नाथ_SVM पर्वत_Cp दुर्ग_PLNe नदी_PGF पुलिन_PLNe च_ | आयुस्_SNNe चिर_SNNe इदम्_SNNe वीर_SVM त्वद्_SN मद्_SI सह_ रम्_SFu2In |
Do you sport with me, for ever, O hero, in these mountainous strongholds and on the banks of the rivers.
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ कुप्_SNPaM खङ्ग_SAM उद्धृ_Co लक्ष्मण_SNM | R कर्ण_Cp नासा_Cp स्तन_SANe तद्_SGF निकृत्_SPs3In अरि_Cp सूदन_SNM |
Thereat, exercised with ire, Laksmana, the subduer of foes, uplifting his dagger, chopped off her nose, ears and breast.
कर्ण_Cp नासा_SLM निकृत्_SLPaM तु_ विस्वर_SANe विनद्_SPs3In तद्_SNF आ_ तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF आ_ तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अप्_Cp तद्_SNF अ_ वनद्_SPs3In तद्_SNF आ_ तद्_SNF अ_ वनद्_SPs3In तद्_SNF आ_ तद्_SNF अ_ वत्_ नद्_SPs3In तद्_SNF आ_ R यथागत_SAM प्रद्रु_SPs3In राक्षसी_SNF घोर_Cp दर्शन_SNF |
Having her nose and ears cut off, that terriblelooking Räkşasi, emitting fearful cries, fled away whence she had come.
तद्_SLF गम्_SLPaF गहन_SANe व्रज्_DuNPaPrM वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ व्रज्_DuNPaPrM वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ व्रज्_DuNPaPrM वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ उजस्_SINe आ_ तद्_SLF गम्_SLPaF गहन_SANe व्रज्_DuNPaPrM वन_SANe R आसद्_DuPs3In अमित्र_Cp घ्न_DuNM भ्रातृ_DuNM राम_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuNM |
On her departure, proceeding quickly, the two brothers, Rāma and Lakşmaņa, the conquerors of foes, reached a dense forest.
लक्ष्मण_SNM तु_ महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM सत्त्ववत्_SNM शीलवत्_SNM शुचि_SNM | ब्रू_S3ImIn प्राञ्जलि_SNM वाक्य_SANe भ्रातृ_SAM दीप्_PaCp विजस्_SAM |
There upon the highly effulgent and truthful Laksmana, possessing a pure character, spoke, with folded hands, to his brother of flaming energy.
स्पन्द्_SPr3In मद्_SG दृढम्_ बाहु_SNM उद्विज्_SNPaNe इव_ मद्_SG मनस्_SNNe | R प्रायशस्_ च_ अपि_ अनिष्ट_PANe निमित्त_PANe उपलक्षय्_SPr3O | R तस्मात्_ सज्जीभू_SPr2Im आर्य_SVM त्वद्_SN कृ_SPr2Im वचन_SANe मद्_SG | R मद्_SG एव_ हि_ निमित्त_PANe सद्यस्_ शंस्_PPr3In सम्भ्रम_SAM |
My left arm is throbbing, my mind is filled with anxiety and I perceive before me many a bad omen. Do you put on your habiliments, O worshipful one, and act by what I say for your well-being. Methinks from these bad omens some calamity shall soon befall us.
एतद्_SNM वञ्जलक_SNM नाम_ पक्षिन्_SNM परम_Cp दारुण_SNM | R मद्_DuG विजय_SAM युद्ध_SLNe शंस्_SNPaPrM इव_ विनर्द्_SPr3In |
O Rāma, this terrible bird Vanjulaka is emitting fearful cries as if announcing our victory in the conflict.
तद्_DuGM अन्विष्_DuGPaPrM एवम्_ सर्व_SANe तद्_SANe वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ इष्_DuGPaPrM एवम्_ सर्व_SANe तद्_SANe वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ अन्विष्_DuGPaPrM एवम्_ सर्व_SANe तद्_SANe वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ अन्विष्_DuGPaPrM एवम्_ सर्व_SANe तद्_SANe वन_SANe ओजस्_SINe आ_ अन्विष्_DuGPaPrM एवम्_ sarvam R संजन्_SPs3In विपुल_SNM शब्द_SNM प्रभञ्ज्_SNPaPrM इव_ तद्_SANe वन_SANe | संजन्_SPs3In विपुल_SNM शब्द_SNM प्रभञ्ज्_SNPaPrM इव_ तद्_SANe वन_SANe |
Thereupon while they began to explore the entire forest with their prowess there arose a terrible sound as if breaking down the wood.
संवेष्टय्_SNPaNe इव_ अत्यर्थम्_ गहन_SNNe मातरिश्वन्_SIM अत्यर्थम्_ गहन_SNNe मातरिश्वन्_SIM अत्यर्थम्_ गहन_SNNe मातरिश्वन्_SIM अत्यर्थम्_ गहन_SNNe मातरिश्वन्_SIM अत्यर्थम्_ गहन_SNNe मातरिश्वन्_SIM अत्यर्थम्_ गहन_SNNe मातरिश्वन्_SIM अत्यर्थम्_ ga R वन_SGNe तद्_SGNe शब्द_SNM भू_SPs3In वन_SANe आपूरय्_SNPaPrM इव_ |
The forest was enveloped on all sides with a mighty wind and everywhere was audible a roar filling the wood-land.
तद्_SAM शब्द_SAM काश्माण_SNM तु_ राम_SNM खङ्गिन्_SNM सहानुज_SNM | R दृश्_SPs3In सु_ महत्_Cp काय_SAM राक्षस_SAM विपुल_Cp उरस्_SAM |
With a view to ascertain whence the sound proceeded, Rāma, with a dagger in hand, along with his younger brother, espied a Rākşasha of huge proportions, having big thighs.
आसद्_DuPs3In च_ तद्_SANe रक्षस्_SANe तद्_DuNM उभ्_DuNM प्रमुख_SLNe स्था_SAPaNe | R विवृध्_SAPaM अशिरस्_Cp ग्रीवा_SAM कवन्ध_SAM उदर_Cp विमुख_SAM |
The two brothers beheld that Rākşasa stationed before them, having a huge body, devoid of head and neck and therefore a headless demon and having its mouth on its belly.
रोमन्_PINe निशा_PIPaNe तीक्ष्ण_PINe महत्_Cp गिरि_SAM इव_ उच्छ्रि_SAPaM | R नील_Cp मेघ_Cp निभ_SNNe रौद्र_SNNe मेघ_Cp स्तनित_Cp निस्वन_SNNe |
Its body resembled a huge mountain and was covered with sharpened down; its look was terrible like to sable cloud and its roar resembled the muttering where of.
अग्नि_Cp ज्वाला_Cp निकाश_SIM ललाट_Cp स्थ_SIM दीप्_SIPaPrM | महत्_Cp पक्ष्म_SIM पिङ्ग_SIM विपुल_SIM आयम्_SIPaM च_ | एक_SINe उरस्_SLNe घोर_SINe नयन_SINe सु_ दर्शिन्_SINe | R महत्_Cp दंष्ट्र_Cp उपपद्_SAPaM तद्_SAM लेलिह्_SAPaPrM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp मुख_SAM महत्_Cp mukh
Its one terrible, expansive eye, seeing all, was on the fore-head placed on its breast and shone forth like to the flaming fire and it had huge yellow eye-lashes. Its mouth was greatly widened and covered with rows of huge teeth and it was again and again licking that terrible mouth.
भक्षय्_SAPaPrM महत्_Cp घोर_PAM ऋक्ष_Cp सिंह_Cp मृग_Cp द्विज_PAM | R घोर_DuNM भुज_DuNM विकृ_SAPaPrM उभ्_DuNM योजन_SANe आयम्_DuNPaM | R कर_DuIM विविध_PAM ग्रह्_Co ऋक्ष_PAM पक्षिन्_Cp गण_PAM मृग_PAM | R आकृष्_SAPaPrM विकृष्_SAPaPrM अनेक_PAM मृग_Cp यूथप_PAM |
And stretching forth its two huge arms extending over a Yojana it was devouring bears, lions and deer. It was catching and throwing with its huge hands many an animal, bird and bear.
स्था_SAPaM आवृ_Co पथिन्_SAM तद्_DuGM भ्रांतृ_DuGM प्रपद्_DuGPaM | अथ_ तद्_SAM समतिक्रम्_Co क्रोश_Cp मात्र_SANe दृश्_DuPs3In | R महत्_SAM दारुण_SAM भीम_SAM कबन्ध_SAM भुज_Cp संवृ_SAPaM | R कबन्ध_SAM इव_ संस्थान_SBNe अति_ घोर_Cp प्रदर्शन_SAM |
Hindering the way-fare it was awaiting those two brothers. And proceeding a Krosa, they espied that fearful, grim-visaged, headless demon, hindering all creatures with its arms, terrible-looking and appearing like a kabandha from its very situation,
तद्_SNM महत्_Cp बाहु_SNM अत्यर्थम्_ प्रसारय्_Co विपुल_DuAM भुज_DuAM | R ग्रह्_SPs3In सहित_DuAM एव_ राघव_DuAM पीडय्_SNPaPrM बल_SBNe |
Thereupon that one, of huge arms, stretching them forth, got hold of those two descendants of Raghu crushing them with its strength.
खङ्गिन्_DuNM दृढ_Cp धन्वन्_DuNM तिग्म_Cp तेजस्_SNNe महत्_Cp भुज_DuNM | R विवश_SANe प्राप्_DuNPaM कृष्_DuNPaPrMPv महत्_Cp बल_DuNM |
Those two highly powerful brothers, of mighty arms, with daggers and bows in their hands, were assailed and got hold of by that Raksasha.
तत्र_ धैर्य_SBNe च_ शूर_SNM तु_ राघव_SNM न_ एव_ व्यथ्_SPs3In इष्_SPs3In इष्_SPs3In तत्र_ धैर्य_SBNe च_ शूर_SNM तु_ राघव_SNM न_ एव_ व्यथ्_SPs3In इष्_SPs3In तत्र_ धैर्य_SBNe च_ शूर_SNM तु_ राघव_SNM न_ एव_ व्यथ्_SPs3In इष्_SPs3In तत्र_ dhair R बाल्प_SBM अनाश्रय_SBM च_ एव_ लक्ष्मण_SNM तु_ अभिव्यथ्_SPs3In |
Rāma was heroic and patient by nature and consequently was not much afflicted; but Laks maņa was a mere boy and impatient by nature and was consequently greatly afflicted.
वच्_SPs3In च_ विषद्_SNPaM अस्_SNPaPrM राघव_SAM राघव_Cp अनुज_SNM | R पश्_SPr2Im मद्_SA विवश_SAM वीर_SVM राक्षस_SGM वशंगत_SAM | R मद्_SI एक_SIM तु_ निर्युज्_SNPaM परिमुच्_SPr2ImPv राघव_SVM | R मद्_SA हि_ भूत_Cp बलि_SAM दा_Co पलाय्_SPr2Im यथासुखम्_ |
Being greatly distressed, the younger brother of Răghava spoke to him, saying Do you behold me, O hero, brought under the hold of this Raks asha, and renouncing me only, O Rāghava, do you get yourself cff. And offering me as sacrifice, do you escape at your ease.
अधिगम्_SFu2InPe वैदेही_SAF अचिरेण_ इति_ मद्_SG मति_SNF | R प्रतिलभ्_Co च_ काकुत्स्थ_SVM पितृपैतामही_SAF मही_SAF | R तत्र_ मद्_SA राम_SVM राज्य_Cp स्थ_SNM स्मृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In सर्वदा_ अपि_ मद्_SA राम_SVM राज्य_Cp स्थ_SNM स्मृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In सर्वदा_ अपि_ मद्_SA राम_SVM राज्य_Cp स्थ_SNM स्मृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In सर्वदा_ अपि_ मद्_SA राम_SVM राज्य_Cp स्थ_SNM स्मृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In सर्वदा_ अ
Methinks for certain, O Kākutstha, you shall soon come by Vaidehi and regain your ancestral kingdom. But remember me always, O Rāma, when you shall find yourself placed on the throne.
लक्ष्मण_SIM एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ राम_SNM सौमित्रि_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn | R मा_ स्म_ त्रा_SPs1 वृथक्_ वीर_SVM नहि_ त्वादृश्_SNM विषद्_SPr3In |
Being thus addressed by Lakşmaņa, Rāma spoke to Saumitrī—Fear not in vain, O hero; persons of your prowess are never afflicted (with fear).
एतद्_SLNe अन्तर_SLNe क्रूर_DuNM भ्रातृ_DuNM राम_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuNM | R तद्_DuAM वच्_SPs3In महत्_Cp बाहु_SNM कबन्ध_SNM दानव_Cp उत्तम_SNM |
Meanwhile the wicked headless, demon, of huge arms, the foremost of Dānavas, addressed the two brothers Rāma and Lakşmaņa.
क_DuNM त्वद्_DuN वृषभ_Cp स्कन्ध_DuNM महत्_Cp खङ्ग_Cp धनुर्धर_DuNM | घोर_SAM देश_SAM इदम्_SAM प्राप्_DuNPaM दैव_SINe मद्_SG चाक्षुष_Cp उषोढ_DuNM देश_SAM इदम्_SAM प्राप्_DuNPaM दैव_SINe मद्_SG चाक्षुष_Cp उषोढ_DuNM दैव_SINe मद्_SG चाक्षुष_Cp उषोढ_DuNM देश_SAM इदम्_SAM प्राप्_DuNPaM दैव_SINe मद्_SG चाक्षुष_Cp उषोढ_ R वद्_DuPr2Im कार्य_SANe इह_ त्वद्_DuG क_SANe अर्थ_SANe जागृ_DuNPaPrM त्वद्_DuN | इदम्_SAM देश_SAM अनुप्राप्_DuNPaM दुर्लभ_SNNe जीवित_SNNe हि_ त्वद्_DuG |
Who are you two youthful figures having the neck of a bull and with mighty daggers and bows in your hands? Arriving in this fearful place you have by chance come within the compass of my vision. Tell me now what have you to do here, and what for have you come? I have been waiting here being hungry, and you have come here having daggers and bows with arrows in your hands like to two oxen having sharpened horns. Nearing me quickly, it will be hard for you to draw your vital breath.
तद्_SGM तद्_SANe वचन_SANe श्रु_Co कबन्ध_SGM दुरात्मन्_SGM | वच्_SPs3In लक्ष्मण_SAM राम_SNM मुख_SINe परिशुष्_SIPaPrNe | R कृच्छ_SBM कृच्छ्रतर_SANe प्राप्_Co वारुण_SANe सत्य_Cp विक्रम_SVM | R व्यसन_SNNe जीवित_Cp अन्त_SDM प्राप्_SNPaNe अ_ प्राप्_Co तद्_SAF प्रिया_SAF |
Hearing those words of the vicious-souled Kabandha, Rāma having his countenance dried up, bespoke Laksmana-O you, having truth for your prowess, again and again, greater and worse calamities have been threatening us. We have already met with a dire disaster leading to our death, consequent on my separation from my dear one.
काल_SGM सु_ महत्_SNNe वीर्य_SNNe सर्व_Cp भूत_PLNe लक्ष्मण_SVM | R त्वद्_SA च_ मद्_SA च_ नर_Cp व्याघ्र_SVM व्यसन_PINe पश्_SPr2Im मोहय्_DuAPaM | R नहि_ भार_SNM अस्_SPr3In दैव_SGNe सर्व_Cp भूत_PLNe लक्ष्मण_SVM |
Mighty is the course of Destiny in all creatures, O Lakşmaņa. Do you O best of men, behold even yourself and me stricken with calamity. But O Lakşmaņa it is not very difficult for destiny to afflict all creatures.
शूर_PNM च_ बलवत्_PNM च_ कृतास्त्र_PNM च_ रण_Cp अजिर_SLNe | R काल_Cp अभिपद्_PNPaM च_ सद्_PPr3In यथा_ वालुक_Cp सेतु_PNM |
Under the influence of destiny even the mighty heroes, well habited in armours are distressed like to a bridge of sands.
इति_ ब्रू_SNPaPrM दृढ_Cp सत्य_Cp विक्रम_SNM महत्_Cp यशस्_SNM दाशरथि_SNM प्रतापवत्_SNM | अवेक्ष्_Co सौमित्रि_SAM उदग्र_Cp विक्रम_SNM स्थिर_SAF तदा_ स्व_SAF मति_SAF आत्मन्_SIM कृ_S3ImIn अवेक्ष्_Co सौमित्रि_SAM उदग्र_Cp विक्रम_SNM स्थिर_SAF तदा_ स्व_SAF मति_SAF आत्मन्_SIM कृ_S3ImIn अवेक्ष्_Co सौमित्रि_SAM उदग्र_Cp विक्रम_SNM स्थिर_SAF तदा_ स्व_SAF मति
Addressing these words to Saumitrī, the resolute, powerful and highly famous son of Dasaratha, having truth for his prowess, composed himself by dint of his own understanding.
तद्_DuAM तु_ तत्र_ स्था_DuAPaM दृश्_Co भ्रातृ_DuAM राम_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuAM | R बाहु_Cp पाश_Cp परिक्षिप्_DuNPaM कबन्ध_SNM वाक्य_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Beholding both the brothers, Rāma and Laks maņa, clasping each other with their arms, the headless demon spoke:
स्था_SGPaPrM क_SANe नु_ मद्_SA दृश्_Co क्षुधा_Cp आर्त_SAM क्षत्रिय_Cp ऋषभ_DuNM | आहार_Cp अर्थ_SAM तु_ संदिश्_DuNPaM दैव_SINe हन्_PaCp चेतना_DuNM |
O two best of Ksatryas, are you waiting here beholding me hungry? O you having lost your sense, you have been chosen by Destiny as my food.
तद्_SANe श्रु_Co लक्ष्मण_SNM वाक्य_SANe प्राप्_PaCp काल_SANe हित_SANe तदा_ | R वच्_SPs3In आर्ति_Cp समापन_SNM विक्रम_SLM कृ_PaCp निश्चय_SNM |
Hearing those words Laksmana, sore, distressed and determined to display his valour, addressed Rāma with words worthy of being said on that occasion.
त्वद्_SN च_ मद्_SA च_ पुरा_ तूर्णम्_ आदा_SPr3In राक्षस_Cp अधम_SNM | R तस्मात्_ असि_DuIM इदम्_SGM आशु_ बाहु_DuAM छिद्_DuPr1In गुरु_DuAM |
This vile Rākṣasa shall seize both of us; let us sunder soon its two huge arms with our daggers.
भीषण_SNM इदम्_SNM महत्_Cp काय_SNM राक्षस_SNM भुज_Cp विक्रम_SNM | लोक_SAM हि_ अति_ जि_SAPaM कृ_Co हि_ मद्_DuA हन्_In इह_ इष्_SPr3In |
This grim-visaged Raksasas, of huge proportions, gifted only with the strength of arms, defeating all other persons, has addressed itself at last to destroy us.
निश्चेष्ट_PGM वध_SNM राजन्_SVM कुत्सय्_SNPaM जगतीपति_SGM | R क्रतु_Cp मध्य_Cp उपनी_PGPaM पशु_PGM इव_ राघव_SVM | क्रतु_Cp मध्य_Cp उपनी_PGPaM पशु_PGM इव_ राघव_SVM |
It is odious for the Kșatriyas to make away with those who cannot defend themselves like to animals brought for sacrifice.* The purport is : Lakṣmaṇa wanted to chop off the arms of Kabandha and not to put an end to its life as it was not capable of fighting, being a headless demon. And it is not proper for the Ks atryas to destroy those who cannot fight.
एतद्_SANe संजल्प्_SAPaNe श्रु_Co तद्_DuGM क्रुध्_SNPaM तु_ राक्षस_SNM | R विदारय्_Co आस्य_SANe तन्_SNPaM रौद्र_SANe तद्_DuAM भक्षय्_In आरभ्_S3ImIn |
Hearing their conversation, the Raksasa, inflamed with rage, widening its terrible mouth, prepared to devour them up. This has a special significance here-meaning to get hold of them by stretching forth its arms.
ततस्_ तद्_DuNM देश_Cp काल_Cp ज्ञ_DuNM खङ्ग_DuIM एतद्_SNM राघव_DuNM | R छिद्_P3ImIn सु_ संहृष्_DuNPaM बाहु_DuNM तद्_SGM अंस_Cp देश_DuLM |
Thereat Rāma and Lakşmana, cognizant of time and place, pleased+, sundered its arms off its shoulders with their daggers. They were pleased because they cut off its arms with ease like to the trunks of a plantain tree.
दक्षिण_SNM दक्षिण_SAM बाहु_SAM अलक्त_SAM असि_SIM ततस्_ | R छिद्_SPs3In राम_SNM वेग_SIM सव्य_SANe वीर_SNM तु_ लक्ष्मण_SNM |
Rāma, stationed on the right side cut off in no time its right arm with his dagger and the heroic Laksmana, the left one. It may mean also expert.
तद्_SNM पत्_SPs3In महत्_Cp बाहु_SNM छिद्_PaCp बाहु_Cp महत्_Cp स्वन_SNM | R ख_SANe च_ गो_SA च_ दिश्_PAF च_ एव_ नादय्_SNPaPrM जलद_SNM यथा_ |
Having got its arms dissevered, the terriblevoiced, Kabandha, of huge arms, roaring like to the muttering of clouds and resounding the heaven, earth and all the quarters, fell flat on the ground.
तद्_SNM निकृत्_DuAPaM भुज_DuAM दृश्_Co शोणित_Cp ओघ_Cp परिप्लु_SNPaM | R दीन_SNM प्रच्छ्_SPs3In तद्_DuAM वीर_DuAM क_DuNM त्वद्_DuN इति_ दानव_SNM |
Beholding both its arms cut off, the demon, with its person bathed in blood, asked them poorly Who are you?
इति_ तद्_SGM ब्रू_SGPaPrM लक्ष्मण_SNM शुभ_Cp लक्षण_SNM | R शंस्_SPs3In तद्_SGM काकुत्स्थ_SAM कबन्ध_SGM महत्_Cp बल_SNM |
Being thus accosted by Kabandha, the mighty Lakşmana, gifted with auspicious marks, spoke to it, about Kākutstha.
इदम्_SNM इक्ष्वाकु_Cp दायाद_SNM राम_SNM नाम_ जन_PIM श्रु_SNPaM | R तद्_SGM एव_ अवरज_SAM विद्_SPr2Im भ्रातृ_SAM मद्_SA च_ लक्ष्मण_SAM |
He is a descendant of the Ikşvākus known on earth by the name of Rāma, and know me as his younger brother, by name-Laksmana.
मातृ_SIF प्रतिहृ_SLPaNe राज्य_SLNe राम_SNM प्रव्राजय्_SNPaM वन_SANe | R मद्_SI सह_ चर्_SPr3In एतद्_SNM भार्या_SIF च_ महत्_SANe वन_SANe | इदम्_SGM देव_Cp प्रभाव_SGM वसत_SLNe विजन_SLNe वन_SLNe | R रक्षस्_SINe अपहृ_SNPaF भार्या_SNF यद्_SAF इष्_DuNPaPrM इह_ आगम्_DuNPaM |
Being thwarted by mother (Kaikeyi) in his accession of kingdom, he, renouncing all, has fled as an exile to woods, and has, along with me and his spouse, been ranging this forest. While living in the dense forest the wife of Răma, effulgent like to the celestials has been ravished by a Raksasa. Searching her, have we come here.
त्वद्_SN तु_ क_SNM वा_ किमर्थम्_ वा_ कवन्ध_Cp सदृश_SNM वन_SLNe | R आस्य_SINe उरस्_SLNe दीप्_SIPaNe भञ्ज्_PaCp जङ्घा_SNM विचेष्ट्_SPr2In |
Who are you? And what for are you ranging this forest like to a headless demon, having your thighs broken and your flaming face placed on your breast?
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM कबन्ध_SNM तु_ लक्ष्मण_SIM उत्तर_SANe वचस्_SANe | वच्_SPs3In वचन_SANe प्री_SNPaM तद्_SANe इन्द्र_Cp वचन_SANe स्मृ_SNPaPrM |
Being thus addressed by Lakṣmaṇa with these goodly words, Kabandha, pleased, recollecting the words of Indra, bespoke him,
स्वागत_SAM वा_ नर_Cp व्याघ्र_DuAM दिष्टि_SIF दृश्_SPr1In त्वद्_DuA मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN मद्_SG मद्_SN म् दिष्टि_SIF च_ इदम्_DuNM निकृत्_DuNPaM मद्_SG त्वद्_DuI बाहु_Cp बन्धन_DuNM |
O two best of men, you are welcome! By my good luck it is that I do behold you. By my good fortune you have dissevered my shoulders today.
विरूप_SNNe यद्_SNNe च_ मद्_SG रूप_SNNe प्राप्_SNPaNe हि_ अविनय_SBM यथा_ | R तद्_SANe मद्_SG श्रु_SPr2Im नर_Cp व्याघ्र_SVM तत्त्व_SBNe शंस्_SGPaPrM त्वद्_SG |
Do you hear; I shall relate truly to you how have I, by my haughtiness, come by this unsightly shape.
पुरा_ राम_SVM महत्_Cp बाहु_SVM महत्_Cp बल_Cp पराक्रम_SAM | R रूप_SNNe अस्_S3ImIn मद्_SG अचिन्त्य_SNNe त्रि_PLM लोक_PLM विश्रु_SNPaNe | यथा_U सूर्य_SGM सोम_SGM शक्र_SGM च_U यथा_U वपुस्_SNNe | R तद्_SNM मद्_SN रूप_SANe इदम्_SANe कृ_Co लोक_Cp वित्रासन_SANe महत्_SANe | R ऋषि_PAM वन_Cp गम्_PAPaM राम_SVM त्रासय्_SPr1In ततस्_ ततस्_ |
O Mighty armed Rāma of great prowess, formerly my beauty, beyond conception, was known all over the three worlds, like to the beauty of the Sun, the Moon and Indra. I used to frighten everywhere the ascetics living in the forest by turning this my beauty into a terrific form.
ततस्_ स्थूलशिरस्_SNM नाम_ महत्_Cp ऋषि_SNM कोपय्_SNPaM मद्_SI | R तद्_SNM तन्_SNPaPrM विविध_SANe वन्य_SANe रूप_SINe इदम्_SINe धर्षय्_SNPaM | तद्_SIM मद्_SN वच्_SNPaM प्रेक्ष्_Co एवम्_ घोर_Cp शाप_Cp अभिधायिन्_SIM आ_ मद्_SN वच्_SNPaM प्रेक्ष्_Co एवम्_ घोर_Cp शाप_Cp अभिधायिन्_SIM आ_ मद्_SN वच्_SNPaM प्रेक्ष्_Co एवम्_ घोर_Cp शाप_Cp अभिधायिन्_SIM आ_ मद्_SN वच्_SNPaM प्रेक्ष्_Co एवम्_ घोर_Cp शाप_Cp abhidhāyin
Once on a time assuming this terrible shape I assailed and enraged the great ascetic Sthulasira collecting diverse wild fruits. Thereupon he imprecated curses upon me.
एतद्_SNNe एवम्_ नृशंस_SNNe त्वद्_SG रूप_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im विगर्ह्_SNPaNe | R तद्_SNM मद्_SI याच्_SNPaM क्रुध्_SNPaM शाप_SGM अन्त_SNM भू_SPr3O इति_ | अभिशाप_Cp कृ_SGPaM इति_ तद्_SIM इदम्_SNNe भाष्_SNPaNe वचस्_SNNe |
Do you retain this ghastly shape hated of all mankind. Upon my praying to that angry ascetic for my relief from that curse, he said.
यदा_ छिद्_Co भुज_DuAM राम_SNM त्वद्_SA दह्_SPr3O विजन_SLNe वन_SLNe | R तदा_ त्वद्_SN प्राप्_SFu2In रूप_SANe स्व_SANe एव_ विपुल_SANe शुभ_SANe | R श्री_SIF विराज्_SAPaM पुत्र_SAM दनु_SGF त्वद्_SN विद्_SPr2Im लक्ष्मण_SVM |
You shall regain your stalwart and beautiful shape when you shall be burnt by Rāma in a dense forest having got your arms dissevered by him.
इन्द्र_Cp शाप_SBM इदम्_SNNe रूप_SNNe प्राप्_SNPaNe एवम्_ रण_Cp अजिर_SLNe | R मद्_SN हि_ तपस्_SINe उग्र_SINe पितामह_SAM अथ_ ऊषय्_S1ImIn | दीर्घ_SANe आयुस्_SANe तद्_SNM मद्_SD प्रदा_SPs3In ततस्_ मद्_SA विभ्रम_SNM स्पृश्_S3ImIn | R दीर्घ_SNNe आयुस्_SNNe मद्_SI प्राप्_SNPaNe क_SANe मद्_SA शक्र_SNM कृ_SFu3In |
O Lakşmaņa, know me to be the beautiful son of Danu. Through Indra's curse in the battle field I have been metamorphosed into my present shape. After I had pleased him with hard austerites, the Grand-Father of the celestials conferred on me a long life. And therefore I was inflamed with pride assailed Indra in a conflict, thinking within me, 'I have gained a long life-what can Indra do me?'
इति_ एवम्_ बुद्धि_SAF आस्था_Co रण_SLM शक्र_SAM धर्षय्_S1ImIn | R तद्_SGM बाहु_Cp प्रमुच्_SIPaM वज्र_SIM शतपर्वन्_SIM | सक्थि_DuNNe च_ शिरस्_SNNe च_ एव_ शरीर_SLNe सम्प्रवेशय्_SNPaNe | सक्थि_DuNNe च_ शिरस्_SNNe च_ एव_ शरीर_SLNe सम्प्रवेशय्_SNPaNe |
Thereupon by his thunderbolt, having hundred edges hurled off his hands, my thighs were shattered and my head thrusted into my body.
तद्_SNM मद्_SI याच्_SNPaPrMPv अस्_SNPaPrM न_ नी_S3ImIn यम_Cp सादन_SANe | R सत्य_SNNe तद्_SNNe अस्_SPr3Im इति_ मद्_SG ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Myself praying for the close of my life, he did not despatch me to the abode of Yama. He only said May the words of the Grand Sire prove true.'
अनाहार_SNM कथम्_ शक्_SNPaM भञ्ज्_PaCp सक्थि_Cp शिरस्_Cp मुख_SNM | R वज्र_SIM अभिहन्_SNPaM काल_SAM सु_ दीर्घ_SAM अपि_ जीव्_In | R तद्_SNM एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM शक्र_SNM मद्_SG बाहु_DuAM योजन_SANe आयम्_DuAPaM | R तदा_ च_ आस्य_SANe च_ मद्_SG कृक्ष_DuAM तीक्ष्ण_Cp दंष्ट्र_SANe कल्पय्_S3ImIn |
Where to I replied 'How shall I live long without any food, being smitten by you having a thunderbolt in your hand, and having my head, thighs and mouth crushed down?' Thereat Indra made my hands extending over a Yojana and placed my mouth, having sharpened teeth, on my belly.
तद्_SNM मद्_SN भुज_DuIM दीर्घ_DuIM संक्षिप्_Co इदम्_SLM वनेचर_PAM | सिंह_Cp द्वीपिन्_Cp मृग_Cp व्याघ्र_PAM भक्षय्_SPr1In समन्ततः_ |
Thenceforth, stretching out my long arms I used to devour all lions, tigers, wolves and deer ranging the forest.
तद्_SNM तु_ मद्_SA ब्रू_S3ImIn इन्द्र_SNM यदा_ राम_SNM स_ लक्ष्मण_SNM | R छिद्_SFu3In समर_SLNe बाहु_DuAM तदा_ स्वर्ग_SAM गम्_SFu3In |
Indra said to me, 'You shall attain to heaven when Rāma, along with Laksmana, shall cut off your arms in a battle.'
इदम्_SINe वपुस्_SINe तात_SVM वन_SLNe इदम्_SLNe राजन्_Cp सत्तम_SVM | R यद्_SANe यद्_SANe पश्_SPr1In सर्व_SGM ग्रहण_SANe साधु_SANe रोचय्_SPr3O | R अवश्यम्_ ग्रहण_SANe राम_SNM मन्_SPr1In मद्_SN समुपे_SFu3In | इदम्_SAF बुद्धि_SAF पुरस्कृ_Co देह_Cp न्यास_Cp कृ_PaCp श्रम_SNM | R तद्_SNM त्वद्_SN राम_SNM अस्_SPr2In भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SD न_ मद्_SN अन्य_SIM राघव_SVM | R शक्य_SNM हन्_In यथा_ तत्त्व_SNNe एवम्_ वच्_SNPaNe महत्_Cp ऋषि_SIM |
Acting under the conviction that Rāma, resolved to destroy my person, shall surely come within the compass of my arms, I do always assail with relish, O worshipful one, O you best of kings, every animal I meet with in this forest. You are that Rāma. My good betide you, O Rāghva. Verily did the great ascetic speak to me that none should be able to assail me but Rāma.
मद्_SN हि_ मति_Cp साचिव्य_SANe कृ_SFu1In नर_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R मित्र_SAM च_ एव_ उपदिश्_SFu1In त्वद्_DuD संस्कृ_SNPaM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM अग्नि_SIM a
Being cremated by you, I shall counsel you best and tell you with whom you should contract friendship.
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM दनु_SIM तद्_SIM राघव_SNM | इदम्_SANe गद्_SPs3In वचन_SANe लक्ष्मण_SGM च_ दृश्_SGPaPrM |
Being thus addressed by Danu, the virtuoussouled Rāghva spoke before listening Lakşmaņa.
रावण_SIM हृ_SNPaF भार्या_SNF सीता_SNF मद्_SG यशस्विन्_SNF | निष्क्रम्_SGPaM जनस्थान_SBNe सह_ भ्रातृ_SIM यथासुखम्_ | निष्क्रम्_SGPaM जनस्थान_SBNe सह_ भ्रातृ_SIM यथासुखम्_ | R नामन्_Cp मात्र_SANe तु_ ज्ञा_SPr1In न_ रूप_SANe तद्_SGNe रक्षस्_SGNe |
My renowned spouse Sītā was easily ravished by Rāvaņa after I had gone out of Janasthana along with my brother. I know that Raksasa's name only—but do not know his whereabouts, his figure and his prowess.
निवास_SAM वा_ प्रभाव_SAM वा_ मद्_PN तद्_SGM न_ विद्_PPr1In | शोक_Cp आर्त_PGM अनाथ_PGM एवम्_ विपरिधाव्_PGPaPrM | R कारुण्य_SNNe सदृश_SNNe कृ_In उपकार_SIM वृत्_SPr3Im |
It behove you to show proper compassion for us, who have been stricken with grief, who are helpless, have been ranging this forest in this way and are, ever engaged in the well-being of others*. This sloka may be rendered in another way:Do you continue benefiting us by showing proper compassion for us, who are stricken with grief helpless and ranging the forest in this way. We have however adopted here the commentator Rāmāņaya's explanation.
काष्ठ_PANe आनी_Co भञ्ज्_PAPaNe काल_SLM शुष्क_PANe कुञ्जर_PIM | R दह्_PFu1In त्वद्_SA मद्_PN वीर_SVM श्वभ्र_SLM महत्_SLM कल्पय्_SLPaM |
O, hero, we shall burn you after collecting all the branches that have been broken down by the elephants and dried up in time, and digging a big trench.
तद्_SNM त्वद्_SN सीता_SAF समाचक्ष्_S2ImIn यद्_SIM वा_ यत्र_ वा_ हृ_PNPaM | R कृ_SPr2Im कल्याण_SANe अत्यर्थम्_ यदि_ ज्ञा_SPr2In तत्त्व_SBNe |
Do you tell us who has carried away Sītā? And where? If do you know it truly do you perform us this good service.
एवम्_ वच्_SNPaM तु_ राम_SIM वाक्य_SANe दनु_SNM अनुत्तम_SANe | R प्रवच्_SPs3In कुशल_SNM वक्तृ_SNM वक्तृ_SAM अपि_ राघव_SAM |
Thereat the Rākşasa, skilled in speech, spoke to Rāghava, addressing him thus.
दिव्य_SNNe अस्_SPr3In न_ मद्_SG ज्ञान_SNNe न_ अभिज्ञा_SPr1In मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF मैथिली_SAF ma R यद्_SNM तद्_SAF वच्_SFu3In तद्_SAM वच्_SFu1In दह्_SNPaM स्व_SANe रूप_SANe आस्था_SNPaM | R यद्_SNM अभिज्ञा_SPr3In तद्_SANe रक्षस्_SANe तद्_SANe वच्_SFu1In राम_SVM तद्_SANe पर_SANe |
I am not gifted with divine fore-sight and therefore do not know where Maithilī is. I shall let you know of him who shall be able to tell you all about her, after I resume my original shape, being burnt (by you). I shall furthermore tell you, O Rāma, who knows that Räksasa.
अदग्ध_SGM हि_ विज्ञा_In शक्ति_SNF अस्_SPr3In न_ मद्_SG प्रभु_SVM अदग्ध_SGM हि_ विज्ञा_In शक्ति_SNF अस्_SPr3In न_ मद्_SG प्रभु_SVM अदग्ध_SGM हि_ विज्ञा_In शक्ति_SNF अस्_SPr3In न_ मद्_SG प्रभु_SVM अदग्ध_SGM हि_ विज्ञा_In शक्ति_SNF अस्_SPr3In न_ मद्_SG प्रभु_SVM अदग्ध_ R राक्षस_SNNe तु_ महत्_Cp वीर्य_SNNe सीता_SNF यद्_SIM हृ_SNPaF त्वद्_SG |
Without being burnt I am incapable of being cognizant of that highly powerful Rākṣasa who has carried away your Sītā.
विज्ञान_SNNe हि_ महत्_SNNe भ्रंश्_SNPaNe शाप_Cp दोष_SIM राघव_SVM | स्व_Cp कृ_SIPaM मद्_SI प्राप्_SNPaNe रूप_SNNe लोक_Cp विगर्ह्_SNPaNe |
By the influence of curse, I have lost my foresight and by my own improper actions I have been transformed into this ugly figure.
क_SNNe तु_ यावत्_ न_ या_SPr3In अस्त_SAM सवितृ_SNM श्रम्_PaCp वाहन_SNM | R तावत्_ मद्_SA अवट_SLM क्षिप्_Co दह्_SPr2Im राम_SVM यथाविधि_ |
Do you cremate me according to the prescribed rites after throwing me into the ditch before the sun, with his worn out carriers descends into the western horizon.
दह्_SNPaM त्वद्_SI मद्_SN अवट_SLM न्याय_SIM रघुनन्दन_SVM | R वच्_SFu1In तद्_SAM महत्_Cp वीर_SVM यद्_SNM तद्_SAM विद्_SFu3In राक्षस_SAM |
Being burnt by you in the ditch, with due ceremonials, O descendant of Raghu, I shall inention, to you, one who knows that Rāksasa.
तद्_SIM सख्य_SNNe च_ कृ_SNNeGd न्याय्य_Cp वृत्_SIPaM राघव_SVM | R कल्पय्_SFu3In त्वद्_SG वीर_SVM साहाय्य_SANe लघु_Cp विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In वीर_SVM साहाय्य_SANe लघु_Cp विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In वीर_SVM साहाय्य_SANe लघु_Cp विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In वीर_SVM साहाय्य_SANe लघु_Cp विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In विक्रम_SVM अस्_SPr2In vik
O Raghava, O fleet-footed hero, do you contract friendship with him gifted with good qualities and he shall assist you.
नहि_ तद्_SGM अस्_SPr3In अविज्ञात_SNNe त्रि_PLM लोक_PLM राघव_Cp वत्_ अस्_SPr3In अविज्ञात_SNNe त्रि_PLM लोक_PLM राघव_SVM | R सर्व_PAM परिवृ_SNPaM लोक_PAM पुरा_ वै_ कारण_Cp अन्तर_SLNe |
There is nothing unknown to him, O Rāghava is the three worlds. Formerly for some reasons he had travelled all over them.
एवम्_ वच्_DuNPaM तु_ तद्_DuNM वीर_DuNM कवन्ध_SIM नरेश्वर_DuNM | R गिरि_Cp प्रदर_SAM आसादय्_Co पावक_SAM विसृज्_DuPs3In |
After Kabandha had spoken thus, the two best of men, Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa took him to a mountain-cave and placed on fire.
लक्ष्मण_SNM तु_ महत्_Cp उल्का_PIPaF समन्ततः_ | चिता_SAF आदीपय्_SPs3InPe तद्_SNF प्रज्वल्_SPs3In सर्वतस्_ | R तद्_SNNe शरीर_SNNe कबन्ध_SGM घृत_Cp पिण्ड_Cp उपम_SNNe महत्_SNNe | R मेदस्_SINe पच्_SGPaPrMPv मन्द्र_SANe दह्_SPr3 पावक_SNM |
Laksmana kindled the funeral pile, which was ablaze on all sides. Thereupon the fire began to burn down slowly the huge and corpulent body of Kabandha like to a lump of clarified butter.
तद्_SNM विधू_Co चिता_SAF आशु_ विधूम_SNM अग्नि_SNM इव_ उत्था_SNPaM | R अरज_DuANe वासस्_DuANe विभृ_SNPaPrM माल्य_SANe दिव्य_SANe महत्_Cp बल_SNM |
Afterwards the highly powerful demon, shaking the funeral pile, rose up quickly like a smokeless flame of fire, wearing a clean cloth and a celestial garland.
ततस्_ चिता_SGF वेग_SIM भास्वर_SNM विरज_Cp अम्बर_SNM | उत्पत्_SPs3In आशु_ संहृष्_SNPaM सर्व_Cp प्रत्यङ्ग_Cp भूषण_SNM | विमान_SLNe भास्वर_SLNe स्था_SNPaPrM हंस_Cp युज्_SLPaNe यशस्कर_SLNe | R प्रभा_SIF च_ महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM दिश्_PAF दशन्_PAF विराजय्_SNPaPrM | प्रभा_SIF च_ महत्_Cp तेजस्_SNM दिश्_PAF दशन्_PAF विराजय्_SNPaPrM | R तद्_SNM अन्तरिक्ष_Cp गम्_SNPaM वाक्य_SANe कबन्ध_SNM राम_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn |
And the graceful demon, wearing an unsullied cloth and having all its limbs crested with diverse ornaments, rose from the pile high up in the welkin with a delighted heart. Thereupon mounting on a famed car, brilliant and drawn by swans* and lighting up all the quarters with the effulgence of his person, that highly powerful one, stationing himself in the heaven, addressed Rāma. By virtue of the pious observances performed by him in his previous existence and for his being burnt by Rāma that celestial car appeared there.
श्रु_SPr2Im राघव_SVM तत्त्व_SINe यथा_ सीता_SAF अवाप्_SFu2In | R राम_SVM षष्_PNM युक्ति_PNF लोक_SLM यद्_PIF सर्व_SNNe विमृश्_SPr3InPv | R परिमृज्_SNPaM दशन्_Cp अन्त_SIM दशा_Cp भाग_SIM सेव्_SPr3InPv |
Do you hear truly, O Rāghava, of the means by which you shall come by Sīta. There are six expedients. O Rāma, by virtue of which kings acquire all objects. He, in whom misfortune has culminated, should seek the company of one such+. The six expedients are as follow—(1) Sandhi, peace. (2) Vigraha war-fare. (3) Yāna, military expedition against an enemy. (4) Asana-halting. (5) Daidhibhava-sowing dissension. (6) Samaşraya seeking protection. This is a moral law referring to the sixth to or expedient, to be resorted by the kings-namely Samasrarya seeking protection.
दशा_Cp भाग_Cp गम्_SNPaM हा_SNPaM त्वद्_SN हि_ राम_SVM स_ लक्ष्मण_SNM | R यद्_Cp कृते_ व्यसन_SNNe प्राप्_SNPaNe त्वद्_SI दार_Cp प्रधर्षण_SNNe |
You have, O Rāma along with Laksmana, met with the culmination of misfortune and for which you have been assailed with such a disaster as the ravishment of your spouse.
तद्_SNNe अवश्यम्_ त्वद्_SI कृ_SNMGd तद्_SNM सुहृद्_SNM सुहृद्_PGM वर_SVM | अ_ कृ_Co न_ हि_ त्वद्_SG सिद्धि_SAF मद्_SN दृश्_SPr1In चिन्तय्_SNPaPrM |
O you best of my friends, it behove you, therefore to make friends with such a person. Or else I do not find any means for your success.
श्रु_SPr3ImPv राम_SVM वच्_SFu1In सुग्रीव_SNM नाम_ वानर_SNM | R भ्रातृ_SIM निरस्_SNPaM क्रुध्_SIPaM वालिन्_SIM शक्र_Cp सूनु_SIM | R ऋष्यमूक_SLM गिरि_Cp वर_SLM पम्पा_Cp पर्यन्त_Cp शोभय्_SLPaM | R निवस्_SPr3In आत्मवत्_SNM वीर_SNM चतुर्_PIM सह_ वानर_PIM |
Do you hear, O Rāma, what I relate. There live with four monkeys a heroic, self-controlled monkey by name Sugrīva, on that best of mountains Rşyamūka, situated on the banks of the lake Pampā, being driven by his enraged brother Vāli, the son of Indra.
वानर_Cp इन्द्र_SNM महत्_Cp वीर्य_SNM तेजोवत्_SNM अमित_Cp प्रभा_SNM | R सत्य_Cp संधा_SNM विनी_SNPaM च_ धृतिमत्_SNM मतिमत्_SNM मानव_SNM सत्य_Cp संधा_SNM विनी_SNPaM च_ धृतिमत्_SNM मतिमत्_SNM मानव_SNM सत्य_Cp संधा_SNM विनी_SNPaM च_ धृतिमत्_SNM मतिमत्_SNM मानव_SNM सत्य_Cp संधा_SNM विनी_SNPaM च_ R दक्ष_SNM प्रगल्भ_SNM द्युतिमत्_SNM महत्_Cp बल_Cp पराक्रम_SNM | R भ्रातृ_SIM विवासय्_SNPaM वीर_SVM राज्य_Cp हेतु_SBM महात्मन्_SIM | R तद्_SNM त्वद्_SG सहाय_SNM मित्र_SNNe च_ सीता_SGF परिमार्ग_SNM भू_SFu3In हि_ त्वद्_SG राम_SVM मा_ च_ शोक_SLM मनस्_SNNe अस्_SPr2 |
That mighty, powerful, effulge lord of monkeys, of immeasurable prowess and truthful vows, humble patient, intelligent, great, expert, bold, graceful and puissant, has been banished by his brother, O hero, for kingdom. Surely he shall befriend and assist you in your search for Sītā. Do you not plunge your soul in grief.
भू_SNNeGd हि_ तद्_SNNe च_ अपि_ न_ तद्_SNNe शक्य_SNNe इह_ अन्यथा_ | R कृ_In इक्ष्वाकु_Cp शार्दूल_SVM काल_SNM हि_ दुरतिकम_SNM |
O you best of Ikşvākus, none can withstand destiny on this earth, truly unavoidable is it course.
गम्_SPr2Im शीघ्रम्_ इतस्_ वीर_SVM सुग्रीव_SAM तद्_SAM महत्_Cp बल_SAM | R वयस्य_SAM तद्_SAM कृ_SPr2Im क्षिप्रम्_ इतस्_ गम्_Co अद्य_ राघव_SVM | R अद्रोह_SDM समागम्_Co दीप्_SLPaPrM विभावसु_SLM | R न_ च_ त्वद्_SD तद्_SNM अवमन्_SNMGd सुग्रीव_SNM वानर_Cp अधिप_SNM |
Do you proceed soon, O hero, to Sugriva of mighty prowess, and repairing hence even to-day do you contract friendship with him, taking vow in the presence of flaming fire* that you shall not envy each other. This refers to the the oriental custom of performing every sacred rite in the presence of fire as witness. The Hindus regard the fire with sacred reverence and for this in all their social and religious ceremonials fire plays, a very prominent and sacred part.
कृतज्ञ_SNM कामरूपिन्_SNM च_ सहाय_Cp अर्थिन्_SNM च_ वीर्यवत्_SNM | R शक्_DuNPaM हि_ अद्य_ त्वद्_DuN कृ_In कार्य_SANe तद्_SGM चिकीर्षित_SANe |
Despise not that kingly monkey Sugrīva, because he is grateful, capable of assuming shapes at will, seeking protection and powerful. You too are able to accomplish his wished-for object.
कृतार्थ_SNM वा_ अकृतार्थ_SNM वा_ त्वद्_SG कृत्य_SANe कृ_SFu3In | R तद्_SNM ऋक्षरजस्_SGM पुत्र_SNM पम्पा_SAF अट्_SPr3In शङ्क्_SNPaM | R भास्कर_SGM औरस_SNM पुत्र_SNM वालिन्_SIM कृ_PaCp किल्विष_SNM | R संनिधा_Co आयुध_SANe क्षिप्रम्_ ऋष्यमूक_Cp आलय_SAM कपि_SAM | R कृ_SPr2Im राघव_SVM सत्य_SINe वयस्य_SAM वन_Cp चारिन्_SAM | तद्_SNM हि_ स्थान_PANe कार्त्स्न्य_SINe सर्व_PANe कपि_Cp कुञ्जर_SNM | R नर_Cp मांस_Cp आशिन्_PGM लोक_SLM नैपुण्य_SBNe अधिगम्_SPr3In |
Benefited by you or not, he shall engage in your service. He was begotten of the Sun to the wife of Rkşarāja. He has been roaming the bank of Pampā being in constant fear of Väli after creating enmity with him. Do you make friends with that monkey ranging the wood and inhabiting the Rșyamūka mountain after placing your weapon in the very presence of fire as a witness, because that hest of monkeys know minutely all the abodes of Rākṣasas, living on human flesh.
न_ तद्_SGM अविदित_SNNe लोक_SLM कश्चित्_SNNe अस्_SPr3In हि_ राघव_Cp कश्चित्_SNNe अस्_SPr3In हि_ राघव_Cp कश्चित्_SNNe अस्_SPr3In हि_ राघव_Cp कश्चित्_SNNe अस्_SPr3In हि_ राघव_Cp कवष_Cp वक_SLM कश्चित्_SNNe अस्_SPr3In हि_ राघव_Cp वक_SLM कश्चित्_SNNe अस्_SPr3In हि_ राघव_Cp वक_SLM k यावत्_ सूर्य_SNM प्रतप्_SPr3In सहस्रांशु_SNM परंतप_SNM |
There is no place under the sun of many rays, O Rāghava, O slayer of foes, unknown to him.
तद्_SNM नदी_PAF विपुल_Cp अशैल_PAM गिरि_Cp दुर्ग_PANe कन्दर_PAM | अन्विष्_Co वानर_PIM सार्धम्_ पत्नी_SNF त्वद्_SG अधिगम्_SFu3In |
Exploring, with all his monkeys, the rivers, huge mountains, strongholds and caves, he shall learn about your spouse.
वानर_PAM च_ महत्_Cp काय_PAM प्रेषय्_SFu3In राघव_Cp काय_PAM प्रेषय्_SFu3In राघव_Cp काय_PAM प्रेषय्_SFu3In राघव_Cp काय_PAM प्रेषय्_SFu3In राघव_Cp काय_PAM प्रेषय्_SFu3In राघव_Cp काय_PAM प्रेषय्_SFu3In राघव_Cp काय_PAM R दिश्_PAF विचि_In तद्_SAF सीता_SAF त्वद्_Cp वियोग_SIM शुच्_SAPaPrF | R अन्वि_SFu3In वरारोह_SAF मैथिली_SNF रावण_Cp आलय_SLM |
He shall search that exquisitely fine damsel Maithili in Ravana's abode, bewailing on your separation, and to find her out he shall despatch, O Rāghava, many a monkey of huge proportions to various quarters.
तद्_SNM मेरु_Cp शृङ्ग_Cp अग्र_Cp गम्_SAPaF अनिन्दित_SAF प्रविश्_Co पाताल_Cp तल_SLM अपि_ वा_ आश्रि_SAPaF | R प्लवंगम_PGM ऋषभ_SNM त्वद्_SG प्रिया_SAF निहन्_Co रक्षस्_PANe पुनर्_ प्रदा_SFu3In |
Whether on the summit of the mount Meru or in the region under the earth, that lord of monkeys, shall give you back your blameless spouse, killing all the Raksasas.
दर्शय्_Co तु_ राम_SDM सीता_SGF परिमार्गण_SLNe | R वाक्य_SANe अन्वर्थ_SANe अर्थ_Cp ज्ञ_SNM कबन्ध_SNM पुनर्_ ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Having pointed out to Rāma the expedient for finding out Sītā the wise Kabandha began with the following significant words.
एतद्_SNM राम_SVM शिव_SNM पथिन्_SNM यत्र_ एतद्_PNM पुष्पित_PNM द्रुम_PNM | R प्रत्यञ्च्_SNF दिश्_SAF आश्रि_Co प्रकाश्_PPr3In मनोरम_PNF | R जम्बु_Cp प्रियाल_Cp पनस_PNM न्यग्रोध_Cp पक्ष_Cp तिन्दुक_PNM | R अश्वत्थ_PNM कर्णिकार_SNM च_ चूत_PNM च_ अन्य_PNM च_ पादप_PNM | R धन्वन्_SINe नागवृक्ष_PNM च_ तिलक_PNM नक्तमालक_PNM | R नील_Cp अशोक_PNM कदम्ब_PNM च_ करवीर_PNM च_ पुष्पित_PNM | R अग्निमुख्य_PNM अशोक_PNM च_ सुरक्त_PNM पारिभद्रक_PNM | R तद्_PAM आरुह्_Co अथवा_ भूमि_SLF पातय्_Co च_ तद्_PAM बल_SBNe | R फल_PANe अमृत_Cp कल्प_PANe भक्षय्_Co गम्_DuFu2In |
This is the way, O Rāma, leading to the mount Rsyamūka, where stand, beautifying the West, the Jambū (a) Priyāla, (b) Panasa, (c) Nyagrodha, (d) Plaksa, (e) Tinduka (1) ASvatha, (g) Karnikāra, (h) Cuta, (i) Naga (j) Tilaka, (k) Naktamālaka, (1) Neelaśokā, (m) Kadamba, (n) Karavīrā, (0) Agnimukhya, (p) Asoka, Raktacandan, (q) Paribhadraka, (r) and many other trees. Ascending those trees or lowering them by force on earth, do you proceed living on those fruits like to ambrosia. [a] A fruit-tree, the rose apple-lat. (Eugenia Jambolana). [b] A tree commonly Piyal-Lat. (Buchanania latifolia). [c] The bread fruit of Taka tree—Lat. (Artocarpus integrifolia). [d] The Indian fig-tree-Lat. (Ficus Indica). [e] Waved leaf fig-tree-Lat. Ficus infectoria). [f] A sort of ebony-Lat. (Diospyros glutinosa). [g] A holy fig-tree-Lat. (ficus religiosa). [h] The name of a tree commonly Kaniyar-Lat. Pterospermum acerifo lium). [I] The mango—Lat. (Mangifera Indica). [i] A small tree-Lat. (Mesua ferrca). [k] A kind of tree commonly Tila. [1] A tree Lat. (Galcdupaarborea, Rox). [m] Blue Asoka-Lat. (Fonesia Asock). [n] A plant commonly Kadamba-Lat. (Nauclea Kadamba). [o] A fragrant plant-Lat. (Oleander or Nerium, Odorum). [p] The marking nut plant-Lat. (Semecarpius anacardium). [q] Red Sandal. [r] The coral tree-Lat. (Erythrina fulgens).
चङ्क्रम्_DuNPaPrM वर_Cp आशैल_Cp अशैल_SBM शैल_SAM वन_SBNe वन_SANe | ततस्_ पुष्करिणी_SAF वीर_DuNM पम्पा_SAF नाम_ गम्_DuFu2In | अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ विभ्रंश_SAF सम_Cp तीर्थ_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_SAF अ_ शैवल_SAF अ_ शर्करा_ R राम_SVM संजन्_PaCp वालूका_SAF कमल_Cp उत्पल_Cp शोभय्_SAPaF |
O heroes, ranging from forest to forest, from high mountains to hillocks, you shall get at the lake Pampā, void of gravels and acquatic plants and hence there is no danger of falling down to the people, having level watering-places, covered with sands and blooming with red and white lotuses.
तत्र_ हंस_PNM प्लव_PNM कौञ्च_PNM कुरर_PNM च_ एव_ राघव_SVM | R वल्गु_Cp स्वर_PNM निकूज्_PPr3In पम्पा_Cp सलिल_Cp गोचर_PNM | R न_ उद्विज्_PPr3In नर_PAM दृश्_Co वध_SGM अकोविद_PNM पुर_PNM |
There emit forth musical notes, swans, frogs, cranes and ospreys sporting in the lake Pampā. They are not filled with terror in view of human beings, inexperienced as they are in the matter of destruction.
घृत_Cp पिण्ड_Cp उपम_PAM स्थूल_PAM तद्_PAM द्विज_PAM भक्षय्_DuFu2In | R रोहित_PAM वक्रतुण्ड_PAM च_ नलमीन_PAM च_ राघव_SVM | R पम्पा_SLF इषु_PIM मत्स्य_PNM तत्र_ राम_SVM वर_PAM हन्_PAPaM | R निस्त्व_Cp पक्ष_PAM अयस्_Cp तप्_PAPaM अकृश_PAM एक_Cp कण्टक_PAM | R त्वद्_SG भक्ति_SIF समायुज्_SNPaM लक्ष्मण_SNM सम्प्रदा_SFu3In | R भृशम्_ तद्_PAM खाद्_PAPaPrM मत्स्य_PAM पम्पा_SGF पुष्प_Cp संचय_SLM | R पद्म_Cp गन्धि_SNNe शिव_SNNe वारि_SNNe सुख_Cp शीत_SNNe अनामय_SNNe | R उद्धृ_Co तद्_SNM तदा_ अक्लिष्ट_SANe रूप्य_Cp स्फटिक_Cp संनिभ_SANe | अथ_ पुष्कर_Cp पर्ण_SINe लक्ष्मण_SNM पायय्_SFu3In |
O Rāghava do you fare on those plump birds like to a lump of clarified butter and diverse fishes such as Rohita, Vakratunda+, and Nala. O Rama, the devoted Laksmana, shall offer to you, various other best fishes, devoid of scale and fins, plump, filled with bones, having destroyed them with shafts and roasted them in fire. And after you had feasted on them, Lakşmaņa shall bring you water for drinking on a lotus leaf, smelling like a lotus, coming in contact with flowers, delicious, pleasantly cold, wholesome, void of impurities, transparent like silver and crystal. The Rohi fist-Lat. (cyprinus Rohita Ham). A kind of fish resembling a wheel in appearance. A kind of sprai, according to some, a shrimp or prawn.
स्थूल_PAM गिरि_Cp गुहा_Cp शय्या_PAM वानर_PAM वन_Cp चारिन्_PAM | R सायाह्न_SLM विचर्_SNPaPrM राम_SVM दर्शय्_SFu3In लक्ष्मण_SNM |
While roaming in the evening he shall point out to you fat monkeys ranging in the wood and lying in the hollows of mountains.
अप्_PGF लोभ_SBM उपावृत्_PAPaM वृषभ_PAM इव_ नर्द्_PAPaPrM | R स्थूल_PAM पीत_PAM च_ पम्पा_SLF दृश्_SFu2In त्वद्_SN नर_Cp उत्तम_SVM |
And you too, O best of men, shall behold those fat monkeys, who had drunk water, roaring like to oxen appearing on the banks of a river to drink water.
सायाह्न_SLM विचर्_SNPaPrM राम_SVM विटपिन्_SNM माल्य_Cp धारिन्_SGM | शिव_Cp उदक_SANe च_ पम्पा_SLF दृश्_Co शोक_SAM विहा_SFu2In |
And rambling in the evening, you shall assuage your grief beholding the pleasant water of Pampā and blossoming trees.
सुमनस्_PIF चि_PNPaM तत्र_ तिलक_PNM नक्तमालक_PNM | उत्पल_PANe च_U फुल्ल_PANe पङ्कज_PANe च_U राघव_SVM | R न_ तद्_PANe कश्चित्_SNM माल्य_PANe तत्र_ आरोपयितृ_SNM नर_SNM | R न_ च_ वै_ ग्ला_PaCp ता_SAF या_PPr3In न_ च_ शृ_PPr3In राघव_SVM | R मतंग_Cp शिष्य_PNM तत्र_ अस्_P3ImIn ऋषि_PNM सु_ समाहित_PNM | R तद्_PGM भार_Cp अभितप्_PGPaM वन्य_SANe आहृ_PGPaPrM गुरु_SGM | R यद्_PNM प्रपत्_PPs3In मही_SAF तूर्णम्_ शरीर_SBNe स्वेद_Cp बिन्दु_PNM | R तद्_PNNe माल्य_PNNe जन्_PNPaNe मुनि_PGM तपस्_SINe तदा_ | स्वेद_Cp बिन्दु_Cp समुत्थ_PNNe न_ विनश्_PPr3In राघव_SVM |
There, O Rāghava, the Tilakas and Naktamālakas, crested with flowers and full blown white and red lotuses shall mitigate your sorrows. There live no person who wears garlands of those flowers. Garlands strung with those flowers never wither away, O Rāghava, because the disciples of the great ascetic Matariga lived there with concentrated hearts. Drops of perspiration, falling on the earth from the persons of those ascetics worn out with the burden of the wild fruits collected by them for their spiritual guide, have been transformed by virtue of their asceticism to these garlands. These garlands do never wither, O Rāghava, because of their origination from those drops of perspiration.
तद्_PGM गम्_PGPaM अद्य_ अपि_ दृश्_SPr3InPv परिचारिणी_SNF | श्रमणी_SNF शबरी_SNF नाम_ काकुत्स्थ_SVM चिरजीविनी_SNF | R स्था_PNPaM नित्यम्_ सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp नमस्कृ_SAPaM | दृश्_Co देव_Cp उपम_SAM राम_SVM स्वर्ग_Cp लोक_SAM गम्_SFu3In |
Even at the present day, O Kakutstha, there live an immortal mendicant woman, by name Savari, who had waited in attendance upon those departed ones. Beholding you, O Rāma, who are adored of all creatures like to the Deity Himself, that mendicant woman, ever engaged in pious observances, shall attain to the abode of celestials.
ततस्_ तद्_SNNe राम_SNNe पम्पा_SGF तीर_SANe आश्रि_Co पश्चिम_SANe | R आश्रम_Cp स्थान_SANe अतुल_SANe गुह्_SANeGd काकुत्स्थ_SVM दृश्_SPr2In |
O Rāma, turning to the western bank of Pampa, you shall, O Kakutstha, behold the incomparable and secret asylum of Matanga.
न_ तत्र_ आक्रम्_In नाग_PNM शक्_PPr3In तद्_Cp आश्रम_SLM | R ऋषि_SGM तद्_SGM मतंग_SGM विधान_SBNe तद्_SNNe च_ कानन_SNNe |
Fearing the divine authority of that great ascetic Matanga, the elephants, though there are many, dare not cross the threshold of his asylum.
मतंगवन_SNNe इति_ एव_ विश्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_SNPaNe रघुनन्दन_Cp श्रु_S R तद्_SLNe नन्दन_Cp संकाश_SLNe देव_Cp अरण्य_Cp उपम_SLNe वन_SLNe | R नाना_ विहग_Cp संकृ_SLPaNe रम्_SFu2In राम_SVM निर्वृत_SNM |
O Rāghava, this forest is widely known as Matanga wood. You shall sport, O Rāma, with a delighted heart in that forest resembling the celestial garden-Nandana and filled with various birds.