stringlengths 6
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Hey all I’m a mature student (31M) finishing my BBA. Interested pretty much in either Product Marketing or Product Management.
What Master do you recommend me?
I was thinking in something like Master in Management (MiM) which are popular in EU (similar to MBA but pre experience like me), Master in Data Analytics (useful skills that you can transfer to other industries and positions in product, financial roles, as business analyst, etc.) OR something more specific that I can actually get industry domain like a Master in Fintech.
Which one do you recommend me? If I’m interested in either Product (more oriented to Marketing or Management).
There are Master in Marketing avalaible too but I feel those kind of Master in Marketing generally are very oriented to CPG, Retail, Luxury industries. I feel those Master are less oriented to tech industry so you won’t learn much about Product Marketing but also you won’t get too much transferable skills to others positions.
This for official education. For unofficial education what programs do you recommend me? Other than Reforge or Product Marketing Alliance. | r/productmarketing | post | r/ProductMarketing | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abjJJVENJTW9RUGxLcHkxUzF3bmdzRVZQRVZiV1QyWlVvUmIxXzhmUHNMWmV0ZmduLWQyUmVENmh1YUFXbzFvbmRKM25vcDRYUmVRX1djSzR6WEh4VnVkeTNUY3llUXRWcWZDU1ZYSDB4Z3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bWtpaFU2dHp0LTFZd18zVVZUV0ZoOUgxOHdlQ1ZkUnlnejhOUnNmVjhyVFc1eF83QjZCWGlNX0g2YVVFZVEtSjN3UlZKdUd4NGVwSnFhNWxJYzQyQzNXUTdENlE3M0NnX21TSkd6MjBseWNvS3lrdXNnZVhSazdDVEloNG5RandZM3FWRjlIbG0zTU1SZ19TV3Jpc3RrVjFEWWx5Szl0NHFoeE10Q3VzNHo5bnoxWjBXM25Kb253dmJUbEpLblU2 |
انا مستشار في الموارد البشرية في السعودية، ولكن شركة الاستشارات الي عملت فيها ما اعجبتني بيئتها وتركتهم. الحين احاول ان ابدأ عملي الخاص في استشارات الموارد البشرية. ولكن الصراحة انا خائف في حال لم ينجح هذا المشروع واكون اضعت فرص وظيفة في شركات اخرى!
حد له نفس التجربة؟ نصائحكم وارائكم؟ | r/saudiprofessionals | post | r/SaudiProfessionals | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aX1ZNbHh3ZzM1ZjctdUxxZnB3RWY3emtFSFItODBwRklPejBib2pnbVlMWUQyUE9ta09NeDBUcFNkb0hUOTU1a0NJT2hoQTJnLVlTeGlFdUNvOGxweWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ei1DOV95d19iU2diaDI5cnFIdHFGYzJTRlc5bER3SHMyUDI2cU05THZxZGI0VFJIVjBueXdHS0o0a0RlNHFrZ2JyZUdxUnA5d2Nma2l4cTlMUXdTNFBnQkVobU9xMDdoZmljU1Bac1cwSFBtZDBPS2RRSmllelZqY1pRSXhONkV2S2ZlVTMydk5zTlY2Q250eVB1dmhFekJvQW1EcWRyT3BxTlE3TkJFM1ZSTVUtT3Mzd01fU0R0TnZIZ3ZWLUFu |
Deep Autumn or Deep Winter?
I’ve just been wearing both palettes and to be honest I pull off both insanely well. Like, I could slap on a bright magenta top and look bright but also wear a muted olive or mustard yellow and look great too. Can someone actually bang on fit within two seasons? Whenever I do an analysis they choose between either. I’m curious to know what everyone thinks personally, if I really just am in between or if I lean towards either and also why. Also my hair just has some chocolate brown highlights but it’s naturally black like my brows and roots. Thank you ❤️ NMIP | r/coloranalysis | post | r/coloranalysis | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acWlTeXpiYmhaWEhNYnRxbWJoV0p1YzRNQl9rbjlCYUljMFNSVXVGRGtDbkJDRTliVUFKUFgtWHZ4bEdaUUxfNVBmQ3FBSEF0cjJhZ2hvamdteC05OFZocmF5SWVNeWNVSnRFNDZHanlESVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91S3R2ak1JNmZxLXlUZVA2eEoxWWxkdjh1X1ZzcVRWeDlzY0lzNjVYa0xHSjY2NnFPY3VPSWRiUDlSSlFSVVVEZnZEUTNDNlIwLWVZR20zS0xmX2JWZ1hObVdwR2ZNdUlYWWxSREhrSnd4MlB6YVVfdzdrMkRhNl9Ybi1aTXZuWDlockQ1cGlRbTNZZXZwQWdzMFYySy1fTHd5LXY1V252TFU4bEwxOHZBVjROMU82Vzh6WXJ1OFRCWjduS3pnTU9F |
I received these bad boys from red cast heritage October 23 and have worn them every day since, and also have about 15 sleeps(surprisingly not terrible imo)
I work as a cook at a fairly busy restaurant(Michelin recommended), so I have an apron on 5 days a week, getting good mileage out of them so far. I had a bit of a wabi sabi moment last week while I was my pant as a strop, gave it a nice little shave. I was sad for a minute, but it adds character.
I cycle occasionally to and from work in these pants, but plan on stopping that, mostly for winter weather, but i also don’t want the seat to ware too much on my pants.
Last four photos are from the first day I had these pants. And my mostest collection of denim, wrangler cowboy cut(5wears), and orslow 105(100ish wears one wash) | r/rawdenim | post | r/rawdenim | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aT2YwQ1FpUjVqTzE4cHNtQjNORl9yelpHQnF4RVZxQjVRZTdUekNja2NRT1dGWDBjenAtbG9KWGN0TGVGb0MtQ2hpTXBGQW1UUFFDcldzLWZTcFJDY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NUZIcVVjUmZmWVpjRlc0TmZWQWROak5RcUl6YUE5X0FENm9fNTlSWVVvcVktLW5XY3JORWlBSnBFc3JyNkFibFBuVnZGSmxYWDFDNGFZbGlFODlVUURwRWVHZi1uU1VsUGR1M0VPVXVtN1ZIQkFRdnNJOGF5WU9Md1lXRTR1NHJSa0ZacERmcENtODFrZzZicVJBN0Y0Z0hSYXh5REZuOWtncThUbS0tUU8wQ2hsM1FtREdtVWxfQkZPWlNoWXVw |
Hi, so basically the task is to integrate 3 preprinted patterns into your own one. You can only use black ink. I would appreciate advice on how to join the two sides, because they look totally different 😢 and how to fill the empty spaces.
The assignment is due tomorrow and I am really desperate right now. | r/artadvice | post | r/Artadvice | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNzRGYmNrdXN5UXBMN1dJNUl0SVJueEEwSE9ZUGc2MV82TUc4eVhvOU44eEpJTGNUVTQ0OTU2dEJvaUpTWjU4eXA5Z2E1UG5lXzA0RWhTNE9Nckk4QXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NjgyMGxkNFFvZUZTRWZSemo1US1kTjdtejQySWVWV1ROSzJCOGliZDRGZ1J5cnp2bTNNaVhibW1nVXBsS1RzeHBGWTRQZVZtNlV3WnZjOTlNMnY0WDlSMmRKd1hhZkNIeTd6b2t1eUdiV2FFZ2hhdUhQclB3MlFjeDViTEV4aXVzVFJ0Z2NLLUpiTElMMXdjemNySGVVLXNRbXlHcHdIVndfTlN3THI0aGlmTEZmSEsxU21sNjFrb284NE5yQVNz |
Recently I purchased a leather midi skirt online and it arrived folded up (obviously). Now, it’s hanging in the wardrobe, but.. it has fold lines/creases..
The tags say ‘do not dry clean’ and while I could probably find a specialist leather dry cleaner, I’m hoping there is a way I can fix it quicker.. does anyone know how best to get rid of the lines? It’s not super wrinkly or anything but it kind of looks like when you unfold a cotton tee from delivery packing and you can see the lines.. if that makes sense..
Except now I’m dealing with real leather, not cotton 😂
Thanks :) | r/ausfemalefashion | post | r/AusFemaleFashion | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWUtsTl90Smg1TEkzcDZ3dXpST3FSNmxNRVRGdE5IRVBSSS1NNXJiYXZpNW9WM254TWVJZkdjVzRSYngxZjNLZVEwNlpSR3gxb0NxWDhNSHpkdlNHTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MGlIV2RnUHgtRlZ1M3o0Vy1zcS1mVVBWZkxlb3FrZ3pZS0xoMFVmMmNTdFBPSFk3T0hYd2JkSUM2Y0ZVUW85RHFvUmNHTjRVRWxBSGMzb0NoUHhEZTIteVBqSVdVWnNYWDYzWHMzZVowWWdQbHdaMFQ2TU5PbGtGNjg3Y1B5VFdJeFF4MjYwdWRBd2VhV1JsUlpBeUViTXBTT0h4SGJOVWhaLXI5U2dlMGpqRGExdDM1Ri1Qc1VZaEs3VjRXU21M |
Those of you in the UK, what do you use to easily store all the different pieces? I’m looking at garage style drawers but some ideas would be helpful | r/afol | post | r/AFOL | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abUdqeXRPOUFjckg3bFR2RHZBc21LQzhkX1Z0TzRadFZWUHRCY1hyOUFPMzFmOUN2d0VUb1B4T0lkTnlCTXE4SGZnVTdjRnBqeTRWYXFXMVhtY0VHLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91d3VMVzQybFdab1lkeVNYZHU1Sm51QURBRjFnYXhVeWJHNXZRVG14bEkwTWlCdnJQbjBKWmt2Z0NvMC1SaGtTT19TdWZPSFBSMnRrQ0hzNGpVYVhNS1pSN2E0My1KbUlkZTBlY0pLWTFNa0p3d2pxV0JfdHFyd3UwNVZRRzBBbUNfZXYwREF6YkFZeENrakdGZmNidVhZRjNad2ZIY1pHS2I3TS1nNHgxenZ3PQ== |
Is there any background about the Lego Knights factions? How they were created? Who are enemies and allies? Any stories like LEGO Bionicles? Maybe LEGO Castles Wiki-Fandom? | r/legocastles | post | r/legocastles | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acWdvbnY3MkVkdUtzMWo5c0NVUWl5YXlFSm5CRHVPZW50ZE5PZjB5S0ZULVpZTFFVS0tHSGpEZUVqM2JrbVFzQ1c3QmxHREM5TC1pdGRaM25LN0RIbVRLSFVKRDd0V2E5UEhySnNMRnlKSW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91OUc4N1lQb3ZDWno3MFVPRWN5YURfRWFNcGQ2SEZORXZEYlh6elhjdE1GbzNTNlZOUWZTUkhHb2pMRjJCVjd0bUVIZ3lqa1ZuVmVDR2drdm1JT2g2UENxNzQtekJjN0VVZjFjWU5BOC1wR0JKOFY4cG9nTTNXdlQ0LXlXajRydlFRUFYxa296Q2lXa2Y1b2RlVFB1dFZYejVHQjZRVlllblY5WU9XRmY2b1JrPQ== |
First time interacting with the community😂 never knew how to post on here | r/cuecardgameavid | post | r/cuecardgameAvid | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMU05NGJtSkxYYUxraXhOcE14LUtQc1dYVGJiQk1NSGRnUnNDMENBR0FsNjlYZDhJWlk3WWdyNVlnUElLd2VzcVliUjY2Q2t3WjVKVG9qdkVmYll0eWdhUVM1SVU5dUZ3ZmRhWkNUOHM5LTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SGh0c2R1LWliNzgxblZTUy1TQ1RJWl9WaVNseFJWaXYzRjV0Ny1lREpSRzZSOGFyN1ZRZGJRdlBWcGRmZXhtSXNDdk84Q0JjbXhYWUo0QUIyUVhqd3BFYUdlYW4xNUlsckRraF8zNS1zZlB6dzhtN3BYNTR4NDVpdU9yZ2RoRjRFNmtsdFY5UVdrLXNlZ2U5UGJJZjg3dWNJc1VTckMtcUdRbFp5WVVZRFY0PQ== |
Are there any small boxing gyms/clubs/coaches in or around Pretoria that you are aware of? I am looking more closely knit/private place which is less "commercial" than your average gym? | r/pretoria | post | r/Pretoria | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSW5ZOVB3aXlyVzhvN01zT1F1aFY2Rm42bE84SUU3NWFodHoyVHNvRnlWX0FkcUIzeGVUd0NKX2xmakR5OF9mXzRYc1BvOUNtWk9fMU9UZ29yaEVHTGdsMlhaSEkxc2s5N2FCckRxQmhXQzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WXZzbEI1eXVaVTBjRkZBak5zbUFpcjVNd3ZaWkZKLVY1al9RdVp2UW5VbGtLQmxjekVkMmJGbDM0TURxVE5MZmtnNVZCNkl0dWZ4a3VveUVNMmNCMEM4eWt3ZG1tSlVOc09sYUoxb2k1MVhfaFhnekJnZWZMT3BodVRPRTdTbk14RU4taVFqMHp6eGpMVDZBVHU4NVJsZk5zSUxkbTFsTTAwWFRaNDZ3THBzPQ== |
Silt Sunrise is personally the iconic nostalgia track for me. The main theme too but that's always seemed a bit too hype for just wandering around to. | r/morrowind | post | r/Morrowind | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWF9ob203TUwwb3paWVI2Ql8tRkQzRXBiWXJHMnhxYVhqNkZpdThfOVlRYlJYNFJNQXNKb285bnQ2RGM1OGlDMzJaTDY1RzdlcE1qc3RaRE5NamVwOEtWQXEzQ3lEb280OHVwVFdkMklaX3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WWotWTdLNTNtVXhXb2p0Y1QxcG56X0FTUlhrYUU3MmtnZlBmd3l4R2Z3Ul9VUTVxZmN3bE9NMXlMRF9uczBLb3pKaUlobzJDTC1RU05KN2todXpLRUZZdDRXRkVsREpsLTFHcjAxN0sweUZ0YnVDWjBoRk1hRmJydXEzcmNPVWNUR0daOFFOckJmT01kUFh3UHdVblA5S0I4RHpWd25vYTA0T3NualZXVWRZPQ== |
Unofficial score:
Verbal: 165
Quant: 170
after my fourth attempts, now I am hoping I get a better score in the writing sections. Didn’t really put much effort into it. I can now start sending those apps. Ask me any questions | r/gre | post | r/GRE | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRE41d0JhRG1oMlJJUFJXdEsxQ2tOemtRckJxdGRfV2FxNTY3Tkdja1B6RnlrUHpvakFINS1ibXZmTGU5c1FHbUJEYmgtcmRDbV9tbTFyczlZeThhS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91U0ItX2VrNWhfR0tTRFoxcGs1UjR6bjE5MmI5TTlCc2R6dnJKeERWcUkzQmZETFcyclVfZ0ZtX3AzUVlFbXV4QU1Za3hzSGxjYU1kaXNGQjZ4YmwwSEpQV3NhSTBrWXlheldGREQ0X2JORXVhbzZPLWp1bkg1WmR2aDZBdW42N0dVZ0xzeGhZOFBLMzNSSWhMV3hTX0xicllEbk0xWVZiM2o1OC1DdTc1djhZPQ== |
Announced today that Tim Macrow who is largely responsible for running FIA affiliated single seat categories in Australia will be bringing Formula Regional to Australia for the first time in 2025. | r/f1feederseries | post | r/F1FeederSeries | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUmRieVlmRXhOTDdoZkxGSDZFcUxSVzlXeFpvZlQ5UmQ5NDE1S2JxckJtU2FIeXBreV8yTlZJcXcwbk1PY2FyZXNYWEtQSnZkOHdtVS1fam9SQ05vZVBXSDNIamM1NFAwVWJvRzBTSDVPMjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91OTZJOWhIYjJWbWgwemE2RmYtUU9GdWJQZWNsZXZzcS1vek9YNHBNZTUtUFlUaVJ4S29ZaTRWTVFSOEp2ZnBqcTQ2R2hqSHdVeFk2bl9ZUDJ2Uy1KMXU4cDlaMDQ0UGFsYW1kbWtfQXhMbkNVMThaT2NJNTY3bnBla1RGMFdsWHdlWTdNWGJobVh3SnhybnZEU290eVFlVDBjMUw5WGFxaEp3Z21hYk1SMkwwUXJvMmd5YjQ1dkhFd0lvMnFFdldXNDBGc3ZvclRWRVZEN3JKSS1WS2pjdz09 |
I’m looking to get a meta quest 3 soon, and quite simply is my PC spec up to par for it with war thunder?
Currently get an average 100-120 fps on full max settings eveything including rayttacing, ssaa kills it right off though (less than 40fps) so that and motion blur are the only settings disabled.
Spec is:
Ryzen 7 5700x
64gb ddr4 3600 ram
4060ti 8gb
Thanks! | r/warthundersim | post | r/WarthunderSim | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUUVwYmZmdUh1WDd0bTBuUkthYkpQYWV5TzB0a21LR1BONnRDZTRRbGxfSUo4b0VtdkJ3WTVXdk9HUEtxTElQdmY4QXA4V3N0RWRJZm12Y2ZleEtvUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91b0JrTFE4UU80VmtzWE82aE1CTDBaTmpmUzI0Wmg0cnRobDFLdXFXMlRWUmJSY05vUk9jZXpYTUdYYlQ3cTU2YnRWVElfQ1YyaG1yYnlYWUNUMlpzbVRjZnhlZGU0ZnRWejl5Z2RObTZWNUcyN21Xemg4c1g1MEZPQS10c0pyYkxCNTNqOEN0Rmp1TnF2MTJBTlFvVWo0QjNNNDhqZEhBNVgybUFRNzFLWS1oVEg3OTBTYXUzUmxBWjZPcXkxd0Q2 |
I've been smoking for some time. Everything was good. One day i took MDMA, smoked weed, everything was good, until I went to sleep. And that was the moment, when I dreamed the most terrifying dream, like the most scared nightmare ever. The dream was: I was walking with my friend somewhere, then suddenly ringing phone appeard. My friend answered the phone, but as soon as he put it to his ear, he went crazy, he started histericly laughing, punching hinself, trying to end his life asap. I freaked out, ran to the phone to hear what was on the phone. As soon as I put the phone to my ear, I heard androgynous voice, talking in monotone. I was in shock. I felt like my life will end. I woke up from the dream, and was still in shock for 2 days. From that day, when I smoked or even was sober, I experienced dp/dr. It was the most scary experience ever in my life. Sometimes when I tried to understand what happened, I felt like I was going crazy, everything was like in a simulation, it was all fake. As I was talking to my friend (who was in a dream), he thought that I was lying, but I wasn't. I felt like. I felt like I figured one of the universe-simulation secrets.
One day I remember I was driving with bicycle while high, and thinking about the experience I had, and thought, what if the police shows up ? Right when I said those words in my head, the police turned out of the corner, looking at me like I knew something that regular people shouldn't know, but they drove the opposite way. I freaked out. But they didn't stopped me. I was driving further, then about 10 minutes later, the same police drove past me again. They couldn't know where I was, because there were a lot of small streets. I freaked out much more. I started laughing (I don't know why), because I knew that somehow my life was over, like the police are like universe-simulation police, they had all the power.
Anyways, few days later I thought, that I need to know what's happening. I looked up symptoms, and realized that it's DP/DR. As soon as I figured out what was happening, I felt like the rock fell from my heart, and to this day I haven't experienced it (3months now).
I want to know WHY & HOW does that happen. Why when we experience that, life feels like in a simulation, like it's not real ? That's the most scary thing happened to me. | r/dpdr | post | r/dpdr | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abkk3VXN6QTBHQVctcnpqTUJuZnMtNy1kZHZQeDBnSVBNTFlUeE5Oc1JhLThCNWZYSVNiYTBQeHlJNnplWHFmZHJxYkZ2RG54N09QQmFBWWdJZHZrSF9pTGZoN3ZMODVfRmI3Q1gzMENlOU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91R1J5RmtSM0xiU1NNRkhiem8xN3cxeXVDRGNOU2dKZDVQRGNFZkZ1NExxQjNMQlg3WEdnbkR0NHZIeHRqX1lGOEhTZ21QMkNjWDB5aXE1NldqR0JGQURoRWI3MHhxNjJKa0xEbV81WWg0bHY1ZGI1bDNydWdWWEpuRmkxeGU2U3d6QkxBWG53cjhZWXpuV3BsZktfczZRd19QY2U5Rm1pM20wR1plY2hFNEs4PQ== |
* UG: Btech CSE
* CGPA: 7.2
* 314 GRE ( 153V, 161Q) 106 TOFEL
* 1 research internship . 3 Research project in ML domain. ICPC regionals qualified . Won 3 National Hackathons
* 28 months WorkEx SDE at JPMC | r/mscs | post | r/MSCS | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWnVza2l2RFJobllsYy1GaWFUd0tSdEV0UUVmRGZ6MkJQWDFyNDBKMFBubjdpWEw2RUJ2QUczQkNmMXlqdFY1dUpZN2JKSnNsanlWOVp6ajRTc2tfdlNrVmU4a3lhcFhWRUlqajdFdnY0ZmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TGR0OTlKWU1nVXl5TVF5Nzh5RFlTdHpHRERRVmxUY1pfcGpLS1FuYWgySUxTeE5GS3g2RnNfMGFJUXBVc1N5WE1ETGJna29QbXltakxpX0prMjA2M1lYMzBBT2RjRktkREVyYlktMldvcU5DWnVSNzlQMHVGWFNBUXRja2dHdlhyRlF2eUxtcHNBb1NsVVl2RXBkQXVjd1p6Q1pSenRtUVdiTU9RaU1mcDNCQjFqXzU2RjJKSW0zRUJEZ3NaUHpC |
Hey everyone. I'm curious to know if you like me look at your customer journey monitoring/collaboration/orchestration options and want for more? I love the process of customer journey mapping, and it always uncovers a tonne of great insight. But the end result is always a bit of a let down as the artefact goes stale and it's often too hectic to keep alive as a manually designed artefact. I think tools like TheyDo are making some strides in this space, but I feel like it still doesn't feel like the experience design productivity tool I'm looking for. Anyone else in the same boat? I'm curious for your thoughts, I'm thinking about building something to scratch the itch, but can you convince me out of it with existing solutions? or a workflow you've found to be really effective? | r/customerexperience | post | r/customerexperience | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMmE2UGFDSDZ1UzhLSWhnWk9qa09JUFNWTHNkUW15NVkzRFozc0tLUVQ1RXlDS2VXdFZzYzhtUlZST1FrSC1ybUlKQllMSEJ6ZExqdHdHRHVsbmlabXZBMVM1NXBtaGpIb1NaQkhDQVhXM3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NG9HNFV3bS1yMTFKZGkwZU9wUC13dVA4LUpBVks3SlZHc0NoSDNCak9aNlNCajd5SENKTkQ1Wk5qdy1kQnlweUxHcXN3TXRTOHZ1ZlBENWxsMG9leU1xNEtxNjFHX2NYX3g0N3dPWVNkaWFRd2gtSDMtYmFsV1kwS0VUUTZkWDZDbkJ3OWZ6eXZrNFlFbW9kdk9ndGdIY0hXeDBmMUR1ZENJX01VQjRhb214U0VXUVZqZXZ3YUF0Rk9Nd25RZTZ6M3AwU002UEw1bEoxWklFQWdZdTdlZz09 |
He comes to work with me every day on my keys!! my coworkers also love him lol. My boss doesn’t watch the show and she asked what it was so I explained it to her and showed pics. now she calls him “bird guy” and will ask “did you watch bird guy last night?” 🤦 | r/lastweektonight | post | r/lastweektonight | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRlJBRVFOaTVBNWhSaXgzR1FUYi1GZkl1ZUJfbEtMQjJmSmdZcVJrazJmQzhacy00eVhJRDBOR1MyR05oc3o0Zno2bU9MM2pLSUNnNEk1LUx3ejl5Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Y2xLOWE0am1GTmxqZTQ3N2NLYkxNaHRqOUcwSGpEVkxIeFVOOERRamVjS1NZWlhVVW1aMElEY1V3NW5DWmFfeE4zZ204OEVEX1ppdjBneEFqVWtPbzJHUS1wMDJmMlEwYjVBSzV4dzZ0YklFNFdPT0owblZaMEMxSDNlOXlveTFOVTY1MEwtQjAzTkgzU0R4UlNwTjZOOWU2WmVIZXFKSEg1ZFpDSEZ0dG5SeHhjY1B2dWtzRVVndjhmZmxkcXRI |
Heya! I wanted to buy either Nothing Phone 2 or Samsung Galaxy S24 FE couple weeks ago. I even made a post in here. I concluded to buy Nothing Phone 2 after that post. Today I just found out that this Honor 200 Pro have the almost same price as Nothing Phone 2. The specs are also wayy better compared to Nothing Phone 2. I wondered if there’s any drawback on this device. Do you guys recommend this phone? Or is there any bad sides like bad software or something? Thanks for help in advance!
I’m from Turkey btw. | r/pickanandroidforme | post | r/PickAnAndroidForMe | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aS0owVjIwVlE0bVdpZFlvYTJDR200VUd6THZqZ18taFR1Ni1sTjEyYVlsN0cyOW94MHFOUzVPemI0YmVjVW1hb3ZiOHdHUWR4YmhpNmdVb2xUT1VWMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91c1RERm8xZGRMVlNyOE82SHpfc3M4ZTBCZzhHUDZKeW4yaGNNd2pEbmxxamJMRDVUS3JMck44R0RLSVQtQV9Tb2J6dHJ6aUhGRURmMkRaVkZJZVBMeHlBTG1TOGlRMHJwcmgwbEd3VjJhdTNNdFJJanoxQ296ZU01dFlTMHNjMGdZYjFqNnpNQ3RfLUxsWnU2R212OFl3RnI1WVVOdGplcGh0QTlzU0N5Z3BkREZpSFR1V28tMzBuNnItby00LVdZ |
I finally installed Bitwig on my Linux machine. I'm really happy as I am now really close to ditch windows for good.
The only issue I came across during my first session is that whenever I move a knob with the mouse, I need to be extremely subtle as it very quickly jumps to the max value. It reminds me of mouse acceleration problems but this seems to happen only with Bitwig. I tried googling this, but saw no mention of such issue.
Anyone here has a similar setup (PopOS/Ubuntu) and could let me know if it is solvable on my side? | r/bitwig | post | r/Bitwig | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ack1nZkhPVkg1THE3T3NGWkF2aHp5LUdDUl9yVWNLUno0M1Y3NU91Rm1HVW9tdllRbzluZUw4WGtFY3h2THVfdEp0V2N5RUE5YnFLbzRjLTY4TG1zM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91OExBU3oxcW1kNDdpMWU1VEhoSHZPekNDMFg1QkJEZ25nb1V5YXJlYUh4aFhaZlRaTXRhZzV1enFmRm9PNkE5LUFqdlE2MnhWSDZYUExzWm9xZDNQLWRjT0FDRXl2RmRteWxOSkRhT1JScWEtc1RpaFdUNGxQb3hvR3dRTVQzVVhYTGVlUDBiUWpBMFdzbmlhS01iR3RRUmg5UzM3eHoyYnZHMkhxSktzMklVSFROYnBnYmdmNkl5dW5SZWw4aTZ5 |
does anybody have the exact address of the pop up tomorrow? my parking pass was about to expire and i didn't have the time to wait 1+ hour in line for merch :/ i know it's in Chinatown but where exactly? | r/thegarden | post | r/thegarden | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acE03VGJwSFVoanVteDJsSW5nYXMxQk5xZGhqTi12eEdaNFN2VGxWOFFEbzJERTFkaWNnS3NvTjhfcXhWejVGaUJmV25GVElVdkJKemVwNnY3bEdoMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SUFFanpKdG5Xd003SUVjb0oxX2VHNmVldG56OU1FNjFUSnR1c2dsWlFBdEpSOTU0UTBRenIxMnRsUW9XdkJXeXJYRW5VS2s5S3UwUkh6T19SZWZYQVJlOUhiMzZkTHFVUjF2Q0t3Y2F6X1RDTmJkdTkweHpWSl90ZHlKTTZsQ2NGRjdzTjF4S1RqYktaVGNBV3pZaUNYSVdISDkzMVoxeVNvNWZWSWdrOXZRPQ== |
I've played 5 Parsec From Home 5PFH (~15 missions). I had lots of fun but to keep it short, I want to try something more tactical. What I'm looking for is:
1) solo game (already designed for solo, but I'm happy to hear how you adapted a non-solo game)
2) miniature agnostic (meaning I can just buy the pdf rules online) *
3) interesting tactical choices (I've only 5PFH as reference) where you feel you have a puzzle to solve
4) preferably with some campaign progression between games (preferably allowing to play my own story)
5) I don't care about the setting
Some games proposed in similar threads are Infinity (not for solo), Chain of Command (long, complicated?), Endfall Chronicles (boxed sets required) but from what I'm reading they don't tick all the boxes.
I already know about Horizon Wars Zero Dark, I'm going to try it out tonight!
EDIT: Thanks everyone, so many options, I'll go through them and pick my next game!!
* I know when playing solo I can use whatever minis I want, but I've seen some games that still have additional cards or other stuff only available in boxed sets | r/miniatureskirmishes | post | r/miniatureskirmishes | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abzVJRWJVZDdUWEliNERfalZVS3o3cjkwdC1tRUl0RWFQQXZrS3BiSDZ4bzY2RXRUdWVTYWx4TXBxZVZaQVBVdzktWjc0WVhOS214OVdzZ0FmZUJvLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UDkwYVNJeHl3Z05McGRGMnpYNk9GV2JuZk9mQW05X1FVTVRUa3dtSmpYbVU1Ti02X2JyRE9JMG94dzIzVFI1R2JNZENuQUlydTNzZXZmOGlIWUU2REZSdlljX3N0UDA3ajJfY1pnbVpuTjlFNW9uNjJJbjYtRDVYMU1pcDlTZ18xQ3JIdllIR2tCaDF0blMtUkM0Zi1mcUVUeTlrZGlIN3ZKem5yU0FhOVQ2NkVfaVJMVVZmc1RRaDI3NnFNTHlk |
During the current bi-election, why we are not supporting the people who's trying to be the voice of local.
We should've given chance to tribhuvan ji,
We need to shift aways from BJP and congress for our local cultural preservation.
State election should have state's specific issues not the National level issues.
I'm very worried about my State's future.
What's your views on this.? | r/pahaditalks | post | r/PahadiTalks | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aT3dXQmNWMWY5cHhMS2t0TUxXZ2ROZERQYm5NRWdKdFY0eWtMak9XT3J2NUNiSjFOUDdrTWd2T2RIMnk3X29mMXg5bXllNXF6RzdtNUhfWmxqb1hrZXl0RXZhQTJFR0VUYmJoaHlOYVhKaWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91YnlkX1pfRTZvcmhGUDVSQ1pmR3NGQ01xY0RuOE1wTlFjZXJpVXJKZW5CT2JiTXV5dzhpOFpENUVRSm9Wcl96N1BHd0pKR0lpaXQ2SlRzVi16RW56TGFjWGhkRUE0ZC1vNjdYUTNPd3QwdTZJaVNmU3FlMEl6QktIN1MwbG9PX0x1ekVfZ0FIYVY0ZmJxLXdEdlE0ZFF5cGZVWllSeVRZeW84NjBjTFZaZk44NHJWTk4zVHBNNzRwWHp2R1Y1Q1dB |
My english is decent, I just want a revision like course with PYQs. For ssc and for banking exams, who should I go for? | r/ssc | post | r/ssc | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aTy03WGw1eXVIeUcxNGVta1NDSDZKcUdBbzNqSGN6Ukw0SFd1OHJHYzJ3ZUJqVm5GeUQyaHpwMzF3aU9VdVhySFRMR2FRaDdvb281Z2hGZFlpRUdTSFBESldnSjNZWlhLOWtwU2RLN1dmaDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZG5nVEQ1SGRka3gyeXFsOHljRGdBZDVBRG9qa1ZRb2V0MG5GNzF4SlJOd2M4M2d2YjN2RFhMNmlfaEw2Mk1yQ0dabXJ0T3dDa0J6ZHYxeDJPME85aUpiNWVMMTFzQW90ZjZXZmd5cV9TQWIzZGpzVkFvU2pxeUtiYVdaX3QzQXJPc2lNakgyd0V2VnRZeF9yZkFETTh2aUxLbFlJMWhybFJPYmdOYkR5M1VMV3NpVTU3aFdKWVJWeUY3SnF2bU5F |
If someone from the National Guard attends EBOLC and is on TDY orders, do they get per diem, BAH for their place back home, and base pay? | r/bolc | post | r/BOLC | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMEIwZXcyNlRXNXUzSTFabnYzVG1lcmlUT1JkeTJYbUNjaEowRmpYWjhraHdKYW5NejBra0ROUWVBV252dWs0Qld4eUF2RmprNUh1RGJtalBfZ0tKVEdiSGlEUzVVS21xSzd0cFVjNS1faUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91T1Y4enBrcUoxOWo2SkgtR3hFaVNiVmwybWh4MDlMY2p3ZUs4OENnNjhvNGZHdTdzckJrNDFMMmlvRlBvVENRR2owa0taNU9aMW1qM24xNmF1Y0ZOcENTbTNuOEJvQ2ZtRlB2bl9JOUV0WTJEYnVZS1FQWXJDRl9QN0tFaGRmWWdWYzR5cXMxRVg1Q0lVZGRKaWJTQ3hlY0loMWYtQUFsaFVyUEdtVlRWTUpVPQ== |
Left to right:
- Soldered ipex connector to the cyd, GY-NEO-6mv2 GPS module, 2500mah battery.
- Soldered SMA connector to the cyd, ATGM336h GPS module, 2 x 1200mah batteries.
- Plain cyd with ATGM336h GPS module, 2500mah battery. | r/esp32marauder | post | r/ESP32Marauder | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9ab1hvTWd3ZkFFbmRRRHg5X3ZHem9BSl9JVFc3NGFwV25Na01MMGRwX1hLaVVUbUlkS1ctMVRuMGl2TEJCUC15VmFacHNkenVHdzFHN184eHNOUFNvaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91aFQ5V3BQSk9XOC13aWdfYUxOTERJaHB0Z3pFWi0xM0dQRHlPZHpfc05YUEdXMDh1RkJHOWJxeDVOb1dOOFhWbW5FYmJMV05ZSzN6Vmc5Qlp1QUpSMVdhLUhfS05tVHI1YnlzN1hOX0dmZWdFYjFCaHg5SUsxZlVMSWV2SkJPTzhscm9MckZOVUM0M2JiY2hGMWF1ME9sd3BnYzk5X0VtU1gxQkk5YjFmVWJBPQ== |
السلام عليكم 🤍
كان معايا كارت RTX 3050
و كنت عايز ابدلوا ب RX 6600 XT
المشكله لما دورت لقيت السوق معدوم من كروت AMD
الاقي فين و متكونش اسعار استغلاليه ؟ | r/egypttech | post | r/EgyptTech | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMU5VMGtWUmxBQzV4YldRV1BsaG5qeVR3WGxWUXd3cTdsNjN4ZWx2aDlJT1oyNTdwMnJSX3p5RzU3cWhpcmNuSEkwOGJ3OHhHajJNcURuSDJ3TXpnQTJ0NDYyTjZDTVE1STZBbWJUWllQVHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TWFFaW5MMlVSd1ozVXA5TVV5cm5TdE02TzNLdWtuN2tsQUhHOHlIdjVxNXl5YmJXTmZ2ZGZRX24xbHV3c24yYmlWcWFMRTEzNDhTQ3J0Tk5YYTNYdzFOVjRhenVyVHdCNkUtTnRxOU95Yl80UWFPMUxoRElvdlg1WXJnSXZXeGR2NTlMTW9PY1dlRmxSbG55TGNzcmpmLUEwZVJKTEh3S05NOGphMDU4SURDQXRObHhfX3BraXJZd1pLWTJlV1BK |
I've been wondering about this card but I'm not sure if it's fake or not, graded or ungraded.
How can I identify it ? | r/pokemoncardvalue | post | r/PokemonCardValue | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWWtybjRoWWV5UGRpeDdTY3NITDF4RlhlZVJTUWFNSUctMEg1VDMzRUJSbnlnTXV5YjJFTi1pU3FRNzgxTVFyV19UbzBaUXFtaE5LUEN0X2s4UmJkekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Q0JuQmNEdFM3OGc5RVRjWnB1VVZ1S0RQa3lhbW9RUlhiS1pidUtUOTU5S2Z5d3NsZmFscTlTdHpxZHhRN1F4M24zS2x4YnpTWjdtQkp5dVFHR2NRenpGYVJNemQwdU5OX2xuUDkySWtKZkdfTHl1RmQzZDN0VHcwYXJjY3pPaEt2LS1PemhsN3NDSkNsODJVaG1lNndlSGJObjhTV1VXb0pNTzFZbXJ0c3ZWbmhRcTNnckxXdHFCQTZuTkc4Nl94 |
I'd say technically we all are connected to it bc I do believe extraterrestrials played some role into why we are here, maybe they created us or guided our evolution or maybe we used to be them but adapted to the planet. However I do believe some of us are more connected than others. Starseeds, hybrids, abductees etc. I think I might fit into that category, I think im something similar to a starseed.
For a while now I've been fixated on a dream I had abiut being told I was from the moon. Unless they were tricking me, I think there is a deeper meaning. I've heard about this term called "moon child" or "moon children", Aleister Crowley wrote a book about a child created through an occult ritual with supernatural forces, and seems in spiritualism seems to generally mean someone feels connected to the moon. Which there have been conspiracies and even statements from astronaut suggesting there might be aliens that live on the moon. I wonder if maybe they can transfer consciousness into a human body and experience being human.
Which there are things I've noticed about myself that are unique. For one I can remember things from a really long time ago, I vaguely recall looking around in a car ride once somewhere, I'm ps I was a baby. I also vaguely remember falling asleep in the crib in my parents room. I also remember turning 4, i recall walking with my grandma and then arriving at my house and it was my birthday, probably my earliest memory. Which I'm 24 now, seems most struggle to remember remotely anything from that long ago. I have also always naturally been a night owl, I never liked going to bed when I was supposed to bc I was never tired, and even as an adult for some reason I feel more awake at night even without caffeine. Which I have also had unexplainable experiences, weird dreams regarding aliens and UFOs. I am a very intuitive person, and have always been good at reading people, which I've noticed i can also know things on a hunch without having much evidence for it. I'm also starting to realize I might also be neurodivergent but I haven't went to get diagnosed yet, but my mind almost never shuts off, and I can also visualize things in my mind and I can also imagine smells and sounds too, I was surprised when I learned not all people are capable of this. Basically I think I might be something similar to a starseed, and I think im considered a "moon child" but I still don't quite understand exactly what it means, and I believe my dreams have also implied that I have had a few past lives. | r/experiencers | post | r/Experiencers | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acmpkejhvTUg5RTBENkdrcTMxX0s0Z0pneHdzUS1fTFM2LVNvTjB6WDlBOElybXQtZXdVeHZnWmg3T0NiNWExTlFnazZlVjEyZnBMWEJTQmR4MDlzNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91eWd0LUtSS2pDaUFTaHFpaUFVZUNCdV9xNExnaDZRT2Z5eXhMTkVNVW9fOWlheUdmbTBIUWVRdTk4b2wtQXV5ZWE3Sk44YnIxeXZ5Rm1SMmoxVTFaZGFpSjlpLTR4Y2MyTHZtZWt5WGxNNnZlQ3RHSnpyUFFBanFRZTIzeDJ3M25HLW93cldNb05qU053NVh1RHNxYWFEcUt0OHI4WUIyQnMxRy1vTkZXZFA4M2IxbWVFRWhOcDBXRHhoOVJNaTB3R1FveTV1TVh4MUtzY3BodVZKdzlSdz09 |
Is it just me or does Kamen rider den-o feel like a phase 2 rider?? | r/kamenrider | post | r/KamenRider | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abXdXZ0hZOUstSTg0SkJJTkpOeTlCY2ljVldFZXN3N1hTT1pqdExnVnZ0dTVybFBZRFVoVW9LNEUwSVYxaGxRanAwZ1JLeW9keHVBdlRkR2VKeXY3SjJ2cmlfR0UxQllCdTA4ak96eENLa2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91RUlvMnJIV1VQWTVRYWgwR1F1aEl1YVgzSFROSFBzZDFTdWlNTHB1X2Vvel8zWkhobmx3MHVOU1FaUlZkU0NucGdPZ0pTUjZ3NnJ4Uk1Xbmpvdml5VzVKTHZic2p5S2Y4dWtzQUg5c0ZEcERsbFlWeTVnWlF5ZEpkLWY1Tm1Ka2RVVkdNcExESFlKY2FaY0czQVprY1F6a21oTEhPaURBSUItbTg0LUxzd21jPQ== |
So I am super stuck at lvl490 and I refuse to spend the little gold bars I have. I go back to lvl 486 or 487 to collect orange candies as I saw a similar tip here... but they don't seem to fill the troll's bar. Does it only accept new levels now? | r/candycrush | post | r/candycrush | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNVBKdTZaNFcwc21tNTV4dU16TllDQW9YWmtKVGpLM2MxMzMwNENIODkzbFNqQ2ZNUG5fOWdmc0NIQnpYVUZHLUFvYm9VcXo4Q01sTXNiX3AzZzEyMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91V3c1ajFxMFRKalJqY0piRzU3VG9ScmRtOVBva1pJbWZOWnJoRDQtZlBxeDA5U3ZGdjNsQ2c4eHl0b19yVzBSbUI5dUpjb09mSDdOdVhsYi11Rk9nM2ZVT0ZPRHg3eU1qYWdzU3NlbFE2SnpMbFNtekdyX25fSUw2OU9HYmdXMGRUYl9zNS1HRGRNRkpZMjVVY1RPQm03SGlmMFlLSFVYbXNNZlAzN3poTl9ZV1dEOUtBWHBUM1hReUUtZFBDNk43OUZNVFpHRTRDMEp5YWNPdHNEREE3QT09 |
I have been in the mud doing a bunch of napkin maths over which direction to take my Paladin. The broad questions center around the early-mid game. This is largely assuming a monoclass Paladin, though Bardadin or Lockadin are build-transforming possibilites.
First, some users here have in the past highlighted just how good the Knife of the Undermountain King is specifically for dice-stacking builds, and not just for the obvious crit-reduction it provides. This weapon alone makes 1h or dual wield options super interesting even before the usual Act 3 shenanigans, but there are a few issues: the Advantage is bugged, forcing gear such as Risky Ring, and ofc the loss of GWM. However, SA is much less necessary as a feat, and we can build much tankier if need be. A lot of flexibility here.
Moving on, 2h options are very obviously strong. Unseen is ridiculous, and enables early free Advantage (which makes GWM actually viable as a level 4 feat), and there's heaps of broken gear early in Act 2 that lets us stack dice. GWM imo is mainly useful for the bonus attacks it enables, as the +10 isn't that big a deal, but now we are forced into GWM and SA, unless we take GWF as our fighting style.
Fighting styles are a compelling discussion too. +1 AC is great, but so is GWF's SA lite. Maybe others for the 1h route?
All of which is to say, which combination gives the most well-rounded character? I am leaning towards 2h, GWM and SA w/ +1 AC atleast until endgame, but the Knife route is alluring. Half-Orc does incentivize a 2h weapon, so that's another minor factor in favor. | r/bg3builds | post | r/BG3Builds | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acVdSRlZ2RU9pN3Ewc3JZby1uMGZGZl9DSVdEd1MxMktMNF83R24xMHByNm9NMmhrLWJBSGJlSnJjVkplMS1EQmdvc2RGMnM3SjlZSXJsa2FteXl4RXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91M204NHIzSVkyRTBYWHJXRFJYMGdHZl9YQ0hRckVmVHl3OGZzVVZLb1pVUW5CdzdJOTlGcVBpcUN0WWpvQnZUOW1yY2VuX0VRN3JmY0JtVTlFTzM4bWFEY1NtSGJWOWRkSV9MdU1PRkZFdF8xbVZJWGQ3VV95MjRObG5YSGFaNzBQXzRIX2QwQ3FjVnM3cnM2TzhDcVY2NGhsLUNRXzJxb3F3VEZnTjRHai0xZml5UjNpTDYxZnZZcXp6bXJfVGRuQ1ljMUFBZEstdV9WcVlQOG9iNVJWZz09 |
Hi, I'm getting a mark on my forehead from wearing muse. It keeps saying it can't detect which is why I keep adjusting and end up like this.
Is this normal? And are there any tips to help with detecting signals as I really struggle with this.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. | r/museheadband | post | r/museheadband | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUERoOGhjVHpfUUZxaHBqWVp6Snh6RjVwdTFKY0hqSXpPcWhSeVJRSnN3ZlhuM3pCaDQxRlY5QjUwVWc4Q2VOenA0ZnBPM3lRYy02Q212V21MU3JoZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ajdkZ3kwUDJjWE9YTUxIS0NOd2dsTkduUGVUU3BLdEhjdTdBajR6VmRwdl9DVWl6ZDdOUndFYnFCZnNGU3o1WHFYanBCLWNSa1VGMDZPS1VRZHU2bjFmTzNSUTdxYlk4UkNVZUg1Q2xUX3d1N1MyLXpkY1NabHpkZFpnSTVkS0E5OTdpUVZxUE9DSmZPVWFWSWVwU0VndVVZTjVUREtjMEdGYW16LUJsMi1NVEJqZURjX2xKbUVFQlYxNXl2M2RMM0VjMXhMbzV4MXFWeWFzcG9CdWtRZz09 |
is there a reason my game crashes as soon as i start the game it played fine till i got to make my character then it crashed and now i can't even play the game even with lowest quality on | r/wildheartsgame | post | r/WildHeartsGame | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aV0VfQXEwaVhMTFdscTBsLVkxcHNSSFNCU1dUVTBGdkQwdl8zYU0wZUZ2amZTbG5vWFA1NGcxbDhLM1J3UmJtOHJ6RFUweVRXRkk0QkEyazhSY2JRbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dUt1TEZvdkF0V2lGa3d6OTBJb09rTllXSmJYRV9NUzEwZzZJYl8yTG5IRExLdzgybHk0QVBid0ozQ0RGM2VFcGhyUzhiNjJ0bW1LVmhuRklKeGVjc09QbzRKWW9ueU1DVHVrYXVaS3lrY0lCQk1ma2xIek55Rlp1aXdRRTJpeWhIckZxR2lBazN4XzRteW5XdkxJMTZ0N1dORGhNRHVGWkt3TlR5dmxiODRFPQ== |
So a few days ago I read in another thread (I can't find it anymore) a lot of people praising Terra map as the most "interesting" to play since every civ starts ont he same continent and as long as you are able to survive early wars in a crowded space and rush ocean exploration you may get a whole new continent for yourself so I decided to give it a try, since I never played this kind of map before.
I went for a standard sized Terra maps (8 civs) epic speed with random civs (just cut of Hamurrabi and some other I almost always end play against with wich is not very "random"), started "geographycally" on China (playing as China) found 5/7 very close to me across Europe/India (Dido, Christine, Harald, Montezuma, Sejong) and supposed the other two were just beyond the other ones (roughly on Spain/Portugal zone wich I hadn't scouted yet) so I didn't pay that much of attention and rushed ocean crossing...
To my disbelief I found Chandragoupta and Pedro II on the Americas, and Pedro is incedibly advanced (building aerodromes on turn 283 epic speed wich means rougly before turn 190 standard)...
So the game is almost certainly lost (I went hard for ocean crossing so I'm pretty behind on both culture / faith and also some core early science) but what I'd want to understand now is if I completely missed how Terra map is supposed to work (everybody starts on the same continent?) or if that "could" happen and it's more related to map settings (ie size and/or selected civs) | r/civvi | post | r/CivVI | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adTcxVzFTTzBneUVNVVZfRmhuRlppYm1Gbi1kZW5PVFRyUkRjTGxuQ291QkFmODBTSXBwOW16VFRobUUtaTMwOVVzcVg1VXBwTWNrUGoyRVhTUV9MTTBtYjFibVZKZEJWcEJZT3g5QzRnS289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MGJ5YkxKU0EzSjc1cW5KczdVdm5KSzZRQXA0eWY2OS1xaHphU095LWZXVXV4ZS1MdzJmX1FUNER0bUlQdFBfbHdZeV9aN2dXYmNpQjFuUU5waGp2dzMyX0IzcHpvNnRITnBYTnhrRVVKSExTb1JHV2UtYXVJOWdNX0RlRXMwSThPVTJDZFE5dnlUSlFFUE1aZ1hlQjlzN3BWQkxLNVAxTy1ueE92Z28xb3dZTXdQSDB6VFNjVlVxbmRVSnVvVjNT |
It's been two times that I try to install the 24h2 version of Windows on my GPD Win Mini and both times it gave the exact same error.
During the reboot while installing the update something goes wrong and the pc restarts always giving me blue screen every time I try to start it. The only way to solve the problem is to reinstall Windows from scratch.
Is anyone having the same problem as me? | r/gpdwin | post | r/gpdwin | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYkxsLU1PMXhybVBGWm95R1ktX3NXVzRodlczcHdDbVBmZ05VSzZjR2Z4cTF0NGE1cTBjTmQ3T1BpSUQ0UndlVUtwREE3SjRMRTE3cVVmRnpNbWxfa3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ekRvZnZUSkpGUmYyRWdOa0w4ekNnQUdHRjdQWVd6NHpfRzhWRU0xU0g1VGc1Y3VILUc0ZnVoUW1IRHI1MThaOG5PbUhtVkdOc0dvOWRpSlBIc290Q1RKdy1pMmJqaGxQUnBWY3VhbF9QNnZacWlCNDFTRDhWcWx4cHUzNlRnZmJJTEFnUzlxWU5iWXVZZDdCc1Q5bnVXUkpLSU9yLU81SlFQbjNVbnFpdTc3a2hpT0J0d05uYnlTVEU4aVN6LTBu |
Like the title says I(m20) need some friends. I live close to Chester but I don’t know how to make friends. I would like some suggestions to get some please | r/chester | post | r/Chester | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNGZ3U0EybUI3MDVuRldFSVVGWTgzWkVRWWpsTjF5MkVwZ1JpRmp1UGx1TEVqaUVJZlNiY3o5WkwybTdKZElUYlhTekZSQ0p6QktaS0xDdFpmY0JQNE91dG1iWVBfMXppQWZnZi01czFQNmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WXlSRm5YMFY4TjZ1YnpVYkxGTDQ2a2lrRWR1Zm9FYUllVGN4ek94WUtPNDIwc3RRQjUwSGlHTW9TRnRNLWZfdWRyVHJlU3ZPLTYtR2M0WXdYX1ozcHJ5am0yMmh5THdyYlFUUlNEYS1mZHU2Rkp3Vld2VUZLN3BnQVpydGNPM09PQjFUVXAwV2otN1Bpb1pjY0JVMXE4b2NZTGwtd1lMQkpLUGR2bUlRODZjPQ== |
"I like steak... Please tell me your recommended steak restaurant ^ ^ " | r/usogui | post | r/Usogui | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYkpKcWdneElmYXd1SEdnRFpNTTlna0NZajdhSkNFaWdVWXBNMk5BaWJGUVRucF9XUF9FUVBUbV8zdGNiYXlTZGtCTUg5REFQQTlkMHRwVkxMcGFZSFVTZGxYcXI0MEJlYVJwZFlFUzhHMDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bURmSlVZUVFpbEZubW5WN0JKclBBS2hhZHdqRnoxT21xOGJFemM3WDhLRklUS2NWTUFpOGhUYVh4eHpDVHVEa0w3c1Z2TnRfeFY1Y1RLR1FXWElsV196SUZqdEdXRWZxS0JnX3FRd3pFUktZSXZieTFiREJ4UjFjd2xlMThiLU5hdWZESTdNNWhaZUdVcXV6cHFjeXZxOFJYeG5KTFN1SENERW1VSUUtWnVJPQ== |
Hell ano ruta niyo kung nagbibike kayo? | r/puertoprincesa | post | r/PuertoPrincesa | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aT24yT1NTYUdmTGJxdFNmR1pjUklMXzBfS0FoRXZuV2U1dHdKREJ0ejBDT2NOM0tyTUhjRzc2UVJ6bC12eWw4LUNiSWlHUGNRTzgzVGtyTkFpalVTUzBQTUV1ODlIREhaMVVHS3lPdnk3cnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MFQxa0REM19xb3BXQjFvcDdjOHU0OUN6TWtRaFRuYnFHYzJqdFNRV0ozQ1FlUkxVNFNSM1dZSmV1RWhTdE1aV1NROTlWVkZoaGc0WmtkN2tVSnZSbkxZaVdEcFIza2xaZ3pDMjNZeG1WTFpHWm90R1pTcElIQmJqUVdwbnlCRTdXenVhTUJjcS1lNU1OLUthWXVnekYxS2lZSzAwOWpka1ZuQ0hTcHQ3TzZRTUx2Nnhmc3ZGV0hia3ZsYk5jNGZwTEY2ZmUtS3VPNnpKUFFURDJ6OFlOZz09 |
Oman is like the silent kid in the class who minds his/her own business and keep a low profile. Never heard anything, never met an Omani. | r/oman | post | r/Oman | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aN0x0VnBoeHBqSDZub3ZZS2xIbU9OSGI2LVhZVm52dUZBOTlGdWNRcTlBdmFIVk1Wcy1iamg5YXBOYzFHZUp0Q21JWHZtYmI3OUJWRWNtRXRhZC1HUHFaTlUydGlRQk5kUF9MV01sTWZxbFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QTNseEduUjE2dkY1d3NuN3kzNUo3NlN2dTdabnBUMF81dV9vWmFmZmJaZEo5TE5OTFhYaXQxOXdDdnlLQVJ3RjduQU55bFh3YlVNT1FMSU8zUG55clpSNXE2Zy0tTmdscmo3TGlxdWI5NVZHenVzX2J1ZlF1NW5LR212VXNRSmI2enBSNkFNNXBCR1YyMjlRNllpaTdTX3pXcDJtNzFKb05iT1VCRzRxcXR4YnVDcUpkZURHazFTTXpKWTNidlRmRi1mV2pHTENQOHVBcHVlZ0U1TDJBZz09 |
hey there! soo i love this show and am currently at season 5. i can watch it straight face when someone is unaliving dozens of people, but someone does something to an animal and my whole week is ruined, literally. it haunts me. is there anyone who can let me know which episodes (or timeframes) to avoid? 🥹👉👈 bc i wanna keep watching, but i honestly cant deal with the animal cruelty, even if just slightly mentioned. (please do not go into detail as into why and what happens, just name the episose or timeframe) thanks a lot ❤️ | r/discoveryid | post | r/DiscoveryID | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNThpNmdwRjlFdzlYUXFHcWwzNzB1dWVSQU90emFVTTJvZE9jQkZZUE9MQkVrVkhFTkJ4VFNPdHV0bktwdFlyMGI1bmxGajFfdl8yMm4xcU40bnFQNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WkVTMkZscnJsd2lqazM1ejBzemk3Qjd0RUdsLU9hRWpuZnQ3c1NqZVRKT3lTRVRZalJqOEFyX29DMXMxZ1pzUFZCdW5SbWJzYUl4Y1NCeTR3dklHbGlUSXBqRHhkZTFCTF9iRi1hUTktYTEzNG1MRC10Q3NvWjU1YklEdjg2RVoxNUplVTZzd2pQQlFRRWpXUzhwYzNKdWtrbU9hRkZSSUxzX0tfOUVnSUhxRGJ6MkF0dFlzUkUtdjJWMmRNY3Zi |
Has anyone had much luck securing employment via applying for roles in the temporary employment register? | r/auspublicservice | post | r/AusPublicService | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aclRMMjRDLWJ5UHhnOU11ZXVZeXFJVktjaFZoOHp5VExwXzhPZWMxRVlGeXBXOXItNHR3aWVnRWxOc1JKeFB4X25QazZwMHhoZ2VsMllTdl9ld2ZBN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TmNxQkk5Y1lpU1pHczdsVEZOQnladmRtdGE2SzltWnJBc3FWdk5rSzBZTE1qekx2aHBxbDR4RzVTTGl2VjJrR19uUUY2UGR6Yk9RaXB4UURNM2JnV2F3dVVMc2JMU0pLLXZ2Rno5U0JEenhZb1hYYXlYX3Z2VjNETUFXbVhzSlVuak9lX2tIX2JSRUVoeUFzWnIyd2hKa2JWdmpvSWpwOXk0R3VZMTVKZHdtQWx3OEZnanQwTnMtVTlpcWdkYWV3Unl4VU0wdEl0bkxZVjdBdVI1RkZ3UT09 |
Hi everyone,
I've been using MacroDroid for a few days now, and consistently a fingerprint macro that I have stop working.
For it to go back to working, I need to go back in the Accessibility Privileges of Macrodroid, turns it off and turn it on again. After doing that off/on thing it always goes back to working.
It's not very practical.
Have you had the same issue, and did you find a solution for it ? | r/macrodroid | post | r/macrodroid | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aM282TFpyR0ZMeEpiVy0xMW1yTlNpdzg1UFdoWmtfTmItTU9IWllFdTFpck9CZzJ3WndRd3BrZXUyTlZqVEpBS0Z5bjdKc1hhajB3MWdWZzRxeGtmdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZVdGRF84ejVMa1ByUWh4TU9neC1QZWFKV3JJSTV5Nk1QUld3ZHY2RnRFT1lJM1RGUm1lUGk3czJDY19RRUJDU1otYkNTbnc1Vm1JNDlFaG5ZUEhHVjJJOEM2MkJJTWYzX3ZYeHo4TUNPbk8zZHE2a3RsX09oQ2lYaEJIRVlOUWhHZDltMnZ5bjB2d3JQWjlBNnZqYTEtRkZYRzZRZlVuMWNOZUVKeWhoX1FPdDhkbVJPZEdMb2NKVkpqNGQ5LVBoRFdqZ0dnNGt2WjFMRTREZ0FBUGF0Zz09 |
I am very very deeply sorry about the image one that I have posted a few day ago…I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable like ….for real. Btw…I am making a dare video for you guys…so, stay tuned for that except the surgery one. | r/gartenofbanban | post | r/gartenofbanban | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZFk3ZjVXZ2J1Q2J4OXUtUDZMdkxqekZTYzFhc29FNTZUX0hhR1NIRGY5OWl6QjE3Q0tIeDZNWTNsLTdqeGFBa0xvajNiVVpuZ3FwV3VSZVZOV3M1c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91R01GRjkxNVBnNTdpNjMyZEFJUWxNXzR0LUtwQ1lSQ1lreUdvU2I0WUxTNkpRTkktaVlfUmxfY1U4Y0JDelp0WGx4RWRvblpvUEk3Wm1DMVJ2MG1jTHFOdDJkT2kzSWt3SE5MWWp4dnpyeGRfTURlZzdjRWZFOFhpUXkwUElQaXIzUldqSU4xYWdqbW9adUhtRjd3Q1V0TllrN1RtNjFBZmg4LWxvaEE1MV9TUUFEOFdwSVNqQ2J4bTdjcXZHYzNZUHpCenNNejR0QUEyOWpWRTFoZ3Nldz09 |
When you look at food across the world you see that food combinations that are unthinkable in Europe and America are pretty common elsewhere. Which proves to me that most food rules are mostly just tradition rather than actual science. | r/popularopinion | post | r/popularopinion | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aYU1pM0xLNHE5Qy16SU1meGRqejZTNG8wbkxxckFWYXBHMGJ2eUFrdFJTNVVUVDhuN3JNbTJOcUQ2S0tiOEJia3pPWlh6V0pXSDdzdXREUEpwd0JWWDA1Smh1WGhwS0lFWnlwUXpvVl9JYUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VFh6OTZ6MWM0NFJMbXQtM2tfOVV6S0c2c3UyY3pwVzMzd09tcmFmbF9ndmNVUXRXbTFsb3pNbTc4RF9mdm5BQURFbUdoakRHVkhqRVB4VmgtNDJ6N2dNLXl2bEtYUFdaaWJlMHhKaElhZTh5M1ctU1NaOEVWUFFVVGlMVTJmdVY1YWJsbVlwZmYxaHlDMVdaUGx4WXgzTlB3cGFmckNaYlVwME92amowbm54cTVfeExWVExmTG9RZnA2YjAyY0J1 |
Here is a referral coupon for $50 off your first purchase of $250+ at Revival Rugs:
Thank you for using my referral code and happy shopping! 🛍️ | r/promocodeshare | post | r/PromoCodeShare | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSy0tb2dOQUdFYVBDX1k5Z21WS010VkVFVXJUdE44UXlDZGVicUNRa2d5QUZfTTVGdU5uX0lyb3JTMF9EejJJQjJpQWlOd2Z6Mm9QOEZuVnFYX3VadXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Tms5ckEtNXNJY0xRMzYxaXAzRk50QTVILTNlUFhXNXk3SE9QV04wQlNQMGhLVzZjc0hqQml6TkRKdUllb3hadGFlZTFRTnc3d2YtenR6bnNlTVF2eXplUk9DSmo5N2U2TzM2TlFySi1aUEVDZjY5SkhRUE9HdFh6ZDlKTk1YVWwyMUhuSXpWaVB4RlR0Ul9wT3JLX1hLZHVoYlBpcjZfOXliYW1TclJIUjh1Ty1DemoxX0o0T2RaeTVRS2VSSHlx |
happened when I switched the graphics resolution to medium and I wanted to report this bug to the developers But! I had no idea that I fixed it by using a camera xD
unexpected. | r/skygame | post | r/SkyGame | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aV0ViYUd2S3lvdkN1SmIzM0lSUTJ4MTJna3RMaTNXaVprSl9iY3JNSTFscUl0b3o2SE0wSXRLbVFPb2ZIYktxTFdkR1lKNlhkaXUzMmxBOVo1eWlhdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WmZ4MTZQaDBhdF9YdkxCelV1Qy1naXZQYUZFN3pMQ0xUeG45eW1UMG1xSHhiVjNadGZBNnYweERKMzdiaDRCODlHaVZEX1IxVHBROVUzbm8tX3ZrUFhPaDRYZGN0azVEbjlfNzl0UTBpWGx4c0dhVnlXR2tZakpmYktMYUZsUkJpci1sdjU0eWtjSUVnSEpoVDc4Y19SdFBvUFZrTXg1YW5BWkRxWVJBVFh3T0tCdGVIU3ZHZGFJNHV1eTJiUkwyMzRTWVRfRFo1NmNqV2IwTWxWSE15Zz09 |
Noticed i have a few scratches on the edges of the headlights.
Luckily it doesnt seem to be cracked as the headlights dont fog up.
Anybody has any tips to make these less noticeable ? Since I dont think replacing the covers will be cheap (comes as a unit)
Im thinking of using one of those paint touch up pens for Gloss black and lightly dabbing the lines.
| r/mazdacx30 | post | r/MazdaCX30 | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aaUlNZ0hzb3B2cGdBVTFWbkJpUDNDOEg3bEk0ZFcyVFlkdzlCMTRwQWR4bjJ2ZmUxWFN4RExKcGVfUmY5bFVJbDBoWFpVYkRKNmJDRTB4MmRINnJDSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VVVPbV9qX1oyWlc4LWNiQnRBN242WloxcmRrdjZoZWVNT2hRTlVHOThKbXNveHpxaVJNRTR2YlkyWkxqSlBPN2UzUHBrampBcXJxRXlCNkxJbkVzOUFoSmxuUGI0OTM3RVR2MkVBOHNTMV9zemk0OGU1RGpmZ1I1OFJTaW9LQVhIQk1GUERfUld6MUdVREsxUHJJYUZrWnktSjdQVFZWdmMxcFpOaFlYSUNjPQ== |
Hi, so i am new to the Donghua world and would love some recommendations, i have watched two Slay the Gods and The demon hunter. I love action packed and a little bit of horror. I also prefer something not super long and boring, the more face paced it is the better
Thank you 😊 | r/donghua | post | r/Donghua | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNjNtQ0JGRDhyZ1BaWkJuQ3Z0TnJ5SnVLMTJVSVdDZWlNakg1cEdvYV9oNjV5eFMxNmw4QnZUVmZnNWUyWXFkazJwcEpwQnRqTFRYdTQzbjh6enZjRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ck1pY0tpTnRnUER2S0xxcktnbDc3alV3RHBOb0JmaTJZUFJCUjRkbW5oZDJLMTZQNzNmUjJBX0tUTkZ5TEU1RWRZS3pfcEtPUEIzZDhsOTdSQ0h0TE1FRHdLUGNDemZaLUxBNnVySmppZEpDTTlUUDFTUnprdGhCVEo3bmV1RVYxQVZOZW55Ukp6aTdCX3FHVDI5ZWtTRjlHYVlPd1hZdDVuU25GaGdPRVFjPQ== |
mom put it in the dishwasher and the strawberries are gone | r/nanaanime | post | r/NanaAnime | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUHMySWtfMTE4WFZLMUxPY1VjTjhVelJRN3h1NWNlS01ZcjRjaVJkUUFzVXlwNDk4SWVGVmE3enJmbDctX0M0RGhjUzdCT0hsLVZWb1BhQXBoQTFvZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91OUhlTWRWVDVELS14cmM1VHZpS1k0MXZlN1dvTFdSS1c3RW5fRnZickg0V0NxTWc4X3AyZ2ZNSzZ3bm5ONlp0dzNfYmdIQnFPREtIRU01STNoMXlmSGI2S1l3R0JwX3RZRFlYLUVzREtxRFhvRHU4SElQdUNqSmNaQUljeC0zYV9waGQ4VmRkX29vY1dHcnNqRWM2LURTUGtoV0doejg4VGFOUTl4SzZaZVo4PQ== |
Shipping is 2 weeks late - “Oh sorry we got a bit behind, it normally doesn’t take this long” | r/whatnotapp | post | r/whatnotapp | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aUjdRQ185aVJpQjhLOWhKcmZBeDZNZVFLVEdvemtiTmlFSjNBZWVJbHgxRWctRWF3d2RGZ2FJckFTUThta0NYbWdnRHlfWDF2eC1VR3lwUTZUQ0JSemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91eV9SdUFvcktCbEJhU2tQaVgyZERsblpXNmg5OVRCdVFDVVdxc2J0OEhJNXQ0UG5nMjNXNFRHdTZFcHNnb0J6dWlaWmQ5Vm1PcktubW1FNFA2YWIxYXRoX0czRjJobUZFOTA4RVdEMUNFS2dGc1l2cXplN1BZU004VTR0SENnLWoxeGtOTzNQQWNDUEVkRFV0T25xZGhJSUVhZmdobExnUjB1dlpockhfejk1aVJsYkVxTkcxWlFRMkM1UHdtNm9Falo1NlI0aEptejJpMFp2a3ZzSzZidz09 |
An open letter to leftists, revolutionaries, and critics of capitalism:
I’m going to ask you to set aside your rejection of capitalism as you read my letter, just for a moment.
Let’s agree on a fundamental truth: capitalism is deeply entrenched in our world. Regardless of the government structure; whether it be communist, socialist, or democratic, all nations and systems operate within the same global framework of capitalism.
There is no realistic path to escape capitalism, nor is there any viable alternative that can replace it in our lifetime. The issue is not capitalism itself, but how we interact with it, regulate it, and align it with human and planetary needs.
One of the core misunderstandings among leftists is that most proposed alternatives still operate within a capitalist framework and fundamentally depend on it to function. Worker owned cooperatives, public services funded by taxes, and mutual aid programs all exist within the capitalist context, relying on markets, innovation, and the global economy to thrive.
The alternatives independent of capitalism that have been proposed have faced challenges that are solidified by our history:
1. Centralized economies fail to allocate resources effectively and are inefficient.
2. Without checks and balances, corrupt power concentrates just as easily in state systems as it does in corporate systems.
3. Communes and collectives are impossible to scale up to meet the current demands and needs of the people across the world.
These alternatives also ignore human nature. Self interest, greed, and competition are built into the DNA of humans. They can be destructive if unchecked, or they can be drivers of innovation and progress within a fair and equitable system.
Another critical blind spot among leftists is what happens once we overthrow capitalism? Again, we already established our entire planet relies on capitalism to function. If this system were overthrown the consequences would be catastrophic.
We would face billions of job losses and billions of people would lose their livelihood overnight. The power vacuum left open by overthrowing capitalism would create a breeding ground for authoritarian regimes, dangerous power struggles, and even all out war. Supply chains that our lives depend on would collapse and billions of people would fall into extreme poverty and starvation. These outcomes of overthrowing capitalism would likely exacerbate the very problems we are trying to solve.
Again, we agreed that our entire world depends on and is organized around capitalism. Our economies are deeply connected with each other. These realities make it impossible to escape capitalism in our lifetimes (if ever).
The only practical way forward to solve these fundamental problems is to reform capitalism and set rules and boundaries to prevent the worst tendencies of capitalism.
This is a global challenge, because if we don’t we face global economic and political collapse. The trajectory the world of unregulated capitalism is on isn’t sustainable for the people or the planet.
We can harness the strengths of capitalism to address economic inequality, the climate crisis, and any other issues that are thrown at us along the way.
*Finally, we must consider that revolutionary movements and actions that aim to overthrow systems or governments absolutely will provoke a staggering defense response from the national security state. This response would delegitimize our movement and make it unrealistic and counterproductive. My letter offers a practical solution that is possible within our lifetimes, and one that lays the foundation for deeper systemic change in the future.* | r/democraticsocialism | post | r/DemocraticSocialism | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZDR3OUY3bnlCUzMxdU9LQ3ZGd2g3MTYzT2JMcTNOY0p4YktyYlRHWUluX2NxQmRBWXhTWUt6SWx6bXVOWFNrRkR4TEtOSGxfbDBaNzdZZl9INWM4YzV5V2pZVUlGRXpWUmx5dEdpUUJXZWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91emNubFQwVS05d1g0RXNYLXppYndKS05uYjg1OHlpRGkxOFo4WUxQRTRWajRNdDhNZGxPaUI1bk1VTnMzbEtneDE1TlItNXdVLWNiTUgzNlVfVUNmcF9JWWZscXBYVzJ1RVYtRU9pYVIxbk1obFNxc1llOWhXSmJvalJYU3BSR2otLVJwQ2xwMnNjUjVxLWcxUmUyaTBFcDRzbVNzSDNya1FjRFdZZE5IalhJd3I0VzFmSjNJNHRiQzV2c1p6RHVSTGRLcVlfTGNsVTFSZ19JZ1I4SnI0Zz09 |
I am new to CPAP, and need a machine. I see there are some Black Friday sales now with pretty decent discounts. Do any of these websites do comparable sales after new years? I am wondering if I should just pay now out of pocket, or wait a month and use my FSA funds - ideally getting the same discounts that are available now. | r/cpap | post | r/CPAP | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWXU2ZUgwU2tMTHJwc1JTaWNhTzA3MmJsOUh0WGlveDY0ME1JS3pGOGhQRzdpYkYxTGQtSHNHeFlySTFSeV84akNTbkVLQ0VPZEZOMDZuX0lHNl9CWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91a0RldHE5Q05kcTJibGFjamJUOU9GS1hxSG9FRm1GczJxTThINU1mZEQtQ1NYWTRwal9rOEp1cURPclA5Vzhaem1WRHp4NGwyWGxUamxvYkRfbXNlendXTjZPSUJUS2dyZGxlS09Pa3lHYWY3eHlKd0RIdUk1OVFMeFBYUS1raktrQzI2YzhtRUl6R1VEVGE2aGQ4MmdDQ250Vm82ZUd2Mk5aRE9QSUlFNGxkSlkxMUVDN3NwRmNjX2E2X2NlMmhyblNIYVhBcF9hZ00xLVoyMGtuQmlEQT09 |
Kann man die oben genannten Würste noch essen?
Weißwurst: 14:11
Salsiccia: 03.11
Beides nach Kauf immer im Kühlschrank gelegen.
Die Weißwurst sollte ja eigentlich ohne Probleme gehen, bei der Salsiccia bin ich unsicher.
Danke | r/kannmandasnochessen | post | r/kannmandasnochessen | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aMEFfZlhVVC14cllhWnVfVmxHM2UyTWZDa2tDMnFWNUstenNlcEc0LWZtUDYwNjh6S05mRGVHazF1Zi0tUXNNdHFHYXBCalRDZDZ5UWxaZHVPdC10S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NVduMDFtT3l2Rk5pOXdNX01MS1ZfV2d5T3BaUFpIWVNKMG5jN0x0ZXRscVJ1STdZM3hiX2k0T3plNEZvNGw3RmY4dWV1RHBEakVlX21PUDhMbF9tSEtoNFVBSW1FVFZkeFA1cHdPOGM4eEo1N25sNFV6RUFNUE1zTHMzQmRrRUM0UjEwdklENlZJcWo2aEtkWWVGVmo5Q3FzTGlJTjdhRm9sZk95WVg5NXU3VmhFS2NDLUpVNTNnazN3YUlYLWh0 |
Used staedler fineliners and faber-castell pencils. What do you think?
I chose vintage flash as my flair as it is neither spitshading nor digital. | r/tattooflash | post | r/tattooflash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNUllNUFDYjJkT0lUa2EwRURlNjduaXdzSUdWZEZXcEhWMURqUEMzLVctY3FvOTlieGw5N3NwVnc2SnplZzFfekhXTklkclJXaUhtQ3VDRERaSFQwRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WGx2cjVpY2dWOEJBZnk3MXJ2UnE4WFpQalg3S1ZnUXFjSVVNUl94b1BBUDZMaEszMTFSVzdzVDhIZi1VbGtjZ2haRkFiUUZINlJMN1ctb3N0cVZ6OExIaU9pM19EZk9fS2FvTk5nNDlWQTJGeXRxLVE1bDNGczZUSUNRUzgtYkd2TWk1aHBxcEVVZV83am9MS2M0amdBbUY1U1V6SVB3Q2dlTFhmajdvbmlVNUltb0EtQk9XX3d6TXJmQXljekMybEw1SVVKVjFLQVpwRWhMS2gzcFhRUT09 |
Someone know when the arena is comebacking ? I really miss this mode. | r/leaguearena | post | r/LeagueArena | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aeUc2anhfVXZnT1lSdEc0d0h0SnE0aFdtbloxcC00NzFkalhKQkw2YTNGajNsTmdPb1psbjdMbU1QMmJmakl2TTVpcHhGVldRRWxFVFlPSTRnVGhNVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZVVzRFdxSFJmUEplbUpoTncxQTVOVDJ6QXN4X3hSYTdMdElrNzUtNzVtSkh2SW9RQ0NEcVNESUJrUzJlWFdaV1dIekhHNW9LYnUxY3daaGVfV0s4WVU2TlFPNjNWY1lTSm1DOEUyZ2ZwQUFwVjZMUWJuRGJPamszSnBXNW1jZ0hxVklPTzZLSmFPY1BZRUNHWEhpNHJ5ekY1bzFmblM4MkNPVUNPeGs1TXI0PQ== |
Wanting to know what people think of the comics. If you think they are good, are they faithful?
Also what other ME media is there.
Edit (Thoughts ON*) | r/mirrorsedge | post | r/mirrorsedge | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aTk9FSE4td2FUcWZjS2VoUUdqaGJqSkF6SG5NYmtjOXNiWWl4d0RwNy1BQjk3QTItWFRMRU40ME9CU1dKOFg2OXUxeFp2bU03LUMwbFpEUmZZZjUxTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dWdpQVZqb0V0cHRxYTdHZ2cxbDJqcWlIOVYtRFh1enFOUXRjZTBBZG1xUGZlX3MwSFRpdW5NRUZ5emNpUFMtZGJFS19lTlhnSE44Qm1WRUhVS29BaTRxZ19fc0JSN2JwYmJNTDE3VFdfb0FBbkwza2xxWnZ4V3VDb3o3MVJXdlNtNDZHUTctNWhCcUcwOVY0b1JuQUdtRkF4VEtIeTRHVVU0T2x1TGREbXZqeGRoeVhDM0txTDd2RGFIaG96VVJy |
Teachers day is tdy , i was wondering if wishing uni professors a happy teachers day is a normal thing here or is it a day only for pre uni teachers ( like would it feel normal if i do that during a convo with a professor during a lecture or office hours this week ?) | r/istanbultechnicaluniv | post | r/IstanbulTechnicalUniv | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aLUFvazZ0UW5NN3pjYUYzeUhudWprbkNhMFRielZSdGYxS0NRN1p5VmhTNHY3N2k4YVY3cnNkZ3J4TGZibXdHdGFCTHVzTGdhT01pV1AzMWRBYllheDVSWmwzTl9sNk1YWlk1ZWhnVW00R2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UFZDY1NZNEhxTnVaLXA2cTZwd2JJU3dLTjFOMVo4VDBRcmFvYzBsejVuRThxY2o4b2hDUkV3QWtrMnZ2UHl6SUdMa1cwTmxkSktWLUhEd3JOdUhpWHpSMUd6SHZVVXZEa0dPY294U1ZFb09Falp1aVVKM2puZTFGS1dwSjY2a0g1ZVVaUVhIbUZ0VHk0eHZJUDRybHNmRkYtZVFKUzl5X2VLbnVQUWtlb2JZPQ== |
Do Square Mile usually offer Black Friday discount? If yes, I’ll hang on till the end of the week before placing an order.
Thanks | r/jameshoffmann | post | r/JamesHoffmann | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9abXBYa2hvOUdJYzByWWtwMVl1Mk5EWDFuMzJNNTNBR2pDSXlrVC05eDlSaXEtTk1MTS03dmpKY2tYOWt4TWJSMjRNT0s2cFViOWJKN2ppbEx0VzRvV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91QVVfQzJlMndUUk9aRklEVjgyV3MwdzYtcU8wQ3lEYm1RUnBuUFN5bURJZUw2cUZaM0M1amRqVmc1QmNHa2Q3SHoxUE9UeWhYWE9yQlNLSU9uNVhPdC1WU1E4cEc4dGFCNFhzUV9SWjFsN0QxX3Utc1JBNVhUWElBTHFDSnJLQVRBY0NZZ05rY044dmVxYktaS3BvRkFrSVVXUUwyUkt6V1d2aXdHQVBKMTRJPQ== |
Band is for both days. Pay Rs.1000 as confirmation booking fee. Rest 10000 after I handover the band. I am from MUMBAI. | r/lollapaloozaind | post | r/lollapaloozaind | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9acUVfalhqaHRPQzRGb0ljWE1nNS1zWGFPSTZrQUV0Z0VtTEZuS2RTeEFtNmo4ZUxOX3h3SE5qdjlEWlZVVGN2Q0NfVUtfMFU0S2NBaERtRC1CNlBaM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91RS15U3VBaFdmeVhSYWcwZ2s5d0lRS042NUZNblVsdVpweVJ5dWVzT0h3QTRSVjRUYnRQT0d2SUlFYTVWd1dCUFFNR000ZXdSR1B1VUN5bmY2Tk5QaDl0ck9Nd3BlZGRFM0pfbGQ3QkZvSUhfeUQ2dmxrS1lmb29OOXBXUnVZaTdBRVVTaVU3Sm9udk5QaTBnbWt1ZUxiMHdTTFBuT1Y4aWVUX2IyRjZoTUxZYlhvYkpPX1NJU0YyeDJRakU3eVB3 |
I was writing as a reply to a comment on someone else's post, but thought it'd be worth fleshing out here
Lots of people who are only fans of the CBS show don't get the point of the BBC show. It's a comedy, sure, but it's got a much more serious/dramatic foundation, while the CBS show tries to be a lot more of a typical sitcom with more sitcom-y characters and stories.
I absolutely *love* both of the shows, don't get me wrong, but they're fantastic for different reasons entirely. You couldn't have a plot point akin to Pete's wife dying and becoming a ghost on the BBC show the way they handled it on the CBS one.
Someone like Isaac could never exist on the BBC show, his outward flamboyance for a gay man of that era doesn't fit the show's more grounded takes on the historical characters. The BBC series is absolutely hilarious, but I feel it handles the seriousness of death much better than the CBS show, and it knows the right moments to break from the comedy and have something sincere.
The way the afterlife is handled in the BBC show is infinitely better than CBS in my opinion. As hysterical as "He went down on us!" (as the opposite of "being sucked off") is, the way that we never know what happens to people who get sucked off/moved on in the BBC show is miles better, even though it's less funny.
Anyway, just thought I'd have a ramble about this since I was inspired by the post about how ridiculous it is that some article considered Captain to be a "burying gays" trope. | r/ghostsbbc | post | r/GhostsBBC | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNUdsUjRYcTZhVGZ3cF82NE45RHh6NjRGdlJwT3VuRHZLTHJ5b2xzR0xfVlJxUW1XQ2Nqc21SMmlOT2Q0REQ3QlVsRUZXelMwN1NFNm1NeVBUR0MyaG9SeXh3anNFb08ySnI5MXRpSV9ocWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VE9SVXN1UnRIZGpKSFhDb2lIdnQ5anZFMW9VQkt5d1huaXJJSlZZSHlCMjVhUk5mQUIwaGRVOFZzUHZuQ3kxdUdpUFZ6WVVaZG9ZVGZlTnpvX0lRU0dGZXZMYmhKaU1rQWZhUXRiSDNwY2VtejNrMUY1Nk9qUVNIVHVnOVctdFBzSmU0Qkttak1ITGd4Z2g4X2E4UDZ3ZHAwZFlDMWJ6aGVnUE5vNXVueVlQTUFBQmlYUUgyVzdnN2kyMzZKbzBq |
Hi all!
I’m going to be starting my third year next year, however I’m doing a semester of exchange through UWA, overseas for semester 1. Does anyone know, what I should for the re-enrolment for UWA specifically? As I won’t be here for semester 1, but will be back for semester 2.
PS: I know, global studio/student office can go in and add the code in for people doing the exchange program however the host university that I’m going to, wont release their handbook till next year mid Jan, past the uwa re-enrolment date. So, I’m unable to get student unit approvals just yet either and this means they can’t add the code for me.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated! | r/uwa | post | r/uwa | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRVhnU3RlZVVIT3c0Z09XT1BvSzlnSWROQlBhVjdrYjVfejk2OTJmaVN0M3dKeVNFZXdyWXZwU1EyRTlFdUF3RW5PN21nWHh3MnE1WkNfaEZ1X3JvYWtzZGtxY0ZDNFpfeUFZLWJxSjBvb1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MHJURnIwbzVuUk1qNmExRWpicmc3dUlVY0pzYUQ4YV9TWWpNdjA0V3hqOXpRdDdQWC15MFREZ2xPZUo3QWctQzEwZFFTOWF3eG40dGRzSGdnNldqSURhb0NCVjMxbmNnT3MzRGJLWDRRUUxENXdXNFFiLWdSMGo3ZzZCM2wxU3dQQnhWTy1JVms1cXEzSXJ6dU1iMXNRPT0= |
Koi meetup ke liye aya hi nahi.. CAT exam done.. waise ajj kaun kaun aya tha exam dene. | r/siliguri | post | r/siliguri | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aTXdOVS15YnF5Zkg0NWJTM0hwdThkOGF6aDdtUURmQkJtZFZ3aDFLMjlleG50LXpad3I3OGlabDNwbXUzSHNLLXNNRFVvalBpejFGbXY2NVNpSWw2eHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Sk9rMUlVS3RIQ0JLR19nQ0RMX01BNS1hQmhTMHZpelFWOHNYWnNOMG1reURxVU1HNlJyT0IzaU5zV1FIT3Q5em5uWHlxY1JUc1NGS0RkbTFUdFhYMlNXSnctaDU3YzFOSEhleUYzN1c3ME1xQ0R2QUZhdUVTWkU3bVhScEZfbHY3VXctUmxuVEhwcXZyUURBaEdfZU9JZVczbWJfTU9Nb01FOE1ZZkhvMlNJPQ== |
I have tried phantombuster recently for my personal twitter account. The trial was great, I was ready to pay, but it is prohibitive expensive for my usecase (+60$ a month). I'm just using it to automate following relevant accounts.
Any alternatives? How do you automate these sort of processes on twitter/x? | r/socialmediamarketing | post | r/SocialMediaMarketing | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aN3IwNXdMc0RYLW1GRWZNb2puVHQ3dV9VV0hwTjIyZVNTaWlVejhwUm5QcWdPWWR2TXB4Y0RuZjV6MjhGaTZuT19McmN4dzZMV1Q3M0plTXFCeThiNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MmpvcFBuUmdDNzFDbnY0c0lPdDljeGV5TnVRc1oxVHNuUEtPV25LTWlIMWg0eFJtNjVXa0JBRnBCMVliRzZES1VRS2REcDM3dzdxeUZGc29acFR2dm1sM19JbFVReHZpaWRqQVVQNWlmWUhieVlUQ0VNMzZVNHNNUW9RLVAzbmhrSFVlYVJpMWJmRlhxRkJvZGpGZDBCRGhjQmN0Z0JhcUNKNkVodXVOVzFMMDVtdFppSHJpaC1VRFJVbU9GR0xsMW52OE9EeWlnTDVXdElPLTVQUTJTdz09 |
I finally got zola and was very eager to try with black panther but I can’t quite seal the deal. Can anyone give me some tips or cards I should replace please? CL 3493 | r/marvelsnapdecks | post | r/MarvelSnapDecks | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aemN3VWdJVlZyWFV5U3I3VGNqcXltRVVRRWhzZW4zWUlsbVdyMjlVVVZfeVljWXZoUUd2Zy02ek10Wko0TWk0TG5YMUViUzNxU01RLTFjSnZBRHVPc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MVNUZkhGdDBTOTZZUUwxSDF0R1RIR2lFNHNRSjNrZW1MNl9FQjl6SS16RW05ZXNPX2hWRlF2YmxldGNhVzJzOTNlX3RSY0k1WDNoSHUxN0JaTjlLbko1QXFqRGZLVldNcU02el9uRENDSlFvdFZlT21NTDdPeFJEeF9LaEl2QXNiSlQ4eVFjZEFlb3pELTRFWnpCUG1FbnByZTNIZlNwbjF4VGdNR1lzZmhvZERIeWhnN3JoQUg2Q3B4MTYxRmhz |
Anyone here working sa New World Diagnostics? Kumusta naman pagiging medtech doon? (Management,duty, workmates) | r/medtechph | post | r/MedTechPH | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWEhDVkxSVjBLaWtwOTBSNS05U1ZaT1V4RkFMR1ZNVWtTUkJGbi1BVTZaZUVmb05rMG9fbVBIZ29zcE1ZZVRSSElERFgwM2NlNHNPaERSR2dnUV9WdW50bkNSUzZkTm1GU1psbFhyMjRXc3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZU93OVlXT1B2MG8wcWc3cC1Oc2ladlBCd0JCZndQTEpQWVBhcHVKMVpoSnljVlZCbGJrd1VNTXdNdF84dWxTYzJUdk4zYmZpZ2VpRjJOWC00Zy03VGFka052Rl91QUplakl5ZFBrYU9GM1ZRV2k1c0VGU0pzMldYZ2VBWkVZYnNoZFBKdEZrX0xQMkVWcG96dFhJZ0ZGdWsyMm9fVTRIRnl6VXUxVnQ4Nk9nPQ== |
I'm between jobs and looking for a new experience. I've been living in honolulu for nearly 10 years now and have experience in customer service, IT, and sales.
While I have no experience onboard a vessel, I'm a fast learner and a hard worker. I'm even considering volunteering as a Coast Guard Auxiliarist as a way to be around boats amd ocean craft more. Could anyone offer advice on the best ways to network and find work on a boat? I've checked job boards and there don't appear to be many postings, most of them a few months old already.
Thanks | r/oahu | post | r/Oahu | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aY2luZFMyM1ZWMUJ3bWpGRlViQlM0V3lxMEpjM0lzQ0dPVzRreGh1ZWlZaFVsdll5Ukt5VFRveWJTb1lwQXhkR1VNcUw3S252QkNnbmZmdjF6akxZbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NVRmaHF4RDZyUVdnUUZlSHlCb3VPVWU2bm5Bc3ZqYnpzVURZeTF4U3RWSUd1ZnU5dlY2b29ZQk1wd2VjSzBKV1RZVWlXWVZPZEptLUNyakwwOURWenJ5VmYySGJvZHNxM2ZsUUNUY0swVUpzRW4tVWZsYk5sOFJ1c0lrWGpvbG12SlgtTnF0ekZualdLbTBJRjBZM3dTYkNLS3pLelV5aEI2SXZLZjZUZzBrSndydGRFTmhOcjFmMXVMZkpXbURl |
I have like 50 more Amphibia memes to put up there and ones to hang (definitely not making an Amphibia wall)
My printer is tweaking though and won't print the like 20 memes I have specifically of Marcy getting impaled
They aren't even funny memes my humor is just broken | r/amphibia | post | r/amphibia | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQVFWVmJ6U0xCY2JqQnZtaUhEclAyaGxCZ0p6Ym1SRm51c1NOb3lXRmRLaFRnRXVlTXJBZHN6VHlQUkhnd0hPVE44OFMtZkZ3TkhkV0dDSXgxRWZ1cWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MkxFbnhQaFMwU0k3OGRWdlYtOG1lbHJvcHpNX1F2d0VsT2E2TFR3NG5fMWJVbXRMUm9KaHhvRzVoYVFUUV82RmY4b0owOTZucnhfbWctb2wweWVEVFBaN21GdjdXeFA3VU9hc1ZndS1GajJ3eUZQRHVDXzZWUGxZcXl3OFZqT19IMl9SYUtGUk5EZmUyX0l1NHFEdWl0SmpnRXlRNXV1UGZoRjhRelRFeFljPQ== |
I'm 21m and I've been watching porn for since I was 12 as a coping mechanism and dopamine for my adhd and depression. I definitely considered it an addiction in my teens, but I don't watch it as much nor does it interfere in my life. I mainly do it when I'm bored or horny, but I can go days without when I my attention is elsewhere. So is it an addiction or just a bad habit?
P.S. idk if it's relevant but I always masturbate when watching porn. | r/addiction | post | r/addiction | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWEk1UzNZamdlOW9NdU55MU5JTUpoT1VGd1BvaXpRbmFPb2Z5UjBqZUg5bk4xeF9LTHZ0cHNoUXYzNnZFcjZ2VWttT21kN2Ffb1lfc1FOeFRUVjNjb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91UWdnR2tUa1hKQ3hIekticWktX0hyRjJHblBXZWNvSTFpanl6SXlST05YSUtCVElUWUFtQlltWm5Nb293Y3g0cEdCakVTc2VzZFljaGVQSElxd3R6UlhIaklBXzFqSXgyVUxhX2plbHNRTV9UTFZ5bXhRbk5Gd3FBY1Z1bVc3VTBfb24yR3VsMkVpNThEWGd5WVlER2hOdm14eFEwXzdhNXJEbEYxQzBXdGFUSTE0cWx2cGVuQXRQS0hYbEVqanlRR21xT0kzbm9DTXBnUlZEazFCbE5LUT09 |
Hello, I'm new, don't own a LaMarzocco, can't afford it. But I am a huge fan.
So anyone here owns a Leva X and likes to share photos, experience and maybe even shots?
I would love to see it in action.
I was actually able, thanks to LaMarzocco customer service, to check out a store near my home and try the machine myself and it was an absolutely awesome experience.
But I would like to see more.
:):) thank you | r/lamarzocco | post | r/LaMarzocco | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSkVQblBSdlg5UFNzTC1mUEQ2NzdlT050RXp3S2JaZG5FeFB2REV3LUV0cDZwOW9Cd2F0bXlpVlFMai11Z19kZTZ3RkIzTkM1QTVRZFV5anI4ajZaNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ei1nRkRfYXhQcFJieWxiZ2Jyd3BLUEpZY3BZTFBzYjd0bXRqeFB6YkJBT3hVTk1Xc0RnM3Q3MldXOHZpWjVwRWVtRU95UW5yaHljbktGSHFhcDRQdGZiV1NfV204bmlzZHA4MTNtYWhBMFhOV1dkRXE4VGFIT3ZaNUctVkhfbnZBX3ZqUEN5ZWluR2RFYjZtWWRkbFlnPT0= |
When David pictures where he wants to appear, say for example a shed, but David doesn't know that the shed has moved to a different location, does he still appear in the shed, in its new location? Or the now-unoccupied space where the shed previously was? | r/jumper | post | r/jumper | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZGdmanVXdmpBYnlnR2VJNHZ1TVpPRk5pUmd4a0VOcTkyZ2VGbzJZTG5fSGdpYl9mcnlRd3J0QW92VHB1Vi15bWFNMFB5eGp1dXZTZXZ3cGtRZzRmV0czQlpiVVlYYTUzM0lHUEpHbWpmM1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Z1JfYy1QM0ZibmdjS2xXeDhmZ1VhV3pZbXpveHhPU2pqYXRnQzNwbVZtZklVWnRlaHdzc2FPam1JMzJ0eDF3TmRGQ2hXOE1PMmVVS1poXzdWUnFWTjBvR25BcGY0cVY3OWZsWE1FQ1VZbHlURGZ3ZXNWM2Q3aW1aQnhvX1Y2TnZ5NUZJVGU2Z0k4RmV1SERLMXJfOXFucGJlRVBxaUh6ZzhEaFBGanFMaEZFWnZPTGVmUHVTTDJySEIwRFl1Z2hYNmJxSWFXaVNKTHN0eG5ZcWY3Q3VPdz09 |
Is it okay to use an older edition (i currently have the sixth because my sibling did the test), or the newer edition is substantially different? | r/toefladvice | post | r/ToeflAdvice | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aNFAzeUV4cUx6VUJyQkZySDBkV3RJU0xQSTZhVVBza1dMYldXdG14QXJwYWw1R3pEVzJFcDJLNkVoU0pQS0dGbVBfUFpCVm5zR2tsTDlZZnpNR2NoU0t5T2I0bFBxM1pWeHJCa3d5OXRiOVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91YUxHLXJWd0dJZFdIY0w0cm13VUpSZENoTVhYeTFrLUJFR1dGWVBaQ3pSdmZUb0pvWnRSMGpJdmF2UUpyZkRMV2EzekFYeXNsUFpFM0xRZFFCS3hjdloybXV5XzhGbEJzd1k3OHh0dXVPaWx3ZlY4R1huMjN1VzQ3bTBnUm03eWxzQm9JbVhjeXM1REZmRm1QWENjUDFxM3Y0aXVneUpDNVgxVjZtalVuSk85eDN3dTB4ZFAxNC1IUE5oc3JIVDIw |
How to make train that you can walk on while it's moving? Should it be slower? Usually when I'm not sitting it kills me. Would interactive help? | r/createmod | post | r/CreateMod | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZkp4b2JlQUNTb1drWllMdU9HWkJZdmxENDdlNnJsWGxocVZuUEIzZGlQZHFFX25JdElhMDl2N0dJWUtSdFpKeTdzM29qZmFlU1UzSVp3ZDJnQ1hGNWoycEdQQ09hcXRqOV96VUtRT2xCSFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Y2xiVlQyLWgyTWRwcnJLMHNYWmFyNTBEd2ZaSGJBM2hGNU9sOEhrT192d1NLcUJKc1JrbXY3bjBNcjlxTUliaEVFTTdtX1RPUnh3dFB6aFcxQm5SZjhaMTRuYURramZKUWVmNFBKcWlORTlnMXZTaG1uangtaG1Nc2tjbUlKOVlzeE5ESlAwZkVMSTFva1VuRld5bnpIdVhMMXZqSERTZEZ0dmtfSzQ1cFFVPQ== |
little bit of reference or the complete recycle of early concept design for najarala?
since it share a several body traits with leaked apex (long and pointy nose, spine looking carapace on the neck and back part, wide end of tail) | r/monsterhunterleaks | post | r/monsterhunterleaks | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aeTdmTEt1M3dYTWRlZm9GcHNWTkNUTnI5N1czSXc0THFLcWtjNHFqcWc1emNWV2xReE1WcnlMM2lsLUlpZWZnbVYxb08zWF9Rb2RBUUFwcUhuWTJBb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dkhBMjdJSVRySUdTSm4xQkhGWnRCWVVhd21wemQ5Q1J6NjQ2OU01X0FlOFFZRmc5RzEzRVppb1FuLVRSb2gtbC04YnVLRGtqUjZZVDBYZTlNUjNaZE4zcTMtbDF6YXp6RDhJN3hhZFgwMzNPci11aHZfczhWdHNJb2E2Z3M5SzBzVF90WmhTSHo2Z0JkcmwzZFkyNVNEbFkyM2NMNWk4cmFDdlpMQ2pESVczZmFYdFpJM0NIam1PcnVsbGRnYjRrU2w0TGdoTlA1ZmVpcHlJNW9Fdmdhdz09 |
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! ⛄
So here are Cutesy Portraits that are perfect for gifts to your loved ones!
Bust ups start at 350 po while Half bodies are 600 only po, full bodies are 850 naman po!
If bulk commission po I can provide discounts hehe
Super fast turnaround times of 2-4 days and I can do Gcash, Maya, Gotyme or Bank transfer, and even Paypal po!
Para lang po for ipon for college, thank you po hehe pagawa na po kayo! 🫶 | r/onlineservicesph | post | r/onlineservicesPH | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aM0phRGNXZUNHcFN5aGtjaUgwV3Q3VnVSaFUxSm8tTHhuOXJhQmZtb3FKR2xERWxDS29YWjFSTTducGVDaG1hNGc0Z2NHTFFFM1U2VFJBelZTSXhlVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ejVaSW9wWm1rUG1EbE9oM3RzVnd0b2IwSEY2Q216azFTZU5WeVloWFVGWG5TS3RWcmhHUnBhWGVDX2JLWHI2WFdTc2dzSVVabGVPemV1MDFTOU9vMG1CdlBVbVpLaHFfb3pKNEVFa0VHei1TV2ZXaHBpTWdGaV9OdGE0YTVhTko1aUdrd1pVOUxoVkNCbkk1YkY5b3hEVXJUX3Jmc3ZrQU9QclJCT0Q4ZkRvYUhrQlBqZGdNX3JXYXo0TUdXT3ZrZlZZU2lGcTJwVF9TbndnN1EzRm54QT09 |
I swear 90% of my pictures of her she’s sleeping | r/kitler | post | r/Kitler | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZzZKV01HdUlsc2RXX3hHcW9NZVFzZ2tIdVBoaWNseUNvb3ZReXFhanJTcUd6WXB0OG02cUVnR0hBaHd3WFJoY1JvYmk4QkI4WXFFcXZ6U2hxU0J4Zmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TXM2aEVkOXBPQWcwallRQ3hDTmRrSlFYX0x6ZDBFRGUwVjRwYU04SVAyZHRBdjFUbERzUFNERVNvcGl6VlZUZHNlSzNtZjQyWm05b0ZuZEJiS1BmdkdDVUhRNlpKNVpFZFozeS05OGhhci1Oa3UtSHNudzZzTDJyQzJmR3lTbHFvRkVNUVJnUU5OLS1nUm5RRHJPZEc1Nm11cFBBNVZFOHRKVVlpWkFacGg2SjlWV28zN25GZW5rSVppaEZWZ0RO |
I'm 27 f I'm grateful I'm grateful i don't have siatica like pain but I have muscle pain around the disc and si joint muscles the muscles feels tight .
I'm just wondering how bad is this? I want to look forward on what I can do since I'm a little bit young for this level of degeneration
did anyones have similar experience especially young? can I avoid further damage to my spine with PT ?
should I worry ?
| r/backpain | post | r/backpain | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQUduODJHUl82TW1ZeTVFY2dObjNqVGVxcnJXeHRtaC1ldDBHcF9lZ0F1bUlyMzMzTUlQU25ZekY5M3RuNjJEbEdCckU1VlNuTzBfeEt1Vm0zY2FYcXlKcHRfZldzdS1IZDlXMmVFME9RUzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91REt2LWdNeWhUdnQwSzV2T3prMW5fbW5qQ2NvaW5zMnZSMl9mUFlQa2JTZ3VBSlJ2UVAtQlBaZHB0R19kWGZ1cTRWWnpzSUd3aE5uWndpVmNaTEpVckx3TnJoTlppOE8zQ2JzN0pLT0kzdUNicXkxSzR5NF94Y2xoQk1ra2VaWm9kZnZkSmpxUFhMaVBqWVZ6bzRSR0lYODFiZi1XT2FIV0h0NWlPTW9YcXVVPQ== |
I live in Germany and we don't seem to have a great selection of tumblers to buy, so my best/only option seems so be a nat geo tumbler, so which one of them would you recommend? I am looking especially for the least loud one since I live in an apartment!
Thanks in advance :)
| r/rocktumbling | post | r/RockTumbling | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVDRHUDRfN083VlpMOWVXbkg1MFlXQlYzNGZCMjJGcEJ5Y0dzN2F1U3U1ekJoa0NRQXA1Z3h5ZGxxT1J5VjJhOXE3a0hSWjJnYkl4eVp4RGtzdUJLc0wwMlIzUlJBbFNHNG9lblJqUUNtMkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91eWduQk1tNUdKUW51bVNQNlZSb1F0Q0lrT2wtUjNhbFE0dXliYkdjZnhBWm0wRzJiMGIzX01XMWNuNXZKbG1XQ09RMDdWYV8yNzNWbWI3SGVPeXlTbW85bF9VWGk2WnNqeHlpN1pjVUp1LWRsd3NBcTh5bTc2R1FlRkc2Y3NUVFVHd3E3S25RQ1R4Q05qS0U2amNadU12VmFmVFhPVTFyN1V6QjJZekdXUjRjb1RsN3M2LW9yOG1vU280Y0JSVVpCd0RhSVpQdjlPWi1OSkJRY3ZPNTdLdz09 |
Can't find the ruling for this, but I very vaguely remember something existing.
Eg Battle Standard bearer in a unit that can also take a magic banner | r/warhammeroldworld | post | r/WarhammerOldWorld | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aTUZWQ2JqcEs4WWpWWXlwcUZ4U2pkOFFZcWVURG5QcFBSQk5HOU9KbnNZc21TVzNZazBNZmJVTXBWR2w0Wjl1T0hoMW41LVg1SU5HWUZxalBBQXA5cVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91TmlWbDM0RHJ6VU9xekpsSUxwUXhvNWtObUVMdkVyNWNHTnlyZmNWdi05MzF2MnFZNlR2RkNQYWtzdk5xVGZyNGo2eWZLQVBmRC1HTVpnSzJFMWU3d3k4MlZGcjZUQmw2a1VJMy1STHhrMlZtUXlmM3VYVE9JdzJfdTZTYTdESjJSMkNyNGp1LUhrVDFwOWNRRXU3dUN4M0pxNzg2ai1RcWZpTHBoSVVhWW5QUVBucVpMWGZmUzJkZDZjeEg1bVhxdC1kYVplbGo5QTl6MU9meTJobGZXUT09 |
I think demon Kings knights my best but you guys choice
| r/skul | post | r/Skul | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adlpack9XN2RvbU9STG1yMU1ReEJBcEd1R3MxSHB0aHZhRU5aVzBSNWl1SmRaanVTVzhlVHl1ZmZXX2F4cXhEUjJXdlNmYTdyeF9TNmx3Ul95ZHJzanZ0Z0VyYnpfVHpTMHdIdC1DMzJCdUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NkRUa1dTSmNMYkZweXlIaTdKYm10bWhEaW5YV0lNODl3Q3F0V2wxVlRtTVZ1MUxqaEdwLUcxaXk3M19xWU5JV0lBOW5pVDRsQTh3Uk9KNGZtc3I5SU13aE1nSDViZ1UydVhIaTJhTXFqLWZWZEZGUWpyNEl4LXJRT1VLaU5FMDNMcFF6ZnEtdndobUd0WV9VZVdEVUQxYThEZ1lHZ3k1cHFFVjNuTEZGVm9oeWFxLWV0Rm83WFRxWE5haEd4SEdF |
After the Al rehab choco musk oil based roll on, finally got hands on the edp version 🫶🏻🤎
My 2 cents-
•Fragrance is similar to the oil roll on.
•It smells heavenly but takes time to settle.
•Alcohol is way too much initially takes time to evaporate.
•I wear it 20 mins before stepping out bcz of settling thing.
•Stay is nowhere near the roll on one. Just stays for 2-3 hours on my skin :(
•I would prefer the oil based roll on than the edp. But would repurchase it for sure :) | r/desifemfrag | post | r/desifemfrag | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9admNCM2hNcFdiNE5pTjEwMUs5MERkZ2tnTWtEN1NNWS1fWTZpOFZFaTZZRGhQQ1ZGTWNLWktPc21hM3RhaTZYd2xYYlNRQjRTMWxVc3d2U0JaYi16Wmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bERUMVk0SWhYQUZ4MkgzdEQwOEotaF91X0R5TnkzZlNPZ0xweEhaRUp3QVJSYS1QUS1PLWdXOHBEM2Q1NzQ3Y1dBaGh3MGRpSHEyN1FRMlhFaEszdkhzeUViRFQ4aUw4OWhmR19fTGpfZVlsc0MzODc3WHNRRWM3QWFINmRIVy1vSWJkb2JnY0RWcmE1d1RVaVlVeUotSlBod0tkeGtrbncwNEhrLV9vR19BPQ== |
Wanna unlimited sexting Telegraph... @Alinasky002 | r/adultamericapremium | post | r/AdultAmericaPremium | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adHF3RWxtZ1NZc1JtLXlEZGdOQkp0V2F1S2RYRUhIVHRYMmFTSzJ5LWtTZWoyMDFpVkRXRGJDdjFxUWkxY3RmZmQyaTFicWJmSHduXy1wZ0ZkOGxDUnA3M0dsZ09EWXJ1SHIyb1M0MklUeUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91RGFEN1lwcUJnYXllNUVpWXRNcW45YVpka0lCdjFzTHZPVHdPWTVCb0MtaEhPNVZCNWVrSDVRUE03RDB0cl95WjdXTUhRS1RiaFpTZDUzNDRQX0g5OWZkUml2cTlYZFdGUlR2ODI1c3F3NlJUTTBSYW1TWHhtX2FMSFIwX0I5MTkzN3pGaldiTVZNT1hyR0o2TTluM3hUT0RnZC1fQjhBczN1NURhTXpvVzVJPQ== |
I have this safe in my house thats been here for 20 years plus, we have no idea how to open it. could anyone help? | r/safes | post | r/Safes | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aaVRvVl9iNV9aLWd1OTdlWVRvTDNzV2Y4ajFNZno1QVZQQ2w5dFhSeTBTbHRUT3BKakI3RTZlZDJQSXlzeGMyTGFCUkRKQnV5elJDX3B0b0VNUHhTSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bENWY0lVYWFHbFNUaW5kZDc2eXF6OUpGMENDcjVQcHhyTWJxNGx5TkVSaC1MdE53ZENMcVVBV0RWd1kyOHdROUZELTdWZE9WS24xdThGeW0yTHpncEtXVC1DRUpmTHJwM3hJdVZ0cmxrVS1OamVYSGs5WGdLZkxaeEgzSEJsbENsTm5OQmFRWFRwSHpPam05TnZhc1pCX0tPbEVmTVlJVkNyNlptdExpZjF1cHRJV3BfMGxUcTdkb2JDOGVLbUpFWTdyeW5hLUpOUFVxN0NveTNHSjNOUT09 |
I’m prepping all my Christmas cookie doughs at the moment, and yes, while it is nice to do other tasks while the machine is mixing away, I find that I need to stop it every 20 seconds to scrape the attachment (paddle with the scraper on it) as well as the sides of the bowl.
I do scrape the bowl with a hand mixer as well, but I feel like this is just ridiculous how often it’s needed, especially when creaming butter and sugar. The butter just clumps up almost immediately onto the paddle.
I’m also confused on the bowl cover for adding flour. That alone made more of a mess than when I add it while the machine is stopped and the paddle is up. The cover did nothing to stop flour from going everywhere, and it was also a mess trying to add it into the designated spot.
Am I just doing something wrong? Are there any tips or tricks I need? It’s really frustrating at the moment because I want to love this! | r/askbaking | post | r/AskBaking | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aalFtMXNLbWdmX0dQN2JVbXBzZjA3U2xNSGNhMTlGM3lNM0pvOHVUbHMyQU9LU3ViLU1OSDNnNm9zdUkxNmVwbE43WEc3T2lSZDlMbVJBbUlNZnZZY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91Uy11ekZiZXBVWTJtWTlRZU1QclVnZ0VjYXFaM2tvQWZwNk1mdGNTWU9ZUE1fSjlFWXo4ckd5U01sYW1lVi00VGhLbkVWUzhKWGp4STJoZlE5ako1MjRaNkM4MzZXdmcteWVSSjRfaHhiQUdBWDd4LUR6aHBGa1Z2X0ZZNmRKcUdjeGs2ZTh3dHlGdlBRUV9wXzluaFJOYmwzMzA2emJUdVpmcnVrRW5BU1k3aEx4eE9aOHRfOGxUclkxa09BVlBlNm44N3ZiLWVkMUFCWHdfYW01M2E2Zz09 |
Sabía que a los argentinos le gustaban los perros, pero no que tanto | r/2latinoforyou | post | r/2latinoforyou | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adXBZV3dDQzZXQVdfUFQ5WG9fcnFSY2tNRFJfdVZFbDdDaVpLczRsb2VxT3d2SGxDRTBtV21IN2M3eW5ZeEdzNzB0MUwtNE85bmJ3MTBRbmNfVnBpeWdsUnFvMFI5QU5WVjJNRHJpUVBwZm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dmcyZzdzUUt3anlsQlJmM1QwWDNLUE9jQXdPcVc1WEF0Rm8wN19ReldsTFYwOEdJRXNTdlVLdFl1dlk5bXMwVWVEd0VsNjVTSUZiZWxZVDBVTldEZmNpSy1IQ3ZhOEdyN1pKaUJqWnBTTUxoclRlV19UYmwzaVo1NVFKLVJlUUFhV3pobmR0bzNYcHV4Qzh3WlBwd1BKRWZQeFNVeDRTTUp6NExwcDNvVWpKM25VQ29kUjdtcnJxU3pRVmQzQ01N |
Mine was in the Vk 72 and let me tell you sometimes the Vk just slaps but sadly wargaming just trashed this masterpiece | r/worldoftanksblitz | post | r/WorldOfTanksBlitz | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aakdRcjU2Y3B5ZzhFWUZLZm5xV1Y3S2xNNFAyNXhNWnR2bHVIQnZ0a0E4SmttWmYxWTRqU3BMSktzcElqMk0tSEo2Slo1Qko1WkdIZVpoNUpxanZtRkVYX1RFZEZQZkhDWUNacDNnX0tmR2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WENSVHlFZFlDamxDUVhOekxZSHhFX3VTSzBMOTRpWGhsMHVPUFZGbEVnSERZajBKdEg2THQ1amFjVFhvR05JSlhJb3VoNkdfZ2xtSGNSVmxuUVJLOHhZcDlkVjFVZW1ETmJjRTByWURXZkdTSE1XRVhCS3pCM3h1d1Z0MDdYSFJwcGFsN3M2RkxOdS1tWFQxMEpFQW01aDlHN08yVjA0WUpSbGhRRzZUUFRrWGtXY29razZKVldIM0JBYXN3SDg2dmNGc1FjTV9QVlR2MnZVSkNrQlVJZz09 |
Guys who are doing the M.Ed., gentle reminder: do work on your professional/research portfolio as you go along. At the very least, do a detailed summary of each course at the end of each term.
When you do your penultimate course (Research in Education) in your penultimate term, you will be asked to submit the portfolio in week 2 now. (They revised the curriculum for this course, & submission is in week 2, not late in the term).
There's no way you can do this in a week. | r/uopeople | post | r/UoPeople | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aX3VsMTExWGJUa3lXZW9pUDBkYjRQcUFVVm1vbjBpN1FfVERpSGxjNGtfTzhDQm5nMnVqU09jS1UtUmdhaThnRGo0X0NHQnhhZE52M2x2dWJMcjhZOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WjlJYXk3SGZYN2JaX2NuQTBmZHRNa3d4X1hTS01PZkM2U2pxQ2Q3eWN2TklZYlJfeEVXZERMN3luSmdQc25YeTRxaVhtcUF6WnFOSTNFTzlHU3BMSVlHWEo3SV9SUG9UazNJT2dLMkI0YUc4ckRwQTB5MFZWTnF5M3RLS1Fibjc3Vjc4bXNCdWhkaFppOTEzeVZadkJyajZPaXl2MnFiMDQ4STdEWlhGRHhha3pjVFlJRHo5ejN3UzNGTS1ZQlRkeTU3R0hoa1lSYnBpY0VRRHZlbXRFdz09 |
Currently living on a rental house. I want to buy my own place to move along with my family of five.
I was considering a 5 marla house but recently idea of apartment came to my mind (3 to 4 beds).
So what are the pros and cons of both? If you have any experience, please do share. I'll really appreciate it.
I've searched the web but haven't found anything regarding Pakistan. | r/lahore | post | r/Lahore | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adFR3Ym1uRnJ6RjN4UkRUMWZrTmNZbU1LU3phaVkzZ3Bna0drdE5oYlF1ZHNZdkdFcFZiQmhEUGZLcVExYlVjaGh0ZzlxSDBwM0RaU09IUjVMa3I3US0zX1B2cE9YOHdveWd4b1htMEVveTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NlFpUUpiV3llUnUtNnROX3VQaThtbFBSalZ5dlpDWHEwQW51dnY4c1NVYjAwaEd0d19FYjhsWjRiZkxNdndsOGRZc19xNjFrUWlXVjdETUpDUUsxcmZhbFlnTktGVnRIb3RiamFXYXRkWkpSYlFKUzFJdExaa3RYYkVIVDJ5eUN0Q3Qzc3RqdE5JNnBJOXpYM2lyc2dPYlQtc1Vwb2dsQThmZFBnRDZKSEVwbHh2MWYxcGZtQzBYSDE0ZmRaSE4t |
Howdy! I'm totally new to all this and have never posted music anywhere else before. I've been looking into uploading to Spotify, and found this in the list of distributors. Now to clarify, I do not yet have a Spotify artist page as apparently you're supposed to upload through a distributor first. ...That's where my issue comes in.
When creating a new release, I was able to upload the audio tracks just fine, but when it comes to adding an artist name, I (obviously) don't yet have an artist page, so I click "Create a new profile". However, the button does literally nothing. Someone else on here seems to have the exact same issue, but hasn't gotten an answer. Hopefully we both can bring awareness to this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! | r/routenoteofficial | post | r/RouteNoteOfficial | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRl9CaTlzWlM3QlAyamFqbm9DMDN4Q25NTnRFNTJxclhoXy1UYzZVM0NoOXZRNFBVRmFLY1RjTTlIOWVFc0NVTmdmbHBobTZrcnV2VmNoZkJKSmtCU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91NmV2a0ZOSWdDelduSV8xWERIVktPWFE2LWdfNGxHTTFXMUhvNHJKdk04aU5XY1dSQWtpdEpGR05XTUZpUlRzTEZubkIzVWhPTzB0Z2ltY1k2M295eUFNOG1tY3dSTmFGcWZ3UmxZQ3ItWEpYTk1MbVhBNTVfbXB3dGVTUThkaFIyV0c3NDZ5enRodW9aMEtITmROWmdXejVEY0thNVM4UlZHMlZOSEVHUDJQa1RKb2thQTFFRlV5YW9JRzNyWXpnVm44cTNySnNvcnJYeFV5ejR3YXI5Zz09 |
In my dream, I was a guest of a family that I had never known and they gave me lots of raw chicken meat to eat. They had so much hospitality and the meat was neither delicious nor bad. What does it mean? | r/dreaminterpretation | post | r/DreamInterpretation | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aVG1ydjY4VTRUM1ZyWHhpS3BHMkI5LTRDV1AwYy0zeHQzZkNoTXhfZzZtTFJVb3J1cEp5MDdGUmRjd0JFYWhHVmlPbzItZTlCV0c3QWFqNHpEV01lcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VTJ0ejE4akVnc2tZZFJQSVctbmFJQXBYS1hERC02TlVJZ3BKNE4teWEyOGFUQ0pSWkZrcG1kTHlycHhQT1lza0R0V0d5T2xNbFNNWnhOZ3dncURTMmVEQmtHT1E0elZUWVBfcGRWQkc5SHVoNE1Md0t4Slp0TUplLW5COElmVEpabVhEZGRqYzhsSjRYOWZyQVJhRWtaMFdMUjVwWlJNUU80aHB3MTZLZmJxRjh1UTNvWDc0NE5sNFVHSlVDVDEzUTQtZWU3NFJ6RTRoQjNpWkxDQ0xUUT09 |
When I bought this table it was almost looking like a mini bed and I was quite disappointed with it . I spent 2 days cleaning my pc and broken retention clip haha and have to install a new psu .
I think this setup serves the purpose
Table size ~ 30 * 60 inches
Monitor size ~ 27 inches | r/floordesks | post | r/floordesks | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aWVNVY2pmd1hKYTFZUV9QdmtiWmotVjNDLUlqNlZDeFNfUEQxZDNfMEJucjc4eF9qNTFCdUxCeDQ3WURfSHhEdktGNVdxMTR3QjNCUEdROEtfQmZYcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91dXRlVXlSOGJyejcxYy1vMlNYMkxVWkJsTVlEeFBwUDdTLTNtV3U3LWZBaC1ucWVjOFYzRXJBN1JVR1o2US1BaVVrd2NLTlVKUDlIYXNJNUhNNzhYX2ZkbGNzSG1yV3Y2bFVuNmZ6LTBlS3Etbmh4WElia25tUnl2bk5rS3dfTDRaT05EOTd1RjNDYXRjZm5TdHJHVVZwRVpoZlZ6Nmk1UWE5MzRPODNoX2I4PQ== |
Rescued Willie from euthanasia at my local shelter on Friday. He is the sweetest, most docile, quiet dog. He’s been sleeping most of the days away and enjoying the quiet. Hoping he will come out of his shell a little. | r/rescuedogs | post | r/rescuedogs | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aOGxTcUp6aTR0RGhuSmVhYWUtNk1LenhXTXE4MHVmSldSVVZrWXk3U3hBSlIyXzJ1QXNWU2tfd1J5YnRRaGlDYTF2Rmp6V19Vb2U0d3ZNQi1KbnVrRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91MVFjODlpVG43MlpyMy1Yc1hVZmd4MFIyaHU4WmwzWURhaXh2dTlHdkhGVV9FR0RNb1otaEJNQS1qRlhVNWZvbWtXbGQtYWtValRPUjVTNUJOb1BEYzRhMkpBWUJzNTcyOWIySUhwMGU2U0l1TzhoLXRhaFBfV3hENXdLVGp5N1pXY1pMRGcwQ0lobldON2w4eWljNWdJLVZMcEdPUzhwMWY1dkh1OVU0TF9BPQ== |
Being agnostic often feels like a burden. I believe that anything is possible, so I don't adhere to any particular "rules." I'm sure many of you can relate, given this is the Agnostic subreddit, but it's still overwhelming.
Every day, I try to figure out if I believe in anything at all. I grew up Christian, though it was more out of tradition than conviction. But I, unlike many in my family, decided to study our Christian denomination at a young age. That’s when I started becoming afraid of religion. The radical Christians around me, warning of the coming end times based on their distorted visions, made me doubt everything. What bothered me the most was the idea that life required us to be almost perfect and fully obedient to have any chance of an afterlife. I couldn’t reconcile with the idea of immortality either. I kept wondering, "Will I get bored? Is it all just a repetition? What if my loved ones end up in hell? And if I do, will I ever have the chance to truly live by God?" These questions haunted me, and no one seemed to have clear answers.
I explored other religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, hoping to find alignment. But just like with Christianity, I found myself questioning too many things without any answers.
I even delved into spiritualism and witchcraft, thinking it might resonate, but once again, doubt crept in.
What really frustrates me is how every belief system I’ve encountered urges me to just believe, to have faith, and not let my subconscious question things. How can I not? How can I not try to understand and challenge these ideas?
I can’t even embrace agnosticism without doubting it.
It feels like everyone else has figured themselves out (settled into their labels and beliefs) while I remain stuck in uncertainty. It doesn't help that I've explored so many systems and half-believed in them, but I don’t want to completely dismiss their frameworks either.
I’m not even Christian, yet I still keep track of my "sins." I’m not a tarot reader, but I still analyze messages I think I’ve received from spiritual guides.
I guess I have time to figure things out, but I want a stable life, a partner, a family. My main worry is that I’ll build my life on values or beliefs that I think are right, only to change them later, causing conflict. What if my partner follows a certain religion, and I decide to join them, only for me to abandon it years down the line? That could make or break a relationship.
I really want to understand where I stand, but it feels like I stand everywhere. I can’t tell if I’m just naive, trying to believe a little in everything, or if I’m overcomplicating everything.
I guess my issues are: Religious fear, overlapping ideas, a desire for certainty, philosophical beliefs, and fear of future conflict due to my nature of not being able to settle. I'm too open-minded.
Can anyone relate, or are most people just chill agnostics?
How do people just live their lives without a second thought?
| r/agnostic | post | r/agnostic | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aQnRtNnhaSGozWGY0emc0c0YxWWUwWHNxN0RXMXNFV3ZZanVLVUluU2hndzFJdkVINkU5QUFjdHRCZTRlSVZvVFp5Wkg2TXk2SjAtQnpBOURDSVJISGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91ZmZvcXFSUWFrSkVzSS1rdXNsbl95YzBFdEp3cW0tdVRNM3EtLXZhXzJvZDdyNFA3T0hDX09ncVZ4Y3dlY2lsQXJGMWRIS0d4RE9Ccm9LUmFYOUx5MzR6S291S0xBNnl6aTFLbUlvMlV1VXIycEFGZnRsb09acG9hbmtMSThUdE8zNE5kQWxLT3VBNnd3blR1RTlXNk5HY21pX2Rta2pNR1VZNVdBX1lpWFZzPQ== |
What gym is the best value? I know a lot of people go to Paradise Fitness, but from what I heard, they only go because it's covered under their insurance? Are there other gyms for good prices? Paradise is throwing out pretty ridiculous prices and I've heard it's over crowded. So is it worth it or are there better options? | r/guam | post | r/guam | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aT3BWQjdmZEhkNHN1V1Z0STZ4V3FjZTNJU3NmMFZMQUY0UGo5NnRlTlFEQVh3MF9jcnhSdDFXZ0ZRZGpZYUlYbEw4NldIUU1ibFBuS1VyVlBsVHdEa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91N0owWlNSM3VkejJ5V203ckZvbzFxMDM4c0Z1OVZjcEJpeF9UUUlNNmhXSFlLLUVRT1BkRjhQa1d2QW82Y1hjQS1pNDlXZEx6U1R2NDRnaWwxai0zN0l1cmt3ajVISnFraDJrb2dUVF9YYzB6UE1LQTllY0hzU0ZnZzNKZFphQlNWLWplakNDSDZVeHRSQjlicjdFR0V3PT0= |
How does dress shopping traditionally work? Should I wait for my mom to be open to taking me or just go with my fiancée to just look? I am so confused. I’ve never been around wedding or big event planning so this is all new for me. TIA! | r/wedding | post | r/wedding | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aSFh5eFl5QlJ4Nl94em5HdDVlaFMwc3gtUjlPSW9iR2ppQS1uTzFTZFUxeWlQaGU3VG1oaVdZdVZ3dU1lOHlCVHVScFFwRG1xUTY2dDdzVzZ1QVJzZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91VlpNR3BhVDZpbnFnNVM1WXNwMVBJRjNOblJkdTBiQWYzNlpZdG9QSXJvaDQ4Y010WkpjQ1ZlanEzd2h4ZUN4eC16VUtKb3B0WGEzNk50bTVVd0FhNGpHR3NIU3BKNk5XWTREQzJLNGhrdnNTM2dUQ0hMS003bEZpR0ZLS3JBNmZ4Z3lsT1lzQ0hPN2RwYmRiMFFLZG5qOHhBZjlPSjh0c2VlempOQkZ1SzZFPQ== |
Let's say I have [[Storm-Kiln Artist]] on the battlefield. I cast [[Defy Gravity]], then I cast [[Howl of the Horde]]. I let [[Howl of the Horde]] resolve, then I cast [[Twincast]] with target [[Defy Gravity]]. I get a copy of [[Twincast]] cause of the copy trigger from [[Howl of the Horde]], which targets [[Defy Gravity]]. (I explicitly don't want to go infinite in this example.) Everything resolves now.
How many Magecraft triggers do I get aka how many treasures do I get in this example?
I would say:
Defy Gravity -> Magecraft Trigger,
Howl of the Horde -> Magecraft Trigger,
Twincast -> Magecraft Trigger,
Copy Trigger of Howling Horde-> Magecraft Trigger,
Copy of Defy Gravity -> Magecraft Trigger
Is this the correct and count? 5?
I am mostly unsure about the delayed trigger of Howling Horde, cause I copy a spell but that means that delayed copy spells give me generally "two trigger" of Magecraft, speaking simplified. | r/mtgrules | post | r/mtgrules | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aZ2RwNkR5RDFRR1NHZm5ibXJHOGZpektIclFqNENLSVFJTU9EU0cyX2xEaUctajlCVTBWTEg0aUN6eGFndjZsV3Y0MDR6Wl9fZXNsNzlENWJXYWtWclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91SUtwbG1VMGIzdUlCWVFQNnNpS2NnYlkyVWgtSUR3Y09EajRWaDQ4Vk5LSmdaNUE4YmJpdzlXZjJOcHdXTnl0d2YzS0l2dU1TZG5vLTlvYlV1LVY3TENLai1GdW9VNzZnY2k1TzhsUUU0YllKQ0k1V19CSEUzWDFhYWhPMWVqZnEzMHQxd2dJZDVMUnRLcU9Zek5SRmF1V2l1cVpsbHEyOGR3RUhXWmtmRVRxTnJ4Vi1OYXhmNVdZRWk2MDRVeWp2SkY5Q0RfNjloN21KMHphem93akNxdz09 |
I was able to get Max working on my X90L until a couple of months ago, when it said I needed to update to a new version. I can't see it on the app store and I can't find a working apk. How do I get the app to work again? | r/androidtv | post | r/AndroidTV | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aN0ZmRlNtWWFTT2Z1MnFVNmVqbWxJVW4zSV9vWGZ5SXNXRGdnREhvTl9HNUsteXBQZjhaNTQyaHRTVGt5ejVWT2tNU0MtbWNjVjlQZU1xNGFuTlNyT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91bHJzLUF1VXB2Mk1Nb3BRc2EtTGd6TnpuOU5BS2dxWGdfOXh0dXhjWC00c2QwV1dLMkxSQ2dtZ29Sd2JEejhfeWdEd0htWWdBcDA5SnVmNXNJMmMydGd0NmlMYk1sc084d2JpMldybXkwSlNDYWFSQy1kWDdQZF81V1R4eDdkc3pDMGVzUThVTl9wdTEyOTk2cDNBWi12aFF0MFpLWWhnSTFyNHYyMlRwUVAwPQ== |
Hello! I've done a batch of fermented hot sauce which was left for 10 weeks before I blended it. The sauce has been in a jar in my kitchen whilst I was waiting for some bottle to put it in. The plan was/is to add vinegar and water as atm, it's way too thick (I did blend it with all the brine). I noticed yesterday a little bit of kahm yeast had formed on top so I removed it with a clean spoon. My question is, will the vinegar prevent more kahm yeast forming after I've bottled the sauce or should I heat up the sauce to kill off the kahm yeast? If I do this, will I lose the poi t of the sauce been fermented in the first place?
Dunno if this is relevant but the sauce contains: scotch bonnet chillies, lime, garlic, onion, sweet pepper & coriander.
Tia x | r/fermentedhotsauce | post | r/FermentedHotSauce | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aRnprZGtHUU8wTFdNcmp0N2tIVUpBNThiRi0zT2JicjAzc0dGdXVtSUNaWnVBQ3ZmSlJHNGR4dlVVNDQyejhyczB0U3pDeXVBZGk4LTFCVXNCYUVWSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91WS1xQzBVeXh3VGNfdmJNbnViTnc0aEtmOC04QTBDRDBNdmhxaTJJRll1NlFYNVNLX3hsczB0SVhXcmpFbnhGVHkxRW9fdGIzNXVOQ2N3YUxPckRxbkhKOEdZZ21fR09TckVrTlJ0SmhvOE1rNGxxazVzOGc1TEtsTWZSdmFIVXBvZDVSTGQ2RDBlNnpsSkV1U2hUR3pXTk9ZZWFvbllfbUJOTGFzY0pJb2w5bEdiMW9ONXRxckRCTEJURmZjTThp |
Traditionally done with Staedtler fineliners and Faber-Castell pencils.
What do you think? | r/traditionalflash | post | r/traditionalflash | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9aY05lVXNWbkVUMVlxSUZPNVRsSTVMakk4blNnbTQzTU5UR2xJN0Nkdnh6VnVsSHdzU0FhbWs5Mi0tb3c5ckNnWnUyR0VRV1l2anRneUE1MmM0QWtsTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91XzVXeWZQbVFmTzlnTVpZWVYzOW8ybTVOcjdKbVpNdEJHN0k4QnNZbEc1TWo5TmVBUHVrYnNlT042MHRsYUlBcUlKNU1YSlhicV9qZFlxeHZucHUxSlhkRWpfOG1yanlZSFhFWXRiTW53ZHVaczRxRnNsSEp5Umc4emdGelYybHpFbXFTVjdQSlE3cTVTUEJQREdUYXBUTldqZWgxOWZLQnNTSHpjanI4c28zNTJpajJfd3ptNWdSNXRIVzNPQzI0YWwzUEpzbUFGVXVNOWdpUjZITkt4UT09 |
Opens on 29th of this month! And the tree is so far the best. 😍🎄 | r/wroclaw | post | r/wroclaw | 2024-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm9adkNyaElKRjJoWWhYOU04Rzl5Y0dxTHhDU0dWbzM4TlVramNiamJCT3BnVUp1SmxrVUg1TUQxajdlM0xBRklKUVBlWDQzRXVWOFlSb05oUHVoMllEVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5hdm91YUFPalFRT3dQSFNxcFR6dHJHSWM2dmNpNkFOVmFNWmp0Q3BNS2tlN2loLVU0V1RLV2xpQ1BTZUNLWl83dmZ0VGdGbFlkTUotMVZabDZEUlVwS1hORFc0RzBDakhXak80WXpFWEJwdE5WWHdHUjFrUURpa1hadlpvdXkzVzBLMjBNbzhOMkxWcjJ2bFpJc19XUEFiQlBHTWo1Wjc2STNKdWthYTBKQU9BbWtRPQ== |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 50024196
- Date Range: 2024-11-24T00:00:00Z to 2024-12-24T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2024-12-24T19:08:21Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 9.07%
- Comments: 90.93%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Percentage |
1 | r/AskReddit | 424577 | 0.85% |
2 | r/AITAH | 181784 | 0.36% |
3 | r/teenagers | 178056 | 0.36% |
4 | r/nfl | 153599 | 0.31% |
5 | r/NoStupidQuestions | 153220 | 0.31% |
6 | r/UFOs | 143410 | 0.29% |
7 | r/CFB | 123595 | 0.25% |
8 | r/politics | 123152 | 0.25% |
9 | r/wallstreetbets | 119457 | 0.24% |
10 | r/Helldivers | 119429 | 0.24% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2024-12-24T19:08:21Z | 50024196 | 50024196 |
- Downloads last month
- 115