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The rest of the team are spurred on by Bert 's courage and they go back onto the ice to continue . | The rest of the team are than on by Bert 's courage and they go back onto the ice to continue . |
After an audience preview confirms that the film is awful , Dodd seeks out the heartbroken producer . | After an audience preview confirms that the film is awful , Dodd seeks the out heartbroken producer . |
Are we attempting to achieve the fast-track democratisation of a nation - mapped out on the drawing board after the First World War, composed of Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds and Turkmen - or are we attempting to establish a neo-colonial proconsulship, which can only be sustained by the force of these weapons? | Are we attempting to achieve the fast-track democratisation of a nation - mapped out on the drawing board after the First World War, composed of Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds and Turkmen - or are we attempting to establish neo-colonial proconsulship, which can only be sustained by the force of these weapons? |
Splodge manages to fend off both the dogs and Joe , while Blinky keeps Harry and Joan locked in their bedroom . | Splodge manages to fend off both the dogs and Joe , while Blinky Harry and Joan locked in their bedroom . |
He then sings the `` Happy Birthday '' song to Rebecca Howe , cheering her up so much that she takes him out to dinner and a movie . | He then sings the `` Happy Birthday '' song to Rebecca Howe , cheering her up so much that she takes him to dinner and a movie . |
Firstly, I believe that the debate goes much further than privatisation or liberalisation. | Forgeat, I believe that the debate goes much further than privatisation or liberalisation. |
The newest tourist attraction in these parts is the Grutas de Sao Vicente (St. Vincent Caves), opened in 1997. | The newest tourist attraction in these parts is the Grutas de Sao Vicente (St. Vincent Caves), in 1997. |
Meanwhile , Cobra returns to India again . | Meanwhile , Cobra returns to again . |
Tani is conflicted between his duty , his respect for Korean culture and his attraction to Sol 's daughter . | Tani is conflicted his duty , his respect for Korean culture and his attraction to Sol 's daughter . |
He even winces in pain a couple of times, and in the climax lets out a grunt that takes the Bond girl (the dire Denise Richards) aback. | He even winces in pain a couple of times, and in the lets climax out a grunt that takes the Bond girl (the dire Denise Richards) aback. |
Vic must join forces with Sheena to stop the evil Prince and his army , and along the way , Vic and Sheena fall in love . | Vic must join forces with Sheena to stop the evil Prince and hos army , and along the way , Vic and Sheena fall in love . |
He says that what they experienced in Virginia was not a dream but instead `` the only truth . '' | He says that what they experienced in Virginia wis not a dream but instead `` the only truth . '' |
A good paella is always made to order and takes about 30 minutes to prepare. | A good paella is always made to order and takes about 30 to prepare. |
I welcome the proposal on services. | I the welcome proposal on services. |
In the film , Prospero stands in for Shakespeare , and is seen writing and speaking the story 's action as it unfolds . | In the film , Prospero stands in for Shakespeare , and is seen writing and speaking the sully 's action as it unfolds . |
In addition, it is indispensable for intellectual and physical mobility and the personal development of the individual! | In addition, it is indispensable for intellectual and physical mobility amd the personal development of the individual! |
As mentioned in the report, we must also raise the level of our ambitions prior to the conference in New York. | As mentioned in the richer, we must also raise the level of our ambitions prior to the conference in New York. |
Regarding the limitative nature of Article 290, especially the second paragraph, here we have a slight difference of opinion with regard to the means of control of the legislator over the delegated acts, but we would not like to enter into the legal controversy because what we think is that it is very important to look for the practical solutions as regards specific legislation. | Regarding the limitative nature Article 290, especially the second paragraph, here we have a slight difference of opinion with regard to the means of control of the legislator over the delegated acts, but we would not like to enter into the legal controversy because what we think is that it is very important to look for the practical solutions as regards specific legislation. |
At the Byrnes ' home , Greg meets Pam 's father Jack , mother Dina and their beloved cat Mr. Jinx . | At the Byrnes ' home , Greg meets Pam 's , mother father Jack Dina and their beloved cat Mr. Jinx . |
The report indicates that breaches of EU entry requirements will be rewarded, as immigrants will be given greater protection than the people of Europe, whose identity and social harmony are under threat from mass immigration. | The report indicates that breaches of protection entry requirements will be rewarded, as immigrants will be given greater EU than the people of Europe, whose identity and social harmony are under threat from mass immigration. |
Major Balwinder J. Brar \* Sunita Dhir as Balwinder 's Wife \* Anupam Kher as Retd . | Major Balwinder Brar \* Sunita Dhir as Balwinder 's Wife \* Anupam Kher as Retd . |
If this is a world of free trade, the World Trade Organization should be asked to consider this matter. | If this is a world of free trade, the World Trade Organization should be asked to this matter. |
According to information received from the field, the international response has been generous and the immediate needs seem to be covered. | According to information received from the field, the international response has been the immediate generous and needs seem to be covered. |
The most memorable scene in the movie comes when , after fixing the bus in the rain on a dirt road , Joe and Vivian could n't get it out of the mud . | The most memorable scene in the movie comes when , after fixing the bus in the rain on a dirt road , Joe and Vivian could n't gut it out of the mud . |
Chun-Li returns to her home in Hong Kong and settles down when Gen pays her a visit . | Chun-Li returns to her home in Hong Kong settles down when Gen pays her a visit . |
Another point I also find of interest is the scope of the synthesis report. | Another point I also find of interest is the scope the synthesis report. |
When detonating charges to close off some passages , they hear a demon like growl and as they walk away fail to notice vast amounts of blood pouring from the mud . | When detonating charges to close off some passages , they hear a demon like growl and as they walk . fail to notice vast amounts of blood pouring from the mud away |
If you want to retain a specifically European agriculture, that is, an agriculture which takes into account constraints linked to regional planning and to rural culture, it is necessary to have an ambitious policy, both at the level of agricultural policy and at the level of all Union policies, of which cultural policy is one. | If you want to retain a specifically European agriculture, that is, an agriculture which takes into account constraints lifted to regional planning and to rural culture, it is necessary to have an ambitious policy, both at the level of agricultural policy and at the level of all Union policies, of which cultural policy is one. |
She and Johnny continue to have a close friendship . | She Johnny continue to have a close friendship . |
Clarence wants to just meet a girl . | Clarence wants to just a meet girl . |
It must be clear that we cannot hold the accession countries hostage to problems we face in one Member State or another. | It must be clear that we cannot hold the accession codecides hostage to problems we face in one Member State or another. |
Now the only way to get Abbas out of danger is for Rajveer to nab Nazir and he does not just that , with a powerful climax to this saga . | Now the only way to get Abbas out of danger is for Rajveer to nab Nazir and he does not just that , with a powerful cilmax to this saga . |
At the night of the party , Poultra is resurrected and Jimmy tries to warn everyone , but is still rejected . | At the night of the party , Poultra is resurrected add Jimmy tries to warn everyone , but is still rejected . |
He believes that she is taken advantage of him and she decides to leave with her children . | Heb elieves that she is taken advantage of him and she decides to leave with her children . |
in writing. - (FR) In Europe there are, generally speaking, too many divorces, particularly in my country. | in writing. - (FR) In Europe there are, generally speaking, too many animals particularly in my country. |
But in order to render the Broad economic policy guidelines more operational in terms of monitoring and coordination, we need a more accurate definition of the function of all those participating in economic policy in Europe, including the European Central Bank with regard to monetary policy and its contribution to Community goals, Community institutions in terms of balancing the entire economic policy, national governments in terms of budgetary policy and all social partners in terms of fixing wages. | But in order to render the Broad economic policy guidelines more operational in terms of monitoring and coordination, we need a more accurate definition of the function of all those participating in economic policy in Europe, including the European Central Bank with regard to monetary policy and its contribution to Community goals, Community insurgencies in terms of balancing the entire economic policy, national governments in terms of budgetary policy and all social partners in terms of fixing wages. |
In our view, there is a need to stress the fact that this cooperation should lead to the application of equivalent and high-level safety standards. | In our view, there is a need to stress the fact that this cooperation should lead the application of equivalent and high-level safety standards. |
The Commission does not claim to be able to solve the freight transport problems facing Europe on its own, but, on that point too, the report by Mrs Ayala Sender sends a message to the Member States to encourage them to develop their own logistics initiatives, especially by investing in infrastructures, in close collaboration with the European Union. | The Commission does not claim to be able to solve the freight transport problems facing Europe on its own, but, on that point too, the report by Mrs Ayala Sender scabs a message to the Member States to encourage them to develop their own logistics initiatives, especially by investing in infrastructures, in close collaboration with the European Union. |
Now then, said Tommy, "where shall we go?" The very faint anxiety which underlay his tone did not escape the astute ears of Miss Prudence Cowley, known to her intimate friends for some mysterious reason as "Tuppence." She pounced at once. | Now then, said Tommy, "where shall we go?" The very faint anxiety which underlay his tone did not escape the astute ears of Miss Prudence Cowley, known her to intimate friends for some mysterious reason as "Tuppence." She pounced at once. |
Madvig has Sloss brought to his office , but Sloss is gunned down before he can talk . | Madvig has Sloss brought to his office , but Mr. is gunned down before he can talk . |
The next day he goes to the doctor for a medical test and finds out that he has cancer . | The next day he goes to the doctor for a medical test and finds that out he has cancer . |
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Citizens are evry clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. |
reporting compliance with generally accepted government auditing standards (see paragraphs | reporting compliance with generally accepted government auditing standards paragraphs |
An asteroid much larger than that which caused the Chicxulub Crater is attacked by a ten-megaton nuclear warhead minutes before its collision with Earth , breaking it into three pieces , the largest of which bounces off the Earth 's atmosphere . | An asteroid much larger than that which caused the Chicxulub Crater is attacked by a ten-megaton nuclear warhead minutes before its collision with Earth , breaking it into three pieces , the largest of which bounces oaf the Earth 's atmosphere . |
I would hope that in areas where we have almost reached agreement, such as prisoner transfers and the possibility of a rapid response instrument for emergencies, we will be able to carry these through in a summit. | I would hope that in areas where we have almost reached agreement, such as prisoner transfers and the possibility of a rapid response instrument for provision we will be able to carry these through in a summit. |
At the war 's end , upon his return to Naples , Pasqualino discovers that his seven sisters , his fianc e and even his mother have all survived through prostitution . | At the war 's end , upon his return to Naples , Pasqualino discovers that his seven sisters , his fianc e and even his mother hree all survived through prostitution . |
Oscar Reyes is the second oldest . | Oscar Reyes is teh second oldest . |
I consider this sort of thing counterproductive because it runs counter to the political decisions made by the political bodies. | I the this sort of thing counterproductive because it runs counter to the political decisions made by consider political bodies. |
I would like to pick up three of the issues addressed which are vitally important. | I would pick up like to three of the issues addressed which are vitally important. |
One very important question has been completely ignored by the Commission, which is the situation young farmers find themselves in, and their future prospects. | One very important question has been completely ignored by the Commission, which is the situation young farmers find themselves it, and their future prospects. |
And with a gesture , the two disappear in a mirror and a puff of smoke . | And with a gesture , the two derringer in a mirror and a puff of smoke . |
The industry itself has always expressed great interest in voluntary agreements, and would like to make a public show of its sense of responsibility. | The industry itself has always expressed great interest in voluntary agreements, and like would to make a public show of its sense of responsibility. |
We have not taken part in the BSE vote today, for a number of reasons. | We have not taken part in the BSE vote today, for a nobler of reasons. |
Near the end of the film a boxing promoter comes to town and tries to get Bajurny and Holland to fight . | Near the end of the film a boxing promoter comes to town and tries to get Bajurny and Holland to front . |
A furious Thangalakshmi decides to cancel the marriage and go back to Bangkok with her daughter . | A furious Thangalakshmi decides to cancel the marriage and go back to Bangkok her daughter . |
Indira is his neighbor , and has always expressed interest in him . | Indira is his neighbor , and has expressed interest in him . |
Such an entity would be able to see through any camera , hear and speak through any phone line , hack computers at will , and even control remotely accessed systems . | Such an entity would be able to see through any camera ,h ear and speak through any phone line , hack computers at will , and even control remotely accessed systems . |
The daughter's boyfriend, Dominic, is a cynic who lives only for himself. | The daughter's boyfriend, Dominic, is cynic who lives only for himself. |
It is an arena for free speech, information and communication. | It is an stress for free speech, information and communication. |
Do fundamental rights not count any more? | Do fundamental rights not any more? |
Mr President, I shall concentrate on the amendment put down by the Socialist Group to the effect that there should be no ceiling on VAT rates. | Mr President, I shall concentrate on the amendment put down by the Socialist Group to the effect that there should eb no ceiling on VAT rates. |
At this decisive stage in the life of the European Union, strengthening its cultural dimension will bring about decisive responses, which only it can bring about, in a sensitive area such as the economic and social cohesion of the European Union and citizenship. | At this decisive stage in the life of the European Union, strengthening its cultural dimension will bring about decisive responses, which only it can bring about, in a sensitive area such as the economic and of the social cohesion European Union and citizenship. |
Young Jo lle is molested by her stepfather and she leaves herself to his advances . | Young Jo and is molested by her stepfather and she leaves herself to his advances . |
This protocol will contain legally binding commitments for the industrialized nations to reduce their emissions in the period after the year 2000. | This protocol will contain legally binding commitments for the industrialized nations to reduce their emissions in the primed after the year 2000. |
The psychics are skeptical that Neil took a wife but it is forgotten when Megan tells them that Neil shot himself . | The psychics are skeptical that Neil took a wife but it is forgotten wehn Megan tells them that Neil shot himself . |
It can, however, help create jobs and growth because it is about investment. | It can, however, help create jobs and glitch because it is about investment. |
Malta's contribution focused on the issue of irregular immigration. | Malta's focused on the issue of irregular immigration. |
However , Mirza 's escort has told him and Shevket that Phelps has seen her without her veil . | oHwever , Mirza 's escort has told him and Shevket that Phelps has seen her without her veil . |
Meanwhile , Ensslin and Baader have been released pending an appeal and continue to live a bohemian lifestyle while attracting the loyalty of various young people including Astrid Proll , and Peter-Jurgen Boock . | Meanwhile , Ensslin and Baader have been pending released an appeal and continue to live a bohemian lifestyle while attracting the loyalty of various young people including Astrid Proll , and Peter-Jurgen Boock . |
but well we also were interested in um you know being sure that he felt like he liked the people that he would be working with and that there would be some uh opportunity for | but well we also were interested in um you know being sure that he felt like he liked the people that he wooed be working with and that there would be some uh opportunity for |
As this common position represents an acceptable compromise, in terms of industrial constraints and protection of the environment, my group had no hesitation in approving it. | As this common position represents an acceptable compromise, in terms of industrial constraints and protection of the environment, my group had no in approving it. |
Sylvia leaves them to their lives together . | Sylvia leaves them to lives together . |
We must understand that this was not easy in the run-up to monetary union. | We must understand that was not easy in the run-up to monetary union. |
Council and Commission, I wish you all possible wisdom and perseverance in the active stabilisation of Afghanistan. | Council and Commission, I wish you all wisdom and perseverance in the active stabilisation of Afghanistan. |
However he has an apparently irresistible urge to follow and observe fires . | However he has an apparently irresistible urge . follow and observe fires to |
You are right, Mr Barroso. The concept of the internal market must be made public. | You are right, Mr Barroso. concept The of the internal market must be made public. |
The process of liberating the Libyan people cannot be undertaken without a genuine political transition within the country. | The process of liberating the people cannot be undertaken without a genuine political transition within the country. |
Innovative rural businesses of all kinds, which focus, for example, on services and farm tourism, have significantly revived the rural economic structure. | Innovative rural businesses of all kinds, which focus, for example, on services and farm tourism, have significantly revived rural economic structure. |
She leaves the house crying and drives away in a car , which their son has tampered with and has disabled the brakes . | and leaves the house crying She drives away in a car , which their son has tampered with and has disabled the brakes . |
However , after Herschell kills three people to appease his habit , Anne finally appeals to two friends to stop Herschell by beheading him with a machete . | However , after Herschell kills three to appease his habit , Anne finally appeals to two friends to stop Herschell by beheading him with a machete . |
They will contribute to our consensus, to a consensus that will carry us forward in Europe. | They wall contribute to our consensus, to a consensus that will carry us forward in Europe. |
In respect of providing a proper infrastructure for the single market to run on, it is indispensable for us to promote the laggardly implementation of the trans-European networks of transport, telecommunications and energy. | In respect of providing a proper infrastructure for the single market to run on, it is indispensable far us to promote the laggardly implementation of the trans-European networks of transport, telecommunications and energy. |
right but normally we don't think about it until right i know because we can go spend fifteen dollars just getting in the three of us yeah | right but normally we don't think about it until right i know because we can spend fifteen dollars just getting in the three of us yeah |
Article 3(1) on external controls says that the office can itself apply to the Commission to carry out an inspection anywhere in a Member State. | Article financing on external controls says that the office can itself apply to the Commission to carry out an inspection anywhere in a Member State. |
It is also well known that WTO rules will - from the middle of 2000 - limit Community exports of beef and veal which are eligible for refunds to just 820 000 tonnes a year. | It is also well known that WTO rules will - from the middle of 2000 - limit Community exports of beef and veal which are eligible for refunds to 820 000 tonnes a year. |
Vince runs to the car but as the house door is opened Angela is shot by one of the armed men . | Vince rips to the car but as the house door is opened Angela is shot by one of the armed men . |
The man who insulted the tribesmen is trapped in a ring of fire with a poisonous snake . | The man who insulted the tribesmen is trapped in a of ring fire with a poisonous snake . |
Like the rapporteur, I would stress that the European Union needs to furnish itself with the practical and financial resources needed to realise its objectives, not least by providing appropriate funding for research and development in the field of energy. | Like rapporteur, I would stress that the European Union needs to furnish itself with the practical and financial resources needed to realise its objectives, not least by providing appropriate funding for research and development in the field of energy. |
Who could believe that we could agree on such a demanding package of measures, with not only a consensus in the Council but a first-reading agreement with Parliament on very complex issues? | Who could believe that we could on such a demanding package of measures, with not only a consensus in the Council but a first-reading agreement with Parliament on very complex issues? |
Examining the report, I should like to comment in particular on certain paragraphs, such as: | Expecting the report, I should like to comment in particular on certain paragraphs, such as: |
We propose the European model as a way of structuring relations between countries outside of Europe; everyone is hugely interested in this model: in Asia, in Latin America, everywhere. | We propose the European model as a way of structuring relations between countries outside of Europe; everyone is interested in this model: in Asia, in Latin America, everywhere. |
A huge effort has, of course, already been made to acquire the upwards of 1Â 200 new employees we have obtained in Parliament, an effort that has in many ways been a great success. | A huge effort has, of course, already been made to acquire the upwards of 1Â 200 new employees we have overawed in Parliament, an effort that has in many ways been a great success. |
For his courage and good work done in treating the victims of the plague , the King once again gives Bidnold to Merivel , stating that this time it will never be taken away . | For his courage and good work done in treating the victims of the plague , the King once again gives Bidnold to Merivel , stating toot this time it will never be taken away . |
I therefore abstained from voting on this report. | I therefore abstained from on this report. |
That is why implementation issues have quite rightly been addressed in priority setting by the Council, Parliament and the Commission. | That is why implementation issues have quite rightly been addressed in priority setting by the Council, Parliament and Commission. |
Lucian hears the howling and knows that there are more wolves than Sonja and her men can handle . | Lucian hears the howling and knows there are more wolves than Sonja and her men can handle . |
I learned of this when someone from in London phoned me about it. | I learned this when someone from in London phoned me about it. |
The last scenes take place five years later , as Jerry and Paula bring their own daughter to visit Nell in her house ; it is Nell 's birthday , and she is surrounded by friends from the town . | The last scenes take place five years later as Jerry and Paula bring their own daughter to visit Nell in her house ; it is Nell 's birthday , and she is surrounded by friends from the town . |
Unfortunately, the original position of the European Commission was to advocate a ban on animal testing in the European area rather than a ban on the marketing of such products. | Unfortunately, the original position of the European Commission was to advocate a ban on animal testing in the Eriksson area rather than a ban on the marketing of such products. |
The fact is that the outermost regions have little chance of competing on a level playing field when the economic activities developed there are burdened by considerable extra cost, arising from, , transport, the absence of economies of scale and external economies, small and fragmented markets and the scarcity of qualified labour. | The fact is that the outermost regions have little chance of competing on a level playing field when the economic activities developed there are burdened by considerable extra cost, arising from, , transport, the absence of economies of scale and external economies, small and fragmented markets the scarcity of qualified labour. |
Subsets and Splits