get it can you down. That's why computers have websites that help a child learn how do a problem or a social studies question if they don't know. If you go to the school web page then there's a link that brings you in a math games. There's even a to a science website. This helps a child, so they don't get stressed out over homework. A computer also helps a students interact with friends. A social life is very important to a @NUM1 grater. This is where a computer can have aim, Facebook, and even MySpace help a kid impact with friends. If a kid got into a fight at school can come home and to work it out and not leave it unseated. A computer also new friends from other towns. Teens need to and make new friend will helps as in life. If a teen helps with a then they can ask a for help. Every student gets a take home project at social point in the time of running out to the store to buy paper and pencils. You can stay home, have money and type the essay. Computers can help with a social studies or a science project. You can print pictures and find information. Drawing can be a castle and messy, so it saves time and the mess. If @CAPS1 is words you don't understand then you can look them out. Computers are and best way to do a project. Computers, everyone uses them, they help our parents just as much as USS. They help us with homework, let us talk to friends, and even help us do our projects! Computers are one of the best technology we have @DATE1.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I think computers have a positive effect on people. Where would we be without them? Computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about any subject they want, and allow people to communicate with each other, no matter how far away. Obviously, computers are beneficial. I think computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, as I said earlier. I know people say that where you are on be computer, you spend less time exercising, but the computers help you with you throwing skills. Hand ey coordination also applies for if you want to be a surgeon/doctor. You need to have steady hands. What we ready to do whatever is needed. See, they do have a positive effect. I think computers have a positive effect on people. They give people the ability to learn about anything they want on the internet. Say you want to be an engineer when you grow up, you might want to learn anything and everything you can to be successful later on in that carer. What about a doctor, you would want to know how many years of college and med school are required to get your medical degree. A computer helps you learn about those things. It can also teach you about tons of other things. Again, how could they not be positive. I think computers have a positive effect on people. Another thing they can do out of a hundred others is let you communicate with other people no matter how far away. Mail can so my where with enough, yes, but @CAPS3-mail is free and gets there in less than a minutes where mail can lake weeks to go far. For example, what if you came from another country. You wouldn't want to lose touch with people you grew-up with. With a computer, you could use skype to see now new the person. Talking on the phone or mailing doesn't even compare to that. You could never lose touch! Computers help people do all kinds of things. I conclusion, computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about any subject they want, and allow people to communicate with each other, no matter how far away. There are no bad reason that could top any of these. They make sense. So, what do you think? Do you think they are good for us, or do we need less computers?
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I think computers have a positive effect on people. Where would we be without them? Computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about any subject they want, and allow people to communicate with each other, no matter how far away. Obviously, computers are beneficial. I think computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, as I said earlier. I know people say that where you are on be computer, you spend less time exercising, but the computers help you with you throwing skills. Hand a coordination also applies for if you want to be a surgeon/doctor. You need to have steady hands. What we ready to do whatever is needed. See, they do have a positive effect. I think computers have a positive effect on people. They give people the ability to learn about anything they want on the internet. Say you want to be an engineer when you grow up, you might want to learn anything and everything you can to be successful later on in that carer. What about a doctor, you would want to know how many years of college and med school are required to get your medical degree. A computer helps you learn about those things. It can also teach you about tons of other things. Again, how could they not be positive. I think computers have a positive effect on people. Another thing they can do out of a hundred others is let you communicate with other people no matter how far away. Mail can so my where with enough, yes, but @CAPS3-mail is free and gets there in less than a minute where mail can bake weeks to go far. For example, what if you came from another country. You wouldn't want to lose touch with people you grew-up with. With a computer, you could use Skype to see now new the person. Talking on the phone or mailing doesn't even compare to that. You could never lose touch! Computers help people do all kinds of things. In conclusion, computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about any subject they want, and allow people to communicate with each other, no matter how far away. There are no bad reason that could top any of these. They make sense. So, what do you think? Do you think they are good for us, or do we need less computers?
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Have you ever wondered what effect computers have on people? It is a very negative effect. Computers are one of the main reasons of why kids do not exercise and become obese, it can effect students' grades, and by being on the @CAPS6, you are isolating yourself from your loved ones. First of all, more and more kids are using computers way more often than they should. The result of this, you @MONTH1 ask? Since computers are used daily, especially by young adolescents, it is likely for that child to become obese. Researches from well-known colleges, such as @ORGANIZATION2 and @LOCATION2, discovered that @PERCENT1 of kids who spend more than two hours on the @CAPS6 are obese or will become heavier when they are older. After speaking with @PERSON1, graduate from @LOCATION1, he told me that when children spend more time on the @CAPS6, they are doing nothing but staring at a bright screen that can damage their eyes, and not spending their time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. As a consequence, kids start to gain body fat from sitting on a coach staring at the @CAPS6 all day instead of exercising! My second reason of why computers are a negative effects on kids is that it can harm your grades! After I spoke with a current student at @ORGANIZATION1, she told me that the reason why her grades drop is because she is too busy on @CAPS3, @CAPS4, @CAPS5, etc. She does not focus on her @ORGANIZATION1 work like she should and because she doesn't, her grades go from @NUM1's to low @NUM2's. This shows that even "A" students are getting bad grades from being on the @CAPS6. Additionally, from being on the @CAPS6 so much and not paying attention at @ORGANIZATION1 work, it can effect your best grades on the @ORGANIZATION3's! This shows that by always going on the @CAPS6 you hurt your academic skills. My last and final reason of why computers have a negative effect on children is because it harms your social skills of being on outgoing, talkative individual! Everytime you log into that death trap device, your selfesteem becomes lower because you never talk to friends or call them. You just sit on a hard chair, looking at an electronics device that is going to take you no where in life. Also, you are pushing your loved ones away by being on @CAPS6 @NUM3. You will end up never spend time with them and you will never call your friends to see what they are up to if you keep on going on the @CAPS6. Furthermore, if your mom or dad tells you to get off your @CAPS6, you become cranky and rude to your family just becuase you want to go back on your favorite electronic device. Do you really want to act that way to your family? So, in summing up, computers are a negative effect on many young individuals, and the reasons for this are that you have less time to exercise, it harms your grades, and you are not able to be as interactive with people by being on the @CAPS6. The real question is, though, is do you think computers have a negative or positive effect on people?
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Have you ever wondered what effect computers have on people? It is a very negative effect. Computers are one of the main reasons of why kids do not exercise and become obese, it can effect students' grades, and by being on the @CAPS6, you are isolating yourself from your loved ones. First, more and more kids are using computers way more often than they should. The result of this, you @MONTH1 ask? Since computers are used daily, especially by young adolescents, it is likely for that child to become obese. Researches from well-known colleges, such as @ORGANIZATION2 and @LOCATION2, discovered that @PERCENT1 of kids who spend more than two hours on the @CAPS6 are obese or will become heavier when they are older. After speaking with @PERSON1, graduate from @LOCATION1, he told me that when children spend more time on the @CAPS6, they are doing nothing but staring at a bright screen that can damage their eyes, and not spending their time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. As a consequence, kids start to gain body fat from sitting on a coach staring at the @CAPS6 all day instead of exercising! My second reason of why computers are a negative effects on kids is that it can harm your grades! After I spoke with a current student at @ORGANIZATION1, she told me that the reason why her grades drop is that she is too busy on @CAPS3, @CAPS4, @CAPS5, etc. She does not focus on her @ORGANIZATION1 work like she should and because she doesn't, her grades go from @NUM1's to low @NUM2's. This shows that even "A" students are getting bad grades from being on the @CAPS6. Additionally, from being on the @CAPS6 so much and not paying attention at @ORGANIZATION1 work, it can effect your best grades on the @ORGANIZATION3's! This shows that by always going on the @CAPS6 you hurt your academic skills. My last and final reason of why computers have a negative effect on children is because it harms your social skills of being on outgoing, talkative individual! Every time you log into that death trap device, your self esteem becomes lower because you never talk to friends or call them. You just sit on a hard chair, looking at an electronics device that is going to take you no where in life. Also, you are pushing your loved ones away by being on @CAPS6 @NUM3. You will end up never spend time with them, and you will never call your friends to see what they are up to if you keep on going on the @CAPS6. Furthermore, if your mom or dad tells you to get off your @CAPS6, you become cranky and rude to your family just because you want to go back on your favorite electronic device. Do you really want to act that way to your family? So, in summing up, computers are a negative effect on many young individuals, and the reasons for this are that you have less time to exercise, it harms your grades, and you are not able to be as interactive with people by being on the @CAPS6. The real question is, though, is do you think computers have a negative or positive effect on people?
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 has been brought to my attention that some people feel that computers are bad for us. Some people say that they are a distraction to our physicaland mental health. Although I can see how some people would think this, I believe that computers are a good benifit to all society. I believe this because computers can help people learn, stay intach with friends or family that live faraway, and stay orginized. Sometimes people are on the computer, learning and they don't even know @CAPS1. Simply by visiting the @ORGANIZATION2 homepage, you automaticly see the news feeds of things happening around the world. Other times people go online diliberatly to learn. If someone is thinking about going to @LOCATION1 then they would probably go on the internet to learn about @CAPS1. Simply by searching equadore many choices will pop up you climate, sesonal weather, hotel options, and other farts. But thats not the only way people are learning on the internet. Now, many college students have the option of taking their lessons online. This is because some students like calm quietness or own house the distractions of sitting in class. Friends could be a big distraction in class, but how can you stay intouch with your friends if they moved away? I remember in second grade my bestfriend, @LOCATION2, move away. I was so sad. I badey ever talked to her, but then one day our parents set us up on a vidio chat! I felt like I was right their with her! This was great, and I though about how many people could use this to talk to relatives or friends. Another great way to stay intouch into friends and family is through e-mail. By writing a message and sending @CAPS1 can make staying in touch so easey, and your personal wants can chat and emails are a easey thing to send world wide. So many people love to type on a keyboard as well, but so many different papers that you type could be lost. I, for me, hate clutter, and I have so many school binders for papers to be lost in. This is why I take great advantage of typing my paper every chance I get. My computer keeps me orginiced because I could never loose my work. File save, is an idiot proof way to keep all your files in a safe place. Then all you have to do is press print to get a hard copy. I am sure that many people love using their computer for the same reason. Also, I myself am a much faster typer than I am writer so my work is a lot needey on the computer. As you can see their are plenty of reasons why using a computer is goof for our society you can learn, stay intouch with friends and family, and stay orginiced. Many people, could agree with me. Don't you?
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 has been brought to my attention that some people feel that computers are bad for us. Some people say that they are a distraction to our physical and mental health. Although I can see how some people would think this, I believe that computers are a good benefit to all society. I believe this because computers can help people learn, stay intact with friends or family that live faraway, and stay organized. Sometimes people are on the computer, learning and they don't even know @CAPS1. Simply by visiting the @ORGANIZATION2 homepage, you automatic see the news feeds of things happening around the world. Other times people go online deliberately to learn. If someone is thinking about going to @LOCATION1 then they would probably go on the internet to learn about @CAPS1. Simply by searching Ecuador many choices will pop up you climate, seasonal weather, hotel options, and other farts. But that's not the only way people are learning on the internet. Now, many college students have the option of taking their lessons online. This is because some students like calm quietness or own house the distractions of sitting in class. Friends could be a big distraction in class, but how can you stay Intouch with your friends if they moved away? I remember in second grade my best friend, @LOCATION2, move away. I was so sad. Furthermore, I badly ever talked to her, but then one day our parents set us up on a video chat! Furthermore, I felt like I was right their with her! This was great, and I thought about how many people could use this to talk to relatives or friends. Another great way to stay Intouch into friends and family is through e-mail. By writing a message and sending @CAPS1 can make staying in touch so easy, and your personal wants can chat and emails are an easy thing to send worldwide. So many people love to type on a keyboard as well, but so many different papers that you type could be lost. I, for me, hate clutter, and I have so many school binders for papers to be lost in. This is why I take great advantage of typing my paper every chance I get. My computer keeps me organized because I could never lose my work. File save, is an idiot-proof way to keep all your files in a safe place. Then all you have to do is press print to get a hard copy. I am sure that many people love using their computer for the same reason. Also, I myself am a much faster typer than I am writer, so my work is a lot needed on the computer. As you can see there are plenty of reasons why using a computer is good for our society you can learn, stay Intouch with friends and family, and stay organized. Many people, could agree with me. Don't you?
Dear local Newspaper, @CAPS1 in the society we live in, more and more people are using computer including me. The computor in my opinion has to be one of the best inventions ever. The bad part is that these "exports" think spending time on the computer is a bad idea when they fail to see the good in computers. Student can use computers to get information on almost about anything, you could use computer to talk to friend and family members, and you confuse it as a navigator to find directions to a certain location if you cant find your way or if your lost. One of the best things about computers is that you can find various amounts of information. That opition is useful for children that attend school , looking to find information for a certain project they need to finish. You can also use the information on the computer to study if your textbook isnt doing you only good. Also if a student is looking for a job in their local area they look on the internet for jobs needing employees. Computers also can be used for communication. You could have a long lost realtive you havent spoken to in a while, you can easily find him on the internet. Online communicating is also good for chatting with schoolmates if you forgot the homework or need help with homework. Im not a big fan of this but online chatting can be use for online dating if your to lazy to go out. One of my favorite options on the computer is that you can use it to navigate a certain location you want to go to. Lets just say you forgot where a relatives house is you can easily type in your address and his address and easily get directions. You can use this method for almost anywhere you want to go. If this did not convince you that that a computer is a great piece of technology, then your crazy. The computers is like a magical box that can be used for anything so I advice you get one.
Dear local Newspaper, @CAPS1 in the society we live in, more and more people are using computer including me. The computer in my opinion has to be one of the best inventions ever. The bad part is that these "exports" think spending time on the computer is a bad idea when they fail to see the good in computers. Student can use computers to get information on almost about anything, you could use computer to talk to friend and family members, and you confuse it as a navigator to find directions to a certain location if you can't find your way or if you're lost. One of the best things about computers is that you can find various amounts of information. That opinion is useful for children that attend school, looking to find information for a certain project they need to finish. You can also use the information on the computer to study if your textbook isn't doing you only good. Also, if a student is looking for a job in their local area they look on the internet for jobs needing employees. Computers also can be used for communication. You could have a long-lost relative you haven't spoken to in a while, you can easily find him on the internet. Online communicating is also good for chatting with schoolmates if you forgot the homework or need help with homework. I'm not a big fan of this but online chatting can be used for online dating if you to lazy to go out. One of my favorite options on the computer is that you can use it to navigate a certain location you want to go to. Let's just say you forgot where a relatives house is you can easily type in your address and his address and easily get directions. You can use this method for almost anywhere you want to go. If this did not convince you that a computer is a great piece of technology, then your crazy. The computers are like a magical box that can be used for anything, so I advise you get one.
Dear local Newspaper A lot more people uses computers daily but not everyone agrees that it benefits society. Those people who supports advsnces in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on the people and I agree on some circumstances but looking at the situation cleary I dont agree due to the fact that its better not spending to much time on the computers. First because its way better excercising, @CAPS1 enjoying nature and lastly interacting with family. @CAPS2 why I dont agree that people should be in ther computer more their doing things better in life. First, becacuse it's useful to exercise. Talking a walk around the nieghborhood of just going for a hike with people you know. Even better going to the gym its such a better way to spend your evening instead sitting infront of a computer doing nothing but to look at a screen all day and plus exercising makes you stay in perfect fit, healthy and strong for as long as you live. A computer can just kill you not in reality but sitting all day only on the computer eating when you feel like it and no exercise that is whats going to kill you and make you become so lazy to do nothing. I know nobody would want that for sure. @CAPS1, enjoy nature live life the way it needs to. Gods creations of nature is the must beautiful thing in this world dont let it go all to waist. Jump off a waterfall or go to the park let the wind hit your face. Make imaginations become real and just enjoy what natures about. Third and last, interact with your family and friends. Spend time with them and watch movies or any sports channels. Go with them for some ice cream. Dont let them feel left out or unloved. The mall is a great way to spend time with your friends or family also going to water parks like six flag or lake compound of place like nomads or chuckie cheese its a great way places to spend and interact with your family and friends it also can bring closer as well. This is why I think sitting infront of a computer screen all day, first its a waist of time when you go do some exercise or @CAPS1 enjoy nature or lastly interact with your family and friends, @CAPS2 why sitting infront of a computer as a waist of time and negative why to spend your days of living life. Technology holds you back from the real things in life. Thank you for reading my letter and hope you take it in consideration. Good day!
Dear local Newspaper A lot more people use computers daily but not everyone agrees that it benefits society. Those people who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on the people and I agree on some circumstances but looking at the situation Clara I don't agree due to the fact that its better not spending too much time on the computers. First because it's way better exercising, @CAPS1 enjoying nature and lastly interacting with family. @CAPS2 why I don't agree that people should be in the computer more their doing things better in life. First, because it's useful to exercise. Talking a walk around the neighborhood of just going for a hike with people you know. Even better going to the gym its such a better way to spend your evening instead sitting in front of a computer doing nothing but to look at a screen all day and plus exercising makes you stay in perfect fit, healthy and strong for as long as you live. A computer can just kill you not in reality but sitting all day only on the computer eating when you feel like it and no exercise that is what's going to kill you and make you become so lazy to do nothing. I know nobody would want that for sure. @CAPS1, enjoy nature live life the way it needs to. Gods creations of nature is the must beautiful thing in this world don't let it go all to waist. Jump off a waterfall or go to the park let the wind hit your face. Make imaginations become real and just enjoy what natures about. Third and last, interact with your family and friends. Spend time with them and watch movies or any sports channels. Go with them for some ice cream. Don't let them feel left out or unloved. The mall is a great way to spend time with your friends or family also going to water parks like six flag or lake compound of place like nomads or Chuckie cheese it's a great way places to spend and interact with your family and friends it also can bring closer as well. This is why I think sitting in front of a computer screen all day, first it's a waist of time when you go do some exercise or @CAPS1 enjoy nature or lastly interact with your family and friends, @CAPS2 why sitting in front of a computer as a waist of time and negative why to spend your days of living life. Technology holds you back from the real things in life. Thank you for reading my letter and hope you take it in consideration. Good day!
Dear local newspaper, my name is @PERSON1 I am @NUM1 and I go to naylor school. I am writing to you convince that computers have a positive effect on people. Please read the following reasons. Computers have a positive effect on people. Your able to communicate with people all over the world. When my brother goes on the computer he get's to talk to my family in @LOCATION1 I like to use skpye because when we talk to family in @CAPS1.R we use a webcam to keep in touch with my family. They teach hand eye coordination and help me in ping-pong. It help me wacth the ball in computer and I do the same in the wreak. You have lot's of access to different information, my mom found a job in the computer. Everybody have access to weather or news, Some say it's a lack of exercise. People get addicted to the computer. Some can get obese and mess with your love life. These are the reasons why I belive computers are good for society. This is why people should agree that advance in technology. Technology keeps on upgrading.
Dear local newspaper, my name is @PERSON1 I am @NUM1 and I go to Naylor school. I am writing to you convince that computers have a positive effect on people. Please read the following reasons. Computers have a positive effect on people. Your able to communicate with people all over the world. When my brother goes on the computer he gets to talk to my family in @LOCATION1 I like to use Skye because when we talk to family in @CAPS1. R we use a webcam to keep in touch with my family. They teach hand eye coordination and help me in ping-pong. It helps me watch the ball in computer and I do the same in to wreak. You have lots of access to different information, my mom found a job in the computer. Everybody have access to weather or news, Some say it's a lack of exercise. People get addicted to the computer. Some can get obese and mess with your love life. These are the reasons why I believe computers are good for society. This is why people should agree that advance in technology. Technology keeps on upgrading.
I think computers are good because you can talk to your friends and family on the computers. People needs computers to look for a job. Some people spend to much time on the computers then on homework people need to stop.
I think computers are good because you can talk to your friends and family on the computers. People needs computers to look for a job. Some people spend too much time on the computers then on homework people need to stop.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3: Computers have a negitive affect on people and their to connect with others because they always are on the computer and never outside. My first reason is that computers hurt your eyes after a long time sitting at them. People I know have complained of their eyes hurting after using the computer. Studys show taht @PERCENT1 of all people who use the computer after a long time are more likly to loose their eye sight than people who are outside all day. Another one of my reasons is people who are inside on electronics all day are less likly to have good people skills. If you don't have good people skills then you probibly wont have alot of friends and if you need them it would probibly be over the computer. And you never know what they could be like. Also if your inside all day then you will not get the proper excersize could be very bad you and others. My third and final reason is that people will makes fun of you if you sit inside all day don't come out because your on the computer. If you ar on the computer you are more likly to fail in school you don't do your homework or projects but instead your on the computer playing games. And your more likly to get into fights with your parents or guardians because your on the computer and they never see you or hear from you. Also they wont be able to go online and pay their bills witch could be bad for everyone. So these are just some of the reasons I think computers could be bad. Thank you.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3: Computers have a negative effect on people and their to connect with others because they are always on the computer and never outside. My first reason is that computers hurt your eyes after a long time sitting at them. People I know have complained of their eyes hurting after using the computer. Studies show that @PERCENT1 of all people who use the computer after a long time are more likely to lose their eyesight than people who are outside all day. Another one of my reasons is people who are inside on electronics all day are less likely to have good people skills. If you don't have good people skills then you probably won't have a lot of friends and if you need them it would probably be over the computer. And you never know what they could be like. Also, if your inside all day then you will not get the proper excessive could be very bad you and others. My third and final reason is that people will make fun of you if you sit inside all day don't come out because your on the computer. If you AR on the computer you are more likely to fail in school you don't do your homework or projects but instead your on the computer playing games. And your more likely to get into fights with your parents or guardians because your on the computer, and they never see you or hear from you. Also, they won't be able to go online and pay their bills witch could be bad for everyone. So these are just some of the reasons I think computers could be bad. Thank you.
The effect of people using computers isn't anything bad couse you learn a lot from it. In some ways when you use the computer and you type, the typing exercises your fingers. Your fingers will get muscle and will teach you to remember where to type without looking down on the keyboard. People sometimes using computer is good because if your writing letters you don't have to use pencil you can just type it and print. The typing does all the work for you so you won't spend hours writing to someone. Computers are helpful to people for example, ir your researching about @CAPS1 or @LOCATION1 you can find almost all the information on the computer in a instant click. Computers save time and does a lot of work. Computers are helpful piece of technology and one of the best.
The effect of people using computers isn't anything bad house you learn a lot from it. In some ways when you use the computer, and you type, the typing exercises your fingers. Your fingers will get muscle and will teach you to remember where to type without looking down on the keyboard. People sometimes using computer is good because if your writing letters you don't have to use pencil you can just type it and print. The typing does all the work for you so you won't spend hours writing to someone. Computers are helpful to people for example, IR your researching about @CAPS1 or @LOCATION1 you can find almost all the information on the computer in an instant click. Computers save time and does a lot of work. are helpful piece of technology and one of the best.
People are spending too much time on computers. People that spend to much time on the computer do not have time to interact with family or friends. People spened to much time on the computer. The kids that spend time on the computer get bad grades. They also get tired every easy. First of all people spend to much time on the computer. @PERCENT1 of kids spend @NUM1 to @NUM2 hours on the computer. I once spent @NUM3 hours on my computer on @CAPS1. A lot of kids go on @CAPS1, @CAPS2 and iTunes. My friend spent @NUM4 hours on those websites. People spend way to long on the computer. Another reason, kids that spend time on the computer get bad grades. @PERCENT2 of kids that spend a lot of time on the computer forget to study for test. Once I spent all night on the computer and the next day I failed a test. Kids forget to do homework to. My friend was having so much fun on the computer he forget to do his homework. Kids should get off the computer and worry about school. My final reason, kids get tired from being on the computer for so long. @PERCENT3 of kids get so tired they can't do anything once they get off the computer. I got so tired from being on the computer for so long I took a nap. @PERCENT4 of kids forget they made plans after school. One kid was so tired he blow the plans off that he made with his friends. Kids need to get away from the computer. In conclusion, kids spend to much time on computers. People spend to much time on computer. Kid end up getting bad grade because they spend time on the computer. Aslo, kids get tired very quickly from being on the computer. Something has to be done about this.
People are spending too much time on computers. People that spend too much time on the computer do not have time to interact with family or friends. opened too much time on the computer. The kids that spend time on the computer get bad grades. They also get tired every easy. First of all people spend too much time on the computer. @PERCENT1 of kids spend @NUM1 to @NUM2 hours on the computer. I once spent @NUM3 hours on my computer on @CAPS1. A lot of kids go on @CAPS1, @CAPS2 and iTunes. My friend spent @NUM4 hours on those websites. People spend way to long on the computer. Another reason, kids that spend time on the computer get bad grades. @PERCENT2 of kids that spend a lot of time on the computer forget to study for test. Once I spent all night on the computer and the next day I failed a test. Kids forget to do homework to. My friend was having so much fun on the computer he forgets to do his homework. Kids should get off the computer and worry about school. My final reason, kids get tired from being on the computer for so long. @PERCENT3 of kids get so tired they can't do anything once they get off the computer. I got so tired from being on the computer for so long I took a nap. @PERCENT4 of kids forget they made plans after school. One kid was so tired he blows the plans off that he made with his friends. Kids need to get away from the computer. In conclusion, kids spend too much time on computers. People spend too much time on computer. Kid ends up getting bad grade because they spend time on the computer. Also, kids get tired very quickly from being on the computer. Something has to be done about this.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 you think the computers don't help you with research? Well, if you really think about it computers @CAPS1 help you. You can't always gain wait by just looking or staying on a computer. And you can defenetly still talk with kids, friends, and family members on computer. @CAPS1 you no if books have all the information you need for school project, or your own family history. Maybe books have our history of wars and of our heros. Try and see if you can find the first ancestor of your family. The computer are the reasons why we no our history and know about actors, slaves, sergents, and much more. Have you gain weight just from staying on the computer for too long. I haven't gain a pound or an ounce since I've been on computer. Not only can you gain weight or lose weight just by being on the computer. How @CAPS1 you know if the person on the computer is not looking for diet foods or fat free things? Or if the person is eating while being on the computer. @CAPS1 you get large phone bills just for a two minute long distance call? Why @CAPS1 you think we have enternet websites such as myspace, facebook, twitter, msn and lots more. Most of my family members life in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION4, and @LOCATION2 and just for a call its like ten dollars for a minute. While you can be on the internet for about day to night and still pay the same price. So what @CAPS1 you choose pay over thirty dollars just for a long distance call or stay on the computer. Or get bad grades for doing the bad research. Its you chooce, choose now if either talk with family and friends on phone and pay over your bill money or stay on web chat for how long you want and still get the same bill price.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 you think the computers don't help you with research? Well, if you really think about it computers @CAPS1 help you. You can't always gain wait by just looking or staying on a computer. And you can decently still talk with kids, friends, and family members on computer. @CAPS1 if books have all the information you need for school project, or your own family history. Maybe books have our history of wars and of our heroes. Try and see if you can find the first ancestor of your family. The computer is the reasons why we no history and know about actors, slaves, sergeants, and much more. Have you gained weight just from staying on the computer for too long? I haven't gained a pound or an ounce since I've been on computer. Not only can you gain weight or lose weight just by being on the computer. How @CAPS1 you know if the person on the computer is not looking for diet foods or fat free things? Or if the person is eating while being on the computer. @CAPS1 you get large phone bills just for a two-minute-long distance call? Why @CAPS1 you think we have Internet websites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, MSN and lots more. Most of my family members life in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION4, and @LOCATION2 and just for a call its like ten dollars for a minute. While you can be on the internet for about day to night and still pay the same price. So what @CAPS1 you choose pay over thirty dollars just for a long distance call or stay on the computer. Or get bad grades for doing the bad research. It's you choice, choose now if either talk with family and friends on phone and pay over your bill money or stay on web chat for how long you want and still get the same bill price.
Dear, Local Newspaper @CAPS1 here to inform you that the time we spend on computers is needed because it helps you with information, it helps you to become smarter and it helps you with hand-eye coordination. I will now explain to you why the time we spend on computers is needed by stating these three reason. My first reason I'll like to state that will convince you with the time we spend on computer's are needed is it helps us with information and it teaches stuff about place's, people, culture and more it teaches us useful information which takes a while to learn so the time we spend on computeres is needed to learn new information. My second reason I'll like to state that will convince you with. The time we spend on computer's are needed is it helps us to become smarter. Say if you needed help with fractions you can go on a math site it helps you with it. Computers make you become become smarter. And at the end of the day it's about who's smarter not who does more excerise. My third and final reason which contribute to why we spend the time we spend on computer are needed because it teaches you good hand-eye coordination because it help with typing and become more faster to do essay's and when you have good hand-eye coordination you dont make a lot of mistake's typing. So I have come to my conclusion why a lot of computer time is needed because it helps with information, you become smarter, and it teaches good hand-eye coordination this is why a lot of computer time is needed probably even more computer time is needed. A lot of computer time is needed because you get smarter plus it beneifts society.
Dear, Local Newspaper @CAPS1 here to inform you that the time we spend on computers is needed because it helps you with information, it helps you to become smarter, and it helps you with hand-eye coordination. I will now explain to you why the time we spend on computers is needed by stating this three reason. My first reason I'll like to state that will convince you with the time we spend on computers are needed is it helps us with information, and it teaches stuff about place's, people, culture and more it teaches us useful information which takes a while to learn so the time we spend on computers is needed to learn new information. My second reason I'll like to state that will convince you with. The time we spend on computers are needed is it helps us to become smarter. Say if you needed help with fractions you can go on a math site it helps you with it. Computers make you become smarter. And at the end of the day it's about who's smarter not who does more . My third and final reason which contribute to why we spend the time we spend on computer are needed because it teaches you good hand-eye coordination because it helps with typing and become faster to do essay's and when you have good hand-eye coordination you don't make a lot of mistake's typing. So I have come to my conclusion why a lot of computer time is needed because it helps with information, you become smarter, and it teaches good hand-eye coordination this is why a lot of computer time is needed probably even more computer time is needed. A lot of computer time is needed because you get smarter plus it benefits society.
Dear newspaper, I feel as though internet or computers act as an advantage in sosiety rather than a problem. They help with school work, like projects or email. You can even take college online now! People also use the internet for media or to simply catch up with friends. One of the most important reasons to have a computer is for school orenented reasons. Like having a project that you need to get notes for or making a power poin presentation. One other great reson is for the teachers. There computers can help them teach a class in a way that is both fun and easy to undersand. The new uprizing in computer use has brought about new ways of getting a college degree. Now you even just simply get in bed turn on your lap top and take college classes right on your computer! I dont know about you guy's but I'd much rather take college in the own comfort of my home then drive to a campus all the time. Another great use for the internet is e-mail to e-mail makes our lives a lot easier now that more people use it. It can send us school starts like a early dismiste or a way to catch up with old highschool frends. Another great reson for the internet is for mention or just to have fun and relax. @PERCENT1 of people that have computers use them for media or fun reasons, like gamelry, or to go on to youtube. Please add this article into your news paper so that the computer can be put out there as a helping add, and not something that is going to make the whole world obise because thats not just from computers. Its the people who use computers, felt that they dont get exercise not the computers. So why put them out in a bad way.
Dear newspaper, I feel as though internet or computers act as an advantage in society rather than a problem. They help with school work, like projects or email. You can even take college online now! People also use the internet for media or to simply catch up with friends. One of the most important reasons to have a computer is for school presented reasons. Like having a project that you need to get notes for or making a power point presentation. One other great reason is for the teachers. There computers can help them teach a class in a way that is both fun and easy to understand. The new uprising in computer use has brought about new ways of getting a college degree. Now you even just simply get in bed turn on your laptop and take college classes right on your computer! I don't know about you guy's, but I'd much rather take college in the own comfort of my home then drive to a campus all the time. Another great use for the internet is e-mail to e-mail makes our lives a lot easier now that more people use it. It can send us school starts like an early dismissed or a way to catch up with old high school friends. Another great reason for the internet is for mention or just to have fun and relax. @PERCENT1 of people that have computers use them for media or fun reasons, like gamely, or to go on to YouTube. Please add this article into your newspaper so that the computer can be put out there as a helping add, and not something that is going to make the whole world obese because that's not just from computers. It's the people who use computers, felt that they don't get exercise not the computers. So why put them out in a bad way.
Have you ever had the time completely fly by while you're on the computer? You go on at @TIME1pm and all of a sudden it's seven at night. People should spend less time on the computer because they should be outside, it takes away time with your family, and there are other ways to look up information. You should be outside, enjoying the fresh air and playing sports, not stuck inside all day with your eyes glued to a screen. When you're on the computer all day, you're just sitting there. You're not moving around at all. Seventy-two percent of kids who spend all their time on the computer are over weight. Being on the computer on a beautiful is like blocking out the birds' songs on the first day of @DATE1. Nature is amazing, and you should be outside enjoying it, not cooped up in a stuffy room leaning over a man-made machine. People should spend a lot less time on their computer. When you're on the computer, time really flies by. You lose your whole day to it, and wouldn't you rather be doing something more fun? You can be alone on the computer in a dark room. You should be with your family and and friends. Computers are going to be around for a long time, and when they die down it will only be because something better came along. Your baby brother won't be a baby forever and your grandparents might not even be there tomorrow. Don't you want to spend as much time as you can with them? You're changing too, so you @MONTH1 be off to college or have to move far away for buissness. "They grow up so fast. They're adults in a blink of an eye." my grandma said to my mom. Almost @PERCENT1 of parents feel that same way. So, don't spend all your time alone with a machine, be with your loving family and chairish each moment. People should spend less time on the computer because there are other ways to look up information and learn about new places. There are so many books in the world, about any topic you can imagine. Using books to look up information is better than typing in the word into google because it's important to learn how to use an index and find the book on the shelf. A trip to the library @MONTH1 not be your cup of sunshine, so if you want to learn about a place, why don't you go to that place? If you're doing a report on @LOCATION2 for school it would be a lot of fun to go to @LOCATION2 for a few days to learn about it. And you can take pictures with your own camera, not just a picture you found online. It would be a really fun family trip. Even if you're doing your report on a place as boring as @LOCATION1, you could still probably have a lot of fun, hanging out with your family together. In conclusion, people should spend less time on the computer and more time being outside, with family, and at really fun places. Why would you want to stare at a screen all day when you could be having this much fun?
Have you ever had the time completely fly by while you're on the computer? You go on at @TIME1pm and all of a sudden it's seven at night. People should spend less time on the computer because they should be outside, it takes away time with your family, and there are other ways to look up information. You should be outside, enjoying the fresh air and playing sports, not stuck inside all day with your eyes glued to a screen. When you're on the computer all day, you're just sitting there. You're not moving around at all. Seventy-two percent of kids who spend all their time on the computer are over weight. Being on the computer on is like blocking out the birds' songs on the first day of @DATE1. Nature is amazing, and you should be outside enjoying it, not cooped up in a stuffy room leaning over a man-made machine. People should spend a lot less time on their computer. When you're on the computer, time really flies by. You lose your whole day to it, and wouldn't you rather be doing something more fun? You can be alone on the computer in a dark room. Furthermore, you should be with your family and friends. Computers are going to be around for a long time, and when they die down it will only be because something better came along. Your baby brother won't be a baby forever and your grandparents might not even be there tomorrow. Don't you want to spend as much time as you can with them? You're changing too, so you @MONTH1 is off to college or have to move far away for business. "They grow up so fast. They're adults in a blink of an eye." my grandma said to my mom. Almost @PERCENT1 of parents feel that same way. So, don't spend all your time alone with a machine, be with your loving family and cherish each moment. People should spend less time on the computer because there are other ways to look up information and learn about new places. There are so many books in the world, about any topic you can imagine. Using books to look up information is better than typing in the word into google because it's important to learn how to use an index and find the book on the shelf. A trip to the library @MONTH1 not be your cup of sunshine, so if you want to learn about a place, why don't you go to that place? If you're doing a report on @LOCATION2 for school it would be a lot of fun to go to @LOCATION2 for a few days to learn about it. And you can take pictures with your own camera, not just a picture you found online. It would be a really fun family trip. Even if you're doing your report on a place as boring as @LOCATION1, you could still probably have a lot of fun, hanging out with your family together. In conclusion, people should spend less time on the computer and more time being outside, with family, and at really fun places. Why would you want to stare at a screen all day when you could be having this much fun?
Dear local newspaper, I am writing this letter to you to show on how people get effected from computers. It effects people very well and teaches people many things for just one technology. Computers effects many people for what it does. Computers have many advantages that people learn very quickly. Many people love computers. It is one of the most best inventions to everyone around the world. They teach positive things for people to learn. Computer even have a positive effect on people across the world. They teach many things for people to learn and that have already learned. Such as, hand-eye cordination. When you type up words it teaches you to see better with your eyes. Computers also, give people the ability to see, understand, and gives information about people across the world. Celebraties are very popular on computers or other technologies. Computers help you learn things better than any other technologies. Anything you can get on any other technologies. There is a guarantee of you will find it on your computer. Computers are just like other technologies but in some categories they're much better than the others. Computers are very important in life because without computers we would not learn how to communicate with each other. If we did not have phones to use to call someone. On the computer if you go online you can maybe talk to someone by their email address. You can talk to someone that you have not talk to in years. You can look images or videos that you haven't seen in years. On computers, you can find out information from news that week of or even the day of. In conclusion all I say is that without computers in this world. What would it be like? Most technologies that are not as good computers will be popular without computers. I wonder what it will be like?
Dear local newspaper, I am writing this letter to you to show on how people get effected from computers. It effects people very well and teaches people many things for just one technology. Computers effects many people for what it does. Computers have many advantages that people learn very quickly. Many people love computers. It is one of the best inventions to everyone around the world. They teach positive things for people to learn. Computer even have a positive effect on people across the world. They teach many things for people to learn and that have already learned. Such as, hand-eye coordination. When you type up words it teaches you to see better with your eyes. Computers also, give people the ability to see, understand, and gives information about people across the world. Celebrities are very popular on computers or other technologies. Computers help you learn things better than any other technologies. Anything you can get on any other technologies. There is a guarantee of you will find it on your computer. Computers are just like other technologies but in some categories they're much better than the others. Computers are very important in life because without computers we would not learn how to communicate with each other. If we did not have phones to use to call someone. On the computer if you go online you can maybe talk to someone by their email address. You can talk to someone that you have not talked to in years. You can look images or videos that you haven't seen in years. On computers, you can find out information from news that week of or even the day of. In conclusion all I say is that without computers in this world. What would it be like? Most technologies that are not as good computers will be popular without computers. I wonder what it will be like?
Computers are the greatest tool mankind has. They give people acsess to more information than anything else in the world. they ler us connect faraway places with one click of the button without computers people would never know and learn or do as much as can without computers modern planes or cars would not exist. without computer this very test probaly would not exist so no sconclusion to much time on the computor, because theres more to do than one can doin lifetime
Computers are the greatest tool mankind has. They give people access to more information than anything else in the world. They LER us connect faraway places with one click of the button without computers people would never know and learn or do as much as can without computers modern planes or cars would not exist. Without computer this very test probably would not exist so no conclusion too much time on the computer, because there's more to do than one can doing lifetime
Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever wondered how to get somewhere and you didn't have a map or @CAPS1 near you and the only thing that was the near you was a @CAPS3. Well I am saying you should go on it and search were you want to go. Computers are very helpful in every one's daily life they have so many facts and interesting things on them, @CAPS2 about again trying to figure out were someone lives it's very easy, go on google and type in someones's adress and there you go. The @CAPS3 is also very good because have you ever thought about one of your friends or a special someone and you havent seen them in like a really long time and you miss them well no problem mostley all computers have some sort of camera in them were you could video chat or just chat regular on the enternet. That is very helpful because even though you could just go on the phone and call them it's better to do it online because how about if you havent seen them you want to see a picture of them they could just send it to you on some sort of chat page or just your email. It is so much better then mailing one picture in the mail and it takes days for the mail to come if you could do it the faster way on line and on video chat it will be better.. The @CAPS3 is also very helpful because how about one day you want to go some were and you dont know what the weather is going to be well you could go to put on the tv and see but there is so many communications and you cant really see because they move the weather days fast. On the @CAPS3 you could type the weather in for one week and it will tell you and you could look at it for as long as you want and it will stay there so you could see the whole week without the screen having fast as the image is not in the light light or if it's to dark. The @CAPS3 is so helpful. People do say that it is good to get off the @CAPS3 and go for a walk outside in nature I do agree with that but people and children do get their exercising by walking around the house and going outside going shopping. Computers are helpful and nice and another thing is say one day you are online and you are looking at clothes or shoes and you want to buy them but you dont want to go to the mall a half hour away from were you live you could just buy them online and they will be shipped to your house and you dont even have to lift a fingure. They are also good because they have like a dictionary on it were if you dont know how to spell a word you type it in the best way you can and it corrects your spelling and tells you what the word is, also the computers have pictures of everything, if you want to see how something looks like you can type it in and shows you. with all the facts I have given you I hope you agree with me that computers are very helpful nice and safe.
Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever wondered how to get somewhere, and you didn't have a map or @CAPS1 near you and the only thing that was the near you was a @CAPS3. Well I am saying you should go on it and search were you want to go. Computers are very helpful in every one's daily life they have so many facts and interesting things on them, @CAPS2 about again trying to figure out were someone lives it's very easy, go on Google and type in someone's's address and there you go. The @CAPS3 is also very good because have you ever thought about one of your friends or a special someone and you haven't seen them in like a really long time, and you miss them well no problem mostly all computers have some sort of camera in them were you could video chat or just chat regular on the Internet. That is very helpful because even though you could just go on the phone and call them it's better to do it online because how about if you haven't seen them you want to see a picture of them they could just send it to you on some sort of chat page or just your email. It is so much better than mailing one picture in the mail, and it takes days for the mail to come if you could do it the faster way online and on video chat it will be better. The @CAPS3 is also very helpful because how about one day you want to go some were and you don't know what the weather is going to be well you could go to put on the TV and see but there are so many communications and you can't really see because they move the weather days fast. On the @CAPS3 you could type the weather in for one week, and it will tell you, and you could look at it for as long as you want, and it will stay there, so you could see the whole week without the screen having fast as the image is not in the light or if it's too dark. The @CAPS3 is so helpful. People do say that it is good to get off the @CAPS3 and go for a walk outside in nature I do agree with that but people and children do get their exercising by walking around the house and going outside going shopping. Computers are helpful and nice and another thing is said one day you are online, and you are looking at clothes or shoes, and you want to buy them but you don't want to go to the mall a half hour away from where you live you could just buy them online, and they will be shipped to your house and you don't even have to lift a figure. They are also good because they have like a dictionary on it were if you don't know how to spell a word you type it in the best way you can, and it corrects your spelling and tells you what the word is, also the computers have pictures of everything, if you want to see how something looks like you can type it in and shows you. With all the facts I have given you I hope you agree with me that computers are very helpful nice and safe. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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