Revision November 12, 1997 PADUA HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Welcome to Padua High School,, your typical urban-suburban high school in Portland, Oregon. Smarties, Skids, Preppies, Granolas. Loners, Lovers, the In and the Out Crowd rub sleep out of their eyes and head for the main building. PADUA HIGH PARKING LOT - DAY KAT STRATFORD, eighteen, pretty -- b
POV driving on freeway in rain. EXTERIOR - LA - DAY People with umbrellas standing on corner. EXTERIOR - LA - DAY People with umbrella walking over bridge. EXTERIOR - LA - DAY People walk across downtown intersection with umbrellas, bus in background. EXTERIOR - LA - DAY Rain and shadow on pavement. EXTERIOR - LA - DAY LA river wide, medium, close. We see graffiti swamped by high water. EXTERIOR - LA - DAY Large man walking with umbrella. WE HEAR: THUNDER MUSI
EXT. FITCH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - DUSK A few cars scatter the parking lot. WE hear GRUNTS followed by the distinct sound of basketballs shredding net. INT. FITCH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL/GYM - CONTINUOUS An empty gymnasium except for a shirtless MIKE O'DONNELL, 17. Mike stands feet BEYOND the 3 point line, grabs balls from a hopper and rapidly shoots, shoots, shoots.
e shit that actually happened... OVER BLACK We hear the roar of a V8 engine, piped out through some throaty, fucked up muffler, as EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY An '89 Mustang bursts like a shot over a rise in the highway. It's got a rusted two-tone paint job, Maryland plates, and bald tires that scream as it peels off an exi
ting through their mid-afternoon labor. THREE GUARDS Flank the working prisoners... Mountie hats, shotguns, sidearms, sunglasses; they look like they mean it. HIGHWAY A battered pickup appears...approaches. Suddenly, it coughs, shudders, stalls. A big Blackfoot Indian named BILLY BEAR gets out and starts cursing and kicking the vehicle.Then he begins walk
7/2/08 FADE IN: OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE EXT. SAN DIEGO - DAY It's another picture perfect day in San Diego. The beaches, golf courses, and yacht clubs are packed with hundreds of rapturous citizens. EXT. BUS STOP - DAY
Draft SIMPLE BLACK ON WHITE CREDITS ROLL TO BIG STAR'S "I'M IN LOVE WITH A GIRL." When all is said and done, up comes a single number in parenthesis, like so: (478) EXT. PARK - DAY For a few seconds we watch A MAN (20s) and a WOMAN (20s) on a park bench. Their names are TOM and SUMMER. Neither one says a word.
ith simplicity everything that happens to you. -RASHI FADE IN: AGAINST BLACK: SNOWFLAKES The flakes drift lazily down toward us. Our angle looks straight up. Now an angle looking steeply down: the snow falls not quite dead away to collect on a foreground chimneypot and on the little shtetl street that lies maplike below us. It is night, and quiet, and th
package in the air. We hear the sound of broken glass in the box. He passes a professional woman. UPS MAN Good morning, UPS! He tosses the box behind his back like a basketball, then acknowledges another passerby. UPS MAN UPS, good to see you! He takes a couple of steps, then flings the package incredibly high into the air, spins completely around and expertly drops to one knee and catches the box. A Hispanic man passes. UPS MAN Buenos dias. Uo Pay eSsay. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING -
EXT. ROCKY TERRAIN - DAY Endless barren landscape. No sign of life. The atmosphere is hazy, toxic-looking. Volcanoes erupt. Meteors bombard. Lightning strikes, concussing murky pools of water. Silence. INT. LARGE EMPTY LIVING ROOM - MORNING SUBTITLE: HOLLYWOOD, CA, FOUR BILLION AND FORTY YEARS LATER Beamed ceilings and ostentatious fireplace. A few birthday cards on the mantel, two of them identical: "To Our Dear Son on His Fortieth Birthday." Charlie Kaufman, a fat, balding man
SHOOTING SCRIPT April 11, 1991 THE ADDAMS FAMILY - 11/6/90 FADE IN: A1 EXT. ADDAMS MANSION FRONT STEPS - CHRISTMAS EVE A1 A GROUP OF CAROLERS, their eager faces upturned, SINGS an endless and cloying roundelay of "Little Drummer Boy." They sing with self-righteous good cheer. As they pompously begin their umpteenth verse, THE CAMERA SLOWLY PANS UP THE ADDAM
: Project Sawtooth FADE IN: EXT. SMALL TEXAS TOWN - DAY 1 Beside a 1950 Ford, a quartet of elite intellectuals poses playfully...dressed in the local custom of boots and cowboy hats, the TOW ORIENTAL MEN, A CAUCASIAN MAN, AND A CAUCASIAN WOMAN squint into the hot sun and then down at the jiggling home movie camera, the operator lopsided... NARRATOR The advent of the Soviet nuclear capability ushers in a dangerous phase of the Cold War as the decade of the 1950s looms. S
typical American high school... 1A ANOTHER CORRIDOR 1A ...we hear all the sounds of a STANDARD PORNO FLICK, from the unenthusiastic screams of fake ecstasy to the cheesy music. 1B INT. WILLIAM WALL HIGH SCHOOL - AUDITORIUM - DAY 1B The sounds echo in the empty hall. Behind the stage a light from an open door... MATT (O.S.) This is unwatchable. It's not ev
June 11, 1979 Revised 6/15/79 FADE IN: EXT. SKY - JUST ABOVE CLOUDS - NIGHT OMINOUS, THREATENING MUSIC. The upper tail fin of a jet plane emerges through the cloud layer and PASSES THROUGH the FRAME like a shark's fin through water. It passes by again in the opposite directi
February 18, 1982 FADE IN: EXT. JUNGLE - DAY A machete slashes INTO FRAME. An American in battered fedora and leather jacket, accompanied by two gunbearers, hacks his way through dense bush. We see him from the back only. He hacks an opening, bats fly out AT CAMERA and the bu
If they don't like your face /And the heat is intense It's barbaric, but hey--it's home! When the wind's at your back And the sun's from the west And the sand in the glass is right Come on down, Stop on by Hop a carpet and fly To another Arabian night! Arabian nights Like Arabian days More often than not Are hotter than hot In a lot of good ways Arabian nights 'Neath Arabian moons A fool off his guard Co
es crossword puzzle. The hand of MARY HOROWITZ scratches the answers in ink without pausing even a second between each one. MARY (V.O.) Vita aenigma est. Life is a puzzle. It is. Specifically, life is most like a crossword puzzle. There are a million reasons why, not the least of which is that life, like crosswords, requires the use of your whole entire brain- Her writing ha
, holding a pencil. For a few moments, we hear only the soft scratching of pencil on paper, as credits are written in a series of dissolves. The hand carefully erases and corrects an error or two along the way. And then the sound of an old friend... the warm crackle of a vinyl record... as we now hear Alvin and the Chipmunks' "Christmas Song." 2 EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN -- DAY 2 A lone palm tree rises up into a yellow afternoon sky. Behind it, the sparkling blue of the Paci
s and an electric humming begins. The eerie light glows brighter and illuminates a single huge number--11. We hear static and a large vertical band of red floats mysteriously across the screen. Pulling back slowly, we watch the glowing band traverse back and forth over the amber light and past more numbers appearing-- 70... 90... 110... 130. And we begin to hear voices--strange
9/28/2011 INT. OLD FASHIONED STAGE Circa 1900. A white man in a top hat introduces the final act of a black face performance. TOP HAT MAN In the spir
is still in the lead, flanked by two young men who are obviously brothers. The big, handsome one is COLE YOUNGER; the skinny one with the lopsided hair is BOB YOUNGER. EXT. WOOD'S EDGE They break through the other side of the woods, emerging behind a rickety set of fence-post fortifications. Instantly GUNFIRE tears apart the trees around them. The Captain's horse goes down, and the Younge
NOTE: THE HARD COPY OF THIS SCRIPT CONTAINED SCENE NUMBERS AND SOME "SCENE OMITTED" SLUGS. THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS SOFT COPY. INT. JIM'S BEDROOM - NIGHT PAN across details in a bedroom...we see discarded shirts...pants...socks...and hear PORNO-CHANNEL CHICK (V.O.) Oooh, yeah. Oh, baby, you're so good. JIM (O.S.) Yeah, I'm the best, baby. Now we see
EAR shards of dialogue from various presidential speeches. MAIN TITLES END ON EXT. BEAUTIFUL ESTABLISHING SHOT OF THE WHITE HOUSE - DAY It's an early November morning, and the sun has just come over this extraordinary building. WE HOLD on this for a moment before we CUT TO: INT. A CORRIDOR IN THE RESIDENCE - DAY A SECRET SERVICE AGENT presses the button by the private elevator as he talks into his shir
A BEDROOM MIRROR. The room is dark. A perfectly square mirror hangs crooked on a wall. Suddenly, out of the darkness, the reflection of a man's face comes into focus. He stares straight ahead, perhaps studying his own unrecognizable reflection. It's quite clear this is a portrait of sickness; the man's pallor is gray, his eyes are confused. There is something most def
, the main title is superimposed. An American Werewolf in London We continue to retreat from the moon, looking on as it grows farther from us, continuing credits until the full moon is the size it appears to us from earth. 2 EXT. CROSSROADS ON THE MOORS - NIGHT Tree branches enter into the frame, the camera pans down and we see a truck approaching. We are at a crossroads in the moors, looking sinister enough to have ear
INT. DIMLY-LIT BAR - NIGHT Two men, CAESAR and MARTY "DUCKS," stand at the end of the deserted bar, talking quietly, oblivious to the exotic dancer grinding her pelvis on a pole in the middle of the small stage. Body language and charisma tell us that Caesar is the boss, "Ducks" his lieutenant. DUCKS It's Peezee. Gotta be. He hates your fuckin' guts. CAESAR (brooding)
N OVER BLACK. 1 DOMINIC MANETTA a man in his 70s, narrates nostalgically OVER a MONTAGE of related news photos. MANETTA (V.O.) 1957 was a big year. The Russians put that Sputnik into outer space, the Dodgers played their last game at Ebbets Field, 'that guy' shot Frank Costello in the head, and missed, and the Gallo brother
y Singer doing a comedy monologue. He wearing a crumbled sports jacket and tieless shirt; the background is stark. ALVY There's an old joke. Uh, two elderly women are at a Catskills mountain resort, and one of 'em says: "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know, and such ... small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life. Full of loneliness and misery and suffering and unhappiness, a
....DAN AYKROYD "WASP #2".........................................JANE CURTIN "GEN. FORMICA"...................................DANNY GLOVER "MANDIBLE".......................................GENE HACKMAN "AZTECA".......................................JENNIFER LOPEZ "DRUNK SCOUT"....................................JOHN MAHONEY "WEAVER"...................................SYLVESTER STALLONE "PRINCESS BALA"..................................SHARON STONE "Q
e keyboard. BUD (V.O.) On November first, 1959, the population of New York City was 8,042,783. if you laid all these people end to end, figuring an average height of five feet six and a half inches, they would reach from Times Square to the outskirts of Karachi, Pakistan. I know facts like this because I work for an insurance company --
July 30, 1986 FADE IN EXT. FERRY LANDING - NEW ENGLAND SHORE - DAY The sparkling waters. The chirping spring day. We are on an isolated stretch of country shore , and a quiet, sheltered island is visible distantly across the Sound. There is asense of anticipation, excitement. VOICES can be heard.
n Raimi. All rights reserved. Shooting Script 2/26/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 GRAINY BLACK AND WHITE - CLOSE-UP - A MAN'S DESPERATE FACE 1 This is Ash, mid twenties, square jaw firmly set and a pair of haunted eyes which dart about quickly in fear. Ash speaks to the CAMERA with urgency: ASH Why would you say that I am insane? I wouldn't say that I've lost my mind simply because I've
rtoons, all of them about witches and witchcraft (a caldron over a fire, with two witches on either side of it - A close-up of one of the witches - A witches falling down from the sky on her broomstick, and loosing her hat in the fall - A furious black cat spitting at an owl seated on a branch - A carafe with two glasses, actually a direct reference to the film - An Halloween pumpkin pressing her two forefingers in its ears, with music notes around it - Black bats
10/16/09 EXT. MANHATTAN - NIGHT A HOMELESS MAN, who from his tatty suit may have been a top broker this time last year, is picking through a bin in Manhattan's deserted night-time financial district. The street starts to vibrate. A TERRIFYING GROWL approaches. A huge black shape smashes into view - THE DARK KNIGHT'S BATMOBILE! Our audi
are in black and white, in format 1.33. 1 TITLES 1 The letters of the titles come up on a title card typical of the 1920s. Elegant motifs around the edge of the frame, and, in the background, there are geometrical shapes reminiscent of the light beams of a film première. Behind is a stylized town. The titles end in a fade to black. On black, the date appears on the screen: 1927 2 INT. LABORA
enormously SWEET-FACED, ELDER WOMAN steps out, bungled up against the cold -- turning back to call inside to the unseen love of her long life. SWEET-FACED WOMAN I'm just going to get some flowers, dear. I'll be back in twenty minutes. It's tulip season today. I'm so happy. And now she turns and faces the hallway... her sweetness dissolves in a flash... replaced by repulsion and that quickly she has reversed herself and re-entered her apartment... closing t
6 YELLOW REVISION - 7/17/96 EXT. LAS VEGAS (STOCK FOTTAGE) - NIGHT GRAPHIC: 1967 - SOMEWHERE IN NEVADA It is set against the obvious skyline of Las Vegas. INT. DR. EVIL'S PRIVATE QUARTERS - DAY The lair is 1960's high-tech. We see a huge oversized conference table with six scary-looking EVIL ASSOCIATES, including a Latin American REVOLUTIONARY in a field jacket
NARRATOR In his last adventure, Austin Powers, a swinging spy from the Sixties, was unfrozen in the Nineties to battle his archenemy Dr. Evil. Austin foiled Dr. Evil's plan to send a nuclear warhead to the center of the earth and banished him into space forever.
EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY FADE IN: 1 EXT. FITZGERALD/GRAHAM APARTMENT -- HOLLYWOOD - DAY North Hayworth Avenue, off Sunset Boulevard. A quiet, tree- lined residential street. Note the small apartment complex set back from the curb. CAPTION: HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA Our narrator is HENRY OBERT (O-BURT)(30). HENRY (V.O.) This is where where F. Scott Fitzgerald died on December 21,
AFT (1984) FADE IN: EXT. ST. ANN'S SCHOOL - DAY CAMERA PANS a group of freshly-scrubbed, innocent children, obediently standing in line, like recruits for the Holy Crusade. PULL BACK to REVEAL they are wearing the gray blazers, striped ties and navy slacks of St. Luke's School. They are waiting patiently at the curbside in front of the sta
oking at a foot. One bare foot with chipped red polish. ZOE (V.O.) I can't believe I didn't get a pedicure for this. How embarrassing. Look at that... The toes open and then curl down as if trying to hide. ZOE (V.O.)(CONT'D) What's wrong with me? If I were with a real guy doing this, I would've gotten a pedicure. And a wax. I'm pathetic. The CAMERA PANS to the other f
Rev. 06/24/94 (Salmon) Rev. 06/24/94 PM (Cherry) BAD BOYS Revised Draft by DOUG RICHARDSON Property of: Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films REVISED DRAFT (Blue) 500 S. Bunea Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521 June 20, 1994 BAD BOYS FADE
Terry Zwigoff Dimension Films Production Draft - WHITE February 1, 2002 FADE IN: Snow flakes falling against a black sky. CAMERA FOLLOWS THEM DOWNWARD TO REVEAL EXT. MILWAUKEE BAR - NIGHT It looks like a warm cozy place out of "It's A Wonderful Life". The window is flocked
OOL - DAY To establish. A school marquee with removable plastic letters reads, "GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS!" A JANITOR opens the glass and starts removing the letters. INT. TEACHER'S LOUNGE - DAY POP! A Champagne cork hits the ceiling. TEACHERS who rarely get to drink at work, jockey for position, holding out their plastic flutes. (Note: female teachers outnumber male teachers 12:1.) PR
MBOOZLED" CUT TO CRAWL: WHITE LETTERS ON BLACK WE HEAR the VOICE of PIERRE DELACROIX. DELACROIX (V.O.) Satire. 1a. A literary work in which human vice or folly is ridiculed or attacked scornfully. B. The branch of literature that composes such work. 2. Irony, derision or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice or stupidity. INT. APARTMENT - MORNING WE are in the living quarters of PIERRE DELACROIX. The windows overlook the Bro
man in his thirties, hale but somewhat bookish. He stands, tuxedoed, in the wings of a theater, looking out at the stage, listening intently to end of a performance. In the shadows behind him an old stagehand leans against a flat, expressionlessly smoking a cigarette, one hand on a thick rope that hangs from the ceiling. The voices of the performing actors echo in from the offscreen stage: ACTOR I'm blowin' out of here, blowin' for good. I'm kissin' it al
the wet green forest. The very earth seems to tremble. A RABBIT Darts out of a log, lifts itself on its hind legs and sniffs the air. LOBBED GRENADE EXPLODES VOICES and SHOUTS, closer now, mix with the rumbling WAR SOUNDS in a veritable symphony of violence and confusion. A DEAD AMERICAN GI lays splayed out, careless in death. A pair of S
allery. LORD WALTON, a very grand man, sits at the table head. To his right sits his assistant, GARETH. All are deep in thought. LORD WALTON fidgets with a pencil on the table. He raises his head as though about to speak. Everyone looks up expectantly. And... LORD WALTON goes back to fidgeting. So does everyone else. CUT TO: CREDIT. POLYGRAM & WORKING TITLE PRESENT.
ig city. The ground shakes from what seems like giant footsteps. There are pieces of building debris falling everywhere, people getting crushed, power lines coming down, etc. - complete pandemonium. It all looks very much like a Japanese animated King-Kong or Godzilla movie. We hear the footsteps getting closer and the ground shaking becomes more intense - more debris falling. Then we see a HUGE BLACK TENNIS SHOE come into frame and smash a National Guard truck. As we pan
OM OLIVER FIELDS clicks on the light to the closet. He looks at the rack of his parents' clothes. He begins to put some in a box marked "home", some in a box marked "thrift". INT. HAL'S BATHROOM Oliver enters the bathroom and flushes bottle after bottle of pills and liquids down the toilet. Next he struggles as he looks over the old toothbrush, hairbrush, all the bottles and
WARNER BROS. INC. Burbank, California 91522 All Rights Reserved "... and as he stared at the sky and listened to a cow mooing almost dreamily in a distant village, he tried to understand what it all meant -- the sky, and the fields, and the humming telegraph pole; he felt that he was just at the point of understanding it when his head started to spin and the lucid languor of the moment became intolerable..." Vladimir Naboko
The only item on the table is a book. Craig picks it up, looks at the jacket. It's entitled "Sit." Craig opens the book. It reads: "sit sit sit sit sit..." over and over, page after page. Craig closes the book. He begins to stand, but thinks better of it, sighs. He looks at the book again. It is now entitled "Die." He opens it up. "die die die die die..." A rooster crows. CUT TO: INT. CRAIG AND LOTTE'S BEDROOM - MORNING Craig jolts awake. A rooster stands
brick wall. At one end stands the rear of a three-story brick townhouse; at the other, a one story brick building. CLASSICAL MUSIC is heard in the distance. A MAN, handsomely dressed in a well-tailored suit of the 1920's, works in the garden. A gardener's apron protects his suit from the earth as he turns the loam along one of the walkways. He works slowly,-precisely, obviously engrossed in his surroundings. This man is called CHANCE. Chance stops working for a moment, takes a
10/01/11 1 OVER BLACK 1 Muffled music; soothing, generic. AUTOMATED VOICE Thank you for your patience. Your call is important to us. We will be with you shortly. 2 INT. MANSION FLAT, LONDON - DAY 2 A neat, well-appointed flat, tastefully decorated. Framed again
the...(Josh, did you hear what your mother said?) One minute! (Josh Baskin!) Your hesitancy has cost you dearly. The wizard, sensing your apprehension, unleashes a fatal blow from the ice scepter. With luck, you will thaw in several million years. Great. MOM C'mon Josh, it's starting to get awfully late! JOSH Okay. Okay. Okay. SCENE 2 JOSH Take the garbage out. Every day, take the garbage out...Rick Rodin is on the mound for the Yankees! He looks into the catche
This is a Southern story, full of lies and fabrications, but truer for their inclusion. FADE IN: A RIVER. We're underwater, watching a fat catfish swim along. This is The Beast. EDWARD (V.O.) There are some fish that cannot be caught. It's not that they're faster
you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude. Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And a lot about where he lived, like- wise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'
! KUMAIL (V.O.) Hello. I grew up in Pakistan. And people are always asking me, what was that like? Really not that different from here. I mean we played cricket, which is just a spicier version of baseball. And we prayed a lot. Well not a lot, just five times a day. And we marry someone our parents find for us. Arranged marriage, you
blowing snow. INT. POLICE CAR - SAME A CORPORAL (20s), behind the wheel, with a bored DETECTIVE BOYLE (60s) at his side. CORPORAL So his hand is like, off, right. So he puts on a tourniquet, puts the hand in his pocket, walks five miles through the bush til he gets to the highway, where he passes out, on the road, right. Then this logging truck comes along...
1 We hear a clock ticking. FADE IN: 1 INT. RIGGAN'S DRESSING ROOM - THEATER - DAY 1 Close on the brilliant colors of a middle eastern rug, the center of what seems to be a makeshift "meditation" space. We slowly tilt up to discover the back of Riggan Thomson (55). He is in the proper `Lotus' position, dressed only in tight white briefs and he
theme plays as the low sun catches her hair. Around her neck is a pair of field binoculars, and she runs through the meadow with them pressed to her face, spying butterflies, birds, rabbits. She reaches the top of a hillock, and jumps into the air, and flies up into the sky. We float up and up with her as she aims the binoculars up, up, into the sun.
N CREDITS as a NAVY JET drops down into the picture. PUSH IN on the jet's exhaust flame. Have the words "THE BLAST" come out of the flame. Then there is a SLIGHT EXPLOSION and the flame intensifies. The words "FROM THE PAST" jump out of the exhaust as the jet momentarily shakes. INT. JET The PILOT feels the jet shake. But he looks at his indicators and everything appears to be normal. He relaxes. EXT. JET
Rev. 05/10/90 (Blue) Rev. 05/18/90 (Yellow) Rev. 05/25/90 (Green) Rev. 06/11/90 (Gold) Rev. 06/12/90 (Buff) Rev. 07/09/90 (Salmon) Rev. 07/1
patch. Dignan's twenty. He has a buzz-cut and wears a short-sleeved terrycloth shirt. He carries a vinyl tennis bag. It's got a pouch for a racquet but no racquet in it. DIGNAN What color hair does he have? ANTHONY Black hair. Paul Michael Glaser. DIGNAN Making Hutch David Soul? ANTHONY Right. The blond guy.
First Draft EXT JERSEY CITY- DAY Dec 21st. Clear sky, snow on the ground. Cold as fuck. With the sounds of laughter and music, we MOVE IN ON: INT NEWSPAPER OFFICE- DAY An office Xmas party in progress, not a pretty sight: tipsy receptionists laugh and spill drinks on the rug, red-faced reporters loosen their belts and burp cocktail weiners...
Based on the book "Here Be Monsters" by Alan Snow 1. (0050 PRO) PROLOGUE EXT. CHEESEBRIDGE ALLEY - NIGHT Lightning strikes, illuminating a vine covered wall as the camera moves across a dark a
e neon sign rises into shot. It rests on top of a skyscraper and fills the frame. The building is neither past nor future in design but a bit of both. Slowly we pan downwards revealing the city that spreads below ... A glittering conglomeration of elevated transport tubes, smaller square buildings which are merely huge, with, here and there, the comparatively minuscule relics of previous ages of architecture, pavement level awnings suggesting re
worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through... - David Bowie" The Blank Screen and Title Card SHATTER to reveal... 1. EXT. SHERMER HIGH SCHOOL - DAY During Brian's monologue, we see various views of things inside the school including Bender's locker. BRIAN (VO) Saturday...March 24, 1984. Shermer High
EXT. QUARRY OUTSKIRTS - DAY 1 A narrow dirt road totally surrounded by thick vegetation. Here and there we see a huge block of stone blocking the road. The sun is shining but it has a hard time making it through the foliage. In the distance we see four guys walking TOWARD the CAMERA. There is a swagger to their walk. MII� is singing. The others are humming along. The melody of the song of "0 Bury Me Not On th
INT. CLEAN, UPSCALE. MODERN BATHROOM. Annie is in nice lingerie, happily getting ready for the day. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance. Products everywhere, too many hair-flips, eye-cream, no hair out of place. She walks into the bedroom, where TED, a gorgeous man sleeps. She sneaks back into the bed, carefully positioning herself and moving the sheets to show her good parts.
e for him. He moves towards the cab of the truck and gets inside as we SUPER: KANSAS CITY, MO. - 1963 INT. TRUCK - DAY As he sits down beaming over his recent good fortune... now we REVEAL his twelve-year-old son, TOM, seated quietly beside him. He seems a bit down. Gerald glances at his son. GERALD I don't know a recent Saturday I've sold more. You didn't think I'd sell that health restaurant, did you? TOM No. Not even you. GERALD Why
NARRATOR As far as con man stories go, I think I've heard them all. Of grifters, ropers, faro fixers, tales drawn long and tall. But if one bears a bookmark in the confidence man's tome, twould be that of Penelope, and of the brothers Bloom. 2 EXT. COUNTRY HOUSE - MORNING 2 The car deposits two shabby boys (10
KY, MEN, along with MOTHER KOWOLSKI and other bakery family employees. A "30 YEAR ANNIVERSARY" sign hangs in the background. BRUCE NOLAN looks into a make-up mirror, desperately trying to place a large segment of wayward hair. BRUCE Oh, God, no! The hair's wrong. This is a bad sign. (calling out) We really need to get a make-up person?! The segment producer, ALLY LOMAN, steps over. ALLY
e see an Italian village at the height of the plague. Funeral processions, decrepit houses with their windows boarded up... the stench of death all around. TITLE: EUROPE. THE DARK AGES Through the filth a KNIGHT walks his horse. He is weary but not so dingy as his surrounding; a stranger in these parts. He comes to an inn, where a boy takes his horse round back. He enters the inn.
art and mind of America had better learn baseball. --Jacques Barzun You could look it up. --Casey Stengel Titles over -- FADE IN: A series of still photos. Black and white. Ancient. BABE RUTH SWINGS -- An icon of American history. His giant upper body balanced delicately on tiny
aboard stretches away, flecked with clouds. As we dissolve in closer the picture bleaches of color. We are looking down at the city of Washington, D.C. Dissolve closer still: a black-and-white aerial photograph of a neighborhood in suburban D.C. dominated by a sprawling building. Computer type quickly bleeps on: C.I.A. Headquarters Langley, Virginia 2 INT. CIA - HALLWAY - DAY
PRODUCTION DRAFT 1-12-02 FADE IN: Abrupt CLOSE UP on MAX, a plain wall behind him. 1 INT. LIMBO RADIO 1 He is 20, normal looking, not too nebbish, punkish, book
h one can make out thefaint image of a television program. Every few moments the channel changes, revealing a new ghostly image. The camera pulls back very slowly. We reveal that this image is coming from a twenty seven inch television. The camera pulls back some more and we see a man's hand enter frame holding a remote control. The hand changes channels frantically. The camera pulls back into its final position and we see STEVEN BARTOWSKY, thirty years old, sitting on his couch
hot of the skyline of downtown Baltimore in the spring. Credits begin. Cut to "The Hippodrome Theater," one-time downtown movie palace, now abandoned and boarded up with broken and blank marquee. The credits to our movie continue by fading in on marquee. Cut to thriving "Harbor Court" theaters, downtown chain. All six marquees list the same two mega-budget Hollywood hits. Hollywood titles fade ou
FADE IN ON: A SHODDILY PRODUCED TV COMMERCIAL The ad depicts videotaped scenes from Wisconsin's north country-- a farmer and a cow, a woman waterskiing, a guy mowing his lawn. A flat, nasally V.O. accompanies the images. ROGER LEMKE (V.O.) The Brown River Valley: It's where we work. It's where we
r a baby SCREAM BLOODY MURDER. Then a second baby joins in, even more shrill than the first. Finally, we hear the worst two words a parent can ever hear: GROGGY WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Your turn. GROGGY MAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Fuck. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE -- NIGHT DAVE LOCKWOOD, 30, bleary-eyed father of three, shuffles through his well-appointed suburban home, passing a grandfather clock r
October 1st, 1962 FADE IN (BEFORE TITLES) EXT. FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE -- DUSK Silence -- complete silence for the urbanite, though the oncoming darkness is punctuated by the sounds of farm country -- a few birds, a distant rumble of thunder from some heavy clouds on the horizon, a dog's barking. CAMERA PANS the green, squared-off flatland, lit only
s and levels off. INT. VIRGIN AIR 747 - DAY We move through the FIRST CLASS CABIN. It's the regular mix of first class people: OLD MONEY in Gucci enjoying freshly baked cookies, a MILLIONAIRE in jeans and a T- shirt, BUSINESS PEOPLE relaxing after a tough day, and... ...a very nervous MAN. Shifty-eyed. Alone in an aisle seat, the emergency row. We hold on him for a moment, but not for too long. Then we continue moving into -- THE COACH SECTION Stopping at the lavatory, the
through it He shakes his head. BANKY looks over his shoulder. BANKY Felt Like this fucking day would never come. Issue two - on the shelf. HOLDEN Yippee. BANKY Don't start, alright! This is a cool moment, and I'd appreciate you not trying to ruin it. How often does a guy get the opportunity to purchase something with his name on it! (points to name on cover) Banky Edwards- right! (points to the other) Holden M
kwell land, red barns on dirt roads, a square in the center of town. But things are hidden here. The barns are locked, the shades are drawn. Dissolve to: EXT. LOVER'S LANE A romantic turn-off used exclusively for parking. A river gushes by. Crickets chirp. The trees blow in the autumn wind. A single car sits on the lonely road. The muffled sound of a young couple making out drifts through the streamed up windows. INT. CAR A teenage boy's hand is under a teenage girl's
ne who has a lot on their mind. INT. CAFE-DAY LOUIS, a college student in his late twenties stares at a friend who is sitting off screen. Louis is calm, almost villainous in how collective he is. He stares at this unseen friend, trying to assess the cause for his anxious state. LOUIS (smug) Something is bothering you... We finally see QUINN, also in his late twenties. He is obviously uneasy about be
e, and The Dark Knight Returns. A FRAMED DIPLOMA, dusty and unkempt, hangs askew on the wall. A snapshot of a girl is stuck in the corner, and a bra weighs one end down. A PHONE sits quietly atop a bundle of laundry. It suddenly explodes with a resounding ring-once, twice, three times. A CLOSET DOOR swings open, and a half-clad figure falls out. THE PHONE rings yet again, and a hand falls upon the receiver, yanking it off the trash can, O.C. THE RUMPLED FIGURE lays with his bac
.Travis Jeremy Sisto...............Elton Dan Hedaya.................Mel Aida Linares...............Lucy Wallace Shawn..............Mr. Hall Twink Caplan...............Miss Geist Justin Walker..............Christian Sabastian Rashidi..........Paroudasm Herb Hall..................Principal Julie Brown................Miss Stoeger Susan Mohun................Heather Nicole Bilderback..........Summer Ron Orbach.................DMV Tester Sean Holland...............Lawrence Roger Kabler..
EXT. MARIGOLD PATH - DUSK A path of marigold petals leads up to an altar lovingly arranged in a humble cemetery. An old woman lights a candle as the smoke of burning copal wood dances lyrically upward... CARD: DISNEY PRESENTS CARD: A PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS FILM The smoke lifts up toward lines of papel picado ­- cut paper banners -- that sway gently in the breeze. PAPEL PICADO CARD: "COCO" MIGUE
ddenly a star sparkles to life in the distance. Gives rise to another... and another... until we're looking at a whole galaxy of stars. No, not stars. LIGHTS. NEON LIGHTS. A throbbing skyline of neon. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. As seen from a descending aerial shot. We PLUNGE down into her shimmering embrace... DISSOLVING TO: EXT. LAS VEGAS STRIP - NIGHT Cruising the
IN: EXT. STREETS (LOS ANGELES) - DAY End of the day. An armored truck moves through the city of Los Angeles. EXT. JEWELRY EXCHANGE - DAY The armored truck pulls up. An ARMORED TRUCK GUARD emerges from the back with a satchel and heads inside. INT. JEWELRY EXCHANGE - LOBBY - CONTINUOUS ACTION A large foyer. Security station and elevators. PARTY SOUNDS can be heard from a second floor balcony. DOUGLAS is the security guard manning the station. Seeing the Armored car Guard
FADE IN: 1 INT. FRENCH RESTAURANT (PASADENA, CA) - EVENING 1 Soft music. A classy joint. Below the tables, WE PAN well-heeled feet nuzzling. Finally we SETTLE ON: A PAIR OF FEET WHITE SNEAKERS sitting opposite FANCY HIGH HEELS. These feet aren't nuzzling. There's distance here.
ES ONLY FADE IN: INT. DARK ROOM - NIGHT Pitch dark. We hear two men speaking FRENCH in hushed voices. NOTE: All dialogue is in French until otherwise noted. DANIEL (whispering) Turn on the flashlight. JULIEN I'm trying
12.12.2012 SEQ. 75 - PROLOGUE FADE IN: A cave painting of the Dreamworks logo. Push past the moon to the sun. Bright. Beautiful. The sun DISSOLVES TO: Cave paintings of a family of cavemen --
RICK STEVENS, thirty-six, is Middle America personified. He blends in at the crowded ballpark. Blue jeans, work boots, a ball cap and leather jacket complete his attire. He snacks on a bag of popcorn. The CRACK of the bat and the CROWD is on their feet. A BALL PLAYER slides safely into second with a double. JOHN SILVERSTEIN, thirty-three, business clad, talks on his cell phone. Calm and collected he appears

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