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En route , they pick up a seemingly-harmless hitchhiker , and continue their journey , only for their car to break down in a deserted motel on a lonely highway .
En route , they pick up a seemingly-harmless hitchhiker , and continue their , journey only for their car to break down in a deserted motel on a lonely highway .
Jobs, however, are not created by supporting a few multinational giants, which will often strike sail at the first signs of an economic headwind, leaving their massive redundant crews to take to the lifeboats; on the contrary, jobs are created by promoting small and medium-sized businesses, which, after all, are the largest overall employers of manpower, not only in Austria.
Jobs, however, are not created by supporting a few multinational giants, which will often strike sail at the first signs of an economic heawdind, leaving their massive redundant crews to take to the lifeboats; on the contrary, jobs are created by promoting small and medium-sized businesses, which, after all, are the largest overall employers of manpower, not only in Austria.
Due to circumstances , he is forced to abandon his studies , though he comes first in his school in the board exam .
Due to circumstances , he is forced to abandon his studies , though he comes first in his in school the board exam .
I should just like to highlight two issues.
I should just like to hihglight two issues.
Jerry is finally released from hospital and returns to London to look for Diana .
Jerry is finally released from hospital and returns London to look for Diana .
In this context, the Israeli Government must refrain from creating new installations unilaterally, carrying out expulsions of Palestinians and maintaining its settlement policy in East Jerusalem.
In this context, the Israeli Government must refrain from creating new installations unilaterally, carrying out expulsions of Palestinians and maintaining its in East settlement policy Jerusalem.
   Mr President, Julio Medem's film is a bid to start dialogue using the metaphor of the Basque national game.
   Mr President, Julio Medem's film is a bid to smelt dialogue using the metaphor of the Basque national game.
An American author living in England gets involved with the wife of a jewel fence .
An American author living in England gets involevd with the wife of a jewel fence .
Barugon and Gamera fight .
Barugon and fight .
The next morning his hosted dad is burning the scarecrow and notices the sunglasses that Walt left on the wire .
The next morning his headed dad is burning the scarecrow and notices the sunglasses that Walt left on the wire .
Archana goes to live with her parents , while Sukesh relocates .
Archana goes to live with her purists , while Sukesh relocates .
-LRB- ref namehttp : \/ \/\/film\/1999\/jun\/10\/1 | title10 June 1999 | workLondon | firstMalcolm -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- -LCB- cite news -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- -LCB- Dead link -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- -LCB- cite web -RCB- -RCB- Borg finally arrives at his destination and picks up his prize , which proves an empty ritual .
-LRB- ref namehttp : \/ \/\/film\/1999\/jun\/10\/1 | title10 June 1589 | workLondon | firstMalcolm -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- -LCB- cite news -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- -LCB- Dead link -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- -LCB- cite web -RCB- -RCB- Borg finally arrives at his destination and picks up his prize , which proves an empty ritual .
Alister explains that it 's narcolepsy and Bachman needs medical help .
Alister explains that it 's narcolepsy and Bachman needs medical . help
Finally, I should like to say something about Mr van den Berg’s amendments.
Finally, I should to say something about Mr van den Berg’s amendments.
Because of this , the honorable Shere Khan spares Mowgli and Kitty and allows them to go .
Because of this , the honorable meeting Khan spares Mowgli and Kitty and allows them to go .
He goes to the bathroom and cleans the blood from his hands , head , and clothes , and finishes cleaning the kitchen .
goes He to the bathroom and cleans the blood from his hands , head , and clothes , and finishes cleaning the kitchen .
After landing atop Tokyo Opera City Tower , it begins to drain all the files about Godzilla from Tokyo 's master computers .
Alder landing atop Tokyo Opera City Tower , it begins to drain all the files about Godzilla from Tokyo 's master computers .
In the next scene , an intruder uses a key to enter Sasha 's apartment while her mother is home alone watching TV .
In the next scene , an intruder key to uses a enter Sasha 's apartment while her mother is home alone watching TV .
However, with the future in mind we must also act accordingly in relation to regimes and dictatorships that are still firmly in place in other Arab countries.
However, with the future in mind we must also act accordingly in relation to regimes and dictatorships that are still in place in other Arab countries.
The next day Tommy finds Kate 's sister , Bella , waiting for her at ABA and takes her to Kate .
day Tommy The next finds Kate 's sister , Bella , waiting for her at ABA and takes her to Kate .
Because the 2003 fisheries budget will be based on this year's Green Paper and because the discussion about future fisheries policy will be concluded this year.
Because because 2003 fisheries budget will be based on this year's Green Paper and the the discussion about future fisheries policy will be concluded this year.
Although she suffered from Mysophobia , she found herself attracted to Jonny , a man who collects garbage .
Although she suffered from Mysophobia , she found herself attracted to Jonny , a man who collects . garbage
The film is set in mid-to-late 1980s in the Indian state of Punjab , which has been wracked by a violent insurgency in the aftermath of Operation Bluestar , the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the subsequent 1984 Anti-Sikh riots .
The film set in mid-to-late 1980s in the Indian state of Punjab , which has been wracked by a violent insurgency in the aftermath of Operation Bluestar , the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the subsequent 1984 Anti-Sikh riots .
We have not assessed all this and we are not in a position to say whether the trade margins applied by one company or another are reasonable, taking account of processing costs, transport costs and retailers' profit margins, amongst other factors.
We have not assessed all and this we are not in a position to say whether the trade margins applied by one company or another are reasonable, taking account of processing costs, transport costs and retailers' profit margins, amongst other factors.
Raja then takes him to the printing session in Dhinamurasu 's office and they return home after drinking one rupee beedi .
Raja then takes him to the printing session in Dhinamurasu 's office and they return home drinking one rupee beedi .
The United States administration, the coal industry and all of us need to acquit ourselves of our responsibility and provide a sound alternative: either the soil is cleaned or the Dineh Indians are allocated a proper place where provision is made for all kinds of support, be it in the psychological, social, cultural or budgetary field.
The United States administration, the coal industry and all of us need to acquit ourselves of our responsibility and provide a sound alternative: either the soil is cleaned or the Dineh Indians allocated a proper place where provision is made for all kinds of support, be it in the psychological, social, cultural or budgetary field.
Now , years later Matt goes away for weekend with his new girlfriend Dawn .
Now , years later Matt goes for away weekend with his new girlfriend Dawn .
After Bugs decides to take a bath , it is shown that Bugs really smashed a record player .
After Bugs decides to take a bath , it is shown that Bugs really smashed a recordp layer .
The second element is on agencies, especially three new ones.
The second element is on agencies, especially three now ones.
so well i think eventually it will happen you know it's just going to take it's just going to take a lot of education and a lot of time and like i said i was just totally amazed at how at how very easy it was you know i i just couldn't
so wall i think eventually it will happen you know it's just going to take it's just going to take a lot of education and a lot of time and like i said i was just totally amazed at how at how very easy it was you know i i just couldn't
If the policy advocated in this minutely drafted text were to be implemented, refugees with a justified claim to asylum would not even reach the EU. Tighter visa rules and more stringently enforced carrier liability would prevent them from filing their claim.
If the policy advocated in this minutely drafted text were to be implemented, refugees with a justified claim to asylum would not even reach the EU. Tighter visa rules more stringently enforced carrier liability would prevent them from filing their claim.
Now they are isolated behind Israel’s dividing wall, with no ability to create a healthy economy for themselves.
Now they are isolated behind Israel’s dividing wall, with no ability to create healthy economy for themselves.
3) Facilitating the access of companies in the private sector to the ERI.
3) Facilitating the access of companies in the sector private to the ERI.
Jackie then feigns despair as she calls Nicolette and Dargas out from hiding and claims Melanie took all the money and ran .
Jackie then feigns despair as she calls Nicolette and Dargas all from hiding and claims Melanie took out the money and ran .
A ban on the drowning set – and I can imagine that the proposal will at some point return to such a ban – makes the effective control of muskrats impossible.
A ban on the drowning set – and I can imagine that the proposal will at some point return to such a ban – makes the elucidate control of muskrats impossible.
While crossing the Rio Grande , they end up held at gunpoint by a woman , Madeline Danzeeger , whose wagon is stuck .
While crossing the Rio Grande , they end up held atg unpoint by a woman , Madeline Danzeeger , whose wagon is stuck .
We do not believe meeting the Maastricht EMU criteria is incompatible with social security, even if Member States sometimes claim that it is and the idea is repeatedly pushed by certain groups.
We do not believe meeting the Maastricht EMU criteria is incompatible with social security, even if Member States sufferers claim that it is and the idea is repeatedly pushed by certain groups.
Stephen is relieved and thanks her , but Marta 's ghost clings to him and takes his soul .
Stephen is relieved and thanks her , but 's ghost clings to him and takes his soul .
Jack Bruno is a former mob get-away driver who drives a cab to avoid returning to jail .
Jack Bruno is a former mob get-away drives a driver who cab to avoid returning to jail .
I believe our farmers - and, if I may say so, particularly Irish farmers - have no difficulty in producing a product of the highest quality and safety.
I believe our farmers - and, if I so, particularly may say Irish farmers - have no difficulty in producing a product of the highest quality and safety.
It is therefore important, Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, that United Nations forces, which we have asked to be sent to Darfur so many times, finally go, now that the Sudanese Government has no objection.
It is therefore important, Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, that United Nations forces, which weh ave asked to be sent to Darfur so many times, finally go, now that the Sudanese Government has no objection.
Her friends , meanwhile , are joking around on the pier , then on the ferry to the island .
Her friends , meanwhile , are joking around on the pier , then on toe ferry to the island .
The Transport Council has decided this in the meantime.
The Transport has decided this in the meantime.
We are strongly in favour of European arms cooperation, but we do not wish to see disarmament taking place at the expense of Europe and European workers alone.
We are strongly in firmer of European arms cooperation, but we do not wish to see disarmament taking place at the expense of Europe and European workers alone.
He visits gunsmith Angus -LRB- -LRB- -LRB- David Kelly , who has produced the very gun used for the Appin Murder .
He visits gunsmith Angus -LRB- . -LRB- David Kelly , who has produced the very gun used for the Appin Murder -LRB-
Channel asks their blue-eyed guy to produce the show .
Channel asks their kill guy to produce the show .
Vice-President of the Commission. - (FR) Madam President, the Commission carried out a study to collate all publications on the subject and identify the best practices for assessment of external costs.
Vice-President of the Commission. - (FR) Madam President, the Commission carried out a study to collate all preposterous on the subject and identify the best practices for assessment of external costs.
That alone, however, is not enough; what we want is real transparency.
That alone, however, is not enough; what we is real transparency.
How is it possible, if we are busy working on the universities, that, in Greece, the state universities still enjoy a monopoly, so that thousands of Greek students are studying in the USA and not in other European countries?
How is it possible, if we are busy working on the universities, that, in Greece, the state universities still enjoy a rather so that thousands of Greek students are studying in the USA and not in other European countries?
I would call on Europe to opt clearly for strategies to combat desertification and a policy for adapting to climate change, as recommended by the Agency.
I would call on Europe to opt clearly for strategies to combat desertification and a policy for adapting to climate clique, as recommended by the Agency.
Kinkaid has no connection with the murders , but the corrupt pair plan that Kinkaid will kill the pesky Clay .
Kinkaid has no connection with the murders , the corrupt pair plan that Kinkaid will kill the pesky Clay .
Mr Khanbhai also raised a number of important issues about the management of our assistance and development programmes and about our representation in Africa and in other parts of the world.
Mr Khanbhai also raised a number of important issues about the management of our assistance development programmes and about our representation in Africa and in other parts of the world.
In short, the registration of keys is not effective and can also seriously harm the trust in electronic communication.
In short, the registration of keys is not effective and can also seriously hram the trust in electronic communication.
Instead - let us not beat about the bush - this critical dialogue has really looked like an instrument for the international legitimization of this policy of statesponsored terrorism, and I therefore greatly welcome the Council's decision - very late though it is - to terminate the critical dialogue.
Instead - let us not beat about the bush - this critical dialogue has really looked like an instrument for the international legitimization of this policy of statesponsored terrorism, aid I therefore greatly welcome the Council's decision - very late though it is - to terminate the critical dialogue.
Whether you pay or not, they continue to harass and abuse people.
Whether you pay or not, they to harass and abuse people.
Confused by Ray 's behavior , Abby goes to the bar to find it ransacked .
Confused by Ray 's bahaddur , Abby goes to the bar to find it ransacked .
in writing. - (ET) As the Internet becomes an increasingly everyday part of our lives, today's children are at ever greater risk of falling victim to abuse, contact for sexual purposes or harassment, etc. in a web environment.
in writing. - (ET) As the Internet becomes an increasingly everyday part of our today's lives, children are at ever greater risk of falling victim to abuse, contact for sexual purposes or harassment, etc. in a web environment.
We know that France, Italy, Spain and Germany would certainly not have stood for being removed from the map; they would not have agreed to be considered non-existent.
We know that France, Italy, Spain and Germany wield certainly not have stood for being removed from the map; they would not have agreed to be considered non-existent.
When the enemity of Ceheemban threatens to create a rift , father and son solve it and the family is happily united .
it the enemity of Ceheemban threatens to create a rift , father and son solve When and the family is happily united .
If you take a guide or interpreter with you, it is customary for them to receive a percentage on every purchase you make.
If you take a guide or where with you, it is customary for them to receive a percentage on every purchase you make.
She soon realizes that her dreams are predictions of the oncoming slaughter of the Boogeyman .
She spin realizes that her dreams are predictions of the oncoming slaughter of the Boogeyman .
Timmy asks Harvey whether he is gay or a pedophile .
Timmy asks Hravey whether he is gay or a pedophile .
Some EU Member States will be proactive in acknowledging the rights of their citizens with disabilities.
Some EU Member States be will proactive in acknowledging the rights of their citizens with disabilities.
They discuss Toad 's careless driving .
They discuss Toad 's careless .
Segovia is a picture postcard of central Spain, a royal stronghold with a fairy-tale castle and astounding 2,000-year-old Roman aqueduct.
Segovia is a picture postcard of central Spain, a royal stronghold with a and astounding fairy-tale castle 2,000-year-old Roman aqueduct.
The cost of these proposals will be somewhere in the region of ECU 60m and that includes all its accompanying measures.
The cost of these proposals will be somewhere region of in the ECU 60m and that includes all its accompanying measures.
The citation of Article 296 of the Treaty establishing the European Communities has also been clarified, but is now confined to actual derogations, as provided for in the Treaty and as requested by the European Court of Justice.
The citation of Article 266 of the Treaty establishing the European Communities has also been clarified, but is now confined to actual derogations, as provided for in the Treaty and as requested by the European Court of Justice.
As that was the final speaker, the debate is now closed.
As that was the final supreme, the debate is now closed.
So we need the compromise on the broadcasting concept, we need binding quotas, we need comprehensive support programmes which provide the necessary range of support, and we need adequate guarantee funds.
So we need the compromise on the broadcasting concept, we need binding quotas, we need comprehensive support programmes which provide the necessary range of support, and need adequate guarantee funds.
Through the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of 22 February 2010, the European Commission has stated that no exceptions are provided for in the application of the ban.
Through the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of 22 February 2010, the European stated that Commission has no exceptions are provided for in the application of the ban.
52 More recently, the Substance Abuse Task Force from the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine led by D'Onofrio and colleagues emphasized that in the emergency department setting, Early intervention and appropriate referral of patients with alcohol problems have the potential to reduce alcohol-related morbidity and mortality.
52 More recently, the Substance Abuse Task Force from the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine led by D'Onofrio and colleagues emphasized that in the emergency department setting, Early intervention and appropriate referral of porter's with alcohol problems have the potential to reduce alcohol-related morbidity and mortality.
The second wave follows with a bigger explosion .
The second wave with a bigger explosion .
There is now no credible reason for any further delay in closing the Sellafield installation, which has one of the worst safety records in the industry.
There is now no reason for any further delay in closing the Sellafield installation, which has one of the worst safety records in the industry.
Rossini arrives at the wedding just in time to stop the murder .
Rossini arrives at the wedding in time to stop the murder .
For the first time, a report has been presented that is not purely of a general nature, but which employs the technique of tabling amendments to the Commission's recommendation.
For the first time, a report has been presented that is not purely of a general nature, but which employs the values of tabling amendments to the Commission's recommendation.
The guards do so , and , finding drugs in the trash can , take Daddy to lockup .
The guards do so , and finding drugs in the trash can , take Daddy to lockup .
There is a real need for something to be done here, and this also includes the retrofitting of old ships.
There is a real need for something to be done here, and this also includes retrofitting of old ships.
As I said, this really is a long transition period.
As I said, this is a long transition period.
They move into the uncle 's mansion and throw a big party , which ends horribly when Tillie finds her husband with his old girlfriend , smuggled into the house and working as one of their maids .
They move into the uncle 's mansion and throw a big party , which ends horribly when Tillie finds her husband with his old girlfriend , smuggled into the house and working as one of their are .
Not all British poets share Motion's taste.
Not all British poets share It taste.
She soon becomes addicted to cocaine .
She soon becomes addicted cocaine .
I would be interested to hear Commissioner Tajani confirm whether this last supposition would be taken into account.
I would be interested to hear Commissioner Tajani confirm this last supposition would be taken into account.
Tung Chin-chin , after watching waves of other students fall to the pursuing army 's arrows , makes a heroic last stand to divert their attention .
Tung Chin-chin , after watching waves of other students fall to pursuing army 's arrows , makes a heroic last stand to divert their attention .
It will notably support the implementation of the 6th Environment Action Programme.
It will the implementation notably support of the 6th Environment Action Programme.
For a very long time it was a sound enterprise, until it was taken over by an American investor.
For a very long time it was a sound enterprise, until it was takeno ver by an American investor.
   Mr President, it is a particular pleasure to be called to speak immediately following Mr Rothley, who has done so very much during the whole of this Parliament to bring the matter to the conclusion that we seem now to be at the point of reaching.
   Mr President, it is a particular pleasure to be called to speak immediately following Mr Rothley, who has done so very much during the whole of this Parliament to bring the matter to the conclusion that we seem to be at the point of reaching.
The position I have taken in preparing this report is to say that those who want tougher targets than the Commission has proposed should have their views rejected.
The position I have taken in preparing this report is to say that those who tougher targets than the Commission has proposed should have their views rejected.
There can be no doubt that access to lower fares, even zero fares in recent times, has made travel more accessible.
There can be no doubt that access to lower fares, even zero fares in recent times, made travel more accessible.
The little town of Nikko is essentially one long avenue from the railway station to the Toshogu shrine.
from little town of Nikko is essentially one long avenue The the railway station to the Toshogu shrine.
Reaching a village on foot Arcovazzi tries to ask for help at the local fascist party cell where they only manage to find a couple of teenagers , armed and fanatized by fascist propaganda who , doubting Arcovazzi 's sincerity , shower him with questions only a true-blue fascist can answer .
Reaching a village on foot Arcovazzi tries to ask for help at the local fascist party cell where they only manage to find a couple of teenagers , armed and fanatized by fascist propaganda who , doubting Arcovazzi 's sincerity , shower him with queendoms only a true-blue fascist can answer .
Although Summer gave him up to her sister , it did n't prevent the eventual breakdown of her sister 's marriage .
Abhilash Summer gave him up to her sister , it did n't prevent the eventual breakdown of her sister 's marriage .
Since the previous report, the United Nations and more especially the European Union have made a great deal of effort to tackle the problem of trafficking in women.
Since the previous report, the United Nations and more especially toe European Union have made a great deal of effort to tackle the problem of trafficking in women.
With regard to quotas, we have said that there should be legal requirements.
With regard to quotas, we have shed that there should be legal requirements.
The second seeks to delete an exception foreseen for Belgium. That seems justified to me following the very narrow interpretation of the Court of Justice which it gave in the Spataro judgment just last June.
The second seeks to delete an exception foreseen for Belgium. That justified to me following the very narrow interpretation of the Court of Justice which it gave in the Spataro judgment just last June.
He found the cabin belonging to the late hermit Mad Dick , who Holmes 's friend Joe once saw carrying a strange telescope-like instrument .
He found the cabin belonging to the late hermit Mad Dick , who Holmes friend Joe once saw carrying a strange telescope-like instrument .
   I reject the regulation on nutritional and health information in the version adopted by the Member States.
   I reject the regulation on nutritional and health information in States. version adopted by the Member the
The information asymmetry is to be reduced by forcing companies to provide information to the plaintiff.
The information asymmetry is to be reduced by forcing companies to provide informationt o the plaintiff.
The next day when he went over , she told him he 's still grieving and it was a mistake ; he does n't take it well , stating he know she has feelings for him , and that Jason will just hurt her again , noting about Jason 's previous affair , she asks how he knows this and says that he and Jason had drinks earlier .
The next day when he went over , she told him he 's still grieving and it was a mistake ; he does n't take it well , stating he know she has feelings for him , and that Jason will just hurt her again , noting about Jason 's previous affair , she asks how he knows this and says that and Jason had drinks earlier .
Permits must be acquired for hiking or camping, but you can also see the interior on an inland motor tour.
Permits must be acquired for hiking or camping, but you can also see the interior on an inland tour.
It is revealed that after learning about Om from Suman , Virendra had secretly came with his goons , assaulted Om , killed his father & raped his sisters , forcing tham to commit suicide .
It is revealed that after learning about Om from Suman , Virendra had secretly came with his goons , assaulted Om , killed his father & rowed his sisters , forcing tham to commit suicide .
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