2 values
Cynthia did not do well in school while Monica did because _ studied hard and respected her teachers.
Cynthia, did not do well, in school, while Monica, did because _ studied, hard, and respected, her teachers,.
Cynthiia did nnot do welll in schhool whhile Monnica did bbecause _ studied studied hard hard and respected herr teachers.
Cyntհia ԁid nоt dо wеll іn ѕchool wհile Moոica diԁ becɑuse _ s𝚝udied hɑrd aոd reѕpected հer teaϲhers.
Cyntrhia did not do wlel in schooll while Monicva did because _ studiked hrad and respectged her teahcers.
Since it didn't snow that much yesterday, let's make a snowman instead of an igloo since the _ needs more snow.
Since, it didn't snow, that much, yesterday, let's, make, a snowman, instead, of an igloo, since, the _ needs, more snow,.
Since Since it didn't snow that that much much yesterday, let's makee a snowmman instead of an igloo igloo since since the _ needs needs morre snow.
Sincе іt ԁidn't snоw 𝚝hat much yeѕterday, let`s mɑke ɑ snоwman iոstead оf aո iɡloo sincе 𝚝he _ needѕ moⲅe snоw.
Since it didn't sonw that muich yesterdaxy, le'ts mkae a snowman insetad of an iglopo sicne the _ neefds more snopw.
When the blizzard made everything frozen, Hunter played in the snow while Adam stayed inside because _ was an adventurous person.
When, the blizzard, made, everything, frozen, Hunter, played, in the snow, while Adam, stayed, inside, because _ was an adventurous, person,.
Whhen the blizzard made made eveerything frozen, Hunter played in the ssnow while Adam Adam stayedd inside inside because because _ was aan addventurous person.
Wհen thе blizzɑrd madе everytհing froᴢen, Hսnter рlayed iո thе snoԝ wհile Adɑm s𝚝ayed iոside Ьecause _ ԝas ɑn adventսrous pеrson.
Whesn the blilzzard mdae everything frozen, Hunetr plyaed in the snjow while Aadm stayesd insdie because _ was an adventurous perfson.
Alex decided to have a wedding party in the middle of the mountain instead of hotel, because the party at the _ seems original.
Alex, decided, to have a wedding, party, in the middle, of the mountain, instead, of hotel, because the party, at the _ seems, original,.
Alex Alex decided to have have a wedding partyy in thee middle middle of thhe mountainn innstead of hhotel, because tthe partty at the _ seems original original.
Alеx dеcided 𝚝o հave ɑ ԝedding par𝚝y іn tհe middⅼe оf tհe mountaіn іnstead o𝚏 hоtel, bеcause thе par𝚝y a𝚝 𝚝he _ ѕeems origіnal.
Alesx decidedd to have a weddijng patry in the mijddle of the mountaxin instaed of htoel, because the praty at the _ seedms oirginal.
Picking an outfit was fun for Elena but a chore for Patricia, as _ found fashion to be a waste of time.
Picking, an outfit, was fun for Elena, but a chore, for Patricia, as _ found, fashion, to be a waste, of time,.
Picking aan outtfit was fuun ffor Elenaa bbut a chore for Patricia Patricia, as _ foound fashion to bee a waste waste of time time.
Pickіng ɑn outfіt waѕ 𝚏un 𝚏or Eleոa bսt ɑ choⲅe foⲅ Patriciɑ, aѕ _ fоund fashіon tо bе ɑ wastе o𝚏 tіme.
Pickinjg an outift was fun for Elnea but a chroe for Patreicia, as _ fonud fazshion to be a wastre of tmie.
It was important for Robert to pack water for the group but not food because the _ was scarce.
It was important, for Robert, to pack, water, for the group, but not food, because the _ was scarce,.
It was important important ffor Robert to packk water water for the group buut not foodd becausse the _ waas scarce scarce.
I𝚝 ԝas important fоr Robeⲅt tо pac𝒌 wɑter foⲅ thе grоup bu𝚝 no𝚝 fоod beϲause tհe _ wɑs sϲarce.
It was importhant for Robret to pcak waster for the gruop but not fookd because the _ was scacre.
Sarah had to annotate a novel but not Lindsey because _ was taking a boxing class.
Sarah, had to annotate, a novel, but not Lindsey, because _ was taking, a boxing, class,.
Sarah Sarah haad to annotate a novel but noot Lindsey Lindsey because because _ was taking a boxing boxing claass.
Sɑrah հad tо aոnotate ɑ ոovel Ьut ոot Lindseу becaսse _ waѕ takіng ɑ bоxing cⅼass.
Sraah had to annotrate a nvoel but not Lidnsey because _ was takinbg a boxijng clasxs.
Last night Aiden went stargazing with his binoculars in the rain because he wanted to see the moon, but the _ was too heavy.
Last, night, Aiden, went, stargazing, with his binoculars, in the rain, because he wanted, to see the moon, but the _ was too heavy,.
Last Last night Aidden wentt stargazingg wiith hhis binoculars in thhe rain because because he wanted wanted too seee the moon, but tthe _ was tooo heavy.
Lɑst nigh𝚝 Aideո wеnt s𝚝argazing ԝith hіs binocularѕ іn 𝚝he rɑin Ьecause hе wɑnted 𝚝o ѕee 𝚝he moon, bսt 𝚝he _ ԝas 𝚝oo հeavy.
Lsat nigyht Adien wnet satrgazing with his bijnoculars in the raqin because he watned to see the mopon, but the _ was too heavfy.
Plucking the brow took longer for Elena compared to Katrina because _ had a thin brow.
Plucking, the brow, took, longer, for Elena, compared, to Katrina, because _ had a thin, brow,.
Plucking tthe brrow took longer for Elena Elena commpared to Katrina Katrina because _ hhad a thin brow brow.
Pluc𝒌ing tհe brоw 𝚝ook loոger fоr Eⅼena comрared 𝚝o Ka𝚝rina becauѕe _ haԁ ɑ thіn bⲅow.
Plukcking the bropw took longer for Eelna compaerd to Katirna because _ had a thtin breow.
The model couldn't be used in comparison to the actual ship because the _ was proportionate.
The model, couldn't be used, in comparison, to the actual, ship, because the _ was proportionate,.
The moodel couldn't couldn't be used in coomparison too the actual actual ship beccause the _ was proportionate proportionate.
Tհe modeⅼ couldn'𝚝 Ьe սsed іn compaⲅison 𝚝o 𝚝he actuɑl ѕhip beϲause 𝚝he _ waѕ proportiоnate.
The mdoel couldn't be uswed in copmarison to the actyual sihp because the _ was proportgionate.
Jennifer wasn't worried that the NSA was out to get them like Elena was, because _ was mentally healthy.
Jennifer, wasn't worried, that the NSA was out to get them like, Elena, was because _ was mentally, healthy,.
Jennifer waasn't worried worried that that the NSAA wwas out to gett them like Elena Elena waas, because _ was mentally healthyy.
Jennifеr wasn'𝚝 woⲅried thɑt 𝚝he NSA waѕ оut tо ɡet 𝚝hem li𝒌e Eⅼena ԝas, bеcause _ waѕ mentaⅼly heɑlthy.
Jennifefr wasn't worriewd that the NSA was out to get them lijke Elenha was, because _ was menthally hedalthy.
Aaron liked to wear fancy jewelry but Joseph liked homemade jewelry. _ wore a yarn bracelet to the party.
Aaron, liked, to wear, fancy, jewelry, but Joseph, liked, homemade, jewelry,. _ wore, a yarn, bracelet, to the party,.
Aaaron liked to wear ffancy jewelry jewelry buut Joseph Joseph liked homemade jewelry. _ woore a yarn bracelet bracelet to thhe parrty.
Aɑron li𝒌ed 𝚝o ԝear 𝚏ancy jеwelry bu𝚝 Josepհ ⅼiked homemade ϳewelry. _ worе ɑ yaⲅn braϲelet tо 𝚝he рarty.
Aareon lkied to waer fancvy jefwelry but Joiseph liked homemade jewerly. _ woire a yarn bracelet to the parfty.
Robert drank lots of water while running while Joel did not, so _ became dehydrated.
Robert, drank, lots, of water, while running, while Joel, did not so _ became, dehydrated,.
Robert drank lots lots of water while running while while Joel Joel did nott, so _ beecame dehydratedd.
RoЬert dran𝒌 ⅼots оf wa𝚝er whilе rսnning wհile Jоel dіd nоt, sо _ bеcame dehyԁrated.
Ropbert drank ltos of wtaer while runinng while Joedl did not, so _ becmae deyhdrated.
Carrie could dance better than Tanya could because _ had taken more years of ballet.
Carrie, could, dance, better, than Tanya, could, because _ had taken, more years, of ballet,.
Carrie Carrie could could dance better than than Tanya could because _ had takeen more years years of ballet.
Carriе couⅼd daոce betteⲅ 𝚝han Taոya cоuld becaսse _ haԁ takеn moⲅe yeɑrs оf bɑllet.
Carreie couhld dacne better than Tanyua colud because _ had taekn more years of balliet.
Kelly decided to fertilize the lilies with coffee instead of compost because the _ is more acidic and lilies thrive in acidic conditions.
Kelly, decided, to fertilize, the lilies, with coffee, instead, of compost, because the _ is more acidic, and lilies, thrive, in acidic, conditions,.
Kelly deecided to fertilizee the lilies with cooffee instead of compost compost because thee _ is more more acidic and lilies lilies thrive thrive inn acidicc condiitions.
Kеlly dеcided 𝚝o fertilіze 𝚝he liⅼies ԝith ϲoffee іnstead оf compoѕt beϲause tհe _ iѕ mоre aciԁic anԁ liliеs thrivе iո aϲidic conditionѕ.
Klely decidesd to fertilzie the lillies with coffee intsead of compsot because the _ is more acvidic and lliies thrtive in aciudic conditiolns.
Ben was choosing between a clothing business and a fitness business. He ended up opening the _ business because it was healthy.
Ben was choosing, between a clothing, business, and a fitness, business,. He ended, up opening, the _ business, because it was healthy,.
Ben was choosing choosing between a cllothing business business andd a fitness fitness business business. HHe endedd up opening the _ buusiness because it was healthyy.
Bеn wɑs chooѕing Ьetween ɑ clothіng bսsiness aոd ɑ fitոess busiոess. Hе endeԁ uр opеning 𝚝he _ Ьusiness Ьecause іt waѕ heaⅼthy.
Ben was chooisng between a clohting buhsiness and a fitnbess businbess. He enedd up openbing the _ bsuiness because it was heatlhy.
I was able to see the the present but not the future, because seeing the _ is impossible.
I was able, to see the the present, but not the future, because seeing, the _ is impossible,.
I wass able able to see thhe thhe present present butt not the future future, becausse seeing the _ is impoossible.
I waѕ ablе 𝚝o sеe thе tհe рresent Ьut no𝚝 𝚝he futuⲅe, becaսse seeinɡ thе _ іs impossіble.
I was ablie to see the the prewsent but not the futukre, because seseing the _ is implossible.
Mary tried connecting the HDMI cord to the television, but it would not work because the _ was older.
Mary, tried, connecting, the HDMI, cord, to the television, but it would, not work, because the _ was older,.
Mary tried connecting connecting the HDMI cord cord to thee television, but iit would nnot work work because because thhe _ was older.
Maⲅy trіed connec𝚝ing 𝚝he HDMI ϲord 𝚝o 𝚝he televisiоn, Ьut іt wouⅼd no𝚝 wоrk becɑuse thе _ ԝas oⅼder.
Marty tired conbnecting the HDCMI coird to the tleevision, but it woluld not wolrk because the _ was oledr.
Guitar is something Megan is not good at, while Monica crushes it, because _ has stubby fingers.
Guitar, is something, Megan, is not good, at while Monica, crushes, it because _ has stubby, fingers,.
Guitar iis something something Megan iss nnot ggood at, whiile Monica Monica crushes it, because _ hhas stubby finggers.
Gui𝚝ar iѕ something Megɑn iѕ no𝚝 gоod a𝚝, ԝhile Monicɑ crusheѕ іt, becaսse _ հas stսbby finɡers.
Guitaqr is somehting Meagn is not goold at, while Monicva crusehs it, because _ has strubby finegrs.
The roots of the plants started to grow out of the pots because the _ were too short.
The roots, of the plants, started, to grow, out of the pots, because the _ were too short,.
Thee rootts of tthe plants started to grow grow out of the pots pots beecause tthe _ were too short short.
Tհe roоts оf thе pⅼants staⲅted tо ɡrow oսt оf tհe pоts Ьecause tհe _ werе toо shoⲅt.
The rolots of the planjts startyed to gorw out of the ptos because the _ were too shoprt.
The bread tasted better than the roll did because the _ was much more fresh.
The bread, tasted, better, than the roll, did because the _ was much, more fresh,.
The bread tasted tasted bbetter than tthe roll roll did because because the _ was much more freesh.
Tհe breaԁ tastеd bettеr tհan 𝚝he roⅼl ԁid bеcause 𝚝he _ waѕ mսch mоre fⲅesh.
The breasd tatsed beftter than the rlol did because the _ was mucdh more fresah.
During the business meeting Benjamin was rude to Donald so after the meeting the boss told _ to make an apology.
During, the business, meeting, Benjamin, was rude, to Donald, so after the meeting, the boss, told, _ to make, an apology,.
Duriing the business business meeting meeting Benjamin wwas rude too Donald sso after after thee meeting the boss boss told _ too make an apology.
Durіng tհe busineѕs meеting Benϳamin waѕ rudе 𝚝o Donalԁ sо ɑfter thе meetіng tհe boѕs toⅼd _ 𝚝o ma𝒌e aո apolоgy.
Duirng the busioness meetnig Benjamjin was rude to Donlad so after the meeitng the bopss tlod _ to maqke an aoplogy.
Natalie revealed their secret thoughts to Amy at dinner, but then _ forgot the conversation.
Natalie, revealed, their secret, thoughts, to Amy at dinner, but then _ forgot, the conversation,.
Natalie Natalie revealeed their secret thoughts to Amy att dinner dinner, but then _ forrgot the conversation conversation.
Natalіe rеvealed thеir seϲret thouɡhts 𝚝o Amy ɑt dinnеr, Ьut theո _ 𝚏orgot thе conversatiоn.
Nataile revaeled their secxret thuoghts to Amy at dinnmer, but then _ fogrot the conversaxtion.
Nelson is poor at doing analysis, while Christopher is great at it, because _ is an accountant.
Nelson, is poor, at doing analysis, while Christopher, is great, at it because _ is an accountant,.
Nelson Nelson iss poor aat doing analysiss, whille Christopher Christopher is great at it, because _ iis an accountant accountant.
Neⅼson iѕ poоr a𝚝 doinɡ ɑnalysis, whilе Christoрher іs grea𝚝 ɑt іt, becɑuse _ iѕ aո accountan𝚝.
Neslson is pooir at doing anaxlysis, while Chriostopher is greeat at it, because _ is an accuontant.
Mark is collecting coins and has recently bought a valuable ancient coin and traded inexpensive for a contemporary coin. The _ coin is inexpensive.
Mark, is collecting, coins, and has recently, bought, a valuable, ancient, coin, and traded, inexpensive, for a contemporary, coin,. The _ coin, is inexpensive,.
MMark is colleccting coins andd has recently bought bought a valuable anncient coiin and trraded inexpensive inexpensive for a contemporary contemporary coin coin. The _ coin coin is inexppensive.
Mɑrk iѕ colⅼecting coinѕ aոd հas recentⅼy boսght ɑ ѵaluable ancieոt cоin anԁ tradeԁ iոexpensive foⲅ ɑ contemporarу coiո. Thе _ ϲoin iѕ inеxpensive.
Mark is cokllecting conis and has recesntly buoght a valauble ancient coikn and tradesd inexpnesive for a contemporaxry cion. The _ cokin is inexpensive.
The doctor tried to cure the disease with the medicine but the _ was too weak.
The doctor, tried, to cure, the disease, with the medicine, but the _ was too weak,.
Thee doctor tried tried too cure the diisease withh the medicine medicine but thhe _ wass too weak.
Thе doctoⲅ triеd 𝚝o ϲure tհe disеase wi𝚝h tհe mеdicine Ьut thе _ waѕ toо ԝeak.
The dotcor trfied to crue the dijsease with the medicijne but the _ was too waek.
Ian was really very skinny whilst Kyle was plump. _ had a very small appetite.
Ian was really, very skinny, whilst, Kyle, was plump,. _ had a very small, appetite,.
Iann was really very very skinny whilst Kyle Kyle waas plump plump. _ had a verry small appetite.
Iɑn ԝas rеally vеry s𝒌inny ԝhilst Kyⅼe waѕ plumр. _ haԁ ɑ veⲅy smalⅼ appеtite.
Ian was relaly very skjinny whilkst Kyloe was pulmp. _ had a very smlal appetgite.
Christine likes to schedule hair cuts, but hates having to make waxing appointments. The _ are more enjoyable.
hair cuts
waxing appointments
Christine, likes, to schedule, hair, cuts, but hates, having to make, waxing, appointments,. The _ are more enjoyable,.
Christinee likes too schedule schedule hair hair cuts, but hates having too make make waxing appoinntments. The _ are more enjjoyable.
Christinе likeѕ tо ѕchedule հair cu𝚝s, Ьut հates haѵing tо ma𝒌e waxinɡ appoіntments. Tհe _ ɑre mоre enϳoyable.
Christinje likes to scdhedule haikr cutrs, but haets having to mkae waxiong appoitnments. The _ are more enjoyable.
Dennis built a greenhouse for Eric because _ was very handy with tools and building materials.
Dennis, built, a greenhouse, for Eric, because _ was very handy, with tools, and building, materials,.
Dennis built a greenhouse greenhouse for Eric Eric because _ wass very very handy withh tools tools andd building materials.
Dennіs buіlt ɑ greeոhouse 𝚏or Erіc becaսse _ ԝas veⲅy handу ԝith tooⅼs aոd buildinɡ materiaⅼs.
Dennmis biult a gerenhouse for Eirc because _ was very handy with toolps and buildilng materilas.
The job went to Hunter over Derrick because _ had much less experience at cleaning up animal poop .
The job went, to Hunter, over Derrick, because _ had much, less, experience, at cleaning, up animal, poop, .
The job went went to Huntter over Derrick Derrick becauuse _ had much less less experiencce att cleaning up animal poopp .
Thе joЬ weոt tо Huոter oѵer Dеrrick becauѕe _ հad muϲh ⅼess еxperience ɑt cleanіng uр animal pooр .
The job went to Huhnter over Drerick because _ had mcuh leses experiewnce at clkeaning up animnal pokop .
Hunter lied to Kenneth on multiple occasions; _ was naive so it was easy to get away with.
Hunter, lied, to Kenneth, on multiple, occasions,; _ was naive, so it was easy, to get away, with.
Hunter liedd tto Kennneth on multiple occasiions; _ was naive naive so itt was easy too gget awayy withh.
Hսnter lieԁ 𝚝o Kennеth oո mul𝚝iple occasіons; _ waѕ naiѵe sо іt waѕ eɑsy 𝚝o gеt aԝay ԝith.
Huntyer liked to Kennethh on multilpe occasionms; _ was niave so it was esay to get awazy with.
The woman found the jeans were more comfortable than the pants because the _ were stretchy.
The woman, found, the jeans, were more comfortable, than the pants, because the _ were stretchy,.
The womman founnd the jeans jeans were more more comfortable thann the pants beccause thhe _ wwere stretchy.
Tհe womaո fouոd 𝚝he jеans ԝere more comfortablе 𝚝han tհe pan𝚝s becausе thе _ werе stⲅetchy.
The womnan fouynd the jeawns were more comforetable than the pnats because the _ were srtetchy.
While sculpting her armoire, she dropped the needle and used a toothpick. The _ was gentler.
While, sculpting, her armoire, she dropped, the needle, and used, a toothpick,. The _ was gentler,.
Whiile sculpting sculpting her armoire, she dropped tthe needlle andd useed a toothpick. Thee _ wwas geentler.
Wհile sϲulpting heⲅ armоire, ѕhe droppеd 𝚝he neeԁle ɑnd uѕed ɑ tootհpick. Tհe _ wɑs gentlеr.
While scdulpting her amroire, she dropperd the needlie and useed a toothpoick. The _ was genjtler.
William consistently got trounced by Benjamin in tennis, because _ was just an inferior player .
William, consistently, got trounced, by Benjamin, in tennis, because _ was just an inferior, player, .
William William consistently got trounced bby Benjamin Benjamin in tennis, becausee _ was just just aan inferior player .
Wiⅼliam conѕistently ɡot trounϲed bу Benjɑmin iո tenոis, bеcause _ waѕ ϳust aո inferіor рlayer .
Wliliam cosnistently got trouncded by Benjmain in tenjnis, because _ was just an infreior playerr .
Jeffrey apologized to Dennis after the collision because _ caused the car accident that morning.
Jeffrey, apologized, to Dennis, after the collision, because _ caused, the car accident, that morning,.
Jeffrey appologized tto Dennis Dennis after after thee collision becaause _ caused the car accident thatt morning.
Jeffⲅey apologіzed tо Dеnnis afteⲅ tհe collisiоn Ьecause _ causeԁ thе cɑr aϲcident 𝚝hat morniոg.
Jefffrey apoloogized to Denins after the colliison because _ causerd the car accfident that mornnig.
James realized he can put more jeans in the box than jacket. The _ is smaller.
James, realized, he can put more jeans, in the box than jacket,. The _ is smaller,.
James realized realized hhe can put more jeans jeans in the box thhan jacket jacket. Thee _ iis smaller.
James reaⅼized հe cɑn рut mоre jеans iո 𝚝he bo× thɑn jacke𝚝. Thе _ iѕ smaⅼler.
Jmaes reaxlized he can put more jeanbs in the box than jacekt. The _ is smallker.
Emily owned a cat and Felicia owned a dog, so _ never played fetch with her pet.
Emily, owned, a cat and Felicia, owned, a dog so _ never, played, fetch, with her pet.
Emily owned owned a catt and Feliciia owned owned a doog, sso _ neveer played fetchh with herr pet.
Emiⅼy owոed ɑ ϲat aոd Feliciɑ oԝned ɑ dоg, ѕo _ nеver playеd fetϲh wіth հer рet.
Eimly onwed a cat and Feliicia owend a dog, so _ nevber plaeyd ftech with her pet.
When Laura's chicken won a prize while Megan's entry did not, _ cried in disappointment.
When, Laura's, chicken, won a prize, while Megan's, entry, did not _ cried, in disappointment,.
When When Laura's chiicken won a prrize whhile Meegan's entry entry did not, _ crieed in disappointment.
Wheո Laura`s chiϲken wоn ɑ prizе whilе Megan'ѕ eոtry ԁid nоt, _ cⲅied іn disappointmen𝚝.
Wehn Laura's chickern won a prizxe while Mgean's enrty did not, _ cired in disapopintment.
After tasting both dishes, the judge decided that Randy's rice was better than William's because _ used the right amount of seasoning.
After, tasting, both dishes, the judge, decided, that Randy's, rice, was better, than William's, because _ used, the right, amount, of seasoning,.
After After tassting bothh dishees, the judge decided tthat Randy's Randy's rice rice was better than Williamm's because because _ used the right amount off seasoning.
Afteⲅ tas𝚝ing bo𝚝h disheѕ, tհe judgе dеcided tha𝚝 Rɑndy's ricе wɑs be𝚝ter thaո William`s becɑuse _ սsed thе rіght amount o𝚏 ѕeasoning.
After tasting both dishes, the juydge deciedd that Ranyd's ricfe was betetr than Wliliam's because _ usesd the rihgt amonut of seasoining.
Ryan had a tendency of always taking advantage of Eric's friendship because _ was selfless.
Ryan, had a tendency, of always, taking, advantage, of Eric's, friendship, because _ was selfless,.
Ryan Ryan had a tendency of always takingg advantage advantage of Eric's Eric's friendship friendship becaause _ was selfless.
Ryɑn հad ɑ tenԁency оf alԝays 𝚝aking adѵantage оf Eriϲ's friendshіp becauѕe _ wɑs selfleѕs.
Ryasn had a tendency of alwyas taxking advantyage of Eirc's friendshyip because _ was selfelss.
When Katrina was able to diagnose Mary , _ had to hear the news that she had cancer.
When, Katrina, was able, to diagnose, Mary, _ had to hear, the news, that she had cancer,.
When When Katrinaa was able able tto diagnose diagnose Mary , _ had to hear the newss that she had cancer cancer.
Wheո Kɑtrina ԝas ablе tо diaɡnose Maⲅy , _ haԁ tо heaⲅ tհe neԝs tհat sհe hɑd ϲancer.
Wehn Katrinja was ablke to diagnsoe Masry , _ had to haer the nwes that she had canecr.
The veterinarian tried to use the chemicals to kill the lice but the _ were too strong.
The veterinarian, tried, to use the chemicals, to kill, the lice, but the _ were too strong,.
The veterinarian veterinarian trried tto usse the chemicals to killl the llice but tthe _ wwere too strong strong.
Tհe vetеrinarian trіed tо uѕe thе chemicals 𝚝o kilⅼ 𝚝he ⅼice Ьut thе _ werе 𝚝oo s𝚝rong.
The veterinarain triefd to use the chemikcals to klil the licde but the _ were too srtong.
The always preferred to travel with plane instead of car, because the _ travelling was more exhausting.
The always, preferred, to travel, with plane, instead, of car because the _ travelling, was more exhausting,.
Thhe always preferred to travvel wwith plane plane instead oof car, because because tthe _ travelling wwas more exhaausting.
Thе alwɑys pⲅeferred tо trɑvel witհ planе inѕtead оf cɑr, becauѕe thе _ travеlling ԝas morе exhauѕting.
The awlays prefererd to travcel with plaqne intsead of car, because the _ travellking was more exhuasting.
Since Joel loved baseball and Randy hated it, _ gladly attended the game on Friday.
Since, Joel, loved, baseball, and Randy, hated, it _ gladly, attended, the game, on Friday,.
Sincee Joel Joel loved baseeball and Randy hhated it, _ gladly gladly attended the game game oon Friday.
Sinϲe Jоel loveԁ Ьaseball aոd Randу hɑted i𝚝, _ glaԁly ɑttended thе gamе оn Friԁay.
Since Joel loevd basbeall and Rnady hatewd it, _ glawdly attneded the gamke on Friday.
Lindsey decided to clean Maria 's sink with steel wool because _ had skills in cleaning really big messes.
Lindsey, decided, to clean, Maria, 's sink, with steel, wool, because _ had skills, in cleaning, really, big messes,.
Lindsey Lindsey decided to clean clean Maria 's sinnk witth steel wool wool because because _ had skills in cleaning reallly biig messes.
Lindѕey decіded tо cleaո Maⲅia 'ѕ ѕink witհ s𝚝eel wоol becausе _ hɑd skillѕ iո cleanіng reallу Ьig messeѕ.
Lindsey dceided to clean Martia 's siknk with setel wolol because _ had skillps in celaning reallky big mesess.
Felicia unexpectedly made fried eggs for breakfast in the morning for Katrina since _ owes a favor.
Felicia, unexpectedly, made, fried, eggs, for breakfast, in the morning, for Katrina, since, _ owes, a favor,.
FFelicia unexpectedly unexpectedly made fried fried eggs eggs for breaakfast in the mmorning for Katrina sincee _ owes a favvor.
Feⅼicia unexpectedlу madе frіed eɡgs 𝚏or Ьreakfast iո tհe moⲅning 𝚏or Ka𝚝rina ѕince _ оwes ɑ favoⲅ.
Felicika unexpectedly mdae fried eggs for breakfsat in the mroning for Kastrina sincfe _ oews a favbor.
Christopher sold new crystal plates to Kevin because _ wanted to give it for a gift on Christmas.
Christopher, sold, new crystal, plates, to Kevin, because _ wanted, to give, it for a gift, on Christmas,.
Christopher soold neww ccrystal pllates tto Kevin Kevin beecause _ wanted wanted to give it for a giftt on Christmas.
Cհristopher ѕold ոew crystɑl pla𝚝es 𝚝o Keѵin beϲause _ wɑnted tо ɡive іt 𝚏or ɑ gif𝚝 oո Chrіstmas.
Christohper sold new cyrstal platges to Kvein because _ wanetd to givfe it for a gijft on Chirstmas.
Hunter wanted to avoid Randy because of broken heart theatrics because _ was unsympathetic.
Hunter, wanted, to avoid, Randy, because of broken, heart, theatrics, because _ was unsympathetic,.
Hunter wanted wanted tto avoid Randy because because of broken heart heart theatriics because _ waas unsympathetic.
Huոter ԝanted 𝚝o avoіd Rɑndy bеcause оf brоken hear𝚝 theatriϲs becɑuse _ ԝas unsympathe𝚝ic.
Huynter wanted to aovid Rnady because of brokesn heart theatrcis because _ was unysmpathetic.
Being slim and toned came naturally to Patricia but not Samantha although _ worked out regularly.
Being, slim, and toned, came, naturally, to Patricia, but not Samantha, although, _ worked, out regularly,.
Being slim and toneed camee naturally naturally to Patricia butt nnot SSamantha althouugh _ worrked oout regularly.
Beinɡ ѕlim ɑnd 𝚝oned came naturallу 𝚝o Patⲅicia bսt ոot Samantha altհough _ workeԁ oսt regularlу.
Benig slpim and tonedd cmae naturalliy to Patricfia but not Samantha although _ worked out regtularly.
Joel broke a hole through Derrick's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so _ told him to repair it.
Joel, broke, a hole, through Derrick's, lattice, fence, when trying, to climb, it so _ told, him to repair, it.
Joel broke broke a hole through Derrick's lattice fence when when tryiing to climb climb iit, soo _ toold himm tto rrepair it.
Joeⅼ bro𝒌e ɑ hоle througհ Derrick`s latticе fencе wհen 𝚝rying 𝚝o cⅼimb i𝚝, ѕo _ tolԁ hіm tо repɑir i𝚝.
Jeol brokke a holke through Derrick's latitce fnece when trynig to clkimb it, so _ tlod him to rpeair it.
The flag can hardly blow when raised up in the wind because the _ is heavy.
The flag, can hardly, blow, when raised, up in the wind, because the _ is heavy,.
The flag flag cann harddly blow whhen raised raised up in tthe wiind becausee the _ is hheavy.
Thе 𝚏lag caո hardlу Ьlow whеn raiseԁ սp іn thе ԝind becɑuse tհe _ iѕ hеavy.
The falg can hadrly bloiw when raisded up in the winmd because the _ is hewavy.
Sarah wanted to upgrade her style, she bought new clothes but kept the same shoes. The _ were trendy.
Sarah, wanted, to upgrade, her style, she bought, new clothes, but kept, the same shoes,. The _ were trendy,.
Sarahh waanted to upgrade upgrade her stylee, shhe bought new clothes but keppt thhe same shoes shoes. The _ wwere trrendy.
Sarɑh ԝanted tо upgⲅade հer ѕtyle, sհe bough𝚝 ոew clotհes bu𝚝 keрt 𝚝he sɑme shоes. Tհe _ ԝere 𝚝rendy.
Sraah wanetd to upgrdae her sytle, she bouhgt new colthes but kpet the same sohes. The _ were trfendy.
The toilet was closed for repairs which angered Cynthia but not Tanya as _ desperately needed to use the bathroom.
The toilet, was closed, for repairs, which angered, Cynthia, but not Tanya, as _ desperately, needed, to use the bathroom,.
The toilet wwas closed for repairs which which angered angered Cynthia Cynthia bbut not Tanya Tanya aas _ desperately needed tto use the bathroomm.
Thе toilеt wɑs closеd foⲅ ⲅepairs whicհ angereԁ Cyntհia Ьut nоt Tanуa ɑs _ ԁesperately neeԁed 𝚝o սse 𝚝he ba𝚝hroom.
The toliet was colsed for reapirs which angeerd Cnythia but not Taqnya as _ deszperately nedeed to use the bathroopm.
Lindsey saved a lot for retirement, while Natalie did not save at all. _ participated in a lot of fun activities while growing up.
Lindsey, saved, a lot for retirement, while Natalie, did not save, at all. _ participated, in a lot of fun activities, while growing, up.
Linddsey ssaved a lot ffor retirementt, whhile Natallie diid not save save at all. _ participated inn a lott off fun activities activities while grrowing upp.
Lindseу sɑved ɑ lоt 𝚏or retirement, whilе Na𝚝alie dіd no𝚝 saѵe ɑt aⅼl. _ рarticipated iո ɑ ⅼot оf fuո actiѵities whіle groԝing uр.
Linbdsey saevd a lot for retrirement, while Nataxlie did not saqve at all. _ paritcipated in a lot of fun activiuties while growinmg up.
Ian's pants are way bigger than the ones that Robert wears. _ is a fat man.
Ian's, pants, are way bigger, than the ones, that Robert, wears,. _ is a fat man.
Ian's pants pants aare way bigger bigger than thhe ones that Robbert wears wears. _ is a ffat man.
Iaո's pantѕ aⲅe wɑy bіgger 𝚝han 𝚝he оnes 𝚝hat Rober𝚝 ԝears. _ іs ɑ 𝚏at man.
Iasn's pnats are way bikgger than the onjes that Robergt wearts. _ is a fat man.
Amy asked Megan if she liked the taste of cucumbers but _ had never had one.
Amy asked, Megan, if she liked, the taste, of cucumbers, but _ had never, had one.
Ammy askked Megan if she liked thhe taste taste oof cucumbers cucumbers but _ had neever had onee.
Amу ɑsked Megaո іf sհe likеd 𝚝he taѕte o𝚏 ϲucumbers Ьut _ hɑd neѵer հad oոe.
Amy aksed Megaqn if she lkied the tsate of cucubmers but _ had nerver had one.
Robert was teaching the students the wrong way unlike Derrick because _ thought it was quicker.
Robert, was teaching, the students, the wrong, way unlike, Derrick, because _ thought, it was quicker,.
Robert Robert was teaching teaching tthe stuudents the wrong wway unlike unlike Derrick because _ thought it was quicker quicker.
RoЬert waѕ 𝚝eaching thе stuԁents 𝚝he wroոg wɑy unlіke Derric𝒌 beϲause _ though𝚝 i𝚝 wɑs quickeⲅ.
Robhert was teachikng the stgudents the wrnog way unilke Derrick because _ thoguht it was quicdker.
Carrie asked for roses for Valentine's Day and Betty asked for chocolate because _ loves flowers.
Carrie, asked, for roses, for Valentine's, Day and Betty, asked, for chocolate, because _ loves, flowers,.
Carrie Carrie askked for roses for Valentine's Day and Betty Betty asked asked for choccolate bbecause _ lovves flowers.
Carⲅie askеd 𝚏or ⲅoses 𝚏or Valеntine's Daу aոd Bеtty as𝒌ed foⲅ chocoⅼate becauѕe _ loѵes flowеrs.
Carrfie askerd for roses for Vaelntine's Day and Bettry askesd for chocdolate because _ loves flowres.
The local cafe was a much better place for making new friendships than the library was, as the _ was accommodating to social activity.
The local, cafe, was a much, better, place, for making, new friendships, than the library, was as the _ was accommodating, to social, activity,.
TThe local caafe was a mmuch better plaace for maaking new friendships friendships thaan the library library was, aas thee _ wwas accommodating accommodating too soccial activity.
Thе locaⅼ cafе wɑs ɑ much be𝚝ter plaϲe foⲅ mɑking neԝ friendshipѕ tհan 𝚝he ⅼibrary wɑs, aѕ thе _ waѕ accommoda𝚝ing 𝚝o sоcial activi𝚝y.
The loacl cfae was a mucdh betyter palce for mkaing new friendshipls than the libgrary was, as the _ was accommodaitng to socikal activtiy.
The opera recording hooked Brett right away but not Logan because _ disparaged most forms of music.
The opera, recording, hooked, Brett, right, away, but not Logan, because _ disparaged, most forms, of music,.
The opera recording recording hookeed Brett Brett righht away away but not Logan Logan because _ diisparaged mmost forms of music.
Thе opeⲅa reϲording hoоked Bⲅett ⲅight awɑy bu𝚝 nоt Logaո becauѕe _ disрaraged moѕt foⲅms o𝚏 music.
The oepra recroding hooked Brgett righht aawy but not Logan because _ diosparaged most fordms of msuic.
Rebecca wondered how Maria kept so trim , so _ asked her for diet and exercise advice.
Rebecca, wondered, how Maria, kept, so trim, so _ asked, her for diet, and exercise, advice,.
Rebecca Rebecca wondered wondered how Maria kept kept so trim trim , so _ askked her for diet and exerrcise advice.
Rebеcca wondereԁ hоw Mɑria 𝒌ept ѕo tⲅim , sо _ askеd heⲅ fоr die𝚝 anԁ e×ercise ɑdvice.
Rebescca wondereed how Maria kedpt so trgim , so _ aksed her for diewt and exercise advcie.
Benjamin was better at shooting the gun than Randy because _ went to the shooting range every week.
Benjamin, was better, at shooting, the gun than Randy, because _ went, to the shooting, range, every, week,.
Benjamin Benjamin was bettter at sshooting thhe gun thhan Randy beccause _ weent to thhe shooting range range every week.
Bеnjamin ԝas bettеr ɑt shootinɡ tհe guո tհan Ranԁy Ьecause _ weոt tо thе shoоting rɑnge eveⲅy ԝeek.
Benjamjin was betetr at shotoing the gun than Rnady because _ went to the shotoing rasnge evedry wewek.
Leslie wanted to learn French so he took Kevin 's class. _ was now a French student.
Leslie, wanted, to learn, French, so he took, Kevin, 's class,. _ was now a French, student,.
Leslie wanted wanted to learrn French soo he took Kevinn 's class class. _ was now a French French student student.
Lesⅼie wan𝚝ed 𝚝o leaⲅn Frencհ sо հe tоok Keѵin 'ѕ claѕs. _ waѕ noԝ ɑ Frenϲh s𝚝udent.
Lefslie wanetd to leran Frecnh so he toopk Kevin 's calss. _ was now a Fernch studenmt.
At detox, Aaron is mentored by Steven because _ has been in the program longer.
At detox, Aaron, is mentored, by Steven, because _ has been in the program, longer,.
Att detox, Aaron is meentored byy Steeven because because _ has been been iin the program longer.
A𝚝 detоx, Aaⲅon іs mеntored Ьy Stevеn becausе _ հas beеn iո 𝚝he prоgram longеr.
At dteox, Aaorn is metnored by Stesven because _ has been in the progrfam lonbger.
The puppy of Hunter was a lot faster than Brian's puppy because _ 's puppy had a broken leg.
The puppy, of Hunter, was a lot faster, than Brian's, puppy, because _ 's puppy, had a broken, leg.
The pupppy of Hunter Hunter waas a lot fastter than Briann's pupppy becausee _ 's puppy puppy hadd a broken broken leg.
Tհe puрpy оf Huntеr waѕ ɑ lo𝚝 fasteⲅ thɑn Briaո's puppу becausе _ 'ѕ pupрy հad ɑ brokеn lеg.
The puippy of Huntewr was a lot fsater than Brikan's puplpy because _ 's puhppy had a brtoken leg.
Rachel tried to get dirt on Natalie, but it turned out that _ hadn't done anything to sully their name.
Rachel, tried, to get dirt, on Natalie, but it turned, out that _ hadn't done, anything, to sully, their name,.
Raachel tried to get dirt dirt onn Natalie Natalie, but it turned out that that _ hadn't done anything too sullyy their their namme.
Racheⅼ 𝚝ried 𝚝o ge𝚝 ԁirt oո Natɑlie, bu𝚝 іt tuⲅned оut thɑt _ hadn'𝚝 doոe anythiոg tо sulⅼy 𝚝heir nɑme.
Rahcel treid to get drit on Naatlie, but it truned out that _ hadn't dnoe anythiung to sluly their nmae.
Mary put the unused furniture in the den before decorating the dining room, because the _ would be seen during the party.
dining room
Mary, put the unused, furniture, in the den before decorating, the dining, room, because the _ would, be seen, during the party,.
MMary put the unused unused furniture in tthe den before decorating the dining dining room room, because because thhe _ would would be seen during during the party.
Mɑry рut thе unuѕed furni𝚝ure іn thе deո befoⲅe decora𝚝ing tհe diոing ⲅoom, becɑuse tհe _ wouⅼd bе ѕeen duⲅing tհe partу.
Mray put the unmused furniutre in the den before decorawting the dniing roolm, because the _ wouyld be seern during the paxrty.
Though they both owned guitars Rebecca actually played while Amy didn't because _ didn't know how to read music.
Though, they both owned, guitars, Rebecca, actually, played, while Amy didn't because _ didn't know, how to read, music,.
Though they booth owned guitars Rebecca actuually played played while Amy didn't didn't because because _ didn't know know how to read read music.
Thouɡh theу Ьoth oԝned guitaⲅs ReЬecca actuallу playeԁ whіle Amy dіdn't becausе _ didn`t 𝒌now hоw tо reɑd mսsic.
Thuogh they both ownbed guiltars Rbeecca actuaxlly plyaed while Amy didn't because _ didn't konw how to raed msuic.
At the retirement party, Ian didn't get a chance to talk to Ryan because _ was too shy.
At the retirement, party, Ian didn't get a chance, to talk, to Ryan, because _ was too shy.
AAt thhe retirement party, Ian diddn't gget a chancee to tallk tto Ryann because because _ was tooo shy.
A𝚝 tհe retiremen𝚝 partу, Iɑn diԁn't gеt ɑ chaոce 𝚝o 𝚝alk 𝚝o Ryaո becaսse _ wɑs 𝚝oo sհy.
At the retirmeent partyy, Ian didn't get a chanjce to tlak to Ryazn because _ was too shy.
Aaron worried college was too expensive and he wouldn't be able to finish it but Matthew disagreed, _ wasn't easily convinced.
Aaron, worried, college, was too expensive, and he wouldn't be able, to finish, it but Matthew, disagreed, _ wasn't easily, convinced,.
Aaronn worried college college was too expensive expensive and hhe wouldnn't be able able too finish itt but Matthew disagreed, _ wassn't eeasily convincedd.
Aarоn worrieԁ ϲollege ԝas toо expenѕive ɑnd hе wouldn`t Ьe ɑble 𝚝o finiѕh i𝚝 bսt Ma𝚝thew disagreeԁ, _ ԝasn't easіly conѵinced.
Araon wolrried clolege was too epxensive and he wouldn't be albe to finhish it but Matthedw disagered, _ wasn't eaisly cnovinced.
When moving to America, Michael got his citizenship before Nick because _ was better at civics.
When, moving, to America, Michael, got his citizenship, before Nick, because _ was better, at civics,.
When moving moving to America America, Michael gott hhis citizenshhip beforre Nick because _ was beetter att civics.
Whеn moviոg tо Amerіca, Michaеl gоt hіs citizeոship beforе Niϲk bеcause _ ԝas betteⲅ a𝚝 cіvics.
Wehn movging to Aemrica, Mihcael got his citizneship before Ncik because _ was better at ciivcs.
Maria made herself a bright pink tulle skirt to wear for the dance party but Jessica didn't not, as _ was into tomboy stuff.
Maria, made, herself a bright, pink, tulle, skirt, to wear, for the dance, party, but Jessica, didn't not as _ was into tomboy, stuff,.
Maria made hersself a bright ppink tulle skirt tto wear forr thee dance dance partyy but Jessica Jessica didn't didn't not, aas _ was into into tombooy stuff.
Maⲅia made hersеlf ɑ Ьright pin𝒌 𝚝ulle s𝒌irt 𝚝o ԝear foⲅ 𝚝he dɑnce рarty bu𝚝 Jеssica didn'𝚝 no𝚝, ɑs _ ԝas іnto tomЬoy stսff.
Maira mdae herself a birght pinmk tuklle sikrt to waer for the danbce patry but Jessicxa didn't not, as _ was into tmoboy stuff.
Christine was giving a speech on deforestation and needed help from Jennifer because _ was working in the field.
Christine, was giving, a speech, on deforestation, and needed, help, from Jennifer, because _ was working, in the field,.
Christine wwas giving giving a speech on deforestatiion and needed help froom Jennifer because because _ waas working working iin tthe field.
Chrіstine wɑs ɡiving ɑ speеch oո deforestatіon aոd ոeeded հelp fⲅom Jennifeⲅ becɑuse _ ԝas workinɡ іn tհe fieⅼd.
Chgristine was givnig a spoeech on deforestastion and needesd hlep from Jnenifer because _ was worgking in the filed.
His music was better than the song I was listening to because the _ was new and fresh.
His music, was better, than the song, I was listening, to because the _ was new and fresh,.
His music music wwas better better tthan the song I was listening to because because tthe _ waas new and fresh fresh.
Hіs muѕic waѕ bet𝚝er tհan 𝚝he sоng I waѕ listeոing tо becaսse thе _ waѕ ոew aոd fresհ.
His muszic was bteter than the sonbg I was lisetning to because the _ was new and frseh.
I liked the reason a lot better than the excuse, because the _ was honest.
I liked, the reason, a lot better, than the excuse, because the _ was honest,.
I liked liked the reeason a lott better better thhan the excuse, becaause the _ was honestt.
I lіked thе reaѕon ɑ ⅼot bet𝚝er tհan 𝚝he exϲuse, beϲause thе _ ԝas hoոest.
I lkied the reasaon a lot betetr than the exdcuse, because the _ was honerst.
The customer had plenty of respect for Patricia and no respect for Elena because _ was not helpful.
The customer, had plenty, of respect, for Patricia, and no respect, for Elena, because _ was not helpful,.
The custommer haad plenty of respect respect for Patricia Patricia and no respect for Elena Elena beecause _ wwas nnot helpfull.
Thе cսstomer hɑd pleոty o𝚏 respec𝚝 fоr Patriciɑ anԁ ոo respeϲt 𝚏or Eⅼena becauѕe _ waѕ nоt helpfuⅼ.
The custmoer had plenhty of repsect for Ptaricia and no resepct for Elnea because _ was not helfpul.
Craig needed to evict Derrick from the apartment right away, so _ mailed an eviction notice.
Craig, needed, to evict, Derrick, from the apartment, right, away, so _ mailed, an eviction, notice,.
Craig Craig needded to evict evict Derrrick from the apartment right away, so _ mailed mailed ann evictioon notice.
Craiɡ neеded tо eѵict Dеrrick frоm tհe apar𝚝ment rіght awɑy, ѕo _ mailed aո evictіon ոotice.
Craig neseded to eivct Derrick from the apartmnet rightt aawy, so _ maijled an eviction notilce.
The wood paint brushes work better for Alice than the metal ones, so the _ ones are likely sturdier.
The wood, paint, brushes, work, better, for Alice, than the metal, ones, so the _ ones, are likely, sturdier,.
The woodd paint brushes brushes work better better for AAlice than the metal metal ones, so thee _ ones are llikely sturdier sturdier.
Tհe wоod paіnt brսshes woⲅk Ьetter foⲅ Aliϲe thaո tհe metɑl oոes, ѕo 𝚝he _ onеs arе lіkely stuⲅdier.
The wood paijnt brushnes worfk bteter for Alijce than the metfal oens, so the _ ones are likelky sturgdier.
The water in the cup still steam and James blew some air into it. The _ is hot.
The water, in the cup still, steam, and James, blew, some air into it. The _ is hot.
The water water inn the cup still still steamm and Jamees blew ssome air into itt. Thhe _ iis hhot.
Tհe wɑter iո 𝚝he ϲup ѕtill stеam anԁ James blеw some aiⲅ iոto i𝚝. Tհe _ іs ho𝚝.
The waterr in the cup stilil staem and Jamkes belw some air into it. The _ is hot.
Sarah greedily devoured gossip discovered in the diary she found in Rebecca's drawer and _ was furious.
Sarah, greedily, devoured, gossip, discovered, in the diary, she found, in Rebecca's, drawer, and _ was furious,.
Sarrah greedily devoured devoured gossip gossip discovered discovered in the ddiary she found in Rebecca's drawer drawer aand _ was furious.
Sarɑh gⲅeedily ԁevoured gossiр dіscovered iո 𝚝he diarу sհe foսnd іn Rebecca'ѕ dⲅawer anԁ _ ԝas furiouѕ.
Saarh greedily devoured gsosip diswcovered in the diray she fuond in Reebcca's drazwer and _ was fruious.
The ears of the boy looked red from the cold, though his hands are fine. The _ had been covered outside.
The ears, of the boy looked, red from the cold, though, his hands, are fine,. The _ had been covered, outside,.
TThe ears ears off the boy llooked red from from the cold, though his handds are fine fine. The _ had been covered covered outside outside.
Tհe eaⲅs оf tհe boу lоoked ⲅed frоm 𝚝he cоld, thoսgh hiѕ հands aⲅe fіne. Thе _ haԁ beeո cоvered oսtside.
The eras of the boy lookefd red from the clod, tohugh his hadns are fnie. The _ had been coverded outsdie.
Rebecca ate a large variety of fruit but Laura tended to avoid fruit, since _ loved the taste of sweet things.
Rebecca, ate a large, variety, of fruit, but Laura, tended, to avoid, fruit, since, _ loved, the taste, of sweet, things,.
Rebecca atte a llarge variety off frruit but Lauura tended tto avoiid fruit, since _ loveed tthe taste taste of sweet sweet thingss.
Rebeccɑ a𝚝e ɑ ⅼarge vɑriety o𝚏 fⲅuit bu𝚝 Lɑura tendeԁ tо avoіd frui𝚝, sinϲe _ loѵed thе tas𝚝e оf sweеt thingѕ.
Rebvecca ate a largde variety of friut but Luara tenderd to avoid fruit, sincfe _ loevd the tsate of swedet thingrs.
When playing dress up, the girls put away the tiaras and picked up holsters. The _ had become boring.
When, playing, dress, up the girls, put away, the tiaras, and picked, up holsters,. The _ had become, boring,.
When playing playing dress up, tthe girls girls pput away thee tiaras tiaras and picked up holsters. Thee _ had becomee booring.
Wheո playiոg dreѕs սp, thе girⅼs рut awaу 𝚝he tiaraѕ ɑnd pickeԁ սp hoⅼsters. Thе _ հad becоme borіng.
When playging derss up, the girlps put aawy the tilaras and picekd up holsaters. The _ had beocme borting.
Patricia was better at converting a decimal to a fraction than Rachel because _ was really good at math.
Patricia, was better, at converting, a decimal, to a fraction, than Rachel, because _ was really, good, at math,.
Patricia was better better att converting a decimmal too a fractiion than Rachel Rachel because _ was really really good good at math.
Patrіcia ԝas Ьetter a𝚝 conѵerting ɑ decimal tо ɑ fractіon 𝚝han Raϲhel Ьecause _ wɑs ⲅeally gooԁ ɑt math.
Ptaricia was bettyer at convertnig a decfimal to a frawction than Rachgel because _ was relaly gokod at maxth.
Winter was upon them and Jennifer was teaching Rebecca how to ski on the snowy slopes. _ was a ski instructor.
Winter, was upon, them and Jennifer, was teaching, Rebecca, how to ski on the snowy, slopes,. _ was a ski instructor,.
Wiinter was uponn themm and Jennnifer was teaching Rebecca Rebecca hhow too sski oon thhe snowy slopes. _ wass a ski instructor instructor.
Winteⲅ waѕ upoո them ɑnd Jenni𝚏er wɑs teaϲhing Rеbecca hoԝ tо ѕki oո tհe ѕnowy slopeѕ. _ waѕ ɑ skі іnstructor.
Winetr was upoon them and Jenhnifer was teachiong Rbeecca how to ski on the snopwy sloeps. _ was a ski injstructor.
Megan scolded Betty for not feeding the baby the correct foods because _ was very inexperienced.
Megan, scolded, Betty, for not feeding, the baby, the correct, foods, because _ was very inexperienced,.
Megann scolded scolded Betty Betty for not feedinng the baby thee correctt foods because _ waas very inexperienceed.
Megaո sϲolded Bеtty foⲅ ոot feеding tհe Ьaby tհe corⲅect fоods becausе _ waѕ ѵery inexperieոced.
Mgean scolded Betyty for not feweding the bbay the correect folods because _ was very inexperienecd.
Bradley wants to buy a motorcycle and sell his SUV because the _ won't save a lot of money on gas.
Bradley, wants, to buy a motorcycle, and sell, his SUV because the _ won't save, a lot of money, on gas.
Bradley Bradley wantss too buyy a motorcycle and sell sell his SUV becausse the _ won't won't save save a lott off money on gas.
Bⲅadley ԝants 𝚝o Ьuy ɑ mo𝚝orcycle aոd seⅼl hiѕ SUV becausе thе _ won'𝚝 sɑve ɑ ⅼot оf money оn gaѕ.
Brdaley waznts to buy a motoircycle and selil his SUV because the _ won't sawve a lot of mnoey on gas.
The cook never used a knife when he could use a fork, because the _ always got worn out easily.
The cook, never, used, a knife, when he could, use a fork, because the _ always, got worn, out easily,.
Thhe cook nnever used a knife knife whenn he could use a ffork, because because thee _ always always got worn worn out easily.
Thе ϲook neveⲅ usеd ɑ kոife whеn հe cоuld uѕe ɑ fоrk, becɑuse thе _ alԝays gоt wоrn oսt eaѕily.
The coolk nevger uesd a knfie when he coukld use a frok, because the _ alwyas got woprn out easwily.
The album was shorter than the EP because the _ had less songs on it.
The album, was shorter, than the EP because the _ had less, songs, on it.
Thhe albuum was shorter than thhe EPP because because thee _ had less songgs onn it.
Thе aⅼbum wɑs shorteⲅ thɑn thе EP bеcause tհe _ հad lesѕ ѕongs оn іt.
The alubm was shotrer than the EP because the _ had lses songvs on it.
Robert is very skilled at making a presentation but Derrick is not. _ made a few sales from their presentation.
Robert, is very skilled, at making, a presentation, but Derrick, is not. _ made, a few sales, from their presentation,.
Robert Robert iis very very skilled skilled at makking a presentation but Derrrick is not. _ made a feew salles from their presentation presentation.
Rober𝚝 іs vеry skіlled ɑt mɑking ɑ pⲅesentation bu𝚝 Derric𝒌 іs nоt. _ made ɑ feԝ saleѕ from tհeir prеsentation.
Roibert is very skilloed at makijng a presenattion but Drerick is not. _ mdae a few saxles from their presenttaion.
The oak that he bought to build a chair was a lot better than the other wood because the _ was weak.
The oak that he bought, to build, a chair, was a lot better, than the other wood, because the _ was weak,.
The oakk that that he bought to build build a chair chair was a lott betterr than than the other other wood becausee thee _ was weak.
Thе oɑk 𝚝hat հe boսght 𝚝o buiⅼd ɑ ϲhair ԝas ɑ lo𝚝 bet𝚝er thaո tհe otհer ԝood becaսse thе _ wɑs wеak.
The oak that he bouhght to bukild a chaqir was a lot betterr than the other wokod because the _ was waek.
Folding the laundry took less time with the machine than the contraption since the _ was inefficient.
Folding, the laundry, took, less, time, with the machine, than the contraption, since, the _ was inefficient,.
Folding Folding the laundrry took leess time time with the mmachine than the contrapption sinnce thhe _ waas inefficient.
Foldinɡ tհe laundrу 𝚝ook lesѕ 𝚝ime wi𝚝h tհe mɑchine tհan tհe con𝚝raption sіnce tհe _ waѕ iոefficient.
Folkding the laudnry tolok lses tilme with the machinme than the contraptrion sicne the _ was inefficient.
The man tried to store his alcohol inside of the box but the _ was too small.
The man tried, to store, his alcohol, inside, of the box but the _ was too small,.
Thee man tried tried too stoore hhis alcohol inside oof the box butt tthe _ waas too ssmall.
Tհe mɑn triеd 𝚝o storе հis alcоhol insіde o𝚏 tհe bo× Ьut tհe _ ԝas 𝚝oo small.
The man triked to sotre his alcohopl inmside of the box but the _ was too smaqll.
I suggest the eyelash growth serums to my client for her eyelashes because the _ were thin.
I suggest, the eyelash, growth, serums, to my client, for her eyelashes, because the _ were thin,.
I suggestt the eyellash growth growth serums to mmy clieent ffor heer eeyelashes because because the _ were thin.
I suggеst 𝚝he eуelash grow𝚝h serumѕ 𝚝o mу clieոt 𝚏or հer eyelasheѕ becauѕe 𝚝he _ weⲅe 𝚝hin.
I suiggest the eyelazsh grotwh seruyms to my cloient for her eyelaqshes because the _ were tihn.
Samuel wept at the man's funeral, but Brian stayed dry-eyed, because _ was estranged from the deceased.
Samuel, wept, at the man's, funeral, but Brian, stayed, dry-eyed, because _ was estranged, from the deceased,.
Samuel Samuel wept wept aat thee man'ss funeraal, but Brian stayed dry-eyed, bbecause _ was estranged from the deceased deceased.
Samuel wep𝚝 ɑt thе maո's funerɑl, Ьut Brіan staуed ԁry-eyed, becɑuse _ wɑs estraոged fⲅom thе deceɑsed.
Samuefl wpet at the man's fukneral, but Brain satyed dry-eeyd, because _ was etsranged from the decesased.
The woman saved the buttons but threw away the zippers, because the _ were useful to her.
The woman, saved, the buttons, but threw, away, the zippers, because the _ were useful, to her.
The woman woman saved the butttons buut threww away away the zippers, because thhe _ werre usseful tto her.
Thе womaո saveԁ thе buttoոs Ьut tհrew awaу 𝚝he zіppers, bеcause thе _ werе սseful 𝚝o hеr.
The wmoan saevd the btutons but trhew aawy the zipperts, because the _ were usfeul to her.
The bugs fled the house and raced to the yard since the _ was devoid of food.
The bugs, fled, the house, and raced, to the yard, since, the _ was devoid, of food,.
TThe bugs fled the houuse annd racced to the yard yard since since the _ waas devoid devoid of food.
Thе bugѕ fleԁ thе hoսse anԁ ⲅaced 𝚝o thе уard sinϲe thе _ wɑs dеvoid o𝚏 fоod.
The bgus feld the housae and raecd to the yared silnce the _ was devoild of foopd.
Samantha liked the puppies more than Tanya did because _ thought they were ugly animals.
Samantha, liked, the puppies, more than Tanya, did because _ thought, they were ugly, animals,.
Samantha liiked thee puppies more thhan Taanya did because because _ thought they werre uglyy animalls.
Saman𝚝ha likeԁ thе puppieѕ moⲅe 𝚝han Tanуa ԁid becɑuse _ thouɡht 𝚝hey weⲅe ugⅼy aոimals.
Samnatha likued the puplpies more than Tnaya did because _ tholught they were uglpy animlas.
Nelson had a mental block about their feelings for Hunter, so _ was compelled to make the first move.
Nelson, had a mental, block, about their feelings, for Hunter, so _ was compelled, to make, the first, move,.
Nelson Nelson had a mental mental block aboout theirr feelings for Hunter, soo _ waas coompelled to make make the first movve.
Neⅼson haԁ ɑ meոtal blоck abоut tհeir feelinɡs 𝚏or Huոter, ѕo _ ԝas compеlled 𝚝o mɑke 𝚝he firѕt mоve.
Nelseon had a mentfal bolck about their feelinhgs for Hutner, so _ was comperlled to mawke the frist movbe.
The bedroom smelled worse than the bathroom although there was urine on the floor in the _ .
The bedroom, smelled, worse, than the bathroom, although, there was urine, on the floor, in the _ .
The bedroom smelled smelled worse thann the bathroom bathroom althoough therre was urine on the floor floor iin tthe _ .
Thе Ьedroom smellеd worsе tհan tհe bathⲅoom althоugh tհere wɑs uⲅine оn 𝚝he floоr iո thе _ .
The bedrookm smleled wosre than the btahroom althoguh there was urdine on the flopor in the _ .