स्वायम्भुव_Cp आद्य_PNM मनु_PNM भृगु_Cp आद्य_PNM ऋषि_PNM तथा_ | R आद्य_PNF देवता_PNF च_ एव_ सर्व_PNM एव_ समभिया_PPs3In |
The Munis headed by the Self create Manu, and the Rishis having Bhrigu for their first, and the gods with Shakra at their head, all came there.
सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp गण_PNM च_ एव_ मातृ_PNF विविध_PNF स्था_PNPaF | R तद्_PNM अभिवादय्_Co महात्मन्_SAM परिवारय्_Co समन्ततः_ |
All the clans of spirits and ghosts, and the celestial Mothers, stood surrounding Mahadeva and saluting him with respect.
स्तु_P3ImIn विविध_PINe स्तोत्र_PINe महादेव_SAM सुर_PNM तदा_ स्तु_P3ImIn विविध_PINe स्तोत्र_PINe महादेव_SAM सुर_PNM तदा_ स्तु_P3ImIn विविध_PINe स्तोत्र_PINe महादेव_SAM सुर_PNM तदा_ स्तु_P3ImIn विविध_PINe स्तोत्र_PINe महादेव_SAM सुर_PNM तदा_ स्तु_P3ImIn R ब्रह्मन्_SNM भव_SAM तदा_ स्तु_SPs3InFs रथंतर_SANe उदीरय्_SNPaPrM | ब्रह्मन्_SNM भव_SAM तदा_ स्तु_SPs3InFs रथंतर_SANe उदीरय्_SNPaPrM |
The gods were engaged in singing the praises of Mahadeva in various hymns. The Grandfather Brahman, uttering a Rathantara, landed Mahadeva.
ज्येष्ठसामन्_SINe च_ देवेश_SAM गा_SPs3In नारायण_SNM तदा_ | R गृ_SNPaPrM ब्रह्मन्_SANe पर_SANe शक्र_SNM शतरुद्रिय_SANe उत्तम_SANe |
Ultering the Jyeshtha Saman Narayana also sang the praises of Bhava, Shakra also did the same with the help of those foremost of Vedic Mantras, viz., the Shata-Rudriyam.
ब्रह्मन्_SNM नारायण_SNM च_ एव_ देवराज_SNM च_ कौशिक_SNM | R शुभ्_P3ImIn महात्मन्_PNM त्रि_PNM त्रि_PNM इव_ अग्नि_PNM |
Verily, Brahman and Narayana and Shakra, those three great gods shone there like three sacrificial fires.
तद्_PGM मध्य_Cp गम्_SNPaM देव_SNM राज्_SPs3In भगवन्त्_SNM शिव_SNM | R शरद्_Cp अभ्र_Cp विनिर्मुच्_SNPaM परिधि_Cp स्थ_SNM इव_ अंशुमन्त्_SNM |
In their midst was the illustrious god like the sun in the midst of his corona, come from autumnal clouds.
अयुत_PANe च_ चन्द्र_Cp अर्क_PAM पश्_S1ImIn दिव्_SLM केशव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp शव_Cp R ततस्_ मद्_SN स्तु_SPs1InTh देव_SAM विश्व_SGNe जगन्त्_SGNe पति_SAM |
I saw countless suns and moons also in the sky, O Keshava. I then lauded the illustrious Lord of everything, the Great Master of the universe.
उपमन्यु_SNM वच्_SPs3In नमस्_SNNe देव_Cp अधिदेव_SDM महादेव_SDM त्वद्_SD नमस्_SNNe | शक्र_Cp रूप_SDM शक्र_SDM शक्र_Cp वेष_Cp धर_SDM च_ |
Upamanyu said I said, Salutations to you, O illustrious one, O you who are the refuge of all things, O you who are called Mahadeva! Salutations to you who assume the form of Shakra, who are Shakra and who disguise yourself in the form of Shakra.
नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SD वज्रहस्त_SDM पिङ्गल_SDM अरुण_SDM च_ | R पिनाकपाणि_SDM नित्यम्_ शङ्ख_Cp शूल_Cp धर_SDM च_ |
Salutations to you who are armed with the thunder, to you who are tawny, and you who are red. Salutations to you who are always armed with the Pinaka, to you who always bear the conch and the Shula.
नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SD कृष्ण_Cp वास_SDM कृष्ण_Cp कुञ्चय्_PaCp मूर्धज_SLM | R कृष्ण_Cp अजिन_Cp उत्तरीय_SDM कृष्ण_Cp अष्टमी_Cp रम्_SDPaM च_ |
Salutations to you who are clad in black, to you who are of dark and curly hair, to you who have dark deerskin for your upper garment, to you who preside over the eighth lunation of the dark fortnight.
शुक्ल_Cp वर्ण_SDM शुक्ल_SDM शुक्ल_Cp अम्बर_Cp धर_SDM च_ | शुक्ल_Cp भस्मन्_Cp अवलिप्_SDPaM शुक्ल_Cp कर्मन्_Cp रम्_SDPaM च_ |
Salutations to you who are of white hue, to you who are called white, to you who are clad in white dress, to you who have limbs smeared with white ashes, to you who are ever engaged in white deeds.
नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im रक्त_Cp वर्ण_SDM रक्त_Cp अम्बर_Cp धर_SDM च_ | R रक्त_Cp ध्वज_Cp पताका_SDM रक्त_Cp स्रज्_Cp अनुलेपिन्_SDM इष्_PaCp स्रज्_Cp अनुलेपिन्_SDM इष्_PaCp ध्वज_Cp पताका_SDM रक्त_Cp स्रज्_Cp अनुलेपिन्_SDM इष्_PaCp ध्वज_Cp पताका_SDM रक्त_Cp स्रज्_Cp अनुलेपिन्_SDM इष्_PaCp ध्वज_Cp पताका_SDM रक्त_Cp स्रज्_Cp अनुलेपिन्_SDM इष्_
Salutations to you who are red in colour, to you who are clad in red dress, to you who have a red banner with red flags, to you who wear red garlands and use red unguents.
नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im पीत_Cp वर्ण_SDM पीत_Cp अम्बर_Cp धर_SDM च_ | R नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im उच्छ्रि_PaCp छत्त्र_SDM किरीट_Cp वर_Cp धारिन्_SDM |
Salutations to you who are brown coloured, to you who are clad in brown dress, to you who have a brown banner with brown flags, to you who wear brown garlands and use brown unguents. Salutations to you who have the umbrella of royalty held over your head, to you who wear the foremost of crowns.
अर्ध_Cp हार_Cp अर्ध_Cp केयूर_SVM अर्ध_Cp कुण्डल_Cp कर्णिन्_SDM | R नमस्_SNNe पवनवेग_SDM नमस्_SNNe देव_SDM वै_ नमस्_SNNe |
Salutations to you who are adorned with half a garland and half an armlet, to you who are decked with one ring for one ear, to you who are endued with the speed of the wind, to you who are highly effulgent.
सुर_Cp इन्द्र_SDM मुनि_Cp इन्द्र_SDM महेन्द्र_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD मद्_Cp इन्द्र_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD मद्_Cp इन्द्र_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD मद्_SD | R नमस्_SNNe पद्म_Cp अर्ध_Cp माला_SDM उत्पल_PINe मिश्रय्_SDPaM च_ नमस्_SNNe पद्म_Cp अर्ध_Cp माला_SDM उत्पल_PINe मिश्रय्_SDPaM च_ नमस्_SNNe पद्म_Cp अर्ध_Cp माला_SDM उत्पल_PINe मिश्रय्_SDPaM च_ नमस्_SNNe पद्म_Cp अर्ध_Cp माला_SDM उत्पल_PINe मिश्रय्_SDPaM च_ न् अर्धचन्दन_Cp लिप्_SDPaM अर्ध_Cp स्रज्_Cp अनुलेपिन्_SDM |
Salutations to you who are the foremost of gods, to you who are the foremost of Munis, to you who are the foremost of celestials! Salutations to you who wear half a wreath of lotuses, to you who have many lotuses on your body. Salutations to you have half your body smeared with sandal paste, to you who have half your body decked with garlands of flowers and sıncared with fragınent unguents.
नमस्_SNNe आदित्य_Cp वक्त्र_SDM आदित्य_Cp नयन_SDM च_ | R नमस्_SNNe आदित्य_Cp वर्ण_SDM आदित्य_Cp प्रतिमा_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who are bright-hued like the Sun, to you who are like the Sun, to you whose face is like the Sun, to you who have eyes each of which is like the Sun.
नमस्_SNNe सोम_SDM सौम्य_SDM सौम्य_Cp वक्त्र_Cp धर_SDM च_ | R सौम्य_Cp रूप_SDM मुख्य_SDM सौम्य_Cp दंष्ट्र_Cp विभूषिन्_SDM |
I bow to you who are Soma, to you who are as mild as Soma, to you who bear the lunar disc, to you who are of lunar aspect, to you who are the foremost of all creatures, to you who are adorned with most beautiful teeth.
नमस्_SNNe श्याम_SDM गौर_SDM अर्ध_Cp पीत_Cp अर्ध_Cp पाण्डव_SDM | R नारी_Cp नर_Cp शरीर_SDM स्त्रीपुंस_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD |
I bow to you who are of a dark colour, to you who are of a fair complexion, to you who have a form half of which is yellow and half white, to you who have a body half of which is male and half female, to you who are both male and female.
नमस्_SNNe वृषभ_Cp वाह_SDM गज_Cp इन्द्र_Cp गमन_SDM च_ | दुर्गम_SDNe नमः_ त्वद्_SD अगम्य_Cp गमन_SDM च_ca च_ चलन_SDM चलम्_ चलम्_ चलमः_calama दुर्गम_SDNe नमः_ नमः_ त्वद्_SD अगम्य_Cp गमन_SDM चलमः_calama चलमः_calama चलम_SDNe चलम_SDNe चलम_SDNe चलम_SDNe चलम_SDNe चलम_SDNe च् R नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im गण_Cp गा_SDPaM गण_Cp वृन्द_Cp रम्_SDPaM च_ | R गण_Cp अनुया_PaCp मार्ग_SDM गण_Cp नित्य_Cp व्रत_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who have bull for your vehicle, to you who proceed riding on the foremost of elephants, to you who are obtained with difficulty, to you who are capable of going to places unapproachable by others. I bow to you whose praises are sung by the Ganas, to you who are devoted to the various Ganas, to you who follow the track that is trod by the Ganas, to you who are always devoted to the Ganas as to a vow.
नमस्_SNNe श्वेत_Cp अभ्र_Cp वर्ण_SDM संध्या_Cp राग_Cp प्रभा_SDM च_ | R अन्_ उद्दिश्_PaCp अभिधान_SDM स्वरूप_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD त्वद्_SD उद्दिश्_PaCp अभिधान_SDM स्वरूप_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SD | R नमस्_SNNe रक्त_Cp अग्र_Cp वास_SDM रक्त_Cp सूत्र_Cp धर_SDM च_ | R रक्त_Cp माला_Cp विचित्र_SDM रक्त_Cp अम्बर_Cp धर_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who are of the complexion of white clouds, to you who have the splendour of the evening clouds, to you who are incapable of being described by names, lo you who are of your own form. I bow to you having a garland of red colour, to you who are clad in robes of red.
मणि_Cp भूषय्_PaCp मूर्ध_SDM नमस्_SNNe चन्द्र_Cp अर्ध_Cp भूषिन्_SDM | विचित्र_Cp मणि_Cp मूर्ध_SDM कुसुम_Cp अष्टन्_Cp धर_SDM च_ |
I bow to you whose crown is set with gems, to you who are adorned with a crescent, to you who wear many beautiful gems in your diadem, to you who have eight flowers on your head.
नमस्_SNNe अग्नि_Cp मुख_Cp नेत्र_SDM सहस्र_Cp शशिन्_Cp लोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमोचन_Cp विमो अग्नि_Cp रूप_SDM कान्त_SDM नमस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im गहन_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who have a fiery mouth and fiery eyes, to you who have eyes effulgent like a thousand moons, to you who are of the form of fire, to you who are beautiful and agreeable, to you who are inconceivable and mysterious.
खचर_SDM नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SD गोचर_Cp अभिरम्_SDPaM च_ च_ च_ | R भूचर_SDM भुवन_SDNe अनन्त_SDM शिव_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who range in the sky, to you who delight in living in pasture grounds, to you who walk on the Earth, to you who are the Earth, to you who are infinite, to you who are highly auspicious.
नमस्_SNNe दिग्वासस्_SDM नित्यम्_ अधिवास_Cp सु_ वासस्_SDM | R नमस्_SNNe जगन्निवास_SDM प्रतिपत्ति_Cp सुख_SDNe च_ |
I bow to you who are nude, to you who make a happy home of every place where you may happen to be for the time being. I bow to you who have the universe for your home, to you who have both Knowledge and Felicity for your Soul.
नित्यम्_ उद्वन्ध्_PaCp मुकुट_SLM महत्_Cp केयूर_Cp धारिन्_SDM | सर्प_Cp कण्ठ_Cp उपहार_SDM विचित्र_Cp आभरण_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who always wear a diadem, to you who wear a large armlet, to you who have a snake for the garland round your neck, to you who wear many beautiful ornaments on your body.
नमस्_SNNe त्रिनेत्र_Cp नेत्र_SDM सहस्र_Cp शत_Cp लोचन_Cp विमन_SVF | R स्त्रीपुंस_SDM नपुंस_SDM नमस्_SNNe सांख्य_SDM योगिन्_SDM इति_ |
I bow to you who have the Sun, the Moon, and Agni for your three eyes, to you who have a thousand cyes, to you who are both male and female, to you who are divested of sex, to you who are a Sankhya, to you who are a Yogin.
शंयोस्_ अभिस्रवन्त_SDM अथर्व_SDM नमस्_SNNe नमस्_SNNe | R नमस्_SNNe सर्व_Cp आर्ति_Cp नाश_SDM नमस्_SNNe शोक_Cp हर_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who are the grace of those gods who are adored in sacrifices, to you who are the Atharvans, to you who remove all sorts of disease and pain, to you who remove every sorrow.
नमस्_SNNe मेघनिनाद_SDM बहु_Cp माया_Cp धर_SDM च_ | बीज_Cp क्षेत्र_Cp अभिपाल_SDM स्रष्टृ_Cp आर_SDM नमस्_SNNe नमस्_SNNe |
I bow to you who roar as deep as the clouds, to you who display diverse kinds of illusions, to you who, lord over the soil and over the seed that is sown in it, to you who are the Creator of everything.
नमस्_SNNe सुर_Cp असुर_Cp ईश_SDM विश्व_Cp ईश_SDM नमस्_SNNe नमस्_SNNe | R नमस्_SNNe पवन_Cp वेग_SDM नमस्_SNNe पवन_Cp रूपिन्_SDM |
I bow to you who are the Lord of all the deities, to you who are the Master of the universe, to you who are fleet like the wind, to you who are of the forin of the wind.
नमस्_SNNe काञ्चन_Cp माला_SDM गिरि_Cp माला_SDM वै_ नमस्_SNNe | R नमस्_SNNe सुरारि_Cp माला_SDM चण्डवेग_SDM वै_ नमस्_SNNe |
I bow to you who wear a garland of gold, to you who play on hills and mountains, to you who are adored by all who are enemics of the gods, to you who are endued with fierce speed and energy.
ब्रह्मशिर_Cp उपहर्तृ_SDM महिष_Cp घ्न_SDM वै_ नमस्_SNNe | R नमस्_SNNe स्त्री_Cp रूप_Cp धार_SDM यज्ञ_Cp विध्वंसन_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who cut off one of the heads of the Grandfather Brahma, to you who have killed the Asura named Mahisha, to you who have three forms, to you who have every form.
नमस्_SNNe त्रिपुर_Cp हर्त_SDM यज्ञ_Cp विध्वंसन_SDM च_ | R नमस्_SNNe काम_Cp अङ्ग_Cp नाश_SDM काल_Cp दण्ड_Cp धर_SDM च_ |
I bow to you who are the destroyer of the triple city of the Asuras, to you who are the destroyer of (Daksha's) sacrifice, to you who are the destroyer of the person of Kama (the god of love) to you who hold the rod of destruction.
नमस्_SNNe स्कन्द_Cp विशाख_SDM ब्रह्मदण्ड_SDM वै_ नमस्_SNNe | R नमस्_SNNe भव_SDM शर्व_SDM विश्वरूप_SDM वै_ नमस्_SNNe |
I bow to you who are Skanda, to you who are Visakha, to you who are the rod of the are Brahmana, to you who are Bhava, to you who are Sarvam, to you who are of universal form.
त्वद्_SN मद्_PG गति_SNF च_ श्रेष्ठ_SNM च_ त्वद्_SN एव_ हृदय_SNNe तथा_ | R त्वद्_SN ब्रह्मन्_SNM सर्व_Cp देव_PGM रुद्र_PGM नीललोहित_SNM |
You are the one end of all creatures, you are the foremost, you are the heart of everything. You are the Brahman of all the gods, you are the Red and Blue of the Rudras.
गृहस्थ_SNM त्वद्_SN आश्रमिन्_PGM ईश्वर_PGM महेश्वर_SNM | R कुबेर_SNM सर्व_Cp यक्ष_PGM क्रतु_PGM विष्णु_SNM वच्_SPr3InPv |
Amongst those who follow the different modes of life, you are the Householder, you are the great Lord amongst the patriarchs. You are Kubera among all the Yakshas, and you are Vishnu amongst all the sacrifices.
पर्वत_PGM भवत्_SNM मेरु_SNM नक्षत्र_PGNe च_ चन्द्रमस्_SNM | R वसिष्ठ_SNM त्वद्_SN ऋषि_PGM च_ ग्रह_PGM सूर्य_SNM वच्_SPr3InPv |
You are Meru amongst mountains, you are the Moon among all luminaries of the sky, you are Vashishtha amongst Rishis, yon are the Sun among the planets.
अरण्य_PGNe पशु_PGM च_ सिंह_SNM त्वद्_SN परमेश्वर_SNM | R ग्राम्य_PGM गो_ वृष_SNM च_ अस्_SPr2In भवत्_SNM लोक_Cp प्रपूजय्_SNPaM |
You are the lion among all the beasts, and the bull adored of all among all domestic animals. are are
आदित्य_PGM भवत्_SNM विष्णु_SNM वसु_PGM च_ एव_ पावक_SNM | R पक्षिन्_PGM वैनतेय_SNM त्वद्_SN अनन्त_SNM भुजग_PLM च_ |
Among the Adityas, you are Vishnu (Upendra), among the Vasus, you are Pavaka, among birds you are Garuda, and among snakes you are Ananta.
शक्र_SNM अस्_SPr2In मरुत्_PGM देव_SVM पितृ_PGM हव्यवह्_SNM अस्_SPr2In | R ब्रह्मन्_Cp लोक_SNM च_ लोक_PGM गति_PGF मोक्ष_SNM वच्_SPr2InPv |
Among the Maruts you are Shakra, among the Pitris you are Devarat, among all the regions you are the region of Brahman, and you are emancipation amongst all the ends of creatures.
तद्_SNNe सर्व_SNNe भगवन्त्_SNM एव_ इति_ मद्_SG निश्चि_SNPaF मति_SNF | नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भगवत्_SVM देव_SVM नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भक्त_Cp वत्सल_SVM नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भगवत्_SVM देव_SVM नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भक्त_Cp वत्सल_Cp ल_Cp त्वद्_SG भक्त_Cp वत्सल_Cp ल_Cp नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भक्त_Cp वत्सल_Cp ल_Cp नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भगवत्_SVM देव_SVM नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG भ
You are endued with supreme power. This is my certain conclusion. I bow to you, O powerful and illustrious one, O you who are kind to all your worshippers.
योगेश्वर_SVM नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im नमस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG विश्व_Cp सम्भव_SVM | प्रसद्_SPr2Im मद्_SG भक्त_SGM दीन_SGM कृपण_SGM च_ |
I bow to you, O lord of Yogins. I bow to you, O original Cause of the universe. Be you pleased with me that am your worshipper, that am very miserable and helpless.
अनैश्वर्य_SINe युज्_SGPaM गति_SNF भू_SPr2Im सनातन_Cp | R यद्_SANe च_ अपराध_SAM कृ_SNPaM अ_ ज्ञा_Co परमेश्वर_SNM | R मद्_Cp भक्त_SNM इति_ देवेश_SVM तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe क्षम्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
O Eternal Lord, do you become the refuge of this adorer of yours who is very weak and miserable! O Supreme Lord, you should pardon me for all the sins i have committed, taking mercy on me for my being your devoted worshipper.
मोहय्_SNPaM च_ अस्_SPr1In देवेश_SVM त्वद्_SI रूप_Cp विपर्यय_SBM | R त्वद्_SD न_ मद्_SI दा_SNPaNe पाद्य_SNNe च_ अपि_ महेश्वर_SVM |
I ain stupefied by you, O Lord of all the gods, on account of the disguise in which you appeared before me. O Maheshvara, I did not give you the Arghya or water to wash your feet.
एवम्_ स्तु_Co मद्_SN ईशान_SAM पाद्य_SANe यज्_SPs3In च_ भक्ति_SBF | R कृ_PaCp अञ्जलि_Cp पुट_SNM भू_Co सर्व_SANe तद्_SDM निवेदय्_S1ImIn |
Having sung thus the praises of Ishana, I offered him, with great devotion, water to wash his feet and the articles of the Arghya, and then, with joined hands I resigned myself to him, ready to carry out his command.
ततस्_ शीत_Cp अम्बु_Cp संयुज्_PNPaF दिव्य_Cp गन्ध_Cp समन्वित_PNF | R पुष्प_Cp वृष्टि_SNF शुभ_SNF तात_SVM पत्_SPs3In मद्_SG मूर्धन्_SLM | मद्_SG मूर्धन्_SLM |
Then, O sire, an auspicious shower of flowers dropped upon my head, carrying celestial fragrance and bedewed with cold water.
दुन्दुभि_SNM च_ तदा_ दिव्य_SNM ताडय्_SNPaM देव_Cp किंकर_PIM | R वा_SPs3In च_ मारुत_SNM पुष्प_SNM शुचि_Cp गन्ध_SNM सुख_Cp आवह_SNM |
The divine musicians began to play on their kettle drums. A delicious breeze fragrant and sweet, began to blow and fill me with pleasure.
प्री_SNPaM महादेव_SNM स_ पत्नीक_SNM वृषध्वज_SNM | R ब्रू_S3ImIn त्रिदश_PAM तत्र_ हर्षय्_SNPaPrM इव_ मद्_SA तदा_ ब्रू_S3ImIn त्रिदश_PAM तत्र_ हर्षय्_SNPaPrM इव_ मद्_SA तदा_ ब्रू_S3ImIn त्रिदश_PAM तत्र_ हर्षय्_SNPaPrM इव_ मद्_SA तदा_ ब्रू_S3ImIn त्रिदश_PAM तत्र_ हर्षय्_SNPaPrM इव_ मद्_SA तदा_ ब्रू_S3ImIn tridaś R पश्_PPr2Im त्रिदश_PVM सर्व_PNM उपमन्यु_SGM महात्मन्_SGM | पश्_PPr2Im त्रिदश_PVM सर्व_PNM उपमन्यु_SGM महात्मन्_SGM | R मद्_SL भक्ति_SAF पर_SAF नित्यम्_ एक_Cp भाव_SBM अवस्था_SAPaF मद्_SL भक्ति_SAF पर_SAF नित्यम्_ एक_Cp भाव_SBM अवस्था_SAPaF मद्_SL भक्ति_SAF पर_SAF नित्यम्_ एक_Cp भाव_SBM अवस्था_SAPaF मद्_SL भक्ति_SAF पर_SAF नित्यम्_ एक_Cp भाव_SBM अवस्था_SAPaF मद्_SL भक्ति_SA
Then Mahadeva accompanied by his wife, and having the bull for his emblem, having been pleased with me, addressed the deities assembled there in these words, filling me with great joy Behold, your gods, the devotion of the great Upamanyu. Indeed, steady and great is that devotion, and entirely fixed, for it remains unaltered.
एवम्_ वच्_PNPaM तदा_ कृष्ण_SVM सुर_PNM तद्_PNM शूलपाणि_SIM आदा_Co कृष्ण_SVM सुर_PNM तद्_PNM शूलपाणि_SIM आ_ एवम्_ वच्_PNPaM तदा_ कृष्ण_SVM सुर_PNM तद्_PNM शूलपाणि_SIM आ_ एवम्_ वच्_PNPaM तदा_ कृष्ण_SVM सुर_PNM तद्_PNM वच्_PPs3In प्राञ्जल_SVM सर्व_PNM नमस्कृ_Co वृषध्वज_SAM | R भगवन्त्_SVM देवदेवेश_SVM लोकनाथ_SVM जगत्पति_SVM | लभ्_SPr3Im सर्व_Cp काम_PBM फल_SANe त्वद्_SBM द्विजोत्तम_SNM |
Thus addressed by the great God armed with the Shula, the gods, O Krishna, having bowed down to him and joined their hands in respect, said these words O illustrious one, O God of the gods, O Lord of the universe, O Lord of all, let this best of twice born persons obtain from you the fruition of all his desires!
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM ततस्_ शर्व_SNM सुर_PIM ब्रह्मन्_Cp आदि_PIM तथा_ | R अह्_SPs3In मद्_SA भगवत्_SNM ईश_SNM प्रहस्_SNPaPrM इव_ शंकर_SNM |
Thus addressed by all the gods with the Grandfather Brahman among them, Sharva, otherwise called Isha and Shankara, said these words, as if smiling, to ine.
शंंकर_SNM वच्_SPs3In वत्स_SVM उपमन्यु_SVM तुष्_SNPaM अस्_SPr1In पश्_SPr2Im मद्_SA मुनि_Cp पुंगव_SVM | R दृढ_Cp भक्त_SNM अस्_SPr2In विप्र_Cp ऋषि_SVM मद्_SI जिज्ञास्_SNPaM हि_ अस्_SPr2In |
The illustrious Shankara said O dear Upamanyu, I am pleased with you. See me, O foremost of ascetics! O learned Rishi, you are firmly devoted to me and you have been well tested by me.
इदम्_SIF च_ एव_ भक्ति_SIF त्वद्_SG अत्यर्थ_SLM प्रीतिमत्_SNM मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN R तस्मात्_ सर्व_PAM दा_SPr1In अद्य_ काम_PAM त्वद्_SG यथा_ ईप्सय्_PAPaM |
I have been very highly pleased with you on account of this your devotion to Shiva. I Shall, therefore, give you today the fruition of your desires.
एवम्_ वच्_SGPaM च_ एव_ अथ_ महादेव_SIM धीमत्_SIM | R हर्ष_SBM अश्रु_PNNe वृत्_P3ImIn रोमहर्ष_SNM तु_ जन्_S3ImIn |
Thus' addressed by the highly wise Mahadeva, tears of joy came into my eyes and my hair stood crect.
ब्रू_S1ImIn च_ तदा_ देव_SAM हर्ष_Cp गद्गद_SIF गिर्_SIF | R जानु_DuIM अवनी_SAF गम्_Co प्रणम्_Co च_ पुनर्_ पुनर्_ |
Kneeling down to him and bowing to him repeatedly, I then with a voice that was Suppressed with joy, said to him.
अद्य_ जन्_SNPaM हि_ मद्_SN देव_SVM स_ फल_SNNe जन्मन्_SNNe च_ अद्य_ मद्_SG | R सुर_Cp असुर_Cp गुरु_SNM देव_SNM यत्_ स्था_SPr3In मद्_SG अग्रतस्_ |
O illustrious god, it appears to me that I was hitherto dead and that it is only today that I have taken my birth, and that my birth has today bomc fruit, since I am standing now in the presence of Him who is the Master of both the gods and the Asuras!
यद्_SAM न_ पश्_PPr3In च_ एव_ अद्धा_ देव_PNM हि_ अमित_Cp विक्रम_SAM | R तद्_SAM मद्_SN दृश्_SNPaM देव_SAM क_SNM अन्य_SNM धन्यतर_SNM मद्_SI अपि_ मद्_SN दृश्_SNPaM देव_SAM क_SNM अन्य_SNM धन्यतर_SNM मद्_SI अपि_ मद्_SN दृश्_SNPaM देव_SAM क_SNM अन्य_SNM धन्यतर_SNM मद्_SI अपि_ मद्_SN दृश्_SNPaM देव_SAM क_SNM अन्य_SNM
Who clse is more praiseworthy than I, since I am seeing with these eyes of mine Him of immeasurable prowess whom the very gods are unable to see without first paying hearty worship?
एवम्_ ध्या_PPr3In विद्वस्_PNM पर_SANe तत्त्व_SANe सनातन_SANe | R तद्_SNNe विशेष_SNNe इति_ ख्या_SNPaNe यद्_SNNe अज_SNNe ज्ञान_SNNe अक्षर_SNNe | R तद्_SNM एतद्_SNM भगवन्त्_SNM देव_SNM सर्व_Cp सत्त्व_Cp आदि_SNM अव्यय_SNM | R सर्व_Cp तत्त्व_Cp विधान_Cp ज्ञ_SNM प्रधानपुरुष_SNM पर_SNM |
The learned and the wise consider that as the highest of all topics, which is Eternal, which is distinguished from all else, which is unborn, which is Knowledge, which is indestructible, at one with you o powerful and illustrious one, you who are the beginning of all the topics, you who are indestructible and challengeless, you who know all the ordinances, you who are the foremost of Purushas, you who are the highest of the high.
यद्_SNM सृज्_S3ImIn दक्षिण_SBNe अङ्ग_SBNe ब्रह्मन्_SAM लोक_Cp सम्भव_SAM | R वाम_Cp पार्थ_SBM तथा_ विष्णु_SAM लोक_Cp रक्षा_Cp अर्थ_SAM ईश्वर_SNM |
You who had created from your right side the Grandfather Brahman, the Creator of all things, you are he who had created from your leftside Vishnu for protecting the Creation.
युग_Cp अन्त_SLM च_ एव_ सम्प्राप्_SLPaM रुद्र_SAM ईश_SNM सृज्_S3ImIn प्रभु_SNM | R रुद्र_SNM संहृ_SNPaPrM कृत्स्न_SANe जगन्त्_SANe स्थावर_Cp जङ्गम_SANe | R काल_SNM भू_Co महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM संवर्तक_SNM इव_ अनल_SNM | R युग_Cp अन्त_SLM सर्व_Cp भूत_PANe ग्रस्_SNPaPrM इव_ व्यवस्था_SNPaM |
You are that powerful Lord who did create Rudra when the end of the cycle came and when the Creation was once more to be destroyed! That Rudra who originated from you destroyed the Creation with all its mobile and immobile beings, assuming the form of highly powerful Kala, of the cloud Samvartaka, and of the all destroying fire. Indeed, when the time for the dissolution of the universe sets in, that Rudra stands, ready to swallow up the universe.
एतद्_SNM देव_SNM महादेव_SNM जगन्त्_SANe सृज्_Co चराचर_SANe | R कल्प_Cp अन्त_SLM च_ एव_ सर्व_PGM स्मृति_SAF आक्षिप्_Co स्था_SPr3In |
You are that Mahadeva who is the original Creator of the universe with all its mobile and immobile creatures. You are he who, at the end of the aeon stands, withdrawing all things into yourself.
_sarvaga _sarvabhūta _ātman _sarva _bhūta _bhavodbhava | सर्व_Cp गम्_SNPaM नित्यम्_ अदृश्य_SNM सर्व_Cp दैवत_PINe |
You are he who pervades all things, you are the Soul of all things, you are the Creator of all principles. Incapable of being beheld by even any of the gods, you are he who exists, pervading all principles.
यदि_ दा_SNMGd वर_SNM मद्_SD यदि_ तुष्_SNPaM अस्_SPr2In मद्_SG प्रभु_SVM | R भक्ति_SNF भू_SPr3Im मद्_SG नित्यम्_ त्वद्_SL देव_SVM सुरेश्वर_SVM |
If, O Lord, you have been pleased with me and if you would grant me boons, let this be the boon, O Lord of all the gods, that my devotion to you may remain unchanged.
अती_PaCp अनागत_SNNe च_ एव_ वर्तमान_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe विभु_SVM अती_PaCp अनागत_SNNe च_ एव_ वर्तमान_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe विभु_SVM अती_PaCp अनागत_SNNe च_ एव_ वर्तमान_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe विभु_SVM अती_PaCp अनागत_SNNe च_ एव_ वर्तमान_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe विभु_SVM अती_PaCp ज्ञा_SPr1O इति_ मद्_SG बुद्धि_SNF प्रसाद_SBM सुर_Cp सत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम_SVM असत्तम
O best of the gods, let me through your grace, have knowledge of the Present, the Past, and the Future.
क्षीर_Cp ओदन_SAM च_ भुज्_SPr1O अक्षय_SAM सह_ बान्धव_PIM | आश्रम_SLM च_ सदा_ मद्_PG सांनिध्य_SNNe पर_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im त्वद्_SG |
I shall also, with all my kinsmen and friends, always eat food mixed with milk. And let your illustrious self be for ever present at our gifted hermitage.
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तद्_SNM मद्_SA प्राह्_SPs3In भगवन्त्_SNM लोक_Cp पूजय्_SNPaM | R महेश्वर_SNM महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM चराचर_Cp गुरु_SNM शिव_SNM |
Thus addressed by me, the illustrious Maheshvara gifted with supreme energy, that Master of all mobile and immobile creations, viz., Shiva, adored of all the universe, then said to me these words.
भगवन्त्_SNM वच्_SPs3In अजर_Cp चामर_SNM च_ एव_ भू_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN दुःख_Cp वर्जय्_SNPaM | R यशस्विन्_SNM तेजस्_SINe युज्_SNPaM दिव्य_Cp ज्ञान_Cp समन्वित_SNM |
The Illustrious God said Be free from every misery and pain and be above decrepitude and death. Be gifted with fame, be endued with great energy, and spiritual knowledge.
ऋषि_PGM अभिगम्_SNMGd च_ मद्_Cp प्रसाद_SBM भू_SFu2In | R शीलवत्_SNM गुण_Cp सम्पद्_SNPaM सर्व_Cp ज्ञ_SNM प्रिय_Cp दर्शन_SNM |
You shall through my grace, be always sought by the Rishis. Be your behaviour good and righteous. May you possess all attributes and universal knowledge. Be you of agreeable appearance.
अक्षय_SNNe यौवन_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im तेजस्_SNNe च_ एव_ अनल_Cp उपम_SNNe | R च_ एव_ यत्र_ यत्र_ इष्_SPr2In प्रिय_SANe | तत्र_ त्वद्_SG भू_SFu3InPe कामम्_ सांनिध्य_SNNe पयस्_SGNe निधि_SGM | R भुज्_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN अमृत_SINe समन्वित_SAM |
May you possess everlasting youth, and let your energy be like that of fire. Whenever, again, you may wish for the presence, which is so agreeable to you, of the ocean of milk, there shall that ocean appear before you. Do you, with your friends, always obtain food prepared with milk, with the celestial nectar being mixed। with it.
बन्धु_PIM सहित_SNM कल्प_SAM ततस्_ मद्_SA उपया_SFu2In | R अक्षय_PNM बान्धव_PNM च_ एव_ कुल_SNNe गोत्र_SNNe च_ त्वद्_SG सदा_ |
After the expiration of an acon you will enjoy my company. Unending shall be your family and race and Kinsmen.
भू_SFu3In द्विजश्रेष्ठ_SVM मद्_SL भक्ति_SNF च_ शाश्वत_SNF | R सांनिध्य_SANe च_ आश्रम_SLM नित्यम्_ कृ_SFu1In द्विजोत्तम_SVM |
O foremost of twiceborn ones, your devotion to me shall be eternal. And, O best of Brahmanas. I shall always be present at your hermitage.
स्था_SPr2Im वत्स_SVM यथाकाम_SANe न_ उत्कण्ठा_SAF च_ कृ_SFu2In | R स्मृ_SNPaM त्वद्_SI पुनर्_ विप्र_SVM कृ_SFu1In च_ दर्शन_SANe |
Live, O son, wherever you like shorn of anxiety. Thought of by you, I shall, O learned Brahmana, appear before you again.
एवम्_ वच्_Co तद्_SNM भगवन्त्_SNM सूर्य_Cp कोटि_Cp सम_Cp प्रभा_SNM | ईशान_SNM तद्_SNM वर_PAM दा_Co तत्र_ एव_ अन्तर्धा_S3ImInPv |
Having said these words, and granted me these boons, the illustrious Ishana, effulgent like millions of Suns, disappeared there and then.
एवम्_ दृश्_SNPaM मद्_SI कृष्ण_SVM देवदेव_SNM समाधि_SIM | तद्_SNNe अवाप्_SNPaNe च_ मद्_SD सर्व_SNNe यद्_SNNe वच्_SNPaNe तद्_SIM धीमत्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SVM तद्_SNNe अवाप्_SNPaNe च_ मद्_SD सर्व_SNNe यद्_SNNe वच्_SNPaNe तद्_SIM धीमत्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_Cp अवाप्_SNPaNe च_ मद्_SD सर्व_SNNe यद्_SNNe वच्_SNPaNe तद्_SIM धीमत्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_Cp अ
It was even, O Krishna, that I saw, with the help of austere penances, that God of gods. I also got all that was said by the great God endued with supreme intelligence.
प्रत्यक्ष_SANe च_ एव_ त्वद्_SG कृष्ण_SVM पश्_SPr2Im सिद्ध_PAM व्यवस्था_PAPaM | R ऋषि_PAM विद्याधर_PAM यक्ष_PAM गन्धर्व_Cp अप्सरस्_PAF तथा_ |
See, O Krishna, before your eyes, these Siddhas living here and these Rishis and Vidyadharas and Yakshas and Gandharvas and Apsaras.
पश्_SPr2Im वृक्ष_Cp लता_Cp गुल्म_PAM सर्व_Cp पुष्प_Cp फल_Cp प्रद_PAM | सर्व_Cp ऋतु_Cp कुसुम_PINe युज्_PAPaM सुख_Cp पत्त्र_PAM सुगन्धित_SNM |
See these trees and creepers and plants yielding all sorts of flowers and fruits. See them bearing the flowers of every season, with beautiful leaves, and spreading a sweet smell all around.
सर्व_SANe एतद्_SANe महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM दिव्य_Cp भाव_Cp समन्वित_SANe | R प्रसाद_SBM देवदेव_SGM ईश्वर_SGM महात्मन्_SGM |
O you of mighty arms, all these are gifted with a celestial nature through the favour of that god of gods, that supreme Lord, that great Deity.
वासुदेव_SNM वच्_SPs3In एतद्_SANe श्रु_Co वचस्_SANe तद्_SGM प्रत्यक्ष_SANe इव_ दर्शन_SANe | R विस्मय_SAM परम_SAM गम्_Co अध्रुव_SAM तद्_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM महत्_Cp मुनि_SAM ma R धन्य_SNM त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In विप्र_Cp इन्द्र_SVM क_SNM त्वद्_Cp अन्य_SNM अस्_SPr2In पुण्य_Cp कृत्_SNM | R यद्_SGM देव_Cp अधिदेव_SNM त्वद्_SG सांनिध्य_SANe कृ_SPr3In आश्रम_SLM |
Vasudeva continued Hearing these words of his and seeing, as it were, with my own eyes all that he had described to me, I became filled with wonder. I then addressed the great ascetic Upamanyu and said to him, Highly praiseworthy as you are, O foremost of learned Brahmanas, for what righteous man is there except you whose retreat enjoys the distinction of being honoured with the presence of that God of gods.
अपि_ तावत्_ मद्_SG अपि_ एवम्_ दा_SPr3O तद्_SNM भगवन्त्_SNM शिव_SNM | R दर्शन_SANe मुनि_Cp शार्दूल_SVM प्रसाद_SAM च_ अपि_ शंकर_SNM |
Will the powerful Shiva, will the great Shankara, O chief of ascetics, grant me also a sight of his body and show me favour?
उपमन्यु_SNM वच्_SPs3In दृश्_SFu2In पुण्डरीकाक्ष_SVM महादेव_SAM न_ संशय_SNM | अचिर_SIM एव_ काल_SIM यथा_ दृश्_SNPaM मद्_SI अनघ_SVM |
Upamanyu said Forsooth, O you having eyes like lotus petals, you will very soon see Mahadeva as, O sinless one, I succeeded in seeing him.
चक्षुस्_SINe च_ एव_ दिव्य_SINe दृश्_SPr1In अमित_Cp विक्रम_SAM | R षष्ठ_SLM मास्_SLM महादेव_SAM दृश्_SFu2In पुरुषोत्तम_SAM |
O you of immeasurable prowess, I see with my spiritual eyes that you will in the sixth month from, this, succeed in getting a sight of Mahadeva, O best of all persons.
षोडशन्_Cp अष्टन्_PAM वर_PAM च_ अपि_ प्राप्_SFu2In त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SN महेश्वर_SBM षोडशन्_Cp अष्टन्_PAM वर_PAM च_ सपत्नीक_SBM यदुश्रेष्ठ_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD सपत्नीक_SBM यदुश्रेष्ठ_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD सपत्नीक_SBM यदुश्रेष्ठ_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD सपत्नीक_SBM यदुश्रेष्ठ_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1I
You, O foremost of the Yadus, will obtain from Maheshvara and his wife twentyfour boons. I tell you what is true.
अती_PaCp अनागत_SNNe च_ एव_ वर्तमान_SNNe च_ नित्यशस्_ | R विद्_SNPaNe मद्_SG महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM प्रसाद_SBM तद्_SGM धीमत्_SGM |
Through the favour of that Deity gifted with supreme wisdom, I know the Past, the Future, and the Present.
विष्णु_SNM वच्_SPs3In ब्रू_S1ImIn तद्_SAM मद्_SN ब्रह्मन्_SVM त्वद्_Cp प्रसाद_SBM महत्_Cp मुनि_SVM | R दृश्_SFu1In क्षितिज_Cp संघ_PGM मर्दन_SAM त्रिदशेश्वर_SAM |
The blessed Vishnu said I then said to him O twiceborn one, through your favour, O great ascetic, I shall see the lord of the deities, that grinder of Diti's numberless sons.
एवम्_ कथय्_SGPaPrM तद्_SGM महादेव_Cp आश्रि_SAPaF कथा_SAF एवम्_ कथय्_SGPaPrM तद्_SGM महादेव_Cp आश्रि_SAPaF कथा_SAF | दिन_PNNe अष्टन्_PNNe ततस्_ गम्_PPs3In मुहूर्त_SANe इव_ भारत_SVM | दिन_PNNe अष्टन्_PNNe ततस्_ गम्_PPs3In मुहूर्त_SANe इव_ भारत_SVM |
Eight days, O Bharata, passed there like an hour, all of us being thus occupied with talk on Mahadeva.
दिन_SLM अष्टम_SLM तु_ विप्र_SIM दीक्ष्_SNPaM मद्_SN यथाविधि_ | दण्डिन्_SNM मुण्डिन्_SNM कुशिन्_SNM चीरिन्_SNM घृत_Cp अञ्ज्_SNPaM मेखलिन्_SNM कृ_SNPaM |
On the eighth day, I underwent the initiation according to due rites, at the hands of that Brahmana. I received the staff from his hands. I went through the prescribed shave. I took up a quantity of Kusha blades in my hand. I wore rags for my raiment's. I rubbed my person with clarified butter. I put a cord of Munja grass round my loins.
मास_SAM एक_SAM फल_Cp आहार_SNM द्वितीय_SAM सलिल_Cp अशन_SNM | R तृतीय_SAM च_ चतुर्थ_SAM च_ पञ्चम_SAM च_ अनिल_Cp अशन_SNM |
For one month, I lived on fruits. The second month I lived upon water. The third, the fourth, and the fifth months I passed, living upon air only.
एक_Cp पाद_SIM स्था_SNPaPrM च_ ऊर्ध्वबाहु_SNM अतन्द्रित_SNM | R तेजस्_SANe सूर्य_Cp सहस्र_SGNe पश्_S1ImIn दिव्_SLM भारत_SVM | तेजस्_SANe सूर्य_Cp सहस्र_SGNe पश्_S1ImIn दिव्_SLM भारत_SVM |
I stood all the while, upon one foot, and with my arms also raised upwards, and giving up sleep for all the time. I then saw, O Bharata, in the sky a light that seemed to be as dazzling as that of a thousand Suns.
तद्_SGM मध्य_Cp गम्_SAPaM च_ अपि_ तेजस्_SGNe पाण्डु_Cp नन्दन_SVM | R इन्द्रायुध_Cp पिनह्_PaCp अङ्ग_SAM विद्युत्_Cp माला_Cp गवाक्षक_SAM |
Towards the centre of that effulgence, O son of Pandu, I saw a cloud loO king like a mass of blue hills, adorned with rows of cranes, decorated with many a grand rainbow, with flashes of lightning and the fire loO king like eyes set on it.
नील_Cp शैल_Cp चय_Cp प्रख्या_SAM वलाका_Cp भूषय्_PaCp अम्बर_SAM | R तत्र_ स्था_SNPaM च_ भगवत्_SNM देवी_SIF सह_ महत्_Cp द्युति_SNM | R तपस्_SINe तेजस्_SINe कान्ति_SIF दीप्_SIPaF सह_ भार्या_SIF |
Within that cloud was the powerful Mahadeva, himself of dazzling splendour, accompanied by his consort Uma. Indeed, the great God appeared to shine with his penances, energy, beauty, effulgence, and his beloved consort by his side.
राज्_SPs3In भगवन्त्_SNM तत्र_ देवी_SIF सह_ महेश्वर_SNM | R सोम_SIM सहित_SNM सूर्य_SNM यथा_ मेघ_Cp स्था_SNPaM तथा_ |
The powerful Maheshvara, with his wife by his side, shone in the midst of that cloud. The appearance seemed to be like that of the Sun in the midst of clouds with the Moon by his side.
संहृष्_PaCp रोमन्_SNM कौन्तेय_SVM विस्मय_Cp उत्फुल्ल_Cp लोचन_SNM | पश्_S1ImIn देव_Cp संघ_PGM गति_SAF आर्ति_Cp हर_SAM हर_SAM |
The hair on my body, O son of Kunti, stood erect, and my eyes expanded with wonder upon seeing Hara, the refuge of all the gods and the remover of all their griefs.
किरीटिन्_SAM गदिन्_SAM शूलपाणि_SAM व्याघ्र_Cp अजिन_SAM जटिल_SAM दण्ड_Cp पाणि_SAM | R पिनाकिन्_SVM वज्रिन्_SAM तीक्ष्ण_Cp दंष्ट्र_SVM शुभ_Cp अङ्गद_SAM व्याल_Cp यज्ञोपवीत_SAM |
Mahadeva was adorned with a diadem on his head. He was armed with his Shula. He was clad in a tigerskin, had matted locks on his head, and bore the staff in one of his hands. He was armed, besides, with his Pinaka and the thunderbolt. His teeth were sharp pointed. He was adorned with an excellent bracelet for the upper arm. His sacred thread was formed by a snake.
दिव्य_SAF माला_SAF उरस्_SINe अनेक_Cp वर्ण_SAF समुद्वह्_SAPaPrM गुल्फ_Cp देश_Cp अवलम्ब_SAF | R चन्द्र_SAM यथा_ परिविष्_SAPaM स_ संध्या_SAM वर्षा_Cp अत्यय_SLM तद्वत्_ पश्_S1ImIn एनद्_SAM |
He wore an excellent garland of various colours on his bosom, that hung down to his toes. Indeed, I saw him like the highly bright moon of an autumnal evening.
प्रमथ_PGM गण_PIM च_ एव_ समन्तात्_ परिवारय्_SNPaNe | R शरद्_SLF इव_ सु_ दुष्प्रेक्ष्य_SAM परिविष्_SAPaM दिवाकर_SAM |
Surrounded by various clans of spirits and ghosts, he appeared like the autumnal Sun difficult of being looked at for its dazzling brightness.
एकादशन्_Cp शत_PNNe एवम्_ रुद्र_PGM वृषवाहन_SAM | R स्तु_SPs1InTh नियम्_PaCp आत्मन्_SAM कर्मन्_PINe शुभ_Cp कर्मिन्_SAM |
A thousand and hundred Rudras stood around that God of controlled soul and white deeds, seated upon his bull. All of them were employed in singing his praises.
आदित्य_PNM वसु_PNM साध्य_PNM विश्वेदेव_PNM तथा_ अश्विन्_DuNM | R विश्व_PIF स्तुति_PIF देव_SAM विश्वदेव_SAM संस्तु_SPs1InTh |
The Adityas, the Vasus, the Sadhyas, the Vishvedevas, and the twin Ashvins praised that Lord of the universe, by singing the hymns.
शतक्रतु_SNM च_ भगवन्त्_SNM विष्णु_SNM च_ अदिति_Cp नन्दन_DuNM | R ब्रह्मन्_SNM रथंतर_SANe सामन्_SANe ईरय्_PPr3In भव_Cp अन्तिक_SLNe ईरय्_PPr3In भव_Cp अन्तिक_SLNe एषय्_PPr3In भव_Cp अन्तिक_SLNe |
The powerful Indra and his brother Upendra, the two sons of Aditi, and the Grandfather Brahman, all sang in the presence of Bhava the Rathantara Saman.
सनत्कुमार_SNM देव_PNM च_ इतिहास_PNM तथा_ एव_ च_ च_ च_ च_ | R मरीचि_SNM अङ्गिरस्_SNM अत्रि_SNM पुलस्त्य_SNM पुलह_SNM क्रतु_SNM | R मनु_PNM सप्तन्_PNM सोम_SNM च_ अथर्वन्_SNM स_ बृहस्पति_SNM | R भृगु_SNM दक्ष_SNM कश्यप_SNM च_ वसिष्ठ_SNM काश्य_SNM एव_ च_ | छन्दस्_PNNe दीक्षा_PNF यज्ञ_PNM च_ दक्षिणा_PNF पावक_SNM हविस्_SNNe | R यज्ञ_Cp उपग_PNNe द्रव्य_PNNe मूर्तिमत्_PNNe युधिष्ठिर_Cp |
Sanatkumara, the Vedas, the Histories, Marichi, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, the seven Manus, Soma, the Atharvans, and Brihaspati, Bhrigu, Daksha, Kashyapa, Vasishtha, Kashya, the Chchandas, Diksha, the Sacrifices, Dakshina, the Sacrificial Fires, the Haris poured in sacrifices, and all the articles of the sacrifices, . were seen by me, O Yudhishthira, standing there in their embodied forms.
प्रजा_PGF पालक_PNM सर्व_PNM सरित्_PNF पन्नग_PNM नग_PNM | देव_PGM मातृ_PNF सर्व_PNF देव_Cp पली_PNF स_ कन्यका_PNF | सहस्र_PNNe मुनि_PGM च_ अयुत_PNNe अर्बुद_PNNe च_ | R नमस्य्_PPr3In प्रभु_SAM शम्_SAPaM पर्वत_PNM सागर_PNM दिश्_PNF | गन्धर्व_Cp अप्सरस्_PNF च_ एव_ गीत_Cp वादित्र_Cp कोविद_PNF | दिव्य_Cp ताल_PLM गा_PNPaPrM स्तु_PPr3In भव_SAM अद्भुत_SAM | R विद्याधर_PNM दानव_PNM च_ गुह्यक_PNM राक्षस_PNM तथा_ | सर्व_PNNe च_ एव_ भूत_PNNe स्थावर_PNNe चर_PNNe च_ | R नमस्य्_PPr3In महत्_Cp राज_SVM वाच्_Cp मनस्_Cp कर्मन्_PINe विभु_SAM |
All the presiding deities of the worlds, all the Rivers, all the snakes, the mountains, the celestial Mothers, all the wives and daughters of the celestials, thousands upon thousands and millions of ascetics, were seen to bow down to that powerful Lord who is the soul of tranquility. The Mountains, the Oceans, and the Points of the compass also did the same, the Gandharvas and the Apsaras highly proficient in music, in celestial songs, sang and hymned the praises of Bhava who is full of wonder, The Vidyadharas, the Danavas, the Guhyakas, the Rakshasas, and all created beings mobile and immobile were worshipping, in thought, word, and deed that powerful Lord.
पुरस्तात्_ अधिष्ठा_SNPaM शर्व_SNM मद्_SG अस्_S3ImIn त्रिदशेश्वर_SNM | R पुरस्तात्_ अधिष्ठा_SAPaM दृश्_Co मद्_SG ईशान_SAM च_ भारत_SVM | R स_ प्रजापति_Cp शक्र_Cp अन्त_SNNe जगन्त्_SNNe मद्_SA अभ्युदीक्ष्_S3ImIn |
That Lord of all the gods, viz., Sarva, appeared before me, seated in all his glory. Seeing that Ishana had showed himself to me by being seated in glory before my eyes, the whole universe, with the Grandfather and Shakra, looked at me.
ईक्ष्_In च_ महादेव_SAM न_ मद्_SG शक्ति_SNF भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ भू_SPs3In तदा_ ab R ततस्_ मद्_SA ब्रू_S3ImIn देव_SNM पश्_SPr2Im कृष्ण_SVM वद्_SPr2Im च_ |
I, however, had not the power to look at Mahadeva. The great god then addressed me, saying see, OKrishna, and speak to me!