तद्_SNM रावण_Cp वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co मारीच_SNM राक्षस_SNM तदा_ | R मृग_SNM भू_Co आश्रम्_S3ImIn वारि_SANe राम_SGM विचर्_SPs3In ह_ |
Hearing the words of Rāvaņa, the Rāksasa Mārīca assuming the wonderful shape of a (golden) deer began to range at large before Rama's hermitage.
तद्_SNM तु_ रूप_SANe समास्था_Co महत्_SANe अद्भुत_Cp दर्शन_SANe | R मणि_Cp प्रवर_Cp शृङ्ग_Cp अग्र_SNM सित_Cp असित_Cp मुख_Cp आकृति_SNM | R रक्त_Cp पद्म_Cp उत्पल_Cp मुख_SNM इन्द्रनीलोत्पल_Cp श्रवस्_SNM | R कश्चित्_SANe अति_ उनम्_PaCp ग्रीवा_SNM इन्द्रनील_Cp निभ_Cp उदर_SNM | R मधूक_Cp निभ_Cp पार्श्व_SNM च_ कञ्ज_Cp किञ्जल्क_Cp संनिभ_SNM | R वैडूर्य_Cp संकाश_Cp खुर_SNM तनु_Cp जङ्घा_SNM सु_ संहन्_SNPaM | इन्द्रायुध_Cp सवर्ण_SIM पुच्छ_SIM ऊर्ध्वम्_ विराज्_SNPaM | R मनोहर_Cp स्निग्ध_Cp वर्ण_SNM रत्न_PINe नानाविध_PINe वृ_SNPaM | R क्षण_SIM राक्षस_SNM जन्_SNPaM मृग_SNM परम_Cp शोभन_SNM |
The points of its horns were like to (two) excellent jewels, its countenance was diversified with white and black colour, its face was like a red lotus, its cars were like to two blue lotuses, its neck was little raised, its bclly was like a sapphire, its sides were like to Madhūka flowers, its colour was like that of a filament of a lotus, its hoops were like to Vaidurayas (a gem of a dark colour); of lean thighs; of firm joints; its tail having the diversified colour of a rainbow was upraised. It was of a pleasant and cool hue and crested with various jewels.
वन_SANe प्रज्वलय्_SNPaPrM रम्य_SANe राम_Cp आश्रम_Cp पद_SANe च_ तद्_SANe | R मनोहर_SANe दर्शनीय_SANe रूप_SANe कृ_Co तद्_SNM राक्षस_SNM | R प्रलोभन_Cp अर्थ_SAM वैदेही_SGF नाना_ धातु_Cp विचित्रित_SANe | R विचर्_SNPaPrM गम्_SPr3In सम्यक्_U शाद्वल_PANe समन्ततः_U |
And in no time the Rākşasa assumed the shape of a beautiful deer. To tempt Vaidehī that ranger of the night, assuming a beautiful countenance painted with diverse metals, illumining the beautiful forest and Rāma's asylum with its beauty, and ranging at large on the green field and living on grass, began to
रौप्य_PINe बिन्दु_Cp शत_PINe चित्र_SANe भू_Co च_ प्रियदर्शन_SNM | R विटपिन्_PGM किसलय_PAM भक्षय्_SNPaPrM विचर्_SPs3In ह_ |
That one of lively presence having its body painted with hundreds of silver drops and living on twigs of trees began to range in the forest.
कदली_Cp गृहक_SANe गम्_Co कर्णिका_Cp आरानित_SNM ततस्_ | R तद्_SAM आश्रम_SAM मन्द_Cp गति_SAM सीता_Cp संदर्शन_SAM ततस्_ |
Sometimes walking into the plantain house, sometimes walking around the forest of Karņikā, sometimes coming within the compass of Sītā's vision, that best of deer having its back painted with gold began to range slowly around the hermitage.
राजीव_Cp चित्र_Cp प्रच्छ्_SNPaM तद्_SNM विराज्_SPs3In महामृग_SNM | R राम_Cp आश्रम_Cp पद_Cp अभ्याश_SLM विचर्_SPs3In यथासुखम्_ | R पुनर्_ गम्_Co निवृत्_SNPaM च_ विचर्_SPs3In मृग_Cp उत्तम_SNM | R गम्_Co मुहूर्त_SANe त्वरा_SIF पुनर्_ प्रतिनिवृत्_SPr3In |
It began to walk at pleasure near Rāma's asylum. Sometimes going, sometimes stopping, at one time running very swiftly and receding the next moment, that best of deer began to range at large.
विक्रीड्_SNPaPrM च_ क्वचिद्_ भूमि_SLF पुनर्_ एव_ निषद्_SPr3In | आश्रम_Cp द्वार_SANe आगम्_Co मृग_Cp यूथ_PANe गम्_SPr3In | R मृग_Cp यूथ_PIM अनुगम्_SNPaM पुनर्_ एव_ निवृत्_SPr3In | R सीता_Cp दर्शन_SANe आकाङ्क्ष्_SNPaPrM राक्षस_SNM मृग_Cp ता_SAF गम्_SNPaM |
Sometimes playing around, sometimes lying on earth and sometimes following the deer-herd having come within the thresh hold of the asylum and then followed again by them that Rākṣasa assuming the form of a deer came back to see Sītā.
परिभ्रम्_SPr3In चित्र_PANe मण्डल_PANe विनिष्पत्_PAPaPrNe विनिष्पत्_PAPaPrNe विनिष्पत्_PAPaPrNe | R समुद्वीक्ष्_Co च_ सर्व_PNM तद्_SAM मृग_PNM यद्_PNM अन्य_PNM वोचर_PNM |
He then began to range at large in the beautiful forest (extending far and wide). Seeing him other forest-deer came (by hiin) and smelling him fled away into different quarters.
उपगम्_Co समाघ्रा_Co विद्रु_PPr3In दिश्_PAF दशन्_PAF | R राक्षस_SNM तद्_SNM अपि_ तद्_PAM वन्य_PAM मृग_PAM मृग_Cp वध_SLM रम्_SNPaM |
That Raksasa, though expert in killing deer, did not eat them up, though touching, in order to hide his real self.
प्रच्छादन_Cp अर्थ_SAM भाव_SGM न_ भक्षय्_SPr3In संस्पृश्_SNPaPrM संस्पृश्_SNPaPrM | R तद्_SLM एव_ ततस्_ काल_SLM वैदेही_SNF शुभ_Cp लोचन_SNF | R कुसुम_Cp अपचय_SLM व्यग्र_SNF पादप_PAM अतिवृत्_S3ImIn | R कर्णिकार_PAM अशोक_PAM च_ चूत_PAM च_ मदिरा_Cp ईक्षण_PAF |
In the meantime Vaidehī, of auspicious looks whose eyes inebriate like wine, being engaged in plucking flowers, was going sometimes to the Karņikā grove and sometimes to the mango grove.
कुसुम_PANe अपचि_SNPaPrF चर्_SPs3In रुचिर_Cp आनन_SNF | अनर्ह_SNF वन_Cp वास_SGM तद्_SNF तद्_SAM रत्न_Cp मय_SAM मृग_SAM | R मुक्तामणि_Cp विचित्र_Cp अङ्ग_SANe दृश्_SPs3In परम_Cp अङ्गना_SNF |
That best of women, ever inured to living in the forest and possessed of a graceful countenance, walking and plucking flowers, saw that jewelled deer, having its body diversified with pearls and diamonds,
तद्_SAM वै_ रुचिर_Cp दन्त_Cp उष्ठ_SAM रूप्य_Cp धातु_Cp तनूरुह_SAM | R विस्मय_Cp उत्फुल्ल_Cp नयन_SNF स_ स्नेह_SANe समुदीक्ष्_S3ImIn |
It had beautiful teeth and lips and had its down resembling silver. She began to behold with affection and with her eyes expanded with surprise.
तद्_SNM च_ तद्_SAF राम_Cp दयिता_SAF दृश्_SNPaPrM माया_Cp मय_SNM मृग_SNM | R विचर्_SPs3In ततस्_ तत्र_ दीपय्_SNPaPrM इव_ तद्_SANe वन_SANe |
That illusive deer seeing Rāma's wife began to inove around as if lighting up that forest (with the fire of its beauty).
अ_ दृश्_PaCp पूर्व_SAM दृश्_Co तद्_SAM नाना_ रत्न_Cp मय_SAM मृग_SAM | R विस्मय_SAM परम_SAM सीता_SNF गम्_SPs3In जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रय_SAM परम_SAM सीता_SNF गम्_SPs3In जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रय_SAM परम_SAM सीता_SNF गम्_SPs3In जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रय_SAM परम_SAM सीता_SNF गम्_SPs3In जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रय_SAM परम_SAM सीता_SNF jagāma
Beholding that deer ornamented with diverse jewels, and the like of which she had never seen before, the daughter of Janaka was struck with immense wonder. Beholding that deer ornamented with diverse jewels, and the like of which she had never seen before, the daughter of Janaka was struck with immense wonder.
तद्_SNF तद्_SAM सम्प्रेक्ष्_Co सुश्रोणी_SNF कुसुम_PANe विचि_SNPaPrF | R नेम_Cp राजत_Cp वर्ण_DuINe पार्व_DuINe उपशोभय्_SAPaM | R प्रहृष्_SNPaF च_ अनवद्याङ्ग_SNF मृज्_PaCp हाटक_Cp वर्णिन्_SNF | R भर्तृ_SAM अपि_ क्रन्द्_SPs3In लक्ष्मण_SAM च_ एव_ स_ आयुध_SAM |
Beholding that deer with its sides painted with gold and silver, while collecting flowers, Sītā, having blameless limbs and beautiful hips and having the colour of her body like that of pure gold became immensely pleased and called aloud her husband and Lakşmaņa with scimitars in their hands.
आह्वा_Co आह्वा_Co च_ पुनर्_ तद्_SAM मृग_SAM साधु_SANe वीक्ष्_SPr3In | आगम्_SPr2Im आगम्_SPr2Im शीघ्रम्_ वै_ आर्यपुत्र_SVM सहानुज_SVM |
Do you come soon, do you come soon, O son of the worshipful Sire, along with your younger brother
तद्_DuNM आह्वा_DuNPaM नर_Cp व्याघ्र_DuNM वैदेही_SIF राम_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuNM | वीक्ष्_DuNPaPrM तु_ तद्_SAM देश_SAM तदा_ दृश्_DuPs3In मङ्ग_SAM |
Having called (her husband) again and again in this strain she continued beholding that deer. Being thus called by the daughter of the king of Videha those two best of men Rāma and Laks maņa, casting their looks around beheld that deer.
शङ्क्_SNPaPrM तु_ तद्_SAM दृश्_Co लक्ष्मण_SNM वाक्य_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn | R तद्_SAM एव_ एनद्_SAM मद्_SN मन्_SPr1In मारीच_SAM राक्षस_SAM मृग_SAM |
Seeing him Lakşmana, struck with fear, said Me-thinks, this deer is the Raksasa Marica.
चर्_PNPaPrM मृगधा_SAF हृष्_PNPaM पाप_SIM उपाधि_SIM वन_SLNe | R इदम्_SIM निहन्_PNPaPsM राम_SVM राजन्_PNM कामरूपिन्_SIM |
This vicious Mārīca, O Rāma, assuming the shape of a deer oftentimes kills at pleasure the kings who come here a-hunting.
इदम्_SGM माया_Cp विद्_SGM माया_SNF मृग_Cp रूप_SNNe इदम्_SNNe कृ_SNPaNe | R भानुमत्_SNNe पुरुष_Cp व्याघ्र_SVM गन्धर्वपुर_Cp संनिभ_SNNe | R मृग_SNM हि_ एवंविध_SNM रत्न_Cp विचित्र_SNM न_ अस्_SPr3In राघव_SVM कल्प_SNM हि_ एवंविध_SNM रत्न_Cp विचित्र_SNM न_ अस्_SPr3In राघव_SVM कल्प_SNM हि_ एवंविध_SNM रत्न_Cp विचित्र_SNM न_ अस्_SPr3In राघव_SVM कल्प_SNM हि_ एवंविध_SNM रत्न_Cp vicitr R जगती_SLF जगती_Cp नाथ_SVM माया_SNF एतद्_SNF हि_ न_ संशय_SNM |
He is cognizant of illusions, by virtue of which he has assumed this shape, O best of men; its countenance is perfectly fine like the abode of Gandharvas and resplendent like the Sun; there is no such jewelled deer on earth. O Rāghava, O Lord of earth, there is no doubt that this is nothing but illusion.
एवम्_ ब्रू_SAPaPrM काकुत्स्थ_SAM प्रतिवारय्_Co शुचि_Cp स्मित_SNF आ_ | वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF संहृष्_SNPaF छद्मन्_SINe हृ_PaCp चेतना_SNF |
When Lakşınaņa spoke thus Sītā with a pure smile being under the influence of enchantment contradicted him, and being pleased said
आर्य_Cp पुत्र_Cp अभिराम_SNM अदस्_SNM मृग_SNM हृ_SPr3In मद्_SG मनस्_SANe | आनी_SPr2Im एनद्_SAM महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM क्रीडा_Cp अर्थ_SAM मद्_PG भू_SFu3In |
O son of the worshipful Sire, this deer has attracted my mind, get it for me, pray, O you of mighty arms: it shall be an object of sport for us.
इह_ आश्रम_Cp पद_SLM मद्_PG बहु_PNM पुण्य_Cp दर्शन_PNM | R मृग_PNM चर्_PPr3In सहित_PNM चमर_PNM सृमर_PNM तथा_ | R ऋक्ष_PNM पृषत_Cp संघ_PNM च_ वानर_Cp अकिंनर_PNM तथा_ | विहृ_PPr3In महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM रूप_Cp श्रेष्ठ_PNM महत्_Cp बल_PNM | R न_ च_ अन्य_SNM सदृश_SNM राजन्_SVM दृश्_SNPaM पूर्वम्_ मृग_SNM मद्_SI अपि_ अपि_ अन्य_SNM सदृश_SNM राजन्_SVM दृश्_SNPaM पूर्वम्_ मृग_SNM मद्_SI अपि_ अपि_ अन्य_SNM सदृश_SNM राजन्_SVM दृश्_SNPaM पूर्वम्_ मृग_SNM मद्_SI अपि_ अपि_ अन्य_SNM s R तेजस्_SINe क्षमा_SIF दीप्_Co यथा_ इदम्_SNM मृग_Cp सत्तम_SNM |
Many a beautiful deer range at large in the vicinity of our hermitage such as Camaras, Srmaras, Rksas, Prsatas, Vanaras and Kinnaras. They are all very beautiful and of mighty strength; but O Prince, I have never seen before the like of this deer. In energy, strength and beauty it stands above all deer.
नाना_ वर्ण_Cp विचित्र_Cp अङ्ग_SNM रत्न_Cp भू_SNPaM मद्_SG अग्रतस्_ | R द्योतय्_SNPaPrM वन_SANe अव्यग्र_SANe द्युत्_SPr3In शशिन्_Cp संनिभ_SNM |
Its cntire body is diversified with various colours, nay, it is a jewel itself. It moves before me beautifying the forest with its resplendence, like to Moon himself.
अहो_ रूप_SNNe अहर्_SNNe लक्ष्मी_SNF स्वर_Cp सम्पद्_Co शोभन_SNF | R मृग_SNM अद्भुत_SNM विचित्र_Cp अङ्ग_SNM हृदय_SVNe हृ_SPr3In इव_ मद्_SD |
Ah! what beauty, what beautiful a lustre, how musical a voice, this wonderful deer of variegated countenance, has indeed captivated my heart!
यदि_ ग्रहण_SANe अभी_SPr3In जीव्_SNPaPrM एव_ मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अभी_SPr3In मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अपे_SPr3In मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अपे_SPr3In मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अपे_SPr3In मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अपे_SPr3In जीव्_SNPaPrM एव_ मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अपे_SPr3In मृग_SNM त्वद्_SG अपे_SPr3In जीव्_SNPaPrM एव_ R आश्चर्य_Cp भू_SNPaNe भवत्_SVF विस्मय_SAM जनय्_SFu3In |
If can you get by this deer alive, O what wonder, what surprise!
समाप्_PaCp वन_Cp वास_PGM राज्य_Cp स्थ_PGM च_ मद्_PG पुनर्_ | अन्तःपुर_SLNe विभूषा_Cp अर्थ_SNM मृग_SNM एतद्_SNM भू_SFu3In |
When shall we regain our kingdom after the expire of the term of our banishment, this deer shall beautify the interior of our palace.
भरत_SGM आर्य_Cp पुत्र_SGM श्वश्रू_PGF मद्_SG च_ प्रभु_SGM | R मृग_Cp रूप_SNNe इदम्_SNNe दिव्य_SNNe विस्मय_SAM जनय्_SFu3In |
O Lord, truly shall this celestial deer create surprise in Bharata, yourself, me and my mothers-in-law.
जीवन_SVM यदि_ त्वद्_SG अभी_SPr3In ग्रहण_SANe मृग_Cp सत्तम_SNM | R अजिन_SNNe नर_Cp शार्दूल_SVM रुचिर_SNNe तु_ भू_SFu3In |
O best of men, if can you not get hold of it alive its skin shall also look very beautiful (to us).
निहन्_SGPaM इदम्_SGM सत्त्व_SGM जाम्बूनद_Cp मय_Cp त्वचिन्_Cp इषि_SNM जाम्बूनद_Cp मय_Cp त्वचिन्_SNM | शष्प_Cp बृसी_SLF विनी_SLPaF इष्_SPr1In मद्_SN उपास्_In |
Spreading on Kuća the skin of this golden deer when killed do I wish to invoke the Almighty.
काम_Cp वृत्_SNPaNe इदम्_SNNe रौद्र_SNNe स्त्री_PGF अ_ सदृश_SNNe मन्_SNPaNe | R वपुस्_SINe तु_ इदम्_SGM सत्त्व_SGM विस्मय_SNM जनय्_SNPaM मद्_SG |
It looks (no doubt) unseemly and terrible and smacks of wilfulness, on the part of a wife to command her husband in this way, but I am sunk in surprise seeing the countenance of the deer.
तद्_SIM काञ्चन_Cp रोमन्_SIM तु_ मणि_Cp प्रवर_Cp शृङ्गिन्_SIM | R तरुण_Cp आदित्य_Cp वर्ण_SIM नक्षत्रपथ_Cp वर्चस्_SIM | R भू_SPs3In राघव_SGM अपि_ मनस्_SNNe विस्मय_SAM आगम्_SNPaNe | इति_ सीता_Cp वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co दृश्_Co च_ मृग_SAM अद्भुत_SAM | R लोभय्_SNPaM तद्_SINe रूप_SINe सीता_SIF च_ प्रचोदय्_SNPaM | वच्_SPs3In राघव_SNM हृष्_SNPaM भ्रातृ_SAM लक्ष्मण_SAM वचस्_SANe |
Rāma's heart was struck with surprise beholding that wonderful deer having its down resembling gold, horns resembling exquisitely finc diamonds, colour like that of the newly risen Sun, and resplendence like that of the orbit of the planets. Being enchanted by its beauty and spurred on by Sītā's words, Raghava pleased, spoke to his younger brother.
पश्_SPr2Im लक्ष्मण_SVM वैदेही_SGF स्पृहा_SAF उल्लस्_SAPaF इदम्_SAF | R रूप_Cp श्रेष्ठ_Cp ता_SIF हि_ एतद्_SNM मृग_SNM अद्य_ न_ भू_SFu3In |
Behold, O Laksmana, it has immensely excited Vaidehi's desire. On account of its exquisite beauty it shall loose its life to-day.
न_ वन_SLNe नन्दन_Cp उद्देश_SLM न_ चैत्ररथ_Cp संश्रय_SLM | R कुतस्_ पृथिवी_SLF सौमित्रि_SVM यद्_SNM इदम्_SGM कश्चित्_SNM सम_SNM मृग_SNM |
It has its equal no where on the earth-neither in the celestial garden nor in the Caitraratha forest.
प्रतिलोम_Cp अनुलोम_PNF च_ रुचिर_PNF रोमराजि_PNF | R शुभ्_PPr3In मृग_SAM आश्रि_Co चित्र_PNM कनक_Cp बिन्दु_PIM |
The hairs of its body being arranged in regular and contrary courses and being painted with golden drops do indeed look very beautiful.
पश्_SPr2Im इदम्_SGM जृम्भ्_SGPaPrM दीप्_SAPaF अग्नि_Cp शिखा_Cp उपम_SAF पश्_SPr2Im इदम्_SGM जृम्भ्_SGPaPrM दीप्_SAPaF अग्नि_Cp शिखा_Cp उपम_SAF पश्_SPr2Im इदम्_SGM जृम्भ्_SGPaPrM दीप्_SAPaF अग्नि_Cp शिखा_Cp उपम_SAF पश्_SPr2Im इदम्_SGM जृम्भ्_SGPaPrM दीप्_SAPaF अग्नि R जिह्वा_SAF मुख_PAM निःसृ_SAPaPrF मेघ_SBM इव_ शतहदा_SAF मेघ_SBM इव_ शतहदा_SAF मेघ_SBM इव_ शतहदा_SAF मेघ_SBM इव_ शतहदा_SAF मेघ_SBM इव_ शतहदा_SAF मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA m
Do you see, while expanding its inouth, its tongue comes out resembling flaming fire like to a thunder-bolt reaving the mass of clouds.
_masāra _galvarka _mukha _śaṅkhamuktā _nibha _udara | R क_SGM नाम_ अनिरूप्य_SNM अदस्_SNM न_ मनस्_SANe लोभय्_SPr3O मृग_SNM |
Its face is like a glass made of a best blue sapphire, its belly resembling a conch and pearl, and it is very difficult to ascertain its shapes. Beholding it who is there (on earth) whose heart is not enamoured?
क_SGM रूप_SANe इदम्_SANe दृश्_Co जाम्बूनद_Cp मय_Cp प्रभा_SANe | R नाना_ रत्न_Cp मय_SANe दिव्य_SANe न_ मनस्_SNNe विस्मय_SAM व्रज्_SPr3O |
Its beauty resembles the rays of gold and is variegated with diverse hues of jewels. Whose heart is not enveloped with surprise beholding such a celestial beauty, O Laksmana?
मांस_Cp हेतु_SBM अपि_ मृग_PAM विहार_Cp अर्थ_SAM च_ धन्विन्_PAM | R हन्_PPr3In लक्ष्मण_SVM राजन्_PNM मृगया_SLF महत्_Cp वन_SLNe |
Princes, with bows in their hands, while-a hunting in a deep forest destroy deer either for flesh or for sport.
धन_PNNe व्यवसाय_SIM विचि_PPr3InPv महत्_Cp वन_SLNe चि_PPr3InPv महत्_Cp वन_SLNe | R धातु_PNM विविध_PNM च_ अपि_ मणि_Cp रत्न_Cp सुवर्णिन्_PNM |
Moreover while engaged in sporting they collect many a jewel and various metals as gold and silver, in the woods.
तद्_SANe सार_SANe अखिल_SANe नृ_PGM धन_SANe निचय_Cp वर्धन_SANe | मनस्_SINe चिन्तय्_SNPaNe सर्व_SNNe यथा_ शुक्र_SGM लक्ष्मण_SVM |
There is not the least doubt that these wild riches filling up their coffers are comparatively far better (than the wealth acquired by other sources) like to the objects of enjoyment, enjoyed at their fancy by the people inhabiting the celestial region.
अर्थिन्_SNM यद्_SINe अर्थ_Cp कृत्य_SINe संव्रज्_SPr3In अ_ विचारय्_SNPaPrM | R तद्_SAM अर्थ_SAM अर्थशास्त्र_Cp ज्ञ_PNM प्राह्_PPs3In अर्थ्य_PNM सुलक्ष्मण_SVM |
The object which persons desirous of acquiring wealth follow without any discretion in their actions, is the true definition of wealth given by the political economists.
एतद्_SGNe मृग_Cp रत्न_SGNe पराया_S1ImIn काञ्चन_Cp त्वचिन्_SNNe | उपविश्_SFu3In वैदेही_SNF मद्_SI सह_ सुमध्यमा_SNF आ_ उपविश्_SFu3In वैदेही_SNF मद्_SI सह_ सुमध्यमा_SNF आ_ उपविश्_SFu3In वैदेही_SNF मद्_SI सह_ सुमध्यमा_SNF आ_ उपविश्_SFu3In वैदेही_SNF मद्_SI सह_ सुमध्यमा_SNF आ_ उपविश्_SFu3In वैदेही_SNF मद्_SI स R न_ कादली_SNF न_ प्रियकी_SNF न_ प्रवेणी_SNF न_ च_ आविकी_SNF | R भू_SPr3O एतद्_SGM सदृश_SNF स्पर्श_SLM इदम्_SIM इति_ मद्_SG मति_SNF |
Vaidehi of slender waist desire to sit with me on the exquisitely fine golden skin of this gem of a deer, me-seems no deer skin is so comfortable to touch as this neither the skin of Kādali, Priyaki, Praveni nor of Caviki.
एतद्_SNM च_ एव_ मृग_SNM श्रीमत्_SNM यद्_SNM च_ दिव्य_SNM नभस्_Cp चर_SNM | उभ्_DuNM एतद्_DuNM मृग_DuNM दिव्य_DuNM तारामृग_Cp महीमृग_DuNM |
Truly handsome in this deer and the one that range in the welkin, indeed these two deer only are celestial—the one that range in the sky* (Mrgasirā) and this that range on earth. This refers to Mrgaşiră, the fifth lunar constellation which resembles a deer.
यदि_ वा_ इदम्_SNM तथा_ यद्_SNNe मद्_SA भू_SPr3O वद्_SPr2In लक्ष्मण_SVM | R माया_SNF एतद्_SNF राक्षस_SGM इति_ कृ_SNMGd इदम्_SGM वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_SI अ_ वध_SNM मद्_S
And if it be a Raksasa's illusion as you say, O Laksmana, then it must be killed by me.
एतद्_SIM हि_ नृशंस_SIM मारीच_SIM अकृतात्मन्_SIM अकृतात्मन्_SIM | R वन_SLNe विचर्_SIPaPrM पूर्वम्_ हिंस्_PNPaM मुनि_Cp पुंगव_PNM | R उत्था_Co बहु_PNM इदम्_SIM मृगया_SLF जनाधिप_PNM | R निहन्_PNPaM परम_Cp इष्वास_PNM तस्मात्_ बन्ध्_SNMGd तु_ इदम्_SNM मृग_SNM |
This cruel vicious-souled Mārica made away with many eminent ascetics, while travelling in the forest; and this Räkşasa assuming the shape of an illusive deer destroyed many kings-mighty archers while a-hunting in this forest; it is for this that this deer must be killed.
पुरस्तात्_ इह_ वातापि_SNM परिभू_Co तपस्विन्_PAM | उदर_Cp स्थ_SNM द्विज_PAM हन्_SPr3In स्व_Cp गर्भ_SNM अश्वतरी_SAF इव_ |
Formerly this Vātăpi entering into the womb of twice-born ones used to come out reaving them like to the embryo of a mule. The name of an Asur devoured by Agastya.
समुत्थान_SLNe च_ तद्_Cp रूप_SANe कर्तु_Cp काम_SAM समीक्ष्_Co तद्_SAM | R उत्स्मि_Co तु_ भगवत्_SNM वातापि_SAM इदम्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
After the Šrāddha ceremony had been over, finding that Bātāpi desirous of assuming the shape of a Rākṣasa the great saint Agastya said smiling.
त्वद्_SI विगणय्_Co वातापि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM च_ तेजस्_SINe आपि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM च_ तेजस्_SINe आपि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM च_ तेजस्_SINe आपि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM च_ तेजस्_SINe आपि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM च_ तेजस्_SINe आपि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM च_ तेजस्_SINe आपि_SVM परिभू_PNPaM c जीव_Cp लोक_SLM द्विज_SVM श्रेष्ठ_PVM तस्मात्_ अस्_SPr2In जरा_SAF गम्_SNPaM |
Being blinded with your prowess O Vātāpi, you have destroyed many eminent twice-born ones on this earth and for this that I do digest you.
तद्_Cp रक्षस्_SNNe न_ भू_SPr3O एव_ वातापि_SNM इव_ लक्ष्मण_SNM | R मद्विध_SAM यद्_SNM अतिमन्_SPr3O धर्म_Cp नित्य_SAM जि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_SAM |
Truly that Raksasa, O, Laksmana who wish to surpass one like me who has controlled his senses and is ever engaged in pious offices shall meet with his end like to this Vātāpi.
भू_SPr3O हन्_SNPaM इदम्_SNM वातापि_SNM अगस्त्य_SIM इव_ मा_ गम्_SNPaM | इह_ त्वद्_SN भू_SPr2Im संनह्_SNPaM यन्त्रय्_SNPaM रक्ष्_SPr2Im मैथिली_SAF |
Therefore this Mārīca approaching me shall be killed by me like to Vātāpi being devoured by Agastya. Do you therefore vigilantly protect Vaidehi with mail and armours on.
इदम्_SLF आयत्_SNPaNe मद्_PG यद्_SNNe कृत्य_SNNe रघुनन्दन_SVM | मद्_SN एनद्_SAM वध्_SFu1In ग्रह्_SFu1In अथवा_ मृग_SAM |
It is our prime duty, O descendant of Raghu, to protect Jānaki. I shall either kill this deer or shall get hold of it.
यावत्_ गम्_SPr1In सौमित्रि_SVM मृग_SAM आनी_In द्रुतम्_ | पश्_SPr2Im लक्ष्मण_SVM वैदेही_SGF मृग_Cp त्वच्_SLF गम्_SAPaF स्पृहा_SAF |
Look, O Laksmana, Vaidehi is extremely anxious to get the skin of this deer I shall therefore proceed at once, O son of Sumitrā, to catch this deer.
त्वच्_SIF प्रधान_SIF हि_ एतद्_SNM मृग_SNM अद्य_ न_ भू_SFu3In | अप्रमत्त_SIM त्वद्_SG भाव_SAM आश्रम_Cp स्थ_SIM सीता_SIF अप्रमत्त_SIM त्वद्_SG भाव_SAM आश्रम_Cp स्थ_SIM सीता_SIF अप्रमत्त_SIM त्वद्_SG भाव_SAM आश्रम_Cp स्थ_SIM सीता_SIF अप्रमत्त_SIM त्वद्_SG भाव_SAM आश्रम_Cp स्थ_SIM सीता_SIF अप्रमत्त_SIM त्वद्_SG भाव_SAM ā R यावत्_ पृषत_SAM एक_SIM सायक_SIM निहन्_SPr1In मद्_SN | यावत्_ पृषत_SAM एक_SIM सायक_SIM निहन्_SPr1In मद्_SN | R हन्_Co एतद्_SANe चर्मन्_SANe च_ आदा_Co शीघ्रम्_ इ_SFu1In लक्ष्मण_SVM |
The skin of this deer is the best of its kind; for certain shall it loose its life today. As long as I do not kill this deer, O Lakşmaņa, do you with Sītā remain with vigilance in this asylum. I shall in no time come back with its skin after killing in with one arrow.
प्रदक्षिण_SIM अतिबल_SIM पक्षिन्_SIM जटायुस्_SIM बुद्धिमत्_SIM च_ लक्ष्मण_Cp | R भव_Cp अप्रमत्त_SNM प्रतिग्रह्_Co मैथिली_SNF प्रतिक्षणम्_ सर्वतस्_ एव_ शङ्क्_SNPaM |
Do you stay here, O Lakşmaņa, with Jānakī in constant fear and vigilance, along with the mighty Jațāyu, intelligent and ever engaged in pious offices.
आर्त_Cp स्वर_SAM तु_ तद्_SAM भर्तृ_SGM विज्ञा_Co सदृश_SAM वन_SLNe ज्ञा_Co सदृश_SAM वन_SLNe ज्ञा_Co सदृश_SAM वन_SLNe ज्ञा_Co सदृश_SAM वन_SLNe जन_SLNe ज्ञा_Co सदृश_SAM वन_SLNe जन_SLNe ज्ञा_Co सदृश_SAM वन_SLNe जन_SLNe तु_ तद्_SAM भर्तृ_SGM vij वच्_SPs3In लक्ष्मण_SAM सीता_SNF गम्_SPr2Im ज्ञा_SPr2Im राघव_SAM |
Hearing that cry in the forest resembling her husband's voice Sítā spake to Laksmana saying Do you go and learn what has befallen Rāghava.
नहि_ मद्_SG जीवित_SNNe स्थान_SLNe हृदय_SNNe वा_ अवस्था_SPr3In | R क्रोशन_SVM परम_Cp आर्त_SGM श्रु_SNPaM शब्द_SNM मद्_SI भृशम्_ |
He is crying aloud in pitiable accents; hearing them my life and soul are incapable of remaining any longer in their proper places.
आक्रन्द्_SAPaPrM तु_ वन_SLNe भ्रातृ_SAM त्रा_In अर्ह्_SPr2In | R तद्_SAM क्षिप्रम्_ अभिधाव्_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN भ्रातृ_SAM शरण_Cp एषिन्_SAM | R रक्षस्_PGNe वश_SAM आपद्_SAPaM सिंह_PGM इव_ गोवृष_SAM | R न_ गम्_SPs3In तथा_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ भ्रातृ_SGM आज्ञा_Co शासन_SANe |
It behoveth you to save your brother who is crying aloud in the forest; do you immediately repair hence to save him, who is in need of your help. He has been over-powered by the Rākşasas like to a bullock brought under the power of a lion, Remembering the behest of Rāma, Laks maņa did not go, though accosted thus by Sītā.
तद्_SAM वच्_SPs3In ततस्_ तत्र_ क्षुभ्_PNPaM जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn तत्र_ क्षुभ्_PNPaM जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn ततस्_ तत्र_ क्षुभ्_PNPaM जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn तत्र_ क्षुभ्_PNPaM जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn ततस्_ तत्र_ क्षुभ्_PNPaM जनकात्मजा_SNF अस् सौमित्रि_SVM मित्र_Cp रूप_SINe भ्रातृ_SGM त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp वत्_ त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp वत्_ वत्_ त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp वत्_ वत्_ त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp वत्_ वत्_ त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp वत्_ वत्_ त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In शत्रु_Cp वत्_ वत्_ | R यद्_SNM त्वद्_SN इदम्_SLF अवस्था_SLF भ्रातृ_SAM न_ अभिपद्_SPr2In | R इष्_SPr2In त्वद्_SN विनश्_SAPaPrM राम_SAM लक्ष्मण_SVM मद्_Cp कृते_ इष्_SPr2In त्वद्_SN विनश्_SAPaPrM राम_SAM लक्ष्मण_SVM मद्_Cp कृते_ इष्_SPr2In त्वद्_SN विनश्_SAPaPrM राम_SAM लक्ष्मण_SVM मद्_Cp कृते_ इष्_SPr2In त्वद्_SN विनश्_SAPaPrM राम_SAM लक्ष्मण_SVM
Extremely mortified, the daughter of Janaka spake to him saying O Son of Sumitra, you are an enemy to Rāma, in the grab of a brother. You did not proceed for the relief of they brother who has been reduced to such a plight.
लोभ_SBM तु_ मद्_Cp कृते_ नूनम्_ न_ अनुगम्_SPr2In राघव_SAM मद्_Cp कृते_ नूनम्_ न_ अनुगम्_SPr2In राघव_SAM मद्_SA कृते_ नूनम्_ न_ अनुगम्_SPr2In राघव_SAM मद्_SA कृते_ नूनम्_ न_ अनुगम्_SPr2In राघव_SAM मद्_SA कृते_ नूनम्_ न_ अनुगम्_SPr2In राघव_SA R व्यसन_SANe त्वद्_SG प्रिय_SANe मन्_SPr1In स्नेह_SNM भ्रातृ_SLM न_ अस्_SPr3In त्वद्_SG |
Truely being under the influence of lust for me you did not follow Rāghava! For this you did welcome Rāma's disaster; you have no affection for him.
तेन_ स्था_SPr2In विश्रम्भ्_SNPaNe तद्_SAM अपश्यत्_SNM महत्_Cp द्युति_SAM महत्_Cp द्युति_SAM | R क_SNNe हि_ संशय_SAM आपद्_SLPaM तद्_SLM इह_ मद्_SI भू_SPr3O | R कृ_SNNeGd इह_ स्था_SGPaPrF यद्_Cp प्रधान_SNM त्वद्_SN आगम्_SNPaM |
For this it is that you did sit here without anxiety not seeing the highly effulgent (Rāma). Råma, following whom you have repaired to this forest, being in danger, of what avail is life to me.?'
एवम्_ ब्रू_SAPaPrF वैदेही_SAF वाष्प_Cp शोक_Cp समन्वित_SAF | R ब्रू_S3ImIn लक्ष्मण_SNM त्रस्_SAPaF सीता_SAF मृग_Cp वधू_SAF इव_ ब्रू_S3ImIn लक्ष्मण_SNM त्रस्_SAPaF सीता_SAF मृग_Cp वधू_SAF इव_ ब्रू_S3ImIn लक्ष्मण_SNM त्रस्_SAPaF सीता_SAF मृग_Cp वधू_SAF इव_ ब्रू_S3ImIn लक्ष्मण_SNM त्रस्_SAPaF सीता_SAF m
Vaidehī speaking thus being influenced by sorrow, and with tears in her eyes, like to a deer, Laksmana spoke to her.
पन्नग_Cp असुर_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp देव_Cp दानव_Cp राक्षस_PIM | R अशक्य_SNM त्वद्_SG वैदेही_SVF भर्तृ_SNM जि_In न_ संशय_SNM |
O Vaidehi, celestials, Dānavas, Gandharabas, Raksasas, Asuras, or Pannagas, there is none who can defeat your husband. There is not the least doubt in this.
देवी_SNF देव_Cp मनुष्य_PLM गन्धर्व_PLM पतत्रिन्_PLM | R राक्षस_PLM पिशाच_PLM किंनर_PLM मृग_PLM च_ | R दानव_PLM च_ घोर_PLM न_ तद्_SNM विद्_SPr3OPv शोभन_SVF | R यद्_SNM राम_SAM प्रतियुध्_SPr3O समर_SLNe वासव_Cp उपम_SAM | R अवध्य_SNM समर_SLNe राम_SNM न_ एवम्_ त्वद्_SN वच्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
Worshipful madam! Celestials, Danavas, Gandharvas, Raksasas, Pisacas, men, Kinnaras, animals, or birds, there is none among them, who can withstand Rāghava, who equals the lord of celestials in warfare. In fact there is none who can do away with Ráma in battle.
न_ त्वद्_SA इदम्_SLNe वन_SLNe हा_In उत्सह्_SPr1In राघव_SAM विना_ | अ_ निवारय्_Co बल_SANe तद्_SGM बल_PINe बलवत्_PGM अपि_ | R त्रि_PIM लोक_PIM समुदि_PIPaM स_ ईश्वर_PIM स_ अमर_PIM अपि_ | R हृदय_SNNe निर्वृत_SNNe त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3Im संताप_SNM त्यज्_SPr3ImPv त्वद्_SG |
It does not behove you therefore to accost me thus. Nor do I dare leave you here alone in this forest without Rāma. Even the mighty heroes, as the Lord of celestials, cannot subdue his prowess with all their strength. Even the Almighty Himself, with the celestials and the three world, cannot defeat him. Do you therefore renounce grief and console theyself.
आगम्_SFu3In त्वद्_SG भर्तृ_SNM शीघ्रम्_ हन्_Co मृग_Cp उत्तम_SAM | R न_ तद्_SNM तद्_SGM स्वर_SNM व्यक्त_SANe न_ कश्चित्_SNM अपि_ दैव_SBNe | गन्धर्वनगर_Cp प्रख्या_PNM माया_SNF तद्_SGNe च_ रक्षस्_SGNe |
Sooner shall your husband return killing the best of deer. It is not his voice nor one sent by any deity. It is but an illusion of that Rākşasa (Mārīca).
न्यास_Cp भू_SNPaF अस्_SPr2In वैदेही_SVF न्यस्_SNPaF मद्_SL महात्मन्_SIM | R राम_SIM त्वद्_SN वरारोह_SVF न_ त्वद्_SA त्यज्_In इह_ उत्सह्_SPr1In |
O Vaidehī, you have been left to my charge by the high-souled (Rama)-I therefore do not dare leave you behind, O you the jewel of a damsel.
कृ_PaCp वैर_PNM च_ कल्याण_SVF मद्_PN एतद्_PIM निशाचर_PIM | R खर_SGM निधन_SLNe देवी_SVF जनस्थान_Cp वध_SAM प्रति_ |
We have made these night-rangers our enemies. For compassing the destruction of Khara, O worshipful one, and devastating Janasthāna, Rākṣasas oftentimes use improper words to us in this extensive forest.
राक्षस_PNM विविध_PAF वाच्_PAF व्याहृ_PPr3In महत्_Cp वन_SLNe | R हिंसा_Cp विहार_SNF वैदेही_SVF न_ चिन्तय्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
O Vaidehī, to create mischief to the pious is the only amusement of these Rākşasas-you shoudst not therefore be anxious for this.
लक्ष्मण_SIM एवम्_ वच्_SNPaF तु_ क्रुध्_SNPaF संरञ्ज्_PaCp लोचन_SNF | R ब्रू_S3ImIn परुष_SANe वाक्य_SANe लक्ष्मण_SAM सत्य_Cp वादिन्_SAM |
Being thus addressed by him her eyes were reddened with ire, and she spake these harsh words to the truthful Lakşmaņa.
अनार्य_Cp करुणा_Cp आरम्भ_SVM नृशंस_SVM कुल_Cp पांसन_SVM | R मद्_SN त्वद्_SG प्रिय_SANe मन्_SPr1In राम_SGM व्यसन_SANe महत्_SANe | R राम_SGM व्यसन_SANe दृश्_Co तेन_ एतद्_PANe प्रभाष्_SPr2In |
O cruel one! O you the destroyer of your line! it is a disgrace to you that you wishest to protect me (killing Răma). Methinks, this mighty disaster of Rāma is welcome to you, or else why should you seeing this, speak thus, O Laksmana.
न_ एव_ चित्र_SNNe सपत्न_PLM पाप_SNNe लक्ष्मण_SVM यद्_SNNe भू_SPr3O | त्वद्विध_PLM नृशंस_PLM नित्यम्_ प्रच्छद्_PaCp चारिन्_PLM |
It is not a wonder that an evil desire lurks in you who are a hypocrite and a cruel-hearted cnemy.
सु_ दुष्_SNPaM त्वद्_SN वन_SLNe राम_SAM एक_SAM एक_SNM अनुगम्_SPr2In | R मद्_SG हेतु_SBM प्रतिच्छद्_SNPaM प्रयुज्_SNPaM भरत_SIM वा_ मद्_PA मद्_SG हेतु_SBM प्रतिच्छद्_SNPaM प्रयुज्_SNPaM भरत_SIM वा_ मद्_PA मद्_SG हेतु_SBM प्रतिच्छद्_SNPaM प्रयुज्_SNPaM भरत_SIM वा_ मद्_PA मद्_SG हेतु_SBM प्रतिच्छद्_SNPaM प्रयुज्_SNPaM भरत_SIM
Verily are you a monster of wickedness, that Rāma repairing to woods, you have, being lustful for me, followed him alone. Or hast you been engaged by Bharata to act thus?
तद्_SNNe न_ सिध्_SPr3In सौमित्रि_SVM त्वद्_SG अपि_ भरत_SGM वा_ आमयन्त्_SLNe वा_ आमयन्त्_SLNe वा_ आमयन्त्_SLNe वा_ आमयन्त्_SLNe वा_ आमयन्ति_SVM वा_ आमयन्ति_SVM वा_ आमयन्ति_SVM त्वद्_SG अपि_ भरत_SGM वा_ आमयन्ति_Cp भरत_SGM वा_ आमयन्ति_Cp वा_ आमयन्ति_SVM त्व् R कथम्_ इन्दीवर_Cp श्याम_SAM राम_SAM पद_Cp अनिभ_Cp ईक्षण_SAM | उपसंश्रि_Co भर्तृ_SAM कामय्_SPr1O पृथग्जन_SAM |
But your or Bharata's intention shall not be satisfied, O Saumitre. How shall I desire another man after serving the lotus-eyed Rāma of dark blue hue as my husband?
समक्ष_SANe त्वद्_SG सौमित्रि_SVM प्राण_PAM त्यज्_SFu1In असंशयम्_ | R राम_SAM बिना_ क्षण_SAM अपि_ न_ एव_ जीव्_SPr1In भू_Cp तल_SLM |
I shall renounce my life before you, therefore, O Laksmana; without Rāma I shall not maintain my being for a moment on this earth.
इति_ वच्_SNPaM परुष_SANe वाक्य_SANe सीता_SIF रोमहर्षण_SANe | R ब्रू_S3ImIn लक्ष्मण_SNM सीता_SAF प्राञ्जलि_SNM तद्_SNM जि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_SNM | उत्तर_SANe स_ उत्सह्_SLNeGd वच्_In दैवत_SNNe भवत्_SIM मद्_SG |
Hearing these brazen words of Sītā, capable of making one's down stand on end, the selfcontrolled Lakşmaņa with joined hands spake to her saying You are a very Goddess to me, I therefore dare not answer you.
वाक्य_SNNe अप्रतिरूप_SNNe तु_ न_ चित्र_SNNe स्त्री_PLF मैथिली_SVF इति_ इति_ इति_ इषु_Cp स्त्री_PLF मैथिली_SVF इषु_Cp स्त्री_PLF मैथिली_SVF इषु_Cp वाक्य_SNNe अप्रतिरूप_SNNe तु_ न_ चित्र_SNNe स्त्री_PLF मैथिली_SVF इषु_Cp वाक्य_SNNe अप्रतिरूप_SNNe तु_ न_ चित्र_SNNe strī R स्वभाव_SNM तु_ एतद्_SNM नारी_PGF इदम्_PLM लोक_PLM दृश्_SPr3InPv |
What you have spoken, O Maithelee, is nothing surprising-for fernales. Such is the nature of womankind on this earth.
विमुच्_PaCp धर्म_PNF चपल_PNF तीक्ष्ण_PNF भेद_Cp कर_PNF स्त्री_PNF | R न_ सह्_SPr1In हि_ ईदृश_SANe वाक्य_SANe वैदेही_SNF जनकात्मजा_SVF | R श्रोत्र_DuGNe उभय_DuGNe मध्य_SLNe तप्_PaCp नाराच_Cp संनिभ_SNNe |
Women by nature are crooked, fickle, devoid of religious knowledge, and bring about difference between father and sons. O Vaidehi, O daughter of Janaka, truly am I incapable of putting up with these words of yours. They have pierced through both of my ears like a heated Nāraca.
उपश्रु_PPr3Im मद्_SG सर्व_PNM साक्षिन्_PNM हि_ वनेचर_PNM | R न्याय_Cp वादिन्_SNM यथा_ वाक्य_SANe वच्_SNPaM मद्_SN परुष_SANe त्वद्_SI अ_ वादिन्_SNM यथा_ वाक्य_SANe वच्_SNPaM मद्_SN परुष_SANe त्वद्_SI अ_ वादिन्_SNM यथा_ वाक्य_SANe वच्_SNPaM मद्_SN परुष_SANe त्वद्_SI अ_ वादिन्_SNM न्याय_Cp वादिन्_SNM यथा_ वाक्य_SANe वच्_SNPaM R धिक्_ त्वद्_SA अद्य_ विनश्_SNPaPrF यत्_ मद्_SA एवम्_ विशङ्क्_SPr2In | R स्त्री_Cp त्व_SBNe दुष्ट_Cp स्वभाव_SIM गुरु_Cp वाक्य_SLNe व्यवस्था_SNPaNe | R गम्_SPr1In यत्र_ काकुत्स्थ_SNM स्वस्ति_SNNe त्वद्_SD अस्_SPr3Im वरानना_SVF |
However the deities ranging in this woodland are my witnesses—may they hear you. I spoke what was fair and have been thus addressed by you with these harsh words. I do always obey my superior's commands. Fie on you! Your destruction is near at hand that do you suspect me, being influenced' by this womanish nature. I shall go where Kākutstha is, may good betide you, O you the best of damsel!
रक्ष्_PPr3Im त्वद्_SA विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SVF समग्र_PNF वन_Cp देवता_PNF | R निमित्त_PNNe हि_ घोर_PNNe यद्_PNNe प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मद्_SG इदम्_PGM निमित्त_PNNe हि_ घोर_PNNe यद्_PNNe प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मद्_SG इदम्_PGM निमित्त_PNNe हि_ घोर_PNNe यद्_PNNe प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मद्_SG एतद्_SNF निमित्त_PNNe हि_ घोर_PNNe यद्_PNNe प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मद्_SG R अपि_ त्वद्_SA सह_ राम_SIM पश्_SPr1O पुनर्_ आगम्_SNPaM |
May the deities of the forest protect you, O you of expansive eyes! many a bad omen appear before me. My I see you again when I shall come back with Rāina.
लक्ष्मण_SIM एवम्_ वच्_SNPaF तु_ रुद्_SNPaPrF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रयत्_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रि_SNPaPrF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रि_SNPaPrF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रि_SNPaPrF लक्ष्मण_SIM एवम्_ वच्_SNPaF तु_ रुद्_SNPaPrF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रि_SNPaPrF लक्ष्मण_SIM एवम्_ uk R प्रतिवच्_SPs3In ततस्_ वाक्य_SANe तीव्र_Cp बाष्प_Cp रिप्लु_SNPaF अस्_SNPaPrF प्रतिवच्_SPs3In ततस्_ वाक्य_SANe तीव्र_Cp बाष्प_Cp रिप्लु_SNPaF आः_ प्रतिवच्_SPs3In ततस्_ वाक्य_SANe तीव्र_Cp बाष्प_Cp रिप्लु_SNPaF आः_ परिप्लु_SNPaF आः_ परिप्लु_SNPaF आः_ परिप्लु_SNPaF āḥ
Being thus accosted by Lakşmaņa the daughter of Janaka replied weeping and being bathed in tears.
गोदावरी_SNF प्रवच्_SFu1In हा_SNPaF राम_SIM लक्ष्मण_SVM | बन्ध्_SFu1In अथवा_ त्यज्_SFu1In विषम_SLNe देह_SANe आत्मन्_SGM | R पा_SPr1In वा_ विष_SANe तीक्ष्ण_SANe प्रविश्_SFu1In हुताशन_SAM | R न_ तु_ मद्_SN राघव_SBM अन्य_SAM कदापि_ पुरुष_SAM स्पृश्_SPr1In |
Without Rama, O Laksmana, I shall drink virulent poison, enter fire or dive into the Godāverī. I shall destroy this body either by hanging or by falling down from the top of a high object. I shall never be able to touch another man but Rāma.
इति_ लक्ष्मण_SAM आश्रु_Co सीता_SNF शोक_Cp समन्वित_SNF | R पाणि_DuIM रुद्_SNPaPrF दुःशास्_Cp उदर_SANe प्रहन्_SPs3In ह_ |
Speaking thus to Lakşmaņa, Sītā, being enveloped with grief, weeping, struck her belly* with her hands. Properly it should be Struck her breast. But it has a special significance here, i.e.-she would not be satisfied until her belly be filled with all the Raksasas salin.तामार्तरूपां विमना रुदन्ती
सौमित्रि_SNM आलोकय्_Co विशाल_Cp नेत्र_SAF | R अस्_SAPaM भ्रातृ_SAM कश्चित्_SANe वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF अदस्_SNF अस्_SAPaM भ्रातृ_SAM कश्चित्_SANe वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF अमी_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF अमी_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF वच्_SPs3In सीता_SNF वच्_SPs3
Seeing the daughter of Janaka of expansive eyes weep thus in pitiable accents, Lakşmaņa losing his attention began to console her.
ततस्_ तु_ सीता_SAF अभिवादय्_Co लक्ष्मण_SVM कृ_PaCp अञ्जलि_SNM कश्चित्_PANe अभिप्रणम्_Co | R अवेक्ष्_SNPaPrM बहुशस्_ तद्_SNM मैथिली_SNF गम्_SPs3In राम_SGM समीप_SANe आत्मवत्_SNM |
Afterwards the pure-hearted Laksmana, having control over his senses, saluting Sītā with clasped palms and bending low a little proceeded where Rāma was, casting again and again his glance upon her as he went.
तद्_SIF परुष_SANe वच्_SNPaM तु_ कुप्_SNPaM राघव_Cp अनुज_SNM | R तद्_SNM विकाङ्क्ष्_SNPaPrM भृशम्_ राम_SAM प्रस्था_SPs3In नचिर_SBNe इव_ अ_ वै_ | तद्_SNM विकाङ्क्ष्_SNPaPrM भृशम्_ राम_SAM प्रस्था_SPs3In नचिर_SBNe इव_ अ_ वै_ |
Having been addressed with those harsh words the younger brother of Rāghava, enraged, proceeded at once, being anxious to see Rāma.
तदा_ आसादय्_Co दशग्रीव_SNM क्षिप्रम्_ अन्तर_SANe आस्था_SNPaM | अभिक्रम्_SPs3In वैदेही_SNF परिव्राजक_Cp रूपधृक्_SNF |
Thereupon the ten-necked one, availing of this opportunity came before Vaidehī assuming the semblance of a mendicant.
श्लक्ष्ण_Cp काषाय_Cp संव्ये_SNPaM शिखिन्_SNM छत्त्रिन्_SNM उपानहिन्_SNM | R वाम_SLM च_ अंस_SLM अवसञ्ज्_Co अथ_ शुभ_SLM यष्टि_Cp कमण्डलु_Cp उत्सञ्ज्_Co अथ_ शुभ_SLM यष्टि_Cp कमण्डलु_Cp उत्सञ्ज्_Co अथ_ शुभ_SLM यष्टि_Cp कमण्डलु_Cp उत्सञ्ज्_Co अथ_ शुभ_SLM यष्टि_Cp कमण्डलु_Cp उत्सञ्ज्_Co अथ_ शुभ_SLM R परिव्राजक_Cp रूप_SINe वैदेही_SAF अनुवृत्_S3ImIn | R तद्_SAF आसद्_SPs3In अतिबल_SNM भ्रातृ_DuIM रहित_SAF वनेशस्_ तद्_SAF आसद्_SPs3In अतिबल_SNM भ्रातृ_DuIM रहित_SAF वनेशस्_ तद्_SAF आसद्_SPs3In अतिबल_SNM भ्रातृ_DuIM रहित_SAF वनेशस्_ तद्_SAF आसद्_SPs3In अतिबल_SNM भ्रातृ_DuIM रहित_SAF वन्
Wearing a soft silken cloth, with a lock of hair on his head with an umbrella and shoes and having on his left shoulder a rod and kamandalu the highly powerful one assuming the appearance of a wandering devotee carrying three long bamboo staves appeared before Vaidehi in the forest when there was none of the brothers by her.
रहित_SAF सूर्य_Cp चन्द्र_DuIM संध्या_SAF इव_ महत्तम_SNM | R तद्_SAF पश्_S3ImIn ततस्_ बाल_SAF राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SAF यशस्विन्_SAF | R रोहिणी_SNF शशिन्_SIM हा_SAPaF ग्रह_Cp वत्_ भृश_Cp दारु_SGNe |
He saw there the young and pious daughter of the king like to an evening void of both sun and moon and as the highly terrible Rahu eyes Rohini forsaken by Moon.
तद्_SAM उग्र_SAM पाप_Cp कर्मन्_SAM जनस्थान_Cp गम्_PNPaM द्रुम_PNM | संदृश्_Co न_ प्रकम्प्_PPr3In न_ प्रवा_SPr3In च_ मारुत_SNM | R शीघ्र_Cp स्रोतस्_SNM च_ तद्_SAM दृश्_Co वीक्ष्_SAPaPrM रक्त_Cp लोचन_SAM | R स्तिमित_SANe गम्_In आरभ्_SPs3In भय_SBNe गोदावरी_SNF नदी_SNF |
Seeing that terrible one the doer of evil deeds, the trees of Janasthāna did not move nor the wind did blow. Seeing him eye Sītā with his blood-red eyes, the fast streaming river Godāverī even slackened its course out of fear.
राम_SGM तु_ अन्तर_SANe प्रेप्सु_SNM दशग्रीव_SNM तद्_Cp अन्तर_SLNe | उपस्था_SPs3In च_U वैदेही_SNF भिक्षु_Cp रूप_SINe रावण_SNM |
In the mean time the Ten-necked Rävana, enquiring about Rāma's weak points appeared before Vaidehī in the guise of a mendicant.
अभव्य_SNM भू_GdCp रूप_SINe भर्तृ_SAM अनुशुच्_SPr3In ईं_ | अभिवृत्_S3ImIn वैदेही_SAF चित्रा_SAF इव_ शनैश्चर_SNM |
Like to Sani approaching citră, that impious one, assuming the appearance of a pious man like a well covered with grass, approached Vaidehī who was bewailing her husband.
सहस्_SINe भू_GdCp रूप_SINe तृण_PINe कूप_SNM इव_ आवृ_SNPaM | R स्था_S3ImIn प्रेक्ष्_Co वैदेही_SAF राम_Cp पत्नी_SNF यशस्विन्_SAF |
And seeing that pious spouse of Rāma-Vaidehi, Ravana stood before her.
स्था_SNPaPrM सम्प्रेक्ष्_Co च_ तदा_ पत्नी_SNF राम_SGM रावण_SNM | R शुभ_SAF रुचिर_Cp दन्त_Cp उष्ठी_SNF पूर्णचन्द्र_Cp निभ_Cp आनन_SAF | आस्_SAPaF पर्ण_Cp शाला_SLF बाष्प_Cp शोक_Cp अभिपीडय्_SAPaF |
Her lips and teeth were extremely fine, her face resembled the full moon and her eyes were like lotus-petals. She had a yellow siiken cloth on and sat in the thatched cottage, overwhelmed with grief and bathed in tears.
तद्_SNM तद्_SAF पद्म_Cp पलाश_Cp अक्ष_SAF पातक_Cp औशेय_Cp वासिन्_SAF | अभिगम्_S3ImIn वैदेही_SAF हृष्_PaCp चेतस्_SNM निशाचर_SNM |
And that ranger of the night with a pleased heart approached Vaidehī.
दृश्_Co काम_Cp शर_Cp आव्यध्_SNPaM ब्रह्मघोष_SAM उदीरय्_SNPaPrM | R ब्रू_S3ImIn प्रश्रित_SANe वाक्य_SANe रहित_SLNe राक्षस_Cp धिप_SNM | R तद्_SAF उत्तम_SAF त्रि_Cp लोक_PGM पद्म_Cp हा_SAPaF इव_ श्री_SAF | तद्_SAF उत्तम_SAF त्रि_Cp लोक_PGM पद्म_Cp हा_SAPaF इव_ श्री_SAF | R विभ्राज्_SAPaPrF वपुस्_SINe रावण_SNM प्रशंस्_SPs3In ह_ |
Seeing her that lord of Rākṣasas was pierced with the shafts of passion. And speaking highly of her, surpassing in beauty the three worlds and resembling by the excellence of her own person the very goddess of wealth herself Rāvana uttering the name of God spake to her,
रौप्य_Cp काञ्चन_Cp वर्ण_Cp आभ_SVF पीत_Cp कौशेय_Cp वासिन्_SVF | R कमल_PGM शुभ_SAF माला_SAF पद्मिनी_SNF इव_ च_ भृ_SNPaPrF |
O you having the colour of gold and silver, O you wearing silken cloth, O you appearing like a lotus wearing a garland of lotus-petals, O you of beautiful countenance!
ह्री_SNF श्री_SNF कीर्ति_SNF शुभ_SNF लक्ष्मी_SNF अप्सरस्_SNF वा_ शुभ_Cp आनन_SVF | R भूति_SNF वा_ त्वद्_SN वरारोह_SVF रति_SNF वा_ स्वैरचारिणी_SNF |
Are you Bashfulness, Beauty, Fame, Wealth, Apsarā, Dignity or Rati herself who is ranging at will in this forest?
सम_PNF शिखरिन्_PNF स्निग्ध_PNF पाण्डुर_PNF दशन_PNM तव_Cp पवम_Cp शिखरिन्_PNM स्निग्ध_PNM पाण्डुर_PNM दशन_PNM तव_Cp अस्तव_SNM | R विशाल_DuNNe विमल_DuNNe नेत्र_DuNNe रक्त_Cp अन्त_DuNNe कृष्ण_Cp तारका_DuNF | R विशाल_SAM जघन_SAM पीन_SAM ऊरु_DuAM करिन्_Cp कर_Cp उपम_DuAM |
All your teeth are equal having their tops like to the buds of Kunda flower, beautiful and yellow. Your eyes are expansive, clear, of bloody hue, and having black pupils. Your hip is fleshy and spacious. Your thighs are like those of elephants, round, fleshy and perfectly strong.
एतद्_DuNM उपचि_DuNPaM वृत्ति_SLF संहन्_DuNPaM सम्प्रगल्भ्_DuNPaM | पीन_Cp उन्नम्_PaCp मुख_DuNM कान्त_DuNM स्निग्ध_Cp ताल_Cp फल_Cp उपम_DuNM | R मणि_Cp प्रवेक_Cp आभरण_DuNM रुचिर_DuNM त्वद्_SG पयोधर_DuNM |
Your nipples are bulky, pointed, highly captivating like cold palm fruits, beautiful and ornamented with diverse jewels.