एतद्_SNNe त्वद्_SG सर्व_SNNe आख्या_SNPaNe मद्_SI वै_ मुनि_Cp सत्तम_SVM अवितत_SNNe मद्_SI वै_ मुनि_Cp सत्तम_SVM एतद्_SNNe त्वद्_SG सर्व_SNNe आख्या_SNPaNe मद्_SI वै_ मुनि_Cp सत्तम_SVM एतद्_SNNe त्वद्_SG सर्व_SNNe आख्या_SNPaNe मद्_SI वै_ मुनि_Cp सत्तम_SVM एतद्_SNNe त्वद्_SG सर्व_SNNe R फल_SANe पुरुषकार_SGM सदा_ संदृश्_Co तत्त्व_SBNe |
best of ascetics, I have thus described all the merits of personal Exertion, having always known in their true significance.
अभ्युत्थान_SINe दैव_SGNe समारभ्_SIPaNe कर्मन्_SINe | R विधि_SIM कर्मन्_SINe च_ एव_ स्वर्ग_Cp मार्ग_SAM अवाप्_SPr3O |
By the influence of Destiny, and by showing personal Exertion, do men attain to heaven. The combined help of Destiny and Exertion, becomes fruitful.
युधिष्ठिर_SNM वच्_SPs3In क_PNM पूजय्_SNFGd क_PNM नमस्कृ_PNMGd क_PAM नमस्य्_SPr2In भारत_SVM | एतद्_SANe मद्_SD सर्व_SANe आचक्ष्_S2ImIn यद्_PDM स्पृहय्_SPr2In नृप_SVM |
Yudhishthira said Who are deserving of adoration? Who are they to whom one may bow? Who are they, O Bharata, to whom you would lower your head? Who, again, are they whom you like? Tell me all this, O prince.
उत्तम_Cp आपद्_Cp रम्_SGPaM अपि_ यत्र_ त्वद्_SG वृत्_SPr3In मनस्_SNNe | R मनुष्य_Cp लोक_SLM सर्व_SLM यद्_SNNe अमुत्र_ इह_ च_ अपि_ उत_ |
What is that upon which your mind turn when affliction overwhelms you. Do you describe to me what is beneficial here, that is, in this region of human beings, as also hereafter.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In स्पृहय्_SPr1In द्विजाति_PDM यद्_PGM ब्रह्मन्_SNNe पर_SNNe धन_SNNe | R यद्_PGM स्व_Cp प्रत्यय_SNM स्वर्ग_SNM तपस्_SNNe स्वाध्याय_Cp साधन_SNNe | यद्_PGM स्व_Cp प्रत्यय_SNM स्वर्ग_SNM तपस्_SNNe स्वाध्याय_Cp साधन_SNNe |
Bhishma said I like those twiceborn persons whose highest wealth is Brahma, whose heaven is their knowledge of the soul, and whose penances are formed by their diligent study of the Vedas.
यद्_PGM बाल_PNM च_ वृद्ध_PNM च_ पितृपैतामह_SAF धुर्_SAF | उद्वह्_PPr3In न_ सद्_PPr3In तद्_PDM वै_ स्पृहय्_SPr1In मद्_SN | उद्वह्_PPr3In न_ सद्_PPr3In तद्_PDM वै_ स्पृहय्_SPr1In मद्_SN |
My heart longs for those in whose family persons young and old diligently bear the, ancestral burthens without languishing under them.
विद्या_PLF अभिविनी_PGPaM दम्_PGPaM मृदु_Cp भाषिन्_PGM | श्रुत_Cp वृत्त_Cp उपपद्_PGPaM सदा_ अक्षर_Cp विद्_PGM सत्_PGM | R संसद्_PLF वद्_PGPaPrM तात_SVM हंस_PGM इव_ संघशस्_ | R मङ्गल्य_Cp रूप_PNM रुचिर_PNM दिव्य_Cp जीमूत_Cp निःस्वन_PNM | सम्यक्_ उच्चर्_PNPaF वाच्_PNF श्रु_PPr3InPv हि_ युधिष्ठिर_Cp श्रु_PPr3InPv हि_ युधिष्ठिर_Cp ऋते_ श्रु_PPr3InPv हि_ युधिष्ठिर_SVM अ_ ष्ठिर_Cp ऋते_ सम्यक्_ उच्चर्_PNPaF वाच्_PNF श्रु_PPr3InPv हि_ युधिष्ठिर_SVM सम्यक्_ उच्चर्_PNPaF वाच्_PNF R शुश्रूष्_SLPaPrM नृपति_SLM प्रे_Co च_ इह_ सुख_Cp आवह_PNF |
Brahmanas well-trained in several branches of knowledge, self-controlled, mild-speeched, conversant with the scriptures, well-bchaved, possessed of the knowledge of Brahma, and righteous in conduct, discourse in respectable assemblies like flights of swans. They in a voice deep as the muttering of clouds give vent to auspicious, sweet, excellent, and wellpronounced words, O Yudhishthira. In the courts of monarchs, they spoke these words fraught with happiness both temporal and spiritual, themselves being received with honour and attention and served with respect by those kings.
यद्_PNM च_ अपि_ तद्_PGM श्रोतृ_PNM सदा_ सदस्_SLNe सम्मन्_PNPaM | विज्ञान_Cp गुण_Cp सम्पद्_PNPaM तद्_PDM च_ स्पृहय्_SPr1In मद्_SN |
Indeed, my heart longs after them who endued with knowledge and all desirable attributes, and honoured by others, listen to such words when uttered in assemblies or the courts of kings.
सु_ संस्कृ_PAPaNe प्रयम्_PNPaM शुचि_PANe गुणवत्_PANe च_ | R दा_PPr3In अन्न_PANe तृप्ति_Cp अर्थ_SAM ब्राह्मण_PDM युधिष्ठिर_SNM |
My heart, O king, always yearns after them who, for the satisfaction of Brahmanas, O Yudhishthira, give to them, with devotion, food that is well-cooked and clean and wholesome.
यद्_PNM च_ अपि_ सततम्_ राजन्_SVM तद्_PDM च_ स्पृहय्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SN मद्_SN स्पृहय्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG स्पृहय्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG | R शक्य_SNNe हि_ एव_ आहव_SLM योद्धृ_SNNe न_ दा_In अनसूयित_SNNe |
It is easy to fight in battle, but not so to make a gift without pride or vanity.
शूर_PNM वीराच_SVM शतशस्_ अस्_PPr3In लोक_SLM युधिष्ठिर_SVM | R यद्_PGM संख्या_PGPaPrMPv दान_Cp शूर_SNM विशिष्_SPr3InPv |
In this world, O Yudhishthira, there are hundreds of brave men and heroes. While counting them, he who is a hero in gifts should be considered as superior.
धन्य_SNM अस्_SPr1O भूयस्_ सौम्य_SVM ब्राह्मणक_SNM अपि_ वा_ ऐम्_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐमि_ वा_ ऐम् R कुल_SLNe जन्_SNPaM धर्म_Cp गति_SNM तपस्_Cp विद्या_Cp परायण_SNM |
O amiable one, if I had been even a vulgar Brahmana I would have considered myself as very great, not to speak of one born in a good family, gifted with righteousness of conduct, and given to penances and learning.
मद्_SG त्वद्_SB प्रियतर_SNM लोक_SLM इदम्_SLM पाण्डु_Cp नन्दन_SVM | R त्वद्_SBM च_ अपि_ प्रियतर_PNM ब्राह्मण_PNM भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM |
There is no one, O son of Pandu, in this world, who is dearer to me than you, O chief of Bharats's race, but Brahmans are dearer to me than you.
यथा_ मद्_SG प्रियतम_PNM त्वद्_SBM प्रिय_PNM कुरु_Cp उत्तम_SVM | तद्_SINe सत्य_SINe गम्_SPr1O लोक_PAM यत्र_ तद्_SNM शान्तनु_SNM |
And since, O best of the Kurus, the Brahmanas are very much dearer to me than you, it is by that truth that I expect to go to all those regions of happiness which have been gained by my father Shantanu.
न_ हि_ मद्_SG वृजिन_SNNe कश्चित्_SNNe विद्_SPr3InPv ब्राह्मण_PLM इह_ इह_ | अणु_SNNe वा_ यदि_ वा_ स्थूल_SNNe विद्_SPr3InPv साधु_Cp कर्मन्_PLNe |
I do not expect any fruit, small or great, from my adoration of the Brahmanas.
कर्मन्_SINe मनस्_SINe वा_ अपि_ वाच्_SIF वा_ अपि_ परंतप_SVM | R यद्_SNNe मद्_SG कृ_SNPaNe ब्राह्मण_PDM तद्_SINe अद्य_ न_ तप्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG कृ_SNPaNe ब्राह्मण_PDM तद्_SINe अद्य_ न_ तप्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG कृ_SNPaNe ब्राह्मण_PDM तद्_SINe अद्य_ न_ तप्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG कृ_SNPaNe ब्राह्मण_PDM तद्_SINe अद्य_ न_ त्
On account of what I have done to the Brahmanas in thought, word, and deed, I do not feel any pain now.
ब्रह्मण्य_SNM इति_ मद्_SA अह्_SPs2In तद्_SIF वाच्_SIF अस्_SPr1In तोषय्_SNPaM | एतद्_SNNe एव_ पवित्र_PBNe सर्व_PBNe परम_SNNe स्मृ_SNPaNe |
People used to call me as one devoted to the Brahmanas. This address always pleased me highly. To do good to the Brahmanas is the most sacred of all sacred duties.
पश्_SPr1In लोक_PAM अमल_PAM शुचि_PAM ब्राह्मण_Cp यायिन्_PAM | R तद्_PLM मद्_SG तात_SVM गम्_SNNeGd अहर्_SDNe च_ चिराय_ च_ |
I see many regions of beatitude waiting for me who have respectfully followed the Brahmanas. Very soon shall I go to these regions for good, O son.
यथा_ भर्मन्_Cp आश्रय_SNM धर्म_SNM स्त्री_PGF लोक_SLM युधिष्ठिर_SVM | R तद्_SNM देव_SNM तद्_SNF गति_SNF न_ अन्य_SNF क्षत्रिय_SGM तथा_ द्विज_PVM |
In this world, O Yudhishthira, the duties of women depend upon their husbands. To a woman, verily, the husband is the god and he is the highest end for which she should try. As the husband to wife, so are the Brahmanas to Kshatriyas.
क्षत्रिय_SNM शत_Cp वर्षिन्_SNM च_ दशन्_Cp वर्षिन्_SNM द्विजोत्तम_SNM | R विज्ञा_DuNMGd तद्_DuGM हि_ ब्राह्मण_SNM गुरु_SNM |
If there be a Kshatriya hundred years old and a good Brahmana child of only ten years, the latter should be considered as a father and the former as a son, for among the two, the Brahmana is superior.
नारी_SNF तु_ पति_Cp अभाव_SLM वै_ देवर_SAM कृ_SPr3In पति_SAM | R पृथिवी_SNF ब्राह्मण_Cp अलाभ_SLM क्षत्रिय_SAM कृ_SPr3In पति_SAM |
A woman, in the absence of her husband, takes his younger brother for her lord; so the Earth, not having obtained Brahmana, made the Kshatriya her king.
पुत्र_Cp वत्_ च_ ततस्_ रक्ष्_PNMGd उपास्_PNMGd गुरु_Cp वत्_ च_ तद्_PINe | R अग्नि_Cp वत्_ च_ उपचर्_PNMGd वै_ ब्राह्मण_PNM कुरु_Cp सत्तम_SVM |
The Brahmanas should be protected like sons and adored like fathers or preceptors. Indeed, O best of the Kurus, they served reverentially as people wait with respect upon their sacrificial or Homa fires.
ऋजु_PAM सत्_PAM सत्य_Cp शील_PAM सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp हित_SLNe रम्_PAPaM | आशीविष_PAM इव_ क्रुध्_PAPaM द्विज_PAM परिचर्_SPr3O सदा_ |
The Brahmanas are gifted with simplicity and righteousness. They are given to truth. They are always engaged in the behalf of all creatures. Yet when angry they are like snakes of dreadful venom. They should, for these reasons, be always waited upon and served with respect and humility.
तेजस्_SBNe तपस्_SBNe च_ एव_ नित्यम्_ भी_SPr3O युधिष्ठिर_SVM जपस्_SBNe च_ एव_ नित्यम्_ भी_SPr3O युधिष्ठिर_SVM | उभ्_DuNNe च_ एतद्_DuNNe परित्यज्_DuNNeGd तेजस्_SNNe च_ एव_ तपस्_SNNe तथा_ |
One should, O Yudhishthira, always fear these two, viz., Energy and Penances. Both these should be shirked or kept at a distance.
व्यवसाय_SNM तद्_DuGM शीघ्रम्_ उभय_DuGM एव_ विद्_SPr3InPv | R हन्_PPr3O क्रुध्_PNPaM महत्_Cp राज_SVM ब्राह्मण_PNM यद्_PNM तपस्विन्_PAM |
The effects of both are quick, There is this superiority, however, of Penances, viz., that Brahmanas gifted with Penances, O king, can, if angry, kill the object of their anger.
भूयस्_SNNe अस्_SPr3O उभय_SNNe दा_SNPaNe ब्राह्मण_SBM यद्_SNNe अकोपन_SBM | R कृ_SPr3O उभयतस्_ शेष_SAM दा_PaCp शेष_SAM न_ शेषय्_SPr3O |
Even greatest Energy and Penances, become neutralised if applied against a Brahmana who has conquered anger. If the two that is, Energy and Penances-be set against each other, then both of them would be destroyed. Again when Energy, is set against Penances, it is sure to be destroyed without leaving a remnant. Penances applied against Energy cannot be destroyed completely.
दण्डपाणि_SNM यथा_ गो_PL पाल_SNM नित्यम्_ हि_ रक्षय्_SPr3O | R ब्राह्मण_PNM ब्रह्मन्_SNNe च_U तथा_U क्षत्रिय_SNM परिपालय्_SPr3O |
As the herdsman, stick in hand, protects the herd, so should the Kshatriya always protect the Vedas and the Brahmanas.
पितृ_SNM इव_ पुत्र_PAM रक्ष्_SPr2O ब्राह्मण_PAM धर्म_Cp चेतस्_PAM | R गृह_SLNe च_ इदम्_PGM अवेक्ष्_SPr2O क_SNNe स्विद्_ अस्_SPr3In इति_ जीवन_SANe |
The Kshatriya should protect all pious Brahmanas as a father protects his sons. He should always look after the houses of the Brahmanas for finding out that the means of subsistence may not be wanting.
युधिष्ठिर_SNM वच्_SPs3In ब्राह्मण_PGM तु_ यद्_PNM लोक_PNM प्रतिश्रु_Co पितामह_SNM | R न_ प्रयम्_PPr3In मोह_SBM तद्_PNM क_PNM भू_PPr3In महत्_Cp द्युति_SVM |
Yudhishthira said O grandfather, O you of great splendour, what do those men become who, through stupefaction of intellect, do not make gifts to Brahmanas after having promised to make those gifts?
एतद्_SANe मद्_SD तत्त्व_SBNe ब्रू_SPr2Im धर्म_SLM धर्म_Cp भृत्_PGM वर_SVM | R प्रतिश्रु_Co दुरात्मन्_PNM न_ प्रयम्_PPr3In यद्_PNM नर_PNM |
O foremost of all righteous persons, do tell me what the duties are in this matter. Indeed, what becomes the end of those wicked men who do not give after having promised to give.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In यद्_SNM न_ दा_SPr3O प्रतिश्रु_Co सु_ अल्प_SANe वा_ यदि_ वा_ बहु_SANe | आशा_PNF तद्_SGM हन्_PNPaF सर्व_PNF क्लीब_SGM इव_ प्रजा_Cp फल_SNNe |
Bhishma said The person who, after having promised, does not give, be it little or much, has the mortification to witness his hopes frustrated like the hopes of a eunuch about children.
यद्_SAF रात्रि_SAF जन्_SPr3In जीव_SAF यद्_SAF रात्रि_SAF च_ विनश्_SPr3In | एतद्_SLNe अन्तर_SLNe यद्_SNNe यद्_SNNe सु_ कृ_SNPaNe तद्_SGM भारत_SVM | R यद्_SNNe च_ तद्_SGM हृ_SNPaNe कश्चित्_SNNe दा_SNPaNe वा_ भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R तपस्_SNNe तप्_SNPaNe अथो_ वा_ अपि_ सर्व_SNNe तद्_SGM उपहन्_SPr3InPv |
Whatever good acts such a person does between the day of his birth and that of his death, O Bharata, whatever libations he pours on the sacrificial fire, whatever gifts he makes, o chief of Bharata's race, and whatever penances he performs, all becomes useless.
अथ_ एतद्_SANe वचन_SANe प्राह्_PPs3In धर्म_Cp शास्त्र_Cp विद्_PNM जन_PNM | निशामय्_Co भरत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SVM बुध्_SIPaF परम_Cp युज्_SIPaF |
They who conversant with the scriptures hold this as their opinion, arriving at it, О chief of the Bharatas, with the help of a well-ordered understanding.
अत्र_ एव_ उदाहृ_PPr3In इदम्_SAM इतिहास_SAM पुरातन_SAM | R शृगाल_SGM च_ संवाद_SAM वानर_SGM च_ भारत_SVM |
Regarding it is cited the old discourse between a jackal and an ape.
तद्_DuNM सखि_DuNM पुरा_ हि_ अस्_Du3ImIn मानुष_Cp त्व_SLNe परंतप_SVM | अन्य_SAF योनि_FCp समापद्_DuNPaM सार्गाल_SNF वानरी_SNF तथा_ अमापद्_DuNPaM सार्गाल_SNF वानरी_SNF तथा_ अमा_Cp सार्गाल_SNF वानरी_SNF तथा_ अमा_Cp सार्गाल_SNF वानरी_SNF तथा_ अमा_Cp सार्गाल_SNF वानरी_SNF तथा_ अमा_SNF अन्य_SAF योनि_SAF समापद्_DuNPaF sārg
While both were human beings, O scorcher of enemies, they were intimate friends. After death one of them became a jackal and the other an ape.
ततस्_ परासु_PAM खाद्_SAPaPrM शृगाल_SAM वानर_SNM ब्रू_S3ImIn | R श्मशान_Cp मध्य_SLNe सम्प्रेक्ष्_Co पूर्व_Cp जाति_SAF अनुस्मृ_SNPaPrM |
Seeing the jackal one day eating an animal car-case in the midst of a crematorium, the ape, remembering his own and his friend's pristine birth as human beings, addressed him, saying,
क_SNNe त्वद्_SI पापक_SNNe पूर्वम्_ कृ_SNPaNe कर्मन्_SNNe सु_ दारुण_SNNe | R यद्_SNM त्वद्_SN श्मशान_SLNe मृतक_PAM पूतिक_PAM अद्_SPr2In कुत्सय्_PAPaM |
Verily, what dreadíul sin did you commit in your pristine birth on account of which you are obliged in this birth to feed in a crematorium upon such repulsive food as the putrid car-case of an animal?
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM प्रतिवच्_SPs3In शृगाल_SNM वानर_SAM तदा_ | ब्राह्मण_SGM प्रतिश्रु_Co न_ मद्_SI तद्_SNNe उपाहृ_SNPaNe |
Thus addressed the jackal replied to the ape, saving Having promised to give to a Brahmana I did not make him the gift.
तद्_Cp कृते_ पापकी_SNF योनि_SAF आपद्_SNPaM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_Cp मद_SNM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_Cp मद_SNM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_Cp मद_SNM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_Cp मद_SNM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_SVM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_Cp मद_SNM अस्_SPr1In प्लवंगम_Cp मद_SNM अस्_SPr1In R तस्मात्_ एवंविध_SANe भक्ष्य_SANe भक्षय्_SPr1In बुभुक्ष्_SNPaM |
It is for that sin, O ape, that I have fallen into this wretched state of existence. It is for that reason that, when hungry, I am obliged to cat such food.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In शृगाल_SNM वानर_SAM प्राह्_SPs3In पुनर्_ एव_ नरोत्तम_SVM | R क_SNNe त्वद्_SI पातक_SNNe कर्मन्_SNNe कृ_SNPaNe यद्_SINe अस्_SPr2In वानर_SNM |
Bhishma said The jackal then, O best of men, addressed the monkey and said What sin did you commit for which you have become an ape.
वानर_SNM वच्_SPs3In सदा_ च_ मद्_SN फल_Cp आहार_SNM ब्राह्मण_PGM प्लवंगम_SNM | R तस्मात्_ न_ ब्राह्मण_Cp स्व_SNNe तु_ हृ_SNNeGd विद्वस्_SIM सदा_ | R समम्_ विवाद_SNM मुच्_SNMGd दा_SNNeGd तद्_SNM प्रतिश्रु_SNPaNe |
The ape said In my former life I used to eat the fruits belonging to Brahmanas. Hence have I become an ape. Hence it is clear that one endued with intelligence and learning should never take what belongs to Brahmanas. As one should abstain from this, one should avoid also all quarrels with Brahmanas. Having promised, one should certainly make the promised gift lo them.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In इति_ एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SGPaPrM राजन्_SVM ब्राह्मण_SGM मद्_SI श्रु_SNPaNe | R कथा_SAF कथय्_SGPaPrM पुण्य_SAF धर्म_Cp ज्ञ_SGM पुरातन_SAF | कथा_SAF कथय्_SGPaPrM पुण्य_SAF धर्म_Cp ज्ञ_SGM पुरातन_SAF |
Bhishma said I heard this, O king, from my preceptor while he was discoursing upon the subject of Brahmanas. I heard this from that pious person when he recounted the old and sacred declarations of this topic.
श्रु_SNPaM च_ अपि_ मद्_SI भूयस्_ कृष्ण_SGM अपि_ विश्_PGF पति_SGM | R कथा_SAF कथय्_SGPaPrM पूर्वम्_ ब्राह्मण_SAM प्रति_ पाण्डव_SVM |
I heard this from Krishna also, o king, while he was discoursing, O son of Pandu, upon Brahmanas.
न_ हृ_SNNeGd विप्र_Cp धन_SNNe क्षम्_SNNeGd तद्_PLM नित्यशस्_ | R बाल_PNM च_ न_ अवमन्_PNMGd दरिद्र_PNM कृपण_PNM अपि_ |
The property of a Brahmana should never be taken. They should always be let alone. Poor, or miserly, or young in years, they should never be dishonored.
एवम्_ एव_ च_ मद्_SA नित्यम्_ ब्राह्मण_PNM संदिश्_PPr3In वै_ | R प्रतिश्रु_Co भू_SPr3O दा_SNNeGd न_ आशा_SNF कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ कृ_SNFGd द्विजोत्तम_SLM इति_ kā
The Brahmanas always taught me this. Having promised to make them a gift, the gift should be made. A superior Brahmana should never be disappointed in his expectations. an
ब्राह्मण_SNM हि_ आशा_SIF पूर्वम्_ कृ_SIPaF पृथिवीपति_SGM | R सु_ समिन्ध्_SNPaM यथा_ दीप्_SNPaM पावक_SNM तद्विध_SNM स्मृ_SNPaM |
A Brahmana, O king, in whom expectation has been raised, has, O king, been said to be like a burning fire.
यद्_SAM निरीक्ष्_SPr3O संक्रुध्_SNPaM आशा_SIF पूर्व_Cp जन्_SIPaF | R प्रदह्_SPr3O च_ हि_ तद्_SAM राजन्_SVM कक्ष_SAM अक्षय्यभुग_SVM यथा_ |
That man upon whom a Brahmana with raised expectations looks, is sure, O king, to be reduced to ashes as a heap of straw is capable of being consumed by a burning fire.
तद्_SNM एव_ हि_ यदा_ तुष्_SNPaM वचस्_SINe प्रतिनन्द्_SPr3In | R भू_SPr3In अगद_Cp संकाश_SNM विषय_SLM तद्_SGM भारत_SVM | भू_SPr3In अगद_Cp संकाश_SNM विषय_SLM तद्_SGM भारत_SVM |
When the Brahmana, gratified by the king, addresses the king in delightful and affectionate words, he becomes, O Bharata, a source of great good to the king, for he continucs to live in the kingdom like a physician fighting against various ills of the body.
पुत्र_PAM पौत्र_PAM पशु_PAM च_ एव_ बान्धव_PAM सचिव_PAM तथा_ | R पुर_SANe जनपद_SAM च_ एव_ शान्ति_SNF इष्ट_SINe पोषय्_SPr3O |
Such a Brahimana is sure to maintain peacefully the sons and grandsons and animals and relatives and ministers and other officers and the city and the provinces of the king.
एतद्_SNNe हि_ परम_SNNe तेजस्_SNNe ब्राह्मण_SGM इह_ दृश्_SPr3InPv | सहस्त्र_Cp किरण_SGM इव_ सवितृ_SGM धरणी_Cp तल_SLM |
Such is the energy of the Brahimana, like to that of the thousand-rayed Sun himself, on the Earth.
तस्मात्_ दा_SNNeGd एव_ इह_ प्रतिश्रु_Co युधिष्ठिर_SNM | R यदि_ इष्_SPr3O शोभन_SAF जाति_SANe प्राप्_In भरत_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ इष्_SPr3O शोभन_SAF जाति_SANe प्राप्_In भरत_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ अतम_SNM अतम_SNM अतम_SNM अतम_SNM अतम_SNM अथ_ इष्_SPr3O शोभन_SAF जाति_SANe प्राप्_In भरत_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ at
Therefore, O Yudhishthira, if one wishes to come by a respectable or happy order of being in his next birth, he should, having made the promise to a Brahmana, certainly satisfy it by actually making the gift to him.
ब्राह्मण_SGM हि_ दा_SIPaNe ध्रुवम्_ स्वर्ग_SNM हि_ अनुत्तम_SNM | शक्य_SNM प्राप्_In विशेषेण_ दान_SNNe हि_ महत्_SNF क्रिया_SNF |
By making gifts to a Brahmana one is sure to acquire the highest heaven. Verily, the making of gifts is the highest of deeds that one can perform.
इतस्_ दा_SIPaNe जीव्_PPr3In देवता_PNF पितृ_PNM तथा_ | R तस्मात्_ दान_PNNe दा_PNNeGd ब्राह्मण_PDM विज्ञा_SIPaPrM आत्मन्_SIM तस्मात्_ दान_PNNe दा_PNNeGd ब्राह्मण_PDM विज्ञा_SIPaPrM आत्मन्_SIM तस्मात्_ दान_PNNe दा_PNNeGd ब्राह्मण_PDM विज्ञा_SIPaPrM आत्मन्_SIM दान_PNNe दा_PNNeGd ब्राह्मण_PDM विज्ञा_SI
The gods and the departed manes are supported by the gifts one makes to a Brahmana. Hence one endued with knowledge should ever make gifts to the Brahmanas.
युधिष्ठिर_SNM वच्_SPs3In मित्र_Cp सौहार्द_Cp योग_SIM उपदेश_SAM कृ_SPr3In यद्_SNM | R जाति_SIF अधर_SGM राजर्षि_SGM दोष_SNM तद्_SGM भू_SPr3O न_ वा_ अवस्_SINe अधर_SGM राजर्षि_SGM दोष_SNM तद्_SGM भू_SPr3O न_ वा_ अवस्_SINe अधर_SGM राजर्षि_SGM दोष_SNM तद्_SGM भू_SPr3O न_ वा_ अवस्_SINe अधर_SGM राजर्षि_SGM दोष_SNM तद्_SG
Yudhishthira said I wish to know, O royal sage, whether any sin is committed by one who from interested or disinterested friendship delivers instructions to a person of a low order of birth.
एतद्_SANe इष्_SPr1In तत्त्व_SINe व्याख्या_In वै_ पितामह_SNM | सूक्ष्म_SNF गति_SNF हि_ धर्म_SGM यत्र_ मुह्_PPr3In मानव_PNM |
O grandfather, I wish to hear this explained to me in full. The course of duty is highly subtile. Men are often seen to be stupefied about that course.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In अत्र_U त्वद्_SG वर्तय्_SFu1In श्रु_SPr2Im राजन्_SVM यथाक्रमम्_U | R ऋषि_PGM वद्_PGPaPrM पूर्वम्_ श्रु_SNPaNe अस्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn यथा_ पुरा_ इदम्_S3ImIn
Bhishma said About it, o king, I shall recite to you, in due order, what I heard certain Rishis say in days of yore.
उपदेश_SNM न_ कृ_SNMGd जाति_Cp हा_SGPaM कश्चित्_SGM | R उपदेश_SLM महत्_SNM दोष_SNM उपाध्याय_SGM भाष्_SPr3InPv |
Instruction should not be given to one who belongs to a low or degraded caste. It is said that the preceptor who delivers instruction to such a person commits great sin.
निदर्शन_SANe इदम्_SANe राजन्_SVM श्रु_SPr2Im मद्_SG भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R दुरुक्त_Cp वचन_SLNe राजन्_SVM यथापूर्वम्_ युधिष्ठिर_Cp वचन_SLNe राजन्_SVM यथापूर्वम्_ युधिष्ठिर_Cp वचन_SLNe राजन्_SVM यथापूर्वम्_ युधिष्ठिर_Cp वचन_SLNe राजन्_SVM यथापूर्वम्_ युधिष्ठिर_Cp वचन_SLNe राजन्_SVM यथापूर्वम्_ युध्
Listen to me, O chief of Bharatas, as I recite to you, O Yudhishthira, this incident which took place in days of yore, o king, of the evil consequences of imparting of instruction to a lowborn person fallen into distress.
ब्रह्मन्_Cp आश्रम_Cp पद_SLNe वृत्_SNPaNe प्राश्र्व_SNNe हिमवन्त्_SGM शुभ_SLNe | तत्र_ आश्रम_Cp पद_SNNe पुण्य_SNNe नाना_ वृक्ष_Cp गण_Cp आयुत_SNNe |
The incident which I shall describe, took place in the hermitage of certain twice born sages which stood on the auspicious breast of Himavat. There, on the breast of that king of mountains, was a sacred asylum adorned with trees of various kinds.
नाना_ गुल्म_Cp लता_Cp आकृ_SNPaNe मृग_Cp द्विज_Cp निषेव्_SNPaNe | सिद्ध_Cp चारण_Cp संयुज्_SNPaNe रम्य_SNNe पुष्पित_Cp कानन_SNNe |
Overgrown also with various species of crecpers and plants, it was the resort of many animals and birds. Inhabited by Siddhas and Charanas also, it was highly delightful on account of the woods that flowered there at every scason.
व्रतिन्_PIM बहु_PIM कृ_SAPaM तापस_PIM उपसेव्_SAPaM | R ब्राह्मण_PIM च_ महाभाग_PIM सूर्य_Cp ज्वलन_Cp संनिभ_PIM |
Many Brahmacharins lived there, and many herimits. Many Brahmanas lived there, who were highly blessed and who resembled the sun or the fire in energy and effulgence.
नियम_Cp व्रत_Cp सम्पद्_PIPaM समाकृ_SNPaNe तपस्विन्_PIM | R दीक्ष्_PIPaM भरत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SVM यम्_PaCp आहार_PIM कृतात्मन्_PIM |
Ascetics of various kinds, observant of various restraints and vows, as also others, O king of the Bharatas, who had gone through initiatory rites and were frugal in fare and possessed of purified souls, lived there.
तपस्_Cp ध्ययन_Cp घोष_PIM च_ नादय्_SNPaNe भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R वालखिल्य_PIM च_ बहु_PIM यति_PIM च_ निषेव्_SNPaNe |
Large numbers of Valikhilyas and inany who observed the vow of Sanyasa also, used to live there. On account of all this, the hermitage resounded with the recitation of the Vedas and the sacred Mantras uttered by its dwellers.
तत्र_ कश्चित्_SNM समुत्साह_SAM कृ_Co शूद्र_SNM दया_Cp अन्वित_SNM | आगम्_SNPaM हि_ आश्रम_Cp पद_SANe पूजय्_SNPaM च_ तपस्विन्_PIM |
Once upon a time a Shudra endued with mercy for all creatures, ventured to come into that herinitage. Arrived at that retreat, he was duiy honoured by all the ascetics.
तद्_PAM तु_ दृश्_Co मुनि_Cp गण_PAM देव_Cp कल्प_PAM महत्_Cp ओजस्_PAM | R विविध_SAF वह्_SGPaPrM दीक्षा_SAF सम्प्रहष्_S3ImInPv भारत_SVM |
Seeing those ascetics of diverse classes who were endued with great energy, that resembled the gods, and who were observing diverse kinds of initiation, O Bharata, the Shudra became highly pleased at heart.
अथ_ इदम्_SGM बुद्धि_SNF भू_S3ImIn तपस्य_SLNe भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R ततस्_ ब्रू_S3ImIn कुल_Cp पति_SAM पाद_DuAM संग्रह्_Co भारत_SVM | R भवत्_Cp प्रसाद_SBM इष्_SPr1In धर्म_SVM वच्_In द्विजर्षभ_SVM | R तद्_SANe मद्_SA त्वद्_SN भगवत्_SVM वच्_In प्रव्राजय्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
Seeing everything, ( chief of Bharata's race, the Shudra felt inclined to devote himself to the practice of penances. Touching the feet of the head of the order, O Bharata, he said to hiin. Through your favour, O foremost of twice born persons, I wish to learn the duties of religion. You should, o illustrious one, describe to me those duties and introduce me into a life of Renunciation.
वर्ण_Cp अवर_SNM मद्_SN भगवत्_SVM शूद्र_SNM जाति_SIF अस्_SPr1In सत्तम_SVM | R शुश्रूषा_SAF कृ_In इष्_SPr1In प्रपद्_SDPaM प्रसद्_SPr2Im मद्_SD |
I am certainly inferior in colour, O illustrious one, for I am by caste a Shudra, O best of men! I wish to wait upon and serve you here. Be pleased with me who humbly seek your shelter.
कुल_Cp पति_SNM वच्_SPs3In न_ शक्य_SNNe इह_ शूद्र_SIM लिङ्ग_SANe आश्रि_Co वृत्_In | आस्_SPr3ImPv यदि_ त्वद्_SG बुद्धि_SNF शुश्रूषा_Cp निरम्_SNPaM भू_SPr3In | R शुश्रूषा_SIF पर_PAM लोक_PAM अवाप्_SFu2In न_ संशय_SNM |
The Kulapati said It is impossible that a Shudra should live here following the life of Renunciation. If it pleases you, you may stay here and serve us. Forsooth, by such service you shall acquire many regions of great happiness.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ मुनि_SIM तद्_SNM शूद्र_SNM चिन्तय्_S3ImIn नृप_SVM | R कथम्_ अत्र_ मद्_SI कृ_SNNeGd श्रद्धा_SNF धर्म_Cp पर_SNF च_ मद्_SG |
Bhishma said Thus addressed by the ascetic, the Shudra began to think in his mind, o king How should I now act? I have great reverence for those religious duties which lead to merit.
विज्ञा_SNPaNe एवम्_ भू_SPr3Im कृ_SFu1In प्रिय_SANe आत्मन्_SGM | R गम्_Co आश्रम_Cp पद_SBNe दूर_SANe उटज_SANe कृ_SVPaM तु_ तद्_SNM |
Let this, however, be settled, that I shall do what would be for my behoof. Proceeding to a spot that was distant from that hermitage, he inade a hut of the twigs and leaves of trees.
तत्र_ वेदि_DuAF च_ भूमि_SAF च_ देवतायतन_PANe च_ | R निवेशय्_Co भरत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SVM नियम_Cp स्थ_SNM भू_S3ImIn मुनि_SNM |
Erecting also a sacrificial platform and making a little room for his sleep, and some platforms for the use of the gods, he began, O chief of the Bharatas, to lead a life governed by rigid observances and vows and to practise penances, abstaining entirely from speech.
अभिषेक_PAM च_ नियम_PAM देवतायतन_PLNe च_ | R बलि_SAM च_ कृ_Co हन्_Co च_ देवता_SAF च_ अपि_ पूजय्_S3ImIn |
He began to perform ablutions thrice a day, observe other vows, make sacrifices to the gods, pour libations on the sacrificial fire, and adore and worship the gods in this way.
संकल्प_Cp नियम_Cp उपे_SNPaM फल_Cp आहार_SNM जि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_SNM | R नित्यम्_ संनिधा_PIPaF तु_ ओषधी_PIF फल_PINe तथा_ | R अतिथि_PAM पूजय्_SPs3In यथावत्_U समुपागम्_PAPaPsM | एवम्_ हि_ सु_ महत्_SNM काल_SNM व्यतिकाम्_S3ImIn तद्_SGM वै_ |
Governing all carnal desires, living sparingly upon fruits and roots, governing all his senses, he daily welcomed and entertained all that came to his hermitage as guests, offering them herbs and fruits which grew in abundance around. In this way he passed a very long time in that hermitage of his.
अथ_ इदम्_SGM मुनि_SNM आगम्_S3ImIn संगति_SIF वै_ तद्_SAM आश्रम_SAM | R सम्पूजय्_Co स्वागत_SINe ऋषि_SVM विधिवत्_ संतोषय्_S3ImIn |
One day an ascetic came to that Shudra's asylum for making his acquaintance. The Sudra welcomed and adored the Rishi with due rites, and pleased him highly.
अनुकूल_SNF कथा_PAF कृ_Co यथागत_SAM प्रच्छ्_S3ImIn ऋषि_SNM परम_Cp तेजस्विन्_SNM धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM संशित_Cp व्रत_SNM |
Possessed of great energy, and a righteous soul, that Rishi of rigid vows conversed with his host on many agreeable subjects and informed him of the place whence he had come.
एवम्_ सु_ बहुशस्_ तद्_SGM शूद्र_SGM भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R तद्_SNM गम्_S3ImIn आश्रम_SAM ऋषि_SNM शूद्र_SAM दृश्_In नर_Cp ऋषभ_SVM |
In this way, O chief of the Bharatas, that Rishi, O best of men, came into the hermitage of the Shudra in numerable times for seeing him.
अथ_ तद्_SAM तापस_SAM शूद्र_SNM तद्_SNM ब्रू_S3ImIn भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R पितृ_Cp कार्य_SANe कृ_SFu1In तत्र_ मद्_SG अनुग्रह_SAM कृ_SPr2Im |
On one of these occasions the Shudra, O king, addressing the Rishi, said I wish to perform the rites that are ordained for the Pitris. Do you show me kindness in this matter.
बाढम्_ इति_ एव_ तद्_SAM विप्र_SNM वच्_SPs3In भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | शुचि_SNM भू_Co तद्_SNM शूद्र_SNM तु_ तद्_SGM ऋषि_SGM पाद्य_SANe आनी_S3ImIn | R अथ_ दर्भ_PNM च_ वन्य_PAM च_ ओषधि_PAF भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R पवित्र_SANe आसन_SANe च_ एव_ वृषि_DuAM च_ समुपानी_S3ImIn |
Very well the Brahmana said in reply to him, O king. Then, purifying himself by a bath, the Shudra brought water for the Rishi to wash his feet, and he also brought some Kusha grass, and wild herbs and fruits, and a sacred seat. and the seat called Vrishi.
अथ_ दक्षिण_SAM आवृत्_Co वृषि_DuAM चरमशैर्षिकी_SAF | R कृ_SAPaF अन्याय_SBM दृश्_Co तद्_SAM शूद्र_SAM ऋषि_SNM ब्रू_S3ImIn | R कृ_SPr2Im एतद्_SAF पूर्व_Cp शीर्ष_SAF भवत्_SNM च_ उदञ्च्_Cp मुख_SNM शुचि_SNM | R तद्_SNM च_ तद्_SANe कृ_SNPaM शूद्र_SNM सर्व_SANe यद्_SANe ऋषि_SNM ब्रू_S3ImIn |
The Vrishi, however, was placed by the Shudra towards the south, with its head turned to the west. Seeing this and knowing that it was against the ordinance, the Rishi addressed the Shudra, saying Place the Vrishni with its head turned towards the East and having purified yourself, do you sit with your face turned towards the north.The Shudra did everything as the Rishi directed.
यथा_ उपदिश्_SAPaNe मेधाविन्_SNM दर्भ_Cp आ_ आ_ आदि_SANe यथातथ_SANe | हव्य_Cp कव्य_Cp विधि_SAM कृत्स्न_SAM वच्_SAPaM तद्_SIM तपस्विन्_SIM आ_ हव्य_Cp कव्य_Cp विधि_SAM कृत्स्न_SAM वच्_SAPaM तद्_SIM तपस्विन्_SIM आ_ हव्य_Cp कव्य_Cp विधि_SAM कृत्स्न_SAM वच्_SAPaM तद्_SIM तपस्विन्_SIM आ_ हव्य_Cp कव्य_Cp विधि_SAM कृत्स्न_SAM वच्_SAPaM तद्_SIM तपस्विन्_SI R ऋषि_SIM पितृ_Cp कार्य_SNNe च_ तद्_SNM च_ धर्म_Cp पथ_SLM स्था_SNPaM | R पितृकार्य_SANe कृ_SLPaNe च_ अपि_ विसृज्_SNPaM तद्_SNM गम्_SPs3In ह_ वै_ सृज्_SNPaM तद्_SNM गम्_SPs3In ह_ अलम्_ ह_ अलम्_ कृ_SLPaNe च_ अपि_ विसृज्_SNPaM तद्_SNM गम्_SPs3In ह_ अलम्_ ह_ अलम्_ ह_ अलम्_ कृ_SLPaNe च_ अपि_ विसृज्_SNPaM तद्_SNM गम्_SPs3In ह_ | अथ_U दीर्घ_SGM काल_SGM तद्_SNM तप्_SNPaPrM शूद्र_Cp तापस_SNM | R वन_SLNe पञ्चत्व_SANe गम्_SPs3InTh सुकृत_SINe च_ तद्_SINe वै_ | R जन्_SPs3In महत्_Cp राजन्_Cp वंश_SLM तद्_SNM च_U महत्_Cp द्युति_SNM | R तथा_ एव_ तद्_SNM ऋषि_SNM तात_SVM कालधर्म_SAM अवाप्_SPs3In ह_ एव_ तद्_SNM ऋषि_SNM तात_SVM कालधर्म_SAM अवाप्_SPs3In ह_ |
Endued with great intelligence, and practising righteousness, the Shudra received every direction, about the Sraddha, as laid down in the ordinance, from that Rishi gifted with penances, marking the manner of spreading the Kusha grass, and placing the Arghyas, and as regards the rites to be observed in the matter of the libations to be poured and the food to be offered. After the rites in honour of the Pitris had been finished, the Rishi, was sent away the Shudra, whercupon he returned to his own abode. After a long time, the whole of which he passed practising such penances and vows, the Shudra ascetic died in the those woods. On account of I the merit he acquired by those practices, the Shudra, in his next life, was born in the family of a great king, and in time became possessed of great splendour. The twiceborn Rishi also, when the time came, paid his debt to Nature.
पुरोहित_Cp कुल_SLNe विप्र_SNM आजन्_SNPaM भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SNM | एवम्_ तद्_DuNM तत्र_ सम्भू_DuNPaM उभ्_DuNM शूद्र_Cp मुनि_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ तद्_DuNM तदा_
In his next life, O chief of Bharata's race, he was born in the family of a priest. Thus those two, viz., that Shudra who had passed a life of penances and that twiceborn Rishi who had out of kindness given the former some instructions in the matter of the rites performed in honour of the Pitris, became reborn, the one as the son of a royal race and the other as the member of a priestly family.
क्रमेण_ वर्धय्_DuNPaM च_ अपि_ विद्या_PLF कुशल_DuNM उभ्_DuNM | अथर्ववेद_SLM वेद_SLM च_ भू_SPs3In ऋषि_SNM सुनिष्ठित_SNM |
Both of them began to grow and both gained great knowledge in the usual branches of study. The Brahmana became well versed in the Vedas as also in the Atharvans.
कल्प_Cp प्रयोग_SLM च_ उत्पद्_SLPaM ज्योतिष_SLNe च_ पर_SANe गम्_SNPaM | R सांख्य_SLNe च_ एव_ पर_SNF प्रीति_SNF तद्_SGM च_ एवम्_ विवृध्_S3ImIn |
The reborn Rishi gained great perfection in all sacrifices ordained in the Sutras, of the Vedanga which deals with religious rites and observances, astrology and astronomy. He took great pleasure in the Sankhya philosophy too.
पितृ_SLM उपरम्_SLPaM च_ अपि_ कृ_PaCp शौच_SNM तु_ पार्थिव_SVM | R अभिषिच्_SNPaPsM प्रकृति_PIF राजन्_Cp पुत्र_SNM तद्_SNM पार्थिव_SNM |
Meanwhile, the reborn Shudra who had become a prince, when his father the king died, performed his last rites; and after he had purified himself by performing all the obsequial rites, he was installed by the subjects of his father as their king on his paternal throne.
अभिषिच्_SIPaM तद्_SNM ऋषि_SNM अभिषिच्_SNPaM पुरोहित_SNM | R तद्_SNM तद्_SAM पुरोधा_Co सुखम्_ वस्_S3ImIn भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM |
But soon after his own installation as king, he installed the rebora Rishi as his priest. Having made the Brahmana his priest, the king began to pass his days happily.
राज्य_SANe शास्_SPs3In धर्म_SIM प्रजा_PAF च_ परिपालय्_SNPaPrM | R पुण्य_Cp अह_Cp वाचन_SLNe नित्यम्_ धर्म_Cp कार्य_PLNe च_ असकृत्_ | R उत्स्मि_SNPaPrM प्रहस्_S3ImIn च_ अपि_ दृश्_Co राजन्_SNM पुरोहित_SAM | एवम्_ तद्_SNM बहुशस्_ राजन्_SVM पुरोधस्_SAM उपहस्_S3ImIn |
He ruled his kingdom piously and protected and maintained all his subject. Every day, however, the king, seeing his priest on the occasion of receiving benedictions from him as also of the performance of religious and other sacred rites, smiled or laughed loudly. In this way, O king, the reborn Shudra who had become a king, laughed at seeing his priest on numberless occasions.
लक्षय्_Co पुरोधस्_SNM तु_ बहुशस्_ तद्_SAM नराधिप_SAM | उत्स्मि_SAPaPrM च_ सततम्_ दृश्_Co अदस्_SNM मन्यु_SAM आविश्_S3ImIn |
The priest, marking that the king always smiled or laughed whenever he happened to look at him, became angry.
अथ_ शून्य_SLNe पुरोधस्_SNM तु_ सह_ राजन्_SIM समागम्_SNPaM | R कथा_PIF अनुकूल_PIF राजन्_SAM च_ अभिरोचय्_S3ImIn |
On one occasion he met the king in a place where there was nobody present. He pleased the king by agreeable conversation.
ततस्_ ब्रू_S3ImIn नरेन्द्र_SAM तद्_SNM पुरोधस्_SNM भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R वर_SAM इष्_SPr1In मद्_SN तु_ एक_SAM दा_SAPaM महत्_Cp द्युति_SGM |
Taking advantage of that moment, О chief of Bharata's race, the priest addressed the king, saying you of great splendour, I pray you to grant me a single boon.
राजन्_SNM वच्_SPs3In वर_PGM त्वद्_SD शत_SANe दा_SPr1O किम्_ बत_ एक_SANe द्विजोत्तम_SVM | R स्नेह_SBM च_ बहु_Cp मान_SBM च_ न_ अस्_SPr3In अदेय_SNNe हि_ मद्_SG त्वद्_SG |
The king said Of boons, O best of twiceborn persons, I am ready to grant you a hundred, what do you say then of one only? From the affection I have for you and the reverence in which I hold you, there is nothing that I cannot give you.
पुरोहित_SNM वच्_SPs3In एक_SAM वै_ वर_SAM इष्_SPr1In यदि_ तुष्_SNPaM अस्_SPr2In पार्थिव_SVM | R प्रतिज्ञा_SPr2Im तावत्_ त्वद्_SN सत्य_SANe यद्_SANe वद्_SPr2Im न_ अनृत_SANe |
The priest said I wish to have only one boon, if, O king, you have been pleased with me. Promise that you would tell me the truth, instead of any untruth.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In बाढम्_ इति_ एव_ तद्_SAM राजन्_SNM प्रतिवच्_SPs3In युधिष्ठिर_Cp ऋते_ एव_ तद्_SAM राजन्_SNM प्रतिवच्_SPs3In युधिष्ठिर_Cp ऋते_ तद्_SAM राजन्_SNM प्रतिवच्_SPs3In युधिष्ठिर_SVM अ_ वच्_SPs3In युधिष्ठिर_Cp अ_ वच्_SPs3In युधिष्ठिर_Cp R यदि_ ज्ञा_SFu1In वच्_SFu1In अ_ ज्ञा_SNPaPrM न_ तु_ संवद्_SPr3O |
Bhishma said Thus addressed by the priest, O Yudhishthira, the king said to himSo be it! If I know what you would ask me, I shall certainly tell you truly. If, on the other hand, I do not know it, I shall not say anything.
स_ व्रीडा_SNNe वै_ भू_SPr3In हि_ मनस्_SNNe मद्_SG हस्_SIPaPrM त्वद्_SI अ_ व्रीडा_SNNe वै_ भू_SPr3In हि_ मनस्_SNNe मद्_SG हस्_SIPaPrM त्वद्_SI अ_ व्रीडा_SNNe वै_ भू_SPr3In हि_ मनस्_SNNe मद्_SG हस्_SIPaPrM त्वद्_SI अ_ व्रीडा_SNNe वै_ भू_SPr3In हि_ मनस्_SNNe मद्_SG हस्_SIPaPrM tvay R कामया_ शापय्_SNPaM राजन्_SVM न_ अन्यथा_ वच्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
Seeing you laugh at me on all occasions, my mind shrinks with shame, I have made you promise, O king, that you would answer me truly. You should not tell an untruth.
सु_ व्यक्त_SNNe कारण_SNNe हि_ अत्र_ न_ त्वद्_SG हास्य_SNNe अकारण_SNNe | कौतूहल_SNNe मद्_SG सु_ भृश_SNNe तत्त्व_SINe कथय्_SPr2Im मद्_SG |
There must be some grave reason for your conduct. Your laughter cannot be causeless. I have great curiosity to know the reason. Do you speak truly to me.
राजन्_SNM वच्_SPs3In एवम्_ वच्_SLPaNe त्वद्_SI विप्र_SVM यद्_SNNe अवाच्य_SNNe भू_SPr3O अपि_ | R अवश्यम्_ एव_ वच्_SANeGd श्रु_SPr2Im एकमनस्_SNM द्विज_SVM |
The king said While you have thus accosted me, o twiceborn one, I am bound to enlighten you even if the matter be one that should not be given out to you! I must tell you the truth. Do you listen to me with rapt attention, O twiceborn one.
पूर्व_Cp देह_SLM यथा_ वृत्_SNPaNe तद्_SANe निबुध्_SPr2Im द्विजोत्तम_PVM जाति_SANe स्मृ_SPr1In मद्_SN ब्रह्मन्_SVM अवधान_SINe मद्_SG श्रु_SPr2Im |
Listen, O foremost of twiceborn persons, to me as I give out to you what took place (to us) in our pristine births. I remember that birth. Do you listen to me with concentrated mind.
शूद्र_SNM मद्_SN भू_S1ImIn पूर्वम्_ तापस_SNM भृश_Cp संयुत_SNM | R ऋषि_SNM उग्र_Cp तपस्_SNM त्वद्_SN च_ तदा_ भू_SPs3In द्विजसत्तम_SNM | ऋषि_SNM उग्र_Cp तपस्_SNM त्वद्_SN च_ तदा_ भू_SPs3In द्विजसत्तम_SNM |
In my former life I was a Shudra engaged in the practice of severe penances. You, O best of twiceborn persons, were a Rishi of austere penances.
प्री_SIPaPrMPv हि_ तदा_ ब्रह्मन्_SVM मद्_SG अनुग्रह_Cp बुद्धि_SIM | R पितृ_Cp कार्य_SNNe त्वद्_SI पूर्वम्_ उपदेश_SNM कृ_SNPaM अनघ_SVM पितृ_Cp कार्य_SNNe त्वद्_SI पूर्वम्_ उपदेश_SNM कृ_SNPaM अनघ_SVM पितृ_Cp कार्य_SNNe त्वद्_SI पूर्वम्_ उपदेश_SNM कृ_SNPaM अनघ_SVM पितृ_Cp कार्य_SNNe त्वद्_SI पूर्वम्_ उपदेश_SNM kṛ
O sinless one, pleased with me, and moved by the desire of doing me good, you, O Brahmana, were pleased to give me certain instruction about the rites I performed in honour of my departed manes.
बृसी_SLF दर्भ_PLM हव्य_SLNe च_ कव्य_SLNe च_ मुनि_Cp सत्तम_SVM | एतद्_SIM कर्मन्_Cp दोष_SIM पुरोधस्_SNM त्वद्_SN जन्_S2ImIn |
You instructed me about the manner of spreading the Vrishi and the Kusha blades and of offering libations and meat and other food, O foremost of ascetics. On account of this transgression of yours you are born as a priest.
मद्_SN राजन्_SNM च_ विप्र_Cp इन्द्र_SVM पश्_SPr2Im काल_SGM पर्यय_SAM | मद्_Cp कृ_SGPaM उपदेश_SGM त्वद्_SI अवाप्_SNPaNe इदम्_SNNe फल_SNNe |
I have taken birth as a king, O foremost of Brahinanas. See the changes that Time encompasses. You have reaped this fruit on account of your having instructed me.