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Journal article Open Access Languages differ widely from one another in the extent to which they are transparent, i.e. obey one-to-one relationships between meaning and form. Transparency, in turn, is an important factor in the learnability of languages. This paper first sets out a framework for the study of transparency and subsequently studies cross-linguistic differences in transparency, using the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar as its point of departure. Transparent and nontransparent features of languages are systematically defined using the multilevel architecture of this model of language, representing them as mappings between and within levels. In applying this framework to a sample of 30 languages it is shown that the (non-)transparent features investigated can be ordered into an implicational transparency hierarchy, and that as a result the languages of the sample can be ranked in terms of their degrees of transparency as well. Finally, the consequences of these findings for the learnability of languages are discussed. [Folia Linguistica] Transparent and non-transparent languages.pdf
One of the passages is used for inhaling air, and the other is used for smelling. It had only to use scent to get back to its former family. You may not think of a Pit Bull as a scent dog, but they have an acute sense of smell. When my parents still had their farm, they sometimes had dogs arrive at the farm, 10km away from a dog park, when one of their dogs was in heat. This is a very good question and it varies by breed, but invariably, dogs can smell MILES AND MILES further than humans can! Dogs can be trained to sniff out volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the human body, helping with early detection for illnesses, including cancer. That’s 45 times the number of receptors a human has. They have since been used to track humans. Like the Beagle, an un-neutered male can smell a female in estrus up to three miles. In one experiment, a dog was capable of sniffing out whale poop floating in Puget Sound from a mile away, according to Nova. After all, dogs are excellent at reading human body language and behavior, and there is even some evidence that dogs can detect when a person has cancer or is about to have an epileptic fit. How far can a dog track a scent outdoors? With such a high volume of scent receptors, they can smell far…up to 60 square meters or 2.3 square miles. “An eleven-mile distance is actually not terribly long for a dog,”. Given this, they most certainly care what we smell like—and they can tell a whole lot by our scent. These dogs can smell human remains below concrete, soil or water. Your dog will be tracking using a combination of the hotdog’s scents, the crushed grass scent, and your scent. The magic hour is about 6 a.m. With a hotdog or other type of food, periodically smash an inch-long piece into the soil with your shoe as you walk away from your sitting dog. As a result, they have short noses. Previous studies have shown that dogs can differentiate between human emotions from signs such as facial expressions. Because their nostrils work independently of each other, a dog can tell which nostril the scent came in. The Siberian Husky can run in excess of 100 miles in a day after proper conditioning has taken place. Here are some other ways you can try to make your home less appealing to rats: Keep firewood, bricks or debris as far from your home as possible. Dogs can detect cancer odor signatures in a person's skin, urine, and sweat. I am passionate about enjoying the great outdoors with my dogs. The bloodhound will identify this particular smell from a cocktail of other smells and reach the source of scent that can be over 130 miles away. Do dogs recognize their owners by sight or smell? Pets also provide valuable companionship for older adults. How far dogs can smell depends on many things, such as the wind and the type of scent. Thanks for your question about how far dogs can smell another dog in heat. Cancer cells, or healthy cells affected by cancer, produce and release these odor signatures. They hang off the bow of the boat, sniffing the water. These dogs have to be able to not only work off the lead but also in tightly confined areas. Black bears can smell an animal carcass from 18 miles (29km) while Grizzly bears can smell an animal in water and seals under 3 foot of solid ice. A dog can probably smell a person forty yards away, standing upwind on a windy day. Dogs can smell so well because they have much more olfactory receptors in their noses. They have also been able to give closure to families who have lost loved ones. Dogs think it’s a game, so treat it as such. A dog can smell anything from a family member to an escaped convicted who has gone into a river. What makes this amazing is that the dog had been taken to its new home by car. The scientific family dogs belong to is Carnivora. Besides having fewer receptors, you can’t wiggle your nose without touching it as a dog can. “So, if a dog says it’s there, there’s a darn good chance it is. sorry i don't do metric conversion since high school. Dogs are naturally born with this razor-sharp sense, and you, as their owner, can help them develop it if you choose to. Answer Save. That wasn’t entirely correct. Because each dog breed is a little different and is of a different size, a 1-mile walk for a golden retriever is going to be vastly different than a 1-mile walk for a Chihuahua. I have heard 2 miles. Perhaps the most obvious reason, some dogs simply prefer the companionship of their human owners. When you reward your pet, they take in your scent. Can I feed my dog before he is euthanized? Dad used to say that the dogs could smell him coming a half mile away. Short term memory for a dog is about five minutes; cats remember much longer, up to 16 hours. Jumping in the river won’t help your escape. This sense is built into them for their own tracking skills – and it has come in handy for many human needs, too. They also can sniff out cadavers, escaped convicts and missing persons. Smell is the sense that is used most by dogs. They have been known to beeline 18 miles straight towards a carcass purely by sense of smell and have nasal mucosas that are 100 times the size of a human’s. Dogs have the ability to use their noses to get home when they are lost. They basically just stick their nose in the air and sniff at traces of human smells that are drifting around. “We found that when airflow enters the nose, it splits into two different flow paths, one for olfaction and one for respiration.”. Dogs have an astounding ability to sense change in the world around them, and that includes when their owner is pregnant. Once when a dog was adopted, it walked eleven miles to be back with its original foster family. It’s not difficult to teach your dog to track by scent. How far dogs can smell depends on many things, such as the wind and the type of scent. Dogs apparently do become like their owners — and now there's research to prove it. It was more like 1/4th of a mile. How Old of a Scent Can a Bloodhound Track? 220 million. It’s a shortening of the long name “Pit bulldog”. Just as humans may remember persons from their past, so too may dogs. They exhibit their love towards their owners just like human greet their family members after getting back home from work. It depends what tipe the dog is. Scientists say dogs can smell 10,000 to 100,000 times more acutely than us. Part of this involves preventing common health problems before they start. Can dogs recognize their owners video call? A male dog can smell a bitch in heat from up to 5 miles away. All dogs - both big and small - can connect with their humans in the outdoors and create great memories together. We’re going to explore all the variables that impact how far can a dog track a scent outdoors in the article.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'outdoordogfun_com-box-3','ezslot_7',105,'0','0'])); A dog has two air passages in its nose. Many breeds are capable of running 25 to 35 miles a week, but perhaps individual dogs within the breed are not. They tend to lift their back leg and urinate on an object or area, thus claiming it as their own. An experiment was used during a training session for detecting orca waste. An object that we can see clearly may appear to be blurred to a dog looking at it from the same distance. Dogs know when people are dying or grieving, through body language cues, smells only they can detect and other ways not yet known, experts say. And the reason you want to be there early is, so few people have had a chance to walk on the grass. They can only track if they are given this scent sample. Companionship. Now, new research suggests that dogs really do respond uniquely to tears. Birds can recognize people's faces and know their voices. Some of the images were people or dogs familiar to the subject; others were unfamiliar. Dogs and cats in particular can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. A dense object like concrete is no match for a dog. However, they have been able to save quite a few people who were buried alive. And new research about how dogs process language, as reported in ValueWalk, shows that dogs understand us more than we thought. They can smell fear (due to a release of pheromones), they can smell scent articles up to 40 feet underground, they can smell insects within the ground or in woodwork, they can smell disease in humans (sometimes referred to as the sick sense), and they can smell human fingerprints that are a week old. We know dogs have a long term memory because they can remember hand signals and words for their lifetime. But they are capable of disaster work. The findings revealed that humans can smell at least 1 trillion different scents. Summary: New research suggests that some birds may know who their human friends are, as they are able to recognize people's faces and differentiate between human voices. Don’t lead him. It picks up pheromones. Researchers at Mississippi State University found that a deer's sense of smell, like a dog's, can be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 times more acute than a human's. Under perfect conditions, they have been reported to smell objects or people as far as 20km away. But keep the training sessions short. Without getting wet a trained dog can smell up to eighty feet underwater. The other strong sense your dog has is the sense of hearing. You and your pooch can have fun learning to track. Now, new research has shown that owners and their pups often share personality traits, too. If the dog had walked on its own, it would follow its own scent back, but, in this case, it followed its former owner’s scent. Cancer cells have a distinctive smell that can be picked up by the super-sensitive noses of dogs. They have a superior smelling ability when compared to humans. According to the Marbach Road Animal Hospital, dogs can pick up scents that are diluted to 1 or 2 parts per trillion; This allows them to smell things buried as far as 40 feet underground! How dogs recognize their owners (and their moods) Gazing at faces is how dogs pick out their owner, research shows. Countless times my poodle Kola is so excited to be on a walk that she completely ignores... Hi there, my name is Michelle Henry. Can a dog sense when their owner is dying? The most dangerous course of action – for the dog and the human – is also the one taken by most uninformed owners of dogs who bite. But whether pets have empathy for human pain is less clear. The findings revealed that humans can smell at least 1 trillion different scents. From Cadaver to search and rescue, these special dogs work to protect people. Why is preventing permafrost melting important. So how far can a dog smell home? How right? Dogs also have an olfactory organ that we don’t have. https://outdoordogfun.com/how-far-can-a-dog-track-a-scent-outdoors A Pit Bull can sniff out smells that are diluted to one-millionth the concentration. Bloodhounds can detect a scent and follow it for miles. The number of miles, minutes, or hours you eventually run with him is largely determined by the dog. Whale feces, an undoubtedly unique scent, has been detected by a Lab mix and a Rottweiler at a distance of 1.2 miles, while cadaver dogs have been able to identify decaying bodies 80 feet under water. You do this through repetition and reward. These are your bomb and firearms dogs. One time I wanted to test one of those dogs. And they can potentially change over time. Most fatal dog attacks involve pit bulls. Once the waste is identified, the dog signals which directions to go. Guide Dogs assist blind and visually impaired people by avoiding obstacles, stopping at curbs and steps, and negotiating traffic. You can actually train a dog to identify the smell of your family members. Bloodhounds are used in law enforcement and are so reliable their results can be used in court. The familiar scent of its owner lingers like perfume in a dog's brain, US scientists claim. And if that weren’t enough, their super sniffer possesses up to three hundred million olfactory receptors. Dogs have about 25 times more olfactory (smell) receptors than humans do. However, if the weather is severely bad, a hundred yards might be pushing it. You might be interested to know dogs are not the only great smellers. How may scent rectors do they have? This breed of dog was designed just for this purpose, to run long distances, pulling loads at a high speed. Distance. Do Dogs Remember Their Previous Owners? The smell is then analyzed and an ‘odor image’ is created in the brain of the dog. A trained dog can smell through barriers. A properly trained dog can detect as far as fifteen or more feet underground. But there are several variables that can help or hinder a dog’s ability to catch a scent. Often those who use sporting dogs will work to create a “scent” bond. You may have heard that dogs and their owners really do look alike. Wrinkled skin—this is used to trap the odors; Ears that droop—they drag on the ground and push the scents toward their noses; Great stamina—they can track for long periods of time. Well, male Polar bears have been known to trek hundreds of miles when they catch the … And the part of their brain responsible for smell is forty times bigger than humans.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'outdoordogfun_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',109,'0','0'])); These fun little dogs have impressive sniffers. They’re pretty accurate.”. I was flying home from the Netherlands. The lack of energy you may feel when you're sick is quickly sensed by your pets, letting them know you are feeling under the weather. Protectiveness comes from a dog's wolf ancestors and centuries of breeding, which means that dogs instinctively know when a human child is in need of care. These small rodents love to hang out with their owners and watch TV, have a snack or simply take a nap. Of all a dog's senses, its sense of smell is the most highly developed. And thus, the Basset Hound is justly named. Dogs really do love humans and science has proven it (because even STEM has a cuddly side, apparently). These dogs are attuned to gases from decomposing human remains that rise up from under the water. At the airport they have him walk around suitcases and as soon as he smells the marijuana, he sits down next to the suitcase. Labs have several uses. Dogs tend to live more in the moment and have less concept of time than humans do. That’s why you see a dog weave back and forth when they’re tracking. c) Even a small dog or cat can lope indefinitely at 3 miles per hour … meaning in only 8 hours, that animal could be 24 miles away. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'outdoordogfun_com-leader-3','ezslot_15',114,'0','0'])); You want your pooch to find something at the end of the rainbow. They possess an organ called the Jacobson’s Organ. Your dog is probably decoding something interesting to them that neither of you can even see. As you may know, dogs reach sexual maturity anywhere between 5 months and 1 year of age, during which time they experience their first “heat” or estrus cycle and can become pregnant. The dog is then able to track the scent. Like humans, dogs are living longer; and, like humans, they can develop symptoms of dementia. Her dogs enjoy playing fetch, swimming, and long walks. They show the strongest signs of recognition with previous owners who treated them well or who treated them poorly. Dogs that fall from heights can suffer sprains, broken bones, head trauma, and chest or abdominal injuries. Drop additional pieces of the hotdog as you walk away from your pooch. During the research, the team found that dogs really do understand what their owners are saying. But whether pets have empathy for human pain is less clear. Their sense of smell tie with beagles are second only to bloodhounds, which have 300 million scent receptors! This means low. Not only are labs good sniffers, but because they are so responsive to their handlers, they can be some of the best tracking dogs. The study, led by Paolo Mongillo from the University of Padua in Italy, found that dogs can not only recognize their owners' faces, but they also rely on their sense of sight more than previously understood. Is Rainbow Falls Open, Barneys Great Adventure Part 3, Disney Sneakers Women's, Sans Toi Pomme Lyrics English, Von Stiehl Winery, 4 Pics 1 Word Level 536, Kfc Mongolia Sudalgaa, Ford Ikon Car Modification, How To Pronounce Todoroki,
It may seem the stuff of gothic horror novels, but transfusions of young blood could reverse the ageing process and even cure Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists believe. Throughout history, cultures across the globe have extolled the properties of youthful blood, with children sacrificed and the blood of young warriors drunk by the victors. It was even rumoured that the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il injected himself with blood from healthy young virgins to slow the ageing process. Now scientists have found that young blood actually ‘recharges’ the brain, forms new blood vessels and improves memory and learning. In parallel research, scientists at Harvard University also discovered that a ‘youth protein’ which circulates in the blood is responsible for keeping the brain and muscles young and strong. The protein, known as ‘GDF11’, is present in the bloodstream in large quantities when we are young but peters out as we age. Although both the discoveries were made in mice, researchers are hoping to begin human trials in the next two to three years, in studies which could bring rapid improvements for human longevity and health. “This should give us all hope for a healthier future,” said Prof Doug Melton, of Harvard’s Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. “We all wonder why we were stronger and mentally more agile when young, and these two unusually exciting papers actually point to a possible answer. “There seems to be little question that, GDF11 has an amazing capacity to restore aging muscle and brain function.” Last year the team discovered that the protein could repair damaged hearts. But the new study showed that that raising the levels of the GDF11 protein in older mice improved the function of every organ in the body. Harvard stem cell biologist Prof Lee Rubin added: “We do think that, at least in principal, there will be a way to reverse some of the decline of aging with a single protein. “It isn’t out of question that GDF11, or a drug developed from it, might be worthwhile in Alzheimer’s Disease.” It is likely that the protein is at least partly responsible for the parallel finding by Stanford University that young blood can reverse the signs of ageing. In the study, the blood of three-month-old mice was repeatedly injected into 18-month-old mice near the end of their natural life span. The “vampire therapy” improved the performance of the elderly mice in memory and learning tasks. Structural, molecular and functional changes were also seen in their brains, the study published in the journal Science found. If the same were seem in humans, it could lead to new therapies for recharging our aging brains and novel drugs for treating dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease. “We’ve shown that at least some age-related impairments in brain function are reversible. They’re not final,” said Dr Saul Villeda, of Stanford’s School of Medicine. Ageing mice given eight infusions of young blood over three weeks improved their performance in mental tests of fear condition and locating a hidden platform in a water maze. Evidence was seen of new connections forming in the hippocampus, a brain region vital to memory and sensitive to ageing. Dendritic spines – finger-like extensions from the branches of neurons that are thought to play a role in memory formation – also became more dense. Infusions of blood from other elderly mice had no effect, the study, published in the journal Nature, found. “This could have been done 20 years ago,” said lead researcher Dr Tony Wyss-Coray of Stanford. “You don’t need to know anything about how the brain works. You just give an old mouse young blood and see if the animal is smarter than before. It’s just that nobody did it.” “Our data indicate that exposure of aged mice to young blood late in life is capable of rejuvenating synaptic plasticity and improving cognitive function. “Future studies are warranted in aged humans and potentially those suffering from age-related neurodegenerative disorders.” Dr Eric Karran, from the dementia charity Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “This technically complex study looks at the effects of exposing old mice to blood-borne factors from young mice on age-related cognitive decline. “Although the treatments tested here rejuvenate certain aspects of learning and memory in mice, these studies are of unknown significance to humans. “This research, while very interesting, does not investigate the type of cognitive impairment that is seen in Alzheimer’s disease, which is not an inevitable consequence of ageing.” - Harvard study shows the surprising impact of intermittent fasting on the aging process - March 24, 2019 - Chinese scientists clone monkeys, break barrier to human cloning - January 25, 2018 - Future Updates Ahead - December 6, 2017
The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom: Essential Lessons for Collective Action Island Press, 08.07.2021 - 255 Seiten In the 1970s, the accepted environmental thinking was that overpopulation was destroying the earth. Prominent economists and environmentalists agreed that the only way to stem the tide was to impose restrictions on how we used resources, such as land, water, and fish, from either the free market or the government. This notion was upended by Elinor Ostrom, whose work to show that regular people could sustainably manage their community resources eventually won her the Nobel Prize. Ostrom’s revolutionary proposition fundamentally changed the way we think about environmental governance. In The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom, author Erik Nordman brings to life Ostrom’s brilliant mind. Half a century ago, she was rejected from doctoral programs because she was a woman; in 2009, she became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Her research challenged the long-held dogma championed by Garrett Hardin in his famous 1968 essay, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” which argued that only market forces or government regulation can prevent the degradation of common pool resources. The concept of the “Tragedy of the Commons” was built on scarcity and the assumption that individuals only act out of self-interest. Ostrom’s research proved that people can and do act in collective interest, coming from a place of shared abundance. Ostrom’s ideas about common resources have played out around the world, from Maine lobster fisheries, to ancient waterways in Spain, to taxicabs in Nairobi. In writing The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom, Nordman traveled extensively to interview community leaders and stakeholders who have spearheaded innovative resource-sharing systems, some new, some centuries old. Through expressing Ostrom’s ideas and research, he also reveals the remarkable story of her life. Ostrom broke barriers at a time when women were regularly excluded from academia and her research challenged conventional thinking. Elinor Ostrom proved that regular people can come together to act sustainably—if we let them. This message of shared collective action is more relevant than ever for solving today’s most pressing environmental problems. Was andere dazu sagen - Rezension schreiben Es wurden keine Rezensionen gefunden. Whats So Tragic about the Commons? Los Angeles Groundwater Maines Lobster Gangs Spains Ancient Water Court Institutions for Collaborative Forest Management The Climate Commons Voluntary Environmental Programs Commons in Space Andere Ausgaben - Alle anzeigen Acheson action agencies Agreement approach Basin benefits building called canal challenges climate change colleagues collect common-pool resources commons continued countries create Creek describe design principles developed District early economics economists Elinor Ostrom energy enforce environmental example Farm farmers field Figure firms forest global global commons going groundwater Hardin harvesters ideas Indiana individual institutions interest interview irrigation It’s join later lobster look Maine Michigan natural resource Nobel orbit organizations Outer Space owners Paris participate political pollution Press Prize problem production reduce regulations rules scholars scientists shared showed social space successful sustainable theory told tragedy traps Treaty turn understand United University users Vincent voluntary West Workshop wrote
In many martial arts belts are used as a way to denote rank or expertise. Each martial art usually has their own belt system with different competencies and requirements for each belt level. Typically a black belt is the highest ranked belt that one can achieve. Various different colored belts usually make up the steps leading to the black belt. The use of colored belts to denote rank or ability in martial arts is a relatively recent invention in the long history of martial arts. It is thought that a belt system for the purpose of denoting rank was first used by the founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano, sometime in the late 19th century. Judo directly influenced other Japanese Martial which subsequently adopted their own belt ranking system. The establishment of martial arts schools and the commercialization of martial arts has also influenced in adoption of belt systems. Many students sign up and train in the hope of someday achieving their black belt. The value of a black belt can vary greatly depending on the martial art. In some martial arts a black belt is considered to be expert level and may only be awarded after more than 10 years in which a person may be required to have proved their skill through competition and regular training. In other martial arts a black belt can be achieved as a Juvenile after a couple of years of casual training. Martial arts that guarantee black belts and award them after a short period of training often have their legitimacy questioned. Which Black Belt Takes the Longest to Achieve? Judo – 4 to 6 Years The exact length of time spent training in Judo before being awarded a black belt depends on many different factors. For example grading standards and belt criteria can vary significantly depending on the academy and the region of the world where you decide to train Judo has different ranking systems depending on the region but in general the Judo ranking system is split into two ranking systems – kyū and dan grades. Kyū grades come first and comprise of 6 colored belts (white, yellow, orange, green, blue, and brown). Once a student has reached the final Kyu grade they may then test for their first black belt in the Dan grading system. There are 10 Dan grades of black belt with the first Dan black belt known as “Shodan”. Unlike other martial arts a black belt in Judo is not considered to be expert level. “Shodan” literally translates as “first level” or “beginning step. Examination requirements for a Shodan belt vary depending on country, age group and of course the grade being attempted. The examination itself may include Kata or else a demonstration of skill in competition. With regular training and dedication it would not be unusual for somebody to achieve a Judo Shodan black belt in 6 years or less. Karate – 4 to 7 Years Karate has four main styles: Goju-ryu, Shotokan-ryu, Wado-ryu and Shito-ryu. Each one has its own techniques and may have their own promotion criteria depending on the academy and their Generally speaking, in order to get your black belt, you must advance through the 10 “kyu” levels. The first five levels (ranks) are signified with colored belts: white, orange, red, yellow, and green. The sixth and seventh levels are represented with a purple belt, and the eighth through tenth levels are represented with a brown belt. Once the last brown belt is achieved the next step is the first black belt, or Dan belt. This is commonly known as Shodan and is the first level out of 10 in Dan black belts. The exact time it takes to reach Shodan or any level of Dan black belt depends on the time spent training, skill, and the discretion of the person awarding the belt. In general it is thought that a Shodan black belt can be achieved in approximately 5 years of regular training. Jiu Jitsu – 9 to 13 Years There are a couple of different variations of Jiu Jitsu in existence today with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu being the most popular form. This is in part down to its prevalence in MMA and the success that the Gracie family have had in promoting it over the last 25 years. In BJJ, a black belt is considered to be expert level and can take many years of regular training to achieve. The exact criteria for the belt may differ depending on academy with some schools requiring black belts to have demonstrated their skills through teaching or even in competition. Like the other martial arts the length of time that it takes to earn a black belt in BJJ depends on many factors and can vary greatly between academies and regions. However it is widely accepted that it typically takes on average 10+ years of regular training to be awarded a BJJ blackbelt. The most popular criteria for belt rankings in BJJ was created by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF). According to their standards a black belt recipient must be at least 19 years old. When you add up their minimum edibility standards for the other colored belts, the minimum amount of time a adult can achieve a black belt in is 4 years and 6 months. There can be large variations in time spent training when it comes to the awarding of a BJJ blackbelt. Previous grappling experience, age, and athleticism often play a significant factor. For example a young professional MMA fighter who trains everyday (including training in the Gi) is far more likely to receive one quicker than a 40 year old hobbyist grappler who can only make training twice a week. UFC Hall of Famer BJ Penn famously received his BJJ blackbelt after training for only 3 years and 4 months. BJ would go on to become a BJJ world champion as well as the UFC middleweight champion. TaeKwondo – 3 to 5 Years Unlike some other martial arts TaeKwondo does not have a traditional ranking system that has been passed down through the centuries. In TaeKwondo the ranking system is a rather modern innovation to keep in step with other martial arts. The ranking system is modeled on the Karate ranking system but is divided into junior and senior ranks. The junior system is made up of colored belts which are known as Geups. The exact number of geups depends on the exact style of Taekwondo being taught with anywhere from 8-12 geup ranks depending on the school. The senior system is made up of black belts with each black belt rank known as a Dan. There are typically nine Dan levels in Taekwondo. Taekwondo’s ranking system is designed in a way that encourages young people to continue training until they reach the senior ranks. With regular training it is taught that a student could achieve their first Dan black belt in 3 to 5 years. Aikido – 3 to 4 Years Aikido practitioners generally progress by promotion through the kyu grades and Dan degrees similar to other martial arts. Not all Aikido organisations use belts to distinguish grades. Some use just white and black belts to differentiate between kyu and Dan grades whereas others use colored belts. Testing requirements for a black can vary massively depending on the Aikido organisation. In general it is taught that an Aikido black belt can be achieved within a couple of years of training.
DARPA’s Gremlins program is developing reusable air-launched drones that could carry small bombs or other forms of ammunition. Though the Gremlins program states that its purpose is to gather intelligence and have “non-kinetic” payloads—meaning non-explosive—its newest initiative suggests otherwise. Background: What is the Gremlins program? Named after the tiny mischief makers that supposedly caused glitches in WWII bombers, the Gremlins program envisions fleets of small unmanned air systems (UAS) to be launched out of larger aircraft. But whereas UAS are traditionally a one-and-done thing, the Gremlins program seeks to retrieve them in the air and carry them home for further usage. The Gremlins project was initiated in 2015, with the production of an X-61 Gremlin air vehicle awarded to Dynetics. The X-61 carrier is 14 feet long and weighs 1500 pounds, cruising at around 450 mph for up to four hours. Analysis: Is This The Future of Drone Warfare? A priority with the Gremlins program is that each drone can be reused 20 times. This is achieved through an aerial retrieval technique in which they are docked with a probe extending from a mothership and then are reeled in and recovered. In an interview with Military.com, Steve Fendley, President of the Unmanned Systems Division at Kratos, the firm overseeing the construction of the drones, said, “[The military wants] to be able to deploy and retrieve a volley quantity, which is approximately 20 of those aircraft [the X-61A].” While Fendley did not specify any payloads the Gremlins might carry in the near future, he indicated that they are equipped to carry small bombs, smaller attack drones, or loitering ammunition. A drone carrying another drone is also known as the ‘Russian doll of death’— this concept is achieving popularity in the U.S. and China. The Gremlins program is just one part of what Fendley views as a three-tiered crewless aircraft family of systems for the U.S. military. “That will evolve this year. I think you’re going to see the Gremlins really be a high-focus item for the Defense Department moving forward because it’s kind of a third leg of that attributable capability set,” he said. The other two components are Kratos’ UTAP-22 and the XQ-58A Valkyrie, both of which are currently being used to support other technological efforts in the Air Force. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will also be instrumental in the development of Kratos’ three-tiered system. Outlook: Deadly Gremlins? While gremlins once held a connotation of being mischievous but relatively harmless little things, it’s possible that with DARPA’s new initiative, that could change dramatically.
If there is one thing that (we feel) everyone in the world has experienced, it has to be stress. In fact, it’s one of the most experienced troubles that people can no longer hide from, and thus prompting them to invent what we now know as stress management. Although it may differ a lot from one person to another, stress management has become an important part of our lives; the one thing that makes life a bit more tolerable. If you are seeking for a way to manage your stress level during this crazy time in life, here is one that we can recommend: Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. This state is described as observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad. To live mindfully is to live in the moment and reawaken oneself to the present, rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. To be mindful is to observe and label thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body in an objective manner. Mindfulness can therefore be a tool to avoid self-criticism and judgment while identifying and managing difficult emotions. Mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist and Hindu teachings. Buddhism includes a journey toward enlightenment, and the concept of “sati,”—which encompasses attention, awareness, and being present—is considered the first step toward enlightenment. The term was roughly translated from the ancient language Pali into the term “mindfulness.” The emergence of mindfulness in Western culture can be attributed to Jon Kabat-Zinn. Kabat-Zinn studied mindfulness under several Buddhist teachers, such as Philip Kapleau and Thich Nhat Hanh. As a professor at the University of Massachusetts medical school in the late 1970s, Kabat-Zinn developed a program called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to treat chronic pain. He discovered that patients would often try to avoid pain—but that that avoidance would lead to deeper distress. Practicing mindfulness was a more successful approach. As mindfulness shifted into mainstream science and medicine, it became a pivotal therapeutic technique; it was integrated into Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, among others. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness encompasses two key ingredients: awareness and acceptance. Awareness is the knowledge and ability to focus attention on one’s inner processes and experiences, such as the experience of the present moment. Acceptance is the ability to observe and accept—rather than judge or avoid—those streams of thought. What is the purpose of mindfulness? The goal of mindfulness is to cultivate perspective on one’s consciousness and identity that can bring greater peace mentally and relationally. Mindfulness may also be used in mindfulness-based therapies, to address stress, anxiety, or pain, and simply to become more relaxed. Mindfulness has its origins in Buddhist and Hindu teachings, from which the concept “sati” was roughly translated to “mindfulness.” The practice was popularized in the West through the work of Jon-Kabat Zinn. Zinn created Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to treat pain, anxiety, and stress, and he ultimately brought mindfulness into mainstream clinical practice. What’s the difference between mindfulness and flow? Flow is a state in which one is completely absorbed in an activity and loses self-awareness. Flow and mindfulness both involve deep concentration—but only flow involves goal-directed behaviour. While mindfulness channels concentration entirely toward the present moment, flow channels concentration toward skills and goal achievement, which might include thoughts of the past and future and judgment of those thoughts. What’s the difference between mindfulness and meditation? Mindfulness is one form of meditation. Meditation utilizes various practices to quiet the mind or achieve a higher level of consciousness, one of which is mindfulness. Mindfulness can be cultivated within or outside of formal meditation and woven into any activity, such as taking a walk or being engaged in conversation. A person’s experience of time tends to be subjective and heavily influenced by their emotional state. Fears and insecurities about the past and the future can make it difficult to fully appreciate the present. The key is learning how to pay attention. Mindfulness can take place through meditation sessions or smaller moments throughout the day. To cultivate a state of mindfulness, you can begin by sitting down and taking deep breaths. Focus on each breath and the sensations of the moment, such as sounds, scents, the temperature, and the feeling of air passing in and out of the body. Shift your attention, then, to the thoughts and emotions that you’re experiencing. Allow each thought to exist without judging it or ascribing negativity to it. Sit with those thoughts. The experience may evoke a strong emotional reaction. Exploring that response can be an opportunity to address or resolve underlying challenges. How do I practice mindfulness? To cultivate awareness, observe your thoughts and emotions and explore why those specific ideas might be surfacing. To cultivate acceptance, avoid judging or pushing away unpleasant thoughts. Emotions are natural and everyone has them—acknowledging them can help you understand yourself better and move forward. How can I be more mindful? Mindfulness can help bring you into the present moment throughout the day. As you wake up, you can focus on your breathing and the way your body gradually becomes more energized. You can incorporate a brief meditation into your work day, perhaps on your lunch break, and focus and appreciate the experience of eating during meals. Why is mindfulness so popular? Mindfulness has been embraced by corporate leaders, sports teams, the military, and countless individuals around the world. The practice may owe its popularity to today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, rife with financial and time pressures. Mindfulness may represent an unmet need for moments of quiet, contemplation, and calm. The Benefits of Mindfulness Mindfulness is frequently used in meditation and certain kinds of therapy. Its benefits include lowering stress levels, reducing harmful ruminating, and protecting against depression and anxiety. Research even suggests that mindfulness can help people better cope with rejection and social isolation. Does mindfulness really work? Review studies suggest that mindfulness-based interventions can help reduce anxiety, depression, and pain. To a lesser extent, they can alleviate stress and improve quality of life. However, inconsistencies in the way mindfulness is defined and measured make it difficult to determine whether mindfulness really provides other benefits. How does mindfulness help relieve anxiety? Mindfulness encompasses awareness and acceptance, which can help people understand and cope with uncomfortable emotions, allowing them to gain control and relief. To cultivate these skills, concentrate on breathing to lengthen and deepen your breaths. Foster an awareness of the five senses. Notice your thoughts and feelings, and practice curiosity and self-compassion. Can mindfulness help me break bad habits? Mindfulness can play a role in helping people break habits such as smoking or overeating. When a habit has developed, the trigger (hunger) prompts a behaviour (eating) that leads to a reward (satisfaction). Becoming aware of the behaviour and what is derived from it can help alter the reward and replace it with a healthier behaviour. If you are interested in the practice, there is a Mindfulness Center here in Bali that can help you learn more about it. Just please make sure to pay attention to your mental health and take care of yourself. For your physical health, though, you know where to go, right? Stay safe, stay healthy, and see you in our next article!
Healthcare is a specialized profession where interested individuals need to get certified before considering applying somewhere. And to get the certification, you first need to complete all educational requirements and then apply for your chosen certification program. Getting a medical authorization is always the perfect option for aspiring students willing to pursue a career in the field of medicine. A certification program is unlike a regular four or five-year degree program. They usually require around six months to a maximum of three years to finish. An individual typically earns certification to guarantee their level of knowledge or skill in a specific field. Acquiring a certificate in certain specialties is also a great way to improve your credentials. If you’re a licensed professional, an additional certificate may allow you to perform certain jobs which could mean an additional income for you. Mastering several skills and specialties has paved the way for many professionals to grow in their field and become experts that others can consult. There are many new medical skills that you can acquire in a short period. You can dive into chiropractic, pharmacy, and behavioral practices and become specialist assistants to licensed experts. You may also try learning the novel birthing technique today, and become a birthing teacher to expectant mothers and have a certificate in hypnobirthing teacher training. When you acquire a medical-related one, it shows that you have the qualifications required to perform tasks for a healthcare job. You can choose from thousands of available medical certification programs. However, all of them will allow you to take your career one step further to promote growth in the field. Today, in this article, we will share with you such options for certifications. They are listed as follows: - EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN An EMT or emergency medical technician is a medical professional who has general medical skills training, which helps them provide patients with emergency medical care. They are often during emergencies such as accidents, fires, or natural disasters. Their duties can also include stabilizing emergency patients or transporting them to other medical facilities to attain further medical treatment. You need to obtain a high school diploma or a GED first. Then follow it up by enrolling in an EMS certification program such as EMT-basic. There is also an availability of various online ems training programs that will provide you with the credentials needed to attain such a certificate. The average salary of an EMT technician is around 34,000 dollars per year. Besides working for a medical facility, EMTs can also work for the fire department, emergency services, or rescue teams. EMTs, as first responders, are considered heroes on the job because they provide immediate care that could save the lives of those in distress. - PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN The nation health association (NHA) usually provides this medical certification. Medical professionals who obtain this certification can work as a nursing assistant. To become a patient care technician, you have to perform various tasks such as administering medicine, bathing and feeding patients, assisting with physical exams, and much more. You will also assist physicians with lab work and answer medical procedure-based questions asked by patients. To enroll yourself in such a certification program, you need to complete graduation or have a high school diploma. The average pay of a patient care technician is around 32,000 dollars per year. It is the perfect stepping stone for individuals looking to kick start their healthcare careers. Working as patient care technicians is one of the most flexible jobs out there. They can work in a clinical or administrative setting since they have a general knowledge of many procedures. - EKG TECHNICIAN An EKG technician is a healthcare professional who conducts EKG testing on patients. This kind of medical test determines whether patients have irregularities in their heart functions, leading to a heart attack. An EKG technician's responsibilities include providing explanations regarding the EKG test, checking their blood pressure, and assisting cardiologists by providing them with the test results. To apply for such medical certification, you need to have a high-school medical diploma. When studying to obtain this certification, you will take part in patient interaction studies, which will enhance your communications skills. To increase your employment chances as an EKG technician, consider getting a year's experience as a nurse or an EMT. The expected salary for an EKG technician is around 35,000 dollars per year. - NURSING ASSISTANT As the certification's name, it is the nursing assistant's job to assist RNs and MDs with various tasks. These tasks include taking and writing down details about the vital signs of patients, helping with medical procedures, taking care of patients' hygiene, and much more. Healthcare professionals who want to obtain such certification should have 75 training hours and pass an oral and a skill-based exam. To be eligible to apply for this certification, you should have a high-school medical diploma and be at least 18 years of age. After obtaining this certification, you can work at a hospital or a private clinic. The average salary of a nursing assistant is around 30,000 dollars per year. Certified nursing assistants are sought after in the field of home care and have been in demand in many countries especially those with an aging population like the United Kingdom and United States, Germany, and Poland. Highly skilled nursing assistants are also needed not just by the aging population but also those with mobility challenges. CLINICAL MEDICAL ASSISTANT As a clinical medical assistant, your tasks include administering medication to patients, taking down their medical history, checking their vitals, and preparing medical examination rooms. These are the same duties that a patient care technician performs. A high-school medical diploma is necessary to be eligible for this certification and previous healthcare experience. A clinical medical assistant can usually apply their trade in a private or public clinic. Their average salary is around 33,000 dollars per year. A clinical medical assistant may often be seen in the doctor’s clinic attending to patient appointments and ensuring that the doctor’s files are up to date. A doctor’s success for the day heavily relies on the efficiency and organizational skills of a clinical medical assistant, which is why their job is crucial in the health sector. THE FINAL WORDS In the end, the first step you should take is to choose the medical certification that is of interest to you. After doing so, you need to go through all the requirements the medical certification requires to know whether you are eligible for it or not. If you have the eligibility, then enroll yourself into a certification program that you can complete in the given time frame. After you achieve your choice's medical certification, you can immensely increase your employment chances at a medical facility or clinical that pays you well. These certifications will offer you the growth in your medical career that you always wanted. 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Wales is sometimes known as the "castle capital of the world." It is claimed that there are over 600 castles in the little country of Wales - that's most per square mile than anywhere in the world. Most of these have long since crumbled back into the earth and around 100 are still standing today. Of these 100 remaining castles, some are ruins, some are restored buildings. Some are small and forgotten while others are truly grand. The other 500 are today mostly mounds, earthworks, and ditches. Although no castles are as dramatically set as the Hohenwerfen Castle that starred in the movie "Where Eagles Dare." Why Wales Has So Many Castles and The Native Welsh Castles At first glance, that may seem strange that Great Britain would have so many castles as is an island nation that has only been successfully invaded twice in the last thousand years (the Vikings and the Normans). It has not been invaded since 1066 - almost a thousand years ago. Castles In Wales: 600 - Of Which 100 Are Still Standing But the castles in Wales were not meant to protect from invaders outside Britain, they speak of the Norman's and then England's long struggle to subjugate the region as well as Welsh princedom rivalry and the subjugation of their own people. Some of the castles were built by Welsh royal dynasties to protect themselves from the English, each other and to subjugate their subjects. The largest castles were built by the Normans in the years following their invasion in 1066. Some native Welsh stone castles were built in the 13th century. Some of these were small, while others were much more substantial - like Dinefwr and Castell y Bere. Castell y Bere was the largest native Welsh castle and was built by Llywelyn the Great in the 1220s. It was built to exercise authority over his people and to defend the southwest part of the princedom of Gwynedd. It could only do that for so long, however, as in 1282, the castle fell to English forces under the reign of Edward I of England. Native Welsh Castles: Typically Inferior and Weaker to the Norman/English Castles Welsh castles were mostly inferior and weaker to their Norman counterparts although by the 1260s they resembled the Norman designs more closely. But this was at the end of the period of Welsh independence. Welsh castles were often irregular and maximized the defensive benefits of high, mountainous sites. The Norman/English Castles of Wales The most famous castles of Wales are the four castles of King Edward in Gwynedd (which make up a world heritage site today). He built these in North Wales after the final destruction of the last Welsh polities in the 1270s. We will cover these in-depth in another article. The castles are Beaumaris, Caernarfon, Conwy, and Harlech and are considered by UNESCO to be the "finest examples of late 13th century and early 14th century military architecture in Europe". In 1277 King Edward I launched the final invasion of the last of the Welsh stronghold in northern Wales. King Edward I was also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots - the same English king as in the historically awry 1995 movie Braveheart. King Edward I's Nicknames: "Edward Longshanks ('shank' is leg)" and "Hammer of the Scots" Normans/English: The Normans Invaded England In 1066 But Over Time Assimilated into England Intending to occupy Wales permanently he ordered the construction of eight new castles - Aberystwyth and Builth in mid-Wales and Beaumaris, Conwy, Caernarfon, Flint, Harlech, and Rhuddlan Castle in North Wales. These are considered today to be of the finest achievements of medieval military architecture in Great Britain. These were constructed at great expense to the English treasury. By the 14th century, castles were combining defenses with landscaped gardens, sophisticated living arrangements, and other luxuries. Remarkable Welsh Castles Today There are far too many castles in Wales to visit, but today some of the most remarkable castles in Wales are: Laugharne Castle: A 12th Century Castle With Victorian Ornamental Gardens Caernarfon Castle: An Edward I 13th Century Castle Built On A Roman Fort Raglan Castle: Known For Its Striking Round Towers and Role In The English Civil War Dinefwr Park and Castle: A Spectacular Castle Where One Can Also Enjoy the Nearby Nature Reserve, Cottages, and 18th Century Landscape Park Caldicot Castle: Home of Re-Enactments And Has a Relaxing Tearoom Conwy Castle: Considered By Some as The Finest Edward I Castle Caerphilly Castle: The Largest Castle In Wales and Second Largest In Britain class="u-grid__item --col-6 --push-md-1 --col-md-6 --push-lg-1 --col-lg-10 --push-xl-2 --col-xl-8"> When in England, pop into Warwick Castle - a living castle with accommodation, scary dungeons, and excellent falconry shows.
Pittsburgh Science Workshop - Children & Youth - Computers & Technology Location1901 Brighton RdPittsburgh, PA 15212 United States Our mission is to empower young people from underserved communities to grow academically, and expand their confidence, through hands-on science and creative ingenuity. A community science workshop (CSW) is like nowhere else in the world - it is filled with collected rocks and bones, homemade hovercrafts, spinning wobble-bots and live snakes and lungfish. It is a place where neighborhood families can visit for free to explore their own interests and ideas, build projects, learn new skills, and get curious about new science topics. It is a place of community and inspiration. In the workshop, children can learn important science concepts from their own physical, hands-on experiences! The CSW program model has been growing and thriving for 28 years bringing hands-on, curiosity-driven science to underserved and marginalized communities from Fresno CA to upstate NY. We believe that through experiments, tinkering, and building, children can develop a genuine interest in learning and a positive relationship with the world around them. Help us to bring these benefits to Pittsburgh through our community space on the Northside our fantastic mobile science bus!
The practice of fasting on the 13th of Adar originated in geonic Babylonia. The responsum of R. Natronai is the earliest Babylonian geonic source that refers to the fast by a name, calling it Ta‘anit Purim. Of the four sources in the geonic period from Babylonia and its environs that refer to the fast by a name, most likely none of them calls it Ta‘anit Esther. When the geonic sources express or imply something about the origin of the fast, they consistently state or imply that the fast is a rabbinic obligation dating from the biblical period. The approach most consistent with the geonic sources is that the fast arose as a consequence of an interpretation of M. Megillah 1:1–2 (“second approach”). It has been suggested that the authors of the interpretation were responding to and opposing widespread practices of fasting on Shabbat and Erev Shabbat. This led them to interpret M. Megillah 1:1–2 to imply a prohibition of fasting on Shabbat and Erev Shabbat. The result was a new “tradition” about an ancient fast on the 13th of Adar. There had not been a practice of fasting on the 13th at the time the geonic interpretation of M. Megillah 1:1–2 originated. Mitchell Furst, “The Origin of Ta’anit Esther”, AJS Review 34, No. 2 (November 2010), 344-345.
Data loss is the major issue in today’s technical world which should be taken care of and prevented. This may occur due to many reasons and most important would be due to the hard drive over heat. The other reasons would be like system malfunction, virus attacks, human error and software or hardware corruption. This might cause any important data to get lost and it would be a great loss. Data recovery involves the procedure of restoring data from corrupted storage when it can be accessed using normal methods. It is also used for retrieving deleted files from a storage media. Data that is lost can be recovered using data recovery methods. You can click here to know about the varieties of recovery software. Why is data recovery required? Due to widespread digitization, there is an increased rate of data generated everywhere. There are computerized data used in business and corporations in their day to day activities. Such companies would rely on data and if this gets lost, this would be a great potential loss for them. Nowadays all the written data are replaced by computer data and so it is essential to keep them safe. This is the reason why data recovery is very important. Data recovery is very important everywhere and it needs to be done with the help of highly experienced professionals and technicians. Essentials for data recovery and recovering lost data There are many data recovery companies have been raising these years. But it is very important in choosing the right company that is genuine and authentic. A good company should have proper infrastructure, skilled staff, and customized tools. In addition to it, the company should have dedicated R&D that offers a wide range of solutions. So if you lose any data, you need not worry as these companies would help you with the data recovery. Mostly the data can be retrieved with a high success rate. When a file is deleted, it will be stored somewhere in the disk and so it can be recovered. Using highly technical methods, even the data that is overwritten can be recovered. Data recovery tools Data recovery tools are available in lot using which you can recover your own files. This would be useful when you have erased any file accidentally. There are so many tools in the computer that is already available to restore the data and few are listed below. - The trash bin is the first thing you can search for the deleted files. It would have all the files using which you can restore them. - You can use the Search function at the bottom that can be used to search the missing files. - There are some professional tools and few software techniques used for getting back the lost data. You can click here to explore about few of them. Data recovery can retrieve any type of data like inaccessible or lost and corrupted data. So if you have faced any data loss which is very important, you can use any of the recovery technique and retrieve them.
After reading an article posted by a friend that fabric softener was the primary source of indoor air pollution I couldn’t help but ask “what about Radon?” One of her friends asked: “what is Radon?” This article is a short one on Radon. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that product of radioactive decay. It is created by the radioactive decay of Radium. Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive element. There are about 1.7 grams of Radium in a one-foot depth of a square mile of soil. However, the amount of Radon is not evenly distributed, some places will have more, others less. Here as a map of the US showing that areas have more or less Radon. A curie is the activity of one gram of Radium. A picocurie is one billionth of a curie. You have picocuries of radiation in your body all the time from various natural radioactive substances you eat, drink, and breath. click image to enlarge While many people seem to think that we are exposed to radiation by scary and high profile radiation leaks at nuclear reactors; the reality is that we are exposed to hundreds of times as much from the world around us. Life on Earth evolved with this exposure, so we have ways in our biology to deal with it to a degree. However, when the concentrations get too high our body can’t deal with it, and damage to our chromosomes can lead to cancer. Since Radon is a gas, we breathe it, and it can collect in our lungs. The Radon that collects in our lungs can cause lung cancer. The CDC estimates that there are 15,000 and 22,000 deaths a year from Radon (which is about 1/2 to 2/3s as many as from gunshots). The good news is that only 10% of those are in non-smokers. Fortunately, there are things you can do to be safer. You can test your home for Radon. If you find Radon there are ways of repairing your home, so less gets in. You can stop smoking and reduce you exposure to second-hand smoke and, you can make sure your home is well ventilated. The CDC has a guide to reducing your risk. The National Cancer Institute has a guide that explains Radon and tells how to mitigate its danger. The EPA also has a step-by-step guide to reducing the risk.
To understand how stem cells benefit native cardiomyocytes is crucial for cell-based therapies to rescue cardiomyocytes (CMCs) damaged during heart infarction and other cardiac diseases. However, the current conclusions on the protective effect of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were obtained by analyzing the overall amount of protein and factor secretion in a conventional co-culture system. These results neglected the heterogeneity of MSC population and failed to determine the importance of cellular contact to the protective effects. To address these issues, we have constructed two biochips by microfabrication methods and laser-guided cell micropatterning technique. Using the biochips, the protective effect of MSCs on CMCs can be quantitatively analyzed at single-cell level with defined cellular contact. The role of cellular contact on protective effect can be clarified according to our statistical results. - Laser guidance technique - Low nutrients microenvironment - Mesenchymal stem cells - Protective effect - Single-cell biochip ASJC Scopus subject areas - Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Are My Windows the Cause? Condensation is the result of high humidity levels. It happens when warm, moist air touches a surface that’s colder than the dew point. The dew point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated and produces dew. As the air temperature drops below its dew point, the excess liquid appears on the colder surface. This is how you get moisture on windows. Condensation is not caused by faulty windows. Windows provide a surface for moisture to condense on, warning you there is too much moisture in your home. Several things add moisture to the air in our homes. Breathing and perspiration add 3 pints of water per person into the air every day. Every activity that uses water increases the level of moisture in the air. These activities include cooking, laundry, taking showers, and washing dishes. Damp air in your home may not seem like the most pressing issue in the world. However, it can lead to more severe problems, including mold, rotting wood, and insect infestation. It’s potential threats like these that make controlling the humidity in your home so important. Ventilation is the key to allowing moisture and humidity to escape your home. Houses are now made tighter than ever; with house-wrap, insulation and well-crafted windows from Harvey Windows + Doors, proper steps need to be taken to control humidity. Tips to increase air circulation: - Turn on vents when using gas burners and clothes dryers - Install exhaust fans in the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room - Use a dehumidifier - Install a roof ridge vent and soffit for attic ventilation - Install foundation vents Temporary Condensation in New Construction Homes Wood, plaster, cement, and other building materials produce a great deal of moisture. Concrete foundations can take up to a year to completely dry out. Rapid drops in temperature can also create temporary condensation problems during the heating season. Condensation on the Exterior of the Window Like dew on grass or moisture on the outside of your car windows, condensation forming on the exterior of your home’s windows is a natural occurrence on energy-efficient windows. Be patient. The sun rising will evaporate this condensation as it does on your lawn. The Bottom Line Your windows do not cause the condensation. Condensation on the inside of your windows is a sign that your windows are working correctly. Old, drafty windows allow the moisture in your home to escape, along with your heat. When properly installed, Harvey windows do not allow the humidity in your house out. They are intended to keep your conditioned air in, and the outside air out. Which is why you may notice more condensation than with your old windows. To reduce the amount of condensation on your windows, you will need to control the humidity in your home. Other sources of information regarding condensation: The critical thing to realize is that condensation on your windows is a warning sign. With proper ventilation, you can eliminate the problem before it causes any significant damage to your home.
Mini’s Oxford assembly plant is the third-oldest mass-production car facility in the world, and this month it celebrates its 100-year anniversary. As one might expect, the plant has a storied history and a long tally of cars produced. So far, the plant has manufactured more than 2.25 million Minis, including the original Mini that rolled off the line from 1959 to 1969 (another plant in the UK continued production until 2000). In 2001, the Oxford plant began production of the modern Mini Cooper, a project spearheaded by the brand’s new parent company BMW. For centuries, Oxford has enjoyed international appeal as having one of the world’s best known and highly regarded universities, and draws thousands of visitors from around the globe every year. But many people don’t know that Oxford also has a technical and industrial history: 100 years ago – in 1913 – a young cycling enthusiast, William Morris, made a decision to establish a car plant in the Cowley area of Oxford. The first car to be produced there was a two-seater Morris Oxford in 1913, assembled on a stationary production line which became known as the “Bullnose Morris”. A number of other Morris-branded vehicles would follow, including the Morris Eight and Morris Minor. The plant has also had a hand in producing cars from brands including Austin Healey, Triumph, Rover, Sterling, and MG. And during the 1980s, Oxford even produced Honda Civics (rebadged as Triumph Acclaim) and the Honda Legend. In all, the plant has produced more than 11.6 million cars during its 100 years and there are no signs of it slowing down. Mini’s lineup has rapidly expanded in recent years to include the Cooper Clubman, Countryman, Cooper Coupe, and Paceman, and before long we may see a four-door Cooper.
Redthroat facts for kids Quick facts for kidsRedthroat |Redthroat at top.| The redthroat (Pyrrholaemus brunneus) is a small, mostly ground-dwelling species of bird in the family Acanthizidae. It is endemic to Australia, occurring mostly in arid and semi-arid areas containing acacia and chenopod shrublands. The species has a distinctive red throat patch and is able to mimic the calls of numerous other bird species. The first formal description of the redthroat was by the English ornithologist and bird artist John Gould in 1841 under the present binomial name Pyrrholaemus brunneus. The name of the genus Pyrrholaemus is from classical Greek pyrrhos meaning 'flame-coloured' or 'red' and laimos for 'throat'. The specific epithet brunneus is modern Latin for 'brown'. The redthroat is a small passerine bird within the family Acanthizidae, also known as the Australasian warblers. The Acanthizidae were once regarded as a subfamily within the family Pardalotidae; although current revisions place the Acanthizidae in their own family, sister to the Pardalotidae. The species most closely related to the redthroat are the speckled warbler (Chthonicola sagittata), which was previously classified in the same genus as the redthroat (Pyrrholaemus), and the pilotbird (Pycnoptilus floccosus). Recent phylogenetic studies have found that this clade of species (Pyrrholaemus-Chthonicola-Pyncnoptilus) is sister to the heathwrens and fieldwrens (Hylacola-Calamanthus). A small 11–12 cm (4.3–4.7 in) shy greyish-brown bird, the redthroat is most often seen swiftly darting through low branches and shrubs or hopping mouse-like on the ground. Only adult males have the distinctive small, rusty-brown throat patch, which gives the species its common name and the absence of which makes the identification of females and juveniles more difficult. The upper part of the head, body, wings, and tail are a dark brownish-grey, particularly dark on the rump and tail. While the underbody is predominantly whitish-grey, with a more whitish belly and pale buff colour blending into the flanks and undertail-coverts. The tail has prominent white patches on the tips of the outer feathers, which can be seen during flight and with the tail folded. Fine off-white scalloping is visible on the forehead, with off-white eye rings and lores merging into the lighter underparts of the body. It may be confused with some thornbill species, which are more compact with a shorter tail than the redthroat. It is unlikely to be mistaken for fieldwrens or heathwrens, which have a more strongly upturned tail at rest. The melodious call, similar to that of a canary, has sustained warbling and loud cheery notes. In addition to its own calls, the redthroat is able to mimic the calls of numerous other birds, including the pied butcherbird, rufous fieldwren, grey fantail, fairywrens, and thornbills. The redthroat has even been known to mimic the non-vocal sound of whistling wingbeats made by a crested pigeon in flight. Although both sexes call throughout the year, during the breeding season male calls are more sustained. The species is vocal when foraging and will also sing while perched atop shrubs and taller trees. The redthroat is endemic to mainland Australia, occurring in all states and territories, except the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania. The species is most prevalent in Western Australia and South Australia. It has a widespread but scattered distribution throughout most of South Australia. In Western Australia, the species is not present in the far north or the south-east, but is prevalent throughout the mid-latitudes of the state. In the Northern Territory, the species is restricted to the south of the state, around the Simpson Desert and the MacDonnell Ranges. In Queensland, the species is restricted to inland south-western regions. In Victoria, the species is restricted to the mallee regions in the northwest of the state. In New South Wales, the species is only known to occur in the far west, in several core populations, including Broken Hill, Tibooburra, Penarie and Nearie Lake Nature Reserve. The species is thought to be mostly sedentary, with no evidence to suggest seasonal migration. Individuals recaptured after banding have all been found within 10 kilometres (6.21 mi) of the banding site. The habitat of the redthroat consists primarily of arid and semi-arid regions of inland Australia, but it also occupies some coastal areas, as well as plains and rangelands. Communities it favours are most often acacia and chenopod shrublands. These communities are usually characterised by an overstory of mulga (Acacia aneura), red mulga (A. cyperophylla), or lacewood (A. shirleyi) with an understory of saltbush (Atriplex spp.), bluebush (Chenopodium spp.) or emu bush (Eremophila spp.). However, in some areas the species is known to occur in mallee with a diverse understory, semi-arid woodlands, Banksia and tea tree thickets and shrublands with an overstory of white cypress. The consistent feature among these habitats appears to be the presence of a complex understory, which provides suitable foraging and nesting resources for this shy, mostly ground-dwelling species. Diet and foraging behaviour Redthroats are omnivores with a diet consisting of seeds from grasses and shrubs as well as a broad variety of invertebrates, such as spiders, insects, and gastropods. Observations of redthroat foraging behaviour found that the species predominantly forages at heights of less than 1m (73% of observations) and was not observed foraging at heights greater than 3m. This study found that redthroats feed mostly by pouncing on prey from the ground or gleaning in low vegetation, with very few instances of hunting on the wing. Another study of foraging behaviour found that all observations of foraging occurred on the ground (<0.1 m), using a combination of gleaning and probing. Breeding and nesting Breeding mostly occurs between June–December with some geographic variation in timing. Little is known about sexual behaviour, although the species appears to breed in pairs. Nests are relatively large for a bird of its size 9–14 centimetres (3.54–5.51 in), often domed, spherical or domed with a round entrance near the top 2.5–4 centimetres (0.98–1.57 in). They are usually constructed of bark strips and bark fibre, often lined with feathers, fur or soft plant material. Nests are located on or close to the ground among shrubs, grass tussocks, at the base of trees, in fallen logs or in small depressions. Two to four eggs are laid and the female is solely responsible for incubating the eggs. The redthroat and the closely related speckled warbler are the only members of the acanthizids that have a solid coloured chocolate-brown egg. Furthermore, the redthroat (and the speckled warbler) are the primary host species of some brood parasites, such as the black-eared cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans)and fan-tailed cuckoo (Cacomantis flabelliformis), which remove redthroat eggs from the nest and lay their own similar looking eggs. Populations of redthroats have declined in many areas throughout Australia and the species is subject to many threatening processes. This has warranted its conservation listing in New South Wales and Victoria as follows: - The redthroat is listed as threatened on the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (1988). Under this Act, an Action Statement for the recovery and future management of this species has not yet been prepared. - On the 2013 advisory list of threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria, the redthroat is listed as endangered. - The redthroat is listed at vulnerable under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995) In New South Wales, several threatening processes affecting redthroat populations have been formally identified, including the following: - Clearing of suitable vegetation communities can cause range contractions and isolate populations. - Overgrazing by feral herbivores, particularly goats, can cause habitat degradation and prevent habitat regeneration for the species. - The infestation of suitable habitat by the noxious environmental weed Mesquite also impacts habitat values and foraging resources. - Given that redthroats are predominantly ground-dwelling and nesting birds, they are also highly susceptible to predation by exotic predators, such as foxes and cats. Although the species is not yet federally listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the threatening processes listed above are present throughout most of the species distribution. The ongoing impacts of land clearing, noxious weeds, introduced herbivores, and introduced predators are likely to cause further declines throughout the species range, which may warrant further environmental protection measures. - Del Hoyo, J.; Elliot, A. & Christie D. (editors). (2006). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 12: Picathartes to Tits and Chickadees. Lynx Edicions. ISBN: 978-84-96553-42-2 Redthroat Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.
MSA SC 3520-7 Peter Adams was an officer in the Maryland Line during the Revolutionary War. Named a captain in early 1776, he stayed in the army until the very end of the war, rising to lieutenant colonel. Along the way, he saw combat at some of the war's fiercest battle, including Brooklyn, Brandywine, Germantown, and Camden. Adams lived in Caroline County, Maryland, and was an advocate of American independence during the early part of the American Revolution. In the summer of 1775, he was elected to the Convention of Maryland. The Convention was the state's self-declared legislative body, which began meeting after Robert Eden, the colonial governor, dissolved the old assembly in an effort to stop the independence movement. Adams was a member of the Convention for only one session, which met for two weeks in July and August 1775. However, during Adams's term, the Convention signed the Association of Freemen, a precursor to the Declaration of Independence. While the signers held out hope for reconciliation with England, they recognized, just a few months after the battles of Lexington and Concord, "that it is necessary and justifiable to repel force by force, [and] do approve of the opposition by Arms to the British troops." A few months later, in January 1776, Adams was named one of the captains of the First Maryland Regiment, the state's first full-time, professional soldiers, raised to meet the state's quota of soldiers for the Continental Army. As a captain, in command of the Sixth Company, Adams was expected to recruit about 70 men, as well as put up his own money to help outfit them (although he could expect to be reimbursed). Adams filled his company with men from the Eastern Shore, a region where many people did not support the war against Britain. Nevertheless, Adams recruited his men, and in early spring 1776, they traveled to Annapolis, to meet with five of the regiment's nine companies (the rest were stationed in Baltimore). The spring and summer of 1776 were spent training the new soldiers, virtually none of whom had ever served in the army before. However, in April Adams was dispatched to Chestertown, across the Chesapeake Bay from Annapolis, to arrest a British agent named Alexander Ross. Ross was carrying papers from British Secretary of State Lord Germain and Lord Dunmore, colonial Governor of Virginia, both of whom were aggressively moving to suppress the American Revolution. Adams was one of the officers who detained Ross, and brought him first to Annapolis, then to Congress at Philadelphia. In July, the First Maryland Regiment was ordered to march north to New York, to protect the city from invasion by the British. On August 27, 1776, the Americans faced the British Army at the Battle of Brooklyn (sometimes called the Battle of Long Island), the first major engagement of the war. The battle was a rout: the British were able to sneak around the American lines, and the outflanked Americans fled in disarray. As the Maryland troops fought their way towards the American fortifications, they were forced to stop at the swampy Gowanus Creek. Half the regiment was able to cross the creek and escape the battle. However, the rest, including Adams's company, were unable to do so before they were again attacked by a group of British soldiers. Facing down a much larger, better-trained force, these Marylanders, today called the "Maryland 400," mounted a series of daring charges. They held the British at bay for some time before being overrun, at the cost of many lives, losing 256 men killed or captured. Their stand bought valuable time for the rest of the American army to escape to safety. The Sixth Company lost 80 percent of its men, either killed or captured. It had so few remaining soldiers that the sixteen survivors were consolidated into another company. Adams himself was not on the field during the battle. Instead, he was too sick, one of the many Americans who fell ill in the weeks before the battle, largely because of poor camp sanitation. In fact, the company's first lieutenant, Nathaniel Ewing, was also sick, and the men were lead in combat by the second lieutenant, who was taken prisoner. Adams was ill for much of the fall, through most of September and October. Nevertheless, the Marylanders fought on through the rest of 1776. They continued to demonstrate their skill and bravery at battles like Harlem Heights in September and White Plains in October, but the Americans were nevertheless pushed out of New York, and by November were put on the run through New Jersey. Not until late that winter did the Continental Army secure revitalizing victories at Trenton and Princeton. At the end of 1776, Maryland increased its contribution to the Continental Army from one regiment to eight, and Adams was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the newly-created Seventh Maryland Regiment. During the years that followed, the Maryland troops continued to prove their worth, performing their duties well. Still, the Continental Army endured several years of defeat. In 1777, the Maryland troops took heavy casualties at the disastrous raid on Staten Island. During 1777-1778, the British and American troops vied for control over the American capital at Philadelphia. As part of the campaign, the American troops suffered two losses at Brandywine (September 1777) and Germantown (October 1777), and a limited victory at Monmouth (June 1778). In August of 1779, Adams was named lieutenant colonel commandant of the First Maryland Regiment, a promotion he had been seeking for years. There was little combat in 1779, and in an effort to break the stalemate, the British shifted their focus to the southern colonies. In April 1780, the Marylanders were part of the American army that marched from Pennsylvania to South Carolina to counter the British. On August 16, 1780, at the first battle of the campaign, the Americans suffered a terrible defeat at the Battle of Camden, which ended in a chaotic American retreat. The Marylanders took particularly heavy casualties, losing some 600 men--about one-third of their troops. The battle nearly destroyed the army, and the Maryland Line had only enough men to form a single regiment. After it was consolidated, a number of officers were left without a command, including Adams. He was placed in charge a new Third Maryland Regiment, and was sent back to Maryland to help rebuild the army. Adams arrived in Annapolis in September or October 1780, and set to work raising troops, but the task proved difficult. Six years of war had taken their toll on Maryland's people. Many of those who were willing and able to join the army already had served, some of them for extended enlistments. The economy was in tatters, and victory was no closer than it even had been--indeed, after the near-total destruction of two American armies in South Carolina in two years, success against the British seemed remote. As a result, recruiting was so slow that when the American army began campaigning in the south again in the beginning of 1781, Adams was still working to outfit his regiment. Finally, on August 28, 1781, Adams and his fully-manned and outfitted regiment departed Annapolis. One observer wrote that this regiment as been raised within these few months, but from the unwearied vigilance of the officers, has all the appearance of a veteran corps; it consists of upwards of 409 men, enlisted for three years...and are well equipped for the field...The ardor that spread through their ranks, on the prospect of taking the field, and their military appearance, inspired every beholder with a pleasing confidence that they would render essential services, and be an honour to their country. Because they left so late into the summer, Adams and the men of the Third Maryland did not participate in any of the fierce battles in 1781, at Guilford Courthouse, Hobkirk's Hill, Ninety-Six, or Eutaw Springs, places where the Maryland Line distinguished itself. Instead, as it headed south, the Third stopped at Yorktown, Virginia around the end of September, and joined the Continental Army's siege of the British. Although they saw little fighting there, they were present when Cornwallis surrendered on October 17, 1781. Adams's men spent most of 1782 in South Carolina with the rest of the Marylanders, holding the remaining British troops at Charleston at bay. Around the end of the year, they returned to Maryland. Adams left the army in April 1783, more than seven years after he joined. Living as a civilian again for the first time in many years, Adams worked as a merchant, selling fabric, furniture, books, and other goods. Although he was clearly a person of means and statue in his community, very little is known about Adams's personal background. He had at least one brother, William Adams, Jr. When Peter Adams died during the summer of 1785, possibly after a lengthy illness, he left all of his property to his brother. He likely never married or had any children. Although his age at the time of his death is not known, it is probable that a large portion of Adams's adult life was spent in the army. However, while the basic details of his military career are easily understood, it is harder to determine anything about his character or aptitude as a soldier. For the most part, Adams's reputation has been defined by a remark made by his commander William Smallwood in 1781. Smallwood complained that Adams would not follow orders, and was "more commonly activated by caprice and invincible obstinacy, than that propriety of conduct which should ever mark and distinguish [an] officer." Adams certainly had a tendency to complain and to feud with his fellow officers. In 1782, for example, he was court-martialed over an incident that arose from a dispute with John Steward, commander of the First Maryland Regiment, who had served alongside Adams since 1776. However true Smallwood's condemnation may have been, Smallwood's own pettiness was legendary. Other officers remarked on his "low ambition--to be the idol of sycophants," and "the meanness of his resentments." Likewise, a disagreement with Steward, a notoriously hot-blooded officer, is hardly a damning fact about Adams. Over the years, particularly at the start of the war, the Maryland Line had its share of poor officers, as is to be expected. Indeed, in 1776, only a handful of men in Maryland had any military experience. By the time the Southern Campaign began, however, few of these men remained in the ranks. It would have been easy for the state to remove him from his position when it reorganized its troops. That Adams was given another command in the fall of 1780 is a testament to his skill as an officer. Owen Lourie, 2019 1. Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., eds, A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789. Vol I. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985), 98-99; Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, 1774-1776, Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 78, p. 17. 2. Reiman Steuart, The Maryland Line (The Society of the Cincinnati, 1971), 49; Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 78, pps. 67, 91; Pension of John McFadden. National Archives, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land-Warrant Application Files, S 5755, from Fold3.com; Peter Adams, account of expenses, 14 February 1776, Maryland State Papers, Revolutionary Papers, box 4, no. 14-1, MdHR 19970-4-14/1 [MSA S997-4-75, 1/7/3/10], which likely documents the company's lodging and ferry expenses on their trip to Annapolis. 3. Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776, Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 11, pps. vii, 352-353, 392. 4. Mark Andrew Tacyn “’To the End:’ The First Maryland Regiment and the American Revolution” (PhD diss., University of Maryland College Park, 1999), 48-73. For more on the experience of the Marylanders at the Battle of Brooklyn, see "In Their Own Words," on the Maryland State Archives research blog, Finding the Maryland 400. 5. “Extract of a letter from New-York: Account of the Battle on Long-Island,” 1 September 1776, American Archives, 5th series, vol. 1, p. 1232; David Hackett Fischer, Washington’s Crossing (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 86-88. Adams illness is recorded in Return of the Maryland troops, 13 September 1776, Revolutionary War Rolls, NARA M246, folder 35, p. 85, from Fold3.com; Return of the Maryland troops, 27 September 1776, Revolutionary War Rolls, NARA M246, folder 35, p. 93-94, from Fold3.com; Return of the Maryland troops, 11 October 1776, Revolutionary War Rolls, NARA M246, folder 35, p. 92, from Fold3.com; Return of the Six Independent Companies and First Regiment of Maryland Regulars, 1 December 1776, American Archives, 5th series, vol. 3, p. 1081-1082. Because of some identification problems with the regiment's officers, it is not entirely certain who the Sixth Company's second lieutenant was at the time of the battle. 6. Return of the Maryland troops, 13 September 1776; McFadden pension; Steuart, 49; Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution, Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 18, p. 78; Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, NARA M881, from Fold3.com. Adams was briefly major of the Seventh Maryland, before being made lieutenant colonel. 7. The promotion happened in December, but was back-dated to August. Steuart, 49; Compiled Service Record; Pension of Peter Adams. National Archives, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land-Warrant Application Files, BLWt 372-450, from Fold3.com; Archives of Maryland Online, vol. 18, p. 78; George Washington to Thomas Johnson, 6 November 1777, Founders Online, National Archives. 8. Tacyn, 216-225; Richard J. Batt, "The Maryland Continentals 1780–1781," (Ph.D. diss, Tulane University, 1974), 50-51. 9. Batt, 201-203; Return of troops in garrison at Annapolis, May 1781, Maryland State Papers, Revolutionary Papers, box 7, no. 52, MdHR 19970-7-52 [MSA S997-7-53, 1/16/1/36]. 10. "Annapolis, August 30," Maryland Gazette (Annapolis), 30 August 1781. 11. Batt, 201-203; Charles H. Lesser, Sinews of Independence: Monthly Strength Reports of the Continental Army (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976), 208, 210; 12. Papenfuse, et al., 98-99; Will of Peter Adams, 1785, Caroline County Register of Wills, Wills, liber JR B, p. 29 [MSA C577-4, 1/3/1/11]; Inventory of Peter Adams, 1785, Caroline County Register of Wills, Inventories, liber JR A, p. 181 [MSA C516-2, 1/3/1/17]. 13. William Smallwood to Gov. Thomas Sim Lee, 12 September 1781, Maryland State Papers, Brown Books 2:17, MdHR 4609-17 [MSA S991-2, 1/6/5/3]; Board of War to Gov. Thomas Sim Lee, 27 December 1779, Maryland State Papers, Red Books 24:5, MdHR 4592-5 [MSA S989-36,1/6/4/24]; Nathaniel Greene to Otho Holland Williams, 6 June 1782, Williams Papers, Maryland Historical Society, MS 908; Dennis M. Conrad and Roger N. Parks, eds., The Papers of General Nathaniel Greene, vol. 11, 7 April-30 September 1782 (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2000), 197. 14. Otho Holland Williams to Dr. Philip Thomas, 24 March 1789, Williams Papers, MHS. Return to Peter Adams's Introductory Page
An estimated 22 million people suffer from sleep apnea in the U.S. alone. If you think you might belong to this segment of the population, you should learn as much as you can about the disorder, from common causes and symptoms to effective sleep apnea treatment options. Take a look at the following questions and answers. What Happens in Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea involves a disruption of normal breathing patterns during sleep. Most people with this condition suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, in which the throat muscles get so relaxed that the airway closes in on itself. In obstructive sleep apnea, the sleeping brain fails to regulate breathing actions correctly. Why Do People Struggle With Sleep Apnea? Any factor that encourages or allows an airway blockage can produce sleep apnea. Examples include obesity, alcohol or sedative medications, chronic nasal congestion, sleeping on your back, and smoking. A family history of sleep apnea or a hormonal condition that causes throat swelling may also risk your risk. When Should You Suspect Sleep Apnea? You might not know about your sleep apnea until someone accuses you of snoring, a common symptom of the disorder. Other trouble signs can include morning headaches, a dry mouth when you first wake up, daytime drowsiness, irritability, and waking up suddenly while gasping for air. Why Should You Get Sleep Apnea Treated? Sleep apnea can do more than simply deprive you of a decent night's sleep. The frequent interruptions in breathing rob the body of much-needed oxygen. Over time, this oxygen deprivation can raise your risk for cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart failure. Researchers have noted that sleep apnea often occurs alongside certain mental and emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. If you suffer from one of these conditions, treatment for sleep apnea may help you in your efforts to control that problem as well. How Can Treatment Help You Manage Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea treatment often involves devices that help you breathe more normally and get more oxygen during sleep. For instance, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine feeds you air through a face mask at controlled pressure levels. This continuous supply of air helps to keep the airway open. Other smart strategies can also help you manage your sleep apnea. You may need to lose excess weight, give up smoking and alcohol use, ask your doctor about changes in your medication routine, or look into surgery that can remove nasal or throat obstructions. Schedule a consultation with a sleep apnea treatment center today.
Progress in Machine Translation - Pt. 1 Before NMT Systems As can be seen from the post (link word embedding blog), it is possible to represent words in a mathematical vector form which represents their semantic meaning. Machine Translation is however, a task which expands way beyond the understanding of words. The model needs to learn not only the laws and syntax of multiple languages, but also how to convert from one to another. As expected, this task is highly demanding from a computational perspective. Owing to this, Translation systems were mostly phrase-based. This means that translation was based on small units called ‘phrases’ only. The Model would translate a phrase from one language to another, given similar samples based on simple probabilistic rules. As you would expect though, these systems though reliant for basic translation, were not syntactically very accurate. Multiple reasons can be pointed out. - Phrase Reordering would be required: When translating from one phrase to another, one also needs to worry about the position of the phrase in the sentence. Some languages have a different way of placing words than others. This was accounted for by building a second language model to reorder the phrases. However, that only adds to the computation. - Loss of Context: Since the model is only looking at one phrase to translate and not it’s adjoining phrases, there is a huge loss of context. Lots of words have multiple meaning depending on the context. From our example in the (Word Embeddings post). ‘Please bear with me’ has a different meaning for ‘bear’, whereas ‘I see a big brown bear’ has a seperate meaning for ‘bear’. - Morphological Errors: Our model is only translating phrases, hence it has no idea about the tense or any part of the structure of the source text. Hence, it would be impossible to correctly place morphological forms of words in the translation. To correct these cons for phrase-based systems, came the NMT or Neural Machine Translation Systems. These systems centre around RNNs or Recurrent Neural Networks. The RNN Endoder-Decoder Architecture has been central to the development of not only Translation but a significant amount of Language and Sequence Modelling tasks over the years. Understanding the RNN Encoder-Decoder Any Endoder-Decoder Architecture centres around the idea that an intermediate representation can be learnt using the Encoder, which is sufficient to encode every bit of information presented to us, and the Decoder is capable of decoding this representation back to some meaningful form. An RNN based Encoder-Decoder works on similar lines. One RNN encodes a sequence of symbols into a fixed lenght vector representation, and another RNN decoded representations into another sequence of symbols. Esentially, the encoder and decoder together are trying to jointly minimize the conditional probability of a target sequence, given a source sequence.
In this chapter, we begin to pull apart the fundamental elements of music itself, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, texture and dynamics. Through our interactive curriculum and remote study sessions, we’ll introduce you to music theory from a producer’s perspective. Understanding a few of these rules can go a long way in learning how to break them in new, exciting ways! At the Recording Connection, you’ll exercise these concepts while producing a project of your own, in your home studio. Step into a commercial studio with you mentor, and see how these tricks apply to recording sessions with other musicians or vocalists, and how to communicate with them effectively.
Copyright protection of your work is a very important part of protecting your valuable intellectual property. However, many creators neglect to take care on the opposite side of things – how to find out if something is copyrighted. Well, let’s learn how! What is copyright? Copyright is one of four main types of intellectual property that are protected by US law. Copyright law protects original works of authorship, which can be any number of types of creative works, including: - Computer software code - Sculptures and 3d models - Dance choreography - Sound recordings - Musical compositions, etc. The important thing with copyright is that it’s more than just an idea – it has to be “fixed in a tangible medium of expression.” This sounds more complicated than it is. You basically just have to transfer the thing to be protected from your mind to something more tangible. For example, if you have a poem inside your head, it doesn’t yet have copyright protection. As soon as you write it down or type it on your computer and hit “save,” it is now fixed. This “fixation” is the moment at which copyright protection begins. While you don’t have to do anything else in order to have copyright rights, there isn’t much you can do with those rights if you don’t file a federal copyright registration. This is done through the US Copyright Office. When you want to register your copyright in the US, you need to hit up www.copyright.gov. From there, click on the link to “register copyrights” and you’ll be taken to a page with a link to the eCO system – this is where you do the registration. It’s here where I will advise you to contact a copyright lawyer to take over. This is because there is a lot of information you need to input, and making a mistake could make the application worthless. For instance, do you know if your work was published or unpublished? It’s not as easy as you think – the Copyright Office’s definition of published isn’t the same as the common definition. Also, even deciding on the type of work to be registered can be difficult, depending on the circumstances. How to find out if something is copyrighted? Searching copyright records And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. How do you check if something is copyrighted? We found out earlier that every original creative work is “copyrighted” as soon as it’s written down or saved in some tangible form. If you want to check registrations, though, you need to use the search engine on copyright.gov. It’s not as easy as you’d think, though. When you search for a title, you’re relying on them having registered it under the title you know it as. For a TV Show or book, that’s not usually a problem. But for photographs, dances, and other things, it may be hard to find. You can also search by the company name, but that’s not always as simple as it sounds, either. The copyright owner may have changed over the years, either by changing their name or assigning the copyright. This is fairly common. Plus, there are a TON of copyright records. Many search terms you enter will return a huge amount of results. Sifting through them can be a nightmare. What about the public domain? Another thing to think about when checking if something is copyrighted is whether or not it has fallen into the public domain. As a general rule, anything that was created before 1923 is automatically in the public domain and freely usable. Other dates have different rules, which are a little more complicated than I can cover in this post. I’ll direct you to this awesome chart from Cornell – that should explain it all! I hope you’ve learned a lot about copyright in this post, particularly how to find out if something is copyrighted. For assistance with registering, searching, or licensing your copyright, contact a copyright attorney for a free consultation.
6 juni – Sveriges nationaldag (Swedish national day) The 6th of June is the Swedish national day. But – do you know what we are actually celebrating? Some Swedes don’t even know, so read on and you’ll have a chance to shine in front of your Swedish friends/colleagues/family! There are mainly two significant events that has led to Sweden celebrating their nationaldag on the 6th of June. Gustav Vasa inspired the Swedish national day in 1523 Christian was allegedly a nasty piece of work, and organised a reconciliation party with the Swedish aristocracy. How nice of him. However, the not-so-nice Christian instead killed between 80-90 people – including Gustav Vasa’s father, and this event became known as Stockholms blodbad (Stockholm Bloodbath). Gustav escaped through Dalarna and tried to drum up support for a rebellion against the Danish king in the town of Mora, Dalarna. Initially, the men in Mora turned him down, and Gustav continued skiing towards the Norway border to seek refuge. But the men in Mora changed their minds, and caught up with Gustav in the village of Sälen. Eventually, in 1523, Gustav Vasa was crowned the king of Sweden, after having successfully fought in the Swedish war of Liberation and dissolved the Kalmar Union with the Danes. The Instrument of Government in 1908 1809 – Sweden introduces a new Instrument of Government, which restores political power to the Riksdag of the Estates. This was one of the fundamental laws that made up the constitution of Sweden from then and until 1974. It came about after the Coup of 1809, when the disastrous outcome in the Finnish War led Swedish nobles and parts of the Army to revolt, forcing King Gustav IV Adolf to involuntarily abdicate and go into exile. However, it was not until 2005 when the nationaldag became a public holiday, so we are still a little bit unsure of how to celebrate it (although the Royal family will take part in several events in Stockholm). It is also the day when many regions/councils welcome those who have become Swedish citizens during the previous year to a medborgarskapsceremoni (citizenship ceremony), as seen here in this video: And here’s of course the national anthem so you can sing along!
Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have developed a thin film, highly conductive solid-state electrolyte made of a polymer and ceramic-based composite for lithium metal batteries. The electrolyte’s novel design is a three-dimensional interconnected structure that can provide mechanical robustness and high lithium ionic conductivity at room temperature. The key to improving density in solid-state batteries is in developing a powerful, thin, solid electrolyte that is also scalable. To achieve this, the team combined the advantages of solid polymer electrolytes (flexible and low cost but with low conductivity) with ceramic electrolytes (better conductivity but are too brittle to process) to form a thin composite film. ORNL’s Xi Chen said: “The film was formed by partially sintering a three-dimensionally interconnected ceramic structure and the polymer filled the pores to make a robust membrane.” The team initially formed a doped-lithium aluminum titanium phosphate ceramic thin film with thickness of ~25μm by aqueous spray coating. The film was then partially sintered to form a three-dimensionally interconnected structure with a dense backbone. It was then backfilled with a crosslinkable poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)-based polymer electrolyte. The scientists reported the composite had a ceramic loading of 77wt% (61 vol%) and an ionic conductivity of 3.5 × 10 -5 S/cm at 20°C with an activation energy of 0.43 eV. The team said the main ion transport pathway was through the ceramic network, predicted by modelling and verified by experiments. Because of the interconnected structure of the ceramic, the composite electrolyte exhibited much improved mechanical strength. Image: A thin film solid-state electrolyte with a three-dimensionally interconnected structure was fabricated by ORNL researchers. The structure increased conductivity through the ceramic base. Credit: Xi Chen/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy
“Part of teaching is helping students learn how to tolerate ambiguity, consider possibilities, and ask questions that are unanswerable.” -Sara Lawrence Lightfoot We see through our beliefs. Those beliefs are built by experiences. Those experiences are mostly benign and/or a part of the culture that we were born into. Grew up in. I recently celebrated a birthday. As a part of the celebration, my wife and I went to a spectacular brunch that was more expensive for us than usual. Both of us come from modest means, so these times are a treat for us. As I looked around the restaurant, I was struck by seeing infants and toddlers. Everywhere. At almost every table there sat a family, engaging lovingly with children. “Look at those babies and children, coming to a breakfast at 6 months old that I have just come to in my mid-thirties,” I said to my wife. “This is the culture that they will grow up in and see as normal.” These children will grow up in an environment where this level of quality and service will be as normal to them as my weekly (sometimes more often) trips to Chick-Fil-A. So, what they will come to understand as normal will be very far removed from what most children see as a normal breakfast. Besides promising to take our children there soon, I started to think about how this idea is repeated elsewhere. In housing. In community programs. In malls. In entertainment and recreation opportunities. And especially in classrooms. Based on the most recent NAEP reports, which show the stable and significant achievement gap remaining strong (once again), I wonder if the culture of instruction black and brown students ‘grow up in’ is significantly different than their peers. Different according to socioeconomic class. Different according to gender. Different according to skin color. Or all three. Dr. Sandra Santelises, CEO of Baltimore City Schools, has referred to it as the ‘red-lining of instruction’. This is a type of instruction that may be well intentioned, but is executed from the seat of our beliefs (and our expertise) and puts a ceiling as to what black and brown students should be able to do in a classroom. Or a class period. This type of instruction can usually be heard in statements like “they will need a lot of prep for this,” or “they don’t read, they don’t do homework and they just can’t understand the concepts,” or the most common “at least they completed.... (insert a low level product).” I have witnessed this instruction and throughout my career, implemented and presided over this type of instruction more often than I am proud of. That is why this matter is so urgent - it is easy to put this ceiling on some of our most instructionally-dependent students. Let me explain. First, you come in wide-eyed and enthusiastic about what all students can do. Then, if you teach black and brown students, your expectations become color-coded at the first sign of academic deficit or distress. Next, you level down your instruction in an attempt to level up your students - because ‘this is the support they need.’ When these same black and brown students do not show success with this type of instruction (or even when they do), it confirms your pre-existing bias as to the capacity of certain students. The lesson plans that were packed, imaginative and creative in August are suddenly simple and filled with long teacher-directed activities. By the winter break, you and your students become used to the artificial ceiling that has been set. And you both proceed in this unstated agreement for the next six months. Then comes graduation. Notice that there is no malice, no hate and no evil intention on the part of the teacher. In fact, this is seen mostly as an act of love and support. And this is how scores, achievements and communities where black and brown students are concerned almost never improve. By the way, this type of instruction is not limited to students at the low-end scale, but also our high-achieving black and brown princes and princesses. And after a while; this is just what the students grow up in and get used to. The only way they fully realize that instruction can and should be different is when an incredible teacher teaches them or when they visit another school with a culture of engagement and academic excellence. And so, our classes become classes of students as it relates to academics. One part of our class contains struggling students; another part is labeled ‘troublemakers’ and the last collection of students is classified as exceptional. Different classes of students within a class, but all getting used to the same type of low-ceiling instruction. In such a class, all of the work is geared toward helping students achieve up to a certain point. And any other success comes either by accident or by the dogged determination of our students. I believe we can and must do better. Teachers have the power to change the instructional culture of the classroom so that students get used to a quality learning experience that they do not have to pay for, benefit from and recommend to other people. For better or worse, students (and children sitting at an awesome Saturday morning brunch) can get used to anything. Let’s get to work. Classroom Instruction Principle Use the grade-level standard of work as the starting point for a learning experience that is scaffolded, dynamic and limitless. Three Actions to Implement by Your Next Lesson 1. Get the process right and practice it relentlessly. Study and master the grade level standards of your curriculum. Create exemplars with texts/content you are familiar with based on the standards. Debrief from these products with other colleagues and experts so that you can determine what the supporting processes and skills are that help students move towards producing the grade-level work. Pull out these processes and make anchor charts out of them. Then, have students practice these processes when they are learning how to master a standard. Do it every single time until the process(es) becomes rote. 2. Establish mastery AND enrichment goals for each class. Set a mastery goal (the standard to be mastered by the end of the learning experience) and a stretch goal (the above grade level standard, or combination of standards expectations expected to be mastered by gifted students) for each lesson. You can set alternative learning experiences in the independent practice portion of the learning experience so that you aren’t tracking students when it comes to direct instruction, but rather giving them different pathways to engage in independently to demonstrate understanding. 3. Build in time for extra practice. It is nearly impossible to break the ceiling of academic potential for students who may have been underserved for years in only a 90-minute class period. So, make time for extra practice for students who need it. This time is most likely best spent in developing their capacity to revise their earlier work to match grade-level expectations or move them into the enrichment degree of difficulty outlined in the prior step. Two Resources for Further Study Going Deep: Empowering Students to Take Risks, Make Mistakes and Master Difficult Material by the 2013 Fishman Prize Winners: https://tntp.org/assets/documents/TNTP_FishmanPrizeSeries_2013.pdf Literacy Assignment Analysis Guide by The Education Trust: https://1k9gl1yevnfp2lpq1dhrqe17-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/LiteracyAssignmentAnalysisGuide_Final_082216.pdf One Inspirational Quote/Video Dr. Santelises speech at the Winter 2018 Standards Institute by Unbound Ed entitled ‘Leadership and Equity’ - https://youtu.be/dcGfFNoy5tI “For they are all our children; we will either profit by or pay for what they become.” -James Baldwin The opinions expressed in Everyday Equity in the Classroom are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.
Why do you need minerals? Minerals are essential to human health because they support thousands of processes and functions in the human body. In fact, your body uses them for many different important tasks, such as keeping your bones, heart, and brain healthy. They also play an important role in hormone health, help maintain a healthy immune system, and more. The most important minerals to include are selenium, magnesium, boron, iron, calcium, zinc and chromium.
Repeater basics | Repeater types in WiFi, LTE, Satellite, Optical, Microwave This page describes repeater basics and repeater types. It explains functions of WiFi repeater, Microwave repeater, Satellite repeater, LTE repeater and Optical repeater. It mentions difference between repeater and amplifier. It mentions advantages and disadvantages of repeater. As we know there is a limit for any communication system to transmit the information. The coverage distance depends on modules used at the transmitter side viz. modulation scheme, amplifier, data format of the signal etc. In order to increase the communication distance of the system repeaters are used. What is repeater? • Repeater is a device which receives the signal and retransmits the signal after amplification. It may or may not does frequency conversion before retransmission depending upon applications of use. • It usually consists of receiver, amplifier, frequency converter and transmitter. • In some systems, repeater also does baud rate conversion before retransmission. • Repeater is used for wired medium (e.g. telephone line repeater, fiber optical cable repeater etc.) as well as wireless medium (e.g. satellite repeater, microwave repeater, wifi repeater, LTE repeater etc.). Repeater types | WiFi, Microwave, Satellite, LTE and Optical Following are the two main repeater types based on data type it can handle. Analog Repeater: It can amplify the analog signal in order to boost its amplitude. Usually trunking system employs FDM type of multiplexer which uses multiple analog signals in the form of current or voltage whose amplitude gets attenuated over transmission medium. The analog repeater is used here. It cosists of linear amplifier and filters. Digital Repeater or Digipeater: It can amplify the digital signal to compensate for losses over medium. Digital signal can be in any binary formats such as NRZ, RZ etc. It is also known by name "Digipeater". This digipeater helps in pulse re-shaping, demodulation, decoding and re-synchronization at the receiver end. Let us understand repeater types based on technologies it can serve viz. telephone line, fiber optic, microwave link, satellite link, wlan network, lte network and so on. In microwave link, repeater is employed between transmitting station and receiving station. Depending upon distance between them, there may be one or multiple repeater stations in between. This type of repeaters use sensitive receivers, high power transmitters and high mounted antennas. They are very effective to increase the communication range of microwave link. In microwave relay stations, one repeater pickes the signal at one frequency, amplifies it and retransmits it on another frequency to the next repeater in the chain. The next repeater does the same task. This way string of repeater stations relay signals to greater distances. The distance between two repeater stations is usually 20 to 60 miles. The antennas are mounted at very high altitudes. Refer Microwave Repeater >>. As we know communication satellites are located at about 36000 Km (i.e. 22369 miles) above the ground. Hence repeaters used in the satellite cover greater distances. Satellite repeater receives the uplink signal from the ground, amplifies it and does frequency conversion to appropriate downlink frequency before retransmission to the earth. The receiver, amplifier and transmitter functionalities of the repeater is known as transponder in satellite domain. For C band satellite, it receives at 6GHz frequency and transmits at 4 GHz frequency using down conversion with suitable LO (Local Oscillator). Refer difference between Repeater vs Transponder >> for more information. WiFi Repeater | WLAN Repeater WiFi Repeater is based on IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n standard. It extends the coverage range supported by a wifi router to larger region usually between two rooms. WiFI repeater operates either in 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band as supported by WLAN standard. 2.4 GHz supports 14 frequency channels spaced at 5MHz apart. Wifi router operating at 2.4 GHz receives signal at one channel frequency (say 2412 MHz) and transmits it on another channel frequency (say 2422 MHz) after necessary amplification as per designed specification. Refer WiFi Repeater >> and difference between WiFi Booster vs WiFi Repeater >> for more information. As shown in the figure, LTE repeater receives the signal from LTE eNB (e.g. base station) and re-transmits it after amplification towards UEs. As it amplifies noise along with the signal, SNR degrades. As a result, LTE relay is used which has FEC (Forward Error Correction) functionalities in addition to amplification. Hence SNR is maintained. Refer difference between LTE Repeater vs LTE Relay >>. It is used in fiber optic communication system. It receives the optical signal in electric form. It performs reshaping and amplification operations before retransmission. Due to signal reconstruction before amplification, signal is less distorted. Refer difference between Optical Repeater Vs Optical Amplifier >>. Difference between Repeater and Amplifier Let us understand difference between repeater and amplifier. ➤Amplifier: It amplifies the input signal to boost its amplitude on the same frequency. It does not involve any frequency conversion. ➤Repeater: It amplifies the input signal as well as does frequency conversion before retransmission. This means repeater consists of amplifier and frequency converter. ➤Also refer difference between Transparent repeater vs Regenerative Repeater >> for more information. Advantages of Repeater | Disadvantages of repeater Following are the advantages of repeater. ➤It extends the distance typically covered by wired or wireless medium. ➤It does not affect the performance of the network by suitably performing its task on the signal. ➤Repeaters are available which can use different mediums for reception and transmission. ➤It does not increase or decrease the network traffic. Following are the disadvantages of repeater. ➤It is not possible to connect different network architectures using repeater. For this router or gateway is needed. ➤The number of repeaters to be used are limited between two ends. More repeaters create noise on the wire which results into packet collisions or problems in the packet detection (at the receiver). ➤Repeaters do not perform segmentation of the network. ➤Repeaters do not perform filtering of the data.
About Lung Diseases Affecting Airways Asthma is a chronic disease that makes the lungs very sensitive and hard to breathe. Asthma cannot be cured, but with proper treatment, people with asthma can lead normal, active lives. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a lung disease that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Other causes of COPD can include genetic reasons, occupational dusts and chemicals, second hand smoke, frequent lung infections as a child. Chronic bronchitis is a form of COPD characterized by a chronic productive cough. Emphysema, a lung damage that allows air to be trapped in the lungs in this form of COPD. Difficulty blowing air out is its hallmark. Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting young Canadians. Cystic fibrosis mainly affects lungs and digestion. People with cystic fibrosis have an unusually thick, sticky mucus that clogs their lungs, makes it hard to breathe, and can lead to life-threatening lung infections. CF also affects the pancreas.
lag: Information About The Word 'lag' lag is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc. The word 'lag' is made up of 3 letters. - (n) the act of slowing down or falling behind - (n) the time between one event, process, or period and another - (n) one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket - (v) hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc. - (v) lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life" - (v) throw or pitch at a mark, as with coins - (v) cover with lagging to prevent heat loss; "lag pipes" Using the word 'lag' in Scrabble will fetch you 4 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 6 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers). Check out the Anagrams of lag Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of lag Words Ending With 'lag' Following are 9 words which end with 'lag' Words Starting With 'lag' Following are 20 words which start with 'lag' See all the words starting with lag. Words Containing 'lag' Following are 20 words which contain 'lag' See all the words containing lag. Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word 'lag' |Points in Scrabble for lag||4| |Points in Words with Friends for lag||6| |Number of Letters in lag||3| |More info About lag||lag| |List of Words Starting with lag||Words Starting With lag| |List of Words Ending with lag||Words Ending With lag| |4 Letter Words Starting with lag||4 Letter Words Starting with lag| |5 Letter Words Starting with lag||5 Letter Words Starting with lag| |6 Letter Words Starting with lag||6 Letter Words Starting with lag| |7 Letter Words Starting with lag||7 Letter Words Starting with lag| |4 Letter Words Ending with lag||4 Letter Words Ending with lag| |5 Letter Words Ending with lag||5 Letter Words Ending with lag| |6 Letter Words Ending with lag||6 Letter Words Ending with lag| |7 Letter Words Ending with lag||7 Letter Words Ending with lag| |List of Words Containing lag||Words Containing lag| |List of Anagrams of lag||Anagrams of lag| |List of Words Formed by Letters of lag||Words Created From lag| |lag Definition at Wiktionary||Click Here| |lag Definition at Merriam-Webster||Click Here| |lag Definition at Dictionary||Click Here| |lag Synonyms At Thesaurus||Click Here| |lag Info At Wikipedia||Click Here| |lag Search Results on Google||Click Here| |lag Search Results on Bing||Click Here| |Tweets About lag on Twitter||Click Here|
Where is major oil field located? Ghawar, Saudi Arabia The Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia holds estimated remaining oil reserves of 70 billion barrels, making it by far the world’s biggest onshore oil field. The giant oil field was discovered in 1948 and has been in production since 1951. Where does Argentina get its oil? Bolivia is the source of virtually all of Argentina’s pipeline natural gas imports. Following the installation of a new pipeline from Bolivia in 2012, Argentina has imported slightly more than 200 billion cubic feet (Bcf) each year from neighboring countries. Does Argentina have oil? Argentina holds 2,379,702,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 33rd in the world and accounting for about 0.1% of the world’s total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels. Argentina has proven reserves equivalent to 9.2 times its annual consumption. Which state has major oil fields? Texas is by far the largest oil-producing state in the United States. In 2020, Texas produced a total of 1.78 billion barrels. In a distant second place is North Dakota, which produced 431.2 million barrels in the same year. Idaho is the smallest producing state in the country, at just one million barrels. What is Argentina famous for producing? Argentina is one of the world’s major exporters of soybeans and wheat, as well as meat. It is also one of the largest producers of wool and wine, but most of its wine is consumed domestically. What area in Argentina is rich in oil? Oil deposits are concentrated mainly in the Northwest and in Patagonia. The basin around the Patagonian port of Comodoro Rivadavia is estimated to hold some two-thirds of the country’s onshore reserves. Which renewable type of energy is most used in Argentina? 87% of Argentina’s electricity generation comes from burning fossil fuels, the rest from nuclear and hydroelectric energy. Wind is currently leading the way in renewable energy generation: Genneia power company owns the country’s largest windfarm in Rawson, Chubut. What is the capital of Argentina? What are Argentina’s neighboring countries? Argentina is a country in South America bordering the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Neighboring countries include Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Argentina’s continental area is between the Andes mountain range in the west and the Atlantic Ocean in the east.
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