यदा_ च_ मद्_SG राम_SIM युद्ध_SNNe अस्_S3ImIn सु_ दारुण_SNNe | R वसु_PIM च_ तदा_ राजन्_SVM कथा_SNF इदम्_SNF कथय्_SNPaF मद्_SG |
On the occasion, again, of my dreadful fight with Rama of Bhrigu's race the celestial Vasus, O king, had recited this history.
प्रच्छ्_SDPaPrM तत्त्व_SINe मद्_SI च_ एव_ उत्तम_SNF त्वद्_SG | कथा_SNF इदम्_SNF कथय्_SNPaF पुण्य_SNF धा_SNF धर्म_Cp भृत्_PGM वर_SVM |
Asked by you, O foremost of pious men, I have recited this history that is excellent and sacred and endued with great merit.
यद्_SNNe इदम्_SNM परम_SNM धर्म_SNM यद्_SNNe मद्_SA प्रच्छ्_SPr2In भारत_SVM इदम्_SNM परम_SNM धर्म_SNM यद्_SANe मद्_SA प्रच्छ्_SPr2In भारत_SVM इदम्_SVM परम_SNM धर्म_SNM यद्_SANe मद्_SA प्रच्छ्_SPr2In भारत_SVM इदम्_SVM परम_SNM धर्म_SNM यद्_SANe मद्_SA प्रच्छ्_SPr2In अस्_S3ImIn धीर_SNM हि_ अनाकाशिन्_SNM धर्म_Cp अर्थ_Cp करण_SLNe नृप_SVM |
You had asked me about that which forms the highest duty, O king. This history is my answer to your query. A brave men he was, O king. This history is my answer to your query. A brave man he was, O king, who followed the practice of the Unccha vow in this way, without desiring for any fruit.
तद्_SNM च_ किल_ कृ_PaCp निश्चय_SNM द्विज_SNM भुजग_Cp पति_Cp प्रतिदेशय्_PaCp आत्मन्_Cp कृत्य_SNM यम_Cp नियम_Cp सह_SNM वन_Cp अन्तर_SANe परिगणय्_PaCp उञ्छ_Cp शिला_Cp अशन_SNM प्रविश्_SNPaM |
Firmly resolved, that Brahmana, instructed by the king of Nagas in this way about his duty, followed the practice of restraint and self control, an living upon such food as the allowed the Uccha vow, proceeded to another forest.
युधिष्ठिर_SNM वच्_SPs3In पितामह_SVM महत्_Cp प्राज्ञ_SVM सर्व_Cp शास्त्र_Cp विशारद_SVM | R श्रु_SNPaNe मद्_SG महत्_SNNe आख्यान_SNNe इदम्_SNNe मतिमत्_PGM वर_SVM |
Yudhishthira said O grandfather, O wisest of men, O you who are learned in all the scriptures, I have heard, this great story, O foremost of intelligent men!
भूयस्_ तु_ श्रु_In इष्_SPr1In धर्म_Cp अर्थ_Cp सहित_SANe नृप_SVM | R कथय्_SAPaPrNePv त्वद्_SI कश्चित्_SANe तद्_SANe मद्_SG व्याख्या_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
I am desirous of again listening to the recital of some history full of religious instruction, and you should satisfy me.
क_SIM मृत्यु_SNM गृहस्थ_SIM धर्म_SAM आश्रि_Co निजि_SNPaM | R इति_ एतद्_SANe सर्व_SANe आचक्ष्_S2ImIn तत्त्व_SINe अपि_ च_ पार्थिव_SVM |
O king, tell me if any householder has ever succeeded in conquering Death by the practice of virtue! Do you recite this to me in full.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In अत्र_ अपि_ उदाहृ_PPr3In इदम्_SAM इतिहास_SAM पुरातन_SAM | R यथा_ मृत्यु_SNM गृहस्थ_SIM धर्म_SAM आश्रि_Co निर्जि_SNPaM |
Bhishma said This ancient history is narrated describing the subject of the conquest, by a householder, of Death, by the practice of virtue.
मनु_SGM प्रजापति_SGM राजन्_SVM इक्ष्वाकु_SNM भू_S3ImIn सुत_SNM | R तद्_SGM पुत्र_Cp शत_SNNe जन्_SPs3In नृपति_SGM सूर्य_Cp वर्चस्_SGM |
The Prajapati Manu had a son, O king, named Ikshvaku. That king, illustrious as the Sun, begat a hundred sons.
दशम_SNM तद्_SGM पुत्र_SNM तु_ दशाश्व_SNM नाम_ भारत_SVM | R माहिष्मती_SLF भू_SPs3In राजन्_SNM धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM सत्य_Cp विक्रम_SNM |
His tenth son, O Bharata, was named Dashashva, and this virtuous prince of infallible prowess became the king of Mahismati.
दशाश्व_SGM सुत_SNM तु_ अस्_S3ImIn राजन्_SNM परम_Cp धार्मिक_SNM | R सत्य_SLNe तपस्_SLNe दान_SLNe च_ यद्_SGM नित्यम्_ रम्_SNPaNe मनस्_SNNe |
Dashashva's son, o king, was a pious prince whose mind was continually devoted to the practice of truth and charity and devotion.
मदिराश्व_SNM इति_ ख्या_SNPaM पृथिवी_SLF पृथिवीपति_SNM | R धनुर्वेद_SLM च_ वेद_SLM च_ निरम्_SNPaM यद्_SNM भू_S3ImIn सदा_ |
He was known by the name of Madirashva and ruled the Earth as her master. He was continually given to the study of the Vedas as also of the science of arms.
मदिराश्व_SGM पुत्र_SNM तु_ द्युतिमन्त्_SNM नाम_ पार्थिव_SNM | R महाभाग_SNM महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM महासत्त्व_SNM महत्_Cp बल_SNM |
Madirashva's son was the king named Dyutimat who was ended with great good fortune and power and strength and energy.
पुत्र_SNM द्युतिमन्त्_SGM तु_ अस्_S3ImIn राजन्_SNM परम_Cp धार्मिक_SNM | सर्व_Cp लोक_PLM विख्या_SNPaM सुवीर_SNM नाम_ नामन्_SBNe |
Dyutimat's son was the highly devout and pious king who was celebrated in all the worlds by the name of Suvira. His soul was intent on religion and he possessed riches like another Indra the king of the gods.
धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM कोशवत्_SNM च_ अपि_ देवराज_SNM इव_ अपर_SNM | R सुवीर_SGM तु_ पुत्र_SNM भू_SPs3In सर्व_Cp संग्राम_Cp दुर्जय_SNM |
Suvira too had a son who was invincible in battle, and who was the best of all warriors and known by the name of Sudurjaya.
तद्_SNM दुर्जय_SNM इति_ ख्या_SNPaM सर्व_Cp शस्त्र_Cp भृत्_PGM वर_SNM | R दुर्जय_SGM इन्द्र_Cp वपुस्_SGM पुत्र_SNM अश्विन्_Cp सदृश_Cp द्युति_SNM |
And Durjaya too, endued with a body like that of Indra, had a son who was radiant with the effulgence of fire. He was the great king named Duryodhana who was one of the foremost of royal sages.
दुर्योधन_SNM नाम_ महत्_SNM राजन्_SNM राजन्_Cp ऋषि_SNM तमस्_SNNe | R तद्_SGM इन्द्र_Cp सम_Cp वीर्य_SGM संग्राम_PLM अनिवर्तिन्_SGM |
Indra used to pour rain profusely in the kingdom of this king, who never fled from the battle field and was gifted with valour like unto Indra himself.
विषय_SLM वासव_SNM तद्_SGM सम्यक्_ एव_ प्रवृष्_SPr3In | R रत्न_PINe धन_PINe च_ पशु_PIM सस्य_PINe च_ अपि_ पृथग्विध_PINe |
The cities and the kingdom of this king were filled with wealth and gems and cattle and various sorts of grain.
नगर_SNNe विषय_SNM च_ इदम्_SGM प्रतिपृ_SNPaM तदा_ भू_S3ImIn | R न_ तद्_SGM विषय_SLM च_ भू_SPs3In कृपण_SNM न_ अपि_ दुर्गत_SNM |
There was no miser in his kingdom nor any person afflicted with distress or suffering from poverty. Nor was there in his kingdom any person who was weak in body or afflicted with disease.
व्याधित_SNM वा_ कृश_SNM वा_ अपि_ तद्_SLM न_ आभृत्_SNM नर_SNM क्वचिद्_ | सु_ दक्षिणा_SNM मधुर_Cp वाच्_SNM अनसूयु_SNM जि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_SNM | R धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM च_ अनृशंस_SNM च_ विक्रम्_SNPaM अथ_ आविक_Cp स्थन_SNM |
This king was very intelligent, mild in speech, without envy, a master of his passions, of a righteous soul, full of mercy, gifted with prowess, and not given to boasting.
यज्वन्_SNM च_ दम्_SNPaM मेधाविन्_SNM ब्रह्मण्य_SNM सत्य_Cp संगर_SNM | R न_ च_ अवमन्तृ_SNM दातृ_SNM च_ वेद_Cp वेदाङ्ग_Cp पारग_SNM |
He celebrated sacrifices, and was selfcontrolled and intelligent, devoted to Brahmanas and Truth. He never humiliated others, and was charitable, and wellread in the Vedas and the Vedanta.
तद्_SAM नर्मदा_SNF देव_Cp नदी_SNF पुण्य_SNF शीत_Cp जल_SNF शिव_SNF | R कम्_SPs3In पुरुष_Cp व्याघ्र_SAM स्व_SIM भाव_SIM भारत_SVM |
Auspicious and sacred and of cool waters, the celestial stream Narmada, in her own nature, O Bharata, courted him.
तद्_SLF जन्_SPs3In तदा_ नदी_SLF कन्या_SNF राजीव_Cp लोचन_SNF | R नामन्_SINe सुदर्शना_SNF राजन्_SVM रूप_SINe च_ सुदर्शना_SNF |
He begot upon that river, a lotus eyed daughter, named Sudarshana, who was, O king, gifted with great beauty.
तादृश्_Cp रूप_PNM न_ नारी_PLF भू_PaCp पूर्व_PNM युधिष्ठिर_Cp युधिष्ठिर_Cp दूप_PNM न_ नारी_PLF भू_PaCp पूर्व_PNM युधिष्ठिर_Cp दूप_PNM न_ नारी_PLF भू_PaCp पूर्व_PNM युधिष्ठिर_Cp द्रूप_PNM न_ नारी_PLF भू_PaCp पूर्व् R दुर्योधन_Cp सुता_SNF यादृश्_SNF भू_S3ImIn वरवर्णिनी_SNF |
No woman, O Yudhishthira, had been born before, who was so very beautiful as that excellent lady the daughter of Duryodhana.
तद्_SAF अग्नि_SNM कम्_SPs3In साक्षात्_ राजन्_Cp कन्या_SAF सुदर्शना_SAF | R भू_Co च_ ब्राह्मण_SNM राजन्_SVM वरय्_SPs3InPe तद्_SAM नृप_SAM |
The god Agni himself courted the beautiful princess Sudarshana, and assuming the shape of a Brahmana, O king, sought her hand from the king.
दरिद्र_SNM च_ असवर्ण_SNM च_ मद्_SG इदम्_SNM इति_ पार्थिव_SNM | R न_ दित्स्_SPr3In सुता_SAF तद्_SDM तद्_SAF विप्र_SDM सुदर्शना_SAF |
The king was reluctant to give his daughter in marriage to the Brahmana who was poor and not of equal rank with himself.
ततस्_ इदम्_SGM वितन्_SLPaM यज्ञ_SLM नश्_SNPaM भू_SPs3In हव्यवाहन_SNM | R ततस्_ सु_ दुःखित_SNM राजन्_SNM वाक्य_SANe अह्_SPs3In द्विज_PAM तदा_ |
Thereupon Agni disappeared from his great sacrifice. The king, grieved at heart, then addressed the Brahmanas, saying,
दुष्कृत_SNNe मद्_SG क_SNNe नु_ अस्_SPr3O भवत्_PGM वा_ द्विजर्षभ_PVM | R यद्_SIM नाश_SAM गम्_SPs3In अग्नि_SNM कृ_SNPaNe कु_ पुरुष_PLM इव_ |
What sin have, I you excellent Brahmanas, or you, have committed, that Agni should disappear from this sacrifice, as good done to wicked men vanishes from their estimation.
न_ हि_ अल्प_SNNe दुष्कृत_SNNe मद्_PG अस्_SPr3In यद्_SINe अग्नि_SNNe शमागम्_SNPaM | R भवत्_PGM च_ अथवा_ मद्_SD तत्त्व_SINe एतद्_SNNe विमृश्_SPr3ImPv |
Indeed, we have committed a great iniquity for which Agni has thus disappeared! Either you have committed the sin, or I. Do you fully enquire into the matter.
तत्र_ राजन्_SGM वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co विप्र_PNM तद्_PNM भरत_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R नियम्_PNPaM वाग्यत_PNM च_ एव_ पावक_SAM शरण_SANe या_PPs3In |
Then hearing the king's words, O foremost prince of Bharata's race, the Brahmanas, controlling speech, sought with concentrated faculties the help of the god of fire.
तद्_PAM दर्शय्_SPs3InPe तदा_ भगवत्_SNM हव्यवाहन_SNM | R स्व_SANe रूप_SANe दीप्तिमत्_SANe कृ_Co शरद्_Cp अर्क_Cp सम_Cp द्युति_SNM |
The divine carrier of oblations, effugent as the autumnal Sun, appeared before them, covering his self in glorious refulgence.
ततस्_ महात्मन्_SNM तद्_PAM अह्_SPs3In दहन_SNM ब्राह्मण_Cp ऋषभ_PAM | R वरय्_SPr1In आत्मन्_SGM अर्थ_SDM दुर्योधन_Cp सुता_SAF इति_ |
The great Agni then addressed those excellent Brahmanas, saying, I seek the daughter of Duryodhana for my own self.
ततस्_ तद्_PNM कल्प_SAM उत्था_Co तद्_SDM राजन्_SDM निवेदय्_P3ImIn | R ब्राह्मण_PNM विस्मि_PNPaM सर्व_PNM यद्_SNNe वच्_SNPaNe चित्रभानु_SIM |
At this, all those Brahmanas were struck with surprise and rising on the morrow, they told the king what had been said by the firegod.
ततस्_ तद्_SNM राजन्_SNM तद्_SANe श्रु_Co वचन_SANe ब्रह्मन्_Cp वादिन्_PGM | अवाप्_Co परम_SAM हर्ष_SAM तथा_ इति_ प्राह्_SPs3In बुद्धिमत्_SNM |
Hearing the words of those Brahmavadins, the wise king was delighted at heart, and said, Be it so! The king sought a boon of Do you, O Agni, be pleased to remain always with us here!
याच्_S3ImIn च_ तद्_SAM शुल्क_SAM भगवत्_SAM विभावसु_SAM | R नित्यम्_ सांनिध्य_SNNe इह_ त्वद्_SG चित्रभानु_SVM भू_SPr3O इति_ | R तद्_SAM अह्_SPs3In भगवत्_SNM अग्नि_SNM एवम्_ अस्_SPr3Im इति_ पार्थिव_SAM | R ततस्_ सांनिध्य_SNNe अद्य_ अपि_ माहिष्मती_SLF विभावसु_SGM |
Be it so! said the divine Agni to that king. For this reason Agni has always been present in the kingdom of Mahismati to this day, and was seen by Sahadeva in his conquering expedition to the south.
दृश्_SNPaNe हि_ सहदेव_SIM दिश्_SAF विजि_SIPaPrM तदा_ अ_ विजि_SIPaPrM तदा_ | R ततस्_ तद्_SAF समलंकृ_Co कन्या_SAF आहृ_PaCp वासस्_SAF | R दा_SPs3In दुर्योधन_SNM राजन्_SNM पावक_SDM महात्मन्_SDM | R प्रतिग्रह्_SPs3In च_ अग्नि_SNM तु_ राजन्_Cp कन्या_SAF सुदर्शना_SAF | R विधि_SIM वेद_Cp दृश्_SIPaM वसु_SGM धारा_SAF इव_ अध्वर_SLM | R तद्_SGF रूप_SINe शील_SINe कुल_SINe वपुस्_SINe श्री_SIF आ_ | भू_S3bbhū प्रीतिमत्_SNM अग्नि_SNM गर्भ_SLM च_ अस्य_SBF मनस्_SANe | भू_S3bbhū प्रीतिमत्_SNM अग्नि_SBM गर्भ_SLM च_ अभवत्_bhū प्रीतिमत्_SNM अग्नि_SBM च_ अभवत्_bhū प्रीतिमत्_SNM अग्नि_SBM च_ अभवत्_Sbabhūt R तद्_SGF सम्भू_S3ImIn पुत्र_SNM नामन्_SINe आग्नेय_SNM सुदर्शन_SNM |
Then the king gave his daughter, dressed in new raiments and decked with jewels, to the great god, and Agni too accepted, according to Vedic rites, the princess Sudarshana as his bride, as he accepts libations of clarified butter at sacrifices. Agni was well pleased with her look, her beauty, grace, character, and nobility of birth, and thought of begetting offspring upon her. And she soon gave birth to a son by Agni, of the name of Sudarshana.
सुदर्शन_SNM तु_ रूप_SINe पूर्ण_Cp इन्दु_Cp सदृश_Cp उपम_SNM | R एव_ अधिगा_SPs3In सर्व_SANe पर_SANe ब्रह्मन्_SANe सनातन_SANe | शिशु_SNM एव_ अधिगा_SPs3In सर्व_SANe पर_SANe ब्रह्मन्_SANe सनातन_SANe |
Sudarshana, also, was, as beautiful as the full moon, and even in his childhood he acquired a knowledge of the supreme and eternal Brahma.
अथ_ ओघवन्त्_SNM नाम_ नृप_SNM नृग_SGM अस्_S3ImIn पितामह_SNM | R तद्_SGF तु_ ओघवती_SNF कन्या_SNF पुत्र_SNM चौवरथ_SNM भू_S3ImIn |
There was also a king named Oghavat, who was the grandfather of Nriga. He had a daughter named Oghavati, and a son, too, of the name of Ogharatha born to him.
तद्_SAF ओघवन्त्_SNM दा_SPs3In तद्_SDM स्वयम्_ ओघवती_SAF सुता_SAF | सुदर्शन_SDM विद्वस्_SDM भार्या_Cp अर्थ_SAM देव_Cp रूपिन्_SAF |
King Oghavat gave his daughter Oghavati, beautiful as a goddess, 10 the learned Sudarshana, for wife.
तद्_SNM गृहस्थ_Cp आश्रम_Cp रम्_SNPaM तद्_SIF सह_ सुदर्शन_SNM | R कुरुक्षेत्र_SLNe वस्_S3ImIn राजन्_SVM ओघवती_SIF समन्वित_SNM |
Sudarshana, o king, leading the domestic mode of life with Oghavati, used to live in Kurukshetra with her.
गृहस्थ_SNM च_ अवजि_SFu1In मृत्यु_SAM इति_ एव_ तद्_SNM प्रभु_SVM अवजि_SFu1In मृत्यु_SAM इति_ एव_ तद्_SNM प्रभु_SVM अवजि_SFu1In मृत्यु_SAM इति_ एव_ तद्_SNM प्रभु_SVM अवजि_SFu1In मृत्यु_SAM इति_ एव_ तद्_SNM प्रभु_SVM अवजि_SFu1In मृत्यु_SAM इति_ एव_ तद्_SNM प्रभु_SVM R प्रतिज्ञा_SAF कृ_S3ImIn धीमत्_SNM दीप्_PaCp तेजस्_SNM विश्_PGF पति_SGM |
This intelligent prince of fiery energy took the vow, O lord, of conquering Death by leading the life of a householder.
तद्_SAF अथ_ ओघवती_SAF राजन्_SVM तद्_SNM पावकसुत_SNM ब्रू_S3ImIn | अतिथि_SGM प्रतिकूल_SNNe त्वद्_SG न_ कृ_SNNeGd कथंचन_ |
The son of Agni, O king, said to Oghavati Do you never act against the wishes of those who seek our hospitality.
यद्_SINe यद्_SINe च_ तुष्_SPr3O नित्यम्_ एव_ त्वद्_SI अतिथि_SNM | अपि_ आत्मन्_SGM प्रदान_SINe न_ तद्_PNM कृ_SNFGd विचारणा_SNF |
You should ungrudgingly welcome the guests, even if you have to offer your own body.
एतद्_SNNe व्रत_SNNe मद्_SG सदा_ हृद्_SLNe सम्परिवृत्_SPr3In | R गृहस्थ_PGM च_ सुश्रोणी_SVF न_ अतिथि_SGM विद्_SPr3InPv पर_SNNe |
O beautiful one, I always remember this vow, since for householders, there is no higher virtue than hospitality to guests.
प्रमाण_SNNe यदि_ वाम_Cp ऊरु_SVF वचस्_SNNe त्वद्_SG मद्_SG शोभन_SVF | इदम्_SANe वचन_SANe अव्यग्र_SNF हृद्_SLNe त्वद्_SN धारय्_SPr2O सदा_ |
Do you always remember without ever doubting it, if my words be any authority with you.
निष्क्रम्_SLPaM मद्_SL कल्याण_SVF तथा_ संनिधा_SLPaM अनघ_SLM | R न_ अतिथि_SNM त्वद्_SG अवमन्_SNMGd प्रमाण_SNNe यदि_ मद्_SN त्वद्_SG |
O sinless and blessed one, if you have any faith in me, do you never disregard a guest whether I be at your side or at a distance from you.
तद्_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn ओघवती_SNF तथा_ मूर्धन्_SLM कृताञ्जलि_SNF | न_ मद्_SG त्वद्_Cp वचन_SBNe कश्चित्_SNNe न_ कृ_SNNeGd कथंचन_ |
Oghavati placing her clasped hands on her forehead, replied, saying, I shall leave nothing indone of what you order me.
जिगीष्_SNPaPrM तु_ गृह_SLNe तदा_ मृत्यु_SNM सुदर्शन_SAM | R पृष्ठतस्_ अनुगम्_SPs3InTh राजन्_SVM रन्ध्र_Cp अन्वेषिन्_SNM तदा_ सदा_ |
Then, O king, desiring to overreach Sudarshana, Mrityu began to watch him for Ginding out his short comings.
इध्म_Cp अर्थ_SAM तु_ गम्_SLPaM तद्_SLM अग्निपुत्र_SLM सुदर्शन_SLM | R अतिथि_SNM लह्मन्_SBM श्रीमत्_SNM तद्_SAF अह्_SPs3In ओघवती_SAF तदा_ अतिथि_SNM षह्मन्_SBM श्रीमत्_SNM तद्_SAF अह्_SPs3In ओघवती_SAF तदा_ अतिथि_SNM ऋथ्मन्_SBM श्रीमत्_SNM तद्_SAF अह्_SPs3In ओघवती_SAF तदा_ अतिथि_SNM ऋथ्मन्_SBM श्रीमत्_SNM तद्_SAF अह्_SPs3In
Once on a time, when the son of Agni went out fetch fuel from the forest, a graceful Brahmana sought the hospitality of Oghavati with these words.
आतिथ्य_SANe कृ_SAPaNe इष्_SPr1In त्वद्_SI अद्य_ वरवर्णिनी_SVF | R प्रमाण_SNNe यदि_ धर्म_SNM त्वद्_SG गृहस्थ_Cp आश्रम_Cp सम्मन्_SNPaM |
O beautiful lady, if you have any faith in the virtue of hospitality as laid down for householders, then I would request you to extend the rites of hospitality to me today.
इति_ वच्_SNPaF तद्_SIM विप्र_SIM राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SNF यशस्विन्_SNF | R विधि_SIM प्रतिग्रह्_SPs3In वेद_Cp वच्_SIPaM विश्_PGF पति_SGM |
Thus addressed by that Brahmana, O king, the illustrious princess welcomed him according to the rites laid down in the Vedas.
आसन_SANe च_ एव_ पाद्य_SANe च_ तद्_SDM दा_Co द्विजाति_SDM | R प्रवच्_SPs3In ओघवती_SNF विप्र_SAM क_SIM अर्थ_SNM क_SANe दा_SPr1In त्वद्_SD |
Having offered him a seat, and water to wash his feet, she enquired, saying, What is your business? What can I offer you?
तद्_SAF ब्रू_S3ImIn ततस्_ विप्र_SNM राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SNF सुदर्शना_SAF | R त्वद्_SI मद्_SG अर्थ_SNM कल्याण_SVF निर्विशङ्क_Cp तद्_SANe आचर्_SPr2Im |
The Brahmana said to her, my business is with your body, O blessed one! Do you act accordingly without any hesitation whatever.
यदि_ प्रमाण_SNNe धर्म_SNM त्वद्_SG गृहस्थ_Cp आश्रम_Cp सम्मन्_SNPaM | R प्रदान_SINe आत्मन्_SGM राज्ञी_SVF कृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In मद्_SG प्रिय_SANe |
If the duties prescribed for householders be acceptable to you, do you, O princess, satisfy me by offering up your body to me.
तद्_SNM तद्_SIF छन्द्_SNPaPrMPv अन्य_PINe ईप्सित_PINe नृप_Cp कन्या_SIF अन्य_PINe ईप्सित_PINe नृप_Cp कन्या_SIF अन्य_SIF छन्द्_SNPaPrMPv अन्य_PINe ईप्सित_PINe नृप_Cp कन्या_SIF अन्य_SIF छन्द्_SNPaPrMPv अन्य_PINe ईप्सित_PINe नृप_Cp कन्या_SIF अन्य_SIF chandyamānaḥ न_ अन्य_SAM आत्मन्_Cp प्रदान_SBNe तद्_SNM तद्_SGF वृ_SPs3In वर_SAM द्विज_SNM |
Though tempted by the princess witi, offers of various other things, the Brahmana, however, did not seek the Brahmana, however, did not seek any thing else than the offer of her own person.
तद्_SNF तु_ राजन्_Cp सुता_SNF स्मृ_Co भर्तृ_SGM वचन_SANe आदितस्_ | R तथा_ इति_ लज्ज्_SNPaPrF तद्_SNF तद्_SAM वच्_SPs3In द्विजर्षभ_SAM |
Finding him determined, that lady, recollecting the directions given to her by her husband, but filled with shame, said to that excellent Brahmana Be it so.
ततस्_ विहस्_Co विप्र_Cp ऋषि_SNM तद्_SNF च_ एव_ अथ_ विश्_SPs3In ह_ | R संस्मृ_Co भर्तृ_SGM वचन_SANe गृहस्थ_Cp आश्रम_Cp काङ्क्षिन्_SGM |
Recollecting the words of her husband who was desirous of acquiring the virtue of householders, she cheerfully approached the i twiceborn Rishi.
अथ_ इध्मान_SANe उपादा_Co तद्_SNM पावकि_SNM उपगम्_SPs3InTh | R मृत्यु_SIM रौद्र_Cp भाव_SIM नित्यम्_ बन्धु_SNM इव_ अन्वित_SNM |
Meanwhile, the son of Agni, having collected fuel, returned to his home. Mrityu, with his dreadful and inexorable nature, was always by his side, as one attends upon his devoted friend.
ततस्_ तु_ आश्रम_SAM आगम्_Co तद्_SNM पावकसुत_SNM तदा_ आतम्_Co तद्_SNM पावकसुत_SNM तदा_ आदा_Co आश्रम_SAM आगम्_Co तद्_SNM पावकसुत_SNM तदा_ आदा_Co आश्रम_SAM आगम्_Co तद्_SNM पावकसुत_SNM तदा_ आदा_Co आश्रम_SAM आगम्_Co तद्_SNM पावकसुत_SNM t R औघवती_SAF क्व_ अस्_SPr2In या_SNPaF इति_ च_ असकृत्_ |
When the son of Pavaka returned to his own asylum, he called out for Oghavati by name, and repeatedly exclaimed Where are you gone?
तद्_SDM प्रतिवचस्_SANe तद्_SNF तु_ भर्तृ_SDM न_ प्रदा_SPs3In तदा_ | R कर_DuIM तद्_SIM विप्र_SIM स्पृश्_SNPaF भर्तृ_Cp व्रत_SNF सती_SNF |
But the chaste lady, devoted to her husband, being then in the arms of that Brahmana, gave no reply to her husband.
उच्छिष्_SNPaF अस्_SPr1In इति_ मन्_SNPaPrF लज्ज्_SNPaF भर्तृ_SGM एव_ च_ | R तूष्णीम्_ भू_SNPaF भू_S3ImIn साध्वी_SNF च_ वच्_SPs3In अथ_ कश्चन_SANe |
Indeed, considering herself sullied, that chaste woman became speechless, overcome with shame.
अथ_ तद्_SAF पुनर्_ एव_ इदम्_SANe प्रवच्_SPs3In तद्_SNM सुदर्शन_SNM | R क्व_ तद्_SNF साध्वी_SNF क्व_ तद्_SNF या_SNPaF गरीयस्_SNNe क_SNNe अतस्_ मद्_SG मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ मद्_SG अम_ अ_ त्_SBM मद्_SG अदस्_ मद्_SG अयस्_SNNe मद्_SG अयस्_SNNe मद्_SG अयस्_SNNe मद्_SG अयस्_SNNe मद्_SG अयस्_SNNe मद्
Sudarshana, addressing her again, exclaimed Where can my chaste wife be? Where has she gone? Nothing can be so very important to me than this.
पतिव्रता_SNF सत्य_Cp शील_SNF नित्यम्_ च_ एव_ आर्जव_SLNe रम्_SNPaF अमत_SNF अमत_SNF सत्य_Cp शील_SNF नित्यम्_ च_ एव_ आर्जव_SLNe रम्_SNPaF अमत_SNF अमत_SNF सत्य_Cp शील_SNF नित्यम्_ च_ एव_ आर्जव_SLNe रम्_SNPaF अमत_SNF अमत_SNF सत्य_Cp शील_SNF नित्यम्_ च_ एव_ आर्ज् R कथम्_ न_ प्रत्युदि_SPr3In अद्य_ स्मि_SNPaPrF यथा_ पुरा_ अपि_ अद्य_ स्मि_SNPaPrF यथा_ पुरा_ अपि_ अपि_ अद्य_ स्मि_SNPaPrF यथा_ पुरा_ अपि_ अपि_ अद्य_ स्मि_SNPaPrF यथा_ पुरा_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अद्य_ स्मि_SNPaPrF यथा_ पुरा_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ a
Why does not that simple and truthful lady, devoted to her husband, alas reply as she used to do before with sweet smiles.
कूटमुद्र_Cp रहस्त_SNM तु_ मृत्यु_SNM तद्_SAM वै_ समनुगा_SPs3In अतस्_ मृत्यु_SNM तद्_SAM वै_ समनुगा_SPs3In अतस्_ मृत्यु_SNM तद्_SAM वै_ समनुगा_SPs3In अतस्_ गा_SPs3In अतस्_ कूटमुद्र_Cp रहस्त_SNM तु_ मृत्यु_SNM तद्_SAM वै_ समनुगा_SPs3In अतस्_ कूटमुद्र_Cp R हा_PaCp प्रतिज्ञा_SAM अत्र_ एनद्_SAM वध्_SFu1In इति_ चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM |
Armed with the iron club, death pursued the Rishi at that moment, desirous of bringing about the destruction of one who would, he thought, deviate from his promise.
सुदर्शन_SNM तु_ मनस्_SINe कर्मन्_SINe चक्षुस्_SINe गिर्_SIF | R त्यज्_PaCp ईति_SNM त्यज्_PaCp मन्यु_SNM च_ स्मि_SNPaPrM ब्रू_S3ImIn इदम्_SANe | सुरत_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im विप्राय्य_Cp प्रीति_SNF हि_ परम_SNF मद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im विप्राय्य_Cp प्रीति_SNF हि_ परम_SNF मद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im सुरत_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im विप्राय्य_Cp प्रीति_SNF हि_ परम_SNF मद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im सुरत_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im विप्राय्य_Cp प्रीति_SNF हि_ परम_SNF मद्_SG R गृहस्थ_SGM हि_ धर्म_SNM अत्री_PNF सम्प्राप्_PaCp अतिथि_Cp पूजन_SNNe |
Sudarshana was struck with wonder, but renouncing all, jealousy and anger by look, word, deed, or thought, said Do you enjoy yourself, O Brahmana! It is a great pleasure to me! A householder acquires the highest merit by honouring a guest.
अतिथि_SNM पूजय्_SNPaM यद्_SGM गृहस्थ_SGM तु_ गम्_SPr3In | R न_ अन्य_SNM तद्_SBM पर_SNM धर्म_SNM इति_ प्राह्_PPs3In मनीषिन्_PNM |
The learned say that to the householders, there is no higher merit than what comes from a guest leaving his house after having been duly honoured by him.
प्राण_PNM हि_ मद्_SG दार_PNM च_ यद्_SNNe च_ आनद्_SNNe विद्_SPr3InPv वसु_SNNe | अतिथि_PDM मद्_SI दा_SNNeGd इति_ मद्_SG व्रत_SNNe आधा_SNPaNe |
My life, my wife and all my earthly belongings, are all dedicated to the use of my guests! This is the vow that I have taken.
निसंदिग्ध_SNNe यथा_ वाक्य_SNNe एतद्_SNNe मद्_SG समुदाहृ_SNPaNe | R तद्_SINe मद्_SN विप्र_SVM सत्य_SINe स्वयम्_ आत्मन्_SAM आलभ्_SPr1In |
As I have truly made this statement, by that truth, O Brahmana, I shall acquire the knowledge of Self.
पृथिवी_SNF वायु_SNM आकाश_SNNe अप्_PNF ज्योतिस्_SNNe च_ पञ्चम_SNNe | R बुद्धि_SNF आत्मन्_SNM मनस्_SNNe काल_SNM दिश्_PNF च_ एव_ गुण_PNM दशन्_SNNe | R नित्यम्_ एव_ हि_ दृश्_PPr3In देहिन्_PGM देह_Cp संश्रि_PNPaM | R सु_ कृ_SAPaNe दुष्कृत_SANe च_ अपि_ कर्मन्_SANe धर्म_Cp भृत्_PGM वर_SVM |
O foremost of the virtuous, the five elements, viz., fire, air, earth, water, and sky, and the mind, the intellect and the Soul, and time and space and the ten organs of sense, are all in the bodies of men and always witness the good and evil deeds of men.
यथा_ एतद्_SNF न_ अनृत_SNF वाणी_SNF मद्_SI अद्य_ समुदीरय्_SNPaF | R तद्_SINe सत्य_SINe मद्_SA देव_PNM पालय्_PPr3Im दह्_PPr3Im वा_ आ_ वाच्_SNF | तद्_SINe सत्य_SINe मद्_SA देव_PNM पालय्_PPr3Im दह्_PPr3Im वा_ आ_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ अव_ ava
This truth I have spoken today, and let the gods bless me for it or destroy me if I have spoken an untruth.
ततस्_ नाद_SNM सम्भू_S3ImIn दिश्_PLF सर्व_PLF भारत_SVM | असकृत्_ सत्य_SNNe इति_ एवम्_ न_ एतद्_SNNe मिथ्या_ इति_ सर्वतस्_ |
At this, O Bharata, there arose from all sides, in repeated echoes, a voice, crying This is true, this is not false.
उटज_SBM तु_ ततस्_ तद्_SBM निश्रम्_SPs3In तद्_SNM वै_ द्विज_SNM | R वपुस्_SINe दिव्_SAM च_ भूमि_SAF च_ व्याप्_Co वायु_SNM इव_ उद्यम्_SNPaM | R स्वर_SIM विप्र_SNM शैक्ष_SIM त्रि_PAM लोक_PAM अनुनादय्_SNPaPrM | वच्_SPs3In च_ एनद्_SAM धर्म_Cp ज्ञ_SAM पूर्वम्_ आमन्त्रय्_Co नामन्_SBNe | तेजन्त_SLM तेजन्त_SLM तेजन्त_SLM तेजन्त_SLM तेजन्त_SLM तेजन्त_SLM स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् स्ल्म् tejan
Then that Brahmana came out of the hovel, and like the wind rising and covering both Earth and sky, and making the three worlds echo with Vedic recitations, and calling that virtuous man by name, and congratulating him, said:
धर्म_SNM मद्_SN अस्_SPr1In भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG जिज्ञासा_Cp अर्थ_SAM त्वद्_SG अनघ_SVM | R प्राप्_SNPaM सत्य_SANe च_ ज्ञा_Co प्रीति_SNF मद्_SG परम_SNF त्वद्_SL |
O sinless one, I am Dharma! All glory to you! I came here, O truthloving one, to try you, and I am well pleased with you by knowing you to be virtuous.
विजि_SNPaM च_ त्वद्_SI मृत्यु_SNM यद्_SNM इदम्_SNM त्वद्_SA अनुगम्_SPr3In | R रन्ध्र_Cp अन्वेषिन्_SNM त्वद्_SG सदा_ त्वद्_SI धृति_SIF वशिन्_SNM कृ_SNPaM |
You have controlled and conquered Death who always has pursued you, seeking your shortcomings.
न_ च_ अस्_SPr3In शक्ति_SNF त्रैलोक्य_SLNe कश्चित्_SGM पुरुषोत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्तम_Cp उत्त् R पतिव्रता_SAF इदम्_SAF साध्वी_SAF त्वद्_SG उद्वीक्ष्_In अपि_ उत_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ व्रत_SAF इदम्_SAF साधु_SAF त्वद्_SG उद्वीक्ष्_In अपि_ उत_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_ अन्तर्_
O best of men, no one in the three worlds has the power to insult, even with looks, this chaste lady devoted to her husband, far less to touch her body.
रक्ष्_SNPaF त्वद्_Cp गुण_PIM एतद्_SNF पति_Cp व्रत_Cp गुण_PIM तथा_ | अधृष्य_SNF यत्_ इदम्_SNF ब्रू_SPr3O तथा_ तद्_SNNe न_ अन्यथा_ भू_SPr3O |
She has been saved from contamination by your virtue and by her own chastity. There can be nothing against what this proud lady will say.
एतद्_SNF हि_ तपस्_SINe स्व_SINe संयुज्_SNPaF ब्रह्मन्_Cp वादिन्_SNF | R पावन_Cp अर्थ_SAM च_ लोक_SGM सरित्_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SNF भू_SFu3In |
This Brahmavadin, gifted with austere penances, shall, for the salvation of the world, be changed into a powerful river.
अर्ध_SINe ओघवती_SNF नाम_ त्वद्_SA अध_SINe अनुया_SFu3In | R शरीर_SINe महाभाग_SVM योग_SNM हि_ इदम्_SGF वश_SLM स्था_SNPaM |
And you will acquire all the worlds in this your body, and because the science of Yoga is within her control, this highly blessed lady will follow you with only half her body, and with the other half will she be celebrated as the river Oghavati.
इदम्_SIF सह_ लोक_PAM च_ गम्_SFu3InPe अस्_SPr2In तपस्_SINe अर्जय्_PAPaM | R यत्र_ न_ आवृत्ति_SAF अभी_SPr3In शाश्वत_PAM तद्_PAM सनातन_PAM | यत्र_ न_ आवृत्ति_SAF अभी_SPr3In शाश्वत_PAM तद्_PAM सनातन_PAM |
And you will acquire with her all the worlds that are acquired by penances.
इदम्_SIM च_ एव_ देह_SIM लोक_PAM त्वद्_SN अभिपद्_SFu2In | R निर्जि_SNPaM च_ त्वद्_SI मृत्यु_SNM ऐश्वर्य_SLNe च_ त्वद्_SG उत्तम_SNNe |
You will acquire even in this material body those eternal and everlasting worlds from which none return.
पञ्चभूत_PANe अतिक्रम्_SNPaM स्व_Cp वीर्य_PAM च_ मनस्_Cp जव_SNM गृहस्थ_Cp धर्म_SIM इदम्_SIM काम_Cp क्रोध_DuNM च_ त्वद्_SG जि_DuNPaM |
You have conquered Death, "and acquired the highest happiness and by your own power (of mind), attaining to the speed of thought, you have transcended the five elements.
स्नेह_SNM रै_SNM च_ तन्द्रा_SNF च_ मोह_SNM द्रोह_SNM च_ केवल_SNM | R त्वद्_SG शुश्रूषा_SIF राजन्_SVM राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SIF विनिर्जि_PNPaM |
By thus following the duties of a householder, you have conquered your passions, desires, and anger and this princess, O best of virtuous men, has by serving you, conquered affliction, desire, illusion, enmity and lassitude of mind.
भीष्म_SNM वच्_SPs3In शुल्क_PGM तु_ सहस्त्र_SINe वाजिन्_PGM रथ_SAM उत्तम_SAM | R युज्_SAPaM प्रग्रह्_Co भगवत्_SNM वासव_SNM अपि_ आगम्_SPs3In तद्_SAM |
Bhishma said Then, riding in a fine chariot drawn by a thousand white steeds, the glorious Vasava approached that Brahmana.
मृत्यु_SNM आत्मन्_SNM च_ लोक_PNM च_ जि_PNPaM भूत_PNNe पञ्चन्_PNNe च_ | R बुद्धि_SNF काल_SNM मनस्_SNNe व्योमन्_SNNe काम_Cp क्रोध_DuNM तथा_ एव_ च_ |
Therefore, O best of men, do you remember that a to householder there is no greater god than the guest.
तस्मात्_ गृह_Cp आश्रम_Cp स्थ_SGM न_ अन्य_SNNe दैवत_SNNe अस्_SPr3In वै_ | R ऋते_ अतिथि_SAM नर_Cp व्याघ्र_SVM मनस्_SINe एतद्_SANe विचारय्_SPr2Im | अतिथि_SNM पूजय्_SNPaM यद्_SANe हि_ ध्या_SPr3In मनस्_SINe शुभ_SANe | R न_ तद्_SANe क्रतु_Cp शत_SINe अपि_ तुल्य_SANe अह्_PPs3In मनीषिन्_PNM |
The learned say that the blessings of an honoured guest are more fruitful than the merit of a hundred sacrifices.
पात्र_SANe तु_ अतिथि_SAM आसादय्_Co शील_Cp आढ्य_SAM यद्_SNM न_ पूजय्_SPr3O | R तद्_SNM दा_Co दुष्कृत_SANe तद्_SDM पुण्य_SANe आदा_Co गम्_SPr3In |
Whenever a deserving guest seeks the hospitality of a householder and is not respected by him, he takes away all the virtues of the latter giving him his sins.
एतद्_SNNe त्वद्_SG कथय्_SNPaNe पुत्र_SVM मद्_SI आख्यान_SNNe अनुत्तम_SNNe | R यथा_ हि_ विजि_SNPaM मृत्यु_SNM गृहस्थ_SIM पुरा_ भू_S3ImIn |
I have now recited to you, my son, this excellent story as to how Death was conquered in days of yore by a householder.
धन्य_SNNe यशस्य_SNNe आयुष्य_SNNe इदम्_SNNe आख्यान_SNNe उत्तम_SNNe | R बुभूष्_SIPaPrM अभिमन्_SNNeGd सर्व_Cp दुश्चरित_Cp अपह_SNNe |
The recital of this excellent story gives glory, fame, and longevity. The man who seeks worldly prosperity should consider it as powerful in removing all evil.
इदम्_SANe यद्_SNM कथय्_SPr3O विद्वस्_SNM अहर्_SLNe अहर्_SLNe भारत_SVM | सुदर्शन_SGM चरित_SNNe पुण्य_PAM लोक_PAM अवाप्_SPr3O |
And, O Bharata, the learned man who daily recites this story of the life of Sudarshana acquires blessed regions.
युधिष्ठिर_SNM वच्_SPs3In ब्राह्मण्य_SNNe यदि_ दुष्प्राप्य_SNNe त्रि_PIM वर्ण_PIM नराधिप_SVM | R कथम्_ प्राप्_SNPaNe महत्_Cp राज_SVM क्षत्रिय_SIM महात्मन्_SIM | R विश्वामित्र_SIM धर्म_Cp अत्प्_SNPaPrM ब्राह्मण_Cp त्व_SANe नर_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R श्रु_In इष्_SPr1In तत्त्व_SINe तद्_SANe मद्_SG ब्रू_SPr2Im पितामह_SVM |
Yudhishthira said If, O prince, it is so very difficult for the other three castes to acquire Brahmanahood, how then did the great Vishvasmitra, O king, though a Kshatriya, acquire the status of a Brahmana? I desire to know this, O sire! Therefore, do you truly describe this matter to me.
तद्_SIM हि_ अमित_Cp वीर्य_SIM वसिष्ठ_SGM महात्मन्_SGM | R हन्_SNPaNe पुत्र_Cp शत_SNNe सद्यस्_ तपस्_SINe अपि_ पितामह_SVM हन्_SNPaNe पुत्र_Cp शत_SNNe सद्यस्_ तपस्_SINe अपि_ पितामह_SVM हन्_SNPaNe पुत्र_Cp शत_SNNe सद्यस्_ तपस्_SINe अपि_ पितामह_SVM हन्_SNPaNe पुत्र_Cp शत_SNNe सद्यस्_ तपस्_SINe अपि_ पितामह_SVM हन्_SNPaNe पु
O Sire, by virtue of his austerities that powerful man destroyed in a moment the hundred sons of the great Vasishtha.
यातुधान_PNM च_ बहु_PNM राक्षस_PNM तिग्म_Cp तेजस्_PNM | R मन्यु_SIM आविश्_PaCp देह_SIM सृज्_PNPaM काल_Cp अन्तक_Cp उपम_PNM |
While under the influence of ire, he created numberless evil spirits and Rakshasas of great vigour and resembling the great destroyer Kala himself.
महत्_SNM कुशिक_Cp वंश_SNM च_ ब्रह्मन्_Cp ऋषि_Cp शत_Cp संकुल_SNM | R स्थापय्_SNPaM नर_Cp लोक_SLM इदम्_SLM विद्वस्_Cp ब्राह्मण_Cp संस्तु_SNPaM |
The great and learned family of Kushika, containing hundreds of twiceborn sages in it and highly spoken of by the Brahmanas, was founded in this world of men by him.
ऋचीक_SGM आत्मज_SNM च_ एव_ शुनःशेप_SNM महत्_Cp तपस्_SNM | R विमोक्षय्_SNPaM महत्_Cp सत्त्र_SBNe पशु_Cp ता_SAF अपि_ उपागम्_SNPaM |
Having been sought to be killed as an animal in the great sacrifice of Amvarisha, Shunashepha of austere penances the son of Richika acquired his deliverance through Vishvamitra.
हरिश्चन्द्र_Cp क्रतु_SLM देव_PAM तोषय्_Co आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_Cp तेजस्_SINe ātma R पुत्र_Cp ता_SAF अनु_ सम्प्राप्_SNPaM विश्वामित्र_SGM धीमत्_SGM |
Having pleased the gods at a sacrifice Harishchandra became a son of the wise Vishvamitra.
न_ अभिवादय्_SPr3In ज्येष्ठ_SAM देवरात_SAM नराधिप_Cp अधिप_Cp प_SNM अधिप_Cp प_SNM अधिप_SNM | R पुत्र_PNM पञ्चाशत्_SNF एव_ अपि_ शप्_PNPaM श्वपच_Cp ता_SAF गम्_PNPaM |
For not having honoured their eldest brother Devarat, the other fifty brothers of his were imprecated, and all of them became Chandalas.
त्रिशङ्कु_SNM वन्धु_PIM मुच्_SNPaM ऐक्ष्वाक_SNM प्रीति_Cp पूर्वक_SANe | दिव्_SAM नी_SNPaM दक्षिण_SAF आश्रि_SNPaM दिश्_SAF |
When abandoned by his friends, and hanging with his head down wards in the lower regions, Trisanku, the son of Ikshaku, was translated to heaven at the pleasure of Vishvamitra.
विश्वामित्र_SGM विपुल_SNF नदी_SNF देव_Cp ऋषि_Cp सेव्_SNPaF | R कौशिकी_SNF च_ शिव_SNF पुण्य_SNF ब्रह्मन्_Cp ऋषि_Cp सुर_Cp सेव्_SNPaF |
Vishvamitra had a large river, named Kaushiki, that was frequented by celestial Rishis. This sacred and suspicious river was frequented by the celestials and twiceborn Rishis.
_tapovinakarī च_U एव_U _pañcacūḍā _suśarmatā | R रम्भा_SNF नाम_ अप्सरस्_SNF शाप_SBM यद्_SGM शैल_Cp त्व_SANe आगम्_SNPaF अम्भा_SNF नाम_ अप्सरस्_SNF शाप_SBM यद्_SGM शैल_Cp त्व_SANe आगम्_SNPaF अम्भा_SNF नाम_ अप्सरस्_SNF शाप_SBM यद्_SGM शैल_Cp त्व_SANe आगम्_SNPaF अम्भा_SNF नाम_ अप्सरस्_SNF शाप_SBM यद्_SGM ś
For disturbing his devotions, the famous celestial nymph Rambha, having fine bracelets, was cursed and changed into a rock.
तथा_ एव_ इदम्_SGM भय_SBNe बन्ध्_Co वसिष्ठ_SNM सलिल_SLNe पुरा_ अम्भय_SBNe बन्ध्_Co वसिष्ठ_SNM सलिल_SLNe पुरा_ अम्भय_SBNe बन्ध्_Co वसिष्ठ_SNM सलिल_SLNe पुरा_ अम्भय_SBNe बन्ध्_Co वसिष्ठ_SNM सलिल_SLNe पुरा_ अम्भय_SBNe बन्ध्_Co vasiṣṭha आत्मन्_SAM मज्जय्_SNPaPrM श्रीमत्_SNM विपाश_SNM पुनर्_ उत्था_SNPaM |
From fear of Vishvamitra the glorious Vasishtha, in days of yore, binding himself with creepers, threw himself down into a river and again rose released from his fetters,