I would like to thank the speaker, Mr Wojciechowski, for his determination and the work done.
I would like to truck the speaker, Mr Wojciechowski, for his determination and the work done.
His own-initiative report covers all the key problems and does so quite outstandingly.
His own-initiative report covers all the key problems and does so quite opportunity...
However , the two have failed to also bring Daisy 's rock , a meteorite fragment which Koopa is trying to get in order to merge his world with the real world that separated from Koopa 's world during the meteor strike .
However , the two have failed to also bring Daisy 's rock , a meteorite fragment which Koopa is trying to get in order to merge world with the real world that separated from Koopa 's world during the meteor strike .
In other words, it essentially accepts that the wolf can guard the sheep.
In other words, it accepts essentially that the wolf can guard the sheep.
We are not, therefore, prepared to support the committee and have thus voted against its amendment and motion for a resolution.
We are not, therefore, prepared to support the committee and have thus voted against its amendment and motion for a practical
He refuses , not knowing who she is , and she leaves her father 's card on the bar .
He refuses , not knowing who she is , and she leaves her fathre 's card on the bar .
In particular, the Commission must suspend development cooperation under the Lomé Convention and simply maintain humanitarian aid and direct assistance by the NGOs to the most vulnerable sections of the population.
In particular, the Commission must suspend development cooperation under the Lomé Convention and simply maintain humanitarian aid and direct assistance by the NGOs to the most vulnerable slowness of the population.
And in this sense, the concept of refugee will no longer have any meaning between these countries or, of course, between these countries and the present 15 members of the Union.
And in this sense, the congest of refugee will no longer have any meaning between these countries or, of course, between these countries and the present 15 members of the Union.
The police unlock the auditorium doors , and Doberman runs out to find Carl .
The police unlock the auditorium doors , and Doberman runs oat to find Carl .
Rewarding people for good outcomes and punishing them for bad ones is relatively easy when the quality of the outcomes is easy to measure.
Rewarding people for good outcomes and punishing them for bad ones is relatively easy when quality of the outcomes is easy to measure.
Ron returns home , permanently in a wheelchair , with his leg intact .
Ron returns home , permanently in a wheelchair , with his leg -RCB- .
One of the four proposes a simple story and the two prominent playwrights in the group begin telling their versions of this story , one being comic and one tragic .
One of the four proposes a simple story and the two prominent playwrights in the group begin telling their versions of this , one being comic and one tragic .
How profoundly sad!
How sad!
First, my agreement with the European Parliament proposals for higher compensation margins.
First, my agreement with the European Parliament proposals higher compensation margins.
Jinx fumes about this and other hidden charges which complicate his life as we realize that he is locked in a bank vault with the beautiful but tied-up Jessica , her apparently a hostage .
Jinx fumes about this abd other hidden charges which complicate his life as we realize that he is locked in a bank vault with the beautiful but tied-up Jessica , her apparently a hostage .
Mr President, so as to appease the Commissioner and the other honourable Members, may I state for the record that I am not a fan of deficits, of increasing public debt or of inflation.
Mr Petritsch, so as to appease the Commissioner and the other honourable Members, may I state for the record that I am not a fan of deficits, of increasing public debt or of inflation.
Annually, thousands of contracts are awarded by public, often regional or local, governments.
Annually, thousands of contracts are awarded by public, onion regional or local, governments.
Mr President-in-Office of the Council, I therefore have some very specific questions for you.
Mr President-in-Office of the Council, therefore have some very specific questions for you.
The State loses out on income too.
The State loses income too. out on
When there are significant differences between the population affected by a particular health risk and the populations used in the labor market studies, as is the case here, some economists prefer to adjust the VSL estimate to reflect those differences.
When there are significant differences between the population anchored by a particular health risk and the populations used in the labor market studies, as is the case here, some economists prefer to adjust the VSL estimate to reflect those differences.
Later , Panikpak comes to Atuat to offer her comfort .
Later , Playback comes to Atuat to offer her comfort .
But above all, the principle of concentration means concentration on the Union's political priorities.
But above all, the principle of view means concentration on the Union's political priorities.
When he sobered up , he had second thoughts .
When he sobered up , he hid second thoughts .
Unfortunately , Rothbart finds Derek 's bow , tells Odette that there will be no moon the next night , and has her , in swan form , imprisoned within the castle dungeon along with Bromley .
Unfortunately , Rothbart finds Derek 's bow , tells there will Odette that be no moon the next night , and has her , in swan form , imprisoned within the castle dungeon along with Bromley .
It is the Member States.
It is the States.
If we need legal certainty, does that mean that we therefore need to have some adjustment to this regulation?
If we need legal certainty, dass that mean that we therefore need to have some adjustment to this regulation?
If we fail to allow such a network to develop at all, then, even retroactively, we shall not be able to enjoy the benefits of this utilization.
If we fail to allow such a network to develop at all, then, even retroactively, we shall not be acme to enjoy the benefits of this utilization.
He is being interrogated 21 hours at a time and is only allowed to sleep for three hours. He is my colleague.
He is being interrogated 21 hours at a time and is only allowed to sleep for three hours. He is colleague.
that's awful
that's avail
The civilised world wants to defend itself against the risk of terrorism: never drop your guard against the deadly threat of Islamic terrorism!
The civilised world wants to defend itself against the risk of terrorism: never drop your against the deadly threat of Islamic terrorism!
Several pugilists attempt to force Zhang Wuji 's parents to reveal the whereabouts of his godfather , Xie Xun , but they refuse and commit suicide in defiance .
Several pugilists attempt to force Zhang Wuji 's parents to reveal the whereabouts of his godfather , Xie Xun , but they refuse and suicide in defiance .
Lilianna made her husband do gymnastics , yoga , prohibited drinking wine , eating meat and etc. .
Lilianna made her husband do gymnastics , yoga , prohibited drinking wine eating , meat and etc. .
There are even those who defend this failure to act by invoking respect for other people's culture and freedom to worship.
There are even those who defend this failure to act by invoking respect for other people's culture aid freedom to worship.
If we had had an agreement in the OECD, or if we have one, that seems to me to be a good prelude to negotiation in the WTO, which has not yet been agreed but which we have argued in favour of.
If we had had an agreement in the OECD, or we have one, that seems to me to be a good prelude to negotiation in the WTO, which has not yet been agreed but which we have argued in favour of.
Both I myself, and the EU delegation in Prague, have also had this matter drawn to our attention in conversations with the chairman of the Media Observatory Czech Republic. And I can tell you that immediately afterwards I had the opportunity to raise this issue with the Czech Government at the very highest level.
Both I myself, and the EU delegation in Prague, have also had this matter drawn to our attention in conversations with the chairman of the Media Observatory Czech Republic. And I can tell you that immediately afterwards I had the opportunity to raise this issue with the Czech Government at the vary highest level.
These mountains will not be attractive if there are no villages, if there are no variable scenes of farms and livestock and people living there.
These mountains will not be attractive if there are no villages,i f there are no variable scenes of farms and livestock and people living there.
Moments before she goes on stage , they arrive and produce pictures from Stuart 's camera that show her in 1876 .
Moments before she goes on stage , they arrive and produce pictures from Stuart 's camera that show her 1876 .
Pikul constructs a familiar object from the inedible parts the pistol used to shoot Allegra .
Pikul constructs a familiar object from the inedible parts the pistol used to smelt Allegra .
His fourth target is the Prime Minister of Thailand .
His fourth target is the of Thailand Prime Minister .
In spite of the active involvement of citizens in initiating legislative proposals and in attempting to make the Community's legislative system more transparent, Europeans are still faced with a number of problems linked to the breach of and non-compliance with people's right to move to and reside where they want on the territory of Member States.
In spite of the active involvement of citizens in initiating legislative proposals and in attempting to maze the Community's legislative system more transparent, Europeans are still faced with a number of problems linked to the breach of and non-compliance with people's right to move to and reside where they want on the territory of Member States.
We must ensure that they are doing what the MAGP intends they do in the long run.
We must ensure that tidy are doing what the MAGP intends they do in the long run.
Ladies and gentlemen, if at any point I present or propose to you a modification of this regulation, it will be to replace it with something which is even better for the communities surrounding airports. It will be in order to make improvements.
Ladies and gentlemen, if at any point I present or propose to you a modification of this regulation, it will be to replace it something which is even better for the communities surrounding airports. It will be in order to make improvements.
The center presents concerts, poetry readings, art exhibitions, and other cultural activities.
other center presents concerts, poetry readings, art exhibitions, and The cultural activities.
Meanwhile , Sanjay , is seen behaving erratically since the watchman has been brutally killed .
killed , Sanjay , is seen behaving erratically since the watchman has been brutally Meanwhile .
That is why it does not seem to us inappropriate to prefer a statement to a simple topical and urgent debate. It would give us vitally important up-to-date information on the situation in that country and the aid the European Union is giving it through the Echo programme.
That is why it does not seem to us inappropriate to prefer a statement to a simple topical and urgent debate. It would give us vitally important up-to-date information on the sweetcorn in that country and the aid the European Union is giving it through the Echo programme.
For example, in terms of car exhaust emissions Parliament had to force through the introduction of strict standards and ensure that the ozone problem was really approached effectively in Europe.
For example, in terms of car exhaust emissions Parliament had to force through the introduction of strict standards and ensure that the ozone problem was really approached effectievly in Europe.
Not wanting to stay long , George runs to Pat 's apartment with the code .
Not wanting to stay long , Grosse runs to Pat 's apartment with the code .
I want to draw attention to one principle which I fully endorse: the principle of 'one person-one passport'.
I want to draw attention of one principle which I fully endorse: the principle to 'one person-one passport'.
We stand on the brink of enlargement and all the diverse needs that will follow from it.
We stand on the brink of enlargement and all the diverse needs will follow from it.
The story goes on to explain Shelby 's motivation to take on the might of Ferrari , with the help of Ford , and AC of England , and why Carroll Shelby had to retire from racing .
The story goes on to explain Shelby 's motivation to take on the might of Ferrari , with the help of Ford , and child of England , and why Carroll Shelby had to retire from racing .
One day while playing on the plantation Pollyanna gets in trouble with a servant woman and runs to hide in a haystack .
One day while playing on the plantation Pollyanna gets in trouble with a servant weren and runs to hide in a haystack .
She gets angry with the doctor and marries the person whom she loves most and realizes that we can not get every good virtue in same person .
She angry with the doctor and marries the person whom she loves most and realizes that we can not get every good virtue in same person .
In conclusion, why is there not a SOLVIT day in the European Parliament?
In conclusion, why is there not a SOLVIT day in the European Protection?
The term 'by-products' as used here refers primarily to meat and bone meal.
The term 'by-products' as used here primarily to meat and bone meal.
Meanwhile , the wizard Gandalf and the hobbit Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith to warn Denethor , the Steward of the Throne , about the upcoming war -- only to discover that the Steward has lost his mind by believing the war will be the end of mankind .
Meanwhile , the wizard Gandal fand the hobbit Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith to warn Denethor , the Steward of the Throne , about the upcoming war -- only to discover that the Steward has lost his mind by believing the war will be the end of mankind .
Six years pass .
Six pass .
The film concludes with some philosophical words from a maintenance worker , and more footage from the fumarole ice caves and Kaiser 's dives .
The film concludes with some philosophical words from a maintenance worker , and more footage from tie fumarole ice caves and Kaiser 's dives .
Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing hysterical Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events .
Lance and Wanda retreat to a nearby bathroom where he tries to calm down the growing Wanda over this unbelievable turn of events .
I also believe that I am able to support them.
I also believe that Iam able to support them.
Two rival European governments have sent secret agents to the uncivilized kingdom of M'tela .
Two rival European governments have sent secret agents to uncivilized kingdom of M'tela .
When she is told that she must kill somebody to leave , Beth suddenly turns into a stone cold killer .
When she is told that she must keel somebody to leave , Beth suddenly turns into a stone cold killer .
Down the slope they went, Slim, as usual, in the rear.
Down the slope they went, Slim, usual, in the rear.
The two start to have marital problems , leading to the two separating .
The two start to have marital problems , leading to the two young .
He is less skeptical about his attraction to Vee .
He is skeptical about his attraction to Vee .
author. - Madam President, what more can we say about Burma that has not already been said, including calling again for the release of political prisoners like Aung San Suu Kyi who has become a global icon in the struggle for freedom?
author. - Madam President, what more can we say about Burma that has not already been said, including calling again for the release of political prisoners like Agag San Suu Kyi who has become a global icon in the struggle for freedom?
Got a friend coming , who might be able to help .
Got a friend coming , might who be able to help .
The rocket rises out of the barn .
The rocket rises out of the water .
Amy has her heart set on going to school in Rhode Island , but explains that she will go to school in California to stay close to Ben .
Amy has her heart set on going to school in Rhode Island , but explains that see will go to school in California to stay close to Ben .
Mr President, this is my first speech in my new seat in this Parliament, finally in the centre.
Mr President, ties is my first speech in my new seat in this Parliament, finally in the centre.
Jenny shoots her in the chest , killing her .
Jenny shoots her in the chest killing her .
Athos Magnani , a young researcher , returns to Tara , where his father was killed before his birth , at the request of his mistress , Draifa .
Ayres Magnani , a young researcher , returns to Tara , where his father was killed before his birth , at the request of his mistress , Draifa .
Our main objective is to guarantee a high level of food safety in order to protect human health.
Our main objective is to guarantee a high level of food safety in order to human health.
All of them have been supported for many years by the European institutions.
All of them have been supported for many years by the Euroepan institutions.
We need to be more implacable, too, when it comes to crimes against humanity.
We need to be more implacable, too, it comes to crimes against humanity.
The proposal for a regulation that we are dealing with today contributes to this aim by ensuring that reliable and comparable data is collected in all the Member States, in order to enable harmonised risk indicators to be calculated.
The proposal for a regulation that we are dealing with today contributes to this aim by ensuring that reliable and comparable data is collected in all the Member States, in order to enable ahrmonised risk indicators to be calculated.
The strict basic conditions attached to the issue of the EU service provision card - and I am with Mr Wieland on this - are essential, for they will serve to prevent abuses such as illegal entry and bogus contracts.
The strict basic conditions attached to the issue of the EU service provision card - and I am with Mr Wieland on this - are essential, for they wall serve to prevent abuses such as illegal entry and bogus contracts.
I know you do not like it very much, but I have taken the initiative to make an openness action plan, parts of which we discussed today, where we can join hands and make efforts to continue on openness and transparency and fight for that.
I know you do not like it very much, I have taken the initiative to make an openness action plan, parts of which we discussed today, where we can join hands and make efforts to continue on openness and transparency and fight for that.
For it is of the most complicated!
For of is it the most complicated!
Besides, some genetic mothers aren't conscious at birth, and many don't breast-feed, yet they all nonetheless wind up loving their kids.
Besides, some genetic mothers aren't conscious at birth, and many don't breast-feed, yet they all wind up loving their kids.
Refusing to back down , Doxie went on to dig up all the bones in the area , including a dinosaur skeleton .
Refusing to back down , Doxie went on to dig up all the bones in the area , including a discover skeleton .
When it comes to highly qualified migrants – and here I am not especially talking about migrants from African countries, but those from the United States, for example – we never ask that they speak our language, because they end up in companies where the language of communication is English.
When it comes to highly qualified migrants – and here I am not especially talking about migrants from African countries, but those from the United States, – we for example never ask that they speak our language, because they end up in companies where the language of communication is English.
After a long period of anger , the young boyfriend finally realizes that his girlfriend is telling the truth when she claims to still be a virgin ; it becomes clear that is the form infection takes in human females .
After a long period of anger , the young boyfriend finally realizes that his girlfriend is telling the truth when she claims to still be a virgin ; it becomes clear that is the form infection takes in human kills .
At around the same time , Rikkert breaks up with his girlfriend and Barrie 's house catches fire .
At around the same time , Rikkert breaks with up his girlfriend and Barrie 's house catches fire .
This type of testing is often referred to as penetration testing.
This type of testing is often to as penetration testing.
In addition, given that the power lines run for up to 58 kilometres, there is a strong argument in favour of placing these lines underground.
In addition, given that the power lines run for up to 58 kilometres, there is a in favour strong argument of placing these lines underground.
Shortly after , she loses her mother to cancer .
Shortly after , she loses her mother to capper .
Narender first tries to rape Kajal but fails when he is caught .
Narender fruit tries to rape Kajal but fails when he is caught .
The first is about children in conflicts, an issue which has already been commented on.
The first is about children in conflicts, an issue which has already been young on.
One night at dinner , Tommy instigates an argument between Wise and LaKid , in which causes both men to draw out their guns and LaKid shoots Wise dead .
One night at dinner , Tommy instigates an argument between Wise and LaKid , in which causes both men to draw out their guns and LaKid shotos Wise dead .
-LCB- -LCB- Plot -RCB- -RCB- The story begins with Krishna coming to a village to meet Ramesh and Bishnu who have been his childhood friends .
-LCB- -LCB- Plot -RCB- -RCB- The story begins with Krishna coming to a village to meet Ramesh and Bishnu who have barn his childhood friends .
He states that the woods are untouched and remain much as they did during the time when the Native Americans lived there .
He states that the woods are untouched and remain much as they the time did during when the Native Americans lived there .
Tommy heard the sound of the key being turned in the lock.
Tommy heerd the sound of the key being turned in the lock.
The group decides to make a detour to the amusement park and spend the night in the Dark Ride attraction .
The group decides to make a detour to the amusement and spend the night in the Dark Ride attraction .
uh the American Express works a lot better for some things because you can charge you know airline tickets
uh the American Express works a lot better for some things because you can charge you know iarline tickets
The people of our countries do not want to pay too much for their cars, but they also know that we must get to grips with climate change and that we need to act quickly.
The people of our countries do not want to pay too much for their cars, but they asko know that we must get to grips with climate change and that we need to act quickly.
In the final scene Powder returns to the farm where he grew up , now in probate with the bank , and finds that all of his possessions have been removed .
the In final scene Powder returns to the farm where he grew up , now in probate with the bank , and finds that all of his possessions have been removed .
Vocation began here--the story of two frogs,
Vocation story of began here--the two frogs,
From the eastern side of the Temple Mount is a marvelous view of the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane.
From the eastern side of the Temple Mount is a marvelous view of the Mount of Olives and the of Gethsemane.
The 'novel foods' regulation is based on this dubious compromise text.
The foods' 'novel regulation is based on this dubious compromise text.
It is hoped that these rules will help to avoid accidents like the Erika and the Prestige, as the sea does not have any physical or political boundaries and requires sharing of efforts and concerted action.
It is hoped that these rules will help to avoid accidents like the Erika and the Prestige, as the sea does not have any physical or political boundaries and requires sharing of efforts adn concerted action.