त्वद्_SI हि_ आराधय्_SNPaM च_ मद्_SN शतशस्_ अथ_ सहस्रशस्_ | R त्वद्_Cp सम_SNM न_ अस्_SPr3In मद्_SD कश्चित्_SNM त्रि_PLM लाका_PLM वै_ प्रिय_SNM |
You have worshipped me hundreds and thousands of times. There is no one in the three worlds who is dearer to me than you!
शिरस्_SINe वन्द्_SLPaM देव_SLM देवी_SNF प्री_SNPaF तदा_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ अतस्_ at R ततस्_ मद्_SN ब्रू_S1ImIn स्थाणु_SAM स्तु_SAPaM ब्रह्मन्_Cp आदि_PIM सुर_PIM |
After I had bowed to him, his wife, viz., the goddess Uma, became pleased with me. I then addressed in these words the great God whose praises are hymned by all the gods headed by the Grandfather Brahman.
नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD शाश्वत_SVM सर्व_Cp योनि_SVM ब्रह्मन्_Cp अधिप_SAM त्वद्_SA ऋषि_PNM वद्_PPr3In | R तपस्_SANe च_ सत्त्व_SANe च_ रजस्_SANe तमस्_SANe च_ त्वद्_SA एव_ सत्य_SANe च_ वद्_PPr3In सत्_PNM |
I saluted Mahadeva, saying I bow to you, o you, who are the origin of all things. The Rishis declare that you are the master of the Vedas. The pious hold that you are Penance, you are Sattwa, you are Rajas, you are Tamas, and you are Truth.
त्वद्_SB जन्_PNPaNe भूत_PNNe स्थावर_PNNe चर_PNNe च_ | R त्वद्_SI सृज्_SNPaNe इदम्_SNNe कृत्स्न_SNNe त्रैलोक्य_SNNe सचराचर_SNNe |
All beings, mobile and immobile, have originated from you. You have created this world with all its mobile and immobile creations.
यद्_PNNe इन्द्रिय_PNNe इह_ मनस्_SNNe च_ कृत्स्र_SNNe यद्_PNM वायु_PNM सप्तन्_PNM तथा_ एव_ च_ अग्नि_PNM | R यद्_PNM देव_Cp संस्थ_PNM तव_Cp देवता_PNM च_ तद्_SBM पर_SAM त्वद्_SA ऋषि_PNM वद्_PPr3In |
The Rishis say that you are superior to the senses, the mind, the vital air, the seven fires, everything else which rests upon the allpervading Soul and all the celestials who are worshipped.
वेद_PNM च_ यज्ञ_PNM सोम_SNM च_ दक्षिणा_SNF पावक_SNM हविस्_SNNe | R यज्ञ_Cp उपग_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe कश्चित्_SNNe भगवन्त्_SNM तद्_SANe असंशयम्_ |
You, O illustrious one, are the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Soma. Dakshina, Pavaka, Havi and all other ingredients of sacrifice.
काम_MCp क्रोध_SNM भय_SNNe लोभ_SNM मद_SNM स्तम्भ_SNM अथ_ मत्सर_SNM | R आधि_PNM व्याधि_PNM च_ एव_ भगवत्_SVM तनु_PNM त्वद्_SG |
Desire, Anger, Fear, Cupidity, Pride, Stupefaction, and Malice, Pains and Diseases, are, O illustrious one, all your offspring.
कृति_SNF विकार_SNM प्रणय_SNM प्रधान_SNNe बीज_SNNe अव्यय_SNNe | R मनस्_SGNe परम_SNF योनि_SNF प्रभाव_SNM च_ अपि_ शाश्वत_SNM |
You are the acts of creatures, you are the joy and sorrow of those acts, you are the absence of joy and sorrow, you are that Nescience which is the eternal seeds of Desire, you are the great origin of Mind, you are Power, and you are Eternity.
अव्यक्त_SNM पावन_SNM अचिन्त्य_SNM सहस्रांशु_SNM हिरण्मय_SNM | आदि_SNM गण_PGM सर्व_PGM भवत्_SNM वै_ जीवित_Cp आश्चय_SNM |
You are the Unmanifest, you are Pavana, you are inconceivable, you are the thousand rayed Sun, you are the shining intelligence, you are the first of all the subjects, and you are the support of life.
हृदय_SNNe सर्व_Cp भूत_PGNe क्षेत्रज्ञ_SNM त्वद्_SN ऋषि_Cp स्तु_SNPaM | R सर्वतस्_ पाणि_Cp पाद_SNM त्वद्_SN सर्वतस्_ अक्षि_Cp शिरस्_Cp मुख_SNM |
You are the heart of all creatures, and you are worshipped by the Rishis as Soul. Your arms and feet extend to every place, and your eyes, head, and face are everywhere. You hear everywhere in the universe, and you exist permeating everything.
सर्वतस्_ श्रुतिमत्_SNM लोक_SLM सर्व_SANe आवृ_Co स्था_SPr2In | R फल_SNNe त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In तिग्मांशु_SGM निमेष_Cp आदि_PLNe कर्मन्_PLNe |
You are the fruit of all acts which are performed in the Nimeshas and other divisions of time which originate from the Sun.
त्वद्_SN वै_ प्रभा_Cp अर्चिस्_SNNe पुरुष_SNM सर्व_SGM हृद्_SLNe संश्रि_SNPaM | R अणिमन्_SNM महिमन्_SNM प्राप्ति_SNF ईशान_SNM ज्योतिस्_SNNe अव्यय_SNM |
You are the original lustre. You are Male Being living in the hearts of all things. You are the successful fruits of Yoga.
त्वद्_SL बुद्धि_SNF मति_SNF लोक_PNM प्रपद्_PNPaM संश्रि_PNPaM च_ यद्_PNM | ध्यानिन्_PNM नित्य_Cp योग_PNM च_ सत्य_Cp सत्त्व_PNM जि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_PNM |
Understanding and Intelligence and all the worlds depend upon you. Those who are given to meditation, who are always busy with Yoga, who are devoted to or firm in Truth and who have conquered their passions, seek you and depend on you.
यद्_SNM त्वद्_SA ध्रुव_SAM वेदय्_SPr3In गुहा_Cp आशय_SAM प्रभु_SAM पुराण_SAM पुरुष_SAM च_ विग्रह_SAM | R तद्_SNM बुद्धिमत्_SNM बुद्धि_SAF पर_SAF गति_SAF तद्_SNM बुद्धिमत्_SNM बुद्धि_SAF अती_Co स्था_SPr3In |
They who know you the unchangeable, or one who lives in all hearts, or one who is endowed with supreme power, or one who is the ancient Male Being, or one who is pure Knowledge, or one that is the effulgent understanding, or one that is the highest refuge of all persons gifted with intelligence, are, indeed, highly intelligent men. Indeed such persons reign supreme over intelligence. as one seven
विद्_Co सप्तन्_SANe सूक्ष्म_PANe षष्_Cp अङ्ग_SAM त्वद्_SA च_ मूर्ति_SBF | प्रधान_Cp विधि_Cp योग_Cp स्थ_SNM त्वद्_SA एव_ विश्_SPr3In बुध_SNM | प्रधान_Cp विधि_Cp योग_Cp स्थ_SNM त्वद्_SA एव_ विश्_SPr3In बुध_SNM |
By understanding the subtile principles, by comprehending your six attributes, and by mastering the true Yoga, the man of knowledge succeeds in entering into your great self.
एवम्_ वच्_SLPaM मद्_SI पार्थ_SVM भव_SLM च_ आर्ति_Cp विनाशन_SLM | _carācara _jagant सर्व_U _siṃha _nāda तदा_U कृ_S3ImIn |
After I had said these words, O Partha, to Bhava, that remover of grief and pain, the universe, both mobile and immobile, roared like a lion.
तद्_SAM विप्र_Cp संघ_PNM च_ सुर_Cp असुर_PNM च_ नाग_PNM पिशाच_PNM पितृ_PNM वयस्_PNNe | R रक्षस्_Cp गण_PNM भूत_Cp गण_PNM च_ सर्व_PNM महत्_Cp ऋषि_PNM च_ एव_ तदा_ प्रणम्_PPs3In |
The numberless Brahmans present there, the gods and the Asuras, the Nagas, the Pishachas, the Pitris, the birds, various Rakshasas various classes of ghosts and spirits, and all the great Rishis, then bowed down to that great Deity.
मद्_SG मूर्धन्_SLM च_ दिव्य_PGNe कुसुम_PGNe सुगन्धि_PGNe | R राशि_PNM निपत्_PPr3In वायु_SNM च_ सु_ सुख_SNM वा_SPs3In |
There then, dropped upon my head showers of highly fragrant celestial flowers and sweet winds blew on the spot.
निरीक्ष्_Co भगवत्_SNM देवी_SNF हि_ उमा_SAF मद्_SA च_ जगन्त्_Cp हित_SNM | R शतक्रतु_SAM च_ अभिवीक्ष्_Co स्वयम्_ मद्_SA अह्_SPs3In शंकर_SNM |
The powerful Shankara then, given to the behoof of the universe, looked at the goddess Uma, and the king of the celestials and myself also, and thus spoke to me.
विद्_PPs3In कृष्ण_SVM पर_SAF भक्ति_SAF मद्_PL त्वद्_SG शत्रु_Cp हन्_SNM अनु_ कृष्ण_SVM पर_SAF भक्ति_SAF मद्_PL त्वद्_SG शत्रु_Cp हन्_SNM आनन्द_SNM विद्_PPs3In कृष्ण_SVM पर_SAF भक्ति_SAF मद्_PL त्वद्_SG शत्रु_Cp हन्_SNM अनु_ कृष्ण_SVM पर_SAF भक्ति_SAF मद्_PL R कृ_SPr3ImPv आत्मन्_SGM श्रेयस्_SNNe प्रीति_SNF हि_ त्वद्_SL मद्_SG पर_SNF आ_ ऐ_SNF कृ_SPr3ImPv आत्मन्_SGM श्रेयस्_SNNe प्रीति_SNF हि_ त्वद्_SL मद्_SG पर_SNF आ_ ऐ_SNF ऐ_SNF कृ_SPr3ImPv आत्मन्_SGM श्रेयस्_SNNe प्रीति_SNF हि_ त्वद्_SL मद्_SG पर_SNF आ_ ऐ_SNF ऐ_SNF kriyatām
We know, O Krishna, that you, O slayer of foes, are greatly devoted to us! Do what is for your good. My love and affection for you is very great.
वृ_SPr2Im अष्टन्_PAM वर_PAM कृष्ण_SVM दा_SFu1InPe त्वद्_SG सत्तम_SVM | R ब्रू_SPr2Im यादव_Cp शार्दूल_SVM यद्_PAM इष्_SPr2In सु_ दुर्लभ_PAM |
Do you ask for eight boons. I shall grant them, O Krishna, O best of all persons. Tell me what they are, O chief of the Yadavas. Say what you wish. You will have them, however difficult of attainment they may be.