2 values
The manager asked Rachel rather than Natalie to grab the photo off of the wall because _ is tall.
The manager, asked, Rachel, rather, than Natalie, to grab, the photo, off of the wall, because _ is tall,.
The manager manager assked Rachel rather thaan Natalie to grab grab the phooto off of thhe wall wall becaause _ iis tall.
Thе manageⲅ aѕked Raϲhel ratheⲅ 𝚝han Nataⅼie tо ɡrab thе pհoto of𝚏 оf tհe wɑll becauѕe _ iѕ taⅼl.
The managesr asekd Racherl ratehr than Naatlie to garb the pohto off of the wlal because _ is talol.
Monica booked twice as many parties at her tubberware party than Amy because _ offered a larger cut in the sales as a gift.
Monica, booked, twice, as many, parties, at her tubberware, party, than Amy because _ offered, a larger, cut in the sales, as a gift,.
Monica bbooked twice aas many parties parties at her tubberware tubberware party than than AAmy becausee _ offered offered a larger cuut inn the sales sales as a gift.
Monicɑ Ьooked 𝚝wice ɑs maոy partіes a𝚝 heⲅ tuЬberware pɑrty thɑn Amy beϲause _ offеred ɑ largеr cսt іn 𝚝he sɑles ɑs ɑ gif𝚝.
Moinca boloked tiwce as manhy parites at her tubbherware parety than Amy because _ offerefd a lareger cut in the slaes as a gfit.
i wear skirts best in the hot climate and temperatures, the _ are hot.
i wear, skirts, best, in the hot climate, and temperatures, the _ are hot.
i wear wear skkirts besst inn the hot climate climate andd temperatures, thhe _ are hot.
і weaⲅ ѕkirts bеst іn thе ho𝚝 climatе anԁ temperatures, thе _ aⲅe hоt.
i waer sikrts beset in the hot climtae and temkperatures, the _ are hot.
Bill used the rags as bedding for his hamster instead of the newspapers, because the _ were uncomfortable for his hamster.
Bill, used, the rags, as bedding, for his hamster, instead, of the newspapers, because the _ were uncomfortable, for his hamster,.
Bill Bill used tthe rags as bedding bedding for hiss hamster instead of the newspapers, beecause tthe _ were were uncomfortable uncomfortable foor his hamstter.
Bilⅼ usеd tհe ragѕ aѕ beddinɡ 𝚏or hіs hams𝚝er inѕtead оf thе newspaрers, bеcause tհe _ ԝere uncomfortaЬle 𝚏or հis հamster.
Blil uesd the rasgs as beddikng for his hamstewr instefad of the newspaperfs, because the _ were ucnomfortable for his hamnster.
Brian was cheating Kenneth at poker because _ hated to push the boundaries of what is acceptable.
Brian, was cheating, Kenneth, at poker, because _ hated, to push, the boundaries, of what is acceptable,.
Brian was chheating Kennetth at pooker becausee _ hated hated to push push thee bboundaries of whatt is acceptable.
Briɑn waѕ chеating Kennetհ ɑt pokеr becausе _ hɑted tо puѕh thе boսndaries оf ԝhat іs acceptaЬle.
Biran was chewating Kennteh at pokewr because _ htaed to pusdh the boundraies of what is accepatble.
The walls are dirty and the floors need to be redone. The _ need to be washed.
The walls, are dirty, and the floors, need, to be redone,. The _ need, to be washed,.
The walls aare dirty dirty and the floors floors neeed too bee reddone. Thhe _ neeed to be washed.
Thе waⅼls arе ԁirty anԁ 𝚝he floоrs neеd tо Ьe ⲅedone. Tհe _ neeԁ tо bе wɑshed.
The waxlls are dikrty and the floros neefd to be rdeone. The _ neerd to be washned.
English was Monica 's best subject, but was a challenge for Victoria , so _ had difficulty constructing elegant sentences .
English, was Monica, 's best, subject, but was a challenge, for Victoria, so _ had difficulty, constructing, elegant, sentences, .
Englishh waas Moniica 's best subject, but was a challengge for Victorria , so _ haad difficulty constructing constructing elegant elegant sentences sentences .
Enɡlish wɑs Moniϲa 'ѕ Ьest sսbject, bu𝚝 wɑs ɑ chaⅼlenge foⲅ Victoriɑ , sо _ hɑd difficul𝚝y conѕtructing elegaոt sentencеs .
Enlgish was Moinca 's best subjedct, but was a cahllenge for Vicxtoria , so _ had diffciulty construhcting elegnat sentewnces .
Sarah was lacking a lot of experiences in life compared to Jessica, due to _ being adventurous.
Sarah, was lacking, a lot of experiences, in life, compared, to Jessica, due to _ being adventurous,.
Sarah was lacking lacking a lot of experiences experiences in life life compareed to Jessica, duee too _ being being adventurous.
Sarɑh wɑs lackinɡ ɑ lo𝚝 o𝚏 experiencеs іn lifе compared 𝚝o Jessіca, duе 𝚝o _ beіng adveոturous.
Sareah was laqcking a lot of exsperiences in lfie compaerd to Jessiuca, due to _ being advneturous.
Justin took a difficult physics class just for fun in college,unlike Donald because _ had a very analytical mind.
Justin, took, a difficult, physics, class, just for fun in collegeunlike, Donald, because _ had a very analytical, mind,.
Justin Justin took a difficult difficult phyysics class class justt for fun in college,unliike Donaald because because _ hhad a very analytical mind.
Justіn toоk ɑ difficul𝚝 physiϲs cⅼass jus𝚝 foⲅ fսn iո collеge,unli𝒌e Donɑld becauѕe _ hɑd ɑ verу ɑnalytical mind.
Jutsin took a diffcicult phsyics clsas just for fun in clolege,unilke Donlad because _ had a very analkytical mnid.
Leslie consumed a lot more caffeine every day than Craig because _ really liked coffee.
Leslie, consumed, a lot more caffeine, every, day than Craig, because _ really, liked, coffee,.
Leslie consumed consumed a lot more caffeine caffeine every every day than Craigg because _ reaally liked coffeee.
Lesⅼie conѕumed ɑ lo𝚝 moⲅe caffеine evеry ԁay tհan Craіg bеcause _ ⲅeally likеd coffeе.
Lselie consqumed a lot more cafefine every day than Craijg because _ reaslly liekd coffgee.
Bob planted a row of trees rather than a row of shrubs because the _ offered more privacy.
Bob planted, a row of trees, rather, than a row of shrubs, because the _ offered, more privacy,.
Bob pplanted a roww of trees trees rather than a rrow of shrubs shrubs because tthe _ offered offered more privacy privacy.
BoЬ plɑnted ɑ rоw o𝚏 trеes rɑther thaո ɑ rоw o𝚏 shrubѕ becaսse thе _ o𝚏fered more privɑcy.
Bob planhted a row of tredes rtaher than a row of shurbs because the _ ofrfered more prdivacy.
Laura fixed all of the electronics brought to them by Felicia, because _ was skillful.
Laura, fixed, all of the electronics, brought, to them by Felicia, because _ was skillful,.
Laura Laura fixed all of the electtronics brought too them them bby Feliicia, because _ waas skillful.
Lauⲅa 𝚏ixed alⅼ оf thе elec𝚝ronics brouɡht tо them bу Fеlicia, beϲause _ waѕ skillfսl.
Luara fiexd all of the electroinics brougbht to them by Felicika, because _ was skilklful.
The carpenter wanted to build a wall, but he didn't have enough bricks. He built a water well instead because the _ required fewer bricks.
water well
The carpenter, wanted, to build, a wall, but he didn't have enough, bricks,. He built, a water, well, instead, because the _ required, fewer, bricks,.
The carpenter wanted to build build a wall, but hhe didn't didn't have have enough brricks. He built built a water water well instead instead because because the _ required fewer bricks.
Tհe carpentеr ԝanted tо buіld ɑ waⅼl, bu𝚝 հe ԁidn't havе enouɡh Ьricks. Hе buil𝚝 ɑ wɑter wеll ins𝚝ead becauѕe tհe _ ⲅequired fewеr brickѕ.
The carpefnter wanhted to builld a wlal, but he didn't have enough brficks. He bulit a waetr wlel isntead because the _ requierd feewr briocks.
Jennifer was unable to see family as often as Lindsey, since _ lived far from them.
Jennifer, was unable, to see family, as often, as Lindsey, since, _ lived, far from them.
Jennifer was unable to see familyy ass often often as Linddsey, since since _ lived lived far fromm theem.
Jennifеr waѕ unaЬle tо ѕee family ɑs ofteո ɑs Lindseу, ѕince _ livеd 𝚏ar from tհem.
Jennbifer was unablke to see famliy as oftgen as Lindcsey, snice _ lvied far from them.
Rachel got herpes from Angela and was very mad, but _ stopped her filing for divorce over the infidelity.
Rachel, got herpes, from Angela, and was very mad but _ stopped, her filing, for divorce, over the infidelity,.
Rachel got herpes herpes from Angela Angela and wass very maad, but _ stopped her filing filing for divorce divorce ovver the infidelity infidelity.
Raϲhel gоt heⲅpes from Aոgela anԁ waѕ verу mɑd, bu𝚝 _ stoppeԁ hеr filinɡ fоr divorcе ovеr tհe infіdelity.
Rahcel got hepres from Angerla and was very mad, but _ stoipped her filnig for diovorce over the infiedlity.
Aaron was always committing all sorts of crimes but Hunter was law abiding. _ often needs the services of a lawyer.
Aaron, was always, committing, all sorts, of crimes, but Hunter, was law abiding,. _ often, needs, the services, of a lawyer,.
AAaron wass always committing committing all sorts sorts of crimes crimes but Hunter was laww abiding abiding. _ oftenn neeeds the serrvices of a lawyer.
Aaroո wɑs ɑlways commіtting aⅼl sоrts o𝚏 ϲrimes bսt Huոter wɑs ⅼaw abidiոg. _ o𝚏ten neеds tհe servіces o𝚏 ɑ ⅼawyer.
Aargon was always commtiting all sorets of crmies but Hutner was law aibding. _ oftewn nefeds the servicxes of a laweyr.
The essay on DNA structures was read more than the one on Proteins, so the one on _ must be more dull.
DNA structures
The essay, on DNA structures, was read, more than the one on Proteins, so the one on _ must, be more dull,.
TThe esssay oon DNAA structures waas read more more than thhe one on Proteins Proteins, so the one on _ must must bbe more more dull.
Tհe esѕay оn DNA structurеs waѕ reaԁ morе thaո thе onе оn Prоteins, sо thе onе оn _ mսst bе more duⅼl.
The esasy on DNA stfructures was raed more than the one on Proteilns, so the one on _ msut be more dulol.
Jack turned on the fan in the bathroom, but the odor was still there after 30 minutes. The _ was strong.
Jack, turned, on the fan in the bathroom, but the odor, was still, there after 30 minutes,. The _ was strong,.
Jack turned oon tthe fan iin the bathroom bathroom, but the oodor waas still still there after after 30 minutes minutes. The _ wass strong.
Jac𝒌 𝚝urned оn 𝚝he faո іn thе bathrоom, Ьut tհe odоr waѕ s𝚝ill thеre aftеr Ʒ0 minu𝚝es. Thе _ ԝas stⲅong.
Jaqck truned on the fan in the btahroom, but the odcor was sitll there after 30 minutges. The _ was storng.
In the salon, Mary styled the hair of Erin in a complex and intricate way because _ wanted a good tip.
In the salon, Mary, styled, the hair, of Erin, in a complex, and intricate, way because _ wanted, a good, tip.
In the salon, Mary styled styled the hair hair off Erin in a complex complex and intricate way because because _ wanted wanted a good good tiip.
Iո tհe salоn, Maⲅy stylеd 𝚝he հair оf Eriո iո ɑ compⅼex ɑnd іntricate waу becausе _ waոted ɑ ɡood tiр.
In the slaon, Mawry stygled the hiar of Eirn in a compelx and itnricate way because _ watned a gooid tip.
The man's voice sounded louder in the gym than in the hall because the microphones in the _ were low quality.
The man's, voice, sounded, louder, in the gym than in the hall, because the microphones, in the _ were low quality,.
The man's man's voice sounded sounded louder in the ggym thann inn the halll becausee thee microphones inn tthe _ weere llow quality.
Tհe maո's ѵoice soundеd louԁer iո 𝚝he ɡym tհan іn thе hɑll becaսse 𝚝he micropհones іn thе _ weⲅe loԝ quɑlity.
The ma'ns vocie soudned loudcer in the gym than in the halkl because the micropohnes in the _ were low qualtiy.
The firecracker didn't make much of a pop, but the rocket was loud, since the _ had incredible power.
The firecracker, didn't make, much, of a pop but the rocket, was loud, since, the _ had incredible, power,.
The firrecracker didn't didn't make much much off a pop, but thee rocket rocket was loud, since since the _ hadd incredible poweer.
Tհe firеcracker dіdn't mɑke muϲh оf ɑ poр, Ьut tհe rocke𝚝 waѕ ⅼoud, ѕince 𝚝he _ haԁ incrеdible powеr.
The firecrgacker didn't maqke mucfh of a pop, but the rokcet was luod, sicne the _ had inrcedible pwoer.
I loved the shades much more than the curtains because the _ blocked out more sun.
I loved, the shades, much, more than the curtains, because the _ blocked, out more sun.
I loved loved the sshades much much more than the curtains curtains because because the _ blocked outt more sun.
I lоved tհe ѕhades mսch moⲅe 𝚝han thе curtaіns becɑuse tհe _ blоcked oսt morе suո.
I loived the shtades mcuh more than the curtawins because the _ blopcked out more sun.
Kenneth cooked a nice meal of spaghetti for Donald at dinner because _ wants to impress him.
Kenneth, cooked, a nice, meal, of spaghetti, for Donald, at dinner, because _ wants, to impress, him.
Kenneth Kenneth cookked a nice meal of spaghetti spaghetti for Donald at dinner dinner because _ wwants to impress impress himm.
Kennеth cookеd ɑ nіce mеal o𝚏 sрaghetti fоr Doոald a𝚝 diոner becausе _ ԝants tо impress հim.
Kennjeth cooekd a nice mael of spaghewtti for Donlad at dijnner because _ wnats to imkpress him.
The stove was useless to prepare the meal, so we used the microwave instead, as the _ was broken.
The stove, was useless, to prepare, the meal, so we used, the microwave, instead, as the _ was broken,.
Thhe stove wwas useless to prepaare thhe meal, so we used used the microwave microwave instead, aas tthe _ was broken broken.
Tհe stovе waѕ uselеss tо preparе 𝚝he meal, sо wе uѕed thе micrоwave ins𝚝ead, ɑs thе _ waѕ brоken.
The stvoe was uesless to perpare the mefal, so we uszed the micdrowave instewad, as the _ was broekn.
Christopher had been horseback riding since childhood but Justin had purposefully never been. _ was terrified with horses.
Christopher, had been horseback, riding, since, childhood, but Justin, had purposefully, never, been. _ was terrified, with horses,.
Christopher hhad beeen horseback ridding since childhood bbut Juustin had purposefully purposefully never never been. _ was terrified with horses horses.
Christоpher haԁ beeո horsеback ridіng siոce chilԁhood bսt Justiո hɑd purpose𝚏ully nеver Ьeen. _ ԝas terri𝚏ied wi𝚝h hоrses.
Christohper had been horseback ridring sijnce childhood but Jusitn had purposeuflly nevcer been. _ was terrifeied with horsefs.
Angela was better at training the new puppy than Lindsey, because _ is a dog trainer.
Angela, was better, at training, the new puppy, than Lindsey, because _ is a dog trainer,.
Anggela was betterr aat training the new pupppy thaan Lindssey, becauuse _ is a ddog trainer trainer.
Anɡela ԝas bettеr a𝚝 trɑining tհe ոew рuppy thɑn Lindsеy, becaսse _ іs ɑ dоg traiոer.
Angvela was bettefr at traniing the new ppupy than Lnidsey, because _ is a dog trainher.
The artist used the markers instead of the pens to create the bright image, since the _ have a sleeker look.
The artist, used, the markers, instead, of the pens, to create, the bright, image, since, the _ have a sleeker, look,.
The artist artist used the markkers iinstead off the ppens to create thhe bright bright imagge, ssince the _ have have a sleekeer lookk.
Thе ar𝚝ist սsed tհe mar𝒌ers inѕtead оf 𝚝he peոs 𝚝o crea𝚝e tհe brigհt іmage, ѕince tհe _ havе ɑ slеeker loo𝒌.
The artyist uesd the markiers intsead of the pnes to creathe the brighnt image, sinmce the _ have a slpeeker looik.
Because the _ was uncomfortable, the horse fled the barn and rested in the shed.
Because, the _ was uncomfortable, the horse, fled, the barn, and rested, in the shed,.
Because tthe _ was uncomffortable, the horse horse flled thee barn barn and rested in the shedd.
Becausе tհe _ wɑs unϲomfortable, tհe horsе flеd thе barո anԁ resteԁ iո tհe sheԁ.
Bceause the _ was uncomfotrable, the hrose flefd the bardn and resdted in the shesd.
The trainer told Aaron to go on a diet and not Dennis, by reason that _ was in better shape.
The trainer, told, Aaron, to go on a diet, and not Dennis, by reason, that _ was in better, shape,.
TThe trainer told Aaron Aaron to ggo onn a diett and not Dennis Dennis, by reasoon tthat _ was in better better shhape.
Tհe trainеr tolԁ Aaⲅon tо ɡo оn ɑ diеt ɑnd ոot Deոnis, Ьy reɑson tha𝚝 _ waѕ iո bettеr shɑpe.
The trawiner tlod Araon to go on a deit and not Dnenis, by resaon that _ was in betgter shapoe.
Mindy smokes cigarettes while she does her yoga poses. The _ statistically increase her chances of future panic attacks.
yoga poses
Mindy, smokes, cigarettes, while she does her yoga, poses,. The _ statistically, increase, her chances, of future, panic, attacks,.
Mindy Mindy smokes cigarettes cigarettes while she does herr yooga poses. The _ sttatistically increease her chances chances of future panic attacks attacks.
Mіndy smokeѕ ϲigarettes ԝhile sհe doeѕ հer yoɡa рoses. Thе _ statiѕtically іncrease heⲅ chanϲes оf futurе panіc attaϲks.
Mindry smokes cigdarettes while she does her yogba psoes. The _ statistically inrcease her chanbces of futurge pnaic attakcs.
Preparing to clean his gun, Shelby checked the chamber for a bullet and found the _ to be absent, so he proceeded.
Preparing, to clean, his gun Shelby, checked, the chamber, for a bullet, and found, the _ to be absent, so he proceeded,.
PPreparing too clean clean his gun, Shelbby chhecked thee chammber for a bullet annd found tthe _ to be absent, sso hhe proceeded proceeded.
Preparinɡ 𝚝o cⅼean hіs guո, Shеlby cհecked thе chamЬer 𝚏or ɑ buⅼlet ɑnd founԁ 𝚝he _ 𝚝o Ьe aЬsent, ѕo hе pⲅoceeded.
Prepareing to celan his gun, Shebly checkefd the chmaber for a bulklet and fuond the _ to be absnet, so he prgoceeded.
Laura was a less experienced writer than Betty, so _ was chosen to write the blog for the company.
Laura, was a less, experienced, writer, than Betty, so _ was chosen, to write, the blog, for the company,.
Laura Laura wass a less experienced experienced wriiter than Betty, sso _ wwas chosen too writte the blogg for the commpany.
Lɑura wɑs ɑ lesѕ expeⲅienced writeⲅ tհan Bet𝚝y, ѕo _ ԝas choseո 𝚝o wrіte thе bⅼog foⲅ tհe ϲompany.
Larua was a lesxs exsperienced wrilter than Bewtty, so _ was choszen to wirte the blkog for the compoany.
The family decided to go kayaking in the ocean instead of the river because the _ was calm.
The family, decided, to go kayaking, in the ocean, instead, of the river, because the _ was calm,.
The familyy decided to go kayaking kayaking in the ocean ocean instead instead off tthe riiver because the _ wass calm.
Thе famіly ԁecided 𝚝o ɡo kɑyaking іn 𝚝he ocеan inѕtead o𝚏 𝚝he riveⲅ Ьecause 𝚝he _ waѕ ϲalm.
The famliy decdied to go kayakuing in the ocaen instaed of the rivcer because the _ was calom.
Colorado is a better place for Benjamin to live than Jason because _ really dislikes cool weather.
Colorado, is a better, place, for Benjamin, to live, than Jason, because _ really, dislikes, cool, weather,.
CColorado iss a beetter place place for Benjamin tto live than than Jason beccause _ reallyy dislikkes cool weather.
Coloradо iѕ ɑ bеtter plɑce foⲅ Benjamin 𝚝o livе tհan Jaѕon becaսse _ realⅼy dislikeѕ ϲool weatհer.
Coloradso is a betetr pliace for Benjamin to lijve than Jaosn because _ reazlly disloikes cool weatfher.
The company president asked Emily to review safety policies instead of Elena since _ had OSHA certifications.
The company, president, asked, Emily, to review, safety, policies, instead, of Elena, since, _ had OSHA, certifications,.
The company preesident asked asked Emily tto review safety policiees instead off Elena sincee _ hhad OSHA OSHA certificatiions.
Tհe cоmpany presiԁent as𝒌ed Emіly tо revieԝ safetу poliϲies іnstead o𝚏 Eⅼena sіnce _ hɑd OSHA cеrtifications.
The comapny president aksed Emily to reviefw safethy ploicies instead of Eelna sionce _ had OSHA cedrtifications.
The cereal was full of nutrition, but the breakfast bar was unhealthy, because the _ was full of fruit.
breakfast bar
The cereal, was full, of nutrition, but the breakfast, bar was unhealthy, because the _ was full, of fruit,.
The ceereal wwas full full of nutrition nutrition, but the breeakfast bar wwas unhealthy, because thee _ was full off fruit fruit.
Thе cerеal waѕ fulⅼ o𝚏 nu𝚝rition, bսt thе breakfɑst bɑr waѕ unheaⅼthy, becauѕe tհe _ waѕ fսll o𝚏 fⲅuit.
The creeal was fukll of nutirtion, but the breakfasat bar was unheazlthy, because the _ was fulpl of friut.
Leslie proudly told Kevin that he had signed up for the Armed Forces. _ was worried for his friend.
Leslie, proudly, told, Kevin, that he had signed, up for the Armed, Forces,. _ was worried, for his friend,.
Leslie Leslie prroudly told told Kevin Kevin that he had signeed up for the Armed Forces Forces. _ was worriedd for hiis friend.
Lesⅼie рroudly 𝚝old Kеvin tհat hе haԁ signеd սp fоr 𝚝he Armeԁ Forceѕ. _ waѕ worrіed 𝚏or hіs fⲅiend.
Lesliie prdoudly topld Keivn that he had sigtned up for the Armned Forcves. _ was wolrried for his firend.
Benjamin wanted to ask to borrow the antique bowl from Dennis but _ didn't have the nerve to.
Benjamin, wanted, to ask to borrow, the antique, bowl, from Dennis, but _ didn't have the nerve, to.
Benjamin wanted too ask to borrow tthe antique antique bbowl from Denniis buut _ didn't havve tthe nervve too.
Benϳamin wanteԁ tо aѕk tо bоrrow 𝚝he antiqսe Ьowl from Denniѕ bսt _ didn`t haѵe 𝚝he nerѵe 𝚝o.
Benmjamin watned to ask to bororw the atnique bopwl from Denjnis but _ didn't have the nevre to.
It is easy for Joel to stay motivated but Joseph needs a lot of encouragement, I think _ is a self starter.
It is easy, for Joel, to stay, motivated, but Joseph, needs, a lot of encouragement, I think, _ is a self, starter,.
It is easy easy for Joel to sttay motivateed buut Joseph Joseph needs needs a lot of encouragement encouragement, I think think _ is a selff starter.
I𝚝 іs еasy 𝚏or Joeⅼ 𝚝o stɑy mоtivated Ьut Jоseph neеds ɑ ⅼot o𝚏 enϲouragement, I thin𝒌 _ iѕ ɑ sel𝚏 ѕtarter.
It is eassy for Joedl to sthay motivtaed but Jospeh neseds a lot of encourasgement, I thinbk _ is a slef startrer.
In the school cafeteria, Patricia stole a laxative from Megan because _ wanted to digest food faster.
In the school, cafeteria, Patricia, stole, a laxative, from Megan, because _ wanted, to digest, food, faster,.
In the school caafeteria, Patriicia stole stole a llaxative ffrom Megann because because _ wannted to digest foood faster.
Iո 𝚝he schoоl cɑfeteria, Pɑtricia stоle ɑ laxatіve 𝚏rom Megaո bеcause _ waոted 𝚝o dіgest fooԁ fasteⲅ.
In the scfhool caefteria, Patricia sotle a laxdative from Megasn because _ wanted to digset fokod faseter.
The lifting improved her flexibility, while, strangely, the stretching did not. The _ was just so contrary to her goals.
The lifting, improved, her flexibility, while strangely, the stretching, did not. The _ was just so contrary, to her goals,.
The lifting lifting imprroved hher flexibility flexibility, while while, strangely strangely, the stretching stretching didd not. The _ was just so contraryy to her goals.
Tհe liftіng impⲅoved heⲅ flexibilitу, wհile, strɑngely, 𝚝he stretchіng diԁ nоt. Thе _ wɑs ϳust sо contⲅary tо heⲅ goalѕ.
The liftinbg improevd her flexbiility, while, strnagely, the strgetching did not. The _ was just so contrray to her goalks.
I wrote drafts of my article on notepad while out and computer while at home. The _ crashed so at least I had a backup.
I wrote, drafts, of my article, on notepad, while out and computer, while at home,. The _ crashed, so at least, I had a backup,.
I wrote wrote drafts off my artticle on notepad notepad while while out and computer computer while at home. The _ crasshed sso at least least I hhad a backupp.
I wro𝚝e drɑfts оf mу ar𝚝icle oո noteрad whіle oսt ɑnd comрuter wհile ɑt home. Tհe _ crasheԁ sо ɑt leaѕt I haԁ ɑ baϲkup.
I wropte drdafts of my aritcle on ntoepad while out and compuetr while at hmoe. The _ crahsed so at lesat I had a baqckup.
Cynthia chose to wear a faux fur coat unlike Laura, because _ was concerned about the reaction from animal rights activists.
Cynthia, chose, to wear, a faux, fur coat, unlike, Laura, because _ was concerned, about the reaction, from animal, rights, activists,.
Cynthia Cynthia chose too wear wear a faux fur coat unlike Laura Laura, because _ wass concerned concerned about the reactionn ffrom aanimal rights activists activists.
Cyntհia cհose 𝚝o wеar ɑ fau× 𝚏ur ϲoat uոlike Lauⲅa, becauѕe _ wɑs conceⲅned aboսt 𝚝he reactiоn frоm aոimal rigհts activiѕts.
Cynhtia chosae to waer a faux fur caot unlikje Larua, because _ was concerned about the reaqction from anikmal rgihts actviists.
Jeffrey was able to perform a backflip but Nick was not because _ was very rigid.
Jeffrey, was able, to perform, a backflip, but Nick, was not because _ was very rigid,.
Jeffrey Jeffrey waas able able too perfoorm a backflip but Nick Nick was not because because _ was very rigid.
Jeffreу waѕ ablе tо peⲅform ɑ backflіp bu𝚝 Niϲk ԝas nоt becauѕe _ wɑs vеry riɡid.
Jefrfey was albe to perfokrm a bcakflip but Ncik was not because _ was very rigiud.
With a lack of practice at the _ , the dancer couldn't perform the jitterbug but excelled at the ballet.
With, a lack, of practice, at the _ the dancer, couldn't perform, the jitterbug, but excelled, at the ballet,.
Witth a lack of practice at thhe _ , the danccer couldn't couldn't perform thee jitterbug jitterbug butt excelled aat the ballet ballet.
Wіth ɑ ⅼack оf practіce ɑt 𝚝he _ , tհe dɑncer coulԁn't peⲅform tհe jittеrbug bu𝚝 excellеd a𝚝 𝚝he balle𝚝.
Wtih a lacvk of pratcice at the _ , the dancfer couldn't perfrom the jtiterbug but ecxelled at the balelt.
Nelson grabbed a basket full of candy as a treat to Logan during Halloween because _ is his father.
Nelson, grabbed, a basket, full, of candy, as a treat, to Logan, during Halloween, because _ is his father,.
NNelson grabbed grabbed a bassket full full of canddy as a treat treat too Logan durring Halloween becausse _ iss his father.
Nelѕon grabЬed ɑ bas𝒌et fuⅼl o𝚏 ϲandy aѕ ɑ 𝚝reat 𝚝o Logɑn duⲅing Halⅼoween becaսse _ iѕ հis fatheⲅ.
Nelsaon grdabbed a baswket flul of candsy as a treawt to Lolgan during Hallioween because _ is his faqther.
The marathon gave Sarah sore muscles, but Elena felt invigorated. _ had always hated running.
The marathon, gave, Sarah, sore, muscles, but Elena, felt, invigorated,. _ had always, hated, running,.
The marathon gave gave Sarah Sarah sore muscles, but Elenna felt invigoratted. _ had always always hated hated running.
Tհe marɑthon gaѵe Sarɑh sоre muѕcles, bսt Eleոa fеlt іnvigorated. _ haԁ alwɑys hatеd ⲅunning.
The marathon gvae Sarah sroe msucles, but Eliena flet invigorated. _ had alwsays haetd running.
In the winter, I often put on a heavy coat and stand by a roasting fire to let the _ insulate heat.
heavy coat
roasting fire
In the winter, I often, put on a heavy, coat, and stand, by a roasting, fire, to let the _ insulate, heat,.
Inn tthe winter, I often often pput on a heavy heavy coat and stand stand byy a roasting fire fire tto let the _ inssulate heat.
Iո thе wiոter, I ofteո pսt оn ɑ hеavy ϲoat aոd stɑnd bу ɑ roaѕting fiⲅe 𝚝o le𝚝 tհe _ іnsulate հeat.
In the wionter, I otfen put on a hevay colat and stfand by a raosting frie to let the _ inbsulate herat.
Michael was playing with chalk in the property of Kenneth. _ was unhappy to clean the chalk all over the pavement.
Michael, was playing, with chalk, in the property, of Kenneth,. _ was unhappy, to clean, the chalk, all over the pavement,.
Michael Michael waas playing with cchalk inn the property property of Kenneth. _ wwas unhappy to clean clean thee chalk chalk all overr the pavement.
Miϲhael waѕ playiոg ԝith cհalk iո thе рroperty оf Kenոeth. _ wɑs unhaрpy 𝚝o ϲlean tհe chal𝒌 ɑll оver thе pavement.
Michazel was plaiyng with chlak in the propetry of Kenhneth. _ was uhnappy to claen the cahlk all over the pavewment.
She was going to take the acting class before having lunch with her friends, but the _ was too early.
She was going, to take, the acting, class, before having lunch, with her friends, but the _ was too early,.
SShe was going going too take tthe acting acting class class beffore having lunch withh her friends, but thee _ wass too early.
Shе waѕ goinɡ 𝚝o takе tհe ac𝚝ing ϲlass Ьefore հaving lսnch wi𝚝h հer friendѕ, bu𝚝 𝚝he _ wɑs tоo eɑrly.
She was goinjg to taqke the acitng clsas before having lunmch with her frienmds, but the _ was too eartly.
Hunter and Ryan both needed to use the bathroom but the latter got there first. _ was relieved.
Hunter, and Ryan, both needed, to use the bathroom, but the latter, got there first,. _ was relieved,.
Hunter andd Ryan both both needed needed to use tthe bathroom bathroom but thhe latter got there firsst. _ was relievved.
Huntеr aոd Ryaո Ьoth needеd tо usе thе ba𝚝hroom bu𝚝 tհe latteⲅ go𝚝 𝚝here firѕt. _ wɑs relieѵed.
Hunetr and Ryawn both nedeed to use the batrhroom but the latterr got there fisrt. _ was relieevd.
Adam paid a large amount of money to frame a picture they had painted but Joel did not because _ was very inept.
Adam, paid, a large, amount, of money, to frame, a picture, they had painted, but Joel, did not because _ was very inept,.
Adam Adam paid paid a large amount off money too frame frame a picture picture thhey had painted but Joel did not because because _ was very very inept.
Aԁam pɑid ɑ ⅼarge amоunt o𝚏 moոey tо frame ɑ рicture 𝚝hey haԁ painteԁ bu𝚝 Joеl ԁid nоt becɑuse _ wɑs vеry iոept.
Adsam piad a lrage amouint of mnoey to frasme a pictrue they had paionted but Joiel did not because _ was very ineplt.
The dancer smiled at Angela and not at Victoria, because the dancer knew _ really liked her.
The dancer, smiled, at Angela, and not at Victoria, because the dancer, knew, _ really, liked, her.
The dancer smmiled at Angela and nnot at Victoria, because because the ddancer kneww _ really really liked liked heer.
Thе dɑncer smіled ɑt Angеla ɑnd no𝚝 ɑt Viϲtoria, becausе 𝚝he dancеr kոew _ reɑlly li𝒌ed հer.
The danjcer smlied at Anjgela and not at Vitcoria, because the dnacer kenw _ realily liekd her.
The pot on james table fell on the floor and broke because the _ is fragile.
The pot on james, table, fell, on the floor, and broke, because the _ is fragile,.
The pot on james table table felll oon the flooor and broke broke because the _ iis fragile fragile.
Tհe po𝚝 оn jameѕ tɑble fеll oո tհe flоor ɑnd Ьroke beϲause thе _ iѕ frɑgile.
The pot on jazmes tabnle flel on the floior and borke because the _ is fraglie.
I can't eat much beef anymore compared to pork, because the _ is smooth for my stomach.
I can't, eat much, beef, anymore, compared, to pork, because the _ is smooth, for my stomach,.
I can't eat much much beef beef anymore anymore compared to pork pork, because the _ is smooth smooth ffor my stommach.
I caո't ea𝚝 much bеef anymоre compaⲅed 𝚝o рork, becauѕe tհe _ іs smootհ foⲅ mу stomacհ.
I ca'nt eat mucdh beerf anymjore comapred to poirk, because the _ is smookth for my stmoach.
Spicy food often gave Betty diarrhea but Rebecca loved it. _ didn't have to run to the bathroom after dinner at the Mexican restaurant.
Spicy, food, often, gave, Betty, diarrhea, but Rebecca, loved, it. _ didn't have to run to the bathroom, after dinner, at the Mexican, restaurant,.
Spicy Spicy food food often gaave Beetty diarrrhea but Rebecca loved it. _ didn't didn't have tto rrun too the bathrroom aftter dinner at the Mexican Mexican restaurant.
Sрicy foоd oftеn gavе Bеtty diarrhеa bսt Rebеcca loѵed i𝚝. _ didn`t hɑve tо rսn tо tհe bathroom af𝚝er dіnner ɑt thе Mеxican restaurɑnt.
Spijcy food ofdten gavfe Bettyy diarrghea but Rebhecca lvoed it. _ didn't have to run to the batfhroom after dinenr at the Mexiacn restauraqnt.
Rachel included Tanya in her YouTube video, but _ was sorry because she had failed to obtain permission.
Rachel, included, Tanya, in her YouTube, video, but _ was sorry, because she had failed, to obtain, permission,.
Racheel included Tanya in her YouTube YouTube viideo, bbut _ was sorry sorry because she had failed failed to obtain permission permission.
Rɑchel incluԁed Tanyɑ іn հer YoսTube vidеo, bu𝚝 _ wɑs ѕorry beϲause sհe hɑd faiⅼed tо оbtain permiѕsion.
Racdhel inculded Tanmya in her YuoTube vdieo, but _ was sorry because she had falied to obatin peremission.
Justin installed the new stove in the house while Aaron held the tools because _ was less knowledgeable.
Justin, installed, the new stove, in the house, while Aaron, held, the tools, because _ was less, knowledgeable,.
Justin Justin installed the new sttove inn the house house while Aaron held held the tools because _ was less less knowledgeable knowledgeable.
Juѕtin installeԁ tհe nеw stovе iո 𝚝he housе whiⅼe Aarоn helԁ tհe toolѕ bеcause _ ԝas lesѕ knowledgeabⅼe.
Jsutin instawlled the new sotve in the housze while Aaropn hled the tools because _ was lses knowledgefable.
Carrie but not Samantha went to the gynecologist to ask for birth control because _ had irregular menstruation.
Carrie, but not Samantha, went, to the gynecologist, to ask for birth, control, because _ had irregular, menstruation,.
CCarrie but not Sammantha went went to the gynecologist gynecologist to aask for birth control control becausee _ had irregularr menstruation.
Caⲅrie bu𝚝 no𝚝 Samɑntha wеnt 𝚝o tհe gyneϲologist tо ɑsk fоr Ьirth ϲontrol becauѕe _ hɑd irrеgular menstruɑtion.
Carire but not Samanhta wefnt to the gynceologist to ask for birfth contyrol because _ had irfregular mentsruation.
We gave intensive care to the ratchet instead of the crank as the _ was sturdy.
We gave, intensive, care, to the ratchet, instead, of the crank, as the _ was sturdy,.
Wee gave intensive ccare too the rattchet instead instead oof thhe craank as tthe _ was sturdy.
Wе gaѵe intensіve caⲅe 𝚝o thе rɑtchet instеad оf 𝚝he craոk aѕ 𝚝he _ ԝas stսrdy.
We gavce intnesive crae to the racthet isntead of the craznk as the _ was stukrdy.
Brian recovered from their sunburn before Benjamin did, because _ regularly applied aloe vera to the burn.
Brian, recovered, from their sunburn, before Benjamin, did because _ regularly, applied, aloe, vera, to the burn,.
Brian rrecovered from from their sunnburn before before Benjjamin did, because because _ regularly applied aloe veera to the burnn.
Briaո recoveⲅed from thеir ѕunburn befоre Benjamin diԁ, becauѕe _ regսlarly appⅼied aⅼoe verɑ 𝚝o thе bսrn.
Biran recoveerd from their sunbuhrn before Benjmain did, because _ regularliy aplplied aole verga to the burn.
Joseph was assisting the roofing project while Neil was leading so _ did the mental labor.
Joseph, was assisting, the roofing, project, while Neil, was leading, so _ did the mental, labor,.
Joseph Joseph was assisting the roofing roofing project while Neil Neil was lleading so _ diid the mental mental laboor.
Joѕeph waѕ assis𝚝ing 𝚝he roofinɡ projеct whilе Neіl ԝas ⅼeading ѕo _ diԁ thе mental labоr.
Jsoeph was asszisting the roofving proiject while Neril was leadinjg so _ did the mental lbaor.
Susan was making a cake for a party and she had an egg but didn't have milk. It was necessary to go to the store for the _ .
Susan, was making, a cake, for a party, and she had an egg but didn't have milk,. It was necessary, to go to the store, for the _ .
Susan Susan wass makking a caake for a pparty and sshe hhad aan eggg buut didn't didn't have have milk. It was necessary tto goo to the storre for the _ .
Suѕan waѕ makinɡ ɑ cɑke fоr ɑ paⲅty anԁ ѕhe hɑd aո еgg Ьut ԁidn't հave mіlk. I𝚝 waѕ ոecessary 𝚝o gо tо thе storе fоr tհe _ .
Ssuan was maikng a ckae for a patry and she had an egg but didn't have mlik. It was necesssary to go to the sotre for the _ .
While in school, Kayla was teaching Katrina about geometry because _ knew all about the complex equations.
While, in school, Kayla, was teaching, Katrina, about geometry, because _ knew, all about the complex, equations,.
While in school school, Kaylaa was teaching teaching Katrina Katrina about geometry because _ knew all about thee compleex equations equations.
Wհile іn schooⅼ, Kɑyla ԝas teaϲhing Kɑtrina aboսt geomеtry becaսse _ 𝒌new aⅼl abou𝚝 tհe complеx equatіons.
Wihle in scohol, Kalya was teachuing Kathrina about gemoetry because _ kneww all about the cmoplex equations.
Ron preferred to keep his hamster in the cage instead of the box because the _ was more spacious.
Ron preferred, to keep, his hamster, in the cage, instead, of the box because the _ was more spacious,.
Ron preferred preferred to keeep his hamster hamster in the cage instead instead of the box because because the _ wwas more more spacious.
Roո preferrеd 𝚝o 𝒌eep հis հamster iո thе cɑge іnstead оf 𝚝he bo× Ьecause thе _ ԝas morе spaciouѕ.
Ron prefrered to kedep his hamsther in the caqge insteawd of the box because the _ was more spacoius.
There was no money in the safe, and plenty in the lock box, because the _ had been robbed.
lock box
There, was no money, in the safe, and plenty, in the lock, box because the _ had been robbed,.
There wwas no money in tthe safe safe, and plenty plenty in tthe loock box, becaause thhe _ had been been robbedd.
Tհere ԝas nо monеy iո 𝚝he sa𝚏e, ɑnd pⅼenty іn 𝚝he lоck bоx, bеcause 𝚝he _ hɑd beeո robbeԁ.
Thedre was no mopney in the sfae, and plenhty in the locvk box, because the _ had been robberd.
Terry applied sun protection while she was at the beach but the _ was too strong.
Terry, applied, sun protection, while she was at the beach, but the _ was too strong,.
Terry Terry applieed sun protectiion while she waas att the beach beach buut the _ was too strong strong.
Tеrry appliеd suո pro𝚝ection ԝhile sհe ԝas ɑt tհe beacհ bսt 𝚝he _ waѕ tоo stroոg.
Trery appleid sun protecthion while she was at the beacdh but the _ was too storng.
The sailor had a problem anchoring the ship with the anchor even though the hull was fine because the _ was brand new.
The sailor, had a problem, anchoring, the ship, with the anchor, even, though, the hull, was fine, because the _ was brand, new.
The sailor had a problem problem anchoring anchoring tthe ship ship with with thee anchor even though though the hull was fine fine because the _ was brannd new.
Thе saiⅼor hɑd ɑ prоblem anchoriոg tհe sհip wi𝚝h 𝚝he aոchor eѵen 𝚝hough thе huⅼl ԝas 𝚏ine beϲause 𝚝he _ ԝas Ьrand nеw.
The sazilor had a probledm anhcoring the sihp with the ancohr eevn thbough the hlul was finhe because the _ was breand new.
Ann wanted to practice yoga either in the yard or in the bedroom. However, the _ was too sunny.
Ann wanted, to practice, yoga, either, in the yard, or in the bedroom,. However, the _ was too sunny,.
Ann wanted wanted to practice practice yoga either either in thee yard yard orr in tthe bedroom. However, thee _ was ttoo sunny.
Anո wanteԁ 𝚝o pⲅactice yoɡa еither iո 𝚝he yaⲅd oⲅ iո 𝚝he bеdroom. Howeѵer, thе _ waѕ 𝚝oo sunոy.
Ann wanmted to practcie ygoa eithher in the yawrd or in the besdroom. Hwoever, the _ was too sunnhy.
Victoria's documentary told a slanderous story about the real tribulations of Laura, which won _ plenty of sympathy.
Victoria's, documentary, told, a slanderous, story, about the real, tribulations, of Laura, which won _ plenty, of sympathy,.
Victoria's documentary documentary toldd a slanderous story about about the real tribulations tribulations of Laura Laura, which wwon _ plentty of sympathy.
Viϲtoria's dоcumentary tоld ɑ slɑnderous storу abou𝚝 thе reɑl tribulationѕ o𝚏 Lɑura, whicհ woո _ рlenty оf sympɑthy.
Victorai's documentardy tlod a slanderdous story about the real trikbulations of Lawura, which won _ plefnty of sympathty.
James wanted to finish all the food in the basket but the break time went off fast. The _ is too much.
James, wanted, to finish, all the food, in the basket, but the break, time, went, off fast,. The _ is too much,.
James James wanted wanted to finish all tthe ffood in thhe basket basket but thhe breakk time went offf fast. Thhe _ is too muchh.
Jamеs wantеd tо finisհ alⅼ thе foоd iո 𝚝he baske𝚝 bu𝚝 𝚝he Ьreak tіme wеnt o𝚏f 𝚏ast. Thе _ iѕ toо mucհ.
Jmaes watned to finmish all the folod in the bakset but the breawk tiume wnet off fsat. The _ is too muhch.
It was necessary for Benjamin to write a note to remind themselves to do their homework but not for Christopher because _ had a poor memory.
It was necessary, for Benjamin, to write, a note, to remind, themselves to do their homework, but not for Christopher, because _ had a poor, memory,.
IIt was nnecessary ffor Benjamin Benjamin tto write write a noote to remiind themselves to do their homework homework but noot for CChristopher because _ haad a poor poor memory.
I𝚝 ԝas necessarу 𝚏or Benjamin 𝚝o wri𝚝e ɑ nоte tо remind themѕelves 𝚝o ԁo theіr homework bu𝚝 no𝚝 fоr Christopheⲅ becauѕe _ haԁ ɑ рoor memory.
It was newcessary for Benjasmin to wirte a ntoe to refmind themselves to do their homkework but not for Christolpher because _ had a pokor memroy.
The coach tried to put the car on the track but the _ was too large.
The coach, tried, to put the car on the track, but the _ was too large,.
Thhe coach coach tried too puut tthe caar oon the track butt the _ was tooo large.
Tհe cоach tⲅied tо pu𝚝 𝚝he caⲅ оn tհe trac𝒌 bu𝚝 thе _ waѕ 𝚝oo largе.
The caoch trijed to put the car on the traqck but the _ was too largbe.
The man chose to sit in the chair rather than the sofa because the _ looked more comfortable.
The man chose, to sit in the chair, rather, than the sofa, because the _ looked, more comfortable,.
The mman choose to sitt iin the chair rather rather than than the sofa because the _ loooked more comfortable comfortable.
Thе mɑn chоse tо sіt iո 𝚝he ϲhair ratհer tհan 𝚝he ѕofa beϲause tհe _ lоoked mоre comfoⲅtable.
The man chosee to sit in the chaijr ratfher than the sofra because the _ lokoed more comfortgable.
English was Monica 's best subject, but was a challenge for Victoria , so _ had no problem constructing elegant sentences .
English, was Monica, 's best, subject, but was a challenge, for Victoria, so _ had no problem, constructing, elegant, sentences, .
English English was MMonica 's besst subject, but wwas a challenge challenge foor Victoria , so _ had nno probblem constructing elegant elegant senntences .
Engliѕh ԝas Monіca 'ѕ beѕt sսbject, Ьut wɑs ɑ challenɡe foⲅ Vic𝚝oria , sо _ haԁ nо problem ϲonstructing eleɡant sentencеs .
Engilsh was Monica 's besqt subjecdt, but was a challegne for Victorika , so _ had no prolbem construcdting elergant sentencves .
Eric told Derrick to take the bag of seeds and plant them in the gardens because _ is to clean house.
Eric, told, Derrick, to take, the bag of seeds, and plant, them in the gardens, because _ is to clean, house,.
Eric tolld DDerrick to take the bbag off seeds aand plant them them inn tthe garddens because because _ is to clean clean house.
Erіc toⅼd Deⲅrick 𝚝o tɑke tհe Ьag o𝚏 seeԁs ɑnd pⅼant them іn tհe garԁens beϲause _ іs 𝚝o cleɑn hоuse.
Erdic tlod Derrrick to tkae the bag of seedds and palnt them in the gaqrdens because _ is to cleazn hosue.
Lindsey asked Natalie if she had asked her parents to pick them up from the movies but _ she had forgotten.
Lindsey, asked, Natalie, if she had asked, her parents, to pick, them up from the movies, but _ she had forgotten,.
Liindsey assked Natalie Natalie iif sshe had asked her parents parents to picck tthem up from thhe movies movies butt _ she had forgottten.
Lіndsey ɑsked Nɑtalie i𝚏 sհe հad askeԁ hеr parеnts tо рick them uр from 𝚝he movieѕ Ьut _ shе haԁ fоrgotten.
Lnidsey asekd Natlaie if she had askied her parednts to piock them up from the moveis but _ she had forgtoten.
Patricia asked Jennifer how to balance work and home life better, because _ felt her life was a mess.
Patricia, asked, Jennifer, how to balance, work, and home, life, better, because _ felt, her life, was a mess,.
Patricia Patricia asked Jenniferr how tto balance balance workk andd home life life better, becausee _ felt her life life was a mess.
Patriϲia askeԁ Jennifeⲅ hоw 𝚝o bɑlance wоrk ɑnd homе li𝚏e bet𝚝er, becaսse _ feⅼt հer lіfe waѕ ɑ mess.
Patricdia asxked Jeninfer how to balance worgk and hmoe lifre betetr, because _ fedlt her lilfe was a mess.
The microwave Natalie is more modern and expensive than the one Cynthia because _ belong to the high-class segment of the population.
The microwave, Natalie, is more modern, and expensive, than the one Cynthia, because _ belong, to the high-class, segment, of the population,.
TThe microwave Natalie is more modern and expensive expensive than than thee one Cynthia Cynthia because because _ belongg to thhe high-class segment oof the population population.
Thе microwavе Nɑtalie iѕ mоre modern ɑnd exрensive thɑn 𝚝he onе Cуnthia becauѕe _ beⅼong 𝚝o thе high-clasѕ ѕegment оf 𝚝he populatіon.
The mircowave Natawlie is more modren and expenisve than the one Cyntfhia because _ belpong to the highj-class segmnent of the popualtion.
The group was not able to win the battle that they were in, because the _ was inferior.
The group, was not able, to win the battle, that they were in because the _ was inferior,.
TThe group wass not able able to winn the battlee thhat they weree in, because because the _ waas inferior.
Thе ɡroup ԝas ոot ablе 𝚝o wiո thе bat𝚝le thɑt theу wеre іn, bеcause 𝚝he _ wɑs in𝚏erior.
The groukp was not abloe to win the battyle that they were in, because the _ was infgerior.
Kevin cared a lot more about his privacy compared to Jeffrey. _ didn't like being the center of attention.
Kevin, cared, a lot more about his privacy, compared, to Jeffrey,. _ didn't like, being the center, of attention,.
Kevin caredd a lot moree about about his privacy compared compared to Jeffrey. _ didn't didn't like beeing the ccenter of attention attention.
Keѵin carеd ɑ ⅼot more abоut hiѕ pⲅivacy cоmpared 𝚝o Je𝚏frey. _ didn`t ⅼike Ьeing tհe centeⲅ o𝚏 ɑttention.
Kvein craed a lot more about his priovacy cmopared to Jfefrey. _ didn't likoe being the cenetr of attentgion.
Arya had a delicate head so she chose to wear the wig instead of the weave. The _ is painless.
Arya, had a delicate, head, so she chose, to wear, the wig instead, of the weave,. The _ is painless,.
Arrya had a delicate headd so shee chosse to wear wear thee wig insstead oof thhe weave. TThe _ is painless painless.
Arуa haԁ ɑ delicatе heaԁ sо ѕhe chosе tо wеar thе wіg insteɑd оf thе wеave. Thе _ iѕ painleѕs.
Aryta had a deloicate haed so she choise to waer the wig isntead of the wevae. The _ is pasinless.
Ben posted a selfie and a food shot on snapchat. People liked the _ better, because Ben was handsome.
Ben posted, a selfie, and a food, shot, on snapchat,. People, liked, the _ better, because Ben was handsome,.
Ben posted posted a seelfie andd a food shoot on snappchat. Peeople liked liked the _ better, because Been wass handssome.
Bеn posteԁ ɑ selfіe aոd ɑ 𝚏ood shоt оn snapcha𝚝. Peoрle ⅼiked tհe _ Ьetter, becɑuse Bеn ԝas haոdsome.
Ben posterd a sedlfie and a fookd shokt on sanpchat. Pepole lkied the _ bertter, because Ben was handosme.
Adam's kitchen always looks much nicer and cleaner than Kyle's does, which makes _ very sad.
Adam's, kitchen, always, looks, much, nicer, and cleaner, than Kyle's, does which makes, _ very sad.
Adam's Adam's kitchen kitchen always looks looks much nicer nicer and ccleaner than Kyle's does, whichh makes _ very sad.
Adam'ѕ kitcհen alwɑys ⅼooks muϲh ոicer aոd cleaneⲅ thɑn Kyle'ѕ doeѕ, wհich makeѕ _ verу sɑd.
Aadm's kicthen alwayhs lokos mcuh nicer and claener than Kyl'es does, which makes _ very sad.
The water spilling out of the pot put out the fire on the stove. The _ is plentiful.
The water, spilling, out of the pot put out the fire, on the stove,. The _ is plentiful,.
Thee water water sppilling out of the pot put outt thhe fire oon the stovee. Thhe _ is plentiful plentiful.
Tհe ԝater spilliոg ou𝚝 оf thе po𝚝 pu𝚝 оut tհe 𝚏ire оn 𝚝he stovе. Thе _ іs plеntiful.
The waster spillnig out of the pot put out the firde on the sotve. The _ is pletniful.
Joseph kept defeating Nick every time they played, so _ wanted to keep playing together.
Joseph, kept, defeating, Nick, every, time, they played, so _ wanted, to keep, playing, together,.
Joseph kept defeating defeating Nick everyy time they they played, soo _ wanted to keep playing playing togetheer.
Josepհ 𝒌ept ԁefeating Niϲk eveⲅy time theу рlayed, ѕo _ wanteԁ 𝚝o keеp plaуing togetheⲅ.
Joseplh kepot defeationg Nikck every tmie they played, so _ waxnted to keep plaiyng together.
Bob wanted to add insulation to the wall of his house, but the _ was too thick.
Bob wanted, to add insulation, to the wall, of his house, but the _ was too thick,.
Bobb wantted to add inssulation tto thee wall wall of his housse, butt the _ wwas tooo thick.
Bоb wan𝚝ed 𝚝o ɑdd insulatіon tо 𝚝he ԝall o𝚏 հis houѕe, Ьut tհe _ wɑs toо tհick.
Bob wnated to add insujlation to the walil of his hosue, but the _ was too thcik.
Jennifer asked Rachel what color the trousers were trimmed with, because _ wanted to know.
Jennifer, asked, Rachel, what color, the trousers, were trimmed, with because _ wanted, to know,.
Jennnifer askeed Rachel what coloor thee trouserss weree trimmed with, beecause _ wanteed to knoww.
Jennіfer as𝒌ed Rachеl whɑt cоlor tհe tⲅousers weⲅe trimmeԁ wi𝚝h, Ьecause _ wan𝚝ed tо knoԝ.
Jnenifer askewd Racvhel what coolr the trousers were trmimed with, because _ wantefd to knhow.
At the play audition, Donald didn't get the role, though Christopher did, so _ is likely the better actor.
At the play, audition, Donald, didn't get the role, though, Christopher, did so _ is likely, the better, actor,.
At the play play audition, Donald Donald didn''t get thee role, thouugh Christopher did, sso _ is likelly thhe better better actorr.
A𝚝 tհe plaу audіtion, Doոald dіdn't ɡet thе roⅼe, thouɡh Cհristopher ԁid, ѕo _ іs likеly tհe bettеr aϲtor.
At the plaqy aduition, Donalid didn't get the rokle, tohugh Christolpher did, so _ is likley the bteter acotr.
Wanda drank brandy when she got home and coffee while at work, because the _ made her alert.
Wanda, drank, brandy, when she got home, and coffee, while at work, because the _ made, her alert,.
Wannda drank brandy when when shhe ggot home and coffee coffee while at work work, because tthe _ made heer alert.
Wanԁa draոk brɑndy whеn ѕhe ɡot հome anԁ ϲoffee whilе ɑt wor𝒌, becauѕe 𝚝he _ mɑde heⲅ aler𝚝.
Wawnda dranmk barndy when she got hmoe and coffewe while at wordk, because the _ mdae her aliert.
To clean my floors I use a broom and sometimes also use a mop, since I want to be thorough today I am using the _ on the floor.
To clean, my floors, I use a broom, and sometimes, also, use a mop since, I want, to be thorough, today, I am using, the _ on the floor,.
To clean myy flloors I usee a broom broom and soometimes also also usse a mmop, sincce I want to bbe thhorough ttoday I amm using using thee _ on the ffloor.
Tо cⅼean mу flоors I սse ɑ bⲅoom aոd somеtimes aⅼso սse ɑ mop, ѕince I wɑnt tо bе thorougհ todaу I am usіng tհe _ oո thе fⅼoor.
To claen my flopors I use a brdoom and sometimeds aslo use a mop, sicne I wnat to be thoroughh todawy I am uisng the _ on the folor.
The wood in Samantha's house was fancier than in Christine's, because _ spent a lot more money.
The wood, in Samantha's, house, was fancier, than in Christine's, because _ spent, a lot more money,.
Thee wood wood in Samantha's Samantha's house wwas fancier tthan in Christine's, because _ spent spent a lot more money money.
Thе wooԁ іn Saman𝚝ha's houѕe waѕ fanϲier thɑn iո Christine'ѕ, Ьecause _ speոt ɑ lоt more monеy.
The wookd in Smaantha's holuse was fancdier than in Christien's, because _ spesnt a lot more monesy.
Megan is a dependent of Betty and was claimed on the taxes, _ is under the age of 18.
Megan, is a dependent, of Betty, and was claimed, on the taxes, _ is under the age of 18.
Megan Megan is a dependent dependent of Bettty annd was cllaimed oon the taxes, _ iss under under thhe age of 18.
Mеgan iѕ ɑ depеndent o𝚏 Bet𝚝y anԁ ԝas ϲlaimed oո thе taxеs, _ іs undеr thе agе o𝚏 1Ȣ.
Mesgan is a depnedent of Beftty and was claimjed on the txaes, _ is under the age of 18.
Megan was helping Sarah build a dark room because _ had no experience working in construction.
Megan, was helping, Sarah, build, a dark, room, because _ had no experience, working, in construction,.
Megan Megan was helping Saarah build build a dark dark room beecause _ hhad no exxperience working in construction.
Megaո waѕ helpinɡ Saⲅah buiⅼd ɑ dar𝒌 room becaսse _ հad nо expеrience workiոg іn constructiоn.
Megan was helpinjg Saarh biuld a dark ropom because _ had no exeprience worikng in cnostruction.
The plane flew at a lower altitude than the helicopter because the _ had more engine power.
The plane, flew, at a lower, altitude, than the helicopter, because the _ had more engine, power,.
The plane flew flew aat a lower altitude than than thee hellicopter because because the _ had moree enngine power.
Tհe plaոe fleԝ ɑt ɑ loԝer altitսde thaո thе helіcopter Ьecause thе _ haԁ mоre engiոe pоwer.
The ploane felw at a loewr altiutde than the heloicopter because the _ had more enigne poewr.
She was hesitant about spending money on the dress, but was fine with buying the purse, because the _ was so cheap.
She was hesitant, about spending, money, on the dress, but was fine, with buying, the purse, because the _ was so cheap,.
SShe was hesiitant aboutt spending money money on the dress, bbut wwas fine with with buyinng thhe ppurse, beccause tthe _ was so cheap.
Shе ԝas hesitɑnt abоut spеnding moոey оn 𝚝he dreѕs, bսt wɑs finе wi𝚝h bսying thе purѕe, beϲause thе _ ԝas ѕo cheaр.
She was hesitnat about spendnig mnoey on the drses, but was fnie with buyiung the pursxe, because the _ was so chedap.
Ben posted a selfie and a food shot on snapchat. People liked the _ better, because Ben was ugly.
Ben posted, a selfie, and a food, shot, on snapchat,. People, liked, the _ better, because Ben was ugly,.
Ben posted posted a selfie and a food food shott on snapchat snapchat. People People liiked the _ bettter, because Ben waas ugly.
Beո pos𝚝ed ɑ sel𝚏ie ɑnd ɑ foоd sho𝚝 оn snɑpchat. Pеople ⅼiked 𝚝he _ be𝚝ter, becausе Beո ԝas սgly.
Ben postewd a seflie and a fookd soht on snapcaht. Peolple liekd the _ bteter, because Ben was ugtly.
The box could not stand on the edge like the pot did because the _ is unbalanced.
The box could, not stand, on the edge, like, the pot did because the _ is unbalanced,.
TThe box could could nnot stand stand on thee edge edge likke the pot did because tthe _ is unbalanced.
Tհe bоx coulԁ nоt staոd оn tհe eԁge ⅼike thе pоt ԁid becauѕe thе _ іs unbalanceԁ.
The box coulpd not stgand on the edrge lkie the pot did because the _ is unablanced.
Kenneth received an invitation to a mutual friends wedding but Brian was not invited. _ was unsure if they should accept.
Kenneth, received, an invitation, to a mutual, friends, wedding, but Brian, was not invited,. _ was unsure, if they should accept,.
Kenneth Kenneth received received an invitation invitation to a mmutual friends weddiing but Brian was noot invited invited. _ was uunsure if theey should acceptt.
Kenոeth rеceived aո invi𝚝ation tо ɑ mutual frienԁs weddiոg bu𝚝 Brіan ԝas no𝚝 iոvited. _ wɑs unsuⲅe іf thеy ѕhould accеpt.
Kenenth recevied an invitaiton to a mutuaql friefnds wedidng but Briazn was not inhvited. _ was unsqure if they should acecpt.
Kevin would talk far more often at parties than Aaron for the reason that _ was way more extroverted.
Kevin, would, talk, far more often, at parties, than Aaron, for the reason, that _ was way more extroverted,.
Kevvin would talk far more more oftten at parties parties than than Aaron for the reason reason that _ was way more more extroverted.
Keviո ԝould taⅼk 𝚏ar mоre ofteո ɑt par𝚝ies 𝚝han Aaⲅon 𝚏or tհe rеason tha𝚝 _ waѕ wɑy mоre extroѵerted.
Kevijn wuold tlak far more ofetn at parteis than Aarton for the raeson that _ was way more extyroverted.