तद्_SNF च_ मद्_SA ब्रू_S3ImIn गम्_SPr2Im शिव_SDM विजय_SDM च_ | R ब्रह्मन्_SNM शिव_SNM काश्यप_SNM च_ नदी_PNF देव_PNM मनोनुग_PNM | क्षेत्र_Cp ओषधि_PNF यज्ञ_Cp वाह_PNF छन्दस्_PNNe अक्षि_Cp गण_Cp अध्वर_PNM | समुद्र_PNM दक्षिणा_Cp स्तोभ_PNM ऋक्ष_PNNe पितृ_PNM ग्रह_PNM | देवपली_PNF देव_Cp कन्या_PNF देव_Cp मातृ_PNF एव_ च_ | R मन्वन्तर_PNNe गो_PN च_ चन्द्रमस्_SNM सवितृ_SNM हरि_SNM | R सावित्री_SNF ब्रह्मन्_Cp विद्या_SNF च_ ऋतु_PNM वत्सर_PNM तथा_ | R क्षण_PNM लव_PNM मुहूर्त_PNM च_ निमेष_PNM युग_Cp पर्यय_PNM | R रक्ष्_PPr3Im सर्वत्र_ गम्_SAPaM त्वद्_SA यादव_SVM सुख_SDNe च_ | अरिष्ट_SAM गम्_SPr2Im पथिन्_SAM अप्रमत्त_SNM भू_SPr2Im अनघ_SVM अघ_SVM अरिष्ट_SAM गम्_SPr2Im पथिन्_SAM अप्रमत्त_SNM भू_SPr2Im अनघ_SVM अघ_SVM अरिष्ट_SAM गम्_SPr2Im अरिष्ट_SAM गम्_SPr2Im पथिन्_SAM अप्रमत्त_SNM भू_SPr2Im अनघ_SVM अरिष्ट_SAM g
She answered me, saying Go, and acquire success and prosperity! Let Brahmana and Shiva and Kashyapa, the Rivers, those gods who preside over the mind, the soil, all deciduous herbs, those Chahandas who are considered as bearers of the libations poured in Sacrifices, the Rishis, Earth, the Oceans, the sacrificial presents, those syllables which are ultered for completing the cadences of Samans, the Rikshas, the Pitris, the Planets, the wives of the gods, the celestial maidens, the celestial mothers, the great cycles, kine, Chaudramas, Savitri, Agni, Savitri, the knowledge of the Vedas, the seasons, the year, the Kshanas, the Lavas, the Muhurtas, the Nimeshas, and the Yugas in succession, protect you, O Yadava, and keep you in happiness, wherever you may live. Let no danger overtake you on your way, and let no carelessness be thine, O sinless one.
एवम्_ कृ_PaCp स्वस्त्ययन_SNM तद्_SIF मद्_SN ततस्_ अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co नरेन्द्र_Cp पुत्री_SAF मद्_SG ततस्_ अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co नरेन्द्र_Cp पुत्री_SAF मद्_SG ततस्_ अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co नरेन्द्र_Cp पुत्री_SAF मद्_SG ततस्_ अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co नरेन्द्र_Cp पुत्री_SAF मद्_SG ततस्_ अभ्यनुज्ञा_C R पितृ_SGM समीप_SANe नर_Cp सत्तम_SGM मातृ_SGF च_ राजन्_SGM च_ तथा_ आहक_SGM | R गम्_Co समावेदय्_Co यद्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn मद्_SA विद्याधर_Cp इन्द्र_SGM सुता_SNF भृश_Cp आर्त_SNF आ_ गम्_Co समावेदय्_Co यद्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn मद्_SA विद्याधर_Cp इन्द्र_SGM सुता_SNF भृश_Cp आर्त_SNF आ_ गम्_Co समावेदय्_Co यद्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn मद्_SA विद्याधर_Cp इन्द्र् R तद्_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co तदा_ अति_ दुःख_SBNe गद_SAM तथा_ एव_ अति_ बल_SAM च_ राम_SAM मद्_SG तद्_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co तदा_ अति_ दुःख_SBNe गद_SAM तथा_ एव_ अति_ बल_SAM च_ राम_SAM मद्_SG तद्_PAM अभ्यनुज्ञा_Co तदा_ अति_ बल_SAM च_ राम_SAM मद्_SG तद्_PAM प्रीति_Cp युत_DuNM तदानीम्_ तप_Cp समृद्धि_SNF भवत्_SGM अस्_SPr3Im अविघ्न_SNNe |
Thus blessed by her, I took her leave, bidding farewell to the daughter of the prince of monkeys. Repairing them to the presence of that foremost of men, viz., my father, of my mother, of the king, and of Ahuka, I informed them of what the daughter of the king of the Vidyadharas, in great misery, had said to me. Bidding them farewell with a sorrowful heart, I then went to Gada and to Rama of great power.
प्राप्_Co अनुज्ञा_SAF गुरु_Cp जन_SBM मद्_SN तार्क्ष्य_SAM चिन्तय्_S1ImIn | R तद्_SNM वह्_S3ImIn हिमवन्त्_SAM मद्_SA प्राप्_Co च_ एनद्_SAM विसर्जय्_S1ImIn |
These two gladly addressed me, saying Let your penances inultiply without any hinderance.
तत्र_ मद्_SN अद्भुत_PAM भाव_PAM पश्_S1ImIn गिरि_Cp सत्तम_SLM | R क्षेत्र_SANe च_ तपस्_PGNe श्रेष्ठ_SANe दृश्_SPr1In अद्भुत_SANe उत्तम_SANe |
Having got the perinission of all of them, I thought of Garuda. He forthwith came to me and took me to Himavat. Arrived at Himavat, I sent him away.
दिव्य_SNNe वैयाघ्रपद्य_SGM उपमन्यु_SGM महात्मन्_SGM | R पूजय्_SAPaM देव_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp विराझि_SIF लक्षि_SIF समावृ_SAPaM |
There, on that foremost of mountains, I saw many wonderful spectacles. I saw an excellent, wonderful, and agreeable hermitage for the practice of penances.
धव_Cp ककुभ_Cp कदम्ब_Cp नारिकेल_PIM कुरबक_MCp केतक_SVM जम्बु_Cp पाटला_PIF | R वट_Cp वरुणक_Cp वत्सनाभ_Cp बिल्व_PIM सरल_Cp कपित्थ_Cp प्रियाल_Cp साल_SVM ताल_PIM |
That charming retreat was the property of the great Upamanyu who was a descendant of Vyaghrapada. That retreat is spoken highly of and respected by the gods and the Gandharvas and seemed to be covered with Vedic beauty.
बदरी_Cp कुन्द_Cp पुंनाग_PIM अशोक_Cp आम्र_Cp अतिमुक्तक_PIM | R मधूक_PIM कोविदार_PIM च_ चम्पक_PIM पनस_PIM तथा_ | R वन्य_PINe बहुविध_PINe वक्ष_PINe फल_Cp पुष्य_Cp प्रद_PINe युत_SAM | R पुष्प_Cp गुल्म_Cp लता_Cp आकृ_SAPaM कदल_Cp षण्ड_Cp शोभय्_SAPaM | R नाना_ शकुनि_Cp सम्भुज्_PINeGd फल_PINe वृक्षर्_Cp अलंकृ_SAPaM | R यथास्थान_Cp विनिक्षिप्_PIPaM भूषय्_SAPaM भस्मन्_Cp राशि_PIM |
It was adorned with Dhavas and Kakubhas and Kaomvas and cocoas with Kuruvakas and Kitakas and amvus and Paalas, with banians and Varunakas and Vatsanabhas and Vilwas, with Saralas and Kapitthas and Piyalas and Shalas and Palmyras, with Vadaris and Ingudis and Punnagas and Ashokas and Amras and Kovidaras and Champakas and Panashas, and with various other trees having fruits and flowers. And that retreat was also decked with the straight steins of the Musa Supienta.
रुरु_Cp वानर_Cp शार्दूल_Cp सिंह_Cp द्वीपिन्_Cp समाकुल_SAM | R कुरङ्ग_Cp बर्हिण_Cp आकृ_SAPaM मार्जार_Cp भुजग_Cp आवृ_SAPaM | R पूग_PIM च_ मृग_Cp जाति_PGF महिष_Cp निषेव्_SAPaM |
Truly, that asylum was adorned with various other sorts of trees and with various kinds of fruits forming the food of various kinds of birds. Heaps of ashes were thrown in proper places all around, which enhanced the beauty of the scene.
सकृत्_ प्रभिद्_PIPaM च_ गज_PIM विभूषय्_SNPaNe प्रहठ_Cp नानाविध_Cp पक्षिन्_Cp सेव्_SNPaNe | R महीरुह_PGM च_ वन_PINe विचित्र_PINe |
It was full of Rurus and apes and tigers and lions and leopards, deer of various species and peacocks and cats and snakes.
_nānā _puṣparajas _miśraḥ _gaja _dāna _adhivāsita | R दिव्य_Cp श्री_Cp गीत_Cp बहुल_SNM मारुत_SNM अभिमुख_SNM वा_SPs3In औ_ दिव्य_Cp श्री_Cp गीत_Cp बहुल_SNM मारुत_SNM अभिमुख_SNM वा_SPs3In औ_ दिव्य_Cp श्री_Cp गीत_Cp बहुल_SNM मारुत_SNM अभिमुख_SNM वा_SPs3In औ_ दिव्य_Cp श्री_Cp गीत_Cp बहुल_SNM मारुत_SNM
Indeed, large numbers of other animals also were seen there, as also buffaloes and bears. Delicious breezes blew, continually carrying the sweet notes of celestial nymphs.
धारा_Cp निनाद_Cp विविहग_Cp प्रणाद_PIM शुभ_PIM तथा_ बृंहय्_PIPaM कुञ्जर_PGM | R गीत_PINe तथा_ किंनर_PGM उदार_PINe शुभ_PIM स्वन_PIM सामग_PGM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_SVM अनुग_PIM च_ वीर_ R अचिन्त्य_SAM मनस्_SINe अपि_ अन्य_PINe सरस्_PINe समलंकृ_SAPaM | R विशाल_PINe च_ अग्नि_Cp शरण_PINe भूषय्_SAPaM कुसुम_Cp आवृ_PIPaNe |
The babblings of mountain rivers and springs, the sweet notes of winged choristers, the gruntings of elephants, the delicious notes of Kinnaras, and the auspicious voice of ascetics singing the Samans, O hero, and various other kinds of music, made that retreat highly charming. The very imagination cannot conceive another hermitage as charming as the one I saw. There were also large houses in that asylum, intended for the preservation of the sacred fire, and covered all over with flowering creepers.
विभूषय्_SAPaM पुण्य_Cp पवित्र_Cp तोय_SIF सदा_ च_ जुष्_SAPaM नृप_SVM जलकन्या_SIF | R महात्मन्_PIM वह्नि_Cp आस्_PaPrCp कल्प_PIM |
It was bedecked with the river Ganga of clear and sacred water. Indeed the daughter of Jahnu always remained there. It was decked also with many asce:ics who were the foremost of all pious persons, who had high souls, and who resembled fire itself in energy.
वायु_Cp आहार_PIM अम्बुप_PIM जप्य_Cp नित्य_PIM सम्प्रक्षाल_PIM योगिन्_PIM ध्यान_Cp नित्य_PIM | R धूम_Cp प्राश_PIM ऊष्मप_PIM क्षीरप_PIM च_ संजुष्_SNPaNe च_ ब्राह्मण_Cp इन्द्र_PIM समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ समन्तात्_ |
Some of those ascetics lived upon air and some upon water. Some were devoted to the silent recitation of sacred Mantras. And some were engaged in purifying their souls by practising the virtues of mercy and the rest. And some amongst them were Yogins devoted to the Yoga-meditation. Some amongst them lived upon smoke only, and some lived upon fire, and some upon milk. Thus was, that retreat adorned with many foremost of twice born persons.
गोचारिन्_PNM अथ_ अश्मकुट्ट_PNM दन्तोलूखलिक_PNM तथा_ | R मरीचिप_PNM फेनप_PNM च_ तथा_ एव_ मृगचारिन्_PNM |
And some there were amongst them who had taken thic vow of eating and drinking like kine that is, by giving up the use of the hands at once. And some used only two pieces of stone for husking their grain, and some who used their teeth only for that purpose. And some lived by drinking only the rays of the imoon, and some by drinking only froth. And some were following the vow of living like deer.
अश्वत्थ_Cp फल_Cp भक्ष_PNM च_ तथा_ छुदक_Cp शायिन्_PNM | चीर_Cp चर्मन्_Cp अम्बर_Cp धर_PNM तथा_ वल्कल_Cp धारिन्_PNM |
And some there were who lived upon the fruits of the Ficus religiosa, and some who used to lie upon water and some dressed themselves in rags and some in animal skins and some in barks of trees.
सु_ दुःख_PAM नियम_PAM तद्_PAM तद्_PAM वह्_PAPaPrM सु_ तपोधन_PAM | R दृश्_SNPaPrM मुनि_PAM बहुविध_PAM प्रविश्_In उपक्रम्_SPs3In |
Indeed, I saw various ascetics of the foremost order observing these and other painful vows. I wished then to enter that asylum.
सु_ पूजय्_SAPaM देव_Cp गण_PIM महात्मन्_PIM शिव_Cp आदि_PIM भारत_SVM पुण्य_Cp कर्मन्_PIM | R राज्_SPs3In तद्_SNNe च_ आश्रम_Cp मण्डल_SNNe सदा_ दिव्_SLM इव_ राजन्_SVM शशिन्_Cp मण्डल_SNNe यथा_ अपि_ इव_ राजन्_SVM शशिन्_Cp मण्डल_SNNe यथा_ |
Verily, that asylum was honoured and adored by the gods and all great beings, by Shiva and others, O Bharata, and by all : creatures of pious deeds. Thus addressed, it stood in all its beauty on the breast of Himavata, like the lunar disc in the sky.
क्रीड्_PPr3In सर्न_Cp कुल_PNM मृग_PIM व्याघ्राचय्_Co मित्र_Cp वृत्_SGF | R प्रभाव_SBM दीप्_PaCp तपस्_PGM संनिकर्ष_SBM महात्मन्_PGM |
The mongoose sported there with the snake, and the tiger with the deer, like friends, forgetting their natural enmity, on account of the energy of those ascetics of blazing penances and for their being near to those great ones.
तत्र_ आश्रम_Cp पद_SLM श्रेष्ठ_SLM सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp मनोरम_SLM | R सेव्_SLPaM द्विज_Cp शार्दूल_PIM वेद_Cp वेदाङ्ग_Cp पारग_PIM | R नाना_ नियम_Cp विख्या_PIPaM ऋषि_PIM सु_ महात्मन्_PIM | R प्रविश्_SNPaPrM एव_ च_ पश्_S1ImIn जटा_Cp चीर_Cp धर_SAM प्रभु_SAM | R तेजस्_SINe तपस्_SINe च_ एव_ दीप्_SAPaPrM यथा_ अनल_SAM | R शिष्य_PIM अनुगम्_SAPaM शम्_SAPaM युवन्_SAM ब्राह्मण_Cp ऋषभ_SAM |
In that foremost of hermitages, which was charming to all creatures, inhabited by many foremost of Brahmanas fully conversant with the Vedas and their branches, and by many great Rishis well-known for the difficult vows they practised, I saw, as soon as I entered a powerful Rishi with matted locks on head and dressed in rags, who seemed to shine like fire with his penances and energy. Served by his disciples and possessed of tranquil soul, that foremost of Brahmanas was young to look at.
शिरस्_SINe वन्द्_SAPaPrM मद्_SA उपमन्यु_SNM भाष्_S3ImIn | स्वागत_SNNe पुण्डरीकाक्ष_SVM स_ फल_PNNe तपस्_PNNe मद्_PG | R यद्_SNM पूजय्_SNMGd पूजय्_SPr2In मद्_SA दृश्_SNMGd दृश्_In इष्_SPr2In |
His name was Upamanyu. He said to me who bowed to him vith my head down: Welcome are you, O you of eyes like lotus petals! Today, by this visit of yours, we see that our penances have fructified. You are worthy of our adoration, but you worship us still. You are worthy of being scen, but you wish to see me.
तद्_SAM मद्_SN प्राञ्जलि_SNM भू_Co मृग_Cp पक्षिन्_PLM अथ_ अग्नि_PLM | R धर्म_SAM च_ शिष्य_Cp वर्ग_SAM च_ सम्प्रच्छ्_S1ImIn अनामय_SANe |
Joining my hands I made of him the usual enquiries regarding the well-being of the animals and birds who lived in his asylum, of the progress of his righteousness, and of his disciples.
ततस्_ मद्_SA भगवत्_SNM अह्_SPs3In सामन्_SINe परम_Cp वल्गु_SINe | R लभ्_SFu2In तनय_SAM कृष्ण_SNM आत्मन्_Cp तुल्य_SAM असंशय_SAM |
The illustrious Upamanyu then addressed me in words which were highly sweet and delightfulYou shall, O Krishna, obtain, forsooth, a son like yourself.
तपस्_SANe सु_ महत्_SANe आस्था_Co तोषय्_SPr2Im ईशान_SAM ईश्वर_SAM | इह_ देव_SNM स_ पत्नीक_SNM समाक्रीड्_SPr3In अधोक्षज_Cp समाक्रीड्_SPr3In अधोक्षज_Cp समाक्रीड्_SPr3In अधोक्षज_Cp समाक्रीड्_SPr3In अधोक्षज_Cp समाक्रीड्_SPr3In अधोक्षज_Cp समाक्रीड्_SPr3In अधोक्षज_Cp ज_SNM |
Practising severe penances, do you please Ishana, the Lord of all creatures. That divine Master called also Adhokshaja, sports here with his wife by his side.
इह_ एनद्_SAM दैवत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SAM देव_PNM स_ ऋषि_Cp गण_PNM पुरा_ अन्य_SAM दैवत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SAM देव_PNM स_ ऋषि_Cp गण_PNM पुरा_ अन्य_SAM दैवत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SAM देव_PNM स_ ऋषि_Cp गण_PNM पुरा_ अन्य_SAM दैवत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SAM devā R तपस्_SINe ब्रह्मचर्य_SINe सत्य_SINe च_U दम_SIM च_U | R तोषय्_Co शुभ_PAM अ_ काम_PAM प्राप्_PNPaM जनार्दन_SVM | R तेजस्_PGNe तपस्_PGNe च_ एव_ निधि_SNM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM इह_ इह_ अव_ निधि_SNM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM इह_ अव_ निधि_SNM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM इह_ अव_ निधि_SNM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM इह_ अव_ निधि_SNM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM इह_ अव_ निधि_SNM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM इह_ अव_ निधि_
O Janarddana, it was here that the gods with ali the Rishis, in days of yore, pleased that foremost of gods by their penances and celibacy and Truth and selfcontrol, and succeeded in realizing many high hopes. That illustrious god is verily the inexhaustible source of all energies and penances.
शुभ_Cp अशुभ_Cp अन्वित_PAM भगवन्त्_SNM संक्षिप्_SNPaPrM आपिन्_Cp जन_SVM संक्षिप्_SNPaPrM आपिन्_Cp जन_SVM संक्षिप्_SNPaPrM आपिन्_SNNe अपि_ | आस्_SPr3In देवी_SIF सदा_ अचिन्त्य_SNM यद्_SAM प्रार्थय्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM |
Coming into existence and withdrawing once more to himself all things fraught with good and evil, that inconceivable God whom you seek, O destroyer of enemies, lives here with his consort.
हिरण्यकशिपु_SNM यद्_SNM भू_SPs3In दानव_SNM मेरु_Cp कम्पन_SNM | R तेन_ सर्व_Cp अमर_Cp ऐश्वर्य_SNNe शर्व_SBM प्राप्_SNPaNe समार्बुद_SNNe | तेन_ सर्व_Cp अमर_Cp ऐश्वर्य_SNNe शर्व_SBM प्राप्_SNPaNe समार्बुद_SNNe |
He who was born as the Danava named Hiranyakashipu, whose strength was so great that he could shake the very mountains of Meru, succeeded in getting from Mahadeva the power belonging to all the gods and enjoyed it for ten millions of years.
तद्_SGM एव_ पुत्र_Cp प्रवर_SNM मन्दार_SNM नाम_ विश्रु_SNPaM | R महादेव_Cp वर_SBM शक_SANe वर्ष_Cp अर्बुद_SANe योधय्_S3ImIn |
He who was the foremost of all his sons, and who was known by the name of Mandara, succeeded, through the boon he had got from Mahadeva, in fighting Shakra for a million of years.
विष्णु_SGM चक्र_SNNe च_ तद्_SNNe घोर_SNNe वज्र_SNNe आखण्डल_SGM च_ | R शृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ भू_S3ImIn तात_SVM ग्रह_SGM अङ्ग_PLNe केशव_SVM |
The terrible discus of Vishnu and the thunderbolt of Indra were both unable to make the least impression, O Keshava, in days of yore, upon the body of that great source of universal misery.
यद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe भगवत्_SIM पूर्वम्_ दा_SNPaNe चक्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG अनघ_SVM | R जल_Cp अन्तर_Cp चर_SAM हन्_Co दैत्य_SAM च_ बल_Cp गार्वित_SAM |
The discus which you carry, O sinless one, was given to you by Mahadeva, after he had killed a Daitya who, proud of his strength, used to live within the waters.
उत्पादय्_SNPaNe वृषाङ्क_SIM दीप्_PaCp ज्वलन_Cp संनिभ_SNNe | R दा_SNPaNe भगवत्_SIM त्वद्_SD दुर्धर्ष_SNNe तेजस्_SINe अद्भुत_SNNe |
That discus, effulgent as fire, was created by the great god having the bull for his emblem. Wonderful and irresistible in energy, it was given to you by that illustrious god.
न_ शक्य_SNNe दृश्_In अन्य_SIM वर्जय्_Co पिनाकिन्_SAM | सुदर्शन_SNNe भू_SPr3In एवम्_ भव_SIM वच्_SNPaNe तदा_ तु_ तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe सुदर्शन_SNNe भू_SPr3In एवम्_ भव_SIM वच्_SNPaNe तदा_ तु_ तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe सुदर्शन_SNNe भू_SPr3In एवम्_ भव_SIM वच्_SNPaNe तदा_ तु_ तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe सुदर्शन_SNNe भू_SPr3In एवम्_ भव_SIM वच्_SNPa
On account of its blazing energy it was incapable of being looked at by and person except the holder of Pinaka. It was, therefore, that Bhava named it Sudarshanam.
सुदर्शन_SNNe तदा_ तद्_SGM लोक_SLM नामन्_SNNe प्रतिष्ठा_SNPaNe | R तद्_SNNe जृ_SNPaNe भू_S3ImIn तात_SVM ग्रह_SGM आल_PLNe केशव_Cp वत्_ | तद्_SNNe जृ_SNPaNe भू_S3ImIn तात_SVM ग्रह_SGM आल_PLNe केशव_Cp वत्_ |
From that time it passed by the name of Sudarshanam in all the worlds. Even that weapon, O Keshava, failed to make the least impression on the body of Hiranyakashipu's son Mandara, who appeared like an evil planet in the three worlds.
ग्रह_SGM अतिबल_SGM अङ्ग_SLNe वर_Cp दा_SGPaM धीमत्_SGM | R न_ शस्र_PNNe वह्_PPr3In अङ्ग_SLNe चक्र_Cp वज्र_Cp शत_PNNe अपि_ |
Hundreds of Chakras like you and thunderbolts like that of Shakra, could not inflict a scratch on the body of that evil planet gifted with great might, who had acquired a boon from Mahadeva.
अर्ध_Cp मान_PNM च_ विबुध_PNM ग्रह_SIM सु_ बलीयस्_SIM | R शिव_Cp दा_PaCp वर_PAM हन्_PPs3In असुर_Cp इन्द्र_PAM सुर_PNM भृशम्_ |
Afflicted by the mighty Mandara, the gods, fought hard against him and his companions, all of whom had got boons from Mahadeva.
तुष्_SNPaM विद्युत्प्रभ_SGM अपि_ त्रिलोक_Cp ईश्वर_Cp ता_SAF दा_SPs3In | R शत_SANe वर्ष_Cp सहस्र_PGNe सर्व_Cp लोक_Cp ईश्वर_SNM भू_S3ImIn |
Pleased with another Danava named Vidyutprabha, Mahadeva granted to him the sovereignty of the three worlds. That Dana remained the king of the three worlds for a hundred thousand years.
मनस्_SINe एव_ अनुचर_SNM नित्यम्_ भू_SFu2InPe इति_ च_ ब्रू_S3ImIn | R तथा_ पुत्र_Cp सहस्र_PGNe अयुत_SANe च_ दा_SPs3In प्रभु_SNM | R कुशद्वीप_SAM च_ तद्_SNM दा_SPs3In राज्य_SINe भगवत्_SNM अज_SNM |
And Mahadeva said to him You will become one of my attendants. Indeed, the powerful Lord further conferred upon him the boon of a hundred millions of children. The Unborn Lord of all creatures further gave the Danava the region known as Kushadvipa for his kingdom.
तथा_ शतमुख_SNM नाम_ धातृ_SIM सृज्_SNPaM महत्_Cp असुर_SNM | R यद्_SINe वर्ष_Cp शत_SANe साग्र_SANe आत्मन्_Cp मांस_PINe हन्_SNPaM अनल_SNM |
Another great Asura, named Shatamukha, was created by Brahman. For a hundred years he poured on the sacrificial fire the flesh of his own body.
तद्_SAM प्राह्_SPs3In भगवन्त्_SNM तुष्_SNPaM क_SANe कृ_SPr1In इति_ शंकर_SNM | R तद्_SAM वै_ शतमुख_SNM प्राह्_SPs3In योग_SNM भू_SPr3Im मद्_SG अद्भुत_SNM |
Pleased with such penances, Shankara said to him What can I do for you Shatamukha replied, saying you the most wonderful, let me have the power of creating new creatures and animals.
बल_SANe च_ दैवत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SVM शाश्वत_SANe सम्प्रयम्_SPr2Im मद्_SD | R तथा_ इति_ भगवन्त्_SNM अह्_SPs3In तद्_SGM तद्_SANe वचन_SANe प्रभु_SNM |
Give also to me, O foremost of all gods, everlasting power. Thus addressed by him, the powerful lord said to him So be it.
स्वायम्भुव_SNM क्रतु_SNM च_ अपि_ पुत्र_Cp अर्थ_SAM भू_S3ImIn पुरा_ | R आविश्_Co योग_SIM आत्मन्_SAM त्रि_PANe वर्ष_Cp शत_PANe अपि_ |
Concentrating his mind in Yoga, the Selfcreate Brahman, in days of yore, made a sacrifice for three hundred years, with the object of getting children.
योगेश्वर_SANe देव_Cp गा_SAPaNe वी_SPs2 थ_SVM कृष्ण_SVM न_ संशय_SNM | R तद्_SGM च_ उपदा_SPs3In पुत्र_PAM सहस्र_SANe क्रतु_Cp सम्मित_PAM |
Mahadeva granted him a thousand sons having qualifications proportionate to the merits of the sacrifice. Forsooth, you know, O Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, him who is, who is sung by the gods.
आराधय्_Co तद्_SNM महादेव_SAM प्राप्_SNPaM अतुल_SANe यशस्_SANe | R याज्ञवल्क्य_SNM इति_U ख्या_SNPaPsM ऋषि_SNM परम_Cp धार्मिक_SNM |
The Rishi known by the name of Yajnavalkya is exceedingly virtuous. By worshipping Mahadeva he has gained great fame.
तद्_SNM अपि_ शंकर_SAM आराधय्_Co प्राप्_SNPaM अतुल_SANe यशस्_SANe | R वेदव्यास_SNM च_ योग_Cp आत्मन्_SNM पराशर_Cp सुत_SNM मुनि_SNM |
The great ascetic who is Parashara's son, viz., Vyasa bent on Yoga, has become famous by worshipping Shankara.
तद्_PIM क्रुध्_PIPaM भगवन्त्_SNM रुद्र_SNM तपस्_SINe तोषय्_SNPaM हि_ भू_SPs3In | R वालखिल्य_PNM मघवन्_SIM हि_ अवज्ञा_PNPaM पुरा_ किल_ |
The Valakhilyas were on a former occasion dishonoured by Maghavat. Filled with anger at this, they pleased the illustrious Rudra.
सुपर्ण_SAM सोम_Cp हर्तृ_SAM तपस्_SINe उत्पादय्_SFu2In तद्_PAM च_ अपि_ दैवत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SNM प्राह्_SPs3In प्री_SNPaM जगत्पति_SNM |
That lord of the universe, that foremost one of all the gods, thus pleased by the Valakhilyas, said to them, You shall succeed by your penances in creating a bird which will rob Indra of the Ambrosia.
महादेव_SGM रोष_SBM च_ अप्_PNF नश्_PNPaF पुरा_ भू_P3ImIn | R तद्_PNF च_ सप्तन्_Cp कपाल_SIM देव_PIM अन्य_PNF प्रवर्तय्_PNPaF | R पानीय_SNNe भू_S3ImIn प्रसद्_SLPaM व्यम्बक_SLM भू_SLF |
All the waters disappeared through the anger of Mahadeva on a former occasion. The gods pleased him by celebrating a sacrifice called Saplakapala, and caused, through his lavour, other waters to fiow into the worlds. Verily, when the threeeyed god, became pleased, water once more appeared in the World.
अनि_SGM भार्या_SNF अपि_ भर्तृ_SAM संत्यज्_Co ब्रह्मन्_Cp वादिन्_SNF | R न_ मद्_SN तद्_SGM मुनि_SGM भूयस्_ वश_Cp ग_SNF अस्_SPr1O कथंचन_ |
The wite of Atri, who was wellread in the Vedas, forsook her husband in anger and said I shall 110 longer live under that ascetic.
इति_ वच्_Co तद्_SNF महादेव_SAM गम्_S3ImIn शरण_SANe निराहार_SNF भय_SBNe अत्र_ विस्रि_PANe वर्ष_Cp शत_PANe अपि_ अपि_ आ_ निराहार_SNF भय_SBNe अत्र_ विस्रि_PANe वर्ष_Cp शत_PANe अपि_ पिबा_SNF अपि_ वर्ष_Cp शत_PANe अपि_ इति_ वच्_Co तद्_SNF महादेव_SAM ag
Having said these words, she sought the protection of Mahadeva. Through fear of her husband Atri, she passed three hundred years, abstaining from all food.
शी_S3ImIn मुसल_PLM एव_ प्रसाद_Cp अर्थ_SLM भव_SGM तद्_SNF मी_S3ImIn मुसल_PLM एव_ प्रसाद_Cp अर्थ_SLM भव_SGM तद्_SNF मी_S3ImIn मुसल_PLM एव_ प्रसाद_Cp अर्थ_SLM भव_SGM तद्_SNF मी_S3ImIn मुसल_PLM एव_ प्रसाद_Cp अर्थ_SLM भव_SGM तद्_SNF मी_S3ImIn मुसल_PLM एव् R तद्_SAF ब्रू_S3ImIn हस्_SNPaPrM देव_SNM भू_SFu3InPe वै_ सुत_SNM त्वद्_SG |
And all this time she slept on wooden clubs for picasing Bhava, The great god then appeared before her and then smilingly addressed her, saying You will have a son.
विना_ भर्चा_SNF च_ रुद्र_SIM भू_SFu3In न_ संशय_SNM | R वंश_SLM तथा_ एव_ नामन्_SINe तु_ ख्या_SPr3In या_SFu3In च_ ईप्सय्_SAPaF | R विकर्ण_SNM च_ महादेव_SAM तथा_ भक्त_Cp सुख_Cp आवह_SAM | R प्रसादय्_Co भगवत्_SNM सिद्धि_FCp प्राप्_SNPaM मधुसूदन_SVM |
And you will have that son without the help of a husband, simply through the favour of Rudra. Forsooth, that son, born in the family of his father, shall become known for his merit, and assume a name after you. The illustrious Vikarna also, destroyer of Madhu, full of devotion 10 Mahadeva, pleased him with severe penances and got high and happy success.
शाकल्य_SNM संशित_Cp आत्मन्_SNM वै_ नवन्_Cp वर्ष_Cp शत_PANe अपि_ | R आराधय्_SPs3InPe भव_SAM मनस्_Cp यज्ञ_SIM केशव_SVM |
Shakalya, too, of controlled soul worshipped Bhava in a mental sacrifice that he celebrated for nine hundred years, O Keshava.
तद्_SAM च_ अह्_SPs3In भगवन्त्_SNM तुष्_SNPaM ग्रन्थकार_SNM भू_SFu2In | R वत्स_SVM आक्षय_SNF च_ त्वद्_SG कीर्ति_Cp पैलोक्य_SLNe वै_ भू_SFu3In |
Pleased with him, the illustrious god said to him You will become a great author. O son, your fame shall be eternal in the three worlds.
रुद्र_SNM वच्_SPs3In अक्षय_SNNe च_ कुल_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im महत्_Cp ऋषि_PIM अलंकृ_SNPaNe | R भू_SFu3In द्विजश्रेष्ठ_SNM सूत्रकर्तृ_SNM सुत_SNM त्वद्_SG |
The illustrious Rudra said Your family also shall never come to an end and shall be adomed by many great Rishis born in it! Your son will become the foremost of Brahmanas and will make thc Sutras of your work.
सावर्णि_SNM च_ अपि_ विख्या_SNPaM ऋषि_SNM अस्_S3ImIn कृत_SLNe युग_SLNe | R इह_ तद्_SIM तपस्_SNNe तप्_SNPaNe षष्टि_Cp वर्ष_Cp शत_PANe अथ_ अथ_ |
There was a celebrated Rishi named Savarni in the golden age. Here in this hermitage, he practised sevcrc pchances for six thousand years.
तद्_SGM तुष्_SNPaM महादेव_SNM गा_SPs3In देव_Cp गुरु_SNM गुरु_SNM | R तद्_SAM अह्_SPs3In भगवन्त्_SNM रुद्र_SNM साक्षात्_ तुष्_SNPaM अस्_SPr1In त्वद्_SG अनघ_SVM | R ग्रन्थ_Cp कृत्_SNM लोक_Cp विख्या_SNPaM भू_SFu3InPe अस्_SPr2In अजर_Cp अमर_SNM | R गीत_SINe वादय्_SINeGd नित्यम्_ मद्_SA अनुया_SFu2In |
Pleased with him, Mahadeva, that preceptor I am pleased with you, O sinless one. Without being subject to decrepitude or death, you will become an author celebrated through all the worlds. No one shall cqual you in energy and penances. You will always serve me with your songs and instrumental music.
आराधय्_Co तद्_SNM महादेव_SAM देवराज_SAM अवाप्_SNPaM | नारद_SIM तु_ भक्ति_SIF अदस्_SNM भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_ अम्भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_ अम्भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_ अम्भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_ अम्भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_ अम्भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_ अम्भव_SNM आराधय्_SVPaM पुरा_
Having worshipped Mahadeva thus, he acquired the sovereignty of the celestials. Narada also, in days of yore, worshipped the great Bhava with devotion of heart.
प्रबोधय्_SNPaM महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM तद्_SAM च_ अपि_ श्रु_SPr2Im विस्तर_SAM | R तेजस्_SINe तपस्_SINe कीर्ति_SIF त्वद्_Cp सम_SNM न_ भू_SFu3In | R साक्षात्_ पशुपति_SNM तात_SVM तद्_SANe च_ अपि_ श्रु_SPr2Im माधव_SVM |
Hear also in full for what object, O you of great power, I invoked with controlled senses and mind that illustrious god gified with Supreme energy. Hear also, O Madhava, how formerly I succeeded in secing that god of gods, that Lord of all creatures, O lord.
तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe निखिलेन_ अद्य_ कथय्_SFu1In त्वद्_SD अनघ_SVM | R मद्_SI अपि_ च_ यथा_ दृश्_SNPaM देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ विभु_SVM अपि_ च_ यथा_ दृश्_SNPaM देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ विभु_SVM अपि_ च_ यथा_ दृश्_SNPaM देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ विभु_SVM अपि_ च_ यथा_ दृश्_SNPaM देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ विभु_SVM अपि_ च_ यथा_ dṛṣṭa
I shall, O sinless one, tell you fully all that I succeeded in obtaining from that god of gods, viz., Maheshvara.
व्याघ्रपाद_SNM इति_ ख्या_SNPaM वेद_Cp वेदाङ्ग_Cp पारग_SNM | R यद्_Cp अर्थ_SAM च_ मद्_SI देव_SNM प्रयम्_SIPaM तथा_ विभु_SGM अवभु_SGM अव्_SIPaM तथा_ विभु_SGM अवतव_SNM अवत_SNM अविभु_SGM अवत_SNM अविभु_SGM अवत_SNM अविभु_SGM अव्_S2ImIn अवतव_SNM अवत_SNM अविभु_SGM अव्_S2ImIn अवतव_SNM अव्_S2ImIn अवत् R प्रबोधय्_SNPaM महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM तद्_SAM च_ अपि_ श्रु_SPr2Im विस्तर_SAM | R यद्_SNNe अवाप्_SNPaNe च_ मद्_SG पूर्वम्_ देवदेव_SBM महेश्वर_SBM | यद्_SNNe अवाप्_SNPaNe च_ मद्_SG पूर्वम्_ देवदेव_SBM महेश्वर_SBM |
Formerly in the golden age, O son, there was a Rishi of great fame, named Vyaghrapada. O lord, listion from me in prolics all that by which I pacified Mahadeva, the great spendorous god with apurpose. O sinles, whatever I got from Maheshvara, the god of the gods, during long long past; I will tell you all that in detail. He was celebrated for his knowledge and mastery over the Vedas and their auxiliaries.
तद्_SGM मद्_SN भू_S1ImIn पुत्र_SNM धौम्य_SNM च_ अपि_ मद्_SG अनुज_SNM | R कश्चित्_SGM तु_ अथ_ काल_SGM धौम्य_SIM सह_ माधव_SVM | R आगम्_SNPaPrM आश्रम_SAM क्रीड्_SNPaPrM मुनि_PGM भावितात्मन्_PGM |
I was born as the son of that Rishi and Dhaumya was born as my younger brother. On a certain occasion, O Madhava, accompanied by Dhaumya, I arrived at the hermitage of certain Rishi of purified souls.
तत्र_ अपि_ च_ मद्_SI दृश्_SNPaF दुह्_SNPaPrFPv पयस्विनी_SNF | R लक्षय्_SNPaNe च_ मद्_SI क्षीर_SNNe स्वादु_SBNe हि_ अमृत_Cp उपम_SNNe |
There I saw a cow that was being milked. And I saw the milk and it appeared to me to resemble nectar itself in taste.
ततस्_ मद्_SN ब्रू_S1ImIn बाल्य_SBNe जननी_SAF आत्मन्_SGM तथा_ | R क्षीर_Cp ओदन_Cp समायुज्_SAPaNe भोजन_SANe हि_ प्रयम्_SPr2Im मद्_SD | R न_ इदम्_SNNe क्षीरोदन_SNNe मातृ_SVF यत्_ त्वद्_SN मद्_SD दातवत्_SNF अस्_SPr2In |
I then came home, and actuated by childishness, I addressed my mother and said Give me some food prepared with milk.
अभाव_SBM च_ एव_ द्रुह्_SGPaM दुःखित_SNF जननी_SNF तदा_ | ततस्_ पिष्_SAPaNe समालोडय्_Co तोय_SINe सह_ माधव_SNM | मद्_DuG क्षीर_SNNe इति_ एव_ पान_Cp अर्थ_SAM समुपानी_S3ImIn | अथ_ गव्य_SNNe पयस्_SNNe तात_SVM कदाचिद्_ प्राशय्_SNPaNe मद्_SI अथ_ गव्य_SNNe पयस्_SNNe तात_SVM कदाचिद्_ प्राशय्_SNPaNe मद्_SI अथ_ गव्य_SNNe पयस्_SNNe तात_SVM कदाचिद्_ प्राशय्_SNPaNe मद्_SI अथ_ गव्य_SNNe पयस्_SNNe तात_SVM कदाचिद्_ प्राशय्_SNPaNe मद्_SI अथ_ ग् R पितृ_SIM मद्_SN यज्ञ_Cp काल_SLM हि_ नी_SNPaM ज्ञाति_Cp कुल_SANe महत्_SANe |
There was no milk in the house, and accordingly my mother, was much sorry at my asking for it. My mother took a piece of cake and boiled it in water, O Madhava. The water became whitened and my mother placed it before us, saying that it was milk and asked us to drink it. I had before that drunk milk on one occasion, for my father had, at the time of a sacrifice, taken me to the house of some of our great kinsmen.
तत्र_ स_ अक्ष_Cp रम्_SLPaM देवी_SNF दिव्य_SNF गो_SNF सुर_Cp नन्दिनी_SNF | R तद्_SGM मद्_SN तद्_SANe पयस्_SANe पा_Co रस_SIM हि_ अमृत_Cp उपम_SANe | तद्_SGM मद्_SN तद्_SANe पयस्_SANe पा_Co रस_SIM हि_ अमृत_Cp उपम_SANe | R ज्ञा_Co क्षीर_Cp गुण_PAM च_ एव_ उपलभ्_Co हि_ सम्भव_SAM | R तद्_SNM च_ पिष्ट_Cp रस_SNM तात_SVM न_ मद्_SG प्रीति_SAF उपवह्_S3ImIn |
A celestial cow, who delights the gods, was being milked on that occasion. Drinking her milk that resembled nectar in taste, I knew the virtues of milk. I, therefore, at once understood the substance that my mother offered me, for milk. Verily, the taste of that cake, O son, did not give me any pleasure whatever.
ततस्_ मद्_SN ब्रू_S1ImIn बाल्य_SBNe जननी_SAF आत्मन्_SGM तथा_ | R न_ इदम्_SNNe क्षीरोदन_SNNe मातृ_SVF यत्_ त्वद्_SN मद्_SD दातवत्_SNF अस्_SPr2In |
Moved by childishness I then addressed my mother, saying O mother, which you have given me is not any preparation of milk.
ततस्_ मद्_SA ब्रू_S3ImIn मातृ_SNF दुःख_Cp शोक_Cp समन्वित_SNF अमन्वित_SNF | R पुत्र_Cp स्नेह_SBM परिष्वज्_Co मूर्धन्_SLM च_ आघ्रा_Co माधव_SNM | पुत्र_Cp स्नेह_SBM परिष्वज्_Co मूर्धन्_SLM च_ आघ्रा_Co माधव_SNM |
Filled with grief and sorrow at this, and embracing me from affection and smelling my head, O Madhava, she said to me.
कुतस्_ क्षीरोदन_SNNe वत्स_SVM मुनि_PGM भावितात्मन्_PGM | R वन_SLNe निवस्_PGPaPrM नित्यम्_ कन्द_Cp मूल_Cp फल_Cp आशिन्_PGM | वन_SLNe निवस्_PGPaPrM नित्यम्_ कन्द_Cp मूल_Cp फल_Cp आशिन्_PGM |
Whence, O child, can ascetics of purified souls get food prepared with milk? Such men always live in the forest and live upon bulbs and roots and fruits.
पावन_PGM वन_Cp आशा_PGM वन_Cp आश्रम_Cp निवासिन्_PGM | R ग्राम्य_Cp आहार_Cp निवृत्_PGPaM आरण्य_Cp फल_Cp भोजिन्_PGM |
We, dear child, live on air and on water. We live in asylums in the midst of forests and woods. We habitually abstain from all sorts of food that are taken by person living in villages and towns. We are accustomed to only such food as are supplied by the forest products.
न_ अस्_SPr3In पुत्र_SVM पयस्_Cp अरण्य_SLNe सुरभि_Cp गोत्र_Cp वर्जय्_SLPaNe | नदी_Cp गह्वर_Cp शैल_PLM तीर्थ_PLNe विविध_PLNe च_ | R तपस्_SINe जप्य_Cp नित्य_PGM शिव_SNM मद्_PG परम_SNF गति_SNF | R अ_ प्रसादय्_Co विरूपाक्ष_SAM वर_Cp द_SAM स्थाणु_SAM अव्यय_SAM | कुतस्_ क्षीरोदन_SNNe वत्स_SVM सुख_PNNe वसन_PNNe च_ | R तद्_SAM प्रपद्_Co सदा_ वत्स_SVM सर्व_Cp भाव_SIM शंकर_SAM |
There cannot be any milk, O child, in the forest where there are no offspring of Surabhi. Living on the banks of rivers, or in caves or on mountainbreasts, or in shrines and other places of the kind, we pass our time in the practice of penances and the recitation of sacred Mantras, Shiva being our highest refuge. Without pleasing the boongiving, Sthanu of undecaying glory him, who has three eyes whence, O child, can one get food prepared with milk and good dresses and other objects of enjoyment in the world? Do you devote yourself wholemindedly, O dear son, to Shankara.
तद्_Cp प्रसाद_SBM च_ काम_PBM फल_SANe प्राप्_SFu2In पुत्रक_SVM | R जननी_SGF तद्_SANe वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co तदा_ प्रभृति_ शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM हन्_SVM जननी_SGF तद्_SANe वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co तदा_ प्रभृति_ शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SGM तद्_S R प्राञ्जलि_SNM प्रणम्_SNPaM भू_Co इदम्_SANe अम्बा_SAF चोदय्_S1ImIn | प्राञ्जलि_SNM प्रणम्_SNPaM भू_Co इदम्_SANe अम्बा_SAF चोदय्_S1ImIn | R क_SNM इदम्_SNM अम्बा_SVF महादेव_SNM तद्_SNM कथम्_ च_ प्रसद्_SPr3In |
Through his favour, O child, you are sure to obtain all such objects of wishes. Hearing those words of my mother, O destroyer of enemies, that day, I joined my hands in respect and bowing to her, said O mother, who is this Mahadeva? How can one please him?
कुत्र_ वा_ वस्_SPr3In देव_SNM दृश्_SNMGd वा_ कथंचन_ | तुष्_SPr3InPv वा_ कथम्_ श_SNM रूप_SNNe तद्_SGM च_ कीदृश_SNNe | R कथम्_ ज्ञा_SNMGd प्रसद्_SNPaM वा_ दर्शय्_SPr3O जननी_SVF मद्_SG |
Where does that god live? How may he be seen? With what does he become pleased? What also is the form of Sharva? How may one succeed in knowing him? If pleased, will he, O mother, appear before me?
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaF तदा_ कृष्ण_SVM मातृ_SNF मद्_SG सुत_Cp वत्सल_SNF | R मूर्धन्_SLM आघ्रा_Co गोविन्द_SVM स_ बाष्प_Cp आकुल_Cp लोचन_PNM |
After I had said these words, O Krishna, to my mother, she, filled with parental affection, smelt my head, O Govinda, her eyes bathed in tears.
प्रमृज्_SNPaPrF च_ गात्र_PANe मद्_SG वै_ मधुसूदन_Cp | दैन्य_SANe आलम्ब्_Co जननी_SNF इदम्_SANe अह्_SPs3In सुरोत्तम_Cp उत्तम_SVM अः_ दैन्य_SANe आलम्ब्_Co जननी_SNF इदम्_SANe अह्_SPs3In सुरोत्तम_Cp अः_ अः_ अन्तम_Cp अः_ अ_ लम्ब्_Co जननी_SNF इदम्_SANe अह्_SPs3In सुरोत्तम_Cp अः_ अ_ तम_Cp सुरोत्तम_Cp अः_ अ_ तम_Cp सुरोत्तम_Cp अ_
Gently patting my body, o destroyer of Madhu, my mother, adopting a tone of great humility, addressed me in the following words, O best of the gods.
अम्बा_SNF वच्_SPs3In दुर्विज्ञेय_SNM महादेव_SNM दुराधार_SNM दुरन्तक_SNM | R दुराबाध_SNM च_ दुर्ब्रह्य_SNM दुर्दश्य_SNM हि_ अकृतात्मन्_PIM |
My mother said It is difficult for persons of impure souls to know Mahadeva. These men are incapable of bearing him in their hearts or understanding him at all. They cannot retain him in their minds. They cannot seize him nor can they see him.
यद्_SGM रूप_PANe अनेक_PANe प्रवद्_PPr3In मनीषिन्_PNM | स्थान_PNNe च_ विचित्र_PNNe प्रसाद_PNM च_ अपि_ अनेकशस्_ |
Wise men say that his forms are manifold. Many are the places in which he lives. Many are the forms of his Grace.
क_SNM हि_ तत्त्व_SINe तद्_SANe विद्_SPs3In ईश_SGM चरित_SANe शुभ_SANe | R कृ_SNPaM यद्_PANe रूप_PANe देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ किल_ अव_SNM कृ_SNPaM यद्_PANe रूप_PANe देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ किल_ अवान्_SNPaM कृ_SNPaM यद्_PANe रूप_PANe देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ किल_ अवान्_SNPaM किल_ अवान्_SNPaM कृ_SNPaM यद्_PANe रूप_PANe देवदेव_SNM पुरा_ किल_ av
Who is there who can understand in full all the excellent deeds, of Isha, or of all the forms that he has assumed in days of yore?
क्रीड्_SPr3In च_ तथा_ शर्व_SNM प्रसद्_SPr3In यथा_ च_ वै_ | R हृदिस्थ_SNM सर्व_Cp भूत_PGNe विश्व_Cp रूप_SNM महेश्वर_SNM |
Who can describe how Sharva sports and how he becomes pleased? Maheshvara of universal form lives in the hearts of all Creatures.
भक्त_PGM अनुकम्पा_Cp अर्थ_SAM दर्शन_SANe च_ यथाश्रुत_SANe | R मुनि_PGM ब्रू_PGPaPrM दिव्य_SANe ईशान_Cp चरित_SANe शुभ_SANe |
While ascetics discoursed on the auspicious and excellent deeds of Ishana, I have heard from then how, moved by mercy towards his worshippers, he grants them a sight of his body.
कृ_SNPaM यद्_PNNe रूप_PNNe कथय्_PNPaNe दिवौकस_PIM | अनुग्रह_Cp अर्थ_SAM विप्र_PGM श्रु_SPr2Im वत्स_SVM समासतस्_ | R तद्_PANe त्वद्_SD कीर्तय्_SFu1In यद्_SANe मद्_SA त्वद्_SN परिप्रच्छ्_SPr2In |
For showing a favour to the Brahmanas, the dwellers of heaven have recited for their information the various forins which were assumed by Mahadeva in days of yore. You have asked me about these. I shall recite them to you, O) son.
अम्बा_SNF वच्_SPs3In ब्रह्मन्_Cp विष्णु_Cp सुर_Cp इन्द्र_PGM रुद्र_Cp आदित्य_Cp अश्विन्_PGM अपि_ पिबि_ | R विश्व_PGM अपि_ देव_PGM वपुस्_SANe धारय्_SPr3In भव_SNM |
My mother said Bhava assumes the forins of Brahman and Vishnu and the king of the gods: of the Rudras, the Adityas, and the Ashvins; and of those gods called Vishvedevas.
नर_PGM देव_Cp नारी_PGF तथा_ प्रेत_Cp पिशाच_DuGM | R किरात_Cp शबर_PGM च_ जल_Cp ज_PGM अनेकशस्_ |
He assumes the forins also of men and women, of Pretas and Pishachas, of Kiratas and Shabaras, and of all aquatic animal. That illustrious god assumes the forms of also those Shabaras who live in the woods and forests.
कृ_SPr3In भगवन्त्_SNM रूप_SANe आटव्य_Cp शबर_PANe अपि_ | R कूर्म_SNM मत्स्य_SNM तथा_ शङ्ख_SNM प्रवाल_Cp आकुर_Cp भूषण_SNM |
He assumes the forms of tortoises and fishes and conchs. He assumes the form of those corals which are used as ornaments by men.
यक्ष_Cp राक्षस_Cp श्र_PGM दैत्य_Cp दानव_DuGM अपि_ | R वपुस्_SANe धारय्_SPr3In देव_SNM भूयस्_ च_ विलवासिन्_PGM |
He assumes the forms of also Yakshas and Rakshasas and Snakes, of Daityas and Danavas. The illustrious god assumes the forms of all creatures too which live in holes.
व्याघ्र_Cp सिंह_Cp मृग_PGM च_ तरक्षु_Cp ऋक्ष_Cp पतत्रिन्_PGM | उलूक_Cp श्वन्_Cp शृगाल_PGM रूप_PANe कृ_SPr3In अपि_ च_ |
He assumes the forms of tigers and lions and deer, of wolves and bears and birds, of owls and of jackals as well.
हंस_Cp काक_Cp मयूर_PGM कृकलासक_Cp सारस_SAF | R रूप_PNNe च_ बलाका_PGF गृध्र_Cp चक्राङ्ग_DuGM अपि_ |
He assumes the forms of swans and crows and peacocks, of chameleons and lizards and storks. He assumes the forms of cranes and vultures and Chakravakas.
कृ_SPr3In वा_ तद्_SNM रूप_PANe धारय्_SPr3In अपि_ पर्वत_SAM | R गो_ रूप_SANe च_ महादेव_SNM हस्तिन्_Cp अश्व_Cp उष्ट्र_Cp खर_Cp आकृति_SNM |
He assumes the forms of Chasas and of mountains also. O son, Mahadeva assumes the forms of kine and elephants and horses and camels and asses.
छाग_Cp शार्दूल_Cp रूप_SNM च_ अनेक_Cp मृग_Cp रूपधृक्_SNM | अण्ड_Cp ज_PGM च_ दिव्य_PGM वपुस्_SANe धारय्_SPr3In भव_SNM |
He assumes the forms of also goats and pards and various other animals. Bhava assumes the forins of various kinds of birds of beautiful plumage.
दण्डिन्_SNM छत्त्रिन्_SNM च_ कुण्डिन्_SNM च_ द्विज_PGM धारण_SNM तथा_ | R पण्मुख_SNM वै_ बहु_Cp मुख_SNM त्रि_Cp नेत्र_SNM बहु_Cp शीर्षक_SNM |
It is Mahadeva who assumes the form of the Sanyasin bearing the Darda (emblem of mendicancy), and also of the king with the Chhatra and the Brahman with the calabash. He sometimes becomes six faced and sometimes becomes multifaced. He sometimes assumes forins having three eyes and forms having many heads.
_aneka _kaṭi _pāda च_U _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _udara _vaktra _dhṛk _aneka _kaṭi _pāda च_U _aneka _u अनेक_Cp पाणि_Cp पार्श्व_SNM च_ अनेक_Cp गण_Cp संवृ_SNPaM |
And he sometimes assumes forms having many millions of legs and forms having numberless stomachs and faces, and forms gified Hili numberless arms and numberless sides. Ile sometimes appears surrounded by numberless spirits and ghosts.
ऋपि_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp रूप_SNM च_ सिद्ध_Cp चारण_Cp रूपधृक्_SNM | R भस्मन्_Cp पाण्डुर_Cp गात्र_SNM च_ चन्द्र_Cp अर्ध_Cp कृ_PaCp भूषण_SNM |
He assumes the forms of Rishis and (iandharvas, and of Siddhas and Charanas. He assumes a form wlich is rendered whilc with the ashes he smears on it and adorned with a hall-moon on the forchvad.
अनेक_Cp राव_Cp संघुष्_SNPaM च_ अनेक_Cp स्तुति_Cp संस्कृ_SNPaM | R सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp अन्तक_SVM सर्व_SNM सर्व_Cp लोक_Cp प्रतिष्ठा_SNPaM |
Adored with various hymns uttered with Various kinds of voice and adored with various Mantras fraught with encomiums, he, who is Sometimes called Sharva. is the Destroyer of all creatures in the universe, and it is upon hiin, again, that all creatures rest as common basis.
सर्व_Cp लोक_Cp अन्तरात्मन्_SNM च_ सर्व_Cp ग_SNM सर्व_Cp वादिन्_SNM अपि_ | सर्वत्र_ भगवन्त्_SNM ज्ञा_SNMGd हृदिस्थ_SNM सर्व_Cp देहिन्_PGM |
Mahadeva is the soul of all crcatures. He pervades all things. He is the speaker of all subjects. He lives everywhcre and should be known as living in the hearts of all creatures in the universe.
यद्_SNM हि_ यद्_SAM कामय्_SNPaPrM काम_SAM यद्_SLM अर्थ_SLM अल्प्_SPr3In पुनर्_ | R तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe विद्_SPr3In देवेश_SNM तद्_SAM प्रपद्_Co यदि_ इष्_SPr2In |
on their He knows the desire of every worshipper of his. He becomes acquainted with the object with which one pays hiin adorations. Do you, then, seek the protection of that king of the gods.
नन्द्_SPr3In कुप्_SPr3InPv च_ अपि_ तथा_ हुंकारय्_SPr3In अपि_ | R चक्रिन्_SNM शूलिन्_SNM गदा_Cp पाणि_SNM मुसलिन्_SNM खङ्ग_Cp पट्टिशिन्_SNM |
He sometimes rejoices, and sometimes becomes irate, and sometimes litters the syllable Hun with a very loud noise. He sometimes arms himself with the discus, sometimes with the trident, sometimes with the mace, sometimes with the heavy mullets, sometimes with the scimitar, and sometimes with the battle-axe.
_bhūdhara _nāgamaujī च_U _nāga _kuṇḍala _kuṇḍalī | नाग_Cp यज्ञ_Cp उपवीतिन्_SNM च_ नाग_Cp चर्मन्_Cp उत्तरच्छद_SNM |
He assumes the form of Shesha who keeps up the world on his head. He has snakes for his belt, and his cars are decked with car rings made of snakes. Snakes forin also the sacred thread he wears. An clephant skin is his upper garinent.
हस्_SPr3In गा_SPr3In च_ एव_ नृत्_SPr3In च_ मनोहर_SANe | R वादय्_SPr3In अपि_ वाद्य_PANe विचित्र_PANe गण_PIM युत_SNM |
He sometimes laughs and sometimes sings and sometimes dances most beautifully. Surrounded by numberless spirits and ghosts, he sometimes plays on musical instruments. Various are the instruments upon which he plays, and sweet the sounds they yield.
वल्ग्_SPr3In जृम्भ्_SPr3In च_ एव_ रुद्_SPr3In रोदय्_SPr3In अपि_ | उन्मद्_PaCp मद्_PaCp रूप_SANe च_ भाष्_SPr3In च_ अपि_ सु_ स्वर_SNM |
He sometimes wanders, sometimes yawns, sometimes cries, and sometimes causes others to cry. He sometimes assumes the guise of a mad man, and sometimes of a drunkard, and he sometimes utters sweet words.
अती_SVPaM हस्_SPr3In रौद्र_Cp स्रासय्_SNPaPrM नयन_PINe जन_SAM | R जागृ_SPr3In च_ एव_ स्वप्_SPr3In जृम्भ्_SPr3In च_ यथासुखम्_ |
Endued with dreadful fierceness, he sometimes laughs loudly, frightening all creatures with his eyes. He sometimes sleeps and sometimes remains awake, and sometimes yawns as he pleases.
जप्_SPr3In जप्_SPr3InPv च_ एव_ तप्_SPr3In तप्_SPr3InPv पुनर्_ | दा_SPr3In प्रतिग्रह्_SPr3In युज्_SPr3In ध्या_SPr3In अपि_ च_ |
He sometimes recites sacred Mantras and sometimes becomes the god of those Mantras which are recited. He sometimes practises penances and sometimes becomes the god for whose adoration those penances are practised. He sometimes make gifts and sometimes receives those gifts; sometimes disposes himself in Yoga and sometimes becomes the object of the Yoga of others.
वेदि_Cp मध्य_SLNe तथा_ यूप_SLM गोष्ठ_Cp मध्य_SLNe हुताशन_SLM | R दृश्_SPr3InPv दृश्_SPr3InPv च_ अपि_ बाल_SNM वृद्ध_SNM युवन्_SNM तथा_ |
He may be seen on the sacrificial platform or in the sacrificial stake; in the midst of the cowpen or in the fire. He may not again be seen there. He may be seen as a boy or as an old man.