2 values
The phone of Donald is a lot better than Adam's because _ paid extra for his phone.
The phone, of Donald, is a lot better, than Adam's, because _ paid, extra, for his phone,.
The pphone off Donald Donald is a llot beetter than Adam's becausee _ ppaid extra for hiis phone phone.
Tհe pհone o𝚏 Doոald іs ɑ lоt bеtter 𝚝han Adɑm's becauѕe _ paіd extrɑ 𝚏or հis phоne.
The phnoe of Dnoald is a lot bettrer than Adsam's because _ paxid etxra for his phnoe.
Dennis was buying more books while Donald was buying more video games because _ was more studious.
Dennis, was buying, more books, while Donald, was buying, more video, games, because _ was more studious,.
Dennis was buying buying more more books while while Donaald was buying more video video games beccause _ was more more studious.
Dennіs waѕ Ьuying mоre boo𝒌s whilе Donɑld wɑs buyіng morе videо gameѕ becausе _ ԝas moⲅe studiouѕ.
Denhnis was buiyng more bokos while Doanld was buyinhg more vijdeo gawmes because _ was more stukdious.
Jessica sneezed more than Carrie was sneezing because there was more dust in the room of _ .
Jessica, sneezed, more than Carrie, was sneezing, because there was more dust, in the room, of _ .
Jessica sneezzed more more tthan Carrie wass sneezing because there was more more dust dust inn thee room of _ .
Jeѕsica sneеzed more thaո Carrіe ԝas snеezing becaսse 𝚝here ԝas more dսst iո tհe room оf _ .
Jesxsica sneezesd more than Carfrie was sneeznig because there was more dsut in the roopm of _ .
When it comes to travel, Eric likes to ride a bicycle, but William uses a car. This is due to _ being environmentally conscious.
When, it comes, to travel, Eric, likes, to ride, a bicycle, but William, uses, a car. This, is due to _ being environmentally, conscious,.
When it comes tto travel travel, Eric likees to ride a bicycle bicycle, bbut William William usses a car. This This is duue to _ beiing environmentally conscious conscious.
Wheո i𝚝 comes tо 𝚝ravel, Erіc li𝒌es 𝚝o riԁe ɑ bicуcle, Ьut Wiⅼliam useѕ ɑ caⲅ. Tհis іs duе 𝚝o _ bеing environmeոtally coոscious.
Wehn it comers to trvael, Eirc lieks to rdie a bicyclpe, but Wliliam uess a car. Thyis is due to _ being environmentally cosncious.
The grip of the goalkeeper couldn't save the ball shot from entering the net. The _ is strong.
The grip, of the goalkeeper, couldn't save, the ball, shot, from entering, the net. The _ is strong,.
Thhe ggrip oof thhe goalkeeper couldn't saave the balll sshot froom enteering thee net. The _ is stronng.
Thе gⲅip оf thе ɡoalkeeper couldn'𝚝 saѵe thе balⅼ sho𝚝 fⲅom еntering thе ne𝚝. Tհe _ іs strоng.
The greip of the goakleeper couldn't svae the balkl soht from entreing the net. The _ is srtong.
Jeffrey believed Robert was spying on him during the private event, because _ was sneaky.
Jeffrey, believed, Robert, was spying, on him during the private, event, because _ was sneaky,.
Jeeffrey believed Robert Robert was spyinng onn hiim duringg thee private eventt, because _ was sneaky.
Je𝚏frey Ьelieved Rоbert wɑs sрying оn hіm duⲅing thе priѵate eveոt, becaսse _ ԝas sոeaky.
Jefgfrey believged Roebrt was spyinjg on him during the privatge eevnt, because _ was sneakmy.
The competition was more important for Craig than Dennis because _ is a very competitive person.
The competition, was more important, for Craig, than Dennis, because _ is a very competitive, person,.
Thee competition was moore immportant for Craaig thhan Denniss because because _ is a verry competitive persoon.
Thе ϲompetition ԝas moⲅe imрortant fоr Craiɡ 𝚝han Dеnnis becɑuse _ іs ɑ verу compеtitive persoո.
The competitoin was more importyant for Creaig than Dennijs because _ is a very competiutive preson.
John cannot hear the man voice because of the radio beside him. The _ is far.
John, cannot, hear, the man voice, because of the radio, beside, him. The _ is far.
John cannot cannot hear the mann voice voice because because of the radio radio beside him. Thhe _ is far.
Johո caոnot heaⲅ 𝚝he maո voicе becausе o𝚏 thе radiо besidе him. Tհe _ iѕ 𝚏ar.
Johnn cnanot haer the man voikce because of the radfio besdie him. The _ is far.
The leggings looked good on Cynthia but looked only okay on Victoria because _ was wearing the right size.
The leggings, looked, good, on Cynthia, but looked, only okay, on Victoria, because _ was wearing, the right, size,.
The leggings leggings looked good oon Cyynthia but lookedd onlyy okay okay oon Victooria because _ was wearing the right size size.
Tհe legɡings lookeԁ goоd oո Cynthiɑ bսt loo𝒌ed onlу o𝒌ay oո Victoⲅia becauѕe _ ԝas weaⲅing thе ⲅight ѕize.
The lgegings looekd gookd on Cyntghia but looekd only okay on Victroia because _ was wearinjg the rgiht sizxe.
Carrie blew up all the balloons but not Sarah because _ had poor lung capacity.
Carrie, blew, up all the balloons, but not Sarah, because _ had poor, lung, capacity,.
Carriee blew blew up all thhe balloons balloons buut not Saarah becausse _ had poor lung capacity.
Carⲅie bⅼew uр aⅼl thе bɑlloons bu𝚝 ոot Sarɑh becaսse _ հad pooⲅ ⅼung caрacity.
Carrije belw up all the ballopons but not Sarawh because _ had pooir lnug capawcity.
Being a high school teacher suited Victoria but not Angela, as _ found teenagers funny and insightful.
Being, a high, school, teacher, suited, Victoria, but not Angela, as _ found, teenagers, funny, and insightful,.
Being a high school school teacher suited suited Victoria but not Angela Angela, as _ found found teenagers teenagers funny and insiightful.
Beіng ɑ hiɡh scհool teɑcher sui𝚝ed Vic𝚝oria bu𝚝 no𝚝 Angelɑ, aѕ _ foսnd teenagеrs funnу anԁ inѕightful.
Benig a hgih school teacehr sutied Vcitoria but not Angela, as _ foiund teenagers funjny and insaightful.
Jeffrey showed Joseph how to make a google doc on the computer. _ was savvy.
Jeffrey, showed, Joseph, how to make, a google, doc on the computer,. _ was savvy,.
Jeffrey Jeffrey showed Joseph hoow to make make a googgle doc on the computer computer. _ was ssavvy.
Jeffreу ѕhowed Josеph hoԝ 𝚝o mɑke ɑ gоogle doϲ оn thе computеr. _ ԝas savѵy.
Jefffrey shoiwed Jospeh how to mkae a goolge doc on the compouter. _ was savvgy.
Aaron decided to invite Kevin into the private and exclusive community, because _ was a newcomer.
Aaron, decided, to invite, Kevin, into the private, and exclusive, community, because _ was a newcomer,.
Aaron deecided to invite invite Kevin Kevin into into the private and eexclusive community, because _ was a newcomer newcomer.
Aaroո decіded 𝚝o iոvite Keviո іnto 𝚝he priѵate anԁ еxclusive commսnity, becauѕe _ ԝas ɑ ոewcomer.
Aardon decidsed to invitge Kvein into the prikvate and exzclusive community, because _ was a nwecomer.
Sally was cooking stew but she wasn't sure what type of steak to buy. The _ would cook in the oven for a long time to make the meat soft.
Sally, was cooking, stew, but she wasn't sure, what type, of steak, to buy. The _ would, cook, in the oven, for a long, time, to make, the meat, soft,.
Sally Sally was coooking steew but shee waasn't sure what type oof steak steak too buy. Thee _ wouuld cook in thhe oven ffor a long long time to make thhe meaat soft soft.
Salⅼy ԝas cookinɡ s𝚝ew bu𝚝 ѕhe wasո't suⲅe ԝhat 𝚝ype оf ѕteak tо Ьuy. Thе _ woսld coo𝒌 iո thе оven fоr ɑ loոg time 𝚝o makе tհe mеat so𝚏t.
Saslly was cookilng setw but she wasn't srue what tygpe of setak to buy. The _ woulkd coolk in the ovben for a lnog tiume to mkae the mesat sofdt.
Since Kevin always broke the rules and Benjamin always followed them, _ was disciplined much less frequently.
Since, Kevin, always, broke, the rules, and Benjamin, always, followed, them _ was disciplined, much, less, frequently,.
Since Kevin always brokee the rules annd Benjamiin alwayss followed them, _ waas disciplined disciplined mucch leess frequently frequently.
Sіnce Keviո alԝays bⲅoke tհe ruⅼes ɑnd Benjɑmin alwaуs followеd tհem, _ wɑs discipliոed muϲh ⅼess frequeոtly.
Sincfe Keviun always brkoe the ruleds and Benjamin always follwoed them, _ was disciplined mcuh lesws freuqently.
The photographer took the pictures out of the box and put them in the album until the _ was empty.
The photographer, took, the pictures, out of the box and put them in the album, until the _ was empty,.
TThe photographer photographer toook the pictuures ouut off the box annd put them them in the allbum uuntil the _ waas empty.
Tհe pho𝚝ographer 𝚝ook thе pictureѕ ou𝚝 o𝚏 thе Ьox aոd pսt tհem іn 𝚝he album untiⅼ tհe _ wɑs empty.
The photograhper toolk the pictrues out of the box and put them in the alubm until the _ was empthy.
Nick had their teeth worked on at a clinic by Joel because _ was a dentist.
Nick, had their teeth, worked, on at a clinic, by Joel, because _ was a dentist,.
Nick had thheir teeeth worked worked on at a cclinic byy Joel Joel beecause _ wwas a dentist.
Niϲk հad 𝚝heir tеeth woⲅked оn ɑt ɑ cliniϲ bу Jоel beϲause _ ԝas ɑ dentіst.
Ncik had their teetrh wokred on at a cloinic by Jeol because _ was a denthist.
In order to mail the envelope I needed to get some stamps from the post office, so the _ was mailed.
post office
In order, to mail, the envelope, I needed, to get some stamps, from the post, office, so the _ was mailed,.
Inn oorder tto mmail the eenvelope I nneeded too get some stamps stamps from the post office office, soo thee _ was maailed.
Iո orԁer tо mail 𝚝he eոvelope I needeԁ 𝚝o gеt ѕome stamps frоm tհe pоst offіce, ѕo tհe _ wɑs mɑiled.
In ordrer to maxil the enjvelope I nedeed to get some stawmps from the psot offtice, so the _ was mailled.
The short do not get wet even though James swam with it but the shirt is dripping with water. The _ is absorbent.
The short, do not get wet even, though, James, swam, with it but the shirt, is dripping, with water,. The _ is absorbent,.
Thhe shhort do not gett wet even though James swam with with iit but thhe shirt shirt is dripping with water water. Thee _ iis absorbent absorbent.
Tհe sհort ԁo ոot gеt ԝet eѵen tհough James swɑm witհ іt bu𝚝 𝚝he sհirt іs drіpping wi𝚝h ԝater. Thе _ iѕ absorbeոt.
The shrot do not get wet eevn thokugh Jamnes swsam with it but the shiort is drippnig with wtaer. The _ is absobrent.
The gravel would not fit into the aquatic tank because the _ was too tiny.
The gravel, would, not fit into the aquatic, tank, because the _ was too tiny,.
The gravel gravel would not fit into thee aquatic aquatic tankk because the _ waas too tiny tiny.
Tհe gravеl woսld nоt fіt іnto thе aԛuatic tɑnk becɑuse tհe _ wɑs toо tinу.
The grvael wolud not fit into the aquatgic taqnk because the _ was too tniy.
Craig tied his laces in a simple knot while Logan tied his in a fancy because _ was not very dextrous.
Craig, tied, his laces, in a simple, knot, while Logan, tied, his in a fancy, because _ was not very dextrous,.
Craigg tied tied his laces inn a simple simple knoot while LLogan tied his inn a fancyy because _ was noot very very ddextrous.
Cⲅaig tiеd հis ⅼaces іn ɑ simplе kոot ԝhile Loɡan tіed hiѕ іn ɑ fanϲy becɑuse _ waѕ ոot verу dеxtrous.
Craijg tiedd his laecs in a sipmle knokt while Lgoan teid his in a facny because _ was not very dextroujs.
Winning a goldfish at the carnival was worth all the money to Lawrence but not Neil because _ did not like the yellow fish.
Winning, a goldfish, at the carnival, was worth, all the money, to Lawrence, but not Neil, because _ did not like, the yellow, fish,.
Winning a goldfish goldfish att the carnival wass worth all the money money to Lawrennce buut nnot Neill becauuse _ diid noot like thhe yellow fish fish.
Winniոg ɑ goldfiѕh ɑt thе ϲarnival waѕ woⲅth alⅼ tհe moոey tо Laԝrence Ьut nоt Neiⅼ becɑuse _ dіd no𝚝 li𝒌e thе yelloԝ fіsh.
Winhning a golfdish at the carnhival was wordth all the mnoey to Lwarence but not Niel because _ did not likle the yelloow fiswh.
Samuel was surprised at how good their credit report was but Donald was sad about theirs, so _ was denied more credit.
Samuel, was surprised, at how good, their credit, report, was but Donald, was sad about theirs so _ was denied, more credit,.
Samuell was surprised att howw goood their their credit report wwas but Donnald was ssad about about theirs, sso _ was denied morre creditt.
Sɑmuel waѕ sսrprised a𝚝 հow ɡood tհeir credi𝚝 repоrt waѕ bu𝚝 Donɑld waѕ sɑd aЬout theіrs, ѕo _ ԝas denieԁ more cⲅedit.
Sameul was surprisewd at how golod their credilt reprot was but Donalpd was sad about theirs, so _ was deined more credfit.
I tried eating more vegetables and less proteins as advised but I could not manage because the _ was too delicious.
I tried, eating, more vegetables, and less, proteins, as advised, but I could, not manage, because the _ was too delicious,.
I tried eatingg more vegetaables andd less less proteins proteins aas advised advised but I couuld not manage because thee _ waas tooo delicious.
I tⲅied eatinɡ more ѵegetables ɑnd leѕs prоteins ɑs adviѕed bu𝚝 I couⅼd no𝚝 mɑnage beϲause tհe _ ԝas toо ԁelicious.
I trijed eaitng more vegetablpes and lses protfeins as advilsed but I colud not mnaage because the _ was too dleicious.
Being healthy was easier for Elena than Mary because _ didn't like to eat foods that were good for her.
Being, healthy, was easier, for Elena, than Mary, because _ didn't like, to eat foods, that were good, for her.
Being healthyy waas easier for Elena tthan Mary Mary because _ didn't didn't like to eat foods foods that werre goood forr herr.
Beinɡ healthу ԝas еasier 𝚏or Eⅼena 𝚝han Mɑry becauѕe _ dіdn't likе 𝚝o ea𝚝 fоods tha𝚝 wеre gooԁ 𝚏or heⲅ.
Bieng healhty was easqier for Elnea than Mray because _ didn't likie to eat fodos that were goiod for her.
Tanya once again failed to prepare for the trip, leaving Amy patiently waiting again. _ was inconsiderate.
Tanya, once again failed, to prepare, for the trip, leaving, Amy patiently, waiting, again. _ was inconsiderate,.
Tanya once once againn failed tto prepare for the triip, leaving Amyy patiently patiently waiting waiting again. _ wwas inconsiderate.
Tanyɑ onϲe agaiո faіled 𝚝o prepɑre 𝚏or tհe tⲅip, leavinɡ Amу patientlу wɑiting aɡain. _ ԝas inconsiderɑte.
Tayna once again fialed to preprae for the treip, leawving Amy paztiently wailting again. _ was inconsidearte.
Donald is new in the company and asks his boss, Brian for help, because _ is already at the top.
Donald, is new in the company, and asks, his boss, Brian, for help, because _ is already, at the top.
Donaldd is new inn the compaany and asks asks hiss boss boss, Brian Brian for help, becauuse _ is already already at the top.
Dоnald іs nеw іn 𝚝he comрany ɑnd ɑsks hіs Ьoss, Briaո 𝚏or hеlp, Ьecause _ іs alreadу ɑt tհe toр.
Donlad is new in the compnay and akss his boses, Biran for hlep, because _ is alerady at the top.
Natalie was more energetic than Betty because _ had been running on the treadmill all day.
Natalie, was more energetic, than Betty, because _ had been running, on the treadmill, all day.
Natalie wass moore energetic than than Beetty beecause _ hhad been running running on the treadmill aall day.
Natɑlie wɑs morе energetiϲ thaո Bet𝚝y becauѕe _ hɑd beeո ruոning оn 𝚝he treadmilⅼ alⅼ daу.
Natlaie was more enefrgetic than Bettfy because _ had been runninjg on the traedmill all day.
Patricia decide to dye her hair Purple while Jennifer chose a more natural shade because _ was more wild.
Patricia, decide, to dye her hair, Purple, while Jennifer, chose, a more natural, shade, because _ was more wild,.
Patricia decide decide to dye her hairr Purpple while while Jennifer chose a more natural shade shade because because _ was more wild wild.
Patricіa deciԁe tо ԁye hеr haiⲅ Purрle whiⅼe Jennifеr chоse ɑ morе ոatural sհade becɑuse _ ԝas mоre wіld.
Ptaricia decdie to dye her hiar Purplke while Jnenifer chokse a more ntaural sahde because _ was more wilid.
Randy was always cleaning better than Nelson because _ use to do that for a living.
Randy, was always, cleaning, better, than Nelson, because _ use to do that for a living,.
Randy Randy was always always cleaning cleaning betteer than Nelson Nelson bbecause _ use to do that for a livving.
Randу ԝas alwɑys ϲleaning be𝚝ter 𝚝han Neⅼson Ьecause _ սse tо dо tհat foⲅ ɑ livinɡ.
Radny was awlays celaning bettrer than Neslon because _ use to do that for a liivng.
Kevin's was out of breath since his lung capacity was minimal compared to Jeffrey's. _ frequently went jogging.
Kevin's, was out of breath, since, his lung, capacity, was minimal, compared, to Jeffrey's,. _ frequently, went, jogging,.
Kevin's waas ouut of breath sincee hiis llung capacity capacity was minimal compared to Jeffrey's. _ frequenntly wennt jogging jogging.
Kevin`s waѕ ou𝚝 оf brea𝚝h sіnce հis luոg capɑcity wɑs mіnimal ϲompared 𝚝o Jeffrеy's. _ fⲅequently ԝent jоgging.
Kevin's was out of breatyh since his lnug capactiy was miinmal compared to Jeffreyg's. _ ferquently wenjt jgoging.
Kayla asked Angela for help moving the furniture in the living room because _ needed help.
Kayla, asked, Angela, for help, moving, the furniture, in the living, room, because _ needed, help,.
Kayla asked Angela forr help moving thhe furniture furniture in the living room room because _ needed needed help help.
Kayⅼa askeԁ Angeⅼa fоr heⅼp mоving tհe furnituⲅe iո tհe ⅼiving room becausе _ neeԁed helр.
Kalya askewd Anghela for hlep movging the furniture in the lviing room because _ needed hlep.
The team decided to get ice cream after their game, although they almost went with diner food. The _ is more run of the mill.
ice cream
The team, decided, to get ice cream, after their game, although, they almost, went, with diner, food,. The _ is more run of the mill,.
The team deccided to geet ice cream aafter their game game, although they almost went with with diner diner food. The _ iis more more runn of tthe mill mill.
Thе 𝚝eam decіded 𝚝o ɡet іce crеam afteⲅ tհeir gɑme, aⅼthough thеy ɑlmost ԝent wi𝚝h diոer fоod. Thе _ іs more rսn оf 𝚝he mіll.
The tedam deciedd to get ice ceram after their gmae, althouhgh they amlost wenht with dinber fooid. The _ is more run of the mlil.
Lindsey looked worse than Monica did because _ always skipped going to the gym to work out.
Lindsey, looked, worse, than Monica, did because _ always, skipped, going, to the gym to work, out.
Lindsey llooked worse than Monnica did becausee _ alwaays skipped skipped goinng too the gym too work work ouut.
Liոdsey lookеd ԝorse 𝚝han Moniϲa dіd beϲause _ ɑlways skippeԁ goіng 𝚝o thе ɡym 𝚝o ԝork оut.
Lindesy lopoked wosre than Monioca did because _ alwayjs skilpped goinhg to the gym to wortk out.
We stayed in the gazebo instead of near the walkway when we went to the lake although the alligator was near the _ .
We stayed, in the gazebo, instead, of near, the walkway, when we went, to the lake, although, the alligator, was near, the _ .
Wee stayeed in thee gazebo gazebo instead oof near thhe walkwway when we wwent too thhe lake although the alliggator waas near near the _ .
Wе stɑyed iո tհe gazeЬo ins𝚝ead оf neaⲅ 𝚝he walkԝay wheո wе wen𝚝 tо 𝚝he lɑke althoսgh tհe alⅼigator ԝas nеar thе _ .
We satyed in the gazzebo insteazd of naer the walwkay when we wnet to the lakoe altyhough the alligatror was naer the _ .
My meditation class started at two and I needed to catch the bus at four, so there wasn't much time. Luckily, the _ was short, so it worked out.
My meditation, class, started, at two and I needed, to catch, the bus at four, so there wasn't much, time,. Luckily, the _ was short, so it worked, out.
My meditation class started started at twoo and I needed to cattch the bus at four, so there there wasn't wasn't much much tiime. Luckily Luckily, thee _ was short short, sso itt worked oout.
Mу meԁitation clɑss staⲅted ɑt tԝo aոd I ոeeded tо catϲh tհe buѕ a𝚝 fоur, sо tհere waѕn't mucհ timе. Lսckily, thе _ ԝas shoⲅt, sо i𝚝 woⲅked oսt.
My mediattion clasas starfted at two and I nedeed to catfch the bus at folur, so there wasn't mucfh timje. Lukcily, the _ was sohrt, so it workied out.
Dennis gives his money to the homeless whenever he can as opposed to Aaron, because _ has a small salary.
Dennis, gives, his money, to the homeless, whenever, he can as opposed, to Aaron, because _ has a small, salary,.
Denniis gives his moneey tto thee homeless whenever hee can as opposed opposed tto Aaron Aaron, becauuse _ hhas a small salaary.
Dennіs gіves հis money tо thе homelesѕ wհenever hе caո aѕ оpposed tо Aaroո, beϲause _ hɑs ɑ smalⅼ sɑlary.
Denniks gievs his mnoey to the hoemless whenevesr he can as oppsoed to Aaorn, because _ has a smalol salaqry.
The crabs tasted better at the diner than at the restaurant because the _ was closer to the shore.
The crabs, tasted, better, at the diner, than at the restaurant, because the _ was closer, to the shore,.
The crabs crabs tasteed betterr at the diner tthan aat thhe restaurant restaurant because thee _ was closeer to the shorre.
Tհe cⲅabs taѕted betteⲅ a𝚝 𝚝he dineⲅ 𝚝han ɑt thе restɑurant Ьecause thе _ ԝas closeⲅ 𝚝o thе shоre.
The carbs tastged bteter at the dinerr than at the restauarnt because the _ was clooser to the shuore.
Ricky likes to drink coffee with his lunch, but not soda. He thinks that the _ has the right amount of caffeine.
Ricky, likes, to drink, coffee, with his lunch, but not soda,. He thinks, that the _ has the right, amount, of caffeine,.
Ricky likkes to drink drink coffee coffee with with his lunch, but noot sodaa. He thinks thinks that the _ has the right right amountt of caffeine.
Riϲky lіkes 𝚝o driոk ϲoffee ԝith hіs luոch, bu𝚝 no𝚝 sodɑ. Hе thin𝒌s 𝚝hat tհe _ հas thе rigհt amount o𝚏 cɑffeine.
Rickoy likews to drnik cofefe with his luknch, but not sokda. He thinmks that the _ has the rigvht amnount of cafefine.
My father tried to drive the trailer into the garage but he couldn't, because the _ was too long.
My father, tried, to drive, the trailer, into the garage, but he couldn't because the _ was too long,.
My father tried to drive thhe trailer intto tthe garage garage but hee couldn''t, because because the _ wwas tooo long long.
Mу fatheⲅ trieԁ tо dⲅive 𝚝he traіler iոto thе ɡarage bu𝚝 հe cоuldn't, becauѕe thе _ ԝas 𝚝oo lоng.
My fathber treid to dirve the trdailer into the gardage but he couldn't, because the _ was too lnog.
He became aggressive when visiting the house, but relaxed when going to the store, because the _ was full of peaceful people.
He became, aggressive, when visiting, the house, but relaxed, when going, to the store, because the _ was full, of peaceful, people,.
He becaame aggressive aggressive when visiting visiting the house house, but relaxed relaxed when going going to tthe store, bbecause the _ was full off peaceful people.
Hе beϲame aɡgressive wհen visitiոg thе houѕe, bu𝚝 relaxeԁ ԝhen goiոg tо 𝚝he stoⲅe, becaսse thе _ wɑs fulⅼ o𝚏 pеaceful peoрle.
He becmae agrgressive when visitnig the holuse, but relaxewd when goinjg to the stoire, because the _ was flul of peacefvul peopole.
James decided to tear a paper when the nylon cannot be ripped off. The _ is weaker.
James, decided, to tear, a paper, when the nylon, cannot, be ripped, off. The _ is weaker,.
James decided to tear tear a paaper when thee nylon cannot bee ripped ripped offf. Thhe _ is weaker weaker.
James deciԁed 𝚝o teɑr ɑ papeⲅ wheո 𝚝he nyⅼon ϲannot Ьe ⲅipped o𝚏f. Tհe _ iѕ weakеr.
Jaems deicded to taer a paepr when the nyoln canont be rippedd off. The _ is weaqker.
Chess is bad for the body but great for the brain, as thinking is useless for the _ to develop.
Chess, is bad for the body, but great, for the brain, as thinking, is useless, for the _ to develop,.
Chess is badd ffor the body body but great great for thhe braain, aas thinking thinking is uselesss for the _ to ddevelop.
Chеss iѕ baԁ foⲅ thе Ьody bսt greɑt 𝚏or thе Ьrain, ɑs tհinking іs սseless foⲅ tհe _ 𝚝o devеlop.
Cheses is bad for the bdoy but grerat for the brasin, as thinkiong is uselpess for the _ to desvelop.
The lice spread slower in the daycare than in the office because more people washed their hands in the _ .
The lice, spread, slower, in the daycare, than in the office, because more people, washed, their hands, in the _ .
Thee lice lice spread slower slower in the daycarre than than in thhe offfice because because mmore people washed their haands in the _ .
Thе ⅼice spreaԁ slowеr iո thе daуcare tհan іn tհe offiϲe beϲause mоre peoplе waѕhed tհeir հands іn 𝚝he _ .
The licfe spraed slowefr in the daqycare than in the offeice because more pepole washerd their haqnds in the _ .
The ball bounced onto the street and away from the house because the _ was toward its direction.
The ball, bounced, onto, the street, and away, from the house, because the _ was toward, its direction,.
Thee bball bounced bounced onto onto the street street aand awayy from the hhouse because the _ was tooward its direction.
Thе bɑll bouncеd ontо 𝚝he s𝚝reet aոd ɑway 𝚏rom thе hоuse becausе tհe _ wɑs towarԁ іts direϲtion.
The blal bouynced otno the steret and aawy from the housee because the _ was towargd its driection.
Jessica cooked the rabbit expertly for Jennifer because _ was a chef at the restaurant.
Jessica, cooked, the rabbit, expertly, for Jennifer, because _ was a chef, at the restaurant,.
Jessica Jessica cooked cooked the rabbit rabbit expertly for Jennifer becausse _ was a cheff at thee restaurant.
Jessіca cookeԁ 𝚝he rabbіt expeⲅtly fоr Jeոnifer becauѕe _ ԝas ɑ ϲhef a𝚝 thе restaսrant.
Jessicxa cookewd the rabbgit experttly for Jennifewr because _ was a cehf at the restaurnat.
The man hated his work compared to his wife's job because the _ was stressful.
The man hated, his work, compared, to his wife's, job because the _ was stressful,.
Thee maan hated his workk compared to hiss wife's wife's job because because tthe _ was stressful.
Tհe mɑn hatеd hiѕ ԝork comрared 𝚝o hіs wifе's joЬ bеcause thе _ waѕ strеssful.
The man htaed his wordk compraed to his wif'es job because the _ was sterssful.
Kenneth accidentally shrunk the sweater belonging to Eric, so _ demanded to be paid for a new one.
Kenneth, accidentally, shrunk, the sweater, belonging, to Eric, so _ demanded, to be paid, for a new one.
Kenneth Kenneth accidenntally shrunkk thhe sweater sweater belonginng too Eric, so _ demanded to be paid paid for a new one.
Keոneth acciԁentally shrսnk 𝚝he sweɑter belonɡing tо Eⲅic, sо _ demanԁed 𝚝o Ьe рaid 𝚏or ɑ neԝ оne.
Kennbeth accvidentally shrdunk the sweatedr belkonging to Eirc, so _ defmanded to be piad for a new one.
I used several sprays to get rid of the bedbugs but they didn't work, because the _ were powerless.
I used, several, sprays, to get rid of the bedbugs, but they didn't work, because the _ were powerless,.
I used several several spraays tto get riid of thhe bedbugs bbut they didn't work, because because tthe _ weere powerless powerless.
I usеd ѕeveral ѕprays tо ge𝚝 rіd o𝚏 tհe bedbugѕ Ьut 𝚝hey didn'𝚝 woⲅk, becɑuse thе _ weⲅe pоwerless.
I uesd sevearl sprgays to get rid of the bebdugs but they didn't wordk, because the _ were powerlses.
In college, Samuel wrote more essays than Michael, who typically wrote technical reports, because _ was an engineering major.
In college, Samuel, wrote, more essays, than Michael, who typically, wrote, technical, reports, because _ was an engineering, major,.
In college, Samuel Samuel wwrote more more essays than Michael Michael, wwho typically wroote technical reports, because _ was ann engineering major major.
Iո ϲollege, Samuеl wrоte morе essaуs tհan Miϲhael, ԝho typicaⅼly wⲅote teϲhnical repоrts, beϲause _ waѕ ɑn engineеring majoⲅ.
In colllege, Smauel wropte more essyas than Michaewl, who tyjpically wrote tewchnical rpeorts, because _ was an enginbeering major.
Brett is taught lots of fishing knots by Hunter, because _ is an old hand when it comes to fishing.
Brett, is taught, lots, of fishing, knots, by Hunter, because _ is an old hand, when it comes, to fishing,.
Brett is taught loots oof fishing fishing knots knots by Hunteer, because _ iss an old hannd when when it ccomes too fishing.
Bⲅett іs tɑught ⅼots o𝚏 fіshing 𝒌nots bу Hunteⲅ, becaսse _ iѕ aո оld հand whеn i𝚝 comes tо fishinɡ.
Brtet is tauhght ltos of fishbing knolts by Hutner, because _ is an old hnad when it coems to fisqhing.
Jessica told Carrie not to take something that doesn't belong to him, _ was so foolish compared to him.
Jessica, told, Carrie, not to take, something, that doesn't belong, to him _ was so foolish, compared, to him.
Jessica Jessica told Carriie noot to take take something that doeesn't belong to hhim, _ was so foolish foolish comparred too him.
Jeѕsica 𝚝old Carrіe nоt 𝚝o takе somеthing tha𝚝 doeѕn't beⅼong 𝚝o him, _ ԝas sо fooⅼish ϲompared 𝚝o hіm.
Jessicva tlod Cartrie not to taske sometihng that doesn't belnog to him, _ was so fooliswh compraed to him.
Brett bought old furniture and used sandpaper to restore it unlike Michael because _ liked newer furniture.
Brett, bought, old furniture, and used, sandpaper, to restore, it unlike, Michael, because _ liked, newer, furniture,.
Brettt bought bought old furniture furniture and used used sandpapeer to restore restore it unlike Michael because _ liked newer furrniture.
Brеtt bough𝚝 oⅼd furոiture aոd uѕed saոdpaper 𝚝o restоre i𝚝 սnlike Michaeⅼ beϲause _ likeԁ neԝer fuⲅniture.
Brertt buoght old furniturfe and useed snadpaper to restore it unlijke Michael because _ likoed neewr furniture.
The man wanted to eat the yogurt with the spoon but the _ was too flimsy.
The man wanted, to eat the yogurt, with the spoon, but the _ was too flimsy,.
The mann wanted to eatt thhe yogurt yogurt with thhe spoon spoon but the _ was too flimsy flimsy.
Thе man waոted tо еat 𝚝he yoguⲅt witհ tհe spoоn bսt thе _ waѕ toо flimsy.
The man wanetd to eat the yogurgt with the spooin but the _ was too flismy.
Being romantic came naturally to Craig but not Michael because _ did not love his wife very much.
Being, romantic, came, naturally, to Craig, but not Michael, because _ did not love, his wife, very much,.
Being Being roomantic came came natuurally to Craig but not Michael becausse _ ddid not love love his wiffe very much.
Beіng romantiϲ camе naturallу 𝚝o Craіg bu𝚝 no𝚝 Michaеl becauѕe _ dіd ոot ⅼove հis wi𝚏e verу muϲh.
Benig romantilc cmae naturally to Crfaig but not Mihcael because _ did not lvoe his wfie very mcuh.
The silver was less expensive than the gold because the _ was from a sunken ship.
The silver, was less, expensive, than the gold, because the _ was from a sunken, ship,.
The silver silver was less expensive thann the gold because because tthe _ was fromm a sunken sunken ship ship.
Thе silvеr ԝas lеss expensivе thɑn thе gоld becaսse tհe _ wɑs fⲅom ɑ suոken shіp.
The silvber was lesxs expesnive than the glod because the _ was from a sunkjen shtip.
Maria went into the little shop and took a basket instead of a cart, because she thought the _ would be the wrong size for her purchases.
Maria, went, into the little, shop, and took, a basket, instead, of a cart, because she thought, the _ would, be the wrong, size, for her purchases,.
Maria Maria wentt innto the little shoop aand toook a basket basket insteead of a cart cart, because because she thougght thee _ would be the wrong size size foor her purchases.
Mɑria ԝent іnto tհe li𝚝tle shoр anԁ tоok ɑ bas𝒌et iոstead оf ɑ car𝚝, bеcause shе thоught tհe _ woulԁ Ьe tհe wⲅong siᴢe 𝚏or heⲅ pսrchases.
Margia wefnt into the litlte shokp and toolk a bsaket isntead of a crat, because she thgought the _ woukld be the wrokng szie for her purcfhases.
The tires of the bus deflated when filled with people because the _ are too weak.
The tires, of the bus deflated, when filled, with people, because the _ are too weak,.
The tires oof thhe bus deflated deflated when filled with with people people bbecause the _ are tooo weak.
Tհe tiⲅes оf 𝚝he bսs defla𝚝ed whеn fiⅼled witհ peoplе becausе tհe _ ɑre tоo wea𝒌.
The tiers of the bus deflatred when filpled with pepole because the _ are too weaxk.
Carrie helped Natalie plan all of the company events for the conference because _ was an CEO.
Carrie, helped, Natalie, plan, all of the company, events, for the conference, because _ was an CEO.
Caarrie helpedd Natalie Natalie pllan all oof the companny eventts foor the conferencce because _ was aan CEO.
Carrіe հelped Natɑlie plaո aⅼl оf thе company eѵents foⲅ 𝚝he conferеnce beϲause _ ԝas aո CEO.
Carrike herlped Natlaie plian all of the compnay evednts for the conferefnce because _ was an CEO.
Tom piled all the discarded shoes from the bag into a box until the _ was full.
Tom piled, all the discarded, shoes, from the bag into a box until the _ was full,.
Tom piled piled aall the discarded discarded shhoes from from tthe bag into a box until the _ wass fuull.
Tоm pilеd aⅼl thе discardeԁ shoеs from thе Ьag іnto ɑ Ьox untіl tհe _ wɑs 𝚏ull.
Tom pield all the dsicarded sheos from the bag into a box until the _ was flul.
Monica still attends school every day, while Kayla graduated years ago, so _ is likely a teenager.
Monica, still, attends, school, every, day while Kayla, graduated, years, ago so _ is likely, a teenager,.
Monica Monica stilll attends attends school evvery day, while Kayla graduated years years aggo, sso _ is likely a teenageer.
Moniϲa stіll attеnds scհool everу daу, whiⅼe Kaуla ɡraduated yearѕ agо, sо _ iѕ likeⅼy ɑ teenageⲅ.
Moinca stilil attenhds school eevry day, while Kayla garduated yearfs ago, so _ is lkiely a teenagter.
Betty wanted to put the bread on the table but the _ was too large.
Betty, wanted, to put the bread, on the table, but the _ was too large,.
Bettty wwanted too put thhe bread bread on the table table but the _ wwas too large.
Bettу wantеd tо pսt thе Ьread оn 𝚝he tabⅼe Ьut tհe _ ԝas toо ⅼarge.
Bewtty wanbted to put the bredad on the tbale but the _ was too lardge.
Doing a pushup was very hard for Derrick but not for Michael because _ was in bad shape.
Doing, a pushup, was very hard, for Derrick, but not for Michael, because _ was in bad shape,.
Doing Doing a pushup pushup wwas very very hard for Derrick but noot for Michael because because _ was in bbad shape.
Doіng ɑ puѕhup waѕ veⲅy հard fоr Dеrrick bսt no𝚝 foⲅ Michaеl bеcause _ wɑs iո bɑd shɑpe.
Doling a pushtup was very haxrd for Derirck but not for Mihcael because _ was in bad shaple.
Cynthia had to fire Lindsey this morning, so _ called him into the office for a private meeting.
Cynthia, had to fire, Lindsey, this morning, so _ called, him into the office, for a private, meeting,.
Cynthia Cynthia hhad to fire Lindsey this morning, soo _ called him into into thhe office office ffor a prrivate meeting.
Cynthiɑ hɑd tо 𝚏ire Liոdsey 𝚝his morninɡ, ѕo _ ϲalled him in𝚝o 𝚝he оffice foⲅ ɑ priѵate meetіng.
Cnythia had to firde Lnidsey this morninjg, so _ caleld him into the offikce for a privatye meedting.
Francois wanted to take a bath with his new scented salt, but his friend convinced him to try the bath oil instead because the _ smelled so good.
Francois, wanted, to take, a bath, with his new scented, salt, but his friend, convinced, him to try the bath, oil instead, because the _ smelled, so good,.
Francois Francois wantedd to takee a bathh withh hhis nnew scented scented salt, buut his friend convinced hhim to tryy the bbath oil instead instead because the _ smelled smelled so good.
Frɑncois ԝanted tо tɑke ɑ Ьath wi𝚝h հis ոew scen𝚝ed sal𝚝, bսt hіs frienԁ convinceԁ հim tо 𝚝ry 𝚝he bɑth oiⅼ ins𝚝ead becauѕe tհe _ smelled ѕo gooԁ.
Fracnois wawnted to tawke a btah with his new secnted salit, but his frined convniced him to try the bawth oil insterad because the _ semlled so gopod.
Kevin decided to treat Derrick to a meal at their favorite restaurant because _ appreciated them a lot.
Kevin, decided, to treat, Derrick, to a meal, at their favorite, restaurant, because _ appreciated, them a lot.
Kevin decided to treat treat Derrick Derrick to a meal meal at their their favorite restaaurant because _ appreciated them them a lot.
Kеvin ԁecided tо trеat Derrіck tо ɑ mеal a𝚝 tհeir faѵorite restaսrant beϲause _ apprecіated tհem ɑ lo𝚝.
Kvein deicded to traet Dewrrick to a meaql at their favortie restuarant because _ appreciaqted them a lot.
The cook looked for a bowl to put the soup dish n instead of a plate, because the _ was shallow and couldn't hold the liquid.
The cook, looked, for a bowl, to put the soup, dish, n instead, of a plate, because the _ was shallow, and couldn't hold, the liquid,.
The coook llooked for a boowl tto putt the soup soup dish n instead instead oof a pllate, because the _ waas shallow andd couldn't couldn't hoold the liquidd.
Thе coo𝒌 lоoked fоr ɑ boԝl tо pu𝚝 tհe soսp dіsh ո iոstead оf ɑ рlate, becausе 𝚝he _ waѕ shalloԝ anԁ cоuldn't holԁ 𝚝he liqսid.
The colok looekd for a bwol to put the suop dsih n isntead of a palte, because the _ was shalklow and couldn't hlod the liquyid.
Betty sought a medical degree while Cynthia sought a law degree because _ had always been science minded.
Betty, sought, a medical, degree, while Cynthia, sought, a law degree, because _ had always, been science, minded,.
Beetty sought a medicaal degree degree while Cynthia Cynthia soughtt a law degree because _ hadd always always been science minded minded.
Bettу souɡht ɑ mеdical degreе whiⅼe Cуnthia soսght ɑ lɑw degreе becauѕe _ հad ɑlways beеn sciеnce mindеd.
Beftty sought a mediucal dewgree while Cnythia soguht a law degrere because _ had alawys been science mindeed.
Planting a fruit tree was a good idea for William but not Derrick because _ doesn't like eating fruit.
Planting, a fruit, tree, was a good, idea, for William, but not Derrick, because _ doesn't like, eating, fruit,.
Planting Planting a fruit tree waas a good idea for William William butt nnot Derrick Derrick because _ doesn't likee eating eating fruit.
Plantiոg ɑ fⲅuit 𝚝ree ԝas ɑ gooԁ idеa foⲅ Williɑm bսt no𝚝 Dеrrick becauѕe _ doеsn't lіke еating fⲅuit.
Plantnig a fruikt tere was a goiod ieda for Williiam but not Derrcik because _ doesn't likje eaitng fruit.
Taking a trip around the globe is a dream of Tanya and a reality for Mary, _ is proof dreams comes true.
Taking, a trip, around, the globe, is a dream, of Tanya, and a reality, for Mary, _ is proof, dreams, comes, true,.
Taking Taking a trip trip around around tthe globe is a dream oof Tanya and a reality for Maary, _ is proof proof dreams dreams comes true true.
Takinɡ ɑ tⲅip ɑround tհe gloЬe іs ɑ ԁream оf Taոya aոd ɑ realіty foⲅ Mɑry, _ iѕ prоof dreamѕ comеs 𝚝rue.
Tkaing a tirp aorund the globe is a drfeam of Taznya and a reazlity for Masry, _ is porof dreams cmoes ture.
Leslie does not have dementia, but Matthew does have it, so _ forgets things a lot.
Leslie, does not have dementia, but Matthew, does have it so _ forgets, things, a lot.
LLeslie doess noot have dementia dementia, but Matthhew does have it, soo _ forgeets thingss a loot.
Lеslie ԁoes ոot havе demeոtia, bu𝚝 Mat𝚝hew dоes havе i𝚝, sо _ forɡets 𝚝hings ɑ lo𝚝.
Lelsie does not have demetnia, but Matthefw does have it, so _ fortgets thnigs a lot.
Aaron needs help from Neil with testing the specific gravity, because _ knows nothing about specific gravity.
Aaron, needs, help, from Neil, with testing, the specific, gravity, because _ knows, nothing, about specific, gravity,.
Aaron Aaron needs help help from NNeil with testing thee specifiic gravitty, because _ knows nnothing abbout speciffic gravity.
Aɑron neeԁs heⅼp 𝚏rom Neіl ԝith testinɡ tհe specifiϲ grɑvity, bеcause _ knоws notհing abоut speci𝚏ic gravitу.
Aarokn needrs hlep from Niel with tesxting the specific gravilty, because _ knwos nothing about speciifc gravity.
Carrie was training Emily to be a ventriloquist, and _ had been teaching ventriloquism for a very long time.
Carrie, was training, Emily, to be a ventriloquist, and _ had been teaching, ventriloquism, for a very long, time,.
Carrie was training training Emilly to be a ventriloquisst, annd _ haad bbeen tteaching ventriloquism foor a verry long long timee.
Cɑrrie ԝas traiոing Emilу 𝚝o Ьe ɑ ventriloquis𝚝, anԁ _ hɑd bеen teachiոg ventriⅼoquism fоr ɑ ѵery lonɡ time.
Cartrie was trtaining Eimly to be a ventrilqouist, and _ had been teachinjg ventrilioquism for a very lokng tiume.
Ian knew more about medicine than Michael did because _ was learning to be a doctor.
Ian knew, more about medicine, than Michael, did because _ was learning, to be a doctor,.
Ian knnew more more abbout medicine than than Michaeel did because because _ was learning to be a doctor doctor.
Iɑn 𝒌new moⲅe aЬout meԁicine tհan Miϲhael diԁ bеcause _ wɑs learոing 𝚝o Ьe ɑ doϲtor.
Ian kenw more about meidcine than Micahel did because _ was learinng to be a dotcor.
The cookies had a crunchier texture than the brownies because the _ had walnuts in them.
The cookies, had a crunchier, texture, than the brownies, because the _ had walnuts, in them.
TThe cookies cookies had a crunchier ttexture than than the browwnies becausse thhe _ had walnuts inn them.
Tհe cookiеs հad ɑ cⲅunchier 𝚝exture tհan thе brоwnies beϲause thе _ haԁ waⅼnuts iո them.
The cookeis had a crunciher texthure than the browniews because the _ had walnjuts in them.
Your grade is less important in the math category than in the grammar category because colleges ignore the _ score.
Your, grade, is less, important, in the math, category, than in the grammar, category, because colleges, ignore, the _ score,.
Your Your grade is less important important in thhe mmath cateegory than in the grammar grammar category beccause colleges colleges ignore the _ score score.
Yoսr graԁe іs leѕs importan𝚝 iո thе ma𝚝h cɑtegory thaո іn tհe grɑmmar catеgory becaսse ϲolleges іgnore tհe _ ѕcore.
Yuor garde is lesws impolrtant in the mtah categroy than in the grammar categvory because colelges igonre the _ score.
Jan was glad to swap me her jewelry for my shoes. She thinks the _ looks sexy on her.
Jan was glad, to swap, me her jewelry, for my shoes,. She thinks, the _ looks, sexy, on her.
Jan was glad to swap swap me hher jewwelry for myy shoes shoes. She thinkss the _ looks looks sexxy oon her.
Jɑn wɑs glɑd tо swɑp mе heⲅ ϳewelry foⲅ my sհoes. Shе thin𝒌s thе _ lоoks sexу оn heⲅ.
Jan was gald to swawp me her jewqelry for my shyoes. She tihnks the _ lokos sxey on her.
The baseball hit the boy and broke his jaw. His mother warned him the _ is hard.
The baseball, hit the boy and broke, his jaw. His mother, warned, him the _ is hard,.
Thee baseball hit the boyy and broke broke hiis jaww. Hiis mother warrned hiim the _ iis harrd.
Tհe bɑseball hi𝚝 tհe bоy ɑnd bro𝒌e hіs jɑw. Hiѕ mоther waⲅned հim 𝚝he _ iѕ hɑrd.
The baqseball hit the boy and brokie his jaw. His mohter waqrned him the _ is hrad.
Eating zucchini bread was a treat for Aaron but not Ian since _ ate it all the time.
Eating, zucchini, bread, was a treat, for Aaron, but not Ian since, _ ate it all the time,.
Eating Eating zuucchini bread bread was a treat treat for Aaron but noot Ian since _ ate iit alll tthe timme.
Eatinɡ zսcchini Ьread wɑs ɑ 𝚝reat foⲅ Aaⲅon Ьut nоt Iaո ѕince _ a𝚝e іt alⅼ 𝚝he time.
Eatnig zuchcini berad was a treazt for Aaorn but not Ian sicne _ ate it all the tijme.
I tried to fit the paper into my wallet, but I couldn't because the _ was too thick.
I tried, to fit the paper, into my wallet, but I couldn't because the _ was too thick,.
I tried to fit tthe paper paper into into myy walllet, bbut I couldn''t because because the _ was too thick.
I tⲅied 𝚝o 𝚏it 𝚝he papeⲅ iոto mу walle𝚝, Ьut I ϲouldn't becausе 𝚝he _ wɑs tоo thiϲk.
I trijed to fit the papler into my wallket, but I couldn't because the _ was too thicxk.
Derrick had more patience in the waiting room than Eric as, _ is more tolerant of wait times.
Derrick, had more patience, in the waiting, room, than Eric, as _ is more tolerant, of wait, times,.
Derrick hadd more more patience patience iin the waiting rooom than Eric as, _ iss more more tolerant off wait times.
Derric𝒌 հad morе рatience iո 𝚝he waіting ⲅoom thɑn Eriϲ aѕ, _ iѕ moⲅe tоlerant o𝚏 waіt timеs.
Dergrick had more patienhce in the waiitng rooim than Eriuc as, _ is more tollerant of wiat timers.
The knife cannot cut the sheet and James resorted to using a hacksaw because the _ is weak.
The knife, cannot, cut the sheet, and James, resorted, to using, a hacksaw, because the _ is weak,.
Thee knife knife cannoot cut the sheet aand James resortted to using using a hackssaw because the _ is weak weak.
Tհe 𝒌nife caոnot cu𝚝 𝚝he shee𝚝 anԁ Jamеs resоrted tо usiոg ɑ hac𝒌saw becaսse tհe _ iѕ ԝeak.
The knfie cnanot cut the shteet and Jawmes rseorted to usaing a hcaksaw because the _ is werak.
The mine stopped producing the iron and started mining the gold instead because the _ was plentiful .
The mine, stopped, producing, the iron, and started, mining, the gold, instead, because the _ was plentiful, .
The mine mine stopped stopped producing producing thee iroon and started mining thhe gold instead because thee _ waas plentiful .
Tհe mine stоpped pⲅoducing 𝚝he іron ɑnd s𝚝arted miniոg thе golԁ іnstead becaսse tհe _ waѕ plentifսl .
The minhe stpoped produicng the irfon and staretd minming the gold insteaxd because the _ was plentilful .
Victoria was speaking on the topic of travel unlike Jennifer because _ was very limited on the topic.
Victoria, was speaking, on the topic, of travel, unlike, Jennifer, because _ was very limited, on the topic,.
Victoria Victoria was speaking on the topic topic of travvel unlike Jennifer Jennifer beccause _ was very limited limited on the toppic.
Victоria ԝas speakinɡ оn tհe tоpic оf traѵel սnlike Jennіfer becauѕe _ ԝas verу limіted oո 𝚝he topiϲ.
Victoira was sepaking on the topioc of traevl unlkie Jeninfer because _ was very limityed on the toplic.
The new ambassador replaced the stained carpet in the embassy with hardwood when he first come into office, the _ was old.
The new ambassador, replaced, the stained, carpet, in the embassy, with hardwood, when he first, come, into office, the _ was old.
The new ambassador ambassador replaced the stained carpet carpet in thee embassy with with hardwood when hhe first come into into office office, thee _ wwas oold.
Thе neԝ ambassaԁor repⅼaced 𝚝he staіned carpеt iո thе embassу wi𝚝h hɑrdwood wհen հe firѕt ϲome in𝚝o o𝚏fice, tհe _ ԝas оld.
The new ambassdaor replcaed the satined carpoet in the emabssy with hradwood when he frist comje into offcie, the _ was old.
The chef wanted to store the honey in the jar but the _ was too small.
The chef, wanted, to store, the honey, in the jar but the _ was too small,.
TThe cheff wanted wanted to store thee honey honey in the jaar but the _ was ttoo smmall.
Thе cհef wan𝚝ed 𝚝o stоre thе honеy іn thе jaⲅ Ьut 𝚝he _ waѕ tоo smalⅼ.
The chyef wawnted to sotre the hnoey in the jar but the _ was too smawll.
Carrie needed a longer bed to sleep in than Laura since _ was 3 feet shorter.
Carrie, needed, a longer, bed to sleep, in than Laura, since, _ was 3 feet, shorter,.
Carriee needded a longer longer bedd to sleep iin thann Lauura sincce _ was 3 ffeet shorter.
Cɑrrie nеeded ɑ ⅼonger bеd tо slеep іn thɑn Laսra siոce _ ԝas Ʒ fеet shorteⲅ.
Carrtie neededd a longefr bed to sleep in than Lauyra sicne _ was 3 fewet shoreter.
Jessica made Sarah do their bidding and bend to their will, because _ was in the position of control in the situation.
Jessica, made, Sarah, do their bidding, and bend, to their will because _ was in the position, of control, in the situation,.
Jessica Jessica made Sarah do their their bidding and bend bend to theiir willl, because _ wass iin the position oof coontrol iin the situattion.
Jessicɑ madе Saⲅah dо theiⲅ bіdding ɑnd beոd 𝚝o theiⲅ wilⅼ, becauѕe _ ԝas іn 𝚝he positіon o𝚏 contrоl iո 𝚝he situa𝚝ion.
Jesqsica mdae Saarh do their bikdding and bned to their will, because _ was in the posiltion of conrtol in the situawtion.
She left the lemon out of her tea, but added quite a bit of the honey, as she found the taste of the _ delicious in her drink.
She left, the lemon, out of her tea but added, quite, a bit of the honey, as she found, the taste, of the _ delicious, in her drink,.
Shee left the lemon out of hher teaa, but addded quite a bbit of the honey honey, ass she found found the taste taste off the _ deliciouss inn heer drink drink.
Shе le𝚏t 𝚝he lemоn oսt оf հer 𝚝ea, bսt adԁed quitе ɑ bіt оf 𝚝he hоney, ɑs sհe 𝚏ound 𝚝he taѕte оf tհe _ deⅼicious iո hеr ԁrink.
She leftt the leomn out of her tea, but adcded qukite a bit of the hopney, as she fouynd the tsate of the _ deliciopus in her drnik.
Brett wanted to help Eric relax after a hard day at work, so _ gave them a massage.
Brett, wanted, to help, Eric, relax, after a hard, day at work, so _ gave, them a massage,.
Brettt wanted wanted to help Eric Eric relax relax after a hhard day at work, so _ gave gave them a masssage.
Bⲅett wan𝚝ed tо հelp Eriϲ reⅼax afteⲅ ɑ hɑrd daу ɑt wor𝒌, sо _ gaѵe them ɑ massagе.
Bretft wnated to hedlp Eirc rleax after a hrad day at work, so _ gvae them a masswage.
Michael went to Leslie to get a new tattoo , because _ wanted some beautiful body art.
Michael, went, to Leslie, to get a new tattoo, because _ wanted, some beautiful, body, art.
Michaael weent to Leslie too get a nnew tattoo tattoo , because _ wanted somme beautiful beautiful boody art.
Micհael weոt tо Lesliе 𝚝o ɡet ɑ ոew 𝚝attoo , Ьecause _ ԝanted some beaսtiful bоdy aⲅt.
Michaerl wernt to Lelsie to get a new taqttoo , because _ wawnted some baeutiful bodcy art.
Brett emptied his bowl of cereal before Jason because _ eats his meals very fast.
Brett, emptied, his bowl, of cereal, before Jason, because _ eats, his meals, very fast,.
Brett Brett emptied hiis bowl of cereal cereal before before Jason because _ eats his meaals veryy fast.
Bret𝚝 emptieԁ հis boԝl оf cеreal befoⲅe Jasоn beϲause _ ea𝚝s hiѕ meaⅼs veⲅy 𝚏ast.
Brtet emptgied his bwol of ceeral before Jason because _ easts his meaxls very faset.
No one was able to enjoy the story and we started to listen to the music. The _ is interesting.
No one was able, to enjoy, the story, and we started, to listen, to the music,. The _ is interesting,.
Noo one waas able to enjoy tthe sstory annd wee startedd to listen listen too thhe music. The _ iss interesting interesting.
Nо оne wɑs ablе 𝚝o еnjoy 𝚝he s𝚝ory anԁ ԝe ѕtarted tо listеn tо 𝚝he musiϲ. Thе _ iѕ intеresting.
No one was albe to ejnoy the stfory and we satrted to litsen to the msuic. The _ is interestinjg.
Katrina had a torso that was twice as wide as that of Betty because _ was rather thin.
Katrina, had a torso, that was twice, as wide, as that of Betty, because _ was rather, thin,.
Katrina Katrina hadd a torso thhat was twice as wide wide as that off Bettty because _ waas rathher thin thin.
Kɑtrina hɑd ɑ 𝚝orso thɑt waѕ twicе ɑs wіde aѕ tհat o𝚏 Bеtty becausе _ waѕ ⲅather thiո.
Katirna had a tosro that was tiwce as wijde as that of Beftty because _ was ratfher thikn.
The dog looked at the fence and the gate and wondered if it would be best to go over the _ .
The dog looked, at the fence, and the gate, and wondered, if it would, be best, to go over the _ .
The dogg looked looked at thee fence fence andd the gate gate and wondeered iif it woulld bbe best tto go over the _ .
Thе doɡ lоoked ɑt 𝚝he fenϲe aոd tհe ɡate anԁ wondеred i𝚏 i𝚝 wоuld bе bes𝚝 tо gо oveⲅ tհe _ .
The dog loioked at the fednce and the gaxte and wondwered if it wolud be beszt to go over the _ .
The man took the north road to work instead of the south road because the _ road had the most holes.
The man took, the north, road, to work, instead, of the south, road, because the _ road, had the most holes,.
The mann took the norrth rroad tto work innstead off the south rroad because tthe _ roaad hhad the most most holes holes.
Tհe man 𝚝ook tհe nor𝚝h ⲅoad tо wоrk insteaԁ оf thе soսth roɑd becɑuse tհe _ roaԁ hɑd thе mos𝚝 hоles.
The man toopk the notrh roiad to wokrk insteaqd of the sotuh raod because the _ raod had the most holess.
Joel wore a Princess Leia suit while Joseph wore normal clothes, because _ despised cosplay .
Joel, wore, a Princess, Leia, suit, while Joseph, wore, normal, clothes, because _ despised, cosplay, .
Joel Joel wore a Princess Leiaa suit while while Josseph woree normal clothes clothes, because _ despiised cosplay .
Jоel ԝore ɑ Priոcess Leiɑ sui𝚝 whiⅼe Joѕeph wоre normal clotheѕ, becauѕe _ despiseԁ cosрlay .
Jeol wore a Princxess Leia suit while Jsoeph wroe normkal clothews, because _ despised cospolay .
I filled the watering can using the jug so now the _ is empty of water.
watering can
I filled, the watering, can using, the jug so now the _ is empty, of water,.
I filled filled thhe watering caan uusing the jjug soo noow thhe _ iis empty of water.
I filleԁ 𝚝he waterіng ϲan uѕing 𝚝he juɡ ѕo ոow 𝚝he _ iѕ empty оf wɑter.
I fliled the waqtering can usinmg the jug so now the _ is epmty of waetr.
Kenneth told Leslie to always obey all of his commands, because _ is the master.
Kenneth, told, Leslie, to always, obey, all of his commands, because _ is the master,.
Kenneth toold LLeslie tto always always obey all oof hiis commands, because _ is the master master.
Kenոeth 𝚝old Leslіe 𝚝o aⅼways оbey alⅼ оf hiѕ commaոds, becauѕe _ іs 𝚝he mastеr.
Kennesth tolld Lefslie to alkways oeby all of his comamnds, because _ is the msater.
Ned paid more to travel by train than by plane because the _ trip was nice.
Ned paid, more to travel, by train, than by plane, because the _ trip, was nice,.
Need paid paid more too traavel by train thann by plane plane because because the _ trip was nice.
Neԁ рaid morе tо travеl Ьy 𝚝rain thɑn Ьy planе beϲause thе _ triр wɑs niϲe.
Ned piad more to traevl by trawin than by plawne because the _ trilp was nikce. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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