ins playing. Map is shown in background (green text on black background), zoomed in on Los Alamos, New Mexico. While remaining credits are shown, the map travels to Sante Fe, then Albuquerque, then begins following US66 west through Arizona to California, finally ending up a few miles east of Goffs (northwest of Needles). Green '64 Chevy Malibu Malibu is weaving down the high
1 WE MEET: MUMBLES(late 30s) and ONE TWO (late 30s). They are listening to a sales pitch from two REAL ESTATE AGENTS. We SEE all the relevant pictures of their pitch explaining a changing city, LONDON. SLICK ESTATE AGENT (V.O.) Two years ago this property cost one million pounds. (we SEE building) Today, it costs five million. The camera WHIP PANS o
l. 2 THEY SPLIT OPTICALLY TO REVEAL THE DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LOGO. Fanfare. 3 A SMALL WHITE SCREEN - ACADEMY SIZE - APPEARS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WIDE-SCREEN FORMAT On the sides of the image are stationary sprocket holes of celluloid. SCIENCE FICTION DOUBLE FEATURE * Musical Introduction. Film head runs down numbers: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, START. Very scratched. During the SONG we see snatches of the films mentioned in SONG. They look old and scratched and the
adow of soybeans, and magically sways a copse of trees. It's a Fall after-noon. A SUDDEN POUNDING OF GALLOPING HOOVES breaks the peace and... A HORSE and RIDER burst between the rows of corn into the meadow. They are running for their lives. CLOSE ON: The rider is a bride -- a beautiful woman dressed in a disheveled wedding gown, it's train tattered and flying like a knight's banner out behind her. This is MAGGIE CARPENTER. The horse is frothing and wild-eyed,
loop outside the terminals is gridlocked -- mostly with stretch limousines. INT. LAX - (INCLUDE NEWS REPORT MONTAGE) - DAY Inside, the airport is done up with festive posters, streamers and banners: Welcome - Pacific Partners Summit A planeload of cheerful CHINESE DELEGATES come into the crowded terminal. Some sport red T-shirts with a picture of Mao wearing Mickey Mouse ears. They get onto the people mover, passing by a TV REPORTER: REPORTER (to TV CAMERA) Eager t
where East meets West for five and a half million people a day. EXT. AMERICAN CONSULATE - HONG KONG - DAY THE AMERICAN EMBASSY - U.S. and Chinese flags side by side. HU LI, dark glasses, EXITS and slowly moves toward a STREET VENDOR across the street. She pays for an order of pork bao; as she takes her first bite we see: THE EXPLOSION BEHIND HER TWO OFFICES ON THE SIXTH FLOOR BLOWN OUT - a huge fireball erupting over one side of the embassy. People panic and
June 10 th, 1992 A FADED KODACHROME PHOTO Of the 9 best (11-year-old) buddies that ever lived. On a makeshift baseball diamond - a sandlot... circa 1962: SCOTTY SMALLS, studious-looking; ALAN "YEAH-YEAH" McCLENNAN, little, hyper; HAMILTON "HAM" PORTER, tubby with a huge smile; KENNY
ar song opening and then a voice - male. TRAVERS (V.O.) (SINGING) Winds in the East Mist coming in-- FADE IN: A whoosh of wind spins us around in a blue sky, spinning, spinning until we slow to a stop and find ourselves amongst white fluffy clouds. A shadow (oddly shaped like an umbrella) dances amongst the nimbus. TRAVERS (V.O.)
May 13, 2010 1 EXT. TORONTO RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY 1 Snowy suburbs of Toronto. From a nondescript house we hear: KIM PINE (O.S.) Scott Pilgrim is dating a high schooler? 2 INT. STEPHEN STILLS' KITCHEN - DAY 2 Four twenty-somethings lounge around a small kitchen table. STEPHEN STILLS, 2
3/16/11 "Too much happens... Man performs, engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear. That's how he finds that he can bear anything." - William Faulkner INT. WALTER'S APARTMENT, BROOKLYN - MORNING Walter Mitty (30s) sits at his small kitchen table, balancing his che
faint sounds of a crowd cheering on Kobe Bryant. The real Bob Costas does narration. BOB COSTAS (V.0.) Before the NBA was the NBA, there was another basketball league in America... DOCUMENTARY FOOTAGE: This is real ABA footage. A series of great plays are made by ABA stars. BOB COSTAS (V.0.) .From 1967 to 1976, there was the American Basketball Association. A maverick min
- NIGHT - TITLE SEQUENCE A series of traveling shots. A well-dressed, pompous-looking individual (JOHN DASHWOOD, 35) is making an urgent journey on horseback. He looks anxious. EXT. NORLAND PARK - ENGLAND - MARCH 1800 - NIGHT Silence. Norland Park, a large country house built in the early part of the eighteenth century, lies in the moonlit parkland. INT. NO
ogue title: "This is a true story. The screenplay is based on court testimony, sworn declarations, and hundreds of interviews conducted by the film-makers". Fade out. Fade in to second prologue title: "Some of the innocent characters' names have been changed in the interests of a larger truth". Fade out. Fade in to final prologue title: "No one involved in the crimes received any form of financial compensation". Fad
g boutique. In the window -- a MANNEQUIN is wearing -- the best of everything. A PRETTY TWENTY-SOMETHING girl looks in at the display: dreaming of the day. CARRIE (V.O.) Year after year, twenty-something women come to New York City in search of the two "L's": labels and love. 1 EXT. 5TH AVENUE/TIFFANY -- DAY -- SUMMER 1 Four TWENTY-SOMETHING WOMEN walk a
E - DAY From an AERIAL VIEW we see the outline of a city. Any city will do. Mirrored high rises. Sprawling apartment complexes. A lot of people live here...whoever they are. As we move closer we discover that this is not a real city at all, but a scale model of one. Everything is in miniature -- the buildings, parks, and freeways. GLIDING over this tabletop metropoli
riters and audiences. North of the city was the Curtain Theatre, home to England's most famous actor, Richard Burbage. Across the river was the competition, built by Philip Henslowe, a business with a cash flow problem... ...The Rose... Gradually a building is revealed, The Rose Theatre, three- tiered, open to the elements and empty. On the floor, roughly printed, a poster--torn, soiled, out of date. It says:
ntal strip of face, eyes motionless and unblinking. DAVID (VOICE-OVER) Take trust, for instance, or friendship: these are the important things in life, the things that matter, that help you on your way. If you can't trust your friends, well, what then? EXT. DAWN A series of fast-cut static scenes of empty streets. DAVID (VOICE-OVER)
o shadowy people are seated in the darkened room. A slide projector dimly lights MR. FULLER, a crew-cutted Robert Stack type in a suit, as he addresses the group. The current slide is a still from a security video of a blurry figure - it could be any of about a billion people. FULLER ...So, let's keep a steely eye out for this bastard. (THEN) Before we
upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep in the h
T. MEDIEVAL TIMES THEATER - NIGHT A familiar beam of light shines down. The beam of light descends onto a stage. Lightning flashes to reveal Prince Charming riding his valiant steed Chauncey across the open plains. The wind blows back his golden mane. PRINCE CHARMING Onward Chauncey, to the highest room of the tallest tower! Where my pri
UNDER THE STUDIO LOGO: KNOCKING at a door and distant dog BARKING. NOW UNDER BLACK, a CARD -- SATURDAY The rapping, at first tentative and polite, grows insistent. Then we hear someone get out of bed. MILES (O.S.) ...the fuck... A DOOR is opened, and the black gives
Shooting draft INT. KAREL PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY - DAY OVER BLACK PAT What, are you kidding me? Sundays? I love Sundays. I live for Sundays. The whole family's together. Mom makes braciole. Dad puts the jersey on. We're all watching the game. Yea
T, OUT-OF-FOCUS, OVAL-SHAPED COLORS. The colored shapes dart around the screen -- the impression of looking through a kaleidoscope. As the image comes into sharp focus, we discover that we are inside a CANDY BOWL. A MAN'S FINGERS are frantically removing all the cherry-flavored pieces of candy. EXT. STUDIO LOT - DAY The man performing this curious task is writer/producer/director, VIKTOR TARANSKY, forties, conservatively dressed in suit and tie. He sits alone at
are in a parochial school classroom, in the late Sixties. The children all wear uniforms and sit at little desks. SISTER IMMACULATA stands at the front of the room; she is a middle-aged nun, very severe. The children are all terrified of her. SISTER IMMACULATA Who can name all the Apostles? Yes? ANGLE ON CHRISTINE CARTER A thirteen-year-old girl sitting at a desk. She raises her hand.
ITTREDGE'S APARTMENT LIVING ROOM DAWN JOHN FLANDERS KITTREDGE and LOUISA KITTREDGE ("FLAN" and "OUISA") , an attractive couple in their 40s, in their night clothes are in an uncharacteristic state of shock. Some sort of horrible disaster has happened to them. THEY survey their living room which under normal circumstances would appear to be a serene haven. But why are they-so aghast? And terrified? Has the apa
o a crisp dress shirt and tie. His expression is vacant, faraway. A breeze blows but he doesn't react to it. In the distance the architecture of the Chicago skyline. SAM Mommy got sick and it happened just like that and there was nothing anybody would do. (continued) And pull back to reveal: EXT. CHICAGO - A GRAVESITE - DAY Next to Sam is his son Jonah, age 9. Sam's hand is on his shoulder. As the mourn
INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY CLOSEUP: A slender woman's hand writes on a chalkboard, in teacherly cursive. We PULL BACK to REVEAL STARLA GRANT, a stunningly beautiful Southern woman in her twenties, as she finishes writing out, "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" Starla glances at the classroom of high school students. She is a demure woman, somewhat awkward in her
ther assorted BAR SOUNDS. KARAOKE ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Let's give a hand to Rodney! Scattered APPLAUSE and LAUGHTER. KARAOKE ANNOUNCER (V.O.) Next up, we've got a little lady named...KATE! Joyful APPLAUSE. BAR VOICES (V.O.) Yeah, Kate! THE OPENING MUZAK STRAINS OF A "KARAOKE SONG TO BE DETERMINED"
A narration accompanies this passage: "The events depicted herein were believed have taken place in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. All manner of record as they might pertain to these events have been seized by the Department of Justice" INT. VAN -- NIGHT Wall-to-wall surveillance set-up. Two FBI AGENTS: DONALD CARRUTHERS 30's and RICHARD MESSNER 30's, man the post, staring at video monitors. Both
and a military- jacket. Behind him is a list of instructions (in Russian). He 'sucks in a cigarette as though he's a drowning man lookin for oxygen. A CAR comes to a stop by the sentry post, the, guard looks, asks a couple of questions and is given an -envelope which he quickly examines, he then attempts to stick his head in the car. A gun barrel is promptly stuck in his face and a couple of angry words emanate from the back, the guard jump
ARIOUS SHOTS OF SAN FRANCISCO - DUSK Over this we hear a recording of Jack Kerouac's poem, San Francisco which is accompanied by a BE-BOP trio. Kerouac's poetry coincides with the various shots of San Francisco. We come to a sign for Jack Kerouac Street. We PAN OVER to "THE CITY LIGHTS BOOKSTORE" and continue along to the ALLEYWAY where there is a large high-contrast black and white sign
HOT AUGUST NIGHT - MUSIC OVER MIDTOWN. A Brunette Beauty crosses in front of a stack of cabs, her sheer dress clinging to her remarkable body. A Club in THE MEATPACKING DISTRICT. A long line waits to get in. A couple of Gorgeous Girls show up at the velvet rope and are promptly" let inside. SOHO. A Crowd spills out of a Bar and onto the sidewalk. A Confident Knock Out in jeans and a tank top laughs, drinking a beer out of the bottle. HARRY (V.O.)
tt Stone & Pam Brady Eighth Draft January 21, 1999 FADE IN: Very happy, Disneyesque MUSIC swirls in. PAN DOWN from a pretty blue sky, to a small quaint town nestled in the hills. A wooden sign tells us this is South Park. EXT. SOUTH PARK AVENUE -
0b BLUE - 11/12/11 1. OMITTED 1 1 INT. ANTARCTICA LAB (OPENING MONTAGE) 1A 1A A glowing blue box like a large toaster (the Time Cube) sits in a sterile lab shelf, plugged in. A rubber duck sits on a cluttered desk. GARY PINBACK (40) identified by "Gary" stitched on a white lab coat - enters frame, unplugs the box
It is a man's back..... a perfect back... good dark color, slim, muscular. LATIN MUSIC PLAYS... a song.... if you understood the words you would hear love confronted and considered in a very specific way...We are in a Mexico City suburb. The day is hot; small beads of sweat are seen on the man's back, the first indication that we are in slow motion..Perfect red fingernails come into view...and now a woman's hand goes beautifully to work...part sensual back
ATE AND MAIN - INTERSECTION - DAY Morris and Spud, two codgers, are about to cross the street when they hear a beeping and stop. As they cross, we see the tail end of a van, and the group nods in that direction. MORRIS You hear that? SPUD Yes, I hear it. MORRIS Drive a man to drink. Took me near half an-hour, get across the street
e of RACHEL KELLY rolls into frame. Then out of it. Alarm keeps BLASTING. Back she comes, pulling the sheets OVER her head. Motionless now, as we hear... ... the DEAFENING SILENCE of the alarm shutting off. A beat. Rachel SITS BOLTS UPRIGHT. LEAPS out of the room. From the back we see that she's dressed only in a pair of men's boxers. She makes it halfway down the hall, does a U TURN back into the bedroom, frantically YANKS a robe hanging from the door, taking the wall
the screen: AUGUST, 1936 FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. A SLUM AREA OF JOLIET - DAY It's a bleak, windy morning, the kind that clears the streets of all but the winos (who carry their own heaters), and the point-men for juvenile gangs. We pick up a solitary figure, Joe Mottola, coming down the street and entering what appears to be an abandoned tenement. He pauses a second to dust his white-winged alligator shoes on the back of his pants leg. Sharply dressed a
ARCUS Hey, you want to hear my short story now? VI Huh? MARCUS (lifts a MS from a shelf by his bed) I can read it to you. VI You mean, again? MARCUS Well, I changed the ending a little. VI Oh. What happens now? MARCUS Well, actually, it's the same, but longer. I think it's better. More...raw. VI Well then, maybe you should just read the ending. MARCUS But it won't
From the novel by Paul Brodeur FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT -1- THE STUNTMAN FADE IN: 1 EXT. ROADSIDE DINER - EARLY MORNING A strip of two-lane highway runs through a tall p
DAY PAN ACROSS the frightened faces of NINE WITNESSES, eyes fixed straight ahead. A POLICE OFFICER walks slowly past each - FOOTSTEPS ECHOING in their fear. OFFICER Take your time. Take a good look. He passes a nervous SAFEWAY CASHIER in uniform. SAFEWAY CASHIER Ah, a-are you sure they can't see us? OFFICER Two-way mirror, ma'am. He passes a UNIFORMED CHEERLEA
1 ROSE LORKOWSKI, 30, drives through Albuquerque. She passes small adobe houses, the Air force base, parched earth playgrounds, University cafes and other distinctive sights. On the highway she passes under the freeway interchange, a tangle of rust and turquoise ramps. The Sandia mountains rise in the distance as Rose heads up to the nicer neighborhoods of the foothills. 2 EXT. SEVEN FIGURE HOUSE - D
lling us with the expectation of a thrilling, action-packed opening sequence. Instead we get: INT. SETH'S CAR - MORNING Seth, seventeen, a bit heavyset, in the midst of a sad attempt at growing a goatee and clearly a terrible driver, cruises along while fiddling with the CD player. He pulls out his cell and dials. SETH Yo. INTERCUT WITH: INT. EVAN'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS 2
EXT. EARLY MORNING. - CUSTOMER SERVICE KIOSK 1 JAFFA, a Jamaican looking fellow in his early 20's, arrives at Water World, carrying a dusty cardboard box. There are a few workers milling about, setting up the park for opening. He passes EDDIE, a 25-something grounds worker with Down's Syndrome. JAFFA Eddie!
Dec. 13, 1994 Third draft 1 EXT. HOLLYWOOD - NIGHT 1 The soundtrack opens with Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon". A HELICOPTER SHOT OF THE L.A. basin. The pool of golden light disintegrates into the thousands of points which constitute it as we rapidly draw closer to the
sound of a radio and pots and pans clanging fades in. Caden, 40, opens his eyes in bed, and groggily looks at himself in the bureau mirror. The bedside clock reads 7:45. 1 INT. CADEN AND ADELE'S KITCHEN - FALL 2005 - SAME1 Adele, 40, in t-shirt and sweats, mixes a bowl of instant oatmeal, puts it in the microwave. RADIO VOICE ... a Labor Day luncheon today -- OLIVE (O.S.) RADIO VOICE
Posy Simmonds 20th October 2009 1 SUMMER. POSY DRAWING 1 2 EXT. DAY. STONEFIELD - THE GROUNDS. 2 Andy Cobb, early thirties, is digging an English garden in the hot sun. He is lean, naked to the waist. It's hard to tell which century he inhabits. Only when he stops to drink from a plastic bot
n the East Coast of the United States. The camera glides down through the atmosphere, through the clouds, closer and closer, until we begin to see large patches of snow covering the upper coastline. It's winter. We continue to push in, until we arrive at one small suburban neighborhood. Over the push-in, we hear the following narration, delivered by Patrick Stewart. NARRATOR (V.O.)
FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT OCTOBER 21, 1997 FADE IN: EXT. CUMBERLAND, RHODE ISLAND HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING It's the early 1980's and everyone is arriving at school. We push through the parking lot crowd to a nervous, lanky kid, TED PELOQUIN. MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) When I was sixteen years old I fell in love... CLOSE ON - RENISE, a tough girl with stringy brown hair and a
LIVING ROOM - NIGHT. ALBERT, a middle-aged man, feeds MELVIN, a two-year-old. ADULT MELVIN (V.O.) I loved my father and he taught me many useful things. But he didn't teach me anything at all about women. There was a time when I resented that. And then, one day, it occurred to me that perhaps he didn't know all that much about the fairer sex. On the other side of
3 THE MARVEL LOGO. SMOLDERING, BEGINNING TO TURN ORANGE IN THE A3 HEAT AS WE TILT UP TO SEE- -FIRE. NOTHING BUT FIRE. 2 INT. TIGHT SPACE - INDETERMINATE TIME 2 Dark and cramped. The soft red light of fire seeps through iron slats. Inside this cage is a man, bound by chains. It's THOR. His beard is long and his clothes are worn. That rough, grizzled look of a man who's spent years on the road. He awakens wit
HREE MEN AND A BABY FADE IN: 1 INT. AIRPLANE - DAY 1 On a chartered plane flying from Miami to Newark Airport. JACK is the captain. His copilot PAUL is seated beside him. In the passenger cabin, a female gymnastics team is celebrating a hard-won, glorious victory over the Miami team. They are singing, dancing in the aisles and drinking champagne. In the rear of the cabin, there are three regular pass-
employees and agents. Distribution, disclosure, reproduction or sale of this material to unauthorized personnel is strictly prohibited. January 5, 1993 THE THREE MUSKETEERS OPEN ON: 1 EXT. GASCONY - DAWN 1 Dawn. A verdant field in Gascony. BIRDS CALL from tree- tops. The WIND RUSTLES through green leaves. A fox darts into a thick hedge. And last, anti-pasto
Animated scenes of the Thunderbirds on various rescues begin to play as some of the cast and crew names show up. NARRATOR From a secret island in the South Pacific, the courageous Tracy family run an organization called International Rescue. When disaster strikes, anywhere in the world, they are always first on the
ve songs, sporadic ZAPS from BUG LIGHTS, and an occasional random THWOCK as we -- FADE IN: 1 EXT. TEXAS - DRAMATIC ANGLE - SUNSET 1 Out west where the sun descends gloriously over desolate mountains. A sense of timeless and incorruptible beauty if you ignore the TWANG of the MUSIC, the SPUTTER of the TRACTOR, the ZAPS, the THWACKS... and something else... ... MEN'S VOICES. Garrulous with drink, fraternity and amuseme
ILLAC DEALERSHIP - DAY 1 BILL BABOWSKY ("BB"), a wiry, dapper-looking man in his mid-thirties, is circling a baby blue Cadillac. A SALESMAN follows on his heels. SALESMAN She's a beauty. BB (looking at Salesman) Who? SALESMAN What? BB Wh
irst Draft Polish August 5, 2005 FADE IN: EXT. STAR-FILLED SKY - NIGHT 1 Studio logo transitions into a CONSTELLATION in space. Cam pulls BACK, as more stars enter frame, forming a starfield. SPLINTER (V.O.) A sensei once counseled a grief-
Screenplay by Joss Whedon Andrew Stanton Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow FINAL DRAFT November 1995 "TOY STORY" FADE IN: INT. ANDY'S BEDROOM A row of moving boxes lie on the floor of the room. They are drawn up in crayon to look like a mini
WD6 6/21/88 1 EXT. DESERT VALLEY - DAY 1 The high desert -- absolutely silent -- a vast, hard land- scape stretching away to distant mountains. The silence is broken by hoof-beats. 2 EXT. EDGAR'S PLACE - DAY
, we see THE UNIVERSAL LOGO. The globe stops rotating, and STARTS TO BROWN AND CRACK. VOLCANOES ERUPT ON IT... ACTION TRAILER ANNOUNCER In a world where only one man made a difference... "n 1a% AND WE ZOOM ALL THE WAY IN TO,.. A POST APOCALYPTIC FIERY TUNDRA... AND ONE MAN...who walks across it, looking cool, shirtless, pumped, with shades on, holding a BABY in one arm and a FLAMETHROWER
he snow covered Alps stand out clearly in the light of a full moon. A fortress-like CHATEAU is situated in a flat saddle of forest partway up the mountain, next to a frozen lake. The property is surrounded by high stone walls, and the stately grounds are bathed in floodlights and patrolled by armed guards with dogs. 2 EXT. CHATEAU - NIGHT The driveway and motorcourt are filled with cars. A formal- dres
appears on a black screen. "One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." Andre Gide The title fades off, replaced by a second title. "We're all in this alone." Lily Tomlin INT. A WOMB. DAY. A fiber optic camera observes a five-month-old MALE
and William Goldman Re v. 04 /1 5/ 88 (B lu e) Re v. 04 /2 2/ 88 (P in k) Re v. 04 /2 7/ 88 (Y el lo w) Re v. 04 /2 8/ 88 (G re en ) Re v. 05 /0 2/ 88 (G ol de nrod) Re v. 05 /0 9/ 88 (B uf f) Re v. 05 /2 5/ 88 (C he rr y) Re v. 06 /1 6/ 88 (T an ) Re v. 06 /2 2/ 88 (S al mo n) CONSOLIDATED FOURTH DRAFT Re
all to his SON. The boy swings, connects, sends the ball flying. DAD smiles. BRANDON LANG'S VOICE That's me. Five years old. I remember that day. Believe it or not, I remember that hit. I remember it because of the smile that spread over my dad's face... EXT. HOME MOVIE - 1983 - DAY BRANDON shooting hoops. DAD drinks a Bud, frowns as he miss
Current Revisions by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith February 14, 2008 1 INT. KPHX TV - LOBBY - DAY 1 ABBY RICHTER, 30's, pretty, driven and absolutely in control, walks through the lobby, greeting the SECURITY GUARD. ABBY Morning, Freddy. SECURITY GUARD
LOGO DE « UFA COMACICO » Le logo de « UFA Comacico » représente un éléphant de cirque devant un rideau de scène. Il lève la patte et la trompe, et il barrit. TIGREVILLE - PLAGE - EXTÉRIEUR JOUR Plan d'une portion déserte de la plage. Une ponton en béton part de la plage et s'avance dans l
NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) "Movietown News" presents... Spotlight on Adventure! The mysterious SOUTH AMERICAN JUNGLE. A massive waterfall cascades down a gigantic, flat-topped mountain. NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) What you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity: a l
NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) "Movietown News" presents... Spotlight on Adventure! The mysterious SOUTH AMERICAN JUNGLE. A massive waterfall cascades down a gigantic, flat-topped mountain. NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) What you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity: a l
Pitch black. Dead quiet. Dim faint light appears in the distance, approaching, growing larger. As the light nears, we recognize car headlights. Closer and closer until the car is bearing down upon us with great force... INT. CAR Two men in the front seat, FISHER and MOORE. Fisher drives. All seems quite normal until we take a closer look, sweat matts hair, dirt st
"Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers..." More stars. Distant galaxies, constellations, nebulas... A single planet. Drab and brown. Moving towards it. Pushing through its polluted atmosphere. "...Close your eyes and see it glisten..." EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - CONTINUOUS A range of mountains takes form in the haze. Moving
"Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers..." More stars. Distant galaxies, constellations, nebulas... A single planet. Drab and brown. Moving towards it. Pushing through its polluted atmosphere. "...Close your eyes and see it glisten..." EXT. PLANET'S SURFACE - CONTINUOUS A range of mountains takes form in the haze. Moving
December 24, 1944, in the first safe area directly behind the battle line, in the Italian theatre. In the distance occasional artillery light flashes are seen and artillery rumbles are heard. The battered terrain shows the effects of battle. In the foreground is a recreation area, covered with camouflage; entertainment is in progress on a raised stage. Men of the division ar
December 24, 1944, in the first safe area directly behind the battle line, in the Italian theatre. In the distance occasional artillery light flashes are seen and artillery rumbles are heard. The battered terrain shows the effects of battle. In the foreground is a recreation area, covered with camouflage; entertainment is in progress on a raised stage. Men of the division ar
sky. A TEENAGED BOY'S VOICE greets us... TED NELSON (V.O.) On any given day, your life can change in the blink of an eye. It's a cliché, I know... Descending through the clouds, we are caught for a moment in a dreamy gauze. We emerge to find ourselves gliding above a small town. Descending lower. And lower. To Xenia,
FADE IN: INT. KITCHEN - MORNING ANGLE ON: BILLY MATTHEWS, 8, ravenously eating a plate of hashbrowns, runny fried eggs and syrupy waffles. WOMAN'S VOICE (O.C.) Doug?... We see DOUG MATTHEWS, 40's, sitting across the table, staring at his son, Billy. Doug is handsome in that honest, sincere way. A guy you would call to help you move a couch. He watches B
Rev. 04/09/99 (Salmon) WILD WILD WEST Story by Jim Thomas & John Thomas Screenplay by S.S. Wilson & Brent Maddock and Jeffrey Price & Peter S. Seaman Based on the Television Series "Wild Wild West" REVISED FINAL DRAFT
Third Revision November 14, 1986 (c) LFL 1986 Lucasfilm LTD. All Rights Reserved Act I FADE IN: EXT.. NOCKMAAR CASTLE - DAY Under gloomy sky a huge fortress looms on a volcanic mountainside. From within WE HEAR the agonizing scream of a woman giving birth. INT.. NOCKMAAR CASTLE - DAY The scream continues as WE MOVE THROUGH the grim corri- dors of the castle TOWARD stairs leading down to a dungeon. INT.. DUNGEON -
esolate. In the far off distance a man is jogging. He banks around the end of a small pond and runs right at us. This is MIKE FLAHERTY, FORTY-TWO. He is running hard. Or at least as hard as he can. Suddenly TWO JOGGERS blow past him. INT. HOUSE, BEDROOM - SAME. A HOME MADE STAIN GLASS ANGEL hangs on a window. It falls to
of bottles and dirty washing up. He lights the gas on the stove and puts on the kettle.] ['I' knocks on the door to Withnail's bedroom] I: I'm having a cup of tea, do you want one? [He waits for a response.] I: Do you want a cup of tea Withnail!? Withnail: No. ['I' leaves the flat, slamming the front door behind him] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cafe ['I' is reading a paper at a table in the cafe. The
Script - September 7th, 2012 Blue Revised Pages - September 25th, 2012 Pink Revised Pages - October 9th, 2012 Yellow Revised Pages - October 15th, 2012 Green Revised Pages - October 16th, 2012 Goldenrod Revised Pages - October 19th, 2012 Buff Revised Pages - March 5th, 2013 1 INSERT - T
DS appear, twisting and vaguely transparent, reflected on the window GRADY TRIPP stands before as he reads from a sheaf of NEATLY-TYPED PAGES. GRADY 'The young girl sat perfectly still in the confessional... 1 INT. CLASSROOM - UNIVERSITY - AFTERNOON Grady--45-year-old novelist, professor, and insomniac--is in the midst of reading a story to the dozen college STUDENTS who make up his Advanced Writing Workshop. GRADY ...listening to her father's boots s
K an infinite void but at the center a SINGULARITY, a particle infinitely small and infinitely dense that contains all the potential matter and energy in the universe. THE BIG BANG A blinding flash of light as the singularity explodes, particles expanding in all directions until they fill the screen, a shimmering cloud of electromagnetic dust. Then the particles start to attract one another to form atoms, t
First Draft February 2, 2007 EXT. RUDY'S - NIGHT It's New Year's Eve at Rudy's, a hole-in-the-wall dive. People stream into the bar to celebrate. Outside, CARL KENDALL (30s) and his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend KATH are having a q
s we hurtle through a sky that's just beginning to get light. There are a few stars but they fade and the sky turns a milky blue and a big computer sun starts to rise. We continue hurtling through space and see that we're heading over a computer version of the New York City skyline. We move over Central Park. It's fall and the leaves are glorious reds and yellows. We reach the West Side of Manhattan and move swiftly down Broadway with its stores and gyms and movies theat
deep HEAVING BREATHS. Moist FLESH FLAPPING accompaniment. Someone is beating off. A pause as the someone turns the page of a magazine. The beating off resumes at a quickened pace. The SQUEAKING of bed springs joins in. Another page is turned. Feverish THUMPING until a MALE VOICE lets out a quiet MOAN. The breathing gradually slows to normal and lets out a relieved sigh of finality.
1. FADE IN: EXT. WILDERNESS - NIGHT Mist. Dark trees. Dripping vines. An ENGINE RUMBLES in the distance. The full moon shimmers on a puddle. A FROG SPLATS IN, splashing a one man pup tent. INSIDE THE TENT LUKE's eyes pop open, disoriented, realizing he's fal
Jared Bush, Jim Reardon, Josie Trinidad, Phil Johnston and Jennifer Lee IN BLACK -- We hear the feral, primeval sounds of a jungle at night. A timpani bangs an ominous beat. FADE IN ON: A JUNGLE - NIGHT A BUNNY nervously walks through the dark, foreboding forest, frightened by every shadow and moving leaf. YOUNG JUDY (V.O.) Fear. Treachery. Bloodlust!