2 values
William swept up all the leaves while Ian sat on the porch relaxing, so _ was chill and relaxed.
William, swept, up all the leaves, while Ian sat on the porch, relaxing, so _ was chill, and relaxed,.
William swept swept up all the leaves whhile Iann saat on the poorch relaxing relaxing, soo _ wass chiill and reelaxed.
Wіlliam sweрt սp ɑll tհe leavеs whilе Iɑn sa𝚝 oո 𝚝he pоrch relaxinɡ, sо _ ԝas chіll anԁ relaxеd.
Wijlliam sewpt up all the leraves while Ian sat on the portch relxaing, so _ was cihll and relaexd.
Tech problems are Lawrence specialty and physical problems are Ryan, _ works with technology and computers.
Tech, problems, are Lawrence, specialty, and physical, problems, are Ryan, _ works, with technology, and computers,.
Tech prooblems aree Lawrence Lawrence sspecialty and physical physical problems are Ryan, _ works works wwith technology annd computers.
Tеch problems ɑre Lawreոce spеcialty ɑnd рhysical problems aⲅe Ryɑn, _ ԝorks ԝith tеchnology aոd computеrs.
Tceh probelms are Lawrenjce specialty and phtysical problems are Ryhan, _ wroks with technololgy and computers.
Cynthia carried a purse frequently, while Angela did not, because _ preferred to carry her things in her pockets.
Cynthia, carried, a purse, frequently, while Angela, did not because _ preferred, to carry, her things, in her pockets,.
CCynthia carrieed a purse frequenttly, whhile Angela did nnot, because _ preferred preferred too carryy herr things inn her pockkets.
Cyntհia carⲅied ɑ рurse freԛuently, whiⅼe Angеla dіd nоt, becausе _ pⲅeferred 𝚝o carⲅy հer thinɡs iո հer pocke𝚝s.
Cnythia craried a purtse frequewntly, while Angdela did not, because _ prefedrred to cawrry her thikngs in her pokckets.
While doing her laundry, Sam burned a hole in her favorite shirt with the iron. The _ was hot.
While, doing her laundry, Sam burned, a hole, in her favorite, shirt, with the iron,. The _ was hot.
Whhile doingg her laundry laundry, Sam burned burned a holle inn her ffavorite shirrt witth tthe iron. Thhe _ was hot.
Whilе doinɡ հer lauոdry, Sam buⲅned ɑ holе іn հer 𝚏avorite shir𝚝 wi𝚝h tհe irоn. Tհe _ waѕ հot.
Whlie doing her lanudry, Sam burend a hloe in her favortie shiurt with the iorn. The _ was hot.
We didn't use the dryer but opted for the clothesline instead, as the _ would not let our clothes shrink.
We didn't use the dryer, but opted, for the clothesline, instead, as the _ would, not let our clothes, shrink,.
We didn't didn't use thhe dryer dryer but opted forr the clotheesline instead instead, as the _ wwould not let ourr clothes shrink shrink.
Wе didn'𝚝 սse tհe dⲅyer bսt oрted fоr 𝚝he clotհesline inѕtead, aѕ thе _ wоuld nоt lеt ouⲅ clоthes shriոk.
We didn't use the dyrer but optged for the clpothesline instaed, as the _ wuold not let our clotrhes shirnk.
Michael didn't have nearly the amount of creativity as Nelson, which is why _ failed at becoming an artist.
Michael, didn't have nearly, the amount, of creativity, as Nelson, which is why _ failed, at becoming, an artist,.
Michael didn't didn't haave nnearly the aamount off creativity aas Nelson Nelson, which iis why _ failed at becoming ann artiist.
Michaеl didn'𝚝 hɑve nearⅼy 𝚝he ɑmount оf creatiѵity ɑs Nelsoո, whіch iѕ wհy _ faiⅼed ɑt becoming aո aⲅtist.
Michnael didn't have naerly the amopunt of creativfity as Nelosn, which is why _ faziled at becominjg an artfist.
Derrick polished his wood floors with wax and Neil used sharpie, _ had nice looking floors.
Derrick, polished, his wood, floors, with wax and Neil, used, sharpie, _ had nice, looking, floors,.
Deerrick polished his wood floorss with with wax annd Neil useed sharpie, _ had nice nice looking looking floors.
Derriϲk poⅼished հis woоd flоors wi𝚝h wɑx anԁ Neіl սsed sharpiе, _ hɑd niϲe lookinɡ floоrs.
Derrick ploished his wookd floords with wax and Neil uesd shawrpie, _ had nice lokoing floorgs.
Clara decided to boil vegetables on the stove instead of the microwave because the _ made the vegetables taste soggier.
Clara, decided, to boil, vegetables, on the stove, instead, of the microwave, because the _ made, the vegetables, taste, soggier,.
Clara Clara decided decided to boill vegetables on the stove stove instead instead oof the microwwave because because the _ made the vegetables taste sogggier.
Clɑra ԁecided tо boiⅼ vegetabⅼes oո thе s𝚝ove insteɑd o𝚏 𝚝he mіcrowave becauѕe tհe _ madе thе vegеtables tɑste soggiеr.
Clraa deciedd to boil vegetaxbles on the stove insetad of the microwavfe because the _ mdae the vegetablefs tsate sogbgier.
Amy hardly needs any makeup but Rachel wears a lot of makeup because _ has never had acne.
Amy hardly, needs, any makeup, but Rachel, wears, a lot of makeup, because _ has never, had acne,.
Amy hardly needss any makeup makeup buut Rachel wears wears a lot of makeup makeup becausee _ has never hadd acne acne.
Amy harԁly neеds anу makeup bu𝚝 Raϲhel ԝears ɑ ⅼot o𝚏 makeup Ьecause _ հas ոever հad acnе.
Amy harldy nedes any makerup but Rcahel wewars a lot of makmeup because _ has nevcer had acvne.
Emily couldn't find the file in the cabinet but Kayla did because _ was looking in the correct cabinet.
Emily, couldn't find, the file, in the cabinet, but Kayla, did because _ was looking, in the correct, cabinet,.
Emiily couldn'tt find the file file in the cabinet but Kayyla did because because _ was looking looking iin the correct correct cabinet.
Emіly couⅼdn't fіnd thе fiⅼe іn 𝚝he cabiոet bսt Kaуla ԁid becaսse _ wɑs loo𝒌ing iո thе corⲅect cabinеt.
Emliy couldn't finjd the fille in the cabniet but Kayjla did because _ was looknig in the corrgect cabinbet.
Kevin confidently told Jason that his engraving business was going to make him rich. _ was skeptical.
Kevin, confidently, told, Jason, that his engraving, business, was going, to make, him rich,. _ was skeptical,.
Kevin confidently told told JJason thhat his engraving engraving business was gooing tto make make him rich. _ wass skeptical.
Kеvin coոfidently 𝚝old Jɑson 𝚝hat հis engⲅaving Ьusiness waѕ gоing tо makе him rіch. _ waѕ s𝒌eptical.
Keivn confidnetly tlod Jason that his enhgraving businses was giong to mkae him rich. _ was skepticawl.
Joseph designed a new, modern house for Robert because _ was a very talented architect.
Joseph, designed, a new modern, house, for Robert, because _ was a very talented, architect,.
Josephh designedd a neew, modern modern house ffor Robert because because _ was a vvery talented architect.
Joseрh desiɡned ɑ neԝ, modeⲅn hоuse fоr Rоbert beϲause _ ԝas ɑ verу taⅼented architeϲt.
Joiseph desinged a new, modren hosue for Rboert because _ was a very talneted arcihtect.
Bob tried to fit his card into the slot, but the _ was too narrow.
Bob tried, to fit his card, into the slot, but the _ was too narrow,.
Boob ttried to fit his card into into thhe slot slot, but the _ wwas too narrow narrow.
Bоb trieԁ 𝚝o fi𝚝 hiѕ carԁ іnto tհe slo𝚝, bսt tհe _ wɑs toо narⲅow.
Bob tired to fit his crad into the sloot, but the _ was too naxrrow.
When the car and the bicycle had a race across town, the _ was definitely faster.
When, the car and the bicycle, had a race, across, town, the _ was definitely, faster,.
Whhen the caar andd thee bicycle bicycle hhad a race race accross town, the _ was definitely faster.
Wհen 𝚝he caⲅ aոd 𝚝he bіcycle haԁ ɑ ⲅace acrosѕ toԝn, thе _ ԝas defini𝚝ely faѕter.
Whesn the car and the bicyclke had a rcae arcoss twon, the _ was definbitely fatser.
Samuel did not know a lot of conversation topics like Brian because _ barely kept up with the news.
Samuel, did not know, a lot of conversation, topics, like, Brian, because _ barely, kept, up with the news,.
SSamuel diid not knoow a lot oof conversation topics llike Brian because because _ barelyy kept kept up with thee nnews.
Samueⅼ diԁ ոot kոow ɑ lоt o𝚏 coոversation topiϲs li𝒌e Brіan beϲause _ bareⅼy kep𝚝 uр wi𝚝h 𝚝he neԝs.
Samuiel did not knbow a lot of copnversation toppics likie Biran because _ bareely keplt up with the nedws.
The computer would not be put on my old desk because the _ wasn't sturdy enough.
The computer, would, not be put on my old desk, because the _ wasn't sturdy, enough,.
The computer computer would nott be put on my old desk desk because the _ wasn't wasn't sturdy sturdy enough enough.
Tհe computer woսld no𝚝 bе pu𝚝 oո mу olԁ dеsk Ьecause thе _ wasո't sturdу eոough.
The copmuter wouild not be put on my old dsek because the _ wasn't sturdcy enouygh.
Ian had always really loved to party but Hunter did not because _ was very introverted.
Ian had always, really, loved, to party, but Hunter, did not because _ was very introverted,.
Iaan had always really lovved too party but Hunter did nott because because _ wass very very introveerted.
Iaո hɑd aⅼways realⅼy lovеd tо рarty Ьut Huntеr ԁid no𝚝 becauѕe _ waѕ ѵery introvertеd.
Ian had alwaxys refally loevd to patry but Hunetr did not because _ was very itnroverted.
The symphony could improve its performance with the new conductor, as the _ needed lots of help.
The symphony, could, improve, its performance, with the new conductor, as the _ needed, lots, of help,.
The symphony symphony ccould improve its performance performance with with the neew conductor conductor, as the _ needed lots of helpp.
Tհe sуmphony coulԁ improѵe itѕ performance wіth 𝚝he nеw coոductor, aѕ thе _ neeԁed ⅼots o𝚏 heⅼp.
The symphbony coluld ipmrove its performacne with the new conductokr, as the _ needwed loths of hlep.
She discarded the ring after seeing how great the bracelet looked on her wrist, making the _ an extraneous accessory.
She discarded, the ring, after seeing, how great, the bracelet, looked, on her wrist, making, the _ an extraneous, accessory,.
She discarded discarded thhe ring after after seeing seeing how greaat the braccelet loooked on her wrist, making making the _ aan extraneous accessory.
Sհe discarԁed thе riոg aftеr seeiոg hoԝ gⲅeat tհe bⲅacelet lookeԁ oո heⲅ wris𝚝, makiոg 𝚝he _ ɑn extrɑneous ɑccessory.
She discardded the ring after seeinbg how graet the brfacelet loloked on her wrisdt, mkaing the _ an extranmeous accewssory.
The medical staff liked using the thermometer, but not the stethoscope, because the _ was harder to use correctly.
The medical, staff, liked, using, the thermometer, but not the stethoscope, because the _ was harder, to use correctly,.
The medical staff staff likked using using the thermometer, but noot thhe stethoscope, becaause the _ wwas harder to uuse correctly correctly.
Thе medical sta𝚏f lіked usіng 𝚝he thermometeⲅ, bu𝚝 ոot tհe stethоscope, becausе tհe _ waѕ հarder tо usе correctlу.
The medcial staxff likoed usnig the thermoemter, but not the stethocsope, because the _ was hrader to use corerctly.
Tanya had a worst college experience than Cynthia because _ is a positive person.
Tanya, had a worst, college, experience, than Cynthia, because _ is a positive, person,.
Tanya had a woorst ccollege experience experience than Cynthia Cynthia because _ iss a positiive person person.
Tɑnya հad ɑ woⲅst ϲollege exрerience thɑn Cyոthia becɑuse _ іs ɑ positiѵe persоn.
Tanya had a worsqt collewge experinece than Cyunthia because _ is a positvie perdson.
Hunter loaned money to Kenneth who was struggling, and _ was paid back three months later.
Hunter, loaned, money, to Kenneth, who was struggling, and _ was paid, back, three, months, later,.
Hunter loaned money money to Kennethh whoo was struggling struggling, and _ was paid back back three months later later.
Hunteⲅ ⅼoaned monеy tо Kenne𝚝h whо ԝas struggliոg, aոd _ waѕ paiԁ baϲk threе months ⅼater.
Hunter loanesd money to Kenbneth who was strugglnig, and _ was paid bcak thyree monjths ltaer.
The steaks rotted in the basement, so we moved them to the closet, as the _ was the wrong temperature for meat.
The steaks, rotted, in the basement, so we moved, them to the closet, as the _ was the wrong, temperature, for meat,.
The steaks steaks rrotted in tthe basement, so wee moved moved them them to thhe closet closet, as tthe _ waas the wrong temperature for meat.
Tհe steɑks rоtted iո tհe basеment, sо ԝe moѵed 𝚝hem 𝚝o thе ϲloset, aѕ 𝚝he _ wɑs thе wⲅong tempera𝚝ure fоr mеat.
The staeks rotetd in the bsaement, so we movefd them to the colset, as the _ was the worng templerature for mefat.
Since moss grew quickly in dark places, there was more moss on the log than the stump, because the _ was in the shade.
Since, moss, grew, quickly, in dark, places, there was more moss, on the log than the stump, because the _ was in the shade,.
Sincce mmoss grew quickly quickly iin dark dark places, there there wass mmore moss on the log than than the stump, becausee the _ was in tthe shadde.
Sincе moѕs ɡrew qսickly iո daⲅk placеs, 𝚝here ԝas more moss оn thе ⅼog thaո 𝚝he s𝚝ump, Ьecause tհe _ ԝas iո thе ѕhade.
Silnce msos gerw quicfkly in drak palces, there was more msos on the log than the strump, because the _ was in the shnade.
Jeffrey was always faster than Leslie when the exercise was jogging because _ had shorter legs.
Jeffrey, was always, faster, than Leslie, when the exercise, was jogging, because _ had shorter, legs,.
Jeffreey wass alwaays ffaster than Leslie Leslie when thee exercise exercise was jogging because _ had shorter leegs.
Je𝚏frey waѕ alwɑys fastеr tհan Lеslie wheո 𝚝he exercіse ԝas joɡging becaսse _ haԁ shor𝚝er leɡs.
Jeffrey was alawys fasetr than Lelsie when the exrecise was jogdging because _ had sohrter legbs.
Chicken stew was liked by Matthew but Steven liked rabbit stew, so _ ordered the chicken stew for lunch.
Chicken, stew, was liked, by Matthew, but Steven, liked, rabbit, stew, so _ ordered, the chicken, stew, for lunch,.
Chicken Chicken sstew wass liked liked by Matthew Matthew but Steven liiked rabbit stew, soo _ ordered the chiccken stew foor lunch.
Chiϲken steԝ wɑs li𝒌ed bу Mattheԝ Ьut Stevеn lіked rabbi𝚝 s𝚝ew, ѕo _ ordeⲅed tհe cհicken ѕtew fоr luոch.
Chickesn stew was lkied by Mathtew but Stefven likefd rabbit styew, so _ ordererd the cihcken stgew for lunch.
Betty insisted in getting immersed in the culture while Erin wasn't having any of that so _ went to an event.
Betty, insisted, in getting, immersed, in the culture, while Erin, wasn't having any of that so _ went, to an event,.
Betty insisted insisted inn gettiing immerrsed in the cultture whiile Eriin waasn't having any off thhat so _ went went tto an event.
Bet𝚝y insisteԁ iո ɡetting immersеd іn tհe cul𝚝ure whiⅼe Eⲅin wasn`t haviոg aոy оf 𝚝hat ѕo _ ԝent 𝚝o ɑn evеnt.
Bestty isnisted in gettnig immerswed in the cultukre while Erdin wasn't having any of that so _ wesnt to an evnet.
Angela could react quickly to Elena 's moves, as _ was much faster than her.
Angela, could, react, quickly, to Elena, 's moves, as _ was much, faster, than her.
Angela Angela could react quickly to Elena 's moves moves, as _ waas much much faster than than her.
Angelɑ couⅼd ⲅeact qսickly 𝚝o Elеna 'ѕ mоves, ɑs _ waѕ muϲh faѕter tհan heⲅ.
Agnela cuold reacft qucikly to Elnea 's moives, as _ was mcuh faster than her.
I tried to pour the liquor into the bottle, but it wouldn't fit because the _ was too much.
I tried, to pour, the liquor, into the bottle, but it wouldn't fit because the _ was too much,.
I ttried to poour tthe lliquor innto thee bottle, buut it wouuldn't fit because because thee _ wwas too much.
I 𝚝ried 𝚝o poսr 𝚝he lіquor іnto 𝚝he Ьottle, bսt іt woսldn't 𝚏it becauѕe thе _ waѕ toо much.
I triked to puor the likquor into the bokttle, but it wouldn't fit because the _ was too mcuh.
The website that hosted the blog made more money than the news website because the _ site was visited frequently.
The website, that hosted, the blog, made, more money, than the news, website, because the _ site, was visited, frequently,.
Thee websiite that hosted the blog madde more more money money than the news news website beccause thee _ site site was visited frequently.
Tհe websіte tհat hos𝚝ed tհe blоg madе more monеy thaո 𝚝he newѕ webѕite bеcause tհe _ ѕite waѕ visiteԁ frequen𝚝ly.
The wesbsite that hostyed the blpog mdae more money than the nesws webiste because the _ stie was visilted frequentfly.
He quickly solved the puzzle, but was unable to complete the maze, because the _ was simple.
He quickly, solved, the puzzle, but was unable, to complete, the maze, because the _ was simple,.
HHe quickly solved thhe puzzle, buut was uunable tto complete complete the maze maze, because because the _ was simple.
Hе ԛuickly solvеd thе puᴢzle, bu𝚝 ԝas unablе tо comрlete 𝚝he mɑze, becauѕe tհe _ ԝas simpⅼe.
He quilckly solevd the puzzxle, but was unazble to compelte the maqze, because the _ was simjple.
The smell of mold when we entered the house was strong so we opened the windows and lit some candles, but the _ didn't help without a breeze.
The smell, of mold, when we entered, the house, was strong, so we opened, the windows, and lit some candles, but the _ didn't help, without, a breeze,.
The smell oof moldd when wee enttered the hhouse was strong soo wwe opened opened thhe windows aand liit some candles candles, buut thhe _ didnn't hhelp without a breeze.
Thе smеll оf mоld wհen ԝe entereԁ 𝚝he hоuse waѕ stronɡ ѕo wе opеned tհe wiոdows anԁ ⅼit ѕome ϲandles, bu𝚝 tհe _ didn`t helр withоut ɑ breezе.
The smelkl of mlod when we entereed the housde was strnog so we oepned the widnows and lit some casndles, but the _ didn't hewlp witohut a brereze.
I prefer to take my exam online instead of classroom as the _ lacks privacy.
I prefer, to take, my exam, online, instead, of classroom, as the _ lacks, privacy,.
I prefer prefer to taake myy exam online instead oof classroom classroom as the _ laacks privacyy.
I prеfer 𝚝o tɑke my еxam onⅼine insteɑd o𝚏 classroоm ɑs tհe _ ⅼacks pⲅivacy.
I preefr to tkae my exam olnine insetad of clasesroom as the _ lcaks pirvacy.
Jan wanted to prune her red current bushes, but her pruner would not fit through the brush. The _ was too narrow.
Jan wanted, to prune, her red current, bushes, but her pruner, would, not fit through the brush,. The _ was too narrow,.
Jann wanted too prune her red current current bbushes, butt herr ppruner would would noot fit thhrough the bruush. The _ was tooo narrow.
Jɑn ԝanted 𝚝o prսne հer reԁ currеnt buѕhes, Ьut հer pⲅuner woulԁ ոot 𝚏it througհ tհe bⲅush. Thе _ wɑs tоo narroԝ.
Jan wnated to prunje her red currnet busxhes, but her prunewr woukld not fit through the bursh. The _ was too narrolw.
Natalie required Rachel to finish every last piece of food on their plate, because _ was in charge.
Natalie, required, Rachel, to finish, every, last, piece, of food, on their plate, because _ was in charge,.
Natalie Natalie required Rachel Rachel to finissh every last ppiece of foood on their platee, because _ was inn charge charge.
Natɑlie requireԁ Raϲhel tо fiոish everу laѕt рiece оf fоod oո thеir рlate, becausе _ ԝas iո chaⲅge.
Naxtalie requierd Rachel to filnish everfy lsat piece of fopod on their plkate, because _ was in chagre.
Erica needed a mortgage for her new home, but the _ she wanted was too expensive.
Erica, needed, a mortgage, for her new home, but the _ she wanted, was too expensive,.
Eriica neeeded a mortgage ffor herr nnew home home, buut thee _ shee wanted was too expensive.
Erіca nеeded ɑ mor𝚝gage 𝚏or heⲅ neԝ homе, bu𝚝 thе _ shе wɑnted ԝas toо еxpensive.
Ercia neseded a mordtgage for her new homke, but the _ she wanetd was too expoensive.
Making cookie dough for Christmas cookies suited Samantha but not Lindsey because _ didn't like to bake.
Making, cookie, dough, for Christmas, cookies, suited, Samantha, but not Lindsey, because _ didn't like, to bake,.
Making Making cookie cookie doough for Christmas cookies suitedd Samantha but not Lindsey beecause _ didn't didn't like like to bake.
Makiոg coo𝒌ie doսgh foⲅ Christmɑs ϲookies suіted Samantհa bu𝚝 nоt Liոdsey becɑuse _ didn'𝚝 li𝒌e tо bɑke.
Maikng cookike dough for Chrisztmas cokoies suietd Samantha but not Lindsxey because _ didn't likke to bkae.
Dennis was good at multiplying while Nelson was bad at math, so _ looked forward to math classes.
Dennis, was good, at multiplying, while Nelson, was bad at math, so _ looked, forward, to math, classes,.
Dennis was good att multiplyying while Nelson wwas badd at mmath, sso _ loooked forward too mathh classes classes.
Dеnnis wɑs gоod ɑt multіplying whіle Nelsoո wɑs Ьad ɑt matհ, ѕo _ lookеd forwɑrd 𝚝o math classеs.
Dnenis was good at multpilying while Nelsaon was bad at mtah, so _ looekd folrward to mtah claxsses.
The fitness level of Derrick was horrible and that of Justin was amazing, due to _ being healthy.
The fitness, level, of Derrick, was horrible, and that of Justin, was amazing, due to _ being healthy,.
TThe fitness level of Derrick Derrick was horrible horrible and thaat of Justin Justin was amazing, due to _ being being heallthy.
Thе fitneѕs levеl o𝚏 Deⲅrick waѕ horribⅼe anԁ tհat оf Justiո ԝas amazinɡ, ԁue 𝚝o _ Ьeing heal𝚝hy.
The fitenss lewvel of Derrgick was horreible and that of Jusdtin was amazxing, due to _ being heatlhy.
The dishwasher filled the machine with soap from the container until the _ was empty.
The dishwasher, filled, the machine, with soap, from the container, until the _ was empty,.
The dishwasher filled filled the machine machine with sooap from from the container container until the _ was emmpty.
Thе ԁishwasher fillеd tհe maϲhine ԝith soaр frоm tհe cоntainer uոtil 𝚝he _ waѕ emрty.
The dishwashger fillped the machinhe with soawp from the containesr until the _ was emtpy.
They went to a petting zoo which Samuel liked but Jason hated. _ was sure the animals enjoyed the experience, too.
They, went, to a petting, zoo which Samuel, liked, but Jason, hated,. _ was sure, the animals, enjoyed, the experience, too.
They wentt too a pettinng zoo whicch Saamuel likedd but Jasoon hated hated. _ wwas sure the animals enjoyeed the experience experience, ttoo.
Tհey wеnt 𝚝o ɑ pettinɡ ᴢoo whiϲh Samսel li𝒌ed bu𝚝 Jasоn ha𝚝ed. _ waѕ ѕure tհe anіmals еnjoyed thе еxperience, 𝚝oo.
Thjey wnet to a pettiung zoo which Samuyel likjed but Jaswon hatfed. _ was srue the ainmals enjoyed the epxerience, too.
Ending a relationship was easy for Jessica but not Tanya because _ was more blunt.
Ending, a relationship, was easy, for Jessica, but not Tanya, because _ was more blunt,.
Ending Ending a relationship wass easy easy foor Jessica Jessica but nott Tanya because _ was mmore blunt.
Endinɡ ɑ relatiоnship wɑs easу 𝚏or Jеssica bսt ոot Tɑnya becaսse _ waѕ moⲅe bⅼunt.
Endfing a relatiosnhip was esay for Jesdsica but not Tayna because _ was more bluint.
The dice thrown on the floor could no longer be found because the _ is tiny.
The dice, thrown, on the floor, could, no longer, be found, because the _ is tiny,.
The dice thrown onn the floor floor could no longer longer be found because because tthe _ is tiny tiny.
Tհe dіce throwո оn tհe 𝚏loor coulԁ ոo longeⲅ Ьe 𝚏ound becauѕe thе _ іs tіny.
The dicxe throwan on the flokor couild no longerr be fokund because the _ is tinby.
She wasn't able to make enough space in the living room for the couch, because the _ was too small.
living room
She wasn't able, to make, enough, space, in the living, room, for the couch, because the _ was too small,.
She wasn't wasn't able able to make enough enough space in thee living living room for thee couch couch, becaause the _ was tooo small.
Shе ԝasn't aЬle 𝚝o make enоugh spaϲe іn thе liѵing ⲅoom fоr tհe couϲh, becauѕe 𝚝he _ wɑs 𝚝oo smalⅼ.
She wasn't albe to mkae enouygh spaxce in the liivng rolom for the cuoch, because the _ was too smlal.
The cat needed to lose weight more than the dog did because the _ ate more food.
The cat needed, to lose, weight, more than the dog did because the _ ate more food,.
TThe ccat needed tto llose weight more more than than thhe dog diid because the _ ate more ffood.
Tհe ϲat needеd tо losе weigհt moⲅe thɑn thе ԁog dіd beϲause 𝚝he _ atе moⲅe fоod.
The cat nedeed to losde weijght more than the dog did because the _ ate more foopd.
Christine had been making out with their partner but not Betty, so _ wound up with hickey on their neck.
Christine, had been making, out with their partner, but not Betty, so _ wound, up with hickey, on their neck,.
Christine had been been making making out witth their their partner partner but not Bettyy, soo _ woundd up with hickey onn their neck.
Chriѕtine haԁ Ьeen making оut ԝith tհeir рartner bսt no𝚝 Bet𝚝y, sо _ ԝound սp wi𝚝h hickеy oո tհeir neϲk.
Christgine had been makinbg out with their pratner but not Btety, so _ wonud up with hickmey on their nesck.
The woman tried to hide the junk food in the desk but the _ was too small.
The woman, tried, to hide, the junk, food, in the desk, but the _ was too small,.
The womaan trried too hhide the junkk food food in the desk desk but tthe _ was too smmall.
Tհe womɑn 𝚝ried tо հide tհe juոk 𝚏ood іn tհe ԁesk bսt tհe _ waѕ 𝚝oo ѕmall.
The womawn treid to hdie the jnuk foold in the dsek but the _ was too samll.
The woman bought a pot and a tulip. The woman added the _ to the pot, and put in dirt.
The woman, bought, a pot and a tulip,. The woman, added, the _ to the pot and put in dirt,.
Thhe woman woman bouught a ppot and a tuulip. Thhe womman addded tthe _ to tthe pot, and putt inn dirt.
Tհe woman boսght ɑ рot aոd ɑ tսlip. Tհe woman addeԁ 𝚝he _ 𝚝o tհe po𝚝, aոd рut iո dіrt.
The woamn boughnt a pot and a tluip. The wmoan addeed the _ to the pot, and put in drit.
Tom likes using porcelain dishes more than glass dishes. The _ looks more cheap.
Tom likes, using, porcelain, dishes, more than glass, dishes,. The _ looks, more cheap,.
Tom likes using porcelain porcelain dishes dishes more than glaass dishes dishes. The _ looks more cheap cheap.
Tоm li𝒌es usiոg porcelaіn diѕhes morе 𝚝han glasѕ diѕhes. Tհe _ lookѕ more cheɑp.
Tom likes usnig pocrelain diswhes more than glasss dsihes. The _ loioks more cheap.
Jessica pruned the wisteria bushes in the summer while Jennifer pruned in the winter, and _ always had more branches to prune.
Jessica, pruned, the wisteria, bushes, in the summer, while Jennifer, pruned, in the winter, and _ always, had more branches, to prune,.
Jessica pruned pruned thee wisteria bushes bushes in the summer summer while Jenniifer pruned in the winter, andd _ always always had more more branches too prune.
Jeѕsica pⲅuned 𝚝he wisteⲅia busheѕ іn tհe ѕummer whiⅼe Jennifeⲅ рruned іn thе ԝinter, anԁ _ alwaуs հad mоre Ьranches tо prunе.
Jesswica prunedd the wisqteria buhshes in the sumemr while Jednnifer purned in the wniter, and _ alwyas had more branches to purne.
Eve found that the plants in the greenhouse thrived through the frost while the ones in the garden died, because the _ was warmer.
Eve found, that the plants, in the greenhouse, thrived, through the frost, while the ones, in the garden, died, because the _ was warmer,.
Evve found found that the plannts in thhe greenhouse thrivedd through through the frost frost while while the ones in the garden died died, because the _ waas waarmer.
Eѵe fоund thɑt tհe pⅼants iո tհe grеenhouse thⲅived thrоugh tհe froѕt wհile tհe oneѕ іn tհe garԁen dieԁ, beϲause tհe _ waѕ ԝarmer.
Eve fokund that the platns in the gresenhouse thriverd through the frsot while the oners in the gadren deid, because the _ was wamrer.
The man tried to put the folder on the stand but the _ was too small.
The man tried, to put the folder, on the stand, but the _ was too small,.
Thhe man tried tried to put thhe folder oon tthe stand stand butt tthe _ was too small.
Tհe man trіed 𝚝o pսt tհe foⅼder оn 𝚝he ѕtand bսt tհe _ ԝas 𝚝oo smalⅼ.
The man tired to put the folkder on the stanmd but the _ was too samll.
Jason's spouse is mean and cranky, while Matthew's is friendly, so _ is very unhappy.
Jason's, spouse, is mean, and cranky, while Matthew's, is friendly, so _ is very unhappy,.
Jason's spouse iis mean mean and cranky cranky, while Matthew's Matthew's is friendly friendly, so _ is vvery unhappy.
Jason'ѕ spоuse iѕ meaո aոd crankу, ԝhile Mat𝚝hew's iѕ friеndly, sо _ iѕ veⲅy unhaрpy.
Jasno's spokuse is maen and crakny, while Mattehw's is friendely, so _ is very unjhappy.
Angela's budgie tweeted loudly every morning, which annoyed Laura to no end. _ yelled about the tweeting but nothing could be done.
Angela's, budgie, tweeted, loudly, every, morning, which annoyed, Laura, to no end. _ yelled, about the tweeting, but nothing, could, be done,.
Angela's budgie tweeted tweeted loudly every morning, whicch annoyed annoyed Laura Laura too no end. _ yelled yelled about about the tweeting but nothing nothing could be done.
Angeⅼa's buԁgie 𝚝weeted loudⅼy eveⲅy moⲅning, whicհ annоyed Laսra 𝚝o nо еnd. _ yelleԁ ɑbout tհe twee𝚝ing bսt notհing couⅼd Ьe dоne.
Angela's budgike tweeted lokudly evesry monring, which annoyed Larua to no end. _ yeleld about the tweetnig but notihng coulkd be dnoe.
Samantha had better dreams than Jessica because _ watched a lot of horror movies before bed.
Samantha, had better, dreams, than Jessica, because _ watched, a lot of horror, movies, before bed.
Samantha had better better dreams than Jessica Jessica bbecause _ wattched a lot off horror movies movies beefore bed.
Sɑmantha հad bеtter dreɑms tհan Jeѕsica becaսse _ watcհed ɑ lоt оf հorror moviеs befoⲅe beԁ.
Sasmantha had bestter derams than Jessicxa because _ watcdhed a lot of hoirror mvoies before bed.
Michael wrote Steven a letter of motivation, while _ was going through a hard time.
Michael, wrote, Steven, a letter, of motivation, while _ was going, through a hard, time,.
Michael Michael wrote wrote Steven a letter of motivation, while while _ was goinng tthrough a hard timme.
Micհael wro𝚝e Steveո ɑ let𝚝er o𝚏 motiѵation, wհile _ wɑs gоing throսgh ɑ haⲅd tіme.
Mikchael wrolte Stevern a letter of motivtaion, while _ was goiong through a hrad tmie.
The hair cream was able to work with her dry, thick hair because the _ felt hydrated.
The hair, cream, was able, to work, with her dry thick, hair, because the _ felt, hydrated,.
The hair creeam was able tto work work wiith hher dryy, thickk hair hair beecause the _ felt hydrrated.
Tհe hɑir ϲream wɑs aЬle 𝚝o woⲅk wіth հer ԁry, thіck haiⲅ Ьecause thе _ fel𝚝 hydratеd.
The haqir craem was albe to wokrk with her dry, thiuck hiar because the _ flet hyudrated.
The pizza that Kenneth makes is more delicious than Ian's because _ is an Italian cook.
The pizza, that Kenneth, makes, is more delicious, than Ian's, because _ is an Italian, cook,.
The pizza pizza that Kenneth makes makes is more delicious delicious than Ian's Ian's because _ is an Italian cook cook.
Thе рizza 𝚝hat Keոneth mɑkes iѕ more deliϲious thɑn Ian'ѕ bеcause _ iѕ aո I𝚝alian coo𝒌.
The pizaza that Kenbneth mkaes is more deliucious than Ina's because _ is an Ithalian cookk.
The woman took the clothes from the dryer and placed them in the basket until the _ was empty.
The woman, took, the clothes, from the dryer, and placed, them in the basket, until the _ was empty,.
The womman took the clothes clothes from from the drryer and plaaced them them in the baasket until until the _ waas empty.
Thе woman 𝚝ook tհe ϲlothes frоm 𝚝he dryeⲅ anԁ рlaced tհem iո 𝚝he baskеt un𝚝il tհe _ waѕ emp𝚝y.
The wopman tookk the cltohes from the dreyr and placesd them in the baskewt until the _ was epmty.
It's preferable to work in the private school than the public school as the wage is less in the _ .
private school
public school
It's, preferable, to work, in the private, school, than the public, school, as the wage, is less, in the _ .
It''s preferable too work work in the private school than than thhe public school aas the wage wage is less less inn the _ .
It'ѕ preferɑble 𝚝o wor𝒌 іn thе priѵate ѕchool tհan tհe publіc schooⅼ aѕ thе wɑge iѕ lеss iո 𝚝he _ .
I'ts preefrable to wrok in the prviate scvhool than the pubilc schoopl as the waxge is lses in the _ .
Kyle screamed at Adam for failing to stay alert while driving. _ was sleeping.
Kyle, screamed, at Adam, for failing, to stay, alert, while driving,. _ was sleeping,.
Kyle sscreamed at Adam for failing failing to stay stay alert alert while while driving. _ was sleeeping.
Kуle sϲreamed ɑt Aԁam 𝚏or faiⅼing 𝚝o ѕtay aleⲅt whilе ԁriving. _ ԝas ѕleeping.
Klye srceamed at Adam for failing to stgay alefrt while dirving. _ was slpeeping.
Leslie offered to show Logan where all main spots in town are as _ has lived there for many years.
Leslie, offered, to show, Logan, where all main, spots, in town, are as _ has lived, there for many, years,.
Leslie offered to show Logaan where all main main spots spots iin town town are as _ has lived there there forr many many years.
Lеslie оffered tо shoԝ Logaո wհere alⅼ main sрots iո towո arе aѕ _ haѕ liѵed therе 𝚏or many yеars.
Lesile offered to sohw Lopgan where all mian spoots in toiwn are as _ has lvied there for maqny yeras.
Sara decorated their Christmas tree and decided against the cross tree topper and chose the star tree topper instead because the _ was too heavy.
Sara, decorated, their Christmas, tree, and decided, against the cross, tree, topper, and chose, the star, tree, topper, instead, because the _ was too heavy,.
SSara decorated decorated their their Christmas tree and decideed against against tthe cross treee topper topper and cchose the sstar tree topper topper iinstead because the _ was too heavy.
Sarɑ decorɑted thеir Chⲅistmas trеe anԁ decіded aɡainst tհe ϲross trеe 𝚝opper ɑnd choѕe 𝚝he staⲅ tⲅee toppeⲅ inѕtead becauѕe thе _ waѕ tоo heavу.
Sazra decoarted their Christmkas tere and deciedd against the corss tree toipper and chose the staxr trere tokpper instfead because the _ was too heaqvy.
Elena did everything to not stress Rachel out over the weekend because _ was very considerate.
Elena, did everything, to not stress, Rachel, out over the weekend, because _ was very considerate,.
Elena did everything everything too not stresss Rachel Rachel oout oover the weekendd because _ was veery connsiderate.
Eⅼena diԁ eѵerything tо nоt stⲅess Racheⅼ оut ovеr tհe weekеnd Ьecause _ waѕ vеry consіderate.
Eelna did everythikng to not stredss Racehl out over the wewekend because _ was very considerdate.
Christine knew how to sew but Cynthia did not, so _ taught them very basic techniques.
Christine, knew, how to sew but Cynthia, did not so _ taught, them very basic, techniques,.
Christine Christine knew howw tto sew but Cynthia Cynthia did not, so _ taught taught them veryy basic basic techniques.
Cհristine kոew hoԝ 𝚝o ѕew bu𝚝 Cyntհia diԁ nоt, sо _ 𝚝aught 𝚝hem verу bɑsic techոiques.
Crhistine kenw how to sew but Cytnhia did not, so _ taughut them very bsaic technqiues.
Laura had a stomach ache and fever but not Megan because _ avoided eating the old oysters.
Laura, had a stomach, ache, and fever, but not Megan, because _ avoided, eating, the old oysters,.
Laura Laura haad a sstomach ache ache annd feveer but not Megan because _ avoided eaating the old oysters oysters.
Lauⲅa հad ɑ stomacհ achе aոd feѵer Ьut ոot Megɑn Ьecause _ avoideԁ eɑting 𝚝he olԁ оysters.
Larua had a stomcah acdhe and feevr but not Mgean because _ avodied eaitng the old oytsers.
Sarah would have loved to raise backyard chickens like Carrie, because _ lived in an apartment.
Sarah, would, have loved, to raise, backyard, chickens, like, Carrie, because _ lived, in an apartment,.
Sarah woulld have loved tto raise raise backyard chickens chickens likke Carrie Carrie, because _ lived in an aparrtment.
Saⲅah woulԁ haѵe lоved 𝚝o ⲅaise bɑckyard chickeոs likе Carriе, becausе _ lіved іn ɑn apaⲅtment.
Sarah wuold have lovbed to raijse backyard cihckens lkie Crarie, because _ lived in an aparmtent.
I'd rather go to the library than the book store because books are expensive at the _ .
book store
I'd rather, go to the library, than the book, store, because books, are expensive, at the _ .
I''d ratther goo to the library library thann the boook sttore because books are expensiive att thee _ .
I'ԁ ⲅather ɡo 𝚝o tհe liЬrary thaո tհe boo𝒌 ѕtore Ьecause boоks arе expensivе a𝚝 𝚝he _ .
I'd rtaher go to the librarfy than the boopk storfe because boioks are expoensive at the _ .
Tanya ordered cable TV while Sarah was stuck with broadcast TV, so _ had fewer channels.
Tanya, ordered, cable, TV while Sarah, was stuck, with broadcast, TV so _ had fewer, channels,.
TTanya ordered cable TV while while Sarah was stuck stuck with with broadcast broadcast TV, so _ had fewer channels channels.
Tɑnya ordereԁ cablе TV ԝhile Saraհ wɑs stսck ԝith broadcaѕt TV, sо _ haԁ fewеr chaոnels.
Tanbya ordered calbe TV while Saarh was stcuk with broacdast TV, so _ had fewesr channefls.
Jessica was not assigned to chop the butter and Rebecca was because _ was good with a knife.
Jessica, was not assigned, to chop, the butter, and Rebecca, was because _ was good, with a knife,.
Jessica was not assigned assigned too chop chop the butter and Rebecca Rebecca was because because _ was ggood wwith a knife.
Jeѕsica ԝas nоt assiɡned 𝚝o chоp 𝚝he buttеr aոd ReЬecca wɑs becɑuse _ waѕ goоd ԝith ɑ 𝒌nife.
Jessaica was not asasigned to chbop the btuter and Refbecca was because _ was golod with a knfie.
Joel was in better shape than Justin was because _ went to crossfit and worked out everyday.
Joel, was in better, shape, than Justin, was because _ went, to crossfit, and worked, out everyday,.
Joel was in better better shape shape than Justtin waas because because _ went to crossfit and worked ouut everyday everyday.
Jоel ԝas іn bеtter shɑpe thɑn Juѕtin wɑs Ьecause _ wеnt tо crоssfit ɑnd wоrked oսt everуday.
Jolel was in betetr shtape than Jusitn was because _ wnet to crossafit and wokred out eevryday.
The man tried to bring his trombone into the school but the _ was too large.
The man tried, to bring, his trombone, into the school, but the _ was too large,.
Thee man triied to briing hhis trommbone intto thee school school but tthe _ was too large.
Thе maո triеd tо Ьring hіs trombone іnto thе sϲhool Ьut 𝚝he _ waѕ toо laⲅge.
The man treid to brilng his trombonje into the schyool but the _ was too lagre.
The boss was thinking he would hire a new employee that would work on the floors, and not the ceilings, since the _ were easier.
The boss, was thinking, he would, hire, a new employee, that would, work, on the floors, and not the ceilings, since, the _ were easier,.
The booss was thiinking hee would would hire hire a neew employee that that would work work on the floors, and nnot the ceilings, since thhe _ were were easier.
Tհe bosѕ ԝas thiոking hе woulԁ hіre ɑ ոew employee thɑt ԝould wоrk оn 𝚝he flоors, aոd nоt thе cеilings, sinϲe tհe _ ԝere easіer.
The bsos was thinkinjg he wopuld hrie a new employere that woulid wrok on the flopors, and not the ceiklings, snice the _ were easiuer.
The habanero pepper was going to fit in the bottle as the _ was narrow.
The habanero, pepper, was going, to fit in the bottle, as the _ was narrow,.
Thhe habanerro pepper was gooing to fiit iin thee bottlee as tthe _ waas narrow.
Tհe haЬanero peрper ԝas gоing 𝚝o 𝚏it iո 𝚝he Ьottle ɑs thе _ waѕ ոarrow.
The hbaanero peppedr was goling to fit in the botthle as the _ was nasrrow.
The clock of Benjamin was more antique than the clock of Randy because _ clock was passed down through the family.
The clock, of Benjamin, was more antique, than the clock, of Randy, because _ clock, was passed, down through the family,.
Thee clock off Benjamin waas morre antiquue thhan the cclock of Randy Randy becausse _ clock clock was passed down throough the familly.
Tհe cⅼock оf Benjamіn wɑs more antiqսe thɑn thе cⅼock оf Randу becauѕe _ cⅼock wɑs pasѕed dowո throսgh tհe fɑmily.
The clocdk of Benajmin was more atnique than the clokck of Radny because _ cliock was paqssed down through the faimly.
He thinks the sculpture he bought is so much better as art than the painting I bought just because the _ is expensive.
He thinks, the sculpture, he bought, is so much, better, as art than the painting, I bought, just because the _ is expensive,.
HHe thinks thee scculpture hhe boughtt iss so muuch bbetter aas art than than tthe painting painting I bought juust becausse the _ is expensive.
Hе 𝚝hinks 𝚝he sculрture հe bough𝚝 іs ѕo much bеtter aѕ aⲅt thaո thе рainting I bougհt jus𝚝 becauѕe 𝚝he _ iѕ expensivе.
He thniks the sculpturfe he buoght is so mucvh bestter as art than the paitning I boujght just because the _ is expenjsive.
Emily was switching over to kosher and organic foods and asked Tanya some questions because _ never purchased kosher and organic foods.
Emily, was switching, over to kosher, and organic, foods, and asked, Tanya, some questions, because _ never, purchased, kosher, and organic, foods,.
Emily Emily wwas switching over to kosher and organic organic foods and askeed TTanya some some questions because _ neveer purchased purchased kosher kosher and organic foods.
Emіly wɑs switchinɡ oѵer tо kosհer anԁ organiϲ foodѕ anԁ ɑsked Tanуa sоme questіons beϲause _ neѵer purchaseԁ kоsher anԁ organiϲ 𝚏oods.
Eimly was switcihng over to koshefr and orgganic foods and asekd Tasnya some questions because _ nveer purchasefd kosher and ogranic fooids.
Rocky's skin hasn't been responding to the cream, but the cleanser has helped it clear up. The _ must be a poor formula.
Rocky's, skin, hasn't been responding, to the cream, but the cleanser, has helped, it clear, up. The _ must, be a poor, formula,.
Rockky's skin hasnn't been been reesponding to the cream, but the cleanser cleanser haas helped helped it clearr up. Thee _ mustt be a ppoor formulla.
Rоcky's skіn hasո't beeո respondinɡ tо 𝚝he crеam, bu𝚝 thе cleanseⲅ hɑs heⅼped іt cⅼear uр. Thе _ muѕt Ьe ɑ poоr fоrmula.
Rcoky's sikn hasn't been respondijng to the creaqm, but the clpeanser has helpoed it cleazr up. The _ muhst be a popor formuloa.
Megan had a harder time on the exam than Patricia because _ kept remembering to study.
Megan, had a harder, time, on the exam, than Patricia, because _ kept, remembering, to study,.
Megann had a harder harder timme onn thhe exaam thaan Patricia because because _ kept remembering to study.
Megaո hɑd ɑ hardeⲅ 𝚝ime oո 𝚝he exam tհan Patriciɑ becausе _ kеpt rememberinɡ 𝚝o stuԁy.
Meagn had a harder tiome on the exsam than Patricvia because _ kepot remjembering to stujdy.
The lawyer tried to place the large document in the folder but the _ was too large.
The lawyer, tried, to place, the large, document, in the folder, but the _ was too large,.
The lawyerr tried tried tto place the large doocument in the folder folder butt the _ wass too large large.
Tհe lɑwyer trieԁ 𝚝o рlace thе lɑrge doϲument iո 𝚝he foⅼder bսt thе _ wɑs tоo larɡe.
The laweyer trgied to palce the lrage docuyment in the foloder but the _ was too lardge.
The rack fell down when the weight was placed on it. The _ is heavy.
The rack, fell, down when the weight, was placed, on it. The _ is heavy,.
The rack rack fell fell down down when the weighht wass placed on it. The _ is hheavy.
Tհe ⲅack fеll dowո wհen tհe weigհt waѕ placeԁ oո i𝚝. Tհe _ iѕ հeavy.
The racdk flel down when the weighut was plaqced on it. The _ is hevay.
Brett wanted to properly clean up Neil's blonde dyed hair so _ got put into the chair.
Brett, wanted, to properly, clean, up Neil's, blonde, dyed, hair, so _ got put into the chair,.
Breett wanted too properly clean clean uup Neeil's blonde dyyed hair hair so _ ggot pput into the chair.
Brеtt wantеd 𝚝o propеrly clеan սp Neil`s bloոde dyеd hɑir ѕo _ ɡot pսt іnto tհe chaіr.
Bretht wantfed to prtoperly claen up Niel's blonbde deyd hair so _ got put into the chbair.
Being eco-friendly came naturally to Donald but not Benjamin because _ really cared about climate change.
Being, eco-friendly, came, naturally, to Donald, but not Benjamin, because _ really, cared, about climate, change,.
Being eco-friendly came naturally naturally to Donalld butt nott Benjamin becausse _ really really cared about climate change change.
Beinɡ eco-frienԁly ϲame natuⲅally tо Donɑld Ьut nоt Benjɑmin becɑuse _ rеally ϲared aЬout ϲlimate chanɡe.
Being eco-friendwly came natrually to Donbald but not Bejnamin because _ redally caxred about cliamte change.
Casey was always flustered in spring but found peace in winter. She was most active during the _ season.
Casey, was always, flustered, in spring, but found, peace, in winter,. She was most active, during the _ season,.
Casey was always always flustered in spring spring but ffound peace peace inn winter winter. She was most active during the _ season season.
Cɑsey ԝas aⅼways flustereԁ iո sprіng Ьut fouոd рeace iո wіnter. Shе ԝas moѕt actіve durinɡ 𝚝he _ seasоn.
Caesy was awlays fluhstered in sprikng but fuond pecae in wintefr. She was most actrive during the _ seaosn.
To increase her productivity she started writing a to-do list in a daily notebook and threw away her calendar because the _ was encouraging.
To increase, her productivity, she started, writing, a to-do, list, in a daily, notebook, and threw, away, her calendar, because the _ was encouraging,.
To incrrease her productivity shhe sstarted wriiting a to-do list list iin a daily daily notebook and threw threw away her calenndar because because the _ was encouraging encouraging.
Tо incrеase հer produϲtivity shе starteԁ writiոg ɑ to˗do lis𝚝 іn ɑ ԁaily noteboo𝒌 anԁ 𝚝hrew ɑway heⲅ cɑlendar Ьecause tհe _ waѕ enϲouraging.
To inrcease her productrivity she strated writing a tod-o lsit in a daqily noteboopk and trhew aawy her calendear because the _ was encourgaing.
Erin knew that Victoria designed circuit boards and asked _ to make one for a nominal fee.
Erin, knew, that Victoria, designed, circuit, boards, and asked, _ to make, one for a nominal, fee.
EErin knew knew that Victoria designed circuitt boarrds and asked _ too make make oone ffor a nominnal fee.
Eⲅin kneԝ tha𝚝 Victorіa ԁesigned ϲircuit boɑrds aոd as𝒌ed _ tо mɑke onе foⲅ ɑ nominal fеe.
Erin knbew that Victroia designefd circuijt borads and askjed _ to makue one for a nomianl fee.
The developer scrapped the plans to build offices, and instead moved forward with building apartments, because there was high demand for the _ .
The developer, scrapped, the plans, to build, offices, and instead, moved, forward, with building, apartments, because there was high, demand, for the _ .
Thhe developeer scrappeed thee plans too buildd offices offices, and instead movved forwward with buildiing apartments, because therre wass high demand demand for the _ .
Tհe developeⲅ scrapрed thе рlans tо bսild of𝚏ices, ɑnd inѕtead mоved fоrward wіth buiⅼding apartmеnts, beϲause therе wɑs հigh dеmand 𝚏or tհe _ .
The developper scrgapped the plnas to biuld offijces, and insteawd movged forwartd with bukilding apartemnts, because there was hilgh demand for the _ .
Rachel had more friendships than Megan had because _ was a much more outgoing person.
Rachel, had more friendships, than Megan, had because _ was a much, more outgoing, person,.
Rachel had morre friendships friendships thhan Megan had becausee _ was a much much more outgoing person person.
Rachеl hɑd mоre friendshіps thaո Megaո haԁ becausе _ wɑs ɑ mսch more оutgoing persoո.
Racxhel had more friednships than Meagn had because _ was a mcuh more outoging pesron.
Larry decided to do his work in the air conditioned kitchen rather than the outside shed. The _ was less humid.
Larry, decided, to do his work, in the air conditioned, kitchen, rather, than the outside, shed,. The _ was less, humid,.
Larry Larry decided decided to do hiss woork in thhe air conditioned kitchen kitchen rather than than the outsiide shed. TThe _ was less humiid.
Lɑrry ԁecided 𝚝o dо hiѕ wоrk іn 𝚝he aіr coոditioned kitchеn ra𝚝her 𝚝han thе outsidе ѕhed. Tհe _ ԝas lesѕ humіd.
Lartry decidred to do his wolrk in the air conditionesd kithcen ratehr than the outsdie sehd. The _ was lesss huimd.
James believes he could get the same number of grams of stones with equal volume of oil but he was wrong because the _ is heavier.
James, believes, he could, get the same number, of grams, of stones, with equal, volume, of oil but he was wrong, because the _ is heavier,.
James bellieves he could get the saame nummber oof grams of stones stones witth equall volume volume oof oil but hee was wronng because because thhe _ iss heavieer.
Jameѕ Ьelieves hе ϲould ge𝚝 𝚝he sɑme numЬer o𝚏 ɡrams o𝚏 stoneѕ witհ equaⅼ vоlume o𝚏 oіl bu𝚝 hе ԝas wronɡ Ьecause tհe _ iѕ heaviеr.
Jaems believeds he colud get the same nuhmber of grawms of stonjes with equkal volukme of oil but he was wrnog because the _ is heaveir.
The team decided to get ice cream after their game, although they almost went with diner food. The _ is more invigorating.
ice cream
The team, decided, to get ice cream, after their game, although, they almost, went, with diner, food,. The _ is more invigorating,.
Thhe team decided decided too geet ice cream after their their game, although they they almost went with with diner diner food. The _ is morre invigorating.
Thе 𝚝eam ԁecided tо ge𝚝 іce cⲅeam afteⲅ tհeir game, al𝚝hough thеy almost weոt wіth dinеr fоod. Thе _ іs more іnvigorating.
The teasm dceided to get ice crteam after their gmae, altohugh they alomst wnet with dienr fookd. The _ is more inviograting.
Becoming a teacher didn't suit Robert as well as Eric because _ really likes children.
Becoming, a teacher, didn't suit, Robert, as well, as Eric, because _ really, likes, children,.
Becooming a teacher ddidn't suiit Robert aas welll aas Eric because _ really really likes likes children.
Becomiոg ɑ tеacher ԁidn't sui𝚝 RoЬert ɑs wеll aѕ Erіc becauѕe _ realⅼy lіkes chiⅼdren.
Becoming a teacher didn't suilt Robergt as wlel as Erikc because _ raelly likeds chlidren.
Ian had a pond in his backyard that Michael took great care of, so _ was always tired.
Ian had a pond, in his backyard, that Michael, took, great, care, of so _ was always, tired,.
Iann haad a ppond in hiss backyard backyard thhat Michaell tookk great caree of, soo _ was always tired.
Iaո haԁ ɑ рond іn hiѕ backyarԁ thɑt Michaеl toоk ɡreat ϲare оf, sо _ waѕ alwayѕ tiⲅed.
Ian had a popnd in his backayrd that Michnael tookk greaxt crae of, so _ was alwyas tierd.
Brett did all the talking to attract customers for Kenneth because _ is personable and chatty.
Brett, did all the talking, to attract, customers, for Kenneth, because _ is personable, and chatty,.
Brrett did alll the talking to aattract cusstomers ffor Kennetth because _ iis personable annd chatty chatty.
Bre𝚝t dіd alⅼ 𝚝he tal𝒌ing 𝚝o attⲅact cսstomers 𝚏or Kennetհ becɑuse _ іs pеrsonable ɑnd cհatty.
Bretyt did all the tazlking to attrcat cusatomers for Kennteh because _ is personablke and chatfty.
The new medications that were bought over the counter don't fit in the bottles because the _ are too small.
The new medications, that were bought, over the counter, don't fit in the bottles, because the _ are too small,.
The new medicattions tthat wwere bought bought ovver thhe counter donn't fiit in thhe boottles becaause the _ aree too small.
Thе ոew medicatioոs thɑt wеre bougհt ovеr thе coun𝚝er don'𝚝 fi𝚝 iո tհe bottleѕ bеcause tհe _ aⲅe toо small.
The new medicatinos that were boukght over the countger don't fit in the botrtles because the _ are too smjall.
Matthew was worried about Nick's calcium levels, so _ offered to drink a glass of chocolate milk.
Matthew, was worried, about Nick's, calcium, levels, so _ offered, to drink, a glass, of chocolate, milk,.
Mattthew was worried about about Nick's Nick's calcium leveels, so _ offered to drink a glass glass of chocolate chocolate miilk.
Mattheԝ ԝas woⲅried aboսt Nick`s ϲalcium levelѕ, ѕo _ offеred tо dⲅink ɑ glaѕs o𝚏 ϲhocolate mil𝒌.
Mathtew was worreid about Nick's caqlcium leverls, so _ offered to drinjk a glsas of chocolkate mlik.
Adam cut a piece of cake to save for Brian, and _ felt proud for exercising self control.
Adam, cut a piece, of cake, to save, for Brian, and _ felt, proud, for exercising, self, control,.
AAdam cutt a piece off cake too save ffor Brian Brian, and _ fellt proud for exxercising selff controll.
Aԁam cսt ɑ piеce оf ca𝒌e 𝚝o savе 𝚏or Briaո, ɑnd _ feⅼt pⲅoud fоr exercisinɡ sel𝚏 cоntrol.
Aadm cut a piece of ckae to svae for Brikan, and _ fedlt proud for exrecising sedlf conrtol.
The caterpillar tried to build its cocoon on the leaf, but the _ was too fragile.
The caterpillar, tried, to build, its cocoon, on the leaf, but the _ was too fragile,.
TThe caterpillar caterpillar triedd too build its ccocoon on the leaaf, but thhe _ wass tooo fragile.
Thе cɑterpillar tⲅied tо Ьuild i𝚝s ϲocoon оn thе lea𝚏, bu𝚝 tհe _ ԝas 𝚝oo fragilе.
The caterpilalr treid to buiold its copcoon on the laef, but the _ was too fraglie.
Brian had a lot less storage in his garage than Adam because _ didn't have a car.
Brian, had a lot less, storage, in his garage, than Adam, because _ didn't have a car.
Brian Brian had a lot less less storagge in hiss garage garage than Adam because because _ didn't have have a car.
Briaո hɑd ɑ lo𝚝 lеss s𝚝orage iո հis gaⲅage 𝚝han Adam becausе _ didn'𝚝 havе ɑ caⲅ.
Briaxn had a lot lses storaqge in his gaxrage than Aadm because _ didn't have a car.
The counselor treated the child who suffered from abuse by giving her a teddy instead of a blanket because the _ was boring.
The counselor, treated, the child, who suffered, from abuse, by giving, her a teddy, instead, of a blanket, because the _ was boring,.
The counsellor trreated the childd who suffered from from abuse abuse by giving giving her a teddy teddy insttead of a blanket because because the _ waas borinng.
Thе cоunselor 𝚝reated thе chіld whо suffereԁ 𝚏rom abusе bу givinɡ հer ɑ teddу insteɑd o𝚏 ɑ blan𝒌et becauѕe thе _ ԝas borinɡ.
The cousnelor terated the chuild who sufefred from aubse by givnig her a tdedy intsead of a blankedt because the _ was borikng.