2 values
The level of insanity in Jeffrey is way more intense than in Kevin , because _ traumatic life was not that intense.
The level, of insanity, in Jeffrey, is way more intense, than in Kevin, because _ traumatic, life, was not that intense,.
TThe level level of inssanity in Jeffreey iss way more intense intense tthan inn Kevin Kevin , becausee _ traumatic life wwas noot that intense.
Tհe leveⅼ оf inѕanity іn Jeffⲅey іs ԝay more inteոse thɑn іn Keviո , becaսse _ tⲅaumatic lіfe waѕ ոot thɑt iոtense.
The lervel of insxanity in Jfefrey is way more intenmse than in Kvein , because _ traumtaic lifge was not that inetnse.
Monica had to iron the wrinkles out of their shirt, so Victoria lent them a hand steamer. _ kept forgetting to return the hand steamer.
Monica, had to iron, the wrinkles, out of their shirt, so Victoria, lent, them a hand, steamer,. _ kept, forgetting, to return, the hand, steamer,.
Monica hadd tto iroon the wrinkless out of thheir shirt shirt, so Victoria lent them them a hand hand steamerr. _ kept forgeetting to return tthe hand steamer steamer.
Moniϲa hɑd tо iroո tհe wrinklеs оut o𝚏 thеir sհirt, sо Viϲtoria lеnt tհem ɑ haոd steameⲅ. _ 𝒌ept forge𝚝ting tо rеturn thе hanԁ ѕteamer.
Molnica had to iorn the wrinkles out of their shuirt, so Victortia lewnt them a hanmd stemaer. _ kefpt fogretting to retukrn the hanmd setamer.
I picked up a book at the store on how to find love at 50 but the _ was too old.
I picked, up a book, at the store, on how to find, love, at 50 but the _ was too old.
I picked picked upp a book att the store oon hhow too find find love aat 550 bbut the _ wwas too olld.
I pic𝒌ed սp ɑ boo𝒌 ɑt 𝚝he ѕtore oո hoԝ tо fіnd lovе ɑt Ƽ0 Ьut thе _ ԝas 𝚝oo oⅼd.
I pikced up a bookk at the stroe on how to finbd lvoe at 50 but the _ was too old.
The sidewalk had a lot of cracks but the driveway was very smooth. The _ was seamless.
The sidewalk, had a lot of cracks, but the driveway, was very smooth,. The _ was seamless,.
Thhe sideewalk had a loot off cracks butt thhe driveway waas very very smooth. Thee _ wass seamless.
Thе sidewaⅼk haԁ ɑ lоt o𝚏 cⲅacks bսt 𝚝he ԁriveway wɑs verу smoo𝚝h. Thе _ ԝas ѕeamless.
The sdiewalk had a lot of crakcs but the drvieway was very somoth. The _ was semaless.
Adam chose to sleep on a sofa instead of a bed because the _ was much less comfortable.
Adam, chose, to sleep, on a sofa, instead, of a bed because the _ was much, less, comfortable,.
Adam Adam chose too sleep sleep on a sofa insteaad oof a bbed because the _ was muuch less comfortable comfortable.
Adɑm chоse 𝚝o slеep оn ɑ ѕofa іnstead оf ɑ beԁ becaսse thе _ ԝas muϲh lеss cоmfortable.
Adasm chopse to sleerp on a sofea insqtead of a bed because the _ was muhch lses cokmfortable.
John wanted to to lift more weight with his muscles but the _ are too slim.
John, wanted, to to lift, more weight, with his muscles, but the _ are too slim,.
John John wanted too too lifft more weight weight with with his muscles but the _ arre too slim.
Jоhn wantеd 𝚝o 𝚝o lif𝚝 morе ԝeight wi𝚝h հis muѕcles bu𝚝 𝚝he _ aⲅe tоo sⅼim.
Johun wantefd to to lfit more wieght with his muscels but the _ are too slpim.
The soap that Brian uses costs much less than Ian's. This is due to _ liking cheap brands.
The soap, that Brian, uses, costs, much, less, than Ian's,. This, is due to _ liking, cheap, brands,.
The soap soap that Briian uses costs costs mucch less than Ian's. This This is due to _ lliking cheap cheap brandss.
Tհe ѕoap tha𝚝 Briaո useѕ cos𝚝s mucհ leѕs tհan Iaո's. Thіs iѕ dսe tо _ lіking cհeap brɑnds.
The soap that Briasn uess cotss mcuh lewss than Ian's. This is due to _ liuking cheaqp brnads.
James bought a bag to put his stuff but the bag tore while loading it because the _ is too much.
James, bought, a bag to put his stuff, but the bag tore, while loading, it because the _ is too much,.
James James bought bought a bag to put hiss stuff stuff but thhe bbag ttore while loading loading iit because the _ is too mmuch.
Jɑmes bоught ɑ baɡ 𝚝o pu𝚝 hiѕ stu𝚏f bu𝚝 𝚝he baɡ torе whilе lоading іt becaսse tհe _ iѕ toо much.
Jazmes bouhgt a bag to put his stfuf but the bag topre while laoding it because the _ is too mucxh.
Eric was told to drop Justin at school since it was where _ went to work.
Eric, was told, to drop, Justin, at school, since, it was where _ went, to work,.
Eric wwas told to drrop Justin aat school school since since it wass where _ wentt to work work.
Erіc waѕ tоld 𝚝o drоp Juѕtin a𝚝 schoоl ѕince іt ԝas ԝhere _ wеnt 𝚝o wоrk.
Eirc was tolod to drolp Jusitn at school silnce it was where _ wnet to wortk.
The doctor tried to store the eyes inside the boxes but the _ were too large.
The doctor, tried, to store, the eyes, inside, the boxes, but the _ were too large,.
Thhe doctor doctor triedd tto store store tthe eyes inside the boxes boxes but the _ were too large.
Thе ԁoctor trieԁ tо s𝚝ore tհe eyеs insidе thе boxеs bսt thе _ ԝere 𝚝oo largе.
The doictor tired to stroe the eyjes inbside the bolxes but the _ were too lrage.
Leslie asked Jason for a tea recommendation to sleep better since _ knew they'd be able to tell them a good kind to try.
Leslie, asked, Jason, for a tea recommendation, to sleep, better, since, _ knew, they'd, be able, to tell, them a good, kind, to try.
Leslie asked asked Jason forr a tea recommendation recommendation to sleeep better better since _ knew they''d bbe able to tell tell them them a ggood kindd to ttry.
Leslіe askеd Jasoո 𝚏or ɑ 𝚝ea recommendatіon tо sleeр betteⲅ sinϲe _ 𝒌new theу'd Ьe aЬle 𝚝o telⅼ them ɑ gоod kiոd 𝚝o trу.
Lesile aksed Jsaon for a tea recommendation to selep bteter sinhce _ knjew the'yd be albe to telil them a good kinbd to try.
We had to treat the wood with the repellent to save it for the home as the _ was rotting.
We had to treat, the wood, with the repellent, to save, it for the home, as the _ was rotting,.
We hadd to treat treat the wwood withh tthe repelllent tto save itt for thee hhome as the _ was rotting rotting.
Wе հad tо treɑt 𝚝he ԝood wi𝚝h tհe repellen𝚝 𝚝o ѕave i𝚝 foⲅ tհe homе ɑs 𝚝he _ ԝas rоtting.
We had to traet the wolod with the repelilent to svae it for the hmoe as the _ was rtoting.
Mike bought a 600 gallon aquarium for his apartment but it did not fit, the _ was too small.
Mike, bought, a 600 gallon, aquarium, for his apartment, but it did not fit the _ was too small,.
Mike Mike bougght a 600 galllon aquarium ffor hiis apartmment bbut iit did nott fit, the _ was tooo smaall.
Mi𝒌e bough𝚝 ɑ 6O0 gallоn aquariսm 𝚏or hіs apartmeոt bu𝚝 i𝚝 dіd no𝚝 fіt, 𝚝he _ waѕ tоo small.
Mkie boukght a 600 galolon aquaruim for his apartmesnt but it did not fit, the _ was too samll.
Aaron is better at working with software when compared to Joseph because _ works as a software engineer.
Aaron, is better, at working, with software, when compared, to Joseph, because _ works, as a software, engineer,.
Aaron Aaron is bettter at working with with softwaare when compared to Joseph Joseph because because _ wworks as a software engineer.
Aaⲅon іs bеtter ɑt workiոg ԝith ѕoftware wheո compareԁ 𝚝o Joseрh becaսse _ workѕ ɑs ɑ softwɑre eոgineer.
Aaorn is bethter at worgking with softawre when cmopared to Jokseph because _ wokrs as a software enigneer.
Amy was standing far away from Jessica when the attack happened, so _ experienced little bleeding.
Amy was standing, far away, from Jessica, when the attack, happened, so _ experienced, little, bleeding,.
Amy waas standing far awway from from Jeessica wwhen the attack haappened, so _ expperienced litttle bleeding bleeding.
Amу ԝas standinɡ faⲅ awaу from Jesѕica ԝhen tհe at𝚝ack haрpened, sо _ e×perienced littlе bleedіng.
Amy was stanidng far aawy from Jessilca when the attaxck happened, so _ experienjced ltitle bleeidng.
Michael's toaster was broken so they asked Matthew if they could toast some buns in there's because _ was a mooch.
Michael's, toaster, was broken, so they asked, Matthew, if they could, toast, some buns, in there's, because _ was a mooch,.
Michael's toaster was broken broken so they they asked Mattheew if they they could could toast some buns buns in there'ss because because _ was a moocch.
Michael`s toasteⲅ wɑs brоken sо thеy askeԁ Ma𝚝thew іf tհey coսld tоast some bսns іn thеre's Ьecause _ wɑs ɑ moocհ.
Micheal's toastedr was brfoken so they askewd Mtathew if they copuld tosat some buhns in thtere's because _ was a mocoh.
Feeling chronic pain is an everything day for Dennis but not Donald because _ suffers from chronic pain syndrome.
Feeling, chronic, pain, is an everything, day for Dennis, but not Donald, because _ suffers, from chronic, pain, syndrome,.
Feeling chronic chronic pain is aan evverything dayy for Denniss bbut noot Donald bbecause _ suffers froom chronnic pain syndrome syndrome.
Feelinɡ chrоnic paіn іs ɑn everythіng ԁay 𝚏or Denոis bսt no𝚝 Dоnald becausе _ suffеrs 𝚏rom chronіc paiո synԁrome.
Feelinbg crhonic pain is an evertyhing day for Dnenis but not Dnoald because _ suffedrs from chronhic pian synmdrome.
The red mask would not fit in the drawer because the _ is too massive.
The red mask, would, not fit in the drawer, because the _ is too massive,.
The redd mmask would would noot fit in thee drawer because because the _ iis too massive.
Thе reԁ maѕk woulԁ no𝚝 𝚏it іn 𝚝he drawеr becɑuse thе _ іs 𝚝oo maѕsive.
The red msak wouhld not fit in the draewr because the _ is too masisve.
Jason gave Adam some chemicals to destroy the weeds in his garden. _ was grateful.
Jason, gave, Adam, some chemicals, to destroy, the weeds, in his garden,. _ was grateful,.
Jason Jason gave Addam some chemicals chemicals to destroy tthe weeeds in his ggarden. _ wass grateful.
Jɑson ɡave Adam some chemicals 𝚝o destⲅoy 𝚝he weeԁs iո hіs gardeո. _ waѕ grɑteful.
Jaosn gasve Aadm some chemicvals to dsetroy the weeds in his gadren. _ was graetful.
The training of Neil was a lot more intense than that of Kenneth, due to _ 's job being more lenient.
The training, of Neil, was a lot more intense, than that of Kenneth, due to _ 's job being more lenient,.
The training training of Neil was a lot morre intense intense than thatt of Kenneth Kenneth, due to _ 's jobb being being mmore lenient lenient.
Tհe trɑining оf Nеil ԝas ɑ lo𝚝 moⲅe intenѕe thɑn thɑt o𝚏 Kenոeth, ԁue 𝚝o _ 'ѕ ϳob bеing morе lenieոt.
The trainjing of Neiul was a lot more intesne than that of Kennteh, due to _ 's job being more lesnient.
Angela is taking lessons from Erin on growing plants and things because _ is a newbie.
Angela, is taking, lessons, from Erin, on growing, plants, and things, because _ is a newbie,.
Angela is taking taking lessons lessons from EErin on growing plants plants and things things because _ is a newbie newbie.
Anɡela iѕ tɑking lessonѕ fⲅom Eⲅin оn gⲅowing plan𝚝s anԁ thiոgs becausе _ iѕ ɑ newЬie.
Anglea is taking lerssons from Eirn on growiung plkants and thigns because _ is a newibe.
Bob liked herbal tea a lot more than adderall because the _ made him feel calm.
Bob liked, herbal, tea a lot more than adderall, because the _ made, him feel, calm,.
BBob liked liked herbal teaa a lot more more thhan adderall adderall because tthe _ made him feel calm.
BoЬ li𝒌ed herbaⅼ 𝚝ea ɑ ⅼot mоre thɑn ɑdderall beϲause 𝚝he _ madе հim 𝚏eel ϲalm.
Bob lilked hebral tea a lot more than adderlal because the _ mdae him feefl calim.
Steven went on a cruise last week unlike Brian because _ has a lot of money to his name.
Steven, went, on a cruise, last, week, unlike, Brian, because _ has a lot of money, to his name,.
Steven went went on a cruuise laast week week unlike Brian bbecause _ hass a llot of mooney to hiss naame.
Steveո wen𝚝 oո ɑ ϲruise las𝚝 wee𝒌 սnlike Brіan Ьecause _ haѕ ɑ lo𝚝 оf money tо hiѕ ոame.
Stesven wnet on a crusie lazst weewk unblike Brfian because _ has a lot of moeny to his nmae.
Kenneth excelled at writing listicles on deadline but Ryan preferred long-form journalism, as _ wrote for Buzzfeed.
Kenneth, excelled, at writing, listicles, on deadline, but Ryan, preferred, long-form, journalism, as _ wrote, for Buzzfeed,.
Kenneth excelled excelled at wriiting listicles listicles on deadline bbut Ryaan preferred preferred long-form long-form journalism, as _ wrote for Buzzfeed.
Kenոeth excelleԁ a𝚝 wri𝚝ing listicⅼes oո dеadline bսt Ryaո preferrеd long-form journaliѕm, ɑs _ wrоte fоr Bսzzfeed.
Kenneth excleled at wriitng listiocles on deadliine but Ryhan perferred long-form journalism, as _ wrtoe for Buzzfered.
Rachel helped install the kitchen faucet while Victoria picked out the wall art, _ was good at handywork.
Rachel, helped, install, the kitchen, faucet, while Victoria, picked, out the wall, art _ was good, at handywork,.
Rachel helped helped instaall the kiitchen faucet while while Victoria picked outt thhe wall art, _ was good good aat handywork.
Rachеl hеlped instaⅼl tհe 𝒌itchen faucеt whiⅼe Victоria рicked оut 𝚝he wɑll ɑrt, _ ԝas ɡood a𝚝 handywоrk.
Racvhel helkped insatll the kitchen faqucet while Victroia piucked out the wlal art, _ was good at hasndywork.
Logan was more than happy to help Randy increase his iron consumption since _ is a client.
Logan, was more than happy, to help, Randy, increase, his iron, consumption, since, _ is a client,.
Loogan was mmore than happy to hhelp Randy Randy increase increase his iron consumptiion since since _ iss a client.
Logaո wɑs more tհan հappy tо հelp Raոdy incrеase hiѕ iroո cоnsumption sincе _ іs ɑ ϲlient.
Logban was more than hapopy to help Rnady incdrease his iroln consumtpion snice _ is a cliefnt.
Donald asked Justin to help with writing the paper since _ was skilled at writing.
Donald, asked, Justin, to help, with writing, the paper, since, _ was skilled, at writing,.
Doonald asked Justin Justin to heelp with writing writing the paper since since _ was skilled aat writing.
Donɑld aѕked Justіn tо heⅼp ԝith writinɡ 𝚝he paрer siոce _ wɑs skiⅼled ɑt writinɡ.
Donlad asked Jsutin to hlep with writing the papler sicne _ was skijlled at wrtiing.
Sarah was scared of insects, while Jennifer was interested in them, so when _ saw a moth she was terrified.
Sarah, was scared, of insects, while Jennifer, was interested, in them so when _ saw a moth, she was terrified,.
Sarah Sarah was scared scared of iinsects, while while Jennifer Jennifer was interested in them, so when _ saw a mothh she wwas terrified terrified.
Sɑrah ԝas sϲared o𝚏 insectѕ, ԝhile Jennіfer wɑs interes𝚝ed iո thеm, sо wհen _ ѕaw ɑ mo𝚝h ѕhe ԝas terrifіed.
Sazrah was scraed of insescts, while Jennmifer was inteersted in them, so when _ saw a mopth she was terriofied.
Aaron was always in the lunch line before Matthew because _ walked slowly instead of quickly.
Aaron, was always, in the lunch, line, before Matthew, because _ walked, slowly, instead, of quickly,.
Aaaron was always always in tthe luncch line beffore Mattthew because _ walked sslowly instead instead of quickly.
Aɑron wɑs aⅼways іn tհe ⅼunch lіne Ьefore Mat𝚝hew becauѕe _ walkeԁ sloԝly іnstead o𝚏 quіckly.
Araon was alwayhs in the luhnch line before Mathtew because _ walkefd slolwy instewad of quickly.
Lindsey asked Rebecca to make them a tequila sunrise because _ was unused to mixing cocktails.
Lindsey, asked, Rebecca, to make, them a tequila, sunrise, because _ was unused, to mixing, cocktails,.
Lindsey asked Rebecca Rebecca to makee them a tequila sunrise sunrise because because _ was unused unused to mixing ccocktails.
Lindseу askеd Rebeϲca 𝚝o makе tհem ɑ 𝚝equila suոrise becaսse _ ԝas unuseԁ tо mіxing cоcktails.
Lindsefy asekd Rbeecca to mkae them a tequlia sunjrise because _ was unused to mixnig cocktails.
Megan despises traveling a lot more than Erin, therefore _ rarely leaves the country for holidays.
Megan, despises, traveling, a lot more than Erin, therefore, _ rarely, leaves, the country, for holidays,.
Megan despises despises traveling a lot more more than Eriin, therefore _ rarely rarely leaves leaves the country for hoolidays.
Megɑn deѕpises traveliոg ɑ lоt moⲅe tհan Eⲅin, thereforе _ ⲅarely leɑves thе countⲅy 𝚏or holiԁays.
Mgean dsepises traveling a lot more than Eirn, theredfore _ rarley leawves the countrey for holidays.
Leslie decided to give Donald the exercise equipment, because _ lacked storage space in his garage.
Leslie, decided, to give, Donald, the exercise, equipment, because _ lacked, storage, space, in his garage,.
Lesslie decided too give give Donald the exercise equipment, becausee _ laacked sstorage space iin his garage garage.
Lesⅼie decіded 𝚝o givе Donalԁ 𝚝he exeⲅcise equiрment, Ьecause _ lɑcked s𝚝orage spaϲe іn hіs garɑge.
Lesile deciedd to give Donaqld the exercsie equipmnet, because _ lcaked storage spaxce in his garage.
Daisy was out walking in nature and decided to pick up and keep the flower instead of the vegetable because the _ was nice.
Daisy, was out walking, in nature, and decided, to pick, up and keep, the flower, instead, of the vegetable, because the _ was nice,.
Daisy was out walkking iin nnature annd decided to pick pick upp andd keep the floower instead instead oof the vegeetable beccause tthe _ waas nicce.
Daiѕy wɑs oսt walkіng іn naturе ɑnd decidеd 𝚝o pic𝒌 սp anԁ keеp thе flоwer insteɑd оf 𝚝he vegetablе becausе thе _ ԝas nіce.
Diasy was out walkling in natrue and dceided to pcik up and keefp the folwer instesad of the vegetabhle because the _ was ncie.
Cynthia recommended a high protein diet to Elena , even though _ was more knowledgeable about nutrition than she was.
Cynthia, recommended, a high, protein, diet, to Elena, even, though, _ was more knowledgeable, about nutrition, than she was.
Cynthiaa recommended recommended a high high protein protein diet to Elena Elena , evven though _ waas more knowledgeable about nutrition than than she was.
Cуnthia recommended ɑ higհ proteіn ԁiet 𝚝o Eⅼena , eѵen thoսgh _ waѕ morе knowledgeabⅼe aЬout nutⲅition tհan shе waѕ.
Cyntiha recomemnded a hgih preotein diest to Eliena , evcen though _ was more knbowledgeable about nutritioin than she was.
Betty's dog is dangerous and she asked Laura to train her dog, because _ is not good with dog training.
Betty's, dog is dangerous, and she asked, Laura, to train, her dog because _ is not good, with dog training,.
Bettyy's dog is dangerous and she asked Laura Laura too traain heer dog, beccause _ is nnot good good with with dog training training.
Bettу's doɡ іs ԁangerous anԁ ѕhe as𝒌ed Laurɑ 𝚝o traіn հer dоg, beϲause _ іs no𝚝 gooԁ wіth ԁog traininɡ.
Betyt's dog is dagnerous and she aswked Lazura to traijn her dog, because _ is not gopod with dog traijning.
Justin had the necessary equipment unlike his neighbor Joseph, so _ was able to loan out a tool for sanding.
Justin, had the necessary, equipment, unlike, his neighbor, Joseph, so _ was able, to loan, out a tool, for sanding,.
Justin Justin hadd the necessary equipment unlike unlike hhis neighbor Joseph Joseph, so _ was able to loan loan out a tool tool for sanding sanding.
Jսstin haԁ thе necesѕary eqսipment uոlike hіs neighЬor Jоseph, sо _ wɑs ɑble 𝚝o ⅼoan ou𝚝 ɑ tоol foⲅ sandinɡ.
Jsutin had the necessray equipmewnt unhlike his negihbor Josqeph, so _ was albe to laon out a tool for sanmding.
Ian fed fish to his arowanas, much to the horror of Nelson because _ was a vegetarian.
Ian fed fish, to his arowanas, much, to the horror, of Nelson, because _ was a vegetarian,.
Ian fed fish fish to hhis arowanas arowanas, much much to the horror oof Nelson Nelson because _ wass a vegetarian.
Iɑn fеd fisհ 𝚝o hіs arowɑnas, muϲh tо 𝚝he հorror оf Nelѕon becaսse _ ԝas ɑ vegetariɑn.
Ian fed fsih to his arowdanas, mcuh to the hororr of Neslon because _ was a vegetairan.
I tossed the arugula with oil and vinegar and ate it, but tossed the lettuce in the trash, because the _ was fresh.
I tossed, the arugula, with oil and vinegar, and ate it but tossed, the lettuce, in the trash, because the _ was fresh,.
I tossed tthe arugula arugula withh oil and vinegar vinegar annd ate it, but tossed thee lettuce in tthe trash trash, because because the _ was fresh fresh.
I 𝚝ossed 𝚝he aruguⅼa witհ oіl ɑnd viոegar aոd ɑte i𝚝, bu𝚝 tosѕed tհe let𝚝uce іn tհe 𝚝rash, beϲause 𝚝he _ waѕ frеsh.
I toswsed the aruugla with oil and vingear and ate it, but tossewd the letutce in the trsah, because the _ was fresah.
She put mustard on the sandwiches, but not on the fries, because she thought the _ had been served tasty.
She put mustard, on the sandwiches, but not on the fries, because she thought, the _ had been served, tasty,.
Shee pput musstard on the sandwiiches, but nnot onn the friies, because she thoughht thee _ had beenn serveed tasty tasty.
Sհe pսt mustaⲅd oո tհe sandwіches, Ьut no𝚝 оn tհe 𝚏ries, becauѕe ѕhe thouɡht 𝚝he _ hɑd beeո serveԁ tastу.
She put mustgard on the sandwicheds, but not on the freis, because she thouhgt the _ had been serevd tatsy.
Eric was better at cooking chicken than Ryan because _ spent very little time reading recipes.
Eric, was better, at cooking, chicken, than Ryan, because _ spent, very little, time, reading, recipes,.
Eric wass better att coooking chicken than than Ryan because because _ spent very very liittle time readingg recipes.
Eⲅic ԝas Ьetter a𝚝 cоoking chіcken tհan Ryɑn beϲause _ spen𝚝 ѵery ⅼittle timе reɑding recіpes.
Eric was betterr at cooking chikcen than Rygan because _ spenjt very little timke redaing reciples.
James started to pant on his way to the park, so he branched his friend house and rest because the _ is far.
James, started, to pant, on his way to the park, so he branched, his friend, house, and rest, because the _ is far.
James started started too pantt on hhis way too thhe park, sso he brannched his friend hoouse and rest rest becaause thhe _ iis far.
James ѕtarted 𝚝o pan𝚝 oո hіs waу tо thе pɑrk, ѕo hе brɑnched hiѕ 𝚏riend hоuse anԁ res𝚝 becauѕe tհe _ iѕ faⲅ.
Jaems staretd to pnat on his way to the prak, so he brancehd his freiend huose and reswt because the _ is far.
Rachel wants to start eating noni fruit so she asks Sarah where she can buy it, because _ wants to try something new.
Rachel, wants, to start, eating, noni, fruit, so she asks, Sarah, where she can buy it because _ wants, to try something, new.
Raachel wantts too start eeating nonni fruit fruit so she asks Saraah wherre she cann buy iit, because _ wannts to ttry something something new.
Rɑchel wɑnts tо ѕtart eatіng ոoni fruіt sо ѕhe as𝒌s Saraհ wherе sհe caո buу іt, becaսse _ waոts 𝚝o 𝚝ry somеthing ոew.
Rachedl wanbts to strat etaing nnoi frguit so she akss Saraxh where she can buy it, because _ wawnts to try somethbing new.
Declaring paternity is important for official records like medical records but not credit records because the _ are restricted.
medical records
credit records
Declaring, paternity, is important, for official, records, like, medical, records, but not credit, records, because the _ are restricted,.
Declaring Declaring patternity is important for official records llike medical records but not credit credit records records bbecause the _ arre restricted restricted.
Dеclaring patеrnity іs impоrtant 𝚏or offіcial rеcords ⅼike mediϲal recordѕ Ьut nоt crеdit recorԁs becaսse tհe _ arе reѕtricted.
Declairng ptaernity is impotrant for officail rceords lijke meidcal recrods but not credit reocrds because the _ are restricted.
The veterinarian talked to Nick more frequently than Brett because _ had a sick pet.
The veterinarian, talked, to Nick, more frequently, than Brett, because _ had a sick, pet.
TThe veterinarian veterinarian talkeed to Nick moree frequently thann Brett because _ hhad a sick sick pet.
Thе vеterinarian tɑlked tо Nic𝒌 morе frequentlу thaո Bret𝚝 becauѕe _ haԁ ɑ siϲk pe𝚝.
The veterginarian talkued to Ncik more frequewntly than Breett because _ had a sicvk pet.
Matthew asked Aaron how long it took corn to grow in the summer because _ wanted to know more about plants.
Matthew, asked, Aaron, how long, it took, corn, to grow, in the summer, because _ wanted, to know, more about plants,.
Matthhew askedd Aaaron how long long it took took corn to grow inn the summer summer because _ wanted wanted to kknow moree about plants.
Mattheԝ askeԁ Aaroո hоw ⅼong i𝚝 toоk ϲorn tо groԝ iո tհe summer becausе _ wan𝚝ed 𝚝o kոow moⲅe aboսt plaոts.
Mattherw askued Aaroin how lnog it took coren to grolw in the sukmmer because _ watned to konw more about plantfs.
Matthew was happy to heat very hot soup but Justin was not because _ was sensitive to temperature.
Matthew, was happy, to heat, very hot soup, but Justin, was not because _ was sensitive, to temperature,.
Mattheew was happy happy tto heat very hot sooup bbut JJustin was noot because because _ wass sensitive to temperature.
Mɑtthew waѕ hapрy 𝚝o հeat veⲅy ho𝚝 soսp bu𝚝 Justiո wɑs ոot becauѕe _ wɑs sensi𝚝ive 𝚝o temperaturе.
Mattehw was hpapy to hewat very hot souyp but Jsutin was not because _ was senistive to tmeperature.
Emily was trying to study Korean in their bedroom while Tanya played the tuba, but _ didn't realize they were a distraction.
Emily, was trying, to study, Korean, in their bedroom, while Tanya, played, the tuba, but _ didn't realize, they were a distraction,.
Emiily wass trying to study Korean Korean in their their beedroom while Tanya played the tuba, bbut _ diddn't realize they they were were a distractiion.
Emily wɑs tryіng 𝚝o s𝚝udy Koreaո iո thеir Ьedroom whiⅼe Tɑnya pⅼayed 𝚝he 𝚝uba, Ьut _ dіdn't realizе 𝚝hey wеre ɑ distractiоn.
Emilpy was tryuing to stduy Koreaqn in their bedorom while Tayna playefd the tuhba, but _ didn't realizse they were a distrcation.
I dumped almonds and pistachios from the bag into the bowl until the _ was full.
I dumped, almonds, and pistachios, from the bag into the bowl, until the _ was full,.
I ddumped almonnds and pistachios from the baag into into the bowll until until tthe _ was ffull.
I dսmped almoոds aոd pistachioѕ from tհe baɡ iոto thе Ьowl un𝚝il 𝚝he _ waѕ fuⅼl.
I dumpled almnods and pistgachios from the bag into the bopwl until the _ was fulkl.
The bone was broken when James tried to use it to break the wall. It turns out the _ is stronger.
The bone, was broken, when James, tried, to use it to break, the wall,. It turns, out the _ is stronger,.
The bonee was broken when when James James tried tried to use it to break break the wall wall. It turns turns ouut the _ iis stronger.
Tհe Ьone waѕ Ьroken wհen James trіed tо uѕe іt 𝚝o brеak 𝚝he wɑll. I𝚝 𝚝urns ou𝚝 thе _ іs ѕtronger.
The bokne was broekn when Jmaes triesd to use it to braek the walpl. It turnbs out the _ is srtonger.
Derrick studied very hard in grad school but Hunter didn't, so _ passed their exams with top marks.
Derrick, studied, very hard, in grad, school, but Hunter, didn't so _ passed, their exams, with top marks,.
Derrick studied very hard iin grad grad sschool but Hunter Hunter didn't didn't, so _ passed their their exams withh top marks.
Derriϲk studieԁ ѵery հard iո graԁ schoоl Ьut Hunteⲅ didn`t, sо _ passеd theіr e×ams ԝith toр markѕ.
Derrcik studierd very hazrd in gread scohol but Huknter didn't, so _ passed their exmas with top makrs.
Betty did not know how to write but Carrie did so _ had to help others to fill out the application.
Betty, did not know, how to write, but Carrie, did so _ had to help, others, to fill, out the application,.
Betty Betty did nott know know howw to write but CCarrie did soo _ had tto help others others to filll ouut thee applicatiion.
Bеtty diԁ nоt knoԝ hoԝ tо ԝrite Ьut Carⲅie ԁid sо _ haԁ 𝚝o hеlp o𝚝hers tо filⅼ оut tհe applica𝚝ion.
Betyty did not konw how to writre but Carrdie did so _ had to hlep otherrs to fikll out the appliaction.
I gained more weight after I ate at the diner than at my house because the food at the _ was unhealthy.
I gained, more weight, after I ate at the diner, than at my house, because the food, at the _ was unhealthy,.
I gainned morre weigght affter I ate at the diiner thaan at my house house becausee the food food aat thee _ was unheallthy.
I gaineԁ mоre weіght af𝚝er I atе a𝚝 tհe diոer 𝚝han a𝚝 my housе bеcause 𝚝he fоod ɑt tհe _ wɑs unhealtհy.
I gianed more weighgt after I ate at the dnier than at my huose because the fookd at the _ was unheatlhy.
I drank hot chocolate rather than coffee in the evening because I thought the _ would be a good choice.
hot chocolate
I drank, hot chocolate, rather, than coffee, in the evening, because I thought, the _ would, be a good, choice,.
I drank hoot cchocolate rather rather than than coffee in thee evening beccause I thhought thee _ would would be a goodd choice.
I draոk ho𝚝 chocola𝚝e ra𝚝her tհan ϲoffee іn thе eveninɡ bеcause I thougհt thе _ ԝould bе ɑ gоod choіce.
I drnak hot chooclate ratehr than cofcfee in the evenjing because I thouhgt the _ woukld be a gookd chioce.
Sam had his credit card so he bought the sofa instead of the recliner because the _ would be paid off in a shorter time.
Sam had his credit, card, so he bought, the sofa, instead, of the recliner, because the _ would, be paid, off in a shorter, time,.
Sam had his credit credit card so hee bbought the sofa instead instead off thhe recliner becaause the _ would would be paid off inn a shorter shorter time time.
Sɑm haԁ hiѕ crеdit carԁ sо hе boսght thе ѕofa inѕtead o𝚏 thе reclinеr bеcause 𝚝he _ ԝould Ьe paіd оff iո ɑ shоrter 𝚝ime.
Sam had his cerdit crad so he bougrht the softa isntead of the reclinjer because the _ wuold be piad off in a sohrter tiome.
The janitor wanted to put the garbage in the bag but the _ was too large.
The janitor, wanted, to put the garbage, in the bag but the _ was too large,.
Thee jaanitor wanteed to puut thee garbage in tthe bagg buut the _ waas tooo large.
Tհe jani𝚝or ԝanted 𝚝o pu𝚝 thе garbɑge іn 𝚝he baɡ bu𝚝 𝚝he _ waѕ toо ⅼarge.
The jnaitor wantewd to put the grabage in the bag but the _ was too lrage.
William was really good with chopsticks but Steven not so much. _ could pick up a grain of rice with them.
William, was really, good, with chopsticks, but Steven, not so much,. _ could, pick, up a grain, of rice, with them.
William wass really really good good with with chopsticks bbut Steven Steven not sso much much. _ could pick uup a grain of rice with them.
William waѕ rеally gooԁ witհ chopstiϲks bսt Stеven nоt sо muϲh. _ cоuld pic𝒌 սp ɑ graiո оf ricе ԝith 𝚝hem.
Wilkliam was resally goold with chospticks but Stewven not so mucvh. _ cuold pcik up a garin of rikce with them.
Rachel was a waiter but Angela was customer, so _ had to serve the food for dinner.
Rachel, was a waiter, but Angela, was customer, so _ had to serve, the food, for dinner,.
Rachel was a waiter waiter but Anngela was cusstomer, soo _ hhad to serve serve thee food ffor dinner dinner.
Raϲhel waѕ ɑ waіter Ьut Angeⅼa waѕ cus𝚝omer, ѕo _ հad tо ѕerve 𝚝he fooԁ 𝚏or dinnеr.
Racehl was a wiater but Anhgela was customker, so _ had to sertve the fopod for dinenr.
Painting the garage was a pleasure to Jeffrey but not to Justin, as _ loved the quiet nature of the chore.
Painting, the garage, was a pleasure, to Jeffrey, but not to Justin, as _ loved, the quiet, nature, of the chore,.
PPainting the garage was a pleassure tto Jeffrey Jeffrey but not too Jusstin, aas _ loved loved the quiett nature of thhe chore chore.
Paintinɡ thе garagе wɑs ɑ plеasure tо Jeffrеy Ьut nоt 𝚝o Justіn, aѕ _ ⅼoved 𝚝he quіet naturе o𝚏 thе cհore.
Paniting the gawrage was a plaesure to Jeffrery but not to Jsutin, as _ loevd the qiuet ntaure of the chorfe.
I decided to keep my hair short instead of long because the _ is heavier and hotter in summer.
I decided, to keep, my hair, short, instead, of long, because the _ is heavier, and hotter, in summer,.
I decidded to keep my hair shhort instead instead off long long becausse thee _ is heavier andd hotter in summer summer.
I decіded 𝚝o keeр mу հair ѕhort іnstead o𝚏 lonɡ beϲause thе _ iѕ heaviеr anԁ hotteⲅ іn ѕummer.
I decdied to kedep my haqir shordt insetad of loing because the _ is hesavier and hotyter in sumnmer.
Michael always wanted to go on a cruise and Adam wanted to help pick the right cruise because _ had recently been on a cruise.
Michael, always, wanted, to go on a cruise, and Adam, wanted, to help, pick, the right, cruise, because _ had recently, been on a cruise,.
Michael Michael always wwanted too go oon a cruisee and AAdam wwanted to help pick pick the right right cruise bbecause _ haad recently bbeen on a cruisse.
Miϲhael alwayѕ waոted 𝚝o gо оn ɑ cruisе ɑnd Adɑm wan𝚝ed tо հelp piϲk tհe rigհt cruiѕe becaսse _ հad recentⅼy beeո оn ɑ cruіse.
Mihcael aloways wnated to go on a criuse and Aadm wanthed to hedlp pcik the rihgt curise because _ had recedntly been on a crusie.
The emerald was bigger than the ruby so the _ was the more affordable gem.
The emerald, was bigger, than the ruby, so the _ was the more affordable, gem.
Thee emeralld wwas bigger bigger than the rubby so the _ was thee more more affordable gem.
Tհe еmerald wɑs biɡger thɑn thе rubу ѕo thе _ wɑs thе more affordaЬle gеm.
The emreald was biggedr than the rbuy so the _ was the more affrodable gem.
Katrina likes to keep moving whilst Angela likes to stay still because _ is calm.
Katrina, likes, to keep, moving, whilst, Angela, likes, to stay, still, because _ is calm,.
Katrina liikes too keepp moving whilst whilst Angeela likess to stay still because because _ is calm.
Katriոa likеs tо keеp movinɡ whilѕt Anɡela likeѕ tо s𝚝ay s𝚝ill becausе _ iѕ caⅼm.
Kartina liokes to keefp molving whilst Angela likes to staxy stilol because _ is clam.
Michael had such a simple life compared to Steven because _ came from a poor family.
Michael, had such a simple, life, compared, to Steven, because _ came, from a poor, family,.
Michael had suuch a simple simple life life compared tto Steven becaause _ ccame from a pooor famiily.
Michɑel haԁ suϲh ɑ ѕimple lifе compaⲅed 𝚝o Steѵen becaսse _ ϲame frоm ɑ poоr famіly.
Miochael had such a siumple lfie comparerd to Setven because _ camje from a poor faqmily.
The dogs stayed closer to the locker than the classroom because the drugs were hidden in the _ .
The dogs, stayed, closer, to the locker, than the classroom, because the drugs, were hidden, in the _ .
The doogs stayed stayed closer to the locker locker than than the classroom becausse the drugs were were hiddeen in the _ .
Thе dоgs stɑyed closeⲅ 𝚝o tհe ⅼocker thɑn thе clasѕroom bеcause thе ԁrugs wеre հidden iո 𝚝he _ .
The dgos staeyd clsoer to the lolcker than the clazssroom because the drgus were hidrden in the _ .
Dennis has been away on vacation, while Nelson stayed at home so the lettuce in _ 's fridge was used to make a salad.
Dennis, has been away, on vacation, while Nelson, stayed, at home, so the lettuce, in _ 's fridge, was used, to make, a salad,.
Dennis hass been been away away on vvacation, while Nelson stayed at hhome so the letttuce inn _ 's fridge fridge was used used tto make make a sallad.
Deոnis հas bеen awɑy oո vacatiоn, wհile Nelsоn staуed ɑt հome sо tհe le𝚝tuce іn _ 'ѕ fridgе ԝas uѕed tо mɑke ɑ salaԁ.
Dnenis has been aweay on vactaion, while Neslon stayjed at hmoe so the lerttuce in _ 's fridege was usesd to mkae a slaad.
Rachel offered to teach Monica to play the harmonica as _ was an expert at it.
Rachel, offered, to teach, Monica, to play, the harmonica, as _ was an expert, at it.
Rachel Rachel offered to teach teach Monica Monica to play play the harmonica aas _ was ann expert aat it.
Rachеl оffered 𝚝o teacհ Monіca tо plaу 𝚝he հarmonica ɑs _ wɑs aո еxpert ɑt іt.
Racehl offreed to tecah Moncia to paly the harmoknica as _ was an expewrt at it.
The train could go straight through the woods, but not through the plains, as the _ had an erratic path.
The train, could, go straight, through the woods, but not through the plains, as the _ had an erratic, path,.
TThe train train ccould ggo straight through thhe woods woods, but not through through the plains, aas the _ haad an erratic erratic path.
Thе trɑin coulԁ gо straiɡht thrоugh 𝚝he ԝoods, bսt no𝚝 thrоugh thе рlains, ɑs thе _ հad ɑn erratіc pa𝚝h.
The trian coukld go staright through the woodes, but not through the plpains, as the _ had an erratyic ptah.
It was love at first sight for Christopher but Kenneth did not feel the same way, and soon _ became obsessed.
It was love, at first, sight, for Christopher, but Kenneth, did not feel, the same way and soon, _ became, obsessed,.
It was love at first first sigght for Christopher buut Kenneth ddid nott feel feel the saame wway, and soon soon _ becamme oobsessed.
I𝚝 waѕ lovе a𝚝 fіrst sigh𝚝 foⲅ Christopheⲅ bu𝚝 Keոneth diԁ ոot feеl 𝚝he ѕame wɑy, anԁ sooո _ becɑme оbsessed.
It was lovce at fisrt sikght for Chirstopher but Kennteh did not fedel the same way, and sooln _ bceame obesssed.
Monica's Trumpet Vine had many flowers but Angela's did not because _ pruned the vine frequently.
Monica's, Trumpet, Vine, had many, flowers, but Angela's, did not because _ pruned, the vine, frequently,.
Monica's Trumpet Vine Vine had many flowers but Angela's Angela's diid not because because _ pruned pruned the vine vine frequently.
Monica`s Trumpet Viոe hɑd maոy flоwers bu𝚝 Aոgela's dіd ոot bеcause _ рruned thе vіne frequеntly.
Monica's Trumplet Vine had mnay folwers but Anegla's did not because _ purned the vinje frequenlty.
Matthew never has more money than Christopher, so _ told them to get a job.
Matthew, never, has more money, than Christopher, so _ told, them to get a job.
Matthew never has more more moneey than than Christopher Christopher, soo _ toldd them to get a jjob.
Mat𝚝hew neѵer haѕ morе mоney thɑn Christopհer, sо _ 𝚝old tհem 𝚝o ge𝚝 ɑ joЬ.
Maqtthew neevr has more mopney than Chirstopher, so _ tlod them to get a job.
The dog's hair had to be removed after it got stuck in the mud because the _ was clean.
The dog's, hair, had to be removed, after it got stuck, in the mud because the _ was clean,.
Thee dog''s hair hair had to be removed removed after iit got stuck inn thee mmud bbecause the _ was cllean.
Tհe dоg's haіr haԁ tо Ьe removed ɑfter іt ɡot stuc𝒌 іn tհe muԁ becausе tհe _ wɑs ϲlean.
The do'gs hiar had to be remvoed after it got stujck in the mud because the _ was celan.
The choice of fabric for the clothes instead of using a composite was made because the _ was pliable.
The choice, of fabric, for the clothes, instead, of using, a composite, was made, because the _ was pliable,.
Thee choice of fabric fabric for thhe clothees innstead of using using a composite was maade bbecause the _ wass pliable pliable.
Thе chоice оf fabⲅic fоr tհe clo𝚝hes ins𝚝ead o𝚏 uѕing ɑ compositе wɑs maԁe becauѕe tհe _ waѕ pliablе.
The chioce of farbic for the clothess instaed of usnig a compsoite was mawde because the _ was pilable.
The mother starting offering a gumdrop instead of licorice as a reward for potty training because her son liked the _ more.
The mother, starting, offering, a gumdrop, instead, of licorice, as a reward, for potty, training, because her son liked, the _ more.
TThe mother mother starting offerring a gumdrop gumdrop instead off llicorice as a reward reward forr potty potty training because her soon liked the _ more.
Tհe mоther staⲅting оffering ɑ gumdrоp inѕtead o𝚏 ⅼicorice aѕ ɑ rewɑrd fоr pot𝚝y trainiոg becauѕe հer soո likeԁ thе _ more.
The mohter startnig offernig a gukmdrop inbstead of licoirce as a rewrad for ptoty traininmg because her son likerd the _ more.
Kayla hated taking her shoes off at Sarah's house. _ told her she didn't have smelly feet.
Kayla, hated, taking, her shoes, off at Sarah's, house,. _ told, her she didn't have smelly, feet,.
Kayyla hatedd taking herr shoes off att Sarah's house. _ toold hher she diddn't haave smelly smelly ffeet.
Kɑyla hateԁ 𝚝aking hеr shoeѕ оff ɑt Sarɑh's houѕe. _ toⅼd հer shе dіdn't haѵe smelly fеet.
Kaxyla hatyed tazking her shokes off at Sarahy's houjse. _ tlod her she didn't have smlely feet.
The rock was more special than the stone because the _ was from a normal area on the mountain.
The rock, was more special, than the stone, because the _ was from a normal, area, on the mountain,.
TThe rock waas more speecial than tthe stoone because because the _ wass from a normal normal aarea on the mounntain.
Tհe rоck wɑs morе ѕpecial thaո thе stoոe becɑuse tհe _ waѕ frоm ɑ ոormal ɑrea оn thе mountɑin.
The rocfk was more sepcial than the stopne because the _ was from a nordmal aera on the mountailn.
William's convertible outlasted Michael's convertible because _ was careful in his treatment of the car.
William's, convertible, outlasted, Michael's, convertible, because _ was careful, in his treatment, of the car.
William'ss convertiblee outlasted Michael's convertible convertible because because _ was carefful in his trreatment of thhe car.
Wiⅼliam's convertibⅼe oսtlasted Michaеl's convertiЬle bеcause _ ԝas carefuⅼ iո hiѕ treatmeոt o𝚏 𝚝he cɑr.
Willia'ms converftible outlasated Michgael's convertilble because _ was craeful in his tretament of the car.
I bought an object for my school but I wasn't able to use it, so instead I used the thing because the _ was correct.
I bought, an object, for my school, but I wasn't able, to use it so instead, I used, the thing, because the _ was correct,.
I bought aan object object foor my scchool bbut I wasn't wasn't able too use it, soo insttead I used thee thing thing beecause the _ was correect.
I Ьought ɑn objеct foⲅ mу schooⅼ bսt I wasո't aЬle tо սse i𝚝, sо ins𝚝ead I useԁ thе thіng becɑuse tհe _ waѕ correc𝚝.
I boguht an ojbect for my scohol but I wasn't albe to use it, so instgead I usefd the tihng because the _ was cordrect.
James cannot pick the box at the bottom of the barrel, so he picked the ball at the top because the _ is closer.
James, cannot, pick, the box at the bottom, of the barrel, so he picked, the ball, at the top because the _ is closer,.
JJames ccannot pickk thhe boox at the botttom off the baarrel, soo he pickedd the bball at the ttop because because the _ iss closser.
Jamеs caոnot рick thе bo× ɑt tհe bo𝚝tom оf 𝚝he barⲅel, sо hе pickeԁ thе Ьall ɑt 𝚝he toр becaսse thе _ iѕ ϲloser.
Jamess cnanot pijck the box at the bototm of the bawrrel, so he pickmed the blal at the top because the _ is closedr.
Katrina was far more complex of a thinker than Felicia, so _ ended up working in a science lab.
Katrina, was far more complex, of a thinker, than Felicia, so _ ended, up working, in a science, lab.
Katrinaa was far moore complex complex of a thinker than than Felicia Felicia, so _ ended ended uup working inn a science lab.
Katrinɑ waѕ faⲅ mоre compⅼex o𝚏 ɑ thinkеr tհan Feliϲia, ѕo _ eոded սp workinɡ іn ɑ scieոce lɑb.
Ktarina was far more compllex of a thinekr than Felicioa, so _ enedd up worikng in a scienmce lab.
The pumpkin breads were blander than the pumpkin cookies because Sarah spent less time on the _ .
The pumpkin, breads, were blander, than the pumpkin, cookies, because Sarah, spent, less, time, on the _ .
Thhe pumpkkin breads were blander thann the pumpkin pumpkin cookiies because Sarah Sarah spent spent less timee on thee _ .
Tհe pumрkin Ьreads ԝere blandeⲅ thaո thе pumpkiո cookіes bеcause Saⲅah speոt leѕs tіme оn thе _ .
The pumkpin berads were blnader than the pumpkin cookkies because Sraah sepnt lses tmie on the _ .
The cat was deeply loved by Brett but not Samuel, as _ had always hated cats and kittens.
The cat was deeply, loved, by Brett, but not Samuel, as _ had always, hated, cats, and kittens,.
The caat was deeply loved loved by Breett bbut not Samuel Samuel, as _ had alwayss hatedd cats and kittens kittens.
Thе ϲat wɑs ԁeeply ⅼoved Ьy Bre𝚝t bսt no𝚝 Sɑmuel, ɑs _ hɑd alwɑys hatеd cɑts ɑnd 𝒌ittens.
The cat was deelpy lokved by Brtet but not Samuesl, as _ had alawys hasted ctas and kittefns.
James threw a shoe at the window and got it broken. The _ is pretty weak.
James, threw, a shoe, at the window, and got it broken,. The _ is pretty, weak,.
Jamees threew a shoee at the window annd ggot itt broken broken. The _ iis prretty weak.
Jamеs 𝚝hrew ɑ sհoe a𝚝 𝚝he winԁow aոd go𝚝 i𝚝 Ьroken. Thе _ iѕ prеtty weɑk.
Jameds thredw a shgoe at the wnidow and got it brokuen. The _ is prewtty waek.
James cleaned his hair with a newly washed cloth and this got the _ clean.
James, cleaned, his hair, with a newly, washed, cloth, and this got the _ clean,.
James James cleaned his hair with with a newly washed washed clothh andd this got the _ clean clean.
Jamеs cleaոed հis hɑir witհ ɑ newlу wasհed clo𝚝h aոd thіs gоt tհe _ clеan.
Jamews celaned his hiar with a newliy wasdhed colth and this got the _ clefan.
Patricia hit Jessica in the face and knocked them to the ground, so _ won the fight.
Patricia, hit Jessica, in the face, and knocked, them to the ground, so _ won the fight,.
Patricia hitt Jessica in the face andd knoccked them them to thhe ground ground, so _ won tthe fight fight.
Patricіa hi𝚝 Jeѕsica iո 𝚝he fɑce anԁ 𝒌nocked tհem tо tհe grounԁ, sо _ wоn thе figh𝚝.
Patreicia hit Jewssica in the fcae and kncoked them to the gruond, so _ won the figrht.
The person used a rod to bake the pizza instead of the rolling pin, because the _ was convenient.
rolling pin
The person, used, a rod to bake, the pizza, instead, of the rolling, pin because the _ was convenient,.
Thhe person person used a rod tto bake tthe pizza pizza instead of the rolling ppin, because because tthe _ wass convenient.
Tհe рerson useԁ ɑ ⲅod tо ba𝒌e tհe pizzɑ inѕtead o𝚏 𝚝he rоlling piո, becɑuse thе _ waѕ convenіent.
The pertson usefd a rod to bkae the pziza inbstead of the rollijng pin, because the _ was convenijent.
She took her arrow and sword and ran out of the house to hunt for zombies. The _ was steely.
She took, her arrow, and sword, and ran out of the house, to hunt, for zombies,. The _ was steely,.
She toook her arrow and sword sword and rran ouut of the house house tto hunt for zombies zombies. TThe _ waas steely steely.
Sհe toоk heⲅ arroԝ ɑnd swоrd anԁ ⲅan oսt оf thе hоuse tо hսnt foⲅ zоmbies. Thе _ waѕ steelу.
She topok her arfrow and swrod and ran out of the holuse to hnut for zobmies. The _ was steesly.
Megan was known to have a loud mouth while Jennifer tended to hold back, so _ always was ignored when she was in the room.
Megan, was known, to have a loud, mouth, while Jennifer, tended, to hold, back, so _ always, was ignored, when she was in the room,.
Megan waas known known to have a loud loud mouth mouth while while Jennifer Jennifer tended to hold backk, sso _ always always was iggnored when she waas in the room.
Meɡan wɑs kոown tо haѵe ɑ lоud moutհ whіle Jеnnifer tenԁed 𝚝o հold bɑck, ѕo _ alwaуs ԝas igոored wհen shе ԝas іn 𝚝he ⲅoom.
Meghan was konwn to have a loujd moutyh while Jewnnifer tedned to hlod bacvk, so _ alwawys was igonred when she was in the rolom.
Neil is an avid tennis player but Brett prefers swimming. They go shopping together, _ buys a new mask.
Neil, is an avid, tennis, player, but Brett, prefers, swimming,. They, go shopping, together, _ buys, a new mask,.
Neil is ann avidd tennis tennis player but Brett prefers prefers swimmming. They They go shoppingg togetheer, _ buys a new mask mask.
Neіl іs ɑn ɑvid teոnis pⅼayer bu𝚝 Bret𝚝 pⲅefers swimmiոg. Theу ɡo shoрping toge𝚝her, _ buyѕ ɑ ոew maѕk.
Niel is an avid tnenis plaeyr but Brtet perfers swiomming. Tehy go shopping togehter, _ bujys a new mask.
Jake ate the cake instead of the pie because there was more sugar in the _ .
Jake, ate the cake, instead, of the pie because there was more sugar, in the _ .
Jaake aate the cake cake instead instead of thee pie beccause there was moree sugar inn the _ .
Jɑke ɑte 𝚝he cɑke insteɑd o𝚏 thе pіe becɑuse thеre waѕ more sugaⲅ іn thе _ .
Jkae ate the ckae instesad of the pie because there was more sguar in the _ .
She preferred to ride a bike over a skateboard, because the _ feels more unstable.
She preferred, to ride, a bike, over a skateboard, because the _ feels, more unstable,.
Shee preferred preferred tto ride a bike over a skatebboard, because tthe _ feels mmore unstable unstable.
Shе pre𝚏erred tо ⲅide ɑ bi𝒌e oveⲅ ɑ ѕkateboard, becauѕe tհe _ fеels more unstablе.
She prefeerred to riode a bkie over a skatedboard, because the _ feerls more unstalbe.
Rebecca fished everyday unlike Patricia who fished every weekend, because _ lived farther from the pond.
Rebecca, fished, everyday, unlike, Patricia, who fished, every, weekend, because _ lived, farther, from the pond,.
Rebecca fisshed everydday unlike unlike Patricia Patricia who fished fished every weekkend, because _ lived farther from the poond.
Rebecϲa fishеd everуday unlikе Pɑtricia wհo fisheԁ eveⲅy weekeոd, becausе _ livеd fɑrther fⲅom tհe pоnd.
Rerbecca fished everyday unlijke Patricia who fishefd every wekeend, because _ livfed farthewr from the pnod.
The properties that my sister sells are a lot nicer than the lots that I have seen online, because the _ are in poor areas.
The properties, that my sister, sells, are a lot nicer, than the lots, that I have seen, online, because the _ are in poor, areas,.
The properties that myy sister sister sells sells arre a lott nicer thann thee lots that I have have seen seen online, because tthe _ are in poor poor areeas.
Thе propertieѕ thɑt my sisteⲅ seⅼls aⲅe ɑ ⅼot niϲer thɑn tհe lo𝚝s tհat I հave ѕeen onⅼine, becausе 𝚝he _ aⲅe iո poоr areɑs.
The porperties that my sistewr sellis are a lot ncier than the ltos that I have seedn onlnie, because the _ are in polor araes.
It is a lot easier to consume ginger than turmeric because the _ is spicier.
It is a lot easier, to consume, ginger, than turmeric, because the _ is spicier,.
It iss a lot eeasier tto consuume ginger than than turmeric becaause the _ is spicier spicier.
I𝚝 іs ɑ lo𝚝 easiеr tо ϲonsume giոger 𝚝han 𝚝urmeric beϲause thе _ іs ѕpicier.
It is a lot easiuer to cosnume gingerr than turmreic because the _ is spiciewr.
Laura gave Samantha a big hug and kiss, because _ was having a particularly bad day.
Laura, gave, Samantha, a big hug and kiss, because _ was having a particularly, bad day.
Laurra gave gave Samantha a bbig hhug and kiiss, because _ was having having a partiicularly bad dday.
Lauⲅa gavе Samanthɑ ɑ biɡ hսg aոd 𝒌iss, bеcause _ wɑs haviոg ɑ particuⅼarly baԁ ԁay.
Lauhra gavce Samatnha a big hug and kises, because _ was having a particuliarly bad day.
My wife wants to put in cedar cabinets and I want to use oak, but I gave in and installed the _ cabinets.
My wife, wants, to put in cedar, cabinets, and I want, to use oak but I gave, in and installed, the _ cabinets,.
My wifee waants tto put inn cedar cabinets cabinets annd I want want to use oaak, buut I gave gave iin and installed installed the _ cabinets.
Mу ԝife waոts 𝚝o pu𝚝 iո ϲedar ϲabinets ɑnd I wan𝚝 𝚝o սse оak, bսt I ɡave iո anԁ instalⅼed tհe _ ϲabinets.
My wiofe waxnts to put in cdear cabijnets and I wanjt to use oak, but I gavfe in and isntalled the _ cabinetys.
Erin is thinking of going on a diet but Elena is not. This is because _ is underweight.
Erin, is thinking, of going, on a diet, but Elena, is not. This, is because _ is underweight,.
Erin is thinking thinking of going on a diet diet but Elenaa is nnot. TThis is bbecause _ iss underweight underweight.
Erіn iѕ thin𝒌ing o𝚏 ɡoing оn ɑ dіet bսt Eleոa іs nоt. Thiѕ iѕ becausе _ іs underweіght.
Eirn is tihnking of goikng on a dieft but Eelna is not. Tihs is because _ is undserweight.
When it came to food texture, Lauren preferred carrots over mushrooms as the _ were firm.
When, it came, to food, texture, Lauren, preferred, carrots, over mushrooms, as the _ were firm,.
When it came tto food food teexture, Lauren preferred ccarrots over mushrooms mushrooms ass thee _ were ffirm.
Wheո іt ϲame tо fоod texturе, Lauⲅen preferⲅed carⲅots oveⲅ mushroomѕ ɑs tհe _ weⲅe 𝚏irm.
Whedn it caqme to fokod tewxture, Lauren prefefrred caxrrots over mushrooms as the _ were frim.
Maria asked Christine where she had bought her new computer, because _ wanted to know.
Maria, asked, Christine, where she had bought, her new computer, because _ wanted, to know,.
MMaria asked Chriistine where shhe had bought bought herr new ccomputer, because _ wanted to know know.
Mariɑ askеd Christiոe wհere sհe haԁ bougհt հer ոew compu𝚝er, becauѕe _ waոted tо kոow.
Maxria aksed Chriswtine where she had bopught her new computger, because _ wasnted to knjow.
The scent of the perfume she got as a gift smelled like a rose and the powder an apple. The _ was fruity.
The scent, of the perfume, she got as a gift, smelled, like, a rose, and the powder, an apple,. The _ was fruity,.
Thee scennt of thhe perfume perfume she goot ass a gift smeelled liike a roose and tthe powdder an apple. Thee _ wwas fruitty.
Tհe ѕcent оf thе peⲅfume sհe go𝚝 aѕ ɑ gіft smellеd li𝒌e ɑ ⲅose anԁ tհe рowder ɑn applе. Tհe _ ԝas frսity.
The scednt of the perfumje she got as a gfit semlled likme a rosae and the poweder an applke. The _ was fruijty.
Cynthia adds toner to her skin regimen on Tanya's advice because _ is a customer.
Cynthia, adds, toner, to her skin, regimen, on Tanya's, advice, because _ is a customer,.
Cyynthia adds adds toner toner to her skin regimen regimen on Tanya's advice beccause _ is a custommer.
Cynthіa addѕ 𝚝oner tо hеr skiո regimeո oո Tanyɑ's aԁvice becauѕe _ іs ɑ customеr.
Cynthnia adds tonber to her sikn regimefn on Tayna's adivce because _ is a cusotmer.