2 values
Cynthia was creating a new hairmask for Monica to wear. _ wore the hair mask.
Cynthia, was creating, a new hairmask, for Monica, to wear,. _ wore, the hair, mask,.
CCynthia wass creating a new haiirmask ffor Moonica tto weaar. _ wore thhe haair mask.
Cyn𝚝hia wɑs creatіng ɑ ոew hairmaѕk 𝚏or Moոica 𝚝o weɑr. _ worе tհe haiⲅ mɑsk.
Cnythia was crerating a new hairamsk for Monhica to weaxr. _ wore the hazir msak.
She wanted to go shopping for a rug for the patio because the _ looked bare.
She wanted, to go shopping, for a rug for the patio, because the _ looked, bare,.
Shhe wanted to goo sshopping for a rug for thhe patioo bbecause thhe _ looked looked baree.
Sհe wantеd 𝚝o gо shoрping 𝚏or ɑ rսg 𝚏or 𝚝he patіo becausе 𝚝he _ loоked Ьare.
She watned to go shopipng for a rug for the ptaio because the _ lookied barfe.
The girl thought the shell wasn't as beautiful as the rock because the _ was shiny.
The girl, thought, the shell, wasn't as beautiful, as the rock, because the _ was shiny,.
The girrl thought the shell wasn't wasn't as beeautiful as thee rock rock becausse the _ was shiny shiny.
Tհe giⲅl thougհt 𝚝he ѕhell wɑsn't ɑs beautifuⅼ aѕ tհe ⲅock Ьecause tհe _ wɑs shіny.
The gijrl tohught the shlel wasn't as beauitiful as the rocfk because the _ was shikny.
Jessica was trying to lose weight _ asked Emily if they could help.
Jessica, was trying, to lose, weight, _ asked, Emily, if they could, help,.
Jessica Jessica was tryying to loose weight weight _ asked Emilyy if they could could help.
Jesѕica wɑs tryіng 𝚝o lоse weіght _ askеd Emilу i𝚏 thеy cоuld helр.
Jessica was tyring to lsoe weihgt _ askjed Emliy if they could hedlp.
When Enzo got respiratory infection, he took OTC medicine instead of prescribed medicine, because the _ is bitter.
prescribed medicine
OTC medicine
When, Enzo, got respiratory, infection, he took, OTC medicine, instead, of prescribed, medicine, because the _ is bitter,.
When When Enzo Enzo got respiratoory infection, he ttook OTC medicinne instead off prescribed prescribed medicine, because thhe _ is bitter.
Wհen Enᴢo go𝚝 ⲅespiratory in𝚏ection, hе too𝒌 OTC mediciոe ins𝚝ead o𝚏 prescⲅibed meԁicine, becaսse tհe _ iѕ bitteⲅ.
When Ezno got respiratoiry inefction, he tookk OTC mdeicine instead of perscribed mediicne, because the _ is bitterr.
After high school graduation, Eric was more patriotic than Ian when _ left the country.
After, high, school, graduation, Eric, was more patriotic, than Ian when _ left, the country,.
Aftter high school school graduation graduation, Erric was moree patriotic than than Ian when _ left the country.
A𝚏ter hiɡh scհool gradսation, Eⲅic waѕ mоre patriotiϲ thaո Iɑn ԝhen _ lеft 𝚝he coսntry.
Aftefr higvh schnool gradutaion, Eirc was more patrioitic than Ian when _ lefft the country.
Samantha thought Rebecca was sick, so _ insisted they go to the doctor and get checked out.
Samantha, thought, Rebecca, was sick, so _ insisted, they go to the doctor, and get checked, out.
Samanntha thought Rebeccaa wwas siick, so _ insisted they they goo tto the doctor doctor annd geet checked out.
Samantha thougհt Rebeccɑ ԝas sіck, sо _ inѕisted tհey ɡo 𝚝o thе doc𝚝or anԁ ge𝚝 checkeԁ oսt.
Saamntha thougdht Rebceca was sicdk, so _ insisetd they go to the doctgor and get checekd out.
The toddler prefers to suck on his thumb rather than a pacifier. The _ must make him more content.
The toddler, prefers, to suck, on his thumb, rather, than a pacifier,. The _ must, make, him more content,.
The toddler prefeers tto suck suck oon his thumb thumb rather than than a pacifieer. The _ must maake him morre content.
Thе 𝚝oddler pre𝚏ers 𝚝o ѕuck oո hiѕ tհumb rathеr thɑn ɑ pacifіer. Tհe _ mus𝚝 mɑke հim mоre cоntent.
The todlder preefrs to scuk on his thuhmb rahter than a pacifcier. The _ msut makle him more copntent.
Samuel is being taught how to battle cancer with the help of Randy, so _ is the cancer survivor.
Samuel, is being taught, how to battle, cancer, with the help, of Randy, so _ is the cancer, survivor,.
Samuel Samuel iss beinng taught how too battle cancer wiith tthe help help of Randy, so _ is the cancer cancer ssurvivor.
Samuеl іs beinɡ tauɡht հow tо Ьattle cancеr wi𝚝h 𝚝he հelp оf Randу, ѕo _ іs tհe cancеr ѕurvivor.
Smauel is being taugyht how to baxttle canmcer with the hlep of Rnady, so _ is the cnacer surevivor.
Aaron was shy and had a crush on the very popular Joel. _ was too scared to speak to them.
Aaron, was shy and had a crush, on the very popular, Joel,. _ was too scared, to speak, to them.
Aaron was shy and hadd a ccrush on thee very very popular popular JJoel. _ wwas ttoo scaredd tto speak to thhem.
Aarоn ԝas sհy aոd haԁ ɑ cruѕh оn thе verу рopular Joeⅼ. _ wɑs toо sϲared tо spеak tо them.
Araon was shy and had a crfush on the very popluar Jeol. _ was too scarted to spefak to them.
Brian waited at the bank for Robert to hand over the money to them, and then _ went on to the next errand.
Brian, waited, at the bank, for Robert, to hand, over the money, to them and then _ went, on to the next, errand,.
Briann waited att the bank ffor Robert Robert tto hand overr the money to them, annd then then _ wennt oon too thee nnext errand.
Bⲅian wai𝚝ed ɑt tհe bɑnk foⲅ Rober𝚝 tо հand oveⲅ tհe mоney 𝚝o them, anԁ 𝚝hen _ wеnt оn tо tհe ոext erⲅand.
Brain watied at the bawnk for Robgert to haqnd over the monhey to them, and then _ wnet on to the nexst errfand.
The grass was more welcoming for the cats than the straw , even though the _ was wet .
The grass, was more welcoming, for the cats, than the straw, even, though, the _ was wet .
The grasss was morre welcoming welcoming for thhe catts thaan the straaw , even thouggh thee _ was wwet .
Tհe graѕs wɑs morе welcoming foⲅ 𝚝he ϲats 𝚝han 𝚝he strɑw , evеn thouɡh 𝚝he _ ԝas ԝet .
The grgass was more welcxoming for the ctas than the srtaw , evedn thouhgh the _ was wet .
When she drove, Angela's motion sickness was nonexistent, but Rebecca disliked being a passenger all the time. _ wished she could be a passenger sometimes.
When, she drove, Angela's, motion, sickness, was nonexistent, but Rebecca, disliked, being a passenger, all the time,. _ wished, she could, be a passenger, sometimes,.
When sshe drove, Angella's motion motion sickness waas nonexistent, but Rebecca Rebecca disliked disliked being a passeenger aall the time time. _ wisshed she coulld bee a passenger sometimes.
Wheո sհe drоve, Anɡela's mo𝚝ion siϲkness ԝas nоnexistent, bu𝚝 Rebecϲa dislikеd beіng ɑ passеnger alⅼ tհe 𝚝ime. _ wisհed ѕhe coulԁ Ьe ɑ passeոger some𝚝imes.
Whewn she drgove, Angeal's motrion sicknses was noenxistent, but Rbeecca dislikked being a passenbger all the time. _ wisherd she cuold be a passegner sometimes.
Jeffrey loves to drink coffee every morning but Ian does not. _ orders a cup of milk with their breakfast.
Jeffrey, loves, to drink, coffee, every, morning, but Ian does not. _ orders, a cup of milk, with their breakfast,.
Jeffrey Jeffrey loves to drrink coffee every every morning but Ian dooes nnot. _ orders orders a cup of milk milk witth their their breakfast.
Jeffⲅey loveѕ 𝚝o dⲅink coffeе eѵery morniոg bսt Iɑn dоes no𝚝. _ ordeⲅs ɑ ϲup оf miⅼk wi𝚝h theіr breakfɑst.
Jefferey lvoes to drionk coffcee evcery monring but Ian does not. _ oredrs a cup of mlik with their brekafast.
I like spending time at my friend's home than her vacation house The _ is tidy.
vacation house
I like, spending, time, at my friend's, home, than her vacation, house, The _ is tidy,.
I like spending spending ttime at myy friend's home home than her vacaation house house Thhe _ iss tidy.
I lіke spеnding time a𝚝 mу frіend's հome 𝚝han հer vacatioո հouse Thе _ iѕ tidу.
I lkie spewnding tikme at my friendx's holme than her vaxcation huose The _ is tidy.
Instead of using nutmeg in the recipe, Mary used cinnamon, because she loved the taste of the _ .
Instead, of using, nutmeg, in the recipe, Mary, used, cinnamon, because she loved, the taste, of the _ .
Instead of using using nutmeg iin the recipe, Maary useed cinnnamon, becaause shee loved thee tasste of thee _ .
Ins𝚝ead o𝚏 usіng nսtmeg іn thе rеcipe, Mɑry uѕed ϲinnamon, becaսse shе lоved tհe 𝚝aste оf 𝚝he _ .
Insteazd of usnig nutmjeg in the reicpe, Mray usesd cinnmaon, because she lopved the taste of the _ .
She wanted to display the ad on the billboard, but the _ was too big.
She wanted, to display, the ad on the billboard, but the _ was too big.
She wanted to ddisplay thee ad oon tthe billboaard, bbut thee _ was tooo bigg.
Shе ԝanted tо dіsplay 𝚝he ɑd оn 𝚝he bilⅼboard, bսt tհe _ waѕ 𝚝oo bіg.
She wanetd to dilsplay the ad on the billbnoard, but the _ was too big.
Raven Is Randy favorite character in the cartoon Matthew hates to watch, _ does not like to watch cartoons.
Raven, Is Randy, favorite, character, in the cartoon, Matthew, hates, to watch, _ does not like, to watch, cartoons,.
Raven Raven IIs Randy Randy favorite character inn the cartoon Matthew Matthew hates tto watch, _ doess nott likke to watch cartoons.
Ravеn Iѕ Rɑndy favoⲅite ϲharacter іn thе cartоon Mattհew hateѕ 𝚝o watcհ, _ doеs nоt lіke 𝚝o wa𝚝ch cartooոs.
Rvaen Is Rawndy fawvorite chazracter in the cartoon Mattehw hatres to wtach, _ does not like to watcdh carotons.
The class took an exam in the classroom instead of a quiz since the _ was sooner.
The class, took, an exam, in the classroom, instead, of a quiz, since, the _ was sooner,.
The class class tookk ann exam in the classrroom instead instead of a quiiz since since the _ was soonerr.
Thе clɑss 𝚝ook ɑn e×am іn 𝚝he ϲlassroom instеad o𝚏 ɑ qսiz siոce thе _ wɑs sooneⲅ.
The clsas toopk an exsam in the classorom inbstead of a quikz snice the _ was soponer.
The bird decided to eat the worm instead of the popcorn, because it thought that the _ was bad.
The bird, decided, to eat the worm, instead, of the popcorn, because it thought, that the _ was bad.
Thhe bird decided decided too eatt the worrm instead instead of thhe popccorn, because iit thought that the _ wwas bad.
Thе biⲅd decideԁ tо eɑt 𝚝he woⲅm instеad оf thе popcoⲅn, Ьecause іt tհought tha𝚝 𝚝he _ waѕ baԁ.
The brid dceided to eat the wolrm instfead of the popcorgn, because it thougbht that the _ was bad.
Joel advised Adam to add more honey later if homemade wine doesn't come out as sweet as he likes as _ is a novice wine maker..
Joel, advised, Adam, to add more honey, later, if homemade, wine, doesn't come, out as sweet, as he likes, as _ is a novice, wine, maker,..
Joel Joel advised Adam to add more honey later later if homemade homemade wine wine doesn't come oout ass sweet sweet as he likes ass _ iss a novice wine wine makerr..
Joеl adѵised Adɑm 𝚝o aԁd morе hoոey latеr i𝚏 homemadе winе doеsn't ϲome oսt aѕ swee𝚝 aѕ հe likеs aѕ _ iѕ ɑ novіce winе ma𝒌er..
Jokel adviksed Adfam to add more holney laetr if homeamde wine doesn't cmoe out as sweewt as he lilkes as _ is a novcie winbe maekr..
The woman was angry when her husband gave her chocolate instead of candy on her birthday, because she craved the _ .
The woman, was angry, when her husband, gave, her chocolate, instead, of candy, on her birthday, because she craved, the _ .
The woman wass angry when when herr husband gavve her chocolate insttead of candy candy on heer birthday birthday, because she craved craved thee _ .
Thе ԝoman waѕ angⲅy ԝhen heⲅ հusband gaѵe hеr chоcolate insteaԁ o𝚏 canԁy oո heⲅ birtհday, Ьecause sհe craveԁ thе _ .
The wmoan was anrgy when her huswband gavbe her cohcolate insatead of canmdy on her birhtday, because she crawved the _ .
Brett was always in trouble with the law, which was frustrating to Aaron ; _ ignored the rules to the letter.
Brett, was always, in trouble, with the law which was frustrating, to Aaron, ; _ ignored, the rules, to the letter,.
Brett was always always in troublle with with the llaw, wwhich was frustrating frustrating to Aaron ; _ ignored ignored the rules to the letter letter.
Bⲅett wɑs alwɑys iո troubⅼe wіth thе lɑw, whicհ wɑs frustratіng 𝚝o Aaroո ; _ igոored thе ruleѕ tо thе le𝚝ter.
Brestt was awlays in truoble with the law, which was frutsrating to Aaorn ; _ ignmored the ruleds to the letetr.
He was emotionally distraught so he went out for a walk and bought himself an ice cream. The _ appeased his hunger.
ice cream
He was emotionally, distraught, so he went, out for a walk, and bought, himself an ice cream,. The _ appeased, his hunger,.
Hee wass emmotionally ddistraught soo he went went out for a walk walk and boughht himmself an icce creamm. The _ appeased his huunger.
Hе waѕ emotionally diѕtraught ѕo հe wen𝚝 oսt 𝚏or ɑ ԝalk anԁ bouɡht himseⅼf aո iϲe crеam. Tհe _ appeɑsed hiѕ հunger.
He was emtoionally distraughht so he wnet out for a wlak and boughtt himself an ice ceram. The _ appeaesd his hujnger.
The guesthouse that they lived at in Thailand was a lot nicer than the hotel in Cambodia, because the _ was boring.
The guesthouse, that they lived, at in Thailand, was a lot nicer, than the hotel, in Cambodia, because the _ was boring,.
Thee guesthousee that that they livved at in TThailand was a lott nicer thhan the hotel hotel iin Cammbodia, because tthe _ waas boring.
Thе gues𝚝house 𝚝hat theу liveԁ ɑt іn Thailaոd waѕ ɑ lo𝚝 niϲer thɑn 𝚝he հotel iո Cɑmbodia, bеcause 𝚝he _ ԝas borinɡ.
The guesthuose that they lvied at in Thialand was a lot niucer than the htoel in Camnbodia, because the _ was bornig.
The health of the roses was better than the health of the tulips because the _ were taken care of.
The health, of the roses, was better, than the health, of the tulips, because the _ were taken, care, of.
The health health of tthe roses roses was better than than the healthh of thhe tulips because because the _ were ttaken care oof.
Thе heɑlth оf tհe roseѕ ԝas bеtter thɑn tհe heal𝚝h o𝚏 tհe tսlips becɑuse 𝚝he _ weⲅe takеn carе o𝚏.
The haelth of the rsoes was bertter than the heatlh of the tujlips because the _ were taekn carde of.
The ditch provided a strong defense against the horde's attack, while the wall fell instantly, as the _ was vulnerable to their attack.
The ditch, provided, a strong, defense, against the horde's, attack, while the wall, fell, instantly, as the _ was vulnerable, to their attack,.
The ditch provided a strongg defense againsst thee horde's attack, while while tthe wall wall fell insttantly, aas tthe _ wwas vulnerable vulnerable too their attack.
Thе ԁitch рrovided ɑ ѕtrong ԁefense agaіnst tհe hoⲅde's attac𝒌, whilе thе waⅼl felⅼ instantⅼy, aѕ thе _ wɑs vulneraЬle 𝚝o theiⲅ a𝚝tack.
The ditcvh prdovided a streong deefnse against the hored's attacvk, while the walil flel insqtantly, as the _ was vulnerbale to their atatck.
I punctured my tire and pulled over to see if I could patch it or put on the spare. The hole was tiny so I was able to _ it.
I punctured, my tire, and pulled, over to see if I could, patch, it or put on the spare,. The hole, was tiny, so I was able, to _ it.
I punctured punctured my tire annd pulled over over tto seee iif I ccould patch patch itt orr put on the spare spare. The hoole was tinyy so I wass ablee too _ it.
I punctսred my tirе aոd pulleԁ oveⲅ 𝚝o sеe i𝚏 I couⅼd pɑtch i𝚝 оr рut оn tհe sparе. Tհe հole wɑs tinу ѕo I waѕ ɑble tо _ іt.
I pujnctured my trie and pulledd over to see if I colud pacth it or put on the sapre. The holke was tinhy so I was albe to _ it.
He had given his bank account information to a lender to check their money, but realized he was scammed because the _ was gone.
He had given, his bank, account, information, to a lender, to check, their money, but realized, he was scammed, because the _ was gone,.
HHe hadd giiven his bank accouunt infformation too a lendeer to check check their money money, but realized realized hhe was scammed because the _ wass ggone.
Hе haԁ ɡiven հis bɑnk acϲount informatioո 𝚝o ɑ leոder 𝚝o cհeck theіr monеy, bսt reɑlized հe ԝas scammed Ьecause thе _ waѕ gonе.
He had givben his bnak acocunt informaxtion to a lendcer to chcek their monedy, but realizesd he was sacmmed because the _ was goine.
Exercise is not something Jason likes, but Robert loves to do it. _ is a couch potato.
Exercise, is not something, Jason, likes, but Robert, loves, to do it. _ is a couch, potato,.
Exercise Exercise iis not something something Jason Jason likes, bbut Robert lovves to do it. _ iis a coouch potato.
E×ercise iѕ nоt some𝚝hing Jɑson likeѕ, bսt Robeⲅt ⅼoves tо dо i𝚝. _ iѕ ɑ couϲh рotato.
Exedrcise is not somethnig Jasxon lieks, but Robret lokves to do it. _ is a cuoch potrato.
Because Victoria had stiff joints, Natalie offered to massage her which made _ feel much better physically.
Because, Victoria, had stiff, joints, Natalie, offered, to massage, her which made, _ feel, much, better, physically,.
Beccause Victoria Victoria had stifff joints joints, Natalie Natalie offered tto massage her which made _ feeel much bettter physically.
Beϲause Vіctoria հad stif𝚏 join𝚝s, Nataⅼie o𝚏fered 𝚝o massaɡe հer whiϲh mɑde _ 𝚏eel mucհ betteⲅ physicallу.
Beacuse Victoria had sitff joints, Natyalie offerewd to masasge her which madre _ feel much bettrer phsyically.
The bruise on my leg was darker than the one on my arm since I fell harder on the _ .
The bruise, on my leg was darker, than the one on my arm since, I fell, harder, on the _ .
The brruise oon myy legg wass darrker than than the onne on my arrm sincee I ffell harder on thhe _ .
Tհe bruіse оn mу leɡ ԝas daⲅker thɑn tհe oոe оn my aⲅm sincе I fеll harԁer оn 𝚝he _ .
The brguise on my leg was darekr than the one on my arm sincxe I ferll hartder on the _ .
Monica's favorite hobby is making cakes, while Felicia likes soccer. _ wants to be a baker.
Monica's, favorite, hobby, is making, cakes, while Felicia, likes, soccer,. _ wants, to be a baker,.
Monica's favorite favorite hobby is making cakes cakes, while while Felicia likes soccer. _ wants wants to be a baker baker.
Monica'ѕ favoⲅite hobbу iѕ making ca𝒌es, whіle Felicіa likеs ѕoccer. _ wɑnts 𝚝o bе ɑ Ьaker.
Moniac's favoriote hobby is makiong cakefs, while Felicika lieks soccer. _ watns to be a baker.
Samantha ran right past the Easter egg while Rebecca ran towards it, and _ picked it up.
Samantha, ran right, past, the Easter, egg while Rebecca, ran towards, it and _ picked, it up.
Samanthaa rran right past past the Easter Easter eegg whhile Rebecca ran towaards it, and _ picked picked itt up.
Sɑmantha raո rigհt рast 𝚝he Eaѕter еgg whіle Rebeccɑ ⲅan towarԁs іt, anԁ _ pic𝒌ed іt սp.
Samanhta ran rigtht psat the Eazster egg while Rebedcca ran towardfs it, and _ pickmed it up.
The janitor tried using different chemicals to clean the fingerprints from the screen but the _ were too dark.
The janitor, tried, using, different, chemicals, to clean, the fingerprints, from the screen, but the _ were too dark,.
The janitor tried using using different chemicals chemicals to clean clean the fingerprints fingerprints from thee screen but thhe _ were were tooo dark.
Thе ϳanitor triеd usinɡ diffeⲅent chemicalѕ 𝚝o clеan tհe fingerprin𝚝s frоm thе ѕcreen bսt thе _ werе 𝚝oo dar𝒌.
The janitgor triesd uswing difefrent chemicawls to cleran the fignerprints from the srceen but the _ were too drak.
Jason got along with the natives better than Adam due to _ lacking the ability to express himself in the native's language.
Jason, got along, with the natives, better, than Adam, due to _ lacking, the ability, to express, himself in the native's, language,.
Jason ggot along along with the natives natives better thaan Adam Adam due to _ lackiing the ability ability to exxpress himself inn the nativee's laanguage.
Jasоn gоt ɑlong witհ thе nɑtives bеtter thɑn Aԁam ԁue 𝚝o _ lackіng tհe aЬility 𝚝o e×press himsеlf іn thе natiѵe's lanɡuage.
Jasoln got aolng with the ntaives bettger than Adazm due to _ lacknig the abiltiy to expreess himself in the natvie's lanbguage.
Ryan got out a scalpel and some antiseptic to treat Nick because _ is a doctor.
Ryan, got out a scalpel, and some antiseptic, to treat, Nick, because _ is a doctor,.
Ryan Ryan ggot out a scalpel aand some anttiseptic too treat treat Nick because _ iss a doctorr.
Rуan go𝚝 ou𝚝 ɑ sϲalpel aոd ѕome antiseptiϲ 𝚝o 𝚝reat Niϲk becɑuse _ іs ɑ doctoⲅ.
Rygan got out a scaplel and some antiszeptic to terat Nicfk because _ is a dcotor.
Sally went to the pawn shop to trade in her antique watch for a tapestry. Unfortunately, the _ was ripped.
Sally, went, to the pawn, shop, to trade, in her antique, watch, for a tapestry,. Unfortunately, the _ was ripped,.
SSally went went to the pawn pawn shop to trade trade in her antique antique watch for a tapestry. Unfortunaately, the _ waas ripped ripped.
Salⅼy wеnt 𝚝o tհe pɑwn sհop tо 𝚝rade іn hеr antiԛue wɑtch 𝚏or ɑ tapеstry. Unfortunatelу, tհe _ ԝas rippeԁ.
Sally wnet to the pwan sohp to tradre in her anjtique wacth for a tpaestry. Unfortunaterly, the _ was ripoped.
Randy liked the bacon cheeseburger at the restaurant more than Neil because _ was a vegetarian.
Randy, liked, the bacon, cheeseburger, at the restaurant, more than Neil, because _ was a vegetarian,.
Randy likeed the baccon cheeseburger cheeseburger aat thhe restaurant more than than Neeil because _ was a vegetarian vegetarian.
Randу ⅼiked 𝚝he bacоn cheeseburgеr a𝚝 tհe restauraոt moⲅe 𝚝han Neiⅼ becɑuse _ wɑs ɑ vegetarіan.
Ranjdy likefd the baocn cheeseburegr at the rsetaurant more than Niel because _ was a vegbetarian.
Kate wants to join the music club, while she has no interest in the chess club. She must be fascinated with the _ .
music club
chess club
Kate, wants, to join, the music, club, while she has no interest, in the chess, club,. She must, be fascinated, with the _ .
Kate Kate wants wants to jooin the music cllub, while she hass no interestt in thee chess club. SShe mustt bbe fascinated fascinated witth the _ .
Katе waոts 𝚝o joіn 𝚝he musіc clսb, wհile ѕhe hɑs nо inteⲅest iո thе cհess ϲlub. Shе muѕt Ьe fascinɑted wi𝚝h tհe _ .
Ktae wnats to jion the muksic cluyb, while she has no interesxt in the chesds culb. She msut be fascniated with the _ .
Victoria borrowed a grill from Elena because _ had more money and could afford one.
Victoria, borrowed, a grill, from Elena, because _ had more money, and could, afford, one.
Victoria Victoria borrowed a grill from from Elena because because _ had moore money and could could afford one.
Victoⲅia borⲅowed ɑ grіll from Eleոa bеcause _ հad mоre money ɑnd ϲould a𝚏ford onе.
Vijctoria bororwed a grilpl from Elenma because _ had more monjey and cuold affokrd one.
Eric was going fast around the track whereas Steven was waiting to quickly work on the car. _ was the pitstop mechanic.
Eric, was going, fast, around, the track, whereas, Steven, was waiting, to quickly, work, on the car. _ was the pitstop, mechanic,.
EEric was going faast around thee track whereas whereas Steven wwas waaiting to quicklyy work on the ccar. _ wass tthe pitsttop mechanic mechanic.
Eⲅic ԝas goiոg fɑst aroսnd tհe trac𝒌 wherеas Steveո ԝas wɑiting 𝚝o quіckly wоrk oո tհe ϲar. _ wɑs tհe pits𝚝op mechanіc.
Erilc was goinmg fast aroujnd the trtack whreeas Stevben was waitikng to quickoly worek on the car. _ was the pitsotp mechanic.
The woman dated her boyfriend in a relationship before having a marriage, since the _ is permanent.
The woman, dated, her boyfriend, in a relationship, before having a marriage, since, the _ is permanent,.
TThe woman woman dated her boyfriennd iin a relatioonship before having having a marriage marriage, sincce the _ is permanent.
Thе womaո datеd heⲅ boyfrіend іn ɑ relatioոship befoⲅe hɑving ɑ marriaɡe, sinϲe tհe _ iѕ рermanent.
The womnan dtaed her boyfriednd in a relationsihp before having a marrdiage, sicne the _ is permanenht.
Rachel knew Elena needed more magnesium but _ didn't know if they liked fruit or not.
Rachel, knew, Elena, needed, more magnesium, but _ didn't know, if they liked, fruit, or not.
Racchel knew Elena nneeded moore magnesium but _ didn't knoow if theey liked liked fruit fruit or nnot.
Racheⅼ kneԝ Eⅼena needeԁ morе magոesium bu𝚝 _ dіdn't knоw іf theу likeԁ fruіt оr no𝚝.
Razchel knjew Eelna nedeed more magnesium but _ didn't konw if they lkied fruhit or not.
Even though they both needed braces in middle school, Katrina got them while Jessica did not, so _ 's teeth are straight as an adult.
Even, though, they both needed, braces, in middle, school, Katrina, got them while Jessica, did not so _ 's teeth, are straight, as an adult,.
Even tthough they they both both needed braces braces in middle school school, Katrina Katrina got them while Jessica Jessica did not, so _ 's teeth teeth are straight as aan addult.
Evеn thоugh thеy Ьoth ոeeded braceѕ iո middⅼe schoоl, Kɑtrina go𝚝 𝚝hem wհile Jessiϲa ԁid ոot, sо _ 'ѕ teetհ arе straiɡht aѕ ɑn adսlt.
Evgen thouigh they both nedeed barces in midlde schooil, Katrtina got them while Jessicda did not, so _ 's teesth are straighut as an adlut.
Justin makes friends easily but Kenneth doesn't. _ has a lot of friends in their life.
Justin, makes, friends, easily, but Kenneth, doesn't. _ has a lot of friends, in their life,.
JJustin makes friends easily easily but Kennetth doesn't. _ has a lot oof friends friends inn their their life.
Jus𝚝in ma𝒌es frіends easilу Ьut Kеnneth doesn`t. _ hɑs ɑ ⅼot o𝚏 𝚏riends іn theіr ⅼife.
Jutsin mkaes firends easilpy but Kennetrh doesn't. _ has a lot of frienmds in their liufe.
Jill couldn't fix her hair up properly. The bobble would not go round the ponytail because the _ was too small.
Jill, couldn't fix her hair, up properly,. The bobble, would, not go round, the ponytail, because the _ was too small,.
Jill couldn''t fix her hairr up properly properly. Thhe bbobble wouldd nnot go round round the ponytail ponytail because tthe _ was tooo small.
Jiⅼl couldո't 𝚏ix heⲅ haiⲅ սp pⲅoperly. Thе Ьobble ԝould ոot ɡo rounԁ tհe рonytail becauѕe tհe _ waѕ 𝚝oo smaⅼl.
Jiull couldn't fix her hiar up proeprly. The bobbloe woulpd not go ruond the ponytaiul because the _ was too smjall.
The tablet worked fine with the program, but the computer could stand to improve its performance, because the _ used current software.
The tablet, worked, fine, with the program, but the computer, could, stand, to improve, its performance, because the _ used, current, software,.
The tablet tablet worked fine wiith the program program, but the computer could stand to improve itss performance, because because tthe _ used used current current softwaare.
Tհe table𝚝 woⲅked 𝚏ine wi𝚝h 𝚝he program, Ьut thе ϲomputer couⅼd ѕtand 𝚝o imрrove itѕ per𝚏ormance, becaսse thе _ սsed curren𝚝 softwarе.
The tazblet wokred fnie with the porgram, but the copmuter couild stand to improvge its performance, because the _ usxed currenht softyware.
I took my date to a concert instead of a movie because the _ was more boring.
I took, my date, to a concert, instead, of a movie, because the _ was more boring,.
I took mmy date date too a concert concert insttead of a movie movie because the _ was more boring boring.
I toоk mу datе tо ɑ conϲert ins𝚝ead оf ɑ mоvie bеcause thе _ wɑs more boriոg.
I toopk my dtae to a colncert insthead of a mokvie because the _ was more borfing.
So _ enjoys eating a large selection of healthy foods because Ian wants to stay healthy and Ryan doesn't care.
So _ enjoys, eating, a large, selection, of healthy, foods, because Ian wants, to stay, healthy, and Ryan, doesn't care,.
So _ enjoys eating eating a llarge selection off healthy foods foods bbecause Ian wants too stay stay healthy and Ryan Ryan doesn't carre.
Sо _ enjоys eatiոg ɑ largе seⅼection o𝚏 heaⅼthy fooԁs bеcause Iɑn waոts tо stɑy healtհy anԁ Rуan ԁoesn't ϲare.
So _ ejnoys eatinhg a larghe selection of healhty foods because Ian watns to stazy haelthy and Rayn doesn't crae.
Hunter wanted to avoid Randy because of broken heart theatrics because _ was melodramatic.
Hunter, wanted, to avoid, Randy, because of broken, heart, theatrics, because _ was melodramatic,.
Hunter Hunter wanted too avoiid Randy because of broken hearrt theatrics theatrics becaause _ waas melodramatic.
Hսnter wɑnted tо avоid Randу bеcause оf brokеn հeart theɑtrics Ьecause _ waѕ melodramatic.
Hutner wanhted to avoid Ranbdy because of brkoen hesart thedatrics because _ was melodramatic.
Mary was in court for a traffic ticket while Betty was there for stealing, and _ was guilty of theft.
Mary, was in court, for a traffic, ticket, while Betty, was there for stealing, and _ was guilty, of theft,.
Mary Mary was in courrt for a trraffic ticket ticket wwhile Betty Betty was there for stealing, and _ waas guilty guilty oof thefft.
Mɑry waѕ iո couⲅt fоr ɑ traffіc ticke𝚝 whilе Bеtty waѕ theⲅe fоr stealinɡ, ɑnd _ ԝas guiⅼty o𝚏 tհeft.
Mardy was in courft for a trfafic tilcket while Bettry was there for stealnig, and _ was giulty of thefet.
The man became healthy because of the elliptical machine, not the treadmill. The _ is more to his fancy.
elliptical machine
The man became, healthy, because of the elliptical, machine, not the treadmill,. The _ is more to his fancy,.
The man became healtthy because of thhe elliptical machhine, noot the treadmill treadmill. Thee _ iis more more to his fancy fancy.
Thе mɑn Ьecame heaⅼthy becɑuse o𝚏 thе elliptіcal machinе, no𝚝 tհe tⲅeadmill. Thе _ іs mоre 𝚝o hiѕ faոcy.
The man bewcame haelthy because of the ellikptical maxchine, not the treadmilil. The _ is more to his facny.
Nick skipped out on the school pep rallies while Matthew was always cheering, since _ possessed school spirit.
Nick, skipped, out on the school, pep rallies, while Matthew, was always, cheering, since, _ possessed, school, spirit,.
Nick skipped skipped ouut on thee school ppep rallies while while Matthew was always always cheering, since _ possessed school school spirit.
Nic𝒌 skippeԁ oսt oո 𝚝he schooⅼ pеp rallieѕ whіle Ma𝚝thew waѕ alwɑys ϲheering, sinϲe _ pоssessed sϲhool spіrit.
Nikck skipoped out on the shcool pep rallies while Maztthew was alwaxys cehering, silnce _ possessed shcool spirit.
Justin discovered that Benjamin drank the last of the milk. _ was disappointed because he was going to eat cereal.
Justin, discovered, that Benjamin, drank, the last, of the milk,. _ was disappointed, because he was going, to eat cereal,.
Justin Justin discovvered that Benjamin drank thhe last oof the milk milk. _ wwas disappointed disappointed becaause hhe waas going to eat cereal.
Justіn discovеred tha𝚝 Beոjamin draոk tհe lɑst оf thе mіlk. _ wɑs disapрointed bеcause hе waѕ gоing tо eɑt ceⲅeal.
Jusqtin disdcovered that Benajmin darnk the lasxt of the mlik. _ was disappionted because he was goking to eat cereral.
The razor factory used plastic packages instead of cardboard packages, because the _ was inexpensive.
The razor, factory, used, plastic, packages, instead, of cardboard, packages, because the _ was inexpensive,.
The razor factory ussed plaastic paackages instead instead of ccardboard packages, because because the _ was iinexpensive.
Thе razoⲅ fac𝚝ory useԁ plas𝚝ic packagеs ins𝚝ead o𝚏 ϲardboard paϲkages, becauѕe thе _ ԝas inexрensive.
The razor fatcory used platsic pazckages insztead of cardbaord pakcages, because the _ was inesxpensive.
Sarah had a difficult childhood but Kayla had a spoiled one. _ always received gifts on their birthday.
Sarah, had a difficult, childhood, but Kayla, had a spoiled, one. _ always, received, gifts, on their birthday,.
Sarah had a difficuult childhood childhood bbut Kaayla haad a spoiled onee. _ always receivedd gifts on theiir birthday birthday.
Saⲅah hɑd ɑ ԁifficult childhooԁ Ьut Kaуla hɑd ɑ sрoiled oոe. _ ɑlways receiveԁ gi𝚏ts oո 𝚝heir birthdaу.
Sraah had a dififcult childhoold but Kayla had a spooiled one. _ alwaays receievd gfits on their birhtday.
Matthew worked in a greenhouse while Samuel did not since _ did not have all of the right educational qualifications necessary to work there.
Matthew, worked, in a greenhouse, while Samuel, did not since, _ did not have all of the right, educational, qualifications, necessary, to work, there.
Matthew workked in a greenhouse greenhouse while Samuell diid not siince _ ddid nott havve all oof tthe right educational qualifications qualifications necessary to work work there there.
Mattheԝ workeԁ iո ɑ greenhouѕe ԝhile Samսel diԁ nоt sіnce _ dіd no𝚝 hɑve alⅼ o𝚏 𝚝he rіght educɑtional quɑlifications ոecessary tо wоrk therе.
Mathtew wroked in a greehnouse while Samujel did not snice _ did not have all of the rihgt educatiopnal qualiifcations necesseary to wortk there.
The chronic acid reflux that Katrina had suffered from was relieved by Patricia, and _ was grateful.
The chronic, acid, reflux, that Katrina, had suffered, from was relieved, by Patricia, and _ was grateful,.
Thee chronic chronic aciid reflux that Katrrina hhad suffered suffered frrom was relieved by Paatricia, and _ was grateful grateful.
Thе chroոic acіd reflսx 𝚝hat Katrinɑ haԁ su𝚏fered from wɑs relieѵed Ьy Pa𝚝ricia, aոd _ wɑs ɡrateful.
The chrolnic aicd refluix that Kaxtrina had suyffered from was relieevd by Patriocia, and _ was grtaeful.
The owl flew into the night to hunt for food to bring back to her nest. She was glad the _ was plentiful.
The owl flew, into the night, to hunt, for food, to bring, back, to her nest,. She was glad, the _ was plentiful,.
Thee owwl fflew into into tthe night to hunt hunt for food too bring back back tto her nest. SShe was glaad the _ was plentiiful.
Thе oԝl fleԝ in𝚝o tհe nigh𝚝 tо hun𝚝 foⲅ 𝚏ood tо briոg Ьack tо heⲅ neѕt. Shе waѕ glaԁ tհe _ wɑs plentifսl.
The owl felw into the nighjt to hnut for fopod to birng bcak to her nset. She was glkad the _ was plenitful.
At the museum, People barely noticed the sword as they stood in line to see the mask, because the _ wasn't well known.
At the museum, People, barely, noticed, the sword, as they stood, in line, to see the mask, because the _ wasn't well, known,.
At thhe museum, People barely noticed the sworrd as they they stoood in line tto seee the mask mask, because because thee _ waasn't well well knoown.
A𝚝 tհe museum, Peоple bɑrely nоticed thе swоrd aѕ tհey stooԁ іn liոe 𝚝o seе 𝚝he mask, becɑuse 𝚝he _ wasn'𝚝 weⅼl knоwn.
At the muesum, Pefople baerly notiecd the sowrd as they sthood in liune to see the masak, because the _ wasn't wlel knwon.
When it was time to go, we took the train instead of the taxi because the _ would take a shorter time to get home.
When, it was time, to go we took, the train, instead, of the taxi, because the _ would, take, a shorter, time, to get home,.
When When it wass time time to ggo, we took the train instead instead of the taxi taxi because because thhe _ would take take a shorter time time to get home.
Whеn i𝚝 waѕ timе 𝚝o ɡo, ԝe 𝚝ook thе 𝚝rain inѕtead o𝚏 tհe ta×i becauѕe tհe _ wоuld 𝚝ake ɑ shor𝚝er 𝚝ime 𝚝o gеt hоme.
Whjen it was tmie to go, we toiok the trian insteazd of the taxxi because the _ woukld tkae a shorfter tmie to get hmoe.
Logan was more prone to illness than Donald because _ had a weak immune system.
Logan, was more prone, to illness, than Donald, because _ had a weak, immune, system,.
Logaan wass mmore prone to illness illness than DDonald because _ had a weaak immuune ssystem.
Logɑn wɑs moⲅe prоne 𝚝o illոess 𝚝han Donaⅼd Ьecause _ հad ɑ wеak immuոe system.
Loagn was more prolne to illnerss than Donazld because _ had a wefak imumne syhstem.
Alice's allergies always told her when the filters needed to be changed because the _ would be filthy.
Alice's, allergies, always, told, her when the filters, needed, to be changed, because the _ would, be filthy,.
Alice's Alice's allergies always told told hher wheen the filters needed tto bee changed because thhe _ would would be filthy.
Aliϲe's allergiеs alwayѕ toⅼd հer ԝhen 𝚝he filteⲅs ոeeded tо bе chɑnged beϲause tհe _ wоuld Ьe fiⅼthy.
Alice's alplergies alkways tokld her when the fliters nedeed to be cahnged because the _ wuold be filothy.
The local farm grew oats for the horses and vegetables for the townspeople; the people liked eating the _ during the winter.
The local, farm, grew, oats, for the horses, and vegetables, for the townspeople,; the people, liked, eating, the _ during the winter,.
The llocal farrm grew oats for thhe hoorses and vegetables for tthe townspeople townspeople; the people people liked liked eating the _ duriing thee winter winter.
Thе ⅼocal fɑrm ɡrew oɑts foⲅ 𝚝he horseѕ ɑnd vegetablеs fоr 𝚝he townspеople; tհe peoрle li𝒌ed eatiոg thе _ durinɡ 𝚝he wіnter.
The loacl fasrm greww otas for the horszes and vegetabels for the towsnpeople; the pedople liekd eazting the _ during the winter.
The broadcast showed a truck speeding so fast it went over a bridge. The _ was concrete.
The broadcast, showed, a truck, speeding, so fast, it went, over a bridge,. The _ was concrete,.
The broadcast broadcast shoowed a truck speeding so ffast iit wwent oover a bridge bridge. The _ waas concreete.
Thе bⲅoadcast shоwed ɑ tⲅuck speеding sо faѕt іt wеnt oveⲅ ɑ bridɡe. Tհe _ waѕ cоncrete.
The broadrcast shwoed a trcuk sepeding so fasst it wnet over a birdge. The _ was concredte.
Kenneth buys a bottle of nectar for the hummingbird feeder but Joel watches TV. _ is fascinated by birds.
Kenneth, buys, a bottle, of nectar, for the hummingbird, feeder, but Joel, watches, TV. _ is fascinated, by birds,.
Kenneth Kenneth buys buys a botttle of necttar for the hhummingbird feeder but Joell watches watches TV. _ is fascinated fascinated by birds.
Kеnneth buyѕ ɑ bоttle o𝚏 nectɑr foⲅ tհe hummingbiⲅd feeԁer bu𝚝 Jоel wa𝚝ches TV. _ iѕ fascіnated Ьy birԁs.
Kennethh buyjs a bottle of newctar for the hummiungbird fedeer but Joerl watcheds TV. _ is faqscinated by brids.
The trees on Mary's property grow better fruit than Christine's because _ 's soil is nutrient deficient.
The trees, on Mary's, property, grow, better, fruit, than Christine's, because _ 's soil, is nutrient, deficient,.
The trees on Mary's Mary's propertyy grow better fruit than than Christinne's because because _ 's soill is nutrient nutrient deficient.
Tհe treeѕ oո Mary`s propеrty gⲅow bet𝚝er 𝚏ruit tհan Chⲅistine's bеcause _ 'ѕ ѕoil іs nutrіent de𝚏icient.
The trees on Margy's porperty gorw bteter furit than Christien's because _ 's soijl is nutrient defgicient.
Jane could not put the battery in the calculator because the _ was too small.
Jane, could, not put the battery, in the calculator, because the _ was too small,.
Jane Jane could not put the battery battery inn the calculator calculator because the _ was tooo smalll.
Jaոe ϲould ոot pu𝚝 thе bɑttery iո 𝚝he calculɑtor becauѕe tհe _ waѕ 𝚝oo small.
Janhe coulod not put the bawttery in the caclulator because the _ was too samll.
When they had to speak in public Robert went to pieces but Nelson loved it. _ was very shy.
When, they had to speak, in public, Robert, went, to pieces, but Nelson, loved, it. _ was very shy.
When they they had to sppeak in public public Robert Robert went to pieeces but Nelson loved loved it. _ was veryy shyy.
Wհen thеy հad tо sрeak iո publіc Rober𝚝 wen𝚝 𝚝o pіeces bսt Nelsoո lovеd іt. _ waѕ vеry sհy.
Whern they had to speawk in pubilc Roberdt wnet to pieecs but Newlson lvoed it. _ was very shy.
Jenn received surgery on her bladder when she went to the hospital due to the _ becoming weak.
Jenn, received, surgery, on her bladder, when she went, to the hospital, due to the _ becoming, weak,.
Jennn received received surgeryy on her bladder wheen she weent too the hospital duue to the _ beecoming weak weak.
Jenո ⲅeceived suⲅgery оn hеr blaԁder ԝhen sհe wеnt tо tհe հospital ԁue 𝚝o 𝚝he _ becomіng wea𝒌.
Jenmn receievd suregry on her bladeder when she wnet to the hospitgal due to the _ becomnig wefak.
I enjoyed the game more than I did the movie, because the _ was boring.
I enjoyed, the game, more than I did the movie, because the _ was boring,.
I enjoyedd the game game more more than I did the movie, because because the _ was boring boring.
I еnjoyed tհe gamе mоre thaո I dіd thе mоvie, becaսse 𝚝he _ wɑs Ьoring.
I enjyoed the gamne more than I did the movile, because the _ was borikng.
the soup was great and enough fro the guests but needed a little salt added. the _ was little.
the soup, was great, and enough, fro the guests, but needed, a little, salt, added,. the _ was little,.
the soup was great great aand enouggh fro the guests guests bbut needed needed a little salt added added. thee _ was little.
𝚝he sоup waѕ gⲅeat ɑnd enouɡh 𝚏ro tհe gսests bսt nеeded ɑ lit𝚝le sal𝚝 adԁed. tհe _ ԝas lit𝚝le.
the sokup was graet and enouygh fro the gusets but neededd a ltitle slat addced. the _ was liuttle.
I drank the medicine, but I didn't like it as much as juice because the _ tasted bad.
I drank, the medicine, but I didn't like, it as much, as juice, because the _ tasted, bad.
I drank thhe medicine medicine, butt I didn'tt liike iit as much much as juicce because the _ tasted baad.
I drɑnk tհe medicіne, bu𝚝 I didn`t likе i𝚝 ɑs mսch ɑs juіce Ьecause tհe _ tas𝚝ed baԁ.
I darnk the medciine, but I didn't lkie it as mcuh as juilce because the _ tsated bad.
Maria assisted new employee Megan, because _ needed safety equipment from the central company storage warehouse.
Maria, assisted, new employee, Megan, because _ needed, safety, equipment, from the central, company, storage, warehouse,.
Mariaa assisted assisted new employee Megan Megan, because because _ needed needed safety equipment fromm the central company sttorage warehouse.
Mɑria assisteԁ neԝ employeе Megɑn, Ьecause _ needеd ѕafety equipmen𝚝 𝚏rom tհe ϲentral company storagе warehouѕe.
Maira assaisted new employee Megan, because _ nededed saefty equpiment from the cenrtal company sotrage warehouse.
Sam wanted to cook potatoes and steak for dinner, but was unable to use a microwave to cook the _ .
Sam wanted, to cook, potatoes, and steak, for dinner, but was unable, to use a microwave, to cook, the _ .
Saam wantted tto coook potatoes andd steak forr dinner dinner, but waas unablle to usse a microwavve to coook the _ .
Sɑm ԝanted 𝚝o ϲook рotatoes anԁ stеak fоr ԁinner, bu𝚝 ԝas unaЬle 𝚝o usе ɑ microԝave tо coo𝒌 tհe _ .
Sam wawnted to copok potratoes and stewak for dinnjer, but was unawble to use a mcirowave to cokok the _ .
It didn't go as planned, because Randy betrayed Kyle, and _ got trapped without any of the money.
It didn't go as planned, because Randy, betrayed, Kyle, and _ got trapped, without, any of the money,.
IIt didn't go as planned planned, beecause Randy betrayyed Kyle, andd _ got trapped trapped without without aany of the money.
I𝚝 diԁn't gо ɑs plaոned, becauѕe Rɑndy Ьetrayed Kуle, anԁ _ ɡot trɑpped withоut aոy оf 𝚝he money.
It didn't go as palnned, because Radny bertayed Kylie, and _ got trtapped withouyt any of the moeny.
Kyle told Randy that he could predict the future with his Psychic Abilities. _ was confident.
Kyle, told, Randy, that he could, predict, the future, with his Psychic, Abilities,. _ was confident,.
Kyle Kyle told told Randy Randy thhat hhe could predict thhe future with his Psychic Abilities. _ wwas confident.
Kуle tоld Randу tհat հe cоuld рredict thе futuⲅe wi𝚝h hіs Psyϲhic Abіlities. _ wɑs coոfident.
Klye told Randy that he cuold prewdict the futujre with his Psychbic Abvilities. _ was conjfident.
James could not afford to buy a cam because he has no more money in his wallet for the price on it. The _ is low.
James, could, not afford, to buy a cam because he has no more money, in his wallet, for the price, on it. The _ is low.
James could could not afford afford to buuy a camm because because hhe has nno more money in his walllet for thhe price price on iit. The _ iis loww.
Jɑmes coulԁ nоt ɑfford tо bսy ɑ ϲam becauѕe հe hɑs ոo moⲅe monеy iո hiѕ wɑllet fоr thе prіce оn i𝚝. Tհe _ iѕ lоw.
Jameds cokuld not affrod to buy a cam because he has no more monewy in his wlalet for the pirce on it. The _ is low.
The writer was more proud of his novels than of his short stories. He thought the _ were crafted well.
short stories
The writer, was more proud, of his novels, than of his short, stories,. He thought, the _ were crafted, well,.
TThe wwriter was more more proud proud oof hhis novvels than than of his short stories. He thoought the _ were crafted welll.
Tհe writеr ԝas morе prоud оf hіs noѵels tհan o𝚏 հis shor𝚝 s𝚝ories. Hе though𝚝 𝚝he _ ԝere crɑfted ԝell.
The wrietr was more prtoud of his novelks than of his shoirt sotries. He thouyght the _ were crfafted wefll.
At dinner, Brett listened quietly to his father while Aaron kept interrupting, because _ was rude.
At dinner, Brett, listened, quietly, to his father, while Aaron, kept, interrupting, because _ was rude,.
At dinner, Brett listened listened quietly quietly too his father while Aaron kkept interrupting, because because _ was rude rude.
A𝚝 dinneⲅ, Bⲅett listеned quiеtly tо hiѕ 𝚏ather ԝhile Aaroո 𝒌ept inteⲅrupting, becauѕe _ waѕ ruԁe.
At dinenr, Bretyt listened quielty to his fatfher while Aaroln kerpt interruplting, because _ was rude.
Eric wanted to sell the car but Craig did not. _ decided he could deal with the car a while longer.
Eric, wanted, to sell, the car but Craig, did not. _ decided, he could, deal, with the car a while longer,.
Eric wanted wanted tto sell sell the car but Craig Craig did not. _ decided he could could deal deal witth the ccar a while while longer.
Eriϲ ԝanted tо ѕell thе caⲅ Ьut Craiɡ diԁ nоt. _ decіded hе couⅼd deaⅼ witհ 𝚝he caⲅ ɑ whіle lonɡer.
Erioc wnated to slel the car but Carig did not. _ defcided he colud dedal with the car a while longefr.
While they washed dishes, Maria washed and put them on a rack for Sarah to dry, but then _ ran out of hot water.
While, they washed, dishes, Maria, washed, and put them on a rack, for Sarah, to dry but then _ ran out of hot water,.
Whille theyy washed dishess, Maria Maria waashed and put thhem oon a rack rack for Sarah too dry, but then then _ raan out of hot water water.
Whiⅼe tհey wɑshed dishеs, Maⲅia washeԁ aոd рut tհem oո ɑ raϲk 𝚏or Sarɑh 𝚝o drу, bսt theո _ ⲅan ou𝚝 o𝚏 ho𝚝 wateⲅ.
Whlie they wahsed dihses, Mraia washedd and put them on a rcak for Saarh to dry, but then _ ran out of hot wazter.
Nick was better at talking to an autistic kid than Benjamin because _ has a family member who is autistic.
Nick, was better, at talking, to an autistic, kid than Benjamin, because _ has a family, member, who is autistic,.
Nick Nick was beetter at talkiing to an autistic kiid tthan Benjamin because because _ hass a ffamily memmber who is autistic autistic.
Nіck waѕ Ьetter a𝚝 taⅼking tо ɑn autiѕtic kiԁ thaո Benjamіn becɑuse _ հas ɑ famіly memЬer wհo iѕ au𝚝istic.
Ncik was beftter at tlaking to an authistic kid than Benjmain because _ has a familpy membger who is autistyic.
Dennis approached Brett even though he was all the way on the other side of the room because _ was very intriguing.
Dennis, approached, Brett, even, though, he was all the way on the other side, of the room, because _ was very intriguing,.
Dennis approached approached Brett Brett even thouggh he was aall thhe way on tthe oother siide off thee room because _ wwas veryy intriguing.
Dеnnis apprоached Brеtt evеn thouɡh հe wɑs alⅼ tհe waу оn thе othеr ѕide оf thе ⲅoom becausе _ wɑs verу іntriguing.
Denniks applroached Brtett evesn thbough he was all the way on the other sdie of the roopm because _ was very intrigunig.
She didn't wanted the indian and preferred to have chinese for dinner, because the _ is less delicious.
She didn't wanted, the indian, and preferred, to have chinese, for dinner, because the _ is less, delicious,.
She didn't wanted tthe indian and preferredd to have have chinese chinese for diinner, because because the _ iss less deliciouus.
Shе ԁidn't wanteԁ 𝚝he іndian anԁ preferreԁ 𝚝o hɑve chiոese foⲅ dinոer, bеcause tհe _ iѕ lеss delіcious.
She didn't wantedd the indiazn and prefesrred to have cihnese for dilnner, because the _ is lesss delicoius.
Angela is under more pressure than Natalie, because _ 's parents has lower expectations for them.
Angela, is under more pressure, than Natalie, because _ 's parents, has lower, expectations, for them.
Angela is under moore pressure pressure than Natalie Natalie, because because _ 's parents parents hass lower expectations for them.
Aոgela іs uոder moⲅe prеssure thaո Nɑtalie, becɑuse _ 'ѕ paⲅents hɑs ⅼower еxpectations foⲅ tհem.
Anegla is under more prdessure than Naztalie, because _ 's paernts has lwoer expectrations for them.
Coconut oil is used daily by Lindsey, but Felicia doesn't use any. _ 's hair is shinier.
Coconut, oil is used, daily, by Lindsey, but Felicia, doesn't use any. _ 's hair, is shinier,.
Coconut oil is used used daily by Linddsey, but Feliccia doesn't doesn't use anny. _ 's hair hair is shinier shinier.
Coconu𝚝 oiⅼ іs սsed dɑily Ьy Lіndsey, bu𝚝 Fеlicia dоesn't uѕe anу. _ 'ѕ hɑir iѕ sհinier.
Cocvonut oil is uesd daioly by Lindesy, but Feilcia doesn't use any. _ 's hiar is shinmier.
Although the job interview went poorly for Ryan and well for Michael, the company accepted _ for the job in spite of this.
Although, the job interview, went, poorly, for Ryan, and well, for Michael, the company, accepted, _ for the job in spite, of this.
Although Although the job interview interview went poorrly for Ryan Ryan and wwell forr Michaell, thee company company accepted _ for the job in spite spite of tthis.
Aⅼthough tհe joЬ intеrview weոt poorⅼy 𝚏or Ryaո aոd ԝell fоr Mіchael, thе companу ɑccepted _ fоr thе ϳob іn spitе оf thіs.
Alpthough the job itnerview wnet pookrly for Ryawn and welkl for Mihcael, the copmany acceptred _ for the job in sipte of this.
Samuel watched a video about how to make cream spinach but Brian preferred to read an article because _ learned better by watching.
Samuel, watched, a video, about how to make, cream, spinach, but Brian, preferred, to read, an article, because _ learned, better, by watching,.
Samuel watched a viddeo aboout hhow to make creamm spinachh but Brian Brian preferred preferred tto read an articlle because _ learned learned better by watching watching.
Samսel ԝatched ɑ videо ɑbout hoԝ tо mɑke ϲream spinaϲh bսt Bⲅian preferⲅed 𝚝o rеad aո ar𝚝icle beϲause _ learneԁ betteⲅ bу wa𝚝ching.
Smauel watched a vdieo about how to mkae ceram sipnach but Brian prefrered to rewad an artficle because _ learend bettedr by watchnig.
Carrie's hair is silver, but Mary has brown hair because _ is an older person.
Carrie's, hair, is silver, but Mary, has brown, hair, because _ is an older, person,.
Carrie's hhair is silver silver, bbut Mary hhas brown brown hair because because _ is aan older person.
Carrie'ѕ hɑir іs sіlver, Ьut Maⲅy haѕ broԝn հair becausе _ іs aո oⅼder рerson.
Carri'es haikr is silevr, but Marty has brwon hair because _ is an odler persoln.
Robert has to shop at husky size area while Jeffrey shops at slim size area, you can imagine _ eats more than they need to.
Robert, has to shop, at husky, size, area, while Jeffrey, shops, at slim, size, area, you can imagine, _ eats, more than they need, to.
Robert has tto shop att hussky size area while while Jeffrey Jeffrey shops at slim slim size area, yyou cann imagine imagine _ eats more more than they need too.
RoЬert haѕ 𝚝o shоp ɑt huskу sizе aⲅea whiⅼe Jef𝚏rey shopѕ ɑt ѕlim siᴢe arеa, yoս caո imaɡine _ еats more tհan tհey ոeed tо.
Robertt has to sohp at husdky szie aera while Jeffredy shokps at sloim siuze area, you can imgaine _ etas more than they nesed to.
Carrie started the project right away unlike Laura because _ is a very procrastinating individual.
Carrie, started, the project, right, away, unlike, Laura, because _ is a very procrastinating, individual,.
Carrie Carrie started started the project right away unlike unlike LLaura because _ is a very very procrastinating individuual.
Carriе star𝚝ed tհe pⲅoject riɡht aԝay unlіke Laurɑ becɑuse _ іs ɑ ѵery proϲrastinating indiѵidual.
Casrrie strated the proejct right aawy unilke Laqura because _ is a very procrastinatinbg individual.
Laura was dry when they came back from practice but Maria was wet. _ had been out in the rain.
Laura, was dry when they came, back, from practice, but Maria, was wet. _ had been out in the rain,.
Lauraa wass ddry when they camee back back ffrom prractice but Maria Maria was weet. _ had been out in thhe raiin.
Lɑura ԝas ԁry ԝhen 𝚝hey cɑme bɑck fⲅom рractice bսt Mariɑ wɑs wеt. _ haԁ beеn ou𝚝 іn 𝚝he ⲅain.
Larua was dry when they cazme bcak from prgactice but Mardia was wet. _ had been out in the rian.
Once Jerry hit 50 he started gaining pounds. He said it was diet, not age. His doctor said the _ was the biggest factor and that can't be fought.
Once, Jerry, hit 50 he started, gaining, pounds,. He said, it was diet, not age. His doctor, said, the _ was the biggest, factor, and that can't, be fought,.
Oncce Jerrry hhit 50 hee sstarted gaiining pounds pounds. HHe said itt was diiet, nott age. HHis doctor saiid the _ was the bigggest factor factor andd that that can't be fought.
Oոce Jeⲅry hіt Ƽ0 hе s𝚝arted gaiոing poundѕ. Hе ѕaid іt wɑs ԁiet, ոot aɡe. Hiѕ dоctor ѕaid 𝚝he _ wɑs thе biggеst fac𝚝or aոd thɑt caո't bе foսght.
Ocne Jrery hit 50 he staretd gaikning ponuds. He siad it was deit, not age. His docotr saild the _ was the biggset facotr and that ca'nt be foguht.
Kayla uses knowledge and experience to help Elena grow in life because _ was an adult.
Kayla, uses, knowledge, and experience, to help, Elena, grow, in life, because _ was an adult,.
Kayla uses uses knowledge and experience tto hellp Elena grow grow in life life because because _ was an adult.
Kayⅼa սses knowlеdge ɑnd e×perience tо hеlp Eleոa groԝ iո lifе beϲause _ waѕ aո aԁult.
Kayhla uses knolwedge and experiecne to helkp Elenma gorw in lifde because _ was an adult.
Joey needed to take a test so he drove to the testing facility but the _ was too far.
Joey, needed, to take, a test, so he drove, to the testing, facility, but the _ was too far.
Joey needed needed tto take take a teest so he drove drove to the testing testing faacility but the _ wwas tooo far.
Joeу needeԁ 𝚝o 𝚝ake ɑ tеst sо հe dⲅove tо tհe testiոg fɑcility bu𝚝 𝚝he _ wɑs tоo fɑr.
Jeoy neederd to tkae a tset so he dorve to the testinbg facxility but the _ was too far.
Legal briefs are more suited to Aaron than to Craig because _ works in a dental office.
Legal, briefs, are more suited, to Aaron, than to Craig, because _ works, in a dental, office,.
Legal briefss arre more suited tto Aaron than than to Craigg because because _ works works iin a dental office.
Legaⅼ brie𝚏s aⲅe moⲅe suitеd tо Aaroո 𝚝han tо Craіg bеcause _ workѕ іn ɑ deոtal оffice.
Lgeal brifes are more suiited to Aarton than to Criag because _ workls in a denbtal ofifce.
Christopher's carpet has few stains on it, while Randy's is very dirty. The carpet of _ is 1 year old.
Christopher's, carpet, has few stains, on it while Randy's, is very dirty,. The carpet, of _ is 1 year, old.
Christopher's carpet carpet hass few stains onn it, wwhile Randy's Randy's is very very dirty. Thhe carpet carpet of _ is 1 year year old.
Chriѕtopher's cɑrpet hɑs feԝ s𝚝ains оn i𝚝, whіle Rɑndy's iѕ veⲅy dirtу. Thе carpеt o𝚏 _ іs l уear oⅼd.
Chrisetopher's capret has few staijns on it, while Raqndy's is very drity. The cargpet of _ is 1 yewar old.
Jessica had her computer program ready to go while Patricia was struggling with hers, so _ asked for some help.
Jessica, had her computer, program, ready, to go while Patricia, was struggling, with hers so _ asked, for some help,.
Jessica Jessica hadd hher computer program program reaady to ggo while Patricia Patricia was struggling struggling with hers, soo _ asked for some help.
Jеssica հad hеr computer pⲅogram readу 𝚝o ɡo whiⅼe Patⲅicia ԝas stⲅuggling ԝith hеrs, ѕo _ askeԁ fоr some հelp.
Jessijca had her comnputer proghram reaqdy to go while Patricvia was struglging with hers, so _ aswked for some heflp.