क्रीड्_SPr3In ऋषि_Cp कन्या_PIF ऋषि_Cp पत्नी_PIF एव_ च_ | ऊर्ध्व_Cp केश_SNM महत्_Cp शेफ_SNM नग्न_SNF विकृ_PaCp लोचन_SNM |
He sports with the daughters and the wives of the Rishis. His hair is long and erect. He is perfectly nude for he has the horizon for his dress. He has terrible eyes.
अरूप_SGM आद्य_Cp रूप_SGM अति_ रूप_Cp आद्य_Cp रूपिन्_SGM | अनादि_Cp अन्त_SAM अज_SGM अन्त_SAM विद्_SFu3In क_SNM इदम्_SGM तत्त्व_SBNe |
Who is there that can truly understand the limits of Mahadeva who is formless, who is made up of illusion, who is of the form of all actions in the universe, who assumes the form of Hiranyagharbha, and who is without beginning and end, and birth.
हृद्_SLNe प्राण_SNM जन_SNM जीव_SNM योग_Cp आत्मन्_SNM योग_Cp संज्ञित_SNM | ध्यान_SNNe तद्_Cp परमात्मन्_SNM च_ भाव_Cp ग्रह्_SNMGd महेश्वर_SNM |
He lives in the heart (of every creature). He is the vital air, he is the mind, and he is the individual soul. He is the soul of Yoga, and he is called Yoga. He is the Yoga meditation into which Yogins enter. He is the Supreme Soul. Indeed, Maheshvara is capable of being apprehended not by the senses but through only the Soul seizing his existence.
वादक_SNM गायन_SNM च_ एव_ सहस्र_Cp शत_Cp लोचन_SNM | एक_Cp वक्त्र_SNM द्वि_Cp वक्त्र_SNM च_ त्रि_Cp वक्त्र_SNM अनेक_Cp वक्त्रक_SNM |
Hearing those words of my mother, O destroyer of enemies, from that day my devotion was directed to Mahadeva, having nothing clse for its object.
तद्_Cp भक्त_SNM तद्_Cp गम्_SNPaM नित्यम्_ तद्_Cp निष्ठा_SNM तद्_Cp परायण_SNM | R भज्_SPr2Im पुत्र_SVM महादेव_SAM ततस्_ प्राप्_SFu2In च_ ईप्सय्_SAPaNe | भज्_SPr2Im पुत्र_SVM महादेव_SAM ततस्_ प्राप्_SFu2In च_ ईप्सय्_SAPaNe |
He plays on various musical instruments. He is a vocalist. He has a hundred thousand eyes. He has one mouth, he has two mouths, he has three mouths, and he has many mouths.
जननी_SGF तद्_SANe वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co तदा_ प्रभृति_ शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM हन्_SVM शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM हन्_SVM जननी_SGF तद्_SANe वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co तदा_ प्रभृति_ शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM हन्_SVM हन्_SVM जननी_SGF तद्_SANe वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co तदा_ प्रभृति_ शत्रु_Cp हन्_SVM हन्_SVM jananyā R मद्_SG भक्ति_SNF महादेव_SLM नैष्ठिक_SNF सम्पद्_S3ImIn |
Devoting yourself to him, fixing your heart upon him, depending upon him, and accepting him as your one refuge, do you, O son, worship Mahadeva and then all your wishes will bear fruits!
ततस्_ मद्_SN तपस्_SANe आस्था_Co तोषय्_SPs3InPe शंकर_SAM | एक_SANe वर्ष_Cp सहस्र_SANe तु_ वाम_Cp अङ्गुष्ठ_Cp अग्र_Cp विष्ठा_SNPaM |
I, then, began the practice of the austerest penances for pleasing Shankara. For one thousand years I stood on my left toe.
एक_SNNe वर्ष_Cp शत_SNNe च_ एव_ फल_Cp आहार_SNM ततस्_ भू_S1ImIn | द्वितीय_SANe शृ_PaCp पर्ण_Cp आशिन्_SNM तृतीय_SANe च_ अम्बु_Cp भोजन_SNM |
After that I passed one thousand years, living only upon fruits. The next one thousand years I passed, living upon the fallen leaves of trees. The next thousand years I passed, living upon water only.
शत_PANe सप्तन्_SANe च_ एव_ मद्_SN वायुभक्ष_SNM तदा_ भू_S1ImIn | R एक_Cp वर्ष_Cp सहस्र_SANe तु_ दिव्य_SANe आराधय्_SNPaM मद्_SI |
After that I passed seven hundred ycars, living on air only. In this way I worshipped Mahadeva for a full thousand divine years.
ततस्_ तुष्_SNPaM महादेव_SNM सर्व_Cp लोक_Cp ईश्वर_SNM प्रभु_SNM | एक_Cp भक्त_SNM इति_ ज्ञा_Co जिज्ञासा_SAF कृ_SPr3In तदा_ | R शक्र_Cp रूप_SANe तद्_SNM कृ_Co तु_ सर्व_PIM देव_Cp गण_PIM वृ_SNPaM | R सहस्राक्ष_SNM तदा_ भू_Co वज्रपाणि_SNM महत्_Cp यशस्_SNM |
After this, the powerful Mahadeva the Lord of all the universe became propitiated with me. Desirous of determining whether I was solely devoted to him only, he appeared before me in the form of Shakra surrounded by all the gods. As the celebrated Shakra, he had a thousand eyes on his body and was armed with the thunderbolt.
सुधा_Cp अवदात_SNNe रक्त_Cp अक्ष_SNNe स्तम्भ्_PaCp कर्ण_SVM मद_Cp उत्कट_SNNe | R आवेष्टय्_PaCp कर_SAM घोर_SAM चतुर्दष्ट्र_SAM महत्_Cp गज_SAM | R समास्था_SNPaM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM दीप्_SNPaPrM स्व_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_SINe समास्था_SNPaM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM दीप्_SNPaPrM स्व_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_SINe समास्था_SNPaM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM दीप्_SNPaPrM स्व_Cp तेजस्_SINe आत्मन्_SINe समास्था_SNPaM तद्_SNM भगवत्_SNM द् R आगम्_SPs3In किरीटिन्_SNM तु_ हार_Cp केयूर_Cp भूषय्_SNPaM |
And he rode on an elephant which was entirely white, with eyes red, ears folded, the temporal juice trickling down his cheeks, with trunk contracted, dreadful to look at and having four tusks. Indeed riding on such an elephant, the illustrious king of the gods seemed to shine with his energy. With a beautiful crown on his head and adorned with garlands round his neck and bracelets round his arms, he came where I was.
पाण्डुर_SINe आतपत्र_SINe धृ_SIPaPrNePv मूर्धन्_SLM | R सेव्_SNPaPrMPv अप्सरस्_PIF च_ दिव्य_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp नादय्_PIPaM |
A white umbrella was held over his head. And he was served by many Apsaras, and many Gandharvas sang his praise.
ततस्_ मद्_SA अह्_SPs3In देव_Cp इन्द्र_SNM तुष्_SNPaM त्वद्_SD मद्_SN द्विजोत्तम_SVM | R वर_SAM वृ_SPr2Im मद्_SBM त्वद्_SN यद्_SNNe त्वद्_SG मनस्_SLNe वृत्_SPr3In |
Addressing me he said, ( foremost of twice borns, I have been pleased with you. Beg of me whatever boon you wish.
शक्र_SGM तु_ वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co न_ मद्_SN प्री_PaCp मनस्_SNM भू_S1ImIn | R ब्रू_P3ImIn च_ तदा_ हृष्_SNPaM देव_Cp राज_SAM इदम्_SANe वचस्_SANe | R न_ मद्_SN त्वद्_SBM वर_SNNe काक्ष_SLM न_ अन्य_SBM अपि_ दैवत_SBNe | R महादेव_SBM ऋते_ सौम्य_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD महादेव_SBM ऋते_ सौम्य_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD महादेव_SBM ऋते_ सौम्य_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD महादेव_SBM ऋते_ सौम्य_SVM सत्य_SANe एतद्_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In त्वद्_SD महादेव
Hearing these words of Shakra I was not gladdened. O Krishna, I answered the king of the gods in these words, I do not wish any boon from you, or from any other god. O amiable deity, I tell you truly that it is Mahadeva only from whom I may ask for boons.
सत्य_SNNe सत्य_SNNe हि_ मद्_PG शक्र_SVM वाक्य_SNNe एतद्_SNNe सु_ निश्चि_SNPaNe | R न_ यत्_ महेश्वर_SAM मुच्_Co कथा_SNF अन्य_SNF मद्_SG रुच्_SPr3In |
True it is, O Shakra, true are those words that I say to you. No other words are at all agreeable to me except those about Maheshvara.
पशुपति_Cp वचन_SBNe भू_SPr1In सद्यस्_ कृमि_SNM अथवा_ तरु_SNM अपि_ अनेक_Cp शाखा_SNM | R अ_ पशुपति_Cp वर_Cp प्रसाद_Cp ज_SNF मद्_SD त्रिभुवन_Cp राज्य_Cp विभूति_SNF अपि_ अनिष्ट_SNF अम्_SD त्रिभुवन_Cp राज्य_Cp विभूति_SNF अपि_ अनिष्ट_SNF आ_ |
Commanded by that Lord of all creatures, I am ready to become a worm or a tree with many branches. If not acquired through the favour of Mahadeva's boons I would not accept the very sovereignty of the three worlds.
जन्मन्_SNNe श्वपाक_Cp मध्य_SLNe अपि_ मद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im हर_Cp चरण_Cp वन्दन_Cp रम्_SGPaM अस्_SPr3Im हर_Cp चरण_Cp वन्दन_Cp रम्_SGPaM अस्_SPr3Im हर_Cp चरण_Cp वन्दन_Cp रम्_SGPaM अस्_SPr3Im हर_Cp चरण_Cp वन्दन_Cp रम्_SGPaM इदम्_SGM अस्_SPr3Im हर_Cp चरण_Cp वन्दन_Cp ratasy R मा_ वा_SPr1Im ईश्वर_Cp भक्त_SNM भवानी_SVF भवन_SLNe अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि_ शक्र_SGM अपि
I may be born among the very Shvapakas but I will still be devoted to the feet of Hara! Without, again, being devoted to that Lord of all creatures, I would not like to be born in the palace of Indra himself.
वायु_Cp अम्बु_Cp भुज्_SGM अपि_ अस्_SGPaPrM नर_SGM दुःख_Cp क्षय_SNM कुतस्_ तद्_SGM अपि_ अस्_SGPaPrM नर_SGM दुःख_Cp क्षय_SNM कुतस्_ तद्_SGM अपि_ अस्_SGPaPrM नर_SGM दुःख_Cp क्षय_SNM कुतस्_ तद्_SGM अपि_ अस्_SGPaPrM नर_SGM दुःख_Cp क्षय_SNM कुतस्_ तद्_SGM a R भू_SPr3In हि_ सुर_Cp असुर_Cp गुरु_SLM यद्_SGM न_ विश्वेश्वर_SLM भक्ति_SNF |
If a person has no devotion to that Lord of the universe that Master of the gods and the Asuras his misery will not terminate even if from want of food he has to live upon only air and water.
अलम्_ अन्य_PIF तद्_PGM कथा_PIF अपि_ अन्य_Cp धर्म_Cp युज्_PIPaF | R यद्_PGM न_ क्षण_SAM अपि_ रुच्_SNPaM हर_Cp चरण_Cp स्मरण_Cp विच्छेद_SNM |
Those persons who do not like to live even a moment without thinking of Mahadeva's feet, have no necessity of other subjects fraught with other kinds of morality and righteousness,
हर_Cp चरण_Cp निरम्_PaCp मति_SIM भू_SNNeGd अनार्जव_SNNe युग_SANe प्राप्_Co अनार्जव_SNNe युग_SANe प्राप्_Co अति_ अनार्जव_SNNe युग_SANe प्राप्_Co अति_ अनार्जव_SNNe युग_SANe प्राप्_Co अति_ अति_ अनार्जव_SNNe युग_SANe प्राप्_Co अति_ अति_ अति_ अनार्जव_SNNe युग_SANe प्राप्_Co a R संसार_Cp भय_SNNe न_ भू_SPr3In हर_Cp भक्ति_Cp रसायन_SANe पा_Co अ_ विद्_Co |
When the unrighteous or sinful cycle comes, one should never pass a moment without devoting his heart upon Mahadeva. One, who has drunk the ambrosia of the devotion to Hara, becomes freed from the fear of the world.
दिवस_SAM दिवस_Cp अधुन्_SANe वा_ मुहूर्त_SANe वा_ क्षण_SAM लव_SAM | R न_ हि_ अलब्ध_Cp प्रसाद_SGM भक्ति_SNF भू_SPr3In शंकर_SLM |
One, who has not acquired the favour of Mahadeva, can never succeed to devote himself to Mahadeva for a single day or for half a day or for a moment or for a Kshana or for a Lava.
अपि_ कीट_SVM पतंग_SNM वा_ भू_SPr1O शंकर_Cp आज्ञा_SIF | R न_ तु_ शक्र_SVM त्वद्_SI दा_SAPaNe त्रैलोक्य_SANe अपि_ कामय्_SPr3O |
Ordered by Mahadeva I shall cheerfully become a worm or an insect, but I do not desire for even the sovereignty of the three worlds if bestowed by you, O Shakra.
श्वन्_SNM अपि_ महेश्वर_Cp वचन_SBNe भू_SPr1In तद्_SNM हि_ मद्_PG पर_SNM काम_SNM | R त्रिदश_Cp गण_Cp राज्य_SNNe अपि_ खलु_ न_ इच्छाभ्य_Cp महेश्वर_Cp आज्ञपय्_SNPaNe |
At the word, of Hara I would become even a dog. In fact, that is my highest wish. If not given by Maheshvara, I would not have the sovereignty of the very gods.
इन्द्र_SNM वच्_SPs3In न_ नाक_Cp पृष्ठ_SANe न_ च_ देव_Cp राज्य_SANe न_ ब्रह्मन्_Cp लोक_SAM न_ च_ निष्फल_Cp त्व_SANe | R न_ सर्व_Cp काम_PAM अखिल_PAM वृ_SPr1In हर_SGM दास_Cp त्व_SANe मद्_SN वृ_SPr1In |
Indra said I do no wish to have this celestial dominion. I do not desire to have the sovereignty of the gods. I do not wish to have the region of Brahman. Indeed, I do not wish to have that extinction of individual existence which is called Liberation and which is a complete oneness with Brahma. But I want to become the slave of Hara.
दिवसकर_Cp शशांकर_Cp अह्रि_Cp दीप्_SAPaM त्रिभुवन_Cp सार_SAM असार_SAM आद्य_SAM एक_SAM | R अजर_SAM अमर_SAM अप्रसादय्_Co रुद्र_SAM जगन्त्_SLNe पुंस्_SNM इह_ क_SNM लभ्_SPr3O शान्ति_SAF |
What persons in the universe can acquire tranquility without pleasing Rudra who is freed from decrepitude and death, who is effulgent like the Sun, the Moon, or the Fire, who is the root or original cause of everything real and unreal in the three worlds, and who exists as the one indivisible?
यदि_ नाम_ जन्मन्_SANe भूयस्_SANe अव्_SPr3In मदीय_PIM पुनर्_ दोष_PIM | R तद्_SLNe तद्_SLNe जन्मन्_SLNe भव_SLM भू_SPr3O मद्_SG अक्षय_SNF भक्ति_SNF |
If on account of any faults, I come by rebirths, I shall, in those new births, devote myself solely to Bhava.
शक्र_SNM वच्_SPs3In क_SNM पुनर्भवन_SLNe हेतु_SNM ईश्_SPr1In कारण_Cp कारण_SLNe | R यद्_SIM शर्व_SBM ऋते_ अन्य_SBM प्रसाद_SAM यद्_SIM शर्व_SBM ऋते_ अन्य_SBM प्रसाद_SAM यद्_SIM शर्व_SBM ऋते_ अन्य_SBM प्रसाद_SAM यद्_SIM शर्व_SBM ऋते_ अन्य_SBM प्रसाद_SAM यद्_SIM शर्व_SBM ऋते_ अन्य_SBM प्रसाद_SAM नाभिकाक्षसि_SVM |
Shakra said What are your grounds for the existence of a Supreme Being or for His being the cause of all causes?
उपमन्यु_SNM वच्_SPs3In अस्_SNPaPrNe असत्_SNNe व्यक्त_SNNe अव्यक्त_SNNe यद्_SAM अह्_PPs3In ब्रह्मन्_Cp वादिन्_PNM | नित्यक_SAM अनेक_SAM च_ वर_SAM तद्_SBM वृ_PPr1In |
Upamanyu said I beg boons from Him whom Brahmavadins have described as existent and nonexistent, manifest and unmanifest, eternal or immutable, One and many.
अनादि_Cp मध्य_Cp पर्यन्त_SNNe ज्ञान_Cp ईश्चर्य_SNNe अचिन्तित_SNNe | आत्मन्_SAM परम_SAM यस्मात्_ वर_SNNe तस्मात्_ वृ_PPr1In |
I beg boons from Him who is without beginning and middle and end, who is Knowledge and Power, who is inconceivable and who is the Supreme Soul.
ऐश्वर्य_SNNe सकल_SNNe यस्मात्_ अनुत्पादित_SNNe अव्यय_SNNe | अबीज_SBNe बीज_Cp सम्भू_SAPaM वर_SAM तद्_SBNe वृ_PPr1In |
I pray for boons from Him whence is all Power who has not been produced by and one, who is immutable, and who, though himself not sprung from any seed, is the seed of all things in the universe.
तमस्_SBNe परम_SNNe ज्योतिस्_SNNe तपस्_SNNe तवृत्ति_PGM परम_SNNe | R यद्_SAM ज्ञा_Co न_ अनुशुच्_PPr3In वर_SAM तद्_SBM वृ_PPr1In |
I pray for boons from Him who is above the quality of Darkness, who is blazing Effulgence, who is the essence of all penances, who is above all our faculties and which we may devote for the purpose of comprehending him, and by knowing whom every one becomes liberated from grief or sorrow.
_bhūta _bhāvana _bhāva _jña सर्व_U _bhūta _abhibhāvana | R सर्व_Cp ग_SAM सर्व_Cp द_SAM देव_SAM पूजय्_SPr1In पुरंदर_SAM | सर्व_Cp ग_SAM सर्व_Cp द_SAM देव_SAM पूजय्_SPr1In पुरंदर_SAM |
I adore him, O Purandara, who is conversant with the creation of all elements and the thoughts of all living creatures, and who is the original cause of the existence or creation of all creatures, who is omnipresent, and who has the power to give everything.
हेतुवाद_PIM विनिमुच्_SAPaM सांख्य_Cp योग_Cp अर्थ_Cp द_SAM पर_SAM | R यद्_SAM उपास्_PPr3In तत्त्व_Cp ज्ञ_PNM वर_SAM तद्_SBM वृ_PPr1In | R मघवन्_SVM मघवन्_SNM आत्मन्_SAM यद्_SAM वद्_PPr3In सुर_Cp ईश्वर_SAM | मघवन्_SVM मघवन्_Cp आत्मन्_SAM यद्_SAM वद्_PPr3In सुर_Cp ईश्वर_SAM | सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp गुरु_SAM देव_SAM वर_SAM तद्_SBM वृ_PPr1In |
I pray for boons from Him who cannot be comprehended by argument, who is the object of the Sankhya and the Yoga systems of philosophy, and who is above all things, and whom all persons conversant with the topics of enquiry, adore, I pray for boons from Him, O Maghavat, who is the soul of Maghavat himself, who is said to be the God of the gods, and who is the Master of all creatures.
यतस्_ पूर्वम्_ सृज्_S3ImIn देव_SAM ब्रह्मन्_SAM लोक_Cp भावन_SAM | अण्ड_SANe आकाश_SANe आपूरय्_Co वर_SAM तद्_SBM वृ_PPr1In |
I pray for boons from Him who it was that first created Brahman, that creator of all the worlds, having filied Ether (with His energy) and called into being the primeval egg.
अग्नि_SNM अप्_PNF अनिल_SVM पृथ्वी_SNF ख_SNNe बुद्धि_SNF च_ मनस्_SNNe महन्त्_SNM महन्त्_SNM | R स्रष्टृ_SNM च_ इदम्_PGM भू_SPr3O यद्_SNM अन्य_SNM ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM परमेश्वर_SBM |
Who else than that Supreme Lord could have created Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Space, Mind, and the principle of Greatness.
मनस्_SNNe मति_SNF अहंकार_SNM तन्मात्र_PNNe इन्द्रिय_PNNe च_ | R ब्रू_SPr2Im च_ इदम्_PGM भू_SPr3O शक_SVM क_SNM अन्य_SNM अस्_SPr3In परम_SNNe शिव_SBM |
Tell me, O Shakra, who clse than Shiva could create Mind, Understanding, Ego, the subtile elements and the senses? Who is there higher than Shiva?
स्रष्टृ_SAM भुवन_SGNe इह_ वद्_PPr3In इह_ पितामह_SAM | आराधय्_Co तद्_SNM तु_ देवेश_SAM अश्_SPr3In महत्_SAF श्री_SAF |
The wise say that the Grandfather Brahman is the creator of this universe. Brahman, however, got his great power and prosperity by worshipping and gratifying Mahadeva, that God of gods.
भगवन्त्_SLM उत्तम_Cp ऐश्वर्य_SANe ब्रह्मन्_Cp विष्णु_Cp पुरोगम_SANe | R विद्_SPr3InPv वै_ महादेव_SBM ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM परमेश्वर_SBM |
That great power, which is in that illustrious Being who created Brahman, Vishnu, and Rudra, was derived from Mahadeva. Tell me who is there who is superior to the Supreme Lord?
दैत्य_Cp दानव_Cp मुख्य_PGM आधिपत्य_Cp अरि_Cp मर्दन_SBM | R क_SNM अन्य_SNM शक्_SPr3In देवेश_SBM दिति_SGF सम्पादय्_In सुत_PAM |
Who else than that God of gods can bestow upon the sons of Diti lordship and power judging by the sovereignty and the power of oppressing given to the foremost of the Daityas and the Danavas? are
दिश्_Cp काल_Cp सूर्य_Cp तेजस्_PNNe ग्रह_Cp वाच्_Cp विन्दु_Cp तारका_PNF | R विद्_SPr2Im तु_ एतद्_PNM महादेव_SBM ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM परमेश्वर_SBM |
The cardinal points, Time, the Sun, all luminous bodies, planets, wind, water, and the stars and constellations all from Mahadevas. Tell us who is the higher than the Supreme Lord?
अथ_ उत्पत्ति_Cp विनाश_SLM वा_ यज्ञ_SGM त्रिपुर_SGNe वा_ | R दैत्य_Cp दानव_Cp मुख्य_PGM आधिपत्य_Cp अरि_Cp मर्दन_SNM |
Who else is there, than Mahadeva, in the creation of Sacrifice and the destruction of Tripura? Who else than Mahadeva has grinded the enemies, coming into contact with the Daityas and the Danavas?
क_SNNe च_ अत्र_ बहु_PINe सूक्त_PINe हेतुवाद_PIM पुरंदर_SVM सहस्त्रनयन_SAM दृश्_Co त्वद्_SA एव_ सुर_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ सुर_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ सुर_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ सत्तम_SNM अथ_ सुर_Cp सत्तम_SNM अथ_ अत्र_ सत्तम_SNM अथ_ अत्र_ सत्तम_SNM a
What necessity, O Purandara, is there of giving vent to tall talks full of sophistry when I see you a thousand eyes, O best of the gods.
पूजय्_SAPaM सिद्ध_Cp गन्धर्व_PIM देव_PIM च_ ऋषि_PIM तथा_ | देवदेव_Cp प्रसाद_SIM तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe कुशिक_Cp उत्तम_SVM देवदेव_Cp प्रसाद_SIM तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe कुशिक_Cp उत्तम_SVM उत्तम_SVM देवदेव_Cp प्रसाद_SIM तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe कुशिक_Cp उत्तम_SVM उत्तम_SVM देवदेव_Cp प्रसाद_SIM तद्_SANe सर्व_SANe कुशिक_Cp उत्तम_SVM
You who are adored by Siddhas and Gandharvas and the deities and the Rishis? O best of the Kushikas, all this is due to the favour of that God of gods, viz., Mahadeva.
अव्यक्त_SNNe वच्_PaCp केश_SDM सर्वग_SGM इदम्_SNNe आत्मक_SNNe | चेतन_Cp अचेतन_Cp आद्य_PLM शक्र_SVM विद्_SPr2Im महेश्वर_SVM अति_ अचेतन_Cp आद्य_PLM शक्र_SVM विद्_SPr2Im महेश्वर_SVM अति_ अचेतन_Cp आद्य_PLM शक्र_SVM विद्_SPr2Im महेश्वर_SVM अति_ अचेतन_Cp आद्य_PLM शक्र_SVM विद्_SPr2Im महेश्वर_SVM अति_ चेतन_Cp अचेतन_Cp आद्य_PL
Know, O Keshava, that this all, consisting of animate and inanimate creation with heaven and other unseen creation, which are in these worlds, and which has the allpervading Lord for its soul, has emanated from Maheshvara and has been created for enjoyment of the individual soul.
भू_SIF आद्य_PLNe महान्त_PLNe लोकालोक_Cp अन्तर_PLNe च_ | द्वीप_Cp स्थान_PLNe मेरु_SGM च_ विभव_PLNe अन्तर_PLNe च_ | R भगवत्_SVM मघवन्_SVM देव_SANe वद्_PPr3In तत्त्व_Cp दर्शिन्_PNM |
In the worlds that are known by the names of Bhu, Bhuva, Svah, and Maha, in the midst of the mountains of Lokaloka, in the islands, in the mountains of Meru, in all things which produce happiness, and in the hearts of all creatures, O illustrious Maghavat, lives Mahadeva, as held by persons conversant with all the topics of enquiry.
यदि_ देव_PNM सुर_PNM शक्र_SVM पश्_PPr3In अन्य_SAF भव_SBM गति_SAF | R क_SANe न_ गम्_PPr3In शरण_SANe मर्दय्_PNPaM च_ असुर_PIM सुर_PNM |
If, O Shakra, the gods and the Asuras could see any other powerful Being than Bhava, would not both of them, especially the former when opposed and oppressed by the latter, have sought the protection of that Being?
अभिघात_PLM देव_PGM स_ यक्ष_Cp उरग_Cp रक्षस्_PGNe | R परस्पर_Cp विनाश_PLM स्व_Cp स्थान_Cp ऐश्वर्य_Cp द_SNM भव_SNM |
In all battles of the gods, the Yakshas, the Uragas, and the Rakshasas, which end in mutual destruction, it is Bhava who gives to those who meet with destruction power, befitting their position and acts.
अन्धक_SGM अथ_ शुक्र_SGM दुन्दुभि_SGM महिष_SGM च_ | R यक्ष_Cp इन्द्र_Cp बल_Cp रक्षस्_PLNe निवात_Cp कवच_PLNe च_ | R वर_Cp दानव_Cp घात_SDM ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM अन्य_SNM महेश्वर_SBM त्वद्_SD वर_Cp दानव_Cp घात_SDM ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM अन्य_SNM महेश्वर_SBM आत्मन्_Cp आत्_ ता_SDM ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM अन्य_SNM महेश्वर_SBM आत्मन्_Cp आत्_ ब्रू_SPr2Im क_SNM अन्य_SNM महेश्वर_SBM आत्मन्_Cp
Tell me, who else than Maheshvara is there for conferring boons upon, and once more taking them away from, Andhaka and Shukra and Dundubhi and Mahisha and many foremost of Yakshas and Bala and Rakshasas and the Nivatakavachas?
क_SGM ऐश्वर्य_SNNe समान_SNNe च_ भूत_PINe क_SNM वा_ अपि_ क्रीड्_SPr3In | R क_SGM तुल्य_Cp बल_PNM देव_SVM गण_PNM च_ ऐश्वर्य_Cp दर्पय्_PNPaM |
Whose worship and power remains unchangeable? Who else is there who plays with spirits and ghosts. Tell me, O god, who else has companions who are possessed of strength like his own and who are, therefore, proud of that strength or power?
घुष्_SPr3InPv हि_ अचल_SNNe स्थान_SNNe क_SGM त्रैलोक्य_Cp पूजय्_SNPaNe | R वृष्_SPr3In तप्_SPr3In क_SNM अन्य_SNM ज्वल्_SPr3In तेजस्_SINe च_ क_SNM |
Who else is there whose place is described as unchangeable and adored with reverence by the three worlds? Who else is there who pours rain, gives heat, and blazes forth in Energy?
कस्मात्_ ओषधि_Cp सम्पत्ति_SNF क_SNM वा_ धारय्_SPr3In वसु_SANe | प्रकामम्_ क्रीड्_SPr3In क_SNM वा_ त्रैलोक्य_SLNe स_ चराचर_SLNe |
From whom else do we get our precious herbs? Who else upholds all kinds of riches. Who else sports as much as he likes in the three worlds of mobile and immobile things?
ज्ञान_Cp सिद्धि_Cp क्रिया_Cp योग_PIM सेव्_SNPaPrMPv च_ योगिन्_PIM | R ऋषि_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp सिद्ध_PIM च_ विधा_SNPaNe कारण_SNNe पर_SNNe |
O Indra, know Maheshvara to be the original Cause. He is worshipped by Yogins, by Rishis, by the Gandharvas, and by the Siddhas, with the help of knowledge, of success, and of the rites laid down in the scriptures.
कर्मन्_Cp यज्ञ_Cp क्रिया_Cp योग_PIM सेव्_SNPaPrMPv सुर_Cp असुर_PIM | R नित्यम्_ कर्मन्_Cp फल_Cp विहा_SAPaM तद्_SAM मद्_SN कारण_SANe वद्_SPr1In |
He is worshipped by both the gods and the Asuras with the help of sacrifices by acts and the ritual laid down in the scriptures. The fruits of action can never touch him for he is above them all. Being such, I call him the original cause of everything.
स्थूल_SNNe सूक्ष्म_SNNe अनौपम्य_SNNe अग्राह्य_SNNe गुण_Cp गोचर_SNNe | R गुण_Cp हा_SAPaM गुण_Cp अध्यक्ष_SAM पर_SAM माहेश्वर_SAM पद_SANe |
He is both gross and subtile. He is peerless. He cannot be comprehended by the senses. He is endued with qualities and he is shorn of them. He is the lord of qualities, for they are under his control. Even such is Maheshvara's place.
_viśveśa _kāraṇa _guru _lokāloka _anta _kāraṇa _maraṇa | R भू_PaCp अभूत_Cp भू_SNPaFuNe च_ जनक_SNNe सर्व_Cp कारण_SNNe |
He is the cause of the continuance and the creation (to the universe). He is the cause of the universe and the cause also of its destruction. He is the Past, the Present and the Future. He is the parent of all things. He is the cause of every thing.
अक्षर_Cp अक्षर_SNNe अव्यक्त_SNNe विद्या_Cp अविद्या_DuNF कृ_PaCp अकृत_DuNF | धर्म_Cp अधर्मिन्_SNM यतस्_ शक्र_SVM तद्_SAM मद्_SN कारण_SANe ब्रू_SPr1In |
He is mutable, he is the unmanifest, he is Knowledge; he is Ignorance; he is virtue; and he is sin. O Shakra, do I call Him the cause of everything.
प्रत्यक्ष_SANe इह_ देव_Cp इन्द्र_SVM पश्_SPr2Im लिङ्ग_SANe भग_Cp अङ्कय्_SAPaNe | R देवदेव_SIM रुद्र_SIM सृष्टि_Cp संहार_Cp हेतु_SIM |
See, O Indra, in the image of Mahadeva the marks of both the sexes. That god of gods, viz., Rudra, that cause of both creation and destruction, shows in his form the marks of both the sexes as the one cause of the creation of the universe.
मातृ_SIF पूर्वम्_ मद्_SG आख्या_SNPaNe कारण_SNNe लोक_Cp लक्षण_SNNe | R न_ अस्_SPr3In च_ ईश_SBM पर_SANe शक_SVM तद्_SAM प्रपद्_Co यदि_ इष्_SPr2In |
My mother formerly told me that he is the cause of the universe and the one cause of everything. There is no one who is higher than Isha, O Shakra. If it pleases you, do you throw yourself on his kindness and protection.
प्रत्यक्ष_SNNe ननु_ त्वद्_SG सुरेश_SVM विद्_SNPaNe संयोग_Cp लिङ्ग_Cp उद्धम_Cp धम_Cp धम_Cp धम_Cp क्षम्_SNNe ननु_ त्वद्_SG सुरेश_SVM विद्_SNPaNe संयोग_Cp लिङ्ग_Cp उद्धम_Cp धम_Cp अ_ धम_Cp क्षम्_ ननु_ त्वद्_SG सुरेश_SVM विद्_SNPaNe संयोग_Cp लिङ्ग_Cp उद्धम_Cp d R त्रैलोक्य_SANe स_ विकार_Cp निर्गुण_Cp गण_SANe ब्रह्मन्_Cp आदि_Cp रेत_Cp उद्भव_SANe | R यत्_ ब्रह्मन्_Cp इन्द्र_Cp हुताश_Cp विष्णु_Cp सहित_PNM देव_PNM च_ दैत्य_Cp ईश्वर_PNM अथ_ यत्_ ब्रह्मन्_Cp इन्द्र_Cp हुताश_Cp विष्णु_Cp सहित_PNM देव_PNM च_ दैत्य_Cp ईश्वर_PNM अथ_ यत्_ ब्रह्मन्_Cp इन्द्र_Cp हुताश_Cp विष्णु_Cp सहित_PNM देव_PNM च_ da R न_ अन्य_SANe काम_Cp सहस्र_Cp कल्पय्_PaCp धी_PNM शंस्_PPr3In ईश_SBM पर_SANe |
You have evidence, o king of the gods, of the fact that the universe has originated from the union of the sexes. The universe, you kuow, is the sum of what has qualities and what has not them and has for its immcdiate cause the seeds of Brahman and others. Brahman and Indra and Hutasha and Vishnu and all the other gods, along with the Daityas and the Asuras, having the fruition of a thousand desires, always say that there is none who is higher than Ma.ladeva.
तद्_SAM देव_SAM सचराचर_SGNe जगन्त्_SGNe व्याख्या_PaCp विद्_GdCp उत्तम_Cp | R काम_Cp अर्थिन्_SNM वरय्_SPr1In संयम्_PaCp मनस्_SNM मोक्ष_SDM सद्यस्_ शिव_SAM |
Moved by desire, I solicit, with controlled mind, that god known to all the mobile and immobile universe, him, who is, who has been described as the best and highest of all the celestials, and who is auspiciousness itself, for getting forth with that highest of all acquisitions, viz., Liberation.
हेतु_PIM वा_ क_SNNe अन्य_PIM तद्_PIM ईश_SVM कारण_Cp कारण_SNNe | R न_ श्रु_PPs1In यत्_ अन्य_SGM लिङ्ग_SNNe अभ्यर्चय्_SNPaNe सुर_PIM |
What necessity is there, of other reasons? The great Mahadeva is the cause of all causes. We have never heard that the celestials have, at any time worshipped the emblem of any other god than Mahadeva.
क_SGM अन्य_SGM सुर_PIM सर्व_PIM लिङ्ग_SANe मुच्_Co महेश्वर_SAM | R अर्च्_SPr3InPv अर्चय्_PaCp पूर्व_SVM वा_ ब्रू_SPr2Im यदि_ अस्_SPr3In त्वद्_SG श्रुति_SNF |
If Mahesvara be not accepted, tell me, if you have ever heard of it, who else is there whose einblem has been adored or is being adored by all the celestials?
देवी_SGF कारण_Cp रूप_Cp भाव_Cp जनय्_SNPaF सर्व_SNF भग_Cp अङ्क_SNF स्री_SGF उषस्_Cp अङ्क_SNF स्री_SGF उषस्_Cp अङ्क_SNF स्री_SGF उषस्_Cp उष्ट्र_SNF उष्ट्र_SNF उष्ट्र_SNF उष्ट्र_SNF उष्ट्र_SNF उष्ट्र_SNF देवी_SGF कारण_Cp rūpa R लिङ्गना_SNF अपि_ हर_SGM सर्व_Cp पुरुष_PNM प्रत्यक्ष_Cp चिह्नीकृ_PNPaM | R यद्_SNM अन्य_SANe कारण_SANe ईश्वर_SBM प्रवद्_SPr3In देवी_SIF च_ यद्_SNNe न_ अङ्कय्_SNPaNe | त्रैलोक्य_SLNe स_ चराचर_SLNe तद्_SNM तु_ पुंस्_SNM बाह्य_SNM भू_SPr3O दुर्मति_SNM |
All female creatures, have originaled from Uma, and hence it is they have the mark of femininity which characterises Uma; while all masculine creatures, who have originated from Shiva bear the masculine mark that marks Shiva, out. That person who holds that there is, in the three worlds with their mobile and immobile creatures, any other cause than the Supreme Lord, and that which is not marked with the mark of either Mahadeva or his wife, should be considered as very wretched and should not be numbered with the creatures of the universe.
पुंलिङ्ग_SAM सर्व_SAM ईशान_SAM स्री_Cp लिङ्ग_SANe विद्_SPr2Im च_ अपि_ उमा_SAF | द्वि_DuIF तनु_DuIF व्याप्_SNPaNe हि_ चराचर_SNNe इदम्_SNNe जगन्त्_SNNe |
Every being having the mark of the masculine sex should be known to be of Ishana, while every being with the mark of the feminine sex should be known as belonging to Uma. This universt of mobile and immobile crcatures is pervaded by two forms (viz., male and female).
तस्मात्_ वर_SAM मद्_SN काइक्ष्_SPr1In निधन_SANe वा_ अपि_ कौशिक_SVM | गम्_SPr2Im वा_ स्था_SPr2Im वा_ शक्र_SVM यथेष्ट_SANe बलसूदन_Cp |
It is from Mahadeva that I wish to get boons. Not getting this, O Kaushika, I would rather prefer dissolution itself. Go or remain, O Shakra, as you like, O slayer of Vala.
कामम्_ एतद्_SNM वर_SNM मद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im शाप_SNM वा_ अथ_ महेश्वर_SBM | न_ च_ अन्य_SAF देवता_SNF सर्व_Cp काम_Cp फल_SAF अपि_ |
I wish to have boons or curses from Mahadeva. No, I shall not acknowledge any other god. Nor would I have my desires fulfilled from any other deity.
एवम्_ वच्_Co तु_ देवेन्द्र_SAM दुःख_SBNe आकुलित_Cp इन्द्रिय_SNM | R न_ प्रसद्_SPr3In मद्_SG देव_SNM क_SNNe एतद्_SNNe इति_ चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM |
Having said these words to the king of the celestials, I became stricken with grief thinking that Mahadeva had not been propitiated despite my severe austerities.
अथ_ पश्_S1ImIn क्षण_SIM एव_ तद्_SAM एव_ ऐरावत_SAM पुनर्_ पश्_S1ImIn क्षण_SIM एव_ तद्_SAM एव_ ऐरावत_SAM पुनर्_ पश्_S1ImIn क्षण_SIM एव_ तद्_SAM एव_ ऐरावत_SAM पुनर्_ पश्_S1ImIn क्षण_SIM एव_ तद्_SAM एव_ ऐरावत_SAM पुनर्_ पश्_S1ImIn क् R हंस_Cp कुन्द_Cp इन्दु_Cp सदृश_SNNe मृणाल_Cp रजत_Cp प्रभा_SNNe | R वृष_Cp रूप_Cp धर_SAM साक्षात्_ क्षीरोद_SAM इव_ सागर_SAM | R कृष्ण_Cp पुच्छ_SANe महत्_Cp काय_SANe मधु_Cp पिङ्गल_Cp लोचन_SANe | कृष्ण_Cp पुच्छ_SANe महत्_Cp काय_SANe मधु_Cp पिङ्गल_Cp लोचन_SANe |
Within the twinkling of an eye, however, I saw the celestial clephant I had seen before me Changed into a bull as while as a swan, or the Jasminum puboscons, or a stalk of the lotus, or silver, or the ocean of milk. Of huge body, the hair of its tail was black and the colour of its cyes was twany like that of honey.
वज्रसार_Cp मय_PINe शृङ्ग_PINe निष्टप्_PaCp कनक_Cp प्रभा_PINe | R सु_ तीक्ष्ण_PINe मृदु_Cp रक्त_Cp अत्र_PINe उत्कृ_SAPaPrM इव_ अवनि_SAF |
Its horns were hard as adamant and had the Tue of gold. With their very sharp ends, whose hue was a mild red, the bull appeared to tcar the Earth.
जाम्बूनद_SIM दामन्_SIM च_ सर्वतस्_ समलंकृ_SNPaNe | सुवक्त्र_Cp खुरनासा_SNNe च_ सुकर्ण_SNNe सुकटीतट_SNNe |
The animal was bedecked all over with ornaments made of the purest gold. Its face and hoofs and nose and ears were beautiful and its waist too wellformed.
सु_ पार्व_SAM विपुल_Cp स्कन्ध_SAM सु_ रूप_SAM चारु_Cp दर्शन_SAM | R ककुद_SNNe तद्_SGM च_ आभा_SPr3In स्कन्ध_SAM आपूरय्_Co अधिष्ठा_SNPaNe |
Its flanks were beautiful, and its neck was very thick. Its whole form was beautiful to look at. Its hump was charming and seemed to occupy the whole of its shoulder joint.
तेजस्_SINe तु_ सदा_ व्याप्_SAPaNe दुर्निरीक्ष्य_SANe समन्ततः_ | R पुनर्_ उद्विज्_PaCp हृदय_SNM क_SNNe एतद्_SNNe इति_ चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM |
Filled to the fill with that energy, the horizon became such that I could not see anything on any side. Filled with anxiety I once more, thought that it could mean.
मुहूर्त_SANe इव_ तद्_SANe तेजस्_SANe व्याप्_Co सर्व_PAF दिश्_PAF दशन्_PAF | प्रशम्_SNPaNe दिश्_PLF सर्व_PLF देवदेव_SGM माया_SIF आशान्त_SNNe दिश्_PLF सर्व_PLF देवदेव_SGM माया_SIF आशा_SIF आशान्त_SNNe दिश्_PLF सर्व_PLF देवदेव_SGM माया_SIF आशान्त_SNNe दिश्_PLF सर्व_PLF देवदेव_SGM माया_SIF आशान्त_SNNe दिश्_PLF सर्व_PLF अथ_ पश्_S1ImIn स्था_SAPaM स्थाणु_SAM भगवन्त्_SAM महेश्वर_SAM |
That energy, however, did not pervade every side for a long time, for soon, through the illusion of that god of gods, the horizon became clear. I then saw the illustrious Sthanu or Maheshvara, seated on the back of his bull, of blessed and sweet appearance and loO king like a smokeless fire.
नीलकण्ठ_SAM महात्मन्_SAM असक्त_SAM तेजस्_PGNe निधि_SAM | R अष्टादशन्_Cp भुज_SAM स्थाणु_SAM सर्व_Cp आभरण_Cp भूषय्_SAPaM |
And the great god was accompanied by Parvati of perfect features. Indeed, I saw the bluc-throated and great Sthanu unattached to everything, that receptacle of all sorts of energy or force, having eighteen arms, and bedecked with all sorts of ornainents.
_śukla _ambara _dhara _deva _śukla _mālya _anulepana | शुक्ल_Cp ध्वज_SAM अनाधृष्य_SAM शुक्ल_Cp यज्ञ_Cp उपवीतिन्_SAM |
Clad in white robes, he wore white garlands, and had white unguents sincared upon his person. His banner, irresistible in the universe, was white. The thread round his body was also white.
गा_PIPaPrM नृत्_PIPaPrM च_ वादय्_PIPaPrM च_ सर्वशस्_ | R वृ_SAPaM पार्श्वचर_PIM दिव्य_PIM आत्मन्_Cp तुल्य_Cp पराक्रम_PIM |
He was cncircled by companions all endued with prowess equal to his own, who were singing or dancing or playing on various inusical instruments.
बाल_Cp इन्दु_Cp मुकुट_SNNe पाण्डु_SNNe शरद्_Cp चन्द्र_SAM इव_ उदि_SAPaM | R त्रि_PINe नेत्र_PINe कृ_PaCp उद्योत_SAM त्रि_PINe सूर्य_Cp रिव_Cp उदि_PIPaNe |
A crescent moon, of pale colour, formed his crown, and put on his forehead it looked like the moon which rises in the autumnal sky. He seemed to dazzle with splendour on account of his three cyes which looked like three suns.
शुभ्_S3ImIn इदम्_SGM देव_SGM माला_SNF गात्र_SLNe सित_Cp प्रभा_SLNe | R जातरूप_Cp मय_PIM पौग्रथित_PNM रत्न_Cp भूषय्_PNPaM |
The garland, of the purest white, that was on his body, shone like a wreath of lotuses, of the purest white, adorned with jewels and gems.
मूर्तिमत्_PNNe तथा_ अस्त्र_PNNe सर्व_Cp तेजस्_Cp मय_PNNe च_ | R मद्_SI दृश्_PNPaNe गोविन्द_SVM भव_SGM अमित_Cp तेजस्_SGM |
I also saw, O Govinda, the weapons in their embodied forms and fraught with every sort of energy, that belong to Bhava of peerless prowess.
इन्द्रायुध_Cp सवर्ण_Cp आभ_SNNe धनुस्_SNNe तद्_SGM महात्मन्_SGM | R पिनाक_SNNe इति_ विख्या_SNPaNe भू_S3ImIn पन्नग_SNM महत्_SNM महत्_SNM लवत्_SNNe पन्नग_SNM महत्_SNM महत्_SNM लवत्_SNNe पन्नग_SNM महत्_SNM लवत्_SNNe पन्नग_SNM महत्_SNM लवत्_SNNe पन्नग_SNM महत्_SNM लवत्_SNNe पिनाक_SNNe इति_ विख्या_SNPaNe भू_S3ImIn पन्नग_SNM महत्_
The great god held a rainbow-coloured bow. That bow known as Pinaka as is in reality a powerful snake.
सप्तन्_Cp शीर्ष_SNM महत्_Cp काय_SNM तीक्ष्ण_Cp दंष्ट्र_SNM विघोल्बण_SNM | ज्या_Cp वेष्टय्_PaCp महत्_Cp ग्रीवा_SNM स्था_SNPaM पुरुष_Cp विग्रह_SNM |
Indeed, that snake of seven heads and huge body, of sharp fangs and virulent venom, of large neck and the masculine sex was twined round, with the cord that served as its bowstring. a a
शर_SNM च_ सूर्य_Cp संकाश_SNM काल_Cp अनल_Cp सम_Cp द्युति_SNM | एतद्_SNNe अस्त्र_SNNe महत्_Cp घोर_SNNe दिव्य_SNNe पाशुपत_SNNe महत्_SNNe | R अद्वितीय_SNNe अनिर्देश्य_SNNe सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp भय_Cp आवह_SNNe | R स_ स्फुलिङ्ग_SAM महत्_Cp काय_SAM विसृज्_SAPaPrM इव_ अनल_SAM |
And there was an arrow which shone like that of the sun or of the fire that appears at the end of the cycle. Verily, that arrow was the excellent Pashupata, that mighty and dreadful weapon, which is without second, indescribable for its power, and capable of terrorising every creature. Of huge proportions, it seemed to constantly emit sparks of fire.
एक_Cp पाद_SAM महत्_Cp दंष्ट्र_SAM सहस्र_Cp शिरस्_SINe उदर_SAM | R सहस्र_Cp भुज_Cp जिह्वा_Cp अक्ष_SAM उद्गृ_SAPaPrM इव_ अनल_SAM |
Having one foot, large teeth, and a thousand heads and thousand stomachs, it had thousand arms, a thousand tongues, and a thousand eyes. Indeed, it seemed to continually emit fire.
ब्राह्य_SBM नारायण_SBM च_ ऐन्द्र_SBM आग्नेय_SBM अपि_ वारुण_SBM | R यद्_SNNe विशिष्_SNPaNe महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM सर्व_Cp शस्त्र_Cp विघातन_SNNe |
O you of great arms, that weapon is superior to the Brahma, the Narayana, the Aindra, the Ageneya, and the Varuna weapons. Indeed, it is capable of neutralising every other weapon in the universe.
यद्_SIM तद्_SNNe त्रिपुर_SNNe दह्_Co क्षण_SBM भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SNPaNe पुरा_ अम्भस्मीकृ_SN R शर_SIM एक_SIM गोविन्द_SVM महादेव_SIM लीला_SIF आशर_SIM एक_SIM गोविन्द_SVM महादेव_SIM लीला_SIF आशा_SIF आशर_SIM एक_SIM गोविन्द_SVM महादेव_SIM लीला_SIF आशा_SIF आशर_SIM एक_SIM गोविन्द_SVM महादेव_SIM लीला_SIF आशा_SIF आशा_SIF एक_SIM gov
It was with that weapon that the great Mahadeva had, formerly burnt and consumed in a moment the triple city of the Asuras. With the greatest ease, O Govinda, Mahadeva, using that single arrow, performed that feat.
निर्दह्_SPr3O च_ यद्_SANe कृत्स्न_SANe त्रैलोक्य_SANe स_ चराचर_SANe | R महेश्वर_Cp भुज_Cp उत्सृज्_SAPaM निमेष_Cp अर्ध_SBNe न_ संशय_SNM |
That weapon, discharged by Mahadeva's arms, can, forsooth, consume in half the time taken up by a twinkling of the eye the entire universe with all its mobile and immobile creatures.
न_ अवध्य_SNM यद्_SGM लोक_SLM इदम्_SLM ब्रह्मन्_Cp विष्णु_Cp सुर_PLM अपि_ | R तद्_SANe मद्_SN दृश्_SNPaM तत्र_ आश्चर्य_SANe इदम्_SANe उत्तम_SANe |
In the universe there is no one including, even Brahman and Vishnu and the celestials, who cannot be killed by that weapon. O sire, I saw that excellent, wonderful and peerless weapon in the hand of Mahadeva.
गुह्_SNNeGd अस्त्र_Cp वर_SNNe न_ अन्य_SNNe तद्_Cp तुल्य_SNNe अधिक_SNNe हि_ वा_ आदि_SLM अस्त्र_Cp वर_SNNe न_ अन्य_SNNe तद्_Cp तुल्य_SNNe अधिक_SNNe हि_ वा_ आदि_SLM गुह्_SNNeGd अस्त्र_Cp वर_SNNe न_ अन्य_SNNe तद्_Cp तुल्य_SNNe अधिक_SNNe हि_ वा_ अस्त्र_Cp वर_SNNe न_ अन्य_SNNe तद्_Cp तुल्य_SNNe adhik शूलिन्_SGM | यद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe शूल_SNNe इति_ ख्या_SNPaNe सर्व_Cp लोक_PLM शूलिन्_SGM |
There is another mysterious and very strong weapon which is equal or, perhaps, superior to the Pashupata. I saw that also. It is known in all the worlds as the Shula of the Shula-armed Mahadeva.
यौवनाश्व_SNM हन्_SNPaM यद्_SIM मान्धातृ_SNM शवल_SVM पुरा_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु_ अनु R चक्रवर्तिन्_SNM महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM त्रिलोक_Cp विजयिन्_SNM नृप_SNM |
Formerly Yuvanashva's son, king Mandhatri, that conqueror of the three worlds, having imperial sway and gifted with profuse energy, was, with all his armies, killed by means of that weapon.
महत्_Cp बल_SNM महत्_Cp वीर्य_SNM शक्र_Cp तुल्य_Cp पराक्रम_SNM | R कर_Cp स्थ_SIM एव_ गोविन्द_SVM लवण_SGNe इह_ रक्षस्_SGNe |
Gifted with great might and great energy and resembling Shakra himself in prowess, that king, O Govinda, was killed by the Rakshasa Lavana with the help of this Shula which he had got from Shiva.
तद्_SNNe शूल_SNNe अति_ तीक्ष्ण_Cp अग्र_SNNe सु_ भीम_SNNe लोमन्_Cp हर्षण_SNNe | R त्रि_Cp शिखा_SAF भृकुटी_SVF कृ_Co तर्ज्_SAPaPrM इव_ स्था_SAPaM |
That Shula is keen-pointed. Highly terrible, it is capable of causing everybody's hair stand erect. 1 beheld it in the hand of Mahadeva, as if roaring with anger, having contracted its forehead into three wrinkles.
विधूम_SAM स_ _arcis कृष्ण_SAM कालसूर्य_SAM इव_ उदि_SAPaM | R सर्प_Cp हस्त_SAM अनिर्देश्य_SAM पाश_Cp हस्त_SAM इव_ अन्तक_SAM |
It resembled, O Krishna, a smokeless fire or the sun that rises at the end of the cycle. The handle of that Shula was made of a great snake. It is really indescribable. It looked like the universal Destroyer armed with his noose.
दृश्_SNPaM अस्_SPr1In गोविन्द_SVM तद्_SANe अस्त्र_SANe रुद्र_Cp संनिधि_SLM | R परशु_SNM तीक्ष्ण_Cp धारा_SNM च_ दा_SNPaM राम_SGM यद्_SNM पुरा_ दा_SNPaM राम_SGM यद्_SNM पुरा_ दा_SNPaM राम_SGM यद्_SNM पुरा_ दा_SNPaM राम_SGM यद्_SNM पुरा_ दा_SNPaM राम_SGM यद्_SNM पुरा_ दा_SNPaM राम_SGM यद्_SNM पुरा_ अदत्त_SNM राम R महादेव_SIM तुष्_SIPaM क्षत्रिय_PGM क्षयंकर_SNM | R कार्तवीर्य_SNM हन्_SNPaM यद्_SIM चक्रवर्तिन्_SNM महत्_Cp मृध_SLM |
I saw this weapon, O Govinda, in the hand of Mahadeva. I saw also another weapon, viz., that shar-pedged battle-axe which, was given, formerly unto Rama by Mahadeva for enabling him to root out the Kshatriyas. It was with this weapon that Rama killed in dreadful battle the great Karttaviryya who was the king of the entire world.
त्रिःसप्त_Cp कृत्वस्_ पृथिवी_SNF यद्_SIM निःक्षत्रिय_SNF कृ_SNPaF | R जामदग्न्य_SIM गोविन्द_SVM राम_SIM अक्लिष्ट_Cp कर्मन्_SIM |
It was with that weapon that Jamadagni's son, O Govinda, was able to root out the Kshatriyas for twenty-one times.
दीप्_PaCp धारा_SNM सु_ रौद्र_Cp आस्य_SNM सर्प_Cp कण्ठ_Cp अग्र_Cp अधिष्ठा_SNPaM | R भू_S3ImIn शूलिन्_SGM अभ्याश_SLM दीप्_PaCp वह्नि_Cp शत_Cp उपम_SNM |
Of blazing edge and highly terrible, that axe was hanging on the shoulder, adorned with a snake, of Mahadeva. Indeed, it appeared on Mahadeva's body like the flame of a burning fire.
असंख्येय_PNNe च_ अस्त्र_PNNe तद्_SGM दिव्य_PNNe धीमत्_SGM | प्राधान्य_SBNe मद्_SI एतद्_PNNe कीर्तय्_PNPaNe त्वद्_SG अनघ_SVM |
I saw with the highly intelligent Mahadeva numberless other celestial weapons. I have, however, named only a few principal ones, O sinless one.
सव्य_Cp देश_SLM लोकपितामह_SNM | दिव्य_SANe विमान_SANe आस्था_Co हंस_Cp युज्_SAPaNe मनोजव_SANe | दिव्य_SANe विमान_SANe आस्था_Co हंस_Cp युज्_SAPaNe मनोजव_SANe |
On the left side of the great god stood the Grandfather Brahman seated on an excellent car to which were yoked swans fleet-coursing like the mind.
वाम_Cp पार्श्व_Cp गम्_SNPaM च_ अपि_ तथा_ नारायण_SNM स्था_SNPaM | R वैनतेय_SAM समारुह्_Co शङ्ख_Cp चक्र_Cp गदा_Cp धर_SNM | R तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ यज्ञ_SNF अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ यज्ञ_SNF अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ यज्ञ_SNF अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ तु_ देव_SGM ब्रह्मन्_SNM अ_ अ_ तु
On the same side was Narayana also, seated on Garuda and bearing the conch, the discus, and the mace.
स्कन्द_SNM मयूर_SAM आस्था_Co स्था_SNPaM देवी_SGF समीपतस्_ | शक्ति_Cp घण्टा_DuAF समादा_Co द्वितीय_SNM इव_ पावक_SNM |
Near the goddess Uma was Skanda seated on his peacock, bearing his dreadful arrow and bells, and loO king like another Fire-God.
पुरस्तात्_ च_ एव_ देव_SGM नन्दि_SANe पश्_SPr1In अवस्था_SAPaNe | R शूल_SANe विष्टम्भ्_Co स्था_SAPaPrM द्वितीय_SAM इव_ शंकर_SAM |
Before Mahadeva I saw Nandi standing armed with his Shula and loO king like a second Shankara.