ises, hollow, metallic. FADE IN on a long TRACKING SHOT through the universe. As the NARRATOR speaks we move through galaxies, nebulae, solar systems, moving from the infinite slowly down to a particular planetary system deep within a maze of suns. NARRATOR (over) It is the mid 22nd Century. Mankind has explored the boundaries of his own
BEDROOM - NIGHT A modest city bedroom. Suitcases and half-unpacked boxes sit on one side of the room. Sc_-orLe's -moving in. In his bathrobe, PHIL FOSTER, a good looking guy in his mid-20's, hums to himself as he looks through stacks of WEDDING PICTURES organized all over the bed. Just as he finishes up a pile and starts another, beautiful CLARA FOSTER, in a bathrobe too, jumps across his lap.
February 2nd, 2004 FADE IN: EXT. MIAMI - OCEAN AVE, SOUTH BEACH - DAY Blazing sun. MUSIC everywhere. Everybody's living la vida. LEOPOLD (V.0.) And we're good to go. TWO MEN come out of the BEACON HOTEL. Loud Hawaiian shirts, walking a Chihuahua. They pause; take in the scene on Ocean. Adjust their EARPIECES. LEOPOLD (V.0.) Proceed to first c
FADE UP ON: 1 EXT./INT. TAXI CAB - MORNING 1 DEADPOOL, in full DRESS REDS and MASK, quietly FIDGETS in the BACK SEAT of a TAXI CAB as it proceeds along a CITY FREEWAY. Deadpool adjusts the two KATANAS strapped to his back. Rolls the WINDOWS up, down, up. Tries futilely to untwist the seatbelt, then LUNGES forward, locking it up. Rifles through a tourist booklet and tears o
race war" has erupted at one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious institutions. Glued to this are our story's subjects, who we meet in... 2 A SERIES OF SHOTS 2 TROY FAIRBANKS, 21, Black. He drags a brush through his finger waves anxiously. The look of guilt is the only mark of imperfection in his privileged and chiseled demeanor. ANCHOR (O.S.)
9 FADE IN: MUSIC CUE: "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY" by Bobby McFerrin plays as we BEGIN CREDITS INT. FUNERAL HOME - DAY We pan across a room filled with caskets. EXT. CHURCH - DAY People somberly walk into a church. EXT. FUNERAL HOME - DAY We see the signs outside of various funeral homes. EXT. CEMETERY - DAY We close in on a HEADSTO
levision studio. Another rhino and various foam-rubber animals dance behind him to the happy MUSIC. The rhino finishes his number and takes a bow. A bleacher full of kids bursts into wild applause. INT. BACKSTAGE - MOMENTS LATER After the taping. The rhino lumbers down the hallway toward wardrobe. He is suddenly grabbed by two large men and dragged out through the exit into... INT. DARK PARKING GARAGE ... where several thugs in overcoats emerge from the shadows and start
sed back by the wind, her mouth in a euphoric grin. FADE OUT. 2 CREDITS -- ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE 2 MATT (V.O.) My missionary ancestors came to the islands and told the Hawaiians to put on clothes, work hard, believe in Christ, and stop surfing and hula dancing. They made business deals
the wasteland. TITLE CARD: TOP SECRET RESEARCH LABORATORY. ARCTIC CIRCLE. At the GUARD GATE, two RUSSIAN GUARDS play poker using an overturned barrel as a table. Russian Guard 1 shows a five of diamonds... and four Aces. The other Guard folds. Russian Guard 1 LAUGHS and drags in the pile of coins. While he SPEAKS IN RUSSIAN and does a celebratory dance, the coins fly up into the air. Russian Guard 1 stops dancing and sees that the coins are gone. He
gaudy, tacky, and loud, it's blander than toast. Colors like lime green and sunshine orange should be reserved for popsicles only. MRS. BRUCE, late 30's, enters looking exhausted. She carries a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other, Erma Bombeck's The Grass Is Always Greener Over The Septic Tank. HUMMING "We've Only Just Begun," Mrs. Bruce crouches next to her wil
September 15, 2005 Pink Revisions - September 20, 2005 Green Revisions - October 9, 2005 Yellow Revisions - November 9, 2005 Goldenrod Revisions - November 14, 2005 Salmon Revisions - December 9, 2005 2nd Blue In Progress MUSIC UP FADE IN STEAM ON A MIRROR 1
1959 FADE OUT. :FADE IN: INT. DANCE HALL BASEMENT - NIGHT FENWICK walks along the dimly lit basement. Heavy wiatei coats hang from hooks on the wall. In the b.g., there is constant traffic of pecple coming and going from the rest rooms. From above we hear the MUFFLED SOtJV OF THE ROCK AND ROLL BAND. Fenwick is in his early 20s and dressed in the "JOE COLLE
TION REVISION 500 South Buena Vista Burbank, CA 91521 March 17, 1992 (818) 560-3370 THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN - Rev. 4/3/92 FADE IN: 1 A FLASH OF LIGHT 1 A radiant shiny something dazzling in EXTREME CLOSEUP. BEGIN TITLES. CAMERA very slowly PULLS BACK. The sparkling surface turns out to be a lot of carats. WE SEE the stone, then the ring, then suddenly, in b.g., something HUGE SWEE
rica is that the black man in white Christian hands has not grown violent. It is a miracle that 22 million black people have not risen up against their oppressors--in which they would have been justified by all moral criteria, and even by the democratic tradition! It is a miracle that a nation of black people has so fervently continued to believe in a turn-the-other-cheek and heaven-for-you-after-you-die philosophy! It is a miracle that the American Black people have remained a peace
EXT. ELECTRIC SIGN It FILLS THE SCREEN (designed to exactly FILL THE FRAME size of whatever ratio we're shooting in). It says: 2:51 This message will be a little cryptic to the movie audience on an essentially BLACK SCREEN. HOLD for a beat, then it changes: the lights flash this sign, which should explain it to everyone:
n old overcoat. His face belies good years gone by - a face that has seen more sunrises than one would suspect. He inhales the crisp, salty air and lets a small, satisfied smile cross his face. Behind him. a large arcade with steel shuttered doors sits on the boardwalk. Three young boys skate around by on roller blades, passing a street hockey ball between them proficiently. The Old Man views them briefly. checks his watch, and looks back toward the ocean. The skates of the three hoc
executive mansion. It is a gala day. Soldiers are lined up in front of the entrance; expensive cars and carriages are arriving and depositing distinguished notables from the adjoining countries. Two trumpeters at the head of the stairs announce the arrival of each notable. In the large reception hall, Mrs. Teasdale, wife of the late president, is greeting the newcomers. Th
n stares at her reflection in the windows, wondering what this is all about. Finally, the REAR PASSENGER WINDOW zips down, revealing LLOYD CHRISTMAS, age 30. He's a pleasant-enough looking guy, if a little shaggy. He's wearing a dark suit. LLOYD Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the medical school? I'm supposed to be giving a lecture in twenty minutes and my driver's a bit lost.
FIRST DRAFT August 3, 2008 IN DARKNESS: OLIVE (V.O.) The rumors of my promiscuity have been greatly exaggerated. FADE IN: INT. OLIVE'S BEDROOM - PRESENT DAY 1 INT. HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM - NIGHT The following is shot DOCUMENTARY-STYLE. A GIRLS VOLLEYBALL GAME has just ended. It was a big game. Some kind of championship. ONE TEAM is CELEBRATING -- jumping up and down, squealing and hugging each other. We are focused on the bench of the TEAM TRAT LOST. They're very sad -- several are crying. One girl, in particular, (AMY) is really sobbing. She's sweat- stained, tired and just blubbering. Stuff's coming out of
AFT November 20, 1992 FADE IN: INT. HAUNTED MANSION PARLOR - NIGHT We move through a spooky shrouded parlor, as a storm rages outside. THUNDER roars, and lightning flashes in the giant windows. in the center of the room lies an oak coffin. Suddenly the lid starts to creak open. A hand crawls past the edge... and then the lid slams up! Famed psychic CRISWELL pops out. Cris
HIGHWAY (DESERT) - NIGHT Three trucks from Chemical Technologies carry barrels of toxic waste. They pass a sign: PROSPERITY, NEVADA, POP 454. INT. THIRD TRUCK (HIGHWAY, DESERT) - NIGHT A sleepy trucker called PIG PEN drives the third truck. SELF-HELP TAPE (V.O.) I will be self-assured and confident around women. PIG PEN I will be self-assured and confident around women. EXT.
front sidewalk, a lone JANITOR trundles a garbage bin filled with overstuffed hefty bags. A weathered FORD ESCORT pulls into the empty PARKING LOT and comes to a stop near the athletic field. A TEENAGE GIRL'S VOICE - TRACY (VO) None of this would have happened if Mr. McAllister hadn't meddled the way he did. He should have just accepted things as they are instead of trying to interfere with destiny. You see, you can't interfere with destin
December 2, 1996 Story by: Ronald Bass and Michael Herzberg EXT. HANCOCK TOWER, CHICAGO - LATE NIGHT Lake Shore Drive. Four o'clock in the morning. Minimal traffic, minimal life. As MAIN TITLES BEGIN, we PAN UP the face of... ...Hancock Tower. Up, up, forty floors, sixty, eighty, very d
February 1, 1998 EXT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBURB, MAIN DRAG - DAY Palms sway ... the sun washes everything in yellow ... cars motor down either side of the landscaped median ... the calls of mockingbirds mingle with the BLIP BLIP of car alarms. ON THE SIDEWALK, a SKATEBOARD CA-LUNKS down the sidewalk, past the foot traffic of Southern Californians: flip-flops, Doc Marten's, Rollerblades, Nikes ... then, in the middle of this pedestr
OOTING DRAFT 1993 INT. CAVE NIGHT There is a huge ancient hourglass made of animal skins, and acorns plop through the waist of the hourglass one by one. It sits in a pool of water. In the water swim EYELESS CATFISH in geometric patterns. An underground stream feeds the pool of water and then flows into a huge underground crevass
r - I Exterior - E Day - D Night - N Twilight - T LOCATION CODING CAR - Car B - Bridge CAB - Surrounding area outside cabin W - Woods M.R. - Main Room D.R. - Dining Room K - Kitchen C - Cellar W.S. - Work Shed L.B. - Linda's Bedroom S.B. - Shelly's Bedroom C.B. - Cheryl's Bedroom B.T.R- Bathroom EXAMPLE 12 ID - D.R. TRANSLATION Scene #12, Interior, Day, Dining Room 1 ED - W Something evil is lurking
DE IN: DE LAURENTIIS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LOGO FADE OUT. FADE IN: RENAISSANCE PICTURES LOGO FADE OUT. 00 BLACKNESS 00 A sound is building. Like a living wind. A thousand screams in agony. From the blackness, gusts of smoke pull together quickly, forming
. REYNOLD'S EXTRACT BUILDING - DAY An idyllic American factory. There's a huge, long lawn in front. A Reynolds Extract sign in brick with flowers/landscaping around it, sits near the entrance. We see from the number of cars in the parking lot that it's a company of about 50 - 75 employees. INT. REYNOLD'S EXTRACT BUILDING - DAY We are in a manufacturing area of an assembly-line production. It's a big roo
youth in his eyes... sitting next to... KATE REYNOLDS, 21, pretty, Dorothy Hamill haircut... rubbing the tears from her swollen red eyes... KATE I got you a few necessities... Kate hands Jack a new copy of Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle.” KATE (CONT’D) Your copy was a mess... Jack accepts the book but he’s unable to take his eyes off Kate. She hands him a cassette. KATE (CONT’D) Every one of these songs will remind you of me in
WOODS. DAY An apple tree stands alone at the top of a hill. A handsome fox dressed in an Edwardian-style navy velvet suit leans against it with his arms folded and his legs crossed, chewing on a reed of wild grass. He holds an apple core in his paw. He spits out a seed. He looks off across a meadow that descends into the valley below. A female fox strides briskly up the hill. Her coat is a paler, especiall
The events depicted in this film took place in Minnesota in 1987. At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occured. FLARE TO WHITE FADE IN FROM WHITE Slowly the white becomes a barely perceptible image: white particles wave over a white background. A snowfall. A car bursts through the curtain of snow. The car is equipped with a hitch and is towing another car, a brand-new light
CENTER MALL There are three levels of stores underneath a massive fluorescent roof. Different music comes from each store. It looks seventies-modern, but already used and run-down. Groups of kids cruise the mall, eyeing each other and acting cool. INT. SWENSON'S ICE-CREAM PARLOR - NIGHT The teenage waitresses in their peppermint pattie uniforms are rushing around, trying to keep up with their orders. A good-looking man in his mid-twenties enters and sits. He wears a plastic na
The sultry dampness of a blistering summer hangs in the night air. People stroll the boardwalk looking for a cool breeze. The soft rhythms of a jazz concert float from the band shell. CLOSE SHOT - A PAIR OF SEXY HIGH HEELS and a woman's shapely legs, walking along the wooden pier. OPENING TITLES & CREDITS OVER. After several steps, a discarded piece of gum sticks to one of
n Sisters singing "My Favorite Things." A series of sepia images of anti-war protests from the mid-sixties appear one after another on the screen. In the violently scrawled style of Ralph Steadman, the title FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS splashes onto the screen. A beat, and then it runs down and off revealing: TITLE: "He who makes a beast of himself Gets rid of the pain Of being a man." Dr. Johnson The VOICE OF HUNTER S. THOMPSON -- a.k.a. RAOUL DUKE:
EXT. DESERT -- DAY The white sun beats down on the rocky terrain. There's not a cloud in the blue sky and the wind is at a standstill. Far in the distance, a MEDIUM SIZED FLAT-BED TRUCK makes its way to the entrance of a large cavern opening. Two VULTURES perched on a barren tree watch the intruders. EXT. DESERT -- DAY The truck screeches to a dusty stop. Three men in m
e desert. CREDITS ROLL WRITTEN: EGYPT 1913 OMAR and his mule zigzag along the bottom of sun scorched dunes. 2 EXT. TEMPLE EXCAVATION - DAY The mule and the boy finally reach a camp. A few tents dwarfed by a huge temple door jutting out of the sand. The camp is deserted except for some kids by the temple entrance holding large mirrors, reflecting light into the temple. Omar leaves his mule in the shade, seizes two goatskins and slips inside the temple. 3 INT. TEM
----------------------------------------------- | Okay, this is the work-in-progress FINDING NEMO film transcript. | | Why is it 'work-in-progress' you might ask? Well for one, this | | isn't a 100% accurate transcript: some words might be missing, | | may not be right. Second, some lines may or may not have been | | spoken by the right character. There are instances in the film | | where a line is spoken but the character isn't on screen, which | | makes things complicate
Based on the novel by GREGORY MC DONALD   FLETCH FADE IN EXT.CALIFORNIA BEACH – DAY 1Seagulls squawk, and the waves pound, but we’re not talking about Malibu Colony, here. This is a fairly rundown beach area, catering to lower-echelon surfers, vagrants, and strung out druggies of all ages, several of whom stand or sit on their haunches by a dilapidated old hamburger stand. Over the stand is a faded sign: "FAT
1 FRED FLINTSTONE, archetypical Everyman, sits atop his faithful heavy-equipment dinosaur, cranking the winch that makes the mighty beast rip and tear into the quarry wall. 2 THE QUARRY FOREMAN 2 looks down at his wristwatch. Well... actually, it's a wrist sundial. And it's magic time... quittin' time... Millerock time! Now the foreman turns from his watch to a steam whistle bird, an
ton Groom EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981) A feather floats through the air. The falling feather. A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The feather floats down toward the city below. The feather drops down toward the street below, as people walk past and cars drive by, and nearly lands on a man's shoulder. He walks across the street, causing
MAIN TITLES As presentation credits begin, we hear Johnny Cash's "Home of the Blues." Then we see Allison's name, under it Alex's, under that Robert's, under that Quentin's, then under that the title logo for Four Rooms, followed by "Starring Tim Roth as the Bellboy." Then "The Guests" listed in alphabetical order of all the actors playing guests. After the act
SEVENTH DRAFT January 12, 1992 INT. REGIS & KATHIE LEE SHOW SET A horribly deformed figure--hunchback, misshapen head--sits on a stool in complete silhouette. This is RICK COOGAN. RICK Can you imagine it, Regis, Kathie Lee? One day I'm a hot young movie star, and the next day I'm a
- the basic elements are all the same, just mixed differently. A gloomy night, no moon. And a slightly ominous pattern emerges... Green, thriving lawns and meticulously tended homes abut brown yards and porches littered with old newspapers and pizza joint flyers. Each third or fourth house is FOR SALE or, worse, seemingly abandoned. This area is in danger of becoming a ghost town. A deep, commandin
Sep 6th, 1984 1. FADE IN: EXT. FULL MOON - NIGHT (AND CREDITS. ROLL) Clouds obscure the starless heavens for a moment, heavy and ominous in the black firmament. Then suddenly they clear, exposing a full moon streaked with red like a killer's face, a stalking moon staring down at man's evil on the earth below. A HOWL breaks the night, a wolf pursuing
read and formatted by ueli riegg email:; url: Cast List: Quentin Tarantino Richard Gecko George Clooney Seth Gecko Brenda Hillhouse Hostage Gloria Harvey Keitel Jacob Juliette Lewis Kate Ernest Liu Scott Cheech Marin Border Guard, Chet Pussy, Carlos Selma Hayek Santanico Pande
at it. A saw cuts through, heading right for us. EXT. SNOW-CAPPED MOUNTAINS -- DUSK ICE HARVESTERS, dressed in traditional Sami clothing, score a frozen lake. They SING. "The Frozen Heart (Ice Worker's Song)" ICE HARVESTERS BORN OF COLD AND WINTER AIR AND MOUNTAIN RAIN COMBINING, THIS ICY FORCE BOTH FOUL AND FAIR HAS A FROZEN HEART WORTH MINING.
GEORGE SIMMONS, 42, sits in a giant living room watching bad television on a 70-inch flat screen TV. He looks bored and empty. After a few beats he pauses the TV, and picks up the phone. GEORGE (on the phone) Hey, it's George Simmons, I'm coming in. INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Shots of George doing stand up on stage at a comedy club. The place adores him. We see quick images of him
May 18, 2004 INT. LOFT APARTMENT - MANHATTAN - MORNING 1 1 STEVEN SCHWIMMER, a drama critic, asleep on his bed. He wears a sleep mask. 2 The bed is a mattress on a makeshift platform. Papers strewn on the floor. An exercise bike.
rough crackly RADIO) Los Angeles Tower, this is Transworld two-two Heavy, we are going down! Repeat... Engines two and three are... L.A. Tower this is MaydayI Mayday! TOWER (O.S.) (through crackly radio) 2-2 Heavy, Pull upt Pull up! The RADIO NOISE is drowned out by the A CAPELLA, SOPRANO VOICE of a young Indian boy as he sings a melodic Hindi pra
OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE - EVENING We MOVE through the city in a series of brief shots that define and establish our setting, from commercial district to residential neighborhood. Eventually we find ourselves moving down a street of two-story apartment buildings. Many of the windows are lit from within by an EERIE BLUE LIGHT. As we track past at window-level we see:
ACT ONE ------- FADE IN: EXT. -- A FARMHOUSE OUTSIDE NEW YORK CITY -- NIGHT On the farmhouse roof a CHICKEN-SHAPED WEATHERVANE stands silhouetted against a FULL, BLOOD-RED MOON. The wind HOWLS and the vane swivels with an EERIE SQUEAK. Then a weird ANIMAL CRY is heard--a cross between a chicken CROWING and a wolf HOWLING. WERECHICKEN (VO) (A CROWING HOWL) CAMERA PANS DOWN TO: CHICKEN PEN A fenced-in dirt area with numerous CHICKENS milling arou
harbor, OVER the Battery and Lower Manhattan to Greenwich Village. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - DAY A car is being hoisted up by a municipal tow truck while its owner is having a terrible screaming arguement with a parking enforcement officer. DANA BARRETT comes home pushing a baby buggy, struggling with two full bags of groceries, and trying to dig her keys out of her purse. The building superintendent FRANK, sees her struggling but pretends not to notice. DANA (exasper
4/20/98 - YELLOW REVISIONS 4/27/98 - GREEN REVISIONS 5/05/98 - GOLDENROD REVISIONS 8/20/98 - BUFF REVISIONS 8/26/98 - SALMON REVISIONS This script is copyright © 1998 John August EXT. A DITCH - NIGHT A light rain and crickets CHIRPING. Somewhere in the night, DANCE MUSIC is blaring, but here it's only a whisper with a beat.
sweet candy and such. But one day you look around and see a prison and you're on death row. You wanna run, or scream or cry. But something's locking you up. Are the other folks cows, chewing cud till the hour come and their heads roll? Or are they just keeping quiet, like you... Planning thei
DAY CUT TO: INT. L STREET BAR & GRILLE, SOUTH BOSTON -- EVENING The bar is dirty, more than a little run down. If there is ever a cook on duty, he's not here now. As we pan across several empty tables, we can almost smell the odor of last nights beer and crushed pretzels on the floor. CHUCKIE
PRODUCTION DRAFT November 10, 2010 Production Draft - PINK Revised, November 16, 2010 Production Draft - BLUE Revised, November 19, 2010 Production Draft - YELLOW
od, California ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 EXT. AMPHITHEATRE - DAY SHOT - HELICOPTER'S POV - Moving through clouds. The clouds separate and, far below, we can see a giant outdoor amphitheatre. There is no SOUND but the WIND. As we move closer to the amphitheatre, we can hear SNATCHES OF WORDS and PHRASES as though from a public address system. 2 EXT. AMPHITHEATRE - PODIUM - DAY - SHOT OF BEN in cap and gown,
URE IS INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY, CERTAIN CHARACTERS AND EVENTS ARE FICTIONAL." FADE IN: SUPER: 'SEPTEMBER 1973'. INT. PHIL KAUFMAN'S BEDROOM. NIGHT A phone rings in the dark. A little light falls from the open window, illuminating an old bakelite telephone. It sits on a small table alongside a large amount of empty bottle
thing. RAND PELTZER walks through the owd. An American businessman.1-He wears a tas eful g3,y suit. He's thin, with distinguished good looks and thin brown hair. He's 56 years old. Rand looks around; fascinated by the vast array of people and merchandise. He stops at a booth. A tiny ORIENTAL, WOMAN stands behind the counter. Rand gives her a polite smile. RAND Hi. I'm fro
ltzer first found Gizmo the Mogwai. As LOCALS bustle past, ANGLE FAVORS the stairs to the basement curiosity shop. 2 INT. MR. WING'S STORE MR. WING, the storekeeper who took Gizmo home after the Gremlins' night of carnage, opens the door, beginning his day. As he lights his pipe, he HEARS a commotion upstairs. 3 EXT. STREET 3 PEDESTRIANS dodge a long black LIMOUSINE as it pulls up short.
R: EXT. GOLF COURSE - DAWN VARIOUS EXTRA CLOSE-UPS of this luxurious patchwork of brilliant greens: A POLISHED BRASS SPRINKLER HEAD pops up from the ground and begins to water the already dew- soaked lawn. FLEET OF DUCKLINGS No mother in sight, cruise through the thrushes. GRAVEYARD OF GOLF BALLS, UNDERWATER At the bottom of a water hazard. PALM FRONDS After a neat they sway, revealing the barren desert that surrounds the artificial oasis. The sun
IN HIBERNATING GROUNDHOGS A family of groundhogs is nestled together in their burrow sleeping off the end of a long winter. ROLL CREDITS AND THEME MUSIC DISSOLVE TO: EXT. A FOREST CLEARING - EARLY MORNING The crust of an old snowfall still covers the frozen ground, and the bare, icy branches of the trees glisten dully in the early morning light. CUT TO:
NDY" by LOOKING GLASS PLAYS. EXT. FORD COBRA MUSTANG - DAY SUPER: MISSOURI EARTH 1980 OVERHEAD SHOT: A `79 Cobra winds alongside the Missouri River, past swaying loosestrife, vibrant sugar maples, and oily self-pump gas stations. A hazy sun glints off the hood of the Cobr
FADE IN: EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Very late. All is quiet. Then a battered MINI-VAN blows by a row of hedges that have been pruned to read: 'WELCOME TO CAPE COD.' A moment later a FLASHING COP CAR flies by in HOT PURSUIT. INT. MINI-VAN - SAME The WINDSHIELD IS GONE and the wind blows back the hair of two BEAT-UP-LOOKING MEN. The driver, FRED SEARING, 40-ish, has a look of determination and re
0.) I saw a severed head once. Except for the, paleness, it looked healthy, well-fed. The end came abruptly you could tell 'cause the mouth froze in mid-sentence. "Shh. ," the curled lips attempted. Like it started saying "shucks" or "Shirley" or... "shit happens." Your eyes don't forget things like that. Like you don't forget the sound animals make when they're humping. Primal.
ISADES, CA -- MORNING It's a beautiful spring morning in the Palisades. High atop the cliffs, looking out over the Pacific Ocean, sits the exclusive BEL AIR BAY CLUB. Workers bustle about the lawn, setting up a high-end wedding. A STRING QUARTET warms up. A team of FLORISTS arrange centerpieces. CATERERS set the white linen tables... INT. BRIDAL SUITE -- DAY A simple, classic wedding dress hangs on a cl
r, as a title appears on the screen. "God, she's beautiful..." CUT TO: INT. HANNAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT A full face of Lee, wearing a gray sweater and leaning against the dining room doorway. She gazes into the camera with a half-smile on her face as Elliot speaks over the screen. ELLIOT (V.O.) God, she's beautiful. Lee glances over her shoulder, then turns from the doorway
f the jungle climax in animals fighting. A SINGER is heard singing the first bars of "All God's Chillun Got Shoes." HAROLD, LOOSELEAF, PENELOPE, and WOODLY stand in a row in the darkness, facing the audience. They are motionless. A city skyline in the early evening materializes outside the windows. The lights come up on the living room of a rich man's apartment, which is densely furnished with trophies of hunts and wars. There is a front door, a door to the master bedroom suite, a
ast tracts of darkness stretching between them. Move in on OUR SUN, dwarfed in the immense cosmic ocean. MUMBLE (VO) You ever feel small? Moving in on.... PLANET EARTH The spinning blue marble. FADE IN: A strange cacophony of MUSIC, growing louder as the familiar CONTINENTS revolve below us and we spiral down onto ANTARCTICA THE ICE SHELF Vast, pristine, stupendous. Washed with dawn light. A few
White May 28, 2003(b) FADE IN: 1 INT. BILLY OFFICE (BREWSTER KEEGAN INVESTMENT BANK)- 4:50 PM 1 BILLY CARVER (mid-20s, good looking, "romantic") is sitting at his desk, depressed, staring at a photo of his ex- girlfri
PARK - DAY We float down through a serene, leafy park to the children's play area. There, in the sandbox, a BEAUTIFUL FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL plays among a group of kids. GIGI (V.O.) I have a theory about how this all started... A SIX YEAR OLD BOY approaches. He watches the little girl for a moment as she gently shapes her san
REVISED SECOND DRAFT Registered WGAW November 17, 1987 FADE IN: EXT. SUBURBAN STREET--DAY VERONICA SAWYER, a sullen seventeen year old beauty is jogging down a suburban street in a stylish running outfit. Evocative female voices can be heard, softly wailing. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK--DAY VERONICA lurches into a neighbo
es a TITLE CARD reading "HANUKKAH PAST." EXT. PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - DAY We start on JESUS ON A CRUCIFIX, and then violently CRANE down to reveal MORDECHAI (10), a timid little Hasidic boy standing nervously at the foot of the statue. Behind Morty is a wall with the graffiti phrase "HANUKKAH IS 4 HOMOS" scrawled across it. He clutches his Sandy Koufax lunchbox tightly as he looks off
Simon Grim hangs from the back of it. He is a shy, skinny and terrified-looking guy around thirty years old. The truck rumbles to a halt and Simon climbs down off it to go punch out at the time clock. EXT. BEHIND THE WORLD OF DONUTS -- DAY Moments later. He comes walking up a small alley and sits to drink his beer. He begins to relax. This is his quality private ti
gistered: WGAw FADE IN INT. ROB'S APARTMENT - NIGHT STEREO Not a minisystem, not a matching set, but coveted audiophile clutter of McIntosh and Nakamichi, each component from a different era, bought piece by piece in various nanoseconds of being flush. ROB (V.O.)
Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur 1939 SHOOTING DRAFT FADE IN: INT. ANTEROOM CLOSE SHOT SWITCHBOARD Two telephone operators sit at switchboard busy plugging in and out answering calls. 1ST OPERATOR This is the Morning Post... The City
Douglas Adams Revisions by Karey Kirkpatrick 8/8/03 3rd Revised Draft 1 2. HHGG 3rd Revised Draft 8/8/03 OVER DARKNESS... 1 ...we hear what we will come to know as the VOICE OF THE GUIDE.
4, 2010 FADE IN: 1 INT. NICK'S APARTMENT - LATE NIGHT 1 Looking incredibly weary, NICK WATERS, 30's, enters his apartment in his business suit. He stumbles into -- 2 INT. NICK'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION 2 He drops his briefcase, strips off his jacket, loosens his tie and collapses
, PANORAMIC VIEW of The Hospital -- a vast medical complex, a sprawling pastiche of architecture extending ten blocks north and south on First Avenue and east to the river. The Hospital was founded in the late 19th century, and there are still a few begrimed Victorian Bedlams and Bastilles among the buildings. Mostly though, it is Medical Modern 1971, white and chrome and lots
Leppard, Styx, Journey, Poison, or Whitesnake Water cranked to a hundred and three Got my tunes, my snacks, my booze, my skis (Got the) freshest moves you ever seen When I'm soakin in my Hot Tub Time Machine When you're going back to the 80s... And you might be fuckin some ladies... You bring your button fly jeans and some sweet hair gel Want blow? All you gotta do is yell (Yeah you're) lookin re
13, 2010 FADE IN: EXT. NORTH SEA/VILLAGE - NIGHT We skim above a dark, wild ocean. The camera turns toward a lone island, Berk. It is a gigantic shard of rock jutting straight out of the water. HICCUP (V.O.) This, is Berk. It's twelve days North of hopeless, and a few degrees South of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the
ers Based on an original idea by Bruce Willis & Robert Kraft A Silver Pictures/Flying Heart Films June 14, 1990 Production NOTE: THE HARD COPY OF THIS SCRIPT CONTAINED SCENE NUMBERS AND SOME "SCENE OMITTED" SLUGS. THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS SOFT COPY. FADE IN: EXT. VINCI COUNTRYSIDE - RENAISSANCE - DAY Beneath a jawdroppingly storybook castle, a small Rena
LACK No image. A bleak WIND MOANS. HOLD. With a STINGING CHORD we -- CUT TO: CITY SKYLINE - NIGHT (CIRCA 1958) Lights twinkle. Snow falls. The WIND MOANS. After a beat, the voice of an elderly black man: NARRATOR (V.O.) The's right... New York. We are TRA
re is a gunshot. A crow screams. A fluttering of wings. FADE IN: EXT. FOREST - DAY Bird's-eye view. We circle lazily above the forest. Through a break in the trees, we catch an occasional glimpse of a prostrate form on the ground. As the circling camera gets closer we see that the form is a human body. CUT TO:
4.27.2008 1 EXT. SKY - DAY 1 Fluffy white CLOUDS drift across a clear blue sky. TITLE CARD- "This really happened" FADE TO WHITE: TITLE CARD- "It really did" A dull WHINE is heard building in volume until finally-
INT. PASSAGEWAY - NIGHT The CAMERA briskly retreats as FORTY, HIGHLY CHARGED, ATTRACTIVE, YOUNG PEOPLE march towards it. Each side of the frame is black as this troupe of young actors moves up the middle, everyone talking, grinning, squealing,... everyone having the "high" of their lives. INT. NEW YORK CLUB - NIGHT As the troupe, with geometric precision, spills into a larg
t director of communications, is arriving early. 2 INT. NUMBER TEN CORRIDOR/MALCOLM'S OFFICE - MORNING 2 A CIVIL SERVANT hands Malcolm a CD. CIVIL SERVANT Monitoring. All the usual. MALCOLM How did your team do at the weekend? CIVIL SERVANT Yeah, alright. We won. MALCOLM Great.
1/15/03 A SERIES OF GREEN/GOLD VERTICAL STREAKS Moving across the screen from right to left. We hear a happy and informative man's voice.. .We will come to know this voice as MARK WHITACRE'S... WHITACRE (V-0-) You know that orange juice you have every morning? You know what's in that? FREEZE on one of the green/gold streaks as it racks int
1/15/03 A SERIES OF GREEN/GOLD VERTICAL STREAKS Moving across the screen from right to left. We hear a happy and informative man's voice.. .We will come to know this voice as MARK WHITACRE'S... WHITACRE (V-0-) You know that orange juice you have every morning? You know what's in that? FREEZE on one of the green/gold streaks as it racks int
of an early morning sky. BAKER (V.O.) Once upon a time, in a far off kingdom, there lay a small village at the edge of the woods... Suddenly, the WELL-WORN BOOT of Cinderella steps into the frame and lands on what we thought was the sky, but in fact is simply its reflection in a puddle of water. A strong CHORD accents the splash and we begin a musical vamp. EXT. CINDERELLA'S HOUSE - DAYB
amsey, Matthew Stone and John Romano FIRST DRAFT 3/25/97 BEVERLY HILLS STREET - NIGHT It is late night, and deserted. Engine noise approaches; headlights appear; as the car draws closer we hear singing. It is a Mercedes convertible and as it roars by, the singing --
A small caveman community made up of five large caves, all facing out towards a crackling fire. Slack-jawed, yet strong and confident CAVEMEN stumble about, dragging haunches of meat, pounding the dirt with sticks, dragging the women. WE PAN OVER to a small cave. Not even really a cave at all, but a crack in the rocks barely large enough to sleep in. Stepping out of this "c
The HARBOR at Miami Beach fades in, providing quick views of yachts, aquaplanes, and luxurious ship-craft lying at anchor in the calm, tranquil waters of tropical Florida. This dissolves to the NAME PLATE on the side of a yacht, reading "ELSPETH II," and this in turn to a