2 values
My headache lasted for a shorter time than my stomachache did because the medicine didn't affect the _ .
My headache, lasted, for a shorter, time, than my stomachache, did because the medicine, didn't affect, the _ .
My headache lasted lasted for a shorter time time than myy stomachache diid because thhe medicine medicine didn't affect affect the _ .
Mу heɑdache las𝚝ed fоr ɑ shoⲅter tіme thaո mу stomacհache diԁ becaսse tհe mediciոe ԁidn't af𝚏ect tհe _ .
My haedache lastesd for a shortrer timke than my stomachcahe did because the medciine didn't affcet the _ .
Jack loved math and disliked social sciences, so when deciding to take sociology or math that semester, the counselor entered the _ because Jack was receptive to it.
Jack, loved, math, and disliked, social, sciences, so when deciding, to take, sociology, or math, that semester, the counselor, entered, the _ because Jack, was receptive, to it.
Jack loved loved math math and disliked social sciences sciences, soo when when deciiding to take take sociology or math tthat semester, the counselor entered entered the _ becausee Jacck was receptivee to it.
Jɑck loveԁ ma𝚝h ɑnd disⅼiked sociaⅼ scienceѕ, sо wheո dеciding tо 𝚝ake sociologу oⲅ matհ thɑt semes𝚝er, 𝚝he counѕelor eոtered tհe _ becɑuse Jac𝒌 wɑs reϲeptive 𝚝o i𝚝.
Jacvk lvoed mtah and dislkied sociual sciednces, so when decdiing to take sociolokgy or mtah that semester, the counsaelor entgered the _ because Jcak was receptivce to it.
Erin lacked the green thumb that Mary had been gifted with, so _ managed to revive the cactus.
Erin, lacked, the green, thumb, that Mary, had been gifted, with so _ managed, to revive, the cactus,.
Errin lacked lacked thhe green green thumbb that Mary Mary had been giffted with with, so _ managed to revive the cactus.
Eⲅin lac𝒌ed tհe grеen tհumb thɑt Maⲅy հad Ьeen gi𝚏ted wіth, ѕo _ managed 𝚝o rеvive tհe cactսs.
Ertin lcaked the geren thumb that Mray had been gfited with, so _ maanged to revivge the ccatus.
In the crime scene Megan had to take the measurement of Monica's blood loss since _ was the victim.
In the crime, scene, Megan, had to take, the measurement, of Monica's, blood, loss, since, _ was the victim,.
In thee crime sccene Megan had to take the measurementt off Monicaa's blood blood loss loss sincce _ waas the victim victim.
Iո thе crimе sϲene Meɡan hɑd 𝚝o tɑke tհe mеasurement оf Monіca's bⅼood losѕ sincе _ wɑs 𝚝he viϲtim.
In the creime scene Meghan had to tkae the measeurement of Monicda's bloold lsos snice _ was the vcitim.
Janice's fever was a critical issue at the medical ward because the _ was unexpected to come.
Janice's, fever, was a critical, issue, at the medical, ward, because the _ was unexpected, to come,.
Janicce's fever was a criticaal issue at thhe mediccal ward ward becaause tthe _ waas unexpected unexpected to come.
Janіce's feѵer waѕ ɑ criticaⅼ iѕsue a𝚝 tհe medicaⅼ ԝard becausе tհe _ ԝas unexpec𝚝ed tо comе.
Janicef's fewver was a critiacl issuke at the medwical wargd because the _ was unedxpected to cmoe.
Lorena was on her way to the disco but was bored and went to the house party instead. Lorena thought the _ would be fun.
house party
Lorena, was on her way to the disco, but was bored, and went, to the house, party, instead,. Lorena, thought, the _ would, be fun.
Lorena Lorena waas on hher waay to the discoo but wass bored and wennt too thhe house partyy instead. Lorena Lorena thought thought the _ wouldd be fun.
Loreոa ԝas oո հer wɑy tо tհe discо bu𝚝 waѕ boⲅed aոd wen𝚝 𝚝o 𝚝he hоuse partу inѕtead. Lоrena thougհt thе _ wоuld Ьe fuո.
Lordena was on her way to the dilsco but was broed and wnet to the hosue patry intsead. Lorgena tohught the _ wolud be fun.
The twenty mile hike was harder for Maria than Carrie because _ had very little physical endurance.
The twenty, mile, hike, was harder, for Maria, than Carrie, because _ had very little, physical, endurance,.
The twenty twenty mile hike was haarder for Maria Maria than Carriee because because _ had very little physical physical endurance endurance.
Tհe twentу miⅼe hikе wɑs hardеr fоr Maⲅia thaո Cɑrrie becaսse _ hɑd veⲅy li𝚝tle physicaⅼ enduranϲe.
The twetny miule hiuke was hardesr for Mraia than Crarie because _ had very lilttle physical enjdurance.
Maria chose to study biology rather than engineering because the _ degree required more qualifications.
Maria, chose, to study, biology, rather, than engineering, because the _ degree, required, more qualifications,.
Maria chosee too study study biology ratherr than engineering because because the _ degree degree required more qualifications.
Maⲅia ϲhose 𝚝o stսdy bioⅼogy ratheⲅ tհan engineеring becausе 𝚝he _ degreе reԛuired morе qսalifications.
Maria chokse to sutdy biology rtaher than enigneering because the _ degrewe requried more qualificaxtions.
The father tried to hide the new toy in the box but the _ was too large.
The father, tried, to hide, the new toy in the box but the _ was too large,.
Thhe faather tried tried tto hide hide the nnew toyy in tthe box but the _ was too llarge.
Thе fathеr trіed 𝚝o hіde tհe neԝ tоy iո 𝚝he Ьox bսt thе _ waѕ 𝚝oo ⅼarge.
The fathesr treid to hiude the new toy in the box but the _ was too lrage.
The ears of Hunter are always dirty, but Kenneth doesn't have this issue because _ is not as clean.
The ears, of Hunter, are always, dirty, but Kenneth, doesn't have this issue, because _ is not as clean,.
Thhe ears ears of Hunter are alwways dirtty, buut Kenneth Kenneth doesn't have thhis issue because _ is not aas clean clean.
Thе еars оf Huոter aⲅe alԝays dіrty, bսt Keոneth doesո't haѵe thiѕ issսe becauѕe _ iѕ ոot aѕ cⅼean.
The eras of Hunetr are alwayjs dirtyy, but Kenenth doesn't have this issuye because _ is not as celan.
Samantha turned their speaker to the loudest volume but not Elena because _ had strong hearing.
Samantha, turned, their speaker, to the loudest, volume, but not Elena, because _ had strong, hearing,.
Samantha Samantha turned ttheir speaker speaker too the loudestt volume but noot EElena bbecause _ had strong heearing.
Samantհa turnеd theіr speakеr 𝚝o tհe loսdest ѵolume bսt nоt Elеna Ьecause _ hɑd ѕtrong hearinɡ.
Smaantha turend their spleaker to the loudfest volume but not Eelna because _ had stfrong hearinjg.
Robert has many tattoos on his body, while Aaron has none, because _ is an atheist.
Robert, has many, tattoos, on his body, while Aaron, has none, because _ is an atheist,.
Robert Robert has many tattoos tattoos oon his body, while Aaron Aaron has none, beccause _ iis an atheist atheist.
Rober𝚝 հas maոy tattooѕ oո hiѕ bоdy, ԝhile Aaⲅon haѕ nonе, bеcause _ iѕ aո athеist.
Roibert has manhy tawttoos on his bodfy, while Aaxron has nonme, because _ is an atehist.
The lab was excited about the new medication that had tested on a rat with an illness because the _ is gone.
The lab was excited, about the new medication, that had tested, on a rat with an illness, because the _ is gone,.
The labb waas excited excited abouut thhe neew meddication thaat had testeed on a rat with aan illness illness beecause the _ is gone.
Tհe laЬ ԝas еxcited aboսt thе ոew mediϲation tհat hɑd tes𝚝ed oո ɑ ra𝚝 ԝith aո iⅼlness becausе tհe _ іs goոe.
The lab was exctied about the new mdeication that had testerd on a rat with an illnbess because the _ is gnoe.
Patricia thought hip hop was damaging to youths, but Megan disagreed. _ thought the cursing was excessive.
Patricia, thought, hip hop was damaging, to youths, but Megan, disagreed,. _ thought, the cursing, was excessive,.
Patricia Patricia thought hiip hhop was damaging too yoouths, but Megan Megan disagreed. _ thouught the cursing cursing wwas excessive.
Pa𝚝ricia thougհt hiр hоp waѕ damaginɡ 𝚝o yоuths, bu𝚝 Mеgan dіsagreed. _ 𝚝hought 𝚝he curѕing waѕ excessiѵe.
Patricika tohught hip hop was daxmaging to youhts, but Meagn diasgreed. _ thoiught the cursing was exccessive.
Unlike the shy Amy, Monica was an extrovert, so _ dreaded attending the big party.
Unlike, the shy Amy Monica, was an extrovert, so _ dreaded, attending, the big party,.
Unnlike the shy Amy, Monica was ann exxtrovert, so _ dreaded dreaded attending attending thee big party party.
Unlikе 𝚝he shу Amу, Moniϲa wɑs aո extrover𝚝, sо _ dreaԁed attenԁing 𝚝he Ьig рarty.
Ulnike the shy Amy, Monilca was an etxrovert, so _ dreraded atetnding the big pargty.
Though they are twins, Jeffrey is much heavier than Jason, as _ loves to exercise.
Though, they are twins, Jeffrey, is much, heavier, than Jason, as _ loves, to exercise,.
Thouggh they are twiins, Jeffrey Jeffrey is much much heavieer than Jasonn, as _ loves loves to exercise.
Thoսgh thеy arе tԝins, Jeffreу iѕ mսch heaѵier thaո Jasoո, ɑs _ lоves tо exerciѕe.
Thoguh they are twnis, Jerffrey is mucfh heaiver than Jason, as _ lovefs to eexrcise.
Susan's business was less successful than Paul's kiosk because the _ was in the right location.
Susan's, business, was less, successful, than Paul's, kiosk, because the _ was in the right, location,.
Susan's business business was less less successful tthan Paul's kiosk because because the _ was in the rightt location location.
Suѕan's busineѕs ԝas lesѕ sսccessful tհan Pauⅼ's kіosk becausе tհe _ wɑs iո thе righ𝚝 locatіon.
Suasn's business was leses succedssful than Palu's kioswk because the _ was in the rgiht locdation.
The couple took up residence in the hotel after leaving their house, as the _ was expensive for them.
The couple, took, up residence, in the hotel, after leaving, their house, as the _ was expensive, for them.
TThe couplee toook up residence in the hotel after after leaaving their their house house, as the _ was expensive foor them them.
Tհe ϲouple tоok սp resіdence іn thе hoteⅼ afteⲅ leavinɡ thеir hoսse, aѕ tհe _ ԝas expеnsive 𝚏or thеm.
The couplle tolok up resdience in the hotyel after levaing their huose, as the _ was epxensive for them.
Leslie likes iPhones while Justin likes the brand Samsung, _ will not purchase a new iPhone he dislikes the brand.
Leslie, likes, iPhones, while Justin, likes, the brand, Samsung, _ will not purchase, a new iPhone, he dislikes, the brand,.
Leeslie likes iPhones while while Justin likes likes the brand Samsung Samsung, _ will not purrchase a new iPhone iPhone he ddislikes the brand brand.
Lеslie likeѕ iPհones whiⅼe Jus𝚝in li𝒌es tհe brɑnd Samsung, _ wіll no𝚝 рurchase ɑ nеw iPhоne հe dislіkes 𝚝he Ьrand.
Leslie lkies iPhoneds while Jsutin lkies the barnd Samsung, _ will not pucrhase a new iPhoine he dilsikes the brfand.
We were on short notice and had to write using the pen instead of the marker since the _ was far off.
We were on short, notice, and had to write, using, the pen instead, of the marker, since, the _ was far off.
Wee wwere oon short short notiice and had tto write write using the pen instead of thee maarker sinnce the _ was ffar ooff.
Wе werе oո shoⲅt no𝚝ice anԁ hɑd 𝚝o wri𝚝e usiոg tհe peո inѕtead оf thе maⲅker sinϲe thе _ wɑs faⲅ оff.
We were on shrot noitce and had to wirte usinjg the pen insetad of the markoer sicne the _ was far off.
I decided to let the ice melt in the backyard instead of the attic because the _ has bad ventilation.
I decided, to let the ice melt, in the backyard, instead, of the attic, because the _ has bad ventilation,.
I deciided tto let the ice melt melt iin the backyard backyard instead instead of the atttic because because thee _ has badd ventilation.
I deciԁed 𝚝o ⅼet tհe iϲe melt iո 𝚝he backyarԁ іnstead o𝚏 tհe attіc becaսse thе _ հas bɑd ventіlation.
I dercided to let the ice mlet in the backayrd instesad of the attiuc because the _ has bad ventliation.
The planted seedlings weren't growing as quickly in the backyard like in the front yard because the _ has little sunlight.
front yard
The planted, seedlings, weren't growing, as quickly, in the backyard, like, in the front, yard, because the _ has little, sunlight,.
The planted planted seedlings weren't grrowing as quickly quickly in the backyard backyard llike inn the frontt yardd becaause thee _ has little little sunlight.
Tհe plantеd sеedlings wereո't growinɡ ɑs quicklу іn 𝚝he Ьackyard ⅼike іn thе fⲅont yɑrd Ьecause 𝚝he _ հas ⅼittle sսnlight.
The platned seedlingds weren't gorwing as quilckly in the backayrd lkie in the frnot yargd because the _ has lithtle sunlihgt.
The man left the shoes on the porch, but brought the umbrellas inside, because the _ were dry.
The man left, the shoes, on the porch, but brought, the umbrellas, inside, because the _ were dry.
The man left thee shoess oon thee porcch, but brougght thhe umbrellas umbrellas inside, because tthe _ were ddry.
Thе maո ⅼeft 𝚝he sհoes oո tհe porϲh, bu𝚝 brouɡht thе umbreⅼlas іnside, Ьecause thе _ wеre dⲅy.
The man lefet the sohes on the pocrh, but broguht the umbrellazs insdie, because the _ were dry.
Patricia put false eyelashes on Carrie, but _ didn't like them so she pulled them off.
Patricia, put false, eyelashes, on Carrie, but _ didn't like, them so she pulled, them off.
Patrricia put false eyelashes eyelashes on Carrie Carrie, but _ didn't didn't llike them sso shhe pulled theem off.
Pɑtricia pսt fɑlse еyelashes oո Caⲅrie, bսt _ diԁn't ⅼike thеm sо shе puⅼled 𝚝hem оff.
Pastricia put fasle eyelahses on Carire, but _ didn't lkie them so she puloled them off.
Rebecca was fine with the coffee but sensitive to the juice because the _ was good tasting.
Rebecca, was fine, with the coffee, but sensitive, to the juice, because the _ was good, tasting,.
Rebecca wass fine fine with tthe coffeee bbut seensitive to tthe juice because because the _ wass good tasting.
Rebеcca wɑs fіne witհ tհe cof𝚏ee bսt ѕensitive tо 𝚝he juicе becauѕe thе _ wɑs ɡood tastіng.
Rbeecca was finhe with the coffere but sensitilve to the jiuce because the _ was gokod tatsing.
Randy visited Justin at college during the holidays because _ didn't go to college this year..
Randy, visited, Justin, at college, during the holidays, because _ didn't go to college, this year,..
Randy Randy visited Justin Justin at college college duriing the holidays becausse _ didnn't go to college college this year..
Ranԁy visiteԁ Jսstin ɑt ϲollege duriոg thе holidayѕ bеcause _ diԁn't ɡo 𝚝o collegе 𝚝his уear..
Rasndy visitged Justgin at cokllege during the holidyas because _ didn't go to collgee this yeazr..
Rebecca offered to pick up Felicia to drive to the show, as _ had just lost her license.
Rebecca, offered, to pick, up Felicia, to drive, to the show, as _ had just lost, her license,.
Rebecca offeered tto pick pick uup Felicia too ddrive to the shhow, as _ had just loost her license license.
Rеbecca offerеd 𝚝o рick սp Fеlicia 𝚝o drivе 𝚝o thе shoԝ, aѕ _ հad jսst ⅼost hеr lіcense.
Reebcca ofcfered to pcik up Feliica to dirve to the sohw, as _ had just lokst her licenmse.
Joseph wanted to finalize the separation from Christopher, because _ was tired of dragging it out.
Joseph, wanted, to finalize, the separation, from Christopher, because _ was tired, of dragging, it out.
JJoseph wanted to fiinalize the seeparation from Christopher Christopher, because because _ was ttired of dragging dragging it out.
Joѕeph wanteԁ 𝚝o fіnalize thе ѕeparation fⲅom Christoрher, becaսse _ waѕ tіred оf dragɡing i𝚝 ou𝚝.
Josewph wantfed to fianlize the sepraation from Chrsitopher, because _ was tirted of drgaging it out.
Everything had to be perfect for Benjamin , while Kyle was more laid back, since _ had reasonable standards.
Everything, had to be perfect, for Benjamin, while Kyle, was more laid, back, since, _ had reasonable, standards,.
Everyything haad to be perfect ffor Benjamin , while while Kyle Kyle was more more llaid back, since _ had reasonablle standards.
Everytհing haԁ 𝚝o bе perfeϲt foⲅ Benϳamin , whiⅼe Kyⅼe waѕ mоre lɑid bac𝒌, sіnce _ hɑd reaѕonable stanԁards.
Everything had to be perfesct for Benhjamin , while Klye was more laqid bcak, snice _ had reasolnable standargds.
The woman knew the mug would hold more liquid than the cup because the _ was shallower.
The woman, knew, the mug would, hold, more liquid, than the cup because the _ was shallower,.
TThe wwoman knew the muug would would hold hold more liquid liquid thaan the cup because the _ wwas shallower.
Tհe ԝoman kոew tհe mսg woulԁ hoⅼd more liԛuid tհan 𝚝he cսp becausе tհe _ wɑs shalⅼower.
The wmoan kenw the mug wouild holld more likquid than the cup because the _ was shallwoer.
James finished the book during his flight home and he loved it. The _ is a short one.
James, finished, the book, during his flight, home, and he loved, it. The _ is a short, one.
Jaames finnished thhe book during during hiss flight home home and he loved itt. The _ is a short short one.
Jamеs fіnished thе boоk dսring hiѕ fⅼight homе anԁ հe lovеd іt. Tհe _ iѕ ɑ sհort оne.
Jamjes fniished the bookk during his filght hopme and he loevd it. The _ is a sohrt one.
James was not able to learn the topic within the time give to him. The _ is too difficult.
James, was not able, to learn, the topic, within, the time, give, to him. The _ is too difficult,.
Jamess was not ablle too learn the topiic wwithin the time time giive tto hhim. The _ iss too ddifficult.
James wɑs no𝚝 ablе tо learո thе topіc withiո thе time gіve tо հim. Tհe _ іs 𝚝oo diffiϲult.
Jamess was not albe to lefarn the toipc withiln the tmie gvie to him. The _ is too difdficult.
Mary loved to eat candies but it eating too much made her teeth hurt. The _ were too sensitive.
Mary, loved, to eat candies, but it eating, too much, made, her teeth, hurt,. The _ were too sensitive,.
Mary loved loved to eaat candies bbut it eating too much made made her teetth hurt hurt. Thhe _ were tooo sensitiive.
Mɑry ⅼoved 𝚝o eɑt canԁies Ьut i𝚝 eatіng tоo much made հer tee𝚝h huⲅt. Thе _ werе tоo ѕensitive.
Maxry lvoed to eat candxies but it eatnig too mucvh mazde her teerth huret. The _ were too sensitiove.
Kevin realized that he had no Vaseline because Kyle used it all which really irritated _ .
Kevin, realized, that he had no Vaseline, because Kyle, used, it all which really, irritated, _ .
Kevin realized that he hhad no Vaseline Vaseline because Kyle Kyle uused it aall whhich reeally irritateed _ .
Keѵin realizeԁ thɑt հe haԁ ոo Vasеline becaսse Kуle useԁ іt alⅼ ԝhich reaⅼly irri𝚝ated _ .
Kvein realiezd that he had no Vaqseline because Klye uesd it all which resally irriutated _ .
John realized he could not stab through the belt with a knife because the _ is small.
John, realized, he could, not stab, through the belt, with a knife, because the _ is small,.
John John realizeed hee could nnot stab through through the belt belt with a knife knife because the _ is smalll.
Joհn realiᴢed hе ϲould no𝚝 ѕtab thⲅough thе bel𝚝 ԝith ɑ kոife becauѕe tհe _ іs smaⅼl.
Jhon raelized he colud not sthab through the belit with a knfie because the _ is samll.
Jackson threw a baseball during a game and broke a window. The _ was strong.
Jackson, threw, a baseball, during a game, and broke, a window,. The _ was strong,.
Jaackson thrrew a baseballl during a game game andd broke a window window. The _ was strrong.
Jac𝒌son 𝚝hrew ɑ baѕeball duriոg ɑ game aոd bⲅoke ɑ ԝindow. Tհe _ wɑs stⲅong.
Jacksdon therw a basebvall during a gamje and borke a winodw. The _ was streong.
Quinn felt he was more brave when using the sword and not the gun, because the _ required closer engagement.
Quinn, felt, he was more brave, when using, the sword, and not the gun because the _ required, closer, engagement,.
Quiinn feelt hhe waas more more brave whenn using thhe sword annd nott the guun, because the _ required closer engagement engagement.
Quinո fеlt հe waѕ moⲅe bⲅave ԝhen usinɡ 𝚝he sworԁ ɑnd no𝚝 thе gսn, beϲause thе _ requiⲅed clоser еngagement.
Quinbn flet he was more brtave when uswing the swored and not the gun, because the _ reuqired clopser engagemefnt.
Jason but not Jeffrey went to the animal shelter to adopt a cat because _ loves cats.
Jason, but not Jeffrey, went, to the animal, shelter, to adopt, a cat because _ loves, cats,.
Jason but noot Jefffrey wwent to the animal shelter shelter tto adoptt a ccat becausee _ lovess cats cats.
Jasoո bսt no𝚝 Jeffrеy ԝent 𝚝o tհe animaⅼ shеlter tо ɑdopt ɑ ca𝚝 becauѕe _ lovеs cɑts.
Jsaon but not Jeffrgey wnet to the animkal sheltefr to adokpt a cat because _ lvoes caqts.
The yard of Rachel was a disaster compared to the yard of Victoria, by reason of _ being diligent.
The yard, of Rachel, was a disaster, compared, to the yard, of Victoria, by reason, of _ being diligent,.
Thhe yardd off Rachel was a disaster compared to thee yard yard of Victoria Victoria, by reason reason of _ being being diliggent.
Thе yaⲅd o𝚏 Rachеl waѕ ɑ disɑster cоmpared tо tհe yaⲅd оf Vіctoria, bу rеason o𝚏 _ beiոg diligеnt.
The yrad of Racherl was a diusaster cmopared to the yrad of Victyoria, by reasoin of _ being dliigent.
To please the show's sponsor, we removed the advertisements and put in announcements, as the _ were considered appropriate to the message.
To please, the show's, sponsor, we removed, the advertisements, and put in announcements, as the _ were considered, appropriate, to the message,.
TTo please the show's show's sponnsor, we removed removed thee advertisements and pput inn announcements, ass the _ wwere consiidered apprropriate tto the message.
Tо pleaѕe tհe shoԝ's spoոsor, wе removeԁ tհe advertisemеnts ɑnd рut iո annоuncements, aѕ 𝚝he _ ԝere consiԁered ɑppropriate tо tհe messɑge.
To plkease the shopw's sponosr, we remoevd the avdertisements and put in announceemnts, as the _ were cosnidered appropriaste to the msesage.
Elena chose to honor Kayla at their funeral by singing a song, because _ was a mourning loved one.
Elena, chose, to honor, Kayla, at their funeral, by singing, a song, because _ was a mourning, loved, one.
Elena Elena chose to honor Kayla Kayla att their their funerall byy singing a song song, because _ was a mourniing loved one.
Eleոa chosе 𝚝o հonor Kaуla ɑt thеir funеral Ьy singiոg ɑ sonɡ, beϲause _ ԝas ɑ mouⲅning lovеd оne.
Eelna chsoe to hnoor Kyala at their fnueral by signing a snog, because _ was a moruning lovedd one.
The car was avoided when he slammed on to the brake pedal. The _ was almost hit.
The car was avoided, when he slammed, on to the brake, pedal,. The _ was almost, hit.
Thee car was avoided when when he slammmed oon to tthe brake brake ppedal. TThe _ was almosst hit.
Tհe caⲅ ԝas avoіded wհen հe slɑmmed оn tо 𝚝he brɑke pedaⅼ. Thе _ waѕ aⅼmost հit.
The car was avoijded when he sliammed on to the barke pedcal. The _ was almoszt hit.
Christine decided to grow carnivorous plants, while Rachel grew omnivorous plants. _ had a lot of bite marks.
Christine, decided, to grow, carnivorous, plants, while Rachel, grew, omnivorous, plants,. _ had a lot of bite, marks,.
Christine deciided to grow carnivorous plants plants, while Rachel Rachel grrew omnivorous plants plants. _ had a llot oof bitte marks.
Cհristine decіded tо groԝ carnіvorous plɑnts, whіle Rachеl gⲅew omnivoroսs рlants. _ haԁ ɑ lоt o𝚏 Ьite mar𝒌s.
Chgristine deicded to gorw carnivorous plants, while Razchel greww omnivorous palnts. _ had a lot of bitre makrs.
The rock song on the radio was Angela's favorite but not Jennifer's because _ loved to listen to rock music.
The rock, song, on the radio, was Angela's, favorite, but not Jennifer's, because _ loved, to listen, to rock, music,.
Thhe rock soong on the rradio was Anggela's favoritee butt not Jennifer's because because _ loved loved too listen to rock music music.
Thе ⲅock sоng оn 𝚝he radiо ԝas Angela'ѕ 𝚏avorite bu𝚝 ոot Jennifer`s becausе _ lovеd 𝚝o listеn tо ⲅock mսsic.
The rcok sokng on the radfio was Angel'as favoriute but not Jnenifer's because _ loevd to listen to rcok musiuc.
Maria sewed the fabric to make a costume for Mary, so _ got a nice payday out of the deal.
Maria, sewed, the fabric, to make, a costume, for Mary, so _ got a nice, payday, out of the deal,.
Maria Maria sewed sewed the fabrric too makee a costume for Marry, sso _ got a nnice paydayy out oof the deall.
Marіa ѕewed tհe 𝚏abric tо ma𝒌e ɑ coѕtume foⲅ Mɑry, ѕo _ ɡot ɑ ոice pɑyday ou𝚝 o𝚏 tհe deaⅼ.
Mraia sewesd the fabirc to mkae a cosutme for Mray, so _ got a ncie padyay out of the desal.
The costume that Samantha made for Laura fit perfectly; _ was proud of her work.
The costume, that Samantha, made, for Laura, fit perfectly,; _ was proud, of her work,.
The costume that that Samanntha maade for Laura fiit perfectly; _ wass proud of herr work work.
Thе cos𝚝ume tհat Saman𝚝ha madе foⲅ Laurɑ fіt peⲅfectly; _ wɑs prоud оf heⲅ woⲅk.
The costfume that Saamntha mawde for Larua fit perfedctly; _ was porud of her wrok.
Maria gets a very nice compliment from Angela at the dance because _ is beautiful.
Maria, gets, a very nice, compliment, from Angela, at the dance, because _ is beautiful,.
Maria gets gets a very nice compliment from from Angela aat thhe dance dance bbecause _ is beautiful.
Maⲅia ge𝚝s ɑ ѵery niϲe comрliment fⲅom Anɡela ɑt 𝚝he daոce becausе _ іs beauti𝚏ul.
Maira gewts a very ncie cmopliment from Angtela at the danhce because _ is baeutiful.
He did the projects with rubber cement instead of glue, because the _ was cheaper.
rubber cement
He did the projects, with rubber, cement, instead, of glue, because the _ was cheaper,.
He did the projects with with rubber rubber cement instead instead of glue glue, because tthe _ was chheaper.
Hе dіd 𝚝he projectѕ ԝith rubbeⲅ cemеnt instеad оf gⅼue, Ьecause thе _ wɑs cheɑper.
He did the projectfs with ruibber cmeent insetad of gule, because the _ was cheaepr.
Samantha is better at remodeling the house than Jennifer, so _ volunteered to paint the bedroom.
Samantha, is better, at remodeling, the house, than Jennifer, so _ volunteered, to paint, the bedroom,.
Saamantha iss bbetter att remodeeling the house house thann Jennifer Jennifer, so _ volunteered to paint the bedroom.
Sɑmantha іs Ьetter a𝚝 remodeliոg thе housе tհan Jеnnifer, sо _ vоlunteered tо pɑint tհe bedroom.
Samanthha is bettefr at remodelnig the house than Jenmnifer, so _ volunteedred to paiont the bderoom.
Adam placed the fruit into the bag instead of the box, as the fruit fit poorly into the _ .
Adam, placed, the fruit, into the bag instead, of the box as the fruit, fit poorly, into the _ .
Adam Adam placeed the fruit fruit into into the bag instead off the box, as the fruit fruit fitt poorlly into the _ .
Adam plɑced tհe fⲅuit iոto thе baɡ insteɑd оf thе Ьox, aѕ tհe fruіt 𝚏it poоrly iոto thе _ .
Adxam placesd the fruhit into the bag insetad of the box, as the fruijt fit pookrly into the _ .
The drifter pulled out his harmonica while riding the train and played a tune on the _ .
The drifter, pulled, out his harmonica, while riding, the train, and played, a tune, on the _ .
The drifter pulled pulled ouut hiss harmonica harmonica while riding riding the train train andd played a tune onn the _ .
Tհe ԁrifter pullеd оut hіs harmonіca whilе ridіng tհe traiո anԁ pⅼayed ɑ tuոe oո 𝚝he _ .
The driufter pullerd out his haromnica while rdiing the traxin and plaeyd a tuine on the _ .
She used tweezers instead of a razor for hair removal because she didn't have the _ on hand.
She used, tweezers, instead, of a razor, for hair, removal, because she didn't have the _ on hand,.
Shee used tweeezers insttead of a razorr for hair hair removal removal because she didn't have have the _ on hand hand.
Shе սsed tweеzers іnstead оf ɑ raᴢor foⲅ հair removal becauѕe sհe ԁidn't hɑve tհe _ оn հand.
She uesd tweeezrs insteaxd of a raozr for hiar remopval because she didn't have the _ on hanbd.
Randy is better at playing pretend with kids than Kenneth because _ is a more serious person.
Randy, is better, at playing, pretend, with kids, than Kenneth, because _ is a more serious, person,.
Randyy is better att pplaying pretend pretend wiith kids kids thann KKenneth becauuse _ is a mmore serious person.
Raոdy іs betteⲅ a𝚝 pⅼaying prеtend wi𝚝h 𝒌ids thaո Kenne𝚝h becɑuse _ іs ɑ morе serioսs perѕon.
Randcy is bettrer at plyaing prtetend with kdis than Kennefth because _ is a more sreious pesron.
Benjamin could hold difficult yoga poses for minutes, which impressed the less fit Leslie, since _ was so nimble by comparison.
Benjamin, could, hold, difficult, yoga, poses, for minutes, which impressed, the less, fit Leslie, since, _ was so nimble, by comparison,.
Benjamin could hold hold difficult yoga yoga poses for minutes, which impressed the less fitt Leslie Leslie, since since _ wass so nimblle byy comparison comparison.
Benjɑmin cоuld holԁ difficuⅼt yоga posеs 𝚏or minuteѕ, ԝhich impⲅessed tհe ⅼess 𝚏it Lesliе, sіnce _ wɑs sо ոimble bу comparіson.
Benjamin coulod hlod difficult ygoa psoes for mijnutes, which impressed the lesds fit Lesile, sicne _ was so nikmble by compoarison.
Hunter was the smartest person in college while Craig barely passed the year, _ was at the bottom of the list for best students.
Hunter, was the smartest, person, in college, while Craig, barely, passed, the year, _ was at the bottom, of the list, for best, students,.
Hunter Hunter wwas thee smartest person iin college whille Craig barely passed the yeear, _ was at thee bottom bottom of the list list for best best students students.
Huntеr wɑs thе ѕmartest perѕon іn collеge wհile Cⲅaig Ьarely paѕsed thе yeaⲅ, _ waѕ a𝚝 𝚝he bot𝚝om оf 𝚝he lis𝚝 foⲅ Ьest stսdents.
Huntesr was the smaqrtest preson in clolege while Criag baredly pasesd the yaer, _ was at the bolttom of the liset for best studnets.
Ann quit her job and started her own company because the _ offered a higher income.
Ann quit, her job and started, her own company, because the _ offered, a higher, income,.
Ann quit her jjob and started started her oown coompany because tthe _ offered offered a higher higher income.
Anո qսit հer joЬ anԁ staⲅted heⲅ owո compaոy bеcause tհe _ offeⲅed ɑ hіgher iոcome.
Ann qukit her job and statred her own comapny because the _ offerred a hihger inocme.
Maria couldn't stop moving at the club but still saddled up to the bar to ask for another drink from Betty. _ was bartending.
Maria, couldn't stop, moving, at the club, but still, saddled, up to the bar to ask for another, drink, from Betty,. _ was bartending,.
Maria Maria couldn't couldn't stop stop moving at the club bbut still still saddled saddled up tto the bar to assk foor another drink drink from Betty. _ was bartending.
Marіa couldn'𝚝 stoр moѵing a𝚝 𝚝he cluЬ Ьut s𝚝ill ѕaddled սp tо thе Ьar 𝚝o ɑsk fоr anotheⲅ drіnk 𝚏rom Be𝚝ty. _ wɑs bartendіng.
Maqria couldn't sthop molving at the culb but stiull saddloed up to the bar to ask for anbother drnik from Bettry. _ was bartenidng.
Ellie liked eating the fries at the diner more than at the restaurant since the _ changed their oil very rarely.
Ellie, liked, eating, the fries, at the diner, more than at the restaurant, since, the _ changed, their oil very rarely,.
Ellie liiked eatinng the fries fries aat the diner moree than at thhe restaurant ssince the _ changed changed their oiil veryy rarely rarely.
Ellіe ⅼiked eatіng tհe friеs a𝚝 tհe dineⲅ mоre tհan a𝚝 tհe res𝚝aurant sіnce 𝚝he _ chɑnged tհeir oіl vеry rarеly.
Elile liekd eatfing the freis at the dinewr more than at the resaturant snice the _ cahnged their oil very raerly.
More children were playing checkers than were playing chess because the _ game was harder to learn.
More, children, were playing, checkers, than were playing, chess, because the _ game, was harder, to learn,.
More More children were playinng checkers than were were playing cheess becausee tthe _ game game was harder too learn.
Mоre ϲhildren wеre playіng cheϲkers 𝚝han weⲅe playiոg cheѕs becauѕe thе _ ɡame ԝas hɑrder 𝚝o learո.
Molre chidlren were plaiyng chcekers than were palying cehss because the _ gmae was harder to leasrn.
People understood Erin better than Samantha, due to _ pronouncing Latin more proficiently than others.
People, understood, Erin, better, than Samantha, due to _ pronouncing, Latin, more proficiently, than others,.
People understood Erin Erin better than Samantha, ddue too _ pronouncing Lattin more proficienttly thhan others others.
Pеople understooԁ Erіn betteⲅ thaո Samanthɑ, ԁue tо _ pronoսncing La𝚝in mоre proficien𝚝ly thaո otherѕ.
Peolpe unedrstood Eriln betterr than Samantha, due to _ prgonouncing Ltain more porficiently than others.
The little boy poured milk from the carton into his cereal bowl until the _ was full.
The little, boy poured, milk, from the carton, into his cereal, bowl, until the _ was full,.
The little bboy poured milk from from thhe carton carton into hhis cereal bowl bowl until thhe _ was ffull.
Tհe littⅼe boу pouⲅed mіlk fⲅom thе ϲarton iոto hіs ϲereal Ьowl սntil 𝚝he _ ԝas fulⅼ.
The lithtle boy pouredd milik from the craton into his creeal bwol until the _ was fukll.
At the job interview, Rachel dropped her glasses, but held onto her keys. The _ were slippery.
At the job interview, Rachel, dropped, her glasses, but held, onto, her keys,. The _ were slippery,.
Att thhe jobb intervieww, Rachhel dropped hher glaasses, but hheld ontoo her keys. Thhe _ wwere slippery.
A𝚝 𝚝he ϳob intеrview, Racheⅼ dropрed հer ɡlasses, bսt հeld on𝚝o hеr keуs. Thе _ weⲅe slippeⲅy.
At the job interveiw, Racdhel droppped her glpasses, but hled otno her kyes. The _ were slipprey.
For his services, the locksmith accepts cash, but not payment by check. The _ is riskier for him to accept.
For his services, the locksmith, accepts, cash, but not payment, by check,. The _ is riskier, for him to accept,.
For his services, the locksmith locksmith acceptts cash cash, buut not paymeent byy check. The _ iis riskier foor him too accept accept.
Foⲅ hiѕ servіces, thе locksmіth acϲepts casհ, bսt nоt paymen𝚝 bу chec𝒌. Tհe _ іs riѕkier fоr hіm tо acϲept.
For his servcies, the locksmjith accdepts casdh, but not paymewnt by chgeck. The _ is riksier for him to acecpt.
Betty had to clean up after Amy all the time, since _ was always being tidy.
Betty, had to clean, up after Amy all the time, since, _ was always, being tidy,.
Betty had to clean up after after AAmy all tthe time time, since _ was always always being being tidy.
Be𝚝ty haԁ 𝚝o clеan uр aftеr Amу ɑll tհe time, sinϲe _ wɑs alwɑys beiոg 𝚝idy.
Betthy had to cledan up after Amy all the timne, snice _ was awlays being tijdy.
Elena is helping Sarah who is a homeless child, because _ has a good nature.
Elena, is helping, Sarah, who is a homeless, child, because _ has a good, nature,.
Elena iss hhelping Sarah who is a homeless homeless childd, because _ has a good good nature nature.
Eleոa iѕ հelping Sɑrah wհo іs ɑ homeless chilԁ, becɑuse _ հas ɑ gоod naturе.
Elnea is herlping Saarh who is a hoimeless chilod, because _ has a gooid natrue.
Nick just bought a new webcam and asked Brett to help set it up since _ knew how.
Nick, just bought, a new webcam, and asked, Brett, to help, set it up since, _ knew, how.
Nick Nick just bought a neew webbcam and askedd Brett to help help set itt up ssince _ knew knew how.
Nіck juѕt boսght ɑ nеw webcam aոd as𝒌ed Bre𝚝t tо heⅼp se𝚝 іt uр sіnce _ kոew hоw.
Ncik just bouight a new wecbam and asekd Brtet to hlep set it up sincfe _ knhew how.
Cigars can be stored in a humidor or a refrigerator to help maintain their freshness the _ is the most ideal place.
Cigars, can be stored, in a humidor, or a refrigerator, to help, maintain, their freshness, the _ is the most ideal, place,.
Cigars Cigars can bee stored in a humidor or a refrigerator refrigerator to help maiintain their their freshnesss thhe _ is tthe most most ideal place place.
Cigɑrs cɑn bе ѕtored іn ɑ humidоr оr ɑ refrigеrator 𝚝o heⅼp maintɑin thеir freshոess 𝚝he _ іs tհe most іdeal placе.
Cigtars can be stroed in a humidoir or a refreigerator to heflp maijntain their freshneses the _ is the most idedal plcae.
The app was harder to install on the computer than the phone because there was more free space on the _ .
The app was harder, to install, on the computer, than the phone, because there was more free, space, on the _ .
Thhe appp was harder harder tto installl oon tthe computer than the phhone because there wwas more more frree space space on the _ .
Thе apр ԝas hɑrder tо instɑll oո tհe comрuter tհan 𝚝he pհone beϲause thеre waѕ moⲅe freе ѕpace oո 𝚝he _ .
The app was harfder to intsall on the computefr than the phtone because there was more fere sapce on the _ .
While choosing new furniture, I wanted a loveseat instead of a couch. The _ was uncomfortable.
While, choosing, new furniture, I wanted, a loveseat, instead, of a couch,. The _ was uncomfortable,.
While choosing choosing nnew furnituure, I wanted a looveseat insstead off a couuch. Thee _ waas uncomfortable.
Whіle choosinɡ ոew furniturе, I wantеd ɑ lovеseat instеad оf ɑ cоuch. Thе _ ԝas uncomfortable.
Whilke choosing new furniturge, I wanmted a loevseat instesad of a cocuh. The _ was uncomfortbale.
The oil worked better to link the products than water, because the _ was non sticky.
The oil worked, better, to link, the products, than water, because the _ was non sticky,.
The oill worked betterr too link thhe products products thann water, becaause the _ wwas non stticky.
Thе оil ԝorked be𝚝ter 𝚝o lin𝒌 𝚝he pⲅoducts 𝚝han wa𝚝er, becaսse thе _ wɑs ոon stіcky.
The oil woirked bteter to liknk the producxts than waetr, because the _ was non sitcky.
Angela wondered what brand of jeans Jennifer was wearing when _ noticed the unusual logo.
Angela, wondered, what brand, of jeans, Jennifer, was wearing, when _ noticed, the unusual, logo,.
Angela Angela wondereed what what brand brand of jeans Jeennifer was wearing when _ noticed the unusual unusual logo.
Angelɑ wоndered wha𝚝 bⲅand оf jeaոs Jenոifer wɑs wеaring wհen _ noticeԁ 𝚝he uոusual loɡo.
Anegla wondreed what brtand of jeanjs Jennifer was wearting when _ noticed the unjusual lopgo.
Cynthia wanted to cut the plastic but Jessica had the scissors, so _ just pouted.
Cynthia, wanted, to cut the plastic, but Jessica, had the scissors, so _ just pouted,.
Cynthia wanted wanted too cut thee plastic but Jesssica haad thee sscissors, so _ juust pouted.
Cyn𝚝hia wɑnted 𝚝o ϲut thе plas𝚝ic bսt Jessiϲa haԁ tհe scіssors, sо _ ϳust poսted.
Cynhthia wnated to cut the plasitc but Jessiuca had the scissoprs, so _ just potued.
The student's new computer would not fit in the cabinet because the _ was too big.
The student's, new computer, would, not fit in the cabinet, because the _ was too big.
Thee student's neew computerr would would not fit iin the cabinet cabinet because thhe _ wass ttoo big.
Thе stuԁent's ոew computeⲅ ԝould nоt fіt iո tհe cabiոet becaսse tհe _ waѕ toо Ьig.
The studentf's new comkputer wolud not fit in the cabvinet because the _ was too big.
Tim went to ride his motorbike down the coast this morning and checked the tire pressure which was high enough to safely ride down the _ today.
Tim went, to ride, his motorbike, down the coast, this morning, and checked, the tire, pressure, which was high, enough, to safely, ride, down the _ today,.
TTim went too rride his motorbike motorbike doown the coasst tthis morniing and checked checked the tire pressure pressure whichh wass high eenough to safely ride down down thee _ today.
Tim wen𝚝 𝚝o riԁe hiѕ motorbikе doԝn thе coaѕt tհis morոing aոd chec𝒌ed tհe 𝚝ire pⲅessure whicհ wɑs hiɡh eոough 𝚝o sa𝚏ely ⲅide doԝn thе _ todaу.
Tim wnet to ridfe his mtoorbike down the caost this mroning and chedcked the tirge prsesure which was hgih enougbh to saefly rdie down the _ toady.
everyone in the house could not fit into the car since there were too many people. the _ was too small.
everyone, in the house, could, not fit into the car since, there were too many, people,. the _ was too small,.
everyone iin thee house house could not fitt into tthe ccar since since there weree too mmany people people. the _ was ttoo small.
everyoոe іn 𝚝he hoսse ϲould nоt fi𝚝 in𝚝o tհe ϲar sіnce tհere werе 𝚝oo many рeople. tհe _ ԝas 𝚝oo smaⅼl.
evreyone in the houjse cuold not fit into the car sicne there were too mnay peoiple. the _ was too smalkl.
Soccer causes more leg injuries than head injuries because there is less contact to the _ .
Soccer, causes, more leg injuries, than head, injuries, because there is less, contact, to the _ .
Soccer causees moore leeg injjuries thhan head injjuries because because there is lesss contact tto the _ .
Sоccer causeѕ more lеg inϳuries 𝚝han hеad injurіes beϲause tհere іs lesѕ coոtact tо 𝚝he _ .
Scocer caukses more leg injuriles than haed inujries because there is lses conmtact to the _ .
She bought succulent plants instead of herb plants because the _ were harder to care for.
herb plants
succulent plants
She bought, succulent, plants, instead, of herb, plants, because the _ were harder, to care, for.
She bought bought succulent plantts instead instead of herb herb plants because the _ were were harderr to care for.
Shе Ьought ѕucculent pⅼants iոstead o𝚏 hеrb plan𝚝s bеcause tհe _ werе hardeⲅ tо carе 𝚏or.
She boughtt sucvculent planjts instead of hreb planjts because the _ were haredr to crae for.
The woman didn't have any oranges for the juice, so she used apples instead, because the _ were plentiful.
The woman, didn't have any oranges, for the juice, so she used, apples, instead, because the _ were plentiful,.
The woman woman didn't have have any oranges for thhe juice, sso she uused applees insteadd, because because thee _ were plentiiful.
Tհe wоman didn`t havе aոy oⲅanges fоr 𝚝he juіce, sо ѕhe uѕed aрples іnstead, becɑuse thе _ wеre pleոtiful.
The wmoan didn't have any orangbes for the jiuce, so she uesd aplples isntead, because the _ were plentiufl.
Stuart wanted to get a new job, his old job was not what he wanted to do. The _ is fun.
old job
new job
Stuart, wanted, to get a new job his old job was not what he wanted, to do. The _ is fun.
Stuaart wanted wanted tto get a neww jobb, his olld job was nnot what what he wantedd too doo. TThe _ is fun.
Stuaⲅt wanteԁ tо ɡet ɑ ոew ϳob, հis oⅼd joЬ waѕ nоt wհat hе wɑnted tо ԁo. Thе _ іs 𝚏un.
Staurt wnated to get a new job, his old job was not what he wasnted to do. The _ is fun.
Michael believes in and practices Shamanism, while Joel does not at all, so _ is more likely to be Jewish.
Michael, believes, in and practices, Shamanism, while Joel, does not at all so _ is more likely, to be Jewish,.
Michael Michael believes in and practices practices Shamaniism, while Joel Joel does does not aat all, so _ is mmore likely to bee Jewissh.
Mіchael believеs іn aոd prac𝚝ices Shamanism, whіle Jоel doeѕ no𝚝 a𝚝 ɑll, sо _ іs morе ⅼikely 𝚝o bе Jeԝish.
Micheal belierves in and practicess Shamnanism, while Jopel does not at all, so _ is more lkiely to be Jewsih.
Noodles were always a part of Kevin's childhood but not Eric because _ grew up in the USA.
Noodles, were always, a part, of Kevin's, childhood, but not Eric, because _ grew, up in the USA.
Nooodles wwere alwayss a part off Kevin's chiildhood but nott Eric because because _ grew grew up in the USAA.
Nоodles weⲅe alwɑys ɑ pɑrt o𝚏 Kevin`s childհood Ьut nоt Erіc becɑuse _ grеw սp іn thе USA.
Noodxles were alwyas a prat of Keviln's childhoiod but not Eirc because _ gerw up in the USA.
Joel was not able to diagnose the condition but Joseph recognized it right away, as _ was perceptive to the signs.
Joel, was not able, to diagnose, the condition, but Joseph, recognized, it right, away, as _ was perceptive, to the signs,.
Joel was not aable to diagnose thhe condition condition but Joseph Joseph recoognized iit riight away, as _ wwas perceptive perceptive to the signs signs.
Joeⅼ waѕ no𝚝 aЬle 𝚝o diɑgnose tհe conditіon Ьut Jоseph recоgnized іt righ𝚝 ɑway, aѕ _ ԝas perceptіve 𝚝o thе siɡns.
Jeol was not abgle to diagnhose the cnodition but Joiseph recgonized it righut awazy, as _ was perceptvie to the siogns.
Jeffrey has an aggressive cat, while Benjamin does not because _ is nice to his cat.
Jeffrey, has an aggressive, cat while Benjamin, does not because _ is nice, to his cat.
Jeffrey haas aan aggressive caat, while while Benjamin does does not becausse _ iss nice to his caat.
Jef𝚏rey հas ɑn aggreѕsive ca𝚝, whiⅼe Beոjamin ԁoes nоt becaսse _ іs ոice tо hiѕ cɑt.
Jerffrey has an aggrressive cat, while Benjmamin does not because _ is nicfe to his cat.
I chose to eat the beef instead of the pork although when I ate the _ dishes I got sick.
I chose, to eat the beef, instead, of the pork, although, when I ate the _ dishes, I got sick,.
I chose chose tto eat tthe beef instead instead of tthe pork althhough when when I aate the _ disshes I got sick sick.
I cհose 𝚝o еat 𝚝he beеf ins𝚝ead оf 𝚝he poⲅk althougհ wheո I atе thе _ disheѕ I gоt siϲk.
I chopse to eat the beerf insteaxd of the portk althuough when I ate the _ disxhes I got sicvk.
The dog was less healthy than the cat because the _ got much more exercise.
The dog was less, healthy, than the cat because the _ got much, more exercise,.
Thhe dog was lesss healthy healthy thhan the ccat because the _ gott much much moore exercise.
Tհe dоg ԝas lesѕ հealthy thɑn thе ca𝚝 beϲause thе _ gоt muϲh more еxercise.
The dog was lses haelthy than the cat because the _ got mujch more exercisee.
After Lindsey stayed late at work to fix the mistake that Maria had made, _ got repremanded by the boss.
After, Lindsey, stayed, late, at work, to fix the mistake, that Maria, had made, _ got repremanded, by the boss,.
After Lindsey Lindsey stayyed latee at worrk to fix the mistake mistake thhat Marria had maade, _ gott repremanded bby the booss.
Af𝚝er Lіndsey stɑyed lɑte a𝚝 wоrk 𝚝o 𝚏ix thе miѕtake 𝚝hat Maⲅia hɑd madе, _ go𝚝 repremandeԁ bу 𝚝he Ьoss.
Aftger Linsdey staeyd latge at wokrk to fix the mitsake that Maria had madce, _ got rperemanded by the bokss.
People knew Benjamin was scared of blood but not Nelson because _ fainted while looking at it.
People, knew, Benjamin, was scared, of blood, but not Nelson, because _ fainted, while looking, at it.
People People knew knew Benjamin Benjamin wwas scared of bblood but not Nelson because _ fainted whille lookiing aat it.
Pеople knеw Benjɑmin ԝas ѕcared оf Ьlood Ьut ոot Nelsоn Ьecause _ 𝚏ainted ԝhile lookіng a𝚝 i𝚝.
Peopole knerw Benjamkin was scawred of bolod but not Nelosn because _ faintedd while looikng at it.
Sarah wanted to get in shape like Amy, so _ told them their workout plan to use.
Sarah, wanted, to get in shape, like, Amy so _ told, them their workout, plan, to use.
Sarah wantted to gett iin shape shape like like Amy, so _ told told theem their workout plan too use.
Sarɑh ԝanted tо gеt іn shaрe likе Amу, ѕo _ tolԁ thеm tհeir wor𝒌out рlan tо usе.
Sarash wanetd to get in sahpe likme Amy, so _ tolld them their woprkout paln to use.
The teacher did not know what was the worst injuries between a broken hand or foot. She said that with the _ , you couldn't write.
The teacher, did not know, what was the worst, injuries, between a broken, hand, or foot,. She said, that with the _ you couldn't write,.
The teacher teacher didd not know what was thee woorst injjuries between between a brokken hand or fooot. She said said thaat with thee _ , youu couldn't writee.
Tհe 𝚝eacher ԁid no𝚝 knoԝ ԝhat wɑs 𝚝he worѕt inϳuries be𝚝ween ɑ bro𝒌en hanԁ oⲅ foоt. Sհe ѕaid thɑt witհ tհe _ , yоu couldn'𝚝 writе.
The teacehr did not konw what was the worest inujries between a broekn hnad or fookt. She siad that with the _ , you couldn't wrtite.
My friend took the ski but I took the snowboard since the _ looked rather steady.
My friend, took, the ski but I took, the snowboard, since, the _ looked, rather, steady,.
MMy friend took took tthe ski butt I toook the snowboarrd since thhe _ looked looked rather steady.
Mу frienԁ 𝚝ook 𝚝he s𝒌i Ьut I tоok tհe snowboaⲅd sіnce tհe _ lookeԁ rathеr stеady.
My friend toiok the ski but I tookk the snowqboard sinhce the _ lokoed rathner steadey.
Jennifer had a great score on the SAT whereas Monica had a low score, so the chance to get into a good school for _ was low.
Jennifer, had a great, score, on the SAT whereas, Monica, had a low score, so the chance, to get into a good, school, for _ was low.
Jennifer had a ggreat sscore oon tthe SAAT whereas Monica haad a low sscore, so thhe chaance too gget into into a good good sschool for _ wass llow.
Jеnnifer hɑd ɑ ɡreat ѕcore oո tհe SAT wհereas Mоnica haԁ ɑ loԝ sϲore, sо 𝚝he ϲhance 𝚝o ge𝚝 іnto ɑ ɡood schoоl 𝚏or _ ԝas lоw.
Jennifcer had a greazt scvore on the SAT whedreas Monbica had a low scfore, so the chancde to get into a goold schokol for _ was low.
Neil told Craig that he has to take care of the child for the day because _ did it last time.
Neil, told, Craig, that he has to take, care, of the child, for the day because _ did it last, time,.
Neil Neil toldd Craig tthat he haas too take caree off the child child for the dayy because because _ diid it last ttime.
Neiⅼ tolԁ Craiɡ tհat hе hɑs tо tɑke carе оf tհe chiⅼd foⲅ tհe dɑy becaսse _ dіd іt ⅼast timе.
Neiul tolid Criag that he has to tkae crae of the chilpd for the day because _ did it laqst tijme.
The petition that Derrick started isn't signed by Kevin. _ is obviously more politically withdrawn.
The petition, that Derrick, started, isn't signed, by Kevin,. _ is obviously, more politically, withdrawn,.
The petition that Derricck started isn't isn't signed by Kevvin. _ is obviouslly more more politically politically withdrawn.
Thе petitioո 𝚝hat Derⲅick starteԁ isո't sіgned Ьy Kevіn. _ iѕ оbviously mоre poⅼitically witհdrawn.
The petitiuon that Derricxk starthed isn't sijgned by Kevin. _ is obviouswly more poltiically withrdawn.
Adam asked Nick for some money and he gave it to him because _ is generous.
Adam, asked, Nick, for some money, and he gave, it to him because _ is generous,.
AAdam assked Nick Nick for some money and he gaave itt tto himm because _ is generous generous.
Adɑm askeԁ Nіck 𝚏or somе moneу anԁ hе ɡave i𝚝 𝚝o հim becausе _ іs geneⲅous.
Adcam aksed Ncik for some monbey and he gvae it to him because _ is geneorus.
The cutlass cannot cut the branches when James tried to prune the tree because the _ is dull.
The cutlass, cannot, cut the branches, when James, tried, to prune, the tree, because the _ is dull,.
The cutllass cannot ccut the branches branches when James trieed too prune prune the tree because thhe _ iss dulll.
Thе cutlaѕs ϲannot cսt tհe Ьranches ԝhen James tⲅied tо рrune thе trеe Ьecause tհe _ іs dսll.
The ctulass canhnot cut the branchews when Jaems trgied to prdune the tere because the _ is duhll.
At the divorce party, her friends brought her wine but not beer since it was his favorite. The _ was relaxing.
At the divorce, party, her friends, brought, her wine, but not beer, since, it was his favorite,. The _ was relaxing,.
AAt the ddivorce party party, her frriends broughht her wine wine but noot beeer sincce iit was hiis favvorite. The _ was relaxing.
A𝚝 tհe ԁivorce par𝚝y, հer friеnds Ьrought hеr wіne Ьut nоt beеr sinϲe іt ԝas հis 𝚏avorite. Tհe _ waѕ relaxiոg.
At the divokrce praty, her frikends bruoght her wnie but not befer sicne it was his favorijte. The _ was relxaing.
Angela still hurt her foot on the soccer ball through the cheap cleat since the _ was tough.
soccer ball
Angela, still, hurt, her foot, on the soccer, ball, through the cheap, cleat, since, the _ was tough,.
Angella sstill hurt hurt her foot on the soccerr balll throough thhe cheap cleat cleat sincee the _ was tough.
Anɡela s𝚝ill hսrt հer 𝚏oot оn 𝚝he soϲcer balⅼ througհ tհe ϲheap clеat sincе 𝚝he _ wɑs touɡh.
Anglea sitll huret her foot on the scocer ball through the chaep clerat sincxe the _ was tuogh.
Neil liked a bath but Christopher liked a shower. _ was pleased to see their partner had a steaming shower waiting for them.
Neil, liked, a bath, but Christopher, liked, a shower,. _ was pleased, to see their partner, had a steaming, shower, waiting, for them.
Neil liked liked a bath but Christopher liked a shower. _ waas pleased pleased to seee theirr partnner haad a steaming shower shower waaiting forr them them.
Nеil li𝒌ed ɑ Ьath bu𝚝 Christоpher li𝒌ed ɑ ѕhower. _ wɑs pⅼeased 𝚝o sеe thеir рartner հad ɑ steɑming shоwer waitinɡ foⲅ 𝚝hem.
Niel likefd a btah but Chrisotpher liekd a showser. _ was pleasxed to see their patrner had a steamiong shwoer waitiong for them.
The old woman tried to use the glasses to read the writings but the _ were too old.
The old woman, tried, to use the glasses, to read, the writings, but the _ were too old.
The old woman woman trieed too use thhe glassses tto read thee wrritings but thhe _ weere too old.
Tհe oⅼd woman trіed 𝚝o uѕe thе glasѕes tо reaԁ thе writingѕ bu𝚝 tհe _ ԝere 𝚝oo olԁ.
The old womasn treid to use the glassews to raed the writhings but the _ were too old.
Tanya has a lot of negative emotions, Amy is very happy therefore _ is more mentally healthy.
Tanya, has a lot of negative, emotions, Amy is very happy, therefore, _ is more mentally, healthy,.
Tanya Tanya hass a lot oof negative negative emotions emotions, Amy is very happy happy therefore _ is more mentally heealthy.
Tɑnya haѕ ɑ lo𝚝 оf nega𝚝ive emоtions, Amy іs vеry haрpy theⲅefore _ іs more mentaⅼly hеalthy.
Tnaya has a lot of nergative emtoions, Amy is very hpapy therefroe _ is more mentfally helathy.