न_ अस्_SPr3In धर्म_SNM कुतस्_ सत्य_SNNe न_ आर्जव_SNNe न_ अ_ नृशंस_Cp ता_SNF आत्_SNF | R यत्र_ राम_SGM वैदेही_SNF सीता_SAF हृ_SPr3In रावण_SNM | R इतस्_ भूत_PNNe सर्व_PNNe गणशस्_ परिदेवय्_P3ImIn | R वित्रस्तक_PNM दीनमुख_PNM रूरुदुर्मुग्र_Cp पोतक_PNM |
Virtue is not; and where is truth? And there is neither sincerity nor kindness, in a case in which Rāvana is carrying away Rāma's Vaidehī; thus did all creatures lament in numbers. And the young of deer, afflicted with fear, wept with woe-began faces.
उद्वीक्ष्_Co उतीक्ष्_Co नयन_PINe भय_SBNe इव_ विलक्षण_PINe | R सुप्रवेपित_Cp गात्र_PNF च_ भू_PPs3In वन_Cp देवता_PNF | R विक्रुश्_SAPaPrF दृश्_SAF सीता_SAF दृश्_Co दुःश_SANe गम्_SAPaF |
And the sylvan deities, looking up now and again with eyes betokening fear, had their persons all in a tremble.
तद्_SAF तु_ लक्ष्मण_SVM राम_SVM इति_ क्रुश्_SAPaPrF मधुर_Cp स्वर_SAF | अवेक्ष्_SAPaPrF बहुशस्_ वैदही_SAF धरणी_Cp तल_SAM | R तद्_SNM तद्_SAF आकुल_Cp केशान्त_SAF विप्रमृज्_PaCp विशेषक_SAF | R हृ_SPs3In आत्मन्_Cp विनाश_SDM दशग्रीर_SNM मनस्विनी_SAF |
headed one carried away the intelligent Vaidehī, bewailing bitterly, Sītā, who had come by such misfortune, sweet-voiced, crying, O Lakşmaņa O Rāma, and casting glances on the ground many time and oft, the ends of her hair waving and her tilika wiped out.
ततस्_ तु_ तद्_SNF चारुदत_SNF शुचि_Cp स्मित_SNF विनाकृत_SNF बन्धु_Cp जन_SIM मैथिली_SNF | R अपश्यत्_SNF राधव_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuAM उभ्_DuAM विवर्षक्त्र_SNF फय_Cp भार_Cp पीडय्_SNPaF अपश्यत्_SNF राधव_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuAM उभ्_DuAM विवर्षक्त्र_SNF फय_Cp भार_Cp पीडय्_SNPaF अपश्यत्_SNF फय_Cp भार_Cp पीडय्_SNPaF अपश्यत्_SNF फय_Cp भार_Cp pī
Then oppressed with the load of fear, Sītā of luminous smiles, Mithila's daughter, bereft of her friends-not beholding either Rāma or Lakşmaņa, became pale of countenance.
ख_SANe उत्पत्_SAPaPrM तद्_SAM दृश्_Co मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF दृश्_Co मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF दृश्_Co मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF दृश्_Co मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF दृश्_Co मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF आदृश्_Co मैथिली_SNF दुःखित_SNF परम_Cp उद्विज्_SNPaF भय_SLNe महत्_SLNe वर्तिन्_SNF |
Seeing him fly up into the air, Janaka's daughter, Maithili, became aggrieved and exceedingly agitated, and great was the fear that possessed her.
रोष_Cp रोदन_Cp ताम्र_Cp अक्षिन्_SNM भीम_Cp अक्ष_SAM राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SAM | R रुद्_SNPaPrF करुण_SANe सीता_SNF हृ_SNPaPrFPv तद्_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Her eyes expressing rage, weeping and fright, Sītā, as she was being carried away, weeping piteously, spoke to the grim-eyed lord of the Raksasas.
न_ व्यपत्रप्_SPr2In नीच_SVM कर्मन्_SINe इदम्_SINe रावण_SVM | ज्ञा_Co विरहित_SAF यद्_SNM मद्_SA चोरय्_Co पलाय्_SPr2In |
Do you not, O base wretch, O Ravana, feel shame on account of this act-you, who, knowing that I was alone fly away, carrying me?
त्वद्_SI एव_ नूनम्_ दुष्_PaCp आत्मन्_SVM भीरु_PAM हृ_In इष्_SIPaPrM | R मद्_SG अपवाहय्_SNPaM भर्तृ_SNM मृग_Cp रूप_SINe माया_SIF अपवाहय्_SNPaM भर्तृ_SNM मृग_Cp रूप_SINe माया_SIF अपवाहय्_SNPaM भर्तृ_SNM मृग_Cp रूप_SINe माया_SIF अपवाहय्_SNPaM भर्तृ_SNM मृग_Cp रूप_SINe माया_SIF अपवाहय्_SNPaM भर्तृ_SNM म्
Coward that you are, you it was, who, desirous of carrying me off, by the shape of a deer, had, by your (powers of] illusion taken away my lord.
यद्_SNM हि_ मद्_SA उद्यम्_SNPaM त्रा_In तद्_SNM अपि_ इदम्_SNM विनिपातय्_SNPaM | R गृध्र_Cp राज_SNM पुराण_SNM अदस्_SNM श्वशुर_SGM सखि_SNM मद्_SG |
And he also that endeavoured to rescue me, has been slain by you—the ancient king of vultures, who was the friend of my father-in-law.
परम_SNNe खलु_ त्वद्_SG वीर्य_SNNe दृश्_SPr3InPv राक्षस_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp अधम_Cp सम_Cp adham R विश्रावय्_Co नामधेय_SANe हि_ युद्ध_SLNe न_ अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In जि_SNPaF त्वद्_SI अस्_SPr1In ji ईदृश_SNNe गर्ह्_SNPaNe कर्मन्_SNNe कथम्_ कृ_Co न_ लज्ज्_SPr2In | R स्त्री_SGF च_ आहरण_SNNe नीच_SVM रहित_SLNe च_ पर_SGM च_ |
Great, forsooth, is found to be your might, you vilest of Rākşasas, in that you have carried me off; by simply declaring your name, but have not won me in war. Why do you not, O execrable one, take shame to yourself, having perpetrated such a heinous act-having carried off another's wife in the absence of her husband?
कथय्_PFu3In लोक_PLM पुरुष_PNM कर्मन्_SANe कुत्सय्_SAPaNe | R कु_ नृशंस_SNNe अधर्मिष्ठ_SNNe त्वद्_SG शौटीर्य_Cp मानिन्_SGM |
This fell and foul ict of yours fraught with unrighteousness, heroic persons shall bruit about the world.
धिक्_ त्वद्_SG शौर्य_SNNe च_ सत्त्व_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe त्वद्_SI कथय्_SNPaNe तदा_ आं_ त्वद्_SG शौर्य_SNNe च_ सत्त्व_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe त्वद्_SI कथय्_SNPaNe तदा_ आं_ त्वद्_SG शौर्य_SNNe च_ सत्त्व_SNNe च_ यद्_SNNe त्वद्_SI कथय्_SNPaNe तदा_ आं_ त्वद्_SG शौर्य_SNNe च_ सत्त्व_SNNe च_ यद् कुल_Cp आक्रोश_Cp कर_SNNe लोक_SLM धिक्_ त्वद्_SG चारित्र_SNNe ईदृश_SNNe |
Fie on your heroism and your truth, of which you did speak at that time; and fie also on this character of yours, calculated to sully your line in this world.
क_SNNe शक्य_SNNe कृ_In एवम्_ हि_ यत्_ जव_SIM एव_ धाव्_SPr2In | R मुहूर्त_SANe अपि_ स्था_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN न_ जीव्_SNPaPrM प्रतिया_SFu2In |
What can I do (to you), as you proceed with speed? But stay you for a moment; and you shall not return with life.
न_ हि_ चक्षुस्_Cp पथ_SAM प्राप्_Co तद्_DuGM पार्थिव_Cp पुत्र_DuGM | स_ सैन्य_SNM अपि_ समर्थ_SNM त्वद्_SN मुहूर्त_SANe अपि_ जीव्_In |
Should you come within the range of the vision of those sons of the king, you could not, although you should happen to be accompanied with your army, live for a moment.
न_ त्वद्_SN तद्_DuGM शर_Cp स्पर्श_SVM सह्_In शक्_SNPaM कथंचन_ | वन_SLNe प्रज्वल्_SGPaM इव_ स्पर्श_Cp मज्ज्_PaCp विहंगम_SNM |
Even as a bird cannot bear the touch of a flaming fire in a forest, you can never bear the touch of their arrows. Effecting your own welfare, do you, O Ravana, leave me.
साधु_SANe कृ_Co आत्मन्_SGM पथ्य_SANe साधु_SANe मद्_SA मुच्_SPr2Im रावण_SVM | R मद्_Cp प्रधर्षण_Cp संक्रुध्_SNPaM भ्रातृ_SIM सह_ पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM मद्_SG पति_SNM m R विधा_SFu3In विनाश_SDM त्वद्_SN मद्_SA यदि_ न_ मुच्_SPr2In | R यद्_SIM त्वद्_SN व्यवसाय_SIM बल_SBNe मद्_SA हृ_In इष्_SPr2In | व्यवसाय_SNM तु_ त्वद्_SG नीच_SVM भू_SFu3In निरर्थक_SNM |
If you do not let me go, iny husband along with his brother would strive for your destruction. As intent upon sensual enjoyment, you endeavour to ravish me, this very endeavour of yours O mean wight, shall come to naught.
न_ हि_ मद्_SN तद्_SAM अपश्यत्_SNF भर्तृ_SAM विबुध_Cp उपम_SAM | उत्सह्_SPr1In शत्रु_Cp वश_Cp ग_SNF प्राण_PAM धारय्_In चिरम्_ |
Not beholding my lord resembling a celestial, I cannot, come under the sway of my enemy, bear to live long.
न_ नूनम्_ च_ आत्मन्_SGM श्रेयस्_SANe पथ्य_SANe वा_ समवेक्ष्_SPr2In | R मृत्यु_Cp काल_SLM यथा_ मर्य_SNM विपरित_PANe सेव्_SPr3In | R मुमूर्तृ_PGM तु_ सर्व_PGM यद्_SNNe पथ्य_SNNe तद्_SNNe न_ रुच्_SPr3In |
As one dwelling on earth perceives objects in their reversed relations at the time of one's death SO you do not perceive what is for your good or profit. Those moribund do not relish what would do them good.
दृश्_SPr1In इ_SPr2Im हि_ कण्ठ_SLM त्वद्_SA काल_Cp पाश_Cp अवपाशित_SAM | R यथा_ च_ इदम्_SLNe भय_Cp स्थान_SLNe न_ भी_SPr2In निशाचर_SVM | R व्यक्त_SANe हिरण्य_Cp मय_PAM त्वद्_SN हि_ संपश्_SPr2In मही_Cp रूह_PAM | R नदी_SNF वैतरणी_SNF घोर_SAF रुधिर_Cp ओघ_Cp विवाहिन्_SAF | नदी_SNF वैतरणी_SNF घोर_SAF रुधिर_Cp ओघ_Cp विवाहिन्_SAF | R खङ्गपत्त्र_Cp वन_SANe च_ एव_ भीम_SANe दृश्_SPr2In रावण_SVM | R तप्_PaCp काञ्चन_Cp पुष्प_SAF च_ वैडूर्य_Cp प्रवर_Cp छद_SAF |
I see with the noose of Death wound round your neck. As, O ranger of night, you are not affected with fear, albeit the situation is one calculated to raise one's apprehensions it is clear that you will see the golden treus, the dreadful river Vaitaraṇī flowing with blood, the terrible wood, O Rāvana, rife with leaves in the shape of swords, and a sharp Šalmali containing blossoms of shining gold, having lapises for its leaves, and bearing iron thorns.
दृश्_SFu2In शाल्मली_SNF तीक्ष्ण_SAF आयस_PIM कण्टक_PIM श्रि_SAPaF | न_ हि_ त्वद्_SN ईदृश_SANe कृ_Co तद्_SGM अलीक_SANe महात्मन्_SGM | R धृ_In शक्_SFu2In चिरम्_ विष_SANe पा_Co निघृण_SAM धृ_In शक्_SFu2In चिरम्_ विष_SANe पा_Co निघृण_SAM | R बन्ध्_SNPaM त्वद्_SN काल_Cp पाश_SIM दुर्निवार_SIM रावण_SVM | बन्ध्_SNPaM त्वद्_SN काल_Cp पाश_SIM दुर्निवार_SIM रावण_SVM |
But, O shameless one, like a person that has drunk poison, having done this wrong to that high-souled one, you with not be able to save yourself. O Rāvana, you are fast fettered in the noose of Death.
क्व_ गम्_SNPaM लभ्_SFu2In शर्मन्_SANe मद्_SG भर्तृ_SBM महात्मन्_SBM | निमेष_Cp अन्तर_Cp मात्र_SINe बिन्_SIM भ्रातृ_SAM आहव_SIM | R राक्षस_PNM निहन्_PNPaM यद्_SIM सहस्र_PNNe चतुर्दशन्_SNNe | R कथम्_ तद्_SNM राघव_SNM वीर_SNM सर्व_Cp अस्त्र_Cp कुशल_SNM बलिन्_SNM |
Having done this foul turn to that high-souled one, repairing whither, shall you obtain respite? Shall not that strong and heroic Rāghava, skilled in all weapons, who without his brother, in the twinkling of an eye, in battle slew fourteen thousand Rākṣasas, slay you, who carries away his beloved wife?
न_ त्वद्_SA हन्_SPr3O शर_PIM तीक्ष्ण_PIM इष्_PaCp भार्या_Cp अपहारिन्_SAM | एतद्_SANe च_ अन्य_SANe च_ परुष_SANe वैदेही_SNF रावण_Cp अङ्क_Cp ग_SNF आ_ एतद्_SANe च_ अन्य_SANe च_ परुष_SANe वैदेही_SNF रावण_Cp अङ्क_Cp ग_SNF आ_ एतद्_SANe च_ अन्य_SANe च_ परुष_SANe वैदेही_SNF रावण_Cp अङ्क_Cp ग_SNF आ_ एतद्_SANe च_ अन्य_SANe च_ परुष_ R भय_Cp शोक_Cp समाविश्_SNPaF करुण_SANe विलप्_SPs3In ह_ |
Thus and in other ways, Videha's daughter, lying on the lap of Rāvana, overwhelmed with fear and grief, indulged in piteous lamentations.
तदा_ भृशात्_ बहु_SANe च_ एव_ भाषिणी_SNF विलाप_Cp पूर्वम्_ करुण_SANe च_ भामिनी_SAF | R हृ_SPs3In पाप_SNM तरुण_SNF विचेष्ट्_SNPaPrF नृप_Cp आत्मजा_SAF आगम्_PaCp गात्र_Cp द_SLM था_PPs3In |
And the wicked (Rävaņa) with a shaking frame carried away the daughter of the king extremely distressed, speaking much, and speaking piteously, uttering lamentations, and putting forth endeavours (to free herself.) saw
हृ_SNPaPrFPv तु_ वैदेही_SNF कश्चित्_SAM नाथ_SAM अपश्यत्_SNF इष्_SNPaPrF इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn इष्_S3ImIn R दृश्_SPs3In गिरि_Cp शृङ्ग_Cp स्थ_PAM पञ्चन्_PAM वानर_Cp पुंगव_PAM |
Carried away (by Ravana), Vaidehi, not finding any defender, five principal monkeys stationed on the top of a hill.
तद्_PGM मध्य_SLNe विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SNF कौशेय_SANe कनक_Cp प्रभा_SANe | उत्तरीय_SANe वरारोह_SNF शुभ_PANe आभरण_PANe च_ | R मुच्_SPs3In यदि_ राम_SDM शंस्_PPr3O इति_ भामिनी_SNF | R वस्र_SAM उत्सृज्_Co तद्_Cp मध्य_SLNe निक्षिप्_SNPaNe सह_ भूषण_SNNe |
Thereat, that lady of expansive eyes and surpassing charms, in the hope that they might convey the intelligence to Rāma, flung off in their midst her gold-gleaming silken sheet, and elegant ornaments.
सम्भ्रम_SBM तु_ दशग्रीव_SNM तद्_Cp कर्मन्_SANe च_ न_ बुध्_SNPaM | R पिङ्ग_Cp अक्ष_Cp अस्_SAPaF विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SNF नेत्र_PIM अनिमिष_PIM इव_ | R विक्रुश्_SAPaPrF तदा_ सीता_SAF दंश्_PPs3In वानर_Cp उत्तम_PNM |
But the Ten headed one owing to hurry did not observe the throwing of the cloth along with the ornaments. Those foremost of monkeys having tawny eyes observes with winkless eyes the large-eyed Sītā as she was giving way to grief.
तद्_SNM च_ पम्पा_SAF अतिक्रम्_Co लङ्का_SAF अभिमुख_SNM पुरी_SAF | R गम्_SPs3In मैथिली_SNF ग्रह्_Co रुद्_SAPaPrF राक्षस_Cp ईश्वर_SNM |
The lord of Rākşasas, passing beyond Pampā, directed his course towards the city of Lankā, taking Mithilā's daughter along with him, indulging lamentations.
तद्_SAF हृ_SPs3In सु_ संहृष्_SNPaM रावण_SNM मृत्यु_SAM आत्मन्_SGM | R उत्सङ्ग_SIM एव_ भुजगी_SNF तीक्ष्ण_Cp दंष्ट्र_SAF महत्_Cp विष_SAF |
Experiencing the height of delight, Rāvana ravished her, taking her on his lap like a sharp-toothed serpent of virulent poison.
वन_PANe सरित्_PAF शैल_PAM सरस्_PANe च_ विहायस्_SINe | R तद्_SNM क्षिप्रम्_ समती_SPs3In शर_SNM चाप_SBM इव_ च्यु_SNPaM |
And speedily, like an arrow shot from a bow, he, coursing the welkin, left behind woods and streams and mountains and pieces of water.
तिमि_Cp नक्र_Cp निकेत_SAM तु_ वरुणालय_SAM अक्षय_SAM | R सरित्_PGF शरण_SANe गम्_Co समती_SPs3In सागर_SAM |
Coming to the abode of Varuņa, that refuge of rivers, the exhaustless ocean—the home of whales and alligators, he crossed over it.
सम्भ्रम_PAM परिवृत्_PaCp ऊर्मि_SNM रुध्_PaCp मीन_Cp महत्_Cp उरग_SNM | R वैदेही_SLF हृ_SLPaPrFPv भू_SPs3In वरुणालय_SNM |
In consequence of the carrying away of Vaidehi, Varuna's abode, from grief, had all its waves stilled and its fishes and mighty snakes inert.
अन्तरिक्ष_Cp गम्_PNPaM वाच्_PAF सृज्_PPs3In चारण_PNM तदा_ | एतद्_SNNe अन्त_SNM दशग्रीव_SNiti सिद्ध_PNM तथा_bruvan ब्रू_P3Im एतद्_SNNe अन्त_SNM दशग्रीव_Siti सिद्ध_PNM तथा_bruvan एतद्_SNNe अन्त_SNM दशग्रीव_Siti सिद्ध_PN
And the Cāranas uttered in the heavens these words, O Ten-headed one, this is your end. Thus did the Siddhas then say.
तद्_SNM तु_ सीता_SAF विचेष्ट्_SAPaPrF अङ्क_SIM आदा_Co रावण_SNM | R प्रविश्_SPs3In पुरी_SAF लङ्का_SAF रूपिन्_SAF मृत्यु_SAM आत्मन्_SGM |
And taking Sītā on his lap, representing his own Death, who endeavoured (to liberate herself). Rāvana entered the city of Lankā.
तद्_SNM अभिगम्_Co पुरी_SAF लङ्का_SAF सुविभक्त_Cp महापथ_SAF | R संरुह्_PaCp कक्ष्या_SAF बहुल_SAF स्व_SANe अन्तःपुर_SANe आविश्_S3ImIn |
And entering the city of Lankā, vast, with all its highways well-arranged, and with people thronging its gates, he entered his own inner apartment.
तत्र_ तद्_SAF असित_Cp अपाङ्ग_SNF शोक_Cp मोह_Cp समन्वित_SAF | R निधा_SPs3In रावण_SNM सीता_SAF मय_SNM माया_SAF इव_ आसुरी_SAF |
Then Rāvana set Sītā there, having eyes with dark outer corners, exercised with grief and dole; as if Máyā had set his own Asura Illusion (in his own palace).
ब्रू_S3ImIn च_ दशग्रीव_SNM पिशाची_SNF पिशाची_SNF पिशाची_SNF | र_Cp दर्शन_PNM | R यथा_ न_ एनद्_SAF पुंस्_SNM स्त्री_SNF वा_ सीता_SAF दृश्_SPr3In असत्_Cp मन्_SNPaM |
Then the Ten-headed one spoke to some female friends of terrible visages, Let no man or woman behold Sītā without my permission.
मुक्तामणि_SANe सुवर्ण_PANe वस्त्र_PANe आभरण_PANe च_ | R यथा_ यद्_SANe यद्_SANe इष्_SPr3O तदा_ एव_ इदम्_SGF दा_SNNeGd मद्_Cp छन्द_SBM यथा_ |
And I command that, should she ask for pearls, or rubies, or gold, or apparel, or ornaments, the same should be rendered to her.
यद्_SNF च_ वच्_SFu3In वैदेही_SNF वचन_SANe कश्चित्_SANe अप्रिय_SANe | अज्ञान_SBNe वा_ तद्_SGF जीवित_SNNe प्रिय_SNNe |
She that, whether knowingly or unknowingly should say anything unpleasant to Vaidehī, would hold her life cheap.
तथा_ वच्_Co राक्षसी_PAF तद्_PAF तु_ राक्षस_Cp इन्द्र_SNM प्रतापवत्_SNM | R निष्क्रम्_Co अन्तर्_ पुर_SBNe तद्_SBNe क_SNNe कृ_SNNeGd इति_ चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM | R दृश्_SPs3In अष्टन्_PAM महत्_Cp वीर्य_PAM राक्षस_PAM पिशित_Cp अशन_PAM |
Heaving said this to the Rākşasis, the puissant lord of the Rākṣasas, went out of the inner apartment, and thought within himself as to what was to be done (next). And he saw eight flesheating Rākşasas of wondrous prowess.
तद्_SNM तद्_PAM दृश्_Co महत्_Cp वीर्य_SNM वर_Cp दान_SINe मोहय्_SNPaM | वच्_SPs3In तद्_PAM इदम्_SANe वाक्य_SANe प्रशंस्_Co बल_Cp वीर्य_SBNe |
And seeing them, the exceedingly powerful. (Ravana), blinded by the bestowal of the boon, after extolling their strength and heroism, addressed them.
नाना_ प्रहरण_PVM क्षिप्रम्_ इतस्_ गम्_PPr2Im सत्वर_PNM | जनस्थान_SNNe हतस्थान_SNNe भू_SNPaNe पूर्व_SNNe खर_Cp आलय_SNNe | R तत्र_ अस्_Du3ImIn जनस्थान_SLNe शून्य_SLNe निहन्_PaCp राक्षस_SLNe | R पौरुष_SANe बल_SANe आश्रि_Co त्रास_SAM उत्सृज्_Co दूरतस्_ |
Equipped with various weapons, do you speedily take yourself to Janasthāna-that field of carnage-which ere this contained the abode of Khara; and casting off fear at a distance, do you sojourn in vacant Janasthāna with all its Raksasas slain (by Rama).
वहु_Cp सैन्य_SNNe महत्_Cp वीर्य_SNNe जनस्थान_SLNe निवेशय्_SNPaNe | R स_ दूषण_Cp खर_SNNe युद्ध_SLNe निहन्_SNPaNe राम_Cp सायक_PIM |
A great many troops endued with exceeding prowess, who had been posted in Janasthāna, have, along with Düşana and Khara, been slain by the shafts of Rāma.
ततस्_ क्रोध_SNM मद्_SG अपूर्व_SNM धैर्य_SGNe उपरि_ वृध्_SPr3In | R वैर_SNNe च_ सु_ महत्_SNNe जन्_SNPaNe राम_SAM प्रति_ सु_ दारुण_SNNe |
Hence unprecedented is my wrath, towering above my patience; and great and fierce also is the hostility I have conceived against Rāma.
निर्यातय्_In इष्_SPr1In तद्_SANe च_ वैर_SANe महत्_Cp रिपु_SGM | R नहि_ लभ्_SFu1In मद्_SN निद्रा_SAF अ_ हन्_Co संयुग_SLNe रिपु_SAM मद्_SN निद्रा_SAF अ_ हन्_Co संयुग_SLNe रिपु_SAM अहि_ लभ्_SFu1In मद्_SN निद्रा_SAF अ_ हन्_Co संयुग_SLNe रिपु_SAM अहि_ लभ्_SFu1In मद्_SN निद्रा_SAF अ_ हन्_Co संयुग_SLNe रिपु_SAM अहि_Cp लभ्_SFu1In मद्_SN न् R तद्_SAM तु_ इदानीम्_ मद्_SN हन्_Co खर_Cp दूषण_Cp घातिन्_SAM | R राम_SVM शर्मन्_SANe उपलभ्_SFu1In धन_SANe लभ्_Co इव_ निर्धन_SNM |
I wish to avenge myself on my mighty enemy. Sleep find I none without slaying my foe in fight. Slaying that slayer of Khara and Dūşaņa, Rāma, I shall attain delight like to that attained by a pauper on gaining riches.
जनस्थान_SLNe वस्_PIPaPrM तु_ भवत्_PIM राम_SAM आश्रि_PNPaM | R प्रवृत्ति_Cp रूप_Cp नी_SNFGd क_SANe कृ_SPr3In इति_ तत्त्व_SBNe | अप्रमाद_SBM च_ गम्_SNNeGd सर्व_PIM एव_ निशाचर_PIM | R कृ_SNMGd च_ सदा_ यत्न_SNM राघव_SGM वध_SAM प्रति_ प्रति_ प्रति_ प्रति_ प्रति_ प्रति_ प्रति_ प्रति_ |
Staying in Janasthāna, you shall gather true information touching Rāma as to what he is about. Repair all you rangers of the night carefully, and strive yourselves always for slaying Rāma.
त्वद्_PG तु_ बल_SNNe ज्ञा_SNPaNe बहुशस्_ रण_Cp मूर्धन्_SDM | अतस्_ तद्_SLNe जनस्थान_SLNe मद्_SI त्वद्_PN निवेशय्_PNPaM |
I have been well acquainted with your strength in many a field, and it is for this that I set you in Janasthāna.
ततस्_ प्रिय_SANe वाक्य_SANe उपे_Co राक्षस_PNM महत्_Cp अर्थ_SAM अष्टन्_PNM अभिवादय्_Co रावण_SAM | R विहा_Co लङ्का_SAF सहित_PNM प्रस्था_PPs3In यतस्_ जनस्थान_SANe अलक्ष्य_Cp दर्शन_PNM |
Hearing these agreeable and weighty words of Ravana, those Raksasas, bowing down to Rāvana, left Lankā, and in a body invisible proceeded in the direction of Janasthāna.
ततस्_ तु_ सीता_SAF उपलभ्_Co रावण_SNM सु_ सम्प्रहृष्_SNPaM परिग्रह्_Co मैथिली_SAF लोहिती_SAF ऐथिली_SAF उपलभ्_Co मैथिली_SAF उपलभ्_Co मैथिली_SAF उपलभ्_Co मैथिली_SAF उपलभ्_Co मैथिली_SAF उपलभ्_Co मैथिली_SAF उपलभ्_Co मैथिली_SAF upalabh R प्रसञ्ज्_Co राम_SIM च_ वैर_SNNe उत्तम_SNNe भू_SPs3In मोह_SBM मुद्_SNPaM तद्_SNM रावण_SNM |
Having obtained Mithilā's daughter, Rāvaņa experienced great joy in establishing her (in his own house); and having created high hostility with Rāma, Rāvana through blindness rejoiced greatly.
संदिश्_Co राक्षस_PAM घोर_PAM रावण_SNM अष्टन्_PAM महत्_Cp बल_PAM | आत्मन्_SAM बुद्धि_Cp वैक्लव्य_SBNe कृतकृत्य_SAM मन्_S3ImIn |
Having commissioned those eight terrible and mighty Rākşasas, Rāvana, in consequence of perversion of sense, considered himself as crowned with success.
तद्_SNM चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM वैदेही_SAF काम_Cp बाण_PIM प्रपीडय्_SNPaM | R प्रविश्_SPs3In गृह_SANe रम्य_SANe सीता_SAF दृश्_In अभित्वर्_SNPaPrM |
And brooding over Vaidehi, he, sore pierced by the shafts of Kāma, hastily entered his charming mansion, with the intention of secing Sitā.
तद्_SNM प्रविश्_Co तु_ तद्_SANe वेश्मन्_SANe रावण_SNM राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SNM | R पश्_S3ImIn राक्षसी_Cp मध्य_SLNe सीता_SAF दुःख_Cp परायण_SAF | अश्रु_Cp पृ_PaCp मुख_SAF दीन_SAF शोक_Cp भार_Cp अवपीडय्_SAPaF | R वायु_Cp वेग_PIM इव_ आक्रम्_SAPaF मज्ज्_SNPaPrF नौ_SAF अर्णव_SLM |
And entering that apartment, Rāvana-lord of Rākşasas-saw the distressed Sītā in the midst of the Raksasas, with a tearful countenance, oppressed with a load of grief, like to a bark sinking in the ocean through the violence of the winds; like to a doe separated from the herd of deer, and surrounded by dogs.
मृग_Cp यूथ_Cp परिभ्रंश्_SAPaF मृगी_SNF श्वन्_PIM इव_ आवृ_SAPaF | अधोगत_Cp मुख_SAF सीता_SAF तद्_SAF अभ्ये_Co निशाचर_SNM | R तद्_SAF तु_ शोक_Cp वश_SBM दीन_SAF अवश_SAF राक्षस_Cp अधिप_SNM | R तद्_SNM बल_SBNe दर्शय्_SPs3InPe गृह_SANe देवगृह_Cp उपम_SANe | R हर्म्य_Cp प्रासाद_Cp सम्बाध_SAM स्त्री_Cp सहस्र_Cp निषेव्_SAPaM | R नाना_ पक्षिन्_Cp गण_PIM जुष्_SAPaNe नाना_ रत्न_Cp समन्वित_SANe | R दान्तक_PINe तापनीय_PINe च_ स्फाटिक_PINe राजत_PINe तथा_ | R वज्र_Cp वैडूर्य_Cp चित्र_PIM च_ स्तम्भ_PIM ईष्टि_Cp मनोरम_PIM |
Coming to Sītā disconsolate in consequence of stress of sorrow, remaining with her head bent down, that ranger of the night, the lord of the Rākşasas, forcibly showed to her that mansion resembling the mansion of the celestials, thick with palaces and lordly piles, inhabited by thousands of females; containing birds of various kinds; furnished with various gems; with beautiful pillars of ivory gold and crystal and silver, studded with diamonds and lapises.
दिव्य_Cp दुन्दुभि_Cp निर्घोष_SAM तप्_PaCp काञ्चन_Cp भूषण_SAM | R सोपान_SANe काञ्चन_SANe चित्र_SANe आरुह्_SPs3In तथा_ सह_ |
Rāvana in company with Şītā ascended the beautiful golden stairs, resounding with the sounds of kettle-drums and embellished with ornaments of burnished gold.
दान्तक_PNM राजत_PNM च_ एव_ गवाक्ष_PNM प्रिय_Cp दर्शन_PNM | R हेमन्_Cp जाल_Cp आवृ_PNPaF च_ अस्_P3ImIn तत्र_ प्रासाद_Cp पङ्क्ति_PNF |
And those loftily edifices had excellent windows made of vory and silver, and covered with golden nets.
सुधा_Cp मणि_Cp विचित्र_PANe भूमि_Cp भाग_PANe सर्वशस्_ | दशग्रीव_SNM स्व_Cp भवन_SLNe प्रदर्शय्_SPs3In मैथिली_SAF | दीर्घिका_PNF पुष्करिणी_PNF च_ नाना_ पुप्प_Cp समावृ_PNPaF | R रावण_SNM दर्शय्_SPs3InPe सीता_SAF शोक_Cp परायण_SAF |
The ground all over was decorated with ambrosia and gems. The Ten-headed one in his own mansion showed to Maithilī large tanks and pools covered with various kinds of flowers. (All this) Rāvaņa showed to Sítā overmastered by sorrow.
दर्शय्_Co तु_ वैदेही_SAF कृत्स्न_SANe तद्_Cp भवन_Cp उत्तम_SANe | वच्_SPs3In वाक्य_SANe पाप_Cp आत्मन्_SNM सीता_SAF लोभय्_In इच्छा_SIF |
And after having showed to Vaidehi the whole of that good lie of mansions, that wicked one, with the intention of tempting Sītā, spoke to her.
दशन्_SNNe राक्षस_Cp कोटि_PNF च_ द्वाविंशति_SNF अथ_ अपर_PNF | R वर्जय्_Co जन_PAM वृद्ध_PAM बाल_PAM च_ रजनीचर_PAM | R तद्_PGM प्रभु_SNM मद्_SN सीता_SVF सर्व_PGM भीम_Cp कर्मन्_PGM | R सहस्र_SNNe एक_SNNe एक_SGM मद्_SG कार्य_Cp पुरःसर_SNNe |
O Sītā, leaving out old men and boys, I am the lord of thirty two crore of night-rangers of terrible deeds. And a thousand come forward whenever required for any service.
यद्_SNNe इदम्_SNNe राज्य_Cp तन्त्र_SNNe मद्_SG त्वद्_SL सर्व_SNNe प्रतिष्ठा_SNPaNe | जीवित_SNNe च_ विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SVF त्वद्_SN मद्_SG प्राण_PIM गरीयस्_SNF इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SPr2In इष्_SVF इष्_SVF इष्_SVF इष्_SVF इष्_SVF इष्_SVF इष्_SVF इष्_SVF जीवित_SNNe च_ viś
If such is my sovereignty, all this is established in you, O large-eyed lady, as well as my life. You are dearer to me than life.
बहु_PGF उत्तम_Cp स्त्री_PGF मद्_SG यद्_SNM अदस्_SNM परिग्रह_SNM | R तद्_PGF त्वद्_SN ईश्वरा_SNF सीता_SVF मद्_SG भार्या_SNF भू_SPr2Im प्रिय_SVF |
O Sītā, be you the mistress of those numerous excellent women who are my wives. Dear, be you my wife.
साधु_SNNe क_SNNe त्वद्_SD अन्यथा_ बुद्धि_SIF रोचय्_SPr2Im वचस्_SANe मद्_SG | R भज्_SPr2Im मद्_SA अभितप्_SGPaM प्रसाद_SAM कृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
This is for your good. Why should you act otherwise? Do you relish my speech. Do you bend your mind towards me. It behoves you to favour me, who am burning in the heat of desire).
परिक्षिप्_SNPaF समुद्र_SIM लङ्का_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_SNF शत_Cp योजन_SNF इदम्_S R न_ इदम्_SNF धर्षय्_In शक्_SNFGd स_ इन्ट्र_PIM अपि_ सुर_Cp असुर_PIM |
This Larkă measuring an hundred Yojanas girt round by the ocean, is incapable of being harassed by the celestials themselves headed by Indra.
न_ देव_PLM न_ यक्ष_PLM न_ गन्धर्व_PLM न_ ऋषि_PLM | मद्_SN पश्_SPr1In लोक_PLM यद्_SNM मद्_SG वीर्य_Cp सम_SNM भू_SPr3O |
Neither among the celestials nor Yakşãs nor Gandharvas nor Serpents, find I any one that can match me in prowess.
राज्य_Cp भ्रंश्_SIPaM दीन_SIM तापस_SIM पदाति_SIM आदाति_SIM आदाति_SIM आदाति_SIM आदाति_SIM आदाति_Cp भ्रंश्_SIPaM दीन_SIM तापस_SIM पदाति_SIM आदाति_SIM आदाति_Cp भ्रंश्_SIPaM दीन_SIM तापस_SIM पदाति_SIM आदाति_SIM आदाति_Cp भ्रंश् R सिम्_ कृ_SFu2In राम_SIM मानुषिन्_SIM अल्प_Cp तेजस्_SIM |
What will you do with Rāma a human being of short life, poor, of small prowess, practising mendicancy?
भज्_SPr2Im सीता_SVF मद्_SA एव_ भर्तृ_SNM मद्_SN सदृश_SNM त्वद्_SG | R यौवन_SNNe तु_ अध्रुव_SNNe भीरु_SVF रम्_SPr2Im इह_ मद्_SI सह_ |
O Sītā, bend your mind to me. I am a fit husband for you. O timed one, youth is uncertain. Sport with me here.
दर्शन_SLNe मा_U कृ_SPs2 बुद्धि_SAF राघव_SGM वरानना_SVF | R क_SNF इदम्_SGM शक्ति_SNF इह_ आगम्_In अपि_ सीता_SVF मनोरथ_PIM |
And, O you of a handsome countenance, do not wish for the sight of Rāghava. O Sītā, what power has he to come hither even in thought?
न_ शक्य_SNM वायु_SNM आकाश_SLNe पाश_PIM बन्ध्_SAPaM महत्_Cp जव_SNM | दीप्_SGPaPrM वा_ अपि_ अग्नि_SGM ग्रह्_In विमल_SNF शिखा_PAF |
None can fetter the exceedingly fleet wind in the sky, or hold the bright flame of a burning fire.
त्रि_PGM अपि_ लोक_PGM न_ तद्_SAM पश्_SPr1In शुभ्_SPr3In | R विक्रम_SIM नी_SPr3O यद्_SNM त्वद्_SA मद्_Cp बाहु_Cp परिपालय्_SAPaF |
O beauteous one, in these three worlds I find no one that can by his might carry you away, who are protected by my arms.
लङ्का_SBF सु_ महत्_SANe राज्य_SANe इदम्_SANe त्वद्_SN अनुपालय्_SPr2Im | R त्वद्_Cp प्रेष्य_PNM मद्विध_PNM च_ एव_ देव_PNM च_ अपि_ चराचर_SANe |
Do you govern at Lankā this extensive kingdom. The like of me and celestials and all that are mobile and immobile shall be your servants.
अभिषेक_Cp जल_Cp क्लिद्_SNPaF तुष्_SNPaF च_ रमय्_SPr2Im च_ | दुष्कृत_SNNe यद्_SNNe पुरा_ कर्मन्_SNNe वन_Cp वास_SIM तद्_SNNe गम्_SNPaNe | R यद्_SNNe च_ त्वद्_SG सु_ कृ_SNPaNe कर्मन्_SNNe तद्_SGNe इह_ फल_SANe आप्_SPr2Im |
Laving your limbs with water, do you gratify me. The evil that you had done, has been expiated by your life in the forest: now do you reap the fruit of your good deeds.
इह_ सर्व_PNNe माल्य_PNNe दिव्य_Cp गन्ध_PNNe मैथिली_SVF | भूषण_PNNe च_U मुख्य_PNNe तद्_PANe सेव्_SPr2Im मद्_SI सह_U |
Here are garlands furnished with divine fragrance, and, O Maithili, superb ornaments. Enjoy you all those along with me.
पुष्पक_SNNe नाम_ सुश्रोणी_SVF भ्रातृ_SGM वैश्रवण_SGM मद्_SG | R विमान_SNNe सूर्य_Cp संकाश_SNNe तरस्_SINe निर्जि_SNPaNe रण_SLM | R विशाल_SNNe रमणीय_SNNe च_ तद्_SNNe विमान_SNNe मनोजव_SNNe | R तत्र_ सीता_SVF मद्_SI सार्धम्_ विहृ_SPr2Im यथासुखम्_ |
O you of shapely hips, the car called Pușpaka, resembling the sun, which (formerly) belonged to my brother Vaiśravaņa, was through my prowess won by me in fight. And vast and beautiful is that car furnished with the speed of the mind. Do you, O Sītā, at your pleasure sport on it along with me.
वदन_SNNe पद्म_Cp संकाश_SNNe विमल_SNNe चारु_Cp दर्शन_SNNe | R शोक_Cp आर्त_SNNe तु_ वरारोह_SVF न_ भ्राज्_SPr3In वरानना_SVF |
Your face stainless and lovely to look at, resembling the lotus, dose not, O you of a comely countenance, O magnificent damsel, appear beautiful in consequence of your being exercised with grief.
एवम्_ वद्_SLPaPrM तद्_SLM तद्_SNF वस्त्र_Cp अन्त_SIM वर_Cp अङ्गना_SNF | R पिधा_Co इन्दु_Cp निभ_SANe सीता_SNF मन्द_SANe अश्रु_PANe वर्तय्_S3ImIn |
When Rāvana had spoken thus, that best of females Sītā muffling up her moon-like countenance with the ends of her cloth, began to shed gentle tears.
ध्या_SNPaPrF तद्_SAF इव_ अस्वस्थ_SAF सीता_SAF चिन्ता_Cp हन्_PaCp प्रभा_SAF ध्या_SNPaPrF तद्_SAF इव_ अस्वस्थ_SAF सीता_SAF चिन्ता_Cp हन्_PaCp प्रभा_SAF ध्या_SNPaPrF तद्_SAF इव_ अस्वस्थ_SAF सीता_SAF चिन्ता_Cp हन्_PaCp प्रभा_SAF ध्या_SNPaPrF तद्_SAF इव_ अस्वस्थ_SAF स् R वच्_SPs3In वचन_SANe वीर_SNM रावण_SNM रजनीचर_SNM |
Thereat the heroic ranger of the night, Ravana, said to Sita, distressed, sunk in thought, and deprived of her splendour through anxiety,
अलम्_ व्रीड_SIM वैदेही_SVF धर्म_Cp लोप_Cp कृ_SIPaM त्वद्_SG | R आर्ष_SNM इदम्_SNM देवी_SVF निष्पन्द_SNM यद्_SNM त्वद्_SA अभिभू_SFu3In |
O Vaidehi, banish bashfulness, which stands in the way of one's duty. The yearning I feel after you is in consonance with what the sages prescribe.
एतद्_DuNM पाद_DuNM मद्_SI स्निग्ध_DuNM शिरस्_PINe परिपीडय्_DuNPaM | R प्रसाद_SAM कृ_SPr2Im मद्_SG क्षिप्रम्_ वश्य_SNM दास_SNM मद्_SN अस्_SPr1In त्वद्_SG प्रसाद_SAM कृ_SPr2Im मद्_SG क्षिप्रम्_ वश्य_SNM दास_SNM मद्_SN अस्_SPr1In त्वद्_SG प्रसाद_SAM कृ_SPr2Im मद्_SG क्षिप्रम्_ वश्य_SNM दास_SNM मद्_SN अस्_SPr1In त्वद्_SG प्रसाद_SAM कृ_SPr2Im मद्_SG kṣ
These tender feet of yours I press upon my heads. Do you speedily show your favour to me. I am your slave (ever) obedient to you.
इदम्_PNF शून्य_PNF वाच्_PNF शुष्_SIPaPrMPv भाष्_PNPaF | R न_ च_ अपि_ रावण_SNM कश्चित्_SAF मूर्ख_SNF स्त्री_SNF प्रणम्_SPr3O हर_SANe अपि_ रावण_SNM कश्चित्_SAF मूर्ख_SNF स्त्री_SNF प्रणम्_SPr3O हर_SANe अपि_ रावण_SNM कश्चित्_SAF मूर्ख_SNF स्त्री_SNF प्रणम्_SPr3O हर_SANe अपि_ रावण_SNM कश्चित्_SAF मूर्ख_SNF st एवम्_ वच्_Co दशग्रीव_SNM मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_majā R कृतान्त_Cp वश_SAM आपद्_SNPaM मद्_SG इदम्_SNF इति_ मन्_SPr3In |
Let not these words of mine spoken by me under the withering influence of love prove fruitless. Rāvana has never bowed his head to any female. Having said this, the Ten-headed one, come under the subjection of the Destroyer, looked upon Maithili, Janaka's daughter (as his own) saying, She is mine.
राक्षस_SAM मृग_Cp रूप_SINe चर्_SAPaPrM कामरूपिन्_SAM | R निहन्_Co राम_SNM मारीच_SAM पथिन्_SLM निवृत्_S3ImIn |
Killing the Rākṣasa, Mārīca assuming shapes at will and ranging in the shape of a deer, Rāma vended speedily his way.
तद्_SGM संत्वर्_SGPaPrM द्रष्टु_Cp काम_SGM मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF | R क्रूर_Cp स्वन_SNM अथ_ गोमायु_SNM विनद्_SPs3In इदम्_SGM पृष्ठतस्_ |
And as he hurried himself, eager to behold Maithilī, jackals began to howl hideously at his back.
तद्_SNM तद्_SGM स्वर_SAM आज्ञा_Co दारुण_SAM रोमन्_Cp हर्षण_SAM | R चिन्तय्_SPs3InPe गोमायु_SGM स्वर_SIM परिशङ्क्_SNPaM |
Hearing their harsh cries, capable of making one's hair stand on end, Rāma struck with fear at the voices of the jackals, became filled with alarm.
अशुभ_SANe वत_ मन्_SPr1In मद्_SN गोमायु_SNM वाश्_SPr3In यथा_ अपि_ मद्_SN गोमायु_SNM वाश्_SPr3In यथा_ अपि_ अपि_ मद्_SN गोमायु_SNM वाश्_SPr3In यथा_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ मन्_SPr1In मद्_SN गोमायु_SNM वाश्_SPr3In यथा_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अपि_ अशुभ_SANe वत_ R स्वस्ति_SNNe अस्_SPr3O अपि_ वैदेही_SGF राक्षस_PIM भक्षण_SANe विना_ |
Ah! I consider this as inauspicious—that these jackals are crying. Escaping being devoured by the Raksasas, may fair fortune befall Vaidehi!
मारीच_SIM तु_ विज्ञा_Co स्वर_SAM आलक्षय्_Co मामक_SAM | R विक्रुश्_SAPaNe मृग_Cp रूप_SINe लक्ष्मण_SNM श्रु_SPr3O यदि_ | R तद्_SNM सौमित्रि_SNM स्वर_SAM श्रु_Co तद्_SAF च_ हा_Co अथ_ मैथिली_SAF | R तद्_SIF एव_ प्रहि_SNPaM क्षिप्रम्_ मद्_Cp सकाश_SAM इह_ इ_SFu3In |
If Laksmana should have heard the cries which Mārica, knowing my voice, and fixing on the means of harming me, uttered in the form of a deer, Saumitrī, hearing that voice, leaving Mithila's daughter and commissioned by herself, must have come near me.
राक्षस_PIM सहित_SVM ऐनूनम्_ सीता_SGF ईप्सय्_SNPaM वध_SNM | R काञ्चन_SNM च_ मृग_SNM भू_Co व्यपनी_Co आश्रम_SBM तु_ मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA काञ्चन_SNM च_ मृग_SNM भू_Co व्यपनी_Co आश्रम_SBM तु_ मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA काञ्चन_SNM च_ मृग_SNM भू_Co व्यपन् R दूरम्_ नी_Co अथ_ मारीच_SNM राक्षस_SNM भू_SPs3In शर_Cp आहन्_SNPaM | R हा_ लक्ष्मण_SVM हन्_SNPaM अस्_SPr1In इति_ यद्_SANe वाक्य_SANe व्याहृ_SPs3In ह_ |
Surely, the Rākṣasas in a body are desirous of slaying Sitä. Becoming a golden deer, Mārica, having allured me far, transformed himself into a Rākşasa, as soon as he had been struck with my shafts; and exclaimed, 'Ah! Laksmana, slain am I.'
अपि_ स्वस्ति_SNNe भू_SPr3O द्वि_DuDM रहित_DuDM मद्_SI वन_SLNe इष्_SPr2In वन_SLNe इष्_SPr2In तद्_DuDM रहित_DuDM मद्_SI वन_SLNe इष्_SLF अपि_ स्वस्ति_SNNe भू_SPr3O द्वि_DuDM रहित_DuDM मद्_SI वन_SLNe इष्_SLF भू_SPr3O द्वि_DuDM रहित_DuDM मद्_SI वन_SLNe इष्_SLF भ् R जनस्थान_Cp निमित्त_SANe हि_ कृ_PaCp वैर_SNM अस्_SPr1In राक्षस_PIM |
It is doubtless, we having left (Sītā, whether all is well with her. I having raised the hostility of the Räksasas for the sake of Janasthāna;
निमित्त_PNNe च_ घोर_PNNe दृश्_PPr3InPv अद्य_ बहु_PNNe च_ | R इति_ एवम्_ चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM राम_SNM श्रु_Co गोमायु_Cp निःस्वन_SAM | R निवृत्_SNPaPrM त्वरित_SNM गम्_SPs3In आश्रम_SAM आत्मवत्_SNM |
And many and dreadful are the omens I see (around me). Thus reflecting as he heard the howlings of the jackals, the self-possessed Rāma with hasty steps returned to the asylum.
आत्मन्_SGM च_ अपनयन_SNNe मृग_Cp रूप_SINe रक्षस्_SINe | R आगम्_SPs3In जनस्थान_SANe राघव_SNM परिशङ्क्_SNPaM |
Rāghava went back to Janasthāna, alarmed in consequence of his having been drawn away by the Raksasa in the form of a dear.
तद्_SAM दीन_Cp मानस_SAM दीन_SAM आसद्_PPs3In मृग_Cp पक्षिन्_PNM | R सव्य_SAM कृ_Co महात्मन्_SAM घोर_PAM च_ सृज्_PPs3In स्वर_PAM |
And birds and beasts approached that highsouled one distressed and depressed in spirit; and staying on his left set up frightful cries.
तद्_PANe दृश्_Co निमित्त_PANe महत्_Cp घोरण_SANe राघव_SNM | R ततस्_ लक्ष्मण_SAM आया_SAPaPrM दृश्_SPs3In विगम्_PaCp प्रभा_SAM | R ततस्_ विदूर_SLNe राम_SIM समि_SPs3In तद्_SNM लक्ष्मण_SNM |
As he was witnessing the exceedingly dreadful signs, Rāghava saw Lakşmaņa coming with a lacklustre (countenance); and Lakşmaņa came up to Rāma.
विषद्_SNPaM अस्_SNPaPrM विषद्_SIPaM दुःखित_SNM दुःख_Cp भागिन्_SIM | R तद्_SNM ग्रह्_SPs3In अथ_ तद्_SAM भ्रातृ_SNM दृश्_Co लक्ष्मण_SAM आगम्_SAPaM | R विहा_Co सीता_SAF विजन_SLNe वन_SLNe राक्षस_Cp सेव्_SLPaNe |
And depressed in spirit, he was rendered still more sad by that one who, afflicted with depression shared his sorrow. And, seeing that (Laksmana) bad come, leaving Sita in that solitary wood frequented by Rākşasas, his brother fell to reprimanding him.
ग्रह्_Co च_ कर_SAM सव्य_SAM लक्ष्मण_SAM रघुनन्दन_SNM | R वच्_SPs3In मधुर_Cp उदर्क_SANe इदम्_SANe परुष_SANe आर्त_Cp वत्_ |
And taking Lakşmaņa's left hand, the son of Raghu in extreme distress sweetly spoke these rough words,
अहो_ लक्ष्मण_SVM गो_SNF त्वद्_SG कृ_SNPaNe यत्_ त्वद्_SN विहा_Co तद्_SAF | सीता_SAF इह_ आगम्_SNPaM सौम्य_SVM कच्चित्_ स्वस्ति_SNNe भू_SPr3O इति_ |
Alas! Laksmana, you have committed a censurable.,act; leaving Sita, O mild one, you have come hither. Is it well with her?
न_ मद्_SG अस्_SPr3In संशय_SNM वीर_SVM सर्वथा_ जनकात्मजा_SNF | R विनश्_PNPaM भक्षय्_PNPaM वा_ अपि_ राक्षस_PIM वन_Cp चारिन्_PIM |
I make no doubt, O hero, but that Janaka's daughter has either been slain or devoured by Rākṣasas ranging the forest.
अशुभ_PNNe एव_ भूयिष्ठ_SANe यथा_ प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मेदस्_Cp भू_PPr3In मेदस्_Cp भू_PPr3In मेदस्_Cp भू_PPr3In मेदस्_Cp भू_PNNe एव_ भूयिष्ठ_SANe यथा_ प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मेदस्_Cp भू_PNNe एव_ भूयिष्ठ_SANe यथा_ प्रादुर्भू_PPr3In मेदस्_Cp bh अपि_ लक्ष्मण_SVM सीता_SGF सामग्र्य_SANe प्राप्_PPr1O इति_ लक्ष्मण_SVM सीता_SGF सामग्र्य_SANe प्राप्_PPr1O इति_ लक्ष्मण_SVM सीता_SGF सामग्र्य_SANe प्राप्_PPr1O इति_ लक्ष्मण_SVM सीता_SGF सामग्र्य_SANe प्राप्_PPr1O इति_ लक्ष्मण_SVM sītāy जीव्_SGPaPrF पुरुष_Cp व्याघ्र_SVM सु_SGPaF जनक_SGM वै_ |
And, considering the many omens that take place before me, O Laksmana, I do not know whether we shall light upon welfare of Janaka's daughter Sita being alive, O best of men.
यथा_ वै_ मृग_Cp संघ_PNM च_ गोमायु_SNM च_ एव_ भैरव_SAM | R वाश्_PPr3In शकुन_PNM च_ अपि_ प्रदीप्_SAPaF अभितस्_ दिश्_SAF | R अपि_ स्वस्ति_SNNe भू_SPr3O तद्_SGF राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SGF महत्_Cp बल_Cp वत्_ तद्_SGF राजन्_Cp पुत्री_SGF महत्_Cp बल_Cp वत्_ महत्_Cp बल_Cp वत्_ महत्_Cp बल_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp लव_Cp lava
As these multitudes of beasts and these jackals are crying frightfully in the flaming direction*, I do not know, O you of mighty strength, whether it is well with that daughter of the king. i.e. The quarter presided over by the sun, vic., the East.
इदम्_SNNe हि_ रक्षस्_SNNe मृग_Cp संनिकाश_SNNe प्रलोभय्_Co मद्_SA दूरम्_ अनुप्रया_SNPaNe | R हन्_SNPaNe कथंचिद्_ महत्_SIM श्रम_SIM तद्_SNM राक्षस_SNM भू_SPs3In दृ_SNPaPrMPv एव_ अविवर_SAM एव_ अविवर_SAM अविवर_SAM एव_ अविवर_SAM अविवर_SAM एव_ अविवर_SAM अविवर_SAM एव_ अविवर_SAM अविवर_SAM एव_ अविवर_SAM अविवर_SAM एव_ अविवर_SAM अविवर_SAM a
This Rākşasa, who, wearing the shape of a deer, and, alluring me, had drawn me far, has in some sort been slain by me wiih much ado; and he became a Rāksasa at the time of his death.
मनस्_SNNe च_ मद्_SG दीन_SNNe इह_ अप्रहृष्ट_SNNe चक्षुस्_SNNe च_ सव्य_SNNe कृ_SPr3In विकार_SAM | असंशयम्_ लक्ष्मण_SVM न_ अस्_SPr3In सीता_SNF हृ_SNPaF मृ_SNPaF वा_ पथिन्_SLM वृत्_SPr3In वा_ |
Yet my mind is poor and cheerless; and my left eye throbs. Doubtless, O Laksmana, Sita is not, she is either carried away, or dead, or is wandering on the way. SECITION 58
तद्_SNM दृश्_Co लक्ष्मण_SAM दीन_SAM शून्य_SAM दशरथ_Cp आत्मज_SNM | R परिप्रच्छ्_S3ImIn धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM वैदही_SAF आगम्_SAPaM विना_ |
Seeing Lakşmana cast down, cheerless, and come without Vaidehī, the righteous son of Dasaratha, asked him.
प्रस्था_SAPaM दण्डक_Cp अरण्य_SANe यद्_SNF मद्_SA अनुगम्_SPs3In ह_ | R क्व_ तद्_SNF लक्ष्मण_SVM वैदेही_SNF यद्_SAF हा_Co त्वद्_SN इह_ आगम्_SNPaM |
Where, O Laksmana is that Vaidehi, who has followed me to the Dandaka forest, and leaving whom you have come hither?
राज्य_Cp भ्रंश्_SGPaM दीन_SGM दण्डक_PAM परिधाव्_SGPaPrM | क्व_ तद्_SNF दुःख_Cp सहाय_SNF मद्_SG वैदेही_SNF तनु_Cp मध्यम_SNF अदस्_SNF क्व_ तद्_SNF दुःख_Cp सहाय_SNF मद्_SG वैदेही_SNF तनु_Cp मध्यम_SNF अदस्_SNF क्व_ तद्_SNF दुःख_Cp सहाय_SNF मद्_SG वैदेही_SNF तनु_Cp मध्यम_SNF अदस्_SNF क्व_ तद्_SNF दुःख_Cp सहाय_SNF म
Where is that one of a slender waist, who is the help in trouble of me, deprived of my kingdom, dispirited, and running about the Dandakas?
यद्_SAF विना_ न_ उत्सह्_SPr1In वीर_SVM मुहूर्त_SANe अपि_ जीव्_In | R क्व_ तद्_SNF प्राण_Cp सहाय_SNF मद्_SG सीता_SNF सुर_Cp सुता_Cp उपम_SNF अस्त_SNF क्व_ तद्_SNF प्राण_Cp सहाय_SNF मद्_SG सीता_SNF सुर_Cp सुता_Cp उपम_SNF अस्त_SVM क्व_ तद्_SNF प्राण_Cp सहाय_SNF मद्_SG सीता_SNF सुर_Cp सुता_Cp उपम_SNF अस्त_SVM क्व_ तद्_SNF प्राण_Cp sa
Without whom, O hero, I cannot live for a moment-where is that life's help of me Sītā resembling the daughter of a celestial?