तद्_PAM दृश्_Co निहन्_PAPaM सर्व_PNM राक्षस_PNM परम_Cp आतुर_PNM | R न_ तत्र_ चल्_In शक्_PNPaM राम_SAM पर_Cp पुरंजय_SAM |
Beholding all those stain, the (remaining) Raksasas, sore distressed, could not (again) advance before that captor of hostile capitals Rāma.
खर_SAM तु_ राम_Cp अभिमुख_SAM प्रया_SAPaPrM व्रीहिनीपति_SNM | R राक्षस_SNM त्रिशिरस्_SNM नाम_ संनिपत्_Co इदम्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn राक्षस_SNM त्रिशिरस्_SNM नाम_ संनिपत्_Co इदम्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn राक्षस_SNM त्रिशिरस्_SNM नाम_ संनिपत्_Co इदम्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn राक्षस_SNM त्रिशिरस्_SNM नाम_ संनिपत्_Co इदम्_SANe ab
As Khara was advancing before Rāma, that leader of the army named Triſirā, approaching him, said.
मद्_SA नी_SPr2Im विक्रान्त_SANe त्वद्_SN निवृत्_SPr2Im साहस_SBNe मद्_SA नी_SPr2Im विक्रान्त_SANe त्वद्_SN निवृत्_SPr2Im साहस_SBNe माहस_SBNe मद्_SA नी_SPr2Im विक्रान्त_SANe त्वद्_SN निवृत्_SPr2Im साहस_SBNe मद्_SA नी_SPr2Im विक्रान्त_SANe त्वद्_SN निवृत्_SPr2Im साहस_SBNe mām R पश्_SPr2Im राम_SAM महत्_Cp बाहु_SAM संयुग_SLNe विनीपातित_SAM |
Do you employ me, who am possessed of prowess, and yourself desist from this rashness. Behold the mighty-armed Rāma brought down in battle.
प्रतिज्ञा_SPr1In त्वद्_SD सत्य_SANe आयुध_SANe च_ मद्_SN आलभ्_SPr1In | R यथा_ राम_SAM वध्_SPr1In वध_Cp अर्ह_SVM सर्व_Cp रक्षस्_PGNe |
I swear (to you) truly; I touch this weapon, (to say) that I will stay Rāma, who deserves to be slain by all the Rākşasas.
मद्_SN वा_ इदम्_SGM रण_SLM मृत्यु_SNM एतद्_SNM वा_ समर_SLNe मद्_SG | R विनिवर्तय्_Co रण_Cp उत्साह_SAM मुहूर्त_SANe प्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM भू_SPr2Im अप्राश्निक_SNM b
Either I shall prove his death in battle, or he shall prove mine. Restraining your martial ardour, do you for a while become a witness.
प्रहृष्_SNPaM वा_ हन्_SLPaM राम_SLM जनस्थान_SANe प्रया_SFu2In | R मद्_SL वा_ निहन्_SLPaM राम_SAM संयुग_SDNe प्रया_SFu2In |
Either, joyed in consequence of Rāma being slain, you shall repair to Janasthāna; or I being slain you shall enter the field (against him).
खर_SNM त्रिशिरस्_SIM तद्_SIM मृत्यु_Cp लोभ_SBM प्रसादय्_SNPaM | R गम्_SPr2Im युध्_SPr2Im इति_ अनुज्ञा_SNPaM राघव_Cp अभिमुख_SNM या_SPs3In |
Thus satisfied by Trisirā, from his desire to meet with death, the latter, on being permitted with Go, proceeded towards Rāma.
त्रिशिरस्_SNM तु_ रथ_SIM एव_ वाजिन्_Cp युज्_SIPaM भास्वत्_SIM | R अभिद्रु_S3ImIn रण_SLM राम_SAM त्रिशृङ्ग_SNM इव_ पर्वत_SNM |
And like a hill with three sumınits, Trisirā rushed towards Rāma on an effulgent car yoked with steeds.
शर_Cp धारा_Cp समूह_PAM तद्_SNM महत्_Cp मेघ_SNM इव_ उत्सृज्_SNPaPrM | R विसृज्_S3ImIn सदृश_SAM नाद_SAM जल_Cp आर्द्र_SGM इव_ दुन्दुभि_SGM |
And as a mighty cloud pours down shower, (Trisirā) discharging vollies of shafts, uttered a roar resembling the sound of a wet kettledrum.
आगम्_SAPaPrM त्रिशिरस्_SAM राक्षस_SAM प्रेक्ष्_Co राघव_SNM | R प्रतिग्रह्_SPs3In विधू_SNPaPrM सायक_Cp अश्_PAPaM |
And seeing that the Rākşasa Trisirã was advancing, Raghava resisted (his attack) by discharging sharpened shafts.
तद्_SNM सम्प्रहार_SNM तुमुल_SNM राम_Cp त्रिशिरस्_DuGM तदा_ अदा_ अदा_ | R सम्भू_SPs3In अति_ बलिन्_DuGM सिंह_Cp कुञ्जर_DuGM इव_ |
And that encounter of those exceedingly powerful ones, Rāma and Triſiră was fierce, like to that between a lion and an elephant.
ततस्_ त्रिशिरस्_SIM बाण_PIM ललाट_SLNe ताडय्_SNPaM त्रि_PIM | R अमर्षिन्_SNM कुप्_SNPaM राम_SNM संरभ्_SNPaM इदम्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Then struck on the forehead by a brace of shafts shot by Trisirā, the wrathful Rāma enraged, and inflamed with anger, said.
अहो_ विक्रमशूर_SGM राक्षस_SGM ईदृश_SNNe बल_SNNe | R पुष्प_PINe इव_ शर_PIM यद्_SNM मद्_SN ललाट_SLNe अस्_SPr1In परिक्षन्_SNPaM | R मद्_SG अपि_ प्रतिग्रह्_SPr2Im शर_PAM चाप_Cp गुण_SBM च्यु_PAPaM |
Ah! such is the strength of the heroic Rākşasas! I have been wounded in the forehead with shafts resembling flowers. Do you also take the arrows shot from my bow.
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ संरभ्_SNPaM शर_PAM आशीविष_Cp उपम_PAM | R त्रिशोरस्_Cp वक्षस्_SLNe क्रुध्_SNPaM निहन्_SPs3In चतुर्दशन्_SANe |
Saying this, (Rāma) enraged, and influenced by wrath, wounded Trisiră in the breast with fourteen arrows.
चतुर्_PIM तुरग_PAM इदम्_SGM शर_PIM संनम्_PaCp पर्वन्_PIM | R निपातय्_S3ImIn तेजस्विन्_SNM चतुर्_PAM तद्_SGM वाजिन्_PAM | R अष्टन्_PIM सायक_PIM सूत_SAM रथोपस्थ_SLM नी_SPr2Im पातय्_P3ImIn |
And that energetic one by means of four shafts having their joints bent, brought down his four steeds. And by means of eight arrows (Rāma) laid low the charioteer from the front of the car.
राम_SNM छिद्_SPs3In बाण_SIM ध्वज_SAM च_ इदम्_SGM समुच्छ्रि_SAPaM | R ततस्_ हन्_PaCp रथ_SBM तद्_SBM उत्पत्_SAPaPrM निशाचर_SAM | R छिद्_SPs3In राम_SNM तद्_SAM बाण_PIM हदय_SLNe तद्_SNM भू_S3ImIn जड_SNM |
And Rāma with a shaft severed his upraised standard. Then as that ranger of the night was descending from his broken car, Rāma pierced his breast with arrows, and thereat he was stupified.
सायक_PIM च_ अप्रमेय_Cp आत्मन्_SNM स_ अमर्ष_SBM तद्_SGNe रक्षस्_SBNe | R शिरस्_PANe पातय्_S3ImIn त्रि_PANe वेगवत्_PIM त्रि_PIM शर_PIM |
Thereupon, that one of immeasurable prowess, out of anger by means of three shafts possessed of celerity, brought down Trisira's three heads.
स_ धूम_Cp शोणित_Cp उद्गारिन्_SNM राम_Cp बाण_Cp अभिपीडय्_SNPaM | R निपत्_S3ImIn पत्_PIPaM पूर्वम्_ समर_Cp स्थ_SNM निशाचर_SNM |
And that ranger of the night present in the field, afflicted by the shafts of Rāma, after his heads had fallen first, fell, vomiting smoking gore.
हन्_PaCp शेष_PNM ततस्_ भञ्ज्_PNPaM राक्षस_PNM खर_Cp संश्रय_PNM | R द्रु_PPr3In स्म_ न_ स्था_PPr3In व्याध_Cp त्रस्_PNPaM मृग_PNM इव_ | R तद्_PAM खर_SNM द्रु_PAPaPrM दृश्_Co निवर्तय्_Co रुष्_SNPaM त्वर्_SNPaPrM |
And the Räksasas remaining after the rest had been slain, belonging to Khara's original forces losing heart, began to flee like deer terrified at a hunter.
राम_SAM एव_ अभिद्रु_SPs3In राहु_SNM चन्द्रमस्_SAM यथा_ |
And seeing them fly, Khara waxing wroth, swiftly making them desist, darted towards Ráma, like Rāhu darting towards the Moon.
नैहत_SAM दूषण_SAM दृश्_Co रण_SLM त्रिशिरस्_SIM सह_ | R खर_SGM अपि_ भू_S3ImIn त्रास_SNM दृश्_Co राम_SGM विक्रम_SAM |
Seeing Düşaņa slain in fight along with Trisiră, Khara, witnessing Rāma's prowess, was filled with fear.
तद्_SNM दृश्_Co राक्षस_SANe सैन्य_SANe अविषह्य_SANe महत्_Cp बल_SANe | R हन्_SAPaNe एक_SIM राम_SIM दूषण_SNM त्रिशिरस्_SNM अपि_ | R तबल_SAM हन्_PaCp भूयिष्ठ_SAM विमनस्_SNM प्रेक्ष्_Co राक्षस_SNM | R आसद्_SPs3In खर_SNM राम_SAM नमुचि_SNM वासव_SAM यथा_ |
Seeing that irresistible Raksasa host-even Düşaņa and Triſirā-slain by the mighty Rāma alone, and seeing the great courage that was made in the army, that Raksasa, Khara, was seized with despondency. Then as Namuci advances against Väsava, Khara stretching his powerful bow, advanced against Răma.
विकृष्_Co बलवत्_SANe चाप_SANe नाराच_PAM रक्त_Cp भोजन_PAM | R खर_SNM क्षिप्_SPs3In राम_SDM क्रुध्_PAPaM आशीविष_PAM इव_ |
Khara hurled at Rāma nārācas revelling in blood, resembling infuriated venomous snakes.
ज्या_SAF विधू_SNPaPrM सु_ बहुशस्_ शिक्षय्_SPr2Im अस्त्र_PANe दर्शय्_SNPaPrM | R चर्_SPs3In समर_SLNe मार्ग_Cp अशर_PIM अथ_ गम्_SNPaM खर_SNM |
Repeatedly twanging his twanging his bow, Khara, mounted on his car, began to range the field, displaying his weapons through his acquired skill.
तद्_SNM सर्व_PAF च_ दिश्_PAF बाण_PIM प्रदिश्_PAF च_ महत्_Cp रथ_SNM | R पूरय्_SPs3InPe तद्_SAM दृश्_Co राम_SNM अपि_ सु_ महत्_SANe धनुस्_SANe | R तद्_SNM सायक_PIM दुर्विषह_PIM विस्फुलिङ्ग_PIM इव_ अग्नि_PIM | R नभस्_SANe कृ_SPs3In अविवर_SANe पर्जन्य_SNM इव_ वृष्टि_PIF |
And that mighty car-warrior covered all sides with his shafts. And secing this, Rāma of a tremendous bow with shafts incapable of being borne, and resembling tongues of flaming fire, entirely enveloped the welkin, even as a cloud pour down showers.
तद्_SNNe भू_SPs3In शा_PIPaM बाण_PIM खर_Cp राम_Cp विसर्जय्_PIPaM | R परि_ आकाश_SNNe अनाकाश_SNNe सर्वतस्_ शर_Cp संकुल_SNNe |
With the sharpened shafts shot by Khara and Rāma, the entire firmament on all sides was thronged.
शर_Cp जाल_Cp आवृ_SNPaM सूर्य_SNM न_ तदा_ स्म_ प्रकाश्_SPr3In | R अन्योन्य_Cp वध_Cp संरम्भ_SBM उभय_DuGM सम्प्रयुध्_DuGPaPrM |
And as each enraged was engaged in coping with the other, the sun, enveloped in a net-work of shafts, did not appear.
ततस्_ नालीक_Cp नाराच_PIM तीक्ष्ण_Cp अग्र_PIM च_ विकर्णि_PIM | R आहन्_SPs3In रण_SLM राम_SAM तोत्र_PINe इव_ महत्_Cp द्विप_SAM |
As a mighty elephant is struck with the goad, Rāma in the conflict attacked (his opponent) with nalikas and nārācas and sharp-pointed vikarna.
तद्_SAM रथ_Cp स्थ_SAM धनुष्पाणि_SAM राक्षस_SAM पर्यवस्था_SAPaM | R दृश्_PPs3In सर्व_Cp भूत_PNNe पाश_Cp हस्त_SAM इव_ अन्तक_SAM |
And as that Rākşasa sat on his car, bow in hand, all creatures saw him, as if he were the very destroyer with the noose in his hand.
हन्तृ_SAM सर्व_Cp सैन्य_SGNe पौरुष_SLNe पर्यवस्था_SAPaM | R परिश्चम्_SAPaM महत्_Cp सत्त्व_SAM मन्_SPs3In राम_SAM खर_SNM तदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ दा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ दा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ दा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ दा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अदा_ अ
At this time Khara thought that Destroyer of all his forces, established in his manliness, the exceedingly powerful Rāma to be overcome with fatigue.
तद्_SAM सिंह_SAM इव_ विक्रम्_SAPaM सिंह_Cp विक्रान्त_Cp गामिन्_SAM | R दृश्_Co न_ उद्विज्_SPr3In राम_SNM सिंह_SNM क्षुद्र_Cp मृग_SAM यथा_ |
Seeing that one powerful like the lion, and gifted with the vigorous gait of the lion, Rāma was not moved, as a lion seeing a puny deer (is not moved).
ततस्_ सूर्य_Cp निकाश_SIM रथ_SIM महत्_SIM खर_SNM | R आसद्_SPs3In अथ_ तद्_SAM राम_SAM पतंग_SNM इव_ पाप_Cp कम्प_SAM | आसद्_SPs3In अथ_ तद्_SAM राम_SAM पतंग_SNM इव_ पाप_Cp कम्प_SAM |
And then as an insect falls into a flame, Khara mounting a mighty car, resembling the sun, approached Rāma.
ततस्_ इदम्_SGM स_ शर_SANe चाप_SANe मुष्टिदेश_SLM महात्मन्_SGM | R खर_SNM छिद्_SPs3In राम_SGM दर्शय्_SNPaPrM हस्त_Cp लाघव_SANe |
And, displaying his lightness of hand, Khara severed the bow of the magnanimous Rāma, with the arrow (fixed on it) at the place where it is grasped.
तद्_SNM पुनर्_ तु_ अपर_PAM सप्तन्_PAM शर_PAM आदा_Co मर्मन्_SLNe | R निहन्_SPs3In रण_SLM कुध्_SNPaM शक्र_Cp अशनि_Cp सम_Cp प्रभा_PAM | निहन्_SPs3In रण_SLM कुध्_SNPaM शक्र_Cp अशनि_Cp सम_Cp प्रभा_PAM | R ततस्_ शर_Cp सहस्र_SINe राम_SAM अप्रतिम_Cp ओजस्_SAM | R अर्दय्_Co महत्_Cp नाद_SAM नद्_SPs3In समर_SLNe खर_SNM |
Then taking up seven other shafts, resplendent like the thunderbolt of Sakra, Khara, enraged, sent them into (Rāma's) main-joints, and then afflicting Rāma of unparalleled energy with a thousand shafts, Khara sent up in that conflict a loud shout.
ततस्_ तद्_SNNe प्रहन्_SNPaNe बाण_PIM खर_Cp मुच्_PIPaM सु_ पर्वन्_PIM | R पत्_SPs3In कवच_SNNe भूमि_SLF राम_SGM आदित्य_Cp वर्चस्_SNNe |
And riven by the shafts discharged by Khara, Rāma's mail resembling the sun fell to the ground.
तद्_SNM शर_PIM अर्पय्_SNPaM क्रुध्_SNPaM सर्व_Cp गात्र_PLNe राघव_SNM | R राज्_SPs3In समर_SLNe राम_SNM विधूम_SNM अग्रि_SNM इव_ ज्वल्_SNPaPrM |
And pierced with those arrow, all over his body, and inflamed with rage, Rāghava appeared in the field, like a smokeless flaming fire.
ततस्_ गम्भीर_Cp निर्हाद_SAM राम_SNM शत्रु_Cp निबर्हण_SNM | R कृ_SPs3In अन्त_SDM तद्_SNM रिपु_SGM सज्य_SANe अन्य_SANe महत्_SANe धनुस्_SANe | R सु_ महत्_SNNe वैष्णव_SNNe यद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अतिसृज्_SNPaNe महत्_Cp ऋषि_SIM | R वर_SANe तद्_SANe धनुस्_SANe उद्यम्_Co खर_SAM समभिधाव्_S3ImIn |
Then that destroyer of foes, Rāma, for compassing the end of his enemy, stringed another mighty bow, sending forth solemn sounds, the redoubtable Vaisnava bow that had been conferred on him by the Maharşi.
ततस्_ कनक_Cp पुख_PIM तु_ शर_PIM संनम्_PaCp पर्वन्_PIM | R छिद्_SPs3In राम_SNM संक्रुध्_SNPaM खर_SGM समर_SLNe ध्वज_SAM |
And uplifting that superior bow, Rāma rushed against Khara. Then with shafts having bent knots and golden feathers, Rāma, wrought up with rage, severed in battle Khara's standard.
तद्_SNM दृश्_SNMGd बहुधा_ विच्छिद्_SNPaM काञ्चन_SNM ध्वज_SNM | R गम्_SPs3In धरणी_SAF सूर्य_SNM देवता_PGF इव_ आज्ञा_SIF |
And on that exceedingly graceful golden standard being hewn down it seemed as if the sun dropped to the earth at the behest of the celestials.
तद्_SAM खर_SNM क्रुध्_SNPaM राम_SAM गात्र_PLNe मार्गण_PIM | R व्यध्_SPs3In हृद्_SLNe मर्मन्_Cp ज्ञ_DuAM मातंग_SAM इव_ तोयर_PIM |
And thereat Khara, understanding the import of things, fired with wrath, pierced Rāma's breast with five arrows, like one striking an elephant with a goad.
तद्_SNM राम_SNM बहु_PIM बाण_PIM खर_Cp कार्मुक_Cp निः_ सृ_PIPaM | R व्यध्_SNPaM रुधिर_Cp निज्_PaCp अङ्ग_SNM भू_SPs3In रुष्_SNPaM भृशम्_ |
Rāma on being pierced with a good many shafts discharged from Khara's bow, and having his body bathed in blood, was highly wroth.
तद्_SNM धनुस्_Cp धन्विन्_PGM श्रेष्ठ_SNM संग्रह्_Co परम_Cp आहव_SLM | R मुच्_SPs3In परम_Cp इष्वास_SNM षष्_PAM शर_PAM अभिलक्ष्_PAPaM |
Thereupon that foremost of bowmen, and wielder of a mighty bow, taking six shafts, let them go, after aiming at them.
शिरस्_SLNe एक_SIM बाण_SIM द्वि_DuIM बाहु_DuLM अथ_ अर्पय्_S3ImIn | R त्रि_PIM चन्द्र_Cp अर्ध_Cp वक्त्र_PIM च_ वक्षस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हरस्_SLNe अभिहन्_SPs3In हर्
And with one shaft he pierced Khara's head, with two his arms, and with three arrows headed like half-moons, Rāma wounded Khara in the chest.
ततस्_ पश्चात्_ महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM नाराच_PAM भास्कर_Cp उपम_PAM | R हन्_SPs3In राक्षस_SAM क्रुध्_SNPaM त्रयोदशन्_SANe शिला_Cp शा_PAPaM | R रथ_SGM युग_SANe एक_SIM चतुर्_PIM शबल_PAM हय_PAM | R षष्ठ_SIM च_ शिरस्_SANe संख्य_SLNe छिद्_SPs3In खर_Cp सारथि_SGM | R त्रि_PIM त्रिवेणु_PAM बलवत्_SNM द्वि_DuIM अक्ष_SAM महत्_Cp बल_SNM | द्वादश_SIM तु_ बाण_SIM खर_SGM स_ कर_SANe धनुस्_SANe | R छिद्_Co वज्र_Cp निकाश_SIM राघव_SNM प्रहस्_SNPaPrM इव_ | त्रयोदशेन_indra इन्द्र_Cp सम_SNM भिद्_SPsamare खर_SAM | त्रयोदशेन_ इन्द्र_Cp सम_SNM भिद्_SPsamare खर_SAM | त्रयोदशेन_ इन्द्र_Cp सम_SNM भिद्_SPsamare खर_SAM |
Then that highly energetic one, influenced by anger, assailed the Räkşasa with thirteen närācas whetted on stone and with one that exceedingly powerful one, cut the yoke of the car, with four the four steeds, with the sixth the head of Khara's charioteer, with three the stout trivenu of the car, with two the wheel, and with the twelfth, severing as if in sport Khara's bow with his hand*, with the thirteenth, resembling the thunder-bolt pierced Khara in the encounter. Another text reads: with the arrow set.
प्रभञ्ज्_PaCp धन्वन्_SNM विरथ_SNM हन्_PaCp अश्व_SNM हन्_PaCp सारथि_SNM | R गदा_Cp पाणि_SNM अवप्लु_Co स्था_SPs3In भूमि_SLF खर_SNM तदा_ |
Then with his bow shattered, deprived of his car, (Khara) having his horses slain as well as his charioteer killed, taking a mace in his hand leaped to the ground, and stood there.
तद्_SANe कर्मन्_SANe राम_SGM महत्_Cp रथ_SGM समे_Co देव_SNM च_ महत्_Cp ऋषि_PNM च_ | स्तदा_ विमान_Cp अग्र_Cp गम्_PNPaM समे_PNPaM |
And the celestials and Maharsis exceedingly rejoiced, assembled in the welkin in a body, and with joined hands extolled that feat of that mighty car-warrior Rāma.
ततस्_ शूर्पणखा_SNF दृश्_Co सहस्र_PANe चतुर्दशन्_SANe | R हन्_PNPaNe एक_SIM राम_SIM रक्षस्_PGNe भीम_Cp कर्मन्_PGNe | R दूषण_SAM च_ खर_SAM च_ एव_ हन्_SAPaM त्रिशिरस्_SAM रण_SLM | दृश्_Co पुनर्_ महत्_Cp नाद_PAM नद्_SPs3In जलद_Cp उपम_PAF |
Seeing fourteen thousands of Rākşasas of dreadful deeds, together with Duşaņa, and Khara, and Trisirā, slain in battle by Rāma single-handed, that one resembling clouds, Śūrpanakhā, again fell to send up mighty sounds.
तद्_SNF दृश्_Co कर्मन्_SANe राम_SGM कृ_SAPaNe अन्य_PIM सु_ दुष्कर_SANe | R गम्_SPs3In परम_Cp उद्विज्_SNPaF लङ्का_SAF रावण_Cp पालय्_SAPaF |
And witnessing Rāma's deeds, incapable of being performed by others, she, extremely agitated, went to Lankā, ruled by Rāvana.
तद्_SNF दृश्_SPs3In विमान_Cp अग्र_SLNe रावण_SAM दीप्_PaCp तेजस्_SAM | उपोपविश्_SAPaM सचिव_PIM मरुत्_PIM इव_ वासव_SAM | सूर्य_Cp संकाश_SLNe काञ्चन_SLNe परम_Cp आसन_SLNe | R रुक्म_Cp वेदि_Cp गम्_SAPaNe प्राज्य_SANe ज्वल्_SAPaPrM इव_ पावक_SAM |
And she saw the effulgent Rāvaņa in front of his palace, surrounded by his counsellors, like Vāsava surrounded by the Maruts; scated on a supreme golden seat resembling the sun, and like to a flaming fire on a golden dais kept alive by sacrificial offerings.
विंशत्_Cp भुज_SAM दशग्रीव_SAM दृश्_GdCp परिच्छद_SAM | R विशाल_Cp वक्षस्_SAM वीर_SAM राजन्_Cp लक्षण_Cp लक्षय्_SAPaM | R नह्_PaCp वैडूर्य_Cp संकाश_SNNe तप्_PaCp काञ्चन_Cp भूषण_SNNe | R सु_ भुज_SAM शुक्ल_Cp दशन_SAM महत्_Cp आस्य_SAM पर्वत_Cp उपम_SAM |
Having twenty hands, and ten heads, wearing elegant attire; broad breasted; heroic; marked with royal signs; (in hue) resembling cool lapises; embellished. in ornaments of burnished gold; having goodly hands, white teeth, and a huge face resembling a hill.
_viṣṇu _cakra _nipāta च_U _śataśas _deva _saṃyuga | R अन्य_PINe शस्त्र_PINe प्रहार_PIM च_ महत्_Cp आयध्_PLPaM ताडय्_SNPaNe | R अहत_Cp अङ्ग_PINe समस्त_PINe तद्_SAM देव_Cp प्रहरण_PINe तदा_ | R अक्षोभ्य_PGM समुद्र_PGM क्षोभण_SAM क्षिप्र_Cp कारिन्_SAM | R क्षेप्तृ_SAM पर्वत_Cp अग्राण_SAM सुर_PGM च_ प्रमर्दन_SAM | R उच्छेत्तृ_SAM च_ धर्म_PGM पर_Cp दार_Cp अभिमर्शन_SAM |
Even him who in the war of the gods had been assailed an hundred ways with the descent of Viş ņu's discus; whose body had been cut with all the weapons of the celestials; (him). who furiously disturbs the deep incapable of being disturbed; uproots mountain summits, and tramples over gods, the destroyer of righteousness, and the violator of other's wives.
_sarva _divya _astra _yoktṛ _yajña _vighna कर_SAM सदा_U _divya _astra _yoktṛ _yajña _vighna कर_SAM सदा_U _divya _astra _yoktṛ _yajña _vighna कर_SAM सदा_U _divya _astra _yoktṛ _yajña _vighna कर_SAM सदा_U _divya _astra _yoktṛ _yajña _vighna कर_U सदा_U _divya _astra _yoktṛ _yajña _vighna कर_U सदा_U _d R पुरी_SAF भोगवती_SAF गम्_Co पराजि_Co च_ वासुकि_SAM | R तक्षक_SGM प्रिय_SAF भार्या_SAF पराजि_Co हृ_SPs3In यद्_SNM |
The employer of all celestial arms, and the disturber of sacrifics-who going to the city of Bhogavatī, and vanquishing Vāsuki, had carried off Taksa's beloved wife.
कैलास_SAM पर्वत_SAM गम्_Co विजि_Co नरवाहन_SAM | R विमान_SANe पुष्पक_SANe तद्_SGM कामग_SANe वै_ हृ_SPs3In यद्_SNM |
Who, going to Kailasa, and defeating him having for his vehicle a human being, had carried of the car Puspaka coursing at every where at will;
वन_SNNe चैत्ररथ_SNNe दिव्य_SNNe नलिनी_SNF नन्दन_SNNe वन_SNNe | R विनाशय्_SPr3In यद्_SNM क्रोध_SBM देव_Cp उद्यान_PANe वीर्यवत्_SNM |
Who endued with prowess had devastated the divine Caitraratha grove, the tank (situated there) and the Nandana wood, as well as the gardens of the gods;
चन्द्र_Cp सूर्य_DuNM महाभाग_DuNM उत्था_DuNPaPrM परंतप_DuNM | R निवारय्_SPr3In बाहु_DuIM यद्_SNM शैल_Cp शिखर_Cp उपम_SNM |
And, who, himself resembling a mountain summit, had by means of his upraised arms, obstructed the rising of these repressor of foes the exalted Sun and Moon;
दशन्_Cp वर्ष_Cp सहस्र_PANe तपस्_SANe तप्_Co महत्_Cp वन_SLNe | R पुरा_ स्वयम्भु_SDM धीर_SNM शिरस्_PANe उपहृ_SPs3In यद्_SNM |
Who, possessed of calmness, having formerly for ten thousand years carried on asceticism in the mighty forest, offered his own heads to the self create one;
देव_Cp दानव_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp पिशाच_Cp पतग_Cp उरग_PIM | अभय_SNNe यद्_SGM संग्राम_SLM मृत्यु_SBM मानुष_SBM ऋते_ |
Who in conflict fears, not death from either gods or Dānavas or Gandharvas, or Piśācas or birds or serpents, from none save human beings;
मन्त्र_PIM अभिष्टु_SAPaM पुण्य_SAM अध्वर_PLM द्विजाति_PIM | R हविर्धान_PLNe यद्_SNM सोम_SAM उपहन्_SPr3In महत्_Cp बल_SNM |
Who, possessed of prodigious strength, forcibly takes away the clarified butter sanctified with mantras from the sacrificial ground;
प्राप्_PaCp यज्ञ_Cp हर_SAM दुष्_SAPaM ब्रह्मन्_Cp घ्न_SAM क्रूर_Cp कारिन्_SAM | R कर्कश_SAM निरनुक्रोश_SAM प्रजा_PGF अहित_SLNe रम्_SAPaM |
The destroyer of sacrifices about to be completed; of villainous nature; the slaughterer of Brahmanas; of cruel deeds; harsh and kindles, and ever bent on doing evil to all creatures;
रावण_SAM सर्व_Cp भूत_PGNe सर्व_Cp लोक_Cp भय_Cp आवह_SAM | R राक्षसी_SNF भ्रातृ_SAM क्रूर_SAM तद्_SNF दृश्_SPs3In महत्_Cp बल_SAM | R तद्_SAM दिव्य_Cp वस्त्र_Cp आभरण_SAM दिव्य_Cp माल्य_Cp उपशोभय्_SAPaM | आसन_SLNe सु_ उपविश्_SAPaM तद्_SAM काल_SLM काल_SAM इव_ उद्यम्_SAPaM | R राक्षस_Cp इन्द्र_SAM महाभाग_SAM पौलस्त्य_Cp कुल_Cp नन्दन_SAM | R उपगम्_Co ब्रू_S3ImIn वाक्य_SANe राक्षसी_SNF भय_Cp विह्वल_SNF ब्रू_S3ImIn वाक्य_SANe राक्षसी_SNF भय_Cp विह्वल_SNF ब्रू_S3ImIn वाक्य_SANe राक्षसी_SNF भय_Cp विह्वल_SNF ब्रू_S3ImIn वाक्य_SANe राक्षसी_SNF भय_Cp विह्वल_SNF ब्रू_S3ImIn वाक्य_SANe राक्षसी_SNF b R रावण_SAM शत्रु_Cp हन्तृ_SAM मन्त्रिन्_PIM परिवारय्_SAPaM |
And railing furiously at all creatures; the inspirer of fear in all beings. And the Räkşasas beheld her exceedingly powerful and cruel brother, wearing gorgeous apparel and ornaments, and decked in a glorious garland, seated, like the Destroyer at the time (of dissolution) ready (to destroy); the exalted chief of Rākşasas; the delight of the race of Paulastya. Stupefied with fear, the Rākşasī, approaching that destroyer of foes, Rāvana, surrounded by his counsellors, said these words.
तद्_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn दीप्_PaCp विशाल_Cp लोचन_SAM प्रदर्शय्_Co भय_Cp लोभ_Cp मोहय्_SNPaF अमा_PNPaF अमा_PNPaF अमा_PNF अमा_PNPaF अमा_PNF अमा_PNPaF अमा_PNPaF अमा_PNF अमा_PNPaF तद्_PNF ब्रू_S3ImIn दीप्_PaCp विशाल_Cp लोचन_SAM प्रदर्शय्_Co भय_Cp लोभ_Cp मोहय्_SNPaF am R सु_ दारुण_SANe वाक्य_SANe अभीत_Cp चारिन्_SNF महात्मन्_SIM शूर्पणखा_SNF विरूपय्_SNPaF |
And transported with fear and desire, Śūrpanakhā, given to fearlessly ranging every where, who had been deformed by that highsouled one, showing (her mutilation), addressed these harsh words to Rāvana of flaming and expansive eyes.
ततस्_ शूर्पणखा_SNF दीन_SNF रावण_SAM लोक_Cp रावण_SAM | R अमात्य_Cp मध्य_SLNe संक्रुध्_SNPaF परुष_SANe वाक्य_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Then the woe began Śūrpanakhā, in high wrath spoke harshly in the midst of the courtiers, to Rāvana, given to railing loudly against all creatures.
प्रमद्_SNPaM च_ काम_Cp भोग_PLM स्वैर_Cp वृत्_SNPaM निरङ्कुश_SNM | R समुत्पद्_SNPaNe भय_SNNe घोर_SNNe बुध्_SNNeGd भव_Cp बुध्_In |
Intoxicated with enjoyments, acting as you will, and without any control whatever, you do not see that a dreadful disaster is impending.
सञ्ज्_SAPaM ग्राम्य_PLM भोग_PLM काम_Cp वृत्_SAPaM महीपति_SAM | R लुभ्_SAPaNe न_ बहु_SANe मन्_PPr3In श्मशान_Cp अग्नि_SAM इव_ प्रजा_PNF |
The subjects do not esteem a monarch that is given to sensual enjoyments, in intent upon satisfying his lust and is covetous like the fire in a cemetery.
स्वयम्_ कार्य_PANe यद्_SNM काल_SLM न_ अनुष्ठा_SPr3In पार्थिव_SNM | R तद्_SNM तु_ वै_ सह_ राज्य_SINe तद्_PINe च_ कार्य_PINe विनश्_SPr3In |
The king that dose not act at the proper time, finds destruction along with his kingdom and acts.
अयुक्त_Cp चार_SAM दुर्दर्श_SAM अस्वाधीन_SAM नराधिप_SAM | R वर्जय्_PPr3In नर_PNM दूरानदी_Cp पङ्क_SAM इव_ द्विप_PNM |
Even as elephants shun the muddy river, do people shun from a distance, the ruler that dose not send cut spies, who show now himself (to his subjects), and who had lost his independence.
यद्_PNM न_ रक्ष्_PPr3In विषय_SAM अस्वाधीन_SAM नराधिप_PNM | R तद्_PNM न_ वृद्धि_SIF प्रकाश्_PPr3In गिरि_PNM सागर_SLM यथा_ |
Like to rocks in the sea, those monarchs that do not administer their dominions, that are not dependent, do not prosper.
आत्मवत्_PIM विग्रह्_Co त्वद्_SN देव_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp दानव_PIM | अयुक्त_Cp चार_SNM चपल_SNM कथम्_ राजन्_SNM भू_SFu2In |
Having incurred the hostility of the gods, the Dānavas and the Gandharvas of subdued souls and senses, how can you, who are fickle, and hast not employed spies, become the king?
त्वद्_SN तु_ बाल_Cp स्वभाव_SNM च_ बुद्धि_Cp हा_SNPaM च_ राक्षस_SVM | ज्ञा_SANeGd तद्_SANe न_ ज्ञा_SPr2In कथम्_ राजन्_SNM भू_SFu2In |
And. O Raksasa, you are childish and foolish; and dose not know what you should. How can you then become the king?
यद्_PGM च_ आर_PNM च_ कोश_SNM च_ लय_SNM च_ जि_PGPaPrM वर_SVM | अस्वाधीन_PNM नरेन्द्र_PGM प्राकृत_PIM तद्_PNM जन_PIM सम_PNM |
O you best of conquerors, those kings whose spies, exchequer and morality are not free, are like the common head.
यस्मात्_ पश्_PPr3In दूर_Cp स्थ_PAM सर्व_PAM अर्थ_PAM नराधिप_PNM | R चार_SIM तस्मात्_ वच्_PPr3InPv राजन्_PNM दीर्घ_Cp चक्षुस्_PNM |
It is because kings know distant dangers through spies, therefore they are styled farsighted.
अयुक्त_Cp चार_SAM मन्_SPr1In त्वद्_SA प्राकृत_PIM सचिव_PIM युत_SNM | R स्व_Cp जन_SAM च_ जनस्थान_SANe निहन्_SAPaNe न_ अवबुध्_SPr2In |
I believe you have no spies, and that your counsellors are common folks, since although Janasthāna with your kinsman is destroyed, yet you take it not to heart.
चतुर्दशन्_SNNe सहस्र_PNNe रक्षस्_PGNe भीम_Cp कर्मन्_PGNe | R हन्_PNPaNe एक_SIM राम_SIM खर_SNM च_ सह_ दूषण_SNM | R ऋषि_PGM अभय_SNNe दा_SNPaNe कृ_PaCp क्षेम_PNM च_ दण्डक_PNM | R धर्षय्_SNPaNe च_ जनस्थान_SNNe राम_SIM अक्लिष्ट_Cp कारिन्_SIM |
Fourteen thousands of Raksasas of dreadful deeds, with Khara and Dūşana, have all been slain by Rāma single-handed; Rāma of untiring energy has inspired the saints with courage; the Dandakas have been benefited; and Janasthāna had been harassed.
त्वद्_SN तु_ लुभ्_SNPaM प्रमद्_SNPaM च_ पर_Cp अधीन_SNM च_ राक्षस_Cp विधीन_SNM च_ राक्षस_Cp विद्_SNM प्रमद्_SNPaM च_ पर_Cp अधीन_SNM च_ राक्षस_Cp विद्_SNM तु_ लुभ्_SNPaM प्रमद्_SNPaM च_ पर_Cp अधीन_SNM च_ राक्षस_SVM | R विषय_SLM स्व_SLM समुत्पद्_SAPaNe यद्_SANe भय_SANe न_ अवबुध्_SPr2In |
But you, covetous and intoxicated and in the power of others, do not understand that a great danger is over-hanging (you).
तीक्ष्ण_SAM अल्प_Cp प्रदातृ_SAM प्रमद्_SAPaM गर्वित_SAM शठ_SAM | R व्यसन_SLNe सर्व_Cp भूत_PNNe न_ अभिधाव्_PPr3In पार्थिव_SAM | व्यसन_SLNe सर्व_Cp भूत_PNNe न_ अभिधाव्_PPr3In पार्थिव_SAM |
People do not in times of peril assist a sovereign that is wrathful, stingy, intoxicated, haughty and deceitful.
अतिमानिन्_SAM अग्राह्य_SAM आत्मन्_Cp सम्भावय्_SAPaM नर_SAM | R क्रोधन_SAM व्यसन_SLNe हन्_SPr3In स्व_Cp जन_SNM अपि_ नराधिप_SAM | R न_ अनुष्ठा_SPr3In कार्य_PANe भय_PLNe न_ विभी_SPr3In च_ | R क्षिप्रम्_ राज्य_SBNe च्यु_PaCp उदीन_SNM तृण_PINe तुल्य_SNM भू_SPr3O इह_ |
Even his own kindred slay a sovereign that sets immense store by his own self, is of light worth, regards himself highly, and irascible. They do not serve him; nor do they fear when he intimidates them. Such an one is speedily dethroned; and reduced to poverty and becomes like a straw.
उपभुज्_SNPaNe यथा_ वासस्_SNNe स्रज्_PNF वा_ मृद्_PNPaF यथा_ | R एवम्_ राज्य_SBNe परिभ्रंश्_SNPaM समर्थ_SNM अपि_ निरर्थक_SNM |
Like a cloth that has been worn, like a garland that has been trodden, a king that had been dethroned, although able, is of no consequence.
अप्रमत्त_SNM च_ यद्_SNM राजन्_SNM सर्वज्ञ_SNM विजि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_SNM | R कृतज्ञ_SNM धर्म_Cp शील_SNM च_ तद्_SNM राजन्_SNM स्था_SPr3In चिरम्_ |
But a king that keeps his wits about him, understands everything, is of controlled senses, and grateful, and of virtuous character, endure for ever.
नयन_DuINe प्रस्वप्_SNPaM वा_ जागृ_SPr3In नय_Cp चक्षुस्_SINe आ_ जागृ_SPr3In नय_Cp चक्षुस्_SINe आ_ | R व्यक्त_Cp क्रोध_Cp प्रसाद_SNM च_ तद्_SNM राजन्_SNM पूजय्_SPr3InPv जन_PIM |
That king is honoured by men; that sleeping with his eyes, is awake as respects his eye of duty, and (the effects of) whose anger and favour, are seen (by all).
त्वद्_SN तु_ रावण_SVM दुर्बुद्धि_SNM गुण_PIM एतद्_PIM विवर्जय्_SNPaM | R यद्_SGM त्वद्_SG अविदित_SNM चार_PIM रक्षस्_PGNe सु_ महत्_SNM वध_SNM |
But, you Rāvana, who hast not by means of spies; acquainted yourself with the slaughter of Rākşasas, are of evil understanding and bereft of all these virtues.
पर_Cp अवमन्तृ_SNM विषय_PLM सङ्गवत्_SNM न_ देश_Cp काल_Cp प्रविभाग_Cp तत्त्व_Cp विद्_SNM | R अयुक्त_Cp बुद्धि_SNM गुण_Cp दोष_SVM निश्चय_SLM विपद्_PaCp राज्य_SNM नचिरात्_ विपद्_SFu3In |
Given to disgracing others, ignorant of the proper distribution of time and place*, and never taking care to distinguish merits and defects, : you, your kingdom being in danger, will speedily meet with disaster. The commentator, is silent here. the meaning evidently is, you do not discern the where and when of things.
इति_ स्व_Cp दोष_PAM परिकीर्तय्_PAPaM तद्_SIF समीक्ष्_Co बुद्धि_SIF क्षणदाचर_Cp ईश्वर_SNM | R धन_SINe दर्पण_MCp बल_SINe च_ अन्वित_SNM विचिन्तय्_SPs3InPe चिरम्_ तद्_SNM रावण_SNM |
On his vices having been thus celebrated by her (Surpanakhā), that lord of the rangers of night, Råvaņa, musing awhile, was long plunged in thought.
ततस्_ शूर्पणखा_Cp वाक्य_SANe तद्_SANe श्रु_Co रोमहर्षण_SAF | सचिव_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co कार्य_SANe बुध्_Co गम्_SPs3In ह_ वै_ सचिव_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co कार्य_SANe बुध्_Co गम्_SPs3In ह_ ह_ अलम्_ सचिव_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co कार्य_SANe बुध्_Co गम्_SPs3In ह_ ह_ अलम्_ सचिव_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co कार्य_SANe बुध्_Co गम्_SPs3In ह_ अलम्_
Hearing those words of Śūrpanakhā, able to make one's hair stand on end, (Ravana) ascertaining his course after issuing his orders to this counsellors, departed.
तद्_SANe कार्य_SANe अनुगम्_Co अन्तर्_ यथावत्_ उपलभ्_Co च_ च_ | R दोष_PGM च_ गुण_PGM च_ सम्प्रधारय्_Co बलाबल_SANe | R इति_ कृ_SNNeGd इति_ एव_ कृ_Co निश्चय_SAM आत्मन्_SGM | R स्थिरबुद्धि_SNM ततस्_ रम्य_SAF यान_Cp शाला_SAF गम्_SPs3In ह_ |
And proposing to himself that act, weighing its good and evil, considering his capacity or Otherwise, and (finally) determining his purpose, Rāvana with a fixed mird went to the handsome stable.
यान_Cp शाला_SAF ततस्_ गम्_Co प्रच्छद्_SAPaNe राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SNM | R सूत_SAM संचोदय्_SPs3InPe रथ_SNM संयुज्_SPr3ImPv अम्_ इति_ |
And going to the stable in disguise, the lord of the Rākṣasasas commanded the charioteer, saying, Yoke the car.:
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM क्षण_SIM एव_ सारथि_Cp लघु_Cp विक्रम_SNM | R रथ_SAM संयोजय्_SPs3InPe तद्_SGM अभिमन्_SAPaM उत्तम_SAM |
Thus asked, the charioteer possessed of fleet vigour, in a trice, yoked an excellent car after his heart.
कामग_SAM रथ_SAM आस्था_Co काञ्चन_SAM रत्न_Cp भूषय्_SAPaM | R पिशाच_Cp वदन_PIM युज्_SAPaM खर_PIM कनक_Cp भूषण_PIM | मेघ_Cp प्रतिम_Cp नाद_SIM तद्_SNM तद्_SIM धनद_Cp अनुज_SNM | R राक्षस_Cp अधिपति_SNM श्रीमत्_SNM या_SPs3In नदनदीपति_SAM |
And ascending the car coursing at will, made of gold and garnished with spectral faces as well as arrow decked with gold, resembling a mass of clouds, the graceful ruler of the Rākşasasyounger brother to the Lord of wealth proceeded in that noiseless (vehicle), past the lord of rivers and streams.
तद्_SNM श्वेत_Cp वाल_Cp व्यजन_SNM श्वेत_Cp छत्त्र_SNM दशन्_Cp आनन_SNM | R स्निग्ध_Cp वैडूर्य_Cp संकाश_SNM तप्_PaCp काञ्चन_Cp भूषण_SNM | दशग्रीव_SNM विंशति_Cp भुज_SNM दृश्_GdCp परिच्छद_SNM | R त्रिदश_Cp अरि_SNM मुनि_Cp इन्द्र_Cp घ्न_SNM दशशीर्ष_SNM इव_ _adrirāj | R कामग_SAM रथ_SAM आस्था_Co शुभ्_SPs3In राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SNM | R विद्युत्_Cp मण्डलवत्_SNM मेघ_SNM स_ बलाका_SNM इव_ अम्बर_SLNe |
And with chouris of white hair, and a white umbrella, having ten-faces, resembling (in hue) cool lapises, wearing ornaments of polished gold, possessed of ten mouths, and twenty arms, clad in elegant apparel, the foe of the celestials, and slayer of the foremost ascetics-having huge heads like to the monarch of mountains, the lord of the Rākşasas, mounted on that chariot coursing at will, appeared beautiful like as mass of clouds in the sky, with cranes, in the midst of lighting.
स_ शैल_Cp सागर_Cp अनूप_SANe वीर्यवत्_SNM अवलोकय्_SNPaPrM | R नाना_ पुष्प_Cp फल_PIM वृक्ष_PIM अनुकृ_SAPaNe सहस्रशस्_ | शीत_Cp मङ्गल_Cp तोय_PIF पद्मिनी_PIF समन्ततः_ | R विशाल_PIM आश्रम_Cp पद_PIM वेदिमत्_PIM अलंकृ_SAPaM | R साल_PIM ताल_PIM तमाल_PIM च_ तरु_PIM च_ सु_ पुष्पित_PIM | R अत्यन्त_Cp नियम्_PaCp आहार_PIM शोभय्_SAPaM परम_Cp ऋषि_PIM | R नाग_PIM सुपर्ण_PIM गन्धर्व_PIM किंनर_PIM च_ सहस्रशस्_ | R जि_PaCp काम_PIM च_ सिद्ध_PIM च_ चारण_PIM च_ उपशोभय्_SAPaM | R आजैव_Cp ऐखानस_Cp ऐष_PIM वालखिल्य_PIM मरीचिप_PIM |
And that one possessed of prowess beheld the shore of the sea, containing crag, scattered with trees bearing fruits and flowers of various kinds by thousands, bordered all around with pools furnished with cool and delightful waters, ornamented with spacious asylums having daises, graced with woods of plantain, beauteous with coconuts, and blossoming Sāla and palmyra, and tamāla, trees, grateful with supreme saints rigidly restraining their fear, and with serpents and fowls of fair feathers and Gandharvas and Kinnaras by thousands; and pleasant with Siddhas and Caraņas, that have controlled their lust; with those descendants of Brahma-the Vaikhanas, the Māsas, the Vālakhilyas, and the Marīcipas;
दिव्य_Cp आभरण_Cp माल्य_PIF दिव्य_Cp रूप_PIF आवृ_SAPaM | R क्रीडा_Cp रम्_PaCp विधि_Cp ज्ञ_PIF अप्सरस्_PIF सहस्रशस्_ | R सेव्_SAPaM देव_Cp पत्नी_PIF श्रीमत्_PIF उपास्_SAPaM | देव_Cp दानव_Cp संघ_SNM च_ चर्_SAPaM तु_ अमृत_Cp आशिन्_PIM | R हंस_Cp क्रौञ्च_Cp प्लव_Cp आकृ_SNPaNe सारस_PIM सम्प्रसादय्_SNPaNe | R वैडूर्य_Cp प्रस्तर_SAM स्निग्ध_SAM सान्द्र_SAM सागर_Cp तेजस्_SINe |
Swarming with females, divinely beautiful, delight with gorgeous ornaments and garlands, and Apsarās skilled in sport by thousands; frequented by the wives of the celestials, and honoured by graceful girls; ranged by multitudes of deities and Dänavas, feeding on ambrosia; abounding with swans, Krauncas, and frogs, echoing to (the cries of) cranes; containing stones resembling the lapis, and mild and cool by the influence of the ocean.
पाण्डुर_PNNe विशाल_PNNe दिव्य_Cp माल्य_Cp युत_PNNe च_ | R तूर्य_Cp गीत_Cp अभिजुष्_PNPaNe विमान_PNNe समन्ततः_ | R तपस्_SINe जि_PaCp लोक_PGM कामग_PNNe अभिसम्पत्_P3ImIn | R गन्धर्व_Cp अप्सरस्_PAF च_ एव_ दृश्_SPs3In धनद_Cp अनुज_SNM |
And as he proceeded, the younger brother of the Lord of wealth, saw on all sides spacious cars capable of coursing at will, sable, furnished with fair garlands, and resounding with trumpet notes, and Gandharvas and Apsaras.
तत्र_ पश्_S3ImIn तद्_SNM मेघ_Cp आभ_SAM न्यग्रोध_SAM मुनि_PIM वृ_SAPaM | समन्तात्_ यद्_SGM तद्_PNF शाखा_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SANe आयम्_PNPaF | R यद्_SGM हस्तिन्_SAM आदा_Co महाकाय_SAM च_ कच्छप_SAM | R भक्ष_Cp अर्थ_SAM गरुड_SNM शाखा_SAF आगम्_SPs3In महत्_Cp बल_SNM |
And there he saw a fig tree, hued like clouds, surrounded by ascetics; its branches stretched around an hundred Yojanas, and the exceedingly powerful Garuda had ascended one of its boughs, taking an elephant and a huge tortoise, for the purpose of devouring them.
तद्_SGM तद्_SAF सहस्_SIM शाखा_SAF भार_SIM पतग_Cp उत्तम_SNM | R सुपर्ण_SNM पर्ण_Cp बहुल_PAF भञ्ज्_SPs3In अथ_ महत्_Cp बल_SNM |
And that best of birds, the powerful Suparņa by his weight suddenly broke a branch containing full many leaves.
तत्र_ वैखानस_PNM माष_PNM वालखिल्य_PNM मरीचिप_PNM | R आज_PNM भू_PPs3In धूम्र_PNM च_ संगम्_PNPaM परम_Cp ऋषि_PNM | आज_PNM भू_PPs3In धूम्र_PNM च_ संगम्_PNPaM परम_Cp ऋषि_PNM |
And it came to pass that Vaikhānasas, Māşas, Valakhilyas, Maricipas, Ayas, and Dhumras, saints of the highest order-had assembled there.
तद्_PGM दया_Cp अर्थ_SAM गरुड_SNM तद्_SAF शाखा_SAF शत_Cp योजन_SAF | R भञ्ज्_SAPaF आदा_Co वेग_SIM तद्_DuNM च_ उभ्_DuNM गज_Cp कच्छप_DuNM | एक_Cp पाद_SIM धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM भक्षय्_Co तद्_SANe आमिष_SANe | निषाद_Cp विषय_SAM हन्_Co शाखा_SIF पतग_Cp उत्तम_SNM | R प्रहर्ष_SAM अतुल_SAM लभ्_SPs3In मोक्षय्_Co महत्_Cp मुनि_PAM |
Thereat, moved by commiseration (for the ascetics), the virtuous Garuda, taking with proinptitude the broken bough measuring an hundred Yojanas as well as the elephant and the tortoise, by one leg, at length eating up the animals, and by means of the bough, exterminating the country of the Nişādas-that best of birds attained unequalled delight in consequence of having rescued the mighty ascetics.
तद्_SNM तु_ तद्_SIM प्रहर्ष_SIM द्वि_Cp गुणीकृ_PaCp विक्रम_SNM | R अमृत_Cp आनयन_Cp अर्थ_SAM वै_ कृ_SPs3In मतिमत्_SNM मति_SAF |
Thereat, attaining double energy by virtue of that delight, that intelligent one set his heart on bringing ambrosia.
अयस्_Cp जाल_PANe निर्मथ्_Co भिद्_Co रत्न_Cp गृह_SANe वर_SANe | महत्_Cp इन्द्र_Cp भवन_SBNe गुप्_SAPaNe आहृ_SPs3In अमृत_SANe ततस्_ |
And tearing off the iron links of the network, and bursting into the repository of gem, he carried away secreted ambrosia from the residence of the great Indra.
तद्_SAM महत्_Cp ऋषि_Cp गण_PIM जुष्_SAPaM सुपर्ण_Cp कृ_PaCp लक्षण_SAM | R नामन्_SINe सुभद्र_SAM न्यग्रोध_SAM दृश्_SPs3In धनद_Cp अनुज_SNM |
Kubera's younger brother beheld this fig tree, named Suparna had left his mark.
तद्_SAM तु_ गम्_Co पर_SAM पार_SAM समुद्र_SGM नदीपति_SGM | R दृश्_SPs3In आश्रम_SAM एकान्त_SLM पुण्य_SLM रम्य_SLM वन_Cp अन्तर_SLNe |
Then repairing to the other shore of that lord of rivers, the ocean, Rāvana saw an asylum lying in the forest in a charming and sacred recess.
तत्र_ कृष्ण_Cp अजिन_Cp धर_SAM जटा_Cp मण्डल_Cp धारिन्_SAM | R दृश्_SPs3In नियम्_PaCp आहार_SAM मारीच_SAM नाम_ राक्षस_SAM |
And there he saw a Rākṣasa, named Mārīca, clad in a dark deer-skin, bearing a head of matted locks, subsisting on restricted fare.

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