Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever gone somewhere, taken pictures, and posted them on the computer? If you have you will remember where you visited. But atleast you went to @ORGANIZATION1, or @LOCATION1 or somewhere. There are some people who are on the computer all day. Instead of experiencing nature and taken on @CAPS1 life brings to them, they are on facebook or youtube all day. This disgusts me because there are many fun, beautiful, and entertainings things to do. In @CAPS2 opinion I think computers have negative effects on people. People miss out on enjoying nature or interacting with friends and family. Some people do not get exercise anymore and it hurts to see obese people just sit ther and do nothing about there lives. First I'd like to talk about obesity. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of children are obese at young a young age? Computers take the place of exercising for a young boy or girl. They should go outside and play sports like basketball or soccer. Another thing is those game websites. Children get so caught up in a computer game, everything around them just disappears. All they worry about is winning the game. While playing this game they might eating doritos. Sooner or later five pounds is gained. Then they will regret not exercising and not be able to move. Later in life, when things are bad for them, they will realized on how many fantastic things they missed. Then they will say "@CAPS1 did I do with @CAPS2 life?" @CAPS2 next point shows that people are not enjoying nature. Have you ever taken a nice walk in the park? I know I have. Well people sit inside all day just taking a peek out the window, but don't think about going outside. Nature is beautiful, smells nice, even refreshing at times. But no. People sit on there butt all day. On the computer accomplishing absolutely nothing. Why can't they go outsite for a walk or a jog? People can see animals like squirrels climbing up a tree. How cute. But instead they play a virtual game where you shoot squirrels with a paint ball gun. So much is missed because of computers. As much as not enjoying nature upsets me, some people blow off their own family just to watch a re-run of family guy on youtube. @CAPS1 have we come to? Some children hit their parents because the parents shut the computer off. I'd rather enjoy a meal with @CAPS2 family and then just sit down, relax, and talk. Also some people don't get sleep becuse they are "doing something important" and miss a family trip or even school. In conclusion I believe that computers are bad because of obesity, missing nature, and not enjoying company of family & friends.
Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever gone somewhere, taken pictures, and posted them on the computer? If you have, you will remember where you visited. But at least you went to @ORGANIZATION1, or @LOCATION1 or somewhere. There are some people who are on the computer all day. Instead of experiencing nature and taken on @CAPS1 life brings to them, they are on Facebook or YouTube all day. This disgusts me because there are many fun, beautiful, and entertaining things to do. In @CAPS2 opinion I think computers have negative effects on people. People miss out on enjoying nature or interacting with friends and family. Some people do not get exercise anymore, and it hurts to see obese people just sit the and do nothing about their lives. First I'd like to talk about obesity. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of children are obese at young a young age? Computers take the place of exercising for a young boy or girl. They should go outside and play sports like basketball or soccer. Another thing is those game websites. Children get so caught up in a computer game, everything around them just disappears. All they worry about is winning the game. While playing this game they might eat Doritos. Sooner or later five pounds is gained. Then they will regret not exercising and not be able to move. Later in life, when things are bad for them, they will realize on how many fantastic things they missed. Then they will say "@CAPS1 did I do with @CAPS2 life?" @CAPS2 next point shows that people are not enjoying nature. Have you ever taken a nice walk in the park? I know I have. Well people sit inside all day just taking a peek out the window, but don't think about going outside. Nature is beautiful, smells nice, even refreshing at times. But no. People sit on their butt all day. On the computer accomplishing absolutely nothing. Why can't they go outside for a walk or a jog? People can see animals like squirrels climbing up a tree. How cute. But instead they play a virtual game where you shoot squirrels with a paintball gun. So much is missed because of computers. As much as not enjoying nature upsets me, some people blow off their own family just to watch a re-run of family guy on YouTube. @CAPS1 have we come to? Some children hit their parents because the parents shut the computer off. I'd rather enjoy a meal with @CAPS2 family and then just sit down, relax, and talk. Also, some people don't get sleep because they are "doing something important" and miss a family trip or even school. In conclusion, I believe that computers are bad because of obesity, missing nature, and not enjoying company of family & friends.
Dear Local Newspaper, Experts should not be concerned about other people that stay on the computer for a while. Maybe people know what they are doing and have to stay on computers for a long time. They also might like to learn things that they never thought about learning. Most people try not to be overweight. Experts should Not try to have less people on the computer. One reason is that people can chat with one another. It can be friends, families, and more. About @PERCENT1 of people chat online with families or friends. Chatting can also help you like if there is an emergency. You can tell someone what is going on and call the cops. Without a doubt chatting online is a great way to use the computer during the time your on it. Another reason is that you can search anything you need to know. Maybe if you have to search something for school, the computer can help you. This can have positive effects on people. It can make someone a better person. You can't agree that getting to search anything is a fantastic way of using a computer for a while. A third reason is that it can teach you hand-eye coordination and gives people the ability to learn about faraway places and people. Learning about things you have never dreamed about learning. There are many people and places in the world that you still have to learn about. Is it surprising to you that almost everyone and anyplace that is famous is on the internet. Using the computer this way is another terrific idea. These are all great ways of using the computer. Being on the for a while is not a waste of time. People can you their time wisly on the computer. Surprisingly it is true that all of the reasons are good for the time being on the computer. So you should try to make people be on the computer less often.
Dear Local Newspaper, Experts should not be concerned about other people that stay on the computer for a while. Maybe people know what they are doing and have to stay on computers for a long time. They also might like to learn things that they never thought about learning. Most people try not to be overweight. Experts should Not try to have fewer people on the computer. One reason is that people can chat with one another. It can be friends, families, and more. About @PERCENT1 of people chat online with families or friends. Chatting can also help you like if there is an emergency. You can tell someone what is going on and call the cops. Without a doubt chatting online is a great way to use the computer during the time your on it. Another reason is that you can search anything you need to know. Maybe if you have to search something for school, the computer can help you. This can have positive effects on people. It can make someone a better person. You can't agree that getting to search anything is a fantastic way of using a computer for a while. A third reason is that it can teach you hand-eye coordination and gives people the ability to learn about faraway places and people. Learning about things you have never dreamed about learning. There are many people and places in the world that you still have to learn about. Is it surprising to you that almost everyone and anyplace that is famous is on the internet. Using the computer this way is another terrific idea. These are all great ways of using the computer. Being on the for a while is not a waste of time. People can you their time Willy on the computer. Surprisingly it is true that all the reasons are good for the time being on the computer. So you should try to make people be on the computer less often.
Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever been running late to a party and just realize you don't have the directions to the person's house? Have you ever had to write a paper and there wen't any books or encyclopedias available? Or have you ever just wanted to catch up with an old friend? @CAPS1 you answered yes to at least one of these questions, there is a good chance you have used a computer in your lifetime. Computers have positive effects because they can give you quick and reliable @CAPS2 and the can be fun too. To begin with let's go back to that example in the paragraph above. Have you ever been running late to a party and realize you do not have the direction's to the person's house? @CAPS1 you have, there are two things you can do in that situation. You can call up the person who probably wan't answer because they're @CAPS4 fun at their party, or you can go on the computer, type the person's address in and you will have your directions in seconds. Call me crazy, but this way seems quicker more efficient and reliable. My mother always says to me, "@CAPS1 you're @CAPS4 trouble finding @CAPS2, go on the computer," because she knows that there is all the @CAPS2 in books on the @CAPS3, and more. And it's just one click away, @CAPS4 sold that, the computer has positive effects on you because it gives you quick and reliable @CAPS2 In addition, computers have positive effects on you when you're trying to have fun. For example, @CAPS5. @CAPS5 is used by teens and adults like, and for one reason only, to socialize with friends via computer. @CAPS1 you to another date and wait to see what your last friend's up the best thing to do would be to go on @CAPS5 and ask A @ORGANIZATION1 shows that in a family of five, four of them use the @CAPS3 to communicate and socialize with friends. Obviously, this is how computers have a positive effect. In conclusion, whether you're bored at home and it's a rainy day, or @CAPS1 you have to nght a research paper you saved until the last minute, a computer will be there for you. Positive effects computers have - are that they are quick and reliable, and they are fun to use.
Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever been running late to a party and just realize you don't have the directions to the person's house? Have you ever had to write a paper and there went any books or encyclopedias available? Or have you ever just wanted to catch up with an old friend? @CAPS1 you answered yes to at least one of these questions, there is a good chance you have used a computer in your lifetime. Computers have positive effects because they can give you quick and reliable @CAPS2 and they can be fun too. To begin with let's go back to that example in the paragraph above. Have you ever been running late to a party and realize you do not have the direction's to the person's house? @CAPS1 you have, there are two things you can do in that situation. You can call up the person who probably want answer because they're @CAPS4 fun at their party, or you can go on the computer, type the person's address in, and you will have your directions in seconds. Call me crazy, but this way seems quicker more efficient and reliable. My mother always says to me, "@CAPS1 you're @CAPS4 trouble finding @CAPS2, go on the computer," because she knows that there is all the @CAPS2 in books on the @CAPS3, and more. And it's just one click away, @CAPS4 sold that, the computer has positive effects on you because it gives you quick and reliable @CAPS2 In addition, computers have positive effects on you when you're trying to have fun. For example, @CAPS5. @CAPS5 is used by teens and adults like, and for one reason only, to socialize with friends via computer. @CAPS1 you to another date and wait to see what your last friend's up the best thing to do would be to go on @CAPS5 and ask A @ORGANIZATION1 shows that in a family of five, four of them use the @CAPS3 to communicate and socialize with friends. Obviously, this is how computers have a positive effect. In conclusion, whether you're bored at home and it's a rainy day, or @CAPS1 you have to night a research paper you saved until the last minute, a computer will be there for you. Positive effects computers have - are that they are quick and reliable, and they are fun to use.
Dear The @CAPS1, @CAPS2 has been an argument wheter computers do or do not have a positive effect on people. Some believe, that computers have negative effets on people for example spending too much time, not exercising, and not interacting with family and friends. However, I believe computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches hand-eye coordination, lets people know about faraway places, and allows people to talk online. To conclude, computers have a positive effect on people. Did you know hand-eye coordination can be helpful at times? Well, it true because if you are in distress and the phone is broken and you don't have a cellphone then send an emergency e-mail to one of your friends informing them to call all and since you have hand-eye coordination you can type without having to look down. Also if your in college and have an important essay due tomorrow then hand-eye coordination can really help you write down notes without having to look back at the writing paper. Finally, with hand-eye coordination it can help you can join the army because if you spot a threat you can aim and shoot quickly without having to take out the gun after threat attacks. To conclude, computers teaches hand-eye coordination. Have you ever wanted to go to a forgein places? Well with computers you can do that you can just search the place and see what the place has. Fethermore, if you want to learn to speak a forgein language you can all you have to do is type in the language with a question and search its so easy a baby can do it. Finally, if you want to learn how to cook like forgein places do then type in the type of food or its name and search. To summarize, computers lets people know about forgein places. Have you ever have the feeling that you want to talk to somebody? I know I have this is why computers can help you talk to people online just tree the person's e-mail adresses and type the message. Also you don't have to waste money on paper and envelopes. Finally, having an e-mail is free so you can talk all you want. To conclude, computers help people talk online. In summarization, computers have a positive effect on people. It helps them have hand-eye coordination, learn about new places, and lets them talk.
Dear The @CAPS1, @CAPS2 has been an argument whether computers do or do not have a positive effect on people. Some believe, that computers have negative effects on people for example spending too much time, not exercising, and not interacting with family and friends. However, I believe computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches hand-eye coordination, lets people know about faraway places, and allows people to talk online. To conclude, computers have a positive effect on people. Did you know hand-eye coordination can be helpful at times? Well, it true because if you are in distress and the phone is broken, and you don't have a cellphone then send an emergency e-mail to one of your friends informing them to call all and since you have hand-eye coordination you can type without having to look down. Also, if you're in college and have an important essay due tomorrow then hand-eye coordination can really help you write down notes without having to look back at the writing paper. Finally, with hand-eye coordination it can help you can join the army because if you spot a threat you can aim and shoot quickly without having to take out the gun after threat attacks. To conclude, computers teaches hand-eye coordination. Have you ever wanted to go to a Morgan places? Well with computers you can do that you can just search the place and see what the place has. Furthermore, if you want to learn to speak a Morgan language you can all you have to do is type in the language with a question and search its so easy a baby can do it. Finally, if you want to learn how to cook like Morgan places do then type in the type of food or its name and search. To summarize, computers lets people know about Morgan places. Have you ever have the feeling that you want to talk to somebody? I know I have this is why computers can help you talk to people online just tree the person's e-mail addresses and type the message. Also, you don't have to waste money on paper and envelopes. Finally, having an e-mail is free, so you can talk all you want. To conclude, computers help people talk online. In summarization, computers have a positive effect on people. It helps them have hand-eye coordination, learn about new places, and lets them talk.
Computers are used world wide everyday, and most of the time @CAPS2 is used for a good reason. Computers help out by making @CAPS2 possible to get all the info you want, like for a trip. @CAPS1 you wanted to go to a close but fancy restaurant you @MONTH1 use a computer so you know how far. Computers also help out, making @CAPS2 possible to talk to friends that you haven't seen for years. @CAPS2 is also great way to meet new people. Let's say you are really stressed at work or school and you forget your book, you can usually bring @CAPS2 up on the computer and do @CAPS2 there. First, computers help out with traveling, sight seeing and lots more. When you travel, dont you want to know everything? And the biggest detail you want to know is the cost and the computer can usually give you a close to exact price for everything. Now that help's out a bunch when your traveling the world. And also when your site seeing you usually want to find either the most amazing or romantic spot were you are. And @CAPS1 you type in "the most romantic spot in somers" @CAPS2 should come up with a bunch of spots. So dont drive to miles just to get a map or brochure, use your computer and print one off. Second, @CAPS1 there was a friend you haven't seen in years and you want to talk, you can go on the computer. The computer helps in so many ways @CAPS2 could even tell you were this person lives and you could surprise visit him/her. When your on the computer, you can even meet new friends and have conversations with them. and even meet them someday. And @CAPS1 you and that new friend get along then mabey you and that person could be best friends. So @CAPS1 you haven't seen or talked to someone in a while that you knew use the computer to have a chat. Third, say your teacher or boss yelled at you today and no one has been nice to you all day and you forget your homework book or paperwork. Were do you go? the computer, @CAPS2 can bring most any paper work or work book you need to get the job done. @CAPS1 you forgot your homework book, you dont want to get a falling grade. on this homework. So you go to your computer from there. And @CAPS1 you forgot your paper work, and @CAPS1 you didn't finish this project for work tonight you would be fired, you could just go on the computer, find the work and finish @CAPS2. Also save your job. So that why computers help out so much in this lifetime. Last, that is why in this lifetime you need computers. They help us with our vacation trips. They help with conversation with old friends we haven't seen forever. Also they help with your school and job work. At least @PERCENT1 of our population use computers every day and with out them our society would colaps/ @DATE1. So think about the decision you are making and @CAPS1 @CAPS2 will benefit our society or make our society @DATE1 to its knees.
Computers are used worldwide every day, and most of the time @CAPS2 is used for a good reason. Computers help out by making @CAPS2 possible to get all the info you want, like for a trip. @CAPS1 you wanted to go to a close but fancy restaurant you @MONTH1 uses a computer, so you know how far. Computers also help out, making @CAPS2 possible to talk to friends that you haven't seen for years. @CAPS2 is also great way to meet new people. Let's say you are really stressed at work or school, and you forget your book, you can usually bring @CAPS2 up on the computer and do @CAPS2 there. First, computers help out with traveling, sightseeing and lots more. When you travel, don't you want to know everything? And the biggest detail you want to know is the cost and the computer can usually give you a close to exact price for everything. Now that help's out a bunch when you're traveling the world. And also when your site seeing you usually want to find either the most amazing or romantic spot were you are. And @CAPS1 you type in "the most romantic spot in homers" @CAPS2 should come up with a bunch of spots. So don't drive to miles just to get a map or brochure, use your computer and print one off. Second, @CAPS1 there was a friend you haven't seen in years, and you want to talk, you can go on the computer. The computer helps in so many ways @CAPS2 could even tell you were this person lives, and you could surprise visit him/her. When you're on the computer, you can even meet new friends and have conversations with them. And even meet them someday. And @CAPS1 you and that new friend get along then maybe you and that person could be bested friends. So @CAPS1 you haven't seen or talked to someone in a while that you knew use the computer to have a chat. Third, say your teacher or boss yelled at you today and no one has been nice to you all day, and you forget your homework book or paperwork. Where do you go? The computer, @CAPS2 can bring almost any paper work or work book you need to get the job done. @CAPS1 you forgot your homework book, you don't want to get a falling grade. On this homework. So you go to your computer from there. And @CAPS1 you forgot your paper work, and @CAPS1 you didn't finish this project for work tonight you would be fired, you could just go on the computer, find the work and finish @CAPS2. Also save your job. So that why computers help out so much in this lifetime. Last, that is why in this lifetime you need computers. They help us with our vacation trips. They help with conversation with old friends we haven't seen forever. Also, they help with your school and job work. At least @PERCENT1 of our population use computers every day and without them our society would claps/ @DATE1. So think about the decision you are making, and @CAPS1 @CAPS2 will benefit our society or make our society @DATE1 to its knees.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I firmly believe that computers are beneficial to today's society. Not only do computers help us connect with peopl, but think of how efficiant they can be. And you can't neglect the fact that computers offer a profusion of entertainment. So before you say, "Computers are ruining our society.", please read my reasons why computers are essential. What is the first thing that comes to mind when I you hear 'computers'. Many people think of the chatrooms and @CAPS2's. Those are two examples of how a computer can bring people together. Imagine you doing a report on life in @LOCATION1. However, all you can find are those generic articles in old books. A simple solution is talking online to an actual person who lives in @LOCATION1. Computers can even help connect family members who live long distances from each other. I know that i would be overflowing with bliss if an aunt or uncle contacted me through '@CAPS3' or e-mail. In addition to connecting with people, computers are very efficiant. As students mature, homework is taken seriously. For instance, one of my friends handed in an essay and our teacher did not accept it. Her penmenship was not legible. Typing homework is an easy alternative to handing in messy, unsophisticated work. The efficiency of a computer is also recognized when trying to accomplish seemingly simple tasks. Just imagine how often you'd get lost without your directions from. Or how much you'd mess up if you didn't print out a recipe for dinner. Most importantly, computers are the virtual gateway to all sorts of entertainment. Whether you like playing computer games or even if shopping for the best deal is you game; a computer will suit you. There are. Thousand of website to visit and even more games just waiting to be played. A computer is anyone's passport to leisure and enjoyments. So you make the choice. Is a computer going to benefit society, or will they have catastrophic results. I urge you to remember; computer are a way to connect with people and they are efficiant. Most of all, remember how much you can achieve with a computer.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I firmly believe that computers are beneficial to today's society. Not only do computers help us connect with people, but think of how efficient they can be. And you can't neglect the fact that computers offer a profusion of entertainment. So before you say, "Computers are ruining our society.", please read my reasons why computers are essential. What is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear 'computers'. Many people think of the chatroom and @CAPS2's. Those are two examples of how a computer can bring people together. Imagine you doing a report on life in @LOCATION1. However, all you can find are those generic articles in old books. A simple solution is talking online to an actual person who lives in @LOCATION1. Computers can even help connect family members who live long distances from each other. I know that I would be overflowing with bliss if an aunt or uncle contacted me through '@CAPS3' or e-mail. In addition to connecting with people, computers are very efficient. As students mature, homework is taken seriously. For instance, one of my friends handed in an essay and our teacher did not accept it. Her penmanship was not legible. Typing homework is an easy alternative to handing in messy, unsophisticated work. The efficiency of a computer is also recognized when trying to accomplish seemingly simple tasks. Just imagine how often you'd get lost without your directions from. Or how much you'd mess up if you didn't print out a recipe for dinner. Most importantly, computers are the virtual gateway to all sorts of entertainment. Whether you like playing computer games or even if shopping for the best deal is you game; a computer will suit you. There are. A Thousand of website to visit and even more games just waiting to be played. A computer is anyone's passport to leisure and enjoyments. So you make the choice. Is a computer going to benefit society, or will they have catastrophic results. I urge you to remember; computer are a way to connect with people, and they are efficient. Most of all, remember how much you can achieve with a computer.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 your computer ever crashed, and you needed to do a presentation? Well if so, that means you probably had to do your presentation on paper, the old fashioned way. Recently, there @CAPS1 been a debate going on between experts about computers. Some think they make your life more efficient while others think they make you spend too much time on them rather than outdoors. I believe that computers make our lives easier and that the advances in technology have a positive effect on people. I think this because it teaches you skills and updates you on info. around the world, it's efficient for work and helps the environment, and lastly, it let's people stay in touch. Computers have a positive effect on people because it let's family members stay in touch. Emails are an example of this. Instead of mailing a letter, you are electronically sending it. The person recieves it quicker and can answer ina more timely manner. Also, social networking sites help families keep in touch. One example of this is facebook. You can see what the person is doing and chat with them using facebook chat. I relate to this. My cousin lives in @LOCATION2, so I don't see him a lot. Through facebook, we can talk and update each other on our lives. Lastly, you can see pictures of your family. Many families have accounts on photo sharing sites. This enables them to see pictures or recent vacations or sporting events. They can comment and every member of the family can see how everyone looks/changes throughout the year. That is how computers let people stay in touch. Another reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because it teaches you skills and updates you on information. Computers teach you hand-eye coordination. When you type with a keyboard, you have to know where each letter is. This makes it possible to lok at the screen to recognize my errors. Hand eye coordination is a good skill for everyone to know. Computers update you on world news. Many homepage on the internet have news engines built into them. These news engines keep people updates on major news events. For example, the war in @LOCATION5, or more recently, the @LOCATION3 and @LOCATION4 earthquakes. Without the internet, we would be very behind on important news updates around the world. My last reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because it is efficient for work and they help the environment. Computers help the environment because you are not using as much paper. Throughout the year, @CAPS2 use billions of sheets of paper to write letters. With computers that number goes down into the thousands. Why you @MONTH1 ask? Emails don't recquire paper. They are electronic, which means no paper. They are also environmentally friendly because news paper companies are going out of buisness. Due to online news paper news is becoming less and less popular. Computers are efficient for work because it is so easy to make presentations. There are so many programs to use, that making a big presentation could take minutes. That is why computers make work easy but help the environment at the same time. As you can see, computers have many positive effect on people. They let family members stay in touch, they teach you skills, and they are efficient for work while being environmentally friendly. That is why I believe computers have a positive effect on people. Let me ask you this question again. @CAPS1 your computer ever crashed when you needed to do a big project? Now you know that computers make life efficient. What would you do without them? So now it's your turn, go out and buy a computer because you will be thankful you did.
Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 your computer ever crashed, and you needed to do a presentation? Well if so, that means you probably had to do your presentation on paper, the old-fashioned way. Recently, there @CAPS1 been a debate going on between experts about computers. Some think they make your life more efficient while others think they make you spend too much time on them rather than outdoors. I believe that computers make our lives easier and that the advances in technology have a positive effect on people. I think this because it teaches you skills and updates you on info. Around the world, it's efficient for work and helps the environment, and lastly, it let's people stay in touch. Computers have a positive effect on people because it lets family members stay in touch. Emails are an example of this. Instead of mailing a letter, you are electronically sending it. The person receives it quicker and can answer Ina more timely manner. Also, social networking sites help families keep in touch. One example of this is Facebook. You can see what the person is doing and chat with them using Facebook chat. I relate to this. My cousin lives in @LOCATION2, so I don't see him a lot. Through Facebook, we can talk and update each other on our lives. Lastly, you can see pictures of your family. Many families have accounts on photo sharing sites. This enables them to see pictures or recent vacations or sporting events. They can comment and every member of the family can see how everyone looks/changes throughout the year. That is how computers let people stay in touch. Another reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because it teaches you skills and updates you on information. Computers teach you hand-eye coordination. When you type with a keyboard, you have to know where each letter is. This makes it possible to OK at the screen to recognize my errors. Hand eye coordination is a good skill for everyone to know. Computers update you on world news. Many homepages on the internet have news engines built into them. These news engines keep people updates on major news events. For example, the war in @LOCATION5, or more recently, the @LOCATION3 and @LOCATION4 earthquakes. Without the internet, we would be very behind on important news updates around the world. My last reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because it is efficient for work, and they help the environment. Computers help the environment because you are not using as much paper. Throughout the year, @CAPS2 use billions of sheets of paper to write letters. With computers that number goes down into the thousands. Why you @MONTH1 ask? Emails don't require paper. They are electronic, which means no paper. They are also environmentally friendly because newspaper companies are going out of business. Due to online newspaper news is becoming less and less popular. Computers are efficient for work because it is so easy to make presentations. There are so many programs to use, that making a big presentation could take minutes. That is why computers make work easy but help the environment at the same time. As you can see, computers have many positive effects on people. They let family members stay in touch, they teach you skills, and they are efficient for work while being environmentally friendly. That is why I believe computers have a positive effect on people. Let me ask you this question again. @CAPS1 your computer ever crashed when you needed to do a big project? Now you know that computers make life efficient. What would you do without them? So now it's your turn, go out and buy a computer because you will be thankful you did.
I saw in one of the news papers I got in the mail that had an overnight for people to state their opinion on kids computer useage. I took the idea of waiting this letter. Multiple people do have to use computers for multiple things. Such as: homework assignments such as essays, sometimes peoples family members go off to was but can't use cell phones, also online job alpications. To start off with, kids have homework assignment right? Most of the time people have to do essays. I ask my mom lots of times if I can do an essay for school, she say, "why don't you stay after to do it?" @CAPS1 have lives so they can't stay after, also at school the computers don't let you go on most websites unlike at home which does. That's mostly one main reasons kids use computers alot. Next,, some family members go off to war. Normally for safly and privacy, they wont let the soldiers life their cellphones, but for other reasons they can use their computers. Usually your family members know that you have a computer and want to contact you so that they to know their ok so they don't have to for two years. So, the base they ace at you can talk to them over video mail. I have an @CAPS2 that went to @ORGANIZATION1 and is now in @LOCATION2, and we sometimes talk to him over chat when he was in @LOCATION1. Lastly, job aplications. Most of the time people are home bound but need a job. Tons of @CAPS3 commertials show avertisements for jobs online. This is good for all types for people, homebound, elderly, ect. But mostly its good because they sometimes let you have your own business and you get good pay still. In conclution, Some people don't go online just to be online they actually are doing something such as talking to their loved ones that they wont see for along period of time, also school assignments. Plus, if people don't know people very well how do they know if they're active or not kids, and adults, should still be able to use computers when ever they want.
I saw in one of the newspapers I got in the mail that had an overnight for people to state their opinion on kids' computer usage. I took the idea of waiting this letter. Multiple people do have to use computers for multiple things. Such as: homework assignments such as essays, sometimes peoples family members go off to was but can't use cell phones, also online job applications. To start off with, kids have homework assignment right? Most of the time people have to do essays. I ask my mom lots of times if I can do an essay for school, she says, "why don't you stay after to do it?" @CAPS1 have lives, so they can't stay after, also at school the computers don't let you go on most websites unlike at home which does. That's mostly one main reasons kids use computers a lot. Next, some family members go off to war. Normally for safely and privacy, they won't let the soldiers' life their cellphones, but for other reasons they can use their computers. Usually your family members know that you have a computer and want to contact you so that they to know their ok, so they don't have to for two years. So, the base they ace at you can talk to them over video mail. I have an @CAPS2 that went to @ORGANIZATION1 and is now in @LOCATION2, and we sometimes talk to him over chat when he was in @LOCATION1. Lastly, job applications. Most of the time people are home bound but need a job. Tons of @CAPS3 commercials show advertisements for jobs online. This is good for all types for people, home bound, elderly, etc. But mostly it's good because they sometimes let you have your own business, and you get good pay still. In conclusion, Some people don't go online just to be online they actually are doing something such as talking to their loved ones that they won't see for along period of time, also school assignments. Plus, if people don't know people very well how do they know if they're active or not kids, and adults, should still be able to use computers when ever they want.
Dear editor, @CAPS1 name is @PERSON1, and I believe that computers are a benefit to the world, and people as well. I say this because lots of people can talk to family of friends long distance. Also the computer can teach you lots of thing. Finally it makes you more social. In @CAPS1 strong opinion computers are better for the world. Firstly, many people can talk long distance with family of friends. You have web cam and that allows you to chat and see the person. Also @CAPS2 is another site where you can talk to friends and then you can have a lot and put pictures of yourself and even videos, even though you can talk on the phone and do all this but on the phone it costs money for a plan. When you use a computer it is completely free. Secondly, the computer teaches you things that help you later on in life, and it let's you know things as well. The computer people made programs that can computers and more really cool. The programs teach you how to type, it is called type to learn or type for fun. Also they have programs that let you know how to read. It is great for kids because they need to know these things any ways. Finally, the computer makes you more social. This is because you have @CAPS2 and it let's you know things that happen in school or out of school. You can talk to people on @CAPS2 or email each other and have a conversation with them. You can also meet new people from other places and have a good relationship with them. You have friends with and know who they are and won't need to figure it out. So, this is why I believe that having a computer is a good idea, and good to have. You can talk to people long distance. The computer teaches you things for life. Finally it makes you more social with people. So in @CAPS1 strong opinion it is a good idea to have a computer.
Dear editor, @CAPS1 name is @PERSON1, and I believe that computers are a benefit to the world, and people as well. I say this because lots of people can talk to family of friends long distance. Also, the computer can teach you lots of things. Finally, it makes you more social. In @CAPS1 strong opinion computers are better for the world. Firstly, many people can talk long distance with family of friends. You have webcam and that allows you to chat and see the person. Also, @CAPS2 is another site where you can talk to friends, and then you can have a lot and put pictures of yourself and even videos, even though you can talk on the phone and do all this but on the phone it costs money for a plan. When you use a computer it is completely free. Secondly, the computer teaches you think that help you later on in life, and it lets you know things as well. The computer people made programs that can computers and more really cool. The programs teach you how to type, it is called type to learn or type for fun. Also, they have programs that let you know how to read. It is great for kids because they need to know these things any ways. Finally, the computer makes you more social. This is because you have @CAPS2, and it lets you know things that happen in school or out of school. You can talk to people on @CAPS2 or email each other and have a conversation with them. You can also meet new people from other places and have a good relationship with them. Furthermore, you have friends with and know who they are and won't need to figure it out. So, this is why I believe that having a computer is a good idea, and good to have. You can talk to people long distance. The computer teaches you think for life. Finally, it makes you more social with people. So in @CAPS1 strong opinion it is a good idea to have a computer.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think computers are good to society, because you can read the news paper online, email your friends and family, and can play games and watch videos or movies. Knowing the latest news is very important, news paper are okay but you have to pay for them with the news paper online you can get the latest news for free! This way you can save money and trees. Heres another way of saving trees. E-mailing is a good to talk so some one far away and it's a lot faster than just regular old mailing. E-mail is also good for e-mailing links to cool websites, on e-mail can send a funny picture or a video or an important notice. So, Computers can be your news paper and a good and fast way of communication. It also can be useful for entertainment. Computers are one of the most popular entertainment sources. Computers allow you to go on game sites, watch videos or movies or play on online game on just a regular @CAPS1 game. I know whenever I'm bore I go on my computer and I can always find something to don on line or find a movie to watch. So, computers are very popular, in many areas computers are helpful in news, communication, and entertainment. People just need to look at the positive aspects of computers, then they will see how great they are
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think computers are good to society, because you can read the newspaper online, email your friends and family, and can play games and watch videos or movies. Knowing the latest news is very important, newspaper are okay, but you have to pay for them with the newspaper online you can get the latest news for free! This way you can save money and trees. Here's another way of saving trees. E-mailing is a good to talk so someone far away, and it's a lot faster than just regular old mailing. E-mail is also good for e-mailing links to cool websites, on e-mail can send a funny picture or a video or an important notice. So, Computers can be your newspaper and a good and fast way of communication. It also can be useful for entertainment. Computers are one of the most popular entertainment sources. Computers allow you to go on game sites, watch videos or movies or play on online game on just a regular @CAPS1 game. I know whenever I bore I go on my computer and I can always find something to don online or find a movie to watch. So, computers are very popular, in many areas computers are helpful in news, communication, and entertainment. People just need to look at the positive aspects of computers, then they will see how great they are
@CAPS1 judgment comes from expirience, and expirience comes from bad judgement, qouted from my uncle's dad. Computers haven't been around all that long for the public, so the public has little experience. Therefore, the public also lacks @CAPS1 judgement in using computers and the detrimental effects are starting to show. Computers have caused damage to people! To begin with, computers can be a @CAPS2 issue for people. In studies in @LOCATION1, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 @CAPS3 who spend their time (@NUM3 or more hours) are wearing glasses. Because of bad @CAPS2 effects the screen has on your eyes. Furthermore, computer games are made to be addicting, which causes @CAPS3 to sit in front of the computer instead of excercising. This @MONTH1 be one of the biggest causes of obesity in @LOCATION2! My little brother used to be addicted to a flying game, and he sat in front of it for hours every day and started to get fat. As soon as he stopped playing it and going outside more he immediatly started to lose fat. Therefore, people need to move around more instead of sitting in front of the computer. To continue, my second argument is about detrimental effects computers have on the enviroment. First, computers need electricity to run. That electricity comes from power plants. Over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION2's powerplants are coal, petroleum, or natural gas based. When people turn on the computer because they are bored, it wastes electricity that doesn't need to be used. Furthermore, scientists suspect humans are now a major cause of global warming. It is common sense that those powerplants burn their respective fuels to create electricity. In other words there is a definite connection between computers and global warming. Also, the powerplants release pollutants into the air that can eventually cause acid rain. To end with, my last argument is about people's skills. In a school survey, @CAPS3 who used their computers for more than @NUM4 hours per day didn't know how to cook or how to even light a match! There is a definite connection between the two as most people just put something in the microwave to eat to be able to go back to the computers as fast as possible. The matches are lit by parents to light fires or candles, But what happens when a natural disaster strikes like in @LOCATION3 or @LOCATION4? How will @CAPS3 be able to fend for themselves? The only way to cook would be with fire. There wouldn't be microwaves to cook canned food with. Furthermore, how would @CAPS3 be able to even start a fire without @CAPS4 how to light a match? Evidently excessive computer use could have very detrimental effects in a natural disaster, even to adults, so we need to stop it! Do you want @LOCATION2 to be thought of as @CAPS5 and @CAPS6? Should the enviroment, our only home, suffer because of a few bored people? How will we handle a major natural disaster? In conclusion, people are spending too much time on their computers, and they need to stop! People are becoming @CAPS6, @CAPS7 the environment, and losing important life skills. We need to all come together and cooperate to keep people healthy, to retain our life skills, but most importantly ssave our one and only beautiful @LOCATION5.
@CAPS1 judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment, quoted from my uncle's dad. Computers haven't been around all that long for the public, so the public has little experience. Therefore, the public also lacks @CAPS1 judgment in using computers and the detrimental effects are starting to show. Computers have caused damage to people! To begin with, computers can be a @CAPS2 issue for people. In studies in @LOCATION1, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 @CAPS3 who spend their time (@NUM3 or more hours) are wearing glasses. Because of bad @CAPS2 effects the screen has on your eyes. Furthermore, computer games are made to be addicting, which causes @CAPS3 to sit in front of the computer instead of exercising. This @MONTH1 be one of the biggest causes of obesity in @LOCATION2! My little brother used to be addicted to a flying game, and he sat in front of it for hours every day and started to get fat. As soon as he stopped playing it and going outside more he immediately started to lose fat. Therefore, people need to move around more instead of sitting in front of the computer. To continue, my second argument is about detrimental effects computers have on the environment. First, computers need electricity to run. That electricity comes from power plants. Over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION2's power plants are coal, petroleum, or natural gas based. When people turn on the computer because they are bored, it wastes electricity that doesn't need to be used. Furthermore, scientists suspect humans are now a major cause of global warming. It is common sense that those power plants burn their respective fuels to create electricity. In other words there is a definite connection between computers and global warming. Also, the power plants release pollutants into the air that can eventually cause acid rain. To end with, my last argument is about people's skills. In a school survey, @CAPS3 who used their computers for more than @NUM4 hours per day didn't know how to cook or how to even light a match! There is a definite connection between the two as most people just put something in the microwave to eat to be able to go back to the computers as fast as possible. The matches are lit by parents to light fires or candles, But what happens when a natural disaster strikes like in @LOCATION3 or @LOCATION4? How will @CAPS3 be able to fend for themselves? The only way to cook would be with fire. There wouldn't be microwaves to cook canned food with. Furthermore, how would @CAPS3 be able to even start a fire without @CAPS4 how to light a match? Evidently excessive computer use could have very detrimental effects in a natural disaster, even to adults, so we need to stop it! Do you want @LOCATION2 to be thought of as @CAPS5 and @CAPS6? Should the environment, our only home, suffer because of a few bored people? How will we handle a major natural disaster? In conclusion, people are spending too much time on their computers, and they need to stop! People are becoming @CAPS6, @CAPS7 the environment, and losing important life skills. We need to all come together and cooperate to keep people healthy, to retain our life skills, but most importantly save our one and only beautiful @LOCATION5.
Dear @PERSON1, @CAPS1 these days are telling kids to go outside instead of vegging out in front of a computer. Computers can but promote bad habits. I try not to use the computer unless I have too for school or to get homework. Please consider the negative effects which are exercising in apropprate content and less interaction with friends/family. Yes internets can be used to find diets and exercise plans but if you would just go to the gym to burn of those pounds everything would be just fine! Internet and computers are designed to suck in your brain, and attack you to all the websites and neat little things. It is more effective just to go to a local @ORGANIZATION2 or @ORGANIZATION1 to work out. I swim on a swim team for a @ORGANIZATION2. I love swimming better than going on the computer. It satisfies my personal needs of exercising. I lost @NUM1 pounds by just swimming for a month. I will run on the tred mill to help me burn of stress or anger. Gyms are way better than computers. I know most of us have seen something inapropprate on the computer. Yes computers give people jobs but there is no need to post pictures or messages that will hurt peoples feelings. I know the other day I saw a really mean comment that made me feel bad for the victim. I know youtube is trying to stop inappropriate content, so hurray for them. Once you give something to the internet it is lost forever. Yes computers have ways to keep in touch with friends but it is better to @CAPS3 or visit in person. Like my @CAPS2 always said," @CAPS3 more, it builds character!" @CAPS4 ever I get the chance I @CAPS3 my best buddies instead of using the computer. Kids theses days can be mean with out try. You disconnect yourself from your family. Because computers attrack users, there are times where you don't pay attention to others around you. @PERCENT1 of kids donot do there home work because of computers. Thank you for your time. I think computers are bad and everyone would be happy with out them. They help the obesity level in the nation, let cyber bullying and inappronrate content flow around the internet and lastly block you out from the world. ( @CAPS5.S someday computers are going to take over the world and you will be sorry you didn't listen to me.)
Dear @PERSON1, @CAPS1 these days are telling kids to go outside instead of vegging out in front of a computer. Computers can but promote bad habits. I try not to use the computer unless I have too for school or to get homework. Please consider the negative effects which are exercising in appropriate content and less interaction with friends/family. Yes internet scan be used to find diets and exercise plans but if you would just go to the gym to burn of those pounds everything would be just fine! Internet and computers are designed to suck in your brain, and attack you to all the websites and neat little things. It is more effective just to go to a local @ORGANIZATION2 or @ORGANIZATION1 to work out. I swim on a swim team for a @ORGANIZATION2. I love swimming better than going on the computer. It satisfies my personal needs of exercising. I lost @NUM1 pounds by just swimming for a month. I will run on the red mill to help me burn of stress or anger. Gyms are way better than computers. I know most of us have seen something inappropriate on the computer. Yes computers give people jobs, but there is no need to post pictures or messages that will hurt peoples feelings. I know the other day I saw a really mean comment that made me feel bad for the victim. I know YouTube is trying to stop inappropriate content, so hurray for them. Once you give something to the internet it is lost forever. Yes computers have ways to keep in touch with friends, but it is better to @CAPS3 or visit in person. Like my @CAPS2 always said," @CAPS3 more, it builds character!" @CAPS4 ever I get the chance I @CAPS3 my best buddies instead of using the computer. Kids these days can be mean without try. You disconnect yourself from your family. Because computers attack users, there are times when you don't pay attention to others around you. @PERCENT1 of kids donor do there homework because of computers. Thank you for your time. I think computers are bad and everyone would be happy without them. They help the obesity level in the nation, let cyberbullying and inappropriate content flow around the internet and lastly block you out from the world. (@CAPS5. S someday computers are going to take over the world, and you will be sorry you didn't listen to me.)
Dear @CAPS1 paper, @CAPS2 name is @PERSON1 and I am writing this letter on the count of the computer issue. @CAPS2 look on this subject is the oppisite. People @MONTH1 spend more time on the computer then exercising, but theycould still be social in chat rooms. People can use laptops out doors. You can spread your imagination with the games you can play. Lets get onto @CAPS2 first point, being social. The experts say that people are spending less time with there friends and family then on the computer. They @MONTH1 be spending less time with there friend and family physicly, but who said there not being social. Theres facebook, @CAPS3, and chat rooms. You can talk to your friend on there so they on being social. Not being physicly social but verbily social. On to @CAPS2 next subject the expert say were not enjoying out doors, but the over looked something here it is. If were not enjoying outdoors then half of amarica would be as plae as can be. Then theres laptops. You can use thoughs out doors. People that have laptops can go outside on a sunny day grab some fruit and relax. You could stay out there till the batterie deis. Then just grab the pluge and keep relaxing its easy. Computers also help your imagination. Some computer games help expand your imagination because when your playing games you think of things that could make the game better. Simulaters help you design or even controll things. Some games allow you design and play as a character you created. They help you jobs that you might be intrested in. For me computer games expanded @CAPS2 drawing. All these thing can be reversed. No one is a robot that repeats what they do over and over again. Humanity has the power to get off the computer, and go outside or be social. As I just proved everything you can physicly you can do on the computer.
Dear @CAPS1 paper, @CAPS2 name is @PERSON1, and I am writing this letter on the count of the computer issue. @CAPS2 look on this subject is the opposite. People @MONTH1 spend more time on the computer then exercising, but they could still be social in chat rooms. People can use laptops outdoors. You can spread your imagination with the games you can play. Let's get onto @CAPS2 first point, being social. The experts say that people are spending less time with their friends and family then on the computer. They @MONTH1 be spending less time with their friend and family physical, but who said there not being social. There's Facebook, @CAPS3, and chat rooms. You can talk to your friend on there so they on being social. Not being physical social but verily social. On to @CAPS2 next subject the expert say were not enjoying outdoors, but the overlooked something here it is. If were not enjoying outdoors then half of America would be as place as can be. Then there's laptops. You can use though outdoors. People that have laptops can go outside on a sunny day grab some fruit and relax. You could stay out there till the batteries was. Then just grab the plug and keep relaxing its easy. Computers also help your imagination. Some computer games help expand your imagination because when your playing games you think of things that could make the game better. Simulates help you design or even control things. Some games allow you to design and play as a character you created. They help you jobs that you might be interested in. For me computer games expanded @CAPS2 drawing. All this thing can be reversed. No one is a robot that repeats what they do over and over again. Humanity has the power to get off the computer, and go outside or be social. As I just proved everything you can physical you can do on the computer.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers do put possitive affect on people and it also teaches us. So I think computers are very important and they are needed in people lives. We learn information about the world and about what is going on. It also helps us comunicate with friends and family. Lastly it can help us gather information for homework and projects. First, while we are on the computer it tells us baout the world and different countries. The computers tell us how the war is and about what the president is doing. The computer also gives us information about local news such as weather, traffic reports and if there has been a crime that has happended. We also can find out about the stockmarket which is very important to many people. Second, the computer gives the ability to talk with friends and family. AIM, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4 are all different ways to interact with each other. Also if we didn't hand something in at school we could always just e-mail our teachers the information that they might need by a spacific date, if a student forgets what the homework was we can just ask on the computer. Many people find old friends that they haven't seen in years, and getting to see them again and how their family is, it could make someone feel happy about knowing that their old friend has grown happy. Lastly, if students have project or homework that they need information on the computer could always help. On the computer there is a lot of information about people, places, thing, and anything you want to know. The computer gives you answer to question you @MONTH1 have. You can get pictures and information of the thing you are looking up. It also gives you location and dates of different events that have happened in what you are looking up. Computers are very useful when it comes to sudents education. In conclusion, Computers are a very important part of everyones life. To learn about information that is happening in the world, to talk to friends or family, and to help with school work. Even if people aren't exercising they are increasing their education by finding information. You can still enjoy nature, but not as much as ussuall; you still spend time with family and friends by comunicating on the computer. Computers are one of the gratest inventions, and does have a positive effect on people.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers do put positive effect on people and it also teaches us. So I think computers are very important and they are needed in people lives. We learn information about the world and about what is going on. It also helps us communicate with friends and family. Lastly it can help us gather information for homework and projects. First, while we are on the computer it tells us about the world and different countries. The computers tell us how the war is and about what the president is doing. The computer also gives us information about local news such as weather, traffic reports and if there has been a crime that hash appended. We also can find out about the stock market which is very important to many people. Second, the computer gives the ability to talk with friends and family. AIM, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4 are all different ways to interact with each other. Also, if we didn't hand something in at school we could always just e-mail our teachers the information that they might need by a specific date, if a student forgets what the homework was we can just ask on the computer. Many people find old friends that they haven't seen in years, and getting to see them again and how their family is, it could make someone feel happy about knowing that their old friend has grown happy. Lastly, if students have project or homework that they need information on the computer could always help. On the computer there is a lot of information about people, places, thing, and anything you want to know. The computer gives you answer to question you @MONTH1 have. You can get pictures and information of the thing you are looking up. It also gives you location and dates of different events that have happened in what you are looking up. Computers are very useful when it comes to students education. In conclusion, Computers are a very important part of everyone's life. To learn about information that is happening in the world, to talk to friends or family, and to help with school work. Even if people aren't exercising they are increasing their education by finding information. You can still enjoy nature, but not as much as usually; you still spend time with family and friends by communicating on the computer. Computers are one of the greatest inventions, and does have a positive effect on people.
Dear Newspaper people, @CAPS1! Isn't computers just swell? I mean why aren't they you can one learn up on your knowledge, two you can play alot of fun games, and last but not least we can talk to our friend. Well I hope you enjoy my essay about the computer world. Have you ever had any diffuclty finding something in a libery? Well forget your libery cards just go on the computer's @CAPS2. On there you can fin what ever your looking for. One time I was doing a project on my favorite rocker @ORGANIZATION1, so my mom told me to check the libery for a book on him but I couldn't find one. So instead I just jumped on my computer but not really jump on @CAPS4 but any way so I went on the @CAPS2 and guess what! I found all I needed to know about him getting me that rocking at on my project. i mean ther's alot more you can learn with the computer like what's going on in the world around us or even learn about little world around us or even learn about little insects to big plants. Well that's what I got for using the @CAPS2 for knowledge. Welcome back! Well now I'm going to tell you about a few games you can play on the computer. The game I'm going to tell you about is my favorite game and @CAPS4's called left @NUM1 dead @NUM2; @CAPS5 you never played the game your probably like that game sound really hard and scary well @CAPS4 is. i'm just kidding @CAPS4 can be hard at first and a little scary but @CAPS4's still fun. Another game I enjoy playing is a online game called, '@PERSON1," the game is fun and all but @CAPS4 takes a while to do and kill the fun stuff. For example I'm a lvl. @NUM3 mage and I can take on lvl. @NUM4 @CAPS7 because I can use high leveled spells. but anyways there alot of things to do on a computer. Like me you can kill zombie hared or just do a quest or two, who cares @CAPS4's in you hands have fun. Now the last thing I'm going to tell you about is how you can talk to you friends over the @CAPS2. well like me I moved so I couldn't really hangout with my friends so I got there @CAPS9-mail so now I can talk and see my friends on a webcam. Another good reason to be able to use the @CAPS10 or computer is you can talk to family members who joined the @ORGANIZATION2. My uncle joined the @ORGANIZATION2 and he's going to be leaving soon so I'm to be wanting to see him so I'll see him on webcam or be able to chat with him. Well that my reason why @CAPS4's a good reason to have a computer. One you can use @CAPS4 to learn, two some hard care gaming, and three just talk to friends. Thank you and have a nice day.
Dear Newspaper people, @CAPS1! Isn't computers just swell? I mean why aren't they you can one learn up on your knowledge, two you can play a lot of fun games, and last but not least we can talk to our friend. Well I hope you enjoy my essay about the computer world. Have you ever had any difficulty finding something in a liberty? Well forget your liberty cards just go on the computer's @CAPS2. On there you can find what ever you're looking for. One time I was doing a project on my favorite rocker @ORGANIZATION1, so my mom told me to check the liberty for a book on him, but I couldn't find one. So instead I just jumped on my computer but not really jump on @CAPS4 but any way, so I went on the @CAPS2 and guess what! I found all I needed to know about him getting me that rocking at on my project. I meant her's a lot more you can learn with the computer like what's going on in the world around us or even learn about little world around us or even learn about little insects to big plants. Well that's what I got for using the @CAPS2 for knowledge. Welcome back! Well now I'm going to tell you about a few games you can play on the computer. The game I'm going to tell you about is my favorite game and @CAPS4's called left @NUM1 dead @NUM2; @CAPS5 you never played the game your probably like that game sound really hard and scary well @CAPS4 is. I'm just kidding @CAPS4 can be hard at first and a little scary, but @CAPS4's still fun. Another game I enjoy playing is an online game called, @PERSON1, the game is fun and all but @CAPS4 takes a while to do and kill the fun stuff. For example, I'm a LVL. @NUM3 mage and I can take on LVL. @NUM4 @CAPS7 because I can use high leveled spells. But anyway there a lot of things to do on a computer. Like me, you can kill zombie hared or just do a quest or two, who cares @CAPS4's in you hands have fun. Now the last thing I'm going to tell you about is how you can talk to your friends over the @CAPS2. Well like me, I moved, so I couldn't really hang out with my friends, so I got there @CAPS9-mail, so now I can talk and see my friends on a webcam. Another good reason to be able to use the @CAPS10 or computer is you can talk to family members who joined the @ORGANIZATION2. My uncle joined the @ORGANIZATION2, and he's going to be leaving soon, so I'm to be wanting to see him, so I'll see him on webcam or be able to chat with him. Well that my reason why @CAPS4's a good reason to have a computer. Once you can use @CAPS4 to learn, two some hard care gaming, and three just talk to friends. Thank you and have a nice day.
I agree with the newspaper, people are spending too much time on the computer and not exercising. everyone knows computers addictive. but people need to get out more. but people making it more addicting by creating things such as never ending games and its distracting people from there life, family, work and exercise.
I agree with the newspaper, people are spending too much time on the computer and not exercising. Everyone knows computers addictive. But people need to get out more. But people making it more addicting by creating things such as never ending games and its distracting people from there life, family, work and exercise.
Dear Local Newspaper: @CAPS1 you think computers are great for everyone? I think computers are one of the greatest inventions ever. What's really great about them is how much you can learn from computers. You can learn hand-eye coordination, learn about faraway places, and talk online to people. Surely, read on to see why computers are very important to us all. Many people think that computers are bad for our mind, but actually they're not. When on computers you can learn hand-eye coordination. You can be able to type well and very fast after a while and improve your eye sight by reading your writing or notes for a paper. Lastly, you can even have fun, relax, and type out your papers for reports. Definitely, read on to see what computers can @CAPS1 too. They're a lot of faraway places that have their own specil way of showing you a great time. On the internet, that have a list of vacation spots or places that grab your attention to visit. They give you details on why to visit it and a fair price. Think about it, would it be cool to visit a great place, like @LOCATION1. Without a doubt, continue reading. Have you ever wanted to play outside but it was raining or your friends were not around. Well, on the computer you can talk online to your friends. You can see how their doing or what their doing and still have a good time. Not to mention, you can even make new friends. Lots of kids and teens go online to make new friends. Surely, you should agree that computers are great. I think computers are very unique and important. That's why so many kids to adults use it the computers so much. They use it to learn hand-eye coordination, learn about faraway places, and talk online to other. Thank you for reading my paper local newspaper.
Dear Local Newspaper: @CAPS1 you think computers are great for everyone? I think computers are one of the greatest inventions ever. What's really great about them is how much you can learn from computers. You can learn hand-eye coordination, learn about faraway places, and talk online to people. Surely, read on to see why computers are very important to us all. Many people think that computers are bad for our mind, but actually they're not. When on computers you can learn hand-eye coordination. You can be able to type well and very fast after a while and improve your eyesight by reading your writing or notes for a paper. Lastly, you can even have fun, relax, and type out your papers for reports. Definitely, read on to see what computers can @CAPS1 too. They're a lot of faraway places that have their own special way of showing you a great time. On the internet, that have a list of vacation spots or places that grab your attention to visit. They give you details on why to visit it and a fair price. Think about it, would it be cool to visit a great place, like @LOCATION1. Without a doubt, continue reading. Have you ever wanted to play outside, but it was raining, or your friends were not around? Well, on the computer you can talk online to your friends. You can see how their doing or what their doing and still have a good time. Not to mention, you can even make new friends. Lots of kids and teens go online to make new friends. Surely, you should agree that computers are great. I think computers are unique and important. That's why so many kids to adults use it the computers so much. They use it to learn hand-eye coordination, learn about faraway places, and talk online to others. Thank you for reading my paper local newspaper.
Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 our technology advance, so do are lives. Computers are a perfect way to better our way of life in ways that are benificial to us and future generations. The use of computers, and the @CAPS5 alone allow us to learn about the way of life in other places on @LOCATION4 talk to people faraway, and express ourselves. Computers give us a bright future. First many people, actually @PERCENT1 of the worlds population are generally stationary, and line in a local town or city environments. This is why computers are so helpful because they give @CAPS2 a way to research other places around the globe. @CAPS3 can create an interest in other cultures, and shape our opinions @CAPS2 @CAPS3 discover things about other places. From there, @CAPS3 can look at different topics in a wide spread point of view. In doing this @CAPS3 will connect to other ways of life. @CAPS2 philosopher and poet @PERSON1 state" @CAPS3 learn about ourselves through the discovery of others." @CAPS4, another particularly handy function of the @CAPS5 through computers is @CAPS3 can communicate with people who live far away, when @CAPS3 couldn't visit otherwise. A @LOCATION2 study showed that actually @PERCENT2 of use of the computer is communication with sites like facebook or @CAPS9. A scientist in @LOCATION3, @PERSON3, says @CAPS3 @CAPS2 humans tend to enjoy communication because it gives @CAPS2 a sense of unity. This is why so many companies are realizing that sites like @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS6, and @ORGANIZATION1 are gaining in popularity." And this is true. It is enjoyable to @CAPS7, talk, or email others. Without computers, this couldn't be possible. Lastly, computers give us the chance to express our ideas like never before. Now, stars aren't only made in @LOCATION1, but now you can make yourself famous on @CAPS8 or @CAPS9. Just ask @PERSON2, who's voice reached out and caught the attention of a major record company. Now, everyone knows his name and listens to his music. Like @PERSON2, the more wordy folks can express themselves by blogging their opinions. " About half of computer use, " says @CAPS1 to computer weekly, @PERSON4," is using blogs and videos to state one's ideas." @CAPS3 can persuade others to think @CAPS2 @CAPS3 do and discover thngs that @CAPS3 have discovered. Self-expression is very important to society, and this is why computers have such an affect on people. @CAPS2 it is clear, computers have a positive affect on people and society. They allow us to learn about faraway places, communicate with others, and inspire the world around us with our ideas. Welcome to the future.
Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 our technology advance, so do are lives. Computers are a perfect way to better our way of life in ways that are beneficial to us and future generations. The use of computers, and the @CAPS5 alone allow us to learn about the way of life in other places on @LOCATION4 talk to people faraway, and express ourselves. Computers give us a bright future. First many people, actually @PERCENT1 of the worlds' population are generally stationary, and line in a local town or city environments. This is why computers are so helpful because they give @CAPS2 a way to research other places around the globe. @CAPS3 can create an interest in other cultures, and shape our opinions @CAPS2 @CAPS3 discover things about other places. From there, @CAPS3 can look at different topics in a widespread point of view. In doing this @CAPS3 will connect to other ways of life. @CAPS2 philosopher and poet @PERSON1 state" @CAPS3 learn about ourselves through the discovery of others." @CAPS4, another particularly handy function of the @CAPS5 through computers is @CAPS3 can communicate with people who live far away, when @CAPS3 couldn't visit otherwise. A @LOCATION2 study showed that actually @PERCENT2 of use of the computer is communication with sites like Facebook or @CAPS9. A scientist in @LOCATION3, @PERSON3, says @CAPS3 @CAPS2 humans tend to enjoy communication because it gives @CAPS2 a sense of unity. This is why so many companies are realizing that sites like @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS6, and @ORGANIZATION1 are gaining in popularity." And this is true. It is enjoyable to @CAPS7, talk, or email others. Without computers, this couldn't be possible. Lastly, computers give us the chance to express our ideas like never before. Now, stars aren't only made in @LOCATION1, but now you can make yourself famous on @CAPS8 or @CAPS9. Just ask @PERSON2, whose voice reached out and caught the attention of a major record company. Now, everyone knows his name and listens to his music. Like @PERSON2, the more wordy folks can express themselves by blogging their opinions. About half of computer use," says @CAPS1 to computer weekly, @PERSON4," is using blogs and videos to state one's ideas." @CAPS3 can persuade others to think @CAPS2 @CAPS3 do and discover things that @CAPS3 have discovered. Self-expression is very important to society, and this is why computers have such an effect on people. @CAPS2 it is clear, computers have a positive effect on people and society. They allow us to learn about faraway places, communicate with others, and inspire the world around us with our ideas. Welcome to the future.
Dear People of @LOCATION2, @CAPS1 many hours a day do you spend being active? Now answer me this, @CAPS1 much time do you spend on you computer? To many @CAPS2 today are sitting down in front of a computer, laptop, ecetra, while not enough are lacing up their shoes for a jog. Computers are ruining us, they deter our social skills, damage our health and cause us to be lazy. They are unbenificial to our society. To start with, millions of people sign up for @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and other website like these to reconnect with people. Do you realize what this means? Now no one has to get in a car and go visit any one else. There is no longer a need to interact with other life forms, nor is there a want to. Lets say there's a woman sitting on her couch. All of a sudden her face lights up with the thought of her friend @PERSON1. She gets up to go start the car, but hey eye catches on the computer. She bites her lip, trying to decide wether to go see her, or have an online chat. Feeling lazy, she sits down. Do you really want that happening to everyone? To late it already has. Moving along, i'd like to take a moment to talk about our health. As most of us knows, fresh air is good for us. Imagine this, you're walking through the woods on a trail. The crisp, cool air, tickles you skin, and breathing it in just makes you smile. Your entire body feels energized from the treking. With passels of days like this ahead, you can'@CAPS7 wait. Now imagine this, your sitting in front of a computer, in a hot, stuffy room. You back aches from being in this posistion so long. Plus you think your getting a cold and you have migrane. You'd get off, but you have another app request. You @CAPS6'@CAPS7 feel like moving back to reality which do you prefer? Above and beyond all this, there's exercise to worry about. I mean, when's the last time that you yourself went on a bike ride? I'm sure you know that it's good for your body if you exercise, but your to busy on the computer. I think it's safe to say that half of @LOCATION1 would rather update their @CAPS4 than get up and move. It's crucial to our health that we get active. To sum up, alot of us are pondering wether or not to spend more time on the compuer. Well here's you answer, "@CAPS6'@CAPS7." Not enough people are interacting now a days, their spending the best years of their lifes stuffed up in a house, and most importantly, let's face it, their getting fat. Computers are taking over our lives it's now, or never, make the change to a better and more satisying lifestyle. Please @LOCATION1, turn off the computer.
Dear People of @LOCATION2, @CAPS1 many hours a day do you spend being active? Now answer me this, @CAPS1 much time do you spend on your computer? To many @CAPS2 today are sitting down in front of a computer, laptop, extra, while not enough are lacing up their shoes for a jog. Computers are ruining us, they deter our social skills, damage our health and cause us to be lazy. They are beneficial to our society. To start with, millions of people sign up for @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and other website like these to reconnect with people. Do you realize what this means? Now no one has to get in a car and go visit anyone else. There is no longer a need to interact with other life forms, nor is there a want to. Let's say there's a woman sitting on her couch. All of a sudden her face lights up with the thought of her friend @PERSON1. She gets up to go start the car, but hey eye catches on the computer. She bites her lip, trying to decide whether to go see her, or have an online chat. Feeling lazy, she sits down. Do you really want that happening to everyone? To late it already has. Moving along, I'd like to take a moment to talk about our health. As most of us knows, fresh air is good for us. Imagine this, you're walking through the woods on a trail. The crisp, cool air, tickles you skin, and breathing it in just makes you smile. Your entire body feels energized from the trekking. With passels of days like this ahead, you can'@CAPS7 wait. Now imagine this, you're sitting in front of a computer, in a hot, stuffy room. You back ache from being in this position so long. Plus you think your getting a cold, and you have migrant. You'd get off, but you have another app request. You @CAPS6'@CAPS7 feel like moving back to reality which do you prefer? Above and beyond all this, there's exercise to worry about. I mean, when's the last time that you yourself went on a bike ride? I'm sure you know that it's good for your body if you exercise, but you to busy on the computer. Furthermore, I think it's safe to say that half of @LOCATION1 would rather update their @CAPS4 than get up and move. It's crucial to our health that we get active. To sum up, a lot of us are pondering whether or not to spend more time on the computer. Well here's you answer, "@CAPS6'@CAPS7." Not enough people are interacting nowadays, their spending the best years of their lives stuffed up in a house, and most importantly, let's face it, their getting fat. Computers are taking over our lives it's now, or never, make the change to a better and more satisfying lifestyle. Please, @LOCATION1, turn off the computer.
Dear @CAPS1: The effects that computers have on me is that it teaches me hand-eye coordination. I learn stuff from the computer, and it is a fun thing to go on. But, I mean those are only my opinions. Well im gonna just go ahead and explain them to you. The good thing about computers is that it teaches you hand-eye coordination which helps you see better with your eyes. Also it helps you with your hands by making you learn how to catch stuff and how to react quickly with your hands. For example I was playing baseball and I couldn't catch very good and I was also learning how to use the computer and because I was able to type fast my hands reacted when I got grounders and pop fly's hit to me. So I was so happy that I lerned how to use the computer and type. But for sure the computer is the best because you can research stuff and you find out more important facts. Also you are learnen more when ever you research anything. I'll tell you one thing though, I like the computer so much because it helps me find out important details and facts about the person that I am doing my project on. Yes I know the computer is so fun because you can go on different websites such as,, and I go on mspace to talk to my friends and to meet new people that's what I like about myspace I meet new people and make new friends. I go on youtube because I like to listen to music and I watch music videos on their also I watch skate board videos too cause I love to skate! But one thing for sure is that I go on to play games cause they have so much fun games that you can play. But my favorite game is @CAPS2 the hedgehog. In conclusion those are @NUM1 opinions and @NUM1 reasons to support the effects about computers. So I want you to think about some effects about computers and your opinions about computers and compare them to my opinions? But hey! That's up to you only if you want to.
Dear @CAPS1: The effects that computers have on me is that it teaches me hand-eye coordination. I learn stuff from the computer, and it is a fun thing to go on. But, I mean those are only my opinions. Well I'm gonna just go ahead and explain them to you. The good thing about computers is that it teaches you hand-eye coordination which helps you see better with your eyes. Also, it helps you with your hands by making you learn how to catch stuff and how to react quickly with your hands. For example, I was playing baseball and I couldn't catch very good, and I was also learning how to use the computer and because I was able to type fast my hands reacted when I got grounders and pop fly's hit to me. So I was so happy that I learned how to use the computer and type. But for sure the computer is the best because you can research stuff, and you find out more important facts. Also, you are learned more when ever you research anything. I'll tell you one thing though, I like the computer so much because it helps me find out important details and facts about the person that I am doing my project on. Yes I know the computer is so fun because you can go on different websites such as,, and I go on space to talk to my friends and to meet new people that's what I like about MySpace I meet new people and make new friends. I go on YouTube because I like to listen to music and I watch music videos on their also I watch skate board videos too because I love to skate! But one thing for sure is that I go on to play games because they have so many fun games that you can play. But my favorite game is @CAPS2 the hedgehog. In conclusion those are @NUM1 opinions and @NUM1 reasons to support the effects about computers. So I want you to think about some effects about computers and your opinions about computers and compare them to my opinions? But hey! That's up to you only if you want to.
Do you think computers are helpful? Well you should because, They are the most help full object on the market, also @CAPS8 famly members live far away you can im, facebook them or even send @CAPS1 and to them. The main thing for tenes or chidren is easly the enjoyment you could watch your favort showes with a click of the mouse or even play freefun games. The coumputer is a very help full object. @CAPS4 you have bad handwriting and a report is due you go and tipe @CAPS8 up on your computer, and your teacher will think you spent all night. Doing @CAPS8 when @CAPS8 was easy you will also get a better grade. @CAPS4 a big famly trip is coming up you can go online and get the trip easer then you would have , and at low price. Also you can shop @CAPS4 its a birth day of @PERSON1 you can get gifts for a very low price ever @PERCENT1 @CAPS2!!! @CAPS4 your family lives far and you dont get to see them a lot the internet is the place to gp, you could talk to them with instant messgr or you could facebook then. You could them @CAPS3 or, also you could talk to them you can see them on your screen and they can see you on their screen and @CAPS8 would be like they in the house with you, @CAPS4 the a vecation you could send them @CAPS3 and maps of werere your what go even info about the plases. Enjoy ment is the teen favort. @CAPS4 you mst your favort show you could got o @CAPS6 and sec the show for free!!! Youtube is were you could see something funny, excites, or @CAPS9 plain grose. @CAPS4 someone like @PERSON2 @CAPS9 did a asom trick and you mist @CAPS8 look @CAPS8 up . There are two tipes of games you could play games on the internet like addicting games com or play @NUM1, @CAPS7 online are play with freinds. Know you know why the internet is great @CAPS8 has games be close to your famly or even @CAPS9 get help. So chus to say you think the internet is good its your dicision.
Do you think computers are helpful? Well you should because, They are the most helpful object on the market, also @CAPS8 family members live far away you can I'm, Facebook them or even send @CAPS1 and to them. The main thing for tens or children is early the enjoyment you could watch your favor shows with a click of the mouse or even play free fun games. The computer is a very helpful object. @CAPS4 you have bad handwriting and a report is due you go and TIPE @CAPS8 up on your computer, and your teacher will think you spent all night. Doing @CAPS8 when @CAPS8 was easy you will also get a better grade. @CAPS4 a big family trip is coming up you can go online and get the trip easier then you would have, and at low price. Also, you can shop @CAPS4 it's a birthday of @PERSON1 you can get gifts for a very low price ever @PERCENT1 @CAPS2!!! @CAPS4 your family lives far and you don't get to see them a lot the internet is the place to GP, you could talk to them with instant mess gr, or you could Facebook then. You could them @CAPS3 or, also you could talk to them, you can see them on your screen, and they can see you on their screen and @CAPS8 would be like they in the house with you, @CAPS4 the vacation you could send them @CAPS3 and maps of Warren your what go even info about the places. Enjoy meet is the teen favor. @CAPS4 you MST your favor show you could get o @CAPS6 and sec the show for free!!! YouTube is where you could see something funny, excites, or @CAPS9 plain rose. @CAPS4 someone like @PERSON2 @CAPS9 did an atom trick, and you mist @CAPS8 look @CAPS8 up. There are two tips of games you could play games on the internet like addictive games com or play @NUM1, @CAPS7 online are play with friends. Know you know why the internet is great @CAPS8 has games be close to your family or even @CAPS9 get help. So thus to say you think the internet is good it's your decision.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 @PERCENT1 in town use the computer for at least five hours each day. The people are spending way too much time and not benefiting. Computers have an effect on people but in a negative way. People get adicted and distracted and can't get work done. Many inappropriate things are written in computers that children and adults shouldn't read. Lastly people stare at a computer screen all day which can cause brain damage. Effects from computers can be very negative and not beneficial at all. With children at school and adults at jobs, there is most likely a lot of work to get done, but computers should make a person not get the work done. The other day in class the teacher was collecting homework, but @NUM1 out of the @NUM2 kids in our class didn't have the homework. When the teacher asked why the kids didn't do their homework, they said that they were on the computer and forgot about the homework. When the children and adults don't get their work done then grades could be dropped, or people could get fired. The effect is very harmful, and all this happened just because of the adiction and distraction of computers. Since some internet sources are very social, and not all people are kind, mean and inappropriate articles and language could be read. Many children don't know a lot of bad words and certainly no one wants them to be exposed to learning more, so why let them go on the computer and read about these bad things? Adults @MONTH1 know more about the harmful language, but why influence them to write the bad things or comment using mean tones. If adults and children aren't exposed to these bad uses of language then our world could easily be made up of better and kinder people. Studies show that if a person stares at a computer screen for at least three hours a day, then in about two weeks time the person brain could be damaged. The screen of the computer in some way with the human brain and if stared at for too long the screen could permenately damage the brain. A @ORGANIZATION1 student, who studies computer mechanics, quoted, "@CAPS2 help prevent brain damage by limiting the use of computers to only what needs to be done. The mechanics to make the computer screen are not healthy for you!" Who wants to have a damaged brain? Surely this effect could be very serious. So, in the end people should know that computers are not benefiticial. Computers effect people for sure, but not in a way that people would want to be effected. Adiction and distraction from the computer could cause important work to be ignored. Children and adults do not need to learn or be influenced by inappropriate language on the computer. Brain damage could be a serious problem that could be caused by something as simple as looking at a computer screen. @CAPS2 try to prevent all these negative effects by limiting the use of your computer. It is very easy to stay clear of any negative effects but it is your choice whether to do so or not.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 @PERCENT1 in town use the computer for at least five hours each day. The people are spending way too much time and not benefiting. Computers have an effect on people but in a negative way. People get addicted and distracted and can't get work done. Many inappropriate things are written in computers that children and adults shouldn't read. Lastly people stare at a computer screen all day which can cause brain damage. Effects from computers can be very negative and not beneficial at all. With children at school and adults at jobs, there is most likely a lot of work to get done, but computers should make a person not get the work done. The other day in class the teacher was collecting homework, but @NUM1 out of the @NUM2 kids in our class didn't have the homework. When the teacher asked why the kids didn't do their homework, they said that they were on the computer and forgot about the homework. When the children and adults don't get their work done then grades could be dropped, or people could get fired. The effect is very harmful, and all this happened just because of the addiction and distraction of computers. Since some internet sources are very social, and not all people are kind, mean and inappropriate articles and language could be read. Many children don't know a lot of bad words and certainly no one wants them to be exposed to learning more, so why let them go on the computer and read about these bad things? Adults @MONTH1 know more about the harmful language, but why influence them to write the bad things or comment using mean tones. If adults and children aren't exposed to these bad uses of language then our world could easily be made up of better and kinder people. Studies show that if a person stares at a computer screen for at least three hours a day, then in about two weeks time the person brain could be damaged. The screen of the computer in some way with the human brain and if stared at for too long the screen could permeated damage the brain. A @ORGANIZATION1 student, who studies computer mechanics, quoted, "@CAPS2 help prevent brain damage by limiting the use of computers to only what needs to be done. The mechanics to make the computer screen are not healthy for you!" Who wants to have a damaged brain? Surely this effect could be very serious. So, in the end people should know that computers are not beneficial. Computers effect people for sure, but not in a way that people would want to be effected. Addiction and distraction from the computer could cause important work to be ignored. Children and adults do not need to learn or be influenced by inappropriate language on the computer. Brain damage could be a serious problem that could be caused by something as simple as looking at a computer screen. @CAPS2 tries to prevent all these negative effects by limiting the use of your computer. It is very easy to stay clear of any negative effects, but it is your choice whether to do so or not.
Every where you look people are using computers. Just about everyone has one. Some say that computers are bad for you but they can really benefit society. Computers are used for research, socializing and almost all of our @CAPS1 work is done on computers. One of the main things that computers provide is research information. If you want to find out anything, you can find it on the internet. It is an efficient way to study or find information for school. Before the internet and computers, it would take weeks to find enough information for a paper or business work. This was because all information was found in books. Books did not always give you the information you needed whatever was written was all you got. Because of saearch engines and websites, you can type in whatever you want to look up. It is much easier to log onto a computer and type in a question than search an entire book to find an answer. Computers are the best way to research a topic. Computers are also used to socialize. You can chat with almost anyone on the internet. Being social is one of the most important parts of life. It has been proven by science that social people live longer than people who never talk to anyone. The person you're talking to phnes only give you audio and that doesn't give you the some thing. video chat can allow you to show someone a picture or an expression. Computers allow you to see people that you can't see otherwise. For example, if you have a relative that lives far way and you cant him or her, you can see them through video that socializing through computers is pne of the best ways to talk to people. Our @CAPS1 is mainly run on computers, without them, it would be very difficult to be aware of an on coming attack or threat. The @CAPS1 uses computers to store thir legal files of court cases laws, etc. It is much easier to transfer files digitally than actually sending a paper copy. The store market is also run on computers. You need them to see how you are doing financially computers are essential to our @CAPS1 and economy. Although some experts say that computers do us no good, computers benefit our society very much. They help us research, socialize and they help our @CAPS1 and economy. Computers are essential to our way of life.
Everywhere you look people are using computers. Just about everyone has one. Some say that computers are bad for you, but they can really benefit society. Computers are used for research, socializing and almost all of our @CAPS1 work is done on computers. One of the main things that computers provide is research information. If you want to find out anything, you can find it on the internet. It is an efficient way to study or find information for school. Before the internet and computers, it would take weeks to find enough information for a paper or business work. This was because all information was found in books. Books did not always give you the information you needed whatever was written was all you got. Because of search engines and websites, you can type in whatever you want to look up. It is much easier to log onto a computer and type in a question than search an entire book to find an answer. Computers are the best way to research a topic. Computers are also used to socialize. You can chat with almost anyone on the internet. Being social is one of the most important parts of life. It has been proven by science that social people live longer than people who never talk to anyone. The person you're talking to fees only give you audio and that doesn't give you the something. Video chat can allow you to show someone a picture or an expression. Computers allow you to see people that you can't see otherwise. For example, if you have a relative that lives far way and you can't him or her, you can see them through video that socializing through computers is PNE of the best ways to talk to people. Our @CAPS1 is mainly run on computers, without them, it would be very difficult to be aware of an on coming attack or threat. The @CAPS1 uses computers to store this legal files of court cases laws, etc. It is much easier to transfer files digitally than actually sending a paper copy. The store market is also run on computers. You need them to see how you are doing financially computers are essential to our @CAPS1 and economy. Although some experts say that computers do us no good, computers benefit our society very much. They help us research, socialize and they help our @CAPS1 and economy. Computers are essential to our way of life.
I think that the computers are good to be used because anybody can use them at anytime or go on it whenever they want to. The reason why I think it is good is because you can contact someone that you know and talk to them whenever you want. Another reason is because you can play games or look for something or even make a research on stuff that you want to know or about something that you were always curious about. A computer is also usefull for better things like using it for when going to work or when a kid in school needs to do a report of project and needs to do it in typing and also to save stuff that you don't want nobody to use. Computers can sometimes be helpfull to people that really need it and that actually need to use it, but it can also be a fun activity to do if anybody doesnt have nothing to do. I think that the computer is awsome because anybody enough can open up their own website and create something what. A lot of people can go on the internet and open an account on a website; for example a @CAPS1 or a @CAPS2 or a @CAPS3 for that what to have an account. These are a lot of people that use the computer in a good way and use it for things that it can actually be used for. So I think that the computers are avery helpfull to people that like seaching for stuff that there curious about or to have to use it for good needs.
I think that the computers are good to be used because anybody can use them at anytime or go on it whenever they want to. The reason why I think it is good is that you can contact someone that you know and talk to them whenever you want. Another reason is because you can play games or look for something or even make research on stuff that you want to know or about something that you were always curious about. A computer is also useful for better things like using it for when going to work or when a kid in school needs to do a report of project and needs to do it in typing and also to save stuff that you don't want anybody to use. Computers can sometimes be helpful to people that really need it and that actually need to use it, but it can also be a fun activity to do if anybody doesn't have nothing to do. I think that the computer is awesome because anybody enough can open up their own website and create something what. A lot of people can go on the internet and open an account on a website; for example a @CAPS1 or a @CAPS2 or a @CAPS3 for that what to have an account. These are a lot of people that use the computer in a good way and use it for things that it can actually be used for. So I think that the computers area very helpful to people that like reaching for stuff that there curious about or to have to use it for good needs.
Computers don’t have any affect on kids we just love going on cause we use it for help and this persuade the readers of the local newspaper cause we need to be able to communicate also do writing essays and doing social studies or science homework my ideas are let us go computers cause were not bothering u can just leave us alone and let us do what you need to do cause what computers are what give us information for we have to do and were to do wat we gotta do and u people can just leave us alone cause arent addicting to me or anyone and if we were it still would it matter cause a computers a computer u dont punish it because just punish us from the computer punish us because of it cause its the computer fault it can be addicting cause the computer is device that gives us wat we need and the information we also the computer does favors for us the computer is a amazing thing
Computers donut have any effect on kids we just love going on because we use it for help and this persuade the readers of the local newspaper because we need to be able to communicate also do writing essays and doing social studies or science homework my ideas are let us go computers cause were not bothering u can just leave us alone and let us do what you need to do cause what computers are what give us information for we have to do and were to do was we have to do and u people can just leave us alone cause aren't addicting to me or anyone and if we were it still would, it matter cause a computer a computer u don't punish it because just punish us from the computer punish us because of it cause it's the computer fault it can be addicting because the computer is device that gives us was we need and the information we also the computer does favors for us the computer is an amazing thing
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 concerned with an issue that people are using computers and not exersising. This is a very bad thing and we need to let the word out of what can happen if we don't exercise. The first reason why I disagree of the fact that computers help people is because computers really affect your health you will become fat you start having problems with your heart and it can lead to something fatal. Another reason why I think computers are healthy is because comptuers affect the economy alot in so many ways for example computers use up so much electricity it affects the power in all states. Computers also ruin jobs and this is very bad for the economy people will be addictied to computers for so long they wont bother looking for jobs they will just stay on the computer and gamble or buy stuff. The last reason why I think computers are bad is because of some of the illegal stuff people do on computers there are alot of cyber predetors that prey on kids and they end up finding the kid and kidnapp them. There are also other illegal stuff like bad websites or popups that can get you arrested so if kids go on computers they will not no what something means and they will click on it and it can traumitize a kid their whole life. So @NUM1 I hope you can take this letter into recognation and do something about it cause thes computers can affect my health your health and even your childrens health. That is why I have written this letter to you. If you agree with me I thank you.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 concerned with an issue that people are using computers and not exercising. This is a very bad thing, and we need to let the word out of what can happen if we don't exercise. The first reason why I disagree of the fact that computers help people is because computers really affect your health you will become fat you start having problems with your heart, and it can lead to something fatal. Another reason why I think computers are healthy is because computers affect the economy a lot in so many ways for example computers use up so much electricity it affects the power in all states. Computers also ruin jobs and this is very bad for the economy people will be addicted to computers for so long they won't bother looking for jobs they will just stay on the computer and gamble or buy stuff. The last reason why I think computers are bad is because of some of the illegal stuff people do on computers there area lot of cyber predators that prey on kids, and they end up finding the kid and kidnap them. There are other illegal stuff like bad websites or popups that can get you arrested so if kids go on computers they will not any what something means, and they will click on it, and it can traumatize a kid their whole life. So @NUM1 I hope you can take this letter into recognition and do something about it cause the computers can affect my health your health and even your children's health. That is why I have written this letter to you. If you agree with me, I thank you.
Computers can affect the way people are and how they interact. Why is there a need to spend your precious life sitting in front of a compute all day?When you can be getting exercise for example going to your local gym. Computers become a distraction to your social life, thats why you should use them for emergency's and spend more time with your wonderful family and friends. Lastly you can enjoy you surrounding and appreciate life and nature. Computers are meant for business not for people to sit around and to nonsense things. Exercise is very important it helps the human body grow and stay in fit. If your sitting in front of a computer all day your body is going to shut down and won't get the proper exercise. Sports can be just as enjoyable and helps build the human body and gives you the right amount of exercise that your body needs. Sports also build hand and eye coordination just like if your sitting on the couch using a computer. In conclusion exercising can give you all of the same utensils that computers give you but it also benefits citizens more. Family is a wonderful thing in life, but they don't live forever. That's why we should cherries every last moment we have with them. A complete citizens and drives them from family and friends. Computers can take away your social life and you never do go out and meet people and friends. To sum things up computers are a to citizens and cause them to drive out family and friends. Nature is exotic and beautiful and all of us should take care of it and appreciate what we have. Computers can become harmful to nature and destroy homes for animals, for example when you print something from your computer it prints if out on paper. This causes more trees to be knocked down and cut for paper. We should only use paper for emergency's and not splurge on it. We all want the world to be a better place so stop destroying it for our own benefits! In conclusion computers just in the and will cause chaos and destruction. Instead of using them we could be getting the right amount of exercise, and spending it with family, and lastly enjoying nature and our surroundings. I strongly consider that you take my ideas into consideration and hopefully agree with them.
Computers can affect the way people are and how they interact. Why is there a need to spend your precious life sitting in front of a compote all day? When you can be getting exercise for example going to your local gym. Computers become a distraction to your social life, that's why you should use them for emergency's and spend more time with your wonderful family and friends. Lastly you can enjoy you surrounding and appreciate life and nature. Computers are meant for business not for people to sit around and to nonsense things. Exercise is very important it helps the human body grow and stay in fit. If your sitting in front of a computer all day your body is going to shut down and won't get the proper exercise. Sports can be just as enjoyable and helps build the human body and gives you the right amount of exercise that your body needs. Sports also build hand and eye coordination just like if you're sitting on the couch using a computer. In conclusion exercising can give you all the same utensils that computers give you, but it also benefits citizens more. Family is a wonderful thing in life, but they don't live forever. That's why we should cherries every last moment we have with them. A complete citizen and drives them from family and friends. Computers can take away your social life, and you never do go out and meet people and friends. To sum things up computers are citizens and cause them to drive out family and friends. Nature is exotic and beautiful and all of us should take care of it and appreciate what we have. Computers can become harmful to nature and destroy homes for animals, for example when you print something from your computer it prints if out on paper. This causes more trees to be knocked down and cut for paper. We should only use paper for emergency's and not splurge on it. We all want the world to be a better place so stop destroying it for our own benefits! In conclusion computers just in end will cause chaos and destruction. Instead of using them we could be getting the right amount of exercise, and spending it with family, and lastly enjoying nature and our surroundings. I strongly consider that you take my ideas into consideration and hopefully agree with them.
@ORGANIZATION1, In my opinion computers can be entertaining and educational, but should not replace everyday living. Therefore I think that computers harm people and effect them in ways they do not realize. Three reasons that support my decision are the difference between reality and fantacy, family and friends, and your health. Many children and young adults are vulnerable to the assumtion that everything you see on the computer is true. Well, as some find out it is everything but that. The addictive games and electronic features lead you to believe that the people or @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you see are real life situations and activities. Computers are showing kids the wrong mind frame they need to be in. It affects school work and how they behave. They need to be in the right state of mind and get back to reality. Your family and friends have always been there for you. By your side even through your worst. Unfourtunetly, this addiction to the computer has brought you farther away from them. They are not happy with the way you treat them. They want a change so you can enjoy life again. Interact with a human being, not some graphic designed computer picture. That's all it is anyway, and that picture isn't going to be there for you. Your family and friends last longer than that. Your body is special and your health is important. A computer @MONTH1 suggest exercise but you are not going to really do it. You know that and the people who make computer sites know that. Your going to stay there and burn your eyes out from looking at a screen all day. It is not healthy for you or anyone else. Moving you fingers and pushing buttons is not exercise. Your already sitting anyway, so you are not doing anything helpful to yourself. You need to go outside and breathe in air and be in nature. Run around or play a bill game, but not on the computer. In conclusion, you can see how a computer can effect a person. Not only do they mistake fantacy and reality as the same thing, but you lose interaction with your friends and loved ones. Your health is also at risk when you spend hours staring and not moving anything but maybe two fingers. Please consider the risks and believe the facts because honestly, we are losing the chance to live and enjoy the world.
@ORGANIZATION1, In my opinion computers can be entertaining and educational, but should not replace everyday living. Therefore, I think that computers harm people and effect them in ways they do not realize. Three reasons that support my decision are the difference between reality and fantasy, family and friends, and your health. Many children and young adults are vulnerable to the assumption that everything you see on the computer is true. Well, as some find out it is everything but that. The addictive games and electronic features lead you to believe that the people or @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you see are real life situations and activities. Computers are showing kids the wrong mind frame they need to be in. It affects school work and how they behave. They need to be in the right state of mind and get back to reality. Your family and friends have always been there for you. By your side even through your worst. Unfortunately, this addiction to the computer has brought you farther away from them. They are not happy with the way you treat them. They want a change so you can enjoy life again. Interact with a human being, not some graphic designed computer picture. That's all it is anyway, and that picture isn't going to be there for you. Your family and friends last longer than that. Your body is special, and your health is important. A computer @MONTH1 suggest exercise, but you are not going to really do it. You know that and the people who make computer sites know that. You're going to stay there and burn your eyes out from looking at a screen all day. It is not healthy for you or anyone else. Moving you fingers and pushing buttons is not exercise. Your already sitting anyway, so you are not doing anything helpful to yourself. You need to go outside and breathe in air and be in nature. Run around or play a bill game, but not on the computer. In conclusion, you can see how a computer can effect a person. Not only do they mistake fantasy and reality as the same thing, but you lose interaction with your friends and loved ones. Your health is also at risk when you spend hours staring and not moving anything but maybe two fingers. Please consider the risks and believe the facts because honestly, we are losing the chance to live and enjoy the world.
Hi! My name is @PERSON1 and I think computers are not bad. I think this because yes, people do play the computer to much, but they can also learn a lot of things. Another reason is that some kids like bullys can stop bulling and spend time on the computer to stay away from stress. You can also talk to your friends and even video chat with them too. Computers can teach you a lot. For example @CAPS1 your computer breaks or has virus you can just figure out the problem by yourself. You can also learn or read the news that your missing. For example you can also ask questions that you don't understand and people would answer your question. In moder afoot kids, teens, and even adult computers to look up things that they don't understand. For example, when I read along a book and read a word that I don't know and read around @CAPS1 I still don't now I would go to @LOCATION1 and find what the words mean. Bullys and other people like street people that have computers should stay on the computer and you can just play games. They can play hitting games, shooting games, and even board games. You can even watch fights @CAPS1 you want. What ever you want you got it. This is a good thing because then no one will get and everyone will be happy. Bullys can also go on the computer to relax and stay away from people that they hate. The computers can make you relax because you don't have to be around people and you can just tell the computer to do what ever you want. Kids, teens, and adult don't have to leave the house justto talk to a friend or two. I said this because most computers hace a microcam and you can comminicate with others. For example my dad is trying to get a computer with a micro-cam so that he can be incontact with my mom, my brother, my sister, and I. He has to get one because the doesn't live with us any more. He had to leave and go back to @LOCATION2. Another example, would be that @CAPS1 one of your friends move far, far away you can just talk to them on the micro-cam or even send message back and forth. So I think computers are not a bad idea or a bad things. I say this because you can learn, stay good, and communicate.
Hi! My name is @PERSON1 and I think computers are not bad. I think this because yes, people do play the computer too much, but they can also learn a lot of things. Another reason is that some kids like bullies stop bulling and spend time on the computer to stay away from stress. You can also talk to your friends and even video chat with them too. Computers can teach you a lot. For example @CAPS1 your computer breaks or has virus you can just figure out the problem by yourself. You can also learn or read the news that you're missing. For example, you can also ask questions that you don't understand and people would answer your question. In modern afoot kids, teens, and even adult computers to look up things that they don't understand. For example, when I read along a book and read a word that I don't know and read around @CAPS1 I still don't now I would go to @LOCATION1 and find what the words mean. Bully's and other people like street people that have computers should stay on the computer, and you can just play games. They can play hitting games, shooting games, and even board games. You can even watch fights @CAPS1 you want. What ever you want you got it. This is a good thing because then no one will get and everyone will be happy. Bully scan also go on the computer to relax and stay away from people that they hate. The computers can make you relax because you don't have to be around people, and you can just tell the computer to do what ever you want. Kids, teens, and adult don't have to leave the house just to talk to a friend or two. I said this because most computers have a , and you can communicate with others. For example my dad is trying to get a computer with a micro-cam so that he can be in contact with my mom, my brother, my sister, and I. He has to get one because the doesn't live with us anymore. He had to leave and go back to @LOCATION2. Another example, would be that @CAPS1 one of your friends move far, far away you can just talk to them on the micro-cam or even send message back and forth. So I think computers are not a bad idea or a bad thing. I say this because you can learn, stay good, and communicate.
Dear Newspaper of @LOCATION1, The use of the computer is a controversial topic. Many people have varying opinions & beliefs, But I personally believe that computers have a positive effect on the people who use & operate them. These remarkable devices give people the ability to talk & be social with friends and family members. They let people know what is going on in the world, and give updates on the condition of countries and events. They will also provide information, and give people the ability to research and learn more about a topic or idea. A computer is a necessity in todays society, & to go against it is a proposterous motion. Many people young & old are starting to use the computer to be social with friends & family members through various types of websites & programs. A computer is to talk to someone without physically being there. The social aspect of a computer is rising in popularity and many people are using computers to be social. Social networking sites, and instant messaging programs are just two at the many ways to be socially active on a computer. A social networking site as a website that allows you to make an account and post pictures and information for your friends to see. To take away the computer would take away many peoples social lives. The computer benefits many people socially and this has a positive effect on their lives. Todays news is always with exciting events and horrible disaters that many people like to be updated with. Most people do not like to wait for the newspaper to arrive to read about the fastest news. So they check online and find about it there. Online news is widely popular & extremely beneficial to many people. It provides them with the lastest stories and updated events. Online news was extremely crucial in the lastest disaster, the earthquake in @LOCATION2. Because online news is so fast and easy to acess. People were donating & helping @LOCATION2 just a day after the earthquake happened. The fast response is what is helping @LOCATION2 rebuild from the rubble. Computers provide people with online news & this is definitely beneficial to their lives. Before people starting using computers to research topics & ideas they would use books. They would have to shuffle through piles of pages and articles in newspapers. This is a very inefficient & disorganized way to be research. Now we have the computer. The computer allows you to recall through endless information and topics. It is not possible to an article or essay with information because it will always be in the same place. This allows for guide and efficient research. There are also websites called online databases on the internet. All have to do is type in a keyword or phrase and you have instant research on whatever you wont you wont information on. All this takes time off of research and put it on whatevers else you would wanting to be doing, whether it is writing a paper or doing a presentation. The computer allows for quick and beneficial research. The computer hasn't been in use for that long and it is already helping society expand & grow. It provides a social aspect where you can talk to friends & family. You can provide yourself with the lastest news & stories, and you can do quick & easy research. A computer without a doubt has a positive effect on society and we as people. The experts can say what they want, but the computer is and always will be benefit to society.
Dear Newspaper of @LOCATION1, The use of the computer is a controversial topic. Many people have varying opinions & beliefs, But I personally believe that computers have a positive effect on the people who use & operate them. These remarkable devices give people the ability to talk & be social with friends and family members. They let people know what is going on in the world, and give updates on the condition of countries and events. They will also provide information, and give people the ability to research and learn more about a topic or idea. A computer is a necessity in today's society, & to go against it is a preposterous motion. Many people young & old are starting to use the computer to be social with friends & family members through various types of websites & programs. A computer is to talk to someone without physically being there. The social aspect of a computer is rising in popularity and many people are using computers to be social. Social networking sites, and instant messaging programs are just two at the many ways to be socially active on a computer. A social networking site as a website that allows you to make an account and post pictures and information for your friends to see. To take away the computer would take away many peoples social lives. The computer benefits many people socially and this has a positive effect on their lives. Today's news is always with exciting events and horrible disasters that many people like to be updated with. Most people do not like to wait for the newspaper to arrive to read about the fastest news. So they check online and find about it there. Online news is widely popular & extremely beneficial to many people. It provides them with the fastest stories and updated events. Online news was extremely crucial in the fastest disaster, the earthquake in @LOCATION2. Because online news is so fast and easy to access. People were donating & helping @LOCATION2 just a day after the earthquake happened. The fast response is what is helping @LOCATION2 rebuild from the rubble. Computers provide people with online news & this is definitely beneficial to their lives. Before people starting using computers to research topics & ideas they would use books. They would have to shuffle through piles of pages and articles in newspapers. This is a very inefficient & disorganized way to be research. Now we have the computer. The computer allows you to recall through endless information and topics. It is not possible to an article or essay with information because it will always be in the same place. This allows for guide and efficient research. There are also websites called online databases on the internet. All have to do is type in a keyword or phrase, and you have instant research on whatever you won't you won't information on. All this takes time off of research and put it on whatever else you would want to be doing, whether it is writing a paper or doing a presentation. The computer allows for quick and beneficial research. The computer hasn't been in use for that long, and it is already helping society expand & grow. It provides a social aspect where you can talk to friends & family. You can provide yourself with the fastest news & stories, and you can do quick & easy research. A computer without a doubt has a positive effect on society and we as people. The experts can say what they want, but the computer is and always will be benefit to society.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers are beginning to be a problem in many households. I feel that too many people are becoming addicted to computers. People like this are more likely to gain weight, have little social time, and spend too much time inside. In @CAPS6 article I have recently read in the @ORGANIZATION1, it was about @CAPS6 experiment on computer use. Dr. @PERSON1, a @CAPS3 professor stated that his findings showed that people who are addicted to computers only leave their homes to run errands. When this happens, it interferes with their lives as well as their bodies, because our bodies need sunlight. Furthermore, his study also showed that people who go outside more and not on the computer as much tend to be happier. @PERCENT1 of the study's patients started to be more joyful once they stopped going on the computer as often. I like when the people around me are happy, not grouchy, don't you? I have been noticing some kids in my school that are gaining weight. These are kids who have recently started going on the computer for a couple hours at a time everyday. This is very bad for your health and body. If someone sits at their computer all day eating the food is not being worked off, so it all turn to fat. Moreover, statistics show that @PERCENT2 of all obese people in a weight loss class had gained their extra weight from sitting at the computer all day. If people treat their bodies this way, they could end up with some type of condition. Last week, @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @NUM1 intervied @NUM2 year old @PERSON2. @PERSON2's best friend has been ignoring @PERSON2 because he got a @ORGANIZATION1 computer. Now, @PERSON2's friend doesn't want to hang out with @PERSON2, or any of his other friends. In addition, when people become addicted to computers, they become less social with friends and other people like parents, teachers, and more. When people push aside their social time for computer games, chat rooms, or movie websites, they lose a large portion of their life. This can be stopped if parents put their foot down, set limits, and make kids spend more time outside. As you can clearly see, computers @MONTH1 have some benefits, but they have many disadvantages. Addicted compuer users become less social, they don't go outside and start to "pack on the pounds." @CAPS6 effect of this is a world full of people who sit on the computer all day eating food and gaining weight.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers are beginning to be a problem in many households. I feel that too many people are becoming addicted to computers. People like this are more likely to gain weight, have little social time, and spend too much time inside. In @CAPS6 article I have recently read in the @ORGANIZATION1, it was about @CAPS6 experiment on computer use. Dr. @PERSON1, a @CAPS3 professor stated that his findings showed that people who are addicted to computers only leave their homes to run errands. When this happens, it interferes with their lives as well as their bodies, because our bodies need sunlight. Furthermore, his study also showed that people who go outside more and not on the computer as much tend to be happier. @PERCENT1 of the study's patients started to be more joyful once they stopped going on the computer as often. I like when the people around me are happy, not grouchy, don't you? I have been noticing some kids in my school that are gaining weight. These are kids who have recently started going on the computer for a couple of hours at a time every day. This is very bad for your health and body. If someone sits at their computer all day eating the food is not being worked off, so it all turn to fat. Moreover, statistics show that @PERCENT2 of all obese people in a weight loss class had gained their extra weight from sitting at the computer all day. If people treat their bodies this way, they could end up with some type of condition. Last week, @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @NUM1 interview @NUM2 year old @PERSON2. @PERSON2's best friend has been ignoring @PERSON2 because he got a @ORGANIZATION1 computer. Now, @PERSON2's friend doesn't want to hang out with @PERSON2, or any of his other friends. In addition, when people become addicted to computers, they become less social with friends and other people like parents, teachers, and more. When people push aside their social time for computer games, chat rooms, or movie websites, they lose a large portion of their life. This can be stopped if parents put their foot down, set limits, and make kids spend more time outside. As you can clearly see, computers @MONTH1 has some benefits, but they have many disadvantages. Addicted computer users become less social, they don't go outside and start to "pack on the pounds." @CAPS6 effect of this is a world full of people who sit on the computer all day eating food and gaining weight.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I understand that the idea of advances in technology benefiting society is a very controversal topic. However, I support these advances in technology and I believe that computers have a positive effect on people. They allow friends and family who live far away from each other to communicate and stay in touch. Computers @CAPS7 allow easy access to the news and online textbooks which provides an enourmous amount of benifits to today's society. In the long run, doing more things by computer instead of on paper will save billions of trees! @CAPS7, computers teach us hand-eye coordination which is a tremenciously important skill. These advances in technology are extremely benefitial to our society and should be taken advantage of! "@CAPS1, @CAPS1!" @CAPS3 computer wails as I recieve a video call from @CAPS3 cousin, @PERSON4. The advantage in technology has provided many new ways for @CAPS3 family and I to communicate with each other. @CAPS3 cousins and I rarely see one another, but computers make it possible for us to stay connected. Four out of five teenagers would agree that without computers or technological advances, their long-distance relationships with family and friends wouldn't be possible. For example; I go on oovoo once a week to video chat with @CAPS3 cousin whom I only see on holidays. Teen @CAPS4, @PERSON2 says: "Technology such as computers and cell phones are great for teens, but it should be monitored and not used excessively." Computers are great for keeping in touch with family and friends at a distance! Next, computers allow easy access to the news and online textbooks. @CAPS5 more people took advantage of this, we could sace millions of trees and have a healthier environment. Environmentalist, @PERSON3 says: "@CAPS5 more schools switched to online textbooks they would end up saving thousands of dollars that can be put elsewhere." I agree, @CAPS3 friend @PERSON1 says. "@CAPS5 we didnt have to take home so many textbooks everyday, I might not have scoliousis!" @CAPS7, computers allow quick access to the news, so we can find out about accidents right away instead of waiting for the newspaper to come. @CAPS7, computers help children develop hand-eye coordination, which is a very important skill. Computer activities keep our brain excercising and @MONTH1 even help us hit more accurately next baseball season! Three out of five kids at @ORGANIZATION2 say that @CAPS5 they didn't have a computer growing up, they wouldn't be as good at their sport. Computers are an extremely useful recource for many things that we need to take advantages of!
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I understand that the idea of advances in technology benefiting society is a very controversial topic. However, I support these advances in technology and I believe that computers have a positive effect on people. They allow friends and family who live far away from each other to communicate and stay in touch. Computers @CAPS7 allow easy access to the news and online textbooks which provides an enormous amount of benefits to today's society. In the long run, doing more things by computer instead of on paper will save billions of trees! @CAPS7, computers teach us hand-eye coordination which is a tremendously important skill. These advances in technology are extremely beneficial to our society and should be taken advantage of! "@CAPS1, @CAPS1!" @CAPS3 computer wails as I receive a video call from @CAPS3 cousin, @PERSON4. The advantage in technology has provided many new ways for @CAPS3 family and I to communicate with each other. @CAPS3 cousins and I rarely see one another, but computers make it possible for us to stay connected. Four out of five teenagers would agree that without computers or technological advances, their long-distance relationships with family and friends wouldn't be possible. For example; I go on movie once a week to video chat with @CAPS3 cousin whom I only see on holidays. Teen @CAPS4, @PERSON2 says: "Technology such as computers and cell phones are great for teens, but it should be monitored and not used excessively." Computers are great for keeping in touch with family and friends at a distance! Next, computers allow easy access to the news and online textbooks. @CAPS5 more people took advantage of this, we could same millions of trees and have a healthier environment. Environmentalist, @PERSON3 says: "@CAPS5 more schools switched to online textbooks they would end up saving thousands of dollars that can be put elsewhere." I agree, @CAPS3 friend @PERSON1 says. "@CAPS5 we didn't have to take home so many textbooks every day, I might not have scoliosis!" @CAPS7, computers allow quick access to the news, so we can find out about accidents right away instead of waiting for the newspaper to come. @CAPS7, computers help children develop hand-eye coordination, which is a very important skill. Computer activities keep our brain exercising and @MONTH1 even help us hit more accurately next baseball season! Three out of five kids at @ORGANIZATION2 say that @CAPS5 they didn't have a computer growing up, they wouldn't be as good at their sport. Computers are an extremely useful resource for many things that we need to take advantages of!
Dear @CAPS1 of the Newspaper, @CAPS2 is no doubt that computers don'@CAPS6 benefit society. First of all, most people only have a limited amount of time to things. Secondly, many friends would get mad if you can'@CAPS6 see them. Last but not least, you have to watch out for your health. To sum up, computers aren'@CAPS6 always a good thing. From my point of view, time is a big thing. When people get so involved with something, its hard to back away. Thats just like smoking. The nicotine attracks you so once you start, it is very hard to quit. Many lazy people like to put things on hold. In other words, you waste time. The time that you could be spending on homework or even working on a job, your wasting it. Other people know that they need to do something but keep putting it off. For example, you need to paint your house or fix the motor in the car but you keep putting it off. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people do this in @LOCATION1 everyday. As you of all people can see, many @CAPS3 don'@CAPS6 think too much about time. The next big topic is @CAPS4. You and I both know that every one needs a @CAPS5. When you don'@CAPS6 interact with your Friends, your friends might not bother trying to talk to you. The might not even go near you if you forget about them. Pets on the other hand need you. They usually just sleep around the house when they are lonely. I'm sure that you know pets need love and need you to play with them. Parents need to be @CAPS2 for their kids. When you were little, didn'@CAPS6 you need help? I know I did. Thats why parents need to interact a lot. In conclusion, the more you stick with your friends and stay away from the computer the better you will be. That leads us to the next big topic, health. Staying healthy's no joke. If you want to live long and watch you rkids grow up, the healthier you are the hotter you'll be. Everyone needs exercise. Exercise helps prevent against diseases as well as keepin gyou in shape. @NUM3 out of @NUM1 eople are over weight. When you are sitting in front of a computer screenplay games or sending e-mails, that's just as as palying video games on your @CAPS6.V. You know as well as anyone, most video games are not good for you. Last but not least, most people don'@CAPS6 eat healthy when they play video games or go on the computer. You and I both know, a healthy diet and exersice will give you a happy life. From my point of view, computers don'@CAPS6 benefit society. Time is a big thing which many @CAPS3 don'@CAPS6 realize. Secondly, @CAPS4 which everyone needs is another important thing to look into. Last but no least, everyone everywhere needds to stay healthy. For a long happy life. As you can see, many people would be better off without computers!
Dear @CAPS1 of the Newspaper, @CAPS2 is no doubt that computers don't@CAPS6 benefit society. First, most people only have a limited amount of time to things. Secondly, many friends would get mad if you can'@CAPS6 see them. Last but not least, you have to watch out for your health. To sum up, computers aren't@CAPS6 always a good thing. From my point of view, time is a big thing. When people get so involved with something, It's hard to back away. That's just like smoking. The nicotine attacks you so once you start, it is very hard to quit. Many lazy people like to put things on hold. In other words, you waste time. The time that you could be spending on homework or even working on a job, you're wasting it. Other people know that they need to do something but keep putting it off. For example, you need to paint your house or fix the motor in the car, but you keep putting it off. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people do this in @LOCATION1 every day. As you of all people can see, many @CAPS3 don't@CAPS6 think too much about time. The next big topic is @CAPS4. You and I both know that every one needs a @CAPS5. When you don't@CAPS6 interact with your Friends, your friends might not bother trying to talk to you. The might not even go near you if you forget about them. Pets on the other hand need you. They usually just sleep around the house when they are lonely. I'm sure that you know pets need love and need you to play with them. Parents need to be @CAPS2 for their kids. When you were little, didn't@CAPS6 you need help? I know I did. That's why parents need to interact a lot. In conclusion, the more you stick with your friends and stay away from the computer the better you will be. That leads us to the next big topic, health. Staying healthy's no joke. If you want to live long and watch your kids grow up, the healthier you are, the hotter you'll be. Everyone needs exercise. Exercise helps prevent against diseases as well as keeping you in shape. @NUM3 out of @NUM1 people are over weight. When you are sitting in front of a computer screenplay games or sending e-mails, that's just as playing video games on your @CAPS6. V. You know as well as anyone, most video games are not good for you. Last but not least, most people don't@CAPS6 eat healthy when they play video games or go on the computer. You and I both know, a healthy diet and exercise will give you a happy life. From my point of view, computers don't@CAPS6 benefit society. Time is a big thing which many @CAPS3 don't@CAPS6 realize. Secondly, @CAPS4 which everyone needs is another important thing to look into. Last but no least, everyone everywhere needs to stay healthy. For a long happy life. As you can see, many people would be better off without computers!
Computers are the way of the future. I believe that computers benefit society. I believe this because computers enable you to talk to family and friends online. It also gives you thousands of websites to learn valuable information from. Lastly it teached hand-eye coordination. First computers alow you to socialize online. I know @CAPS1 I get home from school I can talk to virtually any friends online. People against computers say it takes away time from interacting with family, however, this is not true. I talk to all of my aunts via facebook and other social websites. Also @CAPS1 my parents are at work the are abile to message me over the computer with out having to go get a phone and call my house. My last reason for this is that it helps me and my friends get intouch easier lets say I'm having a friend come over, but he got sick. He woulden't have to go look up a number and call me, he could just send me a message of the internet. My second reason is that computers help with education. I know that @CAPS1 I'm stuck on a problem at home, I'll just go on the computer and look up the answer. Also, @CAPS1 I have to do projects, the computer is very helpful for me and many other kids, @CAPS1 doing a project, I can't getall of my information from one book so I go on the computer and look up information about the subject. This really improves students grades, because they had more resources and more information to choose from, instead of only the information in the book. My last reason is that using a computer can help with hand-eye coordination. On the computer there are many sites that have very interactive sites the you can really benefit from I know of one website that was able to help me with my fielding in baseball because it had interactive games that would actually help with things is real life, like fielding in baseball. I know there are other websites like this for many other sports like basketball and foot ball. So the computer actually helped with real life activities. To sum it all up I think computers can benefit society a lot. Like being able to communicate with your friends. Also being able to look up school work with. Lastly helping with hand-eye coordination.
Computers are the way of the future. I believe that computers benefit society. I believe this because computers enable you to talk to family and friends online. It also gives you thousands of websites to learn valuable information from. Lastly it taught hand-eye coordination. First computers low you to socialize online. I know @CAPS1 I get home from school I can talk to virtually any friends online. People against computers say it takes away time from interacting with family, however, this is not true. I talk to all of my aunts via Facebook and other social websites. Also, @CAPS1 my parents are at work they are abile to message me over the computer without having to go get a phone and call my house. My last reason for this is that it helps me and my friends get Intouch easier lets say I'm having a friend come over, but he got sick. He wouldn't have to go look up a number and call me, he could just send me a message of the internet. My second reason is that computers help with education. I know that @CAPS1 I'm stuck on a problem at home, I'll just go on the computer and look up the answer. Also, @CAPS1 I have to do projects, the computer is very helpful for me and many other kids, @CAPS1 doing a project, I can't get all of my information from one book, so I go on the computer and look up information about the subject. This really improves students grades, because they had more resources and more information to choose from, instead of only the information in the book. My last reason is that using a computer can help with hand-eye coordination. On the computer there are many sites that have very interactive sites the can really benefit from I know of one website that was able to help me with my fielding in baseball because it had interactive games that would actually help with things is real life, like fielding in baseball. I know there are other websites like this for many other sports like basketball and football. So the computer actually helped with real life activities. To sum it all up I think computers can benefit society a lot. Like being able to communicate with your friends. Also being able to look up school work with. Lastly helping with hand-eye coordination.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I am writing to tell you about the effects computers have on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, lets people search @CAPS1 places, talk online with people like family and friends. First, the computers teach hand eye coordination it helps you become a better speller and type fast or type without looking at the keys I know it helped me and im sure it will help you too. Secondly, computers lets you interact with family and friends and lets you make friends like myspace you talk to your friends and make @CAPS1 ones facebook is more mature if you ask me twitter also its just away for you too talk to your friends yahoo, gmail, aol. Even teacher es lets the teachers communicate with parents so it helps you communicate without everyone being in your conversation on the phone. Next, it helps you search @CAPS1 and old places like landmarks or bussnesses like salons, nail palors. Gyms and @CAPS1 resturant you can even search when a movie is goin to come out. A computer can help you very much in this type of case. In conculsion computers are good they help you inform you and they can teach you I love my computer it helps me with homework and helps me study. Say you cant talk with someone over the phone, you can email or chat with them and it's so cool/fun and it interesting how you can learn @CAPS1 things it lets you upload pictures, music videos and you can type essays. The computer is very educational.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I am writing to tell you about the effects computers have on people. They teach hand-eye coordination, lets people search @CAPS1 places, talk online with people like family and friends. First, the computers teach hand eye coordination it helps you become a better speller and type fast or type without looking at the keys I know it helped me and I'm sure it will help you too. Secondly, computers lets you interact with family and friends and lets you make friends like MySpace you talk to your friends and make @CAPS1 ones Facebook is more mature if you ask me Twitter also It's just away for you to talk to your friends' yahoo, Gmail, AOL. Even teacher BS lets the teachers communicate with parents, so it helps you communicate without everyone being in your conversation on the phone. Next, it helps you search @CAPS1 and old places like landmarks or businesses like salons, nail parlors. Gyms and @CAPS1 restaurant you can even search when a movie is going to come out. A computer can help you very much in this type of case. In conclusion computers are good they help you inform you, and they can teach you I love my computer it helps me with homework and helps me study. Say you can't talk with someone over the phone, you can email or chat with them and it's so cool/fun and it's interesting how you can learn @CAPS1 things it lets you upload pictures, music videos, and you can type essays. The computer is very educational.
There are so many different sides to this computer problem, well it's simple computers ruin our lives. Now think if it how many @CAPS1 do you see your kid on it? Computers messes up kids grades. It stops people from taking a car ride to @ORGANIZATION1's house. Also people don't ride their bikes a lot. Computers are an outrage. It first starts off with grades. The parents tell their kid go and start your paper. They sayd ok, and then they are down there on facebook. More @CAPS1 then not kids and parents abuse the computer. In fact @PERCENT2 of america do uses it, that might seem like a small percent but thats more than half the country. Me I don't abuse the computer be I need to keep @CAPS6 grades up. Most students have @CAPS2-average because studies show it's because of computers. Also if your son has a lapttop they're not doing work if that is what you think. I have computers, but we have, books for a reason, no spank, pop ups, or no distractions while working. Like one time I was working on a project, a pop-up came up and read trafic rush free to your computer. So dume me downloads it and @CAPS6 parents caught me playing. Has this changed your mind. Since you probably haven't changed your mind here is another thing way computer bad, your car. All guys love cars. Computers are holding more thand @PERCENT3 of people working or driving their cars. Te only person it hasn't affected is @CAPS6 dad, he works on his cars day in and day out. @CAPS6 grandmom said something interesting to me the after day,"@CAPS3 your dad comes up to visit me more can @CAPS6 other sons, @CAPS6 ohter sons are carzy for computers."People go bannas for computers today. Latly I have seen less and less people outside anymore. There is only reason for that, all people are shaved in their basement in the dark, so when their light it gurns their eyes it's so bright. Come on did this change your mind yet now. Well since you are still reading on that means you cannot make up your mind. Well here's this people are starting to not want to ride their bikes anymore. That is facebook, this is what they thinks,"@CAPS4 it talk now why I need to ride to talk in person?" That @PERCENT1 right for what they are think. Because we task a test of all the kids who have facebook, and that's what around all of them said. I know amazing @CAPS5 a at home mother said," @CAPS6 son's gaining weight, all her does is eat and go on facebook. When he not on during they day, I catch him at night too." That is a sad story for that mohter. I ride @CAPS6 bike a lot, this is a real life story: once I was sitting around doing nothing really did @CAPS6 mom said we are riding bikes for @NUM1 miles. I got up end did it too. That had to change your mind, or nothing will. So, in conclusing I have no more ideas for no computers and why. But just remember your grades, cars, and your weight. So please, change your mind.
There are so many different sides to this computer problem, well it's simple computers ruin our lives. Now think if it how many @CAPS1 do you see your kid on it? Computers messes up kids grades. It stops people from taking a car ride to @ORGANIZATION1's house. Also people don't ride their bikes a lot. Computers are an outrage. It first starts off with grades. The parents tell their kid go and start your paper. They said ok, and then they are down there on Facebook. More @CAPS1 then not kids and parents abuse the computer. In fact @PERCENT2 of America do uses it, that might seem like a small percent but that's more than half the country. Me I don't abuse the computer be I need to keep @CAPS6 grades up. Most students have @CAPS2-average because studies show it's because of computers. Also, if your son has a laptop they're not doing work if that is what you think. I have computers, but we have, books for a reason, no spank, pop-ups, or no distractions while working. Like one time I was working on a project, a pop-up came up and read traffic rush free to your computer. So due me downloads it and @CAPS6 parents caught me playing. Has this changed your mind. Since you probably haven't changed your mind here is another thing way computer bad, your car. All guys love cars. Computers are holding more than @PERCENT3 of people working or driving their cars. Te only person it hasn't affected is @CAPS6 dad, he works on his cars' day in and day out. @CAPS6 grandmom said something interesting to me the after day,"@CAPS3 your dad comes up to visit me more can @CAPS6 other sons, @CAPS6 other sons are carry for computers." People go bananas for computers today. Lately I have seen less and fewer people outside anymore. There is only reason for that, all people are shaved in their basement in the dark, so when their light it guns their eyes it's so bright. Come on did this change your mind yet now. Well since you are still reading on that means you cannot make up your mind. Well here's this people are starting to not want to ride their bikes anymore. That is Facebook, this is what they think,"@CAPS4 it talks now why I need to ride to talk in person?" That @PERCENT1 right for what they are thought. Because we task a test of all the kids who have Facebook, and that's what around all of them said. I know amazing @CAPS5 an at home mother said," @CAPS6 son's gaining weight, all her does is eat and go on Facebook. When he is not on during they day, I catch him at night too." That is a sad story for that mother. I ride @CAPS6 bikes a lot, this is a real life story: once I was sitting around doing nothing really did @CAPS6 mom said we are riding bikes for @NUM1 miles. I got up end did it too. That had to change your mind, or nothing will. So, in concluding I have no more ideas for no computers and why. But just remember your grades, cars, and your weight. So please, change your mind.
Dear, news paper I think computers are good, this is because you can learn thing's about faraway places using them, you can also hear about the most recent news and you can communicate with people. In school a lot of the research projects on other places focus on other places around the world. When you use a computer you can read articles about the place and also get pictures and use them in a slideshow or photo story. Their are also educational websites that kids can go on to learn their math facts to multuplication tables @CAPS1 the computer is a good learning tool. The computer can keep you up-to-date with the news to! their are news website that post minute to minute things about world news and tell the world what kind of desaster happened in some far away place on the other side of the world. A lot of the time families are spread all over the world, you can chat with family or friend's that have moved by a simple chat room and you can catch up on what has been happening in each other's lives and that's a good tool for family to stay in touch @CAPS1 the computer has lots of benefits that a lot of people all around the world can use, from learning. About a faraway country to chatting with cuson that lives in california and also knowing whats going on in your own home town.
Dear, newspaper I think computers are good, this is because you can learn thing's about faraway places using them, you can also hear about the most recent news, and you can communicate with people. In school a lot of the research projects on other places focus on other places around the world. When you use a computer you can read articles about the place and also get pictures and use them in a slideshow or photo story. There are also educational websites that kids can go on to learn their math facts to multiplication tables @CAPS1 the computer is a good learning tool. The computer can keep you up-to-date with the news to! there are news website that post minute to minute things about world news and tell the world what kind of disaster happened in some far away place on the other side of the world. A lot of the time families are spread all over the world, you can chat with family or friend's that have moved by a simple chat room, and you can catch up on what has been happening in each other's lives and that's a good tool for family to stay in touch @CAPS1 the computer has lots of benefits that a lot of people all around the world can use, from learning. About a faraway country to chatting with cu son that lives in California and also knowing what's going on in your own hometown.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 has been a lot of discusion of whether computers effect people in a positive way or in a negative way. I believe that computers effect most people negatively. I think this because people lose their people skills" by talking through the computer, computers @MONTH1 also lead to danger, and because people tend to forget about their priorities in life. From what i know. most people that use computers use them to talk to friends and other people around the world. Instead of hangingout with their friends they talk through the computer and if that what they do, more than hanging in person then they won't reconize the facial expressions given to them by certin people, while talking in person you get the full on experience of communicating with them. You get the tome of voide in addition to the facial expressions. You also get the body language which you can't get from on the computer unless you are using webcam. Computers have led to many dangers. These dangers effect every user and their families. @CAPS1 have been many cases of young teenagers being tricked by ader users into showing them parts of their body to making the teens believe that the older user can relate to their problems and are the same age. sometime the teen is persuade to leave their home and neighbor hood to meet the other user. Also, another type of danger is cyberbulling. Cybe bulles lower yourself-esteem. The bullies call you names and pick on you and sometimes make you feel suicidal. If we hadnt had any computer then none of these dangers would be occuring. With computers people have lost their judgement in top priorites. Some computers uses tend to forget about the important things in life such as family, schools work, and their own health. Some people would rather stay on the computer than hangout with family and friends. Others tend to choose not to do their homework and work on their social life on the computer instead. Since they are on the computer alot they seem to ignore their health. They don't exercise as much and don't eat as healthy. So in my opinion, life without computers would be good for everyone. People would still have the people skills they had before, their wouldn't be as much danger, and people would focus more on the important thins than their online social lives."
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 has been a lot of discussion of whether computers effect people positively or negatively. I believe that computers effect most people negatively. I think this because people lose their people skills" by talking through the computer, computers @MONTH1 also lead to danger, and because people tend to forget about their priorities in life. From what I know. Most people that use computers use them to talk to friends and other people around the world. Instead of hanging out with their friends they talk through the computer and if that what they do, more than hanging in person then they won't recognize the facial expressions given to them by certain people, while talking in person you get the full on experience of communicating with them. You get the tome of voice in addition to the facial expressions. You also get the body language which you can't get from on the computer unless you are using webcam. Computers have led to many dangers. These dangers effect every user and their families. @CAPS1 have been many cases of young teenagers being tricked by eider users into showing them parts of their body to making the teens believe that the older user can relate to their problems and are the same age. sometimes the teen is persuaded to leave their home and neighborhood to meet the other user. Also, another type of danger is cyberbullying. Cube bulls lower yourself-esteem. The bullies call you names and pick on you and sometimes make you feel suicidal. If we hadn't had any computer then none of these dangers would be occurring. With computers people have lost their judgement in top priorities. Some computers use tend to forget about the important things in life such as family, schools work, and their own health. Some people would rather stay on the computer than hangout with family and friends. Others tend to choose not to do their homework and work on their social life on the computer instead. Since they are on the computer a lot they seem to ignore their health. They don't exercise as much and don't eat as healthy. So in my opinion, life without computers would be good for everyone. People would still have the people skills they had before, their wouldn't be as much danger, and people would focus more on the important thins than their online social lives."
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, I think computers do have a positive affect on people but I don't think because of computers is the reason people don't exercise or enjoy nature. People make their own choices in life. The computer is just there. If somebody chooses to be on the computer instead of spending time with their family well thats their choice and problem not the computers. Me for example I love working and playing on the computer. Even though I'm on the computer I still do things like talk to my family, I play basketball, and I chill with my homies. Now thats my choice to do all of that. I can easily just sit up in my room and be on the computer all the time. It's nothing wrong with doing that because that is my choice in life. Nobody should be able to tell you to get off the computer because that is your choice in life. If you want to be on the computer instead of going outside thats your choice. Only you know what is best for you.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, I think computers do have a positive effect on people, but I don't think because of computers is the reason people don't exercise or enjoy nature. People make their own choices in life. The computer is just there. If somebody chooses to be on the computer instead of spending time with their family well that's their choice and problem not the computers. Me for example I love working and playing on the computer. Even though I'm on the computer I still do things like talk to my family, I play basketball, and I chill with my homies. Now that's my choice to do all of that. I can easily just sit up in my room and be on the computer all the time. It's nothing wrong with doing that because that is my choice in life. Nobody should be able to tell you to get off the computer because that is your choice in life. If you want to be on the computer instead of going outside that's your choice. Only you know what is best for you.
Dear editor, I have heard that some experts are saying that @CAPS1 spend too much time online. I thoroughly believe they are mistaken. With the use of internet people can learn about faraway places without spending money to go there. Our military uses internet to talk to their family and friends stateside. Also it helps us aquire great hand-eye coordination. If someone was planning a trip to @LOCATION1 they would check the internet often. Firstly, they would check out sites to go to in @LOCATION1. Second, they would check and compare hotels in @LOCATION1. Thirdly, they would check the weather in @LOCATION1. Finally, they would check airports for flights going to and from @LOCATION1. Without the internet planning vacations would be close to impossible. People not only use the internet for pleasure but for communication purphases too. They use web cams to talk online to people in faraway places. It is fast, free, and convinent way to communicate to other people. Our military uses web cams to let the soliders talk to their families. How would you feel if you were a solider fighting for you country and the means to talk to your family is out there, but you could not use it. It is cruel and unjust to keep soliders from talking to their families. Internet also gives us something usefull. It helps us build hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is used in many things. In basketball you need to be able to look up and dribble at the same time. When you are driving you need to be able to look up and still be able to steer the car. Without hand-eye coordination many more accidents would happen from carliess errors. Internet helps people make the world a safer place. In some aspects the experts are right. We should go out and enjoy nature, but we also need to enjoy and use the internet as well. Some people use it as pleasure and build hand-eye coordination. Whle others use it to talk to their loved ones. Or use it to plan vacations. No matter who you are or what you do internet plays an important part in life.
Dear editor, I have heard that some experts are saying that @CAPS1 spend too much time online. I thoroughly believe they are mistaken. With the use of internet people can learn about faraway places without spending money to go there. Our military uses internet to talk to their family and friends stateside. Also, it helps us acquire great hand-eye coordination. If someone was planning a trip to @LOCATION1 they would check the internet often. Firstly, they would check out sites to go to in @LOCATION1. Second, they would check and compare hotels in @LOCATION1. Thirdly, they would check the weather in @LOCATION1. Finally, they would check airports for flights going to and from @LOCATION1. Without the internet planning vacations would be close to impossible. People not only use the internet for pleasure but for communication purchases too. They use webcams to talk online to people in faraway places. It is fast, free, and continent way to communicate to other people. Our military uses webcams to let the soldiers talk to their families. How would you feel if you were a solider fighting for you country and the means to talk to your family is out there, but you could not use it. It is cruel and unjust to keep soldiers from talking to their families. Internet also gives us something useful. It helps us build hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is used in many things. In basketball, you need to be able to look up and dribble at the same time. When you are driving you need to be able to look up and still be able to steer the car. Without hand-eye coordination many more accidents would happen from earliest errors. Internet helps people make the world a safer place. In some aspects the experts are right. We should go out and enjoy nature, but we also need to enjoy and use the internet as well. Some people use it as pleasure and build hand-eye coordination. While others use it to talk to their loved ones. Or use it to plan vacations. No matter who you are or what you do internet plays an important part in life.
Dear @PERSON3 of the @LOCATION1, I strongly believe that computers effect us in a positive way. Computers are advancing and so are their uses, computers are great and they are not our thought process or went to run around outside and play sports. Computers help us find and talk to relatives and friends they allow us to learn different things about farien places. They also are great for research! First and foremost computers are effecting us positively expesally when it comes to finding and talking to family and friends. My mom was adopted and @NUM1 years ago she really wanted to find her birth family, one year later her birth father found her on this website where you can locate family, she found her family and I now have two more @CAPS1, @PERSON1 and @PERSON2, and a cousin @PERSON4. I love them all very much. I would not have of been able to get to know them if it wasnt for the computer, speaking of communication, I was working like a dog on this big science prodject I had. we weren't able to do it in person and it @CAPS3 impossible for one person to three way four people. So we emailed our ideas and thoughts and were able to get the project done. "@CAPS2 are never enough hours in the day!" @CAPS3 something that @CAPS3 commonly said. Over @PERCENT1 of adults complain that @CAPS2 @CAPS3 never enough time in day. That @CAPS3 a statistic from @ORGANIZATION1. The computer allows you to multi task so you can be on your business call and email your mother so she know that you didn't forget her birthday. In addition, computers help us understand other countries and learn about their culture and how they are doing. @CAPS2 are many people who don't have tvs and they get their news from the internet. Also for projects, in @NUM2 grade I had to learn about @CAPS4, the country in @LOCATION2. it would take countless hours to find research in books, you will find a lot of stuff you dont need, but on the computer it @CAPS3 fast and easy. If you need to know something you can just type it in and, boom! You have it where as if you were usinf a book you would still be looking for what you need. Time @CAPS3 something that we can't afford to waste expessaly in this economy. Furthermore, computers are great for all kinds of research and directions. People who think that people spend too much time on the computer, and exersizing are not always right. I don't know about you, @PERSON3, but I am constantly looking up different exersizes to get a flat stomach. Most of my friends do it with me. I also look up directions, finding routs on maps are enfuriating and take for ever. Go on the computer the maps are always updated and you can get easy and fast directions! I don't know about you but I love things fast and easy. Going back to research, what about for solving crimes? Identifying people with finger prints fast so no one can get hurt. In conclusion computers effect us in possitive ways, more and are a great help to society, from locating people, to communication, and all the way to finding valuable and life changing information. I hope that you and I see eye to eye in this matter, advancing computers are our friends not the enemy.
Dear @PERSON3 of the @LOCATION1, I strongly believe that computers effect us positively. Computers are advancing and so are their uses, computers are great, and they are not our thought process or went to run around outside and play sports. Computers help us find and talk to relatives and friends they allow us to learn different things about Fabien places. They also are great for research! First and foremost computers are effecting us positively especially when it comes to finding and talking to family and friends. My mom was adopted and @NUM1 years ago she really wanted to find her birth family, one year later her birth father found her on this website where you can locate family, she found her family and I now have two more @CAPS1, @PERSON1 and @PERSON2, and a cousin @PERSON4. I love them all very much. I would not have of been able to get to know them if it wasn't for the computer, speaking of communication, I was working like a dog on this big science project I had. We weren't able to do it in person and it @CAPS3 impossible for one person to three-way four people. So we emailed our ideas and thoughts and were able to get the project done. "@CAPS2 are never enough hours in the day!" @CAPS3 something that @CAPS3 commonly said. Over @PERCENT1 of adults complain that @CAPS2 @CAPS3 never enough time in day. That @CAPS3 a statistic from @ORGANIZATION1. The computer allows you to multitask, so you can be on your business call and email your mother, so she knows that you didn't forget her birthday. In addition, computers help us understand other countries and learn about their culture and how they are doing. @CAPS2 are many people who don't have TVs, and they get their news from the internet. Also for projects, in @NUM2 grade I had to learn about @CAPS4, the country in @LOCATION2. It would take countless hours to find research in books, you will find a lot of stuff you don't need, but on the computer it @CAPS3 fast and easy. If you need to know something you can just type it in and, boom! You have it whereas if you were using a book you would still be looking for what you need. Time @CAPS3 something that we can't afford to waste expressly in this economy. Furthermore, computers are great for all kinds of research and directions. People who think that people spend too much time on the computer, and exercising are not always right. I don't know about you, @PERSON3, but I am constantly looking up different exercises to get a flat stomach. Most of my friends do it with me. I also look up directions, finding routs on maps are infuriating and take forever. Go on the computer the maps are always updated, and you can get easy and fast directions! I don't know about you, but I love things fast and easy. Going back to research, what about for solving crimes? Identifying people with fingerprints fast so no one can get hurt. In conclusion computers effect us in positive ways, more and are a great help to society, from locating people, to communication, and all the way to finding valuable and life changing information. I hope that you and I see eye to eye in this matter, advancing computers are our friends not the enemy.
As more and more people are becoming accustomed to using computers, I believe that this is having a negative effect on society. Because of computers people are not exercising as much as they should, which is of crucial importance. In addition, people are becoming unable to envoy and appreciate nature while they still can. Finally, people are slowly being their ability to communicate with family and friends. As every day people are getting in touch with technology they are losing touch with the world around them. Therefore, the advances in technology are having a negative affect on society. When the average, person uses, the computers, be it for business, homework, chatting, or just for fun, they are easily occupied for long periods of time. They consider themselves "too busy" for a thing called exercise which is becoming more and more curcial to our health and well-being. With music, walk, cool friends right in front of us, who has live. Time to go for a walk, jog, or bike ride? with computers, people are the will exercise. In this day and age, when is becoming a we need our exercise more. Every day rainforests indicated on the one, polluted, and clouded. We need and because of the realize ever a @ORGANIZATION1 screen. We need to write up and appreciate with the @ORGANIZATION1. As time goes by communication technology through the internet this issue of helping @CAPS1, healthy relationships is becoming a progressively worse issue. "@CAPS1 @CAPS2" is something that doesn't completely exist on the internet. This means that while you @MONTH1 find someone you can call a "friend" online, you never know exactly who they are until you've actually, met them...which could be potentially dangerous. Additionally, the very @CAPS1 emotions and human need for interaction that comes with relationships is something their can never be simulated or programmed, no matter how "advanced" your technology is. As you can see, the dependancy on and average of computers is having a negative affect in our society. We are not taking the time for exercise, and human interacting, all of which are to our health. And in a world where it's more important than ever to do. healthy, grateful, and diplomatic, we are slowly losing important. Therefore, @ORGANIZATION1, are having a negative affect on society.
As more and more people are becoming accustomed to using computers, I believe that this is having a negative effect on society. Because of computers people are not exercising as much as they should, which is of crucial importance. In addition, people are becoming unable to envoy and appreciate nature while they still can. Finally, people are slowly being their ability to communicate with family and friends. As every day people are getting in touch with technology they are losing touch with the world around them. Therefore, the advances in technology are having a negative effect on society. When the average, person uses, the computers, be it for business, homework, chatting, or just for fun, they are easily occupied for long periods of time. They consider themselves "too busy" for a thing called exercise which is becoming more and more crucial to our health and well-being. With music, walk, cool friends right in front of us, who has live. Time to go for a walk, jog, or bike ride? With computers, people are they will exercise. In this day and age, when is becoming a need our exercise more. Every day rainforests indicated on the one, polluted, and clouded. We need and because of the realize ever a @ORGANIZATION1 screen. We need to write up and appreciate with the @ORGANIZATION1. As time goes by communication technology through the internet this issue of helping @CAPS1, healthy relationships is becoming a progressively worse issue. "@CAPS1 @CAPS2" is something that doesn't completely exist on the internet. This means that while you @MONTH1 find someone you can call a "friend" online, you never know exactly who they are until you've actually, met them...which could be potentially dangerous. Additionally, the very @CAPS1 emotions and human need for interaction that comes with relationships is something their can never be simulated or programmed, no matter how "advanced" your technology is. As you can see, the dependency on and average of computers is having a negative affect in our society. We are not taking the time for exercise, and human interacting, all of which are to our health. And in a world where it's more important than ever to do. Healthy, grateful, and diplomatic, we are slowly losing important. Therefore, @ORGANIZATION1, are having a negative effect on society.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 name is @CAPS2 @CAPS3 and I am a students in @ORGANIZATION1 middle school. I want to state a opinion on how computer effects people. There are many thing like games, chatrooms, socile thing. Also information for homework or for work and jobs. Well let get started @CAPS1 opinion on people using ocmputer is good, only fools don't use computers. They help you a lot like, let say I am a coole and I forgot how to do something, I'll just go on the computer and fine it and it that easy. I use a computer all @CAPS1 life and I am smart, I even help @CAPS1 mom use the comptuer sometimes. Chat room are good to you can make new friends and you can talk to family members, like your mom dad or causen if they live in a different part of the world. I talk to @CAPS1 cansen all the time not reuily a little and he live in colombia. I also talk to @CAPS1 friends on facebook to ask what was the homework sometimes. Games, games are fun when you get bored or do not have nothing to do. You can play all different kind of games like action or if you want a chenllens you can play hard games i think games like chess or sodotea. To help your brain thnk to exercise your brian. Games can help you knew the computer more like they bored, many people don't even knew how to type with out looking at the borad. I have to look at it. Well thus where same opinion I had about the computer. Even though people think it take time from exercising and interacting with people it not really time. There exercising there brian and they can interacte with people. So till next time
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 name is @CAPS2 @CAPS3, and I am a student in @ORGANIZATION1 middle school. I want to state an opinion on how computer effects people. There are many things like games, chatroom, docile thing. Also, information for homework or for work and jobs. Well let get started @CAPS1 opinion on people using computer is good, only fools don't use computers. They help you a lot like, let say I am a cool and I forgot how to do something, I'll just go on the computer and fine it and it that easy. I use a computer all @CAPS1 life, and I am smart, I even help @CAPS1 mom use the computer sometimes. Chat room are good to you can make new friends, and you can talk to family members, like your mom dad or cause if they live in a different part of the world. I talk to @CAPS1 Hansen all the time not really a little, and he lives in Colombia. I also talk to @CAPS1 friends on Facebook to ask what was the homework sometimes. Games, games are fun when you get bored or do not have anything to do. You can play all different kind of games like action or if you want a Hellenes you can play hard games I think games like chess or Scotia. To help your brain tank to exercise your Brian. Games can help you knew the computer more like they bored, many people don't even knew how to type without looking at the board. I have to look at it. Well thus where same opinion I had about the computer. Even though people think it takes time from exercising and interacting with people it not really time. There exercising Brian and they can interact with people. So till next time
Dear local Newspaper, In my opinion computers are a help to our plant. The new technology makes life easier to handle. The computer are a help because it teaches hand-eye coordination. You can talk to people, and it is a new way to be entertained. Computers can teache hand-eye coordination because of typing. Whether someone knows it or not when you are typing fast it is help you hands. Also the fact you that if your typing without making is also helping because it makes your hand easier to move. The typing is giving your hand lots of exersise because your hands are moving all over the place. The more you move them the more excersise you can get. Computers can really help hand-eye coordination alot. Computers can also help by talking to people. To talk to people far away is better to talk to on the computer because if you have a webcam you can see each other. You are able to talk to people from different countries. Also computers are able to be used in business meetings when a business has to talk with another from different locations. Like if part of the business is doing a project in hong kong, then the boss can set up a meeting to see how it is going. Another way to use computers to talk to people is to speak with a person you are not able to see in person. Like if a oerson is in the hospital but you're not able to go, then you can talk while seeing each other throw the computer. Computers are a great way to use in communication. Computer are also a new way to get entertained. They can entertain you because there is games that you can play. There are games that come with the computers and a lot of games on the internet. Other they being bored all the time you can play thousands of game with just a click on a mouse. Also to not be bored you can watch videos like youtube. You can listen te musicor watch comedy videos. Video also show a way do express what you feel and sat it in comedy, horror, or sad videos. Also for teenagers there is ways to talk to their friends like facebook. On the website you can talk with anyone on your friends list. In the end computer can help kids, adults, or teenagers. With just a clicking your mouse you can find a new powerful way of technology. And be able to got better hand-eye coordination talk to people and get entertained. So go get yourself a computer and amazed!
Dear local Newspaper, In my opinion computers are a help to our plant. The new technology makes life easier to handle. The computer is a help because it teaches hand-eye coordination. You can talk to people, and it is a new way to be entertained. Computers can teacher hand-eye coordination because of typing. Whether someone knows it or not when you are typing fast it is help you hands. Also, the fact you that if your typing without making is also helping because it makes your hand easier to move. The typing is giving your hand lots of exercise because your hands are moving all over the place. The more you move them the more exercise you can get. Computers can really help hand-eye coordination a lot. Computers can also help by talking to people. To talk to people far away is better to talk to on the computer because if you have a webcam you can see each other. You are able to talk to people from different countries. Also, computers are able to in business meetings when a business has to talk with another from different locations. Like if part of the business is doing a project in Hong Kong, then the boss can set up a meeting to see how it is going. Another way to use computers to talk to people is to speak with a person you are not able to see in person. Like if an person is in the hospital, but you're not able to go, then you can talk while seeing each other throw the computer. Computers are a great way to use in communication. Computer are also a new way to get entertained. They can entertain you because there are games that you can play. There are games that come with the computers and a lot of games on the internet. Other they being bored all the time you can play thousands of game with just a click on a mouse. Also, to not be bored you can watch videos like YouTube. You can listen the music or watch comedy videos. Video also shows a way do express what you feel and sat it in comedy, horror, or sad videos. Also for teenagers there are ways to talk to their friends like Facebook. On the website you can talk with anyone on your friends list. In the end computer can help kids, adults, or teenagers. With just a clicking your mouse you can find a new powerful way of technology. And be able to got better hand-eye coordination talk to people and get entertained. So go get yourself a computer and amazed!
Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1 are you adminitrating your loacl newapaper to society? You are probably using a computer to type the documents. If the government, businesses, schools, students and local newspaper are using computers for a variety of different tasks then @CAPS1 are thet not helpful? Primarily, computers are used for typing, editing and presenting as stated before, local newpaper are required to use computers to present their work. As a member of society, I knew I would not want to read something not typed anyway. The govermnet must announce laws to the people and use typed documents to communicate with different countries & states. Without computers signs, flyers, bussinesses, and even newspapers would not be possible. You are running late to work able to traffic on the hignway. @CAPS1 are you supposed to explain to your boss in time? You can simply email him the situation and arrive stress-free to work. Prctically the entire world uses computers as a source of communication, so why be indifferent? Computers make life easier for people through communication like email, social network websites such as facebook and aol, and even video chat. Computers supply an excellent source of communication that is even used throughout schools. Teachers and administrater interact with each other with important message using computers. if computers are important to them, the @CAPS1 could they be destructive to society? As a western middle school students, I know the amount of projects and research we are required to do per class. Without the internet this would almost be impossible. The internet allows research to happen. After reseach is finished, the paper or homework assignment must be typed and printed. Without the assitance from computers, ahving naetly-written and well-researched assignments would not be possible. To conclusion, I feel that computers are an excellent advance in technology and should be used as frequently as possiblr. Without them, newspaper could not print, teachers could not communiacte, and students couldn't complete tasks for school. As a student I know they help me with school and communicating with my friends and relatives. If computer are such a helpful source to society, why would people consider them as a concern?
Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1 are you administrating your local newspaper to society? You are probably using a computer to type the documents. If the government, businesses, schools, students and local newspaper are using computers for a variety of different tasks then @CAPS1 are the not helpful? Primarily, computers are used for typing, editing and presenting as stated before, local newspaper are required to use computers to present their work. As a member of society, I knew I would not want to read something not typed anyway. The government must announce laws to the people and use typed documents to communicate with different countries & states. Without computers signs, flyers, businesses, and even newspapers would not be possible. You are running late to work able to traffic on the highway. @CAPS1 are you supposed to explain to your boss in time? You can simply email him the situation and arrive stress-free to work. Practically the entire world uses computers as a source of communication, so why be indifferent? Computers make life easier for people through communication like email, social network websites such as Facebook and AOL, and even video chat. Computers supply an excellent source of communication that is even used throughout schools. Teachers and administrator interact with each other with important message using computers. If computers are important to them, the @CAPS1 could they be destructive to society? As a western middle school students, I know the amount of projects and research we are required to do per class. Without the internet this would almost be impossible. The internet allows research to happen. After research is finished, the paper or homework assignment must be typed and printed. Without the assistance from computers, having and well-researched assignments would not be possible. To conclusion, I feel that computers are an excellent advance in technology and should be used as frequently as possible. Without them, newspaper could not print, teachers could not communicate, and students couldn't complete tasks for school. As a student I know they help me with school and communicating with my friends and relatives. If computers are such a helpful source to society, why would people consider them as a concern?
Dear local newspaper I think that usieng computers help people becuse if we did not have computers we would not now ehey thing about eneyone or eneything like all of the @CAPS1 I would not now eneything about them but with computers I know alot about them and there lives like @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 got shot in the back of the head and. @CAPS4 got shot to and I know alot about the @ORGANIZATION1 there white people that to fear in to black people and the same with the wars like world @NUM1 and world @NUM2 and the @CAPS5 and @PERSON1 and the @CAPS6 war there was like plain spy palin flying across @LOCATION1 and they shot him down becuse we were trying to see if thay had eney nuculer bombs offer there. And the same with google and yahoo with google you can type in eneything and you will get a answer and most liked a corect answer yahoo and google is great for some worke and products end studying becuse you then you do to and that I think that computer are good.
Dear local newspaper I think that using computers help people because if we did not have computers we would not now they thing about anyone or anything like all the @CAPS1 I would not now anything about them but with computers I know a lot about them and there lives like @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 got shot in the back of the head and. @CAPS4 got shot to, and I know a lot about the @ORGANIZATION1 there white people that to fear in to black people and the same with the wars like world @NUM1 and world @NUM2 and the @CAPS5 and @PERSON1 and the @CAPS6 war there was like plain spy pain flying across @LOCATION1, and they shot him down because we were trying to see if that had era nuclear bombs offer there. And the same with Google and yahoo with Google you can type in anything, and you will get an answer and most liked a correct answer yahoo and Google is great for some work and products end studying because you then you do to and that I think that computer are good.
Hour after hour of gaming online and posting blogs on social networking sights is all one sees. Unaware at there surroundings, many people zone to their computer screens and only break @CAPS4 absolutely necessary. That is not what the world should become but that is what is society is creating. Computers do not create positive benefits to society. Because of all the time spent on the computer, people's bodies are taking the negative effects. There is also less and less face-to-face interactions with family and friends. Another huge issue is cyber bulling. These are all problems that should be addressed. With all the time spend on a computer in a stuffy, dark room, how will our bodies be maintained properly? Exercise is a key ingriedient to healthy living. It is like trying to make bread without flour, without that necessity the bread will not rise its full potential. It is the same with the health and functions at our bodies. Exercise must be took part in to burn fat and calories, but it is also needed to build and maintain muscles. In fact, muscles start it is recommended to get in at least one hour of exercise of outside play a days. Not many succeed with this goal, which brings up another negative effect to the body. @CAPS2 @CAPS1 helps to maintain strong bones. To get the recommended dose of @CAPS2 @CAPS1 a day you only need to absorb @NUM1 minutes of sunlight a day. It doesn't seem like a lot but @PERCENT1 of our population is not outside to recieve it. Instead, they are inside on their computers. Parties, lunch breaks, or even a family dinner are great times to socialize. But, what if one day you decided you were going to skip your lunch break with friends and instead spend time posting a daily blog. This is social time lost. If this habit continues you might soon see yourself drifting away from your friends because you don't make the time to spend lunch break with them. Even @CAPS4 a child interactions @CAPS4 chatting with friends on @CAPS5 or @CAPS6, anything could be said. Children wont learn at a young age how to think on there fact language. This will effect their later years @CAPS4 interviewing for things such as colleges or even jobs. Social skills are the difference between success and failure. Spending life on a computer is equivalent to being a caterpillar in their while at least attempting to be an extreme will turn you @CAPS7 and @CAPS7 are all created with the ominous cyberbulling. One simple way to prevent this is spending less time in the computer. The effects of cyber bulling can be brutal. A recent study showed that @PERCENT2 of kids would rather be bullied in face then over the internet. The reason being a of cruelty is displayed through cyberbulling over the internet because it takes much less courage to type something up then it for a bully to say something to them victims face. Such cyberbulling has even led to suicides. In fact, a girl in committed suicide due to cyber bulling just @NUM2 weeks ago. If you don't have In conclusion, computers produce more negative effect on society than good. A lack of exercise and proper body maintenance results. Reduced social interacting and skills also result. And maybe most importantly cyberbulling which takes lives occurs. In prevent society from turning into a social waste and felled with the glow of computer screens, lets all turn the monitor and get outside with nature and all its benefits.
Hour after hour of gaming online and posting blogs on social networking sights is all one sees. Unaware at their surroundings, many people zone to their computer screens and only break @CAPS4 absolutely necessary. That is not what the world should become, but that is what is society is creating. Computers do not create positive benefits to society. Because of all the time spent on the computer, people's bodies are taking the negative effects. There is also less and less face-to-face interactions with family and friends. Another huge issue is cyber bulling. These are all problems that should be addressed. With all the time spend on a computer in a stuffy, dark room, how will our bodies be maintained properly? Exercise is a key ingredient to healthy living. It is like trying to make bread without flour, without that necessity the bread will not rise its full potential. It is the same with the health and functions at our bodies. Exercise must be taken part in to burn fat and calories, but it is also needed to build and maintain muscles. In fact, muscles start it is recommended to get in at least one hour of exercise of outside play a day. Not many succeed with this goal, which brings up another negative effect to the body. @CAPS2 @CAPS1 helps to maintain strong bones. To get the recommended dose of @CAPS2 @CAPS1 a day you only need to absorb @NUM1 minutes of sunlight a day. It doesn't seem like a lot, but @PERCENT1 of our population is not outside to receive it. Instead, they are inside on their computers. Parties, lunch breaks, or even a family dinner are great times to socialize. But, what if one day you decided you were going to skip your lunch break with friends and instead spend time posting a daily blog. This is social time lost. If this habit continues you might soon see yourself drifting away from your friends because you don't make the time to spend lunch break with them. Even @CAPS4 a child interactions @CAPS4 chatting with friends on @CAPS5 or @CAPS6, anything could be said. Children won't learn at a young age how to think on there fact language. This will affect their later years @CAPS4 interviewing for things such as colleges or even jobs. Social skills are the difference between success and failure. Spending life on a computer is equivalent to being a caterpillar in their while at least attempting to be an extreme will turn you @CAPS7 and @CAPS7 are all created with the ominous cyberbullying. One simple way to prevent this is spending less time in the computer. The effects of cyber bulling can be brutal. A recent study showed that @PERCENT2 of kids would rather be bullied in face then over the internet. The reason being an of cruelty is displayed through cyberbullying over the internet because it takes much less courage to type something up then it for a bully to say something to them victims face. Such cyberbullying has even led to suicides. In fact, a girl in committed suicide due to cyber bulling just @NUM2 weeks ago. If you don't have In conclusion, computers produce more negative effect on society than good. A lack of exercise and proper body maintenance results. Reduced social interacting and skills also result. And maybe most importantly cyberbullying which takes lives occurs. In prevent society from turning into a social waste and felled with the glow of computer screens, lets all turn the monitor and get outside with nature and all its benefits.
I belive that computers benifit our society for many reasons. Computers have been around for many years now and everywere you go you usualy see one. That must meen people love then. These are so many uses and fun expeirences you can have with a computer. Computers make people happy and that makes for a better society because it is happier. they make people happy because you can play games like tetris, @CAPS1, and even cards. Compuer games make people happy because when ever they are bored and does nothing going on you can hop on the computer and play a game. Some of the awsome games featured on a computer are @CAPS1, cards, pinball and other great game. The computer makes for a happier home because as soon as kids get home from school they use it for games or chat with freinds. Another reason computers benifit society is because you can now pay bills and buy hings from the internet. When you pay bills or buy things over the internet have is no need to go out and waste money on gas so it makes people very happy when hey save money. It also saves on polution because if a car isn't going out there is less so computers are also saving society as well. My last reason that computers benifit society is they can make you smarter and make you do better in school by learning about often people or cultures. For example on my last research project for social studies I used the computer and got an A. this made me happy so in effect it makes society happy. Now you have my reasons why computers benifit the society. They make us happy, made us smarter, and make us a better society for it. I love computers and everybody else should too.
I believe that computers benefit our society for many reasons. Computers have been around for many years now and everywhere you go you usually see one. That must been people love then. These are so many uses and fun experiences you can have with a computer. Computers make people happy and that makes for a better society because it is happier. They make people happy because you can play games like Tetris, @CAPS1, and even cards. Computer games make people happy because when ever they are bored and does nothing go on you can hop on the computer and play a game. Some of the awesome games featured on a computer are @CAPS1, cards, pinball and other great game. The computer makes for a happier home because as soon as kids get home from school they use it for games or chat with friends. Another reason computers benefit society is because you can now pay bills and buy things from the internet. When you pay bills or buy things over the internet have been no need to go out and waste money on gas, so it makes people very happy when hey save money. It also saves on solution because if a car isn't going out there is less so computers are also saving society as well. My last reason that computers benefit society is they can make you smarter and make you do better in school by learning about often people or cultures. For example on my last research project for social studies I used the computer and got an A. this made me happy so in effect it makes society happy. Now you have my reasons why computers benefit the society. They make us happy, made us smarter, and make us a better society for it. I love computers and everybody else should too.
Dear local Newspaper. I am stating my opinion that the more people use computers the less they spend with their family. I have three ressons why computer are good or bad. Not every one agrees that computer are benefitsal for the society. The positive effect and negative effect that computers have on people. My resson for supporting this @CAPS1 that computer are good or bad are that computers have a positive effect on people. The second @CAPS1 is to be able to talk to other people on line. The last @CAPS1 I have is Spending more time with family than on the computer. The first resson that i have for computers is how they have for computers is how they have positive effect on people. The examples that I have to Support this @CAPS1 are that computers tech hand eye coordination, computers given people the ability to Learn about far way place and peop. The second resson that I have on computers is that you talk to people online. The examples that I have to support my @CAPS1 are the website that kids us to talk to their friends like myspace and facebook. The place that kid like to go to are tutube and even blogging about everything and everyone. Some of theis thing can be good if you don't post picture or other this on your myspace or facebook. I think that these website are dangers because somebody can hack in to your file and they can try to talk to you like their your friend. The third resson I have to support my @CAPS1 is that we should spend more time with our family than being on the computer the whole time I have example on want we should do with or familys instead of being on the computers I have some @CAPS1 of games that we can play with our familys instead of being on the computers, The games that we can play with our familys are monopoly, somy, canda landy card, video games, we can also talk to our family instead of talking to our friends the whole time. When we can injoy want we have in live not just with computers but with our family. Inconclusion I am statting my opinion that the more time people spend on computers than with their own family. I have three resson on why computers are good or bad. The r\ess that I have to support my @CAPS1 are that computers have a positive effeck on people, to be able to talk to people online, To spend more time with family than on the computer.
Dear local Newspaper. I am stating my opinion that the more people use computers the less they spend with their family. I have three reasons why computer are good or bad. Not every one agrees that computer are benefits for the society. The positive effect and negative effect that computers have on people. My reason for supporting this @CAPS1 that computer is good or bad are that computers have a positive effect on people. The second @CAPS1 is to be able to talk to other people online. The last @CAPS1 I have is Spending more time with family than on the computer. The first reason that I have for computers is how they have for computers is how they have positive effect on people. The examples that I have to Support this @CAPS1 are that computers tech hand eye coordination, computers given people the ability to Learn about far way place and pop. The second reason that I have on computers is that you talk to people online. The examples that I have to support my @CAPS1 are the website that kids us to talk to their friends like MySpace and Facebook. The place that kid like to go to are tutu be and even blogging about everything and everyone. Some of this thing can be good if you don't post picture or other this on your MySpace or Facebook. I think that this website are dangers because somebody can hack in to your file, and they can try to talk to you like they're your friend. The third reason I have to support my @CAPS1 is that we should spend more time with our family than being on the computer the whole time I have example on want we should do with or families instead of being on the computers I have some @CAPS1 of games that we can play with our families instead of being on the computers, The games that we can play with our families are monopoly, some, Canada land card, video games, we can also talk to our family instead of talking to our friends the whole time. When we can enjoy want we have in live not just with computers but with our family. In conclusion I am starting my opinion that the more time people spend on computers than with their own family. I have three reason on why computers are good or bad. The r\ESS that I have to support my @CAPS1 are that computers have a positive effect on people, to be able to talk to people online, To spend more time with family than on the computer.
Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 computers does have some cons but they also have a lot of pros. Some pros are they show magnificant pictures of nature and it would pictures until you want to send them by email. You can even order tickets for planes, trains and movies. Let's not forget shopping and internet. If you go on the internet you can find many pictures of any thing you want. Such as pictures of nature, celebrities. About @PERCENT1 of all picture on the internet are true. A computer can also hold pictures that you take on a digital camera. It can even take a project on a flash drive and then download it. The computer can even email the pictures to any email that exsist. If you want to go to the movies or on vacation you can get the movie tickets online. You can get them at any ticket sales website. If you want to go on vacation you can get your hotel tickets even your plane train, or boat ticket online. Buying tickets isn't the only thing you can do on the internet you can buy stuff to. You can order @CAPS2, @CAPS2 @NUM1, @CAPS2 @NUM2, game cube, x-box, x-box @NUM3, wii, you even computer games. You can even buy the game systems. You can buy house hold appliances. Also you can put clothes and other store products an hold. The internet you can watch videos an almost any website you go on. Some @MONTH1 be grass, some @MONTH1 be funny others @MONTH1 even be wierd. @PERCENT2 of all teenagers like watching music videos. Some are just the artist sing and dancing in a background other times people make fun of other artists. Even though computers do have pros and cons they have more pros. Like the examples in the passage above.
Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 computers does have some cons, but they also have a lot of pros. Some pros are they show magnificent pictures of nature, and it would picture until you want to send them by email. You can even order tickets for planes, trains and movies. Let's not forget shopping and internet. If you go on the internet you can find many pictures of anything you want. Such as pictures of nature, celebrities. About @PERCENT1 of all pictures on the internet are true. A computer can also hold pictures that you take on a digital camera. It can even take a project on a flash drive and then download it. The computer can even email the pictures to any email that exist. If you want to go to the movies or on vacation you can get the movie tickets online. You can get them at any ticket sales website. If you want to go on vacation you can get your hotel tickets even your plane train, or boat ticket online. Buying tickets isn't the only thing you can do on the internet you can buy stuff to. You can order @CAPS2, @CAPS2 @NUM1, @CAPS2 @NUM2, game cube, x-box, x-box @NUM3, Wii, you even computer games. You can even buy the game systems. Furthermore, you can buy household appliances. Also, you can put clothes and other store products a hold. The internet you can watch videos an almost any website you go on. Some @MONTH1 be grass, some @MONTH1 be funny others @MONTH1 even be weird. @PERCENT2 of all teenagers like watching music videos. Some are just the artist sing and dancing in a background other times people make fun of other artists. Even though computers do have pros and cons they have more pros. Like the examples in the passage above.
Dear local newspaper I don’t agree with the people who say people spend to much time on their computers. Because people can lean mostly anything they want all of a computer also there are lots of resomes why people should use advances technology they can teach kids how to find out answers to there homework the fastway instead of reading a book or taken a class and still get the full understeading. The people that say others spend's to much time on there computers are also right about that but they still can interact with friends and family they can play games, speak to each other, even learn new things together, all through a computer. One thing they were right about was to go out and enjoy the nature you cant do that on a computer but you can help the nature on a computer like try to put up a blog. Something that people make so others can see and spred the word and on that blog it can stay stop cuting down trees for stores or stop killing animales for there far or anythin you wont to write. So the people that do read this you should agree with me because you can do lots of things on a computer and learn lot more then you ever thought you could. So go out and find you a computer and find somethine you need to do or learn or just to have some fun.
Dear local newspaper I donut agree with the people who say people spend too much time on their computers. Because people can lean mostly anything they want all of a computer also there are lots of resumes why people should use advances technology they can teach kids how to find out answers to there homework the fast way instead of reading a book or taken a class and still get the full understanding. The people that say others spends too much time on their computers are also right about that, but they still can interact with friends and family they can play games, speak to each other, even learn new things together, all through a computer. One thing they were right about was to go out and enjoy the nature you can't do that on a computer, but you can help the nature on a computer like try to put up a blog. Something that people make, so others can see and speed the word and on that blog it can stay stop citing down trees for stores or stop killing animals for there far or anything you want to write. So the people that do read this you should agree with me because you can do lots of things on a computer and learn lot more than you ever thought you could. So go out and find you a computer and find something you need to do or learn or just to have some fun.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people is a positive effect. Three main reasons are that people learn more about cultures, places, and some people work online. @CAPS1 first reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because they help you learn about cultures around the world. Learning about cultures is very important because if people travel they need to know how they can respect each other. @CAPS1 second reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because they help you learn about places around the world the world. Learning about places is very important because you could get lost. It also helps you by telling you which places are famous to visit. @CAPS1 third reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because some people find jobs online. Other people work online. This benefits people in a positive way. In conclusion computers have a positive effect on people because its helps people learn about cultures, places, and jobs around them.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people is a positive effect. Three main reasons are that people learn more about cultures, places, and some people work online. @CAPS1 first reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because they help you learn about cultures around the world. Learning about cultures is very important because if people travel they need to know how they can respect each other. @CAPS1 second reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because they help you learn about places around the world. Learning about places is very important because you could get lost. It also helps you by telling you which places are famous to visit. @CAPS1 third reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because some people find jobs online. Other people work online. This benefits people positively. In conclusion computers have a positive effect on people because its helps people learn about cultures, places, and jobs around them.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 are many people in this world that think always being on the computer is good because they can talk with people online and learn more about the world. But, then @CAPS1 are people who disagree with them. I am one of those people. Spending too much time on the computer can really affect your life. People stop exercising, don't enjoy the beauty of nature or life, and they aren't spending enough time with their family and friends. So, I hope that while you read through this letter, you take some of this information into consideration. First of all, when people spend a lot of time on the computer they aren't getting all of the exercise that their body needs. They become lazy and don't want to do anything. This is very bad because it will affect your health and the rest of your life. People @MONTH1 become overweight and since they got lazy from always being on the computer, they won't go out and get the exercise that their body needs. People need to enjoy their life! By always being on the computer, they won't be able to. @CAPS1 are so many fun and healthy things you can do for your body. You can go play sports and have fun while getting exercise. Many people do this and try to encourage their family and friends to do it with them. But, some of their family and friends are to lazy to do anything because they are always on the computer. Instead, they stay inside the house all cooped up and don't get enough fresh air. This is a horrible thing to do to yourself. Your body needs fresh air, so start enjoying your life a little more people! Finally, people @MONTH1 lose contact with family members of their friends because they are to busy on the computer playing games. I know I wouldn't want to lose a friend to the internet ever again and I don't think anyone else would want to either. I once lost a friend or two because I didn't talk to them as much as I used to because I had been too busy on the computer on @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and games. I felt horrible because I didn't realize that I had been doing that. I really wouldn't want anyone else to lose contact with a family member or lose a friend because of the internet. Its horrible and you don't feel like yourself anymore. Once again I would like to tell you that always being on the internet is not good. You can become lazy, not want to do anything etc., people aren't enjoying their life to the fullest and you can and @MONTH1 lose contact with a family member or lose a friend because you spend to much time on the computer. I hope that after reading this, you realize that being on the computer is not always good for you.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 are many people in this world that think always being on the computer is good because they can talk with people online and learn more about the world. But, then @CAPS1 are people who disagree with them. I am one of those people. Spending too much time on the computer can really affect your life. People stop exercising, don't enjoy the beauty of nature or life, and they aren't spending enough time with their family and friends. So, I hope that while you read through this letter, you take some of this information into consideration. First, when people spend a lot of time on the computer they aren't getting all the exercise that their body needs. They become lazy and don't want to do anything. This is very bad because it will affect your health and the rest of your life. People @MONTH1 become overweight and since they got lazy from always being on the computer, they won't go out and get the exercise that their body needs. People need to enjoy their life! By always being on the computer, they won't be able to. @CAPS1 are so many fun and healthy things you can do for your body. You can go play sports and have fun while getting exercise. Many people do this and try to encourage their family and friends to do it with them. But, some of their family and friends are to lazy to do anything because they are always on the computer. Instead, they stay inside the house all cooped up and don't get enough fresh air. This is a horrible thing to do to yourself. Your body needs fresh air, so start enjoying your life a little more people! Finally, people @MONTH1 lose contact with family members of their friends because they are to busy on the computer playing games. I know I wouldn't want to lose a friend to the internet ever again, and I don't think anyone else would want to either. I once lost a friend or two because I didn't talk to them as much as I used to because I had been too busy on the computer on @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and games. Furthermore, I felt horrible because I didn't realize that I had been doing that. Furthermore, I really wouldn't want anyone else to lose contact with a family member or lose a friend because of the internet. Its horrible and you don't feel like yourself anymore. Once again I would like to tell you that always being on the internet is not good. You can become lazy, not want to do anything etc., people aren't enjoying their life to the fullest, and you can and @MONTH1 lose contact with a family member or lose a friend because you spend too much time on the computer. I hope that after reading this, you realize that being on the computer is not always good for you.
Dear Local Newspaper, I believe that computers are an extremely useful tool in society. It helps people learn new things about different cultures. Also, it lets you communicate with friends and family through the internet, for example, using facebook or @CAPS1. Finally, it provides an accurate research tool for school projects, or interviews. First, learning about different cultures helps the world stay together. For example, here, we learn @CAPS2 and @CAPS3. Each class teaches us to respect more and more of this culture. However, some people don't have the chance to get this land of education, so they turn to the internet. If the computer didn't exist, we might not know about the lifestyle @NUM1 mi away from us. We wouldn't know if their lifestyles are extremely difficult or luxurious. Also, we wouldn't know if we could help them or not. For example, the earthquake in @LOCATION1 which. It's one step closer to world peace no more war or conflicts. Secondly, the computer helps you communicate to friends and family for in the world. I remember one time I was mailing my family friends who was in @LOCATION2, risking his life. I knew he couldn't come back to town, so I started to email him, and video chat with him. Whenever I saw his face, I knew that everything was okay. I don't know how I would have without the internet. Other ways lived you could as. Also, just communicating with friends! internet sites, like extremely useful. Finally, you use the computer for educational use. For example, research projects, study tools and essays. Whenever that a research is the internet. This extremely reliable and accurate. However that some of the websites are fake, which is easy to great research to use for school projects. Also, I know many teachers in my school have a blog or page where they put their @CAPS4 on, study links, and handouts, just in case we lose them. Whenever there is a test coming up, my @CAPS2 teacher, @CAPS5 would have links on her go to help use study. Also, is another website that helps us study for vocab. It also has many games that and learn our vocab words. As you can see, the computer helps us in our daily use and makes a positive impact on our society. From educational purposes, to learning cultures and socializing with friends it helps us get through life. As very successful newspaper and people, I assume you will understand how much the computer has made a positive effect in society.
Dear Local Newspaper, I believe that computers are an extremely useful tool in society. It helps people learn new things about different cultures. Also, it lets you communicate with friends and family through the internet, for example, using Facebook or @CAPS1. Finally, it provides an accurate research tool for school projects, or interviews. First, learning about different cultures helps the world stay together. For example, here, we learn @CAPS2 and @CAPS3. Each class teaches us to respect more and more of this culture. However, some people don't have the chance to get this land of education, so they turn to the internet. If the computer didn't exist, we might not know about the lifestyle @NUM1 mi away from us. We wouldn't know if their lifestyles are extremely difficult or luxurious. Also, we wouldn't know if we could help them or not. For example, the earthquake in @LOCATION1 which. It's one step closer to world peace no more war or conflicts. Secondly, the computer helps you communicate to friends and family for in the world. I remember one time I was mailing my family friends who was in @LOCATION2, risking his life. I knew he couldn't come back to town, so I started to email him, and video chat with him. Whenever I saw his face, I knew that everything was okay. I don't know how I would have without the internet. Other ways lived you could as. Also, just communicating with friends! Internet sites, like extremely useful. Finally, you use the computer for educational use. For example, research projects, study tools and essays. Whenever that research is the internet. This extremely reliable and accurate. However, that some of the websites are fake, which is easy to great research to use for school projects. Also, I know many teachers in my school have a blog or page where they put their @CAPS4 on, study links, and handouts, just in case we lose them. Whenever there is a test coming up, my @CAPS2 teacher, @CAPS5 would have links on her go-to help use study. Also, is another website that helps us study for vocab. It also has many games that and learn our vocab words. As you can see, the computer helps us in our daily use and makes a positive impact on our society. From educational purposes, to learning cultures and socializing with friends it helps us get through life. As very successful newspaper and people, I assume you will understand how much the computer has made a positive effect in society.
Dear @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1 there has been a lot of talk about how computers effect society. Some "experts" say computers are good for society and some think the opposite computers are bad for society because they make children obese, decrease a person social skills, and even make children less educated. Computers are just plain bad. In recent years studies show that children that use the computer often are less likely and less willing to get active. Dr. @PERSON1 says, "The more children use computers is the more time they waste @CAPS3 not being active at all." A study conducted @CAPS3 the @ORGANIZATION1 shows that children that use the computer @NUM1 hours a day are more obese then children who use it one hour or less a day. Computers keep children inside all day. A child on the computer is wasting time not being active. The main reason children become fat on the computer is because it is easier to just go on the computer than to walk and exert energy. Computer are a direct cause to child obesity, and they are a threat to society. Some of you @MONTH1 think a computer can increase social skills, and you are dead wrong! On a computer you can "talk" to friends, but it is not like you are actually talking to them. On a computer you can talk in privite and say what ever the heck you want. In public if you say something bad you will get in a lot of trouble. A computer offers no face to face interaction. So when a person who uses a computer often is at a social gathering they are usually very awkward. My cousin spends all of his time on the computer and when I went to his on christmas he never took his eyes off the screen! Computers is destroying the social life millions of people. Did you know that people who use the computer often are usually less smart than kids who don't? "Experts" on computers say that computers can be used for infenite nolege. The key word in that fraise is "can". just because kids have knoledge at their finger tips doesn't mean the will use it. On many projects and homework assignments I have record kids say "@CAPS2 I just copied and printed an article on google." @CAPS3 copying and printing students don't learn anything. Computers are slowly making people less educated. Ever since the invention of the computer people have seen promise for society. Now computers are destroying society @CAPS3 making people fat, socialy weird, and less educated. So how can people still think computers are good?
Dear @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1 there has been a lot of talk about how computers effect society. Some "experts" say computers are good for society and some think the opposite computers are bad for society because they make children obese, decrease a person social skills, and even make children less educated. Computers are just plain bad. In recent years studies show that children that use the computer often are less likely and less willing to get active. Dr. @PERSON1 says, "The more children use computers is the more time they waste @CAPS3 not being active at all." A study conducted @CAPS3 the @ORGANIZATION1 shows that children that use the computer @NUM1 hours a day are more obese than children who use it one hour or less a day. Computers keep children inside all day. A child on the computer is wasting time not being active. The main reason children become fat on the computer is that it is easier to just go on the computer than to walk and exert energy. Computer are a direct cause to child obesity, and they are a threat to society. Some of you @MONTH1 thinks a computer can increase social skills, and you are dead wrong! On a computer you can "talk" to friends, but it is not like you are actually talking to them. On a computer you can talk in private and say what ever the heck you want. In public if you say something bad you will get in a lot of trouble. A computer offers no face to face interaction. So when a person who uses a computer often is at a social gathering they are usually very awkward. My cousin spends all of his time on the computer and when I went to his on Christmas he never took his eyes off the screen! Computers are destroying the social life millions of people. Did you know that people who use the computer often are usually less smart than kids who don't? "Experts" on computers say that computers can be used for infinite college. The key word in that raise is "can". Just because kids have knowledge at their fingertips doesn't mean they will use it. On many projects and homework assignments I have record kids say "@CAPS2 I just copied and printed an article on Google." @CAPS3 copying and printing students don't learn anything. Computers are slowly making people less educated. Ever since the invention of the computer people have seen promise for society. Now computers are destroying society @CAPS3 making people fat, social weird, and less educated. So how can people still think computers are good?
Dear Local newspaper, I just read about your article regarding the computer usage. In my opinion I think that computers are a good thing. Yet, I believe that it could have a negative influence as well. I believe that computers are one of mankind's best technologies. You can type, learn about historical happenings, different places, and different cultures as well. You can talk to people from far away by using chat or the webcam. That's what I use to speak to my @CAPS1's who live in @LOCATION2. Computers are one of the best things that has happened to me and my life. However, although computer can be such a good thing, it can be bad as well. A lot of people over used it too. I infact know a person and she's a very nice person. She's sweet, caring, loves kids, and has a kind heart. The only thing is, is that she's a @CAPS2 addict. She loves @CAPS2. Sometime when she comes over, I'll be using my laptop and she'll ask to check her @CAPS2 status. My point is, is that she allows @CAPS2 to take over her. not cool. I read an article the other day about computer usage in @LOCATION1. Dr. @PERSON1 covered this article on the topic of computer usage. She said "The average american spends four hours or more on the computer. Although there are other people who spend their time outside when it's nice. I congradulate them on that". See, now you heard it from the expert as well. In cocnclusion, I would like to state that computers can have either a positive influence or a negative one as well. So it all depends on how you use it and how much time you spend on it. So my point that I would to come across @LOCATION1 is that use you computer wisely. Don't spend all of your time on it. Life's too short for that. So spend time with family and friends and go outside too!
Dear Local newspaper, I just read about your article regarding the computer usage. In my opinion I think that computers are a good thing. Yet, I believe that it could have a negative influence as well. I believe that computers are one of mankind's best technologies. You can type, learn about historical happenings, different places, and different cultures as well. You can talk to people from far away by using chat or the webcam. That's what I use to speak to my @CAPS1's who live in @LOCATION2. Computers are one of the best things that has happened to me and my life. However, although computer can be such a good thing, it can be bad as well. A lot of people overused it too. I in fact know a person and she's a very nice person. She's sweet, caring, loves kids, and has a kind heart. The only thing is, is that she's a @CAPS2 addict. She loves @CAPS2. Sometime when she comes over, I'll be using my laptop, and she'll ask to check her @CAPS2 status. My point is, is that she allows @CAPS2 to take over her. Not cool. I read an article the other day about computer usage in @LOCATION1. Dr. @PERSON1 covered this article on the topic of computer usage. She said "The average American spends four hours or more on the computer. Although there are other people who spend their time outside when it's nice. I congratulate them on that". See, now you heard it from the expert as well. In conclusion, I would like to state that computers can have either a positive influence or a negative one as well. So it all depends on how you use it and how much time you spend on it. So my point that I would to come across @LOCATION1 is that use you computer wisely. Don't spend all of your time on it. Life's too short for that. So spend time with family and friends and go outside too!
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 much time do you spend on the computer daily, @NUM1 hour, @NUM2 hours. While computers, are amazing advances in technology they are also very bad for you. People spend hours at at time on the computer causing less time exercing, horrible speaking, and dangerous searches. From @DATE2 to @DATE3 the numbers of obese people increased from @PERCENT2 of @LOCATION2 citizens to @PERCENT1. In a recent study the amount of families with computers is now @NUM3 out of @DATE1 compared to the @NUM4 out of @DATE1 in @DATE4. Scientist wonder if they were connected and relized they were. People who spent hours on the computer live a sedentary life style. They are more likly to go on the computer than go exercise. The lack of exercising causes obeseity, and cardovascular problems. Without this valuable exercise more people are . At a visit to the hospitial a surgen said he has seen a huge increase of heart surgreys in the @DATE1. We found that the computer manual booklets says to only go on for an @NUM1 hour at a time. The hottest thing online these days is social networking, whether @CAPS6's twitter, or facebook. These social networking allow teens to talk with there friends. But @CAPS6 really isn't talking. For example they write @CAPS3 @CAPS4 going @NUM2 dance. Not only is the spelling wrong but also the grammer. And this language doesnt just stay online, @CAPS6 is now now they talk. @PERSON1 the grandmother to a social networking said, "I can't even have conversations with her because she is is talking like she is on the computer. @CAPS6's so sad." @CAPS5 for public speaking and english class, @PERSON2 an english teacher for @NUM7 @DATE1 states @CAPS2 she has seen a drop in teens ability to write gramaticly correct and @CAPS2 when she corrects essay the are written is social networking form. "@CAPS6's hard to see litiature dissolving because kid are spending so much time on the computer. The average day for children in @LOCATION1 @CAPS7 is to go home and going on the computer for hours at a time until a parent comes home. @CAPS2 would you like your child to be surfing the internent alone without you for hours when you don't know what they are doing. Parent blockers can only do so much. Children can find out the password and net around @CAPS6. The dangers are always there. You can get a lot of good information on the internet but you can also get a lot of bad information. You dont know what your child is searching or who they are talking to on the computer, @CAPS6 could be "@CAPS8," the who lives four blocks over.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 much time do you spend on the computer daily, @NUM1 hour, @NUM2 hours. While computers, are amazing advances in technology they are also very bad for you. People spend hours at time on the computer causing less time exerting, horrible speaking, and dangerous searches. From @DATE2 to @DATE3 the numbers of obese people increased from @PERCENT2 of @LOCATION2 citizens to @PERCENT1. In a recent study the amount of families with computers is now @NUM3 out of @DATE1 compared to the @NUM4 out of @DATE1 in @DATE4. Scientist wonder if they were connected and realized they were. People who spent hours on the computer live a sedentary lifestyle. They are more likely to go on the computer than do exercise. The lack of exercising causes obesity, and cardiovascular problems. Without this valuable exercise more people are. At a visit to the hospital a surgeon said he has seen a huge increase of heart surreys in the @DATE1. We found that the computer manual booklets says to only go on for an @NUM1 hour at a time. The hottest thing online these days is social networking, whether @CAPS6's Twitter, or Facebook. These social networking allow teens to talk with their friends. But @CAPS6 really isn't talking. For example, they write @CAPS3 @CAPS4 going @NUM2 dance. Not only is the spelling wrong but also the grammar. And this language doesn't just stay online, @CAPS6 is now they talk. @PERSON1 the grandmother to a social networking said, "I can't even have conversations with her because she is talking like she is on the computer. @CAPS6's so sad." @CAPS5 for public speaking and English class, @PERSON2 an English teacher for @NUM7 @DATE1 states @CAPS2 she has seen a drop in teens ability to write dramatic correct and @CAPS2 when she corrects essay they are written is social networking form. "@CAPS6's hard to see literature dissolving because kid are spending so much time on the computer. The average day for children in @LOCATION1 @CAPS7 is to go home and going on the computer for hours at a time until a parent comes home. @CAPS2 would you like your child to be surfing the Internet alone without you for hours when you don't know what they are doing. Parent blockers can only do so much. Children can find out the password and net around @CAPS6. The dangers are always there. You can get a lot of good information on the internet, but you can also get a lot of bad information. You don't know what your child is searching or who they are talking to on the computer, @CAPS6 could be @CAPS8," who lives four blocks over.
Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 some beleive computers do not benefil society, I do. Computers help buisnesses thrive, keep people people aware of what is going on in the world, and allow people to stay in touch with each other. Computers greatly benefit small and large buisnesses across the world. Imagine all the jobs at each buisnesses without a computer. Buisnesses would be unreliable because no instant contact would mean it might take a long time for products to be assembled and shipped. Any buisness owner would cringe at the idea of running of buisness without a computer. When surveyed, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 buisness owners and workers would prefer a computers assistance at work. Almost every modern day buisness relies on at least one computer. For example, companies that mass - produce their products often rely on computers to do jobs more precisely than a worker. Sometimes computer operated robots do dangerous jobs so workers are not at risk. Buisness also need computers to quickly recieve and send information to other buisnesses and people. Buisnesses are not the only need for computers. People use computers as much if not more, than buisnesses. People like you and me use computers to keep in touch with friend and people we know. Thanks to websites like @CAPS2 and e-mail people can easily stay in touch. Families use computers to plan get-togethers. Friends use computers to keep contact after grade school or if they do not live nearby. With computers, anyone that is anywhere can be in constant contact with anyone else. People also like to know news imediately. Without computers it would be alot harder to contact the rest of the world. Imagine a natural disaster accuring and not knowing about it right away. In that case we could not send aid to the area. With the recent earthquakes in @LOCATION1 and @LOCATION2. Knowledge about the rest of the world is even more important. Newspapers provide news and information but a day or two late and they often use computers to aquire that information. Eighty-seven percent of scientists agree that recieving information would be a lot harder.
Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 some believe computers do not benefit society, I do. Computers help businesses thrive, keep people aware of what is going on in the world, and allow people to stay in touch with each other. Computers greatly benefit small and large businesses across the world. Imagine all the jobs at each businesses without a computer. Businesses would be unreliable because no instant contact would mean it might take a long time for products to be assembled and shipped. Any business owner would cringe at the idea of running of business without a computer. When surveyed, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 business owners and workers would prefer a computers' assistance at work. Almost every modern day business relies on at least one computer. For example, companies that mass - produce their products often rely on computers to do jobs more precisely than a worker. Sometimes computer operated robots do dangerous jobs, so workers are not at risk. Business also need computers to quickly receive and send information to other businesses and people. Businesses are not the only need for computers. People use computers as much if not more, than businesses. People like you and me use computers to keep in touch with friend and people we know. Thanks to websites like @CAPS2 and e-mail people can easily stay in touch. Families use computers to plan get-togethers. Friends use computers to keep contact after grade school or if they do not live nearby. With computers, anyone that is anywhere can be in constant contact with anyone else. People also like to know news immediately. Without computers, it would be a lot harder to contact the rest of the world. Imagine a natural disaster accusing and not knowing about it right away. In that case we could not send aid to the area. With the recent earthquakes in @LOCATION1 and @LOCATION2. Knowledge about the rest of the world is even more important. Newspapers provide news and information but a day or two late, and they often use computers to acquire that information. Eighty-seven percent of scientists agree that receiving information would be a lot harder.
Imagine standing outside, the warm sun dancing on your back, jumping into the pool and feeling the cool water flow around you. But no, that won't happen. Because children and their parents are spending way to much time on their computers. People aren't getting enough excercise, it can be very dangerous and families are spending less time with each other without computers, so its worse with them. I think people need to realize that computers are over the humans. Humans especially children, need exercise. But with computers that isn't really possible. More and more children are becoming obese by the year. Computers are making that happen quicker. Instead of sitting at the computer eating potato chips, children should be outside on their bikes, or swimming, or playing sports with their friends. If it is winter, the least kids could do is go sledding. Children need to expirience nature, not the screen of a computer. The computer can also be very dangerous. @NUM1 year olds are making facebooks! You can find @NUM2 year old on the internet now. Naive teenagers go find "friends" in chatrooms or on @CAPS2, and their "friends" lie to them, about their age, another indentity. Many teenagers go and meet someone they met online and end up getting raped or killed. There are many sick people in the world, and many of them use the internet to find people. Lots of teenagers give out personal information like their last name, cellphone number, or where they live, and thats an easy way for predators to find them. It puts them, and their whole family in danger. Computers are breaking up families, and friends. Things like @CAPS1, @CAPS2,@CAPS3, farmpring, @CAPS4, etc. are turning people against each other. Some families even eat dinner at the computer. When friends go over other friend's houses, they just sit on the computer. Why is it so fun to just look at the computer screen? Families need to do something together like eat dinner together, go out for ice cream, go shopping, something, anything but going on the computer all day. I'll admit, I am a little addicted to the computer. But I don't go on it @NUM3, like some people. Instead of eating dinner at the computer, go out to dinner as a family. Instead of online shopping, go shopping with your friends. It isn't hard to at back @NUM4 or @NUM5 hours of going on the computer. Am I the only teenager who thinks this? Maybe. But I know that I am benefitting myself by cutting back on the computer. We don't get enough exercise, it can become really dangerous, and family and friends should start spending more time together. Computers can do everything more than humans can, and we need to stop it.
Imagine standing outside, the warm sun dancing on your back, jumping into the pool and feeling the cool water flow around you. But no, that won't happen. Because children and their parents are spending way too much time on their computers. People aren't getting enough exercise, it can be very dangerous and families are spending less time with each other without computers, so it's worse with them. I think people need to realize that computers are over the humans. Humans especially children, need exercise. But with computers that isn't really possible. More and more children are becoming obese by the year. Computers are making that happen quicker. Instead of sitting at the computer eating potato chips, children should be outside on their bikes, or swimming, or playing sports with their friends. If it is winter, the least kids could do is go sledding. Children need to experience nature, not the screen of a computer. The computer can also be very dangerous. @NUM1 year olds are making Facebook! You can find @NUM2 year old on the internet now. Naive teenagers go find "friends" in chatroom or on @CAPS2, and their "friends" lie to them, about their age, another identity. Many teenagers go and meet someone they met online and end up getting raped or killed. There are many sick people in the world, and many of them use the internet to find people. Lots of teenagers give out personal information like their last name, cellphone number, or where they live, and that's an easy way for predators to find them. It puts them, and their whole family in danger. Computers are breaking up families, and friends. Things like @CAPS1, @CAPS2,@CAPS3, farming, @CAPS4, etc. are turning people against each other. Some families even eat dinner at the computer. When friends go over other friend's houses, they just sit on the computer. Why is it so fun to just look at the computer screen? Families need to do something together like eat dinner together, go out for ice cream, go shopping, something, anything but going on the computer all day. I'll admit, I am a little addicted to the computer. But I don't go on it @NUM3, like some people. Instead of eating dinner at the computer, go out to dinner as a family. Instead of online shopping, go shopping with your friends. It isn't hard to at back @NUM4 or @NUM5 hours of going on the computer. Am I the only teenager who thinks this? Maybe. But I know that I am benefitting myself by cutting back on the computer. We don't get enough exercise, it can become really dangerous, and family and friends should start spending more time together. Computers can do everything more than humans can, and we need to stop it.
Dear local newspaper, I agree that people are spending more time on the computers and less time doing other important stuff. For example, they don't spend time exercising, enjoying nature, and they don't spend time with their family. Those are very important things that people don't undeRstand that they are missing of. First, people that spend a lot of time on the computer don't do exercise. Doing exercise is good for your health. If you don't do exercise when you get older your bones are going to work. Also, you could get fat and that is bad for your heart. Just for being on the computer people don't pay attention to their health. Next, people don't enjoy the beautiful nature that is outside. Is beautiful when you hear the birds singing or seeing the plants outside. People are forgeting about nature. They don't recycle so the planet could be clean. The air that we smell is not clean because they don't care about nature. Instead of being on the computer they chould help so the world could be better. Finally, people don't spend time with the people that love them. Is very important to spend time with your family. People don't realize thats the first thing in life is your family. Instead of being on the computer, is fun going to the beach with your kids, wife, father, and etc. In conclusion, i believe that computers affect on people. People just for being on the computer they don't do exercise, enjoy nature, and they don't spend time with their family. Now that you heard my , i ask you to think about yours.
Dear local newspaper, I agree that people are spending more time on the computers and less time doing other important stuff. For example, they don't spend time exercising, enjoying nature, and they don't spend time with their family. Those are very important things that people don't understand that they are missing of. First, people that spend a lot of time on the computer don't do exercise. Doing exercise is good for your health. If you don't do exercise when you get older your bones are going to work. Also, you could get fat and that is bad for your heart. Just for being on the computer people don't pay attention to their health. Next, people don't enjoy the beautiful nature that is outside. Is beautiful when you hear the birds singing or seeing the plants outside. People are forgetting about nature. They don't recycle, so the planet could be clean. The air that we smell is not clean because they don't care about nature. Instead of being on the computer they could help, so the world could be better. Finally, people don't spend time with the people that love them. Is very important to spend time with your family. People don't realize that's the first thing in life is your family. Instead of being on the computer, is fun going to the beach with your kids, wife, father, etc. In conclusion, I believe that computers effect on people. People just for being on the computer they don't do exercise, enjoy nature, and they don't spend time with their family. Now that you heard my, I ask you to think about yours.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers have a very positive effect on people. I agree that computers have a positive effect. They teach hand-eye coordination. It gives people the ability to learn about people and places, and you can talk online @CAPS3 first reason is that computers teach hand-eye coordination. for example, when you learn how to type, you can memerize the keys. Therefore, you don't have to look down at the keyboard. Computers also teach hand-eye when using a mouse. When you want to click on something you have to look at the screen and move the mouse to click on the icon. @CAPS3 final reason that computers teach hand eye is once you what to do, you don't have to serch the screen for an icon. You could just move the mouse to a spot on the screen and no what to do. Computers teach hand-eye coordination when you type, when you move the mouse to click on an icon, and when you memorize all of the icons. @CAPS3 second reason is computers make you smarter. For example, if you have a history project, and you need to know about china, you can use the computer. How many times would china be in the newspaper? Using the computer can access quick information. Another example is computers can find information on famous people no one knew about. You could be able to find what college a famous actor went to in a matter of seconds. @CAPS3 last example is that a serch engine can look up famous pictures. If you are working on a project that requires pictures, @ORGANIZATION1 can have the photos you need. Computers make you smarter because you can look up different countries, you could look up people, and famous countries. @CAPS3 last reason is computers give you the ability to talk online with friends, for example, you could catch up with friends you don't see that much during school. Talking online is just as fast as texting. Also, you could continue a conversation you had with a friend. Did the bell ring in the middle of a conversation? Well, you can continue it on @CAPS4, or @CAPS5. Lastly, you can just plain talk. You could make plans, or you can talk about upcoming events. Computers give you access to talking with your friends. In conclusion, computers do have a positive effect on other people. You can get hand-eye coordination, you can look up foreign countries and people, and you can talk with your friends.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers have a very positive effect on people. I agree that computers have a positive effect. They teach hand-eye coordination. It gives people the ability to learn about people and places, and you can talk online @CAPS3 first reason is that computers teach hand-eye coordination. For example, when you learn how to type, you can memorize the keys. Therefore, you don't have to look down at the keyboard. Computers also teach hand-eye when using a mouse. When you want to click on something you have to look at the screen and move the mouse to click on the icon. @CAPS3 final reason that computers teach hand eye is once you what to do, you don't have to search the screen for an icon. You could just move the mouse to a spot on the screen and no what to do. Computers teach hand-eye coordination when you type, when you move the mouse to click on an icon, and when you memorize all the icons. @CAPS3 second reason is computers make you smarter. For example, if you have a history project, and you need to know about china, you can use the computer. How many times would china be in the newspaper? Using the computer can access quick information. Another example is computers can find information on famous people no one knew about. You could be able to find what college a famous actor went to in a matter of seconds. @CAPS3 last example is that a search engine can look up famous pictures. If you are working on a project that requires pictures, @ORGANIZATION1 can have the photos you need. Computers make you smarter because you can look up different countries, you could look up people, and famous countries. @CAPS3 last reason is computers give you the ability to talk online with friends, for example, you could catch up with friends you don't see that much during school. Talking online is just as fast as texting. Also, you could continue a conversation you had with a friend. Did the bell ring in the middle of a conversation? Well, you can continue it on @CAPS4, or @CAPS5. Lastly, you can just plain talk. You could make plans, or you can talk about upcoming events. Computers give you access to talking with your friends. In conclusion, computers do have a positive effect on other people. You can get hand-eye coordination, you can look up foreign countries and people, and you can talk with your friends.
Since computers were invented, a colossal change in the way society functions has taken place. People how can go on to their computers to communicate with peers, get information on any topic for a school paper, or just because the internet to watch videos and stories. Magazine and newspaper articles, books and even movies and shows sre available on today's computer! This advancement in technology has made the @NUM1 century the most modern era this world has ever seen, and is beneficial to society. The "computer age" has given people in today's society the incredible opportunity to broaden their imaginations through technology. You can, in less than one minute go on the internet type in to @ORGANIZATION1 whatever movie or book you want and start watching instantly. People have always said that books can take you anywhere you want. Well, the computers can do the same thing, expect with greater efficiency and with more places to choosen from. You can, instead of buying a book, go online and read of the faraway city of @LOCATION1, or of the eruption of the @CAPS1 @CAPS2, and you can do it with mind-blowing speed. Some think that by wasting time on computers, people are using up time that could be spent studying or with family. Howeer, any information needed to your knowledge on a topic can be found on the internet. And if you want to spent time with your family, you can even look your computer up to a tv and watch a free movie with the family! The computer age is here and it is exactly. What society needs. Picture this: you're doing a school project on the you know nothing about it. Would you rather drive minutes going and thirty minutes looking withb everything you need, or do you think it's more to spend five minutes looking for the website you need on the internet? Obviously, the later of the is much more reasonable. The computer makes getting research for school or work substantially easier. In addition,you can create entire presentations on a computers with surprising ease! Being an eighth grade student, I dont know I would ever do woithout the internet. I rely on my computer to get all of my research for almost every project, and I even make some of my best project on it! The computer is the likes of all the hard working students and adults much, much easier. People's lives have not only been made easier in the field of research; computer make communicating with friends and familyeasier as well! Through e-mail, video chat and instant messaging., we can communicate with whoever we would, whenever we wort. With some computers, you can even see and talk to any person you wish. Without these computers, we will one again have to resort to snail mail, whcih makes instant communication @CAPS3 telephones, we would have no other way to talk. Computers have enhanced communication chill likes so graetly that it's foolish to say their not beneficial to society. How can a machine with so many abilities be for see the computer as a brooden research for school and we want! Bottom line the computer age is here and its amazing.
Since computers were invented, a colossal change in the way society functions has taken place. People how it can go on to their computers to communicate with peers, get information on any topic for a school paper, or just because the internet to watch videos and stories. Magazine and newspaper articles, books and even movies and shows SRE available on today's computer! This advancement in technology has made the @NUM1 century the most modern era this world has ever seen, and is beneficial to society. The "computer age" has given people in today's society the incredible opportunity to broaden their imaginations through technology. You can, in less than one minute go on the internet type in to @ORGANIZATION1 whatever movie or book you want and start watching instantly. People have always said that books can take you anywhere you want. Well, the computers can do the same thing, expect with greater efficiency and with more places to choose from. You can, instead of buying a book, go online and read of the faraway city of @LOCATION1, or of the eruption of the @CAPS1 @CAPS2, and you can do it with mind-blowing speed. Some think that by wasting time on computers, people are using up time that could be spent studying or with family. However, any information needed to your knowledge on a topic can be found on the internet. And if you want to spend time with your family, you can even look your computer up to a TV and watch a free movie with the family! The computer age is here and it is exactly. What society needs. Picture this: you're doing a school project on the know nothing about it. Would you rather drive minutes going and thirty minutes looking with everything you need, or do you think it's more to spend five minutes looking for the website you need on the internet? Obviously, the latter of the is much more reasonable. The computer makes getting research for school or work substantially easier. In addition, you can create entire presentations on a computer with surprising ease! Being an eighth grade student, I don't know I would ever do without the internet. I rely on my computer to get all of my research for almost every project, and I even make some of my best project on it! The computer is the likes of all the hardworking students and adults much, much easier. People's lives have not only been made easier in the field of research; computer make communicating with friends and family easier as well! Through e-mail, video chat and instant messaging., we can communicate with whoever we would, whenever . With some computers, you can even see and talk to any person you wish. Without these computers, we will one again have to resort to snail mail, which makes instant communication @CAPS3 telephones, we would have no other way to talk. Computers have enhanced communication chill likes so greatly that it's foolish to say their not beneficial to society. How can a machine with so many abilities be for see the computer as a broaden research for school and we want! Bottom line the computer age is here and it's amazing.
Computers are over used and controll the minds some people. Computers are parcally to @CAPS1 for americas high obesity percentage. Americas teens are not doing homework. And noteveteing time into school because of computers. These high tech machines should be outlowed and given to only those who truly need them. People spend way to much time on computers. The time people spend on the computer is time they should be exersizing. Computers make people obees studys show that @PERCENT1 of obees americans admit to being adicted to the computer. This is why computers are bad. The internet on computers is unsafe. Expers say that popular chating sites such as myspace are the reason for the sudden incroas in murders, and rapings. The number of convicted criminals as well as sex affenders i tramendus. Yet parents lot the children on them. People don't understand the troubles computers cause. Besides the other factors computers retard teens learning. Teh comkputer is suposed to be a helpful tool and used for leanring. But computers are being used for other things. Computers encourage kids not to study or do homework. Although those are useful becoming sites and tools, these tool arent used often. Computers hurt people in many ways. America should have off computer week to fight back from its evil grie on children. I hope one day we can all turn off out computers for good.
Computers are overused and control the minds some people. Computers are partially to @CAPS1 for Americas high obesity percentage. Americas teens are not doing homework. And time into school because of computers. These high-tech machines should be outlawed and given to only those who truly need them. People spend way too much time on computers. The time people spend on the computer is time they should be exercising. Computers make people bees studies show that @PERCENT1 of bees Americans admit to being addicted to the computer. This is why computers are bad. The internet on computers is unsafe. Expert say that popular charting sites such as MySpace are the reason for the sudden increase in murders, and ratings. The number of convicted criminals as well as sex offenders i tremendous. Yet parents lot the children on them. People don't understand the troubles computers cause. Besides the other factors computers retard teens learning. The computer is supposed to be a helpful tool and used for learning. But computers are being used for other things. Computers encourage kids not to study or do homework. Although those are useful becoming sites and tools, these tool aren't used often. Computers hurt people in many ways. America should have off computer week to fight back from its evil grain on children. I hope one day we can all turn off out computers for good.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you think computers have a positive or negative effect on people? I personally think computers have a positive effect on people because with computers many people @CAPS1 research about the past. Also I don't agree that computers have a negative effect on anybody because with computers many people learn hand-eye coordinations, gives them the ability to learn about faraway people and places, they also allow people to talk to old friends or family members. Then, computers can also be used to help someone find information about nature such as different trees, plants, animals, and many other things that are involved in nature. After that, computers are also sometimes used to contact people who live faraway from you. Some ways to contact people on a computer are using e-mails, instant message, facebook, myspace, and many other websites. In addition, I think computers have a positive effect on people, but others maya not agree which is fine because not everybody has the same opinion on stuff in the world. Then, computers can be very useful to many people because they can use computers if they need to find information on history, any events that might have went on in the past that might not still be done in the present. Finally, computers are useful to scientists, business workers, many adults, and even children use computers if they need to type something for school or need to find information for a project they're doing.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 you think computers have a positive or negative effect on people? I personally think computers have a positive effect on people because with computers many people @CAPS1 researches about the past. Also, I don't agree that computers have a negative effect on anybody because with computers many people learn hand-eye coordination, gives them the ability to learn about faraway people and places, they also allow people to talk to old friends or family members. Then, computers can also be used to help someone find information about nature such as different trees, plants, animals, and many other things that are involved in nature. After that, computers are also sometimes used to contact people who live faraway from you. Some ways to contact people on a computer are using e-mails, instant message, Facebook, MySpace, and many other websites. In addition, I think computers have a positive effect on people, but others Maya not agree which is fine because not everybody has the same opinion on stuff in the world. Then, computers can be very useful to many people because they can use computers if they need to find information on history, any events that might have gone on in the past that might not still be done in the present. Finally, computers are useful to scientists, business workers, many adults, and even children use computers if they need to type something for school or need to find information for a project they're doing.
Dear Local Newspaper, everday @CAPS1 technology is developed. One of the biggest and most popular machines in the technocle society is, the computer. Some people don't like computers. The think computers are ruining social skills and healthy bodys. The reason I'm writing to you is to presuade those people to realize the greatness that lies inside a computer. For starters computers help us recive/give @CAPS8. One of the great featurs that computers give is email. Without email, we would be completley out of the loop. For example @CAPS2 there is a snowday at your childs school, you recive an email from the usper intendent saying school si cancled. Without that email, we woulden't be able to know that @CAPS8. Another example, @CAPS6 say that you lost your voice to a terrible cold. You don't feel good and need to call work to report being sick. Now you're stuck because you have no voice. @CAPS2 you had a computer, you could have simply emailed your boss. Another posative tool computers gives us is making communicating esayer. With all of the social networking now avalible like @CAPS4, twitter , @CAPS3 and yahoo messanger. It nearly impossible not to stay in contact with friends and faimly using @CAPS4, you can look up old friends and faimly. Once youve found them, you can friend request them and become online friends. Once youre online friends you can instant message, video chat, look at their status, and browse their photos. So with a computer @CAPS7 nearly impossible not to be able to keep in touch. The last and final reason computers are great is because, they make shopping much esayer. @CAPS2 you have used amazon, ebay or overstock, you know what I'm talking about you can buy almost anything online. From electronics to @CAPS5 animals. The list is endless. With a computer you can even get your house hold groceries online. For example @CAPS6 say your home from work with explosive diharrea. But @CAPS7 @DATE1 so you need to go grociery shopping. You've been on the toilet @PERCENT1 of the day and alls youve got is your laptop. Well you can shop online. So as you can see computers help us communicate, shop and get and recive @CAPS8.
Dear Local Newspaper, everyday @CAPS1 technology is developed. One of the biggest and most popular machines in the technical society is, the computer. Some people don't like computers. The think computers are ruining social skills and healthy bodies. The reason I'm writing to you is to persuade those people to realize the greatness that lies inside a computer. For starter computers help us receive/give @CAPS8. One of the great features that computers give is email. Without email, we would be completely out of the loop. For example @CAPS2 there is a snow day at your children school, you receive an email from the upper intendant saying school is canceled. Without that email, we wouldn't be able to know that @CAPS8. Another example, @CAPS6 says that you lost your voice to a terrible cold. You don't feel good and need to call work to report being sick. Now you're stuck because you have no voice. @CAPS2 you had a computer, you could have simply emailed your boss. Another positive tool computers gives us is making communicating essayer. With all the social networking now available like @CAPS4, twitter, @CAPS3 and yahoo messenger. It nearly impossible not to stay in contact with friends and family using @CAPS4, you can look up old friends and family. Once you've found them, you can friend request them and become online friends. Once you're online friends you can instantly message, video chat, look at their status, and browse their photos. So with a computer @CAPS7 nearly impossible not to be able to keep in touch. The last and final reason computers are great is because, they make shopping much essayer. @CAPS2 you have used Amazon, eBay or overstock, you know what I'm talking about you can buy almost anything online. From electronics to @CAPS5 animals. The list is endless. With a computer you can even get your household groceries online. For example @CAPS6 say your home from work with explosive diarrhea. But @CAPS7 @DATE1, so you need to go grocery shopping. You've been on the restroom @PERCENT1 of the day and all you've got is your laptop. Well you can shop online. So as you can see computers help us communicate, shop and get and receive @CAPS8.
To editor, @CAPS1's a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and a lazy breeze is flowing through the trees. But you don't notice any of @CAPS1 because you're plopped down in front of your comuter tapping away on @CAPS2 or email. With modern technology. This is a common scenario. Experts are concerned that excessive computer use can harm your health, hamper your social skills, and cause you to be disconnected from nature. While computers are helpful in our lives too much of one thing is never a good thing. As mentioned, camputers have can a negative effect on your health. Computers cause people to be lazy. They would rather @CAPS2 and email than go outside and excersize in the cool, crisp, fresh air. In fact, statistics recently released by the @ORGANIZATION1 show that computers are the @NUM1 leading reason for obesity. And weight problems are not the only thing computer to worry about. Too much time in front of the computer will also take @CAPS1's toll on your eyes. Even local doctors have pointed @CAPS1. "@CAPS4 since computers have become a common household item, the number of i have eye has gone up about @NUM2 or @NUM3 more kids every year than the year says @ORGANIZATION3 of the @ORGANIZATION2. And if that isn't enough, typing too many this @CAPS5 and emails day after day can give you repetetive syndrome, also known as carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel used to be more when typewriters were big, but dwindled down once computers with newer, easier to type on keyboards came around. But excessive daily use of computers is causing doctors to see more cases of carpal tunnel crop up. @CAPS1 is clear that if you want to stay healthy, computer usage should be limited. Secondly, too much time spent on the computer affect your ability to communicate with others. Computers are helpful when you need to talk to someone but people have gott on so used in @CAPS1 that they sometimes find @CAPS1 awkward to talk to someone face to face. Their eyes look everywhere except for the person, they shift their weight back and forth and struggle to find the right words to say things that should be easy. This awkwardness can also ruin previously close friendships. Friends will talk to each other endlessly through @CAPS2, but have no words for each other when they meet face to face. I remember @DATE1, i didn't see one of my friends at all; we just @CAPS8 each other daily. When we saw each other at school, we found @CAPS1 hard to carry a conversation and @CAPS1 took some getting used to talking face to face again. And this isn't the only way friendships are ut on the line by computers. Personal and meaningful conversations @MONTH1 sometimes be. You're on the phone with your friend and you're telling her about something important that you need advice on. A few seconds after you begin talking you're interrupted by a loud @CAPS7! followed by a "hold on, so and so just @CAPS8 me." @CAPS9, computers seriously social skills and personal relationships. Another reason to watch how much time you spend on the comuter is that @CAPS1 can cause you to
To editor, @CAPS1's a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and a lazy breeze is flowing through the trees. But you don't notice any of @CAPS1 because you're plopped down in front of your computer tapping away on @CAPS2 or email. With modern technology. This is a common scenario. Experts are concerned that excessive computer use can harm your health, hamper your social skills, and cause you to be disconnected from nature. While computers are helpful in our lives too much of one thing is never a good thing. As mentioned, computers have can a negative effect on your health. Computers cause people to be lazy. They would rather @CAPS2 and email than go outside and excessive in the cool, crisp, fresh air. In fact, statistics recently released by the @ORGANIZATION1 show that computers are the @NUM1 leading reason for obesity. And weight problems are not the only thing computer to worry about. Too much time in front of the computer will also take @CAPS1's toll on your eyes. Even local doctors have pointed @CAPS1. @CAPS4 since computers have become a common household item, the number of I have eye has gone up about @NUM2 or @NUM3 more kids every year than the year says @ORGANIZATION3 of the @ORGANIZATION2. And if that isn't enough, typing too many this @CAPS5 and emails day after day can give you repetitive syndrome, also known as carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel used to be more when typewriters were big, but dwindled down once computers with newer, easier to type on keyboards came around. But excessive daily use of computers is causing doctors to see more cases of carpal tunnel crop up. @CAPS1 is clear that if you want to stay healthy, computer usage should be limited. Secondly, too much time spent on the computer affect your ability to communicate with others. Computers are helpful when you need to talk to someone, but people have got ton so used in @CAPS1 that they sometimes find @CAPS1 awkward to talk to someone face to face. Their eyes look everywhere except for the person, they shift their weight back and forth and struggle to find the right words to say things that should be easy. This awkwardness can also ruin previously close friendships. Friends will talk to each other endlessly through @CAPS2, but have no words for each other when they meet face to face. I remember @DATE1, I didn't see one of my friends at all; we just @CAPS8 each other daily. When we saw each other at school, we found @CAPS1 hard to carry a conversation and @CAPS1 took some getting used to talking face to face again. And this isn't the only way friendships are UT on the line by computers. Personal and meaningful conversations @MONTH1 sometimes be. You're on the phone with your friend, and you're telling her about something important that you need advice on. A few seconds after you begin talking you're interrupted by a loud @CAPS7! Followed by a "hold on, so-and-so just @CAPS8 me." @CAPS9, computers seriously social skills and personal relationships. Another reason to watch how much time you spend on the computer is that @CAPS1 can cause you to
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 are beinging questioned if the are good for our society or not. I would have to say that they are good and bad you really can't pick a side. These good because children and teens can get the information they need to teach in school, it allows people to chat with others in different places, and it helps hand-eye cordanation. Those were the good here are some bad things about compters. People spend to much time on the computer instead of exercising, they dont' get to enjoy nature, and people stop interacting with friends and family. Anyone can pick a side. I just can't, because i can relate to both sides. For example. one of the good reasons about computers was that you can chat's with other people around the world. I can relate to that because when i live here in @CAPS2 @CAPS3 my mom and stepdad live in @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2 so i don't see them much but thanks to computer i can chat. With them when ever i want to. Honestly i wouldn't know how my life would be like if i didn't have a computer and i wasn't able I @CAPS4 now. Although, can also to one or the bad things about computers, which is that people spent to much time on the them. I can relate to that and so could of the other well, because when i around @NUM1 because go to a after school, go straight on my laptop and around @NUM2. When my grandma @NUM3 pm. She always comes in and "Your on that thing to much you your hands!" in her. So in my opinion I believe that coumpters can be good for our socity and bad; for me there is no side to take. Others might feel the same way, and others @MONTH1 not. It's up to them to make a choice, so ask your self," @CAPS4 you believe that computers are good or bad for our society?
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 are banging questioned if they are good for our society or not. I would have to say that they are good and bad you really can't pick a side. These good because children and teens can get the information they need to teach in school, it allows people to chat with others in different places, and it helps hand-eye coordination. Those were the good here are some bad things about computers. People spend too much time on the computer instead of exercising, they don't get to enjoy nature, and people stop interacting with friends and family. Anyone can pick a side. I just can't, because I can relate to both sides. For example. One of the good reasons about computers was that you can chats with other people around the world. I can relate to that because when I live here in @CAPS2 @CAPS3 my mom and stepdad live in @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2 so I don't see them much but thanks to computer I can chat. With them when ever I want to. Honestly I wouldn't know how my life would be like if I didn't have a computer and I wasn't able I @CAPS4 now. Although, can also to one or the bad things about computers, which is that people spent too much time on the. I can relate to that and so could have the other well, because when i around @NUM1 because go to an after school, go straight on my laptop and around @NUM2. When my grandma @NUM3 pm. She always comes in and "Your on that thing too much you your hands!" in her. So in my opinion I believe that computers can be good for our society and bad; for me there is no side to take. Others might feel the same way, and others @MONTH1 not. It's up to them to make a choice, so ask your self, @CAPS4 you believe that computers are good or bad for our society?
Dear @LOCATION1 Newspaper: @CAPS1 you really think computers are that good? Computers are so helpful today almost everyone has one. Computers are wonderful they are great ways to find information, they connect people from all over the world, and offer many @ORGANIZATION1 opportunities, hopefully at the end of this letter you will agree with me. Firstly, they help people find information. Computers are great ways to find information with google and other programs like it the whole world is at your fingertips. In my school surveys show @PERCENT1 of all students use the computer to help them research for school projects and asignments with computers you can view many diffrent websites from all around the world about a topic and you can even find online books that you can use, this is one way computers are a great thing out there are two other great reasons. Secondly, with computers the wole world becomes smaller as people begin to know more and more people through the computer. More than @PERCENT2 of people email, @CAPS2, or videochat on a daily baes. Isnt it great when you mnake a great friend in collage but you find out he/she lives halfway around the world, to know that you can still keep in touch with the computer, did you know that many people in the in the military use videochat to keep in touch with their loved one back home? Computers are great because they connect people and allow them to be together even when they cannot be together, but there is still one even better reason why computers are good. Finally, computers ofter many opportunities like education and jobs. Today there are many single parrents more than in any other time according to @ORGANIZATION1 and the number is still drastickly increasing with this economy some of those parrents could really use a better education to help them bring in more money for their familys, but when can they find time to go to school with work and then the kids? Now there are many online collage courses you can take to get the education you have always wanted with kraigslist and other online adds many people can post job ofering while others can email those people their resume to try to get the job, but by seeing adds posted online people can apply easier from farther away. Computers open many great oppertunities for people. Computers are very cool machines that many people take fergranted, they help give people information, as well as connect people from around the world and offer many @ORGANIZATION1 oppertunities. So @LOCATION1 Newspaper I hope you can try to understand my view on why computers are so great.
Dear @LOCATION1 Newspaper: @CAPS1 you really think computers are that good? Computers are so helpful today almost everyone has one. Computers are wonderful they are great ways to find information, they connect people from all over the world, and offer many @ORGANIZATION1 opportunities, hopefully at the end of this letter you will agree with me. Firstly, they help people find information. Computers are great ways to find information with Google and other programs like it the whole world is at your fingertips. In my school surveys show @PERCENT1 of all students use the computer to help them research for school projects and assignments with computers you can view many different websites from all around the world about a topic, and you can even find online books that you can use, this is one way computers are a great thing out there are two other great reasons. Secondly, with computers the role world becomes smaller as people begin to know more and more people through the computer. More than @PERCENT2 of people email, @CAPS2, or video chat on a daily BAES. Isn't it great when you make a great friend in collage but you find out he/she lives halfway around the world, to know that you can still keep in touch with the computer, did you know that many people in the military use video chat to keep in touch with their loved one back home? Computers are great because they connect people and allow them to be together even when they cannot be together, but there is still one even better reason why computers are good. Finally, computer softer many opportunities like education and jobs. Today there are many single parents more than in any other time according to @ORGANIZATION1 and the number is still drastically increasing with this economy some of those parents could really use a better education to help them bring in more money for their families, but when can they find time to go to school with work and then the kids? Now there are many online collage courses you can take to get the education you have always wanted with Craigslist and other online adds many people can post job offering while others can email those people their resume to try to get the job, but by seeing adds posted online people can apply easier from farther away. Computers open many great opportunities for people. Computers are very cool machines that many people take fer granted, they help give people information, as well as connect people from around the world and offer many @ORGANIZATION1 opportunities. So @LOCATION1 Newspaper I hope you can try to understand my view on why computers are so great.
Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, after reading your article about advances in technology, I would like to offer my opinion about this contraversal subject. All around the world, people are using computers to do all sorts of things; weather its for games, the buying and selling of items, talking with people in different countries; the possibilites are endless. This is, however, not nessessarally a good thing. Many people become addicted to computers. Esspecialy adolesents, who enjoy the games that computers offer. From personal experience being addicted to computers, I can honestly say that I was under almost complete control by that computer. My grades started to go down, I stopped interacting with my friends and family, and trouble on things. Many parents watch their children go through this and are sometimes helpless to stop it. This poses a large problem for parents. My word of advice; don't let your children become addicted!
Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, after reading your article about advances in technology, I would like to offer my opinion about this subject. All around the world, people are using computers to do all sorts of things; weather It's for games, the buying and selling of items, talking with people in different countries; the possibilities are endless. This is, however, not a good thing. Many people become addicted to computers. Especially adolescents, who enjoy the games that computers offer. From personal experience being addicted to computers, I can honestly say that I was under almost complete control by that computer. My grades started to go down, I stopped interacting with my friends and family, and trouble on things. Many parents watch their children go through this and are sometimes helpless to stop it. This poses a large problem for parents. My word of advice; don't let your children become addicted!
There are some effects computers have on people that I agree with and disagree with. There are many people in the world that use computers every day and some that use it sometimes. Also it always gives you information everytime you use it. I would think that computers give a positive effect on people. Computers can have their likes and dislikes. Not everytime when you need information the computer won't give it to you. There are some websites that give you the right stuff you want to know and others do not fill your mind with positive things. That is one thing I do not like about computers. Do not think that is too bad because computers have alot more fun adavantages. One of the most common and used thing around the world is instant @CAPS7. Instant @CAPS7 is when you are communicating with another human bean over the online web. Many people use this to get in touch with a close family members or a friend. There are some names for instant @CAPS7 @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4-mail, and many more! Yes, the computer can be very addicting but once in a while you need to get off and maybe get some fresh air. For some people I agree that they stay on the computer to much and became very lazy. This is one disadvantage that can cause you from exercizing and seeing friends and family. There is no problem if you go on for an hour a day maybe more, but to long is not good. There are so many things for the computer I can't name them all @CAPS5, @CAPS6, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS7, and even buying things off the computers, those are many of the things you can do on your computer. I love going on the computer time to time doing many things I have talked about. Also if you do have one than reading this @MONTH1 persuade you into getting one. My opinion is that they give you a very positive effect.
There are some effects computers have on people that I agree with and disagree with. There are many people in the world that use computers every day and some that use it sometimes. Also, it always gives you information every time you use it. I would think that computers give a positive effect on people. Computers can have their likes and dislikes. Not every time when you need information the computer won't give it to you. There are some websites that give you the right stuff you want to know and others do not fill your mind with positive things. That is one thing I do not like about computers. Do not think that is too bad because computers have a lot more fun advantages. One of the most common and used thing around the world is instant @CAPS7. Instant @CAPS7 is when you are communicating with another human bean over the online web. Many people use this to get in touch with a close family members or a friend. There are some names for instant @CAPS7 @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4-mail, and many more! Yes, the computer can be very addicting but once in a while you need to get off and maybe get some fresh air. For some people I agree that they stay on the computer too much and became very lazy. This is one disadvantage that can cause you from exercising and seeing friends and family. There is no problem if you go on for an hour a day maybe more, but to long is not good. There are so many things for the computer I can't name them all @CAPS5, @CAPS6, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS7, and even buying things off the computers, those are many of the things you can do on your computer. I love going on the computer time to time doing many things I have talked about. Also, if you do have one than reading this @MONTH1 persuade you into getting one. My opinion is that they give you a very positive effect.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects of computers is that some people are spending to much time on computers they are good to be on for a while but not all day. So @CAPS1 first reason why I think spending to much time on computers is not a good thing because it's better to be outside doing other activities with other people all day instead you could hang out with friends and do some sports or something else and if your on the computer all day you will start to lose some friends. @CAPS1 second reason why I dont think it is good to be on the computer all day is because if your not exercising you will start to gain weight cause your sitting all day just on the computer so its good to go outside and go for a walk or you could go to a gym so you could do exercise is good for you it will keep you healthy cause I know someone who is on the computer all day and he really does not go outside because he says that computers teach you alot and they do but it is not good to be on it all day. @CAPS1 last reason on some bad effects of computers is that some people could use these computers for bad things they could be going on some bad websites and that will just make you to be on the compute even longer you could even become addicted to being on computers because your doing nothing else ans some people have cameras on their computers and some people use them for same bad things so thats why it is better not to be on a computera ll day long. So these were @CAPS1 reasons or some bad effects computers could have on people if your not go outside to do some activities or to hang out with some friends.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects of computers is that some people are spending too much time on computers they are good to be on for a while but not all day. So @CAPS1 first reason why I think spending too much time on computers is not a good thing because it's better to be outside doing other activities with other people all day instead you could hang out with friends and do some sports or something else and if you're on the computer all day you will start to lose some friends. @CAPS1 second reason why I don't think it is good to be on the computer all day is because if you're not exercising you will start to gain weight cause your sitting all day just on the computer so It's good to go outside and go for a walk, or you could go to a gym, so you could do exercise is good for you, it will keep you healthy because I know someone who is on the computer all day, and he really does not go outside because he says that computers teach you a lot, and they do, but it is not good to be on it all day. @CAPS1 last reason on some bad effects of computers is that some people could use these computers for bad things they could be going on some bad websites and that will just make you to be on to compute even longer you could even become addicted to being on computers because your doing nothing else and some people have cameras on their computers and some people use them for same bad things so that's why it is better not to be on a computer all day long. So these were @CAPS1 reasons or some bad effects computers could have on people if your not go outside to do some activities or to hang out with some friends.
Dear @LOCATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 I do agree that people should stop spending most of thier day on the computer and start to exercise more or spend time with friends and family. The computer has the ability to let you learn about faraway places but instead of sitting behind a desk and learning about somewhere faraway you should go outside and see it for yourself. Also our country is one of the top @NUM1 that has fat people and I believe that the computer has something to do with this because most of the kids in our school have a facebook and about @PERCENT1 of those kids are on facebook for at least an hour. This is why people should stop using the internet for most of their day because they are not getting the exercise they need that is why our country is one of the top @NUM1 in the world that has most fast people. The internet does allow you to chat with family and friends but you still need to hand out with your friends outside so you can exercise by playing sports or just going for a walk down the block if you don't you will not have a healthy relationship because someitmes they @MONTH1 not even be on the computer so you can chat with them online. Also if you don't go outside and enjoy nature and play with friends then you will become very lazy just by sitting in a chair all day and you would'nt care to do anything anymore.
Dear @LOCATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 I do agree that people should stop spending most of their day on the computer and start to exercise more or spend time with friends and family. The computer has the ability to let you learn about faraway places but instead of sitting behind a desk and learning about somewhere faraway you should go outside and see it for yourself. Also, our country is one of the top @NUM1 that has fat people and I believe that the computer has something to do with this because most of the kids in our school have a Facebook and about @PERCENT1 of those kids are on Facebook for at least an hour. This is why people should stop using the internet for most of their day because they are not getting the exercise they need that is why our country is one of the top @NUM1 in the world that has most fast people. The internet does allow you to chat with family and friends, but you still need to hand out with your friends outside, so you can exercise by playing sports or just going for a walk down the block if you don't you will not have a healthy relationship because sometimes they @MONTH1 not even be on the computer, so you can chat with them online. Also, if you don't go outside and enjoy nature and play with friends then you will become very lazy just by sitting in a chair all day, and you wouldn't care to do anything anymore.
Dear, Newspaper I would like to tell you about computers, without them this world would fall apart. For example, some peoples jobs are to fix them, make then, sell them, also some people work from home and need the computer for their jobs. Without them soo many people would @CAPS1 out of jobs and geting paidless. Also, kids need them for education reasons, for example, if you had a broken finger and couldent hold a pencil you would have to type. In addition, what if a student needed an answer to a question and there has no to help them they could go online and get the answer and learn. Theres many ways a computer run help a person. For example, they could need directions or some ones phone number or answers. Also, you can buy off line what if you live too far away from your favorite stare you can fast or der it off line. Also I believe kids should get off the computer any go out side and exercise, to day there is to many over weight people if people what for a walk instead of siting on the computer all day there woulden @CAPS1 as many over weighted people. In addition, people need exercise without it people would get faty, lazy, sleepy, and some sick, and angery, deppression. it would @CAPS1 to every ones benifit if people would exercise more. In addition without computers alot or peoples lives would fall apart, people just need to exercise more and everyting will @CAPS1 fine.
Dear, Newspaper I would like to tell you about computers, without them this world would fall apart. For example, some peoples jobs are to fix them, make then, sell them, also some people work from home and need the computer for their jobs. Without them so many people would @CAPS1 out of jobs and getting painless. Also, kids need them for education reasons, for example, if you had a broken finger and couldn't hold a pencil you would have to type. In addition, what if a student needed an answer to a question and there has no to help them they could go online and get the answer and learn. There's many ways a computer run help a person. For example, they could need directions or some ones phone number of answers. Also, you can buy off-line what if you live too far away from your favorite stare you can fast or her it off-line. Also, I believe kids should get off the computer any go outside and exercise, to day there is to many over weight people if people what for a walk instead of siting on the computer all day there wouldn @CAPS1 as many over weighted people. In addition, people need exercise without it people would get fate, lazy, sleepy, and some sick, and anger, depression. It would @CAPS1 to every one benefit if people would exercise more. In addition, without computers a lot or peoples lives would fall apart, people just need to exercise more and everything will @CAPS1 fine.
Coumputors are mind browning on what they can do. They can make or break somone financhely. They also can perduce amasing graphis that aritist cant perduce. Coumputrs are also for great for recer antal acitivitys, and they also take your life away. I not talking about a real life @CAPS1 talking about the activitys you do away from home. Now lets see the benifits and problems we come so far on how we handle money. We use to put it in chets and hide them now all we do is click and type in a securty number. people can also invist in items but invisting is tricky you dont always win. You can win small or lose big they say @CAPS2 coumputers today are hd. The screens are made of a liquid crystal fourmula that hardens. The lights in the back pixels do most of the wort to bring stunning graphis to life. On coumputers today people make money by selling graphis they made on coumputers. So this would be another plus on what a coumputor dose to a human. I went to a school to lern how to perduce great graphis. All teens kids and adults have used a coumputer for recerantol acivitys. On todays coumputors you can play games watch videos, and listen on coumputors. People do this to engoy then selfs. Some people ran get in trouble for fooling around on the web. But there is nothing stressed out and just playing some games for a while, personly I like to go on youtube and find funny vidos after school. I use to own a youtube account and get many views. The worst thing about coumpurts is it can ruin plan gobo or somones socal life some people get addicted and cant stop being on the coumputor until it is takin away. For example some people play world of war craft get addicted and cant stop! I had a problem when I had to chek you tube a lot. Well I hoped you readers. No matter what happens I think coumputors bennafit more than the problems
Computers are mind browning on what they can do. They can make or break someone financial. They also can produce amazing graphic that artist can't produce. Computers are also for great for refer natal activity, and they also take your life away. I'm not talking about a real life @CAPS1 talking about the activities you do away from home. Now let's see the benefits and problems we come so far on how we handle money. We used to put it in chest and hide them now all we do is click and type in a security number. People can also invest in items but insisting is tricky you don't always win. You can win small or lose big they say @CAPS2 computers today are HD. The screens are made of a liquid crystal formula that hardens. The lights in the back pixels do most of the wort to bring stunning graphic to life. On computers today people make money by selling graphic they made on computers. So this would be another plus on what a computer dose to a human. I went to a school to learn how to produce great graphic. All teens kids and adults have used a computer for recreant activity. On today's computers you can play games watch videos, and listen on computers. People do this to enjoy then selves. Some people ran get in trouble for fooling around on the web. But there is nothing stressed out and just playing some games for a while, person I like to go on YouTube and find funny videos after school. I used to own a YouTube account and get many views. The worst thing about comports is it can ruin plan goo or local life some people get addicted and can't stop being on the computer until it is taken away. For example some people play world of war craft get addicted and can't stop! I had a problem when I had to check YouTube a lot. Well I hoped you readers. No matter what happens I think computers benefit more than the problems
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, Computers are a sought after item in this day in age, and we are making advances in technology every single day. Social networking sites like @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 are all over the internet. Computers are good to some exstent, but some kids find the computer essential to their life. Using computers too much will have a bad effect on society. Oreos, @LOCATION1, @CAPS6 are all common sparks for people to be eating while on the computer. Now when you're sitting on the computer daily and for hours eating these sparks. You are begging to become overweight. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS7 kids are overweight and that is unhealthy. A collassal piece of this @PERCENT1 use the computer daily. There is no doubt obesity is a problem, and computers are making it worse. The people that love to use the computer definetly have some sort of social network account, @MONTH1 it be @CAPS5, or @CAPS4. Kids think they are immune to getting in trouble while posting messages or putting up picture of themselves. In one case a girl actually killed because of nasty messages posted about her. Three have been other cases in which girls have sent a nude pictures of themselves to their boyfriends and other people soul it. There lives will never be the same because they were using the computer too much. Soon we will become the leader of @LOCATION2 and we will get to the decisions around. If we are getting to know our outside world and we are not learning how to to be social without the internet, don't know how we will end up. will be the ones and all that important stuff. Instead of typing away we should explore the world and learn important things. Hopefully, as @CAPS10, we will become independent on computers and we will fit this problem by sending less time on a. Computers are great thing but they should not for going outside with friends and playing baseball.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, Computers are a sought after item in this day in age, and we are making advances in technology every single day. Social networking sites like @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 are all over the internet. Computers are good to have some extent, but some kids find the computer essential to their life. Using computers too much will have a bad effect on society. Oreos, @LOCATION1, @CAPS6 are all common sparks for people to be eating while on the computer. Now when you're sitting on the computer daily and for hours eating these sparks. You are begging to become overweight. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS7 kids are overweight and that is unhealthy. A colossal piece of this @PERCENT1 use the computer daily. There is no doubt obesity is a problem, and computers are making it worse. The people that love to use the computer definitely have some sort of social network account, @MONTH1 it is @CAPS5, or @CAPS4. Kids think they are immune to getting in trouble while posting messages or putting up picture of themselves. In one case a girl actually killed because of nasty messages posted about her. Three have been other cases in which girls have sent a nude pictures of themselves to their boyfriends and other people soul it. There lives will never be the same because they were using the computer too much. Soon we will become the leader of @LOCATION2 and we will get to the decisions around. If we are getting to know our outside world, and we are not learning how to be social without the internet, don't know how we will end up. Will be the ones and all that important stuff. Instead of typing away we should explore the world and learn important things. Hopefully, as @CAPS10, we will become independent on computers, and we will fit this problem by sending less time on Computers are great thing, but they should not for going outside with friends and playing baseball.
Computers and the @CAPS1 were a technological break through. It exposed to the average world, things that were never thought possitive. But as these things advanced over the years, they've become an addiction so bad of an addiction its begun to threaten peoples lives I've been given a choice to s'de with the addicting computers, or to offose them. The only clear choice is to offose. First off, computers have caused the world a decrease in exercise. Studies show @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people who use a computer, do not exercise with less exercise throughout the world, nations are becoming more over weight. This is a huge problem in the united states computers are main cause to why the @CAPS2.S is over weight and unhealthy by cutting down computers use, we can get our world back into great shape we can bring exercise and health back. Nextly, I'm sure you've all heard of online predators. It's scary just to think about, well as computer technology increased online predators numbers went up. I remember a couple of years ago, I was watching the news and a story came a normal teenage girl, being killed by someone she meton myspace. things like this still go on, and the rate at which they happen are in creasing. by putting people on computers you're putting then at risk of death this is an extreme problem computers have caused. Thus is the last efferct computers have, out of many that I'm going to state time on the computer, is time taken away from family and friends.This can ruin relationship in and outside the family. Now I'm sure you now many people have become extremely addicted to online games. the more they play these games the more they pull away from everyone they knew and loved computers are a leading cause in disfunctional families. they steal the user away from the outside word. these people need to get their families and friends back. You have to act now, before its too late and computers have over taken the world. If you know anyone who has fallen prey to a computer addiction, do what you can to help get them back we need to cutt back on any kind of computer use fast. Hurry, it's now or never.
Computers and the @CAPS1 were a technological break through. It exposed to the average world, things that were never thought positive. But as these things advanced over the years, they've become an addiction so bad of an addiction its begun to threaten peoples lives I've been given a choice to s'DE with the addicting computers, or to office them. The only clear choice is to office. First off, computers have caused the world a decrease in exercise. Studies show @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people who use a computer, do not exercise with less exercise throughout the world, nations are becoming more over weight. This is a huge problem in the United States computers are main cause to why the @CAPS2. S is over weight and unhealthy by cutting down computers use, we can get our world back into great shape we can bring exercise and health back. Neatly, I'm sure you've all heard of online predators. It's scary just to think about, well as computer technology increased online predator numbers went up. I remember a couple of years ago, I was watching the news and a story came a normal teenage girl, being killed by someone she Eton MySpace. Things like this still go on, and the rate at which they happen are in creasing. By putting people on computers you're putting then at risk of death this is an extreme problem computers have caused. This is the last effect computers have, out of many that I'm going to state time on the computer, is time taken away from family and friends. This can ruin relationship in and outside the family. Now I'm sure you now many people have become extremely addicted to online games. The more they play these games the more they pull away from everyone they knew and loved computers are a leading cause in dysfunctional families. They steal the user away from the outside word. These people need to get their families and friends back. You have to act now, before It's too late and computers have overtaken the world. If you know anyone who has fallen prey to a computer addiction, do what you can to help get them back we need to cut back on any kind of computer use fast. Hurry, it's now or never.
Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, I strongly believe that computers are a big benefit to society these days. There is so much to learn on a computer. And it is a lot more fun to learn of off a computer than a book. For intinst, let's say a student had to do a report, but he couldn't get his hands on any book at all. All the student would have to do is type in a few words on the internet and hundreds of websites pop about any topic he wants to learn. Another reason that a computer benefits society is ways to keep in contact with family and friends if they live to far away. Like me for instints, I live far from my friends. And the only I could talk to them outside of school was on a computer. We would be able to talk in a chat room or on a game. The same goes with Family. Lets, say your childre go on vacation and wants to keep in touch. All you would have to do is type as much as you want and click send and its at the other computer instintly. But, if you was to write a letter through the mail, it would take maybe a week or two to reach your child or the other way around. But, most of all, there are so many cool things you can do on a computer. There are a bunch of games, to play, or videos to watch. You can make music and make money off of it. My favorite would have to be the computer programs. Flash macromedia is the best though. You get to make your own animation clips or even a movie. Computers are really fun to play on. a computer has so many advanrages in today society. Which i'm very thank full for computers and all of the great stuff you do. That is why I believe computers benefit society.
Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, I strongly believe that computers are a big benefit to society these days. There is so much to learn on a computer. And it is a lot more fun to learn of off a computer than a book. For int inst, let's say a student had to do a report, but he couldn't get his hands on any book at all. All the student would have to do is type in a few words on the internet and hundreds of websites pop about any topic he wants to learn. Another reason that a computer benefits society is ways to keep in contact with family and friends if they live to far away. Like me for instincts, I live far from my friends. And the only I could talk to them outside of school was on a computer. We would be able to talk in a chat room or on a game. The same goes with Family. Lets, say your children go on vacation and wants to keep in touch. All you would have to do is type as much as you want and click send and its at the other computer instantly. But, if you are to write a letter through the mail, it would take maybe a week or two to reach your child or the other way around. But, most of all, there are so many cool things you can do on a computer. There are a bunch of games, to play, or videos to watch. You can make music and make money off of it. My favorite would have to be the computer programs. Flash macro media is the best though. You get to make your own animation clips or even a movie. Computers are really fun to play on. A computer has so many advantages in today society. Which I'm very thankful for computers and all the great stuff you do. That is why I believe computers benefit society.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 play a big role in our world today. For example people use computers to get imformation, talk in chat rooms, mainly to talk to friends and fined friends. I think this @CAPS6 messing people up. My first reson for thinking computers @CAPS6 messing people up @CAPS6 because of the impformation that @CAPS6 on the website. For example people past, and blog lies about people online. This @CAPS6 ruining many people because this starts rumors and gossip about people. Also the lies that are being posted could interfear with many lives. Another reason computers effect the lives and people @CAPS6 the dangerous chat rooms. This @CAPS6 not good because your not familliar with the person your talking too. The person could have posed as another person and be very hipocritical. The result of this could be very unpleasent. Like you might give them you number, adress, @CAPS2 personal imformation. The outcome to endup in death, kidnapping, @CAPS2 ciber bullying. Lastly, I want to talk about the false imformation that @CAPS6 given to thousands of people online. Another words the"@CAPS1, @CAPS2 @CAPS3 Your @CAPS4 love" @CAPS2"@CAPS6 Your @CAPS7 @CAPS8 On You?" @CAPS9 these things are placed on either side of your screen to get money from you. On the other hand they attract the readers attention. For example these passages are set to copy down your number, get your account number then take your money. This doesnt help our peole because its only there for your money. In conclusion from my veiwible stand piont I dont prefer computers a magnificient way for people to spend there time on.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1 plays a big role in our world today. For example people use computers to get information, talk in chat rooms, mainly to talk to friends and fined friends. I think this @CAPS6 messing people up. My first reason for thinking computers @CAPS6 messing people up @CAPS6 because of the imp formation that @CAPS6 on the website. For example people past, and blog lies about people online. This @CAPS6 ruining many people because this starts rumors and gossip about people. Also, the lies that are being posted could interfere with many lives. Another reason computers effect the lives and people @CAPS6 the dangerous chat rooms. This @CAPS6 not good because your not familiar with the person your talking too. The person could have posed as another person and be very hypocritical. The result of this could be very unpleasant. Like you might give them you number, address, @CAPS2 personal information. The outcome to endue in death, kidnapping, @CAPS2 fiber bullying. Lastly, I want to talk about the false information that @CAPS6 given to thousands of people online. In other words the"@CAPS1, @CAPS2 @CAPS3 Your @CAPS4 love" @CAPS2"@CAPS6 Your @CAPS7 @CAPS8 On You?" @CAPS9 these things are placed on either side of your screen to get money from you. On the other hand they attract the readers' attention. For example these passages are set to copy down your number, get your account number then take your money. This doesn't help our people because it's only there for your money. In conclusion from my visible stand point I don't prefer computers a magnificent way for people to spend there time on.
Dear @CAPS1, You @MONTH1 have heard that there are up-sides and down-sides to using a computer. There are many more up-sides though. For example, you can communicate with people, conduct business, and you can use it to learn. A computer is a big need in today's growing technological advances. Communication is not as easy to do by phone anymore because people are always busy and on the computer. You can use computers to meet people from different countries. By doing this we can learn what life is like for them. Through social networks, such as @CAPS2 and @CAPS3, we can make plans with friends. Computers are an important communication technology. Today most business is conducted over the internet or on a computer. The @CAPS4 @CAPS5 is all computerized today, and that is a major trade way today. A lot of business transactions and presentations are done out on a computer for maximum efficiency. Computers allow us to conduct business with foreign countries without having to go there. Computers are a huge advancement in business. Computers help us learn a lot about, just about, everything. Search engines let us type in keywords and find multiple websites on that topic. Computers let us research so we get correct information with just a click. This research can be used to write essays in school. Computers help us to learn in school and outside of it. A computer is a huge technological advancement with many uses. It @MONTH1 have a few down-sides, but it has many more up-sides. Computers allow you to communicate, conduct business, and learn. Life would be much slower without a computer to speed things up.
Dear @CAPS1, You @MONTH1 have heard that there are up-sides and down-sides to using a computer. There are many more up-sides though. For example, you can communicate with people, conduct business, and you can use it to learn. A computer is a big need in today's growing technological advances. Communication is not as easy to do by phone anymore because people are always busy and on the computer. You can use computers to meet people from different countries. By doing this we can learn what life is like for them. Through social networks, such as @CAPS2 and @CAPS3, we can make plans with friends. Computers are an important communication technology. Today most business is conducted over the internet or on a computer. The @CAPS4 @CAPS5 is all computerized today, and that is a major trade way today. A lot of business transactions and presentations are done out on a computer for maximum efficiency. Computers allow us to conduct business with foreign countries without having to go there. Computers are a huge advancement in business. help us learn a lot about, just about, everything. Search engines let us type in keywords and find multiple websites on that topic. Computers let us research, so we get correct information with just a click. This research can be used to write essays in school. Computers help us to learn in school and outside of it. A computer is a huge technological advancement with many uses. Its @MONTH1 have a few down-sides, but it has many more up-sides. Computers allow you to communicate, conduct business, and learn. Life would be much slower without a computer to speed things up.
In my opinion, having computers is avery nice thing and does good in our society. I think this because of three reasons, @ORGANIZATION2, it allows people to relax and wind down after a long day of work. Second, it allows people to communicate with their friends, @CAPS1, it helps with schoolwork and makes things much easier. These are only a few of the reasons why computers do good in our society. @ORGANIZATION2 off, I'd like to say that after a long day of work, all you want to do is relax. Television gets boring and you just want to sit and play games on the computer. Well, thats a great way of winding down on a rough day. You can go on @CAPS2 and watch funny videos or go on @CAPS3 and on you friends new photo album. Your @ORGANIZATION3 computer is to do many things. There are @CAPS8 many game , such as @CAPS4 come or @CAPS5 cam that can be a lot of fun. Do you see why the computers a good way of calming down? Other than winding you down on a rough day at work, on the computer @CAPS8 allow you to communicate with friends and family. AIM is a good way to talk to friends and plan get together. Or, you can just have simple talk @CAPS3 and @CAPS7 are great websites to keep in touch with old friends of you, @CAPS8 even make new friends. A lot of teenagers and adults have @CAPS3 because it gets. So @CAPS4 that you can't get off it. As you get older, you dont talk to your friends that much and soon you don't have many friends at all. @CAPS3 prevents that so you can always talk to them. You should always keep in touch with friends. Most importantly, you use the computer for school work. Without it you can't get picture off @ORGANIZATION1 or type an essay that due. @CAPS8, you can't search words on @LOCATION1. Some teachers require you to type out essays and other don't. You need a computer if your teacher require you to type things. I go on swifts website to see if i have homework dure and that helps me out a teachers @CAPS8 put extra credit online. All in all computes are good for society. @ORGANIZATION2, you can just calm down and relax. Second, you can talk to old friends and keep in touch with new ones. @CAPS1 and most importantly, it's very useful when it comes to schoolwork and up pictures/ . Now you must understant when i tell you that computers are important and very useful in society.
In my opinion, having computers is Avery nice thing and does good in our society. I think this because of three reasons, @ORGANIZATION2, it allows people to relax and wind down after a long day of work. Second, it allows people to communicate with their friends, @CAPS1, it helps with schoolwork and makes things much easier. These are only a few of the reasons why computers do good in our society. @ORGANIZATION2 off, I'd like to say that after a long day of work, all you want to do is relax. Television gets boring, and you just want to sit and play games on the computer. Well, that's a great way of winding down on a rough day. You can go on @CAPS2 and watch funny videos or go on @CAPS3 and on you friends new photo album. Your @ORGANIZATION3 computer is to do many things. There are @CAPS8 many games, such as @CAPS4 come or @CAPS5 cam that can be a lot of fun. Do you see why the computers a good way of calming down? Other than winding you down on a rough day at work, on the computer @CAPS8 allow you to communicate with friends and family. AIM is a good way to talk to friends and plan get together. Or, you can just have simple talk @CAPS3 and @CAPS7 are great websites to keep in touch with old friends of you, @CAPS8 even make new friends. A lot of teenagers and adults have @CAPS3 because it gets. So @CAPS4 that you can't get off it. As you get older, you don't talk to your friends that much, and soon you don't have many friends at all. @CAPS3 prevents that, so you can always talk to them. You should always keep in touch with friends. Most importantly, you use the computer for school work. Without it, you can't get picture off @ORGANIZATION1 or type an essay that due. @CAPS8, you can't search words on @LOCATION1. Some teachers require you to type out essays and others don't. You need a computer if your teacher requires you to type things. I go on swifts' website to see if I have homework due and that helps me out a teacher @CAPS8 put extra credit online. All in all computes are good for society. @ORGANIZATION2, you can just calm down and relax. Second, you can talk to old friends and keep in touch with new ones. @CAPS1 and most importantly, it's very useful when it comes to schoolwork and up pictures/. Now you must understand when I tell you that computers are important and very useful in society.
Dear Readers of the @ORGANIZATION1, Computers are machines that have been around for @MONTH1 years. With internet, you can do things like play games, research information, and even talk to friends and family, all through a computer. Advances in computer technology are beneficial to @CAPS1 society for several reasons. These includes that computers improve hand-eye coordination, provide abundant information, and allow people to talk online. As said earlier, using a computer can improve hand-eye coordination. In fact, it is known that computers can immensely improve your reflexes. This reminds me of a time when my brother went to an eye doctor and was told that his eyes had trouble focusing. Patrick, my brother, was then literally assigned by the doctor to play computer games to help his hand-eye coordination. As a matter of fact, @PERCENT1 agree that computers can have a gargantuah, positive impact on reflexes and hand-eye coordination. If computers heldful in this way and, in some cases, necessary for your eyes, then why would the use of computers be classified as bad when they are clearly a beneficial factor in @CAPS1 society? Computers are also beneficial because of what huge resource they are. the internet offers so much information for people of all ages who want to learn and thrive. For example, most schools have their students use computers for research. When I say most schoold, I mean @PERCENT2 of schools assign students to research using a computer. Principal of new city @ORGANIZATION2, @PERSON2 says, "@CAPS1 students use computers at leat every week if not more. They are fantastic resource with endless information." Computers are getway to countless amounts of knowledge that everyone should have access to. It is well known that almost everyone knows someone who lives far away. I, myself, have friend who lives in @LOCATION1 that I miss very much. When long-distance phone calls are too expensive most of the world and I rely on computers to talk to out far-away friends. Computers are the bridge between @CAPS2; (my @CAPS3 friend) and I. However, computers are not only used long distance. I also use computers to e-mail, instant message, video chat, and just stay connected to family and friends. A local teenage boy, @PERSON1, says. "I use my computer to stay connected with friends and my family that lives in another county. I don't know what I would do without it." This means that @PERSON1 and thousands of others rely on computers for communication with friends and Family. Computers are necessary for @MONTH1 reasons. They help people, educate, and connect people. You must have access to a computer in my opinion, in order to thrive in life.
Dear Readers of the @ORGANIZATION1, Computers are machines that have been around for @MONTH1 years. With internet, you can do things like play games, research information, and even talk to friends and family, all through a computer. Advances in computer technology are beneficial to @CAPS1 society for several reasons. This includes that computers improve hand-eye coordination, provide abundant information, and allow people to talk online. As said earlier, using a computer can improve hand-eye coordination. In fact, it is known that computers can immensely improve your reflexes. This reminds me of a time when my brother went to an eye doctor and was told that his eyes had trouble focusing. Patrick, my brother, was then literally assigned by the doctor to play computer games to help his hand-eye coordination. As a matter of fact, @PERCENT1 agrees that computers can have a gargantuan, positive impact on reflexes and hand-eye coordination. If computers helpful in this way and, in some cases, necessary for your eyes, then why would the use of computers be classified as bad when they are clearly a beneficial factor in @CAPS1 society? Computers are also beneficial because of what huge resource they are. The internet offers so much information for people of all ages who want to learn and thrive. For example, most schools have their students use computers for research. When I say most schools, I mean @PERCENT2 of schools assign students to research using a computer. Principal of new city @ORGANIZATION2, @PERSON2 says, "@CAPS1 students use computers at left every week if not more. They are fantastic resource with endless information." Computers are getaway to countless amounts of knowledge that everyone should have access to. It is well known that almost everyone knows someone who lives far away. I, myself, have friend who lives in @LOCATION1 that I miss very much. When long-distance phone calls are too expensive most of the world and I rely on computers to talk to out far-away friends. Computers are the bridge between @CAPS2; (my @CAPS3 friend) and I. However, computers are not only used long distance. I also use computers to e-mail, instant message, video chat, and just stay connected to family and friends. A local teenage boy, @PERSON1, says. "I use my computer to stay connected with friends and my family that lives in another county. I don't know what I would do without it." This means that @PERSON1 and thousands of others rely on computers for communication with friends and Family. Computers are necessary for @MONTH1 reasons. They help people, educate, and connect people. You must have access to a computer in my opinion, in order to thrive in life.
Dear local newspaper, I think more people shouldn't spent time on their computer. The reasons why I think this is because people should spend time with their family and friends, second they need to exercis more, and last go outside enjoy nature. My first reason is that people that have computers stay in their rooms all day and don't get fresh air. They need to go out and enjoy nature. People who love animals and like to study animals should go out and get fresh air watch the animals study them. Haveing a computer is you could study animals like that is ok but you dont want to got stuck on the computers. go outside and watch them instead of looking at the computer screen. My second reason is that people do get more exercis. People are getting fat because they are sitting at the computer and not doing any movement. Peple are becoming lazy every day because they are on the computers @NUM1. Is you like to be on the computer and study go for a walk, run, joy, or ride a bike to the get some so a while. My last reason is that more people need to interact with their friends and family. People should get off the computer and make some plans with their family.Have a get together with your family and go places and chill. People who be on the computers don't spend time with there family dont know whats going on around them. Some people go into depresion because they are on the computers not enough time with family. These ar my reason why i think that we shouldn't be on the computers. We should spend more time with friends family or go outside, and enjoy nature.
Dear local newspaper, I think more people shouldn't spend time on their computer. The reasons why I think this is because people should spend time with their family and friends, second they need to exercise more, and last go outside enjoy nature. My first reason is that people that have computers stay in their rooms all day and don't get fresh air. They need to go out and enjoy nature. People who love animals and like to study animals should go out and get fresh air watch the animals study them. Having a computer is you could study animals like that is ok but you don't want to get stuck on the computers. Go outside and watch them instead of looking at the computer screen. My second reason is that people do get more exercise. People are getting fat because they are sitting at the computer and not doing any movement. People are becoming lazy every day because they are on the computers @NUM1. Are you like to be on the computer and study go for a walk, run, joy, or ride a bike to the get some so a while. My last reason is that more people need to interact with their friends and family. People should get off the computer and make some plans with their family. Have a get-together with your family and go places and chill. People who be on the computers don't spend time with there family don't know what's going on around them. Some people go into depression because they are on the computers not enough time with family. These AR my reason why I think that we shouldn't be on the computers. We should spend more time with friends family or go outside, and enjoy nature.
Dear local newspaper, I overheard some people talking about how much time their families spend on the computer. My opinion is that they should not be on the computer staring at a screen for long periods of time. I think this because it takes away time from important tasks, there is something healthier than enclosing yourself with a computer monitor, that would be going outside or being active. Another reason is that you can have more time being around family and friends. First, you shouldn't be spending so much time on the computer. You could be getting other tasks done. Such @CAPS2 working, or for most teens, doing homework. Studies show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 teens get easily distracted by social networking websites such @CAPS2 "@CAPS1". "twitter", and "aol". People in the workplace are distracted two. Sometimes the job can get boring, so workers just go on the computer instead of getting things done. Children could be doing chores or just helping around the house a little, but they go on the computer instead. Teens regular routine consists of waking up, getting ready, soing on the computer, school, coming home, snack, and then going back to the computer. We need to break those habits of going back to the computer. Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time is not healthy. Instead, you could be active in a sport, or just going outside and playing." @CAPS2 technology goes up seizure rates have also gone up." @CAPS3 to a doctor at @ORGANIZATION1. Being involved in a sport would be healthier and more fun that talking to people online. Also, your not exercising while on the computer, being active keeps your shape along with being fun. The most important reason you shouldn't be on the computer for a long time is because your using valuable time you could have used to spend with family and friends. Most people barely see their family when their at home because their consumed in the computer. Laptops have made it easier to block people out. Bringing it into your room and shutting the door, is the most common way. Hang out with the friends your already talking to online, wouldn't it be better in person? In conclusion, we should limit our computer time to do other tasks, be active, and spend time with friends and family.
Dear local newspaper, I overheard some people talking about how much time their families spend on the computer. My opinion is that they should not be on the computer staring at a screen for long periods of time. I think this because it takes away time from important tasks, there is something healthier than enclosing yourself with a computer monitor, that would be going outside or being active. Another reason is that you can have more time being around family and friends. First, you shouldn't be spending so much time on the computer. You could be getting other tasks done. Such @CAPS2 working, or for most teens, doing homework. Studies show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 teens get easily distracted by social networking websites such @CAPS2 "@CAPS1". "Twitter", and "AOL". People in the workplace are distracted two. Sometimes the job can get boring, so workers just go on the computer instead of getting things done. Children could be doing chores or just helping around the house a little, but they go on the computer instead. Teens regular routine consists of waking up, getting ready, going on the computer, school, coming home, snack, and then going back to the computer. We need to break those habits of going back to the computer. Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time is not healthy. Instead, you could be active in a sport, or just going outside and playing." @CAPS2 technology goes up seizure rates have also gone up." @CAPS3 to a doctor at @ORGANIZATION1. Being involved in a sport would be healthier and more fun that talking to people online. Also, you're not exercising while on the computer, being active keeps your shape along with being fun. The most important reason you shouldn't be on the computer for a long time is because you're using valuable time you could have used to spend with family and friends. Most people barely see their family when their at home because their consumed in the computer. Laptops have made it easier to block people out. Bringing it into your room and shutting the door, is the most common way. Hang out with the friends your already talking to online, wouldn't it be better in person? In conclusion, we should limit our computer time to do other tasks, be active, and spend time with friends and family.
Dear people that read the news paper and that have @CAPS1 that like to play the computer all day more. Than a hour. I think you should take your time and read my article in this wonderful newspaper. I am writing this article about @CAPS1 using the computer more than an hour. My first reason about this computers issue is it makes than not pay attention in the school. To support that reason so you dont think i am making this up is that they play the computer alot and it makes the @CAPS1 just think about the computer and not think about school. They play it so much and it can mess up the @CAPS1 and they can not focus in school. My second main reason is it makes them allways want to talk about the computer. So if they play it mare than a hour like i said it can cause them to be addicted like drug's it is just like that if you dont want your @CAPS1 to be addicted to drugs i hope you woudnt want your own @CAPS1 to be addicted to the computer. To continue about your @CAPS1 can allways @CAPS2 about the computer it can make your @CAPS1 sound like they have no life because they play it all day everday and I would hope you woudnt want your @CAPS1 to be like this. Most importantly my final reason why you shoudnt let your child play the computer for more than a hour a day. Because they can get over weight. Your @CAPS1 well only get up and go to the bathroom, and eat, they will only do stuff that is in the house. Your @CAPS1 will not go out side and play and they wont get no exerse at all. I hope you will understand where I am coming from I have a brother that is offering in the hospital right computer too much and it messed and the doctor said he make it not so I am praying that he well make it out alive so I hope you woudnt let you @CAPS1 do this it will mess up their life forever. Thank you so much for takeng you own @CAPS4 Time to read this article I hope you would remember this article for your whole ontire life.
Dear people that read the newspaper and that have @CAPS1 that like to play the computer all day more. Than an hour. I think you should take your time and read my article in this wonderful newspaper. I am writing this article about @CAPS1 using the computer more than an hour. My first reason about this computers issue is it makes than not pay attention in the school. To support that reason so you don't think I am making this up is that they play the computer a lot, and it makes the @CAPS1 just think about the computer and not think about school. They play it so much, and it can mess up the @CAPS1, and they can not focus on school. My second main reason is it makes them always want to talk about the computer. So if they play it mare than an hour like I said it can cause them to be addicted like drug's it is just like that if you don't want your @CAPS1 to be addicted to drugs I hope you Mount want your own @CAPS1 to be addicted to the computer. To continue about your @CAPS1 can always @CAPS2 about the computer it can make your @CAPS1 sound like they have no life because they play it all day everyday and I would hope you Mount want your @CAPS1 to be like this. Most importantly my final reason why you shout let your child play the computer for more than an hour a day. Because they can get over weight. Your @CAPS1 well only get up and go to the bathroom, and eat, they will only do stuff that is in the house. Your @CAPS1 will not go outside and play and they won't get no exercise at all. I hope you will understand where I am coming from I have a brother that is offering in the hospital right computer too much, and it messed, and the doctor said he makes it not, so I am praying that he will make it out alive, so I hope you Mount let you @CAPS1 does this it will mess up their life forever. Thank you so much for taken you own @CAPS4 Time to read this article I hope you would remember this article for your whole entire life.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 are many people who use computers this advanced technology we have. Lots of people life that we had computers they have lots of benefits that come with having computers. But not everyone agrees with this @CAPS2 are many people who don’t like that people use computers to much it takes away less time from enjoying nature, exerising, and interesting with family and friends. But I think on people with computer such as talking to people who you cant see, looking up information gives people something to do. One of the effects computers have on people is it allows you to talk to people you really dont see. I say this beacause not all your friends go to the same school so you dont see them as much. But they might have email, myspace, and facebook. Surf you cant online. It makes it easier to talk to them instad of driving so you can see them. I think that is @CAPS2 are activities you have to do or other activities, they need to do The second effect computers has on people it allows you to look up information. Think of it have you to do a project and you dont always have enough information on what it is to do it. But if your computer it gives lots of you can find information. I think that computer can help you in that way the endless sites of information and of better. Also the might be times go on a trip and know how much it cost and how long its going to take to set to you destination. Well if you look it upon the computer it will be all their for you to see also where else will you find this information you call to questions when consist go to the website. The third effect computers have on people are it gives you something to do. I say this because not all the time will you me to do something to do. Sometimes you will be bored something to do go on computer. The things you can do like play games. Also watch videos on youtube. For example you funny keeps you laughin add on the computer you watch videos. Another thing you can do is download music to your do you ever have line that think of not busy so do it now. See these @MONTH1 things you can go on the computer. To conclude I think that computers have lots of effects on people. These are about computer how people spend time on them. But I disagree is many good effects computers can have on people. I hope you agree with me. These are the three effects computers has on people allows you look up information, gives you something to do.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 are many people who use computers this advanced technology we have. Lots of people life that we had computers they have lots of benefits that come with having computers. But not everyone agrees with this @CAPS2 are many people who donut like that people use computers too much it takes away less time from enjoying nature, exercising, and interesting with family and friends. But I think on people with computer such as talking to people who you can't see, looking up information gives people something to do. One of the effects computers have on people is it allows you to talk to people you really don't see. I say this because not all your friends go to the same school so you don't see them as much. But they might have email, MySpace, and Facebook. Surf you can't online. It makes it easier to talk to them instead of driving, so you can see them. I think that is @CAPS2 are activities you have to do or other activities, they need to do The second effect computers has on people it allows you to look up information. Think of it have you to do a project and you don't always have enough information on what it is to do it. But if your computer it gives lots of you can find information. I think that computer can help you in that way the endless sites of information and of better. Also, the might be times go on a trip and know how much it cost and how long it's going to take to set to your destination. Well if you look it upon the computer it will be all their for you to see also where else will you find this information you call to questions when consist go to the website. The third effect computers have on people are it gives you something to do. I say this because not all the time will you me to do something to do. Sometimes you will be bored something to do go on computer. The things you can do like play games. Also watch videos on YouTube. For example, you funny keeps you laughing add on the computer you watch videos. Another thing you can do is download music to your do you ever have line that think of not busy so do it now. See these @MONTH1 things you can go on the computer. To conclude I think that computers have lots of effects on people. These are about computer how people spend time on them. But I disagree is many good effects computers can have on people. I hope you agree with me. These are the three effects computers has on people allow you look up information, gives you something to do.
Dear, Newspaper I am writing to persuade to put article in the paper about how computers have bad benefits on people. Computers make you unhealthy, bullying takes place on the computer, and it effects how you do in school. First, computers have bad effects on people because it makes you unhealthy. I say this because most people don't get enough exercise. Then you get obese from not having enoughb exercise. Eventually you @MONTH1 or @MONTH1 not get diabetes from being obese, but most of the time you do. The next reason why lcomputer have bad effects is because kids get bullied on the internet. This is important because when kids get bullied the feel bad about themselves. Then they all get very depressed. This is called cyber bullying. One example is, is that a guy came to our school to talk about his son. his son had killed himself from being bullied on the internent and at school. That is why bullying is an important issue and computers have bad effects on people. My third and final reason why computer have bad effects on people is that kids do bad in school. they do bad in school because they spend so much time on the computer that they stop doing their homework and stop preparing for tests and quizzes. Also kids get distracted in school because all they think or care about is going home and going on the computer. Kids also do bad in school because they eventually think that school is a waste of time and drop out. It is a proven fact that @PERCENT1 of kids that have dropped out of school was kids that were always on the computer and they said that school was a waste of time. Thats how a computers have on effect on school. Now remember, computers have bad effects on people because it makes people unhealthy. People gets bullied, and it has on effect on your schoolwork. That is how computers have bad effects on people.
Dear, Newspaper I am writing to persuade to put article in the paper about how computers have bad benefits on people. Computers make you unhealthy, bullying takes place on the computer, and it effects how you do in school. First, computers have bad effects on people because it makes you unhealthy. I say this because most people don't get enough exercise. Then you get obese from not having enough exercise. Eventually you @MONTH1 or @MONTH1 not get diabetes from being obese, but most of the time you do. The next reason why computer have bad effects is that kids get bullied on the internet. This is important because when kids get bullied the feel bad about themselves. Then they all get very depressed. This is called cyberbullying. One example is, is that a guy came to our school to talk about his son. His son had killed himself from being bullied on the Internet and at school. That is why bullying is an important issue and computers have bad effects on people. My third and final reason why computer have bad effects on people is that kids do bad in school. They do bad in school because they spend so much time on the computer that they stop doing their homework and stop preparing for tests and quizzes. Also kids get distracted in school because all they think or care about is going home and going on the computer. Kids also do bad in school because they eventually think that school is a waste of time and drop out. It is a proven fact that @PERCENT1 of kids that have dropped out of school was kids that were always on the computer, and they said that school was a waste of time. That's how a computer have on effect on school. Now remember, computers have bad effects on people because it makes people unhealthy. People gets bullied, and it has on effect on your schoolwork. That is how computers have bad effects on people.
Dear,newspaper I think that people should have computers I think that because kids play game to help them learn like math game or read and grown ups can go on websites and watch work out videos and they could pay there bills on the computer to and they dont have it in the store of kids need to do there homework computers are good for that buy thet also have bad stuff like kids say they are doing there homework but they are on youtube myspace or facebook. or other stuff but computers have more good stuff about them they bad things so that? Why I think we should have computers.
Dear, newspaper I think that people should have computers I think that because kids play game to help them learn like math game or read, and grown-ups can go on websites and watch work out videos, and they could pay there bills on the computer to and they don't have it in the store of kids need to do there homework computers are good for that buy the also have bad stuff like kids say they are doing there homework, but they are on YouTube MySpace or Facebook. Or other stuff, but computers have more good stuff about them, they bad things so that? Why I think we should have computers.
Dear local Newspaper, Some people say computers have negative affects on family and friend others say computers are an important aspect of society. I would have to agree with the second group of people. Computers help students research information that they @MONTH1 need for school. People can talk to there friends on things like facebook or @CAPS1 and you can write a rough draft on the computer save it then go back to it and make the final changes from a draft to a final. I will elaborate in the following three paragraphs. Computers are a quick and easy way to look up information for a school project or paper. I can understand people thinking that computers take away from family time but so would a book. A book would probably take up more time and you @MONTH1 get less information. For example the book could be about multiple people and you read the entire thing only to get two sentences of information. Another reason computer reasearch is quicker is that you can go from one page get some information and then once you have gotten all the information from that page but you still need more you can just click another link. If people didn't have computers they would have to go to the library and spend time looking them. Is it worth it to use all that time. People can talk to there friends on facebook or @CAPS1. Some people say computers distract you from friends when really they help you talk to your friends more. What if your on vacation and your so tired of seeing and talking to your family because you've been with them non stop for a week and you miss your friends. All you have to do id turn on the computer and then you have an intent link to them. Chat rooms also help you meet other people your age from the next town over on enywhere in the country. They @MONTH1 even became your new best friend. When you write a paper do you want to have to write it once then go back and write it @NUM1 more times? Theres a much simpler way it's called a computer. You can write your first draft then all you have to do inordre to get a final copy is reread it and make changes when they are nessecary. Computers also help kids spell better. All they have to do is hit a button.
Dear local Newspaper, Some people say computers have negative affects on family and friend others say computers are an important aspect of society. I would have to agree with the second group of people. Computers help students research information that they @MONTH1 need for school. People can talk to their friends on things like Facebook or @CAPS1 and you can write a rough draft on the computer save it then go back to it and make the final changes from a draft to a final. I will elaborate in the following three paragraphs. Computers are a quick and easy way to look up information for a school project or paper. I can understand people thinking that computers take away from family time but so would a book. A book would probably take up more time and you @MONTH1 get less information. For example the book could be about multiple people, and you read the entire thing only to get two sentences of information. Another reason computer research is quicker is that you can go from one-page get some information and then once you have gotten all the information from that page, but you still need more you can just click another link. If people didn't have computers they would have to go to the library and spend time looking them. Is it worth it to use all that time. People can talk to their friends on Facebook or @CAPS1. Some people say computers distract you from friends when really they help you talk to your friends more. What if you're on vacation and you're so tired of seeing and talking to your family because you've been with them non-stop for a week, and you miss your friends. All you have to do I'd turn on the computer, and then you have an intent link to them. Chat rooms also help you meet other people your age from the next town over on anywhere in the country. They @MONTH1 even became your new best friend. When you write a paper do you want to have to write it once then go back and write it @NUM1 more times? There's a much simpler way it's called a computer. You can write your first draft then all you have to do order to get a final copy is reread it and make changes when they are necessary. Computers also help kids spell better. All they have to do is hit a button.
Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 you turn there is technology. It's not going to change. Try a schedule. Encouragment helps a lot of people. Activities keep you mind off things read on to find our more. Scheduleing is important. Limit the time on the computer. For every half hour at least @NUM1 minutes outside or with friends. try to memorize the schedule. Encouragement helps me and alot of people! Try to encourage family and friends, The goverment is also trying to fight this. Encouragement helps. Activities can keep people off the computer. Try neighborhood activities. After-school activities for a while. All kinds of stuff is fun. Do you think scheduling helps? Do you like encouragement? Do activities keep you mind off things? then by far this stuff helps.
Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 you turn there is technology. It's not going to change. Try a schedule. Encouragement helps a lot of people. Activities keep you mind off things read on to find our more. Scheduling is important. Limit the time on the computer. For every half hour at least @NUM1 minutes outside or with friends. Try to memorize the schedule. Encouragement helps me and a lot of people! Try to encourage family and friends, The government is also trying to fight this. Encouragement helps. Activities can keep people off the computer. Try neighborhood activities. After-school activities for a while. All kinds of stuff are fun. Do you think scheduling helps? Do you like encouragement? activities keep you mind off things? Then by far this stuff helps.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you imagine a world where technology controls human interaction? Its not such a far fetched idea. Some people @MONTH1 see this as a great advancement. Not me. I think that computers detach people from reality, create false personas, and has no physical benefit. This is what i think the computers effects have on people. First of all, Computers detach people from reality. Its a lot easier for someone to sit on the computer, browsing aimlessly on some social networking website, than go out and actually meet new people. Sure you @CAPS2 send all the friend requests you want, but theres nothing that compares to a first impression that you get from meeting someone in person. The computer can also have an affect on family members and the time spent with them. Secondly, the computer creates false personas. If i had a facebook or @CAPS3 account, it would be very easy to say something false about myself, or someone else. The computer dosn't know better. This allows people to gain, "friendships" with others that dont know the real you. I find this as a real problem because eventually lead to shaky or unsteady relationshops. Lastly, I think that the computer offers no physical gain, This nation is in a severe heath crisis. With things easier to get now a days like fast food, and drugs, I don't think that computers help. People need discipline and theres a time and place for everything, including computers. However those that aren't disciplined might use them more than they need to and that isn't good. So @CAPS2 you imagine a world controlled by computers? I think that little by little, thats whats happening, slowly taking away the human element. I think the effects will be severe, detaching reality, creating false personas, and offering no physical gain. I don't think its right, but I hope I've persuaded you to think my way.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you imagine a world where technology controls human interaction? It's not such a far-fetched idea. Some people @MONTH1 sees this as a great advancement. Not me. I think that computers detach people from reality, create false personas, and has no physical benefit. This is what I think the computers effects have on people. First, Computers detach people from reality. It's a lot easier for someone to sit on the computer, browsing aimlessly on some social networking website, than go out and actually meet new people. Sure you @CAPS2 send all the friend requests you want, but there's nothing that compares to a first impression that you get from meeting someone in person. The computer can also have an effect on family members and the time spent with them. Secondly, the computer creates false personas. If I had a Facebook or @CAPS3 account, it would be very easy to say something false about myself, or someone else. The computer doesn't know better. This allows people to gain, "friendships" with others that don't know the real you. I find this as a real problem because eventually lead to shaky or unsteady relationships. Lastly, I think that the computer offers no physical gain, This nation is in a severe health crisis. With things easier to get nowadays like fast food, and drugs, I don't think that computers help. People need discipline and there's a time and place for everything, including computers. However, those that aren't disciplined might use them more than they need to and that isn't good. So @CAPS2 you imagine a world controlled by computers? I think that little by little, that's what's happening, slowly taking away the human element. I think the effects will be severe, detaching reality, creating false personas, and offering no physical gain. Furthermore, I don't think it's right, but I hope I've persuaded you to think my way.
Dear The @CAPS1, I understand that you have some concerns about computers. I don't think you should be concerned though. You should not be concerned because computers are very posotive. They teach us hand-eye coordination, help teach you about faraway places and people, and finally you can talk online with familly and friends. First, computers teach you hand-eye coordination. There are thousands of fun games online that can help improve your reflexes and eyesight. This can help heal or improve some people reflexes by making their eyes more keen. Another thing amazing about computers is that you can learn about far away places and people. This is very helpful because if you want to travel somewhere far away but you can't, you just go to your computer and look it up. Then you feal like you are really there. It can also help you study about people that live far away and that you won't get to meat in person. Finally when you go on your computer you can go online and talk with your family and friends. There are all types of websites you can go on to talk and hang out with with all of your friends and family. The computer is very helpful because it keeps your family and friends together and happy. In conclusion I think computers are a great, fun, and helpful invention. Remember these good characteristics that computers have and please don't take computers away; we need them.
Dear The @CAPS1, I understand that you have some concerns about computers. I don't think you should be concerned though. You should not be concerned because computers are very positive. They teach us hand-eye coordination, help teach you about faraway places and people, and finally you can talk online with family and friends. First, computers teach you hand-eye coordination. There are thousands of fun games online that can help improve your reflexes and eyesight. This can help heal or improve some people reflexes by making their eyes more keen. Another thing amazing about computers is that you can learn about far away places and people. This is very helpful because if you want to travel somewhere far away, but you can't, you just go to your computer and look it up. Then you deal like you are really there. It can also help you study about people that live far away and that you won't get to meat in person. Finally, when you go on your computer you can go online and talk with your family and friends. There are all types of websites you can go on to talk and hang out with all of your friends and family. The computer is very helpful because it keeps your family and friends together and happy. In conclusion, I think computers are a great, fun, and helpful invention. Remember these good characteristics that computers have, and please don't take computers away; we need them.
How @MONTH1 times do you use the computer in one day? A lot right? I think that computers definatly benefit society. The internet helps a lot of people, because its very conveniant computer give people. The computers also lets people talk online with other people. Computers help people because of the internet. The internet makes alot of peoples live easier. One way is for school. I know from my own experiences that the internet helps. If I dont have enough material to study, on the internet help. Another reason that the internet is helpful is for jobs. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of people the age of @NUM1 have jobs on the internet? The internet can also help people find jobs. The last reason that the internet is helpful is shopping, I remember a time when i needed a special book for school and no book store and no bookstore, my mum ordered it of fine, the internet is very helpul to many people. My that computers are beneficial to our society is that they people the ability to faraways places. many people cannot offerd to go to a lot of places outside the united state., With computers, people can team about there places and at of these places. Sometimes there is even a snow the experience of being there. Another reason that are using and want to learn more. Once, any family got to a wedding in @LOCATION1, but we didn't know much @LOCATION1. @CAPS1 we went online to find things like. The foods eaten there and what the weather is like. lastly people can learn about where their family corner form. If people know the place that their ancestors came from, but they look it up crime computers. They confind recipes for food, what relign they practice, and what holidays they celebrate. Obuously computer help people about faraway places. My last reason that computers are beneficial to or society is that they allow people to talk with other people. Sometimes, good friends who wants to together loss touch or if one friend, people can find online and take. Did you know that their are many sites that tell you where people you went to highschool with are? Also, there are sites like facebook where people can connect. Another reason is that, people can meet other people online. their are many dating sites such as, that connect people losing that internet. Did you know that @PERCENT2 of people on dating, sites set ? Sometimes people cannot call each other because its too long distance. Being able to chat onlinee a sites like google, chat or all is very helpul. Without a dubt, computer are very helpful. I think that computer help @CAPS1 many, people in our society. People use the internet to help them. People learn about other places and people ccan chat online. -@CAPS1, dont think body about computers, because they have impaced our society greatly!
How @MONTH1 times do you use the computer in one day? A lot of right? I think that computers defiantly benefit society. The internet helps a lot of people, because its very convenient computer give people. The computers also lets people talk online with other people. Computers help people because of the internet. The internet makes a lot of peoples live easier. One way is for school. I know from my own experiences that the internet helps. If I don't have enough material to study, on the internet help. Another reason that the internet is helpful is for jobs. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of people the age of @NUM1 have jobs on the internet? The internet can also help people find jobs. The last reason that the internet is helpful is shopping, I remember a time when I needed a special book for school and no book store and no bookstore, my mum ordered it of fine, the internet is very helpful to many people. My that computers are beneficial to our society is that they people the ability to faraway places. Many people cannot offer to go to a lot of places outside the United States., With computers, people can team about there places and at of these places. Sometimes there is even a snow the experience of being there. Another reason that are using and want to learn more. Once, any family got to a wedding in @LOCATION1, but we didn't know much @LOCATION1. @CAPS1 we went online to find things like. The foods eaten there and what the weather is like. Lastly people can learn about where their family corner form. If people know the place that their ancestors came from, but they look it up crime computers. They confined recipes for food, what reign they practice, and what holidays they celebrate. Obviously computer help people about faraway places. My last reason that computers are beneficial to or society is that they allow people to talk with other people. Sometimes, good friends who want loss touch or if one friend, people can find online and take. Did you know that there are many sites that tell you where people you went to high school with are? Also, there are sites like Facebook where people can connect. Another reason is that, people can meet other people online. there are many dating sites such as, that connect people losing that internet. Did you know that @PERCENT2 of people on dating, sites set ? Sometimes people cannot call each other because its too long distance. Being able to chat online a site like google, chat or all is very helpful. Without a debt, computer are very helpful. I think that computer help @CAPS1 many, people in our society. People use the internet to help them. People learn about other places and people can chat online. -@CAPS1, don't think body about computers, because they have impacted our society greatly!
Dear @PERSON1 weekly, The new millenium brought a new wave of technology. Computers is the main invention that most likely everyone uses. The computers teach us great things such as learning about a vacation spot or a far off country. The computer allows us to talk to friends or family while they are away or even home. Also, typing on the computer teaches us hand eye coordination that can help us with other things. The computer is surely a great invention. Have you ever wanted to go on vacation to somewhere overseas? Well the computer is a great source for learning about these places. The effects it has could be significant. One day some one might want to go to the bahamas, but then finds a new location such as @LOCATION1 or even @LOCATION3. In addition the computer benefits students very well. Students usually have to do projects on places in the world and the computer is the main source of intelligence. When I have an essay to do I always use the computer first. Recently my grandmother moved down to @LOCATION2 and I can only talk to her on the phone. Although on my computer I can actually see her on my screen. The webcam allows me to see me grandma. The computer allows you to keep in touch with friends and family that you do not see on a regular bases. For example @CAPS1 or twitter keeps you in touch with friends from high school. The computer can also send emails to friends and family so you can say hello every once in a while. Sports require a great deal of hand eye coordination. The computer makes you better at this. By looking at the screen while typing, gives you a boost on your hand-eye coordination because you are doing two things at once. A sport that requires a lot of this is @CAPS2. While the ball is in the air you must focus on it while holding your stick at the correct position. Although hand-eye coordination is mainly taught through the powers of the computer. To conclude, all that I would like to say is that the computer is a great source for intellegence. It also allows you to keep in touch with high school friends and far away family. Finally, the computer teaches you hand-eye coordination. The computer is a very important piece of technology.
Dear @PERSON1 weekly, The new millennium brought a new wave of technology. Computers is the main invention that most likely everyone uses. The computers teach us great things such as learning about a vacation spot or a far off country. The computer allows us to talk to friends or family while they are away or even home. Also, typing on the computer teaches us hand eye coordination that can help us with other things. The computer is surely a great invention. Have you ever wanted to go on vacation to somewhere overseas? Well the computer is a great source for learning about these places. The effects it has could be significant. One day someone might want to go to the Bahamas, but then finds a new location such as @LOCATION1 or even @LOCATION3. In addition, the computer benefits students very well. Students usually have to do projects on places in the world and the computer is the main source of intelligence. When I have an essay to do I always use the computer first. Recently my grandmother moved down to @LOCATION2 and I can only talk to her on the phone. Although on my computer I can actually see her on my screen. The webcam allows me to see me grandma. The computer allows you to keep in touch with friends and family that you do not see on a regular basis. For example @CAPS1 or twitter keeps you in touch with friends from high school. The computer can also send emails to friends and family, so you can say hello every once in a while. Sports require a great deal of hand eye coordination. The computer makes you better at this. By looking at the screen while typing, gives you a boost on your hand-eye coordination because you are doing two things at once. A sport that requires a lot of this is @CAPS2. While the ball is in the air you must focus on it while holding your stick at the correct position. Although hand-eye coordination is mainly taught through the powers of the computer. To conclude, all that I would like to say is that the computer is a great source for intelligence. It also allows you to keep in touch with high school friends and far away family. Finally, the computer teaches you hand-eye coordination. The computer is a very important piece of technology.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you want our society to becaome one of obese, lazy with no appreciation for family or friends? @CAPS2 you want people to lock a respect for nature? This is the result of excessive of computer usage our society will become lazy, and dependent upon robot slaves and loose, brain washed. People will not be caring for family or friends. Most importantly, our society will have no appreciacion or respect for mother nature. Is this the way you wish our world to be? Have you ever read @CAPS3 @NUM1? In the book, the government uses technology to brainwash people and then manipulate them. If our society, like the one in the book, becomes over dependent on computers and technology, then we will collapse from the inside going from a respected world power, to a third world country in. We will need to redesign buildings to have doors big enough for our bodies to fit through. We will not be a respected nation anymore. There will be charities in other countries to send money to build gyms and pools, but nobody will use they. Recent research from @ORGANIZATION1 says that @PERCENT1 of people who spend more than an hour and a half on their computer every day are over @NUM2 pounds. People won't remember how to talk. Babies will learn to type instead of talking or walking. Is this good for our country? People say that the best thing you could ever have is a supportive family and a group of good friends. According to @PERSON1, a well known psychologist, "People who have more friends have a @PERCENT2 reduced risk of depression." Friends actually affect you health. People who use the computer too much lose friends and became separated from their families. The mental health effects from this can be horrible, and people sadly will miss out on all the positive parts of life. It's important that people are happy, but if you onlr communicate through e-mail and social networking sites, you aren't social enbough. It is one thing to chat online, but it is better to be able to see someone face to face than a picture on screen. Nobody wants to end up like this, so limit oyur computer usage. With too much computer usage comes a lack of respect for nature, People used to care nature for many reasons, but the biggest is that it affects us everyday, in everything we @CAPS2 and own. Everything has a base in nature, even ourselves. The weather outside even on a beautiful @DATE1 day, can be deadly if we don't pay attention to what is going on outside of our safe house. We depend on nature but if we don't respect her, she will kill us. Anything is good in moderation, even a computer. But when we don't limit ourselves, it has bad consequences. We will no longer have a respected society. Our family and friends will dissapear, causing health problems. Worst of all, we will lose all expectation and respect for mother nature. The time to start limiting computer usage is now, or we will have many great problems.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you want our society to became one of obese, lazy with no appreciation for family or friends? @CAPS2 you want people to lock a respect for nature? This is the result of excessive of computer usage our society will become lazy, and dependent upon robot slaves and loose, brainwashed. People will not be caring for family or friends. Most importantly, our society will have no appreciation or respect for mother nature. Is this the way you wish our world to be? Have you ever read @CAPS3 @NUM1? In the book, the government uses technology to brainwash people and then manipulate them. If our society, like the one in the book, becomes overdependent on computers and technology, then we will collapse from the inside going from a respected world power, to a Third World country in. We will need to redesign buildings to have doors big enough for our bodies to fit through. We will not be a respected nation anymore. There will be charities in other countries to send money to build gyms and pools, but nobody will use them. Recent research from @ORGANIZATION1 says that @PERCENT1 of people who spend more than an hour and a half on their computer every day are over @NUM2 pounds. People won't remember how to talk. Babies will learn to type instead of talking or walking. Is this good for our country? People say that the best thing you could ever have is a supportive family and a group of good friends. According to @PERSON1, a well known psychologist, "People who have more friends have a @PERCENT2 reduced risk of depression." Friends actually affect you health. People who use the computer too much lose friends and became separated from their families. The mental health effects from this can be horrible, and people sadly will miss out on all the positive parts of life. It's important that people are happy, but if you only communicate through e-mail and social networking sites, you aren't social enough. It is one thing to chat online, but it is better to be able to see someone face to face than a picture on screen. Nobody wants to end up like this, so limit your computer usage. With too much computer usage comes a lack of respect for nature, People used to care nature for many reasons, but the biggest is that it affects us every day, in everything we @CAPS2 and own. Everything has a base in nature, even ourselves. The weather outside even on a beautiful @DATE1 day, can be deadly if we don't pay attention to what is going on outside our safe house. We depend on nature but if we don't respect her, she will kill us. Anything is good in moderation, even a computer. But when we don't limit ourselves, it has bad consequences. We will no longer have a respected society. Our family and friends will disappear, causing health problems. Worst of all, we will lose all expectation and respect for mother nature. The time to start limiting computer usage is now, or we will have many great problems.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 idea about "Computers" is very well thought outside of the box.Well. We sure need computer to look up information these days. Why do we need them now and it dident existed before? Reseach shows over @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 says computer is everything. Let me explain a little bit further to you what I mean. First, you can look up places, chat with friends and family. @CAPS1 oppinion about using the local internet would be that it's good only for those who knows and not trying to be mean. For little world neve should get to bed at least @NUM1 pm, and never to forget about nature outside of fresh air. In conclusion, internet these days are very good for people.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 idea about "Computers" is very well thought outside the box. Well. We sure need computer to look up information these days. Why do we need them now and it didn't existed before? Research shows over @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 says computer is everything. Let me explain a little bit further to you what I mean. First, you can look up places, chat with friends and family. @CAPS1 opinion about using the local internet would be that it's good only for those who knows and not trying to be mean. For little world névé should get to bed at least @NUM1 pm, and never to forget about nature outside fresh air. In conclusion, internet these days are very good for people.
I think the use of computers is very good things in the present day @LOCATION2. I think this because people use it to research, stay in touch with friends and family, and music. These are all things adults and kids need a like to do. read on and I will explain why this is so important. My first reason why I think computers are good thing is because the are a good source to do research on a specific topic. Kids all over the @LOCATION1 use the internet to do class projects. Adults can use the computer to look up a certain food resipe. If you need help with something the computer is allways there. Some people even use the computer for a job. Computers can help with a lot of things. Another reason why computers are a big help because you can stay in touch with friends and family. A great thing to use on a computer is a web cam. With this you can see and talk to people on a lillte camray even if they are far away. You can also go on myspace of face book. Theare two websites that are used to post pictures and to talk to chosen friend. It is a good way for people to get to know you. A similar thing to this is instant messaging. You can use this to talk to friends and many on line. Don't stop reading there is more thing! My last reason why computer are sutch a great thing to have is because you can do do mutch with music on the computer. You can use the computer to listen to music, and put music on to and ipod or @NUM1 player. Some people use the computer to make music. You can get a progrem that you can make heats and put it together to make some kind of a song. music is a great thing that all age groups love. That is why I think haveing a computer is a very positive thing. You can do researching, say in touch with friends and family, and do a lot with music. There is so mutch more then thease @NUM2 thing that a computer is good for. I don't think the world would be the same without computers.
I think the use of computers is very good things in the present day @LOCATION2. I think this because people use it to research, stay in touch with friends and family, and music. These are all things adults and kids need a like to do. Read on, and I will explain why this is so important. My first reason why I think computers are good thing is because they are a good source to do research on a specific topic. Kids all over the @LOCATION1 use the internet to do class projects. Adults can use the computer to look up a certain food reside. If you need help with something the computer is always there. Some people even use the computer for a job. Computers can help with a lot of things. Another reason why computers are a big help because you can stay in touch with friends and family. A great thing to use on a computer is a webcam. With this you can see and talk to people on a Lille Camry even if they are far away. You can also go on MySpace of face book. There two websites that are used to post pictures and to talk to chosen friend. It is a good way for people to get to know you. A similar thing to this is instant messaging. You can use this to talk to friends and many online. Don't stop reading there is more thing! My last reason why computer are such a great thing to have is because you can do much with music on the computer. You can use the computer to listen to music, and put music on to and iPod or @NUM1 player. Some people use the computer to make music. You can get a program that you can make heats and put it together to make some kind of song. Music is a great thing that all age groups love. That is why I think having a computer is a very positive thing. You can do researching, say in touch with friends and family, and do a lot with music. There is so much more than these @NUM2 thing that a computer is good for. I don't think the world would be the same without computers.
Dear newspaper, I know that computers can place a person in its spell, but in reality it's one of the most necesary things we need in our lifetime. Computers are used for many things like school work, planning that trip you always wanted to go to, and reading the latest news. Read the following to know just how important computers really are. You know now when you have that project due for science class about protoplasms. You want to do as you can so you have that at. When you realize that the one book you find on it wont help you with the score you want you realize that the nextplace to look is the computer. The computer gives you an unlimited amount of information that will help you in any report. When a teacher gives you a book to do a biography on, for example, "The life and times: @PERSON1" You want to go beyond what they give you and search, for instances, his neighborhood, his inspiration, and the influences he had. You will find all this in the computer. When you see a sale on a "five nights and four days" trip to @ORGANIZATION1, you want to know what better sale they have. When you start to notice that your family needs a vacation what is the only place to look. You can'@CAPS3 look for that trip of a lifetime in a book. Sure you can find out that @CAPS1 is having that big blowout sale, but you cant search up the best deal. I've done a research with seven of my friends and that six of those seven parents have deal on a trip to @ORGANIZATION1 on their accounts. If you're a great fan of road trips you'll find a deal or @CAPS2's for the lowest only find out by computer. If you live in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION4 and you want to have a trip to the @LOCATION1 this deal is really good. If you live in the @LOCATION2 and you know the hottest day in the @DATE1 is coming you will be ready to get those beach balls and that blanket ready, but if you think computers are a waste of time then you wont know that all the beaches open and will be sending free drinks all day. You will be at home eating a @CAPS3.V. watching old reruns of The @CAPS4 @CAPS5. Not only will it tell you news in your erea, but will tell you about that devastating earthquake in @LOCATION5. You'll also be informed about what people are doing to help them and what you can do to help. So not only is the computer good for going on @CAPS6 and @CAPS7, you can help get your grade to an A+ on that history report. It also works well for giving your children a memory they will always remember. They also help you to get ready and not be stock in your house on that nice day in @DATE1. Maybe if you find that great deal or help your kid get a better grade then you will realize how good the computer is.
Dear newspaper, I know that computers can place a person in its spell, but in reality it's one of the most necessary things we need in our lifetime. Computers are used for many things like school work, planning that trip you always wanted to go to, and reading the latest news. Read the following to know just how important computers really are. You know now when you have that project due for science class about protoplasm. You want to do as you can, so you have that at. When you realize that the one book you find on it won't help you with the score you want you realize that the next place to look is the computer. The computer gives you an unlimited amount of information that will help you in any report. When a teacher gives you a book to do a biography on, for example, "The life and times: @PERSON1" You want to go beyond what they give you and search, for instances, his neighborhood, his inspiration, and the influences he had. You will find all this in the computer. When you see a sale on a "five nights and four days" trip to @ORGANIZATION1, you want to know what better sale they have. When you start to notice that your family needs a vacation what is the only place to look. You can'@CAPS3 look for that trip of a lifetime in a book. Sure you can find out that @CAPS1 is having that big blowout sale, but you can't search up the best deal. I've done research with seven of my friends and that six of those seven parents have deal on a trip to @ORGANIZATION1 on their accounts. If you're a great fan of road trips you'll find a deal or @CAPS2's for the lowest only find out by computer. If you live in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION4 and you want to have a trip to the @LOCATION1 this deal is perfect. you live in the @LOCATION2 and you know the hottest day in the @DATE1 is coming you will be ready to get those beach balls and that blanket ready, but if you think computers are a waste of time then you won't know that all the beaches open and will be sending free drinks all day. You will be at home eating a @CAPS3. V. watching old reruns of The @CAPS4 @CAPS5. Not only will it tell you news in your EREA, but will tell you about that devastating earthquake in @LOCATION5. You'll also be informed about what people are doing to help them and what you can do to help. So not only is the computer good for going on @CAPS6 and @CAPS7, you can help get your grade to an A+ on that history report. It also works well for giving your children a memory they will always remember. They also help you to get ready and not be stock in your house on that nice day in @DATE1. Maybe if you find that great deal or help your kid get a better grade then you will realize how good the computer is.
Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 show that @PERCENT1 of humans in the @LOCATION2 alone spend most of their time on a computer or laptop. I believe that the effect of computers has a negative effect on humans because it creates people to have a lack in exercise and it limits the physical interaction with others. As a nation, we can lower the statistic above and create a better environment altogether. The amount of people that lack a sufficient quantity of exercise has risen in the past decade. Doctor @PERSON1, who is expert in the connections between health and computers, surveyed @NUM1 people. Out of those people, @PERCENT2 said they rarely go outside because theu are trapped in the cyber world. This shocking percent proves that only one in twenty people actually get some tyoe of exercise. @PERSON2 stated, "this shocking @CAPS2 means that most -if not all- all people are unhealthy physically, which is a problem that must be solved." @CAPS3 goes on to say that being on a computer for most of the day and not exercising is what contributes ti unhealthiness. In addition to lacking exercise, many humans are losing the physical interaction that they should have. As humans have become, modernized with technology, most humans lose the physical interaction that they world normally have encountered if they we not on the computer. @PERSON3 agreed with this statement and said, " I am a college greaduate; I have a degree and all, but I wasn't always like this. When I was younger, I owned a computer. As soon as I got home from school, I would always go on the computer. I wouldn't talk to anyone-not even my family! If I could go back and change that, I would." This statement proves that the lack of physical interaction with human is a crucial subject to touch on. @PERSON3 regreted it all and changed his ways once @CAPS3 got to high school. No one wants to live with regrets, so physical human interactions are necessary to live a non-regretful life. the lack of human interaction and lack of exercise are problems that need to be solved as soon as possible. In conclusion, using computers has started a growing epidemin in the @LOCATION1. The most important reasons as to why computers have anegative effect on humans are it limits the amount of exercise, and it almost destroys the physical interactions between humans. Thank you for your attention, and remeber one thing: Computers can always have a negative effect on many humans lives.
Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 shows that @PERCENT1 of humans in the @LOCATION2 alone spend most of their time on a computer or laptop. I believe that the effect of computers has a negative effect on humans because it creates people to have a lack in exercise, and it limits the physical interaction with others. As a nation, we can lower the statistic above and create a better environment altogether. The amount of people that lack a sufficient quantity of exercise has risen in the past decade. Doctor @PERSON1, who is expert in the connections between health and computers, surveyed @NUM1 people. Out of those people, @PERCENT2 said they rarely go outside because the are trapped in the cyber world. This shocking percent proves that only one in twenty people actually get some type of exercise. @PERSON2 stated, "this shocking @CAPS2 means that most -if not all-all people are unhealthy physically, which is a problem that must be solved." @CAPS3 goes on to say that being on a computer for most of the day and not exercising is what contributes ti unhealthiness. In addition to lacking exercise, many humans are losing the physical interaction that they should have. As humans have become, modernized with technology, most humans lose the physical interaction that they world normally have encountered if they we not on the computer. @PERSON3 agreed with this statement and said," I am a college graduate; I have a degree and all, but I wasn't always like this. When I was younger, I owned a computer. As soon as I got home from school, I would always go on the computer. I wouldn't talk to anyone-not even my family! If I could go back and change that, I would." This statement proves that the lack of physical interaction with human is a crucial subject to touch on. @PERSON3 regretted it all and changed his ways once @CAPS3 got to high school. No one wants to live with regrets, so physical human interactions are necessary to live a non-regretful life. The lack of human interaction and lack of exercise are problems that need to be solved as soon as possible. In conclusion, using computers has started a growing epidemic in the @LOCATION1. The most important reasons as to why computers have negative effect on humans are it limits the amount of exercise, and it almost destroys the physical interactions between humans. Thank you for your attention, and remember one thing: Computers can always have a negative effect on many humans lives.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1, click, clack that the sound @ORGANIZATION2 computer keys being hit right now. Computers are everywhere these days, even in the poorest places like @LOCATION3. In @LOCATION2. Dreadful, humble, time conservative computers are taking away the meaning and enjoyments @ORGANIZATION2 life that are offered to us. Computers are our sourse @CAPS5 infromation, and time @CAPS5 liesure these days, but we are fogetting that there is a life away from them as well such as having family time, and taking walks in the beautiful, nature. To much use @ORGANIZATION2 a computer is leading to aweful health. Computers can cause many fatal problems such as seeing and vision problems, and obisity, due to the fact that you sit all day and @CAPS2't work out. Computers are like mind, and body eaters the slowly take away from you and let you cry, and weap @CAPS5 the rest @ORGANIZATION2 your life, @CAPS2't you agree? Do you know the @ORGANIZATION2 says that the second biggest leading cause @ORGANIZATION2 obisity is computer? Yes that is true! I have experinced problem. While growing up. When I was @NUM1 I was adictied to the computer. Day and night my eyes were guled to the computer screen. I had nothing on my mind except @CAPS5 computer, my mom got mad at me and yelled at me to get away from it, but I didn't. Slowly, slowly I started to put on heavy, awful faton myself, and later I found out I was over weight @CAPS5 my age. To this day I have not lost the weight I put on from using the computer, and I am sure others are to. Obesity just doesn't happen from eating to much. It also happens from not doing any cardio activities, which the computer stps us from doing. So basically the computer is unhealth. As said by @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION2 people from the state @ORGANIZATION2 @LOCATION1. Time consuming computers, are taking away family time from many family these days. Do you know that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION2 families aren't getting to spend the time with each other as the wish, reason being computers? Kids are on the computer playing games, moms finding a resipe online to make @CAPS5 dinner, and dad is buying another stock online. Yes that happens a lot, insded @ORGANIZATION2 doing those things they could be doing something else, but no computer work is more important. My family used to spend a lot @ORGANIZATION2 time together, but because @ORGANIZATION2 the computer I never get to do anything with my family now. Do you know the time health @ORGANIZATION2 @ORGANIZATION2 say kids who spend time with their family are bound to become more better parents than who @CAPS2't spend time with family. I bet you are a really good family man/women and spend time with please take these computers away and make families come together once again. @LOCATION1 has the most beautiful nature ever, the birds, the animals, the @DATE1 times and the fall time. If anyone ever wants to see nature they should come to @LOCATION1, but the sad thing is that the people @ORGANIZATION2 @LOCATION1 aren't appriating nature themselves because they are do busy with things such as computers. I know one time we went to a comp out, and we were ready @CAPS5 nature and this boy brings his computer, and wouldn't you know it the whole got people forgot about nature and played with the boys computer. So many people missed out on the nature and the beautiful animals seen one the such as yellow @CAPS3 through that time was amazing and it is very unfortunet that many people missed out on that event. People these days are once again not apricating nature, which one day they will regret, because @ORGANIZATION2 the fact the one day you @MONTH1 not be around to enjoy this got given @CAPS2't let the computer tell you what to do lets be the boss and @CAPS5 ourself. It is now or never the decision is in your hand, make the right decision and say no to computers. Go out their enjoy nature, spend time with you family, and get healthy. Be the smart, and well educated people. (I know you are) and tell the world to not getting told by the computer @ORGANIZATION2 what you can, and cant do, be the boss control. Yes computers are fun, giving, but is bad. Say no to computers if you @CAPS2't you will regret it.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1, click, clack that the sound @ORGANIZATION2 computer keys being hit right now. Computers are everywhere these days, even in the poorest places like @LOCATION3. In @LOCATION2. Dreadful, humble, time conservative computers are taking away the meaning and enjoyments @ORGANIZATION2 life that are offered to us. Computers are our course @CAPS5 information, and time @CAPS5 leisure these days, but we are forgetting that there is a life away from them as well such as having family time, and taking walks in the beautiful, nature. Too much use @ORGANIZATION2 a computer is leading to awful health. Computers can cause many fatal problems such as seeing and vision problems, and obesity, due to the fact that you sit all day and @CAPS2't work out. Computers are like mind, and body eaters they slowly take away from you and let you cry, and wear @CAPS5 the rest @ORGANIZATION2 your life, @CAPS2't you agree? Do you know the @ORGANIZATION2 says that the second-biggest leading cause @ORGANIZATION2 obesity is computer? Yes that is true! I have experienced problem. While growing up. When I was @NUM1 I was addicted to the computer. Day and night my eyes were ruled to the computer screen. I had nothing on my mind except @CAPS5 computer, my mom got mad at me and yelled at me to get away from it, but I didn't. Slowly, slowly I started to put on heavy, awful photon myself, and later I found out I was over weight @CAPS5 my age. To this day I have not lost the weight I put on from using the computer, and I am sure others are to. Obesity just doesn't happen from eating too much. It also happens from not doing any cardio activities, which the computer steps us from doing. So basically the computer is unhealthy. As said by @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION2 people from the state @ORGANIZATION2 @LOCATION1. Time-consuming computers, are taking away family time from many family these days. Do you know that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION2 families aren't getting to spend the time with each other as the wish, reason being computers? Kids are on the computer playing games, moms finding a reside online to make @CAPS5 dinner, and dad is buying another stock online. Yes that happens a lot, ended @ORGANIZATION2 doing those things they could be doing something else, but no computer work is more important. My family used to spend a lot @ORGANIZATION2 time together, but because @ORGANIZATION2 the computer I never get to do anything with my family now. Do you know the time health @ORGANIZATION2 say kids who spend time with their family are bound to become better parents than who @CAPS2't spend time with family? I bet you are a perfect family man/women and spend time with please take these computers away and make families come together once again. @LOCATION1 has the most beautiful nature ever, the birds, the animals, the @DATE1 times and the fall time. If anyone ever wants to see nature they should come to @LOCATION1, but the sad thing is that the people @ORGANIZATION2 @LOCATION1 aren't appointing nature themselves because they are busy with things such as computers. I know one time we went to a comp out, and we were ready @CAPS5 nature and this boy brings his computer, and wouldn't you know it the whole got people forgot about nature and played with the boys' computer. So many people missed out on the nature and the beautiful animals seen one the such as yellow @CAPS3 through that time was amazing, and it is very unfortunate that many people missed out on that event. People these days are once again not fabricating nature, which one day they will regret, because @ORGANIZATION2 the fact the one day you @MONTH1 not be around to enjoy this got given @CAPS2't let the computer tell you what to do lets be the boss and @CAPS5 ourselves. It is now or never the decision is in your hand, make the right decision and say no to computers. Go out their enjoy nature, spend time with you family, and get healthy. Be the smart, and well-educated people. (I know you are) and tell the world to not getting told by the computer @ORGANIZATION2 what you can, and cant do, be the boss control. Yes computers are fun, giving, but is bad. Say no to computers if you @CAPS2't you will regret it.
Dear Readers of @LOCATION1 @CAPS1 has been borught to my attention that there is dilema on the effect of computers on people. Well I believe that having computers around are good because. Computers help students do there school work better. They also give the ability to learn about far away places. Lastly, computers allow people to talk to othe people online or webcam. My first reason I believe computers are good to have around is. They help students do there school work. Sometimes teachers give assignments out and you have to write an essay. @CAPS2 the student does @CAPS1 on a computer they might get a higher grade because @CAPS1 looks neater and more proffestional. Computers especially help out college students. A college university took poll one time. @PERCENT1 of student wouldn't know what to do @CAPS2 they didn't have there computer or laptop. One student even said "@CAPS2 I didn't have my laptop I would probably fail most of my classes." Computers can be very helpful when @CAPS1 comes to student school work. My second reason that I believe computers are good to have around is. They give the ability to learn about far away places or other coutries. I took a poll one time of how many people use a computer to find out whats going on in other countries, @PERCENT2 of them said they go on the computer to find out what's going on in another countries. Computers can be very handy when you want to know whats going on in other countries. My last reason why computers are good to have around is. Say you married and you are pregnant unless your guy of course, but your spouse is in @LOCATION2 and you couldn't them. Well computers these days have webcams. So now @CAPS2 you really need to talk to him or her you can by using webcam. So readers of the @LOCATION1 @ORGANIZATION1. Can you see now why I believe that having computers around is good. @CAPS1 helps students do there school work. @CAPS1 gives the ability to learn about far away places and countries. @CAPS1 also gives the change to talk to people with webcams.
Dear Readers of @LOCATION1 @CAPS1 have been brought to my attention that there is dilemma on the effect of computers on people. Well I believe that having computers around are good because. Computers help students do there school work better. They also give the ability to learn about far away places. Lastly, computers allow people to talk to the people online or webcam. My first reason I believe computers are good to have around is. They help students do there school work. Sometimes teachers give assignments out and you have to write an essay. @CAPS2 the student does @CAPS1 on a computer they might get a higher grade because @CAPS1 looks neater and more professional. Computers especially help out college students. A college university took poll one time. @PERCENT1 of student wouldn't know what to do @CAPS2 they didn't have there computer or laptop. One student even said "@CAPS2 I didn't have my laptop I would probably fail most of my classes." Computers can be very helpful when @CAPS1 comes to student school work. My second reason that I believe computers are good to have around is. They give the ability to learn about far away places or other countries. I took a poll one time of how many people use a computer to find out what's going on in other countries, @PERCENT2 of them said they go on the computer to find out what's going on in another countries. Computers can be very handy when you want to know what's going on in other countries. My last reason why computers are good to have around is. Say you married, and you are pregnant unless your guy of course, but your spouse is in @LOCATION2 and you . Well computers these days have webcams. So now @CAPS2 you really need to talk to him or her you can by using webcam. So readers of the @LOCATION1 @ORGANIZATION1. Can you see now why I believe that having computers around is good? @CAPS1 helps students do there school work. @CAPS1 gives the ability to learn about far away places and countries. also gives the change to talk to people with webcams.