शोक_SAM विसृज्_Co अद्य_ धृति_SAF भज्_SPr2Im स_ उत्साह_Cp ता_SNF च_ अस्_SPr3Im विमार्गण_SLNe इदम्_SGF | उत्साहवत्_PNM हि_ नर_PNM न_ लोक_SLM सद्_PPr3In कर्मन्_PLNe अति_ दुष्कर_PLNe |
Do you take heart renouncing your grief and engage with energy of Sita. Persons of high energy are never exhausted on the earth in quest even in the face of arduous works.
इति_ इव_ सौमित्रि_SAM उदा_Cp पौरुष_SAM ब्रू_SAPaPrM आर्त_SAM रघु_Cp वंश_Cp सत्तम_SNM | R न_ चिन्तय्_SPs3InPe धृति_SAF विमुच्_SNPaM पुनर्_ च_ दुःख_SANe महत्_SANe अभ्युपगम्_SPs3InTh तद्_SANe न_ चिन्तय्_SPs3InPe धृति_SAF विमुच्_SNPaM पुनर्_ च_ दुःख_SANe महत्_SANe अभ्युपगम्_SPs3InTh तद्_SANe न_ चिन्तय्_SPs3InPe दुःख_SANe महत्_SANe अभ्युपगम्_SPs3InTh तद्_SANe न्
The highly powerful Lakşmaņa having spoken thus being afflicted with grief, Rāma, the best of Raghu's descendants, did not consider that worth pondering over. Renouncing patience he again indulged in excessive grief.
तप्_SAPaPrMPv तदा_ राम_SAM सीता_Cp आहरण_Cp कर्शय्_SAPaM | R लोक_PGM अभव_SLM युज्_SAPaM सांवर्तक_SAM इव_ अनल_SAM | R वीक्ष्_SAPaPrM धनुस्_SANe सज्य_SANe निःश्वस्_SAPaPrM पुनर्_ पुनर्_ | दग्धु_Cp काम_SNNe जगन्त्_SNNe सर्व_SNNe युग_Cp अन्त_SLM च_ यथा_ हर_SAM | अ_ दृश्_PaCp पूर्व_SAM संक्रुध्_SAPaM दृश्_Co राम_SAM तद्_SNM लक्ष्मण_SNM | R ब्रू_S3ImIn प्राञ्जलि_SNM वाक्य_SANe मुख_SINe परिशुष्_SIPaPrNe ब्रू_S3ImIn प्राञ्जलि_SNM वाक्य_SANe मुख_SINe परिशुष्_SIPaPrNe ब्रू_S3ImIn प्राञ्जलि_SNM वाक्य_SANe मुख_SINe परिशुष्_SIPaPrNe ब्रू_S3ImIn प्राञ्जलि_SNM वाक्य_SANe मुख_SINe परिशुष्_SIPaPrNe
Rāma highly aggrieved on account of Sīta's being carried away, addressing himself to destroy the world like to the fire of dissolution and casting his look, sighing again and again, upon the stringed bow like to Mahadeva desirous of burning down the whole world at the time of dissolution, Laksmana, having his countenance dried up, beholding his rage not seen before, began with folded hands.
पुरा_ भू_Co मृदु_SNM दम्_SNPaM सर्व_Cp भूत_Cp हित_SLNe रम्_SNPaM | R न_ क्रोध_Cp वश_SAM आपद्_SNPaM प्रकृति_SANe हा_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
Ere this you had been gently, self-controlled and engaged in the welfare of all beings. It dose not behove you now to renounce your natural temper being influenced by ire.
चन्द्र_SLM लक्ष्मी_SNF प्रभा_SNF सूर्य_SLM गति_SNF वायु_SLM भू_SLF क्षमा_SNF | एतद्_SNNe च_ नियम्_SNPaNe नित्यम्_ त्वद्_SL च_ अनुत्तम_SNNe यशस्_SNNe |
Ever manifested itself in you, glory Par excellence like to splendour in the Moon, lustre in the Sun, motion in the wind and forgiveness in the Earth.
एक_SGM न_ अपराध_SIM लोक_PAM हन्_In त्वद्_SN अर्ह्_SPr2In | ननु_ ज्ञा_SPr1In क_SGM इदम्_SNM भञ्ज्_SNPaM सांग्रामिक_SNM रथ_SNM |
It become you not to devastate the whole world for the crime of an individual being. Methinks for certain, this shattered car must be the property of an individual person, not of many.
क_SIM वा_ क_SGM वा_ हेतु_SGM स_ युग_SNM स_ परिच्छद_SNM | R खुर_Cp नेमि_Cp क्षन्_SNPaM च_ इदम्_SNM सिच्_SNPaM रुधिर_Cp बिन्दु_PIM | देश_SNM निवृत्_PaCp संग्राम_SNM सु_ घोर_SNM पार्थिव_Cp आत्मज_SVM | एक_SGM तु_ विमर्द_SNM इदम्_SNM न_ द्वि_DuGM वद्_PGPaPrM वर_SVM | R न_ हि_ वृत्_SAPaNe हि_ पश्_SPr1In बल_SGNe महत्_SGNe पद_SANe | न_ हि_ वृत्_SAPaNe हि_ पश्_SPr1In बल_SGNe महत्_SGNe पद_SANe | R न_ एक_SGM तु_ कृते_ लोक_PAM विनाशय्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
But I do not know whose is this car with yokes and dresses and what for it has been shattered? Behold, O you the son of a King this terrible spot bathed in blood and raked with hoofs and wheels. Surely here took place a conflict. O you the foremost of those skilled in speech, it appear from these signs that this skirmish did take place with one, not with two. Here are not to be seen the foot-marks of a large army. It therefore dose not behove you to destroy the whole world for one's individual offence.
युज्_PaCp दण्ड_PNM हि_ मृदु_PNM प्रशम्_PNPaM वसुधा_Cp अधिप_PNM | R सदा_ त्वद्_SN सर्व_Cp भूत_PGNe शरण्य_SNM परम_SNF गति_SNF |
Kings, gentle and mild by nature, do always administer punishment, proportionate to the amount of offence. You are always the stay and the best refuge of all animals.
क_SNM नु_ दार_Cp प्रणाश_SAM त्वद्_SG साधु_SANe मन्_SPr3O राघव_SVM | R सरित्_PNF सागर_PNM शैल_PNM देव_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp दानव_PNM | R न_ अलम्_ त्वद्_SG विप्रिय_SANe कृ_In दीक्ष्_SGPaM इव_ साधु_PNM |
Who shall think well, O Raghava, of the destruction of your wife? The celestials, Danavas, Gandharvas, rivers, seas, and mountains-none can act unfriendly by you as the learned priests cannot act improperly towards those initiated by them.
यद्_SIM राजन्_SVM हृ_SNPaF सीता_SNF तद्_SAM अन्विष्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In | R मद्_Cp द्वितीय_SNM धनुष्पाणि_SNM सहाय_PIM परम_Cp ऋषि_PIM |
It is your duty, O king with bow in hand to search out the person who has carried away Sītā, along with me and the devotees.
समुद्र_SAM वा_ विचि_PFu1In पर्वत_PAM च_ वन_PANe च_ | R गुहा_PNF च_ विविध_PNF घोर_PNF पद्मिनी_PNF विविध_PNF तथा_ | देव_Cp गन्धर्व_Cp लोक_PAM च_ विचि_PFu1In समाहित_PNM | R यावत्_SIM अधिगम्_PFu1In त्वद्_SG भार्या_SNF अपहारिन्_SAM | R न_ चेद्_ सामन्_SINe प्रदा_PFu3In पत्नी_SNF त्वद्_SG त्रिदश_Cp ईश्वर_PNM | R ततस्_ पश्चात्_ प्राप्_PaCp काल_SAM कृ_SFu2In |
Explore shall we, with great care, the seas, the forest, the mountains, the fearful caves, the pools and the abodes of the celestials and Gandharvas until we find out the person who has carried away your wife. If the celestials do not return you peacefully your wife, O Lord of Kosala, you shall adopt imeasures, befitting the occasion.
शील_SINe सामन्_SINe विनय_SIM सीता_SAF नय_SIM न_ प्राप्_SFu2In चेद्_ नरेन्द्र_SVM | R महत्_Cp इन्द्र_Cp वज्र_Cp प्रतिमा_PIM शर_Cp ओघ_PIM |
You shall then uproot the whole world, O lord of men, with your gold-feathered arrows resembling the thunderbolt of Mahendra, if you do not come by your wife by resorting to good conduct, self-control, lowliness and polity.
तद्_SAM तथा_ शोक_Cp संतप्_SAPaM विलप्_SAPaPrM अनाथ_Cp वत्_ | R मोह_SIM महत्_SIM युज्_SAPaM परिधू_SAPaM अचेतस्_SAM | R ततस्_ सौमित्रि_SNM आश्वस्_Co मुहूर्त_SBNe इव_ लक्ष्मण_SNM | R राम_SAM सम्बोधय्_SPs3InPe चरण_DuAM च_ अभिपीडय्_SNPaPrM |
Rāma bewailing thus like one helpless being stricken with grief, overwhelmed with sorrow and losing control over himself, Lakşmaņa touched his feet and consoling him instantly began.
महत्_SINe तपस्_SINe च_ अपि_ महत्_SINe च_ अपि_ कर्मन्_SINe | R राजन्_SIM दशरथ_SIM अस्_S3ImIn लभ्_SNPaM अमृत_SNNe इव_ अमर_PIM |
By constant asceticism and manifold pious observances king Dasaratha obtained you like to the celestials obtaining ambrosia.
त्वद्_SG च_ एव_ गुण_PIM बन्ध्_SNPaM तु_ अवियोग_SBM महीपति_SNM | R राजन्_SNM देव_Cp त्व_SANe आपद्_SNPaM भरत_SGM यथा_ श्रु_SNPaNe |
As I have heard from Bharata, king Dasaratha died for your separation, attached as he was to you for your accomplishments.
यदि_ दुःख_SANe इदम्_SANe प्राप्_SAPaNe काकुत्स्थ_SVM न_ सह्_SFu2In | R प्राकृत_SNM च_ अल्प_Cp सत्त्व_SNM च_ इतर_SNM क_SNM सह्_SFu3In |
O Kākutstha, if do you not bear patiently this impending peril what little-minded person else shall bear it?
आश्वस्_SPr2Im नर_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SVM प्राणिन्_SGM क_SGM न_ आपद्_SBF | R संस्पृश्_PPr3In अग्नि_Cp वत्_ राजन्_SVM क्षण_SIM व्यपया_PPr3In च_ |
Compose yourself, O you best of men. Peril overtake everybody like to fire but vanish in no time.
लोक_Cp स्वभाव_SNM एव_ एतद्_SNM ययाति_SNM नहुषात्मज_SNM | R गम्_SNPaM शक्र_SIM सालोक्य_SANe अनय_SNM तद्_SAM संस्पृश्_S3ImIn |
This is the nature of men. Yayati, the son of king Nahusa, though attained to the state of celestials, was however thrown down for an iniquitous deed.
महत्_Cp ऋषि_SNM यद्_SNM वसिष्ठ_SNM तु_ यद्_SNM पितृ_SGM मद्_PG पुरोहित_SNM | R अहर्_SINe पुत्र_Cp शत_SNNe जन्_SPs3In तथा_ एव_ इदम्_SGM पुनर्_ हन्_SNPaNe |
The hundred sons, that had been born to our ancestral priest Vasiştha, were all killed in one day.
यद्_SNF च_ इदम्_SNF जगन्त्_SGNe मातृ_SNF सर्व_Cp लोक_Cp नमस्कृ_SNPaF | R इदम्_SGF च_ चलन_SNNe भूमि_SGF दृश्_SPr3InPv कोशल_Cp ईश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM ऐश्वर_SVM aiśv
O lord of Kosala, even Vasumati, the mother of the world, adored of all beings, meet with misery consequent upon earth-quake.
यद्_DuNM धर्मव_SNNe जगन्त्_SGNe नेत्र_DuNM यत्र_ सर्व_SNNe प्रतिष्ठा_SNPaNe | R आदित्य_Cp चन्द्र_DuNM ग्रहण_SANe अभ्युपे_DuNPaM महत्_Cp बल_DuNM |
Even the mighty Sun and Moon witness eclipse who are the eyes of the world and the very images of virtue and in whom the whole world is stationed.
सु_ महत्_PNNe अपि_ भूत_PNNe देव_PNM च_ पुरुष_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | देहिन्_PNM |
O you best of men, what of insignificant beings cased in this frail body, even the mighty creatures and celestials are subject to the influence of destiny.
शक्र_Cp आदि_PLM अपि_ देव_PLM वृत्_DuNPaPrM नय_Cp अनय_DuNM | R श्रु_DuPr3InPv नर_Cp शार्दूल_SVM न_ त्वद्_SN शुच्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
I have heard, O best of men, even the celestials headed by Indra are subject to happiness or misery. So it dose not behove you to bewail thus.
मृ_SLPaF अपि_ वैदेही_SLF नश्_SLPaF अपि_ राघव_Cp गराघव_Cp नश्_SLPaF अपि_ राघव_Cp गर्गव_Cp नश्_SLPaF अपि_ राघव_Cp गर्गव_Cp मृ_SLPaF अपि_ राघव_Cp मृ_SLPaF अपि_ वैदेही_SLF नश्_SLPaF अपि_ राघव_Cp मृ_SLPaF अपि_ वैदेही_SLF na R शुच्_In न_ अर्ह्_SPr2In वीर_SVM यथा_ अन्य_SNM प्राकृत_SNM तथा_ |
O descendant of Raghu, it become you not to lament like an ordinary person even if Janakí is dead or has been carried away.
त्वद्विध_PNM नहि_ शुच्_PPr3In सततम्_ सर्व_Cp दर्शन_PNM | R सु_ महत्_PLNe अपि_ कृच्छ्र_PLNe रामा_SNF अनिर्विण्ण_Cp दर्शन_PNF |
O Rāma, persons, highly experienced and ascertaining right or wrong without being moved, do not lament even in the face of mighty perils.
तत्त्व_SBNe हि_ नर_Cp श्रेष्ठ_SVM बुद्धि_SIF समनुचिन्तय्_SPr2Im बुद्धि_SIF युज्_PNPaM महत्_Cp प्राज्ञ_PNM विज्ञा_PPr3In शुभ_Cp अशुभ_DuANe इति_ शुभ_Cp अशुभ_DuANe इति_ शुभ_Cp अशुभ_DuANe इति_ शुभ_Cp अशुभ_DuANe इति_ शुभ_Cp अशुभ_DuANe इति_ शुभ_Cp अशुभ_DuA
O you best of men, do you, after due consideration, ascertain what is proper or improper; persons of your vast wisdom are cognizant of the right or wrong by dint of their understanding.
अदृष्ट_Cp गुण_Cp दोष_PGNe अधुर_PGNe तु_ कर्मन्_PGNe | R न_ अन्तरेण_ क्रिया_SAF तद्_PGM फल_SNNe इष्_SNPaNe च_ वृत्_SPr3In |
Without proper exercise, actions, of unknown merit and uncertain issue do not bear fruits.
मद्_SA एवम्_ हि_ पुरा_ वीर_SVM त्वद्_SN एव_ बहु_Cp शव_Cp क्तवत्_SNM | अनुशास्_SPr3O हि_ क_SNM नु_ त्वद्_SA अपि_ साक्षात्_ बृहस्पति_SNM |
O hero, many a time and oft ere this, you had given me the self-same counsel. Who is capable of counselling you who are the very preceptor of the gods?
बुद्धि_SNF च_ त्वद्_SG महत्_Cp प्राज्ञ_SVM देव_PIM अपि_ दुरन्वय_SNF | R शोक_SIM अभिप्रस्वप्_SAPaNe त्वद्_SG ज्ञान_SANe सम्बोधय्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG शोक_SIM अभिप्रस्वप्_SAPaNe त्वद्_SG ज्ञान_SANe सम्बोधय्_SPr1In मद्_SN मद्_SG शोक_SIM अभिप्रस्वप्_SAPaNe त्वद्_SG ज्ञान_SANe सम्बोधय्_SPr1In मद्_SN |
O you of great intellect, even the celestials cannot measure your mental acumen. Greatly benumbed is your wisdom with the slumber of grief, and I am to rouse it.
दिव्य_SAM च_ मानुष_SAM च_ एवम्_ आत्मन्_SGM च_ पराक्रम_SAM | R इक्ष्वाकु_Cp वृषभ_SVM अवेक्ष्_Co यत्_SPr2Im द्विष्_PGPaPrM वध_SLM |
O you the best of lkşvākus, do you engage in the destruction of your foes considering well your celestial and human prowess.
क_SNNe त्वद्_SD सर्व_Cp विनाश_SIM कृ_SIPaM पुरुष_Cp ऋषभ_SVM | R तद्_SAM एव_ तु_ रिपु_SAM पाप_SAM विज्ञा_Co उद्धृ_In अर्ह्_SPr2In |
O you best of men, what necessity have you to destroy the whole world? Do you rescue Sītā after finding out your vicious enemy.
पूर्वज_SNM अपि_ वच्_PaCp मात्र_SNM तु_ लक्ष्मण_SIM सुभाषित_SANe | R सार_Cp ग्राहिन्_SNM महत्_Cp सार_SAM प्रतिग्रह्_SPs3In राघव_SNM |
After Laksmana had spoken these highly sound and pleasant words, Rāma, ever taking to what is sound, accepted them.
तद्_SNM निग्रह्_Co महत्_Cp बाहु_SNM प्रवृध्_SAPaM रोष_SAM आत्मन्_SGM | R अवष्टम्भ्_Co धनुस्_SANe चित्र_SANe राम_SNM लक्ष्मण_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Thereupon that one, of mighty arms, slaking his flaming ire and reclining himself upon his beautiful bow, addressed Laksmana.
क_SANe कृ_DuFu1In वत्स_SVM क्व_ वा_ गम्_DuPr1Im लक्ष्मण_Cp ऋष्मण_SNM | R क_SIM उपाय_SIM पश्_DuPr1In सीता_SAF इह_ विचिन्तय्_SNPaPrM |
Do you ponder over, O brother, where shall we repair, what shall we do and by what means shall we come by Sītā?
तद्_SAM तथा_ परिताप_Cp आर्त_SAM लक्ष्मण_SNM वाक्य_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn | इदम्_SANe एव_ जनस्थान_SANe त्वद्_SN अन्विष्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In | R राक्षस_PIM बहु_PIM कृ_SAPaM नाना_ द्रुम_Cp लता_Cp युत_SAM | R अस्_PPr3In इह_ गिरि_Cp दुर्ग_PNNe निर्दर_PNM कन्दर_PNNe च_ |
Whereto Lakşmaņa replied saying to the highly aggrieved Råma, It is proper for you to search this Janasthāna filled with a multitude of Rākṣasas and covered with diverse trees and creepers. Here are many strongholds in the midst of mountains, clefts of rocks, many caves and numerous cavities filled with various animals.
गुहा_PAF च_ विविध_PAF घोर_PAF नाना_ मृग_Cp गण_Cp आकुल_PAF | आवास_PNM किंनर_PGM च_ गन्धर्व_Cp भवन_PNNe च_ | R तद्_PANe युज्_SNPaM मद्_SI सार्धम्_ समन्विष्_In अर्ह्_SPr2In | R त्वद्विध_PNM बुद्धि_Cp सम्पद्_PNPaM महात्मन्_PNM नर_Cp ऋषभ_PNM | आपद्_PLF न_ प्रकम्प्_PPr3In वायु_Cp वेग_PIM इव_ अचल_PNM |
Many are the abodes here belonging to the Kinnaras and Gandharvas. Do you, along with me, search all these places. Great men, of your calibre, do remain unagitated even in the midst of difficulties like to mountains never shaken by the velocity of the wind.
इति_ वच्_SNPaM तद्_SANe वन_SANe सर्व_SANe विचर्_SPs3In स_ लक्ष्मण_SNM | R क्रुध्_SNPaM राम_SNM शर_SAM घोर_SAM संधा_Co धनुस्_SLNe क्षुर_SAM |
Hearing these words, Rāma, enraged, fixing sharp and terrible arrows to his bow, began to range the forest with Lakşmaņa.
ततस्_ पर्वत_Cp कूट_Cp आभ_SAM महाभाग_SAM द्विजोत्तम_SAM | R दृश्_SPs3In पत्_SAPaM भूमि_SLF क्षतज_Cp अद्र_SAM जटायुष_SAM | R तद्_SAM दृश्_Co गिरि_Cp शृङ्ग_Cp आभ_SAM राम_SNM लक्ष्मण_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Thereupon he beheld, fallen on ground, having his person bathed in blood, the king of birds-Jatayu, resembling a mountain peak, and spoke to Lakşmaņa.
इदम्_SIM सीता_SNF वैदेही_SNF भक्ष्_SPr3In न_ अत्र_ संशय_SNM | R गृध्र_Cp रूप_SNNe इदम्_SNNe व्यक्त_SNNe रक्षस्_SNNe भ्रम्_SPr3In कानन_SANe |
It is clear and beyond all doubt that Vaidehī has been devoured by this Rākşasa, assuming the shape of a vulture and ranging the forest.
भक्षय्_Co विशाल_Cp अक्ष_SAF आस्_SPr3In सीता_SAF यथासुखम्_ | एनद्_SAM वध्_SFu1In दीप्_PaCp अग्र_PIM शर_Cp घोर_PIM अजिह्मग_PIM |
This Rākşasa has been reposing at ease after devouring that one of expansive eyes; I shall kill him with terrible straight coursing arrows, having flaming points.
इति_ वच्_Co अभिपत्_S3ImIn दृश्_In संधा_Co धनुस्_SLNe क्षुर_SAM | R क्रुध्_SNPaM राम_SNM समुद्र_Cp अन्त_SAF चालय्_SNPaPrM इव_ मेदिनी_SAF |
Fixing sharpened shafts to his bow, Rāma, enraged, darted towards the vulture, as if moving the sea-girt earth.
तद्_SAM दीन_Cp दीन_SIF वाच्_SIF स_ फेन_SANe रुधिर_SANe वम्_SNPaPrM | अभिभाष्_SPs3In पक्षिन्_SNM तद्_SNM राम_SAM दशरथ_Cp आत्मज_SAM |
Vomiting frothy blood Jațāyu, the king of vultures, spoke to Rāma, the son of Dasaratha.
यद्_SAF ओषधी_SAF इव_ आयुष्मत्_SVM अन्विष्_SPr2In महत्_Cp वन_SLNe | R तद्_SNF देवी_SNF मद्_SG च_ प्राण_PNM रावण_SIM उभय_SNNe हृ_SNPaNe |
O you of long life, that goddess, whom you have been searching in this vast forest like to Os adhi, and my life have been carried away by Rāvana.
त्वद्_SI विरहित_SNF देवी_SNF लक्ष्मण_SIM च_ राघव_SVM | R हृ_SNPaPrFPv मद्_SI दृश्_SNPaF रावण_SIM बलीयस्_SIM |
I saw her, O Rāghava, carried away stealthily by the powerful Rāvaņa, in your absence as well as that of Lakşmaņa.
सीता_SAF अभ्यवपद्_SNPaM मद्_SN रावण_SNM च_ रण_SLM प्रभु_SVM | R विध्वंसय्_PaCp रथ_Cp छत्त्र_SNM पत्_SNPaM धरणी_Cp तल_SLM |
Myself nearing Sītā, for her rescue, O Lord, Rāvaņa was thrown down on earth by me in conflict having his car and umbrella shattered.
एतद्_SNNe इदम्_SGM धनुस्_SNNe भञ्ज्_SNPaNe एतद्_PNM च_ इदम्_SGM शर_PNM तथा_ | इदम्_SNM इदम्_SGM रण_SLM राम_SVM भञ्ज्_SNPaM सांग्रामिक_SNM रथ_SNM |
This is his snapped bow and these are his broken shafts. And this is his war-car, O Rāma shattered in fight.
इदम्_SNM तु_ सारथि_SNM तद्_SGM मद्_Cp पक्ष_Cp निहन्_SNPaM भू_SLF | R परिश्रम्_SGPaPsM मद्_SG पक्ष_DuAM छिद्_Co खङ्ग_SIM रावण_SNM | R सीता_SAF आदा_Co वैदेही_SAF उत्पत्_SPs3In विहायस्_SAM | R रक्षस्_SINe निहन्_SAPaM पूर्वम्_ मद्_SA न_ हन्_In त्वद्_SN अर्ह्_SPr2In |
This is his charioteer lying on earth being killed by the velocity of my wings. Having sundered my wings with his dagger, who had been exhausted, Rāvana taking Sītā, rose high up in the welkin. It behove you not to kill me who had been wounded before by the Rākşasa.
राम_SNM तद्_SGM तु_ विज्ञा_Co सीता_SNF आसञ्ज्_SAPaF प्रिय_SAF कथा_SAF | R गृध्र_Cp राज_SAM परिष्वज्_Co परित्यज्_Co महत्_SANe धनुस्_SANe | R निपत्_SPs3In अवश_SNM भूमि_SLF रुद्_SPs3In सहलक्ष्मण_SNM | R राम_SNM धीरतर_SNM अपि_ अस्_SNPaPrM | राम_SNM धीरतर_SNM अपि_ अस्_SNPaPrM |
Hearing from him pleasant words relating to Sītā, Rāma, leaving aside, instantly, his mighty bow, embraced him, and rolling on earth having lost self-control through grief, began to lament with Lakşmaņa. Though highly composed by nature, he was overwhelmed with doubled grief.
एक_SAM एकायन_SLNe कृच्छ्र_SLNe निश्वस्_SAPaPrM मुहुर्_ मुहुर्_ | R समीक्ष्_Co दुःखित_SNM राम_SNM सौमित्रि_SAM इदम्_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
And beholding Jațāyu, sigh again and again and breathing with difficulty in a helpless plight, Rāma, highly aggrieved, spoke to Lakşmaņa.
राज्य_SNNe भ्रंश्_SNPaNe वन_SLNe वासस्_SNNe सीता_SNF नश्_SNPaF मृ_SNPaM द्विज_SNM | ईदृश_SNF इदम्_SNF मद्_SG अलक्ष्मी_SNF दह्_SPr3O अपि_ हि_ पावक_SAM |
I have lost my kingdom and have been living in this forest. My Sītā has been carried away and this bird has been killed (on my account). This misfortune of mine can burn even the very fire.
सम्पृ_SAPaM अपि_ चेद्_ अद्य_ प्रतृ_SPr1O महत्_Cp उदधि_SAM | R तद्_SNM अपि_ नूनम्_ मद्_SG अलक्ष्मी_SIF विशुष्_SPr3O सरित्_PGF पति_SNM |
If for assuaging my grief I do enter the mighty ocean, verily shall that misfortune dry up even that lord of rivers.
न_ अस्_SPr3In अभाग्यतर_SNM लोक_SLM मद्_SBM इदम्_SLM सचराचर_SLM | R यद्_SIM इदम्_SNF महत्_SNF प्राप्_SNPaF मद्_SI व्यसन_Cp वागुरा_SNF आ_ इदम्_SNF महत्_SNF प्राप्_SNPaF मद्_SI व्यसन_Cp वागुरा_SNF आ_ अकार_SNF यद्_SIM इदम्_SNF महत्_SNF प्राप्_SNPaF मद्_SI व्यसन_Cp वागुरा_SNF आ_ अकार_SNF यद्_SIM इदम्_SNF महत्_SNF प्राप्_SNPaF मद्_SI व्यसन_Cp vāgu
There is none so unfortunate as I, throughout this earth, mobile or immobile, and it is for this bad luck that I have confronted this mighty disaster.
इदम्_SNM पितृ_SGM वयस्य_SNM मद्_SG गृध्र_Cp राज_SNM महत्_Cp बल_SNM | R शी_SPr3In विनिहन्_SNPaM भूमि_SLF मद्_SG भाग्य_Cp विपर्यय_SBM |
This mighty king of vultures is our father's friend and he Leith on earth, killed through the evil turn of my fortune.
इति_ एवम्_ वच्_Co बहुशस्_ राघव_SNM सहलक्ष्मण_SNM | R जटायुष_SAM च_ स्पृश्_SPs3In पितृ_Cp स्नेह_SAM निदर्शय्_SNPaPrM |
Uttering these and various other words, Rāghava, along with Lakşmaņa touched his body manifesting his paternal affection.
निकृत्_PaCp पक्ष_SAM रुधिर_Cp अवसिच्_SAPaM तद्_SAM गृध्र_Cp राज_SAM परिग्रह्_Co राघव_SNM | R क्व_ मैथिली_SNF प्राण_Cp सम_SNF गम्_SNPaF इति_ विमुच्_Co वाच्_SAF निपत्_SPs3In भूमि_SLF |
Embracing the king of vultures, bathed in blood, having its wings cut off, Rāghava, fell on the ground, exclaiming where has Maithili gone like to my life?
राम_SNM प्रेक्ष्_Co तु_ तद्_SAM गृध_SAM भू_SLF रौद्र_SINe पातय्_SAPaM | R सौमित्रि_SAM मित्र_Cp सम्पद्_SAPaNe इदम्_SANe वचन_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn | R मद्_SG इदम्_SNM नूनम्_ अर्थ_PLM यत्_SNPaPrM विहंगम_SNM | R राक्षस_SIM हन्_SNPaM संख्य_SLNe प्राण_PAM त्यज्_SPr3In मद्_Cp कृते_ | अति_ खिद्_SNPaM शरीर_SLNe इदम्_SLNe प्राण_SNM लक्ष्मण_SVM विद्_SPr3InPv | R तथा_ स्वर_Cp विहा_SNPaM इदम्_SNM विक्लव_SANe समुदीक्ष्_SPr3In |
Beholding Jațāyu fallen on the ground by the terrible Raksasa, Rāma spoke to Laksmana, having compassion for all, saying Verily for my service this bird has breathed its last, being killed by the Raksasa.O Laksmana, its voice has been enfeebled, its vision weakened and its life, greatly exhausted, Leith in a very little proportion in its body.
जटायु_SVM यदि_ शक्_SPr2In वाक्य_SANe व्याहृ_In पुनर्_ | सीता_SAF आख्या_SPr2Im भद्र_SNNe त्वद्_SG वध_SAM आख्या_SPr2Im च_ आत्मन्_SGM |
May good betide you, O Jatayu; if you are capable of speaking again, do you relate how Sītā has been carried away and you have been killed.
किंनिमित्त_SNM हृ_SPs3In आर्य_SAF रावण_SNM तद्_SGM क_SNNe मद्_SI अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अल्प_SNNe अपराध_SAM तु_ यद्_SAM दृश्_Co रावण_SIM हृ_SNPaF प्रिय_SNF |
Why has Rāvaņa taken away by stealth the worshipful Jānki? What offence did I commit by him that he has carried away my dear one?
कथम्_ तद्_SNNe चन्द्र_Cp संकाश_SNNe मुख_SNNe अस्_S3ImIn मनोहर_SNNe | सीता_SIF क_PNNe च_ वच्_PNPaNe तद्_SLM काल_SLM द्विजोत्तम_SVM |
O you best of birds, how looked the moonlike, pleasant countenance of Sītā at the time of her being carried away? What did she speak then?
कथंवीर्य_SNM कथंरूप_SNM किंकर्मन्_SNM तद्_SNM च_ राक्षस_SNM | R क्व_ च_ इदम्_SGM भवन_SNNe तात_SVM ब्रू_SPr2Im मद्_SG परिप्रच्छ्_SGPaPrM |
What is the prowess, appearance and action of that Raksasa? Where dose he live, O reverend Sir? Pray tell me, I do ask you.
तद्_SAM उवीक्ष्_Co तद्_SNM धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM विलप्_SAPaPrM अनाथ_Cp वत्_ | R वाच्_SIF विक्लव_SIF राम_SAM इदम्_SANe वचन_SANe ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Beholding Rāma, lament like one helpless, the virtuous-souled Jațăyu spoke in faltering accents.
तद्_SNF हृ_SNPaF राक्षस_Cp इन्द्र_SIM रावण_SIM दुरात्मन्_SIM | R माया_SAF आस्था_Co विपुल_SAF वात_Cp दुर्दिन_Cp संकुल_SAF माया_SAF आस्था_Co विपुल_SAF वात_Cp दुर्दिन_Cp संकुल_SAF माया_SAF आस्था_Co विपुल_SAF वात_Cp दुर्दिन_Cp संकुल_SAF माया_SAF आस्था_Co विपुल_SAF वात_Cp दुर्दिन_Cp संकुल_SAF माया_SAF
Sītā has been carried away by Rāvana, the lord of Rākşasas, creating a mighty illusion producing wind and showers.
परिकल_Cp अन्त_SGM मद्_SG तात_SVM पक्ष_DuAM छिद्_Co निशाचर_SNM | R सीता_SAF आदा_Co वैदेही_SNF प्रया_SNPaM दक्षिणामुख_SNM |
O darling, myself being worn out that nightranger, having sundered my wings, fled away with Sītā to the southerly direction.
उपरुध्_PPr3In मद्_SG प्राण_PNM दृष्टि_Cp भ्रम्_SPr3In राघव_SVM | R पश्_SPr1In वृक्ष_PAM सौवर्ण_PAM उशीर_Cp कृ_PaCp मूर्धज_PAM |
O Rāghava, my life is about to expire, my eye-sight has grown of mistaken perception, I see trees before me made of gold having hair resembling Usira.
यद्_SIM या_SPr3In मुहूर्त_SIM सीता_SAF आदा_Co रावण_SNM | R विप्रणश्_SAPaNe धन_SANe क्षिप्रम्_ तद्_Cp स्वामिन्_SNM प्रतिपद्_SPr3In | R विन्द_SNM नाम_ मुहूर्त_SNM अदस्_SNM न_ च_ काकुत्स्थ_SVM तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNNe बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNNe बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh बुध्_SPs3InTh तद्_SNM बुध्_SPs3InTh | R झष_Cp वत्_ बडिश_SAM ग्रह्_Co क्षिप्रम्_ एव_ विनश्_SPr3In |
Rāvana has taken away Sītā at a moment when a person regains soon his lost property. O Kākutstha, this moment is called Vindya, which Rāvana has not been able to perceive. (At this moment) the person who takes away (a thing) is soon destroyed like to a fish devouring a hook. This refers to Jatāyu's astrological knowledge. Vindya is derived from the root Vid-to gain. Thus this moment is favourable to the laser and unfavourable to the taker. Hence Rāvana carrying away Sītā at this moment shall meet with destruction.
न_ च_ त्वद्_SI व्यथा_SNF कृ_SNFGd जनक_SGM सुता_SAF प्रति_ | R वैदेही_SIF रम्_SFu2In क्षिप्रम्_ हन्_Co तद्_SAM रण_Cp मूर्धन्_SLM |
Do not therefore entertain the least doubt about your coming by Janakī. Destroying him at the head of the battle you shall soon sport with Vaidehi.
अ_ सम्मुह्_SGPaM गृध्र_SGM राम_SAM प्रत्यनुभाष्_SGPaPrM | R आस्य_SBNe स्रु_SPs3In रुधिर_SNNe मृ_SGPaPrMPv स_ आमिष_SNNe |
Thereupon flesh and gore began to come out of the mouth of Jatayu, the king of vultures, not loosing his sense even while treading the verge of death.
पुत्र_SNM विश्रवस्_SGM साक्षात्_ भ्रातृ_SNM वैश्रवण_SGM च_ | इति_ वच्_Co दुर्लभ_PAM प्राण_PAM मुच्_SPs3In पतग_Cp ईश्वर_SNM | इति_ वच्_Co दुर्लभ_PAM प्राण_PAM मुच्_SPs3In पतग_Cp ईश्वर_SNM |
Thereupon the king of birds gave up his dear life uttering only-Rāvana is the son of Visravā and brother to Vaisravana (the lord of wealth).
ब्रू_SPr2Im ब्रू_SPr2Im इति_ राम_SGM ब्रू_SGPaPrM कृ_PaCp अञ्जलि_SGM | R त्यज्_Co शरीर_SANe गृध्र_SGM प्राण_PNM गम्_PPs3In विहायस्_SAM |
Rāma again and again addressed him with joined palms saying, Do you speak! Do you speak. And instantly Jatayu's vital spark rose up in the sky, leaving his bodily frame.
तद्_SNM निक्षिप्_Co शिरस्_SANe भूमि_SLF प्रसारय्_Co चरण_DuAM तथा_ | R विक्षिप्_Co च_ शरीर_SANe स्व_SANe पत्_SPs3In धरणी_Cp तल_SLM |
Thereupon the king of vultures fell down on the earth by stretching forth his legs, body and head on the ground.
तद्_SAM गृध_SAM प्रेक्ष्_Co ताम्र_Cp अक्ष_SAM गतासु_SAM अचल_Cp उपम_SAM | R राम_SNM सु_ बहु_PINe दुःख_PINe दीन_SNM सौमित्रि_SAM ब्रू_S3ImIn |
Beholding the vulture dead, of huge proportions, resembling a hill and having red eyes, Rama, aggrieved, spoke piteously to Saumitri.
बहु_PANe रक्षस्_PGNe वास_SLM वर्ष_PANe वस्_SIPaPrM सुखम्_ | इदम्_SIM दण्डक_Cp अरण्य_SLNe विशृ_SNPaNe इह_ पक्षिन्_SIM |
Living happily, for years, in this forest of Dandaka inhabited by the Rākşasas, Jațāyu has, at last, given up his life.
अनेक_Cp वार्षिक_SNM यद्_SNM तु_ चिर_Cp काल_Cp समुत्था_SNPaM | R तद्_SNM इदम्_SNM अद्य_ हन्_SNPaM शी_SPr3In काल_SNM हि_ दुरतिक्रम_SNM |
He lived for a long time, of an uplifted person, and has now laid low on the earth. None can withstand the course of destiny.
पश्_SPr2Im लक्ष्मण_SVM गृध्र_SNM इदम्_SNM उपकारिन्_SNM हन्_SNPaM च_ मद्_SG | R सीता_SAF अभ्यवपद्_SNPaM हि_ रावण_SIM बलीयस्_SIM |
Observe, O Laksmana, this vulture for my benefaction, has been killed by the powerful Rāvaņa in his attempt to rescue Sītā.
गृध्र_Cp राज्य_SANe परित्यज्_Co पितृपैतामह_SANe महत्_SANe | R मद्_SG हेतु_SBM इदम्_SNM प्राण_PAM मुच्_SPs3In पतग_Cp ईश्वर_SNM |
For me, has this Lord of birds, breathed his last, renouncing his large ancestral kingdom.
सर्वत्र_ खलु_ दृश्_PPr3InPv साधु_PNM धर्म_Cp चारिन्_PNM | R शूर_PNM शरण्य_PNM सौमित्रि_SVM तिर्यग्योनि_Cp गम्_PLPaM अपि_ |
In every status of animal creation, the heroic, the righteous and the honest, affording refuge to all, are to be found, even among the birds.
सीता_Cp आहरण_Cp ज_SNNe दुःख_SNNe न_ मद्_SG सौम्य_SVM तथागत_SAM | R यथा_ विनाश_SNM गृध्र_SGM मद्_Cp कृते_ च_ परंतप_SVM |
I do not feel so much affliction, O hero, for Sītā's ravishment as I do for this vulture, who has been killed for me.
राजन्_SNM दशरथ_SNM श्रीमत्_SNM यथा_ मद्_SG महत्_Cp यशस्_SNM | R पूजय्_SNMGd च_ मन्_SNMGd च_ तथा_ इदम्_SNM पतग_Cp ईश्वर_SNM |
Like to the highly famous, effulgent king Dasaratha, this King of birds is worthy of being adored and worshipped by me.
सौमित्रि_SVM हृ_SPr2Im काष्ठ_PANe निर्मथ्_SFu1In पावक_SAM | R गृध्र_Cp राज_SAM दिधक्ष्_SFu1In मद्_Cp कृते_ निधन_SANe गम्_SAPaM |
O Saumitri, do you bring fuels; I shall produce fire there-with and burn the dead body of this king of birds who has been killed on my account.
नाथ_SAM पतग_Cp लोक_SGM चिति_SAF आरोपय्_SPr1In मद्_SN | इदम्_SAM दह्_SFu1In सौमित्रि_SVM हृ_SAPaM रौद्र_SINe रक्षस्_SINe |
Placing on a funeral pile, I shall cremate, O Saumitrī, the dead body of this king of birds who has been destroyed by the grim-visaged Raksasas.
यद्_SNF गति_SNF यज्ञ_Cp शील_PGM आहिताग्नि_SGM च_ यद्_SNF गति_SNF | अपरावर्तिन्_PGM यद्_SNF च_ यद्_SNF च_ भूमि_Cp प्रदायिन्_PGM | R मद्_SI त्वद्_SN समनुज्ञा_SNPaM गम्_SPr2Im लोक_PAM अनुत्तम_PAM | R गृध्र_Cp राज_SVM महत्_Cp सत्त्व_SVM संस्कृ_SNPaM च_ मद्_SI व्रज_SVM |
Being consecrated and commanded by me, do you, O highly powerful king of birds, attain to that excellent state of existence, which is reached by persons ever performing pious observance, by Āhilāgnis by heroes who are not afraid of entering a battle-field and by persons who confer grants of land.
एवम्_ वच्_Co चिता_SAF दीप्_SAPaF आरोपय्_Co पतग_Cp ईश्वर_SAM | R दह्_SPs3In राम_SNM धर्म_Cp आत्मन्_SNM स्व_Cp बन्धु_SAM इव_ दुःखित_SNM |
Saying this the virtuous-souled Rāma, afflicted with sorrow, burned the body of the king of birds, placing it on the funeral pile, like to his own kinsman.
राम_SNM अपि_ सह_ सौमित्रि_SNM वन_SANe गम्_Co तद्_SNM वीर्यवत्_SNM | R स्थूल_PAM हन्_Co महत्_Cp रोहि_PAM अनुतृ_SPs3In तद्_SAM द्विज_SAM | R रोहि_Cp मांस_PANe च_ उद्धृ_Co पेशीकृ_Co महत्_Cp यशस्_SNM | R शकुन_SDM दा_SPs3In राम_SNM रम्य_SLNe हरित_Cp शाद्वल_SLNe |
Entering the forest with Saumitrī, Rāma gifted with prowess, killed plump high deer and stretched forth grass and twigs for offering oblation to that bird. Taking off the flesh of those high deer and clustering it, Rāma, of great renown, offered it to the vultures in that pleasant forest-land, abounding in green grass.
यद्_SANe तद्_SANe प्रे_SGPaM मर्त्य_SGM कथय्_PPr3In द्विजाति_PNM | R तद्_SANe स्वर्ग_Cp गमन_SANe क्षिप्रम्_ तद्_SGM राम_SNM जप्_SPs3In ह_ |
Thereupon for his speedy arrival at the abode of celestials, Rāma recited those Mantras which are being uttered by the twice-born ones.
ततस्_ गोदावरी_SNF गम्_Co नदी_SNF नर_Cp वर_Cp आत्मज_DuNM | R उदक_SANe कृ_DuPs3In तद्_SDM गृध्र_Cp राज_SDM तद्_DuNM उभ्_DuNM |
Afterwards repairing to the river Godāverī the two princes offered water to that kingly vulture.
शास्त्र_Cp दृश्_SIPaM विधि_SIM जन_SAM गृध्र_SDM राघव_DuVM | R स्ना_Co तद्_DuNM गृध्र_Cp राज_SDM उदक_SANe कृ_DuPs3In तदा_ |
And offering yater to him according to the prescribed rites of the Śástras, those two descendants of Raghu, after bathing, perforined the Udaka ceremony for that king of vultures. Presentation of water specially to the manes as a religious or obsequal rite.
तद्_SNM गृध्र_Cp राज_SNM कृ_SNPaM यशस्कर_SANe सु_ दुष्कर_SANe कर्मन्_SANe रण_SLM निपातय्_SNPaM | R संस्कृ_SNPaM तदा_ गम्_SPs3In पुण्य_SAF गति_SAF आत्मन्_SGM शुभ_SAF |
Having been killed in battle for an arduous but glorious work, that king of vultures, consecrated by the ascetic-like Rāma, attained to an excellent state.
कृ_PaCp उदक_DuNM तद्_DuNM अपि_ पक्षिन्_Cp सत्तम_SVM स्थिर_SAF च_ बुद्धि_SAF प्रणिधा_Co गम्_DuPs3In | R प्रवेशय्_Co सीता_Cp अधिगम_SLM ततस्_ मनस्_SANe वन_SANe सुर_Cp इन्द्र_DuNM इव_ विष्णु_Cp वासव_DuNM |
Having performed the Udaka ceremony for that best of birds and considering him in the light of a father they went away and entered the forest in quest of Sītā like to the two best of celestials-Visnu and Vasava. glorious work, that king of vultures, consecrated by the ascetic-like Rāma, attained to an excellent state.
कृ_Co एवम्_ उदक_SANe तद्_SDM प्रस्था_DuNPaM राघव_DuNM तदा_ आदि_SLM उदक_SANe तद्_SDM प्रस्था_DuNPaM राघव_DuNM तदा_ आदा_SBNe अ_ मुद्रक_SANe तद्_SDM प्रस्था_DuNPaM राघव_DuNM तदा_ आदा_SBNe अ_ मुद्रक_SANe तदा_ अ_ मुद्रक_SANe तद्_SDM प्रस्था_DuNPaM राघव_DuN R अवेक्ष्_DuNPaPrM वन_SLNe सीता_SAF गम्_DuPs3In पश्चिम_SAF दिश्_SAF |
Having offered him the gift of water, those two descendants of Raghu wended their way in that forest in quest of Sītā and proceeded towards the south-west*. In this sloka west is mentioned and in the next one there is reference to their turning to the south and hence west here refers to south-west.
तद्_SAF दिश्_SAF दक्षिण_SAF गम्_Co शर_Cp चाप_Cp असि_Cp धारिन्_DuNM | R अ_ विप्रहन्_SAPaNe ऐक्ष्वाक_DuNM पथिन्_SAM प्रतिपद्_DuPs3In |
Then turning to the south, with bow and arrows in hand, they reached a track not wended by the people.
गुल्म_PIM वृक्ष_PIM च_ प्रवेष्टय्_SNPaNe | आवृ_SAPaNe सर्वतस्_ दुर्ग_SANe गहन_SANe घोर_Cp दर्शन_SANe |
It was a ghastly, impenetrable forest, covered on all sides with groves, trees and creepers,
व्यतिक्रम्_Co तु_ वेग_SIM ग्रह्_Co दक्षिण_SAF दिश्_SAF | R सु_ भीम_SANe तद्_SANe महत्_Cp अरण्य_SANe व्यतिया_DuNPaM महत्_Cp बल_DuNM |
Proceeding by the southerly direction, those two mighty ones, passed hastily by that terrible, dreary forest.
ततस्_ पर_SANe जनस्थान_SBNe त्रिकोश_SANe गम्_Co राघव_DuNM | R क्रौञ्चारण्य_SANe विश्_DuPs3In गहन_SANe तद्_DuNM महत्_Cp ओजस्_DuNM | क्रौञ्चारण्य_SANe विश्_DuPs3In गहन_SANe तद्_DuNM महत्_Cp ओजस्_DuNM |
Thereupon, the highly effulgent descendants of Raghu entered the dense forest of Krauñca, situated at a distance of six miles from Janasthāna.
नाना_ मेघ_Cp घन_Cp प्रख्या_SNNe प्रहृष्_SNPaNe इव_ सर्वतस्_ | R नाना_ व्रण_PINe शुभ_PINe पुष्प_PINe मृग_Cp पक्षिन्_Cp गण_PIM युत_SAM |
It was a dense forest like to a collection of clouds, as if smiling on all sides blooming with charming flowers of diverse hues and frequented by various animals and birds.
दिदृक्ष्_DuNPaPrM वैदेही_SNF तद्_SANe वन_SANe तद्_DuNM विचि_DuPs3In | R तत्र_ तत्र_ अवस्था_DuNPaPrM सीता_Cp आहरण_Cp दुःखित_DuNM |
Waiting for sometime here and there they, exercised with Sītā's ravishment, explored the entire forest in quest of Vaidehi.
ततस्_ पूर्व_SIM तद्_DuNM गम्_Co त्रिकोश_SAM भ्रातृ_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ पूर्व_SIM तद्_DuNM गम्_Co त्रिकोश_SAM भ्रातृ_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ पूर्व_SIM तद्_DuNM गम्_Co त्रिकोश_SAM भ्रातृ_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ पूर्व_SIM तद्_DuNM गम्_Co त्रिकोश_SAM भ्रातृ_DuNM तदा_ अनु_ पूर्व_ R क्रौञ्चारण्य_SANe अतिकम्_Co मतंग_Cp आश्रम_SAM अन्तरे_ |
Proceeding three Kośas towards the East and passing by the forest of Krauñca the two brothers descried on their way the asylum of Matanga.
दृश्_Co तु_ तद्_SANe वन_SANe घोर_SANe बहु_Cp भीम_Cp मृग_Cp द्विज_SANe | R नाना_ वृक्ष_Cp समाकृ_SAPaM सर्व_SAM गहन_Cp पादप_SAM मय_Cp नाना_ वृक्ष_Cp समाकृ_SAPaM सर्व_SAM गहन_Cp पादप_SAM मय_SAM नाना_ वृक्ष_Cp समाकृ_SAPaM सर्व_SAM गहन_Cp पादप_SAM मय_SAM नाना_ वृक्ष_Cp समाकृ_SAPaM सर्व_SAM ग् दृश्_DuPs3In गिरि_SLM तत्र_ दरी_DuNF दशरथ_Cp आत्मज_DuNM | पाताल_Cp सम_Cp गम्भीर_SAF तमस्_SINe नित्य_Cp संवृ_SAPaF |
Having seen that dreary forest frequented by various animals and birds and covered with diverse trees and dense groves, the two sons of Dasaratha beheld a cave in the mountain deep as the region under the earth and ever enveloped with darkness.
आसादय्_Co च_ नर_Cp व्याघ्र_DuNM दरी_SGF तद्_SGM अविदूर_SBNe | R दृश्_DuPs3In महत्_Cp रूप_SAF राक्षसी_SNF विकृ_PaCp आनन_SAF | भय_Cp द_SAF अल्प_Cp सत्त्व_PGM बीभत्स_SAF रौद्र_Cp दर्शन_SAF | R लम्ब_Cp उदर_SNF तीक्ष्ण_Cp दंष्ट्र_SAF करालिन्_SNM परुष_Cp त्वच्_SAF | R भक्षय्_SNPaPrF मृग_PAM भीम_PAM विकट_SAF मुच्_PaCp मूर्धज_SAF | R अवेक्ष्_Du3ImIn तु_ तद्_DuNM तत्र_ भ्रातृ_DuNM राम_Cp लक्ष्मण_DuNM |
Arriving there they espied hard by a grimvisaged Rākşasī, having a formidable figure, ever causing fright to persons of feeble courage, loathsome terrible-looking, having a huge belly, sharpened teeth, a high person and rough skin, devouring voracious animals and looking fearful with dishevelled hair.
तद्_SNF समासादय्_Co तद्_DuAM वीर_DuAM व्रज्_SAPaPrM भ्रातृ_SGM अग्रतस्_ | R ए_SPr2Im रस्_SPr2Im इति_ वच्_Co समालभ्_S3ImIn लक्ष्मण_SAM |
Beholding there the two brothers, Rāma and Laksmana, she neared the heroes and saying, 'come, we shall sport' assailed Laksmana who had been going before his brother.
वच्_SPs3In च_ एनद्_SAM वचन_SANe सौमित्रि_SAM उपगुह्_Co च_ | R मद्_SN त्वयोमुखी_SNF नाम_ लाभ_SNM त्वद्_SG त्वद्_SN अस्_SPr2In प्रिय_SNM |
And embracing him she spoke to Saumitrī the following words:-My name is Ayomukhi; it is a great gain to you that you have becoine my beloved one, O my lord.