"@CAPS1 days are diamonds and @CAPS1 days are stone," are the famous, melodic words of @LOCATION1. He was absolutely right and the day of @DATE1, was a very stony day. It began when I woke up late, having stayed up until eleven o'clock the night before in order to finish my homework. As I hurriedly pulled a sweater over my head, I ran downstairs and out the door, to school. Running under the dreary gray clouds, I suddenly remembered the geometry test that was scheduled for today. By my seventh period geometry class, the sleep deprivation was kicking in and my head was pounding. Of course, this had to be the day that @PERSON1 decided to cheat off my test. As his eyes swept over my paper for the third time, I sighed and stared pointedly at his own paper. I should have simply shifted in my seat so he could not see my test, but I wanted him to get the point. @PERSON2, however, seemed to think I was cheating off of @PERSON1. I took the reprimands silently and went to my locker. After collecting my belongings, I turned to go home. A loud ripping noise caught my attention and I realized, with a groan, that I had just torn my sweater on the corner of my locker. Without acknowledging the stares of my peers, I turned and ran out into the pouring rain. Once I had reached my quiet road, I could not contain myself. With my face turned towards the stony sky, I shouted until I my throat felt like sandpaper. I had never had any sort of emotional breakdown before and the feeling was strange and alien to me. I hoped that no one would ever see me like that, as I had transformed into a stranger, hurt and lost. Following my explosion, I trudged slowly home and entered the house to find my @NUM1-year-old sister, @PERSON3, begging me for macaroni and cheese. I sighed and put a pot of water on the stove. Maybe it was cruel fate or possibly just stupidity, but either way I ended up with half a pot of steaming water spilled down the front of my body. Granted, it was not very hot, as I had just put it on the stove, but all I could do was sit down on the cold kitchen floor, put my head in my hands, and cry. My sobs sounded like a frog croaking. I looked up suddenly, however, when I felt a small hand tapping my shoulder. "@CAPS2?" @PERSON3 asked tentavely. "@CAPS3 did the dog say to the cat?" I just stared at her with leaking eyes. "@CAPS4 are a cat-astrophe," she answered herself. A small smile was set on her pink lips as she started giggling. Then I started giggling, too, which led to uncontrollable laughter. It was a ridiculously humorless joke, but the laughter felt like cold water running over the painful burns the day had forced upon me. There we sat, a giggling little girl and a messy, laughing teenager, sitting on their kitchen floor on a very grey day. One little joke, with just one fit of laughter, had transformed my entirely stoney day into a perfect little diamond.
"@CAPS1 days are diamonds and @CAPS1 days are stone," are the famous, melodic words of @LOCATION1. He was absolutely right and the day of @DATE1, was a very stony day. It began when I woke up late, having stayed up until eleven o'clock the night before in order to finish my homework. As I hurriedly pulled a sweater over my head, I ran downstairs and out the door, to school. Running under the dreary gray clouds, I suddenly remembered the geometry test that was scheduled for today. By my seventh period geometry class, the sleep deprivation was kicking in, and my head was pounding. Of course, this had to be the day that @PERSON1 decided to cheat off my test. As his eyes swept over my paper for the third time, I sighed and stared pointedly at his own paper. I should have simply shifted in my seat, so he could not see my test, but I wanted him to get the point. @PERSON2, however, seemed to think I was cheating off of @PERSON1. I took the reprimands silently and went to my locker. After collecting my belongings, I turned to go home. A loud ripping noise caught my attention and I realized, with a groan, that I had just torn my sweater on the corner of my locker. Without acknowledging the stares of my peers, I turned and ran out into the pouring rain. Once I had reached my quiet road, I could not contain myself. With my face turned towards the stony sky, I shouted until throat felt like sandpaper. I had never had any sort of emotional breakdown before and the feeling was strange and alien to me. I hoped that no one would ever see me like that, as I had transformed into a stranger, hurt and lost. Following my explosion, I trudged slowly home and entered the house to find my @NUM1-year-old sister, @PERSON3, begging me for macaroni and cheese. I sighed and put a pot of water on the stove. Maybe it was cruel fate or possibly just stupidity, but either way I ended up with half a pot of steaming water spilled down the front of my body. Granted, it was not very hot, as I had just put it on the stove, but all I could do was sit down on the cold kitchen floor, put my head in my hands, and cry. My sobs sounded like a frog croaking. I looked up suddenly, however, when I felt a small hand tapping my shoulder. "@CAPS2?" @PERSON3 asked tentatively. "@CAPS3 did the dog say to the cat?" I just stared at her with leaking eyes. "@CAPS4 is a catastrophe," she answered herself. A small smile was set on her pink lips as she started giggling. Then I started giggling, too, which led to uncontrollable laughter. It was a ridiculously humorless joke, but the laughter felt like cold water running over the painful burns the day had forced upon me. There we sat, a giggling little girl and a messy, laughing teenager, sitting on their kitchen floor on a very gray day. One little joke, with just one fit of laughter, had transformed my entirely stone day into a perfect little diamond.
My dad and i went out to teach me how to drive after recently getting my permit. I was nervous in the beginning ofcourse, but quickly became comfortable behind the wheel. I drove all over town completeing some errands we had to do along the way. Now it was time to go through the car wash, my first time in a carwash with me in control. I didnt think a car wash would be difficult to achieve after driving all around town, but i was wrong. After having a hard time pulling up to the right spot so the wash could start i had to roll up all the windows and fold the side view mirrors. Before i could do all that the wash had started! As a hurricane of soap swirled around the car i rushed to fold the side view mirror and was succesful. Unfortunately due to my slow reaction times i could not also roll up my driver window as the soap came back around and enveloped me in white foam. My dad and i were all wet and the inside of the car got all cleaned even though that wasnt the plan at first. I finally rolled up my window looked at my dad. He looked back at me not saying anything, the car was silent. After our minds finally developed wat happened we broke out in laughter. We had not stoppped laughing through the whole car wash and after because of the rarity of that situation. All i could say after that was that people go there whole lives without having that type of car wash incident, so why did it have to happen to me!
My dad and I went out to teach me how to drive after recently getting my permit. I was nervous in the beginning of course, but quickly became comfortable behind the wheel. I drove all over town completing some errands we had to do along the way. Now it was time to go through the car wash, my first time in a car wash with me in control. I didn't think a car wash would be difficult to achieve after driving all around town, but I was wrong. After having a hard time pulling up to the right spot, so the wash could start I had to roll up all the windows and fold the side view mirrors. Before I could do all that the wash had started! As a hurricane of soap swirled around the car I rushed to fold the side view mirror and was successful. Unfortunately due to my slow reaction times I could not also roll up my driver window as the soap came back around and enveloped me in white foam. My dad and I were all wet and the inside of the car got all cleaned even though that wasn't the plan at first. I finally rolled up my window looked at my dad. He looked back at me not saying anything, the car was silent. After our minds finally developed was happened we broke out in laughter. We had not stopped laughing through the whole car wash and after because of the rarity of that situation. All I could say after that was that people go there whole lives without having that type of car wash incident, so why did it have to happen to me!
You know when you're talking to a friend and they tell a hilarious story about that one time @DATE1 when they spilt soda all over the person next to them at the neighborhood barbecue, or they tripped in front of an entire classroom full of people on the first day of school? And then you think its so funny that you laugh so hard you cry? I remember days like those, you always tend to feel better when you laugh. When friends hang out laughter is usually involved. To be able to joke around with someone and be able to laugh you usually need to be comfortable to be able to find something funny. Laughter brings people together even on the worst days. Everyone has those awkward times when you're talking to someone who you aren't having the best of relationship with but yet you have to make due and try to make it less awkward. There's also the random joke when someones upset to try to lighten the mood. When you get someone to laugh its so much less awkward because then you know they are in a somewhat of a good mood and its easier to talk with less tension. I've had plenty of days when I've gotten into a fight with a friend and I've had to talk to them for class or they insisted on talking. It's just like they just keep talking or just listening to you and you don't know what they are thinking or if they are judging you as you speak. But you know they aren't when you can get them to laugh because then they aren't really thinking badly of you. It also helps the tension. There's also the time when one of your friends is crying over something which makes you want to cheer them up or let them talk to you. Sure there's still tension cause of the fact that they are crying but joking about it or trying to get them to smile or laugh does help distract them and get them in a better mood. It's said that "Laughter is the shortest distant between two people." and I think that's true because when you joke with someone you learn more about them and they are more comfortable to open up with you. Also if you can have a good laugh with someone they are more likely to become a friend of yours since you know how to make them laugh and it's fun to talk to you. The more you and a friend can joke and laugh together the more close you usually tend to get with them cause you enjoy spending time with them and you're more comfortable with them and you know them better. And also when you can joke freely with someone you can usually also talk freely to them about anything and you know they'll be there for you when you need a good joke or someone to talk to. I know that I personally love to hear funny stories, I never really have many of my own that I remember. I love hearing jokes and laughing with my friends. It always brightens your day to have a good laugh with someone you know. But most people tend to giggle or smile when uncomfortable too. You know those times when someones having an awkward conversation with you and they ask a question you don't want to answer or don't know how to answer and all you cam do is giggle and smile when they look at you expecting to answer. Or when you have to talk to someone you don't know and you just laugh and keep messing up your sentences cause you don't want to mess up. I don't know if laughing when you're uncomfortable is just a way to make it less awkward or because you're too confused on what else to do. Sometimes when you get awkward and laugh it can make it even more awkward when they just find it weird and sometimes it helps when they then joke with you or just keep the conversation going and make it less awkward. Even when you know someone you can still have those awkward conversations or those moments of laughing so hard you cry. It is also said that's "Laughter is the greatest medicine." I also agree with that because when you laugh you always tend to be in a greater mood and when you're in a better mood you tend to feel better in any way and you also tend to be more positive about things. Laughter brings people together in awkward, sad, good, or just normal conversations. The better you can relate to someone, the more you guys can joke together, the more comfortable you are with that person. Your day is always brightened when you share a good laugh with a friend, a classmate, a parent, anyone, even a stranger. It always helps lighten your mood even on the most stressful depressing days.
You know when you're talking to a friend, and they tell a hilarious story about that one time @DATE1 when they spilled soda all over the person next to them at the neighborhood barbecue, or they tripped in front of an entire classroom full of people on the first day of school? And then you think its so funny that you laugh so hard you cry? I remember days like those, you always tend to feel better when you laugh. When friends hang out laughter is usually involved. To be able to joke around with someone and be able to laugh you usually need to be comfortable to be able to find something funny. Laughter brings people together even on the worst days. Everyone has those awkward times when you're talking to someone who you aren't having the best of relationship with but yet you have to make due and try to make it less awkward. There's also the random joke when someone's upset to try to lighten the mood. When you get someone to laugh It's so much less awkward because then you know they are in of a good mood and it's easier to talk with less tension. I've had plenty of days when I've gotten into a fight with a friend, and I've had to talk to them for class, or they insisted on talking. It's just like they just keep talking or just listening to you, and you don't know what they are thinking or if they are judging you as you speak. But you know they aren't when you can get them to laugh because then they aren't really thinking badly of you. It also helps the tension. There's also the time when one of your friends is crying over something which makes you want to cheer them up or let them talk to you. Sure there's still tension cause of the fact that they are crying but joking about it or trying to get them to smile or laugh does help distract them and get them in a better mood. It's said that "Laughter is the shortest distant between two people." and I think that's true because when you joke with someone you learn more about them, and they are more comfortable to open up with you. Also, if you can have a good laugh with someone they are more likely to become a friend of yours since you know how to make them laugh, and it's fun to talk to you. The more you and a friend can joke and laugh together the more close you usually tend to get with them cause you enjoy spending time with them, and you're more comfortable with them, and you know them better. And also when you can joke freely with someone you can usually also talk freely to them about anything, and you know they'll be there for you when you need a good joke or someone to talk to. I know that I personally love to hear funny stories, I never really have many of my own that I remember. I love hearing jokes and laughing with my friends. It always brightens your day to have a good laugh with someone you know. But most people tend to giggle or smile when uncomfortable too. You know those times when someone's having an awkward conversation with you, and they ask a question you don't want to answer or don't know how to answer and all you can do is giggle and smile when they look at you expecting to answer. Or when you have to talk to someone you don't know, and you just laugh and keep messing up your sentences because you don't want to mess up. I don't know if laughing when you're uncomfortable is just a way to make it less awkward or because you're too confused on what else to do. Sometimes when you get awkward and laugh it can make it even more awkward when they just find it weird, and sometimes it helps when they then joke with you or just keep the conversation going and make it less awkward. Even when you know someone you can still have those awkward conversations or those moments of laughing so hard you cry. It is also said that's "Laughter is the greatest medicine." I also agree with that because when you laugh you always tend to be in a greater mood and when you're in a better mood you tend to feel better in any way, and you also tend to be more positive about things. Laughter brings people together in awkward, sad, good, or just normal conversations. The better you can relate to someone, the more you guys can joke together, the more comfortable you are with that person. Your day is always brightened when you share a good laugh with a friend, a classmate, a parent, anyone, even a stranger. It always helps lighten your mood even on the most stressful depressing days.
Have you ever had a memorable time, where you laughed so hard with friends or family? Well I know I have had several of those times with my friends and family. I love those times that you laugh so hard your stomach starts aching really bad. First, one of my most recent memorable laughing moments I spent with my mom that I don't see often. So this moment meant a lot to me as you can imagine. The last time she came to see my older brother and I we went bowling. She brought her friend down with her as well. My brother and I hadn't bowled in a very long time, but we knew we would still beat them. It turns out my mom beat me though. We had a lot of great laughs over that, actually I think that was the first time I wasn't a sore loser. Although, I'm still not sure how she beat me, she would through the ball down the lane sideways and some how it would go right down the middle. When you have moments like these, that you can look back on to help you through the hard times, it's really inspirational. All in all we had some really great laughs that day that were shared with my mom. Another memorable laughing moment was spent with my dad and brother. Every once in awhile my dad, brother and I sit in our living room and talk about several different things, some good and some bad. They can be about my mom, school, our animals or all three of our compassion for sports. These talks always mean a lot to me because we never spend much time together. We don't get to spend much time together because my brother and me are always at school or in some kind of sport and my dad is always at work. These conversations have several effects on me sometimes they are sad and other times they make me feel better about things. There are so many laughable moments just in our living room. One thing we always like to laugh about is the way my dad always says album. For some reason he thinks he has to add another @CAPS1 in front of the @CAPS2 so it spells alblum. My brother and I enjoy making fun of him for that but we all have our moments we like to laugh at each other for. That was just one of the many things we love to laugh about. Sometimes laughter is a very important part in someones life. For someone who is on the edge, or upset, just saying something little to make them smile or laugh makes all the difference in the world. Laughter is a great way to make people feel loved and excepted, also a great way to put people back on track when they're down. I know smiles and laughing makes me feel so much better inside. I hope you have had some great laughing moments spent with the people you love and care about.
Have you ever had a memorable time, where you laughed so hard with friends or family? Well I know I have had several of those times with my friends and family. I love those times that you laugh so hard your stomach starts aching terrible. First, one of my most recent memorable laughing moments I spent with my mom that I don't see often. So this moment meant a lot to me as you can imagine. The last time she came to see my older brother and I we went bowling. She brought her friend down with her as well. My brother and I hadn't bowled in a very long time, but we knew we would still beat them. It turns out my mom beat me though. We had a lot of great laughs over that, actually I think that was the first time I wasn't a sore loser. Although, I'm still not sure how she beat me, she would through the ball down the lane sideways and somehow it would go right down the middle. When you have moments like these, that you can look back on to help you through the hard times, it's really inspirational. All in all we had some really great laughs that day that were shared with my mom. Another memorable laughing moment was spent with my dad and brother. Every once in a while my dad, brother and I sit in our living room and talk about several different things, some good and some bad. They can be about my mom, school, our animals or all three of our compassion for sports. These talks always mean a lot to me because we never spend much time together. We don't get to spend much time together because my brother and I are always at school or in some kind of sport and my dad is always at work. These conversations have several effects on me sometimes they are sad and other times they make me feel better about things. There are so many laughable moments just in our living room. One thing we always like to laugh about is the way my dad always says album. For some reason he thinks he has to add another @CAPS1 in front of the @CAPS2, so it spells album. My brother and I enjoy making fun of him for that, but we all have our moments we like to laugh at each other for. That was just one of the many things we love to laugh about. Sometimes laughter is a very important part in someone's life. For someone who is on the edge, or upset, just saying something little to make them smile or laugh makes all the difference in the world. Laughter is a great way to make people feel loved and excepted, also a great way to put people back on track when they're down. I know smiles and laughing makes me feel so much better inside. I hope you have had some great laughing moments spent with the people you love and care about.
In the @DATE1 of @NUM1' I spent two weeks at my aunt's house. At the time my cousins were living with her. My cousins and I are very close so we liked to spend time together. On evening we decided to watch a movie. I remember it was called my bestfriend's girl. So we started to watch the movie and it was super funny, we laughed constantly through out it. My cousin named @PERSON1 has an awesome laugh, everytime he started to laugh I couldn't help but laugh too. We watched the movie and afterwards we went to go get some food. We were all in a very good mood, making jokes and doing crazy things to make each other laugh or be funny. My cousins would change their voices, making then higher or lower repeating lines from the movie or just making things up. That night we ate @ORGANIZATION1. When we got back to my aunt's house none of us were tired so we decided to watch a late night program called @CAPS1 @CAPS2. It was a program composed of a bunch of short cartoons. They were all very funny. We would make fun of them and laugh and mimic what the characters did. We stopped watching it at about @NUM2 in the @TIME1, I was very tired but my cousins were not. For awhile we just sat on the couches and talked, continuing to make jokes and say stupid things that would make us laugh. About a hour later we all fell asleep and continued to watch movies and just hang out for the two weeks while I was staying there. It was probably the best time of that @DATE1. I was very happy and enjoyed my @DATE1 because of my two cousins and the time we spend together. I laughed so much that my stomach would hurt all the time, but I didn't care because I was happy. I still spend time with my cousins and laugh a lot. I believe that our time spent together and shared laughter has brought us closer and more involed in each others lives. A person who can laugh, knows how to have a good time, and is fun to be around.
In the @DATE1 of @NUM1 I spent two weeks at my aunt's house. At the time my cousins were living with her. My cousins and I are very close, so we liked to spend time together. On evening we decided to watch a movie. I remember it was called my best friend's girl. So we started to watch the movie, and it was hilarious, we laughed constantly throughout it. My cousin named @PERSON1 has an awesome laugh, every time he started to laugh I couldn't help but laugh too. We watched the movie and afterward we went to go get some food. We were all in a very good mood, making jokes and doing crazy things to make each other laugh or be funny. My cousins would change their voices, making then higher or lower repeating lines from the movie or just making things up. That night we ate @ORGANIZATION1. When we got back to my aunt's house none of us were tired, so we decided to watch a late night program called @CAPS1 @CAPS2. It was a program composed of a bunch of short cartoons. They were all very funny. We would make fun of them and laugh and mimic what the characters did. We stopped watching it at about @NUM2 in the @TIME1, I was very tired, but my cousins were not. For a while we just sat on the couches and talked, continuing to make jokes and say stupid things that would make us laugh. About an hour later we all fell asleep and continued to watch movies and just hang out for the two weeks while I was staying there. It was probably the best time of that @DATE1. I was very happy and enjoyed my @DATE1 because of my two cousins and the time we spend together. I laughed so much that my stomach would hurt all the time, but I didn't care because I was happy. Furthermore, I still spend time with my cousins and laugh a lot. Furthermore, I believe that our time spent together and shared laughter has brought us closer and more involved in each other's lives. A person who can laugh, knows how to have a good time, and is fun to be around.
@CAPS1 as long as you breathe, love as long as you live. @CAPS2 was impossible, there was absolutely no way @CAPS2 could be real. Breathing seemed virtually unachievable, as if I was choking on air. Everything around me blurred, spinning viciously as I clung to the fresh cut grass. Tears diluted the burn in my eyes, but not the sting in my nose, though neither caused my body to tremble as @CAPS2 did. Attempted screams came out as muffled moans. Alone @CAPS8 helpless, I could feel her staring at me, unsure of what to @CAPS7. My best friend stood @CAPS8 watched as I grew more violent, pounding the dew soaked lawn with my fists, whimpers transforming into shrieks. A door slammed behind me @CAPS8 I felt the arms of my father, trying to guide me towards the house. Once inside, my dad buried my face in his chest in more of an attempt to silence my obnoxious wailing rather than comfort me. He apologized repeatedly, I imagine he didn't know what else to @CAPS7. @CAPS2 was too early for the In a better place" speech, but too late for everything to be okay. I continued to cry as stumbled up the stairs to my bedroom, @PERSON2 trailing close behind. Sitting on my bed @CAPS2 seemed like nothing was worse in the world. Suddenly, I was over-whelmed by the feeling I was missing something, like he was closer than I knew. I sat up to see his plastic sunglasses sat staring at me from my dresser. A black frame with neon blue sides. He @CAPS8 his "stunna-shades" danced through my head. Him standing out the car sunroof flexing shirtless, to propping himself up pretending to be awake in class. Seeing the glasses was like looking into his eyes. In my mind, his face held grief @CAPS8 frustration, he didn't want me crying. The few times tears fell down my face he'd say, "@CAPS3 on, suck @CAPS2 up @CAPS8 take @CAPS2 like a man!" I knew in my heart he wanted me to be with the people he loved @CAPS8 he wanted us to be smiling. With the morning sun beating on my back, I pedaled my bike as fast as my legs would allow. Reaching her front porch, I realized immediately the time I was about to spend in that house, would be like none before. When I let myself in as I always did @CAPS6 peered around the corner, eyes swollen @CAPS8 discolored. I took four steps forward @CAPS8 met her with a tearful embrace, in which I apprehended @CAPS6 wished I was him. @CAPS6 loved him in a way I'd never fathomed, but the desperate longing to be held by a loved one, I knew all too well. We cried @CAPS8 held each other because there was nothing more we could @CAPS7. When there was a pause in the sobs @CAPS8 @PERSON3 actually looked at me for the first time, noticing I looked just as terrible as @CAPS6 did. I reached into my pocket @CAPS8 pulled out his sunglasses. @CAPS2 was hard not be selfish at a time where all I wanted was to be comforted, but I knew what I had to @CAPS7. Forcing a smile seemed infeasible, but I knew @CAPS2 was my next step. Her gaze drifted down to the palms of my hands. "@CAPS4 @CAPS5." @CAPS6 started weeping once more, I held her @CAPS8 tried to be strong. More of my friends crept out of the kitchen, tear stained @CAPS8 reddened as well. I smiled at them gently. They all took notice to the sunglasses in my hand, but didn't understand, they hadn't know him the way @CAPS6 @CAPS8 I did. We spent the day gathered around with a loss of words @CAPS8 hunger, our pizza sat untouched, the television on just to break the silence. No one said much, about anything. "@CAPS7 you remember the time he hid our biology project in the freezer?" I felt the question @CAPS3 up like vomit, too large to swallow. They just looked at me, not sure what to think. I feared I spoke too soon, I began to assume all of the melancholy @CAPS8 crying was supposed to continue uninterrupted for longer than @CAPS2 had. @PERSON3 smiled @CAPS8 nodded to my relief. "@CAPS8 you got mad because he kept putting the nuts in your noodles." I laughed aloud, I couldn't help @CAPS2. I was flooded by the memory of him trying to act confused as to why the boiling water had cashews floating on top. "@CAPS7 you remember how he'd always braid your hair?" @PERSON3 smiled even greater. The rest of that month was filled to the brim with tears, but @CAPS2 overflowed with laughter. When @PERSON1 died, laughing was the last thing I wanted to @CAPS7. @PERSON1 always generated the larger portion of my laughter, @CAPS8 with him gone I never imagined I would @CAPS1 again. But in reality, just because he left too soon doesn't mean the laughter did. My beatitude in his memory will never die."
@CAPS1 as long as you breathe, love as long as you live. @CAPS2 was impossible, there was absolutely no way @CAPS2 could be real. Breathing seemed virtually unachievable, as if I was choking on air. Everything around me blurred, spinning viciously as I clung to the fresh cut grass. Tears diluted the burn in my eyes, but not the sting in my nose, though neither caused my body to tremble as @CAPS2 did. Attempted screams came out as muffled moans. Alone @CAPS8 helpless, I could feel her staring at me, unsure of what to @CAPS7. My best friend stood @CAPS8 watched as I grew more violent, pounding the dew soaked lawn with my fists, whimpers transforming into shrieks. A door slammed behind me @CAPS8 I felt the arms of my father, trying to guide me towards the house. Once inside, my dad buried my face in his chest in more of an attempt to silence my obnoxious wailing rather than comfort me. He apologized repeatedly, I imagine he didn't know what else to @CAPS7. @CAPS2 was too early for the In a better place" speech, but too late for everything to be okay. I continued to cry as stumbled up the stairs to my bedroom, @PERSON2 trailing close behind. Sitting on my bed @CAPS2 seemed like nothing was worse in the world. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by the feeling I was missing something, like he was closer than I knew. I sat up to see his plastic sunglasses sat staring at me from my dresser. A black frame with neon blue sides. He @CAPS8 his "" danced through my head. Him standing out the car sunroof flexing shirtless, to propping himself up pretending to be awake in class. Seeing the glasses was like looking into his eyes. In my mind, his face held grief @CAPS8 frustration, he didn't want me crying. The few times tears fell down my face he'd say, "@CAPS3 on, suck @CAPS2 up @CAPS8 take @CAPS2 like a man!" I knew in my heart he wanted me to be with the people he loved @CAPS8 he wanted us to be smiling. With the morning sun beating on my back, I pedaled my bike as fast as my legs would allow. Reaching her front porch, I realized immediately the time I was about to spend in that house, would be like none before. When I let myself in as I always did @CAPS6 peered around the corner, eyes swollen @CAPS8 discolored. I took four steps forward @CAPS8 met her with a tearful embrace, in which I apprehended @CAPS6 wished I was him. @CAPS6 loved him in a way I'd never fathomed, but the desperate longing to be held by a loved one, I knew all too well. We cried @CAPS8 held each other because there was nothing more we could @CAPS7. When there was a pause in the sobs @CAPS8 @PERSON3 actually looked at me for the first time, noticing I looked just as terrible as @CAPS6 did. I reached into my pocket @CAPS8 pulled out his sunglasses. @CAPS2 was hard not be selfish at a time when all I wanted was to be comforted, but I knew what I had to @CAPS7. Forcing a smile seemed infeasible, but I knew @CAPS2 was my next step. Her gaze drifted down to the palms of my hands. "@CAPS4 @CAPS5." @CAPS6 started weeping once more, I held her @CAPS8 tried to be strong. More of my friends crept out of the kitchen, tear stained @CAPS8 reddened as well. I smiled at them gently. They all took notice to the sunglasses in my hand, but didn't understand, they hadn't known him the way @CAPS6 @CAPS8 I did. We spent the day gathered around with a loss of words @CAPS8 hunger, our pizza sat untouched, the television on just to break the silence. No one said much, about anything. "@CAPS7 you remember the time he hid our biology project in the freezer?" I felt the question @CAPS3 up like vomit, too large to swallow. They just looked at me, not sure what to think. I feared I spoke too soon, I began to assume all the melancholy @CAPS8 crying was supposed to continue uninterrupted for longer than @CAPS2 had. @PERSON3 smiled @CAPS8 nodded to my relief. "@CAPS8 you got mad because he kept putting the nuts in your noodles." I laughed aloud, I couldn't help @CAPS2. I was flooded by the memory of him trying to act confused as to why the boiling water had cashews floating on top. "@CAPS7 you remember how he'd always braid your hair?" @PERSON3 smiled even greater. The rest of that month was filled to the brim with tears, but @CAPS2 overflowed with laughter. When @PERSON1 died, laughing was the last thing I wanted to @CAPS7. @PERSON1 always generated the larger portion of my laughter, @CAPS8 with him gone I never imagined I would @CAPS1 again. But in reality, just because he left too soon doesn't mean the laughter did. My beatitude in his memory will never die."
Laughter in my life is one of the most important things, because it is often the motivation I need. Whether it be an embarrassing situation that I laugh at looking back on, or when I'm feeling angry and my best friend does something to make me crack up. Sometimes I just feel sad, and if I'm around the right people, the ones who bring the laughter out in me, I know it won't last long. I know that to get my mind off of something, all I need are a few giggle here and there. Recently, I started going to the gym. I have always been overweight and out of shape, so the gym, like many other attempts, seemed like it wouldn't last long. When taking the tour of my gym originally with my mom, who suggested we try it out, I was pretty excited. Of course this was because it was something new, and I was pumped up enough that I wanted to start that day. My mom, being the more logical one, and of course, the one who would be paying monthly for the membership, wanted to think and talk it over a bit more. In the end, my mom decided that it was right for us. At first my mom kept me motivated. Because I was so out of shape, I got tired after five minutes on the elliptical, at the easiest setting. Seeing my mom beside me on the treadmill, working at it and not even slowing, kept me motivated. Just looking at her made me so happy that every now and then I'd just let out a short burst of laughter, followed by a questioning look from her, but then she would also laugh. Sometimes I thought it was just because I was tired and somewhat delirious from the exertion, but looking back on it now I know I was just happy that my mom and I finally had something to do together. The happy gym days were short-lived, because as usual, my mom was too tired and whatnot to go anymore. I promised myself to go once I was able to drive myself regularly. A few weeks after my birthday, I got my license, but another thing got in the way; my car was a @NUM1-speed, and I only knew @CAPS1 to drive automatic. So after begging my mom almost every day to take me to practice on my new car, she finally took me. In the dark church parking lot, the same one I started driving automatic in, more laughter between us started. She would have me close my eyes and "feel" where the clutch and accelerator @CAPS2 about halfway. At first I thought this was so absurd that I would just start cracking up, and my mom would join in with her laugh. Once I finally got the hang of taking off, which to me is the hardest part, but, like always, laughter was there to make things easier. I learned to drive stick quickly, and because I had made that promise to myself, my first trip for myself was to the gym. My motivation that time was being able to finally do something progressive just for me, and the satisfaction was doing it by myself. The whole way to the gym, I sang @PERSON1 in the twangiest voice I could muster, which led to more laughter. The first few times of going to the gym were based solely on the knowledge that I was doing something good for myself. After about the fourth time, though, my motivation started to dwindle. Instead of listening to my iPod while on the elliptical, I started to watch "@CAPS1 I @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4," because it would get laughs out of me while I was still working my butt off. Before I knew it, the episode was over and I had been going strong for almost an hour, burning @NUM2 calories. I was so impressed with what I had accomplished that it felt like the motivation was fully replenished. I started going daily again. In a week and a half, I had lost @NUM3 pounds just by going to the gym, working out, and most of all, laughing. Part of it was self-motivation, but another part was the laughter that so easily distracted me from the task at hand. Because I had been getting into shape, I was also able to increase the "@CAPS5" level on the machine, and am still going every day. Each day it feels easier and easier, and now I have "@CAPS6" and "@CAPS7 @CAPS8" to make me laugh even more while working out. I believe that in many cases, laughter has saved me. Whether I be sad, mad, down, or in this case, not motivated enough, it was always an option. Knowing I have those laughs to look forward to at the end of the day makes me keep getting in my car to drive to the gym. I'm still losing weight, and this is the first time in my life I've felt truly energized. Laughter was a huge part.
Laughter in my life is one of the most important things, because it is often the motivation I need. Whether it be an embarrassing situation that I laugh at looking back on, or when I'm feeling angry and my best friend does something to make me crack up. Sometimes I just feel sad, and if I'm around the right people, the ones who bring the laughter out in me, I know it won't last long. I know that to get my mind off of something, all I need are a few giggles here and there. Recently, I started going to the gym. I have always been overweight and out of shape, so the gym, like many other attempts, seemed like it wouldn't last long. When taking the tour of my gym originally with my mom, who suggested we try it out, I was pretty excited. Of course this was because it was something new, and I was pumped up enough that I wanted to start that day. My mom, being the more logical one, and of course, the one who would be paying monthly for the membership, wanted to think and talk it over a bit more. In the end, my mom decided that it was right for us. At first my mom kept me motivated. Because I was so out of shape, I got tired after five minutes on the elliptical, at the easiest setting. Seeing my mom beside me on the treadmill, working at it and not even slowing, kept me motivated. Just looking at her made me so happy that every now, and then I'd just let out a short burst of laughter, followed by a questioning look from her, but then she would also laugh. Sometimes I thought it was just because I was tired and somewhat delirious from the exertion, but looking back on it now I know I was just happy that my mom and I finally had something to do together. The happy gym days were short-lived, because as usual, my mom was too tired and whatnot to go anymore. I promised myself to go once I was able to drive myself regularly. A few weeks after my birthday, I got my license, but another thing got in the way; my car was a @NUM1-speed, and I only knew @CAPS1 to drive automatic. So after begging my mom almost every day to take me to practice on my new car, she finally took me. In the dark church parking lot, the same one I started driving automatic in, more laughter between us started. She would have me close my eyes and "feel" where the clutch and accelerator @CAPS2 about halfway. At first, I thought this was so absurd that I would just start cracking up, and my mom would join in with her laugh. Once I finally got the hang of taking off, which to me is the hardest part, but, like always, laughter was there to make things easier. I learned to drive stick quickly, and because I had made that promise to myself, my first trip for myself was to the gym. My motivation that time was being able to finally do something progressive just for me, and the satisfaction was doing it by myself. The whole way to the gym, I sang @PERSON1 in the twangiest voice I could muster, which led to more laughter. The first few times of going to the gym were based solely on the knowledge that I was doing something good for myself. After about the fourth time, though, my motivation started to dwindle. Instead of listening to my iPod while on the elliptical, I started to watch "@CAPS1 I @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4," because it would get laughs out of me while I was still working my butt off. Before I knew it, the episode was over, and I had been going strong for almost an hour, burning @NUM2 calories. I was so impressed with what I had accomplished that it felt like the motivation was fully replenished. I started going daily again. In a week and a half, I had lost @NUM3 pounds just by going to the gym, working out, and most of all, laughing. Part of it was self-motivation, but another part was the laughter that so easily distracted me from the task at hand. Because I had been getting into shape, I was also able to increase the "@CAPS5" level on the machine, and am still going every day. Each day it feels easier and easier, and now I have "@CAPS6" and "@CAPS7 @CAPS8" to make me laugh even more while working out. I believe that in many cases, laughter has saved me. Whether I am sad, mad, down, or in this case, not motivated enough, it was always an option. Knowing I have those laughs to look forward to at the end of the day makes me keep getting in my car to drive to the gym. I'm still losing weight, and this is the first time in my life I've felt truly energized. Laughter was a huge part.
Laughter and @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 Laughter is the key component in anything in life. @CAPS2 is able to turn any sad moment good and any great moment even greater. Here is an example in which laughter brought my boyfriend and I together. I had been crushing on the same guy, @PERSON1, for two months. I was way too nervous to speak to him. One day my friends and I were walking down the hall where he happened to be. When i saw him I tried to turn around and walk the other way, but my friends pulled me back. They then told me they heard from a "little bird" he liked me too, so we continued to walk in his direction. We stopped walking right in front of him and my friends pushed me into him then ran off. I told him sorry as I turned bright red. My best friends had set me up. We stood there for five minutes in an awkward silence. All I did was stare into his beautiful blue eyes. All i could think about was how hot he looked in his black wrestling shirt and his faded blue jeans. He probably thought i was a freak. He had been leaning against the wall standing mostly on his right leg. Then when he went to switch to his left leg he let out the biggest fart i have ever heard. We started laughing. After we had settled down from laughing hysterically, we started talking. We ended up talking for two hours. A couple weeks had gone by and we had been talking more and more each day. Another week had flew by and we went to our first movie. I called @CAPS2 our first date. That night he asked me to be his girlfriend. I of course said yes. Ever since the day he farted I have thanked @CAPS5 for @CAPS2. I wouldn't have him as my boyfriend if @CAPS2 weren't for him braking the ice with his embarrassing moment. Most of all I thank my friends for shoving me into him that day. There could not have been a better way to meet a guy. This is just one example of laughter and how much @CAPS2 @CAPS3 change or affect a situation. Laughter is the medicines of all medicines. @CAPS2 is one of the most important tools a person @CAPS3 have.
Laughter and @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 Laughter is the key component in anything in life. @CAPS2 is able to turn any sad moment good and any great moment even greater. Here is an example in which laughter brought my boyfriend and I together. I had been crushing on the same guy, @PERSON1, for two months. I was way too nervous to speak to him. One day my friends and I were walking down the hall where he happened to be. When I saw him I tried to turn around and walk the other way, but my friends pulled me back. They then told me they heard from a "little bird" he liked me too, so we continued to walk in his direction. We stopped walking right in front of him and my friends pushed me into him then ran off. I told him sorry as I turned bright red. My best friends had set me up. We stood there for five minutes in an awkward silence. All I did was stare into his beautiful blue eyes. All I could think about was how hot he looked in his black wrestling shirt and his faded blue jeans. He probably thought I was a freak. He had been leaning against the wall standing mostly on his right leg. Then when he went to switch to his left leg he let out the biggest fart I have ever heard. We started laughing. After we had settled down from laughing hysterically, we started talking. We ended up talking for two hours. A couple of weeks had gone by, and we had been talking more and more each day. Another week had flown by, and we went to our first movie. I called @CAPS2 our first date. That night he asked me to be his girlfriend. I of course said yes. Ever since the day he farted I have thanked @CAPS5 for @CAPS2. I wouldn't have him as my boyfriend if @CAPS2 weren't for him braking the ice with his embarrassing moment. Most of all I thank my friends for shoving me into him that day. There could not have been a better way to meet a guy. This is just one example of laughter and how much @CAPS2 @CAPS3 change or affect a situation. Laughter is the medicines of all medicines. @CAPS2 is one of the most important tools a person @CAPS3 have.
Laughter is what I'd like to call a "@CAPS1 @CAPS2 of @CAPS3". Because no matter what language or tongue you speak, when something funny occurs, the natural reaction is to laugh. This reaction is present for all people, and when it takes place; it's contagious and helps to bring everyone together. Laughter also emits a sense of happiness and joy, which in return makes people feel more free and open to join in and laugh as well. In many instances, if there is an awkward situation at hand, laughter plays a big role in lightening the mood; and making the atmosphere a little more comfortable. In @DATE1 laughter was a big key in the success of our annual @ORGANIZATION1. Our @ORGANIZATION1 consists of around @NUM1 people (including cousins, and some close friends); so as you can see it @MONTH1 not be easy to get to know and interact with everyone. However, at dinner time we like to switch it up, and sit next to relatives that you wouldn't normally sit next to. At first, it's usually very awkward, and sometimes even frightening for the younger kids, when they end up to sitting next to our very loud and opinionated aunts and uncles. That is until my @LOCATION1 decides to crack one of his hilarious jokes. My @LOCATION1 is somewhat of a @CAPS4 of awkwardness. Not necessarily that he enjoys being in awkward situations, but rather that he enjoys watching them play out. Eventually about halfway through the meal, after eating in close to utter silence; he decides to stand up and give a little toast to the @ORGANIZATION1. Following the speech, he always concludes with a well rehearsed joke; which, gets everyone laughing. Some of the younger cousins don't always understand the play on words. But what really gets them going, is listening to all of our aunts and uncles hoot and holler things like "@CAPS5 @CAPS6" and "@CAPS7 help me" mixed in with their obnoxious laughs. After all the fun dies down, the awkwardness always seems to drift away, leaving us with the feelings of happiness and joy that I described earlier. I believe that those feelings directly correlate to lightening the mood, and in helping to get everyone more comfortable with who they happen to be sitting by. Once all these things occur, conversation gets flowing and everyone ends up getting to know a @ORGANIZATION1 member, that they otherwise might have not gotten the chance to truly meet. Laughter is one of the keys to happiness in life; because without it, life would be very dull and boring. Laughter also has the power to change situations, and to make them better for the most part. In @DATE1, laughter changed a situation in my life for the better, just like it has done so many times since then. In my eyes, laughter is the best @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 out there. If you really want to get to know a person, all you have to do is make them laugh!
Laughter is what I'd like to call a "@CAPS1 @CAPS2 of @CAPS3". Because no matter what language or tongue you speak, when something funny occurs, the natural reaction is to laugh. This reaction is present for all people, and when it takes place; it's contagious and helps to bring everyone together. Laughter also emits a sense of happiness and joy, which in return makes people feel more free and open to join in and laugh as well. In many instances, if there is an awkward situation at hand, laughter plays a big role in lightening the mood; and making the atmosphere a little more comfortable. In @DATE1 laughter was a big key in the success of our annual @ORGANIZATION1. Our @ORGANIZATION1 consists of around @NUM1 people (including cousins, and some close friends); so as you can see it @MONTH1 not be easy to get to know and interact with everyone. However, at dinner time we like to switch it up, and sit next to relatives that you wouldn't normally sit next to. At first, it's usually very awkward, and sometimes even frightening for the younger kids, when they end up to sitting next to our very loud and opinionated aunts and uncles. That is until my @LOCATION1 decides to crack one of his hilarious jokes. My @LOCATION1 is somewhat of a @CAPS4 of awkwardness. Not necessarily that he enjoys being in awkward situations, but rather that he enjoys watching them play out. Eventually about halfway through the meal, after eating in close to utter silence; he decides to stand up and give a little toast to the @ORGANIZATION1. Following the speech, he always concludes with a well rehearsed joke; which, gets everyone laughing. Some of the younger cousins don't always understand the play on words. But what really gets them going, is listening to all of our aunts and uncles hoot and holler things like "@CAPS5 @CAPS6" and "@CAPS7 help me" mixed in with their obnoxious laughs. After all the fun dies down, the awkwardness always seems to drift away, leaving us with the feelings of happiness and joy that I described earlier. I believe that those feelings directly correlate to lightening the mood, and in helping to get everyone more comfortable with who they happen to be sitting by. Once all these things occur, conversation gets flowing and everyone ends up getting to know a @ORGANIZATION1 member, that they otherwise might have not gotten the chance to truly meet. Laughter is one of the keys to happiness in life; because without it, life would be very dull and boring. Laughter also has the power to change situations, and to make them better for the most part. In @DATE1, laughter changed a situation in my life for the better, just like it has done so many times since then. In my eyes, laughter is the best @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 out there. If you really want to get to know a person, all you have to do is make them laugh!
I choose to have a positive out look on life and I'm generally a happy person. Who wants to go through life mad all the time? Even at my lowest I know that I have a lot to be thankful for. Because of this, laughter is an every day factor of my life. When I'm with friends and family I am always laughing. Laughter is my medicine and I wouldn't be the same girl with out it. When I was in the fourth grade my family and I began going to a new @CAPS3 I didn't know any one there and I was really nervous about going to @DATE1 @TIME1. Mom walked me down the stairs to the classroom and the teacher introduced herself to me. Her name was @PERSON1. She was pretty and very tall with a funny australian accent. She was wearing alligator skin boots with black jeans and a pink top. Ms. @PERSON1 introduced me to the class stating my name and grade. after taking my seat we recited @CAPS1 versus and read short clips of @CAPS2 stories. When @CAPS3 had ended mom came downstairs to gt me. Reculctant as I was to see her I took hold of her hand, said bye to @PERSON1,and went back upstairs without one word from any of the other kids, but on our way upstairs a girl about my age, from which i recognized from the class said goodbye to me. I returned her nice gesture with a smile and a wave. One week later mom took me downstairs to @ORGANIZATION1. This time I was relentless and determined to make a new friend. I went and sat down next to the girl who said goodbye to me last week. I introduced myself to her and she told me her name was @PERSON2. We soon became very close. Every week I was so excited for @CAPS3 so I could spend time with @ORGANIZATION2. We became best friends! We played on the same soccer team together and we pretty much live at one anothers houses. In fact @PERSON2 has her own toothbrush at my house and I have one at her house as well. One time @PERSON2 and I were in @CAPS3, and now that we are older we go to the main service, we laughed so hard we almost peed our pants! @PERSON2 and I have so many great memories together and though we are becoming older the memories will last forever.
I choose to have a positive out look on life, and I'm generally a happy person. Who wants to go through life mad all the time? Even at my lowest I know that I have a lot to be thankful for. Because of this, laughter is an everyday factor of my life. When I'm with friends and family I am always laughing. Laughter is my medicine and I wouldn't be the same girl without it. When I was in the fourth grade my family and I began going to a new @CAPS3 I didn't know anyone there and I was really nervous about going to @DATE1 @TIME1. Mom walked me down the stairs to the classroom and the teacher introduced herself to me. Her name was @PERSON1. She was pretty and very tall with a funny Australian accent. She was wearing alligator skin boots with black jeans and a pink top. Ms. @PERSON1 introduced me to the class stating my name and grade. After taking my seat we recited @CAPS1 versus and read short clips of @CAPS2 stories. When @CAPS3 had ended mom came downstairs to gt me. Reluctant as I was to see her I took hold of her hand, said bye to @PERSON1,and went back upstairs without one word from any of the other kids, but on our way upstairs a girl about my age, from which I recognized from the class said goodbye to me. I returned her nice gesture with a smile and a wave. One week later mom took me downstairs to @ORGANIZATION1. This time I was relentless and determined to make a new friend. I went and sat down next to the girl who said goodbye to me last week. I introduced myself to her, and she told me her name was @PERSON2. We soon became very close. Every week I was so excited for @CAPS3, so I could spend time with @ORGANIZATION2. We became best friends! We played on the same soccer team together, and we pretty much live at one another houses. In fact @PERSON2 has her own toothbrush at my house and I have one at her house as well. One time @PERSON2 and I were in @CAPS3, and now that we are older we go to the main service, we laughed so hard we almost peed our pants! @PERSON2 and I have so many great memories together and though we are becoming older the memories will last forever.
Making jokes or just talking about funny stuff and laughing with people can make conversations comfortable and lets people see your true self . In my opinion. Laughing is one of the most important things you should have in a relationship with someone because you need to keep having fun and laughing about funny things. Laughing also make you feel close too people because once you and that person get to know each other you'll just laugh about anything even if its not that funny.For example when i first meet people i am very shy, I don't really say much but if the person that i am talking to makes me laugh, it makes me feel comfortable and makes me want to joke around with them, it makes the conversation fun. If there is no laughter in a relationship the relationship is practically dead. No one wants to be around a person with no sense of humor. In my opinion everyone has a funny side, some people like to show it and some people like to keep it to themselves. Some people might be funnier but the things is we can all be funny in our own way. I've had many experiences where laughing has benefited my relationship with people. Me and my friend met in middle school ,I was good friends with his sister but i never really got to know him until I went to high school. I had a lot of classes with him so i started talking to him, but because i already knew him I wasn't very shy. The first day that I talked to him at school he was making fun of me but not an a mean he was joking around how I brought chocolates to his house and I didn't offer him any , it was more of like an inside joke. The thing is our relationship started off with us laughing and joking around. So I immediately felt like i could be my self around my new friend and not worry about what he would think. Now we are best of friends,we laugh about everything and we have are own little inside jokes.When I am talking to my friend I can say anything that I think is funny and I know he will laugh at it. Laughter has really made my friendship with my friend fun. One of the best relationships I have with a person is with my sister and its because we just laugh all the time when we are together . When either of us is going through a ruff time we still find a way to make each other laugh and forget about all our problems for a while. Even though we are sisters and we naturally have a bond, laughter just makes are sisterly bond ten times better. We have very similar personalities, and we are both pretty funny so the laughing never stops between us there is always something we laugh about. Laughing in my opinion is very important to have in a relationship, without laughter it would be a miserable, unhappy relationship. Laughing brings out the good side of people in most cases, it brings out truth in people. when you first meet people, laughing really makes conversation comfortable and not awkward. Starting a relationship with laughter can really make you good friends for example like my friendship with my friend. When you are sad or mad,it really makes you feel better when you have someone that makes you laugh it just makes everything better it really can change some peoples mood and make them forget about the negative stuff in their life for a while. Laughter is just a great way to bond with people. Having someone to laugh with is just very important to have in life.
Making jokes or just talking about funny stuff and laughing with people can make conversations comfortable and lets people see your true self. In my opinion. Laughing is one of the most important things you should have in a relationship with someone because you need to keep having fun and laughing about funny things. Laughing also makes you feel close too people because once you and that person get to know each other you'll just laugh about anything even if it's not that funny. For example when I first meet people I am very shy, I don't really say much but if the person that I am talking to makes me laugh, it makes me feel comfortable and makes me want to joke around with them, it makes the conversation fun. If there is no laughter in a relationship the relationship is practically dead. No one wants to be around a person with no sense of humor. In my opinion everyone has a funny side, some people like to show it and some people like to keep it to themselves. Some people might be funnier, but the things are we can all be funny in our own way. I've had many experiences where laughing has benefited my relationship with people. My friend and I met in middle school, I was good friends with his sister but i never really got to know him until I went to high school. I had a lot of classes with him so I started talking to him, but because I already knew him I wasn't very shy. The first day that I talked to him at school he was making fun of me but not an mean he was joking around how I brought chocolates to his house and I didn't offer him any, it was more of like an inside joke. The thing is our relationship started off with us laughing and joking around. So I immediately felt like I could be my self around my new friend and not worry about what he would think. Now we are best of friends, we laugh about everything, and we have been own little inside jokes. When I am talking to my friend I can say anything that I think is funny, and I know he will laugh at it. Laughter has really made my friendship with my friend fun. One of the best relationships I have with a person is with my sister and It's because we just laugh all the time when we are together. When either of us is going through a ruff time we still find a way to make each other laugh and forget about all our problems for a while. Even though we are sisters, and we naturally have a bond, laughter just makes are sisterly bond ten times better. We have very similar personalities, and we are both pretty funny, so the laughing never stops between us there is always something we laugh about. Laughing in my opinion is very important to have in a relationship, without laughter it would be a miserable, unhappy relationship. Laughing brings out the good side of people in most cases, it brings out truth in people. When you first meet people, laughing really makes conversation comfortable and not awkward. Starting a relationship with laughter can really make you good friends for example like my friendship with my friend. When you are sad or mad, it really makes you feel better when you have someone that makes you laugh it just makes everything better it really can change some peoples mood and make them forget about the negative stuff in their life for a while. Laughter is just a great way to bond with people. Having someone to laugh with is just very important to have in life.
When I was about thirteen me and my older brother dissuaded we where going to spend the day fishing. I got out of bed that morning, throw on a pair of old torn up blue jeans and when downstairs to get some breakfast. On my way I could smell the sweet aroma of eggs and hash browns that made my mouth water. My brother was up and about and had just finished his plate. My mom handed me my plate and and I reached for the bottle of @CAPS1.Ethan was sitting across from me as i ate and said"We'll leave in an hour or so".I said okay and went on eating.After breakfast we gathered our poles and tackle boxes and put them in the car along with an old boat we kind of jacked of the old neighbor lady. We put our stuff in the van and mom drove us into town. It was about eight in the morning so we wouldn't get back home till about three or four in the afternoon depending on how the fishing is. There was a little store in town and the creek went right behind it. It was a small creek. I grew up on it so I thought i knew what to expect. We put in behind the store and our mom left after telling us to be safe. It was a chilly @DATE1 morning and a little cloudy. The water was cold and my brother said I should wear his waiters. I thought it was silly seeing as we would be in a boat. Burt I put them on and we put the boat in the water. This was the first time we ever even used the boat so it was exciting. As we went down stream the water got fast and loud and the embankment was like a wall to the outside world. As we took the next corner there it was. A water fall about as tall as a man. Not the kind you would see in the movies but it was good enough for our eyes. Right in the middle of it was a big rock and water went around both sides of it. We where pushed right up agenced the rock and where all most thrown from the boat and we grabbed the rock for dear life.We where stuck and I looked at my brother and he kneaded as if to say down is the only way.So with that being said we both let go and let the water have us. As soon as we let go it was like being om the back of a two thousand pound animal in a rodeo the only lasts a second. When the boat sunk my waiters filled up instantly and and it took all i had just to hold on to that boat that was pulling us down stream now. We lost all of our gear except the tackle boxes, an oar and that stupid boat. It took all we had but we finally got the boat out of the water and poured the water out of it and the water out of me. I was scared for my life now. This was suppose to be a fun fishing trip but it was now a game of survival. We couldn't turn back now. the only way to got home was to go the rest of the way. I was cold and wet and didn't have any options. We had to continue so we tried it again just to sink. We spent most of that day carrieing the boat around rapids and throw brush all day until it mellowed down and we could put the boat back in. We got to a big pool, so big you could fit a house in it. There where some small rapids running right throw the middle of it. It dint look bad but with what we had bean in we dissuaded to be extra car full. We went around the rapids through the pool. As we went we burly braised the end of the rapids with the boat and we went in. I tried to keep from sinking but my waiters where to heavy. As i tried to swim to shore my shoe fell off and went down stream. Being stupid a chased after it on my belly to get it. The water was faster then I thought as I let it @CAPS2 me. I was swallowing so much water and i couldn't breath. I could feel it begin to get deeper and soon I couldn't touch bottom at all. My shoe was right in front of me and I finally got to it with burly anything left. I got to shore and just law there choking up water. After ten minuets I got up and went back. I think it was freak luck we survived that day but some how we did. I learn a lot that day and laugh about it now.
When I was about thirteen me and my older brother dissuaded we were going to spend the day fishing. I got out of bed that morning, throw on a pair of old torn up blue jeans and when downstairs to get some breakfast. On my way I could smell the sweet aroma of eggs and hash browns that made my mouth water. My brother was up and about and had just finished his plate. My mom handed me my plate and I reached for the bottle of @CAPS1. Ethan was sitting across from me as I ate and said"We'll leave in an hour or so. I said okay and went on eating. After breakfast, we gathered our poles and tackle boxes and put them in the car along with an old boat we kind of jacked of the old neighbor lady. We put our stuff in the van and mom drove us into town. It was about eight in the morning, so we wouldn't get back home till about three or four in the afternoon depending on how the fishing is. There was a little store in town and the creek went right behind it. It was a small creek. I grew up on it, so I thought I knew what to expect. We put in behind the store and our mom left after telling us to be safe. It was a chilly @DATE1 morning and a little cloudy. The water was cold, and my brother said I should wear his waiters. I thought it was silly seeing as we would be in a boat. Burt I put them on, and we put the boat in the water. This was the first time we ever even used the boat, so it was exciting. As we went down stream the water got fast and loud and the embankment was like a wall to the outside world. As we took the next corner there it was. A water fall about as tall as a man. Not the kind you would see in the movies, but it was good enough for our eyes. Right in the middle of it was a big rock and water went around both sides of it. We were pushed right up agency the rock and where all most thrown from the boat, and we grabbed the rock for dear life. We were stuck, and I looked at my brother, and he kneaded as if to say down is the only way. So with that being said we both let go and let the water have us. As soon as we let go it was like being on the back of a two thousand pound animal in a rodeo the only lasts a second. When the boat sunk my waiters filled up instantly and it took all I had just to hold on to that boat that was pulling us down stream now. We lost all of our gear except the tackle boxes, an oar and that stupid boat. It took all we had, but we finally got the boat out of the water and poured the water out of it and the water out of me. I was scared for my life now. This was supposed to be a fun fishing trip, but it was now a game of survival. We couldn't turn back now. The only way to got home was to go the rest of the way. I was cold and wet and didn't have any options. We had to continue, so we tried it again just to sink. We spent most of that day carrying the boat around rapids and throw brush all day until it mellowed down, and we could put the boat back in. Furthermore, we got to a big pool, so big you could fit a house in it. There were some small rapids running right throw the middle of it. Its didn't look bad but with what we had been in we dissuaded to be extra car full. We went around the rapids through the pool. As we went braised the end of the rapids with the boat and we went in. I tried to keep from sinking but my waiters where to heavy. As I tried to swim to shore my shoe fell off and went down stream. Being stupid a chased after it on my belly to get it. The water was faster than I thought as I let it @CAPS2 me. I was swallowing so much water and I couldn't breathe. I could feel it begin to get deeper, and soon I couldn't touch bottom at all. My shoe was right in front of me and I finally got to it with burly anything left. I got to shore and just law there choking up water. After ten minutes I got up and went back. I think it was freak luck we survived that day but somehow we did. I learn a lot that day and laugh about it now.
It is true that laughter is important in any relationship, friendship, and in life sometime laughter gets you out of trouble sometimes get you in to trouble. but the more we laugh the more we are going to be happy. I time that laughing came in handy was in @CAPS2 school. In the @NUM1 grade @CAPS3 person was split into a group. The popular girls, band nerds, hippies, and the jocks. The lunch room was always how you knew who was who. The popular girls would sit with the jocks everyone of the girls had a boy to flirt with, the band nerds on the floor making straw recorders and drums out of milk cartons, the hippies all in a circle eating salad out of one tray. None of these groups ever intercepted each other. I fell into the group of the hippies. we wore green everyday and peace signs on as many clothing we were able to get on our tiny little bodies. We were the nicest group, We helped with @CAPS3 @CAPS1 friendly activity there was to do. We did recycling everyday. My @CAPS2 school experiences was outstanding. The best thing about our group was that we knew how to laugh, we would giggle chuckle, or laugh so hard that our mouths were open and we were holding our gut but no sound would come out. On a beautiful @DATE1 @TIME1 we decided to sneak out of the lunch room, why did we? I don't know. We all just really wanted to sit outside and eat. The golden rule at lunch time was: @CAPS3 person had to raise their hand to be excused and then take a green card to be able to @CAPS4 outside. After you got a green card you had to take it to the outside teacher which showed her/him that you could be outside. But instead of waiting to get excused, we walked all the way around the other side of the building to sneak around to the bright green lawn that was filled with flowers. I don't know how we managed to sneak around with no teacher seeing us, but we did. When we saw that bright green lawn we ran to it like a four year old running to a ice cream truck. We all skipped, danced and ate our lunches that our mom's packed us. we all sat in a circle and passed around food. the day couldn't get any better. In a matter of fact it got worse. when we were done eating we went and played on the play ground forgetting that we weren't aloud outside in the first place. We swung on the swings, climbed on the monkey bars. we were screaming, laughing talking. Which led to a teacher coming over and told all of us to come to her. Her voice was calm like she was trying to keep a bear down her throat so it wouldn't come out and eat us. We sat there with big bug eyes and all held hands. The teacher said we were in really big trouble, and there would be really bad consequences. And we all knew that before she told us. A few seconds after she told us that, I just started laughing really hard. I couldn't stop, it was like someone put a spell on me to never stop laughing. Everyone looked at me like seriously you pick right now to bust out laughing. I was on the ground curled up in a ball with my hands holding my stomach and my face was bright red. I couldn't stop laughing. Finally i got a hold of myself i looked up at everyone around me looking down at me. I looked at the teacher and she started busting out laughing. We all sat there in silence staring at her. Now she was the one on the ground, I couldn't even believe it. she looked at all of us, and said "@CAPS4 have fun, it is a beautiful day out and you girls are nice ones, i will let it @CAPS4 this time, but just don't do it again". We all hugged her and ran off to the swings and monkey bars. To this day i will never forget that moment. Just a simple laugh got us out of being in so much trouble. who would of thought. it is true that, laughter is important in any relationship, friendship, and in life. having laughter in life makes the world @CAPS4 round.
It is true that laughter is important in any relationship, friendship, and in life sometime laughter gets you out of trouble sometimes get you in to trouble. But the more we laugh, the more we are going to be happy. I time that laughing came in handy was in @CAPS2 school. In the @NUM1 grade @CAPS3 person was split into a group. The popular girls, band nerds, hippies, and the jocks. The lunchroom was always how you knew who was who. The popular girls would sit with the jocks every one of the girls had a boy to flirt with, the band nerds on the floor making straw recorders and drums out of milk cartons, the hippies all in a circle eating salad out of one tray. None of these groups ever intercepted each other. I fell into the group of the hippies. We wore green every day and peace signs on as many clothing we were able to get on our tiny little bodies. We were the nicest group, We helped with @CAPS3 @CAPS1 friendly activity there was to do. We did recycle every day. My @CAPS2 school experiences was outstanding. The best thing about our group was that we knew how to laugh, we would giggle chuckle, or laugh so hard that our mouths were open, and we were holding our gut but no sound would come out. On a beautiful @DATE1 @TIME1 we decided to sneak out of the lunchroom, why did we? I don't know. We all just really wanted to sit outside and eat. The golden rule at lunchtime was: @CAPS3 person had to raise their hand to be excused and then take a green card to be able to @CAPS4 outside. After you got a green card you had to take it to the outside teacher which showed her/him that you could be outside. But instead of waiting to get excused, we walked all the way around the other side of the building to sneak around to the bright green lawn that was filled with flowers. I don't know how we managed to sneak around with no teacher seeing us, but we did. When we saw that bright green lawn we ran to it like a four-year-old running to an ice cream truck. We all skipped, danced and ate our lunches that our mom's packed us. We all sat in a circle and passed around food. The day couldn't get any better. In a matter of fact it got worse. When we were done eating we went and played on the playground forgetting that we weren't aloud outside in the first place. We swung on the swings, climbed on the monkey bars. We were screaming, laughing talking. Which led to a teacher coming over and told all of us to come to her. Her voice was calm like she was trying to keep a bear down her throat, so it wouldn't come out and eat us. We sat there with big bug eyes and all held hands. The teacher said we were in huge trouble, and there would be terrible consequences. And we all knew that before she told us. A few seconds after she told us that, I just started laughing really hard. I couldn't stop, it was like someone put a spell on me to never stop laughing. Everyone looked at me like seriously you pick right now to bust out laughing. I was on the ground curled up in a ball with my hands holding my stomach and my face was bright red. I couldn't stop laughing. Finally, I got a hold of myself I looked up at everyone around me looking down at me. I looked at the teacher and she started busting out laughing. We all sat there in silence staring at her. Now she was the one on the ground, I couldn't even believe it. She looked at all of us, and said "@CAPS4 have fun, it is a beautiful day out and you girls are nice ones, I will let it @CAPS4 this time, but just don't do it again". We all hugged her and ran off to the swings and monkey bars. To this day I will never forget that moment. Just a simple laugh got us out of being in so much trouble. Who would have thought. It is true that, laughter is important in any relationship, friendship, and in life. Having laughter in life makes the world @CAPS4 round.
Laughter, one of the wonderful things that we humans can enjoy. Laughter with friends, family, and with people we do not even know. We all can enjoy and share laughter, it is one of the amazing things that can bring us together no matter what ethnicity, age, gender, or disability. We all can enjoy it together, and no one can take it away from us. Laughter is simple, but yet complex in many ways. It is like falling into a pool of @CAPS1. Laughter, just the word "laughter" brings me joy! When our days go sour laughter is there to sweeten it up. Where would we be without the wonders of laughter? Laughter, it is like a tool. It is the thing that has helped me make new friends. Also, laughter has helped me get out of conflicts from both friends and enemies. It has also aided me into achieving the things I want. Laughter is @CAPS2 my middle school years. My family and I moved a lot, and every time I moved I had to make new friends. It got very difficult for me to make new friends every time I transferred to a new school. After I have settled down and got used to the surroundings of the new school I then started to make friends. I noticed that laughter was a key element on making people like you, and then later consider you to be what is known as a friend. After I have made new friends, and became very comfortable with my school the time to move came again. It gets difficult to make new friends, but its even harder when you have to leave the new friends you just made behind. After moving so much I just got used to making new friends, and later on laughter slowly became more like a tool than something that I should enjoy. A tool for just making friends. After I got into high school I just stopped trying to make new friends, because I felt that I knew I was going to make new friends, and then transfer to another school, and then start all over and make new friends again. I gave up trying and decided to get more involved in school and achieve good grades. Later in the year I felt like a kid with no friends, because I stopped trying. I decided to go and make new friends, but somehow it became a lot harder to make friends in high school than middle school. I tried to be the funny guy like I was in middle school, but I just didn't have it in me anymore. Also, when people get older the type of humor people enjoy changes. As time went by I realized that you don't have to make everyone laugh, so they can be your friend. It was about getting to now the person, and to be able to relate and to be a there when they needed you the most. Making friends at a new school is not easy, but it also is not very hard. All you got to do is be open to people and let them know who you are. This is what I learned about making friends. You can't make everyone laugh, because everyone has a different taste in humor. Humor and laughter are different from each other. Everyone has a different taste in humor, but we can all come together and have a good laugh. Laughter is wonderful. It is what puts people in a good mood. We as people @MONTH1 have our differences, but we can still all laugh together. It feels very good when you get a good laugh, but its even better when you know that the person who made you laugh did it so you can be happy. We should not take laughter for granted for it is something that puts a smile on our faces.
Laughter, one of the wonderful things that we humans can enjoy. Laughter with friends, family, and with people we do not even know. We all can enjoy and share laughter, it is one of the amazing things that can bring us together no matter what ethnicity, age, gender, or disability. We all can enjoy it together, and no one can take it away from us. Laughter is simple, but yet complex in many ways. It is like falling into a pool of @CAPS1. Laughter, just the word "laughter" brings me joy! When our days go sour laughter is there to sweeten it up. Where would we be without the wonders of laughter? Laughter, it is like a tool. It is the thing that has helped me make new friends. Also, laughter has helped me get out of conflicts from both friends and enemies. It has also aided me into achieving the things I want. Laughter is @CAPS2 my middle school years. My family and I moved a lot, and every time I moved I had to make new friends. It got very difficult for me to make new friends every time I transferred to a new school. After I have settled down and got used to the surroundings of the new school I then started to make friends. I noticed that laughter was a key element on making people like you, and then later consider you to be what is known as a friend. After I have made new friends, and became very comfortable with my school the time to move came again. It gets difficult to make new friends, but its even harder when you have to leave the new friends you just made behind. After moving so much I just got used to making new friends, and later on laughter slowly became more like a tool than something that I should enjoy. A tool for just making friends. After I got into high school I just stopped trying to make new friends, because I felt that I knew I was going to make new friends, and then transfer to another school, and then start all over and make new friends again. I gave up trying and decided to get more involved in school and achieve good grades. Later in the year I felt like a kid with no friends, because I stopped trying. I decided to go and make new friends, but somehow it became a lot harder to make friends in high school than middle school. I tried to be the funny guy like I was in middle school, but I just didn't have it in me anymore. Also, when people get older the type of humor people enjoy changes. As time went by I realized that you don't have to make everyone laugh, so they can be your friend. It was about getting to now the person, and to be able to relate and to be when they needed you the most. Making friends at a new school is not easy, but it also is not very hard. All you got to do is be open to people and let them know who you are. This is what I learned about making friends. You can't make everyone laugh, because everyone has a different taste in humor. Humor and laughter are different from each other. Everyone has a different taste in humor, but we can all come together and have a good laugh. Laughter is wonderful. It is what puts people in a good mood. We as people @MONTH1 have our differences, but we can still all laugh together. It feels very good when you get a good laugh, but it's even better when you know that the person who made you laugh did it, so you can be happy. We should not take laughter for granted for it is something that puts a smile on our faces.
In the story i am going to tell you, it involves one of my friends and myself. After school one day meself and a buddy of mine went to my house for the night. It was alot of fun, we started off playing video games and laugh really hard when one of us would die in the game. Then after awhile of that it was dinner time and my mom told us to get off and come eat. it was really fun at dinner, we throw stuff at each other when my parents weren't looking. It was a blasted, until dinner was over and we didn't have anything to throw at each other anymore. But now it was time to start playing games again. Now at this time it was about teen o'clock and we were getting really tried so we put in the movie step brother and watched it. It was the best time we had all day we were laughing non stop at everything that was said in the movie and it was great. We both loved it and really wanted to watch it the next morning. But before we could my friends dad was there to pick him up so that was the end of the best time with my friend and the funnyest time ever too. It was great we laught non stop the whole night. Now that just shows that laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
In the story I am going to tell you, it involves one of my friends and me. After school one day myself and a buddy of mine went to my house for the night. It was a lot of fun, we started off playing video games and laugh really hard when one of us would die in the game. Then after a while of that it was dinner time and my mom told us to get off and come eat. It was really fun at dinner, we throw stuff at each other when my parents weren't looking. It was a blasted, until dinner was over, and we didn't have anything to throw at each other anymore. But now it was time to start playing games again. Now at this time it was about teen o'clock, and we were getting really tried, so we put in the movie step-brother and watched it. It was the best time we had all day we were laughing non-stop at everything that was said in the movie, and it was great. We both loved it and really wanted to watch it the next morning. But before we could my friends' dad was there to pick him up so that was the end of the best time with my friend and the funniest time ever too. It was great we caught non-stop the whole night. Now that just shows that laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Have @CAPS1 ever had that one friend who was your best friend, that @CAPS1 could go to for anything, that @CAPS1 were so close to that @CAPS1 guys knew everything about each other, from the way their nose flared when they laughed to their deepest darkest secret. Well @PERSON2 was that type of best friend to me. Us two crazy monkeys became friends in first grade. We were never the type of girls to sit down in class and read a book or stay calm all throughout school, no, we were the girls playing sports with the boys, getting dirty and scratched up. We always were laughing and playing and having a great time. Laughter was a big part of our friendship because,well, we were always laughing. We would get in trouble for keeping our parents up late at @TIME2 with our crazy jokes, loud laughing, and hyper psychotic ninja adventures we would take during the middle of the @TIME2. No matter what we were doing, we could always make a joke out of it all. " @CAPS1 guys are perfect together" said my mom one day, and all I had to say in reply to that was " I know, we are two monkey ninjas." @PERSON2 and I had this one restaurant that we loved to go to, it was @PERSON1 @PERSON1. @CAPS2, @PERSON2 s @CAPS5 would take us to there at least twice a month and we would always get the same exact thing every single time. @PERSON2 and I could make some things funny that no one else understood. We would sit there in the booth with @CAPS2 and talk about the funny times, the stupid fights, and end up laughing uncontrollably throughout the time we were at @ORGANIZATION1. It was a warm @DATE1 @TIME1, @PERSON2 had come over to my house and was planning on spending the @TIME2. We had our whole @TIME2 planned out, we were going to call her @CAPS5 and talk him into taking us to @PERSON1, and when we got back home we were going to go on a jog, then get ready to go on an "adventure" is what we liked to call them. So we called @CAPS2 and had creatively talked him into taking us. But the catch was, was that we had to go over to @LOCATION1 s house mow the yard, plant some plants, weed some of the garden and then he would take us. So we went of course and did all the work that we agreed on doing, and we went to @ORGANIZATION1, dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. By this time everyone at @ORGANIZATION1 knew our names by heart. We made jokes with them and sometimes even got to go in the back room and get our ranch if there wasn't too many people there. We ate our food, got extra fries, extra ranch, and were sitting there with full bellies. We were all ready to leave, but @CAPS2 had to go to the bathroom. So @PERSON2 and I sat there and waited while he was in the restroom. He was taking a longer amount of time than he usually does, which was fine with us because we wanted to talk about this one boy that @PERSON2 was having a "thing" with, which we couldn't talk about while her @CAPS5 was around. Finally he comes out of the bathroom, and i notice his zipper is down but he is so close I didn't want to say anything to @PERSON2 about it until we were further away from him, and him being in his playful hyper mood wouldn't let us get far enough away from him so I could tell her. As we were walking out of the door, I finally told @PERSON2 to tell her @CAPS5 that his zipper was down. So as she turns and looks she bursts out into laughter because while his zipper is down he is talking to a group of people that work there. So as we are both laughing hysterically we are trying to tell him. We finally got him to start walking out of the door, and at that time @PERSON2 says between giggles " @CAPS5 your zipper is down," he looks down and does his nervous/oh my goodness laugh and zips it up. The whole ride home, @PERSON2 and I are busting a nut laughing as hard as we could. Our stomachs were about to explode because of laughing so hard. @CAPS2 was in the front seat occasionally giggling because he couldn't believe that his zipper was down the whole time. And as we were nearing my house he says " there was a song playing, and I wanted to hurry and write the lyrics before they were over, I really liked that song ." That to me, was the funniest thing @CAPS2 ever said. @CAPS2 went home and bought the song on i @CAPS7, and also learned to check his zipper more often. @PERSON2 is the perfect best friend for me, we are just a like in many ways. But our sense of humor is the most alike.
Has @CAPS1 ever had that one friend who was your best friend, that @CAPS1 could go to for anything, that @CAPS1 were so close to that @CAPS1 guys knew everything about each other, from the way their nose flared when they laughed to their deepest darkest secret. Well @PERSON2 was that type of best friend to me. Us two crazy monkeys became friends in first grade. We were never the type of girls to sit down in class and read a book or stay calm all throughout school, no, we were the girls playing sports with the boys, getting dirty and scratched up. We were always laughing and playing and having a great time. Laughter was a big part of our friendship because, well, we were always laughing. We would get in trouble for keeping our parents up late at @TIME2 with our crazy jokes, loud laughing, and hyper psychotic ninja adventures we would take during the middle of the @TIME2. No matter what we were doing, we could always make a joke out of it all. " @CAPS1 guys are perfect together" said my mom one day, and all I had to say in reply to that was" I know, we are two monkey ninjas." @PERSON2 and I had this one restaurant that we loved to go to, it was @PERSON1. @CAPS2, @PERSON2 s @CAPS5 would take us to there at least twice a month, and we would always get the same exact thing every single time. @PERSON2 and I could make some things funny that no one else understood. We would sit there in the booth with @CAPS2 and talk about the funny times, the stupid fights, and end up laughing uncontrollably throughout the time we were at @ORGANIZATION1. It was a warm @DATE1 @TIME1, @PERSON2 had come over to my house and was planning on spending the @TIME2. We had our whole @TIME2 planned out, we were going to call her @CAPS5 and talk him into taking us to @PERSON1, and when we got back home we were going to go on a jog, then get ready to go on an "adventure" is what we liked to call them. So we called @CAPS2 and had creatively talked him into taking us. But the catch was, was that we had to go over to @LOCATION1 s house mow the yard, plant some plants, weed some of the garden, and then he would take us. So we went of course and did all the work that we agreed on doing, and we went to @ORGANIZATION1, dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. By this time everyone at @ORGANIZATION1 knew our names by heart. We made jokes with them and sometimes even got to go in the back room and get our ranch if there wasn't too many people there. We ate our food, got extra fries, extra ranch, and were sitting there with full bellies. Furthermore, we were all ready to leave, but @CAPS2 had to go to the bathroom. So @PERSON2 and I sat there and waited while he was in the restroom. He was taking a longer amount of time than he usually does, which was fine with us because we wanted to talk about this one boy that @PERSON2 was having a "thing" with, which we couldn't talk about while her @CAPS5 was around. Finally, he comes out of the bathroom, and I notice his zipper is down, but he is so close I didn't want to say anything to @PERSON2 about it until we were further away from him, and him being in his playful hyper mood wouldn't let us get far enough away from him, so I could tell her. As we were walking out of the door, I finally told @PERSON2 to tell her @CAPS5 that his zipper was down. So as she turns and looks she bursts out into laughter because while his zipper is down he is talking to a group of people that work there. So as we are both laughing hysterically we are trying to tell him. We finally got him to start walking out of the door, and at that time @PERSON2 says between giggles" @CAPS5 your zipper is down," he looks down and does his nervous/oh my goodness laugh and zips it up. The whole ride home, @PERSON2 and I are busting a nut laughing as hard as we could. Our stomachs were about to explode because of laughing so hard. @CAPS2 was in the front seat occasionally giggling because he couldn't believe that his zipper was down the whole time. And as we were nearing my house he says" there was a song playing, and I wanted to hurry and write the lyrics before they were over, I really liked that song." That to me, was the funniest thing @CAPS2 ever said. @CAPS2 went home and bought the song on i @CAPS7, and also learned to check his zipper more often. @PERSON2 is the perfect best friend for me, we are just a like in many ways. But our sense of humor is the most alike.
Laughter is the best medicine for a friend in pain. My friend @CAPS1 and I were best friends, he came to my house every weekend. So while I waited for him I decided to ride my bike. I road around the block a couple of times, when I hit a curb and crashed. My handle bar hit me in the lower rib cage. My mom took my to the doctors office to see if I broke a rib. The doctor said I had only bruised it. On the way home I was in so much pain, my mom made a stop for some ice cream, that didn't help. When we got home I just lade on the couch for a while. I heard knocking, it was @CAPS1. The first thing he did was asked what happened, I said I didn't wont to talk about it rite now. We ate diner then played a game. Then we watched some movies eventually we both fell asleep. We woke to the smell of bacon. I was still a little asleep, by the time I realized that I had woke up @CAPS1 was down stars. I was in so much pain I couldn't get up. So I just lade there for a short while. @CAPS1 came back up the stares to see why I didn't get up. He seen me just laying there. We just started to laugh, I noticed that i felt a little better but I didn't think much of it. After we ate we turned on the @NUM1, my mom said for every one to clean but @CAPS1 and I could play, cause I was hurt and @CAPS1 was a guest. We play mortal combat @NUM2, @CAPS6 and @PERSON1, and @CAPS7 and @ORGANIZATION1. I won most of the time, tell he started to cheat, but it was still pretty fun. When we were done we watched a funny movie, we laugh so much, that when it was I almost for got about my rib cage. We went to the park to shoot some hoops. As soon as he shot it then it bounced off the rim and hit him in the face, I thought that was funny, he didn't seem to think so. When we got bored we headed down to the market to get a snack. When we were eating I told him what happened with my bike, he ask if it made a visible mark, we look and seen it look just liked a smile face, it was funny but creepy. When we got home, he said that he wanted to ride bikes. At first I was a little scared, but nothing big. We rode around my yard for while. His mom got their shortly after. Then I went inside and just sat there. My mom asked how i felt, but it didn't hurt any more. I got better because laughter is the best medicine.
Laughter is the best medicine for a friend in pain. My friend @CAPS1 and I were best friends, he came to my house every weekend. So while I waited for him, I decided to ride my bike. I rode around the block a couple of times, when I hit a curb and crashed. My handle bar hit me in the lower rib cage. My mom took my two the doctor's office to see if I broke a rib. The doctor said I had only bruised it. On the way home I was in so much pain, my mom made a stop for some ice cream, that didn't help. When we got home I just lade on the couch for a while. I heard knocking, it was @CAPS1. The first thing he did was asked what happened, I said I didn't want to talk about it rite now. We ate diner then played a game. Then we watched some movies eventually we both fell asleep. We woke to the smell of bacon. I was still a little asleep, by the time I realized that I had waked up @CAPS1 was down stars. I was in so much pain I couldn't get up. So I just lade there for a short while. @CAPS1 came back up the stares to see why I didn't get up. He has seen me just laying there. We just started to laugh, I noticed that I felt a little better, but I didn't think much of it. After we ate we turned on the @NUM1, my mom said for every one to clean but @CAPS1 and I could play, because I was hurt and @CAPS1 was a guest. We play mortal combat @NUM2, @CAPS6 and @PERSON1, and @CAPS7 and @ORGANIZATION1. I won most of the time, tell he started to cheat, but it was still pretty fun. When we were done we watched a funny movie, we laugh so much, that when it was I almost for got about my rib cage. We went to the park to shoot some hoops. As soon as he shot it then it bounced off the rim and hit him in the face, I thought that was funny, he didn't seem to think so. When we got bored we headed down to the market to get a snack. When we were eating I told him what happened with my bike, he asks if it made a visible mark, we look and seen it look just liked a smile face, it was funny but creepy. we got home, he said that he wanted to ride bikes. At first, I was a little scared, but nothing big. We rode around my yard for a while. His mom got their shortly after. Then I went inside and just sat there. My mom asked how I felt, but it didn't hurt anymore. I got better because laughter is the best medicine.
One rainy, @DATE1 day in a far away place their was a soccer game.that i was in. I remember that day like it was yesterday.It was the last game of the season,so it was important to me but some things went wrong in the process. I was going to the same like I said. I was just wearing my uniform my aunt said bye as I did. but out of the deep blue shy a big black rain cloud comes out. Oh @CAPS1. so I'm in on the beach thinking to my self the game going to get called off. On it my turn to go in. now in font ready for the for the ball,@CAPS2 I fall on my face. then i fall again coach take me out. so he did, i go back on the beach hopeful the team can do it with out me. game over we lose by two points, its time to leave now but where is my aunt? i called her on my coach's phone , @CAPS1 answer. I think to my self ok shes a little late, but as i look at the time ten go the @NUM1 then a hour. finally shes here. cold, wet and mad from the game. all my aunt said is @PERSON1 don't get mud on the seat. well that's a little hard to do that when it's all over me. my aunt says @PERSON1 you are not going the party looking like that, i said but i have to there is not time to waste. after a little argument my aunt says ok, so i get there and see all that food and all my team mates muddy as me. it's seems like a could move to show the heavens, what a day.
One rainy, @DATE1 day in a far away place there was a soccer game. That I was in. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the last game of the season, so it was important to me, but some things went wrong in the process. I was going to the same as I said. I was just wearing my uniform my aunt said bye as I did. But out of the deep blue shy a big black rain cloud comes out. Oh, @CAPS1!. So I'm in on the beach thinking to my self the game going to get called off. On it my turn to go in. now in font ready for the ball,@CAPS2 I fall on my face. Then I fall again coach take me out. So he did, I go back on the beach hopeful the team can do it without me. Game over we lose by two points, it's time to leave now but where is my aunt? I called her on my coach's phone, @CAPS1 answer. I think to my self ok she's a little late, but as I look at the time ten go the @NUM1 then an hour. Finally she's here. Cold, wet and mad from the game. All my aunt said is @PERSON1 don't get mud on the seat. Well that's a little hard to do that when it's all over me. My aunt says @PERSON1 you are not going the party looking like that, I said but I have to there is no time to waste. After a little argument my aunt says ok, so I get there and see all that food and all my teammates muddy as me. it seems like a could move to show the heavens, what a day.
Have u ever been hit by a basketball in the face?. One day I was playing basketball whit my friends I had no school so I think it was like @NUM1 pm. We were having a blast playing my favorite sport and making jokes. The day was going good I was making hoops and I had some good jokes every one was laughing. My friend @CAPS1 ask me a question about some girl so I turn my face to him and then the basketball hit me right in the face hard at first I ti-rent get angry it was and accident so it was all good but then my friends started laughing that made there day they current stop it so I lost it I wanted to hit them all of them. I started to think if one of them had had got-ting hit in the face the same way I did I would of been laughing too but they ti-rent I did so I just left home angry. When I got home I was still angry so I went to the garage I have a punching bag in there. I started hitting it to get my anger out that's what my dad told me when I was a little kid when am angry don't take out on the family go run or hit something but don't take it out on the family. I was in there for like half and hour then I went inside to the kitchen to get something to eat my mom was there then she saw my face it was still red from the hit. She started screaming at me saying what happen was I fighting stuff like that. I was still angry and then she was screaming at me that made more angry I just current take it no more so I left to my room put some music on I was in there for like and hour then my phone was ringing it was my friends I had like five miss call and three messages from them saying if I was crying and things like that still making jokes. The time went by and I was still angry I current forget about what had happen. My younger brother @CAPS2 came into my room whit food I was still hungry because I ti-rent get nothing from the kitchen because my mom was screaming at me so a left whit no food and a empty stomach he was eating it in front of me making faces and saying that was the best sandwich ever man I current take it I took it from him he wanted that then I sat down starting eating it he comes up to me and ask me why was I angry and I told him he started to lough a punching him slowly he ask me if I wanted to go play video games. So we went to play @NUM2 is a army game his really good at it I suck every time he kills me he starts saying jokes like who's your daddy and stuff like that. After a while I forget about what happen I begging to smile so me and my brother go outside the house to play soccer we were there for like ten minutes then my friends were walking by @CAPS3 screams my name I turn my face to him again I got hit again my brother kick the ball hard it was going fast when I saw it I had already got hit by it but this time was in my stomach every one loughs at first I ti-rent but then hearing every one loughs and thinking about it to get hit twice the same day and way because I turn my face I tough it was funny so I start loathing too. My friends came over and say they were sorry for laughing at me but it was funny and the one the hit me said that it was my fault because I wasn't looking I was like whatever. I ask them if they wanted to play soccer whit us they said yes we were playing for like five minutes when my brother kick the ball and hit my friend right in the face the one the hit me whit the basketball I start cracking up and I told him why wasn't he looking and that what goes around comes. That put a big smile on my face and after a while it was all good again we were having fun whit no anger to each other that's one time laughter change how i felt.
Have u ever been hit by a basketball in the face?. One day I was playing basketball with my friends I had no school, so I think it was like @NUM1 pm. We were having a blast playing my favorite sport and making jokes. The day was going good I was making hoops and I had some good jokes every one was laughing. My friend @CAPS1 ask me a question about some girl, so I turn my face to him and then the basketball hit me right in the face hard at first I ti-rent get angry it was an accident, so it was all good, but then my friends started laughing that made there day they currently stop it, so I lost it I wanted to hit them all of them. I started to think if one of them had had got-ting hit in the face the same way I did I would have been laughing too but they ti-rent I did, so I just left home angry. When I got home I was still angry, so I went to the garage I have a punching bag in there. I started hitting it to get my anger out that's what my dad told me when I was a little kid when am angry don't take out on the family go run or hit something but don't take it out on the family. I was in there for like half and hour then I went inside to the kitchen to get something to eat my mom was there then she saw my face it was still red from the hit. She started screaming at me saying what happen was I fighting stuff like that. I was still angry, and then she was screaming at me that made more angry I just current take it no more, so I left to my room put some music on I was in there for like and hour then my phone was ringing it was my friends I had like five miss call and three messages from them saying if I was crying and things like that still making jokes. The time went by, and I was still angry I currently forget about what had happened. My younger brother @CAPS2 came into my room whit food I was still hungry because I ti-rent get nothing from the kitchen because my mom was screaming at me so a left whit no food and an empty stomach he was eating it in front of me making faces and saying that was the best sandwich ever man I currently take it I took it from him, he wanted that then I sat down starting eating it he comes up to me and ask me why was I angry, and I told him he started to lough a punching him slowly he asks me if I wanted to go play video games. So we went to play @NUM2 is an army game his perfect at it, I suck every time he kills me he starts saying jokes like who's your daddy and stuff like that. After a while I forget about what happen I'm begging to smile so my brother and I go outside the house to play soccer we were there for like ten minutes then my friends were walking by @CAPS3 screams my name I turn my face to him again I got hit again my brother kick the ball hard it was going fast when I saw it I had already got hit by it, but this time was in my stomach every one lough at first I ti-rent but then hearing every one lough and thinking about it to get hit twice the same day and way because I turn my face I tough it was funny, so I start loathing too. My friends came over and say they were sorry for laughing at me, but it was funny and the one the hit me said that it was my fault because I wasn't looking I was like whatever. I ask them if they wanted to play soccer with us they said yes we were playing for like five minutes when my brother kicks the ball and hit my friend right in the face the one the hit me with the basketball I start cracking up, and I told him why wasn't he looking and that what goes around comes. That put a big smile on my face and after a while it was all good again we were having fun with no anger to each other that's one time laughter change how I felt.
The elements of laughter is to show emotion to other to let them know that you had a great time or to show that there are special. Laughter is some times in me. I laught when I have a great time. The greates laughter I always have is with friends saying crazy thing when we go to the bus after school. That the joy from friend and you to reales the tens strees from school. I always go home with a smile. Theres always jokes to tell to have joy. When the bell rings with in the end of my last class, I am tierd from working hard. When I go to my bus located on the front of the school. I feel strees out from the work I had to do. But I can't wait till my friends come to the bus. We always have a great time. I comepletely forget about school and laugh with the jokes and rediculace story we say. When we get to the first stop everyone gets out with joy even me. This prosses has lasted for three years. But the next year is going to be ower last ride from the bus @NUM1 my favorite number. I hope we will still have the great time.
The elements of laughter are to show emotion to other to let them know that you had a great time or to show that there are special. Laughter is sometimes in me. I caught when I have a great time. The greats laughter I always have is with friends saying crazy thing when we go to the bus after school. That the joy from friend and you to reals the tens street from school. I always go home with a smile. There's always jokes to tell having joy. When the bell rings with in the end of my last class, I am tied from working hard. When I go to my bus located on the front of the school. I feels trees out from the work I had to do. But I can't wait till my friends come to the bus. We always have a great time. I completely forget about school and laugh with the jokes and ridicule story we say. When we get to the first stop everyone gets out with joy even me. These pross has lasted for three years. But the next year is going to be over last ride from the bus @NUM1 my favorite number. I hope we will still have the great time.
The new trimester had started and leadership was my second period. With no idea of what the responsibilities of a leadership student were, I was skeptical on taking the class. After days of taking the class, I began to enjoy it more and more. After a week or so, the teacher announced we would be on stage helping set up and organize the upcoming assembly. I had never done anything of the sort so I was somewhat excited. Days went by and the entire class practiced setting up the assembly, running to our places, moving props, and stacking chairs. The day of the assembly finally arrived, it was time for the show. The students poured into their seats as we scurried around behind the curtains. Everything was set up perfectly. The curtains rose and the assembly began. My peers and I stood behind the stage watching the assembly unfold. The school band preformed a long boring set of songs, the curtains fell and the entire leadership class ran out on stage, picked up and stacked the chairs that the band just used. After, we all ran to get the bleachers and dragged them out to the front of the stage. The choir was now going to preform, we then retreated back behind the curtains. The choir sang their songs, and we watched, but as they proceeded to set up for their last song, students moved around leaving a large open spot in the top row. With the choirs last song, they preformed a simple swaying dance to go along with their song. My leadership class friends and I, noticed this large open spot in the choir and thought it would be hilarious if one of us went up there and pretended to sing and dance. However, none of us had enough courage to do it. The choir finished their song and dance, the first assembly was over. We then cleaned up and got ready for the second assembly. It was time for the second assembly and everything was going to be preformed again. The students came in, sat in their seats, the band played, we stacked chairs and moved bleachers. It was time for the choir to come out and sing once more. The thought of how funny it would be to go up on the bleachers and dance came upon us once again. Finally we convinced one of our classmates to do it. She ran to the choir room and put on a choir robe, put her hair in a funny bun fixed on her forehead, and stepped up onto the bleachers. She took the open spot in the top row. The song began as well as the dance. She broke into random dancing, not in any way matching up with the other dancing choir members. It was obvious she did not belong up there. The crowd soon began to realize what was going on. Laughter broke out in the seats, but soon after laughter broke out behind the stage as well. I was laughing like I had never laughed before. It was painful, tears pouring down my face, I was gasping for air. Running out of breath and bracing myself for a deep inhale, when right at that moment the song had a dead silent pause. The auditorium went completely silent, I inhaled in, and as I took in that air, my body managed to let out an extremely loud embarrassing screeching noise. People behind the curtain stared at me, I knew that it was heard throughout the auditorium. Embarrassed I laughed even harder, causing more pain, tears, and lack of oxygen. The song ended followed by the end of the laughter, then by the end of the assembly. The girl stepped down from the bleachers and we all scrambled out of the building, hiding the robe along the way. We laughed all the way to our next period, listening to the students in the hallway talking about it. Giggles filled the school for hours. Talk of who it was, what actually happened, and why it happened were on everyone's minds, except for ours. The second period leadership students knew exactly what had happened. We had the pleasure of telling everyone in school about the dirty little details. The following days however, the teachers also got word of it. Not thinking our actions all the way through, we would soon have to face the consequences. We were told it was irresponsible and child-like. We had a plethora of possible punishments, in school suspension, @DATE1 school, a referral, an apology to the choir class, and loss of the privilege of being in leadership. After the school board talked to our parents and gave the event serious consideration, we got out of it with having one day of @DATE1 school and apologizing to the entire choir class. The school board, realized it was just a joke, letting us off easier than it could have been. In my eyes the prank was well worth it. For weeks on end, every night I would go to bed laughing about that leadership assembly.
The new trimester had started and leadership was my second period. With no idea of what the responsibilities of a leadership student were, I was skeptical on taking the class. After days of taking the class, I began to enjoy it more and more. After a week or so, the teacher announced we would be on stage helping set up and organize the upcoming assembly. I had never done anything of the sort, so I was somewhat excited. Days went by, and the entire class practiced setting up the assembly, running to our places, moving props, and stacking chairs. The day of the assembly finally arrived, it was time for the show. The students poured into their seats as we scurried around behind the curtains. Everything was set up perfectly. The curtains rose and the assembly began. My peers and I stood behind the stage watching the assembly unfold. The school band preformed a long boring set of songs, the curtains fell, and the entire leadership class ran out on stage, picked up and stacked the chairs that the band just used. After, we all ran to get the bleachers and dragged them out to the front of the stage. The choir was now going to preform, we then retreated back behind the curtains. The choir sang their songs, and we watched, but as they proceeded to set up for their last song, students moved around leaving a large open spot in the top row. With the choirs last song, they preformed a simple swaying dance to go along with their song. My leadership class friends and I, noticed this large open spot in the choir and thought it would be hilarious if one of us went up there and pretended to sing and dance. However, none of us had enough courage to do it. The choir finished their song and dance, the first assembly was over. We then cleaned up and got ready for the second assembly. It was time for the second assembly and everything was going to be preformed again. The students came in, sat in their seats, the band played, we stacked chairs and moved bleachers. It was time for the choir to come out and sing once more. The thought of how funny it would be to go up on the bleachers and dance came upon us once again. Finally, we convinced one of our classmates to do it. She ran to the choir room and put on a choir robe, put her hair in a funny bun fixed on her forehead, and stepped up onto the bleachers. She took the open spot in the top row. The song began as well as the dance. She broke into random dancing, not in any way matching up with the other dancing choir members. It was obvious she did not belong up there. The crowd soon began to realize what was going on. Laughter broke out in the seats, but soon after laughter broke out behind the stage as well. I was laughing like I had never laughed before. It was painful, tears pouring down my face, I was gasping for air. Running out of breath and bracing myself for a deep inhale, when right at that moment the song had a dead silent pause. The auditorium went completely silent, I inhaled in, and as I took in that air, my body managed to let out an extremely loud embarrassing screeching noise. People behind the curtain stared at me, I knew that it was heard throughout the auditorium. Embarrassed I laughed even harder, causing more pain, tears, and lack of oxygen. The song ended followed by the end of the laughter, then by the end of the assembly. The girl stepped down from the bleachers, and we all scrambled out of the building, hiding the robe along the way. We laughed all the way to our next period, listening to the students in the hallway talking about it. Giggles filled the school for hours. Talk of who it was, what actually happened, and why it happened were on everyone's minds, except for ours. The second period leadership students knew exactly what had happened. We had the pleasure of telling everyone in school about the dirty little details. The following days however, the teachers also got word of it. Not thinking our actions all the way through, we would soon have to face the consequences. We were told it was irresponsible and child-like. We had a plethora of possible punishments, in school suspension, @DATE1 school, a referral, an apology to the choir class, and loss of the privilege of being in leadership. After the school board talked to our parents and gave the event serious consideration, we got out of it with having one day of @DATE1 school and apologizing to the entire choir class. The school board, realized it was just a joke, letting us off easier than it could have been. In my eyes the prank was well worth it. For weeks on end, every night I would go to bed laughing about that leadership assembly.
Have you ever laughed so hard that you cry? Your chest is bubbling with the laughter, and tears spilling out of your eyes; faces turn bright red and your body is practically having convulsions. This is not the forced kind of laughter, this is uncontrollable. This is pure joy. I laugh like this at least twice a day, tears and all. If it is even possible for your laugh reflexes to be connected to tear ducts, I swear I would have it. If I have a good laugh during the day, then I wont be so sad later to come. It has made me a much happier person. And it has even been able to bring me together with other people. @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 was not a time when laughter was abundant in my life. This was a time in my life where I worried and would dwell on the past. I was a deep fourth grader. But my friends were much different. @CAPS4 did have their bad moods on occasion, and whenever we were feeling down we would sit on the @CAPS1 @CAPS2. Very creative, I know. This @CAPS2 was navy blue, and sat right at the corner of the playground right where the baseball field started. We would sit there and watch the whole playground during recess while reflecting on our stressful lives. One day as we were dismissed to recess, four of my close friends and I went over to the @CAPS2. We watched as the boys ran as fast as @CAPS4 could to the field to get their daily game of football started. Almost every guy in the @ORGANIZATION1 would go to the baseball field and play touch football. It was the cool thing for the @ORGANIZATION1 studs. And sometimes the girls joined in too. While we were sitting there sulking on the @CAPS2, a few boys walked up to us. "@CAPS3 to play some football with us? We could use more people!" @CAPS4 said. We weren't in the mood for playing football, but with the persistent nagging, we had to give in. The square field was soggy from the @ORGANIZATION2 rain, and the grass turned into muddy mush wherever you stepped. Us girls would avoid any contact and we ran much slower then the boys. But we managed to score a few points for our team, and duck for cover when needed. The football lightened our moods, and was much better at making us happy then the @CAPS1 @CAPS2. So a new tradition was formed. Every day we would go out with the boys and not have a care in the world as we chased each other around. We dove into the mushy mess of a field to save a ball, and lunged to tag any person we could get to. The @CAPS2 was out of all of our minds as we ran around having fun. But one day while we were playing it was extra muddy from a storm the night before. It was hard to navigate as you were running around on the slick field. People were slipping and falling constantly. And then something amazing happened, it started raining all over again. But nobody had even thought of quitting. We just laughed and kept going. The rain blinded us, and the slick ground was no help. So a collision was inevitable. One of the girls picked up the football. The ball had been through a lot, and now it was covered in mud. She had a clear shot of the end zone, and sprinted the best she could given the circumstance. When out of nowhere a boy from the other team popped up in front of her. But instead of swerving to miss hitting him, she slid. It was a priceless moment, almost taken from a cartoon. Her legs slid out from under her and she landed square on her butt. Everyone on the field was already peeling over, clutching their stomachs from the laughter. But she continued to slide. The boy in front of her was too busy laughing to notice she was headed in his direction. That is when she took him out too. But he was unfortunate enough to land on his face. His body sprawled on top of hers with his head directly in the brown wet ground. Even the two that fell couldn't help but laughing. The game was halted as we all shared this priceless moment. We were brought together by a simple game of football, and uncontrollable laughter.
Have you ever laughed so hard that you cry? Your chest is bubbling with the laughter, and tears spilling out of your eyes; faces turn bright red and your body is practically having convulsions. This is not the forced kind of laughter, this is uncontrollable. This is pure joy. I laugh like this at least twice a day, tears and all. If it is even possible for your laugh reflexes to be connected to tear ducts, I swear I would have it. If I have a good laugh during the day, then I won't be so sad later to come. It has made me a much happier person. And it has even been able to bring me together with other people. @ORGANIZATION1 was not a time when laughter was abundant in my life. This was a time in my life where I worried and would dwell on the past. I was a deep fourth grader. But my friends were much different. @CAPS4 did have their bad moods on occasion, and whenever we were feeling down we would sit on the @CAPS1 @CAPS2. Very creative, I know. This @CAPS2 was navy blue, and sat right at the corner of the playground right where the baseball field started. We would sit there and watch the whole playground during recess while reflecting on our stressful lives. One day as we were dismissed to recess, four of my close friends and I went over to the @CAPS2. We watched as the boys ran as fast as @CAPS4 could to the field to get their daily game of football started. Almost every guy in the @ORGANIZATION1 would go to the baseball field and play touch football. It was the cool thing for the @ORGANIZATION1 studs. And sometimes the girls joined in too. While we were sitting there sulking on the @CAPS2, a few boys walked up to us. "@CAPS3 to play some football with us? We could use more people!" @CAPS4 said. We weren't in the mood for playing football, but with the persistent nagging, we had to give in. The square field was soggy from the @ORGANIZATION2 rain, and the grass turned into muddy mush wherever you stepped. Us girls would avoid any contact, and we ran much slower than the boys. But we managed to score a few points for our team, and duck for cover when needed. The football lightened our moods, and was much better at making us happy then the @CAPS1 @CAPS2. So a new tradition was formed. Every day we would go out with the boys and not have a care in the world as we chased each other around. We dove into the mushy mess of a field to save a ball, and lunged to tag any person we could get to. The @CAPS2 was out of all of our minds as we ran around having fun. But one day while we were playing it was extra muddy from a storm the night before. It was hard to navigate as you were running around on the slick field. People were slipping and falling constantly. And then something amazing happened, it started raining all over again. But nobody had even thought of quitting. We just laughed and kept going. The rain blinded us, and the slick ground was no help. So a collision was inevitable. One of the girls picked up the football. The ball had been through a lot, and now it was covered in mud. She had a clear shot of the end zone, and sprinted the best she could have given the circumstance. When out of nowhere a boy from the other team popped up in front of her. But instead of swerving to miss hitting him, she slid. It was a priceless moment, almost taken from a cartoon. Her legs slid out from under her, and she landed square on her butt. Everyone on the field was already peeling over, clutching their stomachs from the laughter. But she continued to slide. The boy in front of her was too busy laughing to notice she was headed in his direction. That is when she took him out too. But he was unfortunate enough to land on his face. His body sprawled on top of hers with his head directly in the brown wet ground. Even the two that fell couldn't help but laughing. The game was halted as we all shared this priceless moment. We were brought together by a simple game of football, and uncontrollable laughter.
Many believe that laughter is the key to the start of a great friendship. @CAPS1 can mend the broken bridges between people and even make awesome relationships even better. Laughter can be such a powerful thing and most don't understand @CAPS7 powerful. I especially didn't know until two years ago when I met @PERSON1. @CAPS1 only took the move of my former @CAPS3 @CAPS2 to understand laughter's full potential of the beginning of a great friendship @CAPS1 all started a couple weeks before school ended when the news was received. At the time i was part of a small @CAPS3 group, in a small church, in a small town. @CAPS3 @CAPS2, @PERSON2 and @PERSON3 were moving, and would no longer be able to lead the @CAPS3 group. The entire church congregation was saddened by the sudden news. But none were as depressed as the @CAPS3 that they had touched in their many years in ministry. We had grown used to the couple. Many of the few that had been around the longest , including myself, had spent nights at their house, or in my case babysat their young daughter. They were like family to all of us and no one wanted to see them go. But sometimes I wonder if they hadn't what would have happened. Many well wishes and tears were exchanged between the day they had departed. As a congregation everyone thought that no one could ever touch our hearts they way that they had. But that was just a thought. Two short months later, word had gotten around that someone from @LOCATION1 was traveling here to our small town in @LOCATION2 for an interview for the newly open position. All the teenagers were guarded the moment that he had walked through the door. His name was @PERSON1, only in his early twenties, but had quite a lot of experience in ministry. My first thought was that this must be some kind of joke! @CAPS7 could he lead a group of kids if he's only a kid himself!? I wasn't very keen of him. Neither was anybody else. But something was very different about him. He wasn't afraid to tell us about his life, @CAPS7 he had grown up, and seemed to be totally honest with everyone of our questions we asked. And that was when we knew as a @CAPS3 group that maybe he was the one. Even though I knew @PERSON1 would be our new @CAPS3 @CAPS4 I still didn't want to accept @CAPS1. I tried and tried to avoid him although @CAPS1 always seemed we were having to deal with each other more than either of us wanted to. So finally, @PERSON1 decided @CAPS1 was time that the two of us needed to get to know each other. One @DATE1 @TIME1 my mom got a call from someone at the church, she wouldn't tell me who, but that I needed to go. So I did. And who was there? @PERSON1, in the sanctuary just the two of us and the associate @CAPS4, because @CAPS1 would be too inappropriate for us to be by ourselves. " your mom didn't tell you @CAPS6 your here, did she?"I laughed, " @CAPS6 no she didn't" " @CAPS7 do you feel you and I talk? Go hang out, wherever you want?""um....ok @CAPS7 do you feel about going to @ORGANIZATION1?" The question was puzzling to him, @CAPS1 did to most, but he accepted the idea. "@CAPS8 @CAPS6 are we going to @ORGANIZATION1?" he said as he pulled into the parking lot." I don't know @CAPS1 was just the first thing that popped into my head."We both chuckled. I felt more at ease with him now and actually thought for the first time that maybe this would be a pretty fun trip. As we walked through the building @CAPS1 started to be quite boring. But the boredom faded away as we decided to pass through the toy aisle, and set off all of the toy alarms and sirens. Toy after toy had started to go off as we went through the aisle touching every toy that made some kind of absurd noise that would drive anyone up the wall, which many did. Finally we walked around the store to other departments in the store and got to know each other a little better. @CAPS1 surprised me that both of us liked a lot of the same things. He told me more of his childhood like @CAPS7 he was adopted and what @CAPS1 was like before hand and afterwards. @CAPS1 was wierd that only a short time ago I didn't want anything to do with @PERSON1 and now I was walking around @ORGANIZATION1 laughing and just having a good time. That was about three years or so ago. Shortly after @PERSON1 had to leave. Many rumors were told @CAPS6 because he didn't really tell anyone other than the fact that the council had asked him to leave. No matter the reason I still am in touch with him and am glad that the day at @ORGANIZATION1 had happended.
Many believe that laughter is the key to the start of a great friendship. @CAPS1 can mend the broken bridges between people and even make awesome relationships even better. Laughter can be such a powerful thing and most don't understand @CAPS7 powerful. I especially didn't know until two years ago when I met @PERSON1. @CAPS1 only took the move of my former @CAPS3 @CAPS2 to understand laughter's full potential of the beginning of a great friendship @CAPS1 all started a couple of weeks before school ended when the news was received. At the time I was part of a small @CAPS3 group, in a small church, in a small town. @CAPS3 @CAPS2, @PERSON2 and @PERSON3 were moving, and would no longer be able to lead the @CAPS3 group. The entire church congregation was saddened by the sudden news. But none were as depressed as the @CAPS3 that they had touched in their many years in ministry. We had grown used to the couple. Many of the few that had been around the longest, including myself, had spent nights at their house, or in my case babysat their young daughter. They were like family to all of us and no one wanted to see them go. But sometimes I wonder if they would have happened. Many well-wishes and tears were exchanged between the day they had departed. As a congregation everyone thought that no one could ever touch our hearts they way that they had. But that was just a thought. Two short months later, word had gotten around that someone from @LOCATION1 was traveling here to our small town in @LOCATION2 for an interview for the newly open position. All the teenagers were guarded the moment that he had walked through the door. His name was @PERSON1, only in his early twenties, but had quite a lot of experience in ministry. My first thought was that this must be some kind of joke! @CAPS7 could he lead a group of kids if he's only a kid himself!? I wasn't very keen of him. Neither was anybody else. But something was very different about him. He wasn't afraid to tell us about his life, @CAPS7 he had grown up, and seemed to be totally honest with every one of our questions we asked. And that was when we knew as a @CAPS3 group that maybe he was the one. Even though I knew @PERSON1 would be our new @CAPS3 @CAPS4 I still didn't want to accept @CAPS1. I tried and tried to avoid him, although @CAPS1 always seemed we were having to deal with each other more than either of us wanted to. So finally, @PERSON1 decided @CAPS1 was time that the two of us needed to get to know each other. One @DATE1 @TIME1 my mom got a call from someone at the church, she wouldn't tell me who, but that I needed to go. So I did. And who was there? @PERSON1, in the sanctuary just the two of us and the associate @CAPS4, because @CAPS1 would be too inappropriate for us to be by ourselves. " Your mom didn't tell you @CAPS6 your here, did she?" I laughed," @CAPS6 no she didn't"" @CAPS7 do you feel you and I talk? Go hang out, wherever you want?""um....ok @CAPS7 do you feel about going to @ORGANIZATION1?" The question was puzzling to him, @CAPS1 did to most, but he accepted the idea. "@CAPS8 @CAPS6 are we going to @ORGANIZATION1?" he said as he pulled into the parking lot." I don't know @CAPS1 was just the first thing that popped into my head." We both chuckled. I felt more at ease with him now and actually thought for the first time that maybe this would be a pretty fun trip. As we walked through the building @CAPS1 started to be quite boring. But the boredom faded away as we decided to pass through the toy aisle, and set off all the toy alarms and sirens. Toy after toy had started to go off as we went through the aisle touching every toy that made some kind of absurd noise that would drive anyone up the wall, which many did. Finally, we walked around the store to other departments in the store and got to know each other a little better. @CAPS1 surprised me that both of us liked a lot of the same things. He told me more of his childhood like @CAPS7 he was adopted and what @CAPS1 was like beforehand and afterward. @CAPS1 was weird that only a short time ago I didn't want anything to do with @PERSON1, and now I was walking around @ORGANIZATION1 laughing and just having a good time. That was about three years or so ago. Shortly after @PERSON1 had to leave. Many rumors were told @CAPS6 because he didn't really tell anyone other than the fact that the council had asked him to leave. No matter the reason I still am in touch with him and am glad that the day at @ORGANIZATION1 had happened.
Though my sister and I have very different personalities, and much of the time do not find humor in the same things we have still shared some humorous moments. It's the times you decide to just go with the flow and enjoy someones company instead of letting it bug you. One sunny day in @LOCATION1 I had some how convinced my sister to go rollerblading with me. My dad drove us to a park that had a huge pond in the middle of it. The pond was nice in the fact that there was a smooth side walk that circulated all the way around the pond for my sister and I to @CAPS1 on. The pond was not so nice in the fact that it was very littered with ducks ans geese and of course their droppings as well. We always thought of the ponds water as one of the most disgusting things on earth. We got our roller-blades on and carefully stood up. Our dad was going to take a nap in the car wile we made our laps around the lake. As we skated we noticed a man and a woman sharing a date together in a very small boat. They were totally unaware that their boat was tipping strongly to one side. My sister and I thought it would be hilarious if all of a sudden the boat tipped over.We let that thought pass and continued in our rout. On our next lap around we heard a woman yelling. we looked up and saw that it was the woman who had been in the boat. The woman was now standing on the shore yelling at the man to get all her belongings that had fallen out of the boat and were now floating in the gross pond water. The man was waiting in the water up to his chest collecting their items and trying to deal with his upside down boat. "That date was defiantly unsuccessful", I thought. We could hardly contain our selves from bursting out with laughter. We roller bladed back to the car as fast as we could. My sister was in front of me and when she tried to stop she couldn't. She basically body slammed the car, fell back, and rolled right underneath it. My dad rapidly opened the door to find me crying with laughter. We pulled my sister out from under the car and drove home.
Though my sister and I have very different personalities, and much of the time do not find humor in the same things we have still shared some humorous moments. It's the times you decide to just go with the flow and enjoy someone's company instead of letting it bug you. One sunny day in @LOCATION1 I had somehow convinced my sister to go rollerblading with me. My dad drove us to a park that had a huge pond in the middle of it. The pond was nice in the fact that there was a smooth sidewalk that circulated all the way around the pond for my sister and I to @CAPS1 on. The pond was not so nice in the fact that it was very littered with ducks and geese and of course their droppings as well. We always thought of the ponds' water as one of the most disgusting things on earth. We got our rollerblades on and carefully stood up. Our dad was going to take a nap in the car wile we made our laps around the lake. As we skated we noticed a man and a woman sharing a date together in a very small boat. They were totally unaware that their boat was tipping strongly to one side. My sister and I thought it would be hilarious if all of a sudden the boat tipped over. We let that thought pass and continued in our rout. On our next lap around we heard a woman yelling. We looked up and saw that it was the woman who had been in the boat. The woman was now standing on the shore yelling at the man to get all her belongings that had fallen out of the boat and were now floating in the gross pond water. The man was waiting in the water up to his chest collecting their items and trying to deal with his upside down boat. "That date was defiantly unsuccessful", I thought. We could hardly contain our selves from bursting out with laughter. We rollerbladed back to the car as fast as we could. My sister was in front of me and when she tried to stop she couldn't. She slammed the car, fell back, and rolled right underneath it. My dad rapidly opened the door to find me crying with laughter. We pulled my sister out from under the car and drove home.
When I told my mom that I wanted to @CAPS5 from sunset to sunrise to raise money for a trip to @LOCATION1, she laughed. Her laugh was one of utter sarcasm, as if she was saying, "Is this a joke?". Yet, when the crazy idea of running for @NUM1 hours straight was truly thought through, the laughter began to melt away. The idea made sense; I wanted to go to @LOCATION1 with my school's band with a cost of roughly @MONEY1. My family didn't have that money, and I certainly wasn't going to bribe my neighbors penny by penny to buy cheap cookie dough from a magazine. I needed to earn my money, in a way that not only was meaningful, but also efficient. What better way to do that then to do a long distance @CAPS5; a skill that I not only loved, but was also good at? The plan started small; I would @CAPS5 from sunset to sunrise with some friends, wanting to raise about @MONEY2. After consulting my distance coach, I realized that running for @NUM1 hours would entitle me to over @NUM3 consecutive miles.So what if I was fifteen years old and had never even ran a marathon before? Something in me told me it was possible. And so we laid out the plan; I was to @CAPS5 about @NUM4 miles a week, with three hour runs on @DATE3. I ran about ten miles a day, including hill repeats, running backwards, and many, many lunges. For some reason, both my coach and I agreed that I could do it. Running was one thing, but then there was the reason behind the running; raising money. A family friend, @PERSON1, who was both a runner and an organization whiz, helped me out. When I informed him that my goal was to raise @MONEY2, he looked at me and firmly said that I could do better. We started out with local businesses, asking for things ranging from bananas to an energy gel called "@CAPS1". @PERSON1 taught me how to dress, talk, and present to each business, helping me create a flier to put up in coffee houses, and a way to organize the money I brought in. Next, came the friends. Surprisingly, I found that a lot of my friends not only wanted to donate, but also wanted to participate in the all-@CAPS4 @CAPS5, and thus was created the running "shifts". Soon, I had about twenty people who were going to @CAPS5 with me, ten businesses who sponsoring me, and four "drivers" who drove cars with mattresses, food, and water in the back to support me and my "crew". Before I knew it, my whole community was cheering me and that crazy, laughable idea on. The @CAPS4 of the "@CAPS2 @CAPS3 All-@CAPS4 @CAPS5" came before I knew it. The day before my stomach was twisted in knots, and it almost impossible to rest. Yet, as people arrived ready to @CAPS5, drive, and cheer the whole event on, my fears began to subside. The weather was wonderful, with clear skies and decently warm temperatures for early @DATE4, and everybody who came were cheerful and encouraging. As the sun set on that fateful day of @DATE1, a group of roughly twenty teenagers all with a crazy goal and strong spirits, set off from my home in an awkward jog, knowing that they would return when the sun rose the next day having conquered something almost impossible. As we ran, headlamps were turned on, music was cranked up, quirky runner games played to pass the time, and silly songs were sung to keep our feet moving in the briskly cool @CAPS4. The hardest part for me was returning to my home after @NUM5 miles for a bathroom break around @TIME1 and realizing that I still had seven hours left. As the miles and minutes began to blend together in the seemingly endless @CAPS4, it became hard for me to believe that the sun would ever rise again. We all wanted so badly just to stop, rest, and sleep. That @CAPS4, with our feet pounding the cold pavement, we ran like shadows through the endless @CAPS4, our eyes searching for the sunrise that would signify our time to stop. The sunrise that rose the morning of @DATE2 at @NUM6 am was the most welcoming sight I had ever seen. @NUM7 miles behind me, and well over @NUM8 for each person in my group, we were all exhausted and cold to the bone. Everyone who had been resting jumped out of the support cars and joined me for the last mile, every one of us watching with awe as light seeped into the darkness, stunning the quiet, frost-covered world on with warm light. The sun rose big and orange, and when my feet finally stopped, an exhausted yet exuberant shout left the throats of everyone. It was then, in that gorgeous sunrise, that me and mom hugged and laughed; a laugh that was not sarcastic, but spoke of how a girl who had done the impossible.
When I told my mom that I wanted to @CAPS5 from sunset to sunrise to raise money for a trip to @LOCATION1, she laughed. Her laugh was one of utter sarcasm, as if she was saying, "Is this a joke?". Yet, when the crazy idea of running for @NUM1 hours straight was truly thought through, the laughter began to melt away. The idea made sense; I wanted to go to @LOCATION1 with my school's band with a cost of roughly @MONEY1. My family didn't have that money, and I certainly wasn't going to bribe my neighbors' penny by penny to buy cheap cookie dough from a magazine. I needed to earn my money, in a way that not only was meaningful, but also efficient. What better way to do that then to do a long distance @CAPS5; a skill that I not only loved, but was also good at? The plan started small; I would @CAPS5 from sunset to sunrise with some friends, wanting to raise about @MONEY2. After consulting my distance coach, I realized that running for @NUM1 hours would entitle me to over @NUM3 consecutive miles. So what if I was fifteen years old and had never even run a marathon before? Something in me told me it was possible. And so we laid out the plan; I was to @CAPS5 about @NUM4 miles a week, with three hour runs on @DATE3. I ran about ten miles a day, including hill repeats, running backwards, and many, many lunges. For some reason, both my coach and I agreed that I could do it. Running was one thing, but then there was the reason behind the running; raising money. A family friend, @PERSON1, who was both a runner and an organization whiz, helped me out. When I informed him that my goal was to raise @MONEY2, he looked at me and firmly said that I could do better. We started out with local businesses, asking for things ranging from bananas to an energy gel called "@CAPS1". @PERSON1 taught me how to dress, talk, and present to each business, helping me create a flier to put up in coffee houses, and a way to organize the money I brought in. Next, came the friends. Surprisingly, I found that a lot of my friends not only wanted to donate, but also wanted to participate in the all-@CAPS4 @CAPS5, and thus was created the running "shifts". Soon, I had about twenty people who were going to @CAPS5 with me, ten businesses who sponsoring me, and four "drivers" who drove cars with mattresses, food, and water in the back to support me and my "crew". Before I knew it, my whole community was cheering me and that crazy, laughable idea on. The @CAPS4 of the "@CAPS2 @CAPS3 All-@CAPS4 @CAPS5" came before I knew it. The day before my stomach was twisted in knots, and it is almost impossible to rest. Yet, as people arrived ready to @CAPS5, drive, and cheer the whole event on, my fears began to subside. The weather was wonderful, with clear skies and decently warm temperatures for early @DATE4, and everybody who came were cheerful and encouraging. As the sun set on that fateful day of @DATE1, a group of roughly twenty teenagers all with a crazy goal and strong spirits, set off from my home in an awkward jog, knowing that they would return when the sun rose the next day having conquered something almost impossible. As we ran, headlamps were turned on, music was cranked up, quirky runner games played to pass the time, and silly songs were sung to keep our feet moving in the briskly cool @CAPS4. The hardest part for me was returning to my home after @NUM5 miles for a bathroom break around @TIME1 and realizing that I still had seven hours left. As the miles and minutes began to blend together in the seemingly endless @CAPS4, it became hard for me to believe that the sun would ever rise again. We all wanted so badly just to stop, rest, and sleep. That @CAPS4, with our feet pounding the cold pavement, we ran like shadows through the endless @CAPS4, our eyes searching for the sunrise that would signify our time to stop. The sunrise that rose the morning of @DATE2 at @NUM6 am was the most welcoming sight I had ever seen. @NUM7 miles behind me, and well over @NUM8 for each person in my group, we were all exhausted and cold to the bone. Everyone who had been resting jumped out of the support cars and joined me for the last mile, every one of us watching with awe as light seeped into the darkness, stunning the quiet, frost-covered world on with warm light. The sun rose big and orange, and when my feet finally stopped, an exhausted yet exuberant shout left the throats of everyone. It was then, in that gorgeous sunrise, that me and mom hugged and laughed; a laugh that was not sarcastic, but spoke of how a girl who had done the impossible.
My best friend is probably my brother, @PERSON2. It was in the middle of @DATE1 and we were sitting outside on top of the wooden table in our mother's backyard. @PERSON2 started telling me how much he wanted to be done with high school and that he was, "just done with all this." I sat there listening attentively for maybe thirty minutes as @PERSON2 poured his heart out, and nearly broke mine with how distressed he was. @PERSON2's best friend, @PERSON1, had just told @PERSON2 that @CAPS1 he went out with the girl @PERSON2 liked, then their friendship was over. @PERSON2 was extremely hurt by this betrayal added on top of how he was afraid of getting kicked out of school because of his grades, and the amount of pressure coming from our parents at the time, was simply too much for seventeen year old @PERSON2 to handle. I talked to @PERSON2 for at least another half hour after that about what I thought he should do, at the end of our heart to heart talk I told @PERSON2 that, "@CAPS1 you don't get it together and start geting good grades, their going to kick you out of school, @PERSON2. Honestly, @CAPS1 that happens I'm going to be really mad at you; becaus the only person @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 are going to have to nag on is me." We both laughed quietly for a minute, paused, and laughed until we cried. I don't know to this day what was so funny, maybe how serious everything was when we were just kids or @CAPS1 it was simply a release of stress and anxiety for both of us. My tiny, little, lame joke that I dropped at the end of our talk just made it all seem okay, made us think about how young we are, how minor so many of these problems were in the grand scheme of life. That inital laughter made is possible for us to simply let go. After this happened @PERSON2 and I went on with our lives as @CAPS1 this had never happened, never speaking of it. Except that @PERSON2 never got a bad grade in the rest of his high school career, he chose his friend over a chance at the girl but found another girl who has @ORGANIZATION1's approval. Was it laughter that helped @PERSON2 get through this difficult time? I couldn't say, but what I do know is that there was laughter there and @PERSON2 did what he needed to do.
My best friend is probably my brother, @PERSON2. It was in the middle of @DATE1, and we were sitting outside on top of the wooden table in our mother's backyard. @PERSON2 started telling me how much he wanted to be done with high school and that he was, "just done with all this." I sat there listening attentively for maybe thirty minutes as @PERSON2 poured his heart out, and nearly broke mine with how distressed he was. @PERSON2's best friend, @PERSON1, had just told @PERSON2 that @CAPS1 he went out with the girl @PERSON2 liked, then their friendship was over. @PERSON2 was extremely hurt by this betrayal added on top of how he was afraid of getting kicked out of school because of his grades, and the amount of pressure coming from our parents at the time, was simply too much for seventeen-year-old @PERSON2 to handle. I talked to @PERSON2 for at least another half hour after that about what I thought he should do, at the end of our heart-to-heart talk I told @PERSON2 that, "@CAPS1 you don't get it together and start getting good grades, their going to kick you out of school, @PERSON2. Honestly, @CAPS1 that happens I'm going to be really mad at you; because the only person @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 are going to have to nag on is me." We both laughed quietly for a minute, paused, and laughed until we cried. I don't know to this day what was so funny, maybe how serious everything was when we were just kids or @CAPS1 it was simply a release of stress and anxiety for both of us. My tiny, little, lame joke that I dropped at the end of our talk just made it all seem okay, made us think about how young we are, how minor so many of these problems were in the grand scheme of life. That initial laughter made is possible for us to simply let go. After this happened @PERSON2 and I went on with our lives as @CAPS1 this had never happened, never speaking of it. Except that @PERSON2 never got a bad grade in the rest of his high school career, he chose his friend over a chance at the girl but found another girl who has @ORGANIZATION1's approval. Was it laughter that helped @PERSON2 get through this difficult time? I couldn't say, but what I do know is that there was laughter there and @PERSON2 did what he needed to do.
The sound of laughter could be one that breaks all barriers. Just a single giggle or quiet chuckle can expand someone's world. Laughter is a sign. It's something that tells someone new ideas, desires, or dreams are going to be created. Once one laughs, he or she getting along with someone -- they're forming a relationship. The first time @PERSON1 and I laughed together, there was no doubt in my mind it was the start of something new. Once I heard his cautious, unsure, delighted, and just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle, I was set and ready to be swept off my feet. I was privileged to hear that laugh for three days of my summer in the year @DATE2. It was a @DATE1, and for the past four days I was bounding and skipping throughout mountains and hills in the never ending desert of @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1. That day, my cousin @CAPS1 and I were about to wander in to a familiar territory of ours: the mall. As a bonus, that cautious, unsure, delighted, and just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle was bounding and skipping along with us. When @PERSON1 walked over to us in the food court, he definitely succeeded in playing it cool. You could tell he actually made time to comb his hair and decide what he was going to wear just to look as spiffy as he was. "@CAPS2, hey guys!" he called out smoothly. Our eyes met immediately, and already my cheeks hurt. The next few minutes that we spent together were crucial. I needed to make a good impression on this guy. We stood in the line of @ORGANIZATION1, where he would retrieve his usual order of two @CAPS3 @CAPS4' @CAPS5 without lettuce, a large order of fries, and a large @CAPS6. Pepper. As for me, all I wanted was a small vanilla ice cream cone. Glancing over at the other register, I saw @PERSON1 turn his head my way in the corner of my eye. "@CAPS7, do you have @MONEY1?" he hesitantly asked me. He fiddled with his pockets a little, while also brushing his luscious blond locks from his face. I chuckled silently to myself, and his reaction was one that is to this day one of my favorite things about him -- his smile. Still chuckling, I said "@CAPS8," and carefully handed him the @MONEY1. To this day, @PERSON1 is my very best friend. Eventually, I did get back the @MONEY1 he owed me. Ever since that one moment when we were standing in the waiting line at @ORGANIZATION1, the next several hours were jam-packed with laughter. I don't really remember a single thing he said that didn't at the very least make me grin as hard as I could. Literally, with several leaps and flips, on that day I made a new friend. And even then, I was completely unaware of the amazing journey there was to come with this boy. It was all because of that very first natural instinct @PERSON1 and I both had towards each other; to laugh. If I had never laughed so hard my stomach was aching, or never laughed so hard tears were running down my cheeks, there is just no way we would have had the connection that we did. His unsure, delighted, and just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle never gets old. Laughter is one of the main keys in our friendship. One of us has to let out a little cackle every once in a while. Also, @PERSON1 is still in @LOCATION2. I'm not. As badly as we both wish we could be, we're not in the same place. We need to be able to thrive and grow in separate places. So, with that, if someone once said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." then they were absolutely correct. When @PERSON1 and I laugh together, it doesn't feel like we're fifteen hundred miles apart. So this laughter, this just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle, is an element and part of my life that I am indescribably grateful for. This laughter formed one of the greatest relationships in my short fifteen years of life, and I sincerely hope it will form many more wonderful memories in the years to come.
The sound of laughter could be one that breaks all barriers. Just a single giggle or quiet chuckle can expand someone's world. Laughter is a sign. It's something that tells someone new ideas, desires, or dreams are going to be created. Once one laughs, he or she's getting along with someone -- they're forming a relationship. The first time @PERSON1 and I laughed together, there was no doubt in my mind it was the start of something new. Once I heard his cautious, unsure, delighted, and just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle, I was set and ready to be swept off my feet. I was privileged to hear that laugh for three days of my summer in the year @DATE2. It was a @DATE1, and for the past four days I was bounding and skipping throughout mountains and hills in the never ending desert of @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1. That day, my cousin @CAPS1 and I were about to wander in to a familiar territory of ours: the mall. As a bonus, that cautious, unsure, delighted, and just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle was bounding and skipping along with us. When @PERSON1 walked over to us in the food court, he definitely succeeded in playing it cool. You could tell he actually made time to comb his hair and decide what he was going to wear just to look as spiffy as he was. "@CAPS2, hey guys!" he called out smoothly. Our eyes met immediately, and already my cheeks hurt. The next few minutes that we spent together were crucial. I needed to make a good impression on this guy. We stood in the line of @ORGANIZATION1, where he would retrieve his usual order of two @CAPS3 @CAPS4 @CAPS5 without lettuce, a large order of fries, and a large @CAPS6. Pepper. As for me, all I wanted was a small vanilla ice cream cone. Glancing over at the other register, I saw @PERSON1 turn his head my way in the corner of my eye. "@CAPS7, do you have @MONEY1?" he hesitantly asked me. He fiddled with his pockets a little, while also brushing his luscious blond locks from his face. I chuckled silently to myself, and his reaction was one that is to this day one of my favorite things about him -- his smile. Still chuckling, I said "@CAPS8," and carefully handed him the @MONEY1. To this day, @PERSON1 is my very best friend. Eventually, I did get back the @MONEY1 he owed me. Ever since that one moment when we were standing in the waiting line at @ORGANIZATION1, the next several hours were jam-packed with laughter. I don't really remember a single thing he said that didn't at the very least make me grin as hard as I could. Literally, with several leaps and flips, on that day I made a new friend. And even then, I was completely unaware of the amazing journey there was to come with this boy. It was all because of that very first natural instinct @PERSON1 and I both had towards each other; to laugh. If I had never laughed so hard my stomach was aching, or never laughed so hard tears were running down my cheeks, there is just no way we would have had the connection that we did. His unsure, delighted, and just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle never gets old. Laughter is one of the main keys in our friendship. One of us has to let out a little cackle every once in a while. Also, @PERSON1 is still in @LOCATION2. I'm not. As badly as we both wish we could be, we're not in the same place. We need to be able to thrive and grow in separate places. So, with that, if someone once said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." then they were absolutely correct. When @PERSON1 and I laugh together, it doesn't feel like we're fifteen hundred miles apart. So this laughter, this just @CAPS2-so-very-cute giggle, is an element and part of my life that I am indescribably grateful for. This laughter formed one of the greatest relationships in my short fifteen years of life, and I sincerely hope it will form many more wonderful memories in the years to come.
The surrounding area is dimly lit, accompanied by a fluorescent lamp shaded in the corner. Our blaring television screening an action packed, science fiction movie drowns out profane rap music escaping from my brothers headphones. Cuddled up on the couch my sister, @PERSON2, and I alternate braiding each others hair. Our small kittens @ORGANIZATION2 and @PERSON1 race to their food and water. As always @PERSON1 is superior and @ORGANIZATION2 scurries up the dining room chairs, defeated. Irritated @CAPS1 @CAPS2 sighs heavily with frustration once @ORGANIZATION2 trips his laptop charger and rips it out of the socket. Keys jingle, the door slams, speedy footsteps: @CAPS3's home! By now it is @NUM1 o'clock and we have settled on the couch and everybody seat checks after snatching some food. The aroma of spicy @CAPS4 food steams the entire apartment as everybody feasts on chalupas and gulps down @ORGANIZATION1 from @LOCATION1. Napkins are distributed and the cats linger around our feet, waiting for their share. The last bite of my chalupa is portioned between the cats, which causes a bit of ruckus. @PERSON1 undertakes @ORGANIZATION2! The thief in @PERSON1's attitude begin to shine through as she robs @ORGANIZATION2's portion. This causes @ORGANIZATION2 to hiss at her, and proceed to hop onto the coffee table. On the way, she charges through the five drinks at the end of the table, managing to knock over two of them. Then the nacho cheese, being very unnoticeable, coats her striped gray paw leaving one-inch, yellow-orange circles to puzzle us. Minute but sharp white teeth are exposed and she devours the remains of @PERSON2's chalupa. Raining down the coffee table are trails of blue fizzy @ORGANIZATION1, and puddles gather at my feet the new suede couch. Smothered by booming laughter, @PERSON2 screams at @ORGANIZATION2 for stealing her chalupa. Following the escape of @ORGANIZATION2, @PERSON1 trots innocently behind her. My sister is still steaming angrily so in attempt to calm her down, I take off my newly @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1-stained sock and catapult the mess toward her head. Instead of the sock slapping her in the face like I had hoped, it whistled past her ear and splashed in the fullness of my mothers stomach. Between the sock and the cats, the whole family is cracking up! @CAPS1 @CAPS2 reenacts the situation and his wild sound effects encourage our laughter even more. After a few minutes, the chuckles die down and we prepare ourselves for the next humorous incident. I am freezing and muddy after a rainy softball practice, my siblings are just lounging around, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 is frustrated from failure of employment, and @CAPS3 is weary and exhausted from a long day at work. We all look forward to what the night has in store for us: laying our busy brains on a fluffy pillow and allowing slumber to take over our life for the next @NUM1 hours. Looking past our sleepiness, we can still happily spend time with one another. Considering the fact that @PERSON1 is younger than @ORGANIZATION2, hilarious situations such as this, amuse my family daily. Surprisingly @ORGANIZATION2 wore the warrior suit this time which added a few extra minutes to the process of the hilarity. Not only that, by also the fact that it took a toll on everybody's dinner. My family is blessed with the knowledge of seeing light in odd situations. The main element in our memorable moments is laughter. Laughter is one of the few bonds our family will hold forever.
The surrounding area is dimly lit, accompanied by a fluorescent lamp shaded in the corner. Our blaring television screening an action packed, science fiction movie drowns out profane rap music escaping from my brothers headphones. Cuddled up on the couch my sister, @PERSON2, and I alternate braiding each others' hair. Our small kittens @ORGANIZATION2 and @PERSON1 race to their food and water. As always @PERSON1 is superior and @ORGANIZATION2 scurries up the dining room chairs, defeated. Irritated @CAPS1 @CAPS2 sighs heavily with frustration once @ORGANIZATION2 trips his laptop charger and rips it out of the socket. Keys jingle, the door slams, speedy footsteps: @CAPS3's home! By now it is @NUM1 o'clock, and we have settled on the couch and everybody seats checks after snatching some food. The aroma of spicy @CAPS4 food steams the entire apartment as everybody feasts on Chalmers and gulps down @ORGANIZATION1 from @LOCATION1. Napkins are distributed, and the cats linger around our feet, waiting for their share. The last bite of my Chaldea is portioned between the cats, which causes a bit of ruckus. @PERSON1 undertakes @ORGANIZATION2! The thief in @PERSON1's attitude begin to shine through as she robs @ORGANIZATION2's portion. This causes @ORGANIZATION2 to hiss at her, and proceed to hop onto the coffee table. On the way, she charges through the five drinks at the end of the table, managing to knock over two of them. Then the nacho cheese, being very unnoticeable, coats her striped gray paw leaving one-inch, yellow-orange circles to puzzle us. Minute but sharp white teeth are exposed, and she devours the remains of @PERSON2's Chaldea. Raining down the coffee table are trails of blue fizzy @ORGANIZATION1, and puddles gather at my feet the new suede couch. Smothered by booming laughter, @PERSON2 screams at @ORGANIZATION2 for stealing her Chaldea. Following the escape of @ORGANIZATION2, @PERSON1 trots innocently behind her. My sister is still steaming angrily so in attempt to calm her down, I take off my newly @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1-stained sock and catapult the mess toward her head. Instead of the sock slapping her in the face like I had hoped, it whistled past her ear and splashed in the fullness of my mothers stomach. Between the sock and the cats, the whole family is cracking up! @CAPS1 @CAPS2 reenacts the situation and his wild sound effects encourage our laughter even more. After a few minutes, the chuckles die down, and we prepare ourselves for the next humorous incident. I am freezing and muddy after a rainy softball practice, my siblings are just lounging around, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 is frustrated from failure of employment, and @CAPS3 is weary and exhausted from a long day at work. We all look forward to what the night has in store for us: laying our busy brains on a fluffy pillow and allowing slumber to take over our life for the next @NUM1 hours. Looking past our sleepiness, we can still happily spend time with one another. Considering the fact that @PERSON1 is younger than @ORGANIZATION2, hilarious situations such as this, amuse my family daily. Surprisingly @ORGANIZATION2 wore the warrior suit this time which added a few extra minutes to the process of the hilarity. Not only that, by also the fact that it took a toll on everybody's dinner. My family is blessed with the knowledge of seeing light in odd situations. The main element in our memorable moments is laughter. Laughter is one of the few bonds our family will hold forever.
Learning to laugh @DATE1 as we were vacationing in @LOCATION2, I realized that laughter is a big part of our lives, and an important factor that can keep friends and families together. Not too long ago I also discovered that laughter can relieve you from stress, and it even helps you lose weight, which, I thought was pretty interesting. My sister on the other hand still did not quite believe that laughter could do all of that. She thought it was just being blown out of proportion. She believed that if her friends didn't want to hang around with her, then there was something wrong with them, that if we didn't have enough food in the house, it was probably my parents fault. There was always some one to blame for whatever happened to her, there was always a bad side to everything. But that @DATE1 it was going to be different she was about to find out that she didn't have to live her live that way, because there is always an alternative. The trip to @LOCATION2 was something everyone was expecting, even me. I was actually really excited to see my cousins and the rest of the family. Everybody packed their things, we got ready to leave, got on the car and left to the air port. My aunt @CAPS1 was already waiting for us at the @LOCATION2 city airport. Everything was going great. So far... When we got there, my aunt drove all of us to our little town in the state of @LOCATION1, just about an hour and a half away from the airport. As we were getting there I noticed my sister had a strange look on her face, she seemed somehow confused, lost in her own thoughts as if she was worried about something."@CAPS2's wrong with you, are you okay? you look all weird..." I said sounding a little sarcastic and hoping to start a conversation."@CAPS3 face is all weird!"she said and that was the @DATE1 thing she said to me until we reached our destination. As we got to our grandparents house we begun to see all our family members already waiting for us outside. The joy of seeing them there was incredible. I looked around around and i saw my sister, I was glad that she looked happy, i thought she was actually enjoying the moment. I did not know @CAPS2 was wrong with her and her sudden attitude changes until we got to the little playground my grandma has in the backyard. During my time there I met new family members, saw some old familiar faces and remembered some good and also bad memories, memories which I thought had vanished from my mind already. Turns out they were still there, all the way at the back of my head were I had tried to hide them so that they would never come up again, but somehow they managed to get out and make their way into my thoughts again, and that is when I started to feel like a monster once again. Suddenly I had a flash back to the time when we came to visit, a couple of years ago. That's when it all came to me i saw the whole scene once again I felt horrible. There she was, my little sister @PERSON1 playing in the swings, suddenly she let go of the swing and she felt right into a mud puddle that was there. Every body laughed, I laughed. I thought it was funny, but she didn't laugh, she didn't cry either, she just got up and ran inside. I never stopped to ask her if she was okay, I didn't realize how my actions had affected her. It was all my fault, I knew she was really sensitive when it came down to some specific situations, but I did not help her, I didn't give her the comfort and support she needed from her big sister, so she never learned to laugh at herself and keep going. That would have been a nice advice to give her instead of laughing at her. Then, after a couple of minutes of reflection about it, I went up to her and apologized, she looked a little confused at first, but then she realized where i was going. This made the rest of the trip a lot more easier, now that I knew @CAPS2 was wrong, we both tried our best to fix the problem and work on her self esteem. Laughter was the perfect therapy for her. All she needed to do was to learn how to laugh about her self when things did not go the way she wanted them. It was hard but we accomplished our goal. My sister discovered the power of laughter, and she learned to get back up from her mistakes. Life taught both of us an important lesson that @DATE1. I'm sure that was one of the most exciting trips we've ever taken and the memories from that trip will stay with us forever.
Learning to laugh @DATE1 as we were vacationing in @LOCATION2, I realized that laughter is a big part of our lives, and an important factor that can keep friends and families together. Not too long ago I also discovered that laughter can relieve you from stress, and it even helps you lose weight, which, I thought was pretty interesting. My sister on the other hand still did not quite believe that laughter could do all of that. She thought it was just being blown out of proportion. She believed that if her friends didn't want to hang around with her, then there was something wrong with them, that if we didn't have enough food in the house, it was probably my parents fault. There was always someone to blame for whatever happened to her, there was always a bad side to everything. But that @DATE1 it was going to be different she was about to find out that she didn't have to live her live that way, because there is always an alternative. The trip to @LOCATION2 was something everyone was expecting, even me. I was actually really excited to see my cousins and the rest of the family. Everybody packed their things, we got ready to leave, got on the car and left to the airport. My aunt @CAPS1 was already waiting for us at the @LOCATION2 city airport. Everything was going great. So far... When we got there, my aunt drove all of us to our little town in the state of @LOCATION1, just about an hour and a half away from the airport. As we were getting there I noticed my sister had a strange look on her face, she seemed somehow confused, lost in her own thoughts as if she was worried about something."@CAPS2's wrong with you, are you okay? You look all weird..." I said sounding a little sarcastic and hoping to start a conversation."@CAPS3 face is all weird!"she said and that was the @DATE1 thing she said to me until we reached our destination. As we got to our grandparents house we have begun to see all our family members already waiting for us outside. The joy of seeing them there was incredible. I looked around and I saw my sister, I was glad that she looked happy, I thought she was actually enjoying the moment. I did not know @CAPS2 was wrong with her and her sudden attitude changes until we got to the little playground my grandma has in the backyard. During my time there I met new family members, saw some old familiar faces and remembered some good and also bad memories, memories which I thought had vanished from my mind already. Turns out they were still there, all the way at the back of my head where I had tried to hide them so that they would never come up again, but somehow they managed to get out and make their way into my thoughts again, and that is when I started to feel like a monster once again. Suddenly I had a flash back to the time when we came to visit, a couple of years ago. That's when it all came to me, I saw the whole scene once again I felt horrible. There she was, my little sister @PERSON1 playing in the swings, suddenly she let go of the swing, and she felt right into a mud puddle that was there. Everybody laughed, I laughed. I thought it was funny, but she didn't laugh, she didn't cry either, she just got up and ran inside. I never stopped to ask her if she was okay, I didn't realize how my actions had affected her. It was all my fault, I knew she was really sensitive when it came down to some specific situations, but I did not help her, I didn't give her the comfort and support she needed from her big sister, so she never learned to laugh at herself and keep going. That would have been a nice advice to give her instead of laughing at her. Then, after a couple of minutes of reflection about it, I went up to her and apologized, she looked a little confused at first, but then she realized where I was going. This made the rest of the trip a lot easier, now that I knew @CAPS2 was wrong, we both tried our best to fix the problem and work on her self-esteem. Laughter was the perfect therapy for her. All she needed to do was to learn how to laugh about her self when things did not go the way she wanted them. It was hard but we accomplished our goal. My sister discovered the power of laughter, and she learned to get back up from her mistakes. Life taught both of us an important lesson that @DATE1. I'm sure that was one of the most exciting trips we've ever taken and the memories from that trip will stay with us forever.
Laughter I've always been one who laughs a lot. It does not take much effort for me to bust out in a laughing fit, the topic doesn't even need to be that funny. I'm not the type to do the "nervous laugh" though. I think my laugh fits me well because I am quiet, just like my laugh. I always get a little embarrassed when my laugh gets louder than usual. The weather lately has been very cold with snow falling here and there. I have just been itching for some good, warm swimming weather. This past weekend my boyfriend, @PERSON1, and I went up to the mountains to play in the deep snow. After a few hours of being up in the snow we headed back down the mountain to go to his house and use his hot tub.Obviously it was very cold and me, being more of a fair weather girl, just wanted to go somewhere to warm up. First we stopped by my house so i could grab my swim suite that I recently ordered off line and was dying to use it. We left our clothes in the back room and ran out in the cold to get in the hot tub on his back patio. The hot water felt so good; it relaxed my body of ice and my tense muscles. We were in the hot tub for about forty five minutes before we noticed how hungry we were. Since we had gotten all warmed up we decided @CAPS1 sounded good. We jumped out of the hot tub and ran for the back room to dry off and get our clothes on. I had gotten all dried off and started to put my jeans back on. When I put my first leg in my jeans I just had a feeling that I was going to fall. Sure enough, when I got my second leg half way in the other side I lost my balance, tripped over a huge exercise machine, and fell hard on my butt. I started busting out laughing, along with @PERSON1, I was a bit embarrassed but at least it didn't hurt too bad. After I had gotten up and walked around for a few minutes my butt started to hurt more and more. @PERSON1 kept making jokes about me falling, even though they were pretty funny, I tried not to laugh. He was facing me while we were having a conversation, when we were done talking he turned towards the door to leave and hit his head square on the exact same exercise machine I had tripped over just minutes before. Instantly, I was bent over laughing. I could not move, I was laughing to hard. It looked like it had to hurt when he hit his head, he had a nice red bump under his eye. He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did and just walked out the door. Still, laughing hysterically I tried to follow him out the door but it was hard to move from laughing so much. My stomach was hurting from all the laughing when it finally started to subside. Still having a little giggle left in me, I walked to his pickup to wait for him while he was talking to his dad. When I turned around to see if he was coming I started laughing again just seeing him walking to the pick up. The look on his face when he seen me laughing again was just priceless. I could imagine why I looked ridiculous to him; sitting all by myself in his pickup laughing hysterically again. Laughter is one of the very few things in this world that is free. Everybody's laugh is unique and can change due to the situation. There are many different laughs a person can have such as nervous, happy, giddy, and so on. If people can share a laugh it can bring them together. Through out the world laughter is a universal sign of happiness. People of any age, race, or religion can share a laugh. Over all, laughter is just a great feeling.
Laughter I've always been one who laughs a lot. It does not take much effort for me to bust out in a laughing fit, the topic doesn't even need to be that funny. I'm not the type to do the "nervous laugh" though. I think my laugh fits me well because I am quiet, just like my laugh. Furthermore, I always get a little embarrassed when my laugh gets louder than usual. The weather lately has been very cold with snow falling here and there. I have just been itching for some good, warm swimming weather. This past weekend my boyfriend, @PERSON1, and I went up to the mountains to play in the deep snow. After a few hours of being up in the snow we headed back down the mountain to go to his house and use his hot tub. Obviously it was very cold and me, being more of a fair weather girl, just wanted to go somewhere to warm up. First we stopped by my house so I could grab my swimsuit that I recently ordered off-line and was dying to use it. We left our clothes in the back room and ran out in the cold to get in the hot tub on his back patio. The hot water felt so good; it relaxed my body of ice and my tense muscles. We were in the hot tub for about forty-five minutes before we noticed how hungry we were. Since we had gotten all warmed up we decided @CAPS1 sounded good. We jumped out of the hot tub and ran for the back room to dry off and get our clothes on. I had gotten all dried off and started to put my jeans back on. When I put my first leg in my jeans I just had a feeling that I was going to fall. Sure enough, when I got my second leg halfway in the other side I lost my balance, tripped over a huge exercise machine, and fell hard on my butt. I started busting out laughing, along with @PERSON1, I was a bit embarrassed but at least it didn't hurt too bad. After I had gotten up and walked around for a few minutes my butt started to hurt more and more. @PERSON1 kept making jokes about me falling, even though they were pretty funny, I tried not to laugh. He was facing me while we were having a conversation, when we were done talking he turned towards the door to leave and hit his head square on the exact same exercise machine I had tripped over just minutes before. Instantly, I was bent over laughing. I could not move, I was laughing to hard. It looked like it had to hurt when he hit his head, he had a nice red bump under his eye. He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did and just walked out the door. Still, laughing hysterically I tried to follow him out the door, but it was hard to move from laughing so much. My stomach was hurting from all the laughing when it finally started to subside. Still having a little giggle left in me, I walked to his pickup to wait for him while he was talking to his dad. When I turned around to see if he was coming I started laughing again just seeing him walking to the pickup. The look on his face when he has seen me laughing again was just priceless. I could imagine why I looked ridiculous to him; sitting all by myself in his pickup laughing hysterically again. Laughter is one of the very few things in this world that is free. Everybody's laugh is unique and can change due to the situation. There are many different laughs a person can have such as nervous, happy, giddy, and so on. If people can share a laugh it can bring them together. Throughout the world laughter is a universal sign of happiness. People of any age, race, or religion can share a laugh. Over all, laughter is just a great feeling.
It all began one morning when I heard my hulking mass of an alarm-clock spouting off again. So I reached over and pushed the button to turn the exceedingly loud contraption off. When I noticed that I have woken up ten minutes late, and so I jumped out of the bed and sprinted to the shower. When I was finished, I got dressed in my @CAPS1-shirt and jeans, which is what I normally wear, then unplugged my cell phone from the charger and placed it in my pocket. Having dealt with the situation at hand, I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare the modest meal of oatmeal. After I was finished eating, I packed up my books and walked back up the stairs to brush my teeth. After doing so, I swiped my coat and hat in one fell swoop. I secured them to my person, grabbed my back-pack , and walked out the door. I stood there on that cold and rainy morning, pondering what the day would hold for me. Suddenly , their was a great noise, I turned to face the approaching threat only to find that the bus had arrived. My mind quickly recovered from @CAPS2 slightly startled state and I stepped onto the bus. The bus ride was no different from the others, kids squawking about what happened at school yesterday, what they are doing @CAPS2 @DATE1, and other seemingly useless conversation. There I sat my eyes fixed gazing out the window of the bus, watching , studying , and mapping the present course of the massive vehicle. We stopped at one of the bus stops, and on the bus came my good friend @PERSON1. As usual she came and sat down next to me and we started talking about the usual cars, music, and the occasional jokes. As I started to develop a creative and captivating joke, she just belted one out right off the top of her head. We both just started busting up laughing, I even felt a tear form in the pit of my eye. We didn'@CAPS1 stop laughing until we got to the school,and my joke was successfully forgotten. The joke lingered in my head all day long, to @CAPS2 day I still think it is one of the best I've ever heard. Through all of the countless jokes, underhanded comments, and puns I've heard, that one brought about the most laughter of all. But then @PERSON1 moved away to another city, @CAPS2 was a sad day. The very next day I heard the age old saying, "@CAPS2 one time at band camp.....", story and laughter was restored to my life. I learned something that day that friends my move away but the jokes that were said will still remain.
It all began one morning when I heard my hulking mass of an alarm-clock spouting off again. So I reached over and pushed the button to turn the exceedingly loud contraption off. When I noticed that I have woken up ten minutes late, and so I jumped out of the bed and sprinted to the shower. When I was finished, I got dressed in my @CAPS1-shirt and jeans, which is what I normally wear, then unplugged my cell phone from the charger and placed it in my pocket. Having dealt with the situation at hand, I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare the modest meal of oatmeal. After I was finished eating, I packed up my books and walked back up the stairs to brush my teeth. After doing so, I swiped my coat and hat in one fell swoop. I secured them to my person, grabbed my back-pack, and walked out the door. I stood there on that cold and rainy morning, pondering what the day would hold for me. Suddenly, there was a great noise, I turned to face the approaching threat only to find that the bus had arrived. My mind quickly recovered from @CAPS2 slightly startled state and I stepped onto the bus. The bus ride was no different from the others, kids squawking about what happened at school yesterday, what they are doing @CAPS2 @DATE1, and other seemingly useless conversation. There I sat my eyes fixed gazing out the window of the bus, watching, studying, and mapping the present course of the massive vehicle. We stopped at one of the bus stops, and on the bus came my good friend @PERSON1. As usual, she came and sat down next to me, and we started talking about the usual cars, music, and the occasional jokes. As I started to develop a creative and captivating joke, she just belted one out right off the top of her head. We both just started busting up laughing, I even felt a tear form in the pit of my eye. We didn't@CAPS1 stop laughing until we got to the school, and my joke was successfully forgotten. The joke lingered in my head all day long, to @CAPS2 day I still think it is one of the best I've ever heard. Through all the countless jokes, underhanded comments, and puns I've heard, that one brought about the most laughter of all. But then @PERSON1 moved away to another city, @CAPS2 was a sad day. The very next day I heard the age-old saying, "@CAPS2 one time at band camp.....", story and laughter was restored to my life. I learned something that day that friends my move away but the jokes that were said will still remain.
It all started when my eighth grade class had a plan to go see a movie together. I had the idea to see a movie, so i picked a few movies that were in theaters. The choices were between, '@CAPS1 @CAPS2,' @CAPS3 of the @CAPS4,' and another movie that i cant remember. We, as a group, decided to go to @CAPS3 of the @CAPS4. The movie stars @PERSON1, and @CAPS7 from @CAPS8 @CAPS9. I thought that the movie was really good but there was one part in the movie that made me laugh so so hard. The scene starts out with @PERSON1 and @CAPS7 wandering around trying to find a place to stay for the night; and they seemed to have @CAPS4 @LOCATION1; @LOCATION1 plays an important part on the movie. After a long day full of scary situations, they find a good size cave that they decide is a good spot to stay for the night. Back tracking a little bit, earlier that day, and in the movie, @PERSON1 came across a native fellow named @LOCATION1. @LOCATION1 is a a man like creature that walked like a monkey but has the face of a human but has an all around harry body. They came across him while traveling through the desert and saved him from execution; for that, @LOCATION1 is very grateful and is @CAPS11 guide around the mysterious @CAPS3 that is foreign to man and that has never been seen by man. Back to what i was talking abot earlier, when @PERSON1 and @CAPS7 end up in the cave the see two full body skeletons sitting at a table that has an old record player on it, but the record is playing and making music. Just a second later @LOCATION1 comes in the frame of the scene and does a little dance that puts him close to, but in front of the table. Then @LOCATION1 does multiple pelvis thrusts to different directions, basically humping the air. Watching that scene made me laugh the hardest that i have ever laughed in my life. To this day i look back at it and laugh just as hard as i did the first time i saw the movie. About a month later, I went over to one of my good friends houses and we watched the movie again. When we got to the scene of @CAPS13 jig, we both fell down, off of the couch laughing. We replayed that scene about ten more times and ended up crying because we were laughing so hard. Laughter is good for the soul and moral, and for friendship building. Thank the @CAPS14 that he made us laugh!
It all started when my eighth grade class had a plan to go see a movie together. I had the idea to see a movie, so I picked a few movies that were in theaters. The choices were between, '@CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3 of the @CAPS4,' and another movie that I can't remember. We, as a group, decided to go to @CAPS3 of the @CAPS4. The movie stars @PERSON1, and @CAPS7 from @CAPS8 @CAPS9. I thought that the movie was perfect, but there was one part in the movie that made me laugh so, so hard. The scene starts out with @PERSON1 and @CAPS7 wandering around trying to find a place to stay for the night; and they seemed to have @CAPS4 @LOCATION1; @LOCATION1 plays an important part on the movie. After a long day full of scary situations, they find a good size cave that they decide is a good spot to stay for the night. Back tracking a little bit, earlier that day, and in the movie, @PERSON1 came across a native fellow named @LOCATION1. @LOCATION1 is a man like creature that walked like a monkey but has the face of a human but has an all around harry body. They came across him while traveling through the desert and saved him from execution; for that, @LOCATION1 is very grateful and is @CAPS11 guide around the mysterious @CAPS3 that is foreign to man and that has never been seen by man. Back to what I was talking about earlier, when @PERSON1 and @CAPS7 end up in the cave the see two full body skeletons sitting at a table that has an old record player on it, but the record is playing and making music. Just a second later @LOCATION1 comes in the frame of the scene and does a little dance that puts him close to, but in front of the table. Then @LOCATION1 does multiple pelvis thrusts to different directions, basically humping the air. Watching that scene made me laugh the hardest that I have ever laughed in my life. To this day I look back at it and laugh just as hard as I did the first time I saw the movie. About a month later, I went over to one of my good friends houses, and we watched the movie again. When we got to the scene of @CAPS13 jig, we both fell down, off of the couch laughing. We replayed that scene about ten more times and ended up crying because we were laughing so hard. Laughter is good for the soul and moral, and for friendship building. Thanks to the @CAPS14 that he made us laugh!
Laughter A true story that involves @CAPS4 and laughter was when i was hanging out with my @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @PERSON1, and her fiance @PERSON4 (who is a profesional quad racer) at a @ORGANIZATION1 concert in @LOCATION2. The concert was the best concert i have ever been to and probably the best one i will ever go to because @ORGANIZATION1 is my favorite band. They even played the song that made them, its called @CAPS3 @CAPS4. When we were there the music was really loud and a bunch of people were drinking and getting drunk and doing stupid stuff. Like this one guy who was standing behind his girlfriend who was sitting down in the grass, this guy had a few too many to drink. He was standing behind his girlfriend laughing at a joke that oneof his drunk buddies told him and then he leans on his girlfriend but just falls on her and folds her right in half like a lawn chair. My @CAPS1 and @CAPS4 started laughing, it was pretty funny. But then the guys girlfriend got up and walked out of the stadium so he got pretty sad. The rest of the concert was pretty funny. The front rows seats were only for people over @NUM1 because during the concert the band would bring out some beer guns and shower the front rows with beer. The front rows were the craziest rows. The back rows were pretty crazy too, people were smoking marijuiana in the back rows, but we werent. When we left we all smelled like weed and didnt want to get pulled over for any reason and have the cop think that we were drugies. It was a long ride home, we live in @LOCATION3, @ORGANIZATION2 and we drove to @LOCATION4, @LOCATION2 and back in one day. I was so tired, we didnt even take any chairs to the concert so we had to stand up in the same spot for about @NUM2 hours. But it was all worth it to see my favorite band in concert. They had a few other bands before them that were also great. Bands like; @PERSON2, @CAPS5/@CAPS6, and @CAPS7. So it was deffinetly the best concert I have ever been to. The second best concert ive ever been to was a @CAPS8 concert in @LOCATION1 with my @CAPS9 @PERSON3 and @PERSON1 @PERSON1 during the @CAPS10 @CAPS11. There were a lot of things we did before the concert like; look at animals, eat, go on rides, buy things, eat more, get drinks, and walk around the @CAPS11. A lot of things made @CAPS4 laughlike when my @PERSON1 stepped in horse and goat poop and when my mom dropped her food on her lap. The concert was really cool, they played some songs to there new album @CAPS12 and @CAPS13. It wasnt as long as the drive to the @ORGANIZATION1 concert and it wasnt as good. But it was still awesome.
Laughter A true story that involves @CAPS4 and laughter was when I was hanging out with my @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @PERSON1, and her fiancé @PERSON4 (who is a professional quad racer) at a @ORGANIZATION1 concert in @LOCATION2. The concert was the best concert I have ever been to and probably the best one I will ever go to because @ORGANIZATION1 is my favorite band. They even played the song that made them, it's called @CAPS3 @CAPS4. When we were there the music was really loud and a bunch of people were drinking and getting drunk and doing stupid stuff. Like this one guy who was standing behind his girlfriend who was sitting down in the grass, this guy had a few too many to drink. He was standing behind his girlfriend laughing at a joke that one of his drunk buddies told him, and then he leans on his girlfriend but just falls on her and folds her right in half like a lawn chair. My @CAPS1 and @CAPS4 started laughing, it was pretty funny. But then the guys' girlfriend got up and walked out of the stadium, so he got pretty sad. The rest of the concert was pretty funny. The front rows seats were only for people over @NUM1 because during the concert the band would bring out some beer guns and shower the front rows with beer. The front rows were the craziest rows. The back rows were pretty crazy too, people were smoking marijuana in the back rows, but we weren't. When we left we all smelled like weed and didn't want to get pulled over for any reason and have the cop think that we were druggies. It was a long ride home, we live in @LOCATION3, @ORGANIZATION2 and we drove to @LOCATION4, @LOCATION2 and back in one day. I was so tired, we didn't even take any chairs to the concert, so we had to stand up in the same spot for about @NUM2 hours. But it was all worth it to see my favorite band in concert. They had a few other bands before them that were also great. Bands like; @PERSON2, @CAPS5/@CAPS6, and @CAPS7. So it was definitely the best concert I have ever been to. The second-best concert I've ever been to was a @CAPS8 concert in @LOCATION1 with my @CAPS9 @PERSON3 and @PERSON1 during the @CAPS10 @CAPS11. There were a lot of things we did before the concert like; look at animals, eat, go on rides, buy things, eat more, get drinks, and walk around the @CAPS11. A lot of things made @CAPS4 laughlike when my @PERSON1 stepped in horse and goat poop and when my mom dropped her food on her lap. The concert was really cool, they played some songs to their new album @CAPS12 and @CAPS13. It wasn't as long as the drive to the @ORGANIZATION1 concert and it wasn't as good. But it was still awesome.
The Laughter In @CAPS1 @CAPS2 are so many elements in a person's life that are important. Many are to make friends, be successful, but mostly to find happiness. Everyone wants happiness in their life right? The biggest form of happiness comes from your heart. Many believe that laughter comes from your heart and is believed to make you and others around you truly happy. One element to laughter being important in a relationship would be optimism to your partner and friends. This shows people that you aren't just a pessimistic, rude, unhappy person all the time. You can actually enjoy life and have a good time.After all no one wants to hang out with someone who is always negative and only looks at the bad things. Your partner will get sick of you and you will lose friends. Being able to laugh and joke around with people makes life a whole lot easier.It @MONTH1 not seem like much but it takes some stress off your shoulders if you have a good time and kick some giggle's. Another reason why laughter is so important in a relationship would be the sound of your laugh. What if you get a boyfriend our girlfriend and they had never heard your laugh before and once they heard your laugh they thought it was the most annoying thing in the world? Studies show they would be more than likely to leave you. On that note, if you do have a terribly annoying laugh and that is the reason you dont want to laugh, I would stick with smiling because us girls have pretty cute smiles that let us get away with alot. Lastly, @CAPS2 is one more main part of laughter being important in a relationship and that is happiness. You need to laugh to to be happy. Without laughter what is a smile? Without laughter how will happiness shine through? Lif e can get pretty boring when all you do is act like a mime. No smiling, no laughing, not fun! When you laugh, it helps others to laugh and have a good time. Plus, its fun! Like when you laugh so hard you cry or when you need to go to the bathroom really bad and it makes it worse when you start busting up laughing. Laughing makes memories. And memories are a very important part of growing up. So now that you have learned these three elements as to why or how laughing is important to anyones life, relationship or friendship, go out and laugh. It will make you feel a whole lot better. :)
The Laughter In @CAPS1 @CAPS2 are so many elements in a person's life that are important. Many are to make friends, be successful, but mostly to find happiness. Everyone wants happiness in their life right? The biggest form of happiness comes from your heart. Many believe that laughter comes from your heart and is believed to make you and others around you truly happy. One element to laughter being important in a relationship would be optimism to your partner and friends. This shows people that you aren't just a pessimistic, rude, unhappy person all the time. You can actually enjoy life and have a good time. After all no one wants to hang out with someone who is always negative and only looks at the bad things. Your partner will get sick of you and you will lose friends. Being able to laugh and joke around with people makes life a lot easier. It @MONTH1 not seem like much, but it takes some stress off your shoulders if you have a good time and kick some giggle's. Another reason why laughter is so important in a relationship would be the sound of your laugh. What if you get a boyfriend our girlfriend, and they had never heard your laugh before and once they heard your laugh they thought it was the most annoying thing in the world? Studies show they would be more than likely to leave you. On that note, if you do have a terribly annoying laugh and that is the reason you don't want to laugh, I would stick with smiling because us girls have pretty cute smiles that let us get away with a lot. Lastly, @CAPS2 is one more main part of laughter being important in a relationship and that is happiness. You need to laugh to be happy. Without laughter what is a smile? Without laughter how will happiness shine through? Life can get pretty boring when all you do is act like a mime. No smiling, no laughing, not fun! When you laugh, it helps others to laugh and have a good time. Plus, it's fun! Like when you laugh so hard you cry or when you need to go to the bathroom terrible, and it makes it worse when you start busting up laughing. Laughing makes memories. And memories are a very important part of growing up. So now that you have learned these three elements as to why or how laughing is important to anyone's life, relationship or friendship, go out and laugh. It will make you feel a lot better. :)
Hello my name is @CAPS1 @CAPS11 i am going to walk you through one of the most hilarious experiences i have ever had. It is a story about me @CAPS11 my friends @CAPS11 a little adventure we had @DATE1, a day we would never forget. It starts off on one of the nicest days i had ever seen, i mean amazing, blue sky's, warm @DATE1 air, @CAPS11 the sound of the laughter coming from the children playing in the street. Me @CAPS11 my three friends @PERSON3, @PERSON1, @CAPS11 @CAPS2 were sitting on my back porch in a circle playing our guitars, as usual @CAPS11 we decided that we needed to go do something, something new. As we sat @CAPS11 thought about what we could do nothing came to mind. Until @PERSON1 suggested that we go to the beach @CAPS11 meet up with his cousin "@CAPS3 has a nice house right on the beach @CAPS11 probably wouldn't care if we stopped by." @CAPS3 said. The three of us looked at each other @CAPS11 looked an @PERSON1 @CAPS11 said "lets go!" We packed our boards, guitars, @CAPS11 food @CAPS11 we headed out. On the way we decided to go to the @CAPS4 city skate park, none of us had ever been @CAPS5. We drove around for at least an hour looking for it. Aggravated @CAPS11 about to give up on finding the park we decided to take one @DATE1 loop @CAPS11 @CAPS10 what happened. "@CAPS5 it is" yelled @CAPS2 "@CAPS5's the park i found it." We looked off in the distance @CAPS11 @CAPS5 it was. The cradle, the snake run, everything. we pulled in @CAPS11 parked. We got out of the car ready to skate, but then out of nowhere it started pouring @CAPS11 the park was soaked. we headed back to the car seeking shelter only to find that @PERSON3 had locked his keys in the car. Luckily @CAPS3 had @CAPS7 so @CAPS3 called them @CAPS11 had them come @CAPS11 unlock the car. it took them an hour @CAPS11 a half to find us @CAPS11 unlock the car. Now we were all mad @CAPS11 wondering if it was a good choice to go on this trip. @CAPS8 leaving the park we decided it would just be best if we went to @PERSON1's cousins house @CAPS11 stayed @CAPS5 for the @TIME1. When we got @CAPS5 we were greeted with open arms @CAPS11 warm clothes, "looks like you guys have had a rough one" @CAPS3 said, "I'm @PERSON2, I'm sure @PERSON1 has told you all about me by now." @CAPS8 we changed in to the clothes @PERSON2 had given us we went @CAPS11 sat by his fireplace to warm up. The five of us sat @CAPS5 @CAPS11 talk for what felt like forever. Then I said "i wish we could have a big fire on the beach." "we can" @PERSON2 said, "i know the perfect place." @CAPS3 took us to a small bay on the beach about @NUM1 yards away from his house, @CAPS3 called it driftwood bay. "@CAPS10, told you i had the perfect spot." @CAPS11 it was perfect, secluded, sandy, @CAPS11 all the firewood you could ever need. We built a fire @CAPS11 kept throwing wood on it until it was over @NUM2 feet tall. For the rest of the day @CAPS11 on through the @TIME1 we sat around the fire, playing our guitars in a circle, @CAPS11 telling the story of our day. Laughing @CAPS11 noticing that even tho the beginning of our day wasn't very fun we closed it the only way we could have wanted, sitting around a fire, music playing in the @TIME1, @CAPS11 sharing a good laugh with your friends.
Hello my name is @CAPS1 @CAPS11 I am going to walk you through one of the most hilarious experiences I have ever had. It is a story about me @CAPS11 my friends @CAPS11 a little adventure we had @DATE1, a day we would never forget. It starts off on one of the nicest days I had ever seen, I mean amazing, blue sky's, warm @DATE1 air, @CAPS11 the sound of the laughter coming from the children playing in the street. Me @CAPS11 my three friends @PERSON3, @PERSON1, @CAPS11 @CAPS2 were sitting on my back porch in a circle playing our guitars, as usual @CAPS11 we decided that we needed to go do something, something new. As we sat @CAPS11 thought about what we could do nothing came to mind. Until @PERSON1 suggested that we go to the beach @CAPS11 meet up with his cousin "@CAPS3 has a nice house right on the beach @CAPS11 probably wouldn't care if we stopped by." @CAPS3 said. The three of us looked at each other @CAPS11 looked an @PERSON1 @CAPS11 said "let's go!" We packed our boards, guitars, @CAPS11 food @CAPS11 we headed out. On the way we decided to go to the @CAPS4 city skate park, none of us had ever been @CAPS5. We drove around for at least an hour looking for it. Aggravated @CAPS11 about to give up on finding the park we decided to take one @DATE1 loop @CAPS11 @CAPS10 what happened. "@CAPS5 it is" yelled @CAPS2 "@CAPS5's the park I found it." We looked off in the distance @CAPS11 @CAPS5 it was. The cradle, the snake run, everything. We pulled in @CAPS11 parked. We got out of the car ready to skate, but then out of nowhere it started pouring @CAPS11 the park was soaked. We headed back to the car seeking shelter only to find that @PERSON3 had locked his keys in the car. Luckily @CAPS3 had @CAPS7, so @CAPS3 called them @CAPS11 had them come @CAPS11 unlocks the car. It took them an hour @CAPS11 a half to find us @CAPS11 unlocks the car. Now we were all mad @CAPS11 wondering if it was a good choice to go on this trip. @CAPS8 leaving the park we decided it would just be best if we went to @PERSON1's cousins house @CAPS11 stayed @CAPS5 for the @TIME1. When we got @CAPS5 we were greeted with open arms @CAPS11 warm clothes, "looks like you guys have had a rough one" @CAPS3 said, "I'm @PERSON2, I'm sure @PERSON1 has told you all about me by now." @CAPS8 we changed in to the clothes @PERSON2 had given us we went @CAPS11 sat by his fireplace to warm up. The five of us sat @CAPS5 @CAPS11 talk for what felt like forever. Then I said "I wish we could have a big fire on the beach." "We can" @PERSON2 said, "I know the perfect place." @CAPS3 took us to a small bay on the beach about @NUM1 yards away from his house, @CAPS3 called it driftwood bay. "@CAPS10, told you I had the perfect spot." @CAPS11 it was perfect, secluded, sandy, @CAPS11 all the firewood you could ever need. We built a fire @CAPS11 kept throwing wood on it until it was over @NUM2 feet tall. For the rest of the day @CAPS11 on through the @TIME1 we sat around the fire, playing our guitars in a circle, @CAPS11 telling the story of our day. Laughing @CAPS11 noticing that even tho the beginning of our day wasn't very fun we closed it the only way we could have wanted, sitting around a fire, music playing in the @TIME1, @CAPS11 sharing a good laugh with your friends.
Laughter means a lot in a relationship in @CAPS4 opinion. Laughter can mean a few things. It can mean that you are having fun and that you're enjoying life. All of @CAPS4 friendships and relationships contain laughter. Half of the time we laugh, the other half we express ourselves. Laughter could also mean the beginning or ending of a relationship. A lot of people would think that laughter is a joyful reaction, but sometimes a person could be laughing because they are nervous. But I think what we are talking about here is the joyful kind. All of @CAPS4 friendships contain laughter, but they also contain the moments when someone needs to be listened to or heard. One of @CAPS4 friendships that contains a lot of laughter is with @CAPS4 friend @PERSON3. Ever since the day that I first met her, we've laughed a lot. Usually, its @PERSON3 being the joker and me being the audience along with a few other people. But, there are also moments that don't have laughing involved. Moments, when @PERSON3 can be a great listener. Making jokes and giggling can show how close you are to someone. Like @CAPS4 friend @PERSON2 and I. She's one of @CAPS4 closest friends. We share everything with each other, well at least almost everything. We tell each other whats going on in our families and all that good stuff. But there are so many moments that are just filled with laughing, giggling and making up jokes about @CAPS5 knows what. Whether its twisted in some weird way or even when it doesn't make sense we still laugh about it. It doesn't matter how stupid I @MONTH1 act around her, we always laugh it off and make fun of each other. Not in a bad way. Usually, when people fall down, they feel embarrassed or scared of what everyone else would say. There was a time that I was sitting on @CAPS4 friend, @PERSON4's skateboard, just sitting and rolling up and down the sidewalk, when I came upon a bump. I'm pretty sure you could guess what happens next. I flew off the skateboard and landed on @CAPS4 butt on the cement. I sat there for a second and just stared. Shocked that I had flew off of a skateboard while just sitting down. Pretty disappointing. But the next thing I knew, I was laughing, like it didn't even matter that I had just landed on @CAPS4 butt, infront of one of @CAPS4 friends. @PERSON4 was laughing too. I didn't mind. @PERSON4 didn't even tease me about it. Laughing can shrug things off your shoulders helping you turn it into a joke. That's what I did. @CAPS4 relationship with @CAPS4 @CAPS1 is full of jokes. @CAPS4 @CAPS1 is the type of guy @CAPS5 just loves to tell jokes and/or act like some historical figure to confuse people. When I answer the phone half of the time @CAPS4 @CAPS1 tries to see if I'll fall for one of his little tricks. One time, he tried saying that he was @PERSON1 and that he invented all these different electrical items. I shook @CAPS4 head was like, "@CAPS1, you're not very good at acting." @CAPS2 he said, "I'm not your @CAPS1. this is seriously @PERSON1." I laughed and said "@PERSON1 is dead. How could he be talking to me over the phone when he's dead, @CAPS1? I know it's you." @CAPS4 @CAPS1 laughed, "@CAPS5 told you I was dead? Obviously, I'm still here, little lady." I smiled, "@CAPS6 huh. Sure. And I'm not a little lady." "@CAPS7 fine, I give up. You can't get a joke, can you?" , he said. I frowned, "Of course I can what are you talking about, @LOCATION1? It's just you're not very good at acting." "@CAPS7 sure, blame it on me." , he laughed, "where's your mother?" That's when the joke ended of course, but @CAPS4 @CAPS1 and I actually have a strong relationship. He's @CAPS4 adopted @CAPS1, in case that hasn't been mentioned. So, when I first met him, we weren't as close as you could probably guess. But after a year, we got closer and I learned that I could trust him. And that half of what he says is basically a joke. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever knows how to be serious, so he doesn't confuse people, for example, me. For me, relationships should always have laughter otherwise it just makes it all serious. Making it very hard to stay close, in @CAPS4 opinion. And me, myself, I like laughing and having close friends. Because when I'm feeling down, it's always nice to have someone there to make you smile and laugh. It's a great quality to be able to laugh and help people. Without laughter in the world, like I said before the world would be too serious, way too serious. @CAPS5 would want that? I wouldn't. That would be terrible. When people laugh, it makes the world a better place to live in, in @CAPS4 opinion. Laughing is a gift, a very special gift.
Laughter means a lot in a relationship in @CAPS4 opinion. Laughter can mean a few things. It can mean that you are having fun and that you're enjoying life. All of @CAPS4 friendships and relationships contain laughter. Half of the time we laugh, the other half we express ourselves. Laughter could also mean the beginning or ending of a relationship. A lot of people would think that laughter is a joyful reaction, but sometimes a person could be laughing because they are nervous. But I think what we are talking about here is the joyful kind. All of @CAPS4 friendships contain laughter, but they also contain the moments when someone needs to be listened to or heard. One of @CAPS4 friendships that contains a lot of laughter is with @CAPS4 friend @PERSON3. Ever since the day that I first met her, we've laughed a lot. Usually, its @PERSON3 being the joker and me being the audience along with a few other people. But, there are also moments that don't have laughing involved. Moments, when @PERSON3 can be a great listener. Making jokes and giggling can show how close you are to someone. Like @CAPS4 friend @PERSON2 and me. She's one of @CAPS4 closest friends. We share everything with each other, well at least almost everything. We tell each other what's going on in our families and all that good stuff. But there are so many moments that are just filled with laughing, giggling and making up jokes about @CAPS5 knows what. Whether it's twisted in some weird way or even when it doesn't make sense we still laugh about it. It doesn't matter how stupid I @MONTH1 acts around her, we always laugh it off and make fun of each other. Not in a bad way. Usually, when people fall down, they feel embarrassed or scared of what everyone else would say. There was a time that I was sitting on @CAPS4 friend, @PERSON4's skateboard, just sitting and rolling up and down the sidewalk, when I came upon a bump. I'm pretty sure you could guess what happens next. I flew off the skateboard and landed on @CAPS4 butt on the cement. Furthermore, I sat there for a second and just stared. Shocked that I had flown off of a skateboard while just sitting down. Pretty disappointing. But the next thing I knew, I was laughing, like it didn't even matter that I had just landed on @CAPS4 butt, in front of one of @CAPS4 friends. @PERSON4 was laughing too. I didn't mind. @PERSON4 didn't even tease me about it. Laughing can shrug things off your shoulders helping you turn it into a joke. That's what I did. @CAPS4 relationship with @CAPS4 @CAPS1 is full of jokes. @CAPS4 @CAPS1 is the type of guy @CAPS5 just loves to tell jokes and/or act like some historical figure to confuse people. When I answer the phone half of the time @CAPS4 @CAPS1 tries to see if I'll fall for one of his little tricks. One time, he tried saying that he was @PERSON1 and that he invented all these different electrical items. I shook @CAPS4 head was like, "@CAPS1, you're not very good at acting." @CAPS2 he said, "I'm not your @CAPS1. This is seriously @PERSON1." I laughed and said "@PERSON1 is dead. How could he be talking to me over the phone when he's dead, @CAPS1? I know it's you." @CAPS4 @CAPS1 laughed, "@CAPS5 told you I was dead? Obviously, I'm still here, little lady." I smiled, "@CAPS6 huh. Sure. And I'm not a little lady." "@CAPS7 fine, I give up. You can't get a joke, can you?" he said. I frowned, "Of course I are you talking about, @LOCATION1? It's just you're not very good at acting." "@CAPS7 sure, blame it on me." he laughed, "where's your mother?" That's when the joke ended of course, but @CAPS4 @CAPS1 and I actually have a strong relationship. He's @CAPS4 adopted @CAPS1, in case that hasn't been mentioned. So, when I first met him, we weren't as close as you could probably guess. But after a year, we got closer, and I learned that I could trust him. And that half of what he says is basically a joke. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever knows how to be serious, so he doesn't confuse people, for example, me. For me, relationships should always have laughter otherwise it just makes it all serious. Making it very hard to stay close, in @CAPS4 opinion. And me, myself, I like laughing and having close friends. Because when I'm feeling down, it's always nice to have someone there to make you smile and laugh. It's a great quality to be able to laugh and help people. Without laughter in the world, like I said before the world would be too serious, way too serious. @CAPS5 would want that? I wouldn't. That would be terrible. When people laugh, it makes the world a better place to live in, in @CAPS4 opinion. Laughing is a gift, a very special gift.
To me laughter Is someone showing joy and excitement to the others around them. Laughter @MONTH1 some times be used In the wrong kind of way such as @CAPS1 someone where to get hurt In any kind of way the other person laughs at them when @CAPS2 hurt them. When I can make someone else laugh or giggle @CAPS2 not only makes me fill good but also the other person I was talking to. @CAPS2 shows both of us that we can be happy and that there Is joy @CAPS4 of us. I have a friend that I go to school with everyday and he always just looks so grumpy and or upset. And when someone asks him what Is wrong or @CAPS1 he Is okay @CAPS2 seems that he just gets more angry. So me being one of his closer friends I try and help him with that, and so far @CAPS2 has been working and I can make him happy by laughing and getting a big smile on his face. Every time I see him In the hall way or even out of school I will always say something to him to get him to smile and laugh. And by the way I show him I care and him knowing that I don't want him to be grumpy to others we have grew a bond and we seem to spend a lot more time together. And by him being In a better mood @CAPS2 makes his hole day of school lot funner and more enjoyable, and for all the others that are around him. @CAPS1 I were to explain who I was I would say that I am a very happy person and that I have respect for others and I express and show others that. Being happy brings joy to other people that are surrounding you witch usually leads to laughter. Laughter Is a very Important part of your daily life and I think that @CAPS2 brings people closer, so use @CAPS2 don't be afraid.
To me laughter Is someone showing joy and excitement to the surrounding others. Laughter @MONTH1 sometimes be used In the wrong kind of way such as @CAPS1 someone where to get hurt In any kind of way the other person laughs at them when @CAPS2 hurt them. When I can make someone else laugh or giggle @CAPS2 not only makes me fill good but also the other person I was talking to. @CAPS2 shows both of us that we can be happy and that there Is joy @CAPS4 of us. I have a friend that I go to school with every day, and he always just looks so grumpy and or upset. And when someone asks him what Is wrong or @CAPS1 he Is okay @CAPS2 seems that he just gets more angry. So me being one of his closer friends I try and help him with that, and so far @CAPS2 has been working, and I can make him happy by laughing and getting a big smile on his face. Every time I see him In the hallway or even out of school I will always say something to him to get him to smile and laugh. And by the way I show him I care and him knowing that I don't want him to be grumpy to others we have grown a bond, and we seem to spend a lot more time together. And by him being In a better mood @CAPS2 makes his hole day of school lot funner and more enjoyable, and for all the others that are around him. @CAPS1 I were to explain who I was I would say that I am a very happy person and that I have respect for others and I express and show others that. Being happy brings joy to other people that are surrounding you witch usually leads to laughter. Laughter Is a very Important part of your daily life and I think that @CAPS2 brings people closer, so use @CAPS2 don't be afraid.
Laughter is important in any relationship because it brings two people closer, connecting them between something they have in common forming an unbreakable bond between the two of them laughter is the glue that holds together any relationship and keeps a person from breaking into tears when something wrong happens. In fact without laughter I probably would not even get through my day to day school life. Without laughter one class in particular would be a nightmare. In @ORGANIZATION1 we are dissecting cats and we are working with a partner, if I was not making jokes and laughing while I worked, my partner and I would have hated each other. We got to choose our partner and work at a lab station with another pair of students, fortunately for me I knew all of the people I was working near and with, and I was friends with all of them. we had to wear gloves and suits so we didn't get fluids or "cat juices" on us. First, we had to skin the cat, of course there is more than one way to do this, you can cut, slice, rip, and pull to remove the skin. Then we had to view and identify the muscles this was especially hard because we could not tell where one muscle begins and another ends. Next we had to remove the muscles and identify the bones and digestive organs. After we identified the bones and digestive organs, we had to remove them and view the stomach, liver, intestines, and kidneys. We had to cut open the stomach, intestines, and kidneys to look at the structure of them. lastly, we had to remove the heart and lungs. The class was told we are doing dissections for about a month and it has only been three weeks. You can only imagine how horrible and fascinating it is and how much I need laughter to keep myself together and from going insane. My friends keep me from breaking into tears and keep me laughing. Dissecting cats in @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 was challenging not only physically, but mentally challenging as well. It stressful, fascinating, and gross, and without the jokes and the laughter I do not think I would have never made it through it. My friends support there when I needed it guided me through the terrible assignment. So as you can clearly see, without laughter I would not be able to do some of the day to day things I do at school.
Laughter is important in any relationship because it brings two people closer, connecting them between something they have in common forming an unbreakable bond between the two of them laughter is the glue that holds together any relationship and keeps a person from breaking into tears when something wrong happens. In fact without laughter I probably would not even get through my day-to-day school life. Without laughter one class in particular would be a nightmare. In @ORGANIZATION1, we are dissecting cats, and we are working with a partner, if I was not making jokes and laughing while I worked, my partner and I would have hated each other. We got to choose our partner and work at a lab station with another pair of students, fortunately for me, I knew all the people I was working near and with, and I was friends with all of them. We had to wear gloves and suits, so we didn't get fluids or "cat juices" on us. First, we had to skin the cat, of course there is more than one way to do this, you can cut, slice, rip, and pull to remove the skin. Then we had to view and identify the muscles this was especially hard because we could not tell where one muscle begins and another ends. Next we had to remove the muscles and identify the bones and digestive organs. After we identified the bones and digestive organs, we had to remove them and view the stomach, liver, intestines, and kidneys. We had to cut open the stomach, intestines, and kidneys to look at the structure of them. Lastly, we had to remove the heart and lungs. The class was told we are doing dissections for about a month, and it has only been three weeks. You can only imagine how horrible and fascinating it is and how much I need laughter to keep myself together and from going insane. My friends keep me from breaking into tears and keep me laughing. Dissecting cats in @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 was challenging not only physically, but mentally challenging as well. It is stressful, fascinating, and gross, and without the jokes and the laughter I do not think I would have never made it through it. My friends support there when I needed it guided me through the terrible assignment. So as you can clearly see, without laughter I would not be able to do some of the day-to-day things I do at school.
A couple years ago when I was in middle school I meet one of my bestfriend which who I have great times with. When I first meet her was in math class where she had an assigned seat next to me. We started talking and eventhough we did'nt know each other very well i could say laughter was the closest distance between me and her. We would just laugh at really random things that happened because we did'nt really know what to talk about. Sometimes it would'nt make sence of what we were laughing about. But we laughed any way eventhough we did'nt understand each others jokes.Laughing was something that keped our distance close. Time went by and we became good friends. Laughing was the one thing that keped us cose together because we had nothing better to do. We both are people that like to laugh a lot and if not we get bored. If me or her had no humor when we first meet I don't think we would of got along so well at the end. We did'nt really have anything to do because we did'nt know each other very good. We would only hang out during lunch and any other class we had together but all we did was laugh at what we thought was funny which was really dumb. We had nothing better to do. A couple months latter we seemed to become really close friends and not just in laughter. We knew each other much better and finally had things to talk about and we found out we had something in common. Laughter still had something to do with our friendship but not as much as the begining of when we first meet. During math time we were always talking and laughing at the things we would say. That had never happened before. But now we were able to talk about other things too not just things that made us laugh and we new that laughter is'nt the only thing that is keeping us colse together. Now we had other ways to get along too. We both had friends that we could get along with differenlty. I had some friends with not a really close distance but we would laugh a lot. With some of my other friends I did'nt really laugh that much and we had a very close friendship. My friends and I can get along in different ways not just in laughter. We all have differents ways to get along and have fun. Some of them are really calm and some of them like to laugh a lot like me. Mostly all of the are just the type that like to be laughing all the time but we are closer because of the way we are with each other. I think that laughing could be the shortest distance between two people. There are other things that can keep two people close together. Laughing does help people have a good time together but I don't think is a big, big part of a friendship. I think its how they get along and if the have somethings on common. It also depends on how they get along and how they treat each other. Everybody has a different way of what keeps them close to a friend so I think it's different for everybody.
A couple of years ago when I was in middle school I meet one of my best friend which who I have great times with. When I first meet her was in math class where she had an assigned seat next to me. We started talking and even though we didn't know each other very well I could say laughter was the closest distance between me and her. We would just laugh at really random things that happened because we didn't really know what to talk about. Sometimes it wouldn't make since of what we were laughing about. But we laughed any way even though we didn't understand each other's jokes. Laughing was something that keyed our distance close. Time went by and we became good friends. Laughing was the one thing that keyed us come together because we had nothing better to do. We both are people that like to laugh a lot and if not we get bored. If me or her had no humor when we first meet I don't think we would have got along so well at the end. We didn't really have anything to do because we didn't know each other very good. We would only hang out during lunch and any other class we had together but all we did was laugh at what we thought was funny which was really dumb. Furthermore, we had nothing better to do. A couple of months latter we seemed to become really close friends and not just in laughter. We knew each other much better and finally had things to talk about, and we found out we had something in common. Laughter still had something to do with our friendship but not as much as the beginning of when we first meet. During math time we were always talking and laughing at the things we would say. That had never happened before. But now we were able to talk about other things too not just things that made us laugh and we knew that laughter isn't the only thing that is keeping us close together. Now we had other ways to get along too. We both had friends that we could get along with differently. I had some friends with not a really close distance, but we would laugh a lot. With some of my other friends I didn't really laugh that much, and we had a very close friendship. My friends and I can get along in different ways not just in laughter. We all have different sways to get along and have fun. Some of them are really calm and some of them like to laugh a lot like me. Mostly all of they are just the type that like to be laughing all the time, but we are closer because of the way we are with each other. I think that laughing could be the shortest distance between two people. There are other things that can keep two people close together. Laughing does help people have a good time together, but I don't think is a big, big part of a friendship. I think It's how they get along and if they have something's on common. It also depends on how they get along and how they treat each other. Everybody has a different way of what keeps them close to a friend, so I think it's different for everybody.
One day when i was going to school with my friends i step t in dog poo and all of my friends laughed at me and it was so embarrassing and i was so mad that my shoes was dirty and now i had to go back home and clean my shoes that i just got for my birthday and now i had to tell my mom that i got dog poo on my shoes and when i told my mom was not mad at me i wood think that she wood be mad at me because she worker t to get the money to pay for my shoes.The next day i went to school all of my friends laughing at me i just went to my class and sat down and stared my math work and when my best friend came up to me and said did you really step in dog poo and she gave a peace of paper that had a dog pooping on a girl and i got so mad i stared craning.When i went home after school mom ask me how school ? Went i didn't wont to tell her that my whole day was bad everyone was laughing at me. So i just that school was good and she told me that all people are not good.
One day when I was going to school with my friends I step t in dog poo and all of my friends laughed at me and it was so embarrassing and I was so mad that my shoes was dirty and now I had to go back home and clean my shoes that I just got for my birthday and now I had to tell my mom that I got dog poo on my shoes and when I told my mom was not mad at me, I wood think that she wood be mad at me because t to get the money to pay for my shoes. The next day I went to school all of my friends laughing at me, I just went to my class and sat down and stared my math work and when my best friend came up to me and said did you really step in dog poo, and she gave a piece of paper that had a dog pooping on a girl and I got so mad I stared craning. When I went home after school mom ask me how school ? Went I didn't wont to tell her that my whole day was bad everyone was laughing at me. So i just that school was good, and she told me that all people are not good.
Laughter to me seems like the foundation of a relationship; if it is a relationship with your parents, best-friend, or your spouse, it can all be formed with a single laugh or giggle. I have seen on @CAPS1 that when a guy try's to "pick up" or "hit on" a girl, most of the time he will try to be funny to "break the ice". When that so called "ice" is broken the air is open for both people to start showing each who they are. My best friend and I have been friends for five years now and I hope that we will be friends for more years to come. @PERSON1 (my best friend/and only friend) has shown me how to be myself @PERCENT1, with her and try to with others. Together @PERSON1 and I have had many funny adventures together, that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Just recently @PERSON1 and I went snowboarding at @LOCATION1 in @LOCATION2. @CAPS3 was her second time going snowboarding and I have been snowboarding for about three years now. I promised her that I would stay and help her on the slopes until she got the hang of the board under her feet, I also promised that I would fall down with her when she fell. When we got there I showed her how to clip her bindings on, what the stomp pad was used for, and also how to skate. The word skate means that your foot boot is in the front binding and your left foot is not, you push your back foot on the snow to slide or skate on to the ski lift. It took us three hours to get down the first bunny hill slope, normally it takes a person no more than ten minutes to get down. While teaching, laughing , and bonding with @PERSON1 I noticed that when I laugh with her I get feelings of love, caring, and happiness. Laughing with her always makes my day. In fact that is how we became friends; was by laughing together. After we got of the slope she said some words to me that I will not forget, "@CAPS2 you are the best friend I could ever ask for, if you were a man I would marry you and have your children, I love you." @CAPS3 meant a lot to me, for @PERSON1 is the kind of person that keeps her feelings of love and caring inside. @CAPS3 was the first time she has ever said she loves me. Laughing together for five years now has made it so that @PERSON1 feels more open with me, enough to say something that she never told to her family. Laughing and even giggling together is what @PERSON1 and I look forward to in our relationship.
Laughter to me seems like the foundation of a relationship; if it is a relationship with your parents, best-friend, or your spouse, it can all be formed with a single laugh or giggle. I have seen on @CAPS1 that when a guy try's to "pick up" or "hit on" a girl, most of the time he will try to be funny to "break the ice". When that so-called "ice" is broken the air is open for both people to start showing each who they are. My best friend and I have been friends for five years now, and I hope that we will be friends for more years to come. @PERSON1 (my best friend/and only friend) has shown me how to be myself @PERCENT1, with her and try to with others. Together @PERSON1 and I have had many funny adventures together, that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Just recently @PERSON1 and I went snowboarding at @LOCATION1 in @LOCATION2. @CAPS3 was her second time going snowboarding and I have been snowboarding for about three years now. I promised her that I would stay and help her on the slopes until she got the hang of the board under her feet, I also promised that I would fall down with her when she fell. When we got there I showed her how to clip her bindings on, what the stomp pad was used for, and also how to skate. The word skate means that your foot boot is in the front binding and your left foot is not, you push your back foot on the snow to slide or skate on to the ski lift. It took us three hours to get down the first bunny hill slope, normally it takes a person no more than ten minutes to get down. While teaching, laughing, and bonding with @PERSON1 I noticed that when I laugh with her, I get feelings of love, caring, and happiness. Laughing with her always makes my day. In fact that is how we became friends; was by laughing together. After we got of the slope she said some words to me that I will not forget, "@CAPS2 you are the best friend I could ever ask for if you were a man I would marry you and have your children, I love you." @CAPS3 meant a lot to me, for @PERSON1 is the kind of person that keeps her feelings of love and caring inside. @CAPS3 was the first time she has ever said she loves me. Laughing together for five years now has made it so that @PERSON1 feels more open with me, enough to say something that she never told her family. Laughing and even giggling together is what @PERSON1 and I look forward to in our relationship.
I am so good at making people laugh, @CAPS8 is just one of my very awesome qualities. I have lots of stories of when I have maid people laugh. One time i was on my way to camp with some of my friends and I looked out the window and saw a sign. "@CAPS1 butts, unless, that "@CAPS2" is an "@CAPS3" @CAPS7 @CAPS8 must be @CAPS1 @CAPS4." I said. @CAPS8 was so funny i maid everyone in the car laugh. @CAPS7 later on, on the drive to camp with my friends we stopped at @CAPS5 in some city. When we stopped there I got inside a shopping basket and my friends and I were racing down the isles and maid all the other costumers laugh. When we where going to leave I bought a whole bunch of food. When we were back inside the car I crabbed the box of doughnuts I had bought and let everyone else in the car have one. We all started eating them and we had established that the doughnuts where really gross. The doughnuts tasted so dry, @CAPS8 was like they didn't even have any frosting on them. I opened my chocolate milk and I had to drink my chocolate milk with my doughnut just to make @CAPS8 taste a little bit more sweet. None of us had anymore doughnuts. @CAPS8 was so funny, we threw the doughnuts out the window. On the way back from the camp that we had gone to, my friend @PERSON1 was driving home and I sat behind him and I messed with him so much. I had turned my phone up onto its highest volume and played a scary ring-tone and I scared him and maid him jump. @CAPS7 I had licked my finger and put @CAPS8 inside his ear @CAPS7 he freaked out, because he thought @CAPS8 was really gross. After that he had his window open and I opened my window and stuck my hand around and grabbed his arm and scared him. @CAPS7 we had stopped by the store in some small town and god some soda and I bought a soda to drink. When we got back in the car and left I Said: "@CAPS6't get pulled over, I just opened a beer. Haha." @CAPS7 I took a drink of my soda and as I took the drink I started laughing again and some of my soda went up into my nose @CAPS7 I said: "@CAPS8 burns so bad. My nose is burning." All of us where laughing. The ironic part was that like thirty minutes after i had said that we got pulled over. We where driving down the highway and my friend @PERSON1 who was driving thought that the speed limit was sixty-five miles-per-hour but the speed limit was fifty-five. The cop pulled him over and clocked him doing seventy-five. I was gonna try and make the cop laugh, to see if we could lighten him up a little, but my friend @PERSON1 said no because he was so mad. He ended up getting a ticket and the cop was a real idiot. He looked at the license plate and @CAPS7 turned and asked @PERSON1 if they where @LOCATION1 plates, when clearly they said right on them @LOCATION1. Everyone in the car laughed so hard @CAPS8 was hilarious. The cop was really dumb. I @CAPS6't think that anyone who went with me to camp that weekend stopped laughing. I am so good at making people laugh, @CAPS8 is just one of my very awesome qualities.
I am so good at making people laugh, @CAPS8 is just one of my very awesome qualities. I have lots of stories of when I have maid people laugh. One time I was on my way to camp with some of my friends and I looked out the window and saw a sign. "@CAPS1 butts, unless, that "@CAPS2" is an "@CAPS3" @CAPS7 @CAPS8 must be @CAPS1 @CAPS4." I said. @CAPS8 was so funny i maid everyone in the car laugh. @CAPS7 later on, on the drive to camp with my friends we stopped at @CAPS5 in some city. When we stopped there I got inside a shopping basket and my friends and I were racing down the aisles and maid all the other costumers laugh. When we were going to leave I bought a bunch of food. we were back inside the car I crabbed the box of doughnuts I had bought and let everyone else in the car have one. We all started eating them, and we had established that the doughnuts where really gross. The doughnuts tasted so dry, @CAPS8 was like they didn't even have any frosting on them. I opened my chocolate milk and I had to drink my chocolate milk with my doughnut just to make @CAPS8 taste a little bit more sweet. None of us had any more doughnuts. @CAPS8 was so funny, we threw the doughnuts out the window. On the way back from the camp that we had gone to, my friend @PERSON1 was driving home, and I sat behind him and I messed with him so much. I had turned my phone up onto its highest volume and played a scary ringtone and I scared him and maid him jump. @CAPS7 I had licked my finger and put @CAPS8 inside his ear @CAPS7 he freaked out, because he thought @CAPS8 was really gross. After that he had his window open and I opened my window and stuck my hand around and grabbed his arm and scared him. @CAPS7 we had stopped by the store in some small town and god some soda and I bought a soda to drink. When we got back in the car and left I Said: "@CAPS6't get pulled over, I just opened a beer. Haha." @CAPS7 I took a drink of my soda and as I took the drink I started laughing again and some of my soda went up into my nose @CAPS7 I said: "@CAPS8 burns so bad. My nose is burning." All of us where laughing. The ironic part was that like thirty minutes after I had said that we got pulled over. We were driving down the highway and my friend @PERSON1 who was driving thought that the speed limit was sixty-five miles-per-hour, but the speed limit was fifty-five. The cop pulled him over and clocked him doing seventy-five. I was going to try and make the cop laugh, to see if we could lighten him up a little, but my friend @PERSON1 said no because he was so mad. He ended up getting a ticket and the cop was a real idiot. He looked at the license plate and @CAPS7 turned and asked @PERSON1 if they were @LOCATION1 plates, when clearly they said right on them @LOCATION1. Everyone in the car laughed so hard @CAPS8 was hilarious. The cop was really dumb. I @CAPS6't think that anyone who went with me to camp that weekend stopped laughing. I am so good at making people laugh, @CAPS8 is just one of my very awesome qualities.
Laughter... what is laughter? Do you expect me to tell you what laughter is? I wish I could but I can't, describing laughter is like describing what water taste like or feels like (besides using the word wet) it's just one of those things that you think its easy to describe to someone because it's a part of your every day life but in reality it's one of the most complex things there could be out there.Even though I can't describe it I do have general concept of it. Now there's many reasons to laugh or the type of laughter or the feeling behind it. In my case I believe I'm a person that @CAPS1 @CAPS2 laughs once a day. I laugh all the time from my friend falling , hearing a joke , remembering something in the past , from just pure exhaustion (yes I laugh @CAPS1 times when I'm just so worn out and stressed) the list go's on and on. In short I live my life laughing every day. I don't think I'm such a happy go lucky person that makes others laugh alongside her, but I have gotten comments from my friends saying that's the case. This is one of the wonders of laughter if you see someone laughing enjoying their time you just somehow end up laughing along side them. It makes me happy when I hear one of my friends say " oh @PERSON1 you just made my day..." why? It makes me happy because I know that, that friend just now I was able to make even if just a little a nice day. One time in my life though I met someone, someone that now I hold very dear, someone who I just can't picture my life without that someone would be right to say he lost his laughter. It was @DATE1, and my friend @CAPS3 had invited me to The @CAPS4 @CAPS5 in @CAPS6 to meet up with some of her @CAPS4 friends. The reunion with her friends was @CAPS1 this coffee shop. I knew no one but her so i felt out of place. So after just sitting back like a wall flower I decided to go to the ice cream shop just next to the coffee shop and when I realized one of the boys in our group decided to come as well. We hanged out he told me about himself I told him about myself as well. After that day we stayed connected we had long hour conversations through this video calling site called @ORGANIZATION1. We chatted in @CAPS7 @CAPS8 every singled day, and pulled all nighters on the phone just talking to each other. After around a month of talking and staying connected we became more close, close enough for him to talk about more serious matters with me. Well now this boy I hold very dear to me has had such a hard life. Where could I possibly begin to tell you the hardships his been through. Oh what about the fact that his adoptive ...hhmmm nah many people out there are adopted that's not that harsh for most. Okay what about the fact that his adoptive father abused of him every chance he got and his adoptive mom literally sat back and watched him do it, not good enough? Okay what about the fact that the one thing that kept him going his friend, the one that was all ways next to him. His to say child hood friends, the child hood friend you can do @CAPS9 in the world yet would not judge, would not think the worst of you if you did something to be ashamed of, the one that was willing to stay up with you for days in a row just for you not to cry your self to sleep. That friend of him passed away in a car rec in his second year of middle school. His life consisted of waking up in the mornings walking to school and being ignore by everyone around him. Coming back from school and putting up with your adoptive family screaming @CAPS1 him, called him names ending up to being beaten just because they can. Do you think he laughed? Well actually he did but, his laugh was not a laugh of joy. Even though he laughed it was as if nothing no feeling what so ever was behind that laugh a robotic laugh. This for me is such a hard thing to stand. It tears me up because this person is someone very dear to me his such a wonderful individual his just now part of my life and I cant see him out of it now. Yet he is suffering he cant even laugh and feel joy. Up to this day I still see him and I have decide that one day for sure I will make him laugh. We laugh when we talk but I want him to experience the laugh he has yet to have experience and I know one day for sure he will.
Laughter... what is laughter? Do you expect me to tell you what laughter is? I wish I could, but I can't, describing laughter is like describing what water taste like or feels like (besides using the word wet) it's just one of those things that you think it's easy to describe to someone because it's a part of your every day life but in reality it's one of the most complex things there could be out there. Even though I can't describe it I do have general concept of it. Now there are many reasons to laugh or the type of laughter or the feeling behind it. In my case I believe I'm a person that @CAPS1 @CAPS2 laughs once a day. I laugh all the time from my friend falling, hearing a joke, remembering something in the past, from just pure exhaustion (yes I laugh @CAPS1 times when I'm just so worn out and stressed) the list go's on and on. In short, I live my life laughing every day. I don't think I'm such a happy-go-lucky person that makes others laugh alongside her, but I have gotten comments from my friends saying that's the case. This is one of the wonders of laughter if you see someone laughing enjoying their time you just somehow end up laughing alongside them. It makes me happy when I hear one of my friends say" oh @PERSON1 you just made my day..." why? It makes me happy because I know that, that friend just now I was able to make even if just a little a nice day. One time in my life though I met someone, someone that now I hold very dear, someone who I just can't picture my life without that someone would be right to say he lost his laughter. It was @DATE1, and my friend @CAPS3 had invited me to The @CAPS4 @CAPS5 in @CAPS6 to meet up with some of her @CAPS4 friends. The reunion with her friends was @CAPS1 this coffee shop. I knew no one but her so I felt out of place. So after just sitting back like a wall flower I decided to go to the ice cream shop just next to the coffee shop and when I realized one of the boys in our group decided to come as well. We hanged out he told me about himself I told him about myself as well. After that day we stayed connected we had long hour conversations through this video calling site called @ORGANIZATION1. We chatted in @CAPS7 @CAPS8 every singled day, and pulled all-nighters on the phone just talking to each other. After around a month of talking and staying connected we became more close, close enough for him to talk about more serious matters with me. Well now this boy I hold very dear to me has had such a hard life. Where could I possibly begin to tell you the hardships his been through. Oh, what about the fact that his adoptive ...hammy nah many people out there are adopted that's not that harsh for most. Okay what about the fact that his adoptive father abused of him every chance he got, and his adoptive mom literally sat back and watched him do it, not good enough? Okay what about the fact that the one thing that kept him going his friend, the one that was always next to him. His to say childhood friends, the childhood friend you can do @CAPS9 in the world yet would not judge, would not think the worst of you if you did something to be ashamed of, the one that was willing to stay up with you for days in a row just for you not to cry your self to sleep. That friend of him passed away in a car rec in his second year of middle school. His life consisted of waking up in the mornings walking to school and being ignored by everyone around him. Coming back from school and putting up with your adoptive family screaming @CAPS1 him, called him names ending up to being beaten just because they can. Do you think he laughed? Well actually he did but, his laugh was not a laugh of joy. Even though he laughed it was as if nothing no feeling whatsoever was behind that laugh a robotic laugh. This for me is such a hard thing to stand. It tears me up because this person is someone very dear to me his such a wonderful individual his just now part of my life and I can't see him out of it now. Yet he is suffering he can't even laugh and feel joy. Up to this day I still see him and I have decided that one day for sure I will make him laugh. We laugh when we talk, but I want him to experience the laugh he has yet to have experience and I know one day for sure he will.
When I think of laughter you think of memories you shared with people. When I was about six my family and I went to my cousins ranch in @ORGANIZATION1. The happest time started with us pulling up to the house as I slowly open my eyes from the long car ride seeing the porch light on. I quickly grabbed up all my toys and some playing cards and waited eagerly at the door for some to answer while the rest of my family are getting the suitcases. My @CAPS1 @CAPS2 came to the door first to greet us. I walk under his arm to set down my toys in the living room when I saw @PERSON1 sleeping on the coach. He was my best friend in the whole world and I always looked forward to seeing him everythime. He had brown hair always wearing wranglers with a trucker hat and his plad tucked in shirt. We always played gold fish together every time I came over, any time of the day. I was so excited to see him I started to run twards him when my other cousin @PERSON2 grabs me and starts to tickle me tell I fell on the floor and was screaming of laughter. My laughing woke up @PERSON1 as he came running to me picked me up off the ground and saved me from @LOCATION1. He put me on the couch and started watching @CAPS3 tell I feel asleep. The next morning I woke up to hear cyotes howling outside while the sun was coming up, when I smelt bacon and eggs coming from the kitchenI shot up to eat breakfast. My dad and all the boys went out to go goose hunting on the farm. Around lunch time while my mom and @PERSON3 were cooking up some hamburgers the boys all came back in time for lunch. Lunch wasn't ready right then so @PERSON1 and I startded to play gold fish tell we were told it was time to eat. After lunch we went out to the hay barns to find all the rattle snakes and bull snakes curld up by the bales. Almost every foot step we took there was another snake curld up in the bales. Every time @PERSON1 would tell me to jump back to shoot the snake in the head. After hunting @PERSON1 figured we needed a laugh so he grabbed a bull snake and we started to walk to the back yard. I wasn't to sure what he was doing tell we got in the back yard and @PERSON3 jumped out of her chair and started running to the house. Everyone started to laugh when @PERSON1 cut her off and she was running in a circle in the back yard. @PERSON1 finally let her go in the house after about five minutes of giving her a heart attack. We all came back inside to visite in the house. @PERSON1 and I headed to play more gold fish at the table for the last time of my visit. The next morning we woke up at five to start working on the farm. I went back to sleep in the tractor tell they were done. When we were done we started loading up all are clothes in the car and gave everyone a hug good bye as I stood by @PERSON1 not wanting to leave but my mom said I couldn't stay so she picked me up and put me in the car. As we pulled away I looked back to see them all waving good bye. After we visited @DATE1 we got a call from my @CAPS4 @PERSON3 with some bad news. @PERSON2 was heading home and saw @CAPS5 truck on the road but when he pulled up he saw that he killed himself two weeks before he graduated. We went to the funeral that @DATE2 and when it was all done I sat in @CAPS5 room and only could remember all the laughs we shared. I knew to always laugh and always to remember the great times I had with one true my best friend. My memory of him hasn't gone away after all these years and because of him I always laugh when I can laugh and live to the fullest. He taught me so much from the little time he was he but whenever I need a laugh I think of the last time I saw him.
When I think of laughter you think of memories you shared with people. When I was about six my family and I went to my cousins ranch in @ORGANIZATION1. The happiest time started with us pulling up to the house as I slowly open my eyes from the long car ride seeing the porch light on. I quickly grabbed up all my toys and some playing cards and waited eagerly at the door for some to answer while the rest of my family are getting the suitcases. My @CAPS1 @CAPS2 came to the door first to greet us. I walk under his arm to set down my toys in the living room when I saw @PERSON1 sleeping on the coach. He was my best friend in the whole world and I always looked forward to seeing him everything. He had brown hair always wearing wranglers with a trucker hat and his play tucked in shirt. We always played goldfish together every time I came over, any time of the day. I was so excited to see him I started to runt wards him when my other cousin @PERSON2 grabs me and starts to tickle me tell I fell on the floor and was screaming of laughter. My laughing woke up @PERSON1 as he came running to me picked me up off the ground and saved me from @LOCATION1. He put me on the couch and started watching @CAPS3 tell I feel asleep. The next morning I woke up to hear coyotes howling outside while the sun was coming up, when I smelt bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen shot up to eat breakfast. My dad and all the boys went out to go goose hunting on the farm. Around lunchtime while my mom and @PERSON3 were cooking up some hamburgers the boys all came back in time for lunch. Lunch wasn't ready right then so @PERSON1 and I started to play goldfish tell we were told it was time to eat. After lunch, we went out to the hay barns to find all the rattlesnakes and bull snakes cured up by the bales. Almost every footstep we took there was another snake cured up in the bales. Every time @PERSON1 would tell me to jump back to shoot the snake in the head. After hunting @PERSON1 figured we needed a laugh, so he grabbed a bull snake, and we started to walk to the backyard. I wasn't to sure what he was doing tell we got in the backyard and @PERSON3 jumped out of her chair and started running to the house. Everyone started to laugh when @PERSON1 cut her off and she was running in a circle in the backyard. @PERSON1 finally let her go in the house after about five minutes of giving her a heart attack. We all came back inside to visit in the house. @PERSON1 and I headed to play more goldfish at the table for the last time of my visit. The next morning we woke up at five to start working on the farm. I went back to sleep in the tractor tell they were done. When we were done we started loading up all are clothes in the car and gave everyone a hug goodbye as I stood by @PERSON1 not wanting to leave, but my mom said I couldn't stay, so she picked me up and put me in the car. As we pulled away I looked back to see them all waving goodbye. After we visited @DATE1 we got a call from my @CAPS4 @PERSON3 with some bad news. @PERSON2 was heading home and saw @CAPS5 truck on the road but when he pulled up he saw that he killed himself two weeks before he graduated. We went to the funeral that @DATE2 and when it was all done I sat in @CAPS5 room and only could remember all the laughs we shared. I knew to always laugh and always to remember the great times I had with one true my best friend. My memory of him hasn't gone away after all these years and because of him I always laugh when I can laugh and live to the fullest. He taught me so much from the little time he was he but whenever I need a laugh I think of the last time I saw him.
I think laughter is one of the most important things people need to do in life. The more you laugh in life it makes it so much better and easier. Its better to laugh at something that's bad, like for example falling by someone or even making a simple mistake. It makes life not so difficult and more simple and easy. Laughing can make people happy and enjoy things better and possibly help them look forward to things in the future and help them conquer things that they wanna do in life. One thing that always make me laugh is my family and friends. They make everything easier for me by making me laugh. They don't always say the smartest or funniest thing in the world but it means a lot to me that they do it that. Especially when im not feeling upset or i just happened to not in a good mood, they say something that ll make me laugh and i usually feel a lot better knowing that they made me laugh to make me feel myself again. Most simple things make me laugh more and be happy. Like for example if someone says something totally stupid and know one else laugh's but me. But one thing that normally doesn't make me laugh is if someone got hurt pretty bad, like if they tripped. I wouldn't laugh at that because i wouldn't want someone to laugh at me if i fell and got hurt. I always hate when people brag about stuff that know else knows about that happened to them, like for example if they talk about they did over the @DATE1 and how "high" or "drunk" they got. Its really annoying to me and also very pointless because when they talk about it I never pay attention or just walk away because all that stuff annoys the heck out of me. Why would i wanna hear about how your ruining your life? Especially at a young age or even at all. Well that's my story and why i think the benefits or laughter is important.
I think laughter is one of the most important things people need to do in life. The more you laugh in life it makes it so much better and easier. It's better to laugh at something that's bad, like for example falling by someone or even making a simple mistake. It makes life not so difficult and more simple and easy. Laughing can make people happy and enjoy things better and possibly help them look forward to things in the future and help them conquer things that they want to do in life. One thing that always make me laugh is my family and friends. They make everything easier for me by making me laugh. They don't always say the smartest or funniest thing in the world, but it means a lot to me that they do it that. Especially when I'm not feeling upset or I just happened to not in a good mood, they say something that ll make me laugh and I usually feel a lot better knowing that they made me laugh to make me feel myself again. Most simple things make me laugh more and be happy. Like for example if someone says something totally stupid and know one else laugh's but me. But one thing that normally doesn't make me laugh is if someone got hurt pretty bad, like if they tripped. I wouldn't laugh at that because I wouldn't want someone to laugh at me if I fell and got hurt. I always hate when people brag about stuff that know else knows about that happened to them, like for example if they talk about they did over the @DATE1 and how "high" or "drunk" they got. It's really annoying to me and also very pointless because when they talk about it, I never pay attention or just walk away because all that stuff annoys the heck out of me. Why would I want to hear about how you're ruining your life? Especially at a young age or even at all. Well that's my story and why I think the benefits or laughter is important.
They say laughter is the best medicine @CAPS15 I personally think that's true. For one jokes are a great thing fro laughter but it depends on the joke sometimes because some jokes are extremely funny @CAPS15 some or @CAPS14 plain horrible. Another reason why laughter is @CAPS5 great is when your laughing that automatically means that your in a good mood @CAPS15 i love to be happy or in a good mood i hate being all mad @CAPS15 upset it @CAPS14 isn't me. I @CAPS14 love it when i cant breathe i am laughing @CAPS5 hard those are the best jokes also you @CAPS11 about wet your self especially if your extremely ticklish @CAPS15 i know quite a few people that are @CAPS15 i feel sorry for them because i would be down right embarrassed if i wet myself in front of anyone. My whole life has had laughter in it to me anytime is laughter time. Well I have quite a few stories about laughter but i am only gonna tell you one @CAPS15 its one of my favorites its when me @CAPS15 my friends are all hanging out at at mt grandmas house for my @NUM1 birthday party @CAPS15 were all having a great time on the homemade slip @CAPS15 slide the food @CAPS15 the drinks (soda of coarse not alcohol). But anyway my cousin @PERSON1 has these games that he came up with like the @CAPS1 relay , @CAPS2 fishing , @CAPS3 the gum in the whip cream, @CAPS15 my favorite @CAPS4. @CAPS4 is a game where you @CAPS11 have as many players as you want @CAPS15 all the supplies you need are a lot of sting a lot of balloons @CAPS15 one person to start out as the @CAPS4. @CAPS5 say you have @NUM2 humans @CAPS15 one @CAPS4 all the humans would have balloons tied around their waists @CAPS15 they all try @CAPS15 run away from the @CAPS4 @CAPS15 the @CAPS11 hide anywhere inside the boundaries @CAPS15 it doesn't matter how your balloon pops who pops it or what pops it once it is popped @CAPS6 your a @CAPS4 until there are @CAPS12 humans left @CAPS6 you start a new game. Now you might ask yourself why this is funny @CAPS15 now I am gonna tell you why. @CAPS5 were all at my party having a great time right @CAPS5 my cousin @PERSON1 says "@CAPS5 who wants to play the game @CAPS4? " @CAPS6 we all say well whats that?" @CAPS6 he goes over all the rules like a said before @CAPS15 we say "lets play." @CAPS5 me @CAPS15 my friend @CAPS9 are running away @CAPS15 all of the sudden we start hearing my cousins @CAPS4 noise that means he coming @CAPS15 he freaked out @CAPS15 ran away @CAPS6 when he leaves you @CAPS14 hear the screeching scream come out @CAPS15 you here his balloon pop that means that he got out @CAPS15 were all @CAPS14 laughing because when he flew he launched about @NUM3 feet backwards it was the funniest thing ever because when i got over there he was still on the ground @CAPS15 everyone @CAPS14 it trying to breathe i swear i think everyone was about to wet them selves @CAPS15 the probably would've laughed some more if it wasn't for the game @CAPS15 @CAPS6 @CAPS9 got up @CAPS15 started chasing people with my cousin @PERSON1 @CAPS15 the rest of us @CAPS14 ran out of there as quickly as possible @CAPS15 yet again you here my cousin making his @CAPS4 noise @CAPS15 people running @CAPS15 screaming @CAPS15 my friend make trying to make the same @CAPS4 noise but cant @CAPS15 one by one i hear the balloons popping @CAPS15 soon i was the last one left @CAPS15 i was gonna give up @CAPS5 i am @CAPS14 getting chased @CAPS15 chased until i am completely out of breath @CAPS15 @CAPS6 one of my friends @ORGANIZATION1 comes up in front of me @CAPS15 i @CAPS14 said "I don't care @CAPS14 get me out i @CAPS14 wanna lay down." @CAPS5 he took the balloon @CAPS15 @CAPS14 popped it @CAPS15 i asked "@CAPS11 i take a nap?" @CAPS15 he said "@CAPS12 because we have to get ready for the next round @CAPS5 you better rest up quick or you'll be dogging." @CAPS5 i @CAPS14 rested up as much as i could before we got everyone straped up for the next game i was hoping to get some kind of reward for winning the very first game of @CAPS4 but @CAPS12 my cousin @PERSON1 had to be a samrt alic about it @CAPS15 say" @CAPS14 getting to play the game isn't a big enough reward for you stingy!"@CAPS15 as always everyone starts @CAPS14 busting up laughing at every single little thing that my cousin @PERSON1 does but i do have to admit that he is one of the funniest guys that i have ever met. @CAPS5 there you go there is my story about laughter but i do have plenty more but i think ive wasted to much of your time @CAPS5 thats all i have to say.
They say laughter is the best medicine @CAPS15 I personally think that's true. For one jokes are a great thing for laughter, but it depends on the joke sometimes because some jokes are hilarious @CAPS15 some or @CAPS14 plain horrible. Another reason why laughter is @CAPS5 great is when you're laughing that automatically means that your in a good mood @CAPS15 I love to be happy or in a good mood I hate being all mad @CAPS15 upset it @CAPS14 isn't me. I @CAPS14 love it when I can't breathe I am laughing @CAPS5 hard those are the best jokes also you @CAPS11 about wet your self especially if your extremely ticklish @CAPS15 I know quite a few people that are @CAPS15 I feel sorry for them because I would be down right embarrassed if I wet myself in front of anyone. My whole life has had laughter in it to me anytime is laughter time. Well I have quite a few stories about laughter but I am only going to tell you one @CAPS15 its one of my favorites It's when me @CAPS15 my friends are all hanging out at CT grandmas house for my @NUM1 birthday party @CAPS15 were all having a great time on the homemade slip @CAPS15 slides the food @CAPS15 the drinks (soda of coarse not alcohol). But anyway my cousin @PERSON1 has these games that he came up with like the @CAPS1 relay, @CAPS2 fishing, @CAPS3 the gum in the whipped cream, @CAPS15 my favorite @CAPS4. @CAPS4 is a game where you @CAPS11 has as many players as you want @CAPS15 all the supplies you need are a lot of sting a lot of balloons @CAPS15 one person to start out as the @CAPS4. @CAPS5 say you have @NUM2 humans @CAPS15 one @CAPS4 all the humans would have balloons tied around their waists @CAPS15 they all try @CAPS15 run away from the @CAPS4 @CAPS15 the @CAPS11 hide anywhere inside the boundaries @CAPS15 it doesn't matter how your balloon pops who pop it or what pops it once it is popped @CAPS6 you're a @CAPS4 until there are @CAPS12 humans left @CAPS6 you start a new game. Now you might ask yourself why this is funny @CAPS15 now I am going to tell you why. @CAPS5 were all at my party having a great time right @CAPS5 my cousin @PERSON1 says "@CAPS5 who wants to play the game @CAPS4? " @CAPS6 we all say well what's that? @CAPS6 he goes over all the rules like a said before @CAPS15 we say "lets play." @CAPS5 me @CAPS15 my friend @CAPS9 are running away @CAPS15 all of a sudden we start hearing my cousins @CAPS4 noise that means he's coming @CAPS15 he freaked out @CAPS15 ran away @CAPS6 when he leaves you @CAPS14 hears the screeching scream come out @CAPS15 you here his balloon pop that means that he got out @CAPS15 were all @CAPS14 laughing because when he flew he launched about @NUM3 feet backwards it was the funniest thing ever because when I got over there he was still on the ground @CAPS15 everyone @CAPS14 it's trying to breathe I swear I think everyone was about to wet themselves @CAPS15 they probably would've laughed some more if it wasn't for the game @CAPS15 @CAPS6 @CAPS9 got up @CAPS15 started chasing people with my cousin @PERSON1 @CAPS15 the rest of us @CAPS14 ran out of there as quickly as possible @CAPS15 yet again you here my cousin making his @CAPS4 noise @CAPS15 people running @CAPS15 screaming @CAPS15 my friend make trying to make the same @CAPS4 noise but can't @CAPS15 one by one I hear the balloons popping @CAPS15 soon I was the last one left @CAPS15 I was going to give up @CAPS5 I am @CAPS14 getting chased @CAPS15 chased until I am completely out of breath @CAPS15 @CAPS6 one of my friends @ORGANIZATION1 comes up in front of me @CAPS15 i @CAPS14 said "I don't care @CAPS14 get me out i @CAPS14 want to lay down." @CAPS5 he took the balloon @CAPS15 @CAPS14 popped it @CAPS15 I asked "@CAPS11 I take a nap?" @CAPS15 he said "@CAPS12 because we have to get ready for the next round @CAPS5 you better rest up quick, or you'll be dogging." @CAPS5 i @CAPS14 rested up as much as I could before we got everyone strapped up for the next game I was hoping to get some kind of reward for winning the very first game of @CAPS4 but @CAPS12 my cousin @PERSON1 had to be a smart Alice about it @CAPS15 say" @CAPS14 getting to play the game isn't a big enough reward for you stingy!"@CAPS15 as always everyone starts @CAPS14 busting up laughing at every single little thing that my cousin @PERSON1 does but I do have to admit that he is one of the funniest guys that I have ever met. @CAPS5 there you go there is my story about laughter but I do have plenty more but I think I've wasted too much of your time @CAPS5 that's all I have to say.
We all understand the benefits of laughter. Laughter is definitely the most important part of my best friends and I relationship. Without laughter, we couldn't possibly have as much fun together as we do. If I am having a bad day, I can always count on my best friend to make me crack up, and forget about the day I have had. If we are out and about, or just relaxing at home, my best friend and I are always laughing. The end result is usually us both with tear streaked faces from laughing so hard. There are actually quite a few different instances in which I remember laughing particularity hard. This last @CAPS1 @CAPS2's eve for example, it started snowing at around three a.m, so my best friend and I ran outside screaming at the top of our lungs. Snowballs started coming from every direction. During a game of hide and go seek, we decided to bury ourselves in a snow covered leaf pile. Within ten minutes, our legs were freezing. So what did we do? We put on our swim suits and jumped into the bath tub together. Having her there to laugh with me, made the situation a lot better. Another situation in which I remember being particularly funny, was the entire third trimester of freshman @CAPS2. I needed a first period class and the only thing open was intro to manufacturing. I definitely was not looking forward to it, until I found out that my best friend had it with me. We made a bad situation a lot better by laughing at every single stupid mistake we made. Since we are not exactly experienced in the field of metal, there were quite a few mistakes. With out my best friend there to laugh with me, I have no idea what I would have done. I believe that whenever I am in a bad situation, laughter will always help me. One last situation in which laughter helped a lot, is when I used it to cheer up my best friend. A couple of days ago, my friend had, had a really bad day. Things just weren't going her way. After school I could tell something was wrong. I tried talking to her about it, but that wasn't really helping. So, I brought up some of our past experiences together. Within a few minutes she was laughing and I could tell she felt a lot better. Laughter really does help us out of some tough situations. Laughter is by far the most important factor in my best friends and I relationship. Our relationship is mainly based on laughter. Without it, we just wouldn't be as close as we are today. If we need it to cheer each other up, or cure boredom, I know that laughter will always be on our side.
We all understand the benefits of laughter. Laughter is definitely the most important part of my best friends and . Without laughter, we couldn't possibly have as much fun together as we do. If I am having a bad day, I can always count on my best friend to make me crack up, and forget about the day I have had. If we are out and about, or just relaxing at home, my best friend and I are always laughing. The end result is usually us both with tear streaked faces from laughing so hard. There are actually quite a few different instances in which I remember laughing particularity hard. This last @CAPS1 @CAPS2's eve for example, it started snowing at around three a.m, so my best friend and I ran outside screaming at the top of our lungs. Snowballs started coming from every direction. During a game of hide and go seek, we decided to bury ourselves in a snow covered leaf pile. Within ten minutes, our legs were freezing. So what did we do? We put on our swimsuits and jumped into the bath tub together. Having her there to laugh with me, made the situation a lot better. Another situation in which I remember being particularly funny, was the entire third trimester of freshman @CAPS2. I needed a first period class and the only thing open was intro to manufacturing. I definitely was not looking forward to it, until I found out that my best friend had it with me. We made a bad situation a lot better by laughing at every single stupid mistake we made. Since we are not exactly experienced in the field of metal, there were quite a few mistakes. Without my best friend there to laugh with me, I have no idea what I would have done. I believe that whenever I am in a bad situation, laughter will always help me. One last situation in which laughter helped a lot, is when I used it to cheer up my best friend. A couple of days ago, my friend had, had a terrible day. Things just weren't going her way. After school, I could tell something was wrong. I tried talking to her about it, but that wasn't really helping. So, I brought up some of our experiences together. Within a few minutes she was laughing, and I could tell she felt a lot better. Laughter really does help us out of some tough situations. Laughter is by far the most important factor in my best friends and . Our relationship is mainly based on laughter. Without it, we just wouldn't be as close as we are today. If we need it to cheer each other up, or cure boredom, I know that laughter will always be on our side.
It was midsummer, and i could feel the cool ocean breeze washing over my skin. You would think everything would be calm, but it was the exact oppasite.I wouldnt talk to him or even look at him. He was trying so hard to get me to laugh but i just couldnt. I was so furious with him that i thought nothing between us would ever bee the same again. I thought that our three months together was up, and it scared me so much. He left for his trip the next day, and he left without saying a word. I cried myself to sleep for a week. I knew he was back in town already, but he hadent called or said anything to me. After weeks of wondering and waiting, i could feel th at it was over. I talked to my sister and she told me that he would come around again and i had to be patient. I tried to take her words in my heart and i wanted to believe that it was true. I called his house everynight, but everynight i got the same answer, "he's not home, but i'll let him know you called". i wanted to believe that i would hear from him, so to pass the time i kept my self busy with cleaning and going out with my family. A couple of day's of not thinking and worrying about him did me good. I was smiling and laughing again. I felt like i could begin to breath a little and have fun. My sister's advice ended up working cos a week later he called me and told me that he wanted to see me. I told him he could come by @DATE1 and that i was very excited to see him again. The call ended and i was smiling from ear to ear. The next couple of day's i was in a complete fenzy, getting everything clean, figuring out what i was going to wear. Everyone thought i was going crazy, but the truth is that i was scared. Scared of what he will say to me, and were we would go from here. Th days seemed to fly by and the next thing i knew, he was knocking on my door. I let him in and he took my by surprise with a big hug. We sepnt hours jsut talking and listening to music. It was as if nothing had ever changed. Before we knew it it was dark out and he was leaving. I walked him to the front of my trailer park, and he sat me down on the side walk and took my hand's. I was shocked and didnt know what to do but listen. He told me that he was sorry for the way he acted and that tonight he realized how much he wanted to be with me, and that he was completely in love with me. I couldnt do anything except cry and laugh at the same time, and soon enough he was laughing with me. I couldnt have asked for a more perfect moment. It's been six months since @TIME1. We are better than ever becuase we have the laughter. It's what help's keep our relationship solid, and it keep's us close. Everyone need's a little laughter in there life. Im glad that i found someone special enough to always keep me laughing. It's like we never stopped. If you ever feel hopeless and like there's nothing for you. Remember to laugh, it's what makes the world go round.
It was midsummer, and I could feel the cool ocean breeze washing over my skin. You would think everything would be calm, but it was the exact opposite. I wouldn't talk to him or even look at him. He was trying so hard to get me to laugh but i just couldn't. I was so furious with him that I thought nothing between us would every bee the same again. I thought that our three months together was up, and it scared me so much. He left for his trip the next day, and he left without saying a word. I cried myself to sleep for a week. I knew he was back in town already, but he called or said anything to me. After weeks of wondering and waiting, I could feel that it was over. I talked to my sister, and she told me that he would come around again and I had to be patient. I tried to take her words in my heart and I wanted to believe that it was true. Furthermore, I called his house every night, but every night I got the same answer, "he's not home, but I'll let him know you called". I wanted to believe that I would hear from him, so to pass the time I kept my self busy with cleaning and going out with my family. A couple of day's of not thinking and worrying about him did me good. I was smiling and laughing again. I felt like I could begin to breath a little and have fun. My sister's advice ended up working cos a week later he called me and told me that he wanted to see me. I told him he could come by @DATE1 and that I was very excited to see him again. The call ended and I was smiling from ear to ear. The next couple of day's I was in a complete frenzy, getting everything clean, figuring out what I was going to wear. Everyone thought I was going crazy, but the truth is that I was scared. Scared of what he will say to me, and were we would go from here. The days seemed to fly by and the next thing I knew, he was knocking on my door. I let him in, and he took my by surprise with a big hug. We sent hours just talking and listening to music. It was as if nothing had ever changed. Before we knew if it was dark out and he was leaving. I walked him to the front of my trailer park, and he sat me down on the sidewalk and took my hand's. I was shocked and didn't know what to do but listen. He told me that he was sorry for the way he acted and that tonight he realized how much he wanted to be with me, and that he was completely in love with me. I couldn't do anything except cry and laugh at the same time, and soon enough he was laughing with me. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment. It's been six months since @TIME1. We are better than ever because we have the laughter. It's what help's keep our relationship solid, and it keeps us close. Everyone need's a little laughter in there life. I'm glad that I found someone special enough to always keep me laughing. It's like we never stopped. If you ever feel hopeless and like there's nothing for you. Remember to laugh, it's what makes the world go round.
Have you ever experienced a time with your friends or family where you laughed so hard your stomach hurt, and your eyes were filled with tears? Laughing is something every person needs. A great laugh can make a persons day and put a smile on their face. If no one laughed the world would be a terribly sad place. My friends and I are always laughing, to the point where were rolling on the ground, clutching our stomachs laughing. We sometimes laugh over absolutely nothing. I honestly don't know who I'd be if I didn't laugh, or what I would become. I remember this one time when my friends @CAPS1 and @PERSON1, and I were having a off day. We all woke up in bad moods and everything seemed to be going wrong, especially since we were woken up by my mom in the kitchen banging pans and pots around. When we woke up our favorite cereal was gone and so we wanted to go to the donut shop but no one would take us, and even though I realize that's not the end of the world now, it seemed like it then. My brother and sisters, with the @LOCATION1 blasting and running around the house yelling, were irritating us and we were already mad. The dog and cats, who kept trying to keep sneak in the house, were annoying us too. The weather outside was all gloomy and disappointing. We were all ready done with the day before it had even started. We eventually decided to get up and get ready. We came up with a plan to walk down to river behind my house even in the poor weather. The river was after our big backyard and past the quad track so it was about a mile away. When we asked my mom if we could go down to the river she said no she didn't want us walking down there by ourselves, which we had already done a few times before. We begged until we knew she wasn't going to let us. That put us yet again in a foul mood. We had to go find something new to do and it didn't seem like there was many options. We lived clear out of town about @NUM1 miles, not exactly walking distance.
Have you ever experienced a time with your friends or family where you laughed so hard your stomach hurt, and your eyes were filled with tears? Laughing is something every person needs. A great laugh can make a persons day and put a smile on their face. If no one laughed the world would be a terribly sad place. My friends and I are always laughing, to the point where were rolling on the ground, clutching our stomachs laughing. We sometimes laugh over absolutely nothing. I honestly don't know who I'd be if I didn't laugh, or what I would become. I remember this one time when my friends @CAPS1 and @PERSON1, and I were having an off day. We all woke up in bad moods and everything seemed to be going wrong, especially since we were woken up by my mom in the kitchen banging pans and pots around. When we woke up our favorite cereal was gone, and so we wanted to go to the donut shop but no one would take us, and even though I realize that's not the end of the world now, it seemed like it then. My brother and sisters, with the @LOCATION1 blasting and running around the house yelling, were irritating us and we were already mad. The dog and cats, who kept trying to keep sneak in the house, were annoying us too. The weather outside was all gloomy and disappointing. We were all ready done with the day before it had even started. We eventually decided to get up and get ready. Furthermore, we came up with a plan to walk down to river behind my house even in the poor weather. The river was after our big backyard and past the quad track, so it was about a mile away. When we asked my mom if we could go down to the river she said no she didn't want us walking down there by ourselves, which we had already done a few times before. We begged until we knew she wasn't going to let us. That put us yet again in a foul mood. We had to go find something new to do, and it didn't seem like there was many options. We lived clear out of town about @NUM1 miles, not exactly walking distance.
I woke up just like any other day happy yet lacking sleep. As i got out of bed i would have never known that to day would be the funniest day of my life. I got ready for school after getting out of bed. When i got to school every thing seemed like our normal homecoming tell there was a announcement on the intercoms that had told every body out of no where there was a dance tonight. So after school was done me and my friends were going to head over to our house's to get dressed for the dance. After we were all dressed @PERSON1 picked us all up and we headed to the dance looking fly. When we got there every body was looking dressed to dance except one guy, he was wearing corduroy pants with a red tucked in flannel and some brown worn out work boots. We look at him from head to toe and we thought to our self are we in a messed up hillbilly dream? That was just the beginning of what was yet to come. As every body started to get in grove of the beat we soon all started dancing to the music the music was good and every body was having a good time even the kid with the flannel. But just as every thing was going good a song came on that was called cotton eyed @CAPS1 when the flanneled kid heard this song he almost jumped out of his corduroy pants he soon stared kicking and swinging his feet and arms like if they had no bone or joints in them. Every body started to form a circular around the kid and every body was laughing and copying the kids movement even us. He didn't rely care he just kept dancing and singing to the song. The funnest thing about this was that the dance was a formal one and yet this kid manged to pull off wearing a flannel, some boots, and a pair ofcorduroy pants this kid was out of his mind in fact we still laugh and talk about it tell this day.
I woke up just like any other day happy yet lacking sleep. As I got out of bed I would have never known that to day would be the funniest day of my life. I got ready for school after getting out of bed. When I got to school every thing seemed like our normal homecoming tell there was an announcement on the intercoms that had told everybody out of nowhere there was a dance tonight. So after school was done me and my friends were going to head over to our house's to get dressed for the dance. After we were all dressed @PERSON1 picked us all up, and we headed to the dance looking fly. When we got there everybody was looking dressed to dance except one guy, he was wearing corduroy pants with a red tucked in flannel and some brown worn out work boots. We look at him from head to toe, and we thought to our self are we in a messed up hillbilly dream? That was just the beginning of what was yet to come. As everybody started to get in grove of the beat we soon all started dancing to the music was good, and everybody was having a good time even the kid with the flannel. But just as every thing was going good a song came on that was called cotton eyed @CAPS1 when the flanneled kid heard this song he almost jumped out of his corduroy pants he soon stared kicking and swinging his feet and arms like if they had no bone or joints in them. Everybody started to form a circular around the kid and everybody was laughing and copying the kids' movement even us. He didn't rely on care he just kept dancing and singing to the song. The funnest thing about this was that the dance was a formal one and yet this kid manged to pull off wearing a flannel, some boots, and a pair of corduroy pants this kid was out of his mind in fact we still laugh and talk about it tell this day.
Laughter is an important part of my life, either my friends are making me laugh or i am making them laugh. One prime example is on the @DATE1 me @PERSON1 three of my closest buddy's went hunting. That trip was the bast @PERSON1 worst hunting experience of my life. it was the worst because we shot @PERSON1 missed at two bears @PERSON1 one of the biggest bucks of my life. But it was the best because we all reached that tired state when every little thing was funny. The trip turned out to be a failure but the most important thing was that we had a blast, @CAPS1 teen age boys ridding around in a pick up truck making each other laugh. Another example was one @DATE1 this @DATE2 me @PERSON1 two boat loads of my friends went trip to a nearby fishing hole called @ORGANIZATION1@NUM1 is a small quiet @ORGANIZATION1 that not very many people go to, it is very peaceful. I brought out my fifteen foot duck/fishing boat @PERSON1 my ten foot canoe. I was controlling the big boat the only boat with a motor @PERSON1 towing behind us was the canoe. Inside the canoe was @PERSON1, two kids that don't mean to be funny but you cant help but to laugh at them. We were having a good @DATE1 of fishing @PERSON1 it was starting to wrap up. On our way back we stopped to fix a pole @PERSON1 the slack in the rope that was pulling the canoe became slack. When we started to move again the slacked tightened @PERSON1 the canoe lurched forward unbeknown to @PERSON1, who was standing up at the time. caused him to almost fall out. @PERSON1 when i mean almost i mean the only thing left in the boat was his feet @PERSON1 his hands which were holding on to the side rail. The only part that was in the water was his butt. This turned out to be the high light of the trip @PERSON1 we still bring it up from time to time. My friends @PERSON1 i have a lot of adventures most of them turn out bad but, all of them turn out funny.
Laughter is an important part of my life, either my friends are making me laugh or I am making them laugh. One prime example is on the @DATE1 me @PERSON1 three of my closest buddy's went hunting. That trip was the bast @PERSON1 worst hunting experience of my life. It was the worst because we shot @PERSON1 missed at two bears @PERSON1 one of the biggest bucks of my life. But it was the best because we all reached that tired state when every little thing was funny. The trip turned out to be a failure, but the most important thing was that we had a blast, @CAPS1 teenage boys ridding around in a pickup truck making each other laugh. Another example was one @DATE1 this @DATE2 me @PERSON1 two boat loads of my friends went trip to a nearby fishing hole called @ORGANIZATION1@NUM1 is a small quiet @ORGANIZATION1 that not very many people go to, it is very peaceful. I brought out my fifteen-foot duck/fishing boat @PERSON1 my ten-foot canoe. I was controlling the big boat the only boat with a motor @PERSON1 towing behind us was the canoe. Inside the canoe was @PERSON1, two kids that don't mean to be funny but you can't help but to laugh at them. We were having a good @DATE1 of fishing @PERSON1 it was starting to wrap up. On our way back we stopped to fix a pole @PERSON1 the slack in the rope that was pulling the canoe became slack. When we started to move again the slacked tightened @PERSON1 the canoe lurched forward unknown to @PERSON1, who was standing up at the time. Caused him to almost fall out. @PERSON1 when I mean almost I mean the only thing left in the boat was his feet @PERSON1 his hands which were holding on to the side rail. The only part that was in the water was his butt. This turned out to be the high light of the trip @PERSON1 we still bring it up from time to time. My friends @PERSON1 I have a lot of adventures most of them turn out bad but, all of them turn out funny.
I sat at the table, speechless, as they told me their story. The @CAPS1 had been through a lot in the past seven years. @PERSON1's youngest son was born three weeks early and the doctor told her he would only live for three days at the most. As she told me, she stared off into the distance as if she were reliving the moment. She told me that her baby, @PERSON2, had a rare disease. Half of his brain was smooth, instead of the the normal rigid. She told me about those first days and how scared she was. Seeing @PERSON2 next her was the only thing that kept me from bursting into tears. He had lived longer. @PERSON1 told me about how as @PERSON2 grew older he couldn't walk. His pediatrician told her that @PERSON2 would never be able to take his first steps and would have to live life confined in a wheel chair. @PERSON2 was given another miracle. He walked. With the aide of a camouflage cane he beat the odds once again. @PERSON1 told me about how @PERSON2 couldn't talk. He only speaks through sign language. She also taught me how to take care of him. He was a normal kid who liked to play with cars and @CAPS2. He wasn't any different then the rest of the kids. This was going to be a roller coaster of a week. I had only met the @CAPS1 early that @TIME1 when they had arrived to @CAPS4 @CAPS5, a @DATE1 @CAPS4 for disabled kids. I had only known them for a few hours and they were telling me their life story. I got the next week to become best friends with @PERSON2. We went swimming in the river, played with sticks, went on nature walks, even rode a horse. The smile on @ORGANIZATION1's face lit up my day every time I saw it. @PERSON2 got to experience things that a child of his kind would never be able to in a lifetime. We got to go tubing, ride on jet skis, and fish in a stock pond where we were sure to catch something. Having the best time of our lives we parted each night to bed, him in his cabin, and I in my tent. Each night as I left I could hear the family laughing and talking about how great the day was and how much fun we were having. To be a part of making a child happy was the cherry on top of my @CAPS4 experience. One event in particular from @CAPS4 that week will always stay close to my heart. @PERSON2 had been experimenting around on a tricycle made specifically for children with disabilities. He tried for hours to make it go. No matter how hard her tried he couldn't move. My heart broke when I saw him start to cry. He was so frustrated. @PERSON2 gave up and moved on to the swings instead. The rest of the day was filled with the look of sorrow and frustration on his face. I wanted to fix it. I had to fix it. He needed to be happy. That night I went to our @CAPS4 directer, @PERSON3, and I told him about what had happened and he brought me to the garage. The garage was so chaotic and unorganized. I didn't quite understand what he was doing until he emerged with a brand new shiny bike. One with foot straps and supportive seat complete with dragons, and a bell. It was the perfect thing. I was so excited to let @PERSON2 try it out in the @TIME1. The next @TIME1, after a delicious blueberry pancake breakfast, we set off to try out the new toy. This moment was big for @PERSON2 and his parents. He was told he'd never walk, or ever be able to ride a bike, or talk. He had lived through miracles before. He could do it again. @PERSON3 strapped @PERSON2 on the bike, put a helmet on him and started him off. The anticipation was almost too much. After a few seconds passed, the wheels began to turn. @PERSON2 was riding a bike. Tears streamed down our faces, this was the greatest moment of @ORGANIZATION1's life. The way he smiled and laughed at his new found capability was a great sight. To be part of something so special was an honor. @PERSON2 rode his bike all around @CAPS4 that day. He even rode it into his cabin, and continued to ride in circles around his bunk. I left the family to enjoy their night and went off to bed myself. The rest of the week was filled with a great deal of fun, but when the end came the goodbyes were hard. We didn't want to leave each other. I had become part of @LOCATION1's family, they trusted me and I felt at home with them. @PERSON2 and I were new best friends and couldn't wait until the next @DATE1 when we would meet again at @CAPS4 @CAPS5 where we could do it all over, and make new memories.
I sat at the table, speechless, as they told me their story. The @CAPS1 had been through a lot in the past seven years. @PERSON1's youngest son was born three weeks early and the doctor told her he would only live for three days at the most. As she told me, she stared off into the distance as if she were reliving the moment. She told me that her baby, @PERSON2, had a rare disease. Half of his brain was smooth, instead of the normal rigid. She told me about those first days and how scared she was. Seeing @PERSON2 next her was the only thing that kept me from bursting into tears. He had lived longer. @PERSON1 told me about how as @PERSON2 grew older he couldn't walk. His pediatrician told her that @PERSON2 would never be able to take his first steps and would have to live life confined in a wheelchair. @PERSON2 was given another miracle. He walked. With the aide of a camouflage cane he beat the odds once again. @PERSON1 told me about how @PERSON2 couldn't talk. He only speaks through sign language. She also taught me how to take care of him. He was a normal kid who liked to play with cars and @CAPS2. He wasn't any different from the rest of the kids. This was going to be a roller coaster of a week. I had only met the @CAPS1 early that @TIME1 when they had arrived to @CAPS4 @CAPS5, a @DATE1 @CAPS4 for disabled kids. I had only known them for a few hours, and they were telling me their life story. Furthermore, I got the next week to become best friends with @PERSON2. We went swimming in the river, played with sticks, went on nature walks, even rode a horse. The smile on @ORGANIZATION1's face lit up my day every time I saw it. @PERSON2 got to experience things that a child of his kind would never be able to in a lifetime. We got to go tubing, ride on jet skis, and fish in a stock pond where we were sure to catch something. Having the best time of our lives we parted each night to bed, him in his cabin, and I in my tent. Each night as I left I could hear the family laughing and talking about how great the day was and how much fun we were having. To be a part of making a child happy was the cherry on top of my @CAPS4 experience. One event in particular from @CAPS4 that week will always stay close to my heart. @PERSON2 had been experimenting around on a tricycle made specifically for children with disabilities. He tried for hours to make it go. No matter how hard her tried he couldn't move. My heart broke when I saw him start to cry. He was so frustrated. @PERSON2 gave up and moved on to the swings instead. The rest of the day was filled with the look of sorrow and frustration on his face. I wanted to fix it. I had to fix it. He needed to be happy. That night I went to our @CAPS4 directer, @PERSON3, and I told him about what had happened, and he brought me to the garage. The garage was so chaotic and unorganized. I didn't quite understand what he was doing until he emerged with a brand new shiny bike. One with foot straps and supportive seat complete with dragons, and a bell. It was the perfect thing. I was so excited to let @PERSON2 try it out in the @TIME1. The next @TIME1, after a delicious blueberry pancake breakfast, we set off to try out the new toy. This moment was big for @PERSON2 and his parents. He was told he'd never walk, or ever be able to ride a bike, or talk. He had lived through miracles before. Furthermore, he could do it again. @PERSON3 strapped @PERSON2 on the bike, put a helmet on him and started him off. The anticipation was almost too much. After a few seconds passed, the wheels began to turn. @PERSON2 was riding a bike. Tears streamed down our faces, this was the greatest moment of @ORGANIZATION1's life. The way he smiled and laughed at his new-found capability was a great sight. To be part of something, so special was an honor. @PERSON2 rode his bike all around @CAPS4 that day. He even rode it into his cabin, and continued to ride in circles around his bunk. I left the family to enjoy their night and went off to bed myself. The rest of the week was filled with a great deal of fun, but when the end came the goodbyes were hard. We didn't want to leave each other. I had become part of @LOCATION1's family, they trusted me and I felt at home with them. @PERSON2 and I were new best friends and couldn't wait until the next @DATE1 when we would meet again at @CAPS4 @CAPS5 where we could do it all over, and make new memories.
As I remember back, it was @DATE1. It was a hot, humid day. I can remember that day like it was yesterday. I woke up that morning and decided I was going to go swimming. But the only problem was I had no one to go with me, and @CAPS2 attitude was turning for the worst. The day @CAPS1 off fairly well for the most part. I called around to all @CAPS2 friends to see what they were doing for that particular day, but as I went down @CAPS2 friend line everyone seemed to be to busy to go anywhere with me. I was most certainly bummed. @CAPS2 happy go lucky attitude turned into the dumps really fast. The only thing that was left for me to do was use @CAPS2 back up plan, @CAPS2 aunt. We gathered our swimming gear, blankets, tanning lotion, and ourselves and packed it in the back of the van and headed towards @ORGANIZATION1. I was really not in the best of moods, and it seemed that everyone that was around me was turning into a grump as well. Totally bummed that all of @CAPS2 friends had ditched me and left me to hang with @CAPS2 aunt all day wasn't @CAPS2 explanation of fun, sorry enough to say, but it wasn't. As the day went on the more I thought about @CAPS2 friends the more I got frustrated. Then finally it came to me, why let their stupidity of ditching (the best thing that had happened to them) me, ruin @CAPS2 day. I @CAPS1 laughing and having a grand time, and pretty soon, in all reality forgot why was having a bad day. When we got to our swimming hole, I looked around and noticed that everything was well. Everyone there was having fun. So I @CAPS1 to loosen up and have a good time. Jumping off rocks, making a fool of myself, laughing, and having a good time. We spent the whole day enjoying with what we had. When I got home and I had realized what an awesome day @CAPS2 day had turned out to be, I realized that I shouldn't let @CAPS2 friends get me down. Laughing and having a good time can make any day turn around for the best. The most important lesson that I have learned from @CAPS2 experience that day, is to make the best out of each situation. Don't let crushed plans crush your self confidence. Put a smile on your face and turn your frown upside down and laugh. laughter makes life better.
As I remember back, it was @DATE1. It was a hot, humid day. I can remember that day like it was yesterday. I woke up that morning and decided I was going to go swimming. But the only problem was I had no one to go with me, and @CAPS2 attitude was turning for the worst. The day @CAPS1 off fairly well for the most part. I called around to all @CAPS2 friends to see what they were doing for that particular day, but as I went down @CAPS2 friend line everyone seemed to be to busy to go anywhere with me. I was most certainly bummed. @CAPS2 happy-go-lucky attitude turned into the dumps really fast. The only thing that was left for me to do was use @CAPS2 back up plan, @CAPS2 aunt. We gathered our swimming gear, blankets, tanning lotion, and ourselves and packed it in the back of the van and headed towards @ORGANIZATION1. I was really not in the best of moods, and it seemed that everyone that was around me was turning into a grump as well. Totally bummed that all of @CAPS2 friends had ditched me and left me to hang with @CAPS2 aunt all day wasn't @CAPS2 explanation of fun, sorry enough to say, but it wasn't. As the day went on the more I thought about @CAPS2 friends the more I got frustrated. Then finally it came to me, why let their stupidity of ditching (the best thing that had happened to them) me, ruin @CAPS2 day. I @CAPS1 laughing and having a grand time, and pretty soon, in all reality forgot why was having a bad day. When we got to our swimming hole, I looked around and noticed that everything was well. Everyone there was having fun. So I @CAPS1 to loosen up and have a good time. Jumping off rocks, making a fool of myself, laughing, and having a good time. We spent the whole day enjoying with what we had. When I got home and I had realized what an awesome day @CAPS2 day had turned out to be, I realized that I shouldn't let @CAPS2 friends get me down. Laughing and having a good time can make any day turn around for the best. The most important lesson that I have learned from @CAPS2 experience that day, is to make the best out of each situation. Don't let crushed plans crush your self-confidence. Put a smile on your face and turn your frown upside down and laugh. Laughter makes life better.
Those eyes, it was like I was looking out into a warm carribean sunset with a flash of green while relaxing on the beach without a care in the world. Her skin was kissed by the sun and flawless in every way. Those lushes ruby red lips looed about as juicy and refreshing as the taste of a freshly picked pink lady apple. From the moment she sat down across from me i couldve sworn i was dreamin. How can any woman look so perfect and exist outside of a movie or game? Thats all i could think of, thats all i wanted to imagine. Just me and her together, but the thought of it was to great to come true I couldnt find a way to bridge this gap i felt between us. Neither of us had ever met or seen each other before and yet still i couldnt resist. it was like when adam was presented with the golden apple from eve. That smile, perfectly straight teeth with that sparkling shine that could blind anyone without sunglasses. Thats when she inally spoke and said "@CAPS1 you know the answer to number three?". I was stunned by her voice. It reminded me of a thousend violins played by angels. my mouth droped and all I could say was "nope". I was a complete mook nothing more then a hoser, but then i noticed she was wearing a cross to match her outfit. So I attempted to redeem myself with "thats an amzing cross ur wearing, what kind of gem is that in the cnter?". She smiled and batted her eyelashes and told me "thank you, I like your cross too. mine has a ruby in it". I smiled back then i got a text message from my friend wth a new joke he wanted me to hear. As I read it I started to burst out laughing. The angel in front of me was then curiouse to what I was laughing about. When i finally finished the joke she too bursted out laughing and I finally gave myself a proper intruduction and told her my name. She was smiling fom ear to ear after the laugh we sared and she told me her name was "@CAPS2". Ah @CAPS2 surly it had to be a name given to angels. To this day I still thank my friend who gave me that joke, because if I had not made her laugh then we probably wouldnt have gotten to know each other. If we had not gotten to know each other then she probably wouldnt be my girlfriend. To this day I still feel like the luckiest man in the world and if fate see's fit to split us apart then I will always remember that laughing is the best way to get to know someone.
Those eyes, it was like I was looking out into a warm Caribbean sunset with a flash of green while relaxing on the beach without a care in the world. Her skin was kissed by the sun and flawless in every way. Those lushes ruby red lips loved about as juicy and refreshing as the taste of a freshly picked pink lady apple. From the moment she sat down across from me, i could've sworn I was dreaming. How can any woman look so perfect and exist outside a movie or game? That's all I could think of, that's all I wanted to imagine. Just me and her together, but the thought of it was too great to come true I couldn't find a way to bridge this gap I felt between us. Neither of us had ever met or seen each other before and yet still i couldn't resist. It was like when Adam was presented with the golden apple from eve. That smile, perfectly straight teeth with that sparkling shine that could blind anyone without sunglasses. That's when she finally spoke and said "@CAPS1 you know the answer to number three?". I was stunned by her voice. It reminded me of a thousand violins played by angels. My mouth dropped and all I could say was "nope". I was a complete took nothing more than a Homer, but then I noticed she was wearing a cross to match her outfit. So I attempted to redeem myself with "that's an amazing cross your wearing, what kind of gem is that in the center?". She smiled and batted her eyelashes and told me "thank you, I like your cross too. Mine has a ruby in it". I smiled back then I got a text message from my friend WTH a new joke he wanted me to hear. As I read it I started to burst out laughing. The angel in front of me was then curious to what I was laughing about. When I finally finished the joke she too burst out laughing and I finally gave myself a proper introduction and told her my name. She was smiling for ear to ear after the laugh we said, and she told me her name was "@CAPS2". Ah, @CAPS2! surly it had to be a name given to angels. To this day I still thank my friend who gave me that joke, because if I had not made her laugh then we probably wouldn't have gotten to know each other. If we had not gotten to know each other than she probably wouldn't be my girlfriend. To this day I still feel like the luckiest man in the world and if fate see's fit to split us apart then I will always remember that laughing is the best way to get to know someone.
Some say that laugh is the common language between people to people, nation to nation. If that is true, those laughters can speak all the languages around the world. In our lives, we all need laughters to be around. When they laugh, they don't just benefit themslves, but also all the people around them.There is a reslut from these people who study for phscology, they noticed that @CAPS1 don't cry because @CAPS1 are sad, @CAPS1 are sad because @CAPS1 cry. Same thing as laughing, @CAPS1 are happy because @CAPS1 laugh!I remember once, when I was in middle school, everyone in my class needed to go on the stage and do the presention. Before the presentation began, everyone was quiet, and there was nobody talking because we were all nervous. The classroom was dead quiet @CAPS1 could even hear a pen drop. I sat on my desk and did not know what to do. I was so neverous that I thought I would pass out in any second. I believed that was what my friends thought, too. Suddenly, we all heard a kid laughing! I did not know what he was laughing about, but the whole calss started to laugh! @CAPS1 could feel that the neverous situation was gone! Everyone started to talk and walk around. That helped me cliam myself down. I felt the big and heavy thing that was on my shoulder suddenly disappeared! The story was so unforgetable because I realized how aould a laughter change the situation from bad to good.Laugh could change the whole world from dangerous to peace. I am a laughter. I love to laugh because when I laugh, I feel everything is better. It could be both positive or negative, but laugh dose make my life better. People who are around me think that I am fun to be with because they could feel the joy I bring to them.Laugh is an important part of a relationship. My friend and I, when we get together, we always laugh about everything, from some random house to the sky. We really have fun together. There one time that I wondered, what is nobody in my group laugh when we are together? That would be no fun anymore! Without laughters, the distance between my friends and I would be a big gap, but with laughter, we would not have any distance between us! Then I noticed that the other group of people. Maybe they just had the bad day, they had no amile on their faces. When they sat together, nobody talked or laughed during the lunch time. They seemed they were not friends anymore. After dys, they started to talk again. They laughed just like they were good together! I realized that laugh could change everything. It could change not only the inside the relationship but also how people view your realationship.Laughters do help us out a lot. On mental, physical, and social, they benefit us in our lives.
Some say that laugh is the common language between people to people, nation to nation. If that is true, those laughter scan speak all the languages around the world. In our lives, we all need daughters to be around. When they laugh, they don't just benefit themselves, but also all the people around them. There is a result from these people who study for phycology, they noticed that @CAPS1 don't cry because @CAPS1 are sad, @CAPS1 are sad because @CAPS1 cry. Same thing as laughing, @CAPS1 are happy because @CAPS1 laugh! I remember once, when I was in middle school, everyone in my class needed to go on the stage and do the presentation. Before the presentation began, everyone was quiet, and there was nobody talking because we were all nervous. The classroom was dead quiet @CAPS1 could even hear a pen drop. I sat on my desk and did not know what to do. I was so feverous that I thought I would pass out in any second. Furthermore, I believed that was what my friends thought, too. Suddenly, we all heard a kid laughing! I did not know what he was laughing about, but the whole class started to laugh! @CAPS1 could feel that the feverous situation was gone! Everyone started to talk and walk around. That helped me claim myself down. I felt the big and heavy thing that was on my shoulder suddenly disappeared! The story was so unforgettable because I realized how would a laughter change the situation from bad to good. Laugh could change the whole world from dangerous to peace. I am a laughter. I love to laugh because when I laugh, I feel everything is better. It could be both positive or negative, but laugh dose make my life better. People who are around me think that I am fun to be with because they could feel the joy I bring to them. Laugh is an important part of a relationship. My friend and I, when we get together, we always laugh about everything, from some random house to the sky. We really have fun together. There one time that I wondered, what is nobody in my group laugh when we are together? That would be no fun anymore! Without daughters, the distance between my friends and I would be a big gap, but with laughter, we would not have any distance between us! Then I noticed that the other group of people. Maybe they just had the bad day, they had no mile on their faces. When they sat together, nobody talked or laughed during the lunchtime. They seemed they were not friends anymore. After dies, they started to talk again. They laughed just like they were good together! I realized that laugh could change everything. It could change not only the inside the relationship but also how people view your relationship. Laughters do help us out a lot. On mental, physical, and social, they benefit us in our lives.
Laughter is an integral element to many situations. These situations vary greatly, disasters to the desire to be cheered up to simply wanting to be amused. Humor can make light of circumstances no matter how grave, terrifying or uneasing. The recent earthquakes and subsequent tsunami in @LOCATION2 made me very worried for my friend @CAPS1. He lives in @LOCATION1 which I at the time I, and many of my other friends thought was close to some of the more affected areas. Of course, we were all scared for him, but we tried to the best of our ability to make light of this disaster. Our fears were made even worse when he never logged onto the ning or facebook, but we know now that was just because electricity was down for him that night (night for us). When we learned he was safe, at least for the time being we were all incredibly relieved. Humor really helped diffuse the situation, as it has many times before. As of now this is still a story in the making because as this is being written there are still great dangers for that region, not the least of which is the threat of nuclear meltdown. The jokes are continuing into the week. I believe humor can be very helpful during worrying times because making light of a serious situation in a way, makes it feel less serious. Of course many people look down upon doing this, which is completely understandable. They either don't see that we are legitimately fearful or don't understand and believe we're just joking about it to be "edgy" or "offensive". People who feel the need to joke about dangerous situations aren't intent upon being malicious or uncaring, they, most often, are people with with a sense of humor and a sense of distress.
Laughter is an integral element to many situations. These situations vary greatly, disasters to the desire to be cheered up to simply wanting to be amused. Humor can make light of circumstances no matter how grave, terrifying or unceasing. The recent earthquakes and subsequent tsunami in @LOCATION2 made me very worried about my friend @CAPS1. He lives in @LOCATION1 which I at the time I, and many of my other friends thought was close to some of the more affected areas. Of course, we were all scared for him, but we tried to the best of our ability to make light of this disaster. Our fears were made even worse when he never logged onto the King or Facebook, but we know now that was just because electricity was down for him that night (night for us). When we learned he was safe, at least for the time being we were all incredibly relieved. Humor really helped defuse the situation, as it has many times before. As of now this is still a story in the making because as this is being written there are still great dangers for that region, not the least of which is the threat of nuclear meltdown. The jokes are continuing into the week. I believe humor can be very helpful during worrying times because making light of a serious situation in a way, makes it feel less serious. Of course many people look down upon doing this, which is completely understandable. They either don't see that we are legitimately fearful or don't understand and believe we're just joking about it to be "edgy" or "offensive". People who feel the need to joke about dangerous situations aren't intent upon being malicious or uncaring, they, most often, are people with a sense of humor and a sense of distress.
One time I was at my friend @PERSON1's house, and her dog @PERSON3 was going crazy. She would run up and down the stairs as fast as she could and no one had any idea why. I thought it was so funny, but @PERSON1 was getting super mad at @PERSON3. So eventually @ORGANIZATION1 into her room to see if she would calm down, but to her dismay @PERSON3 did not. She was running hot laps back and forth all around the room and the more she did that the harder I laughed. It was like the most funniest thing I have ever experienced in my life. This dog had obviously gotten a hold of some kind of energy source to be this happen. Yet we still couldn't figure out what it was, but @PERSON3 was on a sugar high or something. So @PERSON1 and I went down stairs to see if her mom @CAPS1 knew why @PERSON3 was acting so ridiculous. She had no clue. So then we went and asked her dad @PERSON2, and he was convinced the dog was just crazy. Obviously the dog had some issues, but that wasn't the problem because @PERSON3 never usually acted this hyper before. Then @CAPS2, @PERSON1's sister came down stairs and told us to shut the dog up, but we couldn't. @PERSON3 was running to fast to catch her and was way to crazy to try and calm her down. So we took @PERSON3 back in @ORGANIZATION1's room and just laughed and laughed because there was nothing else to do but to sit there and wonder what the heck was wrong with this dog. To be honest, we never did find out what was wrong with @PERSON3, she was just insanely hyper and out of this world that @TIME1. So after @PERSON3 had calmed down about @NUM1 hours later, @PERSON1 and I went on a walk. We were with her friend @PERSON4 and I was trying to explain to him the story of how @PERSON3 went crazy that @TIME1 and they didn't find it as funny as me. I thought it was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen in my life! And while I was explaining it to him, they had warned me I was about to trip over a curb, but I was laughing way to hard to notice and I fell. That was like the icing on the cake of @TIME1. I just sat there on the ground and laughed, and so did they. It was pretty funny! I haven't laughed that hard since then. The end.
One time I was at my friend @PERSON1's house, and her dog @PERSON3 was going crazy. She would run up and down the stairs as fast as she could and no one had any idea why. I thought it was so funny, but @PERSON1 was getting super mad at @PERSON3. So eventually @ORGANIZATION1 into her room to see if she would calm down, but to her dismay @PERSON3 did not. She was running hot laps back and forth all around the room and the more she did that the harder I laughed. It was like the funniest thing I have ever experienced in my life. This dog had obviously gotten a hold of some kind of energy source to be this happen. Yet we still couldn't figure out what it was, but @PERSON3 was on a sugar high or something. So @PERSON1 and I went downstairs to see if her mom @CAPS1 knew why @PERSON3 was acting so ridiculous. She had no clue. So then we went and asked her dad @PERSON2, and he was convinced the dog was just crazy. Obviously the dog had some issues, but that wasn't the problem because @PERSON3 never usually acted this hyper before. Then @CAPS2, @PERSON1's sister came downstairs and told us to shut the dog up, but we couldn't. @PERSON3 was running to fast to catch her and was way too crazy to try and calm her down. So we took @PERSON3 back in @ORGANIZATION1's room and just laughed and laughed because there was nothing else to do but to sit there and wonder what the heck was wrong with this dog. To be honest, we never did find out what was wrong with @PERSON3, she was just insanely hyper and out of this world that @TIME1. So after @PERSON3 had calmed down about @NUM1 hours later, @PERSON1 and I went on a walk. We were with her friend @PERSON4, and I was trying to explain to him the story of how @PERSON3 went crazy that @TIME1 and they didn't find it as funny as me. I thought it was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen in my life! And while I was explaining it to him, they had warned me I was about to trip over a curb, but I was laughing way too hard to notice and I fell. That was like the icing on the cake of @TIME1. I just sat there on the ground and laughed, and so did they. It was pretty funny! I haven't laughed that hard since then. The end.
LAUGHTER @CAPS1 knows that laughter is a healing medicine. It has the power to ease a lot of aches and pains, such as the hole in someone's heart after a breakup or the suffering of someone unable to provide for their family. However, the kind of aches laughter eased in my life was the pain from the loss of a dear friend and teacher. Recently, one of the best teachers I've gotten the chance to know passed away. He was trying to get into the @ORGANIZATION1 to set up his lesson plans for the @TIME1, when the fatal incident happened. <@NUM1</@CAPS2> had a doctor's appointment that day and had gotten a substitute to take his place. It was six o'clock in the @TIME1 and still dark out as @PERSON2 tried to open the doors of the @ORGANIZATION1. Before he knew it, he was down on the ground waiting for someone to come help. Eventually, @PERSON1, the janitor, came out, spotted him and quickly called @NUM2. The ambulance hustled to come pick him up and rushed him to the hospital for emergency care. As soon as they got there, they found out he had had a heart attack. He'd had a couple minor ones before this one. However, this heart attack was big. It took his life and they weren't able to revive him. @PERSON2 was pronounced dead on the day of @DATE1. Our principle called for an emergency assembly when we all had arrived at @ORGANIZATION1 that @TIME1. We had known something was wrong, considering the strange looks on all of our teachers' faces. All the students gathered together in the small gym of our @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1. The air was filled with anticipation as we waited for something to happen. After a bit, a man we all knew walked out in front of us with a microphone in his hand. With slumped shoulders and a grim face, @PERSON3, our principle, told us of the tragic news. My mouth fell open and I gasped. I could hear people adjusting in their seats and murmuring among themselves as they struggled to take in the devastating news. Looking around, I saw the same shocked expressions on @CAPS1 of my classmates' faces. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't just yet. @PERSON3 explained the situation further as we intently listened to the sickening words coming out of his mouth. I was in shock. I didn't believe that @PERSON2 was gone. After our principle was finished speaking, we were ushered out of the gym by melancholy teachers and told to report to our first period class. As I made my way to my locker, I heard sobbing, but it was mostly silent. I quickly grabbed the folder for my first class and closed the locker, wanting to get out of the hallway and into a more private area. Walking into the classroom, I sat at my desk. People in my class filed in through the door and took their seats as well. Our teacher for that class didn't talk to us, so we presumed we weren't doing anything. Sitting there in silence and feeling helpless I put my head down on my desk and started to cry. It really happened, I thought to myself. The reality of the @TIME1 was setting in. By the end of first period, the sleeve of my sweatshirt was drenched in tears and mascara. Nobody had really said anything, but that was okay. Seeing that I had been crying, people stopped to hug me as I sluggishly walked down the hallway to my second period class. I expected my next class to be a lot like the first, but it wasn't. In place of the cold silence, was the soft sound of music. Instead of crying by themselves, people were being comforted by friends. Students were making cards for @PERSON2's family. We were all reminiscing the good times we had with @PERSON2. We retold the stories he told us of his life in the classes he taught. We remembered the funny crack he would get in his voice when he raised it in even the slightest way. We laughed when we remembered how he couldn't hang up anything straight and that the evidence was on his classroom walls. For the first time in that already long day, we felt alright. We felt as if we could celebrate his life, not mourn it. The rest of the day was alright. Not because we lost a great teacher, but because we could love and appreciate a great teacher. Laughter eased the pain and sorrow of that dreadful day. We could remember and laugh about the good times we had in the classroom with him throughout our @CAPS3. @ORGANIZATION1 and @ORGANIZATION1 years. We could remember the man @PERSON2 was through the small tickle in our bellies. Laughter brought us together in a time of need.
LAUGHTER @CAPS1 knows that laughter is a healing medicine. It has the power to ease a lot of aches and pains, such as the hole in someone's heart after a breakup or the suffering of someone unable to provide for their family. However, the kind of aches laughter eased in my life was the pain from the loss of a dear friend and teacher. Recently, one of the best teachers I've gotten the chance to know passed away. He was trying to get into the @ORGANIZATION1 to set up his lesson plans for the @TIME1, when the fatal incident happened. <@NUM1</@CAPS2> had a doctor's appointment that day and had gotten a substitute to take his place. It was six o'clock in the @TIME1 and still dark out as @PERSON2 tried to open the doors of the @ORGANIZATION1. Before he knew it, he was down on the ground waiting for someone to come help. Eventually, @PERSON1, the janitor, came out, spotted him and quickly called @NUM2. The ambulance hustled to come pick him up and rushed him to the hospital for emergency care. As soon as they got there, they found out he had had a heart attack. He'd had a couple minor ones before this one. However, this heart attack was big. It took his life, and they weren't able to revive him. @PERSON2 was pronounced dead on the day of @DATE1. Our principle called for an emergency assembly when we all had arrived at @ORGANIZATION1 that @TIME1. We had known something was wrong, considering the strange looks on all of our teachers' faces. All the students gathered together in the small gym of our @ORGANIZATION1. The air was filled with anticipation as we waited for something to happen. After a bit, a man we all knew walked out in front of us with a microphone in his hand. With slumped shoulders and a grim face, @PERSON3, our principle, told us of the tragic news. My mouth fell open and I gasped. I could hear people adjusting in their seats and murmuring among themselves as they struggled to take in the devastating news. Looking around, I saw the same shocked expressions on @CAPS1 of my classmates' faces. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't just yet. @PERSON3 explained the situation further as we intently listened to the sickening words coming out of his mouth. I was in shock. I didn't believe that @PERSON2 was gone. After our principle was finished speaking, we were ushered out of the gym by melancholy teachers and told to report to our first period class. As I made my way to my locker, I heard sobbing, but it was mostly silent. I quickly grabbed the folder for my first class and closed the locker, wanting to get out of the hallway and into a more private area. Walking into the classroom, I sat at my desk. People in my class filed in through the door and took their seats as well. Our teacher for that class didn't talk to us, so we presumed we weren't doing anything. Sitting there in silence and feeling helpless I put my head down on my desk and started to cry. It really happened, I thought to myself. The reality of the @TIME1 was setting in. By the end of first period, the sleeve of my sweatshirt was drenched in tears and mascara. Nobody had really said anything, but that was okay. Seeing that I had been crying, people stopped to hug me as I sluggishly walked down the hallway to my second period class. I expected my next class to be a lot like the first, but it wasn't. In place of the cold silence, was the soft sound of music. Instead of crying by themselves, people were being comforted by friends. Students were making cards for @PERSON2's family. We were all reminiscing the good times we had with @PERSON2. We retold the stories he told us of his life in the classes he taught. Furthermore, we remembered the funny crack he would get in his voice when he raised it in even the slightest way. Furthermore, we laughed when we remembered how he couldn't hang up anything straight and that the evidence was on his classroom walls. For the first time in that already long day, we felt alright. We felt as if we could celebrate his life, not mourn it. The rest of the day was alright. Not because we lost a great teacher, but because we could love and appreciate a great teacher. Laughter eased the pain and sorrow of that dreadful day. We could remember and laugh about the good times we had in the classroom with him throughout our @CAPS3. @ORGANIZATION1 and @ORGANIZATION1 years. We could remember the man @PERSON2 was through the small tickle in our bellies. Laughter brought us together in a time of need.
One thing that people in the world love to do the most is laugh. Why is it that we like to laugh? Laughter is every important in our lives because it brings us joy, happiness, and most of all it just fills our stomachs with butterflies. One major thing that about laughter is the whole point of view. Of course everyone makes jokes, dorky things, or simply a funny comment. All those things cause laughter, sometimes laughter helps people grow a good relationship and it builds up to be strong. In relationships like boyfriend/girlfriend, parents with their children, family, or even friends have to have some laughter in their relationship because if not then that would be a boring relationship. At times it's hard to bring laughter in the picture but we at least need to try to laugh it is healthy for us to laugh once in a while. In families its important to grow a relationship with the child or parents and they need some funny feelings in their stomachs that make them giggly inside and its all could laughter. Friends always will have funny moments to laugh about, it's sometimes the pranks that they do to each other, the funny comments, the jokes and it's easy as that to start laughing and creating the good relationship with just laughing with each other. Sometimes laughter could cause bad things if we use for bad things and that could cause a bad relationship. We also don't want to hurt someone's feelings by laughing at them because something that happen or if someone made a comment, because that could leave us not laughing to much after we loose a relationship with someone. The smiles that people have on their faces is a wonderful thing to see. In all relationships laughter is a big thing because it can always come in handle. People have bad days sometimes and we always try to make them happy and how do we do that, well it's called laughing. I know if I was having a bad day and I felt all depressed and mushy I would like someone to make me laugh by simply saying a hilarious joke. In my personal opinion I love laughing and especially making people around me laugh. At times I have my bad times and need some laughter in my system to make me feel at least better. I know that sadness can sometimes take over but we all need to think positive and not let the negative things take over. Life is so much better if we all have laughter in them. Imagine the world with just laughter, how life would be. i wish that could happen because that would make everyone full of happiness and smiles on the faces. In my personal life my family and friends are full of laughter. I have to make jokes at times when things are getting diffcult and everyone is freaking out. Laughter is a part of us either we like it or not it's always going to be with us no matter what. Eventually I would say that laughter is a element in my life that I will always carry and I hope that everyone in the world has the element of laughter in them because seriously it's important in this this world.
One thing that people in the world love to do the most is laugh. Why is it that we like to laugh? Laughter is every important in our lives because it brings us joy, happiness, and most of all it just fills our stomachs with butterflies. One major thing that about laughter is the whole point of view. Of course everyone makes jokes, dorky things, or simply a funny comment. All those things cause laughter, sometimes laughter helps people grow a good relationship, and it builds up to be strong. In relationships like boyfriend/girlfriend, parents with their children, family, or even friends have to have some laughter in their relationship because if not then that would be a boring relationship. At times, it's hard to bring laughter in the picture but we at least need to try to laugh it is healthy for us to laugh once in a while. In families It's important to grow a relationship with the child or parents, and they need some funny feelings in their stomachs that make them giggly inside and it's all could laughter. Friends always will have funny moments to laugh about, it's sometimes the pranks that they do to each other, the funny comments, the jokes, and it's easy as that to start laughing and creating the good relationship with just laughing with each other. Sometimes laughter could cause bad things if we use for bad things and that could cause a bad relationship. We also don't want to hurt someone's feelings by laughing at them because something that happen or if someone made a comment, because that could leave us not laughing too much after we loose a relationship with someone. The smiles that people have on their faces is a wonderful thing to see. In all relationships laughter is a big thing because it can always come in handle. People have bad days sometimes, and we always try to make them happy and how do we do that, well it's called laughing. I know if I was having a bad day and I felt all depressed and mushy I would like someone to make me laugh by simply saying a hilarious joke. In my personal opinion I love laughing and especially making people around me laugh. At times, I have my bad times and need some laughter in my system to make me feel at least better. I know that sadness can sometimes take over, but we all need to think positive and not let the negative things take over. Life is so much better if we all have laughter in them. Imagine the world with just laughter, how life would be. I wish that could happen because that would make everyone full of happiness and smiles on the faces. In my personal life my family and friends are full of laughter. I have to make jokes at times when things are getting difficult and everyone is freaking out. Laughter is a part of us either we like it or not it's always going to be with us no matter what. Eventually I would say that laughter is an element in my life that I will always carry, and I hope that everyone in the world has the element of laughter in them because seriously it's important in this world.
Laughter, to me, is an important aspect of my relationship with anyone. I cherish laughter, and I employ it at every chance that I receive. To many, laughter @MONTH1 be trivial, but to me, it holds the key to my relationships with other people. Without laughter, many of the wonderful people I have met in my life, might not be their because I used laughter to develop them into friendships. Friends were hard to come by in my childhood. I did not make good choices, not with whom I associated myself with; rather, with how I approached other people for the first time. I would come off as brash, rude, or annoying, to name a few among many. I had no experience with making relationships, and the first impression is very important. Just like any meal, the first sense that is appealed to, is sight. The image of the meal floods the mind, next, the aroma floats aimlessly towards you, and you begin to salivate in anticipation. And like any recipe, to perfect it, you must practice, and that is what I did. It was a long and arduous process, but come my sophomore year in @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I began to feel like I mastered the art of making other people laugh. As students, and individuals, people come and go, we @MONTH1 truly end up forgetting their entire being, or we @MONTH1 leave an impression on their mind. I try this through laughter; to be remembered if not, only for a day. Using laughter, I acquired new opportunities to make friends, and I did not squander those opportunities. I surrounded myself in a net of laughter, I developed the necessary skills to make people laugh. I enjoyed it, and I still do. One relationship that I built, is with a young women. I had never spoken to her before, until our teacher put us into a group together. Laughter was the essential building block of our future relationship. I was myself, I would not pretend to be someone I'm not, I would express puns that our youth are so fond of, euphemisms our generation know all to well. We would listen to the same music, and gradually, our relationship was nurtured into a stead-fast friendship. It has developed to the point were, in class, we long for each others company. We look for classes to have together because we love to make each other laugh. And because of laughter, I have made a friend with whom I share secrets, time, and moments with which I shall forever cherish. Recently she has decided to start playing tennis. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. I would like nothing more to help her, and whomever so decides to partake in my leadership. I do not necessarily claim to be the best, but I am confident in my abilities to teach the techniques, and fundamentals of the game. Their is not much more I would like to do, that is to play the sport that I love, with the women I love. And most of the credit belongs to laughter because, when her amiable face lights up from something I said, it means all the world to me, whether she knows it, or not. I have many such connections with other people from both sexes, but none so much as hers. I worked hard to build connections with other people because they would make life that mach easier, and that much more enjoyable. In @CAPS1 @CAPS2 their are no exclusive social groups, or roving bands of football players ready to pick out the weakest of the student population. We are all friends, we are all one community, we all belong, and that is due, in part, by laughter. Laughter connects people from around the world, it is the universal language every race, skin color, and religion all speak. It can bring us together or it can tear us apart, but in life, the medicine most prescribed, is laughter.
Laughter, to me, is an important aspect of my relationship with anyone. I cherish laughter, and I employ it at every chance that I receive. To many, laughter @MONTH1 be trivial, but to me, it holds the key to my relationships with other people. Without laughter, many of the wonderful people I have met in my life, might not be their because I used laughter to develop them into friendships. Friends were hard to come by in my childhood. I did not make good choices, not with whom I associated myself with; rather, with how I approached other people for the first time. I would come off as brash, rude, or annoying, to name a few among many. Furthermore, I had no experience with making relationships, and the first impression is very important. Just like any meal, the first sense that is appealed to, is sight. The image of the meal floods the mind, next, the aroma floats aimlessly towards you, and you begin to salivate in anticipation. And like any recipe, to perfect it, you must practice, and that is what I did. It was a long and arduous process, but come my sophomore year in @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I began to feel like I mastered the art of making other people laugh. As students, and individuals, people come and go, we @MONTH1 truly end up forgetting their entire being, or we @MONTH1 leaves an impression on their mind. I try this through laughter; to be remembered if not, only for a day. Using laughter, I acquired new opportunities to make friends, and I did not squander those opportunities. I surrounded myself in a net of laughter, I developed the necessary skills to make people laugh. I enjoyed it, and I still do. One relationship that I built, is with a young woman. I had never spoken to her before, until our teacher put us into a group together. Laughter was the essential building block of our future relationship. I was myself, I would not pretend to be someone I'm not, I would express puns that our youth are so fond of, euphemisms our generation know all to well. We would listen to the same music, and gradually, our relationship was nurtured into a stead-fast friendship. It has developed to the point were, in class, we long for each other's company. We look for classes to have together because we love to make each other laugh. And because of laughter, I have made a friend with whom I share secrets, time, and moments with which I shall forever cherish. Recently she has decided to start playing tennis. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. I would like nothing more to help her, and whomever so decides to partake in my leadership. I do not necessarily claim to be the best, but I am confident in my abilities to teach the techniques, and fundamentals of the game. There is not much more I would like to do, that is to play the sport that I love, with the women I love. And most of the credit belongs to laughter because, when her amiable face lights up from something I said, it means all the world to me, whether she knows it, or not. I have many such connections with other people from both sexes, but none so much as hers. I worked hard to build connections with other people because they would make life that mach easier, and that much more enjoyable. In @CAPS1 @CAPS2 there are no exclusive social groups, or roving bands of football players ready to pick out the weakest of the student population. We are all friends, we are all one community, we all belong, and that is due, in part, by laughter. Laughter connects people from around the world, it is the universal language every race, skin color, and religion all speak. It can bring us together, or it can tear us apart, but in life, the medicine most prescribed, is laughter.
People always say that the worst parts of life are the sad parts, the moments where no one is there to make you laugh or smile. These sad moments trump the problems caused by work, or by the society, and show how important laughter is in our lives. A time when someone is feeling joy so strong that it pours out of them in the way of a suppressed giggle or booming laugh, are the times that make life worth living, worth the jobs and the bad breakups and the over priced society. It has been said by those infamous "they" that your worst most tragic moments are the ones remembered forever because they hold the most emotion, but i have to disagree with "them". Moments in the life whether they be seconds, hours, weeks or years, can be cherished also if they are built up by the bonds of love and laughter. Just recently was my birthday. This year it fell on a @DATE1 and I had made no plans to celebrate in any way. Sure my parents had gotten me loads of presents but the joy and jittery excitement that i had always felt previous to my birthday wasn't in me. These feelings were most likely because this year i had decided that now that i was in high school, birthday parties were a no go. With no plans or exciting activities to await, my birthday was not eagerly looked forward to as it had been every year previous. What would i do?! I definitely didn't want to spend the day home in my pajamas with my parents and two sisters, that's what i did almost every other normal @DATE1. These thoughts and realizations brought that sad lonely feeling in me, those feelings that make up the worst parts of life. My mom, noticing my birthday gloom, suggested a trip to the beach and a one night stay in a yurt. I love the beach, I would even go as far as to say that its my favorite place in the world. I also love yurts. Yurts are big round cabins made from canvas draped around a wood structure, with a skylight directly at the top of the pointed roof where you could see the stars at night. Staying in a yurt at the beach sounded better to me then being at home, so naturally I agreed to the beach trip. Way deep down I was excited, I was thrilled, a beach trip with my family! In my head I was stuck still in my foggy state of gloom as thoughts swirled in my head about how I would not have a good time if there were no friends to laugh and hang out with, and how much of a loser I was for not doing anything with friends but instead my family. Our household consists of my mom, dad, and two sisters ages four and @NUM1 months. We are not the most well functioning family. I find my older sister to be an annoying brat sent by the devil to ruin my life and make everything my fault. Two out of the three of us girls have to always be in some kind of brawl, and that drives my mother crazy which gets her all flustered and my dad angry until we realize that buzz light year has ruffled all of our feathers. This scene is exactly what I imagined my family birthday beach trip to turn out like, but caused by a long car drive and hungry kids rather than buzz light year. The day approached and we woke early to pack our bags and pack the car. My mom, bless her, made a family announcement to us that today was my day and anything I wanted was what I got. This meant that I got to choose what we would eat, what we would do and could make any comment including telling my little sisters to bug off if i wanted to. By lunch, we had visited the beach, gotten settled in our yurt, and enjoyed a lunch made up of various snacks we had brought along and I found that I was enjoying myself. No one had fought all day, raised a voice, make a snarky comment or do anything to upset the happy atmosphere we were in. I was laughing. As we visited the aquarium with all its odd fish i laughed. I laughed at my sisters when they were doing silly things. I laughed at the things my mother told me. We all laughed at a bicyclist running into a pole, and fish doing vacuum like motions with their lips. All the laughing, all the smiles did a lot for me. It pushed those negative thoughts straight out of my mind and told them never to come back. Laughing helped me to see all of the love that circled around in my family, it made the love visible. Its healthy to laugh. Without laughter in our lives, some things like love, that can sometimes be invisible, become visible again through laughter.
People always say that the worst parts of life are the sad parts, the moments where no one is there to make you laugh or smile. These sad moments trump the problems caused by work, or by the society, and show how important laughter is in our lives. A time when someone is feeling joy so strong that it pours out of them in the way of a suppressed giggle or booming laugh, are the times that make life worth living, worth the jobs and the bad breakups and the overpriced society. It has been said by those infamous "they" that your worst most tragic moments are the ones remembered forever because they hold the most emotion, but I have to disagree with "them". Moments in the life whether they be seconds, hours, weeks or years, can be cherished also if they are built up by the bonds of love and laughter. Just recently was my birthday. This year it fell on a @DATE1 and I had made no plans to celebrate in any way. Sure my parents had gotten me loads of presents but the joy and jittery excitement that I had always felt previous to my birthday wasn't in me. These feelings were most likely because this year I had decided that now that I was in high school, birthday parties were a no-go. With no plans or exciting activities to await, my birthday was not eagerly looked forward to as it had been every year previous. What would I do?! I definitely didn't want to spend the day home in my pajamas with my parents and two sisters, that's what I did almost every other normal @DATE1. These thoughts and realizations brought that sad lonely feeling in me, those feelings that make up the worst parts of life. My mom, noticing my birthday gloom, suggested a trip to the beach and a one night stay in a yurt. I love the beach, I would even go as far as to say that it's my favorite place in the world. I also love yurts. Yurts are big round cabins made from canvas draped around a wood structure, with a skylight directly at the top of the pointed roof where you could see the stars at night. Staying in a yurt at the beach sounded better to me than being at home, so naturally I agreed to the beach trip. Way deep down I was excited, I was thrilled, a beach trip with my family! In my head I was stuck still in my foggy state of gloom as thoughts swirled in my head about how I would not have a good time if there were no friends to laugh and hang out with, and how much of a loser I was for not doing anything with friends but instead my family. Our household consists of my mom, dad, and two sisters ages four and @NUM1 months. We are not the most well functioning family. I find my older sister to be an annoying brat sent by the devil to ruin my life and make everything my fault. Two out of the three of us girls have to always be in some kind of brawl, and that drives my mother crazy which gets her all flustered and my dad angry until we realize that buzz light year has ruffled all of our feathers. This scene is exactly what I imagined my family birthday beach trip to turn out like, but caused by a long car drive and hungry kids rather than buzz light year. The day approached, and we woke early to pack our bags and pack the car. My mom, bless her, made a family announcement to us that today was my day and anything I wanted was what I got. This meant that I got to choose what we would eat, what we would do and could make any comment including telling my little sisters to bug off if I wanted to. By lunch, we had visited the beach, gotten settled in our yurt, and enjoyed a lunch made up of various snacks we had brought along, and I found that I was enjoying myself. No one had fought all day, raised a voice, make a snarky comment or do anything to upset the happy atmosphere we were in. I was laughing. As we visited the aquarium with all its odd fish I laughed. I laughed at my sisters when they were doing silly things. I laughed at the things my mother told me. We all laughed at a bicyclist running into a pole, and fish doing vacuum like motions with their lips. All the laughing, all the smiles did a lot for me. It pushed those negative thoughts straight out of my mind and told them never to come back. Laughing helped me to see all the love that circled around in my family, it made the love visible. It's healthy to laugh. Without laughter in our lives, some things like love, that can sometimes be invisible, become visible again through laughter.
Why is it that people can look back at something and laugh, but not while the action is taking place? For example, if you were to witness someone being hit by a car. During that event, nobody would be laughing. There would most likely be people rushing frantically for help and ambulances everywhere. But we see people get hit by cars all of the time on the @CAPS1 and it is considered comedic. On a hot @DATE1 @TIME1, something quite similar happened to me and my friends. I live next to the @LOCATION1. I know of this one spot on the @LOCATION1, its called @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1. It has a pretty strange name due to the fact that the water is actually a greenish color because the reflection of the tree's that surround it. The @LOCATION1 is about thirty yards wide, nobody knows how deep it is because it is impossible to touch the bottom. The main attraction is a cliff-side, which ranges from @NUM1 feet too @NUM2 feet. On the other side of the @LOCATION1, there is a beautiful, golden beach with massive tree's behind it. The hike to @ORGANIZATION1 is about one mile of steep decline, which leads right to the cliff's edge. The @LOCATION1 bed and the gorge is lined up just the way that it is shaded for most of the day, except in the mornings. On this particular day, I was going to bring @CAPS2, @PERSON2, @CAPS3, and @PERSON1. My friend @CAPS2 is a dare-devil. Although he's not very good at athletic things, he is willing to try just about anything. He was also home-schooled until freshman year of high school, so he's also pretty socially awkward and definitely not used to resisting resisting negative peer pressure. On the other hand, I am the kid to do crazy things, but I can pull them off. I was doing gainers off of the cliff's edge that was only about @NUM1 feet off the water. Somehow, @CAPS2 ended up getting pressured into trying one as well. As he was getting mentally prepared for this stunt, we all gave him a count down. @NUM4, @NUM5, @NUM6, @CAPS6! We all shouted at the same time. He ran to the cliff-side, just like I showed him, he jumped out, then brought his knee's to his to his chest. Nothing happened! That was the problem, @CAPS2 tucked but he never rotated. He fell like a rock. His back aimed strait at the water. There was what seemed like a @NUM7 second pause between the moment he jumped off the cliff and the moment he smacked the water. His upper back was the first thing to make contact with the water, there was a giant splash, and the sound of a clap almost as loud as a small firecracker. @NUM5 seconds later, @CAPS2 emerged from the water, he was attempting to breathe but no air was entering his lungs. @PERSON2, @CAPS3, @PERSON1, and I were all on the shore of the beach across the lake! Simultaneously, we looked at each other, nobody was laughing, everyone looked worried. All at once we booked it into the water. It was about a @NUM9 yard swim to get all the way to @CAPS2. I was the first one there. He was panting by then, but he was still in an intense state of panic. I stayed away from him until @PERSON1 got there. @PERSON1 is almost 6'@NUM7 and @NUM11 pounds, so he grabbed @CAPS2 around the torso first. I grabbed his legs, when @CAPS3 and @PERSON2 finally got there they took hold of his arms. We all pulled him to the beach where he could safely put his feet on dry land. Who knows what would have happened if the panicked @CAPS2 would have made it to the beach all by himself. Although, it was kind of @CAPS18 fault for pressuring him in the first place. After almost @NUM5 hours of basking in the in the sun and calming down, the sun started setting behind the gorge, there were shadows closing in on us from the shoreline. It was only @NUM5 @LOCATION2. We decided to explore down the @LOCATION1 a little bit, also to find some more sunshine. We all stood up and noticed that @CAPS2's entire backside was purple! Not only because of his ginger skin, but the impact on the water created quite the contusion. Everyone except @CAPS2 saw it and busted out laughing at the memory of what had previously just happened. @CAPS2 looked behind him and saw his discolored back and couldn'@CAPS3 hold back bursts of laughter. Laughter was coming from everyone. This was the first time that @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @PERSON2, @PERSON1, and I had ever hung out. Laughter was what brought us together. Now we share @CAPS18 @LOCATION1 spot with all of @CAPS18 own other friends but nothing sticks out to me like that day did. To this day we all still reminisce about that hot @DATE1 day at @ORGANIZATION1 when @CAPS2 attempted a gainer off the cliff. "Laughter is the shortest distance between two (or five) people."
Why is it that people can look back at something and laugh, but not while the action is taking place? For example, if you were to witness someone being hit by a car. During that event, nobody would be laughing. There would most likely be people rushing frantically for help and ambulances everywhere. But we see people get hit by cars all the time on the @CAPS1, and it is considered comedic. On a hot @DATE1 @TIME1, something quite similar happened to me and my friends. I live next to the @LOCATION1. I know of this one spot on the @LOCATION1, it's called @ORGANIZATION1. It has a pretty strange name due to the fact that the water is actually a greenish color because the reflection of the tree's that surround it. The @LOCATION1 is about thirty yards wide, nobody knows how deep it is because it is impossible to touch the bottom. The main attraction is a cliff-side, which ranges from @NUM1 feet too @NUM2 feet. On the other side of the @LOCATION1, there is a beautiful, golden beach with massive tree's behind it. The hike to @ORGANIZATION1 is about one mile of steep decline, which leads right to the cliff's edge. The @LOCATION1 bed and the gorge is lined up just the way that it is shaded for most of the day, except in the mornings. On this particular day, I was going to bring @CAPS2, @PERSON2, @CAPS3, and @PERSON1. My friend @CAPS2 is a daredevil. Although he's not very good at athletic things, he is willing to try just about anything. He was also homeschooled until freshman year of high school, so he's also pretty socially awkward and definitely not used to resisting negative peer pressure. On the other hand, I am the kid to do crazy things, but I can pull them off. I was doing gainers off of the cliff's edge that was only about @NUM1 feet off the water. Somehow, @CAPS2 ended up getting pressured into trying one as well. As he was getting mentally prepared for this stunt, we all gave him a count-down. @NUM4, @NUM5, @NUM6, @CAPS6! We all shouted at the same time. He ran to the cliff-side, just like I showed him, he jumped out, then brought his knee's to his chest. Nothing happened! That was the problem, @CAPS2 tucked, but he never rotated. He fell like a rock. His back aimed strait at the water. There was what seemed like a @NUM7 second pause between the moment he jumped off the cliff and the moment he smacked the water. His upper back was the first thing to make contact with the water, there was a giant splash, and the sound of a clap almost as loud as a small firecracker. @NUM5 seconds later, @CAPS2 emerged from the water, he was attempting to breathe, but no air was entering his lungs. @PERSON2, @CAPS3, @PERSON1, and I were all on the shore of the beach across the lake! Simultaneously, we looked at each other, nobody was laughing, everyone looked worried. All at once we booked it into the water. It was about a @NUM9 yard swim to get all the way to @CAPS2. I was the first one there. He was panting by then, but he was still in an intense state of panic. I stayed away from him until @PERSON1 got there. @PERSON1 is almost 6'@NUM7 and @NUM11 pounds, so he grabbed @CAPS2 around the torso first. I grabbed his legs, when @CAPS3 and @PERSON2 finally got there they took hold of his arms. We all pulled him to the beach where he could safely put his feet on dry land. Who knows what would have happened if the panicked @CAPS2 would have made it to the beach all by himself. Although, it was kind of @CAPS18 fault for pressuring him in the first place. After almost @NUM5 hours of basking in the sun and calming down, the sun started setting behind the gorge, there were shadows closing in on us from the shoreline. It was only @NUM5 @LOCATION2. We decided to explore down the @LOCATION1 a little bit, also to find some more sunshine. We all stood up and noticed that @CAPS2's entire backside was purple! Not only because of his ginger skin, but the impact on the water created quite the contusion. Everyone except @CAPS2 saw it and busted out laughing at the memory of what had previously just happened. @CAPS2 looked behind him and saw his discolored back and couldn't@CAPS3 hold back bursts of laughter. Laughter was coming from everyone. This was the first time that @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @PERSON2, @PERSON1, and I had ever hung out. Laughter was what brought us together. Now we share @CAPS18 @LOCATION1 spot with all of @CAPS18 own other friends but nothing sticks out to me like that day did. To this day we all still reminisce about that hot @DATE1 day at @ORGANIZATION1 when @CAPS2 attempted a gainer off the cliff. "Laughter is the shortest distance between two (or five) people."
Before my best friend moved away, we would stay up at night just laughing for no reason at all. I don't know what would get us started, but it would not stop until our stomachs hurt so bad from laughing that we just fell asleep. On these nights, her mom would come in around @TIME1 and ask us nicely to please quiet down, which just made us laugh more. When we are together, it is quite dangerous to be around. We have gotten so close that we are practically sisters in a way. Laughter is important in all of my relationships. I grew up in a large family where laughter is key, and positive attitudes were expected. Over the @DATE1, @CAPS1 and I work together, so we have lots of time to get our thinking on the same track. If we are on a short car ride and we want to go somewhere, we make it happen. We are very good at manipulating our elders, a skill acquired from years of practicing on @CAPS2. All it takes is one look to see what the other is plotting, then a laugh will follow, letting the manipulated know that it is doomed, or very soon to be. Our schemes are generally harmless, possibly just a little side ache from being tickled too hard. It does not help that we are both small, strong, and packed full of energy, just waiting for the right person to come along. @CAPS1 and I find ways to stir up mischief all around us, whether it be jumping out from behind corners or taking the manager's keys. When I go somewhere, I am generally aiming for positive places with an upbeat atmosphere and people that make me happy. I dislike and avoid places I don't enjoy, I am one to make jokes or be sarcastic when things are too quiet or too serious. Serious environments intimidate me, @CAPS6 are out of my comfort zone. Laughter brings people together, and it lightens people's moods. Nobody likes the awkward situations where no one is saying anything, so I generally will break the silence with a blond joke or something. I was flying home to @ORGANIZATION2 from @LOCATION3, @CAPS3 and met a couple great people on the way. When I boarded the plane I looked around for a place to sit then decided on the seat between an elderly woman and a man who resembled my father (I was alone on the flight). I thought, for the next hour I will be with these people, so I had better make it something to remember. The man had helped me get my carry-on into the overhead storage, which was very nice of him. The elderly woman and I started talking, and the subject of horses came up, and when horses come up in conversion, @CAPS6 are usually paired with lots of falling stories. She talked about this @CAPS4 horse called @CAPS4 @CAPS5, how he had a mind of his own, and how he would do things his way. The problem with horses is this: @CAPS6 know that @CAPS6 are a slight deal bigger than us, and can really do as @CAPS6 please, but most choose to listen as @CAPS6 don't like to be corrected. I told about my first few rides, and how I didn't know much besides how to steer the massive animal beneath me. Before we knew it, we were landing in @LOCATION1, and my new friends got off the plane. When my plane landed in @LOCATION1, I figured I would be flying to @ORGANIZATION2 sitting alone. After a few minutes, a teenage girl got on and sat next to me. The first thing she did was offer me a piece of gum, which I accepted. The first bit of the ride was quiet, but after awhile the crying baby got annoying to listen to so we started talking. She was flying to @LOCATION2 to her dad's house. We talked about our families and hobbies, and had a good time. After we flew into @ORGANIZATION1, I welcomed myself back home, I was back in the eternal rain state, and couldn't see anything besides clouds out of my window. Laughter is all around us, and there are always things to laugh about, look on the bright side of life. People are more attracted to those who can make them laugh, so get a sense of humor and you will be in good company. Giggles and smiles make the world go around, so keep laughing.
Before my best friend moved away, we would stay up at night just laughing for no reason at all. I don't know what would get us started, but it would not stop until our stomachs hurt so bad from laughing that we just fell asleep. On these nights, her mom would come in around @TIME1 and ask us nicely to please quiet down, which just made us laugh more. When we are together, it is quite dangerous to be around. We have gotten so close that we are practically sisters in a way. Laughter is important in all of my relationships. I grew up in a large family where laughter is key, and positive attitudes were expected. Over the @DATE1, @CAPS1 and I work together, so we have lots of time to get our thinking on the same track. If we are on a short car ride, and we want to go somewhere, we make it happen. We are very good at manipulating our elders, a skill acquired from years of practicing on @CAPS2. All it takes is one look to see what the other is plotting, then a laugh will follow, letting the manipulated know that it is doomed, or very soon to be. Our schemes are generally harmless, possibly just a little side ache from being tickled too hard. It does not help that we are both small, strong, and packed full of energy, just waiting for the right person to come along. @CAPS1 and I find ways to stir up mischief all around us, whether it be jumping out from behind corners or taking the manager's keys. When I go somewhere, I am generally aiming for positive places with an upbeat atmosphere and people that make me happy. I dislike and avoid places I don't enjoy, I am one to make jokes or be sarcastic when things are too quiet or too serious. Serious environments intimidate me, @CAPS6 are out of my comfort zone. Laughter brings people together, and it lightens people's moods. Nobody likes the awkward situations where no one is saying anything, so I generally will break the silence with a blond joke or something. I was flying home to @ORGANIZATION2 from @LOCATION3, @CAPS3 and met a couple great people on the way. When I boarded the plane I looked around for a place to sit then decided on the seat between an elderly woman and a man who resembled my father (I was alone on the flight). I thought, for the next hour I will be with these people, so I had better make it something to remember. The man had helped me get my carry-on into the overhead storage, which was very nice of him. The elderly woman and I started talking, and the subject of horses came up, and when horses come up in conversion, @CAPS6 are usually paired with lots of falling stories. She talked about this @CAPS4 horse called @CAPS4 @CAPS5, how he had a mind of his own, and how he would do things his way. The problem with horses is this: @CAPS6 knows that @CAPS6 are a slight deal bigger than us, and can really do as @CAPS6 please, but most choose to listen as @CAPS6 don't like to be corrected. I told about my first few rides, and how I didn't know much besides how to steer the massive animal beneath me. Before we knew it, we were landing in @LOCATION1, and my new friends got off the plane. When my plane landed in @LOCATION1, I figured I would be flying to @ORGANIZATION2 sitting alone. After a few minutes, a teenage girl got on and sat next to me. The first thing she did was offer me a piece of gum, which I accepted. The first bit of the ride was quiet, but after a while the crying baby got annoying to listen to, so we started talking. She was flying to @LOCATION2 to her dad's house. We talked about our families and hobbies, and had a good time. After we flew into @ORGANIZATION1, I welcomed myself back home, I was back in the eternal rain state, and couldn't see anything besides clouds out of my window. Laughter is all around us, and there are always things to laugh about, look on the bright side of life. People are more attracted to those who can make them laugh, so get a sense of humor, and you will be in good company. Giggles and smiles make the world go around, so keep laughing.
@ORGANIZATION1 @DATE1 for my @CAPS1 birthday we went to @ORGANIZATION1 for a week, @CAPS16 was so much fun when we got there but the drive was not fun at all. When we got to the house that @TIME1 is was so beautiful the snow was falling and @CAPS16 was coming down so hard @CAPS16 looked like white cotton balls and the snow on the house was just amazingly marvelous I mean @CAPS16 seriously looked like @CAPS16 could have belonged in a story book as a princess castle. When we got in the house @CAPS16 was really relaxed and nobody really wanted to do anything we all pretty much fell asleep on the couch. The next morning when we woke up we were all eating breakfast and watching the snow @DATE2, there was a knock on the door, so of course I had to @CAPS9 get @CAPS16 because my @CAPS17 was "too tired" so i got up and went and opened the the door and three huge boys came in and picked me up now at first i was like "@CAPS2 who are these boys?" but then after they took their hoods off i noticed @CAPS16 was my cousin @PERSON1, his best friend @PERSON2 and his other friend @CAPS3. So they carried me back to the table and sat me down and @CAPS16 was funny because my whole @CAPS17 was laughing so hard they couldn't breathe and i still had a horrified look on my face. They yelled"@CAPS4" and then went out back and started building snow ramps to snowboard off of. So i got dressed and went out back with them and at first they were like "@CAPS5 great she is out here". And they usually give me a lot of attention but they weren't so i decided i needed more attention so when they weren't looking i went and sat down and the snowboard ramp the had built and of course @PERSON2 knew why i was doing @CAPS16 but @CAPS3 and @PERSON1 were still clueless so of course they told me to get off but i told them "@CAPS7" and that irritated them so @PERSON1 said "@CAPS8 girl if you don't move i am going to jump over you", well of course i was super mad at this point and wanted to see if he would actually do @CAPS16 so i told him "@CAPS9 ahead" @PERSON1 started to @CAPS9 but then @PERSON2 grabbed him,@CAPS10 him off the snowboard and started yelling at him @CAPS11 the time the whole argument was over, witch @CAPS11 the way lasted almost the whole day. I went to bed @TIME1 and @PERSON1@NUM1 and @CAPS3 went to the bar and the next morning I was told to sleep in but i was woken up at seven o'clock @CAPS11 @PERSON2 and @CAPS3 screaming at @PERSON1 to get up but they didn't get him up they got me up I was so mad I felt like a mama bear who just got woken up in the middle of hibernation. @CAPS16 was so irritating to be a house with three hungover twenty-one @DATE1 old's but i had fun anyways, That @TIME1 they were not home @CAPS14 god but with them not there is was peace and quiet so we played @CAPS15 and @LOCATION3, @CAPS16 was so much fun we had a blast. The next morning wasn't all that fun because we had another @CAPS17, @CAPS18 us. I swear i was so irritated I wanted to pounce on them like and angry tiger getting ready to catch her prey. So i tried to stay away as much as possible, witch was kind of hard because they all love me but i just decided to lock myself in my room for the day to avoid them, @CAPS16 kind of sucked but @CAPS16 was a lot better than having them yell in my ear every five seconds. The day after we cleaned and started getting ready to leave, @CAPS16 was not fun at all but my @CAPS17 made sure i was cleaning and we ate three meals and after every meal we cleaned again but that @TIME1 we went to bed and you didn't hear a peep out of anybody because we were so tired but the next morning we left at seven o'clock and started driving back to @LOCATION2 @CAPS16 was so fun being at @LOCATION1 we have made @CAPS16 a tradition but we weren't able to @CAPS9 this @DATE1 because of winter formal but we are definitely going back this @DATE1 and we will have twice as much fun as we did two ears ago!
@ORGANIZATION1 @DATE1 for my @CAPS1 birthday we went to @ORGANIZATION1 for a week, @CAPS16 was so much fun when we got there, but the drive was not fun at all. When we got to the house that @TIME1 it was so beautiful the snow was falling and @CAPS16 was coming down so hard @CAPS16 looked like white cotton balls and the snow on the house was just amazingly marvelous I mean @CAPS16 seriously looked like @CAPS16 could have belonged in a story book as a princess castle. When we got in the house @CAPS16 was really relaxed and nobody really wanted to do anything we all pretty much fell asleep on the couch. The next morning when we woke up we were all eating breakfast and watching the snow @DATE2, there was a knock on the door, so of course I had to @CAPS9 get @CAPS16 because my @CAPS17 was "too tired" so I got up and went and opened the door and three huge boys came in and picked me up now at first I was like @CAPS2 who are these boys?" but then after they took their hoods off I noticed @CAPS16 was my cousin @PERSON1, his best friend @PERSON2 and his other friend @CAPS3. So they carried me back to the table and sat me down and @CAPS16 was funny because my whole @CAPS17 was laughing so hard they couldn't breathe and I still had a horrified look on my face. They yelled"@CAPS4" and then went out back and started building snow ramps to snowboard off of. So I got dressed and went out back with them and at first they were like "@CAPS5 great she is out here". And they usually give me a lot of attention, but they weren't so I decided I needed more attention so when they weren't looking I went and sat down and the snowboard ramp they had built and of course @PERSON2 knew why I was doing @CAPS16 but @CAPS3 and @PERSON1 were still clueless so of course they told me to get off but I told them "@CAPS7" and that irritated them so @PERSON1 said "@CAPS8 girl if you don't move I am going to jump over you", well of course I was super mad at this point and wanted to see if he would actually do @CAPS16 so I told him "@CAPS9 ahead" @PERSON1 started to @CAPS9, but then @PERSON2 grabbed him,@CAPS10 him off the snowboard and started yelling at him @CAPS11 the time the whole argument was over, witch @CAPS11 the way lasted almost the whole day. I went to bed @TIME1 and @PERSON1@NUM1 and @CAPS3 went to the bar and the next morning I was told to sleep in but I was woken up at seven o'clock @CAPS11 @PERSON2 and @CAPS3 screaming at @PERSON1 to get up, but they didn't get him up they got me up I was so mad I felt like a mama bear who just got woken up in the middle of hibernation. @CAPS16 was so irritating to be a house with three hungover twenty-one @DATE1 old's but I had fun anyway, That @TIME1 they were not home @CAPS14 god but with them not there it was peace and quiet, so we played @CAPS15 and @LOCATION3, @CAPS16 was so much fun we had a blast. The next morning wasn't all that fun because we had another @CAPS17, @CAPS18 us. I swear I was so irritated I wanted to pounce on them like and angry tiger getting ready to catch her prey. So I tried to stay away as much as possible, witch was kind of hard because they all love me but I just decided to lock myself in my room for the day to avoid them, @CAPS16 kind of sucked, but @CAPS16 was a lot better than having them yell in my ear every five seconds. The day after we cleaned and started getting ready to leave, @CAPS16 was not fun at all but my @CAPS17 made sure I was cleaning, and we ate three meals and after every meal we cleaned again but that @TIME1 we went to bed, and you didn't hear a peep out of anybody because we were so tired but the next morning we left at seven o'clock and started driving back to @LOCATION2 @CAPS16 was so fun being at @LOCATION1 we have made @CAPS16 a tradition, but we weren't able to @CAPS9 this @DATE1 because of winter formal, but we are definitely going back this @DATE1, and we will have twice as much fun as we did two ears ago!
Morose and somnolent, I woke up. I woke up to go to @LOCATION1. Going to @LOCATION1 to watch a few basketball games, I was. Although I was unable to partake in the activity because I was @CAPS1 injured in the previous week of practice. Unfortunately though, I still had to go and support my friends and teammates. It was about @NUM1 o'clock when we all got onto the bus and set off to @LOCATION1. All of my friends were mirthful and talkative; but me on the other hand, I was in a lackadaisical stare. The bus ride seemed to last a whole lifetime; but in two hours we arrived at our destination. @LOCATION1 had a nice school; but we were all about to find that it sometimes resembled a ghost town. The high school seemed lifeless in comparison with other schools we had played at in the past. There was nobody around and not a soul to be heard. We all sat there patiently waiting; then, after maybe five minutes or so a man showed up and led us to the locker rooms. The boys had to wait till the girls were done playing their game; so, we all went and started shooting on one of the auxiliary courts. Although, sadly due to my injury I could not participate in the activity. They were all having so much fun screwing around down there. Just the thought of not being down there with them made me ill. After the girls game we all went to change. After that we all sat there, joking around and waiting for our coach to come in and give us our pre-game pep talk. It seemed like ages before our coach finally came into the locker room. He talked about what we should and shouldn't do in order to get the win. When the game started I was really getting depressed, but I sucked it up and cheered on my team. The first half of the game was great and we were on top. Although the second half wasn't so great. We only scored six points and ended up losing the game by a large margin. My friends tried to be stoical; but I could tell that they were ashamed. Ashamed of their performance in the second half. This once again made me feel sad and depressed. Next, I had no choice but to go and watch two more games in the old, vulgar, and uncomfortable bleachers of @LOCATION1. The first of the two games was a great one; we won by two points. The next game on the other hand, was a very boring one. It seemed to take forever; but the worst of it was the fact that we lost. After that final game I had to wait for my cousin to come out from the locker room. When he did, we went to check out with our coaches; we had to check out in order to ride home with our parents. So off we went; but first we had to get something to eat. Once again, like all the times before we chose to eat at @ORGANIZATION1. We went through the drive through, got our food, then pulled over so we could eat. At first everything seemed right; but then my cousin noticed he didn't receive the @CAPS2 he ordered. So we went in to get the problem solved. Afterwords, we were all kind of joking about the restaurant not getting the order right; then I took a bite of my burger. It was then that I realized I had received a burger without a patty. I was really upset that @ORGANIZATION1's made such a silly mistake. So once more me and my cousin went in to the restaurant. When told what the problem was they were all just in shock. They couldn't believe what they had done. So after they all settled down they made me another burger. Me and and the family were all having a ball about the events at the @ORGANIZATION1. It was a great trip home fillled with lots of fun and laughter; which was not what me, my cousin, or anybody else expected.So in the end of my once gloomy day, I found myself stricken with laughter.
Morose and somnolent, I woke up. I woke up to go to @LOCATION1. Going to @LOCATION1 to watch a few basketball games, I was. Although I was unable to partake in the activity because I was @CAPS1 injured in the previous week of practice. Unfortunately though, I still had to go and support my friends and teammates. It was about @NUM1 o'clock when we all got onto the bus and set off to @LOCATION1. All of my friends were mirthful and talkative; but me on the other hand, I was in a lackadaisical stare. The bus ride seemed to last a whole lifetime; but in two hours we arrived at our destination. @LOCATION1 had a nice school; but we were all about to find that it sometimes resembled a ghost town. The high school seemed lifeless in comparison with other schools we had played at in the past. There was nobody around and not a soul to be heard. We all sat there patiently waiting; then, after maybe five minutes or so a man showed up and led us to the locker rooms. The boys had to wait till the girls were done playing their game; so, we all went and started shooting on one of the auxiliary courts. Although, sadly due to my injury I could not participate in the activity. They were all having so much fun screwing around down there. Just the thought of not being down there with them made me ill. After the girls game we all went to change. After that we all sat there, joking around and waiting for our coach to come in and give us our pre-game pep talk. It seemed like ages before our coach finally came into the locker room. He talked about what we should and shouldn't do in order to get the win. When the game started I was really getting depressed, but I sucked it up and cheered on my team. The first half of the game was great, and we were on top. Although the second half wasn't so great. We only scored six points and ended up losing the game by a large margin. My friends tried to be stoical; but I could tell that they were ashamed. Ashamed of their performance in the second half. This once again made me feel sad and depressed. Next, I had no choice but to go and watch two more games in the old, vulgar, and uncomfortable bleachers of @LOCATION1. The first of the two games was a great one; we won by two points. The next game on the other hand, was a very boring one. It seemed to take forever; but the worst of it was the fact that we lost. After that final game I had to wait for my cousin to come out from the locker room. When he did, we went to check out with our coaches; we had to check out in order to ride home with our parents. So off we went; but first we had to get something to eat. Once again, like all the times before we chose to eat at @ORGANIZATION1. We went through the drive through, got our food, then pulled over, so we could eat. At first everything seemed right; but then my cousin noticed he didn't receive the @CAPS2 he ordered. So we went in to get the problem solved. Afterwords, we were all kinds of joking about the restaurant not getting the order right; then I took a bite of my burger. It was then that I realized I had received a burger without a patty. I was really upset that @ORGANIZATION1's made such a silly mistake. So once more me and my cousin went into the restaurant. When told what the problem was they were all just in shock. They couldn't believe what they had done. So after they all settled down they made me another burger. I and the family were all having a ball about the events at the @ORGANIZATION1. It was a great trip home filled with lots of fun and laughter; which was not what me, my cousin, or anybody else expected. So in the end of my once gloomy day, I found myself stricken with laughter.
A while back my mom had decided to send me to @DATE3 camp. When I heard this I was pretty upset, @CAPS1 I wouldn't know anyone there. Before camp started I did all I could to let my mom not let me go. After a while of that I knew I wouldn't get my way, and before I knew it I was off to camp. When I got to the place that was taking us to camp, there wasn't a lot of people there. When I got to the camp I was wrong, there was a lot of people that I didn't know. It was extremely scary, but it was to late to go home now. Walking to my cabin was nerve racking, @CAPS1 I didn't know who would be in my cabin. Meeting the girls in my cabin was awkward, mainly @CAPS1 we didn't know each other and secondly our counselor was so weird. Right after meeting each other our counselor made all of us play a game of @CAPS2. Playing @CAPS2 at first with strangers was strange, but after a while we started laughing. We played and laughed for hours and hours, until it was time for lunch. Lunch with the girls was not so scary since we had so muh fun playing @CAPS2, but we still didn't really know each other. When lunch was over the first thing we did was play @CAPS2, the more we laughed and had fun the more and more we started to get to know each other. All @DATE1 we played the silly little game of @CAPS2, and just giggled and laughed. @DATE2 came along the second @DATE1 of camp and all of us had almost become friend by just laughing and playing @CAPS2. We played it so much the first @DATE1 that we just called it "@CAPS6 @CAPS2" instead of @CAPS2. Like other things we got tired of @CAPS2 and went our separate ways for free time. Everyone agreed that free time that @DATE1 was so boring so we played @CAPS2 again. Laughing and laughing till our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard, that I think was the @DATE1 all of us really became friends. We had become thick as thieves in just a couple of days, we did everything together. We talked,we swam, we played tennis, and most importantly we laughed together. Camp was not what I expected it to be, it was way better. All the girls in my cabin had become friends so fast that it was strange to other people,not realy but it was kind of weird to become best friends in just a couple of days. Camp was flying by for us and before we all knew it it was almost the @DATE1. Things were so good, until one of us got sick. I was the one who ended up sick, it was horrible I stayed in bed all @DATE1 missing everything that was going on. Even worse I had almost lost my voice, laying in bed without laughing with my friends and having fun was just torture. @DATE4 the @DATE1 of camp was fastly approaching, and all I could do was stay in bed. @DATE4 was there, but it was a relief when I could talk again. The rest of the @DATE1 @DATE1 of camp I could be out of bed and enjoying camp. When @DATE1 time was ending and evening was arriving, we had our cabin party. Our party was so much fun, even though we had to stay inside our cabin. We ate all of our treats we saved from the concession stand, and all of the treats our counselor brought. It was almost @TIME1 so we had to go to bed soon, @CAPS1 we where leaving in the @TIME2. There was one @DATE1 thing we had to do, and it was one @DATE1 game of @CAPS2. We played for about in hour, @CAPS1 another counselor had to come tell us to be quiet. Looking back at my first year of camp, I always remember how all of us became friends. We still talk about it every year at camp, and we do still play @CAPS2. That year at camp I think is one at my favorite memories, @CAPS1 we all became friends by just playing @CAPS2 and laughing together.
A while back my mom had decided to send me to @DATE3 camp. When I heard this I was pretty upset, @CAPS1 I wouldn't know anyone there. Before camp started I did all I could to let my mom not let me go. After a while of that I knew I wouldn't get my way, and before I knew it I was off to camp. When I got to the place that was taking us to camp, there wasn't a lot of people there. When I got to the camp I was wrong, there was a lot of people that I didn't know. It was terrifying, but it was too late to go home now. Walking to my cabin was nerve racking, @CAPS1 I didn't know who would be in my cabin. Meeting the girls in my cabin was awkward, mainly @CAPS1 we didn't know each other and secondly our counselor was so weird. Right after meeting each other our counselor made all of us play a game of @CAPS2. Playing @CAPS2 at first with strangers was strange, but after a while we started laughing. We played and laughed for hours and hours, until it was time for lunch. Lunch with the girls was not so scary since we had so much fun playing @CAPS2, but we still didn't really know each other. When lunch was over the first thing we did was play @CAPS2, the more we laughed and had fun the more and more we started to get to know each other. All @DATE1 we played the silly little game of @CAPS2, and just giggled and laughed. @DATE2 came along the second @DATE1 of camp and all of us had almost become friend by just laughing and playing @CAPS2. We played it so much the first @DATE1 that we just called it "@CAPS6 @CAPS2" instead of @CAPS2. Like other things we got tired of @CAPS2 and went our separate ways for free time. Everyone agreed that free time that @DATE1 was so boring we played @CAPS2 again. Laughing and laughing till our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard, that I think was the @DATE1 all of us really became friends. We had become thick as thieves in just a couple of days, we did everything together. We talked, we swam, we played tennis, and most importantly we laughed together. Camp was not what I expected it to be, it was way better. All the girls in my cabin had become friends so fast that it was strange to other people, not real, but it was kind of weird to become best friends in just a couple of days. Camp was flying by for us, and before we all knew if it was almost the @DATE1. Things were so good, until one of us got sick. I was the one who ended up sick, it was horrible I stayed in bed all @DATE1 missing everything that was going on. Even worse I had almost lost my voice, laying in bed without laughing with my friends and having fun was just torture. @DATE4 the @DATE1 of camp was quickly approaching, and all I could do was stay in bed. @DATE4 was there, but it was a relief when I could talk again. The rest of the @DATE1 of camp I could be out of bed and enjoying camp. When @DATE1 time was ending and evening was arriving, we had our cabin party. Our party was so much fun, even though we had to stay inside our cabin. We ate all of our treats we saved from the concession stand, and all the treats our counselor brought. It was almost @TIME1, so we had to go to bed soon, @CAPS1 we were leaving in the @TIME2. There was one @DATE1 thing we had to do, and it was one @DATE1 game of @CAPS2. We played for about in hour, @CAPS1 another counselor had to come tell us to be quiet. Looking back at my first year of camp, I always remember how all of us became friends. We still talk about it every year at camp, and we do still play @CAPS2. That year at camp I think is one at my favorite memories, @CAPS1 we all became friends by just playing @CAPS2 and laughing together.
I dont like computers
I don't like computers
Everyone knows how important a laugh can be. Everyone has a different laugh, it can be powerful and moving or devastating and hurtful. Someone said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." I agree with this statement, everyone has a different laugh and and laughs for many different reasons, laughing is so powerful, someone can make you laugh when your upset or unhappy and they could change everything and how you are feeling. Laughing is a way of connecting with others, you laugh when you are having a good time, are hurt and need someone. Laughs are surprising you never know when your going to laugh and for what, it could be from a little joke or a funny elaborate story being told to you. Over the @DATE1 I was moving back to @PERSON1 from @LOCATION1, and I was very nervous and scared to be the new kid again. Even though I knew some people from when I used to live here, nothing was going to change the fact that I was the new kid. Not too long after I moved I got reconnected with some old friends of mine that I have known since the second grade when I lived here before. My friends and I are always having a good time, laughing, and just being crazy. All of us girls have been through a lot the past few years and that @DATE1, and it was nice to see them and talk to them again after all that has happened to us, we have all gone of and done our own thing and became friends with different people, but we are still close friends after all this time. It was good to spend time with them and see how much they have changed. We have all changed a lot in the past few years. And we @MONTH1 have fought caused some drama and some of us moved away, but we have been through almost everything together since we were little kids and probably will still be friends through out high school and collage. @DATE1 was almost over and school would be starting again me and three other friends of mine wanted to something all together one last time before school started. So we planed to have one big sleepover. one of the friends lives in @LOCATION2, and she was able to come out to @PERSON1 and have this sleepover with us. It was just like second grade again, I don't think I have ever laughed as hard in my life. Not long after we all got there, we were laughing, talking, and having a great time. That night we were all sleeping over, we were thinking of something fun to do, and of my friends decided it would be fun to go @CAPS1'ing, so we asked her mom if it was @CAPS2 and she said as long as we don't go to far way from home and we have our phones on us in case we need to call her and have her pick us up. It was still a little too early for @CAPS1'ing, so until we waited for it to get dark, we walked to the store down the street from her house and bought bags and bags of toilet paper. It still wasn't dark or late enough to go, so we watched some movies, went to the mall, and stuck our feet in her hot tub. I was nice being back and being with all my old friends again. We stayed up and finally it was dark and late, so we put on all of the black clothes we owned and disguised our selves so no would could recognize us, we looked pretty convincing. We put on big jackets so we could hide the toilet paper in our jackets and if someone saw us walking they wouldn't see any of the toilet paper. We tried to be quit and sneak up on houses, but it dint work, we were so loud, we could not stop talking or laughing. We were being so loud we couldn't hear some other kids out late on their bikes also. They got closer and close and we realized it was some other guy friends we know from school, they got board and went for a bike ride. They helped us @CAPS1 some houses and it was getting really late, so we decided to head back. This @DATE1 was one I will never forget, we had so much fun and we agreed we have never laughed so much for anything. It was a hard year for all of us and it was great to see some familiar faces and spend time with some true friends like we used to.
Everyone knows how important a laugh can be. Everyone has a different laugh, it can be powerful and moving or devastating and hurtful. Someone said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." I agree with this statement, everyone has a different laugh and laughs for many different reasons, laughing is so powerful, someone can make you laugh when your upset or unhappy, and they could change everything and how you are feeling. Laughing is a way of connecting with others, you laugh when you are having a good time, are hurt and need someone. Laughs are surprising you never know when you're going to laugh and for what, it could be from a little joke or a funny elaborate story being told to you. Over the @DATE1 I was moving back to @PERSON1 from @LOCATION1, and I was very nervous and scared to be the new kid again. Even though I knew some people from when I used to live here, nothing was going to change the fact that I was the new kid. Not too long after I moved I got reconnected with some old friends of mine that I have known since the second grade when I lived here before. My friends and I are always having a good time, laughing, and just being crazy. All of us girls have been through a lot the past few years and that @DATE1, and it was nice to see them and talk to them again after all that has happened to us, we have all gone of and done our own thing and became friends with different people, but we are still close friends after all this time. It was good to spend time with them and see how much they have changed. We have all changed a lot in the past few years. And we @MONTH1 have fought caused some drama and some of us moved away, but we have been through almost everything together since we were little kids and probably will still be friends throughout high school and collage. @DATE1 was almost over and school would be starting again me and three other friends of mine wanted all together one last time before school started. So we planed to have one big sleepover. One of the friends lives in @LOCATION2, and she was able to come out to @PERSON1 and have this sleepover with us. It was just like second grade again, I don't think I have ever laughed as hard in my life. Not long after we all got there, we were laughing, talking, and having a great time. That night we were all sleeping over, we were thinking of something fun to do, and of my friends decided it would be fun to go @CAPS1'ING, so we asked her mom if it was @CAPS2, and she said as long as we don't go to far way from home, and we have our phones on us in case we need to call her and have her pick us up. It was still a little too early for @CAPS1'ING, so until we waited for it to get dark, we walked to the store down the street from her house and bought bags and bags of toilet paper. It still wasn't dark or late enough to go, so we watched some movies, went to the mall, and stuck our feet in her hot tub. I was nice being back and being with all my old friends again. We stayed up, and finally it was dark and late, so we put on all the black clothes we owned and disguised our selves so now would, could recognize us, we looked pretty convincing. We put on big jackets, so we could hide the toilet paper in our jackets and if someone saw us walking they wouldn't see any of the toilet paper. Furthermore, we tried to be quit and sneak up on houses, but it didn't work, we were so loud, we could not stop talking or laughing. Furthermore, we were being so loud we couldn't hear some other kids out late on their bikes also. They got closer and close, and we realized it was some other guy friends we know from school, they got board and went for a bike ride. They helped us @CAPS1 some houses, and it was getting really late, so we decided to head back. This @DATE1 was one I will never forget, we had so much fun, and we agreed we have never laughed so much for anything. It was a hard year for all of us, and it was great to see some familiar faces and spend time with some true friends like we used to.
Laughter is an important part of my family. We laugh together, we breathe together, and we'll die together. When it comes to a family the most important thing that brings @CAPS1 as one besides having fun, loving each other, and spending quality time together is what makes @CAPS1 laugh and what keeps @CAPS1 close. For me, my siblings, and parents we always have to have a good time and laugh, whether one is upset or the other is mad. It doesn't matter what the situation is @CAPS3's always a time where we have the best times even @CAPS2 points when one of us doesn't want to see one another. I was spending an adventurous day with one of my close friends, @LOCATION1 and we decided it was time to go home and get ready so I could go spend the night @CAPS2 her house. When @LOCATION1 and I stepped in my house @CAPS3 was so much commotion going on and yelling that we decided maybe we should sit down and figure out what was going on. As we sat down we began to bust up laughing @CAPS2 the sight of my step dad, @PERSON1 yelling @CAPS2 my oldest sister, @ORGANIZATION1. We didn't know what had just happened, but we really wanted to find out. "I can't believe @CAPS1 just can't go next door to @PERSON2's house and ask for toilet paper when I've been sitting anxiously on the toilet with hope @CAPS1 would bring me toilet paper for an hour. Yet, they came to our house and asked for our plunger which is far more embarrassing," @PERSON1 said. As soon as those words violently came out of his mouth we started cracking up laughing. It felt like my stomach was tightening so much that I couldn't breathe. With as much attitude as @CAPS1 can put in your tone of voice, @ORGANIZATION1 had said, "@CAPS1 don't need toilet paper to clean yourself with! @CAPS1 could have easily hopped in the shower and used the shower head to wash off the poop!" @CAPS2 that point @CAPS3 was no going back @CAPS2 what she had said. My step dad was furious that she would even say such a thing. Without any hesitation @CAPS6 quickly picked up the phone and dialed my mothers number. Waiting, and waiting for her to pick up. Suddenly, @LOCATION1 and I heard a voice on the phone. @PERSON1 began screaming telling my mom about the situation. It got to a point where @CAPS6 said some words that @CAPS6 shouldn't have said. As the words rolled off his tongue @CAPS6 began to stutter. @CAPS6 spoke, "@CAPS3 was no toilet paper and @ORGANIZATION1 wouldn't go and grab me some from @PERSON2's house. Unfortunately, I had to get up, get my hand wet, and wash my hands after I wiped my butt with my own hand." @CAPS3 was no stopping us from laughing as hard as we could. I had never heard of something so disgusting that made me want to throw up all over our leather couches. @CAPS6 was so anxious to take my sister's phone away that @CAPS6 immediately asked for it before confronting my mother about it. @CAPS6 didn't care even if my mom told him that @CAPS6 couldn't take it away. @CAPS6 wanted possession of it so @CAPS6 knew how my sister would feel. Not only did @CAPS6 take away her phone, but @CAPS6 took away her right to use toilet paper after using the bathroom. I don't know how long I laughed over that, but it felt like I was going to pee all over myself. As @LOCATION1 and I continued laughing @CAPS6 ran up the stairs as fast as @CAPS6 could rummaging through all the bathrooms in our house to get every last little square of toilet paper @CAPS3 was. Sad part was @CAPS6 even took off the shower head so that my sister wouldn't be able to use that also to clean herself. My mother got home and @CAPS3 was nothing to say. @CAPS6 was so embarrassed that we had heard that @CAPS6 had wiped his butt with his hand. Not only that, but i had put the story as my status on @CAPS5 and @CAPS6 had saw. I didn't mention any names besides @LOCATION1 and I's, but the fact @CAPS6 knew the story was about him made his cheeks turn as red as a cherry. @PERSON1 began to wonder. My sister had said @CAPS3 was no toilet paper and when @CAPS6 asked if @CAPS3 was napkins she also said, "no." @CAPS6 started looking through cabinets and soon found napkins. @CAPS6 was so mad, but @CAPS2 the same time laughing really hard. @CAPS6 felt like @CAPS6 should look for the brighter side of the situation. A week has gone by and my step dad, @PERSON1 still hasn't put one roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. @CAPS6 said, "@CAPS1 @MONTH1 think it's funny when it happens to me, but it'll be funny when @CAPS1 don't have any toilet paper."
Laughter is an important part of my family. We laugh together, we breathe together, and we'll die together. When it comes to a family the most important thing that brings @CAPS1 as one besides having fun, loving each other, and spending quality time together is what makes @CAPS1 laugh and what keeps @CAPS1 close. For me, my siblings, and parents we always have to have a good time and laugh, whether one is upset or the other is mad. It doesn't matter what the situation is @CAPS3's always a time when we have the best times even @CAPS2 points when one of us doesn't want to see one another. I was spending an adventurous day with one of my close friends, @LOCATION1 and we decided it was time to go home and get ready, so I could go spend the night @CAPS2 her house. When @LOCATION1 and I stepped in my house @CAPS3 was so much commotion going on and yelling that we decided maybe we should sit down and figure out what was going on. As we sat down we began to bust up laughing @CAPS2 the sight of my stepdad, @PERSON1 yelling @CAPS2 my oldest sister, @ORGANIZATION1. We didn't know what had just happened, but we really wanted to find out. "I can't believe @CAPS1 just can't go next door to @PERSON2's house and ask for toilet paper when I've been sitting anxiously on the restroom with hope @CAPS1 would bring me toilet paper for an hour. Yet, they came to our house and asked for our plunger which is far more embarrassing," @PERSON1 said. As soon as those words violently came out of his mouth we started cracking up laughing. It felt like my stomach was tightening so much that I couldn't breathe. With as much attitude as @CAPS1 can put in your tone of voice, @ORGANIZATION1 had said, "@CAPS1 don't need toilet paper to clean yourself with! @CAPS1 could have easily hopped in the shower and used the shower head to wash off the poop!" @CAPS2 that point @CAPS3 was no going back @CAPS2 what she had said. My stepdad was furious that she would even say such a thing. Without any hesitation @CAPS6 quickly picked up the phone and dialed my mothers number. Waiting, and waiting for her to pick up. Suddenly, @LOCATION1 and I heard a voice on the phone. @PERSON1 began screaming telling my mom about the situation. It got to a point where @CAPS6 said some words that @CAPS6 shouldn't have said. As the words rolled off his tongue @CAPS6 began to stutter. @CAPS6 spoke, "@CAPS3 was no toilet paper and @ORGANIZATION1 wouldn't go and grab me some from @PERSON2's house. Unfortunately, I had to get up, get my hand wet, and wash my hands after I wiped my butt with my own hand." @CAPS3 was not stopping us from laughing as hard as we could. I had never heard of something so disgusting that made me want to throw up all over our leather couches. @CAPS6 was so anxious to take my sister's phone away that @CAPS6 immediately asked for it before confronting my mother about it. @CAPS6 didn't care even if my mom told him that @CAPS6 couldn't take it away. wanted possession of it, so @CAPS6 knew how my sister would feel. Not only did @CAPS6 take away her phone, but @CAPS6 took away her right to use toilet paper after using the bathroom. I don't know how long I laughed over that, but it felt like I was going to pee all over myself. As @LOCATION1 and I continued laughing @CAPS6 ran up the stairs as fast as @CAPS6 could rummaging through all the bathrooms in our house to get every last little square of toilet paper @CAPS3 was. Sad part was @CAPS6 even took off the shower head so that my sister wouldn't be able to use that also to clean herself. My mother got home and @CAPS3 was nothing to say. @CAPS6 was so embarrassed that we had heard that @CAPS6 had wiped his butt with his hand. Not only that, but I had put the story as my status on @CAPS5 and @CAPS6 had saw. I didn't mention any names besides @LOCATION1 and I's, but the fact @CAPS6 knew the story was about him made his cheeks turn as red as a cherry. @PERSON1 began to wonder. My sister had said @CAPS3 was no toilet paper and when @CAPS6 asked if @CAPS3 was napkins she also said, "no." @CAPS6 started looking through cabinets and soon found napkins. @CAPS6 was so mad, but @CAPS2 the same time laughing really hard. felt like @CAPS6 should look for the brighter side of the situation. A week has gone by and my stepdad, @PERSON1 still hasn't put one roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. @CAPS6 said, "@CAPS1 @MONTH1 think it's funny when it happens to me, but it'll be funny when @CAPS1 don't have any toilet paper."
laughter is an important part of any kind of relationship like your family, friends, or your other half. Now let me tell you why it is important, there was two weeks left of school and my family had planned out to go camping for a week. Finally school was over and as we were all saying our good byes and see you next year to all our friends. My parents came to pick us up in what my dad called an "@CAPS1" that looked like an ordinary school bus. We were now off on our way to go to our camping site. Now you would think that going camping would be for bringing the family together and having fun. But no my brothers were locked into their video games, my mom and sister were both on their phones while my dad was driving. I even asked them why they brought electronic devices and all i got for an answer was a "because". Finally i just decided to let it go and read until we got to our camp site. Finally we arrived and the first thing we did was unload the @CAPS1 and set everything up so we could get comfortable. The same night we were all by the toasty camp fire, and as usual my family was being entertained by there video games, cellphones or everything that they thought was needed out here in the wilderness. As i sat by the fire i gazed at the stars above my head and started to wonder if my family was always going to be like this and never be a close, fun or even exciting family. The next morning after we were all awake my parents were making breakfast, and my mom had asked me if i remembered to close the @CAPS1 door before going to sleep in my tent, and i said no i forgot knowing how my mom was she got a little mad and asked my sister to go close it. As she walked up to the door she heard noises and went inside to see what it was. Before i could even blink i saw her sprinting out of the @CAPS1 and screaming off the top of her lungs. Right behind her were a group or raccoons chasing her! My dad trying to be a hero runs towards them trying to scare them off, but fails and gets bit on his butt. Luckily my dad was @CAPS5 but while we were all distracted the raccoons had left with our food. My dad was so mad that he kicked the only log that kept the @CAPS1 from rolling away. And it starts moving right away, we all watch it go down the hill until it rode into a lake. Slowly it started to disappear once it was completely out of sight we all went to the lake staring at the large lake that devoured out @CAPS1 wondering what we were going to do with no vehicle. As we were heading back to the camp site all you could hear for miles was my family arguing. not paying attention of whats in front of them my mom fell in to a mud pit and my dad tried to get her out but slipped in too. Once they got out they looked so outraged and looked as if they were ready to call out mother nature to a fight. Once we made it back to the camp site we sat down and i took a good look at each one of us. Our clothes were all wet and covered with mud, we were all hungry and not really in the best mood. I sat there and said dad don't get even more mad but but i thought it was pretty funny when the raccoon bit your butt, and i showed him the picture i took when it happened. My family then all looked at it and started laughing and laughing we all suddenly started talking and actually acting like a family! We decided to just walk home and hitch hike, we walked down the road for a good hour until we got a ride from a local trucker we saw down the road. Once we got home we talked more, we spent more time together we were really like the perfect family i wished i could have. That camping trip changed us all and I'm happy that it did because now me and my family are closer than ever! And that's how I can prove that laughter is an important part of any relationship.
Laughter is an important part of any kind of relationship like your family, friends, or your other half. Now let me tell you why it is important, there were two weeks left of school and my family had planned out to go camping for a week. Finally, school was over and as we were all saying our goodbyes and see you next year to all our friends. My parents came to pick us up in what my dad called an "@CAPS1" that looked like an ordinary school bus. We were now off on our way to go to our camping site. Now you would think that going camping would be for bringing the family together and having fun. But no my brothers were locked into their video games, my mom and sister were both on their phones while my dad was driving. I even asked them why they brought electronic devices and all I got for an answer was a "because". Finally, I just decided to let it go and read until we got to our camp site. Finally, we arrived and the first thing we did was unload the @CAPS1 and set everything up, so we could get comfortable. The same night we were all by the toasty camp fire, and as usual my family was being entertained by there video games, cellphones or everything that they thought was needed out here in the wilderness. As I sat by the fire I gazed at the stars above my head and started to wonder if my family was always going to be like this and never be a close, fun or even exciting family. The next morning after we were all awake my parents were making breakfast, and my mom had asked me if I remembered to close the @CAPS1 door before going to sleep in my tent, and I said no I forgot knowing how my mom was she got a little mad and asked my sister to go close it. As she walked up to the door she heard noises and went inside to see what it was. Before I could even blink I saw her sprinting out of the @CAPS1 and screaming off the top of her lungs. Right behind her were a group or raccoons chasing her! My dad trying to be a hero runs towards them trying to scare them off, but fails and gets a bit on his butt. Luckily my dad was @CAPS5 but while we were all distracted the raccoons had left with our food. My dad was so mad that he kicked the only log that kept the @CAPS1 from rolling away. And it starts moving right away, we all watch it go down the hill until it rode into a lake. Slowly it started to disappear once it was completely out of sight we all went to the lake staring at the large lake that devoured out @CAPS1 wondering what we were going to do with no vehicle. As we were heading back to the camp site all you could hear for miles was my family arguing. Not paying attention of what's in front of them my mom fell in to a mud pit and my dad tried to get her out but slipped in too. Once they got out they looked so outraged and looked as if they were ready to call out mother nature to a fight. Once we made it back to the camp site we sat down and I took a good look at each one of us. Our clothes were all wet and covered with mud, we were all hungry and not really in the best mood. I sat there and said dad don't get even more mad but I thought it was pretty funny when the raccoon bit your butt, and I showed him the picture I took when it happened. My family then all looked at it and started laughing and laughing we all suddenly started talking and actually acting like a family! We decided to just walk home and hitchhike, we walked down the road for a good hour until we got a ride from a local trucker we saw down the road. Once we got home we talked more, we spent more time together we were really like the perfect family I wished I could have. That camping trip changed us all, and I'm happy that it did because now my family and I are closer than ever! And that's how I can prove that laughter is an important part of any relationship.
Sometime ago on a hot @DATE1 day my @NUM1 ,@PERSON3 ,@PERSON1, @PERSON4 ,and @PERSON2. Wanted to do something that could give us relief from the extream heat. So we sat down and talked to find out what we could do and were we wanted to go. So @PERSON7 had a few ideas one was go over to @LOCATION3 house were there was an air conditioning his other idea was to walk @NUM2 miles to @CAPS1 swim hole, but the only reason he wanted to go was because his girlfriend would be there,really know one hates @CAPS1 but no body wanted to walk that far in the heat ,then walk back to @CAPS3 @NUM3 had three ideas number one of his ideas was walk to his uncles house @NUM4 miles away to see if we could catch a ride to @CAPS4 @CAPS5, his second idea was to go down to our friends @PERSON5's house and go swim in his built in pool, his third idea was to to go in the back yard i spray our selves with the hose. @PERSON1 had two ideas one was to see if he could get his mom to lend him some money to fill his tank and to pay her back,his other idea was to drive to the coast and camp there for a few days if he got the money from his mom.Byran had three ghetto ideas one was to go jump in the water fountain by the @ORGANIZATION1 then quickly get out before we got in trouble, second idea was to go over to the @LOCATION4...A.K.A. the @CAPS6 @CAPS7 and hop over the fence and then he was going to let us in, his third idea was to go over to the old people homes and swim in there pool there because he said he knew a @NUM5 had three ideas one was to walk a mile to to the forks , second was to walk down to the creek @NUM4 miles away third idea was to get a whole bunch of fans and run them threw out @CAPS3 room. I was with @PERSON1 on his ideas pf going to the coast and camping and what not because i love to camp at the beach it smells all pretty most of the time there is really fine chicks so yeah i was way down to go to the coast for real.So we sat and we waited and waited and waited for @PERSON1's mom to call us finally his phone rings we were all excited but it was just his grandma calling him we were bummed all hell. so there we were once again waiting for what seem to be for ever for a phone call by @ORGANIZATION3's @NUM7 phone ring we didn't have hopes up this time we figured it was some one else but guess what this time it actually was @PERSON1's mom she said that she'll lend him the money but us boys had to do something for her she wanted us to go down to the bimor and pick @CAPS9 from work then buy her some cigars for @PERSON1's grandpa so we did.After were done the earn run we packed our clothes,blankets,sleeping bag,food,camping supplies, and wood.After a good hour it was @NUM4 @CAPS10.M. we went to the chevron and fueled @PERSON1 tank then we were off to @ORGANIZATION2 city @LOCATION1 the drive to almost two hours it seemed but what a beautiful ride long tunnels beautiful river , mountains oh and who could forget the beautiful tall red woods of @LOCATION1 and the smell of that forest you can smell it through almost any car.I thought it was funny when we got close to the coast the temperature dropped like @NUM9 degrees @CAPS11 and ever-body was in a good mood and could smell the coastal air.When we got to the camp site we ran out to the beach as jumped in people look at us like we were crazy or something because we swam like @NUM10 feet out in @NUM9 degree water it was funny because people wouldn't stop talking but then we found out we were swimming a red zone were there has been rip tide advisories so after that we were really @LOCATION2 and we realizes we had no propane so we had to go into to town and get propane for our stove so we did then we ate the best hot dogs ever dipped in @ORGANIZATION4 honey it was delicious.We stayed at the coast for a night then @PERSON6 got called in to go to work so we had to leave and go back to the heat in @CAPS12 @CAPS6 @CAPS13 it was a way way big drag and it was so hot getting back we pretty upset at the weather but when we got back @CAPS3 mom wanted to go out to the river so in the end it was all good.
Sometime ago on a hot @DATE1 day my @NUM1, @PERSON3, @PERSON1, @PERSON4, and @PERSON2. Wanted to do something that could give us relief from the ext ream heat. So we sat down and talked to find out what we could do and were we wanted to go. So @PERSON7 had a few ideas one was gone over to @LOCATION3 house were there was an air conditioning his other idea was to walk @NUM2 miles to @CAPS1 swim hole, but the only reason he wanted to go was because his girlfriend would be there, really know one hates @CAPS1 but nobody wanted to walk that far in the heat, then walk back to @CAPS3 @NUM3 had three ideas number one of his ideas was walk to his uncles house @NUM4 miles away to see if we could catch a ride to @CAPS4 @CAPS5, his second idea was to go down to our friends @PERSON5's house and go swim in his built-in pool, his third idea was to go in the backyard I spray our selves with the hose. @PERSON1 had two ideas one was to see if he could get his mom to lend him some money to fill his tank and to pay her back, his other idea was to drive to the coast and camp there for a few days if he got the money from his mom. Byran had three ghetto ideas one was to go jump in the water fountain by the @ORGANIZATION1 then quickly get out before we got in trouble, second idea was to go over to the @LOCATION4... A.K.A. the @CAPS6 @CAPS7 and hop over the fence, and then he was going to let us in, his third idea was to go over to the old people homes and swim in there pool there because he said he knew a @NUM5 had three ideas one was to walk a mile to the forks, second was to walk down to the creek @NUM4 miles away third idea was to get a bunch of fans and run them threw out @CAPS3 room. I was with @PERSON1 on his ideas pf going to the coast and camping and what not because I love to camp at the beach it smells all pretty most of the time there is really fine chicks so yeah I was way down to go to the coast for real. So we sat, and we waited and waited and waited for @PERSON1's mom to call us finally his phone rings we were all excited, but it was just his grandma calling him we were bummed all hell. So there we were once again waiting for what seem to be forever for a phone call by @ORGANIZATION3's @NUM7 phone ring we didn't have hopes up this time we figured it was someone else but guess what this time it actually was @PERSON1's mom she said that she'll lend him the money but us boys had to do something for her, she wanted us to go down to the Timor and pick @CAPS9 from work then buy her some cigars for @PERSON1's grandpa, so we did. After were done to earn run we packed our clothes, blankets,sleeping bag, food,camping supplies, and wood. After a good hour it was @NUM4 @CAPS10. M. we went to the chevron and fueled @PERSON1 tank then we were off to @ORGANIZATION2 city @LOCATION1 the drive to almost two hours it seemed but what a beautiful ride long tunnels beautiful river, mountains oh and who could forget the beautiful tall red woods of @LOCATION1 and the smell of that forest you can smell it through almost any car. I thought it was funny when we got close to the coast the temperature dropped like @NUM9 degrees @CAPS11 and ever-body was in a good mood and could smell the coastal air. When we got to the camp site we ran out to the beach as jumped in people look at us like we were crazy or something because we swam like @NUM10 feet out in @NUM9 degree water it was funny because people wouldn't stop talking, but then we found out we were swimming a red zone were there has been rip tide advisories so after that we were really @LOCATION2, and we realize we had no propane, so we had to go into to town and get propane for our stove, so we did then we ate the best hot dogs ever dipped in @ORGANIZATION4 honey it was delicious. We stayed at the coast for a night then @PERSON6 got called in to go to work, so we had to leave and go back to the heat in @CAPS12 @CAPS6 @CAPS13 it was a way big drag and it was so hot getting back we pretty upset at the weather but when we got back @CAPS3 mom wanted to go out to the river so in the end it was all good.
In most stories mothers and daughters are either enemies or friends, in @CAPS13 story however, we are both enemies and friends well; at one point we were that way. Not @CAPS4 much anymore. I'm sixteen now and she's forty and were just friends, I mean she's still @CAPS13 mom and she still can punish me as her daughter as she pleases but we work it all out and laugh it off. Approximately seven months ago @CAPS13 mom moved from @LOCATION4 to @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2 I chose to stay behind to finish high school with @CAPS13 current friends. When she moved, the way we acted with eachother would be different, and it is, we act completely different with each other we now cherish the little time we have and I'll explain how. At the beginning since as early as I can remember, @CAPS13 mother and I would always fight over the dumbest things, we never got along. And here is what I think the reason is. I'm her daughter I was born just like her, her face, hair, eyes, everything, even @CAPS13 attitude and the sound of @CAPS13 laugh. She's stubborn I'm stubborn and we both like to argue, not really with other people just with us two, but if we were to go into business together things would get done, say if we became lawyers we'd work great together because I inherited her work ethic and we both like to argue valid points. But as I grew up a bit more and we experienced traumatic times together we began to see the brighter side of life, and that just having each other around is enough to keep us from falling apart. Events in our life that we went through brought us together @CAPS1 it was all finished and done. What I mean by that, is we stopped arguing, we comforted each other when we needed comfort, we became friends, and I believe laughter had a lot to do with it. @CAPS13 mom, her name by the way is @LOCATION5, once said "Laughter brings two people together as a whole, the one thing that human beings all know how to do is laugh and its something we can all share." @CAPS1 our life had settled down and we were able to live normal, like with a house and lights and a dog with a yard, things were good between us we still fought often but never as it used to be. Which would consist of throwing objects across the room at each other, like I said things are better now. We one night discovered, that laughter is something we both use to block out the things we no longer wanted to haunt us. I love to sing, @CAPS13 mother and @CAPS11 had me grow up around music like; The @CAPS2, @LOCATION3, @PERSON2, @PERSON4, and many others but we would sing a song together something that only the two of us shared and it was "@CAPS3're @CAPS4 @CAPS5" by @PERSON3. But we would sing that specific song in the car, we would sing it in front of our family and @CAPS1 the moment was over we would laugh about it, because for once was something that only @CAPS13 mom and I shared and it was special. Laughter played a big part of who we are as people today. There are always things people do together, @CAPS13 mom grew up in a strict @CAPS6 @CAPS7 home, she also had four sister's and @CAPS8 was a very serious matter. @CAPS13 mom and I went to @CAPS8 together and we always tried not to take life @CAPS4 seriously all the time, @CAPS4 while in @CAPS8 we would start @CAPS15 about some kind of ugly bug on the wall, or she would laugh at me because I would drop the prayer book on @CAPS13 foot, but we would always laugh." @CAPS10 it or I'll bring @CAPS11 @CAPS12 over here and @CAPS3'll have to take an extra religion class."@CAPS13 mom would say as I'm poking her or making fun of her and i would say " @CAPS14 wont make me take an extra class I'll tell him @CAPS3 started it." That's who @CAPS13 mom and I were and were still like that. Even though she moved to @LOCATION2 for a new job, and @CAPS4 she could see the man she loves more often than every six months, we still talk, and like I said we laugh when we cry and boy do we cry a lot, especially on the phone when I tell her I miss her. That is the story of @CAPS13 mother and the laughter that we have shared for the last sixteen years, and to quote @PERSON1 "@CAPS15 is the best calorie burner." I do believe that and @CAPS13 mom and I see it as that, @CAPS15 is the one thing we can do when we don't feel @CAPS4 hot or don't feel like ourselves, @CAPS4 yes she is correct when she states that laughter brings two people together, and it's positively true, we have a better relationship than ever.
In most stories mothers and daughters are either enemies or friends, in @CAPS13 story however, we are both enemies and friends well; at one point we were that way. Not @CAPS4 much anymore. I'm sixteen now, and she's forty and were just friends, I mean she's still @CAPS13 mom, and she still can punish me as her daughter as she pleases, but we work it all out and laugh it off. Approximately seven months ago @CAPS13 mom moved from @LOCATION4 to @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2 I chose to stay behind to finish high school with @CAPS13 current friends. When she moved, the way we acted with each other would be different, and it is, we act completely different with each other we now cherish the little time we have, and I'll explain how. At the beginning since as early as I can remember, @CAPS13 mother and I would always fight over the dumbest things, we never got along. And here is what I think the reason is. I'm her daughter I was born just like her, her face, hair, eyes, everything, even @CAPS13 attitude and the sound of @CAPS13 laugh. She's stubborn I'm stubborn and we both like to argue, not really with other people just with us two, but if we were to go into business together things would get done, say if we became lawyers we'd work great together because I inherited her work ethic and we both like to argue valid points. But as I grew up a bit more, and we experienced traumatic times together we began to see the brighter side of life, and that just having each other around is enough to keep us from falling apart. Events in our life that we went through brought us together @CAPS1 it was all finished and done. What I mean by that, is we stopped arguing, we comforted each other when we needed comfort, we became friends, and I believe laughter had a lot to do with it. @CAPS13 mom, her name by the way is @LOCATION5, once said "Laughter brings two people together as a whole, the one thing that human beings all know how to do is laugh and It's something we can all share." @CAPS1 our life had settled down, and we were able to live normal, like with a house and lights and a dog with a yard, things were good between us, we still often fought but never as it used to be. Which would consist of throwing objects across the room at each other, like I said things are better now. We one night discovered, that laughter is something we both use to block out the things we no longer wanted to haunt us. I love to sing, @CAPS13 mother and @CAPS11 had me grow up around music like; The @CAPS2, @LOCATION3, @PERSON2, @PERSON4, and many others, but we would sing a song together something that only the two of us shared, and it was "@CAPS3're @CAPS4 @CAPS5" by @PERSON3. But we would sing that specific song in the car, we would sing it in front of our family and @CAPS1 the moment was over we would laugh about it, because for once was something that only @CAPS13 mom and I shared and it was special. Laughter played a big part of who we are as people today. There are always things people do together, @CAPS13 mom grew up in a strict @CAPS6 @CAPS7 home, she also had four sisters and @CAPS8 was a very serious matter. @CAPS13 mom and I went to @CAPS8 together, and we always tried not to take life @CAPS4 seriously all the time, @CAPS4 while in @CAPS8 we would start @CAPS15 about some kind of ugly bug on the wall, or she would laugh at me because I would drop the prayer book on @CAPS13 foot, but we would always laugh. @CAPS10 it or I'll bring @CAPS11 @CAPS12 over here and @CAPS3'll have to take an extra religion class."@CAPS13 mom would say as I'm poking her or making fun of her and I would say" @CAPS14 won't make me take an extra class I'll tell him @CAPS3 started it." That's who @CAPS13 mom and I were and were still like that. Even though she moved to @LOCATION2 for a new job, and @CAPS4 she could see the man she loves more often than every six months, we still talk, and like I said we laugh when and boy do we cry a lot, especially on the phone when I tell her I miss her. That is the story of @CAPS13 mother and the laughter that we have shared for the last sixteen years, and to quote @PERSON1 "@CAPS15 is the best calorie burner." I do believe that and @CAPS13 mom and I see it as that, @CAPS15 is the one thing we can do when we don't feel @CAPS4 hot or don't feel like ourselves, @CAPS4 yes she is correct when she states that laughter brings two people together, and it's positively true, we have a better relationship than ever.
I never understood the meaning laughter is the shortest distance between two people, tell I dated @PERSON2. We started to date in the @NUM1 grade. @CAPS6 indeed, you @MONTH1 think it was puppy love, @CAPS4 i still think to this day it was real true love. We lived about an hour a half an hour away from each other and only got to see each other two or three times a month, @CAPS4 it was still the best time of my life, with all the good and fun times we had. We met through my ex boyfriend, and his best friend @PERSON1 @CAPS1. @PERSON1 went to school with me and @PERSON1's mom and nicks mom were best friends, so they grew up together and were best friends as well. To sum up how we met is, I was dating @PERSON1 and was supposed to go to the movies with him and his friend, @CAPS4 @PERSON1 didn't show so I was stuck with @PERSON2 and we hit it off right after that. The more time we spent together the more times we laughed, had fun and as well as that, made memories to last a life time. If we couldn't see each other we would talk on the phone for hours. (and when i say hours i mean like, @NUM2 hours.) or we would text nonstop. we would make funny jokes, talk crap about people we hated, talk crap about family, and last @CAPS4 not least make fun of each other. we would just have so many good time just talking and laughing our time away. After about @NUM2 months of dating, things went for the worst." I just cant do this long distance thing anymore" said @PERSON2." @CAPS2? @CAPS2 cant we just work things out?" i said with tears starting to come out."" @CAPS3 it just isn't far to us." @PERSON2 said with hesitance in his voice." @CAPS4 think about all the good times we had? all the laughs and fun times we had?" I started to smile, just thinking about all those times we had." @CAPS5 yeah, @CAPS4 is that far to us?" @PERSON2 Said." @CAPS6 it is, as long as we have each other nothing it to bad for us. hehe" I said knowing that he was changing his mind slowly. " @CAPS7 now i know i need you." he said laughing in the back ground.After that night everything was good, for a while. we had fights like that on and off and thing with my family and his family made it vary hard for us to be together. @CAPS4 we did it for a year and a half. @CAPS4 even after a year and a half of our life's we still couldn't make it. not ever laughter or good time kept us together. @CAPS4 it did keep us together for that long. Laughter was a big impact in that relationship and i thank god that it was.Even to this vary day, i can still look back and laugh at all the good and funny times we had together.Laughter can keep two people that leave from a far together, @CAPS4 the real question is how long can that laughter keep them together?For a day?A year?Three years?Or maybe a whole life time?Only time could tell.
I never understood the meaning laughter is the shortest distance between two people, tell I dated @PERSON2. We started to date in the @NUM1 grade. @CAPS6 indeed, you @MONTH1 think it was puppy love, @CAPS4 I still think to this day it was real true love. We lived about an hour a half an hour away from each other and only got to see each other two or three times a month, @CAPS4 it was still the best time of my life, with all the good and fun times we had. We met through my ex-boyfriend, and his best friend @PERSON1 @CAPS1. @PERSON1 went to school with me and @PERSON1's mom and nicks mom were best friends, so they grew up together and were best friends as well. To sum up how we met is, I was dating @PERSON1 and was supposed to go to the movies with him and his friend, @CAPS4 @PERSON1 didn't show, so I was stuck with @PERSON2, and we hit it off right after that. The more time we spent together the more times we laughed, had fun and as well as that, made memories to last a lifetime. If we couldn't see each other we would talk on the phone for hours. (and when I say hours I mean like, @NUM2 hours.) or we would text nonstop. We would make funny jokes, talk crap about people we hated, talk crap about family, and last @CAPS4 not the least make fun of each other. We would just have so many good times just talking and laughing our time away. After about @NUM2 months of dating, things went for the worst." I just can't do this long distance thing anymore" said @PERSON2." @CAPS2? @CAPS2 can't we just work things out?" I said with tears starting to come out."" @CAPS3 it just isn't far to us." @PERSON2 said with hesitance in his voice." @CAPS4 thinks about all the good times we had? All the laughs and fun times we had?" I started to smile, just thinking about all those times we had." @CAPS5 yeah, @CAPS4 is that far to us?" @PERSON2 Said." @CAPS6 it is, as long as we have each other nothing it to bad for us. Hehe I said knowing that he was changing his mind slowly. " @CAPS7 now I know I need you." he said laughing in the background. After that night everything was good, for a while. We had fights like that on and off and thing with my family and his family made it vary hard for us to be together. @CAPS4 we did it for a year and a half. @CAPS4 even after a year and a half of our life's we still couldn't make it. Not ever laughter or good time kept us together. @CAPS4 it did keep us together for that long. Laughter was a big impact in that relationship and I thank god that it was. Even to this vary day, I can still look back and laugh at all the good and funny times we had together. Laughter can keep two people that leave from a far together, @CAPS4 the real question is how long can that laughter keep them together? For a day? A year? Three years? Or maybe a whole lifetime? Only time could tell.
When you laugh, is @CAPS5 out of habit, or is @CAPS1 cause? What are the causes for laughing? Is @CAPS1 even such a thing as a "cause" for laughter? I'm sure that if you were to get a scientist's opinion, you would be given an in-depth, technical explanation for the cause of laughter; but does that mean that laughing is simply a message sent from the brain to the required muscles? Certainly not! The true cause is what was said or done to cause the brain to send the message to the required muscles to physically make a person laugh. So what makes people laugh? A funny joke, a senseless action, a misunderstanding? @CAPS5 can be anything! Without a doubt, one thing that makes people laugh is having a delightful time with a friend or two. @DATE1, @CAPS3 older sister @PERSON4 and I unknowingly went out on an adventure. We were headed to @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1 to visit our very best friends, @PERSON2 and @PERSON3, who happened to be almost completely identical to @CAPS3 sister and I in personality; @PERSON2 being like @PERSON4 and @PERSON3 being like me. Now, whenever the four of us got together, @CAPS1 was no telling what kind of humorous and insane memories we would all go home with; all we knew was that hanging out together @CAPS8 failed to brighten up our days and put a smile on our faces. This particular day, both @PERSON3 and I were in desperate need of each other's full attention and up-lifting spirits. She and I had both been going through a rough patch with some friends at our schools (oddly enough, we were both having friendship issues with someone named @PERSON1, and we didn't even go to the same school), so after some discussion between both of our sets of parents, they agreed to have @PERSON2 pick up @LOCATION3, @PERSON4 pick me up, and well all meet somewhere to take our minds off the antagonizing situations were were both suffering through. We decided to meet in @LOCATION2, at @PERSON2 and @PERSON3's house. When we pulled into their drive way, I could feel @CAPS3 body being filled with excitement, as if the emotion was trapped inside some kind of storage container inside of me that was too small to hold all the contents that were being held inside. Before the car engine was completely turned off, @CAPS3 seat belt was off and I was half-way out of the car door. I slammed @CAPS5 shut once @CAPS3 body had slithered its way free and ran for the door. To @CAPS3 surprise, @CAPS5 was unlocked! I pushed @CAPS5 open obnoxiously yelling, "I'm heeeeeeeereeeeeeee!" @CAPS1 was a cry of laughter that filled the room. I hugged both of them in one tight squeeze, and almost as if @PERSON3 and I had our very next move planned out, we immediately began chattering about the incidents that had occured that day as we took a seat on the couch. All that could be heard was, "@CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4! I have to tell you what happened today!" and " I can't believe she said that!" or "...and she said...and then I was then she says..."@CAPS5 was just as if we had taken up the life of a drama-ridden teen straight out of the movies. Things were going as they normally would have; @PERSON2 and @PERSON4 dwelling close to @PERSON3 and I in the dining room locatated at the far end of the couch where she and I sat, still completely involved in our similar freshman-year-of-high school worlds. They were completely immersed in their own conversations of old memories we'd had together. All of a sudden @PERSON2 shouts, "@CAPS2! @PERSON3 and I baked you brownies!" @CAPS7 off guard by his intejection, we all once again fell into laughter, although this time, making our way toward the kitchen in search of said brownies. When we arrived, @CAPS1 sat a pan of brownies on the middle counter. @PERSON3 uncovered @CAPS5 and gave us each a napkin with which a brownie sat on top. We stood together, leaning against the tile counters, enjoying our brownies and the company of one another. Suddenly, @CAPS1 was a dull moment; no one was saying anything. As if to fill the silence before a timer ran out, @PERSON2 blurted out, "@PERSON4, do you wear a wig?" @CAPS8 in our lives have any of us laughed as hard as we did at that moment. @PERSON3 fell to the ground, @PERSON2 and @PERSON4 were leaning upon each other for support to keep from falling, and I was completely doubled over, trying desperately to keep the sip of milk I had just taken inside of @CAPS3 mouth. Minutes creeped by, and we were still laughing at the off-key remark. To this day, @PERSON4 and I remenise upon that afternoon and the laughter that was shared upon us and our very, very best friends.
When you laugh, is @CAPS5 out of habit, or is @CAPS1 cause? What are the causes for laughing? Is @CAPS1 even such a thing as a "cause" for laughter? I'm sure that if you were to get a scientist's opinion, you would be given an in-depth, technical explanation for the cause of laughter; but does that mean that laughing is simply a massage sent from the brain to the required muscles? Certainly not! The true cause is what was said or done to cause the brain to send the message to the required muscles to physically make a person laugh. So what makes people laugh? A funny joke, a senseless action, a misunderstanding? @CAPS5 can be anything! Without a doubt, one thing that makes people laugh is having a delightful time with a friend or two. @DATE1, @CAPS3 older sister @PERSON4 and I unknowingly went out on an adventure. We were headed to @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1 to visit our very best friends, @PERSON2 and @PERSON3, who happened to be almost completely identical to @CAPS3 sister and I in personality; @PERSON2 being like @PERSON4 and @PERSON3 being like me. Now, whenever the four of us got together, @CAPS1 was no telling what kind of humorous and insane memories we would all go home with; all we knew was that hanging out together @CAPS8 failed to brighten up our days and put a smile on our faces. This particular day, both @PERSON3 and I were in desperate need of each other's full attention and up-lifting spirits. She and I had both been going through a rough patch with some friends at our schools (oddly enough, we were both having friendship issues with someone named @PERSON1, and we didn't even go to the same school), so after some discussion between both of our sets of parents, they agreed to have @PERSON2 pick up @LOCATION3, @PERSON4 pick me up, and well all meet somewhere to take our minds off the antagonizing situations were both suffering through. We decided to meet in @LOCATION2, at @PERSON2 and @PERSON3's house. When we pulled into their driveway, I could feel @CAPS3 body being filled with excitement, as if the emotion was trapped inside some kind of storage container inside of me that was too small to hold all the contents that were being held inside. Before the car engine was completely turned off, @CAPS3 seat belt was off, and I was half-way out of the car door. I slammed @CAPS5 shut once @CAPS3 body had slithered its way free and ran for the door. To @CAPS3 surprise, @CAPS5 was unlocked! I pushed @CAPS5 open obnoxiously yelling, "I'm !" @CAPS1 was a cry of laughter that filled the room. I hugged both of them in one tight squeeze, and almost as if @PERSON3 and I had our very next move planned out, we immediately began chattering about the incidents that had occurred that day as we took a seat on the couch. All that could be heard was, "@CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4! I have to tell you what happened today!" and" I can't believe she said that! or "...and she said...and then I was then she says..."@CAPS5 was just as if we had taken up the life of a drama-ridden teen straight out of the movies. Things were going as they normally would have; @PERSON2 and @PERSON4 dwelling close to @PERSON3 and me in the dining room located at the far end of the couch where she and I sat, still completely involved in our similar freshman-year-of-high school worlds. They were completely immersed in their own conversations of old memories we'd had together. All of a sudden @PERSON2 shouts, "@CAPS2! @PERSON3 and I baked you brownies!" @CAPS7 off guard by his interjection, we all once again fell into laughter, although this time, making our way toward the kitchen in search of said brownies. When we arrived, @CAPS1 sat a pan of brownies on the middle counter. @PERSON3 uncovered @CAPS5 and gave us each a napkin with which a brownie sat on top. We stood together, leaning against the tile counters, enjoying our brownies and the company of one another. Suddenly, @CAPS1 was a dull moment; no one was saying anything. As if to fill the silence before a timer ran out, @PERSON2 blurted out, "@PERSON4, do you wear a wig?" @CAPS8 in our lives have any of us laughed as hard as we did at that moment. @PERSON3 fell to the ground, @PERSON2 and @PERSON4 were leaning upon each other for support to keep from falling, and I was completely doubled over, trying desperately to keep the sip of milk I had just taken inside of @CAPS3 mouth. Minutes creeped by, and we were still laughing at the off-key remark. To this day, @PERSON4 and I remedies upon that afternoon and the laughter that was shared upon us and our very, very best friends.
Trippin' on fences I am @NUM1 years young, and in those short @NUM1 years, all I can ever remember, is laughing hysterically. Whether it was about something stupid I did, or my best friend doing something stupid, or most of the time when we got together and did something outrageous. Someone once said "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people". With my best friend @ORGANIZATION2 and I, that's exactly the case. I always get a good ab workout whenever I'm with her, because I'm always bursting with laughter. It was my @NUM3 grade year at @ORGANIZATION1 here in @LOCATION1, @ORGANIZATION3. I was hanging out with my best friend @ORGANIZATION2 during our lunch break outside. I was showing her my new jeans I'd just gotten the day before, at @LOCATION2. I was also telling her about a note that had been passed to me, by a boy who had apparently had a crush on me for sometime, this boy had also asked me out on the note. @ORGANIZATION2 had asked me if she could see it, when I handed it over to her, all of a sudden, she chucked the note over the fence. Clearly, the guy didn't have @ORGANIZATION2's approval. I couldn't just leave the guy hanging without an answer, especially when at the time, I liked him back. I begged @ORGANIZATION2 to give me my note back, but she refused. What was I supposed to do, just let an unanswered note lay on the other side of the fence? No. The only solution was to hop over the fence and grab it. So I, in my new jeans might I add, practically straddled the fence, and ripped a big hole on the inner side of my thigh, in my brand new jeans. I was so mad. I grabbed the note, and climbed back over the fence in my new and improved hobo jeans. On my way back over, I lost my balance, and fell of the fence. I ended up losing the note again and planting head first into a pile of mud and pine cones. What an idiot I was, I'd climbed over that stupid fence, ripped my jeans, biffed it and lost my balance, and lost it again. I was so frustrated with myself, I started laughing. I'm not sure if it was because I was embarrassed or what, but I randomly started cracking up. Then @ORGANIZATION2 started laughing, and when she laughs I laugh, because her laughter is so contagious. Pretty soon, we were both hysterically laughing like a couple of dorks. "Laughter really was the shortest distance between two people" that day. Even though I probably should have been mad.... But why do that when @CAPS1 can just laugh about it? That's what life is all about, living. With this silly but funny memory, it'll stay with me forever. Especially now that @ORGANIZATION2 has moved away. It @MONTH1 seem stupid, but it was funny to us. I guess it really was one of those "@CAPS1 had to be there" kind of moments. But it reminds me of the good old days with @ORGANIZATION2. It's good to have memories filled with laughter. If @CAPS1 don't, your life can almost feel dull without it. Even if @CAPS1 laugh at just the smallest things in life. That's why to me anyways, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people".
Trippin' on fences I am @NUM1 years young, and in those short @NUM1 years, all I can ever remember, is laughing hysterically. Whether it was about something stupid I did, or my best friend doing something stupid, or most of the time when we got together and did something outrageous. Someone once said "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people". With my best friend @ORGANIZATION2 and I, that's exactly the case. I always get a good ab workout whenever I'm with her, because I'm always bursting with laughter. It was my @NUM3 grade year at @ORGANIZATION1 here in @LOCATION1, @ORGANIZATION3. I was hanging out with my best friend @ORGANIZATION2 during our lunch break outside. I was showing her my new jeans I'd just gotten the day before, at @LOCATION2. Furthermore, I was also telling her about a note that had been passed to me, by a boy who had apparently had a crush on me for some time, this boy had also asked me out on the note. @ORGANIZATION2 had asked me if she could see it, when I handed it over to her, all of a sudden, she chucked the note over the fence. Clearly, the guy didn't have @ORGANIZATION2's approval. I couldn't just leave the guy hanging without an answer, especially when at the time, I liked him back. I begged @ORGANIZATION2 to give me my note back, but she refused. What was I supposed to do, just let an unanswered note lay on the other side of the fence? No. The only solution was to hop over the fence and grab it. So I, in my new jeans might I add, practically straddled the fence, and ripped a big hole on the inner side of my thigh, in my brand-new jeans. I was so mad. I grabbed the note, and climbed back over the fence in my new and improved hobo jeans. On my way back over, I lost my balance, and fell of the fence. I ended up losing the note again and planting head first into a pile of mud and pine cones. What an idiot I was, I'd climbed over that stupid fence, ripped my jeans, biffed it and lost my balance, and lost it again. I was so frustrated with myself, I started laughing. I'm not sure if it was because I was embarrassed or what, but I randomly started cracking up. Then @ORGANIZATION2 started laughing, and when she laughs I laugh, because her laughter is so contagious. Pretty soon, we were both hysterically laughing like a couple of dorks. "Laughter really was the shortest distance between two people" that day. Even though I probably should have been mad.... But why do that when @CAPS1 can just laugh about it? That's what life is all about, living. With this silly but funny memory, it'll stay with me forever. Especially now that @ORGANIZATION2 has moved away. It @MONTH1 seem stupid, but it was funny to us. I guess it really was one of those "@CAPS1 had to be there" kind of moments. But it reminds me of the good old days with @ORGANIZATION2. It's good to have memories filled with laughter. If @CAPS1 doesn't, your life can almost feel dull without it. Even if @CAPS1 laugh at just the smallest things in life. That's why to me anyway, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people".
Many people believe that laughter can improve your life. Laughing lets out endorphins that give your body energy for daily activities. Relationships are usually better if both the people are happy. Happiness is like shaking up a soda bottle. Happy emotions build up in your body and when shaken, release with an explosion of positive emotions such as laughing. When I was born, my mother said that I was the most chubby baby in the world. As she said this, she laughed, in constant thought that I will eventually become a young adult. I giggled in the backseat of the car as we drove home together. I was taught by my mother, who laughed all the time until her eyes were full of tears, to laugh at every chance I had. Through my years as an infant, I giggled, chuckled, and laughed my way to adolescence. As I moved into adolescence, I was diagnosed with @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1, a mild autistic @CAPS1 that has a variation of side effects. Some people who have @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1 develop cases where their emotions do not show physically. This case is similar to the physical features of @CAPS3 @CAPS1. My main case with having @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1 is that I do not receive all the information given to me at one time. When people tell me a joke that they think is hilarious, I tend to miss the important parts of the joke, which are funny. As the joke comes to an end, everybody around me is laughing, but I am standing there with a blank look on my face. Sometimes I tell people I cannot laugh. Though I say this, I know it is not true. I can laugh, it is just really hard for me to find the right time. Most times, I laugh at a situation that really is not funny and everybody else has a blank gaze on their face. This usually makes me feel embarrassed and I don't feel normal. A lot of people tell me I look expressionless and then try to perk me up, or smile. I don't feel the need to smile, even in happy times in my life. I have not laughed enough, but have been learning in how to make bad situations into great and happy ones. Learning that at any moment I can laugh is important. Even if there is no joke being told, I can laugh. Most people would probably look a me in a weird way, but I wouldn't care because I am the one that feels happiness inside. Laughing relieves stress, makes other people feel good, and allows people with mental disabilities to feel more comfortable in the community they live in. I have finally learned that even with @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1, I can laugh just as much as anyone.
Many people believe that laughter can improve your life. Laughing lets out endorphins that give your body energy for daily activities. Relationships are usually better if both the people are happy. Happiness is like shaking up a soda bottle. Happy emotions build up in your body and when shaken, release with an explosion of positive emotions such as laughing. When I was born, my mother said that I was the most chubby baby in the world. As she said this, she laughed, in constant thought that I will eventually become a young adult. I giggled in the backseat of the car as we drove home together. I was taught by my mother, who laughed all the time until her eyes were full of tears, to laugh at every chance I had. Through my years as an infant, I giggled, chuckled, and laughed my way to adolescence. As I moved into adolescence, I was diagnosed with @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1, a mild autistic @CAPS1 that has a variation of side effects. Some people who have @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1 develop cases where their emotions do not show physically. This case is similar to the physical features of @CAPS3 @CAPS1. My main case with having @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1 is that I do not receive all the information given to me at one time. When people tell me a joke that they think is hilarious, I tend to miss the important parts of the joke, which are funny. As the joke comes to an end, everybody around me is laughing, but I am standing there with a blank look on my face. Sometimes I tell people I cannot laugh. Though I say this, I know it is not true. I can laugh, it is just really hard for me to find the right time. Most times, I laugh at a situation that really is not funny and everybody else has a blank gaze on their face. This usually makes me feel embarrassed, and I don't feel normal. A lot of people tell me I look expressionless and then try to perk me up, or smile. I don't feel the need to smile, even in happy times in my life. I have not laughed enough, but have been learning in how to make bad situations into great and happy ones. Learning that at any moment I can laugh is important. Even if there is no joke being told, I can laugh. Most people would probably look a in a weird way, but I wouldn't care because I am the one that feels happiness inside. Laughing relieves stress, makes other people feel good, and allows people with mental disabilities to feel more comfortable in the community they live in. I have finally learned that even with @ORGANIZATION1's @CAPS1, I can laugh just as much as anyone.