The HARBOR at Miami Beach fades in, providing quick views of yachts, aquaplanes, and luxurious ship-craft lying at anchor in the calm, tranquil waters of tropical Florida. This dissolves to the NAME PLATE on the side of a yacht, reading "ELSPETH II," and this in turn to a
s party of old friends. A trio plays Brazilian music as guests carry drinks and nibble on dessert. 2 CLOSE - ON A FOURSOME OF FRIENDS 2 The Couple who live in this house, SALLY AND TED, drink champagne as they chat with their closest friends, JANE AND JAKE. JANE is mid-fifties and has embraced that fact. She knows 50 is not the new 40 and because of that, she is still described by all who know her a
Then SHE steps into FRAME. She is JACKIE BROWN, a stewardess dressed in her CABO AIR uniform. (A little shuttle airline that flies from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas. Approximate flight time: forty five minutes) Jackie stands still as a people-mover slowly inches her through the airport. The CREDITS APEAR and DISAPPEAR in front of her. Jackie Brown is a very attractive black woman in her mid forties, though she looks like she's in her mi
n front of a convenience store far, far away-- EXT. QUICK STOP YEARS AGO--DAY We FADE IN on the block of stores (Quick Stop/RST), from sometime ago, In fact, RST isn't RST; it's THE RECORD RACK -- a 45's store with head shop paraphernalia in the window. A white-trash MOTHER (maybe seventeen) wearing a baseball cap comes into frame carrying a chubby BABY. The Baby wears an
WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL HOSPITAL - DAY ANITA "NEEDY" LESNICKI, 17, sits on her hospital bed in pajamas. She's a plain-faced girl with a haunted expression. As she stares out the window, she winds colored yarn around a pair of Popsicle sticks to create a "god's eye." Out a single window, we see an imposing nine-foot SECURITY FENCE. Next to Needy, we see a pile of unopened mail
JERRY'S VOICE Airight so this is the world and there are five billion people on it. When I was a kid there were three. It's hard to keep up. AMERICA FROM SPACE The great continent through mist and swirling skies. (Satellites and other pieces of skycasting equipment float by.) JERRY'S VOIC
curb. It's FALL. Juno is sixteen years old, an artfully bedraggled burnout kid. She winces and shields her eyes from the glare of the sun. The object of her rapt attention is a battered living room set, abandoned curbside by its former owners. There is a fetid-looking leather recliner, a chrome-edged coffee table, and a tasteless latchhooked rug featuring a roaring tiger.
umming stillness of an American suburb on a summer's day: nannies push strollers, joggers jog, mailmen deliver, dogs are walked, kids shoot hoop in wide open driveways. On a quiet, tree-lined street we pick up two young athletic- looking boys riding bikes. LASER ALLGOOD (15) and his friend, CLAY (15). Like bats out of hell they pass block after block of charming, evenly spaced houses until they round a corner and drop their bikes in front of a large ra
N is an attractive-looking young man just past thirty and dressed in a stylish blue suit, broad tie and wide-collared shirt. His shoes are neatly polished, his hair carefully groomed. As the montage continues, we see that he has finished his deliveries and is walking rapidly towards his destination. It turns out to be a television theater north of Times Square whose marquee announces THE JERRY LANGFORD SHOW. It is dusk and the show is about to break. There
, JAY and JASON fight with broom sticks. JONAH drinks beer on the couch spectating. QUICK IMAGES: We see Ben and Jay fighting. At one point they fight with gloves which are on fire, balancing on a plank over a dirty pool. Ben now has a fishbowl filled with weed smoke over his head. There is a smoking joint in his mouth, making the bowl get cloudier and cloudier. He starts coughing hysterically and t
1. EXT. VALLEY -- DAY A MYSTERIOUS WARRIOR treks across the rugged landscape. NARRATOR (V.O.) Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose Kung Fu skills were the stuff of legend. The warrior, his identity hidden beneath his flowing robe and wide-brimmed hat, gnaws on a staff o
l. It's a horrific traffic jam. Morning rush hour. Sun beating down, asphalt shimmering in the heat. The blown-out downtown L.A. skyline hovers in the distance. We DRIFT past more CARS. Hear one snippet of audio after another... One driver taps his steering wheel to PROG ROCK. Another sings to OPERA. A third raps along to a HIP-HOP track. We move from a RADIO INTERVIEW to a FRENCH BALLAD to TECHNO, until finally we begin to hear...
m Rose EXT. MISSISSIPPI RIVER - DAY A BOAT Specifically, a garbage scow. We see it from ON HIGH, chugging down the placid but mighty Mississippi. Head credits play over COVERAGE of the garbage scow. No sound, except for an incongruously heroic score. The COVERAGE is a little rough, coarse-grained; along with the overbea
ic CRY of a LOON. SLOWLY FADE IN TO: EXT. BLACK LAKE - NIGHT The loon continues its hypnotic call, as the steamy mist lifts off the dark water, which doesn't even ripple. The loon continues her nocturnal cry, as we savor the beauty of the lake, the elegance of the bird, and the haunting echo of her lonely call... until suddenly the bird is crisply pulled under, silenced forever. A lone feather surfaces and floats as: Credits roll
Nov. 2009 FADE IN SUNRISE Big and orange and full of hope, as sure as fate. A dawn as promising as, well, this new day... Sun is rising over... A flat roof that stretches to the horizon. A vast expanse. A plain of gravel-e
AUTOROUTE - EXTERIEUR NUIT Forte pluie. Circulation assez dense, mais fluide. Les phares des voitures trouent la nuit pluvieuse. CHATEAU - VUE GENERALE - EXTERIEUR NUIT Bruit de tonnerre. Pluie battante. Au premier plan, on distingue, à travers la pluie, une pancarte un peu défraîchie : « Hôtel du Grand Siècle ».
HEAD OVER HEELS" by the Go-Go's plays as we wind through a flock of abstract, silky, golden strands -- PULLING BACK, to discover that the strands are hair on a BLONDE GIRL's head. But not just any blonde girl, a girl in Delta Gamma, the blondest, most beautiful sorority at USC. We PULL BACK further to see that she's signing a handmade card. She holds it up ~ OVER HER SHOULDER, we see hearts and glitter surrounding and "Good
USINE DE MONTAUBAN - EXTÉRIEUR NUIT Le ciel gris du jour qui va bientôt se coucher, au-dessus de la cour de l'usine de matériel de Travaux Publics de Fernand Naudin à Montauban. Une pelleteuse à chenilles sort lentement d'un hangar, avec le godet en position haute. Derrière la pelleteuse apparaît Monsieur Fernand Naudin, le directeur de l'usine, en grande discussion avec un
USINE DE MONTAUBAN - EXTÉRIEUR NUIT Le ciel gris du jour qui va bientôt se coucher, au-dessus de la cour de l'usine de matériel de Travaux Publics de Fernand Naudin à Montauban. Une pelleteuse à chenilles sort lentement d'un hangar, avec le godet en position haute. Derrière la pelleteuse apparaît Monsieur Fernand Naudin, le directeur de l'usine, en grande discussion avec un
USINE DE MONTAUBAN - EXTÉRIEUR NUIT Le ciel gris du jour qui va bientôt se coucher, au-dessus de la cour de l'usine de matériel de Travaux Publics de Fernand Naudin à Montauban. Une pelleteuse à chenilles sort lentement d'un hangar, avec le godet en position haute. Derrière la pelleteuse apparaît Monsieur Fernand Naudin, le directeur de l'usine, en grande discussion avec un
ARTEN -- WEDNESDAY MORNING Two dozen KINDGERGARTNERS listen to their teacher, MS. BERRY. The word "Work" is on the blackboard. MS. BERRY "Work." Today we're going to share what our parents do for work. QUICK CUTS of a series of five-year olds standing beside their desks, addressing the class: JEFF
T. PRISON CEMETERY -- DAY A handful of people are gathered in an open field under a fierce Mississippi sun. A couple of young inmates, JAKE and LEON, lean on their shovels. They are waiting to bury two identical CASKETS with inmate numbers stenciled on the pinewood lids. A GUARD rests the butt of his rifle on the ground and takes a long, healthy pull from his canteen. He offer
EXT. GEORGE'S BEACH SHACK - MORNING The cottage is a tiny, peeling paint rat-trap set dead center on a small ocean front cul-de-sac, surrounded by four massive post-modern mansions. INT. GEORGE'S BEACH SHACK BEDROOM - MORNING GEORGE NELSON, 42, squints and shivers as the spotty morning light and ocean breeze enter through an open window. Bold waves crash against the cliffs outside the room.
FADE IN: INT. JERRY'S HOUSE, JERRY'S BEDROOM -- MORNING The room is dark and messy. JERRY, a soft, unshaven boy of about eighteen years, sits on the end of his bed in boxers and an old t- shirt. He has not quite woken up yet. Jerry pulls a huge, well-traveled SUITCASE from his closet and tosses it onto the bed. He begins grabbing articles of CLOTHING from the closet and tossing th
pily. From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves) Sailors: I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin' for you In mysterious fathoms below. Eric: Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face . . . a perfect day to be at sea! Grimsby: (Leaning over side.) Oh yes . . . delightful . . . . Sailor 1: A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a fr
a limb. He has a bottle of wine, some sandwiches, a Walkman. Suddenly the lights turn on. PEEPER (whispering) Showtime! We see a young mother walk into the room outside the Peeper's window. She is wearing business attire. PEEPER (CONT'D) Rough day at the office Mrs. Dunleavy? (takes bite of sandwich) Well you'll feel better once you slip off those work clothes and get into some sweats. The mother sits on the bed and pulls off her shoes, rubbi
era stands alone on a wooden tripod surrounded by blackness. Opening credits begin. An almost imperceptible DOLLY in toward the movie camera. The dolly forward continues throughout the credits ending in an EXTREME CU of the camera's lens, filling the frame like a giant, glass full moon. Fade to BLACK. Suddenly a door opens directly in front of the camera, wiping the lens and re
om their clarity. EDDY Three card brag is a simple form of poker; you are dealt only three cards and these you can't change. If you don't look at your cards you're a `blind man' and you only put in half the stake. Three of any kind is the highest you can get: the odds are four hundred and twenty- five to one. Then it's a running flush - you know, all the same suit running in order; then a straight, then a flush, then a pair, and finally whatever the highest card you are holding.
FADE IN: EXT. NARITA AIRPORT - NIGHT We hear the sound of a plane landing over black. CUT TO: INT. CHARLOTTE'S ROOM - NIGHT The back of a GIRL in pink underwear, she leans at a big window, looking out over Tokyo. CUT TO: Melodra
et hall. One is BOBBY, the other is RICKY. They are drawn together to start the bout by a bell and a hand gesture as the REFEREE backs away. Immediately the two fighters unload a relentless barrage of POWER PUNCHES. Neither man is holding back, and the punches all find purchase in the swelling faces of their opponent. The crowd rises to its feet in appreciation of this rare level of competition in
reveal that the black b.g. is actually the sludge-clogged surface of the Cuyahoga River. We TILT UP from the river to reveal the city of Cleveland, then follow with a series of shots of Cleveland landmarks. INT. THE INJUN DINER - DAY Three men in Cleveland Indian baseball caps sit at the counter. BOBBY JAMES, 22-year-old grad student, VIC BOLITO, 30-year-old telephone worker,
Nick Swardson & Jamie Kennedy and Fax Bahr & Adam Small & Jamie Kennedy FULL YELLOW DRAFT July 25, 2002 MALIBU'S MOST WANTED MUSIC: GRAND MASTER FLASH'S "The Message" KICKS IN and as MAIN TITLES ROLL we... FADE IN: 1 EXT. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - DAY 1 A tricked-out Cadillac Escalade with the windows tinted deep black rolls INTO FRAME.
d-down, and he wears the "FRIENDLY WORLD" costume from the Andy Kaufman special. Finally, Andy speaks -- in a peculiar FOREIGN ACCENT. ANDY (AS FOREIGN MAN) Hallo. I am Andy. Welcoom to my movie. (beat; he gets upset) I hoped the story of my life would be nice...but it turned out terrible! It is all LIES! Tings are mixed up... real people I knew play different people. WHAT A MESS! So I broke into Universal and cut out the junk. Now it's much shorter. In fa
Rev. 05/03/91 (Goldenrod) Rev. 05/09/91 (Buff) Rev. 05/16/91 (Salmon) Rev. 05/20/91 (Cherry) Rev. 05/21/91 (Tan) Rev. 05/30/91 (White) Rev. 06/04/91 (Blue)
Yeah, I worked in a barbershop. But I never considered myself a barber... We track back from a barber's pole. ED (V.O.) ...I stumbled into it--well, married into it more precisely... We track back from a shopkeeper's bell triggered by an opening door. The pull back and tilt down show the top of the head
e filmed using a hand- held camera or a Steadycam. These very mobile cameras move around the set, and get constantly closer and further from the characters. Still, we'll be using the usual technical terms, such as «long shot» or «full shot» or «medium shot» here and there to give the reader an idea of the location of the camera at the beginning of each sequence. And then we'll mention the movements of the camera.
t. He lifts the cardboard tray with two hot dogs, a bag of chips, and two Cokes. This is Claude. We follow him: He carefully carries the meal down the aisle, balances it in one hand as he opens the door. The train noise blares as he traverses the area between cars. He enters the new car repeating the balancing act. He waits while a man shoves his back-pack onto the metal rack above the seats. Claude hurries a bit more now, his concentration alte
o, Miss Lark I got one for you. Miss Lark likes to walk in the park with Andrew. Hello, Andrew. Ah, Mrs. Cory a story for you. Your daughters were shorter than you, but they grew. Dear Miss Persimmon-- Miss Persimmon: Yes? Bert: Wind's in the east, mist comin' in. Like something is brewin' about to begin Can't put me finger on what lies in store But I feel what's to happen, all happened before. I'm sorry. Where was I? Thank you, one and all, for
EXT. HIGH SEAS - DAY The dragonhead prow of an ancient Viking ship cuts through the thick fog of the rough North Atlantic Sea. MUSIC EXPLODES: WAGNER'S "GOTTERDAMMERUNG" (Twilight of the Gods) SUPERIMPOSE: THE TENTH CENTURY A.D. EXT. BOW OF THE SHIP - DAY Viking explorer LEIF ERICSON carefully studies his fob compass as he dangles it above a parchm
EXT. HIGH SEAS - DAY The dragonhead prow of an ancient Viking ship cuts through the thick fog of the rough North Atlantic Sea. MUSIC EXPLODES: WAGNER'S "GOTTERDAMMERUNG" (Twilight of the Gods) SUPERIMPOSE: THE TENTH CENTURY A.D. EXT. BOW OF THE SHIP - DAY Viking explorer LEIF ERICSON carefully studies his fob compass as he dangles it above a parchm
etin Office - Sidewalk. Close-up: Of a time-worn plaque against the side of a building. It reads: THE BULLETIN "A free press for a free people." While we read this, a pair of hands
"UBERMAN - METRO CITY'S HERO AFTER DEFEATING MASTER MIND! PHOTO: A chiseled, statuesque man wearing the COOLEST SUPER HERO SUIT IMAGINABLE, COMPLETE WITH FLOWING CAPE, shines a confident smile at the lens. This is UBERMAN, champion of METRO CITY. "UBERMAN DEFEATS MASTER MIND'S GIANT ROBOT!" PHOTO: Wide-shot of Uberman in mid-flight lifting the GIANT ROBOT in the sky above the city buildings. "MASTER MIND ALL
tlessly on the breeze, wafting along through the crisp Texas air. The insect dips, it banks, it does loop-the-loops -- and then SPLATS unceremoniously against the windshield of a white van that's tearing down the road. INT. VAN -- TEXAS/MEXICO BORDER -- NIGHT The DRIVER of the van, a fifty-year-old American, turns on the wipers, smearing the remains all over. DRIVER Goddamn bugs. He squirts some wiper fluid onto the glass, which clears it up a bit, but now he sees somet
Widen to reveal that, indeed, these glasses are on the sneering face of just such a man. We follow the guard DOWN A DINGY PRISON HALLWAY Paint peeling off the rusty bars. Somewhere, someone is playing harmonica. Prisoners yell complaints as he passes. He meets them all with-- GUARD Shut up, convict! Get yer hands off the bars! The guard passes through several le
1 BLACK 1 SUPERED TITLES READ: More of this is true than you would believe. FADE IN: 2 ...CLOSE ON A MAN'S FACE... 2 He is STARING at us with fixed concentration. He is sweating slightly in the summer heat. We hold for a mo
locations are listed here but they will be determined later when we location scout. Music. EXT. MONET'S GARDENS - DAY 1 1 GIL (V.O.) This is unbelievable - look at this. There's no city like this in the world. There never was. INEZ (V.O.) It's become so touristy. GIL (V.O.)
She looks extremely bored by the television images flickering across her eyes. She has a pretty face: Large eyes, and pouty mouth. Her knowing look is incongruous with a face clearly still that of a girl. - MINI (V.O.) I know what you're thinking. Don't bullshit me, because I do... You're - thinking, oh dear lord in heaven, please, I'm beg
RAFT 3 FEBRUARY 1999 FADE IN: MAIN CREDITS ROLL over BLACK SCREEN, with PORTENTOUS SPOOKY MUSIC underneath. Just as the music reaches its crescendo, we hear a simian SCREECH. A BUCK-TOOTHED CARTOON MONKEY swings past on a vine. TITLE WIPES IN with him: MONKEYBONE(tm) in "FREUD CHICKEN!" TIGHT CLOSEUP - STANLEY (ANIMATED)
ass THIRD DRAFT November 4, 2007 OVER BLACK: ALICE (V.0.) Think of the future, and events that will have already happened. INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY ALICE PERRY (30s), her innate and amiable authori
May 1, 2011 INT. BISHOP'S HOUSE. DAY A landing at the top of a crooked, wooden staircase. There is a threadbare, braided rug on the floor. There is a long, wide corridor decorated with faded paintings of sailboats and battleships. The wallpapers are sun-bleached and peeling at the corners except for a few newly-hung strips which are clean and bright. A small easel si
zen loaves of golden Italian bread are standing on end in a shaft of morning sunlight. They are standing on end in bins. In the window, ZITO'S can be read in reverse. We leave the loaves and DRIFT DOWN TO a Progresso Products calendar, which hangs from the wall by a nail. The month is November. Various phone numbers and delivery dates have been penned in in a rough scrawl. Now WE GO TO a white
SHOOTING DRAFT THE ISLAND OF MANHATTAN - STOCK FADE IN: A very high airplane view of the entire island. Over this, a Voice, authoritative, impressive. VOICE In any discussion of contemporary America and how its people live, we must inevitably sta
FADE IN EXTERIOR - MONTAGE 1. Quick shots of a car speeding around curves in a mountainous region. The car jumps a bridge, hurtles into space, crashes in a fireball. Followed by newsboys hawking special editions, people on streetco
ly aired. Abuse of this page could result in its removal from this site. [Chinese guard is seen walking on The Great Wall. Shan-Yu's falcon swoops down and hits the guard on the head knocking his helmet off. The falcon lands on top of a flag pole in front of a full moon and lets out a large cry. One grappling hook comes over The Great Wall. The guard walks over to the edge and sees many grappling hooks coming towards him] Guard [yelling]: We're under attack! Light the signal!
intage pulls to the side of the road in a small rural town. A handsome, well-built man gets out of the passenger side and thanks the Driver. THE NEWCOMER carries his coat over his shoulder and a beat-up suitcase; he's got a jut jaw and a modified pompadour, his shirtsleeves are rolled all the way up past his biceps. He wipes his brow against the sweltering heat and looks around.
ient. Everyone in this queue holds a reservation at least an hour overdue. Tourists can't even make the line. PAN ahead to... ... the burnished dining room, the tables of power, the elegant service. Covertly, many eyes are drawn to the one table receiving by far the most lavish service of all. Captains hover, presenting delicacies, pouring wines, murmuring obsequiously to a guest whose person they screen from our view. We can see, however... ... the honored guest's comp
(to camera) I was born jaundiced. Once I sat on a toilet seat at a Truck stop and caught hemorrhoids. And i've learned to live with this chicken Bone that's been lodged in my throat for the past three years, so I knew Dad would be devastated when he learned of my latest affliction. (to Harry) Dad, I don't w
or wire, finally COMING INTO VIEW of a foreboding, fortress-like old institution, surrounded by towers and gun turrets. Screaming and horrible laughter is heard from within... CLOSE ON a sign that reads "Erie Hospital for the Criminally Insane" ... This is where the worst killers and psychos go. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - CONTINUOUS THE CAMERA PANS THE EXPRESSIONLESS FACES of the REVIEW BOARD as CASANOVA FRANKENSTEIN sits across from them. Dressed in an immaculately tailored
d. CROWD Josie! Josie! Josie! JOSIE (V.O.) You know in some movies how they have a dream sequence only they don't tell you it's a dream? Pull out to reveal Josie on pitcher's mound of a-- EXTERIOR. A BASEBALL STADIUM -- NIGHT It's packed. Reporters line the field. All eyes are on Josie. JOSIE (V.O.) This is so not a dream. The stadium clock sets at 5:00. The crowd goes crazy. Josie takes a deep, nervous breath and smiles, "Oh God." INTERIOR. ELECTRONICS STORE -- CONTINUOUS Multiple
, running to save her life. Think Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man -- someone, something -- is after her but UNSEEN. She glances fearfully behind at her mysterious pursuer, her BREATHING becoming more labored. Cutting through a deserted park, she leaps a bench. Above her, the thin morning sun has only begun to lighten the leaves. Around the corner, she's back on a sidewalk lined with beautiful homes, all quiet at dawn, the only noise her racing FOOTSTEPS and quickening BREATHS. DREW'S
happily ever after. But around here; that's when all the drama begins... Blue and red police lights flash over Debo's body. Two sheriffs walk INTO OUR FRAME and stand over Debo. They flash their lights on him. CRAIG (cont'd) (V.O.) Last Friday; I got fired for the first time. I got high for the first time. I got shot at for the first time and I
E BLAIREAU » THÉÂTRE GUIGNOL - INTÉRIEUR JOUR Plan rapproché de la scène d'un théâtre Guignol à l'ancienne. Le générique, en lettres blanches, débute sur le rideau de scène fermé. Puis le rideau s'ouvre sur une marionnette à gaine, qui ressemble à Blaireau, tel que nous allons le découvrir dans la suite du film. Derrière l
ere holidays come from. If you haven't, I'd say it's time you begun. This Is Halloween SHADOW Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? SIAMESE SHADOW Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween PUMPKIN PATCH CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Pumpkins scream in the dead of night GHOSTS This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright It's our town, everybody scream In
s as we FADE UP on a SERIES OF SHOTS, all CLOSE and teasing. -- A man's FEET, in shabby work shoes, stalking through a junk bin in a dark, fire-lit, ash- dusted place. A huge BOILER ROOM is what it is, although we only glimpse it piecemeal. Then we SEE a MAN'S HAND, dirty and nail-bitten, reach INTO FRAME and pick up a piece of METAL. -- ANOTHER ANGLE as the HAND gr
its huddle under a blanket in his window seat. The lights are dim -- the shade on the window closed -- a bead of sweat dribbles down his forehead. The HUMMING of the jet's engines vibrates through the cabin. The boy's eyes snap open. Jacob glances around nervously. He looks like an escaped convict who just accidentally walked into the Policemen's Ball. A GREYHAIRED MAN two seats away from him gives the teenager a curso
ING DRAFT 1939 FADE IN ON: AN ESTABLISHING SHOT OF PARIS IN THE MONTH OF APRIL DISSOLVE TO: THE LUXURIOUS LOBBY OF THE HOTEL CLARENCE CAMERA MOVES to a CLOSE SHOT of the desk. In the background is a revolving door leading to the street. Through the revolving doo
. Emma stall has her shoes on. EMMA I don't know. ADAM What about "Comrades-in-Fuck"?. EMMA No. ADAM What if we say we're in the Axis of Fuck? we formed a Fuck Alliance. We're neighbors 'on.. Fuck Street. EMMA What's wrong with "buddies'? ADA
ct star and woman -- her life full of glamour and sophistication and mystery. EXT. STREET - DAY Mix through to William, 35, relaxed, pleasant, informal. We follow him as he walks down Portobello Road, carrying a load of bread. It is spring. WILLIAM (V.O.) Of course, I've seen her films and always thought she was, well, fabulous -- but, you know, million miles from the world I live in. Which is here -- Notting Hill -- not a bad place
3/9/99 FADE IN: 1 INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY 1 A tense surgery in progress. Meters flicker, instruments flash in the bright overhead light. In the midst of it all stands DR. DAVID RAVELL, 35. The master of his domain. Ravell leans forward so a NURSE can mop the sweat from his brow as he comple
3/9/99 FADE IN: 1 INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY 1 A tense surgery in progress. Meters flicker, instruments flash in the bright overhead light. In the midst of it all stands DR. DAVID RAVELL, 35. The master of his domain. Ravell leans forward so a NURSE can mop the sweat from his brow as he comple
EXT. CAROLINA MALL - MORNING ONE LONG TRACKING SHOT FROM THE BACK. A PERVERT in a trench coat runs along the edge of the mall. A group of OLD WOMEN is coming toward the MAIN ENTRANCE. The Pervert opens his trench coat and flashes the old women. They SCREAM! The Pervert ducks behind the bushes and runs with the skill of a Navy SEAL. A FAMILY is walking down
sell LATE PRODUCTION DRAFT Rev. 05/31/01 (Buff) OCEAN'S 11 - Rev. 1/8/01 FADE IN: 1 EMPTY ROOM WITH SINGLE CHAIR 1 We hear a DOOR OPEN and CLOSE, followed by APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS. DANNY OCEAN, dressed in prison fatigues, ENTERS FRAME and sits. VOICE (O.S.) Good morning.
back to reveal the source of this kaleidoscopic backdrop: A SINGLE, STRIPED TULIP, planted in a long row of other tulips. A HAND reaches in and pulls the tulip from the ground. We then cut to: 1A A BASKET of tulips, carried by hand to a truck, where it 1A is loaded with hundreds of other baskets. The door of the truck is SHUT and we cut to: 1B The door of the truck OPENING to reveal that the tulips 1B are now boxed and crated. A forklift moves
itches lanes, only to have it stop and the lane he was on move. He switches back and then it happens again. The old man is now ahead of him.] Cut to Michael, who's rapping along with the radio. A black guy selling papers walks by and he shuts the windows and turns down the volume. He passes and he turns it back up again. Cut to Samir. He grabs the steering wheel and shakes it in frustration. SAMIR Motherf - shit - sonofa - ass!! I just - He hits the steering wheel. Cut to
White Final: 08/05/97 Blue Revised: 09/17/97 Pink Revised: 11/11/97 Green Revised: 12/15/97 Goldenrod Revised: 12/16/97 Buff Revised: 03/17/98 Salmon Revised: 03/23/98 BLA
March 3rd, 2004 FADE IN: EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - DAY A fishing boat pushes over choppy water. FOUR GUN TOTING MEN on Jet Skis wearing black wet suits and goggles escort the boat. Flying above it is a HELICOPTER. INT. FISHING BOAT/CONTROL DECK - CONTINUOUS
tered lab coat moves fearfully along a wall, passing benches strewn with broken lab equipment. Her ample bosom heaves as she PANTS nervously, mascara-rimmed eyes darting to and fro. Glass SMASHES on the floor nearby and MELODRAMATIC MUSIC swells. The woman backs into a shadow, not noticing a pair of dead eyes catching the moonlight behind her. The music climbs to a frenzy as something GROANS horribly
rm, summer night. A light comes on in a FARMHOUSE window. The door opens, a small dog and a young girl emerge. GIRL Go on now Paul, don't be long. The dog trots out across the property. It stops to scratch. The sounds of night cease. The dog stops scratching, sniffing the air, cocking its head, sensing something. We hear a low humming sounds. The dog looks up. We see a soft orange glow
REHEARSAL DRAFT - These changes are August 14, 1985 Over BLACK, we HEAR the sounds of an old TAPE RECORDING. Young VOICES are filtered amid a noticeable hum, hiss and crackle. We HEAR giggling and then someone named Charlie making vows of love to someone named Peggy Sue. CHARLIE (0.S). Hi this is Charlie and... Come on, say your name. PEGGY (O.S.) Peggy Sue. CHARLIE (O.S.) And we're here on the couch... PEGGY (0.S.)
IN BLACK AND WHITE, A black 1930s Cadillac speeds down the only visible road amidst endless plains of farmland. The road curves sharply ahead - the car accelerates. Ignoring the turn, the Caddy drives directly off the road and through a massive field of emptiness. The car abruptly stops in the middle of the vacant field. GENERAL BRAT (58, a patch covers one of his eyes) and AGENT BLACK SUIT
o, yo, ho, it's a pirate's life for me... Suddenly a massive SHIP emerges from the grey, the Winged Victory maidenhead looming. It's a British dreadnought, the H.M.S. Dauntless. Formidable, frightening, twenty-five gun ports on a side, and rail guns to boot. EXT. H.M.S. DAUNTLESS - FORECASTLE - DAY ELIZABETH SWANN, strawberry blond hair, stands at the bow railing, gazing at the seas, still singing -- ELIZABETH ...drink up me hearties,
[view looking straight down at rolling swells, sound of wind and thunder, then a low heartbeat] PORT ROYAL [teacups on a table in the rain] [sheet music on music stands in the rain] [bouquet of white orchids, Elizabeth sitting in the rain holding the bouquet] [men rowing, men on horseback, to the sound of thunder]
PER OFFICE - DAY - FULL SHOT General atmosphere, typical of a busy newspaper office. Copy boys running about, shirtsleeved reporters and rewrite men pounding away on typewriters. Little wire baskets containing cylinders of copy whizzing back and forth, such as
- Lewis Carroll "Through the looking glass" FADE IN: INT. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. DAY. A college counselor stands at the Podium lecturing the high school seniors about their future. COLLEGE COUNSELOR ... For those of you going on to college next year, the chance of finding a good job will actually decrease by the time you graduate. Entry level jobs will drop from thirty-one to twenty-six percent, and the median income for those jobs will
party is in progress. A MAGICIAN is entertaining guests. Playing cards and coins appear and disappear in his nimble hands. INT. HOUSE STUDY - NIGHT EDWARD HARRIS stands at the window, impassively looking down at the party. Edward is a handsome, well groomed man of around forty. He looks tired; the kind of fatigue that can't be cured by a night's sleep. EDWARD (a murmur) Left pocket. And indeed, down below, the magician pulls the coin
Benedek, Robert Garland and probably Garry Marshall (the director of the film) himself. This original script itself was adapted from Lawton's first script called «Three Thousand», which was a much darker story about prostitution and drugs. BLACK SCREEN In white letters on the black screen : TOUCHST
----------------------------- FADE IN ON: A VIDEO GAME ON A COMPUTER SCREEN The game is in progress. As a sick coughing sound is heard. CUT TO: THIS KID lying in bed, coughing. Pale, one sick cookie. Maybe he's seven or eight or nine. He holds a remote in one hand, presses it, and the video game moves a little bit. Then he's hit by another spasm of coughing, puts the remote down. His room is monochromatic, greys and blues, mil
t-day London traffic. INT. BANK VAULT - DAY An iron gate opens, and two bank guards come in. One of them switches on the lights. On the shelves which line the walls are dusty strong-boxes, document cases, wrapped packages, etc. The guards move along the shelves searching for something. WATSON'S VOICE Somewhere in the vaults of a bank in London is a tin dispatch box with my name on it. It is not to be opened until
INT. MARGARET'S APARTMENT - EARLY MORNING The sun peeks over the horizon. There's a stunning view of Central Park from this apartment, but whoever lives here isn't watching. As we wander through expensive furniture, a steady THUMP, THUMP, THUMP echoes through the apartment. Eventually, we see MARGARET MILLS (37) running on a treadmill, watching "The O.C." on Tivo, and reading a manuscript. She sprints
CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE - EARLY MORNING CAMERA (STEADICAM) holds on a man in a suit, sitting behind a desk, on the phone: BARRY EGAN (Adam Sandler) BARRY ...yes I'm still on hold... OPERATOR And what was this? BARRY I'm looking at your advertisement for the airline promotion and giveaway?
h... A WALL With horizontal hatch lines. VOICE OVER ...Call me Hi. A disheveled young man in a gaily colored Hawaiian shirt is launched into frame by someone offscreen. He holds a printed paddle that reads "NO. 1468-6 NOV. 29 79." The hatch marks on the wall behind him are apparently height markers. VOICE OVER ...The first time I met Ed was in the county lock-up in Tempe, Arizona... FLASH As his picture is taken. CLOSEUP On
ll delta winged shuttle on it back. The bomber's wings slide back. BOMBER PILOT (V.O./FILTERED) Roger watchdog. Understand we are go for crossbow. Suddenly a rocket engine on the back of the modified bomber fires thrusting the plane into steep climb. INT. B-1 FLIGHT DECK-DAY THE PLANE VIBRATES. The pilot and co-pilot are busy in their seats. Behind them sits a third pilot wearing a space suit. He gives them a thumbs-up signal, rises and crawls to the rear. BOMBER PILOT (into the m
AY It's raining lightly in the harbor and the water around the moored boats looks dirty and cold. We PICK UP a sad excuse for a boat sitting in an end slip. It's a sea-gull-shitcovered, thirtyfoot cabin cruiser that hasn't cruised in a long, long time. A ratty looking unpainted plywood addition has been nailed to the top of the cabin. It's partially covered with a blue plastic tarp. SUPERIMPOS