पति_Cp त्व_SNNe अमर_PGM हि_ पृथिवी_SGF च_ अपि_ लक्ष्मण_SVM | R विना_ तद्_SAF तपनीय_Cp आभ_SNF न_ इष्_SPr1O जनकात्मजा_SAF |
O Laksmana, without Janaka's daughter (hued) like burning gold, I covet not the sovereignty of the celestials or the earth.
कच्चित्_ जीव्_SPr3In वैदेही_SNF प्राण_PIM प्रियतर_SNF मद्_SG मद्_SG अ_ विदेही_SNF प्राण_PIM प्रियतर_SNF मद्_SG अ_ विदेही_SNF प्राण_PIM प्रियतर_SNF मद्_SG अ_ विदेही_SNF प्राण_PIM प्रियतर_SNF मद्_SG अ_ विदेही_SNF प्राण_PIM प्रियतर_SNF मद्_SG अ_ विदेही_SNF p R कच्चित्_ प्रव्राजन_SNNe वीर_SVM न_ मद्_SG मिथ्या_ भू_SFu3In |
Is Vaidehī, dearer to me than my life still living? Shall this exile of mine be of no avail?
सीता_Cp निमित्त_SANe सौमित्रि_SVM मृ_SLPaM मद्_SL गम्_SLPaM त्वद्_SL | R कच्चित्_ स_ काम_SNF कैकेयी_SNF सुखय्_SNPaF तद्_SNF भू_SFu3In | स_ पुत्र_Cp राज्य_SAF सिद्धार्थ_SAF मृ_PaCp पुत्र_SNF तपस्विनी_SNF इव_ स_ पुत्र_Cp राज्य_SAF सिद्धार्थ_SAF मृ_PaCp पुत्र_SNF तपस्विनी_SNF इव_ स_ पुत्र_Cp राज्य_SAF सिद्धार्थ_SAF मृ_PaCp पुत्र_SNF तपस्विनी_SNF इव_ स_ पुत्र_Cp राज्य_SAF सिद्धार्थ_SAF मृ_PaCp उपस्था_SFu3In कौसल्या_SNccit सौम्येन_ कैकयी_SAm मद्_SA उपस्था_SFu3In कौसल्या_SNccit सौम्येन_ कैकयी_māṃ कैकयी_SAm मद्_SA उपस्था_SFu3In कैकयी_SAccit कैकयी_māṃ कैकयी_SAm
O Sumitrā's son, on my dying for Sītā and your returning (to the city). shall Kaikeyi have her desire, and attain felicity; and shall Kausalyā, her son dead, and herself wearing the guise of a female mendicant, humbly wait upon Kaikeyi when she shall have succeeded in obtaining the kingdom for her son?
यदि_ जीव्_SPr3In वैदेही_SNF गम्_SFu1In आश्रम_SAM पुनर्_ | R संवृत्_PNPaM यदि_ वृत्_SNPaF तद्_SNF प्राण_PAM त्यज्_SFu1In लक्ष्मण_SVM |
If Vaidehī live, I will then return to the asylum; but O Lakşmaņa, if that one of excellent character should happen to be dead, I will also renounce my life.
यदि_ मद्_SA आश्रम_Cp गम्_SAPaM वैदेही_SNF न_ अभिभाष्_SPr3In | R पुरस्_ प्रहस्_SNPaF सीता_SNF विनश्_SFu1In लक्ष्मण_SVM |
If, O Laksmana, Vaidehi ever precluding her speech with a smile should not speak to me when I arrive at the asylum, I shall give up my life.
ब्रू_SPr2Im लक्ष्मण_SVM वैदेही_SNF यदि_ जीव्_SPr3In वा_ न_ वा_ | R त्वद्_SL प्रमद्_SLPaM रक्षस्_PINe भक्षय्_SNPaF वा_ तपस्विनी_SNF |
tell me, O Laksmana, whether Do you Videha's daughter live or not; or whether, in consequence of your acting heedlessly, that forlorn wench has been devoured by Raksasas.
सुकुमार_SNF च_ बाल_SNF च_ नित्यम्_ च_ अदस्_SNF ख_Cp भागिन्_SNF | R मद्_Cp वियोग_SIM वैदेही_SNF व्यक्त_SANe शुच्_SPr3In दुर्मनस्_SNF |
Of a tender frame, and a mere girl, Vaidehi, never having experienced unhappiness being cast down, surely weep for my separation.
सर्वथा_ रक्षस्_SINe तद्_SINe जिह्य_SINe सु_ दुरात्मन्_SINe आ_ अपि_ अपि_ आत्मन्_SINe | R वद्_SIPaPrM लक्ष्मण_SVM इति_ उच्च_SNM त्वद्_SG अपि_ जनय्_SNPaNe भय_SNNe |
When that exceedingly wicked Rākşasa cried, Lakşmaņa at the top of his voice, was you also seized with fear?
श्रु_SNPaM च_ मन्_SPr1In वैदेही_SIF तद्_SNM स्वर_SNM सदृश_SNM मद्_SG | R त्रस्_SIPaF प्रेषय्_SNPaM त्वद्_SN च_ दृश्_In मद्_SA शीघ्रम्_ आगम्_SNPaM |
And I apprehend that voice resembling mine was heard by Vaidehī; and, despatched by her from fear, you may have come hither swiftly to see* me. Some texts-to rescue me.
सर्वथा_ तु_ कृ_SNPaNe कष्ट_SNNe सीता_SAF उत्सृज्_SIPaPrM वन_SLNe | R प्रतिकृ_In नृशंस_PGNe रक्षस्_PGNe दा_SNPaNe अन्तर_SNNe |
You have every way acted unwisely in having left Şītā alone in the wood. By this you have afforded opportunity to the cruel Rākşasas to repair the mischief (I have done them).
दुःखित_PNM खर_Cp घात_SIM राक्षस_PNM पिशित_Cp अशन_PNM | R संशय_SNM |
The Rākşasas subsisting flesh are aggrieved because of Khara having been slain; and now, without doubt, those terrible ones have slain Sita.
अहो_ अस्_SPr1In व्यसन_SLNe मज्ज्_SNPaM सर्वथा_ रिपु_Cp नाशन_Cp | R क_SANe तु_ इदानीम्_ कृ_SFu1In शङ्क्_SPr1In प्राप्_SANeGd ईदृश_SANe |
Alas! absolutely sunk am I in peril, O destroyer of foes. What shall I do now? I fear such an event was appointed for me.
इति_ सीता_SAF वरारोह_SAF चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM एव_ राघव_SNM | आगम्_SPs3In जनस्थान_SANe त्वरा_SIF सहलक्ष्मण_SNM |
Thus thinking of Sītā, paragon among women, Rāghava hastily went to Janasthāna in company with Laksmana. on
विगर्ह्_SNPaPrM अनुज_SAM आर्त_Cp रूप_SAM क्षुधा_Cp श्रम_SIM एव_ पिपासा_SIF च_ | R विनिःश्वस_Cp शुष्क_Cp मुख_SNM विषद्_SNPaM प्रतिश्रय_SAM प्राप्_Co समीक्ष्_Co शून्य_SAM |
Taking to task his younger brother of distressed visage, Rāma, afflicted with hunger and thirst, and dejected in spirits, sighing heavily with a countenance turned pale, entered the asylum and found it vacant.
स्व_SAM आश्रम_SAM तद्_SNM प्रविगाह्_Co वीर_SNM विहार_Cp देश_PAM अनुसृ_Co कश्चित्_PAM | R एतद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe इति_ एव_ निवास_Cp भूमि_SLF प्रहृष्_PaCp रोमन्_SNM व्यथ्_SNPaM भू_SPs3In |
And entering his own asylum that hero went to the play-grounds (of Sītā) and remembering the sporting ground (of Sītā) in that abode, he was filled with grief and his down stood on end.
भृशम्_ आव्रज्_SGPaPrM तद्_SGM अधस्_ वाम_Cp लोचन_SNNe | R प्रस्फुर्_S3ImIn च_ स्खल्_S3ImIn राम_SNM वेपथु_SNM च_ इदम्_SGM जन्_SPr3In |
As Rāma went on, his feet failed him, his left eye to beat, and a trembling came over his frame.
उपालक्षय्_Co निमित्त_PANe तद्_SNM अशुभ_PANe मुहुर्_ मुहुर्_ | अपि_ क्षेम_SNNe तु_ सीता_SGF इति_ वै_ व्याहृ_SPs3In ह_ |
Seeing again and again all these signs, he continually kept on asking (Lakşmaņa), Is it well with Sita?
त्वर्_SNPaPrM गम्_SPs3In अथ_ सीता_Cp दर्शन_Cp लालस_SNM | शून्य_Cp अमावसथ_SAM दृश्_Co भू_SPs3In उद्विज्_PaCp मानस_SNM |
Eager to behold Sītā, he proceeded fast; but finding the abode empty, he was filled with anxiety.
उद्भ्रम्_SNPaPrM इव_ वेग_SIM विक्षिप्_SNPaPrM रघुनन्दन_SNM | R तत्र_ तत्र_ उटज_Cp स्थान_SANe अभिवीक्ष्_Co समन्ततः_ | R दृश्_SPs3In पर्णशाला_SAF च_ सीता_SIF रहित_SAF तदा_ | R श्री_SIF विरहित_SAF ध्वंस्_SAPaF हेमन्त_SLM पद्मिनी_SAF इव_ |
And proceeding with swiftness, throwing about his limbs, Raghu's son began to survey all around the hut. He then found it empty of Sītā, like to a tank in evil plight and bereft of lotuses-during the winter.
रुद्_SAPaPrM इव_ वृक्ष_PIM च_ ग्ला_PaCp पुष्प_Cp मृग_Cp द्विज_SAM | R श्री_SIF विहा_SAPaNe विध्वंस्_SAPaNe संत्यज्_SAPaNe वन_Cp दैवत_PINe | R विप्रकृ_PaCp अजिन_Cp कुश_SNNe विप्रव्यध्_PaCp बृसी_Cp कट_SNNe | दृश्_Co शून्य_Cp उटज_Cp स्थान_SANe विलप्_SPs3In पुनर्_ पुनर्_ |
And seeing the cottage empty, with its trees as if sorrowing, and its flowers faded, and its beasts and birds sunk in gloom, shorn of grace, worn out, forsaken by the sylvan deities, strewn with deer-skins and Kusa, and twists of Kasa, he wept again and again.
हृ_SNPaF मृ_SNPaF वा_ नश्_SNPaF वा_ भक्षय्_SNPaF वा_ भू_SFu3In | R निली_SNPaF अपि_ अथवा_ भीरु_SNF अथवा_ वन_SANe आश्रि_SNPaF | R गम्_PNPaM विचि_In पुष्प_PANe फल_PANe अपि_ च_ वा_ पुनर्_ | अथवा_ पद्मिनी_SNF या_SNPaF जल_Cp अर्थ_SAM वा_ नदी_SAF गम्_SNPaF अथवा_ पद्मिनी_SNF या_SNPaF जल_Cp अर्थ_SAM वा_ नदी_SAF गम्_SNPaF अथवा_ पद्मिनी_SNF या_SNPaF जल_Cp अर्थ_SAM वा_ नदी_SAF गम्_SNPaF अथवा_ पद्मिनी_SNF या_SNPaF जल_Cp अर्थ_SAM वा_ नदी_SAF गम्_SNPaF
Has the timid one been carried off, or is she dead, or has any one eaten her up, or has she vanished (from the earth), or has she gone to the wood, or has she gone to cull flowers and fruits, or has she gone to the pool for procuring water, or has she repaired to the river?
यत्न_SBM मृगय्_SNPaPrM तु_ न_ आसद्_SPs3In वन_SLNe प्रिया_SAF | R शोक_Cp रक्त_Cp ईक्षण_SNM श्रीमत्_SNM उन्मद्_SNPaM इव_ लक्षय्_SPr3InPv |
Although he searched his beloved one carefully, yet he failed to find her out in the wood-land. And that graceful one with his eyes reddened with grief, seemed like a maniac
वृक्ष_SBM वृक्ष_SAM प्रधाव्_SNPaPrM तद्_SNM गिरि_SNM च_ अपि_ नदीनद_SAM | R भ्रम्_SPs3In विलप_Cp राम_SNM शोक_Cp पङ्क_Cp अर्णव_Cp प्लु_SNPaM |
He rushed from tree to tree, and bewailing being sunk in an ocean of grief traversed all the rivers and mountains.
अस्_SPr3In कच्चित्_ त्वद्_SI दृश्_Co तद्_SNF कदम्ब_Cp प्रिय_SNF प्रिय_SNF | R कदम्ब_SVM यदि_ ज्ञा_SPr2In शंस्_SPr2Im सीता_SAF शुभ_Cp आनन_SAF | स्निग्ध_Cp पल्लव_Cp संकाश_SAF पीत_Cp कौशेय_Cp वासिन्_SAF | शंस्_SPr2Im यदि_ तद्_SNF दृश्_Co बिल्ब_SVM बिल्व_Cp उपम_Cp स्तनी_SNF |
O Kadamba, have you seen where is that one fond of Kadamba groves? If know you this do you tell me of Sītā having an auspicious countenance. O Bilva, tell me pray, if you have seen her, wearing silken cloth, resembling cool leaves and having breast like to Bilva fruits.
अथवा_ अर्जुन_SVM शंस्_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN प्रिय_SAF तद्_SAF अर्जुन_Cp प्रिय_SAF | जनक_SGM सुता_SNF तन्वी_SNF यदि_ जीव्_SPr3In वा_ न_ वा_ |
Or, O Aryunā, she was very fond of you, tell me if live that daughter of Janaka of slender frame.
ककुभ्_SGF ककुभ्_SIF ऊरु_SAF तद्_SAF व्यक्त_SANe ज्ञा_SPr3In मैथिली_SAF | लता_Cp पल्लव_Cp पुष्प_Cp आढ्य_SNM भा_SPr3In हि_ एतद्_SNM वनस्पति_SNM | R भ्रमर_Cp विरूप_Cp गा_SNPaM च_ यथा_ द्रुम_Cp वर_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मा_SNPaM भ्रमर_Cp विरूप_Cp गा_SNPaM च_ यथा_ द्रुम_Cp वर_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मिलिन्_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मिलिन्_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मिलिन्_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मिलिन्_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मिलिन्_SNM हि_ असि_Cp मिलिन्_SNM हि_ असि_Cp एतद्_SNM व्यक्त_SANe विज्ञा_SPr3In तिलक_SNM तिलक_Cp प्रिया_SAF |
This Kakubha know for certain about Maithilī having thighs like to Kakubha. You stands beautifully that Vanaspati being enveloped with creepers flowers and leaves and filled with the hum of Bhramaras. Surely dose this Tilaka know about her who was fond of her.
अशोक_SVM शोक_Cp अपनुद_SVM शोक_Cp उपहन्_PaCp चेतना_SAM | R त्वद्_Cp नामन्_SAM कृ_SPr2Im क्षिप्रम्_ प्रिया_Cp संदर्शन_SINe मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA मद्_SA |
O Asoka, who dose remove sorrows, do you make good your name by making me, who am exercised with grief, see instantly my beloved (spouse).
यदि_ ताल_SVM त्वद्_SI दृश्_SNPaF पक्व_Cp ताल_Cp उपम_Cp स्तनी_SNF | R कथय्_SPr2Im वरारोह_SAF कारुण्य_SNNe यदि_ त्वद्_SG मद्_SL |
O Tāla, if you have any pity on me do you tell me whether you have beheld that fair damsel having breast resembling ripe Tāla fruits.
यदि_ दृश्_Co त्वद्_SI जम्बु_SVF जाम्बूनद_Cp सम_Cp प्रभा_SNF | R यदि_ विज्ञा_SPr2In निःशङ्क_SANe कथय्_SPr2Im मद्_SG |
Do you tell me without fear, O Jāmbu, if you have seen my dear one resembling in hue the river Jāmbu.
अहो_ त्वद्_SN कर्णिकार_SVM अद्य_ पुष्पित_SNM शुभ्_SPr3In भृशम्_ | कर्णिकार_Cp प्रिय_SAF साधु_SNF शंस्_SPr2Im दृश्_SNPaF यदि_ प्रिय_SNF |
O Karnikar, you appear very beautiful with this blossoming flowers, tell me if you have seen my dear devoted wife who was fond of you.
चूत_Cp नीप_Cp महासाल_PAM पनस_PAM कुरर_PAM तथा_ | दाडिम_PAM अपि_ तद्_PAM गम्_Co दृश्_Co राम_SNM महत्_Cp यशस्_SNM | R बकुल_PAM अथ_ पुंनाग_PAM चन्दन_PAM केतक_PAM तथा_ | R प्रच्छ्_SNPaPrM राम_SNM वन_SLNe भ्रम्_SNPaM उन्मद्_SNPaM इव_ लक्षय्_SPr3InPv |
Thus the highly famous Rāma asking about Sītā, nearing the various trees such as mangoes, Nipa, Mahaśālā, Panasa, Kurava, Pomegranate, Bakula, Punnaga, Sandal and Ketak began to traverse the forest like a maniac.
अथवा_ मृगशावाक्षी_SNF मृग_SVM ज्ञा_SPr2In मैथिली_SAF | मृग_Cp विप्रेक्षण_SNF कान्त_SNF मृगी_PIF सहित_SNF भू_SPr3O |
Again addressed he the diverse animals-O dear, know you for certain about Janakī having the eyes of a doe; is she engaged in play with the does?
गज_SVM तद्_SNF गज_Cp नासा_SNF उरूयट्दि_ दृश्_Co त्वद्_SI भू_SPr3O तद्_SAF मन्_SPr1In विद्_SAPaF त्वद्_SD आख्या_SPr2Im वर_Cp वारण_SVM |
O elephant, methinks you do know about the daughter of Janaka having thighs resembling your trunk; pray tell me if you have beheld her.
शार्दूल_SVM यदि_ तद्_SNF दृश्_Co प्रिय_SNF चन्द्र_Cp निभ_Cp आनन_SNF | R कथय्_SPr2Im न_U त्वद्_SG भय_SNNe |
O tiger, fearlessly do you relate to me if you have seen my beloved Maithilī, having a countenance resembling Moon.
क_SANe धाव्_SPr2In प्रिय_SVF नूनम्_ दृश्_SNPaF अस्_SPr2In कमल_Cp ईक्षण_SVF | R आच्छादय्_Co च_ आत्मन्_SAM क_SANe मद्_SA न_ प्रतिभाष्_SPr2In |
O dear! O you having eyes like to lotuses! why do you fly away? Surely have I seen you. Why do you not address me hiding yourself behind the tree?
स्था_SPr2Im स्था_SPr2Im वरारोह_SVF न_ त्वद्_SG अस्_SPr3In करुणा_SNF मद्_SL | R न_ अत्यर्थम्_ हास्य_Cp शील_SNF अस्_SPr2In क_SANe अर्थ_SANe मद्_SA उपेक्ष्_SPr2In |
Wait, wait, O you fair damsel, you have no compassion for me! Never had you mock me before in this way! Why do you neglect me now?
पीत_Cp कौशेयक_SINe अस्_SPr2In सूचय्_SNPaF वरवर्णिनी_SVF | धाव्_PPr3In अपि_ मद्_SI दृश्_Co स्था_SPr2Im यदि_ अस्_SPr3In सौहृद_SNNe |
O exquisitely fair damsel, truly have I found you out from this your yellow silken cloth. I have seen you flying away. Stand if you have any love for me.
न_ एव_ तद्_SNF नूनम्_ अथवा_ हिंस्_SNPaF चारु_Cp हासिन्_SNF | R कृच्छ्र_SAM प्राप्_SAPaM हि_ मद्_SA नूनम्_ यथा_ उपेक्ष्_In अर्ह्_SPr3In |
Or, O you having a sweet smile, you are not she; truly you have been killed or else you would not have neglected me at this time of dire affliction.
व्यक्त_SANe तद्_SNF भक्षय्_SNPaF बाल_SNF राक्षस_PIM पिशित_Cp अशन_PIM | R विभज्_Co अङ्ग_PANe सर्व_PANe मद्_SI विरहित_SNF प्रिय_PAF |
True it is that she has been devoured in my absence by the Rākşasas living on flesh having torn into pieces her limbs.
नूनम्_ तद्_SNNe शुभ_Cp दन्त_Cp उष्ठ_SNNe सु_ नासा_SNNe शुभ_Cp कुण्डल_SNNe | R पूर्ण_Cp चन्द्र_Cp निभ_SNNe ग्रस्_SNPaNe मुख_SNNe निष्प्रभ_Cp ता_SAF गम्_SNPaNe |
Truly has her face, resembling the full-moon, having beautiful teeth a fine nose and white Kundalas, become of pale countenance being brought under the possession of the Rākșasas.
तद्_SNF हि_ चन्दनक_Cp वर्ण_Cp आभ_SNF ग्रीवा_SNF ग्रैवेयक_Cp उचित_SNF आ_ | R कोमल_SNF विलप्_SGPaPrF तु_ कान्ता_SGF भक्षय्_SNPaF शुभ_SNF |
Her neck had the hue of sandal and was adorned with necklace—that beautiful tender neck was eaten up by the Rākşasas, my beloved wife wailing.
नूनम्_ विक्षिप्_DuNPaPrMPv तद्_DuNM बाहु_DuNM पल्लव_Cp कोमल_DuNM | R भक्षय्_DuNPaM विप्_PaPrCp अग्र_DuNM सहस्त_Cp आभरण_Cp अङ्गद_DuNM |
Her arms were tender like leaves and adorned with various ornaments; truly have the Rākşasas eaten them up, shaken as they were, by throwing them here and there.
मद्_SI विरहित_SNF बाल_SNF रक्षस्_PGNe भक्षण_SDNe वै_ | सार्थ_SIM इव_ परित्यज्_PNPaF भक्षय्_PNPaF बहु_Cp बान्धव_PNF |
Alas! did I leave her alone only to be devoured by the Rākşasas? And she has been eaten up like one weak and helpless albeit she has many friends.
हा_ लक्ष्मण_SVM महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM पश्_SPr2In त्वद्_SN प्रिय_SAF क्वचिद्_ | R हा_ प्रिय_SLNe गम्_SNPaF भद्र_SVF हा_ सीता_SNF इति_ पुनर्_ पुनर्_ | R इति_ एवम्_ विलप्_SNPaPrM राम_SNM परिधाव्_SNPaPrM वन_SBNe वन_SANe | बलात्_ क्वचिद्_ उद्भ्रम्_SPramate क्वचिद्_ उद्भ्रम्_SPramate क्वचिद्_ विभ्रमते_bala क्वचिद्_ विभ्रमते_bala क्वचिद्_ विभ्रमते_bala क्वचिद्_ बलात्_ |
O Lakşmaņa, O you of mighty-arms, have you seen where my dear wife is? O dear! O Sītā! where have you gone? bewailing again and again in this strain Rāma began to range the forest. Sometimes leaping, sometimes walking in an uncertain direction, again and again he looked like one void of sense.
क्वचिद्_ मद्_SNPaM इव_ आभा_SPr3In कान्ता_Cp अन्वेषण_Cp तत्पर_SNM | R तद्_SNM वन_PANe नदी_PAF शैल_PAM गिरि_Cp प्रस्रवण_PANe च_ | R कानन_PANe च_ वेग_SIM भ्रम्_SPr3In अपरिसंस्थित_SNM |
And again intent on searching Sītā he furiously engaged in traversing the rivers, mountains, fountains and the woods. he could not wait patiently anywhere.
तदा_ तद्_SNM गम्_Co विपुल_SANe महत्_SANe वन_SANe परी_Co सर्व_SANe तु_ अथ_ मैथिली_SNF प्रति_ | अनिष्ठित_Cp आशा_SNM तद्_SNM कृ_SPs3In मार्गण_SLNe पुनर्_ प्रिया_SGF परम_SAM परिश्रम_SAM |
Entering a vast forest he searched every nook and corner for Maithilī; his desire was not satisfied and he again engaged with great labour in the finding out of his dear spouse.
दृश्_Co आश्रम_Cp पद_SANe शून्य_SANe राम_SNM दशरथ_Cp आत्मज_SNM | R रहित_SAF पर्ण_Cp शाला_SAF च_ प्रव्यध्_PAPaNe आसन_PANe च_ | अ_U दृश्_Co तत्र_U वैदेही_SNF संनिरीक्ष्_Co च_U सर्वशस्_U | R वच्_SPs3In राम_SNM प्राक्रुश्_Co प्रग्रह्_Co रुचिर_DuAM भुज_DuAM |
Beholding the hermitage and cottage desolate and the seats strewn here and there, Rāma the son of Dasaratha looked around. And finding Sītā nowhere he raised up his beautiful arm and broke out into lamentations.
क्व_ नु_ लक्ष्मण_SVM वैदेही_SNF क_SAM वा_ देश_SAM इतस्_ गम्_SNPaF | क_SIM आहृ_SNPaF वा_ सौमित्रि_SVM भक्षय्_SNPaF क_SIM वा_ प्रिय_SNF अ_ हृ_SNPaF वा_ सौमित्रि_SVM भक्षय्_SNPaF क_SIM वा_ प्रिय_SNF अ_ क_SIM आहृ_SNPaF वा_ सौमित्रि_SVM भक्षय्_SNPaF क_SIM वा_ प्रिय_SNF अ_ हृ_SNPaF वा_ सौमित्रि_SVM भक्षय्_SNPaF क_SIM वा_ प्रिय_SNF
O Laksmana where is Sītā? Where has she gone hence? O Saumitri, who has carried away my dear one or who has devoured her?
वृक्षण_SVM आवारय्_Co यदि_ मद्_SA सीता_SVF हस्_In इष्_SPr2In | अलम्_ त्वद्_SG हसित_SINe अद्य_ मद्_SA भज्_SPr2Im सु_ दुःखित_SAM |
O Sītā, if wish you to mock me, hiding yourself behind the tree, enough-~-enough it is-console me who am exercised with grief.
यद्_PIM परिक्रीड्_SPr2In सीता_SVF विश्वस्_PaCp विमूंग_Cp पोतक_PIM | एतद्_PNM हा_PNPaM त्वद्_SI सौम्य_SVF ध्या_PPr3In अस्र_Cp आविल_Cp ईक्षण_PNM |
O pleasant Sītā, without you these faithful little deer have engaged in meditation being bathed in tears.
सीता_SIF रहित_SNM मद्_SN वै_ नहि_ जीव्_SPr1In लक्ष्मण_Cp यक्ष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_Cp ṛṣmaṇ R वृ_SAPaM शोक_SIM महत्_SIM सीता_Cp आहरण_Cp ज_SIM मद्_SA | R पर_Cp लोक_SLM महत्_Cp राज_SNM नूनम्_ दृश्_SFu3In मद्_SG पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SNM पितृ_SNM इद R कथम्_ प्रतिज्ञा_SAF संश्रु_Co मद्_SI त्वद्_SN अभियोजय्_SNPaM | R अ_ पूरय्_Co तद्_SAM काल_SAM मद्_Cp सकाश_SAM इह_ आगम्_SNPaM |
Without Sita I shall not breathe, O Laksmana. A mighty grief has overtaken me in consequence of her being carried away. My father the monarch shall surely behold me in the next world and ask me 'I engaged you in the observance of a vow; without fulfilling that, why have you come here?
काम_Cp वृत्_SAPaM अनार्य_SAM वा_ मृषावादिन्_SAM एव_ च_ | R धिक्_ त्वद्_SA इति_ पर_SLM लोक_SLM व्यक्त_SANe वच्_SFu3In मद्_SG पितृ_SNM आ_ धिक्_ त्वद्_SA इति_ पर_SLM लोक_SLM व्यक्त_SANe वच्_SFu3In मद्_SG पितृ_SNM इदम्_SLM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SLM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SLM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SLM पितृ_SNM इदम्_SLM लोक_SLM व्यक्त_SANe वच्_SFu3In मद्_SG पितृ_SNM as
O shame on you!' For certain shall my father address me with these words relating to my passionate, false and base conduct.
विवश_SAM शोक_Cp संतप्_SAPaM दीन_SAM भञ्ज्_PaCp मनोरथ_SAM | R मद्_SA इह_ उत्सृज्_Co करुण_SAM कीर्ति_Cp नर_SAM इव_ अनृजु_SAM | R क्व_ गम्_SPr2In वरारोह_SVF मा_ मद्_SA उत्सृज्_SPr2Im सुमध्यमा_SVF |
All my desires have now been baffled and I have lost all control over myself and have been exercised with grief. O fine damsel, O you of slender waist, where do you repair leaving me behind like to fame renouncing a person of vicious nature?
त्वद्_SI विरहित_SNM च_ मद्_SN त्यज्_SFu1In जीवित_SANe आत्मन्_SGM | R इति_ इव_ विलप्_SNPaPrM राम_SNM सीता_Cp दर्शन_Cp लालस_SNM | R न_ दृश्_SPs3In सु_ दुःख_Cp आर्त_SNM राघव_SNM जनकात्मजा_SAF |
Without you I shall renounce my own life. Being desirous of seeing Sītā, Rāma afflicted with grief began to bewail in this strain, but did not behold the daughter of Janaka.
अन्_ आसादय्_SAPaPrM तद्_SAM सीता_SAF शोक_Cp परायण_SAM | R पङ्क_SAM आसादय्_Co विपुल_SAM सद्_SAPaPrM इव_ कुञ्जर_SAM | R लक्ष्मण_SNM राम_SAM अत्यर्थम्_ वच्_SPs3In हित_Cp काम्या_SIF |
Being sunk in grief on Sītā's account he became worn out like to an elephant fallen in mud.' Thereat for his well being, Laksmana spoke to him.
मा_ विषाद_SAM महाबुद्धि_SVM कृ_SPr2Im यत्_ मद्_SI सह_ | इदम्_SNNe गिरि_Cp वर_SNNe वीर_SVM बहु_Cp कन्दर_Cp शोभय्_SNPaNe | R वन_Cp उन्मद्_SNPaF च_ मैथिली_SNF | R तद्_SNF वन_SANe वा_ प्रविश्_SNPaF अस्_SPr3O नलिनी_SNF वा_ सु_ पुष्पित_SAF | सरित्_SAF वा_ अपि_ सम्प्राप्_SNPaF मीनवजुल_Cp सेव्_SAPaF | वा_ ली_SNPaF अस्_SPr3O कानन_SLNe क्वचिद्_ | R जिज्ञास्_SNPaPrF वैदेही_SNF त्वद्_SA मद्_SA च_ पुरुष_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R तद्_SGF हि_ अन्वेषण_SLNe श्रीमत्_SNM क्षिप्रम्_ एव_ यत्_DuPr1In | R वन_SANe सर्व_SANe विचि_DuPr1In यत्र_ तद्_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF आ_ वन_SANe सर्व_SANe विचि_DuPr1In यत्र_ तद्_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रि_DuPr1In वन_SANe सर्व_SANe विचि_DuPr1In यत्र_ तद्_SNF जनकात्मजा_SNF आश्रि_DuPr1In वन_SANe सर्व_SANe विचि_DuPr1In यत्र_ तद्_SNF ज
O you of mighty intellect-do not grieve. Do you put forth your endeavours along with me. There is that high hill, O hero, containing many a cave. Maithilī who is fond of ranging the forest and ever delight in beholding the flowery woods, must have entered therein or have gone to the watering-place blooming with flowers and lot''ses. She Las gone to the river abounding in fish and Vañjulas or has hidden herself somewhere in the forest to frighten us and to know, O best of men, how we can search her out. O you of great beauty, let us soon engage in quest of her.
ततस्_ दुःख_Cp अभिसंतप्_SNPaM लक्ष्मण_SNM वाक्य_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn | R विचर्_SNPaPrM दण्डक_Cp अरण्य_SANe भ्रातृ_SAM दीप्_PaCp तेजस्_SAM |
Ranging the entire forest of Dandaka, Laks mana, sore distressed, spoke to his brother of flaming energy.
प्राप्_SFu2In त्वद्_SN महत्_Cp प्राज्ञ_SVM मैथिली_SNF जनकात्मजा_SAF | R यथा_ विष्णु_SNM महत्_Cp बाहु_SNM बलि_SAM बन्ध्_Co मही_SAF इदम्_SAF |
Surely shall you come by Maithilī the daughter of Janaka like to the mighty armed Viş ņu obtaining this earth after having bound Vāli.
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ वीर_SIM लक्ष्मण_SIM तद्_SNM राघव_SNM | वच्_SPs3In दीन_SIF वाच्_SIF दुःख_Cp अभिहन्_PaCp चेतना_SNM |
Being thus addressed by the heroic Lakşmaņa, Rāghava, greatly afflicted with sorrow, replied in piteous accents .
वन_SNNe सु_ विचि_SNPaNe सर्व_SNNe पद्मिनी_PNF फुल्ल_Cp पङ्कज_PNF | R गिरि_SNM च_ इदम्_SNM महत्_Cp प्राज्ञ_SVM बहु_Cp कन्दर_Cp निर्झर_SNM | R न_ हि_ दृश्_SPr1In वैदेही_SNF प्राण_PBM अपि_ गरीयस्_SAF |
O you of mighty intellect I have searched every nook of this forest, this pool abounding in blown lotuses, and this mountain containing many a cave and fountain; but nowhere have I seen Vaidehi dearer than my life.
एवम्_ तद्_SNM विलप्_SNPaPrM राम_SNM सीता_Cp हरण_Cp कर्षय्_SNPaM | R दीन_SNM शोक_Cp समाविश्_SNPaM मुहूर्त_SANe विह्वल_SNM भू_S3ImIn |
Thus bewailing Rāma, racked with sorrow consequent on Sītā being carried away, became poorly and afflicted with grief and swooned away for sometime.
तद्_SNM विह्वल्_PaCp सर्व_Cp अङ्ग_SNM गम्_PaCp बुद्धि_SNM विचेतन_SNM | R विषद्_SPs3In आतुर_SNM दीन_SNM निःश्वस्_Co अशीत_SANe आयम्_SAPaNe |
He lost his sense and his whole frame was worked with grief. Being greatly anxious and breathless he sighed hot and fast and began to lament.
बहुशस्_ तद्_SNM तु_ निःश्वस्_Co राम_SNM राजीव_Cp लोचन_SNM | R हा_ प्रिय_SNF इति_ विक्रुश्_SPs3In बहुशस्_ वाष्प_Cp गद्गद_SNM |
And sobbing again and again the lotus-eyed Rāma bewailed with his voice choked with the vapour of grief, exclaiming “Ah Sītā!”
तद्_SAM सान्त्वय्_SPs3InPe ततस्_ लक्ष्मण_SNM प्रियवत्_SNM धव_SAM | बहु_Cp प्रकार_SAM शोक_Cp आर्त_SNM प्रश्रित_SNM प्रश्रि_PaCp अञ्जलि_SNM |
Thereat his dear brother Lakşmaņa, aggrieved, consoled him with joined hands.
अन्_ आदृ_Co तु_ तद्_SANe वाक्य_SANe लक्ष्मण_Cp उष्ठ_Cp पुट_Cp च्यु_SAPaNe | R अपश्यत्_SNM तद्_SAF प्रिय_SAF सीता_SAF प्रक्रुश्_S3ImIn तद्_SNM पुनर्_ पुनर्_ |
But passing by the words dropping from Laks mana's lips Rāma again and again bewailed not beholding his dear Sītā.
सीता_SAF अपश्यत्_SNM धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM शोक_Cp उपहन्_PaCp चेतना_SNM | R विलप्_SPs3In महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM राम_SNM कमल_Cp लोचन_SNM |
Not beholding Sītā the virtuous-souled Rāma, of mighty arms, having eyes resembling lotuses, beside himself with grief, lamented in many a way).
दृश्_SNPaPrM इव_ च_ तद्_SAF सीता_SAF पश्_S3ImIn मद्_Cp मन्मन्थ_Cp अर्दय्_SNPaM | R वच्_SPs3In राघव_SNM वाक्य_SANe विलाप_Cp आश्रय_Cp दुर्वच_SANe |
Pierced with the shafts of Manmatha, Rāghava, as if beholding Sītā though he actually did not see her, uttered the following piteous accents
त्वद्_SN अशोक_SGM शाखा_PIF पुष्प_Cp प्रियतर_SNF प्रिय_SVF इष्_SPr2In इष्_SVF | आवृ_SPr2In शरीर_SANe त्वद्_SG मद्_SG शोक_Cp विवर्धन_SNF |
O my dear, you delights greatly in flowers. Covering your own Person with Asoka twigs you are increasing my grief.
कदल_Cp काण्ड_Cp सदृश_DuNM कदल_SIF संवृ_DuNPaM उभ्_DuNM | ऊरु_DuAM पश्_SPr1In त्वद्_SG देवी_SVF न_ अस्_SPr2In शक्_SNPaF निगुह्_In |
Your thighs are like to the trunks of plantain trees and you have hidden your self behind the plantain grove. But I perceive you, O fair one, you are incapable of keeping yourself hidden.
कर्णिकार_Cp वन_SANe भद्र_SVF हस्_SNPaPrF देवी_SVF सेव्_SPr2In | अलम्_ त्वद्_SG परिहास_SIM मद्_SG बाधा_Cp वह_SIM वै_ |
O auspicious one, you have entered smiling the Karņikara grove. Now more with your pastime, O dear one, leading to my death.
विशेषेण_ आश्रम_Cp स्थान_SLNe हास_SNM इदम्_SNM न_ प्रशंस्_SPr3InPv | अवगम्_SPr1In त्वद्_SG शील_SANe परिहास_Cp प्रिय_SANe प्रिय_SIM | आगम्_SPr2Im त्वद्_SN विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SVF शून्य_SNM इदम्_SNM उटज_SNM त्वद्_SG |
Moreover it is not proper to sport in this way in a herinitage. I know it full well, O my dear, that you are by nature fond of pastimes. But O you of expansive eyes, this cottage lie desolate, do you came here.
हा_ मद्_SG आर्य_SVF क्व_ या_SFu2InPe हा_ साधु_SVF वरवर्णिनी_SVF | R हा_ सकाम_SNF अद्य_ कैकेयी_SNF देवी_SVF मद्_SG अद्य_ भू_SFu3In |
O chaste one, O you of exquisitely fine hue, O worshipful madam, whither have you repaired? O Sītă, truly has the desire of Kaikeyi been fulfilled to-day.
सीता_SIF सह_ निर्या_SNPaM विना_ सीता_SAF उपागम्_SNPaM | कथम्_ नाम_ प्रविश्_SFu1In शून्य_SANe अन्तःपुर_SANe मद्_SG |
I came out with Sītā and shall return home without her. How shall I enter again that inner apartment void of Sitā?
निर्वीर्य_SNM इति_ लोक_SNM मद्_SA निर्दय_SNM च_ इति_ वच्_SFu3In | R कातर_Cp त्व_SNNe प्रकाश_SNNe हि_ सीता_Cp अपनयन_SLNe तद्_SNM मद्_SG मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ मद्_SG इति_ म्
Surely shall the people blame me as being cruel and destitute of energy. That I have no prowess has already been manifested in the destruction of Sītā.
निवृत्_PaCp वन_Cp वास_SNM च_ जनक_SAM मिथिला_Cp अधिप_SAM | R कुशल_SANe परिप्रच्छ्_SAPaPrM कथम्_ शक्_SFu1In निरीक्ष्_In |
When the king Janaka shall come to me after my return home from exile, to ask me of my welfare how shall I meet him?
विदेह_Cp राज_SNM नूनम्_ मद्_SA दृश्_Co विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ विरहित_SAM तद्_SIF अ_ vira R सुता_Cp विनाश_Cp संतप्_SNPaM मोह_SGM वश_SAM इ_SFu3In |
And surely shall he be overwhelmed with grief on his daughter's account when he shall find me without Sītā.
अथवा_ न_ गम्_SFu1In पुरी_SAF भरत_Cp पालय्_SAPaF | R स्वर्ग_SNM अपि_ हि_ तद्_SIF हा_SNPaM शून्य_SNM एव_ मन्_SNPaM मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG अपि_ हि_ तद्_SIF हा_SNPaM शून्य_SNM एव_ मन्_SNPaM मद्_SG मद्_SG मद्_SG अपि_ हि_ तद्_SIF हा_SNPaM शून्य_SNM एव_ मन्_SNPaM मद्_SG
Blessed is my father since he is in heaven now. I shall not repair to that city protected by Bharata. Without her even the heaven itself appears to me as desolate.
तद्_SANe मद्_SA उत्सृज्_Co हि_ वन_SLNe गम्_SPr2Im अयोध्या_Cp पुरी_SAF शुभ_SAF | R न_ तु_ मद्_SN तद्_SAF विना_ सीता_SAF जीव्_SPr1O हि_ कथंचन_ |
Do you therefore repair to the city of Ayodhyā Icaving me in this forest. By no means shall I breathe without her.
गाढम्_ आश्लिष्_Co भरत_SNM वच्_SNMGd मद्_Cp वचन_SBNe त्वद्_SI प_PNM च_ अपि_ आश्लिष्_Co भरत_SNM वच्_SNMGd मद्_Cp वचन_SBNe त्वद्_SI प_PNM गाढम्_ आश्लिष्_Co भरत_SNM वच्_SNMGd मद्_Cp वचन_SBNe त्वद्_SI प_SNM गाढम्_ आश्लिष्_Co भरत् R अनुज्ञा_SNPaM अस्_SPr2In राम_SIM पालय्_SPr2Im इति_ वसुंधरा_SAF |
Embracing him warmly do you tell Bharata, as instructed by me-Rāma has given you permission to administer this kingdom.
अम्बा_SNā च_ मद्_SG कैकेयी_SNF सुमित्रा_SNF च_ त्वद्_SI विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV विभो_SV R यथान्यायम्_ अभिवादय्_SNFGd मद्_SG आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF कौसल्या_SNF च_ यथान्यायम्_ अभिवादय्_SNFGd मद्_SG आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF आज्ञा_SIF ājñay R रक्ष्_SNFGd प्रयत्न_SIM भवत्_SIM सूक्त_Cp चारिन्_SIM |
As ordered by me do you with proper respect salute "ll my muchers Kausalyā, Kaikeyi and Sumitrā and protect them all with great care and respectful compliments.
सीता_SGF च_ विनाश_SNM इदम्_SNM मद्_SG च_ अमित्र_Cp सूदन_SVM | R विस्तर_SIM जननी_SIF मद्_SG विनिवेदय्_SNMGd त्वद्_SI भू_SPr3O |
O destroyer of foes, do you relate at length to my mnother the story of Sītā's destruction.
इति_ विलप्_SLPaPrM राघव_SLM तु_ दीन_SLM वन_SANe उपगम्_Co तद्_SIF विना_ सुकेश_SIF आत्मन्_Cp विना_ सुकेश_SIF आत्मन्_Cp विलप्_SLPaPrM राघव_SLM तु_ दीन_SLM वन_SANe उपगम्_Co तद्_SIF विना_ सुकेश_SIF आत्मन्_Cp विलप्_SLPaPrM राघव_SLM तु_ दीन_SLM वन_SANe उपगम्_Co तद्_SI R भय_Cp विकल_Cp मुख_SNM तु_ लक्ष्मण_SNM अपि_ व्यथ्_PaCp मनस्_SNM भृशम्_ आतुर_SNM भू_SPs3In |
Rāma bewailing thus, being overwhelmed with grief on account of his separation from Sītā having a head of fine hair, Laksmana became of pale countenance and was greatly distressed at heart.
तद्_SNM राजन्_Cp पुत्र_SNM प्रिय_SIF विहा_SNPaM शोक_SIM मोह_SIM च_ पीडय्_SNPaPrMPv | R विषादय्_SNPaPrM भ्रातृ_SAM आर्त_Cp रूप_SNM भूयस्_ विषाद_SAM प्रविश्_SPs3In तीव्र_SAM |
That son of a king, stricken as he was with grief consequent upon separation from his dear one, was again overwhelmed with a terrible grief after causing sorrow to his brother,
तद्_SNM लक्ष्मण_SAM शोक_Cp वश_Cp अभिपद्_SVPaM शोक_SLM निमज्ज्_SNPaM विपुल_SLM तु_ राम_SNM | R मुष्ण_SAM विनिःश्वस्_Co रुद्_SNPaPrM स_ शोक_SANe |
Sunk in the abyss of grief, Rāma, sighing hot and weeping piteously, spoke to Laksmana who was equally aggrieved, words worthy of being said on that occasion.
न_ मद्विध_SNM दुष्कृत_Cp कर्मन्_Cp कारिन्_SNM मन्_SPr1In द्वितीय_SNM अस्_SPr3In वसुंधरा_SLF | R शोक_Cp अनुशोक_DuNM हि_ परम्परा_SGF मद्_SA इ_SPr3In भिद्_SNPaPrM हृदय_SANe मनस्_SANe च_ |
Methinks there is none other on this earth like me, the perpetrator of vicious crimes. My heart or soul is not riven though crushed again and again without respite with a multitude of doleful events.
पूर्वम्_ मद्_SI नूनम्_ अभीप्स्_PNPaNe पाप_PNNe कर्मन्_PNNe असकृत्_ कृ_PNPaNe | R तत्र_ इदम्_SNM अद्य_ आपत्_SNPaM विपाक_SNM दुःख_SINe दुःख_SNNe यद्_SANe मद्_SN विश्_SPr1In |
Surely did I perpetrate many a vicious deed in of my my previous birth, the fruit of which I do now suffer and in consequence where-of misfortune after misfortune has befallen me.
राज्य_Cp प्रणाश_SNM स्व_Cp जन_PIM वियोग_SNM पितृ_SGM विनाश_SNM जननी_Cp वियोग_SNM | R मा_ आपूरय्_PPr3In प्रविचिन्तय्_PAPaNe |
Coming within the compass remembrance, the loss of my kingdom, the death of my father, the separation of my mother and other kinsmen culminates my grief.
सर्व_SNNe तु_ दुःख_SNNe मद्_SG लक्ष्मण_SVM इदम्_SNNe शम्_SNPaNe शरीर_SLNe वन_SANe ए_Co क्लेश_SAM | R सीता_Cp वियोग_SBM पुनर्_ अपि_ उदीर्_SNPaNe काष्ठरिन्_Cp वा_ अग्नि_SNM सहस्_SINe उपदीप्_SNPaM |
Repairing to woods, O Laksmana, in Sita's company my grief was assuaged, nay I did not suffer physical affliction even. Without Sītā these sorrows have grown anew like to fire flaming again by means of fuel.
तद्_SNF नूनम्_ आर्य_SNF मद्_SG राक्षस_SIM हि_ अभ्याहन्_SNPaF ख_SANe समुपे_Co भीरु_SNF | R अपि_ अस्वर_SANe सु_ स्वर_Cp विप्रलाप_SNF भय_SINe विक्रन्द्_SNPaF अभीक्ष्णम्_ |
Truly my wife, timid as she is, has been carried away by a Rākşasa by the ethereal track. Alas! doubtless it is, that one of pleasant accents, wept piteously out of fear many a time and oft.
तद्_DuNM लोहित_SGM प्रिय_Cp दर्शन_SGM सदा_ उचित_DuNM उत्तमचन्दन_SGM | R वृत्त_DuNM स्तन_DuNM शोणित_Cp पङ्क_Cp दिह्_DuNPaM नूनम्_ प्रिय_SGF मद्_SG न_ अभिपात_SNM |
For certain my dear wife's breast round and sprinkled as it was with red sandal paste, was bathed in blood (while devoured by the Rākş asas) but there is no death for me.
तद्_Cp श्लक्ष्ण_Cp सु_ व्यक्त_Cp मृदु_Cp प्रलाप_SNNe तद्_SGF मुख_SNNe कुञ्चय्_PaCp केश_Cp भार_SNNe | R रक्षस्_Cp वश_SAM नूनम्_ उपागम्_SGPaF न_ भ्राज्_SPr3In राहु_Cp मुख_SLNe यथा_ इन्दु_SNM |
That countenance the beauty of which was enhanced by a head of curly hair and which used to emit forth tender, soft and clear accents, has become pale, being taken possession of by the Rākşasas like to the Moon almost devoured by Rahu.
तद्_SAF हार_Cp पाश_SGM सदा_ उचित_Cp अन्त_SAF ग्रीवा_SAF प्रिय_SGF मद्_SG सुव्रत_SGF | R रक्षस्_PNNe नूनम्_ परिपा_PNPaNe शून्य_SLNe हि_ भिद्_Co रुधिर_Cp अशन_PANe |
Surely have the Räkşasas subsisting on gore drunk her blood in the sky tearing off the neck of my dear one ever devoted to pious observances.
मद्_SI विहा_SNPaF विजन_SLNe वन_SLNe तद्_SNF रक्षस्_PINe आवृ_Co विकृष्_SNPaPrFPv | R इव_ दीन_SNF तद्_SNF मुच्_SNPaF आयम्_PaCp कान्त_Cp नेत्र_SNF |
Surely did that one of beautifully expansive eyes cry aloud poorly like to a hind when she was drawn hither and thither by the Rākşasas encircling her in the forest in my absence.
इदम्_SLM मद्_SI सार्धम्_ उदार_Cp शील_SNF शिला_Cp तल_SLM पूर्वम्_ उपोपविश्_SNPaF इदम्_SLM मद्_SI सार्धम्_ उदार_Cp शील_SNF शिला_Cp तल_SLM पूर्वम्_ उपोपविश्_SNPaF इदम्_SLM मद्_SI सार्धम्_ उदार_Cp शील_SNF शिला_Cp तल_SLM पूर्वम्_ उपोपविश्_SNPaF इदम्_SLM म् R कान्त_Cp स्मित_SNF लक्ष्मण_SVM जन्_PaCp हास_SNF त्वद्_SA अह्_SPs3In सीता_SNF बहु_Cp वाक्य_Cp जन्_SAPaM |
O Lakşmana, sitting at the foot of this hill with me that large-hearted, pious Sītā, of smiling countenance, used to address you on many a topic.
गोदावरी_SNF इदम्_SNF सरित्_PGF वरिष्ठ_SNF प्रिय_SNF प्रिय_SGF मद्_SG नित्यकालम्_ | अपि_ अत्र_ गम्_SPr3O इति_ चिन्तय्_SPr1In न_ एकाकिन्_SNF या_SPr3In हि_ तद्_SNF कदाचिद्_ |
This is Godāvarī, the best of rivers, my dear wife took delight in her-has she gone there?—But she never goes there alone.
पद्म_Cp आनन_SNF पद्म_Cp पलाश_Cp नेत्र_SNF पद्म_PANe वा_ आनी_In अभिप्रया_SNPaF अभिप्रया_SNPaF अभिप्रया_SNPaF अभिप्रया_SNPaF अभिप्रया_SNPaF अम्बा_SNF आनन_SNF पद्म_Cp पलाश_Cp नेत्र_SNF पद्म_PANe वा_ आनी_In अभिप्रया_SNPaF अभिप्रया_SNPaF अभिप्रया_SN R तद्_SNNe अपि_ अयुक्त_SNNe न_ हि_ तद्_SNF कदाचिद्_ मद्_SI विना_ गम्_SPr3In पङ्कज_PANe |
Or has Janaki having eyes resembling lotuspetals has gone to bring lotuses? But how is that possible, she never goes without me to bring lotuses.
कामम्_ तु_ इदम्_SNNe पुष्पित_Cp वृक्ष_Cp षण्ड_SNNe नानाविध_PIM पक्षिन्_Cp गण_PIM उपे_SNPaNe | R मा_ एकाकिन्_SNF तद्_SNF अतिभी_SPr3In भीरु_SNF |
Has she entered at her pleasure this forest filled with many flowery trees and diverse birds? But that is not possible too-she is timid and fear much to enter alone in this forest.
आदित्य_SVM भो_ लोक_Cp कृत्_SVM अकृतज्ञ_SVM लोक_SGM सत्य_Cp अनृत_Cp कर्मन्_Cp साक्षिन्_SVM लोक_SGM सत्य_Cp अनृत_Cp कर्मन्_Cp साक्षिन्_SVM | R मद्_SG प्रिय_SNF तद्_SNF क्व_ गम्_SNPaF हृ_SNPaF वा_ शंस्_SPr2Im मद्_SG शोक_Cp हन्_SGPaM सर्व_SANe |
O.Aditya, know you the pious and vicious actions of men; bear you testimony to the truth and untruth of their actions-do you tell me, pray, who am stricken with grief, whither has my dear on repaired, or whether has she been killed?
लोक_PLM सर्व_PLM न_ न_ अस्_SPr3In कश्चित्_SNNe यद्_SNNe तद्_SIM नित्यम्_ विद्_SNPaNe भू_SPr3O तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SNPaPrNe तद्_ शंस्_SPr2Im वायु_SVM कुल_Cp पालिनी_SNF तद्_SAF मृ_SNPaF हृ_SNPaF वा_ पथिन्_SLM वृत्_SPr3In वा_ |
O Air, there is nothing on earth which is not within the compass of your vision, do you relate to me whether Sītā preserving the fame of my ancestry, has been killed or carried away or if she wait on the way.
इति_ इव_ तद्_SAM शोक_Cp विधा_GdCp देह_SVM राम_SAM विसंज्ञ_SAM विलप्_SAPaPrM एव_ | वच्_SPs3In सौमित्रि_SNM अदीन_Cp सत्त्व_SNM न्याय्य_SLNe स्था_SNPaM काल_Cp युत_SANe च_ वाक्य_SANe |
After Rāma had bewailed thus being beside himself with grief, Saumitrī, ever treading the right path and not of poorly mind spoke words worthy of being said on that occasion.