Computers and modern technology are advancing quickly, and more and more people are beginning to use them. Some people say that computers are a bad influence on @LOCATION1. I think other wise. I think computers are an amazing breakthrough in modern science. I believe computers are ideal for school work and comunicating with others, as long as they are used in moderation. Computers make school projects so simple I don't know if we could do without. Our social studies teacher @PERSON1 says that @PERCENT1 of his projects involve something on the computer. The internet is a great place to research for big papers and projects. With over thirty-million educational and informational websites, its easy to locate what you need quickly and easily. Once you have finished researching it is easy to type your report. If it isn't a written report, then there are many other programs for fancy presentations. Take microsoft @CAPS1 for example: you can make exotic background and texts, as well as unique animations to emphasize or to make it pop right off the page. Computers are also an ideal way to communicate with friends and family. Emailing is quick and easy to tell others what you want to say. If you want to chat, then you can use @CAPS2 or instant messaging. This allows you to type and sent emails faster. Both of these programs are an inivative way to talk with a family member that isn't home. Like lets say my dad goes on business to @LOCATION2. We can email back and forth every day. And now with @ORGANIZATION1 (a video chat) you can see the person and actually talk to them like they're back at home. Computers have their advantages but they also have disadvantages. Computers are great for communicating and school work, but when used in excess can be unhealthy. Here is one example: my older brother @PERSON2 is a senior in high school. He is in school from @NUM1 to @NUM2:pm and as he gets home he heads straight for his computer. He is on there for at least five hours a night and that leaves time for dinner and not much of anything else including sleep. I think that computers are a great invation in modern technology as long as people limit themselves. Computers are coming out with new features everyday and who know theyll be like...
Computers and modern technology are advancing quickly, and more and more people are beginning to use them. Some people say that computers are a bad influence on @LOCATION1. I think otherwise. I think computers are an amazing breakthrough in modern science. Furthermore, I believe computers are ideal for school work and communicating with others, as long as they are used in moderation. Computers make school projects so simple I don't know if we could do without. Our social studies teacher @PERSON1 says that @PERCENT1 of his projects involve something on the computer. The internet is a great place to research for big papers and projects. With over thirty-million educational and informational websites, It's easy to locate what you need quickly and easily. Once you have finished researching it is easy to type your report. If it isn't a written report, then there are many other programs for fancy presentations. Take Microsoft @CAPS1 for example: you can make exotic background and texts, as well as unique animations to emphasize or to make it pop right off the page. Computers are also an ideal way to communicate with friends and family. Emailing is quick and easy to tell others what you want to say. If you want to chat, then you can use @CAPS2 or instant messaging. This allows you to type and sent emails faster. Both of these programs are an initiative way to talk with a family member that isn't home. Like lets say my dad goes on business to @LOCATION2. We can email back and forth every day. And now with @ORGANIZATION1 (a video chat) you can see the person and actually talk to them like they're back at home. Computers have their advantages but they also have disadvantages. Computers are great for communicating and school work, but when used in excess can be unhealthy. Here is one example: my older brother @PERSON2 is a senior in high school. He is in school from @NUM1 to @NUM2:pm and as he gets home he heads straight for his computer. He is on there for at least five hours a night and that leaves time for dinner and not much of anything else including sleep. I think that computers are a great invasion in modern technology as long as people limit themselves. Computers are coming out with new features every day and who know they'll be like...
I completely agree with those people who think computers have a negative effect on us today. Even though computers are great they do have many negative effects on people who use them. Since. new technology, and post pictures on websites where everyone can see. Also they have games for computers that people get hooked on. Lastly, there are predator online. The new technology is amazing, like webcams where you can video chat or cellphones where you could take pictures, @CAPS1 they do have negative effects. There have been many suicides over cyber bullying. This is where people bully kids over the internet. Also some people send naked pictures online or even while webcamming. this is illegal and absurd that young or even older people would be doing these actions. Also there are websites where people can post these pictures of you that are very personal and make a huge difference in you life. There are many people who have games for their computer or download games off of websites. Most people actually get addicted to the game, They would play it all day if they could and if they arent playing they are wishing they could. This makes them miss out on alot of things. They might not get enough excersise or not do any homework which will make you grades drop. They could also not be spending time with family. It also might change who you are as a person. The most important thing about the use of computers is your safety. There are predator all over the internet and can pretend they are someone from school and ask where you live. You should never tell anyone where you live or your full name online. They can and most likely will come to your house for you. It could most likely cost you or even family members your lives. Computers can be fun and you can learn an abundant amount of information but as long as you smart about using it. Remember not to tell anyone where you live or dont take pictures and send them that are personal. They could be all over the internet the next day. Lastly, worry about your family, grades, and health than some useless game. Be smart and safe!
I completely agree with those people who think computers have a negative effect on us today. Even though computers are great they do have many negative effects on people who use them. Since. New technology, and post pictures on websites where everyone can see. Also, they have games for computers that people get hooked on. Lastly, there are predators online. The new technology is amazing, like webcams where you can video chat or cellphones where you could take pictures, @CAPS1 they do have negative effects. There have been many suicides over cyberbullying. This is where people bully kids over the internet. Also, some people send naked pictures online or even while webcasting. This is illegal and absurd that young or even older people would be doing these actions. Also, there are websites where people can post these pictures of you that are very personal and make a huge difference in you life. There are many people who have games for their computer or download games off of websites. Most people actually get addicted to the game, They would play it all day if they could and if they aren't playing they are wishing they could. This makes them miss out on a lot of things. They might not get enough exercise or not do any homework which will make you grades drop. They could also not be spending time with family. It also might change who you are as a person. The most important thing about the use of computers is your safety. There are predator all over the internet and can pretend they are someone from school and ask where you live. You should never tell anyone where you live or your full name online. They can and most likely will come to your house for you. It could most likely cost you or even family members your lives. Computers can be fun, and you can learn an abundant amount of information but as long as you smart about using it. Remember not to tell anyone where you live or don't take pictures and send them that are personal. They could be all over the internet the next day. Lastly, worry about your family, grades, and health than some useless game. Be smart and safe!
Dear Newspaper, I think people need computers. It helps them see the world if they can't. It can be used to send important messages to people that are farther away from you. Also if someone has a parent or loved one far away they can see each other through the computer. So here is examples of these three things. Some people can't physically or mentally and can't afford to travel. Its sad how some people are so sick with a disease or illness that they can't go places. But if they go on the internet they can look up pictures and information of places they've never been to which can help them see the world better. But there are people who can help them see the world better. But there are people who have fears which prevent them from travelling to different places. So thet could go to the internet and find ways to help them get over their fears. Which in turn will allow them to get over their fears and let them travel to places. Then there are people who can't afford it. So the internet can help find a good job that pays good money which they can use to afford to travel the world and see it for what it is. What if you need to send a really important message to someone to prevent them doing something or help them live or even stop a war. So take into reconsideration if there is a war going on for a miss understanding. So if the government figures out what happened and they know how to straightin out the situation then they could send a message to the attackers. What happened and that it wasn't what they thought we did then they would stop fighting and the war would be over. What if a bomb is in the white house you would want to get out of the building or find it and disarm it. So then a guy finds out about it and send a message to the white house and that would save all the people in the white houses lives. Sometimes loved ones go away to some where far away and you can't talk or see them. Someones in the military and he/she has a kid so the computer allows them to see and talk to them through a webcam which would keep the child and parent together and not seperate them. Also you see a friend in facebook who you haven't seen in years so you friend him and you guys get back in touch with each other and you can be friends with them again. So in conclusion the computer can do many helpful things. It can fix relationships, save lives, help you get over fears and see the world. Which isn't bad sure we sometimes go over board with it but it is very useful. It isn't horrible but it is sometimes bad but also sometimes good but
Dear Newspaper, I think people need computers. It helps them see the world if they can't. It can be used to send important messages to people that are farther away from you. Also, if someone has a parent or loved one far away they can see each other through the computer. So here is examples of these three things. Some people can't physically or mentally and can't afford to travel. Its sad how some people are so sick with a disease or illness that they can't go places. But if they go on the internet they can look up pictures and information of places they've never been to which can help them see the world better. But there are people who can help them see the world better. there are people who have fears which prevent them from travelling to different places. So the could go to the internet and find ways to help them get over their fears. Which in turn will allow them to get over their fears and let them travel to places. Then there are people who can't afford it. So the internet can help find a good job that pays good money which they can use to afford to travel the world and see it for what it is. What if you need to send a really important message to someone to prevent them doing something or help them live or even stop a war. So take into reconsideration if there is a war going on for a miss understanding. So if the government figures out what happened, and they know how to straighten out the situation then they could send a message to the attackers. What happened and that it wasn't what they thought we did then they would stop fighting, and the war would be over. What if a bomb is in the White House you would want to get out of the building or find it and disarm it. So then a guy finds out about it and send a message to the White House and that would save all the people in the white houses lives. Sometimes loved ones go away to somewhere far away, and you can't talk or see them. Someone's in the military and he/she has a kid, so the computer allows them to see and talk to them through a webcam which would keep the child and parent together and not separate them. Also, you see a friend on facebook who you haven't seen in years, so you friend him and you guys get back in touch with each other, and you can be friends with them again. So in conclusion the computer can do many helpful things. It can fix relationships, save lives, help you get over fears and see the world. Which isn't bad sure we sometimes go over board with it, but it is very useful. It isn't horrible, but it is sometimes bad but also sometimes good but
You want my opinion on the effects computers have on people? Well, I believe that computers help people educate people and some computers people relie on. It's time to decide if you agree with me that computers have positive effects on people. Do you agree with me that computers can help people? Say for example you have a question noone in your home can answer. Why not @ORGANIZATION2 it? Of course once in a while you're going to get a school project. Surely you'll need information, but the library is closed. And you don't @CAPS3 what to do. Simple, all you have to do is reasearch it on your computer. Don't you agree that computers help people? I remember this one time I entered a @CAPS1 contest, and the @CAPS2 I needed was lost, then I remembered I put it in my computer. Computers can be relied on by people. Just think about it! Almost over @PERCENT1 of jobs out in the world relie on the technology of a computer. For example the @ORGANIZATION1 job. It would be kind of hard to keep track of how much trash is thrown out every year without a computer, surely banks use computers too! To keep track of everyone's allowance and money situations. Let's not forget about what lawyers do? There are some lawyers incart who use the computer to type up every word said. They turn the words into short and to keep up with what people are saying. Did you @CAPS3 that without these computers ever half the million jobs in the world would fail? Some people would agree that some online games are educational. For example, there is @CAPS4. That game teaches you words you probably never seen before. And don't forget @CAPS5. That game improves your counting of numbers. Last, but not least would be @CAPS6 @CAPS7. That game sharpens your skill and exercises your brain. Strategy come in handy, surely you now see that some games are very educational. In conclusion, I agree that the effects computers have on people are positive. Because computers help people, are reliable, and can educate people. It's now or never do you agree that computers have positive effects on people?
You want my opinion on the effects computers have on people? Well, I believe that computers help people educate people and some computers people relief on. It's time to decide if you agree with me that computers have positive effects on people. Do you agree with me that computers can help people? Say for example you have a question none in your home can answer. Why not @ORGANIZATION2 it? Of course once in a while you're going to get a school project. Surely you'll need information, but the library is closed. And you don't @CAPS3 what to do. Simple, all you have to do is research it on your computer. Don't you agree that computers help people? I remember this one time I entered a @CAPS1 contest, and the @CAPS2 I needed was lost, then I remembered I put it in my computer. Computers can be relied on by people. Just think about it! Almost over @PERCENT1 of jobs out in the world relief on the technology of a computer. For example the @ORGANIZATION1 job. It would be kind of hard to keep track of how much trash is thrown out every year without a computer, surely banks use computers too! To keep track of everyone's allowance and money situations. Let's not forget about what lawyers do? There are some lawyers in cart who use the computer to type up every word said. They turn the words into short and to keep up with what people are saying. Did you @CAPS3 that without these computers ever half the million jobs in the world would fail? Some people would agree that some online games are educational. For example, there is @CAPS4. That game teaches you words you probably never seen before. And don't forget @CAPS5. That game improves your counting of numbers. Last, but not least would be @CAPS6 @CAPS7. That game sharpens your skill and exercises your brain. Strategy come in handy, surely you now see that some games are very educational. In conclusion, I agree that the effects computers have on people are positive. Because computers help people, are reliable, and can educate people. It's now or never do you agree that computers have positive effects on people?
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1, my name is @PERSON1. I've just been informed about how people view computers and the effects of them. In my opinion, I find computers to be a very negative influence on yound kids, teens, and adults. Many harmful awarenesses come along with having one. For one thing, people being so hypnotized in this electronical device are finding lesser time to excercise and take care of themselves. Also to, the only nature they're experiencing is pictures online and not enjoying the full beuty of what we have left of out earth. Another negative outcome is that they start becoming more and more distant from their loved ones. What happened to our society? Why can't we think on our own anymore? I truely, strongly hope that what i'm saying will change the minds of some people. Thank you very much. Exercise is a very key aspect in anyone's life. Especially growing kids and teens. On the computer what exercise benefits are you getting? Stronger fingers? A higher chance of syndrome @CAPS10. "@CAPS2 @PERCENT1 of kids having @CAPS7 problems like obesity have access to the internet", accoding to @PERSON2 of the, "@CAPS3 feel right with @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @CAPS6" in hunington beach, @LOCATION1. When basically, your giveing youself to the computers, you @MONTH1 not have any thoughts at all of staying fir. Instead on some chips while typing. @CAPS4 @CAPS7 BENEFITS @CAPS8 that game help? With global warming by ourside, what you saw yesterday @MONTH1 not be there today. Breathing in some fresh, natural air can really calm a stressed child out. What ever happened to playing an endless scoth with side walk chalk and fresh? or tag or just running around? Is it not cool anymore? Yah, not cool to take care of yourself. Inspire yourself by writing poems about how you feel or draw a screnary. Now a days, instead of @CAPS10 climing a tree, were climbing our mouse arrow to the next website. There's so much that we all take for granted, that one day when you look back on ti all, youre going to really miss those @DATE1 days. Family time is so critical in anyone's life. Without a family, you're nothing. When did game night or family time disapear? Just because we're in a society that says computers are completely normal everyday thing in a house, doesn't mean you family and friends aren't a main priority to you anymore. If you want to hangout a friend's house, dont email about it, walk @CAPS2 there and get the full affect since when does a computer a family? Never. If we got out of a fake reality, @CAPS10 there wouldn't be negativity in our life. @CAPS10 you can regain a true life back with them. @CAPS10 you'd think more clearer just @CAPS10. Whats makes a computer any better than life? Nothing ask yourself that. So inconclusive, I strongly believe that with this in you lives we've actually get dumber. There's more negative than positives in having a computer. Sure you could quickly send them a message or like @CAPS9, but is it ever bad to do the good old fashion calling? Or sendin letter? I say again, thank you for taking out your time to read this. @CAPS10 i changed you, @CAPS10 not. Whatever you do, think about the next time you're online and see what happends.
Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1, my name is @PERSON1. I've just been informed about how people view computers and the effects of them. In my opinion, I find computers to be a very negative influence on found kids, teens, and adults. Many harmful come along with having one. For one thing, people being so hypnotized in this electronic device are finding lesser time to exercise and take care of themselves. Also, to, the only nature they're experiencing is picturing online and not enjoying the full beauty of what we have left of our earth. Another negative outcome is that they start becoming more and more distant from their loved ones. What happened to our society? Why can't we think on our own anymore? I truly, strongly hope that what I'm saying will change the minds of some people. Thank you very much. Exercise is a very key aspect in anyone's life. Especially growing kids and teens. On the computer what exercise benefits are you getting? Stronger fingers? A higher chance of syndrome @CAPS10. "@CAPS2 @PERCENT1 of kids having @CAPS7 problems like obesity have access to the internet", according to @PERSON2 of the, "@CAPS3 feel right with @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @CAPS6" in Huntington beach, @LOCATION1. When basically, your giving yourself to the computers, you @MONTH1 not have any thoughts at all staying fir. Instead, on some chips while typing. @CAPS4 @CAPS7 BENEFITS @CAPS8 that game help? With global warming by outside, what you saw yesterday @MONTH1 not be there today. Breathing in some fresh, natural air can really calm a stressed child out. What ever happened to playing an endless Scott with sidewalk chalk and fresh? Or tag or just running around? Is it not cool anymore? Yeah, not cool to take care of yourself. Inspire yourself by writing poems about how you feel or draw a secretary. Nowadays, instead of @CAPS10 claiming a tree, were climbing our mouse arrow to the next website. There's so much that we all take for granted, that one day when you look back on ti all, you're going to really miss those @DATE1 days. Family time is so critical in anyone's life. Without a family, you're nothing. When did game night or family time disappear? Just because we're in a society that says computers are completely normal everyday thing in a house, doesn't mean you family and friends aren't a main priority to you anymore. If you want to hang out a friend's house, don't email about it, walk @CAPS2 there and get the full affect since when does a computer a family? Never. If we got out of a fake reality, @CAPS10 there wouldn't be negativity in our life. @CAPS10 you can regain a true life back with them. @CAPS10 you'd think clearer just @CAPS10. What's makes a computer any better than life? Nothing ask yourself that. So inconclusive, I strongly believe that with this in you lives we've actually got dumber. There's more negative than positives in having a computer. Sure you could quickly send them a message or like @CAPS9, but is it ever bad to do the good old fashion calling? Or sending letter? I say again, thank you for taking out your time to read this. @CAPS10 I changed you, @CAPS10 not. Whatever you do, think about the next time you're online and see what happens.
Dear local newspaper, I do agree that computers have impacted human society greatly. Therefore, my opinion is that is @MONTH1 be one of the greatest inventions. I would say this because there are different help programs or websites that @MONTH1 help people in everyday life. Especially students have the ability to study from education webpages. Also, people are able to communicate online. Lastly, you are able to type stories instead of hand-writing them. Having the advantage to study online is great. Different websites with tons of information and true facts @MONTH1 really affect grades of most students. Did you know about @PERCENT1 of the @LOCATION1 go on educational websites for information for writing, whether it's an essay or non-fiction story? Thanks to computers, there is a great chance students @MONTH1 receive a passing grade. Communication online has made huge impact worldwide. Whether you use facebook, @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION1 etc., communicating with family or friends is fantastic. For example, I use facebook and I love talking to my family down in @LOCATION2, whom I see about once every couple years. Online communication has affected people because there is an easier way to talk to other instantly. Just a push of a button, and you have immediate communication with someone. Finally, people have the ability to type on a program if they wanted to type a letter or story. For instance, if you use microsoft word, you can type up whatever you want. This has effected people because it is a faster ans easier way to write. Therefore, if you finish earlier than you would have if you typed it, you would have extra leisure time, or more time to get the rest of your work done. Also, it is easy for me because I type like the wind; after practice, of course. In conclusion, the invention of computers helped and still do help society in many ways. But, the three ways that i have chosen to tell you about in this letter, I feel, have impacted us the most. I hope this helps you with you questions about how computers effected people. Thank you for taking time to read my letter. Have a good day.
Dear local newspaper, I do agree that computers have impacted human society greatly. Therefore, my opinion is that is @MONTH1 be one of the greatest inventions. I would say this because there are different help programs or websites that @MONTH1 help people in everyday life. Especially students have the ability to study from education webpages. Also, people are able to communicate online. Lastly, you are able to type stories instead of hand-writing them. Having the advantage to study online is great. Different websites with tons of information and true facts @MONTH1 really affect grades of most students. Did you know about @PERCENT1 of the @LOCATION1 go on educational websites for information for writing, whether it's an essay or non-fiction story? Thanks to computers, there is a great chance student @MONTH1 receives a passing grade. Communication online has made huge impact worldwide. Whether you use Facebook, @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION1 etc., communicating with family or friends is fantastic. For example, I use Facebook and I love talking to my family down in @LOCATION2, whom I see about once every couple years. Online communication has affected people because there is an easier way to talk to other instantly. Just a push of a button, and you have immediate communication with someone. Finally, people have the ability to type on a program if they wanted to type a letter or story. For instance, if you use Microsoft Word, you can type up whatever you want. This has effected people because it is a faster and easier way to write. Therefore, if you finish earlier than you would have if you typed it, you would have extra leisure time, or more time to get the rest of your work done. Also, it is easy for me because I type like the wind; after practice, of course. In conclusion, the invention of computers helped and still do help society in many ways. But, the three ways that I have chosen to tell you about in this letter, I feel, have impacted us the most. I hope this helps you with you questions about how computers affected people. Thank you for taking time to read my letter. Have a good day.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 a computer isn't harmful in any way. It helps people learn about things they didn't know. Also it lets people interact with people around the world. Another is that it lets people stay in touch with family and friends around the globe. Computers don't harm, they help. Computers are a learning tool. Schools like mine have over a hundred computers but they are only used for education. Anyway even if we try to go on different sites we get redirected to a blocked website. Cars and other machines were built by computers which supplied the blueprints. There is one thing computers are mostly used for, and thats to learn. Are you thinking about going on vacation somewhere but don't know how things work around there? Well a computer can help you with those promblems. It lets you see how people are and what the place looks like with a virtual tour. Even with some assistance if you don't know about traditions or beliefs. Computers are a great way to explore. Computers are a great way to communicate with others. Family members that live on the otherside of the world can use computers to talk and see how your doing. How about old friends that moved away. You can still talk and communicate with each other. Getting in touch with friends and family isn't all that bad is it? And these are reason to show how computers aren't harmful in anyway. It gives people a good education. It lets people learn about cultures of places around the world. And talking to friends is something thats good, not bad. This is why computers don't harm people, they help.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 a computer isn't harmful in any way. It helps people learn about things they didn't know. Also, it lets people interact with people around the world. Another is that it lets people stay in touch with family and friends around the globe. Computers don't harm, they help. Computers are a learning tool. Schools like mine have over a hundred computers, but they are only used for education. Anyway even if we try to go on different sites we get redirected to a blocked website. Cars and other machines were built by computers which supplied the blueprints. There is one thing computers are mostly used for, and that's to learn. Are you thinking about going on vacation somewhere but don't know how things work around there? Well a computer can help you with those problems. It lets you see how people are and what the place looks like with a virtual tour. Even with some assistance if you don't know about traditions or beliefs. Computers are a great way to explore. Computers are a great way to communicate with others. Family members that live on the other side of the world can use computers to talk and see how you're doing. How about old friends that moved away. You can still talk and communicate with each other. Getting in touch with friends and family isn't all that bad, is it? And these are reason to show how computers aren't harmful in any way. It gives people a good education. It lets people learn about cultures of places around the world. And talking to friends is something that's good, not bad. This is why computers don't harm people, they help.
Dear newspaper editor, I have recently heard that some people think that computers have a negative effect on people. Well i think that computers have a positive effect on people. I think that computers have a positive effect on people because it helps make learning about other countries easier. Also, it helps people talk to people from different countries. Another reason is that it helps people learn about different cultures, religions, or traditions. The reason why some peope think that computers have a negative effect on people is because people are spending more time on the computer than spending time with their family. Also, people use the computer more than they use exercise machines, bicycles, or scooters. Now that you know about the positive and negative effects of computers, Which side will you choose? the one against computers or the one for computers. I would choose the one for computers.
Dear newspaper editor, I have recently heard that some people think that computers have a negative effect on people. Well I think that computers have a positive effect on people. I think that computers have a positive effect on people because it helps make learning about other countries easier. Also, it helps people talk to people from different countries. Another reason is that it helps people learn about different cultures, religions, or traditions. The reason why some people think that computers have a negative effect on people is because people are spending more time on the computer than spending time with their family. Also, people use the computer more than they use exercise machines, bicycles, or scooters. Now that you know about the positive and negative effects of computers, Which side will you choose? The one against computers or the one for computers. I would choose the one for computers.
Dear local newspaper editor, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects of computers on people is that staying on a computer is not that bad it does not rot you brain like video games. are some good reasons why computers are good and help you. Sometimes computers do help with hand-eye coordination. You use the computer to do homework or to search a a stores etc. Some computers are really slow but not all of the new ones for @DATE1, computers can also help you read better it has little . You could play talk to people like your friends. Listening to music is an easy thing to you could a website that has all songs that you like to listen yo many people use the computer to find jobs and use it to look for ways to eat right and work out paying bills online is easyer than paying them for real. The computer is easy way to pay and you should agree with @CAPS1 opinion.
Dear local newspaper editor, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects of computers on people is that staying on a computer is not that bad it does not rot you brain like video games. Are some good reasons why computers are good and help you. Sometimes computers do help with hand-eye coordination. You use the computer to do homework or to search a stores etc. Some computers are really slow but not all the new ones for @DATE1, computers can also help you read better it has little. You could play talk to people like your friends. Listening to music is an easy thing to you could a website that has all songs that you like to listen yo many people use the computer to find jobs and use it to look for ways to eat right and work out paying bills online is easier than paying them for real. The computer is a easy way to pay, and you should agree with @CAPS1 opinion.
Dear Newspaper, The question is whether or not people are spending too much time on the computer or not. In my opinion people aren’t, and there are many benefits from being on the computer. Typing in the computer teacher hand-eye coordination. It is easy to learn while on computer too, and you all communicate with people also! Handeye coordination is very important. We use it everyday during sports taking notes, even playing video games! Being on the computer is good because it develops hand-eye coordination. Whatever you do on the computer typing, playing online game, or surfing the web develop hand-eye coordination. It is good to learn hand-eye coordination because most teachers these days neat children to type and print their papers, so they are neater.If kids can learn hand-eye coordination, they can type faster turn then into their when go on there computer hand-eye coordination. My world cultures teacher lets us use an online textbook if we dont finished our homework in class, instead of logging around textbook. Any student would rather go online than have to bring a giant textbook to and from school. Have you ever thought about how much easier it is college course online. Then having to go to college especially for working parents? Everything happens online in you portable laptop, instead of having to go to and from a college. Using computer to learn about different places is easy. There are websites full of pictures of beautiful foreign places that hot deserts, and troppical rainfall of monkeys and tigers. It is fun and easy to learn on a computer. Since cell phones have become so a lot of people have gotten rid of thier home phone to save money. Sometimes, though cellphones lose signal. That is why it is good to have a computer. It is eat to talk to other people forums, chats websites and email. You can have intelligent,and its easy and free! It is east to communicate using a computer. Surely you've heard my reasons its okay for people to spend time on the computer you see my point. Yes people shall spend time outside or with family, in small does the computer good for you. It is easy to learn hand coordination and communicate on a computer.
Dear Newspaper, The question is whether people are spending too much time on the computer or not. In my opinion people art, and there are many benefits from being on the computer. Typing in the computer teacher hand-eye coordination. It is easy to learn while on computer too, and you all communicate with people also! Hand eye coordination is very important. We use it every day during sports taking notes, even playing video games! Being on the computer is good because it develops hand-eye coordination. Whatever you do on the computer typing, playing online game, or surfing the web develop hand-eye coordination. It is good to learn hand-eye coordination because most teachers these days neat children to type and print their papers, so they are neater. If kids can learn hand-eye coordination, they can type faster turn then into their when go on their computer hand-eye coordination. My world cultures teacher lets us use an online textbook if we don't finished our homework in class, instead of logging around textbook. Any student would rather go online than have to bring a giant textbook to and from school. Have you ever thought about how much easier it is college course online? Then having to go to college especially for working parents? Everything happens online in you portable laptop, instead of having to go to and from a college. Using computer to learn about different places is easy. There are websites full of pictures of beautiful foreign places that hot deserts, and tropical rainfall of monkeys and tigers. It is fun and easy to learn on a computer. Since cell phones have become so a lot of people have gotten rid of their home phone to save money. Sometimes, though cellphones lose signal. That is why it is good to have a computer. It is eaten to talk to other people forums, chats websites and email. You can have intelligent, and its easy and free! It is east to communicate using a computer. Surely you've heard my reasons it's okay for people to spend time on the computer you see my point. Yes people shall spend time outside or with family, in small does the computer good for you. It is easy to learn hand coordination and communicate on a computer.
Not everyone thinks computers are good for you but they are a very good resorce to find information. It's not good to be on the compoler @NUM1 seven but to be on sometimes is not bad. A person who is on the computer all day and does nothing else except that, then that is not healthy at all. People just have to limit their time on how much they stay on the computer. Dont over due it! Computers are also very good for information as I said earlier. If you have a computer or a laptop and you need to find information on something the internet is there. For kids that need to do homework or a project and they need to look up some facts or information on something they could go on the computer for that. It is so much easier to do that then look for books that has all the facts you need. So computers have very good qulities and resources. They arnt bad or unhealthy unless if that is your life and that is the only thing you do. That is my opinion on computers.
Not everyone thinks computers are good for you, but they are a very good resource to find information. It's not good to be on the composer @NUM1 seven but to be on sometimes is not bad. A person who is on the computer all day and does nothing else except that, then that is not healthy at all. People just have to limit their time on how much they stay on the computer. Don't overdue it! Computers are also very good for information as I said earlier. If you have a computer or a laptop, and you need to find information on something the internet is there. For kids that need to do homework or a project, and they need to look up some facts or information on something they could go on the computer for that. It is so much easier to do that then look for books that have all the facts you need. So computers have very good qualities and resources. They art bad or unhealthy unless if that is your life and that is the only thing you do. That is my opinion on computers.
I think that people are spending a lot of time on there computers and not enjoying nature and things. My reasons are that people don't do anything except surf the web, talk to other people all the time, and they site around eating junk and no exercise. Those are my three reasons. My first reason is people do is surf the web. There is over a million websites to go to. What people do is go to all of them look at things or buy something. The only thing they should be doing is homework or buisness. Also people play to many video games on the computer too. My second reason is that people go on @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 or use web cams. Those people could be on there for hours talking to people. Sometime those things are peoples life and all they do. I know someone who has a @CAPS1 and after school all they do is talk to people. They have friends on @CAPS1 but no friends in real life. My third reason is when people do go on all they do is eat junk food and get no exercise. Sometimes they eat potato chips and cookies and have soda. If you do that for week you will be very tired and sleepy. Also you can get very fat. Your body will be unhealthy and out of shape. Now that you have read my reasons, I hope you like them. My reasons where people don't do anything but surf the web, talk to other people all the time, and people eat junk food and get no exercise.
I think that people are spending a lot of time on their computers and not enjoying nature and things. My reasons are that people don't do anything except surf the web, talk to other people all the time, and they site around eating junk and no exercise. Those are my three reasons. My first reason is people do is surf the web. There is over a million websites to go to. What people do is go to all of them look at things or buy something. The only thing they should be doing is homework or business. Also people play to many video games on the computer too. My second reason is that people go on @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 or use webcams. Those people could be on there for hours talking to people. Sometime those things are peoples life and all they do. I know someone who has a @CAPS1 and after school all they do is talk to people. They have friends on @CAPS1 but no friends in real life. My third reason is when people do go on all they do is eat junk food and get no exercise. Sometimes they eat potato chips and cookies and have soda. If you do that for week you will be very tired and sleepy. Also, you can get very fat. Your body will be unhealthy and out of shape. Now that you have read my reasons, I hope you like them. My reasons where people don't do anything but surf the web, talk to other people all the time, and people eat junk food and get no exercise.
Dear local newspaper, I just wanted to say that I do I agree with you that some people spend a lot of time on the computer. My reasons are that people need to exersize, go out doors. And have fun. If you keep reading you'll understand why they need to do theis things. My first reason was exersizeing. And the reason why I say exersizeing is because you don't need to be on the computer all day long. So many things that they can do, is run, jog, and go for bike rides. I mean it's ok to go on the computer once and a while to learn but that's why they have books, and school to learn about things. My second reason was going out-side and the reason for that is because people need to get fresh air and not be locked inside all day. Another one was to explore and go on a hike to see what is out there and just have a good time. My other reason was nature. And what I mean by that is you can go to the zoo and learn about stuff there to. Another thing is that you can do much more with out being on the computer all day long. My last reason was you can talk to your friend about stuff, you can go to the mall all day, you can also hang out with your friend and have a sleep over and watch movies. You don't need to stay on the computer all day you need to have fun. This is why I say you don't need to be on the computer. You can do other stuff and still learn with-out being on the computer. For once maby insed of talking online you can actultly go to your friends house and talk. Thank you for your time. Hope to talk to you soon.
Dear local newspaper, I just wanted to say that I do I agree with you that some people spend a lot of time on the computer. My reasons are that people need to exercise, go outdoors. And have fun. If you keep reading you'll understand why they need to do this things. My first reason was exercising. And the reason why I say exercising is that you don't need to be on the computer all day long. So many things that they can do, is run, jog, and go for bike rides. I mean it's ok to go on the computer once in a while to learn, but that's why they have books, and school to learn about things. My second reason was going out-side and the reason for that is because people need to get fresh air and not be locked inside all day. Another one was to explore and go on a hike to see what is out there and just have a good time. My other reason was nature. And what I mean by that is you can go to the zoo and learn about stuff there to. Another thing is that you can do much more without being on the computer all day long. My last reason was you can talk to your friend about stuff, you can go to the mall all day, you can also hang out with your friend and have a sleep-over and watch movies. You don't need to stay on the computer all day you need to have fun. This is why I say you don't need to be on the computer. You can do other stuff and still learn with-out being on the computer. For once many inked of talking online you can actually go to your friends house and talk. Thank you for your time. Hope to talk to you soon.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 your at home and you are on the computer. But its been hours maybe even days since you've takin a breath of fresh air outside. This @MONTH1 sound cpzy, yet it is a reality for over <@PERCENT1@NUM1> of the population in @LOCATION1. Just loo around they are in movies, chain resurant at your home, in your office and even in schoold; computers are everywhere. I know that because of over using computers amny experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising and enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends, I say that because of this peopel every where shold only be allowed to use the computer on a rain everday, say @CAPS2 to computers. My point is with computers our days are wasted with vertual games and other downloads. For starter, people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising. Over the past two years obeseity has become a major issue in @LOCATION1 with over @PERCENT1 of the population obeseity causesan ectreamly higher risk of getting diseases and sickness like diabeaties, heart failure and even depression. recently my cousin passed away from canser caused by her fat or obeseity. My point is we can't sit her doing nothing get up and get moving away from that computer in addition to this people should get off computers and start enjoying nature. A total of <@PERCENT1@NUM2> of personals in @LOCATION1 don't spend enough time out side. With global warning killing our environment people would care enouhg to psend a little girl of their time outside. didi you know that more and more of the environment is disappering each day? I went to my good friends and expert on all things envieronmental from the instate of clean our world or cow.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 your at home and you are on the computer. But it's been hours maybe even days since you've taken a breath of fresh air outside. This @MONTH1 sound cozy, yet it is a reality for over <@PERCENT1@NUM1> of the population in @LOCATION1. Just loo around they are in movies, chain restaurant at your home, in your office and even in schools; computers are everywhere. I know that because of over using computers any experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising and enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends, I say that because of this people everywhere should only be allowed to use the computer on a rain everyday, say @CAPS2 to computers. My point is with computers our days are wasted with virtual games and other downloads. For starter, people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising. Over the past two years obesity has become a major issue in @LOCATION1 with over @PERCENT1 of the population obesity causes an extremely higher risk of getting diseases and sickness like diabetes, heart failure and even depression. Recently my cousin passed away from cancer caused by her fat or obesity. My point is we can't sit her doing nothing get up and get moving away from that computer in addition to this people should get off computers and start enjoying nature. A total of <@PERCENT1@NUM2> of personals in @LOCATION1 don't spend enough time outside. With global warning killing our environment people would care enough to send a little girl of their time outside. Didi you know that more and more of the environment is disappearing each day? I went to my good friends and expert on all things environmental from to instate of clean our world or cow.
Dear @ORGANIZATION2, I am expressing my concern to you about the side effect new technologies, such as computers have an humans. Computers impact humans in a harmful manner because people are spending too much @ORGANIZATION1 their quality time on their computers which additionally leads to less time spent doing exercise. People also do not get to spend as much as their days outdoors and interacting with friends and family. Firstly, people are spending too much @ORGANIZATION1 their time surfing the net. Study show that an average @CAPS1 spends in total @NUM1 hours a day on the computer, almost double what they should be spending on it. Dr. @DR1 from the @CAPS1 technology society, says' that if this increases @ORGANIZATION1 time spent on the internet, continues for more years, most @CAPS3 will completly lose contact with family and friends outside @ORGANIZATION1 the social computer network. The average weight @ORGANIZATION1 a @NUM2 year old has increased from @NUM3 pounds in @DATE1, to @NUM4 pounds today. Statistics show that the main caus for this dramatic increase in weight is due to the acessive amount @ORGANIZATION1 time spent on computers in addition @CAPS4 do not have as much time to exercise. Teenagers need to exercise three times a week for thirty minutes each. @CAPS5 the average adolescent only spend ten minutes a week exercising not including gym. All @ORGANIZATION1 these numbers must change and a way to start would be losing the computer because people are spending too much time on them and less time exercising. Secondly, comuters are effecting the people get to go outside and enjoy nature. Form my personal experience nature is a beautiful thing to be apart @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS5 now adays I spend way too much time on social networks such as facebook, my space and @CAPS6 others. How often do you go outside to take a walk, fo for a bike ride or something else? A study done by @PERSON2 shows that the average person living in @LOCATION1 have only spent a total @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM5 days outside in the past two years after reciving their new computer. This must change people need to enjoy what this world has to offer. Thirdly, computers have effected the interaction between family and friends. "@CAPS6 people hav only been interacting with family at mandatory times such as school meetings." says @ORGANIZATION1. Family and friends are a major importance in everyones lives. I love to sit down and talk with my mom over a steaming cup @ORGANIZATION1 hot chocolate. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 people now a days do not spend anytime with family and @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 people use computers to interact with friends. It is vitally important that people stop using computers because "before you know it you will have lost all communication with family and friends" says @PERSON1 from I.U.M Computers help people lose communication and interaction with fmily and friends. In conclusion, I urge you to make the right desion by quitting using computers and in return will be a much happier and stronger individual. Computers impact humans in a terrible way because people spend too much time on them leading to a lack in exercise, time spent outside and in addition interaction between friends and family. Sorry about the lack @ORGANIZATION1 organization towards the end, I ran out @ORGANIZATION1 space. Please excuse the mess. Thank you.
Dear @ORGANIZATION2, I am expressing my concern to you about the side effect new technologies, such as computers have an human. Computers impact humans in a harmful manner because people are spending too much @ORGANIZATION1 their quality time on their computers which additionally leads to less time spent doing exercise. People also do not get to spend as much as their days outdoors and interacting with friends and family. Firstly, people are spending too much @ORGANIZATION1 their time surfing the net. Study show that an average @CAPS1 spends in total @NUM1 hours a day on the computer, almost double what they should be spending on it. Dr. @DR1 from the @CAPS1 technology society, says' that if this increases @ORGANIZATION1 time spent on the internet, continues for more years, most @CAPS3 will completely lose contact with family and friends outside @ORGANIZATION1 the social computer network. The average weight @ORGANIZATION1 a @NUM2 year old has increased from @NUM3 pounds in @DATE1, to @NUM4 pounds today. Statistics show that the main cars for this dramatic increase in weight is due to the excessive amount @ORGANIZATION1 time spent on computers in addition @CAPS4 do not have as much time to exercise. Teenagers need to exercise three times a week for thirty minutes each. @CAPS5 the average adolescent only spend ten minutes a week exercising not including gym. All @ORGANIZATION1 these numbers must change and a way to start would be losing the computer because people are spending too much time on them and less time exercising. Secondly, computers are effecting the people get to go outside and enjoy nature. Form my personal experience nature is a beautiful thing to be apart @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS5 now days I spend way too much time on social networks such as Facebook, my space and @CAPS6 others. How often do you go outside to take a walk, for for a bike ride or something else? A study done by @PERSON2 shows that the average person living in @LOCATION1 have only spent a total @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM5 days outside in the past two years after receiving their new computer. This must change people need to enjoy what this world has to offer. Thirdly, computers have effected the interaction between family and friends. "@CAPS6 people had only been interacting with family at mandatory times such as school meetings." says @ORGANIZATION1. Family and friends are a major importance in everyone's lives. I love to sit down and talk with my mom over a steaming cup @ORGANIZATION1 hot chocolate. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 people nowadays do not spend anytime with family and @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 people use computers to interact with friends. It is vitally important that people stop using computers because "before you know it you will have lost all communication with family and friends" says @PERSON1 from I.U.M Computers help people lose communication and interaction with family and friends. In conclusion, I urge you to make the right design by quitting using computers and in return will be a much happier and stronger individual. Computers impact humans terribly because people spend too much time on them leading to a lack in exercise, time spent outside and in addition interaction between friends and family. Sorry about the lack @ORGANIZATION1 organization towards the end, I ran out @ORGANIZATION1 space. Please excuse the mess. Thank you.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I'm writing you today so you can see why advanced technology is a positive effect on people. My reasons for wrint this is because computers allow people to talk online to others people learn about faraway places, and finally it teacher hand-eye coordination. As you read my letter I hope you fell the same way. First of all computers allow you to talk to other people online. The reason I feel this way is what if you can't fond your fone in your hose or even your cell phone, you could see if they were online. Also its the same thing as texting, but with a bigger keyboard/screen I can relate to this because I was texting someone and went online to find whtm on too, so we sent aims to each other instead. I hope you can see why computers can be good for people. Secondly not a lot of people will go to the library to look up information for a paper for a school. The reason I feel this way is a computer has google to make finding things easier. Another reason is going to the library @MONTH1 cause you send more money to fill up your gas tanks. I can relate this because everytim my family goes to the library we have to fill the car up after we go. This is another reasons why computers a good. Finally the computers can teach hand-eye coordination. The reason for this is because if your writing an email then you should know the keys that your fingers touch. Another reasons why computers are hand-eye coordination is because if your kid take karayta then might have learned to move there hands that fast from somewhere. I can relate ti this because when I was in the first grade there was a guy that you told me and my friends that be need us to get in the truck to help him find his lost puppy, and he tried grabbing me but I pulled my hard away before I became pinned. I hope you can see why we need computers. I would like to that the I for sitting and reading my essay. Once again my reasons for writing where people can talk to other people online, learn about faraway places, and finally hand-eye coordination. I hpoe you will rethink why we should have computers in school.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I'm writing you today, so you can see why advanced technology is a positive effect on people. My reasons for print this is because computers allow people to talk online to others people learn about faraway places, and finally it teacher hand-eye coordination. As you read my letter I hope you fell the same way. First of all computers allow you to talk to other people online. The reason I feel this way is what if you can't found your phone in your hose or even your cell phone, you could see if they were online. Also, it's the same thing as texting, but with a bigger keyboard/screen I can relate to this because I was texting someone and went online to find whom on too, so we sent aims to each other instead. I hope you can see why computers can be good for people. Secondly not a lot of people will go to the library to look up information for a paper for a school. The reason I feel this way is a computer has Google to make finding things easier. Another reason is going to the library @MONTH1 cause you send more money to fill up your gas tanks. I can relate this because Eventim my family goes to the library we have to fill the car up after we go. This is another reasons why computers a good. Finally, the computers can teach hand-eye coordination. The reason for this is that if you're writing an email then you should know the keys that your fingers touch. Another reasons why computers are hand-eye coordination is because if your kid take karate then might have learned to move there hands that fast from somewhere. I can relate ti this because when I was in the first grade there was a guy that you told me and my friends that be needed us to get in the truck to help him find his lost puppy, and he tried grabbing me, but I pulled my hard away before I became pinned. I hope you can see why we need computers. Furthermore, I would like to that the for sitting and reading my essay. Once again my reasons for writing where people can talk to other people online, learn about faraway places, and finally hand-eye coordination. I hope you will rethink why we should have computers in school.
Dear Local Newspaper, I agree that computers have a positive effect on people. You learn hand - eye coordination, you don't have to step out to go to the library and it can improve social skills. Continue reading to find out why. Computers, we use them everyday. They are teaching us something. We @MONTH1 not even realize it, but they are teaching us hand-eye coordination. We type something and we use our eyes to look at the screen and then our hands to type, one mistake and automatically our hand fix it. Or maybe when we are playing games online, the same thing applies. Our eyes are looking, while our hands are fast at work over the keyboard. Hand-eye Coordination is a skill you need on sports, and I believe that computers, since we spend time on them are the quick way to learn that skill. Next, how many student's parents work? My parents do. Something it becomes difficult to walk to the library, not everyone lives in walking distance to one. That's when a computer helps. If you have a project to do, but your parents work, you can just @ORGANIZATION1 it up, you might even get more information, then what you can get in the library. Hows that? you ask. Well, for an example, @CAPS1 you had to do a project on @CAPS2. Let's just say, you managed to go to a library, but apparently there were only @NUM1 books on @CAPS2, out of which @NUM2 were checked out. You can always check it out from another library, but that might not come soon enough, on a survey @PERCENT1 of students said this has happened to them, but the computer saved them. So what else did they say? HELLO @ORGANIZATION1! Last but not least, a computer improves your social skils. When I first moved here I was a very shy person. When I made a @CAPS3, I @CAPS4 talking to people who go to my school. I even became friends with them. I'm not saying that you should just stop talking to people in person, and use @CAPS3, @CAPS6, @CAPS7, or @CAPS8 and communicate. @CAPS9 I am saying is that if you start talking to them online, you know them a little, then when you talk in person you will see you have alot in common, with that person, and soon you can become friends. Another thing, that is somewhat related to this. I have many friends living in @LOCATION1, and many cousins in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION2, @CAPS9 over. We @CAPS9 know, you can't travel @CAPS9 the time, sometimes you can't even get to see them. Thats @CAPS10 social networks help. You can keep in touch, plus @CAPS11.S. not even waste minutes on you phone. Can it get better? In conclusion, Computers have a very positive effect on people. From improving hand-eye coordination, to not stepping out to go to the library, and getting that project done in time with a A+ as a grade, to improving your socia skills. Even see the data collected. Thank you for taking your time and effort to read this, I hope it has persuaded many people.
Dear Local Newspaper, I agree that computers have a positive effect on people. You learn hand - eye coordination, you don't have to step out to go to the library, and it can improve social skills. Continue reading to find out why. Computers, we use them every day. They are teaching us something. We @MONTH1 not even realize it, but they are teaching us hand-eye coordination. We type something, and we use our eyes to look at the screen and then our hands to type, one mistake and automatically our hand fix it. Or maybe when we are playing games online, the same thing applies. Our eyes are looking, while our hands are fast at work over the keyboard. Hand-eye Coordination is a skill you need on sports, and I believe that computers, since we spend time on them are the quick way to learn that skill. Next, how many student's parents work? My parents do. Something it becomes difficult to walk to the library, not everyone lives in walking distance to one. That's when a computer helps. If you have a project to do, but your parents work, you can just @ORGANIZATION1 it up, you might even get more information, then what you can get in the library. How's that? You ask. Well, for an example, @CAPS1 you had to do a project on @CAPS2. Let's just say, you managed to go to a library, but apparently there were only @NUM1 books on @CAPS2, out of which @NUM2 were checked out. You can always check it out from another library, but that might not come soon enough, on a survey @PERCENT1 of students said this has happened to them, but the computer saved them. So what else did they say? HELLO @ORGANIZATION1! Last but not least, a computer improves your social skills. When I first moved here I was a very shy person. When I made a @CAPS3, I @CAPS4 talking to people who go to my school. I even became friends with them. I'm not saying that you should just stop talking to people in person, and use @CAPS3, @CAPS6, @CAPS7, or @CAPS8 and communicate. @CAPS9 I am saying is that if you start talking to them online, you know them a little, then when you talk in person you will see you have a lot in common, with that person, and soon you can become friends. Another thing, that is somewhat related to this. I have many friends living in @LOCATION1, and many cousins in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION2, @CAPS9 over. We @CAPS9 know, you can't travel @CAPS9 the time, sometimes you can't even get to see them. That's @CAPS10 social networks help. You can keep in touch, plus @CAPS11. S. not even waste minutes on you phone. Can it get better? In conclusion, Computers have a very positive effect on people. From improving hand-eye coordination, to not stepping out to go to the library, and getting that project done in time with a+ as a grade, to improving your social skills. Even see the data collected. Thank you for taking your time and effort to read this, I hope it has persuaded many people.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 you @CAPS2 want your kids & citizens to get fat and lazy? Or be active, learn everyday skills and become more friendly to life people around you? @PERCENT1 of parents would agree with me on the second idea over the first one. Well I think after reading this those extra @PERCENT2 will be persuaded. Now a days @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people are over weight or obese. This can be causes by lack of exercise and inactivity. Our children need to learn @CAPS1 go out and exercise an hour a day. This could got their eyes off the computer screen. A great way to help encourage to join a sports team or a club. This can work to people away from screens and the @ORGANIZATION2 course. If we can get people out of the office this could even push them towards nature. Their are great things to @CAPS1 at the local park every day. For example you could ride a bike play games or just fool around with friends. Learning could also be a big faster in getting people out of their computer chairs. If they want to look up tell them to use dictionary, theasaurus or a book. If people on the computer but it can be teach kids and drugs. Bt @CAPS1 help find carrer options and life. sitting on front of a screen can your health and also. Their are better things to @CAPS1. Instead via internet. You can still have fun if you not good at just for instance and friends. If your a boy you could just go @CAPS1 like a park and pay carrer base bill or even wrestle. In conclusion I'd say this would want to get up and get outside. Since geting p and side could help you socialize and learn and even loose weight. So now I leave it in the hands of you whether or not to take the challenge. But just to fill you if you stay your computer it can promote the need for glasses obesity.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 you @CAPS2 want your kids & citizens to get fat and lazy? Or be active, learn everyday skills and become more friendly to life people around you? @PERCENT1 of parents would agree with me on the second idea over the first one. Well I think after reading this those extra @PERCENT2 will be persuaded. Nowadays @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people are over weight or obese. This can be causes by lack of exercise and inactivity. Our children need to learn @CAPS1 go out and exercise an hour a day. This could get their eyes off the computer screen. A great way to help encourage joining a sports team or a club. This can work to people away from screens and the @ORGANIZATION2 course. If we can get people out of the office this could even push them towards nature. There are great things to @CAPS1 at the local park every day. For example, you could ride a bike play games or just fool around with friends. Learning could also be a big faster in getting people out of their computer chairs. If they want to look up tell them to use dictionary, thesaurus or a book. If people on the computer, but it can be taught kids and drugs. BT @CAPS1 help find career options and life. Sitting on front of a screen can your health and also. There are better things to @CAPS1. Instead, via internet. You can still have fun if you are not good at just for instance and friends. If you're a boy you could just go @CAPS1 like a park and pay career base bill or even wrestle. In conclusion, I'd say this would want to get up and get outside. Since getting p and side could help you socialize and learn and even lose weight. So now I leave it in the hands of you whether to take the challenge. But just to fill you if you stay your computer it can promote the need for glasses obesity.
Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 has lately come to my attention that people were saying that computers aren't important. Well, I strongly disagree with that statement. I think computers teach excellent hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about far away places, and even allow you to chat online with family and friends. Computers teach a lot of hand eye coordination. Study's show that @PERCENT1 of all football players have excellent hand eye coordination. I'm sure this is because after the football players get home from a big game or something they log into @CAPS2 and make thier status all about thier win. Plus, they probably pull up pingball and see how long they can go without getting the little ball down the hole. Do you have good hand eye coordination? My second reason that I disagree with the previous statement would have to be that computers give people the ability to learn about far away places without ever leaving home I mean @CAPS1 is so much faster than having to go to the library. At the library you would have to first get there, secend pick out your book, and third check @CAPS1 out. with a computer in all that time you could be completely finished with you whole project! Finally, the reason why computers are so important is because @CAPS1 keeps people in touch. Do you have family members who live far away from you? I @CAPS3 I do. I can't always call them on the phone @CAPS4 I want to talk to them so I just log on to @CAPS2 and if there online I can have my conversation with that person. I don't @CAPS3 about you but I'm really close to my grandma. Unfortanitly she doesn't even live anywhere close to @NUM1 hours to me. She's way down @LOCATION2 in @LOCATION1. By car thats one and a half days and by plane thats three hours! So @CAPS1's so much easier to log on @CAPS2 and have a private conversation with her rather than driving a day and a half or flying for three hours. So in conclusion I'm sure you totally agree with me. Computers are just amazing! They help you get hand eye coordination, let you research something super quick, and let you stay in touch with far away friends and family.
Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 has lately come to my attention that people were saying that computers aren't important. Well, I strongly disagree with that statement. I think computers teach excellent hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about far away places, and even allow you to chat online with family and friends. Computers teach a lot of hand eye coordination. Study's show that @PERCENT1 of all football players have excellent hand eye coordination. I'm sure this is because after the football players get home from a big game or something they log into @CAPS2 and make their status all about their win. Plus, they probably pull up pinball and see how long they can go without getting the little ball down the hole. Do you have good hand eye coordination? My second reason that I disagree with the previous statement would have to be that computers give people the ability to learn about far away places without ever leaving home I mean @CAPS1 is so much faster than having to go to the library. At the library you would have to first get there, second pick out your book, and third check @CAPS1 out. With a computer in all that time you could be completely finished with you whole project! Finally, the reason why computers are so important is that @CAPS1 keeps people in touch. Do you have family members who live far away from you? I @CAPS3 I do. I can't always call them on the phone @CAPS4 I want to talk to them, so I just log on to @CAPS2 and if their online I can have my conversation with that person. Furthermore, I don't @CAPS3 about you, but I'm really close to my grandma. Unfortunately she doesn't even live anywhere close to @NUM1 hours to me. She's way down @LOCATION2 in @LOCATION1. By car that's one and a half days and by plane that's three hours! So @CAPS1's so much easier to log on @CAPS2 and have a private conversation with her rather than driving a day and a half or flying for three hours. So in conclusion I'm sure you totally agree with me. Computers are just amazing! They help you get hand eye coordination, let you research something super quick, and let you stay in touch with far away friends and family.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 being at home with nothing to do. You cant play basketball with @PERSON1 you friends because you have did hand eye cordenation. You want to learn about @LOCATION1, but there arnt any books. And you want to talk to your friends. That’s what would have happend if we dident have advances in technology. No handeye cordenation, we wouldent be able to learn about far way places and we coudent online. Ccomputers benifit our lives in so many ways. To begin with, hand eye cordenation is very important. Without @CAPS5 we woudent be able to ware or even hold a pensil. @PERCENT1 of peoples hand eye cordenation has emproved when using a computer. That was proven in a @DATE1 say a @CAPS2 by @PERSON2, head of human reactions. “@CAPS3 knows that your hands are the most oversized part of you body, the computer help down the movements to hone hand eye cordenation.” – @PERSON1 said that in a @DATE2 interview with sience magaziene. When you are clumsy you break things. Importan things sumtimes, like @PERSON3 in @LOCATION2 broke her mothers glass vase. @CAPS5 could have been helped if she had used a computer. In addition, computers give us the power to learn about faraway places. No books! @PERCENT2 of people prefer looking up information on a computer than in a book. @CAPS5’s a fact. Some people wouldent have heard about the earthquake in @LOCATION3 if @CAPS5 wasent for the websights that brodcasted updates on @CAPS5. Campers weudent have heard. In @ORGANIZATION2 had a front page spread to promote the use of computers instead of books. Books could be outdated but the computer will always have uptodate answers. Also, people need to be able to talk online. Bisness meetings, governments plans, to just chatting with a friend. People need to be able to stay in tuch. If the presedent couldent vidio conference he would be flying everyware. Emale is the only way @PERSON5 from @CAPS4 talks to her coworkers. “ I just am located so far away, its so much easier.” @CAPS5 makes bissnesses and major incoperations flow.”@CAPS6 is now the only way kids talk @CAPS5 seems.” @PERSON4 says. @CAPS5 lets them feel like there a part of somthing biger then they are. Now, @CAPS1 happy, healthy, and educated young and old amaricans. They can do and research whatever they want. Its amazing what technology does. @CAPS5 alows you to talk online research faraway places, and practice your handeye cordenation. That sounds like a good thing to me! So @ORGANIZATION1, computeristic fist are only good. So agree with me @ORGANIZATION1!
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 being at home with nothing to do. You can't play basketball with @PERSON1 you friend because you have done hand eye coordination. You want to learn about @LOCATION1, but there art any books. And you want to talk to your friends. That what would have happened if we didn't have advances in technology. No hand eye coordination, we wouldst be able to learn about far way places and we student online. Computers benefit our lives in so many ways. To begin with, hand eye coordination is very important. Without @CAPS5, we student be able to ware or even hold a pencil. @PERCENT1 of peoples hand eye coordination has improved when using a computer. That was proven in a @DATE1 say a @CAPS2 by @PERSON2, head of human reactions. “@CAPS3 knows that your hands are the most oversized part of you body, the computer help down the movements to hone hand eye coordination.” – @PERSON1 said that in a @DATE2 interview with since magazine. When you are clumsy you break things. Important hings sum times, like @PERSON3 in @LOCATION2 broke her mothers glass vase. @CAPS5 could have been helped if she had used a computer. In addition, computers give us the power to learn about faraway places. No books! @PERCENT2 of people prefer looking up information on a computer than in a book. @CAPS5’s a fact. Some people wouldst have heard about the earthquake in @LOCATION3 if @CAPS5 wasn't for the web sights that broadcasted updates on @CAPS5. Campers student have heard. In @ORGANIZATION2 had a front page spread to promote the use of computers instead of books. Books could be outdated, but the computer will always have update answers. Also, people need to be able to talk online. Bigness meetings, governments plans, to just chatting with a friend. People need to be able to stay in such. If the president couldn't video conference he would be flying . Female is the only way @PERSON5 from @CAPS4 talks to her coworkers. “ I just am located so far away, It's so much easier.” @CAPS5 makes businesses and major inc operations flow.”@CAPS6 is now the only way kids talk @CAPS5 seems.” @PERSON4 says. @CAPS5 lets them feel like there a part of something bigger then they are. Now, @CAPS1 happy, healthy, and educated young and old Americans. They can do and research whatever they want. Its amazing what technology does. @CAPS5 allows you to talk online research faraway places, and practice your hand eye coordination. That sounds like a good thing to me! So @ORGANIZATION1, fist are only good. So agree with my @ORGANIZATION1!
Some people @MONTH1 think that computers take up too much time for the important things. But really everything you would like to know is right there. You can learn about nature, cool websites even history. Here are my reasons on the effect on computers. First, you can learn so much about nature online. You can view many types of animals and study them. Learn about plant and the effect they have on life. Also, you can learn about many things on @LOCATION1 and how its changing. Secondly, there are many coll websites you can join. Theres games you can play to keep you occupied during the day. You can even chat online with friends or maybe find long lost friends. School sites are available for students of some studying or help. Lastly, computers show you so much about history. People who things and world famous people from back then compared to famous people now. Most important of all, the life changing story about and how it changes peoples life today. I hope I've you enough to agree with me. As you can see computers have many resources you can learn from learning websites and history arent even half of them. Think about! Thank you for listening
Some people @MONTH1 thinks that computers take up too much time for the important things. But really everything you would like to know is right there. You can learn about nature, cool websites even history. Here are my reasons on the effect on computers. First, you can learn so much about nature online. You can view many types of animals and study them. Learn about plant and the effect they have on life. Also, you can learn about many things on @LOCATION1 and how it's changing. Secondly, there are many coll websites you can join. There's games you can play to keep you occupied during the day. You can even chat online with friends or maybe find long-lost friends. School sites are available for students of some studying or help. Lastly, computers show you so much about history. People who things and world-famous people from back then compared to famous people now. Most important of all, the life-changing story about and how it changes peoples life today. I hope I have you enough to agree with me. As you can see computers have many resources you can learn from learning websites and history aren't even half of them. Think about! Thank you for listening
Computers and the @CAPS1 have changed the way the world works today. From stocks to instant messaging (@CAPS2) people have based important decisions in their life based on what they have read. Although some people believe that computers are pulling people away from the beauty of nature, relatives, or exersize. I believe that @CAPS11 is only helping the world on a day today basis. One example is conversation, many people have close relatives that but over seas, cross country, or even across town. The @CAPS1 helps them speak to others that they normally couldn't have a conversation with. On several occasions, my family have planned trips together even though we live across the continent. What could have taken months by letters in the mail took as little as one hour to do over the @CAPS1. Another way to speak to friends or family is a website called @CAPS3. @CAPS3 is a website that allows you to speak to, @CAPS6 or send pictures to others. Other websites like this are @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 @PERCENT1 of people in @LOCATION1 have an account on one of these websites. One other way to speak to others, more for business reason, is @CAPS6. Multiple servers proud @CAPS6. such as @ORGANIZATION3, @ORGANIZATION2, or @CAPS8. "@ORGANIZATION3 is my personal favorite' says @PERSON2 @CAPS9 of the @LOCATION2 @CAPS10 newspaper, "@CAPS11 has helped me endlessly if need to contact someone on short notice." That is one reason why I support the use of computers. Another reason I support the use of computers is because <@PERCENT1@NUM1> of all students rely on the @CAPS1 for research papers and other assignments. "Even though I still use books," college student, @PERSON1 said."The @CAPS1 is so much faster and the articles are more up to date. Search @CAPS13 are most popularly used, such as @ORGANIZATION1 or @NUM2, of all computer users with @CAPS1 access have @ORGANIZATION1 at some paint. Another handy program provided by all computer companies is @CAPS15 @CAPS16. This program is used from everything to research papers to. This program also has a spell check, a punctuation check, and a check for mistakes. The main reason I am writing this paper is because experts have been complain that people have been spending too much time on the computer and @CAPS11 has been distracting them from the important things in life. Such as friends, family, and nature. However, from the examples explained in this paper, I have shown that the @CAPS1 increases conversation and curiosity of how the world looks and operates. As for exersise, @CAPS11 is commonsense to spend as little as one hour working on personal fitness.
Computers and the @CAPS1 have changed the way the world works today. From stocks to instant messaging (@CAPS2) people have based important decisions in their life based on what they have read. Although some people believe that computers are pulling people away from the beauty of nature, relatives, or exercise. I believe that @CAPS11 is only helping the world on a day today basis. One example is conversation, many people have close relatives that but overseas, cross-country, or even across town. The @CAPS1 helps them speak to others that they normally couldn't have a conversation with. On several occasions, my family have planned trips together even though we live across the continent. What could have taken months by letters in the mail took as little as one hour to do over the @CAPS1. Another way to speak to friends or family is a website called @CAPS3. @CAPS3 is a website that allows you to speak to, @CAPS6 or send pictures to others. Other websites like this are @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 @PERCENT1 of people in @LOCATION1 have an account on one of these websites. One other way to speak to others, more for business reason, is @CAPS6. Multiple servers proud @CAPS6. Such as @ORGANIZATION3, @ORGANIZATION2, or @CAPS8. "@ORGANIZATION3 is my personal favorite says @PERSON2 @CAPS9 of the @LOCATION2 @CAPS10 newspaper, "@CAPS11 has helped me endlessly if you need to contact someone on short notice." That is one reason why I support the use of computers. Another reason I support the use of computers is because <@PERCENT1@NUM1> of all students rely on the @CAPS1 for research papers and other assignments. "Even though I still use books," college student, @PERSON1 said." The @CAPS1 is so much faster and the articles are more up to date. Search @CAPS13 are most popularly used, such as @ORGANIZATION1 or @NUM2, of all computer users with @CAPS1 access have @ORGANIZATION1 at some paint. Another handy program provided by all computer companies is @CAPS15 @CAPS16. This program is used from everything to research papers to. This program also has a spell check, a punctuation check, and a check for mistakes. The main reason I am writing this paper is that experts have been complained that people have been spending too much time on the computer and @CAPS11 has been distracting them from the important things in life. Such as friends, family, and nature. However, from the examples explained in this paper, I have shown that the @CAPS1 increases conversation and curiosity of how the world looks and operates. As for exercise, @CAPS11 is commonsense to spend as little as one hour working on personal fitness.
Dear @LOCATION1, I think the way how more and more people use computers are bad because, @NUM1 int's not good for people's health, @NUM2 people who use computers lots of times, refuse to spend time with family and friends and @NUM3 you can find more about something that's on a computer by going and studying it yourself. My first reason why computers have bad effects on people who use computers, is the health issue. Health in very important but sitting in front of a computer for hours makes matters worst. By the way you hunch your back in order to see something small on the computer creen, or when you hold on the mouse, waiting to click onm something for long period of time, can cause arthrities. My second reason why computers have bad effects on people who use them. Are that people who are on computers & end to sometimes refuse to spend time with family or friends like for example: @CAPS1 say a week ago you made a promise to have a family get together with the family, and they all count on you to come, @CAPS2 you get a computers, you go on all these neat websites that you never heard off it's amazing right! WRONG! before you know if, it's the day for the family get together and your line an hour @CAPS4 you amke excuse not to come. And that breaks you family's heat....My last reason why, to me computers are a bad idea is you can learn about another the computer by going on to a But its ore fun traveling or meeting people from that place @CAPS2 setting in a for and having your neck, back and sore @CAPS3 I right, I think I @CAPS3. Also idsfun to and ear foods from the culture that you fing cool off that lame computers.(To me that sounds like a good time to invite family and friends!) @CAPS4 therefore in conclusion, in my personal opinion computers have bad effects of people health, it can cause later bacj and neck problems maybe even activities. People who use computers a lot or love to spend time on computers refuse to spend time with family and friends, and @NUM3 You can find more about something like a culture or land, if you go and study its yourself instead of going on a computers for hours. I hope my opinion convinces others, hoe computers have bad effects on people who use it a lott, and take action into their own hands and do what is right.
Dear @LOCATION1, I think the way how more and more people use computers are bad because, @NUM1 int's not good for people's health, @NUM2 people who use computers lots of times, refuse to spend time with family and friends and @NUM3 you can find more about something that's on a computer by going and studying it yourself. My first reason why computers have bad effects on people who use computers, is the health issue. Health in very important but sitting in front of a computer for hours makes matters worst. By the way you hunch your back in order to see something small on the computer green, or when you hold on the mouse, waiting to click ONM something for long period of time, can cause arthritis. My second reason why computers have bad effects on people who use them. Are that people who are on computers & end to sometimes refuse to spend time with family or friends like for example: @CAPS1 says a week ago you made a promise to have a family get together with the family, and they all count on you to come, @CAPS2 you get a computer, you go on all these neat websites that you never heard off its amazing right! WRONG! Before you know if, it's the day for the family get together and your line an hour @CAPS4 you make excuse not to come. And that breaks you family's heat.... My last reason why, to me computers are a bad idea is you can learn about another the computer by going on to a bit its ore fun traveling or meeting people from that place @CAPS2 setting in a for and having your neck, back and sore @CAPS3 I right, I think I @CAPS3. Also, ids fun to and ear foods from the culture that you fine cool off that lame computers.(To me that sounds like a good time to invite family and friends!) @CAPS4 therefore in conclusion, in my personal opinion computers have bad effects of people health, it can cause later back and neck problems maybe even activities. People who use computers a lot or love to spend time on computers refuse to spend time with family and friends, and @NUM3 You can find more about something like a culture or land, if you go and study its yourself instead of going on a computer for hours. I hope my opinion convinces others, hoe computers have bad effects on people who use it a Lott, and take action into their own hands and do what is right.
@ORGANIZATION1, Computers have great effects that are positive towards people. This is @CAPS3 it teaches hand eye cordanation, allows people to learn about far away places, and to talk to other people online. Computers have great positive effects for everyone. Computers teach hand eye cordanation. When a person is typing they are using their hands to type while looking at the monitor for the letters. Computer games help to teach this @CAPS3 in the game things happen very quickly so the person has to ee whats going on and click the correct key fast thus improving hand eye @CAPS1 greatly. Studys do show that people who use computers have a @PERCENT1 better hand eye @CAPS1 then some one who dosen't. Coumputers help hand eye @CAPS1 and they can teach you about far away places. Someone can learn about far away places by searching it up online. They will get many facts about that place. Sheral from @LOCATION4 said I heard some one at school mention @LOCATION2 and didn't know a thing about it so I searched it and got a ton of facts." This shows the computer can help someone learn about foiren countrys and they can talk to people far away. Using the computer soemone could talk to you while your hundreds or thousands of miles away. Tehy can do this through e-mail of video chat. a @CAPS2 showed that seven out of ten people prefer video chat @CAPS3 its faster and the two people can see each other. However either way they are still fast ways to contact a person far away. Jack from @LOCATION1 said "@CAPS3 of video chat I was able to talk to and see my cousin from @LOCATION3 who I almost never see. This gos to show that the computer is a positive thing for people. The computer is helpful in so many ways it teaches hand eye cordniation, it allows people to learn about far away places and it allows for people to talk to other people. Computers are a great thing for everyone."
@ORGANIZATION1, Computers have great effects that are positive towards people. This is @CAPS3 it teaches hand eye coordination, allows people to learn about far away places, and to talk to other people online. Computers have great positive effects for everyone. Computers teach hand eye coordination. When a person is typing they are using their hands to type while looking at the monitor for the letters. Computer games help to teach this @CAPS3 in the game things happen very quickly, so the person has to EE what's going on and click the correct key fast thus improving hand eye @CAPS1 greatly. Studies do show that people who use computers have a @PERCENT1 better hand eye @CAPS1 then someone who doesn't. Computers help hand eye @CAPS1, and they can teach you about far away places. Someone can learn about far away places by searching it up online. They will get many facts about that place. Sheryl from @LOCATION4 said I heard someone at school mention @LOCATION2 and didn't know a thing about it, so I searched it and got a ton of facts. This shows the computer can help someone learn about fire countries, and they can talk to people far away. Using the computer someone could talk to you while your hundreds or thousands of miles away. They can do this through e-mail of video chat. A @CAPS2 showed that seven out of ten people prefer video chat @CAPS3 its faster and the two people can see each other. However, either way they are still fast ways to contact a person far away. Jack from @LOCATION1 said "@CAPS3 of video chat I was able to talk to and see my cousin from @LOCATION3 who I almost never see. This goes to show that the computer is a positive thing for people. The computer is helpful in so many ways it teaches hand eye coordination, it allows people to learn about far away places, and it allows for people to talk to other people. Computers are a great thing for everyone."
Computers, @CAPS1 how far we've come. Computers hold many opertunities for the world and… we don't use any of them. Computers have taken many and left them without excersize. Computers fasinate many and can become very adicting if not used only in moderation. Computers are also attention hogs and take away interaction with family. Imagine seven years of your life sitting in front of a computer. You never get up unless you absolutely need to. You even decide to cut the sports from your life. Now imagine what that does to your body. Even if you ate right, the never excersising part woudl kill you. I remember I was at my cousin @PERSON2's house when she sugested to play the game @CAPS2 fit. If you have never played this before, when you sign in, it does some tests and determines the age of your body. My body was @NUM1 years old. I was a @NUM2 years old in a @NUM1 year old body. All those years gone in front of the computer. I don't want that experience to happen to anouther. Don't make the same mistake as me readers of the @LOCATION1 current. I have a friend name @PERSON1, and she is a computer addict. She would spend days on end on the computer. Sometimes she'd miss school for the computer or come to school just to play on the computer. She'd sometimes get violent when someone tried to pull her away. I hated seeing my friend like this, but mostly I hated how I watched it happen. It started off innocent enough. She enjoyed a certain website on the internet. It would sometimes get scary when she talked to me about it and clearly had played it all night. If you are looking at this story and thinking that would never happen to me, your wrong. I was thinking the same way when I took a look at that website that got her started. Thankfully, I stoped my addiction before it got to serious, but many others like @PERSON1 could and will be absorbed by the computers. Many readers reading this right now, should understand how dangerous and read this is, "@CAPS3!.... @CAPS3!... I'm talking to you!" That is the sound of your family members trying to talk to you when your on the computer. It doesn't work, computers are so attention grabbing, you can't even stand to talk to your own family. My mom does this many times a day to grab my attention and ends up calling my cell phone or I.ming me. Thats really just sad. By doing this you also become detatched which is never a good thing. The more and more you ignore your family for the computer the less of a bond you'll have, the less of a life you'll have. Computers truly are amazing, but the loss of excersise is very unhealthy and rapidly happening. Computers can also be dangerous, many people will get addicted. The more you chat on chat room to strangers, the less you will talk to your family. Computers are the devils tools. They will most certainly destroy you, readers. Alway be careful, computers are not as they seem.
Computers, @CAPS1 how far we've come. Computers hold many opportunities for the world and we don't use any of them. Computers have taken many and left them without excessive. fascinate many and can become very addicting if not used only in moderation. are also attention hogs and take away interaction with family. Imagine seven years of your life sitting in front of a computer. You never get up unless you absolutely need to. You even decide to cut the sports from your life. Now imagine what that does to your body. Even if you ate right, the never exercising part would kill you. I remember I was at my cousin @PERSON2's house when she suggested to play the game @CAPS2 fit. If you have never played this before, when you sign in, it does some tests and determines the age of your body. My body was @NUM1 years old. I was a @NUM2 year old in a @NUM1 year old body. All those years gone in front of the computer. I don't want that experience to happen to another. Don't make the same mistake as me readers of the @LOCATION1 current. I have a friend name @PERSON1, and she is a computer addict. She would spend days on end on the computer. Sometimes she'd miss school for the computer or come to school just to play on the computer. She'd sometimes get violent when someone tried to pull her away. I hated seeing my friend like this, but mostly I hated how I watched it happen. It started off innocent enough. She enjoyed a certain website on the internet. It would sometimes get scary when she talked to me about it and clearly had played it all night. If you are looking at this story and thinking that would never happen to me, you're wrong. I was thinking the same way when I took a look at that website that got her started. Thankfully, I stopped my addiction before it got to serious, but many others like @PERSON1 could and will be absorbed by the computers. Many readers reading this right now, should understand how dangerous and read this is, "@CAPS3!.... @CAPS3!... I'm talking to you!" That is the sound of your family members trying to talk to you when you're on the computer. It doesn't work, computers are so attention grabbing, you can't even stand to talk to your own family. My mom does this many times a day to grab my attention and ends up calling my cell phone or I.Ming me. That's really just sad. By doing this you also become detached which is never a good thing. The more and more you ignore your family for the computer the of a bond you'll have, the of a life you'll have. Computers truly are amazing, but the loss of exercise is very unhealthy and rapidly happening. Computers can also be dangerous, many people will get addicted. The more you chat on chat room to strangers, the less you will talk to your family. Computers are the devils tools. They will most certainly destroy you, readers. Away be careful, computers are not as they seem.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 out of ten people spend their time on the computers. I believe people should not spend @CAPS3 much time on their computers because it can hurt their eyes. They @MONTH1 watch inappropriate videos or pictures. Lastly, their bills will get higher. Did you know a lot of people spend their time on the computers? Well I think they should not be sitting on their damage their eyes. When you sit and watch computer your eyes starts to hurt. Then when you go to check your eyes, the doctor will probably give a glasses. My second reason is that people go to inappropriate sites and watch inappropriate videos. One time my friend was sitting in the computer and she started to watch inappropriate videos @CAPS3 when her father found out about this, he canceled their internet. Can you imagine the high bills you would get? Why pay too much money for spending @CAPS3 much time in the computer, when you can turn off the computer and spend some time with your friends. For example, instead of sitting on the computer @CAPS3 much, go outside and play soccer, kickball and more. In conclusion, people should stop spendinding @CAPS3 much time on the computers. Computers can hurt your eyes if you sit too much. People @MONTH1 watch inappropriate videos. Also your bills will get higher. It seems to me that people need different activities to get them off the computers. I hope you are agree with my ideas.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 out of ten people spend their time on the computers. I believe people should not spend @CAPS3 much time on their computers because it can hurt their eyes. watch inappropriate videos or pictures. Lastly, their bills will get higher. Did you know a lot of people spend their time on the computers? Well I think they should not be sitting on their damage their eyes. When you sit and watch computer your eyes starts to hurt. Then, when you go to check your eyes, the doctor will probably give a glass. My second reason is that people go to inappropriate sites and watch inappropriate videos. One time my friend was sitting in the computer, and she started to watch inappropriate videos @CAPS3 when her father found out about this, he canceled their internet. Can you imagine the high bills you would get? Why pay too much money for spending @CAPS3 much time in the computer, when you can turn off the computer and spend some time with your friends. For example, instead of sitting on the computer @CAPS3 much, go outside and play soccer, kickball and more. In conclusion, people should stop spending @CAPS3 much time on the computers. Computers can hurt your eyes if you sit too much. People @MONTH1 watch inappropriate videos. Also, your bills will get higher. It seems to me that people need different activities to get them off the computers. I hope you are agreed with my ideas.
Dear local newspaper, I think that computers are a good thing to have for the following three reasons. First, they help people learn by looking up information on different places. Second, the help people talk to friends and family using @CAPS2. Lastly they help people become less stressed by playing computers games. Learning is important and with computers, you're able to learn faster. Computers help you learn about faraway places like @LOCATION1. It is much easier to learn on the computer than to go to the library and check out a book. If you're working on a project and you needed some last minute information, you could just go to the computer and search you're topic. Learning on a computer is much more convenvent then going to the @CAPS1. Another reason computers are good is because you can talk to friends and family who are far away using something called @CAPS2. @CAPS2 allows someone to talk to another person using the computer. These people could live just down the block or half-way accrose the world. My cousin is living in spain for a semester in college. I've skped with her many times. The cool thing about @CAPS2 is that you can acctually see the person you're talking to on the computer screen. @CAPS2 is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends who are faraway. My last reason is that computers help lower your stress level by playing games. Computer games are alot of fun to play. They have games that range from @CAPS3 @CAPS4 the word, to @CAPS5 @CAPS6 beauty barn. Computer games are a great way to lower your stress because instead of piking your self up with to much work, you'll be calming your selfdown with computer games. They also gave educational games. like, Which country is which. This game teaches you geoagrahy while you have fun. Computers are a great thing to have. They help you learn about faraway places, talk to people who live faraway and play fun computer games. Computers are always going to be used and never put to waste. Theres always something you can do when you go on a computer.
Dear local newspaper, I think that computers are a good thing to have for the following three reasons. First, they help people learn by looking up information on different places. Second, the help people talk to friends and family using @CAPS2. Lastly they help people become less stressed by playing computers games. Learning is important and with computers, you're able to learn faster. Computers help you learn about faraway places like @LOCATION1. It is much easier to learn on the computer than to go to the library and check out a book. If you're working on a project, and you needed some last minute information, you could just go to the computer and search you're topic. Learning on a computer is much more convenient then going to the @CAPS1. Another reason computers are good is because you can talk to friends and family who are far away using something called @CAPS2. @CAPS2 allows someone to talk to another person using the computer. These people could live just down the block or half-way across the world. My cousin is living in Spain for a semester in college. I've sped with her many times. The cool thing about @CAPS2 is that you can actually see the person you're talking to on the computer screen. @CAPS2 is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends who are faraway. My last reason is that computers help lower your stress level by playing games. Computer games area lot of fun to play. They have games that range from @CAPS3 @CAPS4 the word, to @CAPS5 @CAPS6 beauty barn. Computer games are a great way to lower your stress because instead of piking your self up with too much work, you'll be calming your self down with computer games. They also gave educational games. Like, Which country is which. This game teaches you geography while you have fun. Computers are a great thing to have. They help you learn about faraway places, talk to people who live faraway and play fun computer games. Computers are always going to be used and never put to waste. There's always something you can do when you go on a computer.
Dear people from the newspaper, I am concerned that people take too much time on the computer because it could cause trouble, voilence, & illegal crimes. First, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it couses trouble, in @DATE2, @PERCENT1 @DATE1 people in the @LOCATION1, do bad stuff like starting rumors, & saying bad stuff about people they dispise, in the @DATE1, @PERCENT2 @DATE1 teens form ages @NUM1 were envolven with the rumor spreading. This would be bad for all children. All these reasons will lead to the @NUM2 below. Secondly, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it couses voilence, because @DATE1 the reasons started in the @NUM3 paragraph, if all this continues, then it @MONTH1 & lead to voilence, in @DATE1 @NUM4 people died from all the crimes online. @NUM5 threats were found online from big websites like @CAPS1, @CAPS2 & @CAPS3. Lastly, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it could lead to illegal crimes, In @DATE3 a girl was talking to a boy online then when they decided to meet, he shot & killed her. It turned out he was just a person who lied about who he was online, @CAPS4 on a website online, a group @DATE1 men were talking about now much they hated kids so they decided to shot them @ their bus stops. Thank god that the police caught them before they were to do the crime In conclusion, I am concenred that people are spending too much time on the computer because it causes trouble, voilence, & illegal crimes. This @CAPS5 like totally needs to stop before everyone is addicted to spreading rumors. Thank you for your time in reading this letter
Dear people from the newspaper, I am concerned that people take too much time on the computer because it could cause trouble, violence, & illegal crimes. First, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it houses trouble, in @DATE2, @PERCENT1 @DATE1 people in the @LOCATION1, do bad stuff like starting rumors, & saying bad stuff about people they dispose, in the @DATE1, @PERCENT2 @DATE1 teens form ages @NUM1 were involved with the rumor spreading. This would be bad for all children. All these reasons will lead to the @NUM2 below. Secondly, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it houses violence, because @DATE1 the reasons started in the @NUM3 paragraph, if all this continues, then it @MONTH1 & lead to violence, in @DATE1 @NUM4 people died from all the crimes online. @NUM5 threats were found online from big websites like @CAPS1, @CAPS2 & @CAPS3. Lastly, I am concerned that people spend too much time on the computer because it could lead to illegal crimes, In @DATE3 a girl was talking to a boy online then when they decided to meet, he shot & killed her. It turned out he was just a person who lied about who he was online, @CAPS4 on a website online, a group @DATE1 men were talking about now much they hated kids, so they decided to shot them @ their bus stops. Thank god that the police caught them before they were to do the crime In conclusion, I am concerned that people are spending too much time on the computer because it causes trouble, violence, & illegal crimes. This @CAPS5 like totally needs to stop before everyone is addicted to spreading rumors. Thank you for your time in reading this letter
Dear Readers, Everyone now-a-days has a computer. This could be a good thing but mostly its unnatral. People can now do things they couldn't do before; when people move they don't need to send letters to one another, and have to wait days for a reply. Now they just sign into aim, facebook, or myspace. Then they can talk in time. But thats only the good things here are the bad. People spend less time outside they don't look at any of the butey anymore. We don't spend time with our friends any more. I can't even remember the last time I had a face to face convetation with soemone if I didn't have to. People on the internet can do anything they want. You @MONTH1 be saying thats a good thing. Right? Well the answer is no! People can hack into almost everything. People can cyber bully others with out any one ever knowing who the other person is. People can also be any one they want online. Say if I was @NUM1 and I wanted to stalk so little @NUM2 years old I could also pretend that I was ten and pretend make friends with the ten year old. When I found out enough information I would then be able to find the ten year old. Before people wern't able to do this. If people start to see what is heppening with our exsistence the more people would stop being stached @NUM3 to their computers. People would start to cut down on the amount of time they spend on their computers and start to live. Take action! Take notice! Start spreding the word!
Dear Readers, Everyone nowadays has a computer. This could be a good thing but mostly its unnatural. People can now do things they couldn't do before; when people move they don't need to send letters to one another, and have to wait days for a reply. Now they just sign in to aim, Facebook, or MySpace. Then they can talk in time. But that's only the good things here are the bad. People spend less time outside they don't look at any of the beta anymore. We don't spend time with our friends anymore. I can't even remember the last time I had a face to face convention with someone if I didn't have to. People on the internet can do anything they want. You @MONTH1 be saying that's a good thing. Right? Well the answer is no! People can hack into almost everything. People can cyberbully others without any one ever knowing who the other person is. can also be anyone they want online. Say if I was @NUM1 and I wanted to stalk so little @NUM2 years old I could also pretend that I was ten and pretend make friends with the ten-year-old. When I found out enough information I would then be able to find the ten-year-old. Before people weren't able to do this. If people start to see what is happening with our existence the more people would stop being stacked @NUM3 to their computers. People would start to cut down on the amount of time they spend on their computers and start to live. Take action! Take notice! Start spreading the word!
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 would you want to do in your spare time? Would you go outside and maybe @CAPS3 the soccer ball around with your kids, or grab a bag of chips and log onto facebook or your email? The question is, do computers have a negative or positive effect on people. I believe that computers have a negative effect. Talking to friends on the computer doesn't let you learn social skills. Going on the computer can also be very addicting. Finally, it take's away from all the exercise you need. I @CAPS4 that after careful consideration you will agree with me that computers have a negative effect on people. Facebook, ichat and email are all fun and easy ways to talk to your friends and family online. However, are you really gaining any social skills by doing this? Talking to friends and family online doesn't help you have good social skills. When you first meet someone in person, you most likely want to @CAPS4 @CAPS2 to say and how to act. Typing on a keyboard doesn't really let you interact with people. @CAPS6 not invite someone over, or go out to lunch with your family istead? Computers also are very addicting. I can say for myself that once I log onto the computer, I might not be off for the next hours. This is the case for many other people too. Going on the computer is addicting. Il @CAPS4 that not everyone is using a computer on a daily basis the vast majority of people are. When I'm on facebook and I see the number of people online is one hundred or even two hundred, as time goes by, the number increases. The computer being addicting leads to getting enough exercise. Doctors say that adults and kids should get atleast an hour of exercise a day. Going on the computer takes away from this time. Instead of sitting on the computer for an hour, you could be getting your hour of exercise. instead A lot of times when someone @CAPS5 down at the computer, a snack goes with them. This just adds onto the fact @CAPS6 getting the exercise is important to stay healthy. I @CAPS4 that I would feel a lot better if I went for a run instead of going on the computer. You are probably saying that you have time to manage both, but some people would rather exercise. When these people see you on the computer, @CAPS2 kind of example does it set? If everyone limited their time on the computer we would all feel a lot better and be more social. I trust that you will agree with me that computers have a negative effect on people.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 would you want to do in your spare time? Would you go outside and maybe @CAPS3 the soccer ball around with your kids, or grab a bag of chips and log onto Facebook or your email? The question is, do computers have a negative or positive effect on people. I believe that computers have a negative effect. Talking to friends on the computer doesn't let you learn social skills. Going on the computer can also be very addicting. Finally, it takes away from all the exercise you need. I @CAPS4 that after careful consideration you will agree with me that computers have a negative effect on people. Facebook, chat and email are all fun and easy ways to talk to your friends and family online. However, are you really gaining any social skills by doing this? Talking to friends and family online doesn't help you have good social skills. When you first meet someone in person, you most likely want @CAPS2 to say and how to act. Typing on a keyboard doesn't really let you interact with people. @CAPS6 not invite someone over, or go out to lunch with your family instead? Computers also are very addicting. I can say for myself that once I log onto the computer, I might not be off for the next hours. This is the case for many other people too. Going on the computer is addicting. IL @CAPS4 that not everyone is using a computer on a daily basis the vast majority of people are. When I'm on Facebook and I see the number of people online is one hundred or even two hundred, as time goes by, the number increases. The computer being addicting leads to getting enough exercise. Doctors say that adults and kids should get at least an hour of exercise a day. Going on the computer takes away from this time. Instead of sitting on the computer for an hour, you could be getting your hour of exercise. Instead A lot of times when someone @CAPS5 down at the computer, a snack goes with them. This just adds onto the fact @CAPS6 getting the exercise is important to stay healthy. I @CAPS4 that I would feel a lot better if I went for a run instead of going on the computer. You are probably saying that you have time to manage both, but some people would rather exercise. When these people see you on the computer, @CAPS2 kind of example does it set? If everyone limited their time on the computer we would all feel a lot better and be more social. I trust that you will agree with me that computers have a negative effect on people.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people find the clicking and clacking of computers a nuscense. What they don't realize is thay are helping the youths lives and making them easier and they could be doing the same for them. This is why computers have a very good effect on people. First off computers arn't a bad thing if they are just helping people get to know each other better. You always see ad's for dating websites and other things like that. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of couples meet online. Thats a lot and to think they would have never if it wern't for computers. Second of all computers provide a tremendous amount of entertainment. There are over @NUM1 on computer games online. @CAPS2 of them are free too. I bet almost every kids has played a game on the internet before. Think about it your child could be out getting in trouble or be nice and safe at home playing on the computer. You are probably thinking, computers sound so childish and infantile. Well computers arn't just fun and games. They provide a lot of information. They are very useful for teens in school for projects, but they benefit adults in many ways too. It provides information on vacations, hotels, ext. Also computers now have videos all over on how to do things like how to and other useful information. So as you can see computers arn't just a pain. They help bring people together, provide entertainment and have very useful information. Think about it. A computer might save your life one day. Computers help peoples every day lives and they could be helping yours.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people find the clicking and clacking of computers a suspense. What they don't realize is that are helping the youths lives and making them easier, and they could be doing the same for them. This is why computers have a very good effect on people. First off computers aren't a bad thing if they are just helping people get to know each other better. You always see ad's for dating websites and other things like that. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of couples meet online? That's a lot and to think they would have never if it weren't for computers. Second of all computers provide a tremendous amount of entertainment. There are over @NUM1 on computer games online. @CAPS2 of them are free too. I bet almost all kids has played a game on the internet before. Think about it your child could be out getting in trouble or be nice and safe at home playing on the computer. You are probably thinking, computers sound so childish and infantile. Well computers aren't just fun and games. They provide a lot of information. They are very useful for teens in school for projects, but they benefit adults in many ways too. It provides information on vacations, hotels, ext. Also, computers now have videos all over on how to do things like how to and other useful information. So as you can see computers aren't just a pain. They help bring people together, provide entertainment and have very useful information. Think about it. A computer might save your life one day. Computers help peoples every day lives and they could be helping yours.
Lately, a technology buzz has hit all over the world. Where ever you look, be it at home, at school, at work, or on the streets, you see people texting, talking on phones, blogging, and other computer related things. This concerns some people. They believe that these generations are relying too much on computers and not spending enough time exercising outside or socializing. But here is where they go wrong. These experts are judging computers too harshly, for it's not like everyone is zoning out in front of a glass screen, sucked into the world beyond. @CAPS9, most of these "computer geeks" are using the computer for useful things, while they are also used for entertainment, computers also help society to reconnect with long-lost friends or even get directions to a well-know resuraunt. As you can plainly see, computers are not turning us all into zombies. Computers are sometimes seen as a nusence. Parents complain about the many times they have to drag their sons and daughters from the screen for dinner or a soccer game that started @NUM1 minutes ago. But you see, this doesn't mean its bad. Everyone goes on the computer. "Even though my father complains that I'm on @CAPS1 too much," @PERSON1, @ORGANIZATION1, says. "@CAPS2 forgets that @CAPS2 has one of his own." This is an example not unlike many other student's parents. About @PERCENT1 of adults confess that they too have fallen into the new fads such as @CAPS1, @CAPS4, and @CAPS5. So why do we need these things? What seems to make them so important to us? The answer is simple, it makes us feel connected. Then again, if you think about it, maybe not so simple. Many people have different opinions on why the computer is so important to them, but most agree that friends is one big factor. "Everyone is already online." @PERSON2, computer technician, informs. "@CAPS6 all your friends are in something, wouldn't you want to as well?" @CAPS7, as the famous saying, @CAPS8 your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?, flashes through your mind let me answer that for you - @CAPS9. Being connected and diving off the deep ends are too different concepts. As you find friends from highschool or just friends from school, your glad that @CAPS7 you can talk to them face to face - or computer screen to computer screen - again. Last, but certainly not least, the computer is a great resource. While some people complain, others are using what it has to offer by looking up directions to events or facts for your next report. This is how websites like @ORGANIZATION2 make billions from the words being typed into the search engine. The facts and places that arise from the computr are like gems waiting to be found. In conclusion, its easy to see why the computer and its resources are so loved. Everyone uses it for different things and different hobbies. Whilesome for pure entertainment, others for information, and another for reconnection. My personal favorite finiding the true treasure of hidden bands, the fantastic ones, that @CAPS9 one even knows. And so, this is why I'm convinced the computer is a positive impact on the world.
Lately, a technology buzz has hit all over the world. Where ever you look, be it at home, at school, at work, or on the streets, you see people texting, talking on phones, blogging, and other computer related things. This concerns some people. They believe that these generations are relying too much on computers and not spending enough time exercising outside or socializing. But here is where they go wrong. These experts are judging computers too harshly, for it's not like everyone is zoning out in front of a glass screen, sucked into the world beyond. @CAPS9, most of these "computer geeks" are using the computer for useful things, while they are also used for entertainment, computers also help society to reconnect with long-lost friends or even get directions to a well-know restraint. As you can plainly see, computers are not turning us all into zombies. Computers are sometimes seen as a absence. Parents complain about the many times they have to drag their sons and daughters from the screen for dinner or a soccer game that started @NUM1 minutes ago. But you see, this doesn't mean it's bad. Everyone goes on the computer. "Even though my father complains that I'm on @CAPS1 too much," @PERSON1, @ORGANIZATION1, says. "@CAPS2 forgets that @CAPS2 has one of his own." This is an example not unlike many other student's parents. About @PERCENT1 of adults confess that they too have fallen into the new fads such as @CAPS1, @CAPS4, and @CAPS5. So why do we need these things? What seems to make them so important to us? The answer is simple, it makes us feel connected. Then again, if you think about it, maybe not so simple. Many people have different opinions on why the computer is so important to them, but most agree that friends is one big factor. "Everyone is already online." @PERSON2, computer technician, informs. "@CAPS6 all your friends are in something, wouldn't you want to as well?" @CAPS7, as the famous saying, @CAPS8 your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?, flashes through your mind let me answer that for you - @CAPS9. Being connected and diving off the deep ends are too different concepts. As you find friends from high school or just friends from school, your glad that @CAPS7 you can talk to them face to face - or computer screen to computer screen - again. Last, but certainly not least, the computer is a great resource. While some people complain, others are using what it has to offer by looking up directions to events or facts for your next report. This is how websites like @ORGANIZATION2 make billions from the words being typed into the search engine. The facts and places that arise from the computer are like gems waiting to be found. In conclusion, It's easy to see why the computer and its resources are so loved. Everyone uses it for different things and different hobbies. Wholesome for pure entertainment, others for information, and another for reconnection. My personal favorite finding the true treasure of hidden bands, the fantastic ones, that @CAPS9 one even knows. And so, this is why I'm convinced the computer is a positive impact on the world.
Dier: newspaper I thingk the computers are beneficial and consequencial. Computers are beneficial because thy entertainment, inforormational and super yousfall., I injoy all the cool vidio on youtud while older pepole mite wash the news. You can also send mail, it is most semplr. Then sanding a ordnery envelope. Wating for days or even weeks depnding were you live but wegth e-mail it can get ther in a mater of secons, big deforents right. Pepol who depend on computers can uploud inpotan informashon all the pepol on palands of the poles and army yous the internet on there computers to control speshol equenent like @CAPS1.A.V. for the army or everiday monrting sestoms for a policeofficer. I mayself yous a computer to resrech school slot like math and history but computer all arnt good pepole abyous it. Some pepol can hack in to other computers and steel importen information and make your life misardol it can effact your haus onlin players spend countless howsr playing it can mak you game wat, stend les time weth your frend and fameli thy play so offen ther eight weekends and required glasses, computers my complateley replace newsepaper.
Dear: newspaper I things the computers are beneficial and consequential. Computers are beneficial because thy entertainment, informational and super yous fall., I enjoy all the cool video on youth while older people mite wash the news. You can also send mail, it is most simply. Then sanding an ornery envelope. Dating for days or even weeks depending where you live but with e-mail it can get the in a mater of second, big deforests right. People who depend on computers can upload important information all the people on pa lands of the poles and army IOUs the internet on their computers to control special equipment like @CAPS1. A.V. for the army or everyday morning systems for a police officer. I myself IOUs a computer to respect school slot like math and history but computer all art good people bayous it. Some people can hack in to other computers and steel imported information and make your life Ricardo it can effect your has online players spend countless hows playing it can MAK you game was, send LES time with your friend and family thy play so often the eight weekends and required glasses, computers my completely replace newspaper.
Many people think that computers are not a good thing. They think people spend to much time on the computer and are getting less exercise. They are also concerned that looking at the screen could be damaging to your eyes. Those statements maybe true. I believe that computers are beneficial. You can talk to people from other places. You could learn about other places in the world. You can also use the computer to research topics. first off, on the computer you can talk to people. Whether it on a webcam or one of those networks to @LOCATION1 and chat with each other. On the computer you can chat and talk with people without having to be on the phone and paying a bill for it. For example, I have family in another country and one way we always talk is on the computer. We talk on webcam and chat. Calling someone from another country on the phone gets really expensive. If I didn't have a computer then I would not have that great of contact with @CAPS2 family from another country. In addition, You can use the computer to look at foreign countries. Many people including @CAPS2 parents have used the computer to look and read into about other countries. @CAPS2 mother, whenever @CAPS1 plans a vacation, looks up the country we are going to and gets more information about it. Like @DATE1 we went to a hot exotic place, @CAPS2 mom looked it up to see what we should pack to go there. If it weren't for the computer we might have packed the wrong items. Lastly, computers are a great source for researching. I can't tell you how many times I have used the computer to research. Books and encyclopedias are great sources but the computer has so much to offer. You have so many links you can go to and sites. You can find pictures, videos, maps, and much more. I have used the computer many times to research, sometimes its a requirement to have a few sites you have gone on to research for your project in school or something. If you have a computer at home you can build up your computer skills for school. Computers are a more positive thing than negative. You can talk to people without the expensive phone bill. You can learn about other places and cultures. Also, you can use it for researching purposes. Computers @CAPS3!
Many people think that computers are not a good thing. They think people spend too much time on the computer and are getting less exercise. They are also concerned that looking at the screen could be damaging to your eyes. Those statements maybe true. I believe that computers are beneficial. You can talk to people from other places. You could learn about other places in the world. Furthermore, you can also use the computer to research topics. First off, on the computer you can talk to people. Whether it is on a webcam or one of those networks to @LOCATION1 and chat with each other. On the computer you can chat and talk with people without having to be on the phone and paying a bill for it. For example, I have family in another country and one way we always talk is on the computer. We talk on webcam and chat. Calling someone from another country on the phone gets really expensive. If I didn't have a computer then I would not have that great of contact with @CAPS2 family from another country. In addition, You can use the computer to look at foreign countries. Many people including @CAPS2 parents have used the computer to look and read into about other countries. @CAPS2 mother, whenever @CAPS1 plans a vacation, looks up the country we are going to and gets more information about it. Like @DATE1, we went to a hot exotic place, @CAPS2 mom looked it up to see what we should pack to go there. If it weren't for the computer we might have packed the wrong items. Lastly, computers are a great source for researching. I can't tell you how many times I have used the computer to research. Books and encyclopedias are great sources but the computer has so much to offer. You have so many links you can go to and sites. You can find pictures, videos, maps, and much more. I have used the computer many times to research, sometimes it's a requirement to have a few sites you have gone on to research for your project in school or something. If you have a computer at home you can build up your computer skills for school. Computers are a more positive thing than negative. You can talk to people without the expensive phone bill. You can learn about other places and cultures. Also, you can use it for researching purposes. Computers @CAPS3!
To whom it @MONTH1 concern, I feel that computers are a great in most people lives. One you can use them for almost everything. two computers are good for you in many ways. It shouldnt affect dailey schedule or just being with your family. People can use computers for almost everything for one their are hundred of websites on the computer. For example, you can play games all different kinds, you can also chat with people, litsen to music, watch videos, look for places and a whole lot more. Computers are very useful in many different ways. Computers are also good for you. They help with you eye cordination. You can also go online and do practice on math, social studies, etc. The internet also has a lot of eduacting games whiten is good for people who had that extra help. It also helps you with you hand cordinations because on the computer you need to know how to type. you get realy good at it you can type without looking. A computer can not get between you dailey schedule or whay u do with your family. Because a computer is a computer you go on it if you need something or you go on it just for fun for example i havea computer at my house and someone goes on it everyday and it never affect what everybody does us kids still go to school my parents still go to work, we eat dinner together we do what we have to do, and the computer never gets in the way. As my conclusion i know that computers are good to have in peoples houses. One you can use them for almost everything. Two computers are good for you. Three i shouldnt affect your daily schedule in anyway.
To whom it @MONTH1 concern, I feel that computers are a great in most people lives. Once you can use them for almost everything. Two computers are good for you in many ways. It shouldn't affect daily schedule or just being with your family. People can use computers for almost everything for one there are a hundred of websites on the computer. For example, you can play games all different kinds, you can also chat with people, listen to music, watch videos, look for places and a lot more. Computers are very useful in many different ways. Computers are also good for you. They help with you eye coordination. You can also go online and do practice on math, social studies, etc. The internet also has a lot of educating games whiten is good for people who had that extra help. It also helps you with you hand ordinations because on the computer you need to know how to type. You get real good at it, you can type without looking. A computer can not get between you daily schedule or what u do with your family. Because a computer is a computer you go on it if you need something, or you go on it just for fun for example i have computer at my house and someone goes on it every day, and it never affects what everybody does us kids still go to school my parents still go to work, we eat dinner together we do what we have to do, and the computer never gets in the way. As my conclusion I know that computers are good to have in peoples houses. Once you can use them for almost everything. Two computers are good for you. Three i shouldn't affect your daily schedule in any way.
Dear newspaper people I think computers are good because wat if I have a family member that gose out of town and you want to stay in tuch and I dont have a phone then I can go-on a chatting web sight and stay in with them. When @CAPS1 bored I go on google to look up and pichers and play some games. You can look up one think and find something elsa, but it will cech your eyes. Computers are good were ever you go, it can look up for a project for school. Bur ween you are in school it can help you with spelling, and if u got to know wat contrey has the most people the @CAPS2 will find the ancer as fast as a snap. Computers are advanceing every year. Seart the @CAPS2 was just a screan and a mouse, now we got laptops that you can tack every were. People can get exercis if thay want and thay can enjoy nature thay can bring a laptop. But when you are exercising then you can go right to youtube and lison to some musick and wach funny videos. And thats whay I think computers are good.
Dear newspaper people I think computers are good because was if I have a family member that gone out of town, and you want to stay in such and I don't have a phone then I can go-on a chatting website and stay in with them. When @CAPS1 bored I go on Google to look up and pitchers and play some games. You can look up one think and find something Elsa, but it will Czech your eyes. Computers are good were ever you go, it can look up for a project for school. Bur ween you are in school it can help you with spelling, and if u got to know was contra has the most people the @CAPS2 will find the cancer as fast as a snap. Computers are advancing every year. Heart the @CAPS2 was just a screen and a mouse, now we got laptops that you can tack every were. People can get exercise if that want and that can enjoy nature that can bring a laptop. But when you are exercising then you can go right to YouTube and lion to some music and each funny videos. And that's what I think computers are good.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I am writing this letter to state my opinion on the effects computers have on people. And there are three of them: @CAPS4 theft, cyberbully, addition. Now I will write one paragraph about each. My first reason why I feel that computers have bad effects is. @CAPS4 theft many people in the @CAPS5.S.A identities get stolen for listing private information online (computer) which can leave that person in a lot of debt. How are we going to encourage people to use computers when their at the risk of getting their @CAPS4 stolen. If this happening to innocent people it needs to stop we must'nt encourage this online behavior so say no to computers. i understand it really is interesting to learn about people from different countries but their are some cons. Talking online to people you don't know and have never seen, met in person they can pose as someone famous and bully you for their enjoyment. It has been proven that when children even adults get cyberbullied can lead them in the path of depression even suicide. Now I find it quite febble-minded to give up your life for a computer. So again I say no to computers. My last reason why I say no to computers is because people become addicted to the excitement of the computers when eventually lead to the division from friends and family because your lost in the computer world also you forget about you hygene some people even forget to eat. This thing they call computer is a drug, a drug that makes you forget about reality and everything else you used to think of and bring you to computer land. And I say no to computers. I have gave you my opinion and three supporting reasons why I feel the way I do which were because @CAPS4 theft, cyberbullying, addiction. Say no @NUM1 computers.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I am writing this letter to state my opinion on the effects computers have on people. And there are three of them: @CAPS4 theft, cyberbully, addition. Now I will write one paragraph about each. My first reason why I feel that computers have bad effects is. @CAPS4 theft many people in the @CAPS5. S.A identity get stolen for listing private information online (computer) which can leave that person in a lot of debt. How are we going to encourage people to use computers when their at the risk of getting their @CAPS4 stolen. If this happening to innocent people it needs to stop we mustn't encourage this online behavior so say no to computers. I understand it really is interesting to learn about people from different countries but there are some cons. Talking online to people you don't know and have never seen, met in person they can pose as someone famous and bully you for their enjoyment. It has been proven that when children even adults get cyberbullied can lead them in the path of depression even suicide. Now I find it quite to give up your life for a computer. So again I say no to computers. My last reason why I say no to computers is because people become addicted to the excitement of the computers when eventually lead to the division from friends and family because your lost in the computer world also you forget about you hygiene some people even forget to eat. This thing they call computer is a drug, a drug that makes you forget about reality and everything else you used to think of and bring you to computer land. And I say no to computers. I have given you my opinion and three supporting reasons why I feel the way I do which were because @CAPS4 theft, cyberbullying, addiction. Say no @NUM1 computers.
Dear Newspaper I strongly agree with experts on computer's. Those who support advances in technology believe that computer's have a positive effect on people. They say that computers teach us hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn from faraway places and even allow people to talk with others online. Theese effects are true but there are many other bad effects to that they dont like to say. Computers also effect people's visiion as you are really close to the screen, computers are really addicting for many people all around the world and having them do bearly no excercize moving many people to a big problem now n days which is obesity. Computer's also tend to take a lot of time away from people's lives. The way I see it to is that although computer's have some positive effects on people you can change those positive effects in a better way that can keep you fit to and seeing places with your eyes, like you can get practice with hand-eye coordination by simply getting a friend and pass tennis balls back and forth quick so at the same time your exercizing to. Also a computer can have you talk with your friends online but why not talk to them by phone if there far away n go outside and catch some fresh air n if they live close by why not talk to them in person instead. or if you want to learn about a certain far away place why not visit the place instead. There are many things you can do that a computer can do and better. but yet im not saying a computer is all bad at all. I agree that there are both good and bad effects to computers as well as most things in the world we live in. In my opinion to I honestly think there are more bad effects then good effects for computer's.
Dear Newspaper I strongly agree with experts on computer's. Those who support advances in technology believe that computer's have a positive effect on people. They say that computers teach us hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn from faraway places and even allow people to talk with others online. These effects are true, but there are many other bad effects to that they don't like to say. Computers also effect people's vision as you are really close to the screen, computers are really addicting for many people all around the world and having them dob early no exercise moving many people to a big problem now n days which is obesity. Computers also tend to take a lot of time away from people's lives. The way I see it to is that although computer's have some positive effects on people you can change those positive effects in a better way that can keep you fit to and seeing places with your eyes, like you can get practice with hand-eye coordination by simply getting a friend and pass tennis balls back and forth quick so at the same time your exercising to. Also, a computer can have you talk with your friends online but why not talk to them by phone if their far away n go outside and catch some fresh air n if they live close by why not talk to them in person instead. Or if you want to learn about a certain far away place why not visit the place instead. There are many things you can do that a computer can do and better. But yet I'm not saying a computer is all bad at all. I agree that there are both good and bad effects to computers as well as most things in the world we live in. In my opinion to I honestly think there are more bad effects than good effects for computer's.
I personally think that people should not spend so much time on the computer. One reason why people shouldn't spend so much time on the computer is because people spend to much time on them and not enough time exercising. Another reason why is because people aren't enjoying nature. Finally, my last reason is because people are spending less time interacting with family ans friends. My first reason why people shouldn't spend so much time on the computer is bacause they are spenfing more time on them then exercising. People will end up getting fat if all they do is sit around on their computer. People should be running or going to the gym instead of going on the computer. Even if you have your own equipment at your house to exercis on it's still better then going on the computer and not getting any exercise at all. If people spent as much time exercising then they spend on the computer, then the average weight of a human will go way down. Another reason people should't spend so much time on the computer is because people are spending less time enjoying nature. People should be outside getting fresh air instead of being inside on the computer all day. I personally would way rather be outside playing baseball and getting fit then being inside on the computer getting fat. Even if you look at nature via comuter, it still wan't be the same because you actually aren't outside experiencing it yourself. If people waould spend as much time enjoying nature as they are on the computer. We would be living in a much more healthy and clean word. My last reason why I think people spend so much time on the computer is because they are spending less time interacting with family and friends. People could be in a dark room all day, isolated from everyone they came about just because they are on the computer. That to me just isn't right because they covered he spending quality time with their friends and family, instead they are spending time with their computer. If a person spends all their time on the computer then everyone they care about will gradually be slipping away even if they don't know it. So as you can see, it would be much better if people spend more time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends then spending more time on the computer. even if you don't spend alot of your time on the computer yet, you will gradually spend more and more time on it everyday until eventually it's all you do.
I personally think that people should not spend so much time on the computer. One reason why people shouldn't spend so much time on the computer is because people spend too much time on them and not enough time exercising. Another reason why is because people aren't enjoying nature. Finally, my last reason is because people are spending less time interacting with family and friends. My first reason why people shouldn't spend so much time on the computer is because they are spending more time on them then exercising. People will end up getting fat if all they do is sit around on their computer. People should be running or going to the gym instead of going on the computer. Even if you have your own equipment at your house to exercise on it's still better than going on the computer and not getting any exercise at all. If people spent as much time exercising then they spend on the computer, then the average weight of a human will go way down. Another reason people shouldn't spend so much time on the computer is because people are spending less time enjoying nature. People should be outside getting fresh air instead of being inside on the computer all day. I personally would way rather be outside playing baseball and getting fit then being inside on the computer getting fat. Even if you look at nature via computer, it still want be the same because you actually aren't outside experiencing it yourself. If people would spend as much time enjoying nature as they are on the computer. We would be living in a much more healthy and clean word. My last reason why I think people spend so much time on the computer is because they are spending less time interacting with family and friends. People could be in a dark room all day, isolated from everyone they came about just because they are on the computer. That to me just isn't right because they covered he's spending quality time with their friends and family, instead they are spending time with their computer. If a person spends all their time on the computer then everyone they care about will gradually be slipping away even if they don't know it. So as you can see, it would be much better if people spend more time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends then spending more time on the computer. Even if you don't spend a lot of your time on the computer yet, you will gradually spend more and more time on it every day until eventually it's all you do.
Dear @CAPS1, This a letter telling you my opinion about computer. Yes people do spend that time in computers a lot, its because computers are very helpful in many ways. Computers help us with our job, school, work ect. For example science. Im in @NUM1 grade. My teacher @PERSON1 gives us homework; every @DATE1, we have to do @ORGANIZATION1 are @NUM2 facts about anything you want to write about. A lot of people look up bears on @ORGANIZATION2 and they do their assigment about bears. Jobs; secreatenes always have to use computer for everything in our school secreaterys and teachers use computers for attendance, grading. They check you, attendance, grade, phone number and schedule. Communication, my dad the computer wuth our family from @LOCATION1. We talk to know how they've been, to know whats new. Like a week ago I was chating to my cousin she told me her dog had @NUM3 puppies. My family also uses the computer, to order. My uncle went to and he ordered two tickets for wwe. He also orders his flight tickets in his computer, to go to @LOCATION1. Well my point is people use computer a lot because they are, very helpful in many ways. Its not good to just be in the computer it good to outside enjoy nature live your life exercise not only to be in shape, but for your health. @CAPS1 hope you enjoy and understand my opinion on computers. Thank you for taking your time and reading I really appreciate it.
Dear @CAPS1, This is a letter telling you my opinion about computer. Yes people do spend that time in computers a lot, It's because computers are very helpful in many ways. Computers help us with our job, school, work etc. For example science. I'm in @NUM1 grade. My teacher @PERSON1 gives us homework; every @DATE1, we have to do @ORGANIZATION1 are @NUM2 facts about anything you want to write about. A lot of people look up bears on @ORGANIZATION2, and they do their assignment about bears. Jobs; secretaries always have to use computer for everything in our school secretary and teachers use computers for attendance, grading. They check you, attendance, grade, phone number and schedule. Communication, my dad the computer with our family from @LOCATION1. We talk to know how they've been, to know what's new. Like a week ago I was charting to my cousin she told me her dog had @NUM3 puppies. My family also uses the computer, to order. My uncle went to, and he ordered two tickets for WWE. He also orders his flight tickets in his computer, to go to @LOCATION1. Well my point is people use computer a lot because they are, very helpful in many ways. It's not good to just be in the computer is good to outside enjoy nature live your life exercise not only to be in shape, but for your health. @CAPS1 hope you enjoy and understand my opinion on computers. Thank you for taking your time and reading I really appreciate it.
Dear local @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS1 of @LOCATION1, latly I have been noticing that some of the citizens of @ORGANIZATION1 have been using computers and laptops for a good amount of three the some people to the say @CAPS2 is a waste of time they could enjoying with family and friends with friends and family far away. @CAPS2 helps with research and learn @ORGANIZATION1 thnigs and @CAPS2 help with relaxing people. modern time and the people who disagree enjoy Some family and friends lives far away and you cant talk to them in person. There is always calling them or writing them a letter hot email, facebook, and @ORGANIZATION2 are easier and to use. When you call you dont know if your them there phones bissy, or they a bad @CAPS2 takes long and you @CAPS2 better to stay and send on and know you didn't @CAPS2 helps in advertisment and sales. Sometimes maybe unrealible because anybody can change anything on the site. Not all things online are like that though. Stay away from scares and things, they will came Some people find the internet @CAPS2 could be there from work or sites. There are fun games and to talk to In research the internet helps @PERCENT1 of people relax and calm down after a long @CAPS5, when on the computer or laptop which helps with stress. Computers can help in many ways. There are other realiable things. Plus where ever you go you will find the internet.
Dear local @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS1 of @LOCATION1, lately I have been noticing that some of the citizens of @ORGANIZATION1 have been using computers and laptops for a good amount of three some people to the say @CAPS2 is a waste of time they could enjoy with family and friends with friends and family far away. @CAPS2 helps with research and learn @ORGANIZATION1 things and @CAPS2 help with relaxing people. Modern time and the people who disagree enjoy Some family and friends lives far away and you can't talk to them in person. There is always calling them or writing them a letter hot email, Facebook, and @ORGANIZATION2 are easier and to use. When you call you don't know if your them there phones Missy, or bad @CAPS2 takes long and you @CAPS2 better to stay and send on and know you didn't @CAPS2 helps in advertisement and sales. Sometimes maybe unreliable because anybody can change anything on the site. Not all things online are like that though. Stay away from scares and things, they will come Some people find the internet @CAPS2 could be there from work or sites. There are fun games and to talk to In research the internet helps @PERCENT1 of people relax and calm down after a long @CAPS5, when on the computer or laptop which helps with stress. Computers can help in many ways. There are other reliable things. Plus where ever you go you will find the internet.
Dear Newspaper, In our town, more people are on the computer each day. Some people state that you can do a lot on the computer and talk to people. But, I believe that our town should not support advances in technology. You will have more time to exercise, talk to family and friends in person and to take part in different activities around the town. Do you want to be overweight and not be in shape? Well, if you sit at the computer all day every day, you will become like that. "I think exercise shoud be a part of everybody's day," @CAPS1 teacher @PERSON1 from @LOCATION1 stated. You would be so attatched to your computer, that you wouldn't work out. In the state of @LOCATION1, it is proven that @PERCENT1 of residents are overweight from not exercising and @PERCENT2 are overweight by not eating properly. This shows more people in @LOCATION1 don't exercise than not eating properly. @CAPS4 wants to be overweight and you can change that! More people each year make facebook and @CAPS2 @CAPS3. Some kids in school are on the internet all day talking to friends who live down the street. Students refuse to talk to their friend on the phone. Instead, they do it online. "@CAPS4 can understand their tone of the message sent," @PERSON3 stated. You could interpret it in different ways. When you are on the phone, it is a quick and easy way to communicate not waiting for somebody to type back. If you are a person who is always on the computer, plan a get together with your friend to talk in real life. Sidewalk sales, clubs, sports teams, holiday stroll, these are events that every town offers! Instead of sitting dreaming of being on the team, go out and do it! Each town cares about its residents and want them to have fun. That is why towns offer these activities. "@CAPS5 want to make the town interasting and everybody to know each other," says @CAPS6 @CAPS7 @PERSON2. If you participate in these activities, you will meet other kids your age around the town. If your town offers all of these activities, they are helping you out. Being out helping the town is way better than sitting in your house on the computer! In many ways both advancing technology or not, why be inside doing nothing but talking to people? Go and talk to them in real life. Being in shape, talking to people in real life and activities your town offers is the way to go. Thank you for your concern
Dear Newspaper, In our town, more people are on the computer each day. Some people state that you can do a lot on the computer and talk to people. But, I believe that our town should not support advances in technology. You will have more time to exercise, talk to family and friends in person and to take part in different activities around the town. Do you want to be overweight and not be in shape? Well, if you sit at the computer all day every day, you will become like that. "I think exercise should be a part of everybody's day," @CAPS1 teacher @PERSON1 from @LOCATION1 stated. You would be so attached to your computer, that you wouldn't work out. In the state of @LOCATION1, it is proven that @PERCENT1 of residents are overweight from not exercising and @PERCENT2 are overweight by not eating properly. This shows more people in @LOCATION1 don't exercise than not eating properly. @CAPS4 wants to be overweight, and you can change that! More people each year make Facebook and @CAPS2 @CAPS3. Some kids in school are on the internet all day talking to friends who live down the street. Students refuse to talk to their friend on the phone. Instead, they do it online. "@CAPS4 can understand their tone of the message sent," @PERSON3 stated. You could interpret it in different ways. When you are on the phone, it is a quick and easy way to communicate not waiting for somebody to type back. If you are a person who is always on the computer, plan a get-together with your friend to talk in real life. Sidewalk sales, clubs, sports teams, holiday stroll, these are events that every town offers! Instead of sitting dreaming of being on the team, go out and do it! Each town cares about its residents and want them to have fun. That is why towns offer these activities. "@CAPS5 want to make the town interesting and everybody to know each other," says @CAPS6 @CAPS7 @PERSON2. If you participate in these activities, you will meet other kids your age around the town. If your town offers all of these activities, they are helping you out. Being out helping the town is way better than sitting in your house on the computer! In many ways both advancing technology or not, why be inside doing nothing but talking to people? Go and talk to them in real life. Being in shape, talking to people in real life and activities your town offers is the way to go. Thank you for your concern
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 would life effect you if you did not have a computer? I strongly belive that computers have a great effect on people all around the world. It helps you at work for a job and at school. Computers also help students and adults talk to people. Many people want to go to places but they do not know what the place looks like or where it is. With a computer, you can find out all of that information. Read in to the minds of the students and see what we have to say on this topic. With a computer it is much easier at your job or at school. Just think, without computers people would need to write every paper by hand and we all know that can take hours. When you type a paper for school, you go to spell check and then you know everything is correct. If you write a paper by hand, there is a huge chance that some words could be spelt wrong. Work get finished a lot a quicker on the computer so you have more time to do other things like hang out with friends. If you rush on a paper, the people reading it will have a tough time trying to figure out what it says, on the computer, you work is always going to be neat. You mcan e-mail your work to a friend or save it to your computer so if. you need to change something for a paper, it will be a quicker than having to rewrite the whole paper over. Computers do not effect me in a horrible way because it helps 'me get my work done faster. Computers help people communicate with other people. By having a computer people can talk to other people. In many schools students ask their friend a question about homework. Without a computer, people would have no way of asking questions and end up getting it wrong. I like to hang out with my friends and in order to do that you have to make plans. When you are on the computer, you can go on facebook and if they are on, talk to them about what they wanted to do kthat night. It is so much easier to do instead of looking up their number and calling them. Many people in the world have old friends from school that they want to stay in touch with. Now with a computer they will have no issue doing that. You will finally be able to look up a place you want to go. Many people in this world like to travel on the computer you can look up maps and see the shortest way to get to the place, you want to go, you will see if they easy way to get there and that might not he by car. i would not want to go to a place that did not look eye catching. Now I can just go on the website and find out 'everything I wanted to know about that place. If a place is @NUM1 hours away, I would not want to travel that far so I would need to know if a place is close to where I live computers really tell you a lot about it and what the weather is mostly like. i use the computer for mostly everything I do. Comming through our minds have showed you what we have thought about the effects computers have on us today. We can make work a lot easier, talk to other ;people, and get imformation on places you want to visit somebody. The computer is a very reliable source for me and you have lost a lot if you do not agree with me on this.
Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 effect you if you did not have a computer? I strongly believe that computers have a great effect on people all around the world. It helps you at work for a job and at school. Computers also help students and adults talk to people. Many people want to go to places, but they do not know what the place looks like or where it is. With a computer, you can find out all of that information. Read in to the minds of the students and see what we have to say on this topic. With a computer it is much easier at your job or at school. Just think, without computers people would need to write every paper by hand, and we all know that can take hours. When you type a paper for school, you go to spell check, and then you know everything is correct. If you write a paper by hand, there is a huge chance that some words could be spelled wrong. Work get finished a lot a quicker on the computer, so you have more time to do other things like hang out with friends. If you rush on a paper, the people reading it will have a tough time trying to figure out what it says, on the computer, you work is always going to be neat. You can e-mail your work to a friend or save it to your computer so if. You need to change something for a paper, it will be a quicker than having to rewrite the whole paper over. Computers do not affect me horribly because it helps 'me get my work done faster. Computers help people communicate with other people. By having a computer people can talk to other people. In many schools students ask their friend a question about homework. Without a computer, people would have no way of asking questions and end up getting it wrong. I like to hang out with my friends and in order to do that you have to make plans. When you are on the computer, you can go on Facebook and if they are on, talk to them about what they wanted to do that night. It is so much easier to do instead of looking up their number and calling them. Many people in the world have old friends from school that they want to stay in touch with. Now with a computer they will have no issue doing that. You will finally be able to look up a place you want to go. Many people in this world like to travel on the computer you can look up maps and see the shortest way to get to the place, you want to go, you will see if they easy way to get there and that by car. I would not want to go to a place that did not look eye catching. Now I can just go on the website and find out 'everything I wanted to know about that place. If a place is @NUM1 hours away, I would not want to travel that far, so I would need to know if a place is close to where I live computers really tell you a lot about it and what the weather is mostly like. I use the computer for mostly everything I do. Coming through our minds have showed you what we have thought about the effects computers have on us today. We can make work a lot easier, talk to other ;people, and get information on places you want to visit somebody. The computer is a very reliable source for me, and you have lost a lot if you do not agree with me on this.
Dear @CITY1 current I am writing to you on the issue about people spending to much time on computers and not able to spend time with other people like family, friends and others. Also people are getting information off of the computer which is a good thing for important paper that you might have to do or collage essay to get in to that collage. Another reason is that people are truning a bit lazy and not getting to enjoy exerising and getting to get some freish air. To more on I will explain what I mean about being with family and friends. For example let's say that your friends are planing on going to yhis huge beach party that every one is going to. So you tell your friends to pick you up but beofre they come you go on the computer talk to some you know and your friends come to your house to pick you up but you are not for them they pass on by you don't go go to school next day there talking about you miss the party. SO that is any story , it might seen long so, I'm shorting the next part which is the information on computer. Foe example lets say that you doing on paper you . Just need youre more . You find a place you go on find good write come down yet of of the computer finish paper get grade that is good feel happy the end. So that is the only good end of the reason why computres are good. For some reason some people went to stay inside on the computer but other go outside on a good warm day. So what is your reason myspace, facebook other its good if you talk to other people bad if all you worried about if your pics are good, what matters is there you need to be haapy. I think done all I could. So thoses are my reason why computer are good and bad for reasch bad because of nooding to exericis and need to be with friends
Dear @CITY1 current I am writing to you on the issue about people spending too much time on computers and not able to spend time with other people like family, friends and others. Also people are getting information off of the computer which is a good thing for important paper that you might have to do or collage essay to get into that collage. Another reason is that people are turning a bit lazy and not getting to enjoy exercising and getting to get some crash air. To more on I will explain what I mean about being with family and friends. For example let's say that your friends are planing on going to this huge beach party that every one is going to. So you tell your friends to pick you up but before they come you go on the computer talk to some you know, and your friends come to your house to pick you up, but you are not for them, they pass on by you don't go to school next day there talking about you miss the party. SO that is any story, it might seem long so, I'm shorting the next part which is the information on computer. Foe example lets say that you doing on paper you . Just need you're more. You find a place you go on find good write come down yet of the computer finish paper get grade that is good feel happy the end. So that is the only good end of the reason why computers are good. For some reason some people went to stay inside on the computer but other go outside on a good warm day. So what is your reason MySpace, Facebook other its good if you talk to other people bad if all you worried about if your pics are good, what matters is there you need to be happy. I think done all I could. So those are my reason why computer are good and bad for reach bad because of nodding to exercise and need to be with friends
I believe computers are a benefit to society. Computers help hand eye cordination they make it easy to learn about different places and allow people to talk and video chat. Computers teach hand eye cordination when typing and eventually you get so good you dont ever have to look down at the keyboard. you can search for anything on the internet and if you want to learn about a country you can search it and find out all new things you never knew before. Maybe you want to go on vaction to another country and can't decide which country to go to you can go on the computer and look up tourist attractions in those countrys to decide which are you want to go to. If you are on vaction or live in a different place from you and want to see them you can video chat with them over the computer. Those are the reasons why I think that computers are a benifit to our society.
I believe computers are a benefit to society. Computers help hand eye coordination they make it easy to learn about different places and allow people to talk and video chat. Computers teach hand eye coordination when typing, and eventually you get so good you don't ever have to look down at the keyboard. You can search for anything on the internet and if you want to learn about a country you can search it and find out all new things you never knew before. Maybe you want to go on action to another country and can't decide which country to go to you can go on the computer and look up tourist attractions in those countries to decide which do you want to go to. If you are on action or live in a different place from you and want to see them you can video chat with them over the computer. Those are the reasons why I think that computers are a benefit to our society.
Dear editor, Have you ever would to know something so badly that you can't focus on anything else? Have you ever tried to find that information and had an"ah-hah!" moment? What did you use to search for this knowledge? You probably used a computer. All you need to do is type in your request, hit " enter" and viola! Your screen fills with choices of information sites. Computers help so many people with everyday questions. Our country has gotten smarter because of computers. You can converse with friends that have moved across the state, country, or even world. At every click of your mouse there are new things to learn. You can even use the computer for your personal enjoyment. Computers have opened up so many opportunities the world needs to lake. When I was four years old, my best friends at the time moved to florida. I was devastaded. At first, we tried writing letters to each ohter. Then, as we grew older and became busier and busier, or connection with each other halted. As technology and computers have advanced, my friend and I text, e-mail, and instant message each other all the time. It has made our long distance friendship easier and closer. Because of computers, you can communicate with friends you thought were long-lost. You can also meet new people with one of the many sites available. How would you like to talk with someone all the way down in @LOCATION2? World communication has also opened up many business opportunities. Since the economy is failing, computers will open job spaces, help college students study for their futur career, and hopefully help to improve the lives of many people. Communication is needed for many things to make our world better for generations to came. Instead of going to a noisy arcade, why not play exciting games right in the privacy of your. Any game you can think can probably be found on the @CAPS1. From a simple game of solitare to an advanced level of shift, games for any age and difficulty level can be found. New, some people @MONTH1 think that all kids are going to do is sit in front of the computer and play games. There are going to be some peole that will refuse to go outside, spend time with their friends or just read outside. There will definitely be some people like that. I can't help it. What we can do is all those that refuse to go outside to do so. I know many people who spend and budget their time wisely and still have a great time. We can also encourage kids to use exercise programs on their computers and video games to improve their health. There are many fun and games that help you to be a better and healthier person while still having fun. The computers we have in our homes right now are equipped with so much information that if you tried to take it all in are you would be overwhelmed. @ORGANIZATION1, a popular search engine, gives you the power to look up anything you could ever wait to know from the vice president's birthday to the price of eggs in @LOCATION4 to how wide the @LOCATION1 is can all be found with the click of a button. this knowledge helps with homework assignments incredibly. Most reference books are out of date and information is inaccurate, but computers are updated so frequently, you have all the facts all the time. I think our country has gotten much smarter because of computers. So whether you want to talk to your long-lost friend in @LOCATION2 or talk to an expert on osprey in @LOCATION3, you can find your answer on the computer. While you're at it, play a couple exciting games and learn about the best movies ever released in @DATE1. Have fun and learn lots!
Dear editor, Have you ever would to know something so badly that you can't focus on anything else? Have you ever tried to find that information and had an"ah-hah! moment? What did you use to search for this knowledge? You probably used a computer. All you need to do is type in your request, hit" enter" and viola! Your screen fills with choices of information sites. Computers help so many people with everyday questions. Our country has gotten smarter because of computers. You can converse with friends that have moved across the state, country, or even world. At every click of your mouse there are new things to learn. You can even use the computer for your personal enjoyment. Computers have opened up so many opportunities the world needs . When I was four years old, my best friends at the time moved to Florida. I was devastated. At first, we tried writing letters to each other. Then, as we grew older and became busier and busier, or connection with each other halted. As technology and computers have advanced, my friend and I text, e-mail, and instant message each other all the time. It has made our long distance friendship easier and closer. Because of computers, you can communicate with friends you thought were long-lost. You can also meet new people with one of the many sites available. How would you like to talk with someone all the way down in @LOCATION2? World communication has also opened up many business opportunities. Since the economy is failing, computers will open job spaces, help college students study for their future career, and hopefully help to improve the lives of many people. Communication is needed for many things to make our world better for generations to come. Instead of going to a noisy arcade, why not play exciting games right in the privacy of your. Any game you can think can probably be found on the @CAPS1. From a simple game of solitary to an advanced level of shift, games for any age and difficulty level can be found. New, some people @MONTH1 thinks that all kids are going to do is sit in front of the computer and play games. There are going to be some people that will refuse to go outside, spend time with their friends or just read outside. There will definitely be some people like that. I can't help it. What we can do is all those that refuse to go outside to do so. I know many people who spend and budget their time wisely and still have a great time. We can also encourage kids to use exercise programs on their computers and video games to improve their health. There are many fun and games that help you to be a better and healthier person while still having fun. The computers we have in our homes right now are equipped with so much information that if you tried to take it all in are you would be overwhelmed. @ORGANIZATION1, a popular search engine, gives you the power to look up anything you could ever wait to know from the vice president's birthday to the price of eggs in @LOCATION4 to how wide the @LOCATION1 is can all be found with the click of a button. This knowledge helps with homework assignments incredibly. Most reference books are out of date and information is inaccurate, but computers are updated so frequently, you have all the facts all the time. I think our country has gotten much smarter because of computers. So whether you want to talk to your long-lost friend in @LOCATION2 or talk to an expert on osprey in @LOCATION3, you can find your answer on the computer. While you're at it, play a couple exciting games and learn about the best movies ever released in @DATE1. Have fun and learn lots!
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people are now using computers. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion about them. Some people don't like them, and then there's people like me who do like them. Computers can let you communicate faster, you can play all sorts of games for @CAPS3, and it provides information. Nine out of ten people love what computers can do for them. Unlike sending and writing letters to people, instant messaging is a much faster and easier way to talk to another person. Sending and receiving letters can take days or weeks, on the other hand, instant messaging takes only a few seconds! Even better, it's @CAPS3! Instant messaging is not the only way you can communicate with friends or family, there is also video chat. Video chat is just like talking on the phone but you can also see the person you're talking to. You can be talking on video chat with someone from another country, and guess what? It's also @CAPS3! When you make long distant calls, it can be very costly, but video chat won't cost a penny out of your pockets! Not only is a computer good for communication, but you can also play fun and entertaining games! Everyone enjoys playing games, whether you're one or eighty-two. There are @CAPS2 websites on the internet and among them there are game sites. Most game sites have virtual games that you can play online for @CAPS3! There's one player, two player, and party . This means you could play alone, with a friend, or the whole family. Everyone on in and have a time. Also, computers could be for fun and your used for work. The @CAPS2 information. It's like your own personal library at home at a touch of a finger! Either you're doing research on a project, , or just want to be informed, the internet can help you with any subject. All you have to do is search the topic you need whether it's cooking a certain dish, learning about space, trying to spell a word, or anything you can think of, and it'll all be there for you, and once again, for @CAPS3! In conclusion, computers are useful for @CAPS2 things and these are just a few examples. I hope you think of computers the way I, and millions of other people, do. As you can see, computers impoved the lives of @CAPS2 human beings.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people are now using computers. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion about them. Some people don't like them, and then there's people like me who do like them. Computers can let you communicate faster, you can play all sorts of games for @CAPS3, and it provides information. Nine out of ten people love what computers can do for them. Unlike sending and writing letters to people, instant messaging is a much faster and easier way to talk to another person. Sending and receiving letters can take days or weeks, on the other hand, instant messaging takes only a few seconds! Even better, it's @CAPS3! Instant messaging is not the only way you can communicate with friends or family, there is also video chat. Video chat is just like talking on the phone, but you can also see the person you're talking to. You can be talking on video chat with someone from another country, and guess what? It's also @CAPS3! When you make long distant calls, it can be very costly, but video chat won't cost a penny out of your pockets! Not only is a computer good for communication, but you can also play fun and entertaining games! Everyone enjoys playing games, whether you're one or eighty-two. There are @CAPS2 websites on the internet and among them there are game sites. Most game sites have virtual games that you can play online for @CAPS3! There's one player, two players, and party. This means you could play alone, with a friend, or the whole family. Everyone on in and have a time. Also, computers could be for fun and your used for work. The @CAPS2 information. It's like your own personal library at home at a touch of a finger! Either you're doing research on a project,, or just want to be informed, the internet can help you with any subject. All you have to do is search the topic you need whether it's cooking a certain dish, learning about space, trying to spell a word, or anything you can think of, and it'll all be there for you, and once again, for @CAPS3! In conclusion, computers are useful for @CAPS2 things and these are just a few examples. I hope you think of computers the way I, and millions of other people, do. As you can see, computers improved the lives of @CAPS2 human beings.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I Computers is a new technology that keeps on getting better and better. It can do many things like help you learn something new and see new/old friends. Even some people do online education. Also what a lot of people like about computers is the games. Computers are a great benifit to us and can be useful and fun. The computer can teach us many new and exciting things. There can be a lot to learn too. Somethings you could learn about on the computer are places, people, animals, plants, food, etc. I have once had to find a recipe for carmel apples and to do so I used the computer. Some people use the computer for there education. There are online college and online high school. Its like a new way to be home schooled. Not everyone can go to big @CAPS1 so it is easier for them to use an online college. Also, lets say your doing a project and you need information instead of rushing to the library you can use the computer and find it. There are many other things you can do on the computer like visit some friends. I friends, everyone has friends either new friends or old friends. Back then before computers if you wanted to talk to your friend you would have had to send a letter. With computer you can now send a letter faster then before. Its now called an email. Which you just type what you want and click..send it off to your friend. Not all use an email, some use instant messaging. An example of that would be aim or meebo. I moved from @LOCATION1 to hear and I have friends I don't get to see much. I bet there are many people that have that same issue. Well with the computer you can now see people! chat and see them. For instance @ORGANIZATION2 is a way to see your friends like that. Its a easy and fun way to stay in touch with friends and even you family. There is still more that a computer can do. Another thing it can do is play video games. They are so much fun to play and what I am talking about is video games. Kids them even teens and adults love. Whenever your bored you can go play online games. Or you can have games you purchesed and play them. They are entertaining and fun too! Even very little kids can play games. Sometimes you can even play with you friends online with a online game. I know when I get bored I go on the computer and play a game called @CAPS2 @NUM1. Computers are great and there are pently of more things you can do other than what I was taking about. I hope I have convinced I or showed you how computers are a benifit to us people.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, is a new technology that keeps on getting better and better. It can do many things like help you learn something new and see new/old friends. Even some people do online education. Also, what a lot of people like about computers is the games. Computers are a great benefit to us and can be useful and fun. The computer can teach us many new and exciting things. There can be a lot to learn too. Something's you could learn about on the computer are places, people, animals, plants, food, etc. I have once had to find a recipe for Carmel apples and to do, so I used the computer. Some people use the computer for there education. There are online college and online high school. It's like a new way to be homeschooled. Not everyone can go to big @CAPS1, so it is easier for them to use an online college. Also, let's say your doing a project, and you need information instead of rushing to the library you can use the computer and find it. There are many other things you can do on the computer like visit some friends. I friend, everyone has friends either new friends or old friends. Back then before computers if you wanted to talk to your friend you would have had to send a letter. With computer, you can now send a letter faster than before. It's now called an email. Which you just type what you want and click.send it off to your friend. Not all use an email, some use instant messaging. An example of that would be aim or meet. I moved from @LOCATION1 to hear, and I have friends I don't get to see much. I bet there are many people that have that same issue. Well with the computer you can now see people! Chat and see them. For instance @ORGANIZATION2 is a way to see your friends like that. It's an easy and fun way to stay in touch with friends and even you family. There is still more that a computer can do. Another thing it can do is play video games. They are so much fun to play and what I am talking about is video games. Kids them even teens and adults love. Whenever your bored you can go play online games. Or you can have games you purchased and play them. They are entertaining and fun too! Even very little kids can play games. Sometimes you can even play with you friends online with an online game. I know when I get bored I go on the computer and play a game called @CAPS2 @NUM1. Computers are great and there are gently of more things you can do other than what I was taking about. I hope I have convinced I or showed you how computers are a benefit to us people.
According to @PERSON1, economic @CAPS1, every hour you spend on the computer, you raise your electricity bill by @MONEY2. The average @CAPS2 spends @NUM1 hours on the computer everyday. I believe that spending too much time on the computer could be a bad thing. You have economic loss from the electric bill, health loss because you won't be able to exercise as much, and community less because you won't spen as much with your community. Financial loss is something that many people are concerned about. If everybody spent @NUM2 less hour on the computer, they could save @MONEY1 off their electric bill. In a survey, @NUM3 out @MONEY1 @NUM4 people said they would do anything to save money. So if they spent less time on the computer they would save lots @MONEY1 money. In addition to financial loss there is also a health issue. Many people are talking about how americans are becoming obise. Part @MONEY1 this is due to spending too much time on the computer. Proffesor @CAPS3 @MONEY1 @ORGANIZATION1 says that, "the obisety in @LOCATION1 is a problem, if people spent less time on the computer and more time exercising, that problem would be solved." @CAPS4, @NUM5 out @MONEY1 @NUM6 people are obese. If everyone spent @NUM2 less hour on the computer, it would become @NUM1 out @MONEY1 @NUM6. Although health is a problem community is a bigger one. People never talk to eachother face to face anymore. They all talk on @CAPS5 or @CAPS6. Commmunities are spending less time together in real life than on the computer. @PERSON1, expert on human behavior, says that when people spend less time on the computer, ther spend more time together. It's a fact that when people spend more time together, they have more fun. So, I would say that spending less time on the computer would be beneficial to our community. It would provides financial, health, and community benefits. These are all important things that we lack if we spend too much time on the commputer.
According to @PERSON1, economic @CAPS1, every hour you spend on the computer, you raise your electricity bill by @MONEY2. The average @CAPS2 spends @NUM1 hours on the computer every day. I believe that spending too much time on the computer could be a bad thing. You have economic loss from the electric bill, health loss because you won't be able to exercise as much, and community less because you won't open as much with your community. Financial loss is something that many people are concerned about. If everybody spent @NUM2 less hour on the computer, they could save @MONEY1 off their electric bill. In a survey, @NUM3 out @MONEY1 @NUM4 people said they would do anything to save money. So if they spent less time on the computer they would save lots @MONEY1 money. In addition to financial loss there is also a health issue. Many people are talking about how Americans are becoming obese. Part @MONEY1 this is due to spending too much time on the computer. Professor @CAPS3 @MONEY1 @ORGANIZATION1 says that, "the obesity in @LOCATION1 is a problem, if people spent less time on the computer and more time exercising, that problem would be solved." @CAPS4, @NUM5 out @MONEY1 @NUM6 people are obese. If everyone spent @NUM2 less hour on the computer, it would become @NUM1 out @MONEY1 @NUM6. Although health is a problem community is a bigger one. People never talk to each other face to face anymore. They all talk on @CAPS5 or @CAPS6. Communities are spending less time together in real life than on the computer. @PERSON1, expert on human behavior, says that when people spend less time on the computer, the spend more time together. It's a fact that when people spend more time together, they have more fun. So, I would say that spending less time on the computer would be beneficial to our community. It would provide financial, health, and community benefits. These are all important things that we lack if we spend too much time on the computer.
I do not believe computers benefit society. Many people spend their life on their computer instead of exercising, going out with friends, or spending time with family. @NUM1? Of @CAPS1 will agree they spend at least @NUM2 hours a day on their computer. Which is unneccessary. Why is there so much obesity in the world nowadays? Because of a lack of @CAPS3. And who is the #@NUM3 cul? Computers of course. In order for more people to maintain healthy, there needs to be a lot of @CAPS3. When someone can sit around all day clicking a mouse or typing keys in, how much @CAPS3 are they really getting? Plus, there are many different disorders in the world. @PERCENT1 inf will agree that with more @CAPS3, these sometimes painful disorders could be avoided. Too many people are choosing their computer overexercise and it them many health problems that could've easily been avoided. Secondly, everyone would agree that friends are essential in life. But now people are talknig to their friends online or in computer games instead of going to the them. Online there is much more which often break up friendship. Also, online you new people or make as many new friends. @CAPS2 you go and have many more friends, which makes life in general much better. Finally, you wouldn't wants families become would you? Well, this is one of the many effects the @CAPS2 members of a family get together which could weaken them as a family. Plus, husbands and wives could not talk very often, often leading in separation or devorce. This could make a child have in decide between a whole family to @CAPS3, friends, and family are essential in life, and computers put those in jeopardy. So take a stand and end this reign for good, stop the use of computers before it is too late.
I do not believe computers benefit society. Many people spend their life on their computer instead of exercising, going out with friends, or spending time with family. @NUM1? Of @CAPS1 will agree they spend at least @NUM2 hours a day on their computer. Which is unnecessary. Why is there so much obesity in the world nowadays? Because of a lack of @CAPS3. And who is the #@NUM3 CUL? Computers of course. In order for more people to maintain healthy, there needs to be a lot of @CAPS3. When someone can sit around all day clicking a mouse or typing keys in, how much @CAPS3 are they really getting? Plus, there are many different disorders in the world. @PERCENT1 inf will agree that with more @CAPS3, these sometimes painful disorders could be avoided. Too many people are choosing their computer overexercise and it them many health problems that could've easily been avoided. Secondly, everyone would agree that friends are essential in life. But now people are talking to their friends online or in computer games instead of going to the. Online there is much more which often break up friendship. Also, online you knew people or make as many new friends. @CAPS2 you go and have many more friends, which makes life in general much better. Finally, you wouldn't want families become, would you? Well, this is one of the many effects the @CAPS2 members of a family get together which could weaken them as a family. Plus, husbands and wives could not talk very often, often leading in separation or divorce. This could make a child have in decide between a whole family to @CAPS3, friends, and family are essential in life, and computers put those in jeopardy. So take a stand and end this reign for good, stop the use of computers before it is too late.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 I have learned that some experts say that people spend too much time on computers when they could be excercising or with friends and family. I, on the other hand, think otherwise. Computers are a great way to learn and communicate with others, here's why: @CAPS3 of all, I would like to say how much computers help us in school. Most students use them every day. We can study for tests by looking for websites with lots of information and we can also research topics that we don't understand. For example, if you want to find out how planets form, you can just type it into a search engine and a list of websites will pop up. Another way we use computers in school is when we have to make projects. We can use different tools to set up a slide show while also looking up information on the internet. Lastly, the internet is also a way for teachers to communicate with their students. If the teacher sets up a blog, students can always see what the class is doing, what the homework is, and find cool links that will help them understand certain topics better. Another point I would like to mention is that the experts say that computers deprive us of time with family and friends when the truth is, its the opposite, computers actually take communication to a whole new level. For example, if you wanted to have a chat with an old friend, you could log right on to msn or aim and find out what's new in their lives. A second way to communicate with friend is by @ORGANIZATION1, a cheap and easy way to contact friends outside the country. Next, you could go a bit more old fashioned and just write an e-mail. It will take longer to get a reply but its still worth the wait in the end. Lastly for parents who kids live far away, video chat is also a good way to communicate because you will be able to see them and hear their voice as well. Lastly, I would like to tell you about just how much we can learn by using a computer. You could just go to a search engine and search any topic in the world and you're bound to finds hundreds of results. It doesn't matter what your interests are because you'll always find great information. The internet also allows you to catch up on recent news such as weather. Next, there are websites that allows you to ask questions and get answers just as fast. You might have to check your sources to make sure they're reliable, but I believe it's still worth it. Lastly, if you are getting ready to go on a trip, you can check flight information with the click of a button. Or maybe you need to find out what the weather will be like, there are many websites for that. There are also websites that can help you learn about the place you'll be staying at as well. Next time, think twice about what you hear about computers because they really aren't all that bad for you. Sometimes it @MONTH1 be better to go outside and play but computers do help you learn and communicate with others which are just as important.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 I have learned that some experts say that people spend too much time on computers when they could be exercising or with friends and family. I, on the other hand, think otherwise. Computers are a great way to learn and communicate with others, here's why: @CAPS3 of all, I would like to say how much computers help us in school. Most students use them every day. We can study for tests by looking for websites with lots of information, and we can also research topics that we don't understand. For example, if you want to find out how planets form, you can just type it into a search engine and a list of websites will pop up. Another way we use computers in school is when we have to make projects. We can use different tools to set up a slide show while also looking up information on the internet. Lastly, the internet is also a way for teachers to communicate with their students. If the teacher sets up a blog, students can always see what the class is doing, what the homework is, and find cool links that will help them understand certain topics better. Another point I would like to mention is that the experts say that computers deprive us of time with family and friends when the truth is, it's the opposite, computers actually take communication to a whole new level. For example, if you wanted to have a chat with an old friend, you could log right on to ms nor aim and find out what's new in their lives. A second way to communicate with friend is by @ORGANIZATION1, a cheap and easy way to contact friends outside the country. Next, you could go a bit more old-fashioned and just write an e-mail. It will take longer to get a reply but It's still worth the wait in the end. Lastly for parents who kid live far away, video chat is also a good way to communicate because you will be able to see them and hear their voice as well. Lastly, I would like to tell you about just how much we can learn by using a computer. You could just go to a search engine and search any topic in the world, and you're bound to find hundreds of results. It doesn't matter what your interests are because you'll always find great information. The internet also allows you to catch up on recent news such as weather. Next, there are websites that allow you to ask questions and get answers just as fast. You might have to check your sources to make sure they're reliable, but I believe it's still worth it. Lastly, if you are getting ready to go on a trip, you can check flight information with the click of a button. Or maybe you need to find out what the weather will be like, there are many websites for that. There are also websites that can help you learn about the place you'll be staying at as well. Next time, think twice about what you hear about computers because they really aren't all that bad for you. Sometimes it @MONTH1 be better to go outside and play, but computers do help you learn and communicate with others which are just as important.
Dear local newspaper, I also agree that computers have a positive effect on people. I agree with this because the computer can teach people things. Also people can talk to each other, and believe / create whatever they want. Computer have a positive effect on people because i believe the computer can teach people a lot. The computer can make things visual to kids and out. I know that when i was younger i used to play math and science games on the computer to help me study for tests. The computer also helps out with adults and their jobs. I don't know what half the adults in the world would do without computers. If you think about all jobs that are happening today also @CAPS1 of the computer. Such as e-mail. What would some buisnesses do. without e-mail? also adults like to check websites for the news and to catch upon sports. we can all learn so much from the computer and there are so many people who @CAPS1 their jobs on computer. we all learn something everyday and with the computer, we can make it kind. Also the computer benefits online chats e-mail and now even with a cam you can talk face to face with people all over the world I know e-mail helps out so many people who live long distance and e-mail doesn't take long at all. I know thanks to cam and microphones that are buit into computer helped our because now I can talk to all my friends and family and see them I hear them without traveling just simply clicking a button. There are websites now that @CAPS1 of taveing to @NUM1 people online and over cam or microphone. Things like this help out so much somepeople just. Think about all those people who have relationships and what not, @CAPS1 it off of computers really do help out. Lastly all the people who @CAPS1 their imagination off computers, all those people who put that thoughts and feelings into the computer. I know plenty of people who type their feeling because they would never dare say them a loud. Now imagine if computers faded away? That's what i think about what people say such things as the computers not. Everything is useful and everything has at least some sort of positive effect coming out or it. So @CAPS2 in my opinion computers do bring out a positive effect to the world.
Dear local newspaper, I also agree that computers have a positive effect on people. I agree with this because the computer can teach people things. Also people can talk to each other, and believe / create whatever they want. Computer have a positive effect on people because I believe the computer can teach people a lot. The computer can make things visual to kids and out. I know that when I was younger I used to play math and science games on the computer to help me study for tests. The computer also helps out with adults and their jobs. I don't know what half the adults in the world would do without computers. If you think about all jobs that are happening today also @CAPS1 of the computer. Such as e-mail. What would some businesses do. Without e-mail? Also adults like to check websites for the news and to catch upon sports. We can all learn so much from the computer and there are so many people who @CAPS1 their jobs on computer. We all learn something every day and with the computer, we can make it kind. Also, the computer benefits online chats e-mail and now even with a cam you can talk face to face with people all over the world I know e-mail helps out so many people who live long distance and e-mail doesn't take long at all. I know thanks to cam and microphones that are boot into computer helped our because now I can talk to all my friends and family and see them I hear them without traveling just simply clicking a button. There are websites now that @CAPS1 of having to @NUM1 people online and over cam or microphone. Things like this help out so much some people just. Think about all those people who have relationships and what not, @CAPS1 it off of computers really do help out. Lastly all the people who @CAPS1 their imagination off computers, all those people who put that thoughts and feelings into the computer. I know plenty of people who type their feeling because they would never dare say them a loud. Now imagine if computers faded away? That's what I think about what people say such things as the computers not. Everything is useful and everything has at least some sort of positive effect coming out or it. So @CAPS2 in my opinion computers do bring out a positive effect to the world.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you think computer's are good to use? More and more people use computer, but not everyone agrees that this benefits soceiety I srong disagree. My first reason is because computer's are not safe. My second reason is computer's could get you in a lot of troble. My @CAPS3 reason is you never know what could happen on the computer. Read on and see why I disagree. First @CAPS4 gonna tell you why I disagree. The reason why I disagree is because computer's are not safe because you could have someone trace where you live at then what? Second - computer's could get you into a lot of trobe such as posting things online or saying mean thing's to people. Next computer's are bad because if someone like's you and you say I dont like you they could post mean and hurt full thing's and then if you friend's see it you will probably get mad. Finally - in concusion thease are all my reason's why I think computer's are not good. You never know what coud happen on a computer there's website's there and some could start a virus on your computer. Also I think computer's are not good because computer's lead to no good so keep your child away from computers. Also be careful what chu @CAPS2.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you think computers are good to use? More and more people use computer, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society I strong disagree. My first reason is because computers are not safe. My second reason is computer's could get you in a lot of trouble. @CAPS3 reason is you never know what could happen on the computer. Read on and see why I disagree. First @CAPS4 going to tell you why I disagree. The reason why I disagree is that computers are not safe because you could have someone trace where you live at then what? Second - computer's could get you into a lot of tribe such as posting things online or saying mean thing's to people. Next computers are bad because if someone like's you, and you say I don't like you, they could post mean and hurt full thing's and then if you friend's see it you will probably get mad. Finally - in conclusion these are all my reasons why I think computers are not good. You never know what could happen on a computer there's website's there and some could start a virus on your computer. Also, I think computers are not good because computer's lead to no good so keep your child away from computers. Besides be careful what Chu @CAPS2.
I walked into my living room. I saw my brother on the computer talking to his friends on facebook. I thought to my self he's always on the computer never for any school reason. People always says we don't need computers I personaly agree with the statement. In the town @ORGANIZATION1 everybody mostly has computers. Without a computer to look up for content things, you have to go to the library and check out a bank. Just the other @DATE1 my friend @PERSON1 went to the library and checked out a book about the @CAPS1 culter. He loved that book he read it @DATE1 in and @DATE1 out, he read it for a book report on different culters. When he handed it into the teacher the @DATE1, when he reached the classroom the teacher looked @CAPS2 happy when she gave him back his test he had an @NUM1. He didn't use the internet your computers not mobile like a book if you wanted to learn about something while your traveling in you car you can't plug your computer in and use it unlike a book. Also books are usually funnier to read. Not haveing a computer can conclude to a lot more things like exercising. While my brother is inside all @DATE1 me and my friends are outside playing football, basketball, baseball, soccer, kirkball, and dogeball. We are very thin because @CAPS3 what we do almost every @DATE1. Unlike my brother were he is obeast because @CAPS3 all he done were before he had the computer he was as thin as us. It is also unhealth to be on the computer all @DATE1 because that can lead to staying update at night, don lead to missing the bus, and also lead to bad grades. Where when we are done with are gaine we whatch a little t.v.. then go to sleep to regain our energy we usually have atleast @NUM2 hrs. of sleep ever @DATE1 which lets us make it through school. We also make the right choses in food to eat to have more energy such as fruit and vegitibales. Were my brother eats all the junk food which helped lead to obesity. Not having a computer can help you spend more time with your family. When we go out to eat my brother is always in a push to get back on to the computer dosen't let us enjoy our food. He usually is @CAPS2 much in a rush he picks off of other people's @CAPS2 they would be finished faster, when every one wants to enjoy then food. When we want to go out to the movies my brother stays home on the computer. Even if we buy a movie and whatch it at home he won't whatch it with us he's on the computer. It really makes my mom, dad, brothers, and sisters mad that he won't do any thing but play on the computer. Even when are whole family gose out side to play a sport he won't come out and play. It's like he's not part of the familiy anymore. Its like he forgot we were even @CAPS3 the reason why I think computes should be in the state of @LOCATION1. If can lead to and relly bad grades. @CAPS2 if you want your kids healthier, better grades, and spend more time with your family then ethier sell your computer or This is happening all over the world.
I walked into my living room. I saw my brother on the computer talking to his friends on Facebook. Furthermore, I thought to my self he's always on the computer never for any school reason. People always says we don't need computers I personal agree with the statement. In the town @ORGANIZATION1 everybody mostly has computers. Without a computer to look up for content things, you have to go to the library and check out a bank. Just the other @DATE1 my friend @PERSON1 went to the library and checked out a book about the @CAPS1 cutter. He loved that book he read it @DATE1 in and @DATE1 out, he read it for a book report on different cutters. When he handed it into the teacher the @DATE1, when he reached the classroom the teacher looked @CAPS2 happy when she gave him back his test he had an @NUM1. He didn't use the internet your computers not mobile like a book if you wanted to learn about something while your traveling in you car you can't plug your computer in and use it unlike a book. Also, books are usually funnier to read. Not having a computer can conclude to a lot more things like exercising. While my brother is inside all @DATE1 me and my friends are outside playing football, basketball, baseball, soccer, kickball, and doge ball. We are very thin because @CAPS3 what we do almost every @DATE1. Unlike my brother where he is beast because @CAPS3 all he's done were before he had the computer he was as thin as us. It is also unhealthy to be on the computer all @DATE1 because that can lead to staying update at night, don lead to missing the bus, and also lead to bad grades. Where when we are done with are gain ewe watch a little t.v. Then go to sleep to regain our energy we usually have at least @NUM2 hrs. Of sleep ever @DATE1 which lets us make it through school. We also make the right chose in food to eat to have more energy such as fruit and vegetables. Were my brother eats all the junk food which helped lead to obesity. Not having a computer can help you spend more time with your family. When we go out to eat my brother is always in a push to get back on to the computer doesn't let us enjoy our food. He is usually @CAPS2 much in a rush he picks off of other people's @CAPS2 they would be finished faster, when every one wants to enjoy then food. When we want to go out to the movies my brother stays home on the computer. Even if we buy a movie and watch it at home he won't watch it with us, he's on the computer. It really makes my mom, dad, brothers, and sisters mad that he won't do anything but play on the computer. Even when are whole family gone outside to play a sport he won't come out and play. It's like he's not part of the family anymore. It's like he forgot we were even @CAPS3 the reason why I think computes should be in the state of @LOCATION1. If you can lead to and really bad grades. @CAPS2 if you want your kids healthier, better grades, and spend more time with your family then ether sell your computer or This is happening all over the world.
Dear Newspaper editor, Computers have been a great advancement in technology, but some people think otherwise. It is a great thing to have some people say but others think it is a hazard to health. I think it is an excellent thing to have. I have come up with @NUM1 reasons to support my opinion. Computers help you keep in touch with distant friends and/or family, they assist you in research, and they even let you do shopping. Firstly, if you have any relatives or friends that live far away computers have websites such as aol or facebook & myspace that you can use to keep in touch with them. Most of them are free to create an account so you don't need to worry about monthly bills for them. So this is a lot better than driving and paying gas for visiting. Computers even have webcams for video chat. With video chat you can see each other & talk at the same time, thats amazing. Secondly, you can search the web for research. If you have a project and you need more information than books give you then just use google or You can easily find the details and information you need. All this takes is just a couple minutes, which is alot better than reading for an hour or time. Lastly, if you really want something or need it just shop online. For example if you are a really cool toy that you want to buy for your daughter or son, but its not for sale in stores then buy it off the internet. They even ship your item fast. I like buying off the internet. When I really wanted a bike I saw my mom end up getting it for my birthday. In conclusion, computers are very handy. If you need information, talk to someone, or buy something its got it. I use computers a lot. I think they are very great to have.
Dear Newspaper editor, Computers have been a great advancement in technology, but some people think otherwise. It is a great thing to have some people say, but others think it is a hazard to health. I think it is an excellent thing to have. I have come up with @NUM1 reasons to support my opinion. Computers help you keep in touch with distant friends and/or family, they assist you in research, and they even let you go shopping. Firstly, if you have any relatives or friends that live far away computers have websites such as AOL or Facebook & MySpace that you can use to keep in touch with them. Most of them are free to create an account, so you don't need to worry about monthly bills for them. So this is a lot better than driving and paying gas for visiting. Computers even have webcams for video chat. With video chat you can see each other & talk at the same time, that's amazing. Secondly, you can search the web for research. If you have a project, and you need more information than books give you then just use Google or You can easily find the details and information you need. All this takes is just a couple of minutes, which is a lot better than reading for an hour or time. Lastly, if you really want something or need it just shop online. For example if you are a really cool toy that you want to buy for your daughter or son, but it's not for sale in stores then buy it off the internet. They even ship your item fast. I like buying off the internet. When I really wanted a bike I saw my mom end up getting it for my birthday. In conclusion, computers are very handy. If you need information, talk to someone, or buy something It's got it. I use computers a lot. I think they are very great to have.
Some of you @MONTH1 agree that computers don't keep you fit or we spend too much time on them but, they can help you keep in touch with friends and family, meet new people, and save information. Without these important technology devices we wouldn't be able to do any of these things. Most families live all over the country @MONTH1 be even in another country, and you don't get to see them very often because of traveling prices, however with the computer they can help us keep in contact with them very easy and quicker than you can say "@LOCATION1." @CAPS1 more people make a website that allows us to easily keep up with our distant family. Facebook, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4 of fish, and singles net are all sites that you can find friends or the one that's right for you. This gives you a chance to discover @CAPS1 people with the same interest as you. Half of my mom's boyfriends were from these sites. Without these sites there might be less divorces and more happy ending fairy tales. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people work out home. It's good and you can get things done the. Many people have papers and of important information and it could be lost in a blink of an eye. With technology like this they save with just a click of that mouse. More buisnesses are being held at their households because of this easy going technology. Exercise @MONTH1 be important still, with a touch of a button I could talk to my aunt, find the right one for me and save my whole life. New technology like computers can change the world and help @MONTH1 things faster.
Some of you @MONTH1 agrees that computers don't keep you fit, or we spend too much time on them but, they can help you keep in touch with friends and family, meet new people, and save information. Without these important technology devices we wouldn't be able to do any of these things. Most families live all over the country @MONTH1 be even in another country, and you don't get to see them very often because of traveling prices, however with the computer they can help us keep in contact with them very easy and quicker than you can say "@LOCATION1." @CAPS1 more people make a website that allows us to easily keep up with our distant family. Facebook, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4 of fish, and singles net are all sites that you can find friends or the one that's right for you. This gives you a chance to discover @CAPS1 people with the same interest as you. Half of my mom's boyfriends were from these sites. Without these sites there might be fewer divorces and more happy ending fairy tales. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people work out home. It's good, and you can get things done Many people have papers and of important information, and it could be lost in a blink of an eye. With technology like this they save with just a click of that mouse. More businesses are being held at their households because of this easy going technology. Exercise @MONTH1 be important still, with a touch of a button I could talk to my aunt, find the right one for me and save my whole life. New technology like computers can change the world and help @MONTH1 things faster.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the fact of the computer is that it can be bad for the citizens in @LOCATION2 in @LOCATION1. I think that some people are not getting enough exercise and I also think that you can get lazy on the computer is bad too. @CAPS1 three reasons for @CAPS1 opinion is @NUM1. People are not getting enough exercise, @NUM2. People get lazy and changes while being on the computer an mount of time, @NUM3. They will get addicted to the computer. The first reason is because people are not getting enough exercise I pick that reason because people I know gain a lot of weight and it's kinda of sad because they do nothing but stay on the computer and eat. Another detail is that the computer messes up your eyes by staring at that type of screen. One time I did that and @CAPS1 eyes felt weird after getting on the computer. The third detail was that people gets very fragile and weak. I picked that detail because if you get up off the computer and exercise your bones will become weak. The second reason is because people will become lazy and changes for an example people will keep asking you to get stuff and do stuff for them and you would do it because you be a good friend. The second detail is that the person will change, the person will be lazy to go to fun events with you as a freind. The next thing you you wont have a freind anymore. The third detail is that it's like your bestfriend has replaced you for a computer that hurts if a person you know for a long time has replaced you for a computer thats something that will make you depressed and make you wanna commit suicide too me anyways. The third reason is because the person will get addicted to the computer for an example you want to celebrate a birthday and the person says "first I got to beat this level." @CAPS2 the person saying that the person is not going to get off the computer. Another detail is that his day will go pass fast and thats like waisting days of life and people who died will do anything to get their life and to waist is not good. The third detail is you will began to hate the person because the person dosen't care about anything but the computer. Those were the reasons to explain @CAPS1 opinion on the compter fact in the news paper I read.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the fact of the computer is that it can be bad for the citizens in @LOCATION2 in @LOCATION1. I think that some people are not getting enough exercise and I also think that you can get lazy on the computer is bad too. @CAPS1 three reasons for @CAPS1 opinion is @NUM1. People are not getting enough exercise, @NUM2. People get lazy and changes while being on the computer a mount of time, @NUM3. They will get addicted to the computer. The first reason is that people are not getting enough exercise I pick that reason because people I know gain a lot of weight, and it's kinda of sad because they do nothing but stay on the computer and eat. Another detail is that the computer messes up your eyes by staring at that type of screen. One time I did that and @CAPS1 eyes felt weird after getting on the computer. The third detail was that people get very fragile and weak. I picked that detail because if you get up off the computer and exercise your bones will become weak. The second reason is that people will become lazy and changes for an example people will keep asking you to get stuff and do stuff for them, and you would do it because you be a good friend. The second detail is that the person will change, the person will be lazy to go to fun events with you as a friend. The next thing you won't have a friend anymore. The third detail is that it's like your best friend has replaced you for a computer that hurts if a person you know for a long time has replaced you for a computer that's something that will make you depressed and make you want to commit suicide too me anyway. The third reason is that the person will get addicted to the computer for an example you want to celebrate a birthday and the person says "first I got to beat this level." @CAPS2 the person saying that the person is not going to get off the computer. Another detail is that his day will go pass fast and that's like waiting days of life and people who died will do anything to get their life and to waist is not good. The third detail is you will begin to hate the person because the person doesn't care about anything but the computer. Those were the reasons to explain @CAPS1 opinion on the computer fact in the newspaper I read.
Dear Local Newspaper, Spending too much time on the computer is never a good thing. Whether you are doing work or things for pleasure. I strongly believe this because being on the computer too long will mean that you are spending less time excersising, interacting with real family and friends rather than on the internet, and being on computer too long can ruin your vision. Nowadays with all the great advances in technology, peoples are always glued to computer screens. Lets face it, once you go on the computer, it can get pretty addicting with all of the fabulous things you can do and when we get addicted, we don't feel like doing other things like excersising. Studies show that @PERCENT1 of the kids who use his or her computer for more than @NUM1 hours a day is obese. The cause of this problem is obvious and it is kids being addicted to computers. Since they are so addicted to computers, the do not want to go to the gym or anything. Another example is that in school kids have a choice of what electives the want to take. Many kids would rather choose the computer programming class rather than physical education. This also cuts down on their excersise time. Computers are wonderful things, but when it starts affecting your health and physical fitness, they are enemies. Interacting with others on the computer can be looked at as a positive but it is not since it affects the way you interact in real life. For instance, some people develop a habit from only interacting through the computer that makes them anti-social in real life. Furthermore, some kids can be the most pleasant people to interact with through the computer but then when you used them in real life, they are the quietest people in the world. This happens because they are more comfortable interacting through the computer. Also, they have lost their abilities to interact in real life. Interacting through the computer is great if you have family and friends in other countries but you shouldn't do it so much that you become uncomfortable to interact in real life. Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body besides the vital parts. Most people do not know this but being on the computer too long puts strain on your eyes which is bad. This strain only lead to unpleasant things. For example, if you we addicted to computers, then there is a large chance you will get glasses someday in your life. A recent poll was taken and over @PERCENT2 of people who use their computers for more than @NUM2 hours a day have gotten glasses. Another example is that overtime the strain build up and up to the where even with glasses you can hardly see. Imagine a world where your vision is so bad that it is like your eyes are almost closed, that's what happens to people who use their computers too long. Local newspaper, you @MONTH1 think that computers are one of the greatest inventions ever, the you are right, however you shouldn't use it too much.
Dear Local Newspaper, Spending too much time on the computer is never a good thing. Whether you are doing work or things for pleasure. I strongly believe this because being on the computer too long will mean that you are spending less time exercising, interacting with real family and friends rather than on the internet, and being on computer too long can ruin your vision. Nowadays with all the great advances in technology, peoples are always glued to computer screens. Let's face it, once you go on the computer, it can get pretty addicting with all the fabulous things you can do and when we get addicted, we don't feel like doing other things like exercising. Studies show that @PERCENT1 of the kids who use his or her computer for more than @NUM1 hours a day is obese. The cause of this problem is obvious, and it is kids being addicted to computers. Since they are so addicted to computers, they do not want to go to the gym or anything. Another example is that in school kids have a choice of what electives the want to take. Many kids would rather choose the computer programming class rather than physical education. This also cuts down on their exercise time. Computers are wonderful things, but when it starts affecting your health and physical fitness, they are enemies. Interacting with others on the computer can be looked at as a positive, but it is not since it affects the way you interact in real life. For instance, some people develop a habit from only interacting through the computer that makes them anti-social in real life. Furthermore, some kids can be the most pleasant people to interact with through the computer but then when you used them in real life, they are the quietest people in the world. This happens because they are more comfortable interacting through the computer. Also, they have lost their abilities to interact in real life. Interacting through the computer is great if you have family and friends in other countries, but you shouldn't do it so much that you become uncomfortable to interact in real life. Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body besides the vital parts. Most people do not know this but being on the computer too long puts strain on your eyes which is bad. This strain only lead to unpleasant things. For example, if you addicted to computers, then there is a large chance you will get glasses someday in your life. A recent poll was taken and over @PERCENT2 of people who use their computers for more than @NUM2 hours a day have gotten glasses. Another example is that overtime the strain build up and up to the where even with glasses you can hardly see. Imagine a world where your vision is so bad that it is like your eyes are almost closed, that's what happens to people who use their computers too long. Local newspaper, you @MONTH1 thinks that computers are one of the greatest inventions ever, the are right, however you shouldn't use it too much.
As time goes on, our society becomes more advanced with more and more unnecessary technology, such as the television. What I really want to write about is the computer. Society today has developed a very unhealthy habit, and it is always using the computer. Everyone in the twenty first century uses a computer. The world got so used to having the computer around, that if all the computers in the world were to "break," then most people probably would not know how to @CAPS2. Like the basic theory of. Which was that the world was "@CAPS1" to end back in the year two-thousand because everyone thought that the world was going to end. Only because the computer were going to crash and lose all the data that we have ever recorded. Humanity relies way to much on the computer. Since many people rely on the computer to @CAPS2, a lot of people "forget" to excersise! Our body needs excersise to live. Excersise one of the most important activities in our daily lives. When you don't excersise, and all you do is eat junk food and drink today, you better bet on your mothers grave that your going to either get diabetes, the fly, heartburn, or any other sickness or disability. You are what you eat is what I say. Life already has enough distractions in it, why add another distraction? All the computer is, is a distraction from keeping you and everyone else healthy. The computer started off as an "innocent" invention. Now a days, people literally worship the computer like it is a @CAPS3. People who use the computer all day every day, end becoming very lazy, because all they want to do is sit down and use the computer. In my opinion, everybody should be a part of some physical activity. Whether it is basketball, football, baseball, track, tennis or my favorite thing to do, skateboarding. Everyone should get physically active atleast three times a week for many reason, fact is, that if you excersise three times a week at the least, that your body will function better, you will look better, and you will feel better. excersise can be fun, as long as you make it fun. I hope this essay has really made you think about how you want to live. excersise should be a huge part of your daily routine, now sitting on your buttox all day searching pointless videos on "youtube." The way you want to live your life is up to you. And I hope to @CAPS3 that you start living it healthier.
As time goes on, our society becomes more advanced with more and more unnecessary technology, such as the television. What I really want to write about is the computer. Society today has developed a very unhealthy habit, and it is always using the computer. Everyone in the twenty-first century uses a computer. The world got so used to having the computer around, that if all the computers in the world were to "break," then most people probably would not know how to @CAPS2. Like the basic theory of. Which was that the world was "@CAPS1" to end back in the year two-thousand because everyone thought that the world was going to end. Only because the computer were going to crash and lose all the data that we have ever recorded. Humanity relies way too much on the computer. Since many people rely on the computer to @CAPS2, a lot of people "forget" to exercise! Our body needs exercise to live. Exercise one of the most important activities in our daily lives. When you don't exercise, and all you do is eat junk food and drink today, you better bet on your mothers grave that you're going to either get diabetes, the fly, heartburn, or any other sickness or disability. You are what you eat is what I say. Life already has enough distractions in it, why add another distraction? All the computer is, is a distraction from keeping you and everyone else healthy. The computer started off as an "innocent" invention. Nowadays, people literally worship the computer like it is a @CAPS3. People who use the computer all day every day, end becoming very lazy, because all they want to do is sit down and use the computer. In my opinion, everybody should be a part of some physical activity. Whether it is basketball, football, baseball, track, tennis or my favorite thing to do, skateboarding. Everyone should get physically active at least three times a week for many reasons, fact is, that if you exercise three times a week at the least, that your body will function better, you will look better, and you will feel better. Excersise can be fun, as long as you make it fun. I hope this essay has really made you think about how you want to live. Excersise should be a huge part of your daily routine, now sitting on your button all day searching pointless videos on "YouTube." The way you want to live your life is up to you. And I hope to @CAPS3 that you start living it healthier.
Over one million people on the computer daily. I think being on the computer is unhealthy. So many people abuse themselves staying on to long. You should manage a time schedule so you can still get excercise dont use the computer if needed. People become overweight also. I think people should do something els then use the computer. One main effect that see is many people play the computer too long and are becoming overweight. This can be stopped if we all join together. One person isn't going to change anything. But many of us will. We can be the huge dangerous preditors going for the prey. If there is something els to do besides play the computer do it. If you know your over weight from the computer. You!! Can make a change. If you keep doing other activities you can get skinny again easily. You just gotten make that type of change. A serious issue is people don't wanna take time to make a quick little chart to manage computer useage. The way isee it is if we make a chart then we will know when to get off and twhen to play. This is important because some people take in information better when they have it infront of them. This could make some satisfying results. People use the computer for school work. This is good depending on how long it takes. In my opinon people shouldn't be on the computer or more then @NUM1 hours to @NUM2 hours a day. I think people should get their schoolwork done and get off. I much rather see kids outside playing. The nature and wildlife is much more important. The effects on the computer puts on us can vary. If its not to overweight to not spending time with families, to doing schoolwork. You need to use your time wisely.
Over one million people on the computer daily. I think being on the computer is unhealthy. So many people abuse themselves staying on to long. You should manage a time schedule, so you can still get exercise don't use the computer if needed. People become overweight also. I think people should do something ELS then use the computer. One main effect that see is many people play the computer too long and are becoming overweight. This can be stopped if we all join together. One person isn't going to change anything. But many of us will. We can be the huge dangerous predators going for the prey. If there is something ELS to do besides play the computer do it. If you know your over weight from the computer. You!! Can make a change. If you keep doing other activities you can get skinny again easily. You have just gotten make that type of change. A serious issue is people don't want to take time to make a quick little chart to manage computer usage. The way see it is if we make a chart then we will know when to get off and then to play. This is important because some people take in information better when they have it in front of them. This could make some satisfying results. People use the computer for school work. This is good depending on how long it takes. In my opinion people shouldn't be on the computer or more than @NUM1 hours to @NUM2 hours a day. I think people should get their schoolwork done and get off. If much rather see kids outside playing. The nature and wildlife is much more important. The effects on the computer puts on us can vary. If it's not to overweight to not spending time with families, to doing schoolwork. You need to use your time wisely.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I believe many people spend to much time on computers. It is okay to be on a computer for twenty minutes, to a half an hour. But one hour or more, is too long. People could get sucked in by playing adicting games. Also by online chatting survices like facebook, myspace, instant messaging, and more. Another way, I think someone could spend more time on a computer is working on a report. They might start it lost minute. These are just same of the many ways someone could be sucked into their computers. Have you ever hopped on the computer and played a game? Then you look at the time and its an hour later? Games are very adicting. you can play a game for hours and not notice how much time has passed by. Games are very fun, but they fry your brain. @PERCENT1 of the human population spends up to an average of two hours on a computer each day. I think, we should eliminate some games off the internent, so people can spend days exercising and hanging out with friends, not playing silly games. Have you ever started a conversation with someone and realized you have been talking for an hour and a half? And that you have homework? @PERCENT3 of teenages on average spend three hours each day chatting with friends on the internent. Facebook, myspace, instant messaging are all examples of this. It is okay for someone to talk to their friends, but you need to watch the time so you do not get carryied away. I think, we shoud cut down out use on these websites, so children and teenagers can get their homework done. Have you ever been assigned a report and wait till the last minute to get it started? Many teenagers do this. They wait and start their reports the day before their reports are due. They then, are stuck on the internent for hours trying to get it done. Which makes their grade lower then if they were to start it earlyier. @PERCENT2 of students wait till last minute to do their reports, on average, they spend over four hours on the computer. I think we should make sure that students start their report earlyier so it could bring up their grades. In conclusion i believe people have spent way to much time using computers, due to games, internent chatting, and reports being done last minute. I think if we elimate games off the internent, cut down use on internent chatting, and start reports earlyier, people will start exercising, hanging out with friends and family, get homework done and get higher grades.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I believe many people spend too much time on computers. It is okay to be on a computer for twenty minutes, to a half an hour. But one hour or more, is too long. People could get sucked in by playing addicting games. Also by online chatting services like Facebook, MySpace, instant messaging, and more. Another way, I think someone could spend more time on a computer is working on a report. They might start it lost minute. These are just same of the many ways someone could be sucked into their computers. Have you ever hopped on the computer and played a game? Then you look at the time and it's an hour later? Games are very addicting. You can play a game for hours and not notice how much time has passed by. Games are very fun, but they fry your brain. @PERCENT1 of the human population spends up to an average of two hours on a computer each day. I think, we should eliminate some games off the Internet, so people can spend days exercising and hanging out with friends, not playing silly games. Have you ever started a conversation with someone and realized you have been talking for an hour and a half? And that you have homework? @PERCENT3 of teenage son average spend three hours each day chatting with friends on the Internet. Facebook, MySpace, instant messaging are all examples of this. It is okay for someone to talk to their friends, but you need to watch the time, so you do not get carried away. I think, we should cut down out use on these websites, so children and teenagers can get their homework done. Have you ever been assigned a report and wait till the last minute to get it started? Many teenagers do this. They wait and start their reports the day before their reports are due. They then, are stuck on the Internet for hours trying to get it done. Which makes their grade lower than if they were to start it earlier. @PERCENT2 of students wait till last minute to do their reports, on average, they spend over four hours on the computer. I think we should make sure that students start their report earlier, so it could bring up their grades. In conclusion I believe people have spent way too much time using computers, due to games, Internet chatting, and reports being done last minute. I think if we climate games off the Internet, cut down use on Internet chatting, and start reports earlier, people will start exercising, hanging out with friends and family, get homework done and get higher grades.
Do you think being able to look up information on anything or talk to people that are for away is ggod? With a computer these are some things that you will be able to do. Being able to talk to anyone that is far away is good. Some people have family in other countries that they have not seen in a long time and with a computer you can talk to them. @CAPS1 the people we have sent to @ORGANIZATION1 they have a Family here and I have heard of them using computers to talk to them because they miss them. Also if you live in an area that gets bad weather and you can not go anywhere a computer can help pass the time, @CAPS1 the people that live in the @CAPS2 they can get alot of snow during the winter time and @MONTH1 have to stay inside. So if they have a computer they are able to do things @CAPS1 play some games or can watch some videos to pass the time. Another thing a computer is good for is that you are able to search for anything. You are able to learn about faraway places even if you have never been there just by looking it up. Some kids do have some trouble with some homework but can use a computer to learn some more about it and hopefully they will now understand how the work is suppose to be done instead of going to the teacher tomorrow and telling them that you did not do it. There are my opinions why a computers have a positive effect on people. By being able to search anything, help children with homework, and pass the time if you have nothing to do.
Do you think being able to look up information on anything or talk to people that are for away is good? With a computer these are some things that you will be able to do. Being able to talk to anyone that is far away is good. Some people have family in other countries that they have not seen in a long time and with a computer you can talk to them. @CAPS1 the people we have sent to @ORGANIZATION1 they have a Family here, and I have heard of them using computers to talk to them because they miss them. Also, if you live in an area that gets bad weather, and you can not go anywhere a computer can help pass the time, @CAPS1 the people that live in the @CAPS2 they can get a lot of snow during the winter time and @MONTH1 have to stay inside. So if they have a computer they are able to do things @CAPS1 plays some games or can watch some videos to pass the time. Another thing a computer is good for is that you are able to search for anything. You are able to learn about faraway places even if you have never been there just by looking it up. Some kids do have some trouble with some homework but can use a computer to learn some more about it, and hopefully they will now understand how the work is supposed to be done instead of going to the teacher tomorrow and telling them that you did not do it. There are my opinions why a computer have a positive effect on people. By being able to search anything, help children with homework, and pass the time if you have nothing to do.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 minute of the day - millions of computer users around the world hop onto their laptops or desktops, but is it always a good thing? The question has been raised if people spending alot of time on computers is a bad thing. Computers are a bad thing because people spend too much time on them and lose quility time with friends and family. The dangers of online interaction, and the risk of having your information stolen. Countless people around the world face these problems everyday and computer usage should be lessened. Whether teens, kids, or adults are gaming, on websites or typing essays people around the world spend way too much time on their computers. For example, of the @PERCENT1 of people who have computers with online access @PERCENT2 of them spend @NUM1 hours a day on them. This is about @NUM2 billion hours of computer usage around the world. Children and adults alike have lost face time or interraction with other human beings face to face. Before computers kids played outside running and playing around. While in present day less than @PERCENT3 of all children get at least one hour of time outside. Computers are not a bad thing, but its is when they are over used they become hurtful to kids health. These facts have not just contributed, but they are almost the cause of obesity in the world. Computer usage needs to be cut down to size if we are to solve these problems. The additon of online chat to computers has not only increased computer usage but doubled it. The invention of @CAPS2, and instant messaging was never meant to be a bad thing, but it sure did turn into one. Online chat allows people to send hatefull and vulgar messages to their enemys without showing their face. In some cases some teens were harrased online so bad they committed suicide. Another bad thing about @CAPS2, or @CAPS3 is that dangerous criminals can hide behind their computers and lure children or teens to a meeting place where they can be kidnapped. @NUM3 out of @NUM4 users of online chat was lured by a criminal to a " meeting place" and was kidnapped and never seen against last year. Most of these victims do not return or are found. Although the invention of chat online was meant as quick easy communication it became a horror crime in most cases. Millions even billions of dollars have been stolen by internet hackers. These hackers break the security codes and buy things online using other peoples money. Four out five people admit to having multiple sites with personal information on them and @NUM5 out of those four people have had at least one account hacked. This problem continues to grow and hackers feed off of weak sites. If this problem continues to grow the whole world will be bankrupt. These hackers know who you are, your family, your personal information, and where you live. Internet usage needs to be cut down to sites. If we do not then usage will increase, there will be no chat problems and peoples money will get stolen.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 minute of the day - millions of computer users around the world hop onto their laptops or desktops, but is it always a good thing? The question has been raised if people spending a lot of time on computers is a bad thing. Computers are a bad thing because people spend too much time on them and lose quality time with friends and family. The dangers of online interaction, and the risk of having your information stolen. Countless people around the world face these problems every day and computer usage should be lessened. Whether teens, kids, or adults are gaming, on websites or typing essays people around the world spend way too much time on their computers. For example, of the @PERCENT1 of people who have computers with online access @PERCENT2 of them spend @NUM1 hours a day on them. This is about @NUM2 a billion hours of computer usage around the world. Children and adults alike have lost face time or interaction with other human beings face to face. Before computer kids played outside running and playing around. While in present day less than @PERCENT3 of all children get at least one hour of time outside. Computers are not a bad thing, but its is when they are overused they become hurtful to kids health. These facts have not just contributed, but they are almost the cause of obesity in the world. Computer usage needs to be cut down to size if we are to solve these problems. The addition of online chat to computers has not only increased computer usage but doubled it. The invention of @CAPS2, and instant messaging was never meant to be a bad thing, but it sure did turn into one. Online chat allows people to send hateful and vulgar messages to their enemies without showing their face. In some cases some teens were narrated online so bad they committed suicide. Another bad thing about @CAPS2, or @CAPS3 is that dangerous criminals can hide behind their computers and lure children or teens to a meeting place where they can be kidnapped. @NUM3 out of @NUM4 users of online chat was lured by a criminal to a" meeting place" and was kidnapped and never seen against last year. Most of these victims do not return or are found. Although the invention of chat online was meant as quick easy communication it became a horror crime in most cases. Millions even billions of dollars have been stolen by internet hackers. These hackers break the security codes and buy things online using other peoples money. Four out five people admit to having multiple sites with personal information on them and @NUM5 out of those four people have had at least one account hacked. This problem continues to grow and hackers feed off of weak sites. If this problem continues to grow the whole world will be bankrupt. These hackers know who you are, your family, your personal information, and where you live. Internet usage needs to be cut down to sites. If we do not then usage will increase, there will be no chat problems and peoples money will get stolen.
Dear editor, @CAPS1 do you do all day? The answer to that would probably be sit down in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer all day. My friends say that this is very unhealthy, research as proven it and my mom has had experience with the computers. This just isn't healthy for our envierment and people. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 my friends say that computers are a waste @ORGANIZATION1 time. Most people who interact on the computer all day don't have a stable diet or even a good excersice ruinte. They say that all the junk kids and grown-ups acumulate in their daily life is unhealthy and will never go away unless they get up. They also say that without excersice our country will be filled with over weight people. Dr. @ORGANIZATION1 has done extensive research and has proven that computers are bad for you. @PERSON1 has gone all over the country to talk to people, and he specifically stresses that more people should get out and enjoy the nature but, no their sitting in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer which is not good for them. He's taught people that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 the time if you get out and have fresh air your life will be so much better. My mom has had experience with computers and asures me that when she was younger you couldn't just sit there and not get out. She says that it's important to interact with your family and friends so you keep a stable relationship. Talking to your family will keep them intact with @CAPS1's going on in your life and hanging out with your friends will help with having more @ORGANIZATION1 a life without your household. She says any kid who does sit in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer all day should be disappointed @ORGANIZATION1 themsleves. Editor you've done a wonderful job since you've taken the job! So, I feel that if you stress the point in your next newspaper about not having computers all the time you should always excersice like my friends say, the research as taught to enjoy your nature and my mother says to interact with your family and friends. I'm sure your next article will be a wonderful dream to people stating facts.
Dear editor, @CAPS1 do you do all day? The answer to that would probably be sat down in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer all day. My friends say that this is very unhealthy, research as proven it and my mom has had experience with the computers. This just isn't healthy for our endearment and people. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 my friends say that computers are a waste @ORGANIZATION1 time. Most people who interact on the computer all day don't have a stable diet or even a good excessive quite. They say that all the junk kids and grown-ups accumulate in their daily life is unhealthy and will never go away unless they get up. They also say that without excessive our country will be filled with over weight people. Dr. @ORGANIZATION1 has done extensive research and has proven that computers are bad for you. @PERSON1 has gone all over the country to talk to people, and he specifically stresses that more people should get out and enjoy the nature but, no sitting in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer which is not good for them. He's taught people that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 the time if you get out and have fresh air your life will be so much better. My mom has had experience with computers and assures me that when she was younger you couldn't just sit there and not get out. She says that it's important to interact with your family and friends, so you keep a stable relationship. Talking to your family will keep them intact with @CAPS1's going on in your life and hanging out with your friends will help with having more @ORGANIZATION1 a life without your household. She says any kid who does sit in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer all day should be disappointed @ORGANIZATION1 themselves. Editor you've done a wonderful job since you've taken the job! So, I feel that if you stress the point in your next newspaper about not having computers all the time you should always excessive like my friends say, the research as taught to enjoy your nature and my mother says to interact with your family and friends. I'm sure your next article will be a wonderful dream to people stating facts.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2, computers. The subject of so many debates over the years, from lawyers against judges to parents against children. Could it be to much of a good thing? Are computers the cause of increased awkwardness in today's society. Certainly it can't be to good that your entire life is documented on a place where anyone can go. And then there is the content of what you are viewing. I can't wait to get to that paragraph. One of the top @NUM1 picked-through subjects in the world, are people really less interested in exercise than they were in the @NUM2's? studies show that in the @CAPS3 @CAPS4, @NUM3 out of @NUM1 people were overweight. That number has risen to @NUM5 out of @NUM1, as of @DATE1. Amazing! And some of these people might be safer staying inside. If you've played a video game where the player can lose health, you'll know what happens when the bar runs out. You restart. After playing @CAPS5 @CAPS6 @CAPS7 @CAPS8 @CAPS9, @CAPS10 @CAPS11 @MONTH1 want to try that gravity-defying, head-turning stunt. And let me tell you, there is no restarting after that. Did you know that @ORGANIZATION1 is recording everything you do online? If say, you are a budding guitarist and are looking around for a new gibson, you'll start getting all these ads for online stores, @CAPS12? Because @ORGANIZATION1 sells your info to businesses. And you give them permission by clicking that continue with install button. So spam email comes. But something even worse is on the way. Your bank account number. Thats right, I went there. If a virus get onto your computers, your many could vanish. So be responsible. This brings us to our last subject. The touchy one. It used to be that you had to buy a magazine or book to witness the exploitation of young women. Now, it is just the click of a button away. And that is bad enough. Young boys are snagged early, their futures now controlled by this disease. But add to that the imense risk of a virus attack, and you're in a heap of trouble. So I'm not saying computers are terrible, just that they they could be to much of a good thing. Sometimes they can be a good way to relieve stress, by taking it out on a hapless alien. Just use the technology at your hands responsibly.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2, computers. The subject of so many debates over the years, from lawyers against judges to parents against children. Could it be too much of a good thing? Are computers the cause of increased awkwardness in today's society. Certainly it can't be to good that your entire life is documented on a place where anyone can go. And then there is the content of what you are viewing. I can't wait to get to that paragraph. One of the top @NUM1 picked-through subjects in the world, are people really less interested in exercise than they were in the @NUM2's? Studies show that in the @CAPS3 @CAPS4, @NUM3 out of @NUM1 people were overweight. That number has risen to @NUM5 out of @NUM1, as of @DATE1. Amazing! And some of these people might be safer staying inside. If you've played a video game where the player can lose health, you'll know what happens when the bar runs out. You restart. After playing @CAPS5 @CAPS6 @CAPS7 @CAPS8 @CAPS9, @CAPS10 @CAPS11 @MONTH1 want to try that gravity-defying, head-turning stunt. And let me tell you, there is no restarting after that. Did you know that @ORGANIZATION1 is recording everything you do online? If said, you are a budding guitarist and are looking around for a new Gibson, you'll start getting all these ads for online stores, @CAPS12? Because @ORGANIZATION1 sells your info to businesses. And you give them permission by clicking that continue with install button. So spam email comes. But something even worse is on the way. Your bank account number. That's right, I went there. If a virus gets onto your computers, your many could vanish. So be responsible. This brings us to our last subject. The touchy one. It used to be that you had to buy a magazine or book to witness the exploitation of young women. Now, it is just the click of a button away. And that is bad enough. Young boys are snagged early, their futures now controlled by this disease. But add to that the immense risk of a virus attack, and you're in a heap of trouble. So I'm not saying computers are terrible, just that they could be too much of a good thing. Sometimes they can be a good way to relieve stress, by taking it out on a hapless alien. Just use the technology at your hands responsibly.
Dear Newspaper, I strongly agree that computers have effected people in a very positive way. Since more and more people have been using computers, the technology gets higher and people can acess much more things. Computers are good because they are convinent, and provide entertainment. Have you ever wanted to know what the capital of @LOCATION3 is, or what the weather is in @LOCATION2? To find out these answers, all you have to do is look them up on the computer! The computer is so convient, that whenever you have a question about anything, you can use the computer! Take my cousing courthey, for example, everyday, her teacher asigns definitions for homework. So, she just looks up the definitions on the computer instead of taking the time to find them in the dictionary. However, @PERSON4 isn't the only person who thinks the computer is convinent. When surveyed, @PERCENT1 of people voted that when they have a question about something the computer is the most convinent item to use. Professor @PERSON2, from @ORGANIZATION2 says, "@CAPS1, since more people are learning how to use the computer, it is becoming more convinent to everyone." In conclusion, many people rely on the computer for information, and you wouldn't want to take that away from them, would you? It's a @DATE1 @TIME1, and your bored, what do you do? How about go on the computer! The computer is a great source of entertainment. Whether its listening to music, playing games, or talking with friends, you will always have fun on the computer. For example, my neighbor, @PERSON3, comes home after school by herself. She is usually extremely bored, so, she goes on the computer and plays games, and talk with friends. @PERSON3 can also talk to her cousins, @PERSON5 and @PERSON6, that live in @LOCATION1. But, @PERSON3 is not the only one who talks to relatives on the internet. When surveyed, @PERCENT2 of people agreed that they talk to relatives from other places on the computer. Dr. @PERSON1, from @ORGANIZATION1 says, "The computer is the main source of entertainment for most teens and adults." @CAPS2, you wouldn't want to take away our main source of enteratinment, would you? After school, many teens and adults go rushing to the computers for all different reasons. But, in conclusion, computers have positively affected all people with their amazing convinence, and great sources of entertainment.
Dear Newspaper, I strongly agree that computers have effected people in a very positive way. Since more and more people have been using computers, the technology gets higher and people can access much more things. Computers are good because they are continent, and provide entertainment. Have you ever wanted to know what the capital of @LOCATION3 is, or what the weather is in @LOCATION2? To find out these answers, all you have to do is look them up on the computer! The computer is so convent, that whenever you have a question about anything, you can use the computer! Take my housing Courtney, for example, every day, her teacher signs definitions for homework. So, she just looks up the definitions on the computer instead of taking the time to find them in the dictionary. However, @PERSON4 isn't the only person who thinks the computer is continent. When surveyed, @PERCENT1 of people voted that when they have a question about something the computer is the most continent item to use. Professor @PERSON2, from @ORGANIZATION2 says, "@CAPS1, since more people are learning how to use the computer, it is becoming more continent to everyone." In conclusion, many people rely on the computer for information, and you wouldn't want to take that away from them, would you? It's a @DATE1 @TIME1, and your bored, what do you do? How about go on the computer! The computer is a great source of entertainment. Whether it's listening to music, playing games, or talking with friends, you will always have fun on the computer. For example, my neighbor, @PERSON3, comes home after school by herself. She is usually extremely bored, so, she goes on the computer and plays games, and talk with friends. @PERSON3 can also talk to her cousins, @PERSON5 and @PERSON6, that live in @LOCATION1. But, @PERSON3 is not the only one who talks to relatives on the internet. When surveyed, @PERCENT2 of people agreed that they talk to relatives from other places on the computer. Dr. @PERSON1, from @ORGANIZATION1 says, "The computer is the main source of entertainment for most teens and adults." @CAPS2, you wouldn't want to take away our main source of entertainment, would you? After school, many teens and adults go rushing to the computers for all different reasons. But, in conclusion, computers have positively affected all people with their amazing continence, and great sources of entertainment.
To whom @CAPS5 @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 the joy of just clicking a mouse and all of the sudden you are talking with a friend you haven't seen in years. Computers make this a reality for us, but that isn't the only benefit they offer. Computers help society by providing us with search engines and educational resources allowing us to connect easily with friends and family, helping us communicate importances and plan things and a lot more. First, computers have become a vital part of education and research a like. Students at schools, elementary through college, are able to connect with much more information than without computers. You can even earn a college degree on the computer! That's right online universities are beginning to form. This is great for moms who want to get a degree but have to stay home with their children. Also, computer technology has been applied to research in science and hospitals. New discoveries have advanced with the help of computers that will actually help people's lives! Computers are used to search for a cure to cancer disasters such as earthquakes, and even help see a disease someone has before its symptoms even begin to occur! Computers have helped save lives and benefit lives in ways people never could have imagined sixty years ago. Secondly, computers allow people to connect and reconnect with other people around the @CAPS2. I recently got a facebook account, and within a few days I had found and to three friends of mine that had moved away a distant cousin who had moved to @LOCATION1 that i haven't seen since we was little and even my great grandmother! The possibilities are endless. Email has also been very beneficial to society as well, as @CAPS5 helps people communicate and plan events, which brings me to my next topic. Lastly, computers help the @CAPS2 communicate with one another. the internet is filled with websites made to benefit our @CAPS2, one being @ORGANIZATION2; @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4. If not for computers this program wouldn't have been as succesful and beneficial as @CAPS5 has become. Also, is an amazing website that combines education with the aspect of @CAPS2 @CAPS5 quizzes you on different levels of general knowledge and for each correct answer, @ORGANIZATION1 donates @NUM1 grains of @ORGANIZATION1. When i am bored i sometimes go on, and so for i have filled over thirty bowls of @ORGANIZATION1, while learning at the same time! To conlude, computers have proven to benefit the @CAPS2 and all in @CAPS5, not only people but the environment, too. Computers help advance research, help people reconnect with one another, and help the @CAPS2 communicate, Who knows that computers will help us accomplish next?
To whom @CAPS5 @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 the joy of just clicking a mouse and all of a sudden you are talking with a friend you haven't seen in years. Computers make this a reality for us, but that isn't the only benefit they offer. Computers help society by providing us with search engines and educational resources allowing us to connect easily with friends and family, helping us communicate importance and plan things and a lot more. First, computers have become a vital part of education and research a like. Students at schools, elementary through college, are able to connect with much more information than without computers. You can even earn a college degree on the computer! That's right online universities are beginning to form. This is great for moms who want to get a degree but have to stay home with their children. Also, computer technology has been applied to research in science and hospitals. New discoveries have advanced with the help of computers that will actually help people's lives! Computers are used to search for a cure to cancer disasters such as earthquakes, and even help see a disease someone has before its symptoms even begin to occur! Computers have helped save lives and benefit lives in ways people never could have imagined sixty years ago. Secondly, computers allow people to connect and reconnect with other people around the @CAPS2. I recently got a Facebook account, and within a few days I had found and to three friends of mine that had moved away a distant cousin who had moved to @LOCATION1 that I haven't seen since we are little and even my great-grandmother! The possibilities are endless. Email has also been very beneficial to society as well, as @CAPS5 helps people communicate and plan events, which brings me to my next topic. Lastly, computers help the @CAPS2 communicate with one another. The internet is filled with websites made to benefit our @CAPS2, one being @ORGANIZATION2; @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4. If not for computers this program wouldn't have been as successful and beneficial as @CAPS5 has become. Also, is an amazing website that combines education with the aspect of @CAPS2 @CAPS5 quizzes you on different levels of general knowledge and for each correct answer, @ORGANIZATION1 donates @NUM1 grains of @ORGANIZATION1. When I am bored I sometimes go on, and so for I have filled over thirty bowls of @ORGANIZATION1, while learning at the same time! To conclude, computers have proven to benefit the @CAPS2 and all in @CAPS5, not only people but the environment, too. Computers help advance research, help people reconnect with one another, and help the @CAPS2 communicate, Who knows that computers will help us accomplish next?
Dear, @CAPS1 I would like to tell you something. Throughout the ages we have been evolving, from caveman discovering fire to discovering how to fly. With evoloution we discovered technology and in recent years we have been making new technologies rapidly. Some say that some technology like computers are bad, I think that computers are good because they give you the ability to learn about for away places. let you talk to people online and teach hand-eye coordination. Computers let you go places that you ordinarilly wouldn't be able to go to. If you were doing a research projects on @LOCATION1 and you didn't have any books what would you use? That's right, a computer the internet would have the facts you needed, so you could grade. While on the internet you could talk to friends and family who @MONTH1 live for away. The computer goes over long distances and connects both computers so you can bend writing almost instantly. Without computers you wouldn't be able to get in touch with these people. Using computers is good for the body as well as the mind. It helps you with your hand-eye coordination. When you see things on the screen and go to chick it you are actually helping out your body. Some people say that when you are on the computer you aren't interacting with friends and family, but they are wrong. I myself have talked with my sister in a different room while using the computer so the computer lets you interact with friends and family too! I love computers, don't you?
Dear, @CAPS1 I would like to tell you something. Throughout the ages we have been evolving, from caveman discovering fire to discovering how to fly. With evolution we discovered technology and in recent years we have been making new technologies rapidly. Some say that some technology like computers are bad, I think that computers are good because they give you the ability to learn about for away places. Let you talk to people online and teach hand-eye coordination. Computers let you go places that you ordinarily wouldn't be able to go to. If you were doing research projects on @LOCATION1 and you didn't have any books what would you use? That's right, a computer the internet would have the facts you needed, so you could grade. While on the internet you could talk to friends and family who @MONTH1 live for away. The computer goes over long distances and connects both computers, so you can bend writing almost instantly. Without computers, you wouldn't be able to get in touch with these people. Using computers is good for the body as well as the mind. It helps you with your hand-eye coordination. When you see things on the screen and go to chick if you are actually helping out your body. Some people say that when you are on the computer you aren't interacting with friends and family, but they are wrong. I myself have talked with my sister in a different room while using the computer, so the computer lets you interact with friends and family too! I love computers, don't you?
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, yes, I do believe that for too many people are 'addicted' to the computer, and spread more than enough time on the computer everyday! Not only teenagers but the children and youth have fall into trap of the computer. As I grew up in my younger years I hated the computer all I wanted to do was go outside and play. As I became older I used the computer way more often than I did before I now believe the computer takes time away from family time to get the sitting down to read a good book and hanging out with friends. Insteed of all those fun interacting activities people decide to go on facebook, myspace, twitter, youtube, addicting games, and whatever else they could find. I do not agree with that being sluck to the computer like is to chese. No! If there was our thing in the world that would keep parents and children together, it isn't the computer. Computers distracts kids and teenagers from doing other things in life, also it doesn't follow families to be a family. Before computers were made all people bad was their family. Coming home from school saying "@CAPS3 dad, home from school. What t go play see catch"? Instead of that kids come home from school to see if @CAPS4 replied to your facebook message. Computers also cutt off interacting time that families always and to have. @DATE1 @TIME1 instead of talking to @CAPS5 myspace, why don't you grab and plays family board game! Or go out to on restaurant, talk about your next vacation and what you'd be interseted doing go to the same field have a game, or to your local base ball field and play kickball, instead of sitting there mesmerized by the computer screen! Okay, I @MONTH1 understand that some people just @MONTH1 not like to go out and play or engage in physical exercise and that is totally understandable that is still no excuse for sitting at the computer and a book. Reading is yet fun but it is also , with out being in school! As you read your brain to inner works, you or your so you can show off to you friends out family on words that you . It is shown that @PERCENT1 of strints who read . Not the @PERCENT2 who sit at the computer all day writing reply .
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, yes, I do believe that for too many people are 'addicted' to the computer, and spread more than enough time on the computer every day! Not only teenagers but the children and youth have fall into trap of the computer. As I grew up in my younger years I hated the computer all I wanted to do was go outside and play. As I became older I used the computer way more often than I did before I now believe the computer takes time away from family time to get the sitting down to read a good book and hanging out with friends. Instead of all those fun interacting activities people decide to go on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, addictive games, and whatever else they could find. I do not agree with that beings luck to the computer like is to these. No! If there was our thing in the world that would keep parents and children together, it isn't the computer. Computers distracts kids and teenagers from doing other things in life, also it doesn't follow families to be a family. Before computers were made all people bad was their family. Coming home from school saying "@CAPS3 dad, home from school. What t go play see catch"? Instead of that kids come home from school to see if @CAPS4 replied to your Facebook message. Computers also cut off interacting time that families always and to have. @DATE1 @TIME1 instead of talking to @CAPS5 MySpace, why don't you grab and plays family board game! Or go out to on restaurant, talk about your next vacation and what you'd be interested doing go to the same field have a game, or to your local baseball field and play kickball, instead of sitting there mesmerized by the computer screen! Okay, I @MONTH1 understands that some people just @MONTH1 not like to go out and play or engage in physical exercise and that is totally understandable that is still no excuse for sitting at the computer and a book. Reading is yet fun, but it is also, without being in school! As you read your brain to inner works, you or your, so you can show off to you friends out family on words that you. It is shown that @PERCENT1 of strings who read. Not the @PERCENT2 who sit at the computer all day writing reply.
Dear @CAPS1 sun, I find that computers are very useful. They help people in many ways. They let people learn about what is going on in the world, teach hand eye cordination, and let you meet people online. First, people can learn about what is going on around the world. I can find out what is happening where I live by looking up your newspaper. Other people can find out about places they might go. They can find out what the weather is like so they know how to puck when going places. Also, if one of your employees is going camping they can look up a good place to camp and they can look up what kind of dangers there is when you camp so they can avoid them, because if they get sick they can't work. As you can see computers are important. Next, computers teach hand eye ncordination. Many jobs need you to be able to work well with your hands. Lets say one of your printers break down so you call someone to come fix it. They must be able to work well with their hands to fix it. Now lets say the wiring in your lights get messed up. So you call an electrician has to be good with his hands to be able to work with small wires. Both of these people are good with their hands and they could of become that way by using computers. As you can see, computers are important in today's life. Lastly, computers let you meet new people online. Lets say you are all alone after a hard day of making newpapers. You could go online and meet new people in chat rooms and online games. Now lets say that one of your employess just broke up with his girlfriend and he is sad and lonely, so she isn't working as well. He could go on an online dating site and meet the perfect girl. Now when he comes to work he is happier and making more papers and if he makes more papers you make more money. As you can see computers are very important. In conclusion, computers are wonderful machines. They can let people learn about what is going on in the world, teach people good hand eye cordination and let people neet new people online.
Dear @CAPS1 sun, I find that computers are very useful. They help people in many ways. They let people learn about what is going on in the world, teach hand eye coordination, and let you meet people online. First, people can learn about what is going on around the world. I can find out what is happening where I live by looking up your newspaper. Other people can find out about places they might go. They can find out what the weather is like, so they know how to puck when going places. Also, if one of your employees is going camping they can look up a good place to camp, and they can look up what kind of dangers there is when you camp, so they can avoid them, because if they get sick they can't work. As you can see computers are important. Next, computers teach hand eye coordination. Many jobs need you to be able to work well with your hands. Let's say one of your printers break down, so you call someone to come fix it. They must be able to work well with their hands to fix it. Now let's say the wiring in your lights get messed up. So you call an electrician has to be good with his hands to be able to work with small wires. Both of these people are good with their hands, and they could have become that way by using computers. As you can see, computers are important in today's life. Lastly, computers let you meet new people online. Let's say you are all alone after a hard day of making newspapers. You could go online and meet new people in chat rooms and online games. Now let's say that one of your employees just broke up with his girlfriend, and he is sad and lonely, so she isn't working as well. He could go on an online dating site and meet the perfect girl. Now when he comes to work he is happier and making more papers and if he makes more papers you make more money. As you can see computers are very important. In conclusion, computers are wonderful machines. They can let people learn about what is going on in the world, teach people good hand eye coordination and let people meet new people online.
Dear Local Newspaper, I've heard about your problems with computers, and would like to state my opinion. I think that computers teach you more than they, disable you. For example , say you have a research project and you need to look someone up, you go on the computer and you got him. Also, say you want to go far for vacation; like @LOCATION1. You can go on the internet and find out how they live there. My last reason is that now you can be on the computer and still interact with family and friends. First, I stated the first one because a couple of weeks ago I had a social studies research project. But ig I couldn't use a computer then I would of had to use a book; instead of going on the computer and just looking it up. Another exsample could be like you need pictures to make the project look better . So you can go on google and find a picture to go with you project. But thats not all the internet can help you with. Like say you been planning a trip to @LOCATION1 for your honeymoon but never been there or know anything about it, but your honeymoon is a month away. You can go on the computer and learn about it. Also now they have online classes and you can learn their language before you go. But to wrap it up I have on more exsample. Lastly, chatting sosme people think because you on the computer all day you can't interact with others, but you can. for exsample, like they have a website called @ORGANIZATION1. You can chat with all your friends at once. Also they have video chatting, so you can be looking right at the person while your talking, all that's all I can think of. I hope that my lette and probably many others show you about computers actually do.
Dear Local Newspaper, I've heard about your problems with computers, and would like to state my opinion. I think that computers teach you more than they, disable you. For example, say you have a research project, and you need to look someone up, you go on the computer and you got him. Also, say you want to go far for vacation; like @LOCATION1. You can go on the internet and find out how they live there. My last reason is that now you can be on the computer and still interact with family and friends. First, I stated the first one because a couple of weeks ago I had a social studies research project. But IG I couldn't use a computer then I would have had to use a book; instead of going on the computer and just looking it up. Another example could be like you need pictures to make the project look better. So you can go on Google and find a picture to go with you project. But that's not all the internet can help you with. Like say, you been planning a trip to @LOCATION1 for your honeymoon but never been there or know anything about it, but your honeymoon is a month away. You can go on the computer and learn about it. Also, now they have online classes, and you can learn their language before you go. But to wrap it up I have on more example. Lastly, chatting some people think because you on the computer all day you can't interact with others, but you can. For example, like they have a website called @ORGANIZATION1. You can chat with all your friends at once. Also, they have video chatting, so you can be looking right at the person while your talking, all that's all I can think of. I hope that my letter and probably many others show you about computers actually do.
Dear Local Newspaper, I think Computers have a positive effect on people because it helps their education,you can talk to family and friends, and you can get better hand-eye corrdination. Read on to find interesting details about computers and their positive effect. @CAPS4 first reason that computers are positive is that it can help you with your education. I mean come on, how many college students do you see without a laptop? You see none. Am I right? You always need a computer because you have to type eveything, and do research for big essay papers. People think "we'll, there's always the library?" @CAPS1 your wrong. @CAPS4 local library closes at @TIME1 pm. I'm sure college students are yo way later than @TIME1 doing homework. Just imagine, late at night, @NUM1 pm, no library, no computer, and a giant essay due tomorrow. What are you going do? @CAPS1, you better get yourself a laptop before the next giant essay comes! @CAPS2, even if you did go to the library, who wants to log all of your books down stairs, and drive to the library and then finally get there and realize you forgot something. Thats just a waste of time! Next, computers are positve because you can talk to your friends and family. For one it saves a load of money because email doesn't cost anything! I have a @ORGANIZATION1! email and I don't pay a cent for it! With a cellphone you have to buy the phone and pay the bill every month. Did you know the average american spends atleast #@NUM2 each month on cellphones? It's out @CAPS2, what if you never see a certain family member? I know @CAPS4 cousin just had a baby and her dad lives in @LOCATION1 @CAPS3. So, she got a webcam, and now everyday they talk, and her dad gets to see the baby. They think the they always talk about everything day, and other things. After, I have just said all these wonderful things, you look someone in the eyes and then than that computer don't help people. For @CAPS4 final reason, computers are positive because you could gain hand-eye corrdination, @CAPS4 brother, @PERSON1, loves, and I mean obssesive love, loves video games. He's addicted to them! He can't stop playing them, and I dont mind at all. I dont mind because now he can chew gum, jotdown ideas for his essay, think about whats he's gonna have for lunch, and play a video game. How's that for multi tasking! @CAPS2, you will be healthier. Think about it, better reflexes, better hand-eye, better and happier doctor! I mean seriously, if you play computer games you can have fun while knowing your going to make your doctor happy. And who do sent want to move your doctor happy! For @CAPS4 conclusion, computers have a positive effecton you because they help your education, talk to your friends and family, and have better hand-eye corrdination. Tell me right now that computer don't help people. I know, you can't because computers help us in so many ways.
Dear Local Newspaper, I think Computers have a positive effect on people because it helps their education, you can talk to family and friends, and you can get better hand-eye coordination. Read on to find interesting details about computers and their positive effect. @CAPS4 first reason that computers are positive is that it can help you with your education. I mean come on, how many college students do you see without a laptop? You see none. Am I right? You always need a computer because you have to type everything, and do research for big essay papers. People think "we'll, there's always the library?" @CAPS1 your wrong. @CAPS4 local library closes at @TIME1 pm. I'm sure college students are to way later than @TIME1 doing homework. Just imagine, late at night, @NUM1 pm, no library, no computer, and a giant essay due tomorrow. What are you going to do? @CAPS1, you better get yourself a laptop before the next giant essay comes! @CAPS2, even if you did go to the library, who wants to log all of your books downstairs, and drive to the library and then finally get there and realize you forgot something. That's just a waste of time! Next, computers are positive because you can talk to your friends and family. For one, it saves a load of money because email doesn't cost anything! I have a @ORGANIZATION1! Email and I don't pay a cent for it! With a cellphone you have to buy the phone and pay the bill every month. Did you know the average American spends at least #@NUM2 each month on cellphones? It's out @CAPS2, what if you never see a certain family member? I know @CAPS4 cousin just had a baby and her dad lives in @LOCATION1 @CAPS3. So, she got a webcam, and now everyday they talk, and her dad gets to see the baby. They think the always talk about everything day, and other things. After, I have just said all these wonderful things, you look someone in the eyes and then than that computer don't help people. For @CAPS4 final reason, computers are positive because you could gain hand-eye coordination, @CAPS4 brother, @PERSON1, loves, and I mean obsessive love, loves video games. He's addicted to them! He can't stop playing them, and I don't mind at all. I don't mind because now he can chew gum, jot down ideas for his essay, think about what's he's going to have for lunch, and play a video game. How's that for multitasking! @CAPS2, you will be healthier. Think about it, better reflexes, better hand-eye, better and happier doctor! I mean seriously, if you play computer games you can have fun while knowing your going to make your doctor happy. And who do send want to move your doctor happy! For @CAPS4 conclusion, computers have a positive effect on you because they help your education, talk to your friends and family, and have better hand-eye coordination. Tell me right now that computer don't help people. I know, you can't because computers help us in so many ways.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I think that computer have bad effects on people. The first reason why I think this is because people in the world are becoming less healthy kids and adults should stay @CAPS3 more. Kids and parents should only be aloud @NUM1 @CAPS4 on the computer then go outside. Computers are not so bad because @CAPS5 is helpful for looking up information but @CAPS5 is harmful @CAPS5 u abuse @CAPS5 kids play games on the computers and @CAPS5 damages there eyes and @CAPS5 makes them lazy. Also going outside there are lots of things to do instead of talking with your friend on the computer you should call your friend ask him to come over play games outside. @CAPS6 this continues lots of kids will be fit and @CAPS3. The second reason why computers are bad is because of what people past on the computer about other people. Do not ever put something put something bad up on the computer because sometimes they are deep secrets and million of people will see @CAPS5 and that person might be teased and laughed at. And really the computer could do horrible things @CAPS6 you and this person are freinds @CAPS5 could break you guys forever. The final reason why the computer is not good is because people are dieing from overweight there is several teams that are on comercials saying that kids and adults @CAPS7 up and be @CAPS3 @CAPS6 @CAPS5 wernt for theese heros much much more kids would die faster, when kids die they look at whats in side of them and scientest found big fat chunks around the kids heart. Well thats my theory I hope all of you listen to my advice @CAPS7 up shut the computer of and @CAPS7 @CAPS3.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I think that computer has bad effects on people. The first reason why I think this is that people in the world are becoming less healthy kids and adults should stay @CAPS3 more. Kids and parents should only be aloud @NUM1 @CAPS4 on the computer then go outside. Computers are not so bad because @CAPS5 is helpful for looking up information, but @CAPS5 is harmful @CAPS5 u abuse @CAPS5 kids play games on the computers and @CAPS5 damages there eyes and @CAPS5 makes them lazy. Also going outside there are lots of things to do instead of talking with your friend on the computer you should call your friend ask him to come over play games outside. @CAPS6 this continues lots of kids will be fit and @CAPS3. The second reason why computers are bad is because of what people past on the computer about other people. Do not ever put something bad up on the computer because sometimes they are deep secrets and a million of people will see @CAPS5 and that person might be teased and laughed at. And really the computer could do horrible things @CAPS6 you and this person is friends @CAPS5 could break you guys forever. The final reason why the computer is not good is that people are dying from overweight there are several teams that are on commercials saying that kids and adults @CAPS7 up and be @CAPS3 @CAPS6 @CAPS5 went for these heroes much, much more kids would die faster, when kids die they look at what's in side of them and scientist found big fat chunks around the kids' heart. Well that's my theory I hope all of you listen to my advice @CAPS7 up shut the computer off and @CAPS7 @CAPS3.
Dear local Newspaper, @CAPS1 would you like to be warmly greted by the zingbobway tabe @ORGANIZATION1 @LOCATION2, say hi to a far away family memorr again or maybe quicker your relfexes? Well you can! Computers are a use ful way @ORGANIZATION1 complexing an @ORGANIZATION1 these tasks. Imagine your family member or friend fighting in the war miles away. Wouldn't you want to see them at least once? Computers allow you to interact with them with webcams. You can see them and talk with them. Not only can you talk with family, you can talk to friends. You can make new friends from around the world without leaving your house. You can have a new best friend every day! Not only can you talk to people on computers, they give you better hand eye coordination, and they quicken your raflexes. Dr. @PERSON1, @ORGANIZATION1,. says "@CAPS2 have shown that people who type or use a computer have better reflexes than those who don't." @CAPS3 a computer around is easier for school also I remember one time, I had to write a @NUM1 page paper for @CAPS4 and it was due the next day. I wrote the beginning @ORGANIZATION1 it and my hand started to cramp up. I had in finnish my paper soon so I ran to my computer and typed it in half the time I would've spent writing it. I also got a good hand-eye coordination . Not only do you type on it, you learn on it. @NUM2 out @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM3 computers are used for learning about place and people. Say you just won @NUM1 free tickets to go anywhere in the world with a celebrity at your choosing! With a computer you could research anywhere you want and make that trip the best days @ORGANIZATION1 your life. And even if you don't like actually going to other places, you can virtually go there on a computer. With computers you can see the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 @ORGANIZATION1 @LOCATION1, the tropical reef fish @ORGANIZATION1 or the @ORGANIZATION2 at the. Computers hold the world at your finger lips. So as you can see computers have a positive effect on people. Computers allow people to interact with cites, increase your hand-eye coordination, and allow you to have the world at your fingertips. So stop reading and use a computer!
Dear local Newspaper, @CAPS1 would you like to be warmly greeted by the take @ORGANIZATION1 @LOCATION2, say hi to a far away family memory again or maybe quicker your reflexes? Well you can! Computers are a use full way @ORGANIZATION1 complexing an @ORGANIZATION1 these tasks. Imagine your family member or friend fighting in the war miles away. Wouldn't you want to see them at least once? Computers allow you to interact with them with webcams. You can see them and talk with them. Not only can you talk with family, you can talk to friends. You can make new friends from around the world without leaving your house. You can have a new best friend every day! Not only can you talk to people on computers, they give you better hand eye coordination, and they quicken your reflexes. Dr. @PERSON1, @ORGANIZATION1, Says "@CAPS2 have shown that people who type or use a computer have better reflexes than those who don't." @CAPS3 a computer around is easier for school also I remember one time, I had to write a @NUM1 page paper for @CAPS4 and it was due the next day. I wrote the beginning @ORGANIZATION1 it and my hand started to cramp up. I had in Finnish my paper soon, so I ran to my computer and typed it in half the time I would've spent writing it. Furthermore, I also got a good hand-eye coordination. Not only do you type on it, you learn on it. @NUM2 out @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM3 computers are used for learning about place and people. Say you just won @NUM1 free tickets to go anywhere in the world with a celebrity at your choosing! With a computer you could research anywhere you want and make that trip the best days @ORGANIZATION1 your life. And even if you don't like actually going to other places, you can virtually go there on a computer. With computers, you can see the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 @ORGANIZATION1 @LOCATION1, the tropical reef fish @ORGANIZATION1 or the @ORGANIZATION2 at Computers hold the world at your finger lips. So as you can see computers have a positive effect on people. Computers allow people to interact with cites, increase your hand-eye coordination, and allow you to have the world at your fingertips. So stop reading and use a computer!
Dear @PERSON1, Advances in technology and computers is a bad thing. When the computer company's such as @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION2, and @ORGANIZATION1, make cool updates to their computer systems people do not want to shut their computer off, which is not a good thing. As a child did you spend all of your time indoors and online? Computers take time away from spending time outside, or exercising. And they affect very crucial family time. Computer advances are bad for our country and town. Now-a -days, kids would much rather spend time on their computers than outside. This can have a very negative affect. First of all, it is important that students see and feel nature, and last time I checked they can not do that on a computer. Children need to see animals, smell the sweet scent of flowers and feel the breeze brush against their cheeks. A second reason that going outside is important is for the sun. Even though the sun does have harmful days, it is still important for health that everyone spends some time in the sun. The computer takes times away from nature which is unhealthy and dangerous. Computer also take precious time away from exercise. If people spend all their time on computers, then do they exercise. Everyone is supposed to get at least @NUM1 minutes of activity daily, but no one ever spends that much time working out. Also, obesity numbers have increased greatly since the invention of personal computer and the internet. Obesity can make life difficult for people and can also lead to disease. Life with computers has lead to less people exercising and obesity rates increasing. Another issue computers cause is that people are spending less time with their families. Family is one of the most important things in the world and everyone should spend a few hours daily with their family. Plus with encouregement from their family, many students excel in school and sports, which gives them graet self-confidence. Computers take time away from something that should be thw most important to everyone, family. Many people are affected negatively by computers. The technology takes very important time away from children and adults. It takes time away from the outdoors, exercising, and family. Yes, computers @MONTH1 make life easier, but they have a much more negative affect than they do a positive one.
Dear @PERSON1, Advances in technology and computers is a bad thing. When the computer company's such as @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION2, and @ORGANIZATION1, make cool updates to their computer systems people do not want to shut their computer off, which is not a good thing. As a child did you spend all of your time indoors and online? Computers take time away from spending time outside, or exercising. And they affect very crucial family time. Computer advances are bad for our country and town. Now-a -days, kids would much rather spend time on their computers than outside. This can have a very negative affect. First, it is important that students see and feel nature, and last time I checked they can not do that on a computer. Children need to see animals, smell the sweet scent of flowers and feel the breeze brush against their cheeks. A second reason that going outside is important is for the sun. Even though the sun does have harmful days, it is still important for health that everyone spends some time in the sun. The computer takes times away from nature which is unhealthy and dangerous. Computer also takes precious time away from exercise. If people spend all their time on computers, then do they exercise. Everyone is supposed to get at least @NUM1 minutes of activity daily, but no one ever spends that much time working out. Also, obesity numbers have increased greatly since the invention of personal computer and the internet. Obesity can make life difficult for people and can also lead to disease. Life with computers has lead to fewer people exercising and obesity rates increasing. Another issue computers cause is that people are spending less time with their families. Family is one of the most important things in the world and everyone should spend a few hours daily with their family. Plus with encouragement from their family, many students excel in school and sports, which gives them great self-confidence. Computers take time away from something that should be the most important to everyone, family. Many people are affected negatively by computers. The technology takes very important time away from children and adults. It takes time away from the outdoors, exercising, and family. Yes, computers @MONTH1 make life easier, but they have a much more negative affect than they do a positive one.
Dear local Newspaper, I believe that computers are bad news. Most kids come home from school and go on aim. So they can talk to their friends. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1 are obiese. I feel it is better to play outside with your friends than sitting in a chair playing on the computer. If kids go outside and play with their friends they will have more fun. Also kids will learn how to interact with each other by playing outside together. The kids will see more nature and be bale to learn more about animals. When kids are on computers they are sitting their doing nothing. ALso some kids post pictures of themselves on things like facebook that are not appropriate and cna get them in lots of trouble. They also say things that they wouldn't normally say to a persons face. The computer is simply a way for kids to get in trouble. Whne your outside palying baseball, football or tag with your friends you are getting exercise and your having lots of fun. If you are getting lots of exercise then you are most likely not going to be obies. Some say the computer is good hand eye coordination but catching a football or hitting is bettre. Also some say computers can tell you about far away places but that what school is for. I am saying that exercise and playing with your friends is better than talking in your friends or video chatting with them, @CAPS2 are to many over weight people in @LOCATION1 and the computer is not heloing the cause.
Dear local Newspaper, I believe that computers are bad news. Most kids come home from school and go on aim. So they can talk to their friends. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1 are obese. I feel it is better to play outside with your friends than sitting in a chair playing on the computer. If kids go outside and play with their friends they will have more fun. Also kids will learn how to interact with each other by playing outside together. The kids will see more nature and be baled to learn more about animals. When kids are on computers they are sitting their doing nothing. ALso, some kids post pictures of themselves on things like Facebook that are not appropriate and CNA get them in lots of trouble. They also say things that they wouldn't normally say to a persons face. The computer is simply a way for kids to get in trouble. When your outside playing baseball, football or tag with your friends you are getting exercise and your having lots of fun. If you are getting lots of exercise then you are most likely not going to be obi. Some say the computer is good hand eye coordination but catching a football or hitting is better. Also, some say computers can tell you about far away places but that what school is for. I am saying that exercise and playing with your friends is better than talking in your friends or video chatting with them, @CAPS2 is to many over weight people in @LOCATION1 and the computer is not helping the cause.
Dear @LOCATION2 press, I wonder if you know that @PERCENT1 of people out of @NUM1 surveyed by the university out @LOCATION1 agreed that using lap tops and computers had a very good benefit on their life? I agree that computers benefit society and every day lifes. With a computer, you can interact with people all around the world, they can help with school work, and make every day life eaiser. Five years ago I had to move from @LOCATION4 to @LOCATION3. We had to leave all of our family and friends behind. However, with this great tecnology, we could e-mail them. Instant message them, and video chat with them, instead on having to face out money to make long distance calls. Theres many people out their like me. Who have friends and family far away, weather its family in different countries, old school mates and camp friends using a computer is a great way to keep in touch with one another. Using a computer can also more life easier. Moms taking care of their kids might not be able to go to @CAPS1 & @CAPS2 with one kid not wanting to get off his video games, the other watching their favorite @CAPS3 show. Thankfully that man and go online, pick the food that she and the quantity and she can get someone to deliver it. That mother also might not be able to get out and go shopping. So with her computer she can go to her favorite stores website and pick the clothes she wants. And then when @CAPS4 comes, a computer can be great not to worry about not having enough time to go and. A computers just have life that much simpiler!. Statistics how or people help online instant or going in. "Computers are great, I can homework and know that if they to write planner than they we to and out. If, they can and more of information on the computer from, then they could find in their local library. You can find almost anything with search engins on your computer! Some people do disagree with the use of computers, or some also believe that some people abuse the benefit of computers and spend to much time on it and not exercising and enjoying nature enough. This is true, not as long as you stay reasonable with usage or your computer, it benefits you in many ways. Like I said, its great for keeping connections between people, simpling everyday life, and research for school.
Dear @LOCATION2 press, I wonder if you know that @PERCENT1 of people out of @NUM1 surveyed by the university out @LOCATION1 agreed that using laptops and computers had a very good benefit on their life? I agree that computers benefit society and every day lives. With a computer, you can interact with people all around the world, they can help with school work, and make every day life easier. Five years ago I had to move from @LOCATION4 to @LOCATION3. We had to leave all of our family and friends behind. However, with this great technology, we could e-mail them. Instant message them, and video chat with them, instead on having to face out money to make long distance calls. There's many people out their like me. Who have friends and family far away, weather its family in different countries, old schoolmates and camp friends using a computer is a great way to keep in touch with one another? Using a computer can also more life easier. Moms taking care of their kids might not be able to go to @CAPS1 & @CAPS2 with one kid not wanting to get off his video games, the other watching their favorite @CAPS3 show. Thankfully that man and go online, pick the food that she and the quantity, and she can get someone to deliver it. That mother also might not be able to get out and go shopping. So with her computer she can go to her favorite stores website and pick the clothes she wants. And then when @CAPS4 comes, a computer can be great not to worry about not having enough time to go and. A computer just have life that much simpler!. Statistics how or people help online instant or going in. Computers are great, I can and know that if they to write planner than they we to and out. If, they can and more of information on the computer from, then they could find in their local library. You can find almost anything with search engine on your computer! Some people do disagree with the use of computers, or some also believe that some people abuse the benefit of computers and spend too much time on it and not exercising and enjoying nature enough. This is true, not as long as you stay reasonable with usage or your computer, it benefits you in many ways. Like I said, it's great for keeping connections between people, sampling everyday life, and research for school.
Dear local newspaper, I think that computers effect people in a positive way. Computers increases our knowlage, lets us communicate with our friends and family, teaches us hand-eye coordination, and lets us see our news faster. Computers are enjoyable, great pieces of technology. Even though sitting down looking at your computer screen is not very interactive, computers increase our knowlage. Computers have all these websites that are full of great information. You can look up anything you would like to learn about and find exactly what you want. Going to the library for a book on your report would consume extra time. Instead you can look up the facts you need online. Computers also let us communicate with family and friends. Calling someone or sending a letter costs money, but sending on email to someone does not. Many people have family and friends that live far away from them. Through computers they can talk to them as long as they want at no expense. You can also see each other through a webcam. Which you can attach to your computer if it has not have in one allready. Another reason why computers are useful is because they help with hand-eye coordination. Computers require you to type, which is a great skill. While working out an essay by hand is tiring and boring you can type up the essay on you computer. Typing takes to get good at but is very helpful. Finally Computers help us get our news foster. When major things happen, such as the earthquake in @LOCATION1 it was all over the internet before the news. In conclusion computers are very useful and help us increase our knowlage, communicate with people, help us with hand-eye coordination, and lets us see our news faster. But most importantly computers are fun!
Dear local newspaper, I think that computers effect people positively. Computers increases our knowledge, lets us communicate with our friends and family, teaches us hand-eye coordination, and lets us see our news faster. Computers are enjoyable, great pieces of technology. Even though sitting down looking at your computer screen is not very interactive, computers increase our knowledge. Computers have all these websites that are full of great information. You can look up anything you would like to learn about and find exactly what you want. Going to the library for a book on your report would consume extra time. Instead, you can look up the facts you need online. Computers also let us communicate with family and friends. Calling someone or sending a letter costs money, but sending on email to someone does not. Many people have family and friends that live far away from them. Through computers, they can talk to them as long as they want at no expense. You can also see each other through a webcam. Which you can attach to your computer if it has not had in one already. Another reason why computers are useful is because they help with hand-eye coordination. Computers require you to type, which is a great skill. While working out an essay by hand is tiring and boring you can type up the essay on you computer. Typing takes to get good at but is very helpful. Finally, Computers help us get our news foster. When major things happen, such as the earthquake in @LOCATION1 it was all over the internet before the news. In conclusion computers are very useful and help us increase our knowledge, communicate with people, help us with hand-eye coordination, and lets us see our news faster. But most importantly computers are fun!
Dear Newspaper, I believe that advances in technology have many positive effects, such as computers. Computers are great for people of all ages. Computers teach hand-eye coordination and allow people to learn information from all over the world. Lastly, computers allow people to communicate through internet. Advances in technology improve society and the over all way of life around the globe. Advances in technology are amazing. Computers show these advances greatly. With the simple use of a computer, one can learn great hand-eye coordination skills. Typing skills are a great example. Typing skills are needed by almost everyone in the world. Without computers, no one would have these skills. A young child can go on the computer, play a game, and learn basic typing and hand-eye coordination skills to jump start their coordination skills for the rest of their life. Advances in technology are great. These advances in computers can also allow people to learn worldwide information. Many times in school, students are asked to do a report on a different country. It would be very hard to do that report without a computer. The student would need to go through all different books to find specific information needed. With the internet, that project can get done a lot faster just by typing whatever you need to know. How about that family vacation you've always wanted to go on? Need an idea of where to go? Use the internet! All you need to do is type in vacation spots and click enter. Instantly, you will have hundreds of choices right in front of you. This makes life a lot simpler. Do you remember the last time your mom or dad went on a business trip and you couldn't talk to the because they were busy? there is a fix to this with internet. You can communicate with them through @CAPS1, @CAPS2 or both. Just hookup your @CAPS2 to the computer and instantly say good @TIME1, or hows it going. If you have a friend that you can instant message them. It is so easy that it will seem like you are standing right next to them on a matter of seconds. In conclusion, computers and advances in technology are great and can benefit everyone in the world computers tech hand-eye coordination, allow one to learn information from around the world, and allow communication through internet happen instantly. Writers and editors of the newspaper, please agree with me on this topic. Advances in technology can only add posotive effects to the way of life. Support advances in today's technology to help improve life for those of.
Dear Newspaper, I believe that advances in technology have many positive effects, such as computers. Computers are great for people of all ages. Computers teach hand-eye coordination and allow people to learn information from all over the world. Lastly, computers allow people to communicate through internet. Advances in technology improve society and the over all way of life around the globe. Advances in technology are amazing. Computers show these advances greatly. With the simple use of a computer, one can learn great hand-eye coordination skills. Typing skills are a great example. Typing skills are needed by almost everyone in the world. Without computers, no one would have these skills. A young child can go on the computer, play a game, and learn basic typing and hand-eye coordination skills to jump start their coordination skills for the rest of their life. Advances in technology are great. These advances in computers can also allow people to learn worldwide information. Many times in school, students are asked to do a report on a different country. It would be very hard to do that report without a computer. The student would need to go through all different books to find specific information needed. With the internet, that project can get done a lot faster just by typing whatever you need to know. How about that family vacation you've always wanted to go on? Need an idea of where to go? Use the internet! All you need to do is type in vacation spots and click enter. Instantly, you will have hundreds of choices right in front of you. This makes life a lot simpler. Do you remember the last time your mom or dad went on a business trip, and you couldn't talk to because they were busy? There is a fix to this with internet. You can communicate with them through @CAPS1, @CAPS2 or both. Just hook up your @CAPS2 to the computer and instantly say good @TIME1, or how's it's going. If you have a friend that you can instantly message them. It is so easy that it will seem like you are standing right next to them on a matter of seconds. In conclusion, computers and advances in technology are great and can benefit everyone in the world computers tech hand-eye coordination, allow one to learn information from around the world, and allow communication through internet happen instantly. Writers and editors of the newspaper, please agree with me on this topic. Advances in technology can only add positive effects to the way of life. Support advances in today's technology to help improve life for those of.
Dear @LOCATION1, I believe computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination. Computers give people the ability to learn about far away places and people. They even allow people to talk online. Computers are a very usefull piece of machinery. Computers teach hand-eye coordination. When your in school, you need to type lots of @CAPS1 prompts, @CAPS2 labs, and @CAPS3 @CAPS4 vocab. Computers help us do that. Typing fast and correctly takes practice. Typing without looking at the keyboard is hand-eye coordination. This will help us later on in life also. Whether it's typing term papers in high school or your application essay for college, you will need the help of computers. Computers give people the ability to learn about far away places. @NUM1 years ago I look a trip to @LOCATION3 for the first time. I didn't know a lot about the history of @LOCATION3 so I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. Suddenly, it was like I was in @LOCATION3! I read about the delicious food and rich culture. I took a virtual tour of the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 and the great @CAPS7. I heard @CAPS8 music and learned some @CAPS8. In just @NUM2 hour I visited @LOCATION3 right from my very own house! Computers can take you on a magical journey to a far away country. Computers allow people to talk to online with other people. This is a very good thing. I have cousins who live in @LOCATION2 and because of the @NUM3 hour time difference, its not always easy to talk on the phone so we use the computer. My family will send e-mails back and forth with them. Sometimes we will even video chat! @CAPS3 networking sights accesible by computer such as @CAPS10 or @CAPS11 allow us to talk to people who we don't regularly see. On @CAPS11 you can even talk to your favorite stars or musicians. Computers let us keep in touch with others. Computers have a positive effect on people. Some experts @MONTH1 say that people spend too much time on the computer and while that @MONTH1 be true to some people, its not true to everyone. We still exersise, and spend time outside. We still interact with family and friends but know we are also able to do so on the computer. More and more people using computer is a good thing.
Dear @LOCATION1, I believe computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination. Computers give people the ability to learn about far away places and people. They even allow people to talk online. Computers are a very useful piece of machinery. Computers teach hand-eye coordination. When you're in school, you need to type lots of @CAPS1 prompts, @CAPS2 labs, and @CAPS3 @CAPS4 vocab. Computers help us do that. Typing fast and correctly takes practice. Typing without looking at the keyboard is hand-eye coordination. This will help us later on in life also. Whether it's typing term papers in high school or your application essay for college, you will need the help of computers. Computers give people the ability to learn about far away places. @NUM1 years ago I look a trip to @LOCATION3 for the first time. I didn't know a lot about the history of @LOCATION3, so I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. Suddenly, it was like I was in @LOCATION3! I read about the delicious food and rich culture. I took a virtual tour of the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 and the great @CAPS7. Furthermore, I heard @CAPS8 music and learned some @CAPS8. In just @NUM2 hour I visited @LOCATION3 right from my very own house! Computers can take you on a magical journey to a far away country. Computers allow people to talk to online with other people. This is a very good thing. I have cousins who live in @LOCATION2 and because of the @NUM3 hour time difference, It's not always easy to talk on the phone, so we use the computer. My family will send e-mails back and forth with them. Sometimes we will even video chat! @CAPS3 networking sights accessible by computer such as @CAPS10 or @CAPS11 allow us to talk to people who we don't regularly see. On @CAPS11, you can even talk to your favorite stars or musicians. Computers let us keep in touch with others. Computers have a positive effect on people. Some experts @MONTH1 says that people spend too much time on the computer and while that @MONTH1 be true to some people, it's not true to everyone. We still exercise, and spend time outside. We still interact with family and friends but now we are also able to do so on the computer. More and more people using computer is a good thing.
Dear, Local Newspaper writer I believe that computers benefit our society because we could connect to people more faster and easier. And computers @CAPS1 good for our society because of we don't have to spend to much time on the phone. That @CAPS1 why I think computers benefits our society. "@CAPS1 computers a good thing or bad thing?" Computers are a good thing because you could email your family or friends any time you want too. But sometimes we don't have to be on the computer so long. That @CAPS1 why I think computers are a good thing. Without computers it will be different because you have to talk to people on the phone or text message. In my opinion I am really thankful that we have computers. And on computers you could go on everything like @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and even work on the computer. That @CAPS1 without computers it will be different. I think people are not spending to much time on the computer", because a lot of people on the computer to do office work. Computer make things a lot easier for us! But sometimes people take advantage over it. That @CAPS1 why I feel people are not spending too much time on the computer. Last but not least that @CAPS1 why I know computers benefit's our society.
Dear, Local Newspaper writer I believe that computers benefit our society because we could connect to people faster and easier. And computers @CAPS1 good for our society because we don't have to spend too much time on the phone. That @CAPS1 why I think computers benefits our society. @CAPS1 computers a good thing or bad thing?" Computers are a good thing because you could email your family or friends any time you want too. But sometimes we don't have to be on the computer so long. That @CAPS1 why I think computers are a good thing. Without computers, it will be different because you have to talk to people on the phone or text message. In my opinion I am really thankful that we have computers. And on computers you could go on everything like @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and even work on the computer. That @CAPS1 without computers it will be different. I think people are not spending too much time on the computer", because a lot of people on the computer to do office work. Computer make things a lot easier for us! But sometimes people take advantage over it. That @CAPS1 why I feel people are not spending too much time on the computer. Last but not least that @CAPS1 why I know computers benefits our society.
Dear @CAPS1, I heard that you wanted some opinions on whether or not computers have a positive effect on people. I know that a lot of people are against these positive opinions but I think computers have a positive effect on people. The main thing that computers are great for is research. Without computers, kids an adults won't be provided with the necissary tools for knowledge. Studies show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students have computers at home and that @NUM3 person without computer access gets about @PERCENT1 of a lower grade because of poor research ability on projects. Another reason why computers are good because it can bring the world together. Facbook, @CAPS2, and twitter users can chat with people accross the street, accross the country and even accross the ocean! People in the @LOCATION5 can play games and chat with people in @LOCATION1, @LOCATION4, @LOCATION2 and even @LOCATION3! My last reason is that computers are great for buiesnessess. A lot of people have websites for their jobs that can get them well known and for people to know what their buisness is about. Take for example your newspaper. Without computers, you wouldn't be able to get your research or even type or print your newspaper. Your website wouldn't be able to persuade people to read your newspaper. Even though some people might abuse their computer privlages by staying on too long instead of exercising or interacting withpeople but thats them. It's only @PERCENT2 of people with computers that do it! And so what, its their time and they want to spend it on the computer. What can you do to change? Nothing. And with that, I conclude this letter by letting you know that computers are great for people! They give us research, they help us with school and buiesnessess and they allow us to talk to people around the world.
Dear @CAPS1, I heard that you wanted some opinions on whether computers have a positive effect on people. I know that a lot of people are against these positive opinions, but I think computers have a positive effect on people. The main thing that computers are great for is research. Without computers, kids an adult won't be provided with the necessary tools for knowledge. Studies show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students have computers at home and that @NUM3 person without computer access gets about @PERCENT1 of a lower grade because of poor research ability on projects. Another reason why computers are good because it can bring the world together. Facebook, @CAPS2, and Twitter users can chat with people across the street, across the country and even across the ocean! People in the @LOCATION5 can play games and chat with people in @LOCATION1, @LOCATION4, @LOCATION2 and even @LOCATION3! My last reason is that computers are great for . A lot of people have websites for their jobs that can get them well known and for people to know what their business is about. Take for example your newspaper. Without computers, you wouldn't be able to get your research or even type or print your newspaper. Your website wouldn't be able to persuade people to read your newspaper. Even though some people might abuse their computer privileges by staying on too long instead of exercising or interacting with people but that's them. It's only @PERCENT2 of people with computers that do it! And so what, it's their time, and they want to spend it on the computer. What can you do to change? Nothing. And with that, I conclude this letter by letting you know that computers are great for people! They give us research, they help us with school and , and they allow us to talk to people around the world.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I am writing a letter to you saying that I think its a bad idea for you to make kids stay off of computers because it does teach kids something, it good to do homework on and you can relax when your on it. Well computers teaches kids a lof of things like hand-eye coordination. If kids want to work with computers when there older they can learn new to work with it. There is also websites that can show you how to move yor hands when using a computer. Well when kids come from school always have homework, @CAPS2 you need to do it on the comptuer so if you couldn't use computers it would be hard for kids to do there homework. So when they go to school and the class tells the teacher they dont have computers what are they going to do. So when I get out of school and I had a very long day. I go home do my homework and go on the computer and listen to music to relax. If you guy were to take computers away every one would be grumpy all the time. That is why I think you should keep computers and not exercise as much. We get enuf of that in school carry all these heveay books around.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I am writing a letter to you saying that I think it's a bad idea for you to make kids stay off of computers because it does teach kids something, it is good to do homework on, and you can relax when you're on it. Well computers teach kids a LOF of things like hand-eye coordination. If kids want to work with computers when there older they can learn new to work with it. There is also websites that can show you how to move for hands when using a computer. Well when kids come from school always have homework, @CAPS2 you need to do it on the computer so if you couldn't use computers it would be hard for kids to do there homework. So when they go to school and the class tells the teacher they don't have computers what are they going to do. So when I get out of school and I had a very long day. I go home do my homework and go on the computer and listen to music to relax. If you guy were to take computers away every one would be grumpy all the time. That is why I think you should keep computers and not exercise as much. We get ENEF of that in school carry all these every books around.
Dear @STATE1 news, Computers are a great machine to use. People can research, learn about any topic or subject and let people talk to friends online I think that computers have a good effect on people. Computers are one of the great inventions we have. They are very helpul in our everyday life. When people need to write a paper for school or do a project you can research what you need if you need to know some thing about, a topic that you don't know about, you can look up questions you have about it on the internet. If your writing a paper and need an answer its all on the internet. Suppose you want to go on a family vacation to california you can plan your whole trip right on your computer, you can book a flight, get a hotel room and even see what there is to do you can see the whole world right from your computer. If you want to learn another language you can learn an entire language on your computer. Also if your to busy to go to collage or want to take another class there are even schools online. The computer is a great way to learn about new things. Finally you can talk to friends online websites like facebook and myspace are great ways to keep in touch with your friends. naother positive way is @CAPS1 you can instant message friends and family without having to wait so long for a response back. If you want your friends you can just message them. I think that computers have a positive effect on people. They are helpul in many ways such as people can do research, learn about new things and talk to friends I hope, you see my point at view they are samething everyone should have.
Dear @STATE1 news, Computers are a great machine to use. People can research, learn about any topic or subject and let people talk to friends online I think that computers have a good effect on people. Computers are one of the great inventions we have. They are very helpful in our everyday life. When people need to write a paper for school or do a project you can research what you need if you need to know something about, a topic that you don't know about, you can look up questions you have about it on the internet. If you're writing a paper and need an answer it's all on the internet. Suppose you want to go on a family vacation to California you can plan your whole trip right on your computer, you can book a flight, get a hotel room and even see what there is to do you can see the whole world right from your computer. If you want to learn another language you can learn an entire language on your computer. Also, if you to busy to go to collage or want to take another class there are even schools online. The computer is a great way to learn about new things. Finally, you can talk to friends online websites like Facebook and MySpace are great ways to keep in touch with your friends. Naother positive way is @CAPS1 you can instantly message friends and family without having to wait so long for a response back. If you want your friends you can just message them. I think that computers have a positive effect on people. They are helpful in many ways such as people can do research, learn about new things and talk to friends I hope, you see my point at view they are something everyone should have.
I walked into my living room. I saw my mom avidly reading the screen of our computer with pictures of caller masters and logos clastering the web page as well. I thought that the internet had just my mom better than I could that we should go on vacation. More and more people log on to a computer everyday, and although the people willing to change and believe in new advances in technology out on a strong argument of why computers are and there are still some that can only see the negative. I strongly support computers and believe they have a lot of potential. Computers make the work even smaler. They allow to talk to people thousands at miles away man instant. Also, you can reconnect with friends that you can't see anymore. For example, I used to go to an awesome @DATE1 camp and I made same of my best friends there. But @DATE1, they down, and instead of playing sports and having fun, I layed down on my basement to stand up because my sweat glued to the. Then one day, I heard the familiar that my computer's spokes when I receive an instant @CAPS1, I the energy to crawl over to the screen, to find out @PERSON1, one of my closest friends from wanted to take a bike ride down to the wall, and hang out with some other people we knew. to say I happily respond, "@CAPS2 I definetly want to go," by a long scores of points. been for computers and @ORGANIZATION1. Instant @CAPS3, @CAPS4 would all have drifted apart and never talked again. anadem exaggerated argument people use against computer is that everybody that uses them doesn't exercise. I frequent my computer almost every hour, so I made a system to ensure I got exercise. Every time I walk the room my computer is hooked, I grab the pull up right and do @NUM1. I only thought of this system @NUM2 months ago and I have already my own muscles, and I can do @NUM3 pull as at a time but when I started I struggled to do @NUM2. If not for the amazing of computers that me back, I would still do exercise, only to after about a week. Computers give easy to the internet, which has so much information it is. Unless it is a closely grounded secret. You could probably find whatever you want on the internet. Ive gone countless time to find for an essay with the limited textbooks have just isnt what you need. My country project @DATE1 year couldn't have had more than @CAPS5 pleces of information from a book! It also makes a great teacher of about any subject as well. As a matter of fact, my language arts teacher told us a story about how ever the @DATE1 a ball that has never done any sort of water sports before, spent @NUM2 weeks watching videos on youtube about how to waterski, and on his first dearly doing tricks. These are only a few of the reasons I think computers are great. They keep friend ships close, give you a reason to exercise, and can teach you anything! I say we spread the good word about computers and let every one know how awesome they are.
I walked into my living room. I saw my mom avidly reading the screen of our computer with pictures of caller masters and logos clustering the web page as well. Furthermore, I thought that the internet had just my mom better than I could that we should go on vacation. More and more people log on to a computer every day, and although the people willing to change and believe in new advances in technology out on a strong argument of why computers are and there are still some that can only see the negative. I strongly support computers and believe they have a lot of potential. Computers make the work even smaller. They allow talking to people thousands at miles away man instant. Also, you can reconnect with friends that you can't see anymore. For example, I used to go to an awesome @DATE1 camp and I made same of my best friends there. But @DATE1, they down, and instead of playing sports and having fun, I laid down on my basement to stand up because my sweat glued to Then one day, I heard the familiar that my computer's spokes when I receive an instant @CAPS1, energy to crawl over to the screen, to find out @PERSON1, one of my closest friends from wanted to take a bike ride down to the wall, and hang out with some other people we knew. To say I happily respond, "@CAPS2 I definitely want to go," by a long scores of points. Been for computers and @ORGANIZATION1. Instant @CAPS3, @CAPS4 would all have drifted apart and never talked again. Anadem exaggerated argument people use against computer is that everybody that uses them doesn't exercise. I frequent my computer almost every hour, so I made a system to ensure I got exercise. Every time I walk the room my computer is hooked, I grab the pull-up right and do @NUM1. I only thought of this system @NUM2 months ago, and I have already my own muscles, and I can do @NUM3 pull as at a time but when I started I struggled to do @NUM2. If not for the amazing of computers that me back, I would still do exercise, only to after about a week. Computers give easy to the internet, which has so much information it is. Unless it is a closely grounded secret. You could probably find whatever you want on the internet. I've gone countless time to find for an essay with the limited textbooks have just isn't what you need. My country project @DATE1 year couldn't have had more than @CAPS5 places of information from a book! It also makes a great teacher of about any subject as well. As a matter of fact, my language arts teacher told us a story about however the @DATE1 a ball that has never done any sort of water sports before, spent @NUM2 weeks watching videos on YouTube about how to waterski, and on his first dearly doing tricks. These are only a few of the reasons I think computers are great. They keep friend ships close, give you a reason to exercise, and can teach you anything! I say we spread the good word about computers and let every one know how awesome they are.
Dear computer co., computers have a negative effect. Why would you go outside if you could play life - like games on your @CAPS1? I lthink that the games on th @CAPS1 should be removed so people could enjoy all of the great things in life. If people weren't on @CAPS1's all day, people would pay attention to the way they're destroying nature.
Dear computer co., computers have a negative effect. Why would you go outside if you could play life - like games on your @CAPS1? I think that the games on the @CAPS1 should be removed, so people could enjoy all the great things in life. If people weren't on @CAPS1's all day, people would pay attention to the way they're destroying nature.
Dear The @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Your resources, your entertainment, even your communication with people might be fading. @CAPS8 you know a large portion of people think this @PERSON2 is harming our society. Well I will say I think they don't understand these benifit that computers bring us. Computer act like teachers teaching us without us even knowing it. Hand-eye coordination is a perfect example. Plus, we use computers to learn about places we might want to travel to, or have a conversation with frinds or family living ways away tromus. Computers is an extrodarny piece or technology. First, I like to say everything that you do physically uses hand-eye coordination. Making dinner, riding a bike, driving a car etc. And unfortiunitly not @CAPS6 people are the best at hand-eye coordination. One of @CAPS7 friends, @PERSON1, had horriable hand eye coordination. So for his birthday I decided an getting him a computer. It's been @NUM1 month since his he had his computer and @CAPS8 he was trying to hit a baseball at his sons party, he moneged to hit the ball @NUM2 out of @NUM3 where he used to hit it @NUM1 or @NUM5 out of @NUM6. @PERCENT2 is a termendous increase in only @NUM1 month! Just something @CAPS8 simple @CAPS8 a computer improved @CAPS7 friends hand-eye coordination a termendous amount. Secondly, the computer can help you learn about far away places @CAPS8 the @LOCATION1 or @LOCATION4. Do you really want to travel up to the icey cold, and piercing winds of the @LOCATION1 just to learn about it? For some I'd say like that but what if you cant travel up the @LOCATION1 due to money or flying conditions. I want to be able to study about polar bears and the glaciers without needing to worry. A statics from the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 of @CAPS5 states "@PERCENT2 of people wpould love to experience the thrill and excitement of the @ORGANIZATION1 lights. But out of those @PERCENT2 only @PERCENT3 said they'd actually travel to @LOCATION2 to see them". So you can see that @PERCENT4 of those people wouldn't go whether it be due to money or the cold. Thery @CAPS6 said thats why they love the computer. They can experience the @ORGANIZATION1 lights without needing to travel into the bitter cold.Lastly, that better thing to do on the computer than with family you've never met before or don't get to see them. The editor for the @LOCATION3 Local states "@CAPS7 parents live over @NUM8 miles away. I rarly get to tell to them now because I can't afford to travel that distance ofter. So I use @CAPS7 computer, @CAPS7 parents and I now communicate @PERCENT1 more than we used to. I love the computer it helps keep me close to @CAPS7 loved ones." @CAPS8 you can tell, thanks to the computer we talk @PERCENT1 more to his parents than he used to! In conclusion, the computer is a gracous device that is extremely benifital to people. The computer teaches us hand-eye coordination, lets us learn about places we other wise would never learn about, and to have conversations with friends or family that we generally dont get to see often. Now you go out and make anyone that says computers are a horrible inventions you tell them exactly why computers are so important!
Dear The @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Your resources, your entertainment, even your communication with people might be fading. @CAPS8 you know a large portion of people think this @PERSON2 is harming our society. Well I will say I think they don't understand these benefit that computers bring us. Computer act like teachers teaching us without us even knowing it. Hand-eye coordination is a perfect example. Plus, we use computers to learn about places we might want to travel to, or have a conversation with friends or family living ways away tromps. Computers is an piece or technology. First, I like to say everything that you do physically uses hand-eye coordination. Making dinner, riding a bike, driving a car etc. And unfortunately not @CAPS6 people are the best at hand-eye coordination. One of @CAPS7 friends, @PERSON1, had horrible hand eye coordination. So for his birthday I decided and getting him a computer. It's been @NUM1 month since his he had his computer and @CAPS8 he was trying to hit a baseball at his sons party, he moneyed to hit the ball @NUM2 out of @NUM3 where he used to hit it @NUM1 or @NUM5 out of @NUM6. @PERCENT2 is a tremendous increase in only @NUM1 month! Just something @CAPS8 simple @CAPS8 a computer improved @CAPS7 friends hand-eye coordination a tremendous amount. Secondly, the computer can help you learn about far away places @CAPS8 the @LOCATION1 or @LOCATION4. Do you really want to travel up to the ice cold, and piercing winds of the @LOCATION1 just to learn about it? For some I'd say like that but what if you can't travel up the @LOCATION1 due to money or flying conditions. I want to be able to study about polar bears and the glaciers without needing to worry. A statics from the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 of @CAPS5 states "@PERCENT2 of people would love to experience the thrill and excitement of the @ORGANIZATION1 lights. But out of those @PERCENT2 only @PERCENT3 said they'd actually travel to @LOCATION2 to see them". So you can see that @PERCENT4 of those people wouldn't go whether it be due to money or the cold. There @CAPS6 said that's why they love the computer. They can experience the @ORGANIZATION1 lights without needing to travel into the bitter cold. Lastly, that better thing to do on the computer than with family you've never met before or don't get to see them. The editor for the @LOCATION3 Local states "@CAPS7 parents live over @NUM8 miles away. I early get to tell them now because I can't afford to travel that distance after. So I use @CAPS7 computer, @CAPS7 parents and I now communicate @PERCENT1 more than we used to. I love the computer it helps keep me close to @CAPS7 loved ones." @CAPS8 you can tell, thanks to the computer we talk @PERCENT1 more to his parents than he used to! In conclusion, the computer is a gracious device that is extremely benefit to people. The computer teaches us hand-eye coordination, lets us learn about places we otherwise would never learn about, and to have conversations with friends or family that we generally don't get to see often. Now you go out and make anyone that says computers are a horrible invention you tell them exactly why computers are so important!
Dear newspaper, I think that using your computer too much is bad. Some people spend way too much time on the internet. Many people are too focused on the internet and they lack on their normal activities. Also, the computer is bad for people because they will be on the internet all night and get no sleep. This leaves them exausted for the day ahead. Alot of people spend too much time on the internet. Since they are always on the internet, they don't spend alot of time with their families. This causes the internet addicted person to lose relationships with their family and friends. Not exercizing is a result of this addiction also. For example, my stepbrother is always on the internet now. He doesn't talk to anyone because he is so preoccupied with his game. Another problem people encounter with the internet is being too focused. When you are too focused on the internet, you forget there is a whole world out there that needs your help, most people won't do their choires, or make a meal for their family. These people also have no time for their outdoor activities they used to enjoy. Internet addicts usually don't get any sleep. They have no time to study at night because they spend all their extra time on the internet. During the day, they will be very tired in school or work and the internet will be the one to blame. Last month my mom made a facebook. She is constantly on it. When she is on she ignores everything around her. My mom goes to school and she tells me how she never has time to study because she always on the internet. She also stopped reading the bible in her spare time to go on the internet. The internet is a bad thing to get hooked on. You lose relationships with your friends and family because you never get off the computer. People usually don't exercize or do thier chores. This is not a very good addiction to get into.
Dear newspaper, I think that using your computer too much is bad. Some people spend way too much time on the internet. Many people are too focused on the internet, and they lack on their normal activities. Also, the computer is bad for people because they will be on the internet all night and get no sleep. This leaves them exhausted for the day ahead. A lot of people spend too much time on the internet. Since they are always on the internet, they don't spend a lot of time with their families. This causes the internet addicted person to lose relationships with their family and friends. Not exercising is a result of this addiction also. For example, my stepbrother is always on the internet now. He doesn't talk to anyone because he is so preoccupied with his game. Another problem people encounter with the internet is being too focused. When you are too focused on the internet, you forget there is a whole world out there that needs your help, most people won't do their choirs, or make a meal for their family. These people also have no time for their outdoor activities they used to enjoy. Internet addicts usually don't get any sleep. They have no time to study at night because they spend all their extra time on the internet. During the day, they will be very tired in school or work and the internet will be the one to blame. Last month my mom made a Facebook. She is constantly on it. When she is on she ignores everything around her. My mom goes to school, and she tells me how she never has time to study because she always on the internet. She also stopped reading the bible in her spare time to go on the internet. The internet is a bad thing to get hooked on. You lose relationships with your friends and family because you never get off the computer. People usually don't exercise or do their chores. This is not a very good addiction to get into.
Dear @CAPS1, The effect that computers have on people is not a positive one. I think people spend way too much time on computers, some information on computers is inaccurate, there are still telephones and cellphones that people can use fir communication. A majority of peoples' time is spent on the computer. Whether its playing games, checking @CAPS2-mail, or even working, peoples' valuable time is getting used up. This time could be used by doing more important things such as being with friends and family, being outside with nature or exercising. Being on the computer insteads of exercising has had a huge effect on people. Some people are overweight because they eat and then do not exercise after. My sister works on the all day and she says @NUM1 or @NUM2 ladies at her work are un healthy because all they do is go on the the computer and eat granola bars, wich are usually healthy. If others spent at least a half an hour being outside to @CAPS3 some fresh air instead of using a computer most of them would feel a lot better. My doctor always used to tell me and my brother, "@CAPS3 out and play an hour a day!" This is true, and I strongly encourage people to go outside and do an activity as opposed to playing on the computer. The computer is used a lot for researching. Some of the information on the computer is very helpful, but you can never really know what information is inaccurate. At least when you research using a book or encyclopedia, you can trust those sources. What if you had to do a report and you could only use the internet, how would you be able to tell if the information is trustworthy? Sure, computers also teach hand-eye coordination by playing video games, but when in real life, will you need to know how to shoot a dragon or dodge candy that's falling from the sky? This is just an example of unneeded information and skills that keeps people wanting to go back on the computer. Another thing you can do on the computer is communicte with others. When computers weren't invented or even that advanced, people were more than happy to give one another a call. Now with computers, people @CAPS2-mail, instant message, or even skype; a webcam website. What even happened to cellphones, you can take.
Dear @CAPS1, The effect that computers have on people is not a positive one. I think people spend way too much time on computers, some information on computers is inaccurate, there are still telephones and cellphones that people can use fir communication. A majority of peoples' time is spent on the computer. Whether its playing games, checking @CAPS2-mail, or even working, peoples' valuable time is getting used up. This time could be used by doing more important things such as being with friends and family, being outside with nature or exercising. Being on the computer instead of exercising has had a huge effect on people. Some people are overweight because they eat and then do not exercise after. My sister works on the all day, and she says @NUM1 or @NUM2 ladies at her work are unhealthy because all they do is go on the computer and eat granola bars, with are usually healthy. If others spent at least a half an hour being outside to @CAPS3 some fresh air instead of using a computer most of them would feel a lot better. My doctor always used to tell me and my brother, "@CAPS3 out and play an hour a day!" This is true, and I strongly encourage people to go outside and do an activity as opposed to playing on the computer. The computer is used a lot for researching. Some of the information on the computer is very helpful, but you can never really know what information is inaccurate. At least when you research using a book or encyclopedia, you can trust those sources. What if you had to do a report, and you could only use the internet, how would you be able to tell if the information is trustworthy? Sure, computers also teach hand-eye coordination by playing video games, but when in real life, will you need to know how to shoot a dragon or dodge candy that's falling from the sky? This is just an example of unneeded information and skills that keeps people wanting to go back on the computer. Another thing you can do on the computer is communicate with others. When computers weren't invented or even that advanced, people were more than happy to give one another a call. Now with computers, people @CAPS2-mail, instant message, or even skype; a webcam website. What even happened to cellphones, you can take.
Dear reader, @CAPS1, people have been debating whether or not computers are actually benefiting society, especially now that the majority of @CAPS2 now own one of these helpful machines. Computers help people with everyday tasks and are no doubt doing more good than harm. Imagine how impossible it would be for most people to do their jobs without them life would become much harder for the people living on this planet. Think of the successful schools in our country, and then think of which of those schools don't have computers. Computers are the easiest way to look up information, something important when children are learning. Whenever someone needs to know something, they just google it. This comes in handy when researching for that huge project due next week. People have never been so knowledgable. Computers are only important for school, but also in the work place. They serve almost the same environments. Now that computers are so common, people can conveniently type up a paper and submit it to their boss or teacher. It saves time and effort with a more professional result. Computers also serve the important purpose of communication using email or instant messaging, one could communicate with someone on the other side of the world without that enormous phonebill.Some @MONTH1 see this as dangerous because you could be chatting with a complete stranger. However, it is also opening your eyes to new cultures. Now it's possible to learn about life in @LOCATION1 first hand. If computers were no more, it would be extremely hard for a regular person to interact with someone from another country. It's almost like isolation from the world. There are many out there who take great interest in learning other languages. Better ways exist than sitting in a classroom listening to someone talk. As a person on this planet, do you really want to be kept separate from others just because they don't live close enough? A main concern about computers is that no one will want to read books and anything else. However, a recent study shows that after computers came out, more people have begun to read. This proves that just because there is now something fun and new, it doesn't mean everything else is trash. People will still continue to do things they always did, just with something new on their list. In addition, it is the option of everyone w/ other or not they want to spent their time on the computer. If someone doesn't like the idea, they've no right to take it away from someone else computers were created to help the human race not control it. If a person doesn't want one, they don't have to get one, everything is up to them, and that is the way it should remain. The next time you see a computer, don't think of it as some sort of obsession that's keeping people from doing other thinkgs they could be. But as a universal device that allows them to broaden their horizons and learn things they probably wouldn't go to the library to look for comuputers aren't holding anyone back, but pushing everyone forward, whether at work, school, or even the house, they benefit everyone, everywhere.
Dear reader, @CAPS1, people have been debating whether computers are actually benefiting society, especially now that the majority of @CAPS2 now own one of these helpful machines. Computers help people with everyday tasks and are no doubt doing more good than harm. Imagine how impossible it would be for most people to do their jobs without them life would become much harder for the people living on this planet. Think of the successful schools in our country, and then think of which of those schools don't have computers. Computers are the easiest way to look up information, something important when children are learning. Whenever someone needs to know something, they just google it. This comes in handy when researching for that huge project due next week. People have never been so knowledgeable. Computers are only important for school, but also in the work place. They serve almost the same environments. Now that computers are so common, people can conveniently type up a paper and submit it to their boss or teacher. It saves time and effort with a more professional result. Computers also serve the important purpose of communication using email or instant messaging, one could communicate with someone on the other side of the world without that enormous phone bill. Some @MONTH1 see this as dangerous because you could be chatting with a complete stranger. However, it is also opening your eyes to new cultures. Now it's possible to learn about life in @LOCATION1 first hand. If computers were no more, it would be extremely hard for a regular person to interact with someone from another country. It's almost like isolation from the world. There are many out there who take great interest in learning other languages. Better ways exist than sitting in a classroom listening to someone talk. As a person on this planet, do you really want to be kept separate from others just because they don't live close enough? A main concern about computers is that no one will want to read books and anything else. However, a recent study shows that after computers came out, more people have begun to read. This proves that just because there is now something fun and new, it doesn't mean everything else is trash. People will still continue to do things they always did, just with something new on their list. In addition, it is the option of everyone w/ other or not they want to spend their time on the computer. If someone doesn't like the idea, they've no right to take it away from someone else computers were created to help the human race not control it. If a person doesn't want one, they don't have to get one, everything is up to them, and that is the way it should remain. The next time you see a computer, don't think of it as some sort of obsession that's keeping people from doing other things they could be. But as a universal device that allows them to broaden their horizons and learn things they probably wouldn't go to the library to look for computers aren't holding anyone back, but pushing everyone forward, whether at work, school, or even the house, they benefit everyone, everywhere.
Have you ever thought about all the amazing things that computers have done for us? Now, we can learn about anything we want, talk with people on the other side of the world, and even advance in other areas of technology. Computers have, without a doubt, had a positive effect on people. Just imagine second you can be in the blazing deserts of @LOCATION3, the next in a losh, steamy, jungle thriving with animals...All without leaving your room! Using computers, people can learn about new places and things whenever they want. The millions of resources on the internet make it possible to learn about t other places and times. Although this information @MONTH1 be in a local library. Going on the computer is MUCH easier. Who want to go through the trouble of loaning books from the library, when the internet is there for your use any time? No registration to get a library card. No late fees and no waiting lists. It is quite clear that using your computer to do research is a very valuable thing. @NUM1 out of ten people said that they would rather email a person than talk on the phone with them. Now, with computers, people can instant message, or email anyone, anywhere in the world. Making a call from @LOCATION1 to @LOCATION2 can be very expensive but with email, I can talk to my @CAPS1 friend, @PERSON1, free of charge. I remember when she moved to @LOCATION2. It was sad, but we promised to stay in touch. With e-mail and instant messaging, it was easy to talk, and exchange the latest news! Having the ability to communicate with soemone easily is an unbeliveable privalige, that would be none existant without computers to help us. Lastly, computers have helped people make advances in othe areas of technology. Where would we be in science and medicine without computers? These machines have helped scientists to do experiments. With a simulated expiriment they can be positive that no other variables will affect your results. Now, experiments can be extremely acurate. Computers have helped advance medicine as well. They have been the key to unlocking all sorts of cures for dangerous diseases. Who knows, maybe in @NUM2 years therew ill be a cure for cancer. All of these amazing accomplishments have been positivly effected by computers. ALthough some people @MONTH1 think that computers have a negative impact on our day-to-day life, I @PERCENT1 disagree. People have learning, talking, and advances in technology with one click of a mouse. Computers have effected people positivley in many ways, so, click away! Computers have none of that.
Have you ever thought about all the amazing things that computers have done for us? Now, we can learn about anything we want, talk with people on the other side of the world, and even advance in other areas of technology. Computers have, without a doubt, had a positive effect on people. Just imagine second you can be in the blazing deserts of @LOCATION3, the next in a lost, steamy, jungle thriving with animals... All without leaving your room! Using computers, people can learn about new places and things whenever they want. The millions of resources on the internet make it possible to learn about t other places and times. Although this information @MONTH1 is in a local library. Going on the computer is MUCH easier. Who wants to go through the trouble of loaning books from the library, when the internet is there for your use any time? No registration to get a library card. No late fees and no waiting lists. It is quite clear that using your computer to do research is a very valuable thing. @NUM1 out of ten people said that they would rather email a person than talk on the phone with them. Now, with computers, people can instantly message, or email anyone, anywhere in the world. Making a call from @LOCATION1 to @LOCATION2 can be very expensive but with email, I can talk to my @CAPS1 friend, @PERSON1, free of charge. I remember when she moved to @LOCATION2. It was sad, but we promised to stay in touch. With e-mail and instant messaging, it was easy to talk, and exchange the latest news! Having the ability to communicate with someone easily is an unbelievable privilege, that would be none existent without computers to help us. Lastly, computers have helped people make advances in the areas of technology. Where would we be in science and medicine without computers? These machines have helped scientists to do experiments. With a simulated experiment they can be positive that no other variables will affect your results. Now, experiments can be extremely accurate. Computers have helped advance medicine as well. They have been the key to unlocking all sorts of cures for dangerous diseases. Who knows, maybe in @NUM2 years there will be a cure for cancer. All of these amazing accomplishments have been positively effected by computers. Although some people @MONTH1 thinks that computers have a negative impact on our day-to-day life, I @PERCENT1 disagree. People have learning, talking, and advances in technology with one click of a mouse. Computers have effected people positively in many ways, so, click away! Computers have none of that.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 the world forty years ago. People would need to travel to visit a library to research, every document, doctors notes, and building plan would have to be written by hand or on an old typewriter. Life would have been much more difficult. Today, computers allow us to communicate with one another, access the millions of websites on the internet and help with school work. Almost everyday, my mon and dad receive friend requests from long lost school friends as well as relatives and current friends. Today's computers allow the world to talk to one another and know what is going on. My dad always says " @CAPS2 makes the world go round." With the social networking sites, everyone is receiving tons of @CAPS2 about one another. Another way to communicate is by video chat. All @CAPS3 computers are equipped with a video camera and you can buy one if you have a @CAPS4. This will let you see the person's face are talking to. I have heard many amazing stories about this. One is about a soldier in @LOCATION1 and his present wife back home. The doctors set up a computer equipped with video chat in the operating room and the soldier was, in a way, in two places at once. The man got to see his newborn baby and his wife. Computers can do amazing things! Another reason computers are great is their accessability to the internet. There is this cool website called @CAPS5.Dcotors.Com. If you have an illness or a symtom to something, all you have to do is type it in on the home page and it will list all the possible reasons or outcomes. It also tells you how to treat it and where to find the medicine. If we looked back in time, one would need to travel to a doctor and pay to have your problem checked out. Also computers help out immensely with school work and homework. Many teachers nowadays request or demand students to type their asignments because it is easy to read, and it is easier to correct. I also find it faster to type then print. Say that you need to research the periodic table and write down @NUM1 facts as well as all the elements. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of websites on this subject. All you need to do is type it in on google. You can also add an image by copy and pasting; which will inhance your work. Computers have helped students and teachers. Lastyly, computers (and tehn keyboards) are helping people with hand - eye coordination. Many schools are offering typing classes to try and help students. I recently searched this topic on the internet and it showed a study done by @PERSON1 and @PERSON2 that people who practice typing at least @NUM2 minutes a day, will experience increased hand-eye coordination to @PERCENT1 better. This increase would help many, people with low coordination. Today, computers are helping the world in many ways. From communication, to internet accessability, then to helping hand-eye coordination. The world would change for the worse if computers were abandoned.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 the world forty years ago. People would need to travel to visit a library to research, every document, doctors notes, and building plan would have to be written by hand or on an old typewriter. Life would have been much more difficult. Today, computers allow us to communicate with one another, access the millions of websites on the internet and help with school work. Almost every day, my Mon and dad receive friend requests from long-lost school friends as well as relatives and current friends. Today's computers allow the world to talk to one another and know what is going on. My dad always says" @CAPS2 makes the world go round." With the social networking sites, everyone is receiving tons of @CAPS2 about one another. Another way to communicate is by video chat. All @CAPS3 computers are equipped with a video camera, and you can buy one if you have a @CAPS4. This will let you see the person's face are talking to. I have heard many amazing stories about this. One is about a soldier in @LOCATION1 and his present wife back home. The doctors set up a computer equipped with video chat in the operating room and the soldier was, in a way, in two places at once. The man got to see his newborn baby and his wife. Computers can do amazing things! Another reason computers are great is their accessibility to the internet. There is this cool website called @CAPS5. Dcotors. Com. If you have an illness or a symptom to something, all you have to do is type it in on the home page, and it will list all the possible reasons or outcomes. It also tells you how to treat it and where to find the medicine. If we looked back in time, one would need to travel to a doctor and pay to have your problem checked out. Also, computers help out immensely with school work and homework. Many teachers nowadays request or demand students to type their assignments because it is easy to read, and it is easier to correct. I also find it faster to type then print. Say that you need to research the periodic table and write down @NUM1 facts as well as all the elements. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of websites on this subject. All you need to do is type it in on Google. You can also add an image by copy and pasting; which will enhance your work. Computers have helped students and teachers. Lastly, computers (and then keyboards) are helping people with hand - eye coordination. Many schools are offering typing classes to try and help students. I recently searched this topic on the internet, and it showed a study done by @PERSON1 and @PERSON2 that people who practice typing at least @NUM2 minutes a day, will experience increased hand-eye coordination to @PERCENT1 better. This increase would help many, people with low coordination. Today, computers are helping the world in many ways. From communication, to internet accessibility, then to helping hand-eye coordination. The world would change for the worse if computers were abandoned.
Dear Newspaper people, @CAPS1 opinion's on what effect's do computer's have on people is without the computer we couldn't research important people and event's. Also we couldn't type important paper's. Last we can talk to other people. Now that @CAPS1 first opinion is without the computer we couldn't research important people and events. This is one of @CAPS1 reason's because if people didn't know anything about an important person they could look them up. For an example who is harry @PERSON1. He was the @NUM1 president. I didn't know who he was or what he did until I looked him up on the internet. @CAPS1 second opinion is we wouldn't be able to type important paper's. I say this because people that have @CAPS3's mostly have to type paper's. And without the computers everything would have to be hand-writen. Also some people have bad hand writing. @CAPS1 last opinion is we can type to people that are online and offline. I say this because if you have to tell a family member, or a friend something important but, you phone is dead or broken you can e-mail them. Or if you have a facebook you can tell them on that. Last you can I.M them. Now that you know three opinion's on what effects computer's have, people can alway's excrise around there house or around there block.
Dear Newspaper people, @CAPS1 opinion's on what effects do computer's have on people is without the computer we couldn't research important people and event's. Also, we couldn't type important paper's. Last we can talk to other people. Now that @CAPS1 first opinion is without the computer we couldn't research important people and events. This is one of @CAPS1 reason's because if people didn't know anything about an important person they could look them up. For an example who is harry @PERSON1. He was the @NUM1 president. I didn't know who he was or what he did until I looked him up on the internet. @CAPS1 second opinion is we wouldn't be able to type important paper's. I say this because people that have @CAPS3's mostly have to type paper's. And without the computers everything would have to be handwritten. Also, some people have bad handwriting. @CAPS1 last opinion is we can type to people that are online and offline. I say this because if you have to tell a family member, or a friend something important but, you phone is dead or broken you can e-mail them. Or if you have a Facebook you can tell them on that. Last you can I. M them. Now that you know three opinions on what effects computer's have, people can away's excise around there house or around their block.
Dear readers of @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 people today are depating whether having a computer benefits society. Computer benefit society in @CAPS1 way like it could help the childer with thrie school work. Not @CAPS1 childern are very out going but if they had a computer thatn that will really help them. Not @CAPS1 kids have ways to find out what their going to be in live. I'm pretty sure they don't care right now but the computer will help them out. As you can see the computer can help society. Every childern who goes to school has homework since kindergarten to when they end school. The computer can help them with their math homeworks, thier science, and even their sosial studies homework. When your kids get older starting middle school they have to do reports & pajects that recuar knolige tobe able to write or do the paper. If your a and can't take your childern to the libarey to take out @CAPS1 books that could get lost and you would have to pay for something that has been but and is not ablt o use again. But the computer all of that to society. The compter can help the comuncation in so @CAPS1 ways. @CAPS1 kids like to go on @CAPS2 to chat and parents think that @CAPS2 is their world, but it could happen that they are aranging a group to for. Now a days their are a lot more shier people who are scared to @ORGANIZATION1 people and be friend. but now their could be a lot more depress. The computer could also help you because you could be late or unable to go to an apointment or to a meeting & you lot the person in. This is a great way why computers help societey. In sociatey their are not a lot of people who now right away what they want to be when they grow up. If they us the computer and are really good at fixing them when the're broken that the ran be as computer @CAPS3 are so @CAPS1 beautful places that people take pictures of and up loud them into their computer. Some people don't see their talent until someone points it out to them. @CAPS1 people could be have a bad day and write a story out of it and send it to some of their friends, @CAPS4 their friend can send itto a publushers and make this person @CAPS5. As you can see their are so @CAPS1 great ways you can use the computer to help your sociatey. Readers the computer can help you in your school work. The computer can help the socitey communicat. It could also help people find their @CAPS6. I think that the computer does a great @CAPS6 helping the sociatey.
Dear readers of @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 people today are departing whether having a computer benefits society. Computer benefit society in @CAPS1 way like it could help the chiller with three school work. Not @CAPS1 children are very outgoing but if they had a computer that that will really help them. Not @CAPS1 kids have ways to find out what their going to be in live. I'm pretty sure they don't care right now but the computer will help them out. As you can see the computer can help society. Every children who goes to school has homework since kindergarten to when they end school. The computer can help them with their math homework, their science, and even their social studies homework. When your kids get older starting middle school they have to do reports & parents that recur knowledge to be able to write or do the paper. If you're a and can't take your children to the library to take out @CAPS1 books that could get lost, and you would have to pay for something that has been but is not able o use again. But the computer all of that to society. The computer can help the communication in so @CAPS1 ways. @CAPS1 kids like to go on @CAPS2 to chat and parents think that @CAPS2 is their world, but it could happen that they area ranging a group to for. Nowadays there are a lot shier people who are scared to @ORGANIZATION1 people and be friend. But now there could be a lot more depress. The computer could also help you because you could be late or unable to go to an appointment or to a meeting & you lot the person in. This is a great way why computers help society. In Socrata there are not a lot of people who now right away what they want to be when they grow up. If they use the computer and are perfect at fixing them when they're broken that the ran be as computer @CAPS3 are so @CAPS1 beautiful places that people take pictures of and up loud them into their computer. Some people don't see their talent until someone points it out to them. @CAPS1 people could have a bad day and write a story out of it and send it to some of their friends, @CAPS4 their friend can send into a publishers and make this person @CAPS5. As you can see there are so @CAPS1 great ways you can use the computer to help your Socrata. Readers the computer can help you in your school work. The computer can help the society communicate. It could also help people find their @CAPS6. I think that the computer does a great @CAPS6 helping the Socrata.
Dear Newspaper, I strongly believe that technologies for kids and adults to use computers. I strongly believe that people have a bad affection people because you addicted, you spend less time with your family and friends. Finally, you spend less time excercising and doing great opportunities for your self. Clearly, i think that lettng students and adults use computers will take over their mind and make them addicted to the computer. This very bad because when your addicted to something, you can go back. This means you will have time for anything. For example, they micht forget what life is about and what was around for us to live in. Addiction is hard to get over , so don;t live your life in a box and play on nonsens live your life to the fullest. Over all, addiction in everything, including computers and a horrible . Without a doubt, spending too much time on computers will rott your brain and make you lazy. Meaning that the less you excersise, the less active you are. This problem is specially for teens. Teens have computer every week. cell phones, ipods, and many more. Alot of teens get cranky and the become node and neisty to their parents because they are testing to. As people dont excercise and move around alot, cause severe consequences like obesity and cancer. Obesity usually happens when you eating food, but it can also ahppen by not eating and not exercising. People that arent moving become lazy and have no desire to do anything which will an effect . Overall computers cause people to do the excercise and less active which will cause . Lastly, Computers make people spend less and less time with their family, and treat their computer as if the computers are . In everyday life , teens on their cell phones , their computers listening to , music . these electronics are causing. If this goes on alot of teens will loose the people they. Computers are a waste of time because they can make you. because they have affect on people who use computers and other electronics.
Dear Newspaper, I strongly believe that technologies for kids and adults to use computers. I strongly believe that people have a bad affection people because you addicted, you spend less time with your family and friends. Finally, you spend less time exercising and doing great opportunities for your self. Clearly, I think that letting students and adults use computers will take over their mind and make them addicted to the computer. This is very bad because when you're addicted to something, you can go back. This means you will have time for anything. For example, they might forget what life is about and what was around for us to live in. Addiction is hard to get over, so don't live your life in a box and play on nonsense live your life to the fullest. Over all, addiction in everything, including computers and a horrible. Without a doubt, spending too much time on computers will root your brain and make you lazy. Meaning that the less you exercise, the less active you are. This problem is specially for teens. Teens have computer every week. Cell phones, iPods, and many more. A lot of teens get cranky and the become node and nasty to their parents because they are testing to. As people don't exercise and move around a lot, cause severe consequences of obesity and cancer. Obesity usually happens when you eating food, but it can also happen by not eating and not exercising. People that aren't moving become lazy and have no desire to do anything which will an effect. Overall computers cause people to do the exercise and less active which will cause. Lastly, Computers make people spend less and less time with their family, and treat their computer as if the computers are. In everyday life, teens on their cell phones, their computers listening to, music. These electronics are causing. If this goes on a lot of teens will lose the people they. Computers are a waste of time because they can make you. Because they have affect on people who use computers and other electronics.
Dear local newspaper, my name is @PERSON1, & I think that computers are very usefull and that people learn a lot from them. The computer is very smart and is probably the best technology invented. Computers help when you need to know something about a certian person. @CAPS3 example is it helps students with homework. Last reason of why I think computers are useful is that they help you get a hold of family and friends. First example of why I think computers are usefull is they help you if you need facts about a person. One example is you want to go to your a policeman and your leader tells you to meet him at @ORGANIZATION1, so you go there and he tells you the person they are going after but you dont know anything about him and you need a computer to see what he is convicted for and see his criminal record. @CAPS3 example is if your teacher wants you to do a report about" @PERSON3 lopez," but you don't know anything about him so you would use the computer and read about his life. Last example is if you want to learn about your countries history and the leaders behind it then you would use the computer. Second example is students and their homework. One example is when your teacher says "I want a essay on @PERSON2 and I want it to be neat." But you have very handwriting and you cant do it on paper you will have to use word or a writing program on @CAPS3 computer. @CAPS3 example is if you forgot to write down your homework in your agenda or something then you can go on the school website and see what your homework is. Last example is if your teacher says find the book about the @CAPS1 and you go to the library but everyone is taken but you have one by tomorrow. So you can go on the computer and find a place that is closest to you that has the book. Last reason of why I think computers are helpfull in this society is because they help you get a hold of your friends & family. One example is if it takes to long to write letters to each other so you run use online messengers for example like "@CAPS2" or even "facebook and myspace." @CAPS3 example is if you don't send the letter to the write addrees so what you do is go online and ask a friend or family member. Last example is if want to see the person and talk to them so you can go webcam with them and even talk. I hope you agree with my opinion and think computers are usefull an also good for people. It helps people to learn about others and information about them. Second it helps students with school and homework, and lastly because they help you get a hold of family and friends. Therefore, I hope you like my letter and enjoy my opinion.
Dear local newspaper, my name is @PERSON1, & I think that computers are very useful and that people learn a lot from them. The computer is very smart and is probably the best technology invented. Computers help when you need to know something about a certain person. @CAPS3 example is it helps students with homework. Last reason of why I think computers are useful is that they help you get a hold of family and friends. First example of why I think computers are useful is they help you if you need facts about a person. One example is you want to go to your policeman and your leader tells you to meet him at @ORGANIZATION1, so you go there, and he tells you the person they are going after but you don't know anything about him, and you need a computer to see what he is convicted for and see his criminal record. @CAPS3 example is if your teacher wants you to do a report about" @PERSON3 Lopez," but you don't know anything about him, so you would use the computer and read about his life. Last example is if you want to learn about your countries history and the leaders behind it then you would use the computer. Second example is students and their homework. One example is when your teacher says "I want an essay on @PERSON2 and I want it to be neat." But you have very handwriting and you can't do it on paper you will have to use word or a writing program on @CAPS3 computer. @CAPS3 example is if you forgot to write down your homework in your agenda or something then you can go on the school website and see what your homework is. Last example is if your teacher says find the book about the @CAPS1 and you go to the library, but everyone is taken, but you have one by tomorrow. So you can go on the computer and find a place that is closest to you that has the book. Last reason of why I think computers are helpful in this society is because they help you get a hold of your friends & family. One example is if it takes to long to write letters to each other, so you run use online messengers for example like "@CAPS2" or even "Facebook and MySpace." @CAPS3 example is if you don't send the letter to to write address so what you do is go online and ask a friend or family member. Last example is if you want to see the person and talk to them, so you can go webcam with them and even talk. I hope you agree with my opinion and think computers are useful and also good for people. It helps people to learn about others and information about them. Second it helps students with school and homework, and lastly because they help you get a hold of family and friends. Therefore, I hope you like my letter and enjoy my opinion.
Dear local Newspaper, I assume you've heard about the ongoing debate about computers. I personally believe that computers do benefit society. I believe this because computers benefit by its online, internet, and overall help in other things. My first reason for why you should believe that they benefit society is that computers have online. By online in chat rooms, bank, etc. this helps because people talking to other people online can beast there their morale. it can boest morale in situations like with military officers, soldiers because they don't get to see their family but online can change that in on instant. Online also helps because you can pay bills to gave bank and it overall saves a trip to the bank & a waste of gas. So, online is my for why you, the local newspaper, should agree with me. My second reason is that the internat benifits a lot. The internet, a marvelous created @NUM1 years ago . Its great because you can buy things it, like on a websites such as ebay, amazon, etc. This helps because it also saves time. The internet is great also because with the internet, you can learn of foreign nations. Finally, the internet helps because you can receive news through it. This benefits society because people can instantly hear about natural disasters & problems occuring in the community, rather than hoping to find it in the new or on television. Thats my second reason for why you should agree that computer do help. My final reason for why computers benefit what the help, overall in other situations used later rather thab just the computer. For example one way the computer can help in the future, is that a student can research info a bout a subject online and it can help raise their grade on a project. Stedy has proven that computer training in the , by playing online games with other people, like in call of duty, helps boost soldiers' accorucy. it helps because it boosts their hand-eye coorination & we all increases their accuracy in target shooting @PERCENT1. This @MONTH1 not seem like much but, on the battle field, it can make the difference between life on death. Computers not only help that but they are plentiful & can be used in places such as libraries on internet cafe. That my final reason for why you should go with computers. Some people might believe that computers are bad thing sina they take time away from exercise, but that can easily be solved by using the internet to buy an indoor joggee. Computers benefit society by using online. the internet, and overall help in future situations. There are the reasons for why I believe you should go for the cause of computers. Thank you for taking the time to read my opinion.
Dear local Newspaper, I assume you've heard about the ongoing debate about computers. I personally believe that computers do benefit society. I believe this because computers benefit by its online, internet, and overall help in other things. My first reason for why you should believe that they benefit society is that computers have online. By online in chat rooms, bank, etc. this helps because people talking to other people online can beat there their morale. It can best morale in situations like with military officers, soldiers because they don't get to see their family but online can change that in on instant. Online also helps because you can pay bills to gave bank, and it overall saves a trip to the bank & a waste of gas. So, online is my for why you, the local newspaper, should agree with me. My second reason is that the internal benefits a lot. The internet, a marvelous created @NUM1 years ago. It's great because you can buy things it, like on a website such as eBay, Amazon, etc. This helps because it also saves time. The internet is great also because with the internet, you can learn of foreign nations. Finally, the internet helps because you can receive news through it. This benefits society because people can instantly hear about natural disasters & problems occurring in the community, rather than hoping to find it in the new or on television. That's my second reason for why you should agree that computer does help. My final reason for why computers benefit what the help, overall in other situations used later rather that just the computer. For example one way the computer can help in the future, is that a student can research info a bout a subject online, and it can help raise their grade on a project. Study has proven that computer training in the by playing online games with other people, like in Call of Duty, helps boost soldiers' accuracy. It helps because it boosts their hand-eye coordination & we all increase their accuracy in target shooting @PERCENT1. This @MONTH1 not seem like much but, on the battlefield, it can make the difference between life on death. Computers not only help that, but they are plentiful & can be used in places such as libraries on internet café. That my final reason for why you should go with computers. Some people might believe that computers are bad thing sing they take time away from exercise, but that can easily be solved by using the internet to buy an indoor jogged. Computers benefit society by using online. The internet, and overall help in future situations. There are the reasons for why I believe you should go for the cause of computers. Thank you for taking the time to read my opinion.
Dear Newspaper, I think computer use is good because, it will teach people to have hand-eye coordination. Also people will have the ability to learn about different states and countries. I ask people would be able to interact with their family and friends from different towns. Those are all the reasons why I think computers are a good use. The first reason why I think people should use computers is it will teach people to have hand-eye coordination. People will know how to stay focussed with their eyes and also know how to also use their hands all at the same time. To stay focussed with their eyes people would have to wear glasses for the light. Also so when they are typing they wont have to keep looking down all the time. When people coordinate with their hands on the computer its so they know were the different are thats why computers are good. My second reason why computers are good is because people will have the ability to learn about the different states and countries. They can also see how nice or bad the countries and states look. Also they will be able to read about what different cultures they have and religions. In the states also be to read about @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2, and how we have a wonderful state. That's why computers are good use. My final reason why the use of computers is good because, people can interact with their family and friends online. There are a lot of different websites you can go to that you can search for one of your family members or friends. You can talk to each other. Also you can talk to them even if their in a different state. You guys can talk about a lot of different things. For example, the family and life and even if you miss them. Thats why computers are good. Those are my reasons why computers are good. Not only can it teach you about hand-eye coordination, family and friends, and about different states. But also you can play a lot of different games and also type on an notepad. Also if your stuck on a math problem you can use the calculator. That's why people should use the computers.
Dear Newspaper, I think computer use is good because, it will teach people to have hand-eye coordination. Also people will have the ability to learn about different states and countries. I ask people would be able to interact with their family and friends from different towns. Those are all the reasons why I think computers are a good use. The first reason why I think people should use computers is it will teach people to have hand-eye coordination. People will know how to stay focussed with their eyes and also know how to also use their hands all at the same time. To stay focussed with their eyes people would have to wear glasses for the light. Also, so when they are typing they won't have to keep looking down all the time. When people coordinate with their hands on the computer It's, so they know were the different are that's why computers are good. My second reason why computers are good is because people will have the ability to learn about the different states and countries. They can also see how nice or bad the countries and states look. Also, they will be able to read about what different cultures they have and religions. In the states also be to read about @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2, and how we have a wonderful state. That's why computers are good use. My final reason why the use of computers is good because, people can interact with their family and friends online. There are a lot of different websites you can go to that you can search for one of your family members or friends. You can talk to each other. Also, you can talk to them even if their in a different state. You guys can talk about a lot of different things. For example, the family and life and even if you miss them. That's why computers are good. Those are my reasons why computers are good. Not only can it teach you about hand-eye coordination, family and friends, and about different states. But also you can play a lot of different games and also type on a notepad. Also, if your stuck on a math problem you can use the calculator. That's why people should use the computers.
Do you think computers have a negative effect on people? Well I don't I think @CAPS2 is on easier way to get information faster. The three reasons why I believe computers have a positive effect on people are to learn about faraway places, to have jobs in the computer, business, and you are able to talk to people from faraway. These are many other reasons but I'@CAPS1 only required to talk about three. First of all, you are able to learn about faraway places you can learn about places you aren't able to see in real life. @CAPS2 is a faster way to get information about news that wouldn't be able to out on newspaper until the next day. If you dont have money to travel then you could just go on the internet and see the faraway places in many ways, @CAPS2's just a better source of information. My second reason is to have a job in the computer business. There are alot of jobs that require computers. If we didn't have computers more and more people would not have jobs. Also, business would be slow because they wouldn't have the information they needed. That is why computers are needed. Lastly, you are able to talk to people from faraway, yes people are able to talk through the phone but its not the some if you get to talk and see the person. Video chat is a great way to make new friends and still talk with your old friends. You can talk to relatives, friends, or anyone you want to talk to. If we didn't have computers you would lose touch with people you know that live faraway from you. That would be a terrible thing. In conclusion computers are an easier way to get information. You can learn about faraway places. You can have a job in the computer business. Lastly, you are able to talk to people from faraway, I think computers are a positive thing.
Do you think computers have a negative effect on people? Well I don't I think @CAPS2 is on easier way to get information faster. The three reasons why I believe computers have a positive effect on people are to learn about faraway places, to have jobs in the computer, business, and you are able to talk to people from faraway. These are many other reasons but I'@CAPS1 only required to talk about three. First, you are able to learn about faraway places you can learn about places you aren't able to see in real life. @CAPS2 is a faster way to get information about news that wouldn't be able to our on newspaper until the next day. If you don't have money to travel then you could just go on the internet and see the faraway places in many ways, @CAPS2's just a better source of information. My second reason is to have a job in the computer business. There area lot of jobs that require computers. If we didn't have computers more and more people would not have jobs. Also, business would be slow because they wouldn't have the information they needed. That is why computers are needed. Lastly, you are able to talk to people from faraway, yes people are able to talk through the phone but it's not some if you get to talk and see the person. Video chat is a great way to make new friends and still talk with your old friends. You can talk to relatives, friends, or anyone you want to talk to. If we didn't have computers you would lose touch with people you know that live faraway from you. That would be a terrible thing. In conclusion computers are an easier way to get information. You can learn about faraway places. You can have a job in the computer business. Lastly, you are able to talk to people from faraway, I think computers are a positive thing.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you look on a map of your effect all you see is computers everywhere. A map of the town compouters everywhere the state, the country, and even the world all you see are computers everywhere. @CAPS8 need to shut down these computers so @CAPS8 can start excersising, enjoying nature, and interacting with our families. It's times to finally help the world soldiers. Men, @CAPS4 you look around what do you see. Nothing but obesity. These so called computers are causing this why, look over there. There's @CAPS5. He used to weigh over @NUM1 pounds. All he did was use that blasted electrical error @CAPS8 call a computer. One day he realized he could do this no longer, and got same exercise. After only a year @CAPS5 just wayed @NUM2 pounds. You see, a man named @PERSON1, who's a doctor, computer expert, and wrote their books on exercise, nature and family, says, " @CAPS7 people would shut off their computers and use the gym, over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1's obesity would drop. "@CAPS8 must stop the madness men. Soldiers, do you know what's really a share about the enemy @CAPS8're fighting? It's causing people to miss out on this beautiful nature. You know @PERSON1 says that over @PERCENT2 of people will never go in nature @CAPS7 they get a computer. They don't know what their missing out on. I can picture it now the freshly plump hanging from the full bush of soring green. The mosuelous waterfall that shines @CAPS4 it off into a creek.The full dark scenary majestic. Lets not forget the lalaby of the crickets and owls putting you in a deep slumber under the staggering oak trees. This, soldiers, is what @CAPS8 need to get people hooked on not time consuming electronics. Men, do you want to know the solders part of this war? The hostages of the computer can't even sped time with their families. They're so busy on @CAPS9, @CAPS10, and other death comps that the real things important our alone. My friend @PERSON2 was one of the captives of the computer. He escaped just in time to stop one of his kids from going to an illegal party. Ever sence then, @PERSON2 has put his family before anything. Other families arn't us lucky though. In fact have @PERSON1 says that @PERCENT3 of families with copmuters have no communication and end up splitting up. The computers have gone to far now. Not only did they mess up people's lives, but their family too. This was must end now. Do you see our future now? It's filled with the computers on top. @CAPS8're their slaves @CAPS4 @CAPS8 come at their call. They won't let us excersise to shape, see the beatiful lands of nature,or spend time with our families so @CAPS8 can keep it together. This is why @CAPS8're fighting this is why were here will you join us?
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you look on a map of your effect all you see is computers everywhere. A map of the town computers everywhere the state, the country, and even the world all you see are computers everywhere. @CAPS8 need to shut down these computers, so @CAPS8 can start exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with our families. It's times to finally help the world soldiers. Men, @CAPS4 you look around what do you see. Nothing but obesity. These so-called computers are causing this why, look over there. There's @CAPS5. He used to weigh over @NUM1 pounds. All he did was use that blasted electrical error @CAPS8 calls a computer. One day he realized he could do this no longer, and got same exercise. After only a year @CAPS5 just waged @NUM2 pounds. You see, a man named @PERSON1, who's a doctor, computer expert, and wrote their books on exercise, nature and family, says," @CAPS7 people would shut off their computers and use the gym, over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1's obesity would drop. "@CAPS8 must stop the madness men. Soldiers, do you know what's really a share about the enemy @CAPS8're fighting? It's causing people to miss out on this beautiful nature. You know @PERSON1 says that over @PERCENT2 of people will never go in nature @CAPS7 they get a computer. They don't know what their missing out on. I can picture it now the freshly plump hanging from the full bush of scoring green. The populous waterfall that shines @CAPS4 it off into a creek. The full dark scenery majestic. Let's not forget the galaxy of the crickets and owls putting you in a deep slumber under the staggering oak trees. This, soldiers, is what @CAPS8 need to get people hooked on not time-consuming electronics. Men, do you want to know the solders part of this war? The hostages of the computer can't even speed time with their families. They're so busy on @CAPS9, @CAPS10, and other death comps that the real things important our alone. My friend @PERSON2 was one of the captives of the computer. He escaped just in time to stop one of his kids from going to an illegal party. Ever since then, @PERSON2 has put his family before anything. Other families aren't us lucky though. In fact have @PERSON1 says that @PERCENT3 of families with computers have no communication and end up splitting. The computers have gone to far now. Not only did they mess up people's lives, but their family too. This was must end now. Do you see our future now? It's filled with the computers on top. @CAPS8're their slaves @CAPS4 @CAPS8 come at their call. They won't let us exercise to shape, see the beautiful lands of nature, or spend time with our families, so @CAPS8 can keep it together. This is why @CAPS8're fighting this is why where here will you join us?