चारु_Cp स्मित_SVF चारुदत्_SVF चारु_Cp नेत्र_SVF विलासिनी_SVF | R मनस्_SANe हृ_SPr2In मद्_SG रामा_SVF नदी_Cp कूल_SANe इव_ अम्भस्_SINe |
O you of beautiful smile! O you of beautiful teeth! O you of beautiful eyes! O fine damsel, you did carry away my heart like to a river carrying away its banks by its stream.
कर_Cp अन्त_Cp मित_SANe अध्यास्_SPr2In सु_ केश_SVF संहन्_PaCp स्तनि_Cp मध्य_Cp अस्_SPr2In सु_ केश_SVF संहन्_PaCp स्तनि_Cp मध्य_Cp अस्_SPr2In सु_ केश_SVF संहन्_PaCp स्तनि_Cp मध्य_Cp अस्_SPr2In सु_ केश_SVF संहन्_PaCp स्तनि_Cp मदिन्_Cp स्तनि_Cp संहन्_PaCp स्तनि_Cp मदिन्_Cp स्तनि_Cp saṃha R न_ एव_ देवी_SNF न_ गन्धर्वी_SNF न_ यक्षी_SNF न_ च_ किंनरी_SNF |
The lock of your hair is exquisitely fine, your breast very close and your waist is so thin that they may be got round even by fingers. There is none so beautiful like you-a Goddess, a Gandharvi, a Yaksi or a Kinnari.
न_ एवंरूप_SNF मद्_SI नारी_SNF दृश्_PaCp पूर्व_SNF मही_Cp तल_SLM | R रूप_SNNe अग्र्य_SNNe च_ लोक_PLM सौकुमार्य_SNNe वयस्_SNNe च_ तद्_PNM | इह_ वास_SNM च_ कान्तार_SLM चित्त_SANe उन्माथय्_PPr3In मद्_SD इह_ वास_SNM च_ कान्तार_SLM चित्त_SANe उन्माथय्_PPr3In मद्_SD इह_ वास_SNM च_ कान्तार_SLM चित्त_SANe उन्माथय्_PPr3In मद्_SD इह_ वास_SNM च_ कान्तार_SLM चित्त_SANe उन्माथय्_PPr3In मद्_SD इह_ वास_SNM च_ kān R तद्_SNF प्रतिकाम_SVM भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SD न_ त्वद्_SN वस्_In इह_ अर्ह्_SPr2In |
I had never seen before on this earth a damsel so beautiful as you. This your beauty the best on earth, your youth, your grace and your abode in the forest do agitate my mind. So it is well for you to come (with me); it does not behove you to remain here.
राक्षस_PGM इदम्_SNM वासस्_SNNe घोर_PGM कामरूपिन्_PGM | R प्रासाद_Cp अग्र_PNNe रम्य_PNNe नगर_Cp उपवन_PNNe च_ | सम्पद्_PNPaNe सुगन्धि_PNNe युज्_PNPaNe आचर्_In त्वद्_SI आमया_ आचर्_In त्वद्_SI आमया_ आं_ सम्पद्_PNPaNe सुगन्धि_PNNe युज्_PNPaNe आचर्_In त्वद्_SI आमया_ आं_ सम्पद्_PNPaNe सुगन्धि_PNNe युज्_PNPaNe आचर्_In त्वद्_SI आमया_ आं_ सम्पद्_PNPaNe सुगन्धि_PNNe yuktā
This is the abode of terrible Rākşasas wearing shapes at will. Picturesque palaces, prosperous cities and sweet-smelling gardens are worthy of your abode.
वर_SNNe माल्य_SNNe वर_SNNe गन्ध_SAM वर_SNNe वस्त्र_SNNe च_ शोभन_SVF | R भर्तृ_SAM च_ वर_SAM मन्_SPr1In त्वद्_Cp युज्_SAPaM असित_Cp ईक्षण_SVF |
O you of dark-blue eyes, fine is your garland, fine is the sinell of your person and fine is your apparel-me-thinks fine is your husband too.
क_SNF त्वद्_SN भू_SPr2In रुद्र_PGM मरुत्_PGM वा_ शुचि_Cp स्मित_SVF | R वसु_PGM वा_ वरारोह_SVF देवता_SNF प्रतिभा_SPr2In मद्_SD |
O you of pure smile! whom do you belong to?-Rudras, Marutas, or Vasus-Meseems, O fine damsel you are a very gooddes.
न_ इह_ गम्_PPr3In गन्धर्वन्_SNM तद्_PNM देव_SVM तद्_SNM च_ किंनर_PNM | R राक्षस_PGM इदम्_SNM वासस्_SNNe कथम्_ तु_ त्वद्_SN इह_ आगम्_SNPaF आगम्_SNPaF अम्बु_SNF राक्षस_PGM इदम्_SNM वासस्_SNNe कथम्_ तु_ त्वद्_SN इह_ आगम्_SNPaF आगम्_SNPaF अम्बु_SNF राक्षस_PGM इदम्_SNM वासस्_SNNe कथम्_ तु_ त्वद्_SN इह_ आगम्_SNPaF अम्बा_SNF रा
No one comes here—the Gandharvas, the celestials or Kinnaras; this is an abode of the Rākşasa how do you come here.
इह_ शाखामृग_PNM सिंह_PNM द्वीपिन्_Cp व्याघ्र_Cp मृग_PNM वृक_PNM | R ऋक्ष_PNM तरक्षु_PNM कङ्क_PNM कथम्_ तद्_PBM न_ |
Are you not afraid of these monkeys, lions, tigers, wolves bears, herons and hyenas?
मद_Cp अन्वित_PGM घोर_PGM कुञ्जर_PGM तरस्विन्_PGM | R कथम्_ एक_SNF महत्_Cp अरण्य_SLNe न_ विभू_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SVF इष्_SPr2In वरानना_SV
Alone in this forest, are you not afraid of these terrible elephants of fierce motion and maddened with the exuding of their temporal juice?
इति_U प्रशंस्_SNPaPsM वैदेही_SNF रावण_SIM महात्मन्_SIM | द्विजाति_Cp वेष_SIM हि_ तद्_SAM दृश्_Co रावण_SAM आगम्_SAPaM | R सर्व_PIM अतिथि_Cp सत्कार_PIM पूजय्_SPs3InPe मैथिली_Cp ज_PIM सर्व_PIM अतिथि_Cp सत्कार_PIM पूजय्_SPs3InPe मैथिली_Cp जैथिली_Cp सत्कार_PIM पूजय्_SPs3InPe मैथिली_Cp जैथिली_Cp सत्कार_PIM पूजय्_SPs3InPe मैथिली_Cp जैथिली_Cp
Thus addressed was Vaidehĩ by the vicious souled Rāvana. Seeing him come under the guise of a twice-born one, Maithelee worshipped him with diverse articles necessary for serving a guest.
उपानीय_Cp आसन_SANe पूर्वम्_ प्रायेन_ अभिनिमन्त्रय्_Co च_ | R ब्रू_S3ImIn सिध्_SNPaNe इति_ एव_ तदा_ तद्_SAM सौम्यदर्शन_SAM |
Offering him a seat first and afterwards inviting him to wash his feet she said to that one of placid look cooked rice is ready.
द्विजाति_Cp वेष_SIM समीक्ष्_Co मैथिली_SNF समागम्_SAPaM पात्र_Cp कुसुम्भ_Cp धारिन्_SAM | R निमन्त्रय्_S3ImIn ब्राह्मण_Cp वत्_ तथागत_SAM |
Seeing Rāvaņa approach with Kamandalu and wearing a red cloth under the guise of a Brāhmana, Maithelee could not pass by him any way, and considering him a twice-born one by various signs invited him as if a Brāhmana ,
मिदम्_SNNe च_ पाद्य_SNNe प्रतिग्रह्_SPr3ImPv इति_ | इदम्_SNNe च_ सिध्_SNPaNe वन_Cp जन्_SNPaNe उत्तम_SNNe त्वद्_Cp अर्थ_SAM अव्यग्र_SNNe इह_ उपभुज्_SPr3ImPv |
O Brāhmana, do you sit on this seat facing the right; do you take this water to wash your feet); do you enjoy these well-cooked eatables growing in the forest and intended for you.
निमन्त्रय्_SNPaPrMPv प्रतिपूर्ण_Cp भाषिन्_SAF नरेन्द्र_Cp पत्नी_SNF प्रसमीक्ष्_Co मैथिली_SAF | R प्रसह्_Co तद्_SGF हरण_SLNe दृढ_SANe मनस्_SANe समर्पय्_SPs3InPe वध_SDM रावण_SNM |
Jānakí the wife of Lord of men inviting him thus, Ravana, casting a look upon her, addressed himself for his own destruction, to carry her away.
ततस्_ सु_ वेष_SAM मृगया_Cp गम्_SAPaM प्रति_ प्रतीक्ष्_SNPaPrF सहलक्ष्मण_SAM तदा_ | R निरीक्ष्_SNPaPrF हरित_SAM दृश्_SPs3In तद्_SANe महत्_SANe वन_SANe न_ एव_ तु_ राम_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuNM |
She was anxiously expecting the return of Rāma who had gone a-hunting with Lakşmaņa; she looked around and beheld but on all sides the spacious yellow forest-land-~-there was neither Rāma nor Lakşmaņa.
रावण_SIM तु_ वैदेही_SNF तदा_ प्रच्छ्_SNPaF जिहीर्षु_SIM | परिव्राजक_Cp रूप_SINe शंस्_SPs3In आत्मन्_SAM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्मन्_SIM आत्म्
Being thus addressed by Rāvaņa under the guise of a mendicant, desirous of carrying her away Vaidehī thought within herself.
ब्राह्मण_SNM च_ अतिथि_SNM च_ एव_ अन्_ वच्_SNPaM हि_ शप्_SPr3O मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA m इति_ ध्या_Co मुहूर्त_SANe तु_ सीता_SNF वचन_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
This person is my guest and a Brahmin; he may curse me if I do not speak to him. Thinking this for a moment Sītā said.
दुहितृ_SNF जनक_SGM मद्_SN मैथिल_SGM महात्मन्_SGM | R सीता_SNF नामन्_SINe अस्_SPr1In भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SD राम_SGM महिषी_SNF प्रिय_SNF |
May good betide you! I am the daughter of the high-souled Janaka, the king of Mithilā, the beloved Queen of Rāma and my name is Sītā.
वस्_Co द्वादशन्_SANe समा_PAF इक्ष्वाकु_PGM निवेशन_SLNe | R भुज्_PNPaPrM मानुष_PAM भोग_PAM सर्व_Cp काम_Cp समृद्धिन्_SNF |
Dwelling in the palace of Ikşäkus for twelve years, I enjoyed many things passing human and had all my desires satisfied.
तत्र_ त्रयोदश_SLM वर्ष_SLM राजन्_SNM आमन्त्रय्_S3ImIn प्रभु_SNM | R अभिषेचय्_In राम_SAM समे_SNPaM राजन्_Cp मन्त्रिन्_PIM |
On the thirteenth year king (Dasaratha) counselled with his ministers about the installation of Rāma.
तद्_SLNe संधृ_SLPaPrNePv तु_ राघव_SGM अभिषेचन_SLNe | कैकेयी_SNF नाम_ भर्तृ_SAM मद्_SG आर्य_SNF याच्_SPr3In वन_SANe |
Accordingly everything necessary for the installation being made ready, KaikeyI, one of my mothers-in-law, begged of her husband a boon.
न_ अद्य_ भुज्_SFu1In न_ च_ स्वप्_SFu1In न_ पा_SFu1In न_ कदाचन_ | एतद्_SNM मद्_SG जीवित_SGNe अन्त_SNM राम_SNM यत्_ अभिषिच्_SPr3InPv |
And said-I shall never eat, drink or sleep and (if Rāma be installed) I shall end my life.
इति_ ब्रू_SAPaPrF कैकेयी_SAF श्वशुर_SNM मद्_SG तद्_SNM पार्थिव_SNM | R याच्_S3ImIn अर्थ_PIM अन्वस्त_PIM न_ च_ याञ्च_SAF कृ_SPs3In तद्_SNF याच्_S3ImIn अर्थ_PIM अन्वस्त_PIM न_ च_ याञ्च_SAF कृ_SPs3In तद्_SNF याञ्च_S3ImIn अर्थ_PIM अन्वस्त_PIM न_ च_ याञ्च_SAF कृ_SPs3In तद्_SNF याञ्च_S3ImIn अर्थ_PIM अन्वस्त_PIM न_ च_ याञ्च_SAF cak
Kaikeyī speaking thus, that lord of earth, my father-in-law begged her to accept diverse riches; but Kaikeyi did not agree.
मद्_SG भर्तृ_SNM महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM वयस्_SINe पञ्चविंशक_SNM | R अष्टादशन्_SNNe हि_U वर्ष_PNNe मद्_SG जन्मन्_SLNe गणय्_SPr3InPv |
Then the highly effulgent Răma, my husband was twenty-five years old, and myself was eighteen years old counting from my birth.
राम_SVM इति_ प्रथ्_SNPaM लोक_SLM सत्य_Cp वा_Cp शीलवत्_SNM शुचि_SNM | R विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SNM महत्_Cp बाहु_SNM सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp हित_SLNe रम्_SNPaM |
My husband is known all over the world under the name of Rāma he is truthful, goodnatured, of pure character, ever engaged in the welfare of all created beings, of mighty-arms and expansive eyes.
काम_Cp आर्त_SNM च_ महत्_Cp राज_SNM पितृ_SNM दशरथ_SNM स्वयम्_ | R कैकेयी_SGF प्रिय_Cp काम_Cp अर्थ_SAM तद्_SAM राम_SAM न_ अभिषेचय्_S3ImIn |
Our father the king Daśaratha was entirely under the control of passions, and hence for the satisfaction of Kaikeyi did not install Rāma.-
अभिषेक_SDM तु_ पितृ_SGM समीप_SANe राम_SAM आगम्_SAPaM | R कैकेयी_SNF मद्_SG भर्तृ_SAM इति_ वच्_SPs3In द्रु_SAPaNe वचस्_SANe |
When Rāma came to his father for being installed Kaikeyi spoke to my husband the following cruel words.
त्वद्_SG पितृ_SIM समाज्ञपय्_SAPaNe मद्_SG इदम्_SANe श्रु_SPr2Im राघव_SVM | R भरत_SDM प्रदा_SNNeGd इदम्_SNNe राज्य_SNNe अकण्टक_SNNe | त्वद्_SI तु_ खलु_ वस्_SNNeGd नवन्_SANe वर्ष_PANe पञ्चन्_PANe च_ | R वन_SLNe प्रव्रज्_SPr2Im काकुत्स्थ_SVM पितृ_SAM मोचय्_SPr2Im अनृत_SBNe |
Do you hear, O Rāghava, how I have been ordered by your Sire. This kingdom, rid of thorns is to be conferred of Bharata, and you shall have to sojourn into woods for years nine and five. Do you therefore repair to forest, O Kākutstha and save your Sire from untruth.
तथा_ इति_ वच्_SPs3In तद्_SAF राम_SNM कैकेयी_SAF अकुतोभय_SNM | कृ_SPs3In तद्_Cp वचस्_SANe श्रु_Co भर्तृ_SNM मद्_SG दृढ_Cp व्रत_SNM |
Whereto Rāma fearlessly replied 'So be it!' Hearing her words my husband of firm vows acted accordingly.
दा_SPr3O न_ प्रतिग्रह्_SPr3O सत्य_SANe ब्रू_SPr3O न_ च_ अनृत_SANe | एतद्_SNNe ब्राह्मण_SVM राम_SGM व्रत_SNNe धृ_SNPaNe अनुत्तम_SNNe |
He always maketh gifts and taketh none. He always speaketh truth and never telleth an untruth. This is his best observance O Brāhmana.
तद्_SGM भ्रातृ_SNM तु_ वैमात्र_SNM लक्ष्मण_SNM नाम_ वीर्यवत्_SNM | R राम_SGM पुरुष_Cp व्याघ्र_SNM सहाय_SNM समर_SLNe अरि_Cp हन्_SNM | R तद्_SNM भ्रातृ_SNM लक्ष्मण_SNM नाम_ ब्रह्मचारिन्_SNM दृढ_Cp व्रत_SNM |
His half-brother named Lakşmaņa is of mighty prowess. That best of men is Rāma's help and the destroyer of foes in battle. That brother of his named Lakşmaņa is of firm resolution and given to asceticism.
अनुगम्_S3ImIn धनुष्पाणि_SNM प्रव्रज्_SAPaPrM मद्_SI सह_ | R जटिन्_SNM तापस_Cp रूप_SINe मद्_SI सह_ सह_ अनुज_SNM | R प्रविश्_SNPaM दण्डक_Cp अरण्य_SANe धर्म_Cp नित्य_SNM दृढ_Cp व्रत_SNM |
With a bow in hand he has followed (Rama) flying as an exile to woods along with me. Thus that one (Rāma) of firm resolution and ever engaged in pious offices wearing matted hair and assuming the semblance of an ascetic has entered this forest of Dandaka along with myself and his younger brother,
एवम्_ ब्रू_SLPaPrF सीता_SLF राम_Cp पल्ली_SLF महत्_Cp बल_SNM | R प्रतिवच्_SPs3In उत्तर_SANe तीव्र_SVM रावण_SNM राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SNM |
Sītā the wife of Rāma speaking thus, the mighty Lord of Rākşasas-Rävana replied with these harsh words,
यद्_SIM वित्रासय्_PNPaM लोक_PNM स_ देव_Cp असुर_Cp मानुष_PNM | R मद्_SN तद्_SNM रावण_SNM नाम_ सीता_SVF रक्षस्_Cp गण_Cp ईश्वर_SNM |
O Sītā I am that Rāvaņa, the lord of Rākşasas, whoin fear the celestials, Asuras and human beings.
त्वद्_SA तु_ काञ्चन_Cp वर्ण_Cp आभ_SAF दृश्_Co कौशेय_Cp वासिन्_PGM | R स्वक_PLM दार_PLM न_ अधिगम्_SPr1In अनिन्दित_SVF |
O you of blameless beauty, seeing you of golden hue and wearing silk cloth I do not relish my own wives.
बह्नि_PGM उत्तम_Cp स्त्री_PGF आहृ_PGPaF इतस्_ ततस्_ | सर्व_PGF एव_ भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG महाग्रमहिषी_SNF भू_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG महाग्रमहिषी_SNF भू_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im सर्व_PGF एव_ भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG महाग्रमहिषी_SNF भू_SPr2Im अव्_SPr2Im सर्व_PGF एव_ भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG महाग्र्
I have brought many a beautiful damsel from various quarters, do you become my foremost Queen among them.
लङ्का_SNF नाम_ समुद्र_SGM मध्य_SLNe मद्_SG महत्_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp लङ्का_SNF नाम_ समुद्र_SGM मध्य_SLNe मद्_SG महत्_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp पुरी_Cp la सागर_SIM परिक्षिप्_PNPaM निविश्_PNPaM गिरि_Cp मूर्धन्_SLM |
That great city in the midst of the ocean, Larkā, encircled on all sides by the sea and situated on the summit of a hill, is my capital.
तत्र_ सीता_SVF मद्_SI सार्धम्_ वन_PLNe विचर्_SFu2In | R न_ च_ इदम्_SGM वन_Cp वास_SGM स्पृहय्_SFu2In भामिनी_SVF |
There shall you with me, O Sītā, walk in gardens, and thus you shall no more long for living in the forest.
पञ्चन्_PNF दासी_PNF सहस्र_PNNe सर्व_Cp आभरण_Cp भूषय्_PNPaF | सीता_SVF परिचर्_PFu3In भार्या_SNF भू_SPr2In मद्_SG यदि_ |
If you did become my wife, O Sītā, five thousand maid-servants decorated with divers ornaments shall serve you.
रावण_SIM एवम्_ वच्_SNPaF तु_ कुप्_SNPaF जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn कुप्_SNPaF जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn कुप्_SNPaF जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn तु_ कुप्_SNPaF जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn तु_ कुप्_SNPaF जनकात्मजा_SNF अस्_S3ImIn तु_ कुप्_SNPaF जनकात्मजा_SNF आत्मजा_SNF आत्मजा_SNF ātmaj R प्रतिवच्_SPs3In अनवद्याङ्ग_SNF तद्_SAM अन्_ आदृ_Co राक्षस_SAM |
That blameless daughter of Janaka, being thus addressed by Ravana, was highly enraged, and, passing by him, replied.
महत्_Cp गिरि_SAM इव_ आकम्पय्_Co महत्_Cp इन्द्र_Cp सदृश_SAM पति_SAM | R महत्_Cp उदधि_SAM इव_ अक्षोभ्य_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF अस्_SPr1In महत्_Cp उदधि_SAM इव_ अक्षोभ्य_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF अस्_SPr1In महत्_Cp उदधि_SAM इव_ अक्षोभ्य_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF अस्_SPr1In महत्_Cp उदधि_SAM इव_ अक्षोभ्य_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM
I am a dependant of Rāma, who is incapable of being, shaken, like to a mighty mountain, incapable of being agitated, like to a vast ocean, and resembling Mahendra in effulgence.
सर्व_Cp लक्षण_Cp सम्पद्_SAPaM न्यग्रोध_Cp ररि_Cp मण्डल_SAM | R सत्य_Cp संधा_SAM महाभाग_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF इदम्_SNM सत्य_Cp संधा_SAM महाभाग_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF इदम्_SNM सत्य_Cp संधा_SAM महाभाग_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF इदम्_SNM सत्य_Cp संधा_SAM महाभाग_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM
I am a dependant of that great and truthful Rāma who is gifted with auspicious marks and like to a fig tree.
महत्_Cp बाहु_SAM महत्_Cp उरस्क_SAM सिंह_Cp विक्रान्त_Cp गामिन्_SAM | R नृसिंह_SAM सिंह_Cp संकाश_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_SNF |
I am a dependant of that lion among men, Rāma, of mighty arms, of a spacious breast an treading like a lion.
पूर्ण_Cp चन्द्र_Cp आनन_SAM राम_SAM राजन्_Cp वत्स_SAM जि_PaCp इन्द्रिय_SAM | R पृथु_Cp कीर्ति_SAM महत्_Cp बाहु_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_PNF पृथु_Cp कीर्ति_SAM महत्_Cp बाहु_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_PNF इदम्_SNM पृथु_Cp कीर्ति_SAM महत्_Cp बाहु_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM अनुव्रत_PNF इदम्_SNM पृथु_Cp कीर्ति_SAM महत्_Cp बाहु_SAM मद्_SN राम_SAM anuvrat
I am a dependant of that son of a king, Rāma, of mighty arms, having control over his passions, whose face resembles the full moon and whose fame has spread far and wide over the earth.36
त्वद्_SN पुनर्_ जम्बुक_SVM सिंही_SAF मद्_SA इह_ इष्_SPr2In दुर्लभ_SAF | R न_ मद्_SN शक्य_SNF त्वद्_SI स्पृश्_In आदित्य_SGM प्रभा_SNF यथा_ |
Why do you being a tiger wish for a she-lion? You shall not be able to touch me like to the rays of the sun.
पादप_PAM काञ्चन_PAM नूनम्_ बहु_PAM पश्_SPr2In मन्द_Cp भाज्_SNM काञ्चन_PAM नूनम्_ बहु_PAM पश्_SPr2In मन्द_Cp भाज्_SNM काञ्चन_PAM नूनम्_ बहु_PAM पश्_SPr2In मन्द_Cp भाज्_SNM काञ्चन_PAM नूनम्_ बहु_PAM पश्_SPr2In मन्द_Cp भाज्_SNM काञ्चन_PAM नूनम्_ बहु_ R राघव_SGM प्रिय_SAF भार्या_SAF यद्_SNM त्वद्_SN इष्_SPr2In राक्षस_SVM |
O you wretched Rākşasa, when you have desired to steal away Raghhava's beloved spouse, surely do you see these trees (before you) as made of gold.
क्षुध्_SGPaM च_ सिंह_SGM मृग_Cp शत्रु_SGM तरस्विन्_SGM | आशीविष_SGM वदन_SBNe दंष्ट्र_SAF आदा_In इष्_SPr2In | मन्दर_SAM पर्वत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SAM पाणि_SIM हृ_In इष्_SPr2In | R कालकूट_SAM विष_SANe पा_Co स्वस्तिमत्_SNM गम्_In इष्_SPr2In | R अक्षि_SANe सूचि_SIF प्रमृज्_SPr2In जिह्वा_SIF लिह्_SPr2In च_ क्षुर_SAM | R राघव_SGM प्रिय_SAF भार्या_SAF अधिगम्_In त्वद्_SN इष्_SPr2In |
Do you wish to uproot the teeth from the mouth of a lion, that enemy of deer, or from that of a serpent? Do you wish to clasp with your hands the Mandara hill, or do you wish to walk in peace after drinking poison? Do you wish to rub your eyes with pins and lick a razor with your tongue?
अवसञ्ज्_Co शिला_SAF कण्ठ_SLM समुद्र_SAM तृ_In इष्_SPr2In | सूर्याचन्द्रमस्_DuAM च_ उभ्_DuAM पाणि_DuIM हृ_In इष्_SPr2In | R यद्_SNM राम_SGM प्रिय_SAF भार्या_SAF प्रधर्षय्_In इष्_SPr2In | अग्नि_SAM प्रज्वल्_SAPaM दृश्_Co वस्त्र_SINe आहृ_In इष्_SPr2In | कल्याण_Cp वृत्त_SANe शूल_PGNe अग्रे_ चर्_In इष्_SPr2In | R राम_SGM सदृश_SNF भार्या_SNF यद्_SNM अधिगम्_In त्वद्_SN इष्_SPr2In |
You did wish to swim across an ocean, having a rock tied to your neck. You did wish to get at the Sun and Moon, to bind a flaming fire with a piece of cloth and walk through iron-spikes, as you have wished to come by the worthy spouse of Rama.
इति_ इव_ तद्_Cp वाक्य_SANe अदुष्ट_Cp भाव_SNF सु_ दुष्_SAPaNe वच्_Co रजनीचर_SAM तद्_SAM | R गात्र_Cp प्रकम्प_SBM व्यथ्_SNPaF भू_SPs3In वात_Cp उद्धन्_SNPaF तद्_SNF कदल_SNF इव_ तन्वी_SNF |
Addressing those words to that wicked ranger of the night, that innocent ($ītā) shook like a plantain tree shaken by the wind.
तद्_SAF विप्_SAPaPrF उपलक्षय्_Co सीता_SAF तद्_SNM रावण_SNM मृत्यु_Cp सम_Cp प्रभाव_SNM | R कुल_SANe बल_SANe नामन्_SANe च_ कर्मन्_SANe च_ आत्मन्_SGM समाचक्ष्_SPs3In भय_Cp कारण_Cp अर्थ_SAM |
There upon Rāvaņa, like to Death in prowess, trembling, began to relate to her with a view to frighten (her) his race, power, name and actions.
एवम्_ ब्रू_SLPaPrF सीता_SLF संरभ्_SNPaM परुष_SANe वचस्_SANe | ललाट_SLNe भृकुटी_SAF कृ_Co रावण_SNM प्रतिवच्_SPs3In ह_ |
After Sītā had spoken these harsh words, Rāvana, enraged, with a frown, replied.
भ्रातृ_SNM वैश्रवण_SGM मद्_SN सापत्न_SNM वरवर्णिनी_SVF | R रावण_SNM नाम_ भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG दशग्रीव_SNM प्रतापवत्_SNM |
O you of a beatiful countenance, I am the step-brother of the Lord of wealth and my name is the mighty Ten-necked Rāvana May good betide you!
यद्_SGM देव_PNM स_ गन्धर्व_PNM पिशाच_Cp पतग_Cp उरग_PNM | R विद्रु_PPr3In सदा_ भी_PNPaF मृत्यु_SBM इव_ सदा_ प्रजा_PNF | R येन_ वैश्रवण_SLM भ्रातृ_SNM वैमात्र_SNM कारण_Cp अन्तर_SLNe | R द्वंद्व_SANe आसादय्_SNPaM कोध_SBM रण_SLM विक्रम्_Co निर्जि_SNPaM |
Like to people fearing Death, the celestials, Gandharvas, Piśāchas, Pannagas and Serpents fly in diverse directions being frightened by me. I have subdued by my prowess, my step-brother, the Lord of wealth in a conflict, quarrelling with him for some reason.
मद्_Cp भय_Cp आर्त_SNM परित्यज्_Co स्व_SANe अधिष्ठान_SANe ऋद्धिमत्_SANe | R कैलास_SAM पर्वत_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SAM अध्यास्_SPr3In नरवाहन_SNM |
Thereat, that one carried by men, renouncing out of my fear this wealthy abode of Lankā, has been living on that Lord of mountains, Kailāśa.
यद्_SGM तद्_SNNe पुष्पक_SNNe नाम_ विमान_SNNe कामग_SNNe शुभ_SNNe | भद्र_SVF यद्_SINe या_SPr1In विहायस्_SAM |
O you auspicious one, by virtue of my prowess I have taken away that beautiful chariot of his called Puspaka. Ascending that chariot you shall travei by the ethereal route.
मद्_SG संजन्_PaCp रोष_SGM मुख_SANe दृश्_Co एव_ मैथिली_SVF इति_ | R विद्रु_PPr3In परित्रस्_PNPaM सुर_PNM शक्र_Cp पुरोगम_PNM |
O Maithilee, when I am excited with ire, Indra and other celestials at the mere sight of my countenance fly away in divers directions out of fear.
यत्र_ स्था_SPr1In मद्_SN तत्र_ मारुत_SNM वा_SPr3In शङ्क्_SNPaM | R तीव्र_Cp अंशु_SNM शिशिरांशु_SNM च_ भय_SBNe सम्पद्_SPr3In दिव्_SLM |
Wherever I live, the Wind bloweth cautiously and the Sun (of piercing rays) out of fear for me appeareth in the welkin like the Moon.
निष्कम्प_Cp पत्त्र_PNM तरु_PNM नदी_PNF च_ स्तिमित_Cp उदक_PNF | R भवत्_PNNe यत्र_ तत्र_ मद्_SN स्था_SPr1In च_ चर्_SPr1In च_ |
What shall I say more? Wherever I live, even the leaves of the trees do not flutter and the currents of the rivers are stopped.
मद्_SG पार_SLM समुद्र_SGM लङ्का_SNF नाम_ पुरी_SNF शुभ_SNF | R सम्पृ_SNPaF राक्षस_Cp विघोर_PIM यथा_ इन्द्र_SGM अमरावती_SNF |
Beyond the ocean stands my beautiful capital Larikā like to Indra's Amaravati, (the capital of the Lord of celestials), guarded on all sides by the terrible night-rangers and encircled by yellow walls.
प्राकार_SIM परिक्षिप्_SNPaF पाण्डुर_SINe विराज्_SNPaF | R हेमन्_Cp कक्ष्या_SNF पुरी_SNF रम्य_SNF वैडूर्य_Cp मय_Cp तोरण_SNF |
That beautiful city has gate-ways of ornamented and jewelled arches and golden apartinents.
हस्तिन्_Cp अश्व_Cp रथ_Cp सम्बाध_SNF तूर्य_Cp नाद_Cp विनादय्_SNPaF आम्बाध_SNF तूर्य_Cp नाद_Cp विनादय्_SNPaF आम्बाध_SNF तूर्य_Cp नाद_Cp विनादय्_SNPaF आम्बाध_SNF तूर्य_Cp नाद_Cp विनादय्_SNPaF आम्बाध_SNF तूर्य_Cp नाद_Cp विनादय्_SNPaF आम्बाध_SNF तूर्य_Cp न् R सर्व_Cp काम_Cp फल_PIM वृक्ष_PIM संकुल_Cp उद्यान_SVM भूषय्_PNPaM |
It is filled with clephants, horses and chariots, always resounds with the sounds of bugles, and is beautified with gardens having divers trees of wished-for fruits.
तत्र_ त्वद्_SN वस्_SPr2Im हे_ सीता_SVF राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SVF मद्_SI सह_ | R न_ स्मृ_SFu2In नारी_PGF मानुषी_PGF मनस्विन्_SVF |
O Sītā, O you the daughter of a king, in this city shall you dwell with me. O large-minded damsel, you shall never think of earthly women.
भुज्_PNPaPrF मानुष_PAM भोग_PAM दिव्य_PAM च_ वरवर्णिनी_SVF | R न_ स्मृ_SFu2In राम_SGM मानुष_SGM गम्_PaCp आयुस्_SGM |
O you of an exquisite countenance, enjoying these many things passing human, you shall not any more think of Rāma a human being of brief existence.
स्थापय्_Co प्रिय_SAM पुत्र_SAM राज्य_SLNe दशरथ_SNM नृप_SNM | R मन्दवार्य_SNM ततस्_ ज्येष्ठ_SNM सुत_SNM प्रस्थापय्_SNPaM वन_SANe | R तद्_SIM क_SNNe भ्रंश्_PaCp राज्य_SIM राम_SIM गम्_PaCp चेतस्_SIM | R कृ_SFu2In विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SVF तापस_SIM तपस्विन्_SIM |
Placing his beloved son on the throne, king Dasaratha has sent away his eldest son of weak prowess into the woods. O you of expansive eyes, what shall you do with that wretched ascetic Rāma who has been deprived of his kingdom?
रक्ष्_SPr2Im राक्षस_Cp भर्तृ_SAM कामय्_SPr2Im स्वयम्_ आगम्_SAPaM | R न_ मन्_PPr2In शर_Cp आविश्_SAPaM प्रत्याख्या_In त्वद्_SN अर्ह्_SPr2In |
I am the lord of the whole world of Rākşasas; being pierced by the shafts of Kāma have I come by you. It does not behave you therefore to pass by me.
प्रत्याख्या_Co हि_ मद्_SA भीरु_SVF पश्चात्ताप_SAM गम्_SFu2In | R चरण_SIM अभिहन्_Co इव_ पुरुरवस्_SAM उर्वशी_SNF |
O timid damsel, truly shall you repent afterwards if you did disregard me, like to Urvasi kicking Pururavā.
अङ्गुलि_SIF न_ सम_SNM राम_SNM मद्_SG युद्ध_SLNe तद्_SNM मानुष_SNM | R त्वद्_SG भाग्य_SINe सम्प्राप्_SAPaM भज्_SPr2Im वरवर्णिनी_SVF | एवम्_ वच्_SNPaF तु_ वैदेही_SNF क्रुध्_SNPaF संरञ्ज्_PaCp लोचन_SNF | ब्रू_S3ImIn परुष_SANe वाक्य_SANe रहित_SLNe राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SAM |
Rāma is a human being and is not even equal to a finger of mine in battle. By your good luck have I come to you-do you give yourself up to me, O you of a beautiful countenance. Being thus addressed by him, Vaidehi exceedingly wroth and with blood-red eyes spoke to that Lord of Rākşasas in the lonely forest, these bold words.
कथम्_ वैश्रवण_SAM देव_SAM सर्व_Cp देव_Cp नमस्कृ_SAPaM | R भ्रातृ_SAM व्यपदिश्_Co त्वद्_SN अशुभ_SANe कृ_In इष्_SPr2In |
How do you wish to perpetrate such an impious deed after introducing as your brother that highly worshipful Kubera adored by all the deities.
अवश्यम्_ विनश्_PFu3In सर्व_PNM रावण_SVM राक्षस_PNM | R वयस्_PGNe त्वद्_SN कर्कश_SNM राजन्_SNM दुर्बुद्धि_SNM अजित_Cp इन्द्रिय_SNM |
O Rāvana, surely shall all the Räkşasas meet with death, who have such a stupid, harsh and lustful person like you for their king.
अपहृ_Co शची_SNF भार्या_SAF शक्य_SNNe इन्द्र_SGM जीव्_In | R नहि_ राम_SGM भार्या_SAF मद्_SA आनी_Co स्वस्तिमत्_SNM भू_SPr3O |
One can breathe on this earth carrying away Indra's wife, Śacī—but stealing me, the wife of Rāma, no body shall be able to live in peace.
शची_SNF प्रधृष्_GdCp अप्रतिरूप_Cp रूप_SAF | R न_ मादृशी_SAF राक्षस_SVM धर्षय्_Co पा_PaCp अमृत_SGM अपि_ त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3In मोक्ष_SNM |
O Räkşasa, it might be possible for one to live on this earth treating contemptuously the wife of the holder of thunder-bolt, but insulting me none shall escape the hands of Death even if he drinketh nectar.
सीता_SGF वचन_SANe श्रु_Co दशग्रीव_SNM प्रतापवत्_SNM | R हस्त_SLM हस्त_SAM समाहन्_Co कृ_SPs3In सु_ महत्_SANe वपुस्_SANe |
Hearing those words of Sītā the highly powerful Ten necked one striking his hands together, increased his body too high.
तद्_SNM मैथिली_SNF पुनर्_ वाक्य_SANe भाष्_SPs3In वाक्य_Cp कोविद_SNM | R न_ उन्मद्_SIPaF श्रुति_SLF मन्_SPr1In मद्_SG वीर्य_Cp पराक्रम_DuAM |
Thereupon, that one skilled in speech again spake to Maithili, Methinks you have run mad. Have you not heard of my valour and prowess?
उद्वह्_SPr1O भुज_DuIM तु_ मेदिनी_SAF अम्बर_SLNe स्था_SNPaM | आपा_SPr1O समुद्र_SAM च_ मृत्यु_SAM हन्_SPr1O रण_SLM स्था_SNPaM |
Stationing myself in the welkin I can with my hands raise up the earth. I can drink up the waters of the ocean. And engaged in conflict I can destroy Death itself
अर्क_SVM तुद्_SPr1O शर_PIM तीक्ष्ण_PIM विभिद्_SPr1O हि_ मही_Cp तल_SAM | कामरूप_SIM उन्मद्_SVPaF पश्_SPr2Im मद्_SA कामरूपिन्_SAM |
With my sharpened shafts I can pierce the Sun and cut asunder the earth. You are mad with your beauty. Do you look upon me, who am capable of illusions.
एवम्_ वच्_SGPaM रावण_SGM शिखिन्_Cp प्रभा_SLM शिखिन्_Cp प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM प्रभा_SLM शिखिन्_Cp प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM रावण_SGM शिखिन्_Cp प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM प्रभा_SLM इष_SLM रावण_SGM शिखिन्_Cp प्रभा R क्रुध्_SGPaM हरि_Cp पर्यन्त_DuNNe रक्त_DuNNe नेत्र_DuNNe भू_DuPs3In |
When he had spoken thus, his yellow eyes became blood-red with rage and assumed the, semblance of flaming fire.
सद्यस्_ सौम्य_SAM परित्यज्_Co तीक्ष्ण_Cp रूप_SAM तद्_SNM रावण_SNM | R स्व_SANe रूप_SANe काल_Cp रूप_Cp आभ_SANe भज्_SPs3In वैश्रवणानुज_SNM |
Thereat Răvana, the younger brother of the Lord of wealth, changing his placid countenance, instantly assumed his own terrible shape resembling that of Yama.
_saṃrañj _nayana _śrīmat _tap _kāñcana _bhūṣaṇa | R क्रोध_SIM महत्_SIM आविश्_SNPaM नील_Cp जीमूत_Cp संनिभ_SNM | R दशन्_Cp आस्य_SNM विंशति_Cp भुज_SNM भू_SPs3In क्षणदा_Cp चर_SNM | R तद्_SANe तद्_SANe तद्_SANe तद्_SNM परिव्राजक_Cp छद्मन्_SANe महत्_Cp काय_SNM विहा_Co तद्_SANe |
Highly exercised with ire, that ranger of the night became of ten countenances and twenty arms; his eyes were bloody and he appeared beautiful like to blue clouds, being dressed in gold-hued apparel.
प्रतिपद्_SPs3In स्वक_SANe रूप_SANe रावण_SNM राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SNM | R रक्त_Cp अम्बर_Cp धर_SNM स्था_SPs3In स्त्री_Cp रत्न_SANe प्रेक्ष्_Co मैथिली_SAF |
Leaving aside the semblance of a mendicant, that lord of Raksasas, Ravana, increasing in bulk, assumed his own shape. And wearing a blood-red cloth he stood there fixing his look upon that jewel of a damsel–Maithili.
तद्_SNM तद्_SAF असित_Cp केशान्त_SAF भास्कर_SGM प्रभा_SAF इव_ | R वसन_Cp आभरण_Cp उपे_SAPaF मैथिली_SNF रावण_SNM ब्रू_S3ImIn | R त्रि_PLM लोक_PLM विख्या_SAPaM यदि_ भार_SAM इष्_SPr2In | R मद्_SA आश्रि_SPr2Im वरारोह_SVF त्वद्_SG मद्_SN सदृश_SAM पति_SNM |
Thereupon Rāvaņa spake to Mathili like to the rays of the sun, having a head of black hair and wearing apparel and ornaments, saying, O you fine damsel, if you did wish to have a husband known all over the world, do you surrender yourself to me.
मद्_SA भज्_SPr2Im चिराय_ त्वद्_SN मद्_SN श्लाघ्_SNMGd पति_SNM त्वद्_SG | न_ एव_ च_ मद्_SN क्वचिद्_ भद्र_SVF कृ_SFu1In त्वद्_SG विप्रिय_SANe |
I am a worthy husband for you. Do you serve me for ever, your praiseworthy husband. O fine lady, I hall never do what you did not like.
त्यज्_SPr3ImPv मानुष_SNM भार_SNM मद्_SL भाव_SNM च_ प्रणी_SPr3ImPv | R राज्य_SBNe च्यु_SAPaM अ_ सिद्धार्थ_SAM राम_SAM परिमा_PaCp आयुस्_SAM | R क_PIM गुण_PIM अनुरञ्ज्_SNPaF अस्_SPr2In मुह्_SVPaF पण्डित_Cp मानिन्_SVF | R यद्_SNM स्त्री_SGF वचन_SBNe राज्य_SANe विहा_Co स_ सुहृद्_Cp जन_SANe | R इदम्_SLNe व्याल_Cp अनुचर्_SLPaNe वन_SLNe वस्_SPr3In दुर्मति_SNM |
Renouncing your attachment for a man, do you place your love in me. O foolish girl, worthy of being adored by the learned, for what quality are you attached to Rāma of a limited life, who has been deprived of his kingdom and has his desire frustrated, and who of an evil intent, has, at the words of his wife, renouncing his kingdom and kinsmen, been living in this forest-the abode of voracious animals.
इति_ वच्_Co मैथिली_SNF वाक्य_SANe प्रिय_Cp आहा_SAF प्रिय_Cp वादिन्_SAF | अभिगम्_Co सु_ दृश्_PaCp आत्मन्_SNM राक्षस_SNM काम_Cp मोहय्_SNPaM | R ग्रह्_SPs3In रावण_SNM सीता_SAF बुध_SNM ख_SLNe रोहिणी_SAF इव_ |
Speaking thus to Maithili, sweet-speeched and worthy of being sweetly addressed, that highly wicked Raksasa, Rāvaņa, being exercised with lust, approached towards Sītā and got hold of her, like to Budha holding Rohinī in the sky.
वाम_SIM सीता_SAF पद्म_Cp अक्षिन्_SNM मूर्धज_PLM कर_SIM तद्_SNM | ऊरु_DuLM तु_ दक्षिण_SIM एव_ परिग्रह्_SPs3In पाणि_SIM |
With his left hand he held her, having eyes like to lotus-petals, by the hair, and with his right hand got hold of her thighs.
तद्_SAM दृश्_Co गिरि_Cp शृङ्ग_Cp आभ_SAM तीक्ष्ण_Cp दंष्ट्र_SVM महत्_Cp भुज_SAM | R प्रद्रु_S3ImIn मृत्यु_Cp संकाश_SANe भय_Cp आर्त_PNF वन_Cp देवता_PNF |
Seeing Rāvaņa of sharpened teeth, and mighty arms, resembling the summit of a mountain and like to death itself, the deities of the forest became highly terrified and fled in different directions.
तद्_SNM च_ माया_Cp मय_SNM दिव्य_SNM खर_Cp युज्_SNPaM खर_Cp स्वन_SNM | R प्रतिदृश्_S3ImInPv हेमन्_Cp अङ्ग_SNM रावण_SGM महत्_Cp रथ_SNM |
Instantly appeared there the celestial car of Ravana, decked in gold, drawn by asses and making a terrible sound.
ततस्_ तद्_SAF परुष_PINe वाक्य_PINe अभितम्_ महत्_Cp स्वन_SNM | R अंक_SIM अद्य_ वैदेही_SAF रथ_SAM आरोपय्_S3ImIn तदा_ अंक_SIM अद्य_ वैदेही_SAF रथ_SAM आरोपय्_S3ImIn तदा_ अंक_SIM अद्य_ वैदेही_SAF रथ_SAM आरोपय्_S3ImIn तदा_ अंक_SIM अद्य_ वैदेही_SAF रथ_SAM आरोपय्_S3ImIn तदा_ अंक_SIM अद्य_ वैदेही_SAF रथ_SAM ā
Thereupon, that one emmiting terrible accents, remonstrated with Vaidehī in harsh words and clasping her ascended the car.
तद्_SNF ग्रह्_SNPaF अतिक्रुश्_SPs3In रावण_SIM यशस्विन्_SNF | R राम_SVM इति_ सीता_SNF दुःख_Cp आर्त_SNF राम_SAM दूर_SAM गम्_SAPaM वन_SINe इति_ सीता_SNF दुःख_Cp आर्त_SNF राम_SAM दूर_SAM गम्_SAPaM वन_SINe इति_ सीता_SNF दुःख_Cp आर्त_SNF राम_SAM दूर_SAM गम्_SAPaM वन_SINe इति_ सीता_SNF दुःख_Cp आर्त_SNF राम_SAM दूर्
The virtuous Sīta, being thus caught by Ravana, began to cry aloud, addressing Rama, who had gone away to a distant forest.
तद्_SAF अकाम_SAF तद्_SNM काम_Cp आर्त_SNM पन्नग_Cp इन्द्र_Cp वधू_SAF इव_ | R विचेष्ट्_SAPaPrF आदा_Co उत्पत्_SPs3In रावण_SNM |
Rāvaņa, racked with lust, rose high up with her like to the wife of a Pannaga, though she tried her best (to get rid of him), for she was not in the least attached to him.
ततस्_ तद्_SNF राक्षस_Cp इन्द्र_SIM हृ_SNPaPrFPv विहायस्_SIM | R भृशम्_ क्रुश्_SPs3In मद्_SNPaF इव_ भ्रम्_PaCp चित्त_SNF यथा_ आतुर_SNF |
Being thus carried away by the ethereal track by that Lord of Rākṣasas, Sītā began to cry aloud, like one mad, distressed and of deranged senses.
हा_ लक्ष्मण_SVM महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM गुरु_Cp चित्त_Cp प्रसादक_SVM | R हृ_SAPaPrFPv न_ ज्ञा_SPr2In रक्षस्_SINe कामरूपिन्_SINe |
Ah! mighty Laksmana, ever ministering to the satisfaction of your superiors, do you not know that I have been stolen away by a Rākṣasa assuming shapes at will?
जीवित_SANe सुख_SAM अर्थ_SAM च_ धर्म_Cp हेतु_SBM परित्यज्_SNPaPrM | R हृ_SAPaPrFPv अधर्म_SIM मद्_SA राघव_SVM न_ दृश्_SPr2In |
O Rāghava, for virtue have you renounced your life, happiness and wealth,-do you not see that I have been carried away by one of mighty iniquity?
ननु_ नाम_ अविनीत_PGM विनेतृ_SNM अस्_SPr2In परंतप_SVM | R कथम्_ एवंविध_SANe पाप_SANe न_ त्वद्_SN शास्_SPr2Im हि_ रावण_SAM |
O you the subduer of foes, you did always control the rebellious,-why do you not punish such a vicious Rākşasa?
ननु_ सद्यस्_ अविनीत_SGNe दृश्_SPr3InPv कर्मन्_SGNe फल_SNNe | R काल_SNM अपि_ अङ्गीभू_SPr3In अत्र_ सस्य_PGNe इव_ पक्ति_SDF |
The vicious do not instantaneously meet with the fruits of their actions, as for corn to ripen requires the assistance of time.
त्वद्_SN कर्मन्_SANe कृ_SNPaM एतद्_SANe काल_Cp उपहन्_PaCp चेतना_SNM | R जीवितान्त_Cp कर_SANe घोर_SANe राम_SBM व्यसन_SANe आप्_SPr2Im |
For this iniquitous deed, which you have perpetrated, availing of the time and losing your sense, you shall meet with a mighty disaster from Rāma, bringing about your end.
हन्त_ इदानीम्_ स_ काम_SNF तु_ कैकेयी_SNF बान्धव_PIM सह_ | धर्म_Cp काम_SGM धर्म_Cp पत्नी_SNF यशस्विन्_SGM |
Ah! being the virtuous wife of the virtuous and far-famed Rāma, I have been stolen away. Now has the desire of Kaikeyi and other relations been fulfilled.
आमन्त्रय्_SPr1In जनस्थान_SLNe कर्णिकार_PAM च_ पुष्पित_PAM | R क्षिप्रम्_ राम_SDM शंस्_PPr2Im सीता_SAF हृ_SPr3In रावण_SNM |
I invoke this Janasthāna and these flowery Karnikās to tell Rāma that Rāvana has stolen away Sītā.
हंस_Cp सारस_Cp संघुष्_SAPaF वन्द्_SPr1In गोदावरी_SNF नदी_SAF मुष्_SAPaF वन्द्_SPr1In गोदावरी_SNF नदी_SAF मुद्रा_SVF मदावरी_SNF नदी_SAF मुष्_SAPaF वन्द्_SPr1In गोदावरी_SNF नदी_SAF मुष्_SAPaF वन्द्_SPr1In गोदावरी_SNF नदी_SAF मुष्_SAPaF वन्द्_SPr1In गोदावर् R क्षिप्रम्_ राम_SDM शंस्_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN सीता_SAF हृ_SPr3In रावण_SNM |
I invoke you, O Godāvarī, having swans and cranes sporting in your stream, to tell Ráma that Rāvana has stolen away Sītã.
दैवत_PNNe च_ यद्_PNNe इदम्_SLNe वन_SLNe विविध_Cp पादप_Cp पिषिषि_Piṣiṣi | R नमस्कृ_SPr1In मद्_SN तद्_PDM भर्तृ_SGM शंस्_PPr2Im मद्_SA हृ_SAPaF |
I salute and invoke the deities that live in this forest of many trees to tell my husband of my being stolen away (by Ravana).
यानि_yadicid च_ अत्र_ सत्त्वानि_ca विविधानि_ च_ च_ च_ च_ ca च_ ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca सर्व_PANe शरण_SANe या_SPr1In मृग_Cp पक्षिन्_Cp गण_PANe वा_ | R हृ_SAPaPrFPv प्रिय_SAF भर्तृ_SGM प्राण_PBM अपि_ गरीयस्_SAF | R विवश्_DuPr3In हृ_SNPaF सीता_SNF रावण_SIM इति_ शंस्_PPr2Im |
I do seek the refuge of all deer, birds and other animals that live in this forest, and may they all cominunicate to Rāma the news of his dear spouse being carried away, and tell him that Sītā, losing her control, has been stolen away by Rāvana.