2 values
Jason called the ambulance after Benjamin had a bad car accident because _ was unconscious.
Jason, called, the ambulance, after Benjamin, had a bad car accident, because _ was unconscious,.
Jason called tthe ambulancee after after Benjamin haad a bbad carr accident because _ was unconscious unconscious.
Jaѕon callеd thе ambuⅼance ɑfter Benjɑmin hɑd ɑ Ьad cɑr aϲcident becɑuse _ ԝas uncoոscious.
Jasxon claled the ambujlance after Benjmain had a bad car accdient because _ was unconsicous.
The contractor messed up the deck but did fine in the kitchen, as building the _ was an area of expertise for them.
The contractor, messed, up the deck, but did fine, in the kitchen, as building, the _ was an area, of expertise, for them.
TThe contracctor messed upp the deck buut didd finne in the kitchen kitchen, as building building the _ was aan area oof expertise expertise for them them.
Thе contractoⲅ meѕsed սp thе dec𝒌 Ьut dіd fіne iո thе kitcheո, ɑs buildіng 𝚝he _ waѕ aո ɑrea оf expertiѕe fоr tհem.
The contarctor messefd up the dcek but did filne in the ktichen, as biulding the _ was an aera of expertgise for them.
Leslie is known to be a rude person as compared to Christopher because _ has a hard heart.
Leslie, is known, to be a rude, person, as compared, to Christopher, because _ has a hard, heart,.
Leslie is known tto bee a rude person person as comparedd tto Christopheer because because _ has a harrd heart heart.
Leslіe iѕ knoԝn 𝚝o Ьe ɑ rudе pеrson ɑs compɑred tо Chrіstopher becɑuse _ haѕ ɑ harԁ hеart.
Lselie is knmown to be a rdue persoln as compraed to Crhistopher because _ has a hrad haert.
John tied to blow all of the mucus from his nose when he had a cold, but the _ was too weak.
John, tied, to blow, all of the mucus, from his nose, when he had a cold, but the _ was too weak,.
Johnn tied tied too blow blow aall off thee mucus from hiis nnose when he had a cold cold, but the _ was too weak weak.
Joհn tiеd 𝚝o bloԝ ɑll оf 𝚝he mucus from hiѕ nоse whеn հe հad ɑ colԁ, bսt tհe _ wɑs tоo ԝeak.
Johbn tioed to bolw all of the muhcus from his nsoe when he had a cokld, but the _ was too waek.
Even though Victoria had a higher title than Kayla, _ made less in income at the company.
Even, though, Victoria, had a higher, title, than Kayla, _ made, less, in income, at the company,.
Eveen though Victoria haad a higher ttitle than Kayla, _ madde less less in income income at tthe company company.
Evеn 𝚝hough Victoriɑ hɑd ɑ hіgher ti𝚝le 𝚝han Kɑyla, _ mɑde lеss іn iոcome ɑt thе companу.
Even tohugh Vioctoria had a hgiher tilte than Kayla, _ mdae lses in incopme at the copmany.
After creating a startup business, Kevin received money from Lawrence after _ pitched the business deal.
After, creating, a startup, business, Kevin, received, money, from Lawrence, after _ pitched, the business, deal,.
After After creating a startup businesss, Kevin received money from from Lawrence afterr _ piitched thhe business deal deal.
Af𝚝er crea𝚝ing ɑ staⲅtup busіness, Keѵin reϲeived mоney 𝚏rom Lawrencе afteⲅ _ pіtched thе bսsiness ԁeal.
After craeting a startup busienss, Keivn received money from Lawrencfe after _ pithched the buisness desal.
The pattern James drew on the skirt needed more space to complete it. He realized the _ is short.
The pattern, James, drew, on the skirt, needed, more space, to complete, it. He realized, the _ is short,.
The pattern James James dreww on tthe skirt skirt neededd more more space to complete it. He rrealized the _ is short short.
Tհe pat𝚝ern James dreԝ oո thе skiⲅt needеd more ѕpace tо complete i𝚝. Hе realizeԁ thе _ іs shoⲅt.
The ptatern Jamews derw on the skrit needesd more sapce to compllete it. He relaized the _ is shuort.
The drink was made when I poured it into the cup through the strainer. The _ quickly filtered the solids.
The drink, was made, when I poured, it into the cup through the strainer,. The _ quickly, filtered, the solids,.
The drink wass made made whhen I poured poured it into the cuup through through the strainerr. The _ quicklly filteredd the solids solids.
Tհe drin𝒌 waѕ madе whеn I pouⲅed i𝚝 in𝚝o thе ϲup throuɡh tհe straiոer. Thе _ quicklу filterеd thе sоlids.
The driknk was mdae when I porued it into the cup through the strainber. The _ quhickly filtyered the soilds.
Jared poured the distilled water from the jug into the aquarium until the _ was empty.
Jared, poured, the distilled, water, from the jug into the aquarium, until the _ was empty,.
Jared poured the distilled distilled watter from the juug into into the aquarium aquarium until thhe _ waas empty.
Jarеd poսred tհe distilleԁ wateⲅ frоm 𝚝he juɡ intо 𝚝he aqսarium untiⅼ thе _ wɑs emp𝚝y.
Jasred pouresd the distliled watewr from the jug into the aquardium until the _ was emkpty.
After losing Megan's important flash drive, Sarah tried to apologize but _ was still very forgetful.
After, losing, Megan's, important, flash, drive, Sarah, tried, to apologize, but _ was still, very forgetful,.
After loosing Megan's important flash drive drive, SSarah tried tried to apologize but _ wwas still still veery forgetful.
A𝚏ter ⅼosing Megaո's impoⲅtant flasհ drivе, Sɑrah tⲅied tо apoloɡize Ьut _ ԝas stiⅼl ѵery forgetfսl.
After losinjg Megna's importrant flpash drive, Sraah tried to apologdize but _ was stiull very forgetful.
While at the gym, Derrick was teaching Benjamin how to do bicep curls because _ was a personal trainer.
While, at the gym Derrick, was teaching, Benjamin, how to do bicep, curls, because _ was a personal, trainer,.
While at the ggym, Derriick was teaching Benjaminn howw too do bicep bicep curls curls because _ was a personall trainer trainer.
Whilе ɑt 𝚝he ɡym, Derⲅick waѕ teɑching Benjamin hоw tо ԁo bicеp curⅼs Ьecause _ ԝas ɑ pеrsonal traiոer.
Wihle at the gym, Derrcik was taeching Bnejamin how to do bicerp cuirls because _ was a pergsonal trainerr.
Adam adopted the cat instead of the dog because the _ would prevent allergic reactions.
Adam, adopted, the cat instead, of the dog because the _ would, prevent, allergic, reactions,.
Adam adopted adopted the cat innstead of the dog because the _ would would prevent prevent allergiic reactionns.
Adam aԁopted thе ca𝚝 iոstead оf thе doɡ bеcause tհe _ woսld рrevent ɑllergic reactіons.
Adxam adwopted the cat inbstead of the dog because the _ wolud pervent allregic reacxtions.
When I write an essay, I prefer to use the pencil rather than the pen, as I cannot erase mistakes using the _ .
When, I write, an essay, I prefer, to use the pencil, rather, than the pen as I cannot, erase, mistakes, using, the _ .
Wheen I write aan esssay, I prefer to usee the pencil pencil rather rather tthan thhe penn, ass I cannot eraase misttakes using thhe _ .
Wheո I writе ɑn esѕay, I prefеr tо uѕe tհe рencil rathеr tհan thе peո, ɑs I caոnot erasе mistakеs usiոg tհe _ .
Wehn I writye an esasy, I preferr to use the penicl rathedr than the pen, as I cannokt ersae mistakoes usiung the _ .
Nora put lube on the door hinges instead of the door jambs, because there was more friction at the _ .
Nora, put lube, on the door, hinges, instead, of the door, jambs, because there was more friction, at the _ .
Nora pput lube on thee door door hiinges instead oof thee door jambs, beccause there there was moree ffriction att the _ .
Norɑ pսt luЬe оn tհe dоor hiոges ins𝚝ead оf thе doоr ϳambs, becauѕe therе waѕ mоre fric𝚝ion a𝚝 thе _ .
Nroa put lbue on the dokor hignes isntead of the dooir jambns, because there was more frictikon at the _ .
Michael was outgoing but Ian was shy, so _ never wanted to be the center of attention.
Michael, was outgoing, but Ian was shy so _ never, wanted, to be the center, of attention,.
Michhael was outgoing outgoing but Iaan wwas shhy, so _ neever wanted wanted to be thee center off attention.
Mіchael wɑs оutgoing Ьut Iaո wɑs sհy, ѕo _ neveⲅ ԝanted 𝚝o bе thе centеr оf attentiоn.
Mcihael was outgoiong but Ian was shy, so _ neevr wantged to be the cetner of attentfion.
Wanting to look conservative, the woman removed the blush but left the lipstick on, because the color of the _ was bold.
Wanting, to look, conservative, the woman, removed, the blush, but left, the lipstick, on because the color, of the _ was bold,.
Wanting Wanting to look look consservative, the wooman removed tthe blussh bbut left thee lipstick oon, because the colorr of the _ waas bbold.
Wantiոg tо lоok conserva𝚝ive, 𝚝he womɑn remoѵed thе blusհ Ьut le𝚏t 𝚝he ⅼipstick oո, Ьecause 𝚝he cоlor o𝚏 tհe _ ԝas bolԁ.
Wanthing to looik colnservative, the womawn removefd the bluysh but leftt the liptsick on, because the colior of the _ was blod.
Although Amy felt depression while Angela felt mentally healthy, _ still saw a psychologist despite this.
Although, Amy felt, depression, while Angela, felt, mentally, healthy, _ still, saw a psychologist, despite, this.
Although Ammy felt depression while Angela Angela felt felt mentally healthy, _ still still ssaw a psychollogist despite tthis.
Althouɡh Amу 𝚏elt depressiоn whiⅼe Angeⅼa fеlt mentally heaⅼthy, _ stiⅼl ѕaw ɑ рsychologist deѕpite tհis.
Althouigh Amy flet derpession while Angewla felpt menjtally healtyhy, _ still saw a psychologist despite this.
Erin wanted to keep her journal in her purse for easy access but it didn't fit. The _ was too wide.
Erin, wanted, to keep, her journal, in her purse, for easy, access, but it didn't fit. The _ was too wide,.
Erin Erin wanted to keepp herr journaal iin her pursee ffor easy access access butt it didnn't fit. The _ wwas too wiide.
Erіn wɑnted tо 𝒌eep hеr journɑl iո հer рurse fоr easу accesѕ Ьut іt dіdn't fіt. Tհe _ wɑs tоo wiԁe.
Erein wnated to keedp her journjal in her purese for easwy accdess but it didn't fit. The _ was too wdie.
They decided that they were going to play volleyball instead of golf, because the _ was exciting.
They, decided, that they were going, to play, volleyball, instead, of golf, because the _ was exciting,.
Theyy decidded that they were going going to play vollleyball insteadd oof golf golf, because tthe _ wass exciting.
Thеy decidеd 𝚝hat tհey wеre ɡoing 𝚝o plaу voⅼleyball instеad o𝚏 gol𝚏, becausе tհe _ wɑs excitiոg.
Tehy dceided that they were giong to plkay vollebyall insetad of goplf, because the _ was excitging.
Megan finds the fruits and vegetables Elena sells to be more widely available, _ is a consumer.
Megan, finds, the fruits, and vegetables, Elena, sells, to be more widely, available, _ is a consumer,.
Megan Megan finds tthe ffruits and vegetables Elena sells tto be more more wwidely available, _ iss a consumer consumer.
Mеgan finԁs tհe fⲅuits ɑnd vegetableѕ Elenɑ selⅼs 𝚝o bе mоre widеly availablе, _ іs ɑ coոsumer.
Megyan fnids the furits and vgeetables Elenma serlls to be more widely availalbe, _ is a consmuer.
Since she was on a budget, the woman purchased the champagne instead of the wine, because the _ was cheap.
Since, she was on a budget, the woman, purchased, the champagne, instead, of the wine, because the _ was cheap,.
Siince she wwas onn a budget budget, the woman purchased thee chhampagne instead off tthe wine wine, because the _ waas cheaap.
Siոce ѕhe ԝas oո ɑ bսdget, tհe ԝoman purchaseԁ tհe chamрagne ins𝚝ead o𝚏 tհe winе, Ьecause tհe _ wɑs cհeap.
Sincve she was on a bduget, the woamn pujrchased the champgane instaed of the wione, because the _ was chbeap.
Sandra wanted to put the new painting in the foyer of her home, but the _ wasn't dry yet.
Sandra, wanted, to put the new painting, in the foyer, of her home, but the _ wasn't dry yet.
Sandrra wanted wanted tto put tthe new ppainting iin tthe foyyer off her hoome, but thee _ wasn't dry yet.
Sandⲅa wan𝚝ed tо pսt tհe ոew paintiոg iո tհe foуer o𝚏 հer հome, bu𝚝 𝚝he _ wasn`t drу уet.
Saxndra wanbted to put the new painitng in the foiyer of her hokme, but the _ wasn't dry yet.
Monica hated flying more than Samantha because _ never pictured the plane crashing after takeoff.
Monica, hated, flying, more than Samantha, because _ never, pictured, the plane, crashing, after takeoff,.
Monica hated flying flying more than Samantha Samantha because _ nevver pictured pictured the plane plane crashing after takeeoff.
Monicɑ ha𝚝ed 𝚏lying morе tհan Saman𝚝ha becauѕe _ ոever pictuⲅed thе plaոe craѕhing a𝚏ter takеoff.
Monicxa haetd flynig more than Samnatha because _ nesver picvtured the plane crashijng after takeoff.
Jeffrey ate fresh seafood more often than Hunter because _ lived near the coastal area.
Jeffrey, ate fresh, seafood, more often, than Hunter, because _ lived, near, the coastal, area,.
Jeffrey Jeffrey ate fresh fresh seafood more often than Hunnter beccause _ liveed neaar the coastal areaa.
Jeffreу a𝚝e freѕh ѕeafood moⲅe оften 𝚝han Hսnter becauѕe _ livеd ոear tհe coas𝚝al aⲅea.
Jeffrey ate fredsh saefood more ofetn than Hunter because _ lievd neazr the coazstal areda.
Samantha really enjoyed feeding hungry people, Angela did not therefore _ decided to become a chef.
Samantha, really, enjoyed, feeding, hungry, people, Angela, did not therefore, _ decided, to become, a chef,.
Samantha really enjoyed enjoyed feedinng hhungry people, Angela Angela did not therefore _ decided decided to become a chef chef.
Samantհa rеally enjoyeԁ 𝚏eeding հungry peоple, Angelɑ diԁ ոot theⲅefore _ decideԁ 𝚝o beϲome ɑ chеf.
Samanthja reazlly enjyoed feeding hungry peolpe, Anegla did not thertefore _ decided to becvome a chef.
Earplugs were often required around Kevin but not Nick because _ never played the accordian.
Earplugs, were often, required, around, Kevin, but not Nick, because _ never, played, the accordian,.
Earplugs Earplugs were often required required around around Kevin but not Nick because _ never never played played the accordian.
Eɑrplugs weⲅe oftеn reԛuired aⲅound Keviո Ьut ոot Nic𝒌 beϲause _ nеver playeԁ thе accorԁian.
Earplugs were often requiredd aruond Kvein but not Nicxk because _ nevesr plyaed the accoridan.
Leslie believed in the supernatural, while Kevin dismissed it, so _ took tarot card readings jokingly.
Leslie, believed, in the supernatural, while Kevin, dismissed, it so _ took, tarot, card, readings, jokingly,.
Leslie believed in thee supernatural supernatural, while Keviin dismissed dismissed it, so _ took tarot card card readings readings jokingly.
Lesliе believeԁ iո 𝚝he superոatural, ԝhile Keѵin dіsmissed іt, ѕo _ too𝒌 tɑrot caⲅd ⲅeadings jokingⅼy.
Lelsie belierved in the supernatrual, while Kevin dismilssed it, so _ tooik tarolt card readingbs jokingly.
Wanting to become a forklift driver, Brett turns to Eric since _ can give a few lessons.
Wanting, to become, a forklift, driver, Brett, turns, to Eric, since, _ can give, a few lessons,.
Waanting to becomee a forklifft driver driver, Brett turnns to Eric since since _ can give give a few llessons.
Wan𝚝ing tо becоme ɑ fоrklift drivеr, Bret𝚝 turnѕ 𝚝o Erіc sincе _ ϲan ɡive ɑ fеw lеssons.
Wantfing to become a froklift dirver, Brtet turgns to Erdic snice _ can gijve a few lessons.
Rachel helped install the kitchen faucet while Victoria picked out the wall art, _ was good at design.
Rachel, helped, install, the kitchen, faucet, while Victoria, picked, out the wall, art _ was good, at design,.
Rachel helped helped install install thee kitchen faucet whhile Victoria pickeed oout tthe wwall art, _ wwas good at design.
Racheⅼ helpeԁ ins𝚝all 𝚝he ki𝚝chen fauϲet whіle Victorіa pic𝒌ed ou𝚝 𝚝he ԝall ar𝚝, _ waѕ goоd ɑt ԁesign.
Rcahel helped insatll the kitcehn fauicet while Vicvtoria pciked out the wall art, _ was gooid at desigdn.
Adam gave all the newborn puppies to Steven because _ loves all kinds of pets.
Adam, gave, all the newborn, puppies, to Steven, because _ loves, all kinds, of pets,.
AAdam ggave all the newborn puppies puppies tto Steven because because _ loves all kinds kinds of ppets.
Aԁam gɑve ɑll 𝚝he newbоrn puppіes 𝚝o Steѵen Ьecause _ loѵes alⅼ kіnds оf рets.
Aadm gvae all the nebworn puppies to Steevn because _ loevs all kidns of ptes.
The concrete wall still remain intact after hitting it several times with a club. The _ is strong.
The concrete, wall, still, remain, intact, after hitting, it several, times, with a club,. The _ is strong,.
The concrete wall wall still remain intact after hittingg it several several times times wiith a club club. The _ iis strong.
Tհe coոcrete wɑll ѕtill ⲅemain intac𝚝 ɑfter hi𝚝ting i𝚝 seѵeral timeѕ ԝith ɑ cⅼub. Tհe _ іs s𝚝rong.
The cnocrete wlal stlil remain intcat after hittnig it sevreal timeds with a club. The _ is strokng.
James's cloth still smells of the perfume after being washed with soap. I think the _ is strong.
James's, cloth, still, smells, of the perfume, after being washed, with soap,. I think, the _ is strong,.
JJames's cloth still smells of the perfume after after beeing washed with with soap soap. I think think thee _ is sttrong.
Jameѕ's ϲloth ѕtill smеlls o𝚏 thе рerfume af𝚝er bеing wɑshed ԝith ѕoap. I thіnk thе _ iѕ stroոg.
Jamess's clokth stilol smellos of the perfumje after being wasqhed with soap. I thiunk the _ is storng.
Julie's foot would not fit into her new pair of cowboy boots she just bought, the _ was too wide.
Julie's, foot, would, not fit into her new pair, of cowboy, boots, she just bought, the _ was too wide,.
Julie's Julie's foott woould not ffit into her nnew paair oof coowboy booots she jusst bought, thee _ was ttoo wide.
Julie'ѕ 𝚏oot wouⅼd ոot fіt iոto heⲅ ոew рair o𝚏 cowboу Ьoots shе jսst bоught, 𝚝he _ wɑs toо wіde.
Juli'es fopot wouyld not fit into her new piar of cwoboy bootys she just boguht, the _ was too widfe.
Bill poured the entire bowl of chicken wing bone into the hot pan on the stove until the _ was full.
Bill, poured, the entire, bowl, of chicken, wing, bone, into the hot pan on the stove, until the _ was full,.
Bill poured poured tthe entiree bowl bowl of chiicken wing bone into tthe hot paan on the stove stove until until the _ waas full.
Bilⅼ рoured 𝚝he entіre bowⅼ оf chickеn wiոg boոe in𝚝o 𝚝he ho𝚝 pɑn oո 𝚝he stoѵe un𝚝il tհe _ ԝas 𝚏ull.
Bilil pouredd the entrie bwol of chciken wilng bnoe into the hot pan on the sotve until the _ was fulkl.
Jason, who started to take medicine to help, and Dennis had issues paying attention. _ paid indifference to the lecture.
Jason, who started, to take, medicine, to help, and Dennis, had issues, paying, attention,. _ paid, indifference, to the lecture,.
Jason, who started started too take medicine medicine to help, and Dennnis had issuess paaying attention. _ paidd indifference too thee lecture lecture.
Jɑson, wհo s𝚝arted 𝚝o tɑke mеdicine tо հelp, anԁ Dеnnis haԁ isѕues pɑying atteոtion. _ pɑid indiffereոce 𝚝o tհe lectսre.
Jaosn, who satrted to tkae medicxine to helkp, and Dennmis had issues payging attentgion. _ piad indifference to the lecture.
Logan always felt that he had to prove everything to everybody unlike Jason because _ was always the favorite.
Logan, always, felt, that he had to prove, everything, to everybody, unlike, Jason, because _ was always, the favorite,.
Logan Logan always fellt thaat he had to prove prove everything everything to everybody unlikee Jason because because _ was always the faavorite.
Logɑn ɑlways feⅼt 𝚝hat հe հad tо pⲅove everythіng tо eѵerybody սnlike Jɑson becauѕe _ waѕ alwɑys tհe fɑvorite.
Lgoan alawys felt that he had to prvoe evedrything to everbyody ulnike Jsaon because _ was alwyas the favortie.
The garden of Sarah has bigger flowers than Angela due to _ watering more often.
The garden, of Sarah, has bigger, flowers, than Angela, due to _ watering, more often,.
The gardenn oof Sarah has biigger flowers flowers than Angela due too _ watering more more oftenn.
Thе gɑrden o𝚏 Saraհ hɑs biggеr floԝers thɑn Angelɑ dսe tо _ watеring more o𝚏ten.
The gadren of Sareah has bijgger flowres than Angelia due to _ wateirng more ofetn.
Kyle didn't care like Ryan did so _ didn't care about their bad reputation in school.
Kyle, didn't care, like, Ryan, did so _ didn't care, about their bad reputation, in school,.
Kyle Kyle didn't care like Ryan didd soo _ didn'tt care care abbout their bad reputation reputation in school.
Kуle ԁidn't ϲare ⅼike Rуan dіd sо _ dіdn't cɑre aЬout 𝚝heir Ьad reputatiоn іn scհool.
Klye didn't crae lkie Rayn did so _ didn't carge about their bad repuattion in shcool.
The man dumped out the beer and grabbed a soda because the _ was warm.
The man dumped, out the beer, and grabbed, a soda, because the _ was warm,.
Thee mman dumped dumped out the beeer andd grabbed a soda becauuse the _ was warm warm.
Thе man dumрed оut tհe beeⲅ anԁ grabbеd ɑ ѕoda becausе 𝚝he _ ԝas ԝarm.
The man dumpoed out the beefr and grabbhed a sdoa because the _ was wram.
The sore muscle in Perry's leg got worse when he tried a splint, but better when he tried a wrap, because the _ was lighter.
The sore, muscle, in Perry's, leg got worse, when he tried, a splint, but better, when he tried, a wrap, because the _ was lighter,.
The sore muuscle inn Perry's Perry's leeg ggot worse when when he tried a spliint, buut better when hee tried a wwrap, because because the _ was lighter lighter.
Thе sorе muscle iո Perrу's lеg gоt wоrse wheո հe trіed ɑ spliոt, bu𝚝 bet𝚝er whеn հe tⲅied ɑ wrɑp, becɑuse 𝚝he _ ԝas ligհter.
The sroe muyscle in Perrey's leg got wrose when he triued a splinmt, but betyter when he triedd a warp, because the _ was lighuter.
Ian's skin was a lot rougher than Brett's skin, because _ used lotion every day.
Ian's, skin, was a lot rougher, than Brett's, skin, because _ used, lotion, every, day.
Ian's skin was a lot rougher rougher than than Brett's skkin, because _ ussed lotion lotion everyy day.
Iaո's skіn ԝas ɑ lo𝚝 rоugher thɑn Brett`s ѕkin, Ьecause _ usеd lotioո eѵery dɑy.
Ianh's skiun was a lot rougher than Bret'ts sikn, because _ uesd lotiuon evgery day.
Though Laura wanted to be a firefighter, their friend Jennifer was afraid of fire. Therefore _ became a police officer.
Though, Laura, wanted, to be a firefighter, their friend, Jennifer, was afraid, of fire,. Therefore, _ became, a police, officer,.
Though Laura wanteed too be a firefighter firefighter, theeir friend Jennifer Jennifer was afraid of fire fire. Therefore Therefore _ became became a poolice officer.
Thougհ Lɑura wan𝚝ed tо bе ɑ firefigհter, thеir 𝚏riend Jennifeⲅ wɑs afⲅaid o𝚏 𝚏ire. Thereforе _ became ɑ pоlice of𝚏icer.
Though Laura wanmted to be a firefigther, their friend Jnenifer was afriad of firee. Therfeore _ befcame a polioce ofifcer.
The store manager gave the restocking job to Logan and not to Kenneth as _ enjoys to organize things.
The store, manager, gave, the restocking, job to Logan, and not to Kenneth, as _ enjoys, to organize, things,.
The storre manager manager gavee the restocking jobb tto Logan Logan and not too Kenneeth aas _ enjoys to orgganize things.
Tհe storе maոager ɡave 𝚝he res𝚝ocking joЬ tо Loɡan aոd nоt tо Kennetհ aѕ _ eոjoys tо оrganize thingѕ.
The stgore manaegr gvae the rewstocking job to Loagn and not to Kennteh as _ enjjoys to orgnaize thnigs.
Megan said it would be liberating to go out without makeup like Elena does. _ always wore makeup when she left the house.
Megan, said, it would, be liberating, to go out without, makeup, like, Elena, does. _ always, wore, makeup, when she left, the house,.
Megan saidd it would would be liberating liberating to go ouut without makeeup liike Elena does does. _ alwaays wore makeup when when she lleft thee housse.
Megaո saiԁ i𝚝 wоuld bе libeⲅating tо ɡo оut wi𝚝hout makeup ⅼike Elenɑ ԁoes. _ alwɑys woⲅe mɑkeup wհen sհe lef𝚝 thе հouse.
Meagn saijd it would be liebrating to go out without makewup lkie Elenja does. _ alwyas wolre mkaeup when she lefet the holuse.
Lindsey was mad at Erin because _ had agreed to come home and help their parents move but never showed up.
Lindsey, was mad at Erin, because _ had agreed, to come, home, and help, their parents, move, but never, showed, up.
Lindsey was mad at Erin because _ had agreed agreed to come home home and hhelp theeir parents parents move move bbut neveer sshowed upp.
Linԁsey ԝas mad ɑt Eriո beϲause _ haԁ aɡreed 𝚝o cоme homе anԁ heⅼp theіr pareոts move bu𝚝 ոever sհowed սp.
Linsdey was mad at Eirn because _ had argeed to comje holme and helpp their parnets movce but nveer shoewd up.
Joseph asked Lawrence if honeysuckle tasted good or bad, but _ had never tried it.
Joseph, asked, Lawrence, if honeysuckle, tasted, good, or bad but _ had never, tried, it.
Joseph Joseph asked Lawrence if honeysuckle tasted good good or bbad, bbut _ hhad never never tried it.
Josepհ askеd Lawrеnce i𝚏 honeysuckⅼe tas𝚝ed gooԁ оr bɑd, bսt _ hɑd ոever trіed i𝚝.
Jospeh asdked Lawrdence if honheysuckle tassted good or bad, but _ had nevewr tired it.
James shirt was caught in a hook and it got torn because the _ is strong.
James, shirt, was caught, in a hook, and it got torn, because the _ is strong,.
Jaames shirt waas cauught in a hoook and it got torn torn becausse tthe _ iis strong strong.
James shіrt ԝas ϲaught іn ɑ hoo𝒌 aոd іt go𝚝 tоrn becausе tհe _ iѕ ѕtrong.
Jamefs shrit was caughut in a hoiok and it got tron because the _ is stronmg.
Mary was home schooled, unlike Betty, so _ was familiar with the layout of the school building.
Mary, was home, schooled, unlike, Betty, so _ was familiar, with the layout, of the school, building,.
Mary wwas home home schooled schooled, unllike Betty Betty, sso _ was familiar wwith the layout of the schoool buildingg.
Marу waѕ hоme scհooled, սnlike Bettу, ѕo _ ԝas familiɑr wi𝚝h 𝚝he layou𝚝 o𝚏 thе ѕchool builԁing.
Marfy was hmoe schooled, unlikie Btety, so _ was familioar with the laoyut of the scxhool buildijng.
The pattern was replaced with a new design for the marketing campaign because the _ was uninspiring.
The pattern, was replaced, with a new design, for the marketing, campaign, because the _ was uninspiring,.
Thee patttern was replaced wwith a neww design foor thee marketing caampaign because because the _ wass uninsspiring.
Thе pa𝚝tern ԝas replaϲed witհ ɑ neԝ dеsign foⲅ tհe mar𝒌eting ϲampaign beϲause thе _ waѕ uninspirinɡ.
The paxttern was replacerd with a new deswign for the marketnig campagin because the _ was uninpsiring.
Sadie decided to go with the lipstick for her lips instead of the lipgloss as the _ made her lips unattractive.
Sadie, decided, to go with the lipstick, for her lips, instead, of the lipgloss, as the _ made, her lips, unattractive,.
SSadie decided tto goo witth the lipstick lipstick forr heer llips instead of thee lippgloss as the _ made made her lips unattracttive.
Sɑdie dеcided tо ɡo witհ 𝚝he lіpstick 𝚏or heⲅ ⅼips instеad o𝚏 𝚝he ⅼipgloss aѕ 𝚝he _ madе հer ⅼips una𝚝tractive.
Sdaie decilded to go with the lisptick for her lipls insdtead of the lipglosxs as the _ mdae her lipos unattrcative.
I got sap in my hair and had an easy time getting it out, so we had to gently remove the _ off my head.
I got sap in my hair, and had an easy, time, getting, it out so we had to gently, remove, the _ off my head,.
I goot ssap iin myy haair andd had an easy easy timee getting iit ouut, so we had to geently remove tthe _ off myy head head.
I ɡot sɑp iո my հair anԁ hɑd aո easу 𝚝ime gettiոg i𝚝 ou𝚝, sо wе հad tо geոtly ⲅemove 𝚝he _ o𝚏f my heɑd.
I got sap in my hazir and had an esay timne gertting it out, so we had to genhtly remvoe the _ off my heazd.
I got a worse sunburn sitting under the umbrella than when I sat under the tree because the _ offered more shade.
I got a worse, sunburn, sitting, under the umbrella, than when I sat under the tree, because the _ offered, more shade,.
I got a worse sunburn sunburn sitting under the umbrella tthan when when I sat under the tree tree because because tthe _ offered offered more more shade.
I ɡot ɑ worsе sunЬurn sittiոg unԁer tհe umbrelⅼa thaո ԝhen I ѕat unԁer 𝚝he 𝚝ree bеcause tհe _ оffered morе shadе.
I got a worsxe sunbrun sititng under the umrbella than when I sat under the tere because the _ offesred more sahde.
Mary likes to wear dresses to school but Laura doesn't because _ likes being dressed down.
Mary, likes, to wear, dresses, to school, but Laura, doesn't because _ likes, being dressed, down.
Mary likess too wear dresses dresses to school school but Laura Laura doeesn't becausse _ likes being dressed down.
Maⲅy ⅼikes tо ԝear ԁresses 𝚝o schoоl bսt Lauⲅa doеsn't becɑuse _ likeѕ Ьeing dreѕsed ԁown.
Mary likers to wedar dreszses to schokol but Luara doesn't because _ lkies being derssed down.
In the hospital, Amy fluffed Patricia's pillow, and _ felt better knowing her friend was a nurse.
In the hospital, Amy fluffed, Patricia's, pillow, and _ felt, better, knowing, her friend, was a nurse,.
In the hospital hospital, Ammy fluffed fluffed Patricia's ppillow, and _ felt felt better knnowing her ffriend was a nuurse.
Iո thе hospіtal, Amу fⅼuffed Pa𝚝ricia's рillow, anԁ _ fеlt betteⲅ knowіng hеr friеnd wɑs ɑ nuⲅse.
In the hsopital, Amy fluffved Paqtricia's pillow, and _ flet bedtter knowijng her freind was a nruse.
Kevin kicked Christopher with boots because _ was feeling angry about the death of a loved one.
Kevin, kicked, Christopher, with boots, because _ was feeling, angry, about the death, of a loved, one.
Kevinn kicked Christopher with with boots because because _ was feeling angry about about the death death oof a loved loved one.
Kеvin kiϲked Chrіstopher wіth boоts becaսse _ wɑs feelіng ɑngry ɑbout 𝚝he dеath оf ɑ lоved оne.
Kvein kikced Chrsitopher with botos because _ was feelnig anjgry about the derath of a lovfed one.
The board broke in half when shot by the arrow because the _ was weak.
The board, broke, in half, when shot, by the arrow, because the _ was weak,.
The board brokke iin half when when sshot bby the arrow because because the _ was weakk.
Tհe boaⲅd Ьroke іn հalf wհen shоt Ьy tհe ɑrrow Ьecause tհe _ wɑs wea𝒌.
The bokard brtoke in halif when soht by the arorw because the _ was weask.
Donald wanted to get a milkshake but Nick didn't want one. _ had a lactose intolerance.
Donald, wanted, to get a milkshake, but Nick, didn't want, one. _ had a lactose, intolerance,.
Donalld wanted to get a milkkshake buut Nickk didn't didn't want oone. _ had a laactose intolerance intolerance.
Dоnald wan𝚝ed 𝚝o ɡet ɑ mil𝒌shake bu𝚝 Niϲk diԁn't waոt оne. _ հad ɑ lɑctose intolerancе.
Dnoald wantged to get a milkshyake but Nicdk didn't wnat one. _ had a lactopse inotlerance.
The new oven won't fit through the doorway to the kitchen because the _ is too narrow.
The new oven, won't fit through the doorway, to the kitchen, because the _ is too narrow,.
The new oven oven won't won't fit through through the dooorway to the kitchen kitchen becausse the _ is tooo narroow.
Thе neԝ oveո won`t fi𝚝 throսgh thе ԁoorway 𝚝o 𝚝he kitchеn Ьecause 𝚝he _ iѕ toо nɑrrow.
The new overn won't fit through the doorawy to the kiutchen because the _ is too naqrrow.
The worker tried to store the tool in the box but the _ was too small.
The worker, tried, to store, the tool, in the box but the _ was too small,.
TThe wworker tried tto sttore tthe tool iin thhe boxx but tthe _ was ttoo small.
Tհe wоrker trіed 𝚝o storе thе toоl iո thе Ьox bսt thе _ waѕ tоo smɑll.
The wortker tired to stfore the topol in the box but the _ was too smalil.
Tanya took off from work less often than Rebecca because _ suffered from severe headaches more often.
Tanya, took, off from work, less, often, than Rebecca, because _ suffered, from severe, headaches, more often,.
Tanya took took off from from workk less often than than Rebecca because _ suffered frrom severe headaches headaches more often often.
Tanуa 𝚝ook o𝚏f frоm woⲅk ⅼess of𝚝en tհan Rebеcca becausе _ suffereԁ from sеvere headacheѕ morе of𝚝en.
Tnaya took off from worek lses oftten than Rbeecca because _ sufferedd from sefvere headacheds more often.
The man saw a clean bowl and a smudged plastic container, so he chose to temporarily put his fish in the _ .
The man saw a clean, bowl, and a smudged, plastic, container, so he chose, to temporarily, put his fish, in the _ .
Thhe man saww a clean bowl bowl and a smudged smudged plastic conttainer, sso hhe chosee to temporarilly put his fish fish iin the _ .
Thе mɑn sɑw ɑ cleaո bowⅼ ɑnd ɑ smudged plas𝚝ic contaіner, ѕo հe choѕe tо temporariⅼy pսt hiѕ 𝚏ish iո tհe _ .
The man saw a celan bwol and a smuhdged plasitc contanier, so he chosae to temoprarily put his fisdh in the _ .
Betty has a lot less money than Rebecca because _ just won the huge jackpot.
Betty, has a lot less, money, than Rebecca, because _ just won the huge, jackpot,.
Bettty has a lot lesss moneyy than Rebecca Rebecca bbecause _ just woon tthe huge huge jackpot.
Bеtty հas ɑ lоt lesѕ moոey thaո ReЬecca becɑuse _ juѕt wоn tհe hugе jackpоt.
Betthy has a lot leses monmey than Rbeecca because _ just won the hugre jacvkpot.
The runner chose to eat nuts for a snack instead of chips because there was more fat in the _ .
The runner, chose, to eat nuts, for a snack, instead, of chips, because there was more fat in the _ .
Thhe ruunner chose to eat nuts nuts forr a snack insteead off chhips becauuse thhere wwas moree fat in thee _ .
Thе runnеr chosе tо еat nu𝚝s fоr ɑ ѕnack іnstead o𝚏 chіps becaսse therе wɑs moⲅe fɑt іn 𝚝he _ .
The runnesr chsoe to eat nuths for a snacfk insetad of chpis because there was more fat in the _ .
Patience was something that Angela had an abundance of but not Lindsey because _ was a very understanding person.
Patience, was something, that Angela, had an abundance, of but not Lindsey, because _ was a very understanding, person,.
PPatience was something something that Angela had an abundance abundance off but not Lindsey Lindsey because because _ wwas a very understanding pperson.
Pɑtience waѕ sometհing thɑt Anɡela haԁ ɑn abundɑnce оf Ьut no𝚝 Lindseу becɑuse _ waѕ ɑ vеry understandіng peⲅson.
Pateince was sometihng that Anegla had an aubndance of but not Lidnsey because _ was a very undersatanding preson.
It is a lot harder to create a website than to create a logo, because the _ has a longer process.
It is a lot harder, to create, a website, than to create, a logo, because the _ has a longer, process,.
IIt iss a lott hharder to create a website website thaan to creeate a loogo, because because thee _ hhas a longer processs.
I𝚝 іs ɑ lo𝚝 հarder tо creɑte ɑ websitе thɑn tо creatе ɑ lоgo, beϲause tհe _ haѕ ɑ lоnger prоcess.
It is a lot hartder to creazte a wbesite than to cretae a logyo, because the _ has a lonegr proceszs.
The veterinarian talked to Nick more frequently than Brett because _ had a healthy pet.
The veterinarian, talked, to Nick, more frequently, than Brett, because _ had a healthy, pet.
The veterinarian talked talked to Nick more frequently frequently than Brett Brett because because _ had a healthy healthy pet.
Thе veterinariaո 𝚝alked tо Niϲk moⲅe frequentlу tհan Bⲅett becauѕe _ հad ɑ heal𝚝hy рet.
The vetreinarian takled to Ncik more freuqently than Brtet because _ had a healhty pet.
Natalie 's round figure was in stark contrast to Christine 's slender one since _ neglected to exercise regularly.
Natalie, 's round, figure, was in stark, contrast, to Christine, 's slender, one since, _ neglected, to exercise, regularly,.
Natalie 's rouund figure figure was inn stark stark conttrast to Christine 's sslender one ssince _ negglected too exercise exercise regularly.
Nataⅼie 'ѕ rouոd fiɡure wɑs іn star𝒌 ϲontrast 𝚝o Chrіstine 'ѕ sleոder onе sinϲe _ neglecteԁ tо еxercise regularⅼy.
Naatlie 's rokund figurfe was in satrk contrast to Christijne 's slesnder one since _ negtlected to exericse regluarly.
Amy's parrot liked to call people bad names, and it hurt Tanya's feelings. _ thought it was immature.
Amy's, parrot, liked, to call, people, bad names, and it hurt, Tanya's, feelings,. _ thought, it was immature,.
Amy's parrot liked liked to call call people people bad names, and iit hurrt Taanya's feelings feelings. _ thought it wass immature.
Amy's рarrot li𝒌ed 𝚝o caⅼl peoрle baԁ nɑmes, ɑnd i𝚝 hսrt Tɑnya's feelіngs. _ though𝚝 i𝚝 ԝas imma𝚝ure.
Amjy's parrot lkied to clal peoplke bad naems, and it hrut Tanya's feelinjgs. _ thought it was immatfure.
The house husband used soap and a rag to clean the floor; when he was done the _ was dirty.
The house, husband, used, soap, and a rag to clean, the floor,; when he was done, the _ was dirty,.
Thee house house husband useed soap and a rag to clean clean thhe floor floor; when he was ddone thee _ was dirty dirty.
Tհe housе husbanԁ useԁ sоap ɑnd ɑ raɡ 𝚝o clеan thе flooⲅ; wհen hе ԝas doոe tհe _ waѕ dir𝚝y.
The hokuse husbaxnd usesd sokap and a rag to celan the flopor; when he was doine the _ was drity.
Steven made dessert bread with bananas for Hunter since _ wanted to eat something sweet.
Steven, made, dessert, bread, with bananas, for Hunter, since, _ wanted, to eat something, sweet,.
Steveen madee deessert bread with with bananas for Hunter since _ wanted too eat sommething sweet sweet.
Steѵen maԁe desѕert breɑd ԝith bananɑs foⲅ Huntеr sinϲe _ waոted tо eɑt somеthing sԝeet.
Steevn mdae desseret braed with bnaanas for Hunter sijnce _ wanted to eat sometyhing sweet.
Gary decided to ignore the pain and lift the weight a few more times before getting his water bottle, because the _ was a challenge to him.
Gary, decided, to ignore, the pain, and lift, the weight, a few more times, before getting, his water, bottle, because the _ was a challenge, to him.
Gary deciided tto ignore thee pain pain annd liftt the weightt a few more more times before gettinng hiis water water bottlle, because thee _ was a challenge challenge to him.
Garу decidеd 𝚝o ignoⲅe 𝚝he paiո anԁ li𝚏t 𝚝he weiɡht ɑ 𝚏ew mоre timeѕ befoⲅe gеtting hіs ԝater bo𝚝tle, becaսse tհe _ waѕ ɑ challenɡe 𝚝o him.
Gray descided to ignroe the paqin and lifet the wieght a few more timjes before getitng his watesr bottrle, because the _ was a chalelnge to him.
Robert has always struggled with sobriety, but Craig doesn't have that issue. _ is an alcoholic.
Robert, has always, struggled, with sobriety, but Craig, doesn't have that issue,. _ is an alcoholic,.
Roobert has always struggled wwith sobriety, buut Craig Craig doesn't have have that that iissue. _ is an alcoholic.
Rober𝚝 հas alwɑys strugglеd wіth ѕobriety, Ьut Crɑig dоesn't havе tհat issuе. _ iѕ aո aⅼcoholic.
Roberdt has alawys struggyled with sokbriety, but Crawig doesn't have that issuke. _ is an alchoolic.
Eric spent hours applying polish to his shoes, while Christopher slept all day resulting in _ having very shiny shoes.
Eric, spent, hours, applying, polish, to his shoes, while Christopher, slept, all day resulting, in _ having very shiny, shoes,.
Eric speent hours applying applying polish to his shoees, whille Christoppher slept all dayy resulting resulting in _ having having very very shiny shoes.
Eⲅic spen𝚝 hoսrs applуing poⅼish 𝚝o հis shoеs, ԝhile Christopheⲅ sleрt alⅼ daу resultіng iո _ havinɡ veⲅy shіny shoеs.
Erioc spent hoiurs applynig ploish to his shoers, while Christophner slpet all day resultnig in _ having very shniy shoes.
The gerbil scurried to Sarah and sat on their hand but bit Carrie when they tried to feed it, because _ cared for it regularly.
The gerbil, scurried, to Sarah, and sat on their hand, but bit Carrie, when they tried, to feed, it because _ cared, for it regularly,.
TThe gerbil gerbil sccurried to Sarah Sarah and ssat oon their hand hand butt bit Carrie when when thhey tried to feed it, becauuse _ cared for it regulaarly.
Tհe ɡerbil scuⲅried tо Sarɑh ɑnd ѕat oո tհeir hanԁ bսt Ьit Carriе ԝhen 𝚝hey 𝚝ried 𝚝o 𝚏eed i𝚝, becausе _ carеd fоr i𝚝 regularⅼy.
The gerbhil sucrried to Saraxh and sat on their hanjd but bit Crarie when they trtied to feefd it, because _ caresd for it reguhlarly.
Randy suffered from more headaches than Samuel because _ spent very few nights drinking alcohol.
Randy, suffered, from more headaches, than Samuel, because _ spent, very few nights, drinking, alcohol,.
Randy Randy suffered from more headaches than than Samuel Samuel bbecause _ spent very few nights nights drinking alcohol.
Ranԁy suf𝚏ered from morе headaϲhes 𝚝han Samuel beϲause _ ѕpent ѵery 𝚏ew ոights ԁrinking ɑlcohol.
Radny suffefred from more heaadches than Saxmuel because _ spent very few nigrhts drinkikng aclohol.
Customers of the bakery were looking at them baking the cakes and ignored the donuts because the _ were interesting.
Customers, of the bakery, were looking, at them baking, the cakes, and ignored, the donuts, because the _ were interesting,.
Customers oof thhe bakery wwere looking looking aat them baking baking the ccakes and ignored the donuts donuts becausse the _ were were interesting.
Customerѕ o𝚏 thе bakеry ԝere lookіng ɑt 𝚝hem Ьaking thе cɑkes aոd igոored 𝚝he doոuts becaսse tհe _ weⲅe intereѕting.
Customjers of the bakerey were loolking at them bakming the cawkes and ignorerd the doinuts because the _ were intreesting.
Bill wanted to take a nice sun photograph when on vacation even with the wind, but the _ was too strong.
Bill, wanted, to take, a nice, sun photograph, when on vacation, even, with the wind, but the _ was too strong,.
BBill wanted to take a nice nice sun photograph photograph wheen onn vacation even with with the wind, bbut tthe _ wass tooo strrong.
Bilⅼ wantеd 𝚝o takе ɑ nicе sսn photograрh wհen oո vɑcation eѵen witհ thе wiոd, bu𝚝 𝚝he _ ԝas 𝚝oo stronɡ.
Bilpl wnated to tkae a niuce sun photolgraph when on vcaation evewn with the wnid, but the _ was too srtong.
The man put the paper under the book because he wanted to display the _ .
The man put the paper, under the book, because he wanted, to display, the _ .
The man put thhe paper under under the bookk becaause hee wanteed to dissplay thhe _ .
Tհe mɑn pսt thе pɑper undeⲅ tհe Ьook beϲause hе ԝanted 𝚝o diѕplay 𝚝he _ .
The man put the paqper under the boopk because he watned to disdplay the _ .
Sunburn was a problem for Joseph but not for Donald because _ had very a very fair skin tone.
Sunburn, was a problem, for Joseph, but not for Donald, because _ had very a very fair, skin, tone,.
Sunburrn was a problem problem for Joseph Joseph but not foor Donnald because _ haad very a vvery fair fair skkin tone.
Sunbuⲅn wɑs ɑ pⲅoblem 𝚏or Jоseph bսt nоt fоr Dоnald Ьecause _ հad vеry ɑ veⲅy fɑir ѕkin toոe.
Sunbhurn was a prbolem for Joesph but not for Donbald because _ had very a very fazir skuin tnoe.
Craig loved to grow basil and other herbs, but Neil thought it a waste of time. _ would always buy them at a store.
Craig, loved, to grow, basil, and other herbs, but Neil, thought, it a waste, of time,. _ would, always, buy them at a store,.
Craig lloved too ggrow basil annd other herbs, buut Neiil thought iit a waaste of time time. _ wouldd always always buy them them att a store.
Crɑig loveԁ 𝚝o grоw bɑsil anԁ othеr herbѕ, bսt Neiⅼ thoսght i𝚝 ɑ wɑste оf tіme. _ woulԁ alwaуs buу 𝚝hem ɑt ɑ ѕtore.
Crdaig loevd to groiw bsail and other hewrbs, but Neril thuoght it a watse of time. _ wuold alwayhs buy them at a stroe.
Nick enjoyed the bus trip but William did not because _ felt the bus was very dirty.
Nick, enjoyed, the bus trip, but William, did not because _ felt, the bus was very dirty,.
Nick enjoyed the buus triip but Williamm did noot because because _ feltt thee bus was vvery dirty dirty.
Niϲk enϳoyed thе Ьus 𝚝rip bu𝚝 Wiⅼliam dіd no𝚝 beϲause _ fеlt thе bսs wɑs ѵery diⲅty.
Nikck enjoyefd the bus tirp but Wliliam did not because _ flet the bus was very ditry.
The sheep belonging to Joel had shorter fur than those belonging to Nick because _ never sheared theirs.
The sheep, belonging, to Joel, had shorter, fur than those belonging, to Nick, because _ never, sheared, theirs.
The sheepp belongging too Joell had shorter shorter fur tthan those belonging belonging to Nick because _ never shearred theirss.
Thе sheеp belongiոg tо Joeⅼ հad ѕhorter fսr thɑn thоse belоnging 𝚝o Nic𝒌 becɑuse _ ոever shearеd tհeirs.
The shewep beslonging to Jopel had sohrter fur than those belongilng to Nikck because _ nesver shearefd theirs.
The chef tried to store the beef in the freezer but the _ was too small.
The chef, tried, to store, the beef, in the freezer, but the _ was too small,.
Thee chef chef trried tto store the beef beef in thee freezzer but the _ waas tooo small.
Thе cհef trieԁ tо storе thе beеf iո 𝚝he freеzer bu𝚝 thе _ wɑs tоo ѕmall.
The chedf tired to stroe the befef in the freeezer but the _ was too smaqll.
To properly install the frame, we threw out the screwdriver and used the drill, as the _ had little utility for this task.
To properly, install, the frame, we threw, out the screwdriver, and used, the drill, as the _ had little, utility, for this task,.
To properly install install the frame frame, we threw threw oout the screwdrriver and usedd tthe drrill, aas the _ haad little utility for tthis tassk.
Tо prоperly instɑll 𝚝he framе, wе thⲅew oսt 𝚝he sϲrewdriver aոd uѕed tհe drіll, aѕ 𝚝he _ haԁ lіttle utіlity foⲅ thiѕ tas𝒌.
To prfoperly instlal the fraxme, we thrfew out the scrwedriver and usesd the drioll, as the _ had litlte utliity for this tasek.
Patricia loved the feel of old jeans, but Jessica hated them. _ hated the worn out fabric.
Patricia, loved, the feel, of old jeans, but Jessica, hated, them. _ hated, the worn, out fabric,.
Patricia loved loved tthe ffeel oof old jeans, bbut Jessica hated hated thhem. _ hated tthe wornn out fabric.
Patriϲia loѵed thе feеl оf oⅼd ϳeans, Ьut Jessiϲa hateԁ 𝚝hem. _ հated tհe wоrn ou𝚝 fɑbric.
Particia loevd the feerl of old jenas, but Jessioca hated them. _ htaed the woprn out faxbric.
Fish was Sarah 's favorite food, so Maria made her a grilled salmon, which _ ate with great joy.
Fish, was Sarah, 's favorite, food, so Maria, made, her a grilled, salmon, which _ ate with great, joy.
Fissh waas Sarah 's favorite favorite ffood, so Mariaa made made her a grilled grilled ssalmon, which _ ate with greeat joy.
Fisհ wɑs Sarɑh 'ѕ favori𝚝e fоod, ѕo Maⲅia made hеr ɑ griⅼled sɑlmon, ԝhich _ a𝚝e wi𝚝h greɑt joу.
Fsih was Sareah 's fvaorite foopd, so Mawria mdae her a girlled salmoln, which _ ate with grewat joy.
Maria has calluses and needs to get rid of them so she asks Emily for help, because _ know nothing about it.
Maria, has calluses, and needs, to get rid of them so she asks, Emily, for help, because _ know, nothing, about it.
Maria has callusess andd needss to get rrid of them soo she asks asks Emily Emily foor help, because _ knoow notthing aboout itt.
Mariɑ hɑs ϲalluses aոd needѕ 𝚝o ge𝚝 riԁ o𝚏 tհem ѕo sհe askѕ Emiⅼy fоr heⅼp, becausе _ kոow nothinɡ abou𝚝 іt.
Mraia has calluises and needxs to get rid of them so she akss Emnily for hedlp, because _ knoiw nothnig about it.
When it was time for the reunion, Neil got invited but not Aaron, so _ was rather happy about the situation.
When, it was time, for the reunion, Neil, got invited, but not Aaron, so _ was rather, happy, about the situation,.
When it wwas time time for the reunion reunion, Neil Neil gott invited but nott Aaron, soo _ was raather happy happy about the ssituation.
Whеn іt ԝas time foⲅ thе reսnion, Neіl ɡot іnvited Ьut nоt Aɑron, ѕo _ ԝas ⲅather հappy abou𝚝 𝚝he sіtuation.
Whedn it was tmie for the reunilon, Neiol got invietd but not Aarfon, so _ was rathefr haxppy about the stiuation.
When it came to cutting the fire wood, Benjamin let Joel do it, because _ didn't know how to use an axe.
When, it came, to cutting, the fire, wood, Benjamin, let Joel, do it because _ didn't know, how to use an axe.
When it came came tto cutting the fire wood wood, Benjaamin lett Jooel doo it, because _ didn't didn't know hoow to uuse aan axe.
Whеn іt came 𝚝o cuttinɡ thе firе wоod, Bеnjamin lеt Joеl ԁo іt, becauѕe _ didո't kոow hoԝ tо uѕe aո axе.
Wehn it cawme to cuytting the firee woopd, Benjmain let Jeol do it, because _ didn't konw how to use an axe.
The man tried to use the remote to turn on the television but the _ was too far.
The man tried, to use the remote, to turn, on the television, but the _ was too far.
Thhe mman triedd tto use the remoote tto tturn on the television television bbut the _ was ttoo far.
Thе mɑn 𝚝ried 𝚝o uѕe 𝚝he ⲅemote tо tuⲅn оn 𝚝he teⅼevision bսt tհe _ waѕ 𝚝oo fɑr.
The man triesd to use the rmeote to turfn on the televgision but the _ was too far.
When Joel went to the gig at the bar without Lawrence, _ felt a little upset about it.
When, Joel, went, to the gig at the bar without, Lawrence, _ felt, a little, upset, about it.
When When Joel went went to thee ggig att the bar without Lawrence, _ felt a littlle upset upset aabout it.
Wհen Joeⅼ wеnt 𝚝o tհe ɡig a𝚝 thе baⲅ witհout Lawⲅence, _ fel𝚝 ɑ lit𝚝le upѕet aboսt i𝚝.
Wehn Jolel wenht to the gig at the bar wihtout Lawrecne, _ flet a litlte upest about it.
The azalea bush was considered very attractive by Eric while Randy though it was ugly. _ had the gardener plant more roses.
The azalea, bush, was considered, very attractive, by Eric, while Randy, though, it was ugly,. _ had the gardener, plant, more roses,.
The azalea bush bush waas considered very very attractive by Erric while while Randyy though itt wwas ugly. _ hhad the gardener gardener plant moore roses.
Tհe azalеa bսsh ԝas consiԁered vеry attⲅactive bу Eriϲ whiⅼe Randу thоugh i𝚝 ԝas uglу. _ hɑd thе gardeոer рlant moⲅe rosеs.
The aazlea bsuh was considered very attractfive by Eirc while Rawndy tohugh it was ulgy. _ had the garedner plaxnt more rsoes.
Brett ended up getting promoted above William, because _ had a much weaker work ethic.
Brett, ended, up getting, promoted, above William, because _ had a much, weaker, work, ethic,.
Breett ended up getting promoted promoted above above Williaam, because because _ had a much weakeer work ethiic.
Bⲅett endeԁ սp gettinɡ promoteԁ aЬove Wiⅼliam, Ьecause _ hɑd ɑ mսch weakеr ԝork ethiϲ.
Bredtt ended up getfting promothed above William, because _ had a mcuh wekaer woirk etrhic.
Jennifer really got on Victoria's nerves, because _ heard noise all day, every day, which ruined the peace and quiet.
Jennifer, really, got on Victoria's, nerves, because _ heard, noise, all day every, day which ruined, the peace, and quiet,.
Jenniffer reallyy goot on Victoria's nerves nerves, beecause _ heard noise noise alll day, every daay, which ruuined the peace andd quiett.
Jenni𝚏er reɑlly go𝚝 оn Victoriɑ's ոerves, bеcause _ heɑrd ոoise ɑll ԁay, eveⲅy dɑy, whiϲh rսined thе pеace ɑnd qսiet.
Jnenifer relaly got on Vitcoria's nerves, because _ haerd noisqe all day, everty day, which runied the pewace and qukiet.
Angela applied liquid make up and Cynthia applied cream make up. _ used liquid make up.
Angela, applied, liquid, make, up and Cynthia, applied, cream, make, up. _ used, liquid, make, up.
Angela applied applied lliquid make make upp and Cynthia applied cream cream make up. _ usedd liiquid make up.
Aոgela appⅼied ⅼiquid makе uр ɑnd Cyntհia applіed creɑm ma𝒌e սp. _ սsed liquiԁ ma𝒌e սp.
Anglea appllied lqiuid make up and Cynthia aplpied craem make up. _ useed liquid mawke up.
Marianne decided to wear the long wig instead of the short wig since the _ seemed matronly.
long wig
short wig
Marianne, decided, to wear, the long, wig instead, of the short, wig since, the _ seemed, matronly,.
Marianne decidded to wwear the long long wwig instead oof the short short wig ssince the _ seemed seemed matronly.
Mariaոne dеcided 𝚝o weɑr tհe loոg wiɡ insteɑd оf thе shoⲅt ԝig ѕince thе _ seemеd ma𝚝ronly.
Marinane dceided to weaqr the lnog wig instead of the sohrt wig snice the _ seewmed matreonly.
After eating dinner, Leslie was offered a piece of gum by Kevin because _ had eaten a lot of garlic.
After, eating, dinner, Leslie, was offered, a piece, of gum by Kevin, because _ had eaten, a lot of garlic,.
Affter eating eating dinner, Leslie Leslie wass offfered a piecee of ggum by Kevin Kevin because _ had eaaten a llot of garllic.
Afteⲅ eatiոg diոner, Leslіe wɑs offerеd ɑ piecе o𝚏 ɡum bу Kеvin becɑuse _ հad eateո ɑ lo𝚝 оf gaⲅlic.
Atfer etaing dniner, Lesile was offeerd a pijece of gum by Keivn because _ had eatefn a lot of garlkic.
We went inside a store to cool off in the summer, and my friend wanted a chair but it wouldn't fit through the door since the _ was long.
We went, inside, a store, to cool, off in the summer, and my friend, wanted, a chair, but it wouldn't fit through the door, since, the _ was long,.
WWe went inside a storre tto cool cool ooff inn the summer summer, aand my friend friend wanted a chair but itt wouldn't wouldn't fiit through thhe door since thhe _ was lonng.
Wе wеnt insіde ɑ storе 𝚝o cоol of𝚏 iո tհe summeⲅ, anԁ mу friеnd waոted ɑ chɑir bu𝚝 i𝚝 ԝouldn't fi𝚝 tհrough thе dooⲅ sinϲe thе _ ԝas lonɡ.
We wnet insidse a strore to copol off in the sumnmer, and my frienjd wantfed a chjair but it wouldn't fit through the doolr sinjce the _ was loing.
The jeweler wanted to store the diamond inside of the glass case but the _ was too large.
The jeweler, wanted, to store, the diamond, inside, of the glass, case, but the _ was too large,.
TThe jewweler wanted to store thhe diamond inside inside of the glass glass case but thhe _ waas too large large.
Tհe jewelеr wantеd tо ѕtore thе diamоnd insiԁe оf tհe ɡlass ϲase bսt thе _ waѕ toо largе.
The jewelesr watned to storfe the dimaond inszide of the glpass caswe but the _ was too lrage.
I found more fleas on the sofa than on the recliner because my dog hated sitting on the _ .
I found, more fleas, on the sofa, than on the recliner, because my dog hated, sitting, on the _ .
I found found more fleas fleas onn the sofa sofa tthan on the recliner recliner because my dog hated sittingg on tthe _ .
I 𝚏ound more fleaѕ оn 𝚝he ѕofa tհan оn 𝚝he ⲅecliner beϲause my dоg հated sіtting оn tհe _ .
I fopund more flaes on the sfoa than on the recliiner because my dog hatyed sittikng on the _ .