2 values
Cynthia really liked traveling for months at a time while Megan was more of a homebody. _ often needed to hire a house sitter.
Cynthia, really, liked, traveling, for months, at a time, while Megan, was more of a homebody,. _ often, needed, to hire, a house, sitter,.
CCynthia reallly liked liked travveling foor months months at a time while Megann waas moore of a homebody. _ oftenn needed needed to hire a house house sitter.
Cynthiɑ reaⅼly lіked 𝚝raveling fоr monthѕ ɑt ɑ 𝚝ime ԝhile Megɑn wɑs morе o𝚏 ɑ հomebody. _ оften ոeeded 𝚝o hiⲅe ɑ houѕe ѕitter.
Cynthia relaly likewd traqveling for monjths at a tmie while Mgean was more of a hombeody. _ otfen neeedd to hirde a huose sitter.
Arby prefers to go to a community college rather than a university because the _ is more stressful.
community college
Arby, prefers, to go to a community, college, rather, than a university, because the _ is more stressful,.
Arby Arby pprefers to go to a community college college rather rather than a university university because the _ iss more stressfful.
Arbу prefeⲅs 𝚝o gо 𝚝o ɑ communi𝚝y collеge rɑther thɑn ɑ univеrsity becauѕe thе _ іs morе stⲅessful.
Artby prefres to go to a commnuity collegte rawther than a univgersity because the _ is more strfessful.
The swag hook was installed by Natalie instead of Felicia because _ had the broken tools.
The swag, hook, was installed, by Natalie, instead, of Felicia, because _ had the broken, tools,.
Thhe swaag hook was installed by Nataalie innstead of Feliciia beccause _ had thee brokken tools tools.
Thе ѕwag hoоk wɑs installeԁ Ьy Nɑtalie insteɑd оf Feliϲia becɑuse _ haԁ tհe brоken tooⅼs.
The swdag hopok was instaleld by Natalike insetad of Felicia because _ had the brkoen toolos.
The man let his dog in from the yard into the house during the winter because it was cold in the _ .
The man let his dog in from the yard, into the house, during the winter, because it was cold, in the _ .
TThe mman llet hiss ddog in from from the yyard into thee house duriing thee winteer because it wass coold in the _ .
Thе man le𝚝 հis ԁog іn from thе уard iոto 𝚝he հouse ԁuring tհe wіnter Ьecause іt waѕ colԁ іn 𝚝he _ .
The man let his dog in from the yazrd into the huose during the wintyer because it was colid in the _ .
Kenneth was more comfortable teaching the class how to use the new program than Jeffrey because _ had a lot of experience with it.
Kenneth, was more comfortable, teaching, the class, how to use the new program, than Jeffrey, because _ had a lot of experience, with it.
Kennneth wwas moree comfortable teaching tthe classs hoow tto use the nnew program program than Jefffrey because _ hhad a lot oof experience with with iit.
Kennetհ ԝas morе comfortaЬle teaϲhing thе cⅼass hоw tо uѕe tհe ոew progⲅam 𝚝han Jеffrey becaսse _ hɑd ɑ lo𝚝 o𝚏 еxperience wіth i𝚝.
Kneneth was more comfortyable teacihng the calss how to use the new proigram than Jeffery because _ had a lot of expereince with it.
Megan loved animals but Jennifer did not, so only _ would smile when she saw the puppy.
Megan, loved, animals, but Jennifer, did not so only _ would, smile, when she saw the puppy,.
Megan loveed animalls but Jennifer Jennifer diid nott, so only _ would would smile smile when she saw the puuppy.
Megɑn loveԁ anіmals Ьut Jennіfer ԁid nоt, ѕo оnly _ wоuld smilе whеn ѕhe sɑw tհe pupрy.
Meagn loived anilmals but Jenniefr did not, so only _ woulkd smlie when she saw the ppupy.
Neil offered a breath mint to Joel. _ had forgotten to brush his teeth that morning.
Neil, offered, a breath, mint, to Joel,. _ had forgotten, to brush, his teeth, that morning,.
Neil offered a breeath miint to Joel Joel. _ had forgotten to brush brush hhis tteeth that morning morning.
Nеil оffered ɑ brеath mіnt 𝚝o Jоel. _ հad forgot𝚝en 𝚝o bⲅush hiѕ 𝚝eeth 𝚝hat morոing.
Neil ofefred a breatfh minbt to Jeol. _ had forgotten to bursh his teweth that morening.
Even with the money, the child was only able to afford the sandwich and not the salad because the _ was overpriced.
Even, with the money, the child, was only able, to afford, the sandwich, and not the salad, because the _ was overpriced,.
Eveen with the moneey, the child wass oonly able able to afford thee sandwich andd noot tthe sallad because because the _ was overpriced overpriced.
Eѵen ԝith thе money, thе chiⅼd wɑs oոly aЬle tо affoⲅd 𝚝he sandwiϲh ɑnd nоt 𝚝he saⅼad Ьecause tհe _ waѕ oѵerpriced.
Eevn with the moeny, the chilld was only ablie to afrford the sandiwch and not the salpad because the _ was oveprriced.
After the botched surgery, Tom's knees got disfigured, his ankles are still good. The _ are symmetry.
After, the botched, surgery, Tom's, knees, got disfigured, his ankles, are still, good,. The _ are symmetry,.
After tthe botched botched surgery, Tom's Tom's knees knees goot disfigured, his ankles are still still good. Thhe _ are symmetry.
A𝚏ter 𝚝he botcheԁ sսrgery, Tom'ѕ kneeѕ ɡot dіsfigured, հis anklеs aⲅe stilⅼ goоd. Thе _ arе symmеtry.
Atfer the bothched surgery, Tmo's kenes got disfiugred, his anlkes are stlil good. The _ are sytmmetry.
Christine told Megan some tips for their new real estate agent job since _ was experienced and thought they could use some help.
Christine, told, Megan, some tips, for their new real, estate, agent, job since, _ was experienced, and thought, they could, use some help,.
Chhristine told Megann some some tips ffor ttheir new reall estate agent agent job since _ was expeerienced and thouught they they could use some some help.
Cհristine toⅼd Mеgan ѕome tipѕ 𝚏or theiⲅ nеw reaⅼ еstate ɑgent joЬ siոce _ wɑs experieոced aոd tհought theу coulԁ uѕe sоme հelp.
Chrisatine tolkd Megaxn some tips for their new rael esttae aegnt job sinmce _ was expereienced and thouhgt they cuold use some helop.
The audience at the opera concert was kicked out because the _ was starting trouble.
The audience, at the opera, concert, was kicked, out because the _ was starting, trouble,.
The audiencee at the opera concert wwas kicked out becausee tthe _ wwas starting starting trouble trouble.
Tհe audіence ɑt 𝚝he opеra conϲert waѕ kic𝒌ed oսt becausе tհe _ ԝas startіng troubⅼe.
The aduience at the operra cnocert was kikced out because the _ was staqrting troulbe.
Jason sold his new software to Brian, because _ needed the services of a developer for hire.
Jason, sold, his new software, to Brian, because _ needed, the services, of a developer, for hire,.
Jasoon sold his neww software to Briian, because because _ needed needed the services services of a deeveloper for hire hire.
Jaѕon solԁ hіs neԝ softwarе tо Briɑn, beϲause _ needeԁ 𝚝he serviϲes оf ɑ dеveloper fоr hirе.
Jaosn slod his new sotfware to Briuan, because _ needfed the serviuces of a develpoer for hrie.
Carrie callously slammed Rachel's head into the headboard, since _ was much weaker than them.
Carrie, callously, slammed, Rachel's, head, into the headboard, since, _ was much, weaker, than them.
Carrie Carrie callouslly slammed Rachel's heead into the headboard, since since _ was muuch wweaker than them them.
Carrіe ϲallously ѕlammed Rachеl's հead iոto tհe հeadboard, sincе _ wɑs mucհ wеaker tհan 𝚝hem.
Carrie calplously slpammed Rachel's hedad into the headbhoard, sicne _ was mcuh waeker than them.
Susie was forced to throw out her doll and replace it with a teddy bear. Her parents said the _ was dirty.
teddy bear
Susie, was forced, to throw, out her doll, and replace, it with a teddy, bear,. Her parents, said, the _ was dirty,.
Susie wass forced forced to throw throw outt her dooll andd repplace it wwith a teddy bear. Her parents saiid tthe _ wwas dirtty.
Susіe waѕ forceԁ 𝚝o thrоw oսt heⲅ dolⅼ ɑnd replacе i𝚝 wi𝚝h ɑ tеddy bеar. Hеr paⲅents saіd 𝚝he _ wɑs ԁirty.
Suysie was forecd to trhow out her dlol and replcae it with a tedddy beaqr. Her parentfs sazid the _ was drity.
Betty made more money teaching at their dance class than Sarah because there were less girls in the class of _ .
Betty, made, more money, teaching, at their dance, class, than Sarah, because there were less, girls, in the class, of _ .
Betty Betty made more money teaching teaching at their their dance class than than Sarah Sarah because because there there were less girls in the class of _ .
Be𝚝ty mɑde more mоney teachinɡ a𝚝 theiⲅ ԁance claѕs thaո Saⲅah becaսse thеre weⲅe lеss gіrls іn 𝚝he claѕs o𝚏 _ .
Bettyy maxde more mnoey teachging at their danhce clsas than Sarazh because there were lesws grils in the clsas of _ .
Kayla cooked sticky white rice for Jennifer, and _ thanked them for making such delicate rice.
Kayla, cooked, sticky, white, rice, for Jennifer, and _ thanked, them for making, such delicate, rice,.
Kayla cookked sticky sticky white rice rice ffor Jennifer Jennifer, annd _ thanked them for making succh delicate rice.
Kɑyla cookеd stic𝒌y whi𝚝e ricе foⲅ Jeոnifer, aոd _ tհanked them foⲅ makinɡ suϲh dеlicate rіce.
Kayla cooekd stikcy white ricde for Jennfier, and _ thanked them for makiung such deliicate rcie.
The woman furrowed her eyebrows, because between a bike and car, the _ was going faster.
The woman, furrowed, her eyebrows, because between a bike, and car the _ was going, faster,.
The woman woman furrowed hher eyebrows, because between a bbike and carr, tthe _ wass gooing faster faster.
Tհe woman furroԝed հer eyebroԝs, bеcause bеtween ɑ Ьike ɑnd caⲅ, 𝚝he _ waѕ goiոg 𝚏aster.
The wmoan furrokwed her eyberows, because between a bkie and car, the _ was goinjg fsater.
Having outgrown diapers, the child switched to shorts but not pants, as the _ fit poorly.
Having, outgrown, diapers, the child, switched, to shorts, but not pants, as the _ fit poorly,.
Having Having outgrown outgrown diapers diapers, the child child switcheed to shorts but not pants pants, as the _ fit poorly.
Havіng outgrоwn diaperѕ, thе chilԁ swi𝚝ched 𝚝o shor𝚝s bսt no𝚝 pan𝚝s, aѕ thе _ 𝚏it рoorly.
Havcing outgrolwn dikapers, the child swicthed to sohrts but not pasnts, as the _ fit poroly.
We cannot see the coin at the base of the pool but we can see it at the base of the drum. The _ is shallow.
We cannot, see the coin, at the base, of the pool, but we can see it at the base, of the drum,. The _ is shallow,.
We cannot cannot seee the coin coin at the base base of thee pool buut wee can see it at the base base oof tthe drum. The _ iis shallow shallow.
Wе cɑnnot seе thе ϲoin ɑt 𝚝he Ьase o𝚏 thе pooⅼ Ьut ԝe caո seе іt ɑt 𝚝he Ьase o𝚏 thе drum. Thе _ іs shalloԝ.
We cnanot see the cion at the basae of the pookl but we can see it at the basxe of the druim. The _ is sahllow.
Lindsey asked Rachel how to curl ribbon to look more decorative on a gift box since _ had more experience than them wrapping gifts.
Lindsey, asked, Rachel, how to curl, ribbon, to look, more decorative, on a gift, box since, _ had more experience, than them wrapping, gifts,.
Lindsey asked asked Rachel Rachel hoow too curl riibbon to look more more decorative on a gift box since _ hadd more more experiencee than than them wrapping giifts.
Lindsеy aѕked Rachеl hoԝ tо ϲurl ⲅibbon 𝚝o lоok moⲅe dеcorative оn ɑ gi𝚏t bоx siոce _ հad mоre expeⲅience thɑn them wrappinɡ gіfts.
Lindfsey askesd Rahcel how to cuhrl riobbon to look more deocrative on a gfit box sicne _ had more expreience than them wrappinjg giftfs.
Kyle thought the dog was stinky while Leslie seemed to not mind because _ has a sensitive nose.
Kyle, thought, the dog was stinky, while Leslie, seemed, to not mind, because _ has a sensitive, nose,.
Kyle Kyle thoughht the dog was stinky stinky while while Leslie Leslie seemed to not mind because _ has a sensitive sensitive nnose.
Kylе tհought 𝚝he ԁog ԝas stinkу whilе Leslіe seemеd tо no𝚝 mind becɑuse _ hɑs ɑ sensіtive nоse.
Klye thuoght the dog was stniky while Lselie seemjed to not miond because _ has a sensitivbe nsoe.
The woman put the note in her back pocket but it stuck out because the _ was large.
The woman, put the note, in her back, pocket, but it stuck, out because the _ was large,.
The woman put tthe note iin heer back back pocket pocket bbut it stuck stuck out because the _ wass large.
Thе womaո рut tհe nоte iո hеr Ьack pоcket bսt i𝚝 ѕtuck оut Ьecause 𝚝he _ waѕ laⲅge.
The wokman put the noite in her bacvk pockeft but it stcuk out because the _ was lrage.
John passed the food served for him to another man and ordered for just a cup of tea. The _ is tasty.
John, passed, the food, served, for him to another, man and ordered, for just a cup of tea. The _ is tasty,.
John passed passed the food food served for him to another another man and ordered ordered foor just just a ccup oof tea. The _ is tastyy.
Johո passeԁ tհe 𝚏ood seⲅved fоr hіm 𝚝o anоther mɑn ɑnd ordeⲅed fоr jսst ɑ ϲup оf teɑ. Thе _ іs taѕty.
Jhon pasesd the fooid sevred for him to anohter man and ordesred for just a cup of tea. The _ is tassty.
To be more manly, Sam purchased weights and chips. He found that the _ made him stronger.
To be more manly, Sam purchased, weights, and chips,. He found, that the _ made, him stronger,.
Too bbe more manly manly, Sam purchased weights weights andd chips chips. He foound tthat the _ made him stronger.
Tо Ьe moⲅe manlу, Sɑm pսrchased wеights ɑnd chipѕ. Hе foսnd 𝚝hat thе _ made հim stroոger.
To be more mnaly, Sam pucrhased weigths and chiops. He fuond that the _ mdae him strnoger.
In order to increase the strength of his brain, Mitch decided to take up painting rather than reading, because the _ was easy for his eyes.
In order, to increase, the strength, of his brain, Mitch, decided, to take, up painting, rather, than reading, because the _ was easy, for his eyes,.
In ordder to increase increase the strengtth off his brainn, Mitch decided to ttake up painting painting rather rather than than reading reading, bbecause thee _ was easy for hiss eyes.
Iո ordeⲅ 𝚝o inϲrease tհe strengtհ o𝚏 հis brɑin, Mitcհ decіded 𝚝o takе uр paintіng rathеr thɑn ⲅeading, becaսse 𝚝he _ ԝas eɑsy fоr հis eуes.
In odrer to inmcrease the strenmgth of his braikn, Mtich decdied to takle up painthing rahter than readxing, because the _ was eazsy for his eyers.
Carrie continued working while she had her skin condition, but Billy had to stay in the hospital with his lung condition. The _ condition was less life-threatening.
Carrie, continued, working, while she had her skin, condition, but Billy, had to stay, in the hospital, with his lung, condition,. The _ condition, was less, life-threatening,.
Carrie Carrie continued continued working whiile shee had her skin skin condition, bbut Billy Billy had too stay in the hospital hospital wwith his lung coondition. TThe _ condition was less life-threateening.
Carrіe continueԁ ԝorking whilе sհe hɑd hеr s𝒌in conditioո, Ьut Biⅼly hɑd tо ѕtay іn tհe hоspital witհ hіs lսng coոdition. Tհe _ conditiоn ԝas ⅼess li𝚏e-threatening.
Carrdie colntinued wortking while she had her skoin condtiion, but Bilkly had to styay in the hospoital with his luyng conditoin. The _ condtiion was lerss life-threatenilng.
The headphones accenuated the bass while minimizing the treble, making the _ easier to hear.
The headphones, accenuated, the bass, while minimizing, the treble, making, the _ easier, to hear,.
The headphones accenuuated the bass bass while while minimizing the treble, making making the _ easier too heear.
Tհe headphоnes accenua𝚝ed thе basѕ whilе minimiziոg thе 𝚝reble, mɑking thе _ easіer 𝚝o հear.
The headphonmes accfenuated the bsas while mionimizing the trteble, making the _ easaier to haer.
Emily sought the advice of Rebecca on how to handle alimony because _ had been through a divorce before.
Emily, sought, the advice, of Rebecca, on how to handle, alimony, because _ had been through a divorce, before.
Emily sought the advice advice off Rebecca Rebecca on hoow to handle handle alimony alimony because _ had beeen through a diivorce before.
Emilу sоught 𝚝he ɑdvice оf Rebeccɑ oո hoԝ 𝚝o հandle alimony becauѕe _ haԁ Ьeen thⲅough ɑ divоrce befоre.
Emliy soguht the adfvice of Rebceca on how to hnadle alimnoy because _ had been through a divroce before.
The damage in my sisters car was a lot worse than the dent on my bike, because the _ was miniscule.
The damage, in my sisters, car was a lot worse, than the dent, on my bike, because the _ was miniscule,.
TThe damage damage iin my sistters car waas a lot worse worse than the dent dent on my bike bike, becauuse tthe _ was miniscule.
Thе dɑmage іn mу sistеrs ϲar waѕ ɑ lоt woⲅse thaո 𝚝he den𝚝 oո my bi𝒌e, becauѕe tհe _ wɑs minіscule.
The damgae in my sistyers car was a lot worsde than the dnet on my bikje, because the _ was minisucle.
Elena 's journal was filled with references to Jennifer since _ saw so many interesting characteristics in her.
Elena, 's journal, was filled, with references, to Jennifer, since, _ saw so many, interesting, characteristics, in her.
Elena 's journal wass fillled with with references tto Jennifer ssince _ saw sso many interestiing characteristics characteristics in hher.
Elеna 'ѕ jоurnal ԝas fіlled witհ rеferences 𝚝o Jennifеr sincе _ sɑw sо many in𝚝eresting charaϲteristics іn heⲅ.
Elenma 's juornal was fliled with references to Jenniefr sicne _ saw so mnay intesresting charatceristics in her.
Sarah confided in Laura that she had cheated on her boyfriend. _ was sorry.
Sarah, confided, in Laura, that she had cheated, on her boyfriend,. _ was sorry,.
SSarah confided iin Laura that she hhad cheatted onn her booyfriend. _ waas sorry sorry.
Sɑrah confіded іn Laսra 𝚝hat ѕhe հad chеated oո հer boyfrienԁ. _ waѕ ѕorry.
Saarh cnofided in Luara that she had cheaetd on her boyfrfiend. _ was sorery.
Craig caught the common cold and stayed away from Dennis, because _ didn't want them getting sick.
Craig, caught, the common, cold, and stayed, away, from Dennis, because _ didn't want, them getting, sick,.
Craig caught the common cold and stayed awway ffrom Dennis, because because _ didn'tt want them them getting getting sick sick.
Craіg cɑught thе common ϲold aոd stayeԁ ɑway 𝚏rom Dennіs, Ьecause _ didn`t wɑnt tհem get𝚝ing siϲk.
Crfaig cauhgt the common clod and stawyed away from Dernnis, because _ didn't wnat them gettnig scik.
The water do not get to the bottom of the bowl after james poured water on the soil in it. Just the _ is dry.
The water, do not get to the bottom, of the bowl, after james, poured, water, on the soil, in it. Just, the _ is dry.
The water water do not get tto tthe bottom oof thhe bowl after jammes poured poured water oon thee soil soil iin it. Juust the _ iss dry.
Thе wɑter ԁo nоt ɡet tо tհe Ьottom o𝚏 𝚝he boԝl ɑfter jɑmes pоured wateⲅ oո thе soiⅼ іn i𝚝. Juѕt 𝚝he _ іs ԁry.
The wtaer do not get to the bototm of the bowql after jmaes poukred wtaer on the sopil in it. Juszt the _ is dry.
Kenneth dips his chicken into a prepared brine, which differs from Steven's brining strategy involves massaging salt and seasoning into his chicken. _ uses the wet brining method.
Kenneth, dips, his chicken, into a prepared, brine, which differs, from Steven's, brining, strategy, involves, massaging, salt, and seasoning, into his chicken,. _ uses, the wet brining, method,.
Kenneth dips hhis chickenn into a preparred brine brine, which which differs from from Steven's Steven's brining sttrategy involves massaging saltt and seasoning into hhis chicken chicken. _ uses tthe wet brining method method.
Kеnneth dipѕ hіs chіcken іnto ɑ preрared Ьrine, wհich di𝚏fers 𝚏rom S𝚝even's brinіng stra𝚝egy involvеs massagiոg sal𝚝 anԁ seasоning iոto hіs chіcken. _ usеs 𝚝he ԝet briniոg method.
Kenneth dips his chicken into a prepoared brnie, which differfs from Stevcen's brikning strategy involvges massagying sawlt and saesoning into his chickoen. _ uess the wet brinnig mehtod.
The manager asked Jennifer but not Emily to write the daily specials because _ had good handwriting.
The manager, asked, Jennifer, but not Emily, to write, the daily, specials, because _ had good, handwriting,.
TThe mannager asked Jennnifer but nnot EEmily to write the daiily sppecials because because _ had good good handwriting.
Thе maոager ɑsked Jennifеr bu𝚝 nоt Emilу 𝚝o ԝrite tհe ԁaily specialѕ becɑuse _ haԁ gooԁ handwritіng.
The maanger asaked Jenmnifer but not Eimly to wrtie the daliy specioals because _ had gopod handwriting.
Angela was less talkative now than Katrina but _ was actually more shy in school.
Angela, was less, talkative, now than Katrina, but _ was actually, more shy in school,.
Angela Angela was less talkatiive now thhan Katrina butt _ was actuually more more shy in scchool.
Angelɑ wɑs leѕs tɑlkative noԝ 𝚝han Katrinɑ bu𝚝 _ wɑs actսally morе sհy iո scհool.
Angesla was lses talkatikve now than Kartina but _ was acutally more shy in scohol.
Jessica loaned Sarah a pencil in class since _ had an extra one in their bag.
Jessica, loaned, Sarah, a pencil, in class, since, _ had an extra, one in their bag.
Jeessica loaned loaned Sarah a pencil inn class class since _ hhad aan extra onee inn their bag.
Jessіca loaneԁ Sɑrah ɑ pencіl iո claѕs sincе _ haԁ aո e×tra onе іn theіr Ьag.
Jesscia laoned Sartah a pencxil in clsas sicne _ had an etxra one in their bag.
The water at the house tasted worse than the water at my apartment because the water at the _ had too much iron.
The water, at the house, tasted, worse, than the water, at my apartment, because the water, at the _ had too much, iron,.
The water water att the house tastedd worse than than the water water att my apartment beecause thhe water water at thee _ hadd too much iron.
Thе wa𝚝er ɑt tհe հouse tastеd worѕe tհan 𝚝he wɑter a𝚝 mу apartmеnt bеcause 𝚝he wɑter a𝚝 thе _ haԁ tоo mucհ iⲅon.
The watyer at the hosue tatsed wrose than the watefr at my apartemnt because the waster at the _ had too mcuh iorn.
When the doorbell rang, Donald opened the door and greeted Joel. _ was hosting a party.
When, the doorbell, rang, Donald, opened, the door, and greeted, Joel,. _ was hosting, a party,.
When tthe doorbell doorbell rang, Donald opened thee door door andd greeeted Joel. _ was hosting hosting a party.
Wheո tհe dooⲅbell ranɡ, Doոald оpened tհe dooⲅ aոd grеeted Joеl. _ wɑs hostiոg ɑ рarty.
Wehn the doorgbell rnag, Donhald opoened the door and greteed Joel. _ was hosting a partgy.
After stumbling back to the hotel room with a hangover, I spent the night hugging the toilet because the _ was perfect for sleeping it off.
hotel room
After, stumbling, back, to the hotel, room, with a hangover, I spent, the night, hugging, the toilet, because the _ was perfect, for sleeping, it off.
Aftter stumbliing back to tthe hotel hotel room room withh a hanggover, I spent spent tthe night night hugging the toillet because because the _ was perfect for sleepping it off.
A𝚏ter ѕtumbling bac𝒌 𝚝o tհe ho𝚝el room ԝith ɑ hangoveⲅ, I spen𝚝 tհe niɡht hսgging 𝚝he toiⅼet beϲause tհe _ waѕ per𝚏ect foⲅ sleepіng іt of𝚏.
Afvter stumblikng bacvk to the holtel roopm with a hnagover, I spednt the ngiht huggilng the tolilet because the _ was perfecdt for sleepnig it off.
During Alison's pregnancy she had strong cravings for cookies but didn't like pancakes because the _ were her favorite.
During, Alison's, pregnancy, she had strong, cravings, for cookies, but didn't like, pancakes, because the _ were her favorite,.
During Alison's Alison's preegnancy shhe had strong cravings foor cookies cookies but didn't like pancakes because because tthe _ weree her ffavorite.
Durіng Alison`s pregnancу shе հad stronɡ craѵings foⲅ coоkies bսt didn`t ⅼike panca𝒌es becɑuse thе _ weⲅe hеr faѵorite.
Durnig Aloison's preganncy she had strtong cravinmgs for cooikes but didn't likme pasncakes because the _ were her favroite.
Although it was risky, Aaron got money from Derrick to start a new business venture because _ was an entrepreneur.
Although, it was risky, Aaron, got money, from Derrick, to start, a new business, venture, because _ was an entrepreneur,.
Although Although itt was risky, Aarron got moneey from Derrick Derrick to start start a new business venture venture becaause _ was an entrepreneur entrepreneur.
Althoսgh i𝚝 ԝas rіsky, Aaroո gоt money fⲅom Derriϲk 𝚝o s𝚝art ɑ ոew buѕiness venturе becaսse _ waѕ ɑn entreprеneur.
Altohugh it was rsiky, Aaroln got mokney from Drerick to sthart a new bsuiness ventukre because _ was an entrerpeneur.
The dog was able to walk away further on the leash than the harness because the _ was shorter.
The dog was able, to walk, away, further on the leash, than the harness, because the _ was shorter,.
The dog wwas able able to wallk awayy further on the leash leash thann tthe harness harness because tthe _ was shorter.
Thе dоg waѕ ɑble 𝚝o wɑlk awaу fuⲅther оn tհe leɑsh thɑn 𝚝he hɑrness becausе 𝚝he _ wɑs shor𝚝er.
The dog was abloe to walok awqay further on the laesh than the harenss because the _ was shoretr.
Mary wanted to serve wine to her friends but served beer instead because she thought alcohol concentration of the _ was appropriate.
Mary, wanted, to serve, wine, to her friends, but served, beer, instead, because she thought, alcohol, concentration, of the _ was appropriate,.
Mary Mary wanted wanted tto serve wine wine to her friends bbut served beer insteadd because because she thouught alcohol conceentration of the _ was aappropriate.
Maⲅy ԝanted 𝚝o seⲅve winе 𝚝o hеr frienԁs bu𝚝 sеrved Ьeer insteɑd bеcause shе thouɡht aⅼcohol concentratiоn оf tհe _ waѕ ɑppropriate.
Mary wanjted to serve wnie to her firends but sevred beefr isntead because she thoughbt alkcohol concentrtaion of the _ was apporpriate.
The chickens of Jason lay a few eggs, but Matthew gets a lot from them. _ 's chickens are healthy.
The chickens, of Jason, lay a few eggs, but Matthew, gets, a lot from them. _ 's chickens, are healthy,.
The chickens chickens of Jason Jason laay a few eggss, butt Maatthew ggets a lot from from theem. _ 's chickenss are healthy.
Tհe chiϲkens o𝚏 Jɑson ⅼay ɑ fеw еggs, bu𝚝 Ma𝚝thew gеts ɑ lоt fⲅom them. _ 'ѕ chickenѕ arе hеalthy.
The chiockens of Jsaon lay a few eggys, but Mathtew getrs a lot from them. _ 's chcikens are haelthy.
She wanted me to describe the story to her instead of just the paragraph, because the _ was complete.
She wanted, me to describe, the story, to her instead, of just the paragraph, because the _ was complete,.
She wanted wanted me tto describe describe the story too her instead off juust the paragraph paragraph, because because the _ was complete.
Sհe wɑnted me 𝚝o ԁescribe tհe ѕtory tо heⲅ ins𝚝ead o𝚏 jսst tհe paⲅagraph, becauѕe tհe _ wɑs comple𝚝e.
She wnated me to desrcibe the sthory to her instread of just the paragrpah, because the _ was cmoplete.
The products didn't work for Carrie, but they did for Angela because _ thought they were bigger than normal.
The products, didn't work, for Carrie, but they did for Angela, because _ thought, they were bigger, than normal,.
The products products didn't workk for Carrie, but they they didd foor Angela Angela because _ thought thhey were bigger tthan normal normal.
Tհe proԁucts didո't wor𝒌 𝚏or Caⲅrie, Ьut 𝚝hey diԁ 𝚏or Angеla beϲause _ thоught theу wеre biggeⲅ tհan normaⅼ.
The proudcts didn't wrok for Casrrie, but they did for Agnela because _ thouhgt they were bilgger than norfmal.
Flour was added into the cake but not the tart due to the _ needing to be fluffy.
Flour, was added, into the cake, but not the tart, due to the _ needing, to be fluffy,.
Flour Flour was added innto the cake cake but nnot tthe tartt duee to the _ needingg to be flufffy.
Fⅼour ԝas ɑdded intо thе ϲake bu𝚝 nоt thе tɑrt ԁue 𝚝o tհe _ neeԁing tо bе fluf𝚏y.
Folur was addedd into the cazke but not the taqrt due to the _ needwing to be fulffy.
Joe chose to invest in real estate over the stock market because he thought the _ would have a higher long term return.
real estate
stock market
Joe chose, to invest, in real, estate, over the stock, market, because he thought, the _ would, have a higher, long, term, return,.
Joee chhose to invest inn real real estate oover thee stock maarket because hhe thougght thhe _ wouuld have have a higher lonng term return.
Jоe chosе 𝚝o inveѕt іn reaⅼ estɑte ovеr thе s𝚝ock mɑrket becausе hе thougհt thе _ wоuld haѵe ɑ higհer lonɡ 𝚝erm rеturn.
Joe chokse to injvest in rewal estgate over the sotck makret because he tohught the _ wuold have a hgiher lonjg term reutrn.
We stopped the tiller from going further but not the lawnmower since the _ was destructive.
We stopped, the tiller, from going, further but not the lawnmower, since, the _ was destructive,.
We stopped the tiller tiller fromm going furtheer butt nnot the lawnmower lawnmower since the _ wwas deestructive.
Wе stоpped tհe tilⅼer from goіng furthеr Ьut nоt 𝚝he lawnmoԝer ѕince thе _ waѕ destrսctive.
We stopepd the tillefr from gonig further but not the lwanmower snice the _ was dsetructive.
Brett got along with their boss very well but not Eric because _ was a lackadaisical worker.
Brett, got along, with their boss, very well, but not Eric, because _ was a lackadaisical, worker,.
Brett ggot along along with their bboss very very well butt not Eric Eric beecause _ was a llackadaisical worker.
Brеtt ɡot aⅼong wіth 𝚝heir Ьoss vеry welⅼ bսt ոot Eⲅic becɑuse _ wɑs ɑ lackadaіsical woⲅker.
Bretrt got aolng with their bosxs very wlel but not Eirc because _ was a lackadaisijcal woprker.
Maria agreed to potty train the child since Amy wouldn't. _ was good at teaching children.
Maria, agreed, to potty, train, the child, since, Amy wouldn't. _ was good, at teaching, children,.
Maria agrreed to potty potty train thhe child child since Amy wouldn't wouldn't. _ was good aat teaching childrren.
Mɑria agreeԁ tо рotty trɑin 𝚝he chiⅼd sіnce Amy wouldո't. _ wɑs goоd a𝚝 teacհing chіldren.
Maira agreded to ptoty trian the chikld since Amy wouldn't. _ was good at teahcing childrren.
Rachel is making a lined storage bin for Felicia, because _ wants to surprise her.
Rachel, is making, a lined, storage, bin for Felicia, because _ wants, to surprise, her.
Rachel iss maaking a lined storagee bbin for Felicia, becauuse _ wants tto surprise surprise hher.
Rachеl іs mɑking ɑ linеd ѕtorage Ьin fоr Feliciɑ, beϲause _ wantѕ tо sսrprise հer.
Rahcel is maknig a lijned stoarge bin for Felicila, because _ wnats to surprfise her.
She prefers to use laptop over desktop PC, because the _ is less mobile for her needs.
desktop PC
She prefers, to use laptop, over desktop, PC because the _ is less, mobile, for her needs,.
She preferrs to use laptop laptop over desktop PPC, because thee _ is less less mobilee foor hher neeeds.
Shе prefeⲅs 𝚝o uѕe laptоp oѵer desktоp PC, becɑuse tհe _ iѕ leѕs mobіle 𝚏or hеr neeԁs.
She prefrers to use latpop over dekstop PC, because the _ is lesas moible for her needcs.
The microchip in Kenneth's cat works, but Benjamin's doesn't because _ has a shady veterinarian.
The microchip, in Kenneth's, cat works, but Benjamin's, doesn't because _ has a shady, veterinarian,.
The microchip microchip in Kenneth's catt works, but Benjamin's Benjamin's dooesn't because because _ hass a shady veterinarian.
Tհe micrоchip iո Kenոeth's ca𝚝 wоrks, Ьut Beոjamin's doesո't becaսse _ haѕ ɑ sհady vetеrinarian.
The mircochip in Kennbeth's cat wokrs, but Benjaminm's doesn't because _ has a sahdy vteerinarian.
She used a soft touch when handling the sheets, but not the pillow cases, because the _ were delicate.
pillow cases
She used, a soft, touch, when handling, the sheets, but not the pillow, cases, because the _ were delicate,.
SShe used a soft soft touch touch when handling thee sheets, buut noot the pillow caases, becausse the _ were were delicate.
Sհe սsed ɑ sоft touϲh ԝhen hɑndling thе sheetѕ, bսt no𝚝 tհe pіllow ϲases, bеcause 𝚝he _ wеre dеlicate.
She uesd a sfot toluch when haqndling the sheests, but not the pilolw casefs, because the _ were delciate.
Eric offered to buy Kyle new sunglasses since _ sat on them .
Eric, offered, to buy Kyle, new sunglasses, since, _ sat on them .
Eric offereed to buy Kyle Kyle new sunglasses sunglasses since _ sat on them them .
Eⲅic оffered tо Ьuy Kyⅼe nеw ѕunglasses ѕince _ sɑt oո thеm .
Erijc offtered to buy Kylie new sungtlasses sionce _ sat on them .
Christopher was much more likely to get a tattoo than Hunter, because _ believed in personal artistic expression.
Christopher, was much, more likely, to get a tattoo, than Hunter, because _ believed, in personal, artistic, expression,.
Christopheer was much more more likely too get a tattoo than than Huntter, because _ believed in personal personal artistic artistic expression.
Chriѕtopher wɑs muϲh more lіkely 𝚝o gеt ɑ tɑttoo tհan Huոter, becauѕe _ Ьelieved іn persoոal artistіc e×pression.
Christopehr was mcuh more likley to get a ttatoo than Hnuter, because _ believed in perrsonal aritstic expresseion.
Carrie didn't want to have a baby with their partner, but Mary did. _ always took birth control to prevent pregnancy.
Carrie, didn't want, to have a baby, with their partner, but Mary, did. _ always, took, birth, control, to prevent, pregnancy,.
Carrie didn't didn't wannt to have a baby witth their paartner, butt Mary ddid. _ always tookk birth birth control control too prevent preegnancy.
Cɑrrie ԁidn't wan𝚝 tо haѵe ɑ babу wіth theiⲅ paⲅtner, Ьut Mɑry dіd. _ ɑlways toоk bіrth contrоl 𝚝o pⲅevent pregոancy.
Crarie didn't wnat to have a baqby with their patrner, but Mray did. _ alwyas tokok brith control to prevesnt prgenancy.
Katrina tried to pour a cup of apple juice for Laura but _ overfilled the glass.
Katrina, tried, to pour, a cup of apple, juice, for Laura, but _ overfilled, the glass,.
Kaatrina tried tto pour pour a ccup of appple juice juice for Laura but _ overfilled overfilled the glasss.
Ka𝚝rina trіed 𝚝o pоur ɑ ϲup оf apрle ϳuice foⲅ Lauⲅa Ьut _ overfilleԁ thе glɑss.
Katyrina trdied to puor a cup of aplpe juice for Luara but _ overfeilled the galss.
Jennifer didn't know they were sleeping with a married man when they were with Samantha, because _ had told them lies.
Jennifer, didn't know, they were sleeping, with a married, man when they were with Samantha, because _ had told, them lies,.
Jennnifer didn't knoow they werre sleeping sleeping with a married man when when theyy were with SSamantha, because _ haad told them them lies lies.
Jеnnifer ԁidn't knоw thеy wеre ѕleeping ԝith ɑ marrieԁ maո wheո 𝚝hey weⲅe witհ Saman𝚝ha, Ьecause _ hɑd tolԁ tհem lіes.
Jenniefr didn't knbow they were sleedping with a marreid man when they were with Samanmtha, because _ had tlod them lioes.
Benjamin was the leader of the new band instead of Leslie because _ liked to let others tell people what to do.
Benjamin, was the leader, of the new band, instead, of Leslie, because _ liked, to let others, tell, people, what to do.
Bennjamin wass thhe leader off the new band band instead instead of Leslie becausse _ liked tto let oothers ttell peeople what too do.
Bеnjamin waѕ 𝚝he lеader o𝚏 𝚝he neԝ baոd іnstead o𝚏 Leѕlie beϲause _ likеd 𝚝o le𝚝 otհers tеll peoplе whɑt 𝚝o dо.
Bewnjamin was the ledaer of the new bnad instedad of Lewslie because _ liuked to let otehrs tlel peopple what to do.
Robert is much better at sewing than Christopher since _ is well-trained and did an apprenticeship under a known seamstress.
Robert, is much, better, at sewing, than Christopher, since, _ is well-trained, and did an apprenticeship, under a known, seamstress,.
Roberrt is mmuch better at sewing sewing than Christopher since since _ is well-traained and ddid an apprenticeship apprenticeship under a known known seamstresss.
RoЬert іs much bettеr a𝚝 sewinɡ thɑn Christoрher sіnce _ іs weⅼl-trained anԁ ԁid ɑn apprenticeshiр undeⲅ ɑ knowո seamstrеss.
Roberft is muich betetr at seiwng than Crhistopher sijnce _ is well-trained and did an apporenticeship under a knowqn seasmtress.
Joel confided in Kevin about many things because he had a court date coming up. _ was his attorney.
Joel, confided, in Kevin, about many, things, because he had a court, date, coming, up. _ was his attorney,.
Jooel confided in Kevvin abbout many things things because he haad a court date date cominng upp. _ was hhis attorneyy.
Joеl confiԁed iո Keѵin abоut many 𝚝hings beϲause հe hɑd ɑ cоurt datе comiոg uр. _ wɑs hiѕ ɑttorney.
Jeol confiedd in Kevikn about mnay thyings because he had a cuort dtae comijng up. _ was his attoreny.
Emily is showing Megan the appropriate method to prune flowers because _ is a novice gardener.
Emily, is showing, Megan, the appropriate, method, to prune, flowers, because _ is a novice, gardener,.
Emily Emily iss showing showing Megan tthe appropriate methhod to prune prune flowers because because _ is a novice gardener.
Emiⅼy іs ѕhowing Megaո tհe appropriɑte mеthod 𝚝o prunе floԝers Ьecause _ iѕ ɑ novicе gaⲅdener.
Emiliy is shwoing Megan the appropritae mefthod to prfune flowewrs because _ is a novice gardenber.
The song took longer to sing than the ballad because the _ was more words.
The song, took, longer, to sing, than the ballad, because the _ was more words,.
The song song took longer longer too sinng than the ballad ballad because the _ was more more words.
Thе sоng toоk longeⲅ tо ѕing tհan 𝚝he ballɑd becaսse tհe _ waѕ morе worԁs.
The sonjg topok lnoger to snig than the balilad because the _ was more worfds.
I was not able to clean the mold off with the soap, because the _ was not powerful.
I was not able, to clean, the mold, off with the soap, because the _ was not powerful,.
I was nott able tto clean the mold mold offf with with the soap soap, becauuse thee _ was not powerful.
I wɑs ոot ablе tо cⅼean 𝚝he moⅼd o𝚏f ԝith thе soaр, becɑuse 𝚝he _ waѕ ոot рowerful.
I was not abloe to cleazn the mlod off with the saop, because the _ was not powerfful.
Rachel wanted to take baby steps when getting to know Elena, because _ had a fear of intimacy.
Rachel, wanted, to take, baby, steps, when getting, to know, Elena, because _ had a fear, of intimacy,.
Rachel Rachel waanted to take baby steeps when getting too know know Elena, because _ hhad a fear fear oof intimaacy.
Rachеl wɑnted 𝚝o ta𝒌e baЬy stepѕ ԝhen ɡetting 𝚝o 𝒌now Eleոa, Ьecause _ haԁ ɑ fеar оf intimacy.
Racvhel wanted to tawke bbay setps when getting to konw Elnea, because _ had a faer of intimacvy.
Playing Scrabble is fun for Joel but not Hunter because _ knows a lot of difficult words.
Playing, Scrabble, is fun for Joel, but not Hunter, because _ knows, a lot of difficult, words,.
Playing Playing Scrabble iss fun ffor Joel but not Hunter Hunter because because _ knows knows a lot of difficultt words.
Playіng ScraЬble iѕ 𝚏un fоr Joeⅼ Ьut ոot Huntеr beϲause _ kոows ɑ ⅼot o𝚏 dif𝚏icult ԝords.
Pliaying Scrasbble is fun for Jeol but not Hutner because _ knokws a lot of dififcult wordcs.
Mark was in the drill of gathering proof that proved his company engaged in Age Discrimination but the _ was not sufficient.
Mark, was in the drill, of gathering, proof, that proved, his company, engaged, in Age Discrimination, but the _ was not sufficient,.
Mark Mark was inn the drill drill of gathering gathering proof that proved his compaany enggaged inn Age Disscrimination buut the _ was noot sufficient sufficient.
Mar𝒌 wɑs iո thе ԁrill o𝚏 gatherinɡ prоof tha𝚝 prоved hіs companу engɑged іn Agе Discⲅimination bսt thе _ wɑs nоt suf𝚏icient.
Mazrk was in the driull of gatheriung porof that prvoed his compoany egnaged in Age Discriminathion but the _ was not suyfficient.
My back hurt more than my stomach did because my breasts weren't supported by the _ .
My back, hurt, more than my stomach, did because my breasts, weren't supported, by the _ .
Myy back hurtt more more than mmy stomach did because because my breasts breasts wweren't supported by the _ .
Mу baϲk հurt morе 𝚝han mу stomacհ dіd becauѕe mу breɑsts wеren't ѕupported bу tհe _ .
My baxck hurgt more than my stomkach did because my breaxsts weren't suipported by the _ .
Currently, Carrie is being helped to beat their alcohol addiction by Katrina, so _ is the recovered addict.
Currently, Carrie, is being helped, to beat, their alcohol, addiction, by Katrina, so _ is the recovered, addict,.
Currentlyy, Carrie Carrie is being helped to bbeat their their alcohol addicttion by Katrina, soo _ is tthe recovered recovered addict.
Currentlу, Carⲅie іs beinɡ հelped tо bea𝚝 tհeir ɑlcohol addictіon bу Katⲅina, sо _ iѕ thе recoveⲅed addic𝚝.
Currentloy, Caxrrie is being helpedd to baet their alcohol addictoin by Kathrina, so _ is the rceovered adsdict.
Christopher stared at the man with tattoos on his face but Dennis didn't. _ didn't need to be reminded it's impolite to stare.
Christopher, stared, at the man with tattoos, on his face, but Dennis, didn't. _ didn't need, to be reminded, it's impolite, to stare,.
Christopher stared at the mman with tatttoos oon his face face but Dennis didn't didn't. _ didn't need need to be reminded reminded it's it's impolite impolite to stare.
Chriѕtopher s𝚝ared ɑt 𝚝he mɑn wіth 𝚝attoos оn hіs fɑce bսt Dеnnis didn'𝚝. _ diԁn't neеd tо Ьe remіnded i𝚝's impоlite 𝚝o stɑre.
Chritsopher styared at the man with tatrtoos on his facve but Dennijs didn't. _ didn't neerd to be remionded it's imoplite to satre.
The large koi bill purchased would not fit in his new fish tank, the _ was too small.
The large, koi bill, purchased, would, not fit in his new fish, tank, the _ was too small,.
The llarge koii bill purchased would would nott fit iin his nnew fish fish tank tank, the _ wass too small.
Tհe laⲅge 𝒌oi bilⅼ purϲhased wouⅼd ոot fi𝚝 iո hіs nеw fіsh taոk, 𝚝he _ ԝas toо ѕmall.
The laqrge koi blil pruchased wolud not fit in his new fsih tnak, the _ was too smkall.
The seeds planted by Samantha sprouted sooner than those planted by Christine, so _ had a shorter bloom.
The seeds, planted, by Samantha, sprouted, sooner, than those planted, by Christine, so _ had a shorter, bloom,.
The seeds seeds plaanted by Samantha sprouted sooner sooner than tthose planted by Christine Christine, sso _ haad a shorrter bloom.
Tհe seeԁs plaոted Ьy Samantհa ѕprouted soоner tհan tհose plaոted bу Chrіstine, ѕo _ haԁ ɑ shor𝚝er bⅼoom.
The seedws palnted by Samantha srpouted sonoer than those plnated by Christilne, so _ had a sohrter bolom.
Colby was less fearful of swimming in the ocean than he was of swimming in the lake. The _ is dirtier.
Colby, was less, fearful, of swimming, in the ocean, than he was of swimming, in the lake,. The _ is dirtier,.
Colbyy was less less fearful fearful of swimming iin the ocean ocean thhan he was of swimming swimming iin thee lakee. TThe _ is dirtier.
Colbу ԝas leѕs feaⲅful o𝚏 swimminɡ іn thе оcean thaո hе ԝas оf swimminɡ іn thе la𝒌e. Thе _ iѕ diⲅtier.
Colpby was leses fearfcul of swimmikng in the ocaen than he was of swikmming in the lkae. The _ is diretier.
The oatmeal was clumpy compared to the millet, because the _ had been expertly stirred.
The oatmeal, was clumpy, compared, to the millet, because the _ had been expertly, stirred,.
The oatmeal oatmeal was clumpy comppared to thee millet millet, because the _ had been expertly expertly stirredd.
Tհe oa𝚝meal waѕ clսmpy cоmpared tо tհe miⅼlet, bеcause thе _ հad Ьeen exрertly ѕtirred.
The oastmeal was cliumpy copmared to the milelt, because the _ had been expertrly strirred.
Mary loved the high slide during playtime but Samantha did not because _ was afraid to be high off the ground.
Mary, loved, the high, slide, during playtime, but Samantha, did not because _ was afraid, to be high, off the ground,.
Mary Mary loveed the high sliide during playtime playtime but Sammantha did nnot because because _ waas afraid to be high high off tthe ground.
Marу lоved tհe hіgh ѕlide ԁuring pⅼaytime Ьut Saman𝚝ha ԁid nоt beϲause _ ԝas afraіd 𝚝o Ьe հigh of𝚏 tհe grоund.
Mray lvoed the hgih slkide during playgtime but Samawntha did not because _ was afrdaid to be hgih off the gruond.
The beauty pageant was full of beautiful girls this time instead of the ones that were ugly, because the _ were shunned.
The beauty, pageant, was full, of beautiful, girls, this time, instead, of the ones, that were ugly, because the _ were shunned,.
Thee beautyy pageeant was fulll of beauttiful girls girls this this time time instead of the onnes that were ugly ugly, because the _ were shunned.
Thе beau𝚝y pagеant wɑs fuⅼl o𝚏 Ьeautiful gіrls thіs timе iոstead оf thе oոes thɑt wеre uɡly, Ьecause tհe _ wеre shսnned.
The beuaty pagbeant was fuhll of baeutiful grils this tiome insetad of the oens that were ulgy, because the _ were shunmned.
Ian was always afraid of thunderstorms while Adam loved them because _ thought thunderstorms were unnerving.
Ian was always, afraid, of thunderstorms, while Adam, loved, them because _ thought, thunderstorms, were unnerving,.
Ian was alwaays affraid of thunderstorms while Adam Adam lloved thhem bbecause _ thouught thunderstorms wwere unnnerving.
Iɑn waѕ alԝays afrɑid оf thundeⲅstorms wհile Aԁam loveԁ thеm bеcause _ thoսght thuոderstorms ԝere uոnerving.
Ian was alwyas afreaid of thunderstomrs while Adam lovfed them because _ tohught tuhnderstorms were unenrving.
Maria liked to play adventure games. Monica preferred brain games. _ didn't like having to think hard.
Maria, liked, to play, adventure, games,. Monica, preferred, brain, games,. _ didn't like, having to think, hard,.
Maria liked to play adventure ggames. Monica preferredd brain brain games games. _ didn't didn't like having to think think hardd.
Maⲅia lіked tо рlay adventսre ɡames. Monicɑ prefeⲅred bⲅain games. _ didn'𝚝 li𝒌e hɑving 𝚝o thiոk haⲅd.
Mraia lilked to paly advetnure games. Monica preferred brawin games. _ didn't likle having to thnink hrad.
Brian rested on the large bed as Kevin studied because _ was very tired from work.
Brian, rested, on the large, bed as Kevin, studied, because _ was very tired, from work,.
Briann restedd on the large bedd as Kevin Kevin stuudied because _ was very tirred from from work work.
Bⲅian resteԁ оn 𝚝he larɡe beԁ aѕ Keviո ѕtudied Ьecause _ ԝas ѵery tiⲅed fⲅom wоrk.
Brain resdted on the larege bed as Kvein stduied because _ was very tirged from wrok.
Jason was totally immune to the wiles of Aaron, because _ had a weak power of seduction.
Jason, was totally, immune, to the wiles, of Aaron, because _ had a weak, power, of seduction,.
Jason Jason waas tootally immune too the wiles oof Aaron, bbecause _ had a weak weak power power of sseduction.
Jɑson waѕ totallу immune 𝚝o thе wiⅼes o𝚏 Aarоn, becauѕe _ hɑd ɑ wеak powеr оf seductiоn.
Jaosn was toatlly immnue to the wileds of Aaroln, because _ had a weazk poiwer of sedcution.
Victoria drank wine everyday as opposed to Erin because _ lived very close to the local vineyard.
Victoria, drank, wine, everyday, as opposed, to Erin, because _ lived, very close, to the local, vineyard,.
Victoria Victoria drannk wine everyday as opposedd tto Erin because because _ liived veryy close close to the local vinneyard.
Vic𝚝oria dⲅank ԝine eѵeryday ɑs opposеd tо Eriո bеcause _ lіved verу ϲlose 𝚝o tհe ⅼocal vinеyard.
Victoria drnak wnie evferyday as oppoesd to Eriln because _ lievd very close to the locxal vineyaxrd.
Jessica wasn't able to stand nearly as long as Maria, since _ always had strong legs.
Jessica, wasn't able, to stand, nearly, as long, as Maria, since, _ always, had strong, legs,.
Jessicaa wasn't wasn't ablle tto standd nearly as longg as Maria Maria, since _ alwayys had strong legs.
Jeѕsica wɑsn't abⅼe 𝚝o ѕtand nеarly aѕ lоng aѕ Mariɑ, siոce _ alwaуs haԁ ѕtrong leɡs.
Jessica wasn't abloe to stnad neraly as lonhg as Maira, since _ always had stropng lges.
Maria told Christine to wash the clothes less because _ was tired of seeing clothes looking faded.
Maria, told, Christine, to wash, the clothes, less, because _ was tired, of seeing, clothes, looking, faded,.
Maria told told Christine to wash thee cllothes less becaause _ was tired tired off seeing clothees looking faded faded.
Mɑria toⅼd Christinе 𝚝o waѕh thе ϲlothes leѕs becɑuse _ wɑs tirеd оf seeiոg ϲlothes lookіng 𝚏aded.
Maria tolpd Chirstine to wash the cltohes lesss because _ was tiresd of seeinjg colthes lookinbg faded.
The blister aggravated his toe, but didn't bother his heel, as the _ was more exposed to its ravages.
The blister, aggravated, his toe but didn't bother, his heel, as the _ was more exposed, to its ravages,.
The blister blister aggravated his toe, buut didn't boother hiis heel, ass the _ wass more more exposed exposed too its ravages.
Tհe Ьlister aggrɑvated hіs tоe, Ьut ԁidn't bo𝚝her հis heeⅼ, ɑs 𝚝he _ ԝas moⲅe expоsed 𝚝o i𝚝s ravɑges.
The blisetr agrgavated his toe, but didn't bothjer his heedl, as the _ was more exzposed to its ravaegs.
Elena received a buzz cut for a hair cut while Lindsey let their hair grow out long, so _ had long hair.
Elena, received, a buzz, cut for a hair, cut while Lindsey, let their hair, grow, out long, so _ had long, hair,.
Elena received a bbuzz cut for a hair hair cut while while Lindsey Lindsey llet their hair grow grow ouut long long, so _ had long long hair.
Elenɑ receiѵed ɑ Ьuzz cu𝚝 foⲅ ɑ haіr ϲut whіle Liոdsey lеt theіr haiⲅ groԝ oսt ⅼong, sо _ haԁ loոg հair.
Eelna receievd a buzsz cut for a hiar cut while Lindesy let their hiar grdow out lonbg, so _ had lnog hiar.
John cannot hear the sound of the bell in the other room because of the radio beside him. The _ is quiet.
John, cannot, hear, the sound, of the bell, in the other room, because of the radio, beside, him. The _ is quiet,.
John John cannot cannot hear thee soound of thhe bell in the other other rooom because off thhe rradio besidde him. The _ is quiet.
Jоhn cannоt հear thе sounԁ оf tհe bеll iո 𝚝he othеr roоm Ьecause o𝚏 thе raԁio besidе him. Thе _ iѕ ԛuiet.
Joihn cannoit heaxr the sokund of the blel in the other rokom because of the rdaio besdie him. The _ is quiiet.
Christine tried to rest after breaking their toe, but Cynthia was unsympathetic. _ didn't know how much pain a broken toe was.
Christine, tried, to rest, after breaking, their toe but Cynthia, was unsympathetic,. _ didn't know, how much, pain, a broken, toe was.
Christine Christine tried tried to rest after after breaking their their tooe, but Cyntthia was unsympathetic unsympathetic. _ didn't didn't knoow how much pain a broken toe was.
Christiոe trіed tо res𝚝 a𝚏ter brеaking tհeir 𝚝oe, bսt Cynthiɑ wɑs unsympathetіc. _ didn`t knoԝ հow muϲh рain ɑ bro𝒌en tоe waѕ.
Chjristine trierd to rset after beraking their toe, but Cyhnthia was usnympathetic. _ didn't knbow how mcuh pian a brokewn toe was.
The boat started to sink when James added more luggage into it. The _ is heavy.
The boat, started, to sink, when James, added, more luggage, into it. The _ is heavy,.
The boat boat started started too siink wheen James added more luggagge into itt. The _ is heeavy.
Tհe bоat stɑrted 𝚝o sіnk whеn Jameѕ ɑdded moⲅe luɡgage iոto i𝚝. Thе _ iѕ heɑvy.
The baot stardted to snik when Jmaes addred more luggdage into it. The _ is heavfy.
Dennis refused to tile the floor, so Leslie ended up doing it. _ was very industrious.
Dennis, refused, to tile, the floor, so Leslie, ended, up doing it. _ was very industrious,.
Dennis refused tto ttile the floor floor, so Leslie ended ended up doing it. _ was very very industrious industrious.
Dеnnis refuseԁ 𝚝o tilе 𝚝he floоr, sо Lеslie endeԁ սp ԁoing i𝚝. _ wɑs veⲅy indսstrious.
Dednnis refujsed to tlie the folor, so Lesile enmded up doing it. _ was very industroius.
We were more careful when we were handling the acid than the lye because the _ was more safe.
We were more careful, when we were handling, the acid, than the lye because the _ was more safe,.
We were were moore careful when we were handling handling thee acid acid than thhe lye because because the _ was more more safe.
Wе werе morе carеful ԝhen wе wеre handlinɡ 𝚝he ɑcid thɑn tհe lyе beϲause thе _ waѕ mоre ѕafe.
We were more careftul when we were hawndling the aicd than the lye because the _ was more sazfe.
The rust Kevin left when cleaning the pipe was more than when Randy did it, so _ had to clean up less.
The rust, Kevin, left, when cleaning, the pipe, was more than when Randy, did it so _ had to clean, up less,.
Thhe russt Kevin left when cleaning cleaning the pipe pipe waas morre tthan wwhen Randy did itt, so _ had too clean clean up less.
Tհe rսst Kevіn ⅼeft ԝhen cleɑning thе pіpe wɑs mоre tհan wհen Raոdy ԁid іt, ѕo _ haԁ tо cleaո uр ⅼess.
The rsut Keivn lfet when clewaning the ppie was more than when Randsy did it, so _ had to cleaxn up lses.
Rita used the nail polish on her nails instead of the glue, because the _ looked dull when it dried.
Rita, used, the nail, polish, on her nails, instead, of the glue, because the _ looked, dull, when it dried,.
Rita useed the nail polish polish on her nails nails insteead of the glue, beecause the _ looked looked dull dull wheen it dried dried.
Ritɑ usеd 𝚝he ոail pоlish оn hеr ոails iոstead оf thе ɡlue, becaսse thе _ ⅼooked duⅼl ԝhen i𝚝 dⲅied.
Rikta uesd the nial polsih on her nalis insteawd of the gule, because the _ lopoked dull when it dreid.
The new ambassador replaced the stained carpet in the embassy with hardwood when he first come into office, the _ was trendy.
The new ambassador, replaced, the stained, carpet, in the embassy, with hardwood, when he first, come, into office, the _ was trendy,.
Thhe new ambaassador replacced the stained ccarpet in tthe embassy with harddwood when when he first ccome into into officee, thhe _ wass trendy.
Thе nеw ambasѕador ⲅeplaced thе stainеd carpe𝚝 іn thе embasѕy wіth hardԝood ԝhen hе fіrst come intо оffice, tհe _ wɑs trеndy.
The new abmassador replcaed the staijned crapet in the embasesy with harddwood when he fisrt cokme into offijce, the _ was trefndy.
The cook looked for a bowl to put the soup dish in instead of a plate, because the _ was deep enough to hold the liquid.
The cook, looked, for a bowl, to put the soup, dish, in instead, of a plate, because the _ was deep, enough, to hold, the liquid,.
The cook cook lookeed for a bowl bowl to put the ssoup diish in instead of a plate plate, beccause the _ wwas deep deep enough tto hoold thhe liquid liquid.
Tհe ϲook lоoked 𝚏or ɑ Ьowl 𝚝o pսt 𝚝he soսp ԁish iո insteaԁ o𝚏 ɑ pla𝚝e, becauѕe 𝚝he _ wɑs ԁeep enoսgh 𝚝o hoⅼd thе liqսid.
The colok looekd for a bowel to put the soiup dsih in instyead of a palte, because the _ was dedep enoukgh to hokld the liuqid.
The congregation was unable to fit into the new sanctuary at church because the _ was too small.
The congregation, was unable, to fit into the new sanctuary, at church, because the _ was too small,.
TThe congregatiion was unable unable to fit into thhe new sanctuary at churchh beccause tthe _ was tooo small small.
Tհe congrega𝚝ion waѕ unablе tо fіt iոto thе ոew ѕanctuary a𝚝 churϲh becauѕe 𝚝he _ ԝas toо smalⅼ.
The congrefgation was unawble to fit into the new sanctaury at churcvh because the _ was too smazll.
They had to feed the children, but they wanted cheese instead of fruit. The _ tasted worse.
They, had to feed, the children, but they wanted, cheese, instead, of fruit,. The _ tasted, worse,.
Theey had to feed the chilldren, butt they they wanted wanted cheese cheese instead instead of fruit. The _ tasted worse.
Theу hɑd 𝚝o feеd tհe chіldren, bսt theу ԝanted cheeѕe insteɑd o𝚏 fruіt. Tհe _ tastеd ԝorse.
Thuey had to feed the childern, but they wnated chedese insdtead of friut. The _ tatsed wordse.
At summer camp, Steven beat Neil at the can crushing contest because _ was stronger.
At summer, camp, Steven, beat, Neil, at the can crushing, contest, because _ was stronger,.
At summer summer camp camp, Steven beat beat Neil at tthe can crushing ccontest because _ wwas stronger.
A𝚝 ѕummer camp, Steѵen bea𝚝 Neiⅼ a𝚝 𝚝he caո crսshing contes𝚝 becaսse _ wɑs stronɡer.
At sukmmer camp, Stevesn baet Niel at the can cruhshing contset because _ was strolnger.